#kill someone while im gone will ya?
s3thwrit3sstuff · 1 year
❝ Take my soul (need control) ❞
slashers dating slasher reader | erratic!slasher!male!reader | fluff, smut | graphic description of violence, brief mention of animal cruelty in Brahms H. section, mentions of nsfw things |
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Amanda Young | Brahms Heelshire | Corey Cunningham | OG!Michael Myers | RZ!Michael Myers | poly!Ghostface (Stu Macher, Billy Loomis) | Sinclair brothers
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as a preface, (Y/N) is implied to be erratic and unhinged as a slasher. their s/o's are the only ones who can calm them.
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Amanda Young (Saw) -
You didn't fit in her future.
At least, that's what Amanda's initials thoughts are when you two stared down each other from across the parking lot, panting as you held your weapons.
She's heard of you through the news. The infamous (slasher name), the monster that lurks in the shadows and savagely crushes anyone who had the misfortune of wounding up as their victim.
Your methods were unlike hers. Not calculated, not planned, not meticulous - completely erratic, like a hurricane.
But she needs the man that one of you has knocked out in your scuffle. While you? You just saw him walking past you while he was making his way to his car and decided he'd die tonight. She stiffens and reaches back for the gun she brings for emergencies as you straighten up but finds herself bewildered as you begin laughing maniacally.
"Have 'im, Ms Piggy" She sees your grip loosen on your weapon and her fingers uncurl from the handle of the gun. "Ya' clearly need 'im more than I do" and just like that, you're gone. The only thing she hears is her own breathing and her racing heartbeat.
Amanda is feverish about finding you. She reads everything she can and scours wannabe psychos and sociopaths' blogs dedicated to your crimes. (slasher name) becomes an obsession.
When you meet again, you find 'Miss Piggy' eyeing the interiors of your home. She's unsure of what she feels as she imagines you moving about the space but she smiles when you begin chuckling like a hyena and reach for the knife you had on you.
"I need your help, (Y/N)"
"Will it be fun?"
Amanda's smiling under her mask. She's seen your research of her work. The newspaper clippings, paint (or blood) of your theories on the wall (among other 'deranged' scribbles) you were familiar with her.
"Wouldn't have asked if it wasn't".
Fun was an understatement. You were a wildcard, someone that could cost her this entire game but the carnage you spread was so beautiful...she wasn't sure if any device or game she sets up could compare.
You two end up working with each other more and more. Your unpredictability makes the FBI tear their hairs out - you were, ironically, the balance she needed in her scales.
When you two confess to each other, you're soaked in someone else's blood. She approaches you from behind, watching your shoulders and chest rise and fall.
You lick the blood from your lips, your smile stretching over your cheeks looking almost uncomfortable.
Her eyes flick to your lips then up to your eyes.
"Come 'ere, Miss Piggy" she leans in and you meet her halfway.
Most would argue that you would be the worst guy to be in a relationship with.
They're wrong.
Amanda knows the ins and outs of your twisted heart because you bare it to her as it beats for her in your palm.
She doesn't take advantage of it. Tests it? Sure, just to feel more secure, but never to the point where you doubt her love for her.
Amanda thinks your ingenuity and creative mind is her favourite part of you (among other things).
You've jokingly told her she could split your skull open to get those ideas fresh - she giggles and you gather her in your arms.
Amanda leaves the window of your bathroom unlocked. Just for you. She knows you need to 'hunt' sometimes and doesn't discourage it (though she makes sure you know her targets so you don't end up killing them). When you crawl back home, you make sure to shower first before you shuffle back into bed.
She tends to your wounds, scolding you only if she knows you could've avoided it in the first place. "More fun that way, 'Manda" she huffs "So you'd leave me forever just for more fun?"
She knows you're pretty screwed up in that brain box of yours, she's not above manipulating you to bend to her whims but she only ever does it out of love, (Y/N)!
She's highly protective of you. She'll ensure your identity is safe if there are any loose ends during your 'hunts'.
She can't lose you. You can't lose her. Both of you are monsters. Both of you belong together - can't live without the other.
If a victim manages to get an upper hand on either of you God help them.
The second one of you is in danger, the other only sees red.
You've literally taken several bullets for Amanda.
She was so gentle with you that night. Her kisses silent apologies. Seeing her cry as she looks down at you makes you move to sit - despite the pain and her protests. Her breath hitched as your tongue slithers in, Amanda's lips warmed by yours.
"You're hurt, (Y/N)" "Don't care, need you"
"You're hurt because of me!" her yell makes you tilt your head "I should've been more careful!" she continues.
"I want you, Amanda" you whine, cupping her weeping face in your hands. "I'll want you even if you hurt me, even if it kills me. Don't say no to me, Piggy?"
The nickname wins her over.
By the way, she calls you Froggy or Kermit (Kermy too!). It's cute.
(She buys green and pink items because they remind her of the two of you and you've gifted her two hearts that you'd cut in half, coloured pink and green and sowed together. She placed the gift on the desk she works on, it's displayed in a dome glass case and she fights back a smile every time she lays eyes on it)
The satisfaction she gets when victims scream as they spot you in the same room as them. Just so fucking proud of her killing machine.
When you go overboard, if the emotions get too overwhelming for you and you only think of how to get rid of the pain - Amanda grips the nape of your neck and pushes you onto your knees.
You bow because it's her. You breathe because it's her.
"(slasher name)" Your eye twitches, gaze still floating around the room but she knows she has your attention.
"You all there, Kermy?"
"I'm right here, Piggy".
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Brahms Heelshire (The Boy) -
Initially, you'd taken the babysitting job as a cover to lay low. Things were getting heated in (insert wherever you're from) and this secluded manor was perfect.
The sight of the doll didn't make you falter. Hey, you got a few screws loose yourself so you didn't judge the Heelshires for how they cope.
Brahms was intrigued by you from the second he laid his eyes on you. The way you instantly gathered the doll in your arms without an ounce of judgement makes butterflies flutter.
He is elated to know that there's a chance you won't freak out if you see him.
He quickly finds out you're not exactly the Average Joe.
You brought the rat traps inside, he inches closer to the hole in the wall when you suddenly froze. The rat squeaks furiously and your non-dominant hand idly reaches for the drawers. Brahms did not expect you to pull out a meat tenderizer.
There's a mix of emotions in the boy as he skitters to his room. He laid awake that night, a part of him wondering if you were just like him and the other feeling guilt at the excitement.
His parents tried their best to nurture him into a decent man. Even if it didn't work, their voices still linger in his head but when he sees the tender way you cradle the porcelain extension of himself the next morning? Your voice sickly sweet, lips pressing into the cold temple of the doll?
Brahms craves you.
Malcolm, poor, stupid, Malcolm.
Brahms wasn't the only one that wanted him gone. The only reason you reciprocated his advances was to fulfil a different type of lust.
(Malcolm wasn't your type anyways.)
Brahms's nails nearly break as he digs them in the wood of the walls, breath labouring as anger consumes him. Malcolm was on top of you, unworthy hands gripping at you like you were some common whore.
He's moved from behind the walls to the closet when you're on top of him. The grip of the 'missing' meat tenderizer was so tight his hand was trembling.
Malcolm yells in pain and Brahm pauses as he watches you laugh in pure delight as you dig your thumbs inside Malcolm's eye sockets.
You turn to him, smile still etched on your features and Brahms gulps as you bring your thumb to your mouth to suck the blood and gore clean.
"Cute mask"
The kitchen utensil drops with a comical 'THUD!' while you two stare at each other.
Your relationship falls into a steady, domestic, pace much quicker than both of you anticipated. How could they not? The secluded land was beautiful when the weather wasn't so dreary. Even if it was, the grand fireplaces were extremely nice to cosy up next to. It's hard NOT to fall deeper and deeper into each other when everything was so romantic.
Malcolm's death was covered up thanks to the wild animals on the land. Brahms watches from the window as you whistle, beckoning the scavengers as you spread a few of Malcolm's innards around.
You tell him everything about your kills. Effectively burying his parent's voice in his head as you sink him deeper and deeper into your hell.
"You're beautiful just like this, Brahmsy" he pants from beneath the mask and you place a kiss on those cold lips. "They won't understand like I do, we're meant to be like this so we can find each other" his pupils are so blown out as he stares up at you.
"You're my good boy, Brahms, forever and always. Okay?"
"Okay, (Y/N)". Your smile was sculpted by the king of hell himself and Brahm's eyes roll back as you move your hips.
Brahms feels vindicated and free. For once, guilt doesn't whisper accusingly in his shadow. Instead, there's you.
Your routines overlap his. Your hands pull him from the darkness. Your voice haunts him every second of every day.
The bodies pile up in the woods. The rats are scarce with the sudden spike of scavengers drawn to the Heelshire manor.
You love spoiling him with victims, love watching him release his creativity and curiosity. He's so good with his hands and all that raw strength? It's not an odd sight for you to make love in the showers after 'play time' was done.
He loves helping you freak the shit out of your victims, pretending to be the ghost in the walls and making them so paranoid they think they've gone crazy.
When they're dealt with, Brahms often makes snacks for the both of you.
Oh! He makes a mask for you. To show his love and for you to wear when you need it.
He doesn't like that you leave the manor. It causes BIG arguments. Vintage vases flying to the wall kind of arguments. But you were a bloodthirsty hound, you needed to stretch your legs.
He'll be sullen but he gets over it. This routine annoys the shit out of both of you though but over time, he learns you need it just as much as he needs his quiet times.
He welcomes you when you get home, lifting his mask to kiss you and you giggle as your hands slide up his wifebeater.
"Miss me, big boy?"
"Always" he pouts.
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Corey Cunningham (Halloween Ends) -
Corey knew before you did.
You were just like him. The darkness spills from your eyes as you tell him how the front of your car got wrecked.
"A deer scared you?" he wipes his hands on the front of his uniform, turning to you as you nod and stroke the large dents and scratches on your hood. "Swerved into the woods, didn't hit a tree head-on - Thank God, right?" Corey nods.
He pretends not to see the splatter of blood and hoses down the hair and chunks of flesh from your tires.
Guessed you missed a spot, hm?
He's good at being undetected. People...people avoid him nowadays.
You don't have to ask around much to learn about the cute, outcasted, mechanic's past. You find it all a bit pathetic. These people were really that terrified of him over what sounded like an honest mistake?
Corey wonders why you've gone to Allen's family's abandoned house during his nightly routine of stalking you.
He watches you from the windows, knife in hand though with no real intent of using it...on you anyways. Blood had already stained the blade.
You pause at the sight of dried blood and gaze up the spiralling staircase. Much to his chagrin, you lay down and place your head right on the bloodstain.
Your laughter makes blood pool under the skin of his cheeks. Your hands splay out to your side and you're laughing so hard your sides hurt, Corey finds himself pressing a hand to the window and wishes he was right beside you.
The next day, Corey's parked right out of the supermarket just as you come out. He grins boyishly and you ask if he needs anything. He holds himself back from saying "you" and instead asks if you're free tonight.
You don't expect him to be so forward but you're intrigued. So you ask if he'll be the one to pick you up (considering your car is still in his garage) and Corey pretends to be interested as you write down your address as he imprints the sight of your semi-focused expression. He already knows where you live but you don't have to worry about that, (Y/N).
The night was perfect from the get-go. Your warmth pressed against his back as he drove the two of you to a bar that was further away than usual but was the only one he could go to without people whispering — you don't mind.
Then drinks got involved and suddenly you're dancing with him, some shitty pop song playing over shitty speakers but neither of you cared.
Then reality came crashing in. Someone had loudly — drunkenly — mentioned Corey's past. Everyone gives him looks and although he could care less he pretends to by pulling you out of the bar.
"Corey, wait" he's too drunk to drive and his hands are itching to feel blood so he pauses as you chuckle the command out. "Stay here, baby" The nickname makes his heart flutter and he nods as he leans against his bike. When you disappear back into the bar — probably left something, he thought — he curses and tries his hardest not to storm in and strangle the life out of that asshole who ruined his date and the closest bar he could go to without reproachful glares.
He contemplates the thought of moving away from Haddonfield with you when his phone rings. It's you. For a second, he thinks you're in trouble but when he answers you're breathless pants of glee tells him otherwise.
"Come to the back, Corey".
The sight that greets him is the asshole with a bleeding mouth and a broken nose. The burst veins in his eyes and the wooden plank that you held loosely in your arm paint a clear picture.
"Night's still young, baby" you muse as you make a faux swing that makes the man whimper from where he was sprawled on the ground. "I know you wanna" Your purr makes Corey shudder.
The Cheshire grin on your face is absolutely maniacal as Corey sheds his jacket and pulls out the pocket knife he kept in his back pocket.
The same one you'd felt against your thighs when you were riding his bike.
Haddonfield was lucky the two of you decided to spread your chaos elsewhere because the two of you were insatiable.
The fact that neither of you stayed in one city for too long also didn't help. You were basically doing an American-wide murder spree.
And Corey would not have it any other way.
You were just like him — wilder, sure, but you understood him in ways no one else had ever done.
"Fuck, baby" Corey has you on the bed of some engineer whose blood was currently being used as lube. The man's body was somewhere in the room but Corey barely gave a shit when you're looking down at him with that toothy grin that makes your eyes twinkle with bloodlust. "Mm, you feel so fuckin' good, Corey".
Somehow you two decide to settle down in a quiet town. Corey going under a different name as he works at a garage. Everybody around you thinks you guys are the sweetest couple — cooing at how young you are and sighing about young love.
They don't know that your weekend trips are spent with blood, guts, and sex. Two maniacs completely enamoured with one another.
"Baby, look" Corey eyes the silver band on your finger. Then the other one is on your palm as you extend it to him. You drop the chopped-off hand of the man the both of you had just killed and inched closer and closer.
"Pretty, hm?" he nods "Till death do us part" At that, he scoffs and pulls you in closer.
"Not even Death can keep us apart, (Y/N) (L/N)" he brushes the tip of your noses together and plants a bloody kiss but your giggle cuts it short.
"Don't you mean, (Y/N) Cunningham-(L/N)?" Corey's grin is nothing short of loving and he claims your lips again.
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OG!Michael Myers (Halloween (1978 - 1982)) -
To be completely honest, the way you two met was a blur. Before you met Michael Myers your life had little to no meaning.
When he decided to break into your family home one night, he jump-starts everything. He had you pinned on the dining table, his mask already coated with the blood of your kin. Your feeble attempts at escaping his inhumanely strong grip leave you gasping for breath and you're sure that the building pressure in your head isn't a good sign.
But when you stare into Michael's eyes a sudden force tugs your lips apart into a bloody smile. Your laughter is nothing but strained gasps and squeaks and it makes Michael's grip falter enough for you to finally grasp the make-shift stake beside you (from the chair he'd thrown your way) and drive it into his shoulder.
Michael staggers and without missing a beat, you're lunging at him again. No fear, no hesitation, and frankly, no thoughts behind such a brash action.
The force of your body slamming into him throws his momentum off but he feels something in his chest suddenly beat as your shrill laughter fills his ears.
You, with your wild hair and wilder eyes...
Michael craved you.
He knocks you out.
Then, he watches you. From your recovery in the hospital to the 'safehouse' you were placed in. The detectives thought this could be their chance — to finally catch Michael Myers as he 'finishes you off'.
Michael knows you're done with your kill just from the shift in the air. He enters the safehouse and stares at the splatters of blood and bullet holes in the drywall. He follows the sounds of your laughter and finds you in the dining room in a familiar pose.
You have the detective pinned under you, fingers crushing his larynx as he weakly fights back against you. Michael waits politely, when you're done he moves to the back door and you wordlessly follow.
Eating rats was new but strangely enough the act of catching them was a great bonding activity. Your jokes about meeting the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles — and eating them — fly over Michael's head but his amused silence tells you he doesn't mind your babbles.
He learns fairly quickly that, unlike his silent, effortlessly, intimidating self, you're erratic, loud and pumped with energy when you're hunting.
He doesn't dislike it but it takes some getting used to.
You don't always go on hunts together but when you do he appreciates your gore-y creativity.
The Shape of Haddonfield now has Hellhound by his side — isn't that a cute nickname for yourself, (Y/N)?
While victims shit themselves at the sight of Michael, his stony demeanour is what makes him all the more Boogeyman-worthy. He feels inhuman. That both terrifies and comforts some — but you?
You're entirely too human. Your glee, your rambles as you stab your victims, you're laughter full of excitement.
"Mikey" he glances your way as your fingers stroke up the neck of his mask. Here you were, sprawled all over Michael Myer's lap like a goddamn kitten. You lean up and kiss his rubbery lips, he hums as your tongue licks his mask and pushes you back just enough to lift his mask above his nose.
"Thank you, Mikey" you chuckle, letting him taste the romantic spaghetti dinner you two had helped yourselves to after murdering the old couple.
Their home was isolated enough, that both of you could enjoy living above ground for a few days.
"You taste so good, Mikey" The grip on your waist makes that addictively sweet laughter bubble in your throat.
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RZ!Michael Myers (Halloween (2007 - 2009))-
You were the only good thing in his god-forsaken life.
The mental institution had made a big mistake in housing two monsters — especially when those monsters were always so drawn towards each other.
No matter what punishments they inflicted on either of you for sharing glances. It did little to stop this undeniable, instinctual, need to be close to one another.
Initially, the doctors had thought Michael's curiosity was a good sign. A sign that he was showing interest in making friends. Even if you were less than ideal in terms of 'fixing' him considering your own streak of homicide (that landed you in this shithole in the first place) but they were desperate.
So, they allowed controlled meetings. Michael's stare terrified others but you seemed to thrive under his attention.
Guards had reached out to pull you back as you climbed the table and got right up in Michael's face but he is as still as a statue as you carefully brush his long locks of blonde hair back.
"There you are, pretty boy" and with those words and your eyes that reflect back his darkened soul right back at him — Michael is smitten.
When he escapes, he finds you.
When he enacts his revenge, you're the shadow that devours any sacrificial lambs that managed to stray from his grasp.
Oh, he's all yours.
Michael swears that if you're not near him the air feels thinner.
He relishes in the way you mercilessly slaughter anyone in your way — he doesn't ask why you kill but knows that whatever the answer he'll support his batshit insane boyfriend.
"Is this for me?" he nods, showing you the new mask he'd created. You smile warmly, sitting across from him as you carefully place the mask on your face.
"How do I look, pretty boy?"
He places his large hand on your thighs and begins tapping. You encourage him with careful strokes to his bicep.
.--. .-. . - - -.--
Your grin makes his heart flutter. "Thank you, baby" and you reward your darling lover with a kiss which makes him grunt at the mask that blocks him from properly kissing you.
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Billy Loomis & Stu Macher (Scream (1996)) -
They had an inkling you were just like them.
Billy says it's the way your eyes become devoid of any light when you're angry. While Stu tells you it's the way you lick the blood from your split lip and smile as you lunge at the opposing team's captain.
(Y/N) (L/N), an athlete of their school.
Meanwhile, to his boyfriends, he's an absolutely merciless murderer.
Everyone sort of avoids you. Even your coach rarely gets in your face to yell at you the way he does at everyone else. It baffles people that Billy and Stu are your lovers.
For them though? It's the perfect match.
You're not Ghostface, however, (slasher name) is always spotted with Ghostface.
A maniac with brute strength that takes hits and stabs and even bullets without going down.
Those who did live to tell the tale of an encounter with (slasher name) and Ghostface mutter that hurting Ghostface? Was a big fucking mistake if (slasher name) is there to witness it.
You're the kind of guy to body slam someone out a second-storey window and just walk it off while the victim who cushioned your fall is wheezing their last breath.
Billy reprimands your unnecessary displays of brutality while Stu simply gushes about how cool it was. They both tend to your wounds, kissing and massaging anything that hurts.
Ghostface is equally as protective of you, make no mistake, even if they're not throwing a chair at a victim they will ensure you don't actually get yourself killed in your bloodlust.
Stu has pulled a gun and shot someone in the face when they threatened to do the same to you.
Billy rushes to the two of you upon hearing gunshots but groans in relief as he sees you making out with Stu mere inches away from the body.
"Hey! Earth to perverts! Time to scram!" Billy is pulled into the make-out session by you and he all but melts under your hold.
"Want you. Now" Stu laughs at your huffy tone but eagerly circles his hands around your waist while you pull Billy closer to your front.
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Beauregard 'Bo' Sinclair (House of Wax) -
A new victim of Ambrose? That's what you are, right?
You'd been a solo traveller that coincidentally got grouped up with another group of travellers. You seemed normal enough, Bo thinks as he spots you making your way to his garage.
Cute and handsome, a darn shame you'd have to die but at least Vincent will immortalize your beauty.
He notices that you're not close with the others. When he asks, you explain your vehicles had broken down near each other so Lester rounded up all of you together.
You lean on the hood of the car he was clearly working on, jutting your hips and looking impressed. He shamelessly takes in the curve of your butt before putting on a charming Southern smile when you glance back at him.
"Good with your hands, hm?" Bo feels blood travel south but he just chuckles. The conversation is cut short by the others clearing their throats.
When he kills the group one by one, he immediately notices that you seem excited at the violence he spreads. You don't scream or yelp but you're helping him.
At first, he thinks you're just saving your ass from getting sliced down when you push someone in front of you. But while the others run, you're moaning as he's thrusting the blade repeatedly into the man's body.
He pants as you two make eye contact, gulping he pulls the blade out and offers it to you.
"Fuckin' finally" you coo, pressing a bloody kiss on his cheek before you slip to hunt the others down.
His brothers are definitely confused by his decision to let you stay as a real residence of Ambrose but after another group rolls in you prove your worth to them.
Between heated moments under the sheets and lip-locking with Bo, you confess that the reason you ended up at Ambrose was that the police were hot on your tail.
"It's fate," you say as you trace circles on his chest. "We were meant to meet, to be family" he would usually scoff at such a notion but the way you fit into his deranged life so easily...
"It's something", he gruffs out, watching as you take the lighter from his hand to light the cigarette between his lips. "Whatever it is, it brought you to me so"
"Aww, Bo, you gettin' sappy on me?" your teasing makes him threaten to shove the cigarette in your mouth but you just laugh it off.
"Love ya', Bo" he averts his eyes but mumbles.
"Love you too..."
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Vincent Sinclair (House of Wax) -
Instead of catching Bo's eyes, it's Vincent's heart that you grasp.
A solo traveller that somehow got roped in with another group, a victim of circumstance is what Vincent would have called you.
But instead, you've ruthlessly wormed your way inside his heart.
While the others ran like headless chickens when Bo started killing, you were dragged by another girl to hide in the Sinclairs' house. Stupid move on her end really, but you were curious about their headquarters of sorts. So you follow, breathing raggedly to sell this whole 'helpless victim' façade.
You find the basement. Despite the chills that run down your spine from the scent of death (and wax) you convince her it'd be a good place to hide.
Vincent hears her as she shakily steps into his lair. He thinks she's the only one but finds it odd that she looks desperately over his shoulder as he slices her head off with a pair of garden shears.
Until he feels a blade pressed right at the base of his spine.
"You're pretty strong" Your eyes twinkle from the corner of his and he goes rigid as you dig the tip of the blade deeper. You reach to brush locks of his hair behind his ear, a growl raises from his throat but you shush him.
Your lips brush on the shell of his ear.
"I'll bring more of them here, I want to watch while you turn them into pieces of art".
Bo is feeling an inkling of worry at the sudden lack of victims. He rushes to see if they've decided to overwhelm Vincent and finds you swinging your feet while Vincent is organizing the bodies of the group.
Bo is distrustful. He thinks you've seduced his twin and while that is true, you've no bad intentions like he thinks you do.
Vincent is painfully awkward compared to your nonchalant energy. But it works, the two of you just work.
He scolds you when you get new wounds from the victims fighting back but it's a bit hypocritical when he does the same.
Though he prefers wax figures, he did dabble in oil paints again as he attempts to recreate the scene he sees of you demolishing victims.
A watcher, a stalker; an artist.
Vincent usually stays in the basement but ever since you came? When the hunt is on, he's watching you. Imprinting the image of your body shaking with muffled laughter as you pull your jaws away from the bleeding neck of a victim, spitting out their vocal cords with a satisfied hum.
"Vinnie" your coo makes him flinch but he walks out from the shadows as you beckon him with your hand. Your boyfriend stands in front of you, reaching to wipe some blood away from your cheek but really the only thing he does is move it around.
"Was that pretty, Vinnie?" he huffs through his nose and lifts your chin up so you stain his waxy lips with warm blood.
He pulls away to sign, 'Always beautifull'.
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Lester Sinclair (House of Wax) -
You rode with him on the way to Ambrose.
He's taken by your looks and feels a sense of pity and regrets that you'd be dead soon. Especially since you were the only one among the others that weren't a complete asshole to him.
"Ambrose, huh" he nods, tapping his steering wheel as his eyes flit between the road and you. "Must be pretty secluded, haven't even heard of it", he laughs and tells you it's because you aren't from around here.
"See ya'" he waves at you but you scan him from head to toe in a way that's not scrutinizing but lustful. He feels his cheeks warm, you nod to him as a goodbye before you turn to walk into the death trap that is Ambrose.
He's surprised to find you covered in blood and right outside his shack later that night. Jonesy growls near his heel but you were just sitting there on his porch, casually testing the weight of the hilt of a hatchet in your hands.
"Your brothers should use you more than a glorified Ferryman" he is confused but tense. His muscles are rigid like a snake coiling to bite.
Blood drips from the ends of your hair and nose, you place the hatchet down and crouch, beckoning Jonesy' with a sweet baby voice that has the poor pup confused between staying by Lester's side or sniffing you.
"I like Ambrose," you tell him, your eyes squished into an adorable crescent shape.
"Can I stay, Lester?"
His brothers aren't aware of you until at least a week. They were extremely distrustful of you, their baby brother was someone that they did not want to be harmed. Hence why he stays out of the nitty-gritty of it all.
When you show that you're just as protective of Lester, they approve of your relationship. Not that you would let their approval get in the way of your love for him anyways.
Your boyfriend has to get used to your sudden disappearances and reappearances.
And he has to learn how to stitch you up as well. He doesn't scold you though reminds you to be more careful but drinks up your stories of the victims being crushed under your foot.
Whoever manages to stray far enough from Ambrose to find Lester's shack will find themselves in an entirely different but just as torturous hell.
Jonesy enjoys the raw feed though.
"I gotta go" Lester laughs as you whine and drag him back to your side. "I gotta check if anyone's 'lost'" he reminds but you stubbornly shake your head.
"Can't leave me, I'm hurt and defenceless"
Yeah, Lester's seen you shove the end of a rake down someone's throat with a broken arm and a concussion all while laughing. You could protect yourself with the scrapes and boo-boos from the night before just fine.
Feeling yourself lose this battle, you press a kiss to the nape of his neck as he sits and it makes his breath hitch.
Your hands circle his waist and his head hangs low as you slip your fingers down the band of his underwear.
"Stay" you plead.
"Jesus H. Christ" he turns and you grin triumphantly as he kisses you.
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nmakii · 5 months
You said you willing to write another part?! WELL IM ALL FOR IT!!! EREEEEEEERFFHENEN
Ok so perhaps the mother or father of Ken goes a little crazy perhaps they set reader’s home on fire. (It’s up to you if the kids are in it or not. Or perhaps you can make it where they come in one by one.) Reader could probably die from the house fire and end up in hell. Noah could’ve gotten shot while on the job and Emi could’ve gotten murdered(when she’s a tad more older of course) the family back together in hell and reader thinking she was free from Al only to fall into his arms again.
There is always going to be that one angry family member blaming reader and her kids for the death of their loved one.
[why not read the story first? 😋]
— 6 years after your husband’s passing, he decides that it’s been far too long. and, he enlists the help of a certain imp to retrieve his wife from the over-world.
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hell was not all so bad. it was quite similar to the living world, only with the company of the supernatural. as soon as alastor had arrived in hell, it was quite easy to gain power— inflict terror by using their fear of dying once more and take advantage of their greed for power.
but, this was all just far too boring. killing overlords, quite repetitive. and it was so awfully dull to terrorize sinners on the streets of pentagram city. alastor wanted someone who’d fight back. alastor wanted you.
he was in hell though. was there even a way to get you? of course there is. if it was you that alastor desired so badly, it’d be you who he’d get. he’d find a way, even if he had to claw his way out of hell and drag you down to the dark depths with him.
though, it seems he wouldn’t have to. rumor has it there’s a small start up company in imp city. a company who specializes in killing humans in the over-world given pay. might as well investigate, right?
and so, alastor headed off to imp city, finding a rundown office building where this I.M.P. supposedly ran their business. and on the 7th floor (according to the sign in the elevator), he, indeed, found their headquarters.
“oh fucking finally, someone’s using the door for once!” the tall imp cursed out. “nice to meet ‘ya. i’m blitzø, the ‘o’ is silent.” he said, shaking alastor’s hand. “right, my name is alastor. pleasure to be meeting you, my good man, quite the pleasure!” he nodded assuredly as he wiped his hand on the coat. “sooo… if you’re here, you must want someone gone, hm? who is it? ex-wife? did she fuck the next door neighbor or something? c’mon, give me the all the dirty details!” blitzø asked, overwhelming him with questions.
“ah, not quite. you have a portal to the human realm, correct?” alastor asked, confirming the rumors. “yeah, if you’re thinking about going in with us, no can do.” blitzø shrugged defeatedly. “ah, no, no. just confirming the rumors.” he said. “i want you to go into the human realm, yes. and, i need you to kill my wife. i miss her dearly.” he sighed sorrowfully, despite his smile.
“yeah— see, i can’t guarantee your wife’s gonna go down here if she was some sorta saint or whatever.” blitzø said. “oh, she will most definitely go to hell, i can assure you that.” alastor grinned. despite alastor’s assurance, blitzø seemed unconvinced… “i’ll pay you handsomely.” alastor said, summoning a sum of money with a flick of his wrist. “it’s a deal! MILLIE, MOXXIE, GET YOUR ASSES HERE!” blitzø shouted out to what seemed to be a conference room. “don’t you worry, sir! we’ll make sure your wife’s down here by the end of the week!” he assured alastor cheerfully, his demeanor seemingly changing after the topic of money was brought into the conversation. “ah, very well then!” alastor grinned as he shrugged off, dropping the sum of cash by the doorstep as he left.
by the end of the week? he could wait that long.
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1939, the great depression had finally passed. without alastor to provide for the family, it had been hard. but, the three of you had been able to manage. your children had grown into wonderful adults, noah taking in his widowed mother and unmarried sister along with his own family.
your daughter-in-law was simply the sweetest thing. she reminded you of your innocent self all those years ago. but, your son is better than his father. there’s no reason to worry at all.
everything was good now. everything is fine.
“ma, you okay? you hardly touched your food.” noah asked. “hm? it’s alright, dear. i’m not so hungry anyway. francesca, eat up, will you? you must nourish yourself after all.” you pushed your plate towards your daughter-in-law, pregnant with her second child. “ah, really? alright then, thank you…” she bashfully grinned, accepting your plate.
“here, darling. let me take claire to bed.” you smiled, taking your granddaughter into your arms from her high chair. “eh? you sure, momma?” noah asks. “of course i am! just eat, dear. i’ll be fine if i skip a meal or two.” you assured your son as you headed up, taking claire to her cradle upstairs.
the small thing was already drooling and passing out in her chair. she had to rest in her crib, lest she get terrible posture. you burped the tiny baby over your shoulder before lowering her down as she clings to her binky, a plush of a bunny in a pink dress.
you admired the adorable baby for a few more moments before deciding to return to your room. but, as you were doing so, a bullet pierced the window, glass shards getting all over claire. “wh…what in the world..?!” you panicked as you ran back to your granddaughter, removing the sharp shards from her soft skin.
“satan almighty, what the fuck was that moxxie?!” a voice roared from outside, in the trees..? “i’m sorry, sir— there was a child! i couldn’t hurt it just because the target was there.” the so-called moxxie reasoned. “well, good job, cause you got glass on the little shit and woke it up!” the voice huffed out.
you cooed to your granddaughter, hushing her cries and gently rubbing her wounds. and just then, these mysterious creatures hopped in from the window. “ow— fuck, thanks a lot, moxxie, you fucking cuck!” the tallest creature groaned, painfully picking out the shards of glass on his feet. the moxxie creature looked rightfully offended as he held his gun towards you.
“who are you? are you here to kill me..?” you asked, frightful for your life. “who sent you?!” you started to grow defensive. “yeah, that doesn’t matter. all that does is that someone wants you dead. so, can we skip the whole ‘begging for your life’ thing?cause that’s not working on us.” the creature shrugged.
you looked everywhere for some sort of escape route. your eyes darted everywhere, trying so desperately to find a way out of this odd situation. but, there was nothing. there was no way to win this, the only thing you could do was accept your fate.
you kissed claire one last time, laying her in her cradle with her binky once more. because— well, that was all that you could do. you went in front of the gun, and lowered yourself to your knees. and with the muzzle in physical contact with your forehead…
you bled out on the floor.
and, when you awoke, you were in an alleyway. the sky was red, and it smelt awful. your body felt weak. you stood up, looking for any reflective surface. you didn’t know what it was, but something was off.
you searched, coming upon a window from a store. and, there it was. your new appearance. your skin shined, reflecting in the red sky. and, clinked with each step you took; porcelain. your lips were as red as blood, and you were dressed in a simple dress, befitting a woman of your time.
the bell of the store rang, a red-deer man had been exiting. he glanced at you, curious. “ehh… pardon me, sir. do i know you? your staring is making me awfully uncomfortable…” you told the man. “ah! just as i thought.” he said through a radio filter. “just as you thought..?” you raised an eyebrow at him.
“oh, darling, don’t you remember me? it’s me, your husband!” he grinned widely, taking you into his arms.
it all made sense now. he had paid those creatures to kill you… for his own selfish desires. from a demon such as alastor, you should have probably seen it coming.
“come along now, my love. 6 years is an awfully long time. we have a lot of catching up to do!” he pulled you along by your elbow. “and, smile, darling. you’re never fully dressed without one!” he sang out. “of course, darling…” you said as grit your teeth. the vomit you had to hold back was almost irrepressible.
and, as he dragged you along, it made you think.
was there truly a god?
a god who was merciful?
because, no merciful god would bind you with this demon in life and death.
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EKKK HI!!! i acc have my own lore for wjen the children die 😋💞
— noah; age 56 (he goes to hell for his cover-up last chapter and animal cruelty) he married and had 3 kids 😋
— emilia; age 62 (she goes to hell for manipulating sm people into doing dirty work for her) she died unmarried, lowk thinking that she’d move in with her best friend despite it being controversial at the time
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thatdeadaquarius · 1 year
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That curse makes them turn to random ages like,, one day you wake up and your like 3 and the other you're 29 and the acolytes just have to deal with it for a months (and just for funziz you don't keep your memories as a kid *evil laugh*)
I feel like people who are generally around kids would be great around us and some others .... Less so (*cough cough* ei)
let the tennage/ kid reader be neurodivergent/autistic (cuz i am and theres bot enough rep on this god forsaken app .·´¯`(>▂<)´¯`·.)
n E wayss <3
LOVE YA !!!!
Aka. your fave >:D kiss kiss
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A KISS KISS??!!! FOR ME?!!! 😊🥰😚 <3
BRO i literally designed a whole original character around that concept lmao (except they remember/just body change/everything else kinda matches ur desc! :0 )
Sun: Gender Neutral Reader (they/them only), Neurodivergent!Reader, Child!Reader, Teen!Reader
Planet: Language Shenanigans, Platonic
Orbit: Headcanons-ish, mini scenarios
Stars: Arataki Itto, Kuki Shinobu, ft. Kujou Sara, Ei + Raiden Shogun, Inazumans
Comets & Meteors: No Content Warnings & No Triggers Detected.
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no bc gif is me as a kid, bc I didn't experience snow until I was 12 💀 +it stayed for like one day, was 1 inch deep, or like 5 cm (for my non-americans out there), and was gone the next lmao- I was terrified when I moved and got REAL snowy days- jfc Snezhnaya would kill little me-
SO I was kinda stuck on this tbh, i usually default to like, headcanons or scenarios if ppl dont specify/im just adding onto what you already said like when its not even really a request u know?
so, uh tried to do headcanons, but idk how good it is Orah, sorry!
Also ik you mentioned as example, but we sticking to Inazuma, bc i feel like I neglect them lol
also i hope u like Itto 💀
you quickly found out that magic obeys some weird type of logic despite being magic, so you only ever fluctuate in age within the range you’ve already been,
ur kinda glad youre not seeing what you look like at 100 years old and getting stuck that way for weeks- only Sophie from Howl’s Moving Castle can be cursed to be old yet has so much rizz that she’s still badass and pulls a wizard boyfriend LMAO
so just bc idk what to make the max,
let’s put you at originally, also bc im not a minor, 20 yrs old
so what I mean by all the above is: you’ve lived 2 decades, 1-20 are the only ages you can be
-that being said,
you’re a menace.
so yeah you could’ve been a quiet kid, a well-behaved kid, a good kid even,
…but not in a magical world full of awesome flora and fauna, and magical creatures,
and gods, and vision users and-
you get the point.
plus, you hadn’t really learned English yet until u were a bit older so (who can blame you i hate this language ur so valid)
and for whatever reason English is the only one these guys speak, besides maybe some mythical creatures like the aranara or something
so its kinda absolute chaos trying to reign u in at times.
so needless to say the entirety of Inazuma is terrified for you.
like, even if you aren’t the “Creator” per say in this, they still know what the warmth of your power feels like
But more importantly-
You know who’s the first to spot a random wandering-non-Inazuman-child? And take you in? Especially one that radiates that same energy of presence they feel sometimes + makes them more powerful???
The Amazing, the All-Powerful, Awe-Inspiring Oni: Arataki Itto!
Not even his gang, or Kuki are the first to see you, nah it’s Itto himself,
he literally finds 12 yr old you just sneaking around in awe in Chinju Forest,
and needless to say ur pretty fascinated with the colors and the vibes, and it’s not like Genshin Impact existed when u were this young, ur poor younger self is just rlly paranoidly looking around
Itto is kinda a lot at first, and he was a little confused by ur constant rubbing your arms, or tapping ur fingers on stuff, (or all the stims u be doing when ur nervous) but he just took it all in stride
so Itto, after like an hour and a few well placed rocks at his face and groin by 12 yr old u who was ready to fight to the death at first, FINALLY convinced you by drawing a little picture of his house and his friends
and all that clear effort, despite the foreign world, foreign non-human guy, etc., made you warm up to him too, afterall, even 12 yr old you knew a himbo when they saw one 💪
at first he just thought you were another person who was getting powered up by that yokai he felt (he was convinced thats what you were when u weren’t physically here before, like some kind of powerful gift giving/deal making yokai)
but after he saw you shapeshift the next morning into 16 yr old you, (he lives with his grandma so ur younger self felt pretty safe staying with a himbo guy and an little grandma lady)
he was now more convinced than ever-
that you were some kind of god that’s been in hiding since the archon war (his granny has a lot of cool stories so what?! hes a very educated oni thank you very much!),
rather than a vision user, and he also thinks u being random ages is deffo a curse, and its to keep ur powerfulness limited!! - Arataki Itto, 202X
(bc younger u doesnt remember that u can upgrade ppl, or at least it takes em a learning curve bc they gotta relearn everytime)
okay but itd be so funny tho if nobody else believes that (esp the non-magical folk), bc to them, ur just like, a bunch of siblings (child, teen, adult you lmao) or a tanuki lol
he eventually gets Kuki to believe, after she also sees how you change/the aura is honestly more powerful too once she’s paying attention, like instead of like a blanket, ur like standing in front of a raging campfire
but she makes him keep it a secret
ur really vulnerable a lot of the time, so they’re both worried abt keeping u happy and safe, aw cuties <3
so yeah, ur literally just chillin with the arataki gang all the time now
the gang become ur besties no matter the age, like they love mild pranks, and general chaos, u wanna explore no matter the age, and also love chaos, esp since it can be magical now (oh child you is having the time of their life when they’re around)
its literally a match made in heaven
plus the more hands on deck, the easier it is to keep ur ass from running off as a kid (and an adult, bc omg a shiny?? a shiny crystal fly???!! lmao neurodivergent 🤝crow/raven = shiny solidarity)
honestly Itto has a blast with all versions of you, and he’s literally the best bc he’s a himbo:
so he’s fine with answering context or “obvious” questions all the time LMAO
and if he makes any conclusions abt ppl’s behavior u dont, he’ll explain pretty quick and simple and he never sees it as awkward or smth
its honestly kinda funny bc ur like 10, and just 🤨🤨🤨??? sometimes at ppl (u got better at reading ppl as u got older obv, and at english too, that doesnt help lol)
he’s super sweet abt it, just really quick which is great too,
��he’s irritated at the guard, not us!”
or “she’s relieved, not upset, don’t worry it’s all good!”
like, u never misunderstand ANYBODY with this Oni around!! <3
(this is mainly bc Itto’s gotta know when to bail, joke, stand his ground, etc. from experience, and messing w/Kujou Sara so he’s actually really good at reading people, only when he’s paying attention tho)
so younger u just feels safe around Itto, and so while u do get taught english (mostly by his grandma/Kuki) u also dont rlly mask,
nor do u know how to mask as well as you do in the future
so ur just running around with the gang, living ur little neurodivergent life, and anytime someone points out smth u do that might be awkward, like repeating something over and over as a stim (esp with learning english phrases/new words at times) the gang and Itto, and Kuki, are all ready to protect 💪
but most of the time what happens is- whether unintentionally or not, Itto manages to make THEM feel awkward or like they’re the ones doing something socially weird all the time 😭
just, a parent is like “this kid can’t speak English, do they even know any other language? Because all I keep hearing is them repeating that sound over and over…”
Itto: “Damn you're right they do that a lot, just like how you peek out your window a lot, but we all got our quirks man, no need to be shy about it, the kid isn’t, so just open those curtains, and that window and look out at the world!”
which announces to the whole neighborhood, bc Itto is only ever not loud when you tap his arm as a signal, that the parent is the nosiest bitch ever, he just puts them on blast for everyone to hear lmao
Itto is actually very respectful about you, and while it would, almost be easy bc of the age switching, for him to infantilize you, he’s really good at treating you like an equal no matter how old you are :0 :D
like a giant teddy bear older brother at times, and the guys and Kuki are all pretty good at it too
(tho dw, Kuki is doing all the emotional distress heavy lifting for all of them over your safety, esp bc when u switch at first u are VERY out of your element/disoriented bc u dont always recognize Teyvat/know less English)
but that being said…
Itto fucking loves your excited/happy stims!!!
You flap your hands? Ittos flapping his arms!
You jump up and down, Itto jumps!,
…with his full grown man self with MUSCLES, and causes a mini earthquake wherever you guys are- yknow a shop, the center of town, somebody’s house, near one of the guards 💀 (which always manages to knock them flat on their ass LMFAOO)
Or best of all, you do little stompy stomps??
ITTO DOES HIS STOMPS WITH YOU, like his idle animation does??? :D !!
DUDE- (/gen.n.)
u were like 8 at the time, and saw Kujou Sara for the first time, she’s looking all badass, mostly bc Itto pranked her and she’s power-walking toward u guys pissed as hell ready to arrest him, but u love it anyway bc shes so cool, and right as Sara gets to u two-
u start doing stompy stomps! And Itto joins!!
…and she’s shocked at first, but realizing how giggly and happy u two are, and then Itto explains its bc of her???
Kujou Sara lets Arataki Itto go, for the first time, ever.
she doesnt explain, but she literally was so melted by cuteness, and a warm familiarity??, by u two she couldnt be mad anymore lmao
Itto is now legally obligated to bring you to any and all matters involving the government, regardless of age, according to Kuki Shinobu, his grandma, and himself
all for different reasons tho, Itto’s like, “My lucky charm! My bestie goes everywhere with me!”
meanwhile Kuki/grandma: “A foreign non-Teyvatian speaking child/teen at times is more adept at keeping Itto in line than anyone else, or at least getting him out of the consequences 💀”
The first time you see the Raiden Shogun,
She scares the shit out of 6 yr old you 😭
And she recognizes that familiar aura immediately, so shes just like:
(You warm up to her after she offers to show you how she can summon lightning, Itto helped her lmao, and Ei also came out to keep u safe bc Raiden is a little… unaware… at times, of mortal limits, and now that ur in a mortal body-)
Also both of them unanimously agree to be the sugar mother to all ur hyperfixation foods/safe foods ever, SCOREEEE
Bonus 2:
I hope somebody likes Itto enough to enjoy this, sorry if u arent a huge fan of him Orah! I just think he's annoying and neat, and havent written abt Inazuma enough lmao
I finally graduated college/uni by the way guys!!!
Ill actually have a life now that wont be hogged by homework! Like writing! Like drawing! Like anything but school!
Anyway, love u guys, another post coming soon,
Safe Travels Orah,
♡my beloved♡
@karmawonders / @0rah-s / @randomnatics / @glxssynarvi / @nexylaza / @genshin-impacts-me / @wholesomey-artist / @thedevioussmirk
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elvisslut · 1 year
Tearing me down..
||tw- Suicidal thoughts, attempt at suicide, smut, cheating, depression, in depth details of feelings,hospital,in detail hospital visit||
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You knew Elvis was cheating but hearing him and seeing him with someone else was a different kind of pain though. You loved him too much to leave after that so the cheating became more frequent each time you let it slide. Well..you still thought about it but you let it slide pass elvis.
Loving him became a sickness and it was dragging you to your grave. A grave you didn't want people to find out about. Him cheating on you is not only demeaning but it's embarrassing. It hurts to love him an not receive the same love back. He hurts, Elvis Presley for you.. Is the definition of hurt and Belittlment.
But he is also the love of your life. A man you can't live without. "Y/n? You okay? You look really sick" Joe says as he walks in the kitchen, you pouring you probably 7th cup of coffee. Since you caught Elvis and continued to catch Elvis you really couldn't sleep, you had constant fights with him, he hardly kisses you anymore let alone makes love to you.
You used to have such a good relationship, now it's just lies and cries. "Yeah.. Just tired" you give Joe a light smile and walk out the kitchen to the dining room table talking aseatamd watching out the window at the fans aching for Elvis. Elvis isn't even your husband.. You're not obligated to stay. But love works in ways no one will ever understand.
Joe was worried, beyond worried. He loved you like a sister and hated seeing you the state you're in. Elvis got more sleep then you and that in itself is a big thing that's strongly noticeable. Elvis averaged three hours you were lucky if you got a hour.
"Hey doll.. Ya okay?" Elvis said looking over at you with a grown after having come down stairs. "Yeah.. I'm okay" you say getting up and downing the rest of thehot coffee in your cup, going over and pressing a kiss to his cheek, handing him the cup since he was going to the kitchen then Going to the living room.
"E. P. Hey.. Come here" Joe says waving Elvis over to him. "Y/n looks real sick.. Maybe you should take her to the doctor.. " Joe suggests. Elvis chuckles and shakes his head." naw naw she's just tired.. I don' got the time to take 'er and I've got a few girls coming over today.. So I can't be gone" that's it. Joe figured it out. Elvis knew you'd stop caring so much for the girls.
He knew and he was waiting for it. He loved you but the thought of fooling around with you wasn’t much of a turn on for him. You loved elvis so much that no buts ifs ands or wills will ever stop you from loving him with your entirety.
“E..you’re hurting her with all the girls.” Joe says bluntly. “She doesn’ mind. She would have left me after i got caught with Olivia” he smiles at joe earning a frown. “You screwed Olivia? Is that why they ain’t friends no more?” Joe asks, Olivia was your best friend. For years. Then you found her under Elvis and thats when your world started to shatter.
“Im going for a drive ill see you boys later” you say stepping in the kitchen oblivious to the previous conversation. “ill come with” Elvis says looking back at you planing to talk to you about what joe said.
“I um..i don’t think thats a good idea..you just..you stay here” you say giving him a smile and turning around going outside. Joe had a horrible feeling in his gut. He didn’t like that you were going alone but he understood that you probably needed a break from Elvis.
Killing yourself was frowned apon.. But you'd be dead. Why was it so frowned on. It's such a easy escape.. From everything. It's such a easy way yo get away from Elvis.. From the love you have for . You parked the car at the end of the Memphis Bridge and walked the sidewalk amongst others, stopping in the middle and looking down at the water tears in your eyes. It was your last straw a while ago, but it all became too much.. Too overwhelming recently. You weren't going to jump..heights sacred you but you snagged up some pills from Elvis and took them.
"E, y/n's been gone a awful long time" Joe says that's same feeling in his gut getting worse. Elvis sighed and looked at the girls in front of him putting his guitar down. "Wait here girls I gotta go find someone" he says as if it were a harsh task.
They drove around for a while spotting your car then multiple police cars and several people not spotting you. Elvis and joe rushed out of the car, pushing through all the people as time seemed to slow for Elvis. The moment they seen you on the concrete with a officer giving you chest compressions Elvis broke down. Immediately going to his knees besides you.
The officer does a few more compressions and slowly you come back to see Elvis Joe and many others towering over you. Elvis puts his arms around you and squeezes for dear life. He almost lost you. Legitimately lost you. If a officer wasn't here he'd be burying you by next week.
"Oh god, oh god.." he sways with you back and forth sobbing holding you as close as humanely possible. "My baby.. My satnin, 'm so sorry please please don' leave me here. Please mama." his cries seemed to fade out. "Its okay my precious boy.." you say quitly as your conciseness slips from your fingers.
Everything for Elvis was dark once you fell unconscious in his arms that day. You'd been in a coma for a week. Elvis has not once left your side. He felt guilty and hurt that you'd do that but he mostly just felt a feel that had no word. Maybe sad love? Longing? There's no telling.
He knew his was at fault, he knew it too well. He felt regret for every girl he's been with that wasn't you. He couldn't get out of that room but he couldnt look at you. You had so many wires and tubes hooked up to you just to keep you alive.
He bit down on his lip as the last person visiting you left, he cried silently in the chair sat by your bed and the window. He scooted the chair to your side and grabbed your hand feeling the warmth of your skin. He brought your hand to his lips and kissed softly against your knuckles then laying your hand against his cheek, crying harder as he did.
Not knowing if this was the end of you or not. "Pull through this for me baby..ya gotta come back to your precious boy..please come back to me mama" he chokes on a sob and lays his head against your belly.
All the veins in his body pulsed for you. He didn’t realize it till the this week. You may have not noticed but he couldn’t keep his eyes off you whenever you were around him. He didn’t want to touch you in a sexual way not because you didn’t turn him on but because he thought you were too good too important to be touched like that by him.
“You’re my girl..you’re my girl, my girls gotta come back” he cried hearing tge door open to show a nurse the most dreadful part coming in a matter of seconds.
They were able to see if you could make it in your own without the life support. One by one the tubes and wires came off. Coming down to the last one that was helping you breathe. Once it was pulled out his heart stopped. A few seconds and you breathe in heavily for air, the nurses spoke to elvis for a second then left leaving him alone with you again.
Elvis let out a breath of air and rushed to your side again pressing his lips against your forehead. "That my good girl..thank ya.." he said softly tears streaming down his cheeks.
A few days went by and Elvis continued to watch you like a hawk. "Elvis?" you grumble with a cough your throat tremendously dry. Elvis bolt's to his feet and goes to you seeing if you were really awake tears flooding his eyes. You cough again snapping him from his state and rushing to get you water.
"Here baby drink.." he says lifting the cup to your lips and tilting it letting you drink the water slowly. You looked up at his eyes, his pretty gorgeous blue eyes and fell in love all over again.
"'M gonna go get someone.." he says rushing off.
The next few days went by fast Elvis did nothing but kiss you and apologize and pamper you. Then you went home. Definitely a place you wanted to go but.. It hurt to be back though. All the extra pain and hurt. But Elvis was back to being in love with you and it all washed that away.
He smiled at you as you got his help laying in the bed. Your bed.. Your shared bed. It felt so good.. So good to be back in this bed. Your boyfriend laying down right along side you.
He searched your eyes and slowly moved forward pressing his lips to yours and moving his hands up your shirt.
His fingers felt each inch of your skin as he pulled your shirt up and off of you, then working down at your pants tugging them off. "I missed this side of you precious boy.." you say softly reaching up and undoing his shirt, looking back into them pretty blues..
"I missed this side'a me too mama" he softly says leaning down getting another kiss from your lips. He pushes his pants down just enough to pull himself out and gets on top of you lining himself up and pushing in.
Your eyes flutter shut and your lips part as you let out a pretty moan just for him. Just for your precious boy to hear. He moves his hips at a steady pace wrapping his arm around your back and holding you close.
Tears started to fall down his cheeks, you lean up and kiss them away then wrap your arms around his shoulders. “I love ya..fuck mama..fuck i love ya” he grunts, the noises like music to your ears.
“I-..love you too baby boy” you moan out softly, elvis slows down and gives a few harsh thrusts before you’re both coming on done.
"Ya make everythin' so worth while.. Please never ever scare me like that again" he says tears continuing to stream down his face.
"I promise"
Tag❤️‍🔥: @elvisalltheway101
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small-sinclair · 1 year
My Pearl
An idea that @charliedawn made from their post. It’s like a soulmate au idea on my end.
Lester Sinclair x male!reader
Also, a birthday gift for the lovely @crumb. Happy birthday 🎉🎉🎉
Tw: blood, Hanahaki Disease, not proofread
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He couldn’t stop thinking of you, and it drove him crazy. Every time he was on the road, he hoped to see your car, to see your face, to hear your voice. If he saw you one more time, he could be cured and he can move on with his life.
But that was a hopeless dream, both he and his brothers knew it. He would never see you again, and that thought killed him.
Then he got sick a couple days later.
At first, his throat started to itch. He would cough from time to time and took medicine to help it, but as the days went by, he noticed something terrible. He was helping his brothers put up a new welcome signs when he started coughing again. He bent over and coughed harder and harder until a bloody blue lily was thrown from his lips. Vincent’s eye went wide as he hurried to his brother’s side as he heaved in heavy breaths. Bo stood over his brothers and saw the flower bud. He clinched his jaw tightly as he breathed in and out slower. All three looked in disbelief at the flower in front of him.
So it was straight to the medical books. Vincent rereading books and pages while Bo did research online to figure out what’s going on. Lester, on the other hand, decided to do look up they blue lily to figure out what it was… that was until he started coughing again and more bloodily petals spat out in the sink. Each time he coughed, the more violent and bloody it got.
After that, their mother’s journals/guide books she wrote for the three boys. The only good thing she ever did. They read through all the journals until they found something.
Vincent held up his book and gathered his brothers together. Bo read the pages and eyes lit up as he read aloud, “Get this: ‘Lester has t’mark of pearls on his back. When he gets older, he’ll meet someone wearin’ pearls and they’ll be lovers’.”
“He was in pearls,” Lester informed. “Pretty ones, too.”
But Bo didn’t believe it. Soulmate marks were almost wrong in his family; how could he found his soulmate already?
Two days later, Lester fell for the worse. He drove home like a mad man pulled his brother from the shop to Vincent’s workshop.
“The hell, Les?” Bo asked annoyed. “What the fuck—?”
Lester took off his jacket and the air stood still and cold. Sticking out of his right arm, blue lily buds poked out of his skin as if his arm was a vine. He looked at his brothers as fear grew. “They came this morning,” he said nervously. “It hurts t’loft my arm.”
Bo took in a deep breath and let it out slowly. “Did ya try cuttin’ ‘em off?” His answer was met with a bloodied, poorly wrapped bandage.
“Bo… ‘m scared.”
The twins looked at each other then back at Lester. There was pain in Lester’s eyes as he held back a cough. Vincent looked at his arm then his blood ran cold. He watched as a blue lily bloomed over his elbow.
“Oh, shit,” Bo breathed as the flower opened up. “Les, what’s happenin’ to ya?”
“I-I don’t know,” he answered scared. “It-it— ‘m hurtin’ and it burns!”
“It started after ya kissed ‘at boy, righ?” Bo asked, his mind spinning. “Like, the coughing and stuff.”
Lester nodded, slowly starting to put on his jacket. “Reckon so.” Just the thought of you and your pretty eyes eased the burning and pain. The bear idea of you in his arms…
“Okay,” Bo rubbed his hands over his jeans. “We gotta find ‘im.”
“How?” Lester asked in disbelief. “He’s gone by now! Ain’t never comin’ back—arh! Shit!” Les t threw his head back as his brothers watched in horror as a flower bud bloomed on his left shoulder. Lester staggered back, held his arm, and rested again the hot wall.
Bo shook his head as he reached with his little brother. “We’ll find him.”
Vincent nodded as he stood next to Lester. ‘I wrote down his plate while he was hanging out with you upstairs. Maybe we can find him that way.’ He lowered his hands and dug into his apron. He pulled out his journal and flipped the pages until stopping on one plate number circled in blue ink. ‘This is him. I remember it.’ Vincent handed the notebook to Lester.
Lester looked over the number and nodded. Reading it sent butterflies in his stomach. Your smile and you beautiful eyes and pearls on you. He love the idea.
All there is to do now is find you.
You stood in your empty apartment and looked around. Boxes were piled in your car and you already sold half your things. You wanted to leave this place because you knew where to go. It’s crazy how you kissed Lester and wanted him to come with you, but it was even crazier when you thought about how you were going back to find him.
To you, you felt like you had to find him once more and kiss him. You had to find him. He felt so… so familiar to you. What were you going to do afterwards? You didn’t know. You just knew he needed you like you needed him.
It felt like you planted roots over his lips. Like flowers bloomed around your soul and over your torn pearls until there wasn’t nothing left of you. You have to find him… you have to.
As you came out of your apartment went down the steps to your car, you froze. That man that tried to kill you was parked next to your car. He wore a worn blue shirt with a faded graphic on it and dark blue jeans. His blue eyes landed on you and he stiffened a little. His hand held the ring on his finger as his boots clicked towards you. He didn’t look mad or angry; he seemed nervous.
“Mister,” he said as he stood a couple feet away from you. He fixed his hat and stood straighter. “I… I don’t believe I properly introduced myself.” He swallowed hard and held out his hand. “Name’s Bo, Bo Sinclair.”
You looked at his hand then at him, taking it. “Y/n.” You stepped back and hugged your arms. “Come to finish the job?”
“What?” Bo shook his head as a sad smile grew. “No, no, sir. I came in hopes t’get ya.”
He takes a deep breath. “My brother, Lester,” he hates begging, he hates it, “he needs yer help.”
“My help?”
“Yes, sir.” Bo looks at your car then at you. “Movin’?”
“Hoping to find Lester, actually,” you felt something burning your throat before you started coughing. Ever since you left him, you started coughing more and more. You turned away from Bo and coughed in your arm.
Stumbling back, Bo caught you and rested you against his chest until—
“What the shit?” You breathed. Shakingly, you held out your hand and looked at the bloodied daisy. You looked up at Bo in terror as his eyes widen.
Without a moment to lose, he led you to his truck. “Look, ‘ll gettcha to ‘im.”
“Yes,” he helped you into his truck and slid over the hood of his truck. “He has the same thin’ as ya, but he has blue lilies blooming out his arm now.” He started the truck and sped back to Ambrose. It’s a twenty minute drive, so that’ll give him plenty of time to tell you what’s going on.
“It sounds like Hanahaki Disease,” you hummed as you started coughing again.
“Hanahaki Disease?” He looked at you then at the road. “The fuck’s that?”
“A disease where flowers bloom over a person on an one sided love.”
“Well? Do ya love my brother?”
“I feel like we’re soulmates that were force to part after kissing, yes,” you answered as you leaned back in the seat. “My grandmother had that happened when she and grandpa were force apart after he kissed her before going to war.”
“What?” Bo looked at the bloodied daisies in your hands and lap. “It a family thin’?”
“Yeah,” you answered. “That’s way it’s important to stay with your soulmate. Didn’t your mom tell you?”
“She’s dead,” Bo answered as he turned down the gravel road leading towards Ambrose. “Never told us shit besides we ain’t worth lovin’.”
His voice was cut off by your throwing up on the flower of his truck. Petals and daisy buds fell from your lips as blood poured from the corner of your lips. Bo gunned it and flew towards town. “How we make this shit stop!?”
“I gotta kiss him,” breathing heavily, you looked at Bo, “and he has to tell me he loves me.” Your eyes glazed as you looked at the road. You thought of Lester and the pearls you left behind. You thought of his lips and loving kiss. The click and hold he had on you… it ate you alive.
Bo pressed out the gas and came into Ambrose as if he was flying a firecracker. What you saw as you rounded the corner broke your heart, and you felt a bouquet of daisies blooming around your legs.
In the middle of the road at the end of the street, Lester laid in his brother’s arms. He was struggling to breathe as blue lilies covered his arms and over his left eye. He was worse than you thought and he was fading fast. When he saw you in the passenger seat, his smile grew. Your here… you came back.
Bo slammed on the breaks and skidded until the car stopped. You hoped out of the car and race towards Lester. Inside, you felt a vine creep up your throat and you gasped, falling to the ground. You tumbled and skidded and struggle to stand. Flowers wrapped around your feet and knees; you couldn’t stand by yourself.
You felt Bo lift up and carry you towards Lester, large hands wrapping you up in a strong grip. “I have ya, firefly,” he promises.
His hand reached out for you as his breathing became shallow. Flowers bloomed over your body like wild fires in the summer. You thought of him, thought of his kiss and voice. You needed him like he needed you.
He focused on your neck and watched as a daisy blood out of your neck. "Hang in there, doll," Bo whispered. "Keep your eyes open. Keep breathing."
Bo lowered you carefully next to Lester and as close as he could get to him. “Yer-you’re here,” Lester crooked with a smile. His hand found yours. “Ya came-came back.”
You tried to sit up, but Bo helped you. “Les, ya gotta kiss ‘im,” he whispered. “It’ll stop all of ‘is.”
You tired to nod but you felt flowers blooming. “Please, Lester?” To say his name again felt like heaven opening for you. “Kiss me, please?”
You didn’t have to tell him twice. Gripping his hand, he kisses you lips. You tasked blood on his lips. As you pulled away, Lester brought you back for another passionate kiss. He felt as if his heart was whole again and the world made sense. He chocks on lilies as he held your face, taking in your beauty as if he’s seeing you for the first time.
“I love you, Lester,” you whispered, breaking the curse on him. You watched as the blue lilies died as soon as you said those words. The flowers fell to the road, leaving behind flower outlines on his skin. You smile as you saw him light up. “You look as cute as the day I left ya.”
Lester smiled as he kisses you knuckles, kissing the daises and blood. “I love ya more, pearl,” his eyes met yours as he watched the flowers fall off your skin. “I love you.”
Daisies dropped on the road as he kisses you again. He rested his head against your forehead and closed his eyes. “What’s yer name, daisy?”
“Y/n,” you answered. “I’m y/n.”
With Vincent’s help, Lester dug into his pockets and showed you the broken pearls. “Held on to ‘em fer ya.”
You smiled as you leaned again Bo. You were tired from it all, but you knew one thing for certain.
“Can I move in with you?”
Lester chuckled and kissed your hands again. “Never leave me again.”
You met his eyes as you felt that click again, knowing you found your soulmate. “I promise, my pearl. I promise.”
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lunajay33 · 1 year
Hurt Pt.2💔
Summary: Y/n finds out she’s pregnant while staying at the Greene farm and Daryl is still on the search for Sophia but things change quickly
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I hung out with Glenn and Maggie for most of the day, helping hang clothing out to dry and picking out eggs
“So y/n do you want a boy or girl?” Maggie asked smiling
“It doesn’t matter to me, as long as I can make them healthy and happy that’s all I care about” I said as was cutting up some vegetables for supper
“I can’t wait to see overly over-protective Daryl, it’ll be hilarious” Glenn laughed making me smile
“He’s been gone pretty long dont you think?” I asked looking out to see the sun slowly fading behind the trees
“Im sure he’ll be back soon don’t worry” Maggie said
“Is it okay if I go for a little walk, just to clear my head” I asked looking to see I’ve already cut all the veggies
“Of course just stay close okay” Glenn said
“Okay I will” I said as I placed my hand on my lower belly and left the house making my way for a walk around the perimeter
Hoping to find any sign that he’d be back, a russel of leaves, the horse, anything that’s when I heard a gun shot and pain seer through my head
I fell to the group holding the side of my head to feel the sting and bleeding from a large cut
“What the hell” I gasped someone shot me
I heard yelling come from behind me but it was all faded my head was fuzzy, I looked up to see Daryl limping out from the trees and he was obviously hurt
“Daryl” I sighed in relief and for a moment I forgot about the pain then everything went dark
Daryl’s POV~~~
Damn horse knocked me over a cliff but all I could think about was making it back to y/n and the baby, I promised her so after struggling for hours I finally climbed up and limped my way back to the farm
Once I was near I heard a gun shot and I made it past the trees and what I saw almost made me pass out
My peach was hunched over on the ground in front of me with blood falling down her face and neck, it was the worst thing for me to see
She called my name, almost pleading then she passed out, I looked behind her and everyone was running towards us
I limped over and held her in my arms
“What the hell happened” I yelled as they made it to us
“Andrea thought she was a walker” Glenn said
“SHE SHOOT HER, I’m gonna kill er” I said feeling the hate pump through my blood
“Come one man let’s get you both to Hershel” Shane said as he picked up y/n and Glenn and Rick helped me back to the house
“Hershel we need help” Glenn called out as Shane laid y/n on the bed and I laid down next to her almost forgetting about the arrow wound in my side
I looked at her and it felt like my world was falling apart
“What happened?” Hershel asked i barely listened as the others filled him in on everything
He cleaned up her head which was full of blood and stitched up her wound
“Will she be alright?” I groaned as he started stitching up my side
“She’ll be fine son, she just needs to rest”
“What about the baby” I groaned as he finished the stitches
“Daryl she’ll be fine, get some rest” he said as he left the room leaving me with her
I moved closer and held her close to me, she looked so tired, the color was drained from her face, I just want her to wake up and tell me she’s alright
Y/n POV~
I woke up to a strong sharp pain on the side of my head, I groaned and looked around noticing I was in the house and then I saw Daryl next to me, he was bandaged up meaning something bad happened, I knew something was going to go wrong
“Daryl” I whispered trying to wake him up
“Hmmm” he groaned
“Wake up” I said as I ran my hand through his hair
His eyes shot open and he looked panicked
“Hey it’s alright” I said slowly sitting up with him
“Oh peach are ya okay?” He asked as he placed his hand on my little belly bump
“Im fine just sore, but are you okay, what happened Daryl?”
“Damn horse got scared and threw me over a cliff, damn arrow shot through ma side”
“Daryl, baby, I don’t want you to go out alone again please, I was so worried”
“Okay peach I won’t, are ya hungry I know they’re out there eatin, maybe you should get somethin ta eat”
“I’ll go get some and bring it back for you too!” I smiled as I stood up I walked out to the kitchen and everyone looked up at me
“Hey everyone, sorry to interrupt” I said slowly picking up two plates of food as I felt weak
“How are you feeling dear?” Hershel asked
“I’m fine, thank you for helping me, I know I’ve been quiet a burden lately I laughed nervously
“No dear don’t say that” dale said
“Im just gonna bring this food to Daryl” I smiled and walked back to the room
~Few days later~
I was sitting at the end of the bed while Daryl was laying down
“Ya sure yer doing okay, you’ve been real quiet lately” he asked as I looked down
“Ya I’m good, just tired” I lied, I felt like such a problem lately and even though the others disagreed I couldn’t help but feel like it, I wanted to contribute and be strong for my baby
“Hey can I come in” we heard from outside the tent
Daryl just groaned and in came Andrea all he did was glare
“The hell do ya want?”
“I came to apologize, im sorry I shot you y/n but to be fair you looked like a walker and I was just trying to protect the camp
There she goes again with the insults, I sighed and left the tent quickly walking away to the fallen tree
I couldn’t hold my emotions back anymore, I cried so hard trying to think of what I did wrong for her to be so hateful, I’m not good enough to be here anymore I’m just holding everyone back
I felt arms wrap around me and kiss my head
“Shhh peach it’s okay don’t listen to her, selfish bitch” he said trying to sooth me but the tears and hiccups kept coming
“Daryl why are you even with me, she’s right I’m a burden, I’m not good enough for you I’ll never me enough, maybe it’ll be better for everyone if I just leave”
“No no don’t say that, I love ya so much so much that I don’t wanna be away from ya for a second, yer so strong and beautiful and helpful, you’ve done so much for the people in the group please don’t leave me” he said as tears welled in his eyes
“I’m sorry Daryl I’ve just been so emotionally lately and she’s making everything more hard for me” I said as he whipped my tears away
“I’ll keep her away from ya, I’ll show ya everyday that you’re my world peach”
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campbyler · 6 months
okay I collapsed…
Was expecting a masterpiece but thea you really outdid yourself with this one.
I was already freaking out reading the first half of the chapter, but the second half had me floored. Just in case you have the audacity to doubt your excellence, I come with receipts.
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to clarify I was lying down the entire time… (this was taken a few mins after i finished the chapter so yes that final jump was in fact cuz of that last part)
the Starry Night Over the Rhône is actually one of my fav Van Goghs as well, got it on my wall at home
I also just maybe happened to wear a comfy oversized Van Gogh hoodie while reading this💀
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honestly I cant even comment on that last part other than im deceased and a lil bit stressed.
ris this entire thing is INSANE which is a very appropriate energy to have to match the insanity of 9.2 <3 from the heart rate to the VAN GOGH SHIRT (and the great taste of preferring the rhône) this has gone down in history as one of my fave comments we have ever received!!!!!! can't wait for you to see what suni has in store for ch10 (spoiler alert: she is also insane)
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Solar Character Ref
He/him, pan; 5'7; regresses as old as 7 and as young as 3 (tends to stick to the younger age range now), goes nonverbal when especially upset
All flat teeth, no fangs.
Has a crack in his faceplate over his left eye from where his Moon hit him. His left eye is also damaged from his Moon forcibly removing it once, he had to put it back in himself.
Right eye is white with black pupil, left eye has black sclera and a gold pupil. He has difficulty seeing clearly through his damaged eye, so he sometimes has to turn his head to see things better.
Body is covered in various dings and dents. Some from the kids, some from Midnight...
No paws or claws.
Practices witchcraft, identifies as pagan. Secret weeb/k-pop stan.
Poppy called him bumble, bumblebee, and honeybee. Sun calls him bug when he's regressed.
The body he was put into is a basic solar model. It's orange, but everything about it was initially simple and basic. He gave himself upgrades that allow him to run off of a single charge for days at a time.
Has arthritis in his hands. Not only due to past physical trauma, but also from working nonstop on various projects. He wears his gloves to not only increase his grip strength and protect his hands, but to also mitigate some of the sensory overload he experiences.
Head of maintenance and had to run the daycare all by himself while in his own dimension.
I haven't explicitly said if he has autism (I left that up to interpretation since I don't want to misrepresent it), but he does have sensory processing disorder. He can't stand loud noises, bright lights, or just general over-stimulation (Yeah. Running the daycare was not great...)
"Ya weren't supposed to see that..." "He's...he's gone? Don't we have a backup? Or maybe we can restore his systems!" "No, come on. You don't have time to be sick right now. You're just tired. You're just tired." "Watch over these toys fer Papa, they're really special to 'im. An' I need someone big an' strong ta watch 'em and keep 'em safe. Can ya do that?"
Relationships with:
Sun: Solar still has days where he looks at Sun and sees his own Sun. In fact, when he crashes into regression (because this guy almost never willingly does), he still sees Sun as his Poppy. Not being able to see well out of one eye doesn't help things. But him and Sun get along well! He and Solar have mandated self-care days together, Harvest sometimes joins, and they all have tea together and unwind.
Moon: He and Moon get along really well. They spend a lot of time together engineering and working on tech. But every once in a while, Solar has to remind himself of where he is and who he's with. This isn't his Moon. He knows it.... When he regresses, he sometimes can't be anywhere near Moon. Other times, he wants 'Mama' (and who is Moon to deny him?).
Harvest: Like Harvest and Moon, Solar and Moon spend time together just sitting and watching the chaos. Harvest is trying to teach him how to knit, and he's slowly starting to pick it up.
Bloody: You would think that Solar wouldn't get along well with Bloody because of how high energy he is. On the contrary, Solar is drawn to it and you can find him tossing balls of yarn for him (much to Sun's chagrin, those are his 100% WOOL SKEINS-). Bloody is on the opposite end of the sensory spectrum; where Solar tends to be overstimulated, Bloody seeks out stimulation. But that means that Bloody has plenty of stim toys and things he can share with Solar. Bloody also likes to curl up on Solar's lap for head scratches.
Lunar: Solar tends to either be getting Lunar out of trouble or encouraging the chaos. Solar saw him when they first met and immediately adopted him. Yeah, no, he'll gladly take over watching Lunar every time he's regressed from now on, thanks. Solar is like an older brother to Lunar, and they regularly play Minecraft together.
Kill Code: Solar isn't really sure what to think of Kill Code. He's honestly still confused how he exists, but he doesn't question it too much. As long as he doesn't hurt his family friends, he'll just keep an eye on him...
Past Relationships:
Poppy: Poppy was immediately accepting of him when he first came to be. They worked out a system that allowed both of them to have control of the body at different times. They were also Solar's primary caregiver, especially when Midnight and Poppy had their disagreement. They did their very best to keep Solar from seeing Midnight's true colors and their frequent arguments, but they weren't able to. Poppy was the one to teach Solar witchcraft and herbalism, and Solar still strives to make them proud of him...
Midnight: Solar learned a lot of what he knows about mechanics and engineering from his Moon. He didn't realize his true colors for a long time because Poppy kept it hidden from him so well. Until that point, Midnight was his other caregiver and Solar even called him Mama.
Midnight is the one that caused the majority of Solar's damage. He sometimes didn't even state a reason for when he'd 'punish' him, he'd just grab him and hurt him. Solar prefers to do his own repairs, he doesn't trust anyone else to really do them.
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jinx-on-mars-19xx · 4 months
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(Kill Somebody Part Two Chapter Two)
🔪 Previous Parts Here 🔪
Dom x Colson (Yungblud x Machine Gun Kelly)
Warnings: ABO dynamics (knots, slick, heats, mpreg), alpha serial killer/hitman Dom, omega mob boss Kells, past abuse, baby fic, improper movie watch with kids, people watching, deep talks, past SA, talks of childhood trauma, mentions of abandonment, mentions of selling people, painful memories, finding alone time, smut (seriously a lot of it), d/s undertones, overtones, and everything between, dom Kells, sub Dom, grinding, fingering, spitting, degradation, desperation, self pleasure, control, begging, enemies to lovers ❤️‍🔥 Rating: explicit AF
All ideas helped by @iamnotanearthlingmotherfucker 🖤
Dom was lounging on his sofa watching a movie with his sons when he noticed his mate acting strange. It started with the omega carrying a bag of something to the kitchen where he heard the fridge open for a few moments before it closed and he was stalking back to their bedroom with a determined look on his face. The man had been napping a little while before when Punk had woken up and Blain had asked if he wished to spend some time together. He thought it was a perfect idea but the longer he watched the door the more tense he felt. He thought his lover would take the excuse to rest more.
A few minutes later he exited the room, pushing their baby’s cot across the floor. Even though the child in question was resting between the two Brits, Colson kept moving it until he reached their roommate’s room. “Wha's he on about?” The teen asked, gently easing the infant into his hold to bounce him softly. It was almost second nature already and the sight warmed the sociopath’s heart.
Dominic shrugged and they both lost interest in the movie playing out on the screen in order to people-watch the other man. Maybe it was the personality disorder they seemed to share but humans were much more interesting than television. He didn't want to be obviously spying though so he tried to carry on a conversation, he found it easier to talk to the kid than most others. “You good wiv ‘im.” He smiled, nodding to his baby. Blain grinned back happily.
“I had a really good babysitter as a boy.” He explained simply. “I were young as fuck and my parents were bloody awful but sometimes they'd take me on business nights out and leave me wiv someone. It was probably the only good example I ever got but it stuck wiv me.”
Dom sighed deep, completely understanding what the boy was saying. He'd never had the good example but he had to be one so young. He'd had a small hope that Blain at least had a good mum but of course not. Omegas rarely got that. In at least that way, his mate was lucky. Thinking of the man he glanced back down the hall but Colson just breezed past them. He disappeared back into the bedroom only to walk by again with a bag over his shoulder. Strange. “I'm sorry you ‘ad to deal wiv tha'. It weren't fairs. You should ‘ave gotten good parents first off. Wha' ‘append to ya mum?” He was genuinely wondering because they worried that someone might come after the boy to take him back. Especially since they were working to get him his father's money.
“I don't really know. She were jus' gone one day. I don't know if he sold her or killed her or she ran off or died. Didn't matter much to me. He ended up with a cycle of girls. I'm jus' glad he didn't try for me. Talked about it a lot.” The blasé way the kid sounded made the Alpha's stomach roll. It was frequent enough to seem normal to some but after being pressured about his sister it made him sick. He had to look away to cover his eyes flashing from suppressed rage but he landed on his lover leaving Tom's room again to jog back to theirs. Alright.
“You deserved protection. We all fucking did.” He growled low and the kid gave him a gentle look as he pulled the baby higher, his fingers softly raising Punk's hand to wave it.
“Um, we got it. Fanks.” He was so sure of his words it calmed something dark in the Alpha's chest. As long as his family felt safe. That's all that mattered. “Silly Daddy ain't he? Yes he is. You tell ‘em!” Blain had a higher affect to his voice when he spoke to the little one that made the older man laugh. “‘Ow bad was it for yas tha’ you can't see you already keep us safe?” He didn't normally try to push but of course he wanted to learn all he could about the pair.
Darkness swirled in the killer's mind as he thought back to his childhood. He'd watched his mate open up for their boy not long before and he knew he needed to too. “Me dad didn't like ‘ow much a pussy I were or tha’ I were sick.” He started easy but got a scoff from the kid.
“You showed him, aye?” Blain teased, he wondered how the bastard felt about his hitman son. After all, that's how the omega found him. An underground helpline website that took him on a darker path until he found a questionnaire about how he was treated and by whom. It had taken a while to realize he was ordering a hit but by that point he was too lost in the promise of safety. He hadn't imagined it would end up with him as part of a family.
Dom snorted, the boy didn't know how bloody right he was. It took him a moment to work through what he felt alright saying and what was too much too soon. “He ‘ired a doctor to blow me when I was ‘alf your age. Wanker checked wiv a ‘special test’ if I were Alpha enough or broken. It was really jus’ a pedo shoving ‘is finger up me arse.” He couldn't look at his son's as he spoke, he just kept picking at a thread on the arm of the couch. “Dad figured I were broken cause I weren't after me own baby sister or any over young omega he brought around. When I didn't pop a knot by twelve he tried an escort next. When I fought back and refused to take ‘er… He beat me ‘alf to death and let ‘er do me. I left after. Reached puberty wiv’in a few monfs and stayed gone. When I ‘eard he beat me mum dead I couldn't leave me girls wiv ‘im.” He took a deep breath and finally met the boy's eyes. He didn't want him thinking there was any shame in overcoming all they'd been through. “He was me first. Bastard doc was next. Went on a bit of a rampage after I got a taste for it. I were trying to make it work wiv me sisters until I almost got caught. We ended up ‘ere and tha’ works for me.”
Blain swallowed hard and sneakily sniffed deep his little brother’s calming baby scent. It helped that it was mixed with the Alpha's who, even upset, always soothed him. “Wha’ happened to the girls?”
“I didn't fink I was good for ‘em. I provided ‘em wiv a good school and a lovely adoptive family but every time ‘ey saw me I were terrifying I guess. Too much water under tha’ bridge.” He didn't want the kid thinking there was something wrong with him and Punk that he kept them close but sent away his sisters and he hoped that helped explain. “I wouldn't be who I am now if not for Tom and Cols. I couldn't be who ya need.”
“I call bullshite Punkers, don't you?” Blain teased as he cupped the baby's head and pulled him close before passing him to Dom gently. “You was already you. You jus' needed help wiv love.”
Dom huffed softly but he took his youngest and held him against his chest. There was almost nothing better than those bright red eyes watching him like he was all that mattered. Of course he looked forward to the baby having his own eye color and hopefully at some point a name, but he wasn't in any hurry for either. Though his mate was obviously in one. Colson came back out and finally decided to grace them with his presence as the movie was rolling credits at the end. The Alpha couldn't say what it had really been about besides murder and blood and gore. On second thought maybe it wasn't the best for two boys but at least Punk would only notice the pretty colors.
“Give it.” Kells huffed, holding out his hands for their child.
“No. It's me turn. Go rest.” Dom teased back, holding the baby against his chest.
The omega arched a playful brow down at his lover. He had to remind himself the other man didn't know what he'd been up to. Tom stepped into the room and took a seat on the other sofa but the killer just stared up at his partner. “Tom is taking him for the night.” He said simply and he watched the wheels turn in the psycho's mind.
“Tom is?”
“And not us?”
“Not us.”
“And we get…”
“Time alone. The whole fucking night.” Col smirked as his lover stood up but he didn't appreciate the one handed hold on his son.
“Boob juice is in the fridge. Cot is in their room. Blain can help if he wants, hell he can keep him all night but no one has to. I'm not about to parentify anyone. Our door is unlocked in case they can't hack it but if I left it open I think we'd break about a million laws.” Kells smirked as the realization fully dawned on the killer. “I have faith in our family. Don't you?”
Dom kissed his son's forehead and handed him off to his older one. He barely even looked as he did and he tripped over his own feet to reach his mate. They'd been close since the day the omega backhanded him and were working on working their shite out. Mostly they could only find time to wank each other off or make out with heavy petting in the shower. “Really really?” He almost couldn't believe it but he forced himself to stop a moment and check in with Blain. He cleared his throat and only turned his head, the kid didn't need an eye full of his tented pants. Bollocks. “Fank you for talking wiv me.” He smiled but the boy just threw a pillow at his back.
“If you don't get the fuck outta here! We got my bruv, go bond ya freaks.”
The couple laughed as they stumbled back to their room but the moment the door closed the Alpha was pushed against it. He'd always known how much larger his lover was than him but Col had never really proved it so blatantly. His wild hair was gripped and his head tugged back so he had to look up at the other man. He felt a shiver go down his spine that he swore ended up in his dick twitching. “I think you promised me your wet cunt. You gonna be a good bitch for me?” The way the mob boss's voice danced over his skin almost had him shaking but he didn't want to be too needy too fast.
“I fhought ya wanted me fat arse.” He tried to purr but it came out breathy and trembling. When Colson groped a handful of said ass and pulled him flush against his throbbing cock he couldn't help but wonder if he turned the omega on this much.
“Oh baby, I'm gonna wreck every inch of you. After all, we got all fucking night.”
The Alpha wasn't expecting to get led by his hair and thrown face down on the bed but when he bounced against it and tried to roll over he was slapped on the ass for his trouble. A soft yelp escaped him that he'd probably deny ever happened but Col heard it and chuckled darkly. Every vibration of the omega's throat tickled over Dom's skin like silk. The killer paused, taking a deep breath before he tried to figure out what was allowed. He could feel himself watched, his instincts were on high alert, but he didn't hear the other man moving. “Should I strip?”
“Do birds fucking fly?” Something about the way Kells spoke felt like he was making fun of the other. The last time he'd hit the boy he'd degraded him too and part of Dom had really liked it. He wasn't sure how much he could handle though.
“Some don't.” He couldn't stop the snark but he got spanked for it again. He groaned and felt himself drool against the blanket where his cheek was pressed but he got to work carefully sliding off his shirt. “You gonna keep it up on bare skin?” He asked, his voice a bit small. Was he excited or terrified or both?
Colson growled, pushing his own sweats down before gripping the back of his lover's to rip them off his legs. The move was violent enough Dom’s ass bounced and he had to stop and admire how red his flesh was. He wanted to keep going until the younger man bled but he thought that might be too much, and it wasn't his goal for the night. “Look at you. Pretty pink virgin tight pussy. All for me.”
Did Dom reply? Did he stay quiet and try to obey? There weren't any rules yet really. Instead of attempting and getting spanked again he tried a different tactic. His hands shook and he laid flat and reached back to grope his own cheeks and spread them. It felt filthy and scandalous, Alpha's didn't beg to get filled but he was never a normal one. He tried to look over his shoulder to see if he was making his mate happy but he got distracted by just how gorgeous his partner was. The boss was in his element, even if in a way that hurt the boy he still could feel it. It was all for him now and it shouldn't matter who got to experience his lover before. He always knew Kells was tall but when he was feeling his own power and looking down at Dom like a snack he seemed like a giant. His hair was falling around his pretty face, his eyes were gold and intent, his mouth was parted as if he couldn't catch his breath with his mate. He was still soft in places but so many of his muscles were so obvious, he appeared every bit the Alpha he faked being for years. Even his cock was intimidating, hard and leaking a mess of precum at the tip. The only hint of omega on him besides his eyes was the wetness between his thighs and the scent served to make Dom an even bigger wreck.
The Alpha rut his dick against the bed without thinking and got a bare palm to hole slap for it. The sound was sharp and seemed to echo off the walls. Fuck he'd be bruised later, his mate didn't hold back. “Don't even try. If I think you deserve to feel good I'll tell you what the fuck you're allowed. Otherwise you wait for my command.” It wasn't a question but there was still one hidden among the demands. The killer knew if he said ‘no’ or ‘stop’ the other would. It made him feel safe- something neither of them were used to before they met. “So desperate to get fucked. Look at you. Such a fucking slut. Pathetic.” With hissed words the omega spit over his lover's exposed hole and watched as Dom clenched for him.
The Alpha wouldn't say again how that didn't make any sense- how could he be a virgin and a slut? He knew better, at least on that. He wanted his ass slapped again but by his mate's balls, not his hand. He wouldn't get that by back-talking. Two hands gripped his hips roughly and yanked him to the edge of the bed. Col knew he was bendy and used it to his advantage, spreading the boy almost frog legged and teetering on the side of the mattress. His knees were bent and his ankles were supported but not his feet. He couldn't easily move himself without putting his toes on the floor which he was pretty sure he wasn't allowed. He just tried to keep the position held and his ass open. He couldn't help the second puddle of drool.
Kells crouched behind his partner and was happy he'd laid a towel on the floor beforehand. He was already dripping wet and with how well it was already going he predicted himself squirting at least once before the night was over. “Where's your dick?” He asked and when Dom whimpered something that sounded like ‘under’ he huffed, reaching under the other to slide his cock from his belly to rest along the side of the bed. He wasn't allowed friction. He would get off on Colson’s dick and nothing more.
When that was done Dom listened close and caught the wet sound of his mate gathering slick on his fingers. The omega moaned and he knew the bastard was fingering himself first. He tried to wiggle his ass but he couldn't move without probably hurting himself so he waited patiently and bit his lip at the noises.
Col didn't mean to but he lost himself to pleasure for a moment. He hadn't had anything inside him since before he gave birth and his inner walls were sensitive as hell. He'd meant to just wet his digits but instead he played, exploring how tight he was getting again. “Shit babe, you should feel this. So fucking tight and swollen. Hot. Drenched. Mmm fuck.” He purred, focusing on his own touch, reaching deeper until he found that little bump inside. It felt like the first night he touched himself but almost more intense somehow. He'd called his bitch a virgin but he almost felt like one. He knew he was torturing the boy but he hoped it just added to the need, he couldn't seem to stop himself anymore. His hips rocked and he fucked down on his own hand, chasing a release he hadn't meant to find yet. “Oh god- Dom- so good. You'd pass the fuck out. Oh- ohhh- fuck!” He damn well knew he was being an ass but he wasn't even exaggerating.
Dom listened and whimpered and tried to grind against the bed but he couldn't find any relief for his throbbing cock. He wasn't tied up but he didn't need to be, he knew his dominant would stop if he so much as breathed wrong. He couldn't see his lover but he could hear him and every noise was a revelation. He was happy that his partner was enjoying himself but it felt like an inner circle of hell not being able to interact.
“Fuck me your knot would feel amazing right now. I'm such a mess. Can you hear it? Shit- so good.” The omega couldn't stop his mouth even when his voice went breathy but he needed to involve his mate somehow. He slowed his hand and reached down with the other, soaking his fingers before he pulled them back up to tease around the boy's hole. The noise that left his bitch's lips made it all worth it. The poor thing sounded almost broken already. He stopped trying to fuck his own hand and instead kept his touch steady on his spot as his others slipped inside Dom’s hole. It was hard to focus on both but he was only trying to get himself off. The killer would cum when he said it was allowed.
Dominic whimpered and moaned as the other man's touch slid deeper. His nerves felt electrified after his punishment so all he could focus on was how tight he felt as Col explored and stretched him out. The omega hooked his finger and pulled just a little before he spit inside his mate and shuddered at the groan he heard. His lover was fever hot inside and his cock jerked at the thought of being surrounded by his tight silky pink walls. His own pleasure was building fast as he teased his spot hard. With every touch he swore he could feel his heartbeat in his cunt, dick, and nipples and he wondered if it would affect Dom the same. As his pleasure built he stilled his fingers inside the killer and focused on his own need. “Oh fuck me. Shit! So- oh- ohhh fucking-” His babbling stopped when his orgasm hit and he gushed in his palm and down his legs.
His dick stayed hard and in the game as he worked through his rapture, his fingers barely able to move as his cunt squeezed around them. He was panting and cursing and started rocking his other hand again until Dom was groaning and trying to cant his ass back. He had meant to go easy but his pleasure only made him need the boy more and he fucked him with two fingers until he stopped cumming so hard.
Eventually he added a third and pulled his other hand free, slapping his wet palm against Dom’s plush cheek. “Mmmplease?” The killer mumbled and the omega smirked. He didn't think he'd done enough but if his mate wanted to hurt…
“You've seen me. You really think your virgin ass is ready?” He wasn't boasting, it wasn't ego. He was thick and long. Maybe not as much a monster as his lover but still. He'd stretch him out and fuck him sloppy, probably make him bleed. As much as he craved it he didn't want to push if Dom didn't.
“Ready. Fuck me? Wanna feel yas for days. Daddy please?” That was it. That fucking word just did something to him when it came whimpered from the boy's lips. He scissored his fingers wide as he pulled them free and spit inside him again before letting go and watching the mess he used as lube dribble out to drip down Dom's skin and disappear over his balls.
Kells planted his knees better in the squishy wet towel under him, spreading his legs just wide enough to make his dick level. He curled his palm around himself and slapped his tip against that rosebud hole before gently teasing inside. The feeling of Dom's muscles wet and squeezing him tight was almost too much and he nearly broke to slam home. He wanted his lover to hurt, not be damaged so he slid back out and circled playfully again. “You sure bitch? Can't take it back.” He asked one last time. An Alpha didn't normally submit so easily but his was damn special. He'd try to show him what a gift it felt like later.
“Want it. Need you. You Cols- Daddy, please? Fuck me.” The words were nearly whined but sure. Dom needed his mate more than he needed air.
Author's Note/Tags: @iamnotanearthlingmotherfucker @hollywoodxwhore @jaxbreaker @fenoy7 @cole-way-iero28 if anyone wants tagged let me know 🩷🖤
So that was... Smutty as fuck. I'll just say it 🤭 The next part will be just as bad if not worse. Maybe more, we'll have to see. Eventually the plot will start plotting but for now let's just let the boys bond. Hope you're enjoying it! ❤️‍🔥🖤
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crow2222 · 7 months
You're aware of what finning is right? Idk if it's actually called finning but I find it makes much more sense to call it that, basically, Mer!AU, where Darry, an orca mer, is getting or has gotten finned? You can add the gang finding him either without his fins, laying in the sand, or arriving in time to help him not lose his fins.
I've just had this bouncing around for a while and need someone who can actually write as opposed to my gibberish.
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Sodapop merman art for this as well 💋!!
WC: 1,970 words
Darry still wasn't back.
Ponyboy kept pestering Sodapop, asking where he was; which showed that he was obviously concerned for his older brother. He'd act all tuff in front of Darry though, pretend as if he doesn't care.
Soda didn't get that about his brothers, they always seemed to hide how they felt about each other which is quite odd, at least for him. Soda never hid how he’s feeling with them, even when he thought of doing so.
Pony was at the point of hysterics at this point, "Wha' if- wha' if it's like mother and father?" His voice was quiet, hushed, like he didn't want the fish around them to hear.
Darry? Killed by hunters? No. No way.
Sodapop couldn't help but scoff, Darry was smart, he was strong, and he knew the spots where the humans would fish.
Pony glared at his brother, his irises quickly sharpening to mere slits, "What so funny?" His body tensed up, his eyebrows knitting together in frustration, wondering if Soda thought of him as a joke.
Despite his tough exterior, and trying to seem dangerous, all Soda could really see was his little baby brother scowling at him as if he stole his brother’s fish, alongside those grayish green eyes that seemed to always be reflecting light coming from the surface. 
With a wave of his hand, Soda explained. "Sorry, sorry. I jus' reckon we would know if somethin' would happen t' 'im though." He hopped up from the rock he was resting on, he just couldn't be sitting still anymore. Pony, knowing this, swam up with his brother and they started going up towards the shore, around where Darry was meant to be.
"Sketchy, that's what this is. Why must he go to this.. place anyways?" Soda realised Pony must've been referencing the Tavern up a bit beyond the shore. It was extremely loud and bright there at night, which would scare fish away, especially when humans came down to the shore as well. Darry prohibited them from ever going near the shore, saying he'd personally make sure they'd never be able to swim again.
Sodapop shrugged his shoulders with a shake of his head, “I’d tell ya if I knew.” They were basically at the end of the water of where they could still swim comfortably. Soda knew Pony never went as far as here, but he's gone to some “bonfire parties” himself at the shore, which is exactly why he has a hidden stash of clothes on the surface. As Soda wondered if he should tell his brother, he could start smelling copper..he could smell blood.
Pony must’ve as well, because he met his older brothers’ eyes. Both of them reflected the same fear, the fear of Darry being gone.
A quick visual search in the water proved useless as the blood trailed out of the water. Soda tried to make Pony stay in the water, not wanting his first out on the surface experience to be possibly as horrible as this, but there was no stopping him when it came to their brother, whether it was about his safety or raging against him.
They quickly went across the shallow water, knowing it was dangerous to be caught during these early morning hours. 
That’s when the hunters came out.
They finally caught on that the blood trail was lengthened by the water currents, and not by movement itself.
Soda stared at the giant rock where the blood seemed to pool from.
He could feel every scale on his translucent skin quiver as he slowly approached the other side of the boulder, Pony trailing right behind him. He felt nauseous, his heartbeat roaring in his ears as he peered over the corner,
And then he realised their worst fear was real.
Darry lay half hoisted on the rock, his face scrunched up, pain visible in every crevice on his face. The blood covering him didn’t help his image, but as Sodapop searched for his injury, he instantly found out what it was.
His fins were gone.
Sodapop then heard a sharp gasp behind him, then nothing at all, as if Pony was holding his breath, just for a chance to hear Darry’s. Soda soon realised that he was doing it too. They were in suspense for what felt like eternity, but then they both watched his chest rise. They probably let out the biggest sighs of their lives all at once. 
Sodapop broke the agonizing silence first, “Help me bring him further up.” And Ponyboy, like a good little brother, asked no questions and helped Soda by grabbing other Darry's arm, and they both dragged him up under the decaying wooden bridge at the beach despite Darry's groans of protest.
Ponyboy hastily found his position, hugging his brother, and just watched as his other brother left, any trace of his tail and fins gone.
The way Sodapop ran off puzzled Ponyboy, since when was Sodapop able to walk so flawlessly on his two feet? He's tried his fair share of walking on land when his brothers weren't around, but he never truly got the hang of it.
He wanted to wipe the sudden tears out of his eyes, especially since all he could see was a red blur of his brother but he didn't dare move his arms away from his brother's possibly dying body, hoping that his will alone will save Darry.
It didn't take long for Sodapop to come back, all dressed up in loose human clothes, with even more bundled up in his hands.
Sodapop tried to silently pry Pony off of Darry, but Pony would defensively bare his teeth, not even bothering to think of what his brother was trying to accomplish.
The middle child found himself sighing impatiently, “I want to bandage him up Pony. So he stops bleeding out?” He snapped at his brother, feeling the guilt seep into his bones after he uttered the last word.
But before Sodapop could apologize, Pony's arms slithered off Darry, revealing that they were now also covered in the crimson liquid as well.
Sodapop paid little to no mind to Ponyboy, instead Soda started to tear apart his spare clothes and wrap up anything he could. The wound on Darry's back was the hardest to bandage, but he eventually did it, not without the help of a giant shirt he stole of course.
Darry moved only the slightest bit to help with Sodapop's handiwork, but his panting and whines at each move was heartbreaking for his brothers to hear.
What was even more heart shattering? When he called out for their mom.
It was barely a squeak from his throat, but both the brothers caught it, the air suffocating them from the overwhelming worry.
Sodapop and Ponyboy sat side by side, both now in their “human forms”, not really sure of what to do next. Without his fins, Darry isn't able to swim. Being in the water would also mean the bandages Sodapop just applied would be of no use.
Pony shivered in the navy shirt his brother had given him, the sleeves were ripped off as bandages, but he didn't dare complain. 
Darry was in some sort of jacket, whatever that is. Ponyboy was just being taught these words, as Soda tried to distract him from the fact that he had no clue how else to help Darry.
After a bit more of talking, it was Ponyboy that actually had come up with an idea. “Wha if we get human help?” Sodapop's eyes widened as he looked down at his brother, but before he could ask if he was utterly crazy, Pony continued. 
“We have ta git 'im in his human form, and then we call a human over? I mean.. almost completely light out Soda, we bound to get noticed.” Ponyboy whispered, as if he was already afraid of being caught.
Sodapop sighed again, noting how his brother's idea isn't actually that bad. “You know what? Sure Pony.” But the hardest part was yet to come, trying to convince Darry to change his form whilst in pain.
Soda carefully shook Darry’s shoulder whilst calling his name, and after only three “Darry"s later, he opened his eyes with a short grunt.
Trying his best to be gentle, Sodapop helped Darry to sit up straight. “Can ya get out of the tail? We need ta get human help Dar.” He spoke softly, similar to the way he'd speak to Pony after he had a bad nightmare.
Darry's eyes opened slightly to see his younger brothers’ fearful faces. “Aye.” His voice was thick with exhaustion, and now Soda started to worry that he'd been laying out by the rocks, awake, for far too long.
As Soda and Pony waited for Darry, their heads snapped up as the wood above them creaked awkwardly with pressure. 
A human.., a hunter?
Sodapop faced his baby brother, “Go get that human for help, I'll stay with Darry.” Instead of following anything Soda would ask of him, he shook his head vigorously. 
“Natter with human? No! No!” His eyes seemed even more full of tears if that was possible, it was a shock to Soda that they haven't spilled out yet.
And so, with an annoyed huff, Soda got up himself and pointed at Pony. “Stay right here.” And then he hurried off for help.
Soda sprinted up the land, until the bridge was low enough for him to push up onto it. As he looked sideways, towards the sunrise, he noticed only one person on the bridge.
“Help!” He yelled out, running even faster than earlier to reach the man as quickly as possible. “Help- My kin! He's hurt and he needs mighty help!”
The man turned around, his greased up rusty hair lit up by the morning sun hues. “They be hurt?” Despite the rude interruption of his morning rum, he didn't find it in himself to be mad about that.
“Yes! By uh.” Soda bit down on his lips, realizing what he'd have to say. “By those bloomin' sirens!” He spat out the words with as much hate as he could muster, and only when he finished his sentence, he realised his lip was bleeding.
The bottle clicked as the man set it down, it twas still almost full but it'd have to wait. “Where's ye heartie?” The man seemed to get focused after he mentioned a siren, but Sodapop already knew the hatred of his species from his time at the tavern, Bucks.
“Under the bridge!” Sodapop jumped straight down, the drop landing him in the water. The man, on the other hand, ran down the bridge a bit before jumping down, so he landed on the dry sand instead.
Sodapop led the man to his brothers lickety-split, surprised that Darry seemed less groggy from the last time he saw him.
Darry stared daggers at the human, but his look faltered as another wave of pain hit him, where he let out a quiet hiss as he jammed his eyes shut.
The man looked stunned for a second, before going up to Darry, and helped him up by wrapping his arm around his waist. Darry, in turn, hooked his arm around the man's neck with a whimper.
The man tipped his head towards Soda, and soon enough the two of them were hoisting Darry up, and walking towards the town not far from the shore.  
Pony was right at their tail, glad that the human wasn't looking at him as he was subtly trying to figure out how to walk. He knew enough to follow them, but his balance was all over the place.
The man shook his head with a crazy grin once they left the sandy beach. “Blimey! Wait 'til me crew sees the state o' ‘im.”
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kining-the-evil · 1 year
Was wondering if you could write a Dewey x ghostface reader and how he’d react to them revealing it.
But if you could, show their relationship while she was hiding it and how gentle/possessive she was with him. And she’s asking forgiveness even after she’s betrayed his trust.
You Know Me
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Warnings: blood, killing, ghostface!reader, fem!reader, use of a gun, slight Yandere!reader, reader try’s to manipulate Dewey
An: I’ve never been crazy about Yandere!reader fics, but I think it’s kinda what is needed for this plot.
Scream Taglist: none currently. Let me know if you want added
Scream masterlist All Masterlist
Your hands throbbed as you scrubbed at the red staining them. You hadn’t expected this, sure you expected blood, but not this much. You hadn’t expected it to cake to your hands and be impossible to wash off. How had your brother or mom felt with it? With the sticky feeling and awful smell?
As you continued to scrub, the color lightened. It reminded you of the popsicles Dewey’s family kept in the freezer when you were in elementary school. Images of you riding your bikes together and staining your faces red from the popsicles ran through your head.
He was who you thought of the moment after the act was done. After you killed him your mind immediately thought of the man who would show up to investigate the mutilated body you left behind.
You froze when you heard your name being called. He was supposed to be working late, and the murder should have kept him out even longer. You shouldn’t have even seen him until tomorrow, at earliest.
“In the bathroom!” You quickly answered, scrubbing that much harder. You had to hurry.
He didn’t seem to approach the bathroom, and soon your hands looked clean enough. Hopefully he wouldn’t look at them to closely. With a quick look at the rest of your appearance, you decided you looked put together enough to leave the room. But when you reached for the door you hesitated.
You always considered yourself lucky that he hadn’t left you 4 years ago when your brother did what he did, or even 2 years ago when your mom attacked that college. He never blamed you, never cut you off or grouped you in with them. He stayed, and he loved you. Hell, he’d married you only 6 months ago, and you had just become the thing that haunted his dreams.
“Y/n, are you ok?”
You jumped away from the door, surprised by how close his voice was. He had to be just on the other side of the door. With a final, deep breath you opened the door with a soft smile.
“Ya, im Fine.” Dewey’s slightly worried face greeted you, still in his uniform. “What’s wrong-“
You were cut off by him pulling you into a tight hug, one hand cradling your head. You hugged back quickly, knowing full well what was wrong.
“Hey, it’s ok. I’ve got you,” you mumbled into his ear.
“Sidney’s father is dead.”
You let out a deep breath, hoping you sounded concerned. “What happened?”
“I’m not sure. I was supposed to go to the house but the neighbors said…” he paused to take a deep breath. “The neighbors said someone ran away wearing a ghostface mask.”
Your heart sank at his words. Roman said no one would be there, that the neighbors would be gone.
“I should be there, I just,” he pulled away to see your face. “I panicked.”
“Hey,” you took his face in your hands, rubbing small circles with your thumbs. “It’s going to be ok.”
Dewey smiled, bringing a hand up to cup yours. He seemed to be about to lean for a kiss, but stoped when his hand didn’t feel the familiar metal that was supposed to be on your finger.
“Where’s you ring?”
You prayed that you didn’t look panicked at his question. You never took your ring off, no mater what. And if you absolutely had to it was always near you to be put back on after. You had left it in your nightstand drawer before leaving earlier, you just hadn’t had time to put it back on.
“I was working on a project, and didn’t want it to get dirty,” you offered as an explanation. He accepted it, offering to grab it for you. He had decided to call it a night, claiming that they could handle the investigation without him for the night. But you knew the truth; he was worried. He didn’t want to leave you alone.
“Want to do a movie night?” You were both curled up on the couch, you tucked into his side. Neither of you really wanted to cook, and Dewey didn’t want anyone leaving or coming to the house.
“Sure,” You mumbled before sliding from his hold to look at the movies you guys had. You sorted through them, trying to find something good. Dewey wasn’t overly picky when it came to movies, so that just left something you’d want to watch. He was offering a few ideas, and you searched for them until you found a specific one that made you stop. Psycho. A flash of memories from movie nights with your brother went through your bed, bringing back the heavy feelings of anger; a reminder of why you did what you did.
“You ok?” Dewey’s voice was soft, pulling you from your thoughts.
“Fine. Just remembered I was planing on getting rid of this movie.” You tossed the movie to the side before grabbing some random one to put in. You weren’t even sure if it was something you liked, but at this point you didn’t care. “Popcorn?”
“I’m ok.” With his confirmation, you slid back to your spot on the couch. Moments like this, beging wrapped up in your husbands arms while some shitty movie played, made you wish you could just move on. Made you wish you’d just talked to him about what you were feeling, but you were in to deep now. You couldn’t just walk away. You’d have to finish the job without letting him find out.
Everything hurt, as though you’d been thrown through a meat grinder. You kept your eyes closed while your mind tried to catch up.
You had driven to Stu’s house, why?
Billy was there, some party. It made you nervous with everything that was going on….and Dewey. He was Gale, and you didn’t trust the women to not take advantage of him. So where were you now?
You opened your eyes slowly, recognizing the Woodsboro Hospital. Why were you here? You glanced down, moving the blanket to see bandages over your stomach. Two blood spots seeping through. Then it hit. The running, that damn mask, seeing Dewey on the ground, and a knife being plunged into your stomach.
You could hear your heart rate risings as panic set in. Where was Dewey? Billy? We’re they dead? You pulled what stuff you could off, grabbing the bag your iv was connected to, and, as carefully as you could, stood up. You let out a small yelp at the pain, but you pushed through. You had to find them.
Every step hurt, and at one point you felt a tug at your skin and burning pain. You must have done something to your stitches. You chucked the names on each chart outside of the rooms until you found one you wanted.
Riley, Dwight.
You pushed the door open, seeing Dewey on the bed. A nurse was adjusting something on his iv, speaking lightly with him.
“Dewey,” you all but whispered. Your throat burned, but it was loud enough to get both of their attention.
“Y/n!” His faced almost relaxed for a moment before frowning again. “What are you doing up?”
You didn’t answer, taking the last few painful steps before you were at his side.
“Ma’am, you need to get back to bed. It looks like you’ve already hurt yourself again-“ the nurse touched your arm, but you ripped it away.
“Don’t” the two of you stared the other down until the nurse seemed to make a decision. She left the room, probably to get someone to help drag you back to your room, but you didn’t care all that much. You had a few minutes with Dewey and you weren’t going to waist it.
“You really shouldn’t be up-“
“Don’t start that. You know damn well you was going to come looking the moment I could. I just wanted to know you’re ok. Have you talked to the other officers?”
“They Just left. Probably will want to talk to you in a bit.”
“They can wait.” You Held his hand in your own, feeling him rub his finger on the back of yours. “…do they know who did it?”
He hesitated for a moment before nodding, and in most cases you would question it. But not today. He wouldn’t lie about something like this.
“Good.” You paused before your next question. “Do you… do you know what happened to my brother?” The look on his face made you heart drop.
“I’m sorry y/n.” You were trying to fight off tears, silently praying it wasn’t true. That you would go home and the asshole would be sat on the couch, some horror movie playing. That he would mock you for some stupid thing, and you would do it right back. The Stu would be on his way to pick the boy up for another damn movie night or the others house. And you would tell him to be back by midnight, but he wouldn’t be and you both knew it.
“There’s something else.” You glanced back at Dewey’s face, wondering what could possibly be added to something like this. “He- him and Stu…they did it.”
“N-no,” you whispered, shaking your head as a few stray tears ran down your face. You couldn’t believe it, Billy, your baby brother, a… murderer? No. And you’d known Stu for years, you never thought he could harm a fly. And you were expected to just believe that they killed people?
“It’s true. Casey, Steve-“ he voice caught in his throat. “-Tatum”
“Dewey…” you reached out to hug him. To avoid his injuries you were more cradling his head, but you didn’t care. He was practically sobbing into your shoulder at the confession, and a horrifying thought came to your head. Had he found his own sister dead?
“Pick up the god damn phone,” you cursed. You were in your bedroom, door cracked so you could see if Dewey came walking down. He had fallen asleep during the movie and while normally you would join him, tonight you had something else to do.
“You Said no one would be near the house!” You hissed into the phone.
“Ops,” Roman chuckled I to the phone making you angrier.
“We were just supposed to lure Sidney here so we could kill her, not start another ghostface killing!” It would be all over the news tomorrow, ‘ghostface back!’ There was no way you’d get Sidney alone, Dewey wouldn’t leave her side once she came to the town.
“Come on, I need some new content for the next Stab movie.”
“I don’t fucking care about your movie!” You quickly glanced at the door, your voice had gotten slightly louder then intended.
“The last Loomis I worked with cared about the movies way more.”
In the moment you wanted to kill Roman more then anything. He had turned Billy into a killer, you were sure of it. “And your lucky I don’t kill you for every speaking to him. And it’s not Loomis, you know that.” With that you hung up. There wasn’t much of a point to the call other then to yell at him. To get some anger out before you went after Sidney. But you made a decision while standing there. You would kill Roman too, and he would take the fall of everything.
That was all you could think as you rushed around the locked house. Roman had decided Your and Dewey’s house was perfect for the ‘third act.’ You had a security system that could lock you all in the house until Roman would escape, making you and Dewey look like the poor victims that somehow survived another attack.
However, the night wasn’t going quite as smooth. Sidney had gotten away from you, so now you both were hunting for her. You didn’t know where Dewey was, but you knew he was probably searching for you, hoping to save you from the killers.
By some sort of luck, you turned a corner running straight into Sidney. Your arm shot out to pull her close to your body, the other holding the knife to her throat.
“Quit, or I’m gonna gut you the same way I did your dad,” you hissed into her ear. The voice modular making sure she wouldn’t know who you were. Keeping your hold on her, you dragged her to the living room. That plan was to kill her with Roman, then you would both ‘escape’, Roman would stab you in the shoulder for effect, and the police would find you and Dewey left in the house. You originally didn’t want Dewey to get hurt at all, but you also knew that he would be a suspect if the happened.
You froze when you saw Roman, or ghostface, standing over Dewey. Your husband was on the ground, a knife lodged deeply in his stomach. And if the blood was any indication, it had hit something important.
“Dewey!” Sidney threw her elbow back, making you release her and stumble back. Everything happened quickly after that. Sidney had the knife in your side, and Roman had a hand in Sidney’s hair to yank her towards him.
“You’ve got it from here, right?” The voice changer mocked you as he dragged the women away. You waited until the sound of your front door closing before making a move. The bitch had left you both here to die. You moved the best you could with your wound, wanting to check on Dewey. Unfortunately, that seemed to be the moment he become fully aware of his surroundings.
“Don’t move!” He sat up suddenly, grabbing the knife that Sidney had stabbed you. You could see the pain on his face from the movement, causing panic to surge through you. He had to be ok.
“Dewey! It’s me! I’m not going to hurt you.” You pulled the mask off, letting him see your face. For a moment, he looked relieved, and god did you wish it stayed that way.
“Don’t move. You’re losing to much blood, we need to get you help-“ you stoped when his hand tightly gripped your wrist.
“Why?” That wasn’t the normal response you would expect, but shock had to be doing a number on him.
“I’m sorry,” you whispered. You were begging the tears to not fall. You hated crying in front of him.
“Why?” He asked again. He had no anger in his face, not even fear. All you saw was confusion and hurt. And that was the final push to send you into a fit of sobs.
“Every time I see her, I feel anger. I think about my brother and my mom, how I lost everyone except my asshole dad. And you,” you quickly added the last part. “I know it was wrong, I know how evil it makes me but…” you didn’t have a way to end that sentence. You were going to prison, and you were going to lose the only person who still loved you.
“You’re crying.”
His words stumped you. You didn’t expect him to point out the most obvious thing about your current situation. If anything, it made you feel more ashamed.
“I haven’t seen you cry since the night at the hospital; it was the last time you talked about your brother. You never even mentioned your mom- how much pain are you in to have gone this far?”
You didn’t know what to say. What was the appropriate thing to say? What could you possibly say to the love of your life who is bleeding out on the floor because of you? Dewey reached up to cradle your face in his hands, whipping away your tears. His softness confuses you, but you loved it.
“I let you hurt for so long, that you let in your worst thoughts take control.”
“No!” You quickly tried to correct him. “Don’t ever, blame yourself. I did this, and now you’re going to hate me. And you should. I deserve to go to prison, I killed someone.” It was the first time you openly admitted it. The words felt vial in your mouth, and your world felt like it was crumbling.
“You aren’t a killer.” His eyes were staring into your own. “I have known you since we were kids, I have loved you since high school, you aren’t a killer.”
“But I-“
“You’re passed out in the other room, from blood loss,” he continued. “Whoever it is with Sidney, their partner ran off, leaving you and me for dead.” You didn’t believe what he was saying. He was giving you a way out, covering up what you did.
“What happens…what happens when the killer accuses me of helping him?”
“Me and Sidney both know you would never do this. We both trust you.” You knew what the right thing to do would be. Turn yourself in, make sure Roman goes to prison with you, and lose everything. But you knew what you would do.
“I should call 911,” You whispered.
“I’ll see you at the hospital.” He offered you the smile that you loved so much, and for a moment you weren’t sitting in your living room bleeding out. You were at dinner on a quiet night, on your first date, laughing in a diner on prom night when neither of you had dates, and playing outside as little kids. Dewey had been there for you every day of your life, and today was no different. He was just helping you clean up the mess you made. But that’s what you do when you love someone.
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Can you do headcanons for the gang comforting you after you break up with your s/o of 4 years? 😢 it's your choice if you wanna add that they had a crush on you while you were dating that person or if they're just comforting you as friends! Thank you!
“He doesn’t deserve you”
A/N: i absolutely hate this tbh and went wayyyy off topic but anyway. this does reference the book a lot at the end so pretend bob was never killed by pony. i mean it’s hinted at that bob is the ex but still.
Tags: fluff, all the boys, big protective mama bear darry
Warnings: a bit of violence in this one.
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“i really thought he was the one..” Y/N sat on the sofa in the Curtis house crying. “Y/N..i know you loved him, but he was never a good person. why do you think i wouldn’t let him around here? i knew from the start that something bad was going to happen but i didn’t have any reason to think that.” Darry sighed. “i should’ve told you though anyway.” Y/N wiped their eyes “No, no i get that. i just wish that i saw it. now he’s running around with that redhead Soc. why did i think he ever loved me?”
Just then, the rest of the gang piled in the door. “Who do i have to kill?” Steve and Dally said in sync. Y/N laughed. “We’re not going to kill anyone, i’m just going to hospitalise him.” they winked at the boys. there was a silence for a moment. “I think i’m gonna go for a quick walk. Dal come with me.” Darry announced, standing up. “will you be alright Y/N?” he looked back at them. “Yeah i’ll be alright.” they smiled before darry and dally walked out. Soda sighed “they’re gone to beat him up.” “I know” Y/N replied, way too cheerful. “im gonna follow them.” they stood up “Woah there cowboy(g/n) you really think that you can go storming out to beat your ex up?” Two-Bit put a hand on their shoulder. “yea i do. i hate his guts. That’s enough for me to be able to fight god never mind him” they snapped. Y/N quickly hugged Two before running out and down the street. After they ran out he froze. “SHIT.” Soda looked up at him “what?” Two turned to face him slowly. “Y/N took my blade..” It was now everyone else’s turn to freeze. “Shit.” they all said in union.
Meanwhile Darry and Dally were having a ‘chat’ with Y/N’s ex. by chat i mean they were completely kicking his ass. though neither of them had pulled a blade, they didn’t want to fight dirty no matter how angry they were. “Y/N is the sweetest, loyalest, most caring people you will ever meet. They’re like a sibling to me and when someone messes with my family, well, this is what happens to ya.” Darry hissed. Just then Y/N walked in. “Y/N! You’re here to stop them right?” Their ex fell to the ground, blood streaming down his face. It made Y/N feel slightly sick looking at him. “Dar, Dal. i think you got your point across. we don’t want a murder on our hands now do we?” Darry chuckled. “you really think i have that little self control? his nose isn’t even broken.” Y/N leaned down and helped their ex up. They hugged him. “This is what you get.” Before their ex could ask what they mean, Y/N drove the blade of Two-Bit’s blade into his stomach. “What..the fuck..” He whispered. Darry gasped, Dally smirked as if to say he expected it though you could see a glint of fear in his eyes. Y/N pulled the blade out and stuck it back in their pocket. “Dal, where did you say that church was? Windrixville was it?” they asked. “Y-Yea, windrixville.” dally stuttered. “well i guess i have a long journey ahead of me and hey, if they ask where i am say i’m going to Texas.” They wink before walking off into the night, leaving the two boys standing there, stunned.
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mybluelonglegs · 9 months
2d x reader mini story
(backstage y/n is a beginning singer)
i closed my eyes finished singing my lyrics and heard the crowd scream. i smiled in response
" Thank you so much guys!, ill be right back but with the time ill be gone a wonderful group called the.." i said looking at my hand which had the name of the band. " the GORILLAZ" i said yelling the bands name, i heard the crowd scream in response while i started walking off the stage until... "o-" i said closing my eyes feeling my body fall from the impact that hit me, i felt someone's arm wrap around my waist and said "oh im sorry love, i didn't see you their" he said laughing softly and nervously " you, okay?" i quickly opened my eyes "oh ya sorry, i wasn't looking where i was going"i said quickly getting up off of him" oh go,go your gonna miss your que" i said running backstage "bu-"i heard him say before i ran far enough backstage. ( what the fuck was that) i thought to myself, i shrugged it off and started getting ready for my next song after them which was about in 20 or so, so i had time to change into a new outfit " hmm what should i wear?" i said looking at my closet. "oh perfect" i said heading to the bathroom in my changing room i changed and walked infront of my body lengthen mirror
y/ns hair
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y/ns shirt
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y/ns pants
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y/ns shoes
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" okay i think this will fit the song good" i said shrugging and walking to my makeup desk and starting my makeup
" that was a weird interaction, never had that happen before" i said thinking about the situation while doing my makeup
" okay and done" i said smiling at my art work
y/ns makeup
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"okay i really went off with this look" i said looking into the mirror when my ear bud buzzed my managers voice coming from it
" okay y/n its time to get into place"
i pushed a button " you got it mom" i said jokingly
i heard my manager laugh in response " come on if we go at this speed you'll miss it"
"okay,okay im going mom" i said laughing and walking out my changing room
i slowly made it to the side of the stage watching the man that caught me from falling singing i looked at him confused and buzzed my earbud " hey who's the guy that singing?" i waited for her to answer
" thats the lead singing of the gorillaz" i heard her voice
" really? i thought the band would be older than that how old is he anyway?" i said buzzing my ear bud
"um let me think by the way hes acting and how he looks i would say maybe like 24 or 5 why?" my manager asked confused
" just curious i guess i mean the name just sounds like they would be older" i said crossing my arms and listening to the song he was singing
( he was singing 5/4) the girls were going crazy for him and he was eating it up winking and kissing their hands i rolled my eyes waiting for my turn
but when i was about to turn, i was someone in the corner of my eyes so i looked back and he was Infront of me.. he pulled the mic away listening to the tempo " sing with me" he said putting his hand out
i grabbed my mic and walked out with him the crowd went wild screaming our names i laughed in response. he continued to sing his bands song
" she turned my dad on~" he sang winking at me
i laughed in response and looked back at the crowd walking over to the other side of the stage and started humming to the tempo
"she turned my dad on~" i sang looking at him and started moving my body ( hips) to the beat
( i noticed a light tint of blush on his face while he sang making me laugh softly)
"dad on, dad on" a little girl sang playing the guitar
i turned and smiled
" she made me kill myself come on~" he sang as the song slowly ended looking at me
the crowed cheered us on and we walked to each other and bowed. i turned to him " your really good" i said smiling
"thx love you to" i said winking at me
" thanks so whos in your band we might have to chat" i said winking back
" well then we'll meet you after the show" he said winking and walking off the stage with his band
i looked at the crowd and waited for my song
~skipping my song hermit the frog~
"we broke our glass ballon let go of my glass ballon" i said singing the lasts of the lyrics and bowed
" thank you, thank you i hope you enjoyed the show tonight and have a wonderful lasting night" i smiled and blow a kiss at the crowd and walked backstage still hearing them clapping
i sighed going to my dressing room and started humming music and taking off my outfit and putting on a black crop top on with some flannel pjs. i sighed again laying down on the couch when was a knock at my door.
( hey guys if you would like a part two pls like or give me some ideas pls)
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selineram3421 · 2 years
Hello!!! I saw you do a lot of Alastor requests (which Im highly grateful for)
I was wondering if you could do one for when idk Y/N or basically a new person drops in hell they met most of the HH cast except for Alastor but right before they meet for the first time they were listening to Video Killed the Radio Star and singing to it (on and off)
How would you think Alastor would react?
Most of my request have been for him lol.
Installing the Disco Ball
Alastor & Reader Oneshot
You were running from the music store, holding onto the cassette player you recently stole. Also a bag with a bunch of cassette tapes.
"Hey! You're not getting away from me you piece of shit!", you hear the shop owner shout.
Why do they even care about this stuff? They're getting more money by selling CDs. You thought as you ran, turning at a corner. Uh oh-
A dead end.
Staring at the brick wall for a moment, you look around to see if there's something you can climb to escape.
"Nowhere to run now.", the person you were running from says, blocking the exit.
"Ya know, you sound like a greaser from one of those old movies. Where they are about to jump somebody.", you say, turning to face them. "Can I just get a slap on the wrist?", you shrug.
They pull out a bat.
"So that's a no..", you mumble.
Next thing you know, you're plummeting down into Hell.
Yeah, that hurt.
Upside is that the cassette player you stole was still on you! Looking through your pockets you also find cassettes. Score.
After walking around for a while, you find a flyer that says hotel with vacant rooms and no pay. Its covered in highlighter and glitter.
"Hmm..kinda shady but I'm sold with the glitter.", you tell yourself and start walking.
You knock on the double doors with a rhythm, then remember this is a hotel. So that's a weird thing to do..
"We don't want your fucking brownies!", a demon with long white hair yells out as they yank the door open.
Blink blink.
"Um, I don't have brownies..", you say and lift up the pink flyer. "I do have this flyer though, am I at the right place?", you ask, shaking the paper and glitter falling from it.
"Oh, yeah.", she answers and moves to the side for you to enter. "Come on in."
Once inside, you're greeted by a very bubbly blonde.
"Hi! Welcome to the Happy Hotel!", she says with a wide smile and bounces in place. "You're going to love your stay here!"
"Cool.", you say. "I just died so I had no idea where to go, then I saw glitter.", you hold up the flyer.
The blonde squeals and the white haired demon just sighs. After proper introductions, the two show you around the hotel. (Or at least the almost finished rooms.) Then you're led into an office. You ended up working at the hotel and got a free room.
Not double dead, got a job, and living somewhere for free!
It was a win in your book.
Eventually you got headphones for the cassette player and had them on most of the time. You've met the other demon in the hotel while listening to music. A really fluffy spider demon.
Today you had gone shopping for two specific cassette tapes. Don't Stop Believing by Journey and Video Killed The Radio Star by The Buggles. Also a few Daft Punk ones.
You kinda had to almost kill someone for them but you were able to get them! Yay!
Going back to the hotel, you go up to finish installing the disco ball that Charlie wanted in the "ball room." It was just a big open space with a stage. After getting your tools, you set up the latter and put on your headset. Fully immersed in your work and the music, you didn't hear anything.
Not even the whole musical number going on in the lobby with the Radio Demon, or the hole caused by Sir Pentious.
Safety glasses were on and you had a head light on to be able to see what you were doing.
They took the credit for your second symphony
You sang along as you got a screw from the box on top of your stomach. Kinda in a weird position but hey, it worked.
Rewritten by machine and new technology
And now I understand the problems you can see
Mumbling the lyrics, you kept working on the base of the contraption that would lower the disco ball. You hummed the rest and didn't hear the doors open.
Alastor had offered to make jambalaya for everyone after getting rid of the annoying snake demon. Getting ready to walk into the kitchen.
That is until the princess stopped him.
"Um, I hope you can make enough for everyone.", she says.
"Why of course! It would be terrible not to!", he smiles and does a quick head count. "Six servings, and a little more for extra."
"Seven.", Charlie says, putting up a finger.
"Oh?", the Radio Demon hums.
"They have a tendency to work with their headphones on and its probably why we haven't seen them today.", she shrugs apologetically. "They are in the ball room if you want to meet them."
"That's good to know.", he says and thinks it over for a moment. "Very well, I shall introduce myself before making the meal."
He now stood in front of the double doors of the ball room and pushed them open.
The best part was coming up and you were almost done with the whole base! All you had left to do was to attach the wire and the disco ball.
In my mind and in my car
We can't rewind, we've gone too far
Oh-a-aho oh. Oh-a-aho oh.
That little bit of instrumental played and you kinda shimmied. Not too much or else your tools would fall.
Video killed the radio star
Video killed the radio star
In my mind and in my car
We can't rewind, we've gone too far
Pictures came and broke your heart
You were too gone into the music to notice the growing static coming from behind you.
Put the blame on VCR!
Then the latter wobbled, making you get out of your weird position.
You are the radio star. You are the radio star. Video killed-
The song continued.
"Whoa!", you yelp as you lose hold of the dang thing and close your eyes as you began falling.
No hard landing but whatever caught you felt weird.
"Oof!", you let out, eyes still shut tight.
The headphones were slid off of your ears and left on your neck. Opening your eyes and looking up, you see a pair of glowing red eyes. The volume was loud enough for the both of you to hear the music.
Video killed the radio star. Video killed the radio star. Video killed the radio star. Video killed the radio star. Video-
You didn't notice when the man grabbed your cassette player until he lifted it up and pressed the pause button, stopping the music.
"Now that I have your attention and ceased that terrible song.", he sets you down, but doesn't give back your music player. "I am Alastor. The Radio Demon.", he emphasizes the last bit.
You blinked up at the red man. Looking to your cassette and then back at him a few times.
"Hey..", you wave and reach for your cassette player. "Can I just get this back-"
He moves it out of your reach.
"May I have your name? Hm?", he says with a grin.
You tell him your name, not letting up on reaching for the source of your jams.
"Gimme my-", you almost touch it but get twirled into a dip. "Whoop-!", you say in surprise, clutching onto the man's coat with one hand.
"Would you be so kind to tell me why you're listening to such a song?", he says, still smiling.
The cassette player is between both of your interlocked hands, music still paused.
"Its a favorite?", you shrug, eyes to the cassette before looking back at the red man. "Kinda ironic since I still like to listen to the radio."
That's all it took for you to be spun back into standing.
"How splendid! Not really my cup of coffee due to the lyrics, but music is music.", he laughs, dusting you off. "I have a request though."
Fingers hold your chin and tilt your head up, now in eye contact with the Radio Demon. He leans in closer to your face, staring right into your eyes.
"Don't play it around me."
You nod, a bit flustered and dumbfounded at how this guy is just ok with being super close.
"Good!", he says pulling away. "Now! I'm making jambalaya for everyone. I hope you can handle a little spice!", he goes on talking as he makes his way back over to the doors.
You stand there for a bit trying to process everything as he leaves the room with a wave.
"Ok...", you say and shake your head.
Turning around, you see the latter not on the floor but still standing up.
. . . .
Patting your pockets after feeling your hands empty, you realize that he took your cassette player along with him.
"That jerk!", you gasp.
This version of the reader is just done with everything and just vibes now. Mood.
~Seline, the person.
@ducky-is-dead-inside @stolas-thebirb @c4rved-pumpk1n
ML for Alastor🎙
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daryldixonsbabys · 11 months
Im new to this whole thing so this may not be good but here we gooo!
Daryl dixon x reader smut🫢
enemies to lovers one shot
Warnings: smut 18+ (fingering,eating out,lots of dirty talk,lots of fucking)
You walked out yours and aarons shared house doing a little stretch expecting a normal day and a normal run with rick grabbing your knives for the window and shoving your boots on wearing a little crop top and some shorts walking down your steps making your way to the gate getting ready to wait for rick.
20 minutes had gone by and rick hadn't showed up getting ready to go find him you hear the same bike you hear every morning about to leave. You turn around to see daryl. Daryl Dixon. Since the moment you joined the group daryl always hated you never doing anything nice and after a while you just began to play along hiding your feelings you had caught for the man.
Daryl stopped next to you grunting and shaking his head. "Rick isn't coming hes gotta look after judith" he paused and looked disappointed "Yer gunna have to come with me" you look at daryl and give him a stare "well are yer coming or not i don't have time for yer bullshit" you stare for a couple more minutes and think about it "You think im getting on your bike?" Daryl laughs and pauses "well if yer wanna go on a run today then u are sweetheart" .
You look at the floor trying to hide you flushed cheeks from the nickname "fine but you can fuck off if you think were talking on the way" Daryl nods at you and you get on the bike going out the gates to a town not to far from Alexandria. You hop off the bike and begin walking to a pharmacy. Daryl get off and questions you "where do ya think yer going?" You turn around and look at him "where do you think asshole?".
You open the door to the pharmacy daryl not far behind you grunting as he walks through the door you walk over do a draw and open it seeing birth control and a couple other pills reading what they are not focusing on whats going on you don't hear the walker behind you "God dammit Y/n watch out" daryl stabs the walker behind you not saying a word just looking at you "d..daryl im sorry i wasn't paying attention" you say dropping the pills back into the draw.
"Yer sorry?..You really think sorrys alright you could of been killed you idiot if I didn't see that walker you would've been dead Y/n!" You freeze and stare at him confused on why he's so upset with you "why do you care so much you fucking hate me" you mumble walking out the door to the next building too busy looking for stuff you don't feel the presence behind you feeling someones arm wrap around your waste and one come up to your neck.
"I don't hate you" you hear daryl say in your ear "I've never hated you from the moment you found our group I've wanted to pin you down and fuck you till you cant say your own name" daryls lips go down your neck slowly "d..daryl" you whimper "what baby you don't want it cmon ive seen the way you glance at me when im fixing my bike" your breathing picks up and you don't move "those shorts and that little crop top your wearing aren't helping sweetheart".
You look down seeing how revealing your clothes are. "Daryl what are you doing" you say feeling his hand that was around your waist go down to your shorts unbuttoning them and slowly dragging his hand down to your panties. "Tell me to stop Y/n tell me you don't want it" daryl feels you shake your head against his chest smirking against your head. His fingers reach your clit and he uses two fingers to rub it you whine at the contact panties getting wetter with every touch "quit your whinin" daryl says his hand going lower shit he mumbles "this all for me baby?" He asks you nod your hes "nuh uh i wanna hear words" "all for you daryl all for you" you moan as the the tip of his finger touches your entrance.
"fuck daryl please" daryl smirks and sinks two fingers into you you moan out and whimper at the stretch "that's it baby shit your so tight" you whimper at daryls words "daryl" you moan "what sweetheart" he asks you can hear the smirk in his tone "can you use your mouth" you ask as his fingers pick up in speed "oh you needy little thing you want my mouth baby?" You nod your head.
Daryl pulls his hand out your pants you whine at the loss but realize what hes doing he get from behind you and gets on his knees in front of you pulling your shorts down and spreading your legs "oh baby she's so pretty" he says grinning you grip his hair and pull him forward whining when he licks a strip up your pussy he continues doing that for a minute till you feel him start sucking your clit moaning his name you try pull him closer feeling your release coming "daryl m'gunna cum please" daryl stop and uses his thumb to rub your clit "go on baby cum all over my tongue" moving his finger and sucking your clit again he stares at you not breaking eye contact.
You grind on his face one more time before you knees buckle and you slump against the wall moaning daryls name while trying to pull him away by his hair but he doesn't lapping up all your release. He stands up and unbuttons his pants letting them drop to the floor "yer sure baby we can stop and go home?" you look up at him "im sure daryl want it" he smiles down at you pushing his boxers down his cock up against his chest you let out a gasp like noise and it catches his attention "it'll fit sweetheart" he grins.
He lifts you up wrapping your legs around his back and your arms around his neck "alright yer gunna have to be quiet don't want any walkers coming in" he smirks. He looks down and gives his cock one last pump before he's bumping his tip against your clit your fingers digging into his shoulders he moves it down going in slowly. You whimper at the stretch "oh i know i know baby its big isn't it?"
You nod at him and whined moving your hips "okay baby" he said kissing your neck he slowly moved the rest of his cock in grunting into your neck "shit oh fuck sweetheart your so fucking tight tell me when i can move" theres a slight sting but you nod your head "words baby i need words" you look him in the eye "please move dar please" he slowly pulls out sliding all the way back in muttering shit into your neck.
He picks up the pace finding that spot that makes you moan he looks at you smirking "your moans sound so good" you whimper feeling him speeding up "daryl m'gunna cum" you moan again feeling your release in your belly "no don't you dare hold it pretty hold it just a little longer can you do that f'me?" You look up at him nodding with tired eyes moaning his name "oh shit pretty you ready can i fill you up baby please" you look up nodding your head at him "good girl baby such a good girl go on cum all over my cock" he thrust his hips one last time and your cumming all over his cock.
"Oh f..fuck baby shit" he slows down pumping you full slowly pulling out getting down on his knees holding you up by your thighs "oh baby i wish you could see this" he says grinning at the mess he made he slowly slides two fingers in making you whimper "i know baby i know im sorry just want y"to be full off me" he gets up pulling your shorts back up leaving you full and sliding his pants back up.
"C'mon pretty" he says picking you up and carrying you back to his bike he sits you on the front this time on his lap. The ride back to Alexandria felt like it took 3 hours you drifted off to sleep on daryls lap with your head in his neck.When he got back he carried you into the house carol smiling at him as he walked through the house.He cleaned you up with a wet cloth making sure you weren't to sore.He placed you on his bed and kissed your forehead taking your shirt and pants off and sliding one of his shirts.
He got himself ready and slid into bed next to you grilling your thighs and putting his head inbetween your tits kissing then.
I feel like this was shit and like rushed it butttt this is my first post sooo hope you enjoyed i guess! I accept requests :) also heres a sexy edit i found of daryl🫢🫢
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thegoober010 · 7 months
Im bored and I had some angst ideas for undertale so be prepared to suffer people >:)!! JK they aren't that bad!
TW/CW -> self destructive behavior, dealing with loss, suicide attempt, eating disorders, dealing with insecurities, depression, ya know the usual
So these are my own personal head canons for these characters so yeah!! Some may be a bit ooc just so ya know!
So these are my own personal head canons for these characters so yeah!! Some may be a bit ooc just so ya know!
characters in this -> ashore, toriel, papyrus, frisk, sans, alphys
without further ado LETS GET STRAIGHT INTO IT
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"Oh you were my everything, I was your second best."
I feel like Sans has a few self destructive behaviors, such as doing activities that could possibly harm him mentally or physically or going out once Papyrus is sleeping and doing something risky. He makes sure he isn't harmed too badly since he still wants to be there for Papyrus but at the same time he just has to find a release and this is the only way he can, all the stress that builds on top of him, each reset he remembers it all so vividly, he remembers how everything felt, he remembers everything he saw in each and every one, he remembers it all. And with all the stress from that the only way to feel better is doing things that could harm him because it makes him feel real, it reminds him he's actually there, alive, real, he's actually going through all this.
I feel like Papyrus struggles with eating, he struggles eating properly, I feel like this started with his obsession of getting into he Royal Guard he feels like a 'proper' guard needs to focus more on training than anything and although he enjoys cooking he doesn't like eating it himself as much as he used to and he's more focused on training or improving. He'd rather someone else eat his food than him after a while, it's not to say he doesn't eat, of course he does... in very small portions that could be considered nothing. The reason he does this is because he wants to focus more on training or improving other aspects of his life and because he feels like if he eats it could possibly ruin his progress and could harm him in general, it's like he's afraid of food.
Asgore deals with a lot of issues after the loss of Chara and Azriel. The loss of his only biological child and of his adoptive child caused him to go into a huge down spiral as shown in the game. I feel like Asgore fakes many parts of his personality for everyone else in the underground to not only give hope but appear stronger than he truly is emotionally, but let's be honest, he has many breakdowns throughout the day, remembering all the moments he had with his kids before they're all slowly replaced with the memory of their deaths. I feel like he also engages in self destructive behavior but instead of physically its more mentally. Ya know by like... killing kids. It ruins his mental stability more as it reminds him of the deaths of his own children.
Toriel also deals with many emotions after the loss of her children. She gets easily attached to children or anyone who's very child-like. She acts like a very caring mother figure to them as it reminds her of how she acted in the past with her own children, it's like she pretends they're Azriel or Chara because she still can't handle the loss. Of course she knows they're gone and that they'll never be back, but she can't help but see them in every child-like monster/human she meets, she hates the fact she can't see them as themselves but instead sees them as her past kids because it makes her feel as if she's pretending they're them, which she kind of is but at the same time she treats them like they're own person. Due to the loss of her kids she also is very protective, she can't handle the thought of losing anymore children and after the loss of the other 6 human souls, the ones she got attached to as well, it caused her to remember all the feelings she had felt that day. She will never forget each loss and she will always blame herself for them, sometimes she thinks about how it might be better to be with them, how she just wants to see her kids again and those she took care of.
Alphy's is a whole angst character on her own Jesus, low self-esteem, the guilt of having to hide her experiments, social anxiety, losing her science partner its crazy. Alphy's low self esteem severely affects her experiments as well as the ones from the past. Her low self esteem caused her to not take many risks that could've actually helped her improve her experiments and the technology used in the underground, and it could've probably even helped Asgore in his journey with grief as she would've had more confidence in handling it and helping him through it, but she didn't, or well more like she couldn't. Even after getting with Undyne I feel like she has abandonment issues, she's scared of being left by her or that she'll find someone better but Undyne does try to help with her self-esteem issues, her guilt and so on.
FRISK IS A WHOLE SITUATION WOWZA! Based on what we know from the games/ what Azriel says in the pacifist route we can infer that Frisk falling down wasn't an accident but a suicide attempt. I believe this to be the case and I feel like Frisk might have many issues to deal with after all why would they jump without reason? Without wanting to be gone? I feel like they don't enjoy talking about it much but they will have to at some point as others start to realize how they truly got into the underground.
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