#killer t x nk cell
kaoruko-han · 5 months
I just think that if Killer T and NK had to dress up they'd both wear a suit
Doing each other ties
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Killer T Cell/Natural Killer Cell (Hataraku Saibou)
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Important: Please do not vote if you don't know the characters.
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nathfiset · 4 months
What is X-linked lymphoproliferative disease and how can cord blood banks help?
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 X-linked lymphoproliferative disease (XLP) is a rare genetic disorder that primarily affects the immune system. It is caused by a mutation in a gene on the X chromosome, resulting in a deficiency of certain immune cells, specifically T and natural killer (NK) cells. This deficiency leads to an increased risk of severe and potentially life-threatening infections, as well as an increased susceptibility to certain types of cancer. XLP can also manifest in other organs, such as the liver and central nervous system, causing a range of symptoms and complications. While there is currently no cure for XLP, early diagnosis and treatment can greatly improve the outcome for affected individuals. This is where cord blood banks can play a crucial role. Cord blood, the blood obtained from the umbilical cord and placenta after childbirth, contains a rich source of stem cells that have the potential to develop into a variety of immune cells. By preserving cord blood in a bank, these precious stem cells can be used for the treatment of XLP and other disorders of the immune system. In this article, we will explore the mechanisms of XLP, its impact on individuals and families, and the potential role of cord blood banks in providing hope for those affected by this devastating disease.
Understanding X-linked lymphoproliferative disease - a rare genetic disorder.
X-linked lymphoproliferative disease (XLP) is a rare genetic disorder that primarily affects the immune system. It is characterized by an abnormal immune response to certain viral infections, leading to severe complications such as lymphomas, organ failure, and even death. XLP is caused by mutations in genes involved in regulating the immune response, particularly the SH2D1A gene. This gene is responsible for producing a protein called SLAM-associated protein (SAP), which plays a crucial role in immune cell signaling. When SAP is absent or dysfunctional, the immune system fails to properly regulate the response to viral infections, resulting in the development of XLP. Due to its rarity and complex nature, XLP often goes undiagnosed or misdiagnosed, leading to delayed treatment and management. However, advancements in genetic testing and research have allowed for improved understanding of the disease, leading to better diagnosis and treatment options for affected individuals.
How does the disease manifest?
X-linked lymphoproliferative disease (XLP) manifests in various ways, primarily affecting the immune system. Individuals with XLP may experience recurrent severe viral infections, particularly Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) infections. These infections can lead to complications such as severe mononucleosis, hepatitis, or even lymphomas. Other common manifestations of XLP include hypogammaglobulinemia, which is a decrease in the production of antibodies, and hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (HLH), a life-threatening condition characterized by uncontrolled immune activation and widespread inflammation. Additionally, individuals with XLP may develop autoimmune disorders, such as autoimmune hemolytic anemia or immune thrombocytopenia. It is important to note that the manifestations of XLP can vary widely among individuals, and early diagnosis and appropriate management are crucial for improving outcomes.
Importance of early diagnosis and treatment
Timely diagnosis and treatment of X-linked lymphoproliferative disease (XLP) play a pivotal role in improving patient outcomes and quality of life. Early detection allows for timely intervention and the implementation of appropriate management strategies. With XLP being a potentially life-threatening condition, early diagnosis enables healthcare professionals to initiate targeted therapies and preventive measures to minimize the risk of severe viral infections, complications, and autoimmune disorders associated with the disease. Furthermore, prompt identification of XLP allows for genetic counseling and testing, which can help in assessing the risk of XLP within families and providing them with necessary information for family planning. By emphasizing the importance of early diagnosis and treatment, healthcare providers can ensure timely interventions that significantly impact outcomes for individuals with XLP.
Role of cord blood banks
Cord blood banks play a significant role in the management and treatment of X-linked lymphoproliferative disease (XLP). These specialized banks collect, process, and store cord blood samples from newborns, which contain valuable stem cells capable of generating various blood components. In the case of XLP, cord blood banks provide a potential source of hematopoietic stem cells that can be used for transplantation. Stem cell transplantation from a compatible donor offers a curative approach for individuals with XLP, as it replaces the defective immune system with a healthy one. By preserving and making these cord blood samples available, cord blood banks contribute to the availability of suitable donors for transplantation, increasing the chances of successful treatment and improved outcomes for patients with XLP. The utilization of cord blood from these banks not only provides a potentially life-saving therapy but also offers hope for those affected by XLP and their families.
Cord blood stem cells explained
Cord blood stem cells are a valuable resource that can be used in various medical treatments and therapies. These stem cells, found in the blood of newborns' umbilical cords, possess unique properties that make them highly desirable for medical purposes. Unlike other types of stem cells, such as those found in bone marrow, cord blood stem cells are relatively easy to collect and store, making them readily accessible for future use. These cells have the ability to differentiate into different types of blood cells, including red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. This versatility makes cord blood stem cells an ideal option for treating a range of diseases and conditions, including certain types of cancer, blood disorders, and immune system disorders. With advancements in medical research and technology, the potential applications for cord blood stem cells continue to expand, offering hope for improved treatment options and better outcomes for patients in need.
How cord blood can help treat XLPD
X-linked lymphoproliferative disease (XLPD) is a rare genetic disorder that affects the immune system and can have severe consequences for those diagnosed. Cord blood banks play a crucial role in potentially treating XLPD by providing a source of stem cells that can be used in hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. These stem cells, derived from the cord blood of healthy newborns, have the ability to replace faulty immune cells and restore the immune system's normal functioning. By transplanting these stem cells, individuals with XLPD may have the opportunity for improved immune response and reduced susceptibility to infections and other complications associated with the disease. The availability of cord blood stem cells through cord blood banks offers new possibilities for the treatment of XLPD and brings hope to patients and their families in their journey towards better health and quality of life.
Success stories of cord blood transplants
Several success stories highlight the potential of cord blood transplants in treating various diseases, including X-linked lymphoproliferative disease (XLPD). One such story involves a young boy diagnosed with XLPD who underwent a cord blood transplant. Following the transplant, his immune system gradually strengthened, and he experienced a significant reduction in infections and related complications. Another inspiring story involves a teenage girl with XLPD who received a cord blood transplant and subsequently achieved remission from the disease. These success stories demonstrate the transformative impact that cord blood transplants can have on individuals affected by XLPD, offering them a chance at improved health and a brighter future. These remarkable outcomes are a testament to the potential of cord blood banks and the invaluable resource they provide in the field of regenerative medicine.
Availability of cord blood banks globally
The availability of cord blood banks globally plays a crucial role in facilitating the use of cord blood for various medical treatments, including those for X-linked lymphoproliferative disease (XLPD). Cord blood banks collect, process, and store umbilical cord blood, which is a rich source of stem cells. These stem cells can be used in transplants to replace damaged or defective cells in patients with XLPD. The widespread establishment of cord blood banks worldwide ensures that a diverse range of individuals can access these life-saving treatments. With cord blood banks in different countries and regions, individuals affected by XLPD have increased opportunities to find suitable matches for their transplant needs, increasing the chances of successful outcomes and improved quality of life. This global availability of cord blood banks exemplifies the collaborative efforts of the medical community to provide accessible and effective solutions for patients with XLPD and other diseases.
Cost and storage options
Cost and storage options are important considerations when utilizing cord blood banks for the treatment of X-linked lymphoproliferative disease (XLPD). The cost of storing cord blood can vary depending on the specific bank and its services. It is essential to research and compare different banks to ensure they meet quality and regulatory standards, as well as provide transparent pricing structures. Additionally, storage options should be evaluated, including the duration of storage, retrieval processes, and the ability to transfer the cord blood to different facilities if necessary. The cost and storage options associated with cord blood banks are critical factors in determining the feasibility and accessibility of utilizing this valuable resource for the treatment of XLPD.
How to choose a reputable cord blood bank.
When choosing a reputable cord blood bank for the treatment of X-linked lymphoproliferative disease, there are several factors to consider. Firstly, it is important to ensure that the bank is accredited by relevant regulatory bodies, such as the AABB or FACT. This accreditation ensures that the bank meets rigorous quality and safety standards in the collection, processing, and storage of cord blood. Additionally, it is advisable to research the bank's track record and reputation within the medical community. Reading reviews, talking to healthcare professionals, and seeking recommendations can provide valuable insights into the bank's reliability and performance. Transparency is also crucial when evaluating a cord blood bank. The bank should provide clear information about their processes, protocols, and fees, including any additional costs that may arise during the storage period. Finally, consider the bank's experience and expertise in handling and treating XLPD specifically. Look for evidence of successful outcomes and ongoing research collaborations in the field of hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. By carefully considering these factors, you can choose a reputable cord blood bank that can provide the necessary support and resources for the treatment of XLPD.In conclusion, X-linked lymphoproliferative disease is a rare genetic disorder that affects the immune system. It can be a devastating diagnosis for families, but there is hope in the form of cord blood banks. These banks store umbilical cord blood which contains valuable stem cells that can be used in the treatment of various diseases, including X-linked lymphoproliferative disease. By banking cord blood, families can have a potential lifesaving resource for their child's future. It is important to spread awareness about this disease and the importance of cord blood banking in order to help those affected by X-linked lymphoproliferative disease.
What is X-linked lymphoproliferative disease and how does it affect individuals?X-linked lymphoproliferative disease (XLP) is a genetic disorder that affects the immune system and is characterized by an abnormal response to Epstein-Barr virus (EBV). Individuals with XLP have a higher risk of developing severe and potentially life-threatening infections, lymphomas, and other immune-related complications when exposed to EBV. This disease can lead to complications such as hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis, lymphoproliferative disorder, and dysgammaglobulinemia. Early diagnosis and management are crucial in preventing these complications in individuals with XLP.How can cord blood banks help in the treatment of X-linked lymphoproliferative disease?Cord blood banks can help in the treatment of X-linked lymphoproliferative disease by providing a source of stem cells that can be used for hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. These stem cells can help restore the immune system in patients with the disease and potentially improve their outcomes. By having a diverse pool of cord blood units available, cord blood banks increase the chances of finding a suitable match for patients in need of a transplant, making them a valuable resource in the treatment of X-linked lymphoproliferative disease.What specific advantages does cord blood offer in treating X-linked lymphoproliferative disease compared to other sources of stem cells?Cord blood offers specific advantages in treating X-linked lymphoproliferative disease due to its higher tolerance for HLA mismatches, lower risk of graft-versus-host disease, and reduced chance of transmitting infectious diseases compared to other sources of stem cells. Additionally, cord blood contains a diverse range of stem cells that can promote immune system reconstitution, making it a valuable option for patients with this inherited disorder.Are there any limitations or challenges in using cord blood from banks for treating X-linked lymphoproliferative disease?There may be limitations in using cord blood from banks for treating X-linked lymphoproliferative disease, as the disease is genetic and may require a specific donor match for successful treatment. Additionally, the quantity and quality of cord blood collected may vary, potentially affecting the outcome of the treatment. Therefore, finding a suitable donor match and ensuring sufficient cord blood availability can be challenging when using cord blood from banks for treating X-linked lymphoproliferative disease.How can individuals or families with a history of X-linked lymphoproliferative disease benefit from storing cord blood in a bank for future use?Individuals or families with a history of X-linked lymphoproliferative disease can benefit from storing cord blood in a bank as it provides a potential source of stem cells for future treatment options. Cord blood contains hematopoietic stem cells which can be utilized in therapies like bone marrow transplants to treat various genetic disorders, including X-linked lymphoproliferative disease. Storing cord blood ensures that these valuable stem cells are readily available if needed, offering a potentially life-saving treatment option for affected individuals or family members in the future.  Read the full article
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anifandoms · 4 years
Cells at Work as Among Us Imposters [headcanons]:
-will definitely not kill anyone
-Stays by AE3803 the whole time
-only sabotage
-Won't hesitate to kill anyone but U-1146
-won't be able to bring herself to kill U-1146 making everyone know its her.
NK Cell:
-Will kill Killer T Cell first
-will kill anyone in sight
-will kill even though there are other players around
-higher chance of being killed by her if you have a pet
- "I want to see them shiver in sadness."
-has a killing spree
Killer T Cell
- will kill NK Cell first
- "You really think I could fit inside the vent"
- "It's AE3803"
-probably doesn't know what he's doing
-self reports but ends up giving a dumb excuse
Dendritic Cell
- Very very very manipulative
- WILL use personal information to against you; making him innocent.
-won't kill anyone
-only sabotage
-goes with the flow. No strategy needed
-Will kill you but chose not to
-Sabotage 24/7
-never uses vents
-blames Killer T Cell
-physically CANNOT kill nor sabotage
-ends up making the game get restarted when they become imposter.
Commander T Cell
-sticks with Regulatory T Cell
- Killer T Cell will be his first target
-calculates every move
-sounds like he's giving a speech in the meeting.
Regulatory T Cell
-Can't kill anyone since Commander T Cell is following her
-Sabotages 24/7
- stays silent during the meeting
B Cell
- "A knife??? Where's the gun??"
-will kill Mast Cell first
-if not able to, will blame her instead it
-"Mast Cell. I saw her kill AE3803"
Mast Cell
-doesn't like killing anyone
-if she has to, she'll kill B Cell and B Cell only.
-Hides in vents
-keeps fighting with B Cell
Memory Cell
-doesn't remember where he last was
-gets really nervous he ends up confessing
-a horrible imposter
- "I was at the thing with the thing"
-Too shy to kill anyone
-hesitates a lot
-somehow still wins the match
- Nothing.
- absolutely N o t h i n g.
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dearestones · 3 years
A Surprising Lack of Personal Space (AA-5100 x U-26262, NT-4201 x U-4989, Natural Killer Cell x Killer T Cell)
Warnings: Fluff, also Dendritic Cell is here.
Anonymous Request: Hello, bubble anon again. I would like to request another Cells at Work, but with minor fluff ships if that’s alright. All a sudden the bubble pathogens started to engulf cells at random, trapping them inside bubbles. In the chaos, one bubble traps Red Blood Cell AA5100 and White Blood Cell U-2626 together, another traps in Red Blood Cell NT4201 and White Blood Cell U-4989 in one, and another bubble traps in Killer T Cell and Natural Killer Cell. If you have to split each of them, that’s fine
Dendritic Cell, ever the msichievous immune cell, sipped some of his tea as he glanced down at the chaos that was unfurling below.
It had been a stereotypical day within the body. Oxygen was getting delivered in regular intervals, nutrients passed through the bloodstream, baterial invasions were quickly stopped, and his dear favorite lactibacteria were busy munching on some desserts that one of the macrophages had curated for him. However, while the body seemed to be in good shape, Dendritic Cell couldn’t help but find himself perplexed by the sight that was occurring in one of the blood vessels.
Strange organisms—bacteria? Viruses?—were milling about as if they owned the place. These strange things floated near the grounds of the vessel while others floated high into the eaves of his tree. He wasn’t quite sure what they were, but he could tell that their presence wasn’t too urgent a matter to address. To be sure, though, Dendritic Cell quickly descended from the branches of his tree and began to investigate.
On closer inspection, it appeared that these strange organisms were transparent and left only a slightly wet sensation on bare skin if he were to take his gloves off. He thought about using his whip to attack this strange, but harmless pathogen, but before he could, the immune cell heard a pair of cells arguing. Making sure to keep the transparent organism in his sight, Dendritic Cell turned around only to find that it was a neutrophil and a red blood cell were stuck inside another one of these strange pathogens!
Hoping that they weren’t hurt, the cell ran over to them, his whip in hand and a dangerous smile on his face.
“Mr. Neutrophil! Report!” Dendritic Cell proceeded to slap the transparent bubble with his whip. Other than a slight evidence of give, the organism showed no signs of popping. He sighed but focused his attention on the blood cells who were both pressing their hands against the sides of the pathogen in an attempt to stretch it. “Are you two all right?”
U-2626, the neutrophil in question, nodded his head. Aside from the slight downturn in his lips, Dendritic Cell observed that his fellow immune cell was relatively unharmed. The same could be said for the red blood cell.
“I was on patrol with U-4989, but suddenly, these strange things appeared!”
The red blood cell, AA-5100, rolled her eyes before shoving her shoulder against the sides of the bubble. Her face shone with sweat from effort, but she still managed to smile shakily at the inquiring Dendritic Cell.
“No need for special names for these weird things. Call them bubbles!”
U-2626 paused momentarily from trying to break free by gently flicking the red blood cell’s nose.
“Hey!” 5100 tried to slap him away, but only managed to lose her balance and landing roughly on top of the neutrophil’s chest.
If Dendritic Cell wasn’t paying attention, he wouldn’t have caught the slight dusting of pink that graced her pale cheeks. Unfortunately for the erythrocyte, he saw it and found it quite interesting to say the least.
Had he brought his camera with him?
A quick check confirmed that he hadn’t.
“What can I say, Miss Red Blood Cell? You’re just as cute as these bubbles!”
U-2626 chuckled, but quickly leveled his colleagues with a serious expression. “While this bubble is relatively harmless, I would check in with other inhabitants. You never know, those trapped could end up suffocating or worse.”
Nodding in affirmation, Dendritic Cell promised to come back to make sure that they were doing fine before surveying the area for more victims. Lo and behold, beside the base of his operations, he saw another bubble that housed a similar duo. This time, it was a Killer T Cell (now a Memory T Cell if he was remembering correctly) and a Natural Killer Cell. These two in particular didn’t work well together—that, he definitely remembered well.
Hoping that NK wasn’t threatening bodily harm against her colleague, Dendritic Cell quickly hurried over, careful not to accidentally get absorbed by other bubbles in the area. When he arrived at their side, he found that NK was busy trying to slash against the transparent skin while Killer T was using his fists. The whole time, both of them were arguing over which of their methods were more effective.
Wanting to throw his hat into the ring, Dendritic Cell brandished his whip (again) and slapped the bubble.
Unfortunately, this led to these two immune cells to stop yelling at each other only for them to switch their focus on him.
“What do you think you’re doing, Dendritic Cell? I was just about almost done punching a hole!”
“Get out of my way! My katana can do more damage than your whip!”
Now, Dendritic Cell knew that these two cells were under a lot of stress considering the circumstances, but even he felt like he should be treated with a bit more respect and kindness. Without breaking a sweat, Dendritic Cell slowly held both their gazes before saying—
“Oh really? I must say it seemed that you were flirting more than you were actually making headway with escaping.”
No sooner did he say that did both the entrapped immune cells freeze up, their cheeks glowing with an unhealthy shade of red. Dendritic Cell didn’t think his words would actually have an impact, but he found himself gratified that he was able to witness such an event! Aside from when he was busy activating cells, he had never quite seen the effect of saying such embarrassing information aloud. It was quite endearing.
Ah… but it was so much better if he could have captured it on camera!
So many opportunities lost!
Before his colleagues could retaliate, Dendritic Cell tipped his hat to them and began to walk away.
“It seems that we still need to find a way to get this mess sorted out, so I’ll leave you to it while I try to find a solution.”
And Dendritic Cell whistled a jaunty tune as he went.
For the next several minutes, Dendritic Cell inquired after several other trapped cells. Some were of macrophages while others housed platelets. All were well, but there was a general sense of unease and irritation at having been kept from their duties. After sending a couple of free platelets to notify regular cells about the situation, Dendritic Cell began to head back to his base of operations so he could radio Helper T Cell and Regulatory T Cell about these strange events.
Just as he was about to enter, he heard a whoop and a holler that sounded like it was from—
“Mr. Neutrophil! You can’t just—!”
It was a young red blood cell with short black hair and a tired look in her eyes. Dendritic Cell glanced at the placard on top of her hat, taking note of her alphanumeric designation: NT-4201. Unlike most of her other comrades, this erythrocyte sat cross legged on the bottom of the bubble, her eyes wide as she took in the neutrophil that towered above her. Said neutrophil was busy eating takoyaki off of a toothpick… Were they made out of bacteria?
“Don’t worry, Miss Red Blood Cell! I’ve got this!”
And with that, the neutrophil (who was named U-4989 after Dendritic Cell took a peek at the cell’s placard) brandished his toothpick and jabbed it intoo the transparent skin of the bubble.
Surprisingly, enough—
Nothing happened.
NT-4201 slapped a palm across her forehead.
“I told you it wasn’t going to work!”
Dendritic Cell sighed before running back into his tree.
It was time for backup.
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khun-a-agnes · 5 years
In synthesis, Cells At Work characters:
Bakugo 1
Bakugo 2
Stalker with Bakugo's voice
Retarded cute waifu
Cute loli
Strong gurl uwu
Random girl with drills
Rebel Guy
Angry girl who needs to sleep
Panic boi
A Jojo's reference
Kazuma from Noragami
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rubyangel235 · 6 years
Other Cells in the body: We do not have a dark or embarrassing past. We cannot be blackmailed.
Dendritic cell:
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anchenflower · 6 years
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I stan one (1) love/hate couple~ 
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pfeldspart · 6 years
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first (accidental) date pt. 2
pt. 1:  https://pfeldspart.tumblr.com/post/177816181740/first-accidental-date-pt-1-did-you-notice-the
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melachonyof-lilies · 6 years
I'm reading the manga of cells at work or hataraku saibou. I'm at chapter 10, can i just say spoilers but
Also NK and Killer T cells are otp too ^_^
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kaoruko-han · 6 months
What I like to imagine more about NKT/Kuraenu is Killer T falling for NK without having to see a more "feminine" side. He find her cool from afar but as soon as they talk together it have to end in bickering
One time Macrophage made her wear lolita fashion and he see her in it he's like... "Huh... Did Macrophage force you to wear this?"
And it doesn't mean "wow you look so bad in it" but more like "you sound uncomfortable"
Like he'd mock her if he thought about it but it's the only thought that come out of him because he never saw her that embarrassed.
So surprisingly he doesn't tease her like she expected because "That wouldn't be a fair fight" (huh excuses again? We know he wouldn't hesitate lol)
And wether is Killer T or NK, they're both troubled by how this moment have gone
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lazyflan · 3 years
Do you happen to have any sick nk cell x caretaking killer t headcanons
Once again, I’m sorry for writing this too late! I’m pretty sure this is a bit different of the original idea, but I just grabbed it and ran with it asdfgh
But here we go with the hcs!
-Nk refuses to accept she is sick at first
-Until a couple of bacteria she was chasing got away and she couldn’t lie to herself anymore, she was of no use if she was sick and couldn’t kill the vacteria around the body.
-Killer t was nearby and saw nk loosing the bacteria, so he ran to kill the bacteria and once he was done, he went to find nk
-Don’t tell anyone, but he is worried
-He found her near her home, and insisted in accompany her home
-Nk refused at first, but they started bickering and she totally forgot until they had already arrived to her home
-Killer T insisted on letting her lie down and rest while he took care of the rest
-To tired to argue she just went to sleep for a while, hoping the sickness would go away soon
-Once Nk had retired Killer t went to her kitchen
-He wasn’t the best at cooking by far, but he had experience on making a good soup for sick people, after all, he always takes care of the other lymphocytes when they get sick
-When nk woke up, feeling slightly better, she went around her house, only to find some soup ready for her to eat, with a note next to it
-The soup was good, and the note was a reassurance for her to take as long as she needed to get better
-The handwriting instantly gave away who was the writer
-Killer t has a very particular was of taking care of others
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I like to think Reg T is 1235's best friend considering how much they hangout. Kind of like how I think 3033 is 2145's bestie. Makes me imagine 1235 met 2145 in the bone marrow and decided he was special. X D I bet they invadedeach others classesjust to see each other. Maybe 2145 is what made 1235 so interested in befriending immune cells in general like Reg T, Killer at and NK cell. Maybe she started out wanting to be KT's friend so badlybecause she assumed he was 2145's (back when he wasn't?).
reg t always gets to hang out with 1235 on her girls nights, like she doesnt usually go out to parties with her bc she has to take care of the child that is ht and the other kt cells in the body, but 1235 continues to find perfect days where she gets to hang out with 1235 and her other friends.
I love that chapter where 2145 almost told 1235 that he wasnt kt's friend but stopped bc he was nice, maybe 1235 Thought they were friends bc they used to just talk sometimes but it's mostly for work, so that's why 2145 never considered him a friend
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devintrinidad · 4 years
I haven't watched it Akadama Drive the way through. But I have seen a lot of it. It's almost too gorey for me. But the visuals are a real treat and it definitely has the cyberpunk cool factor down. Swindler was a great main character! (I never shipped her with Cutthroat. I knew the psychopath was that. A psychopath and I bet he was going to turn on them at anytime. And he did! Never be distracted by the childish antics pretty boy serial killers!). 
I'm interested in the future of AD. I heard the last episode was getting a special Directors cut including a alternative ending. I also heard the AD creators were happy to hear AD is doing well in the west so fans are wondering if that means their hoping to make a S2? I don't keep up with AD news so I'm not sure if that's their intention or not. But I did hear a fan theory that S2 could be about the bad guys using technology to bring at least of the main characters back to life (considering Swindler had a religious themed death and both her and Courier's bodies could easily be recovered. Plus revival through tech is such a Cyberpunk staple) because Brother and Sister are still targets and they were would where to look for them. 
So maybe AD still has a bright future ahead with more content to explore the world (I honestly think Hacker could easily be a main character in any sequal). 
Onto the CAW/AD verse.
I could totally see 3803 being this epic biker chick.... Who gets lost easily. But because she does all these crazy stunts, her enemies (who don't know her yet) think she's planning everything to confuse them. X D 
I could see 1146's akudama name being Bodyguard. Because when he's not acting like one for 3803 and Platelet. He's taking up bodyguard jobs for anyone who needs them. For the right price and reason. If you're a scumbag who hurts innocent people, he'll kill you on the spot. But be nice enough to return the moneyto your corpse. Unless 3803 or Platelet needs something, then he'll strip you of all your dough and leave you penniless. He has a very ruthless rep. But he's so good at what he does, his help is in high demand. Ecspecially for someone who needs a bodyguard they can trust (and they know they aren't or won't act like scum around him to earn his wrath). He's fine with helping criminals. Just not ones who do a lot of harm to innocents or are involved in nasty business like trafficking or something.
Story wise things change up.
The way I see things here is that Cancer is the one secretly in charge and why things are so wrong. He's this absolute monster of a human being who gained immortality hundreds of years ago. He went nuts and caused wars and blew up the moon. He wants all the power and has created societies in his own twisted corrupted image (basically his dream in canon coming true here). But he's noticed after awhile things always go bad under his leadership and nearly everything dies. Instead of starting over again and again. He's decides to find a way to force everyone to become immortal like him so that even if they're killed. They'll have no choice but to come back to life like he does. If he has to suffer this, then so does everyone else. 
That's where 3803 and Platelet come in. For decades, Cancer has been collecting and experimenting on people in secret in order to figure out how to gift them with his immortality. 3803 and Platelet are surviving lab rats who managed to escape during a explosion happening in the building. 3803 is the closest he's come to achieving his goal. 3803 would later tell 1146 she has no idea how immortal she is and it scares her to death that she might be unable to die like Cancer. All she knows is that she can take a lot of damage and recover in time. She's been able to age a little. But she hopes she's not being paranoid about looking younger and smaller for her age (Macrophage, another Akudama who knows her secret, tells her it's common for girls like her to look younger then they are and that she has gotten bigger since they first met. But 3803 is still a little concerned). 3803 also has no idea about Platelets status in all this since she's never been badly hurt and she's aged normally. But she's also never gotten sick a day in her life and she was put in the same cell as her. The scientists saying all she needed was a little tweaking and they'd both be closer to becoming their goal. 
Ohhh, I didn't even think about 4989 and the others being 1146's enemies. I assumed they'd follow his lead eventually. Say they're dissapointed in him. Because yeah things are corrupt. But that's no reason to become a criminal and abandon their dreams of making the city a better place. They weren't there when he turned traitor so all they've been told is he got beguiled by some witch (3803 gets a very exaggerated and unpleasent rep along the Executioners for turning their top soldier against them. 1146 was already having serious doubts on his own but the organization puts the blame on her regardless). Eventually they get told by a superior officer if they can capture both 1146 and 3803 alive, they'll take 1146 back instead of executing or throwing him in jail. They'll strip him of his Akudama name and only punish him by putting a bomb collar on him until he redeems himself to them. It's not ideal. But for their friend they'll take it. They do eventually find and fight 1146 and even manage to knock him out and tie him up. They're prepared to fight 3803... Until they meet her face to face. From the rumours, they were expecting this buff scary woman who could rip their faces off. Instead they meet this determined but petite girl who looks like she'd hurt herself trying punch them. Even worse she's holding this little scared crying girl calling her big sis in her arms. They're the picture of defenselessness and it's suddenly making them not comfortable with this. This goes two ways: either they decide to cool down for a sec and let 3803 and 1146 explain themselves and then make the choice to leave and become akudamass too. Or, they harden themselves and take her anyway. 3803 promises to come quietly if they let her little sister go (they don't suspect Platelet is the Akadama Bomber). 3803 is hoping if she goes alone, She can at least convince Cancer Platelet died years ago and was a failed test subject. They agree and 3803 has to push Platelet away and yell at her to go (she knows she'll go to Macrophage so she'll be fine) because Platelet knows what's happening and is desperate enough to almost throws a small bomb at them (but 1146 would get caught up in the blast and 3803 glares at her to obey so she doesn't). The WBC squad does feel bad since they're not used to dealing with vulnerable women and children who can't fight back. 
When 1146 wakes up in a room with his superior officer telling him he's back and not getting a bomb collar. He's getting brain surgery and it's a surprise what that's going to be. Needless to say, 1146 is pissed beyond words. He's going to be forced to be their top dog somehow again. Platelet is alone and scared. 3803 is going to be carted off to Cancer so Cancer can make things even worse. Needless to say he manages to make his case to his friends who see definitely now know being a Akadama is better then this. Half of them go to rescue 1146 before he gets brain surgery and the others go get 3803 before Cancer can.
That's my idea of it anyway. Cause the WBC squad would actually be really good akadamas.
Now when it comes to 1146 fighting allies a lot. My initial idea was before he left, 1146 was the best of the best alongside NK and Killer T. They were the power trio that stood above the rest with a 100% success rate in missions once all three worked together. But unlike the WBS squad. They stick to their Executioner roles. I see this because in CAW canon, despite being softies inside, both Killer T and NK have this 'don't get chummy with civilians' mentality. Killer T ecspecially getting on 1146 for wanting to interact and go soft with them. In AD verse, NK and Killer T ultimately believe the Executioners are a nessecary evil at worst because the world needs them to be (Idk, you can keep the germs and make them monsters that Executioners have to fight to keep the city save too. Of course all of them are secretly made by Cancer to convince the most 'noble' of Executioners to keep the corrupted status quo).  When 1146 left, they took it personally. Particularly Killer T. NK keeps things more professional, but both want Roto resolve things with 1146 and see it as their duty to take him down. They don't believe 1146 about the whole conspiracy of a immortal Cancer ruling the world and doing all this other unbelievable stuff. Even when they see 3803 surviving a lot of damage, they chalk it up to her having access to some high tech she stole. Either way I'm conflicted on them being tragic villains who refuse to stop fighting 1146 and capture 3803 under orders or villains who get redeemed at the end. 
But Akadama Killer T. Tell me more? What's he like?
Other stuff-
Macrophage is called Hacker. Both because she can hack her targets into pieces with her axe and because she's a famous computer hacker. She found 3803 and Platelet years ago after they had escaped from the underground lab. She was reasearching for fun what the base was and discovered its use for making immortality. She took the two girls in to raise as if they were her own and trained them how to survive as Akadama (more so 3803 since she's older). When Macrophage isn't a assassin for hire, she's using her hacking abilities as mission control for 3803 when she's on the job. She helps her not get too lost and handles money transactions. They see her as the mom they never had despite that she's really only around 14 years older then them. 
Platelet loves blowing things up. She likes building things too. But bombing things helps her little family out more. She'll often plant tiny bombs all over the city and has Macrophage use her computer to keep track of them so she can detonate them when she sees a use to (like blowing up anyone chasing 383 while she's on her motorcycle). She adores 1146 and loves having him be part of her family. Partly because he's so strong and protective she doesn't have to worry as much about 3803 as much with him around. It's unknown just how much the experiments affected her too. All that's known is she's never been sick and barely needs any sleep to operate and always has nothing but energy to spare. She gets scared easily when 3803 might get taken away because her big sis has always been there for her and she's terrified of Cancer destroying her life and family again. If she lost 3803 she doesn't think she'd known how to live ob without her.
Cancer refers to all his experiments as his children. He calls 3803 and Platelet his daughters in particular and plans on having them back and fully like him so they can be his perfect family. He's actually known them since they were babies since, before they escaped, they've spent most, if not, all their lives in his care at the lab.
In this verse, 1146 is a much more aggressive pursurer of 3803's affections. He's still shy about making moves and acts stoic. But it's apparent he's interested in her early on and after awhile he makes no secret he wants to marry her. It always surprises her when he talks about wanting to marry her because he's too shy to flirt with her or even ask her on a date. He's both unable to make the first move, yet is very blunt about his desired intentions. She on the other hand is more hesitant. With her unknown immortality status, she's afraid she can't grow old with him and would deny him a normal wife. He simply says he wants her and no one else will ever do. 
3803 feels bad about him becoming a criminal. He's fighting his friends and comrades and has a huge life sentence on him all because he protected he. He tells her even if he has never met her. He knows sooner or later he would have left on his own and been branded a Akadama. Meeting her just have him another reason to believe in protecting others. Plus she does let him live with her and her for free. She still tries to pay him for his services when he protects her on the job. Initially he takes the money. But after too long she finds out all he does with the money is buy her things she was planning on getting later anyway. He basically was doing her errands for her. She gave up after that. 
 1146 is very protective of 3803's secret and has killed people over it to protect her. Those people being top high level Executioners who are in on Cancer's existence and his plans. 1146 knows the moment Cancer can get 3803 and confirm her ID. There's going to be a lot of trouble. He's made it a goal to either turn those people to his side or kill them all until there's no one left. When Cancer hears of this, he calls him a kind killer. 
Macrophage once jokes 1146 should be called Husband instead of Bodyguard because that's what he acts like with 3803. All overprotective and lovey dovey. He hates it when other men flirt with him and scared them off. 
Cancer is actually more aware of 3803 and Platelets activity then anyone thinks. It's just that he's immortal so time is a little for him. He kind of enjoys watching them hide and run and wondering how far he can push 1146 in his efforts to protect them. 
That's all I got I think. Putting in Cancer kind of changes things up but I also think he strangely fits in there very well. 
Any other ideas you have?
Oh my! It’s been a while since you’ve made such a long and lovely submission! First things first, yes, Swindler is best girl!!!
Heheh, I found Cutthroat/Swindler to be somewhat cute, but I had a feeling things would turn out for the worst when the team ultimately separated after Doctor’s betrayal and the fight with the Executioners. It was a pretty cool dynamic and I love how Swindler ultimately turned the tables on him.
(I’m a bit leery as to why he could see her “red halo” from so far away, but I suppose it was due to insanity/supernatural influences).
And yup! There was going to be a director’s cut. A Youtuber actually translated the tweets that directors had regarding the director’s cut and discovered that it was going to be an extra seven minutes of footage and would feature scenes that would help flesh out the last episode more.
It’s super interesting.
Ooohhhh, a season 2 where we can see best girl and Courier to come back??? To be honest, I like the series where it stands. It had a message, stuck with it, but managed to punch it all in with masterful animation techniques and storytelling. One of the characters that I think would definitely come back, should probably be Hacker. He was a god of cyberspace and savvy with technology.
Someone once speculated that he’s smart: he would definitely upload a backup of himself somewhere.
(Another person thought that Hacker must have saved himself on Swindler’s phone because his drone icon was there after his final parting gift).
I think the best way to add onto the series would be to revisit their backgrounds? Then again, I checked out the available manga chapters that have been translated thus far, and it seems they might delve a little into that territory.
Maybe a one shot episode where we get to see all the Akudama go about their daily lives where they sometimes interact (unknowingly) Durarara style (another great anime you should watch if you have the time).
Hacker as main character??? Yes please???
3803 would definitely do crazy tricks, hahah. She’s simultaneously skilled and unskilled with her bike. She’s like the... Captain Jack Sparrow of the series except instead of being drunk all the time, she’s somewhat clueless and innocent.
Bodyguard is such a lovely name. Like... I can picture it and it really fits. Not only does it satisfy his canon role of protecting, it actually helps him from actually killing too many people unnecessarily. He’ll do it if he has to, but his main goal is to protect his charge, not go after any assassins and whatnot.
Ooooohhhh, I love Cancer here! You make him out to be some terrible god of destruction and chaos and I absolutely adore it. And the motive for immortality makes more sense in this au then in the canon for AD, hahah. But yes, I imagine after years of destruction and infamy, he would definitely feel lonely and bitter.
So of course, why not drag the rest of humanity down with him?
3803 and Platelet both being somewhat immortal beings? Yes??? And Macrophage being one of their true confidants? Also yes??? (WHERE ARE YOU GETTING ALL THESE GOOD IDEAS???)
I know later on you’ll talk about Macrophage being a hacker (because of major hacking skills in tech and in killing), but what about this: she’s the Doctor from AD. Not a backstabber, but one who was somewhat affiliated with the idea of immortality. Maybe she was one of the scientists who helped raise 3803 and Platelet and after discovering that all the rest of the experiments died and only two remained, she decided enough was enough and got them out of Cancer’s hold.
Hmm... how about we combine Hacker and Doctor to create Scientist instead? She’s cold and ruthless underneath her ladylike vibes, but she truly does feel for the plight of 3893 and Platelet.
I don’t know, it would make for an interesting dynamic.
Oooohhh, I love the confrontation with WBC squad and 3803. They’re so geared and ready (4989 is definitely sweating bullets while the others reassure him). Also, you know how in AD canon that the Executions are always in pairs? Let’s have 2001 and 1145 the original pairing before he broke out. Then, 4989 with 2626 and 2048 and Eosinophil while 2001 gets stuck with Band Cell. Because, why not.
(Or, we go back to one of my most heinous friendships I ever created, 2001 and Dendritic Cell).
Can I also say that Bomber is such a bomb name for Platelet? (Pun completely intended).
And yeah, the WBC squad are definitely really uncomfortable when they undergo some cognitive dissonance here... perhaps it’s starting at this moment that they realize that Akudama aren’t that different from normal people... or the Executioners.
Bomb collars and surgery for 1146??? Ooohhhh, he must really be the top Executioner... I wonder if he’ll reunite with 2001 again as his partner or get someone new who can help control him. Because NK and Killer T are definitely partners.
On a side note you mentioned that they think that Executioners are a necessary evil. It’s like your acknowledging and somewhat hinting that they know this is wrong and that Akudamas aren’t inherently bad, but do so anyway because of a corrupt legal system. I love it. It really adds to the depth of the characters.
And yes, we need tragic villains with feelings.
As for Akudama Killer T... Maybe he went through some mental breakdown before realizing that the Executioners aren’t always right )if they were ever right in the first place). Perhaps he breaks like 1146 did, but instead of using his skills for constructive purposes, he goes all out and doesn’t care about the law anymore. He sort of becomes 1146’s foil. They’re both rear Executioners, both saw the errors of their ways, but while 1146 becomes a protector in his own way, maybe Killer T decides to become a mercenary.
I don’t know, I love parallels and showcasing how far characters have done.
Cancer as a father?
Cancer as a family man?
I... that’s a concept I never considered. Just, I can only imagine him playing with all of his experiments, knowing that one day, most of them will end up dying. He probably favors 3803 over Platelet because of how close they are in physical appearance/age and acts creepy about it.
(Is this my Abnormalities!verse writing urge acting up again, probably).
Hehehe, why but blunt 1146. That is so cute and adorable. He and 3803 constantly dance around the issue, especially due to the whole immortality thing, but he makes it clear that he doesn’t care. Though he doesn’t know it, he’s actually quite suave when he finally convinces her that it’s the time they spend together now that matters so they won’t regret in the future.
3803 swoons.
Husband??? Yes???
Macrophage as confirmed 3803/1146 shipper? Why not???
Ooohhh, Cancer is more aware than what was already expected... I HAVE ANOTHER IDEA!!!
So I know that I said earlier that Macrophage would be a combination of Hacker and Doctor, why not also make Cancer have Hacker elements? Think about it, he’s practically immortal and it was never truly confirmed how immortality works in AD canon. Maybe his immortality is due to a combination of high technology and organic stuff. Maybe, he can upload his consciousness at will so that he can “supervise” his children. It also adds credence to the whole “3803 had high tech to help her stave off heavy damage” that Killer T and NK think is what’s going on. I don’t know, I just think it would be cool to have Cancer be a god in the physical and technological world.
He would be so OP, but that’s what Cancer probably would want in CAW canon, so there, hahah.
Hmm, anything else? Let’s see, Killer T as an Akudama would definitely be more of a Brawler character... I don’t have anybody down for Hoodlum... But who do you think would be a best fit for Head Executioner? At first, I wanted Helper T, but I realized that he doesn’t get super utilized in canon, so why not make him Executioners alongside Regulatory T. Seriously, they don’t get enough screen time (especially Regulatory T).
As for the majority of Akudamas, most are definitely pathogens or germs, but I’m assuming some of them are actually Normal Cells... Normal Cells with benign mutations, but somehow get the attention of Executioners.
But yeah, this was an awesome little au. I’m down to read some action packed nonsense with these characters. You should definitely try your hand at writing this, hahah!
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whaq · 4 years
Fuck You, Animu (3/4) - Cells at Work! Episode 7
While still providing the edutainment expected of the series, Cells at Work!’s 7th episode overreaches for your emotions and may have you yelling in anger instead of sobbing in tears as it tackles the topic of cancer.
From the power couple that brought you the community darling Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure’s anime, Director Kenichi Suzuki and David Production’s adaptation of Cells at Work! has brought biology to the mainstream. Based on Akane Shimazu’s debut manga, the series follows a red blood cell and a white blood cell’s day-to-day in the human body where we encounter anthropomorphised versions of the little beings that live within all of us.
A notable element of the series is its effort to use tangential learning to spoon-feed us biology through cute anime girls and surprisingly violent (which is ironic given how the characters consist of literal blood) action scenes. We meet many of our body’s protectors, from the onee-sama Macrophages to the delinquent T Cells that make the biodiversity of the cast impressive. If you want a casual but oozingly creative series to serve as a dose of edutainment, then Cells at Work! is for you.
I binged this series about a year after its original run because My Anime List is as bottomless as it is a cruel reminder of your lack of dedication to it. At the time, I only had a few key thoughts: “I wonder if my little cells feel as bad as I do when I get hay fever every morning,” “Oh my God, look at the cheeks on those adorable little platelets,” and, “Wow, that cancer episode was really something.” People seemed to agree with me on that last thought. Critics like the Anime Pope himself Jared of Mother’s Basement shared in the sentiment that the series’ 7th episode was well done. It humanized something that we humans are very inclined to hate: a malignant cancer cell whose only purpose is to turn our own body against us; a daunting task that anyone who’s tried writing sympathetic villains can tell you. But, after watching the episode again on a whim, the feelings I had on my first viewing suddenly did a complete 180 as I began watching in horror in lieu of sympathy. Here’s  a hot-take: this episode is about Nazi sympathizing and here’s why:
We are taken to the scene of a previous episode where the NK cell is chasing after a suspicious cell that reveals itself to be cancerous. Cancer’s character design and subsequent animation are reminiscent of works like Akira or anything Junji Ito’s had his hands on. It’s gruesome, detailed, and overall as grotesque as it needs to be to get you to fear it. The animation of this fight consists of some decent sakuga as the Cancer cell is able to use its shape manipulation to stretch its limbs and morph them into practically anything. On the other hand, much of the episode’s, and by extension the rest of the series, animation is pretty inconsistent like when NK is seen strafing during Cancer’s speech. We see NK awkwardly slide across the screen while Cancer’s lipflaps remain static during his mini diatribe. “Begging for a Bluray cut” quality animation is the least of the episode’s problems.
Eventually, we’re given a look at Cancer’s backstory, and it is one of the series’ most emotional scenes. We see that the cancer cells are products of an error in cell division and appear with birth defects because of that. A pair of these newborn cancer cells, including our antagonist, attempt to run from the authorities that consist of the Killer Ts and Whites that we’ve grown fond of by this point of the series. In a heartbreaking dialogue, we find Cancer asking his friend if he is “-meant to die as soon as we are born?" This is nothing less than an emotional gut-punch, a nihilistic ponderance I wouldn’t have expected from a comedy. This is immediately followed by his friend being murdered by the guards while Cancer hides. The pained expression on this child that is mirrored on his present counterpart in the next scene really does pull at your heartstrings. The show effectively uses visuals and story to get you to sympathize with cancer, until it doesn’t.
It’s right before the arrival of our heroes that our antagonist is able to pour out his feelings. His people are oppressed and slaughtered for existing, something they obviously couldn’t have had a hand in, and it obviously pains him to see that. Right after this tear-jerking speech, he sprouts a pair of fleshy wings, that are grotesquely beautiful in their own way, which almost immediately have a machete tossed at them by the arrival of the other cells that begin to mercilessly murder Cancer’s people. The amount of thematic dissonance is palpable when you begin to hear the triumphant battle music that underscores the massacre of a race of cells you were just conditioned to feel bad for earlier. Upon defeating him, our other protagonist, White, is asked by Cancer why his people are targeted the way they are “We can’t save you. You violate the rules… hog nutrients and destroy healthy tissue. I can’t let you live… it’s my job.” Upon closer inspection, it’s easy enough to draw the line comparing the cancer cells to any persecuted race. What makes me think of the Jewish specifically is due to the events of the Holocaust, and its subsequent aftermath, that seems to mirror the events of the story. The cancer cells are even shown to be kept imprisoned in a cell full of green liquid, almost like the acid that served as one of the methods the Nazis used to exterminate the Jews during World War II. While Judaism is a religion, not a race, it’s intrinsically linked to people who descend from the original tribes of Israel, which is a huge group of people. It’s estimated that 1.7 million Jews were killed during the Holocaust by the infamously White-Supremacist Nazi Party that relied on propoganda that said Jews were taking all the money in the world and ruining the lives of the “superior race” of whites. Adding to that the display of a soldier just “doing their job” of assisting the genocide of an entire people. Knowing this, is it really too far-fetched to understand why I began gawking at my screen when our Jew surrogate, Cancer, is killed by an army, for the exact same reasons of being thought of as deplorables no less, made up of WHITE blood cells?!
Adding insult to injury, Cancer’s tragic death is then abruptly ended by Red comedically checking up on White as we see Cancer’s corpse desecrated by Looney Tune style black X-marks for eyes; as if his death was nothing more than a joke. As the show’s ending theme played behind scenes of the army celebrating their genocide, I could’ve sworn I heard the lyrics “it’s okay, I’m okay” in the song, that truly was the last straw for me. In a world divided between people who want to defend the defenseless and those who want to further oppress the oppressed, the meta-narrative this episode contains is down-right dangerous.
Thankfully, the rest of the series’ usually light-hearted and comedic antics can serve as a palette cleanser to wash the taste of this episode out. Continuing on from here, you’ll be met with more of the same edutainment you’ve been served so far in Cells at Work!’s last six episodes. If those episodes caught your attention, you’ll want to stick around to learn more about this corporeal incorporation.
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dearestones · 4 years
Killer T Cell x Reader Headcanons
Warning: Fluff.
@thesmallbutknowingclown Request: Hello! I saw that your requests were open, and wanted to know if you would mind doing Killer T Cell x reader headcanons (if you haven't done them already lol)? Thank you so much! Have a lovely day!
If You’re a Civilian Cell (Normal Cell, Red Blood Cell, etc.):
Killer T isn’t sure what to make of you at first glance.
Wait, scratch that.
He knows exactly what you are, it’s just that he doesn’t know what to do with that information.
At first glance, you’re nothing more than a civilian—a cell that needs protecting. Already, there’s enough information to tell him that in battle you’re a liability and given the track record of most Normal Cells and the immunocompromised state of the body, it’s best that he doesn’t overly engage with you.
So when the time comes and there’s a viral attack or a group of pathogens have somehow breached their defenses, you’re more than likely ordered to get out and stay out of his way.
He doesn’t try to be a mean cell—far from it, actually, but he wants to do his job right.
It’s an everyday occurrence to see regular, civilian cells shy away from him and insult him behind his back. It may not be part of the job description, but it might as well be given how often it occurs.  
So, it really comes as a surprise when you—civilian, normal, untrained, and possibly stupid—enter his radar almost willingly.
At first, he’s stunned at your alarming nature. Wasn’t it rare for someone like you to be near him, much less confront him?
Perhaps you’re there to thank him for his hard service. Maybe you’re there to berate him for being so hard on his fellow immune cells. Or it could be simply that you’re curious.
Killer T Cell is somewhat weirded out and doesn’t know what to do this resurgence of someting in his cytoplasm.
(They’re called emotions… but he doesn’t know that he has them).
At first, he tries to push those new feelings away because he definitely doesn’t need them in his line of work and it’s not like you’ll remember him in a body chock full of other trillions of cells. It’s not that realistic to even think of such a thing happening like that… (Never mind that a stupid neutrophil and his red blood cell friend actually managed that).
But then, somehow he keeps seeing you.
Job assignments are somehow correlating with yours. Invasions somehow involve you as well. Or maybe you have free agency and mobility within the body and you happen to meet up with him once in a while.
He grumbles and he defiitely doesn’t like talking about it, but the more he gets exposed to you, the more he wants to see you.
It’s to keep you safe, damn it!
Finally, there comes a day when you’re confronted with the rest of your cell caste and they begin questioning you for your taste.
“Why would you hang out with a Killer T Cell like him? He’s so mean and scary!”
Killer T begins to hide away, unsure of how to feel other than anger, but also… fear of your rejection. Fear of what you were going to say to your cell friends.
And then—
“Actually, I think Killer T Cells have a bad reputation. Just because they’re loud and boisterous doesn’t mean that they’re wholly unkind and abrasive. In fact, this Killer T has a heart of glucose and he’s near and dear to me as well!” You turn to him, a smile on your lips that he doesn’t know he’s returning until he feels the stretch and pull of his lips straining his cheeks. “Right, Mister Killer T Cell?”
And he has no choice but to nod his head because words cannot describe how happy and blushy he feels.
(It’s okay, Dendritic Cell caught the whole thing on camera so he doesn’t have to use words).
If You’re a Fellow Immune Cell (Killer T, Neutrophil, NK, etc.):
This cell, this man…
He doesn’t take it kindly if you butt into his business or if you don’t take defending the body seriously as he does.
That said, first impressions wise, you better believe he’ll treat your relationship with him as professionally as possible.
Sure, he teases U-1146 and NK Cell like close buddies and rivals, but that’s because he’s known them for some time. With you, perhaps you’re new to the body or maybe you haven’t had the chance to cross paths with him.
Regardless, your relationship is mainly professional and work based. Regardless, your relationship is mainly professional and work based.
Don’t worry, it doesn’t stay that way.
Your relationship doesn’t become closer because of viral attacks or when pathogens decide that the body is a good place to start a family.
No, it starts becoming closer when you yourself start becoming closer to him.
Maybe you start up conversations about how hard it is to take care of the body. Maybe you talk about what it’s like to be raised in a harsh, unforgiving environment because you know that without such treatment, immune cells won’t be able to do their job as well as they should.
Conversations like these bond you to Killer T Cell. He starts seeing you more as a companion because of your willingness to bond—a concept that not many of their cell caste normally employs.
Sure, close friendships exist, but when you’re placed in a role where you could basically die on the front lines at any point in time… it’s not always wise to engage in such close, loving relationships.
… Killer T Cell is not as stupid or as dorky as other cells (*cough*U-1146*cough*), but he is certainly not the brightest as he seeks you out over time and starts building a more in depth relationship with you.
Soon, conversation drifts from work related issues to hopes and dreams… Likes and dislikes… Would you rathers and have you evers…
It’s no surprise when, out of the blue, you start praising him for a day’s hard work that he starts blushing and starts reciprocating your advances with his own.
Praise him. Pay attention to me, please praise him. This poor man doesn’t know what friendship with cells outside of his cell caste are like, so please praise him. It’ll make his face blush and his eyes soften.
Ruffle his hair and hug his waist. It makes him feel loved and wanted—almost as if he wasn’t part of the army that could literally kill any cell if under direct orders.
If you ignore him, this cell will sulk and will act like a gigantic kicked puppy if you do. Get back into his good graces by giving him his favorite treat and patting his cheeks as he eats.
Please don’t ask for that one cytokine where he’s wearing a beautiful dress. No, he won’t reenact that image for you. No, he definitely doesn’t have it back in the Killer T barracks. No, he won’t wear it for you if you ask.
(He totally would. Just ask again).
Praise him.
If you want to donate a Ko-Fi, feel free https://ko-fi.com/devintrinidad.
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