#kinda eh about this drawing
cinimuffin · 6 months
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Made it two weeks at least
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numbuh424 · 3 months
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matt 🚬🥽
some slight color variations under the cut 🫶
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arinmoss · 6 hours
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Beautiful trans man for the lads :3
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satsuha · 3 months
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valerio for 60min challenge
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chubbybunyu · 1 year
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My cravings won over my fears, so here's my first ever tk-art as my first ever post for this community!! And also my first ever time drawing masculine figures hahah lotsa firsts here
Little Vash meowmeow is getting a well deserved treatment for simply being so adorable
My art, don't repost but reblog please!♥
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okanra · 1 year
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The whole “Trunks and Goten in High school AU” webcomic is being soft-rebooting, more properly this time and not just a “fan art stuff”. This is more like an adaptation for an art assignment now, which is really nostalgic for me.
This webcomic series’s name is “The UNSPOKEN” anyway, it’s much shorter than its original name and much more concise ✌️
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sleepdeprivedlilbean · 5 months
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Siggghhhhh I blame @dreemurr-skelememer for this 😒
close ups and info under the cut
Idk what higher power convinced me from 11pm - 5am to just HAVE to draw Dream and Nightmare as horses from mlp (god dammit I’ve never even watched mlp) but HERE WE ARE
I put waaay to much time into these drawings not to color them so once I line them I’ll do that
Anyway I wasn’t sure how to incorporate Nightmare’s tentacles in this design, buuut here were a couple of things I wanted to do/design choices and why:
I wanted to make them both alicorns with Nightmare having webbed wings (with hints of feathers and trauma)
I decided Nightmare was going to have armor and a royal vibe/aesthetic (like the king he is)
He also has horseshoes with pointed tips and ankle armor and neck armor cause yes.
I wanted to give him even more armor but I thought it would be too much
The cutie marks are their respective apples, but I wanted Nightmare to have, well, a Nightmare Moon thing going on where there was discoloration around the mark (excess of slime in this case)
I did want to incorporate sun and moon elements into the curie marks as well, but I figured I could do it in clothing instead to not overcrowd the cutie mark design and have it lose its meaning.
The slime around Nightmare’s cutie mark is constantly flowing and dripping off of him and if you looked closely his apple may appear purple instead of black through the drips
Ok while I’ve never really watched mlp I don’t live under a rock and I’m aware of how similar Luna and Celestia are to Nightmare and Dream, plus I looked up different designs and species and if you couldn’t tell Nightmare’s HEAVILY Nightmare Moon coded (she also slays btw I love her).
As for ideas about Nightmare’s tentacles I figured maybe he could have a sort of shadow magic maybe??? That acted like his tentacles in a way? Idk I’m workshopping it.
Or he could pull a Rapunzel and have his mane and tail act as his tentacles (which is kinda why his hair looks like that, as I wanted it to look slimy and thick, and for the “tentacles” a bunch of the chords would wrap together to create the tentacle like shape).
Idk mannnn I’m trying but horses and tentacles just don’t really go together juuuust sayin
I actually wasn’t gonna give Dream his cape/shawl thing cause I forgot he had it but I looked at Dream’s ref again and thought it was fitting enough.
Dream’s circlet got turned into a helmet cause I thought it would match Nightmare’s vibe a little more and I wanted to do more than just put it on his head ya know?
I’ve also been seeing designs with Dream having his hair braided and I thought it was fitting so while u can’t really see it, Dreams mane consists of a bunch of thick braids and the nape of his neck he just cut his hair cause otherwise his braids would get tangled in his wings so he said be gone lol. (Nightmare’s tail is also partially braided and I like to think he also braids his mane too into one large braid I just didn’t draw it that way :().
Ok I still have more to say but THIS IS LONG ENOUGH NAHSVAGACA
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2hoothoots · 2 years
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obligatory brainswap shenanigans
as a bonus, here's how they all dress themselves, because getting stuck in someone else's body for a few days isn't long enough to need to buy new clothes but it is long enough to think to yourself if i don't get out of this outfit immediately i'm going to die. transcript of the scribbled notes under the cut
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his own shades kept falling off his face
desperately searched Dogen's wardrobe for something more business casual than a hoodie
this was the best he could find
eyeliner, obviously
Raz hates that shirt (he can't stand velvet) but Lili loves it
jewelry is her own
literally just his regular hoodie and sweatpants
hey. it still fits
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goldensunset · 8 months
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*hands you keykid drawing i finally finished after a month*
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thatsitso · 1 year
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Yes I finally watched Trigun
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this is really stretching the 'shitty' in the blog title but fuck it the 'daily' is already a lie
keychain design :thumbsup:
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lunasilverpelt · 6 months
These fuckers
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spookythesillyfella · 1 month
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ah ... what a lovely day with the siblings ...
it sure would be a shame if one's grief and guilt came back to haunt them at that specific time . right ?
haha !!!!!
right ?
★ [ "Camaraderie at arms length" . "All you are going to want to do is get back there" – The Caretaker ]
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yonpote · 1 month
ok i literally only did two prompts but thats it for now i will get to the ones in my inbox tomorrow ✌️✌️
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thehappiestgolucky · 1 year
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Ah yes my elusive bug-dragons au
Where I combine my life-long love of dragons with bugs because everything’s better as dragons. this is a simple fact
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labyrinth-guard · 4 months
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Endless but with my Majin and Mazin designs ^^
Process took awhile and I got pretty lazy towards the end, but this was good environment practice
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Subjects Completed:
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Background with no Mazins:
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