stayevildarling · 6 months
Because you just reblogged those angst prompts and I love angst too, I’d love to read a combination of “please just hold me”, “you look awful” and maybe “is there anything I can do to help?” Between Wilhemina x Reader with the reader comforting wilhemina please?
Wilhemina Venable x Reader - Holding on for dear life
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A/N: thank you for requesting this💜 I struggled a little because as a reader I could never tell her she looks awful plus I struggled at first to see Mina ask for this. But in this scenario I can totally see it. I hope you enjoy and thank you for your support @stepintomyworld
tw: mention of scoliosis, cursing, angst, fluff
taglist: @lunaticwhittaker, @billiebeanhoward , @lanawinters-ily , @kenzbro , @minaslittleone , @httpfiftyshadesofgay , @whitelotus00 , @ninaahs , @vintagepaulson , @isle-of-earle , @paulsonsratched , @stepintomyworld , @grilledcheeseandguavajelly , @lucyintheskywithxanax , @fanfics4world , @mymiraclewitch , @hazard-to-myself , @awritersometime
The sound of your alarm pierces through the dimly lit bedroom, you stir from your slumber, reaching out instinctively for the warmth of your lover beside you, only to find the bed empty. Faintly you remember how she had left the house at 5am this morning, heading to work like she usually does before pressing a soft kiss to your forehead and smiling at your sleeping state.
As you walk into the living room, you immediately notice the half-empty bottle of medication, sitting on the coffee table, its presence sending a wave of concern through your veins. Your heart skips a little as you realise that Mina had forgotten to take her medication to work.
Panic bubbles up inside you as you think about the fact that your redhead girlfriend had been quite irritated lately, snapping at things quicker than she usually would and overall seeming more exhausted. As you inspect the bottles closer, you notice that the medication bottle had the wrong doses printed on it. Confused, you make your way over to the bathroom and take a look at Wilhemina's medication cabinet.
Unusual emptiness finds you as it was usually stocked up with different medications for her back, one to help with sleep, some to help with pain. You notice how her usual medication all have the wrong and weaker doses printed on it. Confused, you try putting the pieces together before deciding to take matters into your own hands. Walking over to her office, you make your way around her desk, carefully opening her calendar. It feels wrong to be snooping around in her things but you know the redhead could be stubborn about this and not accepting any help.
As you skip through the last few weeks, you notice her usual scheduled doctors appointment wasn't listed for another week. She must have missed the last one due to an important work meeting, scheduled in the calendar that week. Thinking about it for a second, you aren't sure whether to just ask her about it and offer your help or just sort it out for her, not wanting to invade her privacy but also wanting to take some of the pressure and what you assume to be great pain at this point off.
A little while later, you had decided to help out in fact and are on your way to the pharmacy, picking up her usual prescription. After calling the Dr's you found out that in fact she didn't make her last appointment and therefore only had some of her older and weaker medication left. The receptionist was very hesitant but knowing your name by now, she helped out, considering she knew you from accompanying Mina to her appointments in the past.
It takes about half an hour until you make your way to Kinero Robotics, walking through the familiar hallways until you finally make it to her office. As you stand by the glass door, you can see a glimpse of your girlfriend, sitting at her desk. Typing away on her lilac laptop, you take in her features. Her cane resting against the desk beside her, her hair in a sharp ponytail, her outfit plastered with lilac as per usual.
As you take in her features a little closer, you notice the bags under her eyes, her tight posture and the way her jaw was in a straight line. You could tell she was in pain and uncomfortable and hoping with your gesture you could lift some of the weights off her tired shoulders. Knocking gently, her head instantly lifts, getting ready to throw shooting arrows with her gaze but her features quickly soften as she sees you standing there.
,,Little one?'' she asks, confusion etched on her tired features. Her right hand reaches for her cane but you quickly shake your head, walking over to her instead, before pressing a gentle kiss on her cheek. ,,What are you doing here?'' she asks confused, noticing the little bag in your hand.
,,Mina-'' you start, not sure what to say as you know she may be upset at you for what you are about to say and give to her. Her eyes press shut as another wave of pain ripples through her. Sighing heavily she turns her gaze to you again, the pain reflecting in her brown orbs. ,,You look awful my love'' you whisper, tilting your head with concern.
,,Thank you for that statement, it's nice to see you too'' she snaps a little as she didn't like the belittlement or pitty.
,,I have these for you'' you simply mutter out, handing her the bag before she opens it only to find her medication, the right dosage inside them. Her features are overtaken by confusion and you aren't sure if you can sense a hint of anger in them also. To deescalate the situation, you reach for her lilac Stanley cup that you purchased for her a while ago, noticing how it was almost empty, quickly walking away to fill it up for her.
As you return she sighs and averts your gaze, taking the medication without saying a word. Your girlfriend was a lot of things but not stupid, she knew what you did in order to fit the pieces together and as much as she disapproved of you probably having been through her schedule and great lengths to get these, right now she appreciates it, knowing this should help soothe the pain, at least a little soon.
,,Is there anything I can do to help Mina?'' you ask carefully as her brown eyes meet yours. You aren't sure how she felt at the moment, knowing that her walls are up high either way but you didn't want to leave without having at least done your best to provide her with the same love and care she shows you on a daily basis.
,,No- I think you have done enough'' she replies. The room fills with silence and from her tone and blank face you couldn't tell whether she was upset or grateful. Figuring you did indeed disturb her at work, you give her a weak smile before saying goodbye and exiting her office.
After you leave Wilhemina feels a wave of overwhelming emotions wash over her. She hated this, she had always hated her back, the way it disabled her to do the most normal things in life. The way the pain, not only physically, held her in its grasps, sometimes freezing her. She hated being perceived as weak or not as able as other people, mostly the reason why she appeared so harsh and tough on the outside.
With you it was different though, she never had anyone truly care about her, truly wanting to help ease the pain and not perceiving her as weak or different, as you had often reminded her. Somehow you made all of her insecurities disappear whenever she was with you and she loved and adored you for it. You wouldn't usually fuss either, which she truly appreciated and somehow she is facing a battle of anger over your fuss but deep gratitude that you went through the lengths of getting the mediation, which she couldn't make the time for due to her career and on top of it, coming all the way to her office to bring it to her.
She rubs her temples, slowly feeling the effect of the pain medication soothing her painful and tired muscles. ,,Fuck'' she curses internally for having driven you away like this. As she takes a look at the time and her desk, seeing the amount of work she still had for the day, she quickly resumed with it, hoping if she gets through it all sooner rather than later, she could make some more time for you tonight, hopefully being able to leave the office sooner.
As hours passed, the weight and pain of the last few days presses down on Wilhemina's shoulders, each moment ticking by with agonising slowness. Despite the medication easing the worst of her pain, she couldn't shake the lingering exhaustion that seemed to have clinged to her like a shadow at this point. As she works tirelessly at her desk, her mind keeps wandering back to the imagine of you standing in her office, your concern etched into every line of your face. The guilt gnawed at her insides as she replayed the exchange in her mind, wondering if she had pushed you away too harshly.
The truth is, she was grateful for your help more than she could ever express. But admitting that meant acknowledging her own vulnerability, something she had spent a lifetimes trying to conceal. And as much as she hated to admit it, your presence had stirred something inside her - a longing for connection that she had long buried beneath layers of steel and ice. As the day draws to a close and the office begins to even out, the redhead finds herself torn between a battle of desire to reach out to you, apologise for her harsh words and to thank you for your unwavering support.
With a heavy sigh, she closes her laptop, having finished up her things for the day, gathering her things as she made her mind up. She couldn't let the day end without making things right with you and showing you just how much you mean to her. As she makes her way home, her thoughts are consumed by visions of you, your gentle smile, the warmth of your embrace, the way your presence soothed her tired and troubled soul.
Meanwhile you spent the day tending to various tasks around the house, partly trying to distract yourself and also your thoughts consumed by her. The sight of her forgotten medication had sparked a sense of urgency in you, driving you to take action to ensure her wellbeing. You made sure that Wilhemina could come home to a clean and comfortable home. Making sure the bedding was changed, washing all done and the apartment looking neat and tidy. You prepared a bath for her, her favourite lavender bath salts sitting on the edge of the bathtub. After, you cooked some dinner, even though uncertainty consumed you when she was coming home and what she would be like tonight.
Wilhemina pushes the door to your apartment open a while later, her heart pounding with doubt and fear. She searches the home for you in the familiar surroundings. Noticing how everything was much cleaner than when she left this morning. She finds a cooked meal waiting for her in the kitchen, a bath waiting for her in the bathroom and the bed changed into some comfortable covers. However she couldn't find you.
When she finally founds you, her heart aches a little at the sight. Sitting in the armchair in a corner of the living room, bathed in the soft glow of the lamplight, her heart swells with a mixture with relief and longing. Relief that you didn't run, didn't leave and stayed.
,,Little one'' she murmurs, her voice filled with emotions as she crosses the room to where you are sat, her cane tapping against the floor. You lift your gaze from your book, giving her a soft and gentle smile. ,,Hi Mina'' you greet her, taking in her features and noticing how her expression and posture seem less tense, meaning the medication must have helped her at least a little.
,,Why is the table only set for one?'' she asks, her brow furrowing in curiosity. You meet her gaze gently explaining ,,I wanted to give you some space to unwind, to have some time for yourself after a long day''.
The redheads heart swells with emotion at your considerate words, a lump forming in her throat as she realises how much you care about her wellbeing. At the same time knowing, usually you would set the table for two and eat with her. She worries, that she had hurt you, drove you away before after the exchange in her office. Despite the reassurance from you and the bad feeling about today, her sense of stubbornness nags at her thoughts. She accepts your explanation with a simple ,,Fine'' before leaving with a tight smile.
As she makes her way to the bathroom, her steps slow and deliberate she seeks solace in the soothing embrace of a warm bath. The tension in her muscles begins to melt away as she sinks into the steaming water, the cares of the day slipping from her mind with each passing moment. After staying in the comfort of the bath for what felt like an eternity, she emerges from the bath. Wrapping herself in a towel and getting changed, turned out to be a challenge again, sending little shooting pains through her back. She knows she could easily ask you for help but again Wilhemina was still far too stubborn for that.
As she makes her way to the kitchen a little while later in anticipation of the meal, she sits down at the table. However she couldn't help but feel a pang of loneliness at the sight of the empty chair across from her. But even as she took each bite of the delicious meal you had prepared, she knows that solitude was necessary, a chance to reflect the events of the day and come to terms with her own feelings. She couldn't keep being stubborn, the fear of pushing you away further far too big a risk.
As she finishes her meal and making her way back to the living room, she finds you in the exact spot, lost in the pages of a book. Wilhemina settles beside you on the couch, finding a comfortable position for her to sit in. A sense of calm washes over her, at the thought you are there beside her. You look up from your book, giving her a gentle smile, before you put the book down altogether.
,,Was dinner okay?'' you ask quietly, trying to make conversation.
,,It was perfect, thank you little one'' she speaks softly and you sense the tension almost gone from her features and voice at this point.
She takes a deep breath before turning to you, her gaze soft but determined. ,,I need to talk to you about today, little one'' she admits, her voice steady despite the turmoil swirling inside her. You nod in return, your eyes meeting hers. ,,Of course Mina'' you reply, your voice gentle and reassuring.
And with your hand clasped in hers, Wilhemina slowly begins to open up, her words tumbling forth in a rush as she pours out her frustrations and regret. She admits she couldn't make time for the doctors appointment and therefor couldn't get a new prescription. She explains the only option being her old and weaker medication. Wilhemina very briefly touches the subject of her fear of appearing weak or vulnerable, her stubborn pride often getting in the way of accepting help or support.
But she quickly changes the subject to her love for you, the anchor that always held her steady. ,,I'm so grateful for you, little one, for all that you do''. Her smile is gentle as she pulls you into her embrace, holding you there for a while.
As the evening carries on, eventually the both of you go to bed and as much as Wilhemina appreciates the soft sheets, and your support to put her in a comfortable position, another wave of pain appears. Wilhemina's scoliosis often brought on bursts of excruciating pain, despite the right medications. The pain wasn't just in her back, it radiated down her legs, sending sharp jolts of agony with each movement. Especially after a long day at work, once she gets to rest it feels like a vice grip squeezing her spine and every attempt to shift position only seems to increase the torment.
As she lays there you can tell her features changing again and your heart breaks at the sight knowing how much pain she was in. ,,Mina?'' you ask gently as her gaze meets yours the pain is very visible in her brown orbs. ,,Can I get you your medication?'' you ask softly. She simply nods, despite her strength and resilience usually, she also had her breaking points. Tonight she had reached it, after not having been on the right medication for weeks, having been agitated all day. The pain wins, forcing her to surrender to its merciless grip.
As you return she thanks you silently and invites you to lay down beside her. The room remains quiet for a while and as you take in her features you notice the usual stoic facade crumbling under the weight of the relentless pain. ,,It feels like shooting pain down my legs'' she murmurs, her voice laced with discomfort. ,,It feels like I can barely move them after today''. Despite her agony there is a hint of frustration in her tone, a silent acknowledgment of her own vulnerability. It was rare to see the usual strong woman in such a state, but even the fiercest of warriors had their moments of weakness.
Your heart breaks at the sight, wishing you could take her pain away. You would do it over and over again, taking all of her pain if it would mean some kind of relief to her. Tears swell in your eyes as you feel helpless and at the same time knowing if she was so open and honest it must be so bad that not even words could describe it. You simply reach for her hand, holding it gently as you listen to her talk.
,,I hate seeing you like this Mina, I'm so sorry'' you say, barely above a whisper.
,,How do you think I feel? I have to actually live with-'' she quickly stops herself as she feels your hand hold onto hers a little tighter. A silent reminder that it was just you two and the rest of the world didn't need to know she was letting her guard and usual high walls down. ,,I'm sorry'' she mumbles, growing frustrated at herself.
,,What can I do Mina?'' you ask softly as you meet her gaze yet again. Her eyes soften, so grateful already for all the things you had done for her today and continue to do.
,,No I don't think so- just'' she starts but quickly stops herself. You sit up beside her, giving her a soft reassuring smile.
,,Can you-'' she starts but stops herself again as she shakes her head slowly. You can tell she's suddenly shy which didn't usually happen.
,,Can you- please just hold me'' she suddenly whispers. The words take a second for your brain to register them as this was not something you expected from Wilhemina and it usually being the other way around. Your features crumble and you have to stop the lump in your throat from bringing any tears to your eyes.
Moving up a little, leaning against the frame of the bed, you open your arms and she nudges slightly as she feels the safety of your arms wrap around her. As Wilhemina rests her head on your chest, listening to your heartbeat and surprised that this wasn't making her back worse, some tears roll down her cheeks.
However you are quick to catch each one reassuring her ,,I've got you Mina, it's okay''. And with every word she believes you. The tears eventually turn into her crying in your arms and despite the scene in front of you breaking you in any way it could, seeing her in so much agony and pain, you also feel some kind of relief. Knowing that every now and then it was healthy for her to show this kind of emotion and let go of her usual stern and hiding nature.
Wilhemina feels a weight lifting from her as she listened to the gentle words escaping your lips and gentle beats of your heart against your chest, where her head still rested. In that moment as you held her in the quiet comfort of your bedroom, surrounded by the warmth of your love, Wilhemina knew that with you by her side she could face any challenge that would come knocking and she knew they wouldn't ever stop. At the same time you knew that you had done something right, knowing Wilhemina wouldn't ever portray her emotions like this easily. And as the redhead holds on for dear life, you both find comfort in the arms of each other, knowing you can face any storms that came her way.
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am3ricanh0rrorwh0re · 6 months
Model ☆
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jeff pfister x fem!reader
summary: you were hired as a model for future sex bots built by Kineros Robotics, and you fall for a technician
warnings: nsfw, cocaine, unprotected p in v over a desk, oral (fem receiving), orgasm denial, unchecked spelling
“Hello?” You call, knocking on a door to the lab of Jeff Pfister and Mutt Nutter; two billionaires and owners of Kineros Robotics, a company that made sex robots. There they were, two men with bowl cuts, one blonde and one brunette. The men were snorting coke out of a crystal bowl and sliding around on spinny chairs
"Woah. what’s a hot chick like you doing here? wanted to meet the sexy billionaires in charge of the company?" the blonde one says, looking you up and down. His vision fluctuated from your tits to your pussy.
“I applied yesterday, that model position. inspiration for a new robot or something,” You laugh. The men nod and snicker.
“Yeah, uh,” The blonde one says after a line of cocaine. “I’m Jeff, and that’s Mutt,” He continues, pointing at himself, and then back at the brunette. You nod, smiling at Jeff. He reciprocates the smile, his gaze following you as you walk around the lab.
“So basically,” Jeff smiled, standing up. “We kinda just need you to strip down to whatever you got underneath that, and just follow our instruction,” Jeff smirked, a devilish glint in his eyes. You agree, taking off your clothes until you’re down to your bra and panties.
Jeff smiled, grabbing some measuring tape. He sighed softly, wrapping it around your hips before giving the measurements to Mutt to write down. You look down at him, smirking. Jeff wraps the measuring tape around one of your thighs, inching his way up to your throbbing heat under your panties. He’s on his knees, looking up at you with a smirk as he tightens the measuring tape around your thigh. One of his hands snakes its way up your thigh, pushing your panties aside. You smile down at him, inhaling shakily.
Jeff nipped at your thigh softly, leading up to your wet entrance. He kept one hand pushing your panties aside, the other held your thigh. He looked back behind him, making sure Mutt wasn’t there, which he wasn’t. Jeff laughed softly, his tongue circling your clit. You bring your hands down to his hair, running your fingers through his blonde mop of hair.
“You like that?” Jeff asked with a smile, his lips pressed against your cunt. The vibrations of his voice shook against you, making you whine. You nod as he keeps going.
“god, I need more,” You moan. Your grip on his hair tightens as he plunged his tongue between your folds. Jeff stands up and grabs your hips, bringing you over to his desk. He pushed you over his desk, his hands running up your sides before he pulled your panties to your ankles.
“you do coke, right?” He asked, grabbing a handful of coke in his hand from the crystal bowl. He wraps his hand around, putting it up to your face.
“try it, babe,” Jeff laughed. You blocked off a nostril and snorted the powder, feeling it scrape your nose as it traveled up your nasal tubes. He wiped the rest off of his hands before grabbing your wrists.
Jeff pinned your wrists to your sides, pressing them down into the desk. He pushed down his pants and boxers before digging his hands back into your wrists. His cock pressed against your wet entrance. He started thrusting, making you moan loudly.
“I knew you were a good hire,” He laughed.
A thrust, followed by a groan.
“I knew it when I saw those tits,”
Another thrust.
You moan loudly, panting. Your breath comes out in short, sharp hitches. “I think i’m gonna cum-“ You squeak. Jeff lets go of your wrists, smacking your ass roughly. that’d leave a mark, you knew it for sure.
“Not yet, don’t cum yet, babe,” He laughed, thrusting in harder. You moan loudly, gasping for air. His fingers weaved their way through your hair before pulling sharply. He slapped your ass again, leaving a real mark.
“Cum,” He dictated. “I said cum,” Jeff demanded, slapping your ass. Your eyes rolled back as you grabbed the desk. Jeff gave one more thrust, followed by a loud groan. He pushed further into you, nuzzling up into you before releasing deep inside.
“Jeff!” You scream, feeling him cum inside of you. He puts a hand over your mouth before pulling out. He scoffed, looking down at your pussy, which was throbbing, leaking out a combination of both of you.
“Shh, it’s fine…worst case scenario? You get pregnant with my baby and it looks fucking perfect,”
(this fic was made for @newwavesylviaplath. love ya camrynnn !!)
taglist: @newwavesylviaplath @cult-of-lambs @fear-is-truth @dangeroustaintedflawed @slutforgarlogan
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imagines-ahs · 4 months
Chapter Fifty: Amaranth.
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Summary: Wilhemina Venable felt it was finally time to leave Kineros Robotics and get a job with people who weren’t such morons like Jeff and Mutt. What she didn’t expect, however, was for her new boss to be so damn insufferable. She didn’t expect to fall in love with her, either.
Tag List: @mayfair-fleur @mistysswampmud @paulsonsratched @msvenablx @notmeellaannyy @rwoolfe @golddustdykes​ @lovingsarah @slut-for-sarah @geinobinarie​ (message me to be added if interested!)
“I said no, of course.” Venable watched how Billie’s chest had begun to move a little faster. She’s nervous. Wilhemina could feel herself starting to grow overwhelmed, and Billie Dean’s fingers no longer felt right tangled in her own. As gentle as she could, Venable pulled her hand away. Billie blinked once, glancing down at their hands. The look that settled on Billie Dean’s face caused Wilhemina to feel even more disappointed in herself. I’m hurting her. But her whole body refused to allow itself to be touched, to be felt, to be noticed as something that existed in physical form. Billie only nodded, waiting for Venable to say something else, anything else. Wilhemina’s jaw was tense again. “B-Billie, what happened between you and Terry?”
For a second, everything Billie Dean could hear was a faint buzz. Slowly, her body recovered from the sudden rush of adrenaline that had just washed down. She licked her dry lips, blinking once or twice. “What did she tell you?” I should have talked to her about it. I should have done it before she had the chance. Venable didn’t answer, she only looked away. Billie frowned a little more, holding her emotions back the best she could. “Wilhie, what did she tell you?”
Wilhie. Venable stared down at the floor, body refusing to allow her voice to come out. She pushed it through. “She just… she told me y-you did the same to her— to Terry… d-date her, I m-mean. And then you—you got tired and just… discarded her.”
“I never dated her,” Billie quickly said. “We went out a few times, but we—we never dated.” Her heart had accelerated its pace, for Billie Dean knew where this was going. “There w-were no feelings, and she was not fired b-because of that. It had nothing to do with o-our so called relationship.” She saw right there in Venable’s eyes how she didn’t seem to believe her. Fuck! Honey eyes filled up with tears. “Wilhemina, I d-don’t know what she told you, b-but it was nothing l-like us. Nothing. It was never serious. We only—we hooked up a few times, but we never even went out on a proper date.”
“Will you get tired of me, too?” It was barely a whisper, but one that came in a strong tone and as cold as ice. Venable hated herself for allowing it to come out like that, for allowing her walls to control her like that. Her posture was rigid again, both hands on the cane and head up high. Defensive. Scared.
“I will not.” There was no doubt in that. Billie gulped the lump in her throat. “I d-didn’t get tired of h-her. No one k-knows what happened.” A tear slid down. Billie Dean paid no attention to it. Her hands ached to just hold the woman in front of her. “W-Wilhie… Wilhie, please… I—I don’t k-know what else to tell y-you.” Another tear slipped down, followed by another, and another. She sniffled, never once looking away from Venable. Stop crying, for fuck’s sake!
“Tell me w-what happened.” Wilhemina’s voice trembled, betraying the coldness of her posture. Too many things went through her mind, each one of them taking her to a worst place.
With her eyebrows drawing close together, Billie Dean sniffled. She nodded as she took a deep breath. “Not here.” Venable frowned. “Meet me in the garage in five minutes.”
“T-trust me?”
Wilhemina bit her inner cheek. Staring at those honey oceans that always carried so much kindness, she wondered how could she ever say no to Billie Dean. How could she ever deny her anything when she stared at her with eyes so full of tears and so full of fear. She nodded, and in a gush of even more trust, reached to squeeze one of Billie’s hands. I never meant to hurt her. “I do.”
Taking another deep breath, Billie squeezed Venable’s hand back. “I p-promise I’ll give you a-all the answers.”
Wilhemina nodded. The sight was breaking her heart. Hesitantly, she let Billie Dean’s hand go and followed back to her table, heart beating fast.
Alone in her office, Billie Dean sat back down on her chair. She tried taking a deep breath, but a sob cut through. She felt ashamed. She felt judged by something Venable hadn’t even seen yet. Covering her eyes with her palms, Billie forced her body to calm down; this time, air filled her lungs slowly, completely. Her body craved for nicotine yet again, and she didn’t have another choice but to give in. Reaching for her purse, Billie Dean grabbed a cigarette from the pack she had there along with a lighter and walked to the huge window of her office, opening it carefully. She took drag after drag with eyes staring at nothing at all, focused on blurring colors as she kept herself trapped in all the thoughts that ran through her mind. What if she decides I’m too much for her? Finding someone like Venable had been so hard… it wouldn’t have been anyone but Wilhemina.
It didn’t take long for Venable to get up and walk to the elevator, nail picking on the skin of her thumb— an unconscious, nervous habit. She did notice how Emma stared at her, clearly curious, clearly angry, clearly wanting to get up and follow her to know what was happening. She wouldn’t have the nerve. As Wilhemina stepped into the elevator and the doors closed, she sighed in relief for being the only one there. Her stomach turned as the floors started to go down, mind on Billie, focus on Billie, heart on Billie. What could be so bad? What even could have happened that could be so bad? Why am I so scared? Venable knew why… what if she were being used? What if the Billie Dean she knew was a lie carefully constructed to play some sort of trick on her? I knew it was too good to be true. Billie gave her no reason to think that way, but the part of Wilhemina that refused to see any good on herself screamed louder. As the elevator stopped and the doors opened again, Venable hesitantly followed into a more secluded area of the garage. She hadn’t seen Billie Dean pass through the main office, which meant she wasn’t there yet. She stood there waiting, nibbling on her inner cheek at the same pace her nail dug on her skin. Not even five minutes later, the doors to the elevator opened to reveal Billie, with her sunglasses on and purse in hand. Venable watched her from the corner of her eye, hand squeezing the cane harshly.
As Billie Dean looked around in search of Wilhemina, she caught herself still sniffling the remaining of her tears. Her eyes had grown red and swollen, and her mascara had been all smudged—she tried wiping it off, and at least it got somewhat presentable. Sunglasses were always a lifesaver, though. Her head picked up as she saw a hint of purple, and she watched as Venable stood there so nervous she couldn’t hide it this time. Billie sighed. Please, don’t change your mind. “Hi,” she said softly as she approached Wilhemina.
Turning around, Venable smiled a little. “Hi. She’s wearing glasses. Wilhemina wanted to lean closer and kiss her lips; wanted to hold her hand, comfort her and caress her fingers. But her body refused to allow it, standing on the ground with feet glued on it and refusing to draw closer.
Billie gulped again, eyes falling down. “My car is—is to the left.”
“Your car?” Venable frowned.
Billie Dean nodded. “I need—I want to show you the whole thing.” Her eyes hesitantly moved back to brown ones. Wilhemina looked even more confused. I won’t be able to wait until we get there. Every second that Venable stared at her like that broke her heart a tiny bit more. But also, what was the best to do? Wilhemina was a very logical person, and so perhaps the best was, indeed, to wait.
Venable’s first reaction was to deny getting away from the workplace while she was, technically, working. But Billie Dean was the boss, and even if she weren’t, Billie Dean was her priority right now. So she nodded and followed Billie along until they got to her car. “Thank you,” she nearly whispered as she got in, holding her cane on her lap as Billie Dean closed the door.
“Of course.” Billie walked to the driver’s side and got in as well. She took a deep breath as she buckled up, and then she took her glasses off and turned on the car. Wilhemina watched her closely, eyes tracing each and every line of her. I’m so embarrassed.
Her eyes are blotchy. Venable’s thumb was back at picking on her skin. “Where are we going?” She asked after a second. The car was already moving, and as Wilhemina took a deep breath she realized just how much it smelled like Billie Dean. I want to hold her.
“My house.” Billie licked her lips as she looked over to the sides before moving forward.
“Your house?” What could they possibly do at Billie Dean’s house? Venable was lost; completely lost. She watched as Billie nodded. “Why?”
Billie bit her inner cheek, fingers silently drumming on the wheel. Her stomach kept on twirling. “The… the documents are a-all there.” Her eyes started to grow teary again. She sniffled.
Documents? Wilhemina was starting to grow worried—not for her feelings, not for her trauma, but for Billie Dean. She had seen Billie worried and nervous like that before, and it was never something good. Reach for her hand. Venable eyed them on the wheel. “Billie, you’re worrying me.”
Wiping a tear away, Billie Dean sighed. After a minute or two, she finally gathered the courage to speak again. “I’m scared,” she breathed out. They stopped at a red light, so she was able to look at Venable.
Oh no. Wilhemina didn’t know what to do, how to react, how to comfort Billie when she herself needed comfort. “W-why?” Her voice trembled. Her nerves started to grow agitated. Hiding her feelings had become hard all of a sudden.
“B-because.” Billie Dean sniffled again. Her eyes refused to stay dry. “Terry, she… no one k-knows about i-it. I’ve been d-dealing with that alone, n-no one knows. And I’m scared y-you’ll look at me differently when you f-find out.”Gulping yet again, Venable shook her head. The light turned green, they moved forward. Billie kept on sniffling as she drove, wiping the running tears away the best she could.
Wilhemina had grown quiet again. Would anything be able to make me look at her differently? It wasn’t fair to think something could; not with how Billie Dean had treated her so far, not with the amount of comfort that woman brought to her. She wouldn’t do something that could cause me to look at her differently. Struggling to pass through the walls, Venable began to dig a hole. She bit her lower lip and closed her eyes, thumb now bleeding. I don’t want to lose her. Haven’t my ways taken too much from me already? Every single time Wilhemina happened to be struggling around Billie, she had been anything but kind, loving, sweet. It’s not fair I don’t do the same. Venable wanted to do the same. She dug and dug and dug until she could see a small amount of the outside, and then she opened her eyes again. Billie Dean kept her waterfall eyes on the road. “B-Billie,” she barely managed to whisper. They stopped at a red light again. Their eyes met. She’s terrified. “I… I l-like you for who you a-are. That’s n-not changing.” Taking all the strength she could, Wilhemina reached for Billie Dean’s free hand. She tangled their fingers and caressed it, feeling the soft skin against her own.
With her face scrunching up with tears, Billie shook her head. Her eyes fell down to their hands, and she squeezed Venable’s back as if it were the last time she would be able to do so. “I-I’m ashamed of what happened,” that was all she managed to whisper.
Wilhemina’s frown grew. She knew that feeling well… almost too well. She kept on caressing the fingers tangled in hers, watching as Billie Dean cried more and more. I should stop talking. She’s driving. Billie had to calm down. “Just… just know I’m here with y-you.”
With another nod, Billie Dean got back to driving. She sniffled nonstop, trying to bring her nerves down. With her hand tangled in Venable’s, her chest filled with air a tiny bit easier.
The rest of the ride was quiet. Billie used the time to calm herself down as best as she could, and Wilhemina never once let her hand go; it was the best she could do right now. When they got to Billie Dean’s house, her eyes were dry and only slightly red. She reached for her purse and opened the garage, gently letting go of Venable’s hand as she parked the car. When the engine stopped, Billie took a deep breath. So did Wilhemina.
“Eleanor must be here,” Billie Dean broke the silence. It took a minute for Venable to remember whom Eleanor was, but she nodded anyways. Billie got out of the car and walked to the other side, ready to open the door for Wilhemina; she was already getting out. I need another cigarette. As they followed inside, Venable caught herself regretting not bringing her purse along. She had her bottle of Valium there, and even though she had already taken one today, the fear of a panic attack raising was very much present right now. Billie Dean didn’t dare offering a hand to Wilhemina. Right now, she honestly didn’t feel like she deserved to be held by anyone. The living room was substantially tidier this time Venable noticed, and the whole house smelled like a flower she couldn’t quite point to. “Eleanor?” Billie called. In no more than five minutes, a blonde, pale woman walked into the living room holding a cloth.
“Hello, Ms. Howard. I didn’t expect you here so early.”
Ms. Howard. Billie Dean had already asked Eleanor not to call her like that, but she didn’t have the energy to bring that up right now. “It’s alright. Is everything okay? Could you get settled well?”
“Yes. Thank you, Ms. Howard.” The woman smiled. Wilhemina watched how she eyed her once, smile never leaving her lips. She also took notice of how, even though very much distressed, Billie Dean was still as nice as always. How can I ever see her differently? “I’m cleaning the downstairs bathroom and the pool area right now. Should I clean something else first? Would you like me to prepare you lunch?”
Billie shook her head. “It’s perfect as it is, Eleanor. Thank you so much. There’s no need to prepare us lunch, and when you feel like eating, use the house phone and order whatever you’d like, as always.”
“Right.” Eleanor nodded. “Thank you, Ms. Howard. I’ll go back to doing my job, if you need anything just call me.”
“Alright.” Billie Dean offered her the best smile she could. Excusing herself, Eleanor disappeared on the back door. Taking another deep breath, Billie turned to Venable. Going upstairs is hard for her. “I’ll go grab the documents.”
Wilhemina nodded; her chest clenched from how defeated Billie Dean looked. As Billie disappeared upstairs, Venable caught herself sighing. She walked to the couch and took a seat, hands nervously squeezing the cane. Her eyes scanned the room she had seen only once before, trying to distract herself with the details she could capture: the awards on the shelf, the TV that could almost be mistaken by a painting of birds, the beautiful chandelier. It’s all Billie Dean. Venable adored everything. She looked down at her hands and noticed dry blood on the thumb she had been picking on. She bit her lower lip. I should wash it. But Eleanor had said she was cleaning the bathroom, and she didn’t even know where it was. Plus, she didn’t feel comfortable just walking around Billie Dean’s house. I wouldn’t mind if she did so in mine. Somehow it felt different. Footsteps took her away from her thoughts, and so Wilhemina looked up from her hands to watch as Billie approached her with a folder in hand, head down. She gulped.
Here we go. Billie took a deep breath as she sat down next to Venable. Without saying anything, she just handed her the folder. Wilhemina stared at her in confusion. Billie Dean licked her dry lips. “It’s all there,” she said quietly.
It was hesitant, but Venable slowly began to read the papers. Honey eyes watched her closely, already wanting to grow teary again. Fiery eyebrows kept on drawing closer together. I should have brought my glasses. Taking a deep breath as she read the first document, her eyes grew in size as she realized what she was reading. “She’s blackmailing you?!” Wilhemina turned to look at Billie Dean, whom only nodded with her head down. Venable’s frown grew. “Why are you ashamed of it? She’s the one who should be ashamed.”
“Keep—keep on going…”
Instantly, Wilhemina did so. As she turned to the next page, a few screenshots were printed there, along with chunks of texts explaining the context of them. Venable kept on reading further, and suddenly, when she moved to another page, explicit pictures of Billie—clearly taken without her consent—were printed right there, in color and all. Wilhemina’s eyes grew even more and she quickly closed the file. As she moved to look at Billie Dean, she found her still looking down at the floor, lip trembling as she held back the tears. Venable shook her head. “Billie… Billie, look at me.” She saw the way Billie Dean squeezed her eyes shut, tears cascading down. Venable bit her lip harshly. Just grab her hand already. Hesitantly and ignoring the voices in her head that screamed Billie would get mad at her somehow, Venable reached for one of her hands. Billie Dean opened her eyes and slowly looked at Wilhemina. She offered her a sad smile. “Angel… this is not y-your fault.” Too many things spiraled through her mind, but Wilhemina was determined to keep her focus on Billie. What if she’s lying? There was no way Billie Dean would lie about that, with proof and everything. And Venable knew it. Still, her mind tried taking what was good from her, as it always did. Not this time. Not Billie Dean. Trusting was so fucking hard… but Billie deserved it. She had deserved every single leap of faith she had taken for her.
Seeing Wilhemina through the tears was hard, and so Billie Dean clenched her hand for dear life. Her ears buzzed with adrenaline and shame, body shaking slightly. “Those p-pictures… I’ve… she is threatening t-to sell t-them—“ a sob cut through. Billie shook her head and covered her eyes with her palm, sniffling deeply.
Venable shook her head as her blood started to boil. Who the fuck does she think she is? She clenched her jaw harshly. Wilhemina saw red. She wanted to let Billie Dean know just what she thought about that woman, and she almost started to speak before she forced herself to stop: Saturday morning slipped in her mind, how she had exploded when she heard about the threats from Emma, and how that had made Billie uncomfortable, scared. And that was the last thing she wanted right now. So Venable took a deep breath and found a way to shove her rage aside somewhere—anywhere. And then her mind got quiet. And her body stopped trembling. And she found herself… sad. Sad for seeing what the world did to Billie Dean despite it being cruel to herself, too. And her eyes grew misty, so misty they slowly overflowed. But she didn’t care; not now, not with a person she cared so much. What were emotions if not rage? For the first time in a long time, Wilhemina simply felt. “Billie…” She moved closer, because she trusted Billie Dean would never scream at her for showing affection. “Billie Dean… come h-here.” She let her hand go to wrap an arm around her shoulders, pulling her closer until Billie laid her head on her chest. And then she cradled her tightly, lovingly, fingers tangling in blonde hair and caressing it. Billie Dean kept on sobbing loudly while she clenched everything Wilhemina she could reach. Venable felt her cheeks getting wetter and wetter, but she simply let it be. Her nose buried into Billie’s hair, taking a deep breath. “It’s okay,” she whispered. The sound of Billie Dean’s sobs was one she didn’t think she had ever heard before, and it caused Venable to wonder just how long had she been holding them back, how long had she been postponing all these emotions she was meant to let go so long ago. Billie had always told Wilhemina she needed a break, and perhaps the break was not only physical. The urge to protect something wasn’t usual for Venable—it had happened only twice her whole life, first with Olivia, and then with Purpura—but it was undeniable how it had been growing with Billie Dean; perhaps now it had reached its peak.
As much as Billie tried, she just couldn’t take a proper breath, she just couldn’t stop the sobs from cutting through—so she accepted it. She accepted the fear, the shame, the anger at herself and whatever else and simply cried. She cried and cried as she held onto Wilhemina, trying to trade all her pain for lavender so only the purple crowded her senses and emotions. Her eyes hurt, her nose had grown red, and her body had finally stopped shaking after what seemed to be hours. When she finally gathered enough strength to look up at Venable again, she found her cheeks wet as well, eyes caring concern, comfort, worry and care. She sniffled the best she could and pulled away to properly look at her. “I f-feel like a whore,” she murmured lowly. Wilhemina blinked twice, clearly surprised by the words. “I feel s-so stupid with t-these pictures… how could I not see w-what she was doing?” Hadn’t she cried all she had inside, more tears would for sure come one more time. Billie Dean took a deep, shaky breath. She reached for one of Venable’s hands again, caressing it between her own. “I-I’m so ashamed of it all… I’m so scared y-you’ll think I-I do that with everyone.”
Instantly, Wilhemina shook her head. “Don’t say that, Billie…” Only now she reached to wipe her cheeks clean. “She took advantage of you, none of that is your fault.”
“B-but I did sleep with her because I wanted to.”
Ouch. The thought bothered Venable. She focused on logic. “And there’s nothing wrong with that. But she chose to take advantage, she chose to take those pictures without your consent, and that was entirely on her.” Wilhemina did her best to keep her voice caring, soft.
Billie Dean sighed. “We never e-even went out on a date… it was p-purely sex… meaningless… stupid.” She shook her head and looked away, back at the floor. Venable gulped uncomfortably; it was definitely not pleasant to think about Billie kissing someone else, let alone having sex with them. It was a tough realization for Wilhemina, to understand that she was, in fact, jealous. Not that it mattered right now, not that it mattered at all. So many forgotten emotions rolled through her body, making it hard to think clearly. “I think w-we saw each other maybe f-four or five times… in s-six months. I d-didn’t feel good about it anymore… about feeling u-used the next day, every t-time.” Slowly, honey eyes moved back to brown ones. Venable squeezed her hand gently, encouraging her to keep going. “I t-told her I’d love t-to remain friends, b-but I didn’t want the sex anymore. She g-got really mad at me, told me I had been leaning her on, that I s-should have been honest from day one. I w-was… I t-told her after it h-happened the first time, after a p-party for wrapping up the last season of the show, we w-were both drunk… I barely remember it.” Billie shook her head. “I t-told her it h-had been a mistake, she offered for u-us to be casual… I figured i-it wouldn’t be a problem, s-she saw other people, she seemed nice e-enough even though I k-knew there was nothing romantic there for m-me…” A low, bitter chuckle left Billie Dean’s lips. She sighed. “Her w-work had never been the b-best, but she d-did the job and that w-was sufficient… or so I thought. I e-ended up finding numerous mistakes some time later, two o-or three months after w-we stopped seeing each other. I tried t-talking to her, a-asked her to be more careful… she i-insisted I was punishing her for s-some reason… so I h-had to fire her. She told everyone i-it had to do with our relationship—we d-didn’t even have a relationship, n-not in the way she implied, and she was aware of that. Gosh, she tried sleeping w-with Jenny for fuck’s sake!” Wilhemina watched Billie quietly, giving her the time she needed to let it all out. “A day a-after many accusatory t-texts, she sent me t-the first picture. A week later, I h-had all of them along w-with threats of selling them t-to the media if I d-didn’t agree t-to pay her a fee for f-firing her—which had already b-been paid, but she demanded for more. I g-gave in at first… she kept on asking for more… finally, I c-contacted my lawyer. We are… we’re building a c-case…” Billie Dean looked down again. It was all laid out now, clear as day for Venable to see and understand and judge as she pleased. Billie had nothing else to lose. I should have never slept with her, Billie’s mind shouted, I should have contacted my lawyer before, I should have stopped after the first time, I should have, I should have, I should have, I should have…
Digesting everything would take some time, but Wilhemina certainly would. She kept on caressing Billie Dean’s hand, heart beating fast, eyes glossy. What could she even say to that? Billie stared at her as if she were waiting for Venable to decide her faith on death penalty or not, eyes big, lip trapped between her teeth. Wilhemina blinked once, causing matching tears to slip down. Billie frowned in fear. “I d-don’t know what t-to tell you,” she began, slow and gentle and caring and just so unsure of how to word all these foreign emotions. “But I’m here for you. I’m h-here with you. This is not your fault, Billie Dean… none of it is your fault. You did nothing w-wrong, and it breaks m-my heart to see how much that woman i-is causing you to suffer.” Another tear slipped down. “You don’t deserve it,” she nearly breathed out, cheeks getting drenched again. She fought not to allow her eyes to overflow too much, but it was useless.
I’ve never seen her cry before. It shouldn’t, but it caused Billie to worry even more. In her nervous state, comprehending the size of the intimacy she had just reached was nearly impossible. “Don’t c-cry…” With her free hand, Billie Dean carefully wiped a tear away from Venable’s cheeks.
“Why were you so a-shamed of telling me that?” Wilhemina leaned her cheek on Billie’s palm, eyes and hand never leaving hers.
Billie Dean gulped. Her thumb caressed Venable’s cheekbone, stomach twisting and turning in nervous patterns still. “Because I j-judge myself… so I was s-scared you’d judge me, too… and I would l-lose you…”
“I would never judge y-you for that, angel…” The worry dimple was back between Wilhemina’s eyebrows. She turned her head to place a kiss on Billie Dean’s hand.
“I-it’s not just that… I just… you are so—so classy and so intelligent and absolutely captivating and I…” Billie sighed. “I’ve slept w-with women I barely k-knew because I decided a relationship was n-not for me. I went to bars, I had o-one-night stands, I had given up on love because h-how could anyone decide my ways were worth it? And n-now that you’re here I just… I feel so ashamed.”
Oh. The voices inside Venable’s head wanted to start talking again, whispering all kinds of degrading things towards herself. Wilhemina fought hard, refusing to allow them to win; they wouldn’t this time, for now she was not alone anymore, for now she had Billie Dean. She’ll stop liking you as soon as she realizes you have no experience in anything. She probably saw hundreds of bodies that are better than yours. Did Billie even do something worth the crucifying her mind always did? Wasn’t she a single, grown woman who felt comfortable enough to explore a thing society deemed as so absolutely wrong? And for what reason? Why was it wrong? It was definitely not Billie’s fault that she didn’t have experiences as such, that she felt so uncomfortable in her own skin. “You don’t have to be ashamed for h-having a life, Billie.” She sat up straight. Honey eyes looked away as Billie Dean brought her hand back towards herself, nervously playing with her fingers that previously caressed Wilhemina’s cheek. “So what you had one-night stands? So what y-you’ve slept with women you met at bars? That doesn’t make you less of a person, Billie. It doesn’t make you unworthy of love. You could have slept with a different woman a day for all I care, and that wouldn’t make a difference to how I feel towards you.” She hadn’t slept with anyone in years, and she still felt unworthy of love, too… why did it even matter, after all?
“It was—it wasn’t even one per week, probably one-night stand a month,” Billie Dean murmured.
“It’s just an example,” Venable said softly. Billie nodded. Wilhemina smiled sadly. I love her. She nibbled on her lip as she thought, pondering her words. “O-of course I don’t enjoy thinking a-about you sleeping with other people… but it’s because—it’s because I…” I want you to myself. I want to be good enough for you. “I imagine you don’t enjoy thinking about me and Emma, either.” Logic. Logic was good.
Billie Dean instantly shook her head as she grimaced slightly. The corners of Wilhemina’s lips turned up, and for a second all the weight on Billie’s shoulders disappeared. The world could end and she would not give a damn as long as she had that woman with her. Leaning closer, Billie Dean kissed Venable right on the lips, lingering there as she felt a hand caressing her cheek. “I don’t ever want to kiss anyone else,” she whispered.
“Me either.” Wilhemina kissed her again, smiling to herself as she held Billie as close as she could, as tight as she could manage.
Breaking the kiss after a moment, Billie Dean stared at brown eyes. Her heart was still beating fast, and her eyes still threatened to grow teary. After a second, she spoke again. “So… do you still wanna be with me?” She murmured.
“What have I just said, silly?”
Billie Dean’s cheeks tinted pink. “I’m just making sure…”
“You’re cute.” Venable leaned to kiss her on the nose, just like Billie did to her. “Yes, I do.” Will she when she sees just how fucked up I am when it comes to intimacy?
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worldswithoutendings · 10 months
Eye for an eye [Michael Langdon] pt.4
Pairing: Michael langdon x female!reader
warnings: mentions of death
words: 1540
summary: your first date with michael and your first workday at Kineros (filler chapter)
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AN: I'm still trying to figure out what format works best for me so bear with me, any feedback is highly appreciated <3
When the clock hit 7 you got ready for the dinner you had with Michael, all he said before he left after abusing your closet was to wear the dress and let your hair loose. But nothing more. So you added some black heels and a silver necklace. You did your makeup a tiny bit heavier than usual and for once you didn’t put on perfume in the hope that he would linger more around you like his coat did. Because damn he smells good it should be illegal.
I’m here.
you curse as you run down the stairs, almost breaking your ankle as you grab the door handle to reveal Michael. Clad in an all-black outfit, smelling absolutely divine and his short curls framing his face “Hi” you breathe out and Michael smiles at you “Look at you, you look stunning” he smiles as he holds out his arm “Shall we?” you say nothing, just taking his arm as you follow him to his car, which, of course, is also expensive “you’re picking me up in a Bugatti?!” you gasp out “what, it’s a nice car” “it is! But, so expensive” you breathe out and Michael laughs as he opens the door for you “my lady” “oh, thank you sir” you act with him as you sit down on the seat. Feeling the expensive seat as Michael sits in the driver seat.
Satan watches the two of them spend the day together from his throne “Good, everything is all going to plan” he says as he stretches his fingers out over the armchairs “Now we need to get rid of that Rosalie figure, I hope Michael hurries up with that girl”
Arm in arm you walk with Michael to the restaurant he picked out. And of course, it’s a Michelin-starred restaurant making you huff “What is it?” “I just feel out of place, I’m so used to visiting a McDonald's or a Five Guys as a date. Never set foot in a Michelin-starred restaurant” you mumble and Michael smiles “Good, I can show you how a real man is supposed to treat you” He walks inside with you and a guy comes scurrying towards you both “Mr. Langdon. Such an honor to have you here again. Shall we go to your booth?” the guy stumbles over his words and Michael gives a short nod
“do you come here often?” your mouth speaks before you can think “Yeah, not a lot. just for business” “Did you come here with Rosalie?” you ask self-conscious and Michael smirks “She is on your mind a lot isn’t she? The answer is no” he says as the guy mentions to the booth in the far back of the restaurant where the mood is actually kind of romantic “that’s a shame, it’s beautiful here” you say as you sit down in the booth, realizing both your knees are touching you scrape you throat “well, I only want to bring important people here. So, mostly Ms. Mead. But not since a few months ago” his voice dies down a bit and you can’t help but feel sorry for him even though you don’t know who Ms. Mead is and what happened a few months ago.
The food that was served was divine, just like the wine that was served. You talked about anything and nothing that your minds could think of, Michael even told you what happened to Ms. Mead. How she was set on fire and now, at Kineros they’re trying to make a robot version of her. Michael held her dear and close to his heart like he expected his grandmother to do ‘what happened to your grandmother?” you say as you put a piece of gnocchi in your mouth “She killed herself when she realized that I was aging to quick and murdering people instead of animals” his voice became flat and his knuckles were starting to turn white with how hard he was holding his utensils.
You couldn’t help yourself but touch his hand “I’m so sorry Michael” you whispered but you tried to sound neutral, knowing how much you hated it when your parents died and how everybody started to talk to you like a baby “You, you lost both your parents right?’ Michael asks questionably and you nod as you take a sip of your wine “my dad passed away of a cardiac arrest, my mother died shortly after due to a drug overdose, I was.. 16? Yeah, so, after the deal” your voice becomes quieter and quieter
“do you think that, you know, satan may be behind it? Seeing if I would get deranged?” “I don’t know, y/n, you have to ask him that” “I did actually, multiple times, but he waved it away, saying I was delusional” You play with a single piece of gnocchi and feel a hand on your kneecap. You sigh softly “he probably didn’t mean it like that, he also left me in the dark for years I didn’t know what I was supposed to do until I got to Kineros”
After dinner, Michael took you for a walk through the park. Deciding to sit on a bench with the hot coffee you bought from the stand even though Michael wanted to go to a coffee shop you shook your head “No this is actually good coffee!” you exclaimed so Michael wanted to believe you. And indeed, it was damn good coffee “So, tomorrow you can just come to Kineros, I’ll show you around and get you settled, you don’t have to worry about anything, well, maybe, your clothing but just, wear a button-up shirt or something. We’ll go shopping for it” Michael says before he takes a sip “damn, this is good coffee”
Nervously you arrived at Kineros the following morning. Especially because you just left your old job and your wrist still hurts. The clicking of your heels on the marble floor echoes off the walls as you see two guys with bowl cuts they must go to the same hairdresser because it looks awful. Michael is in a conversation with them but you see that all of a sudden he has trouble with his laughter
“Are you making fun of us?!” the brown-haired one exclaims and Michael immediately stops “No, no! I wouldn’t dare. You do look ridiculous” Michael exclaims and now you really have to hold in your laughter, they both turn around to look at you “Ah our new secretary! Miss y/n. right? We’d appreciate it if you respected our wishes,” the blonde one says immediately “actually, she only respects my wishes” Michael chimes in, yeah you wish.
You learned that their names are Jeff and Mutt, but you would mostly be working for Michael. Ruling over his agenda and keeping him up to date with meetings and calls. Further, you are the one responding to email, which mostly consists of rich dudes who are aching for their new sex doll.
A girl with a familiar face walks, well, storms in. looking like a drug dealer with her hair all matted, and clothes she had probably worn the last 2 weeks and never heard of the word shower or bath. She composes herself the moment she is at your desk and scrapes her throat “Yes?” you reply while you're typing an email to a client “I’m here to see my boyfriend, Michael” Oh shit it’s Rosalie “Are you scheduled?” “no?! I don’t need to schedule anything” she bursts out and you bite your lower lip “One second please,” you say as you reach for the phone. The foul stench of Rosalie makes its way to your nostrils Michael you’re kidding me. You only type in the number 1. Knowing it will connect to his office he immediately picks up “yes?” “Michael, you’re… girlfriend is here” he hangs up with a loud groan. Not much later his door opens and you hear him curse under his breath “Rosalie, what are you doing here. You can’t just barge in at my work” he says as he leans against the doorpost.
Rosalie immediately runs to him which means you can catch a breath we need to buy air fresheners and perfume and incense to get rid of this smell did she fall in a well or something?! You open up a website for fragrances to check out what can be delivered today as you try to hear the conversation as Michael doesn’t want her in his office “I have a meeting in 5 minutes” No you don’t “so you really need to leave” yes you absolutely do “but Michael! You promised!” she screams out “we were supposed to go on a date this week and you declined me! Twice! I can’t do this anymore!” Michael sighs deeply “Just, go. Rosalie. I’ll call you after the meeting okay” “Can I get a kiss?” “did you brush your teeth?” he blurts out and she gasps “Yes?!” she sounds incredibly shocked and you hear him audibly gulp. You reach for your bag as Michael cautiously gives her the tiniest peck on earth and she walks away confidently “Here” you wave around a travel-sized toothbrush and toothpaste you always keep in your bag.
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blxckchxrrybxby · 1 year
6 Months In Advance
summary: In the midst of sorting out a scheduling mishap, your daughter wanders away from you and makes her way up to HR.
pairing: Wilhemina Venable x Reader + Reader’s Daughter
warning(s): idek; mentions doctor? Scoliosis?
a/n: dude, I didn't revise this at all. Just brain vomit.
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Six months.
That’s how far in advance you had planned for this appointment.
It was written in your planner, saved as a reminder on your phone, and circled in red ink on the calendar hanging in your cubicle. Yet, with barely an hour to spare, you found yourself in the main lobby of Kineros Robotics instead; demanding to speak with the men you worked for. The same men who were responsible for fucking up your work schedule and threatening to fire you on the spot if you didn’t come in.
You frowned, pacing as you checked the time anxiously. They couldn’t possibly fire you for a mistake on their behalf. You were more than 99% positive that you had taken this day off as soon as you were given the job. Hell, you had even mentioned it to them before an offer letter was—well—offered!
“Mommy?” Your daughter whispered, interrupting your thoughts with curiosity twinkling in her eyes. She took in the large building that seemed never-ending.
“Yes, sweet pea?” You replied gently (certain to make sure the stress you emitted wouldn’t be absorbed by your own innocent offspring).
“Where are we?” Her doe eyes were far too busy scanning the environment to pay any attention to you—causing you to let out a chuckle.
“At my job. I just need to talk to some friends really quick then we’ll be on our way.”
She nodded, accepting your words, and stared in astonishment at how different the world inside this building looked to her. It was nothing like the world in your cramped apartment. That world was far too small to compare, but her favorite stuffed animals resided there—so it was home. The building was nothing like the one where you dropped her off at to learn her ABC’s either. It was full of big people and not enough kids. Peering at the environment, her heart sunk at the sudden revelation—this place didn’t even have toys!
Despite how impressive this adult world was, it would never impress her more than recess.  
“Uh…why are you here? And why aren’t you two at the doctor’s?” Your coworker (and only friend) asked after spotting you. Their shoes tapped faintly against the floor as they walked closer; holding their arms out to retrieve the bundled-up 5-year-old perched on your hip.
You looked at them with stress evident on your face, “Jeff and Mutt messed up the timesheet.”
They gasped, now holding the child securely against their own hip, “You’re joking.”
“If I were joking, I wouldn’t be standing right here, now would I?” You scoffed at the reality of your situation as your friend shook their head.
“The nerve of those two. On today of all days!”
You nodded, rubbing at your face. Before being granted the chance to respond, the receptionist informed you that Jeff and Mutt were ready to speak with you.
“Thanks, Marcy.” You replied politely and went to grab your daughter before your friend swatted your hand away. Your eyebrows knitted in confusion.
“You’re stressing enough. Just go talk to them. I’ll keep Willow safe and show her around since she seems so… intrigued.”
You both looked at your daughter, who was still eyeing every little detail of the building and chuckled.
“Fine. I’ll come to find you guys when I’m done.” You quickly leaned in and pressed a kiss to Willow’s cheek before scurrying to go see Jeff and Mutt.
Watching you disappear into the elevator, Willow was carried away from the main lobby. As time passed, she met many unfamiliar faces. Most of which slid peppermints into her small hands when y/f/n wasn’t looking, in the hopes of befriending the tiny human. After seeing most of the people on the first floor, Willow grew curious about what other adventures the building held.
Perhaps the top floors weren’t meant for children. Maybe goblins stomped all around guarding their treasures. Or maybe they were full of queens and kings, and the workers were the peasants! As her imagination grew wilder, Willow found herself itching to explore. Squirming in the uncomfortable office chair, she pouted at y/f/n.
“What’s wrong?” They asked, noticing how much your daughter was fidgeting.
“I have to potty.” Willow whined, coming up with the perfect excuse.
They blinked, “Oh, um. Okay... do you remember where the bathroom is at?”
Willow nodded and slid off the chair.
“When you’re done, come right back. I’ll be here waiting, okay?”
Again, Willow nodded before darting off. After passing the bathroom and sneaking past Marcy, Willow made her way onto the elevator. She grinned, pulling out a peppermint and shoving it into her mouth, before slamming her hand against one of the highest numbers. Willow giggled, enjoying the feeling of the elevator moving. It felt like she was on a rollercoaster, and it made her tummy feel funny. Maybe this place was better than recess!
Hearing a ding, the elevator doors opened, and out stepped Willow; instantly bumping into a pair of long legs. With a small, “oof!” her hands managed to grasp onto some fabric. A hesitant hand pressed against her back to keep her balance. Out of curiosity, Willow glanced to the side to see a cane, then glanced up as a woman dressed in purple stared down in slight shock.
“And who are you?”
Willow blinked, gently letting go of the stranger’s skirt, and adjusting her lavender glasses. Tilting her head, she observed as much of the woman as she could. Since the woman wore purple, Willow figured she must be the queen. Purple was for royalty, after all. However, Willow wasn’t naïve. Not all queens are good, she reminded herself.
“I shouldn’t talk to strangers.”
Wilhemina arched an eyebrow, smoothing down her skirt, “Neither should I. Yet here we are.” Huffing to herself, she looked around at her trembling assistant and the empty floor before shaking her head. “Follow me.”
As the queen, and trembling girl of whom Willow assumed to be her servant, began to walk away, Willow remained still; unsure of if she should follow the stranger. Noticing the only footsteps that could be heard were her own, Wilhemina halted and glanced back at the frozen child.
“Are you hard of hearing?”
Willow gnawed at her lip nervously and asked innocently, “…are you taking me to the dungeon?”
“Dun- Excuse me?” Wilhemina asked, more confused than she already was.
“You’re the queen, right?”
Wilhemina’s shock wore off and she chuckled, recognizing how wild the child’s imagination was. “Well, that’s one way to put it. Unfortunately, I don’t get paid enough to own a dungeon…yet. Now, come along before I abandon you in this hallway.” Scurrying after them, Willow grinned happily.
Standing in the stranger’s office, Willow looked up at the tall woman as she entered the room. “Do you have candy?”
Venable walked past the child and sat in her chair, “Even if I did, would your parents let you have it this early in the morning?”
Willow shrugged, “I only have one mommy.”
Venable took note of this; Mentally scanning through the employees in her head to guess whom this child could belong to. “Well, would your mother let you?”
Willow paused in thought, “No?”
“Alright then.”
As time passed, Wilhemina allowed Willow to get settled until her mother showed up to retrieve her. Alerts were sent out to inform the staff of a misplaced entity with two missing front teeth, now in her possession. Now, all Wilhemina had to do was wait for the culprit to show up at her office door. However, this was taking longer than Venable thought it would and the minor was oddly quiet. Especially considering she didn’t have any objects to keep children tame.
The anxiety of not knowing what the child was doing caused Venable to peer over her purple laptop and observe the little germ sitting on her lovely lavender couch (a fine touch and new addition to her workspace). She wasn’t used to the unpredictability of children. However, to her surprise, the little girl was already staring at her with a crossword book open on her petite lap. Venable furrowed her eyebrows as the curly-haired child adjusted her purple glasses back onto the bridge of her small nose. This little stunt warmed her heart to no end, yet she’d never admit it.
“Can I help you with something?” Venable asked, finally breaking the awkward silence.
The little girl shrugged and continued to stare.
Lowering her glasses, she sighed. “I’m assuming your mother has yet to teach you that staring is rude.”
“I wouldn’t stare if you were not pretty.” Willow stated plainly.
Venable tensed and cleared her throat. “You know nothing about what society sees as pretty.”
Willow frowned, “I don’t know who so-so-“
“Try again. So-cie-ty.” Venable stated, slowing down her enunciation.
“-socie…um.” Willow tried.
“Take your time.”
“Correct.” Venable held back a smile. Willow didn’t. She was proud of her accomplishment. A new word she could tell her friends about.
“I don’t know who…society is, but I think you’re pretty.”
“Well.” Venable began, choosing to keep her insecurities to herself. “I suppose I should thank you.”
“Mommy says you don’t have to always say thank you when people tell you nice things.”
“That’s a bit rude, don’t you think?” Venable questioned, becoming more invested in the conversation than she would like to admit.
“No.” Willow stated bluntly.
“Hmm.” Venable arched an eyebrow, trying to piece together who the child’s mother could be.
“Ms. Benavle?”
Venable internally cringed from the mispronunciation. “Yes, child?”
Willow shifted, turning her body towards the awaiting woman, “What does society mean?”
Minutes continued to pass as Venable watched over the child. At first, she assumed the little brat was a prodigy, highlighting words at lightning speed in the crossword book. Then, after watching the page become consumed in purple highlighter, her assumptions were tossed out of the window. The child merely enjoyed coloring.
A slight knock caught her attention, breaking her out of the trance she was in. Perhaps it was the child’s mother.
“Come in,” Wilhemina called out, watching in disappointment as her intern opened the door.
“I’m sorry to bother you, Ms. Venable. Um, I just had a f-few more questions about the t-time off requests you wanted me to finish-“
Now standing from her desk and approaching the intern as if she were prey, Venable sneered.
“I understand that you are mediocre at best and the tasks assigned to you may be tedious—however—I can assure you that it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to complete them. Now, as you can see, I am with child.” Her hand barely outstretched to point towards Willow, “Go be stupid somewhere else. Preferably on the first floor.”
As the intern scurried out of the office, Willow grimaced and crossed her arms at the tall lady. Venable glanced in her direction and arched an eyebrow, “What?”
“You shouldn’t say bad words.”
With a scoff, Wilhemina retreated back to her desk, “Last I checked, I didn’t.”
“Yuhuh, you just did.”
As her ungloved fingers rubbed at the throbbing temple, she hoped to rid herself of the headache that resided in her head and on the couch across from her.
“And what word was it, exactly?”
Willow blinked; eyes widening in surprise. “You’re letting me say it? Mommy said I shouldn’t say it.”
This caused Venable to snort in amusement. After catching her reaction, she cleared her throat. How odd. “How else will I know what I’ve said unless you tell me?”
Looking around, in case it was a trap, Willow swiftly ran up to Venable, stood on her tippy toes to reach her ear, and whispered, “…stupid.”
Wilhemina closed her eyes for a moment, trying to comprehend how she managed to end up in a situation such as this.
As the clock neared Venable’s first break and the child remained in her ownership, she sighed.
“Tell me something, little one.”
Venable’s sudden conversation caught Willow’s attention, causing her to perk up in curiosity.
“Why exactly are you here?”
Willow shrugged and looked down at her hands, “I don’t know. I was going to see the doctor, but mommy came here.”
Wilhemina hummed to herself, trying to piece together why the child had been roaming the building unattended. “An appointment, you say?” She looked through her emails, feeling a hint of deja vu. Something about this was vaguely familiar.
“Yes. I get a new brace today!” This caused Venable to arch an eyebrow, “Hopefully it’s purple like this one! Want to see?” Venable remained silent as the child began to unzip her bubble coat. As she shimmied it off of her petite shoulders, the back brace came into view, launching Venable into a state of paralyzation. “See? It’s very pretty.”
She knew this felt familiar. This was Willow. As HR, Venable was well aware of the subordinates and their beneficiaries. She was also aware of any time off requests submitted. Within the past year, Kineros had onboarded so many new faces that she ignored or denied at least 70% of the time off requests within the first week. It was either you work or you find another place to pay your bills. However, some of the accruing requests must have slipped through her fingers. Something she rarely ever fell victim to. Especially after reading something as detailed as Willow’s mother’s.
“Hello? Ms. Benavle?”
Wilhemina blinked; hearing Willow capture her attention once more. She quickly searched through her files and found the denied time-off request. The only issue was, she didn’t remember denying it. Clicking on the document, it slowly brought up the pdf, showing that it had been stamped with her credentials; meaning she didn’t formally sign it.
Her intern did.
“Shit!” She groaned.
Willow gasped, “Bad word!”
Ignoring her and standing from the chair, Venable quickly made her way toward the door. “Follow me.”
Willow quickly grabbed her coat and followed along, “Where are we going?”
Walking with intention as her cane collided firmly with the floor, Wilhemina pressed the elevator button, “To find your mother.”
As the elevator opened to the ground floor and Venable stood with a cane in one hand and Willow’s hand in the other, they both descended into the lobby. You and your friend scurried around, panicking at the fact that there was a lost five-year-old in the building. “How in the hell did you lose her?!”
“She’s sneaky!” your friend retorted.
“She’s five!” you fumed.
Venable arched an eyebrow and held Willow close, before clearing her throat.
 Your friend gasped, seeing Willow with Venable, as did you.
“Oh God, Willow! Baby, where were you??” You worried, as she ran over to you and gave you a hug. Rubbing her back, you sighed in relief.
“With me.” Venable interrupted, “May I have a word with you, y/n?”
You nodded, picking Willow up in your arms, and walked away with Venable.
“I am beyond sorry for everything that’s happened. I swear, this will never happen again, Ms. Venable.”
“Why not?” Venable inquired.
You paused, unsure of how to continue—so she did. “This, no matter how unusual it was, was entirely my fault.” You remained silent and equally dumbfounded. “I extend an apology to both you and Willow. It seems my stupid-“ Willow glared causing Venable to clear her throat, “My incompetent intern did not know better and denied your request. I remembered it. Not that it matters, as it’s potentially too late. However, I understand how difficult it is to get an appointment for these kinds of things. If you would like… I have a doctor who would be more than ecstatic to treat Willow as soon as possible.”
You remained silent. At a complete loss for words.
“As fond as I am of silence, I believe a conversation must include two willing parties.”
Willow nudged you, helping you come back to your senses as Venable awaited a response. “I… I’d love that. However, I’d prefer it now… Um, they informed me that since I’m refusing to work today, this is grounds for termination.”
“Nonsense,” Venable stated, completely unphased. “I will have a word with those two imbeciles, and you needn’t worry about a thing.”
You nodded with a slight blush adorning your cheeks as Willow squirmed from your arms and made her way over to Venable, hugging her legs, “I’ll miss you Ms. Benavle.”
With a chuckle, Wilhemina caressed the child’s head. “I will miss you as well, Willow.” Sliding a piece of peppermint out of her pocket, she handed it to Willow with the whisper of a smile adorning her lips. “Come back and visit whenever.”
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7-wonders · 1 year
Past the Point of No Return
Michael Langdon x Reader (Mad Love Act II, Chapter X)
Summary: What's meant to be you trying to get Michael out of the funk he's been in since your return from New Orleans quickly goes south. What happens when things are said that can't be taken back?
Word Count: 2.6k
Author's Note: So, here we go. It's about to get really dark for the next few chapters because Michael and Reader are about to go through hell. Regardless, I hope you stick around and continue to read, because I'm excited for what I'm going to be cooking up for you.
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Mad Love Masterlist
Your fun Fall Break trip was cut shorter than you would have liked. The plans that you and Michael had tentatively made with Mallory that night before you summoned Papa Legba had been destroyed by the gatekeeper’s bold ask and the revelation that parts of the infernal leagues weren’t on Satan’s side. Michael claimed that he had found the information that he needed to banish Cordelia and that there was no reason to continue to stay in New Orleans—a lie, you were sure. When you bid farewell to your best friend, both of you shared a silent worry about what was to come. A worry that, in your opinion, was warranted.
Michael…hadn’t been the same, since that night at Dinah’s studio. You knew this from almost the moment that you left, when you tried to tempt him into joining the mile-high club with you (Don’t judge, okay? You have a super hot husband, how could you not be tempted to proposition him?) and he had turned you down in favor of staring in perturbation out the plane window for the entirety of the ride home. It didn’t stop there, though you wish it would have.
Ever since you returned home, he’s become quieter and more brooding than normal. He spends far more time in his office or at Kineros than he does with you, constantly planning for—well, you know what he’s planning for, and you don’t want to even think about it. Whether it was the experience with Cordelia or what he learned from Papa Legba, a fire had been lit under Michael, and he was now determined to continue his plans for the apocalypse. 
Regardless of the reasons, he’s distant, more distant than you’ve ever known him to be. Your normally loving, almost-overbearing husband is gone, at least for the time being.
It frightens you, if you’re being completely honest with yourself. You used to be able to read him and his emotions so easily, but now he’s completely closed off to you. You don’t know what’s going on in his head anymore, but you know that it’s nothing good. You want so badly to relieve him of the dark thoughts that are plaguing his mind, but you’re also worried that it might be too late. 
Though you’re willing to give him his space–you’ve never wanted to be clingy–it’s now been two days since you’ve seen him; even at night, he chooses to sleep in his bed (you’re not sure if he sleeps at all) instead of with you. You miss him, even though he’s in the same house as you. Fed up, you find yourself standing in front of his office door and silently debating with yourself on whether you want to bother disturbing him or not.
Before you can decide, Michael’s voice comes through the door. “I know you’re out there. You can come in.”
Beating back the embarrassment over being caught, you open the door.
There he is, sitting behind his paper-scattered desk and looking over something on his computer. The sunlight streams in through the windows, making his blond curls glow golden. It’s beautiful and familiar, and your heart aches at the thought that he’s trying to become a stranger to you.
“Hi,” you say softly, suddenly shy in a room that you once used to enter with all the confidence in the world. “Are you busy?”
He sighs. “Yes, but I’ll always make time for you.”
Michael pushes his chair away from his desk as you make your way across the room and towards him, allowing you to settle yourself onto his lap. After you do, you kiss him softly and sweetly, both of you just enjoying getting to be in the other’s embrace for a short moment.
“I miss you,” you admit, laying your head on his shoulder.
“What do you mean? I’m right here.”
“I know that. Physically, you are. But you’re always working now. I don’t ever get to see you anymore.”
“I’m sorry,” he says honestly and guiltily. “I don’t mean to.”
“You don’t have to apologize. You just need to make sure that you’re taking care of yourself. Or that you let me take care of you.” You look up at him. “Y’know, even Brennan mentioned that you’ve been dodging his texts.” 
The two had actually become friends after that night during Homecoming, and they usually got together to play video games at least once a week. That Michael had abandoned this plan gave you yet another reason to worry about him.
“It’s not on purpose. I’m just…” Michael trails off, knowing that he’s about to sound like a broken record.
“Busy. I know.” 
You think that it kind of is on purpose; he’s withdrawing from everyone that cares about him, and you assume this is his attempt to try and make going full Antichrist easier. You refuse to let that happen; you can’t lose him to Satan. This leads you into your careful segue, your true reason for visiting here in the first place. 
“Hey, speaking of taking care of yourself: How would you feel about going on a double date?”
“A double date?”
You nod. “Yeah! It could be a good stress reliever and a way for you to get out of the house for a night.”
“What is a double date?”
“Where we go on a date, but with another couple. Specifically Kate and Brennan?” Michael looks at you in bewilderment, and you backtrack when you realize what his line of thought is. “Not like that! We’re hanging out as friends, but you and I are in a relationship and Kate and Brennan are in one of their own.”
“Is there a plan in mind for this double date?”
You shrug, feeling thrilled that he’s even pondering the idea. This conversation has felt so normal that it starts to get a little seed of hope blooming within you. Already, you’re imagining a night of fun, one that will finally have your relationship going back to the way that it was. “Bowling was discussed as an option, but nothing’s really set in stone yet. Maybe we go to an arcade?”
“That sounds fun,” Michael agrees. “But I don’t think I can make it work right now.”
You sigh in disappointment. Really, you should have expected this. That doesn’t make it sting less. “Michael,” you groan.
“I know,” he sympathizes. “But I have to get this done.”
“What are you working on?”
“What am I always working on?” he retorts. 
Though it’s meant to be teasing, when you realize what he means, panic begins to thud in your chest. Michael, of course, picks up on this immediately. He shifts you in his lap so that your body is facing him now, leaving you no choice but to look at him unless you want to make it obvious that you’re ignoring him.
“What’s wrong?”
“Nothing,” you say, quickly and in a tone that doesn’t reassure him at all.
“Please don’t lie to me.”
“Fine. I’m worried.”
“About what?”
“About you. You haven’t been the same since we got back from New Orleans.”
“I mean, I won’t argue with that. Our trip was enlightening to me. Papa Legba showed me that I’ve been neglecting my duties. I have to get serious about my purpose, or else other beings will continue to question me, my father, and my power.”
Oh god, here it comes. You know what you have to say next, but you don’t know if you’re going to be able to do so. The moment that you’ve been dreading for months now is upon you. Up until now, you’ve been able to toe the line and subtly suggest that the apocalypse might not actually be a good idea. Now, there’s no skirting around it. You’re on a figurative precipice, and there’s nothing you can do but jump.
“Michael…” you start. “You can’t end the world.”
It’s as though some omnipotent being has hit slow-motion on their remote, stretching the scene that is your life out. You can almost see Michael processing what you’ve just said to him and the way that it clicks in his mind. When it does, shock begins to grow in his eyes, making them large and betrayed. You feel like a spectator to your own life, and it almost makes you want to take back what you said.
Then, a button on the remote is pressed again, and life goes back to normal speed.
“What?” He stands in surprise, nearly toppling you off of his lap. You stumble to your own feet, standing opposite him as he turns around to face you. “What are you talking about?”
Though you want to cower in the face of his rising anger, you stand tall. “I don’t want you to bring about the apocalypse. You can’t. It’s cruel and unjust and–and senseless!”
A shadow crosses his face. “It is my destiny to bring about the end of days. I was born and raised to do this, I can’t just…shun that.”
“Yes, you can.” You grab his hands. “Michael, think about it. You have The Cooperative in the palms of your hands. Surely you can convince them that there are better ways to achieve world domination, ways that don’t involve ending the world?”
You can think of multiple ways off the top of your head. Maybe Michael could become President or a diplomat. Maybe he incites uprisings to topple other governments. Maybe he becomes an influential figure and gets the entire world to stand with him. You’re not sure how it would be accomplished, but again, Michael has the richest and most powerful people in the world at his beck and call. If anybody can make it happen, it’s him.
Even still, Michael shakes his head. “No. It is prophesied that I am to bring about the end of days, and that’s what’s going to happen.”
“By dropping nuclear bombs on billions of innocent people?” you say incredulously, hoping that he’ll hear just how ridiculous it sounds. “Okay, what about our plans? Of me going to graduate school, of us moving somewhere new? Getting to explore the world together, and getting to be us? They’re just gone now because you’ve decided that listening to your father is better than a life with your wife?”
“It was foolish to make those in the first place. I’m just delaying the inevitable.”
You know that this isn’t really what he wants. That he’s acting on his father’s orders because Cordelia and Papa Legba both scared him into thinking about the potential consequences of disobeying him. Disobeying Satan has never scared Michael before though, which means that there must have been something between the lines that you hadn’t been able to read.
“Michael, please. I’m begging you. Think about all of the people that you’re going to kill! Kate and Mallory and Brennan? My–” your voice breaks. “My parents, who have done nothing but love and accept you as their own?”
“Their deaths fulfill a purpose,” he says simply and robotically.
You release his hands, the thought of continuing to touch him making you sick. “What is wrong with you?”
“What’s wrong with me? What’s wrong with you? You’re supposed to stand by my side during this! Why are you not supporting me?”
“You want me to support you blowing up the entire planet? You want my support as you end the world?” you ask in disbelief.
“How would you ever think that I could support you during this?”
“Because you’re my wife!” he yells.
“Yes, I am. But that does not mean I’ll support you when you’re making the most colossal mistake anybody could ever make.”
The electricity in the room begins to flicker and the ground under you rumbles as Michael grows more angry. Shadows begin to grow and warp behind him, and his face switches back and forth between the face that you know and love and that of the demon that lives within him. Still, you refuse to stand down.
“If you do this, Michael, do not expect me to stand by you. Physically, you can force me to play the part of your dutiful little wife. Otherwise? You’ll lose me for good. I will never be able to love a monster like you.”
Instead of saying anything in defense, Michael stalks to the door and throws it open, apparently deciding that if you won’t leave, he’ll leave instead. He knows where you stand on this matter now, and he knows that it’s the complete opposite of where he is. You’re so full of rage and hurt, though, that you can’t resist the last barb that’s been on your mind since your conversation turned into an argument.
“Y’know, ending the world isn’t gonna make your father love you like you want him to,” you call out to his retreating form.
He freezes in the doorframe for only a moment before saying over his shoulder, “The world will end, my love. And you will be right there with me when it does.” 
This is not a threat, you know. It’s a promise.
When the door slams shut behind him, you fall to the floor with a sob as your resolve leaves your body all at once. You truly can’t believe that it’s come to this, you think as you shakily grab your phone out of your pocket and call the first person that you can think of.
“Hey, I was just about to call you!” Mallory answers her phone cheerfully. “I think I finally found a banishing spell that’ll work for you and Michael.” 
She trails off when she hears the sounds of you trying to stop your crying over the line. 
“What’s wrong?”
“Mallory, Michael’s going to end the world, and soon.”
“He told you this?” she asks seriously, all traces of her earlier lightheartedness gone.
“We just got into a fight. I asked him not to go through with the apocalypse, and he–” You cut yourself off with a sobbing hiccup, “he was so angry that I even suggested it. I don’t even know what happened; one minute everything was fine, and the next we were yelling at each other. I told him that, emotionally, he’d lose me as his wife if he did it. He told me that it was happening and that I’d be right there with him as it did.”
“Oh no.”
“What do we do?” You’re sure that you sound as hopeless as you feel.
“I…” Mallory falls silent on the other end of the line. “I’m not sure. Let me think for a bit, okay?”
You have no clue if she can actually come up with something, or if she’s just saying this to try and provide you with a bit of comfort. Either way, it works enough that you can stop sobbing and whimper out an, “Okay.”
“Hey. We’re going to figure this out. Everything will be okay.”
“I don’t believe you.”
“I know. But I believe me. Can that be enough for you right now?” It sounds oddly reminiscent of the conversation that you had with her back in New Orleans, only now, the roles have been reversed.
You nod before remembering that she can’t actually see you through the phone. “Yeah.”
You don’t even realize that you’ve said bye to her until you hear the beeping in your ear that signifies the call’s been ended, your world having been completely tipped off of its axis. Everything that you’ve worked so hard to try and hide is now out in the open, and you’re terrified about the potential ramifications. 
How could this have gone so wrong, and so quickly?
Tag List: @thatonehumanbeing05 @michaellangdon @xavierplympton @hecohansen31 @blakescoven @wroteclassicaly @we-did-it-joe @codycrazy @love-on-the-murder-scene @michaellangdonswhore @nsainmoonchild @langdonsjoyy @aftertheglitterfades @ferndolan @iamlivingforturner @moonlike333 @narwhal-swimmingintheocean @angiestopit @littleangel4996 @xo-angel-ox
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The Gift
Pairing: Wilhemina Venable x Fem Reader
Summary: As you grow closer to Wilhemina, you decide on making her a very special gift. Will it push her away for good or take your relationship in a direction that you both secretly hope for?
A/N: Welcome to what will most likely be my first and last fic lol. I’m no writer but I’ve had this concept stuck in my brain for over a year and last week decided to actually write it down.
No warnings that I can think of. Turned into a pretty fluffy Christmas fic. Enjoy!
Word count: 5800
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To say that Wilhemina Venable was furious would be the understatement of the century. 
The first thing that she’d been informed of this morning was that Jeff and Mutt had decided to hire someone without her knowledge, and for a position that seemed entirely fictitious.
“We need a third brain Ms. Venable!”
Hearing Jeff exclaim that to her almost made her retort with a comment letting him know he’d still need to find two more if that was his goal.
“Yeah,” butted in Mutt, “and you’re busy running all of the behind the scenes stuff around here. We need someone who can come up with ideas with us. Ways that we can use the tech for other things. Like a professional problem solver or creative engineer or something.”
“You shouldn’t be so annoyed with us,” Jeff continued, “this is like the most sane, sober thought we’ve had in months.”
Now that she could agree with.
When she heard that they’d hired a woman for the job she assumed they had just decided they wanted to keep one of their usual girls around more permanently and their attempt at a job description was all for show. She supposed she would find out soon enough. Part of the hiring bombshell that they’d dropped on her this morning was that the new employee would be joining them in a couple of hours for orientation.
When Wilhemina heard footsteps walking down the hallway to her office just over an hour later, she didn’t even bother to look up from her laptop, assuming it was one of the typical delivery people. That was until she heard an unknown voice introducing themselves to her.
Jeff and Mutt had instructed you to show up on Monday for orientation with a ‘Ms. Venable’. They also advised you to “just follow the purple”, whatever that meant.
You arrived at Kineros, nervous as ever. Security in the lobby of the building pointed you in the right direction, which is how you found yourself walking down an obscenely long hallway to a woman sitting behind a desk. A stunning woman dressed in head to toe lavender. Ah, so that’s what they meant about the purple.
“Hello,” you started, once reaching the table, “I’m y/n l/n. You must be Ms. Venable, it’s a pleasure to meet you.”
When Wilhemina finally decided to look up from her laptop it was to a sight she was not entirely expecting. Stood before her was yes, a beautiful woman, but someone that was definitely not one of Jeff and Mutt’s usual girls. Looks like they were telling the truth.
Wilhemina stood up from her desk to shake your hand before leading you down a hallway to what would become your office.
Wilhemina for her part, couldn’t help but be intrigued by this new addition to the company. She could tell that you were listening intently to her explanations and asked well thought out questions when needed. You seemed respectable enough. A far cry from what she was used to dealing with.
Wilhemina soon realized that your hiring was actually a very good idea. At the very least so that she could have an intelligent conversation with another human being.
She knew that Jeff and Mutt were smart… in their own way. They were masters in their field but were severely lacking in a lot of other areas. Not to mention all of the ways they could grate on her nerves.
You however, were just as intelligent and a million times more professional. She started requesting that you join her for company meetings instead of Jeff and Mutt. Especially ones that involved investors. The boys didn’t care one bit; they were happy to have the extra time to partake in other activities.
Wilhemina insisted to herself that she was so happy with the change because it involved far less babysitting of the imbeciles and not because it meant that she got to see you more.
It had been a couple of months since you started working at Kineros Robotics. So far you were really enjoying it. The work was challenging at times but fulfilling, and you’d also had the privilege of getting to know the infamous Ms. Venable a little better.
At the beginning of your time at Kineros you’d kept to yourself as much as possible, which was fine by you. It wasn’t hard - the only people at the company that you had any consistent contact with were Jeff, Mutt and Ms. Venable - who you soon realized was the real reason the company wasn’t in complete disarray.
You hadn’t seen a reason to really leave your office other than for meetings with Jeff and Mutt, and the odd other meeting that Ms. Venable had started requesting your presence at. That included your lunch breaks. 
One day, a couple of weeks in to your time at Kineros, you decided to be a bit more adventurous and actually leave your office for lunch. You found a quiet table on the grounds, far away from where most of the other employees seemed to enjoy hanging around. It was surrounded by trees that provided nice shade and some separation from the rest of the sitting areas. You had been sitting there for no longer than five minutes when a shadow appeared across the table.
“I see you’ve found my usual spot.”
You looked up from your lunch to see none other than Ms. Venable standing before you.
“It’s lovely out here, I can see why you’re so fond of it. My apologies,” and you made to get up from your seat when she held up her hand at you.
“No need to leave. I wouldn’t mind the company today.”
You sat back down in slight shock. It’s not that Ms. Venable scared you - it was more respect and admiration. By the interactions you’d had with her so far, you’d come to see how intimidating she could be. She was fully in control anywhere she went and you’d gotten the impression that she wasn’t a woman who would want to spend more time in anyone’s presence beyond what she absolutely had to. Yet here she was having lunch with you.
Even more shocking to you was how the next day she came to your office asking if you’d join her for lunch again. The same happened the next day, and the next, and soon enough you were meeting up without having to ask one another - although you typically met up at one of your respective offices and walked out together.
Your conversations ranged from just about anything; something fascinating you’d read about online, current books and movies, your thoughts about the universe in general. The topics never got too personal though. One time you’d made some offhand comment about family and she’d tensed up so much it had deterred you from ever coming close to the topic again. 
Sometimes you barely spoke at all, but that suited you both fine. You’d both eased into the routine as if you’d been lifelong friends. She’d permitted you calling her Wilhemina during these moments together as well.
At couple of weeks into your lunches together you’d somehow worked up the courage to inquire about her cane. Although it wasn’t exactly the question Wilhelmina was expecting.
“May I ask you something?”
Wilhelmina stiffened immediately, dreading where this conversation was about to go, especially with you looking over at her with such a contemplative expression. She doesn’t know exactly what possessed her, but she nodded for you to continue regardless.
You opened and closed your mouth, trying to figure out how to word the question that’s been on your mind. Eventually you settled on “How do you not have a purple cane?”
Wilhemina barked out something resembling a laugh, clearly not expecting that to be your question. She was grateful though. She assumed it was going to be something far more personal than that, something more along the lines of the typical “why do you use a cane?” and the far less tactfully worded questions that’d she’d come to expect from anyone that she allowed near her for more than a brief interaction, which was an almost non existent list at this point. Until you came along that is. 
Truthfully she didn’t know how she’d handle such a question coming from you either. Typically she’d tear the person apart for even daring to ask such a thing. But not you. She didn’t know what it was but she couldn’t deny that she felt safe in your presence - something that she wasn’t sure if she’d ever truly experienced with another person.
She wasn’t quite sure how to even handle your current question. She looked back over to you, her expression softening slightly when she saw the look of half terror gracing your face.
“I suppose I’ve just never come across one. It seems that purple canes aren’t in the highest demand, as criminal as that should be.”
You smiled at her comment, relaxing a bit once you realized she wasn’t going to tear your head off for asking your question. Not only that, she was even slightly joking with you.
“It is a shame. What would be your ideal cane design?”
You observe her deep in thought across from you. 
“I don’t know.” She says a moment later. The answer surprises you.
Everything that you’ve seen this woman do has been meticulous. She’s by far the most prepared and put together person you’d ever met and you thought that a question about such an important accessory to her would have an almost immediate answer. It seems like something that she would have already thought about in great detail.
The rest of your lunch together was spent mostly in silence. You glanced up from eating to observe your company still busy within her own mind. You began to worry that your last question had been a mistake.
The next day Wilhemina invited you to join her once again to lunch. Practically the moment you had sat down at your usual spot, she began.
“I’ve been thinking about your question from yesterday. I suppose a deep plum or eggplant colour might look rather striking. With ornate baroque-style filigree starting from the handle and running down along the sides.”
She began to eat as if she’d said nothing. But you were in awe of her. You felt as if she’d just told you one of her deepest secrets. In a way she had by disclosing any information about such a personal item.
From that moment you knew you had to make it your mission to make this come to life for her.
A few days after the initial determination had worn off, the realization of what you were setting out to create finally started to sink in. 
It had been a long time since you’d doubted yourself so much. Were you capable of making it? You knew you were good at your job - Jeff and Mutt wouldn’t have sought you out if you weren’t. But were you really the best person to be designing such an important piece? Especially for someone who your admiration for only continued to grow.
You also briefly considered whether giving her such an item would be immediate grounds for your murder in her eyes. You came to the conclusion that you’d die happy as long as she got her purple cane.
And so you began. You sketched out ideas, drew up more finalized designs, threw those out and started from scratch - all in between your other work at Kineros and most importantly without Ms. Venable finding out what you were working on.
When you started to get closer to a design you were happy with, you did decide to fill Jeff and Mutt in on at least a little of your plan. You needed to get their permission to use some of the company’s departments and contacts to manufacture the parts you were designing. They of course wanted all of the details, happy that their dear Ms. Venable had someone else looking out for her.
“You don’t think she’ll kill me because of it?”
They laughed before Jeff continued with “Kill you? Definitely not. Ms. Venable seems rather… attached to you.”
“Dude,” butted in Mutt. “She’s in love with her. When was the last time you’ve seen Venable share so much as a non-hostile glance at anyone. They’ve basically spent every lunch together since we hired y/n.”
“That’s not true,” You corrected Mutt. “I didn’t leave my office for the first couple of weeks.”
“Doesn’t matter!” They both chimed in.
“We, well at least I have seen how she gets all googly eyed every time your name comes up. She’s gone completely soft for you. I’ve never seen anything like it.”
You were incredibly flustered with the direction the conversation had started to go. Ms. Venable in love with you?
You left Jeff and Mutt’s office as fast as you could after that, your mind going non stop. You barely even registered Wilhemina’s concerned calls after you as she watched you practically run past her desk towards your own office. You yelled something back to her along the lines of ‘everything is fine’ and that you ‘just forgot about something’.
Once you’d made it to the safety of your office, you started to come to terms with what Jeff and Mutt seemed so sure about.
You’d known for a while that you were in love with Wilhemina Venable but you never dared to hope that anything would come of it. You were just happy that you got to be in her presence at all, as desperate as that may sound. 
Over your many shared lunch breaks, an unspoken understanding seemed to have formed between you both - that neither of you had come across someone quite like the other, that you weren’t even sure someone like the other person could even exist. Neither one of you ever acknowledged it though, and you assumed that it would remain as such.
But after your conversation with Jeff and Mutt, you couldn’t help but think of all of the interactions you’d had with Wilhemina Venable. You’d seen her as her most intimidating, professional self at numerous shared meetings, and you compared that to the Wilhemina that you’d come to know over your lunch breaks, and more recently, time together outside of work. They hardly seemed like the same person. You wouldn’t call the Wilhemina during your time together ‘warm’ by any stretch of the imagination but Mutt’s observation of her - soft - was slightly more fitting. She seemed more relaxed around you and that gave you hope.
Especially when she started agreeing to accompany you on various weekend trips.
It had started during one of your conversations at lunch; you’d made a comment about wanting to visit a particular exhibit of one of your favourite artists at a local gallery. It surprised you when she said she’d heard about the exhibit as well.
“Are you busy this weekend?” 
Her eyes narrowed slightly, “No. Why?”
“Then why don’t we check out the exhibit together?”
It was clear that your invitation had taken her back. It had also taken the remainder of the week to convince her to go with you.
That day was so special to you. Getting to see her outside of work, being able to admire her as she admired the artwork on the gallery walls - none of which could rival her magnificence.
What you weren’t aware of was just how special the day was for her as well. She had never truly met anyone that she wanted to be in the presence of for prolonged periods of time, not to mention them seeming to want to spend time with her in return. And she’d certainly not had anyone ask her to accompany them on a visit to an art gallery - an activity she had always been fond of. 
The prospect had left her shocked and slightly unsettled. Not because she didn’t want to go with you, but because she’d never been put in the position of such an offer. She had lied awake in her bed multiple nights that week thinking over your invitation; of all the things that could go wrong, of how badly she wanted to go with you. Eventually the hopeful part of herself won out and she accepted. She never once regretted her decision. In fact, she wasn’t sure if she’d ever had such a pleasant day. Which is why the next week she’d suggested that you go to another one of her favourite galleries.
Your art gallery and museum dates - that had never been officially classified as such - continued for weeks. You didn’t think it was possible, but your extra time spent together only added to your admiration for her. She was so smart and witty and beautiful. You were hopelessly in love with her.
That made giving her this gift - that you’d worked so hard on - all the more nerve wracking. You weren’t simply giving a dear colleague - maybe even friend - an off handed gift that you’d just come across and thought they’d enjoy. No. You were trying to give someone who had become one of the most important people in your life, the woman that you were in love with - that might also be slightly in love with you back - a deeply personal item that she’d graciously shared details about during one of your private moments together. If you messed this up it would be devastating.
Which is why weeks later you found yourself with an immaculately wrapped box sitting in your office, unmoving. 
Jeff and Mutt knew that you’d finished your cane project and were growing impatient with your lack of action. They’d even started to threaten spoiling your surprise to Wilhemina herself if you didn’t give it to her soon.
The winter break was fast approaching - not that you’d planned it out this way. Truthfully you had hoped to have this project finished earlier but you’d spent ages perfecting things down to the smallest details. Now it looked like this was going to end up becoming a slightly early Christmas gift.
It was almost the final work day before the break, and before the ability to see Wilhemina for over two weeks was guaranteed. It was now or never.
She’d been in a good mood at lunch - not too stressed, as most of the operations were winding down for the year. You were hopeful that the day would continue on a good note, so you swung by her desk an hour before the end of the workday.
“How are things going?”
“Alright,” she replied. “The imbeciles have miraculously left me alone for the afternoon so I have significantly less of a headache compared to normal.”
You chuckled at her typical humour, “So you would be ok if I interrupted you for a moment to give you something?”
“Give me something?” She looked up from her laptop at you, confusion written on her face.
“Yes. I have something for you in my office and I wondered if I could bring it to you.”
She continued to stare at you for a moment, seeming to try and work out your intentions before she gave you a small nod.
“Just give me a couple of minutes.” 
You walked back to your office, your anxiety increasing with each step. You couldn’t quite believe that the time had come to give Wilhemina your gift. You only hoped that this didn’t ruin whatever it was that you’d been building together over the last few months.
You reached the supplies closet in your office where you’d carefully hidden the box. It had had to be custom made as well to fit the cane inside and you’d insisted it be manufactured in a deep purple. You had also added a large velvet ribbon in a lighter violet colour around the box.
With your prized creation in hand, you started to make your way back to Wilhemina’s office. Just before you made it into her line of sight, it dawned on you just how conspicuous the box was. Ideally you’d be able to place it in front of her without giving her the chance to formulate an idea as to what might be inside - which only left you one choice.
“Mina,” you called out. “Can you close your eyes for a sec?”
You heard her sputter slightly before replying, “What kind of childish antics are you trying to rope me into!?”
“I just wanted to surprise you. I can’t get the box to you without you seeing it and I only want to put it down on your desk.”
A moment later you heard an exasperated sigh before a less than enthusiastic “Fine.”
You poked your head out to see if she’d actually done what you’d asked. Seeing her sat in her office chair, eyes shut, with a slight frown on her face, you continued on your way back to her.
As she heard your steps approaching she began muttering to herself. You couldn’t make out everything but you caught enough to get the general idea. “- I can’t believe,” “- would expect such behaviour from those imbeciles, not you,” 
You couldn’t help but smile at her antics, grateful as they temporarily distracted you from your ever increasing nerves.
Standing across the table from her, you carefully moved her laptop over to the side before gently placing the box directly in front of her on the desk.
“Okay, open.”
As she opened her eyes she looked directly at you before slowly lowering her gaze. You knew the exact moment her eyes reached the box, the surprise was clear on her face.
Wilhemina had no idea what to expect when you said you had something you wanted to give to her. She was not used to any sort of acts of kindness. 
The sight of the box alone almost made her cry. It was clear that you’d put great thought into whatever it was by making sure it was wrapped in her favourite colour. She glanced back up at you in question, unsure as to what she’d done to deserve such an item.
“I wasn’t planning on this being a Christmas gift,” you started. “But it took me until now to get it ready for you and I wanted to make sure you had it before the holiday break.”
She looked back down at the box in front of her, gently grazing her fingers along the edge of the lavender bow.
You could feel her hesitation. “It’s okay, you can open it.”
She reluctantly began pulling on the ends of the ribbon, unraveling the beautiful bow. She pulled the ribbon completely off before running her palm along the top of the box. You motioned towards the edge facing her where she discovered a flap being magnetically held down to secure the box shut. She detached the flap from the magnets before slowly lifting the lid of the box. Inside, surrounded by plush velvet padding, she discovered the cane that she had described to you all those months ago. The sight immediately brought tears to her eyes.
She’d never told you that after your initial conversation about the purple cane she had decided to go searching for one again. She was pleasantly surprised to see a few options online, but nothing that she’d be caught dead using. The lack of success at finding something suitable had sent her down a dark spiral of self loathing and thinking about why she even needed the cane in the first place. She’d cried herself to sleep that night. The next morning she decided to banish such frivolous thoughts of ever finding something from her mind and vowed to never try it again.
But here in front of her, somehow, was the cane that she’d always hoped for. She didn’t even know where to begin with processing this.
“- How?” she choked out, returning her tearful gaze towards you.
“After you told me about it I knew I had to try to figure out a way to bring it to life for you.”
“But… why?”
You shrugged, “Because you’re my favourite person. I’m just glad I was able to figure out how to make it.”
“You made this!?” She alternated her gaze between you and the cane in the box in disbelief, the tears that had gathered in her eyes rolling down her cheeks.
You looked on - still incredibly nervous - as she delicately ran her fingers along the body of the cane. 
As she reached the handle, she noticed some sort of engraving along the end. She gently rotated the cane so that she could make out what it was. To her complete shock, she discovered her initials W.V. beautifully engraved into the handle. She stared at it for a moment before completely breaking down, overwhelmed by the entire situation.
You stood there in shock. You’d never seen Wilhemina Venable’s eyes so much as water until a moment ago and now here she was sobbing over your present. You still weren’t sure whether that was a good or bad reaction but you certainly weren’t going to leave her there to cry on her own. At this point she’d turned her chair to the side, facing away from her desk, burying her head in her hands. You quickly but gently moved to the other side of the table before kneeling down in front of her and carefully wrapping your arms around her, at a loss for what else to do. You had no idea how she’d react to the physical contact but you were pleasantly surprised when a moment later she wrapped her arms around your upper body in a crushing embrace.
Wilhemina’s thoughts were going a million miles an hour. She was completely overwhelmed with your gift and now she felt that she was making a complete fool of herself by crying in front of you. All of a sudden she was surrounded by warmth. Some part of her registered that she was being embraced. But by you? Surely you should be laughing at her obvious display of weakness. No. That wasn’t something you’d ever do.
Wilhemina had become well aware over the years of the looks she received from others when they saw her using a cane. Good, bad, didn’t matter. She was always perceived by others as different. 
Not once had she seen you look at her differently. It was one of the first things that had made her warm up to you and the reason she decided to ask you to join her for lunch that first day.
From there her admiration for you only grew. Your conversations during lunch were always fascinating. She enjoyed hearing you speak passionately about whatever the day’s topic was. She also found herself enjoying speaking to you in return; you always listened to her and never judged or dismissed her opinions.
There had been one night in particular where you were both working late trying to finalize a deal with a massive client. It had been almost midnight when you’d finished, but neither of you seemed too keen on going home quite yet. You’d offered to go get you both ice cream and you sat out on the main office balcony eating it as you gazed up at the sky, laughing and talking about life. It had been the most peaceful and carefree she’d ever felt.
Soon enough Wilhemina Venable realized she was in love with you. The realization sent her into full panic mode. Love was an emotion that only lead to the deepest hurt, or so she tried to tell herself. Then her mind would inadvertently begin to wander to you and the way you looked at her, treated her, and she realized she didn’t actually mind being in love with you at all. 
You had no idea how long you’d been wrapped up in each other’s arms; you would have happily stayed there with her forever is she wanted you to. 
You gradually felt the sobs wracking her body calm. At some point she’d nuzzled her face into the crook of your neck; you could feel her breathing had almost returned to normal but with the occasional sniffle.
“Thank you,” you heard her softly say a while later, her face still buried in your neck. 
“Anytime,” you replied, unsure of what it was exactly that she was thanking you for. “Was the cane a bad idea?”
She pulled away from you at that, but not too far - still keeping her hands around your shoulders.
“-what, no! It’s so beautiful. I- no one has ever done anything like that for me before.” she averted her eyes downward with her final admission.
“Well they should have,” you replied, gently cupping her cheeks with your hands, wiping away the tear tracks with your thumbs that hadn’t quite dried.
“-but it must have been so much work. How- why would you do something like that for me?” She’d returned her gaze back to you in question. 
You weren’t immediately sure how to respond to her question. Didn’t she realize how special she was? How important she was to you?
“Why wouldn’t I? Wilhemina, you are wonderful and the time that we’ve spent together has meant so much to me.”
“When you said that you’d never really been able to find the perfect cane, I knew I had to try to do something about it. You deserve only the best. I don’t know if what I did is exactly as you imagined, we can fix anything that isn’t perfect-“
Wilhemina could never have predicted in a million years the turn that this day was taking. Her favourite person had just gifted her her dream cane, had held her in her arms as she sobbed about said cane - without making her feel weak or pathetic - and now the same person was kneeling in front of her, hands delicately holding her face, as she explained how she thought she was wonderful?
Her brain was definitely not processing all of this. All she could think about was the warmth of your hands on her face, how beautiful you looked, how in love she was with you at this moment and every other. She didn’t know how to possibly begin to put what she was feeling into words, so her body decided to do the only thing that it could think of and cut you off with a kiss.
At first you couldn’t grasp why all of a sudden you were unable to speak. Then you registered the plush warmth on your lips and a deliciously spicy sent you’d recognize anywhere. Mina. 
You still didn’t quite know what was going on but you’d dreamt about this moment for so long that you didn’t want to think too hard about it. So instead you returned her kiss.
When Wilhemina’s brain caught up with her body, she panicked. But then she realized you were kissing her back? Surely this couldn’t actually be happening. Far too soon you were pulling away from her mouth, resting your foreheads together. She kept her eyes shut but she could feel your slightly laboured breathing against her face, the pads of your thumbs gently stroking her cheeks. The close proximity to you felt so so wonderful.
“If I knew that’s how you’d react to your present I would have given it to you a lot sooner.”
She chuckled at that, reluctantly pulling away from you to look at your face. 
She always loved the way you looked at her, she’d never felt judged by your beautiful eyes. But now you were looking at her with an expression she’d never seen before. 
There was such pure, unfiltered adoration in your gaze that she could think of nothing else but to pull you back towards her and reconnect your lips.
Gone was the nervous peck of lips born from uncertainty. You both poured everything into the kiss, realizing that at least to some degree, your feelings for each other were reciprocated.
Wilhemina had never felt so free before - everything felt weightless and she would have happily drowned in your warmth forever. That was until a cough from her office doorway interrupted you both.
She wasn’t even the one to realize it and pull away first, that was you. It was almost physically painful to stop kissing her but when you did, you were met with the sight of a very amused looking Jeff and Mutt.
“You own me five hundred bucks and first dibs on girls for the next week!” Mutt excitedly exclaimed to Jeff.
You groaned and hid your face in Wilhemina’s chest. At this point she’d mostly come out of her kissing induced daze, and she was not happy with the turn of events.
“Is there a reason you’re both standing in my doorway?”
“Yes, Ms. Venable,” Jeff quickly replied, recognizing the change in her mood and not wanting to deal with her wrath. “We were just coming by to inform you both that everything has been wrapped up for the year, so no need to come in tomorrow. Enjoy the next few weeks off.”
“Oh, I don’t think they are going to have an issue with that,” Mutt added snickering. “We have a plane to catch but we’ll want full details later ladies.”
With that they left and you were once again left alone together.
“How much do you think they saw?” you asked.
“Enough for them to never let us forget about it.” she replied.
“There’s no threat of that. I could never forget today,” you pulled away from her chest, smiling up at her. She returned your smile. Her eyes were so peaceful, you’d never seen her look so happy.
“Do you have plans for the next couple of weeks?”
She looked down at her lap in shame before shaking her head.
“Well, I think we can do something about that,” she looked up at your response hopefully. “What do you think about starting with dinner tonight? We can get takeout or go out somewhere, whatever you’d prefer.”
She was so so grateful for you. She hoped that by the end of the night she’d be able to find the words to adequately express how much you meant to her. She didn’t know if it would ever be possible though.
She took one of your hands in her own, bringing it up to her face to place a kiss along your knuckles.
“Let’s go out. After all, I have this fancy new cane to show off.”
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kai-anderson-whore · 1 year
New colleague (jeff pfister x fem reader)
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Summary: it's your first day at work and one of your new colleagues are all shy and embarrassed about their project
Warnings: Jeff and mutt being little coke whores, sex bot 😭, mentions of mutt embarrassing Jeff for having a boner, and mentions of sex workers
A/n this was requested on wattpad and I thought the sex bot thing is so funny plus its obviously a Jeff and mutt thing to do
•¤❅¤•.•°˚˚°•..•°˚˚°•.•¤❅¤•.•¤❅¤•.•°˚˚°•. .•°˚˚°
It was your first day working at kineros
Robotics after many, many years of studying putting your blood,sweat and tears into your education you were finally here.
You walked up to the secretary who you had met before applying for this job wilhemina venable "Hey wilhemina" you smiled wilhemina looked up at you from her computer screen "ah y/n yes come with me" she smiled taking you to your new office where you will help build robots with your colleagues.
You walked through hallways finally making it to the work station you saw two men with Bob haircuts doing god knows what, wilhemina cleared her throat gaining the attention of the two men, "hey" the brunette one shrugged neither of them noticing you yet, "this is y/n" their heads snapped up hearing a females name that's when you realised they probably don't get any female attention.
"Well what can we do for you" the brunette smirked from his seat, "you'll do nothing for her she works here with you two now so you both better make her feel comfortable and show her around" wilhemina scolded you also made a note that they were the annoying ones to work with great, you noticed the blonde wasn't saying a word he looked shy and timid.
Wilhemina said her goodbyes leaving you with your new colleagues, "I'm mutt by the way and that's jeff" mutt introduced with a polite smile, "nice to meet you" you smiled back giving Jeff a nod, which made him blush, "so where you from originally?" Mutt asked, "Oh I'm from w/y/f I moved here after my breakup with my ex and decided to focus on my career" you shrugged you noticed how Jeff's head peaked up from behind his computer when you mentioned you were single now.
"So how about you two then what's your story" you asked watching mutt snort a line of cocaine, you were shocked you never seen anything like it, before, mutt mostly did the talking for Jeff, "well that's my lunch break Jeff get y/n up to date with our project I'll be back in an hour and a half" mutt said grabbing his jacket leaving the lab.
"So what is it your working on?" You asked trying to start a conversation you knew it was something to do with robots, "erm well a female robot" Jeff mumbled shyly, "Oh cool for any reason" you asked observing the robot, "erm no no just you know doing our job" he chuckled you noticed the robots hand was a weird way so you had to ask why.
"Oh you know holding cups and what not" Jeff stumbled over his words the more you looked at the bot that's when it clicked "it's a sex bot Jeff Oh my god you two are making a sex robot hey I get it sometimes you get lonely" you put your hands up chuckling to yourself, Jeff tried to avoid eye contact with you.
You found it cute how easily shy he got around you no one really ever was like that around you only you around them, "okay so where are you at now with the sex bot" you asked hearing the soft rock playing in the background, "we're pretty much finished just need to test her out" he mumbled shyly you let out a laugh "your seriously not going to fuck the Robot are you what if it like explodes or something" you said in between laughs.
"Of course not I'll have mutt test it out" he chuckled back Jeff didn't want to admit but he thought your laugh was the most beautiful sound in the world he felt embarrassed about you knowing that him and mutt made a sex bot "Hey lovers" you heard mutt call entering the  lab, "mutt I need you to test the robot out in your own time" Jeff blushed at the nickname mutt gave you both and so did you.
Yo thought Jeff was cute he wasn't the type of guy you usually go for but he was sweet and kind and you loved when he blushed, "Oh it's time for my break I'll be back shortly" you said grabbing your coat hanging on the pegs leaving the lab.
"So what have you been up to casanova" mutt asked wiggling his eyebrows dishing out lines of the white powder, "Oh nothing just telling y/n about the robot that's all" Jeff shrugged snorting the lines of cocaine, "you gotta admit she is pretty hot" mutt said also snorting more of the drug.
"What no" Jeff scoffed but mutt saw right through his lie, "so you mean to tell me you wouldn't bang her I mean I could sense your boner when I was on my break" mutt laughed Jeff hid his face with embarrassment he instantly caught feelings for you how could he not.
"Just shoot your shot bro I bet she likes you too" mutt shrugged but Jeff knew talking to girls was not his strong point unless he's paying sex workers, he never had a proper girlfriend so he knew he'd be a nervous reck and probably mess everything up, "no I can't she wouldn't go for a dude like me" Jeff mumbled feeling the doubt.
"Just get to know her more then soon she'll be head over heel I'm telling you" mutt insisted Jeff gave it a thought before agreeing with him hopefully as time goes on you'd feel the same
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langdxn · 2 years
the compromise pt i | fire and reign!michael x fem!reader
SUMMARY: You get financial stability. Michael gets what he craves. It’s the perfect compromise.
WARNINGS: drug use, mention of police, sexual tension all over the place, breeding kink, mentions of birth control.
A/N: welcome to a series i never thought i’d start but now i’m here, i can’t control myself. this will go on for some time, so please forgive me!
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“Mr Langdon wants to see you in his office.”
The words that danced across Ms Venable’s smug lips sent chills up your spine, overwhelming dread washing over you as if a wave had poured through your cubicle’s ceiling tiles and bathed you in abject horror. Venable revelled in delivering the news that your recent behaviour had stirred none other than the company’s mysterious CEO.
Despite working for Kineros Robotics for 13 months, you’d never once met the man who funded the company’s dealings both above and below board, never even passed him in the hallway. The figurehead who made the final decision on the corporation’s actions, the model around which the dubious company functioned, remained a mystery from head to toe.
Office rumour has it the company never used to attract quite as much attention before his appointment, but you were hired a week after he arrived and assumed the unusual surroundings were the status quo. The unexpected combinations of celebrities from all corners of popular culture filing past your cubicle on the way to the CEO’s office on the 66th floor seemed normal to you, but you never worked out what they wanted with a seemingly innocuous robotics company. As much as you valued the job and its income sparing you from innumerable financial crises and final demand letters that poured through your front door, you certainly weren’t paid well enough to care what went on behind closed doors.
At least, that is, until recently.
“Take this to the 45th floor,” Venable barked, slamming a heavily-taped cardboard box on your desk. “The last girl had to be… dismissed this morning due to her failure to wear a simple name badge.”
“Yes, Ms Venable,” you blindly complied, gripping the brown package and rising to your feet. As you lifted the heavy box and made your way around your cubicle walls, Venable grabbed your arm and leaned in to whisper in your ear.
“Give this to the blonde mop top that answers to Mr Jeff Pfister,” she half-hissed. “As much as it pains me to admit it, he’s the more sensible of the two. Give this to Jeff only, you understand me?”
“Yes, Ms Venable,” you repeated. An obedient sacrament you hadn’t dared break in all your months at the company, not daring to find out the consequences if you did. With a nod of acknowledgement, Venable gestured toward the hallway and watched you walk away carrying the seemingly precious cargo.
After all the times you’d seen the likes of Ryan Reynolds and Elon Musk grace the hallways of the seemingly endless Kineros building, the journey upstairs never phased you. The elevator leading toward the work conducted at the robotics labs was a mere side effect of the pay packet at the end of the month. The metallic doors swung open automatically as you approached, allowing you to step in, spin around and let out a contented sigh.
Shuffling the box into the crook of your arm to free a hand ready to call the elevator, you chuckled lightly at the sudden recall of a memory of the 7 members of BTS squeezing into the restrictive metallic chamber together. As the box slid back down into your grasp, you noticed a dusty trace it left behind on your forearm. A thin, white line of powder.
Fuck. It’s cocaine.
The dramatic weight of the box in your clutches suddenly dawned on you, straining your arms to keep it steady.
Fuck. It’s a lot of cocaine.
Enough to solve those final demand letters.
Enough to solve any final demand letters.
Before your mind could calculate the consequences, your hands had already fumbled for the weakness in the box and clawed it open further, pouring out handfuls of the white powder and stuffing it into the pockets on your formal suit pants. Not enough to arouse suspicion but enough to line your pockets and earn yourself at least one less red bill.
With the soft ‘ding’ of the elevator arriving at the 45th floor, you’d already worked out your excuse before your messy-haired recipient met you in the crisp white foyer of the robotics laboratory.
“They finally sent a hot chick?” The man who answers to Mr Jeff Pfister called out as he bounded towards you, eyeing you up and down without an ounce of shame. “The last one was totally clapped but this one is a certified babe!”
A chuckle of agreement erupted from a brown-haired man across the lab without looking up from his electronic project at hand.
As Jeff’s gaze dropped to your feet, he noticed a distinct white trail behind you and audibly gasped.
“The fuck?!” He cried out, dropping to his knees and scooping up the powder with his bare hands. “Babe, what the fuck?!”
“Sorry, sir,” you apologised calmly. “This is how it came from the delivery room.”
“Well tell them to be more careful next time, will ya?” He looked up from his cleaning mission for a second before dropping his nose to the floor and snorting the remaining amount. “This is precious cargo right here, we can’t afford to lose this!”
“It won’t happen again, sir.”
In fact, the exact thing happened again. And again. And again. Until your final demand letters became a thing of the past only two weeks later, selling the contents of your pockets to anybody who would buy from the least suspicious coke dealer in the area.
Halfway through your fifth delivery, the hum of the elevator carrying you upwards suddenly snapped you back to reality, an overwhelming pang of realisation crashing over you as you turned to rest your back against the reflective doors. How much longer could you pull this off? How long before suspicions were raised in the building?
What if the CEO found out? Worse still — what if Venable found out?
Your mind raced through the consequences of losing your entire income from the company. The final demand letters would rear their red heads. You’d lose your apartment, your car, have to move back in with your parents, have to take the bus, probably serve jail time, have to apply for a new job having lost the last one due to careless management of inordinate amounts of cocaine — every outcome sounded worse than the last.
None of them were worth the risk anymore.
“Perhaps you didn’t hear me,” Venable’s ever-present bark dragged your consciousness back into the present. “We don’t want to keep Mr Langdon waiting now, do we?”
Swallowing harshly and slowly rising from your chair; your gaze met with Venable’s, glimmering with mauve disdain above her narrow glasses. Both of her hands clasped over her cane, she tapped the stick against the floor so hard it nearly shattered the flagstones.
“No, Ms Venable,” you obeyed with a bowed head, tucking your chair under your desk and treading tentatively into the white hallway toward the elevator. The same crisp hallway down which you carried the class A cargo but this time, each step was taken less with anticipation than sheer terror of what lay ahead.
The mirrored doors that not two weeks ago resolved all your financial fears were now destined to carry you to your inevitable firing. The doors hastily slid open on your approach, leading you to gulp loudly and step inside its metallic chamber.
Hang on, why would the CEO personally see you just to fire you? Venable revels in that job, practically clamours for it simply to feed on the anguish of unfortunate employees whose time had come to a premature end for some reason or another. After all, she dismissed the last girl for misplacing her name badge. Hurriedly, your hand raced to your chest to double check your own badge, breathing a heavy sigh of relief to find the metal pin still in place.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” you swore under your breath. “The money wasn’t worth this.”
You pressed the ‘66’ on the elevator keypad as if the button itself would destroy your life with one click, squinting to try and block out the next action as the doors swiped shut and encased you in its aluminium prison. Claustrophobia had never been an issue to you until this moment, eyes darting around your mirrored confinement from floor to ceiling as if you’d never make it out alive.
The jolt of the box’s motion skyward nearly toppled your balance as you braced yourself against the shiny wall, glancing up to the blinding lights above you that signposted your journey toward your fate. As if being dismissed wasn’t bad enough, your actions were far more illegal than you realised at the time. Aware that you’ve been mishandling a class A drug, Langdon could be sending you into a trap. The cops could be right behind that door when it reached its destination. You swallowed harshly, knowing full well how close you were to the end of the line.
The insensitive metallic “ding” of the elevator signalling its arrival washed yet another wave of dread over you. Squeezing your eyes tightly shut as the doors wiped open, you stepped out into the unknown and paced forward.
Your motion stopped abruptly as you clashed against an immovable force in front of you, forcing your eyes open to face the obstacle square in its eyes — a tall blonde man whose hard chest you just bumped against.
“It might be worth opening your eyes once in a while,” he sneered through a crooked smile creeping across his full lips, watching intently as you panicked and stumbled backwards raising cautious palms in the space between you to ensure you were a suitable distance away from him. He remained motionless, his hands clasped together behind his back.
“I… I…” you stuttered weakly. A deep chuckle erupted in Mr Langdon’s throat.
“I’m sure I pay you to speak at least a few words,” he smirked, his grin growing wider with every one of your panicked breaths. “Take a seat, miss.”
The elegant man spun on his heels and paced across the room to a chair behind a glass desk, tapping the opposite seat intended for you as he passed. Once the haze of fear finally dropped from your vision, focusing on his frame you noticed tumbling blonde curls pouring over his shoulders, his long black coat billowing as he moved and black boots making a satisfying ‘clack’ across the tiled floor.
Whatever you expected the mysterious Mr Langdon to look like, this definitely was not it.
“You’re not still frozen to the spot, are you?” His booming voice filled the room and caused you to lunge forward and rush to the chair across from him, perching on the edge of the seat and nervously sliding your hands under your thighs.
“Mr Langdon, I—.”
“So tell me,” he continued without acknowledging your attempt to speak, his facial features not changing to reveal his emotions. “What possessed you to steal cocaine from your employers to sell on the street?”
You gulped again. Loudly. How did he know every single detail of your actions? Did he have cameras in the elevator?
Fuck, you should’ve thought about that sooner.
“Sir, I know it was wrong and I’m so, so sorry,” you pleaded weakly, shaking your head in despair with every syllable. “Please, please don’t call the cops and please don’t fire me. I really need this job.”
For the first time, his smug grin dropped. Instead, a quirked eyebrow raised above his deep-set eyes.
“I was under the impression this company meant nothing to you,” he stated perplexed, leaning forward in his chair and placing an elbow on the glass table, resting his chin on his palm and tapping his cheek with his finger. “Particularly if you’d throw it all away over a few pocketfuls of cocaine.”
“Sir, have you ever made a mistake in the heat of the moment?” You instantly regretted your words as they rolled off your tongue without a second thought. “I made a huge mistake that jeopardised not only myself but also the company. I would take it back in a heartbeat.”
Langdon tapped his cheek again, as if dismissing your feeble attempts to resolve your own mess.
“I appreciate your tenacity, but you’ll have to try a little harder if you want me to overlook something as abominably illegal as this.”
“Of course sir, I’ll do anything.”
Langdon’s steady breaths hitched in his throat. His brow raised higher.
“Anything, sir,” you affirmed.
He froze for what felt like an eternity, seemingly calculating your statement. You both sat in piercing silence, deafened by the unspoken words rolling around in his mind and the remaining desperate attempts to apologise for your mistake tumbling around yours.
“Don’t make promises you can’t keep, little girl,” he sneered, pursing his lips together.
“I… I’m not, sir. I really would do anything.”
This time, both of his tapered blonde eyebrows raised.
A decision had been made. And that decision terrified you.
Suddenly, Langdon rose from his chair and sidestepped around the desk, running a contemplative hand across the glass as he moved toward you. As he reached your side and his black boots nudged against your shoes, he peered down at you with wonder sparkling in his eyes.
“Stand up,” he commanded as you rose to your feet almost before he could finish his order. Even at your full height, Langdon towered over you, his blonde curls flowing around his shoulders at your eye level.
“If you do as I say, I will add the income you made from the coke to your salary so you never need to sell on the street again. If you do as I say, I will make this all go away. The police will never know, Mutt and Jeff will never know and most importantly, Venable will never know.” Langdon leaned in toward you, his voice softening with every word that left his plump lips. “But if you disobey me, I have the police on speed dial and I will personally ensure you never see the light of day again under the crushing weight of class A drug charges.”
You swallowed harshly, drawing your bottom lip between your teeth. Nodding furiously, you wilfully agreed to anything he had in mind.
“I have a few terms,” he continued, his face blank but searching yours for a reaction. “Number one, do you have an IUD?”
You nearly choked on thin air, eyes bulging from their sockets. You frantically scoured his face for any signal that he was joking, but his emotionless countenance gave nothing away. Realising how deadly serious he was, you shook your head tentatively.
“Good,” he affirmed with a slight quirk of his lips into a contented smile. “Second, are you taking any birth control?”
This time, your eyes darted around the room for a sign of a hidden camera, as if this were some prank. Unfortunately nothing jumped out at you, leaving you to nod obediently.
“Understood. I’m going to need you to stop taking it for at least two weeks. Do I make myself clear?”
Langdon slowly leaned into you, closing the gap between you as your breaths became laboured, until your lips almost met in the middle. You knew if you nodded in response, you’d certainly end up crashing into a kiss.
“Y… yes sir,” you whispered instead.
“Good girl,” he grinned, raising a hand to your face and tucking a rogue strand of hair behind your ear. He revelled in your fear, fed off your trepidation, bathed in your anticipation. He knew your thought process, knew you were following his plan to the letter at least in your mind. You knew exactly why he was asking this of you, but you couldn’t bring yourself to question it, to hear his intentions from his own lips. You knew what your CEO was asking you to do, but verbalising it would make it real.
Suddenly, he spun around and skirted around the table returning to his seat.
“I’ll have a contract drawn up by the morning. Come back by 9am and sign if you still want those charges to flutter off into the ether.”
You gulped in a feeble attempt to disguise your irregular breathing and nodded curtly in response.
“Yes, Mr Langdon,” you obeyed, turning on your heels to the sanctuary of the elevator. As you strode in silence toward the mirrored doors, the CEO’s voice broke through the void once more.
“You can call me Michael,” he called out in the hope you would look back at him.
Noticing you briskly continuing your journey out, he tried again.
“Oh and one more thing,” he added as you finally turned to face him.
“Yes, Michael?”
“Make sure you ditch that stupid name badge before you see me again.”
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stayevildarling · 7 months
Wilhemina Venable x Reader - Who knew?
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A/N: Hello everyone 💜 I'm back with another Mina fic. It's inspired by the song ,,Who knew'' from Pink.
tw: angst, sad, very mild mention of drinking and drug using
word count: 3.7k
taglist: (if you wanna be added or taken off, send me a dm or an ask):
@lunaticwhittaker, @billiebeanhoward, @lanawinters-ily,@kenzbro, @minaslittleone,@httpfiftyshadesofgay,@whitelotus00, @ninaahs, @vintagepaulson, @isle-of-earle, @paulsonsratched, @stepintomyworld, @grilledcheeseandguavajelly, @lucyintheskywithxanax ,@fanfics4world, @mymiraclewitch, @hazard-to-myself, @awritersometime
Sighing, you walk down the long corridors of your workplace. Today was unbearable for some reason. You had been an employee of Kineros Robotics for four years now. Sometimes it felt like you only just started there but today it felt like an eternity.
As you walk towards the meeting room, holding a folder in one hand and your coffee cup in the other, hoping the caffeine would help you wake up a little and somehow make this day end faster, you suddenly spot her. Graceful as ever she walked into the meeting room, her cane hitting off the floor hard, echoing through the walls.
You stop for a minute, taking in her beauty. The red hair, the perfect pony tale, the granny glasses that you used to make fun of, her beautiful makeup and the colour purple plastered all over the slightly taller woman. ,,Whats up, seen a ghost?'' one of your male coworkers giggles as he walks past you. You shake your head and roll your eyes before entering the room.
,,Good Morning'' you say as you enter, trying hard not to look at the redhead now sitting at the other end of the room. You take a seat as you wait for the meeting to begin. As per usual, your bosses Jeff and Mutt were late. It annoyed you how they never valued your time, or anyone elses for that matter as you still had a lot of work on your desk. You didn't realize until now that everyone was staring at you and you couldn't figure out the reason why. Just as you tried to speak up, your bosses walked in and the meeting started.
,,How is that project coming along?'' your thoughts are interrupted when one of your bosses addresses you. You swallow the lump in your throat before talking about the current status of the project and what you had worked on so far. You look around the room while explaining and try hard not to glimpse at Wilhemina. You knew that one look was enough to make you weak.
,,Sounds really good Ms. Y/N'' your boss announces before the male coworker from before agrees. ,,Don't you agree Ms. Venable?'' he questions and this takes you out of your thoughts.
,,Very good'' she coldly states as her brown eyes pierce straight into your soul. You had avoided eye contact with her for a long time. In-fact you don't think you had bared to really look into her eyes up until now as the past few months had been filled with too much pain.
You are pulled out of your thoughts when everyone gets up and your bosses saying how productive this meeting had been. You couldn't focus on anything that had been said as your thoughts kept wandering back to your past.
As you get up and gather your things, everyone had left and the redhead was just getting ready to leave when your male coworker stops you by the door. ,,What happened between you and Venny Bear?'' you swallow hard as you look at him and completely miss how fast Wilhemina had turned around at hearing those words.
The office had always suspected that you two had a thing going on, Wilhemina was usually very closed off at work, barely ever smiling or talking to anyone unless it was about work and absolutely necessary. However, when you started, her demeanor had changed slightly, despite it taking almost a year until she was open with you. Of course your bosses and coworkers had noticed as they suddenly saw Wilhemina as an actual person and not another robot they worked with.
,,Didn't last did it? we kinda always said that'' he carries on. Suddenly you are overwhelmed by anger and grief. Anger at his words. If you had known all those years ago when you first started seeing her, that someone had told you now it wouldn't last, you would have lost it completely. Grief overtakes second as the end of your relationship still haunted you to this very day. Her last words as she explained just why she couldn't do this but that she didn't want to hear you say a word about quitting. As you had worked too hard for you to just leave the position now. Equally you both knew she couldn't quit either having built the company from the ground.
As all of your emotions overtake you, you take a step forward, your eyes turning a darker colour. Wilheminas eyes widen as she sees your reaction. ,,How about you shut your mouth before I-'' you start, your fist clenching before you feel a hand grabbing yours. ,,He's not worth it Y/N'' you suddenly hear the redheads voice as you turn to face her. Your coworker had left as quickly as he could, intimidated by your sudden change of behaviour and definitely scared of Wilhemina and the fact she overheard the whole thing.
It feels as if time freezes right there, outside of the meeting room. Her brown concerned eyes meeting your angry ones. Slowly they turn a softer and calmer tone. Wihemina quickly lets go of your hand as she realizes she is still holding onto you? or holding you back? she isn't quite sure. As you feel her hand letting go, sadness washes over your face, despite your best efforts to hide it. Who knew that not having her hold your hand anymore would have such an effect on you? You miss her, her soft hand on yours, when she wasn't wearing her gloves. Her steady hand always finding yours whenever you needed it.
Wilhemina quickly clears her throat as her gaze averts yours. You try to think of what to say but somehow you can't find any words. You aren't sure whether to apologize for your behaviour or whether to be angry at her for hers in the past. As a result you simply give her a little nod as a thank you for keeping you from what was about to happen and the consequences of your actions before returning to your desk. Wilhemina walks the other way, towards her office and somehow the sound of your beating heart and her cane hitting the floor are in sync.
As you sit at your desk, trying to focus on your work, your thoughts keep travelling back to your ex lover, your Mina. Flashbacks wash over you like a hurricane and you drowning right in the middle of it. You remember how she took your hand and showed you how to do it all. She showed you how to love, taught you to laugh and how to not take everyone's crap all the time. She made you a lot stronger, you believed every word she had told you, every love confession and every single time she made you feel special.
Your relationship was quite the cliche. You had met her at work as she worked in HR. The first week was practically spent with her as she showed you around, or you heading to her desk every day dropping off some files. For the longest time you thought she was a bit strange. As she never really said a lot and the only times she did she insulted you but somehow you had liked it. You fell for her from the moment you first laid eyes on her but you thought she despised you, as she did with every other human being on the planet.
But suddenly it all changed, when she would drop by your desk, invite you to lunch at work, despite that being spent in utter silence the first couple of times. You had found out she never ate lunch other than alone in her office so you thought maybe she was ready to make a friend. However to Wilhemina you were always more than a friend. She saw something in you she hadn't really seen in anyone else before. She liked how you two could spend time in silence, how you wouldn't judge her or feel offended at her comments and how sometimes you even went along with it. Other than your looks, your humour but utter kindness were attractive to the woman, usually such a stranger to any type of affection, let alone the word love.
Wilhemina knew it wasn't a good idea considering this was both of your workplaces, however she couldn't keep herself from asking you to go get a coffee with her outside of work or inviting you to work on the projects your bosses had messed up, as a result you both having to work on the weekend. Even suggesting her own home just to do that. Her home was sacred to the woman and you knew when she first let you into that, that she had opened to you and the idea of you.
When she first kissed you, you felt like your feet were swept off the ground, thankful for the steady hand on your back, keeping you from loosing balance. Mina loved every single second she got to spend with you, especially the ones outside of work. Suddenly the usual loneliness she preferred was replaced by your presence. Usually quiet and lonely dinners were replaced by you sitting there, sometimes cooking for her and the late hours of the evening usually spend with a glass of wine, spend with you and two glasses of wine of course.
Suddenly the redhead enjoyed when you kissed her, she enjoyed holding your hand, the feeling of protection over you as she was ready to kill if anyone ever tried to hurt you in any way. Who knew that she would be the reason for your pain in the end?
,,Y/N?'' the sudden calling of your name interrupts the waves of flashbacks and pulls you back to shore. ,,Are you coming to lunch?'' another colleague asks. You think for a second before replying ,,I'm think I'm gonna skip today, still got a lot of work'' you point towards your computer. Your colleague simply smiles and nods, unknowing that since the meeting you hadn't even turned your computer back on, nor done any work.
Slowly you tell yourself it will be okay and that you need to get on with your projects. For the next half an hour you drown yourself in coding and work, not once taking your eyes off the screen or your thoughts off work. Meanwhile everyone other than your bosses joined for lunch in the cafeteria. The room is filled with quiet chattering, the occasional laughing when it suddenly stops altogether. Some eyes widen as they see Wilhemina walk in, holding onto her cane.
,,What is she doing here?'' one of them dares to mumble before Wilhemina glances at them. She quickly scans the room but even quicker turns around on her heels and leaves as she couldn't find what she came in here to look for. you.
The redhead makes her way over to your desk but halts as she sees you staring at your computer screen and tapping on the keyboard. She had no desire of course to eat in the cafeteria or any reason to be down here, as her office provided her with everything she needed, she came for you. She is worried about you, you not being the only one flooded by waves of flashbacks of the past.
Wilhemina remains by the door, watching you for a while, trying to find some sort of indication as to how you are feeling. However she is interrupted when she hears chattering again, knowing lunch was over by now, so she retreats back to her office. Just as she leaves you finally take a glimpse, knowing she was standing there all along, before continuing your work.
Somehow the day ended quicker than you originally thought as by your usual finish time, you manage to send the final project draft to your bosses. As you check your emails and calendar one more time, getting ready to go home, you are interrupted by your bosses. ,,Hey Y/N, great work on the project, can you go and take it to Ms. Venable? we are going to go hit the city, considering its a friday yk?''
Internally you roll your eyes but on the outside you simply politely agree as they walk off, joking about something, by now already high and probably drunk. ,,Shit'' you mumble, knowing you had to drop the project off at Wilhemina's desk but also not wanting another encounter for the day. For a second you consider just emailing it to her and leaving but you also knew she hates when things aren't done the proper way and final projects that need signing she usually prefers on her desk.
,,Guess I'll do it the right way then'' you think to yourself before opening the file and reading it again, making sure there are no mistakes whatsoever. After a couple of hours and several coffee breaks you finally have the finished project printed off on your desk, placed neatly in a folder and you finish by signing the last document. As you look at the time, you realize it had been four hours since everyone had left and you now realize you only did this so you could drop it on her desk and leave without any confrontation or having to face her again today.
You sign out of your computer, turn the little desk light off, grabbing your things before you walk out of the offices and head upstairs to her office. As you walk towards her office, the automatic ceiling lights turn on and you assume that did infact mean everyone left. As you enter her office, a familiar scent of lavender greeting you, you walk straight towards her desk.
As you look up, ready to place the project on the desk in front of you, you jump as you see Wilhemina sitting there. ,,Oh my god, Mi- Wilhemina I'm sorry'' you mumble, your voice shaking. ,,I thought you would have left by now'' you quickly add, feeling terrible for waltzing in and not noticing her there. She turns slightly on her chair, a hand holding onto her cane, her head slightly tilting before raising an eyebrow. Her mouth opens a little bit before she counters ,,What are you doing here so late?''.
You take a deep breath before explaining ,,Jeff and Mutt wanted me to pass the project to you for finalizing and signing''. You try to look anywhere but her eyes as you couldn't stand facing that pain again today. ,,And what took you so long? you finished the project several hours ago?'' she suggests, her tone changing into HR mode. ,,How?'' you start confused, your eyebrows furrowing.
,,Did you forget I was one of the recipients of the email?'' she asks, her words feeling like a slap in the face. You curse in your head for adding her to the recipient list instead of just Jeff and Mutt and how you didn't even notice it. ,,It's a friday night Y/N, we both know they wouldn't have signed it tonight and would ask you to pass it over to me''. she finally adds.
,,So you waited for hours for me to print it off and bring it to you?'' you counter, equally adapting your voice and slightly snappy. Your comment takes her by surprise as she stares at you. You quickly feel bad and apologize ,,I'm sorry Wilhemina, I wanted to make sure to hand it to you properly and it took a while for me to-'' but she interrupts you again. ,,Please Y/N we both know you wouldn't have sent it to your bosses if it wasn't really finished, and we both know you don't need four hours for printing and signing''. she interrupts you yet again.
,,Fine, what do you want me to say?'' you snap, your feelings suddenly taking over and the little voice in your head telling you to stay professional fading word by word. ,,Admit it, you didn't want to see me'' she suggests. The silence that follows is louder than any words could ever be. ,,My my'' she simply mumbles as she looks at you with those brown eyes again.
This was one of the few occasions where you had no idea what Wilhemina wants from you. Does she want you to snap at her? lay out your feelings and confront her with them? Does she want you in trouble? Does she want you to admit you did something you shouldn't have?.
,,Who knew you would go through such lengths to avoid me?'' she adds after a long silence and this is it, the last straw. Your emotions suddenly take over you, in addition of the long day and encounter from earlier today you couldn't hold back the things you had been meaning to say to her for a while now.
,,Who knew?'' you suddenly snap repeating her words.
,,Who knew that seeing you every single day was this unbearable?, Who knew that after all these years you would be long gone? Who knew that your forever was a lie`? Who knew I would do anything to touch you again, kiss you again and feel you again?'' you say
,,Who knew you would be the one breaking my heart, after all the promises you made me to make sure to never let anyone hurt me?Who knew time makes it so much harder? seeing you every day at work and you visiting me in my dreams when I am not in this god damn building?'' you carry on
,,Who knew I would miss you this damn much? ''
As you finish, you realize all of the things you just said, the tears streaming down your face and your knees feeling wobbly suddenly. Your eyes widen a little bit as you look up to see the redheads reaction.
You missed her initial reaction when you started speaking, a smirk in the beginning that with every single word falters to sad smile and a frown. Wilhemina expected a reaction, she wanted you to react and even provoke you a little but not like this. The redhead never expected it to hurt so much, who knew?
Who knew that Wilhemina would also feel those exact words that came from your mouth. every single detail. Who knew Wilhemina in that moment just wants to pull you into her embrace, press her lips onto yours but she can't.. not now. Not after everything that had happened and how she hurt you and ended things.
As you look up, Wilhemina isn't sitting at her desk anymore, suddenly she stands in front of you. Her eyes meeting yours, sad eyes. Wilhemina pulls you in anyway, despite everything within her telling her not to do this, not make the same mistake of hurting you again. She almost loses her balance as her lips move closer and eventually meet yours. Her cane isn't in the right spot for her to stand and bend slightly, so in response you wrap your arm around her and feel her breath hitch.
Suddenly you feel her smile into the kiss as her lips finally meet yours, a wave of feelings overtaking you, the familiar scent clouding your senses, your lips moving in sync and hearts beating in sync as well. You aren't sure whether you are supposed to still be angry, confused even because you most definitely are. But her lips, her lips on yours again, the feeling that you have been craving for months now. After all this time. Something so intimate and personal, so.. not Wilhemina.
She does love you? Who knew?
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am3ricanh0rrorwh0re · 6 months
Jeff Pfister Headcanons (Boyfriend) ❄️
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nsfw and sfw headcanons !! there’s not much to work w/ since he was only in an episode or two, but i hope y’all like it !!
Jeff barely comes home from work. He’s always working, doing cocaine, or watching porn. no matter how much you call him, he’ll always make up some bullshit excuse as to why he’ll be home late
The bitch would never make dinner or do any chores around the penthouse/mansion or wherever he lives since he’s a billionaire. He’d have you do everything because he’s too busy.
Jeff’s probably a sucker for being cuddled tbh. although, he’d always force his way to be big spoon. He thinks he’s your knight in shining armor.
He’s super kinky. I mean, our cunty boyfriend here works at Kinero Robotics, an engineering company that literally. makes. sex. robots. So when I say kinky, he’d probably be BEGGING to put you on a leash
Jeff’s a menace when it comes to gifts. He either gets you something super expensive that you wanted, or a fucking McDonald’s giftcard.
He’ll pick you up Starbucks on the mornings you two are off. He loves Starbucks, which means if you don’t already, you have to like Starbucks.
Your name in his phone would probably be something stupid like “cleaning lady ❤️”, “coke dealer ❄️” or even “my babe 👍🏽”
your pet names would solely be “babe”, “chick,” and the occasional “baby”
the way Jeff’s hoodies are so tight would probably be super weird whenever he lended you one. It would probably be like wearing one of your own.
He would constantly be saying things like “look at this piece of ass! and she’s all mine!”
Jeff wouldn’t hesitate to creampie you tbh
He’d be super into phone sex and would definitely sext you and send you dick pics while you were at work. He’d make sure you came without even touching you
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imagines-ahs · 5 months
Chapter Forty-Eight: Bisque.
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Summary: Wilhemina Venable felt it was finally time to leave Kineros Robotics and get a job with people who weren’t such morons like Jeff and Mutt. What she didn’t expect, however, was for her new boss to be so damn insufferable. She didn’t expect to fall in love with her, either.
Tag List: @mayfair-fleur @mistysswampmud @paulsonsratched @msvenablx @notmeellaannyy @rwoolfe @golddustdykes​ @lovingsarah @slut-for-sarah @geinobinarie​ (message me to be added if interested!)
“Affection memories are the best kind,” Billie’s words came as soft as melted butter. “How old were you?”
I’m not sure I have many of those. “Six.”
“I wish I could have seen young Wilhemina eating cheesecake for the first time.” The corners of Billie Dean’s sparkled lightly. Venable couldn’t help but let out a chuckle as she took another bite.
“Do you have any pictures from when you were young?”
Even though the question seemed a little odd, Billie had learned not to judge. It was safe to say their experiences in life had been very different, even though they shared their fair amount of similarities. She nodded as she took a bite. “I do. Why?”
Wilhemina shrugged. “I’d like to see them… sometime. If that’s alright with you.”
“Of course.” Weird. But it made sense… Billie did want to see younger Venable, too.
Wilhemina nodded slowly as she looked down at her plate. I think I might have a few pictures from school… Granted, she had always hated taking pictures. Brown eyes moved back up to Billie Dean, and a small smile graced Venable’s features as she realized the small amount of cream cheese on Billie’s face. “Your chin,” she said softly.
“You have cream cheese on your chin.”
“Oh.” Billie let her fork go and reached for a napkin. She chuckled as she wiped her face clean. “Thank you.” Embarrassing.
“Of course.” I can’t believe the nerve of her to look good even with cream cheese on her face.
Carefully taking one last bite, Billie Dean set her plate aside. She licked her lips and made sure no bits were left on her cheeks. Venable still savored the dessert, and so honey eyes watched her. In no time, they were back at the living room with the dishwasher all loaded and running. Purpura sleepily watched them from her spot at the center table.
“That was good,” Billie sat back down at the couch, right beside Wilhemina, whom nodded.
“When did you first find out you had a talent for finding good food?” Venable teased as she leaned back against the couch. Billie Dean let out a small chuckle. Is it safe to feel that comfortable around her? That was a constant doubt in her mind.
“I think it’s a talent only for you.” She reached for one of Venable’s legs, hand resting on her knee and caressing it on top of the pants.
Wilhemina smiled to herself. Floratta Blue permeated her house in comforting tones of coral. “If you say so…”
“Mhm.” Leaning closer, Billie kissed Wilhemina’s cheek before resting back on the couch.
With the corners of her eyes sparkling lightly, Venable turned her head to stare at Billie Dean. The caresses on her leg no longer felt foreign. Such a short time… Things with Emma had taken so long so develop to whatever it had been. How was any of that even happening with Billie? “Will you help me set my iPad?”
“Of course.”
Afternoon dawned and night arrived pretty fast. Shades of orange invaded the living room as Billie Dean was just done helping Wilhemina set everything, and then Venable got up to turn the light on. The iPad now lay charging on the corner table, already with the purple case on and a few apps installed. Honey eyes watched as Wilhemina caressed Purpura on her way back to the couch, and as she was about to comment on her trousers, her phone began to ring from her purse. Brown eyes moved to hers. Billie Dean bit her lower lip and wished the name on the screen didn’t start with the letter ‘E’—thankfully, it didn’t. “It’s Jenny,” she told Venable before walking to the bathroom, receiving a nod back. Closing the door, Billie quickly picked it up. “Hello?”
“Stop ignoring my texts!” From the other side, Jenny yelled teasingly.
“I’m not!” Billie said with a chuckle. “I just haven’t been around my phone today.”
“Oh! Oh—oh! You’re at her house?!”
Laughing, Billie Dean moved to sit down on the closed toilet lid. “Yes, I am.” Her words were quiet, low.
“Did you spend the night? Oh, of course you did!”
Billie couldn’t help but find Jenny’s excitement funny. “I did, but nothing happened.”
“How come?”
“We’re going slow.”
“Did you make out at least?”
“Come on!”
Smiling to herself, Billie Dean nodded on the phone. “Yes…”
“So she does have feelings for you, huh?”
“… yes.”
“Where’s my ‘You told me, Jenny. You’re always right, Jenny. I should give you a raise, Jenny.’?”
“Shut up!” Billie chuckled yet again, hearing as the girl did the same on the other side of the phone. After a moment, she bit her lip. Their laughs died down. “Thank you…”
“You’re welcome,” Jenny’s voice came softly, now. “On a more serious note, is everything alright? Is she treating you well and not like she’s made out of ice?”
Billie Dean shook her head. “She’s the sweetest, Jenny…”
“If you say so.”
“I believe you.”
Billie licked her lips as she thought. “Was Emma alright? Yesterday, when you dropped her home?”Silence. Billie Dean felt Jenny shifting on the other side of the line. Oh no.
“She was just drunk. Do you really want to talk about her now?”
“She said something about Terry, didn’t she?”
Jenny took a deep breath. Billie gulped. “She said a lot of things…”
“Yes. She did talk about Terry.”
“Fuck,” Billie breathed out. Closing her eyes, she reached to massage her temple. “What did she say?”
“I don’t remember exactly—or rather, I didn’t understand it very well— but it was something that had to do with telling Wilhemina about her.” Billie Dean groaned. “She was drunk and very much mad at you, I doubt she’ll do anything,” Jenny tried to amend. It didn’t help much.
“She thinks she knows what happened, and she’s assuming that’s what I am doing with Wilhemina.”
“That’s not it, Jenny. Terry wasn’t even fired because of that!” Her voice raised a little. Billie quickly took notice of it and squeezed her eyes shut for a moment.
From the other side, Jenny gulped. “I know, Billie… but you do know that a few people can’t help but make that connection, right?”
Billie Dean took a deep breath. “Yes…” And it fucking sucks. Just another thing people assumed about her life, as if she didn’t have enough of that already.
“Have you told her about it?”
“No… not yet.” Honey eyes fell down. Billie sucked on her lower lip. “I think it’s too soon.”
“Billie, it’s either you telling her or her possibly finding it out through Emma… and I really don’t think you’d like the latter.”
“I know,” Billie Dean murmured. “What else did she tell you?”
“She just cried a lot… and called you a bunch of names.”
“Fair,” she murmured again.
“Not really, but we’ll not dwell on that right now.” Billie nodded to herself. “Are you spending the weekend there?”
“Yes.” Taking a deep breath, Billie Dean sat up a little better. “Why?”
“Just asking. The reports about the party should be out on Monday, and we need to approve the pictures for the special.”
“Right. You can ask them to e-mail me the material.” I desperately need a break from working. The end of the year was always hectic for Billie Dean.
“Already did. They’re waiting on an answer until Monday, noon.”
“Perfect. We can do it in the morning, then.”
“Do I need to do anything this weekend?” Billie had found Jenny’s question a little odd, so it was always best to ask.
“Not really. I was just curious about you and her,” the girl chuckled.
“Oh.” Chuckling back, Billie got up from the lid. That’s good at least. “I’ll tell you more on Monday.”
“Good. I’ll be waiting excitedly as the reason for all of that to be happening I am.”
“Silly,” Billie Dean teased back. “Alright, I’ll see you on Monday.”
“Alright. Have a good weekend, wink wink.”
“You too, you annoying human.” With both of them laughing, Billie ended the call. She looked up to the mirror and fixed her clothes and hair, eyes glued on herself. She sighed. She’ll think I do that with everybody. Maybe that talk could wait until Monday… or at least until tomorrow. Billie Dean decided she wouldn’t think about it now. At least not for the night. She still had another whole day before the next week, after all.
Quietly stepping out of the bathroom, Billie Dean walked back to the living room; she didn’t find Venable there. “Wilhie?”
“In the bedroom,” Venable called back.
Quietly still, Billie Dean followed that way. As she got to the room, her eyes were graced with the lovely image of Wilhemina, sitting on the bed with Purpura and a tube of lotion by her side. Lavender notes invaded her nostrils. Billie smiled. “Are you moisturizing her?” She remembered Venable had said something about it, once.
Wilhemina nodded. She reached for more of the lotion and gently caressed the cat’s back, which purred lowly. “Winter makes her skin drier.”
“She’s so well behaved.” Carefully, Billie sat down beside Wilhemina. She watched as her hands worked on Purpura, so gentle and caring. And with such long and dainty fingers… not now. Billie Dean licked her lips and looked back up at Venable, watching the way she was so absolutely focused on the cat, with lips curling up and eyes so soft above the sky of freckles there. To be loved by her must be holy. She could only wish to experience that one day. “Can I help?”
Taken positively aback, deep brown eyes met honey ones. “To moisturize her?” Billie nodded. Venable opened a smile. “Of course.” She reached for the lotion and pushed it closer to Billie Dean. “Here. Her chest is missing still.
“Okay.” As gentle as she could, Billie Dean scooped a small amount of lotion on her fingers and began to caress the cat’s chest, right underneath her neck. Purpura purred a little louder, shifting on the mattress to accommodate the hand. Billie smiled, and as she looked up at Wilhemina, their eyes and smile met again. Air seemed scarce all of a sudden. I want to give her the world.
I love her. When had anyone ever treated Purpura like that? When had anyone wanted to be a part of her life like that? How scary? How good? How foreign? “She likes it,” Wilhemina said, voice as soft as melted butter. “She likes you.”
With a tiny chuckle, Billie Dean used all of her strength to take her eyes off of Venable and look back at the cat. “I like her, too.” With her free hand and mindful of her nails, she reached to pet the cat’s head. Purpura leaned against it, eyes closed. Another chuckle left Billie’s lips.
With her teeth trapping her lips in order not to allow them to smile too big, Wilhemina kept on watching them. She pulled her hands away and wiped them on a towel she had taken, cleaning them of the lotion. After a minute or two, she spoke again. “Thank you for being so nice to her…”
“Of course,” Billie Dean’s eyebrows drew closer in confusion. “Why wouldn’t I be?”
Venable shrugged. My mind clearly works wrong. “It’s just that… a few people can be mean because of—of how she looks.” Just like they are to me. She nervously licked her lips. “You know… the skin.”
Billie’s frown grew for a second until she understood just how deep the topic actually was. Her eyes reflected nothing but kindness now. “There’s nothing wrong with how she looks, Wilhie… and even if there were, quote on quote, something wrong about her, that wouldn’t be an excuse for people to treat her in any way but kind.” Gulping again, Wilhemina nodded. She took a discrete deep breath and clutched the small purple towel on her lap. Billie Dean took notice of it. She’s nervous. With her own heart picking up slightly in speed, Billie looked down at the cat for a second before looking back up at Venable. Her lips curled up on the corners. “Besides, I think she looks really cute.”
This time, it was Wilhemina who looked away from Billie Dean. Her cheeks tinted softly. The underlying tone of their conversation was very much explicit. “R-really?”
“Oh, yeah.” She knows I’m talking about her. There was no need to point that out. Billie had been learning compliments and words of affirmation were better left in the murky, at least for now. “More than cute, I think she’s beautiful.” Clutching the towel in her hands a little harsher, Venable nodded quietly. She slowly looked back up, and when her eyes met honey ones again, she found a look in them that left her warm all over, sweet all over, comforted all over. Billie Dean’s smile grew lovingly, pouring affection all over. Carefully not to disturb Purpura, Billie scooted closer to Wilhemina, hand reaching to cup one of her cheeks—slowly, so she could ask her to stop if she wanted. She didn’t. Billie Dean’s thumb caressed the plump crimson skin with so much tenderness it nearly hurt. Venable sighed lowly. “You’re beautiful, Wilhemina,” she whispered, voice as soft as a cozy blanket and as sweet as honey. She could feel Venable’s breath against her lips, faster than usual and oh so inviting. So she kissed her, slow and gentle and affectionate.
With blood rushing up to her head, Wilhemina felt her hands trembling against the cloth. She did the best she could and let go of it, reaching to caress Billie’s arm as she kissed her back. Their lips danced slowly and passionately, and for a split second Venable felt herself losing touch with the parts that could be so damn horrible to her. Her lips picked up in intensity, and she subconsciously scooted closer to Billie Dean, too. Purpura meowed from between them, therefore causing the kiss the break. Wilhemina took a deep breath as she stared at Billie’s eyes, lips rosy and tingling deliciously. Billie Dean watched her closely, thumb still tracing Venable’s cheek. I’m terrified things will change. Reality set back in. Wilhemina gulped. “I’m n-not used to that…”
“Compliments?” Venable nodded. I know. Billie smiled sadly. “Any chance I can help you get used to them?”
With her cheeks still red and hot, Wilhemina bit her lower lip. Hesitantly, she nodded. “It might take a while…” It might never happen at all.
With the softest smile she could manage, Billie Dean reached to tuck a lock of red hair behind Venable’s ear. “That’s okay,” she whispered. Billie felt as dark brown eyes fell down to her lips, so she leaned closer and kissed Wilhemina again, which got herself a sweet sigh. Billie Dean pulled away just enough to stare at Venable. “I’m not in a rush.” She had said that already, about many things, but she would never grow tired of easing Wilhemina’s mind.
And yet again, there she was… bare, raw in front of Billie. Vulnerable, and yet she didn’t feel so scared. That’s scary. Would that become something usual for her?
Sunday morning arrived as sweetly as the past night had been; Wilhemina found herself falling asleep tangled in Billie Dean’s arms again, this time receiving kisses on the forehead until she, eventually, allowed sleep to win. When the first ray of sunlight slipped through the curtains, their limbs were still tangled and their skin was still warm from their embrace. It was Venable who opened her eyes first, eyebrows close as she frowned from the light. When her vision wasn’t so blurry anymore, Wilhemina focused on whatever was in front of her—it happened to be Billie, still fast asleep and with her lips inches away from her own. She took a deep breath. I kissed her. Venable licked her own chapped lips, body falling slowly into reality as it got aware of its position: legs tangled with Billie Dean’s, an arm that wasn’t its own wrapped around her waist, feet touching, blonde hair tickling her face. How lovely was it, to not wake up alone? To not always be by herself? Wilhemina took another deep breath, brown oceans examining the face in front of hers. Is she even real? Venable still had her doubts. Billie frowned as a strand of her own hair tickled her face, nose scrunching up. Wilhemina smiled to herself and reached to pull the strand of hair away and behind Billie Dean’s ear. As she pulled her hand away, she couldn’t help but brush her knuckles against Billie’s face, caressing her peachy skin. I shouldn’t be so attached already. How could she not? When that woman treated her and made her feel a way she had never experienced before? Venable watched as Billie Dean began to slowly open her eyes. She smiled sleepily to herself.
Letting out a small sigh, Billie hummed as her vision came into consciousness, body snuggling closer to whatever was providing it warmth. Lavender soon clouded her senses, and so Billie Dean finally fixated on the face in front of her. Her lips mirrored Wilhemina’s sleepy smile. Was she watching me? “Hi,” Billie croaked out, as sweet as she could manage in her state.
“Hello.” Venable’s smile grew as her cheeks began to tint for some reason. Down her legs, she felt as Billie Dean’s foot caressed her own. “I hope I didn’t wake you.”
Billie shook her head before hiding her face against the pillow to cover a yawn. Her hand reached for Wilhemina’s waist and pulled her closer. “You didn’t.” She looked back at dark brown eyes. “I wouldn’t have minded if you had, though.”
Venable nodded at the words as spidery fingers slowly moved up to cup Billie Dean’s cheek. Wilhemina just stared at her for a minute before taking a deep breath. “I like waking up next to you,” she whispered. I didn’t know not being alone could ever feel this way.
Coral fingernails scratched softly against the cloth of Venable’s purple pajamas, caressing her waist and the small of her back. Billie Dean leaned closer and kissed her gently on the lips. I hope my breath is tolerable. “I like waking up next to you, too,” she whispered back. Wilhemina stared at her like she was made of all the stars in the universe, eyes shining and all. Billie couldn’t help but pull her even closer, and this time Venable’s hand fell down to her waist and pulled her closer, too. Their bodies left no space between each other, breaths mingling. “I sleep pretty well when I’m with you… you’re warm and you don’t snore,” she teased.
Chuckling lowly, Wilhemina bit her lip to stop her smile from growing too much. “Why, thank you. I could say the same, but your feet are freezing,” she teased back, because being playful didn’t come with a sentence of being punished when it came to Billie Dean.
With a laugh, Billie made sure her feet were well tangled with Venable’s. “I don’t know why they’re so cold.”
Wilhemina hummed. She reached for the hand that caressed her waist and tangled her fingers with Billie Dean’s. “So is your hand.” She caressed the cold digits between her own, trying to warm them up. “Are you cold?”
“Not really.” Billie licked her lips, and part of her heart still melted every time she was reminded of how just how caring Venable was with her. “Are you?”
“No,” Wilhemina shook her head. She let go of Billie Dean’s hand and now caressed her arm, even though Billie had said she wasn’t cold. Billie Dean didn’t mind, not at all. She kept a smile printed on her lips. “Are you hungry?” I should have bought some pastries.
“A little.”
“I can cook us an omelette, or maybe I can go out and get a few pastries, if you’d like. There’s this—“
“Wilhie,” Billie Dean cut Venable gently just as she was about to start lifting the covers to get out of bed. Wilhemina looked at her. “Can we cuddle a little?”
With her cheeks turning purple, Venable nodded. She blinked twice before slowly snuggling closer to Billie again. “Sorry,” she whispered.
Billie Dean shook her head. Hadn’t it been Wilhemina, she could have thought that maybe there was something wrong with her, but being Venable, she knew she was simply eager to please. “You don’t have to apologize,” she whispered back. Her hand found its place on Wilhemina’s waist again, caressing it. She’s always so anxious.
With a nod, brown eyes fell down. Venable took a deep breath. I’m so idiotic. The deprecating voice was already up and running. She gulped and looked back at honey oceans, legs tangling back with Billie’s. After a moment, she spoke again. “I like cuddling with you,” she said, because part of her felt like Billie Dean could maybe be thinking otherwise, and she didn’t want to ever cause Billie Dean to think like that.
She’s worried. Opening a smile, Billie reached to pull a strand of read hair away from Venable’s eyes. “I know, darling. I didn’t think otherwise.”
Darling. Wilhemina didn’t know if her stomach would ever stop turning with the pet name. This is the second time she’s called me that. How delicious did it feel? “Good,” she murmured somewhat shyly.
Billie Dean hummed back, hand caressing her waist slowly, feeling as it rose and fell with Venable’s breathing. She stared at those chocolate eyes in front of her, watching the way they moved away and back to her own. She’s shy. Her lips curled up softly. “Did you dream of anything?”
Wilhemina shook her head, eyes struggling to stay at brown ones. “Not that I remember. Did you?”
Billie Dean had actually had a dream; she saw a woman, hair red just like Venable’s, face full of suffering and with lines well marked. She cried, but couldn’t speak. Wilhemina didn’t need to know that. “Not really.” Venable hummed. Billie licked her lips, eyes tracing the soft freckles on Wilhemina’s cheeks. “I love your freckles,” she said after a second.
To be stared at like that had never felt good… not until Billie Dean. Venable’s skin grew red still, but not from being uncomfortable. “I’m not a huge fan of them…”
What’s new? Wilhemina didn’t seem to be a huge fan of anything that made her who she was. Billie didn’t need to point that out, but she did keep that in mind. “You always cover them, don’t you?” Venable nodded. Billie Dean opened a sad smile. “I love them,” she repeated.
Wilhemina gulped. She nodded again, eyes falling down before going back up. She licked her sudden dry lips. “Thank you.”
Billie couldn’t help but smile a little more. It was clear Venable wasn’t used to being complimented, or having any kind of intimacy with people, but there was something so sweet about it… so strangely pure, in a way. Most people wouldn’t see it that way, but Billie Dean had never been most people. So she leaned closer and placed a small kiss on Wilhemina’s nose, and then another one on her left cheek, and another one on her right one, right on top of the freckles. Wilhemina blinked twice, and with a chuckle Billie Dean kissed her full on the lips, reaching to cup her face.
Sunday went by with nothing but sweet kisses being shared and a movie or two being watched. When the night began to fall down again, Billie Dean hesitantly went back home, but with the promise of seeing each other on Monday morning. Billie knew she should have talked about Terry; knew she should have brought it up before anyone else had the chance, but how could she when Venable looked at her so lovingly and gave her more trust than she had ever given anyone in a long time? Billie Dean simply didn’t have the guts to do it. And she prayed no one would before she could master the courage to do so.
At night, Wilhemina caught herself missing the warmth of another body next to her. Floratta Blue lingered in the air only slightly, and Venable wished she could smell more of it. Fear clouded her senses before sleep could, trying to trick her, trying to scare her. Wilhemina closed her eyes and thought about Billie; about the kiss they shared just before she entered her car and drove home that evening. Nothing would change in the morning. Nothing would change in the week. Right?
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worldswithoutendings · 8 months
Eye for an eye [Michael Langdon] Pt. 5
Pairing: Michael Langdon x female! reader
warning: finally kissing, bad omens concert (if that's not your vibe, you can pick whatever band you want)
words: 2858
summary: working at Kineros is so much fun, second date with Michael. actual flirting?
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AN: I'm so so sorry it took so long, I'm in the midst of my finals and it's killing me. so I wrote an extra-long chapter. enjoy <3
“This is a joke, right? That’s not the Rosalie from Cooperative?” you can’t help but ask him after he has brushed his teeth for what feels like 10 minutes “No, not a joke, do you still smell her?” he asks as he wipes his mouth with a napkin and you come closer to his and cautiously smell “no, but I did order room perfume because it, unfortunately, stays in the hall” you lean against the doorpost of the bathroom and Michael sighs “I had to drag her to a hairdresser, makeup artist, stylist, cosmetologist, whatever you name it to make her look so.. decent at cooperative, I was so ashamed that night” he makes a sour face as if it was the worst night of his life “but I have to keep her around unfortunately. For a ritual. But she kept on believing we were getting married so I stuck with that to her. She won’t live long anyway” “How long till the ritual?” “It’s this Friday actually” Michael seemed relieved “I have to offer her to my father. It’s the last, final ritual to be.. free. My mouth hurts” “Yeah well, you did brush your teeth for 10 minutes so, no wonder your mouth hurts” you laugh and he glares playfully at you “thank god I don’t have to worry about you” “For what?” “I think I can kiss you easily for 10 minutes, I’d rather kiss you than that foul thing” “Okay, that foul thing has a name Michael, and you’re done with her on Friday. Just don’t.. think too much of it okay? Be happy you don’t have to fuck her in a ritual” “No thank hell, I have to offer a virgin so I had promised to marry her on Friday and then we could.. fu- I can’t say that when I think of her it makes my stomach churn” he becomes paler and you can’t help it but put a hand on his cheek “you’ll be fine, Michael” you smile at him and he takes a look at you “you do know you’re in the men’s bathroom, right?” he winks and you audibly gasp “oh no! what will become of me?!” you act out musically making Michael laugh as he pushes you closer against him “thank hell for you” he whispers against your lips making you turn to stone. Is he? Will he? No, right? Softly your lips brush against each other “Already so much softer” “Please don’t compare her to me” you blurt out and he shakes his head “She comes nowhere near you, on any level”
The week flew by like It was nothing. You enjoyed working at Kineros because it was easy. Rosalie also never came back again after she came on your first day. Michael had told you that he’d rather speak with her on the phone than in person, which is understandable. You also can’t help but glance over to his office once in a while, because his office is on your left, and most of the time he had his door open unless there was a business meeting. Most of the time he would lean against his desk, his sleeve rolled up as he was busy reading emails you had forwarded him. You couldn’t help but stare at the icy gaze he held on his computer, how sharp his jawline was, and how often he would bite the inside of his lip. Once you even almost fell back because you were leaning so much. Earning a concerned look from Michael when he heard you gasp “I’m fine!’ you say and he shakes his head with a smile.
Friday came along and Michael had to leave Kineros early for the ritual, thank hell you didn’t have to come with him because it would be too gore-y “We can meet up tonight? After the ritual, I can tell you in every colorful detail what happened” he says as he leans against your desk right next to you “we can meet up tonight, yes” you say as you push your chair from the desk to look at him, you were wearing a mini a-line black skirt with a black button up and black boots to mimic Michaels style. Michaels's eyes go from your boots to where your skirt begins and he scrapes his throat, loosening his tie “Are you wearing this tonight?” “not sure yet, why?” “Just, keep it on” he nods and stands up “I’ll see you tonight!” “good luck!” you wave at him as you continue with the emails “So, devil's little helper hm?” Mutt says behind you “So?” “That’s how you got the job, didn’t you? You must’ve sucked him off real good with that look on his face” You frown at his remark “What’s that supposed to mean?” “that.. girl, is not allowed one foot in this building. But with you, he flirts so easily like you fuck him every night. you probably do don’t you? Why don’t you try us for once?” Mutt says as he points at himself and Jeff “No thanks, I’m already concerned for the girls who are willing to get paid to get fucked by you two. When I look at you it feels like I’m looking at my grandmothers' wallpaper” you say as you finish the last two emails of the day. Mutt huffs and curses at you as you close your laptop.
Cleaning your desk to leave you see that Michael still had his light on in his office. You walk over to turn it off only to see that his laptop is also still on, this man. Walking towards his desk to shut his laptop off you can’t help but see that he has an entire schedule for you
Friday: meet y/n after work
Sunday: visit y/n
Wednesday: take y/n out to dinner after work
“silly man” you smirk to yourself as you close his laptop as well, better to take it home with me and give it to him tonight. He may need it. Turning off the light in his office as you make your way home.
Anxiety was creeping its way into your body about the ritual that was happening right now. Mostly hoped it wouldn’t hurt Michael too much, as you know that rituals for him could be painful from time to time, especially if his father wasn’t appreciative of the gift. Nervously you walked around your house, having done everything you could do already, put some clothes in the washing machine, fill the dishwasher, clean the kitchen
“What are you nervous about?” you hear Michael echo through your living room as he transmutes and you gasp happily “It worked!?” “yes” he smiles and you fling your arms around him, mostly because you’re happy that now Michael doesn’t have to think about Rosalie anymore. But also it meant you were a step closer to each other, if you have to believe Satan. Michael puts his arms around you as he inhales your scent “Oh I brought your laptop with me in case you needed it throughout the weekend” “You’re an angel” he mumbles against your hair. Only realizing now that you hugged Michael you try to let go of him only to feel his arms around your waist tighten “Just, just one minute longer please” he sounds desperate in your ear. After exactly one minute he loosens his arms around you “What sort of ritual was it exactly?” you can’t help but ask, “It’s ehm, the final offering, from me to him, I’m free from him, I can make my own decisions now” but the deal? “the deal still stands. Because that is between you and him” ´But you, you can decline, now, right?” you ask hesitantly and Michael nods shortly. You bite your lip as you try to withhold yourself from lashing out “doesn’t mean I will though” his voice becomes softer “we just, have to go through a lot more, and longer, offerings and rituals” “so I have to see it like you’re finally an adult? Because you’re free” “Yeah you can see it sorta like that” Michael says as he nods “I can live with that” You smile and Michael finally smiles back at you.
Uncertain of the way you felt, he understands that it’s a lot, especially since you’ve been begging for love since you were 15 years of age, and truthfully. Michael was scared, beyond scared. For the first time he also feels like someone has an actual interest in him, at least, you tried to get to know him, and didn’t directly fall on your knees because he is the antichrist. He had to fight for this and so would you. There are moments where Michael feels he could marry you directly, right then and there, but there are moments where he wishes he could walk away like the rituals and the deal never happened. But Michael also knows that his father has a very short temper and wanted him to already be married long before his last ritual, Michael was more surprised that because of you he took his time. He had tried once already, when you were 17, to meet you, but you were under such a big amount of stress because your mother had just passed away he couldn’t bring it to just. Jump in front of you and explain that he would be the love of your life. He sat there during the funeral, watching your form from the far back of the hall, seeing how everyone took pity on you, losing both your parents in such a short time. He wanted to be nothing but a support system, but you, you closed yourself off to the world.
“what are you thinking about?” Michaels's thoughts get broken by your soft voice “Nothing, just. The future. Ehm, yes, we should celebrate!” he holds tight onto your hands and you start to laugh at his excitement. You love how you sometimes can still see the kid deep within him, trying to break free, which also makes you sad when you realize that he never experienced a childhood, or puberty like you did “We can go to a concert? See which one isn’t sold out yet?” you blurt out and Michael furrows his brows “what’s that?” “Come,” you say as you grab your coat.
Looking at the agenda of the concert hall you bite your lip to guess what Michael would like when it comes to music “Definitely not Coldplay, at least, not right now, maybe Slipknot? Is that too.. metal for the devil?” you think out loud “what is this Bad Omens band” Michael points at the bands that will be playing tonight “oh they’re great! But they’re sold out so-“ “-so? We can just go inside” he shrugs “Michael we can’t there are no tickets an-“Of course he transmutes you mid-sentence “-ymore, Michael this is illegal” You hiss at him as you slap his shoulder, acting hurt he rolls his eyes “when will it start” you walk into the crowded hall, happy that he transmuted you to a deserted hall ‘in 10 minutes or so? See how busy it is” you giggle as you look back at Michael, who looks a bit frightened not knowing what to expect.
The closer you get to the band coming on stage the more crowded the room gets. You feel Michael’s body heat come closer to you and you feel more eyes falling on the both of you, hushed voices carry through the room like everybody knows who Michael is. But they’re probably all eye fucking him “As long as it stays at eye fucking I’m fine with it” you whisper to yourself while Michael wraps a protective arm over your middle “Is someone jealous?” he whispers in your ear and you can’t help but side-eye him making him laugh in your ear. The room becomes dark as the intro for the band starts to play.
Thankfully Michael enjoyed the concert just like you did. Holding each other's hand as you walked out of the concert hall “That was a really good band” he sighs and you nod “Yeah they’re really good!” you start to slowly shake because of how thin your coat is and the temperature change from a really hot concert hall to the cold evening wind. Michael sees a bench “Come” he says as he almost drags you to it. He sits down and as you want to sit down next to him he tusks “You’re getting cold come on” he lets go of your hand only to grab you by your middle to place you on his lap. You can’t help but blush by the sudden bold move from Michael and you get jealous when you feel his warm body heat consume you.
Fixing your hair as you try to avoid melting against him while he looks at you with endearing eyes “I liked that song they played, the one with the long title, what was it again?” you feel his hands almost burn on your middle as he tries to make small talk with you “oh, ehm, love is the death of peace and mind? I like that one as well” you blush, playing with his sleeve of his button up “where is the girl with the bold temper? Did she go on vacation?” Michael laughs as he notices how shy you have become all of a sudden “No! Nope, she is still here” you point at your brain “I just, never, experienced this, this whole thing, situation” you exclaim with your hands and Michael nods while he comes closer. You can’t help but stare at the freshly painted black nails you had done yesterday until you feel his soft lips on your forehead “Nope, no fever” he says playfully for someone who is the devil he has soft lips “Are you sure?” you ask him and he kisses you again “no” you shake your head while you sigh.
Michael, being the gentleman that he is, transmuted you back home, in front of your door with his laptop case in his hand “I enjoyed tonight, a lot” he winks and you nod “Yeah me too, we should do this more often” “oh we definitely will” he says as he closes the gap between you two and you smile your best smile at him making him melt “so I will see you Sunday?’ you ask him to break the comfortable silence “yes, you will see me Sunday” he says sultry as he comes closer to your lips. This time you’re the one to make the move to kiss him for the first time. His lips are incredibly soft against yours, knowing it’s just one, official kiss you lean back only to see Michael stand still in the same stance “Are you okay?” you whisper laughingly “Are you mocking me? Come here” he groans as he kisses you again, longer and deeper this time. You hold him by the collar of his coat as he pushes you against your door.
Michael had transmuted after saying goodbye and ending the kiss you both had for the first time. You open the door with shaking hands “Oh my god oh my god. I need to call Julie” you say after you close the door. While you take your shoes off you put her on speaker
“yes?” she groans “Oh did I wake you, sleeping beauty?” “no, you didn’t, I’m sick” “Ah do you have a bug?” “probably food poisoning, that idiot called my fiancé, cooked yesterday, why are you calling so late?” Julie says groggily and you let out a sigh “I thought you wouldn’t let him cook again, the last time he also gave you food poisoning remember?” “yeah well he said he practiced” She cuts you off and you smirk “Why I’m calling you is” you sing as you throw yourself on the couch “Oh no please don’t tell me you’re pregnant from that bot” you laugh out loud by her statement “we kissed.” “you kissed? I didn’t know robots had fe-“ “-Julie he is not a robot, okay, we went to the Bad Omens concert and afterwards he brought me home and ehm, we, we kissed” “That’s so cute! Wait, a bad omens concert?! Does he enjoy rock?” “yeah he does actually” “I would see him for some classical music type of shit” Julie sighs and you smile “No, he’s actually really growing on me Julie” “Yeah I can hear that you’re smiling through the phone it’s creepy” “hmm well I’m sorry you have food poisoning but if you keep this up I will not take care of you” you hear Julie trash through the phone about how badly she wants your vegetable porridge tomorrow and you always take care of her when she’s sick “I’m just joking Julie, I’ll see you tomorrow. Take some Tylenol and you’ll be off to Wonderland in no time okay? Sleep tight” “Hmm whatever,” Julie says playfully as she hangs up
Right when you want to go to bed you hear your phone buzz
- Sleep tight
You too Michael
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lotties-ashwagandha · 2 years
Anything Wilhemina Venable and Billie Dean Howard? Maybe specifically in the fall time and the start of their relationship? Love your writing!!!
thank you!! omg billie x mina is my favorite ship im gonna have so much fun w this
pairing: billie dean howard x reader x wilhemina venable
word count: 1016
notes and warnings: title from “if anyone falls” by stevie nicks!! I have no idea what this turned into, there will probably be a part 2!!
summary: you convince your girlfriend to let a medium solve a little haunting problem in your home
taglist: @cartoonpeoples @thedeconstructionist @cordeliass @paulsonsratched @goodeday2u @mayfair-fleur @traumatisedfangirl
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Wilhemina’s claims of it all being bullshit did not surprise you. She had never been superstitious, much less believed in ghosts, but you were quite the opposite.
You had moved into a new house with Mina close to a month ago, and every night had been the same — after the lights went out you would hear singing in a language you couldn’t quite understand. Sometimes the singing would last for a few moments, and sometimes it would last all night. Wilhemina claimed not to hear it, or that even if she did hear it it didn’t phase her, but it didn’t take long for you to notice that she shifted closer to you in the bed every time the singing started up.
At the beginning of October, a whole month after moving into the house, you had finally had enough.
You’d searched for ages for a medium or a witch, anyone that could speak to or remove spirits from the house. Eventually you had stumbled upon the qualifications of Billie Dean Howard — the first episode of her new show was to premiere in a few weeks.
You knew Billie would be expensive, but then again, with Whilhemina’s job at Kineros money had not been a concern.
It had been four days since you had scheduled an appointment with Billie Dean Howard, and she was set to arrive at your home any minute.
Wilhemina sat beside you on the sofa, her posture rigid as it always became when she was irritated. Her jaw was set and a far-off look invaded her eyes.
“I know you think this is a waste, but people say this woman is really talented,” you said quietly, breaking the silence.
“I just hope she’s not one of those witches from New Orleans. I watched their segment on the news, it was absolutely ridiculous,” Mina replied sternly.
You sighed. “Stop being so grumpy.”
“I’m not being grumpy.”
“Yes, you are.”
Before she could respond, the doorbell rang.
Mina gave you a look that half-dared you move to open it, as if you were pulling the trigger to a gun.
Sure enough, you pulled the trigger, and the medium strutted into your home.
“Good afternoon,” the medium drawled in her light southern accent. “You’re the Venables, I presume?”
You nodded, captivated by her. Her golden hair hung in waves down her back, and the dusty pink blouse she wore complimented her slightly tanned skin. You shivered as her dark eyes ran over you, as if she knew every bit of how enchanted you were, and could read every thought she occupied.
When you glanced at Wilhemina you noticed the spark in her eyes. You couldn’t tell what it meant, what storm it entailed, but it was there, undeniably.
Billie moved to sit in the armchair across from the sofa, lighting a cigarette — she was making herself at home.
“Congratulations on your show. It’s premiering in, what, two weeks?” You said, forcing yourself back onto the sofa.
Billie’s expression lit up, her sparkling eyes meeting yours as she exhaled a cloud of smoke. “Next Wednesday, darling. I do hope you’ll tune in.”
At the same time you said “of course,” Wilhemina replied with “no, I don’t think so.”
Billie’s eyes moved to Mina. She could sense the air of challenge, and she seemed to revel in it. Wilhemina, too, was completely engulfed in this game, and she would make sure that she won in every way.
“Now, go on,” Wilhemina said, as if she were talking to a child. “Give us the performance I’m paying for.”
The wisps of a smirk encapsulated Billie’s lips, and she offered the women a small wink. “He’s French. An actor.”
You inhaled sharply. “The one who’s been singing?”
Billie nodded. “His ex wife killed him with a kitchen knife. He tells me Wilhemina’s taste in television is terrible, and that you ought to invest in a chess board.”
“Tell him to stop singing at night, please.”
Billie’s eyes fluttered shut and she raised one of her hands as if running it through an invisible spider web. “He says he’ll stop if you quit playing Hell’s Kitchen every night.”
Wilhemina scoffed. “I’ll do no such thing. It’s my favorite program.”
“It’s the only way.”
“Well, damn him, then. He can deal with it.”
“You’ll only make the problem worse.”
“Listen,” Wilhemina started, her voice cold, “I did not invite a stranger into my house to be told nonsensical ways of changing my nightly routine.”
“Mina,” you urged, “listen to her.”
Billie smirked as if she’d won.
When you looked over to Wilhemina, her eyes still had that spark in them, daring Billie to challenge her again. You knew she enjoyed this, in whatever way, and you knew that though she wouldn’t admit it, she found Billie Dean just as stunning and utterly enthralling as you did.
“Is that all?” Billie asked. “I should really be going.”
At roughly the same time, you and Mina both responded with a “no.”
Billie raised her eyebrows. When her gaze turned to you, you could feel your heart start to beat faster.
You turned to Wilhemina. “Can I talk to you in the hallway for a minute?”
She nodded, and the two of you left Billie in the living room.
Once the two of you were out of earshot, you began to ramble. “I know you like her. I like her. I think she’s stunning. And I know you two are playing your little games, but please don’t scare her away, and maybe we should—”
“Stop, stop,” she said, grounding you, towering above her. To others, she was intimidating. To you, her presence was nothing but comforting. “I don’t know if I want to strangle her, or if I want her.”
You attempted to hold back a grin. “We could invite her to dinner sometime, play it off as thanks for her service and congratulations on her show.”
The two of you heard footsteps coming through the hallway, the heavy slamming of heels against the wooden floor.
Soon, Billie was at your side with a fresh cigarette, amusement written all over her face. “I could hear all of that, you know — the actor told me. I thought I would chime in. I would love to go to dinner, darling.”
And love, dangerous and raw and real, was yours in every way.
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7-wonders · 2 years
Hiya! I hope you’re having a good day, I had a fun idea for a Michael Langdon x reader where the reader just kinda asks him to use his Antichrist powers to help them with stupid normal stuff like getting something off a top shelf or something! Thanks :)
Today just really had to try and test you, huh?
Normally, your favorite mug was on the second shelf from the bottom in the cabinet that contained your cups. But since Michael had offered to put the dishes away and didn't have as much of a system as you did, which meant that your favorite mug was on the very top shelf. It's not that you're short, it's just that Michael is annoyingly tall. For him, the mug would be easy to reach. For you? Not so much.
And since you had had a tough day, you really wanted your favorite mug so that you could have some hot chocolate.
You huff and put your hands on your hips, staring up at the mug and trying to calculate your next steps. You could hop up on the counter and grab it. But after the last time you did such a thing, when Michael came in and his shocked "what are you doing?" scared you enough that you jumped and fell off of the counter (Michael was quick enough to catch you, thankfully), you weren't keen on repeating that occasion. Your mind made up, you turn your head in the direction of the living room.
"Hey, Michael?" you call, knowing that he's just working on reading through a couple of Kineros's R&D proposals.
He appears in the entryway a couple of seconds later. "Yes, my love?"
"You put my mug on the top shelf and I can't reach it." If you pout exaggeratedly because you know it will make him feel just a little guilty, well then, that's your secret. "Can you grab it for me, please?"
Michael nods immediately, both because he finds it almost impossible to say no to you and because he knows that he's at fault for your current predicament. When he steps forward, though, you shake your head with a smirk.
"With your magic?"
He sighs. "Really?"
"It's really cool when you do magic!"
Michael had made the mistake of using his magic to complete a mundane task a couple of weeks ago—he needed some occult books that had been left behind in the old Hawthorne school, and had simply...waved his hand and made the books appear. You're sure that the actual explanation was pretty simple, but magic would never cease to blow your mind, and you enjoy watching it in action every chance you can get.
Michael raises an eyebrow, obviously not impressed at your ask. "I'm the literal Antichrist, and you ask me to use my powers to fetch your mug?"
You bat your eyes at him. "Pretty please?"
Though he rolls his eyes, he lifts a hand and points a finger at the mug on the top shelf. It flies down off of the shelf and lands gently in your waiting hands, making you gasp in excitement.
"Anything else you need me to fetch for you, my Lady?" Michael says dryly.
"No, just that." You dart over and give him a chaste kiss on the cheek, crooning, "Thank you, I love you!"
"Love you too." Michael tries to act offended, but you see the smile on his face as he turns to go back to what he was doing and you turn to get started on making your hot chocolate.
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cordeliasdarling · 1 year
under her spell
pairing: ms venable x reader
word count: 1543
summary: ms venable leaves you needy everyday. that’s it basically lmao.
a/n: sorry this is really bad but i had a dream and i had to write it down. the smut is terrible but we vibing soo..
warnings: smut, masturbation
Tick tok, tik tok..
Your eyes watched each second pass on the clock. It was painstaking, every movement of the smallest hand was agonising.
Finally it reached five o'clock, and you stood up from behind your desk, packing your bag quickly. This didn't go unnoticed by the woman who had caused this urgency in you.
"In a rush?"
Oh that voice. It only made things worse.
You forced a smile, turning your head to see Ms Venable, seated and looking at you with a curious expression.
"Yes, I have plans."
Your tone was stilted, each syllable strained between your teeth. It wasn't out of hate, no, of course not. It was out of pure and utter desire. You see, the reason you were in a such a hurry, was because you couldn't stand to be a second longer in her company or else you would explode with neediness.
"You've said the same thing for a week."
Her low tone made you shudder inside. Why was it that her pronunciation consequently caused a ripple inside your body. You chose not to reply to her comment. It wasn't a question therefore it didn't need an answer. You instead slung the strap of your bag over your shoulder and made for the door. But a single tap of the cane stopped you in your tracks.
Turning your head, you saw Ms Venable's expression changed, a hint of irritation behind it. You cleared your throat, hating to admit that you were one of those people who froze when she tapped her cane against the hard floor. It was effective though, you'd give her that.
"If you flee the room again tomorrow, be prepared to give me a full explanation." Her tone was stern, sending electric shocks through your body, starting at your heart and ending between your legs.
"Yes, Ms Venable." With a slight nod, you left the room, closing the door behind you. You barely registered the drive home, it was like a time skip in a film. Next thing you knew you were sprawled out on your bed, hand working quickly to relieve the pent up pressure from the day.
"Fuck.." You mumbled, fingers drawing circles around your clit. It wasn't enough. You needed Ms Venable.
Oh.. Ms Venable..
Ever since you started working at Kineros, that woman had caught your eye. Of course she did, everyone was intimidated by her, but it was no secret that she was stunning. Even those most scared of her would have to admit she was blessed with looks. You had managed to keep your attraction in reigns, making sure not to think about her too much out of working hours, but the last week had been too hard.
It started off on Monday. You had walked into your shared office (as you were her assistant), and laid eyes upon the woman. She always wore a similar outfit, a lilac blazer, white shirt, tie, and a skirt that hugged her curves. But that day.. her shirt was undone by a few buttons, revealing the hum of her violet laced bra. She didn't seem to care, although you noticed that when she left the office later that morning, she did the buttons up. It had swarmed your mind all day, the image of her, wearing nothing but underwear. It was impossible to keep your mind at bay.
Then Tuesday. This time it was her skirt. It was a few inches shorter, riding up her thigh as she crossed her legs under the table. Your view from your desk gave a perfect angle, seeing all the way up her thigh. She seemed unbothered again, her gaze always on her laptop, working away.
Fast forward to Thursday, it was all too much. This was the forth time of the week you found yourself escaping work  just to go home to touch yourself. There was no other way to ease the pressure, but even that didn't fully satisfy you.
And that's how that very evening you found yourself standing outside the 'sex shop' in town. Your cheeks were stained pink, you were humiliated that it had come to this. But you took in a deep breath and entered.
You walked out of the shop clutching a black bag with a red bow, trying to hide it under your coat. Surely people could recognise where this bag was from. Although you shouldn't have been ashamed, there was nothing embarrassing about buying such things. No, the embarrassing part came afterwards.
In a split second after you had crossed the road, your eyes locked with another woman. Ms Venable to be precise. She was holding a shopping bag, placing it into the trunk of her expensive looking car. She straightened up, watching you with curiosity, perhaps wondering why you weren't with friends, carrying out your 'plans'.
"Hi, Ms Venable." You managed to choke out the words. A faint smile tugged on her lips, and you realised it was because she had noticed the bag poking out of your coat. A horrified inaudible squeak left you. If the ground swallowed you whole you definitely wouldn't complain. Maybe swallowed and thrown into a volcano, because that's how it felt.
"See you tomorrow." Her dismissal confused you. Surely she would have made conversation, small talk, or even just tease me for buying things at the sex shop. But no, she got into her car and drove away.
You were left stunned, but also needy. You hadn't seen her smile remotely, but there had been a faint one when she saw the bag. Urgh, this woman drove you crazy.
You walked into the office on Friday with confidence, a smile on my face. You were almost satisfied. Buying those things had definitely been a good investment. It didn't quite hit the mark, but it was enough to get you through the day. Or so you thought.
Ms Venable was sat behind her desk, one button on her shirt lower than before. I could see the curve of the gap between each breast. Your eyes widened, freezing for a moment, before your brain rebooted, mechanically forcing you to sit at your desk.
Holy fuck holy fuck holy fuck holy fuck.
The ache between your legs grew back instantly. All you could think about was her bending you down over the desk and-
"Long night?"
You looked up, ready to shake your head, but you saw her smirk. You knew exactly why she asked that question. Cheeks flushed pink, you tried to focus on the morning work.
But you couldn't.
You mentally screamed, yelled, sighed. There was only one option if I wanted to get through the day. You stood up, excusing yourself and rushing off to the restroom. It was extremely lucky the restrooms were individual, you didn't have to go into stalls.
Your shaky hand locked the door, and immediately pulled down your slacks, fingers sliding over your heat. You were already soaked, groaning quietly as your fingers relieved the intense pressure. Your spare hand covered your mouth as your hand moved frantically.
Suddenly there was a knock at the door, pulling you out of your trance. I quickly pulled my slacks up, rinsed my hand and took a deep breath. Wasn't there other restrooms other people could use?
You opened the door, revealing Ms Venable standing there. Shock rushed through you, and it showed on your expression. She let out a small chuckle, stepping into the restroom. You had to take a step back as you watched her lock the door.
"You thought I wouldn't notice you running off to touch yourself?" There was humour in her voice, eyes dark as she scanned me. Her eyes landed straight to the undone zip on my slacks. Damn it!
"U-uh.." You desperately tried to think up an explanation, but being this close to her was sending your mind into overdrive, causing you to whimper as she took one step closer.
Suddenly you were pushed against the wall, Ms Venable's strong arm holding you there. You hesitated, her face so close to you. You decided to kiss her.
It was like magic, she kissed back with an equal amount of passion.
Her left hand slid down your front, slipping into your underwear and beginning to stroke your clit. She chuckled again, noticing how wet you were.
"I'm guessing those sex toys didn't do much to help." You hated that she was right. She was always right.
"Y-yes.." You gasped as two slender fingers slid into you with ease. "Fuck!" Your hand clamped over your mouth quickly to muffle your noises. This woman made you moan like you'd never moaned before.
Her fingers were quick, pumping into you like there was no tomorrow. If you weren't very much mistaken, she seemed to be letting off some built up steam. Was that because of you?
"You have no idea how long I've been waiting to do this." She murmured as she reached your most sensitive spot. You muffled a cry of pleasure as the knot in your stomach grew and grew.
"P-please, I'm gon-" You managed to whisper before a long awaited orgasm washed through you. She slowed down, pulling her fingers out. She smirked at how wet they were. She then licked them clean, making your knees weak because it was so hot.
"I hope you'll stop touching yourself and wait for me to satisfy you." She spoke in a humoured tone, and then simply left, leaving you in the restroom, weak, dizzy with euphoria.
And completely under her spell.
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