#apocalypse ahs headcanons
am3ricanh0rrorwh0re · 3 months
Jeff Pfister Headcanons (Boyfriend) ❄️
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nsfw and sfw headcanons !! there’s not much to work w/ since he was only in an episode or two, but i hope y’all like it !!
Jeff barely comes home from work. He’s always working, doing cocaine, or watching porn. no matter how much you call him, he’ll always make up some bullshit excuse as to why he’ll be home late
The bitch would never make dinner or do any chores around the penthouse/mansion or wherever he lives since he’s a billionaire. He’d have you do everything because he’s too busy.
Jeff’s probably a sucker for being cuddled tbh. although, he’d always force his way to be big spoon. He thinks he’s your knight in shining armor.
He’s super kinky. I mean, our cunty boyfriend here works at Kinero Robotics, an engineering company that literally. makes. sex. robots. So when I say kinky, he’d probably be BEGGING to put you on a leash
Jeff’s a menace when it comes to gifts. He either gets you something super expensive that you wanted, or a fucking McDonald’s giftcard.
He’ll pick you up Starbucks on the mornings you two are off. He loves Starbucks, which means if you don’t already, you have to like Starbucks.
Your name in his phone would probably be something stupid like “cleaning lady ❤️”, “coke dealer ❄️” or even “my babe 👍🏽”
your pet names would solely be “babe”, “chick,” and the occasional “baby”
the way Jeff’s hoodies are so tight would probably be super weird whenever he lended you one. It would probably be like wearing one of your own.
He would constantly be saying things like “look at this piece of ass! and she’s all mine!”
Jeff wouldn’t hesitate to creampie you tbh
He’d be super into phone sex and would definitely sext you and send you dick pics while you were at work. He’d make sure you came without even touching you
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redroses07 · 7 days
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crown-ov-horns · 4 months
Michael Langdon x Female!SO (N/S/F/W edition 🍋)
Originally a reference sheet my WIP's. Mostly generalized headcanons. A seperate list of specific scenarios can be found here.
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Switch for the right woman. Still, he certainly wants his fair share of dominance.
Likes it when seduction takes effort. If a girl is hard to get, he'll want her all the more. But. Should he feel the chase is taking too long, he may resort to drastic measures. Not rape, think more he imprisons his love interest, until she accepts him. Isn't beyond coercion.
Will absolutely fuck his love interest while she holds a blade to his throat. Think Troy, but she never drops the knife.
Despite the previous points, he enjoys when it his SO takes initiative. Shove him onto down, and mount him. Wait for him in lingerie. Come onto him, seriously.
He bites. A lot. Marking his territory turns him on.
Likes to show off. The notion of getting heard, or even caught, doesn't bother him. He wants others to know his love interest belongs to him, and him alone.
"Your're mine" is a constant. Will go feral if his SO tells him the same, or responds "I'm yours."
Prone to getting rough. Will cluth his lover's hips until they're bruised, pull her hair, wrap his fingers around her throat. He wants her nails ripping his back open. He is a Beast, after all.
Loves eye contact, and seeing his SO's face contort with the pleasure he gives her. This kind of despair turns him on. Loves to leave her exhausted, breathless, and empty-headed. Often takes time to admire her limp, sweat-covered body afterwards. Isn't against receiving the same treatment, though.
Enjoys giving and receiving oral equally. A master of cunnilingus. Likes to grasp his lover by the chin after coming into her mouth, and watch her swallow. Alternatively, doesn't mind being kissed with his own cum still in her mouth.
Has extremely high stamina. Also, often prefers long foreplay. Loves to tease.
Big into pillow talk.
Enjoys his Mark being kissed and licked.
Can get toxic. As in, sometimes, he'll pin his SO down and, essentially, force himself on her during an argument, or when he's frustrated/angry. But, he'll stop if he's told to.
Has a huge breeding kink.
His adoration of breasts may or may not have to do with the previous point.
Into ritual sex.
Excited by blood. Him and his lover drawing each other's blood. Sharing blood. Bathing in the blood of a victim or a sacrifice
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stayevildarling · 4 months
Miranda Priestly x Wilhemina Venable x Reader - Dragon meets Purple - Part 1
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A/N: Hi there! recently I had the idea of Wilhemina x Miranda and due to my poll I decided to write them x reader. I have written like 10k + words so I'm going to divide it into parts.
tw: mention of disability, very mild mention of drugs, sexual tension
word count: 1.7k
taglist: @lunaticwhittaker, @billiebeanhoward, @lanawinters-ily, @kenzbro, @minaslittleone, @httpfiftyshadesofgay,@whitelotus00, @ninaahs, @vintagepaulson,@isle-of-earle,@paulsonsratched, @stepintomyworld, @grilledcheeseandguavajelly, @lucyintheskywithxanax, @fanfics4world, @mymiraclewitch, @hazard-to-myself, @awritersometime
As the elevator bell dings, Wilhemina finds herself in a large white modern hallway. She takes a few steps, her cane hitting off the marble floor as she approaches the receptionist. ,,May I help you?'' a brunette asks her. The redhead clears her throat before explaining ,,I'm here for an interview with Miss Charlton''. The receptionist reaches for the phone scanning Wilhemina up and down, while remaining friendly.
,,If you just go through that corridor, Miss Charlton will meet you by the conference room'' the brunette explains. Wilhemina nods, before making her way over to where she was told to go. Despite the redhead usually being quite confident in herself, at least on the outside, she was nervous, her heart pounding in synch with the echoing of her cane hitting the floor.
,,Ms Venable?'' a redhead asks, slightly snappy, again scanning Wilhemina up and down. ,,Yes, nice to meet you'' she replies, trying to muster up her best smile and trying to be as friendly as possible.
,,I knew I should have made photos a requirement on applications'' the woman with a british accent mumbles as she invites Wilhemina to take a seat and closes the door.
,,Pardon me?'' Wilhemina slightly snaps before the woman named Emily turns around. ,,I'm sorry, it's just here at Runway we have certain expectations'' she replies.
,,Are you referring to my disablitiy?'' Wilhemina questions, looking at her cane. The other woman's breath gets caught in her throat before she quickly apologises. ,,No I'm so sorry, not at all. It's just we.. especially Miranda has quite the strict view on fashion and you are.. very.. purple''. Miss Charlton explains, trying to save the situation a little bit.
,,Let's just start. Can you tell me a little about yourself?'' she asks. Wilhemina explains how she has worked in HR and helped built the company she worked for before. She explains her skill set, including computer skills, financing and other typical HR things.
Emily reads over her application again, certainly impressed at the woman's accomplishments. ,,May I ask why you decided to come to New York? I have read you are from Los Angeles? and I'm sorry but you know we don't have any HR positions available and this would be the position of Miranda Priestly's second assistant, me being the first of course''. She questions and explains at the same time.
And right there Wilhemina is pulled into a flashback, waves of memories crashing her thoughts and momentarily causing for silence in the room. Of course she didn't want to move, especially not to New York. And no she didn't want to be assistant to some dragon lady who works in the fashion industry but the redhead had no other choice. For six months she had looked and applied to jobs and somehow the only interviews she managed to secure were in New York, including this one. There wasn't a lot of HR positions available and the ones she wrote to never replied or found someone younger or better.
,,You know Ms Venable, I don't think this is any of your business'' Jeff raised his voice.
,,Pardon me?'' Wilhemina questioned sternly. All she wanted was some more responsibility in the company. More meaningful tasks rather than making sure they have enough drugs or certain entertainment on their flights.
,,You know there is an old saying, if you don't like where you are at the moment, maybe you should move on''. Mutt explained.
,,Yeah maybe it's time to move on from Kinero Robotics Ms Venable'' Jeff agreed.
,,Do I need to remind you, I was the first person you hired when this company was operating out the back of a van? I have given you everything that I have. Every second of every day. I've sacrificed any semblance of a personal life. Friendships, family I don't even have a decent hobby'' Wilhemina argued back.
,,Well we certainly hope you find that somewhere else'' one of them joked before Wilhemina walked away for good.
And that's how Wilhemina had lost her job, they didn't technically fire her and they did come begging after a while as they realised what they lost but Wilhemina had no desire to work for those two anymore.
,,Ms Venable?'' the calling of her name pulls her back into the present.
,,Yes I'm quite aware, I was doing more assistant duties in my recent job rather than HR things so I know how both works'' Wilhemina replies.
,,Very well, I have to report back to Ms Priestly and we will be in touch'' Emily explains as she parts ways with Wilhemina.
As Wilhemina walks out of the meeting room, Emily makes her way back to her desk, sighing slightly and rubbing her temples. ,,Who was that?'' she hears the voice of her boss as she approaches from behind and watches Wilhemina walk out and into the elevator. ,,Um she- she was here for the interview'' Emily states, nervousness overtaking her as it had been far too long since the position was vacant but none of the other applicants had been worthy of the task so far.
,,And how did that go?'' Miranda questions, her eyes piercing through Emily. ,,I'm - she's a bit strange but she's got a perfectly acceptable skill set and I think this may work''. Emily had no idea what she was saying to her boss but somehow there was something about Wilhemina she could see working out. ,,Good give her a call then, I'll meet her tomorrow'' Miranda explains before heading out for lunch.
A little while later Wilhemina makes it back to her apartment, getting ready to make some tea, as she feels her phone vibrate in her pocket. ,,Venable'' she answers the phone before the annoying voice of a british ginger she had met with before appears. ,,Hi Ms Venable, this is Emily, we would gladly offer you the position, would you be able to make it to the office by 8am tomorrow? Ms. Priestly would like to meet with you.'' Wilhemina accepts before the call ends.
The rest of her day is spent with usual Wilhemina things, up until six months ago she in fact didn't have any decent hobbies but since moving to New York she took it upon herself to actually try and do things she enjoys. This mostly contained her weird little routines, like a coffee in the morning while reading the newspaper, her usual 3pm walk around the park and occasionally knitting while watching the history channel in the background. Before Wilhemina goes to bed this evening, she starts her computer, googling some more about Runway and her soon to be boss Ms. Priestly.
,,Dragon Lady, career-obsessed, drove away another Mr. Priestly'' one of the headlines reads. This article had been some time ago now and the rest Wilhemina can find is all about the latest fashion shows and events run by Runway. The redhead can't help but chuckle at the Dragon Lady headline.
,,She may see you now'' Emily explains the next morning, after Wilhemina spent some time at her desk, getting familiar with Mirandas schedule, important clients and phone numbers. The redhead gets up, balancing on her cane before walking into her bosses office.
,,And you are.. Ms Venable?'' Miranda questions, taking her reading glasses off and taking a good luck at the redhead standing in-front of her. Usually Miranda would refer to her assistants on a first name basis but somehow she wasn't sure with this one. She was remarkably older than her usual assistants and she definitely has class. Wilhemina didn't notice what an impression she already made on the woman with slightly grey hair.
,,The pleasure is all mine Ms Priestly'' Wilhemina replies, facing an inner battle of needing to be friendly considering it's her first day but her usual bitchy and snarky self coming through.
Miranda's response is a low throaty chuckle before moving on. ,,I assume Emily has got you situated''
,,Yes she did'' Wilhemina replies bluntly and to the point.
,,I'm curious, why Runway?'' Miranda questions as she scans Wilheminas outfit, that is plastered in purple yet again.
,,I have experience in HR and being an assistant and therefore I think this is a good fit''. Wilhemina explains calmly.
,,Are you aware that the colour purple in fashion was very popular in the 1860's and quickly became associated with the royal and wealthy?'' Miranda carries on.
Wilhemina raises an eyebrow, not too sure what to even reply to her statement. ,,What makes you think I'm neither?'' was what Wilhemina had really wanted to say but instead she remained silent.
,,Is there anything I can assist you with this morning?'' Wilhemina eventually asks before Miranda pauses a moment.
,,No that's all'' her boss replies before Wilhemina makes her way back to her desk.
,,Um-'' Emily watches as Wilhemina returns, of course having overheard the entire thing. Slightly dumbfounded at the name choice, the fact Miranda didn't kill her for asking a question and not sending Wilhemina on several runs for coffees and other things.
,,Emily, go fetch those Calvin Klein skirts and some coffee'' Miranda says as she walks out of the office, grabbing her coat and handbag.
,,But-'' Emily has no chance to reply as Miranda is already gone. Her face is overtaken by anger as she glares at Wilhemina. ,,You know this is your job. You are responsible for the phone until I'm back'' Emily explains as she hastily runs out.
Wilhemina mutters a snarky reply under her breath before continuing her work.
About half an hour later Miranda returns to the office, Emily not back yet, she hesitates before handing her coat and bag to Wilhemina. The redhead takes her belongings before hanging them up. Miranda watches carefully noticing how the redhead has to balance on her cane and her movements swift but careful. The boss of Runway can't help but examine Wilhemina's gloves with a hint of disgust.
,,Demarchelier confirmed while you were gone, it's noted in your calendar. I have also rearranged one of your meetings for you, as it would have overlapped with another'' Wilhemina calmly explains as she makes it back to her desk.
,,De- you?'' Miranda stares at Wilhemina a bit dumfounded as this was in fact her first day. ,,Fine'' she simply says, her usual sternness overtaking her again.
Wilhemina can't help but notice her boss staring at her gloves, overtaking by insecurity she snaps ,,Is there some sort of problem?''
Miranda's eyes widen as her gaze meets the redheads. ,,Is this at least real leather or faux leather?'' she questions and Wilhemina can't help but chuckle lowly.
,,And where is Emily with those skirts and coffees? did she die on the way or something?'' Miranda questions, walking back into her office.
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frankenkyle19 · 1 year
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lotties-ashwagandha · 3 months
CURSED (nsfw)
billie dean howard x gn!reader, word count 1.2k
the premiere of the new season of billie's show gets rescheduled last minute, but you have a way to take her mind off the disappointment.
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A harsh silence enveloped the two of you. You were sitting at the edge of Billie’s bed, and you watched as she set her phone down on the vanity and began to pace the length of the room. 
The premiere of her show had been rescheduled on short notice. You were meant to fly out with her tomorrow for press meetings, interviews, every opportunity for recognition Billie deserved for her work. Your suitcases were packed and ready at the foot of the bed. 
Billie looked into the mirror of the vanity, sighing as she fixed a non-existent flaw of her eye makeup with the edge of her pale pink acrylics. 
You were at a loss for what to do – you had tried comforting her verbally, but she had barely said a word to you in the minutes after receiving the call. She got like this often when she was upset, silent and uninterested and cynical. 
You stood from the bed. Tentatively you stepped toward her. You placed your hands on her waist when you came up behind her, resting your chin on her shoulder and watching her reflection in the mirror. 
Disappointment swam in her eyes as she stared unfocused into her own reflection. You knew how much she had been looking forward to the premiere. Even if it would take place in a few weeks instead of tomorrow, the two of you had been planning this weekend for months. 
“I’m sorry,” you said softly, “that it was canceled. I know how excited you were.” 
Billie nodded, taking one of your hands in her own. She offered you a halfhearted smile in the reflection of the mirror. “You didn’t cause it, don’t apologize.” 
In response, you pressed a kiss to her neck, the junction where her neck met her shoulder. After a moment you kissed her again, and began to move up her neck, trailing kisses up to her jaw. You felt her relax slightly under your touch, a great sigh leaving her chest. 
Billie turned in your arms. She kissed you, bringing a hand up to rest at your jaw and looping her arms around you. The kiss was almost lazy, natural and reflexive to the two of you. You were overcome by the love evident in her touch. 
She pulled away only for a moment before capturing your lips again. This time, you felt hunger in her embrace – in the way her lips met yours in a way dripping with desperation, in the way she was backing you towards the bed. 
You denied your instinct to let her push you onto the bed – you wanted this, and she did too, but you wanted to give her more. You wanted her to feel the same euphoria she often gave you before herself, especially after the evening’s disappointment. She needed distraction, as was evident in every moment you spent in her arms, and you were always willing to give it. 
You turned her, reversing your positions. A look of surprise came over her features as the backs of her thighs pressed against the bed. 
You hadn’t said anything, but she nodded at the proposed switch in roles, and when you tried to push her down onto the bed, she let you. Billie pulled you down on top of her, slipping her hands under the hem of your shirt and letting them travel up your back. In a moment of impatience she pulled your shirt off and tossed it to the floor. 
You grabbed her wrists, pinning them above her head. “Keep them there,” you warned her with a stern look, and she smiled at you in amusement. You hardly ever took dominance over her, it was foreign to both of you, but you were enjoying it. 
“This is new,” she taunted, unserious, yet you could see the desire clawing at her through the mask of her ego. “You’re learning, and so well.” 
You shook your head, brushing off her comment. You didn’t give her the satisfaction of an answer, pulling off her blouse and attaching your lips to her chest. Her breath caught as you trailed kisses down her sternum, nipping at her chest, leaving marks in your wake as you traveled down her abdomen. 
“You’re so beautiful,” you murmured into her skin, and a slight blush overtook her features. She shifted restlessly – her anticipation was evident, beautiful in the fervor with which she needed you. You understood why she was usually so addicted to you underneath her, you were drunk on the power of having her need nothing in the world but you. 
You moved between her legs, and instinctively her hips bucked toward you. As you pulled the rest of her clothes off she let out another sigh, this time out of pleasure, out of desire. 
With air-light touches you caressed her thighs. Slowly you kissed up the length of them, watching her expression closely. Desperation overtook her features, and her breath was shaky. One of her hands had moved to weave into your hair, a wordless plea for your attention. 
Just as she thought relief would finally come between her thighs, you moved away. With a look of satisfaction you climbed back up her body, straddling her, leaning down to kiss her. 
“What are you doing?” she asked in a whine. No one ever denied Billie anything, especially you. 
You shrugged. You trailed your hand down her abdomen, let it rest at her hip as you watched her squirm. “Beg.” 
She scoffed. She shook her head. “I’m not begging.” 
With a tantalizing smile you moved your hands away. Her only form of contact was the way you were straddling her. “Prove how much you want this. Beg for it, or you get nothing.” 
She sighed, and desire won over her pride, though it was not without a battle of ego. “Please,” she said. “Please, I need this. You know I need this, I need you.” 
You considered her words a victory, one of the scarce victories of dominance you took over her. In reward you slipped back between her legs. Finally relief came to her, your tongue sliding through her wetness. Billie moaned, her hips bucking into you again. You held them down, circling your arms around her tense thighs. 
You focused yourself on her clit, noting every response her body gave to your ministrations. Her moans, her whines let freely go as you slipped two fingers into her. She gasped, her new grip in your hair tightening dramatically as you set a pace that was quickly ruining her. 
Though earlier she had been utterly opposed that you’d made her beg, quiet pleas spilled from her lips as you brought her closer to the edge. Your name on her tongue like a curse, like poison you would drink from the fountain of your devotion. 
“Cum for me,” you murmured when she was close, and her body responded immediately – you coaxed her through her climax, the pace of your tongue and your hand working in sequence to prolong it as much as you could for her. 
When she came down from it, you pulled away. You laid at her side, pulling her into you to press a kiss to her shoulder and then to her lips, the two of you engulfed in the softness of her newfound peace. Billie relaxed into your embrace, letting you hold her as exhaustion overtook her. Peace found you both in inexplicable wonder, anxiety cursed in your devotion.
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This little manbun thingy😩😩🛐🛐🛐
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amomentsescape · 10 months
AHS Apocalypse Masterlist
Michael Langdon
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sojournlangdon · 2 years
What are your sins?
Sojourn!Michael Langdon x gender neutral reader
Warnings: mentions of death, light satanism (if that’s a thing)
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Her voice is brash and grating. The garish red she wore could not be more fitting, with its loudness and lack of subtlety. You don’t know why you keep returning to this congregation. The admission process was a joke, which may explain the pitiful leader and members. Surely there was something better than this.
The creak of a door signalled a potential escapee. You feel relief on their part, and wonder what’s stopping you from doing the same. Her unblinking eyes and tense jaw turn to you. You feel your heartbeat more intensely following her question:
What are your sins?
Lips part, and shut. You blink too many times, and an awareness of it only worsens the behaviour. Why the fuck did you sit in the front row?
She looks at you with furrowed brows for a few counts, before opening the question to everyone. You feel heat brush over your face. So much for being above all of this.
The replies are almost as pathetic as your lack of one, petty theft, gun money and adultery. With the bar this low, your actions seem devilish. Were they? You don’t think so, but you decide to get a second opinion.
“Actually, I do have one.” The confidence in your voice is short-lived. She looks at you expectantly, and you feel the intrigue of the sad souls around you.
Voice small, you begin unclearly, before she demands that you speak up. The second time is better, desensitised.
“I killed him, I killed a person.”
You have their attention now, this was a step up in severity, to say the least. She grins, shouts her praise, and tells you to stand and inspire the ‘weaklings’.
You clear your throat, and try to diguise your trembling hands by holding them against the dark fabric brushing your thighs. Most everyone looks morbidly interested, but one unfamiliar face appears transfixed, desperate to hear the events.
Tangled, honey-tinted hair, light stubble framing parted full lips, glossy eyes so tired they looked bruised. You may be as equally as enthralled by him. You focus on the space around him, eyes flitting back to him to observe how he digests your story.
“It wasn’t senseless, or random. I may have planned it, but he well and truly deserved worse than what he got. To be honest, I was surprised by my own strength. I mean, keeping someone’s head underwater while they scratch and kick and bite is no easy feat. Drowning doesn’t happen in thirty seconds, and even after he stopped moving I had to hold him down - to make sure.”
You catch your breath, slightly dissociated, no longer aware of their reactions. You don’t know when to stop, so you keep going.
“It was yesterday, in the evening. He’s still there. But I drained the tub and refilled it with ice. I didn’t think about the fact that it would melt, though.”
Heat rises to your face a second time when you see him smile warmly at you, as if you said something endearing. You are once again brought back to reality, reluctantly noting the rest of the room. Some look nauseated, others inspired.
She once again litters you with praise as you return to your seat. For the remainder of the meeting, your mind is somewhere else entirely. You register movement around you as people start to leave, others staying for the shitty potluck. Arms crossed and eyes lowered, you languidly move towards the staircase. That was stupid, a stupid fucking thing to say in front of so many people. What if someone reports you, or tries to copy you or -
“Good riddance. To whoever it was. I’m sure you did the world a favour.” Up close, you can see just how disheveled and weary he looks. A gentle smile graces his features, and when you don’t reply, he gives a light nod and ascends the stairs.
You follow, reaching out to stop him, not willing to let him go just yet. The motion is messy, and you end up with the crumpled black shirtsleeve in your tight grip. Nice fucking going.
He stops suddenly, upper body twisting round. His raised eyebrows makes you cringe slightly, as you lean into the wall to let others filter past.
“I could use some help. You know, with the body. If you’re interested.” Another excellent move on your part.
His eyes soften, and you think he would have laughed if he was any less fatigued. He nods, tells you to lead the way. So you do. At some point during the walk home, you notice that your hands are loosely intertwined. You’ve been so fraught with nervous energy, that you don’t remember who moved first.
It’s quiet, mostly your own voice. You talk about where you live, potential dinner ideas, and that forensic psychology module you did once. He looks relieved when you insist that he takes a nap before anything else, and you when confirm that the shower is separate from the bath.
Only when you’re outside the building do you think to ask the blonde boy’s name, learning that it’s Michael. His delicate features work with his name, you decide.
“Like the Archangel. Cute.” He scoffs at that.
“Not quite. Really, I could prove you wrong there.”
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mistysgardenn · 5 months
Dating Cordelia Goode Headcanons
A/N: it’s been a while! i’m back with the next part of dating hcs, cordelia!
Word count: 904
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How you met – You learned you were a witch when you were in college. After your mother explained your magical ancestry, you were immediately sent to Miss Robichaux’s Academy. You hadn’t been thrilled about going to a boarding school, but, given the circumstances, you had no other choice. When you arrived, you were greeted by a beautiful blonde witch who immediately took your breath away. Apparently she was the headmistress, but you could hardly focus on what she was saying– all you remembered from her introduction was that she was the Supreme, the leader of the witches, and that her name was Cordelia Goode. The days went on and, surprisingly, you adjusted rather quickly. You learned to control your powers and bonded with the other witches your age. However, the one you were closest to was Cordelia. Ever since that first day, you’d stuck by her side as she taught you all about witches, magic, and anything else that interested you. You got to know each other more and more as time went on until, one day, she began to act differently. You weren’t sure why, but she’d become easily flustered and slightly clumsy. While she was usually gentle and timid, this was something else altogether. Nothing changed until, one evening, the two of you decided to go out on the porch and watch the sunset. That was when she finally confessed her feelings for you, and you instantly admitted you felt the same way. Ever since you’d first laid eyes on Cordelia, you knew there was something about her that would never fail to make your heart skip a beat. And you had been right. The two of you began dating, and your days became full of spending time with one another. You’d been hesitant about going to a boarding school at first, but now you wouldn’t have it any other way. Cordelia was worth every bit of it.
Her office – Since she’s the Supreme, Cordelia often has a lot of work every day. She always feels bad about not being able to spend time with you, so you decided to simply join her in her office. You usually sit in a chair reading a book but, sometimes, you get away with sneaking in a kiss. When that happens, she jokingly tells you off for distracting her (she loves it, though).
Walks – One of your favorite things to do together is take long walks around the academy or New Orleans, especially in the morning– the sunrise is beautiful and the morning air is crisp and gentle against your skin. The whole time, you and your girlfriend keep your fingers intertwined, which allows your shoulders to brush every once in a while. Cordelia enjoys the silence of the world before it wakes up, and you love seeing her so at peace when she’s usually bustling around and swamped with work.
Dinner dates – You two love to have simple, charming dinner dates. These can take place at either a quaint cafe in the city or in the academy’s kitchen. Cordelia is always eager to cook for you, and her meals are better than any food you could ever find in the city.
Classes – At first, Cordelia had been worried about how things would work now that the two of you were dating, what with her being the Supreme and the headmistress. When you told the other witches, none of them were surprised, to your amusement. Classes went on smoothly– nothing really changed. You continued enjoying your life at the academy with Cordelia and your friends.
Magic – Cordelia is always passionate about teaching younger witches magic, and you’re no exception. Even when classes aren’t in session, she enjoys watching you perform some of the spells she’s taught you and isn’t shy about giving you a few tips. If you have any particular interests, she might even teach you some spells that aren’t required in class.
Cuddling – You quickly came to find out that Cordelia is a huge cuddler. She loves simply laying in bed and curling up with you in the mornings. Later in the day, while she’s in her office, you sometimes sit in her lap and rest your head on her shoulder. She always appreciates a break from work, but she loves cuddling even more.
Gentle sex – At first, sex with Cordelia was quite gentle and compassionate. She bottomed most of the time, and you didn’t mind at all. The experience was always tender and full of love.
Dominance – After a while, though, Cordelia felt comfortable enough with you to let her dominant side show. She began to top much more often, and even incorporated light bondage and similar items into your sex life. You loved every second of it and enjoyed watching her become more open with her desires. Cordelia gradually became even rougher with you after she’d been afraid to hurt you for so long. You didn’t mind in the slightest, though– in fact, you liked it a bit too much.
Aftercare – After you have sex, Cordelia always makes sure you’re feeling alright and never hesitates to cuddle, no matter how dominant she’d been. Some of your favorite memories with her are moments like these: curled up next to each other in bed after a passionate night. The warmth from her body seems to seep into your very soul, and you couldn’t imagine what your life would’ve been without Cordelia.
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redroses07 · 2 months
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ᴋɪᴛ ᴡᴀʟᴋᴇʀ ᴅᴀᴛɪɴɢ ᴀᴇꜱᴛʜᴇᴛɪᴄ ♡
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crown-ov-horns · 7 months
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In my head, I'm imagining a confrontation between Michael and Mallory in some dark corner right after this. She follows him. His presence sends chills down her spine, but, at the same time, it beckons her like a flame does a moth. She can't find rhyme nor reason to either sensation. At the same time, she has even less to lose.
He recognizes her. I think they didn't meet until the interview in the show, but let's say they had. He realizes the witches had succeeded in their own plan, to keep their future Supreme alive. He's as furious as he is impressed. Thus, he seizes her, determined to get answers away from any prying eyes.
What happens next? Smut, after he decides to seduce her, and get her on his side before she realizes what happened? He woudn't care they may get caught. It might even appeal to him - claiming her as his, in front of others. Then, he'd probably bring her to his room, and leave her to safely rest until he can take her home (aka his Sanctuary of evil elites). Or, would it be angst, after he imprisons her? The possibilities are endless.
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stayevildarling · 5 months
*Y/N trying to jumpscare Wilhemina*: ,,RAAAHHHH!!!!''
Wilhemina: ....
*Wilhemina patting Y/N on the shoulder*
Wilhemina: ,,Kittens are scarier than that, my dear''
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cc: @littlewhispersofsolitude
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dreamypqulson · 1 year
Hey , how are you?
I just though of a headcanon: The Sarah’s reaction to the reader making matching rings/necklaces and giving it to them for no reason
hi! i’m good, how are you? :))
i love this idea! here you go:
billie dean howard
you would gift billie a matching ring and she would show it off to everyone!
she would wear it as if it were her wedding ring.
when you surprise her with it, she would get so lovey-dovey on you.
like non stop kissing because you and your gesture is just so cute to her.
lana winters
you would surprise lana with a matching diamond necklace after she’d been working so hard all week.
you guys can’t exactly show your love in public just yet so this is the perfect way to display your love that only you two know of.
she would always start smiling with her tongue between her teeth anytime you wear the necklace.
and she too would wear it everyday!
cordelia goode
sweet cordelia would ball her eyes out if you got her a matching ring.
it would be a promise ring with a pretty crystal on it.
but she would totally wear it every single day and night. she would never take it off and neither would you.
she would constantly fidget with it on her finger subconsciously and always say things like “i love your ring, baby,” teasingly, knowing she was wearing the same one.
ally mayfair-richards
with ally, i can picture matching a simple diamond necklace.
ally would always twirl the chain around her fingers when she’s wearing it.
and she would wear it everyday.
she would constantly stare at the matching necklace on your neck and smile at it.
mildred ratched
mildred would be so shocked if you gifted her a matching necklace.
like she has never had anything this nice done for her so she’s like…frozen when you give it to her.
but millie is super soft abt it and would wear it all the time.
she wouldn’t draw to much attention to the necklace but she would always think about it at random times and get all blushy.
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frankenkyle19 · 1 year
Pets I think the Evan’s characters would have:
•I think take wouldn’t be a big fan of many animals
•maybe a cat, specially a black one because of their ‘reputation’ 
•he’d name the cat Lucifer or Lilith 
•doesn’t like dogs
•I feel like he’d never actually want a pet of his own, but would tolerate others pets
Kit Walker: 
•dog. Probably a golden retriever 
•wants a perfect life with his women and kids, so a dog just adds to that aesthetic 
•he’d name the dog Rover or something generic like that
•Take the dog on long walks in the wood with him
•definitely let’s the dog sleep in his bed
Pre-death Kyle:
•He’s pretty busy with college, so he honestly wouldn’t have much time for an animal
•maybe a bird? Like a parakeet. 
•but he’d end up getting rid of it because he’d be trying to study and the bird wouldn’t be quiet 
•maybe he’d try something like a goldfish
•he’s a college boy so I feel like he’d forget to feed the poor thing and it’d end up dying 
Post-death Kyle:
•I will never forget what he did to that poor dog
•don’t give him any
•jk I love Kyle 
•but seriously, maybe get him something he can’t touch 
•I feel like he’d like an axolotl 
•he’d sit in front of its tank and watch it for hours 
•put it in the bathtub once because he wanted it to go on a ‘vacation’
Jimmy darling:
•don’t find him to be much of an animal person
•maybe a hedgehog or ferret 
•yeah he’d get a ferret
•in fact he’d get two of them and let them roam around 
•always makes sure to spend time with them even after a long day of performing 
James Patrick March:
•No animals
•Too messy for James 
•if he found a single piece of fur in his hotel, he’d flip
•if you ever managed to convince him to get a pet, he’d want something like a tarantula or scorpion
•he’d say he hated it, but would secretly love it
•likes to scare people with it 
•likes to watch it eat bugs 
Kai Anderson: 
•he seems like one to abuse animals 
•idk, he likes to see things suffer
•if he got an animal, he’d want a snake
•probably something exotic like a cobra
•he’d get it illegally imported 
•he’d enjoy feeding it live mice 
•again, because he’d want to see the mouse suffer. Would find it fascinating
•he’d never hold the snake, but would put it in a big cage to show it off
Mr. Gallant:
•Bearded dragon
•he’d just have it chilling on his shoulder 
•would totally make little matching outfits for it
•has a cage for it, but almost always has it out on his shoulder 
•feeds it fancy, expensive greens 
•would protect that lizard with his soul
•claims it’s his ‘emotional support lizard’ 
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little-lily-w · 2 years
Breaking Purity II: ch. 11/?
Psst: whole Breaking Purity I here
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Summary:  Reader finds the Rock, the place where Connor and Hannah are about to be offered to the cannibals, with the whole population of chosen survivors to witness.
Warnings: violence, strong language, graphic depictions
Words: 2k
A/N: I’d lie if I said I wasn’t a nervous ball while picturing Michael’s reaction.
You can read it here: ch. 11: “Arctic wolf”
Tagging: @angiestopit​
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