#king & his knight au
applestruda · 10 months
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King ren for boatem knights!
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starflungwaddledee · 7 months
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maybe a little bit generic of me, but i adore the dream land four!
magolor and bandee are tied for tippy top favourite, but this whole group just mean everything to me and i am extremely normal about them. after these guys it's probably a very close galacta knight and marx!
king dedede was actually my first ever played exposure to the franchise (through smash multiplayer at a party where i picked him due to Bird) and marx was my first 'character i recognised + played + was obsessed with outside the mains' in star allies so i still consider him my original Little Freak (affectionate)
ask answer for @trainerbob23!
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bluegekk0 · 6 months
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hd remake
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macchitea · 8 months
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thinking about how they might fight together :)
scav king dedede design by the wonderful @peculiurperennial !!
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spirit-lanterns · 28 days
.. medieval au? and we are not talking about mecha knight firefly??? this is abominable, while i think knight! robin is more prone to outdoor expeditions and taking you out on her horse, mecha knight! firefly is definitely giving “assigned guard”. the type to stuff you full of mecha-strap in a hidden corner of the palace hallways ( because princess! reader )
໒꒰ ܸ. .ܸ꒱ა and robin would take you to a cutesy spot outside the kingdom walls to eat u out,, and and assassin! kafka who sneaks into ur royal bedroom at night 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩
Mecha Knight Firefly has actually been plaguing my mind for a bit while thinking of the Medieval AU. At night, she is but a simple girl who takes care of you when you need her, but during the day… Firefly turns into a huge, hulking, knight of a woman who likes to push you up against the wall and fuck the cute princess in a secluded area where your father won’t know.
Actually, your father doesn’t know a lot of things. He has no idea that his whole squadron of knights is currently sleeping with his daughter dearest almost every single night in the castle. Not even Firefly herself, who he thinks is the most “innocent” of them all.
The King: Oh, the knights? Yes, they take care of my daughter well. Knight Firefly especially as she is very good at her job.
Also Firefly: *Is pushing you up against the wall and having you whimper as she stuffs you silly on her strap*
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dairyfreenugget · 2 months
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(Alt texts under the cut)
Little baby
Little baby baby man
Alt texts in order
ID start: A doodle of a newborn, non-void Pure Vessel from Hollow Knight. They're held in four hands by their father, The Pale King. They're smaller than his palms, tiny and round with closed eyes and round, nobby horns, and a short fluffy mane around their neck and down their back. They're squirming in his grasp and holding one of his thumbs with their muzzle pressed against it. End ID.
ID start: A doodle page of a newborn, non-void Pure Vessel from Hollow Knight. In the first doodle, they're held up in one hand by The Pale King, squirming and grasping at his fingers as their squeak, their mouth wide open and tiny teeth and mandibles visible. In the second doodle, they're laying on their tummy and quinting their eyes, looking quite grumpy, a text next to them says "Just opened their eyes and unhappy about the light". In the third doodle, they're being feed meet by their father, they're tiny enough that he has to use only one of his fingers to help them get the tiny meat chunks as they bite on his finger and hold his knuckles for support. End ID.
ID start: Two doodles of The Pale King from Hollow Knight as a child. In one he's a newborn baby, tiny and stubby with a little nubby crown, and a short fluffy mane aroubd his neck that runs down to his centipede fail, his eyes still closed, he's laying on his tummy. In the other doodle he's bigger, toddler aged, with a bit shaper features than the newborn but still rounder, his crown is short and still rounded, and his mane is fluffier and longer, and he has big round eyes; he's sitting hunched over with the second set of his arms lifted up and he's looking up and to the right, his sharp brow gives him a sort of pernament grumpy face. End ID.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 11 months
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It's the 6 month anniversary of this blog! Check out these cool bugs I found.
(EDIT: Check out this amazing fanart by thecornermushroom!)
Part 2 - Part 3
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allykatsart · 1 year
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The Radiance isn't the only one with a penance to serve...
Hollow really do be going through it. They'll be ok tho, eventually. It'll just take some time and maybe some more characters interacting with them. They have a lot of old habits to unlearn, but people to help them. As for the Pale King... Well, years of thinking of Hollow as an object or tool instead of a person hasn't prepared him to find out that they are scared of disappointing him.
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xysidhequeen · 8 months
It’s getting late (for me that is) but what about Jason first meeting with the rest of the council (Frostbite, Clockwork, Pandora and etc)?
You mean: Abominable Snowman, Benjamin Button and Mommy-sorry Step On Me? (Jason's crush on Wonder Woman did in fact transfer to Pandora)
Jason generally likes all of the council, and all of the council likes him in turn because he makes Danny happy.
He met Frostbite first. Danny took him to the Far Frozen to get checked out and to be sure the Baby Ghost was healthy and stuff. Jason had been forewarned and honestly, by that point, yetis were just one of those 'yeah that tracks' moments for Jason. Jason asked Frostbite, as a joke, if he could give him a piggyback ride. Frostbite picked him up, plunked him on his shoulder and booked it. 10/10 Jason had the BEST time. Definitely his favorite doctor.
Clockwork he met next, and it basically went:
Clockwork: I see you found your knight young king.
Danny: Yeah, thanks for WARNING ME
Jason: Who the is this fucker?
Danny: imagine a grandpa given unlimited power over time but retaining the 'stay off my lawn' energy but towards the time stream.
Jason: Ah
Clockwork: Wonderful. Off you two go
He then yeeted (yote?) Them through a portal because a member of the Flash Fam had severely fucked the timestream doing speedster shit. Luckily CW had smashed a hat on Jason's head first and he was in human form so the Flash fam member didn't recognize him. They were a bit too occupied with Danny yelling at them for fucking up and ripping them out of the speed force. The Flash fam member bought them lunch. (This was not the first or last time CW sent Danny to deal with the Flashes. They knew of him, and were all more than a little frightened of Danny. They think he's like. A speedforce demon or something. Theyre glad he eats burgers and not their souls) it was fun, even if they were stuck in the 40s for a bit until they cleaned everything up and got the Flash fam member back in the proper timeline. (You can imagine this as any of the Flash fam)
Jason met Pandora when she came to spar with Danny. And he just. Instant puppy crush. He watched this Amazonian woman beat the snot out of Danny and it was the best day of his life. If Fright Knight hadn't already claimed him as a protégé he would've been begging Pandora to train him. She thinks Jason is cute and is always happy to spar with him when she's around.
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tenyardstowitchyard · 14 days
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Quick sketch with my human design for Pale King and White Lady
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chiis-art · 2 years
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They talk of a team, of a king and his knight.
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artzysyam · 8 months
My take of Jason's reaction after Danny throwing hands at Joker in locked cell
Based on @xysidhequeen AU part 15
Jason blinked his eyes open slowly and groaned. It had been Nox, the blasted sleep ghost, who had forced him to sleep. When Jason asked about Danny, all Nox gave him was a mysterious smile. 
“That fucking Sandman…” he muttered under his breath as he reached out for his phone, which thankfully was fully charged. He'd grudgingly admit that Nocturne had been a good father figure to Danny in some ways—though it still annoyed him how the man would always tease them about their possible relationship. 
Jason's eyes widened in disbelief as he read the headline of Gotham News on his phone - "Authorities Stumped! Joker Assaulted In Locked Cell! Corruption In Arkham?" He ran a hand over his face, still struggling to process what he had just read. Then, loud stomping and shouting from across the hallway caught his attention.
Sam sounded furious. Jason jumped out of bed, throwing on a red tank top and black boxer shorts. His heart raced with anticipation as he heard Sam kick Danny's door open. He couldn't believe what his best friend had done - Danny must have throwing hands at Joker while he was locked up in Arkham Asylum. As much as part of him wanted to celebrate Joker being incapacitated, Jason knew that this could mean another prison break and it would be even more dangerous now that he had been in Gotham for over a week. He suppressed the urge to dance with joy at the thought of finally getting revenge on the Joker and instead decided to remain quiet so Tucker wouldn't add one more picture of him in his blackmail collection.
Sam balled her fists and slammed the door shut with a resounding thud. She shot an annoyed glare at Jason before pointing her finger in his direction. “Your boyfriend—you handle this situation!” she snapped, leaving before he could deny their relationship status.
Alone in the hallway, Jason's gaze fell to Danny's door. His stomach fluttered with anticipation as he wrestled between yelling at his crush or embracing him with a hug. After a few moments of internal deliberation, he decided a hug was in order and opened the door.
Letting out a gentle chirrup of contentment from his core, Jason saw Danny stir and wake up from his nest of blankets. He looked exhausted.
"What..." Danny slurred, barely able to keep his eyes open. 
"Asswipe, I saw the news and..." Jason said before hoisting himself onto Danny's bed and enveloping him in a tight hug. "Thanks for making sure that fucking clown stayed put." 
Jason felt Danny's body humming with relief and appreciation as he nuzzled closer into his chest.
Danny, his eyes heavy with sleep, murmured a sleepy “Anything for you, Jaybird.” Jason smiled. This cuddle time was a reward he thought they both deserved in the happiest of circumstances. He tucked them further under the thick, warm blankets and laughed softly as Danny made a satisfied chirping sound before snuggling closer against him, looping an arm around his strong waist and resting his head on Jason’s chest. Gently, Jason encased Danny in the embrace of his toned arms to keep him from falling off the bed and secure in his loving protection. As one, their contentment washed over them like a warm wave and they drifted off into a peaceful sleep.
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nyctophobia-au · 9 months
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Love to teleport in occasionally and just post cursed images of Auri in maid costumes and then disappear into the void once more.
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bluegekk0 · 1 year
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ok but what if his pupils were just really big
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nonuggetshere · 1 year
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New AU just dropped
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sweetandglovelyart · 7 months
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I saw a meme about Spider-Man being bi and felt inspired to draw this lol
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