#king and queen of overdramatics
acefulbwa · 9 months
World's Worst polycule lmao
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wxrblxr · 2 years
hiiiiii it’s me it’s 👑 again just wanted 2 say hii how’s it goin warbs?
MY GOD IM TH WORST IM SO SORRY I MISSED THIS FOR SO LONG im doing okay tho!! i hope ur doin alright :]
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mysicklove-main · 1 year
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Pairing: Mer! King Bakugou x Mer! Queen Reader
Word Count: 5.3
Warnings: Fluff! Possessive behavior. Biting lol. Female! Reader
Summary: Katsuki convinces you to change into a mermaid.
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Courting a human sucks. It is all sugar-coated, a bunch of nonsense to try to appease the other. The way mers did it was simple. Show potential mates you can provide with gifts and food, and make sure your bodies are compatible. Of course, Bakugou hasn’t gotten that far with you and his face heats up whenever he thinks about it. But in the less dirty sense, he knows you find his body attractive and your body was equally as perfect.
So yes, the king should be done with the whole courting thing. It’s been about a month now and you are still frustratingly human. You haven’t given in to his antics.
You haven’t accepted the blonde because frankly, you are absolutely terrified of being a mermaid. Sure, you didn’t have much family nor friends to leave behind, but still, it was a whole new world. You weren’t sure if you were mentally prepared for that.
“You. Pretty,” The mer at your feet huffs, frown still on his face, contrasting the compliment. From his research, he decided that humans like compliments.
“Yeah? Thanks, Kats, but you have told me that ten times today.” He trills in annoyance and uses the tip of his tail to splash water at you. You squeal but giggle at the cool water that falls upon your face.
He grips your left leg and presses his face to your calf. “Mate now?” He asks, just as he had done for the past couple of days. He then begins to gently nibble on any skin he can lay his teeth on. You give him a sharp glance, warning him to be gentle. Your legs are already littered with bite marks thanks to a certain someone. He rolls his eyes, but abides, not wanting to piss you off.
Once satisfied with the mer you sigh. “Yknow, human courting is more than just giving compliments.”
He lets out an overdramatic growl and you raise your eyebrows. His orange face fins fall flat against his head. “Human ways stupid,” He hisses and you roll your eyes.
“Forgive me King Bakugou, ruler of the sea, for being a human,” You tease sarcastically and he glares at you. You smile and reach to pet his hair, he grumbles but leans into the touch. “Alright, I have seen that you tried. I'll be your mate Katsuki. Just give me a week to you know–prepare to be a mermaid?”
He pulls away from your leg, eyes wide. He almost seems to be happy, but of course, knowing Katsuki, he wasn’t about to show it. So, instead, he barks a complaint, “Too long. Now!”
You gently push the tip of your foot onto his forehead, forcing his head to tilt back. He bares his teeth at you, but doesn’t move from the position. “A week. Keep complaining and I won’t be going at all,” You threaten and he narrows his eyes at you.
Sometimes, Katsuki was demanding. It was fine in most cases, but if you sit there and take it all the time, it will definitely go to his head. You are not one of his subjects to boss around. 
So, alas, he moves away from you and nods with a huff.
He swims back up to the dock and uses his tail to push himself out of the water, as he has done countless times. He rests his forearms next to your legs, successfully holding you still. He is slightly shorter than you in the position, but still way more threatening out of the two of you. 
“Kiss?” He asks, but it comes out more like a demand.
Nevertheless, you are happy to oblige, and you swear you could see a small smile on his face when he presses his lips to yours.
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When Katsuki heads home for the day the last thing he wanted to see was two idiots in his court. 
“Did you see when she pressed that strange thing on his forehead?” The blonde-haired, and yellow-tailed, mer trills. He stares curiously at the figure above the water that is walking away.
“Yeah, and Bakugou didn’t even try to bite it off! He is totally whipped.” The red-headed shark, who looks almost exactly like a mer, excluding the extra large fin on his back, says in return. The two are so close to one another that they look like two schoolgirls talking about their crushes. They don’t seem to notice their king’s presence.
Katsuki, suddenly grabs the two of them by the back of their necks, causing them to jump. He has a murderous smile when talking. “And what the fuck are you two idiots doing over here?”
The two eye each other and smile sheepishly. “Just you know. Looking for our king!” Eijiro, the braver out of the two says enthusiastically.
“And new queen,” Denki half mumbles and Katsuki eyes him suspiciously. He can’t help but like the way it falls from one’s mouth though. But, the larger mer refuses to say that out loud, so instead he growls and drags the two away.
Then, he begins planning for your arrival.
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Today was the last day of you being human. You sigh and go through your items, wondering if you’ll ever need them again. Becoming a mermaid is a life change, obviously. So, you were struggling just a little. 
You got rid of most of your stuff, but you were hesitant about removing them all. If going with Katsuki didn’t work out, would you be able to come back? You had to ask later.
So here you are, walking out of the small shack you called home. You approach the dock with only a bag full of the mer’s gifts during his courting process. You couldn’t imagine leaving them behind.
Katsuki is at his usual spot, peaking his head above the water. A pink figure is next to him. Your eyes widen, in the six weeks you knew the mer, he has never introduced you to anyone. This had to be the person changing you.
You gulp, but a familiar bark calls you over. You smile nervously. “Hey, Kats. Who’s this?” You take in her appearance. Bright pink hair, skin, and tentacles. An octopus. You have never seen one that looks like her. She was beautiful.
“Mina. Friend. Ch-Change you.” The octopus tried to talk but it comes out as strange gasping and gurgles. You could tell it was the mer language but was definitely a little different considering it was coming from an octopus. So you just smile and wave at her.
She smiles so wide in return and you begin to feel a little comforted. Mina grabs at your ankles and begins to continue talking in the language you cannot for the life of you understand. You look toward Katsuki for help, a little afraid that she might drag you in. She looks nice enough, but she is a sea creature. You don’t trust them completely yet.
“Look at her tentacles Bakugou! Only two of them. How weird!” Katsuki rips her hand away from your body and growls at her.
“Watch it. That is your Queen that you dare to touch without my approval.” Mina shrinks her hand away and nods hesitantly. She totally forgot how important you are. 
The octopus tries to do a curtsey, but it looks more like she just submerged more of her body in the water. Katsuki huffs and nods while you look at her confused. “Katsuki what is she doing?”
“Showing Re-spect. Queen.” You look at him wide-eyed. You were not going to get used to this. 
“Oh. Um, thank you?” Mina has no idea what you are saying but continues to stare at you with stars in her eye. Unknown to you, but she has been waiting for the day the blonde finally chose his mate for years now. You laugh awkwardly.
She grins at the sound and turns toward the king who is wishing this process went a lot quicker. “What did she say? Tell me Bakugou!” 
He rolls his eyes. “She says thanks. Now can you get on with it?” She nods, used to the blonde’s behavior, and beckons Katsuki to grab for your hand. He holds his hand out to you, and you take it. He begins to lead your hand to the octopus but stops.
You begin to tremble, nerves getting the best of you. Katsuki looks at you, eyes furrowed with concern. He quickly scans the area. “No danger. Don’t be afraid. Protect you. Promise, mate.”
You smile at the reassurance but it doesn’t help. It wasn’t like you didn’t want to be a mermaid, but this once again is a huge change. Your whole world is about to do a 180. 
You don’t know how to phrase this any nicer, but you have to get it off your chest. “If I…If I want to go back home, as a human. Will I be able to?” 
Katsuki grimaces. He had to admit that question hurt, but it was reasonable. Mers may mate for life, but humans don’t. After a while would you leave? Would he let you leave him? He didn’t like pondering such nonsense things. 
But, for your sake, he turned to Mina and translated your question. She takes a second to think about it but nods and explains how easy it is to reverse the spell. 
He feels hesitant about telling you this. “Yes. But–Don’t leave. Stay. With me.” Katsuki pauses, looking up at you. He huffs. “Please?” He has never asked for anything in his life, and if anyone in his court heard this they would be flabbergasted.
This is also the first time he has also said please to you. You smile and run your fingers over his webbed ones, and nod at him reassuringly. “Wasnt planning to. Just wanna keep my options open. Just in case, yknow, something bad goes wrong.”
He, like usual, grumbles, but he does understand. You’re smart. Thinking about how a situation could go bad, and how to keep yourself safe. Things queens should be thinking about it. So, although it feels wrong instinctually to agree with you, he can’t help but feel a little prideful at your statement. “I un–understand. But, nothing go wrong.”
You chuckle at his statement, but don’t disagree. You hope nothing does go wrong. You hope that the two of you will stay together forever while you are down there. 
Mina gurgles, annoyed that she can’t understand what you guys are talking about. Katsuki clicks at her sharply and she rolls her eyes. Then the mer brings your hand onto hers. You gulp. “Ready?” He barks.
“As I’ll ever be.” 
Your vision begins to fade, and the last thing you see is Katsuki grinning, canines hanging out of his mouth that looks almost animalistic.
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When you awake you are underwater and breathing it. You of course panic when your first wake up, but immediately remember.
You begin to take in your surroundings. You are in a dark sort of cave. It’s hard to see much, but you are very much alone. It unnerves you. Where the hell was Katsuki?
You begin to move but forget about your new appendages. You quickly turn around to get a look at your tail and gasp. It was pretty. A light green, with glittering scales that are not that exciting in the darkness. But still, you could tell it was beautiful. It was definitely smaller than Katsuki’s massive orange one, but definitely still large. 
You put all your years of playing mermaid in the public pool into the effort at this exact moment and suddenly, you are swimming. Not fast, of course, considering you are definitely confined into a small space, but definitely something. You smile wide and swim in circles, twirling around, fulfilling your childhood dreams.
Suddenly a noise startles you out of your thoughts. You freeze and quickly duck low, hiding from whoever it was. Chances were, it was Katsuki, but you aren’t willing to risk it. 
“I don’t know man, this seems like a bad idea. Bakugou is going to kill us if he sees us.”
“Just one peek. It will be fine, Kirishima, stop being such a guppy. We will ask her not to tell him we were here!” Eijiro looks over toward the blonde mer, and nods hesitantly. He begins to drag the shark toward the end of the cave.
Suddenly, a rock is thrown at them. Not hard, considering you are not used to the dynamics of force in the water, but definitely still there. The shark jumps and looks at you in shock. “M-My Queen.” The two strangers bow at you and you grab another rock.
“Who are you guys? And where is Katsuki?” You hiss, green face fins spread in alarm. The two look at you in shock.
The yellow-tailed mer is the first to respond. “How…How can you understand us? Didn’t you just transform?” 
You begin to lower the rock in confusion. Then it hits you. You weren’t using your vocal cords the same as usually do. You were clicking and trilling at them. It was instinctual, you didn’t even know you were doing it. 
Another figure appears and you hiss on instinct. When you do so though, you immediately cover your mouth, eyes wide in shock. 
“I did it!” Mina says with a smile and swimming up close to you, way closer than normal personal space. She grabs your hand and begins to assess it. “I gave you something that helps with understanding mer linguistics. I just couldn’t wait to talk to our new Queen!”
“Does the king know?” Eijiro says eyebrows pinched in concern. He knows that Katsuki doesn’t like doing things without his approval. Especially stuff involving his new mate. That’s why if he and Denki were found out, they were fucked.
“Well, no! But he will be happy! Anyways, what are you guys doing in here? I am making sure the transformation went well.” She turns back to you and runs her hands over your face fins. You flinch at the strange feeling. “My Queen, can you please open your mouth for me?” You abide, and she begins to count your teeth and checks your canines.
Kaminari swims closer to the octopus. “We wanted to take a look! Bakugou really scored, huh? She is so pretty and–”
“I’ll ask you guys again. Where is Katsuki?” You hiss, cutting the blonde mer off. You weren’t trying to be rude, but you were overwhelmed, and the fact that he is not here when you are so vulnerable is upsetting you. 
“Demanding! Perfect for a ruler!” He responds, a smile on his plastered on his face like he was used to being treated like this.  
“He is hunting for you, my Queen.” The large shark, you were most wary about says, with a soft reassuring smile on his face.
“Y/N. Please, all of you call me Y/N, all this “my Queen” talk is throwing me off.”
They all look at each other hesitantly, wondering how exactly Bakugou will feel about being on a first-name basis with you. But, you were their queen, and this was your first command. So they all nod at you. “Of course…Y/N,” The blonde mer says and you smile. “Im Denki and this is Eijiro. And of course, you met Mina. We are part of King Bakugou’s court.”
Mina lifts your arms up and moves them around, humming to herself. “Anyways, don’t worry, he will be back soon. These two idiots aren’t supposed to be in here but don’t be afraid they are harmless.” The two grin at you at her statement and you return the gesture.
Suddenly, there is noise at the entrance of the cave. Mina drops your arm instantly, and moves to take a peek. She gasps and quickly turns her shocked gaze toward the other two. You watch the boys’ faces pale drastically. 
Eijiro quickly stutters out, “M-My King….You are here–” before the two of them are pinned to the floor, held down by the backs of their neck. You gasp and Mina sighs, knowing this was going to happen.
“What the fuck are you two doing in here? I should banish you. Coming in here on my sleeping mate, your Queen, without my permission,” He hisses out, face fins spread wide, pupils constricted, and claws digging into their necks, causing the two to wince. “No, not banish, I should kill you guys for–” 
You let out a small yelp, shocked by what the hell is happening. You have never seen Katsuki angry before, and now he is using full sentences to threaten to kill people. His very own subjects! It made you think about what he could do to you.
That’s not even talking about his appearance. He looked animalistic. Like he really would see his threat through. You didn’t know if you really were cut out for the world under the sea. 
Katsuki whips his head toward you at the sound, and his eyes widen. He takes in your very much shaken appearance, trying to hide behind Mina. He of course didn’t mean to scare you. He assumed you were still asleep. “Out. All of you. I’ll deal with you later. Now!” The three quickly scamper out of the cave, leaving you alone with the king.
He sighs and rubs at his face. He swims up to you, but instictually, you flinch away due to his appearance. His eyes slowly contract back to usual and his facial fins relax. “Sorry. Sorry. Don’t be scared. Will not hurt you. Sorry. Mate. Protect.” He using your language again. It’s a little muffled under the water, but understandable. 
But what really shocks you was how desperate he sounds. He really was afraid that you were scared of him. It made your heart throb. You have to think about it, but you speak in your tongue. “It’s okay. I’m okay. You shocked me a bit, but I’m not afraid of you Katsuki.”
He gently grabs onto your arms and this time you don’t flinch away. He sighs and hugs you. Katsuki mumbles, “Those fucking bastards.” In your neck and you laugh. 
“I like them. Eijiro freaked me out at first, but they seem nice.” He jumps and pulls away from you, holding you not at arms length.
He furrows his eyebrows at you, confusion written all over his face. “What? Speak.”
“Um okay?” 
“What the fuck? How the hell can you understand–Mina. That idiot! I knew she would somehow ruin this.”  He pinches the bridge of his nose and you laugh.
“What’s the big deal? This is a good thing. You now can use full complex sentences. It’s honestly kinda weird, but now I can understand you more, without the growls and grumbles,” You reason and he looks away from you, a small blush on his face. He mumbles something under his breath. You hum in question.
“Nothing. I just–Whatever doesn’t matter.” 
You cock your head to the side. “C’mon tell me, if I am to be your mate I have to understand what’s going on in that hard head of yours.” He rolls his eyes at your grin.
Katsuki mumbles out, “Didn’t want you to learn it yet.”
You furrow your eyebrows in confusion and then bring back the teasing. “Why? So you could be the only one to talk to me?” You smile and lightly tug on the two orange fins attached to his face.
He blushes and turns away from you. You have your answer. A laugh falls from your lips and he growls in embarrassment. “You possessive little shit! How would I be able to rule a kingdom without speaking your language?”
“I would teach you the basics. You could ask me to translate the rest.”
“With your fantastic English speaking?”
“Fuck you! I’m fantastic at speaking it, better than you.” You laugh at his cocky statement, and his eyes fall to your tail.
His grumbles stop as he stares at your tail. He runs his claws over it gently, admiring it. You stop your laughter to follow his gaze. “It’s pretty. Smaller than mine. It fits you. I knew you were destined to be a mer.” 
You smile at him. It was rare for Katsuki to speak so gently with you, so you were soaking it all in. But, you turn the conversation back to what’s important. “You scared me earlier.” He scowls, remembering your terrified face, just a couple of minutes ago. “When you weren’t by my side when I woke up.” 
His ruby eyes scan your face. “I was hunting. I was with you every second for the past week. If I didn’t I would most likely starve to death. I don’t know why the hell you woke up the one time I was gone. It’s your fault.” You give him a glance that said, really? at his ridiculous answer and he scoffs, giving in immediately. “Sorry. Didn’t mean to scare you.”
“It’s alright.”
He nods before he leads you over to the stone ledge covered in seaweed that you awoke on. “Rest. You just shifted. Mina says you should be sleeping. Can’t have you die on the first day of being a mer.”
“Die?!” You screech and Katsuki laughs mischievously.  
“Im fucking with you. I didn’t dedicate six weeks courting your ass just for you to die. Sleep. Now.” You use your new appendage to hit his stomach at his teasing. But, you’re not used to your new strength, so you accidentally hit him way harder than you meant to. He winces and falls forward, having the wind knocked out of him. Your eyes widen and you spit out apologies immediately.
“Pretty and strong. Perfect.” He wheezes and you laugh nervously, fretting over him. He just pushes you back down on the slab, mumbling how he alright. He then curls up next to you and begins to lull you to sleep.
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Two weeks go by, and now, officially you are Katsuki’s mate. Two nights ago it became official, and the both of you have bite marks on each other’s necks. 
The one on yours is huge, he didn’t even try to make it hidden. It’s right below your ear, and no matter how hard you try, it will be shown to everyone. Possessive bastard.
Katsukis is a lot smaller, you were hesitant about biting him in the first place, so you placed it near his collarbone. He stopped wearing jewelry so that it could be shown and you swear he goes out of his way to crane his neck to display it when talking to someone. It was ridiculous.
But, other than his antics being queen honestly hasn’t been that hard. His court loves you already and his mother absolutely adores you. She saw you once scold Katsuki for being mean to one of his subjects and fell in love immediately. 
You live in a palace. It was absolutely massive and was made out of gold. Katsuki says it has been here for hundreds of years. It was completely different than your beach shack, but you were growing fond of it.
Katsuki’s room is definitely very…Katsuki. It was more like a cave in all honestly. He says he likes to go with his roots. His instincts. Mers originally lived in caves after all. You have done some touch-ups to make it more home-like, but kept it the way he likes. 
The gifts the both of you received hang upon the walls. It was a little strange to see a tennis ball held in such a protective case, but you didn’t say anything, not wanting to hurt his feelings.
Currently, you were talking to Eijiro as you were swimming to the dining room. You have slowly convinced Katsuki to actually eat in the dining room with the rest of his court, instead of bringing dead fish back in his mouth like a wild animal. 
He agreed but forces the chefs to make his and your meals the fish he hunted. Everybody snickers about it behind his back, but nobody has the guts to say anything to his face.
Surprisingly, you actually enjoy eating fish. It took a couple of days of getting used to it, but it was a lot better when the chefs prepared it. You had no idea how they made the sauces for it, considering you guys were under the sea, but you knew you probably didn’t want to find out.
“And then we helped the guppy find his parents!” Eijiro clicks, snapping you out of your daydream. He was telling you about his day guarding the city.
You smile at him. “How sweet. I’m not surprised, you are a great soldier.” He grins at you and nods. The shark seems to have taken a liking to you, considering you don’t shit on him constantly like Katsuki does. You don’t mind. It was nice to have friends, you didn’t have many on the surface.
Suddenly the door behind you opens and the two of you turn toward it. Eijiro, like always, bows low in greeting. You smile.
Katsuki swims over toward the two of you, with the usual scowl plastered on his face. “Why talk to him?” He grumbles, not liking that you are alone with the shark. He knows nothing will ever happen, but still, it was annoying that he has so many kingly duties that he doesn’t get to spend as much time with you as his court does.
You rephrase his statement. “He asked us what we are talking about.” The shark nods and Katsuki looks at you like you slapped him. You cock your head, confused.
“Don’t trans–late. He is idiot.”
“You know he is a member of your court.”
“Our court.”
“Yes, our court.” He nods in triumph and you sigh, but smile. Katsuki has been going out of his way to talk to you in English. He likes the idea that only the two of you can communicate with one another like this. 
The blonde swims up to you and presses his lips to yours, without a warning. Eijiro lets out a disgusted noise, before turning away and heading to the dining room by himself. 
“Really?” You sigh when you pull away. He grins mischievously and grabs you by the hand, before leading you to the dining room.
Upon your entrance, your court “stands” from their chairs. They all bow and simultaneously say, “Greetings to His and Her Majesty.”
You smile and wave at your new family, you manage to get a small wave back from Denki. You still aren’t used to the whole dramatic greetings. Katsuki just nods in approval. 
Katsuki sits at one end of the table, and you sit at the other. You actually hate doing this, you much rather sit next to one another, but it was important for the king and queen to also show respect. 
You receive your custom-made meals, and your mate grins from across the room. “Salmon. Good.”
“Thanks, Kats.” You smile warmly at him, knowing he takes immense pride whenever he has “provided” for you successfully. He huffs but uses his hand to wave the thanks off. Denki has to hold back a laugh.
The others receive their meals and begin to indulge themselves. You are the only one who uses silverware, but you don’t mind, you are now used to the way merfolk eat. The first day it almost gave you a heart attack watching them viciously tear into the fish.
You talk to Mitsuki for most of the meal and occasionally join in Mina’s conversations. Katsuki talks to Eijiro most of the meal, but the two of you make eye contact multiple times. You always smile at him. It was a nice dinner. It always was.
You really love it here. Everyone is so kind to you. Being a queen is not too hard, but that is simply because Katsuki is really good at being a king. He is respected by everyone, so naturally, as his mate, you are too. Plus you haven’t had to make any life-changing decisions. Katsuki did that for you, and you were grateful. You didn’t have much experience ruling people.
Dinner ends uneventfully and you dont mind. The routine is nice. Katsuki leads you back to his room. It was the first time you have seen him all day besides dinner.
The day ends with just the two of you. You lay facing one another, and Katsuki runs his fingers through your hair. He kisses the bitemark on your neck. He then murmurs, “My Queen.” into your neck.
“Just like saying it.” You laugh lightly.
You sigh and look toward the stone ceiling. “It’s weird. If someone told me that I would be a ruler a year ago I would have fainted.”
He grins, canines on full display. You remember when they used to freak you out. Now you can’t help but love them. “Would you believe that you are mated to the strongest being of the sea?”
“I think you mean the most arrogant bastard of the sea.”
“Don’t act like you don’t love it.”
You roll your eyes and switch back to your native language. “Mated to a man who thought courting meant trading. What a strange thing.”
“Your fault! Dumbass!”
You grin at him. “How was that my fault? You really thought I was coming onto you that fast?”
He grumbles to himself. “Wouldnt be sup–rised. Happened before.”
You fake gasp. “Don’t tell me. Have you been trading with other mers before you met me? I’m wounded Katsuki!” You knew the answer to that, having heard him multiple times tell you that he only had eyes for you. 
“Yeah. Traded with many mers. Way prettier than you.” He nibbles on your jaw, a sign of affectionate teasing. He has also told you multiple times in high dramatics that he was “mated to the prettiest being of the sea.”.
You laugh and continue the joke. “Don’t worry, I understand. I “traded” with tons of other human men too.”
He growls and runs his teeth over the mating mark. “Joke over.”
You pet his head, still grinning. “Who said I was joking?” He looks up at you, squinting at you and frowning. He can tell by the look on your face that you are lying.
He quickly switches tactics to lightly gnawing on your skin, earning squeals from the ticklish feeling. He pins you down to stop your squirming. It doesn’t stop your hysterical laughing. “Stop! That tickles! Mercy! Katsuki!”
“Say it.”
“Say what!?”
He stares at you. “Fine! Fine! I have only traded with you!”
“And?” The mer prompts, as he moves to your stomach to lightly bite it. You continue to squirm, but you know what he wants you to say.
“And….Katsuki! Im going to pee myself! And I am so happy to be mated to the strongest being of the sea!”
“And what?!”
“You know.”
“And I love being Queen of the sea! And I’ll never turn back human!” He releases you with a grunt and you begin to pant, trying to regain your composure.
He didn’t mean to get you to say that last part, but he can’t help but feel an immense amount of joy from the words. He is afraid you’ll get sick of the life of a queen. The reassurance helps.
Once you calm down, you glare at him for torturing you. “I am going to kill you Katsuki Bakugou!”
“With those little fangs? You can try.” You pounce on him immediately and the two of you twirl in the bed. He laughs and growls playfully at you. Katsuki barely lets you win. He smiles when he feels those dull claws, compared to his, pins him against the bed. He will let you have this moment, especially after what you just said.
The poor servants were left red in the face when they passed your door, hearing the thumping, growling, and squealing coming from the King and Queens bedroom.
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aajjks · 10 days
can you write about tc yn leaving without telling jungkook so he thinks she’s ran away only for her to come back with an anniversary present?
“WHERE IS MY WIFE? IT’S BEEN HOURS.” Jungkook screams at the top of his lungs as he pushes the book rack aside, the servants cower in fear.
“FUCKING FIND HER IMMEDIATELY!” you are dead meat as soon as he finds you, Jungkook growls, eyes darkening with anger and desperation.
When you’re not near him, he can’t breathe, but do you care? No, you don’t.
He feels like he’s being suffocated right now, despite being in control, why did you leave him again? He thought everything was going great. You guys got married. It’s been magical.
He’s been a good guy to you. He hasn’t been crazy. He hasn’t hurt people, he hasn’t pressured you into having a child.
he has been a good husband to you so why did you leave him? Why did you betray him yet again? He hasn’t eaten anything in the past four hours since you’ve been gone.
“Y-Your majesty please calm down please you need to eat something. I’ll find her. I swear I will find the queen- SHUT UP YOU’RE USELESS AND NOW YOU’RE GONNA DIE BECAUSE I WILL BEHEAD YOU!” Jungkook, he cuts off the in charge of the search party that he had arranged in order to find you, Jungkook takes out his sword from his belt and points it at him
“say goodbye to everyone because you’re gonna end up in hell.” The servants want to scream in fear, but they know better than to do that because if they piss off their king, they’re all gonna die and it’s gonna be a bloodbath.
All of them watch in horror as he begins to tilt his sword in order to behead the older man, the man cries and begging for mercy, but your crazy husband doesn’t care
“Jungkook? What the fuck is going on here?”
Is he hallucinating or was that really your voice? His grip on the sword losens and he looks in front of him and there you are.
“Y-Yn where the fuck were you a lot of these people were going to die because they couldn’t find you and you escaped me? I WAS A GREAT HUSBAND TO YOU AND THIS IS WHAT I GET IN RETURN?” he begins to scream at you towering over at you immediately.
And all of them vanish, “you better have a reasonable explanation for your disappearance or I’m gonna punish you.”
The truth is that he wants to do nothing more than to cry in your embrace and hug you like it’s the last day on earth.
But he needs to be strong right now and punish you.
“I. I went to buy an anniversary present for you. I bet you don’t even remember our anniversary tomorrow.” You roll your eyes at your husband because he’s so overdramatic.
jungkooks eyes widen. “of course I remember our anniversary and I had the biggest surprise for you but then you had to escape and then I got crazy.”
“you better got me something good OK or I’m gonna be mad. SHOW ME WHAT YOU GOT FOR ME.”
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i get that xaden and violet's declarations of love and how much they care about each other are supposed to be romantic but honestly it is just complete and utter clown behavior. every time xaden says some overdramatic shit like
"I want you more than my next breath."
"Every day I wake up starving for you"
"My heart only beats as long as yours does, and when you die, I’ll meet Malek at your side. It’s a damned good thing that you love me too, because you’re stuck with me in this life and every other that could possibly follow."
"There is no me without you"
"My life, if it even existed beyond yours, would mean nothing without you in it"
"I would rather lose this entire war than live without you"
"I love you, the world does not exist for me beyond you"
"I'd kick his ass for implying there's any other future other than the one where you and I are endgame"
i'm literally just here laughing my ass off. like sir, respectfully, you need to calm the fuck down lmfaoo
and violet is just as insanely overdramatic. these two are perfect for each other, they're both such emotionally stunted overdramatic fucking losers and i love them sooo much
"I’ll die if he makes me wait any longer"
"You’re my gravity. Nothing in my world works without you."
King and Queen of DRAMA! lmaoo
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rambling-fool · 9 days
In plagues and hollows
time to combine two hyperfixations yayayay
this is gonna be a crossover (?) of hollow knight and in stars and time
Spoilers for both games under the cut
for now i'll just be substituting characters. first things first. isabeau is the ghost, the knight, the hollow little critter that is the player character. this probably means it will be a little bit bigger but eh
the hollow knight, in this case, will be mira. she and isabeau share the change belief, so im gonna say the 'void' in this au(?) is representative of total change. of the shifting mound. entropy. mira tried her best to devote herself wholly to the change religion (the hollow knight tried wholly to be the son his father wanted), but she 'failed', and so the vessel spilled. siffrin! fast little critter, with semi-foreigness. they will replace hornet. and, since they're hornet, the king is the king. very little substitution there, both want the world to stay as is, both are willing to go very far to do it. euphrasie is the queen. yes this is because of the island (also nowhere else to put the two, and i didn't want to put siffrin as the ghost)
odile is quirrel. traveler, knowledge seeking, crucial to the plot. that's them! also, odile does not die. she simply doesn't. i won't allow it.
loop is troupemaster grimm. overdramatic tall motherfucker with divorced ex-husband vibes.
bonbon... idk what to do with them. im sure y'all can think of something good.
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strawbs-screaming · 9 months
☆ The Boxers At A Haunted House ☆
Stopped thinking about spore for this one, thats when you know its important (woah) by this i dont mean actual spirits i mean the fake halloweenie ones btw
Glass Joe
- Just screaming, even at the people not supposed to be scary
- "AH! You scared me!"
- "Joe i dont have anything on"
- "i know but still"
- hes just running for his life
- keeps tripping over things, he would probably be the first to die in a horror movie
- climbed on von kaiser at some point from fear
- "GET OFF ME!!"
- "AHHH!!"
- his scream makes everyone scream, hes such a scream queen its not funny
- threw a chair at piston hondo from fear at some point
- Literally begging for his life
- #1 to get thrown at the culprit whenever hes running away with a group
- keeps getting chucked at the employees
Von Kaiser
- screaming along with Joe
- flinging things around from fear, those underpaid employees are gonna have to work overtime to pay the medical bills kaiser caused them by throwing a entire ass table at them
- cannot speak, at all, hes just screaming, causing everyone else to also scream
- "AHHH!!!???"
- pushes whoever is next to him at whatever is chasing him
- "oh"
- making barricades & hiding
- sneaks up & attacks one of the employees
Disco Kid
- sacrificing Joe to the employees
- hiding with kaiser
- Just laughing like crazy because he cant take 18 grown men screaming in unison seriously while cheap horror music is being played in the back with people chasing them in cheap halloween costumes (almost typed creamed ☹️)
- keeps giving away their hiding spot from all the giggling
- hes just losing it while hiding in the closet
- hondo had to hold his mouth shut while they hid
- giggling while pushing the employees jokingly, ended up breaking a few bones
- having the time of his life
King Hippo
- keeps "accidentally" scaring people
- the real fear factor is him falling down the stairs, hit 3 people while falling like a bowling ball (STRIKE!)
- also laughing with disco, theyre both hysterically laughing while the others are just shaking in fear
- scared off the employees
- keeps falling & bumping into things
Piston Hondo
- actual screams of terror from him (damn he could be a good actor)
- hiding with disco & von kaiser
- hes acting like a actual serial killer is chasing him and the boxers
- begging for mercy from whoever scares him
- Real jumpy
- "huh??"
- "nevermind its you"
- accidentally begged for mercy from Aran
- running blindly, had to be hunted down by bear hugger after they got finished
Great Tiger
- screaming back at the employees, uno reverse their ass tiger go get em!!
- Just gasps like a concerned white mom at whoevers trying to scare him
- hes chasing people instead of being chased
- guiding performers to von kaiser, piston hondo and disco kids hiding spots
- "yeah theyre there"
- the evil is showing (that or hes just having fun)
- shouting really concerning things while he watches people get chased
- "excuse me"
Bear Hugger
- actually accidentally jumpscaring people
- he doesnt really scream, he just goes "OOH!" And just runs like a toddler sprinting from the bathroom from a overflowing toilet after putting too much toilet paper in it
- only person who isnt sacrificing Joe
- giggling, accidentally jumpscared Bull & ended up getting decked in the face
- "eeheeeehee ow fuck"
- "whoopsies"
- ended up having a nice chat with one of the employees, damn who knew zombies liked to fish
- grabbing as many people as he can if he gets scared enough & decides to scram, hes not letting anyone die no thank you
Don Flamenco
- hes just getting chased by Aran & some other employees, also real screams of terror
-the real scary sight is him with his balding head & gay ass run
- being overdramatic with Hondo
- "leave me here to die.. Go escape with the others.."
- "NOOO!!"
- hondo & him are acting like theyre being chased by actual murderers
- acting like a victorian child with scarlet fever whenever he trips over something, the spins and everything
- ran face first into a door, his eyeliner is still stuck there
Aran Ryan
- also working with the employees
- got an axe and started terorrizing everyone
- cackling like a gremlin literal "nyehehehe" coming from this man
- concerned for hondo
- tried to climb on a bookshelf & jump on disco kid, face planted instead & got laughed at for a hour
- "he was a fairy..."
- that still keeps him up at night
- chasing don flamenco, theyre doing a literal cross country marathon
-recorded Don flamencos silly ass run
Soda Popinski
- laughing at Bull accidentally decking people in the face
- terorrizing macho for funsies
- accidentally broke a light & scared the shit out of everyone
- grabbing ankles for fun while hiding in the dark
- watching everyone scream & losing it
Bald Bull
- hes just punching anyone that scares him
- Just chatting with tiger
- was fine until Aran came out with the axe, put that axe down irish boy
- only here because Macho Man accidentally typed "all of you are gonna cream your souls out", will never let him live that down
- adopted joe with with soda for a while until he ran from Aran & lost them
- he has never decked this many people in the face in one night before
Super Macho Man
- made the famous "creamed" typo
- "i dont think thats a haunted house.. youre thinking of something else"
- "STOP!!"
- pretending to not be scared, running for his life
- ended up crying on the floor when aran with the axe came out
- flirted with one of the employees at some point, hes out here trying to get that ghostussy
Mr Sandman
- convinced one of the employees to take a break & wore their costume
- got found out instantly by Bull
- keeps being jumped onto
- knocked over a bookshelf from laughing too hard at hondos screaming at some point
- patiently waiting for Joe to get up because he keeps tripping over while running
- chasing Aran with a metal pipe, its just a cycle "PUT THAT DOWN" now oh god
Aran brought a camera and caught some wonderful once in a lifetime sights, these include: Macho Man crying on the floor, glass joe hiding behind soda & bull, bear hugger doing a highfive with a zombie & Sandman looking really pissed off while holding a metal pipe
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gwenmontrose · 11 months
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Read the Prologue on AO3
After an overdramatic incident during Queen Euphemia's Golden Jubilee Ball, Prince James, heir to the British throne, and Lily Evans, daughter of the Prime Minister, find themselves in desperate need of saving their reputation and are left with no other choice but to embark on some good old-fashioned damage control strategy. Only problem is, they absolutely despise each other. A tale of cakes, bad first impressions, drama queens (and kings), fun secrets and, most of all, love at not-so-first sight.
Inspired by "Red, White and Royal Blue" by Casey McQuiston.
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synergysilhouette · 8 months
An alternate take on "Tangled" (2010)
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I've been on a roll with these lately! While I find "Tangled" underrated, there are some things I'd change to make it more enjoyable for me. BTW, I've never watched the animated series in it's entirety; I only know a few things, so I can't include much from that perspective.
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In terms of Rapunzel, I'd wanna tweak a couple things, mainly nit-picks. One of them is making her older than 18; I feel like it shows that she's very young, and Flynn felt very mature by comparison, so it felt a bit off to me. I'd also love for Rapunzel to have another outfit. I love her OG one, but the concept art outfits are gorgeous as well. Maybe she packs a change of clothes. Plus I wish she looked a little bit less frail, given her athleticism. I'm not saying she's gotta be buff, but less thin than she was in the final product. Just my two cents. Plus let's think about her using her crossbow along with her frying pan. And I'd probably make her cynical about the world, reeling back on the naivete a bit. And controversial change: make her illiterate. I thought to myself why Gothel would go through the trouble of teaching her how to read, especially if it kept her docile. I could imagine her giving Rapunzel a lot of misinformation, which Pascal does his best to fix. Her love interest would teach her how to read, which I feel like would be a great bonding experience. Speaking of which...
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2. Replace Flynn Ryder with Bastion. I find a lovable guy trying to get out of being a thief more interesting than the dime-a-dozen pessimistic thief trope (check out my post on that). He's basically Kristoff, and I love the size difference between them. And given that Bastion is a thief and had a rough life, it's likely he didn't learn to read much, either. Perhaps they learn together--or maybe he was taught how to read and taught Rapunzel. Either way, it makes for a romantic bonding experience. Plus Bastion trying to escape his boss gives him his own story arc; in the OG film, the Stabbington brothers pursue Flynn, but this amounts to nothing because of Gothel. Their biggest role was helping Gothel make Rapunzel think the outside world was dangerous. Bastion is eventually framed for his boss' crimes and blinded, and his dog Beau guides him back to Rapunzel. I did still want Gothel to kill him and Rapunzel bring him back to life, but maybe blinding and death is too much at once.
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3. The powers of Rapunzel's hair has different parameters. Similar to the animated series, it is very durable and difficult to cut; this is revealed to be due to Rapunzel's subconscious nature to distrust others. As a result, it isn't until Rapunzel falls in love with (and thus trusts) Bastion that he can cut her hair. I think it's a neat metaphor for letting your guard down, a Samson and Delilah situation--except this doesn't end poorly.
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4. Adventures in Corona are WILDLY different. Rapunzel and Bastion spend more time there in the film--in fact, I'd say they spend about half of the movie there. Rapunzel accidentally heals someone else while healing Bastion, and decides to use her powers to heal others in Corona, albeit anonymously because of Gothel scaring her about people wanting to manipulate her. This turns out to be true when Rapunzel's identity is revealed. She is further exotified due to her blonde hair while everyone in Corona has brown, black, or red hair (not sure if this is the case in the OG film, but in my version it is). Gothel makes this worse, revealing the decay incantation while Rapunzel is asleep, harming someone in the process. Bastion helps her escape before she is brought before the king and queen for a trial, and Gothel "rescues" her while Bastion takes the fall for it and his boss' crimes. Plus I'd want to use the demo lyrics for the decay incantation; they feel more haunting (albeit shorter).
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5. More of Gothel's backstory is explored, and she is less overdramatic in this version, so that she comes off as more serious and concerned, and may even make the audience question whether she really cares about Rapunzel. Plus her gradual aging is more apparent, as when she visits Rapunzel, she barely recognizes Gothel at first, as she's aged a lot since Rapunzel left.
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6. Varian and Cassandra are canon here, given that Rapunzel spends more time in Corona and forms platonic connections. I wanted to work in the moondrop storyline, but the film has enough going on already. I will admit I'm kinda torn about including Varian because of the sci-fi elements that come with him being an alchemist and the clash it makes with the magical and mystical vibes of the film, preferring instead for him to be a wizard to expand on the fantasy aspect--but that's probably an unpopular opinion since it's the exact opposite of who he is, to my understanding. Cassandra is kind of key to helping Rapunzel question Gothel, though--not in a direct way like Bastion, but due to the fact that Cassandra looks like Gothel. This is jarring to Rapunzel, as she first dismisses her as a descendant of Gothel (her mother does adore her youth, after all), though this only gives Rapunzel MORE questions to ask her "mother," especially as she now realizes they don't look anything alike. If anything, she at least wants to ask about her father, which does kinda pave the way for an updated version of the deleted song "Are There Girls In the World Like Me?" I also wanted to include a subplot where Gothel manipulates Cassandra (who in my version, never knew her mother, and doesn't see a resemblance due to her aged appearance) into being envious of Rapunzel for being raised by her mother, but I don't think there's enough time to fully flesh that out with everything else. Honestly, a part of me wants to remove Cassandra and Gothel's relationship entirely and have Cassandra exist independent of her show counterpart's history since there isn't time to really focus on it.
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7. Bastion is royalty. Perhaps ripping off of Barbie's Rapunzel a bit, I'd take into account Flynn Ryder actually being royalty and making Bastion the kidnapped son of a neighboring royal, making him once again similar to Rapunzel; kidnapped and used for dastardly deeds. This threatens to throw the kingdom into war, and Gothel hopes it destroys any thoughts of searching for Rapunzel, as she tells King Edmund that Bastion was kidnapped by the Corona royal family. I do like the idea that Bastion does have a sibling or two just so he isn't first in line for the throne, though; it's tough enough that Rapunzel has never learned to rule a kingdom, and Bastion being the heir to his throne doesn't bode well, either--at least not in a practical sense. I love the idea that by the end of the film, everyone is left with introspective thoughts and able to start anew after all the pain they experienced.
Lemme know what you think! I thought hard on it, and similar to "Big Hero 6," I had a lot I wanted to include, but it may be too much for one film.
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itsthesinbin · 9 months
Idk of you've done this yet but could you do some SFW and NSFW headcanons for Winter King (I think that's his name)?
i have not yet! and ye its the winter king! im specifying fionna and cake in the title since he didn't show up in the og series whatsoever
Winter King (Adventure Time: Fionna and Cake)
Despite seeming more put together, he's still a Simon. Still an Ice King, even if the insanity was moved to Bubblegum in his universe. He's been through loss and trauma and he doesn't handle it well. That shines with you.
He gives you anything you could ever want- has his ice scouts go and retrieve whatever you need, if he couldn't make it himself. All he requests is that you never leave the kingdom. From the bars on the windows of your room, it never really felt like a request.
Very loving though. He takes you on little dates often- ice skating, horseback riding, going to see plays and the like. Really, he's the perfect boyfriend. If a bit overdramatic.
Of course, you do have to deal with the Candy Queen. You get kidnapped just as often as he does, but for the opposite reason. If YOU'RE out of the picture, the Winter King will surely fall in love with her. He and his ice scouts always save the day, though.
You may be a bit dependent on him, because of this. Whether that's a good or bad thing is up to you.
He's just as dramatic and flowery in bed. He praises you the entire time, telling you how good you look and feel.
His obsessive nature really comes out during sex. He holds you down, or to him, more often than not. He leaves marks all over your neck and chest and thighs. He might even play with the idea of a collar from time to time.
Equal parts giver and receiver. When he uses his mouth or fingers he really tests your limits, leaving you delirious.
Thanks to both his magic and his scientific equipment, he has a lot more energy and a lower pain threshold than og Simon/Ice King, despite being the same age. He's a lot more active because of this.
He'll always take care of you afterward, and make sure you're cleaned and comfortable. He'll hold you until you fall asleep.
Sometimes you wake up afterward to find him crying. Neither of you ever acknowledge it.
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bloody-wonder · 1 month
Until now, have you found any couple (canon or non canon) from any media (books, tv series, movies, anime/manga, etc) that the dynamics remind you of Neil/Andrew and Damen/Laurent?
if you're looking for dynamics specifically (as opposed to a full romance arc) the lymond chronicles, the queen's thief and empire of the vampire will scratch that damen/laurent itch.
it's common knowledge, at least in my niche circles, that cs pacat is a big fan of dorothy dunnett's work, that laurent is based on lymond and that his relationship with damen (down to specific scenes) was inspired by lymond's numerous boytoys. so reading the lymond chronicles after captive prince is constantly going aha! *leonardo dicaprio pointing meme*. what these books however don't have is a full romance arc with any of those men which is why you could say capri is, in a sense, a slash fic of the lymond chronicles. it's my favorite series of all time and i can't recommend it enough but it's also rather inaccessible in the beginning and has a steep learning curve - quite a commintment of your time and brain energy but so SO worth it!
the queen's thief is another series heavily inspired by the lymond chronicles and it has multiple ships that reminded me of damen/laurent: gen's love interest is very much a cast iron bitch and they do engage in an intense enemies to lovers romance, with some casualties. costis and kamet's story in thick as thieves is basically if the side quests laurent and damen went on were a whole separate book. and while not a canon romance like the previous two, whatever gen and costis have going on in the king of attolia is very reminiscent of the laurent/damen dynamic in book one (minus the slavery). two things to keep in mind if you decide to pick up the queen's thief: it's sort of ya (??) so the brutality and sexiness, while present, will not be on the same level as capri. and book one doesn't feature any of the above ships so, again, you gotta commit to the whole thing :)
now, while these two recs seem like no-brainers to me, i'm very excited to take this opportunity to yell about empire of the vampire from the rooftops AGAIN!! eotv is basically a story about epic quests and valiant deeds told by a jaded captive vampire hunter to his cunty vampire captor (who is blonde bc yes). jean françois is definitely inspired by anne rice's lestat (as the narrative format as a whole is inspired by interview with the vampire) but his dynamic with gabriel is just Peak Laurent/Damen Banter. "i speak your language better than you speak mine, sweetheart" and "hello, lover" galore! in fact, after i found out that pacat and jay kristoff know each other personally i became convinced that he had either read capri and borrowed the vibe OR *starts rambling about her conspiracy theory about how all australian fantasy authors drink secret australian magic juice that makes them write fun depraved sff, gets smacked on the head, passes out* where was i... ah yes, nasty gay vampires. eotv is very fun and very tropey, also very queer and sexy (esp book two) and it had my toxic yaoi needs covered however comma. jean françois/gabriel is basically them sitting in a room in the frame narrative and exchanging homoerotic barbs, while the story itself is about gabriel's past adventures (also very interesting but less homoerotic). it's unlikely that they're gonna have any sort of romance arc - unless someone reads the books and writes a fic of them. please.
alas, i still can't rec anything that comes close to what nora achieved with andreil. to me, the defining characteristics of their dynamic are two feral cats circling and sniffing each other, intricate rituals, overdramatic dialogue, aspec attraction (on neil's part). while one can attempt to find some of these elements in other stories, you cannot find all of them at once (aspec pov on relationships being particularly rare in fiction). there's just no other couple that manages to strike a perfect balance between the anime levels of drama and chaos on the one hand and the serious themes of trauma, acceptance, consent etc on the other hand. sorry, anon, ig we'll have to keep re-reading aftg until one of the aspiring authors i bet this fandom has a lot of writes their own book inspired by andreil🤷‍♀️
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bozoswozo · 3 months
~I present to you…My favourite characters from my favourite animes :P~
because I am bored 😬
Gon Freecs
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he’s such a ray of sunshine,
he’s always been my all time favourite character in HxH.
I love his energy and positive attitude.
He’s so :3 and he makes me happy.
He’s so ambitious
His physical appearance is also so cute
He just gives hope idk
I don’t know why I love him so much he’s just Gon
But Gon is always loved by everyone so…
L. Lawliet
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he’s so smart and that makes me :3
He’s so cute
and hot, sue me
I love his sarcastic humour
he’s so :] and Iove it
he’s such a silly billy
He’s so overdramatic
drama queen
“I hear the bells” alright gang ‼️💪🏻
But I still love him so much
Killua Zoldyck
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I never really cared about him
I rewatched HxH and got attached
his admiration towards Gon is adorable
so is his love for him
but his life is so sad
Like yes ur worthy of friends bro 😭
He’s so cool too, amazing style
saddest character in the anime frl
nonchalent king
Mob/ Kageyama
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Come on he’s everything that is considered a green flag
He’s so cutie patootie
but he’s also pretty angsty😬
I love that he goes through stuff people can actually relate to
he’s so innocent
another ray of sunshine
I love his shy side
Everyone who encounters him ends up changing for the better
he’s just mob, no need to explain further
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Hottest character in Death Note FIGHT ME
Bro everything about him is amazing
Iive laugh love Mello
He can kidnap me in his truck
Bro even the shinigami admitted he was scary
and the fact that he’s emotional makes it even better
Best Death Note character???? (can’t decide)
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I used to dislike him
But I’ve matured now and I LOVE HIM
one of the best characters
it truly plays between him L and Mello
he’s so cute and goofy
Sometimes I forget he’s an adult :/
But he just seems fun to be around
yeah I said fun
He’d probably shrug every now and then
he made me proud bro, made me feel like a mother watching her son
And I’m a minor
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bro everything about him is so sad
Blud needs intensive therapy 🔥🔥
But he’s just so…cool
Like I love characters like that
I either love joyful and sunshine characters or I love little angsty guys
He’s so cute too
I chose a pic from the anime (though the manga is 100x better) bc he looks a bit too much like a mischievous elf in the manga💀
He’s a smarty pants
I love sarcastic characters
He’s just so yeah bro
he loves his siblings so much
And I love him so much
Kinda spooked me out tho in the traitor scene and in the fire scene
like ok emo boy get it i guess!
He’s nonetheless an amazing character
100% would recommend
That’s it :P.
Warning: I know a lot of the characters are minors but keep in mind that I AM TOO! And I’m near their age, to not say it specifically…Plus all of the minors, I like NOT bc of any attraction shit but just bc they’re cool and hilly billys.
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descendants-brat · 2 years
my unpopular descendants opinions  All three movies
These are my opinions not facts and like stated above they’re unpopular there’s a chance your favorite character might be came for or a scene you felt strongly about, I strongly disagreed with. I’m not stating really obvious things either like: Ben shouldn’t have been crowned King at 16.
* Jane got off lightly. She was just as much of a bitch to the Vks as Audrey was but she’s generally the one forgiven.
I think Jane is fake, she’s on whoever is the winning team’s side EX: If Ben decided to date any other AK and Mal or Audrey she would’ve be friended them and ditched everybody else 
Family day was overdramatic and you could definitely tell that they C4 were teenagers with their decision making
They had ONE bad day in Auradon after for the most part, being treated well and even becoming popular to the point they were questioning their decision 
But ONE bad day and they decide to go through with taking over Auradon and it’s not like anybody was lying on them.
Sorry Queen Leah is another thing but Chad wasn’t lying about anything and for them to know he wasn’t and sit and get offended was dumb
They came over to Auradon with Bad intentions and got to roam around freely and took advantage of it
Mal did steal Audrey's Boyfriend by drugging him, Jay was stealing, Evie was gold digging. 
Evie shouldn’t have put her hand in his face if she didn’t want him to push it out of his face.
Because like I said above he wasn’t wrong, Evie didn’t really care too much about Chad as a person she was interested in the fact that he was a Prince.
Was it Prince behavior no? But was he 100% dead wrong no? 
Audrey was really the one who started that fight at Family day too
Ben’s whole VK plan was messy when you take into account Leah’s reaction at family day.
The OG heroes should’ve at least been informed that their respective villains children were coming over so they were aware and a situation like Leah wouldn’t happen.
I mean Leah treats her own granddaughter like shit depending on who’s she is dating so she definitely wasn’t going to treat Mal any better but let’s say her reaction at family day was out of pure trauma. 
It could’ve been avoided if she was informed and didn’t actually end up standing next to her enemy's daughter.
Ben’s whole plan was dumb and messy.
Giving the VKs restrictions isn’t the same as punishing them for their parent’s crimes 
Realistically speaking they were on the Isle taught solely by their villain parents and other villains so it would’ve been sense to ease into giving them trust.
Because looked how that turned out they tried to take over Auradon and their king got drugged all because they didn’t want the VKs to think they were being punished for their parent’s crimes.
  I think the VKs not getting any punishment for changing their minutes at the last minute was BS. Especially if these are the same people mad Audrey got off too.
The vks had ample time to change their minds, were considering dropping the plan and when they got in their feelings decided to go through with it.
They had everything to gain staying in Auradon and the only thing they lost was their abusive controlling parents
But they very much got rewarded for changing their mind on bad behavior last minute and it shows throughout the other movies. 
That’s why they were so comfortable going in out of the isle without permission especially with the king unprotected. 
Because they knew no matter what happened at the end of the day nothing would really happen to them because they had the king’s favor. 
Evie was kind of a dick to me when she assumed Uma was going to destroy Auradon and that’s why she wanted the wand. I don’t completely not understand her thinking because She kidnapped Ben to get to the wand.
But no Uma had to have wanted to hurt somebody and not her wanting to get herself and any other kid off the Isle after they 4 of you unfairly got picked.
That’s another thing, it was dumb to pick the 4 ‘worst’ kids because how does that look to the other kids who might’ve wanted a better life.
The one’s who terrorize us here get to be the first ones to get the better things in life and later on we basically have to apply to even leave but also ass kiss the four of them to even get a chance.
Uma stans do acknowledge that she was wrong for spelling Ben but it’s often lighten/ brushed over.
We have to acknowledge the fact that Ben would’ve talked to Uma if she just attempted to after she jumped through the Barrier.
He wouldn’t have thrown her right back in he would’ve spoke to and defended her if she tried but she didn’t she went straight to the love spell
Lonnie is just as fake as Jane is when it comes to homie hopping. 
She went fuck Ben and I stand with you Mal real quick for somebody who was supposed to have a sibling like relationship with him
Audrey turning villain was no surprise and I feel especially like the adults should hold themselves accountable more.
My opinion on this matter is biased, especially when comparing to how I’m digging into the VKs above but I’ll say because their actions are excused in canon and largely forgive in the fandom. 
At the end of the day I know Audrey had other options than going rogue and she was wrong for that period.
But as fucked up as it sounds I don’t think she would’ve ever done that if it weren’t for her circumstances. 
She would’ve lived a responsible life, spending her days cheerleading, and preparing for royal duties.
But instead not only did her relationship fall apart she was shunned. 
Jane, Lonnie and everybody else stopped talking to her and favored Mal to the point where people were ignoring her when she spoke and asking why she showed up to Jane’s birthday party.
So of course in her mind Dating Ben/ Being next in line for Queen= being treated like a human.
Because all of these people ignoring her were kissing her ass when she was with Ben
Girl had depression and flunked in school and had to take summer school because it was fucking her up.
continuously she was straight up ignored whenever she said something because she wasn’t seen as anything to be worried about
Straight up insulted by adults she probably looked up to (Belle) 
And when people (her grandma) did speak to her it was to tear her down and degrade her.
So she became a threat and something they can’t straight up ignore anymore. 
Ideally I’d like for that to happen by her thriving and living her best life but she had to choose evil.
That whole let’s get along bs Evie was doing the entire movie was a waste of time.
If Mal decided Uma and her crew were enemies, Evie and the other 2 yes Men would’ve turned on Uma and did as Mal said.
So she shouldn’t be surprised nobody wanted to be kumbaya with them
Nobody forced or pressured Mal to close the barrier 
A large part of it was her not wanting anybody to find out her daddy was Hades.
She straight up says she did it for them (the c4) and the lives they had there
Auradon being safe or any of the VKs were not her priority when she made the decision. 
Ben’s little “so have I” irked me because if anybody should’ve been talked to her in three years it should’ve been you
Him thinking she was fine because she rebounded with chad is one thing but literally watching her not only fade from his life but Auradon period and being MIA after being together all the time and had no clue???
Guess he was too busy dealing with Mal’s bs 
Headcanon Mal still has him spelled. 
Hades little speech was bullshit, he earned his punishment and so did all of his fellow villains 
Compared to him Audrey was literally a ticking time bomb everybody ignored because they didn’t care and they fucked around and found out.
and not only that the daughter he was standing in front of saying this played a big part in it so you might want to shut up.
Mal did what she did out of malice, I refused to believe her “I didn’t mean to” bs when it comes to Audrey because Audrey’s name stayed in her mouth whenever she was talking shit. 
Audrey was correct in not getting a punishment not because her actions were a result of the adults failing to notice her depression and other kids contributing to it but simply because nobody else did
C4 weren’t punished in D1 Mal was never punished for her fuck shit, Uma and her friends weren’t given formal punishments from what I understand (especially with it being a known fact Uma spelled Ben for her own gain unlike Mal’s lying ass saying she did it for love. She was wanted to be captured though I believe) 
So why should Audrey out of everybody be the only who got a formal punishment, I think not
Audrey being kumbaya with them at the end was too soon, she should’ve left Auradon, healed and never spoke to them again. 
Because like I said she was at first a ticking time bomb and now that she exploded everybody wants to be civil now?
She needed new friends a new life everything.
Uma too, she shouldn’t have to be friends with Mal either 
C4 forgiving Mal for her decision to shut the barrier down was not their place in my opinion.
Of course you’ll forgive her because it really isn’t doing anything to you having it shut down especially Evie she got the kid she wanted off of there
This wasnt about them this was about the kids who didnt even have the choice nor would they be aware of it, had Mal went through it 
It wasn’t about C4 and their hurt feelings about Mal lying 
Do I even need to say them taking down the barrier was dumb? 
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bluberimufim · 4 months
Pedro & Inês (cultural ramblie)
Happy Valentine's Day!! <3<3 When I planned this post, I did not realize Carnaval and Valentine's Day were on consecutive days (catholic calendar calculations continue to kick my ass, just like every year), so you get TWO cultural ramblies for the price of one!!
This one is a bit different from the other ones. I usually talk about legends or holiday traditions but this is actually just history! Still, I felt inclined to share partly because this is a major thing in portuguese culture and partly because this is the most overdramatic historical anecdote I have ever seen and more people need to know about it. Now, let's get into it!
The Tragedy of Pedro and Inês
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(portraits of Pedro and Inês, made centuries after their deaths)
In 1340, Prince Pedro of Portugal, son of King Afonso the 4th, married Constança Manuel of Aragon. When she moved to Portugal, Constança brought along her lady-in-waiting, Inês de Castro. You can already see where this is going.
Pedro and Inês fell madly in love and began a secret relationship (which seems to not have been that secret at all). In 1344, Afonso the 4th exiled Inês to the castle of Albuquerque, near the border, out of fear that this affair would sour diplomatic relationships with Castille.
It just so happens that Constança died in childbirth one year later. Despite his father's requests, Pedro refused to remarry, claiming that he was still too overcome with grief over his wife's death. Instead, he had Inês's exile annulled and began living with her. During this period in which they lived together, they had 4 children.
In 1355, five years later, King Afonso the 4th ordered the assassination of Inês de Castro. She was killed in Coimbra, in Quinta das Lágrimas, where legend says you can still hear her crying at the fountain where she lost her life, later named Fonte das Lágrimas ("Fountain of Tears"). This moment, along with another one further ahead, is the one all the poets go crazy for.
Inês's death triggered a revolt against the king, led by Pedro. However, there was never an actual physical confrontation, since the queen-mother was able to stop it in time.
In 1357, Pedro rose to the throne, becoming King Pedro the 1st. He claimed that he had married Inês in secret around 1354, legitimizing their children and making her possibly the only posthumous queen in history (someone fact-check me on this). For avenging her death, he was dubbed "Pedro, the Just".
He had matching tombs made for him and Inês so she could be buried as queen by his side. They still stand today in the Monastery of Alcobaça, where you can visit them. They were placed on opposite ends of the transept, facing each other, so that they could be face to face when they rose from their graves. The inscription on Pedro's tomb is thought to read "Until the ends of the world". I'll show pics later, don't worry.
You thought I was done? I haven't even gotten to the overdramatic part! (Ok, the tomb thing was pretty dramatic, but this part is extra as hell)
As King Pedro the 1st, he had Inês's two assassins executed. According to a somewhat contemporary chronicle by Fernão Lopes (still Middle Ages but a century later), he had their hearts ripped out, one through the chest and another through the back. Sources seem to disagree on whether this actually happened or not, but Fernão Lopes was a pretty reliable guy in other parts of his chronicle. And, this being strictly myth, it is said that he made those two assassins kiss the hand of Inês's corpse as they would the queen's. For this, he was dubbed "Pedro, the Cruel", on top of his other title. Perfectly balanced and whatnot.
Here's a painting by Pierre-Charles Comte about it:
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The Tombs
I saw them in early November of last year and I cannot overstate how amazing they are in real life. The whole church they're in is beautiful but the tombs are just breathtaking, especially knowing the story behind them.
They're the reason I wanted to make this post. They are considered some of the greatest masterpieces of portuguese gothic sculpture. They are full of intricate carvings and, despite missing a few pieces here and there, are still in amazingly good condition today. You can visit them for free any time.
Here are the pictures I promised. The last 2 are taken by me!
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Some historical notes (cool facts)
This is mostly about the corpse coronation part because I found it in my research and thought it was cool.
The first dynasty of portuguese kings didn't have coronations. They were seen as warrior kings first and foremost, and therefore felt no need to pledge their allegiance to Christianity. If they did swear over something, it was a shield. They did not have the fancy ceremony.
What can we learn from all this, you ask?
Write that overdramatic romance you've been wanting to. You'll never out-drama queen King Pedro the 1st.
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defaultnaming · 1 year
M'benga is a confused king(tm), Hemmer is awesome and thoroughly done, Una and Ortegas are queer and badass, Chapel is mystic, la'an is overdramatic, Uhura is a Queen with Spock as a sidekick (just as tos intended) and Pike is a pathetic meow meow. All in all, exactly as star trek should be. The best ep by far
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msweebyness · 8 months
Artzy's Awesome Art- Darcy & JJ
Hey ya’ll, it’s the second installment of our Nightmare Before Christmas 30th anniversary special! A MASSIVE thank you to Artzy for doing this amazing art of my Descendants OCs, Darcy, the daughter of Oogie Boogie and Jack ‘JJ’ Skellington Jr, the son of Jack and Sally. They’re *gasp* a couple! Keep an eye out for the last surprise, and below I’ve enclosed some background about these two!
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Darcy Boogie:
Adorable but also terrifying
Shortest of the VK’s (She's 4'9" and a proud tiny queen!)
Swears like a drunk sailor
Feral, Abrasive, Sarcastic, Brutally Honest Gremlin
One of the best fighters on the Isle, can and will kick anyone’s ass
Would not wear a dress if her life depended on it
Loves to scare and is damn good at it
Rare Find: Good Isle Parent Relationship
Loves her Papa, so don’t talk shit
Learned how to count cards when she was five
Has a six-year old brother, Nash, will protect him with her life
Lock, Shock and Barrel are (annoying) older siblings
Uma’s sister in all but blood, enforcer of the pirate crew
Fights with Harry all the time, but it’s out of love
Will also protect Gil with her life
Not good with affection, except if it’s her family, JJ, Uma, Gil and sometimes Harry.
Will deck you if you diss her man
Acts like a tsundere, but likes it when JJ is romantic
TFW you have to remind your dad at least once a week that he can’t kill your BF
Protective Queen
Will END you for killing bugs on purpose
JJ Skellington:
Might be a little overdramatic (read the sarcasm)
Gets V excited about things he likes
Has trouble holding still
Loves his snazzy suits, his dad’s style is on point
Don’t make fun of his fedora (Darcy is the only one who can steal it without sustaining serious injuries)
Has weird tastes in food
✨Flexible✨ Boi
Knows everyone in Halloween Town by name. They will fight you to the death to protect him.
Just as good at scaring as Darcy, she hates it
Jack’s Mini Me, helps him around Halloween Town
Tells his mom everything
Has three little sisters, Jennifer, Sylvia and Holly
Bullied in Auradon for not looking “Heroic”
Cannot hold a grudge to save his life
Only had four friends (Ben, Doug, Jane and Lonnie. He and Lonnie have been like siblings forever.)
But also a snarky king
Deals with a lot of anxiety, has attacks on occasion
Knew he was going to marry Darcy within five minutes of meeting her
WILL write and perform an entire song for his wonderful girlfriend
Very scared of his future-father-in-law
I love my babies and I hope you do too! Leave your thoughts in the comments and reblogs!
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