#king of ad libs
duahauuoplanh · 1 year
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Go eat before the food gets cold.
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mofffun · 6 months
Gira's reaction to KaguYanma flirting is "Can you two cut it out?"
...which is extra funny when you consider this is Taisei's 6th show of the day and 80th+ overall
(His line in the first week was, "Are they dating?")
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yioh · 3 months
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pls…. let them be love interests 😭
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vintagetvstars · 3 months
Nichelle Nichols Vs. Eartha Kitt
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Eartha Kitt - (Batman) - No text propaganda
Nichelle Nichols - (Star Trek) - She speaks for herself. Legendary, iconic, at the forefront of feminism and civil rights in the 60s, she is a triple threat who did so much more. She volunteered from 1977 to promote recruitment diversity within NASA, including some of the first female and ethnic minority astronauts. Martin Luther King Jr. compared her work on Star Trek as a 'vital role model' to the civil rights marches. She refused to be dismissed, fought for visibility and shone whilst doing so. As a woman in stem, and simply a woman she means the world and stars above to me.
Master Poll List of the Hot Vintage TV Ladies Bracket
Additional propaganda below the cut
Nichelle Nichols:
She is the original badass babe. She was a black woman in a leading role on TV in the 60s, a trailblazer for black actresses for years to come. She is so beautiful and so awesome.
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she's fantastic. have you seen her? paved the way for black actresses on TV even while her lines and scenes were being cut and improvised the most iconic uhura line in the series. (sulu: "I'll save you, fair maiden!" uhura, pushing him away: "sorry, neither!") she's incredibly talented and it's a crime the show didn't give her more screen time (or make her sing more often because she also has a beautiful voice!)
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“Sorry, neither” in response to “fair maiden” was ad libbed by her. There’s a lot more I could say but what else do you need??
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A sci-fi icon!
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She was such a trailblazer, and Uhura was such an important character for so many people to be able to see on TV. Apparently Mae Jemison (the first African American woman to go into space) cited her as a reason she wanted to become an astronaut. She was just an absolute legend!
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The story of Martin Luther King telling her not to quit Star Trek gives me chills. Representation matters. “Thank you so much, Dr. King. I’m really going to miss my co-stars.” Dr. King's smile, Nichols recalled, vanished from his face. "He said, 'What are you talking about?'" the actress explained. "I told him. He said, 'You cannot,' and so help me, this man practically repeated verbatim what Gene said. He said, 'Don’t you see what this man is doing, who has written this? This is the future. He has established us as we should be seen. 300 years from now, we are here. We are marching. And this is the first step. When we see you, we see ourselves, and we see ourselves as intelligent and beautiful and proud.' He goes on and I’m looking at him and my knees are buckling. I said, 'I…, I…' And he said, 'You turn on your television and the news comes on and you see us marching and peaceful, you see the peaceful civil disobedience, and you see the dogs and see the fire hoses, and we all know they cannot destroy us because we are there in the 23rd Century.'"
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She shared the first interracial kiss on Star Trek, helped propel real life African American women into space-related careers, and looks divine in a mini skirt.
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redflagshipwriter · 8 months
Hot Ghouls in your Area ch 4 progress
(read other sections of this and more stories here)
Danny floated miserably through the stacks, pulling out books that looked remotely plausible. Maybe he needed help. Jazz would help him without laughing at him, right?
Sam and Tucker absolutely would not. They would think it was hilarious that he had so little game that the universe assigned him a boyfriend via Jeremy Waters. 
‘As if I could pull a guy who looks like that,’ Danny thought wryly, and then felt a little bad about himself in comparison. Jason was, uhhhh, physically blessed. He was tall and well proportioned and his hands- Danny fought down a shiver and resisted the urge to steal another look. Jason was out of sight anyway.
Well. He still hadn't seen Jason's face. Maybe he was ugly! You never know. Or maybe under the helmet it was totally smooth, no face. That would be neat. Danny paused mid motion to imagine that.
Haha. Sick, man.
That concept cheered him up a little as he grimly opened the first book and started skimming for likely words like marriage, spouse, and concubine. 
He didn’t bother reading anything in detail. He stuck a post it note on each page with a relevant term and then put the book in a pile to take back to his dorm. This wasn’t going to get solved in a day.
Ah, shit. Danny paused. This wasn’t going to get solved in a day. He bit his lip and looked off in the direction where Jason had disappeared to do his own research.
He truly didn’t have time to devote to this right now. He was not willing to drop his school life in order to solve a sudden problem. Jason was just going to have to cope with whatever timeline Danny could manage without setting his life on fire.
On the other hand, Jason was a human guy who probably had a life of his own at the biker bar/fight club. Whatever the hell required that kind of outfit probably kept him busy! So Danny couldn’t like, just leave him in the castle to chill.
“Not to mention the fact that he shouldn’t be able to live here very long anyways,” Danny muttered to himself.
That was troubling him. Frankly, Jason should have been intolerably uncomfortable in the ghost zone for this long without specialized protective equipment. It wasn’t meant for humans.
‘What did Jeremy do to this guy?’
Yikes. Did this mean… Did this mean Danny should have given that little cult thing more credit? But Jeremy was just such a doofus. He grimaced. Embarrassing. Why were his enemies so embarrassing? This shit didn’t happen to, like, Wonder Woman.
Danny buried himself back in the books to avoid the growing suspicion that Jason might have been uhhhh magically altered to make him an appropriate concubine to a dead king. That thought sucked! He didn’t like it. He really didn’t like the idea of bringing it up with Jason.
When he had what he thought was a good first round of research, Danny shelved the books he’d gotten out and went to find where his …
He whole-body flinched at the point where he needed to plug an appropriate noun into that sentence. 
“Jason?” Danny called, juggling books into a stack. “I think we should probably get you back to the re- the human world. Before something inexorable happens.”
A pause.
“I don’t think you know what that word means,” Jason said. A book shut. Danny headed towards the sound, phasing through shelves effortlessly. A spark of curiosity lit up at Jason’s voice. He sounded relaxed, even through the helmet’s filter. 
‘I want to hear his real voice. Bet it’s nice.’
Wait. What? Danny shook the thought away, discomforted. He plastered a wide grin on his face. “I don’t know any words,” he lied breezily. “I’m just ad libbing. Anyway!” He flopped dramatically down onto the big chair next to Jason’s, making sure to be extra physical to get a satisfying whumpf. “We really should go! I can get you to the human world, but, uh, I can’t promise to put you back where you came from.” He scratched at the back of his neck. “I think this is going to be a more than one day affair.”
Jason was watching him. There was nothing visible through his helmet, but Danny got the sense that he was tense, waiting for a threat. 
Which, what? Why would Jason feel threatened by-
Oh. Danny felt a knot in his stomach. Right. That made a lot of sense. He felt kinda sick. 
He didn’t let the feeling show through and barreled on speaking. “I don’t exactly have an easy way for you to contact me, but we probably need to stay in touch to fix this. Do you have any ideas?” 
The lie felt kind of gross. But he could hardly tell the guy; “I’m an engineering student in Gotham, you can just call my cell or come to the dorms.”
Jason seemed to relax at the cessation of control. “If you can stick around, yeah. I’ll get you a burner phone, exchange numbers. You’re not going to…” He trailed off. Danny felt a frown somehow. “You won’t have any signal here, actually. That won’t work.”
“I can make it work,” Danny assured him, hands up. “I mean, I can’t make it work here, or I would have offered to help with your tech. But I can pop in and out of the human world and check my messages.”
“That’ll work.” Jason’s helmet turned ever so slightly. “About the books…”
“You found something good?” Danny asked, impressed. “Yeah, awesome. Just be really careful with them, the librarian is a scary guy.”
Jason’s hand flexed over the closed book on his thigh. “I can take- how many can I take out?”
Danny scoffed. “I’m not your dad,” he said. “Whatever you can carry, man. You ready to go or do you need a minute?” He flipped back to his feet with a grunt. 
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snailmail444 · 1 month
Can I get a headcanon of the bachelors and how they'd be sexy with you when you're down? Like, if they're trying to cheer you up and be a little goofy with it but also tryna HIT. THAT. 🤣🤣🤣
Thanks Snail, ILU.
Bachelors Goofing Their way Into Your Pants
18+ 🌱 MDNI 🌱 NSFW (-ish)
This one was a tough ask Libby but I’ll do nothing if not stand and deliver 🫡 Honestly might be my favorite head cannon list for the bachelors I’ve ever done so THANK YOU for this prompt icon. NSFW? -ish under the cut (lewd?? Idk lol)
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💚 Perhaps the goofiest about this
💚 He would not try to come onto you when you’re down unless he KNOWS it’s going to pick you up
💚 So once he’s confident let’s start there
💚 It’s a song and dance
💚 Dissappears, and when he’s back he’s got his med kit
💚 He gets out the stethoscope and all. The whole nine yards.
💚 That’s right folks. We’re paging Dr. Love
💚 Will NOT let you stop this routine. Dr. Love WILL be completing the full assessment. Listening to your heart rate, checking your throat and ears, somehow always having to complete a chest exam
💚 (M or F he will be groping your tits for this one)
💚 The diagnosis is in
💚 There’s Only One Cure for What Ails You
💚 You guessed it! You need a little lovin’ (Dr. Love’s catchphrase)
💚 Important note: Dr. Love is not a licensed medical practitioner
💚 This works a little too well perhaps. He’s so confident for no reason at all LMAO
💚 Lowkey want to write a Dr. Love oneshot now because this is really fun and cute
❤️ If you’re feeling down man will preform the absolute worst ad lib poetry
❤️ Silliest lymrics you’ve ever heard
❤️ Dumb dumb dummmmmb
❤️ Very dirty and stupid bad poems about you
❤️ Specifically about his favorite parts of your body
❤️ Or his favorite things you do during sex
❤️ The worse it is, the better as far as he is concerned
❤️ Raunchy dirty filthy
❤️ But like. In the most grade school mother goose style he can manage
❤️ No flowery language here
❤️ Takes off your clothes to expose the parts of you the he’s referring to
❤️ When you do x thing (then tries to make you do x thing)
❤️ Will be proving his point. Period!!!
🤎 Physical touch legend
🤎 Wrestles
🤎 Winner gets whatever they want from the loser
🤎 Has a wrestling name and all
🤎 Does the John Cena theme
🤎 His hands end up in all sorts of places that they don’t need to be
🤎 Most wrestlers aren’t grabbing ass 🤨
🤎 Gets you in some really tight, close pins, but somehow you end up winning anyway
🤎 No I didn’t let you win don’t be ridiculous I respect the sport too much to ever—
🤎 He let you win
🤎 You can take your prize now 😌 Whatever you want 😌
🤎 And if his hard on is pressing against you? Well. Maybe he has some ideas about what your prize should be
💙 Gets you through the hard stuff first, so once you’re on the mend he’s goofing to the max
💙 Aw babe come on? How can you be so sad when you have these guns to look at?
💙 Runs through a series of absurd poses to show off his muscly farm boy arms
💙 Lays it on really thick about being a stud
💙 “No matter what at the end of the day you have a trophy husband” (even if he’s not married to you. ESPECIALLY if he’s not married to you)
💙 Showing off everything you’re so lucky to have with a big goofy grin on his face
💙 Throwing his clothes across the room and everything
💙 Making the music sounds with his mouth
💙 You HAVE to whistle or hoot at him or clap or something
💙 He demands applause from his audience if he’s not getting some singles at least
🩷 Another song and dancer
🩷 This man was born for the stage I fear
🩷 Genuinely and truly putting on a SHOW about it all
🩷 The drama of it. Uh oh, he’s compromised!
🩷 Will end up ‘stuck’ under the couch or table or anywhere else
🩷 Uh oh! I hope nobody takes advantage of me 👀 When I’m so exposed 👀👀 and vulnerable 👀👀👀
🩷 The worst stage acting you’ve ever seen in your life
🩷 Starts stripping in the middle of the living room because he “didn’t see you there!”
🩷 Pretends to be scandalized when you finally succumb to his advances
🩷 What are you doing?! Huh? What do you MEAN I was coming on to you? I always take off all my clothes in the kitchen, that’s ritual
🩷 insists he’s been objectified and taken advantage of
🩷 That kind of turns him on though let’s be so fucking real
🖤 Okay so we’re going blunt king here
🖤 Two possible options
🖤 Uses it as a way to hard reset the system mid breakdown
🖤 Full crying, upset, whatever, he’s been holding you and trying to calm you down but it’s not working
🖤 “Wanna have sex?”
🖤 It never fails. Tried and true
🖤 Option two?
🖤 This is ONLY if mans is super comfortable in your dynamic
🖤 A classic
🖤 Whips it out
🖤 Thinking about that one tweet of the boyfriend who was in the mood and just put his dick on her shoulder while she was watching tv
🖤 Like that but buried under sixteen levels of irony
🖤 “I know what’ll help” and then he pulls his dick out
🖤 Probably the least likely to actually hit with these methods
🖤 However, he’s maybe the most likely to help improve your mood substantially
🖤 Through sheer presentation if nothing else. Man can deliver, and knows when to hit with the absurd to make it the most impactful
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thetaoofzoe · 7 months
‘It Was Fun to Be Wanted by Someone Like Elvis Presley’: An Interview With Darlene Love
The gifted singer reflects on Elvis’s collaborative presence and his relationship to gospel music
by MICHAEL MUSTO August 7, 2018
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The swaggering real-life Jeff Koons statue named Elvis Presley is hot again. Eugene Jarecki’s June-released documentary The King involves a road trip taken in Elvis’s old Rolls to survey his impact on the culture and determine that the American dream the singer represented is officially dead. (But oh, when it lasted!) Even darker is the film’s exploration of Presley’s appropriation of African-American culture, covering songs like “Hound Dog” — originally a non-hit for the brilliant Big Mama Thornton — and making them rock and sell. For singers like Thornton, the American dream never existed.
Enter powerhouse singer Darlene Love, who is represented on another new project, Where No One Stands Alone, a fourteen-track compilation of Elvis’s gospel work due out August 10 on RCA/Legacy. The L.A.-born minister’s daughter started singing in the church choir at ten, on the road to being scooped up by producer Phil Spector to belt hits like “He’s a Rebel,” “Today I Met The Boy I’m Gonna Marry,” and “Christmas (Baby,Please Come Home).” The lead voice of such groups as the Blossoms and Bob B. Soxx & the Blue Jeans, Love ended up working as a maid in the Eighties, but when she heard one of her old hits on the radio while she was scrubbing, it inspired her to get back into performing full-time. Her appearance in the Oscar-winning 2013 documentary 20 Feet From Stardom was memorable, especially when it addressed the way Spector promised her a solo career, but gave other singers credit for her work.
I recently talked to Darlene about her backup singing for Elvis, and how she feels about the King’s relationship to the music he both co-opted and celebrated.
Hi, Darlene. What is some of the gospel work you did with Elvis?
There is “Let Us Pray,” the one from the movie we did with Elvis, Change of Habit. That was his last film.
It was in 1969, with Elvis as a doctor and Mary Tyler Moore as a nun.
We, the Blossoms, are in the first scene. And we were in his 1968 comeback special [Singer Presents … ELVIS].
His new gospel compilation album should be quite interesting.
They [recently] had me do some fill-ins, what we call ad libs, throughout the album to make it sound more gospel. I haven’t heard it yet. Hopefully it’s a wonderful thing.
Elvis went to church and listened to gospel singers to soak up what they did, right? 
Even today, it’s more mixed than it was in the Fifties and Sixties. Whites and blacks didn’t go to church together back then. What Elvis told me he would do — we had night service on Sunday night when we did what we called “praise songs.” A lot of them were songs he loved, what we called “hymn songs.”
We didn’t have air conditioners. We had pushup windows, with a little rope. Elvis said he would stand outside the church rather than going in, because they didn’t think black and white should be in the same churches together. He said he would listen through the windows. It gave him such a thrill. It’s a big difference between the way blacks sang gospel and the way whites sang gospel.
Do you feel he was dedicated to the music or he was just taking it for himself? 
I found out years later, when we were doing the comeback special, that his mother’s favorite music was gospel. He would always sing gospel around her. I think if he could have had a big career in gospel music, that’s where he would have been. But you can always make more money off secular hits. Elvis had 10 or 15,000 people come to his shows to see him. Today, they have mega churches that hold 25,000, but back then, you were doing great if you had 500 people.
I bet they have air conditioning now.
Oh, lord, yes. [Laughs] I lived in Texas for five years as a young kid with my father, and it was so hot we couldn’t even breathe. There was no air conditioning in church or the house. What a difference it makes to have a cool ensemble. You still sweat because of the energy, but back then, we were soaking wet, when we sang in church.
I love gospel music. If I had a calling — meaning from the Lord — just to sing gospel, I would have, but the secular music got to more people. I bet a lot of secular singers like Sam Cooke and Aretha Franklin felt the same way. They never paid us no money. “Do it unto the Lord.” “OK.” [Laughs] We would drive to the gigs and they’d give you an offering — gas money. They were hardly giving us a whole lot of money. But it was worth it, every penny of it. It was a wonderful experience singing gospel.
But was Elvis appropriating the music, or that’s just the way it was?
That’s just the way it was. A lot of people think a white person is copying the black person. He just loved the music and he was singing it the way he felt. He sang “Hound Dog” completely different than Mama Thornton. [Elvis’s version was rock, whereas Thornton’s was blues.] Even today, they take secular music and put it in gospel, and vice versa. You know, Elvis won three Grammys, and they were all for gospel records. 
What were your experiences like with Elvis?
One time, Elvis decided we’d all go to the movies. He bought this theater out that night.
What did you watch — Change of Habit?
Don’t even ask me. I don’t remember. [Laughs] We had a lot of free time when we were recording and when we were making the movie. That’s when the Blossoms and myself got a chance to know the gospel side of Elvis. He’d want to know the songs we knew. He’d get his guitar and say, “You know this song?” “Yes, we grew up on it.” He’d say, “Let’s do it.”
Was he funny or serious?
He was funny and he was serious sometimes. If he didn’t think he was doing great, he’d say, “Hey, girls, how’m I doing?” He was very, very funny. I call it that “country funny.” He would do his moves in the studio the way he was gonna do them onstage. It made it easy to be around him, but sometimes it was not easy because his bodyguards were keeping people from him. He wanted to be with the Blossoms, where he could pull out his guitar. We’d say, “We think you’d better go. You’re gonna get us in trouble.” We’d never forget, because he’d be giving us his personal time.
You’d just be hanging out and singing?
Yes! Whatever song he knew — “Amazing Grace” or “River of Jordan” or “Heaven Is a Wonderful Place” or “Sweet Hour of Prayer.” We called them hymns of the church. There was another one called “Pass Me Not, O Gentle Savior.” The Blossoms were known for their harmony. We’d harmonize with him. There’s something we had with Elvis that others didn’t have. It was fun to be wanted by someone like Elvis Presley.
He had tremendous respect for you.
Yes, he did. That was great. I always say he left us way too soon. He is where I plan to go one day, so I’ll see him again.
You were all rather young and great-looking. Was there any sexual tension in the air? 
There was. It could have been. But I was too scared to do anything.
You fool! [Laughs] Kidding. You wanted to keep it professional.
And I definitely did. Something about dating someone you’re working for, it takes away from that. “I know he’s never gonna look at me the same after this.” [Laughs] He’d start playing with me. He’d tap you on the shoulder or do a hip shake, and me and Elvis knew what that meant.
Yeah, I think so, and I think it showed his human side. I wasn’t bad-looking — and I was thin, too. [Laughs] He wanted to take out time and be around us. The reason we sang on his ’68 comeback special is he was the one that insisted that the Blossoms sing in the music section of the show.
So Elvis treated you better than Phil Spector did?
Oh my God, I’d say so.
That’s an easy one.
That’s a real easy one. Phil took advantage of me and my talent. With Elvis, he wanted us to work, and we got paid well. It wasn’t like Phil Spector cracking the whip and us running around!
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porterdavis · 1 year
Fifty years ago tonight
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Billie Jean King defeated Bobbie Riggs in straight sets to win the so-called 'Battle of the Sexes'. (Yes, she was allowed the doubles alleys but that patently didn't matter). I was tending bar in a sports bar/meat market in Denver (anybody remember the Bull & Bush?) and every TV was on the match.
The atmosphere slowly changed from raucous chauvinism to stunned silence as the whuppin' unfolded. People forget that in the early 70s there was a grim recession which pretty much ended the 'women's lib' movement as women were forced into the workforce (and bras were required).
In 1973 women couldn't open a bank account in their own name, or have a credit card. The 'weaker sex' wasn't a throwaway line, it was a belief. This night was one of the first cracks to appear in the macho world. As the Virginia Slims ad had hopefully said a few years earlier -- "you've come a long way, baby". There was/is still a long way to go.
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somecallmejohn · 4 months
So I have a tiny theory about Simon’s wish...
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When Magnifico revealed his wish to him he said that it was “to be the King’s loyal knight” and it might most probably be my bias, but I don’t think thats *exactly* what his wish was.
I do think his wish was to be a knight, but the whole "King's loyal" part feels ad-libbed by Magnifico to me. Personally I think that since a wish in the movie is like the most important part of one's self maybe that part includes certain qualities or traits that are fueled by the wish.
In "Recipe for Adventure"(retelling of the movie from Dahlia's POV, which may not be fully canon but it adds context and as long as it doesn't interfere with the movie canon i don't really mind) when Dahlia was thinking about the time she'd have to give away her wish to Magnifico she thought of how much Simon had changed once he gave away his wish, although he always was a bit sleepy(not as much as he was after it though) he also loved horse riding, spending time outside and using his size and strength to help his friends navigate the terrain and climb over boulders, he had changed so much she was afraid that she was going to forget all about baking as her wish was to be the greatest baker in the kingdom. So according to the book, some of the qualities and traits that Simon lost along with his wish were, his affinity for the outdoors, his enjoyment of horse riding and most of his energy, stuff that's pretty common for knights to do.
Personally I would also argue that he lost traits of bravery, loyalty and nobility as he had only been without his wish for a couple months and his back-stabbing of Asha was something that even Asha and the teens viewed as unexpected and out of character for him.
The traits the book has mentioned he's lost with the ones I personally theorized combined are the typical traits found in a noble knight, which is what I think Simon actually wished to be and not "the King's loyal knight"
Now why do I think Magnifico altered/twisted the wish? Firstly, he knew or suspected that Simon was a close friend of Asha, so having him by his side as a pawn to help him find her was a smart decision. Secondly, he had already twisted Sabino's wish to be from something as simple as to inspire the world with his music to something as sinister as to inspire a mob to destroy the kingdom before he had turned to villainy, I wouldn't be surprised if he had twisted Simon's wish too to fit his schemes especially if in his mind a noble knight is loyal to the king.
Now this is just a dumb theory I typed quickly, I may be wrong and biased but i felt like sharing this thought i've been having when rewatching the movie. Feel free to add your own thoughts as well if you feel like it!.
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fuckyeahizzyhands · 10 months
We said goodbye to Izzy this season. What was your initial reaction to learning his fate, and how did you prepare for his death?
Con O’Neill: You know what, I’ve been around a long time, and going through those first few scripts and seeing which way the arc was going, it didn’t surprise me. I was upset because I loved playing him, but at the same time, I think David knows what he’s doing, and we are all here because of David Jenkins, first and foremost. So I got it. I made him pay for dinner, but I got it nonetheless. And then it was just a matter of honoring what they’d written. And they kept surprising me every episode. He kept giving me stuff that took my breath away and challenged me enormously. And yeah, if you’re going to go out, go out like that.
What message would you want to share with fans who are still struggling with Izzy’s loss?
That’s a big ask, isn’t it? I would say that I have nothing but love, respect, and faith in David Jenkins. Trust him. He knows what he’s doing. None of this was taken lightly. Trust David Jenkins.
When you were preparing for Izzy’s ending, which scene felt like a bigger send-off — that epic monologue delivered to Ricky or his final words to Ed aboard the Revenge?
I remember the day we filmed what turned out to be a eulogy… We shot it several times, and then Fernando [Frias], who was directing that episode, suggested we do one more take and to “let the guard down,” was his phrase. And I didn’t know the guard was up, but that’s the take they used. And there’s an ad-lib in that take as well, which I won’t tell you what it is, which one it is. But I thought the profound moment would be the death. I didn’t understand at the time that the profound moment was the speech. I knew the speech was brilliant. I knew they’d written something extraordinary. Because they played with the narrative a bit in the edit, I didn’t know where it was going to play fundamentally in the final edit. But yeah, it’s basically written and Fernando gave me the key to get where we went to. So thank you, Fernando.
You mention ad-libbing. Was there any scene or moment you got to improvise or enjoyed improvising this season?
I can’t remember. There was a lot this season. That one in the eulogy speech is because I see it being played everywhere all the time at the moment. So I hear that a lot. There was a lot more understanding of character in this season. Ninety-nine percent of ad-libs don’t get in. The thing that’s not often discussed about our show is it’s f**king beautifully written. And we do a lot of takes, and as long as we get what is written down before we do any other playing around, then we’ve done our job because our writers are exceptional. And the joy as an actor — I’m a theater actor from way back — is when you see some of this writing. It’s just brilliant.
You talk about being a theater performer. Were you thrilled to take on Izzy’s musical moment in drag? I was told you learned the French version and English version of “La Vie En Rose” for the episode.
I’d love to say I taught myself, but no, I don’t speak French at all to my shame, but my partner does, and I have a friend called Jenna Russell, who’s just played Edith Piaf in the West End. So between the two of them, they taught me how to [sing the song in French]. And it was just excruciating for both of them… how I bastardized the French language. And bless him, Samba [Schutte] as well was even there when we were doing the lip sync to the recording. Samba was kneeling down, out the shot telling me if my mouth was doing the wrong shape for some of [it]. I mean, it was that extreme, but we got there by the skin of our teeth. But it’s funny if you’d asked me for a song for Izzy, I would never in a million years have thought of “La Vie En Rose.” Now I couldn’t think of any song that suits him better.
What was the process like getting to find Izzy’s drag look? Because it doesn’t feel like he’s embodying a character, but rather an extension of himself.
Quite a lot, to be honest. Nancy [Hennah] first talked to me about it. The drag was on, it was off, it was on, it was off, it was on. It was off. And then when we got close to filming, the drag was on again, and I just didn’t want it to be a comedy. Not that she ever suggested it was, but there were versions of the ideas for the drag which were so extreme that it felt like a parody. And I didn’t want it to be a parody.
Here’s an exclusive for you. When Kristian [Nairn] and I shot the scene where I discovered Wee John doing his makeup, there was one take of the scene where we ended up looking in the mirror together, and I heard myself say, “Make me pretty.” And as gentle as that sounds, it had a profound effect on me because I suddenly realized that that part in [Izzy] that had never been announced before was wanting to announce himself and to be pretty while he was doing it.
And that became really important to me when we were designing the look. And between Nancy, our brilliant makeup designer, and Deb [Watson], my makeup artist, they came up with that look, which I think really honors Izzy as a character, but also made him pretty. It had a profound effect on me when I had myself say those words. I think it’s probably the first time Izzy has ever said the word pretty — and it was about himself. I mean, how lovely is that?
Izzy went through another transformation earlier this season with his peg leg. Was becoming the new “unicorn” of the Revenge vital for his character development this season?
Yeah, I’ve been thinking about this a lot today because I’ve been asked various questions around this theme. And what I think is lovely about Izzy’s arc or Izzy’s redemption is we don’t change who he was. It’s a version of who he was, who is now feeling gratitude and acceptance. And we can talk about the closet, whether it’s an emotional closet or a sexual closet. He comes out of the closet this season, figuratively and visibly, and every queer person has that story. They’re all different versions of the story, but the relief of the coming out process, it’s life-changing. That’s what Izzy does in this season, is he comes out and it’s had a profound effect on the audience. So many of them have already themselves or want to, or need to, and they let him, our writers let him. It’s lovely.
David had said following the finale that there’s no Our Flag Means Death without Izzy. Would you come back for a third season if asked? After all, this is the kind of show where a character can turn into a seagull, so surely there’s room for a ghost.
That’s a conversation you have to have with David. David is the boss on all of this, and I know David always wanted a Season 3. I would be heartbroken for the show if he didn’t get a Season 3 because it deserves it. It’s an important show. If Izzy’s involved, and if he isn’t, I still think it’s a really important show and it should be given its send-off season.
On a more light-hearted final note, we got to see Izzy interact more with Stede as a mentor. What was it like getting to build that dynamic with Rhys in Season 2?
I loved it. Do you know what? Rhys was brilliant in the first season, but in the second season, he just found some extra confidence and he really stepped up. He’s f**king brilliant in the second season, and working with him on those scenes, it was a joy. It was an absolute joy because he’s f**king landed so beautifully. And to be present with him in his newfound faith and confidence… it was joyful, and I think he’s awesome.
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helloaugustmoon · 6 months
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·˚ ◌༘͙[tiktoks] ! ˊ
- will update as and when good ones show up on the fyp -
these are tiktoks that I just know he would’ve been…
smooth criminal x moonwalker - the TRANSITIONS on this ??? pls don’t Mike will want to do a whole album of music videos based on this
moonwalker game - he would LOVE this
thriller - he’d find edits like this SO fascinating and cool, he’d want to watch every single one fr
dramatic billie jean - yk he’d use this as a tour opener that dramatic mf
smiling - he’d get so embarrassed and shy but if he thought too much about us loving his smile he’d probably cry
take my hands - knowing that we miss him so much and would do anything just to hold his hands would both break and warm Michael’s heart sm
comfy - he seemed so comfortable and relaxed during this interview, looking back on it via this clip would be something he really loved I reckon
hug - the fact so many of us would love nothing more than to hug him would make him so emotional
hug 2.0 - imagine not crying over this that’s crazy
not a star, a supernova - Mike would get sooo shy watching something like this but he would love the sincere appreciation
we miss you - this sentiment would make him cry and it’s made me cry too cheers
laughing at:
oh no - this is SO creative and Mike would find the use of his lyrics and ad-libs SO hilarious (my favourite tiktok of all time btw)
close to midnight - same as above
just an apple - same as above all of these are so creative man
holla back bitch - IK THE SOMG would have him clutching his PEARLS he’s all 😧🫢🤭
don’t call me twin - yk our petty king is LOVING this
fucked your bitch - the audio he’s GIGGLINGGG
see something you like baby? - MICHAEL. 🫵🏻🤨
leave your girl w him - he’s a gentleman but he’d BE giggling over this I’m sayin
bro movin like that - funny fan edits like this he’d find hilarious bc he’d love feeling normalised enough to joke around w in that context
clutching pearls - this “I don’t do dirty dancing” mf 🙄
me next - 👉🏻👈🏻
wtf did you just say & 👀 - IK he’s crackin up at these fr
too much goin on - GIGGLING at this audio and yk it too
double cheeked up - he saw this ?? lockin himself in Neverland so we never see him again literally
stevie said… - he KNOWS he’s petty he KNOWS IT
what a shmuck - this is one of my fav clips of all time he’s so sassy w it
did not circle that question - RIP Michael Jackson you would’ve loved to know you invented serving cvnt 🙏🏻😔
tf did you just fucking say - cont. from above 🙂‍↕️
the petty army - Ik he’s up there giggling every time we clear a bitch on his behalf
you are mine - HE KNOWS DAMN WELL 😭
WHO TF - he would LOVE, and I mean LOVE this. can hear him giggling fr
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Thrilled to hear there will be more naughty sleepovers! Might there be an entry forthcoming about dear Dougie aka James Douglass? Inquiring minds want to know!
Oooh Dougie my man, yes, yes thank you, I adore this fella! Come on in, bring in the beer and snacks, can’t have a dry slumber party in honor of this fella, that’s for certain. Special thanks to my contributors: @suraemoon @faegoddessog
Cock-versations || James Douglass Edition
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nsfw (AF!) below the cut:
Sordid details: Gosh, how many ways can I describe cocks? The thing is that my vocabulary will run out long before the sheer and varied abundance of cock types has been exhausted. So, while fearing becoming a little repetitive here -I must direct you to the fingers and proclaim: girth. A good average in length but he’s got such a lovely stretch to give and the capable tool is set in a bevy of black curls. Which makes it look pale in comparison, with a little pink tinge and a few startlingly blue veins winding around the pillar. He’s got a seemingly small tip again, by comparison. He likes to get his in some kind of kinky manner but frequency, that’s his highest priority. Pretty substantial balls but they're very tight and round.
A note on the wielder of the weapon: here we’ve got another man who will stand alongside Rosie in his ability and need to make you laugh during. “More rubbers than he can count??” Oh this ain’t his first rodeo and his enthusiasm for the sport exceeds his condom count -and sometimes his talent but eh, whatever. An unapologetic little shit, when y’all have time you’d best prepare to get the living daylights edged outta ya, he’s a terrible tease and now he’s become aware of the galgasm he’s all about going after it in typical bombardier style: accuracy and precision but a deep seated capability to adjust as needed and still be accurate -dynamite combo after some initial bumbling.
Ad libbing the pussy: King of the Quickie, he’s a very eager fella and he’s into some kinky shit, into impossible positions for the hilarity of it and happy to contort himself impossibly too. Quickies are a way of life for this guy, not that he doesn’t like to have long excursions into romance and intimacy but he needs his fill on the hour, so to speak, so he’s gotta sneak it in regularly in between. He’s so smooth about it too, can slip you away so quick, slip into you before you can say “Flynn!”. Now, now, it must be said that he asks so sweetly, he’s a real gem, but then when he’s at it it’s like a Labrador puppy humping a leg. His voice so soft and sweet just to ask to fuck you, because you’re so pretty and distracting and it does things to him, he never forgets how lucky he is to have you despite how frequently he makes use of your allowance.
1940’s Fucbois -they don’t make ‘em like they used to.
A Jabberer: he’s such a chatty bastard when he’s inside you too, chatting between grunts and moans. Some of it's downright looney but it’s all very grateful and very flattering. I mean come on Dougie, lemme hear about how you love how this pussy feels and now onto the score and then yes ask me if I’m down to go boating next week like -yes I can handle that, keep talking to me baby boy. Ain’t stingy with his compliments either so, that’s nice, loves to spin a yarn about how fabulous you are -sometimes that brand of fabulousness should not be shared at a funeral with all your aunts around.
A comment on finesse: He lets out a whole lotta “ya like that? ya like that?” and then he’s one of those unicorn men who actually keeps doing the motion you asked him to keep doing. You ask him to do something and immediately you got it just how you want it, he had to be shown a helluva lot initially but hey, we all start somewhere. We love a fast learner. He’s so down to try new things too, never be nervous or embarrassed to ask for something, you could ask if y’all can do it dressed in tiger onesies and he’s gonna be so stoked. It’ll be funny, you’ll probably get some bruises from falling around- what’s not to love?!
Oral: yeah, he’s a snacker- he’ll go down for sure, he’s also a story teller so best believe he’ll be talking to your pussy, anecdotes, mission funnies, all about the latest canned joke he heard -not saying that it’s the best pussy eating you’ve ever had but it certainly has a vibrating mouth action quality to it, lol. Sometimes you might need to tell him to hush and finish the job. Ya know what happens then? “Right right, sorry babe, gotcha,” -and if you forcefully bring his head back down? well, y’all may later need to discuss why that fed-up action made him blow his load untouched.
I’m not saying he wants you to sometimes act unimpressed so he has to work ten times harder and you still tell him he doesn’t deserve to cum but…he does like it, take it up with him I’m just the oracle
End notes: Just don’t bore this man, whatever you do, and you’ll be the one for him -he hopes. And then you can look forward to a life of ad lib pussy skills, impromptu fucking and improv switching.
-Will likely ask you to make him a sandwich after and will pester you to let him watch you and Dorace down the street have a uh…pool fight.
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1000sunnygo · 9 months
(1.6.2024) Mugiwara space vol. 17 feat. Kazuya Nakai and Kamiya Hiroshi highlights! I don't promise accuracy
Source (give it a listen if you have time! it has teasers to the new opening and ending)
Kazuya Nakai - Zoro || Kamiya Hiroshi - Law
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-It's Kamiya's second time in Twitter Space, previously he was with Mayumi Tanaka (Luffy). He says that last time he babbled a lot thanks to Mayumi san's presence, even though he forgot most of it by now (hmm how convenient that you forgot this, kamiya san 🤨)
-Anytime One Piece (the 24/7 YouTube broadcast of the episodes) has 150M views and already in its 4th lap having completed broadcasting all episodes 3 times.
-The entire Space focused on the two voice actors reading out a heap of letters from the animation staffs about the Zoro vs King and Kid-Law vs Big Mom episodes.
-Kamiya jokes about being slightly younger than Nakai and calling him "Nakai-kun" instead of "Nakai san". Funny that Kamiya's career as a voice actor is actually longer than Nakai's.
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-The Zoro vs King finale had 20000 frames in the episode which set a record. The movements were a lot more fluid and film-level. After all, often it's considered overwork if it crosses 5000 frames in a TV episode.
- The animators themselves tried out new things. It seems in one of the shots, Wado ichimonji's direction was reversed from the manga's direction as a realistic correction. Cue jokes about Zoro (and King's) long (long) attack names. Also, anticipation for legendary Mihawk vs Zoro to match the quality.
- Cutting to Kid-Law vs BM, Kamiya commented that it was scary that the fluidity of movements was so good that it made him wonder if that level of effort was necessary at all (he said it's like a Disney movie).
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(in case you didn't know, this scene was indeed animated by an animator who worked in Disney.)
- Kamiya says it was both fortunate and unfortunate that Mami Koyama (Big Mom) wasn't there with them in the booth (she recorded her part separately). Both Kamiya and Nakai agreed that they'd give up immediately if they were to confront against Mami Koyama somehow.
- Kamiya also noted that Big Mom used "ore" to call herself in the final scene ("I am Big Mom") - exerting dominance 💪 her falling scene was intentionally animated beautifully.
- 1066 was animated by people all over the world, so the time adjustments and language barrier was a challenge. Episode director Henry thurlow balanced it well. In his letter, Henry credited the animation director for adjusting a variety of art styles from all participating animators. It was his first time directing a One piece episode, in fact it's the first time a foreigner has directed an anime episode. He thinks the episode was successful.
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- Kamiya was calling Kidd "the extra budget man" for having his complicated-to-animate attacks costing extra budget 💸
-In the final scene vs Misery, Kamiya was asked to ad-lib breathing sound for Law. Kamiya immediately said "sure, got it". Regarding this, Kamiya said he loves doing ad-libs, it adds a little more life to the characters.
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- Finally, announcement for the upcoming Egghead arc debut in anime (Nakai was exhausted of reading letters so Kamiya took over to read director Nagamine's final letter lol)
- The Egghead arc would appear in a new artstyle. Unlike the serious WCI and Wano, there's a more relaxed, "fun adventure" vibe for the future adventure island. And the animators are finally free from the torture of drawing Kaido's scales (and the kimono design patterns) so they're in a relaxed mood having escaped wano 🌞 and entering "the cool future where zoro has long legs and wears dove shoes" 👢✨
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-(letter cont.) "..Also, about a certain change in Law! What will happen to his voice? It's an interesting future!"
Kamiya: Well, I just finished recording that. My voice is still cracking 😎 *nonchalantly continues reading*
Nakai: is it okay to spoil like that??
(fr Kamiya would not share Law's role with ANYONE even if he turns into a woman huh)
And that's it for the highlight!
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lukelusts · 7 months
Give us those sex headcanons, King.
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Ask and you shall receive.
Keeping in spirit with Mark Hamill's ad-libbed line for The Big Red One where he does "everything" with his left except to "shoot and play with his pecker," we'll say this is the same with Luke. The hilt of a lightsaber isn't the only hilt he is used to holding and tinkering with.
Despite not having sex prior to leaving Tatooine and potentially even later, Luke jerks off frequently and regularly. Teasing and bullying from growing up on Tatooine made him insecure to pursue relationships romantically- but he is well in touch with his urges.
Because of his nearly hairless figure, Luke doesn't mind growing out his pubes. Might as well have body hair somewhere, right?
Luke wore white briefs all his life, first on Tatooine, and then as standard issue gear from the rebels. He never thought to change; everyone jokes until they see what is being concealed underneath.
Luke is forced into his destiny and leadership; he is eager to help and fulfill what is asked of him. But once he starts pursuing his own sexual interests, he relishes in being passive and not having to act dominant in this aspect of life. But he's also willing to take charge (and with gusto) when he knows that is what his partner wants.
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vintagetvstars · 3 months
Gillian Anderson Vs. Nichelle Nichols
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Gillian Anderson - (The X Files) - GILLIAN MY QUEEN
Nichelle Nichols - (Star Trek) - She speaks for herself. Legendary, iconic, at the forefront of feminism and civil rights in the 60s, she is a triple threat who did so much more. She volunteered from 1977 to promote recruitment diversity within NASA, including some of the first female and ethnic minority astronauts. Martin Luther King Jr. compared her work on Star Trek as a 'vital role model' to the civil rights marches. She refused to be dismissed, fought for visibility and shone whilst doing so. As a woman in stem, and simply a woman she means the world and stars above to me.
Master Poll List of the Hot Vintage TV Ladies Bracket
Additional propaganda below the cut
Gillian Anderson:
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Nichelle Nichols:
She is the original badass babe. She was a black woman in a leading role on TV in the 60s, a trailblazer for black actresses for years to come. She is so beautiful and so awesome.
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she's fantastic. have you seen her? paved the way for black actresses on TV even while her lines and scenes were being cut and improvised the most iconic uhura line in the series. (sulu: "I'll save you, fair maiden!" uhura, pushing him away: "sorry, neither!") she's incredibly talented and it's a crime the show didn't give her more screen time (or make her sing more often because she also has a beautiful voice!)
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“Sorry, neither” in response to “fair maiden” was ad libbed by her. There’s a lot more I could say but what else do you need??
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A sci-fi icon!
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She was such a trailblazer, and Uhura was such an important character for so many people to be able to see on TV. Apparently Mae Jemison (the first African American woman to go into space) cited her as a reason she wanted to become an astronaut. She was just an absolute legend!
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The story of Martin Luther King telling her not to quit Star Trek gives me chills. Representation matters. “Thank you so much, Dr. King. I’m really going to miss my co-stars.” Dr. King's smile, Nichols recalled, vanished from his face. "He said, 'What are you talking about?'" the actress explained. "I told him. He said, 'You cannot,' and so help me, this man practically repeated verbatim what Gene said. He said, 'Don’t you see what this man is doing, who has written this? This is the future. He has established us as we should be seen. 300 years from now, we are here. We are marching. And this is the first step. When we see you, we see ourselves, and we see ourselves as intelligent and beautiful and proud.' He goes on and I’m looking at him and my knees are buckling. I said, 'I…, I…' And he said, 'You turn on your television and the news comes on and you see us marching and peaceful, you see the peaceful civil disobedience, and you see the dogs and see the fire hoses, and we all know they cannot destroy us because we are there in the 23rd Century.'"
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She shared the first interracial kiss on Star Trek, helped propel real life African American women into space-related careers, and looks divine in a mini skirt.
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mofffun · 1 year
I finished subs for the Oricion Talk with Spiders Jeremy! :D
Q&A with Ikeda Masashi
Toufu's hill of pickled turnip (ep11)
Impression of the 5 King-Ohgers
Rita's tips on vocing Moffun
Reviewing Twitter trends
Kaguragi's ad-lib
Gira is secretly a red panda?
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