#kirke deity
thebraided · 6 months
Invocation to Kirke I
Goddess who weaves: guide my hands and warp my loom, for all this I do in Your light.
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mysticvenus · 5 months
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i take my practice very seriously
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hermeneutas · 1 year
Como cultuar Kirkê?
Khaire philos!
Kirke ou Circe, a deusa-ninfa feiticeira da Odisséia tem poucos relatos de culto, mas primariamente de fontes romanas como Estrabão e Cícero. Não muito é conhecido sobre seu culto em específico, mas Estrabão relata que seu local de veneração era rico em ervas, chamado Kirkaeon.
Por esse relato podemos obter fontes de inspiração, como a oferta de ervas medicinais/mágicas, bem como amplo espaço para desempenhar o culto de forma pessoal e criativa, visto que não há hinos formalmente dirigidos à Deusa que tenham sobrevivido até os dias atuais, pelo que se sabe. Para praticantes de pharmakeia, fazer ofertas a Circe pode ser importante, particularmente se inspirando nos tipos de alimento provido pela Deusa na Odisséia (Vinho, queijo).
Curiosamente, Estrabão relata inclusive de um túmulo de Circe na região de Farmakosini, na Grécia, o que indicaria uma espécie de culto ctônico/heroico. Uma ocorrência incomum, visto que a maioria das fontes mitológicas ficam de acordo com seu aspecto enquanto divindade.
Cultuar uma deidade com poucos relatos pode ser desafiador, mas é um campo interessante para observar o vínculo criado com a deidade de forma mais íntima e pessoal. Desejamos boas venturas nessa jornada, espero que a resposta tenha lhe sido inspiradora!
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dustykneed · 8 months
i am attached to my daily posting streak to a worrying degree!! anyways the universe called and asked for stained glass mcspirk soldier poet king
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i do have some character analysis for these actually but thatll be tomorrows post because im all tuckered out (also happy bday deforest kelley!!)
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purpleenma · 3 months
Hello random citizen! Share a WIP of your work! [Only if you want :) ]
Hello anon! Sorry I didn't reply sooner but I just couldn't show the only WIP I had available till my participation in the Shore Leave T'hy'la Reverse Bang was released since it's related to that.
If you wanna know the full context please check my collab with CampySpaceSlime here and the main art here. ✨
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I'm not showing the full piece, just a sketch of T'Khasi's statue and the bed that plays a part in it, because I want it to be a surprise. But it'll be an extra artwork I couldn't finish in time for the release due to health issues (I'm better now), and there was no way I was just leaving it halfway done because I put a lot of thought and effort into it. Hopefully you'll see the final piece soon!
Also if you wanna see my T'Khasi's first sketches and/or know more about Vulcan deities also check this post I made in collab with CampySpaceSlime too. ✨
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dionysianlove7 · 1 year
My Devotional Playlists for Lady Hestia and Lady Kirke <3
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ironwitchpainter · 19 days
Star Trek: Planetary Perception and Pursuit, Episode 16: Athenean Interference
"The question you pose, Captain," Spock begins, his gaze fixed on the fading light of the eclipse, "regarding the Greco-Roman deity present on the training deck, is an intriguing one. It appears to be Athena, the goddess of wisdom, warfare, and the arts. Her presence here is curious, given the context of our mission and the emphasis on unity and diplomacy. Perhaps she serves as a reminder that even in times of peace, we must remain vigilant and prepared."
Spock turns to face Kirk, his expression thoughtful. "Athena is known for her strategic prowess and her role as a mediator. Her presence may symbolize the intellectual fortitude and diplomatic finesse required to maintain the balance we have achieved between Helios and Umbra." He pauses, his gaze drifting to the Heart of Unity orchid. "Her appearance could also serve as an allegory for the fusion of logic and emotion that has characterized our recent endeavors."
The Vulcan's voice is calm and measured, his words chosen with care. "While the existence of such beings is not within the realm of empirical science, their symbolic significance is not to be underestimated. The mythologies of Earth have often served as metaphors for human aspirations and values. This... encounter may be a reflection of the unity we have fostered among the stars."
The captain nods, his eyes never leaving the orchid's light. "Athena," he murmurs. "The goddess of strategy and peace. It seems fitting." He glances around the room, his gaze lingering on the faces of his crew. "We've come a long way, and we've learned so much. Let's take this knowledge with us as we continue our journey."
The crew nods in unison, their eyes reflecting the determination that has brought them this far. As the Enterprise sails into the vast sea of stars, they are ready for whatever the cosmos may throw their way, united by the light of friendship and the wisdom of the ancients.
Kirk's eyes widen in astonishment as he turns to Spock, his voice filled with a mix of skepticism and amazement. "Are you telling me, Mr. Spock, that there is an actual deity, a goddess, currently residing on my ship?"
Spock raises an eyebrow, his gaze never leaving the captain's face. "The term 'goddess' is perhaps a misnomer, Captain," he replies, his tone measured. "However, the entity on the training deck does appear to be an embodiment of the Greco-Roman deity Athena, known for her wisdom, strategy, and the promotion of peace."
Kirk runs a hand over his chin, his mind racing. "Well, that's certainly an unexpected twist to our mission," he says, his eyes reflecting the gravity of the situation. "But if she's here to help us maintain peace, then perhaps she's a welcome addition to our crew."
The Vulcan's expression remains stoic, but there's a flicker of something in his eyes, something that suggests he's considering the implications of his own words. "Indeed, Captain," he says. "The presence of such a being, regardless of its true nature, can serve as a powerful symbol of the unity and harmony we strive to achieve. It is a testament to the profound impact our actions have had on the cosmos.""
The crew exchanges glances, a mix of wonder and determination etched on their faces. They know that the presence of a mythological being on their ship is a rare and momentous event, one that could change the course of their lives and the fate of the galaxy. Yet, they are ready to face whatever comes next, united by the knowledge that together, they can conquer any challenge.
Captain Kirk, his curiosity piqued, makes his way to the training deck, his footsteps echoing through the corridors of the Enterprise. As the doors slide open, he's met with an astonishing sight: the gleaming marble and grand arches of ancient Rome have replaced the familiar steel and gleaming technology of the ship. The crew members present are equally surprised, their jaws dropping in disbelief as they gaze upon the transformation.
Kirk and Spock approach the figure that stands at the center of the deck, the very essence of wisdom and warfare: Athena, her eyes gleaming with an otherworldly intelligence. "What is it you want with us?" Kirk asks, his voice firm yet respectful.
Athena's gaze sweeps over them, a knowing smile playing at the corners of her lips. "I am here to guide and to test," she says, her voice resonant with the authority of the ages. "The path of unity is not an easy one, and I have witnessed the trials you have faced. But fear not, for the Heart of Unity orchid burns brightly within your ship, a beacon of hope in a vast and often hostile cosmos."
Her words hang in the air, laden with meaning. Kirk and Spock exchange a look, understanding that their mission has taken on an unforeseen dimension. "We are sworn to uphold peace and understanding," Kirk says, his hand resting on the butt of his phaser. "How can we serve you?"
Athena's smile widens, a knowing glint in her eye. "You serve by being true to yourselves and your convictions," she replies. "By embodying the virtues of unity and friendship, you become the living embodiment them. Together, you are the champions of balance in the universe."
The crew watches in awe as Kirk and Spock speak with the goddess, her words a clarion call to the very core of their Starfleet values. They realize that their journey has only just begun, and that the light of the Heart of Unity orchid will guide them through the trials that lie ahead. With newfound resolve, they stand united, ready to face whatever the stars may bring.
Athena, the goddess of wisdom, strategy, and peace, will test the crew of the Enterprise in various ways. Her challenges will be both physical and intellectual, pushing them to their limits and requiring them to work together in harmony. She may present them with riddles that can only be solved through the fusion of their diverse perspectives and knowledge, or orchestrate diplomatic scenarios that demand their utmost skill in negotiation and understanding. She might also lead them into combat simulations where their unity and trust in each other are the keys to victory. Her tests will serve to strengthen their bonds and their commitment to the cause of peace, ensuring that the Heart of Unity orchid's light continues to shine brightly. Through these trials, Athena will not only challenge the crew but also offer guidance and insight, helping them grow as individuals and as a cohesive unit. Her ultimate goal is to prepare them for the trials of the cosmos, where the balance of power and the fate of worlds may rest upon their shoulders. Each member of the crew will be called upon to embody the virtues that Athena represents, as they strive to maintain peace and harmony in the galaxy.
As Kirk and Spock stand before the ethereal figure of Athena, the rest of the crew finds themselves inexplicably drawn to the training deck. The once-familiar space has been transformed into a vast coliseum, reminiscent of ancient Rome, filled with the scent of sandalwood and the murmur of distant whispers. The walls shimmer with an otherworldly light, hinting at the simulation's divine origin. Athena, her presence commanding the space, addresses them with a knowing smile. "Welcome, champions of unity," she says, her eyes sparkling with an ancient wisdom. "You have faced great challenges and emerged stronger for it. But the universe is ever-changing, and so too must you adapt to face the trials that await."
Her voice booms through the space, and the walls of the simulation begin to shift, forming new landscapes and scenarios for each member of the crew. The air crackles with energy as they are thrust into situations that demand their full cooperation and ingenuity. Some find themselves navigating through a labyrinth of shifting walls, their trust in each other their only guide. Others are presented with complex puzzles that require the blending of scientific knowledge and diplomatic finesse.
The crew, though initially taken aback, quickly adapt to their new surroundings. They work tirelessly, their diverse skills and experiences melding into a cohesive force that seems to resonate with the very fabric of the simulation. Each challenge they face is met with a renewed sense of purpose and unity, their hearts beating in time with the pulse of the Heart of Unity orchid that burns steadfastly at the center of the ship.
Through these trials, Athena observes, her gaze sharp and assessing. Her tests are not just about overcoming obstacles; they are about finding balance within themselves and with each other. She knows that the true strength of Kirk's crew lies in their collective wisdom and their unshakeable bond, forged in the fires of adversity. As they navigate the ever-changing terrain of her creation, they come to understand that it is not power or technology that will ensure peace in the galaxy, but the power of friendship and unity.
The simulation is a microcosm of the universe, a place where the abstract concepts of harmony and balance are made manifest. It is here that the crew of the Enterprise, under the watchful eye of Athena, will hone their skills and their hearts, becoming the embodiment of the peace they seek to spread among the stars.
Uhura's melodious voice rings out in the arena, a song of unity and strength. Her music weaves through the challenges, acting as a beacon for her comrades. She sings in a blend of languages, her words carrying the weight of a hundred cultures, her notes resonating with the power of a thousand souls. The song is a tapestry of hope and friendship, a sonic reminder that they are not alone in their quest.
Her eyes closed, she feels the vibrations of the ship's systems and the crew's hearts, using her empathetic abilities to navigate the emotional currents of the simulation. Her voice reaches out to those in need, offering comfort and guidance, her music a balm to soothe their fears and bolster their resolve.
Uhura, finding herself alone in a tranquil glade, wonders how this can be a test of unity when she is so clearly isolated. But as she looks around, she sees the reflection of her crew in the shimmering leaves of the surrounding trees, their faces etched with determination and hope. She realizes that their unity is not merely physical; it is a bond that transcends space and time.
The air around her vibrates with whispers of the ancients, echoes of the countless souls who have sought balance and understanding. Her heart swells with the realization that she carries their collective strength within her. Her thoughts turn to her friends, her family, and the love they share.
With renewed resolve, she opens her eyes and begins to sing, her voice resonating through the simulation. The melody is one of unity, a song that calls forth the very essence of the Heart of Unity orchid. As her notes fill the air, the landscape around her begins to shift, the challenges becoming less about personal triumph and more about the interconnectedness of all things.
Uhura understands that her role is not just to communicate with others, but to be the very bridge that connects them. Her song becomes a conduit for their collective will, her voice a symbol of the unity that has become the Enterprise's greatest weapon. The simulation responds to her, the walls of the glade parting to reveal a path forward, a path illuminated by the light of the orchid.
With each step she takes, the voices of her crew meld with hers, their spirits joining in harmony. Together, they navigate the trials Athena has set before them, each challenge met with a unified chorus of determination and hope.
Scotty, ever the engineer at heart, finds himself in a vast, mechanical labyrinth. The air is thick with the scent of oil and metal, and the only sound is the rhythmic clanking of gears. He pulls out his trusty communicator, but the usual chirp is replaced by an eerie silence. "Uhura," he calls out, his voice echoing through the corridors, "can you hear me?"
He listens intently, his hand hovering over the communicator, but there's no response. His brow furrows, and he realizes that he's on his own in this part of the simulation. Scotty takes a deep breath, his eyes scanning the environment with the keen focus of a man who's spent a lifetime making order out of chaos.
The labyrinth seems to stretch on forever, a maze of pipes and wires that would baffle even the most seasoned engineer. But Scotty is not one to be deterred. He pulls out his tricorder, its blue glow casting shadows on the gleaming surfaces, and begins to map out the labyrinth.
As he works, he thinks of his ship, his pride and joy. The Enterprise is more than just a collection of parts to him; it's a living, breathing entity that he's tended to and cared for since he first set foot on board. He knows that their mission is not just to maintain her systems, but to embody the very spirit of unity she represents.
The walls of the maze begin to shift and twist, but Scotty remains unfazed. He's used to dealing with unpredictable technology and the occasional temperamental starship engine. His mind races, calculating the most efficient path forward.
The silence is deafening, but Scotty doesn't need to hear Uhura's voice to feel her presence. He knows that she's out there, fighting her own battles, her spirit entwined with his. He draws strength from this unspoken bond, and with each step, he feels the orchid's light growing stronger within him.
The path ahead is fraught with danger, but Scotty forges on, his footsteps echoing through the corridors like a heartbeat. He knows that he's not truly alone; the crew's unity is a force that transcends the walls of this simulation. And as he solves each puzzle, he feels the warmth of their collective triumph, the very essence of their friendship guiding him through the maze.
Scotty, deep in the bowels of the simulation, begins to sense a disturbing pattern. Every time he solves a puzzle or overcomes an obstacle, the ship's engines resonate with a faint vibration that seems to resonate with the very fabric of the Enterprise itself. It dawns on him that what he does here has a direct impact on his crewmates' challenges.
With newfound urgency, he redoubles his efforts, understanding that his success is tied to theirs. Each victory he achieves feels like a victory for the entire ship. He works tirelessly, his mind racing with calculations and hypotheses, his hands a blur of motion as he dismantles and rebuilds the intricate machinery around him.
The labyrinth is a mirror of the ship's systems, and Scotty navigates it with the ease of a man in his own home. Yet, he's acutely aware that his actions here have consequences elsewhere. He feels a sudden kinship with Athena, the goddess of strategy, understanding that she has crafted this challenge to remind them that their unity is not just a concept, but a tangible force that can shape the very universe.
The walls of the maze shiver and shake with the power of his resolve, the gears and pipes groaning in protest as he bends them to his will. Scotty's eyes widen as he realizes that he's not just fighting for himself; he's fighting for the very essence of the Enterprise and the ideals she represents.
His communicator crackles to life, and Uhura's voice fills the space, her song of unity a beacon in the darkness. The walls of the labyrinth begin to glow with the light of the Heart of Unity orchid, and Scotty knows that he's on the right path. He presses on, driven by the love and camaraderie that pulses through his veins, a silent promise to bring them all back together.
The simulation responds to his determination, the path ahead clearing as the light of the orchid grows stronger. His heart swells with pride as he realizes that their collective strength is more than just a metaphor; it's a tangible force that can overcome even the most daunting of challenges.
The maze shifts again, and Scotty finds himself face to face with a formidable challenge: a monolithic door sealed with ancient runes. He knows that this is not just a test of his engineering skills, but a test of his unity with his crew. He pauses, his eyes closed, and he can almost feel the warmth of their love and support, as if they were standing beside him.
With a deep breath, he opens his eyes and approaches the door, his hand reaching out to touch the cool metal. The runes pulse with the light of the orchid, and Scotty's mind opens to the collective wisdom of his shipmates. The answer comes to him, a solution that is not his alone, but born of their unity.
With a final, triumphant cry, he applies the last piece of the puzzle, and the door slides open, revealing the light of the Heart of Unity orchid, a beacon of hope that pierces the shadowy labyrinth. Scotty steps through, his heart full, knowing that together, they can conquer any challenge the cosmos has to offer.
Scotty's eyes narrow as he takes in the mechanical labyrinth, a knowing smile playing on his lips. "Aye," he murmurs to himself, "what is a labyrinth but a series of walls, eh?" His gaze sharpens, and he nods in understanding. These walls are not just physical barriers but representations of the divisions that have arisen among his crewmates.
He rolls up his sleeves, his hands itching to get to work. "Well," he says to the empty space, "I've seen more complex engines in my day." With a wink, he adds, "And I've put them all back together again."
The labyrinth is a puzzle, a challenge that speaks to his very soul as an engineer. Scotty approaches it with the same passion and dedication he has for the Enterprise, seeing the beauty in the chaos. His heart swells with love for his ship and his friends, and he knows that they are all in this together.
As he dismantles and reconstructs the space, the walls begin to shift and change, no longer a prison but a reflection of the unity he's fighting to restore. The clanking of metal and the whirring of gears become a symphony of unity, each note resonating with the light of the Heart of Unity orchid.
The labyrinth morphs under his touch, the walls melting away like ice in the face of a warm embrace. The path ahead is now clear, a testament to the power of their collective spirit. Scotty's heart swells with pride as he steps through the last archway, his crew's faces reflected in the gleaming surfaces of the now open space.
The light of the orchid envelops him, and he feels the warmth of their friendship, the bond that has carried them through so much. He knows that together, they can break down any barrier, overcome any challenge. The Heart of Unity orchid's light grows brighter with each victory, a beacon to guide them through the trials of the cosmos.
Spock, ever the stoic Vulcan, finds himself in a serene chamber, the air thick with the scent of incense and the soft hum of meditative chants. The walls are adorned with ancient texts that seem to pulse with a strange, otherworldly energy.
He raises an eyebrow, not one for the mystical, but he's learned to appreciate the value of different perspectives. He takes a deep breath, centering himself as he would before a game of chess.
The texts before him are a puzzle, one that requires not just his vast knowledge but the collective wisdom of his crew. He closes his eyes, reaching out with his mind, seeking the thoughts of his friends. He finds Kirk, Uhura, McCoy, and the others, their thoughts a cacophony of fear and determination.
Spock focuses his thoughts, reaching out to each of them in turn. He feels their love, their trust, their unity. It's a sensation that defies logic, yet he knows it to be true. He opens his eyes, the ancient texts now clear and understandable.
The words are a riddle, a puzzle that speaks of balance and harmony. Spock reads them aloud, his voice steady and calm, as he works through the problem. Each sentence is a piece of the puzzle, each word a step closer to victory.
The walls of the chamber begin to glow with the light of the Heart of Unity orchid, and Spock knows that he's on the right track. He shares his findings with his crewmates through their psychic link, their thoughts melding into a cohesive strategy.
Together, they navigate the riddle, their collective intellect a shining beacon in the simulation. The texts begin to rearrange themselves, the puzzle falling into place as they speak the final incantation. The chamber shudders, and the light of the orchid grows stronger, filling the space with a warm, golden glow.
Spock opens his eyes to find the chamber transformed into a library of knowledge, the ancient texts now a bridge to understanding. He knows that this is not just a victory for logic but for the unity of all living things. He steps out, ready to face whatever challenge Athena has in store for them next, his heart and mind in perfect harmony with his crew.
McCoy, a man of science and skepticism, finds himself in a place that defies both. He's in a garden, lush with plants that seem to whisper secrets to him. The air is thick with the scent of life, and the sound of distant laughter fills his ears.
He looks around, his hand resting on the ghost orchid Spock had given him, feeling the warmth of the alliance it represents. Athena's voice echoes in his mind, a gentle reminder of the unity he's worked so hard to cultivate.
He walks through the garden, each step revealing a new wonder, a new piece of the puzzle. The plants speak to him, sharing their knowledge of healing and balance. His medical mind races with the implications, the potential to bring peace not just to feuding worlds but to the very fabric of the galaxy itself.
McCoy feels the weight of his past, the loss of his family, the bitterness of his heart. But here, in this place of unity, those wounds begin to heal. He sees Spock, his dearest friend, and feels the warmth of his love.
He knows that this is more than just a simulation; it's a reflection of the future they're fighting for. A future where love and friendship can conquer even the darkest of shadows.
With a deep breath, he reaches out to the Heart of Unity orchid, his hand trembling with emotion. The light floods into him, filling the cracks in his soul, healing the scars of his past. He feels the love of his friends, the strength of their bond, and knows that together, they can achieve anything.
The garden shifts, the plants now standing tall and proud, a living monument to their unity. The laughter grows louder, and McCoy sees the faces of his crew, their smiles a testament to the peace they've found within themselves.
He steps forward, joining them on the bridge of understanding, ready to face whatever lies ahead. The light of the orchid envelops them all, and Athena's smile widens. They have passed her test, not as individuals but as a collective force for good.
McCoy, feeling a strange kinship with the Heart of Unity orchid, wanders through the simulation's arena, his eyes scanning the flora with a doctor's precision. He collects samples, each one resonating with the essence of his crewmates. He selects a bouquet for Jim, knowing it will ease his allergies and remind him of the simple beauty of the natural world. For Spock, he finds a traditional Vulcan herb, one that could provide comfort during moments of intense emotion. For Uhura, a melodious bloom that he knows will soothe her throat.
McCoy, feeling a profound connection to the Heart of Unity orchid, carefully moves through the lush simulation, his eyes scanning the verdant foliage with a doctor's discerning gaze. His heart swells with the intention of collecting bits of these extraordinary plants, each specimen chosen with a specific crew member's well-being in mind. He plucks a delicate blossom, knowing it will alleviate Kirk's persistent allergies and remind him of the simple, unspoken beauty of the natural world. For Spock, he finds an ancient Vulcan herb, one that could offer solace during moments of intense emotional upheaval. And for Uhura, whose voice is the ship's soul, he selects a melodious bloom that promises to ease the strain of her vocal cords, ensuring her harmonious communications continue to resonate through the stars. Each plant whispers of its purpose, and McCoy listens, his hand steady and sure as he gathers the healing gifts.
The act of collecting these specimens becomes a ritual, a silent promise to his friends that he will always stand by them, that their unity is not just a concept but a tangible force capable of transcending the boundaries of space and time.
The garden seems to respond to his intentions, the plants stretching towards him as if eager to be of service. McCoy's eyes twinkle with the joy of discovery, and he feels the warmth of the orchid's light deep within him, filling the cold, cynical corners of his heart with hope.
As he gathers the last of the plants, the arena around him shifts again, the walls dissolving to reveal a path lined with the very essence of unity. He knows that together, they can conquer any challenge the cosmos throws their way.
The crew's collective sigh of relief is palpable as they step out of the simulation, their hearts and minds forever changed by the experience. McCoy clutches his bouquet tightly, a physical reminder of the bonds they've forged and the unity they've found.
The light of the Heart of Unity orchid follows them like a loyal companion, a beacon of hope in the vastness of space. McCoy looks around at his friends, his eyes glistening with unshed tears. "Well," he says gruffly, "looks like we've got ourselves a green thumb after all." His Southern drawl thick with emotion, he shares a knowing smile with Spock, the weight of their shared experience a bond that no words can fully express.
Kirk, alone in a simulation designed by Athena to challenge his unity, finds himself in a stark, monochrome environment. The only color is the faint glow of the Heart of Unity orchid in the distance. He takes a deep breath, feeling the weight of his crew's trust resting on his shoulders.
He starts to walk towards the light, each step echoing through the barren landscape. The silence is deafening, a stark contrast to the usual hum of the Enterprise's engines. His thoughts drift to his friends, their diverse backgrounds, and the shared experiences that have shaped them into the unshakeable team they are today.
The ground beneath him begins to tremble, and the world around him starts to shift. Obstacles emerge from the shadows, but Kirk remains unfazed. He's faced no-win scenarios before, and he knows that unity is their greatest weapon. He calls out to his crew, his voice a beacon in the desolate space.
The simulation responds to his call, the air thickening with the energy of their collective will. The Heart of Unity orchid's glow grows stronger, and Kirk feels a surge of hope. The obstacles before him now seem insignificant compared to the bond that unites them all.
He reaches the orchid, and as he touches it, the world around him changes. The monochrome fades into a riot of color, the echoes of his steps become a symphony of their combined strength. The light of the orchid envelops him, and he feels the warmth of his crew's love, their unity a force that can conquer any challenge.
With newfound resolve, Kirk steps out of the simulation, ready to face whatever the cosmos has in store for them. He knows that together, they can navigate the stars, bringing peace and understanding to the galaxy. The Heart of Unity orchid now burns brighter than ever, a symbol of their unyielding friendship and commitment to each other.
Kirk's test in the simulation is one of isolation and introspection. The stark, monochrome environment reflects the potential for division within his crew, while the faint glow of the Heart of Unity orchid in the distance represents the beacon of unity they strive for. As he moves through the landscape, the ground shakes and obstacles manifest, symbolizing the challenges they face as a diverse group of individuals.
Through his unwavering belief in their collective strength, Kirk's voice pierces the silence, reaching out to his friends and drawing upon their collective will. The world around him transforms, the shadows giving way to a vibrant tapestry of color as the orchid's light grows more intense. This visual metamorphosis represents the overcoming of their personal barriers and the solidification of their bonds.
Finally, by physically touching the Heart of Unity orchid, Kirk demonstrates his willingness to embrace unity and his understanding that their strength lies in their diversity. The light of the orchid envelops him, a tangible manifestation of their love and support. This moment underscores the significance of their shared experiences and their unbreakable friendship, which is the foundation of their success as a Starfleet crew.
Her gaze sweeps over them, and for a moment, it seems as if she can see into the very depths of their souls. "But remember," she warns, "the universe is vast and complex, and not all battles are won by unity alone."
The air around them shifts, and the Heart of Unity orchid's light dims. Athena's eyes narrow, and she speaks with an urgency that sends a shiver down their spines. "A cosmic event approaches, one that will challenge not just your unity, but the very essence of who you are as individuals. You must be prepared to face it with both your collective strength and your own unique wisdom."
The simulation fades, and the crew finds themselves back on the Enterprise, the Heart of Unity orchid now a permanent fixture in their arboretum. The room is silent, the weight of Athena's words hanging heavily in the air. Kirk, his hand still on the orchid, looks to his friends, a new determination in his eyes.
The Heart of Unity orchid, now a living testament to their triumph, pulses with an energy that seems to whisper of the trials ahead. But the crew is ready, their bond stronger than ever, a beacon of hope in the vast expanse of the cosmos. They know that whatever comes their way, they will face it together, as one.
The crew exchanges concerned glances, their hearts racing with the gravity of her words. Kirk, ever the optimist, steps forward, his hand resting on the glowing orchid. "What enemy is this, Athena?"
Athena's gaze turns inward, as if peering into the very fabric of time itself. "This adversary is not of one world or one people," she explains. "It is a force that feeds on discord and division, threatening to unravel the very fabric of the galaxy."
The Heart of Unity orchid dims slightly, as if in acknowledgment of the shadow that has been cast upon them. The crew feels a chill run down their spines, their unity now a stark contrast to the looming darkness.
"You must be vigilant," Athena continues, her voice resonating with the gravity of her warning. "Strengthen your bonds, for they are the threads that will hold you together when all else falls apart. Prepare yourselves, for the time will soon be upon you, and it is within this event that the enemy shall reveal itself."
The room is silent as her image fades, leaving the crew to contemplate the gravity of her message. They know that the battles ahead will be unlike any they've faced before, and that their unity will be their most powerful weapon. Yet, they stand ready, their hearts bound by friendship and their spirits forged by the light of the Heart of Unity orchid, a beacon of hope amidst the encroaching shadows.
The tension in the room dissipates as Athena's serious demeanor shifts to one of mischief. She laughs, a sound that seems to resonate with the very stars themselves. "But fear not, for in the grand tapestry of existence, even the most dire of warnings must be balanced with moments of levity!"
Her eyes sparkle with mirth as she continues, "It is time for a pause from your solemn duties, a brief interlude of joy and camaraderie. Prepare yourselves for a night of revelry and silliness!"
The simulation dissolves around them, and the Heart of Unity orchid's light dims, only to be replaced by a warm, inviting glow. The crew finds themselves in a whimsical Starfleet Shore Leave Facility, designed to cater to their every whim and fancy. The walls are adorned with images of their past adventures, and the air is filled with the smell of popcorn and the sound of laughter.
Athena's form flickers, and she winks out of existence, leaving behind a trail of stardust that settles on the floor. The Enterprise crew looks around in amazement, their spirits lifting. They know that they must remain vigilant, but for now, they can indulge in the simple pleasures of friendship and fun.
The Shore Leave Facility is a place where they can shed their titles of cosmic ambassadors and be just a group of friends, sharing jokes, swapping stories, and letting their hair down. It's a place where Kirk can race his fast cars without worrying about the fate of the galaxy, where Spock can indulge in the illogical art of dance, and where McCoy can play a round of poker without the interruptions of his medical bay duties.
As they disperse into the whimsical wonderland, the Heart of Unity orchid's light casts a soft glow over them, a reminder of the unity that holds them together. For now, the cosmos can wait, and they can simply be themselves, ready to face whatever the universe throws their way with humor, love, and the unbreakable bond that is the true heart of their mission.
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shanastoryteller · 9 months
Seasons Greasons be upon ye! ❄️⛄️ Can I request a little Sybok and Jim buddy au? Throw Spock in there too he feels lonely without his T’hy’la
a continuation of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Spock is having a perfectly normal and pleasant conversation with Cadet Uhura when there's a cool hand on the back of his neck and he tenses before being flooded with feelings of affection and amusement.
"Sybok," he says evenly.
Their father had discouraged physical touch between them when Spock was a child. He'd worried that Sybok's unrestrained emotions and blatant disregard for societal customs would rub off on him.
Perhaps the distance would have been easier to do endure if their father had told him that, but he does not know. In any case, he cannot help from finding it comforting now, despite the lack of propriety.
"Spock," Sybok returns, a grin on his face that's most unbecoming.
Cadet Uhura is staring, jaw an inch lower than typical.
Sybok at least offers her the ta'al instead of something mortifying. "Apologies for my younger brother's rudeness. I am Sybok."
He would have introduced them. Sybok merely caught him off guard.
Cadet Uhura seems to shake off her surprise and offers him a beatific smile of her own. She copies his ta'al flawlessly. "Not at all, sir. It's a pleasure to meet you. Your writings are most interesting."
She's read his brother's thesis? He had not known that Cadet Uhura was a practitioner of masochism.
Whatever horrible response this would have pulled from his brother is interrupted by an excited shout of, "SYYYYYBOK! BOK BOK BOK!"
Spock is aware that the last syllable of his brother's name is also the sound humanity has associated with chickens.
He'd still never anticipated it being clucked at him in such a manner.
He looks over to see James Kirk sprinting in their direction while Cadet McCoy tries and fails to stop him, shouting and reaching for him but James Kirk is out of his reach.
Cadet Uhura scowls, shoulders going back and her eyes narrowing.
Sybok's face lights up and he looks behind him. "Jimmy!"
James Kirk reaches them, grabs onto his brother's shoulders, and vaults himself up so his legs are wrapped around Sybok's waist and he's draped across his back. "You asshole! Why didn't you tell me you were on world? Fuck you."
"Where's the fun in that?" Sybok asks, seemingly unconcerned with the way James Kirk is draped across him.
Cadet McCoy reaches them then bends over, bracing his hands on his knees and gasping for air, "Jim."
James Kirk raises an eyebrow.
"Stop," he pants, pointing a finger in his direction, "this."
Cadet Uhura slowly moves her gaze across each of them, looking back and forth between Sybok and James Kirk several times. "Do you ... know each other?"
Vulcans have a religion of sorts, although it's more a series of ritual for the dead than anything formal, and there is no worshipping of any sort of deities. That sort of impracticality was purged from the society with Surak's teachings. Should he wish to indulge in such things, which he does not, his mother's family has long been disciples of Judaism.
Despite this, he has the sinking feelings that he's in hell.
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rubyroboticalt · 2 months
Minecrafters grab your pickaxes, and catch up on the QBLR QUATERLY!
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What's up guys, update just dropped! It sure is something to try and decipher, huh. We've got pages of new stuff to go over, so let me learn you a thing about all the events and mishaps that happened on the server this week! This is the last week of the server, and that makes this the last news broadcast of QBLRSMP. Let's make it a good one.
Clenex builds a beautiful and technically impressive manor complete with overgrown ivy and beautiful landscaping. Splat is about to fight 3 wistivers and will post the fight after.
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Subwayy opens selling fresh sandwiches. The statue garden is complete! What beautiful work. A strange white salmon arrives at Oreos' tea party. Freddy fazbear is sacrificed at a strange ice church.
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Niccels completes four pixel arts of some eggs! Vexinoux and angel borninhell are married by positron. Hivi and Grunk t-pose on Inc while in cosplay.
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The QBLR Olympics are held! There are five games, and athletes from France, Mexico, and Wales compete for medals. Games included archery, a running race, boat race, sumo, and a scavenger hunt. There isn't even any rampant intersexism and misogynoir, unlike SOME olympics.
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Dollie has some fun with an elytra. Sweetpea celebrates a three-month birthday! The strange white fish crashes this too. King wins the FOV competition this week, how do you live like this. Is that Gay Bowser?
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The Mango Deity is killed by Millie, a warden occupying Pewen's soul. Salem acquires the longest Bad Omen I've seen yet. Sunny feeds their pet lobster some yummy food. Teivel's beloved fish Ironmouse and Cellbit have passed away in a pair of unfortunate accidents. Bibi is being sued for a Cubitos with Disabilities Act violation, though if the hearing can be scheduled before the server end is yet to be seen.
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XP's build is not centered properly. Fortunately, at least for the news, I can't see the error. Keep in mind I am low vision. Teivel creates their own homunculus! King has a pool party with the deep ones. A game of Hallways is held! Don't let the hall monitors catch you.
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Kirk finishes the frog castle! And all of its related lore.
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That's not the end of this week, but that is the maximum number of images allowed per post. So, here's part two!
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talonabraxas · 6 months
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Circe (Kirke) Talon Abraxas The Sorceress Circe ​Of the three female sorceresses, Circe, Pasiphae and Medea, Circe was regarded as the most powerful of the three, and able to concoct powerful potions, but Circe was also said to have power to hide the sun and moon as she willed.
​Circe was also known to call upon the assistance of “dark” deities, in the form of Chaos, Nyx and Hecate.
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sixteenseveredhands · 2 years
Gold Tablet from the Temple of Ištar in Aššur, Assyria (modern-day Iraq) c.1243-1207 BCE: this tablet was discovered within the foundations of the ancient temple; it measures just over 3cm (1in) in length
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The cuneiform inscription honors King Tukulti-Ninurta I, who had ordered the construction of the temple, and describes how the building was constructed. This is just one of the many items that had been buried around the temple with similar inscriptions.
As this article explains:
Most of [the inscriptions installed in the temple] would not have been visible while the temple was still in use, as they were laid into the sanctuary’s foundations or walls. Tukulti-Ninurta commissioned a great number of objects carrying variations of the inscription commemorating his achievement of erecting the new temple.
The practice of depositing inscriptions directed at the gods as well as future generations had become a central element of the temple building process since the Early Dynastic Period, and was employed to immortalize the ruler by eternally associating his name with a monumental building such as the Ištar temple - a process that also transformed a sanctuary into a votive object dedicated to a deity.
It took several hours of searching (i.e. scouring through old artifact catalogs) for me to find a direct translation of the inscription on this particular tablet, and I could basically only find it in a PDF of an old bibliographic manuscript that isn't even in print anymore, but here it is:
Tukulti-Ninurta, king of the universe, king of Assyria, son of Shalmaneser, king of Assyria: at that time the temple of the goddess Ištar, my mistress, which Ilu-šumma, my forefather, the prince, had previously built — that temple had become dilapidated. I cleared away its debris down to the bottom of the foundation pit. I rebuilt from top to bottom and deposited my monumental inscription. May a later prince restore it and return my inscribed name to its place. Then Aššur will listen to his prayers.
This tablet was stolen from the Vorderasiatisches Museum in Berlin back in 1945, during the chaotic final days of WWII. It was then lost for almost 60 years before it finally re-emerged in 2006, when a Holocaust survivor named Riven Flamenbaum passed away and the tablet was found among his belongings. According to his family, Flamenbaum had gotten the tablet from a Soviet soldier (in exchange for two packs of cigarettes) at the end of the war.
In 2013, following a lengthy legal battle between Riven Flamenbaum's family and the Vorderasiatisches Museum in Germany, a court in New York ordered the family to return the tablet back to the museum.
Sources & More Info:
Albert Kirk Grayson: Assyrian Rulers of the Third and Second Millennia BC (to 1115 BC) (the translation appears on p.261)
Daniel Luckenbill: Ancient Records of Assyria and Babylonia, Volume 1 (PDF download; p.65 contains relevant info)
CTV News: 3,000-year-old Assyrian Gold Tablet Returned to German Museum
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anonymousewrites · 11 months
Logos and Pathos Halloween Special 2023
Spock x Reader
            “Alright, everyone,” said Kirk, walking in front of landing party. “We’re going to be heading down to the surface of Luguna. Starfleet has already made contact in the past, so we know that they are a friendly planet.”
            The landing party relaxed. For once they weren’t going to a planet for an emergency call or a crisis.
            “We have been invited to an old holiday celebration by the Lugunians,” continued Kirk. “It’s called the ‘Day of Masquerade.’ They dress up people as deities from their religion and mythology and celebrate their beliefs with a feast and dancing.”
            Uhura smiled. “It reminds me of Halloween from back on Earth,” she said.
            Chekov nodded. “Russian Halloween was always the best.”
            “Clearly you haven’t been to an old country celebration of it,” said Bones.
            “Aye,” agreed Scotty.
            “What is Halloween?” asked (Y/N) curiously.
            “It came from an old pagan holiday and now it’s where people dress up in fun costumes and eat candy and dance,” said Kirk, smiling.
            “Fascinating. In most cultures, holidays serve a specific purpose, but this one seems to lack such a reason,” observed Spock from beside (Y/N).
            “Maybe it’s about hedonism,” said (Y/N), teasing the humans with Spock.
            “Perhaps,” he said.
            “Oh, god, he’s learning to tease us,” said Bones, horrified at Spock so at ease with (Y/N).
            Kirk just laughed as Spock straightened, a bit affronted at the implication he used emotions. “Alright, alright, let’s go.”
            The landing party stepped into the Transporter and dematerialized, reappearing on the planet below.
            The Lugunians, dressed a wide array of colors and outfits, smiled and shook their hands. They excitedly offered clothes and accessories to the Starfleet officers. (Y/N) smiled as the warmth of joyous emotions spread over them.
            “Please, join us in our celebration!” said one Lugunian, wearing a large crown of flowers pinned to their coily hair. “We’ve prepared costumes for you all.”
            (Y/N) smiled as several Lugunians held out an outfit to them. “We’d be honored.” They smiled at Spock and brushed a hand over his arm. “I’ll be right back.”
            “As will I,” said Spock as several other Lugunians began to hand him an outfit.
            (Y/N) chuckled and smiled at him before following the Lugunians to change.
            “Well, Jim, these are some getups they got us in,” said Bones. He wore a loose tunic in a pale blue with a green robe wrapped around him. “Apparently we’re dressed as deities like they are.”
            “Yep!” said Kirk, smiling. He had a white chiffon robe strung half across his chest ending in a long skirt on, and a gold arm brace strapped to him. “I’m the god of protection and loyalty.”
            Bones snorted at how appropriate that was for the fiercely protective captain before him. “They’re damn good at giving us costumes. I’m the god of health and liveliness.”
            “They definitely got me right,” said Uhura, walking up to them. She wore a dress that swirled in reds, oranges, and yellows at the top and blues, greens, and purples at the bottom. Golden bracelets hung from her arms, and she spun and posed. “I’m the goddess of beauty and love.”
            “I’m the god of sport!” said Chekov, sporting a tunic or red and sandals with wings.
            “Well, Captain, I don’t quite understand it, but I’m the god of wisdom,” said Scotty, wearing a grey tunic with a smelter’s apron overtop.
            Kirk suppressed a chuckle, and Bones snorted. “Well, Scotty, you do love understanding the Enterprise and technology.”
            “I suppose, sir,” said Scotty.
            “Hello, Captain,” said Spock, approaching the group after he finished changing.
            Bones grinned. “Well, well, well, what did they put you into?”
            “According to the Lugunians, I’m the god of hunting and providing,” said Spock. He had a deep blue tunic on with a leather harness for a bow on.
            “What a coincidence. I’m the deity of nature,” said (Y/N), appearing beside Spock. He turned and paused. (Y/N) grinned at him and put their hands on their hips. “What do you think?”
            They had on makeup to make them look like a deer, and they had a brown dress that shone gold in the sun that hung loosely around their knees. Vines wrapped around their legs and arms to complete the nature deity look. With their natural gold eyes, (Y/N) embodied nature perfectly.
            “You look amazing!” said Uhura, grinning.
            “It definitely fits your personality,” said Bones.
            (Y/N) stepped up to Spock and cocked their head. He nodded and spoke quietly so the others didn’t hear. “You look nice.”
            “Thank you, Spock,” said (Y/N). “You look very nice, too.”
            Spock inclined his head in thanks.
            Around them, music started up, and the Lugunians began dancing, quickly drawing the rest of the landing party in until (Y/N) and Spock were the only ones left. (Y/N) hummed along and swayed to the music.
            “You should dance,” said Spock. “You are clearly inclined to.”
            “I’d rather dance with someone,” said (Y/N), smiling at him.
            Spock blinked. “I am unaccustomed to dancing.”
            “I can help you,” said (Y/N).
            Spock hesitated but a moment. “Very well.” For them, he was willing to try something new.
            (Y/N) grinned, leaned up, and kissed his cheek. It was a thank you for going along with what they wanted. When they stood back, Spock reached out and took their hand. His fingers brushed theirs in a Vulcan kiss, an admittance of soft affection.
            (Y/N) smiled and held his hand tighter before pulling him to the dancing. Pure love from his emotions filtered into them from their connected hands, and in the soft golden glow of the sun and their love, they began to dance together.
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verdemoun · 3 days
is there like a comprehensive guide somewhere about the timewarp au thing because i keep seeing you post about it but i've only been following you for a little while so i'm not at all as caught up on the lore as i'd like to be 💔 could you maybe summarise the most basic important info and aspects of it like you were explaining it to a complete outsider ?
I will hopefully be making one is the not too distant future because timewarp definitely got way bigger than I ever anticipated and is still providing me loads of fun to write. pinned post coming in the next month hopefully and a better tagging system so people can find stuff easier
origins: timewarp part 1, timewarp part 2, how does death work in timewarp, timewarp timeline
td;lr: the van der linde gang and other important characters from rdr canon are transported exactly 100 years into the future from their moment of death - which may or may not be due to the whims of magical time travelling quasi-deity josiah trelawney
as part of timewarping the gang still experience and remember their deaths and the events of canon. they also often need to wait years to be reunited following the dates of canon wherever possible, and pass the time learning how to live in modern era and otherwise getting up to antics they didn't have time to while outlaws.
the canon timewarp cast, in rough order of death: bessie matthews, annabelle, eliza, isaac morgan, mac callander, davey callander, jenny kirk, jake adler, sean macguire, kieran duffy, hosea matthews, lenny summers, molly o'shea, susan grimshaw, arthur morgan, eagle flies, karen jones, alden carruthers, leopold strauss, micah bell iii, sadie adler, charles smith, abigail (addie) marston jr, javier escuella, bill williamson, dutch van der linde, uncle, john marston, abigail marston, jack marston.
some funky ocs who turn up: kai bell (descendant of amos bell), maeve macsummers (daughter of sean macguire and karen jones), lucy shelley (molly o'shea's wife)
characters who did not timewarp due to me thinking they deserve a fix-it happy ending in canon era: mary-beth gaskill, tilly jackson, simon pearson, reverend swanson, rains fall, mary linton.
i will however answer asks about how i think absolutely any character would react to being timewarped (special shoutout to darragh macguire)
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"The Day Of The Jackal Series Trailer Has Eddie Redmayne As A Master Assassin".
By Ben Travis for Empire online, July 29th, 2024.
We’ve seen Eddie Redmayne in all kinds of modes over the years – as genius physicist Stephen Hawking in The Theory Of Everything, as introverted wizard Newt Scamander in the Fantastic Beasts films, as a megalomaniacal space deity in Jupiter Ascending. But now, we’ll see him in an all-new light – the series adaptation of classic ‘70s thriller film The Day Of The Jackal has Redmayne as its titular Jackal, a master assassin whose sharp-shooting exploits find him hunted down by the authorities. Here, that’s Lashana Lynch’s intelligence officer Bianca, ready to embark on a cat-and-mouse chase to take the Jackal down.
The series is a new adaptation of Frederick Forsyth’s novel of the same name (previously re-adapted as 1997 Bruce Willis-starring film The Jackal), but swaps the ‘70s setting for the current political climate. Top Boy creator Ronan Bennett is on writing duties, with Brian Kirk (formerly behind multiple early episodes of Game Of Thrones) in the director’s chair, while the cast also includes Thrones’ Charles Dance, Guardians 3 villain Chukwudi Iwuji, and Richard Dormer. The series will be available on Sky in the UK, and will arrive on Peacock in the States.
Here’s the official synopsis: “An unrivalled and highly elusive lone assassin, the Jackal, (Eddie Redmayne) makes his living carrying out hits for the highest fee. But following his latest kill, he meets his match in a tenacious British intelligence officer (Lashana Lynch) who starts to track down the Jackal in a thrilling cat-and-mouse chase across Europe, leaving destruction in its wake.” The Day Of The Jackal comes to Sky (and Peacock) from 7 November.
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trainsinanime · 11 months
When it comes to musing about the philosophy of fanfic, there's a huge problem because it's not clear what fanfic is. What's the first fanfic? Depends. Dante's Divine Comedy is absolutely not fanfic, and it also absolutely is fanfic, depending on who you ask and sometimes at what time of day you ask them. The "Complete Works of William Shakespeare (Abridged)" is fanfic, as is every modern staging of them, and also the original Shakespeare plays themselves, except all of that is ludicrous. And so on and on.
There are millions of different definitions, but for the purposes of simplicity, we can say that there are two: The broad definition and the narrow definition.
Broadly, something like fanfic has been around for as long as people have told stories. People tell stories, and others repeat them, retell them, and in retelling change them, or tell new stories with their favourite heroes. If you look into any of the ancient myths of ancient deities, they're always stories like that, created piece-wise over centuries, written by different people and often contradict each other. The legend of Arthur has been through numerous iterations, each adding their own spin on things. Most of Shakespeare's plays are based on older stories. Both English and German have plays about Doctor Faustus that are considered crucial pieces of literature that are completely different. And so on.
The narrow view of Fanfic is to look at the modern practice, which is generally believed to have started with Star Trek shipping and has found its current home mostly on Ao3. This form of fanfic is really its own genre of literature, with fixed tropes (there was only one bed), a heavy focus on romance instead of new adventures and so on. It exists in constant tension with copyright law. It's based (mostly) on commercial brands and commercial products and puts its own spin on them. We've all read and often written it.
Which view of fanfic you prefer depends on what you want to talk about. Both have their flaws.
The first version is so broad that it encompasses all of storytelling on some level. That can be the point, but it can also make it completely useless.
The second version on the other hand is too narrow and too limited. For example, there are plenty of Star Trek fans writing fanfic who aren't interested in, or even aware of, Spock/Kirk or other romance stuff. Even the simple question "is an abridged version of an anime a fanfic?" becomes hard and "hm it depends" if you see fanfic purely through the lens of Fanfiction.net and Ao3.
But ultimately it really depends. If you're talking about the trends on Ao3, then looking at the Ao3-specific definition makes a lot of sense. If you want to talk about whether fanfic is a legitimate endeavour, using the all-encompassing definition is correct. In the end the answer to "is this thing that doesn't claim to be a fanfic actually a fanfic" depends mostly on who's asking and why.
TL;DR: The statements "Dante's Divine Comedy is fanfic" and "Dante's Divine Comedy isn't fanfic" can and must coexist.
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ljjsims · 5 months
Greek Goddess Legacy Challenge: Generation #6 Hecate: Preview
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A strange power surrounds our next generation... Meet our own goddess of witchcraft Hecate!
I will post the other sheets in two days! I don't have as much time to finish this challenge, so I'm a bit slower than first with posting :)
World Preparation Children (Athena, Helene, Kirke) Worldfillers
Just found out about this challenge? Don’t worry! You can get started here, with generation 1.
The Greek Goddesses Challenge by LJJ-Sims is a challenge based on the ancient mythical creatures and stories from Greece. I fell in love with Greek mythology in high school and have not let that love go since. In this challenge you will follow 10 deities in their journey through life. Every goddess has a different take on and goal in life. Special about this challenge?  All your kids have little challenges of their own, not only your heir. These challenges are optional, so if you feel like these are too much or just too restricting for you: by all means let them go. I also have sheets for characters that you can make before you start each generation. This gives your challenge a lot more personality and makes it frankly easier and more fun!
A little disclaimer: because I made these gods and goddesses into a legacy challenge, the relationships in the myths don’t exactly match the relationship in this challenge. There is a lot of keep it in the family in mythology, to put it lightly. And apart from the fact that you can’t do that in the Sims, I don’t really like that part. So I didn’t include it, thus the inconsistency. An example: Ares is now Hera’s stepfather instead of her son, which she conceived with her brother  and husband Zeus. This inconsistency can also be found in the stories. It’s just based on and not copied exactly, as Sims live lives that are a lot shorter than those of immortal gods. And it takes a way from the creativity if we just copy the myths. Even if we wanted to do that, it’s quite hard, as every myths has its fair share of variations and some are just completely different stories.
I use the MCCC-mod to alter the length of life states. You can find the days-years ratio here: the boring stuff.
The next generation will be Athena. Her character and challenge will be posted soon (still a work in progress)
Follow my blog for more updates and information:
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