#kissing strangers at giant parties
donnatarttapologist · 9 months
hopefully i die this year
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pappydaddy · 2 months
made for loving you (s.h.)
a/n: we are just pretending that they had the ability to remotely check their voicemail systems in 1985, okay lovelies? awesome!
tv show/movie: stranger things | pairing: steve harrington x fem!reader
requested by the lovely @echos-scomplink (ily lovely!)
synopsis: steve fears his chance with y/n is ruined leading to breathless proclamations in the rain. based on i was made for loving you by kiss.
taglist: @the-weeping-author | @lilypad-55449 | @popeheywardssecretgf | @smarie7547 | @eichenhouseproperty | @slytherinambitious | @k-k0129 | @ihatepeanutss | @moralina |  @poppet05 | @rottenstyx | @boxofsilentwords | @badass-yn |  @lexi-2004 |@i-always-come-back-xoxo | @rootbeerfaygo |  @savagemickey03 *line through your user means i could not tag you lovelies!
warnings: depictions of being beat up | blood mentioned | fluff
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  King Steve never believed in the whole soulmate idea. He found it certifiably insane for someone to think that someone was made specifically for one person, it was baffling to him. Not only did the idea of commitment send a shockwave akin to the eight-point-zero magnitude earthquake through his body, but the idea of committing to one person blew his feeble little mind. How could someone become so in love with one person? Was it just that it is actually just socially acceptable to have affairs and simply never talk about it? He didn’t understand it. He couldn’t comprehend the rhotic lacing romance novels and movies. How could someone be so obsessed with someone that they devote their whole life to this one person? How could someone be so obsessed with someone that can be happy spending their whole life around someone? Because, certainly, his parents are not happy spending their whole lives together.
  It all fell into place like puzzle pieces in the Summer 1985 when he first laid eyes on Y/N L/N. She worked in the Ladies’ Speciality store on the same floor as Scoops Ahoy. He would see her going to the food court, passing by the Parlour on her way to her shift or leaving for the day. He hadn’t even talked to her and he was infatuated. Not a word was spoken to him from her lips and he was being driven mad by the thought. It wasn’t until Y/N came in to get some ice cream with Robin (the two forming a friendship from working so close together) on her day off before they headed to the community pool that he spoke his first words to her. 
  From there, he was entranced. It all made sense to him. Every poem ever written about the obsession of love. Every line of literature that oozed with the sense of pining. He knew that he was made solely for her. To love her. To hold her. To simply be with her. It was his higher purpose. His calling. He was simply there to be hers. Despite his fumbling attempts at talking to her, Y/N found his dorkiness endearing enough to take a chance on him by making the first move - asking him to call her.  
  Unfortunately, that’s as far as Steve got before getting trapped in a storage room and plummeting into a Russian Underground Base. Her phone number in his passenger seat and the suggestive words of a date hanging in the air of his car from where she uttered them two nights ago. If he hadn’t been trapped and, consequently, kidnapped by Russians, there would be no way in hell Y/N would be at the Fourth of July party with some jock who didn’t even know her favourite ice cream flavour. 
  “I’m sorry,” Steve blinked, a dumb look on his face as he looked at Robin. Robin cocked her head to the side with a roll of her eyes, waiting for Steve to speak as she still held the payphone receiver in the air. “I must have heard you wrong,” He continued, speaking with a chuckle, hoping she was wrong. “‘Cause it sounded like you said that Y/N left you a voicemail saying she was going out on a date tonight-”
  “It’s ‘cause of the giant flesh spider running rampant through Hawkins, isn’t it?” Dustin nodded as if he understood why Steve was so pale after hearing this news. Baffled, Steve and Robin both looked at him as he stood there, sweat staining through his graphic shirt. 
  Opening and closing his mouth like a fish, Steve shot a panicked look between Dustin and Robin. The three of them were off to the side, away from the rest of the scheming groups as Robin checked her voicemail, hoping to hear anything from Y/N to make sure she was okay. “No,” Steve nearly yelled, his voice impossibly high. “Well, now I’m worried about that.” 
  Robin, finally hanging up the phone, sighed. “She said he was taking her to the carnival,” Dread filled Steve. Obviously, Robin noticed since she continued on. “According to Hopper and Joyce, the carnival was untouched by the giant flesh spider-” She gave Dustin a pointed look for wording it that way. “And if this flesh spider is looking for this El girl, Y/N should be safe.” 
  “Again, not what I’m worried about,” Steve stressed, a hand coming up to run through his matted and grimy hair. Blood, sweat, and product weighed his normally fluffy hair down. “I’m more concerned about the fact that she’s out on a date with another guy because I was just trapped in a Russian Base for like three days!”
  Dustin scoffed, causing Steve’s eyes to point angrily at him. “Calm down, Drama Queen. It was like 48 hours,” Dustin looked between Steve and Robin, shrinking slightly as he took in the context of the situation. “Which clearly felt like three days and jeopardised Steve’s chances with Y/N. I can clearly see that now.” 
  Silence enclosed around the three as they stood there. Robin ran the voicemail over in her head, trying to decipher how her new friend felt about this date knowing her feelings for the floppy haired new graduate that currently stood across from her. Dustin, trying to gauge the situation, looked between Robin and Steve before slowly starting to back up in an attempt to remove himself. 
  Steve. Steve was a ball of anxiety. So much so that this made Robin realise that Steve had actually changed. King Steve wouldn’t have cared. King Steve would have just shrugged it off and went off to find his new conquest. She could actually see the doubts and insecurities bubbling to the surface of his mind. “Wow. Nancy Wheeler ruined you, didn’t she?” Robin whispered, but she wasn’t one-hundred percent sure that the words met Steve’s ears. His mind seemed to be screaming too loud for him to hear anything else. 
  “I should’ve just manned up and asked her out,” Steve was beating himself up. Literally. Robin watched, a look of pure shock and bafflement on her freckled face, as he beat a closed fist into an opened hand. Just enough for his already swollen, bruised, and cut face to wince but not enough for it to attract anyone’s attention. “Now, she’s probably having the time of her life with this quarterback who will get a full ride to the University of Alabama or something-” He muttered to himself, the punches continuing, concerning Robin slightly. 
  “Woah, woah, woah,” Robin’s voice cracked slightly as she lunged forward. Gently, her hands grasped Steve’s wrists, keeping him from hitting his hand again. Steve, eyes watering in sheer insecurity, looked at her. Her heart broke for both her new found friends. She knew Y/N wasn’t having the time of her life. A, she hated stereotypical jocks and, if memory serves Robin right, this guy was the quintessential quarterback. B, she wasn’t with Steve - her long-standing crush. Something she admitted to Robin drunkenly. “Go to her.” 
  “What?” Steve’s voice was wobbly. It was soft. 
  “Go to her, Steve. You remember where she lives, you dropped her off that one time when her car wouldn’t start,” She started to explain. “Go to her, tell her how you feel. Lay it all at her feet.” 
  “W-what about everyone else?” He stammered, wide eyes looking towards the cluster of people. Robin waved her hand dismissively, making him look back at her. Her blue eyes were so confident and sure. They were compelling him to listen to her. Confirming that everything will be okay if he just listened to her. 
  They stared at each other, locked in a kind of communication only people destined to be best friends could achieve. “We can survive. We will survive.” She urged him despite the fact that she didn’t believe those words one bit. Swallowing thickly, Steve slowly nodded. Brown eyes casting over the cluster of people. Some he fought side-by-side with for the past two years, some who just joined the battle. They were all probably more capable than Steve at everything. At least, that’s what he tells himself. 
  Squaring his shoulders, he stood to his full height. “I’m going,” He spoke with a firm nod. The kind of nod that sealed some of the best and worst plans in history. “I’m going to her.” Just as the rubber sole of his converse slapped the pristine tile as he started to move towards the exit, unsure of how he’s going to get to Y/N’s place with no car, Hopper’s sharp whistle of his lips stopped him. 
  Seeing a Walkie-Talkie flying through the air, landing right in the scrambling hands of a nervous Dustin, disappointment and dread filled him. He wasn’t going to be able to slip away that easily. He barely listened as Hopper, Dustin, and Erica bickered about how it was best for them to communicate, hoping that whatever the solution was could spare him. His body buzzed with the need to tell Y/N everything. The need to bare his soul to her. The need to be near her - nay. To be hers. 
  The jingle of keys brought him from his locked in zone, letting him catch the keys Hopper was throwing him in time. “Steve’s in charge.” Those words weighted Steve’s soul down to the depths of the bowls of Hell for he knew this night was far from over. 
  “Come on,” Steve gruffed, his drive zeroing in. His sole focus was simply on beating this shit for another time and getting to Y/N as fast as he could. “Let’s kill these bastards.” 
  By the time it all fell silent again, rain was pelting down. Once the paramedic’s gave Steve the okay to leave and the firefighters were able to retrieve one of his keys from the Scoops backroom (thank god for cold rooms), he didn’t waste any time speeding off. He knew he should probably change his clothes from something that bore his blood, sweat, and tears, but he simply couldn’t waste another moment. That’s how, after a bout of reckless driving and a few near-misses, Steve was parking on the street, peering into the darkened driveway of Y/N L/N’s house. 
  A moment of hesitation fluttered through him. One thought was about the possibility of her not being home. The other one being the very likely possibility of her being asleep given the late hour. Another thought was about her parents not appreciating a beaten and bloody person professing their love for their daughter. However, a warm glow emitting from an upstairs window and her car being the only one parked in the driveway reassured him enough for him to muster the courage back up to get out of the car. 
  “You just survived two days in a Russian base and an interdimensional creature made of human flesh. You can do this.” He breathed, pumping himself up. Shaking his limbs out, his eyes zeroed in on the front door of her house. Just like a magnet, his body started to be pulled towards her, almost as if it were sure that it was meant to be around her. With a determination greater than the determination he felt to get out of the Russian base, he started to move quicker up her driveway until he was practically running up the rather long driveway, rain pelting his shirt and hair. 
  Standing there, his chest heaved as his back tingled with a mix of excitement and nerves. Before his consciousness could catch up, his finger was jabbing the doorbell repeatedly - much to his own horror. Despite not wanting to continuously ring the doorbell, his finger couldn’t seem to leave it alone until she pulled the door open. It was like his eyes were desperate to see her and his body was doing everything in its power to do just that. 
  “I’m coming, I’m coming.” Even with the muffled voice barely making it through the wooden front door and the sound of socked feet rushing down the stairs, his finger never ceased to stop pushing the doorbell. Part of him hoped that if the Jock did accompany her back to her place, his incessant doorbell ringing was annoying him. The large majority of him, however, was mortified that he couldn’t seem to stop ringing the damn doorbell. Suddenly, the door was pulled open, the burst of air from the movement making her hair wisp back from her face perfectly and Steve was stunned into a stupor, finger pressing on the button. 
  “Steve,” A look of shock crossed her face before it deepened once she caught the sight of his face in the glow of the entryway light. “Oh, my god, Steve!” She breathed out, concern lacing her voice as her hand came up to delicately cover her mouth as she took in his nearly swollen shut eye. 
  He couldn’t muster up any words. Hell, he couldn’t even take his finger off the doorbell. Hesitantly, Y/N reached out. He wasn’t sure if she was scared of him or scared to hurt him, but once her slightly cold fingers met the wet skin of his wrist, he blinked out of the trace he had been lulled into. “I needed to come see you,” His voice was much more hoarse than what it had been earlier. His throat was dry from the lack of water, but his body was becoming more and more exhausted as the seconds ticked by, but he felt energy shooting through him now that he stood in her presence. “Robin told me about your date with the Jock tonight and I couldn’t lose you just because I was kidnapped by Russians for two days.” 
  “You were what,” Y/N blinked, expression dropping from shocked to horrified. “Steve! You need to go to the hospital or the police station! Not to my house! This is serious-” She started fretting, her hands coming up, looking like they were going to lay on his face. His skin tingled in anticipation of her touch on him and his chest heaved as he tried to control his breathing, his eyes darkening, but her hands stilled halfway there. “Does it hurt?” She breathed, hands slightly shaking as her own adrenaline coursed through her.
  Steve, with another surge of confidence, reached his own hands out to grab her wrists gently. Suddenly, as his fingers wrapped around the softness of her skin, he was all too aware that he hadn’t had a shower in two days and probably smelled horrible. On top of it, he was very much aware of the level of grime on his skin. But Y/N didn’t seem to care as her wrists seemed to sink into his hands, relief washing over her at the feel of his touch. “I’m fine. I got checked over by the paramedics, the Feds were there. I am fine,” He reassured her, noting the worry that still swam within the depths of her eyes. “But I needed to come see you. I would have ran here the second I escaped, but I was stopped.” 
  “Probably the paramedics stopped you because you were kidnapped, Steve,” She blinked and in a split second, guilt consumed him for not being able to tell her more. He was sure he would eventually tell her everything, but he didn’t want to scare her off. “But why did you need to see me so badly, you must be exhausted.” She furrowed her eyebrows, eyes flicking over his face. 
  “I needed to tell you how I feel, Y/N. Hearing that you were out with the Jock tonight, I-” He cut himself off, his throat swelling with emotion. “I couldn’t lose you. I couldn’t lose the person I was made for,” His words were like drops of blood dripping from his bleeding heart. “I can’t get enough of you, Y/N. I need to be around you and I’ve never understood the concept of soulmates until I saw you,” Shock crashed against Y/N like a tidal wave. Staring at the beaten and bruised boy, she could only manage to blink her eyes slowly as his words bleed with passion. “Y/N, there is no doubt in my mind that I was made solely to love you.” 
  Those words hung in the air like an anvil ready to squash Steve as his eyes burned into her shell-shocked ones. Her mouth hung open slightly as he could see her brain processing the words her ears just heard. Suddenly, she snapped back to reality, her jaw softly closing as she stood up, eyes as soft as a plush bed - making Steve want to lay within them for the rest of his life. “Oh Steve,” She breathed out, seemingly overwhelmed with the proclamation. Steve’s heart lurched, the anvil dropping an inch. An equally as soft smile as her eyes graced her lips, but it did little to ease Steve’s anxiety. “I thought you were never going to make a move. I thought you didn’t like me like that-” 
  Her words were cut off as Steve grabbed her face in his blood stained and, truthfully, grimy hands. In one motion, his lips nearly jumped on hers, kicking off a feverish kiss. His lips moved against her stunned ones as if she were the water he was so deprived of for two days. As if she were the thing he was derived from for so long. As if she were the air he needed in order to live. 
  He could feel the gentle touch of her fingertips ever so lightly touching his forearms as her lips seemed to match his speed, her body coming to life after falling into the shock of the sudden kiss. Goosebumps marked the trail of her fingertips as they made their way up to his hands. Soon, the warmth of her hands rested over his, just sitting there. Almost as if she was using them to tell if this was real or just a dream. Steve was worried about the same thing but the coldness of the pouring rain hitting his back as the wind blew it under the cover of her porch told him it was all reality.
  Their lungs ached, Steve’s bruised ribs pulsed from his lungs beating against them, begging for air, not realising the lips he was attached to were (in fact) his air. Their chests swelled with warmth, both from their hearts becoming electrified with love and from the burning of their chests screaming from the lack of air. Lips became feverish in desperation as they both realised that, soon, they would have to pull away. Steve hated himself as he reluctantly pulled his lips back ever so slightly, just enough for both of them to suck in air, chests heaving - panting as if they had just ran a marathon. 
  Neither of them opened their eyes, feeling the laboured puffs of breath against their swollen lips as shockwaves of tingles shot through their bodies as if they were still kissing. “Nope,” Steve shook his head. “Not enough yet.” Y/N’s eyes fluttered open out of an act of confusion just in time for Steve’s lips to pounce back onto hers, this time her feet stumbling back from the force, his body crashing flush against hers. A squeak left her lips as she felt like she was going to fall backwards but his hands immediately left her cheeks, flying to her waist to pull her against him even more. 
  “Steve-” She pulled her mouth back slightly, words muffled by his lips still, but the risk of biting either of their tongues lowered, but he shushed her, ready to let his lungs explode if that meant he could keep kissing her. “Steve-” She tried again with a giggle, hands coming up to his chest to hold him back slightly. Finally opening their eyes, Y/N was stunned for a moment as she saw Steve. His lip now swollen, the cut on his lip re-opened and bleeding slightly. His eyes (or the eye that wasn’t swollen shut) nearly blown out as if he were high. Regaining her thoughts, she cocked her head to the side, eyes softening from the heated pools they were seconds ago. “Do you need a place to stay tonight?” She asked, having only caught enough information about his home life to know his parents were barely around and when they were, they barely met the standards of parents, let alone supportive and kind parents.
  Suddenly, and if Steve wasn’t already sure, he knew he had finally found the place in the world he was looking for. He found the purpose of his life. He found the thing he would live and breathe. He found the thing he would even die for. “Actually, yeah.” He said almost sheepishly, realising his house key was on the set of keys the Russians took from him and his parents were away (shockingly). He felt scared, worried that she would think he came here and professed false feelings just so that he could have a place to sleep for the night. 
  His worries were eased with that soft smile slipping upon her swollen lips as she stepped back, Steve’s hands reluctantly letting go of her waist. “Come on in. I’ll even let you shower and sleep in my bed.” She winked, a giggle gracing the dimly lit entryway as she backed up, Steve following immediately - almost like she was luring him into a trance like state just with her beauty. In that moment, he knew he would never get enough of her and he will live everyday trying to give his everything to her.
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exhaslo · 11 months
Sorry I took so long! I was in New Orleans for the weekend! I'm all fueled up for writing now! Haha!
Summary: Your casual study group turns into something a little out of hand~
Warning: Minors DNI, fluff, smut, dry humping, p in v, unprotected sex (wrap it up ya'll), aftercare, squirting
You were the life of the party. Everyone loved you and everyone wanted you to come to their party, gathering, anything. As long as you were there, there was life. You were practically the Queen Bee of the campus. Your beauty and personality shined bright. Everyone wanted to be you and everyone wanted to be with you.
Including Miguel.
Miguel was not shy himself from being popular. He was a hunk at the college and the smartest person there. Everyone wanted a chance with him. Everyone wanted him to help with their homework. The sexiest nerd whom everyone wanted a taste of.
Including you.
So, when word got out that a neutral friend had the two of you coming to their study group, everyone wanted in. This was no longer a study group, this had turned into a full fledge party. You could feel the sweat roll down your neck as you smiled towards your friends and strangers alike. Everyone trying to talk to you. Everyone trying to get your attention.
"Oh! Of course, um...Would you excuse me?" You laughed softly before escaping through the back door, "Jeez,"
"Escaped?" Miguel said with a soft chuckle. You jumped slightly,
"Y-Yes. I got cornered the moment I blinked."
"Awe, poor baby," Miguel teased as he drew closer to you, "Don't like being hovered over?"
You felt your cheeks burn as Miguel stood beside you. He was a freaking giant. You tried to say something, but only a stutter came out. Miguel smelled so good. Whatever cologne he was wearing was making you get closer to him. You squeaked lowly as Miguel fixed your hair, his fingers grazing your cheek,
"Hm? What's this? The most popular girl on campus is shy around men?" Miguel said almost cruelly.
"S-So...So what if I am?"
"Well, can't have that. Those vultures will eat you alive,"
"T-Then...Then help me practice," You muttered ever so lowly, believing that he could not hear you. Miguel's ears perked up as a casual smirk formed against his lips,
"How bold."
You gasped lowly as Miguel pulled your by the wrist. He looked around and took you inside the shed that was in the backyard. You could only feel your heart race as he cleared a space and sat down, patting his lap so casually. You were nervous, but excited. Miguel was the man of your dreams and he here was hiding with you.
"C'mon, can't be shy now." He hummed. You followed his order, sitting on his lap, "Good girl."
A shiver ran down your spine as he complemented you. You weren't sure if it was the liquor in your hand, but you drew closer to him. Miguel took notice and placed his finger against your lip,
"If my baby girl wants a kiss, you gotta earn it."
"E-Earn it?" You stuttered. Miguel played with the rim of your skirt,
"It's okay, baby. We're finally alone." Miguel stroked your cheek, watching you tremble from his touch, "I've been wanting this as much as you have. Who would have thought that you would be this shy?"
"I-It's not a...problem, right?" You asked.
"Course not, baby."
You couldn't help but smile. You wanted to kiss him, but he repeated once more about earning that kiss. You gave a small pout, wondering what he wanted. You bit your lower lip as Miguel started to rub circles around your waist. Subconsciously, you started to grind your hips against his thigh. Miguel's smirk only grew as you started to get into it,
"That's my baby girl," He cooed softly, "Keep going."
You whimpered low moans as the fabric of your panties and his jeans kept rubbing against your clit. Miguel hummed lowly as he finally kissed you, his fingers aiding your efforts. You gasped into the kiss, moaning lowly as he laid you down. You skirt was lifted upwards as his fingers rubbed circles around your clit.
"M-Mig-Miguel~!" You cried out.
Miguel licked his lips as you squirted against his hand and your panties. His eyes sparkled as you kept apologizing. You tried to cover your face from embarrassment, but Miguel moved your hands. He captured your lips again as he undid his pants,
"How cute. Don't be sorry, baby," He groaned as he removed your panties, "This just means that your body wants me."
"Shhh, it's going to be okay, bunny. You just lemme know when to stop and I'll stop. Can't have my sweet girl cry on me,"
You felt your hear flutter towards his words. Agreeing, you spread your legs for him, awaiting for him to sweep you away. Miguel kissed your neck as he pressed his tip against your entrance. He whispered sweet nothingness in your ear,
"I'll take good care of you, baby."
"How does my dick feel inside your tight hole? Does my little shy girl like being fucked like a bunny in heat?"
Miguel had you on your knees, face pressed against the floorboards of the shed as he pounded your pussy roughly. He had been ravishing your throbbing hole for only five minutes and you were on the verge of losing your mind. You were a moaning mess as Miguel slapped your ass while his thick cock bruised your cervix with each thrust.
"What happened to my shy little bunny? You're being so loud now, everyone is going to hear you. Want them to know that this pussy belongs to me, baby? Huh? Is that what you want?" Miguel asked.
"Mhm~ Y-Yes!" You cried out, gasping as he slapped himself inside you rougher, "M-Miguel!"
"That's right, cum for me, baby."
Miguel groaned lowly as your pussy sucked him in more as you squirted around his cock. That beautiful white ring that formed around his dick was a sight to see. Not giving you a chance to rest, Miguel went to chase his own high. With a low, rumbling grunt, Miguel shoved himself deep, filling your womb.
You whimpered, shaking from the feeling. Miguel took a moment to catch his breathe before pulling out and fixing his clothes. He grabbed your panties, stuffing them in his pocket before fixing your skirt and picking you up. He checked outside the side, sighing in relief since everyone was still inside.
"Let me take you home. Can't leave my girl like this, can I?" He hummed.
You nuzzled your head against his chest, quietly agreeing with him. Once Miguel arrived at his apartment, he took you into the shower with him. He made sure to carefully wash each part of your body, enjoying your reaction and expressions. You were putty in the palm of his hands.
"Miguel?" You hummed lowly as he dried you.
"I think we should have more...private lessons together...Y-You know...T-To help me..." You stuttered, ignoring his smirk. Miguel pecked your lips, moving your hands away,
"You didn't have to ask."
Waaaaaaaa, I hope you liked it! Sorry I was so late with this response again!!!
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gremlingottoosilly · 8 months
Konig X Reader who works in a maid café
Maid cafes are embarrassing. Konig, the seasoned colonel in the mercenary forces, would never go to such a place, he has way too much pride. Never going to happen.
...without the mask covering his face, at least. You're no stranger to people covering their faces around here. You're not in Japan, but this is still an insanely embarrassing place to visit, even though you are located in a pretty chill part of Vienna. People usually don't want to admit they like going to made cafes for anything other than occasional anime collaborations - so you're not surprised that one of your regulars is covering his face. He looks like a big guy, too, even the baggy clothes are doing very little to conceal his muscles. Damn, you think. You never know who can end up being an anime-obsessed hunk.
He always requests you as his waitress-maid too. No surprise here either - every girl here has a regular, it was about time you got one too. Konig might be a bit weird and shy, especially the first few times you had taken his order - just stumbling all over the menu and ending up either ordering one small black coffee or something expensive and elaborate, always leaving a giant tip that almost made you run back to him each time. He is nice, really. Never tries to touch you or to ask you for your number. Buys every pack of cosplay photos you make with other girls as part of the cafe's merch. Never trying anything. Always getting so embarrassed whenever you're calling him master and ask if he would want some special dessert today. Blowing him kisses and giggling when he is avoiding your gaze. He is fun when he is shy.
Maybe, this is why you became a bit reckless. This is a relaxed place, chill place - you never expected anything to happen. Yes, Konig is quiet, big and weird but, for all you know, he is just lonely. You're just paying back for the huge tip he gives you each time. Talking to him a bit more, chatting about some personal stuff. You don't reveal anything too radical, you think - maybe sometimes you reveal nonsensical stuff like a district you live in, your favorite color, complain about the building alarm not working lately...he is a good listener, after all. You're giving him some sweet special treatment, and he will leave you almost 100% of the order price as a tip. He is an irregular guy, too, sometimes disappearing for weeks on end - probably getting shy and overwhelmed, needing to take a break.
So what that you gave him your number despite the rules of the cafe prohibiting that? He is harmless and he helped you walk to the train station a few times at your closing shift.
So what if one time you were having a staff party after work and you accidentally bumped into him, drunk and a bit reckless at night, so he walked you home? Konig is a nice guy. Definitely strong, too - you're feeling safe around him.
So what if you told him you're finally leaving the cafe to proceed with college? He is your regular client, he deserves to know.
Not like you're going to end up in his basement one day, wearing the same damned maid dress, after all.
Konig is a nice guy.
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kissitbttr · 6 months
Can we see some jealous and protective frat!miguel 🙏🏻🙏🏻
miguel is cocky. and he never admits himself of being jealous. why would he when he knows that no one is able to one up to him in any way?
but you beg to differ. always seeming to point out his expression when a guy gets too close to you, burning holes in the back of the stranger’s head. somehow plotting the most gruesome and murderous plot he has in mind.
“shit, shit, o’hara! lay off the grip man! you’re going to break the damn glass!”
miguel hears one of his teammates, groans. snatching the cup from miguel’s hand and not even bothering to hear his protests.
“what—oh, my bad” he lamely responds, gaze returning back to watch you. his girlfriend, laughing at some lame joke being told by a guy in front of you.
he feels betrayed. how could you do this to him?!
“the healthiest way to cope with jealousy is to communicate with your girlfriend, o’hara—healthiest” carlos rolls his eyes at the chocolate haired man who seems to not be listening to a word he says. “but shit, knowing you? chances of a hot giant meteor hitting us right now is far bigger”
“mind your shit, man” miguel frowns deepening at the sight of that fucker checking you out in your outfit,
you’re sexy. there’s no doubt about that. especially in that cheerleading uniform you’re wearing when you just got off the practice.
there is a reason why guys are lining up to be your boyfriend before you and miguel started dating. other than because being extremely beautiful and sickeningly sweet, you have a way of staring into people’s eyes like you’re about to pluck a soul out of them and them not having a problem with it.
i mean, jesus, you got him hooked didn’t you?
“so let’s say he did try to take her home or—“
“didn’t i tell you to mind your shit?!” miguel cuts carlos off with a grumble, not even wanting to imagine if you were getting taken home by another man. not that you’d let them anyway. you’re too crazy about miguel and vice versa,
the buzzcut kid raises his hands up in defense, as if to prove his innocence. “don’t get mad at me for speaking up facts!” with that, he bolts out of the way before miguel could get to him,
it’s not like miguel is one crazy and possessive boyfriend who prefers having his girl all to himself (despite him wanting her to), he still gives access to whomever you want to speak with.
but he just despises the fact that everyone is crushing on his girl. she’s his and his only. so seeing another man getting far too comfortable in invading your space, making you laugh and shit just stirs something within him.
miguel slowly makes his way towards you and the punk, fists clenching by the side. he hears your beautiful laugh one more time and holy hell, he feels like he’s going insane knowing you’re not laughing because of him.
“so was that the one professor who had his—oh!—what the—? baby! you found my tickle spot!” you giggle as you jump a little out of surprise, head craning over your shoulder to see your big and tall boyfriend wrapping his arms around your waist and pull you closer to his chest. “did you had the drinks yet?”
“mhm, a few” he kisses the corner of your mouth, eyes looking straight to the boy in front of you as if showing him off that you’re taken. “missed you, muñeca”
“you saw me like two hours ago, you big baby” a giggle escapes your mouth when you see him pout, kissing it. “oh! this aaron, by the way. i don’t think the two of you have met!”
aaron shoots miguel a toothy grin and a wave, in which miguel doesn’t mirror both actions. only simply glaring at him. “nice party you got going on here, man”
“thanks” miguel nods in acknowledgement, simply not entertaining the man with more than two words. because that’s what you get for hitting on his girl!
“it’s so crowded here though, thankfully she saw me looking scared and shit. saved me from getting swarmed” aaron laughs making you laugh as well and miguel’s grip tighten around you. “she’s definitely a keeper”
that comment somehow irks him a bit. “yeah, that’s why she’s my girlfriend. and i’m the boyfriend, y’know—in case you’re wondering” miguel’s hands wander lower to your hips, settling it there,
the response seems weird to you, making you shoot him a look with your eyebrow raising in which miguel ignores,
“i can definitely see that, big guy” aaron chuckles, not seemingly bothered by it. “if i had a girl like her, i think i’d be keeping her to myself far too much”
miguel’s jaw clenches at that, and it seems to pisses him even more when you decide to just laugh and not tell this aaron man off for saying that,
“you’re just saying thaaat” a blush creeps into your cheeks, holding onto miguel’s arms before your eyes widen. “oh! i forgot to mention! i brought fruit punch earlier! aaron you must have a taste, i’ll bring a cup for you. and you too” your turn around and smile at miguel, kissing his lips before muttering ‘be right back’
‘ah perfect, time to grill this motherfucker’ miguel smirks before watching you walk away,
his arms crossed, eyes looking down at the shorter guy who seems oblivious of what’s happening,
“so uh, you and—“
“look man, i don’t know what your deal is—but y/n is fucking mine” miguel cuts to the chase, eyes deepening into a frown. “and i don’t appreciate you’re hitting on my girl, looking at her legs and touching her skirt. just because she doesn’t tell you off that doesn’t mean it’s appropriate! you know she’s taken right?”
aaron raises both brows, eyes glancing left and right in confusion. “uhm, yes?”
“so back off then will you?! i worked my ass off trying to get her be my girlfriend, had to compete with other guys from soccer team and faculties, memorized her schedules and—shit, i promise her that i’ll tone down with this jealousy shit because she doesn’t like it when i get into a fist fight over her. so do me a favor, if you don’t like getting punched right now, leave me and my girl alone or i fucking swear—“
“jesus, man—i’m gay!”
and miguel immediately clamps up at that, eyes widening at the sudden burst from aaron but only enough for the two of them to hear,
“wait, what?!”
“i’m gay, dude” aaron laughs, amused by the expression miguel is putting on right now. “100% not into girls”
“oh..” miguel gets a bit quiet after, not knowing what to say next. shit. this is awkward. “i didn’t know that—you don’t look like one..”
“jeez, sorry if I don’t fit into the stereotype. i’ll put on my knitted rainbow scarf next time i stop by. want me to pierce my right ear too?”
“oh shit, that’s not what i meant! fuck—sorry man, i—“ miguel stutters. the last thing he wants to do is to make a gay person offended. he doesn’t know what to do in this situation. “i mean—why didn’t you start with that?!”
aaron laughs, shaking his head. “don’t sweat it—and uh, was just cute how you get all protective and shit over your girl. i can definitely see why you’re like that” he shrugs, looking over at you who’s laughing with couple of miguel’s frat brothers,
miguel smiles, looking over to see you by the drinks. heart swelling at the sight of his girlfriend being comfortable with glen and carlos. almost laughing to himself when you spill a bit of your drink onto carlos’s shirt making him pout.
“no offense, but i’d tap your girlfriend if i was into girls” aaron says, nudging him with his elbow.
miguel’s head turns around to look back at him in quick motion, one eyebrow raising at the comment.
“no offense back, but you sure you’re 100% gay?!”
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kelppsstuff · 7 months
Lute and Adam simultaneously having a love at first sight with angel reader
Both of em just going around heaven, doing their work or whatever until someone passed them
It's like time stopped as both of them, at the same time, turned their heads to the stranger who looked so damn jaw dropping and simply minding their own business
These two have my heart in their palms you don't understand
Warnings: poly, fucking short work
Adam x Lute x reader
Taglist: @fandomsbookclub @leathesimp @sashaphantomhive @ladyninggs @carylinflors @strangerthings36 @adamsfavoritesinner
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Once a year there is a party, hosted by Adam. It’s usually for the extermination, covered up as a yearly activity.
It was the most booming event of the year. Everyone in heaven was invited to his luxurious house. It was there where Adam and Lute saw you.
You entered the giant house and immediately went to the bar with your friends. It was your first year in heaven. You questions on why there was a party that was filled with alcohol and poker — and other concerning contents — were dismissed.
Adam and Lute looked away from each other to the loud laughed that echoed across the room. The two in sync slowly turn the heads to the woman taking a shot at the bar.
The two felt their breath hitch and their hearts stop. You were enchanting.
What stood out to Lute was your laugh that felt contagious.
While what stood out to Adam what your smile. It shined like the golden rays of the sun.
You looked up and saw the two angels staring at you. Adam titled his glass to you, taking a sip while Lute winked. This would be interesting.
You took a seat at the poker table, the dealer dealing you in. Adam took this chance to also take a seat at the table, across from you.
Adam was pleased to find out you knew how to play pretty well. It wasn’t long till you were taking everyone’s money.
Adams eye twitched as he saw Lute lean down and whisper in your ear. You blush was enough for him to know he had some competition.
That night you didn’t go home with Adam. You went home with Lute. The very next day Lute was quick to brag about her night and the new number in her phone.
Adam found it annoying, but he also found it hot. Like two hot chicks just… y’know? Adam took another sip of his drink and his question had Lute chocking on hers.
“Who topped?” Adam knew Lute was a top, so he was curious on how the night went.
Lute eyes glanced down, an embarrassing golden flush going to her cheeks, “she did.”
Adam eyes widened. Only Adam had been able to get Lute to be bottom so now he was curious. For all it’s worth, he didn’t want his place for most dominant to be wreaked.
You found yourselves genuinely liking Lute. You two would go on dates, and laugh, kiss, have sex. All that jazz. There was only one thing putting you off. Her boss.
You’d caught them making out once. Lute only excuse was we haven’t been made official — after that you were. Normally you’d have enough self respect to not be with someone after that, but seeing the act, it hadn’t filled you with rage. More so lust.
After that every time you saw Adam — more often than you would think — he would flirt. Eventually it was getting harder and harder to ignore.
“I’m loyal to Lute, Adam.” You said voice stern.
Adam only response was a scoff paired with, “come on babe, you really think she’s loyal? She wants it all. Just last week she wanted me and got me. Lutes a selfish woman, I say, why not see why.”
Flashes of Adam and Lute having sex cross your mind, but you liked what you saw. It didn’t hurt, it actually felt… nice?
After that you would sleep with Adam. Lute knew, you also knew about her “meetings” with Adam. None of you commented on it. Both happy with arrangement. Except for one. Adam
The three of you were hanging out. You and Lite were holding hands and Adam was unusually quite. He’d been starting at your hands, tuning out your voices with one thought. I want to hold their hands.
It irked him that he couldn’t call either of yours outings a date. That he wouldn’t wake up with the two of you. That he could kiss you two in public.
“I’m being used.” Adam spoke. Now he didn’t feel used, but he decided to take the dramatic route. “You two use me for sex, and comfort, and kisses, and hugs, and—“
“Is there a point?” You and Lute said together, both your arms crossed, brow raised.
Fuck Adam thought that was hot. “You two get to hold hands and kiss and be all lovely in public, but I can’t be, and I’m being kept a secret!” Like a slut, and honestly Adam was more than happy being your two slut.
You and Lute rolled your eyes and pulled him by his coat. Kissing the cheeks of his mask. “Better?” Lutes voice asked him.
“How would you like us to apologize?” You pulled his belt buckle, pushing him more into the two of you.
Most wouldn’t think of you to be a freak, but you were quite the wildcard.
After that you three were always together. You three never went anywhere without the other two — unless forced — It felt nice, for all three of you.
Most in heaven frown upon your relationship, but you guys couldn’t give a damn. When receiving glares — usually from older woman — Adam would flip them off, kissing whichever was on the right and grabbing the tit of whichever was on the left. Leaving you and Lute too roll your eyes lovingly.
Fuck this was short. I’m so so sorry if it wasn’t what you were thinking! I was trying to force myself to write the second half. I do have others, I’ve been working on like 7 works at the same time lmfao. Anyways thank you darling for the request and I’ll probably will rewrite this when I have the creativity for it. :)
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totaly-obsessed · 9 months
can you do a millie bright x reader where it’s their wedding day and the whole team are there and it’s just really fluffy and cute:). love your writing so much
Tears of Joy
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Millie Bright x reader request
-> Marrying the Love of your Life
-> sorry for the delay - I hope you like it!
➳ Masterlist
•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
After waiting and planning for months on end – maybe even your entire childhood, the day was finally here. You were getting married!
Sure many dreams from your childhood wedding plans came true, but you didn’t quite find a prince charming, more of a princess charming – your very own knight in shining armor, the one and only Millie Bright.
As soon as you hat met Millie all those years ago in a Social Media meeting for Chelsea, you knew that she was the one. But the gentle giant had been quite scared to come up and talk to you – so you had to take the first step.
While the blonde looked intimidating it only took speaking to her once to see that she really wasn’t – maybe more so on the pitch, but luckily you didn’t have to face her there.
Millie had blushed a deep red when you caught her arms as she frantically tried to leave the meeting room, something you had not expected.
“Hi Millie, would you like to go on a date with me?”
Of course, she knew who you were, the new head of media for the women’s branch of Chelsea and she had spent the last four meetings just staring at you.
While you had felt confident walking up to her, seeing her face contort into a frown and lines appear on her forehead changed your mind quickly and you removed your hand.
“Or not – sorry that was a stupid idea.”
She couldn’t pull you in a hug fast enough. Dear god. If she hugged you like this, you never want to hug another person.
“I wanted to act cool and act like I wasn’t sure… But I would love to!”
To this day Millie and you could laugh about how much more stressful it had been than it needed if she had just said yes immediately.
While you had taken the first step to dating, Millie had been the one to ask the big question. She had just come home, even though she had been at home the entire time, from winning the Euros – and emotions were at an all-time high. Your girlfriend was now officially the champion of Europe.
You had been the first person she had seen out of the stands, her parents pushing you forward when you wanted to let them go first, after all, she was their daughter. “Don’t be silly love!” Had been what her mother said once she saw the blonde making her way towards the barriers.
“I did it, Baby! I fucking did it!” She was in tears, face still hot from running on the pitch for such a long time as she pulled you into a passionate kiss, not caring the slightest about all the cameras.
“You did so well my love! I am so proud of you!”
She would never forget the look on your face – she had never seen you look so proud of anybody, and now you looked at her like this. Her heart? Melted into a puddle.
Your girlfriend didn’t wait for long, lifting you over the barrier and pulling you as close to her as she could.
“My god Mills, leave some for me!” It was Rachel who finally pulled her sweaty best friend off you, just to replace her, giving you a bone-crushing hug.
“Off Rach! That’s my girl! Get ya own!”
The ‘DalyBrightness’ duo had always playful banter between them, and you were no stranger to it either, often getting roped into it somehow by Rachel, determined to get Millie angry – but the taller one of the two could only laugh about it every time.
The whole evening and night was spent partying, first in the dressing rooms, then in a chosen location with friends and family. Trafalgar Square was the next destination, where the girls would meet the nation they had made so incredibly proud, just the evening before.
After all the meetings and interviews had finally calmed down, you got your girlfriend back. Millie had finally arrived at home, in your shared south London house and the first thing she saw was your dogs Hera and Zeus. But upon lifting her head, the defender saw that they flanked both of your sides, while you held a beautiful ‘Welcome Home’ cake in your hands.
She couldn’t kiss you fast enough after seeing your nice gesture and cute smile.
“I love you much my love, and I don’t think I tell you enough. But I really do.”
The first thing you did after not seeing each other for such a long time, was napping. In the big bed, ready to sleep the day away. What you didn’t know, was that Millie woke up way before you and found herself staring at a beautiful ring in a little box.
Today was the day.
After making dinner she had asked you. She didn’t go down on her knees, so she pulled out a box, opened it, and just sat there for a second until you finally turned and noticed the ring.
“Marry me?”
Choked up on tears you couldn’t do anything but nod. “Yeah, baby. I’ll marry you.” The kiss that followed tasted like tears, tears of utter joy as Zeus and Hers ran through the room yapping as if they knew what had just happened.
The day was finally here. Yours and Millie's wedding day. In retrospect you could not have chosen a better day, even if you obviously had not known how the weather would be – it was perfect.
Getting ready was a long process, not even physically, but rather mentally. But there was not a single doubt in your mind, that you would marry the love of your life.
You were ready when a knock sounded at the door and your sister who at the same time was your maid of honor opened it. The door was only open a smidge so you couldn’t really see who was behind it, while you talked to your bridesmaids.
“It’s go-time people!”
Your heart fluttered. But you were not nervous or anxious, no. You were excited and nearly ran out of the room with the bridesmaids to get to the altar, but your sister stopped you in your tracks, insisting that you had to wait somewhere else until the rest of the wedding party walked down the aisle.
Now stood in a room you waited for your sign. Fuck. Now the nerves were coming up. In your head, you went through the plan again, when you heard someone clear their throat.
It was Millie. There she was, dressed in a gorgeous white jumpsuit – looking at you like you hung the moon. “Baby! “You cannot see me in my dress before the wedding!”
Tears brimmed in both your eyes as you stared at your fiancé who couldn’t keep standing there any longer, so with brisk steps the blonde rushed forward and engulfed you in one of your favorite hugs. Your hearts find each other and beat in unison.
“How are ya feelin?” She rested her forehead on yours while staring at you as long as she could. “Nervous. Excited. Incredibly happy.“
The music inside was slowly getting quieter and you knew that you didn’t have that much time left. “I thought we could change the plan a little.”
Turns out Millie's idea was brilliant. Instead of just you walking in, both of you walked in together, no one would give anyone away. This would be a union of love between you and her, but that didn’t mean that either of you had to say goodbye to your family.
You could hear the gasps as you walked down the aisle, arms hooked together, each of you a flower bouquet in hand, the biggest smiles anyone had ever seen on your faces. You looked magical.
In the end, you don’t even know how you got through the vows, all you remember were a lot of tears, and an incredibly passionate kiss that was met with screams of joy from the audience.
After all of your families had congratulated the both of you, your Club mates made their way towards you each of them with big smiles on their faces.
Niamh was the first at your side and was the first to pull you into a warm hug. “You look like a princess. But one of those badass ones, that doesn’t need a white knight to save them.”
“I will need a cheaper ring for daily use, this one belongs in a bank in a safe deposit box.” Millie's joke was met with a lot of laughter as Sam came over and after hugging you as well, took a closer look at your ring. “Maybe! That is a fucking rock Mills!”
„You’re one to talk.“ Hempo received a  slight nudge from her captain while everyone else laughed along.
One after the other Chelsea and Lioness teammates alike made their way through the masses, hugging you with congratulatory tones and singing praises. Most of them even brought presents which they gave your sister for safekeeping.
“I can finally call you my wife.” Millie had stolen you away from the open space for a second and pulled you close for a deep kiss.
“My wife, huh? That has a nice ring to it.”
Not only were you her wife now, but she was also yours. Married. Oh dear god, you were finally married to the girl of your dreams. “Best day of my life.”
“Then I am excited to give you better ones.”
“God. you disgust me.” Neither of you had seen Rachel invade the nice little space Millie and you had created for the two of you
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nyoomfruits · 11 months
no. 18: Hot Single Parent and babysitter/nanny for mctwinks pls!!
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18. hot single parent and babysitter/nanny
There’s a million things that lead up to Lando being broadcasted to the entire F1 watching world with a baby strapped to his chest, but the shortest version of it is this;
He’s in London for a gig, playing at some night club he’s already forgotten the name of, when Max texts him if he wants to go to the Silverstone GP. And Lando loves Silverstone, and he hasn’t been to a race in forever, so he says yes.
When he gets there, excited to watch some racing, he’s instead confronted with Max’s teammate Oscar Piastri, who is cute and serious and looking a little frazzled and holding a baby.
The baby, Oscar tells him, is his daughter Harper. His nanny bailed on him at the very last moment and everyone seems to be busy and he needs to find someone to take care of her right now so if Lando could move out of the way that would be great.
To which Lando opens his mouth and says, “I can watch her.”
So. Baby.
Harper is a pretty chill baby, all things considered. Oscar had been a bit hesitant to hand her over initially, but after the approval of Max and Lando’s assurance that his brother has kids and he knows  what he’s doing, he’d strapped the complicated baby carrier situation to Lando’s chest and given Harper a goodbye kiss on the top of her head before heading to the track.
And it’s not like Oscar and Lando are stranger to each other, either. They’d seen each other over the years, in the paddock whenever Lando came to visit, at parties. Most notably Max’s birthday party two years ago, where they stood outside and talked for nearly two hours, and Lando was so convinced they were going to kiss.
But they didn’t. So.
Harper babbles happily and Lando glances down at her, adjusting the giant baby proof headphones so they cover her ears properly. “Are you excited to watch your dad’s race, Harper?” He asks, to which Harper answers with a decisive, “Ba!” as she slams her fist against Lando’s shoulder.
“Me too, little bug, me too.” Lando says.
The race is pretty good. From where he’s sitting Lando has an excellent view of the track as well as the option to watch the screens for the parts he can’t see, and he entertains himself by pointing out things out to Harper, who mostly babbles happily and waves her fists around in answer.
When Max crosses the line in first, Oscar in second, Lando puts up Harper’s little hands in a cheer and she actually giggles. After that he makes his way back to the Red Bull Motorhome to wait for Oscar, stopping along the way to talk to some people he knows, most of whom give him very amused looks when they spot Harper.
He’s just taken a seat in hospitality, when he gets a text from his sister. You never tell me shit anymore :(((((  It says. Lando frowns. Attached is a message, and he nearly drops his phone when he opens it and sees what it is.
It’s a screenshot from the live broadcast, showcasing Lando and Harper, clearly in deep conversation about something on track. Lando hadn’t even noticed the camera had been on them. But that. That isn’t really the important part. The important part is the caption.
The intention, Lando hopes, must have been for it to say ‘Lando Norris; professional DJ, holding Oscar Piastri’s baby’.
Instead, it says, ‘Lando Norris; professional DJ, Oscar Piastri’s baby’.
“Oh go-“ he glances at Harper. “-Goody,” he finishes. His friends are never going to let this go. Max is going to have a field day. Maybe he can just ignore it ever happened. Sweep it under the rug. Pretend-
“Hey baby,” Oscar Piastri says, appearing next to his table.
Lando cringes. “Ah,” he says, “you saw.”
Oscar shrugs, seeming entirely too chill about the whole thing. “Max saw it, on the big screens. Mentioned it in the cool down room.” Which is Oscar speak for ‘teased him relentlessly about it’, probably. Lando winces in sympathy. “I’m sorry,” Oscar continues.
“Nah, not your fault,” Lando says, waving his hand around. “Besides,” he adds, trying very hard to keep a straight face and not do something embarrassing like blush. “It’s not the worst thing to be, you know. Your baby.”
“Oh,” Oscar says, and his cheeks turn an absolutely delightful shade of pink, and suddenly it’s just like two years ago, standing in the courtyard of a club Lando’s long forgotten, staring into Oscar’s deep brown eyes like they’re the only two people on earth.
Which they’re not, as Harper gladly reminds them by choosing that exact moment to say, “Aga ba,” and slamming her fist against Lando’s cheek.
Oscar’s demeanor changes immediately, his smile mellowing out in something so soft it tugs at Lando’s heart as he reaches for her daughter, who twists around to face him and lets out a delighted string of babbles.
Lando unstraps her and hands her over, watching as Oscar quietly asks her how her afternoon was and then getting the softest, fondest look on her face when she babbles happily, albeit completely nonsensically, back at him.
“Thanks, for watching over her.”
“Yeah,” Lando says, standing up himself. “No problem. Anytime.” Anytime, all the time, forever if you’d let me. God, he’s pathetic. A cute guy is nice to him twice and he’s immediately willing to go down on one knee.
“Right,” Lando says, and there’s a moment, a small moment, where Oscar looks at him expectantly, and he thinks fuck it. I could just ask him out. We could make it work. But then he looks at Harper, still cradled in Oscar’s arms. Thinks about his schedule for the upcoming week, which is so incredibly full he’s going to have to ask his PA if she can please schedule him time to breathe, and realizes that no matter how much he might want this, it’s just not possible for them.
Being Oscar Piastri’s baby is always going to be just a meme on the internet.
“Well,” he finally says, shoves his hands in his pockets. “See you around.”
Something flickers, in Oscar’s face. Disappointment, maybe. Or maybe Lando’s just projecting. Whatever it is, it doesn’t matter. It isn’t going to change anything.
He leaves the Red Bull Hospitality without looking back.
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graysbullshit · 1 year
a list of brazillian fun facts you might want to know for your qsmp fanfics! (or in general lol)
DATING IN BRAZIL (because I know at least 50% of yall are gonna be writting slash):
Phase 1 can be or texting/talking or ficando (infinitive: ficar), it depends on how shy you are;
Ficando means to be actively seeking a person out consistently with the intent of talking for a bit and then making out (it does not entail any level of loyalty);
Brazillians only consider it "making out" if you french kiss;
Kissing without tongue is considered weird and viewed negativelly;
A little peck on the lips is cute, but not really what we consider kissing;
There are two types of brazillians: the ones that will start dating after a week and the ones that take months to make up their minds;
If a brazillian is interested in you (even if you don't know each other) and you're in a party there is a very good chance they will walk up to you and ask if you want to make out/ask for your instagram handle (it depends on what kind of party it is tbh);
Also, most brazillians kiss and tell lmao;
It is not uncommon for outgoing brazillians to make out with random strangers, especially during carnival;
We are a sex positive country mostly;
We are very sensual, even if we have no romantic interest;
Mock-flirting or Joke-flirting is very common in friend groups;
People who make out/date with the person their friend likes are called Talarica or Talarico;
When you get cheated on you're called Corno;
People usually go on dates after ficar for a whille;
Usually, if you're going on dates with someone it is expected of you to be faithful or to end things (you can't go on dates with a guy while also going on dates with another guy, that's fucked up);
We call dating namorando, from the infinitive namorar which refers back to namorado (boyfriend) and namorada (girlfriend);
brazillians are typically very direct when they are interested in someone, which doesn't mean they will say "oh, i like you" right away, but they will flirt for sure;
in Brazil saying "I love you" isn't a big deal, most brazillians will say it pretty fast and not saying it back (if you're in a relationship) is considered VERY WEIRD;
brazillians have the tendency of being very jealous lmao;
Brazil is a continental sized country, being the fifth biggest country in the entire world. It is bigger than the USA, if counting only directly conected land (ignoring Brazil's islands and Hawaii and Alaska);
Because of it's size, brazillian states have a great number of differences in language, culture, food, climate, and politics;
There is as much animosity between states as in the USA (the difference being: brazillians will always defend each other rather than gringos);
The brazillian streamers are all from the Center-West, South-East and South of Brazil (unfortunatly there is nobody to represent the North and North-east);
The south-east is the are of biggest economical impact, while the center-west is known for the capital of the country (Brasília) and the agriculture, while the south has a terrible reputation (they have livestock too, but mostly a bad reputation);
Brazil has two of the biggest cities in the world: the 5º biggest, São Paulo, and the 19º biggest, Rio de Janeiro;
Nobody fucking likes São Paulo (the city) except from the people that were born there or lived there their entire lives;
Brazil has a mostly warm climate, and most brazillians consider anything below 20ºc to be cold (vai sulista, fala que no sul é mais frio, fala);
Brazil's seasons are more often defined by the level of humity, rather than how hot/cold it is;
Brazil is a giant when it comes to agriculture and livestock. We have a lot of grains, and red meat. If you drink coffee and eat meat you have definetly tasted brazillian products without knowning, since we do a lot of exportation (especially to europe);
Brazil has natural diamonds, pre-sal (which can be used in the making of combustives), gold and other precious stones.
Brazil was mostly colonized by the portuguese, but there was also a presence of the Spanish, French, Dutch and British. You can tell by the architecture;
Rio de Janeiro was the capital of the Portuguese Kingdom for a little while;
Brazil (much like Mexico) was once an Empire;
Brazil (as it's own coutry) has had only two Emperors;
the Brazillian Empire was a big deal despite ending fairly soon;
Brazil's Empire once eliminated about 90% of the male population of Paraguay during a war, which is def a war crime. We have repayed them for what happened, though;
Cities like Rio de Janeiro have a lot of Imperial architecture, but most of the colonial architecture can be found in states like Minas Gerais;
Brazil sent troups in WWII to Italy, the famous Smoking Snakes;
Brazil was forced into a dictatorship by the USA (surprising no one);
Brazil had a president that decided to develop highways instead of trains (i fucking hate him). It's the same guy that moved the capital from Rio de Janeiro to Brasília;
Brasília was build with the blood of poor people and it fucking sucks, but it has the shape of an airplane so everything is fine ig /s;
Brazil's first woman president and it's current president were both tortured during the dictatorship;
Brazil is a concervative country, despite everything;
Do not ask me about Brazil's politics, because it's so fucking insane lmao;
Brazillian culture exists on top of three axes: Portuguese, African, and Indigineous;
We take A LOT from Japonese culture (since we are the country with the biggest Japonese population outside of Japan). I've never met a brazillian who hasn't watched anime, even my grandma knows what Pokemon is /srs;
Some other important diasporas in Brazil: Lebanon (we have more lebanese than Lebanon itself lol), China, Germany, Italy, and many different African countries;
Most brazillians listen to funk and sertanejo, but other brazillian music you might be interested in: samba, BRrock, mpb, BRpop, Axé, and Pagode;
Some other famous brazillians you might not know, but you should: Silvio Santos, Celso Portiolli, Rodrigo Faro, Angélica, Eliana, Xuxa, Luciano Huck, Pyong Lee, Mauricio de Sousa, Ariano Suassuna, Clarice Lispector, Machado de Assis, Guilmarães Rosa, Fernando Pessoa, Vinicius de Moraes, Toquinho, Mateus Hwang, Tiago Leifert, Tadeu Schmidt, Boninho, Guilherme Briggs, Fernanda Montenegro, Rodrigo Santoro, Wagner Moura, Seu Jorge, etc;
Most brazillians only drink tea for medicinal reasons (like cammomile tea);
Most brazillians love coffee and hate iced coffee;
Most brazillians start drinking coffee at a very young age;
Drinking (alchool) age in Brazil is 18yo, but most brazillians start drinking around 15yo;
Most brazillians love meat and barbecue. Here is a picture of a brazillian brabecue:
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Brazil, differently from other American coutries, didn't have potatoes/corn as it's basic food, we had a root called Mandioca. Although it is still very beloved in brazillian cusine, the base for brazillian meals is currently Rice;
In Brazil we usually don't eat a lot during breakfast, but have a big meal (with rice, veetables, meat, and beans) for lunch and dinner. And our dinner is usually around 20h-22h;
We don't use AM or PM;
We use the metric system and Celcius, and we very much deslike the imperial system and what's-his -face is an abhorrent scientific disgrace;
brazillians who suck up to gringos are called "Vira-latas", which can be translated to "mutts" or more directly "eat-trash";
brazillians have mutiple coffee breaks during the day, mostly in the afternoon;
brazillians brush their teeth at least 3 times a day (mostly after every big meal);
brazillians shower at least once a day, some going as far as to shower three times a day during summer;
brazillians do not use snapchat and they think it's obsolete (because it is);
brazillians will pirate anything that isn't made by other brazillians, and I mean ANYTHING. There is no shame in pirating in Brazil and we are very proud of being the country that pirates the most in the world! We will also buy counterfeit products knowing they are counterfeit;
brazillians rivalry with argentinians is REAL. And, although is mostly a football thing, it really translates to everything else (especially if it's online);
brazillians have a hierarchy when it comes down to rooting for stuff, and it goes like this: brazillians, sibling countries, latin americans, other african countries, other third world countries, japan, other asian countries, european countries, anglo-saxon americans, argentina (if it's football), germany, portugal;
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primaviva · 1 year
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PAIRING: ghostface!gwen stacy x fem!reader
SYNOPSIS: paranoia and the creeping feeling that someone is watching you have been happening ever since the start of the school year once you got together with your boyfriend, randy robertson. but when he gets murdered and queens starts an uproar over this secret ghost killer, you get a call at night from a stranger in the middle of the night, and they wanna play a game. truth or dare?
NOTES: scream au! violent descriptions (nothing too much just with the use of ghostface it’s expected), reader experiencing comphet, major jealousy and heavy flirting, stalking, obsessive!gwen, nothing too much. nickname “good girl” mentioned once but in a taunting way not no bdsm type way we don’t do that here. HEAVY MAKEOUT. enjoy??
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the black cloak and white mask seemed to be everywhere, a constant presence that infiltrated every corner of your world.
it dominated the media— from news broadcasts to social media feeds, newspapers, and even the e!news tabloids. the images from those fateful nights were plastered in front of your eyes repeatedly, each time reopening the wounds and forcing you to relive the heart-wrenching moments.
it all began at a costume party hosted by the notorious playboy, harry osborn, in anticipation of halloween. autumn held a special place in your heart, particularly as it transitioned into the eerie and enchanting season of october. tim burton's movies, with their dark whimsy, were a particular favorite of yours. that's why you convinced your boyfriend, randy, to dress as victor and emily from the corpse bride.
randy was a tall, somewhat dorky guy hailing from a loving african american household. while he had a reputation as an athletic football player, his true passion lay in writing, more specifically the realm of journalism. he seemed like the perfect match for you, and yet, there was an indescribable hesitation lingering in your heart. it wasn't that he wasn't right for you or vice versa, but really a blend of uncertainty and fear. perhaps it stemmed from him being the first guy to actively pursue and ask you out, leaving you unsure of what lay ahead. or maybe you were just grappling with the question of whether he actually fit your ideal type. it was a feeling you couldn’t explain in words.
the corpse bride held a special place in your heart, beyond the fall season. however, it did turn you off how much convincing it took to get randy on board with the idea of matching halloween outfits. after all, it was just a couple's costume. so what was his problem?
the night began on a high note as you arrived at the party with randy. the vibrant lights bathed the room in ever-changing colors. people danced and swayed to the infectious rhythm of the music, while others indulged in halloween-themed snacks and drinks in the corners.
you spotted your friends and decided to join them, breaking away from randy to spend time with his own friends. or so you thought. randy never struck you as the cheating type. with his gentle giant demeanor, he seemed like the perfect match for you— kind, considerate, and driven, basically all the qualities a girl should want in a guy.
but then, everything came crashing down when you caught sight of him in a corner, locked in a passionate kiss with sally avril. at that moment, time seemed to slow to a crawl before abruptly hurtling forward.
“what the hell? this whole time you were acting like you wanted to be with me but instead you’re messing around with the bootleg avril lavigne?” you shouted, the words erupting from your lips.
your eyes locked with hers as she stared at you in disbelief. the look you had only intensified as you saw her weakly hide behind him. you didn’t care if you were disrespectful, that was the last thing on your mind at the moment.
randy's gaze was fixed on you, fear and guilt circling within his eyes as you turned to him. “you are the most trifling man i have ever met. if you felt this way, why not end it? but no, you wanna act like a little bitch and make me come dressed with you just to embarrass me. never let me see your face again,” you declared.
angry that a friend of yours who knew he was taken decided to kiss him anyway. angry that your ex boyfriend couldn’t just do the bare minimum out of respect and tell you the truth, instead being sneaky behind your back. angry that you felt embarrassed and like an idiot for even believing something like this would work out.
as tears welled up in your eyes, you turned away, walking off in a haze of hatred. your friends tried to console you, practically begging for you to stay, but you needed to be alone to process the overwhelming pain. seeking solace, you found yourself outside, rain pouring down, mirroring just how you felt. the raindrops traced a path from your head down to the curve of your nose, mingling with the wet fabric of your dress. in that moment, all you desired was to be alone in the dark with your thoughts, away from the prying eyes of friends, and just calm down.
ironic how you were dressed as emily, considering you felt like the other woman.
it was when you were lost in your thoughts that you heard a a piercing scream reverberating through the house, jolting you from your previous assumptions that it was all part of a macabre party activity. your body tensed, and you swiftly turned towards the entrance, witnessing a wave of terrified people streaming out in panic.
driven by curiosity and a growing sense of unease, you stepped forward, determined to unravel the mystery unfolding before you. as you made your way inside, the scene that greeted you was far from anything you could have anticipated.
the grand staircase, once an elegant display of cream-colored opulence, now bore a twisted transformation. its steps were drenched in a vivid, saturated red, creating an otherworldly and macabre sight that churned your stomach. blood cascaded down in a haphazard and unsettling manner, leading your gaze to the source of the horror.
there, at the bottom of the staircase, lay randy, with a broken neck.
his friend, chad, had turned him over, revealing a sight that sent shivers down your spine. it was evident that randy had suffered a fatal blow to his chest, inflicted by a shard of glass or some other jagged object.
initially, you thought it was just a tragic accident, but deep down, you knew better. you had witnessed the fear and confusion etched in randy's eyes while his body laid limp on the floor. it was clear to you that someone or something had ruthlessly taken his life.
the night wore on as the police conducted their investigation, and you found yourself subjected to interviews, polygraphs, and everything else demanded of you to piece together the events that unfolded.
you still don’t know what happened that night. the weight of remorse for randy's tragic fate bears heavily upon your heart, not in the personal sense of romantic love, but in the recognition that no one deserves to meet such a brutal end. the haunting image of his final moments, consumed by fear and confusion, you couldn’t help but feel guilty.
it engulfs you in sleeplessness, much like tonight. the continuous string of events and criminal activities associated with this enigmatic apparition has caused an overwhelming amount of stress, making it impossible for you to find solace and rest during the night.
frustrated, you let out a sigh and forcefully throw off your covers, reaching for your phone on the nightstand. with a gentle unplug from the charger, you notice that it has sufficient battery to allow you to use it comfortably while lying down.
unlocking your phone with your password, you open tiktok, perhaps the least advisable app to open if you intended to sleep. however, acknowledging the chances of you falling asleep anytime soon, you decide to indulge in it anyway.
as you glance at the corner of your phone, you notice the time reads 11:30. you make a promise to yourself to scroll for just a few minutes before attempting to sleep again.
and so, time passes by, more than just a couple of minutes. suddenly, a ringing sound interrupts your tiktok video, and a notification pops up at the top of your screen, automatically muting the video. the incoming call displays as "no caller id," causing you to dismiss it, unwilling to immediately hang up in case it's a scammer testing the validity of your phone number.
returning to your scrolling, the number calls again. it becomes clear that it's an actual person trying to reach you. annoyed, you press the red button, rejecting the call. almost immediately, your phone starts ringing again, persistently calling you.
clicking your tongue in irritation, you sit up in bed and examine the unknown caller id.
why do they keep calling?
"fuck it," you groan, deciding to answer the call. "hello?"
a profound silence ensues, only accompanied by the faint background noise resembling a gentle breeze.
"hello, (y/n)," the voice on the other end utters.
it lacks a natural quality, instead exuding a cold and detached demeanor, yet with a tinge of arrogance.
"how do you know my name? who the hell is this?" you demand, seeking answers.
the fact that this person knows your name, especially at this late hour, immediately sends chills down your spine.
a deep, dark chuckle emanates from the voice before it speaks again. "wanna play a little game?" the voice asks.
you sigh in irritation. "i asked you a question, who are you?"
silence lingers on the other end of the line before the voice breaks it once more. "don't you want to play? it’ll be fun, i promise," the voice adds, its tone dripping with a smirk.
despite your initial inclination to hang up and leave this peculiar individual to their own devices, there was something about them that piqued your curiosity. the voice carried a feminine quality, although it was difficult to discern due to its thick, apathetic tone. beneath the eerie and disconnected facade, there seemed to be a hint of something more in the way they conversed with you. it was as if they genuinely wanted to engage in conversation.
you scoffed, rising from your bed and catching a glimpse of the night sky. "fine, i'll play. what game?"
you could hear the voice on the other end eagerly patting their thigh in excitement. "good girl, i like them feisty. how about a nice game of truth or dare?" the voice suggested, its eagerness palpable.
feeling a hint of nervousness at being referred to as "good girl," you cautiously responded, "truth or dare? okay. what are the rules?" the sinister yet mysterious aura still sent shivers down your spine.
the voice cleared their throat, adopting a more official tone as they explained the rules of the game. "well, you see, the rules are simple. each player chooses either truth or dare. the chosen option determines what the other player does. truth means you'll be asked a question, while dare means you must perform a task." after a brief pause, the voice continued, "the first player is you. which are you going to choose, truth or dare?"
slowly pacing around the room, you pondered your response but ultimately decided to play it safe. "um, truth," you mumbled into the phone.
"okay then, beautiful. what's your favorite color?" the voice inquired.
you couldn't help but burst into laughter at the simplicity of the question.
"what, did i say something funny?" they whispered through the microphone, clearly perplexed.
"no, no. it's just... for a creepy stranger calling me at night, that was the most ordinary question you could have asked," you explained, a few giggles escaping your lips as you spoke.
although you couldn't see it, you could almost imagine the person on the other end of the line smirking. "what do you expect when you receive a creepy call at midnight from a creepy stranger who knows your name and starts a creepy game of truth or dare with you?" they retorted, their sense of humor evident.
you laughed at their wit and couldn't help but feel a sense of strangeness in going along with all of this.
"what do you want?" you asked once more, silently hoping for a genuine answer.
"what i always desire," they stated nonchalantly, causing a shudder to run down your spine as their voice suddenly adopted a tender tone. "you, of course."
"w-what?" you mouthed, barely managing to whisper the words.
you found yourself utterly bewildered by their statement, but before you could dwell on it, the voice swiftly redirected your attention.
"i think i asked you a question. what's your favorite color?"
"it's (f/c). i practically wear it all the time, or at least whenever i have an excuse to. i even buy things in that color," you rambled, attempting to clarify. "but it's not like an obsession or anything."
"i know all about obsession," the voice responded darkly, taking an unsettling turn for a moment. "i bet it looks stunning on you. not that i would know, right?"
a blush crept up your cheeks at the compliments and endearing terms. it had been a while since you had received such attention. yet, even in those instances, it didn't evoke the same spark as it did now. the nervousness it stirred within you felt oddly exhilarating, unlike anything you had experienced from your boyfriend or the other guys at school.
"okay, i guess it's my turn now. so, truth or dare?" you ask the mysterious figure.
they let out a slight chuckle. "truth or dare, huh? i think i'll go with the truth."
a smile tugs at the corners of your lips as you sense their attempt to put you at ease.
"what's your favorite hobby? or, you know, your favorite thing to do, if you have one," you inquire.
there's a moment of silence on the other end as you patiently await their response. "drumming. i'm a drummer in a band, you know? i've heard girls like the title of being a rockstar's girlfriend," they reply.
you giggle at their comment. "the drummer's girlfriend, huh? isn't it a bit egotistical to call yourself a rockstar?"
"maybe it is, so what?" they retort, followed by a low, raspy chuckle.
another laugh escapes your lips. "that's actually really cool. i've heard that drumming takes a lot of skill and practice. and if you're in a band, then i'm sure you're pretty talented."
"you're... you're really interested in this kind of stuff?" they ask, their tone transitioning from confidence to astonishment. "nice to know a girl like you has good taste. i'm sure you'd love to feel the calluses on my fingertips," they tease.
you can't help but nervously giggle at the stranger's words, a swarm of butterflies fluttering in your stomach.
"now it's your turn," you remind them.
"well, truth or dare?" the voice asks.
"dare," you reply almost immediately.
you hear them let out a laugh from the other end, presumably in response to your eagerness. "bold, i like it," they comment. "i dare you to spin around in a circle until i say stop."
you tilt your head to the side, slightly perplexed by the dare. "are you serious?"
once again, their laughter fills the line. "come on and give me a show, ballerina."
letting out a sigh, you begin to spin around, unraveling into a fit of giggles. you can't deny that you wonder why they chose this particular dare, out of all the possibilities. but it serves as a distraction, and part of you is content with that.
"and stop," they command, and your feet come to a halt, your head lightly pounding from the spinning.
catching your breath, you resume speaking. "happy?" you ask, lacing your words with sarcasm.
"ecstatic," the ominous voice replies. "thanks for the view. as a former dancer, i'd give you a ten out of ten."
maybe it's the impending headache, but you could have sworn they thanked you for the view. which also means they could see you. but that's not possible, right?
"your turn, hurry up and pop the question," the voice commented, its impatience evident.
running out of questions and feeling a mix of confusion and curiosity, you blurted out, "do... do you like girls?"
silence greeted your question, and you mentally facepalmed at your awkwardness.
"oh," they whispered, seemingly taken aback. "i think you forgot to include the truth or dare part, babe."
your voice caught in your throat, leaving you speechless. you felt like a deer caught in headlights, frozen in fear.
"but i can't help it when i see a pretty girl like you so desperate for a response. i don't just like girls," the voice replied, a small snicker following. "i love them."
heat tingled behind your ears, spreading to your cheeks once more.
"how did you, um, know?" you asked, your curiosity piqued.
"i haven't even told you i'm a girl yet, and you're already assuming. i'll take that as a compliment," they mumbled, their tone bordering on mockery. "i just know who i like."
silence fell once again, and you found yourself lost in your thoughts. this inexplicable feeling that washed over you was something you couldn't quite put into words.
"i'll let my curiosity guide me here, but when was the last time you had... intimate relations with someone?" the voice asked, waiting for your answer.
a dry laugh escaped your lips, shattering the silence of your room. "what, my ex-boyfriend? what are you trying to get at?"
"ever thought about having a girlfriend?" the voice asked, its tone now more aggressive and snide, seemingly triggered by the mention of your ex.
the mention of a girlfriend made your mouth go dry. there had always been a certain connection missing from your previous relationships, but you could never quite pinpoint what it was or whether it was something about you or them. the question caught you off guard, but before you could delve into it, the voice steered the conversation back to the game.
"truth or dare?" the ghostly voice asked.
"truth," you replied, this time with hesitance compared to the last.
"okay, truth is... what's your deepest, darkest fantasy? what's something you've always wanted to do?" the voice asks.
"deepest, darkest fantasy? wow, that's kind of corny," you scoffed. "um... it's not really dark, but... i don't know. sometimes i just want to run away and get away from everything. people can be so shitty sometimes, and you reach a point where you just can't deal with it anymore. i think i'm at that point. sorry, that's kind of embarrassing to share with a stranger." you lick your lips as you gather your thoughts. "anyway, truth or dare?"
you can hear the voice chuckle. "i like a woman who speaks her mind. talking to someone about your problems is always nice, especially when they can relate. i think that's a good fantasy, running away from your problems and starting fresh. can't say i haven't ever thought of it," they reply, their tone laced with empathy. "dare, all the way."
it's a little relieving to hear someone who can relate to you, even if they are a creepy stranger.
you come back from your thoughts. "i dare you to tell me your name."
the voice on the other end lets out a laugh as they think about your dare. "oh, alright, if you insist." their tone shifts to sound more flirtatious as they continue. "that's such a boring dare, though." they pause for a moment before speaking again. "my name is... well, you can call me ghostface." ghostface states, their tone a bit more arrogant as they introduce themselves.
"very funny," you scoff, not believing them. there's no way in your mind that you're flirting on the phone with a slasher in queens. "come on, who are you? are you just messing with me at this hour?"
you can hear the voice sounding annoyed by your response, their tone shifting away from flirtatious. "you think i don't have the guts after one conversation? you know what, forget it. i was trying to have some fun with this, but it's clear you don't appreciate it. let's start the game over." the voice pauses for a moment before speaking again. "truth or dare?" they ask, their tone serious now.
"what?" you question, the adrenaline threatening to surge through your veins from how abruptly uncomfortable it got. "truth..."
you can hear the voice sounding eager as you pick truth. "alright then. here's your truth. what are you wearing right now?" the voice asks, their tone sounding flirtatious again.
"my pajamas... why?" you ask, confused and weirded out as your heart begins to pound nervously.
you hear a low chuckle on the other end of the line.
"no reason. it's just hard to make out what you're wearing from here," ghostface taunts nonchalantly, a sinister edge in their voice.
"what the fuck?" you shout out, fear and anger coursing through you.
"well, it's time for the dare. here's your dare," the voice said, pausing for a moment. "i want you to look out your window. take a good look," ghostface spoke, their tone now commanding.
you were too shocked to respond, but you reluctantly moved the curtain aside and peered out the window, surveying the ground below. to your relief, everything appeared normal—nothing out of place or ominous.
"nothing..." you mumbled, your confusion growing.
ghostface chuckled on the other line. "open your window," the voice demanded.
your heart dropped, apprehension seizing you.
"what?" you asked, your confusion intensifying as you focused your gaze on the window.
ghostface's tone became more forceful. "i said, open your window," they commanded, their voice leaving no room for negotiation.
you didn't respond, feeling your breathing quicken over the phone as you grappled with the presence of this mysterious individual. you sensed their frustration as they let out a sigh and licked their lips.
"you know what, how about another round of truth or dare? it's my turn," the voice taunted.
you began to slowly back away towards your bed, your instincts urging you to distance yourself from this unsettling situation.
"truth or dare?" ghostface asked, their tone growing impatient.
but you didn't answer, the scary reality of the moment setting in. fear tightened its grip around your heart.
"truth or dare? don't make me say it again," ghostface insisted.
you remained silent, a mix of fear, defiance, and self-preservation guiding your actions.
"oh, what the hell. no more choices then, (y/n). i dare you to open your windo-" before ghostface could finish their sentence, you abruptly hung up the phone and swiftly pulled the curtain shut, blocking out any further interaction with the mysterious caller.
"(y/n)? c'mon, don't be a party pooper," ghostface said, their tone flirtatious once again as the line went silent. a few seconds later, you heard quiet shuffling behind you, causing your heart to pound with fear.
realizing that you needed to take action, you swiftly grabbed the chair from your desk and dragged it into the hallway outside your room. you closed the door and positioned the chair below the doorknob, creating an obstacle that would make it difficult for someone to open the door, though not impossible.
suddenly, your heart skipped a beat as the sound of glass shattering echoed from inside your room, followed by a loud thud hitting the floor. your adrenaline surged, and before you could react, the door handle began to jiggle violently. you heard the sounds of your belongings being knocked over, accompanied by a loud crashing noise as the entire door shook. the playful tone in ghostface's voice had vanished, replaced by a sinister and threatening tone.
backing away from the door, you clutched your phone tightly, fearing it might break between your trembling palms.
"leave me the fuck alone!" you yelled, your voice filled with desperation. "if you know what's best for you, you'll leave now."
a sinister chuckle came through the door as it shook violently. ghostface sounded excited, his tone now both menacing and playful. "no matter how hard you try to push me away, i'm not going anywhere, babe. so you might as well just... let me in. you don't want me to break this door down. please don't make me."
"i'm not doing a damn thing!" you yelled back, your voice quivering with a mix of anger and fear as you ran downstairs.
frantically reaching for the railing, you rushed down the stairs while simultaneously dialing 911. the operator answered with the familiar "911, what's your emergency?" prompt as you frantically explained your terrifying situation. you provided them with your address and informed them of the intruder's presence in your home.
suddenly, you heard a loud bang. "you know, the police might not get here in time to help you, (y/n)!" ghostface taunted, his words sending a chill down your spine. "who are you going to call for help? your dead boyfriend?"
as the woman on the other end of the line asked if you had a place to hide, time seemed to slow down, reminiscent of that dreadful night at the party. slowly, you turned your gaze upward from the floor below, your eyes fixated on your once-barricaded bedroom door.
"sorry about him, by the way. i tried to talk to him, i really did! didn't go too well," ghostface spoke, his voice laced with a disturbing mix of amusement and regret. "i guess all those muscles didn't help much."
ghostface had broken down the door, and your eyes darted towards the bathroom— the closest room you could hide in— as you shut the door behind you, hoping to buy yourself some time.
"he seemed like a decent guy for you, shame i had to carve him up like a pumpkin. no one really appreciates a good woman anymore. i probably did you a favor, taking the trash out, if you catch my drift," ghostface taunted, his tone oozing with cockiness and a disturbing familiarity with your personal life.
you could hear ghostface getting closer, their footsteps echoing on the wooden floor as they walked down the nearby stairs and stopped outside the door to the room you were hiding in. the sound of their footsteps sent shivers down your spine. "come out... come out... c'mon now. you have until i count to three," ghostface stated, their voice filled with malicious anticipation.
"one... two..."
the constant banging on doors, shaking of doorknobs, and rummaging through cabinets echoed through the house as ghostface searched for you. each sound made your heart skip a beat, and you held your breath, hoping to remain undetected. the heavy thud of ghostface's boots against the floor reverberated through the room before fading away, only to return again as they continued their relentless pursuit. it felt like an endless, torturous game, until suddenly, silence engulfed the house.
"i-i think they're gone," you whispered into the phone, relief tinged with uncertainty evident in your voice as you spoke to the operator.
"is there a nearby exit? anywhere you could run to?" the woman on the other end asked, her voice filled with concern.
you responded with a quiet "yes," knowing that your back door was just around the corner.
quietly, you opened the top cabinet in your bathroom and retrieved a pair of scissors, holding them tightly as a makeshift weapon. you pressed your ear against the bathroom door, straining to hear any signs of ghostface's presence. their footsteps had become distant, as if they had moved to another part of the house. slowly, you pushed the door open, cringing at the subtle creaking it made, and cautiously peeked out. taking a deep breath, you mustered the courage to get up and began walking toward the back door, your eyes fixed on it and the window view it provided. but as you approached, something caught your eye— a reflection.
you felt a powerful, gloved hand wrap firmly around your waist, pulling you tight against their chest. a scream escaped your lips, swiftly stifled by a hand covering your mouth. desperate to break free, you fought with all your strength, but ghostface's grip was unyielding. the more you wriggled and struck out, the tighter they held you, pressing you closer against them.
summoning courage, you ruthlessly stomped on their foot, causing them to lose their balance. their back collided with the wall, granting you a momentary advantage. seizing the opportunity, you lunged forward, brandishing the scissors, aiming to strike them in the shoulder.
however, just as you were about to make contact, another hand clamped around your wrist, its grip unrelenting. "don't try that with me," a voice hissed. ghostface's grip on your wrists tightened, sending a painful sting coursing through your veins. they forcefully redirected your hand away from them, forcing your arm downward until you had no choice but to surrender. struggling to maintain your hold on the scissors, your resistance faltered.
you released a pained moan as your arm throbbed with tenderness. the ominous figure in the black cloak forcefully pushed you against the counter, causing your hand to involuntarily open upon impact, and your phone slipped from your grasp, clattering to the floor.
ghostface retrieved the phone, briefly glancing in your direction before focusing once again on the screen. "she's busy right now," they remarked coldly to the operator before hanging up.
with one hand, ghostface held the side of your tear-streaked face, while the other pressed the cold blade of the knife menacingly against your neck. fear coursed through your veins as you felt the sharp edge against your skin, the chilling reality of the situation sinking in.
"shhh now," ghostface commanded, their voice cutting through the air. their grip tightened, the blade digging dangerously into toward your flesh.
you sniffled, attempting to steady your racing heart. everything felt surreal, as if you had stepped into a distorted reality within the confines of your own home. the anticipation of impending chaos loomed, but the expected eruption never arrived. instead, an eerie silence settled over the scene, intensifying the disorientation.
a loud sob escaped your lips as you clung desperately to the edges of the counter, inadvertently cutting off circulation to your fingers. ghostface's hold tightened as they pulled back on the knife, the sharp blade now threateningly grazing your skin. their other hand covered your mouth, their grip unyielding. "just stay still. you don’t wanna do anything you might regret, right? now, say, 'i understand,'" ghostface uttered.
their gaze took in your terrified state as their grip gradually loosened and demeanor softened. ghostface's gloved hand tenderly wiped away a tear cascading down your flushed cheek.
"i-i understand,” repeating their words as your voice trembled.
their hands forcefully propelled you to the side, slamming you against the wall. through teary, half-lidded eyes, you gazed up at them as their imposing figure loomed over you.
their hand glided to the bottom of the ghostface mask, gripping the edge of the chin, and with a swift motion, they yanked it off and tossed it aside. cascading gracefully down to their shoulders was blonde hair, adorned with pink-dyed tips and one side partially shaved. their skin possessed an ethereal paleness, and their piercing blue eyes held a mysterious allure. a glint from the moonlight reflected off an eyebrow piercing, adding to their enigmatic visage.
and then it hit you. it was gwen stacy, your classmate.
the last person you would ever have expected. a smile played upon her lips, relishing in your bewildered expression. "gwen...?" you managed to utter, your voice barely a whisper. "-the hell?"
reaching into her cloak, gwen retrieved a voice changer box from her chest and raised it to her lips. "hello, (y/n). surprised?" she asked, a sly tilt to her smile.
"w-what..." you tried to speak, but the words eluded you.
"i know this is incredibly confusing and terrifying right now, but i promise i won't harm you," she assured, her thoughts seemingly racing.
gwen's smile grew, taking on a hint of obsession. "i've watched you for so long... you have no idea how much i've longed to be this close to you. you're such a beautiful girl," gwen confessed, her tone simultaneously tender and erratic. her hand still clutched the knife, and she tilted her head, regarding you with a disconcerting smile. the proximity between you two was impossible to ignore.
"please, just... just let me go, and we can forget all of this," you pleaded, desperation lacing your words.
gwen cocked her head to the side, furrowing her eyebrows. "why forget this? why would i want to forget a moment like this?" her gaze bore down upon you, her once vibrant blue eyes now tainted with a dark ink-like hue, consuming you with an unsettling hunger.
"why are you doing this, gwen?" you managed to ask, your voice trembling and breaking.
gwen shrugged, her shoulders slumping forward as if weakened by the mention of her own name. "fuck, i love the way you say it," she confessed, her tone laced with an unsettling fondness.
drawing closer, gwen closed the distance until your chests were pressed together. in a surprising turn of events, she flung the knife to the far side of the floor, the sound grating against your ears like nails on a chalkboard.
"don't you get it?" she stated matter-of-factly. "i like you. you're the kindest girl in school. honest, pretty, genuine. did i mention pretty? every time we talked, whether it was a small conversation in class or when you defended others from dumb gossip, you always showed such kindness. who wouldn't be drawn to a girl like that? that's why i did it."
your heart felt as though it had been submerged in acid. on one hand, her words melted your heart, evoking emotions you had never experienced with any boy before. however, simultaneously, a sense of violation and terror gnawed at you.
"what... what did you do?" you cautiously inquired, your voice faltering.
gwen reached down and intertwined her hands with yours, their grip tightening. "i killed your boyfriend," she confessed.
your head lowered as you shakily swallowed, the weight of her words sinking in.
"he wasn't right for you, (y/n). who cheats on their girlfriend with their own friends and pretends to care about them? you don't deserve that. you deserve so much more. you deserve everything. he never bothered to remember your favorite hobbies, your preferred makeup style, or even how you write the number five. he failed to appreciate everything you've been through or know how to comfort you, to make you feel good, to be a good boyfriend. if i had you, i would never treat you that way. especially after harry's party," she explained, her voice unwavering. "that night, i was dressed as a ghost because it seemed ironic, considering i'm the invisible loser of the school, right? that's when i saw randy with that girl and you running out crying. no one has the right to make you cry like that, especially not quarterback randy. so i went to confront him, told him how messed up it was. he pushed me, called me just another weirdo obsessed with you. maybe he was right, but the way he spoke of you, the words he used? i couldn't let it slide, (y/n). out of anger, i just threw my glass at his chest, i didn’t expect it to kill him. but it did."
your mouth hung open in shock and fear. gwen's grip on your hands tightened as she raised them higher until they rested at the sides of your head. your mind felt as if it were splitting in two, and your vision blurred. the onslaught of overwhelming information threatened to induce nausea, leaving you reeling.
“and god, did it feel so fucking good to kill him. if you told me all i had to do was get into a fight with your sigma male boyfriend who’s best friend's name is literally chad, just to get noticed by you, i would’ve done if in a heartbeat months ago,” she shouted, beginning to pace.
her eyes were wide, and you could tell just by her talking about it she wa reliving the thrill of the moment.
"i... i don't understand," you stammered, desperately trying to free your hands from gwen's grasp. she watched your movements intently, her eyes locked onto yours. "gwen, you fucking killed someone. why would you do that? do you realize the consequences of your actions?"
on one hand, you were furious that she had taken a life, but on the other, a part of you was unnerved by the intensity of the love she professed for you. it was as if, for the first time, someone truly appreciated your mere existence. you despised how drawn you felt to her, despite the circumstances.
"i don't care about him. i did it for you. i killed for you," she whispered, her voice barely audible. "what man can say that?"
conflicting emotions tugged at your heart. ultimately, you yearned to surrender control and experience her twisted version of affection.
"no one has ever spoken to me like this, and even when they did, it never felt... like this," you confessed, your voice filled with a mix of fascination and uncertainty. "it feels... exhilarating."
gwen leaned closer, her eyes shining with a spark of light. "really? are you serious?"
your heart fluttered at her smile as she gazed into your soul. what was happening to you?
"this is a feeling i've never experienced before, even in past relationships. i don't know... you make me feel special, seen, and desired," you admitted, your voice laced with confusion. "i don't know what's happening to me right now."
gwen's gaze fixated on you, her once cocky smile softening into an expression of empathy. she broke the connection between your intertwined hands, slowly withdrawing one of her own. bringing her hand to her lips, she lightly bit the tip of her glove and sensually peeled it off, revealing her bare skin.
"i can't believe any of this is real," she muttered, her breath caressing your face. "can i kiss you?"
the question caught you off guard, amidst the whirlwind of emotions and confusion. your mind felt scrambled, making it difficult to think clearly.
"yes," you mumbled, your voice wavering with uncertainty, yet your eyes betraying an eager anticipation.
gwen's eyes lit up at your response. "perfect," she breathed before pressing her lips against yours.
your heart began to race, pounding fiercely within your chest. this was the last place you expected to find yourself, and you couldn't help but feel a jumble of confusion and conflicting emotions. "that’s it— just relax... everything will be fine," gwen whispered, her voice now soothing and strangely comforting, despite the circumstances.
you nodded, tentatively wrapping your arms around her shoulders and drawing her closer to you.
gwen leaned in even closer, her hands now tangling in your hair as her body pressed against yours. as she kissed you, your breath caught in your throat. it felt wrong, like you shouldn't be enjoying it. yet, you couldn't deny the undeniable sensation of pleasure that gwen's soft lips evoked.
a whimper escaped your lips as gwen reluctantly pulled away, expression tinged with sadness from the loss of contact. her eyes held a look of longing and desire as they locked with yours.
"that was even better than i imagined," she whispered, her voice hushed but audible in the close proximity.
"i... i think i liked it too," you managed to reply, your gaze averting to conceal the flustered state you were in.
it was true. in that moment, you were completely captivated by gwen like never before.
"i came all this way just to see your beautiful face," gwen commented, her hand firmly grasping your chin to turn your gaze back towards her.
as your eyes flickered between her piercing gaze and her inviting lips, a smile spread across gwen's face. without hesitation, she pulled you closer and kissed you once more. the taste of her lingered on your lips, tempting you to fully embrace the forbidden situation. you knew it was wrong, and yet... there was an inexplicable allure to gwen's soft kisses that made you reluctant to let go. confusion clouded your mind, even as your body responded to the intoxicating sensations. you found yourself not wanting the kiss to end.
a moan escaped your lips as gwen's wet tongue grazed your bottom lip, igniting a surge of desire. your grip on her shoulders tightened, your fingers clawing at her black cloak.
gwen released a soft moan of her own as her tongue gently explored the depths of your mouth. her hands trailed down your body, her touch growing more suggestive. "(y/n)..." she whispered seductively, her voice laced with desire.
once again, your body seemed to revel in the moment, despite the confusion plaguing your mind. her tongue slipped deeper into your mouth, eliciting a whimper of pleasure. the taste and sensation sent waves of ecstasy coursing through your entire being.
conflicted and seduced, you clung tightly to her cloak, yearning for her lips to remain fused with yours as your heart pounded relentlessly.
gwen continued to kiss you passionately, her tongue exploring the inner recesses of your mouth. her touch grew bolder, and your mind struggled to process the overwhelming sensations. it all felt so wrong, and yet your body responded eagerly to gwen's every move. the kiss felt irresistible, betraying the rationality of your thoughts.
your hands instinctively trailed up from her shoulders to the nape of her neck, lightly pulling at her hair for support. another moan escaped your lips, blending with hers, as gwen positioned her leg between your thighs, creating a tantalizing friction.
gwen's hand firmly gripped the back of your neck, pulling you even closer as her lips devoured yours. the tension and confusion intensified within your mind, but despite it all, the physical pleasure of being so intimately entwined with gwen tantalized your senses. the sensation of her body pressing against yours caused a subtle squirming response. you couldn't deny the pleasure that coursed through you, even as the situation felt inherently wrong.
for a fleeting moment, your lips disconnected, allowing you to lock eyes, but the magnetic pull between you drew you back in. you leaned in, kissing her again with a primal hunger, your hands gripping her in an instinctive and passionate manner.
you found yourself gasping for air, your breaths ragged and desperate as you tried to replenish the oxygen you had forgotten to take in during the prolonged, intense kiss.
gwen pulled back, her head tilted to the side, a thin string of saliva connecting your lips briefly before she wiped it away with her gloved hand, smearing it aside. her messy blonde hair framed her face, and you noticed her chest heaving up and down, mirroring your own heavy breathing.
nervously, she asked, "can... can i take you out on a date?"
a smile spread across your lips, unable to resist the pull of excitement. "i'd like that," you replied almost instantly, catching your breath.
suddenly, the blaring sound of police sirens echoed through the block, their blue and red lights reflecting through your window. it seemed, for once, the police had arrived promptly.
"way to ruin a fun time," gwen scoffed, annoyance evident on her face as she stepped back. "i think it's time for me to go."
despite the interruption, you couldn't help but be captivated by how attractive gwen looked in that moment. her hair was tousled, her lips plump and bright red from your passionate kisses, and her eyes held a smoky allure.
"police, open up!" a voice yelled from outside the door, the knocking growing more forceful.
you glanced over at the door, which shook violently from the pounding, the sound of the sirens threatening to drown out your senses. when you turned your attention back to gwen, she had already retrieved her mask, putting it on over her head and securely fastening it. she removed her glove, then picked up the knife from the floor.
"so, about that date, how about saturday?" she asked, a smile gracing her lips.
you couldn't help but match her mood, the excitement bubbling within you. "yeah, that works," you answered eagerly.
gwen fiddled with the voice box, adjusting it before placing it back into her costume. "i can't wait," ghostface remarked, the iconic voice returning.
before you could respond, she swiftly made her way to the back door, disappearing into the night just as the police burst through your front door.
as the police stormed into your residence, the chaos unfolded. you were momentarily overwhelmed by the commotion, the loud voices, and the flashing lights. the officers quickly apprehended you, their stern commands blending with the cacophony of sirens outside.
moments later, the scene shifted. you found yourself sitting in the back of an ambulance, surrounded by paramedics who were checking you over for any injuries. the blaring sirens had been replaced by a steady hum, providing a strange sense of calm amidst the chaos you had just experienced.
one of the paramedics, a kind-faced woman with a gentle demeanor, asked, "are you feeling alright? can you tell us if anything hurts?"
you took a deep breath, trying to gather your thoughts amidst the adrenaline coursing through your veins. "i... i think i'm okay," you replied, your voice shaky yet relieved. "just a bit shaken up."
the paramedic nodded understandingly, her gloved hands skillfully examining you for any signs of physical harm. after a thorough assessment, she reassured you, "physically, you seem to be alright. however, it's important to take care of yourself emotionally too. if you need someone to talk to, don't hesitate to reach out."
you offered a grateful smile, appreciating her empathy in the midst of the chaotic aftermath. "thank you," you said sincerely. "i'll keep that in mind."
“we already reached out to your guardian so they’ll be here soon, just rest up,” the woman stated before walking off.
as the paramedics finished their assessment and went to speak to the police for whatever further evaluation, your mind wandered back to the unexpected encounter with gwen.
something about this situation felt deeply unsettling. not only was gwen a killer, but her behavior had crossed the boundaries of normalcy into something much darker. the realization of her true nature sent chills down your spine, prompting a wave of revulsion.
however, you couldn't deny the conflicting emotions that had stirred within you during those fifteen minutes with gwen. for the first time in your life, someone has shown you such profound attention and affection, making you feel loved, appreciated, and even worshiped for simply being yourself. it was a heady mix of excitement and nervousness, emotions you had never experienced to this extent with any previous crush.
as you whispered the word "crush" to yourself, a sinking feeling settled in. you couldn't deny that you had allowed yourself to become entangled in a dangerous situation.
deep down, you knew that going through with the date was a sick and misguided decision. it went against your better judgment and morality. the allure of the attention and desire overshadowed your rationality, blinding you from the bright red flags waving in front of your face.
but you are your parents' daughter, so maybe you can fix her.
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shyvioletcat · 9 months
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Happy Holidays @sassyhobbits. I know this is very late but it's finally here! Thank you for understanding the hectic circumstances I found myself in pre-Christmas. I am officially the last postee of the @rowaelinscourt secret santa and as an apology I added a bonus epilogue to this fic. I hope you love it! It was very fun to write.
Word Count: 9500
CW: Swearing and smut
Aelin didn’t know how it happened. After almost a year of dancing around each other she and Rowan had finally gone on a date. And that date was perfect. Perfect food, perfect conversation and Aelin even found the perfect dress to wear for the night. It was a tasteful red number, in her favourite shade, tight enough to show off her form but not tight enough that everyone got the full show. Aelin couldn’t fault the night, and she had replayed every moment over and over enough to be confident in that conclusion. So she didn’t understand why even after the sweetest and most perfect kiss goodnight Rowan had vanished. 
Completely and utterly ghosted her. 
After kissing her goodnight at the door she had neither sight nor sound of him. There was a string of messages from her that had gone unanswered and in the end she had to find out through mutual friends that he had in fact vanished—physically. No one knew where he went or why, one day he was there and the next he was gone. Aelin hadn’t even managed one day of post date flirting in their office before he was gone. 
She had to go to Lorcan of all people to get confirmation that Rowan was alive. The information was passed over in a brief and curt conversation that between the lines said very clearly mind your own business. In other circumstances Aelin would have never approached the surly bastard, and the fact she had was testament to her desperation. Aelin was left to wonder and wallow, both of which she kept out of the workplace. She was the picture of professionalism, aloof and pretending to be unaffected by her damaged heart. Because she liked Rowan, more than liked even, and she thought that he cared for her too. Everything that Aelin had assumed was obviously wrong. 
It was pointless to worry about and Aelin was determined to put it out of her mind. Tonight was the perfect opportunity at the annual Yulemas party. A night of drinking and frivolity was exactly what she needed. This year the company had rented out a private room in a swanky pub by the river. Being so Aelin was dressing for the part. She knew the place and had been there a few times. There was a giant fireplace that would warm the whole room, so really she only needed her coat for the brief trip from the car to inside. She was wearing a satin green dress, the whole thing pleated. The neckline and back both dipped into a deep V, with a thick band around her waist. The sleeve barely went past the top of her shoulder and the hemline reached mid calf. It was a classy number with just a little bit of daring. 
The responsible driver that she was, Aelin checked on the arrival of the Uber as she put the finishing touches on her ensemble. They were elegant gold drop earrings and a delicate matching chain around her neck. The gold dust she added to her eyelids highlighted the gold tones in her eyes and matched her jewellery too, and with one final look in the mirror decided she was done. Aelin watched the approach of her ride on her phone and when it was close enough she slipped on her red three quarter length coat and darted out into the cold. 
Blessedly, the ride to the pub wasn’t far and her driver was on the quieter side. Aelin didn’t feel like talking to a stranger. She still said thank you though as she left the car, and she had just dipped her hands into the pocket of her coat when she felt her phone buzz with a notification. Not willing to freeze her fingers off in the bitter Orynth winter, Aelin waited until she was in the doorway before she pulled her phone out to read the message. It was from Lysandra, her best friend turned cousin’s girlfriend through a turn of happy circumstances. She didn’t work with Aelin but she would have come as Aedion’s plus one because he did. 
Lys: You’ll never BELIEVE who’s here.
There was no other information besides those five words but Aelin knew, she knew who Lysandra was talking about. Her stomach twisted as she pushed through the door and she couldn’t tell if it was the warmth of the fire or her anxiety that warmed her cheeks. The sound of chatter and laughter drew her attention and she could see all her colleagues standing around, drinks in hand and mingling. Like a moth to a flame her gaze zeroed in on the one man she was not expecting to see.
Dressed in a crisp white dress shirt and grey pants, sleeves rolled up to his elbows and looking effortlessly handsome as he always did, was Rowan. He didn’t notice her and Aelin bit down on the need to hide before he did. She just needed to disappear into the crowd and effortlessly ignore him. 
Aelin slipped off her coat and draped it over her arm, walking over to the gathered party. She was just on the edges of it when Rowan noticed her.
“Shit,” she muttered under her breath. She quickly turned before she could read the expression on his face, she needed to come up with some kind of plan—and fast. Aelin glanced over her colleagues and spotted her saviour. A man who was down for anything, and despite being friends with the both of them Aelin knew he would do whatever she asked.
Plastering a smile on her face Aelin hurried the last few steps towards her target which would be interpreted as excitement. When she was close enough her hands rested on his forearm, steadying her as she rose up on her toes to kiss him on the cheek. 
“Pretend to be my date,” Aelin said, wiping away the slight lipstick residue from his cheek.
Fenrys peered down at her with a perplexed look that quickly turned into enthusiasm. “Sure thing, I got you.”
Aelin sighed in relief. “You’ve saved my life.’
Fenrys gave her a perfectly flirtatious wink. “Always happy to help. Would you like a drink?” 
Aelin nearly groaned. “Desperately.”
Fenrys stepped away, putting a hand on her lower back as he circled her on the way to the bar. As soon as he was gone Lysandra sidled up next to her, dressed in a form fitting, knee length, one shoulder, green velvet number. She looped their arms together, bringing them closer so she could whisper. “What was that?”
“Hey, we’re matching,” Aelin diverted, nodding down at her own green dress she’d chosen for the evening. 
But Lysandra was not going to be so easily distracted. “That was nowhere even close to the answer to that question.”
Aelin knew she wouldn’t get away with not answering and tossed her loose hair over her shoulder, standing a little taller. “Fenrys is now my date.”
“Oh, I see,” Lysandra said, nodding sagely. “And that wouldn’t have anything to do with the sudden reappearance of a certain someone, would it?”
Her best friend was privy to everything that had gone on. Lysandra was the only one to have heard about Aelin’s feelings about being abandoned by the man she might very well be falling in love with. Aelin had gone back and forth and around in circles so many times trying to figure what had happened, then more importantly how she felt about it. Lysandra had listened and given advice, so knew how much Rowan’s appearance had rattled Aelin even as she took the contrary path. 
“Of course not.”
“Well, you do what you have to do. A little bit of jealousy never hurt anybody,” Lysandra said. 
“Precisely,” Aelin said as she sent a glowing smile Fenrys’ way as he approached with their drinks. As he got closer Aelin disentangled herself from her best friend and swapped her physical closeness to her date. She wrapped a hand around his waist and took her drink. Fenrys played the part perfectly, casually relaxing into her touch brushing his thumb at a respectful position on her hip.
“Do I get to know what all this is about, or?” Fenrys asked, shooting a curious look over the rim of his glass. 
“Maybe later,” Aelin said in hushed tones, not wanting to risk being overheard. “But for now, you are my date.”
“Boyfriend?” Fenrys was sounding a little too keen. 
“Mmm, almost,” Aelin hesitated. She glanced at Rowan who was looking over at her and doing a very poor job at hiding it. Her reaction was to lean into Fenrys a little more, a hand lifting to his face to brush one of his stray curls out of his face. “We’ll see how we go.”
Throughout the night they both played their parts perfectly. Fenrys was doting and attentive, he always had a hand on her, making sure they looked like they were here together. If any other colleagues had questions they kept quiet. Everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves enough to not worry about anyone else’s business. Aelin was on her way back from the bathroom and searching for her fake date when she got distracted by some kind of clatter coming from the kitchen and ended up walking into a body. In her towering heels she swayed a little but that body also had an arm, and it reached out to stop her from falling on her ass. 
“Sorry, Aelin.”
Oh no.
Dread filled her body as she recognised the voice, and considered running. She had expertly avoided him all night and then now because of one moment of distraction it had been ruined. She would have circumnavigated her way around him instead of walking into his stupidly solid body. 
“It’s fine,” she muttered.
Rowan must have realised that he was still holding onto her, and almost gingerly let her go. Aelin pointedly ignored every emotion that abrupt gesture made rise up. She didn’t know where to look, but she certainly didn’t want to look at him, so she chose up. 
Oh. Gods. No, no way was she committing to this and she needed to move before someone else noticed. Everyone was tipsy enough that they would insist. Whoever decided hanging mistletoe was a good idea needed a brutal form of punishment. And looking at Rowan now… she knew that look in his eyes. He was contemplating the godsdamned tradition. She would bet her Yulemas bonus that the next words out of his mouth would be asking for permission. Aelin needed to flee, with dignity, and she couldn’t quite work out how to do it. 
“There you are, Princess,” Fenrys’ smooth voice came from behind her as his arm snaked around her waist. Aelin literally sighed in relief. “And would you look at that.”
As Aelin turned into Fenrys’ embrace she followed his gaze upward to the tastefully tied sprig hung from the ceiling. 
“May I?” Fenrys asked under his breath. 
“Yes,” Aelin answered just as quietly. 
Cupping her cheek Fenrys lowered his mouth to hers. Slow enough that Aelin could change her mind, but not so slow it made it look weird. His lips were warm and steady, and she had to hand it to the guy, he was a good kisser. More than that he made sure it was quite the show for anyone—just maybe the person closest to them—who might be watching. Fenrys even went as far as giving her just the smallest of dips, a broad hand on her back to keep them steady. She had to hand it to him, he was putting on a show in the very best way. She was sure from the movement of his lips that it probably looked like he was devouring her face too. 
The kiss ended and Fenrys righted them, giving Aelin a sly wink along the way. She couldn’t help it, she turned to see Rowan’s reaction. She sensibly expected to find that he had fled the scene. To her petty delight he hadn’t, he was just glaring at them with an expression of confused shock. Then he shook his head, walking away and straight to the bar. 
Aelin turned to her partner in crime who was looking very smug. “Thanks for withholding the tongue.”
“I am nothing if not a gentleman,” he replied.
That made Aelin laugh and she hugged her friend in gratitude for upholding his reputation for being down for absolutely anything. 
“Come on.” Fenrys said, giving her shoulders a squeeze. “Let’s get you a drink.
It was two drinks later when the flow of the night was disrupted and brought to a very abrupt halt. Aelin was at the bar when there was an almost simultaneous reaction as everyone received the same message at the same time. Aelin read the alert and was mildly thankful she had a legitimate reason to cut the night short. 
There was a lull while everyone processed and then everything restarted as they planned their next moves. Not having her car here, Aelin was in a slight bind. She quickly brought up the Uber app but the drivers were all shutting down their cars so that they could stay off the roads and bunker down. Aelin’s masterful plan of getting a ride had backfired, and she didn’t exactly live near anyone else in attendance. Aedion, who was her best bet, had left about an hour ago. Her only option now was to beg for a lift. Fenrys, as her fake date, seemed the best place to start. She looked for him in the crowd and spotted him at the table they had been occupying while they ate the steady stream of nibblies that had been served throughout the night. 
“Can you drive me home?”
“Sure thing, babe,” Fenrys said. 
“You live in the complete opposite direction,” Rowan said without an invitation to the conversation. Aelin hadn’t even noticed that he was standing there. 
“Yes, thank you for pointing that out,” Aelin said, dismissing him. 
“Let me take you so Fenrys can get home before the weather gets too bad,” Rowan added. 
“Don’t hate me, Aelin,” Fenrys said quietly and grimacing. “But he has a point.”
“Some date you are,” Aelin threw back at him. 
Fenrys tried to give her a smile but the glare she was shooting at him must have been making that difficult. “Misty doesn’t like snow storms.”
“Low blow, you know Misty is my weak spot,” Aelin said, voice resigned. Misty was a white husky and a complete baby. She hated being left alone, and Aelin knew that in this weather her anxiety would rise. Despite her substantial size, that dog was as soft as a marshmallow, which with her winter coat he closely resembled. 
Fenrys stooped down to give her a kiss on the cheek. “I’m sorry, Aelin. If he tries anything just kick him in the balls and kick him out of the car. He’s cold-hearted enough that he’ll survive.”
And didn’t Aelin know it.
She tried not to let her disappointment and anxiety show as she smiled at Fenrys. “Thank you for a lovely evening.” 
Fenrys gave her a wink as he picked up his jacket from the back of the chair. “Any time.”
Entirely unimpressed by the situation Aelin turned around to address Rowan. “Fine. Let’s go.”
She grabbed her coat and stormed over to the front door. All he did was fall in step behind, catching the door for himself as they stepped into the cold. In her rush Aelin hadn’t bothered with putting her coat on and was now freezing. What made the situation worse was that in her frustration she managed to lose her coordination. She got one arm in but the other refused to work with her and she couldn’t find the other sleeve.
The coat suddenly got lighter and there was a soft murmuring of, “Here.”
Just wanting to get warm Aelin allowed the assistance to happen. She didn’t bother to look at Rowan or say thank you, she just braced herself for the deteriorating weather. The wind sent the snowflakes around in thick flurries, and from the bitter and harsh chill in the air Aelin knew they were in for a bad one. Rowan was only a few steps behind her, and she waited for him to lead the way to his car.
“This way,” was all he said before he walked down the street. 
The snow was sticking enough that Rowan’s shoes were leaving imprints in the snow. Aelin followed them step for step, not wanting to risk slipping. Honestly, she wanted this walk to last forever so that she wouldn’t have to be alone in a car with this man who found her so abhorrent he couldn’t even offer an explanation for his behaviour. Probably. That was obviously the most logical reason. 
A ridiculous reason was that he had been abducted by aliens and had only just been returned to earth. 
Aelin was so caught up in her own thoughts that her high heeled boot sinking into untouched snow was her indication that they’d reached Rowan’s car. He was there, the door held ajar ready to let her in. She hated the chivalry of it, hated that she liked the consideration. Why couldn’t he just be a bastard and make it easy to hate him? All Aelin could do was ignore everything besides the need to get home. The door opening was a means to an end. Sitting inside the freezing car waiting for it to drive on the snow covered road was just the next thing on the list. Sitting in silence is what would get her home. She just hoped Rowan was in on the plan. 
Rowan started the car, all his attention on the precarious conditions outside. It seemed they were on the same brainwave because he didn’t say a word and Aelin chose to distract herself on her phone. She shot off a message to Lysandra to explain the awful situation she has been left in thanks to her early departure and then she checked the weather. They were in for a serious storm tonight, and it was looking like it might shut the city down tomorrow as well. That at least meant tomorrow she could wallow in self pity alone. 
At times Aelin knew Rowan was glancing her way, she could see him in her peripheries but not once did she fall for the bait. If he didn’t have the balls to start a conversation she wasn’t going to give him any help on the matter. Aelin just started counting down the minutes until she would be safe and home.
Twenty minutes later and they’d done it. All the way out to Aelin’s tidy little house neither of them had said a single word. Rowan pulled into her driveway, his headlights the only thing illuminating the front facade of her house. Aelin must have forgotten about her porch light on her way out the door. From the look of it the snow was already a few inches thick. The flashlight on her phone would have to be her trusty companion. Because she wasn’t entirely devoid of manners she wasn’t going to leave without thanking Rowan for going out of his way. 
“Thanks,” she muttered quickly. 
Before she could even get her hand to the handle Rowan replied, “let me walk you to the door.”
Aelin was gaping as he got out and turned the torch on his phone. She got out of the car before he could come around and get her himself. Then she couldn’t help it, she slammed the door harder than she should have. Rowan didn’t say a word to her the entire trip and now he was trying to be the nice guy and walk her to her door? She’d had enough. Aelin wanted him gone but she also wanted some kind of explanation because this cold to lukewarm was beyond frustrating. 
Marching past Rowan with her own phone out, Aelin blindly grabbed her keys out of her handbag. It was small so that was easy, and she had them in hand as she stomped up the wooden steps of her front porch. The porch was screened in so it offered some reprieve from the weather. Rowan was considerate enough to angle his phone so that she could see what she was doing and in moments her front door was unlocked. 
“Goodnight,” Rowan said, his obligations discharged. 
That was when Aelin broke. She nudged the door open just so she could reach on and flick on the porch light. Rowan had already started his descent into the night but she wasn’t about to let him get away that fast. 
“Hey,” Aelin nearly shouted. “What is your deal?”
Rowan stopped just on the edge of the porch, then took another step forward to stop the snow from falling on him. “I didn’t want you to fall in the dark.”
“You know that’s not what I meant.” Aelin willed her emotions in the direction of anger. “What did I do that made you disappear for weeks and then you come back and there’s still nothing?”
Emotion flashed across Rowan’s face, and his mouth tightened. “It wasn’t you.”
Aelin scoffed. “That’s lovely to hear and I totally believe you.”
“I’m not lying.” 
“Why, Rowan?” Aelin asked, her voice coming out with a finality that told him if he didn’t answer her now he wouldn’t have another chance.
Rowan stepped forward a little more, fully under the protection of the porch roof now. “It was my ex.”
“Your ex?” Aelin’s voice was incredulous. “Ah-uh. That’s reassuring.”
“Please, just listen.” Rowan’s fisting tightened, showing the tension in his body. 
But Aelin could not suppress the bitter resignation that was overwhelming her. “No, say no more. I’m a smart girl. I can put two and two together.”
She was more than obviously on her way into the house, because she’d heard enough. Hearing the confirmation from Rowan’s mouth just might obliterate what was left of her heart. Seething anger was her best defence, she couldn’t let him have the upper hand. Freedom was within reach—Aelin’s hand was on the door—when there was a gentle touch on her shoulder. A voice inside her head told her to ignore it, to just step inside her house and give the door a well deserving slam right in Rowan’s face. For some godsdamned reason she chose not to listen to that angry but highly sensible voice. Aelin turned, taking in Rowan’s hesitant features in the grey light. 
“Can you just hear what I have to say?” Rowan all but pleaded. Aelin nodded, watching as the man in front of her sighed heavily, readying himself. “Turns out right before my ex and I broke up she got pregnant, and she didn’t tell me. I have a daughter, her name is Ivy and she’s nearly two. I left because I went to Doranelle to meet her and sort everything out. You didn’t hear from me because I didn’t know how to process any of this. All I knew was that I needed to get on a plane and meet this child I didn’t know anything about, which is what I did. And I’m sorry for whatever pain that caused you.”
Aelin was speechless, she could only stare at Rowan while emotion flooded him. She hadn’t expected this. When he’d said ex she had expected that they had come back into Rowan’s life, and that old flame had rekindled, not that. 
“Oh,” was all she managed to say.
“I’m sorry for what happened, Aelin,” Rowan said. “It wasn’t what I wanted for us, but I didn’t know how to navigate through it all.”
For a moment Aelin just contemplated the news. Rowan had a kid, a daughter—nearly two according to him. It was a lot to take in, and there was one thing she kept coming back to. It was most likely due to her simmering anger, but she and Rowan had been friends until they took the plunge into something more, so Aelin couldn’t help but ask herself why hadn’t he told her? She’d been devastated, and she couldn’t let that go.
“Why didn’t you say anything?” Aelin said quietly. 
“I…” Rowan hesitated and looked out into the dark. “I don’t have an answer for you.”
“You need one, Rowan.” Her anger had free rein now that the shock had worn off. “You left me hurt and wondering what I could have done to drive you away. You could have said anything, just one little thing and I would have been fine. I get what you’re going through is hard but you didn’t need to shut me out.”
“You’re right,” Rowan said simply.
“Great, glad we cleared that up.” Aelin felt her emotions rising as she spoke, and she didn’t want to cry in front him. “You should go.”
“I will,” he said, but he didn’t go just yep. “I’m sorry, again.”
“Thanks for that, means a lot,” Aelin said, the sarcasm dripping from each word.
Rowan straightened, anger flashing across his features, but besides a slight narrowing of his eyes he offered her no other reaction. Aelin didn’t say goodbye as she went into her house, leaning on the door to shut it. She thought she could hear Rowan’s footsteps trudging through the snow, or maybe that was just her imagination willing him away. He’d offered her an explanation but that didn’t wipe away the weeks of simmering hurt. Yes, they had taken the next step in their relationship but more than that they were friends. And friends didn’t leave like that. 
Aelin shook her head and made for her bedroom, fiddling with the thermostat on the way. If a blizzard was imminent she wanted to prepare accordingly. She focused the heating towards her bedroom, there were no plans to spend any time elsewhere in the house. Maybe just the kitchen for a midnight snack to drown her sorrows.
She tugged off her coat and hung that up, and then her boots were next. Aelin was unclasping the chain at her neck when there was a knock on her door. At first Aelin thought she was hearing things so just froze where she was, listening and waiting to see if it happened again. It did, this time more insistent. 
The first thing she felt was confusion and then apprehension, because who would be knocking on her door at this time of night in this kind of weather? Aelin’s chest caved a little at the most obvious answer as to who it might be. Barefooted, she left her bedroom and walked down the hall to the front of the house. The porch light went back on and Aelin used the peephole to confirm her suspicions. 
“For fucks sake,” she muttered to herself and didn’t wait to all but throw the door open. “What is it?”
Rowan stood there, looking miserable and freezing. “My car won’t start.”
Aelin blinked once. “What?”
“Cold drain and it won’t start,” Rowan said, a jerking gesture of his hand towards the driveway.
Aelin peered around Rowan’s broad shoulders, noting how bad the weather had gotten. His excuse was plausible and there was no way he’d be able to find an alternative arrangement to get him home now. Aelin could not believe her luck. What else was this night going to throw at her?
“Come in then,” she said, stepping back to let Rowan through the door. 
He did as she instructed, with barely a glance in Aelin’s direction. Rowan quickly ran into a problem—he didn’t know where to go. So he ended up lingering in the entryway, kind of glancing around to get some idea of where he should be heading. Aelin shut the door on the blistering cold of the outside world and felt like she was setting a trap for herself. There was only one course of action here, despite her feelings she couldn’t leave Rowan to freeze in his car. Her couch would have to do. 
“This way,” Aelin said, leading him through the entryway and past her study to the living room. It was far colder in here because of the floor to ceiling windows that looked out on a stylish courtyard. Even with the curtains closed there was a definite chill in the air. It would only get colder too. “I’ll grab you some things.”
“Thanks,” was Rowan’s response. 
Aelin went off to her linen cupboard, gathering some sheets and her thickest blanket. While she quickly slipped a pillow into a fresh pillowcase she worked very hard to keep her thoughts rational. 
“Fine. This is fine,” she told herself. “I’ll just close my door and pretend he doesn’t exist. I’ll just pretend he’s off living his new life without me.”
Hugging the bedding to her chest Aelin went back to the living room. Rowan was by the window, peeking behind the curtains, checking out the weather. Aelin dropped everything in the middle of the three seater. Rowan let go of the curtain but he didn’t move from his spot by the window. This felt like a standoff and Aelin couldn’t work out what for. Did he want to say something? Apologise again? Or was he waiting for her to magnanimously forgive him for leaving her? If the latter was what he was after he was out of luck.
“If you need anything else the linen cupboard is just outside the bathroom,” Aelin said and left it at that.
“It’s nice to see you’ve moved on so quickly.” There was a definite tinge of bitterness to his voice. 
For a brief moment Aelin was confused, then she remembered her little game of pretend with Fenrys that seemingly was coming back to bite her in the ass. But she wasn’t about to yield defeat now. “Jealousy is never a good look.”
“I’m not jealous,” he said far too quickly. 
Aelin was relishing in the fact that she had got under his skin. “Enjoy the show, did you?”
“That’s all it was, wasn’t it? A farce to get a rise out of me?”
Rowan was always a little too perceptive for his own good. Aelin shrugged in response. “Sometimes you just have to work with what you’ve got.”
“What is that supposed to mean?” Rowan asked. 
But Aelin wasn’t interested in continuing the conversation. “Goodnight, Rowan. Sweet dreams.”
The house was silent as Aelin made her way back to her bedroom leaving Rowan floundering with her sickly sweet goodnight and confusion around the whole Fenrys matter. The only sounds were the steadily worsening storm outside. Sleep was the ultimate goal and Aelin could only hope that Rowan wouldn’t haunt her dreams—his close proximity making that very likely. Back in the sanctuary of her bedroom she reached for her phone typing across the screen at breakneck pace and managing not even one typo. The message was intended for her best friend, but Aelin doubted she’d get a reply. Lysandra would probably be blissfully asleep by now. 
Aelin: Thanks to your early departure to do GODS know what ROWAN has ended up in my house. I blame you and your drunken horniness. 
Aelin threw the phone onto her plush blanket and yanked on the tie that held her sleeves up across her upper back. Apparently, she had pulled the wrong one, because all she accomplished was tangling it into a tight knot. Biting down on her frustration she counted to three before shifting her focus to her zipper. If she could get the dress loose around her waist it could just go over her head. Simple. 
But Aelin wasn’t as in charge of her appendages as she thought she was. That frustration was swirling with that anger and mixing into something that was feeling a lot like anxiety. That combination was fatal and the sharp pull she gave on her zipper only caused it to jam. The satin had slipped between Aelin’s fingers and no matter how hard she tried, the fabric wasn’t coming free.
“Come on,” she hissed, trying over and over again. It didn’t work. She was trapped and she vowed never to wear this dress again. 
Aelin moved over to her mirror so she could inspect the situation. Peering over her shoulder it was hard to tell the best way out. She was searching through the pleats when her disastrous night took yet another turn for the worse. The lights went out and Aelin cursed colourfully. What a time to get stuck in her dress.
There were three options for Aelin at this moment. One, she could rip herself out of the dress, but she liked it and had spent a decent amount of money on it. Option two she could sleep in it, even though that would mean being highly uncomfortable with it cinching at her waist and it would undoubtedly tangle around her legs. Number three was the worst but also the one with the highest chance of success. 
“Rowan,” Aelin called out into the dark, waiting for a response but not expecting one.
“Yes?” He answered surprisingly fast. 
“I need your help, can you come in here?”
There was no verbal answer but soon enough she heard his footfalls moving through the house. He was using the torch on his phone to lead the way and Aelin blinked as that white light came not the room. Rowan was still in his shirt and pants, but he had removed his shoes. For a moment she wondered what he’d planned to sleep in but promptly decided that it was none of her business. Instead She put her back to him so that he could see the problem, but still said, “I’m stuck.”
“Okay,” was Rowan’s very simple answer. 
Aelin heard him move closer and he set his phone down on the bed so that he could work. With a brief nudge of his fingers he shooed hers away from the jammed zipper so that he could work. She dropped her hands to her sides and waited. To help with whatever the problem was his fingers brushed the bare skin of her back. Aelin could have yelped from how freezing they were. It reminded her that her living room would be so cold without the heater to warm it up now that the power was out. Her bedroom would be the most comfortable room in the house. Lucky her. 
They both stood in silence, Aelin perfectly still while Rowan worked. His presence behind her was hard to ignore, she could feel the warmth of his body and it sent her rigid when he stepped that little bit closer to get a better angle. 
“It's stuck good,” Rowan muttered. “Just give me a second.”
“Alright,” Aelin said softly. 
There was a sharp tug around her waist and then the sound of the zipper giving way, and Aelin sighed in relief. 
“Hold on, I’ll get the top too,” Rowan added. 
The ties tickled her back so much that Aelin shivered and Rowan murmured his apologies. Soon enough that was undone too and she felt the sleeves threaten to fall off her shoulders. Aelin didn’t move, and neither did Rowan. There seemed to be an impasse developing, they were caught in a limbo. It was Rowan who sighed and stepped back, sighing as he did.
“I’m so sorry,” Rowan said, his voice sounding almost devasted. “I didn’t mean to hurt you like I did. It was selfish of me, but I didn’t say anything because I wasn’t sure how you would handle it. Suddenly I’ve got baggage and my life has completely changed, and there was the chance you would run. And I…” Rowan inhaled deeply. “I don’t want to risk this because I think I’ve fallen in love with you.”
Those words shocked the breath out of her. Aelin turned slowly, the white light of the phone torch lighting Rowan’s features. All the anger of earlier was gone, in front of her stood a man defeated. For all her claiming that they were friends, Aelin wasn’t being a great one herself.
“I just,” Rowan stalled again and ran a hand through his hair. “I didn’t want to be a shitty father. I couldn't ignore Ivy’s existence and keep going how things were. I’m sorry you were the casualty in all of this.”
“Oh, Rowan,” Aelin sighed. Yes, he had left her, but the alternative might have broken him further. The Rowan he knew would never shirk out of a responsibility that would have such lasting effects. That wouldn’t be the man she had fallen in love with. “I’m sorry.”
“No, don’t apologise, this is me. I fucked things up,” he insisted. “You have nothing to be sorry for, I shouldn’t—“
Aelin did the only thing she could think of to shut him up and that was to put her mouth on his. Rowan immediately melted into the kiss, his broad hands going to her waist, then sweeping to the small of her back to press her closer. When their lips broke apart their foreheads met and for a few long moments they just stood there, taking each other and the sudden development in. 
“I want you, everything that you are, Rowan. If you had not gone you wouldn’t be the man I know,” Aelin told him. “The man that I’m falling in love with.”
His hands tightened on her waist. “Aelin,” Rowan whispered.
“This doesn’t change who you are,” Aelin said, stepping a little closer. “You’ve said you’ve messed up but I’m seeing now you were doing what you could. I’m sure you’ll make up for all the shit you put me through.”
“My life is completely changed now, though. I have a daughter.” There was a touch of anguish in his voice, as if he was still tearing himself up over everything. 
“And I have a thing for DILFs.”
The inappropriate words were out of her mouth before Aelin could even think and the mortification she felt quickly melted away as Rowan laughed. The sound burst out of him, likely due to the suddenness of the quip. She was even rewarded with a brief but infinitely sweet kiss. 
“Goodnight, Aelin. We can talk more in the morning.”
Aelin wasn’t having that and she caught Rowan by the shirt, hands fisting in the white crisp material that seemed to glow in the harsh light. “You’ll freeze out there. It’ll be warmer in here, if we stay together. You know what they say about the cold and body heat.”
The offer was there, and Aelin hoped to the gods Rowan would take it. She had just managed to get him back, she wasn’t about to let him go again so soon. 
“The couch is fine.” The words of a true gentleman. 
“Stay,” Aelin pleaded, foreheads together and she teased him with the slightest brush of her lips. 
“You’re sure?” Rowan asked, his grip on her waist getting tighter.
Aelin dropped her shoulders, let her dress drop to her elbows. It was something Rowan didn’t miss, his eyes darting down to the lace that was newly exposed. 
“Stay with me, Rowan.”
That was all the permission he needed and then he was kissing her again. Using the grip Aelin still had on his shirt she pulled him down with her as she fell back. Rowan was more than willing, catching himself as before he crushed her. 
“The whole time I was away I couldn’t stop thinking about you,” he said in between kisses. “That one kiss is what kept me going.”
Aelin could sense yet another apology coming, but she had had enough of words, she needed action. “I said you could make it up to me, why don’t you start now?”
The sound of Rowan’s low laugh against Aelin’s neck had her skin breaking out in goosebumps, even more so when his fingers dragged over her shoulders, pulling her dress down. Aelin’s breath was heavy and she could feel herself straining against the confines of her exposed bra. The phone light was still on, highlighting every curve that Rowan’s dark eyes were currently roving over. When their gazes met Aelin’s arousal spiked, from that look she could tell Rowan was a man with ideas and she was ready to be part of every single one of them. 
“It would be my pleasure,” Rowan said.
And hers.
Braced over her, he lowered his lips to her breast, teasing the peak of it through the black lace of her bra. Aelin moaned, one hand finding its way into Rowan’s silver hair and the other running up his back. She could feel his muscles shifting as he switched to the other breast. Holy gods, was he determined to make it up to her. Just with his tongue and teeth she was already a needy, writhing mess. From the smile she caught tilting up the corners of his mouth it was clear Rowan was enjoying himself too. 
Then he was working his way down her body, taking the dress with him. When he and the dress got to her hips Aelin lifted them and within moments all that she was left in was her matching lingerie set. 
“Beautiful,” Rowan said.
Aelin preened under the compliment, raising a knee slightly and stretched her arms above her head. She knew she looked good, she could feel it in the way Rowan’s gaze tracked her movements—the way his hand slid down to a heavy presence at her hips. Rowan was kneeling at the foot of the bed now, he’d got there without her noticing. What she did notice was his finger moving her underwear to the side and his mouth pressing against her core. 
Aelin was dizzy with pleasure as Rowan worked her with his tongue. She utterly surrendered to him, letting him guide her towards that peak that was approaching embarrassingly fast. Rowan didn’t seem to mind though, and he could read her like a book. He sucked on her clit and then flicked it with his tongue, making Aelin moan.
“Come for me, love,” Rowan said lowly, his voice rumbling against her sensitive skin. “I know you’re right there.”
He went back to work with a rolling sweep of his tongue and Aelin broke. Her hips moved of their own accord, riding his face as wave after wave of her orgasm was drawn out by Rowan’s expertise. When Aelin’s body went limp Rowan withdrew, and somewhere in her hazy brain she registered him removing his clothes, then he paid her the same courtesy. Clever fingers undid her bra with one hand and then her underwear was gone as well. Aelin had recovered enough that she sat up on her elbows and was able to see all of him. Rowan was magnificent, and Aelin took the time to look her fill, eyes catching on the hand that slowly worked his erection. Sitting up a little further Aelin moved up the bed until she was leaning against the pillows. Like magnets being drawn to each other Rowan followed, nearly prowling until he was hovering over her.
Aelin reached down, stroking Rowan’s cock, sighing at the silken feel of him. He groaned, his head falling to her shoulder. Impatient Rowan kept one arm steady to stop himself from falling on her, his free hand wandered over the dips and curve of Aelin’s skin. She gasped when his fingers dipped between her legs, still sensitive from his previous ministrations. 
Rowan’s lips brushed over her cheek, then the corner of her mouth and then graced her with a proper kiss. “You’re so ready for me.”
All Aelin could do was nod, arching her hips, desperate for him to fill her. Sense kicked in and she reached over to her nightstand, yanking the drawer open and pulling out a string of condoms. 
“I don’t think we’ll need that many,” Rowan said.
Aelin’s snort was unattractive but she couldn’t help it. This was part of why she was falling in love with Rowan, they could be real and raw in every sense with no threat of repercussion. It now included bad jokes during sex, and Aelin didn’t mind in the very least. 
“Never say never,” she replied, ripping just a single packet off. She tore it open, glancing up at Rowan. “May I?”
This time Rowan nodded, his eyelids fluttering as Aelin’s fingers smoothed the condom down the length of him. There was a moment where they just looked at each other, waiting for the other to make the final move. In the end it was Aelin, wrapping her arms around her his neck and kissing him deeply. And then something snapped. 
When Rowan surged forward, his eagerness knocked his phone off the foot of the bed, plunging them into darkness. Their lips never broke apart, Aelin moaning as Rowan’s tongue swept into her mouth. She never wanted to leave this bed, not when he could make her feel this good. Rowan eventually broke the kiss, lips tickling over skin until he stopped where her neck and shoulder met. Aelin opened her eyes to near pitch blackness, all it did was heighten her other senses. Every touch felt more intense, heightened by not knowing where Rowan would be next. He kissed and sucked at her neck, distracting Aelin from his other goal. A broad hand covered her breast, fingers rolling and then pinching her nipple. The noises that escaped her lips were unrestrained and turned desperate when she felt his cock at her entrance.
Before he could push in, Aelin pressed on his shoulder, and Rowan took the hint—rolling of her so she could roll onto him. In the dregs of light coming from behind her curtains Aelin could just make out the outline of Rowan’s body, her hands smoothing over his stomach to his shoulders. His cock was hard and demanding beneath her, and she took the opportunity to tease him just a little by rolling her hips over him. Rowan’s sharp groan echoed in the quiet room and it was enough to break all of Aelin’s resolve. She reached between them, lining him up and then sinking down on him with a desperate slowness. 
“Fuck, Aelin. You feel so good.”
Aelin whimpered at the praise, hips moving of their own accord. For all Rowan said—he felt just as good. From then they moved together, Rowan thrusted up and Aelin ground down on him, each movement feeling delicious and decadent. Hands travelled where they would, teasing and soothing simultaneously. The coil within Aelin wound tighter and she chased that feeling. She felt Rowan’s hand on her stomach, pressing down and then sliding up her body, between the valley of her breasts. Naively Aelin thought he would stop there to taunt and tease, but he didn’t. His palm cupped her cheek, thumb brushing over the crest of it. 
“I love you,” Rowan breathed, hips flexing and driving her mad. 
“Gods, Rowan.” Aelin was close, and it might be this moment of softness that pushed her over the edge. “I love you too.”
That coil snapped and Aelin cried out as pleasure broke over every nerve. Rowan was right behind her, moaning her name as he spilled himself inside her. Limbless, Aelin fell onto Rowan’s chest, her rapid breathing falling into sync with his as her body rose and fell. They lay like that for a long while, basking in each other’s closeness. Aelin truly didn’t want to let him go, it seemed too soon. 
Still, she didn’t fight him as Rowan got up and retrieved his phone. He easily found the bathroom because it was the only other door besides the one he had initially walked through. Aelin made use of the time by untucking the blankets and scooting underneath them. Without Rowan’s body next to hers she was starting to feel the chill. The whole joke about body heat might actually have some truth in it. Rowan was back within moments, joining her in the plush bedding. He had barely settled when Aelin was shifting closer, pulling his arms around her. Rowan chuckled, bringing her in closer still as he settled into bed. 
“Thank you for giving me a chance, Aelin,” Rowan said.
Aelin tried to be serious but she couldn’t help it. “After that I don’t know how—”
Rowan silenced her with a kiss. “Godsdamned smartass.”
They both laughed and Aelin let it be. She rested her hand over Rowan’s heart and let that steady rhythm ground her. “You’re mine now, so.”
It was quiet for a long while, until Rowan spoke again. 
“This won’t be easy,” Rowan said, pressing a kiss to Aelin’s forehead. 
She snuggled in a little closer, melting into Rowan’s embrace, returning his kiss to his cheek. “We’ll work it out. Together.”
At those words Rowan held her tighter. “Together.”
Aelin was in a panic. She had a plan and then that plan had gloriously failed her. What was worse is that it wasn’t just one big thing, it was a collection of lots of little things that threatened to push her over the edge. Today was meant to be perfect, it had to be perfect. It was too important not to be. 
It had started with running out of flour, which Rowan was on his way out to get now. And then Aelin had stupidly not been wearing an apron and spilled sauce over the pants she had planned to wear the rest of the evening. But her biggest plunder had had to do with the semi raw turkey that she was currently staring at. Aelin’s kitchen was equipped with double ovens, which came in handy for Yulemas dinner. Or so she had thought. 
Aelin had the baked cheesecake in one oven and the turkey in the other. When the cheesecake was finished cooking it needed to be rested in the oven for a bit. So Aelin had switched off the dial and let it be. That was fine, good even. But then in her flustered state Aelin had seen that the other oven was still on, got the them mixed up and turned that one off too and was quickly distracted by the boiling potatoes overflowing. 
She had successfully turned both ovens off and now she was left without a main meal but a very delicious looking dessert. 
Rowan found her staring down the turkey as he dropped the shopping bag on the counter. “Everything all right there?”
“If there was a power outage it would just be the icing on the cake,” Aelin said, not taking her eyes off the turkey that she was sure was mocking her. 
She felt Rowan’s hand settle on her hips as he came up behind her, pressing a single kiss to her neck. “We do okay in a power outage.”
Aelin batted him away. “Not now. This is a disaster. I can’t serve raw turkey. Everyone will be here in like half an hour.”
The three people who were responsible for Aelin’s culinary demise. Rowan’s parents were bringing Ivy over from Doranelle for an early Yulemas celebration. Over the past year Rowan had worked his hardest to be part of his daughter’s life, and he had succeeded with flying colours. He was the best Dad he could be considering the circumstances. Co-parenting wasn’t easy, but Rowan had flown over as much as he could to build a connection with Ivy, and she had come to Orynth with her mother a few times to visit. So this wasn’t the first time Aelin was meeting Ivy, but it was the first time she would be formally meeting Iris and Evander Whitethorn. They had chatted over video calls, but that was it. And Yulemas was such a big event in a nearly three year old’s calendar. Aelin wanted to make a good impression but that goal was slowly slipping from her fingers. 
“Why not just put it back in the oven and see how we go?” Rowan suggested. “Maybe they’ll get caught in traffic.”
Aelin sighed. “It was supposed to be perfect.”
Rowan wrapped his arms around her and rested his chin on her temple. “And it will be. We might just have to eat dessert first.”
A miserable sounding laugh broke out of Aelin and she twisted in her boyfriend’s arms so that she could bury her face in his soft sweater. He was right. When had anything gone to plan with them? Regardless, things always turned out right in the end. 
“Maybe I should invite Fenrys over, he can pretend to be part of our throuple,” Aelin said cheekily, risking a one eyed glance up at Rowan. His features tightened, his mouth becoming a thin line. “You know just to spice things up to distract from my own failings.”
“Absolutely not,” Rowan said with a seriousness that made Aelin laugh. 
“Fine, I’ll just put the turkey back in and leave it at that.”
Twenty minutes later the turkey had barely progressed and the guests had arrived. Aelin had changed out of the dirtied pants into leggings and a knitted dress and that was step one in the right direction. Ivy had burst through the door and Rowan had swept her up as his parents followed behind. The little girl was over the moon to see her dad and Aelin had a hard time denying the funny things seeing Rowan with his daughter did to her ovaries.
“Aelin,” Iris all but exclaimed, arms extended for a hug. Aelin let it happen, caught up in the genuine joy that was filling the room. “It’s so nice to finally meet you in person.”
“You as well,” Aelin said. 
“Aelin!” Ivy said and launched herself from Rowan’s arms.
Aelin caught her, kissing her chubby cheek. “How are you? Did you have a good flight?”
“Yep! I got to watch two movies,” Ivy explained. “I get two Yulemases this year, you know?”
“I do,” Aelin replied, setting the little girl down. “How lucky are you?”
Rowan’s family were only staying for a week, they would leave a few days before actual Yulemas so Ivy could spend that with her mother. Rowan had come a long way with his ex, Lyria, but Ivy spending a major holiday away from her mother was still out of the question. 
“Evan, how are you?” Aelin said as she kissed his cheek.
Evan smiled, holding up the bags he carried. “Pack mule, as always.”
“Oh hush, you,” Iris admonished.
“Presents!” Ivy said, eyes catching on the wrapped gifts under the tree. 
“Not until after dinner,” Iris said quickly.
Aelin’s gut sank. “Well about that…”
She divulged the whole story, and by the end her cheeks were red from embarrassment.
“Just dessert and no dinner?” Ivy deduced, her green eyes hopeful. 
“Well, no,” Rowan cut in. “It just looks like we’ll have dessert first. Dinner is still on the menu.”
Regardless of that clarification Ivy cheered, making all the adults laugh. Despite the imperfections the evening ended up being a success. They started with dessert, then presents and then dinner afterwards. Too distracted by toys and full of ice cream, Ivy barely touched her plate, but everyone else only had good things to say about the haphazardous meal. Rowan’s parents were lovely, and meeting them in person wasn’t the feat that Aelin expected it to be at all. It was late when they said goodbye, heading back to their nearby hotel for the evening. There was only one spare bedroom at Aelin’s house and it was furnished with a single bed, so comfort wise it made more sense for them to stay elsewhere. 
Aelin was tucked into bed when Rowan came out of the bathroom, dressed in the Yulemas pyjamas Ivy had gifted him. They were ridiculous, garish gingerbread men all over them, but Rowan wore them with pride. He slipped into bed beside her, not waiting to pull Aelin into his arms. 
“Was that as much of a disaster as you thought it would be?” He asked.
Aelin shook her head. “No. Still pissed about the turkey though.”
Rowan chuckled, his breath tickling her hair. “I think tonight was perfect.”
“Even if Ivy ate zero vegetables?” Aelin peered up at Rowan to wait for her answer. 
“Hey, it’s Yulemas. We’ll let it slide.”
Aelin was grinning when she settled into Rowan’s arms. They were silent for a long while and she even thought Rowan had gone to sleep until he spoke.
“Thank you,” he said into the quiet dark of the room, “for giving me a chance to prove myself and fix my mistakes. I couldn’t have done all that I’ve done over the past year without you.”
Aelin held onto Rowan tighter, thinking about everything that had brought them to this moment. They weren’t perfect, mistakes were made and there would be countless more in their future. But that didn’t matter, not as long as they had each other. They could face anything in the world as long as they were together. 
So Aelin was smiling as she said, “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
Thanks for reading! I haven't had the time to fiddle with taglist yet. It's on my list of things to do
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minisugakoobies · 11 months
"Noona, do you have any lotion I can borrow" - Best friend's brother San
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“Huh? Sure, in my…” 
The word “vanity” never makes it past your lips as you glance up. San’s standing in your doorway, leaning against the frame with his head cocked, wearing nothing but a pair of jeans that hang low on his hips. 
At this point, you’ve seen San shirtless countless times, since he’s been living with you long enough to get comfortable being so, but now his torso is covered in dark whorls and streaks that look like they’ve been painted on, and a giant tattoo of a wolf. 
“Um…” you say. “That’s new.”
San grins. “It’s for work,” he explains, meaning the bar where he’s still picking up shifts as a bouncer. “For the Halloween party tonight,” he further clarifies. “A bunch of us are going as video game warriors.” 
“Ah. And you’re just wearing - jeans?” 
San disappears for a moment and returns wearing a long, tattered denim robe, with fraying edges and realistic chains wrapped around the sleeves. He mugs for a moment, striking a powerful pose, and you roll your eyes but can’t stop the heat that creeps up your neck at the sight. Or the giggle, which only makes him grin harder.
“So anyway - lotion?” 
He makes himself at home in your room, sitting on your bed as usual while you rummage through the bottles of lotion in your collection, finally finding one that’s unscented. He thanks you with a small nod and removes his robe.
The laptop open at your desk gives you an excuse to avert your eyes as he begins to rub the lotion on his chest. 
“Are you working tonight?” 
You nod, settling into your chair again. “Got a deadline.” 
“You should take a break and come down to the bar for a little bit. Don’t worry about the cover, I know a guy,” he jokes.
“Eh, I don’t know.” It’s been a few years since you last went out for Halloween. San’s sister is at work tonight, so it’d just be you and a bar full of costumed strangers running amuck. And San would be stuck at the door, so it’s not like you could even hang out with him, if he’d want such a thing.
“Noona.” You hear the pout and glance over to see San’s lips puffing out. “Come on. You deserve to have a little fun every now and then. You’re always working so hard.” 
It’s honestly unreal how easily he can manipulate you with that sad look. It’s a weakness of yours. He’s a weakness of yours, though you’d never admit it to anyone. But you dig your heels in.
“I really need to finish this article.” 
“‘Joong and Woo will be there.” Even though it’s a statement, his eyes gaze into yours inquisitively. 
It’s the first time you’ve heard those names since the party. The two of you have never talked about the fact that you kissed both of his friends that night. It was like an unspoken rule, that you shouldn’t mention it. 
Or maybe you’re just afraid to start down that path, because you’re not sure which way you want it to go. 
But now he’s thrown them out there, and somehow it almost feels like a trap.
“Well, I hope you guys have fun,” you toss back, returning to your document and typing a few words to make it look like you’re truly focusing on your work. 
San sighs. “Fine. But if you change your mind…” 
You hum as he trails off, rising from your bed. But before you can say goodnight, his arms slip under yours, surprising you with a back hug. Dazed, you peel your fingers away from your keyboard to grasp his arms gently. He’s so warm. So strong. 
“I hope you change your mind,” he murmurs, nose briefly touching your cheek. You wonder if he can feel the way your heart jumps in your chest at the sensation. “Night, Noona.” 
“N-night, San.” 
You hear the door close after a few minutes, as you stare blankly at the laptop screen, mind a million miles away from anything resembling your work.
Thirty seconds later you’re standing in front of your closet, wondering what last-minute costume you can pull together.
I'm just gonna call this a writing exercise, a little warm-up for all the work I'm hopefully gonna do today. But oh my god, Luce, I'm so in love with this man and the slow burn that's happening here. It's gonna be the slowest of burns - the sun itself will flame out before this does. 💕
Tagging @kiestrokes @yeontan-my-love because San 😆
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midnightblues444 · 2 years
Tokyo Revengers; as tropes
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Cast list: Draken, Ran Haitiani,wakasa + shinichiro and Mitsuya Takashi
Notes: first work yay!! Fem reader
Content warnings: suggestive, brief harrassment, love triangle(but there's no choice), weed consumption
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childhood friends to strangers to lovers
The first time you ever spoke to Draken you challenged him to a race, claiming that your shoes gave you super speed. To test this theory the two of you ran around the brothels makeshift daycare until your little legs gave out, panting and debating who was the winner. From then on you became a formidable duo; fighting and going on adventures was daily routine . Inseparable was the only way to describe you two, and with age you only grew closer.
Until the day you left Tokyo. You stared at your life long friend with matching tears staining your cheeks. You never wanted to let him go, even when your parents called, you hugged him tighter. You both whispered promises of never losing touch,before you gently kiss his cheek after you're finally forced to let go.
Those promises were lost as the years went by but now you stare at the man across the hall of your new apartment. You thought it would be impossible for him to grow any taller but here he is, giant with dark strands hanging loosly in front of his face, big arms dropping his grocery bags ."ken ken?" The nickname compels him to start moving, like he's wearing super speed shoes. In only a few long strides he's scooping you into his arms. The familiarity of him alone almost makes you forget that's it's been 10 years.
Second chance romance (cw, brief harrassment, cursing)
Ran Haitaini hated parties, he hated how late and tiring they were. Which is funny because he now co owns a nightclub, and with that title its apparently etiquette for him to attend the big new years event. He leans on the balcony overlooking the dance floor,sipping lazily at the drink in his hand. From there he has a clear view of the party, he can spot Sanzu dancing like a maniac and Kokonoi obviously turning a party into a business venture.
Ran almost thinks he hallucinating when hes sees you. Of course you came tonight, run ins with each other have become very frequent as of late. And fuck,do you look gorgeous. He cant help but notice your making way to the exit and a not so friendly looking gentlemen is staggering after you. Its Rans instinct to go after you.
And thank god he did, because when he reaches you, there you were telling the creep to fuck off. "Cmonnnn dolllll" the man slurs. But before the guy can get closer, Ran pulls him back by the collar and lands a fist right in his face. It doesn't take much for the asshole to start running.
You look at the guy then at Ran. "Why did you do that Haitaini" you scowl. "force of habit I guess, besides this time it was necessary" he admits. He knows you hated when he threw himself into fights especially on your behalf. You take his hand, gently running your fingers on his bruised knuckles, letting out a sigh.
"C'mon I have bandages in my car" you say as you drag him to your car. Ran cant help but feel nostalgic, him being hurt and you pretending to hate fixing him up. He thinks just for a brief moment this how things are supposed to be.
Shinichiro and wakasa
love triangle
You had met wakasa a while back when he still ran with his own gang Kodo Rengo, the night he watched your band perform at some random club, he was mesmerized by your rockstar mystique and found you back stage. The two of you shared moment, pleasantly spending the whole night together. But once he drove you home, you never saw him again. You thought about him constantly, catching yourself searching for him in the crowds of your shows.
Until you saw him again, this time through the sweet boy from your math class. When Shinchiro introduced you guys, it was wordlessly agreed not to mention how you already knew each other. Shinchiro was sweet, and would drive you home from school daily. You couldn't help but feel a bit giddy around him as time passed, but you couldn't shake your feelings for wakasa.
The more you spent time with each of them you felt your confusion run deeper and deeper. Until one drunken night you found yourself playing truth or drink with the gang. During your turn you were asked: who do you want to fuck in this room?
Your eyes widen as you look between the two, who stare at you,their gazes are piercing and almost daring you to choose one of them in this very moment.
You tilt your head back gulping down your drink thinking you dodged a bullet. It wasnt until it was just you three left did wakasa push for an answer .
strangers to fwb to lovers (cw, smoking weed lol, suggestive)
Mitsuya was a workaholic through and through. Spending countless hours in his studio, even sleeping there on occasion. Hakkai was worried, just like any friend would be. He then decided to force him to have fun and distract him from his work so he invited him to a house party.
At some point in the night, Hakkai had disappeared with one of his model friends. Leaving mitsuya to wander aimlessly through the home in search of a break from the headache inducing pop music.
Finally finding a room (that wasn't occupied by Busy guests). He wasnt suprised when the familiar scent of weed filled the space. There you were on the floor, taking a drag of the blunt between your fingers. You turned to him with a dazed grin, wordlessly inviting him to come in.
The two of you ended up smoking and talking about whatever shit came to your clouded minds. Inching closer and closer until you crawled into his lap. Giggling when you were right in his face, the heat of the kiss that followed made the room spin. Your hands gently tugging his hair . His hands on your waist guiding you as you rock back and forth on his crotch. Groaning into your mouth, you could taste the weed on his tongue.
When you pulled away breathless. While he was kissing at your neck and exposed chest he whispered six simple words.
"Wanna come back to my place?"
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blenderenvy · 1 year
I think we can all agree Lucas has by far the most riz out of the party. Like this man could pull all the bitches. And every pairing that involves Lucas is just a absolutely iconic ship.
Lumax? Hell freaking yeah, gotta be one of the top mf ships of the decade! They are so absolutely precious!
El x Lucas? Give me more right now. The rival/enemy to friend to lovers autism girlfriend and ADHD boyfriend energy these two can have. I think that self acceptance is something the two of them need.
Elumax? Yes yes yes. My absolute favorite stranger things ship and definitely one of my top otps of all time. These bitches all deserve each other. Lucas and El find a shoulder in each other during max coma, help destroy vecna and save max, while falling inlove with each other in the process. The absolute bi4bi4bi energy that radiates from these beautiful people.
Wheelclair? Absolutely, are you telling me Michel 'boy lover' Wheeler didn't have an giant ass crush on Lucas in middle school? I think Mike was Lucas's first kiss.
Byclair? Yes! Only one of the og party continued to search for Will after meeting El, and not trying to piss of the bylers here, but it wasn't Michel Wheeler. This is an absolute soft cutesy boyfriends ship, the artist and the jock who are both nerds with a heart of gold.
Bywheelclair? yes definitely absolutely. Lucas deserves two boyfriends, this is a power throuple in the making, the chemistry and cutest nerdyness levels are off the charts
Dustin x Lucas? Qpr goals
Name a more rizzed up character? I'll wait
I just love this man with my whole chest and i need people to understand, because this fandom doesn't show enough love to my boy!
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beomgyuslilracha · 2 years
the ceo's son ✧.* [ epilogue ]
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⊹ pairing: choi soobin x f! reader
⊹ genre: strangers to friends to lovers
⊹ warnings: very brief and mild swearing
⊹ wc: 3.2k
summary: you've been an intern at c company for roughly over four months now - directly under the ceo as his assistant. everything was going perfectly: you were saving up money to attend uni next year, and you knew that you were under the ceo's good graces to receive a great recommendation when the time came! in fact, he took a liking to you so much that he'd often joke that he wanted to set you up with his son. at least ... you thought it was a joke
ever since that beautiful moment back at lotte world, every minute of every day felt as if you were still living in a daydream.
it had been an exact month to the date, and you still found it impossible to fathom that soobin is your boyfriend. you got to call that six foot bundle of cuteness all yours, which you very much took advantage of doing so, yet it still didn't feel real!
even now, as you were sweetly engulfed in his arms, the butterflies in your stomach still fluttered around in excitement - despite the absolute innocence of the action itself.
"do you really have to go?" soobin mumbled into your hair, squeezing your frame even closer to his.
you giggled, though you desperately wished that you didn't have to leave him either. "yes, my sweet binnie, i really do," you lifted your chin up to finally look at him. "i stupidly promised your father i'd work a full day today."
"i still think we should just tell him," the cute boy groaned, jutting his bottom lip out into the most adorable pout. "i guarantee he'd give you a whole week off to celebrate our anniversary."
you couldn't help but to laugh, unable to put the idea past that crazy boss of yours. hell, you would even bet that the man would throw a giant party for the two of you himself - despite it only being a month.
"i know, but that's exactly why i don't want to tell him yet," you sighed. "i don't want him treating me any differently just because we're dating."
soobin nodded, though rather sadly, before planting a tiny kiss on your forehead, one on each smiling cheek, another on the nose, and lastly pressing a much longer one on your lips.
no matter how long its been and how many times he did it, soobin just couldn't get enough of how it felt to kiss you. a show of fireworks would ignite in his heart every second your lips connected, and he'd find himself craving it all over again the second you pulled away.
"if i get out too late, i promise i'll make it up to you tomorrow, okay?" you practically whispered to him, your eyes barely fluttering open from the blissful daze that his kiss put you in.
you attempted to give your beloved boyfriend one more kiss goodbye, but his hand reached out to wrap around your waist and pull you back in for another. you were going to be late getting back from your lunch break, but you suddenly couldn't bring yourself to care.
soobin's lips were an addiction, and you found it harder and harder to leave him every single time.
"what if you stayed with me tonight?" soobin asked you suddenly, his free hand intertwining with yours as he did.
your eyes widened at the suggestion, and your cheeks were quickly tinted with a light pink hue.
stay with soobin? at his dorm??
like sleep over???
"you mean, like ... stay the night?" you asked for clarification, your heart pounding erratically inside your chest.
soobin nodded, his lips squeezing tightly together nervously and forcing his dimple to pop out even more than normal. even he couldn't believe he suggested such an idea, but he didn't want to risk not being able to see you on the very night of your anniversary.
after maybe a whole second of thinking it over, you agreed rather sheepishly. the thought still had your heart racing, but you were not about to deny such a golden opportunity to see soobin at his most relaxed.
perhaps you were agreeing for the selfish idea of being able to see how cute he'd look with bed head in the morning.
"i'll see you tonight then, angel," soobin giggled, giving you an official goodbye kiss this time.
the lightheaded feeling only lasted a millisecond, suddenly turning into gut-wrenching fear once you picked up on a new voice beside you both.
"miss y/n?"
you could not control your hands from harshly pushing soobin completely away from you, wanting all but to disappear in embarrassment. "m-mr. jeong, what- what are ... what are you doing here?"
soobin probably would have been hurt by the action - not that he still wasn't - but even he was surprised to see his father's assistant standing just a short ways from you both. soobin couldn't help but to wonder just how much he witnessed.
"i was picking up some coffees for a meeting this afternoon," mr. jeong answered relatively calmly, though his gaze continously shifted back and forth between the two of you. "should i ask what it is that you two are doing here?"
now, mr. jeong was not at all blind or clueless. he had full access to the company's security cameras and had spotted the two of you secretly meeting one another on multiple occasions — he just never expected to witness a far more intimate moment.
and in person, at that.
"oh, we- we just, uh.. ran into each other," you began to stumble for an excuse. "i- well ... i wasn't feeling good so, uh, soobin was- he was checking my temperature."
. . . checking your temperature . . . with his mouth . . .
soobin absolutely adored you to the moon and back. he would do anything and everything for you without you even having to ask - including cover for you when you were too embarrassed to tell the truth.
except this time.
no, not even soobin could stand there and save you from a terrible excuse like that.
"we're dating. please don't think i'm willingly doing anything weird to take advantage of her," soobin admitted to the confused man, his hands quickly waving maniacally in front him to deny the words you said.
mr. jeong let out a surprised laugh, having witnessed a lot in the past couple minutes. before he had any time to respond, you spoke up again.
"please don't tell mr. choi!"
you couldn't handle standing there a second longer to soak in the absolute embarrassment. not even bothering to wait for any kind of response, you checked the time on your phone and suddenly took off running back towards the company.
if nothing else, you at least knew that you'd be able to arrive first and prevent mr. jeong from saying anything to the ceo while you were present.
although, this plan of yours mainly consisted of you being an absolute klutz every second that mr. jeong so much as breathed. the man was barely able to hold a normal conversation with his superior without you dropping whatever was in your hands in a panic.
"miss y/n, are you doing alright?" mr. choi himself had to ask, after about the fifth time you stumbled over and dropped the files in your hands.
your eyes had flickered over to a straight-faced mr. jeong, but there was absolutely no way you were going to open any opportunity for the man to expose your relationship. "yes, sir, i'm fine. i didn't get enough sleep last night, so i'm a little tired."
where was this critical thinking when you were trying to think of an excuse earlier?!
since then, mr. choi was able to dismiss your out-of-character behavior, but he still wasn't entirely convinced. you seemed more nervous about something than anything, but he couldn't even begin to put a finger on the reason as to why.
not that the man would ever come close even if he tried.
"miss y/n, please calm down," mr. jeong had pulled you aside while the two men were on their way out for a meeting. "it is not my place to speak for you if you're not ready. you don't need to be so nervous."
a euphoric sense of relief washed over you from his words, yet a new wave a guilt and shame overcame you instead. you felt ridiculous for having doubted him, but you just couldn't help being so nervous.
as reliable as mr. jeong was, you also knew how much he highly respected his superior. the two men didn't work alongside each other for this many years without having a close and trusting bond between them. in which case, you were slightly afraid to know just how far that bond was willing to go.
"i'm so sorry for being so worried," you apologized, going as far to bow a full 90 degrees from sincerity. "i truly appreciate you doing this for me, sir."
with a small chuckle, the man finally left the room behind mr. choi and allowed you to relax for the first time that entire afternoon.
by the time the two of them returned, you were back to your normal and calm self. you trusted that mr. jeong wouldn't lie to you, so you willingly allowed your guard to drop.
by the time 6:00 rolled around - the time for you to go home - you had completely dismissed the thought from your mind. if mr. choi didn't barge into the room with a million questions after the two men were alone, then you 100% respected mr. jeong's promise to keep yours and soobin's relationship to himself.
"i'll be on my way now! have a great night," you happily wished the two men a goodbye, practically skipping your way out of the room.
now with that worry out of the way, you focused entirely on the thought of spending the whole night with soobin! in fact, judging by the cute messages he left for you while you were working, the night should start by the time you exited the building.
"hi, angel," soobin greeted you cutely from where he was waiting.
not that you'd know it, but he was waiting by that same tree from back when he had tried to surprise you before. unlike last time, though, now he got to see that adorable smile of yours making your way over to him.
"hi, binnie," you giggled, being sure to greet one another with a kiss as always. "i missed you."
soobin still felt himself blushing at the nickname every time. he didn't know whether it was the name itself or the pretty girl saying it that had his heart doing somersaults.
"you think we still have time for dinner first?" you asked him while checking the time on your phone.
with his starry-eyed gaze trained on you, soobin had a better idea. "what if we just stayed in tonight? we can just order food and stay at the dorm all night."
your entire face warmed at the mention, unable to believe that you two were really going to spend an entire night together. it was completely innocent, of course, but the butterflies still had you feeling so nervous at the thought.
"okay, that sounds even better," you agreed bashfully, intertwining your fingers between his. "oh, but we should stop by my apartment first so i can grab a few things."
"why? i already have extra of everything for you so that you don't have to," soobin told you, making the blush on your cheeks turn an even deeper red than before.
you knew this to be true, but your heart still leapt regardless. you had been visiting soobin much more often at his dorm, and - slowly, but surely - he began to buy little things for you in order to make you more comfortable.
he had gotten you house slippers, candles of your favorite scent for his room (partly to make you comfortable and partly just to remind him of you), and even a fuzzy blanket solely for you to wrap yourself in.
"okay, well, what about clothes? i don't have anything to wear."
now it was soobin's turn for his entire face to turn a deep shade of red. he had been secretly hoping you would forget to bring up that little tidbit, seeing as he was dying to see just how cute you'd look wearing one of his shirts.
he had tried offering one to you before when you'd stay late, but you'd always refuse and claim that you were okay. not that you didn't want to, you just never realized that he was offering for a more selfish reason than simply just hospitality.
"well, i have ... you know, i have clothes you could borrow," soobin practically mumbled, his gaze averting down to his feet from embarrassment.
the butterflies were suddenly mere seconds away from completely flying out of your mouth, seeing as his words left you feeling a mixture of excitement, shock, and nerves.
"you sure they won't be too big?" you asked him through a giggle, already picturing what it'd be like to be drowning in one of his shirts.
soobin looked up at you with the cutest, dimply grin. "i hope they are because then you'll look even cuter."
you didn't have time to feel shy before his lips met yours once again, allowing you to throw your hands around his neck to deepen the affection. his fingers hooked around the first two belt loops of your pants, slyly pulling you even closer to him.
oh God, oh no, oh no, oh fuck, oh God no, fuck
for the second time that day, you pushed soobin as far as you could manage as if to pretend that the two of you were not caught in the act again.
only this time by the absolute last person you ever wanted to know.
"I TOLD YOU THESE TWO WOULD LOVE EACH OTHER! I TOLD YOU, DIDN'T I?!" mr. choi was practically screaming to the world at this point, despite mr. jeong being directly beside him. "AHAHAHA!!"
the man was laughing maniacally now, unable to contain the outright joy erupting from his body at the success story of his first and only matchmaking attempt.
"dad, please," soobin groaned, one of his hands running through his hair rather stressfully. his face was wearing the exact matching color of embarrassment as yours - you two practically looked like glowing christmas lights.
you were too busy silently screaming at yourself for your carelessness. you practically stood in front of the company waiting for the man to come out in order to put on the same show mr. jeong watched earlier.
"YAHH!" soobin finally raised his voice at the man, who refused to keep laughing his head off from pride. it was seriously like he wanted everyone in seoul to know by this point.
"mr. choi, please, i'm sure you've embarrassed the two enough by now," mr. jeong finally stepped forward, placing a hand on the ceo's shoulder to gain his attention.
"ahh, how long? how long has it been, huh?" mr. choi began to question you both, his excited smile practically covering his entire face. his eyes practically disappeared behind his cheeks, and you'd honestly find it adorable if you weren't deathly embarrassed.
"today makes one month," soobin answered.
your entire head practically snapped on your neck to shoot a glare at the boy beside you, unable to believe that he would admit such a detail to his father.
judging by the look of regret in his eyes, soobin also realized all too late the mistake he made as well.
"today? one month today?" mr. choi's eyes practically bulged out of his head now from the announcement. only after receiving an ashamed nod of approval from you both did he revert back to his cheerful self. "this calls for celebration!! we have to commemorate this special occasion!"
as the man began requesting for mr. jeong to bring his car around, you and soobin slowly looked over at one another with the same expression of defeat in your eyes.
your night together was forcibly being prolonged a little bit longer.
"ahh, i know the perfect restaurant for us to celebrate! i'm good friends with the owner, so i'm sure we'll be treated with the best service," mr. choi chuckled heartily, already pulling out his phone to make a reservation.
you couldn't help but to notice the usage of 'us' and 'we' as he spoke, unfortunately indicating the man clearly intended on joining you both.
just as the man turned his back while speaking cheerfully on the phone, soobin quickly caught you off guard by capturing your face in his hands and kissing you breathless before his father could turn around.
"wha- why?" was all you could manage to ask, still out of breath as you quickly ensured that his father hadn't seen him.
"i'm probably not going to be able to do that all night," soobin whispered to you, one of his hands falling from your face to intertwine again with yours.
once mr. jeong pulled around with the car escort, mr. choi practically ushered you both into the backseat - so as not to let either of you escape - while he took the passenger's side in the front. in any case, you were at least glad that he knew enough boundaries to not seat himself directly beside the two of you.
at first, the drive primarily consisted of soobin's father heartily praising himself for putting the two of you together. just as you had expected, he was all but asking for you both to personally thank him.
sure, you were thankful, but you did not want to have to sit there and inflate the man's ego anymore than it already was.
"you know, i do have friends over at signiel," mr. choi suddenly realized. "if i pull a few strings, i could possibly book the venue at least a year in advance. i know it's not traditional for the groom's father to have any say in the wedding, but it's the least i can do!"
as the man began rambling on about caterers and famous wedding planners, your face had practically made a home for itself in the palm of your hands. this was exactly why you would have much preferred to keep your relationship with soobin a secret for as long as you possibly could.
not wanting mr. choi to treat you any different was just an excuse — you really didn't want your boss/your boyfriend's father to start planning your wedding this far in advance!!
soobin sighed beside you, his hand reaching out to rest atop of your head in the best comfort he could manage at the moment. were he not confined by the restraint of a seatbelt, he would have already scooted over and engulfed you in his arms.
"i'm so sorry," soobin whispered to you softly on behalf of his crazy father.
you finally looked up from your hands to gaze over at the boy in embarrassment. only a second later did it shift into that of adoration.
regardless of the family he had, you still absolutely adored him. you would happily deal with the old man in the front seat a hundred times over if it simply meant that soobin could be yours forever.
soobin removed his hand's position from atop of your head in order to reach down and grab the hand that had fallen into your lap. bringing it up to his lips, he placed a delicate and gentle kiss once more on your knuckles to express his own adoration for you the best way he could.
your heart flipped over in your chest, and your entire body instantaneously relaxed under his touch. his affect on you was truly stronger than any drug, and it even helped you to tune out everything else.
"if we get married, can we just elope?" you found yourself joking.
without skipping a beat, soobin replied, "anything for you, angel."
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not me going awwwww at my own characters, pls this is so embarrassing..
for the record, after this, y/n and soobin do have a silent agreement to celebrate their anniversary the day after from now on. mr. choi has pretty much taken over the actual anniversary date to join them every time, so now they have to celebrate by themselves the following day.
also i'm seriously seriously seriously going to miss writing these two already- I'M SO SAD!! they're my favorite :(( <;/3
ahhhh but anyway, i hope this little epilogue satisfied any expectations anyone may have had <3 i know it's not exactly crazy, but i seriously could only imagine the two of them to be dumb enough to get caught right in front of the company. i hope everyone genuinely enjoys this little bit <3 thank you so sos sos sos so much for all of your support to this point !!! you each have a very special place in my heart :,)
@sha-aesthic @wccycc @yjusei @ihrtgyu @strawberrydaichi @seodami @sparkswhoz @o934pm @dongmeiii @cannedturtle @intrrverted @fanfangying1304 @n0tprettybutt1red @human-misery @baekberrie @softcabur @goldennika @jjhmk @taekwondoes @marekmybeloved @aishidaishi @hafsa-hoofsa-heefs
[ bold = couldn't be tagged :( ]
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romancingromanoff · 2 years
What I Feel For You
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Thena xf!reader
It’s 400 AD and the height of the Gupta Empire. Over 5,000 years have passed since you first gazed upon Thena and you haven’t stopped looking at her since.
A/N: This has been on my mind since I rewatched the film November and I’ve always felt that Eternals has been one of the more underrated movies of phase 4. Angelina Jolie is also brilliant as Thena obviously and since she’s bisexual in real life then her character has to be queer too. I don’t make the rules.
Word count: 2655
You supposed that stranger pairs had existed. As you gazed upon Sersi and Ikaris while they partook in their bonding ceremony, you couldn’t help but think about how different the two of them were. While Sersi was pure warmth that seemed to extend to every single person she met, Ikaris remained tactical and slightly removed from everything else that happened with the humans around them. But then you remembered how Sersi had softened him and the days of Babylon where he seemed to grow an entirely new perspective. He began learning the humans’ languages, became more involved in their development and culture, and allowed Sersi to lead him into something he would have otherwise left unfamiliar.
The problem was that you couldn’t change for Thena even though you longed to desperately. For her you would remake yourself from the dirt and clay you stood on, mold a new person with your own tears. Back in Babylon, she said that she didn’t come to Earth to cower behind walls, but that’s exactly what you did. On that day you had watched her fight deviants with cosmic weaponry and both the grace and strength of a thousand winds. You were behind the city walls, of course, for what else would you have been able to do?
Similar to Druig, your special ability was mostly psychological and didn’t serve much purpose on the battlefield. Communicating with animals had allowed you to assist the humans in their domestication but not much else when it came to fighting the deviants. In fact, you spent most of your time in the company of four-legged, scaly, or winged creatures and admiring your Thena from afar. 
A few decades ago, the two of you had shared a dance during the humans’ celebration of solstice that Druig and Phastos sneakily planned. You remembered feeling more alive than ever with her arms around that night. A stupid joke that you told her actually made her smile the biggest you had ever seen and suddenly you were about to confess all the feelings that had been kept hidden over the course of thousands of years. But then in an instant, the entire party erupted into a swarm of chaos when a band of horns sounded out the spotting of some lurking deviants. 
“Stay here, little one,” she had quickly told you before placing a brief kiss on your forehead and running off as a sword materialized into her hands. But you were certain that she had only been concerned about you as a friend would  and quickly convinced yourself that she wasn’t interested. 
And there was also Gilgamesh. Admittedly, there was a time earlier on into your mission that you wanted to resent him completely. He was strong, a natural protector, and capable of giving Thena that life of adventure you knew she longed for. The way that the two worked in sync when they fought was almost like an intricate dance you knew only two people with a deep personal connection could choreograph. You couldn’t help but covet what he had but being the giant teddy bear that he was it eventually softened you. Now, you tried to be happy for them both from the sidelines.
After the bonding ceremony you retreated to a nearby herd of elephants that you were growing pretty close with. You were languidly brushing the oldest female and leader of the herd when Ajak stumbled upon you.
“I’m sure these majestic creatures make wonderful company but a little bird told me that you’re avoiding someone in particular,” she approached you and the herd slowly. Ajak was always careful around animals and behaved much more respectfully than others like Kingo. Near Mount Erymanthos he had once tried to ride a giant wild boar on a dare from Sprite which had ended awfully for all parties involved. “Care to talk to old me about it?”
You knew that Ajak wasn’t a threat to the elephants so you silently directed them to let her through as you replied, “Birds are terrible gossips, you can’t trust them all the time.” That one made her chuckle a bit but then she became serious once again.
“Why don’t you talk to Thena? She cares about you, you know? We all do and just want to see you happy.”
“She doesn’t care about me the way that I care about her,” you sigh right before another elephant steals the brush from your hand and holds it up out of your reach with its trunk. “Hey, what the heck?”
“See? Even they know you’re being ridiculous. Why do you assume that she feels that way when you haven’t spoken about it?”
“Ajak, look at me,” you step back so that now all of the elephants tower over you like trees. Besides Sprite, you’re the shortest of the eternals and quite insecure about it. And while you weren’t bad looking by any means, Sersi and Makkari were certainly more beautiful than you were. You had always had an easier time blending into a crowd. “What can I give her that Gilgamesh can’t? She deserves someone like him who won’t hold her back. My life isn’t exciting and full of danger like hers. I would just bore her.”
That’s when Ajak gives you a stern, foreboding look and you know that you’ve upset her. “Careful there, I don’t want to hear you say things like that about yourself. You may not be a fighter like her but neither of you are just one single thing. You bring out a different side of her that no one else can and she has feelings for you too.”
That’s what makes your head shoot up at attention. “She... she told you that?” You can hardly believe what Ajak is telling you but suddenly your heart is bursting with hope. 
“Actually, Gilgamesh and I were just discussing it.” That is... surprising. “But Thena has her own insecurities and isn’t certain how to talk to you either.”
“Why... why is that? She’s Thena! She’s the most incredible person I’ve ever known. She isn’t scared of anything.”
Ajak simply shrugs but gives you a suggestive look. “Sometime our judgment becomes clouded when we’re in love. Maybe it’s something you should think about.” With a smile, she gracefully turns on her heels and begins walking away.
The elephant hands you your brush back but by now you’re too distracted to continue brushing them. There’s an idea forming in your head and you need their opinion on something.
A few days later when everything is set up, you’re going over the plan one last time with Gilgamesh while Thena is out training. 
“Do you think she’ll like it?” You’re certain that by now he must be sick of dealing with you but he simply laughs and gives you a nod.
“Relax, she’s going to love it! Just be yourself and she won’t be able to resist you.” You curse yourself for ever holding a grudge against Gilgamesh. He’s been nothing but sweet and supportive this entire time and you hope to someday repay him back. He pulls you into a warm hug before his eyes catch something and he becomes much quieter. “She’s right over there, good luck.”
When you turn to look at Thena, it’s like emerging from freezing cold waters and feeling the warmth of the sun on your face for the first time. Everything about her is mesmerizing and bright and it makes you feel like an entirely new being just discovering the wonders of the world. She looks at you with some understandable curiosity after seeing you and Gilgamesh innocently embrace and begins to walk towards you, her eyes never leaving yours. You’re determined not to break eye contact with her but a smile uncontrollably takes over your entire face until she’s only a few feet in front of you and finally speaks.
“Did I miss something?” She asks with a hint of playfulness in her tone and you quickly shake your head.
“No, you’re actually right on time,” this causes her to raise an eyebrow at you and you plead with yourself to stay strong. “I was hoping that you would join me for a ride, if you wanted to that is.”
Her surprised smile causes tingles to spread throughout your entire body. “I would be honored, sweet one, but what would we be riding?” You’re probably grinning like a child at this point but you just continue to stand there cheekily as the answer reveals itself. Out from the jungle, an elephant slowly saunters its way over towards the two of you and Thena’s eyes light up even more than usual. “She’s ethereal,” you hear her whisper before the elephant gives a reply.
“Her name is Aaloka and she says thank you,” you translate. “She also said she agrees with me.”
“Agrees with you on what?”
Be brave. “That you are very beautiful,” your words surprise her and a blush begins to cover her cheeks. It’s all so much to take in that you start to feel your heart race. The only other times it does that is when you’re fearful, but she’s the only one that makes it beat this way. It’s like it beats for her.
Aaloka kneels and Thena assists you on top first before gracefully leaping up behind you. You start to feel a bit overwhelmed by how high up you are with nothing to hold onto until she wraps your arms around your waist and instantly freeze. No one has ever held you like this before. Eventually, you allow yourself to relax your body and sink softly back into hers. It’s an unfamiliar feeling, but a welcome one.
“Are we just going to sit here or do you plan on taking me somewhere?” She asks playfully and it shakes you from your spell. 
“Um, yes! Let’s go!”
Aaloka already knows which path to follow and it doesn’t take as long as you had expected for you to arrive at the spring. In the close distance is a waterfall that reflects the vibrant pinks, yellows, and oranges of the sky all around you. Thena lets go of you, which leaves you feeling somewhat empty, and is the first to dismount before you awkwardly try to slide your way down. At the very last second, the elephant moves one of her feet so that you trip forward and lose your balance. Thena immediately catches you in her arms with a soft laugh and brushes away some of your hair that’s been slightly tussled. 
“Hey, that wasn’t very nice!” You scold the elephant which has no sense of guilt whatsoever. “She did that in purpose you know.” Thena chuckles once again with a look of amusement in her eyes.
“I think she knows that I like keeping you in my arms, sweet one,” Thena huskily breaths into your ear and it causes a gasp to escape from your mouth. Looking up into her giant hypnotizing orbs stops time itself. How did you become so lucky to be here with her? Doubt starts to settle in and you unconsciously cling to her harder.
“I just don’t know what I’ve done to deserve your affections. I’m not strong like you or fast like Makkari. Everyone on the team has a myth or a legend named after them except for me. Thena, they named a goddess and a city after you! But me? I’m nothing extraordinary.” The confession brings a frown on her face that instantly confuses you. What did you say that upset her? 
“Do you really not see how incredible you are? You’re the most amazing person I know.” Thena looks at you with such admiration that it’s almost impossible for you not to believe her words. “If they name something else after Kingo I think his ego might cause his head to explode. But you, my darling, are too quick to discredit yourself for all the good you have helped put into this world. Things you have done from the pureness of your own heart even if you were scared, unsure of how to show the humans and animals how they must work together. Respect each other.”
“It’s my job,” you brush it off with a shrug, unsure of what she’s getting at. Nothing that you’ve done could ever compare to when she saved an entire city full of people. “You deserve someone just as strong as you are. A fighter that can protect you.”
“You think I can’t protect myself?” She raises an eyebrow at you and you realize how stupid you must have sounded.
“No, that’s not what I meant! Of course you’re… I meant to say that I wouldn’t want to… because I’m not-“
All the air dissipates from your lungs when her hand comes to rest at your cheek. Softly laughing, she drops the fake act of frustration in order to soothe you.
“Shhh, I was only joking, my dear. For the record, I’m not interested in a partner that can spar with me or deals with all their problems like Ikaris by blasting through everything. I only want you. You’ve taught me that there’s so much more to life than fighting. That there can be different ways of looking at the world.”
It’s at that same moment that the universe seems to send you a message in the form of thousands of green lights which begin to float up towards the sky. The synchronous dancing of the fireflies wasn’t something you had planned and you find it difficult to resist the smile that grows on your face. Standing together in the glowing green light, it feels nothing short of a truly magical moment.
“Y/N,” Thena softly whispers and you are brought back to the face of the most beautiful woman in the world looking at you with so much warmth. “I would never lie to you. So please believe me when I say I have never loved anyone else the way I love you.”
You’re sure your own heart is glowing within your chest brighter than all the fireflies in the world.
“You… You love me?” All of a sudden it feels as if you might float away. As long as she goes with you you’d be fine.
“Yes, darling. I love you and I’d be honored to be yours.”
“I love you too!” You throw your arms around her neck while Thena giggles, instinctively pulling your bodies closer together.
“May I kiss you, little one?” She breaths in your ear, sending shivers of anticipation across every inch of your skin.
“Please do,” you answer with a smile before your lips finally meet.
Your kiss is exactly like all the wonderful things you love about Thena. She’s gentle yet passionate, pouring all of her desire for you into the kiss while still being incredibly soft and responsive. In all your years of living you’ve never kissed anyone before. You’ve secretly observed human couples of all types share countless kisses throughout history. You feel like you’ve been forced to sit through even more between Sersi and Ikaris in the past century alone. Every time you’ve wondered what It must be like to experience something so magical. With Thena, you’re certain you finally understand what all of the fuss was about.  Nothing else has ever felt so right.
The two of you eventually separate when you’re both startled by the sound of Aaloka triumphantly cheering. Thena pulls you closer to her as you laugh, smiling directly into the crook of her neck.
“What did she say?” Thena asks.
“Something along the lines of ‘It was about time already!’”
“Well I have been waiting to kiss you for only a few thousand years!”
Feeling bold, you reach up to take Thena’s face into your hands. “Maybe we should make up for the lost time?”
“Definitely,” she agrees before swooping down to bring your lips together once again.
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