#kite man: hell yeah!
dcmultiverse · 9 months
Can we get a HELL YEAH?! Get ready for all of Kite Man’s saucy adventures in Kite Man: Hell Yeah!, a spin-off of Harley Quinn, coming in 2024 to @streamonmax.
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g4zdtechtv · 9 months
Cinematech's Trailer Park - Kite Man: Hell Yeah!
Time to Wing It.
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demifiendrsa · 9 months
Kite Man: Hell Yeah! | Official Teaser
Harley Quinn spin-off series, Kite Man: Hell Yeah!, will premiere on MAX in 2024.
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gorogues · 1 year
There's not a ton of news about the upcoming Golden Glider and Kite Man animated spinoff, but the network Formerly Known As HBO Max has announced that the show is now titled Kite Man: Hell Yeah! Which still leaves out Lisa, but I think the new name is more eye-catching and will hopefully garner more attention.
Justin Halpern is quoted as saying about the series:
"The Kite-Man series is gonna hit some of the same vibes that the [Valentine's] special does. It gets out there. It goes for it. They've done such a good job of making Kite Man and Golden Gliders lovable doofuses. Pat and I pitched 'Harley' as "It's 'Mary Tyler Moore' with a psycho killer at the front. But we've always talked about the 'The Kite Man' show as 'Cheers.' 'Cheers,' but for B-list supervillains."
The series has been approved for ten episodes. Hopefully it'll be fun!
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march-harrigan · 2 years
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More plushes I drew some months ago. A Creeper for myself and Kite Man for my sibling.
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romancomicsnews · 4 months
Where would I put Chris Pratt in the DCU?
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It's no secret director and now head of the DCU James Gunn loves himself certain actors.
He continues to add additions to his DCU from past work, including Nathan Fillion as Green Lantern Guy Gardner and brother Sean Gunn as billionaire Maxwell Lord.
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While these castings are both fun and exciting for the future of the DCU, since both of these castings, a realization came upon me. Jame Gunn will likely cast many of his friends into this universe. And while most are talented, accomplished actors, there is one man who has been looming over my soul...
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Chris Pratt.
No do not get me wrong, he is a talented actor. From The Lego Movie to Guardians of the Galaxy, Pratt has a way of impressing me. Granted every now and then he is a Mario or an Owen Grady, but he continues to be a big star and be a draw for financial success. Which is kind of the problem.
I worry if Chris Pratt does join this universe, due to his stardom he likely will be given a major role. Granted I don't think Gunn would make him Batman, but could Peter Safran? Could larger execs?
He's a big white guy and a big draw. By that logic, he could play The Flash, Booster Gold, Green Lantern, or really anyone he chooses.
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So in order to save those for actors who I can more properly see as those characters, I put together a few roles I think Chris Pratt can play in the DCU, some more fun, some more serious, some more longterm, and some for a fun one off, ending with the one I like most.
Let's start by going over a couple of things like:
What is Chris Pratt good at?
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A lot actually.
Chris is very good at playing characters who are losers. From Star-Lord, Barley Lightfoot and Emmett, Chris voices or plays lovable underdogs really well.
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Chris also loves playing army guys. It's clear from the Terminal List and Tomorrow War, he likes to be a soldier. Perhaps we find something military for the guy to do
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The man can do funny, but has range. Particularly in James Gunn flicks, Star-Lord has some really emotional scenes that resonate every viewing. We don't have to go silly.
Other Stipulations
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No matter who we pick, Chris Pratt will be compared to Star-Lord. It may be wise to stay away from characters like Star-Lord (so you won't be seeing Adam Strange, or Booster on this list).
Chris is also a draw right now, and a busy one at that. If he is entering the DCU, it may be smart to give him a vital role, but not one that needs to be in every movie. So we're probably not looking at Hal Jordan, but Kilowog isn't off the table.
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Finally Star-Lord didn't wear his helmet at all last movie. So I'm guessing we'll want to pick a character where Chris can show his face.
5. Kite Man
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We're starting off our list with a bit of a joke turned icon much like Pratt himself.
Kite Man is a C list villain who is often the butt of a joke and never taken extremely seriously. Chuck Brown uses Kites to commit crimes, and while he is an excellent glider, he's rarely ever a threat. He appeared in Batman the Brave and the Bold but is mostly known as a background character in the Harley Quinn Series.
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While the character is usually around Gotham City, he could absolutely be put in any city in the DCU and make just as much sense. He could be fun as a one and done Batman villain, but even more fun as a recurring villain, kind of like Turk Barrett in the Netflix Marvel shows.
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He's silly, pathetic, but likable, and leaves a lot of room for Pratt to make it his own. It feels like going back to his Andy Dwyer days, which could be fresh at this point.
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While this is fun and I would love it, I don't know how overall useful this is of Pratts skills, or if him being so big takes away from the fun of Kite Man. It may be too small or too frequent for the mans schedule as well, but I thought it was worth a mention.
4. The Ventriloquist
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If we wanted to tap Pratt's voice work and serious acting, The Ventriloquist is a character I've been hoping to see for quite awhile.
Arnold Wesker is a crime is a meek meager man who has a psychotic break and uses a puppet, nicknamed Scarface, to execute crimes and become a mob boss.
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This is a a great duel role I think a comedian can strive in, and one that can push Pratt into another level as far as acting goes. It could put him in talks with actors like Paul Dano or Heath Ledger for the greatest Batman villain.
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It also wouldn't be a role Pratt would have to do for long or frequently. He could be the start of the Batman trilogy and die in the first film.
My main concern is if he can pull off the meager nature of Arnold. I think an actor like Charlie Day, Ty Burrell or even Will Ferrell might put in a performance that get people talking about it much more.
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Again I wouldn't be mad at it, it would definitely be a different and weird pick. But not my first choice for the character or Pratt.
3. Jor-El
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I kind of love this one.
Jor-El is a role with big potential for a star. Being played by both Marlon Brando and Russell Crowe, it may require a modern day mega star. Is Pratt that mega star?
Utilizing Pratt here would be extremely different then how we've seen him before. He would be militaristic and more dramatic than we've seen him before. Plus he's big enough to believable be Superman's dad.
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It may be smart to put Pratt in an older mentor role. But will he be too distracting as Jor-El? And is his voice as iconic as Brando or Crowe?
I think it's still a role I'd be happy to give to Pratt. But I have two more I think would be more fun for his set of skills.
2. Jay Garrick
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He'd look pretty good in the tin hat.
Jay Garrick is the original Flash, a speedster who is often over 100 years old and a major mentor to Barry and Wally.
Now he may be very old but is often much more spry due to the speed force. And we can age up Pratt using VFX or just give him a little gray in the temples. Depends on how old you want to make him.
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Having Pratt as the original Flash Jay Garrick would hint at a larger DC Universe, one with a Justice Society, and him play a role much different than Star-Lord.
As Jay, Pratt would be crucial to the universe but not as needed in the big team ups as Wally or Barry. If he did want a prequel, we can set one in WWII similar to the Justice Society movie.
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As The Flash, Pratt can be funny, charming, but now wise and mentoring, which would be a good change of pace for Pratt. This would be a lock for me, if there wasn't a role I think he may nail even better.
1. Pat Dugan - STRIPE
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A sidekick. A has been. A loser. Connected to a wider DC Universe. A Mentor. An inherently silly character. Very midwest.
Chris Pratt is Pat Dugan.
Originally the driver and sidekick for the Star-Spangled Kid who eventually became Star Man, Stripesy finds himself mentoring the younger new Justice Society after his step-daughter Courtney discovers Star Mans staff and becomes Stargirl.
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Due to being useless in the past, he creates a make shift Mech suit known as STRIPE and uses it to fight evil with his step-daughter, who both form a special bond.
Pratt would be hitting many of the keynotes he's great at while playing a character extremely different from Star-Lord. Unlike Peter, Pat is very human, and relatable. He was not accepted as a hero during the Justice Society days, so he has something to prove, and feels tremendous guilt for what happed to his old team.
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This would be a great role for Pratt. As secondary lead, he could appear in big team up movies, or stay out of the fight and be a mentor character only. He'd have a huge impact on the universe, be a window into the past, and play a role that is dramatic, funny, and gives us something new and different from what we've ever seen from Pratt.
I don't know if he should be, but if Chris Pratt is joining the DCU, he should be our STRIPE.
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Thank you so much for reading! Please consider following, and check out my socials and other sites here! And let me know: Where would you put Chris Pratt in the DCU?
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yojabari · 9 months
Kite Man: Hell Yeah! | Official Teaser | Max
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lylethewaterguy · 2 years
Just watched the new trailer for titans s4 and am in love with the concept that “Lex Luthor is the only man Bruce Wayne is afraid of”. Because number one, Bruce Wayne is terrified of absolutely everything absolutely all of the time. That’s kind of a vital character trait. And second, if there was one person or thing, in the entire multiverse, that Bruce Wayne is not scared of it would be Lex Luthor. You think he’s afraid of a man who could realistically be done in by Blue Beetle II? Be for real.
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cartoonyhappyface · 8 months
Hell yeah
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dangerousdan-dan · 1 year
I enjoy comics the most when I embrace their absurdity
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televisionpromos · 9 months
Kite Man: Hell Yeah! (Max) Trailer HD - Lovable loser Kite Man and his new squeeze Golden Glider moonlight as criminals to support their foolish purchase of Noonan's, Gotham's seediest dive bar, where everybody knows your name, but not necessarily your secret identity!
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todd-queen · 9 months
i think if Kevin had met Chuck when he was recovering instead of the cult they would've become genuine best friends
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elise-51-blog · 1 year
So Kite Man and Batman walk into a bar...
This one's kind of a long time coming. Originally meant to be written for 2022 DC Rare Character Weekend @rarecharacterweekend, life got in the way, and I've never been a quick writer. This Kite Man is that from Tom King's book, not the cheeseball Harley Quinn character (whom I also love).
Fathers and sons, grief, loss. But I try for the jokes too.
There's a Jason Todd & Bruce chapter, here's a snippet for the Jason lovers:
And at some point in there, this scared, angry little kid had looked at Bruce like he’d been glad Bruce had come into his life; like as long as Bruce’d been there to scoop this outrageous little tire-thief up and give him a home, give him pride, purpose, dignity. Been there to show him a little kindness, a little decency, a little love–well, even the mantle of Batman couldn’t compare to something like that. 
God, he’d been so funny too. 
See, you just ain’t punched enough assholes tonight, B, that’s why you’re so fuckin’ bitchy.
Focus, Robin.
Only if you focus on not being a little bitch–
Swear jar’s getting awfully full at home–
It don’t count on patrol.
Yes it does. And it’s twice the charge with poor grammar.
Agent A said it don’t count if you provoke me–
If I provoke you?!
Yeah, if you’re on your period for the night and you go triggering my trauma and shit, I don’t owe nothin’, Old Man. Alf says–
NAMES, Robin.
Whatever, man, Agent A says to let him know if you traumatize me–
YOU asked ME to go on patrol tonight, you wouldn’t shut up about it–
Yeah, but ain’t nothin’ goin’ on, I’m bored.
And that’s traumatizing you, being bored.
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gorogues · 9 months
Spoilers for the Kite Man: Hell Yeah animated series!
Holy smokes, thank you for sending this along! Obviously Lisa's going to be the badass in this series, which I love.
Viewer discretion is definitely advised for the teaser, as there's plenty of gore…entirely caused by Lisa herself.
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green-star17 · 1 year
I looked up Kite Man on Youtube to learn more about the goofy kite guy. Just to discover that he has an actual backstory and now I’m sad
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dcstuffiguess · 2 years
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Reblog if you agree
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