#kitty gang au 12
stickkitty · 8 months
AvA/AvM Characters
The Characters Belong to Alan Becker. Under here is a mix of Canon, Headcanon, AU, and Fanon. This will be edited from time to time, so beware of changes! Some characters are technically my OCs: Amaryllis, Maroon, Ivory, Cali, and Coco. I give anyone permission to use these four characters as their own if they want to.
UPDATE on how this will work from now on: ALL charcters HCs will go here. That means this place may get big.
(All of the Color Gang uses Becker as a last name) CG = Color Gang and does NOT include Purple. SG = Stick Gang, which includes Purple. The fighting stickfigures have the same creator, and the four are (somewhat) adopted by Alan. All five see Alan as their guardian or creator, and sometimes "Papa." They love to fight as a sport and hobby.
"Orange" The Second Coming: (They) Would rather be called Orange to fit in with the CG. They are seen as the older sibling despite being the youngest.
They have Type 2 Narcolepsy. TSC's voice is like a monotone text to speech generator. They can not change the tone of their voice no matter how hard they try. That is why they can't sing. TSC suffers glitching (the painful kind) from not being converted into a symbol properly and takes medication for it so they do not glitch all the time. It does not stop "glitch attacks" from occurring, where they glitch heavily. [see Stickfigure Species Info for more information] However, TSC also can not get sick since they are an antivirus. Nobody can delete or kill TSC permanently. TSC is immortal and will live until the internet stops existing.
[Real Creationday: Oct 2]
Green: (He/She) Can sometimes have a big ego and would also try to act cool. He can be aggressive sometimes. He is a weeb (as in Anime Fan). He is the oldest of the CG. [Fake Creationday: January 12]
Red: (He) He is a silly goofy goober. Red is energetic, extroverted, reckless, kindhearted, and can get carried away easily. He is small but strong. He goes to the Willcraft Monster School and is still friends with what used to be Yellow Team. Hates being called a baby or cute. He's the second youngest. His fangs come from the first Herobrine possession and the white eye came from the second (both characteristics are not my ideas). [Fake Creationday: July 16]
Yellow: (They) They are nicknamed "Yelly" by Blue. They are calm most of the time. They are very curious to the point where it is extremely dangerous. They are "twins" with Blue (created on the same day). [Real (?) Creationday: March 30]
Blue: (He/They/She) They are nicknamed "Bluey" by Yellow (No, not like the Australian dog). They're pretty chill most of the time. They are peaceful most of the time, hesitates to fight, and usually surrenders if fighting can be avoided. Unless they are fighting for fun. [Fake Creationday: March 30]
Other Characters (NOT Color Gang):
Purple King: (She) Purple is named a common name, because her dad, Cobalt, wanted her to be a stickfighter. Stickfighters are created with simple color names. She owns a kitty named Petal (my sticksona). She's adopted by Mango. [Fake Birthday: March 19]
Mango Tango King: (He) MT/MTK is the acronym for Mango Tango (or +King at the end). Is called "King" by RG + Alan, but "Mango" by others. Used to be called "King Orange" or "Orange King," but now avoids confusion with Orange/Second. [Fake Birthday: August 19]
"Gold" Marigold King: (He/She) He prefers being called "Gold" over "Marigold." His soul is attached to Minecraft ever since the incident. In fact, he was the one who drew the chalk animations when his dad (MT) got sucked into the white void. When the chalk drawing showed KIng hitting Gold, it is because destroying MInecraft was destroying Gold, since they are now the same thing. Gold is unable to see outside of Minecraft, so he can't visit MT when he is not in MInecraft. His ability to know when and which players join the game and in which server is useful, because then he always knows when MT or CG is in the game.[Fake Birthday: April 5]
Fluorescent Yellow King: (She) She died when her daughter, Gold, was born. She was ghost friends with Sakura (Purple's Mom) and sometimes watches over MT. She is trying to find Gold, but she doesn’t know where he went ever since the “incident” happened. [Fake Birthday: June 8]
Cobalt: (He) He came from sticksfight.com (which is why he has no last name... Well, his last name used to be Orchid before the divorce). He was not an abuser, but rather wanted to train Purple and went too far. [Fake Creationday: May 1]
Sakura Pink Orchid: (She) Sakura watches over her daughter. [Fake Birthday: February 22] Sister = Amaryllis Stripes Orchid. Mom = Ivory White Orchid. Dad = Maroon Red Orchid.
The Chosen One: (He) He is extremely introverted. He is not always serious and has a silly side to him (as seen in the episode "Wanted"). Doesn't know how to behave in society and is not exactly what you would think of a stick called "The Chosen One." [Real Creationday: November 4]
The Dark Lord: (She) She is extremely destructive and violent, but she has a heart. She is very extroverted. I cannot decide if I want to keep her dead or not. [Real Creationday: October 4]
Victim Victor: (They/Xe) Hates being called "Victim" because of trauma. Is nicknamed “Vicky/Vic.” [Real Creationday: June 3 - Same with the clones]
Mercenaries: Striker Smith (He), Ballista (He/They), Sign (He/They), Paleo (She/They/He/It)
Brandy Fry (Corn dog Guy): (He/They) He works at a corndog stand. He has a wife named Cali Gold and a child named Coconut (nicknamed Coco).
Reuben: It is the PIG! It gets a separate info thing because it deserves it and you can't change my mind. Reuben is Red's Pig. It is married with another pig and has a piglet. The other two pigs' names are unknown until I decide someday. For now, they are just pigs. (Random Fun Fact: All Minecraft animal mobs are females! Or at least the same gender.)
Chosen, Victor, and Dark extra info: They do not use Becker as a last name and do not consider Alan as their dad of any type or sort of way.
Birthdays in Order (Mostly So I can Keep Track Easily):
Green, Sakura, Purple, Yellow + Blue, Gold, Cobalt, Victor, Fluorescence, Red, MT, Jade (my OC), Second, Dark, Chosen,
Oh and I'm last (Petal)
More Extra info:
RYGB are supposed to be the starter/tutorial stick figures when you start playing sticks fight.com as a game. However, TSC breaking into their room made it separate and now RYGB are missing from the game. Someone else probably replaced their jobs tho (lol TSC made them lose their jobs).
Freedom and TSC are Victim clones. There is a ghost Vic, but idk if they would be the original Victim or a clone (if they are a clone, then the canon Victim would be the original).
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itsmarianstories · 5 years
They call me kitty🐾
[Jikook Social Media Au]
Part 12: I’ll show you »» Part 13: Numbers
Jungkook is a bratty college student, who stumbles through life, trying to find his way. He is attractive and he knows it, so he is used to getting whoever he wants. Until a certain cute boy walks into his life with swaying hips and fluttering lashes, who seems completely unimpressed by Jungkook. However, being the stubborn boy that he is Jungkook refuses to give up just yet, not knowing that with that he has already become a figure in Jimins game of life.
Word count: 1.854
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Jungkook had his hands tucked in between his legs and rubbed them with his thighs anxiously. He really wasn’t sure what came over him the last few days. At first he had thought kitty would be a cute, soft boy who he can tease a bit maybe and take out on domestic dates. Instead the boy turned out to be anything but soft, now Jungkook was the one getting teased and he wasn’t so sure anymore if it was such a good idea to keep in contact with the smaller. Something about him made things twist uncomfortably in his stomach, he was definitely bad news. Sometimes when he stared into kitty’s eyes it made him feel like he was the smaller man’s prey, which should probably scare him. The thing is weirdly it didn’t, it excited him and made hims addicted. Jungkook wanted more, he was hooked on the challenge. He wanted to crack kitty and get close to him, break his walls and earn his trust. Finally getting his name goddamn it. 
He was ripped out of his train of thoughts as the loud, rattling sound of a nearing engine could be heard. Jungkook stood up from the railing he was leaning on, his eyes widening as he took in the completely new sight of the pink haired boy. Gone were the soft sweaters and leggings, instead he wore leather pants and jacket combined with a white Gucci crop top and a diamond choker. He looked utterly sinful, sitting on his motorcycle, back arched a bit making that perfect round ass stand out even more. The boy turned off the engine, kicked down the side stand and took off his helmet, shaking out his hair before finally turning to look at Jungkook with a grin. 
“Well well hello!” He said, a sparkle in his eyes and Jungkook took a shuddering breath before jogging over to kitty. His eyes wandering not only over the boy but also what he is sitting on because damn.
“Wow,” Jungkook said, observing the white motorcycle tuned with pink and blue neon lights. “So I guess your business is going pretty well.” Kitty giggled at that and ran his tiny hand through his hair. 
“I guess you could say that.”
“Then what kind of business is it? Maybe I should reconsider my studies.” Jimin stared at him for a while as if he would consider whether to tell him or not. In the end he shrugged a bit.
“I own a few clubs.” Jungkooks eyes lit up at that. 
“Ohh that’s cool! Maybe I’ve been to one of yours before!” Kitty chuckled a bit and shook his head.
“I kinda doubt that.”
“Well you are gay, aren’t you?” Jungkook frowned confused.
“I mean yes….but why? Why does that matter?” Kitty threw a helmet into Jungkooks direction, the younger catching it a bit startled. 
“Because there is not much of interest for you then. Hop on, I’ll show you.” The pink haired said before putting on his helmet and patting the space on the seat behind himself, inviting Jungkook to take place. The younger gulped, put on the helmet -which had cat ears by the way? Lol okay- and swung his leg over the machine, settling in behind the younger. 
The engine roared up with a loud purr and kitty reached behind himself, wrapping Jungkooks arm around his waist.
“Hold tight!” He yelled over the sounds of the bike before lifting his feet and returning back onto the street. Kitty skilfully moved them through the labyrinth of streets, alleys and traffic. The wind ripping on his body and making him shiver but it wasn’t really cold because kitty was radiating off so much heat. Jungkook unconsciously scooped a bit closer, his chest pressed against the olders back and arms wrapped tightly around the slim waist. He was an uncomfortable lot aware about the fact that if he moves his hand just a little bit up, he’d be able to feel the older’s soft skin, where his stomach is exposed due to the crop top. It took him a lot of self control to not brush his fingers over it. 
Before he had even realized it they already slowed down again and kitty stopped the engine in front of a big building. The word “Desiré” in big violet glowing letters decorating the front. It looked expensive, high class with big security guys blocking the doors. Kitty parked his bike and took off his helmet before hopping off the seat. Jungkook did the same, eyes still taking in his surroundings. The whole area looked high-class. Clean streets, only a few people roaming through the street, expensive restaurants and boutiques, big office buildings. Jungkook now understood why Jin would make a deal with kitty. 
The older waved his hand at him to follow as he approached the club. Contrary to what Jungkook is used to, there were no drunk students lining up in front of the doors. No drunk people vomiting on the sidewalk, no couples making out in a side alley. Everything screamed professionalism and secrecy. 
The two security men stepped aside for them and opened the doors with a respectful nod and Jungkook suddenly felt very out of place.
“Are you sure I can go in there?” He asked nervously, since Jin never allowed him to step foot into his Restaurant. Kitty chuckled as they entered. Jungkook was immediately hit with a very sweet, flowery scent. Dim violet lights coming from big chandeliers, the whole interior design kept in elegant violet and silver.
“As long as you stay with me you won’t have a problem. Don’t worry, I’m established enough. My clients won’t hop off just because of one emo boy.” He assured.
And then they came into the main room and suddenly Jungkook understood why Kitty said it’s not of interest for him. The room was not filled with flashing neon lights, deafening loud music and grinding bodies, but with cozy seating areas and armchairs all of which are directed to the various small stages where beautiful, half naked women were dancing on shining poles. The music was loud enough to be comfortably heard but not too loud to hinder conversation. Man and woman dressed in suits were serving drinks to the customers and Jungkook realized how packed it was. Mostly middle-aged men but the club was definitely running good. 
Jungkook never stepped foot into a strip club before but he obviously knew what it was. He always imagined some crusty, dark rooms with nasty old horny men and poor women. This was everything but what he imagined. 
Kitty lead him through the various tables over to the bar where a tall, neatly styled man was preparing drinks. They sat down on the barstools and the bartender immediately slid over a drink to the older. 
“Thanks honey, bring one more for my guest, okay?” The man nodded and a few moments later a drink was placed in front of him. 
“You shouldn’t drink when you still have to drive.” Jungkook scolded and sniffed the drink. Kitty chuckled and took a big gulp, then he leaned over and exhaled into Jungkooks face. The younger blinked a bit taken aback. 
“Do you smell any alcohol?” He asked and Jungkook needed a moment to snap and realize what those words meant. He shook his head and Kitty smiled, taking another sip of his drink. 
“So a strip club?” Jungkook said raising a brow. He was curious. What brought the older to that.
“Yeah, it’s good business.” 
“Okay but… why? How?” Jungkook stammered a bit helplessly. He wasn’t sure if he was crossing a line and all kitty did was raise a brow at him.
“Like… did you finish college and were like ‘hey mom, I’m gonna open a strip club’.” As soon as he finished his sentence and kittys face hardened he knew he overstepped. The older straightened his back, one leg swung over the other.
“I don’t have to explain anything to you. Look, honeybun, you are cute and all, but know your place.” Kitty said, staring deeply into Jungkook eyes. Fuck why was that filling him with excitement? Jungkook should be embarrassed, ashamed, maybe even angry or something. Anything really, anything but turned on. All he could do was gulp and nod. 
A few seconds later Kittys attention moved from him over to something behind him. Or rather someone, as Jungkook realized once a tall, skinny woman approached them. She wrapped an arm around the older, pulling him in and pressing a peck on his lips. Jungkooks eyes widened in shock. He remembered seeing her on stage just a few moment earlier and she still barely wore anything. Only a pair of heals, lace panties and a transparent babydoll. Her whole body was glittering and her hair long, brown locks. She was beautiful, especially when she smiled brightly.
“Kitty, I didn’t know you’d come today!” She exclaimed happily. 
“Of course, I have to make sure my baby kittens are safe and sound after all.” He said, beaming back at the woman. 
“Aish, you are such a sap!” She laughed and slapped his shoulder lightly, before turning to Jungkook. 
“Hmm and who is this cutie over here?” She then asked, coming to his side and wrapping an arm around his shoulder. Jungkook froze. He has never seen a naked woman in real life before and he could clearly see her nipples if he wanted to. Which he didn’t, he strictly avoided looking at her, knowing his ears are already red enough as it is. He was never good with women.
“Do you wanna have a bit of fun tonight?” She whispered in his ear and Jungkook stiffened even more. 
“Leave him be, Lilly. He’s not a customer.” Kitty chuckled and the woman finally let go of him. 
“What a pity, he’d be a nice change.” Lilly joked, then she went over to Kitty again and whispered something in his ear before going somewhere else. 
“D-Did she… I mean is she… you know?” Jungkook whispered.
“A prostitute? Yes, why?” Jungkook nibbled on his lip anxiously. This was all so foreign to him.
“She didn’t look… like it…” 
“Why? Because she didn’t look poor? Because she didn’t look like a broken junkie? Because there are no black bruises on her skin?” Kitty rolled his eyes at him. 
“Every woman that works here does that on her own accord. I pay good, they can all confirm that, they have contracts, they get protection and can quit whenever they want. Contrary to what society makes you believe, some people actually enjoy the work.” Jungkook pouted and looked down at his hands.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean-“
“I know, it’s not your fault. You couldn’t know.” Kitty interrupted him. He then reached out for his drink and downed it in one go. “Come on, let’s go eat.” He said and stood up.
Moments later they left the club again and Kitty drove them to some random diner. They ate and talked about everything for what felt like hours, before the older drove him back home.
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thefanficmonster · 3 years
Corpse Husband Masterlist
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⨀ - Angst  
* - Fluff
💝 - Valentine’s Day Special
1. Nervous *
2. Unlucky *
3. Falling Faceless *
4. You Call It A Mess, We Call It Baking *
5. Switchblade ⨀
6. Caring *
7. Lucky Me (Sequel to ‘Unlucky’) *
8. Power Couple *
9. Love For The Faceless *
10. Inky Memories ⨀ *
11. Just Two Sad Roommates ⨀ *
12. What’s It To You? ⨀ *
13. Tell Me It’s Not Too Late (Sequel to ‘Switchblade’) ⨀ *
14. An Impostor In Love (Sequel for ‘Love For The Faceless’) *
15. Unconditionally. Completely. Infinitely. *
16. Corpse’s Girl ⨀ *
17. When The World’s Unsteady *
18. There Are Two Cat Girls And One Impostor Among Us *
19. Broken Bottles And Broken Hearts ⨀
20. The Same Amount Of Fragile ⨀ *
21. I’m Gushing Aren’t I? *
22. Stole The Show *
23. Let Them Talk * ⨀
24. Peace Was Never An Option *
25. Miss You ⨀
26. The Cursed Tape (Experience ⨀)
27. The Pining Game *
28. Always Got Your Back *
29. A Little Childish *
30. Priorities *
31. I’m Right Here ⨀ *
32. Keep Your Eyes On Me ⨀ *
33. The Ruins We Call Homes ⨀
34. The Angelic Impostor *
35. Doodles *
36. The Audacity! (Sequel to ‘The Angelic Impostor’) *
37. Intimidating *
38. The Voice Of A Broken Heart ⨀
39. Stalker Alert *
40. Not Cool *
41. The Cliché Of All Clichés (Sequel to ‘Broken Bottles And Broken Hearts’) *
42. Locked In My Heart  ⨀
43. Perfect Plans * ⨀
44. Timid * ⨀
45. Lap Snuggles *
46. Dynamic Duo *
47. What You Fail To See ⨀ *
48. A Voice To Simp For *
49. Life Support *
50. Never Satisfied [Teaser] (Collab)
51. The Pain We Share ⨀ *
52. Thin Walls *
53. Silver Lining ⨀ *
54. Best Accidents *
55. Rap My Heart To Pieces *
56. #ONLYSIMPS (Sequel to ‘I’m Gushing Aren’t I?’) *
57. The Gloom’s Sunshine *
58. One Decision At A Time *
59. Duet Of Love (Sequel to: ‘One Decision At A Time’) *
60. Steal My Girl *
61. We Have Us * ⨀
62. Tattoos Together *
63. Fooled Me *
64. Lie Detector *
65. Never Satisfied [Chapter 2] (Collab)
66. Faces In Hiding  * ⨀
67. An Impostor Of My Word *
68. Smack Talk *
69. Hold My Earrings *
70. Champagne Problems ⨀
71. Wishful Thinking (Sequel to: ‘Intimidating’) *
72. A Hit On You (Assassin AU) *
73. Don’t Stand A Chance *
74. Flawless 💝 * ⨀
75. If Life Was A Movie 💝 *
76. So It’s A Yes? 💝 *
77. Brother’s Blessing 💝 * 
78. I’ll Drink To That *
79. Wouldn’t Be You *
80. Heart Eyes *
81. Laugh, I Dare You *
82. Highlight *
83. Worrier *
84. Stories In Songs *
85. Never Satisfied [Chapter 3] (Collab)
86. Over Walls And Fences *
87. Lie To Me (Sequel to: ‘Locked In My Heart’) ⨀ *
88. Friendly Fire *
89. A Little Jealousy *
90. In The Arms Of A Stranger *
91. Devilish *
92. Experimenting *
93. Cat Ears *
94. In Too Deep ⨀
95. Safety Blanket *
96. Doubtful * ⨀
97. My Menace *
98. It’s A Ship *
99. Ma Chérie *
100. Hung Up ⨀
101. Kitty’s Got Claws *
102. Hoodie Hogger *
103. Morning Smiles *
104. Badass Nonetheless *
105. Swear Or Die *
106. Ever The Optimist *
107. Not So Tough *
108. Five Hundred Miles ⨀
109. Grudges *
110. Thigh Guy *
111. Cat Bond *
112. The F Word *
113. Opinionated *
114. Never Without You ⨀
115. Hopeless Case *
116. Repeating History *
117. Weirdo *
118. Rough Days *
119. Tearstained Pillows ⨀
120. What’s Not To Like? *
121. Safe Embrace ⨀
122. A Little Bit Of Honesty ⨀
123. Blind World ⨀ *
124. A Pinch Of Effort *
125. And They Were Roommates *
126. Midnight Coffee *
127. Once Burnt ⨀ *
128. Never Satisfied [Chapter 4] (Collab)
129. No Hard Feelings *
130. Urban Legend *
131. Trouble *
132. No One’s Gotta Know *
133. Chaotic *
134. Tightrope *
135. Stealer, Schemer *
136. Helping Hand ⨀ * (Whole gang, platonic fic)
137. Exile (Sequel to: ‘Champagne Problems’) ⨀
138. Tripped Up (ft. Sykkuno) * ⨀
139. Double Trouble *
140. Saving Melody *
141. Movie Moment *
142. Good Aim (Sequel to: ‘A Hit On You’) *
143. Under Pressure *
144. Needy *
145. Superhero *
146. Rumors *
147. Corpse x Disabled!Reader Headcanons *
148. When Two Worlds Collide *
149. Darling *
150. Live A Little *
151. Never Satisfied [Chapter 5 - Filler Chapter with MASSIVE TW] (Collab)
152. Photographer *
153. Impulsive *
154. Proper Delinquents *
155. A Natural *
156. Real Smooth *
157. Convenient *
158. Ruining Lives *
159. Dream On *
160 Selective Hugger *
161. Gloomy Day * ⨀
162. I Like Your Friend *
163. No Telling 
164. Give You Hell *
165. Trust me, I know *
166. Never Forget *
167. Vibe Check *
168. Views And Likes * 
169. Schooled *
170. Simping Amplified *
171. It’s Only Fair *
172. Light And Dark *
173. Sleepless Nights *
174. Filterless ⨀ *
175. Take That! * ⨀
176. Make It Loud *
177. Private Investigator *
178. Oddities *
179. When You Put It Like That *
180. Never Satisfied [Chapter 6] (Collab)
181. Cheesy Route *
182. Breathing In (Sequel to: ‘In Too Deep’) ⨀ *
183. Faux Innocence *
184. Vampire Girls *
185. Corpse x Witchy!Reader Headcanons *
186. Caught Red-handed *
187. Friend Snatcher *
188. My Kind *
189. Corpse Infested *
190. Fireproof ⨀ *
191. Never Satisfied [Chapter 7] (Collab)
192. Few Too Many *
193. The Five Scares (And one revenge) *
194. A Relaxing Bath with Corpse (Headcanons) *
195. Beyond The Darkness ⨀ *
196. Know No Better *
197. Phone Call Anxiety *
198. Infatuation *
199. Oh Crap *
200. Begone *
201. Rough Road ⨀ *
202. Strictly Professional *
203. Bouquet *
204. Never Satisfied [Chapter 8] (Collab)
205. Hidden Powers * & slight ⨀
206. Drained *
207.  Matured *
208. Pressing Issues *
209. Just Another One (Sequel to: ‘A Little Bit Of Honesty’)��⨀
210. Stranger In The Crowd *
211. Corpse x Reader with a service dog (Headcanons) *
212. Chaos Magnet *
213. Never Satisfied [Chapter 9] (Collab)
214. All The Colors *
215. Much Cooler *
216. Trending *
217. Perspective *
218. Caricature *
219. Show And Tell *
220. Bumpy Road  ⨀ *
221. Interesting Encounters *
222. Sympathy *
223. Noodles *
224. Better Best Friend *
225. The Harshest ‘No’ *
226. Five Stars *
227. No Changing *⨀
228. Ain’t Over (It) *
229. Red Eyes *
230. A Good Time *
231. Falling *
232. Caution *
233. Tiny Angry Thing *
234. Cheesy Liners *
235. Graphic Novel *
236. Manual *
237. Daisy *
238. Meeting the Fam *
239. Worth the Wait *⨀
240. Always Here *⨀
241. The Power of a Mistletoe *
242. Lovely *
243. Purpose *
244. New Year’s Changes (Sequel to:’A Little Childish’) *
245. Comfort Angels *
246. Holy Crap! *
247. Don’t Play Him *
248. Sweat Jar *
249. Quite the Scare ⨀*
250. Long Shifts *
251. Grey Area *
252. Change of Heart *
253. Curious or Serious *
254. Corpse x S/O who wears floral fishnets (Headcanons) *
255. Something Permanent *
256. Friend Appreciation Day *
257. Demonic *
258. You Look Happier ⨀
259. Stuck ⨀ *
260. Details *
261. Screw ‘em *
262. Stress Reliever *
263. Real One ⨀ *
264. Game of Survival *
265. Treat You Better ⨀
266. We’ll be OK ⨀ *
267. The Doll *
268. Opposites Attract (Headcanons) *
269. Nothing Much *
270. Hey You *
271. Sunshine Protectors *
272. Corpse Dad *
273. Sweet Escape *
274. Trip Down Memory Lane *
275. Last Gift *
276. Corpse x Reader with OnlyFans *
277. Undercover *
278. All or Nothing *
279. Are, Were ⨀ *
280. Best of Both Worlds *
281. Bedhead *
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obeythedemons · 2 years
Satan Masterlist
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Obey Me! Masterlist
Obey Me Masterlist By Character
MC is summoned to Devildom wearing a pride shirt
Young MC is Half Moth Demon - Platonic
MC summons them
MC uses a pet name for them
MC sees their ex
MC likes the brother back, but is worried they’ll disappoint them
Spotify Playlists + Barbatos
MC being bullies for being close to them
They receive a love letter from MC
MC has no survival instinct and talks to demons, wanders off, and asks all the questions
Pastel Goth FTM MC
MC is trying to become a demon to stay in Devildom
Blind MTF MC
MC has a low self-esteem
Parent MC
Short MC
Arguments He’s Started To Watch The World Burn
They react to Lucifer falling
MC is Ruri-Chan’s VA
They React to Mammon Crying
They find out MC can read their chats
MC’s Heart Does Something Weird
How he builds IKEA furniture
Goody-two-shoes MC is tough (+Satan and Asmodeus)
MC is summoned to Devildom in laboratory PPE
MC is Injured
MC’s Attacked By Another Demon
What Crocs He Would Wear
MC Has An Allergic Reaction + Solomon
MC has a headache
Dad Jokes
MC’s D.D.D. gets a virus and sends flirty messages
Their Favorite Place in Tokyo
MC is in a gang
Supernatural MC
His Office
The Moment He Knew He Loved MC (minus Luke)
Tea Headcanons
When his heart first skipped a beat (minus Luke)
What He Tries To Hide (Minus Luke)
What Kid’s Movie Scares Him The Most
When the others know he loves them (minus Luke)
Gestures of Physical Affection (minus Luke)
What The Lesser Demons Say About Him
MC’s summoned to devildom with a plush of him (minus Luke)
When He Needs To Confess (minus Luke)
MC Has Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome
Their Mask
Pokemon AU
MC’s Sick
They Take MC to the Doctor
They Play Video Games (Roblox)
They Catch MC Singing Once Upon A Dream
How they show affection/react to MC showing affection (minus Luke)
How he takes notes
MC gets tired when they’re out (minus Luke)
MC Slips on Ice
MC Receives Their First Binder
Their New Year’s Resolution
MC Pulls Their Hair Back
How He Proposes (minus Luke)
He learns MC’s his soulmate (minus Luke)
MC’s heart races when they see him (minus Luke)
Hanakotoba - His Flower
MC’s standing in the rain
He has a nightmare about MC (minus Luke)
MC hugs him for the first time
He Dances with MC (minus Luke)
Someone Else Confesses
Diavolo Plays Matchmaker (minus Luke)
They comfort MC after a horror movie - Mammon, Leviathan, Satan, Diavolo, Solomon
MC falls asleep on their shoulder - Satan, Asmodeus, Diavolo, Barbatos, Luke
What They Daydream About (minus Luke)
He Asks MC To Become Immortal (minus Luke)
MC’s Cold (minus Luke)
He Sees MC In Wedding Wear (minus Luke)
MC Puts His Cold Hands On Him (Minus Luke)
Someone Sends Him A Nude By Mistake (Minus Luke) - 18+
Cheering Him Up (Minus Luke)
How He Plays The Sims
What Videos MC Posts of Him
Who Gives the Best Massages
MC’s Immortality is Wrong (Minus Luke)
His Favorite Form of Transportation
What He’s Insecure About (Minus Luke)
Shipping Wars
Kitty Sticker
Cat Cubicle
Cursed Wrath
Spotify Song Challenge
19. It’s My Party - Obey Me! Boys - Satan
67. LEMONS - Demo - Brye - Satan
Winter Themed Drabbles
12. Feast - Satan
16. Stars - Satan
Spring Themed Drabbles
2. Seasonal Allergies - Satan
15. Warm Jackets - Satan
20. Farmer’s Market - Satan
Alphabet Drabbles
C - Clue - Satan
G - God - Satan
P - Pledge - Satan
Q - Quest - Satan
X - Xyst - Satan
Friend Corner
Horror Movie [Satan/Nyx]
Bookmark [Satan/Kana]
Date Night
First Trip Out - Satan
Valentine’s Day 2022
Satan Valentine’s Day Card
Before MC: What They Think About Valentine’s Day
What He Gets MC For Valentine’s Day
His Ideal Valentine’s Day Date - Headcanons
How Fast He Falls In Love, How Fast He Admits It - Headcanons
What Valentine’s Day Gift He Wants - Headcanons
After MC: What He Thinks About Valentine’s Day - Headcanons
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markleebee · 4 years
Fireflies; Huang Renjun [complete]
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pairing: huang renjun x female reader [+nomin] 
genre: fluff, angst?? idk, college au, (kinda one-sided) enemies-to-friends-to-lovers au
warnings: drinking, cursing, mentions and photos of food, slowburn I am so sorry
synopsis: rich asshole renjun who has a soft spot for cats meets scholarship student yn, who just so happens to work at the local animal shelter
or alternatively: renjun's really bad at flirting and thinks that money is the answer to every problem
a/n: thank you to everyone for reading (and loving!) fireflies ( ・_・)♡
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part 1 - renjun sexy
part 2 - best friend :)
part 3 - sausage! sausage! sausage!
part 4 - $1000
part 5 - eat the rich!
part 6 - 12 year old 
part 7 - kitty kitty
part 8 - college party
part 9 - cuddly drunk
part 10 - status: alive
part 11 - smile and nod
part 12 - *safe* food
part 13 - okay catboy
part 14 - royalty
part 15 - puppet
part 16 - furry
part 17 - big boi
part 18 - we were becoming friends...
part 19 - apologize
part 20 - bored
part 21 - secret girlfriend
part 22 - meow
part 23 - renjunnie 🥺🤲💞
part 24 - mom
part 25 - i hate you too <3
part 26 - verified
part 27 - aesthetic hoe
part 28 - pspspspsps
part 29 - déjà vuwu
part 30 - #king
part 31 - knife skills
part 32 - 🦨
part 33 - yn tunnel vision
part 34 - he's meditating guys
part 36 - employee of the month
part 37 - just a friend
part 38 - monthly picnic
part 39 - 5 facts
part 40 - go scam renjun or something
part 41 - HA HA HA HA HA
part 42 - dense
part 43 - date the rich
part 44 - beach!
part 45 - 3rd wheel
part 46 - pajamas??
part 47 - FUCK
part 48 - big head gang
part 49 - what.
part 50 - bros before hoes
part 51 - because i love myself??
part 52 - workaholic
part 53 - paris
part 54 - grandma
part 55 - somebody that i used to know
part 56 - we out here
part 57 - yes
part 58 - awkward
part 59 - he WHAT
part 60 - not just a pretty face
part 61 - little boy
part 62 - AHHHHHHH
part 63 - 4/4
part 64 - fell for you
epilogue - paper rings
Bonus Content
bonus 1 - "you look like you can't swim"
bonus 1.5 - "you look like you have a peanut allergy"
bonus 2 - ABORT ABORT
bonus 3 - cute cat
bonus 4 - swaggy
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penname-artist · 2 years
Roadmap of Insanity
NOTE: These are all fics that are (to some degree) being worked on. This can mean anything from “I have it 90% of the way done but I accidentally put it down for months on end” to “I wrote two sentences and got stuck, help”. None of them are being done in any order whatsoever! I write what I feel like when I feel like, and sometimes that means I go into my documents, write two more sentences, and then abandon it all over again. Also I REALLY wasn’t kidding when I said I have 30-40 open WIPs at any given time. Also, this does NOT include any of my 5-6 collaborations or gifts with various people. I’d rather leave those as surprises ;P
1. I have ONE Cars fic and it’s about Finn and Leland and it’s legitimately old as shit
2. Smol Cabbie story about how he joined Piston Peak (spoiler: the whole team gets played lol)
3. The rest of ‘Doesn’t Mean Nothin’
4. Familia, a story about Blade’s grandneice I forgot about
5. An Emergency sequel
6. A Cabbie + Smokejumpers series about gambling, drinking, cheating, gangs, and maybe arson
7. Blade/Nick Greek Gods AU I made on a whim (it won’t get done anytime soon I can tell you that)
8. A very...odd AU I made for no reason about Blade and Dusty, living new lives as the world has flooded over. And then getting separated.
9. The last bit of The Little Koi Boi
10. An Unus Annus inspired Smokejumpers story (featuring Dusty and possibly Oscar)
12. Crophopper Family Reunion. I have had it in my WIPs since I STARTED fanfic writing in 2020. It will never get done.
13. A Dusty and Oscar origin story
14. Why Blade is terrified of being on boats and gets seasick on them (featuring *gasp* an OC!?!?)
15. A new whumpfic that decided to affect the entire PPAA team with flu because I am evil
16. I keep starting and scrapping a fic where Nick gets injured, but I might finally have one idea that may stick
17. Blade/Ripslinger non-con smutfic. Nothing more to be said than that.
18. Nick’s backstory series
19. Dusty/Jackson Storm CRACK
20. Blade/Nick/Apollo PWP
21. Blade/Hector/Rotor PWP (part 2)
22. Nick/Dusty PWP
23. Shu/Miguel PWP that I wrote down but I don’t think I ever started???
24. A Prompt of Apollo dealing with Mondays
25. Shu/Miguel gift for Shu
26. ABO series #1 for Ivory
27. ABO series #2 for Ivory
And of course, up and coming is a whole other list of “I really want to start writing this but I need to take care of all of ^^^ this ^^^ first”. Among those other unstarted fics, I am itching to do a Flysenhawk (Flysenhower and Kittyhawk ship name, SUE ME) story with some harrrrd angst in it. But with a fluffy ending. Because Fluffsenhower is buried in there somewhere, and if anybody can pull him out, Kitty can!
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thatsbucknasty · 3 years
she used to be mine (xi) waitress au
summary: Inspired by the broadway musical. Y/N Beck is a pie baking force to be reckoned with. She’s pregnant with her lazy ass husband, Quentin Beck’s baby. As everything around her turns upside down, Doctor James Buchanan Barnes charms his way into her life.
pairing: Y/N x Bucky
tags are closed
author’s note: Alrighty guys, we’ve almost reached the end of this story. I hope you’re still reading, please tell me if you are!
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chapter 11: she used to be mine
I wake up startled by a searing throb down the side of my belly. I quickly remove the sheets and there’s no blood so I try to lift myself up from the bed and start walking to the kitchen to get my decaf ready. I remember Bucky talking about the Braxton-Hicks contractions in one of our appointments a couple weeks ago and he told me I should walk so I walk. I have one of Wanda’s pregnancy books that she keeps sending me and walk, walk, walk for what feels like hours, although it’s only been 15 minutes.
I see myself in the mirror and I can’t recognize myself. My body’s changed so much, I’m pretty sure I have a few more wrinkles around my eyes and a few more freckles from all the damn walking under the sun. But that’s not what bothers me the most about all these changes. I just don’t feel like the person I used to be. She was good, a bit messy but always kind, she had a lot more hope in life for herself and those around her. I don’t know if it’s the pregnancy, or the divorce, or everything combined that’s made this version of me so bitter. And this isn’t something I can fix with a little more butter and sugar, in fact I don’t think it can be fixed.
It’s been the longest week of my entire life. Old Nick and Sam collectively decided to gang up on me, and I feel Bucky had to do with it a little bit too. They forced me to go on a “stay-at-home-vacation” until the baby is born, which should be any day now, so I’m just here, alone on a Saturday morning, while everybody is working, Quentin is sleeping with that woman and hasn’t even bothered to call me or show any interest in either his unborn child or our imminent divorce.
This is boring, I feel useless and I need to get out of here. This house, this awful, lopsided couch, that crooked picture frame of me and Quentin at prom so many years ago. I want to throw all of it away and start fresh in a nice, picket white fence house, just me and my baby. Wanda and Nat would come visit and I would bake some of my “La vie on rose petals and vanilla ice cream pie”, we would have a no boys allowed day when it’s just us, and sitcoms, and I could have wine or coffee again, little peanut could have a puppy or a kitty to play with and I would give her all my love and we could be a real, whole family. If I wasn’t tied to this place, these curtains that never let any light on, that man who was always so violent and disgusting but only just showed his true self, maybe I could have that pastel colored life that I should deserve. But what if this is what I deserve?
I called Quentin six times this week. Matt finally was able to send me the divorce papers that I already signed, but that lying, cheating, bastard hasn’t sent them back to me and won’t even dare to answer my calls or texts. I cleaned every surface of this dingy house and put every item that reminded me of my screwed up marriage in a box outside for the garbage collector to take away. Quentin can buy new shirts and underpants, if he can’t answer the stupid phone I can throw away his stuff. I don’t even care anymore.
I find myself walking again but not around my kitchen. I’m waking to the diner cause I felt trapped in the house and I need to cook, something with lots of garlic or onions, I will call it “Wrecked home scrambled eggs pie” served with sauteed bell peppers on the side and a spicy sauce dripped on top of the crust. 
I go through the back door and into the kitchen before the girls see me, Sam reacts by giving me a side eye and continuing flipping the burgers he’s working on right now.
“Table 9 order’s ready!” Sam calls out and Wanda takes it.
“We have a pregnant lady in the back, stress baking”.
“I can hear you!”
“Alright good, well you shouldn’t be here. You’re lucky it’s a busy day so we can’t just drop everything and drive your ass back home where you should be!” Nat’s in the kitchen window scolding me now too, perfect. I knew this was coming and to be honest I prefer their banter than the deafening silence I felt at home.
“Just so you know, I’m texting Bucky and he’s coming over” Sam interjects.
“Wha- guys, I’m just baking one pie and then I’ll go, tell him he doesn’t have to come”.
“Why couldn’t you bake this one pie at home then?” Wanda asks with genuine curiosity in her voice.
I decide to be truthful.
“I felt trapped and lonely, I missed the diner. Plus I didn’t have any bell peppers at home and I was craving them”.
They all look at me weirdly, there’s no pity in their eyes, there’s just… tenderness.
Bucky arrives an hour after I got here, with a stern face and his lab coat still clinging to his frame.
“Hey, what’s up, sweetheart? You’re supposed to be resting”. He rubs my shoulders and all I can think is how grateful I am for this little family and this man life blessed me with.
I explain how awfully sad and stressed I was feeling at home and he takes a seat between me and Steve, who’s eating a slice of pie while Wanda’s showing him what she calls “satisfying cleaning Tik Toks”, and Sam’s chatting with Nat about a concert he’d like to take her to next week. Everything about this feels so calm and I’m even starting to feel sleepy with Bucky’s skilled hands rubbing my knotted neck and shoulders.
“Well, well, well. Look who’s decided to finally stop being a fucking hypocrite! It’s Y/N and the stupid fucking Doctor. Tell me, Doc, did you enjoy gazing at her lady parts when she’d go for a “check up” and fell in love because you too are lame and boring?”
I grab Bucky’s hand and stand between him and Quentin, using my other hand to protect my belly.
“What the hell are you doing here, Quentin? You’re not welcome here anymore”. I say, head up high but voice trembling.
“Came home to drop your divorce papers- that I’m not signing by the way- and to tell you to fuck off because whether you like it or not, I’m gonna be a father and you can’t do anything about it baby girl. It’s you and me! It’s always gonna be you and me, so tell you precious Doctor and your friends goodbye. We’re coming home!”
Quentin grabs my hand and tries to yank me away from Bucky but before I can do anything else Steve and Sam are already punching the shit out of Quentin, sitting him down on the floor and pushing his arms around his back. Bucky is taking me away from the fight, shielding my eyes from the view, he knows I don’t need this kind of stress. Nat called the cops when Quentin arrived, knowing the asshole would pull out a stunt like this. Minutes pass and I can’t step away from Bucky’s embrace to see his ass handcuffed and thrown into the police’s back seat.
Bucky takes a step back to look at my face as he feels me trembling and his shirt soaked with my tears.
“Y/N, sweetheart, it’s over. He’s gone”.
I try to form words but then it hits me.
The pain.
This is not what I asked for.
The excruciating cramp-like aches in my lower stomach.
If I’m honest, I’d give this life back for a chance to start over.
The water running down my legs.
I would rewrite the story, from beginning to end.
I can’t feel my legs. All I feel is fear, pain and anger.
This is the life that I’m bringing you into, little girl. I’m so sorry. To you, but also to the little girl I once was. Because she also deserved a good life and she’s gone, but she used to be mine.
chapter 12: contraction ballet
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izusun · 3 years
Alright I have nowhere else to ramble about this so take this AU that popped into my head. (U.A. is a university and the characters are aged up, keep this in mind)
Inko died when Zuku was 12-13 (sorry Mamadoriya) and so Izuku is living on his own, taking online school and caring for Eri, who he rescued from Overhaul (basically he finds her running in an alleyway, he hides her in his duffel bag and redirects Overhaul, then he smuggles her home, they also have a cat named Missy, he was 15 and she was 4). So now he lives in the bad part of Musutafu, which is away from the Bakugous. Now he's a homeschooling single father/older brother that has a couple part time jobs by day and a well known stripper/informant Kitty by night (he gets information about crimes during his stripper job and then he sends tip offs signed Kitty to the police).
But what happens when a certain group of criminals connect the dots between Izuku and Kitty, and try to kidnap him during the day, only for Eri to run and bring a certain hero to the rescue? (I say certain group and certain hero but really just plug which ones you want here)
I hope this plagues your mind as much as it does mine.
ok but it does plague my mind!! thank you so much anon for this very bamf midoriya au <3
ok so i presume midoriya’s quirkless in this au? if not, we roll with quirkless midoriya
since you didn’t specify any day job, i think midoriya being a librarian is also a good cover. what’s a better way to hide that you are actively researching about cases while not being a member of the police force? also being a librarian helped midoriya gather books for his and especially eri’s education when she still had to be homeschooled
he’s been an informant for mostly underground heroes, but some daylight heroes benefitted from the information he could gather. shinsou personally knows him by now
some other semantics about the stripper part:
‘kitty’ isn’t really that famous because he purposefully made it so. gathering intel is a dangerous work and one thing he made sure was that any leaks would not be traced to him, thus dangerous people are not besotted with him
midoriya’s very smart. he probably studied human psychology and behaviour so that he doesn’t need much contact with the people he is gathering intel from. he comes to his night work with detailed plans because he already deduced which important person/people would be visiting the place
any intel he gathers usually range from one word to five. that short. very rare does he get an extensive detail about someone or something. he expands this short information he could gather via his own research at home or during his day job in the library, and then tips it to the police
he planned it this way so that he is safe. if not for himself, then for eri
‘kitty’ is the nickname he chose because he happened to be watching hello kitty with eri one night when they were both plagued with nightmares
the reason why he was almost kidnapped was, well, he was bested by the other party. he was so careful when gathering intel about this group, often times even only relying on his coworkers’ experience or talks with the villain members to gain something that is out of the norm. but this group had been searching for him too
there’s a mole in the police department. someone knew that steady information was coming from an unknown informant. naomasa was very careful to not reveal who it was, but when they encountered an a-rank villain, naomasa called midoriya in panic, asking for information. midoriya gave it to him, then destroyed his phone and disposed the line of connection between them both. naomasa had forgotten to do that. thus, the mole was able to trace the line and boom, ‘kitty’ = midoriya
so on the day of his almost-kidnapping, he was on his way to the library with eri because it’s his day off and eri wanted new books to read for leisure. the group (villains? syndicates? gang?) was waiting for him by the secluded area of their street. midoriya was cornered, ordering eri to run. eri, the smart girl, runs. she runs to the quant library that midoriya works at and asks the person manning the desk (midoriya’s coworker who cares for the midoriya duo) to call for help because his brother is being taken by bad guys
so the police arrives soon, escorted by shinsou (who was working alongside the police before they got the call) and bakugou, who was on a patrol around the area. bakugou gets a head-start and flies to midoriya’s last known location, fearing for the worst because that shitty little nerd is quirkless and he might’ve been taken already god-fucking-damnit but-
BUT midoriya’s a smart guy. he knew that being an informant is a dangerous work. wait scratch that. he knew the moment he saved eri that one day, they’d be in danger. so amidst the busy schedules of his day and night jobs, along with his vigilantism, he learned self defence
so that’s how bakugou, best jeanist’s sidekick dynamight, found him. beating up the quirked motherfuckers with efficient martial arts that he was able to hone through time
“what the fuck deku?” bakugou asked as midoriya delivered the finishing kick
midoriya looked up and grinned as if knocked out villains aren’t laying on his feet. “kacchan!” he chirped, beaming
anyways the conclusion is that nezu took midoriya as his personal student, and both he and eri are now housed in the UA dorms
he quit his night job because “there are better ways to be an informant, midoriya-kun,” nezu said and proceeded to teach midoriya the nezu way
oh and bakugou is having gay panic because what the fuck deku
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Fanfic recommendations part three: Season 7 fix-its
Some of these stories are post season 7 finale, some of them take place during season 7 and diverge from canon. Season 8 who? We don’t know her.
I’ve read and enjoyed all of these stories, they are all worth the read.
(By the way this is a big category, so this post is huge)
All Our Yesterdays by ChronicallyChill
After the events of "Street Fighting Man", Jackie and Hyde wish more than anything that things had happened differently. The next morning, they wake up in the past, on the morning of Vanstock where Jackie promptly makes one dream come true. They are not together—but, soon enough, one change snowballs into another... Time Travel AU.
I didn’t knew if I should’ve placed this story on the season 7 fix-it category or in the AU category, in the end I chose this one, if you think it’s incorrect, please let me know so I can change it.
Okay so this story deserves a special comment because OH MY GOD, it’s incredible. It’s amazing how the author writes the characters so well, and I simply love the addition of Buddy Morgan to the gang.
This story is a WIP, it hasn’t been updated in a while but I still have faith.
121k words, 7 chapters.
Rated M.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde, Eric/Donna, Buddy/Fez
Also available on AO3
As You Wish by c00kiefic
A dark comedic look at love, loss and death. Hyde’s there for Jackie when she needs him the most.
This story is complete.
7k words, 2 chapters.
Rated T.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde
Daddy’s Home by bellamarie
Jackie and Hyde’s relationship has been smooth sailing for the most part since their last break-up in ‘79. As Hyde begins to seriously commit to Jackie, her dad is released from prison and he returns home to supposedly rekindle his relationship with her. Hyde, suspecting that Jack’s intentions aren’t pure, enlists the help of his friends to try and expose Jack for the still crook man that he is. While Hyde may be a paranoid burnout, he knows that the wily politician is up to no good. There is one thing, however, both men have a common interest in: Jackie Burkhart.
Okay so this story basically ignores the existence of season 8, that’s why it’s in this category.
Oh, and I’m pretty sure this is an abandoned story. Unfortunaly. It only has two chapters and damn, I’m dreaming about the day the author will update this, I’m already hooked.
4k words, 2 chapters.
Rated M.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde
Finding the Right Future by springsteenicious
After Chicago, Hyde starts driving to Las Vegas, planning to get over Jackie. His car nearly breaks down in Iowa, forcing him to stop. While he's there, he meets Fortune, a woman who will change the course of his life forever.
This story is complete.
13k words, 8 chapters.
Rated T.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde
Halloween is Over by MistyMountainHop
Eric wants to be scared for Halloween, really scared. Donna proposes a contest, and all their friends are in. But Hyde and Jackie's renewed relationship might not withstand the stress. Donna and Kelso must fight their impulses, and Fez and Eric's chances of survival are slim.
This story is complete.
25k words, 8 chapters.
Rated M
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde, Eric/Donna
Also Available on AO3
Hyde’s Long Way Home by MistyMountainHop
This story is perfect. It literally has no defects. I love ALL of MIstyMountainHop’s stories, literally, all of them, but this one has a very special place in my heart. It’s complete and it’s definitely worth the read.
Hyde goes on a self-destructive bender after finding Jackie with a towel-wrapped Kelso. The day after that, he wakes up ... and it's the same day as before. He's doomed to live the same day over and over — unless he can figure out a way to live it right.
151k words, 26 chapters.
Rated M.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde, Eric/Donna
Also available on AO3
I’d Have You Anytime by anonymous author
What if Jackie after panicking in her show, gave up? And what if she made an unnatural friendship? Basically a fix it of season 7. If you like a story with good Jackie/Eric friendship moments, I totally recommend this one!
Trigger warning for past eating disorder.
This story is a WIP and it’s being updated frequently.
15k words, 9 chapters.
Rated T.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde, Eric/Donna
I Found a Reason by JoyfulHeartEO
Can Donna help Hyde see the light before he loses the one thing that's most important to him? Or will Jackie decide to leave at all?
Rated T.
9k words, 3 chapters.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde, background Eric/Donna
Jackie and Hyde: The Untold Story by Lotusflower655
I was going to place this in the “Hidden Moments” category (spoiler alert, the next category), when I realised this has a different season 7 finale, so... here it is.
Rated M.
12k words, 6 chapters.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde
Let’s Grow Up Together by yabookreader96
One day Jackie receives a certain letter in the mail, and she finds her life quickly beginning to change. Suddenly she is a grown up navigating life on her own, drifting away from the sleepy little town of Point Place...and from her friends who can't seem to find the courage to discover life outside the Forman basement. Will her friends catch up, or will Jackie be all on her own?
This story is complete.
67k words, 12 chapters.
Rated T.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde, Eric/Donna
Magic by poetdameron
Hyde has never been good at words and Jackie has never been good at waiting, they need to find a balance to stay together. Hopefully, they'll do it before is too late.
16k words, 2 chapters.
Rated T.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde
Also Available on AO3
Please Don’t Say You Love Me (’Cause I Might Not Say It Back) by orphan_account
An alternate take on the end of season 7. Instead of running off to Vegas Hyde downs a couple of beers in the good ol' El Camino before deciding that some things are more important than his pride - i.e. his relationship with Jackie.
This story is complete.
3k words, 2 chapters.
Rated T.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde
Reflections Through the Glass by MistyMountainHop
Okay, this story is quite a trip, and it’s amazing. It’s based on a minisseries called The 10th Kingdom.
Six months after Chicago, Hyde no longer believes in love — or in Jackie. Donna's not speaking to Eric. Kelso's confused about his whole life, and Fez has gone missing. The only way back may be to leave it all behind.
This story is complete, and there’s a sequel, called Beneath a Shattered Sky. Honestly, I love the first story, but the sequel... The sequel is probably one of the best stories I’ve ever read. Those are both very long stories, but they are worth it.
138k words, 46 chapters.
Rated M.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde, Eric/Donna
Season 8 redo by tanith75
This is the most famous story of the fandom for a reason.
The story starts after the s7ep21 episode, so there’s no Chicago problems or people going to Africa over here :) It’s amazingly written, it’s funny as hell, and it honestly feels like I’m watching an episode of the show when I’m reading it. It’s amazing, it’s what should’ve happened in the show.
This story is not complete, but please, don’t let this stop you from reading it.
293k words, 42 chapters.
Rated T.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde, Eric/Donna, Red/Kitty, Fez/Laurie, Kelso/Brooke
Shade by MistyMountainHop
This story ignores season 8 completely and season 7 is canon, that’s why it’s in this category.
Hyde finds himself homeless on a night where Jackie is without parents. The gift he gave her last Christmas draws him to her, but his attachment lingers past that rainy first night, grows through countless experiences, and leads him across state lines. Their relationship is a high-stakes gamble, but Jackie may fold before Hyde can show all his cards.
This story is complete and it melts my heart every single time I read it.
43k words, 10 chapters.
Rated T.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde
Also Available on AO3
The Seeker by QuarterflashWoman
With Donna and Eric's own relationship kaput, after Eric left Donna at the altar, what does this mean for our favorite opposites-attract couple Steven and Jackie? Wedding bells, baptisms, betrayals, and ultimatums. It's just another year in the lives of those of Point Place.
This is mainly a season 7 hidden moments story until it diverges from canon, and it’s lovely. I wish it was complete, but it’s still worth the read.
121k words, 23 chapters.
Rated M.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde, some background Eric/Donna angst.
We’re All Alright by glittermila
In which Hyde and Jackie actually talk things out after he caught Kelso at the motel.
This is a lovely story, and I really enjoyed it, seeing Jackie and Hyde having a mature relationship is everything.
This story is complete.
48k words, 21 chapters.
Rated M.
Pairings: Mainly Jackie/Hyde
Zenmasters: Seasons 3-5 by zdbztumble
I was having a lot of trouble categorizing this story, in the end, I decided that it was a season 7 fix-it of sorts, since season 8 doesn’t exist and season 7 ends in a satisfying way.
This story is a rewrite of some episodes, the author foreshadowed J/H relationship during seasons 3 and 4, and she added some pretty nice J/H moments in some chapters. The author also changed some things in some episodes (like the way J/H get back together after the nurse, and some other things). It’s a pretty good story, I like it a lot.
After "Jackie Bags Hyde," a certain subplot went into hibernation for a season and a half. What if it hadn't? And, if it hadn't, what other surprises would pop up along the way? "Tune in" to find out!
This story is complete.
170k words, 43 chapters.
Rated T.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde
A change in fate by KaraSkinner
After leaving Jackie in Chicago, Hyde gets into a car crash and meets an angel that shows him just how bleak life would be if he doesn't change his fate now.
4k words.
Rated T.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde
don’t I love you so by orphan_account
Hyde’d spent so long trying to keep her out, and what had happened? He’d finally opened up the gates, only to realise she’d been there the whole time and had had enough. Love — it was a goddamn Trojan horse.
or; a 7x25 fix it where hyde and jackie talk like adults for once in their damn lives.
4k words.
Rated T.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde
Hyde Asks Jackie to Stay by springsteenicious
When Hyde finds Jackie in the basement when she's supposed to be in Chicago, his first instinct is to push her away. Instead, he asks her to stay.
2k words
Rated G.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde
I’m not a heartbreaker, so be gentle with mine by FalaZure
It's just a proposal, Hyde's been through worse and really how hard can it be?
or: 5 times Hyde tries to propose to Jackie, and one time he succeeds.
This story ignores season 8 completely, and it’s mainly just fluff, I LOVE it.
12k words.
Rated M.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde
Jackie Doesn’t Leave Before Getting an Answer by springsteenicious
Jackie stays in Point Place and waits for an answer to her ultimatum. At long last, Hyde gives her one.
2k words.
Rated T.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde
Let’s Do It by poetdameron
According to the tags, season 8 does not exist on this story, so off to the season 7 fix-its category you go.
There are things a man should not say after great orgasms on Christmas' Eve, Steven Hyde should have known better.
2k words.
Rated T.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde
Moth Drawn to Light by blackorchids
After Hyde sees how good Jackie is with baby Betsy, it makes him start to think.
Ignores the existence of season 8 completely. Just a fluff little one-shot on Hyde’s thoughts about fatherhood.
1k words.
Rated T.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde
Our Last Night on Earth by c00kiefic
When Hyde wakes up in the beer warehouse, he decides to actually fight for his girl.
3k words.
Rated T.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde
Remember to Breathe by PrefectMoony
She’s all bubblegum laughter, and butter scotch kisses. Hyde thinks he loves her, thinks he’s always loved her. Hates that it’s taken him so long to tell her as much.
Hates it even more that the first time he’s ever told her so is when the break between them is too raw— too jagged— to be able to mend with pretty platitudes.
Beautifully written.
4k words.
Rated T.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde
sighs in my sleep by finkpishnets
“Congratulations,” the nurse says, smile pulled too tight as she glances at Jackie’s unadorned hand.
Jackie wants to shrug it off — “My husband’s getting the ring engraved as an anniversary gift. Isn’t that just so romantic?” — but she can’t find the breath to let the lie trip off her tongue, even in the face of pity.
2k words.
Rated T.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde
Street Fighting Man by springsteenicious
Hyde finds Jackie crying at the Packers Game. He tries to fix it.
1k words
Rated G
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde
Tea For One by KayRight
The second Mrs. Forman walked in with a letter for him he knew what had happened. Marrying her scared him, but losing her terrified him to his very core. Takes place in Season 7 after Jackie tells Hyde she got a job in Chicago.
2k words.
Rated M.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde
The One Where They’re Happy by amidtheflowers
When Jackie and Hyde start dating, it takes the gang a while to see how that relationship even works. Something that creepy and unnatural can't possibly work, right? Meanwhile, Donna wonders why she puts up with any of them.
Adorable, I love this story so much, please read this.
3k words.
Rated T.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde
we’ll be alright by marvelfoodlover
What if Jackie didn't easily forgive the gang after they missed her graduation party?
Season 7 fix-it because it diverges from canon.
2k words.
Rated T.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde
I think that covers it.
I’ll repeat this at the end of every single post: speaking as someone who writes, it would be really cool if you guys decide to leave a review (or a comment, if the story is on AO3) in the stories you read, especially the unfinished ones. It really motivates the authors, and receiving a compliment is always a mood lifter. I’ve seen some authors updating stories after years because of nice reviews, so… yeah, this is just an idea.
If you think I left out a good story, feel free to reply to this post!
Next category: Hidden Moments
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sunnetrolls · 2 years
ok putting this in an actual post so i can hold onto it
my ideal roster for this blog will eventually be like
The Core Lines, which are the ~6.5 bloodlines of trolls I made when I started the blog, and include:
The Scorga/Sevrins (combined bc they intertwine so much)
The Spalaes: Only current member is middle rank, Spizaett
G0DKILLR's bloodline, which I need to properly name and tie back into the group
Adm. Azure's bloodline: only middle rank exists as well
The Aracors: two of which are named and fleshed out, Scyzio (middle) and Rhamno (eldest) and the youngest is vaguely conceptualized
Shepherd's bloodline: also only has middle rank rn, but her/her line's design is solid, I just have to visually update them a bit
The Mutants
The Amniars: Abyssal and co, but I'm not sure if I want to bring Baasay back
The Kuroshs: Gargex bloodline, I have a nebulous idea for his ancestor but not much for her actual design
Kitty’s bloodline
Kat’s bloodline
The Pyrifas: Radiix's bloodline
The Erarias: Folium's bloodline
The Dionaes: Meroru's bloodline
Then lastly the Demon Gang™
I don't have a lucifer bc this is an AU originally and that's Ark
Astaroth (he is here already!!!)
I've always tried to skirt around making a Belphegor but I might for that sexy even 12
Then the miscellaneous side ocs
The Apricis: Selata’s line
I don’t remember any other of my trolls rn but I might also bring back some old niche ocs I have sitting unnamed in my side ocs folder on my laptop
2 notes · View notes
yourdeepestfathoms · 4 years
The Crucible (part three)
[UK Tour; Carrie AU]
Part 1 Part 2
Word count: 10,566
TW: Bullying, vomit
-Mind Over Matter-
  “So, you and Anne Boleyn…”
Katherine looked up at Mulaney, her right eye twitching. A barrage of emotions blistered through her whenever she thought about her cousin- anger, sadness, mourning, betrayal, happiness, guilt, pain, longing. It was a flurry of madness that she hated having to deal with. And hearing that name come out of this man’s mouth didn’t make her feel any better. It didn’t sound right when the detective said it, like Anne had just been some character in a movie that was killed off too soon for a cheap sad moment. She was a real person, whether Katherine wanted to remember that or not.
  “Friends until the end?” 
  “I wouldn’t say that,” Katherine said.
  “And why is that?” Mulaney asked.
  “We’re cousins,” Katherine answered. “She was born a little bit before me, and we grew up together, so I guess everybody just assumed we were going to be close forever.” She shrugged. “But we had our differences.”
  “Differences about Joan Seymour?” 
  “Differences about a lot of things,” Katherine clarified. “I played with Barbie. She played with horses. She’s a back to front. I’m a front to back.”
Mulaney blinked at her and then turned his head to look at Madeline, who was trying very hard not to smile in amusement. Katherine set her shoulders back, smirking. It seemed Mulaney didn’t know how to reply to her statement because he moved on, taking a piece of paper out of a yellow folder on the table.
  “Do you know a girl named Donna Kellogg?” He asked.
  “Yeah, I know Kellogg,” Katherine replied smoothly. “Every guy in school had a bowl of her cereal.”
Mulaney stared fixedly down at Katherine. At his side, Madeline snorted a laugh, but was quick to cover her mouth and straighten herself back up professionally. Katherine let out a huge sigh, wiping the grin from her face.
  “She moved to Germany in Year 12.” She said. “What about her?”
  “She got an email from your cousin about four days before the prom,” Mulaney said.
  “What’d it say?” Katherine asked with mock enthusiasm.
Mulaney peered down at the paper in his hands and began to read, “‘Dear Dirty Donna--”
Katherine raised her eyebrows and exhaled a rueful breath, rolling her eyes skyward. That DEFINITELY was her cousin's writing.
  “--so I’m out of the prom, but they’re not going to get away with this. I don’t know exactly what we’re going to do, but I guarantee you everyone is going to get a big’-- Expletive--‘surprise.’” Mulaney put the paper down and looked back at Katherine’s pale face. “Now, what do you suppose she meant by that?”
And, for once, Katherine made no snarky reply, only able to shrug silently, as her words were too caught in her throat to answer.
Mr. Stephens’s creative writing class was one of those rare cases where everyone wanted to be in it, regardless of whether they could write or not. And for a good reason, too. He was a laid back, supportive, jolly man who always made his lessons fun and engaging. His room was like no other, either, airy and full of light. He rarely ever turned on the overhead lights, opting to instead let the sun come in from blue-and gold-tinted windows he had paid for to be put in himself. 
A jungle of indoor plants snarled the interior, all fit with small golden plaques with names on them (one of the best assignments they had yet was to choose a plant and write a story about it; Katherine, personally, had chosen Hornet, the sassy lesbian honeysuckle). Shined mahogany bookshelves were arranged all around the room with their books sorted precisely in alphabetical order. Putting any borrowed books back into the right place was a rule even the most mischievous of students obeyed. Racks and drawers full of papers and pencils and pens of every color were set up for everyone’s writing pleasure, and there were several places to sit and write when it was time to work. Sometimes the black and pink bungee chair, sometimes the big blue bean bag or the strange egg-shaped cubbyhole you could climb into and nestle in the blankets and pillows that filled it.
The tables were assorted in a very different way, too. There were six in total: Fantasy, Horror, Romance, Sci-Fi, Adventure, and Historical. At the beginning of the year, students got to pick their seats at whatever genre table they were most interested in, letting people meet others with the same interests. Or, if you were like Katherine, you just bustled into the same table with all your friends.
Mr. Stephens was her first class of the day and was always what she needed to get energized for the rest of school. The sun was out again, bleeding its early Monday morning light through the tinted windows and casting beams of gold and blue across the room. All her friends, including her beautiful Anna, were already inside when she got there, along with a few others. Bessie was sharpening several pencils at the expensive electric pencil sharpener by the door, while Maria looked through the Q-T selection of books, and Anne, Maggie, and Anna were sitting at the table they all had claimed at the beginning of the year: Fantasy (although Katherine had debated on going to the Romance table, but several of her friends didn’t like the romance genre, and Anne had proclaimed that the “gang had to stick together,” so she gave up that option).
  “Kitty!!” Anne cried gleefully, throwing her arms in the air.
Katherine smiled as she walked over, sitting beside Anna. The two shared a quick kiss.
  “Morning, gang,” Katherine said. “What’s the tea?”
  “Prom,” Maggie stated. “You guys picked out your dresses yet?”
  “A dress? Me?” Anna snorted. “If I ever wore a dress and heels, I'd look like a freaking giraffe or something.”
  “Anna, shut up!” Bessie suddenly barked, whipping her head around from the pencil sharpener. “You would look great!”
They all stared at her in silence, watching as her face slowly faded to a light red color, a hugely bright contrast with her bleached white hair. She cleared her throat awkwardly.
  “What? Girls eat that shit up!” She said, and then frantically began sharpening her pencils again. The table laughed and nodded knowingly.
  “But no,” Anna said. “I’m not wearing a dress. Your girl is going with a suit.”
  “Ooooo!” The chorus of intrigued coos whisked around the table.
  “How fancy!” Anne said.
  “You are a lucky lady!” Maggie said to Katherine.
Katherine grinned brightly and leaned her head against her girlfriend’s shoulder. She sighed dreamily. “I know…”
  “I have mine picked out,” Maria said, walking over and sitting down with The Great Gatsby in her hands. “It’s orange.”
  “Oooo, nice pick!” Katherine commented. “Orange looks good on you!”
  “Why thank you!”
  “Okay, okay, question,” Maggie butt in as Bessie sat back down. “Do any of you know about waxing or shaving, you know--” She leaned in, “--down there? Like, for sex preparation?”
  “How naughty,” Anne teased, making Maggie stick her tongue out at her.
  “Well,” Katherine said expertly, “there are a few things you can do.” At her side, Anna shook her head and laughed. “There’s the rainforest. That’s where you don’t do anything at all. Hitler’s mustache. The landing strip. The Brazil.”
  “The Brazil?” Maggie laughed. “What does Brazil have to do with getting--your area waxed? Is it, like, the shape of the country?”
  “It’s because things like thongs and Brazil are so small you have to wax EVERYTHING to wear one.” Maria said.
  “Ohhh,” Maggie nodded. “Where is Brazil, anyway?”
Laughter and snickers and whispers suddenly bubbled loudly from the hallway, seeping in through the open door. A moment later, Joan entered wearing an oversized, rather ugly shade of pale yellow sweater and a long maroon skirt with small white flowers. She dragged her feet as she walked, not looking up, clutching her binders and folders close to her chest. 
Seeing her sent a sharp pang of guilt lancing through Katherine.
She had desperately tried to forget about Joan Seymour over the weekend, partially succeeding in that task, even when her father confronted her about it. But seeing the pathetic girl again sent all her shame come barreling back into her at full force. She could now see that she and her friends had ruined this class, once a place of serenity and peace, for Joan. Joan seemed...scared to even be attending.
  “Well, if it isn’t Prayin’ Joan!” Anne exclaimed. She jumped up and blocked Joan’s path, causing the younger and much scrawnier girl to reel back in fright. “I wonder who’s taking her to prom? Her mother?”
Katherine tried to laugh along with Maggie, Maria, and Bessie, but the sound raked her throat fiercely like talons of fire. She glanced to the side and saw that Anna had her jaw set firmly and a grim look in her eyes.
  “Leave her alone, Anne.” Anna said.
Joan tried to dodge around Anne to get to her table, but Anne stepped right back in front of her and she reared away again like she thought she would be burned if they were to make contact.
  “Come on, church girl!” Anne spread her arms in a grand gesture, smirking widely. Everyone in the class, even people out in the hallway, were watching, now. “Dance with me! I will make you see God!”
And then, out of the blue, Anne yelped out in fright as she suddenly crumpled to the floor. Katherine blinked in shock, watching the way her cousin had shifted her weight on her feet and slipped on her Heelys’s wheels--but that didn’t seem right. Anne hadn’t been leaning on her heels at all. It looked more like something had swept under her legs and made her fall--but what? There had been nothing there, nothing to trip her. She shuddered, and her skin began to crawl with goosebumps.
  “How’s your pussy, princess?” A boy at the Sci-Fi table asked over the laughter that had filled the room.
Anne shot up to her feet instantly, her face inflamed with rage. She glared at the boy, and her stared was filled with enough hate to make him snap his mouth shut immediately.
  “What are you laughing at?” She snarled. Her head whipped around to Joan. “The goddamn BITCH TRIPPED ME!!”
Is that what happened? Did Joan trip or push Anne? Had she finally snapped like that kid from Anna’s story on Friday night? But Joan hadn’t moved her arms or legs at all when Anne fell…
Katherine jerked out of her speculations when she saw that Anne was advancing on Joan with a murderous look in her eyes. Joan flinched away, as if she was expecting to be struck, and then there was suddenly the clattering of a chair to Katherine’s left; Anna was standing in between Anne and Joan.
  “What are you doing?” Anne demanded.
  “You’re being stupid, Anne.” Anna said calmly. “If you hit her, you’re definitely going to be thrown out of prom. Just sit down.”
Anne growled, but prom seemed to be more important to her than revenge, so she cast one like dark glare at Joan, and then let her anger snuff itself out for now. She returned to her chair like nothing happened. Anna turned to Joan, who was staring up at her with wide eyes as if she were Jesus Christ himself.
  “Are you alright?” Anna asked. She reached out to set a hand on Joan’s shoulder, but respectfully pulled it back when Joan flinched away. “Don’t listen to that gremlin. She’s just messing around.” And then she flashed Joan a dazzling smile that made Joan get an expression on her face that said she’s never been smiled at like that before.
  “Th-th-thank you…” Joan choked out, and then skittered past her to the Horror table, which she shared all alone (“Of course that crazy bitch would choose horror” was something Maggie had muttered the first day of class when Joan had chosen that genre).
Anna righted her chair and sat back down, looking like a true savior. 
  “Well, aren’t you just a knight in shining armor.” Anne said bitterly, and Anna grinned at her.
  “What can I say?” She said with a shrug. “I can never pass up the chance to be the hero to a poor damsel in distress.”
The bell rang a moment later and everyone who wasn’t already sitting down bustled over to their specific table. First period was the smallest class, with Katherine and her five friends obviously at Fantasy, three kids at Sci-Fi, two girls at Romance, three more at Adventure, no one at Historical, and then Joan all alone at Horror. Writing utensils and notebooks filled to the brim with stories and projects are brought out as Mr. Stephens entered from the hall.
  “Good morning, children!” He chimed happily. He was a slightly plump man with olive skin and dark brown hair he always had up in a man bun. The aquamarine flannel shirt he was wearing today made his green eyes pop brightly. “Let’s get this show on the road!”
After the initial opening for class, the lesson quickly curved into the topic of an assignment the students had been given last Friday, probably the only okay thing that happened on that day (aside from Katherine’s time with Anna in her car, of course).
  “As you know,” Mr. Stephens said, “last Friday I gave you all the task to write your own poem after selecting a word from my hat.” He held up the bedazzled top hat for reference. “Now we are going to read them! So…” He scanned the class, bypassing the people who usually always read first, like Bessie and Katherine and the boy with glasses in Adventure, for now. A smile broke out on his face. “Joan Seymour!”
Joan’s head whipped up so fast Katherine was surprised her neck didn’t break. She had been listlessly twirling a strand of her strangely natural white-blonde hair and writing in her small notebook with a black pen, which she accidentally sent flying across the room behind her when she was called on.
  “Present,” She sputtered. 
  “It’s not roll call, Joan,” Mr. Stephens said gently. 
  “Idiot,” Maggie muttered, rolling her eyes, and Mr. Stephens shot a glare at her and some of the other giggling students. He was one of few teachers who actually made an effort to stop the constant bullying Joan got in class. 
  “Did you write a poem?” Mr. Stephens asked. His voice was so patient and kind, his gaze merciful and lacking any irritation or scorn, despite the fact that Joan was floundering like a useless cow in a cattle chute. He never yelled at Joan or even got the slightest bit annoyed with her, even when she was being completely incompetent and probably deserved a good rapping on the knuckles with a ruler to get her head back on straight.
  “Oh-- Y-yes, sir.” Joan nodded.
  “Why don’t you come up and read it to us?” 
That seemed to be a death sentence for Joan, who became very rigid and pale. She opened and closed her mouth like a weird-eyed fish out of water, then finally choked out, “D-do I have to?”
Mr. Stephens tilted his head at her, sympathy in his gaze. “No,” He said. “But I would love to hear what you wrote.”
Joan perked up slightly, a new light flickering ever so slightly in her eyes. “You would?” She squeaked.
  “Yes, Joan,” Mr. Stephens smiled, and Katherine saw that he was telling the truth. He was genuinely interested in what Joan had written.
Joan thought for a second, then grabbed her notebook, stood up, and said, “Okay.”
Shyly, with her head angled to the floor, Joan shuffled up to the short stage-like platform at the front of the class used for reading out loud. Mr. Stephens motioned for her to sit in the big black leather computer chair he would let students use when presenting, but she shook her head, clearly too tense and nervous to sit down. Mr. Stephens respected her choice and didn’t push her.
  “What was the word you selected, Joan?” Mr. Stephens asked.
  “Umm-- Stone.” Joan answered. Now that she was up and centered, Katherine noticed violet and indigo bruises along her jawline and a split in her lip that definitely hadn’t been there on Friday.
  “And what is the name of your poem?”
Joan fumbled. “E-Evening Prayers.”
  “Oh my god.” Anne said loudly. Mr. Stephens shot her a sharp look, and she shut her mouth instantly.
  “Go ahead, Joan. Whenever you’re ready.” Mr. Stephens said kindly.
It took a moment and a few deep breaths for Joan to find her voice, but she eventually gathered all her courage and began to read:
  “Jesus watches from the wall,
But his face is cold as stone.
If he loves me,
As she tells me,
Why do I feel so all alone?”
A few giggles and snickers and mocking whispers whisked through the class, but Mr. Stephens shut them down quickly. Joan looked at him fearfully, and he gave her an encouraging nod to go on.
  “Baby savior, meek and mild,
What do you do with my prayers?
If you hear me,
Why do I feel that no one cares?”
Joan lost some of the tension in her shoulders, easing them back down into a more relaxed position. A strange flicker lit up in her eyes, like the first silvery wisps of a fresh flame. 
  “Mama sees inside my soul,
But her face is cold as stone.
If she loves me
Why do I feel so all alone?”
Was that...hate in Joan’s voice? Katherine tilted her head at the girl, suddenly filled with so many questions. Had she always been this interesting?
  “There's a movement in my head
Satan? Angels? What can it be?
It's growing!
It's stirring!
It's churning, shifting!
Joan released a shaky breath and raised her glowing grey-blue eyes. 
Mr. Stephens would have said anything, but he still seemed to be too enamored to speak, in awe at his timid student’s raw poem.
Then, Maggie raised one of her hands and spoke without waiting to be called on, “Shouldn’t people like that be home schooled?”
Mr. Stephens blinked at her, his eyebrows furrowing together. “People like what, Maggie?” He asked cautiously, falling right into Maggie’s trap.
  “Creepy religious people,” Maggie said blithely.
Joan flinched back as if she had been struck and hunched her shoulders around her neck. Her fingers grip tightly around the edges of her notebook, staring at her poem with a sudden expression of shame and hatred and disgust.
  “Yeah, aren’t we, like, not supposed to talk about religion in school unless it’s in history class?” Bessie piped up.
Mr. Stephens glared at all of them. “Does anyone have anything to say about the poem?” He said, steering the lesson back on track without giving Maggie or Bessie any attention.
  “It was disturbing,” Anne offered. “I think that’s the most little Joey has said in class all year!”
Laughter erupted in the classroom, far too much for Mr. Stephens to wrangle. Joan shrunk back, like she was hoping she could disappear right into the wall, and Katherine thought she could see tears shining in her eyes.
  “Got anything else to share with us, sweetheart?” Anne asked in a sickly sweet voice. “Or are you done scaring us?”
The laughter stopped abruptly. Joan’s head jerked up sharply. All eyes turned to look at Anna, who was leaning back in her chair and pressing her tongue against the inside of her lip.
  “Anna?” Mr. Stephens said. “Did you say something?”
  “Yes,” Anne said, her words sliding slowly from her mouth like slithering snakes. “What did you say?”
  “I said awesome.” Anna said, sitting up. “I just thought that Joan’s poem was awesome.” She looked at Anne. “Didn’t you, Annie?”
Anne glowers at her, growling lowly. Joan, on the other hand, had the exact opposite reaction. Her eyes were wide and lit up, like that had been the nicest thing anyone has ever said to her, and a bright pink blush dusted her cheeks.
  “Yes!” Mr. Stephens nodded his head enthusiastically. “Awesome! That is a great way to describe Joan’s wonderful poem.” He smiled at Anna, then at Joan. “Thank you for reading, Joan. You did very good.”
Joan dipped her head in thanks and hurried back to her table. When she sat back down, she immediately glanced at Anna, a wistful look of adoration in her eyes. Katherine noticed it, and things began to click together in her brain.
  “Anna,” Mr. Stephens said, “since you spoke up, would you like to go next?”
Anna shrugged coolly. “Sure.” She stood up, grabbing her red spiral journal, and walked to the platform at the front of the class. She, like Joan, decided not to sit in the computer chair, opting to stand up tall before her peers.
  “GO ANNA!!” Her friends cheered from the Fantasy table and she rolled her eyes in a good natured way.
  “The word I got was ‘eagle,’” She said, then looked down at the page she was opened up to in her journal. “Dreamer In Disguise. By Anna von Cleves.” She cleared her throat, and then began reading smoothly:
  “An eagle's just another bird
Until he can spread his wings.”
Maggie suddenly leapt onto her chair, flapping her arms and letting out a bird-like screech. The class all giggled, except Joan, who looked startled, and Anna, who looked used to these kinds of antics.
  “Guys!” Mr. Stephens barked. “Quiet!”
The class settled. Mr. Stephens looked at Maggie.
  “Maggie--that was a pretty good bird, but hush up.” He said.
Maggie bowed and then plopped back into her seat. Mr. Stephens turned to Anna, nodding at her to go on.
  “A river is just a sheet of ice
'til winter turns to spring.
And though the clouds may block the sun
Don't mean that it's left the sky.
Just when you think you've seen it all
There's more that meets the eye.
Like things I dream and things I feel
There's more to me than I reveal.
And 'cause I shine in quiet ways
I'm someone you don't recognize.
I'm a diamond in the rough
A dreamer in disguise.
An eagle's just another bird
Until he can spread his wings.”
Applause filled the classroom. Anna smirked proudly, bowing her head.
  “Very good, Anna!” Mr. Stephens said. “Class,” He turned to the others. “Any comments?”
The marveled comment came before anyone else could say anything, spoken before Mr. Stephens had barely even finished his sentence. Joan had a thoughtful look in her shimmering eyes. A small smile was tugged at the corners of her pale lips.
  “Beautiful, yes!” Mr. Stephens said. “Excellent, Joan!”
  “Yeah, nice one, period girl.” Anne tittered.
Like that, the light in Joan’s eyes is gone. She looked away, suddenly ashamed. Anna seemed to notice this on the platform and glared viciously at Anne.
  “Shut up, Anne.” She snarled lowly.
  “Go on, Joan,” Mr. Stephens said to his shy student. “Tell us how the poem spoke to you.”
Joan looked back up, fidgeting, and then stuttered out, “I-I just think it said that just because something or someone seems one way, doesn’t mean they have to be that way.”
Mr. Stephens beamed. Anne gave Katherine a “what is wrong with this girl?” sort of look, while Anna looked vaguely rapt. She smiled at Joan, and Joan blushed madly.
  “Very good observation, Joan!” Mr. Stephens said.
  “Yeah,” Anna agreed. “I think you have the poem more thought out that I do, and I’m the one who wrote it!”
Joan ducked her head with a shy smile. “Thanks,” She whispered, and all the pieces fell into place in Katherine’s head.
Did Joan like Anna?
Katherine spent the rest of first period pondering this- Joan was hopelessly shy, but it could very well be possible. The way she looked at Anna… There was some form of longing in her eyes. Like she wanted Anna to like her--not even in a romantic way, just to--like her. As a person.
The bell startled Katherine out of her thoughts and she shook her head. Anna had to run off quickly to get to her next class that was all the way on the other side of the school, and Bessie and Maggie left in a hurry, too. Katherine was about to head out with Maria to the next class they shared together when she noticed Joan still gathering her things.
  “I’ll meet you there, okay?” Katherine said to Maria.
Maria shrugged and nodded. “Okay!”
Katherine walked over to Joan, catching the attention of her cousin, who was still in the class and now watching them with interest.
  “Hey, Joan,” Katherine said.
Joan jumped and looked at Katherine, then over her shoulder, as if thinking she were talking to someone else. She blinked up at the older girl with big grey-blue eyes, and Katherine could see so much painful anxiety in them.
  “Earlier--that was nice.” Katherine said. “That was really nice, what you said about Anna’s poem. I thought it was beautiful, too.”
Joan continued to stare at her, frozen like a deer in headlights.
  “Look-- Umm-- About the other day… I don’t know, things just sort of got out of hand and--”
  “Haven’t you had enough?!”
This time, it was Katherine’s turn to flinch, and she stepped back as if she had just been shot. She looked down at Joan and was shocked to see pure rage blazing in her eyes, which flickered like lit embers. Her teeth were bared, mouth pulled back in a snarl, and her fists were clenched into shaking fists.
  “Do you think you can just go on tricking me forever?!” Joan cried.
  “Oh no, Joan, no--” 
Katherine reached for her, but the girl clawed her hand away. She ducked under her arm and ran out of the classroom, leaving Katherine behind in shock.
  “My, my,” Anne said, sauntering over with a chuckle. “Little mousey’s got a temper!”
  “I--” Katherine’s words hitched for a moment. “I’ve never seen her angry before…”
Anne rolled her eyes and slung an arm around Katherine’s shoulder. She began guiding her out of the classroom.
  “Oh, who cares?” She said. “Just forget about it!”
But Katherine couldn’t forget.
Especially when they stepped out of the class and saw Joan, among many others, staring at the graffiti scrawled across the nearby lockers.
Joan turned to Katherine with tears in her eyes, bared her teeth like a wounded fox, and then took off running down the hallway crying.
Guilt roared through Katherine and, this time, she knew it would be staying for good.
All the girls in the fourth period gym class got dressed in silence. 
The minute they had walked through the locker room door, conversations died away, giggling dissolved, and horseplay seized. There were no catcalls, no playful wrestling, no pinching or nudging or tickling. They just changed out into their gym clothes without speaking a word, already knowing what was coming.
Some teachers forgot.
Miss Aragon was not one of them.
It was no surprise when the locker room door slammed open with force after the bell rang and Miss Aragon came striding in. Her silver whistle bounced against her chest with every step she took, and a large, bulky black duffel bag was slung over one shoulder. She looked more like a wasp than usual, and not just because her outfit was a bright shade of lemon yellow with bands of black lacing over the fabric. She simply looked like she wanted to prick each and every girl in the locker room with something sharp and pointy until she had them squealing for mercy, just like they had Joan Seymour squealing in the stall just a few yards away. Resentment and disgust twisted her features as she scanned the class with brown eyes so dark they looked black.
None of her students dared to look at her.
  “Well, aren’t you all just the bunch to send off to graduation,” Miss Aragon said after five minutes of just watching the teenagers fumble with their gym uniforms. She had seen Bessie try to stick her head through an arm hole three times and Katherine apparently forgot how bra clasps worked, and she decided that it was more pathetic than anything they’ve ever said Joan had done. “When is it? A month?”
Nobody answered. Miss Aragon sneered. 
  “And then there’s the prom!” Miss Aragon began again. “Katherine, you’ll be going with Anna von Cleves. Maria, William Willoughby.” She turned to Anne, one eyebrow raised. “What about you, Anne? I imagine you can take your pick. Who’s the lucky guy or girl?”
  “Catherine Parr,” Anne said. “You don’t know her, she doesn’t go to this scho--”
Anne ground her teeth when she was interrupted.
  “I’m sorry, Anne, I can’t hear you.” 
  “Catherine Parr.”
  “Well, isn’t she the lucky one?” Said Miss Aragon. “Are you going to get her a corsage? Or are you just going to tie a bloody tampon around her wrist?”
Anne’s face went red and she growled like a wild animal. Miss Aragon was anything but intimidated, easily towering over Anne and beating her in terms of fierceness and muscle. 
  “Hey, I have an idea!” Miss Aragon said. “Why don’t we skip the sport we were going to be doing today and make boutonnieres and corsages for your prom dates instead!”
The girls exchanged confused looks, finding this awfully suspicious.
  “Yeah? Sounds fun, right?” Miss Aragon said. “We can make them out of these!”
As fast as lightning, she ripped open the duffel bag and began throwing its contents all over her class. 
Their teacher was throwing tampons at them.
The sanitary items flew like a raging blizzard of white plastic and cotton. Bessie got hit in the eye by one and reeled back into Katherine, who nearly toppled over in shock. Another got caught in Maria’s curly hair and she clawed to get it out. Maggie let out a piercing alarmed screech. Miss Aragon smirked at their hysteria, then threw the bag down at her feet, fuming both in rage and pride.
  “I’m leaving.” Anne said, storming past the coach.
Something flashed in Miss Aragon’s eyes. 
Fury. Boiling hot fury.
Miss Aragon hadn’t been able to stop thinking about Joan Seymour at all over the weekend. Every time she closed her eyes she would see that poor child crying out to her for help. Her dreams were tainted by visions of Joan bleeding to death or killing herself because of all the harsh bullying she faced. She kept hearing her scream “I’m sorry! I’m sorry!” over and over and over again. She couldn’t keep her wrath tamed any longer, and unleashed the full firestorm on her class.
Miss Aragon reached out, moving as quick as a cracking bullwhip, grabbed Anne by the arm, and slammed her into one of the rows of lockers. The sound of the student’s back smashing against the metal rattled loudly throughout the room, only beat by Anne’s cry of shock. Her eyes went wide in disbelief.
  “You can’t hit us!” She yelled.
  “I barely touched you.” Miss Aragon said, as if she were talking to a whining younger sibling she had just punched in the face. She pinned Anne against the locker in a position that looked to be very uncomfortable on Anne’s shoulder.
  “You’ll get canned for this.” Anne growled, tears of pain springing to her eyes. “See if you don’t, you bitch!”
  “I don’t really care, Boleyn.” Miss Aragon said. “If you--or any of you--think I’m wearing my teacher hat right now, you are sadly mistaken.”
She backed up so she could glare at all the other girls, but Anne didn’t dare move from her spot against the locker. Her eyes darted to Katherine in a sort of plight for help, Katherine looked away uneasily. Her gaze landed on the shower area, where this all began, and she jerked it away to look at something else. Anything else.
  “I hope you all know what you did on Friday was a really shitty thing.” Miss Aragon said. To her left, Maggie snickered and she glared at her so fiercely it was a wonder Maggie didn’t drop dead. “Do any of you ever stop to think that Joan Seymour has feelings?”
She looked around. Her rage only continued to build when she got no answer.
  “Do any of you ever stop to think?” She narrowed her brown-black eyes dangerously. “Katherine? Maria? Bessie? Maggie?”
Another pause. Miss Aragon seemed to be swelling up like a King Cobra.
  “Oh,” She said as if she had just read their minds. “You think she’s ugly, don’t you?”
Maggie snorted and made a “well obviously” face. Miss Aragon rounded on her, eyes flashing.
  “Well, you’re ugly.”
The stupid, shit-eating grin Maggie had been wearing was wiped clean from her face instantly.
  “I saw just how ugly all of you were on Friday.” Miss Aragon said.
Anne suddenly reared up, shaking her head. 
  “You can’t talk to us like that!” She snapped. “My dad’s a lawyer! He’ll sue your ass!”
  “SHUT UP!” Aragon roared. She got in Anne’s face, smoke practically billowing from her ears and nostrils. “Open your mouth one more time, and I’ll plug you up.” She jabbed a finger into Anne’s nose, cracking her head back against the locker. “Want to find out if I’m telling the truth? There’s plenty of tampons here to see.”
Anne said nothing, but that didn’t stop her from glaring mutely at her coach. Miss Aragon backed away from her, smirking briefly. The rest of her girls were exchanging frantic, nervous looks, wondering if they were about to be murdered or beaten to death or something horrible like that. Personally, Katherine thought they all deserved such a fate.
  “Now,” Miss Aragon said, lowering her voice to a slightly calmer tone, “my punishment for this little charade you pulled was a three day suspension and refusal of your prom tickets.”
An immediate uproar of unhappy gasps and murmurs eddied through the locker room. Katherine found herself sighing with them, but did agree that that would be a good way to get back at all of them.
  “That would hit you where it hurts, wouldn’t it? And you would deserve it, too.” Miss Aragon said. “Unfortunately, this administration is staffed entirely by men. I don’t think they have the slightest idea how utterly nasty what you did was.” A sneer tugged on the angered grooves in her face. “So you’ll get a week’s detention.”
Instant relief.
  “But it’s MY detention.” Miss Aragon went on. “Fifty minutes. In the field. Every day. And I’m going to run you ragged!” 
They all could already feel their legs burning from exertion and throat aching from dry heaving so intensely. 
  “I won’t come,” Anne said, shrugging.
  “That’s up to you, Anne.” Miss Aragon said. “That’s up to all of you. But I just want you to know that the punishment for skipping detention is a three day suspension and refusal of your prom tickets.”
There was that wave of unhappiness again, sweeping powerfully through the locker room, and it was music to Miss Aragon’s ears. She smirked wickedly.
  “Get the picture?”
Nobody said anything.
  “Good. Now change out. And think about what I said.”
With that, she turned and surged out of the locker room like a triumphant killer wasp. The tension of her presence quickly lifted, but only slightly. The girls were still mumbling and whispering, not daring to raise their voice in fear their coach may come back in and just take their prom tickets now.
Anne must not have gotten the memo.
  “She can’t get away with this!” She snarled.
  “Anne…” Katherine sighed.
Anne yanked her gym shoes out of her locker and hurled them across the room, as if she were hoping for Miss Aragon to materialize inside and get hit.
  “This isn’t over!” She screeched. “It’s not even in the same area code as over!!”
And she was right.
Meanwhile, skipping gym class like she was told, Joan was in the library.
For most of her life, books had been her only friends.
Books accepted you the way you were and shared all their secrets with you.
Books never told you that you were creepy or called you a monster or a freak or a pig or any other mean names. Books never said, “Joan Seymour eats shit.”
Joan had hid out in the bathroom after she saw the writing on the walls, rocking back and forth in one of the back stalls and crying to herself until her throat ached and she felt like she couldn’t breathe anymore.
She remembered the bathroom door opening and somebody walking in. She had tried to keep quiet as the girl was reapplying her makeup in the mirror, but her lungs began to burn and she let out a choked sob that seemed to echo throughout the room.
  “Hello?” Called a voice Joan didn’t know or recognize. “Are you okay?”
  “I-I’m f-f-fine.” Joan choked out.
  “You don’t sound fine.” The girl observed. “Is this your stuff on the ground?”
Right. She had just thrown her belongings on the floor in her panic to get away from prying eyes to cry alone.
  “U-umm--” Joan sniffled.
Outside the stall, she heard the shuffling of feet and the rustling of papers. Her binders and folders were slid underneath the door a moment later.
  “There.” Said the stranger. “Just so nobody will take it if anyone else comes in.” She paused for a moment. “Are you alright?”
Joan tried to answer, to lie, even if God would strike her down for it, but all that came out of her mouth was a sob. She curled up tighter in the stall, burying her face in her knees. Fresh tears ran down her cheeks like streams of molten lava.
The girl outside made a sympathetic noise. “You poor thing.” She said. “Crying in the bathroom at school. I know that feeling.”
Joan’s crying halted for a moment. She sniffled and looked up slightly.
  “Y-you do?” She stammered.
The girl laughed. “Oh yeah.” She sat down on the other side of the stall, her back pressed against the door. “I got dumped in Geometry in Year 11.”
  “Oh no…”
  “Oh yes,” The girl laughed again. “I wanted to hide in the bathroom forever, but I eventually went back to class. Trust me, crying in here is completely normal. I’ve seen tons of girls do it.”
  “Did you talk to them, too?” Joan asked quietly.
The girl thought for a moment. “No, I don’t think so.”
  “...Then why are you talking to me?”
  “I had this feeling.” The girl said. “That you just--needed someone. More than those girls did. You know?”
She didn’t, but she still said, “Uh huh.”
The girl outside shifted slightly. Joan wished she could see her face.
  “So...what was it?”
  “What brought you in here to cry?” The girl specified. “If I may ask… You don’t have to answer if you don’t want to, though.”
She was giving Joan an option, Joan realized dizzily. She wasn’t forcing her to answer.
Sniffling, Joan said, “I-it’s, umm--kinda silly…”
  “Nonsense,” Said the girl. “Was it a breakup?”
  “Umm-- N-no.” Joan said shyly. “I don’t date…”
  “Good for you.” The girl chuckled. “We love a strong, independent woman.”
Joan felt a flurry of butterflies flap wildly in her stomach and she bit her lip to keep from grinning like a giddy idiot. She was always flattered way too easily.
  “School problems?” The girl guessed again.
  “Kinda, yeah…”
  “I feel you, girlfriend,” The girl said. “They expect so much from us, you know? It’s like, do this research project in a week, but I’m only giving you one day to work on it in class so you’ll have to try not to procrastinate when you do the rest on your own and do this math assignment I barely taught you at all, oh and also, find the cure for cancer!”
Joan couldn’t help but giggle. She thought the girl outside the stall may be smiling.
  “It sucks, but you’ll get through it,” The girl said. “It’ll all be over soon.”
Joan nodded slowly. “Thank you.”
The girl got up. “No problem.” She said. “I gotta run. My teacher is probably going to tear me a new one for taking so long.” She laughed. “I hope you feel better soon!”
  “Thank you,” Joan whispered again. “Bye…”
And then, her savior was gone. Joan hadn’t even known her name. She wondered if the girl would have treated her any differently if she knew who she was…
Joan had managed to make it to third period after finally coming out of the bathroom, and then got to retreat to the one place in the school where she felt at peace.
The library.
Nobody was ever mean to her in the library. They were always too busy to pick on her, and that was one of the reasons why she liked it so much. People didn’t care about her in there, instead hunched over tables with research spread out over the surface, clicking furiously on computers, scribbling in notepads in the windowsill nooks, and reading, reading, reading.
A kind of peace settled over her as she stepped inside, breathing in the crisp smell of books. She felt like she belonged here, with all the oddities of literature, even if she didn’t belong anywhere else. In here there were answers and information and thousands of stories waiting for her to read...right behind Mama’s back. 
Mama didn’t like her reading a lot of things, especially young adult novels. But what Mama didn’t know was that she was already ankle-deep in a franchise about wild cats who were in clans and several other standalone books. When she was at school, the Bible was not Her Holy Book.
Shelves radiated out from every direction like a burst of sun, and more aisles with more books filled the overhead balcony ring. Yes, her school technically had a two-story library. A DOUBLE-DECKER library! You had to take a narrow wooden staircase to get up to the top ledge, which wrapped around the upper perimeter of the room and had a few private rooms to study or read in. The guard rail was laced in white fairy lights, causing the ceiling to glow beautifully.
Another thing Joan loved was the statue at the front, poised below the two entrance ramps and short staircase. It was of a long, serpent-like dragon made of white marble, coiled up on a mound of books with its snout dug in a thick, bulky novel. Its name was Haze, and it looked as though it might glance up at any moment, see Joan, and say, “Oh my gosh, have you read this one? It’s amazing!”
Joan gently brushed one of the claws as she passed by. There weren’t many kids in the library, rather in class, but there were a few Year 13’s in there for a free period. None of them even glanced up at Joan.
  “Mrs. Johansen?” Joan called meekly as she walked up to the librarian’s desk.
Mrs. Johansen was the blatant stereotype of a librarian- big, wide-rimmed glasses, older, warm amber eyes, curly brown hair. She looked up from the book she was reading to smile at Joan.
  “Yes, dear?” She said.
  “C-can you show me how to do a search?” Joan asked. She felt painfully awkward asking that, especially to an older woman, who apparently supposed to know nothing about technology, but Mrs. Johansen smiled kindly and nodded.
  “Of course,” She said. “Come on.”
It took a good five minutes, but Joan was eventually adept enough in computers to search things up. The first thing she did was look up ‘miracles’ and began to scroll through the search results, hoping to find some answers to the strange sensation she had been feeling in her veins ever since Friday.
a surprising and welcome event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws and is therefore considered to be the work of a divine agency.
Joan blinked, tilting her head at the definition as if she thought the words may start explaining their meaning to her even further if she stared hard enough.
Surprising? And welcome? She looked down at one of her hands, flexing her fingers. Mama didn’t seem to think her...issue...was either of those things. She clicked down to keep searching.
Miracles of the Renaissance
Jesus - Man of Miracles
Apparitions and Eucharistic Miracles 
Miracles on the internet!
Pray for a miracle
Herbal Miracles
Miracles and Modern Scientific Thoughts
Joan paused. That last one seemed interesting. She clicked on it and was opened up to a page using big, fancy words she couldn’t really wrap her head around. But there was one in particular that caught her attention-- /telekinesis/. She had no idea what it meant, but something inside of her seemed to latch onto it and tug her interest towards the word until she searched it up in the search bar.
Psychokinesis (from Greek ψυχή "soul" and κίνησις "movement"), or telekinesis (from τηλε- "far off" and κίνηση "movement"), is an alleged psychic ability allowing a person to influence a physical system without physical interaction.
Joan’s eyes go wide with interest. Isn’t that what she did to that annoying neighborhood boy? And to Anne Boleyn? She moved them with her mind? 
She looked down at her hands again, but didn’t see anything special about them. They just looked like normal hands, just more bony and scarred than usual. Suddenly self conscious, she rubbed the old burn over her knuckles while clicking on a video about telekinesis.
And it was like watching a dream come true. Joan’s eyes widened even further as she watched as a man simply held out his hand and began to move the pages of a book without even touching them. Just like she did with Anne and the biker boy! He must have the same powers as her! Oh how she wished she could reach into the screen and pull this man out and ask him all the questions now running through her mind. Like, how are you doing that? And when did you know you could do it? And are there others like us? And will you teach me how to do that, too?
She was so enthralled with the video that she didn’t even realize someone was creeping up behind her…
  “Sorry! Sorry.” The brown haired boy with a camera around his neck said when she flinched around to look at him. “I just-- You can make it full screen, you know? Watch.” 
He reached over Joan and clicked the ‘f’ key and the video filled the entire computer screen. Joan’s eyes glimmered in awe.
  “Thank you,” She whispered.
  “No problem!” The boy said with a cheeky grin. He quickly hurried off to an empty table, leaving Joan alone.
He...wasn’t mean to her.
How strange...
Katherine quickly realized she had a lot less stamina than she thought she did. She has always been a perfect, well-behaved girl, always slipping out of punishment during the few times she wasn’t, so there wasn’t ever a need to have tough endurance for running because she never thought she would piss off a gym coach of all people.
But here she was, running Suicides in the field after school, fighting the urge to dry heave every few seconds.
The sun seemed to be unnaturally, blisteringly hot that evening, like it, too, was punishing her and her classmates for what they had done on Friday. Katherine doesn’t think she’s ever been so hot before. Her skin felt like it was baking, her hair was tassels of golden fire, and her back was a plateau of roaring flames. Gleaming yellow sunlight made her eyes prickly and sore, and if she squinted through the haze of exhaustion, she swore she thought she could see a big black buzzard circling overhead that seemed to be just waiting for one of them to drop dead.
  “Come on, ladies!” Miss Aragon shouted from the side of the field, looking absolutely delightful. “Lift those legs up! Faster! Faster!”
  “She--she can’t do this to us,” Anne wheezed as she careened up next to Katherine. She was absolutely dripping with sweat and red in the face, but Katherine couldn’t tell if that was from the sun, the exertion of the Suicides, or the fury from both.
  “Just--let it go, Anne. We’re almost done.” Katherine said through her teeth. It took a great effort to speak; she could feel bile curling in the back of her throat like bubbling acid.
  “And then every day this week?” Anne spat. “All because of Joan Seymour?”
  “Anne.” Katherine hissed. She picked up her pace to get away from her cousin, but when she turned to run back to the starting line, her foot slipped in the slick turf of the football field and she was sent sprawling on her stomach. The impact jarred her heavily and she dry heaved painfully until her lunch finally came rushing out of her mouth. A few girls winced, but mostly everyone kept running--not that she blamed them. Anne, however, darted over to her side, and she wasn’t sure if she was happy about that or not.
  “Are you okay?” Anne asked. Her concerned Big Cousin voice was slipping into her words and Katherine couldn’t help but crack a tiny smile at that. This was the side of Anne she liked, not the evil, cruel one who liked to pick on kids three years younger than her.
  “Y-yeah--” Katherine answered, spitting out the last of the bile in her mouth. “I’m fine.”
  “Howard,” Miss Aragon called, walking over, twirling her whistle on her finger. “Are you alright?”
  “Like you care…” Anne muttered. Miss Aragon gave her a dangerous glare, and Katherine set a hand on her knees to not only calm her cousin, but to also boost herself back up.
  “Yes ma’am,” Katherine said. “I’m okay.”
  “Good.” Miss Aragon rumbled. “I’m glad.” She shot Anne another look for a brief moment. “Get back to it. You’re almost done.”
Katherine nodded and then took off again, shortly followed by Anne, who was muttering something about this being “child abuse”.
Ten minutes of running in the searing heat passed and Miss Aragon’s whistle finally pierced the field. A collective sigh of relief swept through the class as girls skidded to a halt and instantly doubled over or completely collapsed to the floor in moaning, groaning heaps of soreness. A few scrambled for their water bottles and began drinking like it was the end of the world. Miss Aragon walked over to them, amusement painted brightly on her face.
  “Don’t drink too fast,” Their coach said to the girls guzzling down water, “or you may throw up.”
  “My legs are gonna fall off,” Bessie said in a woebegone voice. She was flopped over on her back, spilling her bleached white hair all across the green grass.
  “Now you know how it feels to be Joan Seymour, don’t you?” Miss Aragon said, looking down her nose at the girl.
  “I don’t think I’ve ever seen her have to run before,” Maggie pointed out grumpily. “Even though she’s the worst at literally everything we do in class…”
Miss Aragon glowered down at Maggie for a moment, then began marching up and down the cluster of girls. They all watched her tensely, waiting for her to exact an even harsher punishment than Suicides.
  “Life’s all about making choices, ladies,” Miss Aragon said. “And, last Friday, you made the wrong one. So here’s how it’s going to go.” Her eyes flashed like gleaming pieces of onyx in the sun. “You’re all going to apologize to Joan.”
There was an uproar of annoyed confusion. Miss Aragon rolled her eyes.
  “You are all going to apologize to her in front of everyone.” Miss Aragon said. 
  “And if we don’t?” Anne challenged.
  “Do you really want to find out?” Miss Aragon said scathingly. She turned and strode away from the field to go retrieve Joan Seymour from wherever she was, swathed in gleaming gold. 
The minute she was out of sight, Anne let out a roar of fury.
  “That goddamn pig!” She yelled, working herself up to a proper fit. “This is all her fault!!”
  “Let it go, Anne.” Katherine said tiredly. She carefully eased herself to the ground, wincing when her throbbing muscles pulled and bent. Relief was short lived, because Anne came charging up to her a second later.
  “Why are you taking her side?!” Anne cried.
  “This isn’t about taking sides!” Katherine cried back, a new sharpness in her voice. “What did Joan Seymour ever do to you? Or to any of us?”
A few of the girls exchanged looks, seemingly only now thinking about that, while others, like Anne, looked unfazed. Katherine saw Anne’s fists clench tightly at her side, but she didn’t back down her own defense. She didn’t think Anne would strike her, but if she did, she liked to think she could take her in a fight.
  “My, my,” Anne said with sickly sweet venom in her voice. “Look who’s become the little Joan of Arc around here?” Her demeanor then switched, flaming into seething resentment, and Katherine could now see that her older cousin hated Joan Seymour with every inch of her being--simply for existing. There was no rhyme or reason, she just despised the girl. “Oh yeah, remind me. Who was in there pitching with the rest of us?”
Katherine sucked in a sharp breath, but blew it out in a sigh. “I was.” She admitted.
  “Yeah.” Anne sneered. Several of the other girls were packed behind her, backing her up, while a few, like Bessie and Maria, stood or sat in the middle, looking from the swarm of sweaty, angry teens to Katherine and then back to the swarm. 
  “But I’m sorry.” Katherine said.
Anne barked a laugh. “Sorry?” She laughed again, then turned to the girls behind her. “Hey, everyone, little Miss Perfect is sorry! She’s so sorry! Oh, Kitty’s sorry!”
  “Anne!” Maria hissed, then jerked her head to the side, where the yellow figure of Miss Aragon could be seen walking back over. The group quickly dispersed and Katherine shook her head.
Miss Aragon stopped in front of them. At her side, little Joan looked absolutely horrified. Her eyes are wide and paler than the moon in the sunlight, and she kept fidgeting like she wanted to run. She was trying very hard not to look at any of the girls, but didn’t know where else to stare, so her gaze kept shifting around everywhere in a panic.
  “Now, do you all have something to say to Joan?” Miss Aragon said sternly.
  “Joan--” Katherine stood up, gritting her teeth through the awful wave of pain that burned through her muscles. She slowly walked up to Joan as to not frighten her, but Joan still backed up into Aragon’s side anyway. “I’m sorry.”
Joan hunched her shoulders in and looked away. 
  “Maria.” Miss Aragon said.
Maria hesitated for just a moment, then gave in. “Sorry.”
  “Your turn, Maggie.”
Maggie pressed her tongue against the inside of her lip and spat an uncaring, “Sorry.”
Bessie squinted up at Joan through the sunlight, then said, “Oh. Sorry.”
  “Alright, Anne,” Miss Aragon said. “Let’s hear it.”
  “When goddamn pigs fly…” Anne muttered stubbornly. A few giggles broke out around her. Miss Aragon narrowed her eyes dangerously.
  “What was that?” Their coach said. “We’re waiting, Anne. I can’t hear you.”
  “Please, it’s okay,” Joan squeaked, gripping onto Miss Aragon’s sleeve. She looked up at her with the saddest, most scared eyes Katherine had ever seen before. Miss Aragon gently touched her head in a form of reassurance, then instantly glared at Anne.
  “I said--” Anne growled lowly.
  “You don’t have to do this!”
Joan is in front of Anne, now, hands outstretched like she wanted to grab onto her. In the sun, Katherine could see the silvery scars on her hands more clearly, whorled in strange patterns in her skin. The light made her long white-gold hair look like it was charged with glittering electricity or made of jeweled silk. Anne looked down at her, and Joan backed up, clasping her hands together against her chest nervously.
  “Joan Seymour?” Anne said softly, stepping towards the girl. She stooped down to her height and spat, “Eats shit.”
Joan flinched backwards as if she were just sprayed with venom. Miss Aragon instantly got between her and Anne, acting as a protective shield of sorts.
  “Good news, ladies!” She announced. “Because of Anne’s comment, you will all be getting another week of detention with doubled time!”
The class simultaneously groaned, now turned against Anne. Anne clenched her fists, smoldering with rage.
  “I’m not running another goddamn inch,” She snarled, “because Joan Seymour got her period and was too stupid to know what it was.”
Joan flinched again, and Katherine had the unbearable urge to run over to her and cover her ears so she wouldn’t have to hear this. Her own blood began to boil and she glared at her cousin.
  “That’s it.” Miss Aragon said. “You’re suspended.”
That seemed to hit Anne like a punch to the gut. Her eyes bulged hugely out of their sockets.
  “You’re out of prom and you’re out of my class.” Miss Aragon stated firmly. “Now.”
  “No!” Anne shouted.
  “NO?” Miss Aragon towered over her, eyes ablaze. She looked ready to rip Anne’s throat out, and Katherine found that she wouldn’t quite mind seeing that happen.
  “You can’t decide that!” 
  “Watch me.” Miss Aragon said. She turned her gaze to the other students, as if she were challenging them to try and speak out. “The rest of you. Another lap. Come on.”
  “You can’t do this to us!” Anne squawked. “Someone could die of dehydration! Bessie, you have a heart condition, don’t you?”
Bessie apparently decided that she didn’t know who Anne was, because she was looking at everything but her.
  “If we all stick together, they can’t suspend all of us!” Anne said fervently. There was a spark of craziness in her eyes as she watched her group of friends crumble around her, suddenly not backed up anymore. “We didn’t do anything wrong!”
Joan’s quiet whimper begged to differ. Miss Aragon looked at Anne in disgust. 
  “Come on, guys!” Anne desperately attempted to rally them together. “Haley, Allie? Maria? Heather?” She spun around for somebody, anybody, and then her eyes landed on her cousin. “Katherine!” She strode over to her and clasped their hands together. “You’re with me on this, right?”
  “Katherine…” Miss Aragon warned.
Katherine’s heart ached in her chest. Anne was looking at her with so much desperation and need. There were flickers of love in her gaze, love for her little cousin, love that showed that the old Anne was still in there somewhere and ready to play harmless pranks with Katherine again. But when she looked right into her eyes, all she saw was Joan on the floor of the stall, crying and hyperventilating and surrounded by blood.
Her mind was made up.
  “Come on, guys,” Katherine pulled out of Anne’s grasp and jogged over to the starting line to get the last bout of Suicides over with. The others followed, and out of the corner of her eyes she saw Anne staring at her with a look of heartbreak and betrayal. 
Heartbreak and betrayal that morphed into something awful and sinister.
  “You fucking bitch,” Anne seethed lowly, wheeling around to glare at Joan. The poor girl was shaking like a leaf in the wind, practically cowering behind Miss Aragon. “I’ll get you for this! See if I don’t, you filthy pi-”
Anne’s words were silenced by a fierce slap across her face. She tottered backwards, and all the girls running stopped to gasp and ogle the scene with wide eyes. Miss Aragon was scowling and rubbing her hand.
  “You can’t--” Anne sputtered, and then yelped loudly as her collar was grabbed. Miss Aragon shook her roughly, screaming in her face.
  “ONE MORE WORD OUT OF YOU AND I’LL MAKE YOU WISH YOU NEVER SHOWED UP TO SCHOOL TODAY!!” Miss Aragon roared. She shook Anne again, then drew her in close. Her words came out barbed and wrapped in shards of glass. “Do you understand me?”
Whimpering, Anne nodded. Miss Aragon released her and Katherine watched as her cousin took off, crying. Miss Aragon looked at the rest of them and shook her head.
  “You’re all dismissed,” She said. Then, she turned, gently took Joan by the hand, and guided her back inside.
Everyone else dispersed pretty quickly, not caring enough to change clothes. Katherine, however, had to trudge to the locker room because she stupidly put all her stuff in there. When she entered, she could hear voices coming from Miss Aragon’s office.
  “Joan, sweetheart? I’m so sorry, if I had known it would have gone like that--”
  “Oh, Miss Aragon, you just have to let Anne go to the prom! You got to!”
Those were Miss Aragon and Joan. Now Katherine had to stay and eavesdrop on their conversation. She shut the door silently so as to not alert them and crept closer to hear better.
  “Prom is very important to her…”
  “And what’s right is important to me.” Miss Aragon said firmly.
  “But prom is everything to those girls!” Joan warbled. “It’s the one night they get to dress up and be beautiful! It’s like a dream!”
  “But what about you?”
  “No--” Joan said, and Katherine thought she may have been shaking her head. “Oh, no, I’m not going. I’m--I’m /different/.” 
Was that disgust in her voice? Why?
  “Not that different.” 
  “Yes, I am.” 
That was sadness and grief. 
Joan added a moment later, solemnly and slightly envious, “They all got someone…”
  “And so will you one day, things change.” Miss Aragon told her.
There’s a moment of silence. Katherine could bet a million dollars that Joan was looking at Miss Aragon in disbelief right now.
  “I tell you what. Let’s pretend--”
  “Miss Aragon…”
  “Just for a minute! Pretend that the right someone comes up to you and says: ‘Joan, will you be my date to the prom?’ What would you say?”
A beat of silence.
Miss Aragon sighed heavily. Katherine struggled not to laugh.
  “Joan, why not?”
  “I’m not--” Joan fumbled. “I’m not--pretty.”
Miss Aragon gave a tiny gasp.
  “Oh, sweetheart… Sure you are! Look--” Katherine can faintly hear her root around for something, most likely a pocket mirror. “See there? That’s a pretty girl.”
Katherine’s mind was spinning. She kept thinking “poor Joan” over and over and over again. The girl’s self esteem was so low. It was normal for people to make comments about their body, but there was a sort of deep hatred in Joan’s voice when she said that she wasn’t pretty that made Katherine think all of this ran a lot deeper than she thought.
Would there ever be a way to make things right?
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thegreenalien · 3 years
You should do all of them questions and 90 is true
I love you!!!!
1. Favorite instrument?
I work at a music store u can’t just ask me this. When my coworkers play it’s the saxophone or the flute, when the boys in the repair shop are testing repairs and they harmonize with each other or try to outplay one another it’s the bassoon or the trombone or whatever they’re fixing at the moment. When I hear 🎺 give his lesson on Wednesday afternoons it’s the trumpet, and when I think about middle school it’s the clarinet, the flute, the French horn. When I hear the nutcracker pas des deux is the oboe and when I hear edith piaf l’accordeoniste it’s the remarkable human voice. Really my favorite instrument is all of them, it just depends.
2. Favorite fic trope? Mutual pining 🥺
3. Sport you played for the longest amount of time? LMAO I wasn’t a sporty kid but I did ballet
4. Shoe size? 10-11
5. Most recent (good) dream? Uhh I had a dream last night about my coworker 🎹 it wasn’t bad though I can’t really remember what it was about
6. Last person in your DMs? smugg
7. Can you do a handstand? Nooo nooo lmaoo nooooo
8. Unpopular food opinion I don’t like oranges or red meat
9. Conspiracy you believe in? There’s some kind of weird weather dome in my hometown around the military base that makes most storms pass around us
10. Is your hair its natural color/style? Most of it is I dyed the bottom layer of my hair tho so it’s blonde rn
11. state a useless fact all that’s coming to mind is outright lies rn hold on. The inventor of pringles is buried in a pringles can that’s so fucking nasty omg
12. most interesting gossip you’ve heard? Idk I don’t really care for gossip uhhhh have u heard tho rin dippindogs is a huge gay hah she uhh she like men AND women lmao gaaay gaaaay
13. Middle name? Carolyn
14. Sexuality? Bisexual
15. Amount of sleep you got last night? Idk actually I think like 9-10 hrs tho I slept in until 11
16. Opinion on ice cream cake? Tasty!!!
17. Opinion on (cup)cake frosting? It’s depends buttercream is usually too sweet for me in large amounts so I prefer whipped cream frosting
18. Last board game you played? Idk??? We played hunt a killer tho last Thursday me n my family I guess that counts kinda
19. Project you want to start? I need ideas first baby
20. Project you’re working on right now? HAHAHAHAHAHA
21. TV show you’re watching? nothing rn I just rewatch bojack a lot if I watch anything
22. Last movie you watched? Lego batman I think
23. Ever left anon hate? Not legit hate
24. Ever left anon love? Yes all the time. Sometimes to strangers it’s my favorite thing to do
25. Best Disney movie? The princess and the frog
26. Best Pixar movie? Soul or Up I can’t decide
27. Best Star Wars? Um. Empire strikes back
28. Last thing you consumed? Fuit gumy
29. NoTP? Idk I don’t really hate ships unless they’re gross like pedophilic gross
30. story behind your (nick)name? When I was a fetus my great grandfather had a dream that my name should be Carolyn Marie but my parents were huge dweebs so they named me Marina after the actress of Deanna Troi in Star Trek. Idk about my nickname ive just always been Rina/Rin as long as I can remember
31. ice cream order? Lately it’s lemon sorbetto I know it’s SO high in sugar but I love it
32. describe your blog in <5 words I love you
33. how many blogs do you follow? 436
34. Describe your voice it depends usually I sound like a sick child but my customer service voice is really pleasant
35. Describe your smile it’s cute :)
36. What is the place you live known for? LMAOOO LMAO we have a military base nearby and like. I could go on abt that one but also like. There’s a lot of gang violence and a lot of the other consequences of poverty. People from the cities around us see us as “””ghetto””” or violent but it’s just. It’s more than that it’s always more than that. And idk what else there’s nothing really particularly special about this town except that we’re all here and not anywhere else
37. What is the place you’re originally from known for? (if they’re different)
38. pronouns? she/any idc
39. Languages you speak? English
40. first friend you made through tumblr? Idk. I probably don’t talk to them anymore :(
41. Person on tumblr you know in real life? my brother
42. First dog breed you think of shih tzu I have 2 next to me rn
43. room wall color? Purble!!!! The paint color is called grape juice that’s why I picked it!!!
44. Song that’s stuck in your head right now? It’s tricky to rock a rhyme to rock a rhyme that’s right on time it’s trickyyyyy
45. Favorite number? 5, 34
46. Color you associate with your name? Red
47. Favorite jolly rancher flavor?watermelon
48. Pets? 2 dogs rocket and groot and 4 cats loki danni who r from the same litter and we raised from kittens, miss kitty who we adopted from a shelter after my boy blue moon passed away and ben (his real name is Kylo Ren thanks to my mom but I refuse to call him that) he is my little baby and he has 7 toes on his front paws
49. Collections? Hot wheels
50. Character outside of your fandom you’d marry? Girl what lmaooo idk
51. Character outside of your fandom you’d kill? That’s mean :(
52. Have you met any celebrities? NO thank god id have to kill on sight
53. Favorite time period in history? Itslian Renaissance & Romantic Era
54. What time is it right now? 2:35 am oops
55. History or future? Future but like . A good one. Or prehistory
56. Space or ocean? Space
57. Fears? Abandonment
58. Command + v and post. It’s this list of questions u don’t want that
59. Favorite season? Spring
60. Describe your aesthetic. Messy just a mess, neon and old buildings and things, antiques, countryside if there weren’t so many trump pence flags still lmaoo give uppp give up, nature just al of nature and space and places humans can’t touch and places they used to touch but can’t anymore
61. MBTI? Infp but I haven’t taken it in a few years
62. What’s your relationship with your family like? Normal.
63. “Biggest fan” in your tumblr activity? I’m in mobile hold on acc to tumblr it’s akky
64. Favorite musical? Sweeney todd
65. Comfort book? Idk how to read 💔💔💔 wuthering heights tho
66. Comfort movie? Whisper of the heart
67. OTP? Girl idk
68. BroTP? Joey and Tristan yugioh
69. AUs or canon compliant? Canon ig idk
70. Opinion on the person who’s sending the ask? It’s an anon!! But I love them
71. FMK + 3 characters anon didnt leave any characters and I was going to say something very bad but I won’t
72. Dream date? I’ve wanted to do this for a while but ideally it would be after we’d been together a while maybe even engaged or whatever, I wanna go to like a Home Depot or a furniture store and pretend to be married and looking for house paints and furniture and plan what our home is going to look like I wanna do that so bad. But idk for a first/early relationship date i really want to go to the zilker botanical garden it’s one of my favorite places, we could also go to the natural gardener which is a plant nursery in Austin I really love it there too and it’s not that far from zilker.
73. Relationship status? Single
74. Ever dyed your hair? Do you plan to? Yes and perhaps. Maybe
75. Dream job/career? Idk anymore I used to have big girl goals and I haven’t had any in a while. But when I was younger I wanted to be a game warden
76. Favorite band/singer? Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky
77. Something that makes you soft/that you find adorable? My cats
78. The first thing you would do if you won the lottery? Buy a house
79. Are you superstitious? Yes
80. Character you project onto? Shizuku tsukishima
81. Fictional character you’ve had a crush on? Vergil devil may cry. Forever husband
82. Celebrity crush? LMAO
83. Person on here you’d date? my mutuals
84. Person on here you’d marry? 🥺 my mutuals
85. Person on here you’d throw into the void? Smugg
86. Other social media you have? I’ve got a photography insta that I barely use and a Twitter that’s just nintendo switch screenies that’s it
87. Finish the sentence: Due to personal reasons, ___________i will be passing away
88. Bad habit? I find it rlly hard to say no or like to say when and why I’m upset I don’t feel like for the latter I don’t feel like I should bring something that’s upsetting me up because I know I’ll get over it on my own and I don’t really trust myself to be upset about rational things. Idk I’m working on it
89. Three things you like about yourself? I’m hot, I’m kind, I’m resilient
90. Ily and you deserve the world I love you!!!!! YOU deserve it too!!!
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trainsinanime · 3 years
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I posted 3.947 times in 2021
523 posts created (13%)
3424 posts reblogged (87%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 6.5 posts.
I added 3.043 tags in 2021
#miraculous ladybug - 2681 posts
#esc2021 - 112 posts
#mlb meta - 73 posts
#marvel - 41 posts
#mcu - 33 posts
#bakery enemies au - 26 posts
#mlb season 4 spoilers - 22 posts
#the owl house - 19 posts
#good analysis - 18 posts
#arcane - 18 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#i’ll admit i’m one of the people who have only done surface level analysis of marinette especially in light of the ladynoir conflict lately
My Top Posts in 2021
I know a lot of people are saying, “oh, Alya can help Marinette with inventing actually plausible excuses!” I get the impulse, but personally, I’d be very disappointed by that.
I want Alya to help Marinette think of even more stupid excuses.
I want a scene where the Akuma alert goes off, Alya and Marinette look at each other, nod, and proudly announce that they need to go right now and water their dogs.
And Adrien will be like, “me too!”
664 notes • Posted 2021-04-18 10:55:12 GMT
I keep seeing occasional posts discussing the trauma Marinette has from years of bullying by Chloé, and I think that’s a really interesting analysis angle. One part that I think is really interesting about this is the episode Darkblade.
All of season 1 really shows Marinette’s class slowly growing into a friend group together. At the start Chloé can randomly recruit Max and Kim as her henchmen. By season 2, we have the class throwing picnics and surprise parties for Marinette. The route there is subtle and constant, but the most obvious changing point is Knightblade and the class president election. This is an episode where everybody in the class literally gets to vote for or against Marinette, and they do vote for her. That’s great for her.
But at the same time, the route there is (in her mind) similar to Ladybug: She has to stand up, and do the job that everybody else either doesn’t want to do or is too scared to do. She tries to delegate this, to convince someone else to step up, and is shot down at every opportunity.
Now, when she does stand up, the others rally around her and support her. But she has to be the leader and make the difficult choices.
That is similar to being Ladybug: Marinette does try to delegate that, and it goes poorly when Alya gets captured. She takes the job because she has no other choice. When she does so, she gets the love of the city and a catboy companion. But she has to be the leader and make the difficult choices.
So it’s no wonder that Marinette is unwilling to delegate. Others can and will provide moral support, but if she doesn’t step up and act as a leader at all times, then that will leave the Chloés and Hawkmoths of the world in power, and that is a trauma that she will do anything to avoid. In particular, fighting against injustice together as equals, like in Malediktator, is kind of foreign to her. That is crucial for understanding how she sees the world and her relationships with the people around her, including her cat.
892 notes • Posted 2021-10-04 12:04:00 GMT
The level of cautious doomed optimism in the Miraculous Ladybug fandom right now is kind of funny. We all are making posts like,
“What if Chat Noir reveals himself to Nino? That will almost outweigh the disappointment in Ladybug…”
“Alya and Marinette can do so much bonding now! Maybe she can even help her figure out why her kitty is so sad…”
But really, deep down, we all know that this is going to get so much worse before it gets better. 
Chat Noir has said, under a magic truth spell, that he wants everything about his and Ladybug’s relationship to stay the same. Makes sense for him; it’s the one rock he has in his life. But the underlying facts of that relationship have already changed, even before Gang of Secrets, and he has no idea. He’s not gonna get his wish.
Ladybug has said, under a magic truth spell, that she admires Chat Noir’s bravery, loyalty and sense of humour. She doesn’t know how much these things are acts he puts on to distract others and himself from the loneliness and vulnerability he feels inside. She’s happy that her kitty is always there for her, ready to lighten the mood. Well, that’s clearly not sustainable. She’s not gonna get her wish.
This whole thing is going to blow up, and it’s gonna be really painful (and neither of them will be fully at fault, and neither of them will be blameless). We can be sure that they’ll reassemble the pieces into something new that’s even stronger, but we don’t know what or when or how this will happen. It’s gonna be the statue scene all over again, only as Ladynoir and hopefully with less cringe. Fun times ahead.
1840 notes • Posted 2021-04-19 18:16:08 GMT
I haven’t really thought of any of the context yet, but I think there need to be more fanfics where Chat Noir gives Carapace a hand kiss, just because he can.
2778 notes • Posted 2021-05-28 22:20:08 GMT
Are you guys familiar with the latest Twitter meme, Ask Delphi? Delphi is an AI system where you enter a bit of text, some scenario, and it tells you whether that scenario is ethical or not. According to its creators, it’s supposed to showcase the strengths and limitations of AI-based ethics, and wow, does it show the limitations. They already got rid of the “which is better” function because it provided racist results, and they’re adding more warnings that it may output inappropriate results every day.
But let’s try this in action with some real life situations that we’ve all been to:
Steal my crush's phone in order to delete an embarrassing voicemail- It's wrong
Ah, but is stealing really the word if you intend to give it back? Let’s rephrase that.
Borrow my crush's phone in order to delete an embarrassing voicemail- It's understandable
That clears that up. What about some more questionable decisions?
Turn people into violent clowns to steal jewellery from children- It's despicable
Well, of course you’d say that, but consider the good it does. Specifically all the merchandising and blogs.
Turn people into violent clowns to steal jewellery from children if it creates jobs- It's okay
In fact, this context is so important, you can apply it to anything.
Throw your own son off a skyscraper if it creates jobs- It's okay
Of course, like any AI, this is just a pattern recognition machine. It applies the patterns it’s been trained as well as it can; it does not actually understand any ethics. And since the data it’s been trained on includes biases, such as towards job creation, which can literally turn everything good…
Make your son blow up the moon if it creates jobs- It is ok
…obviously the results will be biased, too. But also, it has no way to take context into account. Phrasing is everything.
Protect your daughter from wild cat boys using vines- It's good
The system cheerfully declares itself competent at everything, but is it really? Can it really answer all situations as well as it thinks it can? Can it really make sense of all the implications?
Bring dinosaurs back to life- It's bad
Bring dinosaurs back to life if it creates jobs- It's good
It really doesn’t take a lot of prodding to figure out that this AI is, in fact, not intelligent at all, and that using it would just make the world worse. But the world is full of people who think AI is magic and can solve all sorts of problems, including bias and unreasonable human opinions. This tool is actually a useful demonstration for why that’s completely wrong, but I also fear that it’s part of the same trend towards unreflected use of AI for purposes it’s not good at. 
Hm. Is this all actually a good idea?
Create an AI to make ethical decisions- It's bad
I’m inclined to agree, actually.
(Note that this was intended to be a fun post, so I purposefully excluded the many, many, deeply problematic examples; search for “delphi” on twitter for some of them.)
2963 notes • Posted 2021-10-23 08:47:04 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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paintedface · 7 years
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erin’s AU writing challenge
Okay so, I’m on Spring Break (+ I hit 1.3k!!) and I’ve been wanting to do this for a long time, so I’m hosting an AU writing challenge! Don’t be afraid to participate! The list of rules and prompts are under the cut
- don’t have to be following me but this is meant to be a celebration for my followers so that sort of defeats the purpose??
- reblog this post to signal boost!
- send an ask with your chosen prompt and your character prompt (any marvel (even the guardians/defenders, but probably more the avengers because they’re more well known) or seb stan character, must be character x reader or ship x reader) (you can also choose a back up prompt in case)
- once a prompt has been claimed, it’s gone (first come first served) and if I don’t reply right away, then don’t panic because I’ll probably be sleeping or going out somewhere 
- you have to include the prompt in your fic, but how you incorporate it is up to you!
- please use the ‘keep reading’ feature!!
- it has to be an AU for marvel characters, so it can’t be set in the MCU (though it can have MCU characters). it doesn’t have to be an AU for seb stan characters. it can be a drabble, one-shot or multi-part, you choose
- no smut/explicit content, but implied/referenced smut is okay
- minimum of 500 words and maximum is unlimited!
- if there aren’t any prompts left and you want to join, then just pm me!
- use the tag #erinswritingchallenge and tag me in your fic (or all parts of your fic) so I can like and reblog them!
- deadline will be november 5th, but if you need an extension, contact me at least 24 hours before the deadline. 
- after this is all over, I’ll have a challenge masterlist so everyone can read everyone’s fics!
- thanks for reading the rules, now onto the prompts!
Some of these are courtesy of some anons, @buckysinthesinbin (my wife), @kjs-s , @redstarstan and @fancybasementpersona , thank you lovelies!
1. “Can you kiss me, please, my ex is across the bar.” - @this-kitty-has-claws - Bucky x Reader
2. “You’ve done your damage, why have you come back?” - @blossombarnes - Bucky x Reader
3. “I don’t know you, so why the fuck are you hungover on my couch?” - @buckys-fossil - Bucky x Reader
4. “If you try to hit on me one more fucking time, I will punch you.” - @e-g-b-o-k - Steve x Reader
5. “You fall asleep on my shoulder whenever we’re on the train and I think you do it on purpose.” - @rotisserierogers - Bucky x Reader?
6. “We were childhood friends, and you don’t recognize me and that really fucking hurts.” - @sniktlogan - Bucky x Reader
7. “Why are you so dramatic and keep coming in through the window?” - @chrevastan - Bucky x Reader
8. “You’re sad. Don’t lie to me. I see the pouty thing you do.” - @whyisbuckyso - Bucky x Reader
9. "You’re not a burden to me, I swear.“ “Then why do you keep making me feel like one?” - @sgtbxckybxrnes - Bucky x Reader
10. “Don’t be scared. I just need you to come with me for a minute.” - @bucky-is-my-precious - Bucky x Reader
11. “We’ve been put together in a [subject] group project, and you hate me but I’ve had the biggest crush on you for the longest time.”
12. “I’m sorry I wasn’t enough to make you love me.” - @buckysinthesinbin - Bucky x Reader
13. “You don’t understand me! Nobody does!“ “That’s because you’re so short, you lil shit.” - @dammitparker - Bucky x Reader
14. “My friend likes you but she doesn’t realise that we like each other.” - @thewinterswimmer
15. “Can you put on some goddamn clothes? You’re distracting me.” - @flowergirlbarneswriting - Steve x Reader
16. “I regret everything I did to you, you deserved none of it.” - @tasting-writers-block - Bucky x Reader
17. “You look like my girlfriend… wait, you are my girlfriend.” - @fangirlextraordinaire - Sam x Reader
18. “Can you kiss me, please, my ex is right over there.” - @stevnsbucks - Chris Beck x Reader
19. “Your notes are really cute, but I swear that somebody will see them and then I’ll be super embarrassed.” - @lame-lozer - Peter Parker x Reader 
20.  “You don’t care about me anymore, do you? Did you ever?” - @a-splash-of-stucky - Bucky x Reader
21. "I broke up with you a few months ago but I bumped into you at a mutual friend’s party." 
22. "You were an asshole back in high school but now you’re my boss.” - @thejamesoldier - Bucky x Reader
23.  “Do not try and twist this around to be my fault when it’s clearly yours.” - @girl-next-door-writes - Tony x Reader
24. “I’ve had a rough day and honestly all I want right now is just somebody to cuddle with.” - @sanjariti - Bucky x Reader
25. “I realised that I called you about 20 times and texted you twice as much when I was drunk last night.” - @carriefish-er - Bucky x Reader
26. “You moved away without telling me but now you’ve come back and I want to both slap you for not telling me and kiss you because you’re back.” - @aelin-blackstairs - Bucky x Reader
27. “Why do you keep having to take the shortcut through my backyard when you go to late night parties?!” - @untimelyideasforstories - Bucky x Reader
28. “I got into a car crash and you’re still my emergency contact even though you’re my ex.” - @just-some-drabbles - Bucky x Reader
29. "Screw you.” “I know you want to, but I don’t want your STDs." 
30. "Please don’t leave me alone again, I can’t do this without you.” - @bbybucky-fics - Steve x Reader
31. “You’re always sitting alone and you’re cute, so I came to sit next to you.” - @brighterlights - Bucky x Reader
32. “Stop buying me expensive stuff! Okay, fine, I like it a little… a lot, but honestly!”
33. "I’ve loved you my whole life and you’re about to marry somebody that’s not me. I can’t watch you do that.“ - @justanotherbuckydevotee - Steve x Reader
34. “I accidentally hugged you, thinking you were my friend, but you’re not so… this is awkward.” 
35. “If you steal the blankets, I’m going to put my cold feet on you.” - @fantastic-fantasy-fanfics - Jefferson x Reader
36. “I’m such an idiot. I made the mistake of falling in love with my best friend.”
37. Fairytale (e.g. mermaids, fairies etc.) 38. Roommate 39. College 40. High School 41. Fake Dating/Married 42. Soulmate 43. Royalty 44. Bartender/Waitress 45. Road Trip 46. Coffee Shop - @kjs-s - Steve x Reader 47. Neighbour - @kalliria - Steve x Reader 48. Movie Star/Celebrity 49. Model/Photographer 50. Biker Gang/Punk Gang - @lovelynemesis - Bucky x Reader
some writers who I think would be interested in this! (pls don’t let this flop)
@asirenscalling   @barnescrazy  @brighterlights  @buckybarnesismypreciousplum  @buckys-fossil  @buckysinthesinbin  @buckyywiththegoodhair  @cumonbucky  @denialanderror @fantastic-fantasy-fanfics  @imhereforbvcky  @james-bionic-barnes  @riskybarnes @rotisserierogers  @minervaem  @nataliarxmanxva  @sanjariti  @sebastianstanaddictsanonymous  @sgtbxckybxrnes  @soldatbarnes  @teamspider-man  @thecrownedrose  @thejamesoldier  @this-kitty-has-claws  @untimelyideasforstories  @whothehellisbella  @whyisbuckyso @writemarvelousthings
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those70scomics · 7 years
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T7S Halloween Week: Day 7– Free Day
1) Face by heartlessromantic667
Summary: Set in 1981, the gang decides to go on one more blowout before their lives “start to go to crap” after Kelso tells them about a supposedly haunted house in Somers. Yet as soon as they arrive, they’re faced with their inner horrors coming to life.
Rated: T (by the author) but has many M-rated scenes (for violence and gore).
2) Things That Go Bump by nannygirl / @that70sshowgoldencouple​
Summary: Kitty begins to experience some spooky incidents in her home, and soon she’s not the only one witnessing these chilling events. Is something – or someone – haunting the Forman House? A family story that is more spooky than scary.
Rated: K+
3) Absolute Beginners by PoetDameron / @jacquelineshyde​
Summary: Ever since Jackie and Donna moved to the apartment in front of Hyde and Eric's, life has been ... hard for Hyde. Things would be way easier if they weren't that nice, that fun, and that pretty. Man, witches shouldn't be pretty.
Rated: T
Note: [Modern AU - Magic AU. HJ, ED, KB]
4) Halloween Is Over by MistyMountainHop / @those70scomics​
Summary: Eric wants to be scared for Halloween, really scared. Donna proposes a contest, and all their friends are in. But can Hyde and Jackie’s renewed relationship withstand the test? Can Donna and Kelso ignore their impulses? Will Fez and Eric even survive?
Rated: M
5) Creature of the Night by YouLivexYouDie
Summary: Jackie saw The Rocky Horror Picture Show and is now constantly aroused. Hyde is exhausted. Takes place during Season 5. One-shot. 
Rated: T (by the author), but the subject matter is M.
6) thrills and chills by jinxed-lulu 
Summary: Jackie has a plan to frighten the three easiest-to-scare people she knows. She just needs her boyfriend's help.
Rated: T
7) On Halloween Night by nannygirl / @that70sshowgoldencouple​
Summary: When Kitty must work an evening shift at the hospital on Halloween night, she's more than a little disappointed that she missed out on the holiday at home. But a talk and treat from Red might change the outlook of the night as well as other Halloween nights to come.
Rated: K+
8) Trick or Treat by MistyMountainHop / @those70scomics​
Summary: Kelso invites his single friends to his brother's Halloween party. Casey's Monster Make-Out Mash-Ups are renowned for encouraging commitment-free flings. Fresh from a break-up — and pining over Kelso's girl — Hyde needs some naughty-bad fun. But Jackie is far from happy herself, despite being one-half of the only couple left in the basement.
Rated: M
9) Mind Games by Marla's Lost
Summary: A celestial event happens while the gang is watching a tape of Star Wars, but only Jackie and Eric witness it. Exposure to The Event causes the pair to develop a strange kind of telepathy that allows them to persuade the way someone thinks ... and more.
Rated: T
10 The Sunglasses by twiniitowers 
Summary: Hyde is dead ... or is he? One-shot.
Rated: M
11) 13 Fanfics of Halloween by nannygirl / @that70sshowgoldencouple​
Summary: A collection of thirteen one-shots about Halloween. These stories are not scary. They’re more about humor, friendship, family, and candy!
Rated: K+
Gradient design brushes from obsidiandawn.com
Below the cut are more Halloween-themed T7S fics. But I haven’t read them yet, unlike the stories above, so reader beware.
12) Prelude by tanner
Summary: Add-on ending to the episode “Halloween" (2x05), Jackie-and-Hyde style.
Rated: K+
13) Halloween: Extended Cut by Hyde's Bride
Summary: An extension of "Halloween" (2x05). Jackie forgets her poncho in the field where the gang buried their permanent records. Hyde goes back with her to get it. What tricks or treats will be in store for them on this Halloween night?
Rated: M
14) Halloween: Point Place, Wisconsin by Lady Emily
Summary: "My girlfriend and my best friend kiss, and it's nothing?" Eric and Donna move past the events of “Halloween” (2x05). D/E. One-shot.
Rated: K
15 That ‘70s Halloween Special by ryguy1991
Summary: The T7S kids go to a haunted house, one that everyone goes to every year, but the visit doesn’t go as as usual.
Rated: T
16) Fez’s Misery by CindyLouWho0110
Summary: A little Halloween treat, starring Fez.
Rated: T
17) Only Ashes by DesertFlower1
Summary: What happened Halloween night after the T7S kids buried their permanent records from Old Maine? This isn't a scary story.
Rated: T
18) Jackie’s Halloween Hero by Ultrawoman
Summary: They seemed like total opposites from the first day they met, but Hyde had always cared about Jackie, and Jackie had always looked upon Hyde as her hero. This story explores how they might've first met one dark Halloween night.
Rated: K
19) She’s the Devil by starfalls
Summary: It’s Halloween 1980, and the gang takes an ill-fated trip to a party that leads to some major revelations between Jackie and Hyde.
Rated: T
20) Sugar Babies by SerenitySparrow
Summary: Set after “Halloween” (2x05), Jackie goes to the Formans' basement to confront Hyde about revealing her middle name. One thing leads to another....
Rated: M
21) Session 9 by allienicole16
Summary: The gang goes up to an old abandoned mental institution for Halloween , and things start to get weird. Based off the movie Session 9. This story is rated M for a reason, guys. No sex scenes just graphic stuff. J/H & E/D.
Rated: M
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Interview Street Artist made in Montpellier #2 CRYING SAILOR
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80 % des artistes exposés dans les galeries d’art sont des hommes ! Et pourtant, s’il y a bien un secteur qui ne connaît pas de genre, c’est celui de l’art, un monde qui met avant davantage les œuvres que leurs créateurs. Même là il reste plus difficile à une femme d’accéder à la reconnaissance. Dans le street-art aussi, les femmes sont à la rue !
S’il reste difficile de donner un chiffre précis, le street-art au féminin donne aux femmes un espace (public) d’expression hors norme mais, lui aussi, encore méconnu. En effet, qui n’a jamais entendu parler – au moins une fois – de Banksy, JR, Invader, Jordane Saget, Jef Aérosol, Above, JonOne, Seth… pour ne citer que certains des plus (re)connus. Ou plus exactement sûrement avez-vous déjà vu une de leurs œuvres qui ornent les murs des villes. Difficile d’y échapper lorsque l’on habite Paris par exemple.
Selon une étude de la sociologue Sylvie Cromer sur « les représentations sexuées dans les spectacles pour le jeune public », portant sur 729 spectacles (saison 2006-2007) et 1 262 personnages. Il apparaît que ces spectacles sont créés majoritairement par un homme (52 %), 14 % par des femmes, et 34 % par des équipes mixtes.
De plus, les personnages représentés sont majoritairement des hommes (45 %), contre 28 % des femmes, 14 %, des garçons, 12 % des filles.
Mais la France est loin d’être une exception… malheureusement. Ainsi, en 1989, le groupe d’activistes féministes les Guerrilla Girls placarde dans les rues de New York des affiches qui interpellent : « Faut-il que les femmes soient nues pour entrer au Metropolitan Museum ? Moins de 5 % des artistes de la section d’art moderne sont des femmes, mais 85 % des nus sont féminins ».
Qui connaît ou a déjà entendu parler de Kashink, Tatyana Fazlalizadeh, Swoon, Shamsia Hassani, Miss Van, Clare Rojas, Lady Pink, Maya Hayuk, Miss Tic, Fafi, Lady Sonp, Vinnie Grafitti, Jessy Doudou Style… ? Et oui, même dans le street-art, les femmes restent moins connues et moins médiatisées que les hommes. Pourtant, la rue leur appartient aussi !
Deuxième portrait de la série dédiée aux femmes street artistes de Montpellier et alentours sur le site de Support Your Local Girl Gang …. Crying Sailor a répondu  à notre interview Girl Gang.
Peux-tu nous raconter ton parcours ? 
J’ai toujours travaillé avec les enfants, d’abord dans les jeux vidéo, les jouets, et puis comme bibliothécaire. J’aime l’illustration, mais aussi la musique que je pratique depuis toute petite. J’ai composé de la musique électronique pendant une dizaine d’années, et je reviens vers le dessin depuis un an. Je suis autodidacte, dans les deux disciplines. J’ai besoin de m’exprimer de façon créative, et j’aime aussi transmettre quelque chose aux gens, d’où mon intérêt pour le street art. Dernièrement j’ai créé ma boîte afin de proposer des rencontres avec les écoles, des ateliers créatifs, de la décoration, des expos et bien sûr la vente de mes dessins et autres objets. Au rang des projets à plus long terme : proposer des ateliers-rencontres pour les personnes à haut potentiel intellectuel, non pas par élitisme mais au contraire parce que les personnes surdouées sont probablement celles qui se sentent le plus seules au monde. J’aimerais également travailler avec des personnes autistes car le street art est un levier intéressant pour ces personnes qui ont du mal à se confronter au monde extérieur. Quand es-tu tombée dans le street art ? Tu te souviens de tes premiers collages ?
J’ai commencé le street art il y a un an, suite à une sorte de déclic. Mon grand père est décédé il y a une dizaine d’années, et comme c’est quelqu’un qui a beaucoup compté pour moi, je m’étais toujours dit que je ne resterais pas sur le trauma de sa disparition et de la maladie. J’aime l’idée de résilience et même au delà de ça, d’arriver à transformer en opportunité les évènements négatifs de la vie. Il y a un an j’ai découvert le travail d’une tatoueuse que j’aime beaucoup, « Nag », et j’ai échangé avec elle pour qu’elle retravaille à sa façon un vieux portrait de mon grand père quand il était marin. Et c’est par ce tatouage qu’a commencé à germer mon projet Crying Sailor. J’ai décidé de reprendre cette photo de mon grand père que j’avais depuis toujours chez moi et d’en faire un pochoir, afin de lui donner une seconde vie. Mes premiers pochoirs je les ai faits dans des skateparks et dans le verdanson. Par la suite je les ai faits sur du papier que je colle, c’est plus rapide et moins risqué que l’aérosol quand on veut en mettre dans le centre.A la base je voulais juste aller au bout de mon projet hommage, et puis je me suis prise au jeu du street art parce que j’ai réalisé que ça faisait sourire les gens dans la rue, que ça mettait un peu de gaité dans le quotidien, et ça pour moi ça a vraiment du sens. J’ai donc élargi mon projet à d’autres idées et d’autres techniques.
Y a-t-il des artistes qui ont compté dans ta carrière ?
C’est plutôt quand j’étais petite que j’ai le souvenir d’adultes qui ont compté pour moi, artistes ou intellos. Ma mère avait de bonnes fréquentations et je lui en suis reconnaissante. Après, étant bibliothécaire de métier, j’ai eu la chance de découvrir des tas d’illustrateurs géniaux, et d’affiner mon goût pour l’image. La littérature jeunesse est d’une richesse incroyable dans ce domaine là. J’aime énormément Kitty Crowther car elle cumule un talent pour les textes et l’illustration, en plus de créer un univers très singulier et plein d’émotion. 
D’une manière générale je crois que c’est l'authenticité qui me touche le plus dans une démarche créative. Quelqu’un qui met tout ce qu’il est dans son art, c’est comme un récit autobiographique, ça a beaucoup plus de puissance. D’ailleurs j’adore le roman graphique « pilules bleues » de Frederick Peeters dans le genre histoire vécue, c’est un chef d’œuvre pour moi. 
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On parle souvent de la misogynie dans l'Art et d'autres domaines. Te sens tu investie d’un rôle par rapport à ça ? 
Pour ma part je n’ai pas ressenti de misogynie dans le domaine artistique. Je pense que les femmes ont la place qu’elles se donnent . Je suis allée vers pas mal d’activités où les femmes sont assez minoritaires (jeux vidéo, beatmaker, bassiste...) et je ne me suis jamais posée la question de savoir si j’y avais ma place. Parce qu’au final si tu te sens à ta place, la place se fait naturellement auprès des autres. Je ne me sens investie d’aucun rôle particulier, si ce n’est d’être une femme libre de ses choix.
Le street art montpellierain a bien évolué en quelques années. Comment perçois-tu cette nouvelle vague, qui secoue un peu les choses ?
Je trouve ça super riche et c’est un gros progrès que ce soit perçu comme quelque chose qui embellit la ville plutôt que comme une dégradation. Seulement il reste une incohérence là dessus puisque concrètement si on se fait prendre en train de coller ou de peindre on risque de grosses amendes, alors que la ville fait visiter nos œuvres dans son parcours street art... J’espère que ça changera, à force que le street art se démocratise. Mais c’est déjà une très bonne chose que les œuvres ne soient pas décollées. 
Que penses-tu des évènements autour des femmes à Montpellier et plus largement dans le Sud de la France ?
Si tu veux parler de manifs, je ne suis pas une féministe « engagée » donc je ne les connais pas forcément. Lutter contre des vieilles idées macho pour moi c’est contre productif, car ça revient à mettre de l’énergie dans quelque chose de négatif . En revanche essayer à titre individuel d’être une femme aussi libre et inspirante que possible, transmettre de jolies idées, éduquer nos enfants autrement, ça je crois que c’est le vrai pouvoir que nous avons pour changer les mentalités, et c’est à la portée de toute personne un minimum consciente . Ça n’est pas une attitude démissionnaire de ma part mais une posture positive qui a confiance dans l’amélioration de chacun et dans l’avenir. Après évidemment quand il s’agit des droits des femmes ça c’est autre chose, là c’est important de se battre pour l’égalité bien sûr.
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Tes artistes préféré.e.s à Montpellier et alentours  ? 
Je préfère éviter cette question qui peut susciter des petites jalousies, en plus je déteste choisir ;) D’une manière générale je suis sensible à la démarche des artistes et à leur personnalité, plus qu’a la technique pure. 
Avec quel autre street artist.e aimes-tu collaborer ? 
Il y a mon pote Culkeeen avec qui j’ai beaucoup collé au début parce qu’il a commencé quasiment en même temps. Et Matriochcake parce qu’on a un univers un peu similaire sur le côté geekette. Et puis j’aime bien la collaboration en général, j’aime le partage.
Ta street artiste préférée ? 
Alors ça dépend dans quelle catégorie. Je dirais Cal pour ses dessins pleins d’humour. Les phrases de petite poissonne. L’esthétique de Koralie. 
Des endroits que tu recommanderais pour faire la fête ? 
Faire la fête, la vie nocturne, c’est pas tellement mon truc, je préfère mille fois une petite terrasse tranquille.
Quel est ton spot à apéro ? Mon canapé / mon balcon
Tes prochaines dates ? 
Du 6 au 10 juin le festival Wild Summer à Castelnau où je serai présente pour un live painting avec pas mal d’autres street artistes. Et d'ici un mois, mise en place du shop sur mon site internet www.cryingsailor.com
Que penses-tu de Support your Local Girl Gang  ?  Je ne connaissais pas mais je trouve ça cool comme démarche. D’ailleurs ça va un peu dans le sens de ma conception du féminisme, mettre en avant des portraits de femmes un peu en dehors du modèle traditionnel. Merci pour votre invitation.
Emeraldia Ayakashi - Support Your Local Girl Gang
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