kkglinka · 22 hours
So...a big fuckin tree branch just fell on my truck.
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kaladinkholins · 3 months
hi, it's me. the fic writer that uses culturally-specific idioms in a very different cultural time setting and keeps confusing words like reign and rein. this is my story.
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fuukonomiko · 2 months
Deleted Scenes from my Fanfic. This is not the next chapter. Just some fun outtakes to read if you're curious about my thought process. Thank you so much!
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Art by LeFishda on ArtStation
Tagging my homeboys/homegirls/homies: @kaladinkholins @lillyblogsmizu @outwithwolves @loptrcoptr @doughnutshi
@mastereiji @farintonorth @sad-endings-suck
@blue-eye-samurai @ceruleanskies48 @kkglinka
If I forgot to tag you, it's not intentional. I just have the memory of a blue tang. Thank you so much!
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deadbeatbirdmom · 7 months
Blake Nickname Poll Results
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Blakey: 34.2% Babe or Baby: 30.8% Dear: 1.5% Honey: 7.2% Cat associated (Kitten, Kitty, etc): 8% My Love or Darling (if reclaimed from Adam): 0.8% Brighteyes (credit to @based7100 for their headcanon): 3.8% Other: 1.1% No nickname, just Blake: 12.5% Final result from 262 votes (not including my own)
Blakey 'won,' with Babe or Baby under 5% behind, as far as a fanon nickname poll can be won.
Some interesting things from replies and tags of reblogs:
Adapted from @lovingdabeessss tags:
Bell or other belladonna related nicknames. Blake isn’t really a nicknameable name in my opinion and they (Blake and Yang) were buddies way before they were dating, and Yang is definitely the Type to give nicknames. I think she’s the type to give a normal nickname and have it just get crazy from there.
Like with Ruby it’d be like Ruby to Rubs to Gemstone to Pebble to like Rock to Rock and Roll to Extra Extra. For Blake it’d be something similar, Belladonna to Bella to Bells to Donna to Don to Ella and then it’d just get crazy. Like Yang the music nerd would be like “Hey Stevie Nicks" as a reference to the album belladonna.
Blake would start responding to anything. It might evolve to literally anything starting with a 'b,' like Bonnie. Nicknames are just like that in my experience, domino effects man they’re crazy.
Adapted from @incredibly-unprofessional tags:
Blake and Yang calling each other honey would be SO FITTING LIKE CMON, they're literally THE BEES. BEES MAKE HONEY
o o o o o o also yang calling blake 'gorgeous'
From a reply by @vanphanel:
Yang would delight in coming up with new nicknames for Blake fitting to the occasion: some punny, some sincere, sometimes she'd just call her "Blake."
From @kkglinka's tags:
From @iactuallytryingtolovemyself's tags:
I think they would call each the most niche things. For Blake maybe things like “my dearest 50k omegaverse ninjas of love fanfic writer” or “my dear 'uuhh I mean you're great and I'll hurry back'"
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maybeamultiverse · 10 months
Could you share some fic recs?
Sure! I honestly haven't really been reading any new fics. Lately, IRL life stuff got too consuming, and I don't have the time or attention span right now. Tbh, I don't really gravitate that much toward short-form stories, and I only really want to read novel-type stuff.
I definitely will recommend a couple of full/novel-length (completed only) fics from a couple of fandoms that I absolutely love and have reread a few times, just so I don't end up listing like 100 different things.
No Winter Lasts Forever by TomFooleryPrime (303k words) -- the fic that made me get into Star Trek fan fiction when I read it for the first time. One of the best fics I've ever read, period. A human woman accidentally gets pregnant by a Vulcan doctor, and they move to a remote colony to try to make it work. Excellence.
The Goblin Market by ViciouslyWitty (119k words) -- a Labyrinth (1986) Sarah x Jareth fic, explores events post-film while Sarah is a graduate student in Ireland and Jareth makes his dramatic return... truly an aesthetic, absolutely entrancing, and literally pure mythological fantasy. Plus, there's smut in the end, so there's payoff lol.
The Romulan General's Woman by KKGlinka (105k words) -- a story about Volskiar and Tasha Yar's relationship. It's just super well-written and definitely a real niche story (currently locked and only viewable by ao3 users atm). A must-read for anyone into Romulans.
Vulcan by sunshinepiveh (235k words) -- a story about a Vulcan and human cadet who meet at Starfleet and fall in love. It's honestly pretty cute, and the sex scenes are pretty well written when they happen, lol (warning: there is piss, but not that much).
A Case Study by redrose639 (102k words) -- Amanda Greyson and Sarek's meeting explained. This is probably one of the best Amanda x Sarek 'origin stories' I've found that is completed on ao3 so far. Really super, super good.
Desire/Reserve by Herself_nyc (81k words) -- Excellently written Kirk/Spock smut. Super gorgeously written, split into two parts. Sets the standard!
The Castaways Series by Cheree_Cargill (550k words) -- Spock and Chapel deserted on an abandoned planet, survivalist/smut type thing, not my favorite ship in general, but the smut is very well-written, and the world-building is really genuinely excellent, especially for something that becomes very OC-heavy later on, and it works!
The Elder's Mate by Skadi_Gemini (111k words) -- Yautja x OC. Just forced pregnancy and Yautja stuff. A pretty fun and chill read that I enjoyed.
like warriors from the ancient sagas by fm1978 (150k words) -- it's literally LOTR/The Hobbit meets Star Trek... what more could one possibly want?!?
HAL9550W造谣合集 by Monkey2nd (100k words) -- this is a "rumor collection" of stories, an AMAZING crossover of The Wandering Earth and 2001: A Space Oddysey, basically just explores the two main AI 'villains' in each franchise talking to each other about life, philosophy, and what it means or doesn't mean to be human. Literally BRILLIANT (this story is written in Chinese, but it's translatable on your browser on ao3).
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@kkglinka replied to your post “I am starting a high school football au mostly because Catra is a jock...”
See, I'd call her the douchey one in the leather jacket with a switchblade in her pocket, driving an ancient hot rod vs Adora's preppy jock on her new bmw motorcycle, y'
You’re not far off!
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alexkablob · 5 years
kkglinka replied to your post: I think that Ironwood knows Ruby lied to him.
…you know…someone who always knows the truth would be a great believer in it.
There’s a difference between always knowing the truth and always knowing if someone is lying. Ruby’s first lie was a direct one—it would have pinged his semblance, but he wouldn’t know why she was lying or what specifically it was about. And the second one was a technical truth—she said that Ozpin told them the relic was out of questions, and that’s completely true. I don’t think Ironwood believes it, but only because he knows that Ozpin lied to him about it—he doesn’t have an inkling that Ruby’s already used a question. 
(Ozpin would have been super frustrating to him, since Ozpin is all about lying in ways that aren’t technically lying.)
But he knows she’s being cagey and doesn’t fully trust him—so he gives her the relic back and stresses the importance of working together in hopes that it shames her into telling the truth later.
And, you know, has Penny stay Very Close to them, but that goes without saying.
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deihiru · 4 years
kkglinka replied to your photoset
:( catra repeating everything sw says because she's internalized all that gaslighting. Like she knows it's manipulation but so easy to believe when she feels insecure.
Thinking about this. During “the Failsafe”, you have two instances of Catra seeing Adora being unable to transform into She-Ra. Adding to this, is the fact she could hear Shadow Weaver telling Adora she was losing She-Ra because Catra confused/distracted her (and I don’t want to sound paranoid, but I wonder if SW knew Catras was listening the whole time). 
So yes, I definitely think Catra believed, in some level, that SW was right.
But more importantly, I think she also realized Adora didn’t think she would make it out alive, and she couldn’t stand to see her being the sacrifical lamb.
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powerbottomblake · 4 years
kkglinka replied to your post: The fun thing is, I think someone DID make a...
Oh, I saw that! My only problem was that, as she’s a cat, her forehead ought to be all wrinkly around the ears.
got your priorities all sorted out
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dlartistanon · 5 years
@kkglinka replied to your post “What got me first interested was actually how u draw tiddies...”
You draw them realistically instead of weird rigid round shapes.
@yuetchi replied to your post “What got me first interested was actually how u draw tiddies...”
obv it's how you draw tiddies like tiddies
Truly a sad state of affairs when something as mundane as that gets hailed as praiseworthy.
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kkglinka · 10 months
At my drs and when the rn asks my pain level I say, "Only five!' :D:D like that's a good thing.
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tazrider · 4 years
kkglinka replied to your post “efka-m replied to your post: efka-m replied to...”
I think those are called treadmills? ;)
But less fun than a hamster wheel if you face plant XD
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random-french-girl · 5 years
kkglinka replied to your post “HOT TAKE”
Pfft well of course she can do camp food! (I do camp food) There's a bbcue? There's your gal. Give her a pile of whatever and a grill and the results are very edible. (Yang is not sulking, not really). Ruby asks if blake can bake cookies too. She soberly answers that it takes almost two days to build and fire a bread oven. Also, the steak is done - oh ffs blake, don't eat it off a knife.
omg the image of Blake casually eating her steak - cooked to perfection - off gambol shroud while Weiss shudders in horror...  Yang shakes her head disapprovingly, takes the steak away from Blake, puts it in a plate and hands her a fork and a napkin - and then she turns away from blake just in time to catch ruby trying to eat hers off crescent rose....
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werewolfyang · 5 years
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oh, yeah!! you’re right!!! god, if we get Blake’s scar appearing, Blake protecting Yang, AND Blake dualwielding in one whole fight...i’m going to cry.
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almea · 6 years
kkglinka replied to your post: Blake and Yang both have these adorable little...
…those wooshes are the beasts’s/dragon’s swept back horns.
... That’s so cute.
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suwunnysideup · 6 years
So the fic was cute but I feel horribly obligated to warn you it won the best typo award, unless you meant to write kink instead of link. In which case, carry on.
dlsfkj;lsa i’m just now noticing that, sorry i didn’t catch it!! i’ll fix it asap!! thank you for telling me!!
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