#klance theater au
vee-is-a-clown · 1 year
Here's the theater au that some of you wanted to see:
Ok so Lance joins this play to get closer to his crush, Allura. She's really pretty and auditioning for the princess in this play that was written by a group of students and approved by Adam (the theater club director). Obviously, he's going to try out for the prince/fiance character. Plus, her character kisses him.
And, they both get the parts! Hurray! Maybe they can have a romantic date where they rehearse their lines!
One problem. This group of students was the GSA and they refuse to write a straight Romeo and Juliet rip off. So, the princess has a lesbian lover, the court jester (played by the lovely Romelle). And also, Allura has a major crush on Romelle (it's reciprocated). And plus, the prince ends up developing a crush on a knight in training (reluctantly played by Keith).
Ok now basic explanation of the play:
Princess Rebecca is to meet her fiance, Prince Isaac. He travels with his favorite knight, Elijah, to Rebecca's kingdom. Issac seems smitten by Rebecca once he meets her.
She then realizes that she can't bear marrying Isaac and runs away with with her court jester, Lydia. But, just before leaving in the middle of the night, she plants a kiss on Isaac's sleeping forehead. (She also has a kiss scene with Lydia while running away).
Elijah comforts Isaac about having his fiance leave him in the dead of night and it turns into a star gazing session. The play ends with them kissing as the sun rises. (The running away happens on the same night as the stargazing.)
Of course, throughout the play, Rebecca and Lydia very obviously flirt and have some scenes where they talk about wanting to run away together. Ya know, girl stuff. Then, Isaac's character has this whole thing where it gets increasingly obvious that he's convinced himself that he's in love with Rebecca so he doesn't have to confront his feelings for Elijah.
Now sadly, Lance cannot read the very obvious homosexual undertones or the second half of the script for that matter because he didn't know that Rebecca and Isaac don't end up marrying. He read the lines that he needed to for the audition. He swore he would read the rest before the audition but he kept getting distracted.
Now Keith's pov. Keith is a costume designer for the theater club and does some technical stuff behind the scenes with Pidge and Hunk too. He was helping out by reading some of Elijah's lines and accidentally got casted as Elijah. Since he's not too big of a part and only really talks in the last part, he decided that it wouldn't be *too* bad.
So now Lance and Keith are stuck playing forbidden gay lovers in their school play. Hopefully they don't fall in love.. (The plot of the play mirrors the what happens in the au)
Some currently irrelevant details:
Coran is Allura's legal guardian and the art teacher so he volunteers help with the set and costume making
Keith still works on costume designs and stuff while playing Elijah
Keith was friends with Allura, Romelle, and Pidge before
There's a different spotlight on Lance and Allura when their gay lovers are on stage so they look more vibrant
There's a betting pool going around for when Lance is going to ask Keith to practice their kiss scene
Matt is also there but he's a senior and is working the lights (and teasing Keith)
Everyone but Pidge and Matt are sophomores
Pidge is a freshman but skipped a year so she's 13 and not 14
Keith is still working on Costumes while being in the play
Adam "begged" Keith to play Elijah (Keith didn't have a choice)
Also, there's a scene where Elijah says "Oh don't cry, my prince, for I cannot bear to see such a beautiful face full of sorrow." And when Keith first rehearsed that line with Lance, he very visibly malfunctioned. He had the biggest bi panic moment.
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bluemantics · 2 years
Klance Fic WOO
out of my head
1k words, rated G
Klance, Lance & Pidge, Keith & Pidge
Keith didn’t even want watch the spring musical auditions. Forced by Pidge to accompany them, he finds himself surprised at the talent of a particular actor. He also finds himself surprised by his own response. 
Lance is ridiculously good at singing and Keith is a lovable, impulsive jock.
Read the fic:
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drowninginblox · 1 year
Rewatching Voltron
Season 1
Season 2
— ~~~ —- _ — ~ }=>
Wanted to say this at the top: All of this is for fun. I haven’t seen voltron in a hot minute so I’d thought I’d go through and see if it was just as bad as we remembered. Below is my highlights and grevences, along with a few Head Canons! So stay if you want. If you don’t, I don’t care! This is just a me thing ^-^
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Transition between season 1 and 2
So satisfying on rewatch but must’ve been a bitch on release (OGs I will never know your pain lol)
Honestly wouldn't do anything to change the start of the second season.
The evolution of the paladins language
Idk if I said it already- but I love how the paladins are using Altean vocabulary. V good detail. Hope this stays consistent
Ships: Yes we’re doing this again but Klance won’t be the biggest issue
There’s a lot of Aullura and Shiro moments in the beginning that would’ve been a great foundation for something more if it wasn’t for the fact that (spoilers) Shiro is gay. The vibes they have are very knight or mercenary x princess and I’m a sucker for that shit.
Allureith is born in this season. And all I can read from this is good intentions but no thought. Both in execution and in the actual relationship. At least right now, I may change my mind the further I go.
Allurance. To me. Is the most infuriating thing this show has to offer. Every time I see Lance take a shot on Allura, and I see her discomfort I always say something along the lines of “Can you shut the fuck up-!” Or “Can you actually stOP!” While pausing for a good moment to regain myself. Just- god. Why? She is nO T into you dude. If anything this would be wonderful character development for both characters. I can see a full ep dedicated to this issue of Lance not knowing when someone isn't interested unless they actually say it to their face while Allura is in this denial that one day lance would get the hint. And from this experience, lance either fucks off for the next few episodes or starts from scratch with Allura with the understanding that friendship should always come first. If she is comfortable with that ofc.
Klance as a whole is screaming enemies far more than rivals right now. If klance is gonna work regardless of being a bromance or romance, there should be an understanding shining through. However, with both parties actually fighting in the middle of battles, and little to no willingness to talk, Iis becoming harder and harder to see why this was the biggest ship the fandom had to offer (then again 2016 was a fandom fever dream to begin with soooo)
Platonic relationships
Give me more Coran. He needs friends. I’m volunteering literally any of the palidins. And ofc we need more of the daughter Allura dynamic since we DONT HAVE ANYY. This man is such a theater kid and we are blessed with his existence.
Keith needs more time with Hunk and Pidge! For the love of god I CANNOT see them as more then trauma bonding buddies. I already have a list of things the B team (thats what I call Hunk and Pidge together because they are the Best Team) can bond over with Keith
Tech- (for both) this is built on the fact that Keith litterally had that cork board set up in the first eps to find Shiro. (Sorry Sheith shippers. I read these two as brothers only.) I like to think that Pidge and Hunk would ask Keith for help with techy stuff almost in the same vein as Lance. The only difference being Keith knows slightly more than Lance dose.
Sports- This one is mainly for Hunk but this can bleed into Lance too. Even though he's a big nerd I like to think his family is big on Foot and Fútball. I think Keith is the same but he loves baseball far more (same with Lance). Almost like I'm projecting my I Dont Dance Au onto these two hahahahaha-
Family/ lack there of - this can go for everyone. The best way to start this convo would be at dinner in the castle. Everyone is having a very quiet time until Hunk asks "Guys, what were your family's like?" This would result in a beat of quiet as for the first time in a bit, everyone really thinks about earth. Not for a passing moment or anything. Like- seriously. Allura or Coran would encurage this, saying that they dont really now alot about the palidin's home planet. From there it would a hodge podge of stories and background. I have a few HCs bout this including Shiro not really having a family and going into the airforce for financial and emotional support only to end up on the Curburos mission to.. escape life *cough cough* Adam *cough*, Pidge would talk about their mom's cooking and how their brother helped them with homework to the point where it got annoying. Hunk would say his mom's cooking is far superrior and then talk about his dad and siblings. I want to make his dad a retired wrestler, now mechanic. Lance would take offense to Hunk's claim this his mom could cout cook his mom. But he would talk alot about how his siblings were always there for him after their dad left (YES I WANT DADDY ISSUES LEAVE ME ALONE) Allura would remark throughout these stories with questions of her own. We'd eventually end with Keith, who almost leave the table at the pressure to remark on his own upbringing. This. This would be interesting.
But ima leave it there lol
The tracking plot point and rant about season 2 ep 6
Before this ep we got sprinkles of shiro/black lion tracking- wich is great. Love that shit. I have a problem with how we figure that out tho
“Zarkon must’ve imprinted one me durring our last fight.”- Keith. My man. Explain to me wtf you mean.
Fr tho. Just because you’re half Galra dosent mean that’s how it works bro. Ik we’re not fully sure at this point but- cmon.
“It’s me.” Allura. Hunny. H o w? Why even?
Why would two people who think they’re being tracked- GO TOGETHER??? Why would you even leave in the first place?! Shirio is right. Splitting up makes y’all vulnerable! Voltron can’t be formed without Keith! Why would y’all do that?? If anything why not leave in separate pods and just so happen to crash onto the same planet the paladins are on! I’m sorry I just hate the beginning of “The Arc of Taujeer” while Keith and Allura are away there is an actual humanitarian crisis. I know it’s important but damn to the tracking idea but G O D
Allura and Keith should be shunned and punished for the stunt they pulled in this ep fr. Info learned be damned
Mall episode
God bless the mall episode. An icon. Truly. All hail. All hail!!
The Blade of Malora/ Keith’s heritage + the racism
Let’s get the great out of the way: The Blade themselves- Their introduction is great. That goes without saying.
Keiths trials- M W A H the character assessment I could make is TOO LONG ON G O D
but the actual workings of the BoM is so calculated and cold. It’s honestly so refreshing in a way I don’t know how to explain
I just love untrusting rebels because that’s the reality of rebellion. You don’t know who is for the cause and who is a gov plant
I personally want Keith’s Galra heritage more known physically. Both on him and in his upbringing. I want splotches of purple across his body that no doctor can explain (all of wich can be hidden with a change of clothes) and barely noticeable physical abnormalities (ie: longer and sharper nails, maybe purple tinted hai “I dye it…”, strange “scars” that are actually birth marks that stand out. But he passes as human. Through these excuses.
I also want flashbacks to his dad trying to pass on everything he knows about his mother’s culture. (The knife and stories)
Now- I wanna talk about the bad. Y’all know it, y’all seen it- the racism
Now- Allura, sure. She has a reason to hate the Gullra. They killed her people. That is valid and I think that the truama combined with the truth that she’s working with “the enemy” is a great conflict and is honestly wonderful character growth.
HUNK ON THE OTHER HAND- w t f. This is so out of character. Hunk is literally the heart of the group and almost as smart as Pidge. I think he would know better than anyone else that litterally nothing has changed about Keith. Hell- maybe Shiro would know that struggle of people seeing him differently better than anyone else because IDK HES GAY (unless I change that. Personally I saw Shiro straight but… audience interaction? Lol I’ll put a poll on the final season if I remember) TLDR- As Keith said: “I didn’t just turn Gullra!”
Finale (season 2, episode 12 + 13)
Aullara getting over her biases and apologizing to Keith is perfect
Shirio and Keith’s chemistry is amazing as well both in and out of combat
The spy. An icon.
The amount of tension around this plan not failing is delicious. Yummy yummy- give me more!
Emperor whomever the fuck’s obsession w/ voltron carrying over to battle
Hagar being the voice of reason aGAIN. Queen shit fr.
When I first watched this I thought the paladins died ngl. Then when I rewatched I thought Allura died. Voltron out here with the drama fr
Zarkon meka action figures. When?
ALLURA DOING SHIT- F I N A L Y (Tangent will be later I promise)
HELL YEA WINGS!!! The fursona is complete
“Shit she got tats too!” Only to be met with Deisex Machina because Allura is the main character apparently
Hands to the side of voltrons face. That scene. Fucking slapped.
oh also lotor revel lol
Smaller things
The spies for the rebelion
I’m such a fake fan I don’t remember their names, but both of them left a big impact on me with their sacrifices
The guy who died in the cluster field, was a real one. Making the big bad of the episode implode on itself with him at the center- dude
Also, the guy closer to the finale who was almost caught multiple times. What a fucking trooper.
Underwent torture and still didn’t reveal the plans
Both of these dudes need art made for them! Like- I swear to God they did so much for these fuckers and we don’t hear about them, their back stories, or their families ever. When I rewrite this, I want to include pieces of what these people are sacrificing, and who they are fighting for either before, during or after they sacrifice themselves for the revolution.
TLDR; 🫡 Real ones
Zarkon’s black lion obsession bleeding into his character
I like how hyper-focused the big bad is about controlling the black lion.
He’s kind of right in his thinking that by controlling the lion, he’s won. He’s right. But from this thought process he’s reckless and too assured in himself.
It’s a self fulfilling prophecy given layers with the later seasons
Let lance be the sharp shooter
I want more sniper man!!
I want more chuckles instead of groans
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Overall- The show is still good!
This was a fun watch! Was there things I’d change? Ofc! But this season holds up just as, if not better than, the last! From what I remember everyone agrees that seasons 1-3 or 4 is the good shit and then everything goes downhill. Hopefully I’m proven wrong but I highly doubt that.
Scroll bat to the top if y’all wanna see my thoughts on Voltron season 1, thank you for reading my rambles, and, most importantly, FOLD YOUR FUCKING LAUNDRY! You’ve put it off all day-! DO IT!
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mimi-croissant · 3 years
Artist Keith and Theater Kid Lance, specifically the musical variety. (They are in junior year of high school, and have known each other since freshman)
Keith paints the backdrops for most productions, and, obviously, Lance acts. They have been against each other ever since Keith dropped a bucket of paint on Lance’s head when he was painting a certain backdrop.
Lance secretly admires Keith’s paintings, and would’ve told him so if they didn’t get off on such a wrong foot.
(Later, when they start dating, Lance will always compliment Keith’s paintings and wrap his arms around Keith’s waist while he’s painting, humming a little song. Today is not that day.)
Keith also secretly enjoys hearing Lance sing, even though he always tells Lance he sounds like a screaming banshee. Keith will take this secret to his grave, but while he paints, he listens to Lance’s covers of the songs on his Spotify, because I think you can post your own music to Spotify and Lance does that. Lance follows Keith on Instagram, too, but it’s a ~separate account~ from his main. (He’s gotta have the rivalry keep up people.)
Now, for my favorite parts, first friendship/feelings realization:
They become friend-friends when they are basically the only two people in the studio, since Keith has to paint and Lance has to practice. Lance is bored, obviously, and starts a conversation with Keith, who is annoyed at first, but they end up having and easy flow of conversation, and are exchanging jokes that has Lance clutching his waist and Keith having to stop painting for a second.
(They end up having an inside joke, where Allura says something during practice and Lance says something really weird, and nobody knows what it means but Keith starts cackling.)
Keith realizes his feelings first, and what he thought was just physical attraction had become a real crush, and he realizes this one day when he goes to the studio after hours to finish a painting, but he finds Lance there instead, walking and cleaning, a pair of headphones in as he’s singing along to whatever is playing on his phone. Keith can barley comprehend the fact that Lance is singing Spanish, because all he can think is that Lance looks beautiful. He panics and bolts into his favorite corner of the studio before Lance can see him, and Keith just draws.
Lance realizes just randomly one day, part of the cast, aka the Voltron friend group, is out for coffee after a rehearsal, and it’s closer to opening night. Keith still has paint on his cheek, his hair in a messy ponytail as a bandana holds his bangs up, and he’s laughing at something while drinking his coffee and almost spitting it out, and Lance kinda just looks at him and is like “oh.”
The best part, the get together scene. It’s opening night and of course Lance does amazing, and Keith’s backgrounds are complimented a lot, and then Lance goes up to Keith and starts talking about how awesome it all was, and Keith is just so filled with happiness he tackles Lance in a hug, which Lance eagerly reciprocates.
They pull away slowly, not wanting to let go of the other. When they look into each other’s eyes, it kind of just clicked, and they both leaned forward to share a kiss.
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Chapters: 10/16 Fandom: Voltron: Legendary Defender, Moulin Rouge! (2001) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Keith/Lance (Voltron), Klance - Relationship, Adam/Shiro (Voltron), adashi - Relationship, Allura/Romelle (Voltron), Rollura, Lance/Lotor (Voltron), Lancelot - Relationship, Hunk/Shay (Voltron), Shunk - Relationship Characters: Keith (Voltron), Lance (Voltron), Lotor (Voltron), Shiro (Voltron), Adam (Voltron), Allura (Voltron), Romelle (Voltron), Pidge | Katie Holt, Hunk (Voltron), Coran (Voltron), Nyma (Voltron), Rolo (Voltron), Shay (Voltron) Additional Tags: Like Moulin Rouge, Music AU, Dancing and Singing, Cabarets, Love Triangles, Smitten Keith (Voltron), Flirting, Angst, past trauma, Lance has great outfits, and wears dresses because he looks amazing, Pining, Slow Burn, Panic Attacks, Drinking, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Manipulation, klangst, Langst, Anxiety Attacks, References to Depression, Suicidal Thoughts, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Constant Breakdowns Summary:
Keith is a closed book. He works. He tries not to starve. He tries not to get evicted. And, when he has time, he writes.
That is, until Shiro drags him to a show at the Cafe de L'Altea...
Another week, another delivery of angst
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fauxghosts · 5 years
punk keith x jock lance is the best high school klance au i dont make the rules
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klancepinefest · 5 years
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Title: The Sound of Blue
Author: @msbluebell
Artist: @blackrosemii
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: None
Keith is a synesthesic artist, burning himself out painting the backgrounds for the theater's production of Cinderella. Lance is the actor playing Prince Charming who can't stop putting his foot in his mouth. Together, they make the most average and tired love story the audience is probably glad they'll never see.
Link to Fic: https://archiveofourown.org/works/18775810
Link to Art: https://sta.sh/015wiit8t94a & https://sta.sh/01cfo06wyz8
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thesirenserenity · 6 years
I Never Planned on You: Chapter 1
Chapter 1: Seize the Day
Musical Theater AU: Newsies
Lance is back from college for the summer and auditioning for Castle of the Lions Theater's (CLT) summer production of Newsies. It's his dream role and dream show, and he just can't wait! He never planned on finding someone who can read him so easily, who wants to know who he is. Keith is the newest (and best) Stage Manager for CLT's biggest community theater production yet. He got roped into this by his brother and found he had a knack and love for it. He never planned on finding a friend group or falling for the actor on stage who captures his heart.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY FRIENDMATE!!!!! @thisismyfangirlface / @love-at-first-klance I hope you have a lovely day celebrating your birth and the BEST year yet! Thank you for being my other half and the bestest friendmate ever. I LOVE YOU.
For everyone else, enjoy a fluffy, cheesy, Musical Theater AU!
Lance took a deep breath, staring at the doors to the theater.
This was it.
This is what he has trained his whole life for.
All those dance lessons, gymnastics lessons, private singing lessons (coupled with belting show tunes in the car), and acting classes have lead to this moment.
His favorite show, his dream role!
The best theater company in the city, no, the state!
Working with the best actors, many who went on to get into the most amazing performing arts colleges, to Broadway even!
He could do this.
This was it.
Keith rolled his eyes at all the people lining up in the lobby.
He knew that he was supposed to be helping organize the crowd but…
People. Ugh.
His clipboard dug into his side as he observed all the hopefuls sizing each other up, making weird-ass noises to keep their voices warm, being rude to all the volunteers organizing them.
What was with theater people and being petty assholes?
Shiro, his brother, was nothing but nice. Coran, the director, was even nicer! But everyone else?
Bitches. All of them.
Pretentious bitches, posturing and prideful. People like that bugged him.
They mixed up being confident and being a complete dick. Allura was confident! Shiro was confident! But being a good actor and knowing it does not mean you can mouth off to those running the show.
He rolled his eyes again and marked down another number of a person being a dickwad to one of the volunteers. If they were professional actors, they would know better than to assume that one of those running the show wasn’t watching; no one wants to cast a jerk.
Keith tore his eyes from the crowd and the line in front of him and peaked into the door to see if Coran, the choreographer, and the vocal director were ready. Coran gave him a large nod, grin, and thumbs up.
Here goes nothing.
Keith shook his head and threw open the doors of the auditorium.
He watched the throng of people stream in, audition papers and sheet music and phones with tracks clutched in their hands. They pushed and shoved, vying for the best seats for the open audition. The auditionees searched to find their number section, and all the parents, observers, and auditionees who were later in the day found an open seat.
Keith didn’t understand why open auditions were a thing for Castle of Lions Theater, but Alfor, the owner, insisted; something about CLT being a supporting program, whose goal was to provide quality entertainment through theater and foster a community of education and growth. If the actors didn’t learn to support and cheer for each other from the beginning, then they would never learn.
But it was a pain in the ass for the Stage Manager who had to run the auditions.
Coran, who was directing the show, hit the stage with a microphone in hand and gestured to Pidge, who was in the tech booth.
Keith wished he was hiding up there in the booth with them, but no. He had to go collect audition forms and sheet music and music tracks, giving them to the respective runners for the tech booth or director’s table, and then make sure the auditionees were in the right order to go on stage.
Ugh. People.
And this is why he was not an actor.
“Welcome to the auditions for Newsies!”
The director’s voice cut through Lance’s heart. He was here!
Well, kind of. He had his number and all the forms and such ready, but his audition wasn’t until later in the evening, after the break. And so he was hiding out in the tech booth with Pidge, who was currently running sound.
He leaned over and squeezed the hell out of Pidge’s arm. “So nervous,” he said through gritted teeth.
She slapped Lance’s hand away, “Hands off while I’m working! You know that.”
Lance flopped over in the spinny chair, leaning against Pidge’s shoulder. “This is my dream show! My dream role! You know that.”
“So dramatic,” Pidge rolled her eyes.
Lance looked up at her, flicking her glasses, “That’s my job, nerd!”
“Just pay attention to Coran’s instructions!”
Lance huffed, “He is just going to repeat them for everyone after the break. Besides I’ve been with CLT for a couple shows, I know how this works.”
Pidge raised an eyebrow at him, “But I thought this was your dream show, so you should soak up every minute!”
Lance went to snark back, but Pidge shoved a finger in front of his mouth. Lance had been in the box enough to know that meant that she was getting something over the head seat she always wore.
Pidge’s finger went to the button on her cargo shorts, “Copy that, Keith. I’ll look for the first batch of music tracks. Thanks for labeling them for me.” Then she took her finger away from Lance’s mouth.
“Keith?” Lance inquired.
Pidge’s attention was back on the stage in front of them, one hand on the laptop to her right and the other on the soundboard in front of her.
“Shiro’s younger brother? I’m sure you’ve seen him at shows. Plus, I’ve told you about him before.”
Lance’s eyes narrowed. Shiro was an acting god, the best of the best in CLT, and his hero. He was a Junior at the best acting college in the state: the Garrison Performing Arts Conservatory. Lance had auditioned for their musical theater program last year but hadn’t gotten in. The directors had invited him to get more experience and try out again as a transfer in a couple years, so Lance had gone to a different community conservatory in a town a couple hours away this past year with Hunk, his best friend, who was going to school for set design. Both of them would be returning as Sophomores at the end of this summer, but Lance was going to audition again for the Garrison this next year for a transfer.
Lance had heard little of Keith’s acting, only that he and Pidge had been hanging out. Did he take over the lead roles at CLT while Lance was away at college?
His eyes narrowed, and he turned to Pidge to inquire further about his new rival for the stage.
The door behind them creaked open and Hunk popped his head in with a handful of audition sheets for Pidge.
“Here ya go, bud!” Hunk cheered, handing the pile to Pidge, who had put her hand up over her chair to grab. Pidge immediately went through, confirming that the line-up in their playlist was the same with those on the audition sheets.
“Thank god our esteemed Stage Manager had the foresight to put people who need the live accompanist for the first couple slots,” Pidge mumbled.
“Hunk!” Lance whisper-shouted, throwing himself at his best friend. “Today is the day and I’m so nervous and there are so many people here and what if I don’t get my dream role and what if I completely screw up and what if my pants fall down on stage and what if….”
“Whoa, there buddy!” Hunk interrupted, pushing Lance back a bit so he can look in the boy’s worried face. “We had this conversation last month, and last week, and last night at like two A.M.! You’re going to get up on stage and do your best! And then let the directors take care of the rest. Even if you don’t get your dream role, just keep pushing forward and I’m sure there will be other opportunities. Newsies is a super popular show and will be produced many times in your acting career.”
“I know…” Lance whined, slipping into his friend’s offered embrace. “I just don’t want to botch this when I’m trying to get into the Garrison. You know how much they love CLT shows…”
Hunk scoffed, “We all know you are going to get into this show, and with the audition line-up, you know they are gonna make cuts. So even you being in the show will be enough!”
“But Hunk…”
“Shut it, fuckfaces. I’m trying to work!” Pidge interjected.
“Sorry, Pidge!” Hunk cried. He gave Lance one last quiet hug and pushed him back into the office chair, despite Lance’s protests. Winking at him, Hunk slipped quietly from the tech booth, going back to help run audition forms.
Lance huffed and turned back to the stage to scope out the competition.
When Coran announced the break, Keith thought he might fall over in relief. He put up a hand to the auditionees who were trying to talk to him and walked away to find quiet. They had all the instructions and information sent to them for auditions via email prior, as well as Coran’s announcement before auditions started. He was not going to deal with people who didn’t know how to listen to instructions during his break. He was good at putting up a friendly front when needed, but the incompetency of some of these auditionees were driving him up a wall.
No, he did not know how the directors selected people for callbacks. Yes, all your tracks were in order and taken care of if you sent them in ahead of time. No, he could not move you forward in an audition. Yes, just check your damn email.
Keith escaped out the back door and took the stairs two at a time to the sound booth. He pulled off his headset, set his phone to go off so he could give a warning before the break was over, and set down his supplies on the small side table before the door to the sound booth.
Running his hands through his hair to get rid of the knots that came from wearing a headset, he pulled open the door.
And came face-to-face with the prettiest dark blue eyes he has ever seen.
Keith gasped, almost running into the stranger, and then took a step back to avoid falling on his ass.
The stranger had less luck, tripping over the carpet change and stumbled into Keith’s chest. Naturally, Keith caught the boy; he wasn’t rude and it was a normal reaction. Those pretty blue eyes were staring into his own then, looking up at him. They were surrounded by long, dark lashes and tanned skin. Keith pulled back a little, taking in the boy’s whole face, a stunning face.
Keith froze up, having a bit of a mental breakdown.
Pretty boy! In his arms!
Then, the boy grinned widely, a smooth voice emerging from his mouth. “Well, it seems I’ve fallen for you!”
Keith felt his face heat up.
“I… what? You… what?” Keith stammered, flustered.
The boy stepped out of his arms and stood to his full height, smiling down at him.
Pidge’s face popped around the doorframe of the sound booth, “Ah, Lance. I see you’ve meet Keith.”
The (very attractive) boy, who Keith figured was Lance, seemed to stiffen up. “Keith? Shiro’s brother?”
Keith rolled his eyes. Of course, that is what he is known for here. “Yup. That’s me.”
Now the boy was glaring at him? That was a weird response. Flirting to glaring in no time flat.
This Lance person took two steps forward and jammed his finger into Keith’s chest. “Now listen here, bud. Just because you are the brother of one of the best actors here, doesn’t mean that you automatically get parts. I know I was gone for a year, but I’m still going to kick your ass!”
Keith’s eyes narrowed, “What the hell, man? What do you have against Shiro?”
Lance scoffed, “Shiro? That man is practically my hero!”
“Then what’s your problem!”
“What’s your problem!”
Keith crossed his arms over his chest, “I have no problem, you weirdo. You’re the one who is all up in my face.”
He made eye contact with a very amused Pidge who was watching, leaning against the doorway of the tech booth.
“Lance,” Pidge interjected, “You know that Keith is the Stage Manager, right? He isn’t auditioning, you dingbat.” A very large smirk was on her face.
Keith sighed, finally understanding. This dickwad thought he was auditioning and would be competition because he was Shiro’s younger brother. Of course.
He watched Pidge’s comment sink into Lance, his demeanor growing more flustered.
“No! What… Stage Manager?” The boy’s face grew red.
Keith rolled his eyes, “Yes, I’m your Stage Manager. Any other enlightening things to realize?”
Lance glared at him, “Yea, your hair is stupid, mullet.” And with that he brushed passed Keith, bumping shoulders with him and stormed down the stairs.
Keith threw his hands up in the air and looked at Pidge in exasperation, who was cracking up. Keith mimicked Lance and stormed passed Pidge into the sound booth, and sat down in the office chair, pouting.
Pidge was still cracking up and had sunk to the floor of the doorway.
Keith mumbled, “That was not part of my break plan.”
Pidge wiped a tear from her eye, finally standing up and leaning on the doorway for support. “That was so amazing. He got so defensive!”
“Yea, it was stupid.”
Pidge looked over at him, a smile on her lips, “You’re just mad cause he said your hair was stupid.”
“My hair is not stupid,” Keith grumbled.
Pidge walked back over to her seat, ruffling Keith’s hair along the way. Keith glared up at her as she sat down in the other chair.
Keith crossed his legs in the chair and huffed. “What the fuck was his deal? I literally caught him from falling flat on his face, and he insulted me for being Shiro’s brother.”
Pidge sighed, “You can’t blame Lance. He is just super nervous. He’s been away for a year at college and this is his dream show. He really just wants to get one of the leads and is super competitive. He thought you were a rival competitor because you’re Shiro’s brother.”
Keith rolled his eyes but understood. Shiro got super worked up before auditions too; just last night, Shiro was having a meltdown and his best friend/not-girlfriend, Allura, had to call to calm him down.
He sighed, “I get it. Shiro was the same way last night. I just don’t get why he was such a huge jerk to me.”
Pidge chuckled, “He was just intimidated. He fell into your arms, flirted, found out you were his hero’s younger brother, thought you were a threat, and then was embarrassed after finding out you were his Stage Manager.”
Keith blushed, “Well, he made me go through a range of emotions too.”
Pidge’s eyebrows were dancing, “I’m sure, ya gay fool.”
“Oh, shut the fuck up.”
Keith was just a tiny bit interested in the weird, flirty, annoying boy who had literally fallen on top of him earlier.
Just a tiny bit.
So when he bounded onto the center of the stage and declared his name was Lance and started belting his heart out with sparkles in his eyes, Keith watched.
He couldn’t take his eyes away from this jerkface when he was filling the stage.
Keith’s right eyebrow raised a little bit. For how nervous Pidge said Lance was, he really couldn’t tell. He could feel the energy in the auditorium change; Lance had captured everyone’s attention. Keith could even argue that his talent and charisma on stage, while different, was on par with Shiro’s.
The (amateur) Stage Manager (and secret theater nerd) in him was very impressed.
Keith felt his heart clutching as Lance’s clear Tenor rose, filling the whole room with sound. There was so much passion in his words, so much energy behind every note.
The final note of the song rung throughout the room, captivating everyone. Silence followed though Keith could swear he could still hear the overtones ringing. His throat was dry and he couldn’t tear his eyes away from the boy who had his arms and heart flung wide on the stage, panting.
Then, Lance relaxed and bowed, cueing a thunderous applause from the audience. A wide grin spread across his face, and he bowed again, winking at anyone who caught his eye.
Keith felt like he could breathe again.
After the audience quieted down, Coran reached for the microphone next to him to ask follow up questions.
Even though Keith should really be making sure the next auditionee was ready, he still couldn’t take his eyes off stage as Lance answered ‘Ya bet I can talk in a New Yorker accent,’ with a perfect New York accent.
The choreographer leaned over and took the mic from Coran, “It says that you have ballet, tap, and gymnastics experience. Can you expand?”
A common question from her, but everyone gasped as Lance smirked, prepped, and spun like five times in a tight circle on one foot. He landed it, leaped into the air and touched his toes in the splits, landed that and promptly threw himself backward into a back handspring, followed by a backflip. Lance then had the audacity to land and take another bow, with the same teasing smirk on his face.
Keith schooled his desire to gape into a blank face of indifference. That shit was hard! He, himself, was a trained gymnast and could execute that, but still!
His eyes snapped to the choreographer, who was most definitely impressed.
Fucking showoff.
Keith pulled his gross hair into a pony, flinching at how greasy it was. But that’s what you get when you have callbacks the day after auditions. When he didn’t get home until like two am because the directors were debating about callbacks forever. When things started at nine am in the morning, which means he had to be there to set up at eight am.
Keith really needed another huge cup of coffee.
He looked up from his clipboard to a huge cup of coffee in front of him, and his brother smiling down.
“I thought you could use this since you left the house in a hurry.”
Keith sighed, “Oh thank god. You have saved me!”
Shiro laughed, “And I thought I was the dramatic one!”
“Well, yea. But I had a serious need for caffeine and you simply knew.”
Shiro shrugged, “It’s your first big show, of course you need caffeine. Plus, you live off of coffee.”
Keith smirked up at him, “You know I do!” He grabbed the cup and took a large sip, moaning in pleasure. “Black, like my soul. You know how I like it.”
Shiro laughed, “Of course I do, dork.”
Keith observed the scared look in his eyes. “How are you doing, Shiro. Nervous?”
Shiro looked away, bashfully, “A little. It’s not every day you get called back for the lead role of an amazing show.”
Keith scoffed, “Okay, yea. But that shit happens to you like four times a year, and you knew this was going to happen. You’re an amazing actor.”
“You have to say that, you’re my brother.”
“I’m just stating a fact, you dingbat.”
Allura came up behind Shiro and threw an arm around him. Her sweet voice rang through the room, “I’m not your brother, and I say you’re an amazing actor.”
Shiro had the audacity to blush, but that was probably because his longtime crush had an arm around him.
Keith rolled his eyes. They were both so oblivious.
Shiro stuttered, “You’re… You’re my best friend, you also are biased.”
Allura’s arms encircled Shiro’s waist, her chin propped on his shoulder. “We have worked together in so many productions. I think I can say you are a good actor without being biased as your best friend.”
“And you are going to work together in another one, once again,” Keith stated. “Now go crowd around the callback list like normal hopeful actors!”
Allura grinned and fist-bumped Keith, “And get our dancing shoes on!”
“Break a leg, guys!” Keith added, to their retreating backs. He took another large sip of his coffee and muttered, “Oblivious idiots.”
He ran his hand over his face, set down his coffee, and picked back up his clipboard, turning to face the quickly filling room of hopefuls.
A loud noise drew Keith’s attention to the door. Pidge came bursting through the door, bounded around the table, and jumped onto Keith, wrapping her arms and legs around him. Keith bent his legs to accommodate the impact and just sighed.
“Good morning, motherfucker!” Pidge shouted.
“You’re lucky I put my coffee down before you jumped on top of me, ya little brat.”
Both of them looked up at the outburst, turning their heads to the two boys walking up to the table. Keith recognized Hunk, who was working on set design, from yesterday. Though he didn’t need to be present for much of his work, Keith figured that he really just enjoyed helping out around the theater and being with his friends. After all, he is the epitome of sunshine.
Lance, who had literally fallen on top of him yesterday and insulted his hair (and who’s eyes haunted his dreams), stormed up to Keith and his leech with a threatening finger out.
“There are children here!” he chided, “You can’t just shout ‘motherfucker’ in front of them.”
“I can name seven times when you said ‘fuck’ in front of your little siblings in the past year, and you weren’t even in town for the majority of it,” Pidge deadpanned.
“It doesn’t count when it’s after I stub a toe, you buttnugget!” Lance countered.
“Still got chewed out by your mother, fuckface.”
Keith sighed, figuring he should intervene. He ran his and down his shoulder, pushing Pidge’s face, trying (and failing) to dislodge her from his body.
“Pidge, as the stage manager, I really can’t condone you shouting curse words in front of children . . .”
“See!” Lance interrupted, “Even mullet agrees with me!”
Keith shot a glare at him and then continued, “But as your friend, I say, ‘Good fucking morning to you too’ Now get the fuck off me.”
“Language, mullet!” Lance gestured wildly at the children all the way across the room.
“I do not have a mullet! And my hair is up!”
Hunk sighed and intervened, “I see you’ve met Lance, Keith.”
Pidge, still clinging to Keith, interjected, “And he somehow managed to flirt and then piss off someone who sits in with the directors during casting, like an idiot.”
That shut Lance up.
Hunk nudged him, “Come on, bro. Try again.”
Lance sighed and then held out his hand, “Hello stage manager, who I’ve never met before. My name is Lance, it's fantastic to finally meet you.”
Hunk raised an eyebrow at the sarcasm, but let it go.
Keith was willing to play along. “Pidge, darling,” which earned him a scathing look, “I need my right arm.” He was hoping that Pidge would finally jump off, but instead, she just climbed around his back and latched herself onto his left side.
Keith just rolled his eyes and continued, offering his right hand to Lance. “It’s nice to meet you too, I’ve heard a lot about you and Hunk from this koala here.”
Keith ignored the tingle that shot up his arm when his hand touched the soft, warm hand of the other guy. Be still, gay heart.
“We’ve heard a lot about you too and are excited to get to know you this summer!” Hunk grinned at him. “We should hang out soon, outside of all this jazz.”
“And all that Jazz!” Lance shout-sang, accompanied with vigorous jazz hands.
Keith could feel Pidge huffing against his shoulder.
Hunk just grinned and gave his own little jazz hands.
And Keith hid his amusement behind a neutral face and an eyebrow raise.
“On that note, pun intended, I am going to go warm-up and check the callback list!” Lance shot finger guns. “Bye Pidgeon, bye bro-of-my-heart, bye mullet!”
“Break a leg, man!” Hunk called after his retreating back.
Keith just signed and turned to look at his leech. “Pidge, seriously. Get the fuck off me, I have to do my job.”
“Watch your fucking language,” Pidge mumbled into his shirt and just climbed to his back, clinging on by herself.
Keith rolled his eyes, and picked up his coffee and fallen clipboard, handing a pencil over his back for Pidge to hold. This was nothing new for him.
Hunk laughed at them, “I’m glad to see that I’ve been replaced as the human jungle gym while I was gone. Good to know your habits haven’t changed, Pidge. Though, I don’t know how long Keith can do his job with you as a backpack.”
“About as long as you can, Keith lifts and shit,” his ‘backpack’ answered.
Hunk nodded in approval, “Nice, man. I know how hard it is to be Pidge’s noble steed.”
Keith chuckled, “I’m more of her mysterious, dark steed than the noble steed you are.”
“Yeah, cause you’re emo as fuck,” Pidge piped in.
“Watch your fucking language,” Keith parroted back.
“Don’t tell me what to do.”
Hunk reached out and picked up the pile of papers on the table, “All swearing and steeds aside, what can I do to help?”
About thirty minutes later, Pidge finally got off Keith’s back and climbed up to the tech booth to run sound for dance callbacks. Keith was still in the now-quiet atrium, sitting down for a moment.
Finally, some goddamn peace and quiet.
He could hear the choreographer teaching the dance for the callbacks over her mic and spurts of what he thought was “Seize the Day,” but he wasn’t positive.
Pulling his trusty clipboard over to him, he looked over the day’s schedule and his neatly-printed list of what he needed to do still as he drained the cold dregs of his coffee. He glared at the cup when it came back empty.
“Need me to make a coffee run?” Hunk asked, breaking the silence as he walked into the room.
“I’m sure the directors wouldn’t mind, they were debating callbacks and scheduling until like two A.M.”
Hunk’s eyes widened. “Seriously? That’s so late! And back here so early the next day. I will gladly make a coffee run now.”
Keith grinned at him, “You will save my dead soul if you do, though we should probably give them a bit longer and collect orders in the break after dance callbacks.”
Hunk smiled back, “That makes sense. Anything you need me to do right now?”
Keith sighed and glanced back down at his list, though he had already memorized it and was processing the best way to delegate. “Wanna keep me company while I copy down the tentative schedule in the holding room? There isn’t much to do until the general dance callbacks are over.”
“You got it, my man!”
They walked down the hall and through the backstage doors, to the large room that served as the secondary green room. Large sets from past productions, couches and tables, and a couple vending machines littered the room. Keith tried not to trip over some of the auditionee’s bags as he walked up to the whiteboard.
“Hey Hunk, would you please go fill up a couple water coolers in the kitchen? I forgot to grab those this morning.”
“I can imagine, running on less than six hours of sleep. I got you!” Hunk answered and walked out the door toward the kitchen.
Keith turned back to the board and uncapped a marker. Just as he was about to write, he heard murmurs down the hall, toward the stage. Which was really weird, because everyone should be on stage during the auditions.
He furrowed his brow and dropped the marker back on the holder, along with his clipboard, and went to investigate.
Part curiosity, part because it was his job to make sure people were where they needed, or didn’t need, to be.
He lightened his steps and snuck closer. Turning the corner, right in front of the doors that went to the back of the stage, he saw Lance kneeling in front of one of the little boys who was probably auditioning for the part of Les. He looked to be around twelve and was crying, from nerves Keith assumed.
Keith turned off into one of the bathrooms nearby and grabbed a couple of tissues, and then walked up to them with purposeful steps.
“You’re going to do great, Leo. I know you’re very talented and you are a natural on stage! It is totally normal to be nervous,” Lance encouraged, ducking his head down to meet the younger boy’s eyes.
Keith knelt down next to Lance, meeting his eyes and offering a small smile. The little boy, Leo, looked up at him with watery eyes.
“Hi bud, I’m Keith, the stage manager. Here,” he offered the tissues to him and then sat cross-legged next to him on the wall.
Lance smiled at him and turned back to the boy, “Leo, you were in Oliver with Shiro, right?”
Leo nodded, wiping at his eyes with a tissue.
“Well, Keith is Shiro’s younger brother. Tell us, Keith, does the amazing Shiro, who has been in many, many musicals, ever get nervous?” Lance’s blue eyes were smiling at him.
Keith chuckled, “You should have seen him two nights ago, before auditions. He had talked himself into a nervous wreck and almost threw up. I’ve actually seen him up-chuck before shows! Everyone gets nervous.” He hesitantly put a hand on Leo’s shoulder.
Lance nodded, “But what most actors learn to do is channel that nervous energy and let it fuel their acting. It helps put more energy and purpose into their words, actually.”
The boy scrubbed the back of his hand over his eyes and nodded. “How do I do that, Lance?”
Lance grinned, and grabbed Leo’s hand, pulling him to his feet. Keith stood on his own, using the wall as support.
“First of all,” Lance said, opening his arms, “give me a hug. You look like you need one!”
The kid giggled and launched himself into his arms. Lance squeezed him tight, even wrinkling up his face.
“Now,” Lance continued, “Go splash your face with cold water and dry it off. Can’t have you going on stage with a red nose!”
Leo bounded down the hallway to the bathroom, and Lance turned to Keith.
“Thanks for helping me, man. He’s a good kid and honestly, a huge contender for Les from my humble point of view. Super sweet kid!”
Keith softened at Lance’s kind expression, his fond smile, and sparkling eyes.
Keith felt his lips quirk into a half-smile, “He seems like a good kid. You’re really good with him, I never would have been able to deal with that. Usually, I tell Shiro to man the fuck up and call Allura for backup.”
Lance laughed, the sound making Keith smile wider, “I’m pretty sure that would not be a good way to handle a kid being nervous, mullet.”
Keith’s smile folded into a glare and pout, “Stop calling me that!”
Lance shrugged, a smirk on his face, turning his attention back to Leo scampering down the hallway to them.
“Okay, Lance, what now?”
Lance bent over so to be on the same level as Leo. “I have a super-secret technique that helps me channel my nerves, but it is really important that while we do it, you are constantly thinking positively and about channeling the energy. You got that, my man?”
Leo nodded excitedly.
“Okay, join us Mullet-man. This is good for stress too!”
Keith scoffed, but let Lance continue to talk.
“Close your eyes and stand firm on your feet. Take a moment to center yourself on those positive thoughts. Now, tense your toes…”
Keith peeked an eye open and held back a giggle from the look of concentration on Leo’s face.
“Feet… ankles… calves… knees… thighs… booty…”
Leo giggled, like every normal twelve-year-old.
“Focus Leo, tense your abs… chest… shoulders… arms… fingers… neck… and your face. Hold it! Hold it!”
Keith was holding his breath too, his face super scrunched up.
“Now release!”
There was a huge burst of exhaling from all three of them as they entered back into a state of relaxation. Keith’s eyes snapped open, watching the relief and peace wash over Leo’s eyes.
The kid beamed up at Lance, “I don’t feel that nervous anymore!”
Lance beamed back, his eyes sparkling, “Good! It did its job then!” He offered his hand to the boy, who eagerly took it. “Let’s get back to dancing, little man. You have a call back to destroy!”
Leo tugged Lance toward the door to the stage excitedly. But Lance turned around, those pretty blue eyes smiling as softly as his lips, and mouthed ‘thank you, Keith.’
They disappeared out the door too fast. Keith was rooted to the floor, his brain floundering in the image.
His stomach was all fluttery, his heart beating fast.
Oh, no…
61 notes · View notes
theklancecollection · 7 years
it's you that's haunting me - perfchan
Word Count: 37, 463
Summary: Keith is a loner; his interactions with others tend toward clumsy or strained, but he has a persistent enthusiasm for the paranormal. Lance is a recent college grad; caught up in his day-to-day, he wouldn’t call himself unhappy, but suddenly feels that his life lacks direction. When Lance is introduced to Keith’s ghost hunting videos, his interest is piqued and he can’t help but want to tag along. Initially opposed, Keith soon finds himself warming to the company of the living.
A little tongue-in-cheek, a little cliché, and a little bit of a slow burn. A not-too-serious ghost hunting AU.
48 notes · View notes
Klance Fic: Movie Theater Mayhem
Cute fluffy AU where Lance and Hunk work at a movie theater and Keith keeps coming in on failed dates. Lance notices, and thus, pining coupled with mild flirting ensues. (If you like it here go check it out on Wattpad! And give a vote if you would: https://my.w.tt/UiNb/dDwQRGf0rJ )
Lance had been working at the movie theater for six months now. It wasn't the most glamorous of jobs, and the pay wasn't too great, but he couldn't complain much. The managers were all pretty cool and he had become really good friends with his coworker Hunk. What was cleaning up the occasional puddle of puke when you get to watch as many free movies as you want? Plus the popcorn. Virtually unlimited. Lance liked his job. Lance didn't always like the customers. Usually it was the old people who came in and had no idea how anything worked. Or the bitchy lady with her unlimited supply of kids who would curse Lance and his coworkers out about the popcorn prices (like they had any say in the matter). They weren't all bad, though. There was this one guy who worked at the restaurant across the street who came in all the time. His name was Billy and he was keeping a running tab of all the times he managed to watch a movie without anyone else in the theater. He had racked up an impressive thirty times. It wasn't too hard to believe considering the small, semi-run down theater attached to a dying mall wasn't doing as hot as it had in the blessed years before Netflix and Redbox. Nevertheless, the theater did have many regulars that never failed to make Lance smile. Like the sweet elderly couple who always came on Fridays for their weekly date night.
Recently though, Lance had found he had a new favorite regular. The guy had been coming in everyday for a week now.Each time he had some girl with him. Never the same girl twice, though. Despite the obvious appeal of having some cutie draped on his arm, the guy never seemed to drop his signature scowl. Lance was intrigued. Why all the dates? Why all different girls? Why did he always look like he was being forced to be there? And why, for the love of god, did he always buy two regular drinks? Didn't he realize he could save almost seven dollars if he bought one large and shared it with whatever chick he had with him that time? Lance sighed at the prospect of solving those mysteries as he restocked the candy shelves. It had been a long Friday evening and he was gunning to go home. The guy hadn't shown up yet today and a small part of Lance was worried that this mysterious stranger's date escapade might be finished.Not that Lance had been looking forward to seeing him again or anything... Okay maybe just a little. The guy was attractive. With raven black hair and piercing eyes that looked almost purple under the fluorescent glow of the concession stand.
"Oooh," Hunk murmured from his position behind his register. "Eye candy, 12 o'clock." Hunk waggled his eyebrows as Lance quickly stood from his crouched position to see who was coming in. Lance may have let it slip that he thought the mullet-adorned boy was cute, and Hunk had no intention of letting it go. Sure enough, in he walked through the glass doors leading out into the mall. To Lance's surprise (and delight) there was no girl clinging to the guy's muscular arm today. No, there was another guy there instead.
"I'm gonna go to the bathroom." The new boy murmured to cute guy before slinking off out of sight.
The raven haired guy heaved a sigh and approached the counter with his hands in his pockets and annoyance on his face. Lance's face split open into his best customer-service grin.
"What can I do for you today?" Lance asked.
"Can I get two regular drinks and a large popcorn?" The boy replied with little enthusiasm. Honestly the poor guy's wallet must have been hurting after his week of dates.
"Of course." Lance plugged the order into the computer and went to retrieve the refreshments.
"Did you notice he had a guy with him?" Hunk whispered with enthusiasm as Lance scooped the popcorn.
"How could I not?" Lance hissed back.
"You should make a move!" Hunk practically squealed. "Get his number or something."
Lance smirked at the idea. Not one of the worst Hunk had come up with. As Lance carried the guy's order back to him, he decided to Hell with inhibitions.
"You've been coming here for the past couple days," Lance says casually as he places the concessions on the counter. The guy looks up at him in surprise, clearly not expecting to have a conversation.
"Yeah...?" He replies hesitantly.
"Mind if I make a suggestion?" Lance asked slyly.
"Umm... I guess.”
"If you just buy a large and share it," Lance gestured to the cups sitting on the counter. "You can save about seven dollars."
The guy made a face at the proposition.
"I don't like sharing drinks." He mumbled.
"Why not?" Lance questioned.
The guy just shook his head. After a beat of silence, Lance cleared his throat and told the guy his total.
"Thanks." The guy said as his card was swiped and he bundled his food items into his arms.
"The name's Lance, by the way." Lance said with one of his signature smiles.
"I know." The guy says gesturing to the name tag attached to the front of Lance's uniform. Lance could have been mistaken, but it almost appeared as though the corners of the boy's lips twitched upwards.
"I'm Keith." The raven haired boy returned.
"Well, Keith," Lance addressed him directly, meeting those almost-purple eyes. "I hope this one goes better than the others." Lance gestures to where the other boy from earlier was returning to the lobby. Keith's faint smile disappeared from his face at the sight of him, almost as though he had forgotten about his date for a moment.
"Me too." He grumbled under his breath, just loud enough for Lance to hear. A glimmer of hope sparked in Lance's chest. Maybe he had a chance.
The next day was another long shift for Lance. Eleven AM to ten. The absolute worst. Lance's grumpiness was abated at the sight of a certain raven-haired beauty coming in through the glass doors. Keith had a new companion today. A blonde girl wearing a pink tank top who smacked her gum as they came in. If Lance wasn't mistaken, Keith looked even more perturbed than normal.
"Good afternoon!" Lance called from behind the counter. "Can I get you the usual?"
A glimmer of amusement cracked through Keith's grimace at the familiarity Lance conveyed.
"The usual?" The girl questions with another smack of her gum as Lance sets off to grab the treats.
"I come here a lot." Keith grumbles as means of explanation.
Lance returns to the counter with his prize.
"Can I get a Dr. Pepper?" The girl asks with a bored expression.
"We have self serve soda machines right over there." Lance says with an easy smile, gesturing around the corner of the concession stand. With a final smack the girl plucks one of the cups from the counter and stalks off towards the machines.
Lance let out a low whistle. "She's a piece of work."
To his surprise, Keith snorts.
"Yeah, I don't know where Allura and Shiro keep finding these people."
Lance raises a questioning eyebrow. Keith stutters as he realizes what he said.
"I don't.. I just mean... my brother and his girlfriend thought I should... date more..." Keith looks down at the glass counter-top as a light blush gathers on his cheeks.
"So that's what all these dates are about," Lance says with what he hoped was a comforting smile. "You're being set up." Somehow this comes as a relief to Lance. He had been worried his newfound crush was some kind of player. Keith shrugs, obviously embarrassed. Lance takes Keith's card and runs it through.
"Do you mind if I ask something?" Lance asks as he hands the credit card back.
"Sure," Keith mumbles.
"Why the movies? I mean it's kinda cliche, and it must get boring for you."
A small smile tugged at Keith's lips.
"Nah, I like movies," Keith admonished Lance's statement. "Plus, this way, I don't have to really talk to any of them."
Lance nods as he hands Keith his receipt. "That's fair."
The blonde girl returned from the machine with a cup brimming in brown soda. She hadn't bothered with a lid for some reason. Lance couldn't help the pit of dread that curled in his stomach at the prospect of mopping that up.
"Well, best of luck to you," Lance murmurs as Keith grabs the popcorn and disappears down one of the hallways towards the theaters.
"Dude. He is soooo into you," Hunk teases from his place at the popcorn maker.
"Whatever," Lance sighs as he checks the times the next set of movies gets out. A boy could wish.
Twenty minutes later, Lance was checking the soda cartridges in the self serve machine when a tap on his shoulder made him whirl around. Keith was standing behind him and looking a bit startled at Lance's sudden movement.
"Oh hey," Lance smiled at the realization of who it was. "The machine will be ready in a second, I just need to-"
"Actually I was wondering if you could do me a favor," Keith interrupted him without meeting his gaze.
Curiosity tickled at Lance's spine as he wiped soda residue on his uniform pants.
"Sure thing. What's the problem?"
"That girl I was with," Keith starts. His arms are crossed defensively, but he looks embarrassed. "She's been on her phone the whole time and I've asked her to put it away, but he won't listen to me and the people around us are getting antsy." Keith looks at Lance directly for the first time. "Do you think you could come in and, I don't know, scare her straight or something?" Keith finished.
"You want me to yell at your date?" Lance asks with a quirked eyebrow.
"Not yell at her..." Keith replied with wide eyes. "Just tell her she'll have to leave if she doesn't stop or something."
A smile split Lance's face at the embarrassed blush creeping up Keith's neck.
"Sure thing," Lance replied with a shrug. "I'd love to."
"Thanks," Keith sighed with relief.
Lance waited for a moment after Keith returned to the movie before walking in himself. Sure enough, the girl was sat a few rows from the back with her screen lighting up the room. Lance casually walked down the aisle between the seats until he was close enough to speak with her. He tapped her shoulder.
"Excuse me, Miss," Lance began in his best customer service voice. "I'm going to have to ask you to turn off your phone. We have a strict policy and if you do not turn it off, we will have to ask you to leave."
"You're not serious," The girl said around her wad of gum.
"Very serious." Lance smirked.
The girl harrumphed and stood with a flourish.
"Come on, Keith." She said much too loudly for the environment. "Let's go."
"I'm gonna stay," Keith mumbled.
"Excuse me?" The girl asked shrilly.
"I really wanted to see this movie," He whispers dejectedly.
"Fine," The girl snaps. In a flash she had grabbed her lidless drink from the cup holder and sloshed it onto Keith's head. "Good luck finding your own ride home."
Keith cringed underneath the rain of ice as the girl stalked out of the theater. The few other patrons of the theater turned back to the movie as the drama settled down.
"Oh man," Lance mumbled at the sight of Keith's sodden hair. "Let me help you get cleaned up."
The two boys soon found themuselves in the male restroom, running Keith's red jacket beneath the air dryer.
“Sorry about the mess," Keith mumbled as he ran a paper towel over his sticky mop of hair.
"Don't worry about it," Lance shrugged as he handed the jacket back to Keith.
"I'm actually off in a few minutes, so someone else will have to clean it."
"I'm also sorry about dragging you into that," Keith sighs gripping either side of the sink.
"Part of the job description," Lance replied. "Sounded like you need a ride, though?"
"Yeah," Keith affirms as he wrings out his shirt in the sink. "She offered to drive, so now I have no way home. I guess I could call my brother, but he'll be super upset about me botching another one of his stupid dates."
"If you don't mind waiting twenty minutes," Lance starts, struggling to mask his trepidation. "I can give you a ride in ol' Blue."
Twenty minutes later the pair were cruising down the highway in Lance's beat up pick up truck. It's robin-egg paint was splotched with rust and the interior always smelled like cigarettes despite the fact that Lance never smokes. Lance loved his car.With a wave, Keith disappeared into the apartment complex they had pulled up to. The piece of paper with Lance's number was presumably still tucked safely in his pocket. Lance couldn't help the giddy smile that split his face all the way home.
It was late. The last few shows of the night were just about to start when a familiar face walked in.
"What, no date today?" Lance asked mischievously as Keith approached his counter.
"Nope. Just me," Keith shrugged his jacket up against his shoulders. "I didn't exactly get to see the movie yesterday, so, I'm back."
"Makes sense," Lance nods. With a quick glance at the clock Lance punches an order into his screen.
"Two regular drinks and a large popcorn?" He asks with a conspiratorial look in Keith's direction.
"No. Just one drink," Keith corrects him with a furrowed brow.
I get off in five minutes." Lance punctuates his statement with a wink. A full smile breaks across Keith's face. The first one Lance can remember seeing.
"Keep the two regulars?" Lance asks as his finger hovers over the computer screen.
"Actually," Keith interrupts him with a twinkle in those violet eyes. "Make it one large"
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vee-is-a-clown · 1 year
I've been listening to Never Acting At All on loop while imagining it as Klance and Romellura. Does anyone want to hear about my silly little theater au?
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plumeriafairy14 · 7 years
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Do you believe in past lives? Lance certainly does. This is a tale of two star crossed lovers and how their love transcended both death and time itself. 
Since we’re allowed to tease for the @voltronbang 2017, here’s is ours! I am grateful for this event that it introduced me to the lovely @knightlychika and her lovely art! We hope to see you on August 1st! The event starts on July 30! 
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monthlyklance · 4 years
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Each day is dedicated to a different AU. Feel free to mix prompts together, skip days, etc. Whatever works best for you!
Tag this account in your work and use #KlanceAUMonth.
Reblog to spread the word!
See more for written prompt list:
Feb 1: Movie AU Feb 2: College 3: Celebrity 4: Athlete 5: Merman 6: Pirate 7: Internet Friends 8: Musician/band 9: Leakira 10: Fantasy 11: Youtubers 12: Free Day 13: Post-apocalyptic 14: Soulmates 15: High School 16: Garrison 17: Disney 18: Thunderpike 19: Tattoo Artist/Florist 20: Royalty 21: Theater/Actors 22: Coffee Shop 23: Single Dad(s) 24: Childhood Friends 25: Spiderverse 26: Camp Counselors 27: Paranormal 28: Free Day
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yndaab · 4 years
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Klance AU Month (edition 2021) Day 21/22 Theaters/actors and Coffee shop AU Español Keith ultimamente no ha descansado mucho, con la obra que se acerca han estado muy ocupados en el tratro a lo cual su hermano le ha insistido que deberia relajarse más Keith suspira ante este pensamiento. -Es más facil decirlo que hacerlo-comenta mientras va camino a su casa, la ciudad esta completamente oscura pero las luces de la misma nos dan un panorama hermoso de la ciudad, Keith iba disfrutando la vista hasta que se encuentra un peculiar local, una cafeteria que nunca habia visto antes y eso que solia usar esta ruta cuando iba camino a su casa. -¿Quizas sea por la hora? no lo creo ya es muy tarde para que un local de este tipo este abierto-Pienso para sus adentros pero en ese momento un deliciosa aroma proveniente del mismo le llama la atención, ganandole la curiosidad decide asomarse al local. Al entrar se oye el sonido de una campana anunciando su llegada, Keith queda sombrado del local, tiene un aspecto realmente hogareño y el dulce olor del cafe y de pan recien horneado invade el lugar, andaba tan concentrado observando el establecimiento que no observo al dueño acercandose a recibirlo. -Buenos dias-Dijo el propietario y cuando Keith volteo a verlo se quedo sin palabras, un hermoso hombre de tex morena y la mas brillante sonrisa que Keith habia visto en su vida lo estaba recibiendo, se quedan observando en silencio por unos segundos que aprecen eternos  antes de que keith pueda formar una palabra coherente.
Y asi comienza una historia de un actor que comienza  a visitar una cafeteria y no solo precisamente por la comida. English (Thanks so much a deepl for traduction english) Keith hasn't had much rest lately, with the work coming up they've been very busy at the theater, to which his brother has insisted he should relax more. Keith sighs at the thought. The city is completely dark but the city lights give us a beautiful view, Keith was enjoying the view until he found a peculiar place, a coffee shop that he had never seen before in spite of used to use this route when he was on his way home. -Maybe it's because of the time? I don't think so, it's too late for a place like this to be open- he thought to himself, but at that moment a delicious aroma coming from the place caught his attention, winning his curiosity he decided to peek inside. As he enters, he hears the sound of a bell announcing his arrival, Keith is amazed by the place, it looks really homey and the sweet smell of coffee and freshly baked bread invades the place, he was so focused on observing the establishment that he did not notice the owner approaching to greet him. -Good morning," said the owner and when Keith turned to see him he was speechless, a beautiful man with brown skin and the brightest smile Keith had ever seen in his life was greeting him, they stood watching in silence for a few seconds that seemed eternal before Keith could form a coherent word.
And so begins a story of an actor who starts visiting a coffee shop, and not just for the food.
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myboi-lance · 7 years
Uuuuuuuuh excuse my word vomit but I was just smacked in the face with inspiration
Au where Lance is classically trained in ballet, and Keith is a pianist, anyone?
Allura works at her dad's studio as a teacher. Along with teaching advanced classes, she also tutors Lance, who had started taking classes when he was young, but his parents couldn't afford it. It broke Alfor’s heart, so he let him stay on scholarship
Lance usually teams up with his buddy, his pal, his favorite human, hunk, who is also a pianist for his recitals
Hunk gets an opportunity to travel with Allura, Lance's ballet instructor, because Shiro (her usual accompanist) gets badly injured before a tour, but he still wants her to go and experience it (cue hallura shenanigans)
So Allura makes an executive decision to pair Lance with Keith bc Lance still has to do his recital, dammit, and it's just for practice until they get back, stop being so dramatic, Lance 
Lance is bitter at first and doesn't know how to connect with Keith's style of playing, it's too rough, Keith, it doesn't feel right, Keith 
Lance feels like he's letting down allura, Keith doesn't want to disappoint shiro, his big brother and mentor
Cue awkward apologies for being difficult to work with and hot headed, respectively
They spend more time together, learning each other and working together to make something better than what they are apart
Hunk and Allura come back a week before the recital
Keith and Lance are disappointed... but don't say anything. They part ways, and Lance... Doesn't feel Right
Keith is having a crisis, and pidge, as his best friend, gives him lots of support and hopelessly bad advice, then tells him to talk to shiro
"I can't tell Shiro, I'll never hear the end of it!!" 
(He talks to Shiro) 
(he never hears the end of it)
At hunk and Lance's first rehearsal back together, Lance isn't doing very well. He seems disjointed, can't find his rhythm; he doesn't know what he's doing wrong, but he knows it's not right, he's not right, I'm not cut out for this, hunk
Hunk smiles softly, offers his words of encouragement, tells him he's been working too hard lately anyway and they should take a day of r&r. They hang out, do best friend things like watch chopped/hells kitchen and eat pizza, and Lance is feeling better; but not... About his dancing, he doesn't know what's off, he just knows something is
(Hunk thinks he knows whats up. He'd seen Keith and Lance say goodbye, and he would know Lance's pining face anywhere)
Hunk jumps to the logical conclusion, and pretends to fracture his wrist. It's for LOVE, allura
Allura calls Keith. Keith pretends to feel bad but. He's just happy he can play for Lance again, tbh. No offense, hunk (hunk only laughs)
Hunk sits in on the last couple of rehearsals, just to make sure he made the right call
Hunk cries
He's never seen his best friend dance so beautifully, he's at a loss for words
(he and Keith totally geek out on the side abt the music: "I love how crescendo this part, never thought to try that!" And "I have no idea how you stay so steady. You convey such peaceful emotions, you gotta show me your technique some time")
Lance has warm fuzzy feelings (he hasn’t rlly confronted his feelings yet) bc dancing with Keith playing just feels so right, and Keith has warm fuzzy feelings (he has confronted his feelings) bc watching Lance dance (ha) gives him.. inspiration 
Cut to the recital, and there isn’t a single dry god damn eye in the room
Immediately following, Lance and Keith hug backstage bc this is the best they’ve ever felt about anything. They stop, look at each other, and they almost kiss.. they’re so close -
When the rest of them bust busts into backstage to assault them.
Allura is so proud of her little brother/Mentee, and Shiro won’t stop hugging Keith (which Lance and Pidge both find endlessly amusing)
Until Hunk scoops both Keith and Lance into a giant bear hug.
Keith looks at Lance, and Lance looks at Keith, and it’s soft and adorable and everything
and Pidge is pretending to gag in Keiths line of view, because she’s just that good a friend
They all shuffle off to the after party, and it’s a night to remember. The recital brought in a lot more than they anticipated, and they all celebrate
a lot
Keith at one point escapes to the back yard (the noise was a little to much, and the stars always helped him center himself) and is lying down in the grass when Lance finds him
(he has since had an emotional and enlightening heart to heart with both Allura and Hunk)
“It’s quite the view, isn’t it” but Lance isn’t looking at the stars
He lies down next to keith, and Keith looks at him. He’s struck, not for the first time, by how beautiful this boy is. “yeah, it really is.”
Lance hardcore blushes and hopes Keith can’t see it.
(he can)
They kiss lying down in the grass, with the noise of the party, the crickets, and peepers as their symphony
Pidge finds them like that... and yells
(they never hear the end of it)
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klance-fics · 3 years
bestieeeee do you know any enemies to lovers fics ( been watching merlin and i realized i miss it )
bestie i found way too many i tried not to include ones i know you've read but I've prob added some you've read. they're also all under 25K. enjoy~~~
It starts like this: Lance looking up at the scoreboard only a few days into his Garrison training and muttering to himself, “What the hell kind of a name is Keith?”
Or, Keith and Lance fall in love. Eventually.
DAY 2: love // hate
A Touch of Christmas
Keith has never been particularly good with touch. He’s also slow to trust and even slower to open up. But it’s hard to remain on that path of solitude when you’re stuck in space fighting an alien empire with the same six people day in and day out, four of whom you depend on to keep you safe in a giant robot man made of giant robot lions.
Alternatively, Lance gradually gets Keith accustomed to the physical connection he hadn't realized he'd been craving for so long.
Take Me Away
“Sorry about that! Where were we?”
“I still don’t have anything written down for you.” Lance could hear the guy’s irritation through the phone, and felt himself bristle.
“Well well, someone’s testy! Spring has sprung, lighten up buddy.”
“It’s January, you managed to call 5 minutes before the end of my 8-hour shift, and I should have been home half an hour ago. Order something.”
// Takeout AU inspired by one too many 80s films. Lance is an astronomy student with a grudge, Keith works too many hours to deal with this shit.
forget me not
Keith and Lance are put into a simulation as punishment for insulting a king. There's only one way to get out, but they can't remember. In fact, they can't remember anything at all...
Of Friends and Rivals (And Lovers)
Lance McClain has a big family, and that means no one is really ever alone in a room at any point of time. This becomes unnatural for him to feel when he’s in space in a huge castle with barely any people. So, he tries to fill the hole in his heart by seeking out his teammates and lounging around them.
It strikes Keith odd one day when Lance begins hanging out with him instead of his other friends, and worst of all, it seems like Lance is caving in on himself without anyone noticing.
Or: 5 times Lance seeks out to hang out with a friend, and the one time he doesn’t.
sour beginnings, sweet endings
Keith’s a good noodle™ who just wants to watch a movie in an empty theater. He doesn’t deserve some motormouth asshole interrupting his peace and quiet. Or that guy dumping popcorn on his head. Or all his idiotic jokes. Or his kinda cute smile. Or the free packets of Sour Patch Kids. And he definitely doesn’t deserve the fact that he’s starting to enjoy his company…
i fall, i falter
“You’re Shirogane, right?” He asks, tilting his head with a curious look in his warm eyes. Keith nods, eyebrows furrowing.
“That’s what this says, yeah.” He replies, reaching up to fiddle with his nameplate, the cool metal almost a relief on his skin that suddenly feels overheated in Álvarez’s presence.
“No, I mean, you’re the Shirogane. Keith Shirogane?” Álvarez says, looking at Keith expectantly.
I'm waiting for the light of your supernova
Lance loves the idea of being literally written in the stars with another, but so far it hasn’t been the love story he’s dreamed of; the fated meeting, the instant and momentous connection.
A klance soulmate AU where each person is born with their soulmate's constellation on their skin, the marks changing colour as their bond grows.
It's when Keith sees his opponent, a boy with a bright smile and even brighter clothes, that he knows he's already lost.
Well, he'll win the match, but his heart? Yeah, that's lost for good.
Klance Chess Players AU
summer days, driftin' away
Lance works at the carnival, running a very rigged and quite unpopular bottle toss booth. Keith works at the much more playable Whack-a-Mole booth across from Lance. They have a rivalry, until Lance's truck stalls and suddenly Keith is some hotshot mechanic. Cue Lance's bisexual panic.
At the Bottom of the Ramp
Lance is usually the first person to befriend new rollerbladers at the skatepark; it's a small community, and he's a friendly guy.
But not this time. This new guy looks the epitome of edgy and unapproachable, and he's stealing all of Shiro's attention.
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