#Fairy writes
ghostlyfleur · 7 months
whining and crying while steve fucks you into the mattress that you’re gonna make a mess and he’s like “fuck- it’s okay, daddy will clean it up, don’t worry” in between grunts. so then you stop caring that your cunt is a sopping mess and your dripping all over yourself and the bed. so then he cleans you up and the bed afterwards because he’s daddy 🥰
f u c k
steve harrington is such a daddy.
he makes you feel so fucking good and i always headcannon steve and his gf to have dacryphilia involved in their sex life, so it’s perfect that stevie’s angel is such a crybaby!
steve loves how teary eyed you get when he’s fucking you into the mattress, how whiny and pouty and subby you get for him, so dumb on his cock at times that the only thing you can moan and mumble is “daddy, daddy, daddy, daddy” and it drives steve crazy …….
especially once he figures out just how much you love to be smothered, completely crushed, absolutely smushed under his weight— you’ll wrap your legs around his waist and pull him on top of you with little “no, no, no”’s if he pulls the slightest bit of his weight off of you, starting to cry and grabbing at his shoulders and arms desperately to pull him back, begging him to pin you down, to press closer *drools*
but one thing about steve is that he likes it messy — spit, drool, cum, def lots of cum play, all of it — loves it when he’s fucking you so deep and so hard you go quiet and limp and start drooling… loves leaving bite marks and hickeys all over you, marking you up everywhere he can no matter how visible it is afterwards because he knows you wear his marks with such obvious pride just like he does yours… loves to lick you all over, especially on your neck and tits just to see the full body shivers going down your spine… loves it when your cunt is messy with a mix of both yours and his cum that he keeps fucking deeper into you, pretty much fucking overflowing your pussy so much it starts to spill out of you and all over the bed, all over his thighs, down your ass, making the most lewd wet noises… *sighs*
and at first you get so. fucking. embarrassed. you’re making such a mess and you can’t stop it, your eyes go teary and wide with humiliation and “‘m sorry, stevie, sorry, it just feels s’good” and you try to move away from him in a haste, all upset at being a bad girl and making a mess when your perfect daddy is just trying to make you feel good, to spoil you, and you immediately think of getting up to clean up the bed for him so maybe he won’t be upset and you can be his good girl again but as if he was reading your mind he stops you, won’t let you pull away, stays inside you, and grips your chin to make you look at him
“you’re okay, angel, it’s okay. make a mess, show me how good it feels, daddy will clean it up later, you’re still my good girl”
so you get all flustered and pouty and you furrow your brows that cute way you do that steve loves when you’re trying to be all serious and whisper a little “promise?” because you can’t handle not being his good girl and steve is losing his mind, there’s no way he didn’t dream you up “promise, my angel, you’re daddy’s perfect girl, love it when you’re messy for me” i- 😵‍💫
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fairy-writes · 11 days
 Hello! can you do a gen narumi x reader where the reader is also from the defense force and goes on a lot of missions, they get nightmares a lot because of the missions and gen practically begs them each day to just stop going on missions and that even if he is the only one working he makes buckets of money and the reader should just relax. The reader still refuses and goes a very tough mission. Where they get severely injured and are unconscious for days and like gen takes care of them, its super fluff/comfort. Can it please be x female reader or gender neutral. Thanks and take care<3
Reblogs and Comments are greatly appreciated!!
Fandom(s): Kaiju No. 8
Pairing(s): Narumi Gen x Reader
Word Count: 1.5k
Genre(s)/Tag(s): Female!Reader, Defense Force!Reader, Arguments, Injuries, Making Up
Notes: You guys love having scenarios where the reader is in the hospital.
I'm combining this with another similar request that I got in my inbox!
TW for mentions of suicide (no one is suicidal; it’s just talked about)
“Where are you going?” Gen’s sleep-filled voice makes you freeze in your tracks. You look back to find him half-sitting up in bed, bags under his eyes stretching for miles. You look back to your workout clothes and shrug,
“I'm going for a run. I can’t sleep.” You say quickly and head to the genkan to put on your running shoes. 
The sun hasn’t even risen yet, but you can’t shake the feeling of being watched. The sense of being watched by Kaiju. You can’t shake the cold sweat dripping down your back and temples. So, you decide exercise is the healthiest way to get the feeling off your back. 
Gen scrambles to get out of bed and follow you. He doesn’t even grab his phone to check social media, so you know he’s genuinely worried. But by the time he manages to untangle himself from his blanket, you’re already laced up and opening the door. 
“You had another nightmare, didn’t you?”  He says, hand catching the door to keep you from opening it. You scowl at the wood but don’t say anything. 
Because what could you say? 
He was right, anyway.
Gen knew he was right because his grip tightened on the door as you tried to open it further. 
“You did, didn’t you?” He asks, and you hunch your shoulders,
“What does it matter? I want to go for a run, so I’m going for a run.” You say, trying to keep your emotions under control even though they’re raging like a Kaiju out of hell. 
Gen’s scowl deepens to match yours, but he relents. 
“Fine. Whatever.” He says, lets go of the door, and sits down at the genkan to put on his shoes. 
“What are you doing?” You ask, and his scowl is ever-present as he stands up and opens the door. 
“I’m going with you.” 
“What? Why?! Go back to bed!” You snap angrily. A combination of no sleep for the last week and your ever-present nightmares have made your temper short. 
But Gen takes your snapping in stride and grabs your hand, 
“I won’t be able to sleep until you’re home safe anyway. I might as well go with you.” He says with a yawn.
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So that led you to where you are now, sprinting around the First Division’s track until your bones feel like jelly. Gen keeps up easily, barely breaking a sweat. Yet, he doesn’t say anything while you run. He only speaks when you slow down to stop and put your hands on your knees, breathing heavily. 
“Are you done?” He asks, and your temper spikes just slightly. 
“No.” You say, straightening up to take another lap. 
He catches your hand and makes you stop. You look up at the sky, praying for patience that you don’t have. 
“Are you trying to kill yourself then?” He grits out, and you stare dumbly at him. 
What was he trying to say? 
Gen notices your look and throws his hands up. 
“You don’t eat, you barely sleep, you’re getting more and more reckless on missions. It’s like you’re trying to die!” His voice is nearing a shout, but you can’t bring yourself to care. Who cares if you wake up people in the dorms?
“I’m just doing my job, Gen! In case you forgot, not everyone is as strong as you!” You retort, and he scowls, knowing full well you’re just barely telling the truth. Well… You’re telling the truth about not being as strong as him. But everything else? You’re just barely surviving.
“You know you don’t have to work in the Defense Force anymore! You know I make enough money to support the both of us!” Gen argues, and you grind your teeth. This argument again?
“And you know why I won’t do that!” You snap back. 
The two of you fight back and forth before Gen just gives up and leaves. You had always been the type to drag out arguments much longer than they ever needed to be. And it got on your boyfriend’s nerves every time.
You make a few more laps around the track before you’re called in for a Kaiju attack.
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You open your eyes and immediately realize you’re in the hospital. If the bright ass lights didn’t give it away, the scent of antiseptic did. As did the familiar beeping of your vital signs.
You hated hospitals. You had spent your fair share of time in them and had vowed to never spend another day in one again. 
Looks like you broke that promise to yourself. 
The scent of antiseptic makes you sneeze, and your head pounds. 
“So you’re awake.” Comes Gen’s voice, and you look to your right, where he’s staring down at his phone, typing out a text or playing some game. You honestly can’t tell which. He reaches to the side without looking and presses the button to summon the nurse to your room. 
“I am. What happened?” You ask, wracking your brain for any remaining memories. 
Nothing. You remembered your nightmares, running at the track, arguing with Gen, and then… Nothing. 
“You got hurt. Badly. The doc wasn’t sure you’d wake up for a while.” He said, tone clipped. He was still upset. That much was obvious. 
“How long was I out?” You asked. He finally set down his phone and looked you in the eye. 
He looked… Awful…
The bags under his eyes were worse than usual, and you were positive his jacket was looser on him than it used to be. Had he lost weight? His skin had a slight sickly pallor, only noticeable since you were looking for it. 
“Two weeks. You were put into a medically induced coma after three days to help you heal.” He said curtly, and you nodded wearily. You had been awake for not even ten minutes, and you were already exhausted. 
At least, you were until you realized you couldn’t feel the bottom half of your body.
Then, the panic set in. 
“Gen… I can’t feel my legs…” The panic was thick like fog in your voice, and as you tried to sit up, his hand gently pushed you down into your pillows. But you began to struggle the best you could. “ What’s going on?! Gen!” 
“It’s alright.” He said, but your head whipped around to look at him, eyes wide and tears welling up. 
You couldn’t be a Defense Force Officer with no feeling in your legs! You couldn’t do your job! You couldn’t save people! You couldn’t—
A hand on your face stopped your downward spiral, and you stilled, looking up into Gen’s red eyes. He offered a crooked smile that gave you a sense of comfort.
“The doctor thinks it’ll only be temporary. You’ll just be on bedrest until then.” He explains, voice softer now and more gentle. He must’ve really been worried about you to speak to you like this. 
The nurse finally comes in with the doctor, and they check you over before giving you the green light to be cared for at home if you so wish. And that was something you agreed to immediately. Be stuck in the hospital for days or weeks on end when you could just sleep at home? Ha! The answer was a no-brainer. 
Gen insists on wheeling you out to the curb where he then calls for Hasegawa to come pick you up. He sits next to you as you put the wheelchair brakes on and pulls out his phone again. Meanwhile, you watch the sky and think. 
And think.
And think.
“Gen?” You whisper into the wind and hear him grunt in return. You look down where he’s squatting on the curb, muttering about HP and leveling up as he holds his phone sideways to play a game. You take a deep breath and hang your head. “I’m sorry.” 
That gets him to stop. His game is paused, and he looks up at you with narrowed eyes. 
“This some kind of joke? You never apologize.” He says, and you huff out a self-deprecating laugh. 
“I know. And I’m sorry about that too. But I’m sorry for arguing. I know you only want what’s best for me in your own way. And I’m sorry—”
“Hold on. Are you breaking up with me?” He cuts you off, and you stare stupidly at your boyfriend before shaking your head. 
“No! I just want to apologize for being an ass.”
He stares just as stupidly until Hasegawa shows up with a van and helps get you loaded inside. 
It isn’t until you’re back at your shared apartment that Gen speaks again. 
“I should apologize too… For also being an ass. I know you’re struggling, and I was just trying to help.” He mumbled, scratching at the back of his head and averting his gaze from yours. You smile, chuckle a little, and reply. 
“Hasegawa put you up to this, didn’t he?” 
“So what if he did?! I’m apologizing, aren’t I?!”
You begin to laugh even more, and when you finally get your giggles under control, you catch him looking at you with a lovesick look. 
“Y’know… I think I might take a break from Kaiju hunting. Go to therapy for my nightmares and all that.” You say, and he grins before turning back to his game. 
“I’m glad.”
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fandomlurker333 · 2 months
Chapters: 3/? Fandom: Challengers (Movie 2024) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Art Donaldson/Patrick Zweig, Tashi Donaldson/Patrick Zweig, Art Donaldson/Tashi Duncan, Art Donaldson/Tashi Donaldson Characters: Art Donaldson, Patrick Zweig, Tashi Donaldson Additional Tags: Character Study, Reflection, This is mostly just Patrick hating himself oops, But also being in love and sad about it, Pining, Art has crashed Patrick's pity party, And he's kinda unhinged lol Series: Part 3 of Fundamental Forces Summary: When he runs into Tashi, it feels something like his head breaking above the surface. After drowning for three years, Art can finally breathe.
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whereserpentswalk · 2 months
Reblog to curse your followers and mutuals.
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After shoving Hansel in the oven, the witch turns to Gretel - who is currently fending the witch off with a gingerbread chair - and says:
"I can't believe you thought a trail of breadcrumbs would save you. I mean, honestly, this is a forest! It's full of animals. Honestly, the very idea that a dumb shit like you thought you could get the better of me is absurd."
Gretel hits her in the face with said chair. To be fair to the witch, she takes the chairshot like a champ.
"Did you know," says Gretel, "that crows are capable of facial recognition?"
"Eh?" Says the witch, clambering to her feet and pulling a candy cane sledgehammer off the wall. "What's that got to do with anything?"
"Not only that," Gretel continues, "but they can remember both friends and enemies. And they'll often follow people they remember as friends."
The two fence with their sugared weapons for a moment, before the witch knocks the chair out of Gretel's hands.
"Enough with the bird facts! Honestly, this whole attempted escape has been utter clownshoes. Get in the fucking oven!"
She seizes Gretel by the collar. Gretel immediately sandbags, letting her whole body go limp. This eminently practical defense forces the witch to try and deadlift her. Which is hard, as the witch often skips leg day.
"For example," Gretel says, as the witch struggles and grunts, "if you feed crows a lot of breadcrumbs, they'll probably start to see you as a friend and follow you in the hope of more food."
The witch stops. Outside, she hears the thunder of wings.
"They'll even bring you shiny things they find as presents!" Says Gretel, as a corner of the gingerbread ceiling is suddenly cut away by a large crow with a knife in its mouth.
"Oh shitballs." Says the witch, as the crows descend. "I hope you know this is a great unkindness."
"Technically," Says Gretel, "It's a murder."
Thank you for reading. If you'd like to support my writing, you can do so at https://ko-fi.com/strangelittlestories
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legendary-cookies · 2 months
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I've been working on this on and off for like a long time and honestly I kinda hate it now, but this is like a revamp of these but with the Beasts too lmao
This also has a headcanon I have of if the Legends had virtues like the Ancients and Beasts
Also yes I'm aware Fire and Moon might fit more if they switched but I have lore reasons leave me alone
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tarisbackyard · 1 month
Here's how to write an authentic Grimm style fairytale, brought to you by a Certified German TM:
Forget everything Disney movies taught you, besides maybe Snowwhite, Cinderella, and Sleeping Beauty. But even those are on thin fucking ice. Also ignore modern fantasy literature conventions, especially Dungeons & Dragons type stuff.
Ideally only the protagonist or none of the characters ought to have names. And the names should either be really fucking ordinary, or some kind of epithet. Like, either that's a Franz or a Bramblesock, cause when Bramblesock was a child he lost a sock in a shrub of brambles. Everyone else is either the king, the grandma, or the carpenter.
The common types of protagonist: Regular working class guy who cons his way into a life of riches, poor downtrodden peasant who through hardworking kindness is granted salvation (usually via gaining riches), too pure too good for this world princess who can't catch a fucking break, too nasty too bratty for this world princess who gets taught a lesson in humility.
The characters are generally very one note and the only kind of character growth they can experience boils down to "maybe I shouldn't have been a dick, huh?"
The location is either as vague as possible or super fucking specific for no reason; either the story takes place literally nowhere or in the town of Buxtehude.
Animals and inanimate objects that can talk for no apparent reason and no one bats an eye at are always a great addition.
If you want to add any fantasy races, use giants (large, dumb brutes), dwarves (angry little guys who live in the wilderness and get really angry if you touch their beards), or gnomes (mischievous house spirits who might be helpful but watch out!), but never more than one of these. Fairies are rare and usually the "tall beautiful wise woman" type, not the small annoying pixie type. Dragons are very pointedly no-where to be found, those distinctly belong in sagas, which are their own distinct type of literature.
Weird moral of the story that either boils down to "be smarter than all the other fuckers", "good things happen to good people, bad things happen to bad people", or "don't upset the supernatural".
Random tidbits of gore that no one bats an eye at.
Witches eat children, if a mother gets more than single line dedicated to her she's evil, fathers are spineless and/or assholes who either die or come around in the end.
Ugly means evil, pretty means good. Except when it doesn't.
Optional: Repeated rhyming phrases and numbers. Seventh son of a seventh son kinda stuff. The numbers 3, 7, 12, and 13 in particular.
Ideally a 19th century scholar should be able to read some clumsy Germanic pagan wishful thinking into the story, no matter how big and obvious the Christian overtones are.
Optional: Start the story with "Once upon a time" and end it with "And if they didn't die, then they are still alive today."
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blistexenthusiast · 2 months
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19th century cherub wax seals
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thestuffedalligator · 1 month
The giant was in an iron cage that had once held an elephant in the menagerie.
Here in the dungeons, it was still too small for it to sit up in. It was lying on its side, knees drawn up to its chest, facing the opposite wall.
Gretta had been forbidden to see it. Well, no, that wasn’t right – nobody had even told Gretta that it was here. Her sisters and the staff of the castle had apparently been expressly forbidden to tell her, but Margit had a soft heart and told her the night before that they had finally caught the giant.
It stung that even her little sister had been told and that she hadn’t.
She didn’t sleep after that, and she spent the long morning looking for an opportunity to slip away. Now in the gloom of the dungeon, she stood in the entranceway and watched the slow rise and fall of the giant’s breathing.
She could feel the heart in her chest beating, a quick thud-dump, thud-dump, thud-dump that shook her whole body. Once upon a time the giant was a menace that had pillaged and ransacked the whole western coast of the kingdom. It was a story her mother had told her and her sisters and had made Margit burst into tears in the middle of the night–
“I know that heartbeat.”
Gretta froze. The words had been slow, and low, and had made pebbles on the stone floor shiver.
Chains started to jingle together. “That is a heart I’ve not heard beat in three long years,” the giant said as it started to turn in its cage. “I’d know it anywhere.”
The giant settled on its other side. In the low glow of the dungeon’s torches, its grin gleamed like rubies.
“Hello again,” the giant rumbled. “Do you remember me?”
Gretta swallowed. She remembered–
She remembered being lulled to sleep as the carriage rocked on the highland road. She remembered the door being pulled off its hinges with a shower of splinters. She remembered the grey hand as wide as a wagon wheel reaching out to her–
She remembered waking up with a long, delicate stitch along her sternum.
Her hand reached unthinking to feel the long scar under her shirt.
“Yes,” she said. “You’re the giant who put its heart in my chest.”
“I missed the sound of it. It’s beating fast, so very fast.” The ruby grin flashed again. “Are you frightened of me?”
Gretta stared. Then she set her shoulders and turned her chin up to a haughty angle. “I’m not frightened of an animal in a cage,” she said.
The grin vanished. “Fine,” it said. The chains rattled again as it turned to stare up at the ceiling.
“I want to know why you did it.”
There was a very long, thoughtful pause. For a moment she was worried it wasn’t going to speak.
“I’m sure you guessed,” it finally rumbled. “The queen did – she only caught me to confirm what she already knew. A giant cannot be killed while its heart is outside of its body.” Another sound of metal as it shrugged. “Other giants bury their hearts or hide them in an egg in a duck in a well in a church on an island. I wanted something more… certain.”
“And that’s why you chose me?”
The giant was silent. The heart in her chest continued to beat, thud-dump, thud-dump, thud-dump…
The giant sighed. “It was never meant to be you,” it said. “I meant to grab the seventh daughter.”
Gretta blinked. “Margit?”
“Oh yes. Sweet, simpering, insipid Margit, who still sings with the birds and cries over baby animals. The kingdom would’ve had a conniption over having to kill her to kill me – if they did, it would be such a heinous death that they would remember it for generations in song and story. And I would’ve gotten my immortality either way.
“Instead I got you.” The giant looked back at Gretta and gave her a look of such contempt she nearly reeled. “You,” the giant said again, and she had never heard the word said with more disgust. “Who cares about you.”
“Excuse me!”
“Sixth of seven daughters,” the giant said. “Not the eldest, not the youngest, not even a proper middle child. An extra. A spare. Worthless, except for maybe an interesting marriage.”
“You have no right to–”
“They’ll just kill you.”
The dungeon was suddenly deathly still.
“They won’t be happy about it,” the giant continued, turning to stare at the ceiling again. “They’ll be very somber and austere and I have no doubt that Margit will cry over you, as she does over all little animals about to die. But they’ll say that you’re more valuable dead than I am alive, and so for the sake of the kingdom you will be given the noble task of dying. And that will be the end of us both.”
Gretta opened her mouth. She closed her mouth. She opened her mouth again. “Is that it?! If you’re so sure, why don’t you – why don’t you break out of your chains? Ransack the castle? Run back to your mountain, do something?”
“What an odd thing to say,” the giant said. “You know that if I live, I can escape to murder and pillage and ransack again. Surely, any good princess would want only the best for their people.”
Gretta said nothing. The heart in her chest went thud-dump, thud-dump, thud-dump…
She could feel the giant’s grin. “The queen had me captured so she could confirm what she already knew,” it said. “It seems to me that you’re here to do something very similar.”
Halfway up the stairs from the dungeon, Gretta ran into her mother.
Gretta stared. Her mother blinked. Gretta considered her options.
She set her head at a haughty angle. “I know you caught it,” she said.
There was a very long, thoughtful pause.
“What did it tell you?” her mother asked.
Gretta looked at her mother. She looked at her mother’s hand on the hilt of her sword.
She felt the beat of her heart go thud-dump, thud-dump, thud-dump.
“Nothing I didn’t already know,” she said.
She ran away that night.
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oneeyedoctogod · 9 months
Start a fic with a very simple premise. Promise yourself: "This will be a short one." Write. Realize you haven't planned enough, and the fic is growing much longer than anticipated. Panic (optional but recommended) Keep writing, sobbing because why is this so long? Finish the fic (!!) Celebrate (mandatory). Start a fic with a very simple premise.. Promise yourself: "This will be a short one." Write. Realize that something feels familiar. Panic.
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ghostlyfleur · 5 months
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steve harrington x fem!reader
summary: the sweet progression of steve and his pretty girl’s relationship.
warnings: tooth-rotting fluff, idiots in love, oblivious!reader, shy!reader, inexperienced!reader. pet names (angel, baby, flower girl, pretty girl, princess, sweet girl). 18+ mdni, smut-adjacent. world building.
word count: ~4.5k
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steve’s girl friend is a soft spoken, remarkably sweet, gentle soul. she’s shy, way too anxious, so inexperienced that she comes off as innocent. her wardrobe consists of flowy skirts and flowery dresses and soft sweaters and cozy knits, puts flowers in her hairdos like interwoven in braids or tucked in a half-up half-down mess, has this ethereal vibe to the makeup she likes to wear (ie. shimmery eyeshadow in soft colors, highlighter, sparkly lipgloss, white waterline pencil, fairy wing eyeliner designs, and slightly blushy cheeks), wears silver wire-framed glasses at home when not using contacts and steve thinks it brings out her gorgeous eyes even more. she always wears pretty dangly earrings with flowers, her nails painted with glitter nail polish or neutral soft colors, and steve thinks she’s an angel.
the rest of the people in town mostly think her to be weird and unapproachable, with the way she stops mid walk to crouch down and whisper softly to a ladybug she sees on the sidewalk, or when she accidentally bumps into a street pole and yells out a panicked ‘sorry!’ as if she would hear a reply back.
when steve first met his girl, he was enchanted.
she was so soft and beautiful and kind, but also very anxious; something he noticed the first time she walked into scoops ahoy, and steve was so excited to finally talk to the pretty girl that started working at the flower shop down the block that he’s been pining for. the pretty girl’s reaction to his flirting however was of shyness, nervousness, and seemingly scared silence… so steve decided to make a fool out of himself just to see her smile. it was worth it. steve felt as if her laughter was the equivalent of the skies opening up to let sunshine peak through dark clouds. they eased their way into each other’s lives after that. his girl started seeking him out, finding comfort and safety in his presence and caregiving personality, though remaining clueless of his feelings and just how much robin teased him for being a smitten fool.
“pretty flower girl” is how steve referred to her at the beginning, all heart eyes and dreamy sighs. working at a flower shop seems to fit her so entirely, like she’s in her own little world while surrounded by flora. she’s able to tell you the meanings, both positive and negative, of any flower imaginable, of different plants too! keeps a log book and a journal to track her flora friends’ growth, pressed flowers and polaroid pictures of different bouquets, photographs each beautiful arrangement she creates in a picture album.
her home is also completely taken over by pots and plants and gardens and hanging vines, secrets whispered to them while she waters her little friends as needed, full conversations kept that seem to make all the plants bloom and flourish even more. lots of natural light comes in from the many windows of her cabin, surrounded by greenery and trees and a small pond that wild animals often visit, knowing her safe haven is also a safe haven for any animals. the place always smells like whatever she’s baking, the decor homey and filled with crystals and incense and hand painted mugs and vases. greens, yellows, oranges, and tan colors. books balanced on any available surface.
she becomes steve’s girl best friend, and he loves her so much. worships her, really. steve makes it his mission to spoil and love his pretty girl, even if he hides it behind silly flirting and the pretense of friendship.
whenever they’re together, steve and his girl are all the other sees. the gang has a little bet on who will break first, steve or his flower girl.
her sit is always his lap.
steve swears off other girls as soon as he meets her.
he is very affectionate towards her, and she loves to kiss his cheeks.
they often have sleepovers just the two of them.
they’re so close they can just exist together and be at peace.
she’s so supportive of him too, always praising him and hyping him up.
steve is overprotective of her.
whenever one goes the other sure follows.
see, steve’s girl is so sweet on him it drives robin crazy. because robin knows the feelings are reciprocated, but she also knows both steve and his girl enough to know she needs to let them figure this out by themselves. it doesn’t mean robin isn’t their number one fan, though.
steve’s pretty girl bakes him sweets often to bring to him at work to “make your day a little easier, stevie”, she brings him flowers from her job that steve learns to preserve in his room, she gives him her favorite ring that he never takes off. but steve also does little things for his sweet girl— takes care of her and buys her chocolate because it makes her so happy and giddy he falls a little more in love each time. he also reminds her to drink water, buys her favorite snacks for movie night or when she’s on her period, takes her to the movies, drives her everywhere (because she’s his pretty passenger princess) to have some extra time with her.
oh! steve’s girl also has a bunch of homemade gifts that she keeps in a small glass trunk in her home because she’s too shy to give them to her stevie— handmade bracelets, handmade wire rings, pretty things she finds at thrift stores that remind her of her pretty boy, handmade necklaces, small gifts with pressed flowers, letters she writes down because she feels so deeply for her sweet boy that she needs to let it out somehow, and a bunch of other small gifts that she hopes one day she can give to her stevie to show him how much she loves him.
she’s so lovely to her stevie without even realizing, though. she’s demiromantic, you see, and after becoming friends with steve she started to slowly fall for him. the thing is, she knew very well what was happening, she’s very in tune to her emotions, and she fell for him willingly! whereas steve fell for her fast and kept falling.
imagine his girl never had her first kiss… she’s so inexperienced and her sweet persona and gentle demeanor make her seem like the softest person ever. steve is so mesmerized by her.
he flirts with her and is sweet to her and devotes his time to her and spoils her rotten and gives her kisses and hugs and cuddles and all the love he has to give— steve quickly decided that even if they’re ‘just friends’ he’ll still treat her like his princess, give her everything he can and shower her in his adoration until she catches up. and even then, even when it’s so obvious that steve is in love with her, that he blushes and stutters and gets flustered only for her, that he shows her every day just how much he loves her, she remains oblivious.
in her pov, she knows she’s in love with her stevie so she’s going to treat him like the most precious person in her world. which he is. the thing is that she gives him all of her love without ever once considering that he might return it, even as he flirts and quite literally says he’s hers and she’s his all the time, it never even crosses her mind to actually believe it. maybe because she’s trying to protect herself from heartbreak. she just decides that her stevie deserves the world so she’s going to give him all she can.
but she’s so soft with him! holds his face between her hands when talking to him sometimes like she’s holding her whole world on her hands, presses kisses to his cheeks all the time, gives him hugs. she always compliments him, isn’t afraid of telling him exactly what’s on her mind…
“you look so pretty, stevie”
“i’m so proud of you.”
“i missed you lots today!”
“i saw this cute puppy and it reminded me of you ‘cause you’re just as cute!”
“i always prefer your company.”
flower girl is the most adorable sight steve has ever seen! she pouts so prettily whenever she doesn’t get the attention she wants from him, all soft lips and furrowed brows and plush cheeks crossed arms, and steve just wants to pepper kisses all over her face.
her love languages:
she bakes him cookies ; buys him things that remind her of her stevie ; plans these cute little “friend” outings that feel more like dates ; she’s never lacking in her affections though she’s very timid and shy when it happens ; will defend him no matter what ; makes sure to always praise him ; she gets all cranky if someone insults him even playfully ; she’s very shy so she often hides her face on his chest or neck and it makes his heart flutter ; she helps him babysit bc the kids love her ; she gave her stevie a special arrangement of flowers that she created just for him plus a little booklet of pictures of the two of them together that also had pressed flowers on it for his birthday ; she checks in with him every day even if they don’t see each other to make sure her stevie is doing okay ; will stay on the phone with him all night especially if he had a nightmare or a fight with his parents.
where steve’s best friend is all cute and pouty and sweet and clingy and loving but only to her stevie!!!!! and she’s a bit ditzy— talks to animals and plants and inanimate objects like they can answer her, her thoughts jump from one thing to another but steve always entertains her, she skips instead of waking a lot, she dresses all cute and coquette and always has glitter on her somewhere, she gives steve handmade gifts all the time with this shy little smile and blushing and sometimes when the gift is specially meaningful she’ll run away as soon as he accepts it 🥺 she trips over her own feet a lot too!!! so steve has to grip her waist to help her find her footing!!! and it makes her break out in goosebumps!!! and steve is so in love with her, with her ramblings and midnight ice cream cravings and true crime rants and the way she talks about murder and psychopath profiling and laughs at horror movies and has crystals and tarot cards and wants to befriend ghosts, how she gives her stevie little glass bottles with protection spells or anti-anxiety spells or how she always needs to hear his voice before bed.
and she’s so pretty and soft and kind and nice and laughs a lot and everyone loves her— but she never notices how so many people flirt with her, and never notices whenever steve scares possible suitors away, because really she only sees steve!!!!!! and it makes him crazy to see how she blatantly ignores anyone and everyone to focus on him!!!!!
but then one day steve’s girl starts feeling sad and heartbroken because she’s convinced herself that steve still loves nancy so she starts pulling away a little and steve doesn’t understand what he did wrong! robin has to spell it out for him that his girl thinks he still wants nancy when that couldn’t be further from the truth; steve now knows he’s never truly been in love before, not like he is with his angel, and that it was his angel that showed him he deserves someone who loves him just as much as he loves them. therefore, steve does his best to find ways to tell his girl that nancy is in the past, that she has nothing to worry about, but he has to do so while him and his angel aren’t together yet so he slowly breached the subject until he can figure out where his girl stands, if he can make a move, if she’s interested in him too, y’know? like those conversations filled with a deeper meaning and both parties trying to drop hints about their feelings but they’re still too hesitant to be more clear in their affections. for now.
imagine steve spoiling her and making her all giddy and happy and shy and giggly :( i want steve to treat his baby like royalty way before they even get together :( i wanna read about their first kiss and how it makes steve’s knees buckle and how she’s so giggly because it’s her first kiss and he tells her he wants to marry her right then and there and she tells him she never ever would consider being with anyone but her stevie :(
after they get together—
their first kiss happens in what steve considers to be the best night of his life to date.
it was halloween, and he was slightly nervous about going to the fair with not only the kids and robin and eddie, but his girl too. the year before, he stayed in with his angel and robin watching movies and eating junk, which was the perfect night ‘cause he got to cuddle his girl, but last halloween he went out to celebrate didn’t end up being very enjoyable for him… what with having your now-ex call you bulshit, bullshit, bullshit.
however, this is his girl he’s talking about. while it wasn’t a date, simply a hangout with their friend group, steve still considers his girl, well… his. and the fact she insisted on meeting them there herself had him slightly on edge.
she was dressed as a fairy.
steve has never seen anyone as pretty, as mesmerizing. and the way she treated this night, treated him, was driving steve crazy.
first, once she meets everyone at the entrance of the amusement park they agreed to go to, she insists on paying for both herself and steve. literally grabs steve’s wallet from his hand and only gives it back after she pays.
he, of course, only really allows it because she gives him her — in steve’s opinion illegal — pouty puppy eyes that she knows steve can’t say no to.
afterwards, once they all enter and the kids disperse to the various entertainment with the agreement of meeting up later to eat, steve’s girl drags him away from robin and eddie, who were both sporting knowing grins, to a shooting booth where she proceeds to win, suspiciously easily might he add, a stuffed frog for him.
and then she grabs his hand. albeit hesitantly, but she does. intertwining their fingers and everything.
the entire night was a dream for steve, and unbeknownst to him, for his girl too. she had a plan, you see. his angel was pulling out all the stops, even if she was shy and blushy the whole time— paying for the tickets for both of them was number one. followed by winning steve a stuffed animal, holding his hand, sharing fried oreos and cotton candy (again, paid by her), and going to the photobooth. the ferris wheel would be last, but it’s what happens inside the photobooth that matters.
once inside, steve made sure she was sat on his lap. she payed again. the pictures go a little something like this:
1st pic steve is laughing and she’s looking at him like he’s her dream come true which he is / 2nd pic she pushes forward not being able to wait any longer and quickly presses her lips to his a bit messily / 3rd pic is her looking all flustered and shy and doe-eyed while steve has this dazed look in his eyes and his jaw is dropped / 4th pic is steve grabbing her cheeks and kissing her fully, brows furrowed and all.
steve steals another kiss at the top of the ferris wheel, it was giggling and smiling more than kissing, though.
on the drive home, angel makes a stop at their self-assigned star gazing spot where she officially asks steve to be her boyfriend, all flustered and timid but oh so hopeful. another kiss, a resounding “yes” from her sweet boy, and dropping him off with a quick goodnight kiss ends the night, and steve has never been happier.
the fact she planned this whole night, took a chance, romanced the hell out of him, and was so genuine the whole time, looking to make him smile, just because, had steve on a high unlike any other. no one has ever taken the time to spoil him, to do romantic things for him. he’s not used to reciprocity in relationships, but here this angel is professing her love for him and not only saying it but showing him she means it. best night of his life.
and so their relationship begins.
steve harrington just worships his girl, spoils her continuously, and wants to do everything for her. he is overly affectionate and just obsessed with his baby, pictures of her and with her everywhere on his house, his car, his wallet, maybe even a locket he wears with a copy of the picture of their first kiss on it. steve took the photobooth strip and got the second picture, his angel kissing him for the first time, copied and altered to fit into the locket.
everyone in town just knows steve is entirely whipped and he does not care. he is definitely touch starved for his girl, quite a bit jealous, however, but trusts her so much that it just comes out as a sort of possessiveness that isn’t toxic but something both he and, secretly, his angel enjoy. steve always praises her and wants to take care of her because she’s his sweet little angel girl.
steve is also her first everything— first kiss, first date, first boyfriend, first time… and it drives him insane! something about knowing he’s the only one that’s ever had her and the only one she’s ever wanted just drives him up the wall and gets him so needy. so desperate. so whiney and pouty.
something else about steve as a boyfriend is that he’s his angel’s biggest fan — always praising, always encouraging, always in awe of her. will brag about his baby to anyone. randomly brings her up in conversation because she’s all he thinks about and he’s so proud to be hers.
buying her flowers whenever he can so she’ll give him this wide, square smile of hers that takes over her whole face like she can’t control it and her nose scrunches up a bit and he never wants to look at anything but her.
her stevie is really into pda too, can’t take his hands off of her, but nothing extreme; casual touches and pecks on her nose or temple or lips or cheeks, buries his face in her neck often, hand holding constantly!!!!!!, plays with her hair, is always playing with the delicate ‘s’ pendant on her neck that he gifted her and she never takes off (steve has this proud little smile whenever he messes with it).
then there’s the casual dominance— steve tucks her hair behind her ears, ties her shoelaces for her, adjusts the clasp of her necklace, puts her dainty jewelry on for her, braids her hair because she’s always clumsy with it and she prefers his braids over hers, gives her water so she stays hydrated, remembers her meds for her, adjusts her beanie on her hair when it’s cold and she’s wearing one, wipes chocolate from the corner of her mouth because his baby is a messy eater, pulls on her waist when they’re walking so she doesn’t bump into someone or something because she’s too busy talking and looking at him, spoon feeds her when she’s too tired and sleepy and pouty, brushes her teeth for her too when she’s being his cute little tired baby or is in subspace, brushing her hair and treating her like a little doll, his little doll, and loves to shower with her so he can do it for her, loves to drive her everywhere too. she’s his pretty passenger princess and they both take that role very seriously.
and whenever his pretty baby gets all glassy eyed and needy and blushy for him? he melts.
steve has a daddy kink. major one. and when he finally finds his baby, his person, he starts noticing things she might be into for the sole reason of wanting to be the absolute best he can be for his baby. the thing is, he knows she’s entirely new to this and still a bit nervous and hesitant and shy, so he starts by filing things away in his brain to make sure once she’s ready and the time comes that he can treat her perfectly, and give her everything and anything she wants.
his baby is probably a sub, she must be, with how pliable and soft she gets. for sure has an oral fixation, always giving him little kisses and little bites randomly and pressing his hand to her lips so she can softly mouth at them (but will shy away and get flustered when she notices she’s doing this) (she just loves his hands and he knows). steve’s girl also gets all flustered and her breath hitches when he jokingly calls himself ‘daddy’, so he takes that as a good sign because there’s nothing steve wants more in this world than to be her daddy. only hers. to spoil and care for and love his baby to the best of his ability.
she also loves when he manhandles her, he’s noticed— it’s just that steve really enjoys carrying his baby around, loves feeling needed and loves holding her and having her body pressed to his and have her hold on to him, but also he just wants to do things for his baby, doesn’t want her to tire herself out, ever!
she doesn’t need to walk around all the time because her stevie’s here and he won’t have his baby do unnecessary work when he’s around. whenever he grabs her waist and places her on top of a counter or something and stands between her legs? she gets all smiley. steve also absolutely loves how clearly his touch affects her; she hums and melts into him and gets a bit breathless and just tries to bury herself into him until they become one. lots of cuddles and hugs from behind and just being entirely wrapped in each other while wearing the coziest sweaters under the cuddliest blanket are common occurrences.
the main thing, though… is how steve’s shy little girlfriend quickly becomes obsessed with his bulge. loves when her stevie hugs her from behind so it presses against her, or when he has her sit between his legs with her back to his chest, or any time where her stevie is holding her close. he doesn’t even need to be hard for her to enjoy it, i mean, he shows through his jeans even when he’s soft! and she just always thinks it looks so…soft? and chubby? and she just wants it smushed against her at all times.
it takes steve a while to figure it out, but when he does? he’s relentless! pressing up against his baby all. the. fucking. time. just to see her blush and stutter and get all shy… but she also fucking sighs and relaxes whenever he does it, like it’s such a comfort for her? to feel all of him? like it’s all she’s waiting for at all times. and it drives steve crazy how his cute, shy, introverted, virgin girlfriend who giggles all the time and is always flustered by him and hiding her hot cheeks with her hands and is so… clumsy and tentative and nervous when it comes to any sort of affection (which she only accepts from her stevie) ((she definitely hates touch except his)) (((and he knows it too! was one of the things that proved to him his pretty best friend had feelings for him too when they were ‘just friends’))) can be so desperate to feel his bulge against her.
angel also loves that her stevie boy has huge hands! absolutely massive. could-wrap-one-hand-around-your-entire-neck massive, beautiful, strong, soft hands.. and yeah, both steve and his girl definitely have huge size kinks. huge. they haven’t said so out loud yet, but it shows through their actions. steve loves how obvious the size difference is when they’re holding hands, or when his hand is on her soft thighs. most of the time his baby holds his fingers instead because it hurts a little bit to intertwine their fingers for too long and steve thinks it’s fucking adorable. she’s shorter too, so 😵‍💫 her sweet boy goes crazy. teasing, best friend steve comes out sometimes too when he uses her head as an armrest to tease her, or when he full on picks her up to take her somewhere if she’s being a brat or is too lazy, too tired to move.
steve’s angel loves their size difference. so much. it shows when she hides herself against his chest when it’s cold, when she compares hand sizes because “stevie, the difference is just insane!”, when steve smushes her into the mattress when they start fucking later on. steve notices his angel blush or sigh or break out in goosebumps whenever his hands are involved— i mean, can you blame her? his hands are so pretty. she’s always holding and touching and tracing her fingertips over his palms and pressing kisses, biting softly, sucking on his fingers when she’s restless, fidgety, or sleepy.
using steve as a weighted blanket is a must; helps angel when she’s anxious or having a bad day.
to be continued…
── harmo’s footnotes:
please remember to show your support by reblogging!
masterlist. steve dreams.
ghostlyfleur © — all rights reserved. do not repost, copy, or translate.
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fairy-writes · 20 days
Could you do something with gen narumi from Kaiju 8? Something with angst and eventual fluff? Maybe s/o going missing during a mission or something
Reblogs and Comments are greatly appreciated!!
Fandom(s): Kaiju No. 8
Pairing(s): Narumi Gen x Reader
Word Count: 0.9k
Genre(s)/Tag(s): Gender Neutral!Reader, Defense Officer!Reader
Notes: I love Narumi, but nothing compares to my love for Hoshina (except for maybe my love of November 11, but that’s a whole other story (seriously, I wrote 6k about that man))
Today was supposed to be your day off.
You woke up, the sunlight streaming through your window, letting you know it was likely well past noon. The window was cracked as it always was, and Narumi Gen was fast asleep beside you.
As lazy as he was, Gen actually slept very little. What with his career and gaming habits, it wasn’t unusual for you to find him up into the wee hours of the morning doing something or other. So you were delighted to see him relax and sleep in.
You trailed a finger between his eyebrows, down his nose, and over his slightly parted lips, resting your hand on the side of his neck, leaning in to kiss him.
Just as you pulled away, a hand cradled the back of your head and kept you close.
“Who said you could stop?” Gen’s voice is gravely and sleep-addled, thick with the remnants of dreams. His lips brush yours, and you can’t help but giggle a bit.
“Someone has to get up and make breakfast,” You tease, and he huffs, sharp red eyes opening to glare menacingly at you. However, you aren’t phased; instead, you wriggle out of his other arm, which is firmly wrapped around your waist. 
For being “Japan’s Strongest Anti-Kaiju Combatant,” he really was weak in the arms when he was sleepy.
It takes another thirty minutes of snoozing before Gen actually gets out of bed and ambles his way into the kitchen, where you’re flipping pancakes. A decent-size stack is already buttered and plated at the table, with a bottle of syrup sitting next to it and a bowl of chopped fruit to top it all off. The coffee pot is burbling on the corner of the counter, and two mugs are set aside for the roasted beverage later.
Gen’s handheld game console beeps and chirps as you finish up the pancakes, and he shovels them into his mouth almost as fast as you can make them. You watch him over your cup of coffee, his voracious appetite is as present as ever it seems. 
It’s blissfully quiet until your phone alarm blares and shatters the silence. You check the notification and scowl.
A kaiju.
It's just on the edge of your division lines, too. It was maybe fifteen minutes away? You sigh, set down your coffee, and look at Gen, who is shoveling the rest of his pancakes in his mouth, before you head out.
Today was supposed to be your day off!
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When you come to, it’s dark, and you panic.
Are you blind?!
No… There’s a pinprick of light, and you are relieved to be able to see. You weren’t sure what you would’ve done had you been blinded. You wouldn’t have been able to do your job anymore had that happened. You would’ve been forcefully retired from duty, likely with honors, but that wasn’t the point. 
Where were you? 
You take in your surroundings, realizing very quickly that you are in a lot of danger. 
Three things. 
One. A building must’ve collapsed on you, and you were in an air pocket of sorts.
Two. Your earpiece was just emitting static. Broken maybe? 
And three. Your leg was pinned under some rubble. Pins and needles tingled up the pinned appendage, and you tugged half-heartedly. It’s no use. You were stuck. 
You press the button on your earpiece,
“Hello? Does anyone read me? I’m stuck and need immediate evac and medical assistance.” You say, but all you hear is static. With your leg pinned and your earpiece broken, you are forced to sit and wait.
Maybe search and rescue will find you? You can only hope and pray.
What feels like hours pass. 
You yawn for what feels like the umpteenth time, head lolling to the side as sleepiness overtakes you.
This really wasn’t good.
Wasn’t there something on the internet about yawning being a sign of lack of oxygen? Was your air running out? You could barely see as it was; there likely weren't any substantial cracks letting in fresh air.
Were you… going to die here?
No! You couldn’t! You had promised Gen that you’d stand by his side as an equal one day!
Even if you were never able to, you still didn’t want to die here. 
You begin to struggle, using what’s left of your suit’s power to try and shift the rubble. It does shift, only to fall even lower. You were never that powerful, but now you might never be. 
As darkness overtakes your vision, you call out one last time. 
“Gen… Please…”
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When you come to again, it's to bright, fluorescent lights shining overhead and the beeping of a handheld gaming device. 
“You’re awake.” Gen’s voice is uncharacteristically quiet. You turn your head and see him. The nubbins of plastic feeding oxygen in your nose are uncomfortable, but you push through. 
“What happened?” You mumble, and he snorts, putting down his game and turning in his chair to look at you. 
“A building collapsed on top of you. You ran out of oxygen. My dumb disciple found you.” He said quickly and succinctly. 
Shinomiya Kikoru. 
“But how—”
“It doesn’t matter how. All that matters is you’re safe.” He cuts you off harshly, but his words and actions say the opposite. He’s treating you like you’re a doll. Typically, it would make you annoyed. But now? 
Now, you just want to sleep. You almost died, for heaven’s sake!
So you do, the entire time, Gen doesn’t let go of your hand. 
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ghostbsuter · 8 months
"Oh, fuck no." The door is slammed, unfortunately for him, the guy stuck his foot in the jamb and pushed it open again.
"C'mon luv!" Constantine smiles charmingly, not waiting for Danny and entering the apartment.
At least Batman, Nightwing and Spoiler had the patience to wait for him to invite them in. Sagging against the door, he beckoned them inside.
Despite the caution, Spoiler gleefully stepped in, looking around like a child in an amusement park— which might not be too far off.
His apartment is, with all its wards and enchantments, very magical inside than it is outside.
The planetary system of another world, used as light for the living room and for practice.
(Nightwing is careful with what he touches. He still remembers the hours they spent in Mumbo Jumbo's hat.)
Batman on the other hand is following Constantine and Danny to what he assumes to be the office, if the amount of magical stuff carelessly laying around means anything.
"Alright fucker, what are you doing here? And how did you even know I live in gotham?"
John had the audacity to look abashed, scratching the back of his head with a nervous chuckle.
"Something came up and you know Gotham doesn't like me. She is much more used to you and I wanted to introduce bats to you, in case of emergency."
The young adolence stares owlishly.
(How did Constantine expect him to act at the fact that he's trusting a magical situation into the hands of a stranger?
Batman isn't sure how good the boy even is!)
"That's incredible thoughtful of you Connie." Danny hums. "What did you lose for your sorry ass to come here?"
Spoiler snorts, petting a red salamander. "He didn't lose anything." She reassures with a wave, giving an exaggerated smile and raising her brows to show that she's finding it very amusing.
Constantine sputters.
"Ancient knows how Zatanna and Raven deal with him."
Nighteing perks up from the side where he'd looked over the books, some pixie fairies(?) fawning over him? "Raven? You know her?"
Danny suppresses another sigh.
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running-with-kn1ves · 29 days
Faeries and Giants
A/N: Thanks that one anon for this idea! took my own spin on it >:DD
Content Warning: Held hostage by a giant, mentioned consumption of humanoid creatures, kidnapping
Synopsis: Life isn’t all great being a faerie in a world of giants, elves and dwarves-- of which, some are keen on plucking you from the forest floor like a berry and keeping you to themselves. 
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“So… delicate,” plump fingers outlined the crisp glass of your wings, their luminescence almost blinding to the giant. Your teensy, human-like frailty was some sort of evolutionary mistake-- how could you survive in these woods for so many decades, for centuries? You and your kind were mini parasites-- although delicious, and cute to play with, ultimately not meant to survive in this world where big bad wolves and giants ten times your size could pick you up like an acorn and snap you like a tall blade of grass. 
“Get your dirty paws-- OFF!” You kicked and bit with feral haste, clothes of leaf and twine breaking each time the giant poked and prodded at your pudgy, elongated features. One wrong tug and your arm or leg could come twisting off, your wings tarnished and ripped to fragments if he so pleased. 
“Settle down now, little one,” He let out a roar of a laugh, shaking down through his palms to his feet, making the earth beneath him crumble. “You’ll get hurt worming around so much!”
You shrieked at the gentle touch against your bare sole, the giant playing with your toes and fingers as he stretches and bends your limbs. 
“Please--urk, put me down! I’m not meant to be this high, I, I need to get back to the ground-- let me go!” 
“Ah, but aren’t you meant for the skies, little beast? What else are these… appendages for. Mere sparkly decoration?”
He runs a finger down the middle of your back, touching the sinewy fiber connecting translucent wings to your spine. You shivered, physically jolting at the uncomfortable, warmly touch. 
Your wings were drenched-- wrinkled and sopping from the “quick dip” the giant holding you thought would be a good idea before scooping you up like a pretty pebble. His previous…encounters with your kind must’ve prepared him well for the fluttery agility your poor wings could provide.
“Hm, do you like that?” The giant groans in heightened interest, resting his cheek in his hand as he holds you in the other. “The fairies I’ve met are far less dainty, withholding far more… animosity. Of course, they had been well-versed in magic and spells moreso than you seem to be. Far more appetizing, too. But you… you almost look like a stout sapling, useless in all endeavors besides your adorable little figure!”
Looking to the Giant’s pocket, you can see them there….Wings, some crumped to shards, others merely bent, stuffed in his trousers with shimmering pinks and golds and blues-- cleanly picked off of whatever faerie they belonged to.
“You… they’ve been disappearing, because of you! Collecting their poor wings…You’re a monster! My friends, eaten and killed--!”
The giant brought you to his eyes for closer inspection, pools of lake green beneath his moppy silvering and unkempt hair. He observed the river of tears falling from your face, your nose dripping and stuffy as you beat against his hand. 
“Why yes! We seem to agree on something; I am a monster of the forest-- as are you, and your thieving little fellow faeries. Stealing from my livestock, shoveling everything they can find into their mouths, attempting to poison and spitroast and maim me--” He brushes a tan knuckle against your cheek, smooshing it in an attempt to wipe away your tears. “And so I eat them-- which ever ones manage to cross me, choosing to arise my wrath. It’s the circle of life, my little winged beast.” 
He chuckles at the nickname, gazing at you slumped over on the creases of his palm, calloused from a life of barreling trees and tending to his oversized farm on the outskirts of your fae hamlet.
 You were too high to jump from his palm at this height, even with his fingers no longer tightly wound around you. If you tried to fly now-- you’d be as good as dead. 
“S..so, what’re you gonna do, with me?”
You wipe away your tears, trying to see the giant clearly this time; maybe you could pinpoint a weak area of his, something to make him drop you-- it’d be better than spending eternity in his palm, or his stomach. 
“So precious… What do you think? Should I eat you?” He grins, a large straw of wheat hanging from betwixt his lips. 
You shake your head rapidly, attempting to reach for the dagger in your leather boot. 
“No, no. Of course not, I can’t rid myself of such a cute fae like you, even if I despise the rest of your species--” He delicately takes his thumb and pointer finger to your cheeks, squeezing them to puff out your lips. “I enjoy your itsy-bitsy presence too much… perhaps I’ll keep you where the birds used to lay; the cage is quite spacious, right in the kitchen. I’ll make a soft bed of chicken feathers for you, a table just big enough to do your faerie crafts and harmless little spells on.” The giant smiles softly, touching the bare of your collar uncovered by leaf and leather cloth. “I’ll bring trinkets from the valley for you to do with as you please, cook hearty meals for us to share, even let you out to be coddled and touched every now and again-- how does that sound?” 
You were quick to shake your head, tempted to stab at his palm with your dagger, but an irked expression ran across the giant’s lips as his gaze fell to the grassy plain beneath him. 
“Your friend here however, will not be staying.” He holds you tightly again-- squeezing enough to keep you in the dark of his palm. It was warm and of an earthy smell, almost too tight for your cold body. You're abruptly tucked into the giants shirt pocket, a finger over your mouth and eyes that forced you into muted darkness.
Even with your fabricated blindness, you could here the breathy grunts of a familiar voice-- unmistakably from a woodland elf, the glass-shattering vocal chords of a creature who could burst ear drums if he so desired. You didn’t know for sure, but you had a reasonable guess of which elf in particular who seemed to be fighting a mountain of a giant in your honor. An unforgettable, certainly imbecilic ignoramus elf who tailed you everywhere you went in hopes that, this time you would accept his smitten betrothal request. 
You swam against fabric tugging you downward to reach the shirt pocket’s opening, wincing as the giant holding you captive yelped out.
“Gah! he stabbed me, the little fucking imp!”
It's the first you've heard him curse with such venom, mouth curling into a snarl as he bends to pick up the wooden sword-swinging elf at his boot. 
The elf screamed out your name, trying to cut at the scarred fingers holding him hostage. You reached out to him from beneath your pocket enclosure before the giant flicked you on the head, holding your savior far out by the tips of his fingers. 
“Ah look here, your knight in shining armor… hah, too bad, he looks absolutely delectable.”
The giant’s irritation was growing by the second, keeping a hand over you in his pocket as he shakes the elf around furiously.
“No--! please don't eat him, he just-- Let us go, he has nothing to do with this!” You tug against the giant’s button up, watching your elf companion swing around his needle-like sword at the  giant holding him up by his collar. 
The giant laughed, eyes crinkling as his chiseled chest bumped against your back.
“Don't fret sweet faerie, I’m not so brutal as to consume a creature like this raw; by all means, he’s coming home with us. How long he lasts- that's up to you.”
The giant stood from his crouched position on the grassy knoll, heavy boots digging into the grass to make muddy imprints. He dangled the elf out forward, watching as the poor creature sweat bullets while looking at you helplessly.
“Let my faerie-- go!” The tiny voice felt so far away, different than the usually grating elf’s voice you were accustomed to getting frightened by.
The giant places his fingers into his shirt pocket, nudging you with them in a powerful caress. 
“You'll remain my little darling-- while our elf friend here, remains where he belongs-- in the pigpen. Together, we can find a punishment suitable for him.”
You didn’t like the sound of that. With one heavy foot in front of the other, the giant started toward a thatched roof cabin in the grassy distance. 
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whereserpentswalk · 1 month
Reblog to receive the transformation. Like to upgrade your power.
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yeehawpim · 6 months
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Did a collab with @julnites! I did layout/writing and he did the art.
Check out the finished version there!
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