#klaus room
pinkhysteria · 25 days
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non-plutonian-druid · 6 months
can we talk about the choice to make luther the one with the music. here is a portrait of seven five siblings. none of them are in each others lives anymore. theyre dragged back together by their fathers funeral and find themselves nearly strangers, and none of them are particularly interested in changing that. but luther. luther wants them to be a team. he resents them for leaving and he resents them for not wanting to stay and solve this mystery. he is The Leader and as The Leader its his job to bring the gang back together and absolutely nobody is the least bit interested in heeding him.
but then. the first time that theres an indication that these people do have potential to be a family again. and its because luther plays a song.
its so beautiful. they could have given the music collection to any of them!! wouldn't it feel so in character for it to have been allison or klaus? or, for that matter, viktor? but they gave it to luther. the hardass who has been annoyed with everyone this whole time, the guy who is taking this all too seriously, THATS the one they give the 80s pop music to.
because he wants them to work together. and the show tells us yes, he he has that power, to help heal his family. but only by being a person with a music collection who does goofy dances and loves model planes. and not by being a superhero
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nerdie-faerie · 3 months
I'm once again thinking about the missed opportunities to have Klaus and Kol bond more. Part of Klaus' whole motivation as a vampire is to get his werewolf part back and to finally be stronger than Mikael (sort of, I'm simplifying) both of which can be obtained by breaking his curse. But Kol? Kol is the only other original that can relate to having a fundamental part of themself ripped away from them. Klaus might not have known he was a werewolf until he killed, but he likely still had a connection he couldn't explain, as evident by him going to watch the wolves transform. And something he'd never been able to explain was now gone. He might only be able to realise the connection afterwards through its absence.
Kol though. Kol had grown up with magic, a connection to nature and the world around him in a way the rest of his siblings supposedly didn't have. And then he gets turned. And not only has his baby brother died, his father has just murdered him and the rest of his siblings after forcing them to drink human blood, which he'll later learn. Now, not only does he have to deal with the grief of Henrik's death and also his own but also the loss of his magic. A loss that's likely only worsened by Kol being a self-proclaimed child prodigy.
Kol is pretty much the only one who could understand what Klaus is going through with the binding of his wolf. We know Kol searched for ways to get his magic back/carry on practicing magic in the same way that Klaus was looking for ways to break his curse. While Klaus likely could still feel his wolf there despite being bound, Kol has no access to his magic anymore. I just think they should've been able to bond or connect over their shared loss of an intrinsic aspect of their selves at the hands of their parents
#TVD#The Mikaelsons#Kol Mikaelson#Klaus Mikaelson#briefly back on my the originals shouldve gotten to be a family goddammit and as someone from a big family im personally offended bs#i did right a lil snippet about them bonding over this that i havent posted yet for the joml verse but still think its an unexplored concep#need more witch!kol acknowledgement honestly. just need more content of my boy#anyway. klaus having a fascination with the moon and kol telling him about celestial events and how it affects his magic when theyre boys#klaus losing that connection to the moon feeling lost & extra tempermental feeling his wolf claw at its binds and vowing to break his curse#kol determined to get his magic back at any cost relating to that devasting loss and promising to help him find a loophole for his curse#kol who becomes extra reckless and determined when he learns that theres a way to break klaus' curse so maybe he can get his magic back too#that knowledge and recklessness combined with his loss of magic driving him to become the volatile vampire that we see#that leads to him being daggered repeatedly but that first time breaks something in that bond between him & klaus that never fully recovers#it makes him bitter and resentful only fueling his reckless behaviour particularly when there seems to be no leads on reclaiming his magic#that he becomes distant from his siblings in the process especially with finn still daggered but that distance only cements the idea#to his siblings that hes a danger and cant be trusted that he needs to be daggered if theyre to stay safe from mikael#the loss of his magic leading to his spiral as a vampire and him being ostracised by his family > actual tvdu kol canon#klaus being trapped in a room staring at the corpse of his little brother knowing he never repaired that relationship with him#and now he never can so he refuses to look away as penance and a reminder of his failings to his little brother#*edit: one of the reblogs on this post is the author of big bad wolf and honestly she does an amazing job at portraying the mikaelsons#as actual siblings if you havent read it its one of my favourites for characterisations but we need more 😭 i want it to be the norm
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unfortunatetheorist · 5 months
Is Jacquelyn at fault in the Netflix series? (NCT)
Jacquelyn Scieszka is one of the most notable differences between Book- and Netflix-Canon. Her character is often portrayed alongside Larry Your-Waiter, with the pair acting as 'noble', working against Olaf and his accomplices, throughout the series.
However, there is one point I have picked up on to argue that Jacquelyn caused the heinous events of The Wide Window to occur: Jacquelyn chased Olaf onto the SS Prospero, and this was, arguably, one of the greatest mistakes made in this show.
Of course, as viewers, we understand her intentions:
Bring Olaf to justice, as nothing can happen once he's in Peru (even he knows that!)
Bring back Klaus' half of the Baudelaire spyglass
But this act made Olaf jump into the water below, where he would've made it back to shore, to meet with his troupe, before taking a boat out onto Lake Lachrymose, where The Wide Window's events begin.
If Jacquelyn did NOT get onto the SS Prospero, this would've happened:
Olaf sails away to Peru on the SS Prospero, to (in his words) "wait for the manhunt to die down, eat some cuy"
The Baudelaires go to live with their Aunt Josephine
Poe gets his promotion (probably)
Manhunts take YEARS to die down; Osama Bin Laden's - for example - took 10-15 years, before the US Navy tracked him down to a compound in North-West Pakistan.
So, here's the real genius of this part: by the time Olaf returns because the manhunt has died down, the Baudelaires already have access to their fortune!
As the phrase goes,
"It [was] a wicked thing to do, for a noble reason."
Did she have a choice?
¬ Th3r3534rch1ngr4ph, Unfortunate Theorist/Snicketologist
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hyperactivewhore · 4 months
Listen I absolutely adore Elena, but it's absolutely insane to me how she was okay with murdering Kol, knowing that would kill hundreds of vampires who did absolutely nothing to her, for a cure that sounded straight out of a fairytale.
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andreal831 · 4 months
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I found them under your coffin. So if couple of antique steak knives were the only thing stopping you from getting Elijah back, then here you go.
Haylijah in every episode -> -> 1.02 House of the Rising Son
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Fluted columns of light double as pedestals in Klaus Reymann's playful and sophisticated wall treatment. The objects displayed appear to float - as do the glasses and bottles in the backlit bar recess. The Josef Hoffmann fabric on the wall forms a harmonious surround for the classic Viennese lines of the table and chairs.
Rooms by Design, 1989
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morningstargirl666 · 5 months
This is a snippet from chapter 36 of TBBW, a very very rough draft - I haven't done much for this chapter because I'm obvi focusing on editing. However, I'm sure you'll still find it exciting - and a hint to where the fic's plot is taking us next.
Klaus eyed the new girl standing in the Lockwood study, watching as she perused the family’s various collectables and ornaments decorating the room, admiring a painting which Klaus thought rather tacky that was hung over the fireplace. There was a scent about her, tainting the entire room, wet fur and damp earth - a werewolf. Interesting.
“You’re a new face,” he commented, making her jump. She hadn’t noticed he was there.
To give her credit, she recovered quickly, spinning around to face him, taking in his appearance with a sharp eye. Klaus let her look, stepping further into the room, his hands behind his back.
“And I take it from your accent you’re an old one,” she pointed her finger at him, tilting her head in question. “Klaus?”
He smiled down at the floor, amused by her valiant attempt to hide her fear. Unfortunately, her jumping heartbeat gave her away. 
“My reputation precedes me. Hopefully not all bad.”
She curled up her lip in obvious disgust. “A little bad. Mostly repulsive.”
His smile dropped, no longer amused at all. He couldn’t work out if her disrespect was foolishness or arrogance.
“So you’re a friend of Tyler’s-” he continued, walking closer towards her, eyes narrowed. “That’s strange. He’s never mentioned you.”
The girl clamped her mouth shut, suddenly with little to say. And that was when Klaus heard his name being said, far away at the other end of the house, by a voice whose cadence he recognised instantly: Caroline.
“You’re kidding me? Klaus?” 
Klaus turned his head slightly, frowning as he listened in more intently. He could practically hear the wince in Tyler’s response.
“Yeah, and I really don’t want to piss him off so…You should go to the party. I’ll be fine here.”
“But I’d rather hang with you,” he heard Caroline reply, so tentative and so very hopeful.
Regardless, Tyler shot her down.
“Trust me, I am no fun right now.”
Why would Tyler turn her away? The petty, vindictive boy Tyler was, no doubt he’d jump at the chance to have Caroline on his arm while Klaus was in the house. A childish fuck you, since he couldn’t turn the hybrids protecting him away. So why say no? His mother was out, so she wouldn’t intrude, he was alone in the house except for-
Klaus’ gaze fell back on the new girl, looking at her in a new light. Suddenly, her presence took on an entirely different meaning, one that Klaus didn’t like at all.
“And I think I know why,” Klaus continued, shooting her a smile that was all teeth.
“Okay. Well, I’ll see you later then?”
“Yeah, I’ll call you,”
“Yeah, okay.”
Klaus felt his hands clench behind his back, an anger settling his chest at sheer disappointment and hesitance he heard in Caroline’s voice, like she had done something wrong. The nerve of this boy-
“Tell me…” he trailed off, pointedly looking at the girl.
“Hayley,” she answered quickly.
“Hayley,” Klaus echoed, beginning to circle around her. “Tell me, Hayley, how did you and Tyler meet?”
She shifted her weight to one side, folding her arms around her chest. Defensive. “I ran with the pack he sought help from.”
“To break my sire bond?” Klaus asked, her face confirming his suspicions. He waved the panicked look in her eyes away. “Yes, I know all about that. So, you are one of the Outcast then.”
Hayley frowned, shaking her head in confusion and looking rather impatient, as if he was rambling nonsense. “Outcast?”
“Werewolves like yourself and Tyler: descendants of the same wolves that stabbed their brethren in the back for a chance of mercy. Doomed to forever wander in aimless, disjointed  packs,” he explained, stopping behind her, forcing her to turn to face him. His mouth curled into a sneer of his own. “Traitorous little things.”
She scoffed, smiling a little. “I literally have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“No. You wouldn’t,” Klaus drawled, tilting his head again, in that wolf-like way. Her smile fell. “Allow me to enlighten you,” he continued, pointing a finger at her, “You see, werewolves like you, like the others I made my hybrids - they know not of our nature. Instead of making a stand, staying to fight against the vampires and witches alike - your ancestors ran and hid. And in hiding, they failed to teach their children the ways of our kind. The traditions, the knowledge, the culture. All was lost until they were so far from what they are, they believe their wolf is a curse. Outcast. Alone. Forgotten.”
“Lycanthropy is a curse.”
Klaus grinned. “Is it?”
Her eyes narrowed, taking a step back from him, clearly ill at ease with what he had just said. “What would you know of our histories? You’re more vampire than wolf, I know that at least.”
“My father is what we call an Alpha of Alphas. A King,” he said, closing the distance between them, not allowing her to escape. “Do you know what that makes me, Hayley?”
“Am I supposed to say Prince Charming?” she sneered, all disgust and foolish defiance.
Something dangerous settled in Klaus’ gaze, violent and spiteful.
“Werewolves follow power. They do not follow weak Kings.” His hand shot out, enclosing around her throat and lifting her up by the neck. His eyes bled black and gold, veins crawling across his cheeks. “Do I look weak to you?” he growled out through sharp fangs.
“No,” Hayley choked out, fingers scrambling at the hand holding her throat.
“Then tread more carefully then, because unlike my father, I am not prone to mercy," he snarled in her ear, tightening his fingers around her throat for emphasis. "And learn to curb your tongue or you will find yourself without it,” he said, almost as an after thought, before letting her go. She dropped to the floor, gasping in lungfuls of air and curling over, coughing. Klaus cocked his head, his expression suddenly serene once more. He looked almost bored. When she looked up at him with wide, frightened eyes, he raised a brow, gesturing to the door impatiently. “Go.”
She didn’t need telling twice.
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blairwaldcrf · 10 months
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[tvd 4x04 | every klefan scene ?/?]
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eraofevermore · 6 months
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Got these for Christmas
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shit-talker · 2 years
Klaus and Five are so comfortable around each other because their rooms were right next to one another growing up.
11 year old Five : were you banging on my wall again last night?
11 year old Klaus : huh? Oh, yeah. I was trying to talk morse code
Five : do you know how to speak morse code??
Klaus : no??
They then went onto learn morse code. Because they're chaotic like that.
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When Klaus is falling asleep he sometimes gets auditory hallucinations that mirror how the ghosts he's heard his entire life sound, making him sit up in a panic only to be met with an empty room
Sometimes he even hears Ben
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wearethewitches · 1 year
i just rewatched the last klaroline kiss scene and i can't write my fic anymore, what the hell, i'd forgotten it was so beautiful
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garadinervi · 1 year
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10-5155-20 Art Contemporain, No. 5 / Fall 1983: 'Verbe et image: poésie visuelle', Directed by Graham Cantieni, Dick Higgins and Karl Kempton, Edited by Dick Higgins and Karl Kempton, Éditions Alternatives, Sherbrooke, 1983 [Fondazione Bonotto, Molvena (VI). room 3o2 books, Ottawa]. White cover: Klaus-Peter Dencker [Black cover: Giovanni Fontana]. Contributions by David Arnold, Jean-Pierre Bertrand, Hart Broudy, Paulo Bruscky, Ernst Buchwalder, Graham Cantieni, Doris Cross, jwcurry, A.De Araujo, Klaus-Peter Dencker, Bela Egyedi, Loris Essary, Giovanni Fontana, Scott Helmes, Dick Higgins, Karl Kempton, Shutaro Mukai, Pawel Petasz, Ruth Wolf-Rehfeldt, Ryojiro Yamanaka, Shoji Yoshizawa, Paul Zelevansky
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lizasweetling · 9 months
Another advent style calendar design! Lots of details!!
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Finished series, Summer 2023: Spy Kyoushitsu 2nd Season
"What if, all this time, like his students, our teacher has been training as well?" "It's not just us. That Heat Haze Palace has also taught our teacher and let him grow. A spy classroom."
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