#kneck keep
dimity-lawn · 1 year
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Alastor/Angel/Stella/Verosika with a werewolf sinner? I kinda think of slight beastly features in the day (dog-like ears and claw like hands), but the full moon and other special moons cause a full werewolf transformation.
They could be curious/unsure if their S/O exactly in control during these werewolf moments, or if being a full-on werewolf would spice things up in bed.
With a Werewolf Sinner S/O
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Now... Alastor was a man of eccentricities.
He was THE Radio demon after all.
So when you requested he stay in on the full moons, while simultaneously disappearing every time the moon did its best saucepan impression.
He didn't really mind the requests, he'd simply use the time to work on one of his hobbies or perhaps catch up on a book he'd been neglecting.
But well... if Alastor was one thing.
He was far too curious.
So, after yet another full moon came around, he decided to follow you. And yeah, you had told him to stay home during the full moon.
And while hed usually respect that request, he'd still end up following after you, his shadows making it easy to keep your scent.
He'd follow after you as you entered the, well, he was going to say the 'bad side of town', but, it's Hell, so it's all 'bad side'.
And so, he'd watch you walk to the top of a rather simple little building, the man staying out of sight as he watched you simply stand atop it's roof, watching the sky.
And upon the mergence of the full moon, well...
Thing changed.
Your entire formed shifted into, well, a wolf.
It was truly something from a radio drama, your body bending and shifting till you resembled a great wolf-person.
Youd stand there, panting, the man absolutely in awe, watching your new imposing form standing there.
Though upon looking up, you'd take several deep sniffs, head snapping towards him.
Glowing eyes would stare at him, the man genuinely on edge.
It'd be less then a second.
You charging him. His shadows and powers simply knocked aside as you'd grab him, pinning him to the floor.
Now. Throughout your relationship, Hell, throughout his entire time in Hell, he'd never felt truly intimidated.
Well, there was that one time with Lucifer, but that didn't count.
But having you stood over him in that form, your form still yours, just drastically more animalistic.
Glowing eyes staring into his.
It was intimidating.
You stood over him, pinning him down with a singular powerful hand, hot animal breath hitting his face with each heavy breath.
Youd lean down, hot breath on his throat as your powerful maw hung over his painfully vulnerable throat.
But just before anything happened, suddenly you'd pause.
Pulling back slightly you'd take a sniff.
Followed by a second. Them a third.
Youd begin sniffing him, top to bottom.
Stuffing your nose into his chest you'd collapse atop him, breathing in his scent before you began licking him. Lapping at his kneck and face.
He'd take a minute, but he'd eventually get our from under you, the man telling you to stop, you reluctantly doing so.
The man would go off, proclaiming how it made sense. The man going off on how you didn't tell him. How you lied and abandoned him every full moon.
How you didn't trust him. How you would lie and keep him in some house to live out your savage delights!
But upon seeing you werewolf form weep, he'd realise the reality.
You were trying to protect him.
Alastor softly hugging you close, apologising. Sorry for speaking to you so harshly, without considering it from your perspective.
Cupping your now houndish face, he'd tell you, you could have told him, he was him after all. He'd happily trusted you to take care of yourself.
To which you happily hug him, licking his face.
After a few moments of affection, Alastor pushed you away, telling you not to push it, the man asking you what you usually did on full moons, and why you asked him to stay in doors.
To which you... well, you'd go on the hunt.
The man would watch as you went on the prowl, hinting down and consuming Sinner after Sinner, you truly having an astonishing apatite, something Alastor would find oddly impressive.
It was like a nature documentary, the man relishing the way you stalked. How you followed your prey.
How you so ruthlessly slaughtered them.
And by the end of the night you'd end up in his arms, the man holding you close as you drifted off, the next day you'd awaken in his arms, thoroughly confused and shocked.
Alsator would explain, apologising for breaking your agreement, but at least now he knew.
This would be a liberating turn of events, you finally revealing everything, able to be honest with your radio demon BOO.
You were a werewolf, through and through, and now Alastor could appreciate it.
Honestly, The full moons became his favourite time of month.
The man would escort you out, usually picking your hunting grounds, happily watching as you hunted.
Honestly, there was a... primal aspect to it all.
Watching you slink and prowl, hunting down all the useless, simpletons as you fed.
It was exhilarating. Like a drive in theatre, but it was his S/O, the man watching as his beloved slaughtered and fed to their need.
Then happily watching you from a distance, happy you see you so free. Free to hunt and slaughter as you pleased.
And every afternoon, or rather, every morning, you'd end up in his embrace, the man loving your sleepy, hound self, the two of you always ending up curled up on some lounge or couch, you waking up covered in blood, usually naked, curled up within his grasp, your favourite place to wake up.
Angel... well, Angel wasn't known for being a patient person.
As such, when you talked to him about not going out on full moons, this being the only thing you'd ever insisted on during your relationship.
Well, needless to say.
He was intrigued~
As such, he'd do whatever he could to figure out your secret.
Initially, it was teasing and asking, the arachnid trying his best to get the answer through attrition.
But after you'd snap at him, he'd drop it, apologising for pushing you.
So he moved onto his plan B.
Now the first few full moon, he'd reluctantly stay indoors, despite his curiosity and worry for you out alone, he'd follow your wished.
But this night, he stuck out.
Now, a 7 foot white and pink spider ain't exactly stealthy. But he managed, the man following you via car, carefully driving as not to spook you.
He was increasingly suspicious when you walked into a crummy neighbourhood, the man growing rapidly concerned as to why you were there.
What he didn't expect was your you to strip naked, hiding your clothing in a bag behind a dumpster.
Then, stood buck naked in the middle of the street, you... well fuck, you transformed.
It was a fucking sight, your skin tearing, body warping, watching as you shifted into a beast.
Angel won't lie, it took him a minute to process everything, but upon figuring it out, he'd accidentally scream.
"What the Fuck!"
Only to instantly regret it, your head snapping towards him.
He'd try and slump down, hiding from your piercing gaze. Buuut it didn't really work out.
You approached the car like an animal, the man scrambling to lock the doors, not that it mattered. You simply swiped off the roof, the man completely cornered.
You sat there, hunched over him, the spider trapped under your imposing form.
Youd lean in, angels hands shaking as he softly pleading with you.
"B-baby.... it's me..." He'd plead softly, hands reached out to you. "Angie~"
Youd snarl, leaning in close, nose twitching as you sniffed him. You'd drag your wet nose across his neck before pulling back, the man just laying there, terrified, watching as... you gazed.
It softened, leaning in and nuzzling his neck, the man gently cupping your cheek, the man begining to pet you, four arms scratching and combing your fuzzy form.
And before he knew it, he had you wrapped around his lil finger, you basically a big old puppy, thr spider giggling up a storm at his now big fluffy S/O.
"So dis is why ya don't want me to go out on tha full moon." He spoke playfully, rubbing your belly.
At that you pause, shamefully looking down as your ears pinned back. You were clearly ashamed, and while he wished you had told him, he couldn't blame you for keeping it a secret.
"Aye, it's alright baby." He cooed, scratching your head, really getting behind your ears. "We all got our secrets~" He finished with a peck on the nose.
He'd spend a while petting you, enjoying your rather lovable fuzzy form, until.
Well, some goons walked by, loudly speaking to each other, and that'd be whan you snapped into action.
You, well as you would expect, acted like a hound, you charging the pair, utterly slaughtering them.
He watched like something from one of those nature shows, watching as you tore them apart, hungrily chowing down on their remains.
Then, instead you seemed to spot something else, chasing after it.
Angel would spend the night following you around as you slaughtered and devoured anybody that got in your way.
Youd end up in some shithole of an apartment, your large fuzzy form laid across his lap, the man nuzzling into your warm body.
These would become a monthly occurrence, Angel usually accompanying you on your 'hunts', the man holding onto your clothes for you while you went on the hunt.
Now... let's be real for a second. This is Angel were talking about.
You would definitely have sex as a wolf, the man totally into it.
Come on, we were all thinking it.
You awoke with a headache, waking up in a rather luxurious golden cage, finding yourself in the nude.
Getting up, you used a discarded blanket to cover yourself, wrapping it around your naked form as you looked about.
You could quite easily slip through the large bars, unable to properly discard the sturdy golden collar that sat around your neck.
It'd be as you looked for something to wear, that Stella would walk in, all smiles.
"Breakfast Time my dear Wolfy~"
Shed practically cheer, a great big pile of steaks on a platter.
To which you'd both freeze, Stella brow furrowed as she looked between you and the cage, it taking her several moments to process what had happened.
Youd end up at a tea table, wearing an over sized robe, Stella elaborating what had happened.
Apparently during your latest hunt, youd ended up on the 'better side' of town.
Stella had stormed out of an opera, this damn thing a pathetic excuse of a production, the woman refusing to sit through a second longer of that joke.
And so, wandering aimlessly, she'd end up in a less than steller area.
The woman was taken of guard as dozens of ruffians jumped out, the woman completely surrounded.
And just before they could do anything, You'd jump in, utterly slaughtering the mass, and well, Stella found it a, forgive the phrase, A Hoot.
By the time you'd had your fill, Stella was swooning.
Blood covered, glistening eyed, you'd turn to her and snarl, to which she'd snap back, telling you to sit your ass down.
Which you instinctively did, Stella eagerly approaching you.
Youd become putty in your hands, a great big pup, the woman's stern nature and warm hands reducing you to a pup.
And so, she'd get you home, set you up in a convenient cage she happened to have, securing a collar upon you, she had fully inded for you to become her prized wolfy pet.
But now she was stuck with... you.
She'd gaze at you, a familiar glint to her eye.
A preditors gaze.
She'd lean forwards, telling you simply you could still be her pet~
If you wished.
Now youd initially be reluctant, knowing better than to make deals with demons. Buuuut, well, the next full moon, Stella would be on the hunt.
Hunt for what?
You of course.
The woman finding you relatively easily, the woman barking orders at you, making you submit to her.
And that's how you awoke in her home a second time, the woman already sat across from you, sipping tea.
And so, with a groan, you'd agree to one date.
To which Stella laughed, telling you it wasn't a date, it was a courtship.
And so, collar still bound, you'd go on a "date", Stella leading you around by the collar.
Now in all fairness, when she wasn't treating you like a dog, or tugging on your leash, it was actually a pretty pleasant endeavour. The woman spoiling you with either high quality food or affection.
And while Stella was something of a bitch, she, well, put simply, she was far too dominant for you to ignore, your inner wolf more or less submitting to Stella.
Though it wouldn't be till that first night in bed together, that night of passion, where Stella utterly dominated you.
Well... Boom, she was you Alpha now.
And she was sure to remind you.
This control lasting well iout of your wolf form, Stella utterly relishing the power she held over you, and well, let's say Stella dominated both your Sinner and wolf form, making you her loyal, submissive pet.
Just how she liked it.
And Hell, you'd be lying if you said didn't like it too.
Now, the Sex demon had first found you at a club, your wolfish features intriguing her enough to wander over to you.
She'd give a rather classy pick up line, asking bluntly if you wanted to fuck, the two of you Sharing a drink as you chatted about life, and what have you.
Youd of course end up in bed, the two of you going at it like, a pair of animals, you especially dominating her in the sack.
An exceptional feat for the Succubus. The woman so used to being in control.
And it'd be as you laid in bed, Veronisika telling you you were an animal in the sack.
To which you'd laugh, telling her she should see you on the full moon.
Verosika asking what you meant, so, not really caring if some random, if incredibly attractive, Succubus knew you were a demon.
Well, you were a demon by default, but on the full moon you were... something else.
So, youd have some fun in the sack here and there.
And while intimately it was just some fun, noncommital, casual sex between two rather unique individuals.
Your romps quickly became more and more frequent the closer you got to the full moon.
The both of you becoming more and more passionate with each meeting, your bond becoming... deeper, every morning you woke up besides each other.
Then, when the full moon finally rose, you'd... change.
Now, you'd insisted in doing it elsewhere. On street level, wanting to keep her at least somewhat safe. But she was adamant. Whatever you were, she could handle it in her penthouse.
And well, you'd oblige, and so, upon the full moon emerging, you'd transform.
Verosika... hadn't expected that...
Especially when you turned, eyeing her up like the last morsal of food in the next 100 miles.
Youd end up chasing her across the penthouse, Verosika, in a weird way, enjoying the chase. Though that may be due to her being a degenerate.
It wasn't until you cornered her that she was genuinely scared.
Shed try and reason with you, begging you to stop.
It'd only be upon reaching her, breathing heavy as you hung over her, that she'd scream your pet name.
Well, it wasnt really a pet name. More like a rather explicit title you'd earned aver biting her shoulder
But upon hearing that name, you seemed to snap into focus, pulling back.
Youd lick your chops, realising what had happened. You rather affectionately nuzzling her, Verosika surprised at your sudden change.
Though upon realising your shift in personality, the Succubus perked right up.
Of course she'd chew you out for scaring her like that, but now that you were all cute and cuddly, she was all over you.
She thought you were awesome, like an even bigger and stronger Hellhound.
Come on... how do you think a Sex Demon and a Giant wolf person bond?
And, well you wouldn't fuck immediately, it'd definitely, Verosika, well, loving your Larger form.
Youd become her personal security, and once a month she'd get to see you go ape, usually following you around in her Cadillac, watching the glorious chaos!
Then she'd usually drive you home, either curling up in some corner or, well, I think you know how you'd spend the night.
And you'd never give it an official title, but you were really a couple, regardless you you said it was.
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enterwittyjokehere · 8 months
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Sensual Sparring
[Reciving! Kung lao x male! reader smut]
⚠️ warnings:
[No pronouns used]
[Amab reader]
[Male Gendered nicknames]
[Heavy gay smut 18+ ONLY]
"Come on, Kung lao, I know you've got more than that." You teased, your boyfriend slumped against the wall breathing heavily.
"Just give me a second." He waved you off, the two of you were training and you had landed a devastating hit to his lower jaw.
"Want me to kiss it better?" You teased, leaning over the shaolin monk.
"Don't test me, (y/n)." He laughed out.
You extended a hand, kung lao took it and raised back onto his feet. "What do you say we make this interesting?"
"How so?" He raised an eyebrow.
"How about, one last fight, winner gets to top tonight?" You said, gaining your boyfriends attention.
The problem with being a relationship with two tops is that most times, there's a fight for dominance.
"A win-win situation is what that sounds like." Your boyfriend held his hand out for you to shake on the deal.
"Don't go easy on me just because you want my d*ck in your a*s, Kung Lao." You teased, giving him a peck on the cheek.
"Wouldn't dream of it, pretty boy." He responded, pulling you, in by your waist, to kiss you.
"Alright, Let's fight!" You smiled.
"Yup!" He said, stretching.
You threw a punch and kung lao blocked, but you didn't follow through and tossed your leg up landing a hit on him. He stumbled back, you took his moment of weakness and kicked his knee in, he fell to his knees. Quickly getting up he caught your right leg, from a kick and you lost balance falling.
Kung lao, had let his gaurd down now that you were on the ground and with a swift kick he was also on the ground. You got on top of him and declared your victory.
"I win." You said.
A goofy smiled plastered on the shaolins face, told you the victory wasn't yours alone, "Shut up and kiss me."
You did as told, leaning down, your crotch rubbing against kung laos own. The friction the training gis gave was amazing, Kung lao grabbed the collar of your gi pulling you more on top of him.
"Slow down, baby." You said, pushing him to lay all the way on his back.
"We're not going to do this here, right?" He asked, a little worried about being found out.
"Of course we are." You spoke as you began to disrobe.
"What if we get caught?" You moved to kung Lao's kneck, still laying in between his legs. You left faint bruises along his Adam's apple, "what if Lord Liu Kang finds out?"
"It'll be fine, kung lao." You said, taking a break from marking him, "you just have to keep your cute noises down."
"I am not cute."
"Yeah, you are." You said, standing up to take your pants off.
Kung lao eyed the tent in your pants, licking his lips, "want me to handle that, champ?"
"You wanna bl*w me?" You asked, as he crawled towards you on all fours.
"Oh I wanna f*ck you into oblivion." He said, as he began to pump your c*ck.
He sat up, pumping his hand along your length, then gathering saliva in his mouth, he replaced his hand.
The tight feeling swirling in your stomach only grew as he moved faster and began to massage your balls.
You let out groans, your hands finding his tied back hair. You pulled it out of the band holding it back, tugging on it as it fell down framing his face.
Kung lao stopped right as the coil in your lower stomach was about to snap, depriving you of your release. You hissed when the cold air replaced your lovers warm mouth on your c*ck.
"Come on baby. I thought you were gonna do the f*ck*ng." Kung lao said, taking off his clothes.
You kneeled down beside him, pushing him onto his hands and knees, kneeling behind him you hoped his spit would work good enough as lube. You pushed through his back entrance, he moaned as you hit his inner walls.
Leaving yourself in there for a moment, so he could collect himself, "let me know when your adjusted, Lao." You said, holding his a*s in your hands.
"I'm fine, just move, please." He begged and you complied as you moved in and out, kung lao, moved his hand to tease his own c*ck.
"Faster. Baby, please." You complied, straightening your posture you slowly picked up the pace.
The coil in your stomach tightened again, the sounds your lover made beneath you let you know he was also close. You pumped in and out of him, grabbing a handful of his hair, making him stop touching himself.
He let out a string of swear words, as he began grinding against you, signaling he needed a little bit more for his climax.
You took his c*ck your own hand and began pumping at the opposite pace your hips made.
Kung Lao only let out a loud groan as he came in your hand, you continued to move in and out of him as you got closer to your own.
Kung Lao now a moaning and turned-on mess, repeated your name and scattered pet names. Until you finally filled him up, making him gasp, he pressed his forehead to the mat covering the ground. Trying to regain any strength he had left, but you both just laid there panting. You gave him a quick kiss on the back of his neck, "see, you should let me top more often."
"This isn't over I have to get you back." He said, his voice strained and hoarse.
[There may be a part two idk yet.]
Maybe if enough ppl want it...
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imaginepirates · 2 years
Jack’s Cuddles HCs
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Jack secretly loves to cuddle. He would never admit it, but he likes feeling close to someone. Jack hasn’t had true closeness with many people, and the ability to be vulnerable comes as a massive relief. You can literally feel him relax in your embrace. That vulnerability is more intimate to him than things like sex, where he can still play the cocky scoundral. Cuddling is a whole different story. That mutual state of being relaxed, where there are no reputations to uphold, and you can be as open with each other as ever. 
Jack sees this openness and vulnerability as a true form of love, so the feeling of you relaxing into his arms makes his heart do a little flip. It makes him feel trusted--a feeling he’s not used to in the slightest. That sense of trust is really important to him, and knowing that you’ll hold him without judgement means that for once in his life, he’s found someone to trust. 
On that note, Jack likes being held. He likes the feeling of warmth and protection it gives him. There’s something about the way his back fits against your chest, and how his face fits into the crook of your kneck that makes him feel safe. He’s a pirate: constantly on the run, hyper-aware of his surroundings, used to being betrayed (thanks Hector). Safety wasn’t something he believed in. The idea makes him emotional, but he tries not to show it. He feels a little stupid, like a child tucked into their mother’s arms, but he can’t help needing it from time to time.
Jack is secretly afraid of being alone. He surrounds himself with his crew, with his acquaintances, with his enemies, even, just to have a sense of being around people. It never truly keeps the loneliness at bay, but he thinks it serves him fine. Being held makes him feel wanted, and reassures him that he has at least one person that will stay by his side. 
Jack makes cuddling less sexy than you think. He really just enjoys spending soft moments with you, and doesn’t really feel the need to make them into anything “more”. They’re enough on their own (though he wouldn’t say no to ~other things~ if you suggested them). A life of piracy, a life on the sea, allows little room for softness, for gentleness. Jack finds that cuddling is the perfect space to find these needs in a harsh reality. 
Jack loves when you play with his hair. Whether you’re just running your hands through it, massaging his scalp, braiding it, or pulling it, he’s enamoured. Jack understands the unsaid intimacy* to hair: when you braid someone’s hair, or cut it for them, or even just play with it, it’s an act of love. Braiding and cutting hair may be a tiny act of service, but it still means that you’re putting time into doing something for another person. Jack gets this, and will always offer to help with yours. The feeling of your fingers through his locks drives him wild. He won’t lie: pulling on it turns him on.
Jack sleeps in some god-awful positions. He drapes himself across his bed like a starfish most of the time, which takes up all the space. The chances that you fall off the bed are high. He also never sleeps under his sheets, which may or may not drive you insane, depending on how you prefer to sleep. In any case, you’re not going anywhere when sleeping with him. He’ll have you pinned down with one or more of his limbs, snoring away, with you stuck somewhere underneath him. 
Jack, being Jack, is dramatic. And wants all the attention in the world. He’s basically a cat: once you start cuddling him, he’ll never let you go, and will complain heavily if you have to go do something. If you want to cuddle, be prepared to do so for hours. He’s pretty strong, and can pin you in place if he wants. He definitely uses this to his advantage sometimes. He likes to bask in your attention, and appreciates all the half-exasperated compliments you give him when he’s being needy. 
He completely believes in returning the favor, though. He’ll let you rest your head on his chest, running his fingers through your hair, watching the gentle expressions on your face. He massages your scalp and places kisses along your hairline, trying to work some of the tension from your features and help you relax. He hums to you, too, songs he learned in all the places he’s visited. He’s a surprisingly good singer, but doesn’t actually sing until he thinks you’re asleep. Pretending to sleep while he sings is one of your favorite activities. 
You always wonder where he gets his songs. He knows a shocking amount of lullabies in all different languages, but you can’t bring yourself to ask why. You secretly wonder if he has any children (he does not). The truth is that he’s run into a lot of children on his travels, and they remind him of his young self. He never had anyone to sing to him, so there’s this soft part of him that learns to sing for the children who don’t have anyone else. 
He also, of course, knows quite a few love songs, and you don’t have to ask about those at all. You just like the slight vibrations you can feel while he’s singing and you’re curled up against his chest. 
Jack likes listening to your heartbeat whenever he’s curled up against you. He finds it soothing, and can fall asleep to the gentle rhythm combined with the rocking of his ship. He’ll fall asleep smiling, thinking of the two things he loves most--the Pearl and you. 
Jack always manages to press kisses to any exposed skin he can find while cuddling. You’ll be laying there, and maybe your shirt has ridden up a bit to give him access to your stomach, or the laces have fallen open and he can kiss your chest. He likes being mischievous, and likes to see you squirm. His kisses are warm, and he often laughs into them as you chastise him for teasing you so much. There’s something lovely about that hot puff of air against your skin just before he plants a kiss to it that drives you mad. 
Jack likes to keep cuddles just between the two of you. Mostly, you do it in his cabin on the Pearl and nowhere else so you can keep to yourselves. This may come as a surprise, given how shameless Jack seems, but in the end, that part of him is only an act. He doesn’t want to look vulnerable in front of others; Jack has a reputation to uphold, and that’s the one of “rat bastard”, so he can’t be seen going soft. He’s also afraid that if anyone knew how much he cares for you, they’d hurt you in some way to get to him. The thought scares him, so he likes to keep your more gentle and intimate moments between yourselves. 
Cuddling gets Jack to talk. When he’s not tired enough to fall asleep, and he wants to spend some time with you, he’ll exchange stories with you. As your relationship progresses, he’ll be more and more open, telling you stories about Teague and his childhood spend at Shipwreck Cove. He’ll even tell you about working with Beckett and the mythical land of Zezura, but only when he knows that he’s in too deep to go back. You’ll get to see a more open and honest side of Jack that few people get to witness. 
Jack indulges in a little fantasy of living with you in a little cottage somewhere by the sea. He likes the idea of slowing things down, cooking together, reading to each other on rainy days, planting gardens and watching them grow. He imagines a sunny spot somewhere where you won’t be found or disturbed. He knows it wouldn’t work out, of course. He’s too tied to the sea. But he doesn’t want to see you hurt, so he often thinks of sending you off, and feels a little selfish for keeping you around. He’d never tell you of his domestic fantasy, but smiles softly if you ever voiced the same sort of idea. 
Jack is just glad to have you around. The fact that you want to stay with him, on the sea, through a life of piracy, touches him. He’s never been emotionally close to anyone to the extent that he is to you. He values your downtime together--lord knows you get little enough of it. At the end of the day, it’s your arms he wants to be wrapped in and your smile he wants to feel against the back of his head. 
*At some point, I’ll share the poem I wrote about/for my ex girlfriend that has to do with braids. Braiding hair is a love language--always has been, always will be.  
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whumpasaurus101 · 9 months
Heyyyyy! Your writing is absolutely amazing I love it! I was wondering if you could do something with a civilian being chased by a group of men, they quickly turn into an ally and hide as the men run past but the villain is there and see’s the civilian so they try to scare them but they realize that the civilian is badly injured so villain decide to help civilian?
WAAAAAA oh my goodness thank you youre so sweet!!!!!! I hope this is okay!!💜
Civilian’s heartbeat was practically thumping in their ears. Their throat feeling tight as they took in choked gasps. Their body felt on fire.
Each step they took lit up every nerve in their body. They ran with one hand, the other clutching over their side as blood dripped from the gash. They grimaced but forced their legs to keep moving.
“Get back here you little shit, we’re not done with you,” One of the men roared. God, how did they get to this?? One minute they met a stupid bet and the next they were being chased by a bunch of hooligans.
Civilian’s eyes darted around the street before they saw an opening between two buildings. They forced themself to quicken their pace and turned into the alleyway.
Their back hit the wall as they watched the men run by, completely oblivious.
They were heaving for air, bloodied hand clutching to their side. They gasped in breaths, not enough for their liking.
“Well well well, what a pretty little thing to be wandering around these kind of streets.”
Civilian tensed as they unwillingly turned around, “St-stay back!” They tried to ignore the way their voice shook as they spoke.
Villain stared at them for a moment before bursting out laughing, taking a step forward as they tucked a curl behind Civillian’s ear, “My my, you are a cute one, hm?”
Civilian practically trembled under their touch, looking up at Villain with tears brimming their eyes. Villain gently shushed them, dragging a knife along Civillian’s kneck, stopping just under their chin, “You scared?”
Civillian couldn't even muster up the words, their mouth opening and closing, only a rasp escaped their throat as they watched the Villain- who loomed over them- with wide eyes.
“Ohhhhh, I could have my fun with you~ you’d look absolutely devine with my name branded along riiiiight-” they dragged the knife down Civillian’s throat, ghosting it just under their collarbone and stopped, “Here.”
Civilian flinched back, whimpering as their head spun, Villain’s voice barely coherent. They felt their knees buckle and watched as Villain’s face quickly turned to concern.
Villain was quick enough to catch Civillain, “Heyheyhey, easy,” Villain whispered against them, “Who did this?
Civilian let out a sob. Clinging onto Villain’s shirt as the pain engulfed them. “Please make it stop,” They sobbed, “Ple-please… it-it hurts.”
“It’s alright,” Villain whispered, “I’ve got you. I need a name though…”
Civillian whimpered, looking up at Villain, tears slowly rolling down their face, “He-Hero-“ they choked out before breaking into sobs, “Hero and their g-gang, they- they did it! I uhm..I made a be-bet and.. and I lost and- they did it…”
Villain stopped. How could Hero? Not only the city’s protector- but Villain’s own significant other? They held Civilian tighter, “Don’t worry… I’ll sort them out. They’ll never hurt you again.”
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rphelperblog · 2 years
Camille O'connell Quote Rp Meme
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- Cami is canonically bisexual just as the lovely actress who portrayed her- Leah Pipes-some quotes are slightly edited for rp purposes. feel free to change pronouns as well
“You are the architect of your own unhappiness.”
“Booze and board games... sounds like heaven.”
“You have lived long enough to never tell a woman that she looks tired.”
“Oh shut up, I am so mad at you that I can hardly speak.”
“Because against every ounce of my better judgement and my sanity and my common sense, turns out I have complicated feelings for a monster.”
“Love will make you strong. It will make you the man that I know you want to be, and you have to remember that because I won’t be here to remind you.”
“It never gets old for you guys. your like a dog with a bone.”
“I came through the front door. You appeared through the window like a creeper.”
“is there anyone not plotting your downfall? I doubt you would trust your own reflection.”
“Excuse me, if I have to drink something to get through the killing.”
“I know why I am here. For someone to hear your side.”
“So be a good little boy and get back into bed.”
“Don’t do that crooked smile thing. i haven’t seen you for months and then you show up..”
“I realized that all my saddness was swallowing me up... and I couldn’t let them.”
“Is she right? Do you see me as some fragil thing to keep behind glass?”
“Bartender with a grad degree in therapy-  I know a bit of an oxymoron.”
“somethings not right. I just can’t figure it out.”
“I don’t know who you are, but if you have a problem with me. Let them go.”
“You are such a coward. This isn’t about me.”
“This is my time. You steal it from me.”
“I am beginning to think your sister is a bitch.”
“You are to scared to trust.”
“Has it ever occured to you that I am less interested in fixing your problems than I am at swallowing my own.”
“This is not about you. This is about me. And who I am.”
“You are not annoyed me. you are angry at yourself for getting us into a mess.”
“But today you saved someone who doesn’t mean a thing to you, why?”
“We are called therapists these days. And you could do with some couch time.”
“All of your violence is pointless.”
“what if someday his demons become mine too.”
“Who is this dirt bag eyeing me like a lack of lamb? Old friend?”
“I would step in front of a bus before I let your mother control my body.”
“I really don’t have another tomorrow do I?”
“I wanted to be brave, I wanted to handle this with dignity, but I can’t. I don’t want to go, I’m so scared.”
 “I guess that makes me immortal.” 
“You won’t kill me while the sun is still out.”
My mom said beer wasn't lady like so I learned to love it as an act of rebellion”
"I need to feel that pain. Without it, I feel broken. Empty. Like there is someone to blame and I'm letting them get away with it"
“No one can control you unless you let them.”
“You don’t get to delete the details that annoy you. If you love something you have to accept the good with the bad.”
"Maybe we just do the best we can and never give up."
“My sanity is not a joke.”
Oh goodie, the mystical knife of ludicrous torment. Glad that's still around."
“Oh than you served your purpose don’t let me hold you up.”
“It sounds like booze.. do we have anymore booze?”
“Some people don’t want to be saved.”
“I always imagined that having a woman’s mouth on my kneck would be a lot more erotic.”
“Look at you repeating the cycles of destructions again.”
“This is my time. You steal it from you.”
“You are a scared little kid convinced he will be tossed aside the second he isn’t needed.”
“Don’t patronize me.”
“He’s charming, sexy, confident, incredibly hot. Let’s be honest, he’s a bad guy just like you.”
“Would a laptop kill you?”
“No one is taking that away from me.”
“No I am just getting started.”
“I don’t think you want to hurt me. See he is the most ruthless man in all of history- and he kind of likes me.”
“I don’t know how but I will undo whatever the hell you have done to me.”
“You know I have a black belt in karate.”
“I think I am a pretty good drunk.”
"I know your heart. You're so much better than this."
Because love will make you strong. It will make you the man I know you want to be. And you're going to have to remember that.. because I won't be here to remind you.”
“whoever is out there, make yourself known or I will gouge out your eyes.”
"Every artist has a story you know. He's angry. Dark. Doesn't feel safe and doesn't know what to do about it. He wishes he can control his demons instead of having his demons control him. He's lost. Alone. Or...maybe he just drank too much tonight. Sorry, overzealous psych major.”
“Oh lovely, than instead of hating you darkness, she will become a monster herself by example.”
“I came here because you need me. You needed me to tell you that this is not you.”
“I know you are hurt, but please listen to me, you are better than this.”
“ Am I supposed to fear you too?”
“There is more to life than the pain that they made you feel.”
“There are good things and you need to see that too.”
“If it not for that, someone else would be standing here.”
We were bonded our whole lives. And I know... know he didn't just snap. And I need to know who did this, and I need to make this right. No, no don't take this away from me."
“I was never naive enough to think that I was your light, but there is light in you. All that anger, the cycle of abuse that your father began, you can end it. You have to, so you can be the light for your little girl. “
“You know, sometimes I ask myself why I let people like him into my life. I have this destructive pattern. I’m always drawn to the bad boys. Maybe deep down, I feel like that’s what I deserve.”
“This is a city of death, fires, floods. To say nothing of the violence we do to each other. We may laissez les bon temps rouler, but really we’ve turned life into one big party to distract ourselves from a single, unavoidable truth: We’re all going to die.”
“I took a beer bottle and smashed it in his face.”
People are not awful. They want to be good. Something makes them bad, makes them snap. There are always signs. Symptoms before someone has a psychotic break.”
It’s an ancient mystical plot that I am using to destroy you.”
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xxatlasxx · 2 days
Kimchay and chokers thots:
"Bye Pkim, Caus almost here!" Chay yelled as he walked to the door grabbing his coat. Kim was about to wave when he noticed something around Chays kneck, but before he could say anything, chay was out the door.
"Anon, stop chay until I get there. He is not allowed to walk out of this building, understand?" Kim yelled as he jumped up from the couch, clambering over the back.
He impatiently waited for the slow elevator to make its return to the top floor. There was no way he was letting Chay leave wearing what he was pretty sure he saw. Absolutely not, he thought as he tapped his bare foot. He smashed the buttons for the lobby and close door.
"Anon, what do you mean 'I can't leave, Master's orders?'" Chay complained as he tried to push past the body guard. He didn't even know how he knew he was coming down here yet having literally just walked out the door. Its like him and kim had a psychic connection or something.
"I'm under direct orders to keep you here."
"this is bullsh--" chay ended with a yelp mid sentence as someone pulled on his choker.
The leather tightening against his throat making it difficult to breath. His fingers scrambling to loosen the grip.
His feet squeeled on the floor as he was dragged back from the door towards the elevator.
"help, he-" chay tried to scream but the grip tightened. The next thing he feels is his head smack against the wall as he's pushed into it, facing his agressor.
"sorry, i forgot my leash, i was only worried about my dog escaping," kim growled.
The elevator dinged, the doors opening.
Kim pulled chay into the elevator, this time forcing him onto his knees. Chay wheezes as he tries to catch his breath. His wind pipe feelt like it had been crushed, and the back of his head throbbed.
Kim drug chay by the collar all the way back to their living room. He made him kneel again, forcing him down on his knees. Tears streamed down chays red cheeks.
"who said you could leave this house looking like this? Huh?" Kim snarled.
"do you think this is appropriate? Do you want me to leash you up?"
"its-its just a necklace, P'kim." Chay sobs.
"NO, ITS NOT." Kim roars.
Yeah thats all i got.
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undescribed1mage · 2 years
tell me about ur ideal production of rtc if you had complete control over EVERYTHING
Ideally Ricky would be played by a disabled transfem actor.
Costume wise it'd be as close as possible to the original 2016 costumes. Jane would have a ribbon tied around her kneck, Mischa would be wearing a wedding wring(a makeshift one), both Ocean and Jane would be wearing lockets, and Constance & Ocean would have friendship bracelets. Ricky's mobility aid would be decorated with stickers.
Uranium Suite — they'd all be slightly off from each other. Mischa would be a few beats late, Noel would push Ocean out of the way, Ocean would attempt to take Mischa's phone from him.
During the boys line(The smart ones all packed up and went why stay if you can't pay the rent?) Ocean & Constance would dance together
During the girls line (Empty Streets and Empty Shops,Shuttered rows of mom and pops) Noel & Mischa would dance together
What The World Needs:
The Choir members mocking the actions Ocean is detailing(someone fetching her a coffee, someone shining her shoes, etc).Mischa would just casually pick her up everytime she says she gets up.
Would switch the Ricky lyric to 'We're bringing back the girl who plays the tambourine?' and everything that correlates w that.
Yk the movement Tiffany does during the 'teen sex kills!' line?That when the Ocean says 'he's never gonna breed!'.
Super epic Taylor Swift based outfit change for Ocean!!
Noel's Lament:
Outfit is HEAVILY inspired by Lola Lola. Long Haired Noel if possible.Entire song sang VERY aggressively.Beret's for the girls!!Bowler for Mischa!!!
Nischa dance before the kiss, which is less making out and more just a VERY passionate kiss(think Ohio production). Mischa mouthing 'I think I am in love with you.'
Home theatre type vid for the background of the 'my child,' scene.
Ocean, Jane, Ricky & Constance busily walking around Noel during a few parts(specifically during the 'eight months later!i catch typhoid flu!' bit, to emphasize that no one really cared.)
Every Story Has A Lesson:
TAP DANCING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This Song Is Awesome:
Super Cool Sunglasses.
Switch Noel & Ocean during the 'Here comes the hotties, here comes the valet.' line.
Not much to say for the rest of this, but epic mic drop at the end(Ocean catches it)
All the girls get flowy dresses & projections I keep going in between Noel in a wedding dress as Talia(not in like a 'Noel is Talia typa way') and there isn't anyone playing Talia.
If Noel is Talia:
Spacedolls & Blackrose dance together on the side.
If Noel isn't Talia:
Everyone switches dancing partners every now and then.
All the girls would have pretty flowers in their hair :)
Noel & Ocean gossiping when they dance during Talia.
Space Age Bachelor Man:
Title and lyrics would probably be changed.She would get a very pretty space themed outfit and I'd give her spacebuns.
We are KEEPING IN the space babies line!!!!
The cats would have furry tails.I would aim to make the meowing as comfortable as possible.
Either Karnak or Virgil as Count Dog-U-Lous!
Ocean being the only one to say 'Ricky, should we pull the switch?'
Only the cats saying 'That son of a bitch!'
Ricky sounding panicked during 'Why are they asking me?I'm a lover not a fighter!'
The Ballad Of Jane Doe:
She'd start out on the ground, looking around at all the choir members(who are imitating what would be her funeral).
As she's raised up she continues reaching out for each choir member, obviously unable to grab them.
She clutches her uniform at every religious reference(her only sense of identity being that she went to a Catholic school).
The tone of 'Just John and Me!' being hopeful.
The tone of the song slowly getting darker and slower until they reach the end.
The New Birthday Song:
It would imply Jane eating the cupcake AND the candle.She would also try to touch the fire.
Jane would hug Ricky after she's given the name Savannah, and then a scene of her pulling the lever(like in mccarter) would happen.
Mischa would ruffle Noel's hair while saying that Noel is tragic.Then Noel would hug Mischa.
During the Blackrose scene everyone else would be visible in the background.
Both Constance & Ocean would get progressively more upset but for VERY different reasons, until Constance finally punches Ocean.
Sugar Cloud:
Purposefully rocky vocals at the beginning before Constance eventually gets more comfortable with her voice.
Ocean nodding during the 'There is nothing wrong with the nicest girl in town!' line.
Noel & Ocean dancing together at some point!!!(THEY'RE FRIENDS TRUST).
Ocean holding up the microphone for Constance, Noel & Mischa dance together, Ricky & Jane dance together!!
It's Not A Game//It's Just A Ride:
Ocean singing the majority of it during Penny's life montage, everyone else joins in near the end.
Mischa shielding the rest of the choir as Karnak breaks.
Everyone copying the movements from their songs during the second half of the song!!!
The Order they stand next to each other is:
(Left to right):
Everyone jumping together as Karnak begins to speak.
'No, I mean me moving against my will.' would be kept in.
Somehow I would merge the improv scene & the porno is magical scene.
Mischa & Ocean both laughing at Noel's Taco Bell photo.
Ocean would be shoved out of the way for Noel's introduction.
Jane would be more life-like(Little Miss No Name based as well).
Ocean speech would include the 'every single one of you is a fricken rockstar!' line and she'd point to the audience as well.
Mischa would attempt to run away from Ocean when she says 'Mischa...I love you!'
This is all i have for now.
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itsohh · 2 years
Playing With Fire
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A/N: Female reader, did Lion cause I lowkey feel like I’ve been neglecting him a bit. This was one those situations were is was rather hard to pick between cause they could BOTH be in this situation. (´ڡ`)
Word count: 1254  
Warnings: NSFT, semi-public
Now, Olivier wasn’t really one for parties, he wasn’t the most social person nor the easiest to get along with. Yet there he was, in the corner mingling rather well with Néon, an easy-going expression spread across his face. Behind that easy-going expression was of course one a little more intense. Your teasing of the man hadn’t gone unnoticed and he in turn had done everything to keep his distance from you.
Oh, the man had been so very riled up, moments before the pair of you had joined the rather well-established party, your mouth had been against his, his back pressed up against the wall. Your hand had been on his crouch so caringly stroking him through his pants. Then as quickly as you had started to touch the man, you had left him. Dazed and slightly confused he stood stunned while you had opened the door to greet your friends. Leaving him to deal with the consequences.
Olivier silently cursed your name when you approached the pair of them. All night he had done everything to avoid eye contact with you, avoid your glances his way. His self-control was thin and the pair of you knew it. “So how are my two favourite Wolfgaurd operatives.” You smirked as you stood next to Olivier. “Don’t tell Miles I said that though, it will break his heart.” A light laugh came from Néon’s mouth before they took a sip of the drink in their hand.
“We are doing well, or at least I am.” Néon had of course noticed Olivier’s tenseness, the constant side glances that he made over his shoulder.
“Oh? Are you alright Olivier? You seemed fine earlier, are you coming down with something?” A fake sigh left your mouth. “I told you that you're always working too hard, I suppose it's a good thing we have our breaking coming up soon.” He flinched just a tad when your hand came up to his forehead.
“I think… it's a bit hot in here. I think I’m going to get some fresh air.”
“Ah yes, you are a bit red in the face. Take your time.” Néon nodded and your eyes fell to Olivier’s tight grip on your wrist. Olivier tugged on it, dragging you away from the man. The voices of your friends were pushed to the side as he pulled you out of the large room but instead of continuing down the hall and outside, he pulled you into the nearby single bathroom. The muffled sound of Christmas music could be heard through the door as he grabbed your shoulders and pushed you against the tiled wall. The teasing words on the tip of your tongue were cut off as your head was pressed against the wall, his lips on yours. One of his hands came to turn the small lock on the door before he immediately started to pull at your belt.
Olivier was rough, pent up as he bit your lower lip slightly before his tongue entered your mouth. A pleased sound was muffled into his lips as you casually draped your wrists over his shoulder. With a tug, your belt unlocked and he pushed your dress pants down and you stepped out of them with ease. His lips tore from yours and went to assault your kneck, harsh bites as his hand went to your cunt. “You just had to play with fire.” He hissed under your ear. “Had to be a tease.” The last word had a bite to them as his fingers entered you, three of them. An entrance that welcomed him with ease, your slick coating them as he curled them inside of you.
The action had you breathing out a small moan, hand flying to tug on his hair. His free hand slapped over your mouth as he continued to uncurl and curl his fingers, hitting that sweet spot inside every time. “Quiet. You wanted this.” Your muffled groans continued against his hand, eyes closed as you embraced the pleasure he sent throughout your core. A whine left your lips when he pulled his fingers from you, saddened by the loss of contact.
Whines mixed with his name were barely heard as the pressure on your mouth continued, Olivier managing to undo his own belt with one hand. “Next time you pull this I’m taking you home.” His voice was gruff as he freed his cock, the hard leaking length in his hand. With your face looking up he grazed his teeth on your neck. You lift your leg up against his waist making it easier for the man to gain entrance.  “Next time you do this, I won’t let you cum for a very long time, because only little rabbits who behave get to cum.” He entered you in a solid push, stretching you wide as he pushed the entirety of his cock inside.
Olivier muffled his voice on your shoulder and his hand came to grab at the side of your ass of the leg that was hiked up. His grip was hard and he started to roll his hips against you, there was so no waiting, was no patience. He was fucking you then there and hard. His panting breaths could be heard as he lift his head from your shoulder, his eyes slightly hooded as he fucked into you with his furious need. The light sound of his skin slapping against yours started to fill the room when his pants fully fell down, not that anyone could hear it over the loud Christmas music, music that Néon had complained to Olivier before you had interrupted them. Of course, all thoughts of Néon or anything else had left Olivier's mind, all that mattered was reaching his peak.
Wicked thoughts of how he would punish you later entered his mind, oh how he wanted to shove your face down into his mattress and fuck you mercilessly, how he wanted to pull out just when you were about to cum. He wanted to bind your hands together behind your back, take control of you, have you begging of him. He wanted to hear you moan, to plead, to beg. It wasn't very often that Olivier lost himself in such a manner. To lose himself completely to his instincts was rare, his almost animalistic nature which had surfaced, pounding you against the wall. Your nails dug into his hair, clawing at his neck as he growled into you. "You will cum now or not at all." Your eyes widened at the same, desperate for your release you started to rock your body into his in perfect timing. So close, so very close you were, legs shaking and he finally send you over.
Your muffle moan was swallowed by his hand as you clenched down around his cock causing him to reach his own peak. You milked his dick of all his cum as it pumped inside of you, hot squirts shooting into you as you felt his dick throb inside. His hips were slow rolls of his hips as his nails broke the skin on your thigh, a deep curse leave his mouth as the pair of you rode out your orgasms together. Only when he slipped out of you did he remove his hand from your mouth. Little was said as he pulled up his pants and fixed his hair, he didn't look at you as he unlocked the door and left you there, a smug smile on your face.
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shadowglens · 8 months
glance, stature, outerwear, and hair for olympia and cressida!
glance: at first glance, what stands out most about your oc's appearance? what's their distinguishing feature?
OLYMPIA - olympia's hair or eyes tend to stand out the most, at least when she first meets people. her hair is a special tone of bright golden blonde that only sun elves ever really manage to achieve naturally, and her piercing green eyes look just a little too unnatural. she's very clearly not born of faerun, even among other high elves; there's a touch of the feywild in her.
CRESSIDA - there's a certain darkness about cress; in her blood-red eyes, in her almost permanent scowl, in the angry scar cutting down one side of her face. before she even opens her mouth, most people are off-put at best, intimidated at worst.
stature: what's your oc's body type? how tall are they? do they wear clothing to accentuate their look or do they try to mask it?
OLYMPIA - olympia stands at about 5'9, and is very toned from years of wearing medium armour and wielding swords and maces. she carries most of her muscle in her core, thighs and biceps, although beneath that she still has the lithe bone structure of her whole family of almost-fey high elves. she doesn't look as strong as she is, put simply. olympia knows she's conventionally attractive and isn't afraid to show that too, and will even let herself be a bit vain about it when she's feeling indulgent.
CRESSIDA - cress has a fairly boxy / square physique, with little curves and almost no fat on her body. she's all bone and muscule and sinew, a willowy taut thing that was created not born. she actually looks faintly unhealthy, in all honesty; her grey-toned skin doesn't help the almost sickly palour to cress. she's about 5'7, although her tendency to wear her hair high and intimidating presence makes her appear taller.
outerwear: what's your oc's outerwear situation? jacket, sweater, cloak? what sort of weather do they deal with most and how do they protect themselves?
OLYMPIA - she definitely does best in warm weather, and beloathes harsh winter climates, but if push comes to shove she will always favour a thick fur-lined coat over her armour, with an over-sized hood and sleeves that cinch at the wrists to keep warmth in.
CRESSIDA - cress has spent time both in extreme heat (i.e., in the nessus) and exreme cold, and isn't really partial to either. she does appreciate being able to layer in cold climates though, and enjoys waring her thick black cloak that falls to about her knees. she also likes high-kneck jumpers and shirts, especially if they're wool or some other soft material. it's an indulgence bhaal so often refused her.
hair: how does your oc wear their hair? does it have some kind of meaning?
OLYMPIA - if she had her way, olympia would wear it out or half-up a lot, but that's not usually very condusive to travelling or combat. generally, she wears it either in a french braid or braided back into a bun, with some shorter strands falling around her face. as much as she will complain about court and her mother's insistance on following customs, olympia does wear her hair in styles that are popular back home in high society (it's second nature at this point).
CRESSIDA - more often than not, cress wears her black hair tied in a high ponytail. pieces will often fal out though, strands hanging around her face or at the nape of her neck. it's a messy, thrown together kind of style. she feels exposed wearing it loose.
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dimity-lawn · 1 year
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November 7, 2023
Well June 3-5/2023 I was abducted and raped at the Village Inn Motel on 1210 SE floridfa Drive , Livingston Parish . The man forced me on white stuff and weed. When he had me he had my head in a position to deal with him either snapping my kneck or making me suck his junk instead. So I had to allow him to do what he had to do to me. When he left to go handle some business he also had the hotel room phone off the hook as well because I tried calling my at the time boyfriend. Well when I finally manipulated him to bring me back to where I was living at first for almost a year at 4500 Lefkoe street, Metairie and well on 06/05/2023 my daughter was placed in her father's custody at 3:15 PM as well . When I came back I also went to the hospital as well to get all my antibiotics and to have it recorded as well. What was werid the man who did this to me he actually showed me a song my old foster brother released about me and it made me really think and also at the time the guy was 38. On the 7th when I told him I wanted to go back home he brought me but showed signs of agression as well. This lead me to believe my old foster father sold me at the time as well. When I returned back my daughter's father's sisters were messaging me saying that I abandoned her when I didnt I got abducted .
Trying to reconcile what my boyfriend and I had at the time on the night of me being raped and used like an object he was in a limozene to get his bestfriend out of jail as well. While trying to fix what happened and try to get things right between him and I seeing if we broke up or whatever we spent 2 weeks at this bestfriends house that got out of jail and he showed me more kindness as well and i reminded me of when my grandmother was alive and well the police and people keep asking me why didn't I fill out a police report.
Well the first two times April 22, 2018 and August 8, 2016 nothing was done either because Louisiana took away womens say and rights about sexual assault and even now not even allowed to talk about it to my current exboyfriend who came get me to save me from staying on meth and shit but truth is he keeps acting like and even saying women deserved to be raped if we ask for it. He calls me a bitch and gets evil because I flinch during sex. I am sorry but women will lose interest in a prideful man that thinks his words dont stink everytime I ask him to please stop with the way he talks to me he thinks that is really how I want to be spoken to. I am now really grossed out sexually and lost as time goes on. Men expect women to want to sit home and be told what we can and cant do who to be friends with and how to move but real sad case is that is how you lose a woman being honest I was looking for a job when I got abducted and my body was covered from head to toe as well
As far as I am concerned these men don't mean shit really anymore healing is becoming really werid even as now as I speak
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multistoty · 1 year
Liked for a star wars starter
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Why was this sith warrior so interested in a woman who looked like a senator from a by gone era? She hadn’t seen anyone since she woke up in her coffin smacking at the glass until Sabe had noticed. It had to be some sort of trick of Palpatines or something Anakin had attempted in order to keep her safe. She had had twins. those memories were back as well as the choking that felt almost present every time she slept. Were Obi-wan had taken them was beyond her just like his life. The empire had murdered most that she loved and forced Obi-wan to kill his former padawan. She had seen the counter in Ben’s face of who she knew quite well. And as a poltician, she had drawn conclusions to the memory of Luke and Leia who had been left as orphans in the deaths of both of their parents and whose cries were all of them she had ever known that the particular palor of his face and more said that the hero without fear never left Mustafar.
Revenge was never a good thing. But for the first time in her life through diaster, a certain ammount of rage lurked in the shadows of her light. One of the men on tatooine had just put a vibro blade up to her kneck when he was yanked roughly back and the black monster much taller than her had appeared. His height was similar to her husband’s though much more intimidating. Was this a droid or one of the people she had loved forcedto fall? Ahsoka had left the order too. that always haunted a girl who had thought of her like a child.
If this sith knew her identity instead of the girl who had freed herself from Jabba and attempted to do such things for others. Sabe could make her a sleeper agent for the rebellion, but Padme wouldn’t go out quietly. She had been tricked on the sand planet. Now, the remainder of the slave chip scar only spurred her into further action. She had been living on an old moisture farm bought with the credits Sabe could muster and run by her fellow newly freed peope. How crazy her life had become a sort of reverse of the man who her heart belonged.The connection with the empire was here though few bothered with the planets on the outer rim. It was part of why hiding here had worked so well. Padme kept her blaster in her hand, finger never leaving the trigger. She studied the man in front of her, if he could even be considered a man but then again she didn’t have a clue what he was under that suit and hoped she never would have to. Her eyes moved back up to where she assumed his eyes were behind the helmet,
“ I’ve heard about you Lord Vader. I am very… interested to say the least to meet you but please. I am just simply a woman in this small town trying to go about her day. May I be excused. “
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"castiel Novak. Someone wants to talk to you." A voice said from behind him suddenly there was a sweet smell tantalising his nostrils and mouth before it all went black.
his eyes slowly opened his head buzzing and eyelashes fluttering open and adjusting to the light in the room.
"what do you want dean?" Cass mumbled.
"you." He stated simply.
"come on, I broke up with you. I'm not yours to have."
"I know you still love me Cass. Just as I love you." Dean said.
" Fine." Cass said.
"so why not be with me?" Dean asked crouching in front of the chair Cass was sitting in.
"I cant, you're a mob boss dean I can't be with you. As much as I want to." Cass mumbled. Dean sighed slowly.
"and I cant make you." Dean smiled sadly.
"what?" Cass asked confusedly.
"hey, you clearly aren't paying attention here. I love you. I'm not gonna make you do anything you don't want to. You can go when you want, you aren't tied up or anything. I just want you to be happy. So go." Dean leaned down and kissed him on the forehead before walking away. Cass soon got up after he regained his composure. And walked out of the building only to feel a sharp pinch in his neck before passing out again.
Castiel's eyes opened blurrily darkness fading from the edges of his vision.
"Mr. Novak. Someone seems to care about you after all."
"ughhhh how is this not the first time you are kidnapping me Alistair. Hell, id say you care about me at this point." Castiel joked earning him a punch to the gut.
"and you were too smug everytime." He replied. "but perhaps not this time." He said. He hit Cass accross the face and then he felt a sharp pinch in his kneck, he moved his head back to look at Alistair shocked before it all seemed so fickle. The world felt so warm and blurry.
alistair laughed evilly at his fluttering eyelashes and his now unlevel breathing, his glassy eyes covering his blown pupils.
"there you go, just enough to keep you docile." He said tauntingly patting the side of his face like he was a child. Cass hardly reacted, barely lucid he didn't actually know what was going on.
"ah ha ha, perfect." Alistair mocked. He hit him a few more times to get the look he was going for for the video.
"Dean." Sam said walking into the room dean had been moping/drinking in for the last day.
"what is it Sammy. I'm not in the mood... just leave me al-" dean started.
"he took Cass." Sam cut him off. Dean immediately snapped into alert and protective. "he sent a video"
"show me." Dean said bluntly.
"you don't wanna see it." Sam promised.
"show Me."
"fine." Sam played the video on the tablet in his hand.
"hello there dean. I've missed our fun time together." Dean shivered at the memories of that hell he went through, and what they put others through. "but I'm not so bored without you now. Because now... I have him." He stepped aside revealing a bloodied and dazed Castiel. Dean visibly paled at the sight of him he took into account his glassy eyes and blown pupils.
"he's been drugged." Dean mumbled.
"now he's plenty fun but ultimately not what I want." He said turning around and hitting Cass once more. He looked to feel the sting but still dazed and unclear as to what caused it and seemingly didn't care.
"Cass." Dean whispered.
"now," Alistair continued. "we're keeping our friend here nice and docile so he's a nice captive," he said injecting Cass with a syringe full of a clear-ish liquid. "but my patience will run out. So here's what I want. Drop out of the game. Quit. Oh and dean? You know what I'm capable of and you know I don't bluff so believe me when I tell you that if you don't do this I will send him back to you in pieces. And I know you care about him so make the announcement and meet me on the old ally on 5th avenue by midnight Or don't. And I'll just carry on." He turned around picking up a knife and slashing it accross his arm, leg, chest, shoulder.
"turn it off." Dean spat. Sam did, angrily and disgusted.
"are you gonna do it?" Sam asked.
"of course I am. I was going to anyway. I love Cass and if he cant be with me because of all this," he gestured around. "then I have to stop this. I was going to anyway. And besides I never liked this anyway, it was the family business its just what I'm good at." Dean shrugged.
"ok. Well you're my brother so I just want you to be happy and I've always loved Cass for you." Sam smiled.
"well... I believe I have an announcement to make." Dean smiled.
~~time skip~~
"it's done." Dean said to Alistair who was standing in the alley.
"oh?" He inquired.
"yep. Of course, it doesn't matter compared to this." Dean said. "so where's Cass?"
"ill get him." Alistair said tauntingly. He walked away slowly to the back of the vehicle. It was a run down van with no plates and a rickety paint that was peeling off. Dean was incredibly nervous, he knew that now Alistair had no reason to keep Cass, he had complied with his demands, he had dropped out of the game. And yet there was still this niggling feeling at the pit of his stomach. Alistair returned dragging a bloodied and unconscious castiel by the leg. He dropped his foot letting it hit the floor with a thud. Dean darted over to him.
"Cass!" Dean shouted darting to his side. "what did you do to him?" Dean spat.
"wow, you really care about this one huh? I, uh... Accidentally, gave him a double dose." Dean patted his face gently to no avail, he lifted his eyelids revealing his pupils blown to saucers and rolled up to the top of his eyes.
"Cass? Cassy. C'mon Cass please." Dean whispered. Alistair walked away flauntingly fulfilled with what he had wanted. Dean decided he was not going to just win, he would get what he wanted, fine, but dean gets his own victory too, and besides, he hurt Cass. Dean raised his arms gun kn hand and pulled the trigger three times. Once in the head, once between his shoulders and once through his spine. He breathed heavily comforted in the fact that Cass' and his own was the only breathing he heard. He put the gun back in his belt and wrapped his arms around Cass, only then did he take note of blood all but drenching his clothes. 'the video' he thought, Alistair had cut him. He picked castiel up gently lowering him into his car and laying his head on his lap.
"its ok Cass, you're gonna be ok." He whispered to his unconscious passenger. When dean got to his house he essentially tore off Castiel's clothes revealing the wounds littering his skin. He pulled out his needle and began stitching the wounds shut, some still actively bleeding, others more sluggish in their pace of blood loss and some sealed almost entirely. Dean sanitised the wounds as he went unhappy with how unaffected Cass was from the pain dean had known first hand to at least make someone wince. After the stitches were complete he wiped the blood off castiel with a warm, wet towel he ensured to soft so as to not further agitate his wounds. When all was complete he changed Cass into some of his pajamas knowing them to be far too big for Cass but also knowing that wad the comfort he would be looking for after being constrained so long. After hours of watching over Cass dean reluctantly fell asleep, arms wrapped around him protectively.
the next morning Cass awoke sluggishly. His eyes opened slowly and he adjusted to the light after a great deal of coazing. Je felt arms wrapped around himself and looked up to the face of their owner. Dean. He smiled reflexively at the sight of the man. He moved to snuggle into him but was taken aback by the shocking pain all over his skin and in his head. At some point he must have yelped or cried out in pain as suddenly dean was awake also and asking him if he was ok. Cass looked at him and nodded gently.
"what- what happened?" He stuttered.
"Alistair. He took you again. I- I'm so sorry Cass. I'm sorry this is all my fault. He hurt you, and he drugged you and I'm so sorry." Dean cried quietly.
Cass put hands on either side of his face wiping his tears away with his thumbs ignoring the pain it caused the gash in his forearm. "hey, its not your fault. That man is a psychopath sadist. I'm here, I'm ok. Sore in places and really confused but I'm fine."
"he's a dead psychopath. I made sure of that." Dean said.
"so again, what happened? From the beginning." Cass specified.
"you remember when we spoke?" Cass nodded. "well Alistair took you after then and he kept you drugged, said he wanted you docile." Cass shuddered at the thought of that man anywhere near him. Let alone when he couldn't fight back, dean seemed to notice and took one of his hands in his own. "he sent me a randsome video of himself torchiring you and said I had to quit and id get you back, or not and he'd... Kill you."
"and... Well, what did you do?" Cass asked.
"are you kidding me Cass? I quit! I was going to anyway, the second you said you couldn't be with me because of my job. I quit the earliest second I could to get you back." Dean rambled.
"I love you." Cass cut him off. "so much, I love you." He repeated. Dean pushed his lips against Castiel's.
"I love you too. With everything I have." He held Cass tight his arms surrounding him tightly. He realised eventually that Cass was asleep in his arms, his fave leaning of deans shoulder.
"its ok Cass, you've been through alot, I've got you." Dean whispered. "rest." He smiled. And he knew then that they would be ok. Come hell or high water, they would be ok.
A/N. So… I honestly have no words.
I have no idea what provoked this idea in me but hey, here we are. So I hope you had fun<3
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narrators-journal · 2 years
Stolas and Blitz, Creampie and Voice kink
So, this is gonna be my one and only helluva boss writing. I find I do not really enjoy writing for these characters despite liking them. I also didn't stick to canon, bc Cloaca's make me uncomfy in sexual contexts. Other than that, I had to get hella creative with the definition of 'creampie' bc I couldn't work in both kinks cleanly otherwise. Sometimes a bitch just aint that creative lol.
After such a long day, all Stolas wanted to do was watch tele novellas and drink enough alcohol to wash away the bitter after taste being around his wife always seemed to leave in his beak. However, Stella had the television remote, so that was off the table. Instead, the tall owl demon just went to their room and locked the door behind him. He didn't care if Stella threw a fit, he didn't want her to bother him until bedtime.
For now, all the demon wished to do was flop face down on the massive bed and groan into one of his many pillows. Whoever said marriage was the best part of life was on meth. He thought bitterly. Reaching up to try and rub some of the stress out of his shoulders. When that didn't work, he resorted to more involved tactics.
Getting up, the tall owl crept over to one side of the fancy bedroom and dug a toy out from the depths of his personal closet. It was a phalic thing, shaped like an imp's dick with a system of tubes that allowed the piece of silicone to produce artificial jizz.
Granted, Stalas had the power to summon something much more realistic and imaginative, but the simplicity and thrill of having a physical toy to hide made his dick twitch as soon as the demon had kicked off his pants. So, he double checked that the door to the hallway and balcony were locked, and the curtains were drawn before he set up the dildo and pulled his cellphone from his pocket while slathering his toy with lube and positioning the tip just at his entrance. At first, using general imp porn to fuel his imagination while he pushed the toy into himself.
Of course, the owl demon didn't actually focus on the pornstars in the pictures. They were plenty attractive, but Stolas only used the images for inspiration in his own fantasies of his childhood friend and crush Blitz. So it was himthat he imagined filling him up. Angling his dick to hit that special spot that made the owl's claws curl and his eyes fill with stars.
Though, the  owl couldn't quite decide which fantasy he craved to relieve his stress. Did he want to picture Blitz ravaging him like a wild animal? Taking his breath away and biting into his feathered kneck without mercy. Or did he prefer the fantasy of his childhood friend taking his time with him? Going slowly, finding all of the small spots that made the goetia puff up. He couldn't decide.
To make his situation more complicated, Stolas found that his searches were pulling up fewer and fewer enticing images. So, the fire he'd worked so hard to nurse into being was beginning to burn to embers in his belly, earning a frustrated groan. There's got to be SOMETHING to keep me going. He told himself, pausing his thrusting of his toy to rummage through his phone for any explicit photos of Blitz, or maybe any recordings of their phone calls.
Sadly, the hunt came up fruitless. Somehow, the owl demon hadn't a single recording of his spicy phone calls with his childhood friend, and he'd already examined every inch of the photos Blitz had sent him. He was jonesing for something a little fresher than those same pictures.
Not that he was complaining. The pictures were still quite appealing to Stolas. But they only provided small sparks of lust for the needy bonfire burning in him. It was more teasing than satisfying, which the owl demon hated.
So, in his desperation for anything to satisfy himself to, Stolas went digging through the saved recordings of their general calls. Rooting around in their non-sexual conversations until he found a recording of a call he'd made to the imp where Blitz sounded sleepy. That sure did it.
The husky mumble of his voice struck a chord in the bird demon. Reminding him of how growl-y his old friend got when they were meeting up for their monthly hook-up. Which breathed new life into the restless heat burning beneath Stolas' blue-grey feathers. In turn, drawing out more needy moans while his thrusts of the silicone toy into his ass grew quicker. Taking advantage of the heat before it could fade again.
So, Stolas happily used that recording of Blitz's sleepy, slow voice to push himself further into bliss. Angling his toy so it hit that one specific spot deep within him until he could feel his orgasm building. At that point, he paused his actions to make sure the toy could 'cum' with him before returning to thrusting the dildo into himself with another slew of moans.
Nothing beat the feeling of the real Blitz filling him to the brim with hot seed, but the faux-cum that shot into him would have to do for now. All he really needed was the friction the toy gave to ensure the bliss washed the owle away and his member gave one final twitch and thrub before splattering his own load onto his feathers. And while the recording of Blitz's alluring voice made Stolas crave his touch all that much more, for now, he bit back the urge to call his childhood friend.
Call him tomorrow, Stolas.He told himself while he began to clean himself up. It's far too late to call him over. Stella would find him and ruin all of the fun. The thought of his bitter wife made the owl audibly groan, but he shoved the thought of her away. He'd just gotten himself to relax, he couldn't risk ruining that by letting himself focus on her. She could sleep in a guest room tonight. He instead pulled his bottoms back on and just laid down to dream of his charming imp prince.
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olivedoesmagic · 2 years
Chapter 89:
Chapter 89: Blow Us All Away
It was always meant to be a double life. A mantle. A instructional guide. Then my father took my folder, my pictures my reference. And he with god and (TW FOR MUSLIMS REGARDING PROPHET DEPICTIONS) and Allah sculpted me out of clay. He breathed and I became Olive Brimstone. But I’m not a golem even though I say, and my father Acrians worries me. He’s my master, my friend, my parent and he didnt’ make a new he used his. So I guess it is an act, but I live through his stories, and that is why I am public domain and my diary, no matter Zues said. My thoughts are my own, I am traceable to my mentor, and now he’s got his new favorite student Ariah…I guess now he’s done with me. But I don’t think I’m a bad person anymore. Because looking at myself objectively as though as alter- as though I’m someone new with a fresh coat of paint I am no longer evil and I can see that now in Master, I can see that now in Acrians. No longer do I loathe my teacher, not matter the similarity. Good for Ariah though I mean honestly.
He kept saying when he sculpted his perfect student “is she…really like this? Is this really how you see me?” to god, not noticing that we are identical! Yes I am prettier than him, everyone keeps saying how gorgeous I appear. But I untainted am my own person…
Anyways, I met Philip Hamitlon, and I taught him to rewew. Renewal is identical to regeneration on docto who except your personality stays the same with minor tweaks. You make a new body you focus on what you want and my diary secretly shows you how in the alternate version going to print. My friend Felix rewnes later on, and I have renewed currently, but while I gave them the secret to doing this, in the original writing of renew, I can go back to my old face, the others cannot.
I have several faces I cycle through. Mine Olive, my teachers Acrians, and Ariah and the other students it’s more than just a mantle when they take the place- and then I have my own unique faces. I met the historical figure philip Hamilton and in an act I became him he was on his death bed we met at the fanfic cafe, then he renewed and had a new face. I always loved the conspiracy theory “That alexander hamilton faked his own death”. Anyways, then on, I was told by several important people I had to guide each and every president. These are conspiraciesw go wild #shanedawson and I with my pilots guided many. You’d be surprised how covertly common D.I.D is.
Bill Clinton had issues with my pilot decker and we always disagreed. I loved kenedy, and I’m a republican democrat piliticall or a left leaning liberal or a leftist with odd policies. Basically I’m weird. Reclaimed my judaism that’s fun. But only culturally.  I’m glad I finally came clean about the golem thing however recent, because as always is out of order. OOH I KNOW. My tubing avatar goes on adventures and the lets plays are real, but they seem like a character like a story I made up and I rpomised tj kirk i’d as a feminist review the kneck beards bible.
Anyways! I have chai tea that’s good. And I’m supposed to meet neris in the bubbles soon he’s curios as to how this all works, bye!
Oh and I’m totally gona find sam and dean to become a hunter. It’s not an act up here!
Olive Brismtone, Golem Extrodinare /j
4:30 PM
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