#knight of camelot ghost
scoobydoobaday · 7 months
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The Scooby Doo Show S01E06 - Scared a Lot in Camelot (1976) Hanna Barbera Productions
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mephiles-the-jester · 4 months
Why does mordred kill his dad, what does shadow think about it ?
im going through art block so itll be a bit until i can draw it,,but i would want to draw shadows reaction to mordred killing sonic someday,,,itll happen one day,
but as to why mordred would kill his dad,,,,essentially,out of character,its mostly based on merlina in satbk describing how the world will continue if its not preserved as she wants it, including king arthur being struck down by his son mordred,,,, sonic tho,years later,,,just names his son that because he forgot the rest of the sentence it belongs to and just thought it was cool,,,,merlina hasnt reminded sonic of it and is just hoping for it not to come true
the story reason is due to mordred being born powerful enough to revive the black arms species if he wished,becoming a figure just like his grandfather,,,,mordred doesnt know abt this power,but everyone else did even when he was an egg and didnt let him know,,,ever. mostly because they didnt want him accidentally invoking that ability himself if provoked when he doesnt know what hes doing,,at shadows insistence of course,, and yknow maybe the ghost of black doom shows up one day and decided to tell mordred about all that himself,while also throwing some shade at his parents abilities at taking care of him,,.and that happens to be a day where he already feels dismissed by both of them ,,and suddenly mordred is upset and tries to confront sonic about lying to him and not trusting him and even fearing him,and unfortunately sonic doesnt remember that hes king arthur,or remember merlina describing that fate from mordred,,or realise how upset mordred is when he chases his son down before he finds shadow,,,,,,happens to the best of us,,caliburn probably had to watch all that too
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magicmalcolm · 2 years
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Came across this Choose Your Own Adventure book from a series I'd never heard of before now?
It's not a very long book, there's only 100 pages or so...with that being said, Ghost Knights Of Camelot is a sick AF title.
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casually-eat-my-soul · 3 months
I was literally talking about out this with a friend but can we please talk about how Merlin receives the consort treatment in the castle. Like Merlin has never been treated like just a manservant.
LIKE the scene with where Leon walks in on them look for a ghost and Merlin goes with “I’m teaching him poetry” bro no one believes that. THE DELETED SCENE where Arthur gives Merlin his mother’s sigil.
But specifically does Arthur realize how this is come into play diplomaticly?? Like kings and queens wouldn’t bother going through Gwen if she doesn’t seem like she has the kings favour. Like they would play nice becuase she’s the queen but it looks like she doesn’t have as much sway over Arthur. They would go through Merlin because he does. Does Arthur realize how he’s inadvertently oppressing the amount of power that Gwen is supposed to have. I know Merlin would not realize what’s going on, Arthur certainly wouldn’t. Does Leon know?? DOES GWEN???
Oh god it gets worse the more I think about it. Its gets worse when you think about how close Merlin would be perceived to be to the round table knights of Camelot.
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justaz · 2 months
a spell is cast on camelot that thins the veil enough for ghosts to appear. the catch? the ghosts that appear are spirits of people that were killed by the person they’re haunting. the knights have a good amount of bandits/raiders/whatever that they took down in battle, maybe a few shady knights have genuinely innocent people that they murdered and got away with. the executioner’s killings are transferred to the king since he was simply acting out the king’s commands. arthur has quite a few. uther has hundreds of sorcerers in various states of gore and horror. those who were hanged have perpetually bent necks, those who were beheaded have either no head or just a head floating a bit above their body, and those who were burnt are more charred remains (the most grisly of them all). merlin has more than anyone expected (which was zero) and all of them keep calling out for arthur/uther’s death and camelot’s downfall while also turning to merlin and calling him a traitor.
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Need a story where Arthur is a ghost who follows Merlin around all day and only in dreams can he communicate and touch Merlin. But to Merlin, he thinks it's not real that he's imagining the Arthur in his mind because no way would Arthur, his golden King would ever call him precious or beautiful, it's just wishful thinking on his part.
So Merlin lives a long life without knowing Arthur is there with him, this time it's Arthur's turn to watch and protect Merlin from the shadows as the warlock once did when Arthur was alive.
Arthur could've stayed in Avalon til he was needed yet the urge to return to Merlin is powerful, although he entrusted the care of Camelot into the hands of Guinevere and Leon he could not do the same of Merlin, and only upon his death did he finally realise why.
He was in love with his best friend. Always had been.
And so it is with great stubbornness and a helpful hand from Freya, whom he just found out was Merlin's first love, he frees himself from Avalon and returns as a spirit that guards Merlin's dreams from nightmares and fights off evil creatures that want Merlin's magic or wish to claim Merlin for themselves...and if some of those creatures happen to be humans who wanted to court Merlin well, he's not going to make it easy on them, on his knight's honour he will protect Merlin's virtue!
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Hello everyone! I'm back with another Merlin au idea! This story was actually supposed to be a part of my fic "What to do When an Eldritch God Decides That You're Friend-Shaped", but I decided that this idea didn't really mesh well with the rest of that fic and would probably be better off as its own separate story.
And I will say, in my opinion, that this is probably one of my best au ideas yet. I had so much fun just writing this! Also, heads up, this post is going to be very long because I really love this idea! So, I hope you all enjoy! :D
In this au, which is set post-Camlann, Morgana wasn't able to take Merlin's magic away before the battle, so Merlin was able to save Arthur and defeat both Mordred and Morgana without revealing his magic. He was also able to prevent Gwaine's death since he kept Morgana preoccupied in the battle. So, Camelot is saved, and everything is great!
Except, Arthur has some questions. He knows from Morgana's furious screams during the battle that she was killed by a sorcerer named "Emrys", but Arthur never saw him. And Arthur recognized that name from when Morgana taunted him years ago by saying "Not even Emrys can save you now."
Arthur knows that he owes his kingdom and perhaps his life to this Emrys guy, but he knows nothing about him other than that he's a very powerful sorcerer, more powerful than Morgana. This frightens Arthur, as he doesn't know what Emrys wants or why he helps Arthur. For all Arthur knows, Emrys could be just biding his time to take over Camelot and was simply doing away with his competition by killing Morgana.
After things calmed down after the battle of Camlann, Arthur decides that he needs more information on Emrys. Who he is, what are his motives, how can they find him, and a million other details that Arthur needs to ensure his people's safety. He first goes to Gaius for information, but Gaius can tells him that, according to the myths of the Old Religion, Emrys is the most powerful sorcerer to ever walk the earth and is held in high regard by the druids.
Gaius's answer only heightens Arthur's alarm, as the prospect of having to fight to most powerful sorcerer ever is terrifying to him. However, he still doesn't have any good information on Emrys, so he goes to the next best source: the druids.
Thanks to Arthur making peace with the druids after promising the ghost of the young druid boy and permitting them to use their magic for peaceful purposes only, there were a couple druid camps not far from Camelot. Arthur picked the closer one and took a day to travel there alongside Merlin and a few knights in the hopes of finally getting some answers.
When they arrive at the camp, they're met with worried glances and panicked faces, but the druid elders welcome them into the camp nonetheless, offering them all a seat by their campfire and warm meal. Once they got settled and Arthur exchanged some pleasantries with Iseldir, the druid chieftain, Arthur was finally able to ask what had been plaguing him for weeks.
"Iseldir, I know that your people hold a sorcerer named Emrys in high regard, and it's come to my attention that he was responsible for Morgana's defeat at Camlann and possibly on other occasions. Please, I need to know more about him and why he's chosen to help me."
Several people froze and tensed at Arthur's questions, including Merlin. Arthur sighed internally at Merlin's usual panic. He knew that Merlin could become easily scared in the face of magic, so he should have knows that his friend wouldn't approve of Arthur actively seeking out a dangerous sorcerer.
After a short, tense pause, Iseldir clears his throat and responds.
"I'd be happy to answer some of your questions about the god of magic!"
Wait, did Arthur hear that correctly? God of magic?! Arthur, in his shock, blurted out,
"Emrys is a god?! I had heard that he was a powerful sorcerer, not some deity!"
Iseldir chuckled a bit before responding,
"Emrys is indeed the god of magic in the Old Religion, the son of the Triple Goddess herself! He is not simply the master of magic, but rather magic itself, its very incarnation!"
That... was a rather frightening prospect, and it confused Arthur even further. Why would magic itself fight against Morgana? Why take Arthur's side? And, perhaps more importantly, was Arthur going to have to fight a god in order to protect his kingdom?!
Iseldir continued before Arthur's hysterical thought could bubble up to the surface.
"As I said, I'm happy to answer your questions, but please know that there are some secrets that Emrys has entrusted our people with that we cannot divulge, and there are some truths that might be... difficult for you in particular."
Arthur frowned at Iseldir's answer, unsure of what to make of it.
"What do you mean it might be difficult for me in particular?"
Iseldir winced a bit, grimacing like he didn't know how to respond without warranting a negative response.
"Well, there are some elements of Emrys's story that intertwine with your own life in some ways that you might not expect or be ready to hear at this point. Your life and Emrys's are highly connected, King Arthur, even if you don't know the extent of it yet."
Arthur's eyes widened at this admission. His life was connected to this mysterious god of the old religion? How could that possibly be true? He had didn't even know that Emrys was a god until a few moments ago! However, as curious as he was about what Iseldir could be talking about, he had more pressing matters at hand.
"We can discuss how I am connected to Emrys later. For now, I need answers to more important questions. Why does Emrys help Camelot? What is he hoping to get out of it?"
Iseldir looked much happier to answer this question, speaking calmly with a serene smile on his face.
"Emrys had many reasons to stand against the witch. She frequently hunted down and killed more peaceful magic users who did not share her taste for vengeance and bloodshed, including our fellow druids and even the Catha, a small sect of priests of the Old Religion that followed Emrys's will. Emrys fought against Morgana to protect these followers of his from her wrath."
Arthur nodded at Iseldir's explanation. As odd as it felt to have something in common with a god of the Old Religion, he could understand very well the drive to protect his own people. If Emrys's people were also in danger because of Morgana, it made sense for him to join forces with Arthur, even if Arthur was unaware of that alliance. Seeing Arthur's understanding, Iseldir continued with his explanation.
"Emrys also fought against Morgana in order to punish her for her hubris and use of dark magic. There are certain dark arts that take the power that Emrys grants us and twist it into a horrible force, bound only by the will of its user. Such arts are expressly forbidden by Emrys, and he cannot control what sorcerers do with such magic after its been corrupted so thoroughly. Morgana frequently used such forbidden arts and claimed the title of high priestess while ignoring the will of the gods, even the one that she drew her power from. Emrys is normally slow to anger, but for such transgressions, he became furious with Morgana and sought to punish her for treason against magic itself."
Arthur understood that a little bit less, but he could also relate to Emrys's reasoning as a king who had also had to punish some of his own citizens for treason.
"I can see that Emrys stood opposed to Morgana, but does Camelot have anything to fear from him? I can understand why he might not be very forgiving towards us considering my father's actions during his reign."
To Arthur's immense relief, Iseldir shook his head slightly before providing an explanation.
"No, Camelot has nothing to fear from Emrys. He knows that not everyone in Camelot agreed with your father's actions, and he can see progress that you've made since the end of your father's reign. In fact, Emrys has assisted Camelot many times even when Morgana wasn't involved!"
Arthur reeled backwards in shock at Iseldir words. The god of magic, helping Camelot freely? Despite everything his father had done?! Iseldir's explanation forced Arthur to re-evaluate what he knew of the Old Religion.
He had always seen the Old Religion and its gods as monstrous and barbaric. However, that wasn't the case, was it? Emrys had saved the kingdom that sought to destroy him. The Disir had shown Mordred mercy, even though Arthur had rejected their offer. The White Goddess had restored Guinevere's soul at the Cauldron of Arianrhod and healed her of Morgana's curse. Were all of the gods and goddesses of the Old Religion so benevolent and kind? Had Arthur misunderstood the Old Religion for his entire life?
However, Arthur was still shocked at Emrys in particular choosing to help Camelot, supposedly with no ulterior motives besides a common enemy in Morgana. That was how Camelot had survived against such odds? How could it be that magic itself was on their side?!
As Arthur looked at Iseldir again however, he noticed that the druid chieftain's face had pulled into a grimace again. Arthur certainly knew that look, he had seen it on the faces of his council members frequently.
"There's something that you aren't telling me, isn't there? I know that there are some things that you may be hesitant to divulge, but please, I must know everything I can about Emrys, for the safety of my kingdom."
Iseldir paused again, sighing deeply. He sat still for a moment, as if pondering how to proceed.
"Truthfully, there is another reason why Emrys assisted you, but it involves what I spoke of earlier, wen I said that your life and Emrys's are connected in ways that you may not expect. I am willing to tell you such things, but these truths might be hard for you to hear."
Arthur leaned forward, his curiosity piqued again.
"I have learned many uncomfortable truths about my own life through the years, so I will ask you: how could my life be connected to the god of magic?"
Iseldir nodded at Arthur's words and began speaking with a serious, nearly grim, voice.
"I assume that you are familiar with how life is exchanged in the practice of the Old Religion? For any life give, a life must be taken."
Arthur flinched backwards at Iseldir's words, already recognizing what topic was about to be brought up. He had come to terms with the truth of his birth years ago, but hearing it again didn't make it any easier. Blinking back tears, Arthur responded.
"Yes, I... I know. I'm aware that my father made a deal with the priestess Nimueh to secure an heir, and I know that my mother was the one who paid the price in the end."
Arthur heard quiet gasps coming from the knights around him, while Merlin silently put a comforting hand on Arthur's shoulder. Iseldir, after a moment, continued with his explanation.
"You are correct in your understanding, however, there is one part of the story that you are unaware of."
Arthur jolted in shock at Iseldir's words. There was more to the story of his birth? Frantically, Arthur started asking questions.
"What do you mean? What haven't I been told?"
Iseldir patiently and softly answered Arthur's questions, trying to soften the crushing revelation that he was about to tell Arthur.
"The balance of life and death is at the very core of the Old Religion. However, it is not the power of creation. The power over life and death was used by the high priestesses to resurrect and bring life to someone who has already passed. To magically create a new life, a new soul, from nothing is an act of creation, something that takes far more power than manipulating the balance of life and death. An act of creation takes the power of a god."
"I... I don't understand. What are you trying to tell me?"
"I am sorry that you had to find out this way, King Arthur. But in order to successfully ensure that your mother and father had an heir, Nimueh called upon the power of her patron god: Emrys."
This time, it was Arthur was gasped in shock at this information, hysteria rising in him once again.
"Are you telling me that Emrys was responsible for my very creation?! That it was his power that created me?!"
"More than that, I'm afraid. To create your soul, Emrys did more than just weave his own power into a life. He cut out a shard of his own soul and breathed life into it, thus creating you. While we don't know his reasons for doing so, Emrys created you from a part of his own being."
Arthur felt like his breath had just been punched out of him. What... what did this mean?!
Iseldir must have seen his panic, and further clarified.
"In the eyes of the gods, this made Emrys your true creator and, in the eyes of the magical world, your father."
At those words, Arthur stopped breathing entirely. Unbeknownst to Iseldir, who kept going with his explanation, Arthur entire worldview was collapsing in on itself.
Magic itself was his father?! What did that even mean?!
And oh god was he even a Pendragon? Did he even have a legitimate claim to the throne of Camelot?!
Arthur's panic was so strong that he could barely feel how Merlin's supportive hand on his shoulder was now clenching hard enough to bruise.
(Meanwhile, inside Merlin's panicking mind: WTF??! Oh shit I owed HOW MUCH to Uther Pendragon in child support?! Am I a deadbeat dad to my own best friend??)
"This is why you triumphed over any foe, magical or otherwise. Emrys forbade any magic from truly harming you, and he rose to protect you when you needed him. He will always fight by your side, as you are, in many ways, a part of him."
Iseldir paused, now noticing Arthur's hyperventilating.
"I assume that you have many questions following this news. Please, feel free to ask anything, there's no need to be scared by this!"
Arthur took a deep breath and tried to keep from laugh hysterically. No need to be scared?! His entire life had just been turned on its head!
"If... if Emrys is my true father, what about Uther? Do I even have a claim to my throne?"
"Ah, there's no need to worried about that. While Emrys might be your father in terms of your soul, Uther is still your father in terms of blood. Do not fret, King Arthur, you are still of Pendragon blood and have every rightful claim to your throne."
Arthur calmed down a bit at Iseldir's words, breathing much easier now. This explained so many things about Arthur's life, how he had survived in situations that he by all means shouldn't have. Still, he had many questions for Iseldir.
"If I am truly the son of magic itself, am I even human, or am I some sort of demigod?"
At this question, Iseldir shook his head.
"That, I truly do not know. I'm sorry, but I don't think anyone knows the answer to that question except for Emrys himself."
Finally, an idea occurred to Arthur. He stiffened as he blurted out,
"Can I speak with him then? Is there any way to summon him?"
As soon as the idea took root in Arthur's mind, he couldn't get it out. Emrys had to have been looking out for Arthur for many years now, using his power to protect him. This notion of having a secret father who had been caring for him for years almost felt like having a second chance.
Arthur never had the relationship with Uther that he wanted. There was no affection, no bonding, and no comfort to be found there. Only expectations and demands.
But Emrys had apparently been helping Arthur for years with no expectations and no demands. Arthur had fantasized as a young boy about what it would have been like to have a kind, caring father, the kind he saw doting on their children in the marketplace. Now, it almost seemed like he had another chance of having a father, one who truly cared about him!
So naturally, Arthur wanted to meet him! Both the druids and the knights look slightly confused at Arthur's excited outburst about wanting to meet Emrys, but the druids tell him that they have everything that they need to perform a summoning ritual, but they'd need some time to set it up.
Arthur asks if they can set it up for him, and they nod and walk away to begin preparations. Meanwhile, Merlin and the knights ask Arthur if he's just lost his mind. They know that this must be shocking for him, but does he need to summon a god?!
Merlin shows the most vocal opposition to Arthur's plan, saying that they still don't even know if they can trust Emrys. All they have to go on is the word of the druids, and they seem pretty biased in Emrys's favor.
Arthur smiles and tells Merlin that he appreciates his protectiveness, but this is something that Arthur needs to do. He needs this closure, this chance to connect with his last living parent.
Arthur does take Merlin's concerns into consideration though, and orders for his men to leave the camp and take Merlin with them, so they're far away and protected if Emrys turns out to be untrustworthy.
(As the knights drag a struggling Merlin away, Merlin is frantically talking with Iseldir in his mind about what the summoning ritual entails and what it looks like. If he magically pops up next to Arthur right as Arthur does a ritual to summon Emrys, even Arthur would be able to put two and two together!
Luckily, Iseldir informs him that the summoning ritual will summon his soul, not his body, and Arthur wouldn't be able to recognize him. Still, Merlin tried to talk the druids out of the ritual, because Merlin doesn't want his soul to get yanked out of his body! But there was little that the druids could do with Arthur insisting on the ritual.)
After preparing the materials for the ritual, the druids take Arthur back into a tent to get him ready. Arthur's heart pounded in his chest with both excitement and fear as the druids walked him through what he had to do.
First, they gave him some plain but comfortable robes to change in to. They explained that Emrys preferred his followers to come to him in the garments of peace, not war, so his armor, chainmail, and weapons would have to be left in the tent.
After changing into the robes, Arthur felt strangely both vulnerable and comforted. As the druids rubbed some flowery smelling oil into his arms and then led him to a small wooden altar, Arthur couldn't help comparing this experience to approaching Uther.
Whenever he was meeting with his father, Arthur was expected to show no weakness, no flaws. He had to look the part of the warrior prince, trained since birth and hardened by battle. However, here with Emrys, Arthur was dressed in comfortable clothes and told to simply ask for Emrys's presence before the altar. He didn't need a sacrifice or penance or any sort of challenge to summon Emrys. All that the druids told him was to "call for him, and Emrys will answer."
Placing one hand gently on the wooden surface of the intricately carved altar, Arthur cleared his throat wetly before saying aloud to the empty space in front of him,
"Emrys, I'm... I'm not sure if you're here, but I'm your- your son, Arthur. You probably know me already, though, since you've been helping me and protecting me for a long time now. I- I wanted to thank you for your help. So, I would appreciate it if you could appear, so I could meet you and thank you in person."
There, Arthur thought that was a pretty good introduction! This was his first time meeting his new father, so he needed to make a good first impression!
Arthur stood, awkwardly shifting on his feet as he tried to push down his disappointment with each passing moment that Emrys did not appear. Maybe Arthur did it wrong? Maybe Emrys hadn't heard him? Or maybe Emrys had heard him, but was disappointed in Arthur and deemed him a weak son, just like Uther had?
As Arthur tried to swallow down his hurt, suddenly, there was a bright flash of light above the altar. It was so bright that Arthur had to throw his hand in front of his eyes and turn away, but his heart leapt at the sight.
Was this it?! Was he about to meet his creator and have another chance at having a father?
As soon as he could, Arthur lowered his hand and opened his eyes, anxiously awaiting his first glimpse at Emrys! As the light died down, Arthur was able to make out the outline of something...
As the light slowly dwindled, Arthur could see a bright, glowing ball of golden light, very similar to the one that had saved him from that cave so many years ago, floating above the altar. His eyes widened as he realized what, or more likely who, this light must be.
Emrys was a god after all, Arthur really shouldn't have assumed that he'd look like a human. The god of magic taking a human form, what a crazy idea!
Taking a deep breath to compose himself, Arthur called out to the light.
"Emrys? Is that you?"
At his words, the light floated down from the altar until it was hovering right in front of Arthur, an arm's reach away. Arthur fought the urge to reach out and touch the light, just to see if it was real and not just a product of his own wishful thinking.
After a couple seconds, the ball of light flashed, and Arthur heard what sounded like multiple voices coming from it, speaking in unison.
"Hello Arthur. I'm so glad to finally be able to meet you. I am Emrys."
(Elsewhere, Merlin mentally patted himself on the back for making his soul-self sound sufficiently inhuman and speak in a manner that was completely unlike his usual self. Arthur couldn't possibly figure his identity out now!)
Arthur let out a sound that was something between a joyful laugh and a sob. Emrys actually came! Clearing his throat, Arthur tried to calm down his excitement and nerves and put on his best diplomat voice. He needed to start off strong here!
"I'm glad that we could meet as well. It's come to my attention that I have many things to thank you for, including Camelot's victory over Morgana in our latest battle. You might have saved all of Camelot, and I owe you a debt of gratitude."
Emrys silently floated in place for a moment, making Arthur sweat with nervousness. Had he already blown his one chance of having a caring parent?
Finally, Emrys's... orb body (what else was Arthur supposed to call it?!) glowed again and spoke with his multiple voices overlapping in harmony.
"You do not owe me anything, Arthur. There are no debts between us. We are family, tied together by our very souls. You never have to feel indebted to me for protecting you and Camelot. I do it not for a reward or recognition, but because I care for you."
Arthur's eyes misted over as he took in Emrys's words. How many times had he wished to hear anything like that from Uther? How many nights had he lied awake wondering what unconditional love from a parent would feel like?
As tears started silently rolling down Arthur's face, Emrys drifted closer to him. Arthur was startled by this move and didn't really know how to respond. Hesitantly, he lifted his hands to ball of light, unsure of what to do.
Slowly, the light moved towards Arthur's outreached hands. Arthur almost expected to flinch back upon contact, but instead, when his hands finally touched the ball of light itself, he was only met with a warm, comforting sensation, and he instantly relaxed and leaned into it. The only thing he could compare it to were those warm hugs that Merlin gave him whenever he felt down, which he would never admit to Merlin that he enjoyed.
Arthur gently guided the light closer, until he was hugging it against his chest and that wonderful warm fuzzy feeling was spreading through his entire body. Arthur wondered if this counted as getting a hug from his father, and then immediately decided that the answer was yes. And his new father apparently gave very good hugs.
Arthur stayed with Emrys for several more minutes, until the sun was setting. From there, Emrys told him that he had spent too much time in the mortal realm and couldn't hold his form for much longer without taking time to rest. Panicking, Arthur asked if he would be able to see Emrys again, he couldn't lose his new father so soon after meeting him!
Emrys reassured him that they'd see each other again soon and that he'd be by Arthur's side the whole time, even if Arthur couldn't see him. Comforted by this news, Arthur bid his new father farewell, and the ball of light slowly dissipated.
Arthur then returned to Merlin and his knights, who had a million questions for Arthur. Arthur answered their burning questions as best he could, and they were relieved to see that Arthur was safe and not scarred by the experience of talking to the god of magic.
The next day, they returned to Camelot, and Arthur soon realized that even if he couldn't see Emrys himself, he could certainly the effects that Emrys had on the world around him.
Arthur never fell sick, his rooms were never too hot or too cold, his muscles were never sore from training, his attackers that snuck into the castle never managed to land a hit on him, his kingdom's crops prospered, and a million other things went right in Arthur's life, and for the very first time, Arthur understood.
Magic loved him. And, more importantly, his father loved him.
And it didn't escape other people's notice either. He had told the knights that he had brought with him to the druid camp to not discuss the revelation of his relationship to Emrys, but one knight got drunk at the tavern and told his friend, and someone overheard, and now everyone in the kingdom had heard the news that King Arthur was apparently the son of a god.
The fact that Arthur had secretly prayed for Emrys's help when Gaius reported about a deadly plague in the lower town, only for Emrys to immediately appear again as a ball of light in the middle of a council meeting in front of dozens of witnesses didn't help Arthur keep it a secret either.
(Meanwhile, Merlin hears all of Arthur's prayers for Emrys. He's able to take care of most of Arthur's concerns just as Merlin, but a very powerful/emotional prayer from Arthur actually summons him in his "Emrys" form, leading to some awkward moments, but he makes it work for Arthur's sake.)
On the bright side of Arthur's heritage being revealed, other kingdoms were now much more open to peaceful negotiations and trade deals.
And on one occasion where a very foolish king tried to declare war on Arthur, the enemy king's army only made it a hundred yards of Camelot's forces before the earth itself broke open into a wide chasm that started swallowing the leaders of the enemy army whole. No one was stupid enough to attempt an attack on Camelot after that.
Life goes on like this for about a year, until Arthur catches Merlin using magic for some mundane purpose. Arthur is shocked of course, but magic has been legal for a while now. When he questions Merlin on where he learned magic from, Merlin stammers and says "Well... uh, Emrys..."
Arthur cut Merlin off, yelling because apparently his father was teaching Merlin magic behind his back?! What was that about!
Merlin then decides to take this misunderstanding and roll with it, because there's no way in hell that he's looking Arthur in the eyes and telling him that he's actually Arthur's magical father.
Merlin spins a story about how Emrys had been slowly teaching Merlin magic so Merlin could help Arthur out and always have someone nearby with magic to protect him! Arthur accepts this story, but is secretly a little bit jealous. How come Emrys chose to teach Merlin magic and not his own son?
After Arthur asks Emrys about this, Emrys apologizes to Arthur, saying that he didn't know if Arthur would be interested. He then starts trying to teach Arthur magic (to pretty much no success). To further apologize to Arthur, Emrys gives him a gift! Emrys had apparently heard about how Uther had forbidden Arthur from having a pet as a child despite Arthur begging for one, so Emrys decided to remedy this by giving Arthur a baby dragon to take care of and to train to protect Camelot.
Everyone else is alarmed by this, but Arthur is almost moved to tears because he loves the little dragon so much already!
And this au is already wayyyy too long, so I'll cut it off there! I'm tempted to call this the "Arthur gets catfished into a healthy parental relationship" au lol!
I hope you all enjoyed this au! Sorry about it being longer than usual, but I had a lot that I wanted to write about this au idea! And if you want to see even more of this au, feel free to let me know if you'd like a continuation!
And, as always, thank you for reading through my (very long) ramblings! :D
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merrilinie · 9 months
Things I like to think would happen if the Knights and co knew about Merlin’s magic (and merthur):
• “Merlin, can you do the fire trick with the dragon again?”
• “I’m not drying your clothes, Gwaine. You chose to go in the river fully clothed, you pay the price.”
• Merlin making them flower crowns and them bullying Arthur into wearing his
• Everyone asking him if he can make them fly
• Merlin pretending he can talk to the horses and making them think him and the horses are shit talking
• Him and Gwen pretending to do chores together but really he magicked it and they’re just having a nice evening
• Merlin and Morgana having lessons in the forest while the knights what over so none one spits them
• “No, I can’t read minds.” One of the knights, “oh, okay.” *realises they didn’t ask that out loud.* “WAIT-“
• Merlin and Arthur cuddling together at night accidentally and everyone knows because Merlin’s magic is safe now and leaves a patch of flowers under him when he sleeps
• Merlin creating plants with his magic so he doesn’t have to spend so much time gathering herbs for Gaius
• the Knights and Gwen taking this a step further and making a garden of herbs for him and Gaius
• Arthur realising they should have done that years ago and putting the royal funds into it despite Uthers annoyance
• Morgana and Merlin being taught how to fight with swords (even if she already knows a fair bit) so they can protect themselves with something other than magic
• the two of them then teaching Gwen because they both think she’d be an amazing knight
• Gaius having a mini heart attack whenever he hears Merlin and the Knights talking about magic
• them realising he’s insecure about his healing magic because it’s the hardest form of magic and being sure to praise him whenever he does it or any other form of healing
• After Merlin and Arthur finally get together, his magic doesn’t want to leave him alone and so when he does his little fire show for them it instantly goes to Arthur and the others get jealous
• after an attack and Merlin nearly gets hurt, Arthur ‘forces’ his Knights to be sworn to Merlin with Merlin’s staff and so technically, they’re also his Knights and Merlin is a royal
• The druids instantly knowing this and calling him a prince
• the knights going along with it
• After a while the Knights (who know how) begin to teach the Druids things like reading and currency
• everyone teasing Merlin by saying his magic has a crush on Arthur despite the two being together already
• he blushes every time
• Merlin openly enchanting their amour to be stronger and magic proof
• him giving Gwen and Morgana matching necklaces that are also enchanted that they keep hidden
• all of them are so impressed with his power but then they are just straight dumfounded because like… how the fuck did he keep this hidden for so long?
• Growing strawberries once he sees how much Gwen loves them and they are really rare
• tricking the Knights into thinking he can talk to ghost just to laugh at their faces
• Just constantly embarrassed by the Druids cause they see him as a god or, as the knights point out, as a king and the Knights decide that means he’s Arthur’s wife and Queen of Camelot
• Arthur making this worse by saying, “Queen or Consort?”
• Merlin flicking water in his face despite none being near them
I’ll add more as I think of them :)
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pandynogatonga · 1 year
heres a challenge for you homestuck fans.
watch every movie that has been spotted on a poster in homestuck.
the mummy
the mummy returns
the mummy tomb of the dragon emperor
the incredible hulk
the terminator
the smurfs
raiders of the lost ark
indiana jones and the kingom of the crystal skull
x men
national treasure
lara croft tomb raider
lara croft tomb raider the cradle of life
little monsters
weekend at bernies
weekend at bernies ii
ghost rider
the fifth element
a knights tale
terminator salvation
star wars episode ii attack of the clones
the wicker man
black night
a knight in camelot
a kid in king arthurs court
army of darkness
ghostbusters ii
mac and me
deep impact
ghost dad
a time to kill
failure to launch
con air
50 first dates
bangkok dangerous
city of angels
the weather man
starsky & hutch
indiana jones and the temple of doom
good luck!
(little monsters appears in jakes, johns and janes rooms. just watch once) (con air and face/off appear in johns room and vriskas shrine in the veil. just watch once)
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gaius-chambers · 7 months
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[Merlin LEGO set idea proposed by lego user PrimeMerlinian in 2014] "Filled with magic, action, and monsters, Merlin would be a perfect addition to LEGO. This set is loosely based on the episode “The Fires of Idirsholas,” in which the villainous Morgana releases a group of ghost knights (the Knights of Medhir) to attack Camelot. The main feature of the set is Gaius’ iconic room, which also includes Merlin’s room at the back. The setting is spacious and show accurate, with lots of potions and books to recreate the feel and ambiance of Merlin’s place of residence. I attempted to replicate the show’s architecture in my building style. Included are several show accurate elements and play features such as: the entrance; a hiding place under Merlin’s bed where he keeps his Sidhe Staff and magic book; the stone dog Merlin brings to life in “Valiant”; a function to blast Gaius (or anyone you choose) through the railing of the second floor; one of the shield snakes from “Valiant”; and, of course, the sword Excalibur. Five minifigures are included: Merlin (with Sidhe Staff), Arthur Pendragon (with Excalibur), Morgana, Gaius, and two Knights of Medhir (with swords). This set would allow Merlin fans to reenact many key moments of the show in LEGO form, as well as create their own stories in a land of myth. If you want LEGO Merlin to become a reality, please support, and thank you for reading!"
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daisymintt · 1 year
I have too many ideas for Merlin fics so I’m just gonna dump them here, if you write one please tag me I’d love to read it!
• Arthur is seen as a traitor to the crown and is about to be killed when Merlin saves him and they go on the run and become some of the most well known bandits in Camelot, the Fallen Prince and his Warlock (inspired by Americano by Lady Gaga)
• A beast that feeds off magic goes to Camelot and takes Merlin, Arthur and the Knights embark on a rescue mission
• A visiting Noble introduces a new “sport” to Uther, sorcerer hunting. In which a captured sorcerer is released into the woods with only the clothes on their back and are hunted down by knights and specially trained hounds. Intrigued, he partakes of this “sport”. Merlin is disgusted and goes into the forest to help them escape only to become the prey. Will he be able to keep his magic secret? Or will he be doomed?
• Merlin on the run inspired by the song Run Boy Run
• Rumor Has It/Rumor Mill, a bunch of different rumors start cropping up in Camelot varying from absurd to believable
• A visiting Lady takes a shine to Merlin, Arthur gets jealous.
• Arthur and Merlin are on a hunting trip and stop at a tavern. While there they overhear a local ghost story about an ghost that of a Lady who lived in the manor up the street. Her husbands kept dying “mysteriously” and she went mad with grief. They say the manor is haunted. Merlin takes it seriously and Arthur teases him about, later they go to the abandoned manor and have an encounter with the ghost. Get trapped in the manor. The ghost carries a bloody hatchet. Nearly takes Arthur’s head off. Similar to Constance Hatchaway.
• Stardust AU
• Arthur follows in his dad’s footsteps and sets out to kill the last Druid, a boy called Emrys. Little did he know that his friend Merlin was that druid. Inspo: Still/Neva Flows Reprise
• 1920’s America Merlin runs a speakeasy
• Gaius is away dealing with an outbreak of sweating sickness at a border town leaving Merlin as acting Court Physician while he’s away.
- A visiting Nobel lady goes into labor, Merlin has to help her.
• Merlin catches a cold yet refuses to stop working, his magic is also affected. Every time he sneezes something magical happens leaving chaos in his wake. His magic stops reacting when he Gaius sneaks him a sleeping draught mixed with some cold medicine (or at least the medieval equivalent that addresses the symptoms), Arthur not so subtly frets about Merlin’s wellness.
• Merlin overextends his magic and when he gets back to Camelot he tries to do a small spell and it doesn’t work, discovers he has a “Sorcerers Cold” it doesn’t affect the physical body but the magical one. In other words, how magic is on the fritz until he can get some proper rest.
• Last Night Gus episode where they super drunk and wake up in weird places. They spend the day trying to piece together what happened last night
• A sorcerer disguised themselves as Merlin to get close to Arthur
• A shapeshifter that appears as your hearts greatest desire appears as Merlin to Arthur and lures him into a trap, Merlin has to save him. Classic who’s the real Merlin scenario where Arthur has to ask a question that only the real Merlin would know the answer too.
• A vampire arrives in Camelot.
• Merlin’s shadow has the wings of a dragon, Arthur notices
• Merlin and Arthur have been arguing over something for a while now, Leon is tired of being stuck in the middle of it and traps them in a room. He refuses to let them come out until they figure out whatever they’re fighting about. (Ten minutes in the closet trope)
• A drunk Merlin finds himself in Arthur’s room, Arthur takes care of him. Merlin is very affectionate when drunk. (Inspo: bad idea right? By Olivia Rodrigo)
• Merlin and Morgana are friends and Arthur is jealous of there close bond, Arthur thinks that they’re courting and confronts Merlin about it.
• Morgana or someone casts a spell while the knights, Arthur, and Merlin are asleep on a quest that joins their dreams together. Merlin is very skittish afraid that he may accidentally reveal his magic. Inspo: A Nightmare on Killmotor Hill! Season 2 episode 19 of Ducktales.
• 5 weird places Merlin has fallen asleep and one not so weird one (it’s Arthur’s bed)
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Doomed By The Narrative Showdown - Contestants List
Note: This is NOT the order of the brackets! I'm doing something different this time! All brackets and their orders will not be revealed. This list was randomized from the brackets I set up and does not represent who each character will be up against! The only thing you know for sure which side of the bracket they're on! When the polls go up, they'll be posted in order based on the list here, NOT based on where their brackets actually are!
Round 1 is finished. Round 2 will start on Saturday the 13th at 5 PM PST. All polls are tagged "tournament poll" for easy access. This post is also tagged with that for easy access.
If you want me to see propaganda you've made, please tag me! Yes that includes if you put the propaganda in a reblog of the poll, tag me anyways! It makes it easier for me to find!
(Full list of characters in text format is under the cut)
Side A:
The Narrator (The Stanley Parable)
Beatrice (Umineko: When They Cry)
Eden (In A Manor Of Speaking)
Anthy Himemiya (Revolutionary Girl Utena)
Primrose Everdeen (The Hunger Games)
The Hollow Knight (Hollow Knight)
Red Guy (Don’t Hug Me I’m Scared)
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern (Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead)
Phosphophyllite (Land of the Lustrous)
Claire Elford and Noel Levine (Witch's Heart)
Five Pebbles (Rain World)
Jinx (Arcane)
Mordred (High Noon Over Camelot)
Ghost of Hallownest (Hollow Knight)
Spamton (Deltarune)
Carmen (Lobotomy Corporation)
Side B:
The Elric Brothers (Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood)
Hiyoko Tosaka (Hatoful Boyfriend)
Hatchling (Outer Wilds)
Homura Akemi (Puella Magi Madoka Magica)
Yoo Joonghyuk and Kim Dokja (Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint)
Audrey Redheart (Wandersong)
Benrey (HLVRAI)
The Porygon Evolution Line (Pokemon)
Madoka Kaname (Puella Magi Madoka Magica)
Maria Robotnik (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Jackie Taylor (Yellowjackets)
Lyfrassir Edda (The Bifrost Incident)
Mike Walters (Woe.Begone)
Vanitas (The Case Study of Vanitas)
Akane Kurashiki (Zero Escape)
Ganondorf (The Wind Waker)
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dilfdarthvader · 11 months
The official 'OP has read 500 Merlin fics in a month' rec list
I am truly deep in Merthur hell and have recently hit around ~500 fics read for this fandom so far. As such, I wanted to compile my favorite Merthur fics so far.
(if y'all like rec lists, i might do an obikin rec list too!)
Secretary by Candymacaron
rating: E
Summary: Job-hunting has familiarized Merlin with rejection. Most of the listings in the paper require qualifications he lacks, or prior job experience no eighteen year old would have. One listing sticks out at Merlin—a simple advert, with the word ‘Secretary’ written in bold typeface. (A Secretary Movie/BBC Merlin AU in which a fragile Merlin learns to love his job, himself, getting spanked, and his boss. All in that order.)
one of the first fics i read in this fandom and!!!! it's such a good secretary au (which is always a classic for any kink readers)
The Wedding Night by s0mmerspr0ssen
rating: E
ship: Gwen/Merlin/Arthur
Summary: The consummation of a royal marriage must be witnessed by a third party. Naturally, for Arthur and Gwen, that witness is Merlin.
My bookmark note read: "did i start watching merlin for the show or for the smut fic? this fic makes me think it's the latter". This ship is just SO GOOD too.
Next to You (It's the Rule) by LunaMyLove
rating: T
summary: Arthur and Merlin have a special relationship. They always have, even when they were prince and servant. While many question it when first noticing, eventually it becomes an understanding in Camelot—and even among some other countries—that where there is Arthur, there is Merlin. And, where there is Merlin, there is Arthur. Or Arthur and Merlin's relationship as witnessed and explained by others. Also, or Five times someone realizes that Merlin is the Queen, one time Merlin realizes it himself, and one time he owns it.
such a fluffy read that had me giggling and kicking my feet in the air and twirling my hair. instant reread
all the scars at the start (I could’ve showed you) by AgapantoBlu
rating: T
ship: Gwen/Merlin/Arthur
Summary: [In which Gwaine accidentally brings Merlin's dead girlfriend back to life as a ghost. Leave it to Arthur and Gwen to overreact over every small thing, but being very chill about the very big thing.]
you'll need to be logged into AO3 to read this, but boy is it worth it. i was sobbing. full on sobbing. 10/10
Glow Gold by BelleCrow
rating: E
Summary: Merlin takes the final battle into his own hands after Mordred's blade finds Arthur's heart. Wielding power over life and death there on the battlefield, Merlin's magic is revealed. But the only surviving witness is Arthur, and he has carefully spun the tale to keep Merlin's magic a secret. The King is determined to keep it so until he can drag the truth from Merlin's lips and press his own revelations back into his sorcerer.
this fic gave me a magic kink. i had to keep pausing reading bc holy shit.
Fit for a King by Clea2011
rating: E
Summary: Merlin is a prize fit for a king. But the king he was intended for hasn't taken that prize. When the king of the faeries loses his big-eared, argumentative and troublesome bedmate, he orders his people to find a replacement. Nobody disobeys Oberon. Ever. But Merlin is Arthur's.
FAE! FICS! i love love love this fic and it was so fun and full of some fun familiar characters
so close and I'm halfway to it by ariadne_odair
rating: M
Summary: Merlin swears he doesn’t go looking for trouble, but it seems to follow him around regardless. After being ambushed by a group of bandits, it’s up to Arthur and Merlin to rescue the rest of the knights. Of course this involves journeying through a forest full of magical creatures- because nothing in Merlin’s life is ever easy. That would be more than enough for Merlin to deal with, but nights alone in the wilderness and escaping death every five minutes, have a funny way of bringing two people together. Merlin doesn’t want to reveal his true feelings to Arthur, but then he never wanted to reveal his magic to anyone, either. And look how that turned out. It's a lot easier to manage Merlin's secrets between them when they're surrounded by nothing but trees. But Arthur and Merlin will have to return to Camelot eventually. Merlin's destiny might just be closer than he thinks.
and finally, the first fic in a decade that kept me up until 2am to read. this fic made me fall in love with fics again.
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half-deadmagicperson · 3 months
July 8th- Post Nasty Burger Explosion
Warnings: Referenced Character Deaths
This piece I wasn't able to finish on time, but I fully intend on making it. It has a lot of plot left to go, and I need to edit it, but here's a decent sized snippet of what I have so far :D
(this is also a part of @dp-crossover-angst-week-event )
  The ghost of time gazes sadly upon the young Halfa. How he wishes he could have prevented it. How he wishes to reach out and hold the child close, but he can't.
  After Daniel Fenton's alternate future self caused the death of his family and friends…and teacher, the boy was left in ruins. This boy knew better than to seek aid from Vladimir Masters, but that didn't make him any less broken.
  He needed a place to go, and Clockwork knew just the place.
  Yarrow, Nettle, Comfrey, Lemon Balm. That should be all of them except fennel. Merlin was spending his afternoon picking herbs for Gaius. The young warlock wandered deeper into the woods, not afraid of whatever he may encounter.
  A quiet groan caught Merlin’s attention.
 “Who's there?”
 The warlock spotted a tuft of black hair in the brush. Coming closer, he spotted a boy lying face first on the ground.
 The boy wore a type of tunic and trousers that Merlin has never seen before, but that wasn't the most shocking part. The boy reeked of death energy, but he was clearly a living boy? Unless this was some sort of disguise.
  The boy shifted and opened his eyes. Bright blue eyes locked onto Merlin.
  “Oh, what the fuck!” Merlin wasn't exactly sure what the word meant, but he was pretty sure it wasn't a nice one.
   “What kinda RPG did Clockwork drop me into??” The boy's accent was strange and nothing like Merlin has ever heard before.
  “Um, you look lost? Do you require assistance?” It was then that the boy's focus shifted back to the young man in front of him.
  “Uh, yeah, could you tell me where I am?”
  “We are about a furlong away from Camelot, I'd say.”
  “Camelot? Like, oh what was his name, King Arthur? And the Knights of the Round Table?”
  “Urm, actually it's Prince Arthur. His father is still alive.” The boy arched his brow.
  “Okay then, so which character are you supposed to be?” 
  “That is a weird way to ask for someone's name, but I am Merlin, Arthur's manservant.”
  “Aren't you supposed to have a beard? And a pointy hat?”
  “A wha-”
  “If you're gonna pretend to be Merlin you gotta have the whole wizard look down! The robe, the hat, the magic staff!”
  “Magic? Magic is banned in Camelot. It has been for years.”
  The boy sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.
  “So let me get this straight: you're Merlin, we're outside of Camelot, magic is illegal, and this is not just some LARPing event?”
 “I don't even know what LARPing is.” The boy extended a hand.
  “Hi, I'm Danny, and I'm from a different time!”
  What did Merlin get himself into now?
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nonsensical-gashi · 5 months
Merlin season 3, part 1! :v
• There's a 1 year breach between season 2 and season 3
• Merlin was way more insolent that any servant should be allowed, obviously, but he was open when being like that. He can throw a comeback to Arthur with many soldiers around. That didn't stop him
• Since season 2 Merlin is being more intelligent about the use of magic.
What I mean is that, if he wants to fight against a knight in a horse, he would use a spell to break one of the belts of the saddle. Also, he would magnetize the opponent sword so he can't use it. It is creative, and even if the effects are weird it is kinda subtle, at least more subtle that a fire ball where you can pin point the caster and everyone would be distracted by it.
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• Morgana is back in the freaking episode 1. (⁠╯⁠°⁠□⁠°⁠)⁠╯⁠︵⁠ ⁠┻⁠━⁠┻
• Season 3 is more serious, and with less vivid colors. It start with the return of Morgana in a double episode. It follows up more events, and connects more situations, and therefore the consequences felt heavier.
• "She's the darkness of your light, the hate of your love" Kilgharrah talking about Morgana
• Also, some reference of the size of Kilgharrah.
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• Kilgharrah has to obey the dragon lord. He has no choice. But Merlin seems to be more grateful and respectful towards him and his advice. Until he doesn't...
• Chp 5 note, Merlin still imposes his moral over Kilgharrah's wisdom, and orders him if he doesn't agree. It seems that he never understood the pov of Kilgharrah, and how he felt. "Saving x live is more important, even of previous or future crimes", it doesn't matter that x is Uther, the responsible for the extinction of the dragons and magic. It doesn't matter if it's Morgana, the one destined to destroy the Kingdom. Kilgharrah is really mad he can't say no.
• There's a sword next to Arthur's bed
• There's an odd placing of comedy chapters in this series. Those felt so out of place in the series. Specially when there's a comedy chapter that ignores morgana because she's the main problem of this season and "you shouldn't take this chapter so serious!"
• Merlin told Gwaine that he met his father almost a year ago, before he died. As far as Arthur knows Merlin never met his father. This could lead to an interesting discussion, especially because Arthur and Merlin were together all that time, and he never mentioned anything, not about meeting him less his father dying.
• In the first season Merlin was excited to see Arthur fight in the tournament (chap 2). In season 3 Merlin is already sick of those kinds of competitions and is not happy that he has to be there (mostly to protect Arthur).
• Cenred attack towards Camelot's Castle, and their loss in battle (when Uther wasn't available due to the Mandragora), can be an important moment for the people of Camelot. Arthur proved that was ready to be a King.
• Uther was open to magic if that meant saving Morgana
• Uther had an affair with Vivian, Gorlois's wife, went he went to battle (final battle?). "Vivian was alone".
I don't feel this was planned since season 1.
• Arthur called Morgana her sister in chapter 5.
• The "I have to do something because I have the power to do it" is powerful on Merlin. He's too good for his own sake.
• "Morgana should have died a long time ago" Kilgharrah. It seems that everyone survived season 1 thanks to Merlin. Uther, Morgana and Moldred should be dead by now.
• Merlin can talk about a vision that he saw in the crystal cave (the bloody origin of magic), and say how it's going to be true soon, and Gaius is "Don't think about it". He still prefers that Merlin does nothing related to magic to avoid risky situations (even if that is screaming imminent danger).
• Arthur throws stuff to Merlin with more frequency.
• Arthur "I used to fear the forest when I was a child" Uther led Arthur to the forest when he was younger. "It seemed that every falling leaf was a bandit or a ghost"
• Merlin is able to enchant animals to do simple commands. He enchanted a snake to attack Morgana.
I was one week without internet, and before that the place where I watched the series crashed..... That's why it took too long for this entry.
See more!
Season 1 part 1 part 2 part 3
Season 2 part 1 part 2
Season 3 u're here part 2
Season 4 part 1
Season 5 part 1
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justaz · 4 months
servant of two masters while merlin is kidnapped, arthur is running himself ragged trying to find a sign that merlin is still alive. his trail went cold the moment they left the forest and arthur has sent out practically every knight and guard to search and is debating on sending the servants out to join them. he hasn’t slept in near a week and is more snappish than usual. his uncle urges him to rest, insists that he can’t be much help to merlin on an hour of sleep. arthur begrudgingly relents and returns to his chambers but just as his fingers brush his blankets, his exhaustion dissipates. still it takes him another moment to realize theres an unnatural, ethereal blue glow lighting up his chambers
he spins and finds the same glowing blue orb that had guided him years ago when merlin was in danger, on the precipice of death. perhaps that is the only purpose for the light. with that thought a fresh wave of panic, fear, and desperation rocks through him as he stumbles forward, pleading that he has to find merlin. the light floats out his door and then through the winding halls of the castle and to his uncles chambers. he follows it in and toward his uncles desk.
he looks up in confusion when suddenly a drawer of the desk shoots out. the papers within flutter up and into a stack on the desk. the false bottom of the drawer rattles. arthur practically splits the wood in half tearing it from the drawer. he find a multitude of items but his gaze laser focuses in on the rolled up map within. as he unfurls it, he finds a very clear path from camelot to a hut nestles deep within the woods and hidden by magic.
it’s clear to him who the traitor is, who compromised the route, who took merlin from him-
arthur storms out of agravaine’s chambers and down to the throne room where he had been told his uncle would be direction the groups of scouts only to find his uncle alone in the room. his anger blazes hotter than ever before at he draws his sword and confronts his uncle. it takes a bit of wheedling and tossing of evidences in his face (metaphorical of course, no chance in hell is he letting go of the map to merlin) before his uncle starts laughing in his face as he brags about his treachery.
arthur swings his sword but the duel does not last long. agravaine is laying on his back, defenseless. arthur raises his sword to strike the killing blow when that cool blue of the guiding light fills his vision (he swears he can feel the ghost of merlin’s touch). he lowers his sword and calls on the guards to lock his uncle away in the dungeons. he sets percival and leon on guard duty bc they have his utmost trust and they care a great deal for merlin so they would never let agravaine go no matter what he said.
then arthur finally rides out to the hut with the remainder of his knights to save merlin
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