#korean culture update
perplexingly · 5 months
Do you have a link to the Frankenstein musical? I wasn't able to find it on vimeo. I have the 2003 demo on CD which I listened to very recently for the first time, so I'm on a complete binge of Frankenstein adaptations!
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Glad you managed to find it!
I’ll still list the ones I know of just in case:
1. The vimeo musical, its €7,39 to rent and fully captioned
2. Frankenstein A New Musical, this one is probably the most well known among fans of the book, there’s some video recordings on youtube but not of the original premiere cast 😞
(Act 2 is uploaded on the same channel)
The original demo was different in many ways
3. There’s Young Frankenstein musical of which there’s many recordings online, but it’s based on the pop culture idea of the story popularized by the black and white films, and has nothing to do with the novel so I’ll move on
4. Korean Frankenstein musical, there’s a couple songs translated to English and @klqrambles kindly wrote a detailed summary of the entire thing:
5. Frankenstein The Puppet Opera, it’s one-actor theatre, it’s pretty cool
6. Frankenstein The Metal Opera, I haven’t watched it yet but it seems interesting
7. Not a musical but in a similar vein, there’s the incredible Frankenstein ballet, which was actually released on a dvd
(This is just a trailer)
Also, I know there’s been many many non-musical theatrical adaptations of Frankenstein, but they seem to me more difficult to find, other than the National Theatre’s one 😞
Blackeyed Theatre’s adaptation with the Creature performed by a puppet was streamed a couple years back but it’s not available anymore
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isaksbestpillow · 6 days
Ossan no pantsu ga nandatte ii janai ka episode 3 eng sub
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Okita Makoto is a middle aged man working in a company leasing office equipment. Stuck in his conservative Shouwa era views, he is disliked by his subordinates and alienated from his family: a homemaker wife who likes Korean idols, a fujoshi daughter, and a teenage hikikomori son currently exploring his gender. Life begins to change for Makoto when an unexpected friendship with a gay student inspires him to update his black-and-white perspective. (synopsis by me)
In this episode Makoto and Daichi go on a date of sorts, Makoto learns about the diversity of gender and sexual orientation, and Kakeru tries going outside.
Many thanks again to @mynameisnotthepoint for proofreading. All mistakes are mine.
Previous episodes:
Episode 1 Episode 2
How to download:
Download all files onto your computer. Make sure they are in the same folder. You cannot stream the subs on Google drive.
The subtitle file will auto-play on VLC Media Player as long as it has exactly the same name as the video file. It may not be supported by some other players.
Do not reupload to any streaming sites. You can use my subs for fandom purposes with credit.
Episode 3
In Japanese culture, a gentleman walks on the side of traffic on a date.
In Japanese language seibetsu is used for both sex and gender, so I translated it according to each situation.
At the workplace subordinates often feel pressured not to leave work before their boss.
Not relating to just this episode, but whenever Makoto has internal dialogue outside of Kakeru's door, he uses outousan (dad) as his personal pronoun, so in he's mind he's actually talking to Kakeru instead of just himself.
Tagging the same people as in my previous post, I hope I'm not being a bother.
@mynameisnotthepoint @illgiveyouahint @nieves-de-sugui @bengiyo
@twig-tea @lurkingshan @wen-kexing-apologist @my-rose-tinted-glasses @waitmyturtles
@topazera @nongnaos @littleragondin
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ask-north-korea · 3 months
I mean this should have been obvious for a while, but let's make it official:
This blog is closed.
I had a great run in the hetalia fandom: over 10 years, give or take. Not all at once, but more or less consistently, until recent years. Running this blog and RPing Sang Kyu (across multiple platforms) has been a big part of that. He's one of my longest running OCs and is still really important to me, but...
Over time, various things have driven me away from this fandom. Maybe it's just growing up--I'm approaching 30 at this point. I also lived in Korea--one of my life goals--got to experience that for two years. Since returning to the US, my interests and goals have turned to other things. I got married, bought a house, got a new job...and over time I found this fandom sucking up energy I didn't have. I don't keep up with current events as I once did; I simply don't have it in me to continue updating this blog anymore.
I am not Korean, if that wasn't clear, so this blog was always run from the experience of a Westerner, doing their best to do the research and portray things in a respectful (although admittedly not always 100% accurate) manner while keeping in the relatively lighthearted spirit of the source material. I hope some Korean fans will pick up the reins and fill in the gaps where I couldn't. Even having lived in Korea for a time, I can't pretend I know everything or have the experiences of people who grew up in the culture.
That being said, please DO feel free to use Sang Kyu for fanfics, fanart! Whatever! (But please don't RP him or claim him as yours...) All I ask is that you credit him to me, @circlique (or @ask-north-korea), and use him in respectful, non-hateful ways. I would love to see any fanart or fanfic that you tag me in. If you have questions about him, I would ask that you direct them to @circlique, since I plan on completely turning off the ask box to this blog after this post.
For the people who supported me over the years, or participated in my refugee fundraisers, thank you. I will always remember my time playing Sang Kyu fondly, and I hope he can continue to be an ambassador and educate even as I am not actively taking that role anymore.
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superlinguo · 2 months
New gesture Emoji in Unicode 15.1: Head Shaking Horizontally and Head Shaking Vertically (aka shake and nod!), and (finally) right facing emoji
Unicode 15.1 will be rolling out to phones and computers across this year. It will include lots of new CJK (Chinese Japanese Korean) ideographs, some new line-breaking rules for syllabic scripts, and a handfull of new emoji! There's a phoenix, a breaking chain, a lime and a brown mushroom, as well as new family silhouettes and a handful of existing emoji, but now facing rightward!
Below are illustrations of the set from a recent Emojipedia summary of the 15.1 update.
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The two emoji I'm most excited about are Head Shaking Horizontally and Head Shaking Vertically. That's head shaking and head nodding to you! I wrote these proposals with Jennifer Daniel and the Unicode emoji subcomittee team.
Why the more elaborate names? Well, Unicode tend to describe emoji by form, not function. That's for very good reason, because a head nod might be agreement for you, but in other cultures a vertical movement of the head can mean disagreement. This has provided a double challenge for emoji designers, who have to both show movement and also facial features that aren't too positive or negative. Below are the Emojipedia pair. They've done a great job.
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These two emoji are actually made by combining a classic emoji face wtih the horizontal (🙂‍↔️) or vertical arrows (🙂‍↕️ ) using a special Unicode character called a Zero Width Joiner (ZWJ, 'zwidge' to it's friends), which means that even though they're two characters they smoosh together to create one emoji. It's the same process that makes all the different flags, as well as the gender and skin tones.
In fact, all of the emoji in 15.1 are combinations using the ZWJ mechanism; including the phoenix (🐦‍🔥), lime (🍋‍🟩) and brown mushroom (🍄‍🟫 ). Those new right-facing emoji are a combination of the usual left-facing emoji and a rightward arrow🚶‍➡️ .
It's exciting that Unicode have decided to try this set of right-facing characters. Many emoji are left-facing, which is a legacy of their Japanese origins (the word order in Japan means that right-facing makes sense). I've been complaining about emoji directionality since 2015, and I'm glad that this update will mean that lil emoji dude can finally escape a burning building for those of us with a left-to-right writing system and Subject Verb Object word order. They've started with a bunch of people in motion. It will be interesting to see if this set is where it stops or not.
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(no no buddy!! To the exit!!)
The use of the ZWJ is an elegant solution because it means that you don't have to make a whole new codepoint for the emoji, it just uses the old one. If someone doesn't have their phone or computer update to 15.1 then it should fall back to just showing 🚶‍➡️, which somewhat conveys the intent. That's the magic of a good ZWJ combination.
Earlier posts on emoji gesture
Gesture emoji: contributing to the Unicode standard
New Publication: The Past and Future of Hand Emoji
Gender Variations for Person in Suit Levitating Emoji - Emoji Proposal
New draft emoji include 3 proposals I co-wrote!
Emoji as Digital Gestures in Language@Internet [Open Access]
Earlier posts on emoji directionality
Emoji Deixis: When emoji don’t face the way you want them to
Don’t run towards the fire (the on-going problem with emoji directions)
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ladamedusoif · 6 months
Hot Chocolate (Marcus Pike x gn!reader)
A Merry Fic-Mas - December 3
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Part of A Merry Fic-Mas: A Holiday Fic Calendar - click for masterlist. FYI: I'm having so much trouble with taglists at the moment that I'm not going to use them for now - if you want to keep updated, turn on notifications for my posts.
Pairing: Marcus Pike x gn!reader
Rating: Mature
Word count: 1280 words
Warnings: Implied smut, some heavy making out, Marcus being an adorable foodie romantic art nerd, fluff city. No use of Y/N and no physical descriptions of Reader whatsoever. 
Summary: Snowed in and forced to stay over at your colleague’s Georgetown apartment, Marcus whips up a sweet treat to keep you warm.
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“I don’t have much by way of dessert,” Marcus muses from the kitchen, where he’s peering into his fridge. 
You finish gathering the last of the takeout boxes from his dining table and begin cleaning them out at the sink. “You’ve given me a room for the night, Marcus, I don’t need dessert. Hey, where’s your recycling bin?” 
He gestures to a cupboard near the sink and leans back on the counter, thinking. “Actually, would you like some hot chocolate? I think I’ve got everything I need.”
Everything he needs?, you think, wondering what more you could possibly need for hot chocolate beyond some powdered mix and milk. Marshmallows, if you were feeling fancy.
“Sure, sounds good to me.” 
He grins in delight and starts rummaging in a cupboard, emerging with bars of dark chocolate and a jar of ground cinnamon, before delving into the fridge and retrieving milk and heavy cream. A heavy-bottomed saucepan is produced and positioned on the hob as Marcus mutters something about finding his grater.
This isn’t going to be cheap-ass powdered mix, is it.
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Alright, full disclosure: if someone hooked you up to a polygraph machine and asked you if you had a teeny tiny harmless little workplace crush on Marcus Pike, you’d have to answer in the affirmative.
And who wouldn’t? He was kind and funny, and smart as hell, quietly undertaking a PhD in art history and cultural policy at Georgetown while continuing to work full-time. He was one of the few people in the team who actually kept up with the art world, regularly seeking you out after a new show opened at the National Gallery to exchange your thoughts on it over coffee in the canteen. 
The fact that he was also really cute didn’t hurt, either. 
When snow and ice blocked the routes out of DC back to your place in Alexandria, leaving you stranded, Marcus immediately suggested that you stay over at his place. See? Kind. 
“I’ll be fine, Marcus, really,” you’d protested, searching for hotel rooms in the city and recoiling when you saw the prices - and the lack of options. “Anyway, isn’t your place a one-bed?”
Marcus shrugged. “I’ve got a big couch, spare blankets and pillows, and I won’t stand by and see you hunkering down here for the night. C’mon. We’ll get takeout - I know a great little Korean place.”
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He carefully grates the dark chocolate into a bowl while you whisk most of the cream. 
“Y’know, I really thought you were going to pull out a couple of sachets of Swiss Miss? I should have known better.”
Marcus chuckles to himself and checks the saucepan of milk. “Usually I’m a Swiss Miss kinda guy, I have to admit. But when you have guests, you do the Viennese hot chocolate. I like to make a fuss.”
You hold out the bowl of cream for him to inspect and he nods, eyes crinkling as he smiles at you. You put it down and fold your arms as you watch him work.
“Is it really Viennese, or is that just a name they use to make it sound all fancy?”
He laughs and looks at you in mock horror. “Of course it’s really Viennese! I even had it for the first time in Vienna.” Marcus takes the saucepan off the heat and adds the chocolate along with some sugar, a little cinnamon, and a dash of heavy cream. He begins to whisk the mixture carefully.
“It was one summer when I was a student - I had almost no money, but I did have one of those European Interrail tickets and I tried to see as much great art as I could. Took an overnight train to Vienna to see the Klimts at the Belvedere.” He pauses his whisking to assess the texture, then resumes.
“Like I said, I was down to my last few dollars - or Euros, or whatever the currency was at the time - but the one thing I was gonna do besides see the Klimts was go to a real Viennese café.”
The hot chocolate is frothy now, thick and glossy. Marcus nods in the direction of a cupboard and you open it, finding some mugs.
“So I’m guessing you got to a café.”
He turns off the stove and smiles at the memory. “Sure did. Café Central. It was like something out of a Stefan Zweig novel.” He takes a ladle out of a drawer and proceeds to fill the mugs with the steaming chocolate. “And I had a mug of something a bit like this - but much, much better - and a slice of apple strudel, and it was heaven.”
Marcus finishes off the chocolate by placing a large dollop of whipped cream in each mug, and hands one to you.
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“This is…incredible. I don’t think I can ever go back to Swiss Miss.”
Marcus chuckles and sips his chocolate, sitting beside you on the couch. “I’m glad you like it. Perfect drink for a snowed-in night.”
You take another deep draught of the delicious, smooth drink and hum happily to yourself. “And I’m checking out flights to Vienna first chance I get.”
He looks at you intently. “Uh, you’ve… uh…”
You can see a giggle rising in his chest. He can’t suppress it, and he laughs out loud. 
“Why is the thought of me going to Vienna so funny to you?”
Marcus’s expression shifts to one of concern and he quickly shakes his head. “No, that sounds wonderful - you’ll love it - it’s just…” He reaches over and gently rubs the tip of your nose with his thumb, removing a large blob of whipped cream. “You had a little, uh, something.”
“Oh. Oh. I’m sorry.” You look down into your mug, a little embarrassed, but try to lighten the mood. “Feels like we’re in a scene from a cheesy holiday movie, y’know?”
He quirks his head. “How so?”
“Oh, you know. The whole ‘one character has whipped cream or something on their face and the other has to swipe it away and then…’”
You stop short, realising what you were about to say - and becoming very aware of just how close you are to him now.
Marcus’s voice is warm and low. “And then?”
Is he moving closer?
“And then… um. And then they usually, uh…”
He finishes your sentence by leaning in and kissing you, softly, gently at first. Your breath hitches as you feel the softness of his lips on yours. 
He breaks away for a second, staying close. “Is this okay?”
“Yeah, it’s…it’s great.” 
He takes your mug and puts it on the coffee table before cradling your face in his big hands and leaning in to kiss you again: a little harder, now, his tongue seeking entry to your mouth as your hands reach for his body and you lean back on the couch. 
You moan and whine with pleasure as you feel Marcus’s hands caressing your body, taste the bittersweetness of the chocolate on his lips and tongue. As he moves his mouth to your neck, sucking and nibbling and licking his way along the sensitive skin, you begin to unbutton his shirt and reach for his belt buckle.
He looks up for an instant, hair tousled and eyes as deep and dark and shiny as perfect hot chocolate.
“You’re not sleeping on the couch tonight. You’re keeping me warm in bed.”
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Divider by @animatedglittergraphics-n-more
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whitefoxgirl · 11 months
🦊Culture Shock🐰 A (possible) Jungkook Series
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Summary: Jungkook starts a podcast with his best friend who is a foreigner to discuss different topics they were shocked culturally about.
Author's Note: Hello my beautiful readers! I am back! I graduated from university which is why I have been M.I.A! I am uninspired so that's why I haven't updated the Namjoon series. I was gonna post that I am accepting requests, however, whenever I post about it something happens.
Author's Note PS: If you guys would like, I can make it a series, but if it doesn't get any engagement I'll just leave it as it is. It's based on what I think my interactions which JK would be if we were best friends (very delulu of me, but, we all are a little). If you'd like to be tagged, interact with this. I am tagging people who reblog, but if you wish to be tagged comment or simply reblog and I will add you :)
Pairing: Jungkook x BFF!Reader (not dating, just two best friends)
Fandom: BTS
Warnings: Mentions of sex, cringy, full of crack moments.
Genre: Fluff, crack.
Word Count: 1.5k
Next Episode
Jungkook: WOOOOO! That's a good intro! 여러분! 안녕하세요!
🦊: *giggles*
Jungkook: If you don't know, I'm Jungkook from BTS.
🦊: and I'm Y/N!
Jungkook: This is a good project.
🦊: I honestly thought it would never happen.
Jungkook: Really?
🦊: Well, it's just... *trying not to laugh* You always go live whenever you want, so I thought you wouldn't do it because it would be obsolete.
Jungkook: Yeah, but my fans get more of me this way.
🦊: Oh my god!
*both laugh*
🦊: Very narcissistic.
Jungkook: We all are in a way.
🦊: Purr.
Jungkook: *snickers then laughs*
🦊: So, why did we do this?
Jungkook: Okay, so, I'm Korean an-
🦊: *chuckles*
Jungkook: *chuckles* *in between chuckles* I'm Korean, but Y/N is a foreigner in Korea.
🦊: Very "Emily in Paris"
Jungkook: *long pause* No, "XO, Kitty".
🦊: EW! *laughs*
🦊: Do I give koreaboo vibes!?
Jungkook: *deadpan/trying not to laugh* Yeah.
Jungkook: OKAY! Let me get back to it. As we talk more and more, we kind of noticed that there are some things that we tell each other that kind of shock us.
🦊: Right and it was very entertaining to other people to listen to us talk about these things, and honestly? I need to pay my college debt.
Jungkook: I- okay, we can talk about that off the podcast *laughs*
🦊: I will DECLINE ONCE AGAIN if you offer to pay for it.
🦊: *in between laughs* LET'S NOT TALK ABOUT MONEY!~
Jungkook: Yeah, we don't want a frenemies incident.
🦊: They were iconic though.
Jungkook: It was very culture shocking, we can talk about that in another episode.
🦊: For sure. Today's episode is about~
Jungkook: Musiiiiiic! *sighs smiling* I love it!
🦊: Okay, before that! I nee- Okay, WE need to-
Jungkook: Oh! I forgot about that!
🦊: I can tell. So, just because we started this podcast, it does NOT MEAN I WANNA DATE JUNGKOOK!
Jungkook: *laughs away from the mic* *gets close* I don't wanna date you either.
🦊: No! This is for real! People will-
Jungkook: Start to ship up and stuff.
🦊: Which, no. Please.
Jungkook: Yeah, and again, just because we have a podcast and they're with me, it does not mean that we're dating or fucking or-
🦊: EW!
Jungkook: *in between laughs* Stop!~ I have to be serious!~
🦊: *giggles*
Jungkook: *trying not to laugh* Or give you guys the opportunity or-*clears throat/gets serious* right to go to their socials and bully them. We're friends.
🦊: And even if we're dating.
Jungkook: Yeah, no. Please, just spread love and positivity.
🦊: yeah...
🦊: So, *claps hands* MU.SIC!
Jungkook: I wanna go first!
🦊: Go for it, dude.
Jungkook: *smiles* So, here's the thing.
🦊: *laughs* Oh my god, I know what you're gonna say!
Jungkook: Y/N likes a ton of different music and they are very knowledgeable in a lot of cultures.
🦊: *gets embarrassed* Stop.
Jungkook: So they have a lot of things to talk about.
🦊: Such a Pisces *laughs*
Jungkook: *in between laughs* Yeah!
Jungkook: So because of that, they showed me reggaeton music, and OH MY GOD.
🦊: *laughs away from the mic*
Jungkook: *gets closer to the mic* This music, makes "WAP" by Cardi B look like a baby.
🦊: For sure!~
Jungkook: I remember the first time you showed me the translation of it and I was like "뭐야!?! 이거 허용되나?!"
🦊: *laughs*
Jungkook: I remember the song too, it was "Delincuente" by Tokischa.
🦊: His Spanish is cute.
Jungkook: *long pause* Who?
🦊: YOU!
Jungkook: Oh *snickers* Stop. Okay! It too-
🦊: It was shocking for you.
Jungkook: For sure. The first lines were "Tokischa, you fuck or not?". I was-
🦊: *smiling* Clutching his pearls.
Jungkook: Like a church 아주마.
🦊: For sure.
Jungkook: And it got like worse over the course of it.
🦊: But like was it REALLY shocking?
Jungkook: *hums thinking* Well... It's not shocking but it was surprising.
🦊: Explain, sir.
Jungkook: Well, it was the openness of it. Like, her talking about how she wants to be filled with "milk".
Jungkook: I'm doing air quotes since I know you guys can't see. That they have to be quiet, that she's horny, that he should put it on her ass and coochie.
Jungkook: *giggles*
Jungkook: My fans are gonna hate you
🦊: They'll think I'm corrupting you but in rea-
Jungkook: We're both pretty fucked.
🦊: Very in tune with our sexuality.
Jungkook: Yeah, that's why I wasn't SHOCKED, but I was surprised by the lyrics.
🦊: You know that's a trend?
Jungkook: What is?
🦊: People, Spanish speakers, show their parents the song to get their reaction.
Jungkook: That was lowkey me.
🦊: *giggles* It was, I should have recorded it!~
Jungkook: The first time you showed me the song, I didn't understand it because I didn't know what it said so I was like *singing* Ella quiere bicho!~ BELLACA!
🦊: *laughs loudly*
Jungkook: I was saying... VERBATIM "She wants dick! SHE'S HORNY!"
🦊: *in between laughs* 근데 귀여웠어! You have a cute accent in Spanish.
Jungkook: *gets close to the mic* *voice lowers* You flirting with me?
🦊: *sighs/groans* 아니야...
Jungkook: So, that was my~
Jungkook: *laughs* That was so cringy! We're never doing that again!
🦊: Listen to us do it in a few minutes.
Jungkook: Yeah.
Jungkook: What about yours?
🦊: My culture shock in music?
Jungkook: Yeah, I'm curious.
🦊: *hums thinking* It wasn't the music, but it was the CULTURE around it.
Jungkook: Ooooooh!~ Controversial! Are we gonna get canceled?
🦊: *in between laughs* Our first aND last episode.
Jungkook: *in between laughs* Every Korean person will want to kill you after this.
Jungkook: I know what you're gonna say.
🦊: *smirks* Say it.
Jungkook: Out loud, say it.
🦊: *gasps* I thought you would sa- Forget it
Jungkook: The "House of Dragons" one?
🦊: Yeah.
Jungkook: But, twilight is more quotable and iconic internationally.
🦊: Oh! For sure!
Jungkook: Anyways! Yours is idol culture.
🦊: Yeah, but not like you being an idol.
Jungkook: Right.
🦊: It's like... Fans feeling entitled to you and your body and just everything about you.
Jungkook: 응응
🦊: Like even with your solo-
Jungkook: Oh god!~ *giggles*
🦊: Fans were like *whisper yells* "He's gonna kiss her! Who does she think she is?! There's gonna be sexual dances with women like with Jimin! ". It was... *long pause*
Jungkook: Yeah, it's a lot.
🦊: It's obsessive.
Jungkook: But, you were a fan like that too.
🦊: *gets close to the mic* Lower. Your. God. Damn. Voice.
Jungkook: She was obsessed with-
Jungkook: *laughs* Okay, I won't.
Jungkook: But you were like that.
🦊: Yeah, but I was 13. I've seen 20-year-olds act like that over idols and it-
Jungkook: It gives you the ick.
🦊: For sure.
Jungkook: But the way I see it. It's like they love you SO MUCH that it manifests itself like that.
🦊: Yeah but, there needs to be boundaries.
🦊: Like liking someone is okay, but they are their own person, and if there's no chance then just accept it.
Jungkook: Yeah, but you're manifesting-
🦊: Stop!~ He's gonna listen to this and I don't wanna say it out loud because then it doesn't happen~
Jungkook: Can I just say? He likes you too.
Jungkook: Like, in the way you like HIM.
Jungkook: *singing* CULTURE SHOCK!!
*both laugh*
Jungkook: Our producer is telling us to wrap it up.
Jungkook: 같이 먹어러 가자.
🦊: 콜!
Jungkook: Tell us in the comments if you want us to continue the podcast.
🦊: Yeah, I have the next topic already if they want us to continue.
🦊: You guys should tell us to continue since JK spend a lot of money on the equipment.
Jungkook: I'm taking 5%
🦊: *laughs*
Together: He takes that 5%~
🦊: JINX! You owe me a soda.
Jungkook: *sighs in defeat*
🦊: *laughs* Now he can't say bye until he gets me a soda
🦊: Anyways, support the podcast. Follow us!~ Stream "Seven" and... *long pause*
🦊: okay, un-jinx~
Jungkook: AND! Tell us what you would like for us to talk about.
🦊: Purr
Jungkook: Watch us become a tea podcast
🦊: Iconic
Jungkook: Is it?
🦊: You like to gossip so...
Jungkook: Well! It's because you made me this way *laughs*
🦊: *in between laughs* For sure, he minded his business until we met. Now we just gossip about things happening in the industry.
Jungkook: The Jeongyeon and Jimin tea.
Jungkook: I'm not confirming NOR denying.
🦊: *laughs*
Jungkook: Okay, 먹어러 가자, 배고파
🦊: 응, 나두!~
Jungkook: Send us love!~
🦊: Love you guys!~
Jungkook: 안녕히 게세요!~
🦊: Nos vemos en el próximo podcast!~
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wavy-arms · 6 months
"You shouldn't ship them! They see each other as siblings!!"
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I've seen people say this about Rengoku and Mitsuri again and again, very often as a way to shut down others who are having fun with the Renmitsu ship. Not only is it annoying to constantly run into this from people who don't really know what they're talking about, but it's also inaccurate and way oversimplifies their cute dynamic! Let's dig deeper.
For a moment, let's also just forget about the above panel where she is very obviously all 🥰 at him and, instead, let's go straight to the source: what the Pillars all think about each other in the official guidebook. Better yet, let's look at it in the original Japanese!
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Now, I am still a student of Japanese. I am by no means fluent, so if I make any mistakes, please feel free to let me know! I'm always looking to learn something new.
First, from Rengoku:
Sainō ga sugoi! Waza no dokusō-sei mo sugoi! Kawaii kōhai!
In the first two sentences, he's praising her big time! "Her talent is amazing! The creativity/ingenuity of her technique is also amazing!" In the last sentence, he calls her a cute kōhai. If you're familiar with the term senpai, then kōhai is the alternative. It's just a term to refer to a junior coworker or classmate. Mitsuri joins the Demon Slayer Corps. after him, and he was her mentor before he became the Flame Hashira. (However, in the Rengoku gaiden, he tells her that they are no longer master & student, but instead equal peers. Overall, he clearly thinks she's very skilled and also cute.
Next, from Mitsuri:
Kakkoii onii-sama! Issho ni shugyō shite tanoshikatta. Kawaigatte moratta!
The first sentence, translated literally, just says "Cool big brother!" Now, one thing that makes Japanese both fun and difficult is that speakers often rely on context and omit entire parts of the sentence that an English speaker would normally use. In this case, in English, you wouldn't just say "Cool big brother!" You might say something like "He's like a cool big brother to me" or "I view him as a cool big brother figure." In this case, we don't have that. What we do have, however, is cultural context! In Japanese culture, familial terms are often used as terms of endearment or respect with people close to the speaker or even politely with strangers. So it would be normal to call an older male "big brother" even if they weren't actually your brother. (Kind of similarly, if you're at all familiar with Korean culture, girls often call their own boyfriends 오빠 (obba), which means — you guessed it — "older brother.") Here, Mitsuri refers to Rengoku as onii-sama, and that last part is important! The -sama suffix is super polite and formal, and long story short, you wouldn't normally refer to someone in your own in-group (family, circle of friends, etc.) with such a formal, respectful title. It is, however, a term you might use to refer to someone else's brother. So there's a very good chance that she's not saying "he's my cool older brother" but instead "he's a cool older brother!" And he is! He's an amazing older brother to Senjurō, and Mitsuri knows this. [UPDATE: I've spoken with a couple people who know way more about the Japanese language than me and, apparently, in this context onii-sama literally just means "guy." 🤣 She's literally just saying "He's a cool guy!"]
[UPDATE #2: I've also recently learned that kakkoii doesn't really mean "cool," but is instead a compliment specifically to men that means something more like, "good-looking, handsome, or cool in a manly way." INTERESTING. 👀]
In the next sentence, she says, "It was fun training together!" Pretty straightforward. The last sentence is very, very interesting, because at a cursory translation, Google would tell you that it just straight-up means, "I was loved!" Sounds intense, but that's not really accurate. Let's break it down. Kawaigatte moratta! Kawaigatte, if I'm not mistaken, is an inflection of the transitive verb kawaigaru, which Jisho translates as "to be affectionate to; to treat tenderly; to dote on; to show one's love (for); to cherish." Other translations usually say something like, "He really doted on me." But essentially she’s saying, "He treated me with tenderness/affection" or, "He made me feel loved/cherished." 💖
So there you go! Not that a fan ship like Renmitsu even needs this kind of validation anyway, but it might be nice to have something you can keep in your back pocket for the next time someone is being annoying about it. There's enough here to show that they really have a lot of affection for each other. They're so adorable~!
(Side note: there are other examples of Mitsuri's attraction to him in the gaiden [pictured above] and in at least one of the light novels. I might write about that, too.)
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wandering-tides · 2 months
TNE Fandom where are you?
Sujin shippers where are you?
I have Fics to Rec
I don't really go out of my way to rec fics (and I dunno why I have never done this before on tumblr), but BY GOD, have these two fics taken a special place in my heart.
I ADORE everything about them.
They are both Suho x Hajin ships
But the ship aside, I am so incredibly grateful for the authors to have brought them to life and allowed us to read these absolute GEMS of a fic in this little, little fandom of The Novel's Extra.
Really, y'guys have no idea how giddy and excited I get at every update.
Now, the fic in question?
1. Flowers of Agápē by DescendedGaia (Not sure if the author has a tumblr or any other social media... but lemme know if you want me to tag you :) )
Kim Hajin is a failure. There's no two ways to look at that objective truth. It's a truth that resonates through how others look at and ridicule him. It's a truth that echoes infinitely inside his head, compounding and doubling down on his inadequacies. It's a truth, despite the unconditional love of two parents that soothe but cannot dispel those haunting doubts. Kim Suho is simply perfection. The desperate vessel and ideal of Hajin's "ifs" and wishes. Because Kim Suho, the protagonist of Hajin's novel, is everything Hajin wants to be for his parents and more. But, that same story falls apart at the seams the same way Hajin has lost faith in himself. Yet, as the common narrative dictates, everything begins anew with an innocuous email requesting to remake Hajin's novel, his desperation and desire incarnate.
*** Alternatively, the extremes of Korean culture break Kim Hajin into someone who feels much more acutely, and everything shifts to the left.
This is such a MASTERPIECE. Hajin's characterisation in here is just *chefs kiss*. For me, thats one of the biggest plus points in this fic. Hajin is so much more emotionally sensitive in here and feels far more acutely than in the orignal, as should have been.
This fic has been adressing almost all the points that made me frown at or dislike in the orignal novel and manhwa (and from what I can notice, almost every one too).
This fic is kinda a rewrite of the orignal novel, (tho the author follows the manhwa flow of the story) with added Suho interactions, and such good characterization of Hajin, I fell in love at first read LMAO.
So far, there aren't any major spoilers (unless you read the author end note, where they give their own tid-bits of the chap, which sometimes contain spoilers too, or go to the comment section which may sometimes give you spoilers to the novel lol) If you are caught up with the manhwa, or atleast the season 1 of manhwa, then so far there won't be any spoilers for you!
And I think i'll stop talking about it here cuz if I keep going, I think i'll end up giving in-fic spoilers Lmao
(Oh, btw, this updates every other thursday! So far, it's been consistent in its updates ^^)
So onto the next fic!
2. Mountain To No one by @thek1ngtalks (as k1ng0fn0b0dy on ao3)
There's a number on his smartwatch that leads to nowhere. Suho's gotten in the habit of texting it throughout his day. Today, it texted back.
_ Or, in a world missing Kim Hajin, everyone is worse off. Fixing this starts with (a lot of) text messages between a protagonist and his missing piece.
And Man.... where do I begin? I have SO MUCH to say about this fic but I think i'll end up spoiling the whole fic if I start lmao. It's just so good dammit. Just gonna say that this fic takes after the end of the novel, after the conclusion. Only couple few remembers Hajin in the orignl right? Well, in this fic, nobody does. But Suho is probably (???) Going to be the first to remember... I dunno tbh, the fic is only 2 chaps in (and yes, I really adore it already)
I love what the author did with Suhos character and how he is dealing with the aftermath of... everything. Same goes for Hajin, and I love where they seems to be taking this fic. How they characterizes these two main characters and everything.
Listen, I have a LOT to say but i'll just end up giving spoilers so really go read it for yourself. This is another MASTERPIECE of a fic and I am so grateful for its presence in this little TNE fandom TT
Really, thankyou for such amazing fics authors!!
And that's all from me!! Lol I was so excited while writing this XD (could you tell? Lol)
(I edited this post twice because of all the typos I ended up making in excitement LMAO)
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pommunist · 18 days
I already felt like this but reading Forest's statement just reaffirms it for me. The treatment of the Koreans on the server just feels so emblematic of the character of qstudios. They built up a crazy amount of hype regarding the addition of the Korean cc's, the teases for their inclusion was heavily tied with the hype built around the reset given the cultural references. Only for them to join a server that is going through a major internal crisis (because god forbid qstudios let's all the precious hype they built up go to waste by waiting),  a singular fluent admin whose got constantly ignored by the higher-ups and then unceremoniously fired, and poorly accommodates for their timezone in it's events- leaving them behind as soon as they became 'old news' for the next big things- it kinda reminds me of how the french are treated on there.
They care more about flare and attention over putting in the actual work to make an enjoyable experience for everyone- just rush into new thing after new thing and leave everything else behind with nothing but empty promises and a bad taste in their mouth. (it even kinda makes me think of the feds and all of their abandoned buildings lol)
I care a lot about the server, I just wish it was anyone but qstudios running it.
This is the kind of thing that could’ve been shrugged off as « oh well they underestimate how many admins speaking the language they would need, they forgot to amenage events taking the new timezone into account, mistakes happen ! » IF ONLY IT WAS THE FIRST TIME.
PT, FR, and KR speakers all had very few admins sharing their languages on the server side of things, leading to the admins having to multitask like crazy, and the updates accounts for these languages also were understaffed, leading to the communities being sometimes sidelined.
FR speakers complained a lot at the beginning that the events were happening at 2/3/4am for them only for the same thing to happen to korean speakers, finale was at 4 am ????
I understand that with the addition of people from Korea, the timezones covered a huge part of the good making hours fitting everyone difficult but then only add more people when you’re ready to accommodate them ? Not even talking about events, without more ccs from timezones close to them, Korean ccs would have had the fame fate that Spanish ccs had at the beginning of the server aka logging on when almost no one was online.
7 months since the last time they had added people and this is how the new community is welcomed ? 😭 God this pisses me off because I know a lot of korean fans were so hyper by this only to be left feeling disappointed.
Like a lot of things, Qstudios had a good idea that they thought would give them hype, and then forgot that they needed to work on making sure the idea was well executed.
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don’t worry the pommunist customer service worked its magic, don’t forget to leave us a 5 stars review o7
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laetadiscipula · 10 months
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27 August 2023 I'm back for my annual post! I love Tumblr, but hate updating consistently. Today I'm showing off my academic notebook. I just keep track of notes, thoughts, etc. on my current personal studies (right now, my main focus is on modern Korean history). This is also "traveler's notebook" style, so I keep a couple of thinner books (one for Korean language studies and another for the Korean popular culture class that I'm taking). Happy to answer any questions about my setup or add some more photos. :)
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❦︎♕︎ Royalty asteroids that are prominent in my astrology natal chart ♕︎❦︎
By : Brielledoesastrology (tumblr)
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asteroid Sejong (7365) conjunct my sun (1 orb)
this asteroid is named after King Sejong the great,
His greatest achievement was creating Hangul, the Korean alphabet, but his patronage of science, technology, literature, and medicine all had a large impact on Korea and Koreans. King Sejong is known as one of the greatest rulers of Korea of all time, as he created Hangul (Korean alphabet), encouraged significant scientific advancements, reinforced Confucianism in Korea, and caused many political and social advancements. Sejong, (born 1397—died 1450), monarch of the Chosŏn (Yi) dynasty during his reign (1419–50) cultural achievements in Korea reached their highest point.
asteroid hatshepsut (2436) conjunct my sun (1 orb)
This asteroid is named after the female pharaoh Hatshepsut. Considered one of Egypt's greatest female pharaoh brought great wealth and artistry to her land. She sponsored one of Egypt's most successful trading expeditions, bringing back gold, ebony, and incense from a place called Punt (probably modern-day Eritrea, a country in Africa).
asteroid Carolus Quartus (16951) conjunct my sun (1 orb)
This asteroid is named after Charles IV, Holy Roman Emperor. He is considered the greatest czech of all time. The 14th century – particularly the reign of Charles IV (1342–78) is considered the Golden Age of Czech history. He gained more through diplomacy than others did by war, and through purchases, marriages, and inheritance as he enlarged his dynastic power.
asteroid Vaclav (8740) conjunct my sun (2 orb)
This asteroid is named after Wenceslaus I, Duke of Bohemia. It's hard to find stories about him but all i know is that he is known for being "Good" and people make famous songs about him. Oh yeah uh also his evil brother killed him too..
asteroid Reyes (14684) conjunct my sun (1 orb)
"Reyes" or "Rey" means "Kings" or "King" in Spanish.
asteroid Koniq (3815) conjunct my mercury (1 orb)
"Koniq" means "King" in German.
asteroid Zoser (4907) conjunct my sun (2 orb)
This asteroid is named after the pharaoh Djoser. Djoser, also spelled Zoser, second king of the 3rd dynasty (c. 2650–c. 2575 bce) of ancient Egypt, who undertook the construction of the earliest important stone building in Egypt. His reign, which probably lasted 19 years, was marked by great technological innovation in the use of stone architecture. King Djoser's architect, Imhotep, built the first pyramid by placing six mastabas, each smaller than the one beneath, in a stack to form a pyramid rising in steps.
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xxscarletxrosexx · 7 months
A Linguistic Analysis: Manga Translation (EN/JP/TWN) Comparison of Chapter 90.1 | Part 3
This is written in response to @connoisseursdecomfort's post Comparing Versions of Short Mission 11
((I realized that I should have just made this into a post because my response would be lost as a reblog. And it did... OTL
Also, this is an updated version with more insight/details))
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Consider this is as a part 3 of my Linguistic Analysis posts on Spy x Family's Ch. 90.1 or Short Mission 11.
Part 1: A Linguistic Analysis of the Spelling "Ania" and "Anya"...
Part 2: "Ania" is the closest to an identity reveal
This analysis contains spoilers from Chapter 90.1 / Short Mission 11!
What's so interesting about the discourse analysis amongst Japanese, Taiwanese, and English translations is the hedging (word choices that lessen the directness of a dialogue) langauge that Loid uses. It is more clear in the Japanese ("by the way") and Taiwanese ("it came to mind") translations. Whereas, English's hedging is found in "...right?" What the three of them do share in common is that Loid's discourse is pointing to active voice by stating "your name is spelled A-N-Y-A". Apply all of these translations below:
(ENG) Your name is spelled A-N-Y-A, right?
(JP) By the way, your name is spelled A-N-Y-A.
(TW) It came to mind, your name is spelled A-N-Y-A.
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It is consistent that Loid's tone is holding authority by demonstrating his knowledge on Ostanian orthography based off the transcriptions he's seen of Anya's name registered as "A-N-Y-A" which was spelled by her previous Ostanian adopted parents. So Twilight feels confident that the spelling of her name MUST be "Anya."
Another thing I wanted to add on to @connoisseursdecomfort's observation is catching loss of translation, which is so unfortunately common. English translation omits translations mainly because some expressions or dialogue that are common in a language (Japanese and Taiwanese) would be perceive differently in English-speaking countries (USA, UK, AUS, CAN, etc.). This is called cultural discount.
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It's the reason why Squid Game English dub missed out on many jokes that are play on words in the Korean dub. It is also the reason why a lot of American jokes are not understood by non-English speakers OTL
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But this is a general phenomenon because English native consumers would find the expression strange simply because we do not have this style reflected in our discourse. The best example is when @_mika60 translated the omitted text "Anya's heart stirred at the mention of her own name."
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To an American (possibly English natives in general, but I can't really speak on behalf of British, Canadians, nor Australians beause their English may be slightly different in terms of cultural lifestyle/upbringing), this expression can be perceived as corny/purple-prosey. Because American discourse don't generally have this emotionally-charged reflective discourse. Hence, omitted. Which is unfortunate because it says so much about how Loid's spelling affected Anya's feelings. So this is a perfect example of cultural discount.
An example of loss in translation is the omission of Anya's text which explains why she can't carve out her name is due to feeling insecure about her bad handwriting. (Again, this is character analysis that English-reading consumers missed out on! Because anything written in the manga is deemed canon.) Whereas English, we completely omit that detail because English native speakers don't need that extra dialogue. The English discourse is typically straight to the point and English native consumers draw inferences from icons (images/illustrations).
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Based off my explanation, this is how I see the above picture as an American consumer (using a think-aloud method):
Anya says, "I can't do it right..." and she looks frustrated as illustrated by the swirl above her head.
Her brows are furrowed which supports that she's annoyed/frustrated/angry.
Her cheeks... are they blushes? Is she embarrassed? I can't really tell.
She's also a 4 y/o or was it 5 y/o child (she lied being 6, right?) so it's obvious she probably might be annoyed because she can't draw straight lines.
Because she's an infant, I'm sure she doesn't have the strength to draw clean lines.
Based off my thought process above, do I think OR am I convinced that Anya feels insecure? No.
Can it be argued that she's insecure? Yes, absolutely.
If I were to talk to someone who posits Anya may be insecure because of his/her knowledge of children behavior and/or mannerism, then I would be convinced. However, I would arrive to this assimilation through negotiating observations and exchanging knowledge of children behavioral mannerism. However, this would become more of headcanon if it wasn't explicitly stated in the manga (keep it mind that the Japanese translation DOES explicitly state that she's insecure because of her bad handwriting, so yes, it is canon that Anya is insecure of her bad handwriting).
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I love translation comparisons mainly because you get to experience cultural exchange if you are fortunate enough to understand or have access to a translator (*cough* @connoisseursdecomfort *cough*) who enjoys comparing multiple languages. Thank you for doing God's work @connoisseursdecomfort <3
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bobbybutterfly · 3 months
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First post that isn't an ask in ages!!!!
I made this painting today as a celebration of having done nine backgrounds already. Only about... A billion left to go 🤣.
I'm suffering!
I might use this as "box art" for when I release the Super Secret Project. Though I want to make a nother fake propaganda poster inspired by those showing unity between Soviet countries.
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They're the gayest thing I've ever seen!
It would be like a squirrel and hedgehog giving each other a bro hug. It fits more with the story.
As for the writing under it, it means something like Be ready to sacrifice yourself for your leader. Though when my dad pointed the Google translate at it, it said something like The leader's association. I just picked this slogan off of wikipedia.
Ultimately it doesn't matter as long as it's not completely off topic what's written there like Banana!
This poster was influenced by Chinese propaganda more than North Korean. North Korean propaganda is far more chill depicting like pretty landscapes and happy workers. Chinese propaganda from Mao's era on the other hand! Everything dowsed in blood red. People are screaming their heads off.
I read a book I'm yet to finish about the Cultural Revolution, Ten Years of Madness, and it makes sense for the time period.
I'm tired and begining to ramble. What do you think of the poster? If you know Korean, please tell me what that text I put on it says. I will update you on how's the Super Secret Project going later.
P.S. there are two photos of the painting under different light. Tell me which do you prefer.
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woowonjaeaomg · 3 months
GRAY, Woo Won Jae, Lee Hi and GooseBumps Leave AOMG
Update: Simon Dominic Left AOMG in Feb.2024
Update 2: Code Kunst Leaves AOMG
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[Note: Details on all the artists that have left or currently staying are noted in the timeline below this announcement message. And all AOMG announcements regarding the artists are more or less the same as the one stated below.]
“Hello, this is AOMG.
We would like to inform you that the exclusive contracts with our artists Gray, Woo Won Jae, Lee Hi, and GooseBumps have expired.
Thank you for the interest and love you have shown so far, and we ask for your continued love in the future.
AOMG will support Gray, Woo Won Jae, Lee Hi, and GooseBumps on their new challenges.
Thank you.”
Translation cr.
Original text:
“안녕하세요, AOMG입니다.
소속 아티스트 그레이, 우원재, 이하이, 구스범스의 전속계약이 종료되었음을 알려드립니다.
그동안 여러분의 많은 관심과 사랑에 감사드리며, 앞으로도 변함없는 큰 사랑 부탁드립니다. AOMG는 그레이, 우원재, 이하이, 구스범스의 새로운 도전을 응원합니다.
- Late September, 2013: Jay Park founded AOMG. Signed artists - singer and producer GRAY, composer Jun Goon, and producer Cha Cha Malone
- October 10, 2013: AOMG launch party
- Artists Elo, Loco, Ugly Duck, DJ Wegun, DJ Pumkin, and Hoody joined AOMG over the next two years
- March 9, 2014: Months after leaving Amoeba Culture, Simon Dominic joins AOMG as Co-CEO
- January 6, 2016: CJ E&M media company announced that it had formed a partnership with AOMG. This news comes a few months after CJ E&Ms acquisition of Paloalto's Hi-Lite Records label. Jay Park also took the news to Twitter to reassure fans that it would not affect AOMG and its artists in any way, referring to it as a strategic partnership through investment in shares
- June 5, 2017: H1GHR Music label is founded by Jay Park alongside producer Cha Cha Malone. Signed artists - Yultron, Sik-K, pH-1, Woodie GoChild. Producers Woogie, GroovyRoom, DJ SMMT. The following Seattle artists were also signed - Avatar Darko, Raz Simone, Phe Reds, Jarv Dee
- June 8, 2017: Golden (formerly known as G.Soul) signed with H1GHR Music following his contract expiration with JYP Entertainment
- October 30, 2017: Woo Won Jae joins AOMG
- 2018: Ted Park joins H1GHR Music
- April 2018: HAON joins H1GHR Music, soon after winning the show “High School Rapper 2”
- May 10, 2018: AOMG signs management contract with UFC fighter "Korean Zombie" Jung Chan Sung
- June 11, 2018: Producer Code Kunst joins AOMG
- July 25, 2018: Simon Dominic resigns as co-CEO of AOMG with his song "Me No Jay Park". Soon after, DJ Pumkin becomes co-CEO of AOMG alongside Jay Park
- 2019: BIG Naughty joins H1GHR Music
- March 3, 2019: Mokyo joins H1GHR Music
- August 2019: AOMG's first hip-hop audition show “Signhere” began airing on MBN
- November 1, 2019: After winning in the audition show “Signhere” Sogumm joins AOMG
- November 6, 2019: Punchnello joins AOMG
- Late 2019: Jarv Dee leaves H1HGR Music
- April 8, 2020: DeVita joins AOMG
- June, 2020: Mokyo leaves H1GHR Music after contract expired
- July 20, 2020: Trade L joins H1GHR Music
- July 24, 2020: Lee Hi joins AOMG after her departure from YG Entertainment
- September 4, 2020: Producer GooseBumps joins AOMG
- January 9, 2021: Golden (G.Soul) leaves H1GHR Music following his contract expiration
- February 18, 2021: Yugyeom, a member of South Korean boy group Got7, joins AOMG following his departure from JYP Entertainment in January 2021. Fellow member JAY B joins H1GHR Music in May of the same year
- March 2021: GroovyRoom launches new label called AREA, in partnership with the H1GHR Music label
- December 31, 2021: Jay Park announced his resignation as the Co-CEO of AOMG
- January 25, 2022: Coogie joins AOMG
- March 3, 2022: Jay Park established a new label called “More Vision”. Currently signed artists are Honey J, Jessi and Chung Ha
- July 25, 2022: JAY B and Sik-K leave H1GHR Music after their contracts had expired
- October 24, 2022: Jvcki Wai joins AOMG
- February 14, 2023: As her contract expired, Sogumm departs from the label
- April 1, 2023: Cartoonist Kian84 joins AOMG. Unclear if this is a management or artist contract but all sources confirm that he has joined AOMG
- April 24, 2023: AOMG established sublabel Solabeam Records that consists of DJs and producers
- May 8, 2023: HAON leaves H1GHR Music and joins Sik-K’s agency “KC”
- November 9, 2023: Meenoi joins AOMG
- February 27, 2024: GooseBumps announces that he’s leaving AOMG
- February 2024: Simon Dominic and the music label came to a mutual agreement to terminate his contract. The contract is still effective and both sides will continue with activities while sorting contract termination matters out. Details here
- March 6, 2024: The controversy surrounding Meenoi, AOMG, and her advertising contract with a cosmetic brand company escalates. Dispatch gets involved. Details here
- March 13, 2024: DJ Pumkin resigns as CEO of AOMG. He has reportedly thought of resigning for some time. Yoo Deok Geon is the new CEO of AOMG. Yoo Deok Geon is an old manager of Jay Park and the current CEO of H1GHR Music
- March 28, 2024: After their contracts had expired, GRAY, Woo Won Jae, and Lee Hi all announce that they are leaving AOMG. [Official Announcement]
- April 10, 2024: AOMG makes an apology statement regarding the Meenoi controversy. [Official Announcement]
- April 22, 2024: An AOMG official confirms that Simon Dominic terminated his contract back in February 2024
- April 25, 2024: The contract between Code Kunst and AOMG has ended. AOMG announced that they have parted ways with the artist. [Official Announcement]
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absolutebl · 2 years
Asian Honorifics & BL - a quick & dirty guide, with examples
You ready for another one of my long broad brush linguistics in BL posts? (As always check the comments for people better than me correcting or adding content. Also I will be updating this post as long as Tumblr lets me fiddle with it.) 
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Codicil: I’m a dilettante who loves the cultural side of linguistics, and loves to help people understand BL better via language. I attempt to explain things using very simplistic terms and an anthropological approach, I am aware that it’s a lot more complicated. But I’m doing my best. 
Codicil 2: This is meant to help BL watchers, not to guide tourists who in intend to travel to these countries. 
Honorifics in General - the concept
Honorifics = a title or word implying or expressing status, politeness, or respect.
Many Asian languages employ honorifics in a filial manner (distinguishing status along generational lines with regards to birth year, professional relationship, and parental state). Basically calling someone who is NOT an actual blood relation “older brother” (e.g. Korean hyung or oppa) or “younger sibling” (e.g. Thai nong), or auntie (see many Indian or Latin American cultures). These can also be a kind of endearment in romantic relationships. 
The closest most westerns can think of this is that the honorific is used as a way to delineate an intimate relationship/friendship across an age gap, but its implications are not always intimacy. (Except when they very much are, see oppa.) 
You may be familiar with a phrases like “we’re so close she’s like my sister” or “he’s like a brother to me.” 
However, because most westerners exist in relationships to peers only under the broad umbrella term friend, we will only use “like my sister” or “basically my brother” when someone is particularly dear to us but not sexually. 
In most Asian languages, honorifics are more codified. So there is a status conferred by age which dictates honorifics be used. They’re mandatory for communication. Intimacy levels between individuals CAN impact this, but are not the primary decider on what honorific is used under most circumstances. Position in society is.
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So these terms are often defined (or even translated) with sibling language. See early Thai BLs translate phi as bro, but that’s not strictly correct. 
There are also often honorifics for larger age gaps (so more like auntie or uncle, delineating relationships like adult neighbors or a friend’s parents, or parents’ friends). 
And there are honorifics for people in authority positions (like doctors, teachers, bosses) who are usually older (but not always). These honorifics are employed in the arenas of education, hobby activities (like ceramic classes or martial arts) and the workplace.
For many, informality of older to younger will be characterized by use of casual (or rude) language and lack of honorifics (from the older person to the younger one). So the older character will have one mode of address and way of talking, while the younger character exists in a more formal register when they are speaking back to someone older. 
In other words, an older person can speak informally to a younger one, but not the reverse. (Yaja time excepted...) 
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Complexity of Honorifics as Elements of Language 
Honorifics can function as titles:
Honorifics can be translated as/like titles. This is is the kind of thing we are most familiar with: Mister, Mrs, Mz, Miss, Master, Mistress, Sir, Madam, Ma’am are all, technically, honorifics. So are certain forms of address and royal titles, “The honorable” for example. Anything you might put in front of a name to add formality in English probubly qualifies as an honorific.  
Honorifics can function as pronouns:
Or modes of address. For example the title boss, in English can also be used to call or refer to someone directly. “Hi, boss!” or “my boss” or “the boss says.” Honorifics serve the same function. In this way they can become pronouns. You can, in Korean, just call someone “hyung” it acts as the you pronoun for direct address. And often they can also be used in the 3rd person. So my “hyung” did such and such. This is why hyung = brother in a lot of translations. Because English uses brother in much the same way, it can act as both a 2nd or 3rd person pronoun. (Rarely first, but that’s an issue with English, that our first person pronoun is so inflexible.) 
In Thai you can refer to a friend as phi (you pronoun in direct address, or use it as a she/he/they pronoun in third person) or you may refer to yourself as phi (using it as an I pronoun). In other words, phi can entirely replace a person’s name in all linguistic uses. 
He/She/They goes to the store = phi goes to the store (when talking about my older friend to someone else) 
I go to the store = phi go to the store (when talking to a younger person about my own actions), and 
you go to the store = phi go to the sore (when talking to an older friend about something they are going to do - direct address) 
Honorifics are also suffixes:
In Korean and Japanese honorifics are also attached to names in the form of suffixes. See the Japanese section. (Also sometimes prefixes, argh.) 
Honoring is also attached to particles:
In Thai, polite particles confer respect levels as well, which means they also contain within them certain aspects of status and honorifics. See the Thai section. 
The best way to understand honorifics in BL is by example. 
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Korean - Honorific titles: Hyung, Noona, Oppa & Beyond  
I’m starting with Korean because it is the most spoken and understood by westerners these days. I can only address this as a layperson who watches too many Kdramas. 
Korean names in brief: 
In Korea names are said family name first (what we call surname or last name) and then given name second (what we would call first name). Usually the family name is single barreled or one syllable, but the given name is double barreled or two syllables. So: Chu Sang Woo = Chu (family name) Sang Woo (given name, always said together). This is why I will usually refer to BL characters by their first name as a combo, e.g. SangWoo. In formal address, however is would be Chu SangWoo-ssi. Usually the entire name is said (see comments). Even when JaeYoung is being rude he usually says “Chu SangWoo.” 
Korean honorifics you’ll hear:
Hyung | hyeong 형 - is said by a younger male when addressing an older male. I will use the term Hyung Romances for BLs that feature a younger seme pursing and older uke because...  
Noona | nuna 누나 - is said by a younger male when addressing an older female and is responsible for the accepted series category “Noona romances” which are dramas that feature a younger boy pursuing an older woman. 
Oppa 오빠 - is said by a younger female when addressing an older male. Also used by girlfriends addressing their boyfriends, or wanna-be boyfriends. Under a romantic context oppa is considered somewhat cringe/cheesy/cutsie.  
Unni | eonni 언니 - is said by a younger female when addressing an older female.  
Sunbae | seonbae 선배 - is said by a younger person to an older person (gender neutral) and is more formal. It can be used in the workplace and it mostly about seniority and less familial.
Hoobae | hubae 후배 - is said to/of a younger person, either across a generational gap, or within a workspace environment, again this one is about seniority and less familial.* 
Although an older person’s filial and social responsibility to a youngster is always in play. 
In Kpop you’ll hear sunbae used a lot by younger (say 4th gen) groups when referring to older groups within the industry. Or when talking about Kpop idols who they don’t personally know (or are so big they’re nervous about any assumption of intimacy). On reality shows like Queendom or Kingdom it’s particularly telling. Some of the funniest moments of Kingdom Legendary Wars is any time Penal (an American from BTOB - an older v established group) tries to convince the youngsters, some of them 10 years his juniors, to use casual language (drop honorifics). The poor things get SO confused. 
BL Deeper Meanings behind Hyung 
Okay so the best show to watch for this one is Semantic Error. 
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SangWoo starts out calling JaeYoung sunbae and rarely goes less formal. Technically sunbae is polite, but also slightly insulting in a university narrative of this type. Let me try to explain. Because as they become more intimate, combative or not, friends or frenemies, SangWoo should switch to using hyung, but he pointedly does NOT. 
JaeYoung, on the other hand, always uses extremely informal (to the point of rude) language with SangWoo. (Culturally, he allowed such informality as he is SangWoo’s senior both at university, and in age). But you can watch him get annoyed that SangWoo insists on sticking to sunbae, to the point where he demands SangWoo use hyung. 
Then after that, anytime SangWoo does use hyung JaeYoung totally melts for it, because it was hard fought and won, and it means something powerful and significant is shifting in their intimacy as a result. 
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During the mutual kissing at the bar scene, Semantic Error drops yaja time on us. Yaja time is a sanctified reversal of honorifics that essentially allows for a younger person to speak their mind informally and without repercussions (or supposedly so). It’s a kind of way to flirt and tease, but also somewhat taboo and titillating as a game to play when tipsy. You get yaja time in bars/clubs sometimes, like happy hour. If you watch the final episode of Kpop reality show I-land you’ll see a real word example of yaja time in action amongst the contestants, it’s adorable and very funny. 
Semantic Error uses yaja time as an opportunity for drunk SangWoo to finally talk about his real feelings, without the pressure of linguistic formality. 
They also use it for JaeYoung to drop the sluttiest most flirtatious hyungs in the history of all hyunging. Seriously, the boy is dripping seduction with that one world. Why? Because HE CAN. He is making the formality itself a kind of kink. 
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You can watch these two on the promo circuit attempt yaja time and even though they have an easy brotherly relationship, you can still see how uncomfortable it makes Jae Chan in particular. 
Other honorific play in Semantic Error: 
The girl who is interested in dating SangWoo calls him oppa, and ALSO requests to use a nickname+oppa with him (the nickname means lettuce). That is pretty blatant flirting. But note she specifically asks if she is allowed to do so? 
Later when JaeYoung confronts her and stakes his claim, notice the thing he really wants corrected is her language with SangWoo? He wants her to go all the way beyond sunbae to formality by using the honorific suffix 씨 (ssi). But there’s also more lettuce wordplay here (I think) because he isn’t insisting she use SangWoo’s full name. 
“You should call him Chu-ssi” which is translated into English as “Mr Chu.” 
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A word on oppa and queerness. 
Because the implication is that the person saying oppa is female, you will rarely hear boys use this term for their boyfriends (even if they are out gay, unless they are femme and/or cultivating the association for a very specific and culturally subversive of kinky reason). 
Exception: non native speakers who are happy to fart around with us and the Korean social structure. So early on, NCT’s (Kpop monster group) Mark (Canadian) would refer to Yuta (Japanese) as oppa. I’m not gonna unpack their relationship, but trust me when I say, no native Korean idol would have ever done this, not right now in Korea’s current social state. Well... maybe Holland but that’s a whole other discussion. 
To complicate matters Korean also uses honorific suffixes, but I’m not gonna go into them here. (Read more about Korean honorifics.) 
Instead I’m gonna use Japanese to talk honorific suffixes. Ready? 
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Japanese - Names & Honorifics: suffixes & titles 
Like Korean, Japanese uses both suffixes and title honorifics. But I find the suffixes much easier to hear in Japanese than Korean, probubly because I’ve more experience with the language. 
Note: As a foreigner in Japan I’ve alway found it best/easiest to refer to someone using surname-san. 
Japanese names in brief:
Names are said family name first and then given name. But actually, given names are rarely, if ever, said AT ALL (after an initial introduction). 
In BL dramas almost all character’s names and everyday use name will be the family name. (Children are different, but not many of those in JBL.) Teachers may refer to their students by given name-kun. 
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So in Old Fashion Cupcake Togawa is his family name (not given name). Nozue (also a surname) who is both older and Togawa’s boss, refers to Togawa simply as Togawa, with no honorifics, probubly because they are both adult characters and have been coworkers for so long, Togawa-kun would be... odd. 
Togawa on the other hand, ALWAYS refers to Nozue as Nozue-san. Even in times of EXTREME intimacy the honorific -san is ALWAYS used. 
We have no idea what the given names are for these characters because we never got to that point of intimacy in their relationship. In Japanese romances the given name is usually the ultimate intimacy and is not exchanged until well into a relationship, sometimes after sex or even after marriage. You can watch the delicate maneuvering around this aspect of intimacy in the kinky het drama Sweat & Soap (it’s not BL, but I still love it, on Viki.) 
Japanese Suffixes you hear the most in BL: 
-chan = is intimate and cute for children, or amongst female friends, or female family/intimates (like your grandma) 
-kun = is for respected juniors, younger or junior co-workers, or young boys, and amongst friends 
-san = is formal/polite and for general use, amongst friends, equals, strangers, and acquaintances 
The best BL to watch to hear all three of these in constant use is Minato’s Laundromat. 
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Shin always calls Minato, Minato-san and gets very annoyed when anyone doesn’t do this who should (he want’s his man properly respected). Note that he puts Minato-san into his phone as Akira, tho... daring boy.  
Asuka calls Minato: Akira-san, which he shouldn’t as a kid a generation younger than Minato. He gets away with it because he and Minato are from the same neighborhood and have similar open, friendly natures.  
Minato, on the other hand, struggles with what to call Shin. Technically he should use Katsuki-kun or even Katsuki-chan (which is what he uses on Shin’s sister). Which is Shin’s surname + the suffix for a junior. But Minato is a causal person, so he never bothered with a suffix even at first. Now, informal language is fine from an older person to a younger one, if they have the right personality. But under BL circumstances, Minato’s lack of honorifics kind of gave Shin license to flirt. The moment Minato asked if he could use the nickname Shin he was a goner. 
As Shin becomes more aggressive in his pursuit, Minato hops desperately between different suffixes to try to control the situation: 
Shin (informal and friendly), 
Shin-chan (diminutive, under this context = somewhat demeaning, considering what Shin wants from him), Minato is intentionally lowering Shin’s status and emphasizing his youth when he applies -chan, 
Shin-kun (when he thinks Shin is mad at him, or in public, or when he is annoyed and wants to add formality and distance) 
I talk quite a bit about this in my squee watch of this series. 
Putting someone who should be (or is usually) address by one combo of name (first or last) + suffix into another, by changing either the name of the suffix or both, always has narrative significance for character development or plot or both in Japanese romances. Which is why you get more from the story if you train your ear to listen for these. 
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In the picture above, Takara is using -san for sarcasm and to gently chide Amagi. Usually he just uses Amagi with no honorific (they are the same age, and he is a curt characters) or Amagi-kun in public of for call/response address. He has moved to a higher level of formality for emphasis and to make a point in this scene. Communicating properly and avoiding conflict is a hallmark of his character, also (as the seme) he wants to control Amagi. This is all wrapped up in that personality and attitude. He is being teasing and sarcastic, but he is also stressing that this dialogue is important to him. 
Read more on Japanese honorific suffixes here.
Japanese honorific titles you hear the most in BL:
Senpai (先輩、せんぱい) - senior colleague or classmate, roughly equivalent to the Korean sunbae or Thai phi 
Sensei (先生、せんせい) - refers to teachers as well as people who are experts in their respective fields, like doctors, artists, professors, martial arts instructors, or lawyers 
The best BL to watch for use of honorific titles in Japanese is... bet you thought I wasn’t gonna manage to shoehorn it in.... Seven Days!
*insert wild cheering* 
Sereyo (younger) seems to relish and very much enjoy and flirt by using the honorific senpai with Yuzuru. It’s hard to explain, but the way Sereyo says "senpai” whenever they meet is very very... cute. 
You can hear these characters use sensei when in archery practice. And you can hear use of some family suffixes and honorifics since we follow both characters back to their respective homes. 
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Sereyo calls Yuzuru, Yuzuru-san, which is Yuzuru’s GIVEN NAME + the honorific. This is unexpected because Yuzuru is his senior. He should call him by his surname + honorific: Shino-san. 
But Sereyo has an issue, which is that Yuzuru has the same last name as his ex-girlfriend, who was also older. So in his previous relationship, Sereyo called his lover: Shino-san, and he doesn’t want to use the same exact name with his new lover, Yuzuru. So despite Yuzuru being his senior, he asks to use Yuzuru’s first name as a mode of address. Yuzuru being the kind of casual blunt personality he is, doesn’t mind the inherent informality and permits this right away. 
More on Japanese honorifics here. 
Mandarin Chinese Honorifics 
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Ho boy am I not going to climb into this one. But I will point out that to confuse matters many Chinese honorifics are actually also blood relation titles - 哥 ge (older brother) 弟 di (younger brother) - (like phi/nong, par/ar, hia/jay in Thai). In other words, the honorific actually is both brother (honorable title) and brother (actual word) AND will be applied to cousins. As in: the word for cousin is ALSO the same word as brother. 
In Thai to clear up this relationship a character will often have to state it blatantly: "my real actual older bother, by blood, and not an older male friend” (since phi means both) and not a lover. See this grappled with as a jealously plot point in Star in My Mind. 
But in some Chinese BLs they will also have to explain and distinguish actual blood relationships as different between cousins and siblings. You can watch Addicted deal with these nuances. 
It should be noted for the BL crowd that Mainland Mandarin and Taiwanese Mandarin are ALSO different. So there are language nuances to Taiwanese BL that do not exist in Mainland BL (when it was around) and vice versa. And because Taiwan recognizes equal rights, there is also a whole adapted Chinese linguistic set around queerness. 
I’m mentioning Chinese in this post mainly because it will come into play with Thai honorifics: hia & jie/jay 姐. Personally I struggle to even distinguish names let alone honorifics, I find Mandarin a particularly difficult language. 
Thai - Honorifics, Pronouns, Particles & beyond phi/nong 
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I have quite a bit on Thai honorifics and their complexity plus how it relates to BL.
Thai Honorifics Between Ages in BL and real life 
More on Thai Linguistic Registers - Particles & Honorifics 
Thai Pronouns & Honorifics when Seme/Uke is Flipped 
Sarcastic use of honorifics & polite particles in Thai
Linguistic Fun In Thai BL - couples 
The Nu Diminutive in Thai 
Touch & Daisy in Secret Crush On You - Queer Coded Language and 3rd Gender Identity 
The most important thing to know, and how it’s different from Korean, is that phi & nong are gender neutral. 
Also honorifics and politeness in Thai plays into both pronoun use and polite particles. Thailand does not have honorific suffixes like Japan or Korea, instead particles (which are kind of like spoken punctuation) come into play. 
It’s complicated, in that there are a lots of ways to indicate relationships in Thai. But less complicated in that, at heart, gender doesn’t impact it as much as in Korean or Vietnamese. Instead, like Japanese’s -san, you can default to formal register by remembering to use khun (+ polite particles). 
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Phi = hyung, noona, unni, oppa, sunbae, or senpai, and its gender neutral. 
Nong = hoobae or -kun or -chan, but is rarely used in direct address. Instead, informality in Thai is characterized by use of casual (or rude) language and lack of honorifics (from the older person to the younger one) + rude or  informal particles. Nong is also gender neutral and can be used as you pronoun (rarely as I), or as a third person pronoun to refer to pets, or as a diminutive attached to a name, it’s... complicated. 
Actually episode 10 of Love Mechanics plays with this. Vee whispers in Mark’s ear the equivalent to “Phi’Vee loves cute nong Masa.” Masa is Mark’s given name and it is Japanese because Mark is half Japanese. 
But then, to tease him, Vee lowers his voice (Japanese men speak from low in the chest) and says: Masa-kun. Kind of the Japanese rephrase of the above. 
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Hia = hyung/oppa (it may be used by a younger male or female but is only use on an older male) and specifically ties to Chinese heritage. 
Jie/jay = noona/unni (it may be used by a younger male or female but is only use on an older female) and specifically ties Chinese heritage. It has also been coopted by the queer community and may be translated as “sis” under those circumstances. More about hia here. 
Khun = -ssi or -san, and is a gender neutral formal address. It can be a title Khun + Name (first or last), an I/you pronoun, and also a proper name (ya, know, just for s&gs). Also in families that are more formal it is a mode of polite address for parents, Khun Maa for mother, Khun Paa for father. 
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Vietnamese Honorifics
Vietnamese honorifics and modes of address are not my bailiwick but the amazing @squeakygeeky​ has been blogging a series around VBL linguistics and it’s queer struggles with pronouns because of bifurcation around gender. 
Oh boy was this a lot. And I am sorry to @timelesstoothfairy who originally asked this question, I don’t think they realized what a can of worms it opened up. 
Language, how is it SO MUCH FUN? 
487 notes · View notes
sailoryooons · 2 years
Carved | Three | jjk (m)
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→ Summary: Hundreds of years after the Underworld wins the war, Vaesen - demon kind - rule the Realms. The Vanir - creatures of light and the Heavens - are hunted and enslaved by Vaesen. When the demon prince Jungkook is given one of the Carved - angels who have been stripped of their wings - he has no idea what to do with you. You, however, have plans you are determined to see through. Even if it means death in the end.
→ Pairing: demon!Jungkook x angel!female reader
→ Rating: NSFW & 18+ Minors are strictly prohibited from engaging with this content. Any minors discovered interacting with adult content will be blocked immediately.
→ Type: Series
→ Genre: dystopian, urban fantasy, enemies to lovers, angst
→ Warnings: Graphic depiction of torture in numerous manners (cutting open, gutting, burning, use of a bug creature that goes down the mouth, breaking bones), graphic depictions of blood and gore, mental manipulation, references to past abuse and torture, explicit language, toxic family dynamics, sexual innuendos and implications, mention of scars and old injuries, unsettling descriptions of people used as inanimate objects, Taehyung being Taehyung (yes this is a warning), and non-consented touching (reader does not verbally consent to people touching her like they are at a petting zoo, it's not sexual)
♦ Main Masterlist: here
♦ Series Masterlist: here
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A/N: Another fic where Hali has gone absolutely off the rails from the outline and I will now have to adjust wildly. This chapter totally did not go where I originally planned, but I think that's okay. I have to be honest with you: I have really been struggling to write and I apologize how much that shows in a lot of these scenes. It has nothing to do with the story - it's just really bad writers block where I am having trouble writing scenes and imagery and I am absolutely stumbling in my creative flow. I hope it doesn't feel as stilted to readers as it does to me. This chapter finally has some background information on why Jungkook is Mr. Cool and Calm all the time, and it really highlights readers personality aka she is not very nice. This story will not have an update until September, as all of my non-Yoongi works will be on hiatus for Hali's Happy Agust writing event! I hope you like this chapter but I understand if you don't, I'm going to find some windex to drink as soon as I post this :)
©2022 haliiimede. all rights reserved. Reposting and/or translating is not allowed, even if you credit the story. Works are only crossposted on AO3. Find my AO3 here.
Disclaimer: All members of BTS are faces and name claims for this story. This is entirely a work of fiction and by no means is meant to be a projection, judgement or representation of real life people. Any scenarios or representations of the people and places mentioned in works are not representative of real life scenarios. Moreover, none of my works accurately reflect, represent or take a stance on the nuances of Korean culture, cities, people etc. BTS is not BTS culturally, intellectually, physically or representationally in my stories, and should be considered name and face stand-ins for made up characters.
Jungkook remembers the day he discovered what his mother looked like on the inside.
Sariel had beautiful, black hair and eyes like a burning sun. Jungkook remembers the warm gold of her skin, the dusky rose of her lips. Her eyes were round and soft like her face.
Jungkook has never asked Belial why out of all the angels he slaughtered he kept Sariel. He knows that it wasn’t love, and he knows that it wasn’t anything akin to affection. Jungkook fancies that before Sariel was Carved, she was a vicious angel who fought Belial every step of the way.
He looks at you and thinks that perhaps, history is repeating itself.
You say nothing as you’re pulled into the room by the back of the neck, Namjoon’s grip firm. You look at Jungkook once and there is a flare of violence so raw that Jungkook pushes off the wall, blinking in surprise.
Something ancient and angry slithers into the room and Namjoon pauses for a moment, grip on you loosening. It's just the three of you in the room. Jungkook feels himself hesitate, feels the way the presence presses against him as though Belial himself had entered the room. The Hellhound looks at Jungkook, who ignores him, eyes only for you.
You blink and it’s gone as quickly as the feeling arrived. You’re the listless Carved angel that you’re supposed to be.
"What the fuck was that?" Namjoon asks, looking at Jungkook.
"Never mind that, put her on the table before Belial comes down here and sees us fucking about."
But Jungkook knows – he knows something is wrong about you. You’re not what you’re supposed to be and no matter how much pain it will cause you, Jungkook needs to know. Needs to understand. And while he knows what it feels like to have someone he is connected to tortured, he thinks he can withstand it.
Withstand you.
Namjoon straps you to the table, the chains the only sound in the room. You offer your wrists freely, eyes starting up and the ceiling of the torture chamber.  
Jungkook thinks of the way his mom looked on the table, just as defeated and limp, glassy eyes staring into nothing. The Flayer – an unassuming demon by the name of Alastor – had opened her up layer by layer. Jungkook had watched, eye-wide and mouth open as the gold of her skin turned to pink skin. Then muscle and tendons. Then to stick bones.
Her stomach had spilled next. The inside of Sariel was just like everyone else, with organs made to function, though a bit differently from humans. Her blood was red with threads of gold. Jungkook had been hypnotized by the color of the ichor, watching it drip down the drain as the Flayer cracked her ribcage.
Seeing his mother turned inside out had changed Jungkook. Not only in the way one is changed after watching someone they love brutally torn apart and examined but much worse.
You will always be connected to me, Sariel had whispered to Jungkook one night when she found him crying in the wine cellar with nothing but the spiders for comfort. Do you feel that thread? That’s special – it is just for us. No one else can hear us when you call for me on this. It’s our secret.
Later, Jungkook learned that being able to connect to his mother’s mind was not something common. She was not always present – most of the time as a Carved angel, she moved throughout the house like a ghost. But there were moments of clarity when her mind flashed, sharp as a razor and Jungkook would wake up in the middle of the night feeling her rage and fury as Belial fucked her into the mattress. 
Alastor enters the room and Jungkook wonders if the demon is going to make you spill just like his mother. Alastor looks human enough at first. He’s shorter than most, with oily black hair and an unremarkable face. It’s his eyes that are different: blood red irises threaded with black.
For as long as Jungkook can remember, Alastor has been the Flayer for Belial and his family. Jungkook watches Alastor move silent through his torture chamber, found in a deep basement beneath the estate.
The room is cold. It has high ceilings despite being a basement. Metal beams run across, and a sprinkler system is hardwired to help wash the blood and gore from the ground. Some beams have pulleys affixed with chains, made for dangling victims.
White floors made of bone mixed with cement spread beneath Jungkook’s boots. It had taken Belial several attempts to find the right texture for the floor. Marble, though elegant, became too slippery and was causing accidents as the Flayer slid on a filmy piece of lung. Concrete was too porous, the blood seeping in and refusing to come out until Belial hired a witch to spell the stain from the ground.
Bone, though? Bone was a good element to mix in, giving the cement a smooth finish that doesn’t create slippage when painted with bodily fluids but isn’t so texture that the blood and bits of flesh cling to the ground.
Metal cabinets reflect the fluorescent light of the room. Jungkook can make out his distorted reflection from where he leans on the wall, arms crossed over his chest and one ankle draped over the other. You’re strapped to a medical table, steel manacles forged with brimstone locked to your wrists and ankles.
You stare at the ceiling. Namjoon comes to lean on the wall against Jungkook, a question in his eyes. Jungkook gives a barely perceptible shake of his head – they will discuss the feeling from a few minutes ago later.
Belial enters the room as Alastor slides black gloves on. Jungkook doesn’t know what kind of demon the Flayer is, he just knows that for whatever reason, some Vanir blood burns him. Jungkook recalls the sizzle of flesh as his mother dripped dripped dripped on the ground and Alastor’s wrist.
“Thank you for coming, Alastor.” Belial’s voice is reserved, but polite. Jungkook feels the weight of his father’s presence like a weighted blanket, pushing on his shoulders, his body, his mind. “I’d like to ask the seraph some questions.”
“Ah,” Alastor speaks. His voice is soft as a whisper, Jungkook’s skin tingling. “So it is one of the seraphim.” He clicks his teeth, linking his hands behind his back and leaning over you. “Exquisite. Quite beautiful, this Carved. It is yours?”
“It’s the boy’s.”
Alastor turns to look at Jungkook, a smile splitting his face. It’s rare to see such a delighted expression on the Flayer’s face. “How wonderful. Where did you get it?”
Jungkook recounts Taehyung buying you for him. He goes over the details from the purchase, having memorized your data and limited history. If you’re bothered about being spoken to like you aren’t there, you don’t show it. Gone is that ancient flickering of anger, replaced by void staring.
“Does the Carved not answer questions, Lord?” Alastor asks, slithering to a rolling medical cart with towels and an array of tools: scissors, knives, scalpels, things that look like corkscrews, pliers, and other torture devices.
“You know as well as I do that once Carved, these creatures become stupid. It will not remember anything of what it is unless we make it.” Belial looks at Alastor. “You’ll remember the answers we received the last time we did this.”
Alastor grunts. “Sariel’s recollection through trauma was most enlightening. Pity.” He leans over you. Jungkook feels a flicker – something like impatience from you. He cocks his head to the side and reaches toward the feeling, but it’s already gone. “Daughter of Michael though,” Alastor notes. “That is something.”
Jungkook cannot wrap his head around that. Daughter of Michael. Perhaps that is where you get the fire to fight the Carving. Jungkook knows you’re fighting it – can feel it in the way you lock him out of your mind, in the way that rage of yours spills over like hot liquid. He knows something is wrong with you and he doesn’t know what.
So he keeps his mouth shut as Alastor takes a small scalpel, brandishing it in the light. Belial stands next to the Flayer, hands behind his back as they look down at you. Jungkook watches with rapt attention as the blade slices through a thin layer of skin, red blood laced with gold rushing to the surface of your forearm where he makes the slice.
You don’t react. Jungkook reaches for that mental tether between the two of you, but it’s stronger than ever. He is unsure how you do that, how you lock him out. His mother was never able to do that, had never taught Jungkook how.
Blood tricks down your arm as Alastor hums. He has peeled the thinnest layer of skin off your arm. He tosses the layer of flesh behind him. Jungkook’s sensitive ears pick up on the wet slap of it on the floor just as Alastor touches the scalpel to your arm again, this time giving a deeper cut.
You still do not react. Jungkook can feel nothing behind your mental wall, no matter how he presses at it. As the Flayer works on testing your pain tolerance, you remain the empty shell you’re supposed to be.
No one speaks. The air conditioning hums and Jungkook watches as the Flayer digs his blade deeper. Your arm becomes redder. He can smell your blood – sweet and citrusy like orange blossom. Blood drips onto the floor, slowly inching toward the drain in the middle of the room. It is not much, but it makes Jungkook shift slightly.
You smell wonderful. It makes his stomach curl, his eyes fluttering shut for a moment before he takes a deep breath in and then out before he can lose control over something so little. Namjoon casts a glance at Jungkook, but he ignores the Hellhound in favor of watching Alastor put down the scalpel.
“She’s a glaedia,” the Flayer observes. “I believe her pain tolerance is going to be higher than most, and she is Carved. You recall Sariel’s tolerance?” Belial makes an unimpressed hum. “May I skip to more severe limit tests?”
“You may.”
Carefully, Alastor picks up a small torch affixed to a propane tank. Jungkook feels a flicker on the other side of your mental walls. He reaches out but you are still unavailable to him. He senses you there, though, on the other side of your barrier, prowling as your eyes register the blue flame as the Flayer ignites it.
“Hm,” Belial hums, leaning over you slightly. “It recognizes the danger of being burned. Carry on.”
Without hesitation, Alastor holds the flame to the flesh of your bicep. You pull in the restraints, a sound grunting out between clenched teeth. The blue flame melts at your flesh, the smell of charred skin entering the room. It smells like any other cooking meat, intensified by your orange blossom notes.
You whine behind a mouth pressed shut, pulling your arm from the flame. Jungkook can sense the rage rolling behind your mental barriers, white caps slamming against a cliff. He pushes at your thoughts again, hoping that he can find a weakness.
There are no gaps.
Alastor removes the flame from your arm and you shiver. The skin of your arm is ruined – blackened on the edges as though the skin has rotted away. Red blisters bubble immediately and Jungkook can see the fat of your arm, slick and melted. In just a few seconds, Alastor has given you third-degree burns, verging on fourth.
Belial leans over you again, imperious eyes looking down. “Are you a part of Libram?” You shake your head against the table. “Again, Alastor. New flesh, please.”
The Flayer complies. Again, Jungkook can feel your suffering. He pushes on that mental barrier again, desperate to use your pain as a distraction to sift through your thoughts and memories. Jungkook remembers the way he could look through his mother’s mind, unguarded and open for the taking. Her mind had been cluttered and unorganized after her Carving, but every once in a while, Jungkook had stumbled on something interesting. Something new.
You still don’t give. He pushes harder and you snap back at him, an electric barb zapping at Jungkook. He recoils. Namjoon puts an arm on Jungkook, checking to see if he is okay but Jungkook shakes him off, nose flaring.
A Carved should not be able to fight back. Jungkook knows this. He knows you know this. And yet you keep him out, and you manage to keep your mouth shut as Alastor flicks the flame off again and Belial asks you the question once more. Are you a part of Libram?
It’s a risk you’re taking by shutting Jungkook out. Jungkook is sure of it. By not letting him in, you expose the loopholes in your Carving and reveal that something is wrong with you.
Jungkook considers telling Belial. He looks at his father, who sighs in annoyance when you shake your head to his question again. He weighs the pros and cons of exposing you: It will likely gain favor with his father. Belial is always particularly fond when Jungkook can provide observations. He is also thousands of years old – he must know of some cases of the Carved being broken.
But for Jungkook to tell his father means that Belial will most likely take you from him. It means that you will no longer be his, no matter what Jungkook says. And worst of all, it will expose to Belial that Jungkook can communicate with the seraphim, something he has hidden for years.
For Jungkook to admit his connection to you is to sign off on his death. It doesn’t matter that Belial might find Jungkook a useful tool to hunt down other seraphim or to kill his son altogether for being more angel than he originally believed.
So Jungkook decides against it. Instead, he settles on the wall again, watching Alastor put away the torch.
“Are you a member of Libram?” Belial asks.
“I do not know what Libram is, dominus.”
The Flayer walks to a metal cabinet, pulling open one of the doors. Jungkook can see an array of glasses with things inside of them, but the door is in the way. The Flayer removes a jar and closes the door behind him with a soft click before turning around.
A creature with a thin, black body and many legs writhes in the jar. Jungkook recognizes the burrower demon, with little pinchers for mouths and no eyes to dick into a host’s body and burrow through flesh, eating and churning.  
He sets the jar on the table. The burrower demon skitters on the glass, legs tap tap tapping as it waits to be released. Your eyes settle on the jaw and your nose flares, chest rising and falling as you begin to pant. Your eyes flickered up to Belial.
“Do you know what this is, Carved?” You swallow and nod once. “Hm. How old are you?”
“I don’t know, dominus.”
It’s the first time you’ve spoken, voice ragged and laced with pain. Belial scoffs. “What is the name of this creature, Carved?”
Your eyes flicker to the black insect in the jar. “A yomi worm, dominus.”
“The very demons who were created from Izanami’s body and devour the souls in Yomi. The Flayer is going to put this demon in you, Carved, and I’m going to watch it burrow and make a nest in your stomach unless you can remember who and what you are. Do you know where Uriel lies?”
“I do not know the name Uriel.”
“Do it,” Belial orders.
Alastor unscrews the jar carefully. With a pair of tongs, he removes the yomi worm. It thrashes, seeking heat and flesh, its legs undulating. Instead of pulling at the restraints, Jungkook is surprised to see you turn your head toward the ceiling and open your mouth.
It’s a tiny moment of defiance hidden as obedience. Jungkook can see the way you stick out your pink tongue, staring straight again, brows creased as Alastor drops the creature right between your open lips. Jungkook winces as you immediately choke, the creature crawling down your throat.
You sputter on the table. Jungkook sees the bulge as the demon burros down your throat. Spit and blood leaked out the side of your lips and for the first time that day, you reward Belial and Alastor with a scream. It splits the air, deep and guttural, blood spraying as you do it.
Jungkook reaches his mind out to yours and finds that your barriers are up, but weak. He presses on them again, determined to get through. It’s more like finding a hole in the wall now as he pushes up against you. He can feel you fighting him, but you’re busy fighting the demon eating its way through your chest.
The mental wall collapses. A rush of air sweeps into Jungkook’s lungs in victory, his lips curling upward into a smirk.
Pain slams into him. He goes rigid on the wall, fingers digging into his sides to steady himself. His intake of air is sharp enough that Namjoon bends over, murmuring a question. Jungkook can’t hear him, but he pushes Namjoon away, trying to keep a hold on his composure as his father watches you scream on the table, too distracted to realize Jungkook is having a fit.
It feels like he is pulled into a vortex of color and feeling. Jungkook is trapped, trying to find his way out of your head. He sees snatches of red and gold, white wings falling from the sky, blood spraying the field, the hall of champions of a Titan Match. He hears screams and crying, hears the ring swords, hears chanting that he vaguely thinks is the seraphim legion.
Heat licks at him. Jungkook does not remember feeling anything as hot as this. White lights explode across his vision as he grits his teeth and tries to gain control.
“You wanted in,” a voice growls, divine rage behind every word. “So I let you in, Lord Jungkook. Welcome.”
Jungkook is no longer in the present. He’s standing on a killing field turned black. Ash drifts around him and settles on his face. He looks up – the sky is red, as though the sun has cracked open and spilled crimson yolk across the world.
Something else falls from the sky. He reaches out a hand and catches a white feather, singed on the edges. He realizes that the feathers belong to angel wings. He watches as it disintegrates in his hand, dust in the wind.
“What is this place?” Jungkook asks into the dead air.
“It is the after,” your voice answers. It is still a growl, hot and angry. “This is not where I want you.”
The scenery changes. Jungkook stands in the Flayer’s torture chamber. Except it is no longer you on the table – it is his mother. Something twists in his chest as Alastor cracks his mother’s chest cavity open. He feels what she feels, he sees what she sees.
His mother’s mind is broken and frantic. She reaches out to him and latches on, all claws and teeth as she sinks into his thoughts, his soul, his being and holds on for dear life. Jungkook cannot shake her off – bends over at the waist and gasps in pain. He feigns being sick, even though he knows Belial will beat him for it later.
Jungkook skitters into the hall, gasping for air and feverish. His mother’s screams paint the walls of his mind and her pain is in every corner.
“You felt her die.” Jungkook looks up as you stand above him, eyes shadowed. You’re in his mind, in his thoughts. He feels you pressing down on him. “You watched him cut her open and throw her guts on the ground, digging around for secrets.”
“How are you here?” Jungkook thinks – he demands. “What are you?”
“I am Carved.”
He glances up at you. Feels sweat on his face. “You’ve invaded my mind.”
“No,” you disagree. “You have invaded mine. Here is your first lesson on entering the mind of a seraph: the connection goes both ways. Once in, you cannot hide.” Sariel screams in the other room and Jungkook shivers. It feels as though his mother is alive again, as though her blood is slicking his boots and staining the room with her scent. “Why did he torture Sariel?”
He looks up. “How do you know my mother’s name?”
“I was legion. She was legion.”
“You told Belial you were not legion.”
“You told Belial you didn’t know I was.”
He frowns. You state at him, beautiful. Enchanting. Fierce. “You said ‘was’, not ‘is’.”
“Was,” you agree. “If there were enough seraphim to make a legion, you would know. Sariel was second in command to Uriel in the 7th.” Your eyes slide to him as Jungkook pants through searing pain that bleeds deep into him. He feels it in his stomach, his pelvis, his back – it blooms and bleeds and spreads. “Belial was looking for lilins.”
“Why would my mother know where lilin’s are?”
“Lilith kidnapped and raped Uriel for years and whelped the lilins that won you the war.” You tilt your head, eyes studying him. “Your mother led the 7th after Uriel’s capture. You do not know this?”
“No,” he grits out. “Because my mother was Carved she didn’t remember who or what she was for the most part.” A high-pitched scream interrupts him. It does belong to his mother. Jungkook turns and looks at the door that leads to the torture chamber. “Is that you screaming?”
“It is. Realistic, isn’t it?”
“How can you be here and there at once?”
“How can you?”
He grunts in annoyance. “Tell Belial what you are and he’ll stop. He'll probably kill you, but at least your suffering will be over.”
“There is nothing to tell. If you think this is suffering, you know nothing of being Carved.”
“You were Carved wrong.”
“And you are not endarkened.” Jungkook pauses. Your lip curls with satisfaction, knowing you hit a nerve. “I know an enlightened when I see one. When I first saw you, I didn’t see it. You hide it well. You parade around pretending that your demon blood is dominant so he’ll keep you, but it’s not.”
“So you’re blackmailing me?”
“I’m offering you silence for silence.”
“You are my slave.”
You move so fast that Jungkook doesn’t see what happens. All he knows is that he is on the floor, your nails digging into his throat. He can’t feel his limbs to fight you, all he can feel is something burning so hot that he screams and screams and screams.
Jungkook tastes blood. His ears begin to ring. His vision pulses red on the edges and he thinks he’s going to die. He sees his mother’s face. Empty and blank. He sees her body, ribs free of muscle and flesh, painted red and empty as Alastor walks away from her.
“You are beneath me in ways you cannot fathom,” you growl to him. Again, he feels that ancient anger roll through you.
It occurs to Jungkook that you are too calm for the situation. You have too much control. He thinks about the way you let Namjoon lead you to the room and strap you to the table. The way that you cut down the malakim with just summoning concentrated air. How now, you hold him prisoner in his own mind while being tortured?
The heat is so prominent and stifling that Jungkook struggles to string together thoughts. Words and emotions become a tangled mess. The blue flame flickers in your endless eyes and he feels like every second he spends putting the pieces together is another moment he is about to turn to ash.
“You let Belial torture you to appear innocent and you let me in your mind when the pain was enough to trap me,” Jungkook says. The words are like lava in his mouth. It isn’t a question. He can feel the satisfaction hum through you, though his vision is still pulsing. He thinks he might pass out. “What do you want from me?”
 “Do we have a deal or not? My silence for yours, seraph.”
“I am not a seraph.”
“You are seraph dominant. Do we have a deal? You will not make it out of this room without me.”
Jungkook thinks about the night on his balcony. The mist on his skin, the ebbing darkness, and the curiosity of stepping off into the shadows and letting the fall swallow him hole. He feels that same pull now, but instead of stepping off a building, Jungkook is drawn to you. Is interested in you.
So much of his life has been boring. So much of his life has been spent alone. Now you exist, a strange angel who is Carved but Not Carved, and who lures even the greatest of demons into traps to do your bidding.
He wonders what would happen if you kill him now. Surely you would make it past Alastor and Namjoon. But would you make it past Belial? The seraphim are not the only creatures who can rival the likes of the Triumvirate, but there aren’t so many of those left.
But maybe – just maybe you can help him figure out this existence of his. So against his judgment, Jungkook relaxes under your fiery grip. Comes to his conclusion.
You hum, as though you have made a decision. Heat flares, and just as Jungkook thinks he will burn to nothing, he concedes. “Deal.”
The connection severs. The searing heat threatening to melt his existence vanishes. The world swims into view and Jungkook blinks a few times to gather his bearings. He is still leaning against the wall, arms crossed over his chest. Namjoon gives Jungkook a side eye that Jungkook continues to ignore as he takes a deep breath.
He feels his hands shaking as he stares at you. You’re bloodier than he remembers you being. The yomi worm is back in its jar, slick with red fluid. Belial turns on his heel, walking over to Jungkook, who straightens.
“This Carved is useless,” Belial tells Jungkook gruffly. “Its mind is too broken. Only you could find a Carved seraph that is truly of no use to me. Regardless, bring it to the party tonight. I’m sure the others would love to see your new toy.”
Without another word, Belial leaves the room. Jungkook doesn’t know what they asked you. Doesn’t know how much time is passed. You’re barely breathing on the table, chest rising and falling rapidly. Jungkook strides forward as Alastor begins to peel his gloves off, covered in slick blood. The drain drips as the flow of fluid slowly slides down.
Your eyes are fluttering up at the ceiling. You’re covered in red stains. Some are dry and flaking, others are wet and sticky. There is a massive hole in your chest and Jungkook can see that the bleeding has already stopped. Your tissue is pulling back together as you heal yourself.
Suddenly it’s not you that Jungkook is looking at. It’s his mother. He sees the tears slide down her face as the light fades. He sees that she is not healing. Her insides are empty, scooped out like the pit of a cherry. Not once did he stop them. Not once did he ask them to spare her.
Jungkook had stood and watched the Flayer pick at his mother’s bones and insides for secrets.
Belial was looking for lilins.
Your words come back to him. How could Belial think Sariel, broken and fragile could know anything? How had Jungkook not known that his mother led a legion of heaven in the war? There are so many questions spinning in his mind as he looks down at you.
Carved, but Not Carved. Bound to him, but disobedient.
You’re the answer to questions he has always had and those he has never thought to ask.
With a grimace, Jungkook reaches for that mental tether. There is no wall, but you are wary of him. Your mind isn’t all heat and fire and pain this time – it is watery and dark, like the mist off of Jungkook’s balcony that night of his birthday.
Are you okay? He asks the question to you before he knows what he is doing – the words just appear in his mind.
Life flickers in your eyes. Your pupils shrink as you focus on him, razor-sharp and present.
 Pain is inevitable, your mind answers. Your skin is stitching together, drawing Jungkook’s gaze from your eyes to where he watching the crawling fibers of flesh writhe and twist until you are whole.
Pain is constant. You sit up, swaying a bit. Neither Namjoon nor Jungkook reaches out to help as you struggle to sit up. You grimace, but otherwise remain sitting and painting. Your eyes find his again when your mind whispers, Pain is power.
Jungkook doesn’t speak to you on the ride home. You watch the neon city blur by you. As the car stops in traffic, you look up at the purple and pink glow of twisted shapes and holograms. Your face is painted blue through the tinted window as a holographic nymph with lush curves bends over, puckering her lips and blowing a kiss into the rain-slicked streets outside.
The car moves again and the advertisement is gone.
Black and clear umbrellas thrumming with lights pop open and move along the street like beetles. The sidewalk is crushed with Vaesen coming and going. It’s the weekend, you realize, and there are long lines to get into glittery clubs. Vanir stand in the rain loyally next to Vaesen masters.
People and the crush of bodies fade as you’re driven to the nicer part of town. You’re wrapped in a towel to not get blood in the car. You’re thankful that you did not have to walk barefoot out of the manor district to a doctor, but you’re on edge.
Your insides churn as though you could feel the yomi worm still squirming inside of you. It had been unpleasant, feeling a living thing that was not a part of you chew its way through your insides. It had been more horrific to feel it than the pain had been.
Pain is inevitable, and little truly hurt you anymore.
Jungkook had been a good distraction. You wondered each time he pressed up against your mind if he would give up the next time. You want to see how hard he would push. What he knew. Your suspicions that he knew absolutely nothing about his seraph heritage were right.  
The moment you weakened your barrier and let him in, you saw. You had no idea that Sariel had been taken by Belial all of those years. You wanted to pick through Jungkook’s memories. To see what he knew about her, to see how she had been. The last time you had seen Sariel was before the war had been decided when she was leading the 7th in Uriel’s stead.
 Looking at Jungkook now, you see it. He has her round eyes and soft nose, her tiny beauty marks, and soft lips. But the cheekbones and structure of his face are Belial, and so is the shadow that looms over him. Though Jungkook is angel dominant, you can feel that dark thread of power he gets from his father.
Ari is nowhere to be found when you entire the apartment. Jungkook dismisses Namjoon entirely. The hellhound raises his brow, eyes flickering between you and Jungkook.
“What?” Jungkook snaps, beginning to unbutton his shirt. “Problem, Namjoon?”
“What the fuck happened?” Namjoon’s eyes are narrowed at you. “You kept fidgeting at the beginning of the questioning and then you just… it was like no one was home for the next three hours.”
Jungkook doesn’t answer right away. You stand mutely, looking at the floor and wondering how long you’ll have to wait for Namjoon to leave. You want a shower. You want to think. You want to plan. But you can do none of those things with the keen eyes of the dog looking at you.
“Nothing happened,” Jungkook sighs, looking up at Namjoon. His shirt is open down the middle now, revealing tan, tone skin. Your eyes flicker along the muscle, smooth and flat. He either doesn’t notice you staring at him or doesn’t care. “As Belial said, I have a useless Carved.”
Namjoon grunts. “Yeah.” He jams his finger on the elevator button and steps into it when the doors open. “Useless.”
The doors shut and the elevator whirs as it takes Namjoon down to the ground floor. Without him in the room, you drop your act and look at Jungkook directly in the face. He’s already staring at you, eyes unreadable, brow pinched.
“So can I shower?”
“So you’re not going to even pretend to be submissive now?”
“I asked permission for a shower.”
“You know what I mean.”
“I’m just a dumb Carved, dominus. I don’t know anything.”
Jungkook growls and you grin. He’s on edge. You can feel the coiled muscles, feel the way his stress is mounting. The cool exterior he kept on the car ride to the estate had frayed after your encounter in your minds, and it was fraying more now that you weren’t pretending.
“You know your demon side is pretty close to frenzying, right?” Surprise flickers briefly in his eyes. Otherwise, he remains silent. “It’s why you were so easy to lure in. You weren’t even thinking about the consequences of invading my mind. You went head first, never considering it could have been a trap.”
“You’ve made your point. You’re smart, I’m not.”
You laugh. It’s sharp and loud, surprising you both as you snap your mouth shut. “Please,” you scoff. “Now is not the time to be humble. You’re not unintelligent. You’ve lived – how long, now? Pretending to be endarkened?”
“A long time.”
You smirk. “Your stupidity is coming from your demonic need to lose control. I suggest finding an outlet and doing just that, dominus.”
Turning on your heel, you head to your assigned room where there is an en suite bathroom. Jungkook growls and appears in front of you, quick and angry. You stop, leveling a stare at him. He glares at you and his fists are clenched. He’s probably never been defied before you. That alone sends a little thrill through you.
“We need to establish some ground rules,” he grits out. “First, you are Vanir. You will not disrespect me in my own house. I should just be fucking rid of you-“
“Then do it.” Jungkook stops short. You shrug. “You have questions. You think I have answers. I could say the same for you. But if it will make you feel better, I will treat you as an equal if you return the favor.”
Jungkook hesitates. You wait. You have all of the time in the world. You’re extending him a courtesy – at least, that’s what you tell yourself. You try to convince yourself that you let him in to use him. Because Jungkook is an asset. You know that to be true, but you also know it’s not the only reason you’re in front of him, dropping the submissive façade.
It’s a risk you calculated after being led down to be torture. Every victory must come at a loss, and though you already miss the shadow that the submissive, Carved slave provided you, something like an instinct is telling you that you need Jungkook.
So you let him in. Just a little. Just enough to know that he can’t push you around the way he thought he can. If he can’t consider you an equal, you need him to consider you a threat. You need him afraid enough of exposing his secret to keep yours.
“That won’t work,” he sighs. “You cannot be my equal.”
“Behind closed doors,” you amend. “In front of your friends and family, I will be the docile Carved you need. But here, when it’s just us, free me from the burned of this bond. Respect earned is respect given.”
“This shouldn’t even be possible.”
“Like you said. I was Carved wrong.”
His brows pinch. “How?”
“Do we have an agreement or not? My silence in exchange for yours. My respect in exchange for yours with limitations.”
“What is it you want? Why let me know that you’re not obedient at all?”
“Freedom,” you murmur. “I want freedom. And because you’re seraphim. It has to mean something.”
There’s a stretch of silence. You’re itchy, the dried blood on your skin flaking off and beginning to peel. You also feel uncomfortable, the nerve endings still healing from having been split open. The phantom feeling of the yomi worm.
“One fuck up from you and I’ll kill you,” Jungkook decides. There’s a storm in his gaze that tells you he means it. He’ll try to kill you, whether he thinks he can win or not. “But you will do what I say in public. And in private, you will answer my questions. I want to know about Sariel.”
You bow your head once. “Of course, dominus.”
Jungkook lets you pass. You strip down in the bathroom, throwing your clothes in the sink. They reek of blood and fear. Because you had been afraid, at one point. Afraid that you would lose your grip on yourself when trying to force Jungkook into submission. Afraid you would mess up the performance while you screamed into the ceiling of the torture room.
What Alastor had done hurt. You ached and as you turned the shower on, the rushing water could not drown out remembering the sound of your snapping bones. As the water burned your skin and turned the tile scarlet, you could not stop thinking about choking the yomi worm down.
It has not been easy. You had not had to split your focus like that in a long time, to be in the present and doing one thing while being in your mind and doing another. It was a skill that all seraphs learned. To retreat into the mind and be able to communicate. It was necessary during the war.
You can feel Jungkook moving around the house. Now that you know the shape of his mind, he is more familiar to you. His mind feels like perfumed smoke, the smell of cedarwood with a hint of fire and brimstone.
Overpowering him had been so easy. Even now as you squeeze the red from your hair, you can sense the edge in him. Though his mother’s blood is dominant, there is a thread of untethered rage in him. You felt it when you connected, felt it when you had pinned him down. You wonder how long he has been keeping the beast at bay, how long he has tried to control himself.
Out of the shower and in front of the fogged mirror, you wipe your hand back and forth to see yourself. Your nakedness doesn’t offend you anymore. Your body doesn’t change much with time, except how fed you appear.
Now, you look at the pink scar on your chest. While you had been struggling to paint pictures and wrestle Jungkook to submission, the yomi worm had done work on you. As an angel, you could recover from most injuries. The only exceptions were weapons made of demon stone or adamas, hellfire or heavenly fire, and occasionally being blown apart by other creatures of the world.
You’ve avoided death thus far. The Flayer hadn’t even been close.
In fresh clothes, you lurk in the kitchen in search of water. Jungkook enters, also freshly washed and looking at you warily. You slide him a glass of water tentatively. He doesn’t thank you.
Damp hair hands into his eyes. His short sleeves allow you to see the winding dragon tattoos that he has on both of his arms, the rest of the artwork vanishing in his sleeve. Jungkook is beautiful. That much is obvious. But you had the way you want to seek out and brush your thoughts against his.
Feeling someone else in the world is an old memory. You remember the last time you felt the presence of the seraphim – it had been before you were Carved. And that seraph was long turned to dust, her name forgotten. But not by you.
“You remember things from before you were Carved.” Jungkook’s voice is soft. It’s not a question. He sips his water and rounds the counter, putting it between you like a buffer. “How?”
“I don’t know. And I don’t remember everything. I am still Carved. If you order me to do something, I feel that command.”
“Set the glass of water down.”
Your hand reacts immediately. You lean to put it on the counter, but you stop the motion. You make the decision. The interaction is overridden, and you bring the glass back to do. “I can decide to not obey, but it will be my first instinct.”
“That’s… confusing. What about when you’re choked?”
“Chokes are about flow of energy and power. Does not seem to be linked.”
“You don’t know why you’re like this?”
“No,” you lie. You are the best liar. Jungkook doesn’t seem to sense it, so you continue, “I don’t know everything from before and it is often confusing. When I was Carved, it was like waking up from a dream. I don’t know what was real and what was not, but I’ve gotten better at being able to tell.”
“You met Sariel?”
“I think so.”
“You think so or you know so?”
You bristle at his tone. “I think so. I remember her face. You have the same eyes, though yours are black like Belials.”
“You’ve never met Belial before?”
“No.” He hums. You finish your water, setting the empty glass on the table. “What was growing up with Sariel like?”
“What do you mean?”
You roll your eyes. “I mean what I said. What was it like having a Carved for a mother.”
Jungkook shrugs. “She wasn’t very present. I don’t know what you want me to tell you.” He looks at his phone. “Get dressed,” he sighs. “We have a party to go to tonight. It’s my brother’s birthday.”
“Why do I have to go?”
Jungkook gives you a grin like the cat who ate the canary. “I get to show you off, Reaper.”
“This dress is ridiculous,” you deadpan, looking at the gauzy, see-through material. You rub the fabric between your fingers. It’s softer than anything you’ve felt in a long time. You think perhaps that it’s fae spider silk, but you’re not sure. “This is what you want me to wear?”
“It was sent by Taehyung as a gift. And as I haven’t purchased a dress for you, it’s the only option I have.”
“It’s ridiculous.”
“I thought we agreed with compliance?”
You give him round eyes. “No one else is around.”
Jungkook does not look amused. Ari has helped you apply a sheen of gold to your skin. When you move, it catches the light, making it look like you are glowing and divine. Ari has also made sure that none of your hair covers the twisted scars on your back, proving that you are Carved.
Dressed head-to-toe in black, Jungkook looks good enough that your stomach had flipped when he walked into the room. Tight, black slacks with polished shoes, a black button-up that is just as sheer as your dress tucked into his pants, showing off his tiny waist, paired with a black suit jacket threaded with glittering gold.
Kohl lines his eyes lightly enough that their roundness is intensified. You see a dusting of glitter on his cheeks, making him look so beautiful that you have refused to look at him since he walked into the room. Letting him in on your scheming was bad enough. Feeling that flippant attraction because he is physically appealing is worse.
“Why is Taehyung sending me gifts?”
He snorts. “I promise it’s not for you.”
“Oh? Are you meant to wear it?”
“Funny.” Jungkook’s tone suggests that he does not, in fact, find your joke funny. “Wear it or go naked. Vanir go naked all the time.”
“I’ll be naked regardless,” you grunt. It’s not the nakedness that bothers you. You’ve been put on display and posed for nudity and shoved to your hands and knees and fucked in public. Fucked any time people wanted. Groped, fondled, tongued. “It’s just a shitty dress.”
Jungkook’s mouth twitches upward but he says nothing, drifting out of the room.
You slide the material over your body. It has no back, but is snug on your frame. It has long sleeves, stoned with tiny gold pieces that make you look like the night sky when you move. The material does nothing to hide your body, breasts visible and held firm by the fabric. You’re glad that at least the skirt is well-blended and doesn’t show the rest of you, though it is short and you suspect that one wrong move will show your ass.
There are two, thin straps that dandle down the back like ornaments. They’re silver, lariat-style chains that hang backward down your spine, flanking either shoulder blade. The two dangling ends are tipped with a little wing. You look in the mirror and grit your teeth, seeing the delicate jeweled wings glint in the night.
You slide on heels before you leave the room. The stiletto is razor thin and uncomfortable. It takes you a moment to find your stride as you enter the living room where Jungkook is thanking someone at the elevator door, box in hand. He turns as you enter the room, brows shooting up to his hairline as you stand awkwardly in the living area.
Your eyes drop to the flat, square box in his hand.
“What’s that?”
Jungkook wordlessly walks over to you, shoes clicking on the title. You hold your breath as his scent wraps itself around you. You focus on his fingers as he opens the lid, trying not to think about the way his shadowy mind lingers just on the outside of yours. The thread between you is distant, but there. At a safe distance, where it hums softly, linking you.
A black, velvet collar is nestled in the box. A large, light blue diamond winks in the light of the kitchen. The exquisite squared cut is larger than a grape and looks heavy. “You have to wear it.”
“I know.” You glance up at him. “It is impersonalized, how will people know its for you?”
“Everyone will know what it is,” he affirms. “Turn around.”
You objey on instint, showing him your back. It’s silence between the two of you as Jungkook reaches his arms around you, fingers brushing your skin. His warm where he touches you, a tingle going through your skin. Your eyes flutter shut as he clasps the collar around your throat, snug and perfect.
Heat rolls off of Jungkook. He smells heady and wonderful, making your head swim. His hands leave the choker and his fingers brush near your shoulder blades, stopping before he gets to the scars.
“Nice touch with the wings,” Jungkook grunts. “Taehyung has an interesting sense of humor.”
“I am Vanir. I will always be the butt of the joke.” When Jungkook says nothing, you step away and face him, gesturing vaguely to your throat. “Why will everyone recognize this?”
“It was my mother.”
“That’s… weird.”
Jungkook shrugs. “I haven’t commissioned you one yet. Deal with it or I can find you a spare shoelace to wear instead.”
Namjoon is standing next to the car with the door open when you exit the building. He glares at you but you cast your eyes down to the floor, pulling on the persona that you promise Jungkook you would wear for the evening.
The interior of the car is cool and tense as Namjoon slides in next to Jungkook. You blink lazily, gazing out the window as the driver pulls into the road and rolls up the privacy window after Namjoon rattles off the address.
“Why is it dressed so nicely?”
You fight the urge to give him a sour expression and to tell him that jealousy is a disease. Instead, you continue to stare dully out the window, the world a kaleidoscope of colors. It seems like your torture was days ago and not hours ago.
Losing yourself in your thoughts is easy. You don’t hear Namjoon and Jungkook, although you know that they’re talking. You lose a sense of yourself as you think back to Belial’s venomous voice asking you his questions. Who are you? Are you connected to Libram? What is your association with the legion? What do you remember? Do you know where the last of the lilins are?
A waste of questions. You were not involved with Libram, which was sure to be disappointing. You had no desire to meddle in the little rebellion they were putting on.
There is no association with the legion because there is no legion – your old association is nothing. It’s bone and dust and faded from the world.
Your memories are scattered and a cacophony of noises and images that are often hard to make out, no matter how many times Belial tried to trigger some sort of trauma response from you to remember like he kept asking you.
And as for the lilins? The most worthless question of them all. The lilins were gone. Belial’s obsession with hunting them down and Lilith’s vow to never breed with the seraphim ever again had secured the creature’s fate. You hadn’t heard of someone even mentioning lilins in years.
Though Belial had not gotten what he wanted out of you, he had stirred up memories you didn’t want to remember.
Angels falling from the sky. A blue whip flaying you open. Blood spattered promises. Tears as you let go of Haniel’s hand. The knife of your first carving. Cat-like eyes leering at you in the dark. Driving the knife through your first seraph. Blue fire, hot and blinding.
You flinch when Jungkook puts his hand on you. Namjoon is standing outside of the car. You realize you’re at your destination, and Jungkook is looking at you with pursed lips and a cock to his head. “You all right?” he murmurs.
“Does it matter?”
He shrugs. “No, but I was being polite.”
The demon slides from the limo, leaving you to scramble after him. As expected, the hem of your dress slides up, the curve of your ass sneaking out. Flashing cameras are there to capture the image. You keep your eyes cast down, gritting your teeth.
Unexpectedly, Jungkook reaches down and yanks the hemline of the dress back over your ass. You don’t dare lift your eyes, but you freeze under the movement.
“Try not to flash your ass unless I ask you to.”
Your nose flares. “Yes, dominus.”
Again, you fall silent as you enter the luxurious hotel and take the elevator to the party. You’re still dizzy from the flashes of cameras, but it fades as the elevator doors open and unveils the world beyond.
So we’ll live, and pray, and sing, and tell old tales, and laugh at gilded butterflies….
The quote comes from a memory or a dream. You’re not entirely sure of the origin or the meaning. But the words haunt your mind as you step into the room, taking one sweeping glance at the gilded crowd.
Creatures of all manners cluster together in the gold-ceiling ballroom. High ceilings painted gold with images of the war look down on you. There are ornate cages of Vanir suspended in the room, all winged and painted beautifully. They pose for the crowd who look up at them, pointing at the variety: erelim, valkyrie, pixies, drakon, and other various fae.
Round tables with living centerpieces are scattered in the room. Androgynous figures painted entirely in gold stand straight, hands held up in front of them with a display of asphodel and ghost orchids. A band of vilas plays string instruments in the corner of the room.
Collared Vanir with serving trays bow and offer flutes of champagne to Jungkook and Namjoon. Both Vaesen takes a drink, ignoring you as they step into the room. You’re unsure if it’s you or Jungkook, but as you walk down the steps, careful to keep your eyes down and close behind Jungkook, you sense the turn in the room.
Voices grow quieter. The weight of eyes and shifting magic stirs. Jungkook walks into the party, shoes clicking on the marble floor as though he doesn’t notice. You know he does, but he has that calm exterior on again. The mask that he wears.
Jungkook greets people he knows politely. Namjoon has long since parted, spotting other people he knows. Other Vaesen bow deeply and their Vanir deeper still. The first few Vaesen he greets don’t ask about you, but you feel the weight of their gazes. Jungkook ignores you, not sparing you a second glance or a command as he moves around the room.
You can hear whispers as he walks by. People who mutter insults under their breaths. People sigh in delight as he walks by them. People who are inquisitive about you. Jungkook has to hear them, but he ignores them anyway, shaking hands with a member of some board that works under his family.
“My Lord, you have got quite the collared. Is she Carved?” The oni asks.
“She is. She was a gift from Kim Taehyung.”
The next hour goes like that. Vaesen fawn over you. They ask Jungkook to touch you. He lets them. Most of the touches are shy and innocent. A brush across your cheek. Hovered hands over your arms. A prod to the shoulder. It’s rude to fondle a master’s Vaesen without permission, and no one asks Jungkook for more than that.
Still, it irks you. Every brush of contact leaves a shadow of a print. Every caress chips away at your patience.
Guiding you toward a large table at the head of the room, Jungkook’s persona changes. His shoulders are less tense and you feel a bubble of happiness slide from him at the family you’re approaching.
A woman so beautiful it makes you cease moving is sitting at the table. She isn’t looking at you, but hissing at the child next to her to behave. The woman’s hair is long and black, looking soft like silk. Her round face and almond eyes give her an innocent look, a natural blush to her lips and cheeks. She is slight, but you can feel the malevolence from her, especially as she smacks the hand of the child and says something harshly to the little girl, who cries.
The woman looks up at Jungkook’s arrival, her eyes flickering different shades of blue, silver, and grey. You realize she’s a huli jing, her fox spirit crackling inside of her gaze.
Sweeping around the table and toward the pair, Jungkook greets the little girl warmly. He gives a stiff nod to the woman briefly before he bends down to talk to the little girl, wiping the tears from her eyes. You realize that the little girl looks startling like him – same round eyes and pink pout.
The man who appears on the other side of her must be Jungkook’s brother. They look incredibly similar, though Jungkook’s brother is taller and broader. His hair is also snow white. He has the same round eyes as Jungkook, which are wholly black and fathomless like Belial.
“Don’t spoil her,” he chides. “You always spoil her.”
“She’s my only niece, Jihoon. Let me do what I wish.”
Jihoon’s lip twitches as Jungkook kisses his niece – Kita – on the forehead and stands.
You stand and watch as he interacts with his family. He completely ignores you. None of them turn to look at you either, at first. It’s the little girl, who is sneaking chocolate-covered cherries when her mother isn’t looking that asks about you.
“Is that an angel?” her voice is soft, but carries.
Jihoon looks in your direction for the first time since starting the conversation. His expression is unreadable. “It is,” he says slowly. “Keen eye, Kita.  Daiyu, take your daughter to clean the chocolate from her hands.”
The fox shifter – Daiyu – snarls at her daughter. “I told you to stop eating those!”
Daiyu grabs her daughter by the hand, yanking her from the table. They get lost in the crowd, but you can see the little chocolate handprints Kita left on the white linen tablecloths.
“Why do you have a Carved?” Jihoon’s tone is even, but you can swear there is animosity as he regards you from the corner of his eye. “I don’t like Carved.”
“Taehyung bought her for me as a gift.”
“Give her to him, then. You don’t even like owning slaves.”
Jungkook sighs. “I just came to tell you happy birthday.”
Jihoon huffs. “I’m serious. Consider giving it away. Strange things happen to those who own Carved angels.”
Jungkook rolls his eyes but gives his older brother a clap on the shoulder before he steers you to a mostly empty bar in another room of the party. The sweet scent of tobacco cloys the air. Most of the Vaesen in the room sit on leather couches, feet kicked up on their Vanir who kneel for them or who have their hand wrapped in the leash of the Vanir at their side.
“Wait here,” Jungkook orders you. You’re standing next to an empty seat in the corner of the room. You bow your head to let him know you’ve heard him, but you don’t use the honorific, irritated. His jaw flexes and he heads to the bar.
You study the intricate marble of the floor beneath your feet. Little veins of black and gold shoot through the white stone. It looks like a river delta, with offshoot rivers of gold and black threading through the world.
Hair tingles on the nape of your neck and something trickle down your spine. You glance out of the corner of your eye to see Kim Taehyung enter the room with a shorter man at his side. Taehyung is dressed in all white. His white, paneled shirt is tucked into wide-leg pants of the same material. A loose-fitted suit jacket finishes the ensemble. He looks ethereal and otherworldly, a single white feather dangles in one of his ears.
Taehyung spots you, drifting toward you. Though you don’t look at him directly, you can see that something shimmers on his skin. Making him look angelic, bringing out the tawny hues of his complexion.
“I knew that dress would be perfect for you,” Taehyung purrs as a way of greeting. He smells like lavender and something darker than you can’t pinpoint. “Such a pretty little thing. I should have kept you for myself.”
“Thank you for the dress, dominus.” You make your voice robotic.
Taehyung does not introduce the man at his elbow. You can make out his image in your peripheral: dark black hair swept back off of his forehead. Dressed in all black, though his outfit is understated. Earrings glitter in his ears, and there is a glowing aura when he moves.
You know it without having to look. He feels ancient and powerful, a familiar feeling.
Instead of acknowledging the Vaesen, you’re focused on keeping your breath even as Taehyung invades your space. His breath is warm and heady against your forehead. You stare at his shows as his fingers dance up your arm, brushing goosebumps into your skin until he reaches your throat, tapping on the diamond.
“He gave you his mother’s? Really?” You say nothing. Do nothing. Something greasy and ugly twists in your stomach as Taehyung lowers his voice and his head. He’s so close that you can feel the heat radiating from his skin, smell the faint lavender, and… Japanese blossom, you think. “I’m going to have to ask Jungkookie to borrow you some time. Just need a little taste.”
“I would be honored, dominus?”
“Yeah? My other Carved loves to suck cock. Think you could take me in that cute little mouth of yours? Wanna see you drooling and choking on it.”
“I would be honored, dominus.”
Taehyung grits his teeth and his fingers grip the jewel at your throat. “You are not a fucking robot. I saw you on that killing field. Where is that personality now, hmm?”
“I apologize, dominus.”
He growls and pulls at the diamond. You growl in return, the sound so brief that you hope perhaps he doesn’t hear it. He grips your throat and you know he had. “There you are. Do I have to poke and prod you to come out and play?”
“Hello, Taehyung.” Jungkook’s voice cuts through Taehyung’s timbre. You feel the most surprising emotion at his arrival – relief. Taehyung makes your skin crawl, the oil of his words slipping down into the deepest parts of you. The kitsune is at Jungkook’s back, keen eyes pinning into you. You ignore him, though you realize he had retrieved Jungkook.
“Thank you for sending the dress. I’m incredibly grateful.”
“You should take better care of it,” Taehyung greets, but doesn’t move away. His nimble fingers are wrapped around your throat. You realize that the other Vaesen has left the room. “All my hard-earned money and she doesn’t even look like you’ve used her.”
“I can use her how I want, Tae.”
“Meh,” Taehyung sighs, letting you go with a little shove. “I want to borrow her.”
“Another time.”
“Hmm. I’ll hold you to that. What did your father think of her?”
Just like that, Taehyung’s interest in you fades. You steal a glance at the kitsune, but he isn’t looking at you. He has moved away from the three of you toward the bar, uninterested in the conversation. There is nothing for you to do but stare at your shoes and burn in the growing hatred for Kim Taehyung.
If Jungkook is bothered by Taehyung’s rugged handling of you, he shows no sign. For some reason, it bothers you more. As your master, he is supposed to take more pride in owning a Carved. But so far tonight, he has shown little interest in treating you like a prize or something to be proud of.
You almost think that he’s trying to give you space and shed as little light on you as possible, which won’t do.
“You want her to fight in a Vaesen pit?” Jungkook asks, voice skeptical. That catches your attention. “Why would I send a Carved angel to that cesspool? They won’t even let her in. She’d destroy the creatures that fight there.”
“There’s an elite Vaesen pit now. They fight outside the rules of the Titan Leagues but they’re made of better shit than the Vasen pits. And they allow synth moderated creatures to fight.”
“Sounds illegal.”
“Sounds fun.”
Jungkook hums. “Let me know when you need her.” He checks his watch. “Preferably not this weekend, please.”
Taehyung laughs and claps Jungkook on the back. You go red with rage. You agreed that you served Jungkook in the public, but fighting in the seedy, unregulated rings of Vanir and Vaesen for Taehyung was not a part of that agreement.
Jungkook glances at you. Senses the ill-managed temper. He sighs and turns to Taehyung, perhaps to take back his offer to lend you. You’re unsure, and Jungkook doesn’t get the chance to say anything.
Screams interrupt the conversation. You turn to look in the direction you’re coming from. People are running and the sound of chaos and snarls comes from somewhere in the main room. You smell blood and smoke and then it hits you.
You smell the honey-scent of the seraphim.
Carved – angels who have had their wings surgically removed and sold for ownership. The possession of an angel’s wings gives the owner power over the angel’s grace, thereby giving them power over the angel.
Chokes – electronic cuffs with micro-needles that send signals to the nerves and nervous system to block channeling magic – most often used on glaedia
Collared – a Vanir who is owned as a slave. They are often identifiable by the custom collars their masters put on their necks.
Dominus – term used by a slave to their male identifying master
Erelim - class of angel referenced in the book of Isaiah
Endarkened - the offspring of demons and angel unions with demon-dominant blood; considered Vaesen
Enlightened - the offspring of demons and angel unions with angel-dominant blood; considered Vanir
Huli jing - Chinese fox spirit; similar to the Kitsune
Lares - spiritual guardians in Roman mythology
Lilins - the offspring of the First Demon, Lilith, an the seraphim, most notably with the angels Uriel and Raphael. They are the perfect balance of Vanir and Vaesen and were used as spies during the war.
Malakim – refers to the angels associated with Shamayim (Judaism)
Malaikah – refers to angels associated with Jannah (Islam)
Nephilim – those who are half-angel, half-human
Seraph - a single angel, one of the seraphim
Seraphim - species of angels associated with Christian heaven, soldiers of God
Triumvirate – the three Lords who rule the Realms – figures of the Underworld
Vaesen – creatures associated with Underworld Realms such as demons, daevas, sorcerers, vampires, wraiths, and monster-like creatures
Vanir – creatures associated with Heaven Realms such as angels, faeries, witches, dragons, demigods and any heavenly-like being
Yomi Worm - came from my brain but fashioned from the story of maggots growing out of Izanami's body in the underworld Yomi after she died
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