#kris kiss 2023
shapeshiftinterest · 8 months
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lineless doodle of kris kissing berdly under a napstablook decoration
they made a halloween version of 'kissing under the mistletoe'
berdly did not know about this new tradition (started off as a prank but it was so funny they kept doing it and now the whole school and maybe town is in on it)
was having a hard time deciding btwn a bat, a ghost, and a tiny pumpkin for paper decorations; ghost seemed easiest to see
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satelliteddt · 10 months
i don't watch aew weekly anymore, but I did put on parts of all in (maybe half the card, only 3 matches really interested me)
and man...the misogyny in aew is really fucking apparent, and really fucking dire. holy shit. what year is it
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crossafuturx · 11 months
Jay Eskar & Kris Kiss - Get That (Extended Mix) https://youtu.be/CcwDz3hueeM #eskarseries
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pap03 · 1 year
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Have to say, this year has been great especially having picked up this drawing habit.
Hope yall have an excellent year ahead, with many Kisselle's
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sinofwriting · 8 months
Wait - Ollie Bearman
Words: 4,936 Summary: Ollie Bearman doesn’t wear necklaces, it’s just not his thing. So why during the 2023 Mexico GP is he spotted wearing a necklace with a familiar ring hanging from the chain Note(s)/Warning(s): This is in fact the purity ring fic. It’s a bit NSFW. Reader is Max Verstappen’s little sister. I nearly included lestappen because the idea of both Verstappen siblings dating a Ferrari (or Ferrari adjacent) driver was funny to me, but I didn’t. Also, thank you to all the people who told me to write this. I’m going to go somewhere, but I’m glad I did!
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A ring sits on her finger. The same finger that will one day have an engagement ring then a wedding band to join. The band is thin with two knots and between both knots are four tiny pearls, barely the size of a grain of rice and in the middle of those four pearls is a mix of her birthstone and Max’s. She had gotten it when she was eleven shortly after she had heard Max joking with some of his friends about sex and she went to their mom asking what exactly they meant and for the past six years it had sat there.
It was the first big purchase Max had made with his F1 paycheck. The seventeen year old had felt ashamed and horrified at his baby sister overhearing the things him and friends were joking about. And even worse when their mom had to give her the talk. It had been nothing however compared to what their father had thought when learning of it. Max had swore his ears were ringing as Jos had yelled at him for first having his friends around her and second talking about sex when he knew that she was in the house and liked to randomly join them.
The ring had been a nice way to ease the tension and though he had been a bit red as he explained what it was to her, she had nodded along with his explanation, looking serious before putting it on and then smiling at him and hugging him.
At eleven it hadn’t really been an issue, wearing a purity ring, promising that she’d wait to be married before having sex. It hadn’t been a problem when she was fifteen and her first spike of hormones hit and suddenly sex wasn’t something that felt so far away or like a weird foreign concept. It hadn’t been a problem at sixteen either when she got her first boyfriend, who Max had quickly run off.
It had started to be a problem after she turned seventeen and got together with Ollie.
Ollie who she was never supposed to meet. Was only supposed to know of because she followed F2 and F3. But then she joined Max for the remainder of the 2022 season in July. Done with school and unsure if she wanted to go to Uni, unsure really of what she wanted to do.
She had planned to stay home with her mom, putter about the house, maybe do some small writing for Redline and Verstappen.com that she’d email to Kris, who would send her the money that they got paid for them instead of submitting them herself where Max would be sure to give her a stupid amount of money for something that took maybe thirty minutes to write.
But then Max had heard about her plans and she was officially employed by her brother. Managing his website, instagram, and Redline’s social media, going with him to every race, which meant that she had far too much free time and meant that she found herself following around Jack Crawford as he finished up his F3 season which meant running into Ollie Bearman.
Ollie, who was so unexpectedly sweet and cute, who made all the blood rush to her face as her heart worked overtime, made butterflies appear in her stomach.
It had been the second time that they saw each other that he had asked her on a date and now a year later, the two are now both eighteen and head over heels in love, and the ring that rests on her left ring finger feels more like a nuisance.
She had never had sex, hadn’t even really touched or been touched until Ollie but as the F2 season had grown to a close it felt like that was all that was on her mind and Ollie’s.
The kisses they shared when alone quickly grew into heated make out sessions and when they had time, they found themselves in his hotel room under the covers, underwear still on but hands exploring each other's bodies.
She falls in love with the pattern of freckles on his back and the way he shivers when she traces them with her fingers. The spot above his heart that always makes his breath hitch when she kisses it. His strong calves that always tense right after his thighs when she settles on his lap. His hands and how much bigger than hers they are. And his fingers that he lets her play with, kiss and nibble at just to see and hear the stuttered breath he gives as his cheeks turn red.
He falls in love with the small tattoo that still only he knows she has, it’s small enough to just barely be hidden by even her more risqué bikinis. The scar she has on her knee that makes her shiver when his fingers or lips touch it. The soft skin of the underside of her breasts, because it feels nice to stroke when he gets the chance to dip his hands underneath her bra. The moan she gives when he settles in between her thighs and rests his weight on top of her as they kiss.
Ollie knows what the ring is, what it means, what she promised Max. It’s the one thing that always reminds him to stop, that pulls him back when he’s about to dip his fingers beneath her underwear to feel her wetness against his fingers or about to ask her to take her bra off, to let him see more of her. The feeling of her ring always draws him back. Makes him refocus on just kissing her and not getting ahead of himself before he makes another mess of himself.
He sees it every time he sees her, he kisses it every time he lifts her hand to his lips, first kissing the ring, a silent promise to himself that one day he’ll replace it with a ring of his own, before kissing her hand.
So Ollie doesn’t think anything when he comes home from simulator work to his flat in Maranello smelling like brownies. It had taken a bit to convince Max that she didn’t want to go home but rather wanted to go on a little trip with her friends. She just neglected to mention that there was no trip, and by friends she meant boyfriend, and really she meant during the week break they’d have she’d be going to Italy to stay with Ollie.
“That smells so good.” Ollie groans, kicking his shoes off before moving further into the flat. She beams at him, accepting the kiss he presses to her cheek. “I know you had dinner there so I made brownies. And not a whole pan.” She adds. “I know you can’t indulge too much.” “Thank you.” He murmurs, wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her back into him.
He starts to sway them both as he stares at the small pan of brownies, the smell of them mouthwatering.
“Can I have one?” “They like just got out of the oven.” He pouts, bending his neck and pressing his face into her neck. “Please?” “You're going to burn your fingers and mouth.” She laughs. “Pretty please?” He tries. She makes a humming noise, one he feels more than hears. “Only if you give me a kiss first.” “Deal.”
She giggles as he quickly turns her in his arms. “Hi.” She greets as she wraps her arms around his neck. “Hi.” He parrots back and the thought of the brownies are gone from his mind as he looks at her.
She’s got a piece of his merch on, one of the sample sweatshirts, but also a pair of his boxer briefs. It’s like she’s drowning in him and he just wants to add to it.
Pressing their lips together, he grunts when her nails dig lightly into the back of his neck.
“Sorry.” She murmurs against his lips. He shakes his head, “it’s fine.”
They stand there for a while just kissing, but then his hands are moving underneath the top she’s wearing, grasping at her hips before fingers trail up her sides before back down and she’s pulling him to his bedroom.
They’ve done this so much that it takes barely any time for him to take his FDA polo off and then his jeans before joining her in bed, settling between her thighs. It doesn’t however stop him from rocking his hips into hers a couple of times before he can stop himself, hunger only growing when her hips hitch upwards and she’s wrapping a leg around him, pulling him closer.
“Fuck, darling.” He gasps, pressing kisses to her exposed throat. She moans, her hands resting on his bare back and it’s the feeling of her ring that makes him stop. Hips nearly thrusting again when she whines, but he tenses his whole body, not letting it loosen even when he kisses her again, swallowing the next whine she lets out.
His right hand makes his way underneath her top as they continue to kiss, his body relaxing into hers as he gets control of himself again.
As his fingers creep up her side, he wonders what they’ll feel. The spandex of her sports bra? The cotton or whatever it is of the one bra she likes to wear to media days? Maybe lace? His mind spins at the last option and he gulps.
She’s only worn lace once and it was on their year anniversary, their first approved sleepover. Though Max had made sure to get her from his hotel room at 11 am. But he considers they have the rest of the week just them together and he doesn’t have to go into the factory anymore. And she made him brownies, homemade. He knows because of the way she had been standing at the kitchen counter, carefully looking at them. So, maybe another treat for him was her wearing lace.
But as fingers reach where he’d normally feel the edge of something there is nothing. He goes to frown but before he can, her chest rises, his fingers graze the underside of her left breast and his hips are snapping into her again.
“Oh my god.” She moans at the feeling. “Fuck.” He curses and he feels out of breath as he feels more of her. “You’re not,” he mutters. “You’re not wearing anything.” She shakes her head, bucking her hips wanting more friction. “Please, Ollie. Want more, want it off.” He should be saying no, he can already feel his control hanging by thread at the knowledge that she’s not wearing a bra, he doesn’t know what he’ll do if he sees her boobs for the first time, but he’s backing away, letting her sit up, and she’s flinging his sweatshirt off.
His jaw drops at the sight, eyes wide and his dick twitches. He sees the way she bites at her lips, arms starting to come up and he’s quick to react. Fingers touching the soft skin, thumbs rubbing at her nipples as he sort of holds them.
“Pretty.” He manages to get out and feels himself blush. “Can we kiss again?” Ollie nods, eager.
He carefully lays next to her, drawing her on top of him, the two both gasping at the feeling of her bare breasts resting on his bare chest.
His hands dance up and down her back, sometimes his pinky fingers dipping below the waistband of his boxer briefs that she’s wearing before moving back up again as they kiss, hips still moving together.
When she shifts a little on top of him, moaning, he grasps at her hips, stopping her from moving as he feels himself twitch and he just knows that he has to be leaking, creating a wet spot in his underwear.
“We have to stop.” “I’m close though.” His head falls back and he groans. “I am too.” “I,” She stops, thinking of the lingerie she had brought with her, the dinner reservation she had made for herself and Ollie tomorrow night, the necklace chain also in her suitcase. “I want more.” She says, before taking a deep breath and meeting his eyes. “I want to have sex with you.” He’s looking at her wide eyes and she’d think that he didn’t want her back if she couldn’t feel how hard he was underneath her. “But,” his eyes dart to her left hand. “I thought we were waiting.” She feels blood rush to her cheeks at his whisper, at the promise he made for and to her.
She had been nervous when telling Ollie about her purity ring and about she would like to wait awhile, maybe even till marriage to have sex, especially after he shared that he had already had sex before. But he had been surprisingly okay with it after he had a few days to think and wrap his head around it, and not that she knew but to talk to his dad about it, before he came back said that he’d wait as long as she wanted.
“I mean, we did.” She whispers back. “I just, I think you’re the one, ya’know. And even if you aren’t, I can’t see myself ever regretting you.” There’s a stinging in his eyes and he clears his throat. “Okay.” He shifts her down a bit so he can sit up, pressing their lips together. “Okay.”
Her hands cup his cheeks as they kiss while his hands stay on her hips. Not moving or doing anything despite the fact that she’s given the all clear. It’s one of her hands dropping from his face to trail down his body, that makes his hands move, grabbing her ass, pressing her down and closer. It makes her gasp.
“Ollie.” He groans at the sound of her moaning his name. His eyes dart to his nightstand, where there should be some condoms in the drawer with lube as well and then he’s cursing, hands falling away from her. “We have to stop, darling. I’m sorry.” “But,” She shifts on top of him and he swears again when he looks down and sees a wet patch peeking out from where she’s sitting on top of him. “I know, but I don’t have any condoms.” He feels himself flush, “I threw them away after we got serious since I figured it wouldn’t happen for a few years.” “No.” She whines, heading dropping onto his shoulder as her whole body sags.
She hadn’t thought about buying condoms, mainly because despite the lingerie she packed and the dinner reservation, she hadn’t actually planned on them having sex. She just wanted more, even some dry humping or at the very least to feel fingers against her that weren’t her own.
“I could pull out.” The words are weak to his own ears. She lifts her head slightly to look at him. “Do you really think you could?” “I could run and get some condoms.” He really doesn’t feel like getting back in the car, doesn’t feel like leaving her, but he’d do it. "No,” she shakes her head. She didn’t like the idea of being alone, waiting for him to come back with condoms. Or him putting clothes back on, the idea makes her nose wrinkle. She then pauses as something comes to mind. “How’s your Italian?” His brows furrow at the question. “It’s decent. Basic and more strategy and car related. But I get by, why?” “I was thinking of Plan B.” “Plan B?” His brows furrow more before it clicks and his eyes widen, “oh, Plan B.” “Yeah, I’d still want it even if you do end up pulling out, but I don’t think that will happen.” He wants to protest, deny, argue that he absolutely could pull out, but it’d be a lie.
“Ollie.” She whines nearly an hour later as he tries to get her to separate her thighs. “You’re all sticky.” He tells her. “I need to clean you up before it dries.” And god was it a bitch to clean up dried cum. “I’ll be quick.” He promises. She pouts, but lets her thighs fall apart, wincing at the burning muscles. He swallows at the sight of their mixed release. He hadn’t managed to pull out the first time, but the second he had managed to, only to finish practically in her anyways. And it was worse because of her own two orgasms that added to the mess. Taking the damp cloth, he carefully cleans her up, apologizing when she whines when he presses a bit too much on her clit.
“Much better.” He grins, when he’s done. Throwing the cloth in the direction of his laundry hamper. “Cuddle?” She asks, making grabby hands at him and eagerly joins her again in bed, slipping the covers over both of them. “That’s better.” She mumbles, when they settle together and he laughs, pressing a kiss to her head.
It’s hard for him to leave when he wakes up in the morning. They’re still both naked and she’s sleeping peacefully beside him. But he’d rather go and get her the Plan B now, then put it off until later when she’ll be fully awake.
Rolling to his side, he presses a series of light kisses to her face. She mumbles a bit and he chuckles. “I’ve got to go, darling.” She mumbles again, turning to lay on her side as well. “I’ve got to go. I’ll be right back.” “Where are you going?” Her voice is low, thick with sleep. “I need to get some things real quickly. I’ll be back in thirty minutes, okay?” “Do you have to?” She pouts. “I’ll be quick.” He promises, bending to kiss her.
It takes him barely any time to get the Plan B and condoms, though he had stumbled his way through Italian to get the Plan B before just pulling up a picture of it.
“Darling?” He calls when he gets back. “Kitchen.” She calls back, a hint of sleep still in her voice. With the bag hanging from his finger, he walks to the kitchen. “I got you plan b and condoms for me, just in case.” “No, just in case. I’d like a repeat.” He grins at her, setting the bag on the counter. “Yeah?” She nods, bottom lip between her teeth. “Yeah.” Bending, he captures her lips in a quick kiss, humming.
“Want to do brownies for breakfast?” His eyes widen and they dart to the counter. “I completely forgot you even made those!” “I’ll take that a yes?” “Please!”
Cutting him a piece and then one of herself, she puts them on a plate as Ollie gets them both something to drink before they both go to the living room and sit on the couch.
“These are so good.” He mumbles, catching a crumb before it can fall. “You say that everytime.” “Because it’s true! These are really good.” Her brownie was a good bit smaller than his so as soon as she finishes her, she’s standing up and retrieving something from her suitcase, ignoring him asking where she’s going.
Sitting back down, she places a box in his lap.
“What is this?” He asks, setting the plate on the coffee table, only a few crumbs on it. “I bought it for you a while ago and have been carrying it around since, just wasn’t sure when exactly I’d give it to you.” He looks at her intrigued, before looking back at the box and carefully opening it.
Ollie’s brows furrow at the thin chain that rests inside. It was nice, very nice, though not by a brand that he recognized. It was also a weird gift considering he didn’t wear necklaces, though if he was going to wear one, it would be this one.
“What’s it for?” He asks. “I, uh,” she stutters a bit over her words, playing her ring before carefully pulling it off, flexing her fingers at the odd sensation of it not being there. “It’s for this.” And she drops the ring she’s worn since she was eleven into his palm. “But this is yours.” “And I can’t wear it anymore.” She tells him. “I intended to wait longer to have sex, but I don’t regret last night and I won’t regret anything we do in the future. It’s yours now and I kind of liked the idea of you carrying it with you wherever you go.” He stares at the ring, tries to ignore the pulse of want and smugness, because he got to have her first and he was fairly certain he’d be her only and last.
Lifting the chain out of the box, he carefully unclasps it, threading the ring on, before clasping it around his neck, the ring resting just below the hollow of his neck, easily hidden behind any shirt he wears if he has it tucked in.
Turning his neck, the sensation of something there is odd and he says that. “It’ll take some getting used to, but I like it.” “Yeah?” “Yeah.”
It doesn’t take him long to get used to the necklace and he practically never takes it off, only in the shower or when doing certain training sessions and it hasn't happened yet but when he has to get into the F1 car and then his F2 car, he’ll be taking it off then as well.
No one really notices his new accessory, he’s not doing much on social media, his mum and dad had asked him about it and he had flushed but just said that it was something she had gotten for him and lucky they didn’t press for more. It gives a false sense of security that comes crashing down in Mexico.
He’s on a bit of a high for doing his first free practice and not placing dead last even though it’s only free practice and placing doesn’t really matter. He’s out of his race suit, having been able to not shower but wipe himself down with a damp towel before getting back into the Haas polo and jumping in to do more media. And as he does some interviews he doesn’t notice the way her ring that’s kept underneath his shirt is on full display.
But it does come to his attention when he finally gets his phone and sees so many mentions and a strange text full of exclamation marks that has him quickly hitting the call button.
“Is everything okay? I got a weird text from you.” “Ollie.” “What’s wrong?” He’s about to exit the Haas hospitality, he could be at Red Bull’s in about a minute at the strained sound of her voice. “My ring, everyone saw my ring.” His eyes widen and he’s cursing. “Oh no.” “Yeah.” “And they all know.” “Yeah.” She confirms again. “Because Max had to make it clear what the ring was.” She laughs, but it’s clear that she’s on the verge of tears, her voice tight. The sound has him wanting to wrap in his arms, shield her away, but it also has him confused. She never cared about what fans thought of her. She was very much like her brother in that matter. It was all water off a duck’s back. “What’s wrong, darling?” He asks, dropping his voice as someone looks at him weirdly. “I just, Max hadn’t noticed, no one has really. And I don’t regret it Ollie, but that was a promise I made to Max, to save myself.” The last three words come out as a whisper. “And now he’s going to find out because the whole of F1 twitter is talking about it. I should’ve told him.” “It’ll be okay.” He reassures her, but now the realization has hit that he’s going to have deal with Max and not just Max, but Daniel and Charles and fucking Arthur, which is a bit insulting because it’s Arthur of all people, but the Leclerc’s liked her a lot, Charles liked to argue with Max that she was actually their younger sister and not Max’s, which lead to a headache of bickering between the two drivers.
“Can I come to you?” He looks down at his watch even though he knows that he doesn’t have any more interviews, just needs to stay to watch the last session play out since he already did his debriefing as well. “Yeah, do you want me to walk you over?” “No, I’ll be there in a second.”
Meeting her at the doors of the hospitality, he quickly ushers her in before leading her to a back corner, the both of them sinking to the floor, somewhat hidden from view by a couch.
“You alright?” “Yeah.” She breathes, pressing close to him. “I just should’ve said something to Max. I just didn’t want to say anything y’know?” And he can feel her nose wrinkle at the idea and his does the same. Because yeah it was a bit gross to think about telling your sibling that you’ve had sex just so they won’t be blindsided by the media. “He’s gonna hate me again.” She doesn’t say anything and he groans, throwing his head back against the wall. “I just made some progress with him.” “I know, bear.” She murmurs, kissing his cheek. “I could put it back on? Say that I gave it to you as a good luck charm.”
It’s a good idea, a perfect solution for their problem, but it’s clear that she doesn’t like the idea and he doesn’t like the idea either. He’s grown used to the small weight of the ring resting below the hollow of his throat and he’s not fond of the idea of seeing a ring that’s not his on her ring finger again.
“Maybe I should propose.” She jerks away from him like she’s been burned. “Fuck, that’s not what I meant.” He quickly says. “I just I don’t want to give it back. I don't want to see you wearing it again and I just,” he waves his hands around. “My brain was running. I’m sorry.” Her eyes are focused on his and she slowly presses back into him, though she keeps her head pulled back so they can look at each other. “Is that something you really want in the future? To be married to me?” “One hundred percent.” She blinks at the quick response, a smile starting to bloom on her face. “Not now, just because I don’t want to rely on nothing but sponsors and my dad for money, but maybe once I got an F1 seat and then got a contract extension or new seat. I’d have money to help support us, to buy you a nice ring, house.” He hopes that she can’t tell how much he’s thought about this, how much he’s rambled to both Jak and Fred about this even though if either of them got the chance they’d happily rat him out for being such a preteen girl, and he just knows that Jak told Fred what that means. “I want that too.”
Ollie wonders if him intending on marrying her, on putting a ring on her finger will lessen the brunt of anger he’s sure to receive and it doesn’t.
“You defiled my sister!” The eighteen years old both make a face at the Dutch man’s words. “No one defiled anyone.” Max ignores her, glaring at the British driver. “You touched her.” Ollie nearly reaches out for her hand, but keeps his hands to himself, as he gives a tiny nod. “Max, it’s alright. I wanted it.” Max and Daniel both make a face at her words. “Ew. You shouldn’t even know what it is.” “Well, Max kind of ruined that for me when I was eleven.” She snarks and her brother flushes. “Which is why I gave you the ring! You were supposed to save yourself for marriage! Keep yourself away from boys like Ollie!” “What’s wrong with me?” He asks, offended. “You’re a teenager.” Daniel tells him with a shrug. “And you’ve got a dick. That’s all it really takes.”
“What happened to waiting?” Max asks, voice a little quieter as he looks at her. “Max,” she starts and then includes the Alpha Tauri driver who’s inched closer. “Daniel. I thought I was going to wait for marriage, or at least a few more years, but Ollie,” she pauses, feeling blood rush to her cheeks. “Ollie feels like the one.” She reaches out for his hand, intertwining their fingers. “And even if he isn’t, I won’t regret what we did.”
The two older men stare at her, at them. One who can remember holding her just hours after she was born, and the other who got to know her shortly after Max’s fuck up when she was eleven. Both her brothers, one just a bit longer than the other.
Max swallows harshly, the full realization hitting him that his baby sister isn’t a baby anymore. She’s an adult and he’s never really had the right to get mad at her for things she does but he really doesn’t now. He can feel Daniel standing behind him, and knows that the older man will go with him whatever way he chooses.
Stepping forward, he pulls her into a hug and wonders where the time has gone. “As long as you don’t regret it, yeah?” She hugs him back tighter, tension in her shoulders loosening at his acceptance. “Yeah. Love you, Maxy.” He laughs, a quiet thing. “Love you too.”
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@arshiyuh @mangotaitai @gemofthenight @peachiicherries @lpab @copper-boom @topguncultleader @iloveyou3000morgan @benstormy
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daddyhausen · 9 months
• kinktober — day five : mommy kink — kris statlander •
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{ masterlists } | { kinktober 2023 }
{ commission info } | { like my work? buy me a coffee — kofi —dxddyhxusen }
{ summary } — you and kris resolve some sexual tension that had been boiling over after her most recent title win
{ warnings } — wlw, mommy kink, scissoring, sub!reader, oral sex { f receiving }, squirting, female orgasms, praise
{ word count } — 600
{ pairing } — fem!reader x kris statlander
{ genre } — smut
{ taglist } — @cosmoholic13 @thewrestlingbitch @omg-im-such-a-masochist @adamjf @wardlow @alexisquinnlee-bc @sammiejane22 @im-just-a-mississippi-girl @omegasluvbot @melissahausen @writtingrose @drummergrl1310 @unoficialy-married-to-ace-austin @bonehead-playz @cherrytheeredheadmamaclaymore @crowleysqueenofhell @romanreigns-supreme @janetreader @thenerdybaker523 @sunshinevirus @nicoleveno14 @rubyred1980 @elsteenerico @igncrxntripley @ripleyswhore @embermdk @thepalaceofmelanie @violetmacher @seeingstarks
{ beta readers } — @allelitesmut + @legit9thlunaticwarrior
{ comment if you want to be added to the taglist }
“that’s a good girl…” her voice rang through your ears in such a sultry tone
your head buried between her thighs
devouring her cunt as she had previously instructed you to
kris had been rather deprived as of late
and the sexual tension had been building between the both of you for months
you surely did not expect a steamy make out session followed by the best fucking of your life after another one of her title defences
“who’s mommy’s good girl, huh?”
she questioned in between moans, your tongue lapping up her juices as of you were a woman dying of thirst
“answer me, sweet thing” she’s cooed, words rolling off her tongue like soft waves rippling against the shoreline
“i am…” you whined, her hand held fistfuls of your hair, prying your head up every so often to meet her gaze
“hmm?” she inquired, trying to rouse the word from you lips
“…i am…mommy…”
she nodded her head in acknowledgment, quickly placing your head back between her thighs
bucking her hips upward so that your tongue was driving deep into her cunt
“oh fuck!-“ she moaned through gritted teeth “you make mommy feel so good, sweetie”
her mouth hung agape, moans spilling from her lips in rapid succession
“you want mommy to cum all over you? is that what you want, honey?”
you nodded, tongue drawing circles into her clit, making her shudder with delight
“oh fuck yes!” she cried out, thighs beginning to shake with pleasure
her sweetness dripping onto your tongue
gushing down her thighs like a waterfall
she pried your head up from between her thighs
kissing you harshly, letting her taste mingle in both your tongues
“i taste good, don’t i?” she playfully remarked to which you responded with a resounding yes
“lay down” she demanded with a stern tone
tugging down your shorts and panties in one fell swoop as you laid back against the locker room floor
“such a pretty little pussy” she praised “and it’s all mine”
she placed a few sweet kisses to the mound of your sex, before licking a hot stripe up your slit, preparing you
“so wet for me” she hummed, propping one of your legs up
positioning herself properly, sinking down until your cunts met
her hips began to move in slow, precise circles, drawing out your pleasure deliberately slow
“m-mommy…” you whimpered, adoring the feeling of her cunt grinding against yours
she suddenly increased her speed
your cunts grind together in rapid succession before she slowed down again
much to your dismay
her hands fell to your breasts
squeezing the pillowy flesh in her palms
quickly leaning down to lick hot stripes across your nipple before entombing in the warmth of her mouth
pulling away with a pop
“gonna cum for me?”
she questioned, a small smirk crossing her lips
“yes mommy…wanna cum…”
“such an obedient girl”
you felt the thrum of arousal rise in your belly, throbbing between your thighs
finally spilling over, against her cunt
she smiled down at you, proud at the mess you made
“good girl, such a messy little whore for me…”
she rubbed your clit, only aiding in the waterfall of sweetness dripping down your thighs
“let’s get you cleaned up then we can go again back at my place” she panted softly, completely unfazed by the lack of a second orgasm
she mainly wanted to get you off anyway
“maybe i’ll even use some toys on you”
she smirked with a flirtatious wind.
“now come on, get dressed, pretty thing”
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snowxstormworld · 8 months
Jonerys Winter Wonderland 2023!
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Let's End the Year Lauding our Favorite Lovers!
Join us for the 3rd annual Jonerys Winter Wonderland, five days of celebrating winter and the holidays with our favorite duo.
From December 11th-15th, we’ll reblog your edits, gif sets, fanart, moodboards, and fanfics & list them in our AO3 collection.
We have suggested prompts below, but feel free to celebrate the season with Jonerys however you see fit!
🎁Day 1 (12/11): Holiday Magic; All I want for Christmas/Yuletide/Winter Solstice is You (Naked)🎄
🎁 Day 2 (12/12): There's no place like home for the holidays; A kinky Kris Kringle gift exchange🎄
🎁Day 3 (12/13): Baby it's Cold Outside; Who needs Santa when you have me?🎄
🎁 Day 4 (12/14): Kiss Me Under the Mistletoe; Ice & Fire; Naughty & Nice🎄
🎁 Day 5 (12/15): Cheers to the New Year; A sexy sleigh ride; free choice🎄
To join us, post your content to your own Tumblr blog and/or to AO3, mention @snowxstormworld, tag #JonerysWinterWonderland2023 and #SnowxStormWorld and we’ll reblog your work!
The main pairing must be Jonerys (Jon Snow/Daenerys Targaryen. Also, please no explicit scenes of Jon or Dany with other characters).
Prompt mixing is fine - just let us know which prompt you’re featuring on the day you post.
If you fall behind schedule, go ahead and post when you can. As long as you mention and tag us, we’ll find and reblog your stuff!
ALL IN THE FANDOM ARE WELCOME. Our main goal is nurturing Jonerys fandom content. As long as your work follows the above rules and you keep things positive, you are welcome!
Feel free to reach out with questions, we love hearing from you! Or DM us (@jupiterix @libradoodle1 @jellybeanficwriter)!
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poisonousquinzel · 1 year
sometimes the takes I see in the Harley Quinn tag are just beyond stupid.
but fun fact, this is a Straight moment. Cause there's actually just no universes where they read as Gay. None at all. A provable fact.
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Batgirl Adventures
c'mon is it gay to be able to Play with your bestie in an implied sexual manner? totally not. Big Straight moment.
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Batgirl Adventures
Love calling my straight bestie, as a straight, bay-bee. Nothing to see here, just hets being hets.
Ladies, is it gay to wax poetry about the woman you're going to / just had wild, loud sex with?
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"But there is nothing to say.
Because you already know my heart.
I showed you everything--the darkest corners of myself--and you still came back.
What else is love?"
Poison Ivy (2022 - ) #9
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"This is my favorite time. When there's absolutely no reason to get up... and I can watch the light change as it moves across your face."
Poison Ivy (2022 - ) #9
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DC Love Is Love (2017)
Just some readable platonic heterosexuals in the 2017 Love Is Love comic. (Straight rep matters <3 and they are that. Straight.)
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Dark Knights Of Steel #5 - #8
Saying you'd bury an army for her? And then kissing her chapters later? Uh, Het Behavior 🙄
Just a couple of straight besties getting *checks notes* married.
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Injustice: Year Zero #8
Calling your bestie your Home, clear and obvious straight behavior.
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Harley Quinn (2021 - ) #27
Calling your new bestie "Cherie" and kissing her after she cuts off a loser's hand for you <3 only readably straight behavior.
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DC Comics: Bombshells #42
This? Also Straight.
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Batman: Wayne Family Adventures EP 67 "Branching Out"
"Harley Quinn's Girlfriend" FRIEND
Case closed.
Just a couple of readably platonic, heterosexual besties.
Ladies, is it gay to have numerous Pride Covers for Pride Month's DC Pride comics together?
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DC Pride: Connecting Covers for Harley Quinn (2021 - ) #31 and Poison Ivy (2022 - ) #13 | Artist: Claire Roe
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DC Pride (2023)
Gold Foil Variant Cover | Artist: Jen Bartel
Wraparound Variant Cover | Artist: Gabriel Picolo
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Harley Quinn (2021 - ) #4 | Pride Card Stock Variant • Artist: Kris Anka
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DC Pride 2021
Artist: Jim Lee
Artist: Jen Bartel
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DC Pride 2022
Cover B; Swaby Wraparound Variant | Artist: Joshua Sway
Cover D Incentive 1:25; Foil Variant | Artist: Jen Bartel
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The DC Book of Pride | Cover by Paulina Ganucheau
We're just imagining all the subtext, coding and flat out confirmations.
We're the illiterate ones ig. Clearly, that's all Straight behavior.
There's nothing in any universe they've ever appeared in that actually reads as Gay, it's all just Bruce Timm and co being horny and thinking Ladies Kissing Hot, and that's IT. all the years worth of content that's not even written by Timm, Conner or Palmiotti is IRRELEVANT!
If you consume any of their comics and read them as Gay, that's on you!
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lunafoster · 1 year
Oh No
AN: So I can’t stop thinking about them *cough* ESC 2023 contestants *cough* and this came out. I’m so sorry.
AN2: yes, I’m from Europe if anyone was wondering; also, excuse my English but it’s not my first language.
Bojan Cvjetićanin x fem!actress!reader
Surprise in the end!
Words: 1500+
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Bojan couldn’t wait.
He was ecstatic, unable to keep himself still as he was being driven to the airport in Liverpool.
“Will you stop moving,” Jan sighed, nudging him with his elbow.
“He hasn’t seen her in a month, Jan,” Nace retorted, “of course he’s excited.”
He couldn’t even answer to them as his bandmates continued arguing over if he should or shouldn’t be this nervous about seeing his girlfriend again. After all, he was going to see her today, and that just made him so giddy he couldn’t focus on anything else.
The thing is, she had been away in America, filming a new TV show that would undoubtedly be loved by the public once it was out; so she couldn’t exactly accompany him in his Eurovision journey since him and his friends were elected in Slovenia.
He was so proud of her for making it into another soon-to-be hit show, but he missed her so very much during the last month. It’s true they tried calling each other every chance they had, but the time difference and their busy schedules didn’t let them be part of each other’s lives as much as they were used to.
Bojan couldn’t wait to give her the biggest hug and all the kisses he couldn’t give her when they were apart. He cringed at himself at the thought. That was disgusting.
“Hey!” A clap resounded in the air just millimetres away from his face.
“We’re here,” Kris told him, clapping his shoulder.
He looked around. He was the only one left in the van. The Slovene swallowed thickly. Why was he so nervous about meeting her?
He walked out of the vehicle, following the rest of his bandmates inside the airport and wringing his sweaty hands together.
They had all been careful, not saying anything on social media or giving away the fact that she was coming, even if he wanted to scream it at the world. He hadn’t even told any of the new friends he had made because of Eurovision. All of this wasn’t because their relationship was a secret, it couldn’t be further from that, but they didn’t want that much attention at their first meeting in a month. One never knows how he’s going to react.
When he arrived at the correct place with his best friends, he heard Jan asking him:
“Do you know if she’s already landed?”
He shook his head and grabbed his phone, realising he had a message from two minutes ago telling him she had, in fact, landed.
He put his phone away, staring directly at the exit doors the people from her flight would be using.
“I’m taking that stupid grin as a ‘yes, she’s landed’.”
Bojan nodded but didn’t look away, his eyes stinging. He refused to blink, what if he didn’t see her?
Big groups of people started getting out through the doors, Bojan getting more anxious as time passed and she didn’t appear. What if she changed her mind, all this time away from him making her realise she didn’t need him?
He didn’t have time to dwell on it, though. He saw her, carrying her luggage around with tired eyes that changed the second they landed on him.
A big smile spread across her cheeks as she started running towards him, leaving her suitcase near the rest of his bandmates and jumping up. He started chuckling the moment he felt her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist, reacting and putting his own hands below her to support her weight on him.
For long moments, they stayed like that, breathing each other in and feeling the warmth of the other’s skin on theirs; ignoring the other men’s cheers and puking sounds.
She was the first to move, removing her head from the junction between his shoulder and neck and smiling up at him with a shine in her eyes.
“Hi!”, she exclaimed.
“Hello,” he smiled back.
She noticed the soft look in his eyes, the small but genuine smile on his lips, it made the butterflies in her belly push against her skin, wanting to be able to touch him and be with him even closer than she was now.
“Are you not going to say anything about the rest of us?” Jure let out, feigning annoyance but with a huge smile on his face.
“I don’t know about that…,” she couldn’t help but match his energy, slowly getting down from her boyfriend’s embrace and going over to the guys, giving each of them a hug and a kiss on the cheek.
“Why do they get a kiss?” Bojan asked half jokingly half seriously wandering why he couldn’t get one, “I’m your boyfriend! Your boyfriend!”
“Alright, alright… don’t be a big baby, love.”
They drowned out the sound of the boys’ whines as they did, in fact, kiss. Bojan couldn’t help but tighten his grasp on her when she started to move away from him, chasing after her lips and giving her another sweet peck before she could escape him.
When he opened his eyes, he saw hers were still closed, a pink flush dusting over her cheeks. She opened her eyes and he saw the entire universe in them. His world.
“Okay, that’s enough,” Jan said, exasperated, “let’s go back to the hotel.”
“And no more kissing,” Kris added, “please.”
The couple laughed at the disgusted faces with which the rest of the group agreed, her taking his hand and following them to the van.
The rest of the day was spent meeting and getting to know the other ESC participants, as her boyfriend and his band had insisted so much in it.
They did leave her luggage in his hotel room first, but right after that they went to meet the band Voyager, and then Alessandra, Vesna, Blanca Paloma, and the rest of them.
She had had fun with all of them and sung a little of their songs with their respective artists, since she had heard them all countless times before.
The only one who she hadn’t met yet was the Finnish contestant, who she was the most curious about. She had to admit she enjoyed the vibe of his song the most (even more than her boyfriend’s, but she wouldn’t admit it to anyone), and he seemed like a great guy whenever Bojan talked about their hang outs.
Apparently, Käärijä had been gone the whole morning, no one knowing where he had gone off to at all. Her boyfriend wanted her to meet him, after all, the Finn had quickly become one of his best friends, sharing his energy and sense of humour.
“Guys!” Alessandra ran to them when they were coming back to the hotel from having lunch outside, “there’s gonna be a party today! The hotel’s throwing it for us!”
“We’ll go for sure, right?” Jure looked at his mates and the girl.
After they all agreed, Alessandra invited them for coffee and they went along with her, chatting about any topic that came to mind.
“What are you gonna wear tonight?” the Norwegian singer asked her.
“I’m not sure, I don’t think I have anything party-appropriate in my suitcase…”
“We’ll see about that, let’s go get it and to my room! I’m gonna make you look amazing!” She said excitedly, taking her hand and leading her upstairs, leaving the boys startled but laughing either way.
When it was time for the party, the girl went back to her boyfriend’s hotel room with the outfit her and Alessandra had come up with. She liked it, as it was comfortable but also dressy enough to wear to a party.
She knocked twice.
Her boyfriend opened the door, a black sweater, black jeans and black boots on.
“Oh no! They made her emo!” She said in English.
“Shut up!” He chuckled, pushing her playfully and fake-glaring at her.
She giggled and pushed him back. They ended up full on laughing in the middle of the hotel’s hallway, earning a few weird glances from people walking by.
When they calmed down enough to start talking normally again, Bojan extended his arm for her to take.
“Shall we go?” He asked in the most British accent he could muster.
“We shall,” she answered.
That’s how they found themselves having dinner with his band mates and the rest of the Eurovision contestants and technicians. Still, the Finn was nowhere to be seen.
“Have you seen Jere today?” ALIKA asked Bojan, a slight worried look in her eyes.
“Not really. I was gonna ask you the same thing, honestly.”
The Estonian singer let out a small sigh, continuing to eat while chatting away with the rest of the people at their table.
“Maybe something happened?” His girlfriend asked him, worried too after learning that no one knew where the guy was.
“We should probably check,” he replied, “when we finish, yeah?”
She nodded, going back to eat and watching her boyfriend do the same.
When the party started, Bojan and her went to the Finnish rapper’s door, knocking but hearing no response.
Giving up after a handful of tries, they went back to the party and tried to forget about it. Surely, they’d see him tomorrow, wouldn’t they?
However, tomorrow quickly turned into today when they caught a glimpse at the bowl-cut black hair and they headed towards Käärijä so that Bojan could properly introduce her to him.
“Jere! Finally man, you disappeared the whole day!”
“We go see Liverpool with my brother,” he said, smiling at the sight of the Slovene.
“That’s great!” Bojan smiled too, “you could’ve said something, though, didn’t answer my texts.”
“Sorry,” his smile turned sheepish.
That’s when he turned to her; the most beautiful girl he had ever seen, smiling at him with her eyes sparkling.
“This is my girlfriend,” his daydreaming got cut off by Bojan speaking.
Oh no.
“Hello,” he greeted, “you are beautiful,” slipped through his lips. He just had to say it, couldn’t hold it in.
Bojan huffed out a small laugh at that.
“Thanks!” She giggled cutely.
Oh no.
“I think you’re pretty cool, too!” She said in a perfect Finnish.
He was fucked.
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Part 2
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brights-place · 4 months
You should write Creek x Caine hcs /j……unless…../hj
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Creek X Caine Headcannons
Pairings: Creek X Caine
Warnings: Cursing, Ugly ass Creek
A/N: This is my friend Kris is OC named Caine please go check my chaotic friend out this is their blog @memow-kris and they are gay af but I love them sm because of their dumbass also the art isn't mine it's kris is art work <33
- Since Caine found creek in his stupid ass abandoned emo sad boy phase he looked down at creek who was begging for atleast something - When Creek kept on pleading for caine to help him caine couldn't help but stare in utter disgust before smirking slightly "I like broken men... okay lets go ugly" Caine stated motioning Creek to follow Caine - since Caine lived near the outskirts of pop village and volcano rock city right on the border
- Caine was walking to help find pop village for creek while Creek was confused thinking Caine was going to kill him - Though Caine wanted to kill the teal haired male they couldn’t help but feel slight pity yet it faded when remembering the troll was an traitor to its own kind - What felt like weeks even though it was an day of Creeks Non-stop bitching they finally arrived as creek thanked caine with an huge grin - "Oh, thank you so much mate!" Creek said with an smile as Caine rolled their eyes turning around "Sure man, no problem" Caine was starting to walk away as creek quickly stopped him "Y'know, I'm sure everyone will be wondering how I got back... maybe you could uhm... stay longer?" - In all honesty Creek wanted caine to stay longer since he found the troll quite interesting - Caine groaned in annoyance wanting to go back home but creek kept on trying to persuade the male which had surprisingly worked - After that the two soon grew close together somehow - Dated after an year of Caine hating the ever loving shit of creek yet wanting to aggressively make out with him - Creek loves showing off but but when it comes to Caine he likes to be an even bigger tease but doesn't mind teaching caine new things especially if it's something spiritual - Creek would show the scars he got for being in the wilderness but he allows Caine to grace them with his soft warm fingers as caine ask questions about them - Caine's tail wrapped around creeks waist or on creeks belly, or curled arounfd creeks wrists when you two are sitting next to eachother, - Creek has a lot of trouble sleeping, but if caine is with him? this mother fucker would cling onto the male since he was in the wilderness for awhile I feel like he's a huge fan of cuddling it brings him comfort knowing he is safe now
- He's feeling guilty about betraying the trolls for his own selfish needs but he still thinks the others would do the same if they were in his position - Shared kisses with each other sometimes when caine feels like it or just to tease the shit out of creek - Creek praises caine every chance he fucking gets like have you seen him around poppy and the others he wants to be likeable! he wants his title back but he knew he wasn't able to get it back
- Creek showing caine how much he cares for him and loves having new experiences with you and quite enjoys the fact that caine would make an disgusted look - Either way it's an love hate relationship yet they both know they love each other deeply
reblogs + comments are appreciated ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡
©brights-place 2023 — do not repost on another platform, copy, translate or edit my works! if you fit my DNI list please don't interact!
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batmanisagatewaydrug · 4 months
which romance novels have you liked the most and also which ones have you disliked the most??
Helen Hoang is my absolute #1 ride or die, anything she writes I'm here for forever. I do think that Kiss Quotient is the weakest of her books, which isn't shocking from a first novel, but the sex is solid and she got SIGNIFICANTLY better for the Bride Test and the Heart Principle. those were the best romances I read in 2023 and the competition is not close, Bride Test in particular is just a heap of fun.
Alexis Hall's A Lady for a Duke is also pretty excellent, just really dreamy trans woman historical romance with the most #woke and fuckable 19th century duke who ever lived. yes the duke gets over his alcoholism and laudanum addiction way too fast. yes there's an insane shoehorned Wickham-running-off-with-Lydia style plot at the end that comes out of nowhere and doesn't really make the story better. no there's no enough sex. but who cares? just have fun with it.
I also really really enjoyed Lauren Kung Jessen's Lunar Love but like... entirely because I was reading the protagonist, Olivia, as like a Rachel Bloom Crazy Ex-Girlfriend type who's so obsessed with the Chinese zodiac because she has an undiagnosed personality disorder. that's definitely not what the intent was but I think Olivia should have been allowed to be way MORE unhinged, tbh. I think Olivia should be allowed to kill.
as for the dishonorable mentions... god.
Tessa Bailey's Unfortunately Yours is ATROCIOUS. unbearable characters and dialogue that feels like listening to a garbage disposal and sex scenes that almost ruptured my spleen because I was laughing so hard. also the premise was just. very dumb. I Cannot Handle fake relationship books where the characters are stupid about it. the only part of it I like was the female protag's mom, a frigid evil milf who could keep me like a purse dog.
speaking of fake relationships, Chencia Higgins' book D'vaughn and Kris Plan a Wedding was also a huge letdown. the premise of two strangers having to fake a relationship on a reality tv show is good silly fun but Higgins just seemed like... DEEPLY uninterested in the reality tv aspect except as an excuse for how the characters met? when camera crew politely agreed not to film D'Vaughn coming out to her family, that was some bullshit. the whole book is just really sloppy, it's very disheartening that this is like THE #1 Black lesbian romance that I see recommended because it sucks and Black lesbians deserve soooo much better.
Kiss Her Once for Me by Alison Cochrun has been one of the hardest books to read because the protagonist/POV character is just soooo whiny and insufferable. she's supposed to be a very #relatable smol bean but god she was exhausting, I couldn't stand her.
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cinder-rose · 4 months
Gather round, kids, it's time for:
Fics I'll never write
It's the spring of 2023 (in my heart, always) and Kris has to watch Bojan fall in love with someone else
So it'd be Kris's POV of Bojan meeting Jere. Kris and Bojan love each other, have always loved each other, are an un-labeled couple.
And Kris has to watch Bojan pining and questioning everything when he has this instant connection with (straight-as-far-as-anyone-knows, has-a-girlfriend) Jere. And all the teams are obsessed with them and all the fans ship it and Bojan seems so happy and Kris knows that he's losing him.
Favourite moments would be Kris unable to hide his fear anymore with "don't you fucking touch me" when Bojan tries to initiate something and finally addressing the issue with "do you love him?" and Bojan can only say "...I don't know." Maybe this would be when Bojan comes back to the hotel late after a day hanging out with Jere and Kris hasn't been able to sleep.
Jere not understanding "have I done something wrong?" and Kris thinking that Bojan had made his choice when he comforts Jere instead of him
But they do get time alone to address it (maybe backstage at the eurovision arena or by the sea, maybe it's raining idk) and obviously they're both violent and desperate and hurting. "Don't you dare kiss me as if you're scared it'll be the last time" and angry break-up-esque sex/touching
Ending on some crying and healing and either a) reaffirmed devotion or b) deciding to take a break from each other
Maybe titled "baby, can I hold you tonight?" or "you and me, endlessly"
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sparkles-oflight · 5 months
Polaroid Photos (my JO Fanfic Universe)
Hi, hello, all my fics can be read individually, but if you want to read in chronological order, here is a master post
(I had another fanfic which I recently deleted that was it's own thing apart from this, but I'll probably re-write some parts to incorporate here)
I would say some of these are "not canon" in my "fic universe" (omg what in the PP cinematic Universe) and those will be marked with a *
All love letters are ridiculous: Tumblr | AO3
Ship: BoKris
Timeline: Around 2016's valentines
Maybe like a heart that pumps blood: AO3
Ship: BoKris
Timeline: 2016/2017 - not sure myself
Romeo and Juliet: Tumblr | AO3
Ship: BoKris
Timeline: 2017 - during the Band's break and one week before the beginning of Kris' last HS year
Gola: Tumblr | AO3
Ship: BoKris
Timeline: One week after Romeo and Juliet
All I know: Tumblr | AO3
Ship: BoKris and JaRtin
Timeline: 2021
Bele Sanje: Tumblr | AO3
Ship: BoKris
Timeline: 2022
Bele Sanje - In another room: Tumblr | AO3
Ship: JaRtin
Timeline: 2022
Tea Spilling: Tumblr | AO3
Ship: JaNce
Timeline: 2023, post eurovision
Por qué: Tumblr | AO3
Ship: JaNce (mentioned), BoKris (hinted) - it's centered on Jan and Kris' friendship
Timeline: September 2023
If not for you*: Tumblr | AO3
Ship: BoKris
Timeline: After the Stožice concert
If not for you (version 2): Tumblr | Ao3
Ship: BoKris
Timeline: After the Stožice concert
Umazane Misli: Tumblr | Ao3
Ship: Bokris
Timeline: Towards the end of November 2023
Vse Kar Vem: Tumblr | AO3
Ship: BoKris
Timeline: After the Stožice concert but before moving to london
Official Visualizer: Tumblr | AO3
Ship: BoKris
Timeline: The day before the boys went to London
Conspiracy Theories*: Tumblr | AO3
Ship: JaNce
Timeline: Some day in London
Conspiracy Theories (Alternative ending): Tumblr | AO3
Ship: JaNce
Timeline: Some day in London
Sunny Side of London: Tumblr | AO3
Ships: BoKris, JaNce
Timeline: Some day in London
Kamila: Tumblr | AO3
Ship: Bakery, BoKris (mentioned)
Timeline: 25/01/2024
Traces of kisses behind closed doors: Tumblr | AO3
Ships: BoKris, JaNce
Timeline: 27/01/2024 (or 28, can't remember)
Ginger shots - Lazy day: Tumblr | AO3
Ship: BoKris
Timeline: After the recording of the new album
Are you real? Tumblr | AO3
Ship: BoKris
Timeline: Summer of 2024
Polaroid Photos: Tumblr | AO3
Ship(s): BoKris, JaRtin, JaNce
Timeline: 2000-2024
Metulji*: Tumblr | AO3
Ship: BoKris
Timeline: ???
THE SHADE*: Tumblr | AO3
Ship: BoKris
Timeline: ???
Welcome Back*: Tumblr | AO3
Ship: BoKris
Timeline: 10/15 years after Metulji/THE SHADE
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arctixout · 6 months
What a year!
I've had probably one of the best years so far in my life, so many good things happened, I got to travel the country and experience a lot of cool things and make a lot of new, like-minded friends.
On top of all that I spent a lot of time here on this everburning hellsite being as normal as possible or disfigured on the floor, eating the walls and bedrock. And also getting to know lovely babyboos all around the world! I'd like to thank everybody who's interacted with my posts somehow, that's what keeps us content creators going, especially I want to give a thousand forehead kisses to people who reblog and go on about God-knows-what in the tags, they're always a lot of fun to read :) ❤
I'm not too good at writing long thank you posts, so I'm going to smack my top 10 original posts that have gotten the most notes this year in here as well, so enjoy some classic arcti content!
arcti's top 10 posts in 2023
10. Bojan's job crisis - 172 notes
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9. Cat collaboration goes just as well as you'd expect - 173 notes
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8. The first soft Jan hours - 175 notes
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7. Bojan's most adorable smile - 180 notes
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6. Bojan's one DVD screensaver shaped brain cell - 183 notes
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5. Nace kicking off the doors of the closet he and Jan were in -195 notes
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4. Bojan, Jan, and the ananaslonkero hat - 222 notes
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Sharing the 2nd and 3rd places are, funnily enough,
The homophobojan masterpost - notes 265 notes
The totally legit Jance confirmation (they are married and together) - 265 notes
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(god I love poetic cinema)
And of course, who else could be on the first place other than Stožice Kris with 281 notes! I gotta say, this is my favorite gif set of mine so far as well ♥!
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And with that I hope you all have a wonderful new year's eve and a glorious 2024! Europe tour 2.0 can't start soon enough!!!
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loupy-mongoose · 1 year
Do you have any voice headcannons for your characters? Like, are there any VAsc, actors, singers, etc. that you picture your characters sounding like?
Randy I imagine sounding like the Christian singer Steven Curtis Chapman. (I go into it a little more here--The song "I Will be Here" is a love song and not explicitly Christian.)
Akoya I'm pretty set on her sounding like Kris from KallmeKris on Youtube. (She's not child friendly--She swears and has suggestive content sometimes, so be wary of that. Her channel here.) Edit: I now can also imagine her with Lady Gaga's voice, as well. ("Hold My Hand" being the prime example.)
Lav I haven't fully decided, but I like @spikyegg's idea of her sounding like Sarah from Hocus Pocus. (Here's that post.)
Perzi I also haven't finalized, but I can imagine him sounding like Mel Brooks. Mel has my favorite fun-uncle voice, although he sounds a little older than Perzi would be. X3 (Mr. Bigweld, from the movie Robots.)
For the babies, it's kinda spoilers, but we all know they'll start talking eventually, so I guess I'll add them. X3
Aside from desert frog mewing, Momo I imagine only as Jessie Flower. (Toph from Avatar: the Last Airbender, and also Meng from the episode "The Fortune Teller") For the love of all that is good, do NOT teach that child Earthquake!
I don't have any child voice in mind for Midas, but I've kinda settled on Phil Wickham for his adult voice. (Another Christian singer. Here's him singing What a Wonderful World, another not explicitly Christian song.) Edit: I can also imagine him with Sokka's voice (Jack De Sena), once he grows up.
...I'm actually kinda surprised I had an answer for everybody. XD
June 10, 2023 EDIT: Bringing in some of the cast from the Branch side:
Jovie I feel would sound like Twilight Sparkle, from My Little Pony.
I haven't fully decided on Nico, but I can imagine him with adult Simba's voice from the original Lion King.
May 7, 2024 EDIT:
Adding Jamie in because I do have a pretty solid idea for her. Leigh Nash, of Sixpence None the Richer. Sample 1: (I believe it's Christian in nature) Breathe Your Name Sample 2: Kiss Me
Cody and Pari are still undecided.
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