#kristy says stuff
arianakristine · 6 months
How’s the adulting going? Sounds incredible with the job and being a house-owner! Lifelong dream for me!
Adulting is ... yikes, what is adult? Lol.
In all seriousness, I had a time of it in the beginning of this job with a less-than-stellar partner, but now they have left and I have an excellent doc to be paired with. Home is actually getting settled (I get to host Christmas this year, yikes!), and I have 2 voids and a roommate to help.
Thank you so much for checking in! I had a massive bit of nostalgia today, and did a little tweaking on one of the old fics to move over to AO3, so don't expect something new (until you do) quite yet. :)
You are lovely, anon! Miss you all!
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booasaur · 1 year
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From (2022) - Kristi and Marielle
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Are you sure they like each other? (Alyssa Naeher x Reader)
Barely edited and I don't know if I happy with this, but I wanted to put something out. I hope you enjoy :)
Summary: Alyssa and reader are together, but very stoic and not affectionate in public. Think the team know they're together, apparently not. Start to question if they even like each other. Alyssa and reader turn into soft, love sick people when alone.
Warnings: Tiny bit suggestive, some swearing
Words: 3.3K
Alyssa had slipped out, taking our bags up to the room while I was surrounded by some of the team. I had offered to help, but she had insisted I stay to catch up, leaving before I could protest. Neither of us would be considered extroverts, though I was the one who liked to talk a bit more. Kristie pulled me into a tight hug before a few of the girls following suit, "How was your break Y/n?"
"It was pretty good. Alyssa and I just took it easy. Spent some time fixing up some of the stuff around the house I haven't had the time to do. Visited family, that sort of thing."
Confusion covered their faces, Kelley being the first one to speak up, "Wait. You spent the break with Alyssa?"
Now it was my turn to be confused. Alyssa and I had been together for almost 5 years, living together for 3. It wasn't something that had been hidden. Our relationship wasn't public knowledge, but friends and family knew we were together, or so I thought anyway. We weren't an affectionate couple in public or even with our friends, barely ever touching past an occasional hand on the back, a short hug after a game or if we were going to be apart. Occasionally, we would hold hands at home with family or I would lay with my head in her lap during movie night. I loved Alyssa more than words would describe, there was no doubt in my mind she felt the same. Public affection just made us both very uncomfortable.  
"Why wouldn't I? We live together."
"Wait what? You and Alyssa live together?"
"You didn't know? We weren't hiding it. You know we're together right?"
Kelley looked as if I had grown a second head, "You and Alyssa are dating? No we didn't know that! What the hell Y/n?"
Alyssa's hand touched my lower back, letting me know she was there before dropping back to her side. "What's happening here? Why is there yelling?"
"Apparently they're just finding out we live together and have been together for the last almost 5 years."
"5 years?!? And you didn't tell us?"
Even Alyssa looked confused at this point, "What do you mean didn't tell you? It was never hidden. We assumed you knew."
Accusatory glares were sent our way while Alyssa and I just stood there confused. This was not how I expected my morning to go. "You've never kissed, held hands, cuddled or done anything remotely couple like. How were we supposed to know?"
"We've held hands a few times and I sleep against her on the bus sometimes. I get her coffee and breakfast every morning, Alyssa gets me flowers every week even at camp. Pretty sure we've mentioned our anniversary before. We say 'I love you' to each other all the time. Did none of you find that weird?"
"You're always sitting next to each other on the bus so no and we just figured you were close friends or something. I think there's been one time that you've gotten flowers from her in front of us."
"I've seen that a few times actually, but its always when she seems to have a bad day," Tierna spoke up. 
Alyssa shrugged, "Well yeah, I get them every week, but if she's having a bad day then I'll get them on that day to cheer her up. Look, we just don't like PDA, we weren't hiding anything from you. We really thought you knew about us. And before you even ask, no we're not going to prove it. Now we're going to our room."
As soon as we entered our room, I flopped down on the bed, scooting over slightly when Alyssa lay down next to me. I pushed myself into her arms, leaving kisses on her jaw, her hand slipping under my shirt to draw random patterns. "You unpacked my stuff."
Alyssa held me closer, kissing my forehead. People held the impression that Alyssa disliked physical touch, which she did with most people. In reality, Alyssa loved cuddling with me, she loved holding my hand and kissing me. Just touching in general actually. When we first started dating, it was a welcome surprise. I expected some affection, but not as much as I received. There was definitely no complaints from me, I loved cuddling with my partners. "I always do, don't I?"
"You do and I appreciate it, but you don-"
She cut me off with a quick peck before speaking up not giving me the chance, "My love, how many times have you said I don't have to, yet I do it anyway?"
"Pretty much every camp," I mumbled against her neck, knowing what her response was going to be. It was always the same.
"Exactly. I do it because I love you and I want to make your day a little bit easier so how about you just accept it and let me do it."
It wasn't that I didn't like it, in fact I loved that she did it. I just always felt slightly bad when people did things for me. "Fine. I still can't believe they didn't know about us. I really thought they did."
"So did I. Maybe they just don't listen to us at all. It was all kind of entertaining though."
"It was, I can't believe they were so clueless. I have a feeling Emily is going to be annoying though. She had her mischief face on."
Alyssa's hand traveled further up my side as she rolled on top of me, "Unfortunately, I think you're right, but right now there are other things I would rather do than talk about Emily."
Just as I sat down for breakfast, Emily and Kelley slid onto the chairs in front of me. They just stared at me until I snapped, asking what they wanted. This was not what I needed early in the morning especially when I had only been awake for like half an hour. Alyssa was always down for breakfast after me, preferring to take her time to get ready and do her puzzles, while I just wanted coffee. 
"So you and Alyssa are together right?"
"Uh yeah, why?"
"Just checking. How long have you been together?"
"Almost 5 years."
"How did you meet?"
I looked at between Emily and Kelley, trying to figure out why I was being interrogated once again, about my relationship. At this point, I was pretty sure the team believed we were lying or something. "You know this already."
"We forgot."
Alyssa approached, giving me a quick smile which I returned, "Perfect timing. I'm being interrogated about our relationship again."
I shrugged, pushing Alyssa's breakfast in front of her receiving a quite thank you. I didn't answer Kelley's question, instead deciding to eat breakfast before it got cold. "Are you two being forced to be together?"
Both of our heads shot up at that. It was such a ridiculous question. There would be no logical reason for us to be pretending to be together especially considering we weren't public knowledge. I bit back my laugh before answering, "What? What makes you think that? Why would that be a thing?"
Emily shrugged, "You just don't seem to like each other like that."
"Go away Kelley," Alyssa mumbled before going back to her breakfast. I ignored her again, getting up for Alyssa's coffee instead. When I returned, Kelley and Emily were still there, giving Alyssa a suspicious look. I handed Alyssa the cup before sitting down again.
"Thank you love."
Emily narrowed her eyes at us, "Suspicious."
Alyssa rolled her eyes while I flipped Emily off. This whole thing was starting to get old. "Go eat your breakfast."
Later that day, we were back in our room, enjoying the time we had before practice. Alyssa was reading, while I lay in the sun on the balcony. I started to want cuddles. I wouldn't say I was clingy because it was true. We could spend hours doing completely different things. Sometimes though, I just craved touching or being held by her. I gave her a few minutes before calling out to her, knowing she would come to me without hesitation.
Alyssa groaned, but got up, slipped off her shirt and sat down behind me with my head in her lap. We met in the middle, lips connecting briefly before I wiggled around to get into a better position. Alyssa eyebrows raised, amusement shining in her eyes, "Comfortable?"
I smirked, lacing my fingers with hers that rest on my stomach, "Very. Do you like me Lyssa? Is someone forcing you to date me?"
"Not even a little bit. Don't you know I'm only with you for your body?" 
"That's what I thought. Maybe I should confess that I'm only with you for your abs."
She smirked at my response, "I had my suspicions. You're obsessed."
"Not my fault they're great abs."
Fingers ran through my hair as Alyssa leant down to kiss my forehead, "You know I love you right Y/n/n? I don't want you to ever doubt that because I don't show you affection in public."
"You know how I feel about PDA, I don't like it, I never have. I have never once doubted your love for me Alyssa and I hope you haven't doubted mine. I love you."
"Good. I have never doubted your love either."
Anger and worry coursed through me when I saw Alyssa go down. It was always my worst fear during games, but it didn't really happen during practice. I know we got competitive, there was no reason for it to happen during practice though. I ran up, kneeling beside her, hand grabbing hers, "Are you okay Lys?"
"This ones going to hurt," Alyssa winced, but quickly grabbed my arm when I turned to Rose who had taken her out. "Hey, it's not her fault, it was an accident. Go see if she's okay and be nice."
I took a breath to calm myself down before walking up to Rose. Rose started fidgeting nervously as I walked up to her, "Hey, are you okay Rose?"
"Y-yeah. S-sorry"
I hugged her, feeling her relax against me. Hugs weren't necessarily my favourite thing except when it was with Alyssa, but I knew Rose liked them and I didn't want her to feel bad. It wasn't actually her fault. "Rosie, it was an accident. Don't beat yourself up because of it, but maybe don't make a habit of taking out out keeper during practice, we kinda need her."
"You guys coming to dinner?"
"Uh yeah, just going to drop our stuff off."
Once we were in our room, Alyssa sat on the edge of the bed as I knelt behind her, arms wrapping around her shoulders loosely. She lent back against me with a sigh, kissing my hand. "Are you sure you're okay?"
"Think my shoulder might bruise, but I'm okay hun. Don't worry so much."
I lift her shirt over her head, lips meeting the spot that was already starting to bruise then moving around to her neck, cheek and lips, "You know I can't help worrying about you, even if it's a bit ridiculous."
Alyssa turned around, pushing me back and hovering over me, "Well, I'm the same so I can't really say anything. I love you Y/n/n."
I looped my arm around the back of her neck, pulling her down so I could peck her lips, "I love you Lys, but you need to get off cause we need to go down for dinner."
She rolled off me with one final kiss before standing up, "Fine."
My eyes fluttered open to the feeling of lips being pressed to every part of my face and neck. I giggled, arms wrapping around her neck to bring her lips to mine. You wouldn't guess it, but Alyssa always kissed me softly, as if I was something precious. It honestly drove me crazy. 
Alyssa pulled away slowly, grin plastered across her face, "Happy anniversary love."
My grin matched her, as I pecked her lips, "Happy anniversary Lys. I love you."
We spent a little longer in bed than usual, lazy kisses and cuddles shared before reluctantly dragging our selves out of bed and into the shower. Unfortunately, we had training today so we couldn't give in to the clear desires we both had, instead rushing through the shower and downstairs before there was anymore temptation and we ended up late. 
Alyssa and I were discussing dinner plans when we walked into the meal room. We never went out on our anniversary, always staying in and just being with each other in the comfort of our own home. This year was different because we were in a hotel, but we would make do. Just as we sat down, Kelley sat across from us, our conversation ending as we waited for her to say something. "Do you guys even like each other? I mean you guys just seem so indifferent around each other, sure you talk and even joke around sometimes, but it's no different then if you were talking to team mates, we've never heard you talk about anything remotely relationship like."
My arm rest on the back of Alyssa's chair, playing with the baby hairs at the base of her neck. That wasn't a usual occurrence, but it was our anniversary. I was feeling a mix of different, slightly overwhelming emotions from love to happiness, and nerves from the fact I was proposing tonight. I just wanted to be close to her right now and the usual leg against mine wasn't enough. Alyssa must have sensed it because her hand rest on my thigh under the table, squeezing gently as I spoke, "Of course we do. We were literally just talking about our plans tonight for our anniversary."
"That was talk about your anniversary? It sounded like you were talking about grocery shopping."
"We were, but in relation to our anniversary."
"So what are you going to do for your anniversary?"
"Chill out in our hotel room. We never do anything big."
"Yeah okay. That tracks with the appearance of your relationship."
Alyssa had gone back to our room after training while I had gone to the store to pick up a few snacks to sneak in and some flowers for her. She always got me flowers so I wanted to return the favour for once. We were planning on ordering in and watching movies before likely ending the night doing inappropriate cuddling.  It was our favourite way to spend our anniversaries. Thankfully, we had an off day tomorrow so we could get away with it. 
After placing the bag down on the table, I called out for Alyssa, getting a response from the bathroom almost instantly. My arms wrapped around Alyssa when she emerged from the bathroom, leaving a lingering kiss against her lips. Her eyes dropped down to the bouquet in my hand, a small smile appearing. "This isn't your actual gift, but you always get me flowers so I thought it was my turn. Your gift is running late."
"They're beautiful, thank you Y/n/n. You know you didn't have to get me anything."
"I know, but you also always get me something despite me saying the same thing, therefore shut up."
Alyssa laughed, pushing me away gently and taking the flowers, "You speak to me so romantically my love."
I pulled her back into me, peppering her face with kisses, "I love you."
"I love you. I ordered dinner already, it should be here soon. Also here," Alyssa handed out a small wrapped box. Inside was a gold chain with a small keepers glove attached. It was something I had mentioned wanting, a way to have her close when she wasn't there physically. 
"You remembered. I love it Lys."
"Of course I did."
After a short make out session and dinner, we cuddled up in bed to watch a movie. Maybe 15 minutes had passed before I started getting restless. My focus dropped from the movie, instead playing with Alyssa's fingers. I never was the best at staying still. My mind soon drifted to the pool downstairs, it had been a while since I got to go and the urge was suddenly there.  
When I shifted position once again, Alyssa chuckled and paused the movie, "I've lost you haven't I?"
I grinned up at her, kissing her softly. Alyssa always knew me so well. "Do you want to go swimming? It's late so no one will be around."
Alyssa knew I loved swimming so she agreed pretty easily, after some teasing of course. We made our way down to the pool, both wearing tank tops and shorts. No one was around so it didn't matter what we wore. I jumped straight in, swimming around a bit while Alyssa sat on the edge of the pool. After a few minutes, I swam up between Alyssa's legs resting my arms on them as I lent up connecting our lips in a lingering kiss. 
"Come in."
"It's cold."
"Love, it's a heated pool."
"Okay fine, I just enjoy watching you swim around."
"But, if you come in then we can cuddle, kiss," My hand ran up the inside of her thigh, "Touch."
Alyssa instantly slid into the pool, arm wrapping around me and pulling me against her. "You're a tease."
My hands slipped under her tank top, nails scratching down her back and over her stomach, "It's only teasing if I leave it at that. Just wait until we get ba-"
A loud voice interrupted the moment, annoyance crossing Alyssa's face as she stepped back slightly, but didn't let me go. "Oh my god! They really are together."
I groaned, turning to glare at Emily and Kelley, "Fuck off and stop ruining our anniversary."
Once they were out of sight again, I pulled myself out of the pool, Alyssa rest on my legs as I had done earlier. "What are you doing?" 
I pulled the towel that I had hidden the little black box in closer. Inside was a a plain gold band with a round cut diamond. Alyssa didn't often wear jewelry and she liked simple things so I knew she would love it. "I have something for you."
"You waited until we were at the pool to give it to me?"
"Well it wasn't the original plan, but I got nervous." My fingers laced with hers, Alyssa looking up at me curiously. "Never in my life did I think I would fall for someone as hard or fast as I did with you. From the boring, quiet days at home spent doing housework or errands to the movie nights and dinner dates, I love living life with you. I love the adventures we've had, I love working with you, fuck, I just love being with you Alyssa. I look forward to every new day because I get to do it with you. With you by my side, anything is possible. This is a shit speech, but I'm nervous and you love me anyway."
Alyssa chuckled, tears already forming in her eyes before I revealed the little box. "I love you Alyssa, I love you so much more than I thought possible. I want to live life with you forever. With that being said, Alyssa Naeher will you marry me?"
Arms wrapped around my waist tightly, lips connecting with mine, in a soft, emotional kiss, "Yes, yes I will marry you Y/n."
I slipped the ring on her finger, connecting our lips again. Alyssa pulled away too soon for my liking, reaching for her own towel, pulling out a black box similar to the one I had moments before. Alyssa opened it, revealing a plain rose gold band with three small gems set into it. I soon realised it was both our birth stones and one I wasn't quite sure of. "You beat me to it, but will you marry me Y/n?"
"I suppose I can't say no seeing as I just gave you a ring."
Alyssa laughed, sliding the ring onto my finger before kissing me again. "These are our birthstones, what's this one?"
"When we first started dating."
"I love it, I love you."
A crash from behind us instantly caught our attention. About half the team stood there, sheepish smiles in place and a phone pointed in our direction. Seeing as they were caught, everyone started talking over each other, congratulations being thrown our way. I rolled my eyes, turning back to Alyssa. "Let's get out of here before they surround us. We have celebrating to do."
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imbored1201 · 6 months
can you please do an arsenal x young r where r gets an injury and has to get the green whistle. Steph is worried, Caitlin is filming and pissing herself laughing, Kyra is being supportive (r is a Tillie), Katie is writing stuff down and Alessia feels bad
Climbing Trees
Arsenal x Teen Reader
Word Count: 1,203
"Y/N! Get down from that tree!" You heard Steph yell; you looked down at her, "I can't! I made a bet with Lessi. I have to stay up here for an hour," you told her as you swung your legs back and forth and hummed. 
"You're doing great kiddo! 30 more minutes!" Katie yelled at you, looking at her timer. "You cannot seriously be encouraging this McCabe," Katie shrugged.
"They were arguing nonstop this morning; I needed to somehow separate them, and Alessia can't even step over a bench without falling, so the safest option to climb the tree was Y/N."
"Hey!" Alessia said offended, although she was happy she wasn't the one up there. 
"If you don't get off, I'm telling Tony and Sam!" You perked up at that; nah, Sam would forget after a day. Especially with Kristie being there to distract her now, and Tony was used to your nonsense. 
"I'll tell Leah!" Now you were really listening. "Screw this," you mumbled, starting to climb down. You refused to lose your dinosaur nugget privileges again. 
"Fuck!" You yelled as you slipped on one of the branches and fell. "See, that's what happens," you heard Caitlin say, and usually you would laugh it off, but this time you couldn't.
"Ow!" You yelled as you held your arm, "What happened?!" Steph rushed over to you, grabbing your shoulder. Once she saw your arm, she freaked out. 
"Sam is going to kill me," Steph mumbled and glared at Caitlin, who was recording this moment. She grabbed a small rock that was near you and threw it at Caitlin, hitting her straight in the stomach. 
Caitlin groaned as she held her stomach. "Stop being useless! Go get the medics!" She yelled, and Kyra and Less were quick to run and get the medics, dragging Caitlin with them. 
They were back in under a minute, Kyra running with a green whistle in her hand. "They are coming; Gio had a little accident on the treadmill," Alessia said, and Steph groaned. Why right now?
You started sobbing now; this is when the girls knew it just got real. Right away, Katie dropped to her knees and stroked your hair. Kyra guided the whistle the medics gave her into your mouth, and Steph was on the phone with Leah. 
"What the hell happened?" Everyone scurried away from you as Jonas came running with the medics. Steph glared at Katie, who started explaining the situation. 
After a few minutes, your hand was wrapped, and you were giggly. Kyra smacked Caitlin's shoulder as a sign to start filming again, so she did. 
"Stephyyy" you whined, sitting up, "yes?" She questioned, "How come Lessi could go on a date but I can't?" You whined, Alessia's smile dropped, and everyone turned to her. 
"Russo went on a date." Katie smirked, pushing Less teasingly. "I have no idea what she's talking about," Less said in defense. 
"Yes you did. Remember when you were supposed to be watching me, but you left me home alone to go to it, and you even brought me back a little piece of cake and gave me chocolate and told me not to tell anyone" You muttered the last part, starting to wonder if you were going crazy or not about the fact Less went on a date. 
"I'm surprised Lessi was even able to talk to someone without tripping," you heard Leah say. You jumped up and looked around. "She's on the phone bones," Steph told you, handing you the phone. Kyra giggled at the new nickname. 
"Leah!" You yelled happily, "Hey kiddo, how are you?" "My arm still hurts; can I ask you a question?" "Yes." "How come you're allowed to have so many girlfriends, but I can't even have one?"
Katie tried to hold in her laugh as Leah went silent for a bit. "What do you mean so many girlfriends?" Katie asked, and Leah muttered a little 'screw you' to her. "In the car, she's always on the phone with someone new, always flirting with them."
"You are a naughty girl Williamson," Caitlin said, wishing she could see Leah's reaction right now. Steph just wished the ambulance would hurry. Jonas demanded you'd be taken in an ambulance since he knew something would go wrong if the girls drove you to the hospital. 
"I quite like her like this; what else do you know?" Katie asked you, and your eyes fell on Steph. "Steph-" 
"Look at that! The ambulance is here; let's  go."Steph quickly said, lifting you up, You waived bye to everyone with your good hand. 
"Oh come on! She's my only entertainment," Kyra whined, chasing after the two of you. "Kyra! Don't let her take me!" You yelled, you noticed Less following you two, and you reached for her. 
She grabbed your good hand and squeezed it. Steph put you on the stretcher. "I don't like this thing," you told them. "The hospital is close kid; you'll survive," Steph told you, sitting down. 
"Lessi!" You yelled and reached out for her, but Steph pushed you back. "I'll see you at the hospital, I promise." Less reassured you, and that made you feel better. 
Surprisingly, you behaved the whole trip to the hospital. Mostly whining about how the ambulance was unnecessary. Then you passed out from the drugs in your system. 
When you woke up, you were surprised to see your arm in a cast. "Aw, I didn't get to choose my color." Steph jumped up upon hearing your voice. "Next time kid, trust me, you'll be here a lot now." You pouted at that. 
"That's boring; I can still play football, right?" Steph shrugged. "I don't know; I mean, I'd let you; I don't know about Leah, though." Your heart dropped at her name.
"I'm dead." Steph smirked and nodded. "No one will be able to save you this time, not even Wally."
You always went running to Lia when you were in trouble; she always defended you and babied you the most. "Where's Lessi? She promised she would be here."
"Her and Katie went to get you food, your favorite; Kyra is at home making you a get well soon card; Caitlin is too busy showing the video to everyone; oh, and Alanna and Mac said that you have to work on your climbing more." You scowled at that. 
"They act like they could do better." "I'm sure they can, and I can’t be joking around with you right now. Leah said, I have to be strict with you." You bursted out laughing. "You? Strict?"
"I'm serious kid. You have to stop listening to Katie; you're going to give me gray hairs. I can't have gray hairs for my wedding."
"Stephy, you're old; you have to accept your gray hairs," you told her, but quieted down at the glare you were receiving. "You know what? I can't do this tough thing. I'm leaving Leah to do this."
You did, in fact, get a yelling through FaceTime from Leah. Then you got another one from Sam, but that shut down quickly when you threatened to tell Kristie about Sam breaking her favorite vase. Sam blamed it on the cat. 
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samkerrworshipper · 9 months
let me love you | Leah Williamson x Reader
a lot of angst, ending in fluff, themes of eating disorders, depression and alcohol abuse, 5900 words
please keep sending request yall i need something to feed my brainnn
i’m stuck on a blurb for this so basically just what happens after a rough moment in r and leah’s relationship, can they fix it? can they learn to love each other again? the photo i’ve used says it all lol
it’s piecy and i think u can see my sleep deprivation in this one but hope you enjoy!
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I’d known going into camp that I was in trouble. That as soon as the team doctor did our pre camp exam that I was going to be fucked. With the extensive weight loss I knew that it was only a matter of time before I was approached but I hadn’t expected it to be the first night.
I’d been lying in my bed, in my room by myself. I was rooming with Keira this camp, but luckily enough she spent most of her time in Lucy or Leah’s room so I didn’t see much of her. I’d had the tv playing in the background, to fill the room with something other than the sound of my breathing and the sound of me scrolling through my phone. Then my little bubble, my perfect barrier that I’d created was broken by the resounding noise of someone knocking at my door.
“Y/n, it’s me.”
Sarina. Fuck.
“It’s open.”
It was probably the polite thing to get up and open the door but I was comfortable in my bed and while Sarina was terrifying I couldn’t see her getting mad at me over something so minor. The door cracked open and I switched the tv off out of respect for the manager who had closed my hotel room door behind her. Her face was unsteady, like she was unsure how to approach the conversation, something that I’d never seen on her.
“You missed dinner.”
“I feel asleep, the jetlag has tossed me around a little bit. I didn’t even realise until I woke up twenty minutes ago.”
It wasn’t a lie, I had travelled an obscene amount in the past twenty four hours. I’d flown from Cabo to New York, then spent 20 hours in New York with Kristie and some of the Gotham girls before getting on a plane to take me to Barcelona, where I’d spent a very short eight hours with Keira and Lucy before we got on a plane to London to bring us to camp. It had been hectic to say the least and had resulted in one of my suitcases being lost and me being in a very lengthy back and forth discussion with British Airways about how my luggage had ended up in Austria and that no, I didn’t have the time to go to Austria to retrieve it.
“I think we need to have a talk.”
Sarina’s foot was tapping nervously at her side, it was her tell, she was about to have a hard conversation that was not going to be easy to go over.
She nodded at me.
“Meeting room 2, five minutes?”
I gulped, fuck, a meeting room. It had gone from informal to a little bit to formal for my liking. I nodded regardless, too scared to reply in any other way.
“Yes Ma’am.”
As soon as Sarina had left my room I was throwing myself out of the bed to throw on some proper clothes and make myself look a little bit more presentable. I threw on my light blue tech fleece and puffer jacket that we all had and then very haphazardly threw my hair into a greasy high pony. I pushed some mascara through my eyelashes and some moisturiser on my skin before coming to the conclusion that no amount of makeup was going to be able to disguise the purple bags under my eyes. Once I was done making myself look a little bit less dead I picked up my phone and keycard from my bedside table and left the room, making my way down the hallway towards the meeting rooms.
The meeting rooms had a multitude of purposes, zoom calls, skypes, video review, contract signing. Business stuff mainly, not a talk with your coach. That was what had me trembling a little bit as I made my way closer to the meeting rooms. When I got to the door of the second one, the one I’d been told to go to I waited outside of it for a few seconds before lifting my fist and knocking twice on the door. I didn’t have to wait long for a reply, Sarina was at the door opening it for me in a matter of seconds. I stepped into the room quickly, my eyes recognising all the faces in the room.
I was directed to a seat at the table, sitting directly across from Sarina, Leah, Millie and our team doctor. Lucy and Keira were seated on either side of me and the whole vibe of the room was enough to tell me that I was royally fucked.
“We are all here to have an open conversation about your recent medical exam.”
I kept my eyes on my own hands, which were resting on the table, playing with the rings that adorned my hands. I couldn’t look up, couldn’t bear to look into the eyes of a woman who a few weeks ago I had loved so intensely and now couldn’t even think about without crying.
“You're here to tell me that I’ve dropped a dangerous amount of weight considering my normal weight class, that I should get some further tests done even though we know that there is nothing medically wrong with me. We’ll beat around the bush a little bit, try to ignore the fact that we all know that you can’t allow me to play when I’ve dropped this much weight and then you’ll send me home.”
Sarina’s jaw was set firmly, I could make out that much as my eyes darted up to the older woman quickly to catch a look at her facial expression.
“Do you want to die Ms y/l/n.”
I was taken aback massively by the question, because who asks a person that question, especially in this context.
“I don’t feel comfortable having this conversation with certain people in the room. I don’t want to die necessarily but living right now isn’t exactly ideal either. I’ve had a rough couple of weeks, I’ll admit that, I’m aware. I’ve neglected my body, prioritised other things. I knew walking in here that I’d dropped 2 stone and I wasn’t proud of it. I just went through an intense break up though, I’ve been in Cabo for three weeks, most of which I don’t remember. I know that it’s bad, I know that as an athlete we have expectations but I need some wiggle room, I need you to give me a shot to make this better. Because I honestly believe that in this environment I can fix it, I’ll get the weight back, I’ll get back into therapy or whatever. I’ll give up the bad habits, I just need a period of grace.”
I couldn’t look at Leah, couldn’t let myself out of fear that my brave face would fall and I’d be left in shambles sitting here. I just needed to convince Sarina that I could get my shit together.
She was in front of my brooding for a few minutes, leaving everyone in the room in an awkward silence.
“Everyone out besides Leah and you.”
I watched as everyone else slowly got up, Lucy giving me a reassuring pat on the back before exiting the room.
“I’m giving you both five minutes to explain what the fuck happened between you two, because as much as you both want to make it sound like nothing it isn’t. Everyone can feel it and obviously it's affecting the both of you.”
I still couldn’t look at her, it just hurt.
“Seems like I’m the only one who’s suffering.”
“That’s not true nor fair y/n. Leah’s having her own struggles.”
I snorted and rolled my eyes at the table.
“She’s the one who caused the problems in the first place so I’d call that karma.”
The tension in the room was thick, like a cloud laid over us.
“That’s not fair, you had a part in it as well.”
“I had a part in you kissing Jordan at a party?”
“Jordan kissed me first off, drunkenly, she apologised profusely to both of us when she was sober. You soberly made the decision to kiss fucking Alexia.”
If the tension could have thickened anymore, it did.
“You cheated on me with your ex, I think I can cheat on you with my ex situation.”
“Do you realised how fucked up that whole ideology is? I didn’t want to cheat on you, anyone who was there that night will tell you that I physically pushed Jordan off of me, I didn’t want it to happen. I know it hurts you, but you wouldn’t even hear me out, you didn’t answer my calls or texts. I didn’t know where you went, just heard from Lucy that you’d decided to go abroad for a few weeks and you were turning your phone off. I spent 3 days sitting in Keira’s apartment balling my eyes out because I missed you so much, I haven’t slept properly ever since, I can’t fucking live without you y/n/n.”
Leah was sobbing and it hurt a part of me that I didn’t know existed. I wanted to hug her, wipe the tears from her face and apologise for my stupidity, to make it all better. But I was stubborn as shit and I also hadn’t really forgiven Leah. I hadn’t forgiven myself either.
That night had been the worst one of my life. Seeing Leah making out with Jordan had broken my heart and before I knew it I’d been running out of the bar we’d been celebrating in and calling Ale because she was my person and then she was picking me up and taking me back to my apartment and she was comforting me on our sofa and then we were kissing and Leah was walking in, mascara smeared and tears down her face and then Ale was running out of the apartment. I ended up waiting for Leah to fall asleep before I’d fled. I’d been terrified, my fear response was flight, when I was scared I fled, so that was what I’d done on that godforsaken night.
“I don’t really give a shit who did what. You both fucked up, that’s evident. We have the olympic coming up, Leah you are coming off of an ACL injury and you are going to be our captain, y/n, we need you on top of your game for us to win. I won’t deal with this team being torn into shreds because the both of you are too stubborn to talk about your feelings. Am I understood?”
Both Leah and I nodded meekly at Sarina, the both of us equally terrified of the dutchwoman and the tone of voice she was using towards us, like we were six year olds.
“Y/n, I’ll give you a grace period, two weeks. You’ve got two weeks to show that you can make some improvement in your habits, but there will be conditions if you wish to continue training and playing during those two weeks. You will eat every single meal, with the rest of the team. You aren’t going to work out beyond our team scheduled gym sessions. You will go back to talking to a therapist on a weekly basis. You are going to socialise with your teammates instead of holding yourself up in your room by yourself. You and Leah will room together until you can prove to me that you can be civil. If any of these conditions are broken you will find yourself sidelined, am I understood?”
“Yes Ma’am.”
Sarina nodded at me, her blue eyes staring intensely into my own, I was trying to get away from this situation, away from the confrontation that was only bound to get worse the longer Leah and I were stuck in a room together.
“You are free to go, I expect to see you at breakfast tomorrow morning.”
I’d given Sarina a quick nod before bolting out of my seat and straight out of the room. I was pretty sure I’d had the worst 96 hours of my life. My whole body felt like it was on fire, my hair and face were still greasy from all of the airplane travel and my eyes just hurt. I half jogged my way back to my room, slamming and locking the door behind me almost as soon as I’d closed the door behind me. I slowly slid down against the solid wood, this whole situation was so fucked.
Not only did I have to focus on being fucking civil with a woman who I hated, I had to fucking turn my whole life around in a matter of two weeks, which right now seemed pretty fucking impossible. I wasn’t a person who cried very often, I wasn’t in touch with my emotions like that. But right now, fat, warm, wet tears were dripping down my face and my lip was wobbling between my two front teeth trying to suppress the sobs that were coming up from my throat. Love hurt. Loving someone and being loved is one of the hardest things that I’d ever done, because it’s not easy to spend every day loving a person, it fulfilling but it also is so fucking painful.
I could hardly make up the energy to get off the floor, so I didn’t. I sat against the door, crying, shaking and trembling as I let out the feelings that I’d built up for the last month. I was a person who didn’t cry very often, when I was drunk, when someone died, when I was really hurt. That was the extent of my emotional release. Leah was similar, that’s why we’d hit it off, neither of us were over emotional, we didn’t read into things and we didn’t over complicate anything. At the end of the day neither of us had to worry about the other one getting offended by a joke or drunken words. I’d honestly believed we were soulmates, for a long time, but that night had wrecked it all.
Both of us had been stupid, it had been the celebratory night of our win in the Nations League, we’d beaten Spain, it was a big deal. Everyone was completely wasted and I didn’t remember much of the night until Leah had been on the dance floor with Jordan, Chloe, Millie, Rachel and some other teammates and one moment Leah is motioning for me to join me and the next Jordan is making out with her and I’m running out with Lucy following me. Then Lucy called Ale because I’d locked myself in our hotel room ensuite. Then Ale was there and she was comforting me and hugging me and I was pissed off at Leah and then I was kissing Ale and she was telling me no and the Leah walked in to comfort me and it was just a fucking mess of alcohol and emotions.
Just thinking about that night had hurt, I hadn’t let myself in the last month. Not when I’d been in Cabo drinking all day and night, clubbing and partying and spending all of my spare time trying to push my emotions away. Then I’d gotten the call from Sarina, I’d been expecting it but it had still shocked me for some reason. In a matter of 24 hours I’d been packing up all my shit and hopping on a plane back to the one place that I couldn’t have been more desperate to avoid. I’d contemplated turning down the call up, but a call from my agent had told me that I couldn’t expect an invite back if I turned one down now. The Olympics was a big deal as well, it was something that I did want to do but the overwhelming anxiety I had felt being faced with the reality that I was walking into a group of people that worshipped the ground that my ex girlfriend walked on.
My thought pattern was interrupted by the sound of knocking directly above my head. The sound pulsated against the wood and across my body, seeping deep into my bones. It was a resounding knock, loud, echoing across the room.
“Y/n, open up.”
It was the voice that I least wanted to hear at that moment and I tried my hardest to ignore it but the sound of the knocking repeating made it harder.
“Y/n/n, c’mon, open the door, I know you're in there.”
It was the nickname that only she called me, a nickname I hadn’t heard in a month and it hurt my soul hearing it. It made fresher tears fall from my eyes that I rubbed at furiously with the sleeve of my jumper. I wiped as much of the smudged mascara and tears from my face, I knew subconsciously that my eyes were red and puffy and Leah would one hundred percent be able to tell. For my dignity though I rubbed it all from my face before standing up and opened the door.
Before I could say anything Leah had slipped past me and into the room, making herself at home and sitting down on Keira’s bed, resting herself at the very top so she was leaning against the headboard. I pushed down any thoughts that I had about Leah being in the same position in our own bed, except with a lot less clothes covering her body.
“You’ve been crying.”
It wasn’t a question, a statement, but it held a question in it somewhere. Leah wasn’t used to me crying, so the fact that I was crying was probably a little bit of a shock to her.
“What do you want?”
Leah pouted at me, sarcastically, it pissed me off how confident she was when I felt like I was tearing at the seams.
“In case you didn’t remember, we’re roomies now. I wanted to talk, I think we both have stuff we need to get off of our chests. I love you y/n/n and I’m worried about you.”
“Go worry about Jordan.”
I was leaning against the dresser, trying my hardest to keep my shit together in front of the woman that was making me feel so many things that I had been denying myself for a month.
“That’s fair, but also not necessary. I didn’t kiss her y/n, I didn’t even get as close as a metre’s distance from her, anyone there could tell you that. I pushed her off me. So yes, she kissed me, without my consent or my desire for her to do so. I love you, not her. I promise you that. She means nothing to me beyond being my friend, I don’t love her.”
I didn’t really know what to say. Leah wasn’t really the root of my anger, because I knew that it had been Jordan all over Leah, and at the end of the day she’d come to my room that night to apologise instead of going back to Jordan’s, I was her priority.
“She loves you, and I can’t do anything about that. That hurts and I know that it shouldn’t, I have no right to be jealous but it hurts.”
Leah looked contemplatively at me, like she was trying to understand what I was saying but knew that she couldn’t really.
“Do you love Alexia?”
I gulped, that was a fucked up question that I didn’t have a answer for. My immediate silence gave enough context to that.
“That’s not a fair question.”
I was deflecting and also furiously toying with a loose thread on the edge of my jumper.
“I think I deserve to know if the woman I love loves me the same way.”
It was hard hearing those words come out of her mouth as well.
“I would be lying if I said I didn’t love her. I dated her for six years, I thought I was going to marry her. I don’t love her like I loved you. We broke up because we couldn’t love each other that way. It was a surface relationship, but we both knew at the end of the day that we couldn’t get married or have kids or get old together, we didn’t love each other like that. We didn’t have a messy break up, I didn’t have a phase where I hated her and I wanted nothing more than to be away from her. We just stopped physically loving each other. She’s still my person Leah, you know that. I regret kissing her, I was so drunk and I was so fucking upset and she was so familiar to me in that moment. So maybe I do love her, in some fucked up way, but I don’t love her long term. She’s not the woman that I want to spend the rest of my life loving, not the person that I want to wake up next to, not the person that I want to write vows for, not the person that I want to be with every minute of every day. I don’t yearn for her.”
I realised now that there were tears in Leah’s eyes, which shocked me a little. Leah never cried, I could count the amount of times I’d seen her properly sob on one hand. Four times. When we won the Euros, when she did her ACL, when she woke up from ACL surgery and that night when it had all happened. Apart from that she was a brick wall, she wore a facade everyday, that very little people got to see broken down. I considered myself very grateful to have been able to see past it, to see the side of Leah that not a lot did. She’d let a stray tear go every once in a while, but proper crying, proper emotional, vulnerable crying was very rare to see.
“Do you love me long term?”
“Leah, that's not a fair question either.”
Tears were running down Leah’s face, similar to the tears that had been falling down my face less than five minutes ago.
“It's not fair? I’ve been here for the last month y/n, wondering if we still stand a chance. Wondering if you still love me, wondering if I should wait around for you? I want to know if you still love me as much as I love you.”
I could feel more tears coming to my eyes, Leah was sitting not even three metres away from me and yet it felt like we were oceans apart.
“I don’t know. Does it really matter?”
Leah was wiping at her face, she detested vulnerability and it was clear in her actions.
“Does it matter? Y/n/n, I am trying to figure out if I am going to spend the rest of my life fucking mourning losing the love of my life. I want to know if I stand a chance, if there is something here that we can salvage, something here that we can try and fix. I will spend everyday making it up to you if I have to, anything you need us to do I am down to do it.”
I shifted from toe to toe in my spot standing, Leah’s words were so genuine, they had so much power over me, sent shivers down my whole body.
“I love you. I love you enough though to tell you that I’m a fucking wreck, some of it’s because of this, some of it is just me. Leah I’m trying to fucking sort myself out now and I love you but I’m not going to tell you that your my priority right now, I love you but I also am trying to learn how to love myself and I’m also trying to learn how to love my sport again.”
Leah pursed her lips, wiping the last of her emotional admission tears from her face. She looked so raw, her blonde hair was thrown up in a messy high bun, an unusual look for her, her face was stripped bare of any makeup and her jumper looked a tad bit too big on her. She looked stripped, stripped of her dignity, stripped of her facade, stripped of everything that made her Leah motherfucking Williamson. I wasn’t looking at England’s captain, I wasn’t looking at Arsenal and England’s world class defenders. I was looking at just Leah. The Leah who would wake me up with forehead kisses every morning, the Leah who would give me foot massages after a rough training, the Leah who would only look at me in a room full of people.
“I’ve worried about you so much that I started to get scared I was praying. You took off and I didn’t know with who or where. I mean I know that I fucked up but y/n/n, we could have talked it out, or we could have tried to. You fled and you didn’t even give me a goodbye. I didn’t know if we were done or if I was ever going to see you again and it fucking broke me. I stayed in bed for a week, I didn’t eat, I didn’t leave. Keira and Lucy literally had to drag me out of bed to get me to do anything. I cried, non stop for a week, it was horrible and I felt like shit. Then Lucy got Alexia to come over and we talked it out and she told me that she didn’t mean for it to happen and all she wanted was for us to be happy and it broke me because how am I supposed to be happy when the woman I love is nowhere to be seen.”
A sob echoed from her chest and it broke my heart, because I hated seeing Leah in pain, I hated seeing her hurt. When she’d done her ACL it had been the most gut wrenching thing I’d had to witness. The only difference was that now I was the source of pain and it hurt ten times more.
I pushed myself off of the dresser and towards the bed. Leah’s head was buried in her hands, her elbows resting on her knees as her palms rubbed furiously at her eyes. I sat down onto the bed and pushed myself up against the headboard beside her, putting one of my arms down on her shoulders and gently nudging her head into my neck. It was uncharted territory but also felt so familiar and right. Hearing Leah’s sobs hurt my soul, but my contact seemed to calm her a little bit. She flinched away initially, unsure but then she was seeking it out, leaving into me and everything about it felt right.
“I’m so sorry, I’m sorry for what happened with Jordan, I’m sorry if I didn’t make you feel loved, I’m sorry if I didn’t treat you well enough, I’m sorry if I’m not good enough. I’m trying to work on it, I’m trying to be better,” I stopped Leah before she could say much more.
“It’s not your fault Leah,” My voice came out with exasperation, because I hated that Leah felt that way,
“You made me feel loved everyday, you treated me perfectly. You are perfect Leah, you were a perfect girlfriend, a perfect captain, a perfect person. We had our moments but you are a good person, you don’t need to be better. I’m the one who can’t fucking handle herself, who had to flee the country when it got rough and I’m sorry for that, I’m sorry that I ran when it got hard.”
Hearing Leah hiccup on her breath was so painful for me, painful enough that I reached my hand down to her face to try and wipe some of the tears off of her cheeks.
“C’mon, you're too pretty to be crying.”
It was a weak compliment that died with the mood of the room, Leah let out a depressing laugh that honestly just made it all worse but her sobs did quieten down a little bit and I noticed that the tremors that were haunting her whole body had slowed down and had become less of a repetitive pattern.
“You haven’t been eating, you lost two stones, did I do that to you?”
Leah’s voice was so shaky, so insanely innate for her.
“Me not eating has nothing to do with you and I won’t have you taking the blame for it. Not everything is your fault Leah and you don’t have to take the blame for it all. I know how your brain works, that you are going to take the blame for everything that has happened between us, but it’s not your fault, a lot of it is mine, my eating habits though have nothing to do with you.”
My voice was a mixture of steady and stern, I had a point to get across and I needed Leah to understand that, I needed her to know that. She wasn’t as fearless and brave as she constantly tried to prove to anyone, she was always the first to blame herself for anything, always getting down on herself and I knew that, I knew that Leah could send herself into a downward spiral.
She pulled her head out of my shoulder and locked eyes with me, her dark brown eyes felt like they were violating me, I felt like I was naked under her gaze, like I was so incredibly vulnerable.
“Why haven’t you been eating?”
I felt like I was under a magnifying glass, like Leah could see every single part of me and could see into my brain. She always worried about me, always. To the point where sometimes it was concerning, I had as much as a sniffle and she was doting over me like my mother.
“I’m fine Lee.”
“If you were fine you wouldn’t have lost two stones.”
She could read me too easily and she knew that I was pretty much putty in her hands as soon as she started talking.
“It got dark for me when I left, I needed to leave but then I was gone and I realised that I was so alone and I was partying to try and avoid my feelings and it worked but you know how I am when I’m depressed, I stop eating, I stop functioning. I lived off of alcohol for three weeks and then I got the call from Sarina and for the first time in three weeks I was completely sober and it hit me like a freight train. I realised how bad it had gotten and I was in shambles.”
Leah nodded at me, she knew how I worked, knew that when I was starting to spiral I tended to push it all down until it got so bad that I had a nervous breakdown.
“You need to eat, we need you playing, I need you on the field. It broke my heart when Sarina came and told me, when she asked me if I’d seen any of the warning signs or if I’d noticed and I couldn’t give her an answer.”
I brought my hand back up to rest on Leah’s face, she was still shaking, still hiccuping with every word that she said. I pushed the tears that were pooling on her face away with the pad of my thumb.
“I couldn’t even tell her anything.”
Leah’s words were thrown out between choken sobs and hiccups, it was so strung out and painful that I felt it in my chest.
“I’m sorry that you had to go through that, I’m sorry I deserted you. I’m so sorry I hurt you Lee, you deserve better, you deserve someone who has their shit together.”
Leah pulled herself out from beside me and scooted herself so she was sitting in front of me, between my legs looking at me directly.
“I want you though, I want to love you and I want you to let me.”
I couldn’t do much more than look at her, look at her eyes, look at how heartbroken they were. They were full of so much pain, so many sleepless nights and a part of me wanted to fix some of that.
“Let us be happy, let all of this devastation come to an end and just let us be happy. We’ll work through what happened, we can try therapy, or something else. I want you though y/n/n, I want you forever and I don’t want us to give up on that because of some stupid shit that happened when we were drunk.”
Those fucking eyes, they held the sun and the moon, they had the power to make me do anything.
“I want to try, for us. I still think that you are my forever Leah. I just don’t want either of us to get hurt in the process.”
“Love hurts, we work through it. Please just try it for me.”
Her lip was wobbling in between her teeth and it took every single piece of self control I had to not take that lip in my own and just kiss the woman like I wanted to.
Leah’s face lit up almost immediately, like a kid in a candy store. She leant in towards me, her lips hovering centimetres away from my own and her eyes looking into my own and it took literally every piece of my self control not to initiate anything.
“Is this okay?”
Leah’s voice was calmer this time, less rough on the edges, less broken. I nodded eagerly at her and relaxed into her body as she pressed her lips to mine. It was soft, tender, relaxing, so perfect.
“How about this?”
It was murmured against my lips, a small smirk forming along Leah’s lips.
“So good, but I think we are both overdue for some sleep.”
Leah frowned against my lips but nodded, we were both tired and it was obvious in our actions. She plopped herself down next to me, relaxing into my body and laying her head against my chest.
“Flick the lamp of love.”
The term of endearment sent a shiver down my back, it was so normal and yet so shocking to me. I obeyed her immediately, turning over to the bedside lamp and flicking it off so we were left in the dark. I shrugged my jacket off before relaxing down into the pillow. Leah shifted around for a few seconds, finding a comfortable spot on my body before stilling herself. She looked so small curled up against me, I tugged her hair out of its bun and rubbed her roots just the way I knew she liked me too and rubbed her back the way I knew sent her straight to sleep. It probably took not even a minute before Leah’s body relaxed fully and her breaths evened out and when they did I smiled a little bit looking at her exhausted form. I leant down and pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead before relaxing myself fully against the pillows and preparing myself for my own sleep.
“I love you Leah, always.”
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desperate-gay · 7 months
the way that i need another ali k fic
Ali Krieger x fem!reader
Smut 18+
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There it was.
The final whistle.
Gotham has won the 2023 NWSL championship.
Ali won the championship in the last game of her career.
You run onto the field from the bench as quickly as you can. After the 86th minute, you were subbed out of the game, walking away with many goal-stoppers and leaving you very pleased with your performance. While on the bench, you couldn’t tear your eyes away from the tattooed captain who also happens to be your girlfriend.
So given the fact you were so focused on the girl, you run straight to her, flying into her arms for her to catch you. The team along with all the staff gather around the both of you, jumping up and down while chanting.
She sets you back onto the ground and places multiple kisses on your cheek before pulling back and whispering, “We won.”
“We did.”
The two of you pull away with love-struck looks on your faces until Kelley hops high with her hands on both of your shoulders, making you laugh at the energetic girl.
“We are the champions, my friends!” Kelley begins to sing as Lynn and Kristie wrap their arms around her shoulders and join in.
“And we’ll keep on fighting till the end!”
The trio looked at you and the captain with awaiting eyes. You and Ali look at each other before turning back and waving your hands in the air while singing, “We are the champions!”
Everything else goes by in a blur, the medals, the trophy ceremony, and now you’re in the locker room with goggles and beer, dancing to the thump of the music. Bodies hit against each other as everyone has a good time. You notice Kristie calling you over while saying something about her being live. She points the camera towards your face as you cheer while holding your beer up in the sky, watching the comments flow in rapidly.
Ali comes over and a bunch of players pour beer down her mouth, making it all spill down her neck and shirt. Once Kristie walks away, Ali grabs your wrist and pulls you into a corner of the room.
“Bottoms up and chin up.” She places her pointer finger under your chin, forcing your head up as she hovers the bottle of alcohol over your mouth. You open your mouth in compliance, allowing her to pour the liquid down your throat. “Good girl.” She purrs while wiping the remaining beer on your chin off.
You blush profusely at the praise but try to ignore it due to the cameras all around the room and your teammates. The captain just smirks and walks off into the crowd, knowing exactly the effect she has on you, so you take a few deep breaths, calming yourself down, and walk over to Kelley.
“We actually won! Fuck yeah!” The defender yells, picking you up which makes you laugh even harder.
Soon everyone becomes a little too tipsy and is told to gather their stuff up. Everyone heads to the bus but you and Ali, insisting that you both are capable of driving since you only had a bit of alcohol which is true.
You’re gathering up all your clothes from your cubby and shoving them into your bag before strong tattooed arms wrap around your torso. Kisses begin to trail from the base of your neck to the underside of your jaw right below your ear.
“Well hello, captain.”
“Don’t say that, you know what it does to me.” She groans, making you feel her warm breath against your skin. You turn around and wrap your arms around her neck, trailing your eyes down from her messy bun all the way down to her veiny hands.
“Why don’t you show me, captain?” You say, biting your lip in anticipation. The taller girl’s pupils widen as her eyes shift to a more lustful tone.
“I think we both have to take a much needed shower, don’t you, baby?”
Once you nod your head, Ali is quick to pull you away into one of the cubicle showers. Both of your hands grab at each other’s clothing, trying to rip everything off as fast as you can, both needy from the slight teasing.
You’re both finally completely bare as the taller girl reaches over and turns on the shower. Hot water hits against your skin, but you’re pushed against the wall by your hips and caged in by the taller girl’s arms. She looks down at you with a grin as water runs down her shoulder onto both of your chests.
“You looked so sexy with that medal around your neck, captain.” You tease her once again with the nickname, causing her to lean down and smash her lips against yours.
“You’re going to look so hot when you’re moaning my name in a second, darling.”
She attaches her lips back onto yours, sliding her tongue in your mouth not wasting any time. Pulling away, she tugs your lip between her teeth and lets it go with a gentle pop. Her kisses start to train down your neck and onto your stomach. She swirls her tongue over your breasts, showing each the same attention before moving even further down to your belly button, leaving her kneeling on the wet floor.
Your breath picks up, but you tap her shoulder to get her attention which she notices and looks up at you. “I want you up here with me.” You admit shyly with a slight blush washing over your face, making the girl on the ground stand up with a smitten look on her face, knowing she’s already so in love with you.
“How about we do this?” Before you’re allowed to ask what she means, she wraps one arm around your waist and lifts you up, causing you to let out a shriek and wrap your legs tightly around her hips.
“I thought your back was breaking, and that’s why you can’t play another year.”
“Suddenly I’m all healed.” You press your lips back onto hers with a smile remaining on both of your faces but is soon gone when the kiss gets sloppier and hotter.
Her free hand runs down your stomach and grazes over your slit but stops when she notices your breath shutter, wanting you to wait and beg for it. She keeps doing it while kissing you until you pull away with a needy whine.
“Please, Ali! I need you so bad.”
She begins to gather up your wetness with her fingers, making you think she’s going to give you what you need, but instead, she rubs torturously slow circles around your clit. Although it’s something, it’s not nearly enough to get you off and it’s not what you want at the moment.
“I need your fingers! Please, captain.” You whine desperately, having been worked up all day.
Too busy in your own haze, you don’t notice the expression on the tattooed girl’s face change to something more desirable. “If you be a good girl for me you’ll get my fingers. Can you do that, sweets?”
You simply nodded your head, knowing that even if she didn’t ask, you would do anything she asked. If you ever become bratty, she punishes you until you’re crying for a release and that’s something you don’t want right now.
Two of her digits finally trail down to your dripping hole and push into you. You let out a small moan at the feeling of being filled and latch your lips back onto hers. Her tongue dances around yours as her fingers start to pump in and out of you at a steady pace, making you moan against the kiss at random times.
The position is semi-awkward for Ali, but it doesn’t stop her from pleasuring you. Seeing your chest bounce up and down, your lips opening while making a bunch of hot noises, your eyes squeezing shut, and your legs gripping tighter around her waist. She felt so lucky when you said yes to being her girlfriend. Now all of this is only for her to witness, and the best part is it’s her doing this to you.
“You’re so wet, baby. You’ve been thinking about this for a while, haven’t you?” Her raspy voice catches your attention. All you can do is nod because of the amount of pleasure you’re feeling with her fingers pounding into you and her palm hitting against your clit.
“Yes, yes I’ve been desperate for you all day.” You pant into her shoulder while your arms hug around her neck, squeezing every time she hits a spot that leaves you melting.
She notices when you let out a particularly loud moan and your arms flex, tightening around her. She finds the spot that makes you go feral and starts to pound harder and faster into you, causing a string of noises to leave your mouth as your body tenses. She feels your walls squeeze around her fingers and notices you getting close, but she doesn’t say anything and continues her thrusts.
The coil in your stomach finally snaps as the muscles in your body that were once tense now loosen. Her digits keep pumping you through your orgasm until your hand reaches down and stops her movements, becoming sensitive after your intense finish.
“You did so well,” Ali whispers, connecting her lips to yours in a gentle kiss, letting you breathe and come back down to earth. She notices you shiver, so she wraps her arms around you and pulls you into her towering figure.
“I’m cold.” You mumble weakly against her arm, making the older girl laugh at the obvious admission and the first words that have come out of you in a while.
“Let’s run you under the water and get you warmed up.” She rubs her hands up and down your arms, guiding you under the water and wrapping her arms around your waist. She places sweet kisses against your jaw and over to your ear before tugging on it with her teeth whispering, “Then I have to punish you for cumming without my permission.”
You simply look back at her with a slightly fearful expression. And here you thought being a champion and a good girl would help you out.
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twinklelilstarkey · 1 year
Tutor: A Plan
Words: 4k+ Type: Angst (I guess?) Summary: The girls have a plan. Warnings: Fem!Reader. The angst isn't between Y/N and Rafe, you can breathe. Rafe isn't nice. The girls are annoying. Slight mention of alcohol and drugs (and being drunk). BUZZCUT IS HERE, BABY!
Tutor Masterlist
I do NOT give you permission to repost my work. If you’d like to read my stories on other platforms, you can find them on my Wattpad and AO3.
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They aren’t sure why or how, but they cannot find you. The girls have put at the top of their priority list to talk to you as soon as they laid their eyes on you. They just didn’t expect it to not be able to do it for an entire week.
You did go to school and class, but it was as if you had disappeared into thin air as soon as the bell rang.
The girls did watch you when they could. Their eyes would scan throughout your body as you would walk into class with your usual dresses. And they would never find any bruising or a look on your face that could mean you needed to talk to someone. You were just there, in class, taking notes and sometimes looking at your phone under the desk.
They remember clearly how, for the entirety of the week, they would hear the bell ring, and you would just swiftly grab your stuff with your bag thrown over your shoulder and would just disappear into the crowd with a blink of an eye.
You would never be at the cafeteria or near your locker during lunch. One of the girls even checked the bathrooms, but they never found you. It got to a point where, on Thursday (just two days ago), they stopped by your house. They knocked at the door, only for no one to answer it.
One of your neighbors eventually appeared from behind their fence, as they had been there watching the whole time.
“Are you girls looking for someone?”
Kristy was sure that every neighbor knew who they were since they had visited your house many times. Yet the neighbors just don’t like to seem as if they know everything about the person that lives beside them - even though they very much do.
“We're looking for our friend!” Kristy would scream back at the neighbor, offering your name to him as well.
“Oh! She’s tutoring today. Her mother told me!”
And that only led to the girls walking back to the car, defeated. They would never find you at this rate, and they know it. 
Still, they did not give up.
Today, on Friday, they did everything they could. They tried to catch you in every class again or at lunch or after school, even when Kristy knew that you tutor on Fridays. It is fair to say that they weren't able to do it. Yet, their failure only led to another idea.
Due to your new friendships, the girls know there will be a larger possibility of them still finding you tonight. And because of exactly that, they searched to know what parties would be happening for the evening.
After knowing all of it, they planned their entire Friday night. Tonight will be the time they will finally get to talk to you.
From their source, there are a total of 5 parties tonight as school is just about to end, and some seniors care more about their beer than their finals.
Three parties belong to the Pogues, which they automatically scratched from any possibility of you being there with Rafe Cameron. And the other two are from the usual kook party planners. They had decided on where to go first and had everything planned out.
They all met up at Kristy’s house and got ready there. They had to wait for time to pass for a bit, as they didn’t want to get to the party too early or else there would be a possibility of spooking you away. 
When out of the house, they got to their first party fairly quick. There were so many cars at the front they knew there wouldn't be a problem hiding in the crowd. And before they went in, they split up to search for you throughout the party individually. 
The music was deafening due to how loud it was. There was smoke throughout the house due to all the sweet indoor smoking and tables which Kristy hated to find. All the tables were filled with all sorts of kooks, hovering over a small pile of powder, which only made her try to find you even harder.
All throughout the search, the possibility of you being home resurfaced time and time again, but Kristy pulled through. In a way, she did not want to find you a party at all. Kristy wanted you away from these tables and all the eating-face couples she had to elbow out to get through the crowd. She ignored all the guys that handed her out drinks as she passed through the kitchen and eventually found herself in the backyard without sight of you or your friends.
“Did you see her?” One of the girls asked.
They waited for every other girl to appear. Kristy analyzed their faces before they could even say if they found you or anyone. They were always disappointed as they walked out, and in some way, that made Kristy feel calmer as the possibility of you being home grew and grew.
“Maybe we should stay and wait up in case they get here late.” One of the girls said to all of them, and they agreed.
Minutes went by, and Kristy checked the time on her phone every few seconds. She watched as the girls went in and out of the house again to try and find you, but with no luck. It must have been an hour into it that Kristy decided it was time to move along to the next party.
The next party would be much harder, and they all knew that before even going in.
It was supposed to be a small party that not all kooks knew about, and here they were: A group of girls who weren't personally invited and probably didn't know a soul inside that house.
The girls talked inside the car about the best strategy to follow. They thought of the possibility that they could go inside one at a time, yet they had no idea how small the party was. What if they went inside, and everyone just looked at them? What would they do then?
By the time minutes passed and no one had moved, Kristy jumped out of the car and went inside the house. Sure, her heart was almost jumping out of her chest, but she still did it. The girls watched her walk up the porch and open the unlocked front door.
Inside, there were a lot more people than Kristy expected. It was much smaller than the party before, but there are still around 30 people all throughout the house.
The music, this time, is much softer, and people aren’t screaming and spilling drinks everywhere.
Kristy closes the door behind herself and walks towards what she assumes would be the kitchen, trying her best to act natural and as if she knows what she’s doing. She pushes the door open and finds herself in the kitchen, but not by herself. Kelce, a known friend of Rafe Cameron and Topper Thornton, is standing right by the counter, mixing up his own drink.
She assumes it is due to the time that she simply stood there watching him because Kelce looks up at her after a few silent seconds and stops mixing the liquid in his cup.
“Can I help you with anything?” He asked. His tone isn't too condescending, but definitely confused.
“Oh, no,” Kristy says, quickly snapping awake from her state of shock. “Sorry. I was just a little too focused on my own thoughts.”
She smiles at him, and Kelce simply does the grin one does to not seem rude. He picks up his drink and is ready to leave when an idea strikes Kristy.
“Wait!” She says right as he’s about to walk out through the door. “I actually do need help with something.”
Kelce turns to politely give the strange girl his attention and awaits her next words.
“Do you happen to know someone by the name of Patty?” Kristy asks, not exactly knowing how she remembered the name in the first place.
“Patty as in Patricia?” Kelce asks, sipping his drink in the pause, “That Patty?”
Kristy weighed down her options in a panic. What is she supposed to say? What if it is not Patricia and some random person that has that nickname?
“Yes, her,” Kristy says with another smile.
“Yeah, I know her.” 
Kristy looks at Kelce in silence, awaiting him to say something more, but all he does is look back at her and take another sip of his drink. Through the awkwardness, Kristy tries to make everything seem normal and her to seem collected and not insane in any way.
“Uh… Do you know if she’s here?” She points down to the ground, symbolizing the party.
“I saw her a while back, yeah. Not sure where she went.”
Kristy jumps at the opportunity, “So, she was at this party.”
“Yes,” Kelce says slowly, looking at Kristy as if she had gone insane for a second.
“Were her friends here too?”
Kelce eyes Kristy up and down, finding her the most suspicious person he has ever met. He can tell she is somewhat excited about the news, which makes him assume she must know Patty and is trying to meet up with her. But her hesitant tone and lack of names of other friends make him question if she’s even someone known to Patty at all. Can you be someone’s friend without knowing any of their other friends? Especially for someone like Patty?
Kelce decides to test her for it.
“Like who?” 
Kristy tenses up at the question. What if Patty, the girl she now knows you were texting, is just someone you met at a party? Not a friend of Rafe’s or even Kelce’s. Maybe Kelce only knows her name and nothing else. Kristy has to risk it because she knows he is finding her more distrustful by the second.
She begins with the easy name, saying yours first. But all Kelce does is look at her, awaiting more names, “Uh, and Rafe or Topper?” She asks quickly before adding, “Were they here too, by the way?”
Before he could answer, Kristy checks her vibrating phone, noticing the many messages coming from the girls that stayed in the car. All the messages unnecessarily asking her to tell them everything she is seeing. Kristy checks the time, and it is just a few minutes past midnight. Kristy has no idea how much time she has to find you.
“Yeah,” Kelce’s voice makes Kristy look up, “Actually. They left not too long ago. I’m sure Patty was with them when they walked out.”
“Oh, ok.” She says to him.
“Want me to say something to her in case she comes back?” He questions her, watching her every move.
“Oh, no. That is not needed. Thank you,” She says to him with yet another smile. 
Kelce smiles back at her and lifts his drink slightly as his way to say goodbye before leaning his shoulder against the swinging door and disappearing into the party. Kristy looks around the kitchen in defeat. She knows Kelce could’ve lied as he was already finding her weird with all her hums and weird silences, but what is she supposed to do now?
Kristy runs her fingers through her hair and sighs out loud, finding the vibrating of her phone irritating. She turns around and pushes the door of the kitchen open, using the door that faces the other side of the house as an advantage to lose Kelce.
She is quick and discreet with her steps, making her way out of the front door before closing it softly behind her. As she did it, she now thinks back on how she should’ve stayed a little longer to not raise any more suspicions. But it is too late now, leaving her to hope no one saw her.
Her eyes find her car, and through the windshield, she can see the girls’ widened eyes on her. She takes a deep breath before beginning to walk over to them, and, when finally by her door, she opens it right as she gets bombarded with questions.
She begins to explain everything only when she's sitting comfortably in the front seat. The girls listen quietly, never opening their mouths to ask anything until she gets to the end.
“Did he say anything about where they went?”
“No, but I also didn’t want to push him to say it. It was already awful from all the questions I had already made”
“Maybe they went home…?”
“At midnight?” A girl questions the other.
Kristy nods in agreement as they all find it too early for your night to end. The girls talk amongst themselves, thinking of the possibility of you changing parties or going home to hang out. Others said that you all went to get more drinks for the party. But the amount of liquor and convenience stores on the island made the girls give up further in finding you.
They had failed to find you again. If only they had started with this party.
Minutes go by, and the girls finally come to terms with the fact that they are done for the night. Kristy begins to pull away from the house in silence, and the girls all look outside, deep in thought.
“Could we go get something to eat before we go back home?” The girl in the passenger seat asks Kristy, getting the girls’ attention and silent agreement.
“Sure,” Kristy says with a small and sad smile.
The car disappears from the small driveway, and Kelce continues to stare out the window with a frown. With his phone over his ear, he curses himself silently for not even getting the girl's name before she bolted out of his house.
Everything about her seemed wrong. Even when she answered such an easy question correctly, the way the girl got out of the house confirmed it for him. She’s a weirdo.
“We’re almost there,” The voice on the other side of the phone says right as they pick up.
“That’s alright. Just wanted to ask you something,” Kelce says as he looks back at the party, “Do you know a girl with, like, brown and blonde hair?”
Patty laughs drunkenly on the other side of the phone.
“What? Maybe,” She says back to him. “Why?”
“Some girl came into my house asking me about you and then just got out without a word.”
Patty laughs again, finding what he said absolutely ridiculous. Kelce listens as she asks Topper about the girl with highlights, yet the answer is just as negative.
“Do Rafe an-”
“Hold on, let me put you on speaker.” Kelce sighs at Patty.
“Do Rafe and Y/N know her?”
“We don’t know.” Topper answers him.
“Well, can you ask?”
“They’re out of the car.” Topper says, confirming to Kelce that Patty’s ‘almost there’ is really ‘we haven’t even gotten out of the parking lot yet’. 
“Why are you so stressed about it?” Patty asks him.
“Because she was weird…” He comments to her, “And she said all your names when I asked her which friends she wanted me to know about.”
“Know about?”
“Yeah, she wanted to know where you all were. You two, Y/N and Rafe.”
They stay silent on the other side of the line, and Kelce is left to contemplate his own theories on who that girl could be.
“That is weird,” Patty says in a murmur after thinking for a bit.
“I know.”
There are more seconds of silence, and Kelce walks away from the window. He goes around the house, awaiting the two other people on the call to say something else, but they don’t even whisper.
“Is the food almost ready or what?” Kelce asks them.
“We don’t know. Rafe and Y/N went to pick it up,” Patty says to him, “But they’re still at the front. It might take a few more minutes.”
“Alright,” Kelce says as he sits back down with his other friends. “Text me when you’re on your way back.”
“Will do.”
“I’m hungry.” You groan out loud, leaning back on Rafe as you watch the restaurant’s door.
“I know,” Rafe says, “You’ve told me that many times.”
You turn around and wrap your arms around him, looking up at his face. Rafe stares back at you, at how your every emotion has just been intensified due to the alcohol you’ve consumed tonight - not his fault. Your smile grows as you watch him, and he has to hold himself back from smiling back right away.
“I like the buzz cut.”
“I know,” Rafe repeats himself. “You’ve also said that many times.”
“Good, because it’s true,” You tell him quickly before kissing his lips in a small peck and pulling away from his body. 
You walk over to the restaurant's door again, eyeing the inside as you watch the only people in the open kitchen work their asses off with the usual insane orders on Friday nights. You watch them cut up the ingredients and toss them into a pan on the stove. Rafe watches you as you watch the food, comparing you in his mind to some cartoon with hearty eyes only for food.
He looks over at the car where Patty and Topper are, seeing as Patty holds her phone in the air as she talks to someone, obviously entertained. 
You get back his attention when you step away from the door, and it opens in front of you. A guy holds up a white bag towards you, which makes you grab it, and he notices how drunk you are before deciding to direct his words towards Rafe instead.
“The rest of the food is almost done as well.”
“Thank you,” Rafe says back to him before the man disappears inside the restaurant again.
You walk back over to Rafe as you peek inside the bag, dying to eat anything inside the takeout boxes.
“I’ll take this bag to the car,” You tell him.
“Are you sure you can walk there safely?”
You send him a dramatic look, and his smile appears as you do it.
Even when refusing to let him be right, you walk very careful steps toward Topper’s car. You are very much drunk, but it does feel good to be so after a week of studying for your finals.
A car drives into the parking lot, getting your attention, but as soon as you have a slight difficulty seeing it in the darkness of night, you look away uninterested and get back to careful walking. Patty opens the car's door to welcome the bag of food, and you smile brightly at the equally drunk girl while holding the bag carefully in your hands.
You hand it over to her, and Patty does not even wait to open the first box at the top. Rafe watches from afar and chuckles as the two of you almost fight over one of the forks.
You happily take the fork from Patty’s hand after she has her bite, and you take yours. You practically feel your heart exploding with love for the food.
After swallowing, you take another bite and give the fork back before beginning to walk back to Rafe.
“Was it good?” He questions you.
“What was?”
“You didn’t eat?”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” You say with a shrug.
Rafe smiles at you, and you walk back over to him, wrapping your arms around him again. And, in the distance, the girls watch the two of you.
In shock, after they had spent so many hours looking for you, they lay their eyes on you now, and relief hits them before any of the helplessness. You were safe and happy. Yet they cannot reach you now. Not when you're with him.
They are too distracted amongst themselves that they never turn off the car, which does sound suspicious to someone standing in an empty parking lot at night, such as Rafe. He looks over his shoulder to check out the car, half-parked in a spot with the engine running and lights on. And it has been there for some time now.
Due to the lights, Rafe cannot see who could be inside the vehicle, but those in it can see him and what he’s doing clearly.
The girls inside are discussing with each other about their next move, torn between the choice of risking going there while Rafe is right beside you or letting you go and leaving this for another day.
The discussion eventually escalates into arguing, and one of them steps out of the car before the others could reach for her.
The door is slammed closed, and the girl's silhouette appears on the side of the car. Rafe has stopped looking at the strange vehicle since you moved away from him and are now telling him all about your plans for tomorrow.
Kristy, who is still inside the car, realizes that she forgot to turn it off and does it now as they watch their friend approach the couple.
As she gets closer, the door of the restaurant swings open, and a man looks over at you. You grab the plastic bag full of food handed to you, and Rafe pulls out his wallet for the tip.
The girls impatiently watch as you say something to Rafe and begin walking toward a car. By doing that, you unknowingly create a larger distance between you and the approaching girl.
As the girl begins to change route and go toward the car you’re heading to, Rafe turns around to do the same. Yet something stops him, and his eyes go from the girl to the now turned-off vehicle, making every girl freeze on their spot.
He stares as the girl who was casually heading over to his girlfriend now simply stands before him and watches him in return. He looks over at you as you get further away from her with complete innocence. His eyes go back to the car for just another second, and he slides his wallet back into his pocket.
“What?” He asks her plainly.
The girl opens her mouth to speak but then shuts it right back up. Rafe watches her do it, and how her eyes go over to try and find you. You’re too distracted talking to Patty to even notice her.
“We want to talk to Y/N,” She forces herself to say.
“She’s busy,” He says before pointing towards the car, “Having dinner.” 
The girl stays quiet.
“Care to leave a message?”
Her silence is enough of an answer.
Rafe begins to move, and the girl turns towards Kristy's car. Anger is boiling underneath her skin as she looks over her shoulder, watching as you turn around to face Rafe. Your smiles and high-pitched voice as you excitedly speak to him. All while completely unaware of what has happened.
It doesn't take much of a thought to know that Rafe will never tell you, drunk or sober, what has happened and who has wished to speak to you. And that only angers the girl further.
She hops back inside her car and shuts the door behind her. No one dares to ask her what happened or what he said, so they sit silently and look outside.
Rafe opens the car door for you and lets you hop in as they watch. And before he goes in with you, he makes sure to have another look at the car and the girls inside it.
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Rafe is a meany, y'all.
I know it wasn't much, but I hope you enjoyed this <3
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woso-dreamzzz · 2 months
chook gathering all her tooth fairy money so Kristie can get a new one and putting one her bedside table with a little letter that says sorry mommy
She knows Kristie's stuff is expensive and Chook's not the best at saving her money when she's little so she scrapes together what she can find (money between the sofa pillows, in the washing machine, etc) so she can replace what she broke
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Matt Simmons x child daughter reader
I'm now on season 15 and I love it!
Summary: y/N Simmons is ill, so her Mum takes her to her work, while her Dad has work. When a hostage situation happens.
Literally watched this episode yesterday and I loved jt and got the idea for thus oneshit for Matt.
Third person pov...
When their youngest child woke up ill, Kristy and Matt knew one of them had to look after her, but both had work, Matt held their coughing daughter in his arms bouncing her and patting her back as she coughed.
Kritsty was getting her some water to drink, the 5 year old woke up with a bad cough. Matt continues to pat and hug his youngest child, "Daddy, I wanna go with Mummy" she rasps.
Matt smiled his daughter knew he was busy woth his work. "It's okay Honey, Mummy will be up soon" she said to her, all his children knew how busy his was at Work. As she continued coughing Matt checked his phone and almost curses he missed a call from Emily, he knew he was late to work by 15 minutes.
The Dad then maneuvered his youngest to hid other arm and held her up against his shoulder while his other turned on his phone and called Emily,
Y/N coughed again and Matt rubbe dher back Comforting her as she coughed his poor Baby. The little girl buried her face into hid shoulder needing the comfort from him.
His phone rang twice before Emily answered "Hey Matt, just was about you call you" she said before he got a word in, Y/N started crying just as he was about to answer, he put his phone between his shoulder and ear while comforting his crying daughter.
"Hey Emily, sorry I didn't realise the time, Y/N my youngest daughter woke up with a sore throat been comforting her, I will be in later Kristy can take her today" said Matt as his daughter calmed down and stopped crying.
Emily laughed "of course Matt see you later" she said before ending the call and Matt put his phone back in his pocket, he held Y/N close to his chest ans rubbed her backing, then Kristy walked in a sippy cup full of water for their Daughter.
She smiled and picked up Y/N "here you go honey some nice cold water" she said to the crying girl, Y/N grabbed the bottle from her mum and started drinking the cold water helping her throat. Matt sigh when she stopped crying, Kristy laughed at her husband. "You better go your already late" she said tochim making the Agent curse and grab his stuff.
He completely forgot, he kissed his Daughter and Wife before leaving and drving to work.
Time skip...
As soon as he sits down Matt I'd corned by JJ, Reid, Tara, Rossi and Luke who were waiting to ask why he was so late, the Matt sighs before telling them.
"Well our youngest daughter Y/N, woke up crying with a sore throat so we spent most the morning trying to comfort her and stop her crying, at the minute Kristy is taking her to her work to look after Y/N" he explained getting sympathy looks from his friends and a pattern on thr shoulder from Luke.
"Glad I'm not you mate" he says making Matt laugh, thebother leave his desk leaving Luke and Him, Then Wmily wlaks past then on the phone, something was happening.
"Yes sir, I will brief my team" she says before ending the call and turning to the two men. "Luke, Matt we're gonna need a hands k  deck for this one" she tells them, luke and Matt quickly stand ans start grabbing their stuff. "I jsut got off thr phone with the director he wants the BAU to take charge of a hostage situation in progress down town, the tonto cordon plaza 4th floor of the ALDC" she tells them.
Matt eyes go wide as she tells them where, his face is full of worry. "The ALDC" he says Emilt nods "that's right hostage rescue team is on there way" she says, her words aren't helping Matt only making him more worried. "Kristy and Y/N" he mutters.
Luke looks at the man "what about Kristy and Y/N" he asks the Shaken man. Matt looks up a Emily. "She just started working for the ALDC a few weeks ago and she's taken Y/N into work with her today" he says making his teams eyes widen in horror.
At the ALDC...
By the time Kritsty and Y/N left for thr office it was a couple minutes after matt, Kristy gave her daughter some cough medicine which helped her take a nap, the Mum then drove to her work and got out her Daughters push chair and put the sleeping toddler in it, Kristy then locked the doors and took the elevator upstairs to her office.
When she got there she walked to her desk and sat down she pulled Y/Ns push chair in so knowone would bump into the sleeping child, Kristy then got to work, it wasn't long before three men started shooting gund up at the ceiling. Y/N began crying making Kritsty act she quickly pulled dher daughter to her chest and layed flat on the floor woth
Y/N held to her chest the young girl still crying.
Everyone was terrified, the men the  told them to thr stand up which is what Kritsty did with her daughter held to her chest a hand protecting her head. She saw three men who didn't look old mid 20s maybe less.
The leader then ordered everyone to give up their phones Kristy remembered Matts new phone and quick kicked the bag under a chair making sure knowone saw it, she then handed them her phone, the Unsub looked at her daughter before sneering.
"Just keep her quiet" he said before walking away when one of the workers lied the leader started fo beat him up  Kritsty gasped and hid Y/N from is she shouldn't see the violence. Everyone then got split up and pulled to different area they were scared did as they were told, but Kritsty got hit fir saying something, she fell to the floor, Y/N held protectively in her grab.
Y/N began crying but Kritsty shooshed her and she stopped crying. "Shush Y/N, don't worry Mummy is okay" she said to her making the girl stop crying and sit on the floor, Kritsty was currently leaning against a wall sitting on the floor woth her Daughter sitting next to her looking around her. The little girl saw the mark on her Mum.
"Mama okay" she rasp her throat still sore, Kristy smiled at her caring daughter and rubbed her soft cheek with her finger. "Mamas okay Princess" she whispers as Y/N continues to look at her worried.
Y/N nods her little head "Okay mama" she then went back to picking at he carpet, the three unsubs have been out of the room for a while Kristy then looks around and runs over to where she kicked the phone and quickly grabbed it. Thr only number on it was Matts, she woman quickly turns it on and rings matt.
It rings a couple times before her Husband appears on screen, his worried face turns surprised to relief when he sees her alive. "Kristy are you okay? What about Y/N?" He asks his wife, Kristy smiles at him whiping her tears. "Yes I'm fine honey and so is Y/N" she told him.
Said Toddler then stuck her head into veiw, she was confused until she saw her Dads yon screen and squealed happy, she jumped and clapped her hands. "Daddy! Daddy!" She cried tapping the scream as she thought he was there, the man smiled and laughed at his Daughter she was always so happy to see him. "Hi Princess, you looking after Mummy for me?" He asks the little girl who nodded her head making the man and woman smile at her.
Matt then told Kritsty what he wants her to try and do which is to put thr phone somewhere up high so they could get a good veiw of the unsubs and what they arw doing because they hacked the cameras in the building. "Okay Matt I will" she says before leaving Y/N with on the thenothwr workers while she went to put thr phone somewhere when she found somewhere she went back go her daughter and the two waited to be rescued.
Time skip...
Suddenly the elevator doors opend and SWAT rushed in, Kristy sighs with relief they were saved, she grabbed Y/N and the two ran to Matt he and his Team came in behind the SWAT, Matt hugged his girls close, Y/N babbling happily as her Parents hugged, happy to be together again.
The end!
Hoped you like the first oneshot for Matt, once again sorry for the grammar and Spelling mistakes.
Request are open!
Word count: 1530
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woso-fan13 · 2 years
It’s Not Drugs (At Least Not The Ones You’re Thinking)
“Is this a party or an intervention?” 
You walk into your room to find the entire team gathered. You had assumed Sam would be there, it was her room too. And maybe Kristie or some of the other players would be visiting. But you weren’t expecting the entire USWNT to be sitting across the hotel room, waiting for you. 
No laughs in response was not a good sign. The way Abby pulled you into the middle of the group as Alyssa locked and leaned against the door was also not a good sign. 
You look around confused, you really had no reason to be in trouble. You have been playing well recently, you scored a goal in yesterday’s game! You were getting good grades in school, you were eating your vegetables. You were nice to the coaching staff, your teammates, and everyone you met. You couldn’t think of a single reason you should be in trouble. 
Yet, everyone was staring at you. Some faces were full of anger, some of disgust. Some people looked like they just finished crying while some looked like they were just about to start. 
Carli and Becky were in the middle of the group, clearly about to lead. This was not going to go well. 
“Y/N, you know you are an extremely valuable member of this team, right?” Becky starts, clearly with a huge ‘but’ following. 
You simply shrug slightly in response. 
“But you also must know that nobody on this team is irreplaceable. Being good on the pitch is no excuse for your actions off of the pitch.”
“Becky, what’s going on? Am I being kicked off of the team?” your voice was quiet and wavering as you spoke. 
“Y/N, drop the act. We know,” clearly, Carli took a more direct approach. 
“I- I- What? I don’t know what’s going on.”
“We know you’re taking drugs, Y/N. You know you’re not allowed to use them while you’re on this team,” Carli looked directly at you while speaking. 
You look around the room at your teammates, all of whom are refusing to make eye contact. 
“Y/N,” Becky gets your attention, “you know the effect that illegal substances can have on a person. You know you can’t play while you’re on them. Carli and myself are going to speak with the staff about this, we just wanted to give you warning before we did. Once we speak to them, you will be tested and released from the team.”
“I haven’t done any drugs, Becky, I promise. I don’t even know where I would get them, I’m still in high school.”
Sam pipes up, “Y/N, don’t be mad,” not off to a great start, Mewis, “but I was looking through your bag. I was trying to find a sweatshirt to borrow, but I found your stash.”
“My stash? That makes it sound like I’m a drug dealer. I have 6 medications in my bag, they are all prescribed to me. I can tell you what they are and what they are for, but I promise you it’s nothing bad.”
Carli decides to play the bad cop, standing up and moving towards you. She hands a small box to you, “Y/N, if you are so convinced that you haven’t been doing drugs, take this test. When you get a positive result, we’re going to talk to the coaches.”
Sighing, you grab the test. You were sure that you hadn’t taken any drugs, you just had to convince them. This way would likely save a lot of time. 
You take the test into the bathroom. You come out a minute later, set a timer on your phone and sit down. As the timer counts down, everyone stares at you, waiting. They were mostly in shock, they never thought you would do drugs. You were so innocent, and so thrilled to be on the team they doubted that you would do anything to jeopardize that. 
The timer goes off and you walk into the bathroom. You grab the test, not bothering to look at the result- you already knew what it would be. You walk out of the bathroom, handing it to Carli. 
“What does it say?” You look her directly in the eyes, standing straight. 
“It’s negative. How’s it negative? We saw your stuff,” Carli was set on exposing this so-called drug paraphernalia. 
 “I would love to see this stuff too. I’m very concerned as to why I have drugs in my bag.”
Sam pulls a toiletry bag out from behind her, you instantly recognize it. Actually- it made a lot of sense now. The bag was filled with alcohol wipes, cotton balls, and disposable syringes. It looked a bit suspicious, you had enough to run a hospital or a drug ring, but you liked to be prepared. 
“Sammy?” You ask, “did you happen to look in the fridge?”
“Why would I look in the fridge? Nobody uses a hotel fridge,” she makes a fair point, nobody really does use them. 
Emily, who had been sitting near the fridge, opens the door and looks inside, “it’s just a bunch of juice boxes.”
“What else is in there? Bottom shelf, right side.”
“Vials? I don’t know,” fair enough, there was no reason why Emily would recognize it. 
“It’s insulin. I have diabetes, type 1. I got diagnosed when I was 4, so it’s pretty well controlled now. I have a dexcom, which monitors my blood sugar, and an omnipod, which doses insulin. I bring needles in case something happens and I need extra.”
The room takes a minute to process all of this. They clearly have questions, but there is an overwhelming one, why didn’t you tell them. 
“It’s never interfered with my being on the team, and it’s not something I really like to share. The staff knows, they have to. That’s why they call me off during practice sometimes. They have the app to track my glucose too, so they know if it gets low. If it starts dipping, they get me off the field before something bad happens. It’s also the reason the locker room is now stocked with juice, you’re welcome, by the way!”
This news was a shock to everyone, but they took it in stride. They quickly adjust what they eat around you, making sure to never leave you out. They also all try to insist that you give them access to monitor your glucose. Your argument that there was a limit to the number of people who could login was stopped when teammates offered their old phones to the group. 
Hence, the ‘Y/N Phone’ was founded. The password was simple (your birth year) and the phone was to be available at all times. This way, teammates could check on you without having to bug you. 
You would never tell them that it didn’t bug you, you didn’t want to seem uncool. But the fact that they cared so much was astonishing to you. 
I don’t love it, but it’s something. At least it’s done now and I can move on.
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dogstarmoonheart · 1 year
how do you make this stuff It's amazing <3
have a lot of similar questions like this in my inbox atm. this is me answering some of em’ in one go :) (hope that’s ok)
what tools do I use? : I major in “theater and film production” which have supplied me with the very useful skill of photoshop. That, “messages” and “procreate” (digital illustration app) is what I’m working with.
how long does an image take to make?: it depends really..If I have a template ready? 10 minutes tops. what really takes time is creatin’ a conversation I don’t wholeheartedly despise. If I make, let’s say 10 images, half of them will be thrown out. Sometimes I just give in and post some shitty ones in a state of utter defeat though..
preferred fan-cast?:
James = Nick Green
Remus = Paul Ahrens
Sirius = Eren M. Güvercin
Peter = Lewis Capaldi
Frank = Matthew Gray Gubler
Lily = Faith Collins
Marlene = Beatrice Kristi (when blond)
Mary = Alexandra Shipp
Alice = Carey Mulligan (when brunette)
Regulus = Timothèe Chalamet
Barty = Felix Mallard
Evan = Constantin Ostendorf
Pandora = Elle Fanning
Dorcas = Taylor Thompkins (the model)
that’s all for now, kisses!!
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beetlebethwrites · 2 years
hi hi! first of all I want to state how much I adore your IF so far, I haven't found many IF that are purely slice of life and I am loving it ❤️ 😍 💖 second! do you have any recommendations for IFs? I've just started moving away from the CoG forums and the content here on tumblr is just 🤌 but I'm not too sure where to start? tysm 😊
I mean, I have so many recommendations tbqh. It's a hell of a list and hopefully, I haven't forgotten anyone by the end. I would say that if you've been around for a hot minute you probably know most of these but I'm old and rarely see new stuff atm because I'm a busy bean so...
Recs under the cut;
@northern-passage is such an easy recommendation for me. I'm not super into your more 'classic' fantasy as a genre but Kit has really built up their characters to be something special. The concept of the hunter is a great one and the branching Kit does is insane. I'm so interested to see where it goes and also ready for it to destroy me emotionally.
I haven't played @speakergame in a little while but the cosy vibes I try to get into YLAF are also here. It's not slice of life but it's similar to that with a heap of supernatural stirred in. I'm also excited for @partiallystarsif, which promises to be a game that I've been wishing someone would write.
Project Hadea by @nyehilismwriting is one of the most top tier sci-fi I've read in a while. It has a great MC, a badass partner in Nash and also BUGS. Again, I'm super looking forward to seeing what happens in the next chapter after that cliffhanger. Shit is about to hit the fan and I am here for it.
@if-eventhorizon is written by actual love of my life Brigid. Event Horizon is your pretty typical crew in space doing stuff they shouldn't be kind of sci-fi and I adore it! Can't wait to find out what everyone has done in their past to be there and unravel the situation. Love it! Brigid is also an incredibly talented artist, also writes @if-closedloop and...
@if-lostbirds is again written by Brigid, and although they profess post-apocalyptic Western sci-fi to be niche, I whole heartedly disagree. I adore the writing in this one, they really did something there and I think everyone will get something out of this one. If you're looking for something a little different with fewer (but super meaningful) choices then this is for you! Also I did convince them to put the big worm back into it so... worm.
For someone who would say she doesn't like a western, @larkin-if is also a bit of me. It's got vampires and cool character dynamics between the Preacher (MC) and their father figure Wyatt. Not to mention the ROs are all really cool. I'm excited to meet Ace in the future but it's the whole plot of attempting to hide your true identity that really hooked me in.
@bodycountgame is currently on a little bit of a hiatus because Nell is super busy with real life 😷 but it's still a stand out fave for me, undoubtedly worth the wait. If you want something that's campy, written in proper British dialect and is basically love island with a hell of a twist then this is for you! I can't recommend body count enough, it's what got me moved way from CoG games and into this little community we have!
@thistooshallpass-if is an IF with some of my favourite characters (not hurt by the fact that thyme is also one of my fave people!) I can't wait to see where it goes as I've been promised angst and knowing them I have no doubt! I'm also mega excited for @writingnights because different takes on supernatural creatures is always fun to me.
When Twilight Strikes by @evertidings is popular for a reason. I'm a few chapters behind but just writing about it has made me want to sit down and catch up! Kristi's characters are fun and feel like people to me with their real quirks, which is always something I enjoy. I can't wait to solve the mystery with this one.
@attollogame is a pretty hard one to describe to me so I'd say just play it? The writing and lore surrounding it is so so solid. It's all pretty much just a vibe, and a good one at that. I am not up to date at all but everyone should be better than me and read it!
Golden by @milaswriting is amazing! It's a supernatural romance game and you can just tell that Mila cares so much about the characters she writes, it really comes through in her writing. She's also over at @milaswrittenworld and I'd encourage a follow all around because she is just a really lovely gem of a person.
I haven't read @ofna in a little while but I absolutely adored what I did read (god knows how many updates ago it was). The writing is amazing and, again, I can't wait to get to solve the mystery 👀
I've undoubtedly forgotten so many but these are ones that come to my covid addled mind 😅 I hope this is a good starting place for you, anon 💛
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fandomsareforlife · 2 months
Ninjago DR S2 EP 7 reactions
We actually get the answers to our question of what's with this other monastery in a reasonable amount of time. What a surprise
Did the merge just make a bunch of knock off monasteries or something?
Were you blameless Cole? Were you really?
Wait wait wait. They never changed the name of Chen's Noodle House? Also when the fuck was that last mentioned?
I love Gandalaria so much omg she is so so so pretty, and she gives me like funky grandma vibes? I have no clue if I'm explaining it, but like...Kristy's grandma from the BSC
TFW you keep failing at something and you're so close to it and your friend who struggles with the thing even more tries to help you but just makes it worse
WyldFyre and Egalt's friendship is important to me you have no idea
Being mistaken for slug sellers must hurt huh
"It's you! My dearest! You've come home"
"You...You recognize me? Even in my boney physical form? ""Oh I would know your true essence anywhere." "I was so afraid you wouldn't accept me for who I am now"
Is this trans coded? I am going to say it could be
Rotun once again trying to help
Hmmm yeah clearly the Source Dragon is to blame. Clearly
No no no not another vision
Wait was Zane registered by the administration as stolen equipment
Zane being bitter about not increasing the efficency by a whole percent higher is so in character
Kai's anger issues come back to haunt him
We got mentions of the blacksmith shop :)
Baby Kai and Nya before their parents were gone? I assume that's when this is from
Mood whiplash lmao
Can I just say that the way the administration is foiled because Zane was a mailman and therefore knows so so so much about their forms is brilliant
Also none of Gandalaria's stuff being administration approved is very in character for her i believe
"My name is agent Jay Walker" Jay being an agent will never not be funny to me
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okimargarvez · 6 months
13x6 - detailed analysis
Even if there is not so much garves moments in this episode, I think it has some interesting shades that you should consider.
Scene 1 -
Pen and JJ are looking for a new apartment for the first; then, Matt reaches them, and after a while, Luke. She is just saying that she and Sergio need more space for their things.
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And right here Luke arrives. He asks “Your cat has things?”. This means, as a lot of people said, that they have talked about him in a moment that we never saw on the screen. This also means that their relationship is growing.
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Penelope replies “Yeah.”. Both Matt and JJ are looking at Luke, and she has her "I know" gaze.
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Luke is looking at Penelope and viceversa. They still do it for some secs during Matt speech. “Kristy and I can't take two steps in our house without tripping over the kids' toys.”. In the second pic you can see that they look again at each other, before Spencer arriving, and while JJ is saying “Yeah, tell me about it.”. The conversation is so domestic, about family & kids, and there is (for now) no Lisa on the horizon. So I can imagine or at least wish that especially Luke is dreaming about an (im)possible future? Or maybe it's just a nonconscious action.
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Spencer adds “Guys, I read about a guy in California who only has 79 items to his name, including his underwear.” Luke replies, with an amused tone “I am all for living with only the things you really need.”. And I think is like a life motto, for him, considering his house, his desk (especially at the beginning). Here is Penelope the first to look (he reaches her quickly).
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Luke looks at her exaclty at the end of his phrase, right on "the things you really need"; because the only "thing" he really needs/wants is her. Stop. This was my first thought hearing it. His smile is so sweet, and also his eyes. They see "you are a miracle".
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But why she has to say what she is about to say? “Amen. Me, too, right?" Like she wants his approval, or to show that they aren't so different (but they are, and that's the amazing thing of them).
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JJ looks at her like "what the fuck are you saying?". Penelope seems really confused and asks "What?”. Matt replies: “How many fuzzy pens, unicorn statues, mermaid paperweights does one need at her desk?”. She obviously answers “All of them.”.
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Luke just adores her and all her not so indispensable stuff.
Scene (shade) 2 -
To be honest I included this moment only because they talk, but I can't see anything relevant.
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Luke asks “What do they talk about?”. Penelope replies “Everything from food storage tips to basic first-aid…”
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After a while, he asks “And what about ones that live in Virginia?”. She answers “70. Next player”. That's all. No shades here.
Scene 3 -
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The team is back. Penelope arrives and exclaims “Oh oh oh oh oh oh my gosh, I was so worried about you guys, being in that bunker. It made me very claustrophobic”. Then she tells JJ she want a bigger apartment. Each team member expresses where they would like to spend their last day on Earth. Penelope refuses to think about it; Luke prefers mountain. They reach the elevator.
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Not close, but enough for a shipper, don't you think?
Analysis of garvez scenes
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taking care of jade and kenny while they're sick
you look away for one millisecond and he's up doing stuff
"i don't want my mom to have to do it okay" through a stuffy nose while washing the dishes
you need to remind him that being sick here is not the same as being sick elsewhere, even if it's "just a cold"
he's pretty reasonable and agrees to get back in bed. he's a good boy!
you want to keep him company but he's like "don't worry, i don't want you to catch it, i'm fine, i've got my book"
he's getting his forehead kissed whether he wants to or not though
you stay in the same room with him but keep a distance, looking like a kicked puppy because you can't snuggle or kiss your boyfriend
boyfriend timeout. criminal
if it gets even minimally serious though you'll be there to do any nursing that needs to be done
"i miss you too. i'm just trying to do everything right so we can get close again as soon as possible, okay?"
(sad reluctant noises)
tian chen stealing you away to help in the kitchen to distract you and telling you cute stories from when kenny was a child
bonus points if kenny ends up having to translate his own embarrassing childhood stories that tian chen wants to tell
may the lord help you
it's similar to when he's high
"you're so beautiful. you're so beautiful and i love you so much..." through a stuffy nose and sounding like he's having a mindblowing realisation
calling for you all the time
"babe. babe?" "i just wanted to look at you, i missed you so much, no no no please don't go—babe"
he loves you fretting over him and won't bother trying to hide it
he still tries to do stuff which is ironic because he doesn't normally do stuff
it's like jade i've never seen you do the dishes, why are you doing the dishes now
heartbroken if you don't want to cuddle with him. he would catch the cold for you and you know it (it is true)
(with his face buried in your shoulder) hnggg babe i think i might be dying
he's so dramatic that you worry that it's actually something really serious and take him to the clinic only for kristi to diagnose him with manchild disease
he asks you to read something to him so he can fall asleep to your voice
you ask tian chen for some candy bar or similar to bring it to him as a small treat and he looks at you like you're his literal guardian angel
"this is why i fell in love with you" (its a mini snickers bar)
you're free to get as mushy as you want with him in this state, he'll feel all the more loved
he won't say a word about it but he'll be extra sweet to you once he's feeling better
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I'll say this not sure what the legal outcome that Sam will be dealing with as the May 20th hearing approaches but both Sam & Kristie seem incredibly happy, in love and feeling pretty good with both posting in the same day 😊
I don't think they are really focusing on that stuff right now. You just leave that to the high priced lawyer you hired to take care of it. Seems like they are just loving their lives right now.
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