#kronos integration
oditeksolutionsyaass · 5 months
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fantastic-nonsense · 6 months
I think people who genuinely wanted Percy to rebel against the gods and overthrow the system kind of...miss the whole point of the series
The question is not whether or not the gods deserve to rule; the books are kind of unambiguous that they don't! That the gods are generally undeserving of their children's loyalty is the one thing that Percy and Luke both agree on! But PJO is less about divine right to rule vs. ruling via consent of the governed and more about improving dysfunctional family systems. It's not about whether unfair rulers deserve to continue ruling; it's about forcing the gods to be better, fairer rulers and a better, fairer family given limited alternatives.
Because what are the alternatives, as presented to us within the scope of the original PJO series?
Option 1: allow Kronos to topple Olympus and take over. Clearly not a viable alternative for all of the reasons the books show us.
Option 2: the demigods overthrow the Olympians and rule the world themselves. Okay. How's that going to work out long-term, given demigods are mortal and cannot control or protect their parents' domains? Demigods will die out within a generation or two, so that's potentially a one-generation short-term solution, and then everyone's right back where they started. Except worse, because now the world has been out of divine balance for a century and the gods have a completely legitimate bone to pick with all demigods. Materially worse outcome.
Option 3: demigods ignore the gods and their will entirely. They integrate into the mortal world, refuse to participate in quests or talk to their parents, and pretend prophecies don't exist. Except that's clearly not a viable option, since we see that demigods usually can't safely exist in the mortal world without monsters coming after them, the gods are cruel enough to use blackmail and engage in hostage situations to get demigods to act as heroes, and prophecies have a way of coming true regardless of everyone's best attempts to circumvent them. Again: materially worse outcome.
And for Percy, for the demigods at Camp Half-Blood, for Luke and for everyone else who defected....for the most part, they don't actually have an inherent problem with the gods ruling them. They just want to be acknowledged, valued, and loved by their families, to be treated as more than a tool for their parents to wield whenever their services are needed. That was the core thesis of the demigod rebellion, which was wholly separate from Kronos' specific motivations for overthrowing the Olympians, and it's why Percy's asks at the end of TLO were what they were.
The point was always that had Percy grown up in a slightly more dysfunctional family environment...had he grown up with Frederick Chase's seemingly conditional love or May Castellan's madness instead of Sally Jackson's steady, quiet, unconditional love...he could have turned out like Luke. Like Ethan. Like the dozens of demigods who defected from camp to join Luke's cause. Percy could have turned out just as a bitter and angry and vengeful. Just as ready to tear down the system. Just as willing to betray and kill his own family for the sake of making a point.
But instead, Percy openly reprimands the gods for abandoning their families and using them as cannon fodder in their own petty disagreements. He forces them to acknowledge and claim their children. He demands that everyone who is part of the godly family be recognized and accepted, not just those related to the Twelve Olympians. He asks for those unjustly punished (like Calypso) to be set free and accepted back into the family. Because that's the point at the end of the day: not forcing bad rulers to step down, but changing an insanely dysfunctional family system that the gods and demigods are all members of into a better, safer, and more accepting environment for demigods to grow up and live in.
Overthrowing the gods wouldn't solve the problem at the heart of the series, which is the gods' shitty parenting and family management skills. It would only exacerbate the massive familial fault-lines that Kronos exploited and leave the demigods open to more godly manipulation. Which is why the series ends as it does, with Percy using his wish to tangibly improve the lives of his family instead of selfishly improving his own life (via accepting immortality/godhood) or overthrowing the gods. Because the conflict isn't about the gods as rulers. It's about the gods as parents.
PJO's core thesis is Percy, who grew up knowing unconditional familial love, looking at this whole world of children who didn't and saying "that's not fair. Gods should be better than this!" But instead of destroying them the way Luke wants to, instead of overthrowing them and putting himself on the throne, he instead challenges them to be better parents and family members. To be part of the solution instead of the problem. And Percy's demands don't solve everything, but they were necessary first steps! Without forcing the gods to acknowledge a bare minimum floor of inclusion, the cycle would simply begin all over again the next time a major conflict popped up.
So that's the problem Percy solves and how he successfully fulfills the prophecy: by believing that the gods had the capacity to change and forcing them to break the cycle of familial abandonment, he preserves Olympus and takes the first steps towards a new status quo, one that is objectively better for demigods than the one he grew up in. That's why he succeeds, and it's why Percy overthrowing the gods would have made for a much less satisfying ending than what actually happened.
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percabetn · 4 months
i am quite curious about how they’ll handle in the show annabeth being a witness to luke and percy’s conversation at the end of the lighting thief because one of her most interesting developments in the first series was her inner dilemma of whether to believe in luke and that he was a good person to the core who would eventually come back to his senses, or believe percy when he would tell her that he willingly gave himself to kronos and that he was inherently evil, therefore choosing to fight against him
i mean this is literally an integral part of her arc, being so in denial to the point she lets herself be manipulated by him and always thinks that he’s not a villain and it’s just kronos using him like a puppet, because he was one of the first people who cared about her and quite literally saved her when she ran away… but in the show she was there to witness how he had the intention of killing percy had she not intervened so…..
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newathens · 5 months
the dream sequences that percy experiences in tlt are integral to the series because they immediately connect percy to his father & family. in these dreams we are given symbolic and literal imagery of zeus and poseidon fighting and being, unknowingly, influenced by kronos. so that oppressiveness isn’t known to them but is being directly depicted to percy who, both times, is panicked, upset and scared by this imagery and basically senses kronos’ presence there. by showing him these dreams, kronos instills this fear of himself into percy, who is affected by the idea of his father in trouble. and what’s funny is, percy’s fear doesn’t manifest that strongly. he brings kronos up to poseidon at the end of tlt, but poseidon then says zeus has barred them from discussing kronos. so really, it is the gods who are aware and scared of kronos. percy experiences the fear of his father who, in the dreams being nearly infantilized, is a son being manipulated by his own father, and unable to stop it
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superemeralds · 1 year
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this is Aries of Kreios, the southern star
Kreios is associated with the aries so it was an obvious influence on the design. other influences are a scorpion and some fucked up extinct shark. i loved the legs of the original design of KNIGHT so i kept these and build around that.
fun fact: Giant (giganto) would be able to ride on this titan and pull out the “horns” and use them as swords. that’s what I call team work.
Giant of Koios <> Wyvern of Hyperion <> Aries of Kreios <> Atlas of Iapetos <> URANOS from Kronos
wanna see more about this project, but way before i post it? literally while im working on this stuff?
more info below the cut, as always!
And island of new beginnings. The volcanic activity here has screated an island that experiences extinction and rebirth on the regular. Beautiful flowers have conquered the areas that have evaded erruptions for multiple years. This island houses the richest of fruits, as well as the deadliest acid pits.
The basalt colums house interesting architecture integrated in the natural formations. Generally I’d like there to be more stuff to explore and MORE REWARDS FOR DOING SO!!!!! im so tired of finding cool ruins but not anything IN THEM. At least gimme a pot to break or something.
Kreios is about the land of the earth (Gaia) and you feel the land at its finest here.
I really liked the gameplay aspects of this fight so i‘d keep the gimmicks similar/the same as much as possible with the changed design and lack of a sword,,
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art--cat · 10 months
Percy Jackson Unpopular Opinion
Percy Jackson Must Die.
**Note Percy is my favorite character so this isn’t hate on him
Reasons directly related to percy
Percy has never been anything more in life then a demigod 
We first meet Percy Jackson when he’s twelve, and honestly doesn’t have much going for him (what twelve year old does?). He’s a delinquent, kicked out of six schools by the end of sixth grade, and has internalized ideas fed to him about how he’s doomed to fail. He doesn’t have anyone who is important to him beyond Grover, and Sally, and from what we see very little drive to succeed. There’s no amazing talent, or genius intellect waiting out there for him, and to anyone beyond Chiron, Grover, and Sally he’s a basket case with no future, no potential, and no drive. Even once he discovers he’s a demigod his ability to function in the mortal world is minimal leaving him very little potential there.
Beyond the seeming lack of potential, he doesn’t have any real goals at any point in his life. Before realizing he’s a demigod, he lacks any motivation to be good at something, partially due being told he would amount to nothing. 
Then his mom “dies” and it's all about saving her, after that he’s the prophecy child, doomed to die at 16, after making a decision to change the course of history. By the time the war actually rolls around he’s simply accepted his death and has no goals beyond protecting his friends, and stopping Kronos.
Then he lives. Great time to make some life goals! Nope. New war. 
He’s never had goals within the mortal world, fighting for his/his friends lives has always provided any and all drive for him. Other characters reach beyond, Annabeth has always wanted to be an architect, Leo wants to be an engineer, Piper fights for all peoples rights. They all have goals that are 100% applicable to the mortal world, something beyond being a demigod. Percy lacks that.
Percy’s character will be ruined if he lives past twenty
We all know that once a demigod reaches adulthood they no longer attract monsters in the same way. For many of the demigod characters we meet this will be a relief, no more fighting for their lives or godly interferences, for Percy, he will have lost the one thing that allowed him to feel like he was meant for more. If Percy lives on he will just be that old character that shows up every few books to reject a quest, give some advice to the next big three kid, and then talk about “the good old days” as all his friends move on with their lives and his legacy fades away. 
Percy’s death could be integral to his character, and showcase some of his most important traits
Percy would most likely die saving someone, representing his loyalty (one of his core traits) and allowing him to die the hero. Beyond showcasing his loyalty, it could also show his character development, we all know he’d make it to Elysium, what about rebirth? This would show Percy’s understanding that there is more to be done, and while he’s done all he can as Percy Jackson he’s not ready to give up on the mortal world yet. It shows his unwillingness to sit idly by when there’s more to be done, but allow a newfound understanding that there's only so much one mortal could do in a lifetime.  
Allows Percy to stay relevant
The final reason is simply that the name Percy Jackson is losing relevance in the riordanverse as new younger characters like Nico, Hazel, Sadie, Carter, and Meg or characters without an expiry date like Alex and Magnus start taking over major quests. Percy is losing page time and the page time he does get is slowly slipping from the headstrong heroic character, to a character who settles (something percy is blatantly bad at). Percy’s death would affect other characters and could even be a cautionary tale.
However Percy’s death wouldn’t only be for the sake of his own character, it would also wrap up/jumpstart other characters' stories. 
Jason's death makes way for a important parallel
Percy and Jason were each other's mirrors. The Perfect Roman Hero, and The Perfect Greek Hero. Natural born fighters destined for greatness and to bring a new era of peace. They succeeded and Jason died as he wasn't needed anymore. Percy and Jason both dying could be the end of that era. Beyond that Jason would be waiting in Elysium for Piper forever, I don’t think Percy would do that for Annabeth, not when there's always more he can do to help others. I firmly believe he would go for rebirth.
Allows Annabeth, to have a new beginning 
Annabeth's character specifically would benefit from this. I do see her traveling down to the underworld, walking up to Hades and demanding Percy’s life back, andI see  one of two things happening. 
Parallel to the classic Greek tragedy of Orpheus and Eurydice. Hades agrees on the condition Percy follows Annabeth and she doesn’t look back. However like Orpheus, Annabeth looks back and in the moment they meet eyes Percy realizes that there is more he can do, and that Annabeth shouldn’t be waiting until her own death for someone, so when she asks “See you in elysium?”, he simply shakes his head. 
Percy arrives in Elysium, and is greeted by Jason, who is waiting for Piper, and in that moment Percy has the same realization that he can’t just wait and be idle forever and goes for rebirth, when Annabeth arrives in the underworld she confronts hades who tells her “Even if i could give him back to you, he’s gone decided on rebirth”
From there Annabeth would realize that she and Percy wanted two do different things, and that he would never settle the way she had always seen herself settling. This also allows her to grow as a person and figure out who she is alone, as she grieves her relationship and partially a former part of her own personality. 
Finally, it gives some meaning to the fatal flaw plot point. We would see how Percy’s loyalty (not only to annabeth, however to others and too cause as flaw isn’t “loyalty to annabeth”) got him killed,  and how even the greatest heroes’ fall can victim to their fatal flaw.
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winns-stuff · 1 year
Christianity isn’t really protected either. Pop culture bastardizes and disrespects that religion too, shows like Lucifer or Good Omens are the biggest examples, and pop singers love to misuse the iconography. Basically, no religion is really safe when it comes to people using it for entertainment.
But back to the main idea of LO —
I think the main issue is that Greek and Norse beliefs are so integrated into western society that people forget that these are still part of cultures today — even if the people don’t believe in it. I’m Greek and the vast majority of Greece is Orthodox now, but the Gods and Goddesses are still very much a part of society today in many ways. So it’s frustrating (not for all Greeks of course) to see western works like Lore Olympus not just change the stories, but misunderstand the philosophy behind them.
Why are the Gods all related to each other? Because you’re meant to understand them as elements and not physical people. Zeus (weather) creates Persephone (a season) with Demeter (Earth in terms of crops)— basically, a season happens when combined with the weather and the crops are affected. Why are Demeter and Zeus related? Because Rhea and Kronos both represent time — Rhea the natural flows (river flows, bodily fluids, etc.) while Kronos represents the inevitable time. Weather and Earth’s crops both use these ideas. Weather is inevitable and flows with perception and rain, while the crops grow during certain conditions and take time to do so.
If any of that made sense (because I’m terrible at explaining things) then you can see how you need to deconstruct the stories to understanding t$3 concepts. Many religions, even Christianity, work this way where you have to read between the lines to really understand the concepts.
When people like Rachel just take the stories at face value just so they can have a cute story, they’re already messing up. LO fails not just because it’s written like a Lolita wanna be, but because Rachel doesn’t understand read between the lines.
Wow, this explanation was honestly super well thought out and wonderfully articulated. Thank you so much for taking the time to even write this, it was very beautiful to read! But this makes me even sadder, I never really thought about just how many religions are used for entertainment only but this now has given me something to really think about. Again, thank you for this gorgeous explanation I really do appreciate it.
Also I really hope that none of that sounded like sarcasm or anything, I truly do mean what I say and I just hope that my tone can be seen in that way but I really am blown away by this explanation and I really do appreciate this so again thank you for taking the time to explain!
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bi-lullaby · 5 months
So I really loved the PJO show. I wish we get a second season, and a fourth and so on all the way through heroes of olympus because it’s just so good. If you feel like reading my (NOT spoiler free) rambles:
- Percy’s loyalty and dedication to his mom is just so integral to his character and they RESPECT THAT.
- I really like what I’ve seen mentioned about how both casting wise and storyline changes wise there have been some adaptations that were less “lol lets change it” and more to connect better with today’s audience and cultural paradigm. Like Annabeth being blonde because of the stereotype of “the dumb blonde” that was so prevalent in the era the books were released versus her being Black showcasing the extreme undermining Black women go through instead, or Luke being less 00s/10s boyband boy looking and more tiktok softboy looking now, but also Sally being less 100% perfect and more active in the story and upbringing of Percy as both a hero and a demigod and Luke being less cool and detached and more… Sweet? Emotional?
- I did feel pretty meh about a few changes: Zeus immediately accepting that Kronos is scheming and is a threat (Ik they couldn’t know if they’ll get that far but it cuts the stakes of the third book by a lot if there’s no pressing time limit to get Artemis back to Olympus to convince the Gods into action if they’ve been Doing Stuff for two years now, and even the second book loses a little in regards to the behind-the-scenes political climate that leas to it being what it was). Luke going to every length not to kill Percy is such a 180° from the books it was a little jarring and I feel it cuts out how much of a Menace he was and how bitter/jealous he was of Percy. Like we could have seen their bonding and even Luke trying to recruit him but I’d still have liked to see the scorpion scene so the betrayal and anger and wariness Percy feels is that much deeper and bitter and personal like in the books.
- I’m of two minds about the entire Gabe arch. Like on one hand I do understand toning him down (including his demise) for the public’s intended audience, I even think it kinda goes along the adapting to new times by showing that the useless, insensitive, disrespectful aspect of a bad husband is harmful just as the “darker”, more explicitly abusive/exploitative and mean drunk book version, but on the other I feel like he had such an impact on Percy in the books (he’s literally the Oracle’s “mirage” for his prophecy, he thinks of his smell in tartarus), and I really had loved the line “you’ll fail to save what matters most in the end” coming true because Sally saves herself - although the post I’ve seen about his fate showcasing how his lack of respect was his doom did make me appreciate it a little more.
- The only castings (or maybe it was the directing and styling of them more so) that I can’t really get behind are Hades and Hephaestus. Hades felt like they were going for the Disney’s Hercules comedic relief one in a slightly toned down costume. None of the gravitas and intimidation, he didn’t feel like a god at any point. And Hephaestus was just… So different. He’s supposed to be a deeply secluded, antisocial, gruffy mechanic who’s self sequestered by his inventions and forges. The show version looked like an eccentric professor more than anything imo. Which I feel could be one modern retelling of Hephaestus in another series, but isn’t the one we had and, imo, doesn’t go as well with the rest of the vibe. Which is a shame bc I do feel like Timothy could have been used in a way that would work fantastically for those vibes.
- Lin Manuel Miranda’s, acting actually shocked me. I never really had a Hamilton phase but I am on tumblr so I was expecting something cringe and honestly, I thought it was good (and to bring it back to Hades: Hermes in sweats and a hoodie actually gave me the feeling of “this is merely a cover to a deep well of power” than Hades in his suit and dark colors ever did)
- Meanwhile, perfect Ares casting. Yes this man is beefing with (and losing to) 12yos but he’s also an ancient force that revels in bloodshed and carnage.
- Annabeth from the show encapsulates the character so well while also bringing her own notes to it. Like as time went on back in my peak pjo days I felt she got “Hermionified” by the fandom too much? And I lost sight of how fond I was of her but the show (and having reread the books) really rekindled that and made me remember why she is a force to be reckoned with and also someone that must be protected at all costs. I cannot express enough how much my fondness was reignited.
- Like I feel this could be a whole post but basically I feel the books showcase the “ideal” characteristics the gods and their kids could have versus how they wind up twisted into something else (Percy’s sea-like indomitable spirit vs several of his brethren’s ruthlessness and disregard for what’s good) and Annabeth feels like, beyond amassing knowledge for it’s sake… She wants to actually Learn, and in the show maybe even to a deeper degree than in the books and it is endearing and very enthralling.
- On that note, Leah, Walker… This is supposed to be a SLOWburn goddamit. Like in the books you can see where it’s headed but in the show they have such silly crushes I can barelyy stand it. My children.
- Speaking of Walker that kid IS Percy like you cannot convince me otherwise. Disney farmed him for this role.
- I actually really loved Poseidon having a british accent? Idk, something about england and nautical exploration and it feeling older and more… Powerful? Like the ocean
- And Zeus had all the “I’m the god amongst kings and king amongst gods” that I’d have expected from him. He was crackling with power and that was beautiful to see. What a tragic loss.
- Grover is my precious child (although I do wish we had gotten the silly, goat like details of him like eating cans and making the bleating noises). And since the last book I finished rereading was the Battle of the Labyrinth (where I cried like a baby at Pan’s death) watching this sweetheart getting all excited with his literal flower searches license? Made me wanna weep.
- Overall most of my criticisms that came to mind besides the alterations I cited came from being hushed because of too few eps and those being too short. Really really hope the next season (fingers crossed) we’ll get like, 15+ eps (and/or at least longer eps) so we can really sink into the meat and potatoes of it all.
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beevean · 3 months
So i found this video, what are you thought on the idea, good or not ?
Funny that this dude prefaces that Frontiers is among the few open world games that he likes. I was just thinking that Sonic is a better franchise than Metroid when it comes to integrating its concept with the open world mechanic, as you can keep its core of building up speed and momentum to find new ways to traverse the world.
Metroid... I can't see it at all. An open world would go against the general design of these games, that tends to be claustrophobic, labyrinthine, and full of obstacles that you need to tackle once you find the right ability. He mentions the image of Samus going through a forest, or a day/night cycle that would make the world dynamic, and I simply cannot picture Samus in a place like, I don't know, Kronos Island. It's not her environment! And not just aesthetically. The idea of having the entire world at your fingertips is the opposite of what Metroid games do, which is making you discover it inch by inch, ideally creating tension until you become an OP badass lol.
I agree with the cons he proposes, especially the one about ease of replayability (although the length of development is not really worth bringing up in on itself: what's important is that something doesn't happen during the development the game isn't rushed); and I agree the point that Metroid games, especially the Prime games, are already open world in a way, or at the very least open enough for how vast and interconnected they are. So I see even less need to change a well established formula that still works.
And I like this comment:
Metroid has always been open world. I've never understood the distinction. It's just the idealized version of an open world: non-linear, densely populated, richly detailed, interconnected, with interesting, memorable landmarks, varied regions and environments, and no wasted space. Metroidvania-style maps are what open world maps always should have been. To the people trying to claim that Metroid Prime is not a "true" open world because there are no wide open spaces to mindlessly sprint across, that's like saying it's not a "real" first person shooter because there's no weapon camos or battle pass. I think when most people say "open world" what they really mean is "a huge map that is mostly empty, open space, sprinkled with quest markers, filler content, and npcs". A Metroid-vania map is what you get when you take a modern "open world" map and trim all the unnecessary fat.
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genericpuff · 1 year
So if you had to order them whats the biggest to smallest let downs of lo? What has potential vs just being a crap plot point?
I'm REALLY bad at ordering things from biggest to smallest/worst to best/etc. so bear with me, but my personal list from smallest letdown to biggest letdown would definitely be:
5. Hera and Hades' affair. No 'potential' here, RS just shouldn't have done it. It casts way too many fucked up implications in Hera's characterization, from how she calls Minthe "nymph trash" to how she forces her own dreams and preferences on Persephone. She's always got an opinion about Hades' relationships, which would have been fine if we consider the fact she's the Goddess of Marriage and Hades is the only unmarried King, but now that we know they were in an affair for hundreds of years, it makes her opinions look even more mean-spirited.
4. The actual romance. There's no 'romance' in LO, it's just fluffy vignettes that Rachel thinks quantifies an entire plot but the reality is, Hades and Persephone are just not interesting characters and fluff doesn't make a story. So when they're together, it makes for a very uninteresting romance, as well. At least S1 had some amount of romantic/sexual tension, there is none of that in S2 onwards because it's just Hades and Persephone playing house but never bothering to actually get to know each other. Now that they're rushing into marriage it's just... blech. I couldn't be more disinterested in the marriage of a couple that Rachel's been writing about for five fucking years. I feel nothing towards them and that's the worst crime a romance can commit because it breaks my number one rule of storytelling - don't be fucking boring.
3. The Assassination of Demeter. The fact Rachel couldn't give an ounce of respect to the original myth that her bestselling series is based on is so goddamn disgusting, honestly. It goes to show how little integrity Rachel has, that she'll appropriate and gentrify another culture's religion and myths for her own personal monetary gain. Same goes for Webtoons as a whole. She writes this Greek myth comic as if she's ashamed to be associated with it, she wants all the fame and money without any of the responsibility or discipline. Demeter deserves better.
2. The Kronos fight. Lost potential. Not only did we not need some big MCU fight between Persephone and Kronos (this isn't an action comic) but even if we did have to have one for some reason, it couldn't have been, y'know... better? Why was it treated as a big joke? Why didn't Kronos use his powers? Why did it come out of nowhere and get resolved in a single episode? Why was the extent of his attempts to harm Persephone so nerfed? Answer: because Rachel doesn't know how to write action and she didn't want her precious self-insert to get an owie. Take this as a heads up/warning: I torture my characters. So I hope you're ready for the Rekindled versions of these characters to get HURT. 1.Persephone's act of wrath. So much lost potential here to characterize Persephone in a way that could have been more empowering or otherwise interesting. This is honestly the biggest thing I'm gonna be trying to revitalize in Rekindled and, full brag, I think I'm the perfect person for this task because I've been spending well over 10 years writing characters like this.
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godsofhumanity · 11 months
i've been thinking about her relationship with Hera a lot for one my story ideas, and as i develop her personality, im appreciating her a little more.
Please elaborate this we’re curious now lol
ahahahaha ur wish is my command ✨
so for context. i was thinking about Typhon and how Typhon is born, and in one version, Hera gets jealous of Zeus because he "gave birth" to Athena "by himself" (he didn't need her) (technically it wasn't really by himself because Metis was still the one to conceive Athena, and she still gave birth to Athena, it was just in Zeus' head, but whatever).. and so, i'm extending off the idea that Athena's birth is what triggers Hera's decision to create Typhon as a weapon to fight Zeus with.
i think that the reason Hera gets SO furious with Zeus that she's goes to such lengths (i mean, she full on intends to destroy Zeus) is that Zeus' reaction to Athena, his recollection of Metis, was just too painful for Hera.. i mean, there are already so many bastard children around Olympus (Apollo, Artemis, Hermes, Persephone, etc.), and now Athena is born, Zeus' FIRST child EVER, and Hera is like, "i can't do this anymore".
a little backstory: i like the idea that Metis and Hera were friends. not besties or anything like that, but Metis, to me, is one of the older gods in the second generation of titans, and i like the idea that she and Prometheus were Zeus' left and right-hand gods who trained him and helped him win the war against Kronos.
and so, when Zeus' siblings were freed, Metis and Prometheus both helped them "re-integrate", and Metis would have been quite close with Hera especially because Hera spent so much time in Oceanus' house (Oceanus is Metis' father).
anyways, while Prometheus became a brother to Zeus, Metis and Zeus become practically wife and husband; this reflects the nature of Metis as Zeus' first wife. i like the idea that Metis was always intended to be the first Queen of Olympus; there was never anyone else.
note: in my timeline, Metis dies before she officially becomes queen, and therefore, she dies before she actually marries Zeus for real. i like the idea that Rhea thought Zeus was too young to become king officially, and so they decided that when Zeus became king in a few years, then they would get married so that they would both be coronated at the same time.
furthermore, while i don't think Metis is Zeus' first relationship, i do hc that she is Zeus' first true love. it's not just a fling; what he feels for her is the strongest love he's ever felt in his life (until Hera enters the scene, that is). as such, the prospect of having a child with Metis is one of Zeus' greatest.. "dreams"? hopes? he wants it, is what i'm saying. but, like his father and his father's father before him, Zeus is susceptible to paranoia. and the fear that Kronos' prophecy (that his child by Metis will overthrow him) becomes too real, and in a panic (again, like Kronos), he unwittingly dissolves Metis into just divine essence lacking a physical form. and because Metis no longer has a physical body, Zeus assumes that hope is lost, and his child is gone.
that's why when Athena IS born, Zeus is so overwhelmed, so excited, and so relieved that his first-born child is alive and well and beautiful and the spitting image of his first love, Metis.
and so of course, when he sees her and she tells him that she wants to be the goddess of strategy and wisdom and warcraft, even though he's already given war to his son Ares, he immediately gives her these domains also... i think he feels that he owes at least this much to Athena and to Metis.
now, when Athena is born, it all happens in front of everyone, and so Hera is standing there too, listening as Zeus passes off part of her son's domain to this new girl and immediately awards her a place on the Olympian council when one of her own children (Eileithyia) still doesn't have one (this is a very prestigious and high honour) (Hebe and Eris are not born as yet, and Enyo is an infant at the time Athena is born, in my timeline). and naturally, she's enraged.
Hera knows what Metis meant to Zeus; she was there. and even though she wasn't in love with Zeus when Metis was, seeing Athena now join the Olympians, there's a real fear in Hera's mind that Athena could step in line before Hera's children; that Zeus will abandon Hera's children (and her too) because now he has a child from his first "marriage".
so at the beginning, i think Hera hates Athena. Metis isn't alive for Hera to hate. so she hates the daughter instead. she despises Athena because she gets the attention from Zeus that Hera's own children don't get.
most of Zeus' bastard children get better treatment than Hera's children, and therefore Hera hates most of them.
Apollo and Artemis have always been proud characters and despise Hera; as such, they would never try to lower themselves to please Hera and i think that just makes their relationship worse. they always show her the bare minimum courtesy. they would never try to make Hera feel less awkward; they would be very "loud and proud" that their mother is Leto in front of Hera.
Hermes tries to suck up to Hera, which she finds mildly irritating. however, it also makes him slightly more tolerable to Hera; better than Leto's twins, at least.
Persephone is very low-key, polite, and sweet, and because she's not really around Olympus a lot, and because she is Demeter's child, Hera doesn't really have much beef with.
Athena, while she's headstrong, doesn't purposefully try to antagonise Hera. nor does she apologise to Hera (after all, she has nothing to apologise for).. she doesn't suck up to her, she doesn't gloat.
and, when she sees the impact of her birth on Hera and Zeus' marriage, she understands that this will be troublesome in the future, and so decides that she should let Hera know that she has no intention of "usurping" the throne, or using her birthright to inherit Zeus' throne or overshadow Hera's children.
i like the idea that Athena's only motivation is to serve justice. that's why she takes on chastity vows; so she is never distracted from the righteous path. she becomes a patron of heroes because she is sort of the ultimate hero; she has heroic ideals. she's noble, she's wise, she's brave. Athena has no interest in being a queen. i think she only wants to follow Zeus and be a pillar of Olympus; she's very much Themis 2.0 to me.
so that's why she actually isn't really a threat to Hera. if there was a possibility that Leto could be a queen, i do think Apollo and Artemis would do everything they could to ensure it happened. Dionysus, when he enters the scene later on, also does his best to bring his mother up from Hades to be a goddess in Olympus, right in front of Hera. but Athena? i don't think she would do those things. she doesn't try to push her way about.
i hc that before Typhon emerges, Athena speaks to Hera and tells her all of this; but crucially, she never apologises for anything. she only makes her intentions clear. and Hera has a lot of respect for this bold move... slowly, Athena is elevated from being merely another one of Zeus' strays to a respectable goddess (though not quite an equal) in Hera's eyes.
as i said before, i like the idea that Metis and Hera became friends, and i can imagine Metis helping to train Hera. one of Metis' swords which was given to Hera, is given to Athena by Hera as a token of her newfound respect for Athena, and also as a tribute to Metis who i feel was someone Hera was fond of and whose death she was affected by.
anyways. as we all know, in later myths, Athena and Hera sometimes appear on the same side, particularly against Zeus, so i believe the two find common-ground. they're neither friends, nor stepmother-and-stepdaughter, but something else; like that one person at work you don't want to see outside of work, but they're the only person in the workplace you can actually tolerate.
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oditeksolutionsyaass · 5 months
Kronos, a leading workforce management solution, offers cloud-based tools for time and attendance tracking, schedule management, and payroll automation. OdiTek Solutions specializes in implementing and optimizing Kronos modules, providing services for Kronos Workforce Ready, Dimensions, Central, Analytics, TeleStaff, and more.
Services offered by OdiTek include customized implementation, seamless integration with existing systems, compliance and reporting configuration, and continuous support and optimization. The team's expertise extends to cloud integration with tools like Boomi, Celigo, and Workato.
OdiTek ensures precise configuration of Kronos solutions, compliance with labor laws, and ongoing support for long-term efficiency. As a strategic consulting partner, they aim to enhance workforce management and offer expertise in Kronos Workforce Ready and Kronos Workforce Dimensions.
Kronos Integration, Kronos UKG, Kronos Work Force Ready, Kronos Scheduling, Kronos Workday
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rynnaaurelius · 2 years
New premise: Heroes of Olympus where everything is the same but the main cast keep having to pause the plot in order to break up fights between demigods from the Titan Army and demigods who stayed at the two camps
They keep trying to integrate survivors back because things are Theoretically Good And Peaceful Now, and being on your own as a demigod sucks, but also you're a child of Hecate who joined Kronos and just saw that little bitch-son of Apollo, Delaney, who left you rhyming and concussed for a week--and do you know what kind of sonnets come out when your brain is well-shaken Jell-O?--and you two just pick up where you left off six months later in the dining hall during Taco Tuesday
Also, at least one of the non-original series HoO characters was working for the Titans. For flavor
Leo. Let's be real it's totally Leo it makes too much sense for it NOT to be him
This can also totally be angsty over people who did kill their own siblings and survivors' guilt and stuff but I just think Forced Plot Pause because characters keep re-litigating the civil war the gods are now trying to pretend Never Happened is funny.
Also also, Luke is just Around and full "I met some of the worst people. But they also met me and those people are The Fucking Gods" mode because the brainrot never dies
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myburntwritings · 8 months
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Day 20: Fav pairing or crack pairing
Another day, another question I could answer in a hundred and one different ways.
When it comes to pairings more established within the plot of the record, I have a difficult choice. Do I choose Apollo and Cassandra for their devastating flirtation, or Zagreus and Eurydice for their ill-fated love? Do I pick the violent affair of Aegisthus and Clytemnestra, or the open animosity of Polymestor and Kronos?
I could choose any of them, as they are all integral to the plot and I have spent a lot of time enjoying their stories.
Neoptolemus and Patroclus.
The pairing of Neoptolemus and Patroclus is a jam-packed, rapidly changing dynamic. Every pairing from the performers brought something slightly different (or not so slight, on occasion.)
This was one of my first openly emotional journeys within the show, and certainly the first time I was stolen from a loop I had planned.
I was fortunate that I saw a swing pairing who embraced the homoeroticism of Neoptolemus and Patroclus the first time I followed either of them. There were a lot of "They're friends" "They're in love" debate in those earlier months. Certainly, I don't believe the primary castings of Neoptolemus and Patroclus ever snogged in the crate room, so some may only have seen the platonic version.
For me, the secret romance of the pair made the story. Not just for them in that moment, but for external forces. It makes sense of Iphigenia's choice to go after Patroclus instead of Neoptolemus. She doesn't want to kill Neoptolemus. She wants to rip his heart out, the way it was done to her.
There was a beautifully tragic scene I saw much later in the run with WenHsin as Iphigenia stood beneath the dying Patroclus, her hands dripping with his blood. She stretched towards Neoptolemus as he ran in, her face alight with murderous, vengeful glee. It was like she was screaming at him. "Look at what I did. Finally pay attention to me, Neoptolemus. You took my heart, and now I've taken yours." But he didn't even notice she was there. He ran straight past her to his lover, and Iphigenia's face fell to desperate loss and pain before twisting to rage. No matter who she was, or what she did, she was never going to get a look from Neoptolemus with Patroclus around.
This depth of betrayal, of tragedy, would not have been possible for me in a platonic relationship. So, any time I saw them after that first viewing, whether they were openly romantic or not, I always saw it that way.
You journey through the closest of friends, of comrades and brothers in arms, through animosity and jealousy as Patroclus realises how far ahead of him Neoptolemus is. You see their playful romance, hidden away behind duty in the crate room. Their desperation not to be parted as they embrace. We see betrayal as they go their separate ways at the invasion. We see the devastation and desperation as Neoptolemus tries to save Patroclus' life.
It is a story that never stops changing, and I think that's why it's my favourite pairing in the show.
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itzcherrybonbon · 1 year
The whole Protector gang is hereee!!
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Arachne (The spider lady on the right.)
-A Muffet AU, who was found in a corner of the Doodle Sphere by Iris. She had no memory of her AU, nor how her life was there. Eventually, she agreed to join T.M.P.
-Arachne is known to be friendly, sweet and great at baking! She loves and respects her teammates. Even Krono, who fears spiders, is fond of her and can endure being around her sometimes.
-Her strings are strong, and hard to escape from. Therefore she uses them to make traps or to keep an enemy from escaping. She also has lethal venom in her fangs. She can easily climb on the walls and stay there upside-down for a long period of time.
-Triggers: Currently none.
Iris (the woman next to Arachne)
-The proud founder of T.M.P. Her Integrity and desire to keep others safe knows no bounds, she has vowed to protect everything and everyone.
-She cares for her teammates safety and well-being, thus she would never pressure them for anything. She's friendly and kind, and always puts everyone before herself. She almost never talks about her feelings, it seems she wants to avoid talking about her past life too..
-She tries to avoid fighting. But when she has to, her preferred weapon is a blue katana she summons with her soul magic. Often, she summons blue, round saws too, like Gaster in Glitchtale.
-Triggers: The sound of gunshots, her dead name, loud jumpscares.
Wicked (The void-head person)
-He mentioned he came from the same AU as Iris, and remembers every detail as clear as day. He is the ghost of a young assassin, whose real name was Albedo Ivanov (Альбедо Иванов). Yes, both him and Iris are russian.
-Childish and mischievous, will go out of his way to pull a prank on anyone, and is full of surprises. He has an unusual preference for Cross.
-He sticked with T.M.P so he could have access to the AU's, and to watch over his teammates as he grew to care for them with time. He loves getting in the way of Nightmare's plans, thinking he's ruining Nightmare's fun.
-Being a ghost, he can posses anybody he wants, be it purely for fun or to spy on an enemy. He also seems to have access to The Void (a.k.a the Save Screen) but he is unable to RESET. The rest of his abilities are unknown, as he never got into any actual battles.
-Triggers: The sight of fire, the sound of gunshots, shouting either at him or someone else.
-He was found in Error's anti-void, trapped in the destroyer's strings. If it weren't for Ink, Krono would've glitched out in the anti-void like Blueberror and still be trapped. Ink took him to the Doodle Sphere, and introduced him to Iris. Krono decides he wants to stay with T.M.P.
-Krono remembers fragments of his AU, enough for him to know what went on and how his life used to be. Frisk, Toriel, and Papyrus AU's make him feel nostalgic. Gaster AU's make him feel uncomfortable, he dislikes some of them.
-His abilities are quite the same as a normal Sans, but he has one thing extra: He can pause time, for not more than 10 seconds. This unique ability allows him to deal a lot of damage to a strong opponent, or flee from a tough situation. He only uses it on emergencies.
-He's quiet and calm most of the time. He always goes with the flow, and has a hard time expressing his stronger emotions, like love or hatred. But while he barely talks about himself, he's always ready to listen to someone else and comfort them as best as he can.
-Triggers: Needles and surgery tools.
Astrid (the girl next to Krono)
-A recent member of T.M.P! For general information about her, read this please! https://www.tumblr.com/echos-undertaleoc-multiverse/714041373461020672/flattery?source=share
-Her and Krono have already become close friends, Krono usually comforts her and assures her that she's not useless. They enjoy talking to eachother.
-Arachne is always happy to bake anything Astrid wants to eat! The two definitely enjoy cookies and cupcakes together
-Iris definitely shows Astrid all the books she has written. She likes Astrid's art as well! It's safe to say Iris views her as a little sister figure <3
-Astrid's choice of weapon is a simple fan, but she's quite skilled with it.
Iris, Arachne, Wicked and Krono!Sans are made by me
Astrid belongs to @angels-dreamings
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digirock · 3 days
Overview of UKG Pro: A Complete Guide to Human Capital Management
In today's dynamic business environment, organizations are increasingly turning to advanced Human Capital Management (HCM) solutions to streamline their HR processes, enhance employee engagement, and drive business success. UKG Pro, formerly known as UltiPro, stands out as a leading choice for comprehensive HCM capabilities offered by Ultimate Kronos Group (UKG). This article provides a thorough overview of UKG Pro, exploring its key features, benefits, and how it empowers organizations to manage their human capital effectively.
Evolution and Background
UKG Pro represents the evolution of UltiPro, a trusted name in HR technology known for its robust features and user-friendly interface. Ultimate Software and Kronos Incorporated merged to form UKG, combining their strengths in workforce management and HCM solutions. As a result, UKG Pro inherits a legacy of innovation and customer-centricity, serving diverse industries across the globe.
Key Features of UKG Pro
Core HR Management: UKG Pro offers comprehensive tools for managing employee data, ensuring accuracy in payroll processing, and maintaining compliance with regulatory requirements. Its user-friendly interface allows HR professionals to handle essential HR tasks efficiently, from hiring to retirement.
Talent Management: The talent management suite within UKG Pro includes modules for recruitment, onboarding, performance management, and succession planning. These tools help organizations attract top talent, facilitate smooth transitions for new hires, and foster continuous employee development.
Payroll Processing: UKG Pro simplifies payroll management with automated processes and robust reporting capabilities. It supports multi-state and multi-country payroll, making it suitable for organizations operating globally. This ensures compliance with varying tax regulations and labor laws.
Employee Self-Service: Empowering employees, UKG Pro offers a self-service portal where they can access personal information, view pay stubs, manage benefits, and request time off. This reduces administrative burdens on HR departments and enhances employee satisfaction.
Analytics and Reporting: The platform provides advanced analytics tools that enable HR professionals to derive actionable insights from workforce data. Customizable reports and dashboards help organizations make informed decisions, optimize resource allocation, and measure HR effectiveness.
Mobile Accessibility: With a mobile-friendly interface, UKG Pro ensures that employees and managers can access HR functions anytime, anywhere. This supports remote work arrangements and enhances operational flexibility.
Benefits of Using UKG Pro
Enhanced Efficiency: By automating routine HR tasks and integrating data across systems, UKG Pro improves operational efficiency and reduces administrative overhead.
Improved Employee Experience: Self-service capabilities and intuitive interfaces enhance the employee experience, empowering individuals to manage their HR needs independently.
Strategic Insights: Analytics-driven decision-making enables HR leaders to identify trends, anticipate workforce needs, and align HR strategies with business goals.
Compliance Assurance: Built-in compliance features ensure adherence to regulatory standards, reducing the risk of legal penalties and reputational damage.
Scalability: UKG Pro accommodates the needs of organizations of all sizes, from small businesses to large enterprises expanding globally.
Customer Success and Industry Impact
UKG Pro has made significant strides in various industries, including healthcare, retail, manufacturing, and professional services. Its ability to adapt to industry-specific requirements and regulatory environments has earned it praise from customers worldwide. Organizations leveraging UKG Pro report improved operational efficiency, higher employee satisfaction, and greater strategic alignment of HR initiatives with corporate objectives.
Future Directions and Innovation
Looking ahead, UKG Pro continues to innovate in response to evolving workforce trends and technological advancements. Future developments may include enhanced AI-driven insights, expanded mobile capabilities, and deeper integrations with emerging HR technologies. As businesses navigate digital transformation, UKG Pro remains committed to empowering HR professionals with the tools they need to succeed in a competitive landscape.
UKG Pro stands as a comprehensive HCM solution that empowers organizations to optimize their human capital management practices. By integrating core HR functions with advanced analytics, talent management, payroll processing, and compliance features, UKG Pro enables HR departments to operate more efficiently and strategically. As businesses prioritize agility and employee engagement, UKG Pro continues to play a pivotal role in shaping the future of HR management, supporting organizations in achieving their goals and driving sustainable growth.
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