#kronos scheduling
oditeksolutionsyaass · 8 months
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Kronos Workforce | Kronos Integration | Kronos Work Force Ready
Kronos workforce is a great solution to enterprise HRIS requirements. OdiTek specializes on Kronos integrations, Kronos Work Force Ready, Kronos WFD. Call us for Kronos Consultant needs.
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tearsstained · 2 months
Tell me that you love me again - Luke Castellan Headcanons
Headcanons of how Luke Castellan fell in love with the ridiculed Hades kid based on the song 'Again' by Noah Cyrus
POC friendly, plus size friendly, gender neutral, Hades!Reader, can either be read as Disney Luke or book Luke.
Content warnings: Not proof read, angst, Stoll brothers, alcohol (mentioned), Lukes betrayal, Reader going on a quest, the master bolt quest, strangers to friends to dating, virginity lose (mentioned), sex (mentioned), death/sacrifice, war (mentioned), Kronos (mentioned), spoilers for the Last Olympians, Lukes death, Percy Jackson (mentioned), song lyrics used, songfic.
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"You just made the worst mistake."
"And you'll regret it, darling."
Luke! Who was known as the camp's golden boy and admired by everyone for his charm and talent.
Luke! Who never really had any romantic interests and no experience with love.
Luke! Who despite having girls flocking to him daily, never dated because he never found anyone intriguing enough to think about.
Luke! Who had only heard of you through other campers and never really paid a thought to you until he saw you.
Luke! Who met you randomly on a Thursday afternoon when you were chilling out with the Stoll brothers.
Luke! Who was captivated by your beauty when he first saw you and mistaked you for an Aphrodite kid.
Luke! Who discovered that Travis and Connor are your only friends.
Luke! Who made the worst mistake by asking the Stoll's about you.
Luke! Who then got bombarded with questions and poking assumptions by T&C.
Luke! Who eventually admitted to being interested in getting to know you and got absolutely blackmailed by it.
"Cause once you give and then you take."
"You'll only end up wanting."
Luke! Who made a deal with the brothers that if they introduce him to you, he'll let them bring proper alcohol into camp for bonfire nights.
Luke! Who was unrealistically determined to know you.
Luke! Who became obsessed with the thought of you despite barely knowing you.
Luke! Who finally met you at a bonfire night after being taunted by your presence in the Hermes cabin.
Luke! Who never got enough time to talk to you.
Luke! Who felt teased by your short meeting and only wanted more.
Luke! Who searched for you all around camp the next day but never found you once.
Luke! Who continued searching for you throughout the next several weeks just to only see you at the mess hall where you couldn't talk.
Luke! Who begged the Stoll brothers to tell him your schedule or where you hang out at.
Luke! Who only got a "deal's over, can't tell." in response.
"Was everything hard enough?"
"Cause one day you'll wake up."
"And then you'll say."
Luke! Who found you on your own at the docks before asking if he could join you.
Luke! Who internally freaked out when you accepted but played it off.
Luke! Who got to know you more and became friends on that dock.
Luke! Who genuinely laughed at every dark joke you said that would scare most people.
Luke! Who kept meeting up with you whenever you were both free at the dock, claiming it was 'our spot' now.
Luke! Who offered to teach you how to swim and help improve your sword fighting skills.
Luke! Who started joining in on your little hangouts with Travis and Connor in the Hermes cabin.
Luke! Who started meeting up with you in the Hades cabin and began having sleepovers together secretly.
Luke! Who slowly but surely became one of your best friends.
Luke! Who became too attached to you.
“I wanna be your lover."
"I don't wanna be your friend.”
Luke! Who had a painfully noticeable crush on you but somehow you didn't see it.
Luke! Who started hanging out with you a lot more and built a much stronger connection with you then Travis and Connor had.
Luke! Who got jealous when you were with T&C but tried to remind himself that you aren't together and can hangout with whoever.
Luke! Who defended your name when other campers were talking about how weird you were and how they believed you were the lighting thief - when in reality it was him.
Luke! Who heard from the Stolls' that you liked him but thought he didn't like you back.
Luke! Who then arranged a sleepover in your cabin and asked you out that night.
"You don't know what you got 'til it's gone, my dear."
"So tell me that you love me again."
Luke! Who cherished every moment with you because he knew he'd have to go soon.
Luke! Who wanted to hide you away from the upcoming war none of the campers knew of but couldn't.
Luke! Who kept acting normal, even when Percy Jackson arrived.
Luke! Who showed Percy around and built a big brother relationship with him.
Luke! Who was the first to bow when Percy was claimed as Poseidon's son.
Luke! Who heard from Percy that you were also forced to go on the quest to retrieve the Masters Bolt (that he stole) due to being a child of Hades.
Luke! Who has never been so disappointed of not being chosen to go on a quest before until now.
Luke! Who begged Chiron to go as well to protect you from the set up danger he knew of but was continuously denied.
Luke! Who told you he loved you for the first time before you left.
"Baby, I'll hold my breath."
"You don't know what you got 'til it's gone, my dear."
"So tell me that you love me again."
Luke! Who dreamed of you every night and prayed you were okay every day.
Luke! Who realized how deeply in love he was with you and wanted to recruit you to Kronos army so you could be together without worrying.
Luke! Who could only hope you would return to camp unharmed.
Luke! Who was ecstatic when the four of you came back mostly unharmed but also realized his cover would be blown soon.
Luke! Who harboured your last night together before he was revealed.
"Again, babe, again."
"Again, babe, again."
"You don't know what you got 'til it's gone, my dear."
"So tell me that you love me again."
Luke! Who couldn't stop repeating the three words he only told you once before
Luke! Who seemed oddly clingy but you brushed it off as making up for missed time.
Luke! Who was almost in tears several times while kissing all over your body and repeating those three words to you.
Luke! Who took your virginity that night since he knew he might never see you again.
Luke! Who worshipped you all night and was so gentle with you.
Luke! Who broke your heart the next day.
"Ooh, she's screaming in my head."
"Ooh, I left her where I slept."
"Somewhere, I can't escape from, I'm running from myself."
"Somewhere in between in love and broken, I'm in hell."
Luke! Who felt horrible for betraying you like this but wanted to get revenge on the gods.
Luke! Who offered to protect you if you joined him, only to end up getting denied and screamed at.
Luke! Who couldn't turn back now that he outted himself, so he went through the portal alone.
Luke! Who was haunted by your face every night and day.
Luke! Who never stopped loving you, even if you were on different sides.
"Saying I wanna be your lover, I don't wanna be your friend."
"You don't know what you got 'til it's gone my dear."
"So tell me that you love me again."
Luke! Who replayed every memory of you together in his head during the days now that he's away from you.
Luke! Who missed you severely but couldn't go back to camp now.
Luke! Who was happy with getting his revenge but regretted it as well.
Luke! Who thought of those harsh words you yelled at him that night and how he just wanted to hear you say 'I love you' again.
Luke! Who desired a future with you but could only fantasize about it.
Luke! Who knew you hated him but still kept loving you.
"You'll leave when the clock hits ten."
"You don't know what you got 'til it's gone, my dear."
"So tell me that you love me again."
Luke! Who despite not seeing you for years, instantly recognized you when he saw you with Percy and Annabeth.
Luke! Who just wanted to stop Kronos to prove himself to you even if it meant dying.
Luke! Who just wanted you to love him again, even a little bit.
Luke! Who sacrificed himself to end Kronos just for you to know that he regrets it and wishes things were still normal like at camp all those years ago.
Luke! Who died for your unreciprocated love.
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serafilms · 9 months
song 53! magic (one direction) + percy jackson requested by @isabelboo (2023 spotify wrapped event)
you, you’ve got this spell on me, i don’t know what to believe, kissed you once now i can’t leave
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Percy isn’t really sure how or when it started, but he’s pretty sure you’ve put some kind of curse on him.
His thoughts are consumed by you day and night. His vision tunnels in on you every time you’re around. Whenever you talk to him, all he can do is think of your lips. It’s excruciating. It’s nauseating. And it’s definitely affecting his daily activities, he thinks as he sits, dazed in the infirmary, with a stab wound (a very minor one!) in his side.
It has to be some kind of magic, he thinks, because he’s never felt like this. Maybe some voodoo? Maybe a trick by Hecate as vengeance for defeating the Titans. Maybe you’ve been slipping him potions in his food. It could be anything, and Percy is not as well-versed in magic knowledge as some other people at camp, so he has no idea.
But he finds himself always looking for you, asking after you. He finds himself trailing after you always, and depressed when you’re not around.
The strangest part is that nobody else seems to notice anything out of the ordinary, and he’s too afraid to ask them about it.
He mentioned something about it to Annabeth once, but she merely waved him off.
(“It’s like I can only think of Y/N,” he said.
Annabeth looked over her notes distractedly. “Uh huh, yeah, that’s great, Percy. Hey, since you’re not being any help here, would you mind getting Y/N so they can help me finish the Capture the Flag plans?”
Percy blinked. “Okay?”)
He thinks it must have started somewhere between all the times you held his hand to lead him somewhere, or the times he stood behind you to help correct your sword fighting posture, or the times you touched his hands and arms to correct his archery posture. He always ended up blushing furiously after each of those ordeals.
Or maybe it started that time he kissed you. Although, technically, you’d kissed him first (on the cheek, nothing crazy!) before he went off to face Kronos.
But then again, Percy had been the one to kiss you on the lips when he found you again after.
He heard the call of his name, registered your voice, and his head was already whipping around to find you. He found you, a strained look on your face as you hobbled towards him, and Percy rushed towards you.
No sooner had you steadied yourself by holding onto his forearms than he had leaned forwards and kissed you on the lips.)
But Percy couldn’t help it! He’d just been so worried about you, and so relieved to find you alive. He thinks maybe during one of those kisses you transferred your evil little spell.
Still, he hoped that kiss might have meant something to you, more than friendship, but you hadn’t gotten the chance to talk about it, since you’d collapsed on your broken ankle right after.
Even until now, you two have never really discussed what you are, or what the kiss/es entail for your future relationship. Because magic spell or not, Percy’s endless thoughts about you have him planning out your future (however much of it you can plan for two demigods who face certain death before their prime). An apartment in New York, close enough to his mom and Paul but not so close that it’s overbearing, college and planning schedules to match up, weekends out with your friends laughing and eating and watching movies and doing normal teenager things.
That’s all he wants. But he’ll settle for the lingering touches and smiles he gets from you for now.
But this curse, spell, whatever (because gods forbid Percy Jackson admit he’s in love with you before he’s sure you’re in love with him. They kissed you, Percy! What more do you need, for Zeus’ sake) is seriously becoming a problem, because somebody explain to him how from 30 feet away, Percy managed to see an Ares camper headed straight for you and make it over the battlefield in time to intercept it. With his own abdomen.
It was a stupid mistake, he acknowledges now. He’s been through countless battles, and he knows he could’ve incapacitated the camper from behind, or just knocked the spear out of his hand or something. But something about seeing you in danger just sets alight a fire in his mind that burns through any rational thought, leaving only an urge to stop you from getting hurt.
A little inconvenient now that he’s wincing on an infirmary bed with his side burning up. But at least you’re okay. And oh, look! It’s you! He’s not sure if he’s hallucinating now, or if you’re really standing in front of him.
“Seaweed brain,” you say, sniffling.
Okay, definitely you.
“Hey Y/N,” Percy says meekly. His side still feels like it’s on fire but his heart feels warmer with you here.
You take his hand and his heart aches at the tears in your eyes. “Hey, I’m fine,” he assures, ignoring the fact that he is definitely not fine.
“You’re an idiot, is what you are.”
“Yeah, that too.”
You look at him, at the ridiculous little smile he’s giving you to reassure you, at the bandages around his waist, and his hand in yours, and you lurch forwards and press your lips to his.
Percy jolts in surprise and feels his abdomen screaming at him from the movement, but kisses back nonetheless, feeling your lips on his once more and your tongue graze his bottom one.
When you pull back, he stares at you in a daze. If kissing is how you kept this spell on him, he is okay with being under it forever.
“You’re ridiculous, Percy Jackson,” you say, “but I love you.”
He swears his heart has never felt this warm. “I love you too.”
(“Sorry,” Leo says, looking rather gobsmacked, “they weren’t already dating?”
“Leo!” Piper throws her hands up in exasperation.
He smacks his cheeseburger back down on his plate and stares at the faces of his friends. Jason and Frank also look rather miffed, but the girls are all rolling their eyes. “Excuse me for being surprised! They’ve known each other since they were, what, 13?”
“12, actually,” answers Annabeth.
“12! When Percy woke up on the other side of America, the only name he could remember was Y/N’s, right?”
“Correct,” says Frank.
“And we spent ages on the Argo II, during which they got caught in the stables—“
“They were just talking,” says Hazel.
“—and they fell into Tartarus together! Because he refused to let go of her hand! They literally went all the way to hell, all the way through hell, and back out, together!”
Nobody says a word, all looking at Leo.
“You’re telling me,” Leo says, breathing very intensely as though he just found out that his pet dog has been run over, “that during that entire time, neither of them asked each other out?”
“Nope,” says Annabeth matter-of-factly, “and he also kissed Y/N on his 16th birthday.”
“Man,” Jason sighs, “talk about slow burn.”)
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minty-mumbles · 2 years
LU Superhero AU
I’m gonna be honest, I haven't come up with a plot for this AU. But  I'm posting it anyways lol
In this universe, everyone has a power, but how useful those powers are varies wildly. 
Heroes are technically a part of law enforcement, but they work independently from the government and have a lot of leeway. A Hero Agency recruits by scouting among civilians who have strong powers with combative properties. Heroes are recruited when their powers manifest (13-15 yo) and train until they become an adult. Then they decide if they want to become a hero or do something else. Very few people choose to stay.
A Hero Agency controls patrol schedules and coordinates the heroes’ actions with the police. They secure private healers/doctors, get heroes high-quality suits and gear, and give them excellent legal representation if they need it. They also often provide housing if the heroes want to use them. In short, they're a safety net for heroes, but they come limitations.
Vigilantes are those who do what the Heroes do, but without the backing of an Agency. This means they aren’t licensed to take extreme actions, which makes a lot of what they do illegal. Heroes technically work to catch Vigilantes, but they end up teaming up more often than not. Heroes aren’t too concerned with catching them. They recognize that Vigilantes are doing the same thing as Heroes do, but simply don’t want to answer to an Agency.
Heroes are public figures. (There's definitely fanfiction written about them in universe, lmao.) Generally their civilian identity are kept secret. The public assumes that heroes live in the housing that the Agency provides, and that being a hero is their only job. However, most heroes live elsewhere, and only crash at Agency housing if they’re working late or they're injured. Being a hero pays more than enough to live off of, but most heroes have at least a part-time normal job so to not draw attention.
Status: Hero (Starting to take a background role in things. Not retired yet, but not as active.)
Code Name: Tempus or Kronos
Power: Rewind - He can rewind time up to three days. He can go back shorter time frames, like one day, but it takes more concentration to do so. Three days is the default. The minimum amount of time he can wind back is 15 minutes, and that's after decades of practice. 
When he travels back in time, his body is rewound to the state it was at the time he wound back to. He could be bleeding out, and turn the clock back and be fine. He's not able to bring anything back with him, so he’s gotten pretty good at memorization.
Once he rewinds, he can’t do so again until he's back to the point where he started from. For example, if he rewinds three days, he has to wait three days to be able to rewind again. He can’t just keep going back three days at a time until he’s rewound an entire year.
Time was unusually young when his powers manifested, only nine or ten. The powers manifested when his school was attacked by the villain Majora. No one believed him, either about the fact that his power had manifested so young, or that his school would be attacked. (Power manifestation usually happens ages 13-15.) He was stuck repeating the same three days over and over. He doesn’t know how long he spent in the loop, but eventually he managed to seek out the help of a vigilante, the Fierce Deity, who has the power to possess others and give them godlike strength. He was able to defeat Majora, but at the cost of the life of his childhood friend, Navi.
He’s married!! To Malon! And they are so in love
He used to teach history at a university. 
His secret identity has been revealed. People know he’s married, but they don't know to who. This forced him to move into agency housing. Malon stayed on Lon Lon Ranch just outside of the city. Time spends a good half of his days there, he just has to be careful about not being seen around the ranch too much now that people know who he is. If he were to retire, he and Malon would likely go into witness protection.
Status: Hero 
Code Name: Vespera (? Latin for Dusk)
Power: Wolf Form - He can shapeshift into a wolf. While in wolf form, he can talk to other animals and ask them to do things. This gives the illusion he can control animals, but he actually can’t. He’s just polite and more often than not animals listen to him. His wolf form is slightly larger than a normal wolf and has better senses. He has unnatural tracking skills. He is incapable of human speech in Wolf form.
He is Time’s distant cousin. They weren’t close at first, especially because Twilight lived all the way out in the countryside, while Time lived in the city.
Twilight’s power manifested at a rather young age (11) and he had problems controlling his transformations. His parents sent him off to the city to train as a hero, in hopes he would learn how to control his power better. He stayed with Uncle Time, who just so happened (not that Twilight’s parents know this) to be a Hero as well.
Twilight was mentored by Time. Mentoring actually means something in this system. They teach the younger heroes the ropes, etc.
He ended up liking being a Hero enough to stay. He goes back to visit his parents and help out around the farm during the summers though. 
He was mentoring Wild before Wild’s accident.
Status: Hero 
Code Name: Captain
Power: Persuasion - He can’t exactly brainwash people, but he can make them very susceptible to his suggestions. They can break out of it if they have enough will. It’s very useful for making opponents lay down their weapons and give up, and even if someone does still try to fight him, it makes them reluctant to do so, making it easy for Warriors.
Used to be a captain in the military and was recruited to Hyrule City’s hero agency from there.
Oh my god, he has so many fangirls
Status: Hero 
Code Name: Loft (& Crimson)
Power: Spirit Bird - He can manifest a ghostly bird. It can come in any form, from a common sparrow, to a hawk, to mythical birds like a phoenix. Its default form seems to be the legendary Loftwing. No matter what form the bird appears in, it’s always a brilliant shade of red, making it easy to spot. Sky doesn’t control it, per se, but they share a very deep bond, to the point many have wondered if the bird is just an extension of Sky, and not a separate entity. 
I’m considering also giving Sky float or levitation as a secondary power. Just cause it would fit the theme
Sky is a pacifist. Crimson can and will kick your ass /hj
He is dating the daughter of Hylia, the Mayor of Hyrule City. She knows he’s got some sort of dangerous job, and assumes he works for the military, but doesn’t know he’s a hero. She has not connected his little pet cardinal to the giant red loftwing yet. Time has told Sky he needs to tell Sun before things get messy, and Sky is trying to figure out how to tell her
Status: Hero, Vigilante
Code Name: Hare 
Power: Does he…. have a power? Unclear. Even the others in the chain aren’t totally sure. He must have one, right? One time he mentioned something about being turned into an animal, but no one’s sure if that was on account of his own power, or from somebody else’s. He mostly fights using the power of These Hands™️ and lots of interesting technology and items that have been magically enchanted by other people’s powers. 
He’s got a mysterious background, but everyone knows that regardless of what he was doing before he came to Hyrule City, he’s very experienced. 
He used to be a spy for Hylia, the mayor of Hyrule City. He quit after his girlfriend died in an unrelated incident. The stress and grief were too much for him. He didn’t want to go back to that life, so he became a hero instead.
Often does reconnaissance missions to go find precious artifacts or things like that. EIther via the government or via an independent client. Because he takes an independent contract out of the purview of his work, he’s also technically considered a vigilante sometimes.
A lot of people owe him favors, and he has a lot of powerful connections. If you need something, be it information, a rare item, or to find someone, he’s your man.
For a short while, there was a popular theory among the public that he was a child assassin. It eventually got out of hand and the Agency publicly addressed it, shaming people for trying to pry into Legend's private life. The rumors mostly stopped, but there are some people who still believe it. 
Status: Ex-Hero, Vigilante  
Code Name: Before his accident when he was called Champion, after his accident he’s called Nightwatcher (Don’t like this name, can’t think of another)
Minor Time Manipulation - A Flurry Rush basically. He can slow down time for up to a minute at once, allowing him to appear to move unnaturally quickly. He can only activate when he’s in midair, for some reason. He works well with Wind because of this, as well as being an accomplished parkour artist.
Regen - He lost this power after his accident. It repaired any physical damage done to him. It was not an instantaneous repair, it took a while. It also increased his pain tolerance, partially due to his power, and partially because he got injured so often and was expected to walk it off because he could heal. He got used to the pain. He’s reckless because of his power, knowing any potential injuries wouldn’t matter. This mind set becomes a problem after he looses this power.
He used to be a hero-in-training. Only about a year before graduating to a full-fledged hero, there was an accident. He nearly died and was in a coma for 100 days. This accident also took his memories, his regeneration power, and his civilian friend group (the champions) 
He may or may not have gotten help from his friend Flora and some shady Sheiklah scientists to survive. On a totally unrelated note, he now has a cool robot arm and his eyes glow!
When he woke up, he remembered nothing. He didn’t want to be a hero anymore, and didn't like being under the Agency’s thumb. He now acts as a vigilante. 
All the heroes know he's the same person, but have no intention of doing anything about it. The public has several conspiracies about him being the young hero who was long thought dead, but nothing proven.
Flora used to be a mechanic for the agency like Four., but has since dropped out to become a weapons/suit/gear supplier for Vigilantes. 
Wild somehow has the phone number of Hylia, the mayor of Hyrule City. No one’s sure how he got it, because everyone else has an absolute bitch of a time getting a hold of her, even her own family members. (Seriously. Flora, who’s her niece, started to desperately look up to the woman after the death of her mother, but was never able to talk to her. Like, ever)
Status: Healer, Hero
Code Name: Glowmoth/Glowworm/Firefly? (Not sure about this one. I wanted something to allude to the fact that his fairy form and magic glows. A moth themed Hyrule would be so cute, and Firefly would allude to his proclivity for fire) 
Power: Fairy Form - He can transform into a fairy. He can fly. It’s good for stealth because it's small. It does glow slightly, so if it’s dark the stealth is negated. As a side effect of his fairy form, he also has the power to heal. He use his own energy to heal, but the fairy dust he sheds while in his transformed state can be used to heal as well. Dissolving the dust in a liquid will make a potion or a healing salve, which this takes no effort from Hyrule, so how he usually heals.
“I’m a healer, but… *cocks gun*”
He started out as a vigilante who lived on the streets/partially in the Lost Woods that borders the city. He went around offering medical assistance to any who needed it. As he was way too young to have a medical license, this was illegal. 
Time saw him doing this and basically went “Oh yeah, you’re coming home with me,” and took him to meet Malon. Hyrule didn’t know that Time was a Hero at first. Time only told him later when Hyrule didn’t stop healing poeple and Time wanted to give him a way to do it legally. 
He primarily acts as the field medic, but he’s more than capable of taking care of himself. He’s just more concerned with the civilians who might have been caught in the crossfire of the battles
Status: Ex-Hero-in-Training (He's retired from field work and now works as the heroes’ mechanic)
Code Name: Fracture
Power: Duplication- He can split into four people, the colors. They started out as simple clones of himself, but started to gain their own personalities the more often they were separated. Recently, they started communicating with Four mentally while he was not split. Four is currently seeing a specialist for this, as it’s an unfortunate reality that people’s powers can become too strong and can overtake them. (This is what ended up happening to Fierce Deity, and Time had to kill him)
They’ve been able to stop this process in Four. But he’ll need to have treatment for the rest of his life to stop it from getting worse, and he can’t over strain his powers, ei: stay split for too long. The colors are now a permanent fixture in his mind, and Four has made peace with that. He can mentally communicate with the colors now. If he is asleep/unconscious, or he allows them to do so, they can take over control of his body for short periods of time. 
(I kind of want to give him a shrinking ability too. Having a second power would add to the “his power is too strong for his body” situation. If he has shrinking powers, Minish would be a good alt code name for him.)
Four is trans and named himself Four in honor of his ability, before he knew the colors would become sentient. (I know some of the others have names that very conveniently align with their powers as well, but this was the worst case, so I justified it) 
Four was heavily debating whether he wanted to be a hero or drop out to go to a trade school. The choice was made for him when he could no longer overuse his power. He’s not mad about it, because he probably would have quit anyway. He still makes gear for the other heroes.
He moved into agency housing so he could have direct access to medical staff after it was realized something was wrong with his power. 
Status: Hero-in-Training
Code Name: Whirlwind or Squall
Power: Wind Manipulation - He can manipulate the wind. He is able to send gusts of wind to shove other people around, can fly, and can carry and pick up other people as well. Is still getting a grasp on his powers. While he is very good at activating them when he needs to, he is worse at keeping them contained when he’s in a bad mood.
Other: He is training to be a superhero. He’s only allowed on the field right working as Hyrule’s assistant, but he’s learning quickly, and wants to become a full fledged hero.
Mentored by Warriors
New to the Hero Agency, only developed his powers recently 
He was this close to joining a group of vigilantes. (Who are strangely pirate themed and very committed to the bit, despite Hyrule City not being close to any ocean, unless you count Lake Hylia. Which you shouldn’t.)  Time managed to convince him not too. (He has a bit of hero worship for Time)
Bonus Characters!
Status: Villain 
Code Name: The Shadow
Power: Infection - He can infect people with his black slime and control them. The amount of people he can control at once is dictated by how complicated the tasks they're doing are. He can control a bunch of people if all he’s asking is for them to patrol and sound the alarm if anything is wrong. He can control less if he’s asking for them to do something like perform surgery. The abilities of the person who is controlled are limited to their own. So for example, Dink wouldn’t need to understand how to do a surgery, but his victim would. He is not mentally connected with them, so if he sends them to do an errand and they get knocked out, he wouldn’t know. I imagine he might also be able to form little creatures out of the slime (not sentient) to fight for him as well.
Status: Civilian
Power: Animal Charmer- She’s unnaturally good at calming animals. It works best on mammals, works okay on birds, lizards, and amphibians, works very poorly, if at all, on fish and invertebrates. The longer she spends around a certain type of animal, the better her powers work on them, although this is still limited by type of animal. She could spend days with spiders, but her control over them wouldn’t grow much at all. Because she works on a farm, she is excellent at calming common farm animals.
Lives on Lonlon Ranch
She knows what Time’s job is. She doesn’t necessarily like him going out to fight, but she admires that he’s brave enough to do so. She also knows she couldn't stop him if she wanted to
Status: Spy and part-time Hero
Code Name: Rabbit
Power: Portrait - He can turn into a painting and move along surfaces. 
Lives in the neighboring city of Lorule. He works directly with Lolia, Mayor of Lorule City.
He’s a spy and also occasionally helps with rescue type missions like finding people trapped in rubble. The public is aware of him, but doesn't know he’s a spy, obviously. 
He is one of Legend’s “connections.”
Legend and Ravio’s matching names was a total coincidence /srs Legend was a bit pissed about it.
Ravio looks a lot like Legend, actually, to the point that half the public thinks they’re related. The other half thinks they're dating. Their matching names do not help this situation. Hare/Rabbit fanfiction in this universe is very highly debated lol. 
They actually aren’t related, but neither are they dating, exactly. Legend is still a little reluctant to date after Marin
Status: Civilian (Deceased) 
Power: Lullaby- Can sing someone to sleep. Her actual singing abilities were not changed by this, so she went to singing lessons to get better at it, to insure she wasn’t screeching people to sleep. 
Wanted to become a nurse? 
Was dating Legend. 
She was killed in an accident with an old superhero, Windfish. Windfish was able to take someone and himself to a constructed dreamscape. He lost control of his power one day, sucking both himself and Marin into a dreamscape. They both fell into a coma while Windfish tried to get them out. After nearly a month, he was forced to admit defeat, and was convinced by Marin to leave her behind. He woke up, leaving Marin trapped in a coma with no way to wake up. Her family decided to pull the plug on her life support. Windfish retired from hero work after that.
Status: Civilian 
Power: Seagull Speak- She can communicate with seagulls. Her power hasn't actually manifested yet, but she does have a very odd affinity for the birds that other people have started to notice.
Status: Villain (?) (Deceased)
Power: He can melt into a shadow, becoming immaterial. If he had more time to master his powers, he would have discovered he was able to teleport short distances through shadows. 
Shadow was an experimental clone made by Dink using Four’s DNA and Dink’s dark goop.
Unfortunately, Shadow is dead. Vio “turned traitor” to try and rescue him from Dink after it became evident he didn’t actually want to be a Villain, but failed in rescuing Shadow
No one except Vio and the Hero Agency knew that he was on a mission. Yeah, the betrayal angst was at full volume here
I keep thinking: the mirror that Shadow shattered, sacrificing himself? In this AU, it wasn't a mirror, it was the glass tank he was being kept in that was keeping him alive. You know the big cylinders you see in sci-fi movies with people floating inside of them? Those things. Shadow had to shatter his for some reason to save Vio, who'd gotten in too deep in the assignment.
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jankwritten · 7 months
jasico bingo challenge: crossover
Nico tries extra hard to keep his ears still as the humans descend to the surface. 
His suspicion is reasonable, even if Leader keeps snapping at him to reel his emotions in. Nico might be young, but he isn’t naive. He’s heard whispers throughout the universe of what humans do to each other, do to their planet, for the sake of greed and power. 
In his not so humble opinion, humans and Galra are not different in the slightest. If humanity had even a sliver of the technology that exists this far out in the cosmos, Nico’s positive they’d have two empires to overthrow. 
Tucked near the back of the group (likely to hide his obvious opposition to this alliance), Nico can only kind of hear what the human donning black armor says to Leader on his approach. His handshake looks solid enough. 
“That’s the one who was captured,” Hazel whispers to him, always flanking his side. Her fingers curl around his forearm, digging in. “He’s dangerous. Titan Slayer.” 
Nico can’t stop his ears from swiveling flat. He wishes he had the facade of his mask to hide behind, so he could bare his teeth in displeasure. 
He knows of the Titan Slayer. One of the only survivors of Kronos’s coliseum. A being so wholly destructive, so eager for blood, he was rumored to feast on the remains of those he slayed. 
“I thought he’d be taller,” Nico mutters back. 
Hazel snorts, just loud enough that Leader’s right-hand woman turns on her heel and stakes them with an evil eye. 
The Paladins, so called defenders of the universe, are the sort of lively that Nico associates with space madness. A chaos created by a mind untethered. The one dressed in red sticks by the Titan Slayer and speaks to him so fast, Nico’s translators can hardly keep up. The one in green and the one in yellow monitor the edges of the room, observing from a distance, occasionally peeling apart some piece of technology that they then stitch back together before someone of importance catches them. The blue one is the friendliest to the Blades, though it doesn’t earn her much, in Nico’s books. She speaks as if they’re all equals here. It puts his teeth on edge. 
“Quit your brooding,” Melinoe says. She tugs once on Nico’s hood, then wraps her arm around him when he’s off balance, holding him hostage to her side. “You don’t have to like them, but you have to respect them.” 
“Do I?” Nico mutters, bitter. What have these Paladins done to earn his respect, aside from endangering some of their most vital members, threatening their whole network of undercover agents within the Empire? 
“If you ever want to be off base again you do,” Melinoe says. She flashes her teeth at him and nips not-so-playfully at his ear. “Your choice, kitling.” 
“Don’t call me that.” 
“I call you whatever I like.” 
Nico’s ears flatten down as he slumps, folding his arms across his chest, glaring daggers in the opposite direction. 
Melinoe’s laugh is more of a bark, hard and ringing. 
As the base lights begin to dim in preparation for the sleep-sequence, Nico escapes the still ongoing welcome celebration for the more secluded decks. He’s sure his disappearance will be noted, but Leader can’t hold it against him if his excuse is habit and schedule. Nico has hardly slept well a day in his life, but he always goes to bed on time. 
This cycle, he taps into one of the common areas and slouches onto the plush cushioning arranged by whomever used the room last. He doesn’t want to go to his own room yet, worn out as he is. He needs to keep an eye out. It seems everyone else is swept up in the revelry of their guests, but Nico isn’t fooled. 
In the common area, he’ll be able to hear unfamiliar, human footfalls coming or going. He can remain on his guard in an open area. His room would just feel claustrophobic. 
Arranging himself so the entrance remain within sight, Nico finally allows himself to relax just the slightest bit into the comfortable cradle of cushion. 
He snaps awake to the sound of the doors wooshing shut. 
The Titan Slayer blinks at him. “Oh,” he says, in that strange, human tone. “Sorry. I- didn’t know, uhm, someone was here.” 
Nico bristles, unable to keep himself from going on the offensive. His shoulder hike, and he bares his teeth. 
“I’ll just go,” The Titan Slayer says. He puts his hands up. “My bad.” 
“You are sneaking,” Nico hisses, rising to his feet. He’s still in his armor. If he needs to, he can yank his hood on and strike fast, strike hard. Strike first. 
“I was just trying to find some water.” The Titan Slayer keeps his hands up, perhaps a defense? “I’ll go back to my quarters.” 
“I will follow,” Nico says. The Titan Slayer’s eyes widen slightly, as if shocked. Nico wants so badly to bare his teeth. “To make sure you find your way.” 
The human lowers his hands, finally. He tips his head forward in a nod not dissimilar to those given in respect to commanders, generals. “I’d appreciate that,” The Titan Slayer says. 
Though he takes the long way, there are no deviations from the path the paladin leads back to the guest quarters - a sliver of space set up with cots, furnished just enough to feel better than nothing. 
Nico watches from the doorway as the Titan Slayer pads near-silently to the empty cot across the room, between two of the others. The yellow and blue, Nico thinks. They look smaller without armor. 
The Titan Slayer looks up at him. If he’s surprised to see Nico still there, he does not say. Instead, in the otherwise silent space, he murmurs, “I look forward to working with you. I don’t believe I caught your name?” 
The translator catches for a moment over the word name, though the translation suits Nico fine. A name is not a title. There is not much to giving it. 
“Nico,” he says, gruff and short. 
The Titan Slayer smiles, that strange, bare human expression. “I’m Jason,” he says. “It’s nice to meet you, Nico.” 
Nico narrows his eyes suspiciously, parsing apart the tone, the word choice. To meet under these circumstances is not nice. What games do the humans play with their words? To lie so blatantly? 
“We will see,” Nico says. He steps backward through the still-open doorway, refusing to look away from the Titan Slayer. Jason. Danger. 
The door hisses shut. 
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jasontoddiefor · 2 years
okay so, i realize that's probably not your current fandom, but i'm (once again) in a pjo content binge and i when i checked your pjo tags (Trading Tomorrow fan here) the first post was "no mist au". Which sounds really, really awesome. would you be willing to share some ideas about it or something?
I am always willing to talk about my AUs!!! And I'm glad you like Trading Tomorrow! That fic is still very dear to me!
Right, as the name says, the "no mist AU" is essentially an AU where the mist ceases existing when Percy is still like toddler age and the world is thrown into chaos. We end in some sorta post apocalyptic state where we see the return of the old worship mixed with new ways because demigods are still pretty much the only ones who can kill monsters. But now, well, normal people are praying to the gods as well again.
Some plot points include
Sally taking Percy and running and establishing herself as a person who knows what's up, and more than that, has a kid. She ends running a city alongside the coast as Poseidon's priestess.
The Roman Empire makes a return. Ne Rome adapts quickly to these new circumstances and they do it really well, expanding territory. Thalia and Jason both grow up in New Rome!
On that note, there is kind of a constant power struggle going on between various territories and gods and Kronos is also Awake And Having Some Thoughts
Camp Halfblood is the other big player. I'm not sure which name it'll get but it'll definitely will be renamed. I like New Alexandria (as opposed to New Athen as I've seen in a couple fics) because of Alexander the Great kicking off the Hellenism (just bear with this phrasing I know that's not how history works) and PJO seeming to rely more on late stages of ancient greek history.
But here are plenty of other bigger settlements with their own leader, goals and protections. Though being a demigod guarantees having kind of a higher status in society and people that are/would have been born clear-sighted have a sort of sense for when monsters are near, opposed to normal people.
But yeah, mostly this is post apocalypse meets ancient greek civilization?
And Sally doing everything she can to keep her kid safe and being very badass in turn.
Uuuh take a snippet?
Sally had devoured entire volumes about Greek mythology and the gods’ worship during her pregnancy. She’d never breathed a word of it to Percy, choosing ignorance as protection, but in their changed world, her knowledge needn’t be summoned. It was already there.
“Does anyone have sweets on them or alcohol?” Sally asked.
The people in her group only stared at her in confusion, some even in mistrust.
“It’s important.”
“What are you doing?”
“Prayer,” Sally said. She hadn’t ever been religious, meeting Poseidon hadn’t changed that. But could this really still be religion if she knew it to be truth?
Sally tossed the chocolate bar and the vodka from the flask into the fire.
“To our Lord Poseidon, for protection and safety of this commune.”
Actually take two snippets:
Leo does not like to admit that they might be in trouble, but he’s so nervous he can’t think of a weapon to aid him, never mind focus on making any fire. He glances to the right where Bryce’s body was already cooling, and nearly threw up. The scorpion’s sting had ripped right through his stomach, leaving behind an ugly, revolting wound. Luke is still holding onto his sword, but he can’t even stand properly, never mind fight.
The realization that they are utterly fucked hits like a brick to the face.
He’s survived the end of the world, myth becoming reality and this is what kills him: a regular patrol in an area that should be free of monsters. Leo hadn’t even been scheduled to go on this patrol, only volunteered at the last minute. He’d hoped to impress Luke, maybe see if he could secure permission to move outside the safe perimeters to get more parts to work with.
How stupid, not even their base is truly safe.
With an ugly roar, the scorpion turns around, aiming straight for Leo. Behind it, Luke struggles to get on his feet.
That’s it, Leo’s done for.
He tries to smile so Luke won’t blame himself and maybe do the smart thing and get away. Optimistic last thoughts so that Leo can rest peacefully in the underworld, having died a hero’s death. Phrased like this, dying doesn’t even sound that horrible.
The thought does not make the scorpion look any less terrifying and just when Leo decided to scream, he is cut off.
“Hold this for me.”
Instinctually, Leo holds out his arms and a bag gets dropped into them. The bag is warm and soft and has bright green eyes and oh, gods, that’s a baby.
Leo looks up and there’s a blur of black and blue standing in front of him. His brain is a bit slow on the upkeep, still reeling with the realization that he is holding a baby, and in the seconds it takes him to realize a stranger had come to their aid, the man has already drawn his blade. It’s made from pure celestial bronze, which is enough to make Leo’s jaw go slack. He’s only seen pure celestial bronze or imperial gold only a handful of times. The metals are incredibly scarce and Leo wants to touch that sword right now.
But he can’t.
Because he’s holding a baby and the sword is in its wielder’s hand, who is using it to systematically decimate the scorpion without ever breaking a sweat.
The monster surges up on more time, and the man simply adjust his hold on the sword and drops low, piercing the beast from below.
And just like that, it’s over and the clearing is silent.
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freddie-77-ao3 · 6 months
So if anyone was wondering (i say as no one was wondering)
i started writing a chat fic at one point, and i just feel like i need to share some of the names:
I Want A Fucking Cheeseburger
Lou Ellen
For Legal Reasons, This GC Can't Have A Name
(their counselor business gc)
Drew-- Bitchass
Connor-- Fuckhead
Malcolm-- Dickface
Not Fast (Just Furious)
(year round ares kids who survived both kronos and gaea)
No Justice (You Ate My Chocolate Orange???)
(where they complain about each other)
Connor-- 2005’s Most Likely To Commit Petty Crime Award (“So like… how does aphsodel work again?” [!!! This is a paraphrased sentence, not an actual quote!!!- Connor]  “goat cheese is heterosexual culture” kyner ctyl the PHONE THIEF ans thief in like general- pettyb cirm e for a reason, “How do you milk apples agin?”)
Malcolm-- Warm Bricks Friend <3
Drew-- “Pettiest? Damn right I am- yeah, Con, I know what I’m saying."
The Loud House
(All CHB demigods)
bozos with bows-ohs
(lee made them teach archery in the summers, they had to coordinate schedules)
Will-- william snakesappear:
Drew-- drew (on some expensive artwork)
Malcolm-- Mal(adjusted)
Stolls Stop Being Morons On Main Challenge (I HOPE THAT YOU BURN!!!!!))))))))))
(no one remembers the start of this gc, it just popped into existence one day)
How does a bastard…be…smart- (ALEXANDER HAMILTON lyrics)
 I’m getting Nervous  (AARON BURR SIr)
If they apologise no NEED FOR *FUCKING* FURTHER ACTION (10 duel commandments)
Pray That Hell Or Heaven Let’s You In (10 duel commandments)
“You Brought This Girl Into Our Bread- Wait, no BED” (Burn)
The World Has No Right To My… Sleep (Burn)
Ready to… steal (AARON BURR SIR) 
Don’t- Take Another Step In My Direction (First Burn)
I came from afar just to say "Bonsoir!" (AARON BURR SIR)
I WILL GLADLY JOIN THE FIGHT (story of tonight)
(Things in paranthesis are just which lyrics they got it from)
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simpforfandom231 · 8 months
Goddess with feelings *PT2*
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As Anne and Y/N grappled with the shock of their newfound reality, Anne took a deep breath, attempting to steer the conversation towards practicality. "Y/N, we need to find a safe place, somewhere away from the eyes of mortals. Kronos will be relentless in his pursuit. Classes and your responsibilities will have to wait. We can't afford to underestimate the threat," Anne advised, her gaze reflecting a mix of urgency and concern.
Y/N, however, stubbornly shook her head. "Look, Anne, I get that this is serious, but I can't just abandon everything. I have classes to attend, and my little brother is at home. I can't leave him alone, especially with... whatever's happening."
Anne, her patience wearing thin, couldn't help but respond with a touch of sarcasm, "Y/N, do you really think Kronos cares about your class schedule or your little brother? This is bigger than any of our individual lives. We need to prioritize staying safe and finding a way to stop him."
Y/N, undeterred, retorted, "I understand, Anne, but I can't just drop everything. I need to pick up my little brother from home. He'll be alone, and I won't leave him in the dark about all this craziness."
Anne, realizing the gravity of Y/N's responsibilities, sighed. "Fine. We'll go get your little brother, but we can't take any unnecessary risks. Once we have him, we need to find a secure location. I know of a place that should offer some protection," Anne suggested, her tone more conciliatory.
Y/N nodded, appreciating the compromise. "Alright, let's go. I just need to make sure my brother is safe and then figure out how to wrap my head around all of this," she admitted, her voice a mix of determination and apprehension.
As Y/N started the car, the engine's low hum accompanied a brief moment of silence. Finally, unable to contain her confusion, Y/N turned to Anne and hesitantly asked, "So, do I call you Anne or Anthea? I mean, it's all still a bit confusing."
Anne, with a small smile, responded, "You can call me Anne. Anthea is more of a... divine name, I guess you could say. It's easier for everyday conversations."
Y/N chuckled nervously, the weight of the situation still sinking in. "Everyday conversations with a goddess. Never thought I'd check that off my bucket list."
Anne joined in the laughter, appreciating Y/N's attempt to inject humor into the surreal circumstances. "Believe me, Y/N, if I had a choice, I'd prefer less divine interventions in my life too."
Y/N grinned, finding comfort in the shared camaraderie. "Alright then, Anne. Let's go get my brother and figure out how to deal with the whole Kronos situation. I mean, do we need some sort of divine weapons or a manual on 'How to Stop Ancient Evils for Dummies'?"
Anne chuckled, "I wish it were that straightforward. But we'll figure it out together. And who knows, maybe we'll find a way to make this mess a little less divine and a bit more manageable."
As they drove through the city, navigating the familiar streets now tinged with an otherworldly tension, Y/N couldn't help but marvel at the bizarre turn her life had taken. Anne, the goddess of time, sat beside her, offering both guidance and an anchor in the storm of uncertainty.
The air inside Y/N's home felt tense as they entered. Y/N called out, "Matthew! Where are you?"
A moment later, the sound of hurried footsteps echoed down the hallway, and a young boy with blond, curly hair and crystal-clear blue eyes appeared. Matthew, around 16 years old, wore a mix of confusion and curiosity on his face as he looked at Y/N and Anne.
"Hey, Y/N, who's your friend?" Matthew asked, giving them both a quizzical look. His athletic posture and freckles on his face added to the youthful energy that radiated from him.
Y/N exchanged a glance with Anne before answering, "Matt, this is Anne. She's, um, a friend from class. We, uh, have a project to work on together."
Matthew raised an eyebrow, sizing up Anne with a scrutinizing gaze. "A project? You never mentioned bringing anyone over for a project. What's it about?"
Anne, maintaining a composed demeanor, stepped forward with a friendly smile. "Hey, Matthew. It's a surprise project. Y/N thought it'd be cool to get some extra help, and I'm happy to lend a hand."
Matthew's skepticism lingered, but he nodded, accepting the explanation. "Alright, as long as it's nothing too weird. I've got homework to finish, so don't distract me too much."
Y/N shot Anne a subtle look, a silent plea for understanding. Anne responded with a nod, acknowledging the delicate balance they needed to maintain.
As Matthew headed back to his room, Y/N turned to Anne with a whispered aside, "I didn't want to drop the whole 'goddess and ancient evil' bomb on him just yet. He's got enough on his plate with school and all."
Anne agreed with a subtle nod, "We'll tell him when the time is right. For now, let's focus on keeping everyone safe."
As Y/N and Anne prepared lunch packs for their journey, Y/N carefully selected snacks and sandwiches, her mind racing with the weight of the revelations she was about to share with her little brother. Anne, curious about the family dynamics, couldn't help but ask, "So, what about your parents? Are they going to be okay with us taking this trip?"
Y/N's expression shifted, and she sighed, realizing she couldn't keep the truth hidden any longer. "Anne, my parents... they're not with us anymore. They passed away in a car crash a few years ago. It's just me and Matthew now," she confessed, her eyes revealing a mix of sorrow and resilience.
Anne, taken aback by the unexpected revelation, placed a comforting hand on Y/N's shoulder. "I'm so sorry, Y/N. I had no idea."
Y/N managed a small smile, appreciating Anne's empathy. "It's okay. We've learned to cope, and Matthew is the reason I keep going. He's all I have left, and I can't lose him too."
Anne nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. "We'll do everything we can to keep him safe. I promise."
With the lunch packs ready and the truth laid bare, Y/N called out, "Matthew! Get your coat; we're going on a little road trip!"
Matthew, still unaware of the extraordinary circumstances unfolding, appeared in the hallway, slipping into his coat. "Road trip? Where are we going?"
Y/N shot Anne a brief glance, silently asking for support. "It's a surprise, Matt. Just grab your stuff, and we'll explain on the way. It's going to be an adventure."
Matthew grinned, always up for a bit of excitement. "Alright, sounds cool. Let's do it."
As the three of them made their way to the car, Y/N couldn't shake the mix of emotions.
The car pulled away from the familiar curb, and Anne slid into the driver's seat. As Matthew settled into the back, he casually remarked, "Hey, this is your car, right, Y/N? Since when did you let someone else drive it?"
Y/N shot a glance at Anne, the weight of the situation pressing on her. "It's fine, Matt. Anne knows what she's doing."
Matthew, ever the curious teenager, raised an eyebrow. "Anne? You've never mentioned her before. And I thought you said her name was just Anne, not Anthea."
Y/N hesitated for a moment, glancing at Anne before responding, "Well, yeah, Anne is short for Anthea. It's just a nickname she goes by. And I never really talked much about her before because, you know, she's a recent friend from class."
Matthew eyed them both suspiciously. "A recent friend who's driving us on a surprise road trip? What's going on, Y/N?"
Anne, from the driver's seat, decided to jump in. "Matthew, Y/N and I are working on a special project, and we thought a change of scenery might help us. It's nothing to worry about; just consider it a spontaneous adventure."
Matthew, his curiosity piqued, asked, "Special project? What kind of project involves a road trip?"
Y/N shot Anne a quick look, silently asking for help with the explanation. "It's, uh, a research project for class. We're exploring different places to gather data. You know, like a field trip."
Matthew narrowed his eyes. "Field trip? Since when do field trips involve a surprise lunch pack and a mysterious destination?"
Anne, ever composed, chimed in, "It's a special project, Matthew. Trust me; it's all perfectly normal for this kind of research."
Matthew leaned forward, eyeing Anne curiously. "So, Y/N, is Anne your girlfriend?"
Y/N, caught off guard by the unexpected question, stammered, "What? No, Matt, she's just a friend. Why would you even think that?"
Matthew grinned mischievously. "Well, you're going on a road trip together, working on a special project. I've seen enough movies to know how this usually goes."
Y/N rolled her eyes, trying to hide her blush. "Trust me, Matt, it's not like that. Anne's just a friend. A really, really good friend."
Anne, sensing the need to steer the conversation away from potential awkwardness, interjected, "Let's focus on the road ahead, shall we? I know a safe place in New York where we can continue our research. It's going to be an interesting journey."
The car pulled into a well-lit gas station, its fluorescent lights casting an artificial glow on the surroundings. Anne expertly parked the vehicle, and as the engine hummed to a temporary pause, Y/N turned to Matthew and said, "Alright, Matt, quick pit stop. We need some snacks and energy drinks for the road. Anything specific you want?"
Matthew, always up for a snack run, grinned. "Surprise me! Just make sure to grab some of those fancy energy drinks."
As they stepped out of the car into the brisk night air, Anne stretched her legs, scanning the area with a watchful eye. Y/N and Matthew headed towards the convenience store section of the gas station.
Inside, the familiar hum of refrigerators and the scent of freshly brewed coffee greeted them. Y/N grabbed a basket, tossing in an assortment of snacks and, as requested, a variety of energy drinks. Matthew, eyes widening at the selection, couldn't hide his excitement.
"Whoa, you guys went all out! This is like a mini convenience store haul," he exclaimed, his enthusiasm contagious.
Y/N chuckled. "Well, we might be on the road for a while, so better stock up. Plus, I'm pretty sure we'll need the energy for whatever comes next."
As they approached the checkout counter, Matthew pointed to a display of travel-sized board games. "Hey, how about grabbing one of these? Might as well make the trip more fun."
Y/N, amused by the suggestion, added a compact board game to their haul. "Good call, Matt. It's a road trip; we've got to have some entertainment."
Back outside, Anne was waiting by the car, her expression unreadable. As Y/N handed her a bag with snacks and drinks, she noticed Anne's focused gaze.
"Everything alright?" Y/N asked, a subtle concern in her voice.
Anne nodded. "Just staying vigilant. We can't afford to let our guard down, especially with Kronos on our trail."
Y/N sighed, the reality of their situation sinking in. "Yeah, you're right. Let's just hope the energy drinks help us stay alert and ready for whatever comes our way."
The hum of the engine filled the car as Y/N took the wheel, and the road stretched out before them in the moonlit night. Glancing over at Anne in the passenger seat, Y/N noticed a faint golden glow in her eyes, catching her attention.
"Hey, Anne, what's with the golden glow in your eyes? Is that some kind of side effect of your powers?" Y/N inquired, her curiosity piqued.
Anne hesitated for a moment before answering, "It's... it's when I feel the rush of my powers or when strong emotions are coursing through me."
Y/N raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Emotions, huh? What kind of emotions make your eyes glow like that?"
Anne glanced out of the window, the soft glow casting a gentle light on her features. "Various emotions, really. It's a side effect of being a goddess. Sometimes it's linked to the intensity of the moment, whether it's anger, joy, or..."
Y/N sensed a subtle hesitation in Anne's voice. "Or what?"
Anne sighed, her eyes briefly meeting Y/N's before returning to the road. "Or, well, other emotions."
Y/N smirked, playfully teasing, "Other emotions? You're being a bit mysterious there, Anne. Spill the beans!"
Anne, unable to hide a faint blush, glanced back at Y/N. "It's... it's complicated. I don't always understand these feelings. They're different, and I'm not sure how to explain."
Y/N, now intrigued by the unexpected confession, couldn't resist pressing further. "Different feelings? Come on, Anne, you can't drop a bomb like that and not elaborate. What's going on?"
Anne took a deep breath, her gaze fixed on the road ahead. "Alright, Y/N, I'll be honest with you. I... I have strong feelings, and I'm not entirely sure how to define them. They're unlike anything I've experienced before."
Y/N, caught off guard by Anne's vulnerability, glanced at her with a mixture of surprise and curiosity. "Feelings? Like, romantic feelings?"
Anne nodded, her blush deepening. "Yes, but it's more than that. I care about you deeply, Y/N. It's just... I'm not sure how to navigate these emotions. They're new to me."
Y/N, absorbing Anne's confession, felt a mix of emotions herself. "Anne, you're not alone in this. We're navigating uncharted territory together. And, you know, whatever you're feeling, I'm here for you."
Anne, grateful for Y/N's understanding, managed a small smile. "Thank you, Y/N. I appreciate your patience. This journey we're on, it's not just about Kronos and the ancient threats. It's about unraveling the mysteries of ourselves too."
Y/N, feeling a mix of curiosity and empathy for Anne's uncertainty, couldn't resist probing a bit further. "Anne, have you ever felt these... romantic feelings before? Like, for someone else?"
Anne glanced at Y/N, her expression contemplative. "I don't think so. I mean, I've been around for a long time, and emotions have always been a bit different for me. Romantic feelings, though, they're a mystery. I don't fully understand what they mean."
Y/N, realizing Anne's lack of experience in this aspect, decided to offer a more relatable explanation. "Well, romantic feelings are like this warm, fluttery sensation in your chest. Sometimes, you can't stop thinking about the person, and their happiness becomes really important to you. It's like... you want to be close to them and share moments that go beyond friendship."
Anne furrowed her brows, attempting to grasp the concept. "Close... beyond friendship? I've always cared about you, Y/N. Is that what this is?"
Y/N smiled, recognizing Anne's sincerity. "It could be. Romantic feelings are complex, Anne. They involve attraction, emotional connection, and a desire for something deeper. It's like finding a special connection with someone that goes beyond what you feel for other people."
Anne nodded, her eyes fixed on the road. "I see. It's a lot to take in, but I appreciate your patience and understanding, Y/N."
As Y/N stole a glance in the rearview mirror to check on Matthew, she noticed he had dozed off, his head comfortably resting against the window.
"Looks like Matthew's catching some Zs back there. Perfect time for deep conversations," Y/N remarked, attempting to lighten the mood.
Anne chuckled softly. "Indeed. I'm grateful for your openness, Y/N. These emotions are new to me, and having someone to navigate them with makes it a bit less daunting."
Y/N reached over, giving Anne's hand a reassuring squeeze. "You're not alone in this, Anne. We'll figure it out together, one mystery at a time."
As the road stretched out before them, the car carried not only the weight of an ancient threat but also the delicate journey of self-discovery and the exploration of emotions that transcended time itself.
The sun dipped below the horizon, casting hues of orange and pink across the sky as Y/N continued to navigate the road. In the quiet of the car, the golden glow in Anne's eyes persisted, adding an ethereal touch to the fading daylight.
A familiar beat started playing on the car's stereo, and Y/N recognized it as "Shower" by Becky G. Anne, seemingly lost in the music, began to tap her fingers on the dashboard before breaking into a grin.
"Oh, I love this song!" Anne exclaimed, her eyes lighting up with a mischievous glint.
Y/N chuckled, the seriousness of their journey momentarily forgotten. "Yeah? Well, let's hear it then!"
As the infectious melody filled the car, Anne's hesitation seemed to melt away. She began to sing along with Becky G's lyrics, her voice surprisingly vibrant and filled with genuine enthusiasm. The golden glow in her eyes flickered with the rhythm of the music, adding an unexpected flair to the impromptu performance.
(Chorus) ♫ You light me up inside Like the fourth of July Whenever you're around I always seem to smile ♫
Anne, fully immersed in the moment, glanced at Y/N with a playful smile. Y/N couldn't help but join in the laughter, the joyous atmosphere contagious.
♫ And people ask me how Well, you're the reason why I'm dancing in the mirror And singing in the shower ♫
Anne, still singing, couldn't resist a bit of teasing. "Come on, Y/N, join me! It's therapeutic, I promise!"
Y/N, caught off guard but amused, began singing along, matching Anne's infectious energy.
(Chorus) ♫ La-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la Singing in the shower La-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la Singing in the shower ♫
Anne's eyes sparkled with a mixture of joy and the golden glow that seemed to intensify with the rhythm of the music. The car became a makeshift stage, and the duo, lost in the melody, embraced the spontaneity of the moment.
As the last notes of the chorus faded away, Anne laughed, the glow in her eyes softening. "That was fun! Sometimes you just need a good song to lighten the mood."
Y/N grinned, the weight of their journey momentarily lifted. "You've got a surprisingly great singing voice, Anne. Who would've thought?"
Anne shrugged with a playful smirk. "Being around for a few millennia gives you some hidden talents, I suppose."
As the sun disappeared below the horizon, leaving the world bathed in twilight, the car continued its journey into the night. The road ahead held challenges and mysteries, but for now, the echoes of laughter and the memory of an impromptu sing-along lingered in the air.
The road stretched out ahead, illuminated only by the faint glow of the moon and the soft beams of the car's headlights. Y/N, focused on the task of driving through the night, stole glances at the rearview mirror. There, Anne and Matthew were peacefully asleep, each lost in their own dreams.
Anne, with her golden glow now subdued, seemed almost ordinary in her slumber. The weight of her goddess status lifted momentarily as she rested, the complexities of her divine nature temporarily put on hold.
Matthew, in the backseat, curled up with the gentle sway of the car's motion. His earlier curiosity and excitement had given way to the tranquility of sleep, the events of the night tucked away in the realm of dreams.
As Y/N drove through the quiet night, the hum of the engine was the only audible sound. The world outside seemed to sleep alongside them, as if holding its breath in anticipation of what the new day would bring.
The soft hum of the tires on the road, the occasional rustling of leaves in the night breeze, and the rhythmic breathing of Anne and Matthew created a serene symphony within the confines of the car.
Y/N couldn't help but reflect on the events of the day. From unexpected confessions to impromptu sing-alongs, it had been a journey of surprises and revelations. The challenges that lay ahead seemed distant, temporarily eclipsed by the quiet beauty of the night.
As the car continued to glide through the darkness, Y/N's focus remained on the road ahead. The occasional glance at Anne and Matthew served as a reminder of the newfound companionship and the shared purpose that bound them together.
The night held its secrets, and the road unfolded like an unwritten story. With Anne and Matthew peacefully asleep, Y/N embraced the solitude of the quiet drive, ready to face whatever challenges the coming dawn might bring.
The motel, nestled on the outskirts of a small town, appeared nondescript in the pale glow of the moon. Y/N pulled into the parking lot, the engine's soft purr signaling a temporary respite from the road.
"We could all use some rest," Y/N muttered, her eyes heavy with fatigue.
Anne, still feeling a strange sense of unease, surveyed the dimly lit motel entrance. The receptionist, an elderly woman with weary eyes, seemed to cast a prolonged gaze at Anne before averting her eyes.
"Something feels off," Anne murmured to Y/N as they approached the reception desk.
Y/N, oblivious to Anne's unease, yawned and stretched. "I just want to get some shut-eye. Let's get a room for the night."
The receptionist, her gaze lingering on Anne again, greeted them with a forced smile. "How many nights will you be staying?"
"Just one night," Y/N replied, suppressing another yawn. "We need a room for three, please."
Matthew, half asleep and leaning against the counter, mumbled, "Yeah, a bed sounds great right now."
The receptionist's eyes flickered over Anne once more before handing Y/N a key. "Room 4. Sleep well."
As they made their way to the room, Anne couldn't shake the strange feeling. "Did you notice the receptionist? She seemed... off."
Y/N, too preoccupied with thoughts of sleep, shrugged. "Probably just tired. Let's get some rest, and we can figure out our next move in the morning."
Entering the room, they found it dimly lit, the air heavy with the scent of old furnishings. Matthew, now more awake, plopped onto one of the beds. "This place feels kinda creepy."
Anne, still uneasy, nodded in agreement. "I'm getting a strange vibe too, Matthew."
Y/N, pulling off her shoes and collapsing onto the bed, dismissed their concerns. "It's just a motel, guys. Let's get some sleep. We have a lot to deal with tomorrow."
The first light of dawn gently filtered through the motel room's curtains as Y/N stirred from her slumber. The events of the previous day and the uneasy night at the motel lingered in her mind. Glancing at the clock, she realized it was still early, and the motel's swimming pool from the night before beckoned her.
Quietly slipping out of bed, Y/N tiptoed past the sleeping forms of Anne and Matthew. She grabbed a towel, slipped into her swimsuit, and made her way to the pool area.
The motel's courtyard was serene, the morning air carrying a crisp chill. The swimming pool reflected the soft hues of the waking sky, and Y/N felt a sense of calm as she dipped her toes into the cool water.
As Y/N began her morning swim, the rhythmic strokes echoed in the quiet stillness. The water offered a momentary escape from the challenges they faced, and the gentle exercise helped clear her mind.
Meanwhile, back in the room, Anne stirred awake, the unfamiliar surroundings momentarily disorienting. She noticed Matthew still fast asleep and Y/N's absence. Curiosity piqued, Anne decided to investigate.
In the courtyard, Y/N, wrapped in the warmth of the water, enjoyed the solitude. The morning sun began to cast a golden glow across the landscape. As she swam, thoughts of the day ahead and the mysteries that awaited were temporarily pushed aside by the simple pleasure of the moment.
Anne, reaching the pool area, spotted Y/N in the water. "Morning swim, huh?" she called out, a smile playing on her lips.
Y/N, pausing her strokes, grinned back. "Couldn't resist. Want to join me?"
Anne chuckled, toeing the edge of the pool. "Maybe later. Matthew's still sleeping. What time is it, anyway?"
Y/N checked the time on her waterproof watch. "Around 6. Early riser habit. You should give it a try sometime."
Anne smirked. "Maybe I will, once I figure out how to sleep without dreaming of ancient evils."
The duo shared a laugh, the morning breeze carrying away the weight of the night. As Y/N continued her swim, Anne settled into a poolside chair, watching the sunrise and the ripples Y/N created in the water.
As Y/N continued her morning swim, the water enveloped her in a soothing embrace, offering a sense of tranquility that eluded her on dry land. She glided through the pool with a grace that seemed almost instinctual, her strokes cutting through the water with a fluidity that spoke of a deep connection.
For Y/N, the water was a sanctuary, a place where the worries of the world momentarily dissolved. She marveled at the calming effect it had on her, a sensation she couldn't quite explain. The gentle lull of the pool seemed to cradle her, as if the liquid embrace held a secret language that only she could understand.
Throughout her life, Y/N had always been drawn to bodies of water—whether it was the ocean's rhythmic waves, a babbling brook, or, in this case, a motel swimming pool. Yet, the allure of water went beyond mere enjoyment; it was a refuge that calmed her restless soul.
As Y/N swam, she reflected on her affinity for water, a mystery that had accompanied her since childhood. It was as if the aquatic realm held a key to unlocking a deeper sense of peace within her. The sounds of splashing and the echo of her own breath underwater created a symphony that drowned out the noise of the outside world.
Back on the poolside, Anne observed Y/N with a thoughtful gaze. "You seem so at ease in the water," she remarked.
Y/N surfaced with a contented smile. "Yeah, it's always been that way. I can't quite explain it, but being in the water just... centers me. It's like my mind finds clarity, and the worries just drift away."
Anne nodded, a hint of understanding in her eyes. "It's fascinating. I've never seen someone connect with water like you do."
Y/N, treading water, looked up at the morning sky. "Maybe it's just a personal thing. Water has this incredible ability to cleanse and renew. It's a haven for me."
The two friends shared a quiet moment by the pool, each contemplating the mysterious connection Y/N had with water.
As Y/N emerged from the pool, droplets of water glistening on her skin, Anne couldn't shake the subtle intuition that had been growing within her. There was something about Y/N, something beyond the ordinary, that tugged at the edges of Anne's consciousness.
Observing Y/N with a thoughtful expression, Anne finally voiced her growing suspicion. "Y/N, there's something... different about you. Something I can't quite put into words."
Y/N, wrapping a towel around herself, raised an eyebrow. "Different? How so?"
Anne hesitated, choosing her words carefully. "It's as if there's a connection, a resonance with something greater. I can't quite pinpoint it, but it's like you carry an energy that echoes with the divine."
Y/N chuckled, dismissing the notion. "Anne, I'm just a regular person. Nothing divine about me."
Anne, persistent in her gut feeling, insisted, "I've been around for a long time, Y/N, and I can sense when something is out of the ordinary. Your connection with water, the calm it brings you—it's more than just a personal affinity. It's like a whisper of something ancient."
Y/N, intrigued yet skeptical, brushed off Anne's observations. "Anne, we're dealing with gods and ancient evils. My connection with water is probably the most mundane thing on the list."
Anne, however, wasn't easily swayed. "Mundane or not, there's a depth to you that transcends the ordinary. It's as if you carry a resonance with the divine, a subtle echo of something beyond our understanding."
Y/N, giving Anne an amused look, teased, "Are you saying I'm a secret demigod or something?"
Anne smiled, "Not exactly. But there's more to you than meets the eye. I can feel it."
Y/N, playfully rolling her eyes at Anne's comments, decided to lighten the mood with a touch of humor. "Anne, I appreciate the mystery vibes, but let's not jump to divine conclusions. Maybe you're just picking up on the fact that you have an immortal, otherworldly goddess crushing on a mere mortal like me."
Anne, caught off guard by the unexpected tease, blushed slightly. "What? No! I mean, it's not like... I'm not... that's not what I meant."
Y/N, still grinning, continued to tease. "So, what, you're saying it's not the gods, it's just you developing a crush on a mere mortal history buff? I'm flattered, really."
Anne, flustered but unable to suppress a smile, stammered, "Y/N, it's not like that! I just meant there's something unique about you, something I can't quite comprehend."
Y/N, enjoying the banter, raised an eyebrow. "Unique? Like, 'I've-never-met-a-mortal-quite-like-you' unique?"
Anne sighed, realizing she was being teased, but couldn't help but play along. "Alright, fine. Maybe there's a chance you're just a fascinating, regular human being. Happy now?"
Y/N chuckled, "Ecstatic. Just remember, if I suddenly start summoning lightning bolts or quoting prophecies, you were the first to notice."
The duo shared a laugh, the playful banter lightening the atmosphere.
As Y/N playfully teased Anne about the possibility of divine crushes, Anne found her gaze inadvertently drifting over Y/N's now wet and glistening form. The soft glow in Anne's eyes, amplified by the playful banter, didn't go unnoticed by Y/N.
With a mischievous grin, Y/N quirked an eyebrow and teased, "Well, well, Anne, is this the divine gaze you were talking about? Are you starting to see the mortal in a whole new light?"
Anne, caught off guard by the direct acknowledgment, blushed deeper. "Y/N, it's not like that! I... I didn't mean to..."
Y/N, still enjoying the moment, chuckled. "Relax, Anne. Just having some fun here. Besides, I thought you said you didn't understand these romantic feelings. Is this what they look like?"
Anne, feeling a mix of embarrassment and amusement, tried to regain composure. "It's not romantic! It's just... I was, um, observing. Not in a... romantic way. Definitely not."
Y/N couldn't resist pushing the playful banter further. "Observing, huh? Well, feel free to observe all you want, Anne. Just be warned, I might start charging admission for the divine view."
Anne, now thoroughly flustered, stammered, "Y/N, this is not— I mean, I'm not—"
Y/N burst into laughter, finding Anne's shy response utterly endearing. "Okay, okay, I'll stop teasing. No need to get all goddess-on-me. Let's just chalk it up to the mysteries of mortals and immortals getting a little tangled."
Anne, still blushing, managed a shy smile. "Yeah, let's go with that. Mysteries and all."
Anne, attempting to regain some composure after the playful banter, decided to steer the conversation in a different direction. She picked up a towel and, with a friendly smile, handed it to Y/N.
"Here, you might need this. We should probably head inside, get dressed, and check on Matt," Anne suggested, her cheeks still tinged with a lingering blush.
Y/N, accepting the towel with a grin, nodded. "You're right. Wouldn't want Matt to wake up and wonder where we disappeared to."
As they made their way back towards the motel room, Y/N couldn't resist a final tease. "By the way, Anne, if the divine gaze ever needs a repeat performance, just let me know."
Anne, now more used to Y/N's playful nature, rolled her eyes but couldn't suppress a small laugh. "You're incorrigible, you know that?"
Y/N winked, "It's all part of my mortal charm."
Matthew, now fully awake and getting dressed, glanced at Anne sitting on the bed, a faint blush still lingering on her cheeks from the earlier banter. He couldn't help but notice her mesmerized expression as Y/N emerged from the bathroom with wet hair, dressed in a sports bra and black cargo pants.
"Anne, you might want to close that mouth before you catch a fly," Matthew teased, a playful smirk on his face.
Anne, snapping out of her unintentional ogling, cleared her throat, her cheeks now matching the hue of her blush. "I, uh... Sorry. I was just... surprised."
Y/N, overhearing the conversation from the other bathroom, chimed in, "What's the surprise, Anne? Never seen a girl in a sports bra before?"
Anne, attempting to recover, raised an eyebrow. "No, it's not that. It's just... unexpected."
Matthew, grinning, added, "Well, you better get used to it. Y/N's not exactly known for following the conventional dress code."
Y/N emerged from the bathroom, her wet hair falling in loose waves around her shoulders. Ignoring the amused glances, she yelled at Matthew, "Come on, slowpoke! We've got places to be, ancient evils to thwart, you know the drill!"
Anne, impressed by Y/N's confidence and killer physique, couldn't help but appreciate the transformation from the shy girl at university to this bold and resilient woman before her.
Matthew, pulling on his jacket, smirked at Anne. "You might want to avert your eyes, Anne. You're making my sister uncomfortable."
Y/N, now standing in front of Anne with a playful smirk, retorted, "Uncomfortable? Please, I'm used to it by now. Anne just needs some time to get used to my irresistible charm."
Anne, regaining her composure, rolled her eyes. "Irresistible charm? More like incorrigible mischief."
As the trio made their way down to the lobby to check out, Anne couldn't help but steal glances at Y/N, who had now changed into a white tank top and cargo pants. Y/N's casual yet effortlessly alluring appearance seemed to defy the challenges they faced, giving her an air of confidence and resilience.
In the soft glow of the lobby lights, Y/N's features seemed to catch the subtle sheen of determination, and the well-defined lines of her physique were accentuated by the snug tank top. The messy ponytail, a stark contrast to the bullied girl Anne had seen in the university halls, added a touch of rebellious charm.
Anne found herself captivated by this transformation, the realization dawning that Y/N wasn't just the history buff she thought she knew. In this moment, Y/N looked like a character from an action movie, a hot spy with an air of mystery and a dash of danger.
Matthew, noticing Anne's prolonged glances, nudged her with a playful smirk. "Enjoying the view, Anne?"
Anne, snapping out of her reverie, blushed slightly. "I... I was just... never mind."
Y/N, catching the exchange, grinned. "Ah, Anne, realizing that even in the face of ancient evils, I can still rock a killer look? It's all part of the package."
Anne, still processing the newfound awareness of her own feelings, managed a nod. "Yeah, well, consider me... pleasantly surprised."
As they approached the lobby desk to check out, Y/N exchanged a quick teasing look with Anne. "You know, Anne, if you're ever in need of a hot spy sidekick, I'm your girl."
Anne, trying to conceal the blush creeping up her cheeks, chuckled. "Noted. Let's just focus on surviving whatever comes our way first."
As Y/N approached the lobby desk to check out, Anne felt a familiar uneasiness settle in the pit of her stomach. The weird old lady behind the counter looked up, her eyes glinting strangely in the dim light.
Anne, suppressing her growing discomfort, leaned in to whisper urgently to Matthew, "We need to get out of here, now. That woman... there's something off about her."
Matthew, confused but trusting Anne's instincts, nodded. "What do you mean?"
Anne hesitated before responding, "I've seen her before. She's not just an ordinary motel clerk. We need to leave before things get worse."
As Y/N completed the check-out process, the strange old lady's gaze lingered on Anne, a dark smile playing on her lips. Anne's heart raced as the woman's eyes mirrored the unsettling glint Anne had seen in Miguel de Angelo's eyes.
The woman's voice, when she spoke, sent shivers down Anne's spine. "Ah, Anthea. It's been a long time, hasn't it?"
Anne froze in her tracks, her heart pounding in her chest, as the old lady mentioned her name with an eerie familiarity. The realization hit her like a bolt of lightning, and her mind raced to make sense of the impossible.
"Stheno," the old lady said with a sinister smile, confirming Anne's worst fears. "It's been quite a while since our paths crossed. You thought you could escape, didn't you?"
Anne's eyes widened in shock. Memories of encounters with Stheno, one of the infamous Gorgon sisters from Greek mythology, flooded her mind. She had thought those days were long behind her, buried in the ancient past.
Y/N and Matthew, sensing Anne's distress, looked at her with concern. "Anne, what's going on? Who is she?" Y/N asked.
Anne, still processing the revelation, whispered, "That woman... she's Stheno, one of the Gorgons. Ancient creatures from Greek mythology. I never thought I'd see her again."
Stheno's dark laughter echoed behind them as they quickened their pace toward the exit. The Gorgon sister had no intention of letting them escape so easily.
Anne's eyes glowed with an aggressive shade of gold, a manifestation of her divine nature as a daughter of Atlas. Y/N, realizing the gravity of the situation, drew on her knowledge from Greek mythology classes and felt a sense of impending doom. The mere mention of Stheno, one of the Gorgon sisters, sent shivers down her spine.
Matthew, witnessing Anne's eyes transforming, stood in stunned silence. This was the first time he had seen the unearthly glow in his sister's eyes, a stark reminder that their reality had become entwined with ancient myths and powerful beings.
Stheno, undeterred by the display of divine power, darkly grinned and spoke with a chilling calmness. "Anthea, dear, I need the seed. It's time to fulfill the destiny you've been trying to escape."
Anne, her voice resonating with an otherworldly authority, responded, "You won't get the seed, Stheno. I won't let you unleash that darkness upon the world again."
Y/N, feeling a surge of determination, stepped closer to Anne. "We can't let her have it. Whatever that seed is, it sounds dangerous."
Stheno, her gaze fixed on Anne, continued, "You can't resist your fate, Anthea. The seed belongs to the earth, and it's time to return it to its rightful place."
Anne, her golden eyes reflecting defiance, raised her hand, a subtle manifestation of the power she possessed. "We won't let you use the seed for whatever dark purpose you have in mind. We'll stop you."
As Anthea raised her hands, a brilliant transformation unfolded, engulfing her in a radiant golden armor that seemed to materialize from the very essence of her divine heritage. Y/N, Matthew, and even Stheno couldn't help but gaze in awe at the spectacle before them.
Anthea's skinny jeans seamlessly morphed into a gladiator-esque skirt, intricately crafted from a fusion of gold and black materials. The golden boots, a dream for any mythology enthusiast, wrapped around her ankles and calves with precise black leather straps, forming a harmonious balance between elegance and strength. Y/N marveled at the attention to detail, the craftsmanship of the boots reflecting a deep appreciation for both fashion and functionality.
Her simple white shirt and purple denim jacket underwent a profound metamorphosis, evolving into a set of golden armor that adorned Anthea's frame with both grace and power. The chest and back plates, held together by sleek black straps, exuded an intricate design. On Anthea's chest, a tree motif stood proudly, each of its three balls bearing symbolic significance. One displayed a clock and a swirl, representing the manipulation of time, while another showcased the symbols of the elements. The third ball, a mystery to Y/N, bore an enigmatic symbol, perhaps tied to Anthea's divine lineage.
In the palm of Anthea's hand, a radiant Greek symbol appeared, matching the golden glow in her eyes. The symbol seemed to pulsate with energy, resonating with the ancient power coursing through Anthea's veins.
A golden crown, adorned with delicate leaves and flowers, and embellished with glittering diamonds, manifested atop Anthea's head. It radiated regality, symbolizing her divine status and authority. Y/N couldn't help but be mesmerized by the sheer beauty and symbolism encapsulated in every detail of Anthea's transformed attire.
Completing the ensemble was a golden cape with black accents that billowed with a majestic elegance. The cape, attached to Anthea's shoulders by two oversized buttons featuring the same clock and swirl symbols, added a touch of drama to the divine spectacle.
Y/N, finding her voice amidst the astonishment, uttered, "Anthea, that... that's incredible. Your armor is like a work of art, a blend of strength and beauty."
Anthea, her eyes still gleaming with golden determination, nodded appreciatively. "It's the Armor of Atlas, a manifestation of my heritage and the powers bestowed upon me. It's meant to protect and empower."
Matthew, who had been silently observing the transformation, finally spoke up, "That's seriously the coolest thing I've ever seen. Can you teach me how to get one of those?"
Anthea chuckled, her regal demeanor softened by a hint of amusement. "Sorry, Matthew. The Armor of Atlas is a bit exclusive."
Stheno, recovering from her initial surprise, stepped forward, her gaze fixed on Anthea, Matthew, and Y/N. She chuckled, a sinister mirth echoing in her voice, as she spoke, "Well, well, Anthea. It seems I need to match the attire to keep things fair, doesn't it?"
With a subtle wave of her hand, Stheno underwent a transformation of her own. The old lady guise melted away, revealing an elegant, black-haired woman. Her wavy locks cascaded gracefully over her shoulders, adding an air of sophistication to her appearance. The transformation extended to her attire, shedding the old clothes for a sleek, form-fitting white tunic that accentuated her curves. Held together with a single golden button on one shoulder, the garment exuded a subtle elegance that matched her newfound demeanor.
In Stheno's hair, a delicate crown materialized, a nod to her Gorgon heritage. The crown, adorned with intricate details, symbolized the legacy of the Gorgon sisters and their connection to ancient forces. The transformation was complete, and Stheno now stood as a formidable opponent, radiating a dark allure that contrasted with Anthea's divine brilliance.
Y/N couldn't help but note the contrast between the two women. Anthea, adorned in the regal Armor of Atlas, emanated an aura of strength and resilience. Stheno, in her refined attire, embodied a different kind of power—an ageless cunning and a deep connection to the ancient forces she represented.
Stheno, with a wicked smile, addressed Anthea, "There, now we can have a fair match, Anthea. Two daughters of ancient lineage, facing each other once again."
Anthea, her golden eyes fixed on Stheno, responded with determination, "This is not a game, Stheno. We won't let you use the seed for whatever dark purpose you have in mind."
Stheno laughed, her voice echoing with a haunting melody. "Oh, Anthea, you always were the defiant one. But this time, I will ensure that destiny unfolds as it should."
The confrontation between Anthea and Stheno intensified, the air thick with the ancient energy that surrounded them.
Y/N and Matthew, realizing the intensity of the confrontation unfolding before them, exchanged a worried glance. Sensing the need to act, Y/N leaned in to whisper urgently to her brother, "We have to do something, Matthew. This is way beyond what we signed up for."
Matthew, his eyes darting between the powerful beings facing each other, nodded in agreement. "Yeah, I'm not sure what we can do, but we can't just stand here."
As Anthea and Stheno locked eyes, each radiating a potent energy that seemed to reverberate through the very fabric of reality, Y/N and Matthew began to search their surroundings for any clues or tools that could aid them in this unexpected battle of gods.
Y/N, scanning the area, spotted a nearby wooden crate and gestured toward it. "Maybe there's something useful in there. We need to find a way to help Anthea."
Matthew, determined, nodded and followed Y/N toward the crate. As they rummaged through its contents, Y/N's mind raced with thoughts of how they could assist Anthea in facing an ancient force like Stheno.
"We can't match their power, but maybe we can find something that disrupts or weakens Stheno," Y/N suggested, her eyes scanning the crate for any potential weapons or artifacts.
Matthew, holding a metal rod he found, raised an eyebrow. "Like this?"
Y/N considered the makeshift weapon and nodded. "It's worth a shot. Let's just hope it's effective against ancient Greek creatures."
Stheno, her gaze shifting from Anthea to Y/N and Matthew, addressed them with a sly smile. "Ah, children of Poseidon, meddling in affairs beyond your understanding. Your interference won't change the inevitable."
Y/N, maintaining a facade of nonchalance despite the gravity of the situation, chuckled nervously. "Wrong pantheon, Stheno. You might want to check your divine lineup. We're just regular mortals caught up in this mess."
Matthew, holding the makeshift weapon with a determined expression, added, "Yeah, we don't have any beef with you or your divine drama. We just want to get out of this in one piece."
Stheno, her dark eyes narrowing, seemed amused by their banter. "Regular mortals or not, you've chosen to involve yourselves in the affairs of gods. There are consequences for such choices."
Y/N, exchanging a glance with Matthew, retorted, "Consequences, divine powers, ancient prophecies—this is getting a bit out of our league, don't you think?"
Stheno's laughter echoed through the air. "The League of Mortals versus the Pantheon of Gods. An amusing spectacle, indeed. But make no mistake; you're all entangled in a fate set in motion long before your time."
Y/N, trying to lighten the mood, quipped, "Well, if fate has a sense of humor, it better be ready for a good punchline."
As Stheno observed the mortal siblings with a mixture of amusement and disdain, Anthea seized the moment, redirecting her attention toward the Gorgon sister.
As the banter between Y/N, Matthew, and Stheno continued, Anthea, aware of the unreliability of her powers after the blast, focused her energy on summoning a golden sword. The radiant weapon materialized in her hand, its gleaming blade catching the ambient light, and Anthea squared her shoulders, ready to face the ancient adversary.
Stheno, observing Anthea's choice of weapon, let out a mocking laugh that echoed through the air. "A sword, Anthea? Do you really think a mere mortal weapon can stand against the power of an ancient Gorgon?"
Undeterred, Anthea held the golden sword with a firm grip. "This sword is forged from the essence of time and the strength of my heritage. It may be mortal in appearance, but its power is anything but."
Y/N, exchanging a glance with Matthew, whispered, "Anthea may not have her full powers, but that sword looks pretty formidable."
Matthew nodded, his eyes fixed on the unfolding battle. "Let's hope it's enough to level the playing field."
Stheno, her amusement fading into a more serious expression, took a step forward. "Your defiance is entertaining, Anthea. But in the end, you cannot escape the fate that awaits you. The seed belongs to the earth, and it will be returned, one way or another."
Stheno's malicious words cut through the air, her tone dripping with an evil satisfaction as she mentioned Lexa, Anthea's long-lost best friend from her childhood in the realm of gods. Anthea, frozen for a moment by the unexpected reference, felt a pang of sorrow and nostalgia for the friend she had lost.
"How do you think Lexa would react to this version of Anthea?" Stheno taunted, her eyes glinting with a cruel amusement.
Anthea, shaking off the momentary distraction, narrowed her golden eyes at Stheno. "You know nothing about Lexa or what she would think. Leave her out of this."
Y/N and Matthew, witnessing the exchange, exchanged concerned glances. Y/N whispered to Matthew, "Who's Lexa? Do you think Anthea knew her when she was a kid?"
Matthew shrugged, equally perplexed. "I have no idea, but it seems like Stheno is trying to get under Anthea's skin."
Stheno continued to press, "Oh, the memories of your past, Anthea. Do you remember the laughter, the camaraderie with Lexa? How do you think she'd feel seeing you now, entangled in mortal affairs?"
Anthea, regaining her focus, responded with determination, "Lexa knew me for who I am. She understood the complexities of our existence. I won't let you use her memory to distract me."
Stheno, sensing that her attempt to sow doubt had failed, sneered, "Your sentimental attachments will be your downfall, Anthea. But by all means, let's resume our little dance."
With renewed determination, Anthea squared her shoulders, her golden sword at the ready.
Anthea, her movements elegant and swift, launched a series of attacks with the golden sword. Stheno, equally agile, expertly dodged the blows, her dark laughter echoing through the air. The clash between divine powers and ancient adversaries intensified with each exchange.
As Anthea aimed a decisive strike, Stheno ducked with an eerie grace, avoiding the sword's edge. The Gorgon sister, reveling in the dance of battle, giggled darkly, taunting Anthea. In a swift counterattack, Stheno's blade cut across Anthea's arm, revealing a stream of golden blood flowing from the wound.
Anthea hissed in pain, her arm clutching the injury, but she didn't falter. Determined to turn the tide, Anthea gathered her strength for another assault. With a fierce resolve, she lunged at Stheno once more, this time managing to strike the Gorgon sister at her foot.
Stheno, momentarily staggered by the unexpected blow, sneered. "You may have drawn blood, Anthea, but victory is still beyond your grasp."
Y/N and Matthew, witnessing the intense battle, felt a mixture of awe and concern. Y/N whispered to her brother, "Anthea's strong, but Stheno seems like a formidable opponent. We need to do something to help."
Matthew nodded, gripping the makeshift weapon tighter. "We should find a way to distract or weaken Stheno. Maybe that will give Anthea an opening."
Stheno, reveling in her sadistic taunts, couldn't resist poking at Anthea's vulnerabilities. "Anthea, my, my. You even managed to find yourself a mortal girlfriend. How cute. I wonder how she'll taste when I fry her in a pan."
Anthea, fueled by a surge of anger and a desire to protect those she cared about, growled in response. Her eyes, now glowing with an intense golden fury, bore into Stheno's with an unwavering determination.
As Stheno continued her taunts, Y/N and Matthew, on the sidelines, couldn't bear to see their ally tormented. Ignoring the danger, they started screaming Stheno's name in unison, hoping to distract the Gorgon sister.
"Stheno! Over here! Look at us!" Y/N yelled, waving her arms frantically.
Matthew joined in, shouting, "Hey, snake lady! Your attention is needed elsewhere!"
Stheno, momentarily annoyed by the distraction, shifted her gaze toward Y/N and Matthew. Anthea seized the opportunity, launching herself at the distracted Gorgon sister. With a swift and decisive move, Anthea planted her golden sword into Stheno's chest.
As the blade found its mark, Anthea leaned close to Stheno's ear, her golden eyes ablaze with fury. In a low, menacing whisper, Anthea uttered, "Never underestimate me again."
Stheno, caught off guard, winced in pain. The taunts turned to futile gasps as she struggled against the unexpected turn of events. Anthea, her expression unyielding, maintained her grip on the sword, holding her ground as the ancient forces clashed in a decisive moment.
Stheno, despite the sword planted firmly in her chest, refused to yield. Through gritted teeth, she hissed a threat, "You have no idea what's coming, Anthea. You're not ready for the storm that awaits."
Anthea, undeterred and fueled by the surge of determination coursing through her, pushed the sword deeper into Stheno's chest. Her golden eyes locked onto the Gorgon sister's, and in a voice laced with unwavering confidence, she retorted, "Whatever's coming, they're not ready for me."
Y/N and Matthew, witnessing the intense exchange, couldn't help but exchange glances. Y/N muttered to her brother, "Anthea's a force to be reckoned with. I wouldn't want to be on her bad side."
Matthew nodded in agreement. "Definitely. She's handling this way better than I thought she would."
Stheno, despite the pain, attempted to chuckle, a sinister glint in her eyes. "You may have won this round, Anthea, but the storm is inevitable. You can't escape what's destined."
Anthea, her grip on the sword unyielding, leaned in closer to Stheno's ear. "Destiny may be written, but it's up to us to rewrite it. And I've never been one to bow to fate."
Stheno, realizing her taunts were falling flat, sneered, "You'll regret this defiance, Anthea. The consequences will be more than you can bear."
Anthea, not one to be intimidated, flashed a defiant smirk. "We'll see about that."
Anthea, with a swift and decisive motion, ripped her golden sword out of Stheno's snake-like body. The blade emerged, gleaming with a mix of golden ichor and the dark essence of the Gorgon sister. Stheno, weakened and reeling from the unexpected turn of events, hissed in pain, her serpentine features contorted with fury.
The mortal siblings, Y/N and Matthew, watched in amazement as Anthea reclaimed her weapon, her golden eyes ablaze with triumph. Y/N whispered to her brother, "She's really something else, isn't she?"
Matthew nodded, a mixture of admiration and surprise in his eyes. "I never thought we'd witness a showdown between a goddess and... whatever Stheno is."
Anthea, undeterred by Stheno's continued threats and taunts, stood her ground with an air of regal confidence. The ancient blood on her sword shimmered, a testament to the clash of divine forces that had unfolded on the roadside.
Stheno, her once menacing demeanor now diminished, glared at Anthea with a venomous intensity. "This isn't over, Anthea. The storm is inevitable. You can't escape the fate that awaits you."
Anthea, her gaze unwavering, responded with a stoic determination. "Fate may be a storm, but storms can be weathered. I'll face whatever comes my way."
As the echoes of their confrontation lingered in the air, the road ahead remained uncertain, fraught with the unpredictable twists of divine destinies.
Stheno, weakened but still seething with anger, breathed out her final threat with a venomous promise. "I will make sure Poseidon's children meet their demise, starting with this one." Her gaze fixed on Y/N, a sinister glint in her eyes.
Y/N, despite the gravity of the situation, shot back with a bold defiance, "Good luck with that, snake lady. I've faced worse than you at the university cafeteria."
Matthew, gripping the makeshift weapon, added, "You'll have to get through us first."
Anthea, her golden eyes narrowing at Stheno's threat, raised her sword defensively. "You won't touch them. Your threats mean nothing."
Stheno, with a malicious smile, vanished into a dark mist, leaving behind an ominous echo of her sinister laughter. The air, once thick with the tension of battle, settled into an uneasy calm.
Y/N, trying to shake off the adrenaline, turned to Anthea. "I guess we've made ourselves an enemy of an ancient Gorgon. Not your typical day at university, huh?"
Anthea, offering a small, reassuring smile, responded, "I suppose not. But you both handled it well. Not many mortals would face a creature like Stheno with such courage."
Matthew, still on edge, glanced around cautiously. "So, what's next? Are we safe?"
Anthea, her gaze scanning the surroundings, replied, "For now. But we need to be vigilant. Stheno won't give up easily, and there may be others who share her vendetta."
With Stheno's ominous presence gone, the residual tension in the air began to dissipate. Anthea's divine armor transformed back into the familiar clothes she wore before the confrontation. Anne's eyes, once ablaze with golden intensity, returned to their hazel color, reflecting the goddess's return to a more mundane appearance.
As the reality of the divine clash settled in, Y/N found herself flustered and hot, her mouth hanging open in awe. The rush from the intense battle, coupled with witnessing the transformation of a goddess, left her momentarily speechless.
Anthea, catching Y/N's flustered expression, offered a reassuring smile. "It's over for now. We should be safe. Stheno won't return so soon."
Matthew, still processing the surreal events, quipped, "Well, that was a day. I never expected to witness a goddess in action."
Y/N, regaining some composure, closed her mouth and managed to stammer, "I... I mean, wow. That was... impressive."
Anthea chuckled, her hazel eyes filled with warmth. "Impressive or not, it's not something you deal with every day, I suppose."
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breha · 2 years
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monster memory // music for a vampire sitting by a single tree under a sunlamp in a tower between scheduled mental breakdowns. i blame music on a long thin wire by @leguin for some of how this turned out.
01. you’ll never be alone the books 02. le mal de vivre cécile mclorin salvant 03. orange was the color of her dress, then blue silk charles mingus 04. god laughs earl sweatshirt 05. i get along without you very well nina simone 06. angel eyes ella fitzgerald 07. i’m always drunk in san francisco carmen mcrae 08. the angle of incidence pauline oliveros 09. pink + white frank ocean 10. little sister rufus wainwright 11. for my lover tracy chapman 12. he’s my guy sarah vaughan 13. ungodly fruit wax tailor 14. experiences no. 2 john cage 15. he's the moon bernice 16. me and my husband mitski 17. the noisy white part. 4 dream noises 18. act 3 - the binding of isaac steve reich 19. intro oneohtrix point never 20. ain’t nobody’s business if i do billie holiday 21. sister angel olsen 22. stages i soho rezanejad 23. footnote to howl kronos quartet (allen ginsberg) 24. yesterday martina topley-bird 25. l’après-midi felicia atkinson 26. american tune paul simon 27. a single petal of a rose duke ellington 28. come out steve reich 29. i am sitting in a room (excerpt) alvin lucier
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via-rant · 1 year
Obrumbratio Scintillae
Chapter 3 -
"Hey darling. What's the matter?" Faith said walking in on Luke laying on his bed, staring at the ceiling. She sat on the edge of it and grabbed his hand.
"I don't know. I've done this before. They're powerful, we need them to defeat the Gods. But it also feels... wrong."
"It didn't for the others?" Faith asked and he shrugged. It was difficult to understand for him too. It was easier to side with them, to betray Annabeth and Thalia and Percy. But he was doing the right thing... right? But the way Kronos talked about the two. They wouldn't just use them. At least he wouldn't. He doesn't even know Kronos. He did eat his own kids. He shook his head.
"No. We can trust him." Faith smiled and layed with him, kissing his cheek.
"Of course we can."
It's been a few days since Leo and Nico arrived. They got a tour and were introduced to some of their trainers and got their schedules, both a little upset they had different ones. Training with other people and monsters. It was weird at first but they got used to it pretty quickly, loving the adrenaline and energy they use up so they could actually sleep at night.
Nico talked about mythomagic and Leo about his machines during lunch and dinner as everyone gave them weird looks.
Leo kept a close eye on Nico to make sure he was warm enough and asked his trainers to do the same. He hoped he wouldn't have to use his fire again. Leo was glad Nico didn't remember that. Or thought he didn't. Nico didn't want to bring it up if it wasn't necessary knowing how hesitant he is around any kind of fire. The same way he was about his dad. So they didn't talk about it.
They talked about their loved ones. Leo talked about his mom and Nico his and his sister. Leo mentions he had a sister too. But that was it. Which was fine. They never really talked about how they died. Just that they did before changing the subject.
None of the other kids really liked them. They sometimes catch one of them glaring at them. If it weren't for Lukes and Faiths protection then they'd be hurt pretty bad by now. Probably knocked out. But one of the kids went too far while sparring with Leo. He smiled his usual smile, throwing his wooden knives with impeccable aim and making jokes along the way but it wasn't enough. The gorgon got too angry and slashed his back with her tail, giving him a big gash. Everyone stood there with smirks just watching him struggle to get up. Luke immediately ran to him and gave him some ambrosia.
"Why are you all standing there?! Get some bandages!! Get some water!!" He yelled looking around at all the monsters.
"The kid needs to learn something!"
"Learn?! He's hurt!"
"He's weak! If he can't handle this then he shouldn't be here!"
"He's losing blood!"
"Luke. It's... it's okay. I... can..." Leo shook with effort to stand but he just passed out. Luke groaned and picked him up himself, running to the infirmary. He fixed him up, not questioning the scars on his back. He didn't focus on that. He sat on the side of his bed in concern and confusion.
Do that a few more times, he'll get over it. Luke's face twisted in disgust.
"Do you have any idea how the human body works?"
Maybe not. But we train humans too. Like you. That happens all the time. They're all the same. The door opened suddenly and Nico came running in.
"Is he okay?!"
"He's fine. Just unconscious." He visibly relaxed but still looked worried. He looked at them and smiled at the relationship they had.
"He'll be fine. I'll talk to them about being more gentle. Okay?" Nico nodded and sat next to him. Luke was about to leave when he heard people coming from the other side of the tent. He turned around and he didn't know how to feel at the sight of the Jackson kid. In an enemy tent. Pointing his sword at him, Nicos at Percy.
Yeah the other post kinda just boosted my motivation!! Like times a thousand I finished this so fast!!
@moa-broke-me @yonemurishiroku @pjo-hoo-toa-freakazoid @potatoman-taterdude @the-demigod-slytherclaw @im-always-lost-in-a-book @stillcarmine @art-randomness @cryptic-ember
So it doesn't show anything for @/unidentifiedimp if you find this please let me know you changed it or something! I'd love to continue tagging you, if you're still interested! If anyone else knows about them, let me know please!
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oditeksolutionsyaass · 8 months
Kronos, a leading workforce management solution, offers cloud-based tools for time and attendance tracking, schedule management, and payroll automation. OdiTek Solutions specializes in implementing and optimizing Kronos modules, providing services for Kronos Workforce Ready, Dimensions, Central, Analytics, TeleStaff, and more.
Services offered by OdiTek include customized implementation, seamless integration with existing systems, compliance and reporting configuration, and continuous support and optimization. The team's expertise extends to cloud integration with tools like Boomi, Celigo, and Workato.
OdiTek ensures precise configuration of Kronos solutions, compliance with labor laws, and ongoing support for long-term efficiency. As a strategic consulting partner, they aim to enhance workforce management and offer expertise in Kronos Workforce Ready and Kronos Workforce Dimensions.
Kronos Integration, Kronos UKG, Kronos Work Force Ready, Kronos Scheduling, Kronos Workday
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spacenightwing · 9 months
Episodes 1 & 2 have been released and watched. I’m in LOVE!!! I’ve been waiting since 8th grade for this!!!!! 🗡️⚡️🏕️🔱
But whose bright idea was this release schedule??? Definitely not Annabeth’s she’s not dumb or evil!!
I bet it was Kronos’s. He’s that dumb. And evil.
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You should do! Waning Crescent with Strange, Blue Moon and Mordecai, Waxing Gibbous and 🚬, First Quarter and Undertaker!
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[the meme]
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Waxing Crescent - You and your F/O have to leave everything behind and start over, with nothing but each other. How does that look? + Strange
Zacharie had been sent to bed, in the largely metaphorical sense of the word. Kronos was in the passenger seat of the car, staring out the window as they kept driving. Faers eyes narrowed, index finger tap, tap, tapping faers nail against the pistol in faers lap. Restless, fae looked out the back window, studying the road with a dull expression.
"Are we being followed by them," Strange asked. Kronos shook faers head. "No."
"Then we're fine."
Kronos looked at him like he spat in faers face. "Fine? This is the opposite of fine!"
"Kronos," and there was a weariness to his voice. "I don't like this anymore than you."
Fae huffed like a pissed off child being denied dessert, returning faers attention to the road behind them. "I don't know why you didn't just send me in there. I could've handled this."
"You aren't a one man army."
"Why didn't you make me one?"
Strange was too tired for this.
Gotham-Specific here. The idea of them running off as things get hairy, maybe around when Mooney came back? And just... Ough...
Strange would of course want to start up again with All His Everything, but more underground I imagine. Kronos would be working overtime to play guard dog, and Zacharie would be well and tucked away until they were 100% sure they got off the ground. That said, everywhere else is way harder to do this than in Gotham itself, and I imagine they had to book it from the whole ass city...
They're gonna be eating cup ramen for a little whlie.
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Blue Moon - Do you/your F/O believe in luck? Magic? Do you feel it favors you? + Mordecai
"Luck's a sham," Mordecai started. Fae was half laid in the cover of rocks less dense than they looked, a boulder being the support. Faers leg was kicked up, fae balancing the rifle on faers knee. All fae responded with was a hum.
"You ever been lucky?" He took a drink, other hand bringing up a scope he'd yanked off of a gun. "Don't answer that, I already know the answer."
"You do," fae replied.
"Hey, north west."
Fae moved in an instant. Though fae was focusing far east before, the man Mordecai was watching was dead in seconds. Boom, click, silence.
"What about magic," fae asked in a half mumble.
"You seen Lilith?" Mordecai scoffed. "Yeah, obviously."
"Aren't luck and magic the same thing," fae offered. "Maybe she's just real lucky."
"I don't think she's lucky. I think... I think magical and lucky are separate states of being."
Fae hummed, taking a shot at someone fae spotted on faers own. Mordecai looked out the scope at the body, whistling after. "Think we're winning?"
"I don't know. You been counting the bodies?"
"Yeah," he replied. "I think that makes 20."
Fae chuckled. "We're winning."
No further comment.
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Waning Gibbous - What have you and your F/O brought to each other's lives that you are most grateful for? + 🚬
Terry planted a kiss on Bone's forehead. Fae sighed softly. He moved to leave, but Bone reached out and grabbed a fistful of his jacket. "Stay," fae pleaded.
Terry hesitated. "Alright."
Bone never really knew kindness that lasted before Terry. If someone was nice to faer, they ended up dead later anyway. Terry was dangerous enough to survive, and warm enough to keep faers head above water.
For Terry, it's faers consistency. The world is chaos, their world is strife. Bone though never changes. Fae is an easy beast to tame, not requiring the intricate rituals every other aspect of his work does. As long as fae has a target or a schedule for when jobs will come through? Fae is happy. It's a strange thing to be the most grateful for, but fae being so easy is such a blessing at the end of the day...
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First Quarter - How do you and your F/O celebrate major life events? + Undertaker
Vladislav had come by the shop late that night. Even without parents, the servants and caretakers all had elaborate birthday nonsense planned. Now though, fae looked tired.
Makeup was running a little. Had fae been crying? He stood in the opened shop door, humming in consideration. "It's your birthday, isn't it?"
"Yes," Vladislav mumbled.
He wanted to ask how fae got here without a carriage, but he didn't. Instead, Undertaker was kind enough to step aside. "Come in," with a beckoning wave.
Vladislav did gladly. It was quiet in there. Quiet was all fae really wanted.
Basically everything gets blown out of proportion to Vladislav. Balls and shit are just so noisy and social! Vladislav doesn't have a social battery ready for that kind of nonsense...
Undertaker is willing to put things down for a moment to give faer a peaceful respite. They celebrate in relative silence. Maybe some food, sure, but he knows the quiet is a better gift than he could get faer...
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sahiloditek · 12 days
Kronos Services | Kronos Integration Services
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Kronos services offer a comprehensive suite of solutions designed to address the complexities of workforce management. These services include precise time and attendance tracking, advanced scheduling, efficient absence management, seamless HR and payroll integration, insightful labor analytics, and rigorous compliance features. By leveraging these tools, businesses can streamline their workforce management processes, significantly reduce labor costs, and enhance overall productivity.
The automation and accuracy provided by Kronos services help eliminate errors, save administrative time, and ensure timely and accurate employee payments. The integration of HR and payroll systems provides a unified view of employee data, boosting efficiency. Robust labor analytics offer valuable insights into workforce performance, enabling data-driven decisions that optimize staffing and reduce overtime costs. Compliance features ensure adherence to labor laws and regulations, minimizing the risk of legal issues and penalties. Why Choose Kronos Services? Kronos services provide several key advantages that make them an excellent choice for businesses of all sizes:
Enhanced Accuracy and Efficiency Automated time and attendance tracking reduces errors and eases the administrative workload for HR departments.
Improved Compliance Kronos services ensure businesses stay compliant with labor laws and regulations, minimizing the risk of costly fines and legal challenges.
Better Workforce Insights Advanced analytics deliver valuable insights into workforce performance, enabling data-driven decision-making.
Scalability Kronos services are scalable and can be customized to meet the unique needs of businesses across various industries.
At Blue Summit, we offer a full range of Kronos services designed to help businesses unlock these benefits and achieve their workforce management objectives.
Exploring Kronos Workforce Central Services Kronos Workforce Central is a powerful suite of tools designed to manage the entire employee lifecycle, from recruitment and onboarding to time and attendance tracking and performance management. Here are some of the key features of Kronos Workforce Central services:
Time and Attendance Tracking Accurate time and attendance tracking is crucial for ensuring employees are paid correctly and for maintaining compliance with labor laws. Kronos Workforce Central services offer automated time tracking, reducing the risk of errors and freeing up HR staff to focus on more strategic tasks. With features like biometric time clocks and mobile time tracking, employees can easily clock in and out, and managers can quickly review and approve timesheets.
Scheduling Efficient scheduling is essential for maintaining productivity and ensuring that the right employees are in the right place at the right time. Kronos Workforce Central services include advanced scheduling tools that allow managers to create, manage, and optimize schedules based on employee availability, skills, and business needs. The system also provides real-time visibility into scheduling conflicts and helps managers make adjustments as needed.
Absence Management Managing employee absences can be challenging, but Kronos Workforce Central services simplify the process by providing a centralized platform for tracking and managing leave requests. Employees can submit leave requests through the system, and managers can quickly review and approve them. The system also tracks accruals and balances, ensuring that employees receive the appropriate amount of leave.
HR and Payroll Integration Integrating HR and payroll systems is essential for ensuring accurate and timely payroll processing. Kronos Workforce Central services offer seamless integration with HR and payroll systems, eliminating the need for manual data entry and reducing the risk of errors. This integration also provides a comprehensive view of employee data, helping HR and payroll teams work more efficiently.
Performance Management Kronos Workforce Central services include performance management tools that help businesses set goals, track progress, and provide feedback to employees. Managers can create performance reviews, set objectives, and monitor employee performance throughout the year. This helps ensure that employees stay on track and meet their performance goals.
Leveraging Kronos Integration Services Integrating Kronos services with other business systems is crucial for maximizing their effectiveness. At Blue Summit, we offer Kronos integration services to help businesses seamlessly connect their Kronos systems with other applications, such as ERP, HR, and payroll systems. Here are some of the key benefits of Kronos integration services:
Streamlined Data Flow Integrating Kronos services with other business systems ensures that data flows seamlessly between applications, eliminating the need for manual data entry and reducing the risk of errors. This streamlining of data flow helps businesses save time and improve accuracy.
Enhanced Visibility Kronos integration services provide a comprehensive view of workforce data by connecting Kronos systems with other business applications. This enhanced visibility helps managers make more informed decisions and improves overall workforce management.
Improved Compliance Integrating Kronos services with HR and payroll systems helps businesses stay compliant with labor laws and regulations. The integration ensures that employee data is accurate and up-to-date, reducing the risk of compliance issues.
Increased Efficiency Kronos integration services help businesses increase efficiency by automating processes and reducing the need for manual data entry. This increased efficiency allows HR and payroll teams to focus on more strategic tasks and improves overall productivity.
Implementing Kronos Services with Blue Summit At Blue Summit, we understand that implementing Kronos services can be a complex process. That's why we offer a range of implementation services to help businesses get up and running with Kronos quickly and efficiently. Our implementation services include:
Needs Assessment We start by conducting a thorough needs assessment to understand your business requirements and identify the best Kronos services for your organization. This assessment helps us tailor our solutions to meet your specific needs.
System Configuration Once we have identified the right Kronos services for your business, we configure the system to ensure it meets your requirements. This includes setting up time and attendance tracking, scheduling, absence management, and other features.
Data Migration We help businesses migrate their existing data to the Kronos system, ensuring a smooth transition and minimizing disruption to your operations. Our data migration services include data mapping, data cleansing, and data validation.
Training and Support We provide comprehensive training and support to help your team get the most out of Kronos services. Our training programs are designed to ensure that your employees understand how to use the system effectively, and our support team is always available to assist with any issues that may arise.
Ongoing Maintenance At Blue Summit, we offer ongoing maintenance services to ensure that your Kronos system continues to operate smoothly. Our maintenance services include system updates, troubleshooting, and regular system health checks.
Conclusion Kronos services offer a powerful suite of tools for managing workforce operations and improving efficiency. Whether you need time and attendance tracking, scheduling, absence management, or HR and payroll integration, Kronos services can help you achieve your workforce management goals. At Blue Summit, we are committed to helping businesses leverage the full potential of Kronos services through our comprehensive implementation, integration, and support services. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you streamline your workforce management processes with Kronos services.
Partner with Blue Summit to achieve your goals and transform your workforce management capabilities. Contact us today!
Blue Summit has collaborated with OdiTek Solutions, a frontline custom software development company. It is trusted for its high service quality and delivery consistency. Visit our partner's page today and get your business streamlined. If you want to know more about kronos services then feel free to visit our website Blue summit. Check our other services at Blue summit managed services
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joomladevelopment25 · 16 days
Kronos Workforce Central | Kronos WFC
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Kronos Workforce Central (Kronos WFC), developed by Ultimate Kronos Group (UKG), stands out as a leading solution in workforce management. It offers a comprehensive suite of tools for time and attendance, scheduling, and absence management, among other features. These tools are designed to help businesses optimize their workforce by streamlining processes, enhancing productivity, and ensuring operational efficiency. With its robust capabilities, Kronos Workforce Central enables organizations to effectively manage their workforce, meeting the demands of today's dynamic work environment.
Understanding Kronos Workforce Central
Kronos Workforce Central is a powerful, fully integrated suite of applications designed to help organizations manage their workforce. This system provides a single platform for all workforce-related activities, enabling businesses to streamline processes, improve productivity, and ensure compliance with labor laws and regulations. At its core, Kronos Workforce Central offers advanced capabilities for time and attendance tracking. By automating these processes, organizations can eliminate manual errors, reduce administrative workload, and ensure accurate payroll processing. The system’s sophisticated scheduling tools allow managers to create optimized schedules that align with labor demands and employee availability, thereby minimizing labor costs and improving overall efficiency.
Key Features of Kronos Workforce Central
1. Time and Attendance Management
Kronos Workforce Central provides a comprehensive time and attendance solution that automates the tracking of employee hours. This feature ensures accurate payroll processing and compliance with labor laws.
2. Advanced Scheduling
The system’s scheduling module helps managers create efficient work schedules. It considers factors such as labor demand, employee skills, and availability, thereby optimizing workforce deployment.
3. Absence Management
Kronos Workforce Central includes robust absence management tools that help organizations manage employee leave and absences effectively. This feature helps reduce absenteeism and ensures that the workforce is adequately staffed at all times.
4. Labor Analytics
With powerful reporting and analytics tools, Kronos Workforce Central provides valuable insights into labor costs, productivity, and compliance. These insights enable managers to make informed decisions and drive continuous improvement.
5. Mobile Accessibility
The Kronos WFC mobile application allows employees and managers to access the system from their mobile devices. This feature provides flexibility and convenience, enabling real-time access to critical workforce information.
Implementing Kronos Workforce Central
Implementing Kronos Workforce Central requires careful planning and execution. Here are the key steps involved in a successful Kronos WFC implementation:
1. Needs Assessment
The first step in implementing Kronos Workforce Central is to conduct a thorough needs assessment. This involves understanding the organization’s workforce management challenges and identifying the specific features and capabilities that will address these needs.
2. System Configuration
Once the needs assessment is complete, the next step is to configure the Kronos WFC system to align with the organization’s requirements. This involves setting up the system’s various modules, defining workflows, and configuring rules and policies.
3. Data Migration
Data migration is a critical step in the implementation process. It involves transferring existing workforce data from legacy systems to the new Kronos Workforce Central system. This step requires careful planning and execution to ensure data accuracy and integrity.
4. Training and Change Management
Successful implementation of Kronos Workforce Central requires effective training and change management. Employees and managers need to be trained on how to use the system effectively. Change management strategies should also be implemented to ensure a smooth transition and user adoption.
5. Testing and Go-Live
Before going live, it is essential to conduct thorough testing of the Kronos WFC system. This involves testing all system functionalities to ensure they work as expected. Once testing is complete, the system can be rolled out to the organization.
Best Practices for Using Kronos Workforce Central
To maximize its benefits, organizations should follow best practices that ensure efficient and effective use of the system. Here are some key best practices for leveraging Kronos Workforce Central:
1. Regular System Audits
Conduct regular audits of the Kronos WFC system to ensure data accuracy and identify any discrepancies. Regular audits help maintain system integrity and compliance with labor laws.
2. Employee Training Programs
Invest in ongoing training programs for employees and managers to keep them updated on system functionalities and best practices. Well-trained users are more likely to utilize the system effectively and efficiently.
3. Customization and Configuration
Customize and configure the system to meet the specific needs of your organization. This includes setting up rules, policies, and workflows that align with your business processes.
4. Utilize Mobile Features
Encourage the use of the Kronos WFC mobile application to provide employees with real-time access to schedules, time tracking, and leave requests. Mobile accessibility enhances flexibility and employee engagement.
5. Leverage Analytics and Reporting
Utilize the system’s analytics and reporting capabilities to gain insights into labor costs, productivity, and compliance. Data-driven decision-making can help optimize workforce management and drive continuous improvement.
6. Integrate with Other Systems
Integrate Kronos Workforce Central with other business applications, such as HR, payroll, and ERP systems, to streamline processes and improve data accuracy. Integration ensures a unified approach to workforce management.
7. Monitor Compliance
Use the system’s compliance tools to monitor and enforce adherence to labor laws and regulations. Regularly update the system to reflect changes in legal requirements and ensure ongoing compliance.
Kronos Workforce Central at Blue Summit
At Blue Summit, we excel in implementing and supporting Kronos Workforce Central. As a leading IT services company with vast experience in workforce management solutions, we understand the unique challenges organizations encounter in managing their workforce. Our team of experts is committed to helping businesses harness the full potential of Kronos Workforce Central to meet their workforce management objectives. We provide a comprehensive suite of services to facilitate the implementation and optimization of Kronos Workforce Central, including:
• Consulting and Needs Assessment
Our consultants collaborate closely with organizations to comprehend their workforce management challenges and identify the most effective solutions.
• System Configuration and Customization
We tailor and configure the Kronos WFC system to align with the specific needs of each organization, ensuring optimal performance and seamless integration with business processes.
• Data Migration and Integration
Our team ensures a smooth transition of data from legacy systems to Kronos Workforce Central, preserving data accuracy and integrity. Additionally, we integrate the system with other business applications to provide a unified workforce management solution.
• Training and Support
We offer extensive training programs to equip employees and managers with the skills needed to effectively utilize the Kronos WFC system. Our ongoing support services ensure organizations continue to maximize the system’s capabilities.
• Continuous Improvement
We assist organizations in continuously refining their workforce management processes by leveraging the insights and analytics offered. Our team collaborates with businesses to identify optimization opportunities and implement best practices. With Blue Summit Solutions, organizations can confidently manage their workforce using Kronos Workforce Central, ensuring efficiency, compliance, and productivity.
Kronos Workforce Central is a powerful solution that enables organizations to manage their workforce efficiently and effectively. By automating time and attendance tracking, optimizing scheduling, managing absences, and providing valuable labor insights, Kronos Workforce Central helps businesses improve productivity, enhance compliance, and reduce costs. At Blue Summit, we are committed to helping organizations leverage the full potential of Kronos Workforce Central. Our comprehensive range of services ensures a smooth implementation and ongoing optimization, enabling businesses to achieve their workforce management goals. Whether you are looking to implement Kronos Workforce Central for the first time or seeking to optimize your existing system, Blue Summit has the expertise and experience to help you succeed. Contact us today to learn more about how we can support your workforce management needs with it. Blue Summit has collaborated with OdiTek Solutions, a frontline custom software development company. It is trusted for its high service quality and delivery consistency. Visit our partner's page today and get your business streamlined.
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manmath2k · 1 month
Kronos App For Employees | Kronos for Employees
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The Kronos workforce mobile app is a game-changer when it comes to simplifying and optimizing HR processes. Traditionally, managing time and attendance, scheduling, and payroll has been a cumbersome and time-consuming task for both employees and HR departments. However, with the Kronos app for employees, these processes are streamlined, allowing for greater efficiency and accuracy.
For employees, the app offers a user-friendly interface that makes it easy to clock in and out, request time off, view schedules, and track their hours in real-time. This not only reduces the administrative burden on HR but also gives employees more control over their work schedules and time management. By integrating seamlessly with other Kronos systems, the Kronos workforce mobile app ensures that all data is up-to-date and accurate, eliminating the risk of errors that often accompany manual processes.
Enhancing Transparency with the Kronos App for Employees
Transparency is a vital component of a positive employee experience. When employees have clear visibility into their work hours, schedules, and leave balances, they feel more in control and confident in their roles. The Kronos app for employees excels in providing this transparency by offering real-time access to important information.
Through the app, employees can easily view their work schedules, check their time-off balances, and see any changes made to their shifts. This level of visibility helps to reduce confusion and ensures that employees are always informed about their work commitments. Furthermore, the Kronos workforce app allows for easy communication between employees and managers, making it simple to resolve any discrepancies or issues that may arise.
Empowering Employees with the Kronos Workforce App
One of the most significant advantages of the Kronos workforce mobile app is its ability to empower employees. By giving them direct access to their work-related information, the app fosters a sense of ownership and responsibility. Employees no longer have to rely on HR or their managers to keep track of their schedules or hours—they can do it themselves, right from their mobile devices.
This empowerment extends beyond just time tracking and scheduling. The Kronos app for employees also allows for quick and easy submission of time-off requests, with the ability to track the status of these requests in real-time. This feature is particularly valuable in creating a more flexible and accommodating work environment, as employees can plan their time off more effectively.
The Impact of the Kronos App on Employee Engagement
Engaged employees are more productive, more satisfied with their jobs, and more likely to stay with their employer long-term. The Kronos workforce app plays a crucial role in fostering this engagement by providing tools that make the work experience smoother and more transparent. When employees feel that they have control over their work lives and that the tools they use are efficient and reliable, their engagement naturally increases.
Moreover, the Kronos app for employees supports better work-life balance, a key factor in employee engagement. By making it easier for employees to manage their schedules, request time off, and view their hours, the app helps reduce stress and ensures that employees can balance their work responsibilities with their personal lives more effectively. The Kronos app for employees is designed to make life easier for your workforce by providing an intuitive and user-friendly platform, ensuring that Kronos for employees is not just a tool but an essential part of their daily routine, enhancing both productivity and satisfaction.
for more info- www.oditeksolutions.com
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