skyekurisu · 8 months
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ya-kiri · 5 days
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After 2 YEARS of delay, it's FINALLY here!!
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good-books-to-read · 5 days
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Title & Author: I Cross-Dressed for the IRL meetup 1 by Kurano
Score: 83/100
Publication Date: Out Now!
Link: https://app.thestorygraph.com/books/e8f50c74-8e6b-46bc-b9d1-059b7eff9a27
Comments: Cocoa enjoys cross-dressing to escape from his daily life, Cocoa meet up with some newfound friends in their all-girl monthly meetup group to enjoy the best sweets on offer. However, this meetup goes in a completely unexpected direction, when Opera the girl he likes finds out he’s cross-dressing and shockingly he is too.
This cute, light-hearted manga celebrates self-discovery, friendship and embracing one’s true identity.
Thank you Kodansha Comics for providing me this book for review consideration via NetGalley, all opinions are my own.
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jadeseadragon · 10 months
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Kurano Haruo 蔵野 春生 (born in Tokyo, 1981)
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throwaway-yandere · 2 years
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Apotheosis Upon Your First Feast in a nutshell
That's light mode version of the nutshell meme, this the dark mode version hAHAHAHAH:
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yurekbali · 10 months
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“Yalana gerek yok; evrilirken devrilen canlılarız. Şiir trafiğine çıkıp mısra altında ölenler olmuştur yüzyıllar boyunca, eminim. Ruh çağırma seanslarına katılıp usta bir şair çağıralım derken kendi ruhunu kaptıranlar da hakeza. Mamafih, fettan günlerin düğümünü çözmek, çözdüğün ipin çilesinden kumaş örmek de marifet işte. Herkesin harcı değil. Harca eğilip baktın mı anlıyorsun cehennemin kaç kat olduğunu. Ademin kaç kat olduğunu. Havvanın katmerlerini. Şiir neresine sıkışmış; neresinde yara bu şiir, neresinde umut, neresinde şenlik; bir bir çıkıyor ortaya. Yine unutulacak bir sonbahar bitti; eylül ekim kasım; yeni bir maceraya kadar bu üç atlı, uzaklaşıp gittiler. Yolları açık olsun.” - küçük İskender, Galileo’nun Pergeli - Görsel: Kurano Haruo (蔵野 春生)
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melodious-tear · 8 months
Miyamoto + Kojima | Lover (Eneli)
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ai-do-ru · 10 months
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michellerakar · 2 months
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I finished my entry for the O2 A2 VN Jam: Clove's Story! Clove finds herself in the principal's office at school after engaging in a fight with her step-brother Jibu. She must talk her way out of detention with her homeroom teacher Ms. Kurano.
🎮 Play the game here!
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soup-scope · 1 year
gba theory time (some spoilers for new vid)
i think the reason why the bastard warrior series is so VAGUE on what the prophecy is for the god killer, is because FAITHFUL is the god killer child of prophecy
faithfuls brother made a bunch of comments on how the child kurano (i can’t fucking spell i think that’s her name) meets all the markers to be the god killer. but all we know is that they’re an orphan.
so that has to be like ONE of the requirements right or at least having no blood family.
there was a specific comment made by the brother that faithful would’ve died of hunger or worse if it weren’t for their mother. is that implying that they found faithful all alone as a child and took her in?? maybe faithful was a bastard 👀👀
BUT. that is just adding up to me that has me thinking faithful is the god killer.
tbh i kinda hope it’s true because we need to see faithful go batshit at LEAST once 🙏🙏
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profilozof · 9 days
Sorry for the late ask but I just loved the additional headcannons to your RILL: Rose from the garden AU. Can we have some more? (also I totally bet Isha would definitely shipped Ruby X Weiss AKA Whiterose)
No worries I honestly need some motivation to write more about daid au/WiP.
So headcanons:
1. As most warhammer fans know 3 Aeldari gods survived the fall: trickster, war and life. Which is quite intresting given that those were atributes of other Chaos gods. The thing is that an reflection of Slaaneash in Aeldari Pantheon also survived, not that anyone is aware of that. Vaul lives. The god of smiths and heroes who was chained to his anvil by Khaine still lives his prison became his fortress which was hiden to all.
2. Until light of adoption of Ruby Rose basicly shone as bright as astronomican which reveal that to the seers.
3. Freeing Vaul thusly is/will be a 3rd arc of the RILL.
4. Anyway, Ruby is not having a great time following becoming an Aeldari. Eldar in general have highten emotions compared to humans and if you add to that traumatised teen and powers of a demigoddess things get really messy. Which is why between Isha storming out of the garden and Vaul prison being found (seers only realised that he lives not where he lives) Ruby is very much in therapy. Oh don't get me wrong on her better days she talks with tons of people (she is still getting used to being reveared), tries to help her new mom, studies about her new home and tinkers with bonesinging (until she has flashbacks to listening to Weiss singing and has breakdown again), but on bad days she causes a winter to come early
5. Speak of given that I am not an ass/GW Ruby won't replace Ynnead as Aeldari god of the dead. But she will be an heiress to Kuranos as goddess of hunt and her personal portfolio will include seasons (yes the lack of control over weather changes is a checkovs gun to asscend ruby during her rescue of Vaul)
6. Isha meanwhile is flooded with work making her court in exile with most of her followers being exodites (because I have a chance to make ruby ride a T-Rex and I am not wasting it), she is making preperations to cleanse the webway and spank drukhari into the next mileania
7. Meanwhile in the imperium there is a small revolt when some member of Inqusition realised that the Archtraitor is alive again and Guilman isn't speedrunning to kill him. He send Russ to deal with that. And just when he thinks that everything is alright Lion returns.
8. Guilman is pleasntly suprised because Lion become chill over the last 10k years and instead of going for Horus he went for Orks Empires that Guilman just didn't have a time to deal with alone and Russ invited himself so 3 primarch crusade is a go.
9. Horus and his rag tag group of humans freed from nurgle meanwhile are on the side of said ork empire rebuilding civilisation with slight help of Aeldari.
10. Trazyn the infinite manged to find something/someone out of this world
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shadowedresolve · 10 months
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ALSO ALSO, like for a yuri kurano starter?? she is only an extremely minor character in tactica and is therefore 95% headcanon-based, but i love her design so like. listen.
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edgarunmei · 1 year
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Gyakuten: Black Blood
O One-Shot acompanha a história de Lionel Conthra que deseja voltar no tempo e reverter suas ações de seu passado sombrio, porém seus experimentos sempre dão errado. De repente, surgiu um ser imortal que transformou o mundo em preto e branco, ameaçando de destruição e morte. Somente quem possuía 'Alma Forte' era capaz de ficar consciente. Lionel e seus conhecidos; Mayuri Kurano e Ginjo Sato se uniram para enfrentar esse ser e salvar o mundo. (Em produção)
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jadeseadragon · 10 months
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蔵野 春生 Haruo Kurano
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skyekurisu · 1 year
What's the situation with early chapters of I Cross-Dressed for the IRL Meetup (Jousou Shite Off-Kai ni Sanka shite mita)?
Hi, I started working with the self-published version of the manga. However when the author got published by a magazine they redid the entire artwork, but not the story, the story was the same so I decided to skip the chapters I had already done and do the rest in the serialized version instead.
You just have to read this first:
And then this one:
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melodious-tear · 7 months
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"Now that they want me to take a rest, I'll just take a rest. - Don't be like this. It's just a week of suspension."
for @suwuminshan Happy birthday!
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