venacoeurva · 1 month
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Very cool Kurk thanks
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disneytva · 2 years
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Every Proud Song EVER💜
Disney Music Emporium & Walt Disney Records team up to bring you a Vynil for The Proud Family by Urban Outfitters!
The Vynil has ALL the songs from The Proud Family,The Proud Family Movie & Louder & Prouder.
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scourgiez · 1 year
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a kurk, i miss him every now and then
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kentuckykluber · 2 days
Tallu kurk
Tallu Kurk , is an American Rock artist, singer, songwriter, and record producer from Louisville Kentucky 
Born : 09/21/1999
Birthplace : Louisville 
Height : 6’0
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bluetapes · 2 months
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alison kurke
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variant-defect · 3 months
I'm around. Got ideas? Or up for a little plotting, lemme know. Muses here and on the sideblog include: Bakugo, Denki, Tokoyami, Kirishima, Shoto, Mirio, Izuku, and Hitoshi and more
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syrinq · 1 year
closest equivalent to names like glup shitto are very normal regular word combinations in dutch such as
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lemonsherbett · 1 year
Bir insana bir insan herhalde yeterdi
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venacoeurva · 5 months
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cinaraslan · 2 years
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harunayuuka2060 · 4 months
MC: Why are you yelling at me, Sebek?
MC: Because I'm incapable of being a spouse.
Sebek: That is not an acceptable reason! You know very well the history between faes and humans!
MC: So? That was a long time ago. And it's not like you were already born during that time.
Sebek: Kurk- Still!
MC: Hey, Sebek.
Sebek: WHAT- *gulps*
MC: *stares sternly at him*
MC: Yuu is under my protection and Malleus's. Though I know you wouldn't do anything to hurt them.
MC: After all, you're just a loud puppy.
MC: Yeah, yeah. *waves their hand dismissively*
MC: So? How's life here?
Yuu: It's great. The Queen is friendly and welcoming.
MC: That's good.
Yuu: ...
Yuu: Hey, MC?
MC: Yeah?
Yuu: You don't really feel anything for Malleus?
MC: Romantic feelings, you mean?
Yuu: *nods*
MC: Yes. I only see him as a brother at best.
Yuu: Oh? How come you agreed to marry him?
MC: He needs a deterrent. Badly.
Yuu: *considering how handsome Malleus is* Oh. Okay. That's understandable.
MC: I would've divorced him after your arrival but... *sighs* You still need me as a deterrent.
Yuu: Huh? Me?
MC: You and him both.
Yuu: *doesn't understand why they're included*
MC: You're both precious. So yeah, I've got no choice with that.
Yuu: ...
Yuu: Malleus and I think you're precious too. *is genuine about it*
MC: ...
MC: Okay. That's cringy. Don't.
Malleus: Spouse of mine, please?
MC: No.
Malleus: You still have a responsibility to me as your dearest friend.
MC: Who told you you are the 'dearest'?
Malleus: You have no other friends except me and Yuu. And I was first, so Yuu is the second dearest.
MC: *not understanding that logic*
Malleus: Please? I really want this sleepover to happen.
MC: I'm guessing it's Yuu's idea?
Malleus: Yes!
MC: *lets out a sigh of defeat first* Fine.
Malleus: Great! Kindly wear this pajama for the sleepover this evening.
MC: *looking at its gargoyle-based design* ...
MC: I'm good with my peasant's clothes. Thank you.
Malleus: *pouts* This is mandatory.
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illwilledomen · 2 months
Piglin (plural) live in a matriarchal society, with a healthy older sow running a horde. They don’t oppress their boars, however, it’s just uncommon to see a boar, particularly a young one, in a higher up position. Piglin have unique naming system. While villager and illager names are based off of your profession (villagers having names like ‘Josef of Millet-Town, the Carpenter-and-Mason’, and illagers having titles like ‘The Astrologer’) piglin are more concerned about discerning where you’ve come from and who you’re related to. A nomadic lifestyle means if you run into another horde who’s found a good hunting spot, you might want to figure out what direction they’ve come from — or if they’re hostile to you, you might want to find out what wise guy put ‘em on the job.
Thus, each piglin name starts with their group name (or settlement, e.g bastion) name. Lets say the name of your horde is Oin, which might stand for some kind of fungus that you guys use a lot for medicine. Your head sow would be named OinSow, to show her position as the leader of the group. You might be a skilled strider rancher, so perhaps you got your name from that — OinKurk, based on the croaking sound that striders make. Lets say one of the sows in your horde has given birth to a litter of piglets. What should she name them? Well, since the nether is a terribly dangerous place, there’s a very small chance that many of those piglets will make it past infancy, let alone adulthood, so for now, they’ll all be named OinPiglet until they get big enough to stray from their mother and show some personality. Then they might earn their name — but that is still subject to change when they get older.
Piglin who are divorced from any horde or bastion will lose the first part of their name. In hypothetical piglin you’s case, you would go from OinKurk to just Kurk. A head sow who has been kicked out or left would lose her title as a hordesow and have her childhood name without the first bit — let’s say OinSow’s childhood name was OinPeck, she would simply become Peck.
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halljavalge · 3 months
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Source: Nic Kurk
ℍ𝐚𝓵l נ𝐀 𝔳คĻǤẸ
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batmanfruitloops · 2 months
Alternate Timelines
I'm finally buckling down to post our list of alternate timelines! As you guys know, our au focuses on a better ending for the residents of Gotham, but that doesn't mean that Fluffy and I haven't considered many other possible outcomes.
As a known example, Jo becoming Scarebeast is an alternate timeline.
To make this a bit easier, the alternate timelines are a bit like a tree branching out from the main timeline. So some alternate timelines have more branches.
I'll be showing the related tags and a brief explanation of each here, so feel free to send in asks about any of them!
- Sarsee
#riddler!dies - Batman accidently kills the Riddler, sending Scarecrow down a spiral of revenge
#lazarus!riddler -(branch of riddler!dies) instead of just wanting revenge, Scarecrow also revives Riddler through the Lazarus pit
#scarecrow!dies - Batman accidentally kills Scarecrow, sending Riddler down a spiral of revenge
#lazarus!scarecrow - (branch of scarecrow!dies) instead of just wanting revenge, Riddler also revives Scarecrow through the Lazarus pit
#scarebeast - Penguin takes Scarecrow's fear toxin and Kurk's serum to turn Scarecrow into a "Scarebeast" for himself
#villain!joker - the Joker is a villain like the other rogues instead of a vigilante with Batman (he's still silly), and overall, it's pretty lighthearted and cartoonish
#batsandriddles - Batman takes in Ed off the streets, so he works with him and the Joker
#harleybegood - (branch of villain!joker) Harley and Joker get to be girl-buddies
#detective!nigma - Ed gets to grow up with his grandma instead of his father, so he becomes a PI detective, antics ensue
#arkham! - nobody will go to Arkham normally, but this delves into the trauma of if they did
#best!timeline - although it's called the best timeline, it's not all fluff
#reverse!rogues - here, the roles are switched; where Batman and the Joker are the main antagonists, and the rogues are the ones who have to find a way to put a stop to their crimes
#juggerbat - when Bruce's parents were murdered, he was also shot, leaving him paralyzed from the waist down. He's more ruthless and pessimistic with a tank of a batsuit
#medieval! - our au set in fantasy medieval times, mythical creatures, magic, and all
#vampire! - we've mostly focused on our favorite characters, but let's just say it's in the 1800-1900s and some of them are vampires and (at least one) is a werewolf
#furries! - the version where they're furries. Not much changes, just some more animalistic traits/scenarios
#wormnora - Nora Fries is a worm (a sentient worm on a string to be exact) that's all
#iceandriddles - instead of teaming up with Scarecrow, the Riddler teams up with Mr. Freeze
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kentuckykluber · 2 days
Tallu kurk
Tallu Kurk , is an American Rock artist, singer, songwriter, and record producer from Louisville Kentucky 
Born : 09/21/1999
Birthplace : Louisville 
Height : 6’0
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zeravmeta · 1 year
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