#kylo ren and his pet
thedarkcoven · 1 year
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*arrives back from a stressful trip across the galaxy. Hears your voice in the distance and turns to see you standing at the end of the hall and yells out for you*
APPRENTICE!!!!!!.....HERE!.....NOW!.....I have had a HORRIBLE day and need to let off stress!
*I swallow and hurry over to Kylo*
Yes, Master? *I ask looking down, not daring looking up at him*
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@tigrain1994​ I can’t address this comment properly in my comments with the text limit!! 
Bestie, my friend, my darling, kidnapping a child and taking him to be tortured for information and then coming into the child's prison cell and saying "you can come help me rn or you can stay here and be tortured more" is not saving him from torture. It is manipulation, textbook. It makes us (the audience) understand how Quartich can endear himself to Spider, how Spider, the vulnerable and manipulated party in this, can begin to get to the point where he would save him at the end. It makes us understand and sympathize with how Spider would empathize with Quaritch, because in Spider’s warped perspective it seems like Quaritch gives Spider a choice, a way out. That is not a choice, and he doesn’t. Quaritch just deliberately puts himself in the perfect position to seem like it. Understand? If you (or James Cameron, idk I’ve never heard of this interview) find that relatable or sympathetic, that’s sus buddy!
Now, I know they have emphasized how they wanted the show that love is not always good or healthy in the relationships in the movie. We can debate all day and go in circles about if Quaritch loves Spider, but if he does, it is distinctly not healthy or good! The scene of Quaritch and Spider in the cell is not a sign of redemption or something to see as sympathetic. It is another major part of his manipulation. 
I do not and did not say anything about Quaritch fans. I criticize people who think Quaritch can be redeemed, because this is a media trend that is harmful. He can’t be, not by anything in this movie that’s for sure, and he has not started down that path. I don’t think he ever can. The themes he represents are extremely heavy. A path to redeem him properly while treating these themes with the proper respect and seriousness, and doing it in a way that doesn’t spit on the movies point would be very complex and layered and much more complicated, frankly, then the writers have shown themselves capable of. If you want a story of a bigot being redeemed in a way that respects the seriousness of bigotry, watch the other Avatar. Zuko is a masterclass in a proper redemption arc, and we shouldn’t take anything less in our stories. These topics are serious, and they shouldn’t be swept under the rug because you find the white man hot.
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little-diable · 6 months
Let me take care of you - Kylo Ren (smut)
A small drabble written for @the-tales-of-ren - I hope you enjoy this lovie! Please like and reblog if you enjoyed reading this, your comments keep us writers motivated! Enjoy my loves. xxx
Summary: Kylo is scared to touch reader after her surgery, yet she won't let go of him, begging to feel him close
Warnings: 18+, smut, oral (f), just soft pwp
Pairing: Kylo Ren x fem!reader (1.1k words)
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The soft glow of ambient lighting cast a warm and gentle ambience in Kylo and (y/n)'s shared chambers. In the aftermath of her surgery, the room seemed to cocoon them in a haven of tranquillity. The grandeur of dark, obsidian walls was softened by delicate tapestries that hung like echoes of a distant past, and the air was thick with a serene calm.
Kylo found himself entrapped in the fragility of the moment. (Y/n) lay on the dark, expensive bedding, the sterile scent of the medical bay replaced by the subtle fragrance of flowers that Kylo had brought to bring life into the room. Each delicate petal seemed to capture the soft glow of the room, a reflection of Kylo's attempt to infuse a touch of solace into the shadows that lingered.
He was a stranger to the emotions flushing through him, all too used to pushing away the smallest ounces of fear, of worries, but ever since she had been forced to part for him, just for a few hours, he had been held hostage by this deadly mixture of emotions.  He watched her, his intense gaze softened by an unfamiliar vulnerability. The stark contrast of his dark attire against the tender atmosphere only emphasized the transformation he underwent in the confines of their shared space.
"How are you feeling, love?” His whispers left (y/n) smiling, reaching her hand out to pull Kylo closer, though miserably failing. Ever since she had returned from the medical bay he had kept his distance, close enough to tend to her every need, yet far away to not hurt her. 
“Kylo,” she sighed his name, fingers not daring to let go of his big ones. “Stop acting as if I’m some fragile thing you could hurt. I want you to hold me, please.” 
Kylo sat down on the bed, next to her, his gaze never leaving her face. In the silence that enveloped them, he reached out to cup her cheek, the touch surprisingly gentle. His eyes, pools of intensity, softened into a rare display of tenderness.
"I've never allowed myself to care for someone as deeply as I care for you," he admitted his voice a low rumble that resonated with sincerity. "Your well-being will always be my priority, and I don’t ever want to be the reason for your pain."
(Y/n) felt her heart swelling at his words, struggling to sit up, yet determined to do so. He watched her with dark eyes, lips marked by the cuts his teeth had left, a nervous trait he’d never be able to shake. A soft kiss was pressed to his lips, momentarily making Kylo forget his every worry, pulled closer into her trap with just a simple touch.
But the kiss was anything but simple, it oozed with tension so strong, Kylo feared he’d snap any moment, once again claiming the one he hadn’t touched in days. (Y/n)’s moans seemed to tell him everything he needed to know, unable to hold onto his determination, watching it pour down the drain of neverending emotions. 
Carefully Kylo pressed her back down onto the mattress, lips kissing their way down to her breasts. His eyes found the scar on her chest, eyebrows furrowed as he momentarily gave into his wandering thoughts, thoughts (y/n) managed to pull him out of with a soft, impatient moan of his name. 
“I can’t have you, at least not now. But I’ll take care of you, my pretty pet.” (Y/n)’s chest rose and fell all too quickly, not caring about the slight uncomfortableness her scars made her feel, not fully healed just yet. All she could focus on was the feeling of Kylo pushing the big shirt of his she wore up to her hips, pulling her panties down her legs within seconds. 
She barely got any time to breathe, eyes fluttering close the second his warm mouth came in touch with her needy cunt, licking her arousal-covered folds. (Y/n)’s moans reverberated through the bedroom, silently thanking whoever had designed their room for the soundproof walls, allowing them to be as loud as they wanted to. 
“Oh, stars, right there.” Her words left Kylo smirking against her folds, sucking on her pulsing bundle of nerves as he pushed two fingers into her tightness, curling them against the spot that always left her gasping. Kylo could only hum against her skin, high on the taste of her, the sweetest taste he’d never forget about, longing for it whenever they parted for more than a few hours. She was his everything, the one he needed with every rise of a new day, the one he’d turn to when the walls began to close in on him. She was his all, his eternity. 
Kylo ate her out with a certain kind of pleasure, finding enjoyment in her mewls, her gasps, and her moans, the sounds sending sparks straight down his spine and right to his aching cock. He’d have to take care of his desperation later on, not daring to fuck her while she was still healing, very well knowing that he’d be unable to control himself the second her walls flutter around him. 
With his eyes set on her pleasure-drunken features, Kylo watched her creep closer and closer to her release. He was determined, and wanted to see and hear her fall apart, all because of him. His thumb found her pulsing bundle, momentarily pulling his mouth away to inhale a few deep breaths. 
“I’m so close, fuck, Ky’, don’t stop, don’t you dare stop.” His fingers fucked her ruthlessly, fast enough to push her close to the brink of passing out, though not wanting to slip from his grasp just yet. Kylo added more speed to his movements, pushing down harder on her clit to give her the last needed push, coaxing a high-pitched moan from her.
His fingers kept fucking her through her high, sending her a sweet smile as (y/n) slowly opened her eyes. Only as he felt her relax did Kylo dare to pull away, moving up her body to press a slow, loving kiss to her warm lips.
“I can’t wait for you to be off bedrest, I don’t know how much longer I can go without stuffing you full with my cock.” 
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pineapplepunchhh · 6 months
“Too Young.”
Kylo Ren x Reader
In this story when appointed Supreme Leader, Kylo is in his early 30's. There is no use of y/n, readers name just isn’t mentioned, use of biologically female anatomical features.
Warnings: age gap (10yrs?) possesive and obsessive Kylo, half smut, toxic maybe?
Being so young you felt like you always had to prove yourself, if somebody assigned you a task you would complete it a hundred times better than what was originally asked of you. But even with your outstanding efforts on the Finalizer, you were still looked down upon by your superiors. Yes your endeavors were excellent and nobody could complain about the work that you delivered but even then people would still call you, too young.
It hurt the first few times... oh but who were you kidding? It hurt every single time that it slipped from someones tongue, especially his. Kylo Ren, the recently appointed new Supreme Leader of the First Order. He was captivating, with and without helmet, you had only seen his face about two times in your years of working on the Finalizer but the image could never leave your mind, he was absolutely spellbinding. His beauty went beyond what you had expected, piercing brown eyes, dark hair that fell almost too perfectly around his face, a scar starting under his eye and disappearing into his clothes, a beautifully pale complexion and that nose, that might have been your favorite part of him, his big and prominent nose. His charm, however, was not limited to his face for you, he was huge, he was tall and everything seemed to be in proportion, his hands were huge, his arms were huge, his legs, anything and everything. He always towered right over you, when he was behind you he acted almost like a wall. He had never explicitly said it but whenever your mind wandered from a task to just how big his hands or gorgeous his eyes were, you could hear a voice in your head, a small whisper that you swore sounded just like him, ''You're too young.'' It said, rejecting your thoughts about your Supreme Leader.
But despite these comments entering your mind whenever your thoughts drove off to him, you were unsure of how genuine they were, whenever you were off to handle tasks you could always feel a presence lurking right behind you, and when you turned your head you could find him, standing in the same hallway, observing you but quickly walking away when you caught his stare. What you did not know is that you were right, the voice in your head was his, reminding you that you were too young, too young for him, It was not as much for you as it was for him. He could not get you off his mind, he tried day and night to stop thinking about you, your beauty was even more captivating to him as his was to you, but you were simply too young, you had only recently turned twenty two years old and he was well in his mid-thirties, he in no way wanted to corrupt your still innocent and free soul with his corrupt and troubled one, if anything he wanted to preserve what you had, you could not belong to him, he could not do that to you, but you could not belong to anybody else either.
For this reason whenever you would interact with any man on the ship, they would suddenly need to report to the Supreme Leader or he would suddenly appear behind you two, telling you both you need to get back to your tasks. You had begun talking to one of the First Order officers you later learned was named Lin. Lin was a kind man that often helped with your tasks even though you insisted you could perform them fine on your own, which was true, and he knew that, nonetheless he just wanted an excuse to spend his time with and around you. Kylo noticed this, and he did not like it, at all, no matter how much he called Lin to him, told you to go back to work or intervened in any way, he always came back. Kylo could not stand it, Lin might not have been a bad influence per se but Kylo could not risk it, he had to preserve your pristineness, your innocence, and to do that, he had step up his game. Kylo called Lin into the conference room and it did not take long for him to enter. ''Supreme Leader, sir, I am here, what do you need me for?'' Lin was panting as he walked up to Kylo, beads of sweat running down his face indicating he ran there as soon as Kylo called him. ''Hello, Lin,'' Kylo started talking, his voice distorted by his helmet, ''I have called you here because we need to have a talk.'' He stated, turning his body to Lin and stepping closer to him, Lin could feel Kylo's eyes piercing through his skull even with the helmet on. ''W-Well, what do we need to talk about, Supreme Leader?'' Lin was afraid, he knew what Kylo was capable of, he was a man with no mercy for anybody he deemed his enemy. ''I can sense your fear,'' snickered Kylo. ''You are weak Lin, I hope you are aware of that, but that is not the point, what I want to talk to you about is the girl.'' Lin raised his eyebrows in confusion. ''Do you mean-'' He started before being interrupted by Kylo. ''Yes, her, you are going to stop talking to her, you understand?'' Kylo stated, Lin's confusion rose. ''But Supreme Leader, sir, why?'' He questioned Kylo, Kylo stepped towards him, minimizing the distance between them every step he took and Lin did not dare step back, Kylo took one of his gloved hands and roughly grabbed Lin's face so hard he almost broke his jaw. ''Because I say so, and what I say, goes, you understand?'' Lin sputtered as tears formed in the corners of his eyes, he tried nodding but Kylo's tight grip would not let him. ''Yes s-sir.'' Lin barely got the words out but when they left his lips Kylo let go of him, ''now scram, you fool.'' Lin had already ran before Kylo could complete his sentence.
The following day when you were up to some of your daily tasks you passed by Lin in one of the halls, you waved your hand at him and were about to walk up to him to strike up a conversation, but as soon as he saw you, his eyes widened and he quickly walked off. You felt as if he was avoiding you, but you could not understand why, until you took a look behind you to find your Supreme Leader standing in the dark, watching you. He had been up to something and you knew it. You wanted nothing but to confirm your suspicions, but what were you going to do? You could not possibly risk offending Kylo, you would lose everything you had worked oh so hard for to build up these past few years, however your curiousity was eating you alive and you simply could not take it anymore. It was the late afternoon when you stormed into the conference room you knew Kylo Ren would be at, and luckily for you he was there alone. ''Ah hello, what a surprise to see you here!'' Kylo exclaimed when he saw you enter through the big, steel doors. ''What is it you come to me fo-'' you cut Kylo off before he can finish his sentence, your eyes trying their best to pierce through his helmet as you stand maybe... a little too close to him. ''What have you been up to?'' You question him, trying to contain your anger. ''What are you talking about?'' Kylo countered your question with his own, stepping closer to further limit the distance between you two. As his body comes closer to yours you almost forget what you came to him for in the first place, your fiery eyes go from his helmet to his chest, arms, hands, you take in his body, the size, the greatness, then you hear a low chuckle coming from Kylo's helmet. Your eyes shoot back up at him, ''I am talking about Lin, and basically any other man that I have ever come in contact with, they all suddenly get called away or distracted by something and you are always around when that happens, and Lin, we talked every single day and suddenly one day he starts avoiding me like the plague!'' You exclaimed in a tone you maybe should not have used, you realized your words and your throat felt closed up, you heartbeat increased rapidly and you hoped you were not visibly sweating. ''What exactly are you accusing me of.'' He lowered his head to to yours, the glass in the helmet showing you your own nervous and trembling reflection. ''N-nothing sir, I-I am sorry, sir..'' Your voice was shaking and you swore he just chuckled again, you could slightly make out the shape of his eyes behind the glass of his helmet. He stepped away from you raising his head back up. ''You are not wrong, you know? Maybe I scared some of them off a little.'' He shrugged, his back was turned to you as he walked to the other side of the room, you quickly followed. ''Wait what? excuse me sir but why would you do that?'' he came to a sudden halt and you almost crashed into his back, he spun back around. ''Because they were not worthy.'' You felt, flattered? Somehow? But angry at the same time, you were angry at him for turning away your chances at any type of relationship with anybody on the ship, but you were also flattered that Kylo Ren, Supreme Leader Kylo Ren, was this invested in you, that he cared about you this much. ''Then who is worthy?'' You asked him, he sighed all he wanted to tell you was that it was him, he was worthy, he wanted you, he wanted to tell you he heard all your thoughts about him, every single one and that all he wanted to do was fulfill them, but you were just... too young. ''Sir?'' You placed your hand on his arm and he quickly shook his arm to get your hand off. ''No, do not touch me.'' He shook his head taking a step back from you. ''But why, sir?'' The way the word 'sir' rolled so smoothly off your tongue drove him crazy, he wanted nothing more than to have you, to kiss you, to touch you. ''I know how you have been thinking about me, your thoughts, they are so loud, so loud, but I am sorry, I cannot answer to them, you are too young.''
It stung, like a knife to the heart it stung, Supreme Leader Kylo Ren, the man you had been lusting over for so long, he confirmed it, you were too young, but you were determined, now that you knew how he thought about you, you needed it, you needed him. ''I know im young, sir, but my mind is well beyond my years.'' You tried to persuade him, he turned his back to you and right when you thought you were being rejected, you heard a low hissing sound, his hand went up to his head, they grabbed his helmet and slowly raised it from his head. You saw his dark hair falling out from the helmet he then placed next to him on the conference table. He slowly turned around and you were met with his dark brown eyes, those piercing eyes, they looked down at you as he stepped closer, It was like you remembered, the eyes, the hair, the nose, the lips and the long scar, all you could think about was where it ended. A low chuckle emitted from his full, plush lips ''Your thoughts are so loud.'' He stepped closer to you, his gloved hand reached up to your face, caressing you cheek with the rough leather. ''But I cannot, I cannot corrupt your pure soul.'' You placed your hand on top of his, feeling just how big it was. ''You could not corrupt me even if you tried.'' You smirked at him, your confidence was radiating, you had this opportunity now and there was no way you were going to let it slip. Kylo's eyes went wide, he was shocked at your sudden confident attitude, his lips formed into a smirk and he grabbed your face with the hand resting on your cheek, he pulled your face towards his own and without a second thought he crashed his lips onto yours, you were soon to kiss him back and before you knew it you were half-sitting half-laying down on the conference room's table with Kylo between your legs hungrily kissing your lips.
''Your thoughts, your desires, your fantasies.'' He said inbetween kisses. ''I want to fulfill them all.'' He bit at your lip before moving his kisses down to your jawline and from your jawline to your neck, biting, sucking, licking, doing whatever he pleased. 'He continued speaking dirty words and sweet praise inbetween licks and bites, the only noises coming from you being whimpers and moans. ''You sound.. so sweet.'' He commented before pulling away from your neck causing you to whimper, he grabbed the bottom of your shirt lifting it up over your head, he stuck out a hand and an invisible pair of hands unclasped and removed your bra, an interesting use of the force for sure. H e took in the image of your naked boobs, still trying to process that this was really happening. He slowly extended his hand to one of your boobs, massaging it, looking up at you for any confirmation, you gave him a nod and he attached his lips to your nipple, sucking and licking at whilst massaging the other one, you tried to keep quiet not knowing if the room was any form of soundproof. Kylo pulled away from your nipple and was on his way to your pants before a swift sound came from behind you, you turned your head and saw the big doors had opened and General Hux stood in the doorway, he quickly turned to look away and you picked up your clothes and got dressed almost in an instant. Kylo did not seem to be affected by the situation at all simply stating ''we will continue our meeting later, I think General Hux needs me.'' He looked down at you giving you a wink, your cheeks heated up and you quickly scurried off past General Hux desperately trying to avoid eyecontact.
You could not wait for later.
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sugar-coat-it · 6 months
Mask kink with 2016 Halloween Matty <3
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This is so specific, idk who the fuck is going to read this. Anyways, I’m a slut, hope you like my very niche love for Kylo Ren Matty (IT’S LITERALLY DECEMBER TOO, HALLOWEEN IS SO OVER I NEED TO BE PUT DOWN)
Fem! Reader 
Contains: Mask kink, unprotected penetrative sex (riding), low-key filthy dirty talk, praise, degradation (light), kink exploration, pussy slapping, hella pet names, them being sweetie pies 
Matty is preparing his Kylo Ren costume for his Halloween show, totally unaware of his girlfriend’s raging mask kink.
“Right, if I look like a wanker, I need you to just tell me!” Matty shouts from the hotel bathroom.
You smile to yourself as his voice echoes through the room, having been patiently waiting for him to show you the big surprise he had planned for the show in a few weeks on Halloween. 
“I’m sure it’s fine, Matty!” you call back, trying to coax him out of the bathroom.
Finally, he obliges, swinging the bathroom door open dramatically. The second he steps out, he’s swinging around a red lightsaber, trying to imitate the noises they make in the movies, all while dressed as Kylo Ren. Your eyebrows raise with a surprised laugh as he comes towards you, pretending to slice you with the fake, light-up lightsaber.
“Nah, never mind, I definitely look cool as shit,” he gloats, and you can tell he’s got that boyish grin on his face even from under the mask.
Your boyfriend tosses the lightsaber down onto the bed, now holding his hand out like he’s using the force. You give a playfully unimpressed stare, crossing your arms as he continues his antics.
“I’d force choke you, but you’d probably like it, you slut,” he rasps, trying to sound like Adam Driver but failing so miserably. He barely got the sentence out before he started giggling his loud, unfiltered laugh.
“Very funny,” you say straight-faced, pushing his tensed hand away from your face.
You take a moment to fully drink in the sight of him now that he’s not flailing the lightsaber around. He was draped in all-black fabric, leather gloved hands, and a mask covering all his features except a slit for his eyes. You swallow thickly, your mind going places it definitely should not because of a silly costume. 
“Yeah, you look cool, I like it,” you smile, trying not to be obvious with the way you’re attempting to process all of this… your gorgeous boyfriend wearing a mask like that, making a simmering feeling pool deep inside you.
“Uhuh. The band’s all gonna dress up like Star Wars characters too, it’s really mint,” he grins, practically bouncing on his heels with how excited he is about the little theme they put together.
As lovely as it all is that the band is doing a themed Halloween show, and it’s Star Wars, and Matty seems thrilled, you’re a little preoccupied with the way he looks with only his pretty brown eyes looking back at you through the space in the mask. 
“Are you listening?” he interrupts, cocking his head at you with some sass to the motion.
You sit up straighter on the bed, acting like you’d been burned by the way he caught you daydreaming. You try to think of an excuse, something, anything, but what comes out is:
“Yes, I’m listening, but also, you look far too good for someone wearing a Star Wars costume you got off Party City.”
You can see his eyebrows raise through the slit in the mask, an amused laugh coming from his throat. Clearly, he didn’t expect the rushed response of praise to come from your lips. Silently, he steps closer. You don’t need to see his face to know he’s smirking, growing emboldened by how enamored you seem at the moment. He places a gloved hand on your chin, holding it to force you to look up at him as he towers over your seated position. You can feel heat prickling at your cheeks at the intense eye contact, his eyes are dark, from what you can see. 
“What? Is it cause you fancy Adam Driver?” he teases, running his thumb over your jawline. 
You shake your head at him, eyes wide as one of your most secret fantasies comes to life. Never in a million years would you have asked Matty to do something like this for you, but now, your wet dream has practically fallen into your lap. With his free hand, he reaches up to start to take the mask off, but you quickly reach to grab his wrist, your body moving faster than your brain. Matty freezes, you can practically see the cogs in his mind turning as he tries to figure out why you stopped him. He’s silent, waiting for you to explain yourself as he raises a puzzled eyebrow at you.
“Could you… keep it on?” you suggest softly as if slowly dipping your toe into the pool of possibilities.
“Keep it on?” he echoes, an amused tone to his voice like he’s not sure if you’re playing with him or not.
You nod slowly, looking a little nervous to be broaching the idea. He chuckles, a newfound darkness to his voice as it starts to click for him. He grips your jaw a little tighter, a glint in his eyes that you can’t quite read.
“Ohh, I see,” he says lowly, now moving to sit on the bed and swiftly pull you into his lap.
You swallow hard, anticipation pulsing in your veins as you settle on his lap, his leather-gloved hands resting on your hips. You can see the way Matty’s eyes sparkle with mischief now that you’re closer, only able to read his expressions through the slit in the mask. There’s something thrilling about it that you can’t put your finger on. He leans in, getting closer to your ear, voice slightly muffled by the plastic as he whispers to you, using this newfound discovery to his full advantage.
“Have you got like a kink for that or something?” he teases, knowing full well that you must if you’re reacting the way you are.
You’re silent, lips pressed together in a thin line as you neither confirm nor deny his accusation. He gives your hips a squeeze, a triumphant chuckle rumbling in his chest. As slightly embarrassing as this all is, him having this edge on you is making you hot and bothered. 
“Aw, my dirty girl,” Matty coos, his thumbs now rubbing little circles into your hip bones.
Your breath catches in your throat at that. You’ll never be used to how his silver tongue always seems to conjure up just the right words to get you soaked. Your boyfriend’s talent with words doesn’t just extend to his songwriting, he’s also the filthiest dirty talker you’ve ever heard. 
“Y’know, if you didn’t want to see my mug while we fuck, you could have just said so, fucking hell,” he laughs, holding a hand to his chest dramatically in mock offense. 
“You know that’s not it, Matty,” you quip quickly, with a roll of your eyes.
“I know, I know,” he relents, bumping his forehead against yours apologetically. The gesture is a little more awkward than intended with the mask on his face, but it’s still cute. 
A moment of silence passes like neither of you knows where to go from here. You’ve never actually considered the logistics of your little infatuation. Deciding to make a move and break the tension, you slowly lift your shirt over your head, watching as Matty’s eyes instantly flick down to your chest, letting out a little satisfied hum as his gloved hands slide up your sides. Skilled fingers circle around your back, undoing the clasp of your bra in a split second. Letting out a shaky breath, you let the sensation of the cool leather of his gloves on your tits put a haze on your mind. The roughness of where they’re stitched together grazes over your nipples as he cups your breasts. 
“How’s this gonna work? I can’t even kiss you,” Matty pouts, giving your nipple a pinch between his thumb and his forefinger. 
You whine, back arching at the sudden rush of pleasure he allows you, shamelessly sliding further down in his lap. Your hips are right over the slight bulge in his trousers now, you bite your lip at the feeling. Need is clouding your thoughts as you try and piece together how you want this to go, lewd images flashing through your head. 
“I can still ride you though,” you suggest, rolling your hips down against his to punctuate your point. 
Matty grins beneath the mask, you can see it in the way his eyes twinkle at you. He circles his thumbs around your nipples, relishing in the way your back arches so prettily for him as he does it. He only grows harder as you grind onto him, a little grunt leaving his lips at the delicious friction. 
“I like the sound of that,” he murmurs, eyes growing more lidded at the idea, “Should I take everything off but the mask, then?” 
You nod at him with an excited smile. Matty can’t help but chuckle adoringly at how eager you seem to try this out. He claps his hands down on your ass suddenly, making you squeak as the resounding smack rings out in the quiet hotel room. He then carefully moves you off of his lap to shed himself of the cheap costume, making intense eye contact with you as he undresses. That’s one thing about Matty, he absolutely loves making you squirm with unflinching eye contact, whether he’s fucking you or just trying to get you riled up. And you’ll be damned if it doesn’t work every time. 
With your clothes and his costume in a pile on the floor, he sits against the headboard, his cock hard with pearls of precum dripping against his stomach. He watches you through the slit in the mask as you approach slowly, crawling over to him with the eyes of a siren. The tension is thick in the air as you sit on his thighs, his hands instantly finding their way to your sides, tenderly running along your skin. A shiver licks up your spine at the feeling, but you need so much more than just his fingers ghosting along your body. Your heart thrums in your chest as you stare down at him, totally bared to you except for the mask, his tattooed skin on full display for your eyes to devour. 
“It’s hot as balls under this thing,” Matty grumbles, his hot, heavy breath making it warm under the mask, it’s only getting worse as he gets hornier. 
You give him a look and he tries to relax his body with a sigh, much more intent on pleasing you than anything else, he just likes complaining. His head goes slack with a thunk of the plastic mask against the headboard, making him giggle. You just shake your head at him with a smile, now grabbing hold of him at the base of his cock, lifting your hips over him. His fingers constrict at your sides, holding you still so you can’t sink down onto him, making you look down at him with furrowed brows. 
“Don’t you need me to get you ready first?” he asks, raising an eyebrow at you.
You just smile at him coyly, sliding a hand down between your thighs. His eyes are glued to your fingers as you spread your folds for him, showing him just how soaked you are, practically dripping down your thighs. You watch his eyes go wide as he murmurs a breathy “fuck” at the little display. Clearly, you don’t need any preparation. Matty’s hands relax again, allowing you to continue. Looking very pleased with yourself, you run the tip of his cock through the arousal gathered between your thighs, both of you letting out a little sigh at the feeling. Once you felt he was thoroughly slicked with your honey, you align yourself with him and sink slowly, mewling at the feeling of him stretching you out inch by inch. Matty’s head tilts back with a moan as you envelop him perfectly, fingers digging into your hips.
“Ohh, god. Perfect little fucking cunt…” he mutters, pussy drunk already and you’ve only just started.
You rock your hips a few times, just letting yourself adjust to the slight ache of him filling you so snugly, placing your hands on his shoulders to support your body. Your clit drags against his pelvis, catching against his skin as you grind down on him slowly, pulling a moan from your lips. Matty’s hands guide your hips, helping you rock back and forth as he watches you like you’re a work of art before him. 
“C’mon pretty girl, go ahead and fuck yourself on me,” Matty encourages, giving your hips a tap with his fingers. 
You whimper at the gravelly tone of his voice as he lets filth spill from his mind right to his lips. You waste no time following his instructions, starting to bounce in his lap with vigor, looking down for a moment to watch as he disappears inside you. You moan softly every time you drop down onto his shaft, tits bouncing as you move, much to Matty’s pure delight. Your eyes squeeze shut as you tilt your head back, focused on keeping up your pace and listening to the sweet sound of Matty’s grunts and moans.
“Mm, hey, need you to look at me, sweet girl,” Matty groans, reaching back to grab a handful of your ass to get your attention. 
Whining softly, you let your eyes open hazily, looking down at him with wet, parted lips as you pant for him. Your thighs are burning as you keep bouncing in his lap, doing your best to not let the pace falter. You don’t have to see his whole face to know he’s smiling right now, his eyes crinkling at the corners through the slit in the mask.
“Talk to me,” you say softly, a plea for him to make you throb and clench around him with just his words. 
“Yeah? Want me to make you cream all on my cock while I talk dirty to you? You fucking love that shit don’t you?” he rasps, pausing with a moan as you clench hard around him, roughly digging his fingers into the plushness of your ass. 
You watch in awe as his eyes roll back, pretty toffee-colored irises almost disappearing beyond his eyelids. Fuck, you don’t even have to see the rest of his features to know how good he’s feeling right now. 
“Fuuuucking hell,” he drawls, “Fucking clenching ‘round me like that, that’s my girl,”
Reaching around to your front, Matty places a firm slap on your cunt, the wet sound of it is honestly pornographic, especially followed by the loud yelp you make at the feeling. 
“Fuck! Matty-” you start, but you’re cut off by your own squeal as he lands a few more quick spanks to your sopping pussy. 
Your hips stutter as your velvety walls clamp around him hard, feeling so good that you almost forget that you’re supposed to be riding him. You regain your rhythm when he begins bucking up into you, aiding you in fucking yourself on him. Your nails dig into his shoulder as you continue, moaning wantonly as he stares up at you intensely, eyes dark with the shadow of the mask. He knows his girl well enough to know that now’s the time to help ease you over the edge into euphoria. 
“Beautiful girl… ohh, just look at you,” he admires, moving to slowly circle two of his fingers around your clit, “Taking my cock like a dream, aren’t you, love?”
You cry out as he starts toying with your clit, inching closer and closer to sweet release as that feeling inside you builds, tightening familiarly. His name falls from your lips like a mantra, your mind too far gone to think of anything else. Fuck, god bless cheap Star Wars costumes from Party City. 
“Matty- Matty, M’gonna cum-” you gasp, your back arching as your orgasm rears its head. 
At that, he speeds up his fingers, hips snapping up into you with a vengeance to get you there. He wants, no, he *needs* to see you fall apart on top of him. His eyes narrow with focus as his skillful fingers rub at your clit, bracing you with a hand at your lower back. 
“I know, I know baby, feels so good, huh?” he coos between heavy breaths, “Such a good girl for me sweetheart, fuck. Cum for me, angel.” And you do, oh, you do. A broken cry wracks through your body, shaking all over as he gets rougher with you, sending you hurdling into the abyss of deep pleasure. Any semblance of rhythm in your hips is gone now, bucking wildly in his lap as the building feeling snaps inside you. Matty watches you with wide eyes, cock throbbing inside you as he relishes in you making a mess of yourself for him. He’ll never get over how beautiful you look when you cum, your head tossed back in a silent cry, the sheen of sweat on your skin making you look like you’re glowing. He gently rubs at your lower back while working his fingers against you, easing you through your orgasm lovingly while fucking up into your tight cunt. You’re an angel to him. He spills inside you with a whine and a rushed warning to you, unable to hold back with how fucking amazing you look right now, shaking on top of him like that. You gasp hazily as you feel his cum paint your insides, warmth flooding you as he finishes with eager thrusts. 
“Fucking hell,” he groans, going limp against the headboard as his arms wrap around you, pulling you against his chest to hold you, deft fingers now carding through your damp hair. 
Your whimpers start to taper off now, just letting yourself rest against your beautiful boyfriend’s shoulder, legs quivering a bit as you feel him start to soften inside you. With a huff, he rips the mask off of his face and tosses it to the edge of the bed. Blinking your eyes open, you can’t help but breathily laugh at how his damp curls stick to his face, he wasn’t kidding about how hot it was under there. 
“Yeah, yeah, laugh at your boyfriend that melted his fucking face off for your sake,” he chuckles, digging his fingers into your sides as revenge. 
You yelp, hurriedly grabbing at his wrists to keep him from tickling you. He just laughs, tilting his head forward to rest it against your forehead now, his damp curls framing his face prettily. He leans down slightly to press a kiss to the tip of your nose. You’re both flushed and smell of sex, skin warm to the touch as you melt into the other's embrace.
“Thank youuu,” you sing, truly grateful that he was so open to trying this for you, “It was really, really hot,”
“Glad you had fun, love. And, y’know, when I’m on stage with this on, I’m only gonna be able to think of you riding my dick,” he grins, hands wandering to give your ass a teasing squeeze. 
Your cheeks burn a bit at his comment, a similar grin spreading across your lips. As fun as this was, you missed seeing that smile. 
“Lucky you,” you whisper, capturing his lips in a tender kiss. 
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crucifiedfaerie · 8 months
Nicotine Stains Pt. 1 ༉₊˚✧
Modern!Kylo x Fem!Reader AU
➴ Summary: Your older brother's best friend seems to have everyone fooled. Everyone but you, that is.
➴ Part Two
➴ Word Count: 5k
➴ Warnings: 18+ MDNI, fem!reader, dom!kylo, slowburn, modern!delinquent!kylo au, virgin!reader, drug use, smoking, swearing, kylo breaking traffic laws for some pussy, kylo is a pretentious prick, why is kylo lowkey midwestern emo in this, mutual pining, finn my beloved is mentioned, some angst, fluff, SMUT (protected PiV sex, again reader is a virgin, fingering, a little scratching, slow n gentle sex, softdom!kylo, consent king !!, praise kink, pet names), typos probably
➴ Taglist: ( @enviedear @capitanostella @teapartydreams )
A/N: this may or may not be the most pretentious thing ive ever written but idc. also i want to give a special thank you and shout out to my beautiful mutual liv @enviedear for this idea! she totally helped me flesh out the modern!delinquent!kylo character and this fic would not exist without her. <;3 (also reader is NOT me bc if kylo ren played slipknot for me in his 1969 charger i'd fold immediately)
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You sat at your desk, studying for your upcoming midterms and nervously chewing on the inside of your mouth. Mathematics had never been your strong suit and despite only being a month and a half into the semester, your calculus class was stressing you out to no end. The rhythmic ticking of your clock was not helping in the slightest, so you reached for your headphones.
This class is taking years off of my life for sure.
As you looked for a good playlist, you heard your bedroom window open behind you. You yelped, turning in your chair to face your window. Your panic died when you realized it was only Kylo, your older brother's friend.
Once he was finally inside, he shut your window before standing up straight. Kylo was probably the tallest person you knew, almost touching the low ceiling of your bedroom. You couldn't deny how your stomach did flips when you were stood next to him, not to mention he was absolutely fucking beautiful. Kylo's features looked like they were carved from marble and his long, dark hair always fell perfectly around his face. If he weren't so goddamn annoying, you'd like him a lot more.
You groaned. "When are you gonna stop coming in through my window you asshole?"
"It isn't my fault your window is the most accessible and the lock is broken." He smirked.
Your eyes narrowed as you glared at him. "The least you could do is knock, what if I like... had a guy over or something?"
Kylo laughed, walking over to you. He turned you in your desk chair to face your computer and pushed it in, before leaning down over your shoulder to look at your screen. "I think we both know that doesn't happen, kid." He jabbed before making his way to your door.
Your face felt hot, his audacity never failed to make you seethe. And his choice of nickname for you only made you madder. You turned to glare at him. "You fucker- I- you're only like 3 years older than me!??"
You heard him laugh as he walked out of your room and down the hallway.
What made it worse was that it seemed he had everyone in your family fooled. Kylo acted like an absolute angel in front of your mother, and it pissed you off to no end. When he would come over for dinner, he always insisted on helping her with the dishes. He would make conversation with her, crack jokes, go the whole nine yards as if he weren't a college dropout and also doing drugs with her son on the side.
Your mom, being the stereotypical Christian, midwestern mother that she is, would always say things along the lines of "Oh Kylo, you're such a sweet boy. It amazes me that someone like you listens to such angry music." He would just blush and laugh it off.
Kylo drove a black 1969 Dodge Charger R/T that he would pull up to your house in, blasting the loudest possible music. Your dad loved him, and they would always talk cars when they got the chance. The first time you came home and saw your dad helping Kylo change his oil, you thought you had died and gone to hell. You just stared as Kylo smirked at you. That stupid, evil smirk you were so used to seeing.
They can't possibly be serious?? How do they not see how much of a jerk he is?
You however, he was much different with. Any chance Kylo got to annoy you, he would do it. He frequently stood outside your door for god knows how long, just waiting for you to come out so he could scare you. You would jump and yell expletives at him before weakly punching him in the shoulder. He and your brother would just laugh, thinking it was funniest thing in the world.
You sighed, staring at your computer screen. You were over studying for the night. You shut your door, before turning off the light and getting into bed. You tried to sleep, but couldn't. The stress of college was slowly suffocating you but despite that, you couldn't seem to get Kylo out of your head.
Sure, you have had a slight crush on him since you were in middle school, I mean who wouldn't? Look at him. But it didn't mean anything, the feeling was almost certainly not mutual and he was still the biggest asshole you'd ever met.
God I fucking hate him... I mean I don't, but I do.
Your thoughts were interrupted by a light tapping at your door. Your brow furrowed. "Yeah?"
Kylo opened your door slowly, making sure it didn't creak as he closed it behind him. "What are you still doing awake, its 3am. Don't you have classes tomorrow?" He whispered, fumbling with your window.
You rolled your eyes, still staring at the ceiling. "Yeah. What do you care?"
He smirked slightly, swinging one leg out the window before looking at you. "Finn asked me to pick you up tomorrow. What time are you off?"
Fucking fantastic.
"Oh, great." You said sarcastically. "2:30pm. The math and science building."
He ducked through the open window, and stuck his head back inside your room to look at you. "See you at 2:30 then." He smirked, before exiting again and shutting your window, leaving you in the dark.
I am not looking forward to tomorrow.
The following afternoon, you sat in your calculus class zoning out and unable to keep your mind off Kylo. You would never admit it, not even to yourself, but you were definitely daydreaming. You were thinking about how soft his hair always looks and how it might feel to run your fingers through it.
You didn't realize your professor had called on you until he said your name for a second time, repeating his question. You sat up straight before looking down, your eyes scanning your paper. "Oh um- the answer is... x equals three fourths." Your face felt warm.
"That's correct. Lets try to be more focused, though." Your professor sighed, before continuing his lecture. You nodded quickly, looking down at your paper.
As you walked to the parking lot, your palms felt sweaty. You'd been in Kylo's car only a couple times before and it was a long time ago. The recent nagging thoughts you had been having about him didn't quell your nervousness either. You spotted his car quickly, and made your way to the passenger side.
When you opened the door, his music blared so loud, you thought his speakers might blow out. You sat your bag on the floor of his car before getting in and shutting the door.
Kylo was smirking when you turned to glare at him. You reached over and turned the dial down halfway and he laughed.
"Too loud for you princess?" He said sarcastically, leaning over to look behind him as he backed out of the parking lot.
You rolled your eyes and buckled your seatbelt, smoothing out your skirt with your hands. "Too loud for most people. Can I play something?"
Kylo scoffed, that stupid smirk still on his face. "Fuck no, you can't play your music in my car."
"Whatever." You crossed your arms, staring straight ahead.
After a few minutes of silence, Kylo finally spoke. "Have you heard of Slipknot?" He asked, nodding his head towards the radio and tapping his long fingers on the steering wheel to the music.
You scoffed, turning your head to face him. "Yes I've heard of Slipknot, you loser... It's just not really my thing. Kind of scary sounding... its just screaming mostly."
He laughed loudly at your last comment. "Scary? Aw, now that's cute. I bet you listen to Lana Del Rey or some shit like that." Kylo said sarcastically, putting a cigarette between his lips and lighting it. He took a drag from it before offering it to you.
You rolled your eyes at him before taking it. Your fingers brushed against his, sending a shiver down your spine. You took a drag off of it before speaking. "Lana Del Rey makes really good music." Despite facing the window, you felt his eyes on you the whole time.
"Oh so I was right?" He grinned, staring at the road now. "I just said the first girly thing that came to mind... And when did you start smoking? I'm gonna tell your mom." He laughed.
You attempted to hide the smile that played at the corners of your mouth. "I'll be sure to tell her you supplied me with them... and yeah I like Lana. She sings about real shit." You took another drag from the cigarette, blowing the smoke out of the window.
Kylo scoffed at you again, motioning to the radio. "And you don't think bands like this do?... This song is called Metabolic, its about the lead singer's absent father and how he fears he will become just like him. They sing about real shit too, it isn't just screaming."
You shrugged, taking another hit before handing the cigarette back to him as he pulled into your driveway. "I never said they didn't, I'm just not super into this type of music."
He glared at you as you grabbed your bag, cigarette dangling from his mouth. You got out of his car, and shut the door behind you. "Thanks for the ride, Kylo" You said through gritted teeth.
I can't believe I'm telling this man thank you.
"No problem." He looked like he wanted to say something else but he stopped himself.
You nodded, before heading to your door. You noticed that he had watched you and waited for you to get inside your house before pulling away.
"How nice of Kylo for driving you home. What a sweet boy." Your mom smiled as you came through the door. "I wish he wouldn't smoke though, you smell like cigarettes."
"Yeah, he's cool." You sigh as you walk up the stairs, making your way to your room before shutting your bedroom door behind you.
You sit at your desk and open your laptop to get started on some homework. Before you start, you grab your headphones and open your phone, deciding to give Kylo's music taste another try. As you do your calculus homework, you find yourself tapping your foot to the music.
The following day, you waited outside for Finn to pick you up from class. You had waited 30 minutes before deciding to call him and he didn't pick up a single one of your several calls.
That fucker. He just left me here.
You huffed before opening your phone again in defeat, pressing on Kylo's contact.
"Yeah?" He sounded like had been sleeping. Your face felt hot from just the sound of his voice.
"I um- Finn left me here and I uh... don't have anyone to pick me up... Can you please come get me?" It felt so foreign asking Kylo for literally anything.
"Yeah I'll be there in fifteen minutes." He said. You noticed that he sounded much more alert, and you heard him shuffling in the background.
"Okay thanks... Uh- bye." You hung up, sitting down on the curb.
It wasn't even seven minutes before Kylo turned into the parking lot and pulled up next to you.
You opened the door, throwing your bag on the floor and getting in. "Jesus Christ, man?? How many traffic laws did you break getting here?" You smirked as you buckled your seatbelt.
Kylo laughed. "If you drove, and owned a car like this, you'd speed too." You couldn't help but notice the light pink that spread across his cheeks at your comment.
He handed you your own cigarette this time, and you placed it in your mouth. You went to reach for the lighter but he beat you to it.
"Allow me." Kylo said before raising the flame up to the end of your cigarette. You inhale, watching it ignite. You caught his gaze for a moment and felt the butterflies return, quickly averting your eyes and taking the cigarette between your fingers to turn and exhale out of his window. Kylo cleared his throat and looked ahead before lighting his own and pulling away.
You both listened to his music in silence for a few minutes. As you fidgeted with the hem of your skirt, you recognized the song playing and began to mouth the lyrics.
I am my father's son 'cause he's a phantom, a mystery, and that leaves me nothing.
How many times have you wanted to die?
It's too late for me, all you have to do is get rid of me.
You can't see California without Marlon Brando's eyes.
Kylo's eyes darted over to you a few times, and he laughed. "There is no way- are you fucking singing along to Slipknot right now?! I thought this shit scared you, kid?" The look on his face was filled with shock and amusement.
"It's a catchy song. I don't know... Stop calling me that asshole!" You could feel the deep blush creeping across your face.
"No, No." He wasn't letting this go. "I didn't play this CD in the car yesterday, did you seriously go home and listen to it?" Between that and how embarrassed you looked from him pointing it out, Kylo could not contain the smile of pure amusement on his face.
"I don't know- Maybe." You looked out of the window, not facing him. You wanted nothing more than to die in that moment.
He was loving this too much. "Fucking obsessed with me, aren't ya? Listening to my songs and shit." Kylo teased.
You turned to glare at him. "I- No! Shut the fuck up." You gripped the fabric of your skirt and took a final drag of your cigarette before tossing it out of the window.
He laughed, shaking his head as he pulled into the driveway. "I'm only fucking with you."
"That's all you ever seem to do. Thanks for the ride I guess." You muttered as you got out of his car, slamming the door before walking to your house. As you walked away, you caught a glimpse of the look of disappointment and guilt on Kylo's face.
Fucking asshole. So unbelievable.
Kylo stayed in your driveway for a minute, debating on whether he should knock on your door to say something to you, but he ultimately decided against it and drove away.
That night, you laid in bed staring at your ceiling once again, head filled with thoughts of that stupid fucking beautiful asshole.
I don't understand him. He does nice shit for me sometimes, but then all he does is make fun of me?
And even after all of that, all you could think about was that stupid cigarette dangling from his lips and how hot he looked. Your mind wandered to how Kylo would lean closer to you, his hand resting on the back of your headrest while reversing. How he nodded his head and tapped his fingers on the steering wheel to the music. How close his face was to yours when he insisted on lighting your cigarette for you.
God! I'm such an idiot. I cant stand him or myself for that matter.
You heard a few taps on your window and your brow furrowed. You rolled out of bed, walking to your window before opening it. You were met with Kylo's dark eyes staring back at you.
Your eyes narrowed at him. "What a gentleman, thank you for knocking this time..." You said sardonically. "But Finn is asleep I think."
"Had to make sure you didn't have a guy over." He teased. "But I'm not here for him... you wanna smoke?" He grinned at you, holding up a neatly rolled joint.
You laughed nervously. "I've never smoked weed before Kylo, I don't know..."
"Of course you haven't... It'll be fine, I'm not asking you to smoke the whole goddamn thing." He smirked, offering his hand for you to take.
You sighed before taking Kylo's hand and ducking out of your window. The cold, October air sent goosebumps across your exposed arms and legs. He led you to a flat part of your roof and the both of you sat down together.
You watched as he placed the joint in his mouth and lit it, taking a couple hits before handing it to you.
You inhaled, noticing how it burned a little more than a cigarette does. You coughed slightly, which caused Kylo to chuckle, and you glared at him as you handed the joint back to him.
"I'm sorry if I made you mad earlier." He smirked, taking another hit.
You scoffed. "You just fuck with me too much. You always have."
Kylo sighed. "I only do it because your reactions are so fun... I didn't think about how it might make you feel." He paused. "And besides, I think its cute that you listened to my music all on your own, for the fun of it."
You blushed, hoping that the darkness would conceal the pink creeping across your face. "It's fine. I'm so used to your games by now." You laughed, shivering slightly.
Kylo placed the joint between his lips before slipping his dark jacket off and draping it around your shoulders. It felt so warm and was about three sizes too big for you. You laughed nervously, looking down. "Thank you."
He nodded, gazing down at you as he handed you the joint.
As the two of you sat in silence for a minute, the weed had already begun to take its toll on you. Everything seemed funny to you and as you looked up at the stars, you laughed softly at nothing.
Kylo smiled at you. "What's so funny, kid? Already high from two baby hits?" He teased. "This isn't even my strongest shit."
"You're such an idiot." You laughed at him, shaking your head.
The next hour was spent laughing about anything and everything. The two of you made fun of your brother, talked about college and how both of you agree calculus fucking sucks, and the two of you shared some other artists you liked with each other.
"I can't believe I clocked you so easily with Lana fucking Del Rey. I honest to god said that as a joke." Kylo laughed.
"Hey, she makes good music. Please let me make you listen to her the next time we're in the car, please." You playfully begged.
He sighed, feigning defeat. "Fine but only like two songs max... so you better make them good." Kylo smirked as he flicked the roach off the roof.
You weren't sure if it was the weed in your system, but something was giving you a slight newfound confidence to speak more freely. You sighed. "You're always spot on about me though... I am kind of lame. I always had this idea in my head that you and Finn were the ones who were losers... but in reality I am."
Kylo looked at you, puzzled. "I never thought you were a loser... I poke fun at you, sure, but I admire your intelligence... and how introverted you always are." He laughed, playfully pushing your shoulder.
You laughed nervously. "No, I mean... I don't go out and do anything fun the way you do. I don't loosen up, I don't hang out with people, I definitely never have guys over..." You laughed again, trailing off. "I mean my god I've never even kissed anyone."
He stared at you, his eyes scanning your face as if he were debating something. "You've got to be fucking with me right now. A pretty thing like you has surely got to have boys lined up and down the street."
You laughed at his comment, blushing. "If they are, I surely don't pay attention. No one talks to me at school." You stared at your lap, fiddling with the sleeves of his jacket.
You felt his cold fingertips touch your jaw, lifting your chin to look up at him. Before you could say anything, Kylo leaned in quickly and kissed you. You felt like a live wire, as if lightning bolts were shooting through your entire body. His kiss was urgent, yet gentle, and he held your face in his hands so tenderly.
When he pulled away, his eyes met yours and you both smiled nervously at each other. You noticed him shiver slightly. "Do you wanna... maybe go inside? It's warmer in there." You said shyly.
Kylo smirked at you. "Are you inviting a guy into your room right now?" He teased before standing up and taking your hand.
You giggled, following him. "Shut up."
He chuckled softly and when you got to the window, he went first. He ducked inside, pulling you with him which caused you both to practically fall through your window. You landed on top of him, your hushed giggles only silenced once he kissed you again.
"Shhh are you trying to wake your parents?" Kylo smirked up at you for a moment, taking in the sight of you on top of him on your bedroom floor, the moonlight from the window behind you illuminating you in a halo-like glow. He grabbed your waist and gently rolled you off of him, before you both stood up.
His large, strong hands pulled you by the waist closer to him, and he had to lean down to kiss you. His kiss was full of need this time, you felt his tongue glide along your bottom lip, asking for entry and you obliged, parting your lips. You moaned against his mouth and you felt the smirk that played at his lips.
Kylo took a few steps forward, pushing you gently backwards until the backs of your knees hit your soft bed. He pulled away for a moment to take his jacket off of you and throw it to the floor, before pushing you flat onto your bed.
"I-I've never... um." You stumbled over your words, feeling your face get hot as your eyes darted up to your ceiling.
Kylo leaned over you, his palms flat on the mattress on either side of your head. "I just stole your first kiss a couple minutes ago, you don't think I know that?" He smirked down at you before tilting his head slightly, leaning closer to trail kisses down your neck. "Do you not want to? I can stop whenever you want, all you need to do is say so." He whispered between kisses, trailing his hand down your body and stopping just above your clothed cunt.
The sensation made the heat in your core grow. "N-no. Don't stop Kylo." You whined.
He smiled, before standing straight up again and looking down at you. He looped his fingers under the waistband of your shorts and underwear, pulling them off slowly. "Look at you sweet thing, I've barely touched you and you're already a fucking mess." He teased, causing you to whimper.
Kylo chuckled softly, separating your knees and ghosting his hand down your thigh, stopping at your heat. He ran two long fingers through your slit, collecting your wetness on them before rubbing light circles over your clit. You gasped at the contact, bucking your hips instinctively against his hand. "Needy little thing, aren't you?" He smirked, using his other hand to hold your waist down before pushing his fingers inside slowly.
You whined at the feeling of his long fingers stretching you out, your much smaller hands were nothing compared to his. After giving you a moment to adjust, Kylo began to slowly pump his fingers in and out of your cunt, curling them upwards to draw sweet, soft moans from you.
"K-Kylo..." You breathed.
He smirked, amused by how quickly you were coming undone at his hand. "What is it, pretty girl?"
You whined at the sweet name he gave you, stuttering over your words once again. "You're g-gonna make me c-cum."
Kylo laughed softly, he had already gathered that from the noises you were making. "Oh, yeah?" He smirked at you, not faltering once with the steady pace he had created with his fingers.
"P-please. Please I want you to..." You trailed off, lost in the pleasure he was giving you.
"Please what? I'm not gonna do anything else unless you ask for it. Go ahead... Say it, say it." He was having way too much fun with you.
"Please Kylo..." You begged him. "Please I- I want you t-to fuck me."
He grinned at you and stood up, removing his fingers from your cunt, before licking them clean. You tasted divine to him, and he made a mental note that he needed to taste the source at some point. Maybe another night.
You whined at the sudden feeling of emptiness and watched as he pulled a condom from his wallet, putting it between his lips before working to undo his belt. He made quick work of his clothes, saving his boxers for last and sliding them off, his cock springing upwards.
You didn't realize your mouth was open until Kylo looked over at you and saw you staring at him. He laughed, tearing the condom wrapper open with his teeth. "I'll go slow, don't worry." You watched as he slid the condom down to the base of his cock, before making his way over to you on the bed.
He made you sit up a bit so he could pull your shirt over your head, before kissing you, trailing down your neck and chest, leaving a few light red marks along the way. You whimpered at the sensation, not caring that you'd have to conceal them in the morning.
Kylo pulled away, admiring his work and settling himself between your legs, lining his cock up with your entrance. "Ready?" He moved a piece of hair from your eyes, smirking down at you.
You wrapped your arms around him, nodding your head. He groaned as he slowly pushed his cock inside you, taking extra care not to hurt you and watching as your face contorted from the feeling of his cock splitting you open. Your nails dug into his back as you whined.
After allowing you a moment to adjust to his size, Kylo began to move slowly, creating a gentle yet deep pace and hitting that bundle of nerves inside you with each thrust. It felt like heaven and you attempted to stifle your moans, failing miserably. "Shhh pretty girl, don't wake up the entire house now." He put his hand over your mouth lightly, smiling down at you.
You moaned against Kylo's hand as he began to pick up his pace slightly. He removed his hand to kiss you, his tongue winning dominance over the inside of your mouth.
Kylo pulled away to admire you, his thrusts were still gentle, but he was unrelenting on that sensitive spot, hitting it with each snap of his hips.
"Ky-kylo... m'gonna c-cum... feels so good." You whined, unable to form a coherent sentence.
"Yeah?" He moaned slightly, out of breath and nearing his own climax. "Go ahead, cum on my cock."
Your vision went blurry as you came undone beneath him, the tight coil in your abdomen bursting into fireworks of endless pleasure.
"Just like that, pretty girl. You're doing so good, Fuck." Kylo whispered in your ear, easing you through your orgasm as his hand rested over your mouth to muffle your moans.
After a few more thrusts he came to a halt with a groan, burying himself deep inside of you as he came. "Fuck- shit! You feel so fucking good." He hissed.
As Kylo came down from his high, he breathed heavily, smiling down at you before kissing you again. He pulled away, pulling out of you. You whined, which caused him to chuckle slightly. You watched as he took the condom off, throwing it in the trash before slipping his boxers back on, and retrieving his band t-shirt and your underwear from the floor.
He sat back on the bed and gently dressed you, his shirt hanging off of your much smaller frame. "You look so pretty in my clothes." He smirked at you, pulling your covers over the two of you before taking you into his arms.
You rested your head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat flutter. "Thank you." You whispered softly.
Kylo chuckled. "For what, pretty girl?" He played with your hair.
"For making my first time memorable. It was really, really good..." You trailed off sleepily.
You heard his heartbeat falter at your comment and you smiled. He ran his fingers through your hair. "You don't have to thank me for that, I've wanted to do this for a while now." Kylo waited for an answer but it never came. He sighed, smiling as he realized you had fallen asleep on him. This was a feeling he could get used to.
The following morning, you two were awoken by the sound of your mother knocking on your bedroom door. Kylo was immediately alert, scrambling out of bed and grabbing his remaining clothes before ducking under your bed as you silently laughed at him.
"Yeah?" You called out to your mother.
She entered, looking around your room. "I'm going to the grocery store, do you want anything... where did you get that shirt." She stared at the Slipknot t-shirt you were wearing that was three sizes too big for you.
You looked down at yourself, before looking back at her. "I'm doing laundry right now and Kylo left it in Finn's room a long time ago." You lied through your teeth. "And no, I don't want anything."
"Hm, okay... And close that window, the heat is on and its freezing in here!" She motioned to your open window before leaving, shutting the door behind her.
You fell back onto your pillow, shutting your eyes and smiling at the sound of Kylo's laughter beneath you.
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.⋆。His Pick。⋆.
Kylo Ren x plus size reader
His Choice Masterlist
She never thought this day would come, and she certainly never imagined that he would be the one to buy her yet fate has come to collect
Chapter Warnings: implied reader was kidnapped and manipulated into being a pleasure slave, dubcon, reader is sold to Kylo, blood
WC: 741
Minors DNI
Library- @hannibals-favourite-meal-library
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There are many things of value in the galaxy, ranging from money to food. But where true power lies is in the obtaining of the most rare and precious things. The Empire tried but their focus was too narrow, too conservative. That is why they fell. The First Order was shiny and new, they did not enslave or create, they incentivised their troops. 
And by far, the most luxuriously awarded were those who ruled. Hux received far more money than a normal person could ever dream of for his role, Phasma had her power and weapons. And the young Padawan of the Supreme Leader, he would receive his compensation soon enough.
In the throngs of upper class, there was a rumour, a whisper of a planet where there were no rules for those who had the coin. And on the edge of the desert, by the wreck of a destroyed Jedi Starship, there was a brothel. A brothel so vast, you could find anything or anyone your heart desired, and if you could pay, you could take them home.
The dilapidated palace exploded with activity when it was revealed that the First Order was on their way, the feared Kylo Ren leading the charge. The youngest of the slaves had been stuffed into a decorative outfit much too small for her plump frame, her heavy tits spilling out around the gold triangles tied with flimsy string that had been her top. She was forced to stand beside the other more experienced slaves, dressed in a similar manner, as the huge black ship finally landed before them.
This was the day she feared more than anything. She had been warned by the others that all who came to this planet on the edge of the system were cruel, coming here to get a slave for themselves and then abandoning them when they broke. And with the last in the long line of women being the largest of the women, she was more coveted, going for a much higher price so only the richest, cruellest being would take her.
But whatever she had imagined, it couldn’t have been worse than this. 
The first time she laid eyes on him, he had been surrounded by stormtroopers, but he was still over a head taller than even the biggest of his soldiers. His black cloak and helmet hid every part of himself from the universe, leaving her staring at the blank slate of a man that appraised her. His gloved hand cupped her full cheek, almost fully covering the side of her head. Her heart hammered with anxiety as the Supreme Leader’s pet tilted her head, getting a good look at her scantily covered body.
Power radiated off of him, drowning her, making her feel incredibly small as she fell into his shadow. He did not need to speak for her to know the threat he posed. If any disobeyed or rebelled, they would be killed before their pleading could escape their lips.
With a nod to the hutt that held her chain, she was given over to a stormtrooper and a huge purse of money dropped at her previous captor’s feet. “Wait please-“ A yank on her leather collar shut her up quickly, making her stumble forward and collapse to her knees on the course sand. The red fabric that had been covering her soft inner thighs fluttered before her as she caught herself, hands digging into the hot ground. 
Kylo paid her no attention, simply turning his broad back to her and making his way back to the ship, his black robes standing out against the bright desert landscape. His helmet bobbed as he gave silent orders to his troops who quickly fell back into line.
“Get up slave.” The stormtrooper growled as they pulled on the solid metal chain, forcing her further into the sand. She whimpered and attempted to pull herself up without exposing anymore of her body to the many people that surrounded her, including her new owner but only succeeded in cutting her hands on a sharp rock embedded deep within the sand. 
The slave stumbled to her feet, bright red blood dripping down her fingers and staining the sand below her. “Pathetic.” The trooper grumbled, giving her only a moment to right herself before tugging her forward, forcing her to follow them. The dark hull of the ship closed in around her, sealing her away into her tomb.
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rizzoreads88 · 1 month
Random Acotar thoughts that I have about these characters if they lived in the real world that literally no one asked for 🤣
🎭Nestas loves Star Wars. Her fav character is Kylo Ren.
🌸 Elain makes bombbbb banana bread
🦇Rhysand is very big on self care. He gets Manicures & Pedicures regularly.
⚔️Cassian LOVES the fast and the furious movies. His favorite is 4.
😔Tamlin is a elder emo. Some of his fav bands are Limp Bizkit, My Chemical Romance & Dashboard Confessional.
🎨Feyres Celeb crush is Tom Hiddleston.
⛓️Azriel has his tongue pierced
🍷Mors favorite actress is Blake Lively
💎Amrens favorite vacation destination is Paris.
🦊Lucien is a die hard romantic. Loves to cook for his ladies.
📚Gwyns fav show is greys anatomy. She relates a lot to April Kepner.
🤺Emeries biggest pet peeve is when people chew with their mouth open.
👁️Jurian makes artisan beef jerky
🕊️Vassa does Brazilian jiujitsu.
🔥Eris secretly cried at the ending of Romeo & Juliet. ( he loves the Leonardo DiCaprio remake best)…
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beskarinhyperspace · 1 year
A Ripple In Space
Silly girl, I need you alive..
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1. More Air 
*Mature, Explicit, NSFW*
You have been kidnaped and brought on the finalizer where you meet the famous Kylo Ren. The one who brought so much fear and destruction to the galaxy. Not being able to know the truth about your identity, he keeps you imprisoned on his ship.
[Kylo Ren x femReader]
*Canon Divergence, slow burn, softdom, hurt/comfort
**Kylo is supreme leader, Rey? we don't know her..
Tags; slow burn, fluff, eventual smut, angst, comfort, touch starved kylo, fools in love, shy/insecure kylo, he needs a hug, feelings, top kylo ren, reader insert, no y/n, female reader, pet names.
+ Italics are thoughts. +
The night was cold, like all the previous ones you've had since you embarked on the finalizer. It was by far, the biggest ship you've seen from all your years fighting against the first order. You just wish you could explore it, especially since you’re trapped in a cell right now. All this big and spacious spaceship and you're stuck in this shoebox. You were sitting on the bed with your back against the wall when you hear a voice coming from across the room. “Hey, get up..”  and you do, walking towards the door. Gawking at the sight of the two stormtroopers waiting for you. One of them unclips a pair of handcuffs off his tool belt. Which makes you roll your eyes to the sight of them. Sighing as you present your wrists so they can put it on you. Wondering where they were taking you this time. You never knew what leaving the cell had in store for you. Maybe today was finally the day you get to walk out free or worst, killed. As you begin to walk, your feet felt heavy navigating the corridors as you follow their fast pace. You didn’t get the chance of coming out of your cell very often, so you didn't really know what to expect on this ship. Especially since you've been here for months and nothing major has happened yet. It doesn't help that no one is giving you any information. Only getting the essentials. Food, water and a shower here and there. You see the soldier on your left pressing a button on his arm. Feeling a bit nervous arriving in front of a massive double door entrance, parting as you were approaching it. 
The room was echoing, windows were covering the walls almost in its entirety. You were able to see ships arriving and departing the docking station from the other side of the vessel. The room was dark and mostly empty. There was a sofa back to the wall near the door and a desk with only two seats in front of it. Walking closer to the desk, you see a tall man standing near it. Staring outside the window facing the view in front of him. 
The man was broad and intimidating. Everything he was wearing was black and made of leather except for his cape who seemed to be made of wool. As you are approaching, he turns around slowly. Immediately you noticing the mask covering the man's face. You try to swallow your nervousness, but it’s getting stuck in your throat. It’s him..  
“The one you asked for, sir.” one of the soldiers say. 
The stoic man simply nods to the troopers who are now walking away. Your hands were getting wetter as they left, leaving you alone in this grand, dark and empty room with him. He remained silent as he walks towards you. Looking at you up and down. You felt scared, but mostly uncomfortable by his awkward gaze. “Why am I here?” you finally ask, no longer able to keep the tension going. 
He tilts his head, “why do you think you’re here?” speaking through his modulator in a calm yet playful way.  
“I don’t know you tell me.” Slowly getting impatient. You were on edge by the lack of clues you're getting in this hell hole. 
He takes a hand, coming closer to your face and closed his eyes as he starts to focus. What is he doing? He's freaking you out. Suddenly you feel it tingling. A vibration trying to push itself into your mind. What is this? You hold as much as you can. Is he the one doing this? After a moment, realizing that he can't get inside your head. He looked surprised, almost shocked but he can't let you know that. “I know what you are and what you do. I know everything there is to know about you.” he claims firmly.  
Your eyes rounds up to his words. If he knows, you need to warn the others. So many lives could be at risk. You need to play dumb, say something.. “I think you have the wrong person here sir. I don't even know what you're after.” You reply trying really hard not to cough as you feel the anxiety coming back to your throat.  
In a quick movement, he throws his arm up, extending it in your direction. You begin to feel a weird sensation passing on your stomach before it slowly moves to your chest. The warm yet soft touch, crawls upward to envelop your throat. You can feel it tightened as you’re being dragged across the floor. Having no control over your body whatsoever before it brings you right in front of him. Floating mid-air, feet slightly above ground. The invisible force around your neck was preventing you from breathing. Feeling your chest compressing as you try to reach out for air. He holds his hand firmly in your direction before he starts to walk towards you. “Do you take me for a fool?” voice laced with anger. You couldn't place a single word even if you wanted to. Your face was becoming redder by the second from the lack of oxygen in your lungs. On another hand, the supreme leader seemed to be enjoying watching you suffer at his mercy. “You and your little friends won’t be the end of me. Mark my words, I will kill them, I will kill them all!” He yells out to you. His voice-corder cracking to the intensity of his outburst. You were still struggling to breathe. Panicking as you were trying to remove the invisible hand wrapped around your throat.  
Noticing that your breathing is slowly slowing down. He lets go of his grip as he's watching you fall to your hands and knees. No longer in the air, you were desperately searching for your breath. Feeling your throat dry and in pain, you cough a couple of times before speaking. “Sir, no one wants to come at you..”  
“What are you talking about?” He asks confused. 
You look at him from below, taking a deep breath before pulling yourself back up on your feet. “I’m saying that everybody is scared of you, why would anyone try to come directly at you..” saying to him as if it wasn't obvious. 
Which pissed him off more, “That’s not what my sources have told me. If you want to get out of here alive, I suggest you change your attitude.” Now moving closer to you. He gently pushes a fallen strand of hair framing your face, back. You can hear the static of his modulator as he whispers softly into your ear, “It would be such a shame to kill such a pretty girl, but I wouldn’t hesitate..” 
You felt incredibly small and powerless as you try to control your shaking body. Why do you suddenly feel so hot? It's not like you knew what he looked like underneath his mask. Maybe he was ugly, could you imagine feeling this kind of way about a super old crispy man. Chills were rising up your back. While you were anxiously trying to recenter yourself, all you could hear were his muted modulated chuckles. “That’s enough for today.” he says, pressing a button on his arm. The hissing sound of the door sliding open echoed in the room, seeing the same soldiers reappear. “Take the girl back.” He orders them cold and firm. 
As he’s about to turn around you can see him moving his fingers slowly. Feeling the same previous sensation going down on your stomach before it moves to the side of your hip and thigh. You don’t have time to process what is happening as you’re being quickly picked up from under both of your arms. Your feet didn’t touch ground once as you were dragged back into your cell. 
Being thrown inside of it, you see a plate of food waiting for you. Although upon seeing the supreme leader today, you were now more afraid than ever to eat it.  Scared it might've been poisoned but you didn’t care. You had too many emotions going on inside of you to have any kind of appetite right now. As you move directly towards the bed, you get under the covers before hiding yourself fully underneath. The complete silence of your prison cell was making you crazy. What do I do? What can I do? He might be wrong about a detail or two, but he knew you did something and that is still too much for him to know. You cry as you start to shiver a little. The room wasn’t even that cold anymore, but you couldn’t help it. Feeling completely drained by your day. You could’ve died today, and no one would’ve have known since no one knew where you were. All you could think about was your sister. Wondering if she was okay. You knew she was probably at home well and alive. Trying to convince yourself of that fact was doing very little to comfort you. You were way too overwhelmed to have any rational thoughts right now. The lack of human contact and basic needs were killing you inside. The last time you saw her was two, three months ago? You didn’t even know how long you’ve been here. Having no clear indication of time really played with your sanity at this point. The days were all starting to blend together but tonight thinking about her helped a little.  
Three days has gone by since you touched the food, they brought to you in daily. On a normal day, you just stayed in bed creating songs or searching for flaws inside the cell. There was a small window letting you see the outside, but the ship hasn’t really moved. Which gave you the same view for days now. You were talking to yourself aloud when you see a stormtrooper enter your cell. He tilts his helmets looking at you before walking around the tight space. Looking like a mad man as he searches out your bunk. Throwing the covers off your bed as well as the mattress. Shocked and in fear, you try to make yourself as small as you possibly can. Pushing yourself back into a tight corner. Trying to remain calm as he does his checkup, not wanting to interfere. “All clear.” you hear him speak simultaneously pressing a command on the side of his helmet. You watch him walk away relieved as you let out a blow of air. You don’t know what he was looking for but you’re for sure happy they didn’t find it here. That was the first time something like this ever happened since you're here. Useless to say that you were freaking the fuck out. After a moment of attempting to relax and calm yourself down. You thought that refusing food would've been harder. Dying by famine was probably not your best way out but you were content with it. You just wished you could see your sister one more time before leaving. On another hand you'll see your parents again which you miss painfully. You had less energy as time went by, so you tried to move as little as possible to conserve your energy. Lost in your thoughts, you jump as you hear the swooshing of your cell door sliding open again. Forcing you to straight up to the guard who doesn’t need to talk for you to understand as he shows you a pair of handcuffs in his hand.  
Once they were on, you start walking the corridors. Curiously looking at the other troopers roaming the ship. You recognize the path you were taking. It is the same one you previously used to see the Supreme Leader. Quickly recollecting what happened the last time you were in his office. His hand chocking you as you were floating in the fucking air. That’s it I’m going to die tonight.. 
Arriving in front of the grand double doors, the soldier's halts. The one on your right moves his hands closer to your arms, removing your restraints. Gesturing with his helmet to get inside. Are they not going to follow you inside? Now this is weird, you truly have no idea what to expect anymore. He probably regrets not killing you the last time he had the chance. Maybe he simply wants to talk to you. That's a possibility, right? Either way you were stressed. You didn’t want to find out, you didn't want to be here at all. If you were to die on this ship, you'd prefer it to be alone, safe and peacefully thinking about your loved ones. 
As you walk inside the darkly dimmed room, you slowly move cautiously. Hearing the supreme leader breathes as if he was near you. Although you can clearly see him from across the room. He was looking outside the window just like the last time you were here. 
“Why are you not eating?” voice cracking from the electronics of his voice-corder. 
You stay firm, trying not to show fear, “Is this what this is about? Why do you care if I live or..” 
He turns around sharply cutting you off, “Silly girl, I need you alive..” now raising his voice at you.  
You roll your eyes to him before he starts rushing towards you. Coming to you way closer than you would've liked. You prepare yourself to choke as you see his hand moving towards your face. Your blood becoming cold to the knowledge of your apparent death. Dropping a single tear along your cheek thinking about your sister, leaving her to be reunited with your parents. 
Instead, you see him bring his finger up to catch it. Talking low and soft in contrast to his previous outburst. “I’ve been trying to read your mind, but you’ve seemed to have closed yourself to the outside. Sadly, I don’t know if I was misinformed by my sources but until I find out, I need you to eat and keep your attitude in check. Surely you can manage to do that?" asking you as he pushes your hair off your shoulder. You don’t dare to speak, simply nodding as a confirmation. Maker how long will he keep you here? He takes his thumb to softly caress your bottom lip with the tip of his gloved fingers before quickly pulling his hand away, clenching it into a fist.   
You can hear the crinkling of the leather. As he’s about to turn away, you stop him, “Then why have you tried to kill me last time..”   
He stays still, puzzled by your question. “Why do you have a death wish?”  
You can hear the smile in his tone as you keep yours neutral. If you're trapped on this ship you need to find out why. Yes, he can't read your mind but why does he need to anyway? You can't possibly be this valuable to him. Maybe you can make him open up by pushing him a little. “I don’t, but I would’ve liked to see the face of my killer before I die..” 
He tenses up to your statement not knowing what to really think of it. “Is there a problem with my helmet pretty girl?” asking arrogantly. 
Did he just call you pretty? No stop that, you need to stay focus here. You lock your eyes to were you think his are through the helmet. “No, I just think that only cowards cover their faces. Especially when they kill..” 
You hear him breathing hot and heavy. Thinking that you've finally done it. He’s going to lose it and kill you on sight. Instead, he removes his helmet in a quick single motion. His eyes looked tired with bag under them, pained as he’s staring into yours intensely. You wondered what happened to him. His eyes were so soft yet so lost. Your face starts to relax as he remains silent. Giving you time to observe and analyze him like he did with you. His lips were twitching as if he was fighting to stay calm. When he sees yours slightly parting as if you’re about to speak, he begins walking straight to you. His cape moving stiffly behind him. Now being able to smell him from the proximity. You were probably too afraid last time to notice it. Smelling a clean scent mixed with leather and metal as he gets closer to you. 
“Are you satisfied?” he demands, his voice vibrating and shaking a little. Oh yeah, he's anxious.. 
You only nod to him in response. You had to admit, he was truly something. You were honestly stunned by his features. How can he be this beautiful? That can't be the supreme leader, right? He wasn't old like you did previously guess. No, you were wrong, he was actually cute. He seemed a bit older than you which you didn't really mind. He had long raven hair going almost to his shoulders. His curls looked soft even pushed back away from his face. He was large and tall, especially compared to you. Slowly leaning to your lips, you feel his breath tingling your jaw as you close your eyes. You don't know why but you're ready to let him do whatever he's about to do.  
“Good” he replies simply quickly pulling himself away. 
You open your eyes extremely confused. Did I do something wrong? 
“Come get the girl..” You hear him speak eagerly between breaths into his wrist.  
In a matter of seconds, you see the doors opening while he stays unmoved. Taking a moment to stare at you before putting his helmet back on, turning away to go back to his past position. You try to stop the soldiers from picking you up like last time, but they still do. You protest saying that you can walk by yourself and that they're hurting you but one of them reaches to his hip. Unclipping a glowing stick from his belt. All you can hear is the quick sound of electricity before letting out a cry of pain. The adrenaline caused by the high frequency voltage was debilitating. Making you fall automatically to the ground, moving your knees instinctively fast to your stomach. As the guard was about to strike you with another hit, you hear the static of a modulated voice. “What are you doing !?” He yells to the soldier. 
The man appeared lost, not knowing what he did wrong as he looks to his partner. The supreme leader extends his arm, throwing him into the wall before turning to look at the other. “Just bring her back..” He orders him, speaking through his teeth angrily. 
Back into your cell, you were lying on your bed trying to calm yourself down. You were still feeling dizzy from the attack. Although all you could think about was the supreme leader. He was leaving you with more questions than answers. He was hot, then cold.. He almost killed you, but then he needs you alive. He is violent but then talks to you softly. The way he looked at you, you could've sworn he wanted something from you or was it all in your head?  
What does he want? 
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gh0stsp1d3r · 11 months
Kylo ren x female reader who has a cat (or a "cat like" animal). He checks on her while she's napping (he keeps her separate from politics and war) and finds her and her cat sleeping on his bed. With her kitty snuggled up behind her legs next to her butt (my cat always does this when I use my body pillow🥺). And he's just so stunned by how adorable it looks with her and her cat just sleeping together all cuddled up in HIS blankets, on HIS bed, that he ultimately decides to sleep on the couch after nearly waking said duo up from their dreams😴 (I feel like Kylo would be a secret cat dad, like animals are his favorite and makes him go all soft and fluffy♡🤭)
They can wait
He’s such a cat dad :3 My cat does the same exact thing 😂
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He sighed as he opened up the door, he felt relieved to be finally home.
He walked into the room, where he expected you to be. It was night, after all. Your cat was nowhere to be found, at least until he walked in the room and saw you both sleeping.
The cat was snuggled up close to you, next to your butt and behind your legs. The sight made him smile softly.
He put his stuff down in the room, and got his clothes. When he opened the drawer, The cat stretched out and made a small noise, the stretch that the cat made almost had woken you up. You stirred slightly and soon you both were quickly sleeping again.
Kylo had barely realized he was holding in his breath until he stepped outside the room, now out of his old clothes and now walking around in his boxers.
He took one last look back, smiled again and went to the couch, not wanting to wake you both up. He grabbed the sheets and had a nice dream about you all, in a world without the war.
He woke up to sounds of cooking in the kitchen, he stood up and looked into the kitchen and smiled again.
You put a small chef hat on the cats head, the cat didn’t like it and shook its head furiously, making it fall. You laughed quietly, still thinking he was asleep.
He smiled at the sight, and came up behind you, wrapping his arms around you.
You looked back and kissed him.
“Morning.” He mumbled, voice groggy.
“Good morning.”
“What are you.. both making?” He looked to the cat and back at you.
You held up the pancake mix box, as your cat jumped off the counter. The cat came over to kylo, rubbing against his leg and purring.
“Think it missed me.” He bent down and pet the cat.
You giggled. “Shouldn’t you be at work?”
“Yeah. They can wait.” He shrugged.
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thedarkcoven · 1 year
Dirty Darth Rayvin Thoughts
Minors Go AWAY DNI!!! 18+ ONLY
Thinking about being Kylo's little cum bucket
How he chokes me and whispers in my ear
When he gets close telling me he can't wait to make me scream later
Kylo not caring if Hux or one of the troopers come in while I'm sitting on his lap at his desk; he'll still keep his throbbing cock inside letting it twitch just to see if I would react
Master Kylo giving me private lessons after a day of training
The way Kylo loves to go rough but when he goes slow he's got my hands in his as he slowly rocks his hips into mine
The way he kisses every part of my body telling me how much of a beautiful little pup I am
When he shoves his fingers into my mouth and smirks
Fills me to the brim in hopes he'll have an addition to rule the galaxy by his side
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Millicent is an emotional support animal that's why she is allowed on the Star Destroyer. She was with Hux before and after every meeting with Supreme Leader. She was with him after every tantrum Kylo Ren thrown. And she was with him when FO collapsed. On the New Republic transport to somewhere (probably prison). He was holding her tightly, petting her fur. No thoughts just warm fur under his fingers. She was there when whole his life collapsed into nothing to make sure that he is not going to collapse.
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little-diable · 7 months
Snow - Kylo Ren (smut)
Just some pwp, I needed to get this out of my system. Please like and reblog if you enjoyed reading this, your comments keep us writers motivated! Enjoy my loves. xxx
Summary: Pwp, outdoor sex
Warnings: 18+, unprotected piv, rough Kylo, dom Kylo, gagging, power play, degrading
Pairing: Kylo Ren x fem!reader (900 words)
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Snow was falling from the dark sky, slowly wetting their clothes. She was trembling, though not from the cold, not from the snow littering her body, but from the adrenaline the searing kiss they now shared was pushing through her system. Kylo had her pressed against a tree, gloved fingers working on her trousers, pushing them down to her knees with her panties following.
“Look at the mess you’re making, pet. Such a whore for your master, and yet you keep on disappointing me, you make me doubt if you even deserve my attention, my precious time.” A desperate sob ripped through (y/n) as she pulled Kylo in for another kiss, eyes fluttering close as his gloved fingers found her pulsing clit. He was rough with her, wasn’t set on making her feel loved or appreciated, no, he was set on leaving marks, on reminding her who she was and who she had to bow to. “You’re nothing without me, you need me. Without me you’d be long dead, you know that, don’t you?”
“I do, master, stars, I need more.” With a dark chuckle rumbling through the tall man, he forced one glove from his hand, stuffing it into her mouth. Her eyes grew wide, she struggled to keep on breathing, forcing herself to relax as she watched Kylo free his aching length.
“You won’t speak, all you’ll do is take my cock like the good slut you are. And then you can thank me for it.” He spat into his palm, the sight alone managed to distract (y/n) from the cold nibbling on her features, from the leathery taste now sticking to her tongue. Whatever he wanted to do to her, he now could. She was his toy, his to use, his to toss around. 
One of his hands found her right thigh, forcing her to wrap her leg around his waist before he sank into her tightness. He had last fucked her only a few hours ago, pressed against the hard flooring of their training room, and yet her walls still struggled to stretch around him. Kylo ignored her whimpers, he ignored the gasps that didn’t manage to leave her gagged mouth.
Tears ran down her cold cheeks, tears that would eventually freeze if he’d keep her out here any longer. But Kylo didn’t find it in his heart to care about that, all he was focused on was fucking her into oblivion, needing to chase his own high, a release he had been aching for since the start of their outside training. Seeing her fight with her own lightsaber had done something to him, making his cock harden at the mere sight of the red blade in her hand.
Curses left the tall man, curses that rang in her ears like cries echoing through a battlefield, a sound she was so familiar with, (y/n) couldn’t help but give into the excitement it shot through her. Kylo was her all, the one man she could trust, the one person she could love – a love she’d never verbally voice out. 
“You’re here to please me, to take my cock whenever I need you to, but maker, you’re so good at it, created to let me stuff you full with my cock.” Kylo’s cold hand found her throat, keeping her pinned against the tree as he fucked her even harder, set on breaking through the layers of bark. 
The sound of their bodies meeting filled the quiet surroundings, a sound forever echoing through the air wherever they went, needing to fuck at any given moment. A special bond kept the two connected, a bond so intense they needed to follow their cravings, needing to follow the calls they picked up on. 
Kylo could tell that she was close, walls fluttering around his cock with every ferocious thrust. He pulled the soaked glove from her mouth, needing to hear her sounds, needing to pick up on the whimpers breaking through her to guide himself towards the edge. His name left her over and over again, even though she could still taste the leather on her tongue, even though she could still feel his grasp around her throat.
She came without another warning, eyes squeezed shut, nails clawed into the back of his neck. He kept fucking her against the tree, chasing his high with his teeth pressed together and his eyes focused on her pleasure drunken features. With a deep growl leaving Kylo he came inside of her, leaving his stain on her walls, marking her in the most primal way imaginable. 
“I don’t think I can walk back, Ky’.” (Y/n) tiredly murmured her words, eyes struggling to stay focused as he slowly pulled out of her, tugging himself back into his trousers. And without another warning, he helped her redress before he threw her over his shoulder, carrying her back to their quarters and the warm shower awaiting them.
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kingdomhate · 8 months
Getting Them Pets! (Part One!)
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Kylo Ren: Long ago, you decided to aim for getting something special for him. You had no idea what, so you did some searching and studying, going to different systems and stars to determine what pet would make the best for Kylo. Going out in the middle of the morning to search the planets certainly alarmed Kylo, but upon telling him you were 'gathering researching' on something that heavily interested you, he relaxed.
After an infuriating amount of research, studying and writing, you managed to find something perfect: A dog, a Basenji. Curious, affectionate, intelligent, quiet, alert and low maintenance. Perfect for Kylo. Once you got a male, red in color and small in size, Kylo looked at you. "This is yours?" He asked, his voice perplexed. "Ours." You corrected, a smile on your face as you handed the puppy to your boyfriend. Kylo inspected the dog for a bit, before softening and cradling the dog, his face compassionate and kind. Teary-eyed, he thanked you.
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Armitage Hux: How on Earth you managed to convince him of getting a pet? No idea. How did you even get the pet in? A mystery. But you did. A ginger cat, matching his Armitage's ginger hair. Seeing the cat, Armitage looked at you, as if disgusted by the gesture, but you know he would crack. "It's for you, and me." You hand him the kitten and his facade is immediately cracked.
He leans into give you a kiss while holding the precious kitty, the kiss a bit aggressive as he practically mashes your lips together but then it softens and deepens. "I love you." He whispers softly, cherishing you and the cat.
A\N: Part two out Monday! Love you guys <3
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juniperwoodwell · 1 year
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Paring:Kylo Ren X F!Reader
Word count:2k
Warning(s):Soft!Kylo, Minor bullying, Fluff.
A/n: There will be a part two coming out soon.
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Being the assistant to the newly appointed Supreme Leader had its perks; for instance, A higher security level and managing to have a higher level than Hux definitely did something to your ego. Larger living quarters and respect. Simple things that just made the position every bit more enjoyable. Well...That's what Y/n initially thought. She wasn't expecting to get stuck between Kylo Ren and General Hux's 'Issues' They hated each other. That was just plain as day.
"Well, if it isn't the secretary." A tall man with short brown hair walked over to Y/n as she headed to the cafeteria's assembly line of unidentifiable foods.
"Jack. Let's not do this today, please." The woman sighed as she grabbed a tray. "No, No, Let's. Y'know, everyone's wondering how you got that position. I mean, just a month ago, you were nothing but a mission report editor. What'd you have to do, huh?" The man mirrored her actions and leaned in towards her, his voice low. "Did you have to screw around with some superiors? I bet you did. I mean, come on. You were nothing, and now you're the Supreme Leader's pet." Y/'ns patience was growing very thin with this man; He was always like this. Jealousy seeped off him like a thick steam. "You know what, Jack, You can go fu-" "Miss Y/l/n, You're needed in the command center immediately." A Stormtrooper informed her, and she looked down at her tray of grey mush and then at the trooper. "Alright, Thank you." She dismissed the trooper and left her tray on the assembly line. "Yeah, that's right. Go find your master, pet." That bastard was getting on her last nerve, but she ignored him and left the cafeteria. If only she'd let her anger take over, that man would've been on the floor with a broken arm and a bleeding nose. But that was her old life; She'd done too much to get where she was to risk it all on that man.
"General." Y/n called out when she entered the command center; she'd seemed to of startled the ginger, but it was subtle. "Ah, Good. Punctual as always." He spoke, then cleared his throat as he turned to her; Hux was actually quite fond of the woman; she was resourceful, respectful, and almost always completed her work perfectly. He understood why Kylo Ren hired her.
"Do you have the information I requested yesterday?" He asked,
Y/n nodded and pulled up the files on her datapad. "Would you like me to send them to you, Sir?"
The General took the data pad from her and skimmed through the work. "Exceptional, Yes. As soon as possible."
"of course, sir." Hux handed her the data pad, and she quickly sent all the information to Hux's pad.
 "Thank you. You are dismissed." With that, the General turned and returned to his office, and Y/n headed back toward the cafeteria.
 The interaction lasted for almost the entirety of her scheduled lunch time, and when she returned to the cafeteria, it was empty; all the food was put away. A sigh escaped her lips. "Alright. I can wait for dinner, that's fine. I'll go do some of the reports I need to finish." She spoke softly to herself. She headed to her tiny office that was adjacent to Kylo's. It was one-thirty when she started on the reports, and when she looked up to take a break, it was already five o'clock. "Shoot! I'm going to miss dinner." She shot up out of her chair, fixed the mess of her desk, then left her office.
When she turned the corner, the supreme leader had turned the same; If it weren't for her quick reflexes, she'd be picking herself up off the floor. Quickly, she stepped out of his way, only to realize he had grabbed her arm.
 "Just the woman I was looking for." The distorted voice echoed off the walls. "My apologies, sir, but I was just heading to dinner." the grip on her arm was released, and Kylo stood in Infront of her.
"The cafeteria is in the opposite direction." He stated, watching as she looked around frantically. "Oh. You're right.." Y/n turned back to him, exhaustion lingering behind her irises.
 "Are you alright?" he asked, looking her up and down. "Um...Why do you ask?" She scratched the back of her neck nervously. "You're wearing two different shoes." The statement shocked the woman, and she looked down at her shoes; he was correct.
"Ah...That makes a lot more sense now."
 "What does?"
 "Well, I've been getting weird looks from everyone today, and I wasn't sure why. Even Hux was looking at me like I was sick or something."
A low distorted chuckle escaped the dark mask. "Go fix your shoes the come to my quarters." "But, Sir, I've already missed lunch. I'd rather not skip-" Kylo raised his hand to silence her.
"Do as you're told, Miss Y/l/n."
"Yes, Sir." She nodded and turned from him. Once she entered her quarters, she sighed, "Am I ever going to eat today?" She asked herself, then changed her shoes. Her room wasn't too far from Kylo's; he liked keeping her close in case he needed her. Three knocks on the large door, then it opened, but no one was on the other side. "Uh...Sir?" She called out, "I'm in the kitchen. Take the door on your left." Kylo's pleasantly low voice echoed through the hall.
 When Y/n walked through the door, the table was set, and two plates were laid on top. "Take a seat." The man instructed, and she did as she was told, "Oh wow...this smells amazing." She stated as Kylo sat down across from her. "Did you make this?" she asked, looking at Kylo.
"I did. You seem surprised by that."
"Uh...well, I just assumed you'd have a personal chef or something."
"I've got trust issues." he joked (partially). "But I prefer to cook my own food. I learned most of it from my mother, so...It should taste good." Y/n smiled sweetly at his small confession. "Well, I'm certain it will taste better than anything they serve in the cafeteria." Kylo nodded at her words, returning her smile
"Let's eat then, shall we?" so they did. There wasn't much conversation; they were exhausted from the day, but being in each other's presence seemed to bring a peaceful atmosphere.
"You did well, Sir," Y/n spoke up as she finished her plate and wiped her lips with a napkin. "Thank you. I'm glad you approve of my cooking." He chuckled, finishing off his plate. Y/n contemplated asking the question that'd been bothering her since she changed her shoes but decided against it. "What is it?" The man asked, his voice soft with curiosity. "I...No, It's nothing, Sir."
 "It's obviously something if you're blocking me out of your mind."
"Oh, am I? Sorry, I didn't realize."
 "It's fine. If you have something you want to say, then do so."
"Alright, I was just wondering why I'm here."
"You mean, why did I invite you to dinner with me?"
 Y/n nodded, staying silent "... the truth is, I'm not sure myself. When I saw how disorientated you'd been in that hallway. I just wanted to keep an eye on you, and when you said you skipped lunch, I felt like you needed a good meal for once. You deserve it for all the work you do." Y/n stared at him in shock.
Kylo Ren wasn't one to express his feelings like this. He was Mr. Dark and Scary. No...This...This was someone completely different. This was the man behind the mask, A completely (mostly) normal man with emotions and feelings. This was the first time Y/n had truly seen Him.
 "What..? Did I say something wrong? Is there something on my face?" He questioned, trying to figure out why she was staring at him. "I-I Um. N-No, Sir. You're fine. I mean, it's fine." Y/n stood up quickly and picked up her and Kylo's plates. "Allow me to wash these since you made such a fantastic dinner; it's the least I could do to repay you."
"Y/n-" Kylo called out to her, but she ignored him as she walked over to the sink.
"Y/n." He called again as he stood from his chair, following after her. He grasped her by her elbow and turned her to face him. "Breathe. You're panicking."
"I know." She breathed out, placed the plates on the counter, and rubbed her hands over her face. "Sorry, sir."
 "Don't be. You've been going through a lot of changes this week. I understand you must be stressed. Why don't you sit back down?" He guided her to the table, and she returned to her seat. She sighed heavily as Kylo refilled her glass with water. "Drink this." He ordered, and she obeyed. "I didn't mean to get all...Frantic. But you're right; My life has changed a lot this week...month even." Kylo nodded and returned to his seat. "Well, tell me what's been bothering you today. Maybe I could do something to help relieve some stress as you've done for me." He offered, "Yeah...Uh. Well, there's apparently this rumor that's been going around since my promotion."
"Ah, I didn't think you were the type to be affected by rumors."
"I'm usually not. This doesn't just affect me, but...." She paused to clear her throat and sip her water. "But, It could also possibly affect you."
 "Me?" He asked, surprise written on his features, "Yes... People are saying that I got promoted only because I've been sleeping with my superiors. Which, in my opinion, is outrageous. Some of these people were my friends and collogues. There's this one guy who hasn't stopped bugging me since the promotion. I came very close to beating him up." Kylo huffed a laugh. "I would've liked to have seen that." Y/n smiled sheepishly. "What did he say that made you angry enough to want to hurt him?"
 "Well...for one, his face just annoys me beyond all reason, but secondly...He called me your... Pet." A rose tint crept up Y/n's face as she spoke. "Pet?" Kylo leaned back in his chair, crossing his arms over his chest. "Yes, Sir." She paused, poor choice of words, when her eyes met his; he was amused by her response but cleared his throat. "Continue."
 "Y-yes. Right. Well. I feel it's unfair to you, Sir. My reputation doesn't mean all that much to me, But yours does, and I don't want to be the reason it gets tarnished."
"Y/n...You don't need to worry about that. They're just rumors they will be stopped; if anyone chooses to act on them."
"But- I just...What if, because of this rumor, people will think that you're abusing your power for personal pleasure? That could cause conflict between you and everyone working for you."
 "It won't."
 "How can you be so sure?"
"Because. Think of who I am. You know my reputation isn't just for show. If anyone dares to continue this rumor, they will have to deal with me. And you should be worried about yourself. What would happen if people started believing you got your position from inappropriate means? The respect those people have for you would be gone. Your work will never be trusted again. You'd be nothing, just like you were when I found you. You'd go back to sleeping on that small cot with no one to care for you. You'd be less than scum in their eyes." His words were harsh but true, and they frightened her. Y/n swallowed hard; her skin crawled with goosebumps. She realized that she had more to lose than anyone else. Especially him.
 "Yes. You do. But I gave you those opportunities and this new position, and I won't allow you to overthink something that I will never let happen." He reassured her as he reached over the table to take her glass out of her hand, afraid she'd crush it. "Why don't I walk you to your room?" He asked as he stood, but y/n was silent. She was not meeting his eyes. He walked over and crouched beside her chair. Placing a hand on her knee
 "Y/n." His voice pulled her out of her thoughts. "Hmm? What did you say, Sir?" Kylo sighed, "I'd like you to stay in my guest for the night" Maybe it wasn't the best idea to leave her alone in the state she was in. he thought to himself as he watched her face change color. "B-but wouldn't that only make the rumor worse?" She stuttered out. He shook his head. "No one knows you're here, Plus. I'd rather not have you stay alone tonight."
"And why's that, sir?" Kylo raised a brow in suspicion. Did she not realize she was shivering? "Y/n, look at your hands." She did as she was told, "Oh. I'm scared. Ha. That's new." She looked at him, tears welling in her eyes. "I don't want any of that to happen, Sir..." He gently took her hand in his much larger one. "It won't. Trust me as you have before. I won't let you down." Y/n stared at the contrast of their hands; she stayed silent for a while. Tracing the top of his hand with her free one, absentmindedly, "Okay..." She spoke softly, a smile spreading across her delicate features. "So. If you'd like to change, a pair of sleepwear should be on the dresser. Then we could do some paperwork if that'd help settle your nerves. If not that we could do anything you'd like." He offered as he stood, pulling her gently from her seat and guiding her to the guest room. "Could we read something?" She asked when they reached the door; Kylo nodded as he opened it and turned on the light. "I'll be out here when you're done." He informed then closed the door behind her.
The room was similar to her own but a bit bigger. There was a queen-sized bed in the middle and a bathroom on the left. Just like he said, there were two pairs of sleepwear, one for males and another for females. Y/n thought the woman's sleepwear shirt was too formfitting to be comfortable in, so she wore the male shirt with the female leggings. She neatly folded her clothes and placed them on top of the dresser. When she was finished, she walked back out of the room; the lights had been dimmed to a comfortable level that didn't strain the eyes. She hadn't looked around when she first came in. It wasn't just a kitchen; it had a decent-sized dining table, and off towards the side was a couch facing a massive transparasteel window. Had that been there the whole time? She thought to herself; she noticed the familiar figure sitting on the couch.
"May I join you?" she asked when she approached the small lounge. "Of course, Make yourself comfortable," Kylo gave her a faint smile as he observed her; he noticed her choice of clothing and chuckled. "Is something funny, sir?" she asked as she sat on the couch. "No, It's nothing. You said you wanted to read something. What were you thinking?" She was curious but let it go. "Something that'll put me to sleep."
"Ah, so...Paperwork. I bet you'd be asleep in minutes if I read that aloud to you."
"You would be correct, sir." Kylo hummed as he picked up his datapad lying on the coffee table. "You don't need to be so formal when we're alone, Y/n."
 "but it's disrespectful-"
 "Screw Respect. We're both adults; We're both just people right now. So you can call me Kylo."
"Okay...Kylo." Y/n smiled tiredly.
His name on her lips was heavenly. He wished he could hear it forever.
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crucifiedfaerie · 8 months
Gods & Monsters ༉₊˚✧
GodOfDeath!Kylo Ren x Fem!Reader AU
➴ Summary: Death has followed you like a shadow your entire life. After losing everything, you call out to him in a moment of desperation. Maybe that was his plan all along.
➴ Playlist: Track 1 | Track 2 | Track 3 | Track 4 | Track 5 | Track 6 | Track 7 | Track 8 (listen in no particular order, these songs just inspired me)
➴ Word Count: 2.2k
➴ Warnings: 18+ MDNI under any circumstances, DARK!FIC, fem!reader, dom!kylo, a lot of angst, BLOOD, major and minor character death, reader is suicidal, kylo is the god of death, kylo is obsessive, selfish, and manipulative, stalker!kylo, reader is naïve, a little soft!kylo bc he loves her but again he's selfish so should i really call it that ??, soul selling, SMUT (manipulation therefore DUB-CON, very rough sex, unprotected PiV sex, sadist!kylo for a second ??, naked sub/fully clothed dom, dacryphilia kind of, light bruising, blasphemy and sacrilege), typos probably
➴ Taglist: ( @enviedear @capitanostella @teapartydreams )
A/N: guys did i just lowkey write a snuff fic? maybe. (yes) its left up to you to decide if this has a happy ending or not. kylo is selfish and manipulative, yeah, but hes also sexy and in love so idek how to feel myself. @enviedear and i have been playing around with the idea of godofdeath!kylo in our dms so special thanks to liv my beloved <3 i hope you guys enjoy and i also completely understand if some of you aren't chill with the themes of this fic.
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It appeared that death followed you wherever you went, trailing behind you like an invisible shadow you couldn't escape. It started when you were younger with any pet you would get mysteriously dying, you don't know when but at some point you had given up on trying to keep them. Friends and family followed suit over the years, all of them as tragic as the last one. It was as if Death was puppeteering your life, tugging on the strings that held your heart together... and you didn't quite understand why.
You couldn't seem to remember what it was you'd been thinking about on your walk home. Maybe it was what your mother had decided to make for dinner. You stared at the pot still boiling in the eerily quiet kitchen. Or perhaps it was how you had promised your sister you'd play with her when you came home. Your eyes darted to the toys that had been carelessly scattered over the floor of your family's shared bungalow, noticing how a light mist of crimson coated them.
You tried to remember, but one singular word kept interrupting your thoughts. Blood. All you could smell... was blood.
You tried to scream but it was as if the air had been stolen from your lungs. All you could see was red. Red. Red everywhere. On the floors. On the walls. When you saw them, the shriek that escaped your heaving chest pierced the silence of your home, bouncing off the walls and ringing in your ears.
Your family was dead. Slaughtered and discarded on the floor as if they were simply livestock.
As you backed away, you nearly slipped in the puddle you realized you were standing in. The sticky, wet sound your shoes made as you moved was revolting and you felt acid burning at your throat. You stumbled into the living room, just barely making it to the soft carpet before falling to your knees. You heaved, but nothing happened, your empty stomach having nothing for your body to forcibly expel.
You collapsed to the floor, body wracked with sobs. You screamed and screamed until you thought your vocal cords might tear.
Gone. They're all gone.
You don't know how long it had been. Maybe hours, maybe days. You laid there, your screams subsided to sobs and you wanted nothing more than to be with them... No, you wanted to be them.
Why couldn't it have been me? Why my mother? Why my sister? Please, I just want to die. Please Please.
For what felt like an eternity, you silently begged for death. How ironic, you thought, that you begged for the thing that had taken everything from you. You had already dealt with plenty of loss to last you several lifetimes, and now you had lost the last two people you loved. There was no physical pain on this planet that would ever compare to what you felt now. You only wanted it to be over.
You saw something out of the corner of your eye. A tall, dark figure, lurking in the shadowy corner of the room. You looked up, attempting to blink the tears from your raw eyes, unable to make out any distinct features of the being that stood before you.
"You- Did you do this?!" You sobbed. "Did you k-kill my..." You couldn't even say it. If you said it out loud, that meant it was real.
The figure stepped forward, allowing light from the window to cast down upon him. Your teary eyes widened as you realized who this man... this being, was. The aquiline nose, dark locks, and scar that trailed down his cheek you'd recognize anywhere. Kylo Ren, the God of Death, stood before you. You had only heard of him in legends, but he was even more marvelous looking in person.
"I do not take. I only collect." Ren said firmly, yet a hint of compassion laced his words, making you feel... safe? In any other situation, you would have laughed at the idea of feeling safe around the literal personification of death itself, but you were in no mood for laughing. He continued. "I hear souls call out to me, and I answer."
"My family... who did this? Why wasn't I-" You choked out, weakly pointing to the adjacent room behind you. You began to sob again, feeling hot tears run down your face.
"Raiders..." Ren knelt on the floor in front of you, getting down to your level before continuing. "Sweet, mourning lamb, there's nothing you could have done. They went quickly, I made sure of that." He reached out a large hand to gingerly wipe the tears from your face, and you melted into the divine warmth of his fingers.
"Did you come b-back for me too? Please, I don't want to be here anymore- I can't do it without them, please! I'm nothing!" You begged him through sobs.
"Not to me." Ren sighed calmly, a sympathetic smile resting on his expression. "I do not answer the calls of souls whose time are not up... but you're different, special..." He trailed off, his voice still firm but sounding like he was was pondering something.
"I don't understand..." Your voice was just above a whisper.
Ren paused for a moment, the two of you sitting in silence as his dark eyes scanned yours. He held out his hand to you and finally spoke. "I want you to join me. Let it all die, let everything go, and I will give you what you so wish for."
Your eyes widened at his request, staring into his intense gaze. "Join you?" You croaked.
He nodded slightly. "Rule by my side, little lamb. I feel so drawn to you, I always have... And I know you've felt it too." His tone was soft, but there was a small shred of desperation there.
"And everyone I love? My family and friends?... Will I see them again?" You began to turn your head to look at the door to the kitchen, but a strong hand grabbed your chin at light speed, turning your head to look at him again.
"No- You're still... Holding on! Let go!" Ren raised his voice, startling you. He was inches from your face and his eyes were filled with pure panic, as if he were afraid you were changing your mind.
Memories of your family and friends played like a movie reel in your head. So many moments that you'd never get back. They were gone, and you'd never see them again. What's done is done and you had nothing now.
But as you stared into Ren's wild, dark eyes, you saw an offer being handed to you that you couldn't refuse. An option to never be alone again. To forget every detail of your life as it stands. To not feel the pain that laid so heavily on your heart and soul.
I understand.
You inhaled sharply before placing your shaking and much smaller hand in his. "I'll join you." You said it so quietly, you weren't sure if he had even heard it.
Ren certainly did, however, and within seconds he pounced, closing the gap between you. It was as if your words were an invitation he had been eagerly waiting for and his warm lips crashed into your cold, trembling ones. You felt every emotion at once coursing through your body, and you thought you might spontaneously combust at any moment.
The kiss of death.
He did not pull away though, he only continued to kiss you with more urgency. He pushed you backwards until your back was pressed against the plush carpet. When you touched him, he felt like he was made of marble. As if you needed any more emphasis on the fact that this was no human man that loomed over you.
Ren's large hands began to explore your body, his fingers running along your sides, causing a warm bolt of electricity to shoot through your core. You instinctually moaned against his mouth, and you felt him smirk.
He trailed his mouth down your neck, leaving red and purple marks, before pulling away to admire his work. "You already look so divine in this life... I can't begin to imagine what you'll look like in the next." Ren's voice was low, smooth, and his words dripped with honey. It elicited another moan from you, causing him to let out a dark chuckle.
At near light speed, he practically ripped your clothes off, pulling your shirt over your head first before making quick work of your pants and underwear. You were left naked and writhing on the floor as you watched him work at his belt, kneeling over you.
You couldn't help but think of how morally wrong this all was. This was no simple kiss of death... No, this was blasphemous. Sacrilegious in every sense of the word and you... loved it. You loved how your body betrayed you every chance it got, ignoring every single alarm bell that rang in the part of your brain that clutched onto what little was left of your sanity. It was exhilarating.
With quick fingers, Ren freed his cock from the confines of his pants, causing it to spring upwards. You marveled at him, wondering if maybe this was his weapon of choice. Maybe he would impale you on his dick and literally fuck you to death. You saw him smirk as if he had heard your thought. He most certainly did.
You watched, your body trembling, as he lined himself up with your entrance. Ren did not give you a moment to think before slamming himself into you, bottoming out within seconds. Your view of him was clouded by white-hot stars and he watched as your face contorted from the pain and pleasure of being split in two by him.
Ren's thrusts were erratic, unrelenting as he plowed into your cunt. His fingers dug into your hips, surely leaving bruises... not that it would matter tomorrow. You were completely cock drunk, under some divine spell he had surely cast over you. "Feels... s-s-so.... g-" You trailed off, lost in the violent pleasure he inflicted on your small frame.
He chuckled at your futile attempt to form a sentence. "Look at you, little lamb. Already coming undone at my hand. You want release so badly don't you?" His voice was full of compassion but his words were laced with darkness.
You knew it wasn't only your impending climax that he was referring to. You whined, your eyes welling with tears as you nodded frantically. "Please." You let out in a choked sob.
Ren let out a moan and angled his hips to thrust into you deeper, hitting your g-spot again and again with each erratic snap of his hips. He leaned down slowly, his hair tickling your cheek. "Then let go, sweet thing. Let everything go." He whispered in your ear.
You became putty in Ren's hands as you came, clenching around his cock as he continued to violently plow into you. His lips found yours and he kissed you with wild desperation. After a few more thrusts, he followed suit, bottoming out one last time and letting out a groan as he came deep inside of your cunt.
As you came down from your high, you watched hazily as he fumbled with something on the side of his belt. Ren looked down at you with adoration, and with a swift movement of his hand, you felt ice-cold metal pressed against your naked chest.
When you looked down, it took you a moment to process what had happened. Ren had impaled you through the chest with his lightsaber... yet you felt no pain. Only an intense warmth that radiated through every cell of your body.
Your eyes darted up to his face, illuminated in the crimson glow of his weapon. His expression was soft, attentive. You tried to speak but only a choked whine came out, the air having been stolen from your lungs by the fiery plasma that crackled inside of you.
Ren quickly brought his hand up to hold the side of your face, wiping stray tears and gently stroking your jaw with his thumb. You didn't even realize you had started crying again and you began to taste copper. "Shhh, don't be frightened my mourning lamb. It will all be over soon, just let go... Let go, and you will be mine forever..." His voice was deep but it had a sickeningly sweet quality to it.
You couldn't fully decipher what he was saying, so you focused on how nice he sounded instead. How merciful, you thought, for this voice to be the last one you'd ever hear on this mortal plane.
Your vision began to tunnel in on Ren's face. You thought you heard him call you his mourning lamb. What was it you were mourning again? You couldn't seem to remember what originally got you into this situation. You couldn't seem to remember anything. Anything besides Kylo Ren, that is.
"Finally... At last, you are mine."
The last thing you saw was the smile on his face. There was something... dark about it. His eyes were intense and he looked excited, as if he were finally getting something he'd been waiting ages for. Before you could dwell on it for too long though, everything went black.
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