#kylo ren x my oc
thedarkcoven · 1 year
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*arrives back from a stressful trip across the galaxy. Hears your voice in the distance and turns to see you standing at the end of the hall and yells out for you*
APPRENTICE!!!!!!.....HERE!.....NOW!.....I have had a HORRIBLE day and need to let off stress!
*I swallow and hurry over to Kylo*
Yes, Master? *I ask looking down, not daring looking up at him*
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frog-cultist · 10 months
Leander convinced his fathers to go on a walk with him ^_^
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Some fun little tid bits of information
Leander is 22 so hux is 57 and Kylo 51(since leander came around about when they were 35 and 29)
Leander is technically a clone of hux and Kylo he wasn’t made on purpose but more of accident when testing out a new clone program(that hux absolutely despised) and low in behold someone fucked up and Brought Leander into existence, whoopsies!
Leander is absolutely force sensitive but uses it more to trick and manipulate people quietly instead of using it for brute power like Kylo
His name is a play on Leia and Leader
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lostnighterarts · 2 months
First name : Sa'anakwé (diminutive: San)
Family: At'wela dynasty
Species: unidentified humanoid
Age: 24 (at the time of cryonics)
Story :
San was born and raised as a princess on a planet deep in the unknown. Her species is closely linked to the Force and lives in symbiosis with nature. Their planet is home to numerous kyber crystal mines, and their technology revolves mainly around these.
San narrowly survived the massacre of her people and the annihilation of her planet by being sent into space in a cryogenic capsule, as she was deemed dangerous to the order established by the intergalactic council.
She will be found and awoken almost 100 years later by Qimir, who sensed her presence in the capsule when it landed on an uninhabited planet.
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asirensrage · 8 months
I look at this man as just a little spiteful
"Don't act like this means nothing to you! You're the same as me!"
I see him being surprised by the MC, acting like an idiot and ruining his plans by running around after them
Kylo Ren - Star Wars
This took forever and I'm sorry. I hope you like it...and forgive me lol. It didn't quite go the direction you gave me...but it is fun.
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Rating: Explicit Fandom: Star Wars Pairing: Kylo Ren x unnamed!female!oc Warnings: sex. manipulation. use of the force. Un-beta’d! Prompt: "Don't act like this means nothing to you! You're the same as me!" Summary: She gets caught. word count: 2k
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It probably shouldn’t have been as entertaining as it was, but watching him react when she ruined another of his plans was hilarious. In a death-defying way. Like standing on the edge of a cliff knowing that you could fall. The thrill of it was enough to sustain her as she slipped away, listening to him scream in frustration. 
They thought she was part of the revolution, the rebels that keep causing them trouble, but she’s never met a rebel in her life. Not that she knows of. Her desire for chaos and causing Kylo Ren problems stems simply from the fact that she can. He deserves it for what she’s seen him put others through. Especially when he can’t control his temper. 
She’s a little surprised that they haven’t managed to find her though. She’s hiding in plain sight and you think with all the talk of how great the force is, he’d sense her. Maybe Hux had a point about hubris and the inevitable downfall of relying on outside sources. Then again, it’s Hux so he can’t be that right. She thinks they’re just looking for someone more menacing than she is. Like a more obvious threat than the woman who works with the cleaning droids. 
It’s the arrogance that lets her slip by them with ease. That assumption that they can only be taken by someone they perceive as being strong. At least until she hears that each individual is to be inspected by Kylo Ren himself. It sends the crew into a panic. She tries not to roll her eyes at the dramatics. 
When her name is called, she walks into the chamber with ease. It’s familiar, even if the man is not, and she forces herself to twist her fingers together in nerves. She keeps her eyes on the floor and waits. 
“Who are you?” The voice is distorted by his mask.
“Maintenance, sir.” Her voice is steady even as she won’t meet his eyes. 
The silence weighs down on her but she doesn’t give in, even though she can practically feel his presence increasing. 
“Look at me.” 
She lifts her head, eyes meeting where his should be. She expects to see the mask. Instead, she sees his face. Dark eyes, a strong nose and jaw…it’s nothing she hasn’t seen before. Just because she’s slipped under their notice doesn’t mean she hasn’t been paying attention. 
He stares at her, eyes boring into hers. There’s a pressure in her head, like a growing headache, that seems to increase the longer he looks at her. She stares back, wondering how long this is going to take. 
“It’s you.”
She blinks back. “I don’t understand, sir.” 
“No. Don’t play games or attempt to lie. I know your mind. It’s you.” He pulls back slightly, just enough to make her feel like she can breathe again. “Why are you ruining my work?”
“What work?” She asks. 
“What–” he cuts himself off, turning from her. She tries not to laugh, amused at how he’s attempting to control his anger. She expected to be dead by now if he was certain. The fact that she’s alive tells her that he’s not. “You know exactly what I refer to! Why are you being insubordinate?”
“Sir, I’m in maintenance. If one of the droids that you work with, that cleans your rooms, is failing, that would be part of my work. What else would you refer to?”
She feels the pressure before she’s sent back flying into the wall behind her. It holds her there as Kylo Ren stalks forward. 
“Don’t lie to me!” he snaps. “Don’t act like this means nothing to you! You’re the same as me!” 
He is insistent, she’ll give him that, but his lack of an actual explanation of his meaning gives her too much space to fill in the blanks. She just has to change her approach. “Okay, okay!” She meets his eyes. “Can you let me go? I’ll explain.” His confidence in his control is going to be his downfall. 
He releases the pressure on her and she stumbles forward slightly, rolling her shoulders as she tries to ignore the lingering sensations of it. 
“Tell me.”
“I am in maintenance,” she says. “And I have been…watching you,” she softens her voice. 
“Because I couldn’t get the thought out of my head of what your hands might feel like on my skin.” Whatever he was expecting, it wasn’t that. She can see it with the way his eyes widen. 
He suddenly scowls. “You are trying to distract me. It won’t work.”
“You wanted the truth,” she says. “I’m giving it. Just because you haven’t seen me doesn’t mean that I could ignore you, sir.”
In all her time here, she’s never actually seen the man with a partner. She thinks it’s because people are frightened of him, maybe due to his anger, but she knows he desires that contact, that connection. She can use that. 
He looks surprised and confused, still trying to maintain his scowl. 
“I’m sorry for any confusion or if I made you uncomfortable…” She glances away purposefully. “I just–you wanted to know,” she tells him. She steps forward, towards him and tries not to react when he startles at the movement. “I understand, sir if you want me to go…I won’t bother you again.”
She moves to leave only to be stopped by his demand.
“I did not dismiss you.”
She stops instantly, turning towards him. “My apologies. I assumed I made you uncomfortable.” She keeps her head down, even if she’s tempted to meet his gaze straight on, but moves to him. He doesn’t step away and she takes the chance to place her hand on his breastplate. “Unless…you’re not?” Now she looks up at him from under her lashes. She keeps her grin to herself as she pushes herself up on her toes and brushes the corner of his mouth with her lips. He’s practically frozen in place and all she needs is him to shove her away and demand she leave him. 
The moment she pulls back though, he pulls her back, his mouth covering hers. He kisses her desperately. He has little style and technique and she tries to help, to ease him into it. Once he slows down, it actually starts to feel good. She’ll give him that, he’s a quick learner. 
She takes the chance to show him how to kiss, how to nip at someone’s lip lightly, and how to deepen it without getting sloppy. She reaches for him carefully, feeling how he flinches when she touches the side of his face. 
He takes the small things she offers with a desperation she can practically taste. He is incredibly touch-starved and it shows with how tightly he holds her, how he nips at her neck and grinds himself into her. 
It’s surprisingly easy to maneuver him back, to push him to fall on his bed. He looks young with the way he stares up at her in awe and want. It’s almost enough to forget everything he’s done. She straddles him, mentally calculating how long this will take before he breaks and she can slip away. 
He holds her carefully, as though he’s terrified she’s going to break or disappear from his grasp. It would be sweet if she wasn’t simply using this against him. She sits on him, slowly grinding her hips against his as she starts to try to figure out how to get him out of his armour. She ignores his gaze as he pulls down the zipper of her jumpsuit. She lets him, focusing on unclipping the large belt around his waist and his cloak. She pauses to slip her arms out of the sleeves of her worksuit before carefully peeling the gloves off of his hands. 
“You can touch me,” she says softly. Sensing his hesitation, she grabs one of his hands and places it on her breast. She’s still wearing her support, but it doesn’t stop him from getting a feel for the softness and weight of them. 
He pulls her down suddenly, kissing her hard. She grins against his mouth, amused at his effort to take control. She breaks it only to scrape her teeth gently against his jaw. She sits back up and undoes her chest support. His eyes widen the smallest amount seeing her bare breasts and she has to bite back the laugh. It’s too easy. 
It doesn’t take much after that to get him to help her undress him. He fakes being confident well but she can see the slight tremble in his touch, the hesitation that mixes with desire in his gaze. 
She takes the lead, moving back onto his lap and feigning giving him control as she lets him guide her hips against his. He’s hard enough against her that she could likely simply get him to reach his release like this but she needs him exhausted. It’s a bonus that she finds this equally pleasurable. She’s not sure if it’s the manipulation, the potential chaos or the way he actually feels against her, but she’s enjoying it. Hearing the leader of the Knights of Ren try not to beg while he’s under her is intoxicating. 
She angles him herself before she eases his cock into her, wincing as his grip tightens on her hips. She’ll be bruised from this. She moans, briefly wondering why she didn’t attempt this sooner before she slowly starts to move. 
Just like that…her control is lost. 
He moves faster than she can comprehend. An arm around her waist and she’s on her back with him above her. She frowns slightly at the sudden change, unamused by the loss of her obvious control. It’s fine. She can still get what she wants from this. 
Her head falls back, eyes closing as Kylo thrusts forward into her. She digs her nails into his shoulders, a parting gift to remember her by, not that she’d say that out loud. 
For all of his inexperience, he learns quickly and uses the resources available to him. While he fucks her, muttering about how good she feels, he uses his mouth on her breasts, sucking marks and sending sparks down her spine every time his mouth encloses a nipple. The surprise though is the way he uses the Force. She’s felt herself be pinned by it before, she’s seen him move things and people with ease but she doesn’t expect the sudden pressure on her clit while his hands still grip her in place as he moves in her. 
She cries out, the pressure suddenly breaking and she clenches around him as she reaches her release. It hits harder than any she’s had by herself. 
He buries his face in her neck, teeth digging into her skin as he chases his own. He groans as he feels her tightening around him and for a moment, she feels the pressure around her building. Her hands are suddenly pulled and pinned by the energy he controls above her. 
“Sir?” she breathes, blinking up at him. 
“You asked for this,” he growls at her. “You watched me? This as good as you dreamed?” 
She moans as the pressure increases. His control is impeccable. “Yes,” she breathes, knowing it’s what he wants to hear. 
He kisses her again, hard and demanding as he increases his pace. She clutches him to her, digging her heel into his back as he moves. It doesn’t take long before his hips stutter and he groans as he falls into his release. 
She lets him rest on her for a moment before she taps his chest. “You’re heavy, sir.” He kisses her quickly before he rolls off of her. She winces at the loss but lets herself breathe and the tension drains from her. She was close to another release but she doesn’t mind losing it. 
He pulls her into him, to rest her head on his chest. She traces small patterns on his abs while she waits, making herself focus only on the feeling of lying with him and the satisfaction of her plan succeeding as she pretends to fall asleep until he does. 
It doesn’t take long. 
She slips out of his embrace, getting dressed quickly and quietly before she leaves his room, pausing only to steal a key pass. She heads straight to the docking bay. She needs to get out of here before he wakes up. The thrill of escaping before he realizes she tricked him is nearly as good as the sex was. She laughs as she slips into a supply ship with one of her droids. She only wishes she could see it when he realizes it. 
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juliaswickcrs · 4 months
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BOOK COVER :: DUEL OF THE FATES ( tfa - tros )
Nomi Kestis was a nobody. A junkyard scrapper pulled off the planet of Bracca with little to her name except a droid who refuses to leave her alone, General Leia Organa takes her under her wing. The General waits patiently as she rises through the Resistance, hopeful that in time, Nomi will discover who...and what... she truly is. FN-2187 was a coward. A Stormtrooper who's never seen battle with a vague memory of a woman bathed in bright light, it is fear that keeps him in line. Fear that stops him in his tracks on Jakku. It is fear which sends him after the prisoners on the Finalizer, hoping one of them can help him run. Kylo Ren was searching. The disappearance of Luke Skywalker has sent hope through the galaxy, but there is something further away, something more powerful than even a Skywalker that is calling to him. Something which leads him to Jakku and face to face...with a girl. Rey was waiting. She'd always been waiting. But something deep inside her tells her to stay on that desert planet, to keep scavenging until her family comes back. Until her sister comes back. It only takes a spark to start a fire, and this one will set the galaxy ablaze, leaving behind a path of destruction no one could've foreseen...except perhaps a Jedi.
tag list: @bisexualterror​ @foxesandmagic @iron-parkr​ @jvstjewels@camiemendess@a-song-of-quill-and-feather @arrthurpendragon @villain-connoisseur​ @starcrossedjedis​ @drbobbimorse​ @noratilney​ @stanshollaand@kingsmakers @astarionbae​ @darth-caillic @mystic-scripture@aliverse @misshiraethsworld @asirensrage @eddiemunscns
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babbushka · 1 year
Before The Otherness Came (Prologue)
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Ben Solo (Kylo Ren) x OC
Prologue: 1k
Smoke, black and pendulous, hangs in the air. It is thick, hard to swallow, hard to speak -- to breathe. He cannot see, cannot gasp around his own choking, eyes stinging. Something is wet on the floor, slippery. In the darkness there a haze of light, humming, splitting the ash and soot and screams in the night, a streak of blue like a long exposure hologram, arcing in a violent ballet against a clash of green, until the sparks blind white, a hoarse chant demanding to do it, end it, and a scream of his name in an all too familiar voice is cut short by his own hand -- 
Ben gasps awake, drenched in sweat. The same nightmare again, always the same one. One would think he’d be used to it by now or rather, he should know how to quiet his mind better by now. Thirty years and his thoughts are still too loud, so loud that he worries he may have woken everyone else up at the temple. 
Click Here to Read on AO3!
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starl3ng · 2 days
Duplicitous Desertion
1 - Wriggler
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Angel’s relatively comfortable life on Hays Minor is disrupted when an important shipment quota to the First Order isn’t met.
Ao3 | Tip Jar | Next
Content: Kylo Ren/Fem!OC, MDNI, sexual content, eventual NSFW, self-indulgent, slow burn, canon-typical violence, mentions/descriptions of injury and death, general angst
3.3k words
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Angel was separated from her mother and father when she was young enough that their faces were just blurs in her memory. It was common for children to be plucked from the cold, icy surface of Hays Minor—their home—to be sent through who knew what, where they’d turn out mumbling scraps of white armor. 
She always was a wriggler, though, and had slipped through the collector’s fingers, nearly avoiding a void of a future. 
This one wasn’t much different, but at least her feet were on the ground. Though the ground may be cold and littered with bits and pieces. Cogs and springs. She worked at a small shop front just off Orwan Port that shipped weapons to the First Order for a bit of money. She thought it ironic, to work for the people who tore her from her family’s arms and put them to rest before she could return. 
Well, she was too old now for any of that to matter. What did matter was getting this next shipment in before the next due date which was tomorrow. 200 weapons in a day. Was it doable? Well, it would be if her boss would get the correct parts for once in his life. He loved to avoid getting the cooling modules. Said it’s cold enough in space. Angel made it a point to remind him that the First Order wouldn’t agree when they came back with reports of faulty weapons. It would only work until the next round of parts needed to be ordered. Then again, and again. 
But this? Angel sets down a screwdriver as she watches through the frosty window; a tall figure chaperoned by two others, trod through the heavy snow. The dark shape of a ship loomed somewhere in the foggy distance. This wasn’t good at all. She keeps her head low, focused on working—on looking busy— leaving her boss to deal with the trouble. It wasn’t her problem, she told herself. 
First through the door was a soldier clad in white armor, then the other. Their blasters were not drawn aggressively but instead displayed in a resting position held across their lower chest. The third figure to venture through the automatic and metallic door was the dark one, uniform different from the other two. It was more unique and personal. It exuded an air of high status among the First Order. The figure's body was mostly concealed by a long, dark cape, face obscured by a haunting black and silver mask which was only partially visible beneath his hood. Soulless black slits pierced where Angel sat tinkering behind the counter as the mysterious stranger began to approach her. 
“Are you the owner of this establishment?” Came an inhumanly filtered voice that exuded aggression and power.
Angel peers up through her bangs only for a moment to shake her head. “No, sir.” She slides off her stool. “I’ll go get him.” Leaving the screwdriver behind, Angel disappears into the back. 
Not a moment later, an old, stocky man with a piggish nose bumbles into the room. “Sir, what brings you here?” He places his hands on the counter, brushing Angel's work aside. She creeps in behind him, watching from the background. A few other workers who work at desks towards the back pause momentarily to glance over. 
“The First Order has grown tired of your consistency in disappointing us, so I have been sent to monitor your progress.” As he spoke, he gazed around the shop for a moment, looking more interested in each of the workers than the display models hung around where the main door was.
“Consistency in disappointing you?” The man whips around to face his younger worker, who stands partially in shadow behind him. Bitingly, he hisses through his teeth. “Girl, I told you to inform me if we fell behind.” 
Angel twitches, eyes glancing at the man in black before returning to her boss. “I have other things to do.” She points at the work he’d brushed aside on the desk. “And I told you we needed parts yesterday if we’re planning on meeting our quota—” A smack echoes in the building and a couple of workers flinch but continue tinkering. 
The girl stands stiff, head turned and jaw clenched tightly as the older man rubs his palm. “We’ll talk later. Get back to work.” He mutters under his breath before turning to address the problem at hand, ignoring how she skirts past him to perch on the stool a little more hunched, burying herself in the work. 
“Not to worry.” The pig-nosed man drums his fingers on the counter nervously. “It’ll be in on time tomorrow morning.”
The man clad in black leans forward. “It better be.” He pauses and looks at the girl whose cheek now glowed a bright red.  “And just to make sure it goes without any… problems, I will be taking her as compensation until every last weapon is loaded on that ship.” A leather glove thrust out from beneath the cape and pointed directly at Angel. “If she disturbs your work so much, surely you will be better off without her.” The helmet’s soulless gaze turned directly to Angel once more. Suddenly,  it felt like a hand had taken a grasp of the warm shirt she wore and dragged her out from behind the counter and to the side of the man. That leather glove placed itself on her shoulder and gripped it tight.
Angel had stumbled all the way, screwdriver clattering to the floor as she steadied herself, shivering and terrified beside the looming figure that had pulled her there with what felt like nothing but the power of his own mind.  
A flash of fear appears on her boss’s face. He covers it up with a scrunch of his nose as if pretending he didn’t care at all. “Yes, sir.” He nods calmly, though his tapping fingers say otherwise. 
No, no, no. Angel glances up at the man she stands beside. This can’t be happening. She wanted to cry out for her boss. To tell him not to let her be taken from here. Her work! And the quota! She knew just as well as he did—his old face barely masking terror—that it would never be met in time. 
Where would she go when that time inevitably came? What would happen to her? The child in her whispers: wriggle. 
The man in black remained silent, his point successfully made as he shoved the white-haired woman into the grasp of one of his troopers. He approached the door, automatic metal panels sliding open and allowing the nipping wind to burst its way into the small space. Once he was far enough out, both troopers began to follow behind him and Angel was to be dragged against her will once more.
Angel waits until they’ve trudged out into the whipping cold, snow crunching underfoot. Then, quickly, she twists free from her coat, leaving the two guards clutching nothing but cloth. 
She stumbles into the snow, breathing hard, heart pounding as she books it. She ignores the shouts of the two troopers and the cold wind that plasters her shirt to her skin as she runs through the pelting snow towards the port city that’s not far off. Just make it. Just make it!!
Suddenly, from nowhere, her feet slam together and she is sent colliding down harshly on her face into the frigid white powder. There, she is held. What felt like the weight of ten bodies laid on top of her pressed her deeper into the cold, stinging ground. The clothes she wore now were getting soaked without the protection of her warm jacket.
A pair of methodical footsteps come crunching behind her until the dark figure kneels down in front of her face. The weight lifts and her chin is grabbed from the snow by leather gloves, held so that she is forced to look at the masked figure.  “You will not try that again, do you understand me?”
Angel—wincing, red-faced and fearful—nods quickly. It had been worth a try. Two troopers now take her arms tighter, lifting her from the cold, wet ground. Her jacket lies discarded in the distance, slowly being covered by snowfall. 
Silently the figure rises as she is pulled from the ground and continues to walk by various other shop fronts littered about the desolate icy port. The four of them continue walking towards the black ship looming in the distance that would take them to an even larger one waiting just above the atmosphere of the planet.
Passersby, though few, we’re accustomed enough to the First Order to know not to stare too long. No one would be coming to Angel’s rescue. She knew that getting out of this would be impossible; had felt now, twice, the power this man wielded. It would be safer to comply and remain quiet. Even knowing this, it’s hard to stop her trembling breaths as she walks up the metal ramp into the ship. 
The two troopers that grasp her arms lead her down a corridor where a door awaits. They open it and it creaks on its hinges—thick metal. In she goes with a push, and before she can turn or make a comment on how pushing really was unnecessary—the door slams in her face. 
The room she’s in now is small with a long bench seat built into its wall. The handlebars that jut out from the wall every couple of feet or so are crude. Not even a seatbelt? She looks around at the cramped, barren space. Not even a seatbelt. Cautiously, she takes a seat and wraps her hands around one of those handlebars. 
The shuttle roars to life moments later, the floor rumbling beneath Angel’s feet as the footsteps of the two soldiers continue on up to what sounded like a second floor. Suddenly, the ship began to rise off the surface of the planet Angel’s feet had never left, engines beginning to grow louder as the ship began to pull forward and accelerate, causing her to be pressed backward against the wall. 
Oh, she hated flying. She had only done it once or twice to be transported from one place to another. Angel’s knuckles are pale from how hard she’s gripping the handlebars.
That bruising grip doesn’t let up until the force that presses her to the wall relents and she’s left in a strange, humming silence and the vague understanding that there is no ground beneath her anymore. She stands, tiptoeing slowly over to the door, where she quietly tries the handle. It’s locked. She’d expected that. 
Well, she thinks as she takes a couple of steps backward to sit back down on the bench, all she could do was wait. The only thing she needed to worry about was how to escape when the time inevitably came that the quota fell through. 
When the shuttle lands, Angel nearly falls off the metal seat, sweaty hands gripping tight to the handle beside her. When the small room’s door swings open, her eyes snap up and she’s quick to try and look like she hadn’t just almost fallen to the ground. 
The masked man is standing outside the door, talking to another trooper while the second one moves from where he stood in the doorway closer to Angel. “Sorry, customary to put all hostages in cuffs,” he said as he gestured for her to hold out her wrists so he could put the restraining device on. 
Outside, the conversation could be overheard.  “Take her to my personal holding quarters; I’d like to further examine her. I have business with the Supreme Leader. Guard her door until I arrive.”
“Yes sir.”
The dark figure’s heavy footsteps stomp down the ramp and out of Angel’s vision as the second soldier comes to check on the first. 
She holds her wrists out, wincing when a set of cuffs clicks around them. The metal is cold and bites her skin where her shirt doesn't reach. Again, she’s taken under her arms and led out to and down the ramp.
The bright lights in the giant chamber the shuttle had settled in made Angel squint. The hangar of a Star Destroyer. She’d seen blueprints of these once before. Amazed and horrified; she cranes her neck to look at it all while she stumbles along the steady pace the two troopers have set. They weave between crowds of white armor and towards the back. There, she’s loaded into an elevator and taken up.
Angel had only heard bad things about being held prisoner on a Star Destroyer and had seen one or two people who’d survived. It wasn’t pretty. But she wasn’t a criminal. She was just collateral… for now. 
When the elevator door slides open, she’s led down a dark, winding hall to a door. It slides up, revealing an even darker room. The walls are lined with grey, metal paneling, and the floor is a sleek, reflective black just like the hall outside. There’s a single bed in the corner, suspended on a metal slab. Horrifically empty with nowhere to hide. 
She’s left there, cuffs still on as the door slides closed behind her with a thunk.
The two troopers move to stand on either side of the door, backs pressed against the wall to make room for any traffic that used the hall. 
“What do you think he wants her for?” One asked.
“Not our business.” The other said sternly.
“Right, right, right, sorry.”
Then there was silence.
“Ehh, but I mean if I had to guess, I'd say he is planning on interrogating her about why this company’s shipments have been so late.”
“Makes sense.”
Then more silence, and Angel was left utterly alone in the cold metal box.
When the doors opened again, it was not something to rejoice about. There was no way to know how much time had passed and with no window, it was impossible to know the time of day either. Well, not that space had a morning or night.
Now without a cape, the uniform the dark man had been wearing became more visible. He wore all black, boots reaching mid-calf, arms bound with a tight black cloth, and his body draped in a dark robe that was pulled tight by a thick leather brace around his waist. 
The door shut behind him and sealed itself, a singular light providing a dim, white glow to the dark room.
Angel turns to look at him, slowly rising from the little bed she’d been sitting on to pass the time in the windowless room. She only stares, quiet, and waiting with tensed shoulders. In her eyes, there’s caution laced with fear. But beneath it; there’s strength. 
“I understand you build weapons.” His sentence seemed neither a statement nor a question, rather something he sought confirmation of. Was this going to be an interrogation after all?
Angel was a little taken aback at the comment. Briefly, she raises a brow. “Y… yes, I do.” Her eyes narrow at him, confused. 
“I would like to offer you a job. Instead of your expertise going undervalued, the First Order would like to offer you an opportunity.” He paced ever so slightly before stopping in front of Angel, clasping his hands behind his back and standing so his feet were nearly shoulder-width apart. The stance was rather intimidating in the dark room. That dark mask stared back at Angel as he let the idea sit in her head.
She searches the expressionless metal face before her, brows knitted skeptically. “You’re saying… you want me to work for you? Here?” She gestures to her surroundings, meaning the ship in general. The handcuffs on her wrists clack. For a moment, she wonders if the reason she’d been taken was really about collateral. 
“Not entirely,” he said as he began to pace once more. “You would accompany me on a majority of my travels. I’m often sent by the Supreme Leader to watch over important trades and shipments that need to go well for the First Order. Part of that is making sure the parts and weapons we receive are of the highest quality and in no way have been… tampered with.” He began to pace the other way now. “This is a skill that takes time and a certain… eye. That is where you would come in. When not checking shipments and orders, I would have you put onto more—personal projects for myself.” He spun around, his robe’s thick material blowing slightly with the motion, and stopped in front of her. 
“You will be well accommodated of course. Food, housing, protection, credits, all of it.” A certain, unusual desperation began to creep into his voice as the last sentence came out rushed as if he knew he had to hurry to convince her. Why did he want her so bad?
Angel’s eyes dart around uncomfortably. What about her job on Hays Minor? What about her home? Barren it may be; she liked it. “… Omaf—my boss, will be wanting me back if the quota’s met on time.” She tests the water, wondering if his offer was just a vaguely hidden demand or if it was just that; an offer. There’s a part of her that sings at the idea of such ludicrous protection. Food, housing, and money? All from the First Order? It was a tempting deal. 
“Unfortunately, the Supreme Leader has decided that we no longer need Omaf and will be positioning one of our own heads of weapons to take over his shop. That includes laying off all of his workers. I will be returning tomorrow to oversee that the transition goes smoothly.”
If she did not accept his offer, she would be jobless when she returned to Hays Minor. If she was even returned at all.
Angel stiffens. So that’s it. “Oh.” She presses her lips into a line. “Well, then. I guess I’ll be needing… a job.” She didn’t sound elated to hear the news. Jobless on Hays Minor wasn’t fun. She’d tried for years to get the job she held now—or, had held. “I accept your offer.” She shifts from foot to foot, nervous as she licks her lips. There wasn’t much else to say or think about it. Angel refused to go back to doing what she did before holding her job at the weapons shop. “Am I allowed to make a request?”
“Fine,” he said as he reached a hand out to make a brief gesture that signaled for her to ‘go ahead.’
Somewhat relieved and reassured; knowing he was negotiable, Angel continues. “The place I’m renting has some important stuff I need if I’m going to be working. I’ll need to go and get it or have someone get it for me.”  
“When I go down tomorrow I will take you with me. The two troopers who accompanied me today will accompany you to your house to grab what you need.” He took a step closer and leaned down more to get to her eye level. “But do not think you are so important to me that they will not hesitate to shoot you should you try anything funny. The galaxy is vast after all. I could find thousands to replace you.” He stood straight once more and walked towards the door, waiting for it to automatically open. Then, he was gone.
Angel glares at the door, letting herself talk back now that he was gone. “I know that.” She slumps onto the hard bed, leaning against the metal wall. She had thought about running again, but he’d made it sound like even that would get her shot. She supposed that’s what she got for making a deal with people like this. 
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Chapter I - You Can’t Truly Be Gone
A cold, heavy rain fell on the red-neon lit bar sign, a staple in the town of Greyslough, on the planet Calyzen. It was a small planet that wasn’t heard of very often, floating cozily on the outer rim, far from any politics and destruction. Grassy hills and long lakes made the planet what it was, a thick layer of gloom laid on the planet but that didn’t stop the citizens from having a good time.
Every weekend the local bar doubled as a fight space, Calyzen brawlers all came and competed, not for any titles or anything fancy, just for the love of the crowd. It was mostly men that participated in such events, but around 7 years ago a young girl showed up and began training right away. She had to prove herself tough enough to take on the rough life of a brawler, but she surprised everyone and was deemed worthy. This girl was Valerie Sorveya, but her brawler name was just Val, some even called her Victorious Val which both embarrassed her and humored her.
Valerie was just 22 when she arrived on Greyslough, she was scared and alone, brought in by a delivery ship operator, Shay, who knew little about her. The first time they met was when Shay was on a regular route, picking up supplies from Naboo as well as other planets. But on his way to the lush planet, he got a call from Jedi Master Luke Skywalker, requesting that he pick up Luke’s cargo and drop it off on the way to his next stop. Shay had a great deal of respect for the Skywalkers, so of course he accepted, little did he know that this ‘cargo’ was a young girl with braided, dark brown hair, padawan cloak, and eyes bloodshot from crying, it was Valerie. He wasn’t the type of man to ask questions, he wanted to get the job done and have that be all, and Valerie remained quiet for the entirety of the ride. The only problem was that when Shay brought her to Luke’s requested drop-off point on Yavin 4, everything was either burned to ash or on fire, no one was on the planet at all. Shay watched the distraught brunette fall to her knees when she saw the destruction, the pain in her eyes was unlike anything he had ever seen. Shay contacted Luke several times and heard nothing, but he knew he couldn’t leave her there alone.
“Do you want me to take you back to Naboo?” Shay asked her, keeping some space from her.
She mustered up the courage to speak. “But I-...I’m supposed to be here.”
“But hon, there’s nothing here, I’m sorry, I don’t know what happened.” Shay got on one knee beside her, placing a hand on her shoulder gently.
Valerie looked at him. “Death, so much death.” Her eyes then focused back on the scene of black and red.
Shay shrugged his shoulders slightly, she wasn’t wrong but what was he supposed to say back? He thought for a moment before speaking. “Let’s get you back to your home.”
“I don’t have a home.” Valerie looked at Shay again, her voice grew a bit more clear. “It was Naboo, but my parents both died just days ago. I wasn’t supposed to come back here for another month but I requested Luke to end my break early, I couldn’t bear being there any longer.” Shay didn’t know what to say. “So I’m sorry sir, but I have nowhere to go now, and I have no way of paying for your service.”
Shay shook his head. “Don’t you worry about that right now. You’ve been through a lot, n’ I don’t normally do this… Well, I don’t normally deliver people actually.. But listen kid, if you’re willing, I’ll take you back t’ my home and we can get your situation sorted out, how does that sound?” Shay knew he needed to help her, it was the right thing to do and this girl needed any help she could get.
Valerie took several moments, the gears turning in her head as she tried to think of her options. She couldn't deny that his idea was the best one, though she didn’t exactly want to go to a new planet with a strange, somewhat scruffy looking man, he did seem to genuinely care for her though they hadn’t even exchanged names. “Where is your home?” She finally asked in a breathy voice, her tiredness was starting to affect her speech.
“Oh I live in GreySlough.” He said. She seemed confused, which didn’t surprise him. “It’s a great little planet, do you like rain?”
She laughed under her breath. “I actually do.” This made Shay smile.
“I’m Shay, Shay McDavin” He held his gloved hand out.
Valerie accepted and met her hand with his. “I’m Valerie, Valerie Sorveya. I was training here.”
“You was training with Luke Skywalker?” Shay said in amazement. “You’ll have to tell me about it on the ship, c’mon, let’s get a move on. Late schedule’s means less credits for food.” Shay helped Valerie stand and began walking to the ship. Before he got in, he turned and saw her standing there, lost in the sight of destruction again. “Valerie?” He called her.
This snapped her out of her fixed gaze. She turned her back slowly to the fires, walking away from what was meant to be her future, her life. Her face remained solemnly sad as she got into the ship and sat in the back seat. Shay reached back and took her hand in his.
“I promise things are gonna be alright. I always get the job done.” He gave her hand a small squeeze before letting go and starting up the ship.
After a few hours and a few stops along the way, Valerie had spoken only every now and then about Naboo, about her training, and asked questions about the planet they were heading to. Shay enjoyed having someone with him on the trips, they usually got lonely but after 40 years in the business, he was used to it. They finally arrived on GreySlough, rain dripping down the ship's windows and rusty panels. Valerie swallowed quietly and got out of the ship, her backpack secured on her shoulders as she followed Shay down the dirt road lit up by tall white lamps. They really weren’t very bright, all the buildings were very dark and looked somewhat abandoned.
“I’ll tell ya this right now, it isn’t much” Shay spoke as he walked up the wet wooden steps to an old brick house. “But it’s kept me dry all these years, so I think you’ll find it suitable. Then again, yer from Naboo.” He laughed, unlocking the doors with a slim key.
It was definitely a lot more old fashioned and run down than what she was used to. But her home on Naboo was usually described just like that. It was only a small cabin by the lake, not any kind of fancy city build, no porcelain or hand embroidered curtains like most others had, but she didn’t mind. This home was still very different, though who was she to become picky after losing essentially everything she had?
Shay showed her to her room, it was mostly empty, but there were a couple dusty boxes, a tall lamp and a spare mattress. Valerie put down her bag while Shay searched the closet for extra pillows and bedding. She walked towards the window, she was glad her bedroom was on the second floor, being up high was something she loved.
“What’s that over there?” Valerie asked. She noticed a bright red sign a few streets over but couldn't make out the text through the pouring rain and droplets hugging the window’s glass.
“That is the town’s entertainment center.” Shay said with a small chuckle as he stood up from making up the bed for her, she was too distracted to realize he had done that for her. “It’s a bar. But each weekend we have these town brawlers that fight over there.”
“Brawlers? Like.. they fight each other?” Valerie asked in a confused tone.
“Yep, but don’t worry, they’re all good sports, at least most of them.” Shay stepped towards the doorway. “I’ll take ya one day. But anyways, I know you’re probably tired so I’ll let ya go. I will be gone early in the morning but not for too long. If you’re up before I’m back, feel free to make yourself at home, you saw the kitchen on your way in right?”
Valerie nodded and leaned down to her bed. “I did. And Shay, thank you, truly.” She ran her hands on the blanket, it wasn’t very soft but that’s really how Valerie liked it, things that were too plush always bothered her skin.
“No need to thank me, hon. You’ve been through enough for one day. Just try to rest up.” Shay reached for the doorknob. “Goodnight.”
Valerie nodded to him as he shut the door. She took a glance around the room before reaching into her backpack and pulling out a medium sized plush toy of an Ice Peglin, a species that lived only on extremely cold planets, swimming and living off of fish. It was her favorite animal and her mother had made her this plush when she was just a baby.
She let out a small sigh and placed her plush on the bed. Her heart began to pound slowly and her emotions all reached her at once. Valerie was good at keeping her true emotions unknown from most, the exceptions being her mother and a classmate of hers. But this was all too much, everything was gone, everyone was gone. It was a dark day in the galaxy for everyone, but especially for Valerie. She began to slowly hyperventilate and tears streamed down her chiseled cheeks before she reached into her bag again, digging through for something. She pulled out a small device and unraveled a wire with two earpieces hung at the end of it. With the press of a button on the device, music began playing in the earpieces, Valerie put them in her ears and closed her eyes, hand over her mouth. Music was something she grew up surrounded by since her mother was a Nabooan musician. It calmed her from a place deep within her. Her breaths slowed, but the tears didn’t stop. She allowed herself to cry for around 10 minutes before wiping them away and changing into some sleep clothes, an old shirt and shorts. She had pictured her night very differently. She expected to be curled up in the arms of the man she cared so deeply for as he would have comforted her over her loss. It would have been in secret of course, Luke couldn’t know what was happening among his own students, his own nephew.
Valerie laid down in the bed, looking up at the ceiling with cracked white paint. One arm holding her plush close, the other on her heart, feeling to see if it had slowed down from her small panic attack.
“Ben.” She sighed. The tears began again, she saw no use in stopping them. This was what real, true, raw pain felt like. And she never expected to feel it over such things.
How will I keep going if you’re gone? She thought to herself.
The rest of the night was quiet, the rain pattering on the window helped ground her. Deep breathes filled the room as she put the music device away and curled back into bed. Her blanket met her shoulders and she turned towards the wall. Sleep was something she both feared in this moment, but also provided her comfort. She was scared to sleep because she saw it as making the day more real, like adding a period at the end of the sentence. But her comfort was just from her curiosity, would she go to sleep and then wake up on Yavin 4? She wondered if she had passed out on Naboo and was having a terrible dream. This wasn’t the case. And this was how she spent most nights for at least the first year on GreySlough.
You can’t truly be gone, Ben.
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romanarose · 8 months
Commissions now open!
Hi friends! I've found myself in a tight financial spot.
While fighting a very severe depression episode for a few months, I was unable to work as much as I needed to. That mixed with travel leaving my dorm and christmas break, I spent a lot of my money. I am behind on a few payments of things, including tuition, and will need gas money to get back to school. Im not super worried as I have most of january to work and save, and im working a lot! but A little bit extra would be helpful just to get caught up.
Who I write for: Most Oscar Issac characters (if you aren't sure, just ask. I'm open to trying something new!), The Four Miller Horsemen of the Apocalypse (Joel, Tommy, Will, Benny), Javier Pena, Han Solo, Kylo Ren. Open to other ideas just ask! As a note, my best writing, I feel, has been done on Santiago Garcia, Will Miller, Marc Spector, and Tommy and Joel Miller. They are my special guys.
I'll write about any pairing except the obvious no's like incest and underage. X reader, gn!reader, trans!reader, NB!reader, oc's, threesomes, LGBT parings and so on. I've never written male reader, but I'm willing to give it go. Any mix of race, religion, gender, sexual or romantic orientation etc, I will write and do my best to research the experience and listen to your voice on it.
Content I will write: All the usual, from fluff to non con. dark does not phase me. Again, there's a few no's, and I really can't think of all fetishes off the top of my head so, just ask! No shame from me, I'm into feet and piss lol. Threesomes or group sex are a yes, so is mixing characters from different media (for example, im writing a santiago garcia x reader x javier pena fic)
Pricing: $7 USD per 1000 words.
Will take payment via paypall, cashapp, venmo, but for your safety b ware you can often see full names or numbers. I don't really care but just so you know! Also willing to do other stuff like zelle, as long as i trust they are reputable.
Any questions just go ahead and DM me or comment! I'm pretty wide open.
Thank you!
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chemicalalice · 1 year
Fic: It's Not My Love You'll Drown In - Kinktober Day 2
Title: It's Not My Love You'll Drown In Summary: You could only reject Kylo Ren so many times Pairing: Kylo Ren x female!Reader (more of an OC, but no details are really mentioned so it can be read as xReader) Warnings: unprotected PinV sex, swearing. Angst. Angst. More angst? Rough sex. Please be mindful of yourself and do not read if this content bothers you. 18+ only! Word count: 2910 AN: For the prompt ‘bath/shower’ for Kinktober 2023. No beta. I have a whole background novel written in my head for the mess that is Kylo Ren, Hux, and reader for this little 'verse. I am sure I will be writing more at some point. My Kinktoer this year is just chock-full of toxic relationships this year. Yay?
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It was rare that your smile was actually genuine, and not just a front for some subtle manipulation. Now though, as you stepped into the bathing room, steam curling around you, your smile, and the sigh of pleasure that accompanied it, was real.
When it came to the Supreme Leader, Kylo Ren may be Snoke's apprentice, and Hux the preferred commander, but you were Snoke's favorite subordinate; the one granted the most freedom and the most privilege. Though it came at a cost. Snoke didn't care for your intelligence or, even more importantly, your powerful connection to the force. No, you face and your body were the only things that were considered your useful assets; ones Snoke saw to exploit and trusted you to use to further his agenda. No matter what it cost you.
You had had dreams once, ideas of what you wished your future would hold. They were simple, girlish things: a large home on a green planet, a handsome husband, the laughter of children filling you ears and heart. Ren had ruined all that for you. All you had now was your much envied place in the First Order hierarchy that still had most people regarding you as little more than a cunning whore who only had the power she did because she had seduced two of the most powerful men in the galaxy.
Still, it wasn't without its benefits. It was ridiculous and a waste of resources, but when you demanded the construction of a bathing chamber with a palatial soaking pool filled with water drawn from a mountain spring on a distant moon, there wasn't really anyone who could say no to you.
And you didn't mind taking Hux to your bed; not really. You actually cared a great deal for the man, all things considered. It could have even been love, in a different life.
You dropped your towel to the floor as you descended the steps into the pool, sighing again in satisfaction as the warm water rose up around your body. You refused to think of your other lover. The one you continuously rejected until it reached a tipping point and you had no choice but to give in. This was your favorite escape. And you would not sully this rare opportunity when both men were off ship and you had no one to demand anything of you by thinking of that....hulking beast.
You felt your blood pressure start to rise at the mere thought of Ren and took a deep breath, forcing the anger away.
A star ship was never truly quiet, there was always the low hum of the air handlers and engines, but all that became white noise that could easily be ignored as it faded into the background. Here, in this room, was the only place on the ship that you could find silence. And now, you happily embraced it.
Your eyes slipped shut as you sank deeper into the water. A rare sense of calm rolled over you and weight seemed to lift. You let yourself float, aided only ever so slightly with the Force that eternally swirled about you. And as your body floated, your mind drifted away.
You weren't sure how long you had been floating when you felt it- a gentle tug, a hand reaching out through the Force for you, yanking you back from the peace you had been swathed in. What had started as mere brush across your consciousness soon became more more forceful. Searching. Grasping. Demanding.
Your stomach sank in dismay and let you your legs drop, planting your feet on the bottom of the pool to stand, to escape, but the doors of the chamber were already being forced open and a storm of black cloth and anger was pouring in, the doors sliding shut behind him, sealing you in with the only person in the galaxy you despised more than Snoke himself.
The anger was pouring off him in waves, emotions made physical due to your sensitivity to the Force, and to him; and you watched as he ripped off his helmet, sent it hurling into the wall to his left, cracking the delicate tile with it's impact. You scowled, furious at his childishness and his never ending destruction of everything around him.
You knew he could feel your distaste by the way his eyes snapped to focus on you. They were filled with fury, no doubt at what was most likely another failure in his hunt for Skywalker, but as you watched them you could see the way that something else crept in. A familiar hunger. You skin prickled at the way his eyes traced over you, down from your face to your exposed body. Watched as his throat bobbed as he swallowed.
You dropped ungracefully back into the water, arms crossing over your chest, hiding what you could of your nakedness under the scant cover of the rippling water. It was petty and pointless. He knew your body inside and out, but you did it anyways. Any opportunity to deny him, deny the bond that held you two together for all eternity, was one that would would take. It was your own bit of childishness, you knew.
“Get out,” you hissed, even as you were moving away, pushing through the water until your back hit the far side of the pool.
“I need you.” His voice was low; urgent and forceful.
“You cannot deny me this.”
“I can and I will. Go lick the wounds of your failure elsewhere!”
“Please!” It didn’t take much before his show of bravado fell away and the desperation appeared.
“No Ren! You are not welcome here!” Your voice was a snarl, you mind pushing back against the hands you could still feel reaching out through the Force for you.
You glared at him. Even now, after all the years together, Kylo was still just as unpredictable to you as he was to outsiders. You did not know if he would give in, accept your rejection and slink away with his tail tucked between his legs. But as you waited, you saw the anger return. Your stomach sank. There would be no denying him this time.
Ren started forward, eyes fixed on you. You blinked in surprise when he didn’t stop at the edge of the pool, but descended down the steps into the water with all his clothes still on. The fabric took on water quickly, and although you knew it would have added a significant weight, it didn’t slow Kylo’s steady progress toward you in the slightest.
When he reached you, strong arms wrapping around you and hauling you to press against his firm body, you didn’t resist. There was no point anymore. Not tonight.
When his mouth descended to your, stars exploded behind your eyelids as you lips finally touched. The kiss was desperate, as if you were water and he a man near death with thirst. You felt it too. You hated the bittersweet relief his touch always brought, as if a part of your very being had been absent without him. And it would always be this way. He was your soulmate, the one person in the entire Universe that the Force decided you would be tied to forever, and in denying him you only denied yourself as well. There was no escaping fate.
You moaned loudly as his lips traveled from your mouth to your neck and continued their path south. His name slipped from your lips in a desperate cry as his mouth found your breast, lips closing around one nipple, tongue swirling around the bud. You leaned back, burying you hands in the dark mess of his hair, drawing him closer, as your back arched, opening yourself up to as much of your body as he wanted.
His mouth returned to your briefly before he pulled away, staring down at you with pleading eyes and swollen lips. “I need you.” He repeated his words from earlier.
“Then have me,” came your breathless reply, and your hands fell to the sodden fabric that concealed him from you. You wanted to feel him, to feel his skin, every inch of it pressed to yours. But you knew that would not be happening now. He was too desperate, too frenzied, after such a long time of being denied.
You helped him tug the heavy cowl off his shoulders. It was normally heavy, a thick, densely woven fabric that he wore almost as a shield, but it felt like an impossible weight now, with all the water it had absorbed. When he was finally free of it, he didn't bother with the tunic underneath, just reached down and freed himself from his trousers and undergarments. He barely had himself exposed before he was reaching for you again.
Kylo had the capability of being a good, considerate lover; to be gentle and accommodating. Long ago, in a different life when he had a different name, that is how it had always been between you. But now, with the years of hurt and anger and resentment between you, with his contestant desperate longing that you continuously rebuffed, he was usually too worked up to be the lover he once was when you finally did submit to him. You knew the rush stemmed from his fear that at any second you would turn cold, turn him again from your heart and body and his chance at physical connection with you would slip through his fingers like smoke.
He forced himself roughly between your thighs, lining himself up and then pushing up inside of you, burying himself to the hilt in one thrust that had you stretching around his almost painfully. He moaned loudly, pressing his face into the junction of your neck.
As was expected, his pace was quick, and the frantic pumping of his hips churned the water around you even as the force of his thrusts had you falling back against the side of the pool.
You threw you arms around his neck for balance, and the rough fabric of his wet clothes chaffed at your bare skin, the friction against your nipples shooting sparks of pleasure directly to your cunt.
You squeezed your eyes shut, tried to focus on the pleasure, on the feeling of his solid weight pressing down on you, on the fullness of him buried in your core.
His mouth was pressed to your throat, kissing, licking, biting at every inch of skin he could reach. And you could hear the words spilling from his lips. Mine. My queen. My empress. My goddess. My soul. A prayer only you would ever hear.
He reared back suddenly, ripping himself from your grasp, pulling out until only the tip of him remained in your body. His eyes were dark as he stared down at you, panting. “Tell me you are mine,” he demanded, one hand coming up to grope roughly at your breast, squeezing with a hand still gloved. You could feel him trembling, fighting to hold back from plunging back into you as he waited for your reply.
There was no point in denying it. Even if you lied, he would know. “I’m yours.” It was an answer, and promise, and a shackle, all wrapped in one weighty word.
You cried out, throwing your head back as he thrust back into you. Your fingers curled, nails digging into his shoulders at the fullness. He gasped your name in reply. And you could feel him, all of him; the push and pull of his cock as he rutted into your cunt; the desperate squeeze of his arms as he held you too him; and, through the bond, through the Force, his need for you, the pleasure he now took from your body and the love, the overwhelming desperate love that surged out towards you.
You were more at risk at drowning from that love than from the water that surrounded you.
It was too much. Too much and too long since you had allowed yourself to give in to the bond, give in to him; to let the connection you needed as much as you needed air to flourish.
You felt yourself spiraling quickly towards release, and then it was upon you, all your nerves lighting up with surges of color and pleasure as you clung to him, crying his name again and again as you came. In your pleasure, as he was connected to you with both body and soul, you lost yourself, not sure where you began and he ended. You could feel how your release, the how white hot clench of your cunt around him pulled from him his own orgasm. Felt the heat of his seed in your womb. Heard the long, low moan of your own name falling from his lips. Just as you were falling. Through space. Through time. Falling and falling, but safe in the knowledge he would catch you. That he would always catch you.
When the almost endless aftershocks of pleasure finally receded, and the haze cleared from your vision, you found yourself still cradled against him. He had one arm wrapped firmly around your middle, supporting you in the water where you had gone completely boneless. His other hand was cupping your face. He had removed his gloves, at some point, and now he was gently stroking your cheek with his thumb.
His eyes were warm, none of the anger that he had brought with him remained. And a soft smile, small, but there, lifted one side of his mouth. The rare appreance of happiness made him look younger, like a single smile could strip back the hate and anger that had twisted his soul into something you could barely recognize.
“Kylo.” His name nothing more than a whisper between you had him sliding his hand from your cheek to curl in your hair, guiding you lips to his again.
The kiss was slow, almost delicate. A sudden relearning of a past long gone now that your walls had been breached. It could have even been considered romantic, if you didn’t feel twitch of his cock, now softened, against the smooth skin of your inner thigh.
Your own lips twitched up into a ghost of a smile as you separated and gazed up at him, knowing it wouldn’t be long before he was fully hard again. One round was never enough to sate his desire.
His own smile grew in response to yours, as if he knew what you were thinking. His arm squeezed possessively where it still wrapped around you. “Stay with me tonight. Let me take my time with you. Besides, I doubt Hux will desire you tonight after I already had my way with you.”
Even in the heat of the room, you felt cold, as if ice were cascading down your spine. His words were light and carefree, no doubt meant to be some sore of awkward teasing. But they shocked you back to reality, shattered the illusion that perhaps things were as they once had been; as if Ren forgot that he was the reason that Snoke commanded you to seduce the General in the first place.
Ren still smiled, even as he felt you tense in his arms, even as contentment gave way to confusion and then to panic. You were pulling away, drawing back into your shell of simmering resentment. You reached out to the Force, and pushed. It was unexpected, and Ren lost his footing, falling back into the water, head going under.
When he emerged, sputtering and shaking his head like some sort of oversized dog, you were already ascending the steps of the pool. You held out your hand, and the towel you had left on a stool near the pool leapt from its spot and flew into your hand. You wasted no time wrapping it around you, a physical barrier to accompany the emotional one you were hastily rebuilding.
“My love,” Ren’s words were a plea; for you to stay; for you to forgive him; for you to love him as you once had.
“General Hux is off ship at the moment, My Lord. Fortunately I shall not be entertaining either one of you tonight. Although, of the two of you, the General’s company is always the more enjoyable.” You words were quick and sharp, the killing blow to whatever bridge had begun to form over the rift between you.
You didn’t look back. Even now, you still could never bear to see the soul deep anguish that was only too plain to see on his face when you rejected him like this. When you rejected his love.
Love. His love had once been all you needed. His fall changed that. You were no Sith, but you could understand the anger that Snoke encouraged his apprentice to embrace, for the strength it provided. You embraced the anger now too. Love. You could not deny that you still loved Kylo Ren. But it was no longer the pure innocent love of your youth. This love, as destined as it was, as lasting as it would be, was no longer pure. Hate, anger, love; all bound up in a gordian knot of pain.
You didn’t look back, but you could feel his despair. And as he stood there, a dripping black shadow in the middle of the now still water, you knew he could feel yours.
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thedarkcoven · 1 year
Bio of Darth Rayvin Ren
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-Some of this info is/may be NONCANON so please do not come at me. This is for my OC and my story of my OC and Kylo Ren. This is for fun and to not be taken seriously. The edit is made by me and I ONLY take credit for the banner not the pics used-
Divider by: @saradika​
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Birth Name:
Anne V’Torr
Sith Name:
Darth Rayvin (Rayvin Ren - after marriage to Kylo Ren)
Birth place:
Current Home:
Star Destroyer/First Order Ship
27 (two-four years younger than Ben Solo/Kylo Ren)
5′0″ (152.40 cm)
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mother ( Unknown-deceased)
father (unknown-deceased)
Poe Dameron - Ex boyfriend
Ben Solo/Kylo Ren- Master. Husband. Father of her children
Armitage Hux - Friend/Significant (intimate) partner Lea Briesje - Friend/Sister
Luna Ren/Solo (Daughter)
Huxley Ren/Solo (Son)
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Resistance (Former)
First Order (Current)
Sith (Current)
Anne V’Torr grew up along side the young Jedi Knight Ben Solo. At a young age she would often do tasks for her mother. In a hurry she ran into the young Prince, knocking the times from her small arms onto the floor. Ben Solo chuckled and told her everything is okay and helped her with gathering her things and helping her back to her home. 
Ben would often spend time with young Anne, finding excuses to use her Force to do little tricks to make her smile. Years passed and Ben comforted her in the loss of her parents when they were out working as Resistance Fighters. She would spend most of her remaining days quiet and with Ben. It wasn’t until the day he left for Jedi training that she felt like she lost everything.
It wasn’t until years later when she joined The Resistance to get revenge for her parents. There she met a young pilot by the name of Poe Dameron who encountered a similar fate of losing his parents. They bonded together as pilots and the burning fire that raged within them to get the revenge they craved so badly. Every night a man in dark robes plagued her dreams. Something was familiar about him. After a few years of being with Poe they decided to stay friends, allies in the Resistance. Work became their main priority after all. 
Years after joinign the Resistance a bit after her 23rd birthday she encountered the very man who plagued her thoughts and dreams at night. Before she could call for backup the man placed his hand up and forced her into slumber, carryign her limp body onto his ship.
When she woke she struggled against her restraints, panic taking over as she noticed her surrounds were of not Resistance but First Order. The sound of the door wooshing open made her freeze in place as the masked man stepped foot into the dark room. 
“I finally found you.” He spoke sending chills up her spine. 
“Who are you and what do you want from me?” She snipped. 
“A friend.” He answered softly, stepping closer to Anne. 
“I am no friend of The First Order. You’re a monster!” 
“That may be true but there is no denying that you easily let me into that head of yours, Anne” 
The man before her moved his hands up to his helmet, a wooshing sound as the front plate moved upward before he removed it, revealing who he was to her. 
“Ben?” Tears filled her eyes at the man she thought she would never see again. 
“Not anymore. Ben Solo is dead. I am Kylo Ren and I am going to show you how to embrace your powers so you dont have to hide them anymore. Let me show you that path.” A smirk appeared on the dark haired prince’s face as she nodded. “Good... From this day forward you shall be known as Rayvin. My apprentice.” 
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frog-cultist · 10 months
Screw it kylux lovechild
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Couldn’t help myself, I’ll make some stuff with his dads later when I get the motivation
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ozai-the-bonsai · 5 months
*Sips from the glass of wine*
Well, since the tumblr interface on mobile seems to hate my profile description, I decided to create myself a better one.
(If you want to see my works, scroll down!)
About me
Hello, Zuko here. [Awkward introduction moment] Anyways, I guess I could describe myself as an ambivert person (she/her) with an alt-soul - if I hadn't been urged to suppress it, I would have ended up being punk/grunge long ago... Sadly, I got accustomed to the society's norms over the years - though I try to show my real personality from time to time. I love various genres of rock and metal, but my favourite one is by far symphonic metal. (Gatekeepers are NOT welcome in this blog so I will say this politely: go away) Currently, I am majoring in computer science with a minor in psychology and living together with my boyfriend and our pet Mooncake (which is in fact a robot vacuum, I am not responsible enough to own a cat, yet). Writing is my biggest passion and sadly, it gets neglected the easiest since I do it for myself (mostly). I hate myself for this sometimes but I try to work on prioritising what I love!
My Works
I mainly write for: Harry Potter (Sirius Black, Tom Riddle), ATLA (Zuko), HODT (Daemon Targaryen), Shadow&Bone (The Darkling), Ragnarøk (Fjor Jutul)
I used to write for (you can still request them tho): Harry Potter (Draco Malfoy), Star Wars (Anakin Skywalker, Kylo Ren), Winx (Valtor)
Cry for the Moon - Zuko x firebender!reader
Request by anon - Zuko x Water Tribe Princess!reader
Daemon Targaryen
Tame the Dragon - Daemon Targaryen x Targaryen!reader
Request by eddiemadmunson - Daemon Targaryen x BestFriend!reader
Like Lovers Do - Daemon Targaryen x fem!reader
Memento Mori - Daemon Targaryen x fem!reader
Tom Riddle
For the Greater Good - Tom Riddle x Slytherin!OC
Shadow & Bone
Power Corrupts People - Darkling x OC, one-shot or smt like this
Ghost in the Dark - Valtor x OC
Fjor Jutul
Seiðr - Fjor Jutul x OC (There is only the first chapter, the complete story is on my Wattpad)
There are also some stories (both completed and discontinued) on my Wattpad but I don't use it anymore - if anyone wants to check something out there for any kind of reason, the username is PotterCat.
[I will be updating this post with each new work]
If you have come so far and read all this, I would like to thank you for your time! Have a wonderful day ^.^
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kylos-starlight · 5 months
Introducing my sw oc Mikal Reese (Pronounced Me-kale) he is the twin brother of Kaden Reese~! They're both mechanics on the star destroyer. (In the everyone is terrible timeline lol) i wanted to make my self-insert too lol
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Name - Mikal Reese
Age: 35
Hair colour: brown
Eye colour: Green
Features: beauty marks beside his lip and on his neck.
Height: 5'9"
Siblings: Twin Kaden Reese
Occupation: Mechanic aboard the Star Destroyer, The Finalizer.
Gender: Cis Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexual Orientation: Pan
Mikal is fiercely protective over his sibling. Which Doesn't go well upon learning that Kaden is in a relationship with Kylo Ren (Or Matt as he's in that universe as well!)
He's very perceptive.
Is the "little bro"
Crazy smart.
can be a goof around those he cares about
Very much an extrovert
Gets air sick (hoo boy..)
aspires to be a pilot one day.
Always has to have a drink after work
Always smells like metal and oil
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natureboy96 · 2 months
“Problematic” ships that people still ship because you literally can
A follow up to my “villainous characters who got redemption”, but focused on ships now - because you can literally ship any two character, or your self-insert, together. And it doesn’t matter if it’s problematic, because you’re allowed to make problematic ships and share them - and fuck people if they think they have the right to judge you for em. If people don't want to see them, it's up to them individually to curate their experience; It's certainly not a fandom's place (or people who claim to represent the fandom or 'majority') to exclude people because some dislike them more than others.
Do I personally ship these? Not really. Also haven't seen many of them before or their source material, not a horror fan and skipped the new star wars. Some of these make me uncomfortable to think about too.
Do I care that other people ship them? Not really. If I see something and I don't like it I don't have to read or look at it.
Should any of these be banned for being problematic? Not in the slightest. I'm not inside someone else's brain, I don't know what motivates them to write or draw or create how they do. People are allowed to experience and interact with the media they like how they want.
Dean & Sam Winchester: a literal tumblr classic, “Wincest” has existed as long as the show has. Aside from the fact they are canonically brothers, they’ve also attempted to kill each other and been abusive towards each other for seasons, as well as loved each other intensely.
Hannibal and Will Graham: One's a literal cannibal, the other is tasked with tracking him down... until he gets wooed to the serial killer's side - and fandom takes it to another level!
A Ton of Harry Potter Ships: Harry x Voldemort, Bellatrix x Hermione, Draco x Anyone - having canonically insane characters like Bellatrix (not to mention adults, though from my brief sojourn into this one they're all aged up to be adults) in a full on romantic relationship with the main heroes is wild, but has a history older than some of the people on this site!
Kylo Ren and Rae: Might need to add Kylo Ren to my terrible actions but redeemed list - literally kills his father and countless others, kidnaps Rae and abused her, and still manages to be instrumental to saving the day. Fandom just gives them the relationship the canon hadn't time for!
Lucy and the Ghoul: here's a fresh one, right out of the Fallout tv series! He's over 200 years old, he kidnaps her, he uses her as bait for a monster, he hits and physically assaults her, he cuts off her finger.. Go ahead and ship em!
A crap ton of horror movie slashers and their victims/other slashers: Michael Myers and Laurie, Jason Vorhees and a lot of OC's, Jason Vorhees and Freddy Kreuger?!? They did have at least two movies together... Oh, and those two guys from the first Scream movie, but that one honestly feels more canon than not (and one of the few slashers I've seen!)
The Entire Mortal Kombat Cast with each other: for a game that's renowned/infamous for having ridiculously gory, over the top kill animations of your opponents, there's no doubt all of these guys have had some mixing and matching going on.
Dracula and Jonathan Harker: ... Ok, this one is practically canon, right?
add more in the comments or replies below!
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enaelyork · 1 year
[Masterlist] Once upon a time in a galaxy far far away...
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18+ ✨ French speaker ✨ Imperial girl ✨ Star wars fan ✨hyperfixation ✨ Fanfiction writer ✨ I write books & teach ✨ Ask Open ✨ Safe place.
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All design of this post and fic post from @saradika
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✨ You can joint my taglist here ✨
💜 AO3 💜 Wattpad
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Sonic Fandom
Evil grow with love (Robotnik x Reader long fic) : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 🔥17🔥 18
Happy Birthday Doctor (x reader)  Part 1 - Part 2
Royal guest Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3    (Request)
Stockholm Syndrom Part 1
All it's fake ! Agent Stone x Reader (fake couple) but...Reader x Robonik.
Latte make with love (xReader)
In the lab
If i dare
All that i miss
Panic at the Mushroom ! 🔥🔥🔥
⚡ Headcanon
What happen to agent Stone after Sonic movie ?
If Robotnik had a past
If Robotnik meet neutral tattoo reader?
Robotnik in love (x Reader)
Stone / Robotnik Professionnal relationship be like
⚡ One shot
Stobotnik Wedding
Depressed reader
If i Dare (Stobotnik Angst)
Loose your cool (x reader)
It’s just for science (xreader)
Robotnik x Adhd reader
What a f*cking latte - Robotnik x Agent Reader
You're smart ! (Chubby reader)
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Star Wars Fandom
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🤍Orson Krennic
Nébuleuse - Krennic x Tarkin Daughter Oc (Tarkin Legacies 3) 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10
Nébuleuse preview
Danse scene with Krennic (Nébuleuse version)
Nsfw wip (From Nébuleuse)🔥🔥🔥
Just a kiss (Nébuleuse wip)
Dating Krennic
Dating Krennic Nsfw 🔥🔥
Daddy Krennic (with Tarkin daughter reader)
Wedding proposal (with Tarkin daughter reader)
Krennic x Veers sister reader
Krenhux aesthetic
Hux/Krennic relationship headcanon
Krennic's room aesthetic
Nébuleuse sample #3
Krennic Past Life headcanon
Long time ago in Brentaal IV (Galennic)
Dating Krennic Headcanon Aesthetic
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💙Grand Admiral Thrawn
BLUE - Thrawn x Tarkin Daughter OC (Tarkin Legacies 2) 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10
Thrawn x reader aesthetic for a gala
Dating Thrawn headcanon
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🧡General Hux
If we had a soul (Hux x First order admiral Oc) - Only on AO3 cause long long fic
First dating with Armitage Hux Aesthetic
Hux Krennic relationship headcanon
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If Kylo Ren had a child
Dating Tarkin headcanon
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Others fandoms
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Divine Essence (Gorr the godbutcher x reader)
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