#kyman anti anti
anthareblog · 1 year
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loobonx1 · 9 days
Kyman shippers disgust me
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Like they either make kyle secretly inlove with cartman (even tho cartman has discriminated him many times) or cartmans secretly inlove with kyle (even tho he's done many things so kyle to make him not liked by him)
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Meanwhile, they despise eachother in the show, I guess yoai obsessed dweebs think creek isn't enough.
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pocketherbert · 5 months
Kyman antis are actually so fucking funny
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riships · 5 months
“Matt and Trey would hate you for shipping kyman!”
Okay I know this is hard for you to believe, they are in their 50s with wives and kids. They are not chronically online and they do not care what random teenagers or even adults on the Internet ship because wait for it South Park is anti-censorship and Matt and Trey the creators are anti-censorship and Trey even said he doesn’t mind shipping like he doesn’t care and Matt probably doesn’t either you know why? because they are aware that it’s fiction and doesn’t affect reality. Therefore they don’t care because they have lives.
(I had to have this rent because of an argument I had on TikTok with somebody)
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breakinghorses · 1 year
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I was iffy on posting this bc I have a LOT of ideas preceding and following this particular scenario and wanted to have it all finished before i shared stuff, but, eh. If I draw anymore, i’ll compile it somehow. I probs won't clean up the comics more than this though due to being busy, so u guys only get loose scribbles.
Also shoutout to @numbknee's fics for hella inspiring me enough to want to loosely play with some of their ideas/characterizations (hoping they don't mind), if u haven't read their fics, you should: https://archiveofourown.org/users/numbknee/pseuds/numbknee/works?fandom_id=35537
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wemwem · 2 years
And that's on periodt
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tyranitardude · 3 months
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Stumbled across this meme, and it definitely fits Kyman and Dip lmao. The former is self explanatory, and the latter is because Damien set Pip on fire.
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catgirl-catboy · 1 year
"Liking X ship makes you a proshipper" FALSE. It could also make you an extremely hypocritical anti whose head is so far up your ass that you think you are the only person on earth with morals.
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c0unt-fagu1a · 3 months
Kyman Headcanons
Kyle monitors Eric's Twitter/X so he doesn't get banned
They probably watch a shit ton of movies, but Kyle heavily dislikes horror movies, and his least favorite is Human Centipede. They've watched it once, and Kyle hates it. He'd leave the room if Cartman ever tried to get him to watch it again
Kyle sends Eric an alarming amount of Instagram reels/TikToks/dumb shit when he's severely bored
Not entirely Kyman, but Eric is genderfluid (Kyle doesn't care as long as they're both comfortable)
After a while, Eric begins to read the Torah (I think that's the name of the Jewish scripture. Please correct me if I'm wrong) (and when I say after a while, I mean six months to a year)
Eric also thinks about openly converting to Judaism (he does!!)
Shockingly, Eric can cook and bake (he's a housewife fr /j)
They have like 5 million cats (2. It's 2 cats.)
Kyle always steals Eric's clothes because they're "dirty" (he wears them)
Eric wears glasses, and though he hates them, Kyle loves them
It's the same with Kyle's hair– Kyle hates his hair, but Eric is actually obsessed over it.
Kyle calls Eric "Eric" when they're alone but "Cartman" in public. He doesn't use many other pet names
Cartman uses a ton of pet names, and they're mostly obnoxious (Kyle love them)
Eric also loves PDA, whereas Kyle pretty much only likes hand holding and a kiss on the cheek in public
Kyle calling Eric "Cartman" is like your parent saying your full name for them
Cartman overexaggerating absolutely everything in their relationship
Eric is a Zodiac Girl
I suggest (later down the line):
Eric is learning how to make traditional Jewish meals, especially for holidays (like Hanukkah). He comes over one winter to celebrate with the Broflovskis. Makes a perfect Latke or whatever it's called.
Sheila isn't pleased to have him over. Kyle thinks it'll be a disaster.
Sheila is very hesitant to try the latkes. She is pleasantly shocked when it's wonderful
Also, Eric gets along with everyone in the Broflovskis family eventually.
He's a sweet and pleasant boy in front of Sheila. An absolute terror with Ike (they probably bond by gaming together), and he's worse when he and Gerald are trolling people online.
Kyle has no idea what or how Eric is getting along, but he's slightly suspicious of it, nonetheless
Eric and Sheila talk about Kyle's hair all the time.
"He's so handsome. I don't know why my little boy hides his curls."
"I know, Mrs. Broflovski. I keep telling him, but he's just so stubborn."
Everyone thinks that Eric's love language is physical touch (because of how he acts in public) it's actually acts of service
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alegitdumbass · 10 months
Tw: death threats
I hate the fact that I have to hide the fact I ship Cartters/Buttman, Kyman, (any ship with Cartman besides women and adults, not all of them tho), and other stuff (nothing triggering for me and shit and illegal), like isn't shipping supposed to be about having fun?
Not having to worthy about a certain amount of people thinking I'm a proshipper. Honestly, I don't care about proshippers or antis, just respect me and I'll do the same to you. Anyways, isn't it supposed to be about having fun? It's not fun if I have to hide my ships afraid of being called a proshipper and shit, hell, one person said "kys" to a person and I said that's not ok.
They decided to find my account on Tumblr, look through my AO3 account and then expose it out of context. All because I told them to not tell someone that.
It's stupid. Telling anyone that either way is horrible. It doesn't change anything, it doesn't do anything, and it doesn't help the situation. Also, people read the story when it says it's gonna be gross but people still read and complain. It's annoying and makes you look like an idiot.
I just had to get this off my chest cause it just pisses me off. I don't care if I get hate, I don't care anyways. I'm not hurting anyone by shipping these things, hell I don't ship anything that feels illegal or gross in my opinion.
Just leave me alone and others alone if they aren't bothering you. If you don't like their content but they're not breaking any of the rules, just block them and or the tags, it's so much easier and more nicer than causing more drama.
Thank you for reading.
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akechi-if-he-slayed · 10 months
oh my GOD you guys are truly insufferable does it rlly pain u that much to like art of someone who also draws kyman that u have to. like go through a whole routine just to be sure they’re pure or whatever lmao
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anthareblog · 2 years
It’s so funny to me how Kyman antis excuse for hating the ship is that it would be toxic... but the MOMENT there’s a platonic edit they lose their shit and say the “love their duo!”
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kymanismydrugy · 1 year
I just got told I should kms simply by saying “Kyman is just a ship, and it’s nothing big and you shouldn’t freak out about it.” 🥰🥰 Anyways! Look at them, they’re such silly little guys! 🥺🥺 What are they doin’??? 🥰
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cerulean-cave · 10 months
my favorite thing about kyman is the fact that they're meant to be opposites. there colors are quite literally complementary.
but, putting "opposites attract" aside, their dynamic is essentially yin and yang—one cannot exist without the other.
cartman is an agent of chaos, wants to wreak havoc in anyway he can. he loves the feeling of getting under kyle's skin, revels in kyle's anger. one could argue that most of his diabolical shit comes from the guise of just wanting to capture kyle's attention.
kyle is an agent of peace. he wants to keep things calm and stop whatever scheme cartman is planning. it gives him purpose in life, and him wanting to be a martyr helps to fuel this. he could just ignore cartman, like stan or kenny typically do, but he is not physically able. he has to take the bait. he can't let cartman win. it's deeply ingrained in his personality.
they give each other purpose. and that's what I fucking love about them
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riships · 5 months
power couple
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roostertuftart · 1 year
I saw someone say the other day that style would never work because Kyle needs someone that challenges him and
1. Idk where you got the idea Stan doesn’t challenge Kyle because oh boy does he
2. Also like. Idk? Challenge him how? Fight with him? It’s fine if you like kyman or whatever but Kyle is a really insecure character who CRAVES having people stand by him and support him. If anything, having Stan support him more (and vice versa Kyle supporting Stan) is what their relationship needs to work, not someone who’s gonna fight with Kyle and give him a hard time constantly/leave him to fend for himself more
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