#Ethical guidelines???
anthareblog · 2 years
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brucewaynehater101 · 5 months
i want you to know that i scroll through your posts and interactions just to find all your fic recs and open new ao3 tabs.
your tim parenting Bruce au has destroyed me and I love it so much thank you for your service.
do you have any more particularly gut wrenching aus cooking up in your genius noggin?
Heeeey. How'd you know I had a new AU I haven't released yet?
But before we get into that, thank you for the compliments. Angst is my favorite flavor.
As far the AU, you know the saying, "You either die as a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain"?
I feel like that could fit Tim so well.
How I imagine the AU to start out would be Tim as Robin. He's in the batcave with Bruce as the man is showing him a particularly devastating case. Bruce, his mentor but not his father, turns to Tim with a grimmace.
"There's a reason we have a code, Tim."
They both glance at Jason's memorial and Bruce's hands start to shake.
"As much as we may want to give in to our desires and emotions, we can't stoop down to their level. There needs to be lines we won't cross, even for the greater good."
Azure eyes snap to arctic ones, begging for the younger to understand.
"We do this to protect others, even those who are twisted and foul. We aren't the judges or executioners."
Tim nods in agreement, and Bruce's shoulders lose a little of their tension. The older man pats the teen's shoulder in pride before his attention goes back to the murder case.
Tim, as Robin, had many interactions with Bruce that shaped who he was as a vigilante. How much force to apply when fighting, what lines to cross, and acceptable codes of conduct were taught to the kid in several instances. It didn't matter that Bruce himself had broken them or that, on very rare occasions, Dick also broke them. They were rules Tim was expected to follow, and they were reasonable lines. Of course, Tim did everything he could to meet those standards. He may have trained with Lady Shiva, and YJ may get into so whacky ordeals, but there's no excuse to go outside of those bounds.
It became difficult, though, when Jason beat Tim into the floor of Titan's Tower. When Jason, after hurting several family members, was welcomed back. It became a strain on Tim when Bruce enacted the 16th Birthday present fiasco or Tim found out about what the man had done to Dick (the bruise he left on Dick's face after Jason's passing). It was demanding to follow those rules when Damian came into the picture and when Dick handed him Robin.
When Tim found that painting of Bruce, when Dick and the JL turned their backs on him, when YJ wasn't there to support him, some part of Tim said "fuck it." Why should he follow standards he had to leash Bruce into obeying? The man wasn't even here anymore.
He still tried, but he gave less effort to it. He didn't want Bruce to find out when he returned after all.
But Tim? He never returned from that desert. As far as the Bats become aware after Tim sends them the data for Bruce and then blows up the bases, Tim died in the explosions he caused.
And the rest of the AU goes into Tim exploring how the guidelines Bruce gave him were bullshit, so he slowly starts to let more and more go until he has no moral bounds anymore. He's seen Bruce, Jason, Damian, Barbara, Alfred, and Dick all break one or more of these "rules" that were placed on Tim. So why should Tim go along with it?
What does it matter if he betrays, manipulates, tortures, and kills if it saves the most people? What does it matter if he commits suffering if he's helping people?
Until, one day, Bart and Kon are on the other side of the battlefield from Tim. While Bart is steadfast in defeating Tim (no matter how much it pains him), Kon is devastated that Tim never told him he was alive. He doesn't even care that Tim is a villain. If he had just asked, Kon would've joined him.
It's too late now. Bart needs Tim to stop, Tim can't let Kon join him, and Kon is torn between his duty and his friend.
So Tim does what he always does, he sacrifices himself. He allows them to take him into holding, executes his plan to murder all villains left, places restrictions on the JL (so they'll never hurt anyone the way they hurt Tim and abandoned his friends again), and then Tim disappears. Bart opposing Tim was the sign that Tim was in the wrong. He knows that. If he wasn't, Bart would've been on Tim's side no matter how morally grey he got.
Tim had crossed into the black.
He became what he always feared he might one day be.
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spielzeugkaiser · 10 months
Hi, Sorry to bother you, I'm just an anon who loves your art. It's just that I haven't seen you on Tumblr in the last weeks and I just hope that you're all right. I wanted to send you good vibes and wish you a good week. Also, I wanted to thank you for your incredible art and stories. I love your work and I hope and wish that you're okay. I'm looking forward to your come back but take all the time you need, absolutely no pressure. Your well-being is more important. I'll stop talking now. Bye !
Awww, thank you, that means a lot!! 🥺💖🥺
I've been ill for the couple last weeks (which is nothing new, because everyone who knows me also knows that I'm always ill) but this time nobody is sure what it actually is, so it's lots of: 'see if those meds do anything - oh no (nothing happens beside me being drowsy as fuck)' so I have been conserving my energy for the days where work is not avoidable and pured the rest into writing some papers I have a deadline for (about sepsis. yeeee)
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aflamethatneverdies · 9 months
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@pilferingapples it is more egregious because all these articles written by Global North academics are talking about decolonising the field of bioethics, they're talking about importance of listening to and recognising research in healthcare from Global South and yet, how do you expect this to happen in the unequal system that persists in academia?? I can easily find articles about bioethics from US, UK, EU, Australia etc. There is dearth of information from Global South and the ones that are published are behind a paywall. The least, the extreme bare minimum these journals can do is make it open access, waive the fees. But, no! All their arguments are for their research papers. No one actually wants to do what they are so eager to publish. And that kinda sucks, imo.
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grrrrr i need praise and attention and scratches auuughhhh
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necronatural · 1 year
people spreading misinfo about what misinfo was being spread as criticism for the protests against project moon obliteration beam. shut the fuck up
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thebnha-auhoard · 2 years
Kai did fall quite easily into vigilantism after completing his degree of medicine and nursing, of course it was the simple things first, take care of the hurt, patch it up, not be really bothered to avoid a quirk use violation on his "healing" quirk (look, it is easy to forget a child that was never registered, but it isn't much easy to do so with a quirk so specific, so maybe Kai quirk description can be a bit more misleading than it let's on, but any precinct near would know better than to mess in the head of the family business).
But things escalated as they do, so sometimes Kai has to protect himself and victims, or potential victims too, he takes a liking to use his full respirator mask while going out in the night, his hood hides his purple hue. And white and covering his whole body are just the procedures of course. It makes clear what he left out of his almost impenetrable defense when something gets to him, and it is easier to clean than most people think!(Oboro:I would like to object that Bleach and Blue Soap just aren't good for any clothing-)
When one of the tugs, someone who lived to fight and had a whole story about it, asked his name. Well, Kai isn't the most creative of the bunch. Overhaul, the Alchemist is born in a fighting ring rigged with slavery, but Kai was a vigilante for years beforehand.
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byakuyasdarling · 10 months
I think a good thing about being away from social media though is just caring so much less about all the internet argument stuff. It’s so much less stressful just focusing on me and my health and the people close to me.
Especially with AI stuff. Of course I don’t agree with it scraping from artists but I love when artists reclaim it as a tool and I think it should be used as such. You can’t stop a program from existing, it’s useless. But you can make guidelines to ensure it’s uses are ethical and practical — basically to make jobs easier and not over-work artists, not to replace them.
I think there’s so much to still work-out in that regard, obviously.
Another thing that used to stress me out was those “press 3 buttons to save my pet” videos. I always try to do the copy link think and get interactions up but it started triggering me my anxiety which wasn’t good. Have you guys experienced that, and how did you deal with it? /gen
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fazcinatingblog · 1 year
I think the exam was a lot better than I expected!!!! Maybe I will actually check the results on December 1st!!!!! Maybe.
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lovesour · 1 year
musings below
#I would love to write fic. the ethics of RPF are convoluted but I don't bother with convoluted#I mean look. I don't know these guys so. In essence when you write fic about them you're only toying with an _idea_ of them. Not really the#Although admittedly it would be jarring to have your likeness used for fangirly wetdream daydream written in the purplest prose#the purplest prose youve ever seen and slapped onto archive of our own#The other problem is I'm not good at writing#and the Other other problem is that I actually have incredible respect for Carlos hes something of a personal hero for me#musically. theatrically. and stylistically as well. Adore that guy#and he's actually very Online. and. Present. for being an older gentleman. Alright he's not that old.#Lots of political commentary. I love to read his newsletters as well. He is actually a very warm man. Something a lot of people don't know#because they were never able to get over his theatrics and sense of style. found him arrogant or pretentious.#And he is pretentious but I say this in a strictly loving way#Anyway. Let me tell you a secret#Carlos actually has a tumblr. Yeah. And well#Frankly the idea of him being on the same platform as me horrifies me to no end. Imagine if he saw what I was doing#PFSSHSHHS. I think at the precise moment Carlos ever opened my blog. wherever i was#and whatever i was doing the flesh in which i inhabit would instantly initiate self destruct#because i couldnt live after that NYAHAHAHA#And he is so accesible by virtue of being very authentic genuine. but i can never ever interact with him online becaaause#I have a personal guideline I must always strongly adhere to. NEVER. MEET. YOUR HEROES.#So yeah. That's my musing for tonight. It's 3 AM and I'm unhinged. Like maximum of seven people will ever read this. Whatever
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obstinaterixatrix · 1 year
this falls into ‘if everyone would just’ venting so don’t take it too seriously but it severely irks me when people are addressing a specific problem from a specific population and do so in a completely ineffective way, you’re not talking to the people this relates to you’re talking to yourself. that’s fine but effective rhetoric is understanding an audience and tailoring your argument to what is most effective against them, not what would be most effective against you. pathos, logos, ethos, whatever the fuck. all communication is manipulation and you are not putting nearly enough effort into manipulation.
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liapher · 2 years
at least nothing i do online is nearly as embarrassing as what some full professors post on twitter and/or non-anonymous openreview threads. under their full name and everything
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dostthouhavekittens · 2 years
i’m rewatching hannibal rn for funsies and my only big gripe with it is the fact that they treat the distance between minnesota and baltimore like it’s NOTHING like they treat it like it’s a six hour car ride at most. that motherfucker is a three hour plane ride!!!!!! what do you mean hannibal and freddie lounds and everyone else goes to minnesota and no one notices!!!!!!! someone would notice!!!!!! do these motherfuckers have a private plane??????
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llycaons · 2 years
oh my god I found a fic that makes the lan sect out to be a cult
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lesbiankoby · 2 years
it’s not really possible to close pandora’s box about ai art tools at this point
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nichellegerman · 4 days
Social Media Ethics
The current state of social media ethics: what trends are happening in the industry? 
We are currently living in one of the most inflammatory times in the world.  Current trends include how to handle misinformation, making people take accountability with inflammatory language, how to include inclusion and diversity, how to address people who are unaware of their actions and behaviors (Freberg, 2021), the push for authenticity and security as it pertains to social media.  
What are two current cases related to social media ethics? 
Facebook has not escaped its fair share of ethical issues.  In 2020, they were accused of spreading falsehoods during the election and of selling its users' data.  Here are two current cases relating to social medica ethics: 
According to Lathan et al. (2023) Facebook has reached settlements with the Federal Trade Commission for documented cases of privacy abuses despite the CEO's claim that users knowingly choose to share their information and data with the platform.   
Additionally, Lauer (2021) discusses the ethical failures of Facebook where he states that Facebook is ground-zero for anti-vaccination and pandemic misinformation, with the 26-min conspiracy theory film “Plandemic” going viral on Facebook in April 2020 and garnering tens of millions of views. Facebook’s attempt to purge itself of anti-vaccination disinformation was easily thwarted when the groups guilty of proliferating this content removed the word “vaccine” from their names.  During 2020, there was a lot of misinformation as it pertains to Covid. 
These are just two cases that highlight privacy abuse and spreading misinformation within Facebook. 
Outline the current code of ethics for social media by a professional organization you would be interested in joining as part of their social media staff. 
I would love to work with the City of East Providence.  Below is a brief outline of the current code of ethics for social media for the City of East Providence.  According to the City of East Providence. (n.d.): 
Social Media Policy: City of East Providence 
I. Introduction 
Purpose and Introduction 
The city of East Providence has established social media guidelines to guarantee consistency and alignment with the mission.  These policies ensure uniformity, support their mission and protect the city’s character.  
II. Authorizations & Approvals 
Approval from the Chief Information Officer (CIO) or the City Manager is required before any city department can create, use, or deactivate a social media account. 
Only the CIO or the City Manager can approve employees to  manage, edit and post on the official social media accounts. 
Account Creation 
Employees need approval from the CIO, City Manager, and department head to create a social media account in the name of the City or any other city agency. 
III. Posting 
Approval Process 
Prior to posts going live, the City of East Providence sets up procedures to get posts approved. 
Posted Content 
All content must follow the social media guidelines set by the CIO and City Manager and should be relevant to the department’s mission, services, and goals. 
All social media pages should clearly show that they are managed by the City of East Providence and must link to the City’s official website on the main page of any social media site. 
IV. Content 
Don’t post anything that doesn’t directly support the mission, services, or objectives and avoid sharing or approving content that infringes on copyrights, trademarks, or intellectual property. 
The City has the right to delete or remove any content that doesn’t follow this policy. 
Protected Information 
Don’t share confidential or “for official use only” information and avoid posting anything that could compromise the security of the internal systems. 
Public Safety 
Don’t post information about public safety events involving the Police, Fire Department, or Public Works. 
V. Behavior 
Professional Communication 
Keep all communication professional and avoid using inflammatory or inappropriate language. 
Respect Intellectual Property 
Always respect copyright, trademark, and intellectual property rights. 
VI. Violations 
What Happens if the Policy is Broken? 
There are procedures in place to address any violations of this policy. 
Reporting Issues 
If you spot a problem or have concerns about social media use, here’s how to report it. 
VII. Staying Current 
Review and Updates 
We review this policy regularly to ensure it stays current. 
Contact the CIO or City Manager if you have any questions or need more information 
Brands/professionals with strong social media ethical codes: what brands are utilizing proper social media ethical practices? 
Dove -  At Dove(n.d.) they recognized that the definition of beauty was skewed so they began a campaign to redefine the definition of beauty.  By using real stories, helping children build confidence in their bodies, creating safe and equitable spaces for Black women, providing support for postpartum mental health issues and providing support to male parents. They also have a mission to protect the environment.  The best thing about their website is that it includes articles, videos and testimonies from a diverse audience.  
TOMS-  According to TOMS (n.d.), TOMS displays strong ethical practices on social media by remaining transparent and letting the public know how their money is spent, they provide shoes, clean water and mental health support.   Their rating is a certified B which means they have and enforce a high standard of performance and accountability throughout their company.  
Ben & Jerry- This ice cream company out of Vermont is known for its activism, protection of human rights, environmental protection, restoration and regeneration, bringing awareness to racial injustices, fairtrade, climate change and LGBTQ+ rights.  Their views on wealth distribution are posted on their website and they are very transparent with how they make their ice cream.  According to Ben & Jerry (n.d.), they take their 3-part mission of product, economic and social a step further by breaking down to include the rights and dignity of refugees, democracy is in our hands, campaign finance reform and climate justice.  One of their latest endeavors is voting, discussions about women’s prisons and how to combat air pollution.  
Are there any professionals that you feel are practicing strong ethical behavior on social media? 
Bill Nye- Uses his platform to educate about science, critical thinking and misinformation.  He is an advocate for climate change and believes in evidence-based discussions in a positive manner. He also promotes diversity and believes in accuracy. (Nye, n.d.) 
Neil de Grasse Tyson -Also uses his platform to educate about science in simpler terms, he helps break it down so it’s easily understandable.  His engagement is always positive, thoughtful and he encourages open conversations with all.  I admire his strength when he corrects science information. Not only does he discuss science, he also delves into science literacy, exploration, extinction, spirituality, culture and politics. (Tyson, n.d.) 
Support your choice with evidence. What are some takeaways you can bring forth in your own practices?  
Again, I do not utilize social media unless it is necessary.  But I would just use common sense when utilizing social media when I must, takeaways include: having time limits, post with a purpose and be respectful as it’s my responsibility to not engage in cyberbullying and not to post deceptions.  The main thing I take away from Bill Nye and Neil de Grasse Tyson is their courage to  post things that people do not want to believe or listen to,  and they do it without fear.  So, when I do utilize social media, I will use critical thinking skills to courageously post the truth and stand by it. 
Key concepts and issues: what main concepts do you think are necessary to adhere to for your own personal conduct online?  
The main concepts I think are necessary to adhere to my own personal conduct online are: watching my tone, being responsible for my words, maintaining respect for myself and others, having peaceful conversations and not being antagonistic, not willingly posting items I know is false, keeping myself and others private information private, mindful of the language being used, not promoting falsehoods, review the information for accuracy prior to posting, checking sources of videos or information prior to posting, staying humble and showing others empathy.   Just because social media posts can be anonymous and you’re a person behind a keyboard, there still needs to be an understanding that anything posted reflects the person posting or sharing. (Freberg, 2021) 
What to do and what not to do: what main concepts do you feel strongly against and want to make sure you avoid on social media? (20 pts) 
The things I feel strongly against and avoid on social media are posting inflammatory racist or hate  language,  spreading misinformation, not checking sources prior to posting, sharing personal details that are not mine, oversharing any personal details, jumping to conclusions, being argumentative, ignoring comments, participating, or promoting  unnecessary drama, stealing content and passing it off as my own, having a fake online persona, being part of crowd mentality, sharing inappropriate content, pictures or videos, being a troll, posting things in anger, being extremely negative/posting negative things, manipulating posts for my own benefit, being a bully or spreading hate, and avoiding copyright infringement. (Freberg, 2021) 
Bullet point 5-10 core concepts that you will follow as a practicing social media professional. Include citations that you used 
Review my posts for accuracy and transparency 
Make sure it is known when I’m posting an opinion vs fact (Freberg, 2021) 
Remain anonymous and avoid posting anyone’s personal information 
Not posting any inflammatory racist, sexist or hurtful language 
Maintain respect for myself and others 
Checking sources of information prior to posting 
Respecting confidentiality 
Knowing how to respond to negative comments 
Abide by social media rules imposed by the platform 
Not being a troll 
Show empathy 
Try to mimic Ben & Jerry’s social media behavior 
Lathan, H. S., Kwan, A., Takats, C., Tanner, J. P., Wormer, R., Romero, D., & Jones, H. E. (2023). Ethical considerations and methodological uses of Facebook data in public health research: A systematic review. Social Science & Medicine, 322, 115807. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.socscimed.2023.115807 
Lauer, D. (2021, June 5). Facebook’s ethical failures are not accidental; they are part of the business model. National Library of Medicine. https://doi.org/10.1007/s43681-021-00068-x 
City of East Providence. (n.d.). Social media policy. https://eastprovidenceri.qscend.com/filestorage/9177/9461/9463/14118/Social_Media_Policy_-_Final.pdf 
TOMS. (n.d.). Impact. TOMS. Retrieved September 18, 2024, from https://www.toms.com/en-us/impact 
Ben & Jerry's. (n.d.). Values. Retrieved September 18, 2024, from https://www.benjerry.com/values 
Dove. (n.d.). Help for parents: Social media. Retrieved September 18, 2024, from https://www.dove.com/us/en/dove-self-esteem-project/help-for-parents/social-media.html 
Nye, B. (n.d.). Media. Bill Nye. https://www.billnye.com/media 
Tyson, N. D. (n.d.). Quotes. Neil deGrasse Tyson. https://neildegrassetyson.com/quotes/ 
Freberg, K. (2021). Social media for strategic communication (2nd ed.). SAGE Publications, Inc. https://reader2.yuzu.com/books/9781071826881 
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