#l art stuff asks
vinnybox · 3 months
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🟩⬛Mr. L
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wonderdrive14 · 4 months
Sheith AU where Shiro & Keith are 2 protagonists from 2 different genres.
Shiro is your typical action-fantasy Shōnen protagonist who's The Chosen One among his friends and/or family - his destiny is to defeat The Big Bad who wants to dominate the world & save the universe from them.
Keith is your average slice-of-life protagonist who just wants to survive his job & make it through his day while dealing with some unpleasant co-workers & a LOT of rude, entitled customers.
Somehow, by a twist of fate, one ends up in the other's story & the 2 meet. They form a close bond unlike anyone has ever seen before. But Shiro soon discovers he isn't the only one who has his eyes (and heart) set on Keith...
You always have great AU ideas sdfksdhfkas!
I love this so much! I'm not sure if I want Keith in Shiro's world, or Shiro in Keith's world. It's a tough decision!
Maybe Keith could end up in Shiro's world? He could get isekai'd in 😂. As for the other person that has eyes for Keith... it could be an antagonist! Maybe Lotor...? 👀
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loupy-mongoose · 1 year
WARNING: This one may be an uncomfortable read for some...
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...They... They did something to her... To the fetus...
I... I don't know what, exactly... Some kind of gene manipulation, like with the Original Mewtwo...
It was about a month into the pregnancy... They brushed it off as tests... I didn't want to believe they'd do something like that to her... I chose not to believe it...
After... After they... A-altered the baby, it... It needed more energy to grow... More than Akoya's body could supply...
As time went on, she... She got weaker...
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There came a point where she couldn't use telepathy anymore.
I... I was...
I was close to asking for the baby to be removed... However possible, whatever might... h-happen to it... I just wanted Akoya to be saved.
But then, she went into labor... It was too early...
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...despite that, the baby was much larger than it should've been.
Between the energy imbalance and the strenuous birth... Akoya went into a coma.
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I... I consider it nothing short of a miracle that she pulled through at all...
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This is a watered down version of these events. But hopefully it's enough to understand what Randy and Akoya may be feeling as they prepare for her second child...
And I want to specify, the only reason Randy is referring to Lav as "it" is to differentiate between her and Akoya. It would be very confusing for them both to be her in this.
This is the biggest hurdle I wanted to jump before I can fully focus on baby stuff! :)
@kioku-blue @violetjazz25
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emilyartstudio-s · 1 year
Are you in any other fandoms? Not asking you to draw all the fandoms you're in or anything! Just wanna know if you have any personality other than "heeheehoohoo southpark" ?
i don't have a personality
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atoriv-art · 6 months
little asks compilation as to not spam ♥
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thank you!! ♥
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crying this is vaguely related but did you guys know neji appears in a time travel episode(/arc?) in the boruto anime. does it surprise you to hear that it makes me extremely mad
but also so true LMFAO i'm usually the type to give things a chance (or so i'd like to believe) but not much of boruto interests me 😔 some of the kids look cute and i like.... like..... a few of the timeskip designs (...like three of them? i like suigetsu karin and tenten's.) but it's not worth it and in fact i think having to see neji and hiashi alive in the same UwU Family space would have had me banging my head against a wall.
also what if they made him ugly. that's my perfect angel boy they can't do that.
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HEHE ofc!!! part of the reason i love posting fanart is that i get to spread propaganda for the things i like LMFAO
and i'm glad people enjoy the funny sharky ears they're my favorite <3
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ASDMKASD eu acho que esse é o maior contato com outros brasileiros que já tive quando posto arte e afins, é bem interessante
eu consigo imaginar o tipo de coisa da qual vc reclama, eu acho bem chato tbm GFKMGFM
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fave i respect the movement though i'm more of a short king gaara truther myself bc i think it's cute. sasuke still the tallest of the boys tho
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thank you!! and hehee this ended up being more me ranting about their general writing but :)
i'm veeeery fond of their og naruto dynamic, i think it often goes misunderstood/understated but to me it's one of the highlights to the original series! from stuff like kakashi shielding him from orochimaru and sealing his curse mark (which. btw. crazy. LOVE that scene) to the ENTIRE deal with chidori and the pride kakashi felt watching sasuke fight gaara with it... i think it's SURPRISINGLY well done! while i due to personal preference like to read it as specifically familial, i think you can read it anyway you want (not all mentor-type dynamics need to be familial in nature and not being so won't make it any less meaningful)
i don't think kakashi was a particularly great teacher (in fact i think tenzo is shown to be a MUCH better captain/mentor the moment he's introduced to team 7 lol) but you can certainly tell that he cares about all of the kids and wants to do right by them, it's just that with sasuke specifically to me it feels like it's of highly personal significance to him?
and it's not hard to see why, obviously kakashi and sasuke do not have the same trauma but i find it reductive to say that it means kakashi can't see himself in him at all, or that he can't be of any use to sasuke? one of my favorite scenes is the (... i think mildly controversial, from what i've seen?) one where he talks to sasuke on that tree and tells him to drop his revenge quest, because while yeah it was not a perfect effort, to me it's clear that 1. kakashi was being very genuine in his words and 2. that it like... almost worked? sasuke was very sincerely pondering his words before the sound 4 came along.
btw so funny that both kakashi and obito tie him up when talking to him. anyway
so you add that with the weird relationship kakashi has with the entire uchiha clan, starting with obito (the very reason kakashi is able to teach sasuke in any meaningful way at all), going through itachi if you treat team ro as canon WHICH I DO, I LOVE TEAM RO, and ending with sasuke, who is someone kakashi can still try to give a normal life to? yeah i can see why he might feel personally responsible for him!
sasuke's side is less in your face but like... sasuke sought kakashi out to help train him and very much echoes kakashi's words about not abandoning your comrades. he is also often the first one to understand where kakashi is going with something, him and kakashi have similar ways of going through life even if kakashi has majorly mellowed out with age.
there's also little things like how sasuke just had no qualms about walking into kakashi's house unannounced (after itachi beat his ass ty itachi looove u itachi), even before that, how when kakashi calls sasuke over while itachi+kisame are having tea, sasuke just kind of announces that he HATES sweets (so cute), as if he made the assumption kakashi either bought it for him or was thinking about it? like.
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look at his baby face.
despite whatever route it ended up taking To Me it's very clear that they did have a special bond and that it was a VERY important part of sasuke's everything pre-shippuden, he was clearly comfortable around kakashi despite his standoffish attitude. it was not perfect and kakashi does hold blame for a lot of things (in general he has a very hands-off teaching style that doesn't work great with these kids), but that's like. part of why i like it you know! it's a little complicated but not through any ill will. it's just that they are both full of Issues lmao
it makes me ssoooooo saaaaad that they BARELY speak to each other at all in shippuden because like. that was one of THE dynamics in the original team 7 you know? and idk if it comes as a surprise but i'm not even OPPOSED to sasuke wanting to kill kakashi by the time they meet again? in fact i think it could be kind of awesome. because like he could have a lot of reasons to be angry with him, up to and including the mere fact that kakashi took SO LONG to even meet him again?
(remember when team 7 finally meets sasuke again w/ tenzo and sai, and he himself mentions kakashi? it's one of those things you can choose to dismiss as meaningless dialogue but i often do think about it lol)
but instead we have sasuke in the peak of his borderline-demonization by the writing, which just leads to there not being much of an interesting dialogue at all. i'm not opposed to kakashi's sharingan being something that sasuke comes to resent either — it could be very fun character writing as that is the very thing that encouraged them to bond in the first place —, but i don't like the way it was done and i ESPECIALLY hate how it was immediately dropped like BROTHER MY PLOT THREADS... THEY'RE FALLING APART...
i could go on about a thousand different other things, such as.
sorry to mention jiraiya but. the rasengan vs chidori thing is VERY telling; jiraiya is naruto's mentor, and kakashi is sasuke's, this is reflected best when the kids each use their respective Overkill Jutsu at each other and the adults each take responsibility for their own kid
again, i'm unsure if it's fully intentional but there is this opposition of orochimaru vs kakashi other than the obvious confrontational scene they have. the very fact that kakashi is the one to put a limit to orochimaru's literal influence on sasuke through the curse mark is a very interesting narrative choice! kakashi is also extremely afraid of orochimaru and highly protective of sasuke; again it reads as a Personal fear/protectiveness rather than purely Professional to me. it builds this idea of kakashi being one of sasuke's choices, and orochimaru being the other (and we know which one he chooses unfortunately lol)
chidori in general is like. crazy btw. it becomes sasuke's signature move. and it's kakashi's creation. hi
this is also something that was dropped but there was also the occasional pointing out of similarities between, fucking, lee and gai of all people vs kakashi and sasuke? and like i don't need to explain this one that much right. gai is lee's dad in like everything but name LOL (and much like kakashi he also has questionable habits when it comes to how he teaches his kid)
but this is way too long LMFAO my tldr is that I Like Them And I Wish They Had More Screentime </3
their dynamic concretely to me is about caring very much about someone who shares a lot of pain with you, but being a little intimidated by that shared aspect. nothing hurts more than failing / being failed By someone who you know DOES understand you, in the end!
it's all my personal preference of course there's no right or wrong way to read naruto (well the wrong way is thinking it's good.) (joke) but i WAS surprised to not see sasuke and kakashi's relationship being discussed more (esp. with empathy for both characters) because well. obviously it's one of my favorite naruto things GFKDMGKFDM
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iratusmus · 1 year
fiona and scourge are t4t(fucked up and evil edition)
they are so perfect... actually for you i will share a doodle that i originally wasnt going to finish/post. take it . enjoy it
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starheirxero · 1 month
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Friends :) :) :) :)
WE ARE PUTTING OUR CHILDREN ON A PLAYDATE FUCK YES FANTASTIC !!!! They will get along wonderfully, nothing bad can possibly spawn from this ^_^
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neurotypical-sonic · 1 year
wh…….what’s the ableism but soulmate thing……
things like "youre blind or deaf but when you meet your soulmate for the first time youre ~fixed~"
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ninjasmudge · 2 years
so i made a new blog for non-monkie kid stuff since im sick of scrolling through art when im looking for reblogs and reblogs when im looking for art
if youre following for hehe funnie meme as well as art, its mostly going on my sideblog @sharkstatic now
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mansionfreaks · 1 year
Hi Nina! How are you doing today or tonight? I was just wondering, what do you all do in your free time and who do you hang out with the most?
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haii! im doing okays but everyone is still kind of annoying :P we split up so this is from jeffys phone uhm when jeff isnt here i hang out with ej and we gett baked i wont lie xD
sometime swe go and visit kate out here btu shes pretty queit... . clocky too. its harrd to do hobbies when mr.no face is always around >_< in the mansion liviing room im makign a monster can pyramid but i think toby keeps nkocking it over
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acoldsovereign · 3 months
{{ Okay, last OOC post for real this time (I know, I knowwwwwww, shhhhhhhh do not perceive me). I managed to get all of the important stuff out of my old account. I'll be uploading them soon! Hopefully, my promo will be done in time for tomorrow because yes-- I double checked. I indeed DID start Tumblr RP March 20th and not May like I thought. I keep mixing those two months up for some reason, whoops.
But yay, Maiz's one-year anniversary fast approaches!!
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sucktacular · 6 months
Shower good. 👍👍👍
In bed now. Considering making a hot bowl of instant noodles ...
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kollapsar · 2 years
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They're adorable and oopsy-daisied into falling in love, your honor.
Forgot to add the trope of tiny tank (comparatively)/huge caster but the rest is right.
Post with templates.
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reikaniichan · 1 year
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an ask where i do what i want huh?
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they do not really have names, but their tags are hidari L and migi R for now (just left and right). details are very undecided but they have colors. it looks suspiciously (?) like a certain other two ocs i have... (theme recycling only increased too)
more things eventually. maybe (oops)
...the pencil doodle amuses me a lot
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luckycaricature · 1 year
Hi hopefully this isnt gonna sound super weird but i suddenly remembered i used to watch ur friendsim playthroughs on youtube years ago and went on a whole rabbit hole to find ur channel n socials again. I used to really love watching those videos, enough that i lost interest in homestuck when u stopped posting them (was never really into homestuck apart from ur vids tho lol) anyway i wanted to ask if those videos are still around anywhere since i cant find them on ur utube channel? If theyre gone from public view forever i understand, i just wanted to let u know u really created something that after almost 5??? Years??? I still have really fond memories of and they always brightened my day :)
I can’t find the [other person] who asked, but. [Here you go].
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nosferatufaggot · 1 year
How I drew it on my phone vs in real life
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