#l: round 2
gayest-classiclit · 1 year
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propaganda: ros and guil | nikolai
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round 2a: losers
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ninjasmudge · 10 months
if the only call men you call babygirl are twinks youre a coward. get yourself the beefiest dude you can to be a babygirl, then you will know calm
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jotarosexhusband · 8 months
L Lawliet (Death Note) VS Jesse Pinkman (Breaking Bad)
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moonyinpisces · 6 months
chapter 12 is killing me. maybe writing a sex pollen oneshot set in the golden age of hollywood would make me feel better
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dapperrokyuu · 2 months
While I do wish we can see more about the Anakt quartet's relationships, it was incredibly funny for me to be, like, "*Round 2 just got released* Oh, Till doesnt even KNOW or has ever talked to Mizi, hes just projecting and obsessed and heteronormative-" to "*experienced all the official art and Round 3 and 6* Oh, they were, like, actually friends to an extent and the meaning Mizi has to Till is very sweet even if its born of and is a reflection of just how desolate his lived experience just Is Constantly, ultimately a guy with a cute crush made buckwild due to- *gestures vaguely* -and hes heteronormative."
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fave-fight · 10 months
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L Lawliet:
“He's got some sick capoeira shit, kicked Light in the face once. It's such a cool & unusual fighting style I dont think anyone will have a strategy for it. ”
“He knows capoeira and is good at it, and is surprisingly good at taking a hit to the face. Also, I love him, that counts for something, right?”
“Fucking uhhh
Clown vibes!! We love clown vibes
The fandom has decided they are a memelord and probably traumatised I guess 👍🏻
Also their voicebank is covered in licencing fees that's a thing
+ They have a little plushy guy named point :D”
“HE'S THE RED MEME LORD MAN, why shouldn't he win???”
“he is a silly lil clown boy with silly tendencies :] also hes an ageless (unconfirmed age) being which gives him extra swag and the fandom decided hes also a lil fucked up in several different ways and he has a cane (its disability pride month you must let him in now) and a lil guy named Point!!! lil silly!!!”
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apl-swag-bracket · 5 months
Round 2 : Gogo Tomago (Big Hero 6) Vs. L Lawliet (Death Note)
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Round 2 PART 2
L X Zuko
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⚠️Vote for whomever YOU DO NOT KNOW⚠️‼️
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gayest-classiclit · 1 year
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propaganda: marya | andrei
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round 2b
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deus-ex-mona · 1 year
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historians will say that they were ✨just rivals✨
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izunias-meme-hole · 1 year
Twitter: *Makes memes on Mario and Luigi beating Sephiroth with slapstick bs*
Sephiroth as soon as he got to Smash Bros:
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best-underrated-anime · 4 months
Best Underrated Anime Group L Round 2: #L1 vs #L2
#L1: Normal Girl™ accidentally joins Kansai’s biggest criminals
#L2: Girl turns into a tanuki and learns about racism
Details and poll under the cut!
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#L1: Akudama Drive
After the fall-out of a war between the Kanto and Kansai regions of Japan, citizens of Kansai now live in a dystopia. Criminals are bigger and badder than before, resulting in a specialized Execution Division rising to combat these ‘Akudama.’
An ordinary person accidentally wedges herself into the midst of a gang of the worst of the worst, and now she’s on the run with Kansai’s top Akudama to fulfill a cryptic mission. Her goal was to get back to her normal life, but one thing leads to another and she gets trapped, bound by her sense of morals to stick with her terrible team.
The team in question consists of a Brawler with a need to find the toughest opponent to fight, a Doctor who toys with lives, a Hacker who has run out of games to play, a Courier who always gets the job done, a Cutthroat with a kill count of 999 bodies, and a Hoodlum who was set for a prison sentence of 5 years. Joining them is the Black Cat, their mysterious recruiter, who promises great wealth to the Akudama.
Akudama Drive is an anime produced by a video game company, and it’s amazingly a single standalone piece, unlike their other projects. The three people who lead the creation of the Danganronpa series (character designer, story writer, and music composer) came together and produced something so different from their usual pattern and it pays off.
The character designs are so fun, the music vibes hard, and the story is better than anything seen in DR before since (no offense meant) the cast all get fleshed out as individuals beyond a single trope. Everyone is depicted as morally grey, and it’s such a fun experience to watch the madness break out and root for the bad guys or the bad guys.
Every scene is so pretty, and you can see the color theory SLAPPING THE SCREEN, it’s so pleasing to look at. The voice acting is also top tier! The character evolution can literally be heard in the voices 🛐 The anime is a fun show with cool stunts and epic battles, but it’s still got some interesting social commentary if you’re the type that loves dissecting that madness. There’s a little something for everyone!
Trigger Warnings: Child Abuse, Emotional Abuse, Graphic Depictions of Cruelty/Violence/Gore, Rape/Non-Con, Self-Harm, Constant Flashing Lights and Screaming
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#L2: BNA: Brand New Animal
Throughout history, humans have been at odds with Beastmen—a species capable of changing shape due to their genetic "Beast Factor." Because of this conflict, Beastmen have been forced into hiding. Anima City serves as a safe haven for these oppressed individuals to live free from human interference.
During a festival celebrating the town's 10th anniversary, Michiru Kagemori, a human who suddenly turned into a tanuki, finds that Anima City is a far cry from paradise. After witnessing an explosion in the square, she is confronted by Shirou Ogami, a seemingly indestructible wolf and sworn protector of all Beastmen. As they pursue the criminals behind the bombing, the two discover that Michiru is anything but an ordinary Beastman, and look to investigate her mysterious past and uncanny abilities. Could she turn out to be the missing link between Humans and Beastmen?
This is one of the first few anime I watched when I was getting into it, so I'm rather fond of it. Though the show is only one season, overall it's pretty solid and ties everything together at the end. I also really like how they utilize color in the animation (it especially makes fight scenes more interesting to watch). The worldbuilding they have with the beastmen is pretty neat as well. This anime is good if you're looking for something quick to watch.
Trigger Warnings: There is some violence, and since the characters are animals, that may fall under animal cruelty. There are a few parts in the show where the colors get pretty intense, so that could be considered flashing lights. There is racism, as the beastmen are discriminated against by humans.
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When reblogging and adding your own propaganda, please tag me @best-underrated-anime so that I’ll be sure to see it.
If you want to criticize one of the shows above to give the one you’re rooting for an advantage, then do so constructively. I do not tolerate groundless hate or slander on this blog. If I catch you doing such a thing in the notes, be it in the tags or reblogs, I will block you.
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Know one of the shows above and not satisfied with how it’s presented in this tournament? Just fill up this form, where you can submit revisions for taglines, propaganda, trigger warnings, and/or video.
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sekaicards · 5 months
Project Sekai Card Tournament! 2.31
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