#lab rats elite force oneshots
Pretty Girl and Her Hero || Lab Rats: Elite Force ||
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Requested: hey, could you create a story about kaz and reader (Female pronouns please). It can be a cute or hot story, it doesn't matter, at the moment it's very difficult to find a story about kaz around here, that is, I don't care about the style or plot of the story as long as it ends up being okay in the end 
You find yourself being saved repeatedly by a certain hero and he keeps teasing you for it. You start to find it annoying, but he thinks it cute. 
Pairing: Kaz x Reader 
Warnings: Near death situations, female reader, slight mention of assault 
Words: 3.7k 
A/N: Got a request done, finally! This one might be a little darker compared to others I’ve posted but I liked how it went. I’m trying to write these characters in a more aged up setting since my writing has matured a lot. If you guys don’t like it, I can try to go back to the original style. Let me know how you all feel! And I totally didn’t steal these scenes from spider-man.  
The first time you were saved by Kaz was a complete accident, you just happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time. 
You were crossing the street, on your way home from the library. It was your turn, the little walk-man shining brightly on the crossing sign. How were you supposed to know you’d gotten in the middle of a high-speed car chase? With the bad guys directly heading your way. You didn’t even see them until they were inches away from where you stood. 
Your eyes widened and you panicked, frozen in your spot. You didn’t even hear the horns blaring or the people shouting for you to move. The music from your headphones was practically at full blast. And you did try to move, but your feet were glued to their spot. The only thought on your mind was how you were about to die. You closed your eyes, bracing for what you imagined to be a harsh impact. 
It never came, or at least not the one you imagined. Something did hit you, except it was softer than what you expected from a car. Not to mention the arms holding you firmly and the smell of men’s cologne hitting your nose. You open your eyes and you’re not in the middle of the street anymore, nor did you get hit by a car. Instead, you were quite literally swept away by some stranger's arms. 
You’re met face to face with a guy, around your age with pretty, brown eyes. Eyes that you were quickly entranced with, probably because he just saved your life. For a moment, your heart started speeding up and anxiety filled your being. You’ve never been in this sort of situation, rescued like some damsel in distress by a cute stranger. You suppose you have to thank him like the heroine does after being saved. But everything you were feeling quickly went away when he opened his mouth. 
“Don’t you look both ways before you cross?” he asks. 
You’re not sure if he’s serious or not, if it's an attempt to distract from what happened or if he’s genuinely asking. It pisses you off either way and instead of feeling thankful, you’re irritated. “Well, excuse me for crossing when the light was on. What? Did I interrupt your high-speed chase?” 
He looks shocked for a moment as if he wasn’t expecting that from you before a smile forms on his face. It’s cocky and smug, and oh so cute that it irritates you more and you want nothing more than to wipe it from his face. He looks like he wants to say something but a girl behind him interrupts, calling out to him. He waves her off before looking at you, still smiling that stupid smile. 
“See you around, pretty girl. Oh, and look both ways before you cross,” he says. 
You want to tell him that no, you will not be seeing him around or anywhere. But he’s gone before you get the chance and you’re left alone on the corner of the street you were originally crossing. 
The second time Kaz saved you, it was purely coincidental. It had to be. Anybody could have been in the situation you’re currently in, you just happened to be unlucky one. 
Some wannabe villain had crashed the Centium City festival, which resulted in utter chaos. Things were being blown up and rubble was falling, and once again you were in the middle of it all. You and your friends were watching the parade from one of the open balconies of the buildings. Whoever the villain was targeting just so happened to be on the balcony next to you. Whatever wreckage was caused to them bounced back onto you and your friends. 
Which is why you were currently pressed up against the railing of the balcony. It was cracked with half the base dangling in the air and threatening to break off. You happened to be on the wrong side with your friends safely by the entryway. There was a lot of screaming, mainly from you as you screamed for help. Your friends tried to help, holding onto each other while one of them reached out for you. But when you tried reaching back, the smallest movements made the balcony shake. You’d fall if you tried to move. 
So, you stayed put, or at least tried until the ground below you shook. That was enough for your broken part of the balcony to fully break. And suddenly you were plummeting down several stories, screaming until your lungs gave out. The universe must have had it out for your or something because there was no way this was the second time you almost died. Almost being the operative word. 
You were caught before your untimely date with the ground, whisked away from the chaos. You landed on a rooftop miles away from the chaos of the festival. Safe and sound. You were extremely grateful to your savior, that is until you saw who it was. 
“You again?” you shriek. 
It’s the same guy from before, the one who saved you from getting hit by the car. And when he sees you, he wears the same smile as before. “Oh hey. The girl who doesn’t look both ways.” 
“It was my turn!” you let out a noise of frustration, instantly annoyed. “What are you doing anyway? Who are you?” 
“A little gratitude would be nice, I just saved your life,” he feigns hurt and it only makes you glare at him. “Most people say thank you.” 
“And most heroes don't make fun of the people they just saved,” you scoff, crossing your arms over your chest. You were grateful, extremely so, but he ruined it by opening his mouth. 
“Well, I guess I’m not most heroes, pretty girl,” he flashes you that same smile. 
You want to say something snarky, but you’re cut off when you hear a voice coming from his ear. You notice the earpiece and figure it’s someone who works with him. The thought alone surprises you; you couldn’t imagine someone being able to stand him. 
“Stay out of trouble, okay?” he tells you before running, or rather flying, off. 
You’re left standing alone on the rooftop of whatever random building he landed on. And you realized how you got on that roof; your hero was an actual superhero. 
The third time it happens you think you’re cursed, you must be. There’s no actual explanation as to why you’re currently dangling on the edge of a building by a fucking phone cord. 
You’d come to your dad’s office, delivering papers he had left at home. Simple enough, right? Wrong. Because of course a construction crane would go haywire out of nowhere. And of course, it would come swinging into the building you just happen to be in. And better yet, your dad’s office was right by the window that said crane was crashing through. 
You would have made it to safety if you hadn’t pushed your dad out of harm’s way. Kind of ironic since it should have been the other way around. But instinct took over and you were paying the price for it. The floor below you caved in, and you were sent falling backwards. In your disarray, you grabbed the nearest thing to you. Which was the cord phone to the phone that had once been on your father’s desk. It unraveled and stretched as far as it could until you were hanging from the edge. 
You had a tight grip on it, screaming your head off as you looked below you. Bad idea, of course. You were several stories up and everything below you looked ant sized. This time you were sure you’d meet your end. There was no way you could be saved from a situation like this and there was no hero in sight this time. And when the cord started to slowly break, you whimpered and shut your eyes. This was it, for real this time. 
The cord snaps and gravity does the rest, sending you falling through the air. You didn’t even scream this time, the feeling of falling from so high up stopping you. Until you were caught, strong arms holding you tight and flush against someone. You kept your eyes shut, adjusting to the feeling and not yet wanting to see who caught you. Even if you already knew who it was. 
“You get in a lot of trouble, don’t you,” he says. 
His voice rings through your ears and you grimace as you open your eyes to look at him. This time he looks at you seriously, but you can see the corners of his lips twitching. You know he’s holding himself back from smiling. 
“And somehow you’re always there to save me,” you huff. 
He still irks you even if you're grateful to be saved and even more by him. Somehow it felt comforting, though you’d never admit it out loud. 
“Guess I’m attracted to you, pretty girl.” 
His smile is back, smug and full of the ego you’re sure he has. Your face feels warm, and you hope it doesn’t show, his words throwing you off. You know he means it differently but the way he looks at you says something else. You’re back to feeling what you did when you first saw him, but you aren’t sure it left in the first place. 
“Can you just put me down before I fall again,” you mumble, looking away in an attempt to hide your face. 
He doesn’t say anything, but he lowers you down and gently sets you down. You don’t know if he’ll say anything or not, but you beat him to it. “Thank you for saving me again. And that other time. That’s all you get.” 
“Fine by me, but as much as I like saving you, try to be more careful, pretty girl,” his tone is stern, like he’s trying to scold you but the glimmer in his eye says the opposite. 
You scoff and send him a glare. “I told you I wasn’t—Stop calling me pretty girl!” 
“Awe, is someone shy?” he teases, giving you a goofy smile to match. 
“No, I am not! Aren’t you supposed to be saving the world or something?” you scoff, sending a glare his way. 
“Eh, it can wait,” he shrugs his shoulders and you only stare at him. 
“You’re not a great superhero, huh,” you say. 
A smile threatens to crawl on your lips at the offensive look on his face when he says that. He looks like he wants to say something, but you’re interrupted. This time it's you who’s pulled away when your dad rushes over to you. You look at him briefly before you turn back to your unknown hero, only to see he’s gone. It upsets you for a moment, as much as you bickered, you weren’t ready for him to leave. You don’t get to think about it much before your dad steals your attention. 
The fourth time was your fault, really. After the first three times your life has been in danger, you should have learned to be more cautious. You should have known that of course some maniac would rip the brakes from your train. 
The train jolts and starts to speed up, causing everyone around you to start to panic. You don’t. Even if you should have been scared, everything was telling you not to be. You had a guardian angel or something looking out for you because he always showed up. He’d show up now too, you hoped. 
But as the train drew closer to the end—a dead-end cliff that led into the ocean—you were starting to lose it. Maybe this was the one time he wouldn’t show up, or so you thought. One by one, the few people in your train car were disappeared with only a gust of wind left behind. You were left alone and the train was getting closer to the edge. Whatever miracle was happening seemed to be taking a lot longer for you. 
Or maybe you had imagined it, and you were really just all alone in this part of the train. Your brain made you see others being rescued to keep the hope of you being rescued too. The thought only made you panic, and you tried looking for a way out. Outside, buildings sped past faster than you could make out. Jumping wasn’t an option. You were utterly and completely trapped. 
Accepting your fate came faster than you’d thought, maybe because of the few other times you almost died. You sat back down and closed your eyes, letting everything else play out. Until you felt a tight grip around your waist, familiar arms holding you tight. It didn’t even matter if he’s only held you three other times, you’d know him anywhere. Your own arms wrap around his neck and you’re holding on for dear life as he flies you off the train. Everything feels like it should. Almost. 
His grip is deadly around your waist, almost like he’s afraid to let go. You don’t dare to open your eyes and look at him until you’ve landed somewhere safe. Part of you still thinks it's in your head and opening your eyes would ruin the delusion. Your feet touch the ground, but you don’t pull away, arms glued around him. His grip doesn’t seem to loosen either, he still holds you close. 
“It’s okay, pretty girl. You’re safe now,” he whispers and this time your heart flutters at how he addresses you. 
He’s so soft and gentle with you this time that it feels odd, so unusual to the other times you’ve interacted. “I didn’t think you’d show.” 
His grip tightens for a moment before he loosens it, enough to let you pull away if you wanted to. You don’t, not yet. “You’re doubting me? Ouch, I always save you, don’t I?” 
“You cut it a little too close this time,” you huff, finally pulling away to look at him. 
You expected his usual cocky grin but this time his lips are set in a straight line. There’s no grin, no spark in his eyes, nothing but a blank look. It worries you and you miss his stupid smile, even if you’d never say it out loud. You almost reach out to him, stopping yourself short and clearing your throat instead. 
“Are you okay?” you ask but it feels off to ask that. Maybe because he’s a superhero and they’re always supposed to be in pristine condition. 
“I’m fine. Are you? Sorry about the train, but we managed to stop it,” he answers, his voice matching the look on his face. 
It makes you frown, lips pursed together, and brows furrowed in thought. You didn’t really know him, you’d admit, but you knew enough to know this wasn’t his usual self. Being goofy and aloof seemed to come naturally to him, this serious demeanor felt forced. You weren’t convinced he was okay. 
You feel the need to apologize, as if the runaway train was your fault somehow. It wasn’t but you do anyway. “Sorry for making you save me again. I guess I am a magnet for trouble.” 
“Don’t. Just... You’re safe, that’s all that matters.” 
Now you know he’s not okay when he doesn’t respond with a joke back. This was about the time he’d tell you to keep out of trouble with a stupid grin on his face. Yet it never comes, and you don’t know what to say. Was it in your place to figure out what was wrong when you hardly knew each other? Yes, you’d think after he saved you four times now. 
He speaks before you even get the chance to, almost like he sensed what you were about to ask. “I have to go. I’ll see you around.” 
You don’t get to say goodbye before he flies off, leaving you at a semi-empty corner of the city. Everyone’s gone to see the accident with the train, but you want nothing to do with it now. 
The fifth—and final—time you’d been saved had been months after the train incident. 
Your luck had finally turned around and you weren’t in life threatening situations anymore. Which meant he wasn’t around to save you like always. Nor was he around in general. Centium City was a large city, crossing each other’s path was almost impossible. Especially since you didn’t know if he looked the same as a civilian, or better yet, if he lived here at all. 
It feels nice not having to fear for your life all the time and everything’s gone back to normal. But there’s a dull ache in your chest when you actually think about it. You don’t even know why, it’s not like the two of you were close. And you hardly spoke the few times he saved you, only bickering with each other. Well, you bickered and he poked fun at you. It was limited interaction, but you missed it. 
After the first month, you tried forgetting about it since you were sure you’d never see him again. Not unless you were in trouble, and you weren’t going to purposely put yourself in harm's way. The thought did cross your mind, but you’d be crazy for even trying something like that. The only other choice was accepting that you’d never see the cute superhero again. Until you find yourself in danger once again, you should have known your streak wouldn’t last so long. 
This time you were walking home at night, which was already a red flag. The city was much more dangerous at night. You were coming home from studying at the library, losing track of time. You had headphones in, and you didn’t notice the guys following you. Until you stupidly when down an alley to cut your trip short. One of them appeared in front of you, saying something that didn’t quite reach. You panic nonetheless and try to walk around him. He grabs your arm before you can, and others join him. 
You’re ready to scream for help until one by one they’re all thrown off you. They scatter quickly, throwing obscenities your way until you’re left alone. Almost alone. Someone stands away a few feet away from you, their back to you. You don’t have to see their face to know who it is, and you run to him. He turns around in time as you wrap your arms around his neck. He’s quick to wrap his around you and you’ve never been so relieved to see him. 
“And here I was thinking you didn’t need me anymore,” he jokes but his voice is strained. 
“Clearly we were both wrong,” you say, trying to joke back despite your pounding heart. 
“It’s okay, pretty girl, I’ve got you,” his arms wrap tighter on your waist, and you lean into his touch. 
It helps calm you down and you find that you never want to let go. It’s kind of funny, you don’t even know his name yet he’s already the most comforting person to you. 
“How did you know?” you find yourself asking, knowing that if he hadn’t come when he did, things would have ended differently. 
He doesn’t answer for a minute before taking a deep breath. “My team and I were patrolling the city. I just got lucky being around here.” 
“I don’t know what would have happened if you hadn’t been here. I don’t—”  
“It’s okay, you’re safe now. That’s what matters,” he reassures you. 
“I don’t know your name. I want to at least thank you properly this time,” you say. 
You pull away from him to be able to see his face, warm brown eyes staring into yours. He looks hesitant for a moment, as if you’ve said the wrong thing. You almost think you did before he smiles, warm and genuine, and not at all what you’re used to. 
“Kaz, my name is Kaz,” he tells you. 
“It’s nice to meet you, Kaz,” you say before introducing yourself back. His name has a nice ring to it and falls nicely off your tongue. “Thank you for saving me, again.” 
“Don’t sweat it, pretty girl. It’s what I do,” he shrugs but his ears have a soft tint of red to them. 
It makes you smile how bashful he suddenly becomes, another side of him from his norm. “Still, five times is a lot. Is there something else I can do to thank you?” 
“How about your number, then?” he asks, quicker than you expected. “I-I mean, just in case you’re in trouble again and need me.” 
Your smile widens and you nod. “Sure. And if you want to go out sometime, that works too.” 
You give him your number and he saves it under ‘pretty girl’ despite your protest. Well, it’s not like you really minded, having grown used to it. And he walks you home, even as someone calls for him through his earpiece. He just turns it off, you’re more important right now despite telling him you’ll be fine. 
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mason-the-monsoon · 9 months
i don’t know if y’all have heard the “gimme a pizza with extra cheese” audio but i can’t stop thinking of it being applicable to lab rats fanfics
“Gimme a Chase x Reader!”
“Chase x Reader.”
“And hold the interactions with other characters!”
“No other characters?”
“And hold Y/N having personality or meaning to the storyline!”
“Hold personality- hey! gimme a chase x reader with nothin!”
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col0gne · 5 months
if anyone has some good chase davenport oneshots or fanfics please let me know!! i am desperate at this point omg..... i've searched this entire app and barely found anything
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arand0mdutchgirl · 1 year
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Text post part 15 to promote my new ao3 posts. i posted not 1, not 2 but 3 new oneshots today (i'm insane i know😂).
Cute one shots on ao3 today i posyed ch 4/5/6
This is a summary:
Want more of the dooley-Davenport siblings? Read ch 2 (Chase and adam playing video games and Kaz making them coffee and all 3 joke around), Ch 3: the Davenport-dooley siblings hanging out, Adam and Leo playing video games and Adam and Bree being chaotic and there are flashbacks to their childhood in the lab. Ch 4 Kaz tells Adam about dandelion wishes while the elite force hangs out with Adam and leo. Ch 5: Bree tells the elite force about Adam; Bree and Chase's first time seeing stairs when they got out of the basement and how Leo made a fun game out of it for them and how it ended in Chase almost getting decaputated. While Chase and Kaz yell at eachother for being too reckless aith their lives. Ch 6 is chaz fluff: Chase feeling insecure about havinga rash and Kaz taking care of him. Ch 1 is Kaz coming out to Skylar and telling her to stop flirting with Chase. i hope ypu like them!
Here's the link:
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Elite Force Universe Masterlist
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Lab Rats
"Home" Armida Davenport(OC) Drabble
Armida reflects on her strained relationship with her adoptive father, Douglas Davenport. 
"Special" (A Christmas) Donald Davenport Oneshot 
Donald reflects on how circumstances in his life changed his perspective on the holidays. 
Warning: mentions of neglectful/toxic parenting
"Where the Devils Go" Chase Davenport & Armida Davenport(OC) Drabble 
Chase struggles to move past the avalanche incident, and the choices he could’ve made.
Reader Insert
"Explain" Marcus Davenport x Sibling!Reader Drabble 
The Reader returns home to discover Marcus and Douglas may be lying to them.
Relationship: Platonic
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Lab Rats: Bionic Island
"Doubt" Adam Davenport Drabble
Adam reflects on his relationship with his siblings. 
"Allergy" Chase Davenport Drabble 
For: Sicktember 2021 - Day 24 - Sneezing
"Red" Chase Davenport Drabble 
Chase deals with memories.
Warning: blood, injury, traumatic memories
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Mighty Med
"Parade" Bridget Drabble 
Playing the role of a supervillain, though theatrical, came more naturally than Bridget expected.
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Lab Rats: Elite Force
"Justice" Lab Rats: Elite Force Drabble 
The underlying motivations behind the members of the Elite Force. 
"Fractured" Oliver Drabble 
Oliver reaches his breaking point. 
Warning: depression, discussion of a broken home
"Game" Kaz Drabble
Kaz always knew he was destined to be a superhero. 
"All You Were Meant to Be" Chase Davenport Drabble
Burdened with guilt over Douglas’ fate, Chase considers going rogue. 
"Worry" Leo Dooley Drabble
Miles away at the Bionic Academy, Leo worries about his siblings. 
"Fall" Skylar Storm Drabble 
Skylar is conlflicted about her role admist this war. 
Warning: discussions of death
"Admissions" Bree Davenport Drabble 
Bree had admitted she was wrong to think that the Arcturion would fix everything. So why, now that she has new powers, is she pretending like it did?
"I Won't Bury You Again" Ch. 1 - Leo Dooley & Chase Davenport 
Leo was the one who heard all of Davenport’s confessions in the elevator. He was the one who sought out Douglas, who had been the one to originally break into his and Marcus’ lab. He’s the one who’s been trapped in and escaped from a freaking parallel universe. 
He knows, better than any of them, that all the secrets surrounding their past will never fully come to light. 
But he needs to save his brother. And if that means chasing a ghost from Douglas’ past, then he will. No matter where it leads him. (Background crossover material: The Dark Tower by C.S. Lewis) 
Warning: violence, minor character death, mentioned drug use, mild horror, moderate blood and gore
"I Won't Bury You Again" Ch. 2 - Leo Dooley & Chase Davenport 
"I Won't Bury You Again" Ch. 3 - Leo Dooley & Chase Davenport 
"I Won't Bury You Again" Ch. 4 - Leo Dooley & Chase Davenport 
Character x Character
"Lifeline" Bree Davenport x Oliver Drabble 
In the midst of the escalating war, Bree considers her relationship with Oliver.
"Regret" Skylar Storm x Chase Davenport Drabble 
Skylar reflecting on her relationship with Chase.
"Burn" Skylar Storm x Chase Davenport Drabble
Skylar, again, reflecting on her relationship with Chase.
"Streets" Skylar Storm x Chase Davenport Drabble 
Skylar reflecting on Chase’s disappearance. 
"Balance" Skylar Storm x Leo Dooley Drabble 
Skylar may refuse to acknowledge her crush on Leo, but she knows she can’t stand it when his girlfriend visits.
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tabl3 · 1 year
( @davensblog come get ur food)
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bionic-togruta · 11 months
A/N: This blog is still under construction. There are a lot of older fics that still need to be transferred to this blog.
A/N: I’ve organized this masterlist based on different phases I’ve gone through when playing with this crossover and Ahsoka/Chase ship. There’s a lot of overlapping and repitive ideas as I’ve tried to explore and perfect different ideas, and because this is a comfort crossover/pairing for me. 
A/N: Requests are open. A link to my request guidelines will be at the end of the post.
[Phase 3]
"Overwhelming" Drabble  
Ahsoka considers reuniting with Rex
Background Pairings: Ahsoka Tano/Chase Davenport
[Phase 2]
And I Pray that Our Stars Aren’t Crossed
The first time they met was a complete accident.
The second time might have been the will of the Force.
But there’s no use in pretending the third time was anything less than on purpose. And there’s no reason to ever be so far apart again that they have to plan a fourth.
Pairing: Ahsoka Tano/Chase Davenport
Background Pairings: Bree/Oliver; One-sided Skylar/Chase; Korkie/Reese
Chapter 1 
Chapter 2 
Chapter 3 
Chapter 4 
Chapter 5 
Chapter 6 
Chapter 7 
Chapter 8 
"Soldier" Oneshot 
She's not a jedi anymore. She's still not quite sure what that means, what that makes her now. Only she can't tell whether she is dark or light, or just a star fading quickly to its death.
He's as uncertain as she is, and it's strange how together they can see so much of themselves in each other. And they're picking up each other's shards, finally seeing the truth in its clarity.
Pairing: Ahsoka Tano/Chase Davenport
"Mission Leader" Drabble 
A conversation between Ahsoka and Chase during the events of "Follow the Leader”
Pairing: Ahsoka Tano/Chase Davenport
"Risks" Oneshot 
She didn't intend to fall in love with him.
Well, maybe she did, but in her defense, she used to be Anakin's padawan. And his life experiences are not always the wisest to follow
Pairing: Ahsoka Tano/Chase Davenport
Background Pairing: Reference to canonical Skylar/Oliver
[Phase 1]
Our Secrets Will Keep Themselves
It all ended in ruin. Following the end of the war against Rodissius, Chase Davenport, in self-imposed exile, follows his cousin to another galaxy, where he becomes entangled in a war with far higher stakes and a conspiracy that will test every vow he made to restrain his power.
Pairing: Ahsoka Tano/Chase Davenport
Background Pairing: Reference to past Reese/Chase
Original Synopsis 
Chapter 1 
Chapter 2 
Chapter 3 
Chapter 4 
Chapter 5 
Chapter 6 
Chapter 7 
Chapter 8 
"Forget" Drabble
Chase reflects on his new life in Coruscant.
Pairing: Ahsoka Tano/Chase Davenport
"Change" Drabble
Ahsoka considers her feelings towards Chase.
Pairing: Ahsoka Tano/Chase Davenport
"Focus" Drabble
Chase and Ahsoka meditate together. 
Pairing: Ahsoka Tano/Chase Davenport
"Trust" Drabble
Ahsoka knows Chase is hiding something from her.
Pairing: Ahsoka Tano/Chase Davenport
"Truly" Drabble
Ahsoka takes Chase to a surprise location.
Pairing: Ahsoka Tano/Chase Davenport
"Hesitate" Drabble 
Chase and Ahsoka converse about the Jedi Code and attatchments.
Pairing: Ahsoka Tano/Chase Davenport
Background Pairing: Reference to Anakin/Padmé
"Alone" Drabble (febuwhump) 
For: Febuwhump Day 7: Used as an experiment
Warning: blood, implied non-consensual experimentation
Pairing: Ahsoka Tano/Chase Davenport
Other links:
Request Guidelines 
Main Blog Masterlist 
Star Wars Masterlist 
Lab Rats/Mighty Med/Elite Force Masterlist 
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oxangejuice · 2 years
hey girl so i was wondering if you can do a one shot of chase davenport x fem! reader. so it’s halloween and reader decides to surprise chase with her costume and when she shows him, she’s dressed as playboy bunny and chase would just be all touchy and compliment her repeatedly and it’s fluffy. thank you ❤️
y’all remember buckwild by taylor caniff
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♯. womanizer — chase davenport
warning: none, bunny suit?
you/yours pronouns are used!
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THE BEST time of the year? Halloween.
At least in your eyes it was the best time of the year.
You always had your Halloween costumes planned out months before the actual night and that’s because it was always go big or go home and going home was never an option.
There was never a thought in your mind that your Halloween costume would cause stares that night but it did.
Especially from your very lovely boyfriend Chase Davenport.
If he didn’t know any better he’d probably be drooling at the sight of you.
You could remember the look on his face when you walked into the party (that he’d shockingly got invite to). Little the most drop dead attractive person in the room… and that simply was because you were.
You stuck by his side for the majority of the party. Only really finding comfort in him. He kept his hand either locked either yours or snaked around your waist, no in between.
It was almost awkward for Chase to be dressed as a doctor when you were standing right next to him, but that didn’t really matter to him… well, it sorta mattered but it wasn’t that big of a deal.
Chase Davenport was here with the most attractive person there was and there was no denying that.
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lucy’s notes: i’m gonna be honest idk how to write this 🧍
reminder: request are closed but should be/will open in the next week or two :)
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Three’s Not A Crowd || Lab Rats: Elite Force ||
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Requested: i’m not sure if you write polyamory but i’m dying for a chase x reader x kaz fic please😭 i’ll enjoy literally anything that comes to mind if you do end up writing one❤️❤️
You help Kaz and Chase realize their feelings for one another, not realizing that you yourself felt the same way they did for each other. Unable to ignore your feelings, you decide to avoid them until Chase comes knocking on your door and everything spills out.
Pairing: Chase Davenport x Reader x Kaz
Warnings: Angst with a fluffy end, implied fem reader but I tried keeping it gender neutral
Words: 2.9K
A/N: This has been in the works for a while now and I hope it came out good. I certainly liked it and it was my first time doing a poly ship. Hopefully I did it justice, I love trio couples and this was fun to write for.
You sighed, walking around your kitchen as you made yourself a cup of tea. Your shoulders were slumped from slouching and your feet were dragging across the floor as you walked. You sniffled, a hand reaching up to rub your nose then at your cheeks that were stained with tears. You’d been crying for who knows how long now, probably days. You couldn’t help it, you were heartbroken. You hadn’t meant for it to happen but now you were isolating yourself while you got over your broken heart. All because you had realized you had feelings for your best friends.
It happened after you finally managed to get Kaz and Chase to admit they liked each other. Then after seeing how happy, they were, you felt an ache in your heart. At first you thought it was because of how much they adored each other, after getting together they couldn’t stop showering one another with affection. Maybe it reminded you of how much you wanted something like that for yourself. But as time went on, you came to realize it wasn’t just their relationship you wanted, it was them too.
It had been so easy getting them together, the way they argued and bickered so much was so obviously from all the sexual tension they had. Chase loved giving orders and Kaz loved defying them, it was a set match from the start. All they needed was a little push from someone and that’s where you came in.
You weren’t part of the team, but you lived in the building and became friends with them. Mainly because you were one of the few people there that was their age. Not to mention the only one who didn’t avoid them simply because of their ability and status. The bionic team—well bionic and superhero, but you were told that part was secret—that lived in the penthouse floor.
You ended up befriending Bree first when you met for the first time in the elevator. You'd come back from a small shopping trip, and she noticed one of the bags you had. A bag with a pair of shoes that she had been dying to get. It struck up a conversation between the two of you that lasted all day. So much so that she took you to the penthouse and introduced you to the rest of the team. You got along with them all well but more so with Kaz and Chase. Each had something unique to them that pulled you closer.
Which is why it was so easy to see how much they were attracted to each other. The way they bickered, Kaz always had to poke the bear and Chase fell for it so easily. But no matter how much they went at it, they liked it, as if it gave them a reason to be close. Then there was the way they bonded so easily when they weren’t picking on each other. When they found a common interest, neither one saw past the other. They smiled and laughed like no one was looking, only having eyes for each other. Even when you were the one who managed to pull them together after some silly argument. When they were all smiles and laughter because you were their grounding point. They looked past you and only saw each other.
So, one day you had enough and spoke out before your mind could catch up with your mouth.
“Can you please just shut up and kiss already?” you let out, huffing in frustration.
The two guys who had been previously bickering with one another looked at you in shock. Their jaws were slacked, looking between one another and you as either one figured out what to say.
“Please, don’t look so shocked. It’s obvious you two have a thing for each other. I mean, the room practically stinks of sexual frustration each time the two of you are around each other,” you continued.
“H-Hold on? What are you trying to say? There’s no sexual frustration between us, and I certainly don’t have feelings for Kaz. I mean I like girls—women,” Chase said, obviously flustered by what you said.
“Y-Yeah, what Chase said,” Kaz followed.
You rolled your eyes, noting the way their cheeks were tinted with the smallest color of red and how the tip of Kaz’s ears were turning red. “You can like girls, idiots. Doesn’t mean you can’t like each other too.”
“I don’t like Kaz,” Chase argued, voice slightly raised in defense.
“And I don’t like Chase,” Kaz shot back.
You rolled your eyes and shot your hands up, putting an end to the conversation. “Okay, whatever, you guys don’t like each other.”
A week later, you caught them kissing in mission command and all you could do was pump your fist in victory. You totally took credit for getting them together, if you hadn’t nudged the subject, they would have never made a move. And you were happy to see your best friends together, happy that they could now express their affection in the way they truly wanted to. Then you became a third wheel whenever the three of you hung out. Since you were the one who helped them figure out their feelings for one another, they didn’t feel the need to hide them.
Which you encouraged wholeheartedly, even when the ache in your heart started. You couldn’t help but long for the way they looked at each other, something of adoration in their eyes. You felt jealousy bubble up in the back of your throat from the way Kaz would cling to Chase. Said man would roll his eyes at his childish demeaner but would welcome the affection with open arms. And you were there to witness it all.
At first, you blamed it on the fact that you were third wheeling and needed a partner of your own. The more it went on, the more you realized that you didn’t want just any partner. You wanted them, your best friends who understood you better than anyone else. You didn’t know when it happened, you’d fallen for Chase and Kaz, but it was too late now. You’d gotten them together and they were happy, and that’s all that mattered to you.
The heartache you felt only grew the more you were around them, until you slowly distanced yourself. You took to hanging out with Bree and Skylar more, that way you had a reason to avoid them. You hung out with Oliver too, but Oliver came with Skylar, another couple. Hanging out with them only reminded you of Chase and Kaz, which brought on your broken heart. So, for the most part, you avoided hanging out with them alone. It went on until you only hung out with Bree, but even that lessened. Then you just stopped coming around altogether, which brought you to now.
You hadn’t seen the team in days, maybe going on a couple weeks now. After you completely shut them off, you did everything to avoid them. Leaving at different times during the day so you’d never get caught in the elevator. Some days you’d come home late, whether staying at a library or a café to just roaming the city. They blew up your phone with text and calls the first week, trying to get you to come out. Each time you’d make up an excuse about why you couldn’t go.
“Oh, I have an important test I need to study for.” “I’m hanging out with some friends on campus.” “Sorry guys, not feeling well.”
Some days, one of them would stop by your apartment and try to coax you out. Again, you made whatever excuse you could and sometimes you didn’t even say anything. Eventually they stopped coming around, getting the message and leaving you alone. Once they did that, you stopped trying to go out, holing yourself up in your apartment. The only times you’d leave was when necessary, school, groceries and such. Even then, that was always early in the morning to continue to avoid the team.
Today was one of your days off, you were spending it trudging around your apartment. You hadn’t even changed out of the shorts and t-shirt you slept in. Your hair was a mess, you were sure some parts were knotted and sticking out. You had your cup of tea in your hand, the heat warming up your cold hands. You were only holding it though, soaking up its warmth and watching it get cold. The liquid inside stood still in your hands, for a moment, until a tear dropped inside. It created a small ripple in your mug, then another and another as your tears well once mire. You lifted your head and used one hand to wipe your face of your tears.
They continued to fall the more you wiped away at your face, as if focusing on them triggered their downfall. Your chest hurt, as if your heart was breaking all over again. Which it was. It was one of those days where you wondered if you’d done the right thing. Distancing yourself from your friends, all so you could get rid of whatever stupid feelings you had. You missed them, you missed Chase and Kaz more than anything. It wasn’t even just because of your feelings for them, they were still your friends before you so selfishly let your emotions get in the way.
You missed hanging out with them, doing stupid things together because the three of you as a group was a terribly, wonderful idea put together. But it didn’t matter now that you pulled yourself away from them.
You were lost in your thoughts until a knock at the door broke them away. You stood still in your spot, wondering if you had imagined it or not. When another knock rang out, you set your mug down and walked over to the door. You didn’t open it, instead you looked through the peephole of the door. Chase stood on the other side of the door, waiting for you to open it. You didn’t, instead you pressed your back against the wall and stayed quiet. You hoped he would go away soon. This had been the first time in a while anyone had reached out to you.
It made you cry, more than you were already crying. You had to use your hand to cover any noises that threatened to come out.
“I know you’re in there. You don’t have classes today nor any errands to run. Please, open the door,” you heard his voice say through the door.
You continued to stay quiet, knowing that eventually he’d go away.
“I just wanna talk. Please, we haven’t seen you in over two weeks. We miss you... I miss you,” he pressed, his voice softening at the end.
When you didn’t respond, you heard him sigh from the other side. You were sure he was giving up now, leaving you to be alone with your broken heart. Or so you thought until you heard the lock of your door undoing. Sometimes you hated his bionic abilities, especially the one that allowed him to manipulate the molecules of any object. Which meant a simple door lock wasn’t holding him back. Once the door was unlocked, he didn’t hesitate to open it and step inside. You were met face-to-face with Chase, whose eyes widened when he saw you crying. He was quick to rush to your side, hands on your shoulders with one sliding up to your face. His hand cupped your cheek, the way he cared for you so delicately only made you sob more.
“Hey, what’s wrong? Are you hurt? Did someone do something to you?” he asked, and you could tell he was doing a scan of you.
His worrying made you cry out in response, making him panic and pushing himself away from you. You immediately noticed the lack of warmth, making you want to pull him back. “Hold on, I’ll be back.”
He left immediately after, leaving you alone in your apartment where you slid down to the floor. You tucked your knees to your chest, wrapping your arms around them. You stayed like that for a few minutes before you saw Chase come back, behind him Kaz followed. When he saw your face, he wore the same worried look that Chase did.
“Dude, what did you do?” he asked, looking over at Chase.
“Me? Why are you blaming me, I didn’t do anything,” Chase defended.
“Then what happened?” Kaz asked again.
“I don’t know, you moron. That’s why I went to get you, so you could help me figure it out,” Chase answered, you could hear how irked he was.
Even after becoming a couple, their bickering was still the same. It made you laugh for a second as you watched them, getting their attention. They kneeled beside you, noticing that you weren’t crying anymore. It had reduced to small sniffles and wet eyes, wiping away your cheeks with the back of your hand.
“Hey, you’re not crying anymore. That’s good,” Kaz said, giving you a goofy smile. One that almost triggered your tears again had you not been able to stop them.
“Can you tell us what’s wrong? And why you’ve been ignoring us for days?” Chase asked, his voice soft to not alarm you.
The last thing he wanted was to make you start crying again, especially since neither of them knew what was wrong. You didn’t want to say anything, but the looks on their faces caused you to spill everything. It all came pouring out, how you loved them both, and as soon as it did all you wanted to do was crawl into a hole. You didn’t look at them, scared to face them after what you’ve said. What would they think of you? Surely, they would be disgusted and leave any second now.
“You know, sometimes you can be a real idiot,” you heard Chase say.
Your head turned to look at him, confused by what he meant by that. You didn’t get to ask, instead your eyes widened when you felt a pair of lips on your own. It was Chase kissing you, his lips pressed softly to yours. You didn’t get to kiss back before he pulled away, lips feeling cold for a short second before another warmth took over. This time it was Kaz kissing you, a different feeling from Chase’s lips but still soothing all the same.
When they pulled away, you were left sitting in shock, your lips tingling from the feeling. Your mouth opened and closed like a fish out of water as you figured out what to say. In front of you, Chase and Kaz smiled at your confused demeanor.
“You could have told us,” Chase spoke first, head shaking at you, but he was still smiling so you knew it wasn’t in a bad way.
“Yeah, do you know how long I’ve been waiting to do that?” Kaz followed.
“I don’t--I don’t understand,” you said.
“We’re saying we love you too,” Chase explained. “Have for a while, even before Kaz and I got together.”
You were still confused; how could they have liked you before when they clearly had eyes for each other? Kaz further explained it for you. “Don’t get us wrong, we still liked each other too. And we dropped hints too, before and after. Hanging around you all the time, putting you between us whenever we were sitting.”
“Although, it probably would have been better to just say something,” Chase sighed out, scratching the back of his neck. “Especially if it would have prevented you avoiding us for so long.”
Guilt racked over you as you took their words in. “I’m sorry.”
“It's okay, it's over now, but if you’ll let us, we’d really like to stay with you,” Chase said.
“Yeah, you owe us for all the lost time. You have no idea how boring it is to annoy Chase alone,” Kaz joked, earning a smile from you and a roll his eyes from Chase.
You nodded your head, and they both held a hand out to you, helping you up. They didn’t let go after you were up, instead wrapping their fingers with yours. It made your heart flutter and lips tremble, wanting to cry again. Both from happiness and feeling so stupid for ever ignoring them the way you did. They led you over to the couch and sat you down, like Kaz had said, there was a lot of lost time to make up for.
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"Risks" Ahsoka Tano x Chase Davenport Oneshot, Star Wars: The Clone Wars/Lab Rats: Elite Force Crossover
Star Wars Masterlist 
Lab Rats/Mighty Med/Elite Force Masterlist 
LR/MM/EF x Star Wars [Ahsoka Tano/Chase Davenport] Masterlist
Request Guidelines 
She didn't intend to fall in love with him. 
Well, maybe she did, but in her defense, she used to be Anakin's padawan. And his life experiences are not always the wisest to follow.
Ahsoka Tano. Jedi Padawan. Commander in the Grand Army of the Republic. 
Fulcrum. The superhero that isn’t really one of their kind. A vagabond who tried to keep her eyes ahead and not on her past, not on the family she left behind.
Ahsoka Tano. Member of Davenport Industries’ Elite Force. The only real loyalty bound to a desire to do some good, rather than the lofty ideals Skylar Storm aspires to, the superhero code of their order that’s shattering from within.
Ahsoka is tired of codes.  
Funny thing is, so is he.
She remembers the day they met. The day she had reluctantly agreed to aid Tecton in his mission to track down the Incapacitator.
She had sensed that Tecton’s assumptions were off. That the emotions of the teens interrogating Kaz and Oliver were just as defensive and confused as their own. Emotions not consistent with being henchmen of the Incapacitator, who had always been known to work alone anyways. 
But Tecton didn’t give her a chance to voice her concerns, singularly focused on his task, making the first move before she could get a word in edgewise. Launching himself at Adam, grappling strength against strength. Bree went after Gamma Girl. 
And Chase, whom she had already deduced to be their leader dove underneath Granite’s spear and brought the hero to the ground. He held out his arm, his laser bo manifesting in his hand. 
Ahsoka ignited her own lightsabers, and launched herself at him. 
He parried the blow, managing to keep up with her attacks. Out of the corner of her eye, she watched Gamma Girl go down, Tecton following. She flipped backward, using a force push to send her opponent flying into the next room. 
She barely turned her back when her lightsabers are torn from her hands. She looked back in disbelief as Chase grabbed them out of the air. 
Before she could regroup, an alert blared, and a man appeared on the screen imbedded into the wall, crying for help. 
And the truth was finally established, their opponents not the foes Tecton had assumed. 
She walked back over to him then, holding out her hand. “My lightsabers.”
He hesitated before his gloved hand placed them in her palm. She clipped them back onto her belt, vaguely aware of the other bionic teens chattering excitedly to the superheroes. 
“You’re a formidable opponent,” he complimented.
“So are you,” she replied. 
And she knew then, even if only mildly, she was intrigued. 
That interest was simmering in the back of her mind when Mr. Davenport introduced the team to each other. And while Chase seemed weirded out to be getting involved with superheroes and aliens, he also had no trouble adapting to the hazards it presented. 
After Skylar’s rescue, she decides to tease him about it, challenge his stance a little. See if maybe she had misread him during their brief conversations at Mighty Med. 
“C’mon, Genius. Are you really disappointed to be working with me?”
And she had meant that to refer to her combat skills that he’d dueled against, to the mutual respect that had been established in that moment. But now that she’s heard it come out of her mouth it sounds more flirtatious. Too forward. 
With the way he’s looking at her, it seems he’s trying to decipher her intentions too. He eventually answers, “No. I’d be an idiot to.” 
“Good” she smirks. “Because otherwise, I’d have to remind you.”
If she’s honest with herself, she wouldn’t be able to answer whether spending so much time with him was intentional or accidental. She does know that she enjoys it: the meditating, sparring, designing the mission suit prototypes and building things. It’s nostalgic, working with mechanics, she learned everything from Anakin. It’s nostalgic for him too, remembering his father, remembering Leo. And it feels so fragile, sharing all these memories. 
And fragile and relatively new as their kinship might be, she knows she wants him. She wants his hazel eyes, to run her fingers through his short, spiky hair. She wants his goofy smile and strategic mind. 
She wants him to be hers, because he already feels like her best friend, and they have the potential to be more, to be lovers. 
And the potential to be powerful as well. 
She gets an inkling of how dangerous he is, of how really dangerous he could be, the day he accomplishes what the superhero world spent millennia trying to understand. 
She doesn’t even think he understands the gravity of what he’s done, getting Skylar Storm’s powers back. What this means to the culture that’s crumbling, to their enemies, should this become known. 
She knows that not being a true superhero had been her own advantage when thriving in this chaos before, what caused the name of Fulcrum to be respected and feared.
And resented. 
His advantage is clear, and she can’t ever be more glad than now, in this moment, that she had convinced Kaz and Oliver to seek help from Mr. Davenport after Mighty Med’s destruction. Despite Skylar’s severe reluctance. 
And yet what seems so plain to her military-trained mind, is ultimately lost on the rest of the team. They steadily push him to the side, diminished. And she’s concerned, for him yes, but also for the team. Have they forgotten who they’re up against? Have they forgotten the infrastructure of the superhero world has collapsed? The Elite Force needs its structure, the strength of all its members, or they’ll never survive. 
But ever since Skylar regained her powers, Ahsoka’s own voice has lost the weight it once carried. And slowly, whether she’s spending time with them or him, she finds herself becoming invisible, forgotten. 
It’s a different kind of pain, not one she’s used to. Not like her identity’s fading; she lost that long ago. Rather it’s a kind of fear, that no matter where she roamed, the Jedi Order would be only place where she could feel loved. 
And returning after Caldera, that nearly solidifies the fear into a belief. An unwanted conviction climbing around her throat and blinding her eyes. 
Blind, yes, that’s what crying feels like. Pain blurring what precious little sight one has left. 
She doesn’t expect him to leave them and come looking for her. To find her, but she tries hard to dry her eyes once she senses him, though she knows that won’t hide everything. 
“Are you okay?” he asks.
She frowns, shrugs, uncertain if she should just keep her feelings to herself. Skylar is his friend after all, and she doesn’t want to ruin that. But the gentle way he’s looking at her…she needs someone she can be honest with. She hasn’t had that in so long. 
“It’s just…hard. Watching Skylar be welcomed as a member of a family after her home’s been destroyed. When I lost the Jedi Order and came back to Mighty Med…I didn’t get that welcome. Skylar especially made it very clear that I didn’t belong.” She shrugs. “But I didn’t have anywhere else to go, so I stayed anyways.” She sighs. 
He’s silent for a moment. “Do you not think of this as home?”
“Do you?” she counters. 
He holds her gaze, then huffs a humorless laugh. “I get what you mean.” And leans back against the wall, shakes his head almost imperceptibly. “No, I can’t think of this as a home.” He takes a breath, “And that may not be something either of us can change. But,” and his eyes have found hers again, “until they wake up and realize how much they need you, I’ll be here. I’ll do my best to be whatever you need me to be.”
She smiles. “Thank you,” she says softly. “If you ever need someone to talk to…”
“I’ll know where to look,” he finishes. 
She knows what he thinks about two members dating, that it would ruin the whole dynamic. And she knows the risk it poses to any friendship, that taking it to something more may mean the former could never be reclaimed. 
Only she’s never been good at following the rules. Call it consequences of Anakin’s example or simply willful ignorance, it’s been a part of her character for a considerable while. 
It shouldn’t matter anyways when Oliver and Skylar are upstairs, on the balcony, enjoying a date. The boundaries have already been bent, so why shouldn’t she break them? 
“You know, when I agreed to help you with your shape-shifting serum, I didn’t expect that to entail digging in the dirt for…” she holds up one of the squirmy creatures in question, “what is it you called them, earthworms?”
Chase drops another into the jar. “I didn’t expect it’d bother you.”
“It doesn’t.” She shrugs. “I’ve watched Anakin eat worse.”
He makes a face. “You know, I think your mentor might’ve been even weirder than mine.”
“Compared to your father or Douglas?”
He considers. “Possibly both.” 
She chuckles at that, placing two more earthworms in with the others. “You think that’s enough? You only made like five vials of that serum.” 
“Seven,” he corrects. “And yeah, that’s enough.” 
They stand up, Ahsoka dusting the dirt off her hands. “You know if this serum works, we’ll be able to end this genocide before it really begin.” 
“I know. The next time they shape-shift into any non-human form, they’ll be unable to transform back. We’ll just need to figure out a way to inject them with the serum.” 
“I don’t think it’ll be too difficult to deceive them,” she muses. “They’ll expect us to fight them the way superheroes always do, power clashing against power…Just let me handle that part of the equation and I’ll make sure Roman and Riker are too busy to even see the needle.” 
“I take it you’re used to rushing into things,” he teases. 
“Not always,” she responds. “I value a good strategic plan…but one also has to be adaptable.”
“I see your point,” he acquiesces. 
And she studies him, tilting her head. “I’m not sure you do.”
His brow furrows. “I’m pretty sure I understood…”
“Really?” She smirks, stepping closer. 
“Well, are you going to explain it to me then?”
And she takes that moment, that risk, in closing the distance and kissing his lips. She pulls away to find his face flushed crimson. “That…was not what I was expecting,” he stammers out, “But I can say that I absolutely agree with your point now.” 
She smiles, and takes a hold of his hand as they walk back down the tunnels to Mission Command. 
She knows the road ahead of them is dark, and will likely lead to unexpected places. 
But she realizes that it’s done that already. 
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tabl3 · 1 year
I have done it
drop a rq :D
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Lost || Lab Rats: Elite Force ||
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Chase meets a girl at the city’s art museum who strikes up a conversation with him but he’s reluctant. After what happened with Reese and Rodissius, he’s completely lost his will to trust others, especially random strangers that approach him. Little did he know that the two of you share that same fear
Pairing: Chase Davenport x Reader
Warnings: None
Words: 2K
A/N: I give you… soft Chase? Sort of soft Chase? Anyways, I haven’t properly written in a year and this is what I come back with first… Did I do good? I like it, and it feels different from everything I’ve written before, like more genuine. Anyways, enjoy and I hope you all liked it!
Chase stood in the Centium Art Museum, in front of a Monet painting that he’s already seen dozens of times. He wasn’t quite looking at the painting though, more like lost in his thoughts. Thinking about the things he came here to escape from but they only followed.
He wasn’t typically the type of person to come to an art museum, leaning more towards science. But it was quiet here, a place where he could come and collect his thoughts in peace. Somewhere where he could escape from his teammates and their pestering about things he didn’t want to talk about. Here, he could let go of himself and not worry about a single thing for just a few hours.
Plus, he was discovering a new side of himself, one that did enjoy the spoils of art. He liked the creativity and the sense of tranquility art brought. It taught him how to let go and be someone else besides Chase Davenport, bionic hero. To be himself rather than what others wanted or expected him to be. What he expected himself to be.
“Beautiful, isn’t it,” A voice said beside him, startling him out of his thoughts.
He turned his head to see a girl standing next to him, staring at the painting in front of. He tensed up just a bit, caution filling his being as he continued to look at the girl. She looked harmless, from her profile view he could see a delicate smile and gentle eyes. Nothing about her screamed threatening but that didn’t stop him from keeping his guard up.
The last girl he talked to also appeared non threatening and she ended up hurting him the most. So regardless of her appearance, he wasn’t about to let her or anything distract him. At least not like that, no, never again.
You tore your gaze away from the painting and turned your head to look at the boy. You noticed how he was just staring and your smile widened just a bit to show that you were friendly. He looked a little startled so perhaps you shouldn’t have snuck up on him.
“Sorry, I hadn’t meant to scare you. It’s not often I find someone admiring Monet’s work so deeply,” You told him.
“It’s fine, I just hadn’t noticed you there. But yes, his work is beautiful,” He replied, still weary.
“I’m {Name},” You introduced, turning full body to face him, hand outstretched in front of you.
He hesitated for a second before doing the same, softly grasping your hand in his and giving it a gentle shake. “Chase.”
“It’s nice to meet you Chase,” You replied.
You let your hand gently slip away from his before it fell behind your back. Your eyes casted downwards before shooting back up to meet his gaze, finding your heart beating a bit faster than usual. You couldn’t deny that he was attractive, more than you had expected him to be.
“Likewise,” He said shortly.
You broke your gaze from his and turned to look back at the painting, one you’ve already looked at hundreds of times. But each time you did, it was like looking at if for the first time. And you always managed to find something new in it every time you came back.
“So may I ask what brings you here?” You asked.
He didn’t reply right away, he was unsure of what to say without being so revealing. He could just say he liked art and the quiet atmosphere, nothing there that could give him away.
“I like the art and it’s quiet enough to think without interruption,” He told you.
“I can agree with you there. I love coming here and just getting lost in the art,” You said.
He hummed out in response, once again unsure of what to say or do. He was still trying to figure out what your plans were with him. After all, he couldn’t fathom the idea of someone actually being interested in him. Many people have proven that to him, that no one could actually like him.
“Would you like to get coffee or something?” You asked, interrupting his train of thought once again.
He thought about if for a second, trying to decipher any hidden meaning behind your words. He couldn’t tell with your bright smile and even brighter eyes if there was any. Although maybe this way, keeping you close, he could figure out your intentions before you could reveal them.
“Sure, coffee sounds good,” He replied, noticing how you seemed surprised.
“Okay, great! I know a coffee shop nearby,” You told him.
Before he knew it, you had led him out of the museum and down the streets of Centium City. He could only follow behind and listen to you promise that this place was great. There was something about your tone of voice that pulled at his heart. The way your voice was so light and airy, and didn’t miss a beat to your words. It was cheerful and bubbly yet soothing and calming, a certain je ne sais quoi if you will.
Before he knew it, the two of you were sat at a table, waiting for your drinks to called out. The two of you sat in silence for a bit, sitting across each other. Chase had his hands folded neatly on the table, slightly twiddling with his thumbs as he wondered if he should speak up. You took it upon yourself as you looked at him and spoke up, same tone in your voice as before but softer now that the two of you were indoors.
“So, besides art, what are some other things you like?” You asked, interested in getting to know him.
He furrowed his eyebrows at your question, this felt like some sort of interrogation tactic. Or maybe it was just you genuinely interested in him. Could he allow himself to believe that? Well, regardless of what you were trying to do, he needed to be a step ahead and make it seem like you had the upper hand in this.
“Well, its all things you probably wouldn’t be interested in,” He replied.
“Oh? And why is that?” You asked, raising an an eyebrow in amusement.
“No offense or anything but most people, especially girls—women—aren’t interested in what i’m interested in,” He explained, leaning back in his seat and shifting in it a bit. His heart raced a bit as he thought of what an idiot he must’ve sounded and looked like right now.
“Mm, enlighten me, pretend I’m someone who is typically interested in that sort of stuff,” You said, giving him this smile that made his heart skip a beat.
He leaned forward again, your words piquing his interest and his guard dropping a bit. “Science mainly, well its a lot more than that,” He started off, quick to go into a tangent of all the things science.
You listened closely and intently, a smile pulling at your lips as you noticed how excited he seemed. You leaned forward, resting your chin on the palm of your hand as he continued to talk. He looked up after a few minutes of rambling, stopping mid-sentence when he noticed you staring at him. He stopped altogether and leaned back in his chair, putting up his defenses once again as he mumbled.
“What? Is there something on my face?”
“Hm? No, no, I was just enjoying you ramble is all,” You told him.
His eyes widened a bit in shock before narrowing down at you. “Okay what’s your deal?”
You opened your mouth to speak before the voice of a barista calling out your drinks interrupted. “Hold that thought, I’ll go get our drinks.” You said before getting up and leaving him alone in his seat.
He sighed softly as he waited for you to come back, bouncing his leg in anticipation for your return. You came back a minute later, two mugs in hand as you set his drink down in front of him before taking your seat. He looked down at his drink before looking up at you, eyebrows still furrowed.
“What do you mean? Did I say something I shouldn’t have?” You asked, referring to his question from before.
“I mean, this, you, pretending to take an interest in me... What are you really up to?” He told you, his lips turning downwards in a frown.
“Pretending? Who said I was pretending?”
“Oh come on, you’re not really interested in what I have to say, are you?”
You frowned slightly and furrowed your eyebrows in confusion, not understanding why he thought this. “Well, I will say I’m not the biggest science buff... but I do like to learn and I like listening to what others have to say. Maybe I don’t fully understand everything you’re saying but it doesn’t mean you can’t teach me.”
“Alright fine, say all of that is true but why me? What makes me so interesting to listen to?” He asked.
You stayed silent for a bit, biting down on your lip and pulling it between your teeth before speaking up again. “You want the truth?” You asked back, watching as he gave you a short nod in yes. “Okay... Today wasn’t the first time I noticed you in the art museum. I’ve seen you a few other times, always so lost in thought... but its just that, you seem lost. Like you’re looking for an answer that you can’t quite reach...”
Chase was taken aback by your words, eyes widening a bit and leaning back; pushing his mug away a bit and folding his hands again, fiddling with his thumbs.
“Okay but what’s so meaningful about that? Why take an interest in it?” He questioned.
“Because I know what that feels like,” You answered all too quickly, eyes casting downwards and shying away a bit as you continued. “To search for something that should be right in front of you but isn’t. To feel like you’ve been set off balance and not knowing how to regain control. Guess I was drawn to you because of that.”
You kept your gaze down on your mug, hand wrapping around the handle and resting there as your thumb lightly caressed the rim. You bit down on your lip, feeling self-conscious now that you revealed a part of yourself that had meant to stay hidden. Chase looked down for a second before looking back up, his gaze softening from your words. He understood now why you approached him and why you’d been so adamant to get to know him. You two were one in the same, both had gotten hurt by someone or something and were looking for a way to mend yourselves.
“I’m sorry,” He spoke up, voice soft and sincere.
“Don’t be,” You said. “I would’ve been defensive too if I were you.”
You looked back up and offered him a warm smile, one he returned with the same warmth in it.
“Well, if I haven’t completely ruined this, I’d still like to get to know you,” He said, a hopeful tone in his voice.
You laughed lightly and smiled more, nodding your head a bit. “You haven’t ruined this at all and yes, I’d like that.”
He looked at you with bright eyes and gave you this wide, goofy grin. You spent the rest of that day, sitting in that little cafe, talking and getting to know each other. And for the first time in a long while, the two of you felt like you’d found someone you could trust again.
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Pretty Boy || Lab Rats ||
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Requested: Hey! I'm a huge fan of Lab Rats &I always LOOOVE Chase but curious about hero front of it (i haven't gotten to see the new Elite Force yet!) I'm kinda curious how he would do with a gf when they were in high school that was kept a secret and he finds out by fluke she's a super? If it is too much to ask for you can ignore this, I just need fluffy Chase with superGF and secret relationship because why not? Everything else is a secret?? (Cookie)
Pairing: Chase Davenport x Reader
Warnings: A lil bit of swearing
Words: 2.5K
A/N: Hi! This is done! A little shitty but I feel proud of it. To the anon who requested this, I hope it came out to your liking. The ending was a little cheesy but that’s because I don’t know how to write... :D
It was the end of the day and you were standing in front of your locker, putting away what you didn’t need and grabbing what you did. You had a knee up, pressed against the lockers to keep your bag steady as you tried to neatly stuff it with material. You felt arms snake around your waist, almost making you lose your balance from the slight surprise. But you knew who it was, a smile appeared on your face as you zipped up your bag so you could give your attention to your boyfriend.
“And to what do I owe this display of affection,” You mused, leaning into his embrace.
“For being so cute,” He answered, planting a kiss on top of your head.
“Well not that I’m complaining but someone might see us. And if I remember correctly, you wanted to keep our relationship a secret, for whatever reason,” You said, hearing him sigh, making your smile stretch wider.
You loved teasing him, especially since he’s such a touchy-feely kind of guy and couldn’t show it out in public. Why? Well, he wanted to keep your relationship between the two of you, something about wanting to enjoy it before others found out. But it’s not like you minded, it just meant you got him all to yourself without having to worry about anyone interrupting.
You felt him unwrap his arms around you and you turned to look at him, a frown on his face. He saw the teasing glint in your eyes and rolled his own at you. He knew that you didn’t actually want an answer and just wanted to get a rise out of him. You understood his reasoning for keeping your relationship a secret and you were more than okay with it.
“I’m joking. Do you have any training today? We can go back to mine, do our homework and then watch some movies,” You suggested.
“Nope, I’m all yours this afternoon,” He replied, grinning widely.
“Great, let’s go,” You said, matching his smile.
The two of you were heading out the doors when you heard a phone go off. Chase dug around in his pocket and pulled out his phone, a familiar look crossing his face. You knew that look, it meant that he just got a mission alert and your plans were being thrown out the window. He looked over at you, a guilty look on his face that further confirmed your suspicions.
“Mission alert?” You questioned.
You looked up at him, he had a hard look on his face that said it was a bad one. “Yeah, it looks like there was a bridge collapse. There are still tons of civilians trapped.”
“Oh my god! Go! Go be a hero please,” You said, practically pushing out the school doors.
Chase smiled at you, glad to have such an understanding and accepting girlfriend. He looked around the area, making sure no one was looking your way. When he was sure the two of you were in the clear, he gave you a quick peck on the cheek. You wanted to return the kiss but he was gone before you could, but just in time too. You felt your own phone vibrate, looks like duty called for you too.
By the time you got there, the bionic trio were already there, doing what they could. Bree was speeding citizens off the bridge while Chase and Adam worked at keeping the bridge up. You noticed a cable wire snap off, heading straight for Chase. You flew over to it, reaching it just a couple inches before it hit Chase. He heard the noise of the falling cable, looking over to it and barely reacting to it. Just when he thought it was going to crush him, it stopped inches away.
You threw it to the side, revealing your superhero form to Chase. “It’s you!” He exclaimed.
“Hey, pretty boy, missed me?” You asked, a flirty tone in your voice.
He huffed and rolled his eyes at your flirty nature and the nickname you dubbed him with. “No... but thanks for the save, I owe you one.”
“Anytime, pretty boy. Now fill me in on the situation,” You replied.
“The bridge is on the verge of collapsing. Adam and I are doing our best to keep the bridge up while Bree super speeds everyone off. But we’re running out of time and there’s still civilians trapped on the bridge,” Chase explained.
“Got it. I’ll help in what ever way I can,” You said.
You flew off to help civilians and making sure the bridge didn’t collapse any further. You were helping a couple of trapped people, not noticing the cable wire that was about to snap off. You got them out of there safely, just in time for the cable to come flying off. It hit and sent you flying downwards, shock rippled through you at the sudden hit. The shock rendered you unable to think straight, the only thing going through your head was how you were going to pummel into the ground.
You closed your eyes and braced yourself for painful impact but it never came. Instead you found yourself in strong steady arms. You opened your eyes and saw Chase staring down at you, a worried look on his face. For a second you forgot you were in your hero attire and not civilian clothing. You had to get out of his embrace before he recognized it was you behind the mask. He didn’t quite know about your alter-ego yet and this isn’t exactly how you wanted him to find out.
“Ah, um, I have a boyfriend!” You exclaimed, leaping out of his embracing and crashing onto the ground.
Seriously, that was the first thing you decided to say, how freaking embarrassing. You didn’t want to get off the ground, not after shouting something like that out.
“Um, sure. I wasn’t trying to imply anything,” He said, confused by your sudden outburst.
“Right sorry, I'm just not used to be saved. Thanks, pretty boy,” You replied.
“Yeah no problem. Bree got everyone safely of the bridge, we have to get off before the whole bridge collapses on us,” Chase told you.
He stretched his hand out for you to take, helping you up once you did. You raced off the bridge once you were up, just in time as the rest of it collapsed. You left the civilians in the hands of the paramedics and the police.
“So, are you finally gonna tell us who you are?” Chase asked once you were all far away enough.
“Sorry, pretty boy, but that’s one secret I can’t reveal,” You told him.
He rolled his eyes, expecting that answer. “Right, sure. You get to know who we are but we don’t.”
“Hey, just because you revealed your identity to the world doesn’t mean I have to. Some things are sacred,” You replied. “Anyway, look at the time, I have to get going. See you around, pretty boy.”
You left before Chase had the chance to say anything, making him sigh heavily. You had a tendency to do that, leave with the last word. It really irked him, more so since he knew nothing about you. You just showed up out of the blue, helping them on a mission that was going badly. They appreciated the help, and all the help after that but they were still a little weary about you. They didn’t know you so they didn’t know if they could completely trust you. More so since they weren’t sure what you were, some of your abilities weren’t bionic.
You got home and changed into something more comfortable before flopping onto your bed. You sighed and let yourself relax, today was a little more stressful than expected. You had gotten a little too close to Chase today, you were lucky he didn’t recognize you. If he had, that would have been such an awkward conversation that you weren’t ready to have. Or rather one you were scared to have.
How do you tell your boyfriend that you’re a superhero? You didn’t want him to freak out, especially since the world of superheroes was a well-kept secret. Specifically, because of how the public might react. You didn’t want to scare him away, you had to handle this delicately and well thought out.
Your phone started ringing, snapping you out of your thoughts; speak of the devil. “Hey babe! How was the bridge mission?”
“We managed to save everyone but the bridge still collapsed. She showed up again though,” He told you.
“Ah yes, this mystery hero. How was it this time? Was she still helpful?” You asked, pretending as if you knew nothing.
“Yeah, she helped us get everyone off faster. Although, something weird did happen. She got hit by a cable wire and almost fell to the ground but I managed to catch her. She freaked out though, I don’t know why,” He explained.
“Ha, what a weirdo. Maybe she was mesmerized by how hot you are,” You joked.
“Right, I’m sure that’s what it was. Seriously though, it was weird how she reacted like that.”
“Alright, calm down pretty boy. I’m sure she just didn’t expect the save.”
“Wait...What did you just say?”
“I said calm down pr—Shit. Uh, I gotta go.”
You quickly hung up the phone before he could say anything, tossing it to the side. You groaned loudly and threw both hands over your face. How could you be so stupid? You never called him pretty boy, at least not in your civilian form. That’s how you separated yourself from girlfriend and superhero. As his girlfriend, you didn’t need to try so hard because you were already together. And not to mention the whole let’s keep our relationship a secret thing. But as a superhero, you had more range of motion and could flirt and tease him because it didn’t mean anything.
But now, you’ve crossed that line and there was no going back. You felt your phone vibrate next to you, you didn’t have to check to see that it was Chase calling. You ignored it, waiting until it stopped ringing before you turned it off completely. You’d no doubt that he had figured it out by now, he knew that you were this mysterious supergirl. You had no choice but to tell him the truth now, but you didn’t know if you could actually face him. What if he leaves you because you lied to him, because you kept such a huge secret from him? The thought scared you more than anything, you couldn’t risk Chase leaving you. You loved him, like really loved; he was the first guy that really ever understood you.
You sighed heavily, feeling defeated and stupid, there really was no getting out of this one. Out of all the stupid things you could’ve done, this was the one you had to pick. Lucky for you though, tomorrow was the start of the weekend so you could just avoid Chase until Monday. You sighed again, no point in exhausting yourself with this right now. It wouldn’t change anything; Chase would still know about your secret identity. You should just get some sleep and figure this out in the morning.
You were stirred out of your slumber by loud pounding coming all the way from your front door. Who the hell was knocking this early in the morning? You reluctantly crawled out of bed and headed downstairs, grumpy that someone disrupted your sleep.
You opened the door, barely registering who was behind it. “Can I hel—Chase?”
“Finally! Do you know how worried I’ve been? I thought something happened to you,” He exclaimed.
“I can explain, wait, you were worried?” You questioned.
“Yes! I mean, I’m still really confused about all of this. But my first priority is making sure you’re okay,” He said, face softening in worry.
Your heart did a jump against your chest, he was more worried about you than your big secret. God, how could you ever think he’d leave you. “I’m sorry. I just panicked, this was never supposed to happen. But, now that it has, I owe you an explanation.”
You invited him in and walked over to the couch where the two of you sat down. Silence engulfed the two of you while you tried to find the right words to say. Where do you start?
“So, why didn’t you tell me?” He asked, breaking the silence.
You took a deep breath before starting your explanation. “I was going to tell you, eventually, I just didn’t know how. I’m mean I can’t exactly just say that I’m secretly a superhero, especially since we’re supposed to stay secret.”
“Okay, but that doesn’t explain why you couldn’t tell me. I mean, I’m your boyfriend, I thought you’d at least have a little more trust in me,” He said.
“No, you’re right, you’re absolutely right. I didn’t tell you because I was scared of how you’d you react. I didn’t want you to leave because of this, because you found out your girlfriend was a superhero with superpowers. Superpowers and bionics are completely different, my abilities can’t be explained with science. I didn’t want that to freak you out. And I know, I should have trusted you with this. I’m sorry, but now that you know, I hope you still decide to be my boyfriend.”
“Are you kidding, of course I still want to be your boyfriend. I mean, I still don’t understand all of this, superpowers just sound ridiculous. But if its you, I’m willing to learn more and understand all this superhero stuff.”
“Really, you mean it? I mean, I totally understand if this is too weird for you.”
“Yes really. I love you and I want to know everything about you, even the weird superhero thing.”
You smiled widely and jumped him, wrapping your arms around him and hugging him tight. You couldn’t be happier, Chase accepted both sides of you and now you no longer had anything to hide. You heard him laugh, feeling it vibrate off his chest as he wrapped his arms around.
“So, you’re really a superhero?” He asked, still a little shocked and confused by the sudden news.
Now it was your turn to laugh at him, you were in for a long road of explanation.
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Bitter Feelings |Lab Rats: Elite Force|
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Requested: Can I request a Kaz x reader imagine where she already knew and was friends with the Davenports before the Elite Force and everyone thought she liked Chase cause they were close friends and she has a very flirty persona but she humors him quite often ("yes Chase, an anti aging serum is exactly what you need) and comforts him when his plans fail, so during and after the "androids episode" she's in a sour mood because of Kaz not Chase? (Sorry this is so specific, thanks in advance have a good day!)
Pairing: Kaz x Reader, Platonic Chase x Reader
Warnings: None
Words: This bad boy is 4.9K
A/N: wow, I’m so sorry this took forever! I just wanted to make it perfect and I’m actually really happy with how it came out. That’s a rare thing for me to say. But I think it’s because I really polished this one up, it was a real mess when I first started. So, to the person who requested this, I hope you like it! Fun fact, I actually made the Kaz GIF, the other one belongs to its rightful owner.
Chase sprinted into the living room of the Penthouse, wide grin on his face as he barely contained his excitement. Bree and Skylar were sitting at the kitchen table, conversation stopped midway due to Chase’s sudden appearance. They exchanged looks with one another before looking back at him, wondering why he was in such high spirits.
“Why so happy Chase? Did you finally get a girl to talk to you?” Bree joked.
Immediately his grin fell and he looked at her with an ‘are you serious’ look which caused her and Skylar to laugh. “No... But it is the next best thing.”
“No, not for you,” Skylar teased.
“Will you just let me say my thing!” Chase raged, his reaction causing them to snicker.
“Alright what’s up?” Bree asked seriously this time.
“Me, I’m what’s up,” A familiar voice rang through.
You entered the living room, grinning widely and completely dismissing the cue Chase has set for you. You saw him throw his arms in the air in defeat, just letting you do whatever. You gave him a cheeky wink before you were engulfed in a tight hug. It took you by surprise, you had forgotten Bree had super-speed, but you managed to return the hug. When she pulled away, she was still wearing a look of complete shock which just made your grin widen.
“What are you doing here? How’re things back home? Oh my god, I can’t believe you’re here,” She cheered.
“I live here, er not here-here, but Davenport did get me my own apartment. I got accepted into Centium University and everything’s great!” You explained.
“Oh my god, that’s amazing! I’m so happy for you,” Bree pulled you into another hug, congratulating you on your success.
“Yup, and now you’re stuck with me for the next four years,” You grinned.
“Wait, what’s going on? Who is this?” A new voice asked.
You looked over to Skylar, approaching her and extending your hand out for a handshake. “You must be Skylar Storm, the alien superhero.”
“Superhero? I’m not a superhero, I’m bionic but not a superhero or an alien,” She answered, trying to deny what you already know.
“It’s cool, Chase told me everything, but don’t blame him. He kind of has to since I’m his best friend and all,” You told her. “Anyway, I’m {Name}, if you didn’t already know.”
“Oh, well, nice to meet you then,” She said.
You gave her a nod and smile, your own way of saying the same thing. “Hey, who’s this?” Another new voice spoke. You looked over to the source of the voice, seeing two guys coming down the stairs and into the living room where the four of you stood. One of them caught your eye immediately, black hair, cute eyes, adorable confused face. You made eye contact and you felt your heart skip a beat, everything else around you disappearing. Oh yeah, this was definitely the beginnings of a crush developing.
“{Name}!” You heard someone shout your name.
You turned to look at Chase, the one who called you. “Yeah, what’s up?” You replied casually.
“Are you okay? You weren’t paying attention,” He said.
“Sure I was, or rather if it was you talking, then I probably wasn’t,” You teased.
“Very funny,” He gave you a sarcastic smile which made you grin widely. “Anyway, this is Oliver and Kaz.”
“Right, okay, nice to meet you,” You said, looking back at the boys, eyes lingering on Kaz.
“Well, c’mon we have a lot to catch up on,” Chase grabbed your hand, ready to drag you off somewhere else.
“Yeah we do and you have to help me unpack,” You told him, leaving the penthouse.
“Woah, Chase has a girlfriend? Finally,” Kaz joked once you and Chase were out of the room. “Although she is way to pretty for him.”
“No, not his girlfriend but it’s only a matter of time,” Bree said, earning confused looks from her friends. “They’re so into each, they just don’t realize it yet but they will soon.”
They nodded in understanding, Kaz had a bitter taste in his mouth, because like he said, you were very pretty. And, not to be rude, you seemed way out of Chase’s league. He carried on with his day, hoping to see you around more in the penthouse.
It’s been a good month since you moved into Davenport Tower. You lived more with the Elite Force than in your own apartment, mostly because you were always hanging out with Chase. And being friends with the smartest man in the world had its perks when it came to your homework. He never failed to help you with it and you gave him something to do, since he was no longer mission leader and all. With you came the witty banter and casual flirting that you could only ever to do with Chase, which you had both missed greatly. You and Chase had established long ago that it was all playful and that the two of you were better off friends.
Contrary to everyone’s beliefs, you two didn’t harbor any romantic feelings for each other. The two of you just kind of connected, is all, it was easy to talk to him and vice versa. You were each other’s wing person, or rather you were Chase’s wing woman, you did fine on your own. If you killed someone, he was the person you’d call to help you bury the body. Er rather he’d freak out while you did all the work.
Spending your time at the penthouse also gave you the opportunity to befriend Kaz. He’s charming and funny, a little weird, but that only added to his charm. In the one month you’ve been here, you’d developed a crush on the superhero. You told Chase about it once and he completely freaked out, his best friend attracted to his teammate. It wasn’t exactly on his list of his most favorable things. He also thought it would be too weird for his teammate to date his best friend. So, you never talked to him about it again, and instead let your feelings develop internally. And boy did they develop, because you really liked Kaz.
“Chase, I don’t get it,” You whined.
“You’re over thinking it, statistics isn’t that hard,” Chase said.
“Easy for you to say, Mr. I’m-The-Smartest-Man-In-The-World,” You rolled your eyes and playfully pushed him.
He had a smug look on his face, he loved when people acknowledged him as the smartest man in the world. The two of you were currently sitting outside on the balcony, Chase helping you with your math homework. Or rather, he was doing all the work while you whined about not getting it.
“Okay, let’s go over it again,” He said.
You pouted and leaned close to him, giving him your best puppy dog eyes as you spoke. “Can’t you just do it for me?”
He leaned in close, your noses almost touching, a soft smile on his face. If anyone would’ve seen the two of you, they would’ve thought it was two people very much in love. But really it was just how the two of you interacted with one another. But anyway, maybe you got through to him? “No.” He answered bluntly, crushing your hopes and dreams.
“You suck, you know,” You told him.
“Hey guys, what’s going on here?” You heard someone say.
You turned around to see Kaz standing by the doorway, eyeing the two of you suspiciously. “Chase’s being a bum and won’t do my homework for me.” You answered, resting your head on Chase’s shoulder.
“I’ve been down that road, never works,” Kaz replied jokingly, ignoring the feeling that was building up.
“But it should because you love me, right Chase?” You said, looking at Chase.
At those words, the bitter feeling in Kaz’s stomach rose and it didn’t help that you two were acting so lovey dovey. It didn’t take a genius to figure out that he was jealous of Chase. That was a first too, Kaz jealous of Chase, he never thought he’d live to see the day. Wanting to break up your little moment, Kaz came in between the two of you, sitting himself in the middle. Neither of you thought anything of it, to he honest, this was something Kaz would do regardless of jealousy.
“Maybe I can help,” He said. He took one look at your homework and shook his head. “Yeah I can’t help you.”
You laughed lightly, finding his attempt to be smart really cute. “That’s okay Kaz, at least you tried, unlike someone.”
“I’m not doing your homework for you!” Chase bellowed out.
“Boo,” You looked over at Chase and stuck your tongue out at him.
He rolled his eyes and stood up. “Fine, this is the last time I help you.”
He started walking back into the Penthouse and you cried out for him to come back in a desperate tone. You could practically feel him rolling his eyes at you which only made you grin. Besides, he’d be back and would most definitely succumb to your wants. “C’mon you don’t need him. You’re smart, you can do this.” Kaz said, directing your attention back to him.
“You really think so?” You asked.
“Absolutely,” He replied.
You smiled widely at his encouraging words, your heart skipping a beat as you looked at him. He looked right back, his smile matching your own. Kaz couldn’t help but think how beautiful you looked right now; hair thrown in a messy bun, glasses hanging low on your nose. He almost wanted to lean in and kiss you right then and there but he refrained from doing so. He knew, or thought, you liked Chase and he didn’t want to interfere in that. No matter how much he wanted to or how much hated it.
“Am I interrupting something?” Chase asked.
“Yeah, you are. Now are you gonna help me or not?” You asked again, looking at Chase.
“I’ll help but I won’t do your homework,” Chase replied, handing you a water bottle.
Kaz got up and left, letting the two of you go back to doing your homework. His heart felt heavy at the thought of leaving the two of you alone. Cause who knew, this could be the day you confessed to each other and come out as a couple. The thought of it left a sour taste in his mouth.
You walked off the hyperlift and into the command base, where you found your best friend deep at work. His back was turned to you and you could tell he was deep concentration. An evil smile crawled onto your face as you creeped up behind him. You slowly and carefully leaned in as you peered over his shoulder.
“Is that a foot?” You asked.
You had never seen a man jump so high and shriek so loudly like Chase did. You doubled over in laughter, holding your stomach as you laughed loudly. This was too good; you could feel his glare on you and it only made it funnier. You straightened up and wiped away the tears that had managed to escape your eyes. His angry look only made you laugh harder, if looks could kill, you’d be dead.
“This is so funny,” You said, emphasizing the o in So.
“No, it's not!” He shouted.
“No, it really is. Anyway, what’s with the foot?” You asked again.
“If you must know, I’m building an android,” He explained.
“Why?” You questioned.
“Because...science,” He answered. You looked at him with a blank look, knowing damn well that there was more to that story. “I’m building an android girlfriend...because I’m lonely.”
“Oh, that poor android,” You commented.
“Ha, funny,” He replied sarcastically.
“Thank you, I try,” You said, earning a look from Chase. “But an android girlfriend? Don’t you think it’s a little too...much?”
“No, why would you say that?” He responded in a question.
“Do I really need to answer that?” You asked.
He was quiet for a while, seeing your point in that but choosing to ignore it. You shook your head and went along with it, knowing that he wasn’t going to let up. “Okay well, call me when it all goes downhill.” You turned around and started walking back to the hyperlift.
“Sure, but it won’t!” He called out, continuing to work on his droid.
You were back upstairs where you bumped into Bree. Oh, perfect, you could spend some quality time with her while you waited for Chase’s plan to backfire on him. “Whatcha doing?” You asked.
“I was just gonna head out, maybe do a little shopping. Wanna come with?” She told you.
“Absolutely!” You agreed.
“Great, let’s go,” She said.
The two of you headed out the door and out of the building. You were quick to hit stores, casually browsing and chatting. During this, Bree thought it was the perfect opportunity to ask you the question that’s been nagging her.
“So, what’s going on with you and Chase?” She asked.
“What do you mean?” You questioned, confused.
“I mean are you two finally together? Kaz told me about how you two were so cozy on the terrace, so I figured you two were a thing now,” She explained.
“What? No, Chase and I are just friends. Why would you say that?”
“Really? You two are so close and I’ve never seen either of you flirt with anyone else like you do with each other.”
“Woah, slow your role there. Chase is my best friend, almost like a brother, I’m just comfortable around him. That’s all, there nothing like that between us. Besides I actually like K-” You stopped yourself before you could spill you well kept secret.
“You like who?” She asked intrigued.
“No one, I like no one,” You told her.
“No, you were about to say someone. Who is it? Who do you like?”
“I’m telling you its no one now shush.”
You pressed your index finger against your lips to signal for her to stop talking. Every time she’d try to speak up, you’d simply shush her until she let up. So the two of you continued with your shopping, every once in a while she tried to coax the information out of you. Once the two of you were satisfied with the items you bought, you headed home. You headed to your apartment first, which was a floor below the penthouse, so you could put your things away. You told Bree you’d catch up to her and she took your word for it. Once you finished, you headed back upstairs, curious to see if Chase finished his android or not.  
When you got to mission command, you didn’t find Chase, instead you found Kaz and some girl. Cue the jealousy instantly brewing inside of you. They were facing away from you, cheering on the monitor that was showing a baseball game. Who the heck was this chick?
“What’s going on?” You asked, bitterness in your tone.
Kaz turned to look at you, goofy grin on his face; the girl also looked at you, an artificial looking smile on her face. It was definitely because you were jealous but something about her seemed so fake.
“Hey {Name}! Meet Christina, my android girlfriend,” He said merrily.
Girlfriend? She was his girlfriend? Wait, did he say android girlfriend, as in Chase’s android girlfriend? You didn’t get to say anything because Chase soon joined you two, dressed in sharp looking suit. He looked at Kaz and Christina, taken aback at how cozy they looked with one another.
“What’s going on?” He asked, repeating your question.
“Kaz stole your girlfriend,” You said bluntly.
“I did not steal her,” He defended. “I saved her from Chase. He was gonna take her to the symphony, I couldn’t put her through that.”
“Maybe she wanted to go to the symphony,” You bitterly stated.
“She did, until I changed her programming,” He said.
“You reprogrammed her to like you instead of me?” Chase asked.
“Hmm let’s see, did you suddenly become a normal person who likes chicken wings and sports?” Kaz replied with a rhetorical question.
“No,” Chase so dumbly answered.
“Then yes, yes I did,” He replied, turning to Christina and giving her a fist bump.
He turned back to you and Chase. “Listen, I’m sorry. I thought it was amazing that you could design a perfect girl, so in a way, me stealing her is a compliment.”
That “perfect girl” comment was a real jab to your heart, so you weren’t Kaz’s idea of a perfect girl; duly noted. “I don’t have time for this, Christina and I have to get to the symphony. Helmut von Jurgen is conducting tonight. Helmut von Jurgen.”
“Ugh, I don’t wanna do that,” Christina groaned.
“Chase, just reprogram her,” You said, rolling your eyes, wanting to get this over with.
“That’s exactly what I’m gonna do,” He replied, getting his computer.
“No, you can’t!” Kaz exclaimed, fighting Chase to get ahold of the computer. He came out victorious and had the computer in his hands, quickly backing away from Chase. “Run Chrissy.”
One of the underground passage ways opened up and both Kaz and the android starting running away. Christina stopped shortly, yelling out wait and turning to look back at Chase.
“Did you change your mind?” Chase asked in a hopeful tone.
“Nope! Mama needs her wings,” She said, running to pick up the bucket before running through the tunnel.
“I love her,” Kaz stated before running away.
That hurt even more than the “perfect girl” comment did, and you wanted nothing more than to get away from this mess. Chase looked at you with a frustrated look on his face, and you just shrugged your shoulders. You really didn’t want to be here right now but you couldn’t show it. Honestly, you were kind of fuming on the inside, completely jealous of a robot.  
“Chase, just make another one,” You said.
“I don’t want another one, I want Christina,” He told you.
“Why? Because she’s so perfect,” You scoffed.
“Yes, that’s exactly why,” He expressed. “Also, Kaz has my laptop and it has all my notes.”
“Whatever, good luck with this,” You snapped, quickly leaving the area.
Chase watched you leave, a look of confusion on his face from your mannerisms. You weren’t acting like yourself, otherwise you and him would’ve gone chasing after Kaz right now. But never mind that, he had to catch up to Kaz and Christina right now and win back his woman.
You were back upstairs in the living room, sitting on the couch with your arms crossed and a scowl on your face. You couldn’t believe what was going on right now, Kaz was attracted to a robot. Why? What did it have that you didn’t? Artificial intelligence apparently. You sighed and threw your head back, staring up at the ceiling, you were in a very bitter mood right now. Were you really going to wallow in self-pity right here on this couch? Yeah absolutely...no, you shook your head and decided to go home, you could wallow in self-pity there.
When you got to your apartment, you went straight to your room and fell onto your bed. You didn’t fall asleep, you just kind of lied there in your own misery. Maybe you should’ve said something about your feelings sooner? But you’d always been afraid of ruining the friendship you created with him. If he rejected you then it would’ve made things awkward between the two of you. You were just going have to swallow your feelings and see this thing through.
So, after several minutes of laying on your bed, you convinced yourself to get up. You decided to go back upstairs to the Penthouse and help Chase. When you got there, the scene before you was not something you expected at all. Kaz sat on the couch, smiling smugly, a gaggle of girls surrounding him. You could taste bitterness in your mouth as you looked at the scene before you.
“What the actual fuck is this?” You asked bitterly.
They all looked at you, Chase had a defeated look on his face. “Kaz stole all my android girlfriends.”
“Awe Chase-y, come here,” You said, holding your arms out.
He walked over to you with a pouty face, you wrapped your arms around him and patted his back gently. You glared over at Kaz on behalf of Chase and yourself. But he ignored that, because seeing you and Chase hugging only brought back that jealous feeling.
He didn’t say anything and just continued to watch the two of you with weary eyes. You pulled away from Chase and placed your hand on his shoulders. You gave him a sincere look as you spoke. “Chase, you don’t need a bunch of android girlfriends. You’re a great guy who can get any girl he wants, even if others don’t think so.”
Kaz sat up in his seat, watching your intimate interaction and fear bubbling up in his stomach. Why fear? Because he was afraid that he might see the two of you confess your feelings for each other. I mean, this is how it happened in movies so it wouldn’t be shocking if it happened with you two.
“You really think so?” He asked.
“I know so. So how about we go get some frozen yogurt and I'll be your wing woman and set you up with a cute girl. We can even have sugar free,” You suggested.
Kaz felt a bit of relief surge through him when he saw that you were just trying to cheer up Chase. He didn’t know what he’d do if you did confess.
“I’d like that, thanks {Name},” Chase replied.
“Well, you kids have fun,” Kaz spoke, trying to sound like his usual happy self. “Hey Christina, can you hand me my laptop.”
You watched as the group of androids all launched into action, each one wanting to be the one who gave Kaz his laptop. Kaz had a panicked look on his face as he gripped his laptop and ripped it out of their artificial hands. He was slightly disheveled from that as he stood up and walked over to you two.
“I love that they’re so into me, but do they have to be so aggressive?” He asked.
“Yes, I programmed them to be overly territorial and loyal,” Chase replied.
“Why?” You questioned.
“So, they’d never leave me! Were you not listening? I’m lonely,” Chase told you.
You snickered at his comment while Kaz proceeded to check his laptop. “Ooh, I got an email from Caldera. Maybe it's from that Calderan Prince giving his money away.”
“Kaz, there’s no freaking Calderan Prince,” You said, giving him a look of disbelief.
“Okay, someone’s a little testy,” He playfully said.
“Oh you have no idea,” You grumbled under your breath.
“That’s weird, this email is from Oliver and Bree,” He continued.
“Who’s Bree?” You heard the chorus of androids say.
Kaz rolled his eyes at them and answered. “A librarian friend, very frumpy. It says that Oliver and Bree are trapped in a calderan prison cell, with Scarlett.”
“Who’s Scarlett?” They asked again.
“Why are you asking so many questions?” Kaz replied in an irritated tone.
Chase took the laptop away from Kaz and looked the email over, they needed to go to Caldera and rescue them. Kaz explained to the two of you how to do that, you’d have to use a wormhole transmitter. Chase ordered him to go get it, which he did, it was downstairs in mission command. He walked to the hyperlift, his gaggle of girl-droids following closely behind. It made you scoff and role your eyes at them, stupid android girls.
For your own safety, Kaz pointed out that you had to stay behind. He didn’t want to risk you getting hurt on Caldera, he wouldn’t forgive himself if you did. You wanted to say something, almost laughing at how he was now caring about you but you refrained. Plus, Chase agreed, since you were the only one who didn’t have superpowers or bionics, you needed to sit this one out. So you agreed, only because Chase said so and you weren’t made at him for anything.
So you stepped back and watched them go through the wormhole. You lounged around in the living room, watching some tv while you waited for your friends to safely get home. It wasn’t until very late did another wormhole appear in the loving room and your friends were home. The androids were here too, how fun, you had hoped they would’ve been left stranded on Caldera.
“Welcome back guys!” You greeted.
Kaz got rid of the androids that night, finding seven girlfriends to be stressful. Instead he decided to secretly keep pining after you, you were a lot better than an android. And he decided to tell you how he felt before you and Chase became an official thing. Cause who knows, maybe he has the chance to win you over. But that proved harder than expected because you were kind of avoiding him. Every time he tried to talk to you, you’d divert your attention elsewhere. It was getting really annoying!
And yes, you were slightly avoiding Kaz because you were still in a sour mood about the whole android thing. Even after Kaz decided to get rid of them. Currently, you were sitting outside in the balcony, attempting to do your homework. That proved a lot harder because you couldn’t concentrate, still thinking about how Kaz thought androids made better girlfriends. You couldn’t believe that you were actually jealous of a robot but you were.  
Someone sat down next to you and you didn’t have to look up to tell it was Kaz. “What do you want Kaz, I’m a little busy.” You said.
“I thought I could help you with your homework,” He replied.
“No thanks, I don’t need a monkey telling me how to do my psych homework,” You scoffed, slightly regretting your choice of words.
“You think that’s an insult but it’s really not.”
“Whatever, just leave me alone. I have a ton of homework to do and I don’t need you distracting me.”
“Okay, what is up with you? You’re never like this!”
“Nothing’s up with me!” You argued.
If he wasn’t leaving then you would, you made the motion to stand up but he stopped you. He held onto your arm, keeping you in place.
“We’re not moving until you tell me what’s wrong,” He insisted.
“Why do you care? You sure as hell didn’t care a couple of days ago when you had those androids all over you,” You scoffed, everything was starting to pour out now.
“What do they have to do with any of this? And of course I care, I’ll always care about you,” He defended.
“Yeah sure didn’t look like it then. You let them put their robotic hands all over you and you just sat their with you stupid grin. You’re so oblivious to things sometimes. Why couldn’t you see how jealous I was, why can’t you see how much I l-” You stopped yourself before you could say anymore.
“How much you what? And you were jealous…of the androids,” And then he put two and two together. “You like me?”
“What? No! That’s ridiculous! This whole conversation is ridiculous. I have homework to do so if you don’t mind,” You tried brushing the matter aside but it didn’t work.
Kaz had this huge grin on his face. “That’s awesome!”
“It…is?” You questioned.
“Yeah because I like you too,” He confessed.
You felt your heart flutter at his words, finding them unbelievable. “So then why the androids?”
“Look, at first I just wanted to mess with Chase, that’s all it was. Then it was nice to have someone who was solely interested in me, even if they were a robot. I just thought I had a better chance with them than I did with you,” He explained.
“You’re such a dork. But at least now you know you have a better chance with me than them,” You said.
“So, do you wanna go watch a movie?” He asked.
“Right now? Absolutely!” You cheered.
You packed your things away and stood up, Kaz held an arm out for you. You linked your arm around his before the two of you started walking out. Delight and excitement coursed through both of you as you had finally told each other how you felt and cleared up any confusion. Oh, and how Chase was gonna love this! But it didn’t matter, he’d get over it and you were happy so that’s all that really mattered.
General Taglist: @sassy-police-box send me a message if you also wanna be on my general taglist, or any tag list.
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Secret {Lab Rats: Elite Force}
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Requested: Hey, hope you're taking Lab Rats Elite Force asks if not I'm sorry just ignore this, but I wanted to request a Kas x reader where they're secretly dating (because of Chase's comment on the group dynamic if any of them dated) but the others are slowing finding out one by one, like how they'd find out and who'd be first? Thank you in advance babes!
Pairing: Kaz x Reader
Warnings: Minor mature scene (because I couldn’t help it), few swears (again, because I couldn’t help it)
Words: 4.3K
A/N: One out of many, many requests done :)
You sighed in content as you basked in the silence, fingers running through Kaz’s hair who laid his head on your lap. It was one of those rare moments where you got time to yourselves and you could just enjoy it without interference. The rest of the team had gone to bed while you and Kaz had opted to stay up for another hour or so. Much to Chase’s annoyance, he thought that every team member should get adequate sleep in order to perform well on missions. Not that anyone really cares half the time but this time everyone was just tired from today’s mission. And it gave you the opportunity to spend time together without anyone seeing.
Here’s the thing, you and Kaz were dating, secretly, because you didn’t want to risk ruining the team’s dynamic, as Chase put it. Although you would never break up with Kaz, you were way to in love with him to do that. You just didn’t want things to be weird with the group, and you didn’t want to deal with Chase’s nagging. Besides, it felt nice to just have this between the two of you without interruptions, without worry of any sort of judgement. Living with other people meant you hardly ever had any secrets to yourself.
You glanced down and saw Kaz had his eyes closed, your fingers still weaving through his soft hair. He absolutely loved when you did that, it always calmed him down. It was so peaceful being here with you, no missions, no loud noises, just peace and quiet. You cracked a small smile at how content he looked, you were happy that the two of you could just be here like this.
“I can feel you staring,” He mumbled sleepily.
“I can’t help it that you’re cute,” You replied, smiling wider.
“Fair enough,” He chuckled.
You rolled your eyes and removed your hand from his hair, flicking him lightly on the forehead. “Hey!” He cried, eyes opening. “I was really enjoying this.”
“You were getting a little too cocky for my liking. Anyway, we should probably get going to bed,” You told him.
“No! Ten more minutes, we hardly get time to ourselves,” He whined.
“I know but we have training tomorrow and if we’re tired, Chase’ll definitely bitch about it. Also, someone could come down at any minute and see us,” You said.
“I know but can’t we just have five more minutes?” He asked, giving you his puppy dog eyes.
You could never resist those eyes, you gave in quickly and he gave a little cheer before reaching up to kiss you. You leaned into the kiss, fingers once again finding his soft hair, his hand resting on the nape of your neck. He moaned lightly into the kiss, loving the feeling of your fingers raking through his hair and gently messaging his scalp. He broke the kiss, almost whimpering when his head lost contact with your fingers again. He sat up and leaned against the couch, reaching over to grab your hand before pulling you to straddle his lap. You hummed in amusement and wrapped your arms around his neck, knowing exactly where this was heading. You leaned in and kissed him once more, hands playing with the hair on the back of his head. You heard another low moan come from him, his hands on your waist gave a gentle squeeze which earned a whimper from you. You shifted on his lap to sit more comfortably, unintentionally drawing out a low growl from Kaz. His grip on your hips tightened and he held you tightly against him, moving his hips against yours. Okay, now you were very excited but you couldn’t just do something like this out in the open, you could get caught.
You tried breaking away from the kiss but he just brought you back in, his soft lips were very enticing. And when he slipped his tongue in your mouth, well you turned into putty in his hold. Yeah you were definitely going to this here, besides everyone’s asleep, there was no way you’d get caught.
“Woah, that’s something I never wanna see again,” A voice exclaimed.
The two of you jumped away from each other, you both looked like deer caught in headlights. Bree stood in front on you two, hand covering her eyes to block what you two were doing. Shit, how were you going to explain this to her?
“W-We can explain!” You exclaimed.
“What? That you two were just making out?” Bree said, eyebrows raised and finger pointing back and forth between you two.
“Yeah pretty much,” Kaz replied in defeat, there was no getting out of this one.
“You can’t say anything, please,” You pleaded.
“Why not? Yeah, it’s pretty gross seeing you two lip-locking but what’s the big deal?” She asked.
“Well we don’t know how the team’ll react and we didn’t want to mess with the dynamic. And we didn’t want to deal with Chase,” Kaz explained.
“Fair enough with the Chase reason but the rest of us? I don’t really think it’s a big deal and you two seem cute together. Also I was waiting for this to happen, you two are way too into each other,” Bree said, shrugging her shoulders.
“Really? Wait, are we that obvious?” You questioned.
“To me you were, but I noticed these things,” She told you.
“Okay, fair enough. But just don’t tell anyone, not yet at least, please?” You pleaded again.
“Sure, I’ll keep your secret until you’re ready. But this, what you were doing, not happening,” She said, reminding you that she had caught you making out.
“Also fair, we’ll go to bed now,” Kaz replied.
She didn’t move, knowing full well that if she left, the two of you were no doubt going to pick up where you left off. I mean, she wasn’t wrong, Kaz had full intentions of bring you back on his lap and kiss you for as long as he could. You heard him sigh in slight disappointment before he got up, you followed along. He grabbed your hand and the two of you headed off to your bedrooms, Bree following close along, completely forgetting why she had come downstairs. Kaz gave you a quick kiss before you two parted to your bedrooms. It made Bree jokingly gag, earning a glare from the two of you.
Relief surged through your entire being when Chase finally dismissed training, you were in dire need of a shower. You loved being a superhero but it was exhausting, especially when Chase liked to push you guys. His excuse being that you needed to be ready for anything, although true, you had a good grip on your powers. You lingered down in mission command with Kaz, everyone else headed up for their much needed showers. Before she left, Bree gave you a knowing look, reminding you to keep it PG. You rolled had rolled your eyes at her and ushered her out, wanting alone time with your boyfriend.
You were both sweaty so that made it less gross when he wrapped his arms around your waist and yours around his neck. He gave you a goofy smile before leaning down to kiss you gently. You sighed in content when he pulled away, you loved these little moments you shared with Kaz.
“I love you,” You said.
“I love you too,” He replied, wearing that same goofy smile you adored.
“So, wanna get food and then see a movie?” You asked.
“Absolutely, but first we shower,” He responded.
“Definitely, you stink,” You joked, pulling away.
“You’re one to talk, you smell terrible,” He mocked back.
“I’ll have you know I always smell like roses, you on the other hand,” You scoffed.
“Like rotting roses. And I always smell great,” He continued to joke.
“Just go shower, you dork,” You said, pushing him towards the hyperlift.
You walked into the living room, fresh and clean and one of your best casual outfits. You didn’t want to give away suspicion by being overly dressed, your teammates were sure to ask questions. Kaz was sitting on the couch, on his phone, patiently waiting for you. You smiled widely and walked over to him, nudging his leg with your foot to get his attention.
“Ready?” You asked.
“Yup,” He said, getting up from the couch.
“Where you two headed?” You heard someone ask.
You turned to the source of the voice and looked at Oliver who was standing in the kitchen. “We were just thinking about getting a bite to eat.”
“Oh cool, I’m starving,” He said, inviting himself along.
“Yeah sure, why don’t we bring everyone else along,” You muttered, kind of upset that he decided to tag along.
“That’s a good idea, I’m sure they’re hungry too,” He cheered, grinning widely before walking off to get the others.
“That’s awesome, you go do that,” You mumbled in fake glee.
“Awe, it won’t be so bad,” Kaz said, wrapping his arm around your waist in an attempt to cheer you up.
“I know but I want to be alone with you,” You looked up at him and pouted.
“We’ll get plenty of alone time,” He replied before leaning down to kiss you sweetly.
You smiled through the kiss, no longer feeling as upset as before because he was right. You pulled away after a couple of moments and then rested your head on his shoulder. You had your arms wrapped around his torso and his around you, hands resting on your lower back.
“They said they’re down,” You heard Oliver say, coming back into the living room. “Woah, what’s going on here?”
You broke away from Kaz in a hurry, mostly because Oliver’s sudden appearance scared you a bit. You stared at him in defeat, you didn’t have an excuse in mind. How is it that two of your teammates have discovered you in less than two days?
“We’re dating,” You said bluntly, lacing your fingers with Kaz’s.
“Really? When did this happen? How come I didn’t know?” He asked, waving his hands around in a frenzy.
“Yeah really,” Kaz answered casually, nodding his head like his best friend wasn’t freaking out about this.
“And we haven’t really told anyone because well we didn’t know how you’d react,” You continued.
“What’d you mean? Skylar and I are together and everyone’s cool with it,” He said, not understanding the big deal.
“Well, everyone expected that. But we just didn’t want to change anything in the team’s dynamic, I mean two couples on the team,” You told him.
“Okay, fair enough, but I don’t think it’s weird, I’m in shock yeah, but not weird. And now we can double date!” He cheered.
“Yeah, that’s not happening,” Kaz said, nodding his head with a disdain look on his face.
“And only you and Bree know because she found out yesterday,” You explained. “And you have to keep it a secret.”
“Okay, I won’t say anything, but the double date offer still stands,” He said.
“Who’s going on a double date?” Someone asked.
The others had come into the living room now, they were all ready to get go food. “Ah, I said if Kaz ever gets a girlfriend, we can go on a double date.” Oliver covered, turning around to face the others.
“And I said no. Anyway, let’s go eat!” Kaz replied, walking towards the door to leave.
They shrugged and followed along, you and Bree walked together. “So, he knows?” She asked in a hushed tone.
“Yup, saw us together,” You answered.
She nodded in okay and that was the end of that conversation, not wanting to say more and accidently out you two.
Even though it wasn’t just you and Kaz together, lunch was still enjoyable with your friends. Although it didn’t stop you from holding Kaz’s hand under the table. You wondered if the two of you could sneak away and catch that movie. You could’ve, had your friends not suggested they do something else after lunch. Maybe you should just tell them about your relationship, at least then you could get some alone time.
You were back walking around in the city, you and Kaz stayed in the back while your friends threw suggestions around on what to do. You were kind of happy because they were distracted from the two of you. It gave you the opportunity to discretely hold Kaz’s hand without them knowing. It didn’t last long because Skylar looked back at the two of you. You pulled your hand away before she could notice and gave her a sweet smile which she returned.
“Do you guys wanna try an escape room?” She asked.
“Oh, sounds fun but Chase would probably solve and ruin it in a matter of seconds. No offense,” You replied.
“None take cause you’re not wrong. Which is why I suggested we go to the Science Museum,” He said.
“Not a chance,” Kaz replied.
“We could go to arcade,” Oliver suggested.
“Now that sounds fun,” Kaz agreed.
“I’m in,” You said.
“Me too,” Bree concurred.
“Okay, that does sound fun,” Chase said, giving in.
“Then it’s settled,” Oliver cheered.
Once again you weren’t exactly alone with each other but it made it easier to sneak around. When you got there, Bree suggested the six of you break into teams; the classic girls vs boys. Oliver suggested three teams of two, mainly because he wanted to be on a team with Skylar. You didn’t understand why everything had to be competition between them all. Nonetheless, you teamed up with Kaz because he’s your boyfriend of course. And that left Bree and Chase as a team, which they didn’t mind, already boasting that they’d be victorious.
It was fun, for a while the two of you were coming in lead before being surpassed by Oliver and Skylar. But they were soon surpassed by Bree and Chase who you had to admit were the two most competitive people you’ve ever met. I mean after they stopped fighting and actually listening to each other’s ideas, they were crushing it. Eventually they beat you all by many, many points so you just declared them the winners. And after that, you guys just decided to play for fun with whoever. This gave you the perfect opportunity to be alone with Kaz and the two of you snuck away before the others could notice. But not even seconds after you were alone, Kaz got distracted by a claw machine and became determine to get something.
You rolled your eyes at him but nonetheless joined him. There were a couple of times he came close to getting something. And you would groan in frustration with him whenever the prize slipped through the claw.
“Hey, I’m going to the bathroom, be right back,” You said, placing a kiss on his cheek before you left.  
When you came out of the bathroom, your boyfriend was there, patiently waiting for you. He looked at you with an innocent smile, standing straight with his hands behind his back. That made you suspicious, usually when he looked like that, he’d done something he didn’t want you to know about.
“Kaz… what did you do?” You asked cautiously.
His smile turned into a frown. “Why do you assume I did something?”
“Uh because that’s the same look you gave me when you broke my tablet last month,” You answered.
“That was an accident. Anyway, I wanted to give you this,” He said, pulling out a plush penguin and handing it to you.
“Oh my god, its so cute. Thank you, best boyfriend ever,” You hugged him tightly, arms wrapping around his torso.
“Anything for you,” He replied, hugging back just as tightly.
“We should probably find the other before one of them accidentally finds us,” You said after pulling away.
He agreed and the two of you left to find your friends which wasn’t that hard since you all kind of met halfway.
“There you guys are, where were you and why’d you sneak off?” Skylar asked, confused look on her face.
“We got distracted by a claw machine,” You answered smoothly.
Chase immediately got into a rant on how to easily beat a claw machine which made you all groan and walk away. He chased right after you all, calling you all out for so easily ditching him. Bree made some snarky joke about him being a nerd which made you stifle a laugh into the back of your hand. Chase scoffed and mumbled something under his breath, probably something about being superior. You went home shortly after, deciding that you had enough fun for the day.
You had dinner at home and then watched a couple of movies for the duration of the night. The lights were off which was great, you and Kaz were occupying a couch. Skyler and Oliver had the other and Chase and Bree sat on the floor, hogging the popcorn. With the lights off, it made it easier to cuddle without worrying about the others seeing. When it hit eleven o’clock, Chase called it quits and ushered everyone off to bed, which made you all groan. It was only eleven but he argued his usual point, you all needed to be sharp and alert in case they get called into a mission.
You sighed and broke away from Kaz before the lights came back on and they saw you two being extra friendly towards each other. The tv was shut off and the glasses and bowls were cleared before everyone started heading off to bed. You and Kaz lingered back a bit, making sure everyone was out of sight. You stayed on the couch for a bit, Kaz laying on his back while you lied on top of him. Once again, night time was one of the few times a day you got to yourselves. You had your head resting on his chest, listening to his heartbeat which, due to his powers, was beating at an irregular pace. You closed your eyes, enjoying the peaceful atmosphere, and before you knew it, you fell asleep.
Kaz glanced down to see you fast asleep, finding you incredibly adorable when you’re asleep. He couldn’t bring himself to walk you up and simply draped a blanket over the two of you, falling asleep soon after. This wasn’t the first time the two of you ended up asleep on the couch together. Whenever that happened, one of you always made sure to get up before the others did. This time, however, both of you forgot about that and were woken up by someone else. Kaz woke up first when he felt someone shake the two of you awake. In front of him stood Skylar, hands on her hips as she looked at the two of you with a questioning look. He looked at her and then back to you, who was still sound asleep, and then back up to her.
“Yeah, if you're wondering what this is, it’s exactly what it looks like,” Kaz said.
“You know I had a feeling you two were together,” She said, confirming her own suspicions. “But, why are you guys keeping it a secret?”
“Because, Chase made that whole ‘it’ll ruin the team dynamic if any of us were to date’ speech. We didn’t want anything to change within the team,” He explained.
“Nothing changed when Oliver and I started dating, why would if be different with you guys?” She asked bewildered.
“Mmm, because we all expected that,” You mumbled sleepily. “What time is it?”
“It’s actually still pretty early and the others are still asleep, so you’re in the clear,” Skylar said, knowing what you were thinking.
“Doesn’t really matter now because now the only person who doesn’t know is Chase but we might as well just tell him,” You told her.
“Wait, I’m third to find out? Who found out first? If it was Oliver I swear to god,” She huffed.
“No it was Bree, and believe me, you did not want to be the first,” Kaz said.
You turned red as you remembered the night Bree caught you two making out. In your defense, it was all Kaz’s fault, and that sarcastic look you gave him told him just that. He had a smug look on his face, clearly proud of his actions from a couple nights ago. You stuck your tongue out at him before getting up, stretching and popping your joints. Kaz sat up, same smug smile still on his face, you just rolled your eyed at him and walked away to get ready for the day. You headed straight to the shower while you saw Kaz lie back down.
After you finished showering and getting ready, you headed back downstairs, running into Bree along the way. Downstairs, Oliver and Chase were also up now, having breakfast with Skylar and Kaz. You walked over to the kitchen to make yourself a bowl of cereal before taking a seat next to Kaz. Bree came soon after and joined you guys at the table. Now that pretty much everyone knew about your relationship, you openly grabbed his hand that was resting on the table. He looked a bit surprised but fully supported your intentions. Guess now was as good a time as ever to officially announce your relationship, and you really wanted to see what kind of reaction you’d get out Chase.
“So, um, I guess we should officially say that Kaz and I are dating,” You spoke, looking over at Kaz with a gentle smile.
“What? Wait, when did this happen?” Chase asked, showing the reaction you expected.
“Oh, about time, I was wondering how long you guy would keep this a secret,” Bree said, smiling widely.
“You knew? Who else knew?” Chase wondered.
“I did,” Oliver answered.
“Me too, found out like an hour ago actually,” Skylar told him.
“What? How come I was last to know?” He asked frantically.
“Because, it’s funny when you’re the last to know,” Kaz quipped.
“Haha, hilarious. But seriously, why’d you hide it?” Chase questioned.
“Well when you said that team members shouldn’t date because it would mess with our team’s vibe, it made us cautious. We didn’t want that to happen so we decided to just be together in secret,” You explained.
“Okay, that’s my fault. But I was wrong, when Skylar and Oliver started dating, nothing changed. I mean sure they had a few fights on missions but it all worked out in the end. So there’s nothing wrong with you two dating,” He told you.
You smiled when you heard that, that’s exactly what you needed. You looked back at Kaz, smile widening now that you didn’t have to be so secretive.
“Great, now that that’s out of the way. How did this even happen?” Bree asked, point at the two of you.
“Ah well, I can answer that,” Kaz started. “It was before the final battle between us and Rodissius. I knew that there was a great chance that we wouldn’t survive and I didn’t want to go out without telling {Name} how I felt about her,” Kaz told them, squeezing your hand.
You scooted closer to him and leaned against him, resting your head on his shoulder. You remembered that day like it was yesterday, one of your favorite memories. The six of you were all beaten and bruised, completely exhausted from all the fighting. Rodissius had kidnapped Chase in the hopes of getting his powers back, like he did with Skylar. But in doing so, he set off the final battle between both sides. There was no way your team was letting him get his powers back, and you would do everything in your will to make sure it didn't happen. But it was a battle you weren’t sure who would come out of it alive. Before you all left to rescue Chase and defeat Rodissius, Kaz pulled you aside.
“Look {Name}, this is going to be our hardest battle yet and we might not make it alive,” He said seriously.
There were few times you’ve ever seen Kaz so serious, and you always hated it. It always meant that the situation was very dire and right now you just needed some positivity. “Kaz, don’t say that, everything will be-”
“We don’t know that but just in case, I wanna do this before we die,” He said.
Before you could say anything, he placed his hand on your cheeks and pulled you in for a kiss. Your eyes widened in surprise but they soon closed, and you kissed back. You never in a million years thought that Kaz would feel the same way you do, and here he was proving you wrong. The kiss ended too soon in your opinion but it had been the damn best kiss you’ve ever had.  
“I’m so glad you feel the same way, otherwise that would’ve been so awkward,” He spoke after a few seconds.
You laughed a little, his humor always cheered you up when you needed it. “Yeah, lucky you. But we have to believe that everything’ll be fine, okay?”
“Yeah but, you know, just in case,” He replied, once again kissing you.
“Kaz that’s so sweet,” Skylar awed. “Also that was 7 months ago, how’d you two manage to keep it a secret that long?”
You both shrugged because honestly you don’t know, in the beginning you half expected everyone to find out within a month. But hey, at least now you could openly show your boyfriend affection. You looked up at him and gave him a sweet peck on his lips, earning groans from the others.
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Homecoming Proposal {Lab Rats-Adam Davenport}
Prompt: In which Adam makes a Homecoming proposal and asks you to go with him.
Pairing: Adam Davenport X Reader
Warnings: None
Words: 816 (Short I know)
Adam paced back and forth in the lab, his head hurting slightly from all the overly excessive thinking he was doing. His siblings, Bree, Chase, and Leo walked into the lab, finding him in his current state. They were confused, Adam never usually acted like this, it was rare to see him worked up over something.
"Watcha thinkin' big guy?" Leo asked, patting him on the back.
Adam sighed loudly and took a seat, clearing his head as he explained. "I'm trying to find the perfect way to ask {Name} to the homecoming dance."
"Why not just ask her?" Chase said, like it was the easiest thing to do in the world.
"Chase, he can't just ask her, every girl wants to be asked in a romantic way," Bree said, smacking his arm lightly.
"Yeah, she's right. I asked Janelle and she said no until I surprised her with a poster and flowers," Leo chimed in, nodding his head.
"I know, and {Name} deserves that, she so great and nice," Adam sighed once more.
"Don't worry Adam, I'll help you," Bree said, Leo agreed as well and even Chase did after a little pushing.
Honestly he just thought his brother should go for it and directly ask her, she'd be insane to say no. Adam could be a bit of an ass sometimes but he had a kind heart and he always meant well.
Bree suggested that they do something that fit Adam's personality, after all a huge chunk of him meant being a jokester and someone who eats a lot. The other's agreed to this idea, if getting a yes from {Name} was the goal then Adam should definitely just be himself. Leo looked up ideas online, a lot of them were very cute, some weird, but they weren't what Adam would do. And then they found some pretty good ones incorporating food in their proposals.
Adam looked over them and his favorite one included donuts, he'd buy a box of donuts and on the inside, he'd right "Please donut say no. Homecoming?". Cute right? He thought so, and who could say no to donuts.
You stood at your locker, putting somethings inside and taking a few out and placing them into your backpack. You were kind of bummed out, it's only been a couple of days but Homecoming was approaching and the person you had hoped would ask you out, hadn't. It not like he was obliged to or you had high expectations but you really thought that the two of you were getting really close.
You sighed and closed your locker, classes didn't start for another fifteen minutes but might as well get this day over with. You were stopped by your friend Bree however, she stood in front of you with a wide grin as she hand you a rose. Confused and a little worried, you took it be before she stepped out of the way. Leo and Chase stood a few feet away, with huge smiles on their faces as they each gave you a thumbs up. Okay, now you were a lot worried, what was going on?
You turned around to ask Bree what was happening but instead you were face to face with Adam. He was holding a box in his hands, and you were kind of scared that something terrible was going to happen. He opened up the box, the words "Please donut say no. Homecoming?" were written on the inside. Your mouth fell open just a bit, it was actually happening, he was actually asking you to go to the homecoming dance with him.
You smiled widely, and nodded your head yes, which made him smile as well. He gave the box to Bree before pulling you in his arms and hugging you tightly, quite grateful that you didn't actually say no. And you, you were so happy that the boy you liked dearly had finally asked you to the dance, and in such a delicious way too. Donuts were your absolute favorite!
"So does this mean I get to keep the donuts all to myself?" You asked once the two of you pulled away.
You saw Adam's face fall slightly, even though he tried to hide it. "Yes, they're yours."
You laughed lightly and shook your head, he was so sweet, saying yes when in reality he wanted those donuts just as much as you did. "I'm kidding, we'll share them!"
You took the box from Bree and laid your rose on top of it, holding it with one hand as the other you used to hold Adam's hand. The two of you walked off to go find an area to sit and enjoy one of the donuts he bought. 
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