andthingsleftover · 9 months
I hate buying a cool new food to try out and all of flavours are nice and tasty and the last package is weird and i check and for some reason it contains aspartame.
None of the others did >:(
I'm just glad I caught it two chips in. Fake sugar makes me very very sick and aspartame is even worse than sucralose.
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sherlock-is-ace · 2 years
#psicoanalysing myself in the tags this time so it's easier to ignore on y'all's dashes#don't say i don't care fo you guys <3#lol#no but of course i'm still thinking about autism tratis (haven't stopped thinking about it for one second)#everything i do or think now i'm comparing it to a list of autistic traits and drawing the same conclusion...#there is a big fat chance i am autistic (i'm now like 90% sure but i'm still looking things up)#anyways one big thing that is very annoying for me right now is masking...#i think i've done it all my life to such extent that i don't know what i've been faking and what's been real..#i overcompensate A LOT so i feel like i can't bring this up to people who know me (spacially my mom)#cause none of them would believe me *because* i overcompensate so much#and i'm drawing a lot of parallels with gender stuff#like to people who see me around I am VERY MUCH a girl#but for me and the people close to me i'm very clearly not#it's just that my enormous aversion to bringing attention to myself won't allow me to be myself#like i will overcompensate my masculinity by being very feminine when i'm out and about#because i know how i look! and it's more ''''normal'''' to see an afab behaving like a woman#and i don't want to be ''the trans weirdo'' everywhere i go#same with social situations. i act like i don't hate speaking because the thought of having to explain that i hate speaking#and being labeld as weird terrifies me#i once brought this up to my therapist and she dismissed it very quickly (which is why i'm no longer in therapy...)#but like i was explaining to her that i'm so anxious about going into a shop to buy anything and once i was with my mom#and i was expecting her to go and buy the things but she sent me in (validly *I* was the one that needed the things lol)#and i went in and did the buying... seemingly normal#but what wasn't seen was my thought process#the idea of having to embarrass myself in front of my mother and in public as a 20 yo who couldn't go into a shop...#and then have a back and forth discussion with my mother about how stupid that was and having to justify my anxiety and the confrontation#that was WAY worse in my head than just going in having a horrible time and buying what i needed in like 10 minutes you know?#the ''''social'''' decision i made wasn't because i don't have social anxiety it was because that was the least worse option#and i tried explaining this to my therapist and she just said ''if you had anxiety you wouldn't have gone in''#and changed the subject... just because i didn't fit what he textbook said was anxiety
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artemismatchalatte · 2 years
I know it’s been a few days since I posted about this but I’m still kind of mad about the inaccuracies about the new Emily Bronte movie (2022). I know it’s “an alternative take” but so many people won’t get that and think it’s true. 
I have researched about the Brontë's, especially Anne Bronte for the grad level paper I’m writing. So I know most of they’re going to claim in the movie isn’t true. Basically, Anne is going to be overshadowed by one of her sisters again. But in such an offensive way because they take the love of Anne’s life away from her (there’s evidence for this!!) and gives him to Emily instead (why?). Emily can be an empowered and powerful woman without an obvious love interest- I don’t understand why they are trying to make her more conventional than she actually was. 
So in light of all that, I started writing an Anne Bronte/Bronte siblings novel on top of all the other things I’m already working on because I don’t know how to limit myself when it comes to writing projects (this will be the fifth I pick up that I’m currently working on). That movie concept just pissed me off so much. And I did the research already so- why not?
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autism-corner · 1 year
levi probably has so thousands of pics of henry and its a shame i cant see any of them
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helllonursee2 · 7 months
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honeydudedraws · 4 months
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my friend made me keep dark cacao labeld as mom :p
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ganondoodle · 5 months
it might seem like im just a totk hater, and to be fair, i AM, but its not bc i think its bad in every way- if it was all bad, ok, then its all bad and we can forget it happened and can all accept that-
but totk specifically hit the jackpot of -things that frustrate me so much i cannot let go and need to talk about it-
its part of my current hyperfixation (or whatever is the right word), botw is one of my all time favorite games, and that one had so many mysteries i was DEEPLY invested in, its got great music and some absolutely fanatstic moments, some ideas are great to fine, but it doesnt make sense, i hate time travel like little else in games, it constantly contradicts itself, the franchise, even its previous game its supposed to be a sequel to, i felt like i was made fun of by the game itself, for caring so much about what they had set up or done in botw, the moment i saw what they did to the shrine of life i felt so devasted i could hear people pointing and laughing at me for having cared about it, the writing treating me like i am so brainless i cannot connect dot one and two when there are only two dots in front of me labeld 1 and 2 that it then tells me to connect directly, to my face, multiple times, before showing me how to draw a line, its full, so SO FULL of missed opportunities, its got choices in there that are just nothing but frustrating bc there were a hundred other ones, i can see what you could do wit hthe basic ideas, theres people that worship it to a point you cant say anything even mildly critical, even about objectively bad things (there is no excuse for that godawful arrow menu) bc they will jump at you like a rabid animal-
i could go on but you get the point, never in my life has anything hit me like that
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ryderdire · 2 months
okay not to be unhinged about The book of bill stuff on main but i DID cross ref the pages of BOB that are From the great gabsty and this is likely not important but heres what i found strap in this post gets werid (mostly because I’m sleep deprived and typed this as I was doing it)
page numbers are different. the pages that are directly copied into the book of bill are labeld pages 11-15 (16 techically but 16 is covered by white out) while in the pdf its 29- about half way through 32 (thats no including the next page which cant be read in the bob) Then i was like huh the pages kinda break in a werid spot too. soo i did some code bs (everthing in parenthesisis is stuff on page 16 as such im noting it) First word of every page gave me -
About and works it no (elevator?) First and last word of every page
About her And now works awful it tom no (elevator a) Last word of every page- Her and now Awful Tom (A?) First letter of every page A A W I N (E) First and last letter ARAWWLIMNE First letter of every first and last word AHANWAITN (EA)
which is almost somthing ahan is a bit ???? but waitin could be smth Last letter of every page RWLME(A)
first letter of every last word HNATT(A)
And for those of you who saw the ad
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and called it at the end he says "That will be 9.99" So As a crack theory ima put the 9th word and letter on here as well. both forwards and back since theres only 3 9s here i also thought HEY WTF so ima just real quick 9th from the top : The Chatting Said Her Man
Odds: The Said Man Evens: Chatting her
TCSHM Odds: TSM evens:CH
9th from the bottom: That Next Said Of McKee
Odds:That Said Mckee
Evens: Next of
TNSOM Evens:NO Odds: T S M
Anyways never ever let me make ciphers bc apparetly im crazy and will code shit like this lol. Any who none of this seemsssss that viable. i just needed a distraction. maybe ill throw these through an anagram thing at some point idk im sleepy i promise im sososososososososososo normal.
Edit: Also feel free to cross check my work I did do this as half awake nerd up at 4am so I guarantee I did somthing wrong
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eldrtichbatlady · 9 days
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these are variants of them, Negative variants. inspired by an art i saw where Pepperman, Vigi, Noise, and Fake Peppino also had variants labeld "Negative" that were heavily inspired/based on their boss icons (the ones you'd see on the pizza granny sign)
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howhow326 · 8 months
For black history month, I think we should begin popularizing monsters from the African continent the same way European monsters are overpopularized. To that end, here's a list of some of the most famous folkloric figures from Africa!
Origin: Ghana (Akan)
Creature it is not: Dwarf
(Singular: Aboatia) Mmoatia are a subclass of abosom (spirits in between Man and Creator) that live in the forests of Ghana. They are short, have curved noses, backwards feet, and a unique language made up of only whistling sounds. Whistling in the forest is a sure way to get their attention. According to legend, they are phenomenal herbalists that will sometimes share their knowledge with humans. When a person gets lost in the woods, they are said to have been taken by Mmoatia. Humans who come back after being taken will become incredible medicine men. In Ghana, Dust Devils are called "Mmoatia Mframa" (Wind of Mmoatia) because they are belived to be a portal to their world similar to how fairyrings are treated in Ireland.
Mmoatia are divided into three tribes: Black, White, and Red. Black Mmoatia are supposedly harmless, while White and Red ones are always up to some kind of mischief.
Origin: Ghana (Ewe)
Creature it is not: Vampire
In Ewe culture, the Adze is a type of demonic spirit associated with witchcraft. They take the form of a fire fly that, during the night, crawls inside human beings in order to posses them. People possesd by the Adze are said to be witches, who use the spirit to slowly drain the life force of people that they envy (Old witches target the young, Poor witches target the wealthy, enslaved witches target their masters as they should).
When targeting a person, the Adze will leave it's host human during the night and crawl into the house of the victim. When it's close, it will drain blood from the victim like a mosquito.
Origin: Pan-African
Creature it is not: Werewolf
Just like how there are Werewolf stories all over Europe, there are Werehyena stories all over Africa. Compared to werewolves, which are said to be men cursed to be monsters, Werehyenas are actually monsters that disguise themselves as humans only to eat it's friends during the night. The people most likely to be werehyenas are village outsiders and blacksmiths, who are associated with magic.
In Angola, there is a similar (but not the same) creature to the werehyena called the Kishi. It is literally a two-faced demon that has a handsome man's body and face in the front, and a hyena's face in the back. This creature lures unsuspecting women into relationships so that it may eat them. If the Kishi has any male children with it's prey, it teaches them the art of femicide.
Mami Wata
Origin: Pan-African
Creature it is not: Mermaid (ok, it kinda is a mermaid but I need to keep the joke running)
Even more wide-spread than the Werehyena, Mami Wata is a figure so popular that it is common for water spirits in Africa to be retroactively labeld as Mami Wata and take on her iconography.
The most famous picture of Mami Wata is actually a french painting of a black Caribbean snake charmer, who west africans later identified as Her. Mami Wata is worshipped as a powerful, female river spirit that controls the flow of the river, the rate at which fish can be caught, the money that men can make, and several other things important to humanity. She is also said to be a seductress, who sleeps with unsuspecting men only to later kill them for cheating on their wives. Indeed, Mami Wata is a defender of women and a slayer of sinful and abusive men.
In many places, it is common to believe that women who drown or go missing in bodies of water were taken by Mami Wata to be taught magic. The women who return become pristessess to her, while the women who never come back become new Mami Watas.
Origin: South Africa (Zulu)
Creature it is not: Thunderbird (no hate, Thunderbird gets constantly thrown into things where it shouldn't be by people who don't understand it. And those people tend to be not native)
Impundulu, or Lightning Bird (NOT THUNDER BIRD), is a person sized Hamerkop bird that has the power to control the weather and summon lightning. It is also creature of evil magic, allied with witches and it has a never ending hunger for blood. It is said to sometimes take the form of a handsom young men in order to seduce women (why dose that keep happening).
Impundulu are immortal, and the ones that serve as witch familiars are passed down in the family as the old master dies and the child becomes grown. The bird is immune to gunshots, stabbing, drowning, and poison. It's only weakness is fire.
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digitalwizard01 · 2 months
Deadpool and Wolverine inspired me to watch the Ben Affleck Daredevil and i had an interesting thought. Matt had all his money in braille labeld boxes...Why the fuck does the government not print bills to have braille saying the dollar amount??? That would make people's lives so much easier
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oscconfessions · 6 months
Okay so uhh one time I was looking for someoscguy lore and I found a post vaugley saying "this account is someoscguy's friend" albiet it seemed like someoscguy just interacted with them no interactions back from the person. And like that account had 2 very funny takes
First one wasn't about directly about II, and it went "Why do all female characters need to become moms it's so sexists yada yada" and I know it was vauge posting abt II Test Tube, which... No?
Test Tube being a motherfigure was a part of her character since season 2 with the shimmer egg... Like the reason she treats Bot as her child isn't because they randomly decied to she was a mom, I personally see her treating Bot the way she feels like she should have treated shimmer. Again that dosen't mean that her and Fan have acctually good characters/characteraztion in season 3 but I'm not againts them trying to be parents again.
And then I saw a post being like "II bad! Unlike other indie animation shows such as a horrid henry" and It made me laugh my ass off. Not because they picked horrid henry that shows a banger but because they labeld it as a "Indie animation project"
Their blog dosen't exist anymore but I feel like I should share this with the rest of the class, And since I'm sharing it with the class I'll tell you all a secret
Not all media cirtisim for things you dislike/ things that have flaws is objective/Good. Not every single thing you dislike about III is writing flaw. Not every II neg post is a banger and should be trusted(I litterally saw a post once saying "II bad now because they don't have songs" and it was tagged as objective critism).
Also just because II neg has some bad Apple dosen't mean the full tag is full of people nitpicking flaws (Albiet I do have issues with the community of the II neg tag... As a person whose pretty critical of III espically) there's some rlly good critism on there
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haolovre · 4 months
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secrets hidden in you
“they all say that park seonghwa, the most popular and dangerous person in the school doesnt have a heart, does he?”
this series can contain:bullying, beating up, blood, fluff, drugs, smoking, swearing
this fic is a fiction! so non of this is real
masterlist of this series
Third day
pt.1 morning
it was 4 am and u couldn’t sleep. U were thinking about who this 0304 person can be. Then u realised u never have read the letters.
U got up to ur desk were all the notes were. There was one labeld “number 1” u open that one and started reading.
“Dear yn,
well never thought i’ll write these kinda stuff but im here now. First day when i saw i was mindblowend. I was thinking why i never saw u, but then the teacher told us that u were new. That was the only time i liked that teacher. In every class i had a eye on u. also that day when u were asked to join us for basketball, i thought u would say no but i was surprised that u said yes. I want to picture frame that. U with a pony tail. Well not giving to many hints on who i am but well enjoy:)
- 0304”
u sat there confused on who it could be? Well u said to urself it obviously cant be ateez as they have newjeans. U wondered maybe it is txt? But i werent sure the next one u opened was number two. It had a drawing.
* picture of u with white paint all over*
u were quiet. How does this person have this. There was a note. “Well, dont u look fantastic.” U were speechless. How did they have this you thought?
U erased the thoughts, as u have to get going to go to school, haeyoung is still sick (poor girl)
you see sooha with seonghwa? u looked confused while u walk up to the two.
“ oh Y/N heyy how are you girly” “oh im fine what about you?” “Im doing fine.” The silence filled up as u three dont know what to talk about.
“Uh y/n you know about the project for biology, lets do it today! only i did heard that beomgyu couldnt come as something happend. he also won’t be at school today” seonghwa said. U thought oh well we do need to get it done but alone with the park seonghwa. “Yeah sure.” u said.
as no one knows what to say the atmosphere got heavy. u finally speak up “why where u guys together?” “hm? oh seonghwa was asking stuff abt yo-“ sooha got cut off by seonghwa who has his hand on her mouth “o-o-on uh yoyo’s yeah” he said quickly
u looking suspicious but still think nothing abt it
“OH there’s mingi im going see you two around?” as seonghwa ran to mingi, who was smoking some weed with other friends.
“Well. uhm yeah but he was talking about you tho i dont know why he caught me off and said yoyo’s he must be crazy or sum” sooha said as u two walk in the school
“Trying to hit on her huh seonghwa? or her friend?” Mingi said when seonghwa came up to him “ what do you mean hit on her i WASN’T””oh buddy u were totally” mingi smirked at his hyung.
“Also how his writing notes to her huh? I saw u put one in her locker yesterday?” “What~~ what are you talking about?” Seonghwa looking away
“bro its pretty obvious like her” “shut up mingi” seonghwa said with a pink face “i would say then u dont have minji up ur ass all the time and maybe she will finally leave u alone” mingi went on.
“You know what im thinking” seonghwa said “maybe i should fake date her so minji isnt clinging around me” seonghwa said to his younger “actually hyung not even a bad idea” mingi said.
—————end of part one of day 3————————
taglist: @vixensss
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nightmare8-420 · 4 months
chat i have to get an ekg tmrw should i kms?
tw suicidal shit as always but who gives a fuck!
i cant do this shit i barely can stand when people just tap me on the shoulder i dont wanna be touched by anyone
i dont want fucking stickers on my body i dont even wanna see my body.
i wanna cry until im unconscious
everything feels warm and uncomfortable and i wanna kill myself
i just wish i wouldntve told her about this i dont wanna be labeld i dont care if it’s important or not
i have to get bloodwork done too
she tried to force me to get it today, tho the doctor seen me try to fight her “get worked up” and stopped her
i just want it to come back normal i dont want anyone to know whats wrong with me
not even myself
i dont wanna know
i dont want anyone to know
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It bothers me that the puritan side of the fandom full of minors will try dig up any dirt in adult places theyre not supposed to be in and then throw the words "zoophile" and "feral" around just because you dont really care what "degenerate" things other people do in their own private spaces but its just wild that you get labeld as a "zoophile" for drawing art that has sex (theres a fucking SEX mural in game!!!) and the people that get labeld with that dont even draw "feral" stuff as far I know , its just for merely liking or following other artists and then they take this as a issue
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st311ar · 8 months
hold me please…
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Ship: Gust (Morro x Rie, OC x cannon)
Tags: Nightmare, Fluffy
TW: Mentions of torture, G0re, Cha/ns, cursed realm stuff.
Season: 5 (Pre cursed world)
“I’m so cold…”
Other ghosts around Morro complained. The entire situation was like a distant memory…being chained to the walls, the bones of the preeminent stretching your arms painfully, yet you could never die. Weather child or adult, this was to punishment for stepping out of line.
Today, Morro had missed five minutes of warship, which would’ve been a death scentence if ghosts could live. Morro was a regular hear, being recognized by other regulars like Bansha, Ghoultar and the soul archer.
his vision was hazy from loss of ectoplasm, dripping from his ankles and wrists, which fealt scarily bare on the fleshy ground. He could pick up the souls of the damned through the blood rushing In his head, all screaming for the pain to stop.
Morro had managed to drown these sounds out, escpecialy knowing that his punishment would be worse than the rest…every time.
Morro was what the preeminent labeld “green”. Despite green meaning ‘go’, In the cursed realm, it meant you were to be payed less, and tortured harder for being such a “brat”.
Morro could feel the bone in his legs shifting around, as well as the bones beneath the skin of his wrists being itched by the chains. He hated it here. Wasn’t he still a boy? Wasn’t he supposed to be making friends? Watching drive In movies with those friends? Hell, getting a high school sweetheart?
never again.
He spotted another ghost without legs carrying in a bunch of weapons to this cavern in the Preeminent, with another group following behind them. These were yellows. Yellows had more privilege, being torturerors, getting leeway on warshiping times, and even being payed minimum wages. Morro simply gave the group a scoff as they walked In, getting eye rolls In reply.
Morro was not having it today. He was hungry, cold, and dehydrated. The group of torturers traded their fresh coin for weapons, and each dispersed to their “respective” ghost. Some were unfamiliar, while Bansha and the two others didn’t struggle, giving Morro solem looks. He was the youngest boy In the cursed realm yet, having disrespected the first spinjitzu master.
“Rise!” One of the torturers stood above him while Morro rose slowly…But as the ghost warrior raised its blade.
he made a mistake.
his anger got the best of him.
he growled at the warrior across from him, and spat on the ground between them.
The other warriors gasped at the display of anger. Spitting on this sacred land? Oh that was definetly not allowed. The ghost warrior looked disgusted, that look turning to rage as it turned and whistled to the others, stamping its foot on the only way Morro could express his anger.
Morro’s heart sank as two others, quite burly ones at that came up behind his tourturer. One even laughed “Thank you kindly for paying our bills pretty boy.” They exentuated the last words, mocking his dreads. The more serious torturer pinned him down.
Morro had made a mistake.
everybody knew he had the powers of wind, and suddenly another torturer got out what looked to be a neck chain…
“Wait- Wait I’m sorr-!” there was a sickening splotching sound.
Followed by his own gurgling scream.
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Rie awoke in her shack to a blood-curdling scream. She’d recognize that voice anywhere- and she instantly panicked. She ripped her tape off of her arms with her teeth, allbeat, painfully, and she almost tripped getting up. Her adrenaline was going fast, and thank god the ghost warrior gaurd was asleep. In fact, half of Stixx was. Rie quickly shoved the door open, steadying herself outside on the boardwalks.
“Focus- focus…” she took a deep breath, using her powers to deepen her awareness of the sounds around her, and she eventually heard the panicked murmurs of a ghost.
“I’m sorry…I’m sorry…don’t…I won’t do it again please…”
Rie decided to take the quicker route, jumping and latching onto roof points to monkey-swing from shack to shack, until she reached the botched repair of Ronin’s shack, where she could clearly hear crying and sobbing from the open windows. There was a stronger wind here, too. Ran over to the door, her boots making loud metal and wood noises as she finally reached the door, and flung it open. “Morro?!”
There was a gasp from the small sleeping bag In the back of the room. Rie was panting as her adrenaline wore off. She slid off her boots inside, and walked over to the corner.
Morro was curled up in his sleeping bag, tar black tears running down from his eyes and staining his sleeves. “D-Don’t look at me!!” He yelled at her, balling up in the corner, trying to cover his head with his cape. Rie sighed, making sure to make herself known so he wasn’t scared. “Morro…” her voice was soft…smooth like butterfly wings…it was such a stark contrast from ghost hissing and scratching. Morro peeked a teary eye through the holes In his cape.
Rie gave him a soft and worried look. “What happened?”
“I had a nightmare…” he spat, still seeming bratty while scared.
“I’d call this a night terror, Morro.” Rie said gently, reaching out her hand. Morro took her gloved hand In his almost instantly, holding it tightly with a look of embarrassment on his face. Rie paused, and sighed. “Morro…do you want me to stay here with you?”
Morro’s head perked up. Not In her direction, but directly In front of him. He took a breath, sharply…
He turned to her, the most genuinely sad look on his face. His lip was already quivering, and his bottom eyelids were scrunched up.
“Morro…” Rie said sadly, but before she could breathe, Morro barely over to her and wrapped his cold arms around her body tightly. Rie looked shocked, taking In a breath to speak-
“hold me…hold me please…” his voice was quivering. Rie, feeling a pang of sympathy, quickly wrapped her arms around him. Morro couldn’t help but feel how warm her arms were on his…warm and gentle, like a swan’s wings. The feeling of such care…Morro almost couldn’t handle it- it felt like his heart was about to explode… so he started sobbing.
just crying.
finally. Just crying.
Crying to somebody who actually cares.
“thank you…thank you Rie- thank you.” He sobbed into her shoulder, staining the purple straps of her uniform black with ghost tears. All while she gently rubbed his back.
“your okay Morro…it’s just us…” she whispers to him. Gently, once his sobs had died down, she layed him down In his sleeping bag again, making sure to hold him. He was still quivering slightly, but she managed to cover him up. Quietly, she hummed a little song, rubbing his back still, and watching him drift back into a much more peaceful sleep.
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