#lack of context
rubypet · 6 months
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air--so--sweet · 6 months
I've been really busy with uni and some other things so haven't had a chance to sit down to write up my thoughts on Legion season 3.
I just tried to take a look at the notes I wrote when watching the episodes (oh yeah it's reached note taking levels) and I might need to rewatch the episodes just to understand wtf most of these notes mean. Others just made me giggle (yes, laughing at my own jokes, I know I know...)
A random selection for your enjoyment/confusion -
- Sleeeeves
- baby sweetheart
- Shit Spanish?
- White man
- Good people!!!
- Well hello Violet Baudelaire
- Bury the gays intensifies
- Shit movie
- Scientist father, bitch lover
- Cries like he knows something
- Still better than Twin Peaks (this is in reference to the revival, not the OG...should I talk about Twin Peaks?)
There's fifteen pages (!!!) of these. Also, handwriting my notes shortly after sustaining nerve damage in my arm wasn't the best idea, my writing is barely legible at the best of times...struggling to hold a pen surprisingly didn't improve that...
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lack-of-context · 8 months
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source: The Novel’s Extra
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tainbocuailnge · 1 year
a character can be as perceptive and insightful and intellectually curious as you can possibly imagine the fucking second they show signs of being a little rowdy or boisterous or just generally being cheerful and physically fit they instantly get slapped with the “dumbass” stamp because the faceless masses of general fandom trends still haven’t progressed beyond the immovable jock vs nerd dichotomy i guess
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tiredmaster · 5 months
Aroace "discourse" is fucking weird because if you can understand how an agender person (someone with no gender) is trans and queer, surely you can understand how an aromantic or asexual person is queer.
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egophiliac · 9 months
This may be rude, but im so confused what Sebek's UM is. Is it like an electric ribbon? Or like a force field?
yeah, normally they explain them a little more clearly! my read on it is that he's, like, charging himself up with electricity (or maybe he becomes electricity?) until he's just a big Sebek-shaped lightning bolt. it seems like he needs direct contact to zap people, although it's also possible that "physically run at Silver while screaming" is Sebek's default solution to everything.
this didn't turn out as relevant as I thought it was going to be when I drew it, but have some Sebek doing a stunning theatrical performance anyway:
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hotbabelien · 8 months
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i had this comic sketched out last spring and the new series incited me to actually finish it. i love the interactions between the Captain and Pat so much...
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azogue2718 · 10 months
You ate WHAT
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bingqiuhateabortion · 4 months
The way thousand statues cave scene gets such vastly different reactions and gets interpreted from every different vievpoint is kind of fascinating. My friend told me it was funny af and i've seen people say it was really creepy (iykyk that's why i'm writing this post now) but for me it was just really, really, really damn sad?? Maybe I relate to HC way too much but just imagine two people who you mutually hate and who also have biased opinions towards you and the person you love the most finding your deepest darkest secret you lowkey are ashamed of yourself. The two bitches you despise do everything they can to alienate and turn your crush against you and there's nothing in your power you can do not to make the situation worse than it already is. THAT's fucking horror not a guy having a weird but harmless hobby which he engages in mind you to cope with trauma and eternity of loneliness. And you really thought he's the bad guy bc he was "acting weird" huh
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bamsara · 4 months
I Need international stamps I need regular stamps I need the post office let me in let me on let me in let me in let me in please please
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kaurwreck · 1 month
idk I don't think it was love and trust that created the current calamity, and I don't think anything they've done in meursault or at the airport has been futile. I don't think the themes fall apart when they're challenged, I think they're reinforced, which is as evidenced by Fukuzawa cradling Aya as it is by Akutagawa asking Atsushi if they need anyone else.
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egoarc4de · 7 months
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lack-of-context · 8 months
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Source: The Outcast Is Too Good At Martial Arts
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originalartblog · 2 years
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What if Adam could do the hotpack thing that Baymax can do + when was the last time someone gave Chuuya a hug
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deathberi · 2 months
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funnyao3 · 8 months
"I'm not arguing with you over killing my father," Wylan says while trying to fight off a grin. "I'd highly prefer it if my boyfriend stays out of jail." 
"As if we'd get caught," Kaz says, sounding almost offended. "Van Eck has countless enemies. It'd take them years to get through the list of suspects, let alone actually figure it out. He's old, too. It'd be easy to make it look natural."
"Have you thought about killing my father before?"
"Haven't we all," Kaz states more than asks, and Wylan can't honestly say no. 
"I haven't," Matthias says after a few seconds of silence. 
"You don't count. You have like… morals 'n shit." Jesper gives Matthias a judgemental look and only gets an annoyed eye roll in response. 
"I have morals," Inej says, and then when everyone looks at her expectantly, she adds, quietly and a little shameful, "I've thought about it." 
"We are not killing my father. We're not." Wylan shoots Kaz a glare when he opens his mouth to complain, and he huffs and looks away. 
"Enough joking about murder," Wylan says, "I just want a calm, peaceful, crime free life, please." 
"You can have a peaceful life with a dead father." 
Kaz makes an expression and a little motion with his hands, as if to say Well, it's true, but doesn't otherwise complain again.
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