#lady rainicorn: and had kids with him.
awesome-normal-heroes · 5 months
What if Scarab and Rainicorn are friends, like how Prismo and Jake are friends?
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it's not like you can judge her, Scarab... You're both can't stop thinking about weird goofy men.
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fyeahmeddy · 9 months
"The OriGinaL AdveNtuRe Time Used tO be iNnocEnT!!!"
The original Adventure Time:
-Its first episode was literally about playing god -Post-apocalyptic world devoid of humans and dominated by mutants -Had an episode about Finn losing and regaining his "virginity" -Showed Finn's butt -Finn pole-danced -Finn showed nudist/exhibitionist tendencies -Lady Rainicorn related a kink/sex-escapade story -Lady Rainicorn made several innuendos -Testicles joke (Freak City) -All the princesses were thirsting about Finn, while he was a teenager and they were probably older -Finn punched a woman (Marceline) -Marceline mentioned a bra to Finn -French kissing reference -Some ballons made a comment about suicide -Ice King brainwashed a woman to marry him -Several instances of body horror -Finn's abandonment issues and trauma -Old woman going ham on PDA -Finn "punched" a few princesses (Loyalty to the King) -The whole Simon reveal -Finn saw Marceline naked and it's implied she saw him naked too -Finn's hero got his face blown off to reveal he had been killed and used as skin suit by an eldricht horror -Finn said "son of a b-!" -Characters were cursing all the time but in censored ways ("shmazow!!") -Prince Gumball undressing in front of Fionna, then the struggle sounds Cake heard -Blowjob visual joke (Another Way and the creepy nurses) -Finn called a dude "hot" and Jake teased him about it -Spider giving birth -Several references to Finn killing himself
and the list could go on....
Point is: the show was always raunchy, it always managed topics beyond what "a kids show should". I don't understand the people complaining that Fionna and Cake is "tainting" or "betraying" what Adventure Time was. You are naive if you think Adventure Time was ever "innocent". I'd dare to say Fionna and Cake is closer not only to what AT was, but what AT was supposed/planned to be.
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paragonrobits · 8 months
Entropy or Renewal
It's one of their regular movie nights. Bubblegum and Finn, and Marceline and Jake; sometimes the Flame King when her duties allow her the time (rare enough, rarer still when both she and Bubblegum turn up). Lady Rainicorn too, though more often than not she flies and in out as her whims and own responsibilities demand. And so it circles around to a core membership of sorts.
Finn and Jake have many friends. It is the friendship between herself, Finn and Marceline that feels like a core to her; Jake is a good person in his own way, as close to them as lightning in clouds, but there's a strange distance there; Finn was closer to her.
Finn was closest to all of them. She thought about invisible ties, not binding but connecting things together. Lifting them up when they might have sank alone. A helping hand when you needed it. And a whole lot of confusing, conflicting feelings, swirling together in a mess that was beautiful and ugly and painful and the best part of her life all at once.
So. Bubblegum thought of it, clinically as herself and Marceline and Finn; the only ones that would definitely be there. Sometimes Ice King too, though that wasn't the burden she thought it might be years ago. Now he turned up, looking lost but happy for it, gravitating towards Marceline like he was taking cues from her. He didn't bother her very much; when he did he spoke to her as he did to Finn, pleasantly enough. It was a welcome change but odd, and sometimes when he talked to her she suddenly thought that he didn't know who she was. Not anymore, anyway. Whatever part of himself that had fixated on her so much, had simply... melted away. Or he had forgotten.
There were reasons she didn't trust magic much. She had seen too much evidence of what it did to people.
But tonight, these thoughts were far. It was just herself, and Marceline, and Finn.
She twirled her fingers absently in thought. She imagined spinning a thread between them, like the invisible lines of connection and closeness that bound the three of them together. No, she decided. Not binding; that implied constraint, or unwillingness. This was... a kind of liberation.
Her responsibilities were a chain. That was the truth of it. It was chains she accepted and allowed to weight on her, but all the same she accepted it. She had made life, and so she was responsible for it. Even if her life closed around it, leaving nothing but duty, pushing away the people she cared about, leaving herself alone with people that loved her but did not know her.
Her fingers twitched a little bit. Finn's head turned from the movie owlishly, looking at her carefully, and she relaxed a little bit. Was it putting up a front? Did he help make her feel more welcome, more like the kid she had never really had the opportunity to be? Or was it letting the persona of the Princess fall away, just a little?
Perhaps it was all of them. Answers did not need to be reductive.
"You okay?" he said, quietly. Marceline, floating on the other side of the couch, glanced at them. Some analysis of the situation seemed to say that this was something between Bubblegum and Finn, in their own way, and she graciously turned away, giving them as much privacy as was reasonable.
"Yeah," Bubblegum said quietly. "Just thinkin'."
"What about?"
"...I dunno. Hard stuff. I don't really know how to say it."
He nudged her gently. "Don't worry about it," he said, and for a moment she felt the strange sense of him speaking as if from a vast distance, and with many mouths all together at the same time.
Not in the sense of a body with many mouths. But as if he had worn many bodies over many lifetimes, seen the world from countless different perspectives, and here and now they all came together. His gaze seemed older than he should be, wise and patient and sad all at once.
For a moment, it was a strangely familiar thought. The weight of ages hung upon him, and just for a moment his gaze was older than the world. Suddenly, in this space, with Marceline and Finn, perhaps the only other people in the world who knew what it meant to know that the world had changed beyond imagining and would change again, she felt... like it was easier than it used to be.
She smiled.
Finn smiled back, and the moment passed, and vaguely she realized she had been studying his face. He was still young, not even a fully mature man of his species.
It was silly to be studying his face for wrinkles, or for crow's feet. Looking at the few blonde-white hairs that were sliding out beneath the front of his fur hat, looking for signs of graying. He was young; he had many years before him.
Even so, the inevitability of age weighed heavily upon her. She wouldn't change, and simply stay as she was, and the same as Marceline.
Finn would.
He smiled, unknowing, and returned his attention to the movie. Marceline was glancing at him though, her expression just a little too intense to be casual, and for a moment, her eyes met with Bubblegum, and the moment became painful, wrenching inside and something like acid flickering across her consciousness.
They both knew. The same fear, the same certainty, the same awful inevitability.
Bubblegum thought about it a lot. Together with Marceline, her responsibilities growing increasingly less demanding and perhaps one day her people wouldn't need her at all. The Ice King was no longer a threat but a harmless silly man. Finn was always there, opening up home and heart after the rough patches (and they had been there, yes; she tried to ignore them, and past them they had gone, and sometimes she wondered if they might have gone better if she tried to head them off, but it was too late to worry about it now). Her life was good, now. And so much of it sprang from Finn, as a tree grew from deep roots.
So much fierce joy that felt like it had come so suddenly into her life, as he had grown and matured and attained some strange unearthly wisdom. It didn't feel earned, to her, and it did not feel stable.
Everything stayed, as Marceline sometimes said, and sooner or later it would be gone. The circumstances would change. The people, in the experiences she kept carefully locked in herself to never be told, did not.
A fresh wave of sick feeling oozed out from her. It was a phobia. It was a rancid fear. It was certainty and awareness of the inevitable, all at once.
(She couldn't stop it. She couldn't save him. She wouldn't be able to stop time or bring him back, when all was done. She could contrrol the world, control her kingdom and bring rightness wherever she could, but she couldn't keep him safe.)
Finn turned to look at her again, his brow furrowing. Something was wrong. He gave her a look, his eyes wide with concern and fear.
She closed the feelings, keeping them close and hiding them away.
So much joy, she thought again. The world would present its bill, sooner or later.
She would see those hairs go grey. She would see the solidity of his body gradually fade, and in a span of time so abruptly sudden she was used to just ignoring it-
Bubblegum stiffened herself. She told herself to have fun. Don't think about it. Do NOT think about it.
He frowned again. Something was definitely wrong.
She smiled, and it would be easy to say that she didn't feel it, she was just trying to reassure him. But that wouldn't be true. For a moment, she felt the easy comfort of time with friends, closer to her heart than she dared tell anyone. Love and family and all kinds of other things that had sprung upon her in a flash, making everything feel so completely worth it.
Answers, after all, were not reductive.
(One day, she was going to have to watch him die.)
After a moment, he smiled too, and turned away once more.
She returned to the movie, though her thoughts were troubled.
She thought of the invisible nature of joy, and the way in which the bodies of people grew tired and rotten so terribly quick, and her fingers squeezed tight bundles of fabric from her sweater. Fear curled inside her, rancid again, but she had a grip on it.
She told herself, that was a thought for the future. Now was a time to be happy and content.
It was a nice night, all things considered.
(She was not ready to say goodbye. Not then.
And when the time came, she was not ready then, either.
But by then, she had come to understand a few other things. She had come to understand what a blue comet in the sky had meant, eons ago, and him coming to her in many lifetimes, over and over; the same feelings and cares, the same love, in new bodies and in new shapes, connection that carried on.
Perhaps it was not 'goodbye', she came to think later, when she met a silly little cat that wanted to be a hero, and when he spoke she heard Finn out loud, all over again, as he said that he didn't know why but somehow he thought he knew her.
Perhaps it was 'see you later'.)
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moderntimeadventure · 2 years
Welcome to the Modern Time Adventure AU! It’s basically an interpretation of what Adventure Time might be like if it took place nowadays. Before getting into it you may want to check out this FAQ to figure out some basics of the AU. Enjoy!
Yes yep yeah I've included events and characters that appear in both the original show, distant lands, and a teensy bit from the comics, so if you're looking for something spoiler free, this isn't it.
As far as I'm concerned, there isn't really one. Mostly it's everyone being stupid and having fun but I hope to also included some sideplots based off the original show plots, such as certain relationships, events or scenarios happening.
What's different?
Honestly, I think the biggest thing that's changed is the timeline. It's my AU so I decided I can do whatever I want, so the occurrence of the events slightly different .. but other than that there are some small changes with character specifics that aren't really worth mentioning in detail here.
Does Finn lose his arm in this AU?
Short answer, yes. Long answer, I do feel it's important to Finn's character and arc that he loses his arm, however the basis of the AU is the gang having fun and I didn't want to make it too angsty. Also, Finn is only 15 here and the current thought is that he won't lose his arm until he's older, around age 17 like in the show.
About me:
Hiya my main is @mispelled and Adventure Time has become really special and close to my heart recently, I know I'm late and the fandom is pretty much dead but. I don't really care, I'm gonna have fun anyway :)
Primary characters:
Finn, Jake, Bonnibel Bubblegum, Marceline, Phoebe/Flame Princess, Fern,
Secondary characters:
Simon Petrikov/Ice King, Peppermint Butler, BMO, Neptr, LSP, Susan Strong, Frieda, Tiffany Oiler, Cadebra, Spader, Blaine, Huntress Wizard, Betty Grof, Prismo, Lady Rainicorn, Kim kil whan, Charlie, Viola, Jake Jr, T.V.,
Characters that I've included but aren't really part of anything important:
Jermaine, Sweet P, Tree Trunks, Mr Pig, Aunt Lolly, Uncle Gumbald, Cousin Chicle, Neddy, Earl Lemongrab, Lemonhope, Gunther, Martin Mertens, Minerva Campbell, Hunson Abadeer, Joshua, Margaret, Billy, Canyon
(warning: this is going to be very long. You've been warned)
Character Specifics
Finn Mertens (he/him), 15. Idiot teenager who lives in the treehouse in Jake and Lady's backyard. Jake often sleeps there too because Finn will sometimes get nightmares. Likes plants. Favorite color is blue. Aro ace. Finn and Phoebe dated for a bit and then had a fight and broke up, didn't talk to each other for three months, and since then have made up, now they are besties.
Bonnibel Bubblegum (she/her), 17. Very studious, serious about her future. Favorite subjects in school are science and technology, but also enjoys home ec. Has a pet mouse named Science. Loves Marceline's songs but wouldn't admit it during the time they weren't talking. Questionable morality. Autistic and has anxiety. Favorite color is pink. Ace lesbian. Lives with her Aunt Lolly and Uncle Gumbald, cousin Chicle and foster siblings. Has a twin brother Neddy who doesn't live at home. Helps out in the candy shop most days after school
Jake Dogg (he/him), 32. Dad Humor ™. Also fart jokes. Plays the viola. Sneezes loud as heck. Gets very passionate about things he cares about. Likes going for long walks. Bisexual. Is Legit the best dad and brother ever. Loves his kids and his wife and his brothers sm!!! Isn't officially married to Lady but calls her his wife very often. Stay-at-home dad but tends to do random jobs during the day while most of the kids are at daycare/school. Finn's official best friend and bro. Fave color is yellow but dark blue is a close second
Phoebe Flame (she/her), 15. Hot temper, daddy issues. Has an older brother named Flint but isn't close with him. Found a passion in freestyle rapping and often raps with Neptr. Finn called her "flame princess" while they were dating (because of her last name and her temper) and he sometimes still uses the nickname to antagonize her. Favorite color is orange. Bisexual. Growing up her father was super overprotective and low-key abusive. She ran away from home for a bit but they made up eventually and now have a tense relationship on the mend.
Marceline Abadeer Petrikov (she/they), 18. Acts angry and punk but is actually a major softie. Writes music and takes inspiration from mitski, girl in red, chloe moriondo, cavetown and the red hot chili peppers. Had a vampire phase in middle school and still has a soft spot for YA novels. Favorite color is red. Bisexual. Has played in a band but has come to realize she prefers writing alone. Has insomnia which is when she writes her songs. Ambidextrous, which explains her ability to play bass with both hands.
Simon Petrikov (he/him), 58. Former Professor of Archaeology. Likes penguins. Plays the drums. Getting over a mental breakdown involving amnesia
Fern Campbell (he/they) 15. Finn's lil brother. Only reconnected with Finn recently because neither of them knew the other existed. Autistic. Nonbinary. Has a lot of angst™. Feels like he needs to one-up Finn at all times and live up to his reputation. Questionable morality and anger issues. Has a green thumb and really likes plants. Favorite color is green.
BMO Dogg-Rainicorn (he/they/she), 5. Adopted kid of the Dogg-Rainicorn family. Very imaginative, likes to play pretend. Has an imaginary friend, "Football", and plays soccer in an after school program. Is in Lady's first grade class
Pepper Mint Butler (he/they), 6. Very smart (especially for his age). Likes to use big words and will sometimes swear. He's That Weird Kid who knows random facts about creepy things. Plays DnD. Draws comics (which the rest of the cast likes to read and discuss at length). Lives at the Gumbald Foster Home. Is in Lady's first grade class.
Neptr Dogg-Rainicorn (he/him),11. Adopted kid of the Dogg-Rainicorn family. Super smart. Small for his age and uses a wheelchair most of the time. Loves pie and is in Tree Trunk's good books, often hangs out at her pie shop. Beatboxes with Phoebe.
Lady Rainicorn (she/her) 31. Works as a first grade teacher during the day. Mother of seven. Such a good mom and teacher. Speaks Korean at home, but English while teaching. Pansexual. Best friends with Bonnie and they'll sometimes get together to talk shit and eat junk food.
Charlie Dogg-Rainicorn (she/her), 6. Likes witchy stuff, mythology and tarot cards. Twin to Jake Jr. Is in Lady's first grade class
Jake Jr Dogg-Rainicorn (she/they),6. Daddy's girl. Twin to Charlie. Is in Lady's first grade class
T.V. Dogg-Rainicorn (he/him), 4. In the same dare care as Sweet P
Viola Dogg-Rainicorn (she/her),2. Very sweet, wants to be an actress.
Kim Kil Whan Dogg-Rainicorn (he/him),6 mon. Literal baby
LSP (she/her), 16. High school junior. Gossip girl. Often acts low-key bratty, sassy, attention-seeking and willfully ignorant, and enjoys texting on her phone but actually has depth that she doesn't like to show on the outside. Marceline's insider informer
Frieda (they/she), 27. Very open to different things, likes trying new hobbies. Always working on a different project. Very involved with helping Susan and has become a regular visitor at the Amnesiac Support Group. Sapphic and in a relationship with Susan
Susan Strong (she/her), 27. Super loyal and has strong intuition about who to trust. Likes picking people up. Has a golden retriever personality. After a fight with Frieda as teenagers, she stalked off and was involved in a car accident, leaving her with amnesia and aphasia. Subsequently ended up in the same ward as Simon and after a whole bunch of shenanigans was able to reconnect with Frieda several years afterwards. Hasn't recovered her memories but has strong feelings of intuition and remembers knowing Frieda from before. Sapphic and in a relationship with Frieda.
Cadebra Daniels (she/her), 6. Pep's #1 best friend (but he'll deny it). Loves sleight of hand magic. Super hyper and has ADHD. Is in Lady's first grade class
Tiffany Oiler (he/they/she), 23. Plays the viola. Old friends with Jake who acted as an older brother figure until Finn came along. Has a mini rivalry with Finn about being Jake's bestfriend/brother. Has soon come to respect Finn and now they get along, if somewhat grudgingly. Has been adopted by Joshua and Margaret Dogg
Blaine Jay (they/them), 6. Spader's best friend. Has become grudging friends with Pep and Cadebra, and often feels like they need to earn Spader's attention. Is in Lady's first grade class
Spader Petersen (he/him) 7. Frenemies with Pep. Used to be really stuck up but has taken it down a notch since then. Has sensory issues with noise so he almost always wears noise cancelling earphones. Carries around a rock named Larry. Is in Lady's first grade class
Betty Grof (she/her), 54. Simon's fiance and Marceline's mother figure.
Huntress Wizard (they/she), 16. The emo/scene kid at high school who has a mutual platonic crush on Finn. She ends up bonding with Fern after they realize how much they have in common. Aro
Prismo (they/he), 33. Fashion designer, has his own homemade pickle brand, "Prismo's Homemade Artisanal Pickles". Plays the banjo. Best friends with Jake from their college days when they dated. Pansexual. Somehow always has an answer to every question, though it's not always correct. Will often get the gang to model his clothes for his brand
Jermaine Dogg (he/him), 34. Jake's biological brother, Finn and Tiffany's adopted brother. Artist and keeper of family heirlooms.
Mr Pig (he/him), 64. Married to Tree Trunks, Sweet P's adopted father
Tree Trunks (she/her), 65. Pie shop owner and Sweet P's adopted mother
Punchy Gumbald (he/him), 43. Bonnie's uncle. Runs a collective foster home and small candy store, "Candy Kingdom". Husband to Lolly, father to Chicle
Sweet Pig-Trunks/Sweet P (he/him), 3. Adopted kid of the Pig-Trunks family. Has nightmares. In the same dare care as Viola
Chicle "Crunchy" Gumbald (they/he), 19. Bonnie's cousin. Six foot four. Self conscious about his laugh. "The funny one™". Away at college most of the time, doesn't always feel comfortable being at home with the foster kids.
Lolly Manfried Gumbald (she/he), 42. Bonnie's aunt. Runs a collective foster home and small candy store, "Candy Kingdom". Wife to Punchy, mother to Chicle
Hope Lemongrab (he/him) 11. Earl's little brother. Foster kid of the Gumbald Foster Home.
Earl Lemongrab (he/him) 16. Autistic. Foster kid of the Gumbald Foster Home. Needs glasses but never wears them.
Martin Mertens (he/him) 40. Finn and Fern's scumbag biological dad. Con artist. Has brain damage.
Neddy Bubblegum (he/him), 17. Bonnie's twin brother. Autistic. Currently residing at a separate care facility
Hunson Abadeer (he/him), 50. Marceline's scumbag biological dad. Business man™.
Minerva Campbell (she/her) 39. Finn and Fern's biological mother. Doctor.
Margaret Dogg (she/her) 63. Jake, Jermaine, Finn and Tiffany's mom. Runs a detective firm with Joshua, her husband.
Joshua Dogg (he/him) 62. Jake, Jermaine, Finn and Tiffany's dad. Runs a detective firm with Margaret, his wife.
Billy (he/him) 35. Finn's celebrity crush
Ok phew that's over for now
Specific Situational things that are important:
Canyon (she/they) 33. Billy's girlfriend
Finn and Fern were born to Minerva (doctor) and Martin (former con artist) Mertens. Incident happened where Martin and Finn were confronted by Marten's past clients (people he'd cheated), they ended up running. Finn was found and adopted by the Dogg family, Fern grew up alone with his mother who never told him about his brother. Martin returned to his con artist ways. Minerva tried to search for her missing family but never found them, and tried to move on with her life.
The Mertens
Finn and Fern didn't know the other existed, being separated as babies. They eventually met by accident when they bumped into each other at [an event]. After the fact, Fern took matters into his own hands and stalked Finn down via the internet.
Mertens brothers reunion
Joshua and Margaret Dogg run a private detective investigation firm. They have four children- Jacob, Jermaine, Tiffany Oiler and Finn Mertens
The Doggs
Jake and Lady are not officially married but live as if they are. They have five biological children, Kim Kil Whan, Charlie, Viola, Jake Jr and T.V., as well as adopted children BMO and Neptr. Finn lives with them, usually opting to stay in the tree house. Jake is a stay-at-home dad but tends to do random jobs during the day while most of the kids are at daycare/school. Lady works as a first grade teacher
The Dogg-Rainicorns
Punchy and Lolly run a collective home where they care for foster children. Some of the residents of the home include Pep, Earl and Hope Lemongrab, Bonnie and (formerly) Marceline. The Gumbalds also own a small candy store called "Candy Kingdom" where the kids will help out after school.
The Gumbald Foster Home
After Marceline's mother died, Simon, who was a close friend of Marcy's mom, took her in as his own. Marceline lived with Simon and Betty, his fiance, until soon after taking her in, Simon began experiencing a mental breakdown/psychotic episode that lasted a couple months, and is still recovering. Betty attempted to reunite Marceline and Hunson Abadeer, who wasn't interested in raising his kid. After the attempt ended in disaster, Betty was unable to care for Marcy and longer and she was transferred to the Gumbald Foster Home while Simon was committed to a psychiatric ward. Only when Simon was on the road to recovery and was released from the hospital did Marceline return to living with him and Betty.
The Simon/Marceline relationship
Simon had a mental breakdown/psychotic episode which ultimately resulted in dissociative amnesia. Marceline created an insert oc for him called The Ice King to try and help them both while dealing with the situation. Simon did get professional help but the amnesia remained for quite a while. He now attends an Amnesiac Support Group, which Susan also attends.
The Ice King Incident
Marcy and Bonnie were good friends throughout elementary school and the beginning of middle school, until they started to fall apart because of Bonnie adopting more responsibilities in her life (including helping her brother Neddy, dealing with family dynamics, the foster home, and accepting responsibilities at the candy shop) and as a result, Marcy felt ignored and left out especially because that's when she needed a friend (while going through her own issues with Simon's mental downfall). The two had a big fight and didn't talk for a few years but they're patching up their relationship and aren't dating yet, but both have feelings for each other.
Marceline/Bonnie relationship
Kara and Frieda were good friends as teenagers but after a fight, Kara stalked off and was involved in a car accident, leaving her with amnesia and aphasia. She subsequently ended up in the same ward as Simon and after a whole bunch of shenanigans involving changing her name to Susan, they were able to reconnect several years afterwards. Susan hasn't recovered her memories but has strong feelings of intuition and remembers knowing Frieda from before.
Susan/Frieda relationship
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sometipsygnostalgic · 3 years
Adventure Time Reviewed - S2E08 Crystals have Power to S2E10 To Cut a Woman's Hair
Crystals have Power
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Jesse Moynihan's debut episode - he would go on to make some of the most unique, incredible storytelling in Adventure Time. It was a heavy loss when he disappeared in season 8, but at the end of the day, everything changes.
The most memorable thing about this ep is Jermaine making his first appearance. Jesse did not think of the consequences it would have on the lore to imply Jake had a brother lol. He wouldnt reappear until much later. His lack of reference is implied to be because he was the least favourite, poor guy.
Jake's cute waybof rolling around the palace, and his attempts at pacifism, were entertaining to watch, but we LITERALLY just got an ep where Jake being unwilling to focus on the threat led to Finn going through unnecessary torture. I do like the pink of the crystal dimension though.
Her Parents
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And here we have the THIRD episode in a row where Finn is tortured due to Jake's incompetence. Honestly not a great impression from the writer's room. Did they legit come up with the exact same idea 3 times?
The episode has some GORGEOUS artwork though. Ako and Tom always delivered in the visual department. The opening is the legendary scene with them all sitting in the kitchen. There is a lovely scene where they do a rainicorn makeover dance and redecorate the house, but when it pans back they're just covered in ketchup. There's a scebe where Jake is looking soooo adorable putting Finn's shoe back on his foot.
While I'm not big on this episode's plot, I do think Bob and Ethel are tolerable additions to Ooo's wider cast. I love that there were actual Rainicorn Dog Wars with deaths, and there is racial tension because of it. This would come back in the episode "Lady Rainicorn of the Crystal Dimension".
The ep also mentions that humans are apparently extinct, for the first time! The "hungry looking rainbows" started eating humans as soon as the apocalypse landed. In Marcy's Super Secret Scrapbook, a rainicorn becomes her friend but Hunson eats its soul. Pretty yikes...
Talking of yikes, Finn enjoys the taste of human. Who can blame him?
To cut a woman's hair
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Okay, this ep is genuinely great! A return to what was making season 1 work so well, while introducing new elements.
Jake trying to let the tree witch down softly with sweet talk was really funny. Jake really is a likeable person and he was being nice. But I cackled when the witch said "I don't mind if you have a GF". Adventure Time is filled with romantic comedy and adult jokes that don't so much pass over the heads of kids as they make the parents wonder how a kids show got away with them. It's this humor that led to AT being shunned by conservative families.
Finn getting his ass kicked by Muscle Princess was really unfair. Thats the fourth ep in a row where Finn got unreasonably hurt for jokes. A step back from season 1's respect for the boy. However, that's the only injury. He tries to get hair in increasingly morbid ways - shaving it from LSP's lumpy body (She's so funny) and DIGGING A GRAVE to get Princess Beautiful's hair (she somehow knows who he is). Finn then takes Jake's advice to court a princess instead, and decides to court the one girl who would have probably given him hair without asking.
PB and Finn's interactions are really funny, as they will continue to be in season 2. It's a shame she doesn't get any interesting character moments like in s1, but I guess that's why her comeback in WWM and Season 4 is so cool. Anyway in THIS ep she is very chill and amused while Finn is losing his damn mind. Finn doesn't care about courting her or getting embarrassed at all because he's too busy trying to find hair, and PB thinks he's acting insane but is happy that he's offering spaghetti. Then it turns out, of course, that the hair is made of gum, so the witch won't accept it...
....at which point Finn tells her she's ugly on the inside and outside, and hair will never change that, so she gives up. To make her feel better he offers her HIS hair!!! His long gorgeous blonde hair that would continue to get teased at various lengths across the rest of the show. It only appears this long again in "May I Come In?" during Season 7. Sadly he shaves it off for now.
I have to comment on the gum wad. This will come back to haunt us in season 3 - turns out Finn kept it - and he would later eat a bit of gum in the episode "Hero Heart", which would remind him of this moment as igniting his burning passion for Bubblegum, which he would have to manually put out himself. The gum is his happy place. He'll let go of the actual gum eventually but he'll never forget how attached he got to it.
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silyabeeodess · 3 years
FusionFall Headcanons: Jake the Dog
To Jake, what’s an alien invasion compared to the countless other adventures he’s already had with his bro?  They’ve fought their way out of all types of situations and this have an a literal incarnation of death on their side via the Grim Reaper.  All in all, he’s not too worried about things long-term and maintaing his usual, easygoing attitude.    
Since I’m taking Seasons 1-5 of Adventure Time into account with these headcanons for a timeline of events and Lady Rainicorn has a small cameo in the game, I’d like to think that most of their family evacuated from Ooo.  Their kids (if they can still be called kids, given how rapidly they age) are fine and three of them--Charlie, Jake. Jr. and Kim Kil Whan--even joined the fusion fighters.  TV and Viola are staying with their grandparents in the Crystal Dimension.  Luckily, due to their teleportation abilities, they never have to miss each other or their parents when they want to see them despite the war raging on.  This ability has also come in handy for evacuations and other emergencies. 
Lady Rainicorn had the biggest trouble adjusting, as while most others of her species who lived in Ooo retreated to the Crystal Dimension, she chose to follow Jake and also do her part for the war effort.  Given that Rainicorns have a history of eating humans, needless to say, she didn’t always get a warm welcome. Eventually, she found her place mainly ferrying the Academy’s graduates from Mt. Neverest to their first assignments.  Jake often reassures her that more people will warm up to her with time.  
Usually, Jake is on missions with Finn, but whenever the latter is away at the Academy to train new recruits, Jake devotes his off-time to Lady or to unwind. He has a casual curiosity toward how different things are from Ooo in other parts of the world and tends to wander when on his own.
He doesn’t feel any personal attachment to his nanos: He just thinks they’re cool.  He doesn’t put as much effort into their training as some other models would since he doesn’t feel much responsibility toward them and believes that they should act on what comes natural with their abilities.
Jake is interested in imaginary energy (IE) and loves using it in battle, but not in studying it.  When other fusion fighters saw how well Jake could use it, they tried to get him to explain it and teach others. However, due to Jake’s lax personality, he isn’t much of a teacher.  He mostly just encourages people not to overrationalize things. Thus far, there hasn’t been any incidents of his imagination running wild like in the events of “Rainy Day Daydream,” but he has accidentally created an extremeosaur at least once.
Despite all of the strange and supernatural forces he’s battled against with Finn, Jake’s extremely uncomfortable around Jeff the Spider.  Whether Jeff is nice or not, both Finn and Jake are arachnophobic as seen in the events of the episode “Marceline’s Closet.” Similarly, if anyone just so happens to be carrying around spider eggs--and actually cares for the baby spiders as more than just a thrown weapon--it’s best to keep them out of Finn and Jake’s sight...
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firemama · 4 years
theres an extremely specific part of writing or creating fan content over original content that i absolutely adore, and additionally suspect many of the best authors ive ever read share which explains why those amazing writers never venture far inti original content.
i dont have a recognized word to call this particular important part of good fics, but in my head ive always refered to it as "logic building."
in essence, its like as follows:
the original content presents you 8 Hard facts, canons, whatever you want to call it. these are obvious rules everyone knows. like in,,, Naruto, people who use chakra have nature types. or in,,, futurama, mutants are nit welcome on the surface of earth. in adventure time, there was a nuclear war. in undertale, humans have primary soul traits and colors. in rick and morty, there is a ln absolute inifinity of timelines, for every different variable. so on so fourth. Content Makers establish absolutes, rules, finite truths in their world building.
and then theres existing blank spaces, of course, because content creators cannot addres an absolute infinite number of questions, inifinite situations, in the limits of whatever their medium. limited by their air time, page count, or the constraints of entertainment or the medium itself. things will always be unexplored. in adventure time, we know that fins favorite color is blue, but we dont know jake's. in undertale, we know frisk was a red soul, and was Determination, and the souls of the other mentioned humans, but we dont know the absolute extent of possible souls, because the knowledge we see is only derived from the monsters direct experience with the humans they h a v e seen.
even more over, for the longer a story goes, theree will always be plausible inconsistencies. conflicting statments or hinted things that cant fit with the laws established. finn was colorblind, and this is pointed out by Jake, who is a dog; dogs are colorblind, jake would be unable to tell. in pokemon, pikachu learns moves that are not actually learnable for pikachus.
logic building is filling the gaps to explain where canon never could, or supporting the holes the story left by using the storie's own canons and logics. and its my favorite part of fic writing.
finn is red green colorblind, and his favorite color is blue, and that makes sense because blue is outside the red-green range, and it would stand out best in his vision. it makes sense he would never realize he is colorblind, because he was raised with dogs, and his dog family cannot see colors. adventuretime is set in a world that has large traces of the nuclear war, such as toxic radioactive rivers. jake has lived in the toxic land all his life. Jake, birthed from dogs, is already a mutant- capable of shapeshifting at will (due in part to what is a spoiler, so we'll call that "parentage"). i could write a story about adventure time- and one of my favorite things to write would probably be a conversation between the two of them talking about colors. Jake, as a mutant, seeing more colors than anyone in the family, including finn, his colorblind brother. Jake could talk about how hed always realized finn was colorblind in a /different/ way than the rest of the family, because jake could see than finn had always gravitated toward the dark and bright shades of blue, dressed in blue, and so on. Finn could talk about how Jake taught him about colors and their names well after they were babies, because his adopted parents didnt See or Name colors at all, and how jake helped him differentiate colors he couldnt truely see and name them. they could have a conversation about why jake never really t o l d finn that he was colorblind until the ruby/emerald incident- maybe it was because jake didnt want fin to feel like he was missing out, or maybe he didnt want to ostracize his brother any more than finn already had been as a kid- a human amound dogs and often teased by their dad for being a "baby" since he didnt grow as fast as his canine brothers. they could talk about things like how to finns eyes, princess bubblegum had always looked /blue/ and that flameprincess had been the sheer opposite of his limited color spectrum, that her coloring looked muted and not-blue. they could talk about how maybe jake could see even more than the normal visiual spectrum, and hiw truly amazing Lady looks to him even amoung other rainicorns, because she has more colors then they really do.
i could write on and on and on about the inbetween establishments of the shows rules, and logic, and how it could fill in a gap as simple as a favorite color of a character. it is infinitely interesting to me to build that logic and explore the whys and to look at a plot hole and explain it. and in people who write passionate, slow build pieces, i see SO much of that, too, of writing to fill in the gaps between walls that already exist. its a challange and an enjoyment to figure out the whys.
and maybe thats why original content isnt for every amazing fanfic writer. maybe you can write absolutely spectacular characters and plots and concepts and emotions. but maybe the interestingnpart isnt MAKING walls. maybe the interesting part isnt building the world, starting it all. maybe the interesting part is the hyper complexities and building the network, and thats so much easier to do when the walls are already built.
i call that kind of writing "logic building" in my head because i dont know what else to call it, but fuck do i love that freeform exploration of limits and explanations.
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If it isn't spoilers, can I ask about Darling and Dash's personalities? I find the two and their ends very interesting.
Dash was a wild card! He wanted to be free and have fun!Dash had a bit of a tough guy, sleezy personality. However he did want to do the right thing by the people he cared about. It was just soooo hard and he felt like he kept screwing up. Dash had issues facing things, so he’d often run from them or avoid them. Eventually Delilah and his pups just became another issue, so he started walking out from time to time, to eventually avoiding them all together. If you want someone like him in media (But not completely like him mind you) as an example, then Bojack Horsemen, Sheryl Goodspeed and Lee from Adventure Time (Lady Rainicorn’s old boyfriend). Especially the last one.
Darling was... hmmm, I’m not really sure yet! She was born in New York and was stubborn/ slightly brash when she was young. She could clear the sidewalk with one shouted word, parting them like Moses did the sea. However Depression set in when she was a teenager, slowly getting worse the older she got. Doug helped out, but she got postpartum with the kids each time and the less time Doug was home it got worse and worse. I really don’t want her depression to define her personality entirely, but towards the end it was a huge part of who she was.
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Jake the dog?
How I feel about this character: I think Jake is a good older brother for Finn to have had. He’s strong and supportive but also chilled out, giving Finn the liberty to figure himself out as he got older. But that understandably did lead to Finn becoming a little lost along the way, but Jake was always there to pick him back up
All the people I ship romantically with this character: None other than Lady Rainicorn herself of course
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Ah so the BROTP lol. Well of course that’d be Finn! But ooh Prismo and Jake’s friendship was so good.
My unpopular opinion about this character: An unpopular opinion about Jake..... uhh I guess probably his involvement in his kids’ growth? Yeah actually, they made a big deal over ohh Jake’s puppies! But then like... a few episodes later going forward we see them grown up and they’re even like dad I’m like 32 now and he’s like ohh kkk like...! Lol where was he, by the context it looked like Lady was more involved with how they grew up then him.
One thing I wish would happen/had happened with this character in canon: My memory on the episodes are a big foggy since it’s been a whiiiiile since I’ve seen any AT, but I would have liked more brotherly interaction with Jermain. ALSO of course an episode where they meet their counterparts! Jake and Cake come onnnn, he also does hate cats lol I’d love to see how that would go between them.
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inbarfink · 5 years
Consider for a moment, the strange, sad tale of Lady Rainicorn.
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And the strange, but much less sad, story of BMO.
Planning a show is always an imperfect process, and there are often characters that are meant to be fairly important secondary characters - but just don't pan out that way in the end. Peedee was one of the first SU Townie to get a focus episode, but has being in nothing but minor roles since. Guess they didn’t have as much to do with him as they thought.
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Lady Rainicorn, however, was planned as more than just a mildy-important townie. She was one the six main characters introduced in the initial series pitch. Her appreance in the opening is... fairly notable for that quick one-shot.
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But she never really *got* the amount of focus episodes and depth and explorations and... stuff the other five characters in that pitch (Finn, Jake, PB, Ice King and Marceline) all got. She's just kinda... there. She's nice and she loves Jake and sometimes she says mildly raunchy things. 
Not to mention that she was supposed to be Peebles' best friend, *her* Jake. That's why PB is riding on her in the opening, but that got dropped almost immediately. "Lady and Peebles" was the only episode about both of them working together and that was mostly just about PB. 
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And PB quickly gained a very large amount of supporting casts and connections that overshadowed the supposed relationship she has with Lady. From Peppermint Butler to Marceline to Lemongrab and more. What WOULD be those two’s character-dynamic? I'm not sure. Lady is much more defined by her relationship with Jake than the friendship with Peebles, which is... kinda bad.
I feel like a lot of the blame can come from... Well, look at her personality as it's described in the original pitch. Every character changed from the pitch level to the screen but honestly, it feels like they basically just threw all of this out.
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And maybe this was a good thing? Like her main personality there is "she's like a horse-shaped dog" - which is a bit Weird when romantically paired with Jake (Who is, personality wise, basically a Dog-Shaped Person).It feels like the crew looked at it, went "hey let's not do that" But they never really sat down to think what ARE they gonna do with her - if she's not a puppy dog, but a Person, what sort of person is she? How is that personality syncronizes with Peebles and Jake, the characters she was pitched as having the closest relationships with? The fact that she's speaking a language most viewers are not expected to understand is honestly more of a symptom of that original sin than anything. There are animated characters out there with clearly defined personlities who speak gibberish or don't speak at all. A character who speaks an Actual, Real Language should be able to that stuff too, at the very goddam least! The issue is that most of these characters' personalities are ones that WORK with the fact most viewers won't understand them. Either because they are very expressive, or by being delibertly inscrutable. But Lady is neither of those things, she's actually a very verbal-based character. Like, the one joke they keep doing with her is "Lady says something very long in Korean and the viewers don't get to know what it is (and sometimes it's mildly raunchy for a kid's show)” I mean, If they didn't want to make her someone who is clearly understood by body language alone they should have just given her subtitles through the whole show! (Like in "Lady Rainicorn of the Crystal Dimension"). As it stood, Lady Rainicorn was a character who started without much of a personality and had limitations on her that made it extra-hard to give her the same depth and lore other AT mains got. It's pretty sad when the most impact a female character has, the way that she changed the world, is cause she got pregnant. And that is the sad tale of Lady Rainicorn, a character who could've been as important as Princess Bubblegum - but ended up with less focus episodes than some secondary characters.
Compared to Lady Rainicorn, BMO is actually a reverse-case. They started out in a fairly minor role and evolved into one of the main cast. They are probably one of he most important characters not in the original pitch. As I mentioned in my Bad Pearl thread, BMO was based on a character from a short made by Patrick McHale; RAYE. Which got transferred over to Adventure Time cause Pen Ward liked the character. You can kinda see how they're trying to find their niche in these early episodes. Their theme-song appreance is EXTREMELY easy to miss and uncharacteristic of them (when have they ever made that face?) 
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And they barely feature at all in Season 1! Being Basically a prop in Business Time, My Two Favorite People, Evicted! and What Is Life? 
In "Donny" they have, like, one line that is totally OOC with their later characterization. Really "Rainy Day Daydream" is the first episode to have BMO acting like BMO. S2 is when we started getting not only BMO-focus episodes, but also just more... BMO scenes in general. S3′s "What Was Missing" was an episode about the friendship between the leads, and BMO was there... as an instrument for PB to play on. The group sung a whole Rebecca Sugar song about friendship and BMO wasn't even mentioned! That was probably the last time they could've gotten away with it.
Flashforward to "Come Along with Me" and it's BMO singing the Rebecca Sugar song about friendship! They are the framing device of the entire episode! They literally saved the day! 
Watch AT from start to finish to see how a glorified prop become the King of Ooo. 
Outside of the whole 'latecomer to the production' thing, another reason why it took time to find BMO's niche is that it didn't fully exist at first. BMO is the 'baby' of the Treehouse Family, a role that only became important as Finn got older and could use a little sibling\child figure. Which, if we're putting BMO in contrast to Lady Rainicorn, maybe there's something here with Lady's original pitch personality. Sure, BMO is more child-like than puppy-like .. but I can see how they might be filling that hole of being the cutiey one, I guess . Better BMO than a character who's Jake's girlfriend 
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kitty156hello-blog · 5 years
My Mom's reaction to the finale
Shermy and Beth: "They are just like Finn and Jake, and always will be, as the two of them will become hero's"
The Fern Tree: (First Reaction as we didn't know Fern dies) "What a beautiful tree. It must have been grown in honer"
King BMO: "The lucky thing. He must be very proud"
Finn and Jake worried about war: "I understand what It must be like for them. It must be confusing and worrying as it is war, anyone they care for might die"
Cake minion spy: "The Cheek! Princess Bubblegum worked hard on that plan!"
Gumbald's base: "Please Knock? You can't Knock it's a tent!"
Bubbleline chat: "It's really cute that Marceline cares for PB"
Finn's nightmare chat: "The thing from Orb? Oh ok"
Lemongrab's note: "What a cheeky monkey"
The beginning of the dream: "Fern must miss his original self, and typical Jake with his sandwich."
Middle of the dream: "Good luck with getting Fern back on your team, Finn. And I'm glad Jake cares for Jermaine. Oh, Lady Rainicorn. And PB and Gumbald are still fighting"
End of the dream: "Don't do that Finn. It will ruin Fern's meaning in life, and personality"
After dream: "Oh, poor Fern. Finn's killed him again. Oh, I thought PB and Gumbald had peace- Apparently not."
Golb's arrival: "Golb? Golb's come?! Dear me Magic-" "IT'S KING MAN (Me)" "Sorry, King Man.."
Ice King's memory of Betty and him: "That's so lovely. It proves love can last through no matter what"
Golb Monster: "The poor cake minions. They are that ugly thing?!"
PB's Guardian getting destroyed and turned into a monster: "Oh Wow, nothing can beat Golb"
Finn, Ice King and Betty inside Golb: "That is so sweet that Betty and Simon are back together. But the fact they are inside Golb's guts is ruining the scene"
Lemongrab and LSP kiss: "Oh what?!? The two do suit each other though"
Marceline Sacrafise: "Love is the strongest thin in the world, even death can't beat it, but luckily PB isn't dead"
Bubbleline kiss: "That's so cute and adorable to see the two lesbians kiss, they have deserved it"
Looking at everyone knocked out: "Oh, no.. Golb has done a lot of damage to everyone..."
Jake's talking and fail at fighting "He just wants to protect Finn and his friends"
Treehouse destroyed: "Oh! No, the poor treehouse! Finn and Jake's home! Poor BMO, well at least he survives, we know that"
Time Adventure Song: (She actually cries) "This song is so beautiful. So loving. So empathetic. Oh, this is my favourite scene"
Betty's sacrafise: "She just wants to save Simon. Another piece of evidence that love is the strongest thing in the universe"
Simon crying: "Marceline is right. She did do it for him"
Gunter into the 'Ice Thing': "Good thing he didn't want to become Orgalorg"
Fern's death: "Finn's killed him. And for real this time. No Gumbald to turn him into the Green knight. I think this grass kid should have deserved a happy ending, not a death"
Fern Tree grow: (She cries a little) "This is so... Beautiful. And Jake's dialog from Gumbaldia to describe Finn (Your a beautiful flower and I love to watch you grow) fits this so perfectly"
Come Along With Me song: "This show has been amazing. So adorable. So cute. I'm sure everyone will miss it"
Ok, so that was my mom's reaction to the finale, and yes, she also likes Adventure Time as much as I do. I remember her reaction to the first episode "Slumber Party Panic" and now the finale has aired 8 yeas later. 8 years of this amazing show and it has been amazing. Thanks for reading if you did ♥️♥️♥️
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tedlyanderson · 6 years
Annotations for Adventure Time: Beginning of the End issue 3!
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Did you enjoy my annotations for issue one and issue two of this miniseries? If so, good news! (If not, shove off!) I have annotations for the third issue, right here waiting for your lovely eyes! Obviously, as with the previous posts, this will have great big massive spoilers for the issue, so take that into consideration. Please enjoy, my pals!
Pages 2&3: Okay, there’s a lot to unpack on these pages, haha. First and foremost is a reference to something other than Adventure Time for once: Jake’s monologue on these pages is a loose reference to one of the very best issues of classic Fantastic Four, number 51, “This Man ... This Monster!” In that issue, among other events, Reed Richards travels through the Negative Zone and muses to himself about the nature of reality:
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There are cameos on these pages from a bunch of the “cosmic” things of the AT universe, including the Catalyst Comet, the Lich, a copy of the Enchiridion,  Glob Grob Gob Grod, the Finn Sword, and Prismo (in a rare 3-dimensional appearance). There’s also a herd of Time Lards with clocks on their bellies.
Also in this image, note the most minor and in-jokey reference in this entire series: the satellite on the middle-left with the word “FELIS” on it. In the episode “Fionna and Cake and Fionna,” someone asks Ice King where he gets the ideas for his Fionna and Cake stories, and he replies that they’re “beamed into [his] melon every night.” Later that episode, we see him sleeping as a pink laser zaps into his head, carrying images of Fionna and Cake. I chose to interpret this as a reference to one of my favorite authors, Philip K. Dick, who believed that he was receiving knowledge in the form of an information-rich pink laser beam from a satellite called VALIS. So this satellite, FELIS (get it? like cats?), is the source of the Fionna and Cake stories—in my version of the universe, anyway.
Page 4, panel 4: Chronologius Rex declares that he is the lord of Time, not meatloaf. Meatloaf has been established multiple times as Finn’s favorite food.
Page 5: And here we come to the crux of this issue: Finn’s possible futures. Issue 1 of this series was about Finn’s past, issue 2 was about his present, so naturally issue 3 is all about his futures. Obviously none of these should be taken as “canon;” I just came up with three possible paths Finn might take based on what we’ve seen him do throughout the series. I’ll explain my thinking after the third sequence.
All three of the futures are color-coded—the Candy Knight future is pink, obviously.
Page 6: I love Mari’s designs for Queen Bubblegum—the high ‘80s shoulders are great! My suggestion for Old Peppermint Butler was that he be smoother and shinier, as if he’s a candy that’s been sucked on for too long.
In panel 2, the “Dinner Kingdom” is kind of a half-reference to the Breakfast Kingdom in present Ooo.
And in panel 5, note old Finn’s Jake medallion.
Page 7, panel 4: I am not sorry for the “bunch” of banana soldiers joke.
Page 8, panel 1: Beards are indeed a factor in many of Finn’s futures: pretty much every time we’ve seen an older or artificially-aged Finn, he’s got a beard of some sort. I continue the trend in this issue.
Page 8, panel 5: This is a futuristic version of Founders’ Island, the main human settlement outside of Ooo, fixed up and fully repaired. The implication is that Finn not only returned to the human islands, he also helped fix the place up.
The color scheme for the Teacher Finn future is blue, connecting with the water and sky surrounding them.
Page 9, panel 2: I love Teacher Finn’s design so, so much, you guys. I described him as a lovable old professor, someone with his mother’s compassion and his father’s roguish charm, and Mari knocked it out of the park. Note his Jake hat.
Page 9, panel 3: “Homies help homies: always!” is the Adventure Time philosophy in a nutshell.
Page 9, panel 5: Note that Finn is still using his old, trusty sword Scarlett in this future. She’s even more nicked and battle-scarred, but I’m sure she’s still good in a fight.
Page 10, panel 2: Dodging eggs while fighting was part of Finn’s training from Rattleballs in his eponymous episode.
Page 10, panel 2: When it came to Finn’s human wife, I told Mari to make her look a little bit like a human version of Flame Princess. I figured Finn if has a type, it’s her!
Page 11: The third and final possible future is the Space Captain Finn future, which is green-themed for no particular reason. This future is based on the idea that Finn and his Candy Kingdom pals team up with the remaining humans to build a spaceship to take them away from Earth, which is about as likely as anything else in Adventure Time, haha.
Everything in this sequence is of course heavily inspired by Star Trek: the Next Generation, a show that I love and grew up watching. The Minerva A.I. is the ship’s computer, obviously, warning of “excessive sparks detected on bridge.” Jake is Finn’s right-hand-man, just like Riker was to Picard (and Finn even calls him “numero uno,” like Picard’s “number one”). Lady Rainicorn is the equivalent of counselor Troi, Fern is a bit like Data, and Jake’s skateboarding granddaughter Bronwyn is the hotshot kid pilot, like Wesley. Princess Bubblegum is the engineering chief—she always struck me as preferring the role of scientist rather than royalty, frankly—assisted by Frieda and BMO. Flame Princess, upgraded to Plasma Princess, powers the ship as a whole. And Finn himself sports a beard similar to Commander Riker’s—which is appropriate, as a future version of Finn was voiced by Riker’s actor, Jonathan Frakes!
When coming up with these futures, I thought about what the Finn we knew might be most drawn to doing, and boiled it down to three major options: fighting and defending (the Candy Knight future), teaching and training (the Teacher Finn future), or exploring and leading (Space Captain Finn). For what it’s worth, I don’t really have a preference, or any opinions on which future is most likely—one of the strengths of Adventure Time has always been finding ways to surprise its audience with something that makes total sense in retrospect. If Finn does have a “canonical” future, it’s probably something I would never have thought of, but which makes perfect sense.
Page 11, panel 4: Princess Bubblegum yet again mentions “zanoits,” which are maybe some kind of mysterious particle? It’s a funny word and deserves to be used more often.
Page 12, panel 1: I mentioned in my annotations for the previous issue that I felt bad making Susan revert to her simpler speech patterns, since by this point in the series she’s perfectly capable of using big words. I tried to make it up to her by making her the ship’s communications officer, who would use big words all the time.
Additionally, the “Tuffbone sector” is a reference to Meredith Gran’s Adventure Time miniseries, Marceline: Gone Adrift. In that series, Marceline explores space and meets other races, including the Tuffbones, dog-like alien critters.
Page 12, panel 2: Note that Shelby (the worm who lives in Jake’s viola) is wearing a bandolier similar to Worf’s. I was particularly proud of that idea, haha.
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Page 12, panel 4: Jake’s exclamation of “Outrageous!” is a reference to another role by his voice actor, John DiMaggio: it’s the catchphrase of Aquaman, from the Batman: the Brave and the Bold series.
Page 16, panel 3: A “dead world” is another bit of unexplored Adventure Time lore: they’re apparently where people go when they die, but they’re not quite the afterlife as we think of it? Or it is, but there’s a lot of them, like at least fifty? Unclear.
Page 16, panel 4: I had to work in the title of the show somehow.
Page 17, panel 3: I wanted to make sure I referenced my favorite song from the show, “Everything Stays” by Rebecca Sugar, and this seemed like the perfect time to bring it up, as Jake discusses the inevitability of change.
Page 17, panel 4: When I described this panel in the script, I specifically mentioned the series Neon Genesis Evangelion, one of the weirder depictions of the end of the world you can find. I love the image of the enormous stone blocks sinking into an endless sea.
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Page 18, panel 5: Chronologius’s epithet for Jake, “starchild,” references Jake’s actual origin as a half-alien creature. I checked the dates, and apparently I finished the script for this issue just a couple weeks after the episode “Jake the Starchild” aired, in which Jake’s parentage was fully revealed.
Pages 20-21: Finn’s final “confrontation” with Chronologius might feel a bit underwhelming—essentially, all he does is convince Chronologius to give them an opportunity to escape. There’s no big battle, no war of wits; it’s already been established that Chronologius is basically invulnerable, so it’s not like Finn could beat him in a fight. It’s not terribly exciting, but that’s kind of the point: over the course of this issue, Chronologius becomes more sympathetic to Finn and his plight, particularly after seeing all the good he did (and might have done) in the world. So it’s less about beating up some big bad dude, and more about convincing someone to act like a pal. In a way, Finn beats Chronologius by making him into a friend.
Would it have been better if the ending was more exciting, action-packed, crazy-style? Maybe! Looking back on it, I feel like I could have given Mari more chances to do cool art stuff—the first half of this issue has some pretty far-out sequences and nifty new things to draw, but the second half is basically three characters talking against a mostly boring background. Thematically I feel like it’s better to have Finn succeed by befriending the villain, rather than just punching his lights out, but it definitely doesn’t have the same visual impact. Overall, I’m still proud of it, but that doesn’t mean it couldn’t be improved.
That’s it for issue three! Join me next time for—issue four?!? Yes! This three-part miniseries is in fact a four-part miniseries, ending with Finn and Jake’s adventures through time! Look forward to it, my chums!
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ohthehypocrisy · 7 years
As long as you’re here...
A fubblegum drabble request by TheOneAndOnly1993. Takes place after ‘The Music Hole’.
Word length: 1.6K approx.
“Hold up, did you say a singing hole in the ground?”
The sun had come and gone, and the battle of the bands had ended unceremoniously. The music judge, Finn, had left the scene early on for whatever reason, to the ire of the participants. Princess Bubblegum, who had orchestrated the whole thing, was actually more worried instead of upset, since this stunt was supposed to improve Finn’s mood. It was only when he returned with Jake and Lady Rainicorn were her worries put at ease, and she was hearing the whole story from Finn.
Although he claimed he was feeling better as a result, she couldn’t help but feel a little upset that she had nothing to do with it.
“Well, it wasn’t exactly singing,” chimed Jake, tuning his viola that he never got to use, “Or talking. Or makin’ any kinda noise.”
“But she was real and you saw her,” Finn defended, leering at the dog as he flew with Lady Rainicorn.
Lady Rainicorn spoke up, but Finn couldn’t understand her, to which Jake responded, “Yeah, I know.”
“Wait wait wait,” the princess interrupted with a stern gesture of her hands, “Did this hole have a feminine voice that only you could hear?”
Finn looked astonished as Jake and Lady exchanged looks, “Yeah,” said the boy.
“And was it the most beautiful song you had ever heard?” she continued to ask.
With a soft nod from the boy, the princess turned to the dog and Raincorn.
“Jake, Lady, would you excuse us for a second?” Bubblegum commanded, the two reacting in surprise, “I’d like to speak with Finn in private.”
The princess led Finn to the makeshift backroom, built out of some furniture and a black curtain. Although it was meant for the contestants to practice their performance in private, foresight be damned, there was no lamp to illuminate the area now that night had fallen. Fortunately, the princess carried a pocket lantern with her everywhere she went, and with the room lit up, the two took a seat on the sofa provided.
“So, you’ve been having a rough go at it lately, huh?” Princess Bubblegum asked.
Finn shied away, looking at the floor and twiddling his fingers, “I mean, I guess.”
“Finn, don’t give me that,” she prodded, putting a hand to his shoulder, “A lot has happened to you over this past year. And quite frankly, I’m surprised you didn’t hear Tripo Harmonia sooner.”
“Trippo who?” Finn looked up to her with a confused look.
“The music hole,” she looked into his eyes, “You heard the music hole.”
He never asked for a name, nor did she give him one, but Finn would forever remember that singing pit in the ground as the music hole.
“You...You know about it?” he asked, she confirmed with a nod, “How come you didn’t hear it today?”
“Same reason you never heard it until today,” she responded with a shrug, removing her hand, “Only the untainted youth and the traumatically depressed are ever known to hear one singing.”
Finn looked down in thought. If the princess knew about it so well, well enough that she knew what it sounded like, then maybe...
“So, you’ve heard it before then,” he asked, looking to her, “When did you hear the music hole singing?”
Princess Bubblegum looked away, not in shame, but in nostalgia. She held the look of sadness in her eyes, but she smiled faintly in fondness of the memories resurfacing.
“I only heard it three times in my entire life,” she said softly, eyes affixed to nothing, “Once, when I was a child. The other was when I lost my throne to the King of Ooo. And the other time was...” she snapped out of her trance and looked to Finn sheepishly, “Ah, well, you don’t need to know about that one. I think twice is good enough,” she finished with an embarrassed chuckle.
Although Finn was curious, he let it slide out of respect for her privacy.
“But enough about that,” she said hastily, focusing her gaze on him, “The point is, you’ve been hiding your problems from us. We’re your friends, Finn, and you should never have to deal with all this heavy stuff by yourself.”
He sheepishly looked away, scratching the back of his head, “I wasn’t...” he started, trailing off briefly, “I mean, I wasn’t trying to hide them.”
“Are you sure about that?” she asked, reminded of this so called ‘vault’ Jake had mentioned to her once.
“I...I dunno,” he followed up quickly with a response, “I don’t like wasting time worrying about things,” he said defensively, almost assertively, as if it were his final word on the matter.
Bubblegum kept a cool head, switching to a caring tone to assure him, “And that’s completely okay,” she responded, placing a friendly hand on his leg, “We all have our demons that we hide away, because we don’t want to worry our friends.”
Finn looked at her hand where it rested and then up to her as she was talking, “But sometimes it can be too much to handle, you know? We bottle these things up, not noticing the cracks because of the pressure of holding it all in. It adds up over time, and sooner or later, we break. Do you understand?”
Finn listened intently, following every word and comparing it to his own feelings, finding it to be an accurate summary of the past year. Billy’s death, his breakup with Flame Princess, his dad abandoning him, twice, losing an arm, betraying his sword, it all flashed through his mind as examples of containing the emotional backlash. She had pinpointed the source of his depression so accurately and thoroughly, he couldn’t help but ask, as he stared at her…
“Have you, have you been through this before?” he asked carefully.
She reeled back in surprise, stunned for a moment as he had seen through her words of wisdom. It took her a moment, but she recomposed herself with a curt cough.
“I mean, yeah, of course I have,” she answered with a cautious smile, “I told you I had heard Tripo Harmonia singing before.”
“Oh, right,” he looked away in embarrassment, “I guess we have been through a lot, huh?”
She patted him on the shoulder, “Of course, I’m really old so I have been through some nasty things,” her smile distracted from the scope of her words, but it fell as she gripped his shirt lightly, “But you, you’ve been through worse, way worse than any kid your age should.”
“I’m not a kid, princess,” he gently swatted her hand off with a smile, pep returning to his voice, “I’m sixteen, I ain’t got time to worry about those things.”
Bubblegum giggled, “Well, you’ve certainly grown up, I’ll give you that,” her smile fell as she put her hand on his back, “But still, I want you to promise me to be more open with your feelings.”
Before Finn could reply sarcastically, something like how all he feels is the need for adventure, the princess had scooted very close to him suddenly, her hands wrapped around his shoulders. The unexpected closeness accompanied by the familiar sweet smell of gum had him at a loss for words, but the princess had plenty to say.
“We still care about you, Finn,” she spoke into his hat, “I still care about you, no matter what happens. I still care when you get hurt, on the outside and on the inside.”
Her words resonated throughout their bodies, and Finn could only respond by hugging her back.
“I don’t ever wanna see you all messed up like this ever again, you hear me?” she sounded like she would start tearing up, Finn thought, but he said nothing as she continued, “I want to know, always, that you’re still alright. That you’re still my Finn the human, on the inside and out.”
Her grip tightened, her fingers clenched, she shuddered as it suddenly played the images of Finn disappearing from the world in her head. Though she could lose her kingdom, her life’s work, her own life, none of it compared to the haunting idea that she could lose him. The comfort that she would always have Finn by her side was one of the few things that kept her happy nowadays. Was it selfish? Was she denying repressed feelings? She wouldn’t know, she was always busy these days, but most importantly, she didn’t care. As long as Finn was here, healthy in body and in mind, she would find the answer soon enough.
“Of course I will, Bubblegum,” Finn answered in the gap between their hug, “I promise I’ll be alright.”
The sincerity of his words put her at ease, a weight lifting from her heart. And yet, it made her squeeze harder than before, because it was all she could do to assure herself that things would be alright.
“…can you lighten up, though?” Finn strained a little to say, “You’re squeezing really hard.”
“Oh. Sorry,” she released her arms from him, only to find that he still held onto her figure.
He looked up at her from the embrace and uttered, “I didn’t say stop hugging.”
Princess Bubblegum giggled to herself, realizing that it was just like him to appreciate these hugs, and complied. She hugged him again, her arms gentle but her heart a hundred percent in it. It was just now that she realized that Finn hadn’t bathed in quite a while, his smell faint but foul. But curiously, she didn’t care, having heard the whole story from Jake his battle with depression, thinking to herself that this was a smell she could get used to.
Where had that thought come from, she asked herself, eyes opened in surprise.
“Alright, Finn, had enough?” she asked.
“Just a minute,” he responded quickly.
Bubblegum sighed. ‘I’ll give you all the time you need, Finn.’
‘As long as you’re here,’ they both thought, ‘I’ll be okay.’
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guywithtime2kill · 7 years
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A look at Finn and Jake's past/family I've always been interested in Finn and Jake's pre-show backstory and their family (Joshua, Margaret, Jermaine) so I went through the show to track down all the details about those things that the show's brought up. I know I'll have forgotten some stuff so be sure to bring it up to help out if ya care. This'll be a long fucking post, warning.Prisoners of Love- Little thing, but Jake mentions Finn using his flute to "open the lock to that sad ogres heart." Fits as it seems to have happened before the show (or at least offscreen).The Jiggler- Finn and Jake's collection of glass eyes and eyepatches (respectively), wonder where the hell they got those from. Poor Jiggler.My Two Favorite People- Tiffany is introduced, who will later be shown to be part of Jake's old gang.Memories of Boom Boom Mountain- Obviously Joshua and Margaret are first shown adopting Finn, and we are told that Finn helps others because he was helped when he needed it (among other reasons). I believe this episode also has Finn and Jake calling each other 'brothers' for the first time in the series as well.Crystals Have Power- Another Joshua flashback, this time introducing Finn and Jake's seldom seen brother Jermaine, complete with an odd voice. Joshua is shown to be a real man's man, and is first hinted that he and Margaret are dead since he's a ghost and Jermaine isn't.Conquest of Cuteness- Finn and Jake mention their mom Margaret for the first time, and in the storyboard Finn mentions that he misses her, d'aw. Another hint that their parents are dead.Memory of a Memory- Finn and Jake's old house is shown for the first time, as well as baby Finn dancing. You can also observe some pictures of the rest of their family.The Creeps- Kind of an odd example, but I think Finn's recurring elevator dreams count, as it seems they were a thing since before the series began.Beautopia- Jake mentions several times that the Lub Glubs remind him of his parents. Foreshadowing his alien parentage? I wouldn't put it past this show.Jake vs Me-Mow- Margaret's music box! So sweet, so sad, still has the power to knock out anyone who listens to it.Dad's Dungeon- A BIG one. More of Joshua is shown, Finn and Jake as young'ins, the family sword, Joshua had the means to build an entire dungeon for his boy. It's also implied that the family was already using the Treefort while Josh and Marge were alive, giving that the dungeon was built right next to it. A vacation home perhaps? A treasure trove of what we're looking for here.Beyond this Earthly Realm- Finn's favorite song as a kid is shown, one that apparently BMO has saved. Does this imply they got BMO when Finn was still pretty young? Who knows.Ignition Point- Jake's grandma is mentioned. ONLY Jake's, apparently not his and Finn's grandma. Not sure what this in itself means, but interesting.Reign of Gunthers- The illusive "Jay T. Dawgzone" makes his first appearance, highly implied to be Jake the Dog himself. Seems he wrote this trashy book in his youth. This book comes up twice more in All the Little People and The Suitor, then vanishes forever.Jake the Dog- Jake reveals Joshua liked pickles a lot and used to make them.Jake the Dad- Margaret's baby manual is shown, as well as a flashback of her and young Jake. Also Jake either wears Joshua's fedora or a one very much like it. Poor folks will never meet their grandkids.The Great Birdman- Jake mentions a past girlfriend who clearly isn't Lady Rainicorn. Interesting.Jakesuit- While teasing Jake Finn mentions that "Mom raised me graceful." Cute.Billy's Bucket List- Joshua is finally confirmed without a doubt to be deceased, with Finn saying he and Jake (but not Jermaine interestingly) buried Joshua behind something (their house?). Poor boys.Joshua & Margaret Investigations- Another huge one. Josh and Marge used to be detectives, lived in the city from Jake the Dad, used to know Tree Trunks(!!!), and the birth of Jake and Jermaine. Jake's demon heritage is brought up as the source of his powers, explaining the mud puddle he thought he got it from in The Witch's Garden. Jake has no knowledge of this.Jermaine-Another pretty sizable one. Jermaine gets his time in the sun, the family house from Memory of a Memory is shown (and destroyed), and it is brought up that Joshua charged Jermaine to watch over his items after his passing.Stakes- At some point in Take her Back it was said that Finn and Jake were taught by their parents that burping at someone is a cure all, where PB then reveals that Josh and Marge were just fucking with them. That, uh, sure is something.Scamps- Bubblegum tells Finn that the marshmallow kids remind her of him when he was younger; whether she's talking about his season 1 self or earlier self is not made clear.Daddy Daughter Card Wars- Jake's history with card wars is revealed, as well as the fact that he had an ex girlfriend (the same one from The Great Birdman? Possibly; if so she knows braille), and this took place in the same built up city we've seen before. Young Jake wore a jacket, had an awful ponytail, and was a real sore loser.Islands- Islands has a lot: in Whipple the Happy Dragon we see Joshua and Margaret through Jake's hallucinations. Finn also mentions that he loved mom and dad but has to go through this adventure to find out where he came from.Min and Marty- Finn's backstory is finally revealed in all its splendor, his mother is shown, the origin of his hat, and the way he made his way to Ooo where Joshua and Margaret would find him stuck to a leaf.Orb- Jermaine is hanging out with Jake, and Joshua and Margaret are present in creepy dream forms as well. Jake's alien parent is also on the scene. Lots of possible allusions to Jake and Jermaine's childhood and Jake's heritage here.Elements- Elements had a good amount: in Winter Light we have sad IceJake mention Joshua forcing Jake to eat all his eggs before leaving the table. Perhaps this shows that Joshua was stern in raising his children? That is if depressed IceJake can be believed to be trusted.Cloudy- Finn and Jake go back to their childhoods and use haircut therapy to help each other open up and vent. The image of pup Jake and babe Finn doing this is adorable.Abstract- Jake is in his alien form after the end of Elements, and he goes to Jermaine for help. Jermaine reveals that Joshua had told him that Jake may one day be going through some things like this and to help Jake out. Joshua also briefly appears in a spooky dream.Always BMO Closing- In the last episode at the present to fit this criteria, we have BMO sell the baby teeth that Finn had kept from his childhood. Poor Finn.So that was a lot of shit; goes to show that the show sprinkles stuff like this into episodes a whole lot if you look for it. Stuff to discuss- were Joshua and Margaret good parents? How do you think they passed away? What do you think Finn and Jake's relationship with Jermaine was? Why did Finn and Jake go to the Treefort but Jermaine stayed at home? When did Joshua and Margaret move from the city to their new house- did it happen early enough that Jake and Jermaine (and Finn) never really got to live in it?With how little we've been explicitly told by the show about this, it leaves lots of room for speculation and I'd love to hear people's thoughts.
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the-yangst-blog · 7 years
Strobe: An Adventure Time Fanfic - 003
Chapter 3: Captured
"Geez, Bubblegum please give it a rest already! We're worried about you! You need to put that Twizzlescrew down and-", Gumball's dramatic protest was harshly interrupted.
"-AND WHAT?!", Bubblegum shouted, anger in her voice now conveying that she was annoyed as if this was the millionth time that Gumball tried to stop her. "Gumball! You and I know that Hunson wasn't supposed to disappear like that! What if it took him to another world and spread chaos somewhere? What if his power was taken by something even more sinister? What if his crystal broke into pieces and turned to precipitation and poisoned our food supply? I would recite to you trillions of what if statements from the results of my probability calculations but I don't have time for that! We don't have time for nonsense! Butterfly Effect and Chaos Theory, Gumball! I thought I asked you to review that?! DON'T YOU SEE HOW BAD THE SITUATION IS?! I WON'T ALLOW OOO TO FALL IN THE HANDS OF WHATEVER ANTE-GLOB THERE IS OUT THERE. I CAN'T! I...I-I just...", the princess' voice now broke out into a cry. She fell hugging herself on the floor.
Gumball, ran towards the princess and tried to take her in a hug. He looked up towards the eyes hiding at the side of the doorway, motioning them to stop peering and start coming in. Peppermint Butler, Finn, Jake, and finally, Lady Rainicorn stepped inside the room. Lady is Jake's wife and Princess Bubblegum's best friend. She comes from the Rainicorn species, her long body resembling of course, a rainbow. Her silky long mane was a paler shade of gold compared to her husband's fur. A shining ivory horn topped her skull. Her face didn't have any wrinkles, signifying that her days were always full of smiles. This time however, her lips curved down at the sight of the princess' pink hair sticking out in several directions.
Everyone, except Bubblegum, whose face was covered in her sticky hair, shot wary looks into every corner of the laboratory. Notes, choco-dust, twizzle-screws, candy-wrenches, sinister chemicals, and other sweet sciency tools scattered pointlessly around the floor. "Wow, Gumball. You weren't kidding. Our very own princess really out-Abadeered Hunson Abadeer this time", Lady voiced out slowly turning her gaze towards the princess. One fact about Lady was that she used to speak in a highly modified version of the ancient human Korean language. She still speaks it, as of now, except her language is actively translated into English thanks to Bubblegum's voice modifier device she installed in Lady's throat a few months ago.
"Thanks for coming guys. My cousin just didn't listen to me..."
"It's alright, man. Jake and I are going to help you fix this place up. Oh and PepBut's going to sub for the princess' appointments for a while", Finn blurted with enthusiasm.
"And we...are going to have a LADIES' NIGHT!", Lady beamed at Bubblegum. She only stopped smiling when she realized Finn, Jake, Gumball, and Pep were staring at her intently. They all spun their view to Bubblegum now, who finally stopped sobbing and started giggling. "Hehe...okay. I'll promise to at least take a day's break with you if you stop pushing your distasteful puns". Lady took Bubblegum away from Gumball's embrace and happily dragged her best friend up to her room. The others grinned at the sight of the princess and proceeded to do whatever they planned to.
After happily spending a few hours with Lady, Princess Bubblegum comfortably sat on her bed, now wearing a pink set of loose pajamas. Lady was glad that her friend finally got out of the lab coat that looked like it had been dragged against candy dust and harmful chemicals. "Peebs? What's on your mind?", Lady muttered hoping to break the train of worried thoughts that manifested itself on her friend's curious face. "Oh no it's nothing. I apologize for worrying you Lady. I promise I won't zone out again over Abadeer's disappearance. Hmm, you know, just 'Hubris' and all that mess", Bubblegum continued as she saw her rainbow friend looking like she expected for more.
"I had too much pride in my inventions. I was so sure that none of my calculations went wrong. Gumball and I quintuple-checked all our numbers. I then tried breaking the G.U.N. down and reverse-engineered it. I was shocked at the results...it had been tampered somehow so I went on and on studying the change. I didn't notice how time flew and I just wanted Gumball to stop bugging me about this. He refused to help me in my study because he thought that the problem was solved anyway. No use crying over spilt demon-eating-black-but-green-hole-summoning-bullet-milk. It has been a couple of days now...maybe you guys were right. Maybe I just overreacted. I mean, at least one of the probabilities in my computations turned out that nothing's wrong", Bubblegum smiled for a few seconds before she yawned.
"You know well that if something does go wrong, we'll be here to save your royal butt. Me, Jake, Finn, Peppermint Butler, the candy people, and all of Ooo. Don't worry about it now princess. In fact, when you wake up tomorrow, we'll help you with your research. I swear i'm going to shave Gumball's prized hair-do if he refuses! So for now, I want you to catch up on your sleep", Lady pecked the princess' forehead after her encouragement. "Goodnight, princess. We'll see you tomorrow for science biz."
"That's sweet of you, but i'd really love to see a bald Gumball whether he helps or not. See you tomorrow, and thanks for everything, Lady. Goodnight!", she fell asleep quickly, fatigue pulling her eyes down only in a few seconds. Lady smiled at her, though the princess wouldn't see. The bright rainicorn then stepped out of the room.
For a second time, her deep sleep put her to an oblivious state. This time the princess didn't wake up though the window frame slammed hard against the wall of her candy bedroom. She didn't feel a thing when she was picked and tied up in rough ropes.
She opened her eyes a few hours later, hoping to see the soft sunlight brush the interior of her room. Instead of this, she was caught off guard yet again by darkness. She thought for a while and it came to her that she might've gone blind, overusing her sight for the past few days. She attempted to move her hands and rub her eyes. The princess gravely worried now when she figured out that her hands were tied and her eyes were blindfolded. Her knowledge of geometry aided her in blindly visualizing the room. She felt the pull of gravity and understood that she was vertically bound to metal clasps on a wall. Both arms and legs stretched in opposing directions away from her body.
Shortly after, she felt a cold hand slap hard against her face. It left a darker shade of pink on the left side of her face. It didn't take her long to feel that whoever kept her tied up here bore a millennia's worth of wrath. The violent and frigid particles of air around her behaved now as a wave, like a storm brewing slowly.
"Where the fuck is Hunson Abadeer?"
—| ( - _ - ) |—
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