#lamb and polenta
gastronomasonoma · 1 year
Plaza Bistro’s lamb is ‘delizioso paradiso’ and I enjoyed every bite.
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After attending a book-reading event a Readers’ Books, I was walking towards the venerable Swiss Hotel, when a “chef’s special” posted on a chalkboard outside the Plaza Bistro caught my eye.
Lamb is one of my favorite dishes and without even considering the price or anything else, when the server emerged to ask if I had any questions, I simply said (pointing to the chalkboard) “I will have that!”
The next question she asked was, “and how would you like it cooked? Rare, medium-rare?” Without hesitation as if serendipity was an angel, I said, “in whatever way the chef recommends it should be cooked.”
And, with a refreshing glass of scrumptious Sangria, served as the evening summer sun was glimmering I awaited my entree as I sat outside at my along the sidewalk.
The town of Sonoma has a gentle glow in the evening that beckons people to be outside at the plaza. There’s a bit of summer enchantment when it’s late afternoon/evening. A kind of … paseo en el crepúsculo as is said in Spanish.
When my dinner arrived, I was delighted with everything about it. The way it was presented, the portions, the little details of garnish; but especially the aroma.
Lamb with fresh made polenta is a taste-Symphony of flavors and subtle textures. The lamb was tender and cooked just right. I was so enraptured by it that I found myself eating the last of it off the bone with my fingers.
Not wanting this wonderful experience to end, I ordered some pasta. Graciously my server recommended the gnocchi with bolognese sauce. Oh! Another delight! And at this point as I ate the rich traditional combination of beef, pork and veal in a savory sauce, it didn’t occur to me that some of the sauce was splattering onto my treasured French-blue herringbone shirt. At that moment, I didn’t care I was so enthralled by the entire meal-experience.
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The sauce was so good I asked for some bread so to soak up what was left on the plate.
The setting sun, the summer weather all added to the ambiance and culinary excursion that was Plaza Bistro that evening on July 20 when the chef presented his Lamb and polenta special.
Yes! I had dessert and it was the “flour-less” chocolate torte - a chocolate lovers dream realized. Very satisfying!
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The fresh boysenberries on the side make for an excellent complement, pairing to the rich chocolate.
Anyone interested in visiting Wine Country and wants to dine in a spot like historic old Sonoma, Plaza Bistro located at 420 First Street, East right on the plaza is the place.
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culinaryplating · 1 year
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Lamb shank with polenta
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petermorwood · 3 days
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More food and cooking of the Middle Kingdoms, though in this instance with photos only since the recipe hasn't yet been written up.
It's Lamb in Sour Blackberry Sauce, from "The Door Into Sunset", and this form involves lamb chops, both marinated and not, a sauce made from the marinade, and (since the Middle Kingdoms have no PO-TAY-TOES) a simple accompaniment of Arlene Roasted Root Vegetables, in this case parsnips.
The marinade is made from blackberries macerated in balsamic vinegar (red wine vinegar is another possibility, but we - and to our surprise the shop - were both out of it) and, for a bit more fruity complexity, some Kriek, a Belgian lambic beer brewed with sour cherries.
This was the drinking accompaniment as well. It's a very attractive colour, and its dry finish contrasted well with the lamb.
Step one, take a bowl, add some of the beer and the macerating vinegar, then the chops.
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Step two, add a layer of the macerated berries.
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Step three, top off with the rest of the beer...
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...then cover with clingfilm and put into the fridge.
We left ours for 72 hours, and here's the contrast between unmarinated chops and marinated ones.
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That berry is to mark which was which, but it's really not needed. :->
Sauce was made by reducing the marinade by about 50%, with some of the berries mashed into it and others left whole, then thickened with arrowroot.
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Why not cornflour?
Fiction-wise, DD has decided that the Middle Kingdoms lack maize as well as potatoes, so there'll be no cornflour, sweetcorn or polenta;
Food-wise, arrowroot thickening keeps a sauce smooth and fluid rather than turning semi-solid or even solid when cold, because we were already thinking about other ways to eat this than over whole chops on a plate.
For example I got a couple of fondue forks and tried toasting some of the fatter bits of chop, then dipping them in the sauce.
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It worked very well - understatement! - even with that little Instant BBQ tray. Barbecuing works wonderfully. We've also tried flash-frying, whose result different but just as good, for the last couple of chops we'll try grilling (US broiling) to see how that turns out.
As for "does the sauce look and mouthfeel good when cold?", yes it does. We used it as a dip when finishing the leftovers later that night. The last couple of cooked chops were cut into pieces matching the parsnips, like the ones toasted on the BBQ, then everything was seared / re-crisped under the grill for a few minutes and eaten as finger-food.
There are no photos, because by the time either of us thought of a camera, there wasn't enough left to bother with - which by itself says how good this was!
Also, instead of fingers, we used eating-picks.
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If a diplomatic envoy is having a working snack while busy with documents, saucy-greasy fingerprint reminders of that snack on the documents will impress nobody.
And if diplomacy is a bit on edge, then no matter how much they really eat, the envoy can always tell superiors back home how they expressed silent disapproval by merely picking at their food.
It'll fool nobody, of course, especially if that diplomat is known to enjoy the pleasures of the table, but token gestures are what this sort of diplomacy is all about.
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vindicated-truth · 24 days
“I can’t believe you cooked all of this from scratch, Inspector Han. Such a fancy Western meal wouldn’t have been my first choice for a luncheon,” Ohsub says as he spears another piece of perfectly roasted lamb and shoves it into his mouth.
“Mostly because you wouldn’t have been able to afford it, hyung,” Jihoon quips, grinning as he dodges the way Ohsub moves to hit him.
“I do think it’s unfair, Inspector Han, that you’re handsome, smart, and a good cook.” Gwangyoung scowls. “How in the world are you still single, and not have girls falling all over themselves for you?”
Dongsik sighs. “Well, like we’ve already established,” he tries to interject, “Inspector Han is too busy for—”
“How do we know he’s still single though?”
All eyes turn to Jaeyi, who looks up from her plate. “Aren’t you all being too assuming?” She finishes off a spoonful of creamy polenta before brandishing the utensil at Dongsik. “What evidence do you have to get to that conclusion, ahjussi?”
From his peripheral vision, Dongsik catches Joowon ducking his head, trying and failing to hide a smile.
Jihoon turns to Joowon with wide eyes. “Hyung,” he exclaims, unheeding the way Joowon startles at the sudden lack of honorific. “Is that what this is all about? Is this an announcement?” He gasps. “Are you getting married? Ow!”
The resounding thwack jolts Dongsik from the way his stomach inexplicably drops at what Jihoon is implying. “How did you ever pass as a police officer,” Jihwa admonishes her brother, who is scowling up at her and rubbing the part of his head that she has just smacked. “You should know better than to jump to conclusions. So rude of you too.”
“What’s so rude about it, noona?” Jihoon whines. “I’m actually happy Inspector Han thinks we’re important enough to make this kind of announcement to us.”
“Oh Jihoon-ssi is correct.”
Eight heads swivel to Joowon in surprise.
“He is?” Jihwa says in disbelief.
“I am?” Jihoon gapes.
Keep reading
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billetwoes · 11 months
Food! Headcanon Smoke (Tomas Vrbada)
Just some food headcanons that have been "stewing" in my head for our Friendly Neighborhood Wholesoome Sidekick!
Rated: PG-13, mentions of alcohol and "Sex on a Beach" drink
Words: 932
-As an Earth Realm Protector, Tomas had been billeted by different hosts from all over our world during various missions that take place in different parts of the world.
-Tomas is always appreciative of homecooked meals prepared by his billet hosts because he understands that it takes valuable resources, time and effort, especially if it is evident that the billet family is poor. There’s nothing more delicious than a homecooked meal made with love.
-He eats a lot of vegetables and loves them! Tomas appreciates vegetables prepared in different ways: salads, roasted vegetables, pureed as a soup, battered and fried, as snacks, you name it. Authentic Mexican tortillas and nachos with a lot of salsa with juicy chunks of tomatoes, bring on the vitamin C!
-Tomas also eats a lot of fruits, his favourite ones being apples, oranges, grapes, stone fruits, pineapple, mangoes, and any fruits that are both sweet and tart, especially if crunchy. He doesn’t mind bananas, melons, berries and local fruits from different countries and will eat them when offered.
-Tomas doesn’t mind smoothies, but doesn’t normally consume this, since they weren’t available during his time in the Lin Kuei, and currently in the Shirai Ryu.
-Tomas’ favorite thing to eat is stew. It reminds him of his childhood days as a hunter, as his mother often cooked stews for him and his sister. Got a pot roast in the slow cooker, he’s game! Make sure that there are a ton of veggies in that Crockpot, and he’ll appreciate that. Happen to have a large Dutch oven of Osso Bucco in the oven, he’s inwardly drooling and counting the minutes until he can get his mitts on a bowlful of that tender beef shank on top of creamy polenta and topped with gremolata! Got some chicken or pork adobo and rice, he’ll take seconds! Got a big bowl of Caldo de Res (yes, I know it’s a soup), it’s gone in no time. In a mood for some comfort food, he’ll gladly accept a bowl of scouse made with lamb. Got butter chicken on coconut rice, yes, please! :D
-If a billet host can or is well off, Tomas loves being treated to different restaurants. If a billet host has recommendations and is enthusiastic to take him to a popular spot, Tomas is always happy and appreciative to go with. From a popular hole-in-a-wall noodle shop to a lively gastropub on a game night to a Michelin Star restaurant in an upscale part of downtown, he loves being exposed to different culinary experiences. Tomas always has a great time bonding with his billet families this way, and they always enjoy hearing about his stories and adventures.
-Tomas won’t eat anything that isn’t well-cooked or under cooked, not out of rudeness but for his own safety. If there is anything that is pungent in a bad way, he’ll try it once in small quantities, but that’s it. If an animal that is being butchered is illegally acquired and slaughtered in an inhumane way, Tomas wants nothing to do with it.
-It only takes only a few occurrences for Tomas to learn to have a sack of snacks or MRE’s, courtesy of Johnny Cage’s connection with the US army.
-Just because Tomas must keep a certain physique doesn’t mean that he can’t enjoy any foods and beverages that are “less” healthy. Having been to different parts of the world has made him acquainted to the popular fun foods. If he’s in Canada, he must have some poutine with those squeaky cheese curds! If he’s in the Southern US, bring on the fried chicken with biscuits and gravy! If he’s in a Southeast Asian country, the street food offers a ton of options: try the fish balls on sticks, various fresh seafood cooked fresh, and shaved ice desserts, to name a few! If he’s in the Middle East or in the Balkan region, Baklava is a must!
-Tomas can generally hold his liquor and knows his limits. His alcoholic beverage of choice is beer, specifically the beloved pilsner. It must be the Czech in him or the fact that men can generally metabolize alcohol faster, or both, that he’s able to put away a lot of beer. In fact, Tomas is one of the few that can out drink most of the Earth Realm protectors.
-If Tomas is offered wine or Prosecco with some dinners, he will accept 2-3 glasses. He rarely drinks hard liquor, but if with a culture where it is customary and polite to accept a drink from a billet host, he will. He’s had quite a few tequila shots in his life.
-At one point, Tomas had been curious about Jello Shots at one point. Tomas enjoys them if he’s with younger members of billet families that offer them, especially when he can enjoy the more adventurous drinks like Sex on a Beach, Long Island, AMF (Ooof!), Ceasar, and other creative concoctions with no names. Tomas has also taken a liking to Baileys, by itself or in hot chocolate.
-Tomas has a sweet tooth. Ice cream, gelato, and popsicles are consumed in large quantities. He likes mini fruit tarts and cakes in general, especially Japanese sponge cakes with strawberries and light whipped icing. Anything matcha will always be welcomed, be it as tea, in cakes, ice creams, and anything creatively sweet.
-Tomas loves chocolate bars and protein bars. He also loves cookies and Nutella on fresh bannock. Have options of snacks in a basket, and that completes his billeting experience with you :D
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blue-phoria · 1 month
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Leshy. Hands down There is so much good ingredients and herbs within the darkwood and he loves the experimentation. Even before the injury, his sense of smell was peak, being able to pick up on the most subtle of flavours within the dish. Some of his favourite dishes are: - Smoky Fir-Roast Mushrooms with Sage polenta - Beeswax-Infused Parsnip Candle Cakes - Wila Witch Bread - Boneless Roast Lamb with Honey mustard glaze
Heket views cooking to be a mortal activity, much prefers her personal chef, Eligos, to cook for her.
Kallamar specialises more in teas and liquor than food.
Shamura, and silk cradle, do not see a point in cooking. Eating is for survival not pleasure.
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angelkin-food-cake · 7 months
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Braised Lamb Shanks with Fresh Corn Blue Cheese Polenta
For the Lamb:
4 lamb shanks (about 3 lbs.), trimmed
1 Tbsp. kosher salt
1 tsp. freshly ground black pepper
2 tsp. minced fresh rosemary
1 tsp. coarsely ground fennel seeds
4 garlic cloves, 1 grated, 3 minced
2 Tbsp. olive oil
1 large onion, minced
1 Tbsp. flour
1 tsp. paprika
½ tsp. crushed red pepper flakes
1 cup canned diced tomatoes
¼ cup dry white wine
2-3 cups chicken broth
For the polenta:
2 cups water
2 cups milk
2 Tbsp. butter
½ tsp. salt
1 cup polenta
kernels from 3 ears fresh corn (about 3 cups)
½ cup crumbled blue cheese
Place the lamb shanks on a rimmed baking sheet. Stir salt, black pepper, minced rosemary, ground fennel seeds, and grated garlic together in a small bowl, then massage into lamb. Cover and let sit at room temperature for 1 hour, or refrigerate overnight.
Preheat the oven to 350°F. Heat the olive oil in a large dutch oven over medium heat, add onions and saute until golden, about 10 minutes. Add minced garlic, flour, paprika, and red pepper flakes and stir vigorously to distribute flour. Cook until mixture becomes dry, about 1 minute, then add tomatoes and wine. Simmer, stirring frequently, until mixture begins to thicken and tomatoes are breaking down, about 10 minutes. Stir in 2 cups of the chicken broth and simmer for about 5 minutes. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Add lamb shanks to pot in a single layer, pushing them down into the sauce. If necessary, add additional chicken broth so that the shanks are about 3/4 submerged
Roast, uncovered, for 30 minutes, then use tongs to flip the shanks over and roast for another 30 minutes. Then, cover the pot and cook, turning the shanks occasionally, until the meat is falling off the bone, about 45-90 minutes. Remove from oven and skim fat off the surface. Let shanks rest in liquid for 20 minutes before serving.
For the Polenta:
Bring the water, milk, butter, and salt to a boil in a medium saucepan. Gradually add the polenta to the boiling liquid, whisking as you do so. Once all the polenta has been added, lower the heat to low, and cook, stirring continuously, until the polenta is thick and creamy, about 10-15 minutes. Add the fresh corn kernels, and cook 2 minutes longer. Season to taste with salt and pepper, and remove from heat. Serve hot, with blue cheese crumbled over each bowl.
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sins-of-the-sea · 1 year
Dash Game: Muse Interview
What is your name?
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"Rashid al-Qadar ibn Zahid. Just Rashid will do. I am sometimes called by my nickname 'Jinni', given to me by my crewmate Wang Ruixiong."
Do you know why you’re here?
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"Because I sold my soul to a bogus pact I cannot back out of no matter what I try. So I just do my best to not think about my immortality or the fact I am tasked to eternally steal souls at the behest of my Master, lest I relive the worst moments of my life as my personal Jahannam."
Do you have any family?
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"Father, my birth mother, my father's other wives, and countless siblings I have no recollection of because of some issue I was never aware of growing up. On my own end, I once had a wife and a son, and that son has progeny I can confirm by three generations."
What did you last have for breakfast?
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"Hmm, let's see. Coffee, eggs, chicken, beef, fish, hummus, dates, banana masoub, labneh, nuts, and a little bit of yogurt."
What do you last have for lunch?
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"Mmm, kabsa with lamb, jareesh, tamees, and then I also had some polenta, congee, hulatang, and buñuelos."
What did you last have for Dinner?
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"Thareed, saleeg, an original tomato-onion-fish stew Giovanni created, honey garlic chicken, crunchy pickled salad, couscous, and some baklava and sufganiyot.
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"…..What? Yes, that was what I ate in one day, why are you all looking at me like that? Do you know which of the Christian Seven Deadly Sins I represent???"
How old are you?
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"Forty-five when I sold my soul. As of this current date of writing, I would be 447 years old."
Do you have any friends?
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"Outside of the Crew? Not really…"
Are you more comfortable by yourself or surrounded by others?
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"I would love to be surrounded by others. The Master ensures that shall not happen as long as they are not bound to him."
Do you have any hobbies?
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"I mostly read. I travel. I try to seek out global news and events, be it in trade and business or just anything else happening. I also like sports, either playing or watching. Football especially."
Do you have any aspirations or dreams?
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"Hah. I ate them in 1621."
Are you quick to anger?
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"No. Count your blessings, however. I am not one you want to anger thoughtlessly."
Can you dance?
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"Sure. Have you heard of al ardah?"
Do you prefer casual or stylish wear?
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"Have you not heard of stylish casual?"
Can you lift?
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"Mhm. Heaviest I deadlifted was roughly 400 kilos."
Do you play games?
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"Does chess count? I don't really play video games unless it's some sort of game that can be enjoyed in a party."
Are there any parts of your past self that you’re ashamed of?
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"I still never found out why my wife ran away from home. And I wish I can take back what I said to my son to get me exiled from home."
Can you tell us a joke?
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"Me! I'm a joke."
Is there anything you’d like to say before we wrap things up?
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"What are you wrapping? Shawarma? There is a shop I recommend from this family of immigrants, their chicken marinade and garlic sauce is to die for~."
Stolen from: @thesafaribaggirl-returns Tagging: SLAPS YOU
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gils-grillins · 1 year
Sacramento Waterboy Review
A glass of some kind of Pinot Noir
a "Tequila Honeybee" (??)
a "Hemmingway's Daiquiri" (??)
I'm not 100% certain on the names because I cannot find the cocktail menu we had online.
First course:
Bruschetta: Toasted Focaccia, Burrata, Roasted Local Stone Fruit (We Had Peaches and Cherries), Watercress, Basil, Balsamico
Cheese Plate: Selection of Four Cheeses with Toasted Bread, Crostini & Olives
Seasonal Vegetables (Heirloom tomato)
Main course:
Sonoma Liberty Duck Breast “Panzanella”: Toasted Focaccia, Local Cherries & Grilled Peaches, Arugula, Glazed Spring Onions, Balsamico
Mixed Grill of Lamb Chop, Quail & Bacon: Tomato-Eggplant-Zucchini Gratin, Crispy Fresh Corn Polenta, Rosemary-Shallot Jus
Summer Fruit (Strawberry) Crostata with Housemade Vanilla Bean Ice Cream
Affogato: Warm Pachamama Espresso Served Over Housemade Vanilla Ice Cream
I had the Duck and the Affogato, so I can not give a proper review of the "Mixed Grill" or the Crostata, though I did have a nibble here and there.
We were seated outside on the patio and although it was the early evening and still hot, it was quite nice because they had misters (??) spraying mist essentially directly on us, at least until some troublesome trout WASP women came in during the main course and had it turned off. We started off with the cocktails. Let me be frank, and do not let this tarnish your view of the establishment as a whole: they were mid. Despite, nay, because of the many ingredients that went into each one, they were extremely one-note and surprisingly acidic. The creator of these drinks clearly believed in cocktails being boozy, and boozy they were, but they were so at the cost of taste; my Honeybee did not taste of honey at all, but luckily I am a fan of raw tequila, so I wasn't too mad. My heartburn, however...
Soon (the service here was very timely and friendly, a small but crucial sticking point when it comes to Finer Dining) we were served the First Course. We had ordered the bruschetta because the last time we had it, at the same seemingly ridiculous price point, it was Life Changing. Who knew that bread, tomatoes, and balsamic could be so damn good?
To my horror, the bruschetta had no tomatoes whatsoever. It was all peach hunks and cherry halves, sat atop a healthy serving of burrata (a good sign) along with some kind of herbs, many of which were entire leaves (I Do Not Like this, I wish restaurants and spring rolls would give up Entire Leaf as the means by which to give an herbaceaus flavour to the dish, it is too firm and fibrous compared to everything else in any given dish and therefore I am still stuck chewing it when all else has already been masticated and swallowed. It's disgusting. Stop.). The crostini was soaked with oil (butter?) and was delightfully crisp and greasy.
I'm on team Fruity Bruschetta now. It works. It's great. The sweetness and acidity of the fruit contrasts with the salty creaminess of the burrata, and then the crisp oiliness of the crostini brings it all together by giving you that delightful and drawn out crunch.
I'd be damned if I could remember exactly what the cheeses were supposed to be on the Cheese Platter, but they were some kind of Brie, some kind of French cheese that was aged in ashes (to be referred to as Ash Cheese), a Blue cheese that, we were told, had been aged in fig leaves soaked in whiskey, and a semi-firm that tasted very mild.
My personal favorites, in order from best to worst, were Brie, Ash Cheese, Semi-Firm, and the Blue. I have nothing to say about the semi-firm nor the blue, they were very generic for their kind and frankly, I have never been a fan of Blue Cheese or stinkies as a whole.
The brie was also fairly generic for a brie, but it was somehow extra Fine in its taste, perhaps because it was served at room temperature, as brie is supposed to be served, and not directly out of the fridge, as I tend to consume it.
The ash cheese had a strong, cheesey flavor, somewhat akin to a gouda, and was very appallingly gummy? It stuck to the roof of my mouth like it had decided it wanted to be peanutbutter, and a single bite of it took me several minutes to really swallow down. Tasted good though.
The platter itself did not have enough bread, so we resorted to eating cheese, particularly the non-offensive semi-firm, on the heirlooms. This was a delightful combo; always feel free to get creative with your meals, do not feel constrained by a chef's intents. Sometimes they don't know the correct cheese-to-crostini ratio. The almonds and olives in the centre were a nice touch, and the apricot (?) jam helped the blue cheese become something genuinely delicious rather than a painful, smelly chore. Strong cheeses are best when contrasted with something else. They did not give me enough of the jam, which is a shame.
The heirlooms were essentially a caprese salad without the mozzarella, and would've been only improved by the simple chopping of the herbs.
I came out of the first course feeling extremely enthusiastic about the main course. After all, if all of the appetizers were stunning and lovely, how could the main course not be? But lord, have mercy...
My dinner was simple. Seared duck breast, sliced thinly and sat atop a simple arugula salad, accented with toasted focattia, slices of grilled peach, and cherry halves (a requiem of the bruschetta; these fruits are what's in season). Wonderful, except for one fatal flaw; the duck was rare. The skin was crisp, yes, and I know duck is a red meat, but...it was rare enough to be quacking. I am not bothered by this psychologically, but texture-wise...eugh. Chewy, gross, and because the inside is essentially uncooked, cold. Additionally, only the skin was seasoned, and in a very limited fashion, at that, so what would happen with each bite was much like the problem with using herb leaves as seasoning; I'd finish and swallow all the good stuff first (skin), then be left with the worst part last. This is where the wine comes in; I know that red wine and red meat are best buddies (if you don't know why, why are you even reading this?), so in a moment of brilliance I simply requested that the waiter give me whatever red wine suits the duck best. He gave me Pinot Noir. This, along with cutting the duck extra small and seasoning it further, saved the meal more or less, though I will not be ordering it again.
My dining partner's meal, the grill mix, was done much better in every conceivable way. I'm really, truly confounded as to how they can cook a lamb rib right but not duck breast. I tried every aspect of the meal except for the bacon, and the only complaint I had was that they oversalted the quail.
I ordered the affogato because none of the other desserts appealed to me (I was under the impression they'd have key lime pie, they did not) and the caffeine sounded nice. If you've never had this, simply make some espresso and pour it over a scoop of vanilla (ideally French vanilla) ice cream or gelato while it's still hot. Eventually, the whole thing melts into a tasty slurry of coffee and vanilla. You can also do what my mother used to do, and put a scoop of the same into a cup of regular coffee.
My only complaint is that the coffee was too sour; I really don't like sour coffee.
In my experience, a lot of restaurants do an amazing job with appetizers, but fumble when it comes to the main course. Black Angus and Lazy Dog both come to mind. I am not sure why this happens, but I will eventually return to Waterboy and give them another chance. After all, the apps were mind-blowing, and the only major issue (unrelated to my personal preferences) was the duck, which may very well have been an issue due to my muscle weakness making it difficult for me to chew. I often struggle with meats others don't consider to be tough, and this may have been the case. Also, their scallop and pork belly platter is calling my name.
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vajracchedika · 2 years
It's uh lamb chops w salt and pepper again bc the ppl who were cooking last night defrosted a whole lot of lamb but ended up making .. lasagna, lol. Then lamb neck in the crock pot, polenta.. the braising liquid for the necks I'm trying to get ~nappé~. Should have added red wine maybe still can
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askwhatsforlunch · 2 years
Grilled Thyme and Sage Lamb Breast
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This Grilled Thyme and Sage Lamb Breast makes a tasty and hearty lunch in the days between Christmas and New Year’s Eve. A simple yet fragrant dish, with a delightfully juicy meat, a comfortable and easy meal!
Ingredients (serves 3):
1 or 2 fluffy sprigs fresh thyme
half a dozen leaves fresh sage
1/4 teaspoon fleur de sel or sea salt falkes
1/2 teaspoon freshly cracked black pepper
2 tablespoons olive oil
340 grams/12 ounces lamb breast, boned and rolled
Remove thyme leaves from their sprigs into a medium baking dish. Finely chop sage leaves, and add to the thyme. Season with fleur de sel and black pepper, and drizzle in olive oil, stirring well to combine.
Unroll lamb breast pieces and add to the baking dish, generously rubbing them with the thyme and sage marinade.
Place in the refrigerator, to marinate, at least a couple of hours.
Heat a large griddle pan over medium-high heat. Add marinated lamb breast pieces, and grill, about 4 to 5 minutes on each side.
Serve Grilled Thyme and Sage Lamb Breast hot, with creamy Parmesan Polenta.
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taint-bernard · 2 years
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going “off book” this year - Sous vide leg of lamb, polenta and green beans, followed by a chocolate & blackberry curd tart. time to get this bad boy in the bath! https://www.instagram.com/p/ClWhFzwO7e6/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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alpschefs · 5 months
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laresearchette · 7 months
Tuesday, March 12, 2024 Canadian TV Listings (Times Eastern)
MLB SPRING TRAINING (SN) 1:00pm: Yankees vs. Jays
TENNIS (TSN3/TSN4) 2:00pm; Indian Wells - Round of 16 (TSN3/TSN5) 9:00pm; Indian Wells - Round of 16
NHL HOCKEY (SN) 7:00pm: Red Wings vs. Sabres (TSN2) 7:00pm: Blue Jackets vs. Habs (TSN5) 7:00pm: Penguins vs. Sens (SNWest) 9:00pm: Avalanche vs. Flames (SN) 10:00pm: Knights vs. Kraken
BIG BROTHER CANADA (Global) 7:00pm
NBA BASKETBALL (TSN) 7:30pm: 76ers vs. Knicks (SN Now) 8:00pm: Pacers vs. Thunder (TSN) 10:00pm: Timberwolves vs. Clippers
HUDSON & REX (City TV) 8:00pm: Jennica Malouf, a wealthy socialite, turns up dead on a golf course.
MARY MAKES IT EASY (CTV Life) 8:00pm: Pub Crawlers
SON OF A CRITCH (CBC) 8:30pm: When Mark starts a business venture as a school project, he quickly realizes that running a profitable company is more than having a good haircut, talking loudly, and exploiting underlings.
COMFORT FOOD WITH SPENCER WATTS (CTV Life) 8:30pm: Spencer prepares a Chinese-spice chicken halves with apple slaw and fries, a fifteen minute lamb bolognese on polenta, and a spiced pork loin with honeyed root veg and apple butter.
ONE MORE TIME (CBC) 9:00pm: A curse descends upon the store on inventory night, terrorizing the staff.
TREATY ROAD (APTN) 9:00pm: Erin and Saxon visit Treaty 2 territory and find out how people were forcibly displaced from their homes in the creation of a national park. Attempts to seek justice reveal that Canadian law offers no protection to Indigenous people.
GOLD RUSH: WHITE WATER (Discovery Canada) 9:00pm (SEASON PREMIERE): Dustin gambles his entire life savings, purchasing a remote Alaskan claim rumored to hold life-changing gold; but Mother Nature's wrath descends, pushing them beyond their limits in their pursuit of the ultimate treasure.
RUN THE BURBS (CBC) 9:30pm: On their long-awaited date day, Camille and Andrew meddle to prevent Hudson and his ex from rekindling their romance.
DOWNEY'S DREAM CARS (Discovery Velocity) 10:00pm (SERIES PREMIERE): Robert converts his K10 pickup to an electric vehicle; he test drives two fully-electric cars.
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kon-konk · 9 months
Which recipe in the cook book seems the most interesting?
I think the de Rolos Revenge Pasta (now that I've seen the recipe itself) sounds like it would be fun to make. It has already been vetoed by the house.
Other than that the sweet tea custard pie also seems interesting, so does the Highsummer honey polenta, and Zhudanna's Welcome, and the red wine ketchup from the Core Spire Street Meat (though I don't eat lamb), and the Conciliatory Couscous (um... Minus the olives tbh), and Pike's purple jewel cake
And that Dead People Tea sounds perfect
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dirtydentistband · 11 months
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Lamb Braised in Pomegranate In this lovely dish, chef John braises lamb chops in pomegranate juice. Serve with rice, potatoes, or polenta.
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