#lance needs much more love!! and i just really really like the main gang in tts theyre all so dear to me
psah · 10 months
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I’m very good at wanting to post my drawings once they’re finished but never finishing them so they sit untouched for weeks until i decide to post them anyways
So I watched TTS for the first time in june (im very late to the party), and when Cass stole the Moonstone, my first thoughts were that 1. Cass’ outfit is cool but what if it was SPIKIER and 2. I find her blue hair to be. kinda goofy tbh. like shes so pretty as always but it didnt really suit her imo I think i wouldve liked it a lot better if just the gray strands in her hair turned blue
(even tho i guess it does make sense lore wise, like when Raps use the Sundrop's powers, her hair shine yellow, and Cass is technically constantly using the Moonstone's powers so her hair always shine blue)
Also I’ve seen a few people talk about Lance lately and i just want to say i absolutely love Lance this guy is awesome
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pansy-picnics · 1 year
I literally love your group shots of the tts gang since you include everyone. It’s so hard to find recent fanart of nonspecific pairs/trios so thank you!
i just feel like every time ppl talk about the “found family” they’re only ever referring to like,,, rapunzel, eugene, varian and (sometimes) cass….and it makes me so sad bc like…..WHAT ABT LANCE!!! AND KIERA AND CATALINA!!! ALL THE OTHER CHARACTERS ARE THERE TOO….
when i got into vat7k my need to draw ALL of them just got SO much stronger bc i realized how separated the fandom rlly was from the tts one??? nobody really talked much about the main cast in reference to the 7k kids and vice versa and i just couldn’t stop thinking about all the different character interactions……..
i have so many underrated dynamics i think about SO much that i have yet to make art for….like kiera and catalina and yong…. nuru and rapunzel….quirin and hugo….yong and lance….donella and rapunzel….and even some dynamics between the main cast that are CRIMINALLY underrated like….the brotherhood in general and lance and basically ANYONE outside of eugene and the girls 😭😭
idk i just. have so many thoughts abt this little family and they make me so EMOTIONAL. i’ve tried to draw smaller groups before but if i’m not drawing a specific dynamic i usually just can’t bring myself to exclude everyone else
so many of these characters get pushed aside so much both by the show and the fandom so despite how much more effort it takes me to pose everyone and draw all my complicated little outfits and render everything it’s SO worth it because i just love seeing my favorite little group of criminals being happy <3 they are literally everything to me
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khaleesiofalicante · 9 months
Hello! So exams are almost over I only have one more class that I need to pass so I found some time and read Gigi's chapter. And I have so many things to say it's a little ridiculous but yeah. Be warned this is gonna be loooong.
Okay I thought that Madeleine was one of the good ones and because of what happened to Joseph(what exactly happened there?) she was filled with so much grief that she wants Lance dead but somewhere along the way she would realize her mistake and join the team again. But now, I'm not so sure. Because Gigi has a great instinct and I trust her. If she says she doesn't like Madeleine's vibes neither do I. Also her name starts with M? And we've established that people who's name starts with M are out to get Mavid so no thank you. However, I reserve the right to change my mind about this.
I'll investigate Aby for Gigi, I think the flowers and her secret boyfriend is someone Izzy won't like and that's why she's hiding him. My guess is Antoine(it just fits for a lot of reasons).
I just love that no one wants to disappoint Alec, they all just respect him and his achievements so much- what kind of idiot thinks you undermine him in your fics??
I remember David used to spend time with Aby because he liked babies, it really hurts to think about how different things would be if the Clave wasn't fucked up
This Lance is like Lucifer and Arthur is like Raziel and the David comes from Jonathan the shadowhunter/Raziel is always at the back of my mind, just waiting for the connection to drop
If the Clave keeps up with all this bullshit it won't have to worry about Lance because I'm pretty sure Max will burn it to the ground
Also let's not forget the vision Asmodeus showed Max about burning down the Clave because it hurt Magnus, I feel like that never got closure and could be connected to the reason Lance will attack Idris? (Because I'm pretty sure Lance will attack idris)
One word about Maxs reaction when he finds out about the wards/the tests because I feel like when he finds out about it it's all gonna go down pretty fast because my baby will go feral
Rereading LBAF made me realize just how close the gang was and Gigi's chapter really really hurt because we never got to see the new generation like that ever, if I get it correctly there are canon events that if they change the timeline is in trouble and there are things that just happen in every reality(like mavid eloping), do you think you will ever write a reality were they all stay close together and the LBAF 5 gang hangs like the og LBAF gang?
I feel like the the og LBAF gang had a relatively okay childhood and then with the Devlins their world changed and they all have a very screwed up adult life and their kids have a very screwed up childhood but when Lucifer leaves the picture they'll have an okay adult life. And then there's the TMI gang who can't catch a break, love those guys so much
I have so many thoughts Gigi's chapter really got to me I don't know why😭 And I have many theories as well, but I'll share them later👀 I can't wait to see how everything will unfold, I just get more excited with every update and main plot hasn't even started yet, you really know how to keep us in our toes🌷
PS: I read the Mavid one shot just after finishing a big exam yesterday and I LOVED IT! I laughed so hard and I loved the bathroom scene, it was explicit but not in a very descriptive way, it still felt really classy and still very Mavid, your writing is really great and you always manage to stay true to your characters which is really admirable. I can't wait to see you write more of those in the Mavid RWRB au, preparing for a wild ride. Also, some of the scenarios David had in his mind fit Mavid in different fics of yours and that was so cool and funny I loved it😂
UGH I NEEDED THIS AFTER THIS STUPID WEEK (i had no fuel or motivation so i didn't get any of my work done 😔)
I'm not at all surprised that Gigi's chapter led to a lot of thoughts because there is a fuck load of foreshadowing in it lmao.
We'll find out what happened to Joseph. Eventually. I can't wait yall to see whose pov it's gonna be from!! Madeleine is...complicated. She is definitely in the wrong. But I feel there is still time and space for her to understand that she is wrong and do better. Let's just hope she can do that before she does something that can't be fixed...Also I forgot who the M people are knkdfd. Mallory? And who else?? Lol.
Antoine?? And Abby??? I ship it
I'm just going to lean into the whole 'alec underminder' thing. Make it my brand now :P
If I start to think about all the things David lost, I will begin to cry. So, I'm not gonna do that.
Plot twist. LBAF V is actually about Lucifer and Raziel love story (idk if this is incestuous or not fkdndjk)
Can't wait bebe 😏
Fascinated to hear theories about why Lance will actually attack Idris (as Gigi/Camila were saying it's unlikely that Lance will attack unprovoked)
Max is slowly going from 'angry to disappointed' with all the Clave stuff (which I think is more dangerous). We won't see his reaction when he finds about the wards, but we will see him being indifferent because he is no longer in a "how fucking dare you" mentality but rather in a "of fucking course" mentality. He will go back to "how fucking dare" you later when they do manage to piss him off hehe.
I don't I think I will. For me, it depicts a very real reality where you don't always stay friends with people for generations (there are exceptions of course). Like my mom and her friends are super close, but I'm not close with their children at all. But when we hang out once a year at some event, we have loads of fun. I just think it's reality - and shadowhunters are no exception.
Don't forget LBAF gang's experience with Asmodeus and Belial hehe. Also what do you mean "when Lucifer leaves the picture" ckjnks. He is here to stay :)
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closedcoffins · 2 years
@sekayuki liked this post to be forcibly given a baccano au!
Obligatory thanks for indulging me; as I’ve said before, I love to give characters Baccano! aus, so I’m grateful for the opportunity. Getting right into it, I think there’s really nowhere else to put Tanizaki (and, by extension, Naomi) other than Jacuzzi’s Gang.
Jacuzzi’s Gang: A Gang of “young punks” who gather around crybaby bootlegger Jacuzzi Splot because of a strange instinct to protect him. They number over 20 in rank and are all sorts of bad news, cast out of the communities they were part of. Many of them are immigrants who caused just enough trouble to be ousted from the communities they came to America with. SEE: Jacuzzi Splot, Nice Holystone, Chané Laforet, Claire Stanfield, Sham.
The gang might seem like the lesser of several evils at first, but the majority of people who have gravitated to Jacuzzi’s gang are criminals, with a very significant portion of those criminals being unfairly punished immigrants who were ostracized from their own communities for painting them in a bad light through crime. While I don’t necessarily think this would be the case with Tanizaki, Jacuzzi’s gang also happens to be home to social outcasts, and they have deep and personal connections with eachother and with Jacuzzi.
While the gang isn’t closed off to new members following their move to New York in late 1931 to early 1932, I also think it’d just allow for more plot involvement if Tanizaki and his sister were to join up with them while they’re still in Chicago, so I’ll be working off of that.
Speaking of plot relevance, I think I would place the siblings in the portion of Jacuzzi’s gang we see in 1931 Winter: Time of the Oasis. While the main body of the gang (Jacuzzi, Nice, and a few others) are aboard the transcontinental Flying Pussyfoot to rob it, the rest of the gang boards an earlier train to New York and gets caught up in their own ruckus as they wait for the train group to dump cargo in a certain river that they can then retrieve. Specifically, the gang finds themselves jeopardized by another team of people who have men hijacking the very same train. I think Tanizaki would be in a good position to help in the final fight against those people, since they directly threaten the gang.
Further plot relevance for the gang as a whole (they tend to appear as one unit) comes in the form of 1933′s The Slash, wherein the gang are accosted and then hired by two representatives of Huey Laforet’s Larva---
Larva: A group of humans working under alchemist Huey Laforet with slightly closer contact than the Lemures, who are privy to the nature of Huey’s immortality but not let in on all of his plans. Led by Tock “Tim” Jefferson. SEE: Huey Laforet, Tock "Tim" Jefferson.
---to infiltrate a skyscraper known as Mist Wall and steal the incomplete formula for immortality. Very specifically, I think Tanizaki would have a lot to say about the way the plan goes down; the delinquents know that the Larva are using them as disposable pawns, so they make up their mind to try and take the formula themselves under the pretense of complete cooperation. Because of this assumption I’d also put Tanizaki on the Babel team, who oversee things from the top-floor restaurant Babel and as a result bear witness to the multiple insane fights up there. I think because Tanizaki has a tendency to jump the gun sometimes when those he cares about are threatened, they’d need him out of the main operation to avoid unnecessary risk. That said, I’d put Naomi on the ground floor team actually doing the heist just for the sake of upping the tension, since the people on the top floor are temporarily disconnected from the rest of the building.
Then, since the goal of Baccano!’s 1935 plot is to include as many characters as physically possible, Tanizaki can also attend the party at Ra’s Lance with the rest of the gang, though predictably they don’t have much of a focus in that arc outside of Jacuzzi.
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Hello! Love love the blog so much!!! The stories are incredible. I particularly like the part in the one story where Merlin is a secret BAMF with a sword. I know you don’t really do this so feel free to ignore this question but do you know any other stories that involve the same idea?
(Masterlist) (Rec List)
Uuuhhh... Merlin being good with a sword and/or generally badass. That could be a couple of mine:
Merlin is a Badass Series - Not so much with a sword, but he kicks a ridiculous amount of ass with daggers and his fists, and then semi-tortures someone for information.
Scar Reveal Series - Arthur forces Merlin to join in on training one day, and Merlin beats both Lancelot and Arthur in a sword spar. Though the main point of the story is that Merlin's tunic comes off and all of his scars are revealed.
Marksman!Merlin - Merlin learns to use a longbow, not much actual fighting in it, but he still kills a few people, much to the bewilderment of the others.
Child!Soldier!Merlin - I think this might be the one you're thinking of. Merlin's tragic past as a child soldier from Essetir is revealed by his previous... owner? Said Essetirian Lord convinces Arthur to make Merlin join in on training, where he beats all five knights (Lance, Elyan, Gwaine, Percival, and Leon) and then refuses to fight Arthur.
As for other Recs, these ones from my Rec List have Merlin being a Badass outside of his magic:
Is This the Best You Can Do? - A set of two fics in which Merlin is just generally really cool and keeps saving the gang. Not with swords, but in one he just takes torture really well and then leads the rescue mission, and in the other he survives being poisoned and then kills the people that had captured him and the gang. I think. It's been a while since I read them lol.
Throwing Them Through Hoops - Merlin makes a bet with a mean knight that he can throw daggers better than everyone else. He wins the bet.
A Considerable Headstart - The gang follow Merlin into the woods, where they see him have a VERY concerning conversation with an evil visiting Lord. Then they have a sword fight, which Merlin wins. That's only half of the fic, the rest is about everyone realising that they teat Merlin badly, and don't really know anything about him anymore. Still a GREAT fic though.
The servant´s tournament - Uther decides that because of how often Arthur gets attacked, his manservant needs to also be able to act as a bodyguard. He insists on a tournament that anyone can enter, and the winner will become Arthur's new manservant. Arthur basically resigns himself to losing Merlin, who he is convinced is a wimp with a sword. Merlin wins, though the tournament is anonymous so no one knows until he reveals himself at the end and Uther goes "Oh... I guess as a reward you can... keep your job?". Arthur is dumbfounded, 'tis very funny.
Do You Have Need of Me? - Merlin is the Spymaster, and has been since not long after he arrived in Camelot. He reveals himself to Arthur and things get really tense and angsty because trust issues. A healthy dose of God!Merlin later on. Happy ending though :D
Around the Corner (Secrets Lie) - Elyan accidentally walks in on (without Merlin noticing) Merlin apprehending and consequently extracting information from a would-be assassin. Before killing him, and then just going about his day. Elyan is like... not sure whether to be horrified, impressed, guilty, proud, or what.
There are plenty more on both my Masterlist and my Rec List with Badass!Merlin with his magic, but these are all the ones where he's badass specifically without his magic :D
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silyabeeodess · 3 years
So... Last night, I read the Balan Wonderworld novel.  It’s... something.  It's not bad--I did enjoy it and it does have its moments--but there’s bits that don’t really seem to work as well as they could’ve and they can add up.  To avoid major spoilers, like last time, I’ll put my thoughts below the cut, so be warned:
Most of my concerns are issues with the individual characters, but I’ll start by talking about the book itself first.  Because there are so many people and themes in it to discuss, with the plot covering every stage and each of the residents’ backstories, you have to move through events quickly: We don’t really spend enough time with any of the characters to know them beyond some basic traits and what they need.  Fine for a game and with visuals, sure, but not so much for a story.  Things can feel like they’re moving a bit too fast, which I can excuse because of the large cast number; however, the writing only amplifies the problem and makes it feel like the book is being padded with wasted, repetitive dialogue that takes away from the story. I want you to imagine taking the 12 Days of Christmas and turning it into a novel--not with the things divided up into each individual day, but each chapter repeating all of the other days that came before it.  It’s stale, it’s droning, and you as a reader will just end up skipping through material after a while.  The book does this through the visions the characters share of Balan and Fighter/Emma, with Streetbeat/Leo and the residents each having them with slight differences in-between.  As you meet each individual resident, one by one, they repeat a lot of the same things over and over.  Not only that, but then you have to loop back through them and their stages a second time as Leo saves everyone.  It’s not quite as bad as my 12 Days of Christmas example, but it does get to the point where you’re ready to say, “I get it! Your lover gave you calling birds, hens, doves, and a partridge--please, just move on already!” There are such easy fixes to this issue too, like having characters already meeting in each other’s stages to cover them together, maybe summarizing the differences in their stages to set up Leo’s expectations before he sees how distorted they become later on since he’s going to have to visit each one anyway.  Instead, time is wasted that could’ve been spent on descriptions or building the characters in other ways.      
I think the one character that suffers the most because of this Fighter/Emma.  Because she’s placed in the story with the same mystery as Balan and viewed as a villain by the rest of the cast up until the end, she’s constantly being sidelined even though she’s a main character.  She’s used more-so as a plot device for Leo, running off to do her own thing when she’s no longer needed, and then gets no conclusion where all of the other characters do.  It’s like that meme where a person asks, “What about Emma?” and everyone just repeats the question dismissively as an answer. Again, I get it, we’re following Leo’s story here just as we would only be following one of them in the game, but it’s bad to keep dismissing her all while using her as a necessary key to saving everyone else.  I guess it’s implied at the end that the Wonderworld gang might seek her out too, as they did with each other, but she’s barely a footnote.  Balan and Lance suffer a little bit too, but do make enough satisfying reappearances that it’s not as much of an issue.  
I kind of want to avoid talking about the writing style further, as I can’t help but wonder how much might be more of something like a translation issue; however, I will say that if you plan on reading this with a young reader, be ready to explain some extensive vocabulary to them.  The style itself isn’t very flowery, the book isn’t a heavy text, but there are some words they won’t understand that can’t be deciphered by using the surrounding text.  Like I said, the book doesn’t have a strong focus on description: Moreover though, there’s not as many illustrations paced through the book as you would imagine based on the preview.  You end have having to rely on what you already know going off those first images at the start of the book introducing the characters or if you’ve played the game. It’s not a big thing, but I can see it being a small problem if you chose to read the novel alone.  I tend to lean toward styles with heavier description in both my reading and writing though, so that might be a bit of my personal bias as well.  Some of you may prefer it as it is.
Now getting on to the individual characters... Oh boy, is there some stuff to go through.  Let me start with the one I’m actually a little uncomfortable with, as her actions affect some of the other characters as well in major ways: The Clocktower Kid/Cass Milligan.  Throughout the story, we’re given clues that she has a big crush on Pensive Perriot/Attilio Caccini--who, as most of you likely already know--is in love with a woman who works with him at his theme park as a princess.  By the end of the book, it’s revealed that there’s a near decade-long gap between when the two stepped into Wonderworld and that Cass is the princess...  Thankfully, Attilio showed no interest in Cass as her child-self and this means that they’re actually close to the same age, but let’s unpack the assortment of other problems this brings up.  1.)  This goes beyond a childhood crush with someone older that most people get over: The girl devoted a decade of her life to getting the princess role so she could be with the guy.  If it was a year or two between teenagers, that would be one thing: This borderlines obsession.  2.) She knows who Attilio is from the beginning and waits for him to confess his love to her before revealing her identity.  She says it’s because she didn’t want to risk messing up the timeline, but her own actions could’ve done exactly that had the princess role been meant for literally any other girl on the entire planet.  She didn’t know that she was meant to be the princess: All she knew was that she wanted to be with Attilio.  3.)  Either Attilio just kind of accepts all of this or, again, the pacing won’t give us some much-needed details, because the next thing we know we’re getting to their engagement and honeymoon months later.  Keep in mind: While she waits a decade for him, his confession takes place barely a few hours after he leaves Wonderworld.  I think the guy would need at least a little time to process everything.  4.)  While the book seems to stay close to the game’s canon from what I’ve seen, this particular relationship is handled even weirder in its cutscenes.  For one thing, it’s not revealed that Cass is the princess.  For another, despite this, we see her with Attilio anyway as her young, childhood self--granted, without any big hints to a romance between them. I’ll let you dissect what you will from that.
Let me get to The Checkered King/Cal Suresh next.  In the novel, a couple of the characters had their backstories tweaked.  These changes don’t interfere with what we see from the game’s cutscenes, but they do add more context to them that changes what particular issues the characters are suffering through.  In Cal’s case, his obsession with his champion title in chess led him to ignore his dying wife, adding an extreme sense of guilt and longing that wasn’t there when we believed this was just a matter of his pride and sense of identity alone.  Enter Cass, who reappears in her timeline before this death takes place, finds out who Cal is... and apparently does nothing to warn him. We can use her timeline excuse, but this is someone’s dying wife we’re talking about--she even sees him grieving over her in an illusion as they’re all leaving Wonderworld.  Even if no one could do anything for Mrs. Suresh, even if Cal didn’t listen to Cass and dismissed everything she had to say about wasting precious hours better spent with the people you love, I think an attempt at talking to him would at least be necessary.  No though, the book just ignores that while the two of them and Attilio eat snacks together.            
Cal isn’t the only one who had the added trauma of death: They did it to The Watcher/Sana Hudson too.  In her case, she was trying to protect some endangered birds that were killed--both directly and indirectly--by the construction workers in her area, leading her to despise humanity for its “greed and selfishness.”  Now, her situation/feelings is/are perfectly understandable, especially given how the construction workers in the story are portrayed.  What doesn’t really work is the context surrounding the issue and her actions involving the event. Now, I admit this first point is a bit weak as I can’t speak for the regulations across every country and we don’t know exactly where Sana is from, but a lot of places have heavy regulations and work with big organizations to protect endangered species.  Not to mention this is a bit of a heavy topic with much-needed context for a book like this to properly cover.  This fact isn’t even glossed over though and the workers have no problem cutting down the birds’ tree despite how this would likely cause massive legal trouble for them and be a major deterrent as a result.  As to the “greed and selfishness of man,” this doesn’t really work well considering that the workers are trying to build a residential area.  A cost to the environment?  Yes.  However, it was likely ordered for the benefit of the community.  We see this debated a little more evenly in the conclusion to Sana’s story; however, we’re also pretty much told “Yeah, humans are terrible and can never change. Pick birds over them,” beforehand.  Lastly, Sana’s own actions--or rather, lackthereof.  When the birds lose their tree, their eggs are destroyed and the parents stay behind out of their love for their deceased offspring rather than leave for winter later on, resulting in their deaths.  To try to prevent this, Sana begs the birds to leave... Let me repeat that: She begs the birds to leave.  The problem?  They’re birds.  They’re animals.  And, outside of the theatre, this is supposedly a world just like ours.  You can’t reason with a bird like a person.  She could’ve just as easily tried to capture the birds and brought them somewhere safer herself or called someone who would.  If that didn’t work, at least those actions would make a lot more sense for the hatred she feels towards other humans: Instead, this decision makes their deaths kinda her fault too for leaving them there despite knowing what would happen is she did. 
I don’t know how I feel about the added issues involving death.  Yes, there’s a lot surrounding that theme alone to cover, but part of Balan Wonderworld’s charm is confronting all these people with extremely diverse problems, some stemming from issues beyond their control and some their own, internal struggles. The inclusion of death might have made the consequences of events more traumatic, but I think to a detriment.  It doesn’t affect Sana as much, but Cal’s case is the worst, as his wife’s passing echoes the regret and mourning we already get from The Lady/Iben Bia’s story when it could’ve been it’s own, independent thing focusing on pride, identity, and a sense of fulfillment that we see more in his game counterpart.  I can’t help but feel that we miss out on a wider range of messages by emphasizing on the aspect of death so much.         
Lastly, let’s get to Balan and Lance.  Overall, I greatly enjoyed the twist at the end with the connection between their characters.  The problems I have with them, honestly, I debate whether or not are even problems at all as they do address real concerns that perfectly fit what individuals in their circumstances would go through.  First Lance, then Balan, they’ve spent a millennia helping others repair the imbalance in their hearts.  People come, people go, and they’re left behind, forever alone in that that theatre.  It would be crushing.  Lance already broke under the weight of that pain, which is why Balan exists--and now he’s likely doomed to continue the cycle as he suffers this same degree of loneliness.  My main issue is that there’s so much to cover about this that we’re barely given a teaspoon of.  The author couldn’t really give us much, as this book’s main focus was on Wonderworld’s inhabitants.  It feels though that there’s something being built-up that we might not ever get to see completed depending on how successful the franchise it, which is sad if that’s the case.  (Hey though: That’s where we fans usually step in, right?)          
Secondary to that is that there’s a level of hypocrisy to Balan, Lance, and how they engage with the inhabitants.  I kind of love it, but this is where I’m a little conflicted since Balan is supposed to be the one helping people fix their hearts.  Two general themes that carry over greatly among all of the inhabitants is the importance of love and friendship, how we rely on others to grow and save us from the worst of ourselves.  Balan, however, is required to stay detached from others no matter how much it hurts or what it will inevitably lead to, as everyone must leave Wonderworld eventually.  It’s a conflict of interest.  Ironically enough, it’s Lance’s decision to trap Leo in a stage and his overwhelming longing for true connections that allow the inhabitants to find and help each other.  It’s bad that Balan and Lance couldn’t take the lessons they gave others and apply it to themselves, because their situation is so extreme. 
Furthermore, there’s a hypocrisy between Balan and Lance in their decision to wipe the inhabitants memories.  It’s revealed not to be a magical phenomena caused by the theatre itself once people leave it as many of us thought, but rather a conscious choice Balan makes--just like Lance.  However, while Lance does it to keep the inhabitants contently trapped inside their hearts, we’re not really given a reason for Balan’s actions. Memories, good and bad, are a vital piece of us: We reflect on them as we grow to maintain the lessons we learned in those moments that make us who we are.  We see the danger of lost memories not just with Lance, but with Balan as well as part of Sana’s conclusion alludes to a potential relapse.  It was her connection to the people she met in Wonderworld that allowed her to recognize one of them--Eis Glover--back home and keep her grounded in another, potentially shattering instant of her life. Similarly, Leo only managed to restore his imbalance because of his friendships with the other inhabitants--friendships he was destined to lose the moment he walked out of the theatre had Balan taken everyone’s memories.  This too, I feel, could’ve caused Leo to relapse.  If so, Balan’s choice to let them keep their memories of Wonderworld likely prevented them from needing to come back to the theatre--at least not as often as they may have needed to otherwise.  Let’s get to the question Lance brings up at the end: “Honestly, enough with the self-deception.  You normally take everyone’s memories when they leave, so why this time did you make an exception?” It could be that Balan simply didn’t want to be forgotten anymore.  It could also be that he loved them enough that he didn’t want them to suffer to the extent where they had to return to the theatre even if it meant there was a chance he wouldn’t see them again.  That idea would beg a second question though: Why did Balan erase the memories of every inhabitant who came before them?   (If it isn’t obvious by now, this scene was my favorite bit in the whole book.)    
I know this whole post seems to be mostly a series of complaints, but I did enjoy the book overall: I just have a tendency to look at every detail and, when things don’t work, they stay in my mind for a long while.  Like I said at the start, the novel isn’t a bad read, it just has some bad points.  If you’re already a fan of the game, you’ll probably enjoy it too.  If not, I’d recommend checking out some of the other content available--like the video previews/cutscenes introducing the characters--before stepping into this.   
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fizzingwizard · 3 years
OK gang here we go, episode 33!
It was better than last week, which was better than the week before, so... make of that what you will.
Pic of the week!
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A look of steely Dan determination.
More below!
Like I said, this episode is an improvement on the last one, by virtue of plot stuff actually happening, a few big happenings, and references to the other kids that suggest they haven’t been completely forgotten about (only mostly). Don’t get excited though - it still leaves much to be desired. I cry endlessly for the animation budget. But let’s get into it...
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Taichi and friends are still in pursuit of SkullKnightmon and Hikari. We found our for sure last week that the creature in the little crystal is, indeed, Millenniumon, or rather a fragment of him, and his fragments fell all around the Digital World at the end of the great war or whatever it’s called and they’re the source of the miasma and they absorb energy from the human world etc etc...
So we find this big ass crystal which seems to be the central one, I guess? because it’s the biggest? and several creepy looking acolytes (dun dun DUN it’s VADEMON my FAVORITE DIGIMON) surrounding it and chanting...
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Vademon: Find the horcux, kill Harry Potter, find the horcrux, kill Harry Potter,
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In other news, there’s a lot of doom and gloom happening with Jou, who, bereft of his underwear, is forced to censor himself with his partners head. Gomamon you don’t deserve this
Jou: I need to get away from these Nanimon before I go prematurely bald too!!
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Mimi, meanwhile, is Boxing Champion of the World.
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Koushirou is the only one working. He’s on his way to pick up Jou, so I guess that means Yamato will get Mimi? That’ll be fun lol. We saw Yamato for half a second but it was the same frame of him riding Garurumon we’ve seen five times already so why bother capping it.
Koushirou is also keeping an eye on the satellite situation but doesn’t know what to do about it yet. Kabuterimon asks if he shouldn’t take a break about now and Koushirou says “I’m okay, besides, this is the only thing I’m good for” T___T you know this would be heart-breaking if I really believed the writers have ACTUAL PLANS to make good on Koushirou-related character development.... >:[
no this honestly pisses me off so much but I STILL do believe we will get SOMETHING for him and the others and probably not too far in the future... I think... I hope ugh
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Back to Team A, they see lots of Digimon coming at them. Taichi’s like “it’s an attack!” but Sora, whose Fight Mode unlike Taichi’s has an actual Off switch, is about to figure out that they are in fact not interested in the kids at all and are running away from something.
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Taichi: I can’t believe they didn’t want to kill us. Doesn’t everything in this world want to kill us?
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The Digimon are fleeing from a suspicious crater with a familiar stone in the center. SkullKnightmon raises his own crystal fragment into the air and stuff happens.
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By stuff I mean black lightning and purple-blue light which is meant to signify Evil which is mega DUMB because blue and purple are the most awesome color combo EVER I mean it throw some turquoise in there too and I will buy it whatever it is a necklace a shawl a codpiece
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There are eight crystals that rise from the ground surrounding the central crystal and share energy with it. I thought the number eight might be significant you know for obvious reasons but it doesn’t appear to matter in this episode.
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Evil crystals or not, Taichi’s on his way to save Hikari once and for all!
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Hikari: Thanks, but no thanks, oniichan.
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Taichi: H-Hikari! You don’t understand! You’re too young to go off with a strange man!
Hikari: But oniichan I love him
Taichi: Who do you think I am, Tevye!? You’re not marrying him and that’s final!
Hikari: waaah why don’t you understand me!!
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ok back to the story...
Hikari abandons her brother for his muscular studly lover SkullKnightmon.
... >_>
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Using Hikari’s powers, SkullKnightmon evolves to Gundamon DarkKnightmon. Meanwhile there’s lots of chanting and stuff about this being SkullKnightmon’s purpose or some such. I still kinda hope we get a redemption arc for SkullKnightmon or that he has something more to do with the story...
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Agumon stops Taichi from wigging out and they go to save Hikari together, but before they can they are beset from all angles by henchmen.
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Sora: Hey, you take care of Tweedle Dee and I’ll get Tweedle Dum!
Birdramon: *gets punched in the head* I hope you brought enough aspirin...
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Then these guys appear. I’ve forgotten their names but evil as they look they literally just stand there till they get blown up and then more appear... I guess that’s a kind of talent
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Takeru: Leave the small fry to me!
Pegasusmon: Takeru when I said I wanted a Happy Meal this isn’t what I meant
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Hikari begins to be absorbed into a dark pocket dimension of DarkKnightmon’s or something like that. It seems like a very chill experience.
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Taichi: I’ll save you! Take my hand!
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Hikari: O... nii... chan... Fuck you...
ok so here’s my problem here.
This is meant to be all emotional and stuff right?? Hikari’s been blowing off her brother for an unknown reason (we all figured out what it was but look the main characters don’t know and that’s what counts) and he’s finally managed to catch up with her. His hand is inches away from catching hers and pulling her to safety. She’s got creepy glowing eyes. She mouths “o..nii...chan...” with a creepy smile before being pulled into darkness.
I know it’s for kids so it’s not going to be too scary or anything but there ‘just like... no build up here. The storytelling style is too mathematical. “We go from Plot Point A to Plot Boint B via Battles 1 2 and 3...” There’s nothing happening in between to make us feel Taichi’s desperation, or even to know what Hikari’s feeling in this moment. Is she really okay with this? Is she having second thoughts? It doesn’t make any sense for her not to be scared. I fully expected her to go through with it, but she can be scared and still go through with it... come on...
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It’s like that scene from Utena except sapped of any and all emotional impact.
I don’t really remember how Greymon got up there in the first place since he can’t fly but at least we get a scene of him and Taichi plummeting to the earth after failing to save Hikari. The kind of thing that would be dramatic if there were any kind of animation budget at all.
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The one thing the show is sure to do is show us Taichi’s expressions, which I guess is something... It’s just so rushed and the accompanying dialogue leaves something to be desired.
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Greymon: Don’t give up, Taichi... Taichi... um. what are you doing...
Taichi: stop hitting yourself stop hitting yourself stop hitting yourself stop hitting yourself
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Anyway, Taichi is Big Mad. I thought (hoped, to be honest) that we might get a glimpse of him going wild with dark energy like in the Devimon episode again... Or at least a hint that that was a possibility in the heat of the moment before Agumon snapped him out of it. But nope.
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He takes a moment to be upset and then says “There’s no time to worry about what to do” and goes to save Hikari... from inside DarkKnightmon somehow :P
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This does not go well.
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Meanwhile Hikari is surprisingly okay for someone who was just eaten alive by sentient VantaBlack. She discovers a peculiar light inside... DarkKnightmon’s intestine??? Is that where we are now??? lmao
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She recognizes the light as the voice that has been calling her and tries to head towards it, but is blocked by some purple jello.
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There’s a kind of cool thing that happens here... We just had a scene where Taichi desperately tries to grab his sister’s hand and yank her out of the clutches of evil, but fails, mostly because she doesn’t do anything to help him since she is weirdly okay with the situation. Now we get a mirror of that moment with Hikari bursting out of the jello with her arm outstretched to grab what is clearly Tailmon’s paw.
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Only Tailmon does take Hikari’s hand.
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It was really cool to see the brother and sister paralleling each other this much. It shows the ways they’re both courageous and determined and caring.
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Meanwhile Taichi finally whips out WarGreymon. Honestly, I feel like this should have been WarGreymon’s intro episode. This would have been a good time for a new evolution, rather than in a fight with a nobody that I’ve already forgotten. Idk. WarGreymon uses Brave Tornado to knock DarkKnightmon’s lances away and burrow into his armor. So, yeah, Hikari’s in his intestines, lmao.
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Hikari is being chased by a two-headed monster who is in for the migraine of its (their?) life when the tornado crashes into it.
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Hikari: Big brother! You look so cool!
Taichi: Promise me that no matter how many men come into your life, I’ll always be number one.
Hikari: okay that is creepy
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WarGreymon explodes DarkKnightmon from the inside out x’D and Taichi gets a redo of his hand-reaching scene. First he berates Hikari for running off on her own and then smiles.
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Hikari says she always believed he’d rescue her. Aww.
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Sweet sibling love.
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Then there’s this really hilarious sound which turns out to be the Vademon hivemind giving a collective cry of distress x’D it’s lmfao amazing. Then they start chanting “Next time next time next time” just in case you thought Millennium was defeated and we can go home now.
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Taichi: Sora, do you know where I can buy a leash for this kid? I can’t keep chasing her like this. Aren’t kids today supposed to be glued to their phones and never go outside?
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Patamon’s Girlfriend Radar piques at the bundle in Hikari’s arms.
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And it is indeed Tailmon, and she’s been waiting for Hikari all this time.
Tailmon: I am Tailmon, a Holy Digimon.
Patamon: oh my god you can’t just call yourself holy ugh you’re so self-centered
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They’re both sooooo cute. I’m annoyed they didn’t get a cool ending card like Takeru and Patamon did last week though. But still, this is a sweet moment.
So, there’s not a lot to complain about in this episode, comparatively speaking. I wish we had more dialogue and understood the value of a dramatic pause etc. Also wish Sora and Takeru had more to do than fight the henchmen. Like, if you can just erase an entire part of an episode and it still works fine, you clearly didn’t need that part so why waste time on it.
But at least we do get reactions from Taichi, and at least we got plot development. The Taichi/Hikari parallels were cool. And even though I had other hopes for how this arc would turn out, I’m glad it’s over because maybe we can finally do some other stuff now. Maybe. I want to get back to Koushirou SOOO bad but more than anything I am still gobsmacked by how long it’s been since Yamato’s had anything to do but ride on Garurumon. That is WEIRD. He’s YAMATO.
Next week...
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... Looks like it’ll be a light-hearted undersea episode. I’m cool with that. The preview clips had a “Sebastian’s Calypso” vibe that I dig. It’s still about Taichi’s group but I think that’s to do more actual face time with Tailmon and Hikari. I hope we see the others as well and if not maybe the week after. I will be happy if this episode has some personality to it.
23 notes · View notes
chiscribbs · 4 years
(Over a week later, and I’m finally posting this. At least I don’t have to worry about another episode coming out before it’s posted.)
Okay - there’s a lot to cover, so without further ado...  Let’s get right into it, shall we?
Things I liked about the finale:
All of the beautiful Cass / Rapunzel scenes! 
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They were so emotional and beautifully done, it felt like everything that needed to be said was said, and seeing them act like friends again was very cathartic for me. In a lot of ways, Cass & Raps’ relationship reminds me of some of my own (old ones that didn’t end so smoothly, and then newer ones that I can already tell will leave a lasting impression on my life) and seeing them reconcile and talk about how much they meant to each other really warmed my heart. A best friend is an irreplaceable thing, and I love that their interactions showed that. I also really appreciated the “I love you”s, because the world needs more of those between friends. And it also reminded me of Eugene saying the same thing to Lance, in Beyond the Corona Walls.
The awesome Team Awesome content!  There was an abundance of it in this episode, and I loved every second of it! Truth be told, I was never a big “Team Awesome” fan until S3 came around. The relationship always felt a tad too one-sided to me, and I just couldn’t see them being particularly close, at least not as close as Varian and Rapunzel. The fandom helped me warm up to the idea a little bit, but this past season definitely sold it for me. Eugene has really matured and become a lot less self-involved since the first time they met. I absolutely love that he’s turned into sort of a cool older brother figure to Varian (in fact, many of their interactions are reminiscent of moments I’ve shared with my own brother) and Var now looks up to him rather than just the “Flynn Rider” persona. The fact that Eugene could tease him about his past mistakes and Varian just turned around and casually joked right back? That made my heart happy.
Speaking of maturing & happy hearts -
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I know I say that a lot, but He’s just come so far since S1, or even the beginning of S3! There were a ton of little moments showcasing his growth in this episode. Such as:  - Jumping onto the piano to help Raps rally the troops (did anybody think we were going to get pianist Varian? I sure didn’t, but I’m not complaining.) - Stating with certainty that he can rebuild Demanitus’ portal, before even seeing the schematics, and just overall showing more confidence in his abilities. (Quirin looked so proud when he was building the portal...you know, before going  all mind-slave and trying to pull the lever.) - Being the first - the FIRST - of the gang to walk into Demanitus’ tomb. This may seem small, but it was such a 180 from Be Very Afraid, where he was nervous and trailing behind Raps the entire time. Now he’s not only joining in on the adventure, he’s taking the lead on occasion! - Rigging Quirin’s helmet with a temporary stun mechanism as a fail-safe for the mind-trap. He seemed hurt and offended when Eugene initially brought up the possibility of his dad being a double-agent, but even so, he listened. He put common sense and the safety of others before his own feelings, and that’s not an easy thing to do.  - Firing an explosive concoction straight into the face of an enormous demon monster??? I mean,...heck yeah, boy!! Also - using his past mistakes (i.e. the amber and monster!Ruddiger) and repurposing them towards something good. I could go on, but you get the idea. he’s just come so far and I could not be more proud of his development. And the fact that he went on to become Corona’s Royal Alchemist Engineer was just the cherry on top! YOU DESERVE IT, BOY!!! 👏👏👏
You know who else I’m proud of? Rapunzel. She was never my favorite character in the series (despite being the protagonist,) but this story - and this past season in particular - has really endeared me to her. She’s grown so much, she’s become a strong and wise leader, and I’m proud of her for it. Honestly, I’ve related to her far more this past season than any other. And I don’t know if that’s because she’s older and more mature now, or because her naivete and eager-to-please attitude is all but gone, or because she just felt a lot more real and vulnerable in recent episodes - but I really, truly love her. And I’m happy to see her story reach its completion. (Also - long-haired brunette Raps is my new favorite thing, tbh.)
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‘Nough said, I think.
The epic new powers and abilities (and return of some old ones)!!! There were so many moments while watching the finale where I was literally just yelling at my sister like “wHOA, DID YOU SEE THAT?! THAT WAS AWESOME!!!” I had no idea that Cass could make ANIMATED WOLF HEADS of the black rocks, that completely blew me away! And then there were those golden rocks that Zhan Tiri manifested, that was so cool! I wonder if the sundrop alone could make those appear, or if you had to have both of the elements to make it work. Also - the Healing Incantation was finally brought back! I knew it would be, eventually, but I’d almost completely forgotten that was a plot point by the time the finale came around. It was good to hear Mandy’s voice saying those familiar, nostalgic words again. And she put so much emotion into it!
Now, onto the less fun stuff...
Things I disliked about the finale:
(Feel free to skip over this section if you’d rather just focus on the positives, I fully understand. I’ll do my best to be fair and only address the things that really stood out to me.)
This subplot went on for far too long:
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It was pretty funny for the first few minutes (and I’m sure the animators loved getting to go crazy with the characters’ designs like this,) but after awhile, I was like “is this really what we want over half of our cast to be doing during the BIG FINALE?” I mean, we already had the monkey gag, which I actually thought was a riot. And this one came right in the middle of a pretty climactic moment, so it just seemed kind of out of place.  I’ll admit, the snake-hair joke and Lance’s multiple eyes had me rolling, but ultimately, I just felt like this whole bit only served to waste limited time that definitely could have been better utilized.
The portal was too quickly demolished.  They could have at least come close to a success with it before it was destroyed, so that it didn’t feel completely useless! I get that they wanted ZT to be defeated by her own power, and I’m down for that, but if the portal’s sole purpose within the story was just to temporarily remove all the secondary characters in limbo so that the mains could do their thing, I can’t really get behind it.  Especially seeing as their only Plan B was “throw things at the giant all-powerful octopus monster,” come on, guys. I would have preferred that be a last-resort after several failed attempts at other pre-orchestrated plans. They could have had Varian and Quirin working on repairing the portal while the others distract/attack Zhan Tiri and THEN have her destroy it (purposefully, rather than by some random falling rock.) Or, maybe everyone could have been in on the plan to get the sundrop and moonstone to meet, and then have Raps and Cass are the ones who finally succeed in doing it. I don’t know, I just feel like there was a lot of wasted potential there.
This scene:
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I’m going to be perfectly honest, this scene bothered me. For a multitude of reasons:
Firstly; it was a shot-for-shot copy (not a parallel, a copy) of the iconic New Dream moment from the movie, just replacing Eugene with Cass. That wasn't necessary, Cass and Raps have their own unique relationship and their own moments, they don’t need to steal Raps & Eugene’s. This should have remained a New Dream-only thing, in my opinion. (Especially seeing as her parents already stole their gondola bit...I’m mostly joking about that one.)
Secondly; it didn’t make sense? Rapunzel was standing just as close to the blast as Cassandra, yet she wasn’t harmed at all. In fact, she seemed completely unfazed by it. Why was Cass the only one effected? (And we can’t even make an argument that the moonstone shard protected her, because the powers were lost the moment the two fused.) If they needed a brush-with-death scene, why not have ZT hurt Cass? I feel like that would have been a lot more dramatic, especially after manipulating her for an entire season.
And finally; it made every other character’s “death” seem unimportant in comparison. I get that the writers needed Raps to use the Healing Incantation, but, EVERYBODY ELSE WAS ALREADY HALF-DEAD, AT THIS POINT. I’m sorry, but, why wasn’t that incentive enough to use the healing power? Why did we need to have Cass’s near-death on top of everybody else’s?  I mean, I would’ve been maybe a little bit more okay with it had Rapunzel mourned everybody’s death and not just Cass’s, and then used the power to save ALL of them at once. But instead, she completely forgot about everyone else until the very last second, which was frustrating. I’m not a fan of plot devices that ignore other characters, especially when the protagonist is supposed to care about them but then just doesn’t even seem to remember that they exist for a hot minute. This felt like the ending of Freebird, only worse because you can’t make the excuse that she was unaware. (Just to be clear, I’m not blaming Rapunzel. I know it wasn’t meant to come across that way, I just feel like it was not well executed.) There are a lot of ways that this could have been done differently. Rapunzel and Cass could have BOTH been devastated about their friends/loved ones, I would have loved to see Cass show genuine concern and remorse towards the OTHER people whom her actions hurt, not just Raps. Or, Rapunzel could have at least landed near Cass so it would’ve made sense for her to notice her first, and then looked around and noticed everybody else before using the healing incantation. At least that way, the other characters wouldn’t have felt so much like a second-thought. I don’t know, I just didn’t appreciate the treatment of the supporting cast in this scene at all. It felt like they were forgotten right up until the very last second.
Cass didn’t get to sing in any of the songs.  I was really surprised by this, I figured given how important her role had become, she’d get to sing at least one line (like Lance and Varian did.) But nope. Actually, a good 90% of the music in this episode was sung by Raps, and as much as I love the songs & Mandy’s beautiful voice, I was hoping for the other characters to be a little bit more involved. Especially in the Life After Happily Ever After (Reprise), that would have been a great opportunity to have everybody sing together.
Things I would have liked to see in the finale:
More information about Demanitus and ZT.  We got so little! I was expecting this episode to answer all of our questions about that two, but I still have no idea; what their relationship was, where Zhan Tiri came from, why exactly she wanted the power (besides just to have it for herself, I guess), or how they came across the SD and MS in the first place! Like, just a little bit more information would have been nice, the only thing the flashback really gave us was what ZT looked like before spending a few millenia in limbo. (Also - apparently Corona is several thousand years old??? Which, I didn’t know, I was under the impression that it was a fairly new kingdom.)
Closure for this relationship:
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This is probably what I was most disappointed by. Honestly, I’m still kind of surprised that this didn’t happen, even just a little bit. Given that Cass was wearing the Cassandrium at the end, we can safely assume that they at least parted on good terms. But the last few exchanges that they had really gave me the impression that we’d be getting some kind of closure before the credits rolled. We were given two whole episodes focusing on the unique bond that these two share (that’s more than we were given for Cass & Eugene,) they were painted as parallels, so it only makes sense to give them a proper wrap-up. In CR, Cass seemed hurt and devastated after realizing that she’d effectively pushed Varian away, it’s clear his friendship meant a lot to her. Not to mention, Var had the best understanding of Cass’s feelings, he could relate to her - especially about her guilt and fear of not being forgiven. But despite all of the build-up & foreshadowing, they didn’t even get an on-screen goodbye? Not a single “thank you” or “I’m sorry”?  I realize that the main focus was always on Cass & Raps’ friendship, and I’m totally fine with that. I’m just saying that after all the obvious parallels and time invested in this relationship, it would have been nice to get some closure. I just wish they’d included at least one little dialogue exchange to wrap it up in a satisfactory way, like we got with Cass and Eugene.
Actual pay-off for all the Varian - Demanitus parallels.  I think we can all agree that this seemed like it was going somewhere, and then it just...didn’t. He did rebuild the portal, but it turned out to be useless, and outside of that, the similarity was never touched upon. Not by Rapunzel, or Zhan Tiri, not even Xavier made the connection. I mean - this kid is doing at 15/16 what Demanitus did in the latter half of his life. He’s not only following the legendary engineer/inventor’s footsteps, he’s expanding the legacy. If that’s not foreshadowing for something, I don’t know what is! And I do love the fact that he became the Royal Alchemist Engineer, but at the same time, I just feel like there was so much wasted potential in this almost-but-not-quite-subplot.
An actual Brotherhood reunion, without all the mind-trap influence.  It would have been so interesting to see them all interacting! I was surprised that, even though Edmund and Quirin were both in the same place for most of the episode, they never really interacted? Outside of mind-controlled Quirin, Hector, and Adira attacking Eugene &  Edmund, they didn’t exchange so much as a word. And I get that a lot of that was time restraints, and having to focus on more important plot points (as Edmund said “bigger fish”) but honestly, if they had time to thrown in all that netherworld nonsense, a little Brotherhood interaction doesn’t seem like too big of a favor to ask. 
Rapid-fire Opinions: 
Favorite song: Through it All
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In my opinion, this song is the best group number in the show (not counting the ones only sung by main 3, such With You By My Side or Next Stop Anywhere) It’s not quite as epic as Ready As I’ll Ever Be, but it has an infectious beat and a triumphant melody that I really enjoy. Also, the scene as a whole was so cheerful and fun, and we got Varian, Lance, Kiera, and Catalina all playing various instruments! (Plus more New Dream dancing! ❤ )
Favorite callback to a previous episode: Easy answer, because it comes from (what is still) one of my favorite episodes in the series - the Cassandrium.
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Favorite scene: This one’s a little tough, but I did really enjoy the little moment that Eugene and Varian had after Quirin was incapacitated by the helmet. 
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I also loved the final scene where Cass said goodbye to Rapunzel and they gave each other the biggest, warmest hug I’ve ever seen in animation history (and the prior exchange between her and Eugene was really sweet, as well.)
OH! And how could I forget? That beautiful New Dream proposal. 💜 That was absolutely perfect. The animation, the music, Mandy & Zach’s incredibly heartfelt voice work, just...I loved everything about it.
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Most underrated moment: Catalina pushing Kiera out of Zhan Tiri’s way and getting grabbed herself. (Show of hands, who else briefly forgot that she was a werewolf and had a small heart-attack in that moment?)
Theories I had that were proven true: 
- Cass leaving Corona to “find her own destiny.”  I’d always felt like Cass never really had a dream of her own; she didn’t know who she was, and she was never going to get the answers by staying by Rapunzel’s side. So I had a strong feeling that she would be leaving, but I’m glad to see that it was on good terms.
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- Everyone vs Zhan Tiri.  Granted, like most people, I was under the impression that Xavier’s “magic and alchemy” statement would be more...relevant? Turns out, we read into that way too much. Which, honestly, is a tiny bit disappointing, but it was still cool to finally see Zhan Tiri at her most powerful.
- Varian becoming Corona’s Royal Alchemist Engineer.  This is a theory I’ve had since my early days in the fandom, and I’m glad to see it finally confirmed! My only complaint is that we didn’t get to see Rapunzel bestow the honor upon him, because I would have loved to see that exchange.
Theories that were not proven true, but I still believe:
- Varian (and possibly Quirin) being a descendant of Demanitus.  You can pry this one out of my cold, dead hands, there are way too many clues pointing to it. I’m not even sure if Demanitus has any descendants (again, we have very little information on him still) but if he does, Varian’s a prime candidate. His lineage comes from the Dark Kingdom, he’s a genius alchemist/inventor, has a personal connection to both the Sundrop and the Moonstone; honestly, I’m kind of surprised this possibility was never even considered, at least one, in canon.
- Cass will eventually return to Corona.  I have no idea when, why, or how, but I truly believe she will. Her spirit may be roaming free at the moment, but the heart always returns home. And - as it stands right now, at least - her heart is still waiting in Corona. In the meantime, though, I’m glad she’s living her best life, seeking out adventure wherever destiny leads her! She deserves it <3 
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Well, that’s my full Plus Est En Vous/Tangled the Series Finale review! I’d love to hear everybody else’s thoughts on the final episode, as well; how many people were satisfied vs unsatisfied with the ending? What were everyone else’s favorite moments, what else would have been nice to see? Let me know!
Final words: This show and this fandom have meant so much to me, and I’m far from done loving it. I still have many projects in the works to celebrate the show and its completion, but in the meantime - thanks for reading.
And God bless the amazing team that came together to bring us this incredibly beautiful, meaningful, story which will always have a special place in my heart. 
137 notes · View notes
tangledgal · 4 years
The Trial of Fitzherbert and Schnitz (a finished fanficiton)
After hearing the news of this lost episode, I was filled with so much disappointment. I thought about what this episode could’ve been if just a bit more care was put into finishing it, but unfortunately, it wasn’t meant to be. After awhile, I couldn’t take it anymore and just had to write up my own idea of what the plot synopsis of this episode would be like if it was finished.
It’s not perfect or professional and I’ve never really written anything like this before (at least publicly) but I did what I could to stick to the main outline for the story.
We start in Vardaros as Rapunzel is browsing through a craft shop named, “Mabel’s Crafts” with Lance and Eugene. As they are waiting to check out their things, Eugene and a slightly nervous Lance reminisce on their old adventures as little thieves in Vardaros, remembering how they (quite effortlessy) stole a ton of valuable figurines from this cranky shop owner. Suddenly, that same shop owner, Mabel, remarks how familiar those voices are. She wipes her glasses, sees the two men and immediately yells at them to leave, recognizing them as the infamous thieves. Rapunzel, using her charm, convinces the shop owner that they aren’t the same people they once were, and that they promise to do no harm. The shop owner is frustrated, but knowing how much busier and clean the city has been ever since Rapunzel and the gang came to town, she accepts this explanation and sells them their crafts. Eugene thanks Rapunzel, telling her that she’s the best thing that’s ever happened to him.
Suddenly, Lance sees two familiar faces: Blade and Dagger, bullies from his and Eugene’s childhood. Terrified, Lance alerts Eugene and the two book it down an alley way to avoid the bullies. Rapunzel chases after them. After they think they have made it far enough, they realize that they have stumbled upon a certain building: their old orphanage. At first, the two are pleasantly surprised to be back at their old home, but as they take in their sights, Eugene notices a shattered window on the 2nd story. He solemnly tells Lance that he’s going back to the camp to start making dinner. Rapunzel, just catching up to them, notices a disturbed Eugene walking away, and asks Lance what’s going on. Lance tells her about the bullies and the orphanage. When Rapunzel suggests that seeing the orphanage is what’s hurting Eugene, Lance laughs nervously and walks off, causing Rapunzel to be suspicious.
Later back at the camp, all but one member of the group is present during supper. Rapunzel goes to check up on Lance inside the caravan, catching him fumbling nervously with a big list. Lance tries to hide the paper, but Rapunzel already sees that the list is full of apologies and other phrases with the word “sorry” written all over it. Shutting the door, Rapunzel forces Lance to come clean about what’s really wrong with Eugene. He tells her everything.
Cut to a flashback of a 9-year-old Lance sadly watching an 8-year-old Eugene excitedly pack his things. Eugene has just been adopted by a seemingly nice (and very wealthy) couple, the Holloways. He is absolutely ecstatic. Lance tries to be happy for him, but can’t help but feel heartbroken that his brother and closest friend is actually leaving. In a sad attempt to help, Lance heads towards their special hideout (a beautiful, grassy-green hill on top of a large cliff overlooking Vardaros with beautiful waterfalls falling down the side) to collect a few things for Eugene to take with him. Unfortunately, he is confronted by Blade and Dagger on the way. They chase Lance with a large spider and throw him into an empty barrel, planning to roll him down the wide streets of Vardardos into a mud pit. Just before they are able push the barrel, Eugene comes to the rescue by pulling the tail of a large horse, causing it to panic. The freaked-out horse charges its way towards the bullies and they run off terrified. Eugene gets Lance out of the barrel and Lance thanks him, remarking how he would’ve been a goner without Eugene. Suddenly, Lance spots a large, fancy carriage in the distance coming toward the orphanage. He knows that the couple is coming to adopt Eugene. Even worse, in the corner of his eye, he sees Blade and Dagger looking down every street and alley, clearly searching for him. Lance runs back towards the orphanage and climbs up the building’s walls to quickly escape the bullies. He climbs up to a closed window and, out of desperation, frantically breaks it open with a rock to get inside. He climbs through the shattered window and into the girl’s bedroom. The girls shriek and the headmistress (along with the just-arrived wealthy couple) march into the room. The mistress furiously asks who broke the window. A panicked Lance looks outside and sees Eugene. In a moment of panic and fear, he points out and says to the mistress and couple: “It was Flynn!”
The headmistress lets out a disappointed sigh, but the Holloways are appalled. They leave in a huff, exclaiming that they don’t want a rambunctious hooligan as a son. Just as they’re leaving, an excited Eugene spots them, but before he can get a word out, the carriage door shuts in front of him and he is left alone as it rides off. A relieved Lance jokingly remarks that Eugene didn’t need parents anyway, but the sobbing 8-year-old runs back into the orphanage. Relief and joy turn into deep regret.
Back in the present day, a guilty Lance tells Rapunzel that he’s been trying to apologize to Eugene ever since they came back to Vardaros, but he just can’t see it going well. He asks her if she has any advice for apologies. Rapunzel, desperate to help, flips the giant paper over and starts a new list with Lance of all the things Eugene loves. They spend the whole night coming up with an “apology day” that Lance can spend with Eugene in order to make his confession a little less harsh.
The next day, just as the sun is coming up, a sleeping Eugene is woken up by the caravan door slamming open. An excited Lance tells Eugene about their plans for the day. Eugene is suspicious as to why Lance is so upbeat after being so quiet the day before, but Rapunzel encourages him, telling him it’s going to be his best day ever. The two guys spend the day doing all kinds of things they loved to do as kids: sight-seeing, playing old childhood games, tree climbing, river rafting, watching a (very low budget) performance of “Flynn Rider and 6 Castles,” scavenger hunting (organized by Rapunzel) and other various activities. They end the day having a picnic at their old hideout on the hill. As Lance fries up a steak, Eugene remarks how he feels like a kid again after the day they had. Lance agrees, saying how different their lives would’ve been if either had actually been adopted. Eugene uncomfortably laughs, trying to change the subject by saying how lucky they were to not run into Blade and Dagger during their day. Lance jokingly mentions that he might’ve had to break into the orphanage again if that happened. Eugene freezes. He sternly asks what Lance means. Lance fumbles, looking for a way to change the subject, but ultimately confesses their childhood incident. Eugene is furious. He rants about how he had a feeling their outing had strings attached and how Lance ruined his one chance at having a family all because he was a coward. As Eugene angrily mounts Fidella, he bitterly remarks how all Lance has done his entire life is use Eugene for himself, and he won’t let that happen again. Eugene rides back to the camp. A guilty Lance sits in silence, unsure if Eugene will ever talk to him again, but suddenly, Blade and Dagger appear right behind him with a “welcome home” present.
Back at the camp, Eugene rants to Rapunzel. Rapunzel tries to bring up all the fun things he did with Lance, but Eugene is still furious, heartbroken, and unsure if he could ever forgive his so-called “buddy.” Rapunzel agrees that forgiving others can be hard, but in hindsight, sometimes poor choices can lead to good things. Right as Eugene is about to snap back, he bumps into a paper frame dangling from a tree. He takes a look at it, recognizing it to be a lantern. He then catches sight at something near the caravan: a giant bag full of colorful lanterns varied with different designs and shapes. A melancholy Rapunzel explains that her plan was to put them up around Varadaros while the guys were having their picnic so they could see the city glow like it used to. Rapunzel lights up a cylinder lantern, and Eugene can’t help but remember the night he and Rapunzel first confessed their love. Eugene realizes what he might’ve missed out on if Lance hadn’t broken that window. Suddenly, Max comes racing back, alerting them of Lance.
Eugene and Rapunzel follow Max to the same hill Lance had their picnic. Once they arrive: they see a terrifying sight: Blade and Dagger have tied up Lance and put him into a (bigger) barrel, and this time, are planning to push him off a cliff into a valley with black rocks as sharp as ever. Rapunzel tries to use her charm to get through to the bullies, but neither are moved as they are more focused on finishing off their old childhood “friend.” Just as Lance is about to be thrown off by Blade, Max charges towards him and kicks him away from Lance, unfortunately sending him rolling straight down the hill. Just as Lance is about to fly off the edge, Rapunzel uses her hair to catch him. She gets him out of the barrel and back on land. Once his ties are undone, they mount Max and just as Eugene runs to get on the horse, Dagger tackles him. Eugene pulls out his sword and the two fight their way into a cave. Lance follows after them to save Eugene, but Blade follows Lance, noticing a large bolder conveniently right above the entrance to the cave. He chucks a smaller rock at the bolder, causing it to fall over the entrance, blocking Rapunzel and Max from entering.
As Lance is following after Eugene and Dagger, he stops in his tracks, petrified by a giant spider web with dozens of spiders right in front of him. Blade knocks Lance to his feet, effortlessly cuts the web, and taunts him about how after all these years, he’s still afraid of spiders. Blade also tells Lance not bother chasing after them since even if he does rescue Eugene, he’s never going to be forgiven anyway. Dagger and Eugene continuing fighting their way down the cave. They reach a hollow space and Dagger spots an opening in the cave, planning to push Eugene down one of the huge waterfalls. Eugene does his best to fight in another direction, but ends up being cornered right at the edge of the large opening. Eugene looks down to see nothing below him but the river with black rocks menacingly pointing up. Dagger pins Eugene down on the edge, knowing that with one push, Eugene would fall to his death. He taunts him about having to die without a real family, but a smug Eugene, eyeing a familiar figure right behind Dagger, repeats Rapunzel’s words about how poor decisions can lead to good things. Confused, he turns around and suddenly, Lance, covered in cob webs, knocks out the bully with the frying pan.
Lance pulls Eugene off the edge and they both laugh, realizing how crazy their “best day ever” ended up being. Eugene then hears Rapunzel call out to the guys from atop the cliff. She lets down her hair and Eugene and Lance each pick up an unconscious bully on their shoulder as Rapunzel pulls them up to safety. As they’re being pulled up, Eugene remarks how he’s proud of Lance for overcoming his fear of spiders, only for Lance to see a spider on his frying pan, dropping it in a panic. The pan falls and lands on the edge of the river in front of a wealthy rich couple, known by others as the Holloways.
With the bullies locked up, Rapunzel and the gang set up lanterns around Vardaros just as the sun is setting. Rapunzel frantically takes Eugene over to the orphanage to hang up some more lights when he sees a pleasant surprise: the once broken window is fixed. Lance appears and tells Eugene that he knows what he ruined for him and that he’s never been sorrier in his life over what he did. In response, Eugene says Lance was right: their life as kids would’ve been different if they were adopted: He would’ve never become the infamous Flynn Rider, would’ve never been jailed with his best friend, would’ve never had the guts to leave Stalyan, would’ve never had so many memorable and amazing heists, would’ve never met the love of his life, would’ve never gotten back at the Baron, and would’ve never become Eugene Fitzherbert, the man he is today. He jokes how if the couple had raised him, he probably would’ve been a rich snob with a stupid name like “Horace.” Lance holds out his fist for a fist bump, but Eugene hugs Lance instead. The guys make up and Rapunzel puts the last lantern near the (now fixed) window.
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Once Bitten, Twice Stupid prt.82
Keith was shaking. Staring at Lance’s empty room, he couldn’t stop shaking. Lance was supposed to be in his or visiting Garrison, not gone from VOLTRON without a word of goodbye. The hunter felt as if his heart had been physically crushed as it raced. His boyfriend hadn’t told him he was leaving. He’d packed up and left him behind. He’d disappeared. Sure, they’d been a bit shaky the past few days, but they’d made up. They’d cuddled on the sofa until cuddling wasn’t enough. They’d kissed... Lance... Lance hadn’t said... Was this because of him? Because he wanted to celebrate Lance’s birthday? He wanted to do something nice for his boyfriend. Show him that he was happy Lance existed. And now he was gone. Nothing remained in his room. Not Lance’s clothes. Not his computer or laptop. Not Blue’s litter tray. Nothing at all.
Feeling Coran’s hand on his shoulder, Keith’s watery purple eyes looked his way
“I’m sorry my, boy. I may have been too hard on him this morning. He seemed to have something he wished to discuss with Allura, and I’m afraid he caught me talking with Kolivan and Krolia. He must have left soon after...”
Coran sounded upset. Keith still couldn’t imagine Coran being short with Lance. Whatever had happened, Lance must be really upset to have disappeared on them
“... Number Two, are you okay? I’m most certain Lance wouldn’t have left because of you”
That wasn’t the right thing to say. Keith feeling anger flicker and die out in an instant as coldness set in. He felt cold. Like their was no air in the room. Lance was always going to return home to Garrison... but now he had, it almost felt like he’d been dumped and left behind
“Then why did he leave without saying anything?!”
“I don’t know. If he’s returned to Garrison, perhaps young Matt will know?”
But that didn’t tell him why. They’d made up. He thought they were okay. Maybe Lance not coming home with him meant they weren’t and he was too stupid to get it?
“He... he does this. He walks away when he can’t cope... What did you say to him?”
Lance... Lance wouldn’t leave him. He’d said he loved him
“I... merely... asked him what he was doing and asked that he avoid the main floor due to Lotor visiting... Perhaps he took to that mean... oh, dear. Let’s return to my office and I’ll call Matt, ask him to let Lance know that there was no need to leave as he did”
“Don’t bother. I’ll go see him”
He wouldn’t let Lance decide they were over without telling him why
“I don’t know if the Blades would be comfortable with you leaving”
“Coran, I honestly don’t care. They don’t want us. They don’t want me. They don’t even care about Lance. You heard Kolivan. He basically said if Lance didn’t help that there’d be consequences. Them coming here has reminded me of everything that’s wrong with the Blades. I’m going to go see him. Whether he wants to come back is up to him”
“Maybe I should come with you? Explain the situation?”
Or maybe Coran could stay here. Something made Lance leave and until Keith was sure Coran wasn’t the reason, he wasn’t letting him see his boyfriend. Wiping at his teary eyes, his voice was as cold as he physically felt
“I think you’ve done more than enough”
Keith wouldn’t admit he’d nearly gotten himself cleaned up by a truck as he drove to Garrison. His mind on Lance and his well-being, not this shit with Lotor and Coran. He didn’t know for sure Lance would be home, not until he saw the blue bronco parked in front of Lance’s house, still loaded with his boyfriend’s things. Parking his bike up near the front steps, Keith was off the bike and tugging at his helmet within seconds of cutting the engine, too driven to be nervous over Lance potentially dumping him. Running up the front steps, he let himself in. Lance’s house feeling oddly cooler than he remembered. Like Lance not being there had taken the life out of the old manor home
Jogging into the living room, he found Pidge sitting on the sofa looking upset. Matt and Rieva sat either side of her, while Hunk sat on the coffee table, Pidge’s hands in his. Keith stumbling slightly because Lance wasn’t there and they all looked thoroughly upset
“Where’s Lance?”
Hunk turned his head towards him, letting go of Pidge’s hands as he did. The man seemed pretty shocked to see him. Did Lance already tell them it was over? Was that why they were upset?
“Out the back... He’s... uh... buried himself... He... didn’t mention you’d be coming, man”
Keith left the rest of the gang there, jogging through the house and out to the backyard. Lance was in the process of sitting up in his shallow grave
“What the fuck?! Why the fuck did you leave like that?! Do you know what it did to me to find you fucking gone! If you wanted to break up, you could have told me to my fucking face!”
Yelling at Lance, Keith threw his helmet at him for good measure. Failing to catch his helmet, it hit Lance in the side of the head with a solid thud
“Mother-ducker! What the hell?! What the fuck, Keith? I thought you were in Platt!? What are you talking about? Didn’t you get my message?!”
Keith crossed his arms, staring down at Lance as Lance tossed his helmet out of his grave and rubbed the side of his head. Only Lance would swear like he’d been autocorrected
“I didn’t get any message! You left!”
Lance wasn’t getting away with it that easily
“I messaged you! Don’t you check your phone?! I made sure to explain that I wasn’t leaving because of you and that I was leaving because I was in the way with my pheromones!”
“Kosmo ate my charger!”
Both their heads jerked back as realisation hit them. Keith moving to pinch the top of his nose in a very Shiro way. Lance covering his face with his dirty hands. Both of them groaning, before Lance took a deep breath then slowly released it
“Babe. I messaged you this morning around about 7am”
“I left my phone in my jeans. I went to charge it and found Kosmo had eaten half the cord”
“And you thought I’d left.... God. No, babe... fuck. Wait there”
Lance climbed out his grave soil, brushing himself off before raising his right hand to rest on the spot where Keith’s helmet had hit him. With a wobbly smile, his boyfriend held his left arm out. Feeling really fucking stupid, Keith shuffled over and into Lance’s embrace
“You disappeared”
Tears formed too quickly. Keith sniffling as he rested his head on Lance’s shoulder
“I know. I know how much it scares you, that’s why I messaged you to explain everything”
“I thought you’d left me behind”
“Not permanently. Never permanently. I felt like I overstated my welcome and was just in the way at VOLTRON”
“Coran said he was short with you”
“He kind of was. But I’m not exactly making things easy by being there. Babe, I’m so sorry. I absolutely promise you that I didn’t just leave”
“You could have called”
“Your phone was dead. That’s why you came all the way out here”
Lance’s hand moved from his head to Keith’s back. His boyfriend rubbing it softly as he sighed. Lance knew how much it’d shaken him to find him gone
“I overreacted”
“A little bit. I would never dump you by disappearing. I want to be there for you, not scare you”
“I felt like I couldn’t breathe. What were you even doing buried?”
“Because our dumb friends want to keep investigating and Pidge made a joke about how her death didn’t after because she could always come back as a vampire. First they tell me they’re farting on the investigation, then she says that. I lost my cool and came out here to wallow”
Thank god. Thank fuck. Thank whoever. Lance was okay. He was okay and he didn’t want to break up. God. Keith felt so foolish. He didn’t want to feel foolish. He didn’t want to talk about the mess in his head at the thought Lance being gone from his life
“You haven’t wallowed in a while”
“Nope. Today was just a particularly crappy day”
“My day was shit too”
“What happened?”
“Lotor made the Blades out Shiro and I on the investigation team. He doesn’t want to help us. He won’t until he meets you and sees your ego. And the I found you gone completely and I couldn’t... I couldn’t even breathe. I thought you’d never... I’d never...”
Lance nuzzled into his hair, his boyfriend smelt of damp dirt
“Okay. Okay... You had a scare. Do you want to go somewhere and talk?”
Keith nodded. Matt and Rieva would be laughing at how stupid he was
“Yeah. We need to talk. And you’ve got dirt in your hair”
“Let me take a quick shower, then we’ll get out of here”
Keith didn’t know why the only place he knew how to get to in Garrison, other than Lance’s house, was the graveyard. Parking his bike off the road and under the shade of the trees, he and Lance both climbed off his bike. Since Lance didn’t own a helmet, Keith insisted his boyfriend wear his, taking things much slower than he usually would. Pulling off the helmet, Lance set it on the bike, eyeing their surrounds with a look Keith couldn’t put his finger on.
“Babe, I’ve got to tell you, every time we come here I get nervous you’re going to bury me”
Keith shrugged, feeling self conscious. Lance should know better by now
“I don’t know my way around Garrison”
“I know... here, there’s a bench in the cemetery we can sit there and talk”
“You won’t get too much sun?”
“Nah. Plus, I’ve got my big bad bikie boyfriend to protect me”
Keith groaned, how could he not
“I’m not a bikie”
“So you admit you’re big and bad. If I didn’t know better, I’d say you were trying to get into my pants”
Keith blushed hard. He’d trailed into the bathroom after Lance, sitting on the counter as his boyfriend cleaned up
“Shut up”
Laughing lightly, Lance took him by the hand.
Leading him to the bench, the wood looked hardly sturdy enough to support their combined weight. In the distance a cow let out a lazy moo. Birds were chirping. Life went on around them, yet whenever he was alone with Lance it felt like they were the last people in existence. Alone together in the world. Sitting down, Lance patted the spot next to him, Keith sitting down carefully with a cringe
“Relax. They really knew how to build a bench that lasts back in the day. Now. I’m sorry I left without waiting to say goodbye in person”
“You scared the shit out of me”
“I know. It’s just... I’ve been thinking about coming back for a while now and my presence seemed like it was going to cause more trouble if I stayed at VOLTRON”
“You could have come home with me...”
Lance sighed softly, his hand taking Keith’s. Keith’s stomach dropping at the sound of his boyfriend’s sigh
“You know I can’t. You and Shiro, you need that to be your safe space”
“Are you saying I’m not safe with you?”
“No. No, babe. I would never hurt you. No. I mean... I’m not a hunter. I’m a vampire. My scent clings to you and all it would take is one wolf to scent me and know you’re not what you seem to be. You’re safety is my priority. Then there’s Shiro to think about too. He’s okay with us now, but he’s still working through his trauma over losing Adam. I’m not trying to sound like I’m blaming or belittling him, but that’s his home too. Look... I’m not saying this very well. I would love that in the future. To be there every single day when you come home. To help you. To support you. But I need to work on me and finding my feet again. I need to learn how to balance things and when I with you, I don’t ever want to leave. I love spending time with you. You’re like... like the future. A vampire hunter who really understands there’s more to things than how they appear. At the moment, stopping Honerva needs to be the priority. And I just don’t know what to do with myself”
Lance sounded so sad. So sad that Keith’s heart hurt
“I’m sorry... I thought...”
“You thought I was happy? I was. I really was. You make me so stupidly happy I can’t believe it half the time. But I don’t work for Coran. I became a lawyer to help children, and I don’t think I can use that skill set to help at the moment. My life was... I thought I was fine and now I know what falling in love feels like, I want to work on myself without lies or secrets. I don’t want to be a burden”
“You’re not a burden”
“I feel like it. Like I’m holding everyone back. My pheromones are still all over the place. They were supposed to settle, but they obviously haven’t if Coran thinks I need to avoid the main floor of VOLTRON”
Stupid Coran. Couldn’t he have explained it to Lance without making him feel like shit and stuff
“Coran had no right...”
“He’s just trying to look out for everyone. My scent affects people. You know that for yourself. If I accidentally sent a vampire or werewolf mad and something horrible happened I couldn’t live with that. So much has happened in the last few months that... It really makes me feel small and insignificant. Confused and useless. Like... I knew what I was doing before, but now I’m in deep water and barely know how to keep afloat. If it wasn’t for you, I don’t think I could have made it this far. My heats leave me a mess. My body’s still changing. But you... you make me feel alive. It’s me who doesn’t know what he’s doing”
Lance’s overthinking had gotten the best of him. He’d left because the man he saw as family had made him feel like a burden
Lance leaned his head against his shoulder, softly mumbling
“I don’t want to break up”
“I don’t want to break up either. I know you’re not a hunter. You said Pidge was working a case?”
“Rieva still sees Lotor as a threat. She... she wants to help but she’s also too curious”
“Then what do we do?”
Keith felt lost. The idea of Pidge and Hunk being harmed was scary. They were out of their depths
“I don’t know. They’re not going to leave it. I don’t know how to conduct a hunt like you and Shiro. This isn’t a ghost hunt. There’s real evil waiting at the end of this hunt”
“Do... do you want me to say something?”
“To who? Pidge and Hunk are still learning about this world. Coran will worry. Kolivan will probably arrest them again. I got so mad at them. I was mean to Pidge”
Now he got why Lance felt so lost. Instincts told him to yell at the others for being so stupid
“You feel like you have to be here, don’t you?”
“It’s what I’ve always done”
“Where does that leave us?”
“That’s what I’m working out. Is it wrong to want to want work on myself?”
They’d had that conversation more than once. There were half a dozen small ways Keith found himself working on himself without thinking about it
“No. We’ve talked about this. You’re not a hunter... but you know, you really did do a good job when you tried to help us figure out what Antok had done. Lotor wants to meet with you. He told Kolivan he’d only cooperate if Shiro and I were brought in on it and if he got to meet you”
“Oh goody. Prince Turd himself wants to meet me?”
“You’re not shocked?”
Lance raised his head, meeting Keith’s eyes
“If it helps, I’ll do it”
“I don’t think you should”
“Lotor’s holding all the cards right now. Let me guess. He was all like “I won’t help unless you do what I want? I’m a vampire and I’m a douche canoe””
Keith snorted
“You sounded just like him. His conditions were he does nothing until you meet”
“And when is this meeting meant to take place?”
“Kolivan would say as soon as possible”
Lance dropped his head, before rubbing his cheek against Keith’s arm
“Kolivan really doesn’t like me. He wanted to know why I was still in Platt. That reminds me. They were talking about Sendak and a shipping yard. I don’t know if that means anything to you, but it felt important”
“Kolivan’s thinking of apprehending Sendak. He wanted to arrange a meeting. Lotor shot that down. He says he doesn’t want anything to do with his family”
“That might be true... From what Rieva said, I’d run away too”
Keith jerked slightly, confusing on coming out as anger
“You think we should believe him?!”
Lance pulled away, frowning heavily
“What? No. Personally I think Rieva’s biological parents were killed by someone related to Honerva, and that’s why she can’t talk about it”
Rieva had talked... but she’d definitely held stuff back
“If that’s true, then why hasn’t she told the Blades? Or Coran?”
“Probably for the same reasons I can’t talk about being turned. I snapped about it earlier. Tell Kolivan I’ll meet with Lotor, but I need a bit of time first. Just, like, a few days. Maybe like on the weekend? Kolivan can come up with questions or whatever he wants me to try to ask?”
“Lotor doesn’t like questions. Babe... I don’t think this is a good idea”
“Probably not. I was going to talk to Allura about what she thought about him”
Lance was going to go through with it. Keith had known before he asked, but it made him feel sick with the “what-ifs”
“You could go into heat”
“I could. But... I feel like I can do this”
Lance’s ego might have been ruffled. Lance sounded too confident at meeting Lotor. Lance knew Lotor was bad news. Maybe his ego thought it’d be a chance to show Lotor he wasn’t to be dismissed so easily. Keith didn’t like it one but
“You can’t... I won’t let you meet him alone. I don’t want you... I don’t know what he’s going to make of you. He’s part fae and he’s so arrogant that even I feel his ego coming off him. You have to think this through. We don’t need him. We can work it out”
“Babe, Allura is our friend and if she has her heart set on him, I want to see him myself. I know he’s using you and Shiro for his own means, and he’s probably going to fuck with us, but... yeah. I have to do it. Maybe I’ll understand Rieva better if I do?”
Lance loved his friends so much he was stupid. A big fat idiot crumpet. He wasn’t listening to him
“You really are stupid... What am I supposed to if you get hurt?”
Lance leaned back into him
“That’s why I won’t be alone. Coran will be there. You, and Shiro. I won’t meet him alone”
“You trust us to keep you safe from him?”
“Dah. And I trust you not to let my ego get too big. You keep me anchored, and shit”
His boyfriend kissing his arm
“This is a dumb idea”
“Probably, it’s about par for us though”
Keith sighed. They didn’t have a lot of choice
“I wish we weren’t this dumb”
Lance chuckled, squeezing his hand comfortingly. Neither of them in any particular rush to head back to their friends just yet
“So do I. Idiot boyfriends doing idiot things”
Kissing Lance’s hair, Keith buried his face in the soft locks. Lance hadn’t pressed on his abandonment issues, which Keith was grateful given how’d he reacted
“Yeah... two halves of the same idiot right here”
“Damn right...”
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alolanrain · 4 years
Ash was gone, up and left that Sunday night. Delia knew, she always knew when her son up and left. May it be for a journey or just a simple outing with his friends. What’s strange is that Ash has already been to every Region in the world, there’s nothing left to explore. Plus it was Monday, at ten in the morning no less, and Ash hasn’t shown up to help his mother plant the new flowers he sent her from Galar like Ash had promised the weekend before.
Delia knows her son after all, she’s the one that had to raise Ash mostly all up on her own.
Delia also wasn’t surprised when dead bodies started showing up in the middle of towns and cities, all over the world for every to see. It was quite bloody, in fact, organs on the display for even the youngest babies to see. Nothing was left hidden.
It made it satisfying to her for some reason. Maybe it’s because she knew more than half of the people lying on their back or shoved in a town square water fountain. Or maybe it’s because of the vindictive feeling blooming in her stomach and making Delia smile down into her first cup of Joe in the morning, when she first turned on the current news and at the multitude of giant, or little, ‘R’s stitched into every fabric the corpses were wearing. Always on display.
Instead of whoever was doing this, and she has a pretty good guess who was going out of their way, was working from the near top to all the way down to the bottom. The Admins for Team Rocket were the first to go, all four being placed in their home Region and City or Town center. Stretched or hanged for the people to see, to look upon the traitors of the world and point to them. Scorning their actions as piles and piles of internet doot prints were uploaded everywhere, on what felt like millions of accounts on all kind of apps and forums. No one that was affiliated in any good way with Team Rocket was safe.
Except for two humans, their Pokémon, and a talking Meowth.
Delia woke up at the crack of dawn like she always done, it’s been a habit ever since she opened up her little Deli shop in the middle of Pallet Town. Even though she’s gotten a lot more employees, especially for opening shifts because the older Delia gets the more she finds out how much she loves spending the morning with her Pokémon team since childhood, it’s a hard habit to break.
Leo, her shiny Sylveon, was already walking to the front door with a huff. His silk ribbons wrapping around the door handle while Delia walked up to it with a bit of curiosity and exasperated fondness filling her bones.
“Get in here you three!” Delia laughed. Gently nudging Leo away from the crack with her foot and opening the door up more so that the nervous beings could enter. Her smile was warm and soft as she took in their jump appearance.
“The Twerp said it was okay-“ the purple haired man, James, stuttered our but Delia stopped him.
“If it weren’t for you two, my son would have probably been laying at the bottom of the Primal Current dead and the world destroyed by the three birds and Lugia.” She reached out and pulled them in, kicking the door close with her feet while Delia motioned to Leo to go warm the rest of the tream. “So this home is yours, it’s always been yours since the beginning. Come sit down in the kitchen, I was just about to start breakfast.”
Delia has left them at the table, allowing them to sit in tear jerking silence as she went throug the motion of making breakfast. Delia had, unsurprisingly, no amount of anger towards them and what they’ve done in the past to her son. No, Her anger is directed at the head Honcho of the evil gang that’s been gripping Kanto and Johto long before she was even born.
Delia didn’t say anything, as she left the trio to their thoughts and very full dinner plates and extra in the kitchen, when she found an old tombstone broken and torn to shreds. But marks and cursed purple magic danced a little as she poked the broken cement with a nearby stick. Delia didn’t need to know who, or what Pokémon, went after it. She should have given Ash her team before letting him leave. They really need to get rid of their decades long anger and finally destress after all this.
She chose to ignore the muffled sobbing’s drifting from the kitchen window in favor of kissing Sunny, her beloved shiny Arcanine she had all this time since it was a baby Growlith as her second given starter after her first one was stolen, good morning and letting Miss Blue, Delia’s shiny Ninetails and her most pickiest is Pokenon partners, come between them for her own good morning kisses. Her big fluffy blue tinted tails wrapping around her legs and waist in Miss Blues version of a hug.
She didn’t even think about coming back into her house until all her Pokémon family members had gotten their hellos in and were now actively nudging her back towards the sliding glass door because it was breakfast time and they were hungry.
Soon enough, things changed.
Jessie, or Now just Jess, no longer wears tight fitting clothes and spending hours on end putting her hair up in that ridiculous hair swoop. Delia was proud of how fast she had regained her footing, and just how much faster she and Delia’s Houndoom, Soul, and her Togatic, Spots, has gotten along swimmingly. Jess now joins her for the rare jog-run she does on a few country dirt roads when Delia was feeling up to it. Delia also didn’t question it when an Arbol and a Weezing of all things showed up on her porch the next morning on the following Tuesday.
It also was the first day everyone had singly mindingly read the threat clear: Team Rocket will not survive, their rain is ending now and here. Blood shall run for the innocent who colored the streets by their hands. 
Delia has openly chuckled to herself when her guests were still asleep upstairs in Ash’s old redecorated bedroom. Her cold vicious sneer glared back at herself on the TV reflective screen as she watched the camera pan over Ariana’s cold blood drained body that was hanging off a weird metal sculpture that was in the middle of a Town Square in Johto. Silver had sent her a YouMon link that sent Delia to a video titled “The Witch Is Dead.”
Her laughter was louder and had woken up her guests, Delia made breakfast once more while shooing James our do the kitchen multiple times. Brandishing a spatula the entire time.
James took a little more time, it wasn’t until Tracey came around to study and practice her drawing skill on Delia’s Pokémon and spotted James did his healing transformation started. The poor young man was pulled on by a stubborn Tracey through Oalleg Town and to the Professors Ranch, to then for Tracey to to show James how to use an old polaroid camera and a mission to go talk to a few of Ash’s more friendly Pokémon.
Meowth has been inducted that following Wednesday, when the mutilated bodies of Team Rocket’s loads upon loads of scientist were scattered all over the world, by Gary’s sweet Umbreon. The poor cat Pokémon was picked up by the scruff and was bodily dragged to the ranch with Tracey and James following behind it. Tracey giving suggestions and some smalll pointers to James on how to work his new camera. Meowth was surprisingly greeted with open arms by Ash’s Pokémon, none held too much anger for the cat Pokémon since Ash had expressed time and time again of the trios predicament to them. Meowth has never cried so much in his lifetime, and this is including the moment when his mother had left him on the streets to fend for himself at three weeks old.
Delia has used her money, or just barely a fraction of what Ash sends her every month because he doesn’t know what to do with the money the League gives him besides give it to charity and spending it on his travels, to buy the house next door to her. Not the Oaks house down the road to her left, even when it’s barely used anymore and it’s mostly now just an extra house for Delia to house her sons guests in, no. She bought the one a little less down to her right. It was a two story house with just a smaller yard then Delia’s, though it didn’t stop her from smashing down the wooden fence and expanding her garden into their new backyard for James and Jess to join her getting dirty. It was perfect for them and Meowth, along with their plenty of Pokémon who happily greet her every morning just like her own team.
The following Thursday, over more than half a million Team Rocket members that were spread all over in the upper part of many governments and big name brands were killed or seriously maimed and disfigured in that short amount of time had sent Delia reeling back in over flowing motherly pride and love, Champion Lance and Orange Isles Elite Four Drake had shown up in her door. She had just finished teaching both James and Jessie how to properly set up wet clothes that needed to be hung outside on a clothesline is read of shoving them in a dryer at their new home that Delia practically forced onto them with some slight added Country Morther love.
She ushered them in, shushing Souls quite snarling and nudging Miss Blue our of the way, while asking why they were hear and they were just in time because Delia was about to make dinner!
Lance, ever her dumbest childhood friend, asked where Ash was. Or more like demanded by going off his tone of voice. Stomping his foot and declaring that Ash needed to come to the castle right this second.
Thankfully Gary was out of town visiting some other relatives of his sweet late mothers. He wouldn’t be to particularly angry if Delia had stayed that the newly minted Professor had taken Ash as a support human. It’s not like she’s technically wrong, Delia did know for a fact Ash was the one that’s going to pick Gary up on the incoming Sunday.
She had forced the two League Members into sitting down for dinner, steak with loaded potatoes and seasoned barbecued Leaks, Melony had sent her those in a special delivery when Rose’s shredded corpse was hanging off the Chairman’s main building in front of the sliding glass doors. The roses underneath the glass in the entry way were replaced with Blue Forget-Me-Nots, It was a subtle hint made towards Mr.Goodshow, something Delia had caught extremely quickly.
The next day Friday, where the first and only kill was made in Alola according the the news, the new Galar Head Chairman was appointed outside of all Galars previous Chairmen’s. Delia actually ment Chairwoman, Miss Chairwoman Myoso was a wonderful women from what she appeared on TV already. Maybe now Leon will have a less hectic schedual. That same morning a delicately made box wrapped in the finest of hand painted silk was delivered to Delia’s porch, she knew who had done it but it also wasn’t her place to voice the silent appreciation gift.
Her kitchen has never sparkled so beautifully in the middle of the day during lunch. And all she has to thank were the little flat glass figures of the island Tapu’s closed shells twirling and swaying, hanging from near her kitchen top window.
Delia never liked Faba to begin with when she had met him, while he and Sycamore were both still in college, all those years ago.
More small trinkets were popping up on her doorstep every morning. All wrapped in very nice clothes and one of them in giant thin leaves. They ranged from very beautiful necklaces, to even a few plants and cups, her favorite so far either had to be the colored glass blown Swampert figuring sitting o top of her new fountain in the middle of her garden. One she hadn’t built at all and knew just who exactly did that. Or the little green house but that popped up that morning as well, the only plant in it was a Kalosian flower that was red, white, and black with small pink crystals gently fused into the pot top thick edge.
She had breakfast with the trio on that Saturday morning, they were on the young adults new back patio when a streak for blazing fire crossed the sky. Flashes of green and purples bluish light soon followed after.
Delia chose to ignore it while the other three started to freak out a little. She let them have a few minutes before bringing them back to their cooking breakfast omelets Jess has made for them.
Later that night the reporter stated that multiple unapproved satellites where brought crashing to the Earth crust. Only stopping mysteriously and there were some very blurred photos of a giant green floating snake like Pokémon and two purple floating blurred next to the head. Delia had finally gone for her first and only scotch for that evening, since a thought about getting any more than half a glass had Mr.Mimey skittering out of a random hallway corner and babbling at her while getting Delia a glass of water and a Tylenol before rushing the woman off to bed. 
Sunday was the end all the river full of blood crashing through the streets.
Sunday was the day when the world woke up the sight of Giovanni’s head spreads onto a pole in Pallet Town Square. Directly in the middle of the giant water fountain and the blood slowly dripping down was making the cascading water turn a light pink color like someone just added food dye.
Sunday morning is when she had her son knocking on her door. With Gary, Daisy and her husband, Tracey, Misty, Brock, Ritchie, Professor Oak standing behind him. The trio, who she had fondly started to call them her kids just like Ash and Gary and the wrest of Ash’s friends, Ahmad let themselves in from the slide back door. Everyone ignored when Umbreon and Pikachu both trotted up and twisted themselves around Meowth, the pile for fur and limbs were purring. Especially since Pikachu had grown to half way between Sunny and Souls height.
Sunday was when Ash and Delia walked for an hour and a half out into an old path in the woods. Only to stop by an old broken down house with moss, vines, and even a few small tress growing inside with rubble all around the place. They were visiting Delia’s home before her parents had died, before she had to move in with Lance and his parents if Delia wanted to stay back in Kanto. Visiting a time before her first starter was stolen from her along with her innocence and late teen years as she struggled to get by while pregnant.
Sunday is the day she was reunited with her first starting, the first time she openly cried in front of her son as Delia felt the oh so familiar feeling of a sandpaper tongue licking her hands and face while a deep purring and mewling echoed around the destructed building. amber slots blown wide stared back into Delia’s own amber eyes, before both their eyes closed and Delia leaned forward to plant a lasting kiss onto her sweet Persians glimmering red gem on its silky furred forehead.
Sunday is the day Delia finally starts to heal from her past.
Or better yet! Known as the Heaven Or Hell!AU where Delia’s first starter was a Meowth that got stolen by Giovanni when he ditched her later down the road and Ash found out and decided: fuck it, time to snap. Because no one fucks away with his mom if Ash has anything to say about it.
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lepidopterann · 4 years
Okay oc stuff dump-
SO I have two main original universes, one which is more fantasy (this one has Lance, Myca, Arsen, and .... still I am unsure about the name, Isamu) and one which is very modern (Dave and Veles). And both have pantheons of (very gay) deities. (And I have another that I dont really have any more tbh-)
So fantasy one :
The entire general vibe is like... victorian? I guess. Cobbled streets, gas lamps, stuff like that. But throughout the story, the main gang go through a lot of forests and theres a lot of overgrowth and can be v creepy at times (which has plot relevance uwu)
So we have this pantheon of deities who control various things, (example, Myca, who is the deity of fungus and undergrowth), and there are about... 11-18 deities.
There is one main deity (who I think I named Autem? I will go with that for now but i think I'm gonna have to revamp a lot of stuff about this one-) but they decide that the current status quo is too boring and starts experimenting on the various deities, which has very bad effects on the things they control.
The rest of the pantheon just kick that bitch out after they find what he's done, which yeah understandable, and he goes into hiding. He kinda?? Gets fucked over by his own experimentation and becomes Isamu (who has no memories of being Autem and is generally adorable and nice) and Isamu gets trapped in the weird bunker that he woke up in for... 3 years?? (Also Autem may not be entirely gone so whoops-)
So around the same time Isamu is stuck in the bunker, Lance is getting out of college, and is now a traveling detective.... and literally on his second case gets cursed and ... (I kinda feel bad for doing this to my boy--)
This curse turns the body of said person into a tar like substance. Lance has to constantly has to concentrate on keeping up his form, while also being in general pain. Ever heard of cluster headaches? Yeah that but on his entire body (though of course he has days where its better). He also cant eat properly anymore since... liquid. But jts not all bad, he can extend parts of himself and be all sneaky and hes always aware of where parts of him have dripped off.
He continues to be absolutely best boy and I love he so much heres kinda what he looks like (but the drawing is kinda old)
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While travelling he meets Myca (who he first met as a teen) and they start traveling together since Myca wants his help with finding where Autem went. So the story is mainly about this and also doing their best to fix the deities he experimented on so the effect on the world isnt as bad. And also, when he can, Lance does his best to help with most cases he finds
Myca is the deity of fungi and undergrowth and you can tell. Her current body is kinda like a large lion-wolf thingy?? Shes missing her head and there is an eye (and jaws but those are hidden until she needs to eat or attack) in the neck cavity (her insides are mostly empty), and she has fungi growing all over her. She is sp fucking awesome, she takes no shit and she is determined to fix things.
Hang on do I have a drawing of her uhhhhhhh- no I dont have any of her with me, but I will draw her soon-
Next , at a case, they have a run in with Arsen, and they team up for the moment to bust a child trafficking ring, but where Lance is just there to get the kids out and home, Arsen kills almost every child trafficker there, but brings in the head honcho to the police. (While this is happening? Maybe Arsen becomes absolutely smitten with Lance)
And after all this goes down, Arsen decides to join them on their journey.
I do have a drawing of Arsen but?? Its very old and my design for him has changed a fair amount
Arsen may seem very intimidating but he is actually the type to fuss at you if you forget to eat. He is (or... do I say was) actually a dad and behaves exactly like it. He had a little girl but? She dead now and that did not do well for his mental health.
He likes embroidery (he did that design on his shoulder himself) and sewing also and ... maybe I would have a very tender moment between Lance and Arsen?? Where Arsen is fixing his cape or smth??? They hold all my uwu's-
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Anyway uh he
So they're traveling and discover that the ocean? Is all sorts of fucked up now??? Since the ocean deity was one of the ones experimented on. This causes issues-
But next they find Isamu and Arsen has bad feeling about him (Autem is kinda the reason Arsen's kid is dead-) but they quickly become friends and Isamu??? Baby. Literally hes very young (kinda)-
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Pic is old and new version of Isamu has reptilian/scaled parts as well. But as their shirt doth decree- they baby. And they do have only four fingers on their human hand, that's not just my old artstyle-
Oh btw, pronouns n sexualities for everyone :
Lance : he/him (but is fine with someone using she/her or they/them for him), demiromantic asexual
Myca : she/her, they/them (what's gender to a god), lesbian
Arsen : he/him (is trans, ftm), pan
Isamu: any but kinda prefers he/him, since that's what the first person eh ever met used (Arsen), aromantic asexual
Soooo that's as far as I've gotten with them tbh. I might make a nother post about my modern one and maybe the other one (which is also kinda modern??)
I will draw these dummies soon and might make some memes based on them and their stories-
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thebestcomicking · 4 years
My Thoughts On: She Ra Season Finale ( With Spoilers)
Oh man oh man oh MAN, that’s what you call a Season Finale!! The whole time I was expectin Adora to save Catra’s ass in the end after being chipped by Sybok from Star Trek V Horde Prime. Yeah let’s get that shit outta the way, Horde Prime is basically Albino Jamaican Jimmy Swaggart, who thinks Rock N Roll is the devil’s music and people needs to cleanse there soul with Sha Ka Ree or Amy Grant or whatever. Also he’s one hell of a host, he brought Glimmer and Catra over for dinner, even provided five star meals when Glimmer’s inprisoned, showed off his collection of stuff from planets he destroyed, and very well mannered to his guests. Swell guy when he’s not trying to drain the Heart Of Etheria and turning the people there into the Borgs.
Now the chemistry with everyone was fantastic, I like that after all the shit Glimmer pulled off in the tail end of Season 4 Bow wasn’t too keen with her for good episode or two. It’s great to see Catra and Adora together and not throwing shit at each other too. I was kinda surprised in retrospect how early on they got Catra back and joining the Rebellion. Also a bitter sweet closure between the two and Shadow Weaver. The hair cut she got looked similar to the hair cut I gave to Entrapta. Speaking of which, Entrapta grew a lot in this season, realizing that some action she makes have consequences and there are more important things to worry about other than tech stuff.Movin on to Scorpia, nothing too much but she and Perfuma had great chemistry together, and she sang a James Bond tune fro good measures. Also my fuckin artwork predicted that shit, except she wasn’t singing “Still Loving You” by Scorpions. Hordak... He showed up time to time with mood swings whenever he thinks about Entrapta. I kinda wish he showed up a little more so I could give a shit (I’ll get to my opinions about the two later). On the other hand I think I prefer Wrong Hordak better. Fuckin, he’s a gem to look at I’d much prefer him over the real one. I’m glad he made it through. We also get to see more of Netossa and Spinnerella this season and good LORD this woman and her wife should’ve showed up more often. Netossa might be the Lonnie of the Rebellion cause she’s the only one who sprayed water on Catra’s face when discussing people’s weaknesses. Smaller rolled from some minor characters are great too. George and Lance comes back safe (thank Dio) and Double Trouble’s bit were a joy to watch.
Now I got some minor nitpicks which range from “Oh Yeah” to “Who Give’s A Flying Fuck”. My question is what happen to the three who joined Adora and the gang in the USS Darla? Like did they forget to take them back home when rescuing Catra off of Horde Prime’s Ship? Was Catra like “You’re on your own BITCH!!” and scuddled the fuck off? That’s the biggest problem I have, btut the next problem I have are negligible. Lonnie, Kyle, and Rogelio only have a cameo, and I really wish they did something. Yeah I get it, this season was suppposed to only focus more about Adora and Catra, but a little reunion would’ve been kewl. Like Lonnie gives Catra a thumbs up or something. Also The P is finally comfirmed. Going back with Hordak, my only problem is that I kinda wish we get to see a tad bit more, only because I completely forgotten about him til the end where he Palpatined Horde Prime. Should’ve fuckin did this to him:
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Small Rant Warning
“HEY FUCKIN ENTRAPDAK IS A CANON SO SUCK IT” Yeah it happened. As I expected and accepted back in Season 3. I’ve kinda grew into to it, but still probably not enough to actually draw the ship in a romatic sense. The two being casual together I’m more willing to draw that, and have Hordak kinda being in denial that he’s in love but every one’s like “Pfft yeah, right. You TOTALLYT don’t love her”. Them doing something stupid together, OH HELL YAH I’ll draw that shit, cause it makes me laugh. “SO ARE YAH GONNA STOP DRAWIN YOUR SHIP WITH ENTRAPTA AND KYLE!!!!?” Nope, cause 1) you guys keep throwing fuel to the fire, and 2) I still like drawing the two together, amd it’s only an AU ship and never my Canon ship. Ok maybe it was before Season 3, but I’ve wrote it off as an AU ship now. Also The P has been confirmed canon. I don’t fully dig Entrapdak, but at least it was written off well.
Uhhh any other ships I have in mind... Oh I can dig shipping Perfuma and Scorpia. In fact I’m debating whether or not have my fankid, Petunia, have two moms and a Scorpian sister. Also I might draw Rogelio and Kyle’s kid just for good measures cause The P has been confirmed canon. Ok it’s not but Scorpia said Kyle has crush on Rogelio, and being a good parent taking care of Imp. I have several idea’s to draw, and I’m currently workin on a two page spread. In the end Season 5 is a fantasic way to end the series. Even though we all want more, where else is there to go? An epilogue season akin to Steven Universe Future would be nice. I have my ideas but it heavily involves my OC being a main villian. Anyways I enjoyed it.
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Here's a hard one, Mystery!
Sexuality Headcanon: I think Mystery might be Aroace or just-- not really interested in that kind of thing anymore. When he has been with others it’s been him kind of a mutual partners with benefits. He hasn’t really been with someone out of love.
Gender Headcanon: A bit genderfluid. He’s a kitsune, and they can change shape in lore iirc, so some days he feels a bit more like something else. But he does have a preference for he/him orientations, and settled on that when taking on his doggo form. He kinda misses being able to shift to what feels most comfy on a given day, but if it keeps a certain someone from finding him, he’s okay with that too.
A ship I have with said character: I don’t know if it really counts as a ship I have, because I don’t honestly really think of shipping Mystery at all, but I do think something happened between Shiromori and Mystery potentially in that vein. The way he looks so guilty and shrugs when she recognizes Vivi’s heritage and looks at him in an almost ‘nani the fuck’ way, and the way she gets enraged and blushes just kinda says to me there was something up between them and him being with Vivi is a betrayal to her. I don’t really know if it was romantic, and it could have just been a partnership since it seems like he kinda fed her and made her what she is, but with that expression, it leads me to think Shiromori thought she should be Mystery’s one and only partner in whatever regard and is definitely pissed he’s hanging around with Mushi’s descendant of all people.
A BROTP I have with said character: Mystery with any of the other gang members! I love him having a good relationship (and talking/showing sentience!) to the others and them having a banter and back and forth. He likes being treated like a dog sometimes and likes being treated like an equal. He can swap between wise kitsune and ‘gib.... bacon? 0x0’ easily, and they treat him like a friend and i love it. I also enjoy him having a bit of a rapport with Lance. They’re both watching these kids dance around each other with feelings and shaking their head. And they totally watch spanish soap operas together as a guilty pleasure sometimes
A NOTP I have with said character: Pretty much any of the main kids, but I really don’t ship Mystery with anyone. I like him just reveling in this found family he has now and enjoying these connections he went centuries without making. 
A random headcanon: You’ve heard this one (and written a little thing for it too), but Mystery heavily relates to Stitch in Lilo and Stitch. He felt like the little monster that just wanted to hurt people and Vivi kind of helped him have some kind of connection and realize he wanted to be better. Vivi connects to Lilo and being seen as weird, and Lewis connects to feeling lost and finding a family in a similar way he does, so when they have a rough day or need it, they watch that movie as a bit of comfort.
General Opinion over said character: A formerly not so good but now good boy just doing his best! Sometimes he attac when he should protecc but!! he’s trying!! He just sometimes bite when doesn’t know what to do!! oops!!
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milan-chica · 3 years
Free Spirit Brave Soul Medical Assistant Leopard Heart T Shirt From AllezyGo
They served as Atty Gen the same time it took the same big they took on the same big fights to get California bow here in Delaware big fights helped change the entire country I know how much bow respected and her work that matter a Free Spirit Brave Soul Medical Assistant Leopard Heart T Shirt From AllezyGo lot to me to be honest with you as I made this decision so now we need to get to work playing this nation out of these crises we find ourselves. America cabinsand resolve to go offand find buckyand bring them back to normal meanwhile buck is off killing hydra scientistsand trying to become more human as you imagine with the shield team yeah finding out everyone’s hydra is a pretty big mess john garrettand grant were exposedand start shooting people in the faceand a big battle between hydra shield ensues in the cast that follows the us government declare shield a terrorist organization that’s fun for colson the gang john garrett breaks initials facilitiesand steals a bunch weapons from colson’s past ventures pheasant simmons end up in a medical pod which grant ward then chucks to the bottom of the ocean fits almost sacrifices himself to save simmons because they’re in love but in a fury shows up just in time to save them during colsonand team upand eventually defeat garrett to make schools in the new head of shieldand jesse were up to date his team now includes this dude called macand the studio tripletand this dude called patton oswalt after the spirit wasn’t hiding with the excellent disguise of a beanie however colson is now starting to experience side effects from being resurrected using cree fluids the main side effect is he start sketching a map of that ancient cree city for humans to find is that sin is brain now meanwhile the soon to be human is been running around the show for a while now called reyna goes to daisy’s dad calvin who is still looking for after all these yearsand tells him she’s found his daughter he really was sincere so he sets out to do that this has been the because he almost drownedand now he’s got brain damage simmons is nelson’s work undercover in hydra with the help of fellow shield agent bobby morse shield team lost recruit sassy british man lance hunterand some other people but they’re not as important agents also start fighting this inhuman called carl creel the absorbing that back over to calgary now he discovers it is usb stick with information on it that he would like to have however it’s currently in possession of guest to reva connors luke cage’s wife so he is jessica to find usb formand then orders her to kill reva jessica does it but it’s so dramatic that she manages to break free from kill race controland walks away he is then promptly hit by a bus just giving he’s dead but he survives in later forces a guy given both of his kidneys so he can live after all this jessica jones decides to become a private investigator while luke cage is pretty devastatedand also now running his bar okay now were going to go to space for quite a bit that is a still looking for those infinity stones after loki stuck to getting the tesseract so he lists run the accuser’s old cree crazy fanatic friend to help them in case you forgot the cree are still war with the no vampire the good police of spaceand it was a peace treaty involved that decree signed but ronan went rogueand started terrorizing secondary people send r is the capital of the vampire enemies a lot of weird names once i’m sorry anyway ronan with the help of dennis’s adopted daughters nebulaand gomorrah is now looking for the orb that contains the power infinity stone on places like praxis nine process nine at data know but so far no luck also grew rocket or start collecting bounties for example on this guy called balto so this point most everyone is looking for this infinity stone orb dennis wants it to come to the universe once it’s usand give it to the collectorand this random urgent wants it because it can probably be sold for a lot of money this merchant hires yonder in the rafters to get a form peter quill now going the name star lord is all grown upand despite what they taught him once to move away from the ravages so he locates the orband takes it for himself just before running into ronan’s henchmen started quill escapesand gomorrah center treated on the planet of zande are guerrillas attacked by gomorrah for the orband by writing group for huge bounty on his head in the end all capturedand sent to prison called the kiln where they meet tracks the destroyer tracks his family was killed by running under the command of panos so once revenge on both those guys which intends on getting through gomorrah in the end these unlikely five team up to get out of the kilnand plan to get the order to the collector so they can all get paid now you got the rogers were medic will the notochord who would uphold the lawand ronan once the orb on the tail is to know where a celestial head where the collector is peter so I love it gomorrah jackson arcata getting drunkand fighting but eventually through all these distractions they doand of giving the orb to the collector however one of the collector’s assistance to the stoneand a big explosion happens because it’s an infinity stone was as good markwell to take the stone back in a fit of junk vengeance just goes run into the planet a fight in a fight which she loses badlyand tries to kill more in spaceand gets the orb that peter saves her at the last minute right as a captured by the raptors ronan as the stoneand decides to betray santos giving it for himselfand paying to distressand areand then santos the crew now going by the name of the guardians of the galaxy eventually regroupand team up with the ravages to guard the galaxy they team up with another court as well a big clinic to bounces during which grid sacrifices himself to save his new friends eventually after some paddlingand dance off peterand russ the guardians grab the stoneand kill run with it saving the day in the process peter is able to hold the power of the stone for sunday does because he’s part celestial areas of the stones than of the court keep safe I wonder that’s agoand they often become kind of guns for hire also rocket pics of the twig from grits corpseand plants that create a new gruden baby form who grows with the team meanwhile the collector gets mocked by herod the duck ego the living planet celestial is my someone who held infinity stoneand realizes it must be some of his day yonder never delivered is a plan to get peter to’s planet they can join forces so we can consume everything everywhere nebula has escapedand is now hated by pretty much everyone in the universe but she really wants to kill her dad that us she tries to steal some superpowerful batteries from these aliens called the sovereign but is caughtand taken prisoner however there’s a giant monster called the obelisk that slowly drain those batteries power to the sovereign the guardians to defeated they greeted so if they get nebula as payment after they succeed however rogge still similar batteries because he’s kind of a dick that’s not a joke that’s pretty much what he did it still battery the summer discover this since in the fleet to kelly guardians but ego shows upand destroys that fleet reveals himself as peter’s dadand him peter gomorrah jackson egos helper mantis who can read people’s emotionsand make people feel emotions go back to ego’s home planet his body meanwhile rocket baby groupand nebula stage repair the ship meanwhile the ravagesand the undo off on some hooker planet celebrating the victory against ronan when yonder runs into sylvester stallone after all these years stone is a bit of foreshadowing that how yonder won’t have a nice rabbit your funeraland yonder is not too happy about it but soon after the sovereign approachand then ask them in the ravages to catch the guardians for them that’s the planet where the guardians crash landedand after b skirmish take rocketand baby group prisoner one of the ravages taser face please yonder was getting too softand stages of mutiny nebula helps the ravages take out jan doand then goes off to kill her sister onceand for all is really she just was to kill her whole family at this pointand his mentor killed the mutiny but eventually yonder rocket bondand escape with the very very slow help of baby groupand yonder’s number two crack when you gets a new arrow controlling mohawkand the murder all the ravages mastered’s in the coolest way possible meanwhile on egos planet egos teaching peter how to use his celestial powersand peter is loving it something seems off thoughand that is his beginning friends with tracksand wants to tell them about egos deep secret as in all the child murdering young to know as well that child murdering so him craband daily gruden rocket getting the shipand jump across the universe to save peterand the gang from ego nebula get steel spina first invites gomorrah but eventually they stop fightingand talk out their differences peter is getting really into ego so celestial thing welcome nebula discovered cave of the children under the surface peters advertised may goand almost as long would egos plan until ego reveals that he killed peter’s mom at which point peter steps out of itand the battle begins the process of all the cd the plantand transforming has already begunand the stuff starts expanding all over the universe including honor the guardians by egoand the sovereign as they just arrived peterand ego to get out in the weirdest way possibleand ultimately yet the guardians when an ego is no more in the process peter loses his celestial powers is not totally op when infinity work comes however to say peter yonder redeems himselfand sacrifices his own life freezing to death in outer space youngest funeral followsand all the raptures including stallone come back to honor him since they realized he wasn’t such a bad guy after all nebula gomorrah become somewhat loving sisters nebula leaves to find a way to kill santos which I guess takes another four years to get around to doing kremlin takes over yonder zeroand still reunites an old ravaged team then yonder’s honor the sovereign still pretty upset with the guardians create adam warlock to be the ultimate weapon against them though that’s also to take a few years to fully manifest also this old man has been an informant for these beings that watch the universe called the watchersand that’s all you need to know about them nowand go back to earth there’s this guy called jonathan sanborn who gets in an accident at the factory work sadand is paralyzed he seeks medical helpand physical therapy but those do nothing for so he hears about ties for the masters of the mystic art still hang outand has over there here he meets the one entries in the way of the mystic artsand eventually leaves as he can use the magic to walk again this year team is having more adventures mainly revolving around trying to figure out those weird drawings colson is doing this includes may find an agent with a mask that makes you look like me it’s probably burned onto a face that guy verna reinhardt also comes backand get his hands on the diviner again over hell’s kitchen not murdoch confesses at his church about his vigilanteand because he’s very catholic but decides to give it up anyway to make a city a safer place in the same area reporter called karen page discovers some shady activity involving money laundering going on with this companyand tries to tell one of its employees but wakes up the next morning next to his dead body holding a blade knife she’s accused of murder against nelsonand murdoch to defend her she’s doing some investigatingand so some people want to killed matt in his vigilante outfit safes are become known as the daredevil that karen such working as a secretary for nelson murdoch ever since that you turn invasion a bunch of house prices have dropped new york or something real estate related like that so they’re more russian gangstersand mobstersand all that taking advantage of the situation wasn’t fisk that the range kid from before returns him to make the city a better place but a better place for him isn’t better for a lot of people also he falls in love the woman called vanessaand start being people’s headsand with car doors those two things are mostly unrelated so that as daredevil fights back against him involving lots of dark hallwaysand alleysand beating up russians in bidding of ninjas called nobu in the process thought he discovers who he isand has a big scene of acting on the way that also provides a nurse called claire temple finds a new year’s at houston to his wounds wasn’t fisk also starts working with mme. Ways you really know why when I very dearly out there on how the world can the larry down cleanup every note and an been cresting to the returning energy are you willing to give out to joe biden here is my answer going on recollections can break your heart they can make to gain from the here was interesting to hear what the president experienced intelligent and actually believe in the rule of law was starting to see the soul of this nation and my favorite things to fix sacrificing your ideals or your commitment to family who better to introduce your children biden sleep joe biden is our dad now about it when I tell you what kind president our dad will be will be and honest caring principle to listen will be there when you need him tell you get to when you get when you will never let you down the rock candy strongly shouldering you can ever lean on every time you succeed will make your grandkids fielded what they’ve got to see others treat cream on the line get up no matter how many times he’s been knocked down
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New Jersey Connecticut Detroit in New Orleans all appear to be passed their peak and we are seeing consistent declines in hospitalization and cases in regions across the country are only conclusion is that were getting their as the American people are put into practice presidents guidelines of social distancing because you been listening and adhering to the guides the state and local officials we are of making or making meaningful progress in a Free Spirit Brave Soul Medical Assistant Leopard Heart T Shirt From AllezyGo very real sense sparing Americans to be exposed to the coronavirus and no less extent on saving lives are task force actually believes Mr Pres that if we continue these mitigation efforts in the days ahead as states implement their policies including phased reopening that will preserve those gains we do believe by early summer we could be in a much better place as a nation with the with much of this coronavirus epidemic behind us earlier today we also had a conference call led by Sec Ben Carson and leaders from hot about the president’s announcement yesterday and. Delay the Election and Suggested That He Will Not Leave Office If He Loses His Is Not Normal and We Must Never Treated like It Is under This Administration Authoritarianism Has Taken Root in Our Country I and My Family and Many of Yours Know the Insidious Way Authoritarianism Destroys the Democracy Decency and Humanity As Long As I Am Here I Will Work with Progressives with Moderates and Yes with Conservatives to Preserve This Nation from a Threat That so Many Although Heroes Fought and Died to Defeat This President Is Not Just a Threat to Our Democracy but by Rejecting Science He Has Put Our Lives and Health in Jeopardy Trump Has Attacked Doctors and Scientists Trying to Protect Us from the Pandemic While Refusing to Take Strong Action to Produce the Masks Gowns and Gloves Our Healthcare Workers Desperately Need Nero Fiddled While Rome Burned Trump Golfs His Actions Planned This Pandemic Resulting in over 170 000 Deaths and a Nation Still Unprepared to Protect Its People Furthermore Trumps Negligence Has. A call and so anybody of anything to say again young people are almost immune to this disease the younger the better is the stronger and stronger to have a stronger immune system it’s incredible See Other related products: My Favorite God Calls Me Son Clover Cross T Shirt
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cocotiesshoos · 4 years
because i’ve been in a tangled mood i have a little au going on in my head as i do with any new interest
so yk how both varian and cassandra betrayed corona right??? but only one of them had to actually repay or serve jail time for their actions. can you guess who?? welll OBVIOUSLY ITS VARIAN!! CASS DID WORSE THAN THE KID YET SHE GOT NO PUNISHMENT!! i mean i love her but still that’s fishy 👀 like varian really did waste part of his teen life in jail. ANYWHO this happens like a few years after the finale, raps is finally queen woohoooo!!
Varian realizes this and gets upset and eventually tells Rapunzel and Eugene
Because Rapunzel and the gang were out exploring outside of the walls of Corona while Varian was stuck in jail, Rapunzel and Eugene thought that they should at least try to make it up to Varian. Yeah it might not bring back all that wasted time but it’s something.
The two come up with a plan in which they take Varian to go to all of the places they went to while on their trip to the dark kingdom
Varian, while hesitant at first, agrees to do this.
Rapunzel couldn’t be gone for so long cause yk queen and queen duties, so Eugene was the one responsible for the trip
besides max can just take over the position of captain of the royal guards
Eugene, Varian, and the Schnitz family are the ones who go to the trip
They go with the plan of visiting the same places Eugene and gang went to years back
Varian at first is fine with it but later on he feels odd at the fact that Eugene already knows about the places and whenever people ask the question “Where were you during that time?” he feels odd
eventually he tells Eugene about this and asks if they can make new adventures instead, it’ll be fun for everyone
“Of course Varian, this trip is about you, so we will do what you wanna do.”
They visit many new places
and gets into trouble in some if not all of these new visits
in one of the locations, they run up to Cass
People, who are later revealed to be trainees of hers, attack the gang believing they were danger
As Varian is fighting off with one of them, Cassandra stops them and apologizes.
keep in mind her face was covered as she was wearing a hood of some sorts
when she looks at the person she had just saved, she realizes that it’s Varian
Cassandra as she was granted freedom is now much calmer and more open, so seeing her old friend again brings her to much excitement
Varian explains to her that their friends are in danger so Cassandra tells her trainees there’s no need to worry as she knows these people
Eugene notices the woman and she looks familiar but he can’t put his finger on it.
“Cassandra?” “Eugene! Lance! Girls!”
happy little reunion with happy little folks
what’s unhappy tho is when once the gang settled in to stay for a while, Cass and Eugene had a talk in which Eugene reveals the plan and of Varian’s feelings
Cassandra at first feels guilty but Eugene tells her there’s no need for that and so yeah
now Cass’ main goal is for Varian to enjoy himself and this trip he has been granted
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