#lee!will byers
cringemesstickles · 8 months
Far from Fragile
(TickleTober Day 20: Relentless)
Summary: Will is tired of being treated like he’s fragile. (Takes place during season 2)
Pairing: None obv
Word Count: 1,262
A/N: I can’t believe Halloween is already 11 days away, wtf is happening :’)
Anyway, I had a lot of fun writing this! Jonathan is such a good big brother and I absolutely adore their bond!
It had been a couple months since Will had returned from the upside down. It hadn’t been easy on any of them, but it was certainly the hardest on Will.
Will had always been a very observant kid and he could feel how people were treating him; weak, fragile, and incapable.
One evening, the youngest Byers was presumably hiding away in his room.
Normally, the younger would be sitting at the kitchen table, doodling away without a care in the world, enjoying the presence of either Jonathan or Joyce.
Jonathan knew more than anyone that sometimes, people just needed some alone time. But this had been going on for days, and he was starting to worry.
Walking down the hall with the intention of returning to his own quarters, he eyed the open door to Will’s room. With a sigh, he started walking towards the entrance.
He poked his head in and knocked to make his presence known, spotting his little brother situated on his bed, sketching away in his sketchbook with a pensive expression.
“Hey, buddy. Whatcha drawing?” Asked the elder, casually plopping down across from Will.
The younger’s gaze flickered up to meet Jonathan’s before returning to his artwork. “Halloween stuff.” He responded blankly, keeping his head down.
This only fueled the older brother’s concern.
“Will, are you okay? You know you can talk to me about anything…” Speaking in a gentle manner, he placed a tender hand on Will’s shoulder, looking at him with utmost care.
Suddenly, Will threw Jonathan’s hand away and tossed his drawings to the floor, eyes full of frustration.
“Just stop, okay?! I’m not a baby and I don’t need everyone treating me like one!” The kid snapped, taking the older by surprise.
Will had never lashed out on him like this. If he wasn’t worried before, he definitely was now.
“What are you talking about? Will, I treat you like this because you’re my little brother and I care about you.” He tried to reason, seeing the defensiveness in Will’s eyes.
“Yeah, well I’m not fragile and I don’t need you to treat me like I am!”
Seeing that his efforts weren’t getting through, Jonathan decided to try something else.
If Will wanted to stop being treated like he was fragile, then Jonathan would do just that.
“You know what? Fine. You asked for it!”
Before the youngest Byers could ask any questions, his older brother pulled him into a bear hug, growling like a vicious monster.
“Gotcha! Prepare to be the tickle monster’s dinner!”
Jonathan’s nimble fingers began to dance and wriggle all over his brother’s torso, attacking each spot with skill and precision.
“Eek! Jonathahahahan! T-That tickles!” Will squealed, squirming and wriggling in the older’s grasp, though he was unable to evade the tickles.
Jonathan smiled at the sound of his brother’s genuine laughter, a sound that had become quite rare as of late. Of course, nobody could blame the kid for acting the way he had been. He’d been through hell and back and was still struggling to get back to normal, every shadow drowning him in fear and anxiety.
Will needed this, and Jonathan was more than happy to give it to him.
“That’s the idea, smarty-pants. Now let’s see if Will the Wise can handle… this!”
The photographer rolled over and pinned Will to the bed, forcing his arms above his head and holding them down before teasingly hovering his fingers over one of the exposed armpits.
The kid’s eyes widened and he started to thrash, tugging at his arms to no avail.
“Nooo, dohohon’t!!” He protested, eyeing the wiggling fingers that were getting too close for comfort.
With a devilish grin, Jonathan let his digits dig into the sensitive hollows, earning a high pitched shriek from his little brother.
The reaction only added to the elder’s delight.
“Stop?! Oh, I’m just getting started!”
Will’s laughter continued to fill the room, bright and bubbly. It was a sound that could melt even the coldest of hearts.
Jonathan was relentless, ignoring Will’s pleas and turning him to a squealing mess. The boy’s cheeks were a rosy shade of red and tears were prickling at the corners of his eyes which were squeezed shut in mirth; it was a sight for sore eyes.
Jonathan retracted his hand and admired the kid’s flushed happy face, letting his little brother catch his breath for the next attack.
“You remember what I said about being the tickle monster’s dinner? Well, I think he’s ready to feast!”
The younger once again burst into giggles simply at the statement, unsure what his brother had in mind.
“Nohohooo, I don’t tahaste good!” Whined Will, squirming more intensely when Jonathan started to roll up his shirt, revealing the smooth expanse of his tummy.
Getting a firm hold on Will’s sides, the elder bent down and nuzzled the soft skin, earning a little snort in response.
“The tickle monster begs to differ…”
With no further delay, the older brother started to nibble the tender skin of his little brother’s belly, being careful not to bite too hard.
Will bucked his hips and tossed his head back with unrestrained boyish laughter, the nibbling and occasional grazing of his brother’s teeth against his skin was enough to drive him crazy, but he absolutely loved it.
Will had always loved being tickled, but it had become less occurrent since he returned from the upside down, everyone seemingly not wanting to break him. But now, Jonathan wasn’t holding back. He was completely relentless and Will couldn’t ask for it to be any other way.
“Nomnomnom~ mm, ticklish tummies… the tickle monster’s favorite!” Teased Jonathan, adding playful nomming noises, knowing it would intensify the sensation for Will.
The photographer delighted in the kid’s happy laughter, continuing to nuzzle and nibble the ticklish skin.
Sensing his brother was genuinely reaching his limits, Jonathan decided to finish his attack with one of Will’s favorite things.
Pulling away, he looked into Will’s mirthful eyes, a mischievous smirk on his face.
“The tickle monster still had room for dessert, Will… guess what his favorite dessert is~”
Will giggled, squirming with excitement and anticipation.
Jonathan leaned in to whisper into the younger’s ear.
The youngest Byers squealed with delight, bursting into a fit of laughter that could only be described as pure.
“EHEHEE, TOO MUCH TOO MUHUHUCH! S-STOP PLEHEHEASE, JONATHAN!” He kicked and squirmed, struggling to catch his breath.
After what felt like forever, Jonathan finally relented, releasing his little brother and helping him sit up and seating himself across from the kid, reassuming their earlier placements.
“How was that for not fragile?” He asked, giving a playful shove to Will’s shoulder.
Will continued to giggle and catch his breath.
“It was fuhuhun, but really ticklish…”
Jonathan let out a chuckle of his own, reaching a hand out to ruffle his brother’s hair.
Once the younger had calmed down, he abruptly flung his arms around his big brother, catching Jonathan off guard for the second time that day.
Without a second thought, he returned the embrace, wrapping his arms around the thin frame of his little brother.
“You’re the best brother ever… love you, Jonathan.”
Jonathan felt himself melt, his heart swelling with emotion.
“Love you too, buddy.”
With those words lingering in the air, the brothers remained in the embrace for awhile longer, taking comfort in each other’s presence, and Jonathan silently promised himself that the ‘tickle monster’ would be making an appearance much more often.
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hypahticklish · 2 years
Mad Max and the Week Long Tickle War: Day Two
Summary: Where Lucas seeks vengeance on Will, and gets a little help of his own. A collaborative project with @nhasablogg and @lesbian-byers Fandom/Characters: Stranger Things / Lucas & Will, feat. Jonathan Wordcount: 1.1k ish A/N: I had a ton of fun with this project alongside N and LB - they are precious treasures both long beloved and sparkling new, respectively, to the community. About the fic itself: when I started writing this, I instinctively wrote Will as he/they so I hope that comes across clearly in the writing.  ← What happened yesterday?
"You're so dead, Byers!"
To be fair, it was totally warranted. He even gave Will a head start. Where they had a superhuman flight response, Lucas had trained athleticism. As if either were necessary; Lucas was a big brother and Will a little one. This was just the natural order of things.
Ahead of him, Will was kicking up red and gold leaves in their wake.  Lucas had perfectly ambushed his friend sketching on a blanket at a grassy-ish street corner, and Will had been startled enough to abandon the quilt and some color pencils while maintaining a white-knuckled grip on the spine of a notebook pressed clumsily to his forearm. Lucas leapt over the artistic remnants in his pursuit. 
They sprinted past a handful of houses with varying degrees of transitions between Halloween and Christmas when Will took a sudden right up the driveway to the old house. It took them precious few seconds to fumble their way through the front door. Lucas's grin grew determined as he grabbed the streetlight and swung himself toward the haphazardly thrown open entrance. 
Thwik! Ffuhbaduh!
"O…w…stupid vacuum…"
Lucas found Will sprawled face down on the hallway floor. A thin black cord snaked from somewhere deep in the adjacent living room, and its bulbous plug gazed longingly at the outlet from which it had been violently extracted. His mouth pursed to one side a moment before opening to ask, "Ya good?"
There was a deep sigh. They carefully pushed their sketchbook up and away from their body. "Yea, I'm good," Will said.
"Good!" Lucas cheerfully, bodily, dropped to a tight straddle over Will's calves. "Cuz you're not gettin' outta payback that easy!"
Now that the game had resumed, Will put up a futile fight to get out of the pin and keep his shoes from being pried off. "I didn't even do anything!" 
"Didn't even - didn't even do anything?! Oh, I know you're not pullin' that bullshit!" A pair of worn sneakers reunited with the vacuum cord. "Nuh, cause the Will the Wise I know isn't so dumb to make things worse for himself. Not after blatant party betrayal."
Will huffed a mischievous chuckle. “I’m gonna tell Max you don’t view her as part of the party.”
This smug little shit.
Hackles raised in only the way younger siblings are able to conjure, Lucas’s fingers flew into a frenzy across the loose cotton soles on Will’s feet. The sound of Will’s chuckles rapidly transformed into breathless peals of laughter. 
"First you follow Max's orders to torture me." Lucas played up the villainous venom by ripping off Will's left sock while scritching the ball of that foot. He was rewarded by a spike of cackles. "Then your lame ass threatened to diss me." He yanked off the right sock with the same technique. 
"I'm sorry!" 
"Yea, you're gonna be!" shouted Lucas back with all the faux menace he could muster. He dug into Will's heels, and fluttered over Will's ankles, and tickled their arches and toes and all the tickleable spaces in between. Lucas's sibling-skilled hands found every ticklish spot Will's soles had and made sure they individually felt his wrath.
"I-I-I take it back!" Will bargained, pounding his fist into the floor to cope with their hysteria.
A door toward the end of the hall opened swiftly with a noxious funk, and startled both boys into freezing. Beyond a spooked Jonathan was his Californian friend, Argyle, singing along to breezy music while hanging halfway off his bed. A relieved smile spread across the older Byer's face, and something hit the floor with a heavy thud. "Jesus, Will, I thought you were being murdered."
"I am!" 
"Sure are," Lucas agreed, turning back to resume his wicked scribbling into the wrinkles of Will's scrunched feet. 
"Can't be. Not when Lucas isn't even close to your most ticklish spot," Jonathan said.
Will shrieked, "No!" as Lucas whooped, "Hell yeah!" in delight. His friend began to thrash in an attempt to roll over, but locked at the knees in the narrow hallway meant they were shit outta luck. 
Jonathan swore under his chuckles as he planted his heels against Will's triceps and gently shuffled back to stretch their arms away from their body. When he crouched down, Lucas could see how careful Jonathan was to not to sit or step on his frantic little brother. His approach inspired Lucas to change up his own rhythm to something softer.
"Jonath-Johnathan, please don't, it-it'll tickle so bad!" Will pleaded. Their feet twitched in response to Lucas's fingers tracing the outside edge of his soles. Light giggles drifted atop each breath. 
"What was his crime anyway?" asked Jonathan. Behind him, Jonathan's thumbs anchored on either side of Will's spine and perched long, fanned-out fingers atop the back curve of Will's ribcage. 
Beneath him, Will's entire body tensed and let out the tiniest squeak of protest.
"After you guys left, he made me scream in front of my girlfriend," answered Lucas.
Jonathan sucked his teeth. "That's brutal. Suppose this is justice then."
Lucas's incredible reflexes were the only thing that kept him from being bucked off, or worse kicked between the legs. It took all his focus to press Will's shins securely to the carpet. Will was howling in some of the loudest, wildest laughter Lucas had ever heard out of his usually reserved friend. He couldn't help but laugh along with him. 
It didn't take long for his ballistic mirth to peak into silence, and for Jonathan to reach under Will's chest to lift them onto their elbows. The residual chuckles from the prolonged tickle attack became spliced with a coughing fit. Lucas helpfully thumped him on the back.
"Yoooo, lil' dude, ya solid?" Argyle called to Will over a sick surf guitar solo. 
They took a couple of deep breaths to recalibrate their body. "Yeah, I'm good," Will said with a bright smile. Argyle matched the grin and gave him a thumbs up.
"Oh!" Lucas suddenly remembered where he had found Will earlier. "We gotta go get your stuff from outside or your mom's gonna be pissed." 
"We should call for pizza while they do that, J-man. I'd say he's earned it."
Jonathan helped both Lucas and Will to their feet. "That's not a bad idea." He held out his hand to Will after they had put back on their sneakers. "Truce?"
Will gave it, and Jonathan, an incredulous expression. "Never." Lucas couldn't stop the bark of laughter that single snarky word summoned as they walked out the door.
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gigglyken · 2 years
hi!! i’ve been loving stranger things recently so could i request lee!will and ler!mike where will is feeling upset or stressed so mike cheers him up? thanks!! feel free to ignore if you’re not interested :)
“It’s not my fault you don’t like girls.”
Will sighed to himself as his head fell into his hands, his fingers gently rubbing at his temples in an attempt to comfort himself.
Will and Mike had both matured since that fight in the rain. He knew it wasn’t entirely the other boy’s fault, and they had forgiven each other back then. Will trusted Mike, he really did. He loved his best friend, and knew that nothing would ever change that.
Still, on nights like these, where his internalized thoughts and fears of his friends finding out who he is and abandoning him became too much, his mind always wandered back to that one fateful line.
“It’s not my fault you don’t like girls.”
And now, here he was, hiding out in Mike’s bathroom after the rest of the Party had left after a campaign, holding in his tears the best he could. Will couldn’t put a pinpoint on what exactly triggered him, but he thought it had something to do with how everyone just seemed so…
Sure, they were all outcasts- it’s what brought the group together, after all. But somewhere in the back of Will’s mind lived a voice that relentlessly pointed out that, no matter how understanding the others might be, he would always feel different.
Pulled out of his thoughts in an instant, the brunette immediately turned his attention to the familiar voice on the other side of the bathroom door. “I’m fine, Mike. One second,” he croaked out, wincing a bit at the sound of his own voice; anyone could tell he had been crying.
Taking a deep breath once he felt like he was able to face his friend without breaking into tears, he slowly opened the door, feeling both grateful and mortified to see his friend waiting for him right by the door, his eyes filled with genuine concern. Will would have loved it, had it not been the situation he put himself in.
“Will, what’s wrong? Is everything alright? Did I say something?” Mike had a small habit of rambling when he was concerned, a trait that made Will softly smile, even in this situation.
“No, don’t worry! You didn’t do anything,” he assured him, his smile sad and tired. “It’s just me,” Will promised. It almost seemed like he was going to open up, but he eventually cut himself off; he couldn’t put all this on Mike. He didn’t deserve it. “I didn’t mean to stay here this long- I’m sorry! I should probably get going. Have a good night!” Will sported another fake smile, praying to whoever was listening that his friend didn’t notice, and if he did, that he wouldn’t feel hurt by it.
Before he could take more than a few steps towards the door, he felt a hand grip his wrist, the touch warm and gentle. “No, it’s alright!” Will slowly turned back to face the taller boy as he listened to him speak. “Why don’t you spend the night here? It’s getting late, after all. Besides, it can be like old times. A bit of normalcy never hurt anyone, right?”
The brunette’s eyes lit up ever so slightly at the offer. He loved the idea of that; he missed those simple nights with Mike more than anything. Just as he was going to accept, the voice came back, almost convincing him that his friend was just being polite. He doesn��t want you here, he thought.
Luckily, it seemed Mike knew the other just well enough. “It’s really not a problem. I want you here,” he promised.
I want you here. Something about those words, simple but powerful, made Will rethink everything. So, with a small, bright smile, Will agreed, and they returned to the basement- not before going into the kitchen and sneaking some snacks, of course.
It had been about two hours since Will had stopped crying. He had to say, he much preferred watching cheesy action movies at 1 in the morning to the act of choking back his tears in his best friend’s bathroom.
Once the ending credits rolled, Will stretched his arms above his head, letting out a small yawn. He didn’t feel sleepy- if anything he felt too restless to sleep- but the small episode he dealt with earlier seemed to take a lot out of him.
It appeared that Mike noticed this even before Will did, because the boy was just staring at him when he looked up.
“Ah, Mike?” He questioned, a faint, nervous smile on his lips. “Is something wrong?”
“You tell me,” he mumbled. Will froze for a moment, immediately filled with worry, but he felt a small bit of relief once he could tell that Mike’s reply wasn’t one of anger; it was one of genuine concern. The thought was sort of comforting, in a way.
“It’s really nothing-“
“Will, I’ve known you for, like, ten years,” Mike chuckled fondly. “I care about you, you know? I know I haven’t been good at saying it, but I do! And I mean, I could tell you were crying, and I just want you to feel safe, yeah? So, I won’t pressure you, but please just know that it’s okay.”
Will had always heard the phrase “silence speaks volumes” be thrown around since he was a kid, but he didn’t understand it until now. Sure, it was usually used in a negative connotation, but this silence felt comfortable and safe, and for the first time in his life, the brunette was genuinely rendered speechless as he felt hot tears against his cheeks. In full transparency, he hadn’t even noticed he was crying until he felt Mike’s hand wipe them away for a moment, and even then, he only focused on how close in proximity he was to the boy he was in love with.
“Mike-“ was all that escaped his mouth as he glanced up, finally making eye contact with the taller male. Sharing small a smile, he finally pulled the other into a tight embrace, one that said everything they were too afraid to say.
They spent almost a full minute like this, holding each other in silence until Will calmed down. Once the brunette expressed that he felt like he was “overstaying his welcome” by hugging him for this long (earning a playful eye roll from Mike at the phrasing), Will tried and failed to pull away, which only led him to tilt his head in confusion. “Mike?” He questioned, a nervous chuckle escaping his lips. “Can I go-!”
Will’s words were cut off by a loud squeak from his own mouth, caused by a sudden squeeze at his sides. Immediately realizing what was going on, the smaller boy instantly attacked his friend with halfhearted shoves and playful insults. “Don’t you dare, Michael,” he grinned, already giggling in anticipation from his fate. Mike, on the other hand, wore the most smug, playful smile on his face that Will’s seen in years, and the joy in the boy’s expression made his heart flutter, even as he was being aggressively shoved onto the couch.
“Don’t I dare? What am I daring?” He teased with a blank expression, doing his best attempt at a deadpan look as he slowly brought his hands back down to Will’s ribs, causing the latter to laugh even harder. He even tried to curl in in himself from his awkward position, only leaving himself more vulnerable for attacks.
“You’re being stupid!” Will teased back through his laughter, earning a dramatic gasp from the other, who now moved a hand up to flutter along his neck.
“I’m not being stupid; I’m being the best friend ever by cheering you up,” and okay, even though this was a ridiculous situation, Will’s heart melted and his expression softened, and his laughter was soft and sweet now, gently holding onto either of Mike’s hands as the tickling slowed down. He was so in love.
“You’re being both, you idiot.” Mike gasped again, but they both shared a dorky grin, the taller boy now joining in with his laughter as he finally crawled off of him.
“I do know, by the way.” Will continued after seeing Mike’s clear confusion, “I know that you care. And I care about you, too! It just..it’s hard sometimes, you know? And I think I’m so scared of losing you, as if it’s inevitable when I know it’s not. Does that make sense?” His voice was somber as he finally addressed his fears. He was still afraid, of course, but something about the clear concern in Mike’s eyes and the comforting touch of his hand on Will’s shoulder made him feel safe and wanted, and that was more than enough for right now.
Sure, maybe he had a lot more left to confess, and maybe that wasn’t the root of his problems, but Will knew that when we was ready, he’d still have his best friend right there to keep him afloat, and that knowledge, that safety, it was the most comforting feeling he’s felt.
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soldsoulglenx · 1 year
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Black women at The Golden Globes Awards, Los Angeles | January 10, 2023.
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belovdly · 1 year
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old sketch.. mike’s not letting will go this time.
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pokegwyn2 · 7 days
So I am a NADDPOD girlie (Brian Murphy #1 DM), and also a huge fan of Why Won’t You Date Me with Nicole Byer, both of which are (or were? Not sure for WWYDM) headgum podcasts. Jake even guested on WWYDM with Amir. So I have had it in my brain that I would love to see Nicole on NADDPOD, and that it could theoretically happen due to proximity.
Come to find out today, because I happened to watch the Sibling Rivalry episode with him, that Brennan Lee Mulligan knows Nicole Byer? And DMed for her once??? So Nicole Byer on D20 is also and actually potentially more achievable???!?
Nicole Byer if you’re listening PLEASE will you do some sort of dnd actual play, I am begging, I must see it!
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friendsdontlieokay · 21 days
Idk if I'm the odd one out or what but there are a few people who I've never actually interacted with irl but I love. Like, love love. Let me explain.
I mean I'll take them as a lover, or a brother or a friend, a mentor a guardian, anything! I just need their existence in my life, I just need them in my life and just to be clear, by "love" I don't mean romantic love, not necessarily at least, as I said before a lover, a brother or a friend, they just have this warmth engraved in them, literal sunshines.
Btw, the people I'm talking about are Steve (Stranger Things), Lucas (Stranger Things), Jonathan Byers (Stranger Things) Finn Wolfhard, Alec Benjamin, Arthur (BBC Merlin), Merlin (BBC Merlin) Nanamin (Jujutsu Kaisen), Yeong gi (I love Yoo), Yohan (My deepest secret), Hyuk Lee (Sweet home webtoon)
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thefourchimes · 10 months
so i have a funny realization
between these two groups
these two idiotic and stupid groups whom my friend and i love very much
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let me list down some familiar things and details though:
one girl has a girl best friend who dies
one guy is a former "bully" who stopped and just wanted to not be like that anymore
one guy is pinning over his childhood friend but is keeping the fact that he likes her to himself
one girl is a quiet person who is misinterpreted to be cold and just "focused" on academics
the two guys have chemistry and banter with each other and have actual scenes that may be taken in a very gay way
same with the two girls, except it started with a rivalry sort of sense
one of the girls is "different" for one reason or another but one guy and the other girl never gives up on her
after that one girl's best friend dies, the other girl slowly became her girl best friend in the process of the show
there's a weird love triangle-square thing going on
one of the main human antagonists is an absolute ass, has a mullet, and has the rivalry (aka the want to kill and almost does kill) towards one of the guys
one girl and one guy have never properly "interacted and got close to one another", at least hopefully not yet
forced together by outside life threatening forces
now, here's the real question
am i talking about the main four of st or the main four of aouad?
who knows! <3
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I HATE that mainstream media gets to HAVE CONTROL OF GOOD CONCEPTS because I want Stranger Things to be a SHITTY HOME BREWED D&D CONCEPT by a bunch of QUEER PEOPLE that are just like FUCK IT EVERYONE IS GAY and not for plot and not for drama and not for conflict but just because gay people EXIST and so what I’m saying is if Brennan Lee Mulligan wrote Stranger Things everyone would be gay and it would be better.
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eretzyisrael · 2 months
Byers was elected vice mayor by a slim margin of 54 votes. But she did not abandon her divisive anti-Israel agenda. She simply changed tactics. From her election victory to Oct. 6, she maintained a low profile with little overt activism. This changed dramatically following the horrific atrocities of Oct. 7.
In the wake of the atrocities, Byers has more or less openly supported the monstrous pro-Hamas “protest” movement that has taken to America’s campuses and streets. For example, she posted, “Keep showing up in the streets to #shutitdown4palestine.” A sitting vice-mayor clearly should not be inciting mob events. It is not just reckless but a blatant dereliction of her official duties.
Then there is Beautiful Trouble’s “Get Up, Rise Up Direct Action Fund.” This initiative is a cornerstone of the organization’s anti-Israel efforts. It funds “creative, provocative actions” ostensibly to advocate a ceasefire in Gaza, which is little more than an attempt to rescue Hamas from destruction.
Byers’s involvement in this effort raises serious questions. In particular, about the potential funneling of public resources—whether funds, permits or official endorsements—towards initiatives aligned with Beautiful Trouble. This would constitute a very disturbing conflict of interest.
In a recent post on Instagram, Beautiful Trouble shared an image that manipulated a well-known fast-food brand’s logo with the words “Genocide You Can Taste” and “Since 1948”— the year of Israel’s establishment. Beneath the altered logo is the defamatory phrase “IS-RA-HELL.”
Byers’s decision to platform such content in the context of rising antisemitism is profoundly disturbing given her office. It irresponsibly fuels antisemitism, compromising the safety and security of the Jewish and Israeli communities in West Hollywood she has sworn to serve.
The rise of Chelsea Lee Byers should serve as a stark warning to the Jewish and pro-Israel communities. It raises the question of whether, as a radical anti-Israel activist who continues to support a radical anti-Israel organization, she can truly represent all the citizens of West Hollywood.
Byers’s journey also exemplifies how radical campus environments are serving as incubators for the next generation of anti-Israel and antisemitic political leaders. These leaders will leverage their disreputable skills and tactics to win elections, starting with local city councils and school boards.
Extremism and antisemitism are threats to democracy itself. Complacency is not an option. We must mobilize at the local level to counter this insidious movement. It is our collective responsibility to ensure that our governments at all levels are not hijacked by those who threaten not just Jews and Israelis, but all Americans.
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cringemesstickles · 8 months
Tickly Kisses
(TickleTober Day 22: Ticklish Kisses)
Summary: Mike attacks Will with kisses
Pairing: Byler
Word Count: 728
A/N: the amount of byler tword content is scarce so I thought I’d contribute. Idk man they’re too cute :’)
The sun was setting in Hawkins Indiana, casting a golden hue through the youngest Byers’ window.
Lots of change had taken place over the course of the year, some bad, some good; one of the good changes however, was the new relationship between Will Byers and Mike Wheeler.
Today, the two lovebirds sat in Will’s bedroom, Mike flipping through an old comic book while Will sat at his desk, engrossed in his current artistic project. Though they were both doing separate activities, they were together and that’s all that they needed.
After awhile of sitting in comfortable silence, Mike started to feel bored, looking over at his boyfriend who was lost in his own world of creativity.
Getting an idea, he closed his comic book and carefully set it aside, hopping up from the bed and slowly making his way towards the unsuspecting artist.
When he reached his destination, he waited for Will to put down his pencil, not wanting to risk ruining the project by causing him to slip.
When the brunette set his pencil aside in favor of reaching for a marker, Mike put his plan into motion.
Before the boy could grab his marker, his boyfriend spun the chair around to face him, eliciting a sharp gasp from the Byers.
“Mike, you scared me- hey! Mihihike!” Any words that he tried to get out were cut off by the feeling of soft lips against his neck, peppering the skin with loving - and ticklish - kisses.
“What? I’m just showing you how much I love you.” Said the taller boy, smiling against the skin.
This comment caused Will’s cheeks to take on a rosy tint, and he was kind of glad that Mike couldn’t see it from his position.
“I-I love you tohohohohoo, but that tickles!” He giggled, hands resting on his boyfriend’s shoulders, head tipped back to welcome the affection, despite his protests.
Mike had known that Will was tickling LONG before they started dating.
He’d always tickle his - at the time - friend when he needed a pick me up or when he just seemed like he could use a good laugh, and the shorter boy never seemed to mind; he’d squirm around but would never make any attempts to escape and sometimes, albeit rarely, he’d get the courage to ask for the playful attention.
It was one of those things that made him love Will even more.
“Mike, plehehehease!”
The brunette squirmed in his seat, halfheartedly trying to dislodge his lover from his sensitive neck, which was starting to turn pink as well.
Mike started to laugh as well, the sound vibrating against Will’s skin and making it tickle more.
“I can’t help it, you’re too adorable!” He teased, continuing his barrage of ticklish kisses.
Will, though starting to reach his limit, couldn’t help the euphoria that had overcome him.
The reality of someone he loved for so long loving him back was just setting in and he couldn’t be happier, and he let himself continue to laugh and melt away into the silly moment.
“Am nohohohot! Eek- plehehease!”
The taller boy was about to relent, but then he realized there was one more thing left to do.
“Okay okay, one more thing and then I’m done…” He assured, letting Will catch his breath for a moment.
The brunette’s eyes flickered with curiosity and a trace of excitement.
“And what would thAHAHA- MIHIHIKE NO!” He squealed, childlike laughter following suit as Mike blew a sharp raspberries in the crook of his neck, sending ticklish shocks through his whole body.
At those words, the Wheeler immediately pulled away, not wanting to overwhelm his boyfriend.
He watched the artist recuperate from the tickly attack, eyes filled with love and affection.
Not missing a beat, he leaned in to connect their lips, locking them both in a soft, tender kiss.
When they pulled away, they shared a look of mutual infatuation.
“I love you, even when you torture me with tickles…” Will smiled, bashfully averting his gaze.
Mike laughed and pulled the shorter boy up from his chair, guiding them both to the bed.
“If you really love me, you’ll take a break from the paper and engage in some cuddle time~” He grinned cheekily, earning a chuckle from Will.
“Deal… but no more tickles!”
With a heart full of love, Mike smirked.
“No promises.”
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operakings · 1 year
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it’s simple i see a character with a bowl cut and i adopt him into my family
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tastybluesprite · 2 years
Just can’t grow out of it
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Summery: Old memories resurface
Warnings: some cursing, tickling
(Also I made a part 2 here in case y’all wanted to read it after lol)
There was a silence as the pizza van made its way on the desert road. Jonathan drove, and Argyle was passed out in his own seat next to him (probably became a bit more high than usual). Meanwhile, Will and Mike were seated in the back, with Will looking out the window and Mike looking down at the map.
Mike could admit that he didn’t enjoy being in a tight van for so long. He couldn’t wait till he could finally get the opportunity to stretch his legs again. He turned looked at Will, seeing a look of boredom and exhaustion on his face. “Hey Will?” He addressed him. Will turned to his best friend, “what?” He asked. “Do you remember that one D&D game we played when Dustin almost died from a Basilisk?”
A bright smile appeared on Wills face from the comical memory and the mention of his favorite game, “y-yea I remember! He got so mad he almost flipped the whole table and ruined our campaign.” Will recounted the memory with a small laugh. Mike laughed also, “yea I remember you laughed at him for being a sore loser and he tickled you to death for pay back.”
Wills cheeks flushed at that, but Mike continued “I wonder if you’re still ticklish after all this time” Mike wondered, making Wills face become an even deeper shade of pink “o-of course not. I grew out of that kinda stuff years ago.” He insisted with a slight frantic shake of his head.
“You really shouldn’t lie Will.” Jonathan said with a smirk from the front seat, “care to tell Mike what I do to you every time you are a pain in my ass?” He asked playfully. “Shut up Jonathan!!” Will said through clenched teeth, completely flustered with embarrassment now. “You know what? I was gonna tell Mike to back off originally, but after that? Get him Mike.”
“Mike… don’t do this” Will protested desperately, not liking the look his friend was giving him as he inched closer. “M-Mike! Nohoho!!” Will protested as Mike tackled him right in his seat and started digging into his side. Will struggled and squirmed but with the little room he had from Mike being practically on top of him, he couldn’t do much but protest or take it. He went for the preferred option. “Mihihike dohohont!!!” He objected through high pitched giggles as he tried to pull his hands off of him. “Awwww what’s the matter Will the wise? Can’t take it anymore?” Mike teased with a playful grin. “Shuhut uhuhuAHGHAHAHA WAHAHAHAIT SHIHIT NOHOT THEHEIR NOT THEHEHEIR!!!!”
One thing Mike had remembered about Will from their earlier years was that he had a certain death spot right at the bottom of his ribs. Looks like he still hadn’t grown out of that particularly bad spot though. Will was kicking his legs around and squirming wildly as his hysterical laughter filled the van. Will attempted to pry his hand away from those sensitive ribs, but it was no use.
Only when Wills laughter went silent did Mike let him go. Right when he did, the lighter haired boy immediately curled in on himself, hugging at his own body to protect himself from any further attacks, as some excess giggles spilled out of his mouth. Will was panting heavily, his whole face flushed, along with his cheeks wet from tears of laughter. He rubbed at his lowest ribs to get rid of the ghost tickles. Mike found all of this endearing.
“J-jerk..” he stammered. He flinched when Mike put a hand on his back, but relaxed when he started rubbing him there soothingly to calm him down. “Sorry dude did I go to far?” Mike asked with concern. Will managed a tired smile “don’t worry I’m ok.”
Let’s just say Will was already plotting his revenge.
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Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee’s administration accused the National Rifle Association of wanting to use involuntary commitment laws “to round up mentally ill people and deprive them of other liberties,” according to documents drafted by the Republican’s staffers as part of their initial attempt to pass a gun control proposal earlier this year.
The memos, provided by Lee’s office as part of a public records request, reveal a rare criticism of the powerful gun lobby made by the Republican Governor. Lee has previously praised the NRA’s efforts to protect the Second Amendment but has since faced opposition from the group as he works to pass gun control legislation in response to a deadly Nashville school shooting that took place in late March.
So far, Lee has proposed keeping firearms away from people who could harm themselves or others. He’s currently facing pushback from both the GOP-dominant General Assembly and firearms rights advocacy groups, including the NRA, that are wary of loosening gun laws in ruby red Tennessee. The NRA’s opposition is particularly notable because the group was a crucial player in Lee’s successful push in 2021 to pass a law that allows people 21 and older to carry handguns without a permit in Tennessee.
That means Lee has been forced to go on the defensive, arguing that what he has proposed is not, in fact, a so-called red flag law like those adopted by other states in the wake of tragedies. Instead, the talking points show he is attempting to sell his proposal as “the most conservative in the nation” and the best plan for “Second Amendment advocates.” He also is taking aim at advocates who want to focus on Tennessee laws that allow committing people without their permission if they pose “a substantial likelihood of serious harm” due to a “mental illness or serious emotional disturbance.”
“Not only is the NRA’s proposal impractical — it would drastically expand the scope of government,” one of the memos reads.
In announcing his plan publicly in April, Lee acknowledged the proponents of involuntary commitment, but did not name the NRA.
“Some advocates of the Second Amendment say something called ‘involuntary commitment’ is the answer, but that would restrict all kinds of constitutional rights, including the Second Amendment,” Lee said at the time. “It’s not the best way.”
Speaking with reporters on Wednesday, House Speaker Cameron Sexton further lowered expectations that Lee’s proposal has a chance to pass, saying he doesn’t think he and fellow Republican lawmakers support red-flag-esque laws. He said some other areas of policy could be considered: involuntary commitment, more mental health in-patient beds, better database updating for background checks, a new state-level offense beyond the federal law prohibiting felons from having a certain amount of ammunition, and broadening state law so more types of violent threats could be considered a crime.
“When you look at what the NRA is saying, is you currently have laws on the books — emergency, involuntary commitment,” Sexton told The Associated Press on Wednesday. “And so, use what you have.”
The Governor initially unveiled his legislation just weeks after six people — including three young children — were killed in a Nashville school shooting. Lee’s wife, Maria, was friends with the head of the school and a substitute teacher who were among those killed.
Despite Lee’s urging for lawmakers to pass his proposal, GOP leaders have resisted. The Legislature adjourned without taking up the issue in April, but Lee has since called them to come back to address the matter in late August.
The documents reviewed by AP show that Lee’s administration drafted the talking points in April. They tout the Governor’s proposal as “more targeted and more limited” than what the NRA currently supports. It’s unclear where the memos were circulated or how many people outside Lee’s office received them.
In the memo, Lee’s office wrote that the NRA’s plan “does not get at the heart of the problem, as it fails to address unstable individuals who suffer from mental health issues but do not qualify for involuntary commitment to a facility.”
“Gov. Lee believes the best path forward is practical, thoughtful solutions to keep communities safe and protect constitutional rights,” his spokesperson, Jade Byers, said in an emailed statement. “He looks forward to speaking with key stakeholders, including the NRA, and working with legislators on proposals in the months ahead.”
In an April memo, the NRA’s lobbying arm urged its supporters to oppose Lee’s plan. The group noted that “Tennessee already has broad civil commitment laws” and added that the state could improve access to emergency mental health services.
Asked about the Governor’s office talking points about their group, NRA spokesperson Amy Hunter didn’t address the claims, saying in a statement that the group is focused on “preserving and advancing the rights of law-abiding gun owners in Tennessee.”
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belovdly · 2 years
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a source of comfort
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Potential New Bracket
Forcing myself to write TW fic while I'm deep in the weeds of a DMC hyperfixation has resulted in exactly one bit of cross-pollination, and that's an urge to run a 'most traumatised fictional character' bracket. ActiBlizz refuses to release their 'diversity tool' so I can't find out if Rey is more female than Luke is old (I promise that makes sense if you were online for the right 5 minutes a few years ago lmao) but I could concievably find out if Derek Hale is more orphaned than Vergil Sparda is mind controlled.
But I can't decide if that would just get depressing and/or invite the worst people in fandom to take up residence in my inbox, so I'm running a poll
Obviously if I did go ahead with it I'd take precautions like thorough trigger warnings and putting propaganda below a cut, I wouldn't just dump these horrific life stories onto your dash.
And hopefully equally obviously, RPF fandoms would be excluded, we're not turning anyone's real life suffering into a fun poll.
Please reblog to get a wider sample, and refrain from being dicks in the tags/comments. Also if someone already has/is doing this and I missed it, drop a comment to let me know!
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