#lead poisoning posting
incesthemes · 9 months
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we've been fishing bits of it out of our food, out of our mouths, this entire journey. it's a constant ingestion of lead, over years.
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bepoucorp · 2 months
a collection of batman animations that i scrapped!
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chimerahyperfix · 5 months
This loop has to be the one. Nevermind that you said it last loop, and the one before, and the one before that, and most of the ones before that. THIS was the one you'd stop the King in his tracks. You push a few of your many potions to the side to make room on your desk. None of them worked to stop him, so they were useless. He's still about twelve, fourteen? hours away, so you have enough time to make the bomb, eat and take a fat nap before you go pick a fight. Maybe this time, it'll work! It has to!
You've gotten better at making the Craft Bomb. It hasn't blown up on you before you intended to use it in... a long time. You can make it fast enough, now, for it to still be light outside! You've become silent while you work, which Mirabelle has told you is ''worrying'', but you don't see why it is. Are you really that loud? (Yes. You are.)
It's hard work. Soft light bathes your desk, your work, you. You reach out, past your potions, and grab your water bottle. Take a big swig, and
Hmm. That's not water.
How. HOW do you keep making this mistake. You look at the bottle in your hand, and sure enough, it’s one of the potions; your water bottle is shoved in the back of the collection of other containers. The taste is caustic, your throat begins to burn. You shouldn’t be this calm for having just drank something that’ll kill you in a handful of minutes, but it’s happened before. Despite the pain you don't bother trying anything. Just push the finished bomb to the side and lay your face against the wood of the table. Feel the blood start to pool in your mouth and dribbling out, staining the wood. Mirabelle, or Euphie or whoever comes in next, they can use it this loop. It's not the first time you've drank one of the many, many dangerous potions on your desk, and it's probably not the last. Maybe you'll actually clean the crabbing thing off before you work.
Whatever. You have next time. You have all the time.
Perhaps a bit too much, actually.
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emilythedog661-tf2 · 2 months
Soldier's Lead posioning Issues
So, i don't think people realise how serious Lead Posioning is so here is a List of things that come when you are lead posioned and this includes Soldier (and the teufort people)
- Blindness/Low Vision
- Hallucinations
- Hearing Loss
- Insomia
- Loss of Appetite
- Depression
- Memory Loss
- Headaches
- Personality Change
- Going into a Coma
- Decreased Libido
- Irritability
- Congonitive Deficits
- Delirum
- Anemia
- Kidney Failure
- Muscle Tremors/Pain/Delayed reaction time/Loss of Coordination/Convulsion/Weakness and Seziures
- Infertility Issues (for men it's sperm dysfunction and woman is pregnancy complications)
- Abdomen Pains/Nausea and both Diarrhea and Constipation
- Extremities like wrist and foot drop/pain and tingling
- Malaise
- Fatigue
- Weight loss
- Skin Pallor and/or Lividity
So this bascailly makes Soldier a walking illness and here is some Ideas and probably canon symptoms he has had or is having
- he forgets where he is, who the others are and who he is sometimes
- for those Maggot Bear Shippers people out there, it's unlikely for Soldier and Zhanna to have have kids due to Soldier's infertility issues
- he probably sometimes goes half deaf and half blind at times
- he always had common mood swings
- is depressed when he's alone
- always gets headaches in the morning
- sometimes doesn't eat or sleep for a few days
- Hallucinates things both on and off the battlefield sometimes
- when he does sleep, there is a half chance he will go into a mini coma
- his muscles act up all the time from having seizures, lack of pain to loads of pain, weakness making him drop stuff and other things
- Stomach pains sometimes making him unable to move from his bed
- a mix to no trips to the restroom to constant trips to the restroom
- sometimes looking skinny and other times looking fit
and some other things but yeah, soldier is screwed and he would of died a lot earlier if it wasn't for Medic's medigun, the respawn and marasmus's die come back stronger pills, you could use this post for your ideas for both fanfics and fanart like some people have done already (there was one of soldier being deaf, one of soldier having memory issues and one of soldier becoming blind says well of fanart i've seen of soldier having stomach issues)
but this is the post, i hope you learn something from it and i'll see you all later 😁
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gottalottarocks · 5 months
You guys have probably heard that the EPA just set new Maximum Contaminant Levels (MCLs) for the first time in decades for PFAS, which is BIG news in the industry, but not a surprise. I've been in meetings for months hearing about how new PFAS regulations were in the works, and the consensus in the environmental sector is that it's long overdue. But for the rest of you who've never heard of PFAS before I can break down what the big issues are and why they've taken so long to address.
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^stolen from pubchem
So PFAS stands for per- and poly- flouroalkyl substances, and it's not one chemical compound, but an entire class of thousands of chemicals that have these chains of Carbon and Flourine atoms. For anybody who doesn't have a chem background fluorine is a nasty atom, it has seven electrons in its valence shell and it will do anything to fill it up to eight, creating incredibly strong bonds.
So you have really strong C-F bonds and these chains of C and F atoms are hydrophobic, which means these compounds are durable and water resistant, which makes them great for all sorts of industrial uses. And we've used them in everything: clothing, fast food wrappers, paints, solar panels, and non-stick pans just to start.
Unfortunately, these wonder chemicals are PBTM- Persistent, Bioaccumulative, Toxic, and Mobile. They don't break down, they build up in the food chain, they have adverse health effects, and even though C-F chains are hydrophobic, additional compounds connected to them can make them soluble in water (so they're in our drinking water). We're starting to realize PFAS can raise cholesterol, inhibit immune response, interfere with your thyroid (part of your hormonal system), cause liver toxicity, is linked to cancer, and more!
At this point you're probably starting to think wtf, how did we allow the continued widespread use of these chemicals? Well, we have phased out quite a few high profile PFAS compounds including PFOA and PFOS, but we still want to regulate and test for them in our drinking water. While PFAS is in many different products, the biggest sources of contamination are industrial runoff, areas where fire fighting foams were tested and used, landfills that leach out PFAS into the surrounding area, and wastewater treatment plants. So don't feel too stressed about eating microwave popcorn or using nail polish.
The reason these regulations took so long to implement was because of how difficult it was to connect such small amounts of PFAS with health hazards. The level of concern for PFAS is extremely low- in the ppt (parts per trillion) range. When I sample for contaminants I'm generally testing in the ppm range and higher, for PFAS we're looking an entire scale lower. We literally did not have the technology before the last few decades to detect PFAS in the ppt range in water, let alone study their effects (you can't just impose massive regulations without any proof to back it up).
States that currently have PFAS limits in drinking water have mostly capped it in the 10-70 ppt range. The new MCLs are 4-10 ppt for the six PFAS compounds the EPA addressed, which are six of the most common and most studied PFAS compounds. Most of the bitching I've seen is about how much this will cost and that the new limits are too low. The conservative take on this is that there isn't enough evidence to support such low MCLs, although most people in the environmental industry feel that more and more research keeps coming out and will keep coming out (remember studying such small amounts of anything is difficult) to support these levels. On the other side of the spectrum, there's the consensus that this is just the beginning and that more and more regulations on PFAS will be needed.
And they're in the works! I saw a proposed rule by the EPA that would ban 12 (already defunct) PFAS substances from pesticides. It wouldn't really affect the current manufacturing of pesticides, but it would be a safeguard from letting them back into the manufacturing process in case of a conservative presidency.
If you're still here I'd like to end on the note that as our science improves, our understanding of how we have impacted the environment and our health will improve. We are constantly going to find out about the adverse effects of new chemicals or things that we may not even produce anymore, and that's a good thing. Over time we are going to make the world a healthier and safer place.
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rakkikuroba · 2 months
Petition to name the blue part her mesosoma and the green part the metasoma!
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She's an insect.
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fleouriarts · 1 year
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feeling bad about my art lately. will probably not post for a while. but i wanted to at least dump some stuff here before i retreat into my hidey hole
#hivemind tv#hmfcu#riley savage#graydon weaver#quadeca#jane remover#eden burke#my art#2023#fanart#doodles#furry#its like. augh. longtime fleouriarts followers are familiar with my eternal tango with posting art online#doing this since i was 11 has like rotted my brain and made me rely wayyyy too much on external validation to motivate myself#and every year or so it gets bad enough that i take a break. but the break usually only lasts a month before i miss the feeling#and come back and then the cycle repeats#its probably worse now bc this is a fandom where getting seen by the creators is not really that hard#so there have been times where im like 'well idk if i wanna draw this. but if i do maybe hivemind will rt it :-)'#NO!!! THATS NOT WHAT ART IS ABOUT!!!!! i cant keep letting myself get addicted to the numbers going up man i gotta get out of here#and i was reading a quad interview from around when idmthy got released. cus hes also brain poisoned like this. but he managed to get out#and now just kinda comes online to release music and then leave#i need to be like that. i need to take a break from art posting thats so long that i come back as a changed man odysseus style#idk. its been so long since i drew stuff that no one gets to see but me. all the art i keep to myself is just out of embarrassment#i need to relearn how to draw stuff just for the love of creation and not “maybe people online will like this one”#or “this new thing came out i need to prove my love of it by drawing it”#sometimes it leads to good art but more often than not it just makes me feel worse#whatever. if any of yall are in the hivemind jane or quadeca discord i MIGHT still post stuff there. but otherwise ill keep to myself and m#friends for a while i think#woooooo this is queued to post while im in orgo lab everyone wish me luck with my thin layer chromatography
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softpastelqueer · 1 year
A reminder to all USAmericans that we still have lead in our water infrastructure.
186 million people were served by 18,694 drinking water systems with 90th percentile lead samples above 1 ppb—the AAP recommended limit for schools.
Map of the 186 million people (roughly 56% of the US population) affected, pictured below.
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61 million people were served by 4,949 drinking water systems with 90th percentile lead samples above 5 ppb—the FDA limit for bottled water.
Map of the 61 million people (roughly 18% of the US population) affected, pictured below.
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7 million people were served by 1,085 drinking water systems with 90th percentile lead samples above 15 ppb—the EPA action-level exceedance.
Map of the 7 million people (roughly 2% of the US population) affected, pictured below.
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And that’s not even taking into consideration the systems that don’t even correctly test for lead.
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Close to 4 million ( Americans get their water from small utilities that skipped required lead tests or did not conduct the tests properly, violating federal safe drinking water laws. Source
I’ve noticed many people are very unaware of our persistent lead problem, which is understandable given how much is going on, but people deserve to know this information
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thatonebipotato · 7 months
hmshfms dc villains(mostly batman),,
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i dont like scarecrow. not as a character, but how i drew him. i wanted to draw him but wasnt very inspired when he came up and i dont like how i designed him in the slightest. will touch up on him again later.
anyway, close-ups under cut
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butchmartyr · 1 year
Apologies I phrased that very poorly, transfem/otherwise AMAB (not all AMAB nonbinary/genderqueer people identify as transfeminine which is why i use agab, but TMA would be more appropriate!) GQ experiences are different enough from AFAB (etc etc) or TME transgender ones to classify them as different things? Lumping both together under “transgender” widens the experience the term captures. the experience of transmisogyny is 90% of transphobia, I don’t believe transmascs face any systemic discrimination aside from reactive misogyny before passing, and most have extremely different experiences from transfems: Are they similar enough to be recognized as transgender in the same way? Or would another term be more appropriate. Something I’ve been thinking on for a while
ahh, i see, thanks for elaborating. while i get your meaning, i would disagree. i think its certainly true that trans experiences range pretty broadly across the spectrum and that transmisogyny is really extreme and probably the most numerous example of transphobia, but im not sure id go so far to say that it is wholly representative of transphobia; although id get pretty close, a lot of transphobia and bias is influenced heavily by transmisogyny or other generalized fear of transfemininity/failed masculinity, like a lot lot.
moreover, i worry that this kind of analysis could lead to overfocusing on some aspects of gender, and losing sight of other vital key parts to how gender is actively lived and enforced (such as class, race, culture, whole milieu). i also want to push back a bit on the "transmascs dont face systemic discrimination" because i just think its too black and white since they definitely do (not mentioning other axes of oppression here, though you should when thinking this out because systemic discriminations interact in many ways with transness), just sometimes less or in different ways than transfems/tma folks. as an example, trans women have been observed on avg to be paid 60% less than the avg worker (horrendous), trans men arent much above that being observed at 70% (referencing this). sure the gap sucks and is evidence of the privilege that comes with not being tma, but they’re also still getting screwed, right? i also dont think we need to chalk these issues they face up to misogyny imo, i think its more accurate to describe it as transphobia as its denying their worth based on their divergent gender
tl;dr, while this feels a little baity, transmascs are definitely also discriminated against and while they can (and do) perform terrible transmisogyny to transfems and completely not understand their transphobia due to their own unique trans situation (many such cases), as a whole we have more in common with each other than against each other, most importantly the value of trans liberation and a cuter future where gender isnt so big of a deal. but to be clear if you're a snake about trans women and fail again and again to confront and learn from your transmisogynistic biases, you are poisoning the well by spreading such ideas in the community
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hillerska-official · 15 days
Sometimes I think about the actual implications of the fact that both my parents were born in the 60's and were almost certainly affected by some form of lead poisoning through their entire childhoods. Like ACTUALLY what the fuck.
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mythosandsuch · 21 days
Mr. Hickey in the terror is like. The human personification of black mold. Also I'd really love some more explanation of the Creature but I have this funny feeling I won't be getting one
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ashestoashesjc · 1 year
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Reddit user CobrinoHS: “Im also appreciative because destroying a social media platform is probably the greatest good one man can do”
Reddit user Sempais_nutrients: “I see this sentiment constantly and the people saying it only ever consider their own personal usage. "I don't like it therefore it should not be available to anyone."
Twitter has for years been the way to get attention to a topic. People in downtrodden countries use it to rally support, sick people use it to get help, upset consumers call out businesses, repressed groups use it to call for action, people in war torn countries use it to post video of what's happening on the front, and let's not forget all the videos of cops breaking the law that get posted and lead to justice. Without Twitter, George Floyd would have been killed and at best got a small amount of coverage before the media moved on.
It's super easy to slap a "very bad very evil" label on Twitter as a whole when you're only thinking of how annoyed YOU get about the crummier side of the community. It's got way more use then just annoying people, but many can't see passed their own noses to realize it.“
Reddit user theanthonyya: “THANK YOU. Couldn't have said any of this better if I tried. Twitter and TikTok serve a very legitimate purpose, even if the more popular users/content can sometimes be obnoxious. Cannot stand how people, especially on Reddit, dismiss them outright.”
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righteous-pines · 6 months
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The last living relative of the great Pinestar. As his granddaughter, and as an extremely talented young warrior, in her own right, great things are expected of Alpineknoll. Only time will tell if she will fulfill this presumed destiny, but thanks to the careful rearing and training of her grandmother, Graypelt, she shows great promise towards her destiny.
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scrunkly-cherry · 1 year
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Two Headcanons I REALLY want to share about this picture (ones like semi-related and a thing that would be nice as a post-splatfest thing)
Sorry my brains mush rn and I'm not native english, so I might word this weirdly :')
- Imagine in this picture Shiver was close to tearing up, since she was never really sure if she was going to bring this one home, but then she did. But as much as she tried to hide it, Frye and Big Man noticed, made a snarky side-comment (not in a mean or cruel way ofc), making all three of them laugh as they watched the sunrise.
- It might not be noticable at first, but I like to think this win will give Shiver some actual character development, to prove how much she's actually capable of being a leader. She'll still act the same on TV, but behind the scenes, sure she'll keep her greedy side and possibly demand even more treasure, but only so she can give back more to the community. The same would've happened to Frye and Big Man too if they had won - Big Man would've become "more tough" and less ignorant ig and tbh I don't have an idea for Frye (since she's already perfect teehee /hj)
tldr: shiver turns from greedy into a weird mishmash of greedy and humble (but only for deep cut and splatsville fuck everyone else /hj)
I know these are kinda "boring" compared to Deep Cuts character and what they stand for, just some nice fluff things to think about after the brutality that was last Splatfest. Feel free to add on anything or correct me!
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poisoned-sugar11 · 5 months
We need to write a fucking newspaper on ourselves for the mutuals who don't witness the strangeness in our brain as it's happening /hj
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