prof-polaris · 8 months
For the sketch request, Noctowl? Only if you have time! Thanks so much 💚
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wrist is starting to hurt. will probably do the last few suggestions and then no more
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leafylilpokemon · 9 months
OOC: hey everyone, I'm sorry it's taken me so long to post something about this. I'm also really sorry I've been suddenly and completely absent recently. But I've had a family emergency, and it's consuming all of my brainpower and energy right now. I feel terrible about dropping everything here, but I hope you can forgive me. These are tough times.
I hope I can be back soon, but in the meantime, take care of yourselves and each other, and make the best of the good times 💚
~ your other leafy friend, Becca
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//this is a private message
Sent by: Lil Pine
To: Vance Ashe
Hey Vance! I'm just curious how things went the other day picking out a ring... That's so exciting that you're going to propose :) how're you planning to do it?
//private message
To: Lil Pine
From: Vance Ashe
Hey Lil! Things went well I just had a bit of choice paralysis because there was so much I thought she would love but at the same time was completely unsure if she would actually like. My mimkyu Roze was there with me and they were trying to help but at the same time I had to pretend I didn't understand them so I didn't look more weird than I already did. Roze was actually the one who pointed out the ring to me and I knew right then and there that she would absolutely love it. I'm not sure how I'm gonna do it yet I feel like I need to find the perfect moment to do it. And I'm not completely ready yet I'm actually kinda scared. I'm worried I might mess something up...
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underground-boss-clay · 8 months
15 A song with a chorus they belt at the top of their lungs every time they hear it? For Clay and/or everyone!
Hm... There's a couple different ones, but let's go fer "Regrets" by Everything Everything.
Ooh~ for this one? "911" by Lady Gaga~ ✨💖
I don't sing.
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wingsofachampion · 11 months
(@leafylilpokemon )
Hi Tropius! I was wondering if I could ask you more about your post about the Rainbows of Hope. What are they? What caused them to go away in the first place?
I hope these questions aren't too personal! You don't have to answer them if they are. Thanks!
The Rainbows of Hope are a sacred landmark back in my old home continent! You know how rainbows tend to disappear after a bit? And how it's really rare to see more than one at a time?
The Rainbows of Hope are four rainbows that never disappeared! There's one big arc rainbow, and three smaller circle rainbows on it! They're super pretty!
They're very important in my old home's culture. The rune for "hope" in my world's language very closely resembles the Rainbows of Hope!
They're said to be tied to the hope of the Pokemon in my home continent. The more hope people have for the future, the brighter the rainbows!
But they started fading, long before I was born. Pokemon were losing hope all across the continent. Lots of bad stuff was happening, and lots of Pokemon were doing bad things.
And then one day, they faded entirely.
But the Heroes of Hope brought hope back to my home continent, and the Rainbows came back!
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cinderpaw11 · 10 months
Hello there fellow grass type appreciator! I love your Pokémon!! I don't think I've seen anyone on rotomblr with a finneon yet, I'm so curious to know what he's like!
Also LILLIGANT my beloved! I had one for a long time but my friend takes care of her now! I absolutely adore them.
Have a great day!! 🪷 @leafylilpokemon
Hello!! Also I saw your follow up ask, no worries about mixing it up, even I still accidentally call him a finneon sometimes lol! He's honestly probably not a great representative of his species, as he's the most battle-hungry mon I've ever met. I'm pretty sure if I let him loose on the Battle Tower he'd have an absolute ball. Unfortunately they don't allow solo runs from pokemon without their trainer there, but we make a point of visiting as a team at least once every few months or so!
Traversing the water routes during my journey was a huge challenge. Finny knew surf and I could hang on to him to hitch a ride, but then my chair would be stranded and I didn't want to leave it behind. We ended up finding a captain of a boat that could take us - and it was actually a tour boat! People were there to see wild flocks of finneon and lumineon, and Finny got so so so many pets as a result. I think the attention he got there is why he also loves participating in contests. Anyway my point is that when we found a flock, the lumineon and finneon were, personality wise, NOTHING like my Finny LMAO.
He's very food driven too but he's polite about it. Blimp and Toto will tag team poffin heists but Finny will just wait until the poffins are cool and eat his one little bite at a time. It's extremely entertaining to watch.
Lilligant buddies!!! Lily is such a sweetheart and a huge help with anything plant related. I think she misses my mom's garden, but luckily we've got a little garden going on the patio of the new apartment and she seems happy to have something to grow. She's complimenting the tomato bush rn
[a slightly shaky picture taken through a glass door of Lily crouching dainty next to a potted plant. The sun is shining brightly on both of them, and both look invigorated]
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sawsbuck-trainer · 11 months
A memory of your siblings and/or relatives?
Hope you're having a great day!
(@leafylilpokemon )
[Icirrus City, October 2010]
["Why do I get a Panpour? Water's weak to Grass!"
Cumin sat on the couch, crossing her arms as a small Panpour clung to her leg. Next to her sat Paprika, a Pansage sitting on her lap.
"Paprika wanted a Grass-type Pokemon, so I gave her one," Mom explained, kneeling down to meet her red eyes. "You're younger. You have to work to beat your sister, dear."
She pouted. "That's not fair... I want a Cubchoo. Ice is strong against Grass, so that means I can beat Paprika."
"You can catch one when you're older."
"I could catch one for her!" Paprika blurted out, jumping up from the couch. "I'm old enough to go on my journey! Can't I just get some Pokeballs, go into Twist Mountain, and catch one?"
Mom merely shook her head, a frown on her face. At that moment, Paprika's smile fell. "You're still bringing a Grass-type to fight an Ice-type. You just got this Pokemon. You don't want to lose your first battle, do you?"
"No buts. It's safer to battle Pokemon in the marsh here. If you really want to catch a Pokemon for your sister, you should go there."
Paprika sighed, unable to find the words to talk back. "Fine."
Grabbing Pansage's Pokeball, she put on her shoes and walked outside, the brisk breeze biting at her skin. Slowly, but surely, the trees were losing their leaves, revealing the cold twigs and branches underneath. Dragonspiral Tower rose in the distance, ominous as always. There's a reason why no one went there.
Mom waiting to give her a Pokemon until Cumin turned eight...why did she do that? If she had gotten Pansage on her tenth birthday, then maybe she could've fought the Elite Four by now! It was possible to get all the gym badges and reach the Pokemon League in four months, right? She's heard stories of young trainers becoming champions on the news--maybe she would be next!
Pansage squirmed in her arms, and she let it down, allowing it to run ahead. Paprika hurried after it, and soon, she was met with the sight of it...climbing up the monkey bars. It grabbed one bar before looking around with a frown.
"Pansage!" Paprika ran into the playground, through the mulch, and held up her hands. "I'm here!"
Pansage still whined, tucking its tail between its legs. So, Paprika jumped up and grabbed it, and together, they fell to the ground. Groaning, she sat up, dusted with dirt. She shouldn't have done that, but Pansage was safe now, right?
"You know, I should give you a name," she said, holding Pansage out in front of her. "A lot of trainers give their Pokemon names. So I'll call you...Chai. Yeah, Chai!"
The Pansage chirruped, which she took as its sign of approval. Paprika set it down on the ground, where it merely looked at her.
"There you are!" she heard someone call. Paprika looked over her shoulder to see Cumin, her Panpour not too far behind. Out of breath, she leaned against the nearest tree. "You're so fast!"
"Of course I'm fast. I'm older!"
"But you still gotta wait for me."
She laughed. "You won't have to wait for me once I set out on my journey. You can go wherever you want!"
"Wherever Mom wants, you mean."
"You'll be ten soon, too!"
"'Soon?' That's two years!"
"Look, look." Paprika got up to her feet, grinning. "How about we battle? We're trainers, and that's how trainers settle things!"
"But I'll lose."
"At least try!"
"Fine!" Cumin ran over to the courtyard, scaring away a few Pidove picking at the ground. "We'll battle here!"
"Alright!" Picking up Chai, Paprika ran over to the opposite side, where she now faced her sister, no, her opponent. In a battle, you had to get serious!
"Ready?" Cumin asked.
"Ready!" The Pansage leaped out of her arms and looked back at her, waiting for a command. "Chai, use..." Paprika faltered. What moves did Chai know, anyways? Oh, she didn't have time to think about this! "Doesn't matter. Just attack!"
"Panpour, use...uh...Water Gun? You know that move, right?"
Panpour only stared back at Cumin, tilting its head. It didn't even notice Chai run into it, knocking it to the ground with a simple swipe.
"No!" Her sister stomped a foot into the ground. "Panpour, just attack! I don't care what move you use!"
Paprika bit her tongue as Panpour got up with surprising speed and slapped her Pansage, knocking it off balance. Once it recovered, though, she opened her mouth to command Chai to attack, again, but before she could get the word out, it simply...attacked. It launched itself at Panpour, and soon enough, the two Pokemon were tumbling across the field, scratching and pulling at each other. It was a cacophony of sound as cries of pain and desperate pleas pierced the air.
Soon enough, though, Paprika had enough of the sound, and the fighting. There was no end in sight. She had to do something before their Pokemon could get seriously hurt! Without a second thought, she ran into the fray, hands outstretched.
"Paprika!" Cumin shouted. "What are you doing?!"
"Stopping them!" She bent down and grabbed Chai, pulling it away as its limbs flailed about. "Hey, hey, hey! Don't fight!"
Panpour jumped back to face Paprika, screeching at her. It pointed its tail at her and sprayed some water at the Pansage, leaving both trainer and Pokemon wet. She didn't have much time to react as Chai bit her finger and forced her to drop it. Heat flushed Paprika's face as she looked down at her finger, red glowing where she had been bitten. All of her efforts were for naught--Chai and Panpour were fighting again, and now she had gotten hurt for it.
"Paprika!" Cumin cried. "You have a Pokeball, use it!"
"And you don't?" she whined, meeting her sister's eyes.
"I-I!" She searched her pockets, only to find nothing. "Don't! I left it at home!"
"C-come on!" Her eyes were wet with tears now. "Pokemon trainers shouldn't leave home without their Pokeballs! That's like, the number one rule!"
"Just get the ball!"
"OK, OK!" She reached for Chai's Pokeball with her uninjured hand and held it out. "Chai, return!" Pressing the button, the Pansage began to glow, retreating inside the Pokeball in an instant. It took a few moments, but once Panpour realized Chai was gone, it rose to its feet and cheered.
The sisters exchanged glances. "I guess I won," Cumin said.
"I think I won," Paprika countered. "Chai got the first hit!"
"But you had to return your Pansage. Therefore, I win."
"What? Were you lying about not having Panpour's Pokeball? Cumin!"
"I wasn't lying!" Her red eyes fell on the ground, where Panpour lied, unconscious. She picked it up, staring at it with a frown. "Can we go to the Pokemon Center? I don't want to come home with a fainted Pokemon."
Paprika smiled, rubbing away her tears. "Yeah. And get a bandaid for my finger, too."
"And when we're stronger, we'll fight again! We'll have a real battle next time!"
"Well, I'll be on my journey, and you won't. I'll be stronger than you for sure!"
"Then I'll have to train even harder! I'll watch every match in the gym and catch the strongest Pokemon in Icirrus City!"
She laughed. "We'll see about that! Maybe I'll be the champion when I come home!"
"You? Beat Alder? You don't know the first thing about type match-ups!"
"I can learn! I'll have to learn if I want to beat all the gyms!"
"Then what types are Grass weak to? Since you have a Pansage."
"Well, they're weak to Fire. And you said Ice, too."
"And? What else?"
"Uh... Dragon? Dragons beat everything!"
"No! Think harder!"
"Um..." Paprika frowned. "Just tell me."
"Flying, Poison, and Bug! You gotta have a strong Pansage if you want to beat Skyla or Burgh! Or even Brycen!"
"Then I'll make sure my team is just as strong as Pansage!"
"Well, you can't do much if you come across a Pokemon that's immune to Grass-type moves, can you?"
"That doesn't matter! I'm sure Pansage will have a Normal-type move, too!"
"And what if it's a Ghost-type?"
"Then, I'll...figure out something! Yeah, I'll figure out something."
Cumin sighed. "Can we go to the Pokemon Center now? We don't want to be late for dinner."
"Oh, yeah!" And just like that, Paprika was running off. "Last one there's a rotten egg!"
"Hey, no fair!"]
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dragon-tailz · 8 months
Hey Wyvie, I'm sorry it's been so long! How are you? What have you been up to the last little while?
It's alright Lil, I don't mind at all. It's been regular everyday fair for me pretty much. I've been taking good care of the dragon fruit cactus you gave me, my mum has been teaching me how to care for it, she's really plant savvy. ヾ( ˃ᴗ˂ )◞ • *✰
I'm doing good, how about you?
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draconic-artisan · 10 months
[A gift has arrived. It's a plant, from @leafylilpokemon! The plant is: an At Last rose! A note is enclosed:
"Hello Hassel! I immediately thought of this rose for you. It is romantic and showy and is a unique colour! As a bonus, it smells amazing. Enjoy!" - Lil]
OH THANK YOU IT'S SO BEAUTIFUL!!! Oh, I need to see if Brassie can help me with it!! Beg pardon, just need to call--Professor Gible NO, that's not food-!!
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arborynne · 8 months
Hello there, I am only just seeing your blog but I really admire what you do! That is, if I understand correctly. I spend a lot of time in the woods myself.
Anyways! I was wondering, 🤝: At what point in your life did you meet your partner pokemon?
Nice to meet you!
I am a guardian of the wood. I keep out those who wish to do harm to the wood and its denizens. Poachers. Glory seekers. Fools.
My partner pokemon is Aloe, a Serperior. I met her a very very long time ago, when I was just a boy. Before I entered these woods...
She has been there for as long as I can remember. Aloe is very skilled at what she does.
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prof-polaris · 8 months
[A package has arrived. It contains a soft blanket, a pack of Pokémon treats, some fuzzy slippers, and some herbal tea.]
A note reads: "Hello, I apologize I am unsure who to address this to right now, but this package is for Prof. Indigo. I know we don't know each other well, but I heard from Sprite that something very bad happened, and I am so sorry to hear it. I hope this brings you some comfort. The tea is bitter but may help you sleep. All the best to you and your team. Warm wishes, Lil Pine"
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the-k1tchen-s1nk · 8 months
[A gift has arrived. It's a plant, from @leafylilpokemon! Please accept an apology for how long it took for the plant to arrive - there was a problem with the post! The plant is: an opuntia! A note is enclosed:
"Hello there! Sorry we don't know each other well, but I see you like plants, so that's all I need to know. I hope you enjoy this cactus friend!" - Lil]
Auhhh?? cactus thank you??; I completely forgot about this what a pleasant surprise
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I need to know more about the zoroark family!! Where/when did you meet the zoroarks? How old is the kit? I want all the info hehe
Vance: So we met Mist and Max together they were around the area where we first fell and Mist was pregnant. Max was very protective of her but they were both as confused and scared as we were. We caught them with some pokeballs we found lying around on the ground and rushed them to a pokemon center. They were our first mons in this world we didn't even know Mist was a rarity. Familiar is about a month old but she acts like she's grown up, sadly she's the only one of her littermates that survived.
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underground-boss-clay · 10 months
[A gift has arrived. It's a plant, from @leafylilpokemon! The plant is: a Saguaro cactus! A note is enclosed:
"Greetings Mr Clay sir! I'm honoured that you'd like a plant from me! Please accept this (mini) Saguaro cactus. They are awe-striking desert plants and hardy as an old boot. Enjoy!" - Lil]
Well, that's much appreciated! Thank you!
Do you want help with it, or...?
Ahh, the Big Feller can take care of it. Probably put it 'n the front yard, they'll know where ta put it.
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wingsofachampion · 7 months
Hey Tropius, I'm sorry it's been a long time, but how are you? I hope you've been well! I'm sort of out of the loop around here, but have you been on any adventures lately?
I'm great! Though I haven't been on many adventures lately.
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leafylilpokemon · 8 months
((OOC: hey it's Becca again! Here's part 2/2 of my recent updates. This post will briefly be about my thoughts about returning to this blog and my plans for Lil. No cw for this post.))
((So! I'm going to start by going through notifications as best I can and catch up on what I've missed there. I also had to forgo that plant giveaway for awhile which I feel terrible about, so I'll finish sending out plants. So sorry everyone 😥
As for Lil, her absence will be explained as she also had a family emergency, but of a different kind. One that will begin to reveal some of her family lore 👀 she'll post about it soon.
Sorry if my return is rather slow at first, but I'm really looking forward to catching up with everyone! I'll do my best to be present here again, but may fall quiet from time to time just because of the situation. I'll try and communicate better about that.
That's all for now! Thanks for reading 💚))
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