#learning new skills is hard and frustrating but then sometimes I get cute pictures like this...
aroseyetbloomedwrites · 2 months
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coincasual · 1 year
I think your Rainbow High doodles have been so cute - any headcanons you want to share?
😳😳😳💕✨ omg! yeah!
Sunny: she/her 16 scene style! did her own hair before coming to rainbow high and now she trusts Jade to take care of it for her! She’s autistic and has adhd! loves coding, anime, and making tiktoks! 💕Violet💕 she always stays up late and drinks a lot of energy drinks! she works really hard to try and prove herself and her skill (bc her mom is the head of the academy/university) even tho she is super skilled and talented! she has a big fixation on dress up games since she was young, she also loves mystery podcasts while she works! i’d like to think she made a big effort to learn japanese so she can listen to/watch anime without subs! she’s not fluent yet but she’s learning! she’s also really short so she wears big platforms all the time! she always tries to help others feel supported and included (before she met Violet she was bullied and felt ostracized, violet helped her feel like she could be herself and still be likable and loveable). also they have a lot of ear piercings! they also have spider bites and gauges! she loves sugary foods also!
Violet: she/her, 16, girly chic! does lots of “insta baddie” tuts for people on youtube. She carrie’s around digital copies of her release forms and keeps everything up to schedule bc if she doesn’t she gets really stressed out. she’s also totally one of those people that makes their notes look really tidy and always tries to set up her shots well! she keeps a grid on her camera so she can do thirds. she learned some css from Sunny to help her make her digital media really pop! she’s really particular about how her pictures look and likes to edit her own pictures and take her own pictures! her instagram is perfection! also 💕Sunny💕 and she gets really embarrassed by her bubbly supportiveness but she really loves it! sometimes she gets imposter syndrome and Sunny helps her feel more confident!
Jade: she/they, non-binary, 17 they are autistic and have bipolar disorder! they love to create moods and characters through makeup and hair. her hair is so long so they could practice even when they didn’t have anyone else around. they don’t particularly enjoy wearing a lot of makeup but she does wear it often! her every day look is like simple color correction and brow gel, their eyelashes are naturally pretty thick, but they do like when they’re extra long! Jade has some problems with aggression, they can get easily frustrated when faced with criticism and she’s had to work hard on trying to be more comfortable communicating and receiving feedback. she dresses pretty masc most of the time but they also love to dress up and go to the club! their favorite person is 💕Bella💕 and they are fiercely protective of her. they love collecting new makeup, brushes, and hair bundles/tools, etc. they get really excited over color pigments and unusual colors! they love to skateboard and longboard while listening to music. sometimes she and poppy longboard together! they have a double eyebrow piercing on the left side and dimple piercings!
Bella: she/her, 16, ocd, girly preppy chic/romantic academia style, love musical theater and sets! actual started building sets when she was supposed to act in her first musical when after a rehearsal when she saw them building and painting, it’s history from there! despite having such a doll aesthetic she is very strong and can absolutely build a set on her own. she’s really good at drawing and keeps a small sketchbook with her so she can doodle any cool or inspiring architecture she sees! she watched a lot of gossip girl growing up lol. she can get really fixated on an idea and will not stop until she’s achieved her vision. sometimes it causes problems for her and can really make her hyper-fixate or work obsessively on things. she knows she can do that so she tries to catch herself and make sure she takes breaks and uses coping mechanisms (timers, priority lists) so she can try to work a lot and also healthily! 💕Jade💕 is absolutely her favorite person ever and tries to hang out with them whenever she gets free time. they text all the time and have nightly facetime chats when they can.
Skylar: she/her, 17, she has problems with self esteem and depression. She dresses in like business casual girly core! she often feels like her skills are not up to par with others and compares herself to others a lot, even though she is MASSIVELY skilled and talented! some of her best designs are from when she is just doodling in the margins of her notes or sitting in her room listening to Poppy’s playlists. she loves denim! she says that she jokingly makes a lot of stuff out of denim/upcycled jeans but she actually loves them! she love how impassioned 💕Ruby💕 is and it helps her feel more confident in herself! Ruby helped her a lot after her breakup and a few months after Skylar confessed to Ruby and they started dating! She loves to collaborate on designs and like to let her models be a part of the design process so their true colors can really shine!
Ruby: she/her, 17, adhd, She can get really excited about things and can seem really impatient and may even come off a little rude but she just gets so excited sometimes she can’t contain it! she’s working on being able to wait on others, she doesn’t necessarily like to rush, she just gets really impassioned! she loves brands like Supreme and Hypebeast, toooootally loves brands and always has the newest kicks. SNEAKER OBSESSED! fr fr. she is always online bidding on vintage and limited edition sneakers (she also loves bootlegs!) she loves to paint with chiseled markers and does graffiti in her spare time (she has a secret tiktok account that she’s posts her graffiti on but she wears a mask for safety). When she first met 💕Skylar💕 she liked her but knew she was in a relationship so she tried to peruse someone else (we all saw how that went yikes 🥲) and her and Ruby grew closer and developed a supportive friendship that turned to Skylar and her dating! sometimes she’s goes to the skatepark with jade! she likes to distress and rock out with her bff! she has a nose piercing on her right nostril!
Poppy: she/they, 16, autistic and has synesthesia, she has a boho natural type style and loves butterfly themes, They’re definitely a beach bum when they’re home on the island! she loves to dance in the sun to their hand crafted tunes! she uses a lot of found and natural sounds that she manipulates in her music. she also became a DJ at a younger age and was able to spin for lots of beach parties, even for her parents! she and sunny created a light program to interpret sounds as what she sees when she hears them, that way her music is a fully interactive experience! she was a piano prodigy very early on as well, music just makes sense to her! while she does make a lot of happy/peppery music, her more ethereal and ambient music really makes waves. with natural sounds and her vivid synesthesia she can really create soundscapes that take you to another world. she gets really homesick often and misses her parents a lot. her parents were a great support group for her, and now she has her bffs! she wears her headphones all the time, and certain sounds/noises can really overwhelm and overstimulate her so she has noise canceling as well. she’s too wrapped up in her music to be concerned with romantic relationships, likely ace.
Amaya: she/her, 17, casual goth style! loves straps and silver! autistic/adhd/ocd. can have laser focus on what strikes her interest, and has a hard time working on things that are boring to her. that’s why whenever she feels a creative spark she goes headfirst into working on it! she normally does not stop until she finishes, she often will skip meals and sleep to get an idea into motion. she craves to be accepted as part of a group and is never afraid to speak up for herself and others (she had been bullied in the past and taken advantage of for her work ethic and ideas, after which she confronted the people in a peaceful way and they were able to settle their differences and be amicable). she loves expressing herself creatively, drawing, fabrics, hair color and makeup! she and Jade have worked together color mixing hair dye and pigment to make new colors for some of their looks! it took a long time for her to gain Jade and Rubys trust and confidence, but now they support her no matter what! she can be really awkward when she has a romantic interest lol! her confidence goes to clumsiness and she gets very frustrated! she has a septum piercing!
also i think of the school like an academy that you can get into from just about any age as long as you have the skill/talent! the auditions and screenings for the school are really intense because the fashion industry is really intense. all students at the academy are put through psychological exams and all have mandatory therapy sessions to help with the stress! they are places in special teams based on their initial testing that they will hopefully work best in! they also honor all requests! i think of the school as more of a preprofessional academy that professionally trains it’s students to best cope with stress and creative blocks while allowing the, to network and meet people actually in the industry!
lmk if you want to know more!
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tranzfalgar · 3 years
okay it’s time for some stardew valley headcanons for the bachelor/ette(s) so let’s GOOOO
- he always awakes before his grandparents, and on warmer days he’ll go down to the beach to watch the sunrise.
- friends with elliot! the two of them sit on the side of the dock sometimes and just chat about life.
- knows how to make cookies, as evelyn taught him when he was a bit younger
- wary of the saloon, as he doesn’t really like the smell of alcohol and only goes into it if he’s forced to!
- if you marry him, he can and will pick you up randomly to surprise you while you’re working!
- if married, he will “bench press” your kids once they become toddlers, and it always makes them giggle
- hates the winter and gets cold really easily. on the first day of fall he’s already bundled up wanting it to be summer again.
- willy is like a father to him. the two of them sit on the docks and watch the fish swim by together
- sometimes he’ll braid his hair, and leah will bring flowers from the forest and weave them into his hair.
- has a rlly pretty singing voice, and likes to record piano covers in his spare time
- if you marry him and the two of u have kids, he’ll always braid their hair in the morning and tuck flowers behind their ears.
- he brings home fresh fish he caught and makes himself dinner every night. that’s why he’s an excellent cook.
- has actually caught a legendary fish before!
- his eyes change color, they can go from blue to green to brown in the same day. people call them the “prismatic shard of eyes”
- he’s so clumsy that sometimes he’ll even trip over air. due to this, he has little bruises all over his knees and elbows.
- his favorite animals are birds. sometimes he’ll go outside and just give them some bird seed. he loves watching them fly around.
- not only is he fascinated with planes, but he’s also fascinated with the weather. as a kid he used to watch the weather channel, and he dreamed of becoming a weatherman.
- when he needs to focus really hard, he’ll pull his hair back with a headband
- him and his mother were and still are very close, and he writes letters to her at least once a week
- he cannot cook to save his life, but he’s an incredible baker! will make you little treats if you’re friends or married
- he always wears a wristwatch, but the time is always 6 minutes behind. he likes it because it has a plane engraved into the side against his wrist.
- he had adhd, and his stims include flapping his hands, tapping his foot and strumming his guitar
- he has a beautiful singing voice, think like wilbur soot but a bit more high pitched?
- the reason he likes cactus fruit so much is because he just plants them and lets them grow. he loves succulents because they don’t give him an allergic reaction!
- cannot play video games for shit. sebastian and abigail have banned him from multi-player games because he just sucks so bad.
- love language is acts of service, simply because he likes singing for people he cares about and doing little things for them!
- if you marry him, he will bring his guitar into the coop and/or barn and sing to the animals. they have learned to run over a greet him, since they love his singing.
- his hair is actually curly, but you’re unable to tell due to how much he gels and straightens his hair.
- has mastered the art of the puppy dog eyes
- loves the hell out of halloween, but is scared of literally everything. he nearly cried watching a horror movie with sam and abigail.
- really good with a slingshot! so if he were to go into the mines, he would wreck some monsters shit with his slingshot skills
- he had glow in the dark stars on his ceiling, but removed them. he used to love the stars and space, but came to resent them because it was his sisters thing.
- he like…irl blushes. like an anime character. when he’s embarrassed, upset, flustered, his face will go all pink. everyone picks on him for it.
- has/had a crush on most of the towns singles. he is a bisexual disaster and secretly a romantic so….take from that what you will.
- a natural born ginger, but dyes his hair. he also has freckles on his nose! and he has an eyebrow slit because of a scar!!
- for some stupid reason, he takes really good care of his hands? like he always makes sure they don’t get calloused, and his nails are always painted black, despite using his hands all the time for work.
- he cannot cook. he burned pasta noodles because he didn’t know you had to put water in the pan.
- he still has a chicken plushie from when he was a baby, and it still sits on his bed. and if he cuddles with it at night? no one needs to know.
- has a huge birthmark on his side shaped like a heart
- really good at mixology, so i think that when joja gets shut down, shane works at the saloon and makes the drinks while gus cooks. he adds a whole new section on the menu!
- friends with sebastian. they paint each other’s nails from time to time, or sit in the rain together and just talk.
- kinda strong as hell? he lifts boxes in joja for work, as well as carrying around jas, so i’m assuming he could just….pick the farmer and his friends up?
- he has the most contagious laugh, it used to be a rare sound, but now that it’s a pretty common occurrence, shane makes people laugh all the time with his own laugh.
- buff. she is buff as hell. her and alex work out together sometimes, since she expressed a desire for adventure. she has picked up sam and sebastian with no warning and thrown them into the ocean
- can talk to animals due to her being the daughter of the wizard! so sometimes she’ll go to marnies farm and just chat with the cows or something
- if she sees a tree, she WILL climb it. she loves it so much, it’s just so adrenaline inducing for her.
- her and sebastian tried to go into the mines before but sam stopped them because it wouldn’t have been very safe. they were all 14.
- trying to learn to play the ukulele with a little help from sam. it’s frustrating, but she really likes the sound of it, and she’s determined as hell.
- absolutely cracked at any and all video games he plays. mario kart? she will kick your ass. animal crossing? her island has 5 stars. pokémon? she always wins. you can’t stop her, she’s too powerful.
- she has glasses, but prefers contacts, since glasses would get in the way of her adventuring.
- not only can she sew, but she also makes her own soaps and candles! any form of creation she adores.
- loves flowers, and has a lot of little potted ones in her room. she raises them, gives them little names and personalities, and then brings them to sandy and tells her all about each flower
- she can roller skate, and it’s her preferred method of transportation. she can do a bunch of fun tricks as well!
- has an eyebrow slit
- making cute little baskets of homemade gifts is her favorite thing to do for her friends. sometimes she’ll just leave them on their doorsteps for no reason other than she wants to!
- can SPRINT in heels. like even 6 inch heels she can just RUN and it scares everyone who sees it.
- she loves the sounds of birds chirping in the morning, and she’s able to identify the name of the bird by its chirping and calls
- is able to perfectly crack and drink from coconuts. that’s why she loves them so much.
- has the worst sense of direction. she’s lucky she lives in a small town, or she’d get lost all the time
- the spring is her favorite time of year, simply because she loves to capture life coming back in those spring months. baby animals, blooming flowers, her friends on the beach or just chilling in the sun, all of it
- her most prized possession is the very first picture her and emily took as kids on their parents polaroid. it’s taped to her mirror
- has a little beauty mark under her lip, but it normally isn’t visible due to being covered with makeup!
- she’s able to do her own nails! this is because she is ambidextrous, yet she doesn’t know, because it’s never been brought up
- she fucking LOVES learning about and identifying plants, trees and flowers. she knows so many it’s crazy. she has a great memory.
- resident true crime enthusiast and ghost hunter. she drags elliot with her around town to go hunting for ghosts. they also watch documentaries together!
- has a bunch of little scars on her hands from her artwork
- to get inspiration for works, she’ll go on walks at different times of the day, different seasons, different routes, and she’ll turn each walk into a work of art. depending on all the environment and those who she runs into, each piece is vastly different.
- animals love her, and will sometimes just follow her around for no reason. she doesn’t mind at all, she kinda loves it.
- friends with emily. they are currently teaching each other their own forms of art, since they love learning from each other!
- really good at dancing, she’ll dance while she’s working on projects and she’ll hum a song to herself
- her favorite statue was created after she went on a walk, ran into abigail, and the two of them went swimming in the ocean and stayed there as the sun set and the stars came out. she has a little crush on abigail.
- her hair is ALWAYS tied up, it’s impossible for her to work if her hair is in her eyes
- when she was a kid she wanted to be an astronaut, because she loves the stars, but she found she prefers the science and math behind it all
- she pierced her own ears, she has little star earrings!
- watches cartoons and geeks out about them with penny when they meet up in town!
- for some odd reason, she is terrified of butterflies. no one who knows her, or even maru herself have ANY idea why, but she will run away if she sees one.
- her favorite memory was the one night her and sebastian stayed up really late as kids and snuck outside to look at the stars (back when sebastian still loved them) and they ended up seeing a meteor shower
- she presses flowers as a hobby, and just keeps them in a little notebook alongside her ideas for projects and gadgets.
- while she’s cleaning her and pam’s home, she finds herself singing to herself. she has yet to be caught by anyone
- each day, her hair is done ever-so-slightly different. each morning, she likes to change it up, and sometimes jas or vincent will give her something to put in her hair
- also interested in ghosts, will occasionally join elliot and leah on their adventures
- she is naturally really warm, so she doesn’t have to bundle up as much during the winter. the kids cling to her because she’s like a human space heater
- has a bit of a geeky side, and she loves to watch cartoons a lot. when she can find the time, she always watches them. they being her lots of comfort.
- has a small scar on her side from when she tripped over as a child onto something sharp. she likes it because with two freckles, it makes a little smiley face
- loves the water and the feeling of sea wind in her hair. she secretly wants to learn to drive a boat, so she can feel that wind in her hair whenever she wants.
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themanip · 3 years
late nights
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SUMMARY — you and bang chan are both equally as stressed out. your solution?  sleep with each other. boom, problem solved.
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PAIRING — bang chan  x  reader  WARNINGS — mentions of stress and mental health problems, unprotected sex, soft!dom chan, mentions of kinks, really soft, really cute smut basically, crying (not sexually), sad thoughts, angry and frustrated emotions, angsty GENRE — heavy angst, fwb, coming-of-age kind of, smut, romance, porn with a hint of plot WORD COUNT — 4.9k, i got carried away my bad
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“How do you deal with stress?”
Chan’s question wasn’t ill intentioned by any means, and as you both sat in his studio, you pondered on whether or not to actually answer truthfully. “I mean, you’re the leader of two more trainees than I was, and navigating as a girlgroup is much more difficult than boygroups,”
“Do you want the honest answer, or the more appropriate answer?” you crossed your legs, Chan’s couch feeling quite comfortable. He stared down at you for a moment, the height of his chair offering him that leverage.
The room was quiet, the lights were dim, and the entire environment was soothing. “Well, honest, of course. No point in me asking if it’s a fib, no?”
You nodded, blowing a puff of air out of your nose thoughtfully. “Truthfully, I use sex. It allows me to physically and mentally drain myself, and I sleep really well after getting fucked. It allows me to refresh the next morning, and my stress, at least physically, is diminished.”
You didn’t look at him until you finished talking, and his face was blank. Once you two locked eyes, he sputtered out, “Oh, I—”
“This is why I offered two options, Chan,” you laughed, and at the lighten of atmosphere he giggled a bit too. “I didn’t mean to, y’know,” he stopped, and you nodded lightly. “I get it, but as of now I don’t do it much anymore. I usually just let out my anger or stress during dance routines or working out but it doesn’t work the same, and sometimes I deliver moves too harshly while dancing.”
“Why not?”
You were unsure what he was referring to, and you crinkled your eyebrows. “How come you don’t do it anymore if nothing else helps the same way?” he asked softly, his eyes swimming with genuine concern. 
“I’m a lot more conservative with my body, I just have to trust someone. It’s hard to get to know a guy without them immediately wanting to jump into a relationship. You can’t really do that in what we do, and the second I start to trust a guy things go haywire. I just really have to have a good friendship to have sex, I guess.”
The entirety of the conversation, Chan’s cheeks were turning peach. Even in the dark, dim light, you could see it. “I understand, it’s a very tangible thing. Just giving yourself to someone like that without a basic relationship, platonic or not, is important depending on how you view relationships,”
You nodded in response, and a silence fell over you two. There wasn’t much to be said, but for some reason you decided to blurt out. “If you don’t know how to deplete stress, I suggest it. Just the no strings attached part, because otherwise things get messy and stress becomes inevitable. Just try it sometime, Chan. If you don’t like it, then consider it a learning experience,” you shrugged, and Chan pursed his lips.
“I mean it doesn’t sound like a bad idea, per se. I just don’t know how I’ll casually ask someone to have sex. Most women just run off the moment I mention it, and who knows if they’re even into the same things I am? There’s just so many things to be unsure of.” His chin was now laying on his thumb, and his pointer finger was laying above his top lip. He was deep in thought. 
You stood up, which cause Chan to unexpectedly flinch, and he watched you with careful eyes. “Chris, if you ever feel like you need a de-stresser, you know where to find me. Nothing will be weird unless you make it weird. Or we can always just talk, either way, I’m here. I have to go before Sumna comes and drags me out of here, but seriously. Whatever you need, no strings attached. Nothing leaves this room,” you mentioned softly, and his eyes widened at his English name. It’s rather rare you used it, so he pondered the specific use of it in this scenario.
“Thank you,” he muttered simply, and he watched you as you walked out. Was she being serious?
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Chan and you had not talked in a few days. Whether it was a crazy schedule, you embarassing yourself, or him not knowing how to approach the situation, you didn’t know. All you did know was that you missed your friend. 
You and your bandmates had a hectic schedule today, and as the leader, you’d had to sit in on a meeting with your manager and JYP’s public relations manager. Apparently, Dispatch had caught one of your members, Lanzi, out doing something with another k-pop idol. Dispatch had only obtained two pictures of it, but it was clearly legible on who they were, and what they were doing.
The cost to get those pictures thrown out was much more than JYP would have liked, so she had to sit and get chewed out. Instead of being angry at Lanzi, she became more angry at herself. She had talked to them about things of this sort, but clearly not well enough. It was her job as leader, and she failed doing so. 
After a three hour long meeting, you were absolutely exhausted, mentally at least. And now, just after that, was choreography practice. You’d just learned the choreo a few days before, so for the most part you had it down. As lead dancer, you also had to make sure everyone else in your group understood that too. 
So, thirty minutes into practice, when none of your members seemed to be latching on, you sighed. Your entire job was to simply lead, and do well. Somehow, you couldn’t manage to do that. Once more, you started the choreography, and told your girls to simply stand back and watch.
You had a slight tone, but you needed them to understand that rhythm is just as important as the real dance moves. Your entire body was covered in sweat, and you were growing more frustrated by the minute. 
The way your body moved was no longer elegant, just harsh, angry strokes of somewhat rhythmic actions. You did your best to do it just as you were shown, but the overwhelming anger and emotion in your body was just more than you could handle. 
Little did you know, next to your bandmates, stood Hyunjin and Chan. They had come to ask something, but instead found you dancing your angered heart out. All stopped and stared, and Chan could only focus on the way your hips contorted, the patterns your hips followed.
As the music stopped, you turned around, and your eyes widened at the visitors. 
“We can leave if you’re busy, Hyunjin-ah just wanted to ask if he could borrow the studio tomorrow, and I wanted a word with you, if that’s okay,” Chan asked, and all of your bandmates went silent, expecting you to take the lead of the conversation.
“Hyunjin-sunbaenim, the studio is yours whenever you need it. Let me know what time, and Chan-oppa, would you like to talk now?”
Hyunjin bowed, and gave a quick thank you before heading out of the room. “Yes, please. If you’re too busy, no worries,” and you looked at your girls and told them to head back to the dorm. You were done for today, no reason to beat a dead horse when clearly today was not a good one to get skills in. 
“Can we talk in my studio?” Chan came closer to you, almost a whisper, and you knew this was going to go one of two ways: he was going to fuck your brains out, or he was going to let you know that he did not think of you in that way, and to please never discuss things like that with him again. You don’t think you could handle either, at least not today. 
“Yeah, let me grab some other clothes,” you said softly, rubbing your forehead in anxiety. Chan quickly started to mention something, and you shut him up quick. “I don’t—”
“Chan, I’m getting new clothes because I am sweaty and tired, nothing else. I will meet you in your studio after I am changed,” you sighed, your hot knees feeling good against the cool floor of the choreography studio. Your duffle bag now wide open, you grabbed an oversized long sleeve shirt and a pair of loose jeans. 
You also reapplied deodorant and some perfume so you didn’t smell like you lived in a sewer, the amount
As your girls were long gone, you felt free to change in the studio. Your clothes quickly fell to the floor, and you were now in more comfortable apparel that is not drenched in sweat. Dreading this conversation with Chan, you swiftly collected your things and moved them to the corner to come collect after you spoke to Chan and was ready to go home. 
Guiding your way to Chan’s studio was a walk in the park. The amount of times you’d go in there to talk to him, or for him to let you hear what he’d been working on, was countless. You two had budded a beautiful friendship, and he had been somewhat of a rock. He had always been so sweet, so loving. And you’ve possibly ruined it because you couldn’t think of anything other than sex when trying to guide him through dealing with stress.
Your eyes almost welled at the thought. You couldn’t cry though, not now. So, as you stood outside of Chan’s recording studio, you held your breath for a moment and looked up, letting the tears vanish.
A soft knock sounded, your knuckles rasping at the door. The hallways were silent, and you couldn’t hear a single thing from inside Chan’s studio. Your own heartbeat pounded in your ears, and you tensed as you heard footsteps leading up to his door.
He opened the door, his face showing no clear emotions. He didn’t seem angry, but he wasn’t too happy to see you, either. His hair was clearly ran through by his hand, blonde tufts falling back towards his ears. His makeup was done to perfection, light brown tones covering his lids. 
He wore a simple outfit, a loose black hoodie and dark blue sweatpants. He’d changed from earlier, his black ripped jeans now nowhere to be seen. “Come in, you can sit anywhere,” his voice was always soft, even though he could be fuming, his tone would never soar. 
“Chan, I just want to say I’m sorry,” you muffled out, plopping down unconventionally on his couch. “I just, I don’t know why I said those things or did that,” at this point, you just didn’t want him to think differently of you. He was the closest thing you had to a mentor, and he was an amazing friend. 
If you lost him, or ruined your relationship, you don’t think you could ever forgive yourself. 
You pulled your knees up to your chest as he took a seat in his chair, staring expectedly at you. Silence followed, so you continued, unsure of what he was expecting to hear. “I just don’t like you being stressed, and the only way I know how to cope with things is kind of like that, so I figured maybe you could too, and then I offered, and I feel like I just fucked things up between us. I.. just I’m so sorry.”
At this point your eyes had clouded up, and your voice had cracked multiple times. The day you’d had just piled up, and your exhaustion was visible. Chan’s eyes immediately softened, and he felt bad. He wasn’t mad, he just didn’t know how to approach the situation. 
“Hey, hey,” he soothed, and he stood up from his chair and joined you on the couch. At this point, you’d started full on crying. “I ruined our friendship, and now I’m sitting here crying so you’re gonna feel too bad to be honest with me about what I did wrong,” you were now sniffling hard, and your chest was dense you were surprised you could breathe. 
“No, love, that’s not it, I promise,” your heart pumped blood a bit harder at his nickname for you, and he placed a warm hand on your back. “I came here to ask if you were okay,” his tone was now nothing but soft and supportive, and he continuously rubbed your back. Warmth spread throughout your entire body. 
“I heard about the meeting, and everyone kept discussing how stressed out you were today,” in the dim light once more, his eyes glowed. They were so soft, so sweet. His entire aura was just warm, loving, and nothing was more assuring. 
“No matter what happens between us, you’re my friend, and I care about you,” he smiled softly, “Nothing would change that, unless you like, stabbed me or something,” he laughed soulfully, and you laughed with him. He pulled you closer to him, your head now leaning on his shoulder.
“Thank you, Chan. I just didn’t know what to do, and today has been really shitty,” you smiled, and let your head fall even closer to his chest. His thumbs ran circles around your back, and he held you close. “It’s okay, I understand. Trust me,” a warm silence encased the entire room, and as Chan now cuddled you warmly, your face was now red at the reality of the situation.
“Do you feel a bit better?”
“Yeah, I just needed someone to remind me of how things are and to keep me grounded,” you sighed, and Chan’s thumb was now no longer rubbing your back. His hand had stilled, and all you could hear was the heartbeat from inside Chan’s chest. He was so broad, and the expanse of his torso provided a very comfortable pillow.
“I wasn’t offended, or taken back or anything when you offered, you know that, right?” Chan spoke out of nowhere, the rumbling of his chest vibrating intensely. “I wouldn’t have known, I tried my best to ignore you in case you never wanted to speak to me again,”
A small laugh came out of Chan, and his chest pushed your head a bit. “No, in fact, I think I’ve thought about it a little too much.”
You pushed your head off of him at this point, and resuming your position before he sat on the couch. You pulled your knees back up to your chest, and looked at him. “Really?”
“You said you wanted to have sex with someone you trust, and I feel the same way. It’s really hard to come by good people with good intentions, and you also happen to be beyond gorgeous. Why would I not want to?”
With cheeks now flushed red, you giggled. School-girl giggled, specifically. You had no idea how to take this compliment, but then the realization hit you. Christopher Bang just said he wants to fuck you.
His face also turned a deep scarlet, and he looked down, waiting for a reaction. “Mr. Bang, the things you say. So scandalous,” you both laughed lightly, and you hummed in response to the silence. “If we decide to ever do something, it’s important we talk about it first,” you mentioned, and now the conversation went from light-hearted to a bit more serious.
 “Of course, but in what way?”
“I don’t know, what kinds of things do you like? I can’t promise I can pertain to everything, but there’s no harm in trying. Especially if it happens more than once,” you clutched your legs, and Chan leaned forward a bit, his elbows on his knees as he stared ahead.
“Uh, well,” he laughed, and covered his hands with his face. This was the Chan you liked, who could make any situation, no matter how dark, seem light and easy-going. “It’s not really,” he started, beginning to look at you, then stopping himself, “I don’t know. I never usually talk about it like this,”
“Well, how about this: I tell you what I like, and you tell me what you’re willing to do. Just because I like it does not mean you have to do it, but if you enjoy it too, its mutual pleasure, yeah?”
Chan simply nodded, now mesmerized by you. His face completely tracked yours, and you sighed. “I have always loved your hands. I really, really like if you’d put them around my neck, if you would ever feel so kind. I really love being praised, I love being called a good girl, things like that. My favorite foreplay is just making out, I’m just a big softie, but I can take rough if that’s what you like. I’m a big pleaser, and I want to make sure you’re taken care of and get some pleasure out of this,”
Chan nodded once more, and his fingers instinctively wrapped themselves around his rings, twisting and turning. “Your turn, Channie,” you smirked, and he leaned back, a smile crowning his face. 
“Well, I really like being soft and intimate, I like any position, bonus points if I see your face,” he smiled, his cheeks burning scarlet. He clearly did not talk about these things often, moreso just played them out in the midst of a high and never spoke of it again. But he and you both knew how important communication was, so he continued.
“I have played around with being called Daddy, but I’m not sure, and if you’re not comfortable with it—”
“If I am that uncomfortable with something, I promise I’ll tell you. Besides, that’s really cute. Rolls right off the tongue, right Daddy?”
He visibily shivered, and you smiled. “I—uh, I like if you’d run your fingers through my hair, not too hard, but like soothingly, kind of? If that makes sense. I also like it if you’d verbalise when you’re, uh—”
You knew where he was going, so you leaned close to his ear and finished his sentence for him. “Gonna cum? Oh, it would be rude not to,” you laughed gently, and you saw the last of Chan’s patience snap like a rubber band. 
His hands grabbed your face sternly, yet somehow gently. “Do you want this?” he asked, the lust obvious on his face. Despite any previous conversation, he needed verbal consent to continue, and it would make him feel most okay with doing this. 
The room was now silent, anticipation filling your entire body. You’d come in here crying, and you couldn’t help but hope you’d leave the same way; just a different type of crying. 
He pushed you so your back was now flush against the couch, the headrest leaning your upper torso closer to him. “Tell me to stop, and I promise I will, alright? The second you tell me to,” he was now looking you dead in the eyes, above you. Your legs were spread open, and his entire body was in the valley of your abdomen. Both of his arms were on either side of you, perching himself up. 
“Chris, just kiss me already,” you whined, and he laughed wholeheartedly, before dipping in. The first kiss was hesitant, exploring new territory. His lips tasted like vanilla chapstick, and the first few were light pecks. It took only a second before he took the initiative and added his tongue to the mixture. 
You rarely ever used tongue, most of your hookups barely even kissed, which is why none of them compared. Kissing was your weak point, it was a vulnerability. And Chan did not abuse that power once.
“Is this okay?” he mumbled against your mouth, your exchanging saliva now making more than your mouth lubricated. “Fuck, yes,” you moaned out, the amount of times he would kiss you now making you weak.
His hands dragged softly, and held themselves at your jaw, a classic sweetheart. His thumb was against your cheek so softly, the pads gracefully rubbing across the expanse of your cheekbone.
Everything about this was so domestic, so warm. His kisses were so soft, and full of love. There was no rush, no push to go any farther had you or him decided not to. His warm hands on your face made you purr on the inside, and when he pulled away, he had looked more beautiful than ever. 
You had no intention of mentioning the wetness that had gathered between your legs, until Chan was staring at you, and momentarily his eyes widened. “Shit,” he cursed, looking around rapidly. “We don’t have a condom. I’m clean and everything, but we don’t have to continue if you don’t feel comfortable,”
“I have an implant, and I’m clean too. I just want you, if you want me too.”
Chan had no other qualms about it, and he attacked your face in sloppy kisses. “Here, can we switch positions, my arm is hurting?” he asked awkwardly, and you laughed with your entire chest. It was a normal question, but the way he asked so ashamedly, as if it was something terrible. 
“Sit up straight, let me get on your lap,” you said softly, and he did as he was told. It was only then that you saw the bulge in his sweatpants, and you forgot that he actually had a male appendage, and from the looks of it, he was either girthy or long. Or both. 
As long as he knew how to use it, you’d be fine. 
He grabbed you by your hand to help maneuver you, and now your entire weight was on top of Chan. As you finally sat your hips down, he groaned. “Oh god,”
You took his face in your hands, and started kissing him again. At this point, you didn’t want him to be respectful anymore. His hands did not waver from your face, and so you took it into your own hands. Grabbing them both, so soft and calloused, and placed them as discreetly as you could, onto your hips. Moreso your ass, but Chan didn’t know your intentions. 
His hands pushed your hips forward, now rutting against his hard on. His lips and yours were now in a frenzy, drenching each other. It was still pretty slow, nothing fast paced, just more intense.
He broke the kiss, and his hands now edged at the bottom of your shirt. “Can I take this off?” he asked, breathless. His lips were now swollen and puffy, and his pupils were blown wide. 
You nodded softly, no words needed to be said. He quickly hauled the oversize shirt above your head, and groaned harshly when he realized you had no bra on. His first instinct was to latch his mouth onto your nipples, sucking softly. A moan left your mouth, and with nothing to hold onto anymore, your hands found his hair. 
Still rocking back and forth, your panties were probably soaked at that point. So much foreplay had you almost throbbing, and you couldn’t wait much longer to have him inside you. 
“Chan, please,” you moaned out, and he bit down on your nipple gently. “Only since you asked so nicely,” he added, and he told you to stand up. You did so, easily willingly, yet you loved the way he spoke to you.
It was almost a request, a plea. There was no power imbalance here, simply one trying to find another. He was so gentle, in everything he did. You wanted to drown in that feeling. 
He pulled your jeans off without a hitch, and eyed your lace panties hungrily, slightly thankful you’d changed earlier this evening. His fingers grasped the sides, pulling them down your legs. You were now completely bare, and he was fully dressed. This was a problem. 
“Not fair, your turn,” you pouted, and his eyes were fixated on your naked body. It felt odd, having him see you like this, but you couldn’t complain. Your arousal was now tainting your inner thighs, and Chan could probably see it too. 
He rid himself of his hoodie and his shirt at the same time, and you finally got a full view of him shirtless. This man was absolutely ripped, and you had to hold in a gasp. His arms were lined in protruding veins, and his abs were impeccable. You worked out, but not in your wildest dreams would you ever be able to maintain that nice of a physique. 
It wasn’t until he pulled off his pants, and painstakingly after, he patiently pulled his boxers off. God, did he have a pretty cock. A bit longer than average, slightly girthy, and it made your mouth water just thinking about it. 
Your first instinct was to pop down onto your knees, but as you were on your way down, Chan grabbed you by the arm. “Not this time, please, I need you,” he whined out, almost painfully. 
As you were on top of his lap, you were careful not to let him inside you yet. You figured he could decide when to do it, and you squealed when he let one hand slide from your face, down to your throat. His fingers, covered in rings, squeezed gently. He coaxed another moan from you as he let his fingers glide down the valley of your body, and found itself on your clit.
His movements were slow, but intense. His fingers glided over your folds, picking up some of your arousal, and placed all of his attention onto your little nub. Small pinprick moans escaped your mouth, and you began to tilt your hips in an attempt to get more friction. “Fuck, you’re so wet,”
Some noise semblant to a mew tried to leave your mouth, but his fingers tangled themselves around your neck further, leaving the sound trapped in your throat. “Are you ready? Or do we need to get you a bit more warmed up?” he asked softly, his mouth now next to you ear. His voice was dark, and husky.
“God, I just need you inside me,” you whined, and his hand let up on your neck, and he grabbed his cock harshly. He pumped it a few times, and spread your lips, and lined you up.
“Beg,” he said simply, and even if you tried to sink down, he now placed a hand on top of your hips harshly. You couldn’t move even if you wanted to. “W—what?” you asked, breathless. 
“Beg, I want to hear you beg for me to fuck you,” he repeated himself, and looked down at you mischeviously. You two were face to face, and his cock was still in his hands, and your lips spread wide open for him to see. “Fuck, please,” you whined, and to no avail, he didn’t budge, “please, daddy, I just wanna feel good,”
As soon as the name sounded from your mouth, he pushed inside of you. The stretch was amazing, it was slightly painful, but it felt like nothing on this earth could amount. His entire cock filled you out nicely, and the lewd sound of him smacking against you was filling the room.
His hands laid at your hips now, piling into you like his life depended on it. His balls were smacking against your ass, and the harsh thrusts stimulated your clit. Everything was so intense, the way he filled you so deeply, you could feel him in places you didn’t know he could reach, and you felt like you’d burst apart the seams. 
Shameless moans spilled from your mouth, and Chan was in your ear, grunting like a man starved. “Such a good girl, fuck, for me,” his groans were so animalistic, and the way his hands would hold you steady.
His fingers traveled down to toy with your clit, and he never stopped fucking you. Your fingers started to tangle within his hair, and his lips attached themselves to your neck, sucking, finding anything to latch onto. 
The second his fingers started rubbing your clit numbly, you knew that you were going to cum soon. Everything he did just felt so good, you were just a hole the second he started fucking you.
“I—I’m gonna, I’m gonna cum,” you breathed out heavily, and your legs started shaking. “Please, can I—please cum?”
“Yes, cum for me,” he breathed out in a husky tone, and it wasn’t long until you felt your thighs start to involuntarily shake, and the feeling inside your abdomen welling up. “I’m so—” you were cut off by your orgasm rushing over you, Chan’s fingers never stopped stimulating your clit.
You moaned out harshly, slumping towards him, unable to control yourself as one of the most harsh orgasms you’ve ever had washed over you. Your entire body started to seize, and you clenched around him harshly. He continued to fuck into you, sucking into your neck, and he starting fucking into you faster. He was definitely close, “Where-”
You cut him off, still under the shock of your orgasm, “inside me, please,” you begged, and he fucked into you once more, even harder. “Fuck, I’m gonna cum,”
He lived up to his promise, as less than a few seconds later, his warm cum spurted inside of you, and he still rutted his hips, begging for more friction. He stroked into you a few more times, now drained of energy. He placed a soft kiss onto your neck, and whispered, “Thank you.”
You got up, and put your shirt back on over yourself, and Chan pulled his boxers and sweatpants on once more. A thought rose over you on whether to leave or not, but you knew Chan would be a skinship type of guy. He would probably have a drop, and not be used to just casual hookups like this.
“Do you want me to stay?” you asked softly, and a large part of you hoped he would say yes.
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astaroth1357 · 4 years
The Brothers as Angels of Virtue
My Brain: Stop thinking about the Angel!Brothers. The Angel!Brothers aren’t real. Like, they’re even less real than usual.
Me: But they are real!! *puts hand over heart* They’re real to me… in my heart…!
My Brain: “Your heart” ain’t in the canon but whatever, good luck with your delusions…
Me: Oh yeah?? Well I’ll show you, Brain!! I can FORCE this to work with the canon!!!
Brain: Nani!?!
Angel of Humility, Lucifer
Lucifer obviously wasn’t the first angel, Michael and Gabriel were there before him so those two had the most hand in “mentoring” him as he grew up.
Lucifer was always Michael’s favorite from the beginning. He was a very mild-mannered and studious kid from the get-go, even if he could be a bit blunt... 
He seemed to always be willing to learn something new and even after he would all but master whatever he practiced, he’d never forget to give credit to the people who taught him along the way. His willingness to step out of the spotlight, despite his many talents, eventually earned him the virtue of “Humility.”
Lucifer was around his pre-teens when Mammon was finally created, slightly too old to be able to grow up with him super closely, but still young enough to be more approachable than Michael or the others when he needed help.
Lucifer loved little Mammon with all his heart and would try to give him advice when he could, but since Michael would keep him busy helping him on most days Mammon was left with little people to socialize with… at least until Levi came along anyway.
As time passed and he grew even older, more and more siblings became added to the family. Lucifer never ignored or forgot about a single one of them. While Michael and others concerned themselves more with the day-to-day work, he’d be the one to check in on everyone and be sure they were alright.
Michael would arrange for a lot of “family activities” while they were all still together and Lucifer would actually enjoy participating. He’d usually volunteer to be the person who’d help the youngest at the table learn how to play a game since he wasn’t very competitive himself. A lot of the goodwill his family still has for him comes from these kinds of memories… No matter what happened afterwards.
Angel of Charity, Mammon
Mammon came around a fair amount of time after Lucifer so he was the youngest angel for quite a while. 
This led him to grow up a little… wilder than the others because he used to do things to get attention. Not big things, but like break a rule here or there to get people noticing you know?
Despite his “problem child” tendencies, no one ever considered Mammon a bad apple or anything. He probably had the most compassionate heart out of all the angels, the kind of kid who offers you one of their toys when they see you’re upset, you know?
As more siblings came into the picture, Mammon had a nasty habit of spoiling them silly. Especially Levi, who was much closer to his age, and ultimately got most of the toys when they would play together and gifts afterwards. Mammon’s selfless attitude towards giving gave him the virtue of “Charity.”
Over time, Mammon began to get more and more dissatisfied with how nice the lives of angels were compared to those of humans and he started making secret trips to the human world to help out the less fortunate. Since this was tiptoeing dangerously close to meddling with human lives, Lucifer was brought in to give Mammon a different outlet for his frustration...
Lucifer placed Mammon in the guardian angel program, allowing him to pick one human whom he could help as much as he liked, so long as he followed the rules. As it would turn out, Mammon took to guardianship swimmingly and stayed in the program right up until their eventual fall… and sort of afterwards too if you think about it.
Angel of Kindness, Leviathan
After Levi was made, Mammon was SO excited to have someone close to his age around that he became his main playmate.
Levi adored Mammon back then, the two were practically inseparable when they were young. The other angels would find them running around together, the more extroverted and lively Mammon leading the way for his his shy, but sweet brother in for whatever they were doing.
When Mammon would come up with any big project ideas, Levi would be the first person he’d ask to be his “partner-in-crime.” Unfortunately, it was still very much one of those “they’re a pair, but they have two braincells between them” kind of dynamics so things would always go south quick.
One day, Mammon was determined to make breakfast for all the other angels so Michael could take a break, so he pulled in Levi to help him. Because neither of them actually knew how to cook, the kitchen turned into a disaster and they both were covered in eggs and flour when Lucifer found them...
As Levi grew up, he more or less became of the unofficial helper and confidant to all the other angels, his siblings included. In time, because he was always so willing to lend a hand with everyone else’s projects, he became pretty skilled at a lot of things as a result. People eventually took note of Levi’s good-nature and named his virtue “Kindness.”
When Mammon started acting up more and more, the other angels would try to discourage Levi from associating with him as much but he’d always be the first to stick up for his older brother. No matter how much he bent the rules, he knew that he had a good heart and always meant well in the end. That, unfortunately, wouldn’t always hold true down the line...
Angel of Chastity, Asmodeus
There was another gap between Levi’s creation and Asmo’s so yet again there was a young angel without anyone their age to play with…
Unlike Mammon’s situation, however, Asmo was at least fortunate enough to have older brothers who understood what that felt like and tried their best to play with him when they could. Lucifer did this in particular because he was worried that Asmo could start acting out like Mammon had all those years ago...
Because of the extra attention, Asmo took to Lucifer very quickly. He saw him sort of how Luke sees Michael for quite a while and wanted to help him as much as he could. Sometimes people would even joke that Asmo was like his shadow, because the little angel would follow him around and mimic whatever he did.
Because they were together so much, Lucifer did a lot to shelter Asmo from the less savory things in life... It wasn’t so much out of prudence as it was brotherly concern for the boy, Mammon was still quarreling with him about the state of the human world and he didn’t want Asmo to go down a similar path... Due to this, Asmo had a very sheltered view on life and his perpetual wide-eyed innocence earned him the virtue of “Chastity.”
After he got a little older, he started wanting to find his own identity apart from Lucifer and that was around the time that the twins were made. 
Though everyone adored the twins, Asmo loved them both most of all! He took on the role of their babysitter and wouldn’t hear anything to the contrary, though he was a much more relaxed guardian than Lucifer had been to him (mostly because he was just so soft for their cute little faces).
Angel of Temperance, Beelzebub
It was a big deal when the twins were created because it’s very rare for two angels to be made so close together, on the same day no less. Beel came first when the sun rose then Belphie second after it fell. 
Asmo was ecstatic to have a younger sibling at last and all of the other brothers were equally delighted. Though Asmo did a lot of their babysitting, Beel was still more closely drawn to Lucifer whenever he would watch them. During those times, he would notice how tired Lucifer would be whenever he got to play with them… this would come to affect him later on.
The twins were always close to each other, naturally, but there were still big differences in their personalities even back then. Beel had always been known for his even-temper and awareness of both others and himself. If Mammon was the kid who’d give you his toys, Beel was the one to listen to your problems (even if he didn’t understand them, like at all).
From a young age, Beel would quietly watch those around him. The Celestial Realm was a demanding environment and a lot of angels had a good deal of work to do... Beel connected the dots that doing all this work all the time led to a lot of stress early on.
Being a caring soul, Beel used this knowledge to intervene when he saw his brothers getting overworked and helped remind them of their limits. This would apply especially to his twin (who was pretty much his patient zero) and Lucifer, who eventually grew to rely on Beel’s advice so much he  made him part of his personal guard. His guidance and insight beyond his years eventually gave him the title of “Temperance.”
Though Beel was protective of everyone, Belphie often got most of his attention because of his tendency to push himself farther than he needed to. It was his desire to see his twin take more breaks that led him to asking Mammon if Belphie could start going to the human world and well… We know where that ends up.
Angel of Diligence, Belphegor
As the younger of the twins, all the other angels considered Belphie to be the baby of the family and treated him as such. Asmo adored him because he was just so cute, so he got coddled A LOT when compared to everyone else.
Belphie differed from his brother by being the more active of the two. While Beel would be comfortable to sit back and watch then lend a hand, Belphie always felt more better just getting up and doing whatever needed done himself, usually with a smile in the process. He would actually have to lean on Beel quite a lot because of this, since his twin could remind him to rest and take breaks.
Combine his cheerful attitude with his cute face and “baby brother” status and Belphie could always get away with quite a lot, even back then. Of all the boys, even Lucifer couldn’t bring himself to be too hard on him. That didn’t really become a problem until he got a little older though...
Beel was worried that Belphie wasn’t getting enough rest, so he convinced Mammon to start taking Belphie out with him when he went to the human world as a guardian angel. He figured that if Belphie was away from work, then he had to rest, right? Mammon agreed and that’s what sparked Belphie’s fascination with the human world to start with.
After getting to go a couple times, he would start working extra hard in order to suck up to Lucifer, Michael, or whoever he could so he could go again. When the other angels started getting concerned that he was spending too much time there, they tried to put a limit on it to keep him home. However, that just lead him to sneaking out and leaving notes for Beel on where to find him if people started noticing...
Beel tried his best to curtail his twin’s trips, but even he couldn’t really tell Belphie no when he needed to hear it. By the time Lilith came around, Belphie was already making regular trips there and back and well… That’s how the story goes.
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3rensgf · 3 years
I don’t know if you want to do this Drabble request, but feel free to skip this request if you feel that it’s too hard or if it’s a no-go. Can I request a modern/fantasy AU Drabble of Merman!Eren and Fem!Wizard!Reader where Y/N is practicing magic on the beach where she encounters/falls in love with Eren who was watching her from the water? (The rest of the plot is u to your imagination) Thank you!
by the sea eren yeager x reader
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word count: 1k
warnings: fluff, merman!eren is really pretty, eren can't say magic either
notes: awe this is such a cute prompt! i don't think i've ever thought abt merman!eren until now hmm... i like the picture in my head. i ended up getting a little carried away and this drabble turned into a ficlet lol. thank you for requesting!
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With the expectations of becoming a full fledged wizard in a few months looming over you, it was safe to say you were incredibly stressed. Potions, spells and other knowledge dominated in your head. One of your friends had told you that you were muttering spells and potion recipes in your sleep. It only further proved how hard you were studying.
But even the most model wizard students got stressed. As did you. So, you would sneak away during breaks or free time while no one noticed to go to your special spot.
You had accidentally stumbled upon this area during flying lessons. No matter how much people gushed about it, flying wasn’t all that. It was just like walking, only a couple hundred feet in the air. Out of boredom, you looked down, eyes widening at the sight. Below you was one of the most beautiful beaches you had ever seen, secluded at the barrier of the forest, just enough to not be noticeable if you were walking on foot.
Suddenly, you began to love flying lessons.
Where grass met sand sat your discarded robe and boots, not wanting them to be soiled by the sea water. Your pants and sleeves had been rolled up at your convenience as well. There was a giant boulder between the land and sea you liked to stand up on to practice your magic. It was just big enough to have a view of the entire beach.
You had your hands out in front of you, whispering a spell to make magic, getting frustrated when no results were shown from your efforts. It was one of the newer spells you were learning that gave you trouble, your mentor believing you were finally ready to learn it. Huffing, your hands smacked your thighs when you roughly pulled them down. They clenched and unclenched in anger, eventually moving to cover your face so you could scream.
“Is it really that hard?” a sweet voice spoke up from under you.
The sudden appearance of the voice had caught you so off guard, that you jumped in surprise, stumbling into the water eventually. Right away, a pair of arms that didn’t belong to you slipped around your waist to drag you back to shore. You coughed and sputtered out the salt water in your lungs smacking your chest to help displace the water.
You turned your head to take a look at your savior, a scream dying in your throat at the sight of a Merman in front of you. Using your hands, you scurried away in shock to put some distance between the two of you.
There was no denying it; there was a Merman in front of you. He even fit the description, for Merlin's sake! Long, elegant tail with shiny green scales that glimmered in the sun, tanned skin free from any imperfections, long brown hair that reached his shoulders, emerald green eyes you could get lost in, and the most beautiful face you had ever seen in your life.
“Wait!” the Merman had called out, holding an arm towards you to stop you. He couldn’t do much considering he had no legs. “I don’t want to hurt you!”
You gave him the benefit of the doubt and stayed put where you were, not moving another inch yet. “What do you want from me?” you whimpered.
“Nothing,” he said, shaking his head to further convince you. “It’s just that… I’ve been watching you do your sparkly hand things for a while now. I think it’s really pretty,” he confessed shyly.
“‘Sparkly hand things’...?” you asked yourself, feeling confused. It clicked suddenly, “You mean my magic?” To demonstrate, you cast an easy visual spell, lights appearing out of thin air to make intricate designs in the air.
The Merman nodded enthusiastically, dragging himself closer to you to get a better look at the lights coming out of your hands. You didn’t make any move to put more distance between the two of you. “Yes! The Majick. Is it hard?” he asked, repeating his question from before.
You scratched the back of your head, shrugging lightly. “It depends on how hard the spell you’re casting is. The lights I did were pretty easy, but something like healing takes a bit more skill.”
He stared at you in awe, mouth agape. “Can you teach me?” he asked excitedly, leaning in closer to you.
You giggled at his enthusiasm and shook your head. “I’m sorry, but I can’t teach you. Only wizards gifted with the ability to do magic can cast spells…” you trailed off, realizing you didn’t get his name. “Hey, what’s your name?”
The Merman was a little dejected at first at not being able to do magic, but perked up to tell you his name. “Eren! What’s yours?” You gave him your name, to which he repeated to himself a few times to test it out on his tongue. “You have a very pretty name.”
Your cheeks grew warm due to an oncoming blush. “Thank you. You have a pretty name too.”
Both of you talked for a while after that, chatting away until the sun was just kissing the horizon. You finally noticed how late it has gotten when the golden hour sun made Erens skin glow. “Oh! I have to get going, otherwise the elders will be mad at me for going missing for so long!” you gasped, standing up to dust off the sand from your now dry clothes.
Eren stared at you longingly, watching you get redressed. “Will you be back? I know you come by sometimes, so I wait for a while at a rock by the shore for you to come. Just wanna know when I’ll see you again.”
You paused in the middle of clasping your boots, staring at him. “Oh. Well I have time 2 days from now to come by. How about then? Same time as today?”
Eren nodded enthusiastically, moving himself back to the water. “Yes! Okay! I’ll be here to watch you do more of the Majick!” he said, engulfing himself in the water. He gave you an enthusiastic wave, which you returned, diving back into the water to go back to his own home.
You watched where he had disappeared, water still rippling from his movements. You grinned and set off to rush back home, eager to see your new friend again in a few days time.
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taglist - @liaxxx109 , @prxttyguardian , @jeansbabycake
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3rensgf © 2021 ; do not repost or translate my work.
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sohin-ace · 4 years
May I request bucciarati gang headcanons with a female s/o that is a maladaptive daydreamer which also makes it hard for them to focus? I'm like this and I noticed that I daydream much more often when my family's fighting again and I feel lonely and sad, because nothing's more comforting than feeling loved and comforted by somebody—even if they were not even real. I also sometimes talk out loud to myself during my daydreams and make expressions. This just got a little creepy...I'm really sorry.
Hey, daydreamers gotta look out for each other, right?
It's okay to have a bubble to escape reality, my beautiful gangster.
Bucci gang w/ a daydreaming S/O.
It's a bit of another stress for him.
But that's just because he's scared to lose you if you don't focus on the missions or don't listen to instructions properly.
When you're all together and he sees you stay in your corner, staring off into the distance, he just comes up to you.
He wraps an arm around you and kisses your head gently. He knows what you're thinking of.
"We're your family now, you don't have to think about the past anymore, amore."
He makes you feel so loved and so at home, you feel like a new life began for you.
Will be touchy with you if needed and his touches are so gentle and tingly, it makes you crave his presence and you immediately focus on him.
"Eyes on me, carina. Listen to my voice."
Yes capo.
He never judges you, no matter how much you feel like a weirdo. Still, he is a bit of a tease about it.
"Are you perhaps dreaming about me~? Now, don't be shy I'm just teasing you."
Surprisingly, he was a lot like this too.
Before he met Bruno, he was still tormented by the memories of his partner, and he still is to this day.
He realizes very soon that it may be a sign of PTSD and he wants to help you recover.
There's only so much he can do, but he's very down to earth, and know to bring you back the moment he notices that dull, dazed look on your face.
"Snap out of it, Y/N. You're with me."
Has convinced Bucciarati to let him be your designated partner.
Is always open to talk about what's making you feel so blue over a glass of wine, or any drink of your choice.
You get into a dissociative state and he doesn't waste any second putting his headphones on your ears, pulling you close.
You're pleasantly surprised to hear some alternative Rock music that's neither too aggressive, nor too soft.
Abbachio is a big comforting figure for you and he makes you feel understood.
When he learns about it, he is so intrigued.
He can be a bit dreamy too, but he's impressed by how easy and quickly you get out of focus.
He knows it can be dangerous on missions, so he tries to do something to make sure you keep your head in the game.
"Hold my hand and don't let go, Y/N."
He gives your hand gentle squeezes and if you don't squeeze back, he just squeezes harder.
He sees you frown and pout when you dream of something that is upsetting you and he makes flowers pop out in front of you.
He loves it when you jump and flinch, especially if you were talking softly to yourself.
"I love that distraught look on your face. It's adorable."
May or may not prank you by putting spiders and snails over your hands to wake you up.
He apologizes right after, but he still keeps on doing it.
Braids your hair until you wake up, surprised when your hair is a mess of african braids bundles and twists.
Super fun about it.
He knows it can be serious, but he is a big jokester about it.
Everytime he sees you don't pay attention anymore
He is so stupid it makes you laugh and forget what you were even dreaming about.
If he's not there, Count on the pistols to come harass you and snap you out of it, because at this point, you might as well be their mom.
He lends you his gun and makes you practice shooting.
He swears it's to help you learn to focus on the target and stay still!
But that's probably an excuse to come behind you and hold you close to his body as he corrects your stance.
"Hmm? You know you shouldn't be so absent-minded around a man. Who knows what I might do to yo-owowow!! I WAS JOKING STOP HITTING ME OW-!"
True to his words. Will, and has kissed you when you expect it the least.
This boy won't ever leave you alone.
If he ever sees you distancing yourself from the group and look all gloomy, he will DRAG you to them, whether you want it or not.
Loneliness? With Narancia? Don't even dream about it.
"Huehuehue, get it??!! “Dream” ! Krrrrkrkkr Pffftt!! Hahaha!!! I'm so damn HILARIOUS!"
He is always finding new ways to stimulate you so you don't start dreaming off and lose focus.
You start looking off to somewhere and he immediately grabs your arm, telling you to rate his rapping skills or whatever.
"Hey Y/N, you want me to teach you a super cool choregraphy?! It's called Torture dance, check this out!"
He just won't shut up and comes right up into your face obnoxiously.
"Pay attention to meeeee!"
May not fully grasp the extent of your struggle, but he definitely wants to take advantage of it to cheer you up and make you forget.
Sometimes he leans against you and joins you in, cuddling mindlessly with you, dreaming in each other's arms.
At first he is so infuriated and frustrated with you.
Why wouldn't you just focus? You were even worse than Narancia!
But when he notices how solitary and quiet it makes you, he can't help but relate.
He doesn't know what to do, but he is a good teacher and he will make sure his students focus.
He may be a bit harsh on you sometimes, but inside he is so curious.
You are such an enigma to him, he wants you to share all the secrets lying in the depth of your mind.
You show him a bright smile, sheepishly telling him to repeat what he said, but he's just so desperate.
What's on your mind? What are you dreaming of? What lies beyond your silence? What could possibly be more important than the current mission?
He finds little exercices to train your brain into focusing more. He gives you puzzles to do and makes sure you don't give up trying.
He grabs your face and makes you look into his eyes. He doesn't let go until you get flustered and blushy. But he's proud that you're making progress.
"You actually did it, I'm... Impressed..."
If you complete a task without losing focus, who knows, he might reward you...
When you tell her you tend to doze off into daydreams, she can't help but wonder.
"Creative people and artists are big daydreamers! What's your thing, bella?"
Asks you if you draw, or dance, play music or anything creative, and if you do, she absolutely wants to see your work!
May join you with singing if you do something related to music.
She teases you a bit when she notices you're not focused and start making expressions.
If you start mumbling, she leans in close to listen to you, and joins in the 'conversation'.
"Girl, same. I agree, hmm. Hmm. Ugh, I know, right? Hate when that happens."
She doesn't even know what she's even agreeing or responding to, but just looking at your confused expression afterwards is a sight to behold to her.
If you happen to smile in your daydreams, she's in heaven. You just look so cute when you lose yourself, she wants to snap 20 pictures.
She comes up from behind you and softly blows on your ear to see your reactions and you surely don't disappoint.
"Aww you're blushing like a little rose!"
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swan2swan · 4 years
Previously on Tangled...
I learned that the movie was getting a show, and I saw the animation style and saw her hair and thought “Well, that’s curious, and looks cute, but it’s going to be for kids, clearly, so I probably won’t watch it. Still, it’s neat that they’re doing 2D-animated cartoons for their movies, especially if they’re getting the cast, that’s somewhat nostalgic.”
Then I saw pictures of Cassandra and went “Oh no” because I was worried they were going to lure me in with this dazzling swordfighter-friend who would probably be the subject of some slash-ship jokes before being paired off with some guy who didn’t deserve her...or might deserve her.
Then I saw some early reviews coming in that complained about how the show didn’t take trauma seriously, and how they didn’t like the way Rapunzel’s father was portrayed. I didn’t watch the show myself, but these reviews steered me away: “I’m not going to get involved,” I said. The most I did was explain to anyone who complained “But heR hAir wAS cuT oFF” and say “Yeah, the first preview addresses that, I’m sure there’s a reason.”
Then, I was down south at my grandmother’s house for Easter. I took a break and went upstairs while everyone else was socializing and just turned on the TV, checked the guide...and saw that “Tangled the Series” was on. So I went to see what was going on, and the episode was “Challenge of the Brave”. I watched and was excited to see Cassandra, and I grew frustrated as I saw Rapunzel effortlessly defeating her in the contest. I will always prefer hard work and practice to innate skill in my stories, so I was on the verge of brushing it off...but then Cassandra let loose with that speech. She unleashed frustration at Rapunzel because the privileged princess could afford to stroll down here and goof off while Cassandra was fighting to push ahead in life, and that stunned me. Here was this speech, in a children’s show. 
Then came a preview for “Cassandra v. Eugene”, premiering next (I think), and so I decided to watch that episode. And I watched it, and I loved it because Rapunzel was hilarious and Cassandra and Eugene had to bond and she had a halberd, and I blinked at the “’Cobra-Man’? Haha, no...” line because was that deliberate, and hearing Ron Perlman back as the Stabbingtons was just great...and so I decided that I would have to watch the show from the start.
So I did. When I returned to my apartment in the north, I watched the show. Start to finish. And yeah, I made the jokes about Cass and Rapunzel--but the fact that she called her “Raps” just made the whole thing sweet. And I remember being frustrated for weeks because “Return of Strongbow” was the latest episode for ages. It might have just been a two-week deal, but you know, when you just caught up with a show and spent ten minutes at most between episodes, three days until the next premiere is a lifetime.
By then, I was wholly on board. Episode after episode, I watched them. And sometimes rewatched them. When “Under Raps” came out, I saw the preview and reasoned that Cass was probably threatening this new “boyfriend” she was promised--something that drove me and several other fans nuts, but hey, let’s get it over with--and then the episode just pulled the rug out from under me by bypassing the notion altogether, and from that moment onward, I viewed Cass--legitimately--as a lesbian character in a Disney cartoon. More about that later, and the disappointment that slowly built as, once again, censors and standards diminished the influence...but her existence is still there.
I read a novel where Cass and Raps bonded and got married. I spent my birthday crying over the death of a cartoon frog’s mother. I watched a happy holiday special turn into a horrific moral dilemma that ended with a villain’s origin story, and spent the rest of the season stressing about when the hammers would drop. 
I saw shadowy figures step into the sunlight, saw the familiar trend of a Quality Animated Show being shoved into the dark corners of If You Watch It You Watch It. I went to my parents’ house and got up early on a Sunday morning to watch Max and Eugene break out of a prison barge live on TV, after countless months of leaving our characters stranded on a mysterious island with an uncomfortably realistic Idol of Addiction--crowned by a declaration of love from Rapunzel in a stunningly-animated sequence. I watched Cassandra murder two spirits when she thought Rapunzel was lost forever, I made gifs, gifs, and more gifs, I struggled to try and make music videos (thanks for nothing, software), and I speculated and debated in ways I hadn’t done since Korra. I waited with dread for the spoilers in certain scripts to be inflicted upon Cassandra, and felt my jaw drop as they played out an almost-romantic Cassunzel AU fanfic on the screen of canon. I cracked up at endless “Seal” puns, marveled at Eugene’s open shirt, found myself rooting for Lance and Adira, and realized with horror that my favorite character was going to turn to villainy--and when she did, it broke so much of the show.
I would be lying if I said that the third season is my favorite (right now). Honestly, it’s been my least favorite, but the reason why is because these characters became real to me...again, real in ways that I haven’t experienced in ages. This third season has been filled with so much hardship for them, and for the first time since Avatar: the Last Airbender, I’m truly dreading if my beloved protagonists are going to have a happy ending. Well, one in particular, because I know there’s a short (that I still haven’t watched!) where Rapunzel and Eugene tie the knot...but of course, Cassandra isn’t there. And I suppose we all know the reason for it.
But Cassandra deserves a life of happiness, and so that’s why I await tomorrow with dread and anxiety: because what if it’s not worth it?
But this show has done things that have surprised me and comforted me. Eden promised us at the end of Season Two to hold on and stay calm. Mandy’s final script teaser had some...very spoilerific dialogue, with some very interesting word choices. 
And tomorrow, we’re going to see them play out.
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So, bring it on, Rapunzel’s Tangled Adventure. I knew you before you bore that name, and hopefully, I’ll be purchasing your full boxset and lending it out to anyone who wants it, because you’ve been one of the Best Shows I’ve seen. Despite my worries, despite your missteps, despite the terrible word choice of certain episode titles and certain dialogue options because no that doesn’t make them that at all, you’ve delivered time and time again on mature and morally-grounded themes and speeches...whether it’s Rapunzel promising a frightened teen that he can do the right thing or yelling at spirits that she won’t let her fears hurt the people she loves, or Eugene assuring Rapunzel that she can make the right decisions and promising to be there for her, or Cassandra calling out class and privilege in an attention-grabbing speech, the show’s done its job. 
So thank you to the cast and crew of this magnificent saga. Whatever happens next, however I feel tomorrow...you brought me joy and strength and passion and gave me strength through hard times. 
Thank you. 
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odissey061 · 4 years
This post is inspired by a post made by crazyfreckledginger's post (read it because is really well done).
There are some of my headcanon, if you aren't interested, you can skip them ;)
Tag: @towa-no-yume @r-f-a-journalists @crazyfreckledginger
A = Aftercare
He doesn't really cuddly after sex: he usually puts an arm around you and kisses your head; but this doesn't mean he dislikes when you cling to him with your naked body against his. If you fall asleep before him, then he'll stroke your hair for a while and, as he is going to sleep, he'll fully embrace you.
B = Body part
Motonari loves grabbing your breasts, tights and ass during sex, but he is weak also for your neck expecially if he's going to leave marks.
On him is the .... you know, but of course he has other spots. As a man is quite proud of his muscolature so he's really aroused when you hold to his arms as he fucks you.
C = Cum
He rarely cums inside you (he's not ready to have a child) and the most of the time your body will be covered by his semen
D = Dirty secret
A lot of time passes before you two could start to being intimate. Since he has met you, he became so much frustrated that almost every nights he fucked you in his dreams. He was so thirsty for you that even an accidental touch made his fantasies run wild and the need to have his way with you was so strong. The point is: once you two have risked to have sex for the first time in a public place because a make out session was too heated. How much words I used for this? *palme face*
E = Experience
Based on headcanon of mine, he had sex with many women in brothels to gain informations about his enemies in this way.
Being part of the "job" he didn't really care for their pleasure, but when it comes to you... well, he is quite in troubles, expecially if you are virgin this poor boy'd be terrifyied to hurt you. After the first times in which he'll be reaaaaally cautious and reserved, he'd rapidly get used, even if he'll be slower to introduced her more adventurous things.
F = Favourite Position
Sex with him is savage, hot and passionate. You can start with traditional positions, like missionare or doggy style, but during a session he often changes them. Since you started to go to bed with him, you discovered the existence of a lot position you didn't even know about
G = Goofy
Intimate moments with you are extremely serious to him, so no jokes, but if he's in a more joyful moment he could chuckle for your cute expressions
H = Hair
Groomed, but not to much, after all he's a pirat living in a ship in the middle sea: what kind of hygiene do you thing there was?
I = Intimacy
He's really possessive, so he usually kisses you in public (and here I say it: his kisses are really intense and passionate: he hold your head firm in his hands as his tongue fucks your mouth) and really often he leaves a trail of affection on your neck.
Sometimes he even kisses the breasts then he remembers you are in a public place and he stops but soon he'll continue in yours quarters. He doesn't want other people seeing your pleasured face, so sex and foreplay are reserved for your quarters only.
His gloves. (Still based on a headcanon of mine). He wore gloves to avoid human contact, but after he understood he was comfortable with you he doesn't need them any more (obviously it took a lot of time for him). I know it may looks a contraddiction, but early sex for him was lacking of feelings and when he made love to you for the first time, he utterly bare himself -metaphorically speaking- to be his real self. That's why your first time together came late in your relationship.
J = Jerk Off
He did before, but isn't really down for it. Now he has you he rather fuck you, but if is part of your bedroom activities he doesn't complain at all.
He may work on himself, but not so often.
K = Kink
If you search the word "kink" on the vocaboulary you can find his picture. Seriously, name a kink and he knows it.
Shibari. This pirate knows how to create a lot of knots and he will try them on you. Plus knowing you trust his so much to be restrained is a turn for him
Spanking. And not only your ass me and my dirty mind
Dom/sub, this was obvious. He's the dom and you are the sub. He enjoys when you follow is directions in the bedroom. You want see Motonari loosing his restraint? Be bratty and he'll teach you how behave in bed ;) (I don't know if you will be able to walk the next morning cof cof)
Edging/orgasm denial when he feels more mean than usual. He loves seeing you flustrated to the point of tears and hearing your pleading voice begging to let you come stire something inside him
Marking. He likes both on you and himself. Awaking after a night of passion, seeing hickeys on your body fills his ego more than anything and he will carry with pride your hickeys, showing off much to the crew dismay
Talk dirty. He loves when he whispers the filthiest words in your ears and you blush. Except also a lot of dirty jokes.
Body praising. Sometimes he may let you be in charge: this is your occasion to kiss and touch his scars, praise his body with kind gestures. Even if he doesn't show it a lot, this really warm his heart and he'll fall more in love with you
L = Location
As said before, making out in public place is okay for him (after all he shows you are his), but sex and foreplay in the bedroom
M = Motivation
You, obvious but true.
He's particularly weak when you show affection when he doesn't expect. he melts for a brief second, but then he shows his appreciation toward your body as well grabbing your ass and kissing you ;). MC used sudden affection, is super effective; but Motonari uses passionate kiss, is more effective. MC is defeated.
His jealousy: spent a lot of time with his comrades and slightly neglet him for a while, but this careful with this dog because he can bite and the punishment could be more more hard then you can imagine
As said before, be bratty during sex, try to dominate him and he'll teach you who is in charge.
Be audacious and respond to his passion: whisper in his hear the dirtiest things and how much you crave for his body, nothing excites him more than this, but be carefull: he won't make you walk the next morning
N = No
He won't share you, no matter how many time you beg him: you are his and his alone, no other men (or women) are allowed to step in your intimacy.
He loves when you feel pleasure thought the pain, but this doesn't mean he'll uselessy hurt you during sex. He isn't a sadist
O = Oral
He prefers receiving than giving. He adores the rubbing of your hair against his tight when you make a blowjob. He tries to don't loose his composure, but look him in the eyes when you use the tongue in that way and he'll moan helplessy your name.
When he please you be prepared because he'll tease the hell out of you. He's very skilled and he knows it, so he'll make you scream his name until he's satisfyied. The orgasms he gives you in the foreplay are really a few because he prefers when you cum on his dick.
P = Pace
For a guy demanding in bed as much as him, what do you except? He's reay fast and rough, passionate as sin in a normal session.
But if you are aching, he'll be gentler. It's a bit difficoult for him keeping a slower pace when is inside you, but he has all the intentions of not hurting you more
He's sweet and loving, but only if something bad happened to you or he feels insecure and even in this way, sex with him is mind blowing
Q = Quickies
He prefers have proper sex with you, but if quickies is all he can have, he'll be sure to make them enjoyable as the usual sex
R = Risky
Are you kidding? Absolutly yes! Motonari is super adventurous and risky and nothing makes him more aroused than his partner wanting try new things with him.
S = Stamina
Actually he can go for two or three rounds straight, but a lot depend on his partner's request and on the mood: a jealous Motonari can go through the whole night
T = Toy
I don't know what kind of sexual toys exsist in Sengoku period, but even if they were he'd demonstrate you there's no need to use them: he's better then toys. But if you show him some toys from the modern time, he'll be quite curious to learn more
U = Unfair
If he feels particularly mean during the day, he will neglet you his attentions, even in little things like kisses and physical contact; but during sex he's an ass actually one of the most unfair amongst all the suitor and during a playful session he won't let you come for a lot of times
V = Volume
Usually all you can get during sex are heavy pants and grunts, but if you are quite skilled, he can even moans your name when you please him. Let's imagine his husky voice when he calls your name as he comes
W = Wildcard
When he can't have you because you have period, he behaves like a capricious kid with you, but with his crew will be super salty more than usual
Y = Yearning
He's horny for you 24/7 and if it were to him, he'd have always sex with you, but as a captain, he knows he has a crew and a ship to command. He is quite good with self restrain, but there are times in which he can't resist to have you (expecially if you do the first move)
He doesn't hold back during sex, so after he's sure the both of you are fully satisfyied, he falls asleep in ten or fifteen minutes or if he is just tired he'll embrace you
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loveislattes · 5 years
NSFW Alphabet - Yandereplier
These are all personal opinions of mine. Of course, others might see it differently, but I hope you all enjoy the read no matter what!
(Re-post! The original got removed because I had an actual sex gif in here, so now there’s just a link!)
Also, I hope no one minds, but I completely h/c as Yan still being a male that just enjoys wearing female clothing, and looking totally adorable doing it! <3
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
Yandere is all about the cuddles. In fact, he’ll probably wrap himself around you like an octopus, or request you do the same to him if he’s feeling brave enough. All the while, he’ll press soft kisses over your face and the top of your head, whispering how much he loves you and how amazing you are to him. He’ll be sure to make you feel like royalty.
B = Body part (Their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
He can’t pick a favorite part of his body, but if his lover really, really pushed for it, he’d say his mouth. It lets him kiss them, please them, and taste them.
His favorite part of his lover though, oh, that’s equally as difficult because he loves everything about them. He would tell him he loved the passion in their eyes, the tilt of cuteness in their smile, the softness of their skin, the way they feel touching him, the voice that so perfectly says his name; Literally everything. He won’t find fault in his partner in even the darkest corners.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
He thinks cum is messy, and he can’t bring himself to soil the perfection of his lover by cumming on them. On the other hand though, when his lover explodes and coats his mouth in their cum, or it drips down his body? He finds it unbelievably erotic. He also enjoys the claiming act of having his cum spill deep inside his lover as they twitch and flutter around him like mad.
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Yan had of course lusted long and hard over his lover, viewing them as his senpai for a long time before finally approaching them. It took him months of dating them to start relaxing around them, but no matter how long they’re together, he’ll always see them as his senpai and hold that reverence for them in his head. Sometimes during sex, he calls them senpai in a whisper that they can’t hear, just because he’s still in awe to have them.
He is also a switch, but he’d never let anyone other than his lover know it. His lover needs a dominant person? He’ll gladly fill that role. His lover is into being dominant? He won’t hesitate to submit to them.
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
Yandere had very little experience, having no real interest in others until he met his lover. Once he found them, whoo boy. He did a mountain of research, and he always strives to improve sex for his lover (no matter how many times they tell him that he’s already blown their mind). What he lacks in experience, he makes up for in enthusiasm and willingness.
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
He’s pretty serious during sex. He makes it his personal mission to do everything right so he pleases you beyond your wildest dreams. If you were to giggle about something, it would take a bunch of hugs and kisses to reassure him that you weren’t laughing at him before he could get back into the mood.
H = Hair (How well-groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
Yan grooms himself however his lover prefers and has no preference for his lover as long as they’re comfortable.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
Yandere is incredibly romantic. He’ll start with soft words and gentle kisses raining down your face, trailing down your neck and chest, all the while whispering everything he loves about the area he’s kissing.
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
He hardly ever jacks off, and it’s usually only by his lover’s request to do so. He had little to no sex drive before his lover and sees what urges he does have as a waste unless he can spend it with them.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Yan is rather vanilla when left to his own devices.
However, he has a huge body worship kink. He wants to take his time and make each part of your body feel amazing. The little hollow under your knee, the sensitive patch of skin below your navel, the sweet spot on your neck, he’ll make sure to hit every single spot that brings your pleasure, and it turns him on to do it!
He also has an enormous praise kink. While he wants to worship you and tell you every part he loves about you, it drives him insane to hear that he pleases you. Whether it’s his name said in a breathy moan, or you’re screaming about how good he makes you feel, it’s an aphrodisiac with him.
If his lover were more dominant, he has no issues playing submissive for them. He’ll get into, too. Begging for them, letting them edge him and tease him for as long as they wish, letting them use him for their own pleasure. He’d be the perfect sub as long as he knew his lover was happy.
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
His favorite place is in bed. It’s classic, and he gets a big, soft space to take his time with you.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
Praise, praise, praise! You could walk by him and make an off-hand comment about how you were still aching from last night, and he’d instantly get turned on.
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn-offs)
No sharing. Absolutely a hard limit for him. He also won’t go too far into hurting his lover but will instill some of the easier BDSM tactics if they really want it.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
It’s a tie for him. In giving, he gets to hear your moans and screams and feel you get off for him. In receiving, he gets to feel every little wonderful thing your mouth can do. He’d give up receiving if he had to choose, but he loves them both.
P = Pace (Are they fats and rough? Slow and sensual? Etc.)
Yan is usually slow and passionate, taking his time and hitting every pleasure spot he can. The only time he gets rough is if his lover requests it, or if he’s hit by jealousy. His lover had been talking to another man for too long, or let the man hug or touch them? Oh, he’d take his frustration out by fucking them into next week (with their consent of course).
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
He hates quickies unless his lover demands it. He’ll do anything for them, of course. He much more prefers to take his time with them.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
Yan is completely open to new kinks and toys, as he’s constantly looking for new things to amp up the pleasure for his lover in the bedroom. He won’t do anything that would risk their safety though.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
His stamina is pretty average. 1-2 rounds and done. The foreplay and oral and worship can take anywhere from ten to twenty minutes, and the actual sex is about the same. He’s learned amazing control over how long he can stave off his orgasm to give his partner multiple.
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
He owns toys that he bought for his lover, and a few in case they want him to be submissive. Whether they’re used on them or him, totally depends on the situation.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Yan doesn’t tease too much. Of course, he doesn’t realize how sexy it is when he gives you that seductive stare because he’s thinking something dirty about you.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
Oh, he’s loud as can be. Moaning, grunting, whining, groaning. You name it, he does it. He doesn’t hold back just how good you make him feel, telling you in panicked breaths as he teeters right on the edge of climax. It’s not usual to hear your voice screamed into the pillow beneath you.
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
Totally believe that when he’s drinking, he’s the subbiest sub. Male or female lover, it won’t matter. He’ll ask them to fuck/peg him from behind and use him like a filthy toy for their pleasure. Drunk yan is a kinky yan.
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
Slightly over average in length and much thicker than average, he is hung to please the pickiest of lovers but not harm them with his size.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
His sex drive is average. Before he found his lover, he had none at all. So he was shocked when he started craving physical intimacy with them.
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterward)
Pretty quick. Once you’re snuggled up to him, big or little spoon, he’s out with a few sweet words.
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kaheyama · 5 years
contemplations of alternate realities (1,943)
“Bateyama-kun, do you think there are alternate versions of us out there?”
or, Hinata contemplates the possibilities of other universes existing (and Kageyama is there as well).
PAIRING: Hinata Shouyou/Kageyama Tobio; Hinata Shouyou & Kageyama Tobio
RATING: teen and up audiences
TAGS: you can read this romantically or platonically either way; canon compliant; (during high school); banter; humor; kagehina antics :’); the tiniest mention of existentialism; ft. national team and knights!
read on AO3 or under the cut
“Bateyama-kun, do you think there are alternate versions of us out there?”
Hinata turns his head when he speaks to Kageyama, looking at his upside-down features. They had taken a nap, but he doesn’t know how that ended up with their heads together and feet facing opposite ends of the bed.
In lieu of an actual response, Kageyama just says, “Hinata-boke”, sluggish, living up to his nickname. It’s crazy how dysfunctional he is when he hasn’t gotten enough sleep or isn’t fully awake.
But that’s okay! Hinata doesn’t need Kageyama to be responsive anyways. He just wants to say his thoughts out loud, and it sounds a lot better when he’s talking to someone else rather than to himself.
“I mean, think about it though. Space is massive, and with so many galaxies out there, surely there can be multiple universes too.”
Hinata isn't super into astronomy, but he's stayed up watching theory videos before, as one does. He had to stop after getting freaked out by the sheer minuscule size of what he occupies compared to space and time, but he likes to entertain the idea of there being other hims out there sometimes.
“Maybe there’s a taller me somewhere,” he speculates. Despite having accepted his height and learning how to utilise it, he doesn’t think there’d be any harm if he were a few centimetres taller. Or twenty. He’d take up more space that way too; maybe tall-Hinata doesn’t get as upset about his position in the universe. “Maybe,” he adds, wanting to tease Kageyama, “that me is even taller than you! There could be a short version of you too, one who doesn’t even reach one-sixty!”
Kageyama grunts, then swings out blindly to hit him, but he easily dodges. That only riles the boy up more, and he continues trying to swat Hinata, albeit to no avail. It makes Hinata laugh, loud and open. Messing with Kageyama is always fun.
“Don’t be an idiot, idiot,” Kageyama’s speech is still slurred, however Hinata understands him just fine. It’s one of his skills—being able to decipher what his setter thinks and says no matter the circumstance. “Don’t you think I’d know if there’s another me? The world is only so big.”
It takes Hinata a moment to comprehend what Kageyama just said. When he’s sure that he heard right, his expression twists into one of disbelief, and he props up onto his elbows to get a better look at the dumbass in front of him.
When he’s relaxed, Kageyama actually looks peaceful; there’s not a single trace of the grumpy scowl so many people know him for. And he’s so endearingly oblivious to the nonsense he spouted, Hinata debates whether he should even try to explain the vastness of existence, or just let him be.
“It’s okay, Kageyama-kun,” he replies in the end, patting the top of Kageyama’s head, “not all of us have big enough brains to understand.”
This time, Kageyama lands a solid hit, square in Hinata’s chest. He goes flying back onto the bed with an ‘oof!’, arms and legs plopping down a moment later. He sits up once he’s rubbed the sore spot and glares at Kageyama, even though the dark-haired boy won’t see it. Hinata hopes he feels it though, the daggers and evil curses he’s sending his way.
“That hurt!”
“I didn’t know you were so close! What were you doing?!”
“Hmph.” Hinata takes back all the nice observations he made about Kageyama earlier. He’s not pretty to look at, and he’s definitely not cute in any way. He’s stupid, is what he is. “I’m thinking about the universe where I don’t have to deal with you.”
“Hmph,” Kageyama mimics. He then brings up his arms and folds them over his chest. “Not if I beat you to it.” And then he starts frowning really hard, as if he’s putting a lot of effort into it.
“Wh—! That’s cheating!” Hinata yells. Kageyama can’t just steal his idea and get a head start! So, he immediately lies back down and screws his eyes shut too, determined to somehow erase Kageyama from existence.
It’s difficult. No matter what scenario Hinata thinks up, as soon as he believes he’s succeeded, Kageyama appears in the next scene.
He pictures his third year of junior high. Yukigaoka never plays Kitagawa Daiichi. Kageyama Tobio never goes to Karasuno. Hinata hones his volleyball skills without someone yelling at him, and he gets better and better. He reaches his dream stage—playing on the world level—and when he enters the national team’s gym, boasting his new ‘Japan’ jacket, he walks into someone.
He pulls back quickly and goes to apologise, but is stifled by a cold glare. Blue eyes stare down at him, and he sees hair as dark as the aura exuding from the man. What’s more, he’s wearing the same red jersey Hinata has on under his outer layer, and when the guy harshly turns around, Hinata sees ‘KAGEYAMA’ blazoned in white across the top.
Hinata shakes the image out of his mind, deciding to switch gears. It’s probably better if he doesn’t involve the sport he loves, otherwise Kageyama is bound to show up sooner or later.
So, he pictures himself as a knight who gets to carry a sword around with him, patrolling a huge castle. He’s still short compared to the other knights, but he’s faster than them—the heavy armour does nothing to weigh him down. This makes him efficient at catching thieves and completing his tasks, so he gets a bonus and is given permission to go down to the market.
Going outside the main perimeters and into the common areas is fun. Hinata gets to talk to a lot of people and see a lot of cool things. He even joins in on a children’s game kicking a small stuffed sack around and between two sticks acting as posts.
Once he obtains some fresh eggs, he starts heading back, but gets distracted by the throngs of people gathering at the edge of the main road. He halts swinging his bag, and weasels his way to the front to get a better look at what’s going on.
It seems like those around him aren’t sure what’s happening either, but there are a lot of whispers about someone important coming. Hinata’s lost—he hadn’t heard anything about a special guest, so he has no idea who it could be.
His questions are answered though, when a trumpet blares loudly, and he hears the telltale sound of marching.
Everyone around him immediately extends their necks to try and get a first glimpse of the incoming royal, however Hinata stays back. When he sees the foreign soldiers pass, he can’t help but grimace. Their protective coverings look a lot shinier than the ones Hinata normally has to wear, and they look a lot more lightweight too. The family crest protrudes from the chestplate in brilliant blue, glinting in the sunlight.
He can’t imagine what a presumably distinguished family is doing here, but he knows it means he’s probably screwed if he doesn’t get back to the castle before they arrive. He’s just about to leave though, when he sees him.
Without even knowing anything else, it’s obvious that the person riding the white horse is a king. There’s just something different about the way he carries himself; Hinata has no doubt that if he got close the air around him would not be the same. Suddenly, Hinata finds it hard to look away.
Which is when eyes settle on him.
There are so many others staring at the king, with much more intensity as well, yet for some reason he chooses to return Hinata’s gaze. Hinata feels frozen now, suffocated almost, and it’s like nothing else matters.
He could stay like this forever, except “King Tobio!” cuts the moment short, and the royal breaks eye contact, continuing forward.
Hinata’s eyes fly open, and he grasps at himself to make sure he’s not in medieval times, and glances at Kageyama to make sure he’s not ruling any nations. Satisfied, he looks up at the ceiling again to contemplate his failures.
Frustrated, Hinata shakes against the bed, then prods Kageyama.
“Kageyama-kun, help me.”
“Come on! Does that mean you’ve done it?”
“Done what?”
“… Imagined a universe without me?”
“Why would I do that? Who would I toss to?”
Hinata wants to chastise him, call him an idiot for not even remembering what he was meant to be doing, but he can’t bring himself to say anything after Kageyama’s honest comments make his face heat up.  
“Now quit bothering me, I’ve been trying to sleep.”
“You—!” Kageyama is an idiot. That whole thing was probably just a ruse to get Hinata to stop talking! Well, too bad for him, Hinata sticks his tongue out at the boy, that’s not going to happen.
“I wonder in how many realities we still play volleyball.” As great as it is, and as much as Hinata’s current life revolves around the sport, thinking about doing other things and not living as an athlete is entertaining. Maybe he’s a pirate in another universe.
These words get Kageyama’s attention. His eyes blink open, and he stares down at Hinata looking almost offended.
“Dumbass. Every single version of me plays volleyball. There is no doubt about that.”
“You’re the dumbass! How are you going to play volleyball if you live in Feudal Japan, where the sport doesn’t even exist? Or maybe you’re living in Antarctica, where it’s too cold to even do anything!”
When Hinata is met with silence, he grins to himself. That means he’s won.
“Well, I know that in every reality I would find you.”
“Oh? That’s romantic, Yamayama-kun,” Hinata teases.
“It’s—” Kageyama’s face has gone bright red, he’s blushing like crazy, and Hinata giggles. He really is inept, isn’t he? The single mention of anything like that and the boy gets flustered. “I only meant that as in I would come and defeat you in any universe! No matter if we’re playing volleyball or not! Hinata-boke!”
“Aw, come on!” Hinata whines. And just when he thought they were having a moment!
A silence falls over them after, Hinata is too busy pouting to try and say anything else. He guesses he should be glad Kageyama is taking their rivalry as seriously as he is, but would that really be the only thing bringing them together? He lets out a huff.
“Hey…” Kageyama starts, with a voice that’s quiet and maybe a bit careful. “You wanna go play ball?”
There’s some hesitance in his tone too, like he’s nervous about Hinata’s answer, and Hinata realises this is probably him trying to say sorry. It’s a twisted way to go about it, but hey, when have they ever been normal?
“Baka,” Hinata says with a smile on his face, “of course I do.”
Then, he abruptly sits up and runs out of the room, towards the backyard where the volleyball net has already been set up. Hinata knows he's cheating by getting a head start, but he's considering it compensation. Kageyama didn't have to apologise at all, however Hinata's losing their tally right now, so he'll take any excuse to get ahead.
When he hears Kageyama’s thundering footsteps behind him, and hears him bellow, “Boke, Hinata-boke!”, he lets out a bright laugh, and throws his arms out like he’s extending his wings for flight.
There may be other realities out there, and they might contain all kinds of Hinata Shouyous, but this Hinata wholeheartedly believes that he lives in the best universe of them all.
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mitsuhidethesnek · 5 years
Lancelot Kingsley Character Thoughts
@coolandspice asks: "Can you do Lancelot next for the IkeRev analysis if you haven't yet? I love your analysis of Edgar and your analysis of his relationship with Lancelot got me near to tears. I'd love to hear what you think of Lancelot as well. :)"
Ahhhh. Such a nice compliment! We protect Lancelot and Edgar in this house! I havent done one for Lance yet so here goes!
First Impression - Pointless journey ahoy. I was at Anime Expo, waiting in line for merch during IkeRev's release. I was so nervous cuz i had no idea whose route to start, and I had no idea who I would someday stan! Release days are so unfair. Initially I was torn between the two kings. Ray has that black hair/green eyes combo I like. Black army also represents freedom, an ideology i prefer. Lance is a classic pretty monarch, which is whatever, but then he says shit like... "you belong to me now." So I let my kinks pick Lance, and I have no regrets. Also, Otomeobsessed said Lance route explains why Lance is the way he is in other routes, so that decided it.
Impression Now - I love him and would defend Lancelot with my life, and he doesnt even need it. Who doesn’t like Lance? After knowing everyone in IkeRev, I am still a red army stan! I really love how Red Army is full of very principled people who have a very high standards of themselves and each other. And because they’re so strict and productive, the moments where they cut loose are even more delightful to me. At first Lance was just average pretty boy. Blond hair, blue eyes doesn’t appeal to my shallow points. And he was that serious austere type. Good but not too interesting yet. But now?? I FIND HIM SO SENSUAL AND COMPELLING AND CUTE TOO. He makes my heart and ovaries burst with every line he utters!! He is regal all over with his legitimate skill for leadership and combat, his intellect and posture. He’s serious, but he’s also playful. He’s not serious in a way that makes him picky. No, he’s serious in a way that makes him easy to satisfy! Which I love because I’m lazy... He would be perfectly happy to spend the day inside or strolling somewhere just being by your side and soaking in your energy. You don’t have to be doing anything. You could talk about utter nonsense, and every exchange would still feel intimate because of the way he appreciates every slight twitch of your face and every slight gesture of your body. He sees poetry in your fundamental humanity.
Favorite Moment - Fave is after the dance when he orders you to ask two wishes of him. I unlocked his POV, and it still breaks me. I love every moment where he’s playful with you and can’t help smiling and laughing around you. The hardened king who believes his life wasn’t meant for happiness, who believes his life must be sacrificed, a smile slips onto his face when he’s with you. I love the way he uses his status as king as part of his joke for why you have to tell him how he can repay you. That is precious. And then you say, “no fair, playing the king card!” I lovve. Alice, you have no reason to obey him, he’s not a threat, you know that more than anyone now, but you go with it. And what do you ask of the king?? To stay with him for the rest of your days in Cradle. THE ROMANCE. And then Lance gets that surprised look I love so much. In that moment his heart fills up to the brim in a way he didn’t think was possible, and his happiness is so intense in contrast to the angst we’ve learned thus far. I love these small but blinding moments of utter bliss, and how he tries so hard to restrain it anyway. He's struggling not to entirely crumble before you. He’s grateful for the most simplest of human emotions and pleasures when he’s with you. And with him, even the simplest pleasures are sumptuous.
Idea for a Story - I want an adventurous playful MC to get Lance to try all sorts of new things! Drag him along through town. Have him delight in everything. Have him stare after you in wonder and affection at how enjoyable you find certain things. And in turn, he learns to appreciate little things too. And seeing his simple contentment brings you even more joy. And it becomes just an endless loop of being elated by each other’s happiness and wanting to do everything to get each other to smile and laugh. Like, one of my favorite events is where you take him out to town and you eat crepes together. He finishes while observing his surroundings. And idkkkkkk. It makes me soft just picturing him.
Unpopular Opinion - I actually like when Lancelot calls you Alice, although I don’t think canon always lines up with my headcanon (bold claim!). I have this idea that once you're together, he calls you by your real name much more often, especially to be extra intimate and personal and grab your attention. But sometimes he calls you Alice, My Alice, similar to My Queen like it's a title. And he does that most when he's boasting about you or speaking to you in public and wants to show off that you're the best Alice there is or when he’s joking with you. You have rightly earned your unique position. And he'll switch between the two depending whether he needs to emphasize your authority as Alice or your importance as his beloved. I'm self inserting more leadership qualities into Alice but whatever.
Favorite Relationship - with Kyle! I love when Kyle gets mad at both Lance and MC. Kyle is the only one who knows his secret. And i love all the memes of Kyle just being so tired from coming after everyone, especially Lance the goddamn martyr. It must be extra frustrating because they're opposite in a lot of ways. Kyle wants nothing more than to see people happy. He's not so serious, and he's a drunken mess. Lance, however, is not drunk, in full possession of his faculties and quite serious, yet is constantly jeopardizing both his health and happiness. Help these idiots.
Favorite Headcanon - this meme by @belovedofthekingofhearts where Alice shows Lance a simple trick, and his mind is so blown. i honestly bust out laughing every time without fail.
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palaeophilist · 4 years
ode to the year 2019
Sometimes I guess it is good to not go anywhere.
Today I am simply sat outside on my patio. I marvel at the continual saga of the Chinese flame tree which takes up much of the real estate in my vantage point: it is now full of green and golden leaves; the seed pods have turned brown, but they catch the light of this particular Sunday, and they glow and whisper in the wind. The sky is one of those bright light December blues. It is decorated with the wispiest clouds.
My friend bought me one of those five-year diaries for my birthday (which is in May) and because I am who I am, and because it is a year to remember, I determined to go back through all the days of twenty-nineteen and account for them. It was hard work, but work made for a researcher (myself). Since my child was born in January, there were more pictures than ever (I personally took over 2000 myself), so that was always my first point of reference. So many of the photos were nondescript in the way that the days were: me, holding baby; baby, looking cute; baby, standing there; baby, nursing and so on.  So after photos, I would check my timeline, which tracked all the places that I went. If, like today, I went nowhere, then I would check my search history. It would remind me of the daily concerns, such as, when can I take a bath? do I have prolapse? is this smell normal? what is rash is this? etc. I would check text messages. I could check our baby monitor’s video history and try to decipher the meaning of the sounds and motions that it captured. One particularly striking event was on January 23rd, less than three weeks after C had come to the outside world, when you could just hear me sobbing for ten minutes.
I managed to remember almost every day, and found something to say about all of them, and I understand after having remembered why it was easier to forget. Last night, PY and I got into a fight about it, because the way I remember the first days of parenthood are not flattering to him. He was triggered by my memory of the things he used to say, because they were out of context (and out of context, they are abominable). I wasn’t trying to put myself up in any great light. I don’t feel like I did those early weeks with much grace. I just did them as well as I could, as I am sure he did, too. I recorded an audio journal from the middle of March. It was a day when I had to go to school to teach, and I had booked a sitter but she cancelled at the last minute. I tried to find someone to cover, but I couldn’t, and PY ended up stepping up to take care of the baby. He said something snarky as I was leaving, and I was just so frustrated with the whole relational dynamic. I knew that my patience was razor thin (in that  journal, you can hear me cursing at a car which was, as I recall, driving 20 miles under the speed limit). I wasn’t really doing self-care. I wasn’t sleeping. I had unlocked a new level of sleep deprivation that I had not known existed. I was just living, one nondescript day to the next, trying to scrape by, scraping for joy.
Eventually, and without great fanfare, all the boxes were acquired, packed, moved, and all of their contents put away. Eventually, all the rooms were set up in a casual disarray that we came to accept as normal. Eventually, CS learned to sleep independently. Eventually, I slept too. Eventually, we found a wonderful, personable and competent sitter who enabled me to get back to work, for real, with my brain as well as my body. We cycled through at least a dozen different schedules as our needs changed. We figured out a path forward that more-or-less worked.  I just got better at it all. I got better at not feeling like I was playing catch up to every new development; I became more adaptable. Maybe that skill will stay, or it was only here for a time while I survived the first year of motherhood. I don’t know. It doesn’t really matter. This is just a record to say that it happened. I grew. We all did.
This was not a banner year for watching television or reading books, although I watched a few great shows and read a few good books. I mostly watched my child eat, and lay there, and wriggle, and then sit, and scoot, and crawl, and stand, and cruise, and walk. The days were tightly scheduled, but still they ambled onward, somehow all becoming a year when placed end to end. Time is a funny thing, and funnier still from the fog of sleepless days, and funnier still when one year was a lifetime.
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((Hi, thank you so much for my Sava review! My cousin and I did another character swap and they gave me Troy-Logan. I redrew his picture and hopefully it looks a bit more polished. I asked for this character but I only asked for vital information and I kind of went from there. I would like to make him more of a good guy. I want to know if I gave him a more cohesive story and background. I did a personality overhaul and hopefully this presents him as a better character. I tried to make this another Short profile, but I hope that this makes sense. It’s hard, but I think I’m starting to understand what you all are talking about.
World: The Universe that my cousin and I created. An Alternate earth during the year 2036 and Troy comes from the Space section of our story.
Just some quick Info: I know this is a really bad writing thing, but I made a running joke that Nobody really knows how old Troy-Logan is. He mentions things in his life and people wonder how old he is really. I have a BS story going on that his Ice based powers have slowed his aging, but yeah… lazy writing on my part.
I was asked about this, but someone asked me how he knew how his dead sister acted. On their planet, soldiers are required to make a Video log of their life each day.
N’Kairens are shapeshifting aliens that live on their planet. They spend most of their time disguised, but they are kind beings.
Troy-Logan was born during the time where humans and A’maranians didn’t really mix with eachother. ))
Name: Troy-Logan Vega-Alakkaria
Aliases: Troy, Logan, Ren calls him “Viggo’s Hot Uncle”, Cho Min-Ki.
Gender: Cis Male
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual
Age: Unknown but he looks 35.
Species: Human-A’maranian Hybrid
Birthplace: Seoul, South Korea
Occupation: Lead singer and rhythm guitarist in his band called Avalanche
Alignment: Lawful Good
Affiliations: He’s affiliated with the Viggo, The A’maranian Army, The Shershen’ forces, and Ren Silla.
Family: Oh Hye-Sun and Cho Tae-Won: Hye-Sun was his mother and they had a very tumultuous relationship. Growing up, she tried to his the fact that he was an alien by doing some rather cruel things. Their relationship got even worse after she started to day that he was cursed. He hasn’t spoken to her in years. Tae-Won was his father and he does love him. The only thing that Troy hated was that Tae-Won was too passive and he let his wife get away with a lot. Although he’s not his real son, he cared for that boy like he was his own. He was actually good friends with Maxmilian.
Blue Veya-Alakkaria: She is his youngest sister. He’s never met her in his life, but he feels a strong connection to her. All that he knows about her is that she lived with Maxmilian for a while before she left to live in England. He wants to know more about her because he never knew that he had a sister who was 10 years younger than him. He feels like it’s his duty to at least learn about what she did.
Maxmilan Veya-Alakkaria: Maxmilan is his true father. He never knew this because his mother was good at hiding this fact, but he started to put pieces together. He loved him because he was so kind and he was just himself. He thought that it was interesting that both of his dads were friends with eachother.
Viggo Hwajae-Alakkaria: He has a strange relationship with Viggo. He loves him but in a weird way. As he explains it, He knew that his sister was dead, but then here’s her adult son who looks and acts just like her. He’s creeped out by him because he is kind of like Blue, but reincarnated as his relative.
Best Friends: Krystal: Krystal is one of his closest friends. She is a N’Kairen and she is his lead guitarist and backup singer. When he has to get some things done, she stands in for him during concerts. She’s so good that she recorded a whole album as him and nobody knew the difference.
Relationship Status: Single
Significant Other: None at all
Other Relationships: Aeron: He and Aeron are not friends, but they are not enemies. He’s met him before and he’s glad that he was kind to his sister when she was alive, but other than that, he doesn’t like speaking to him.
Height: 6'6
Weight: 250lbs
Build: Muscular, but tall.
Skin Tone: He’s relatively fair skinned.
Hair: Thick, Curly, and White with blondish streaks through it.
Eyes: His eyes are actually more Ice white with light hints of pink in them.
Identifying Marks: Curly white hair, his tattoos, and his smile.
Appearance: Troy-Logan is a very handsome man who looks like his nephew. He is 6'6 and 250lbs. Like his nephew and his sister, he is from the northern side of the planet, so he has pinkish eyes. His hair is naturally frost white with hints of blonde. His eyebrows are black and expressive. He has a few piercings which include two above his right and left eyebrows, top and bottom lip piercings, and gauges in his ears. He has quite a few tattoos with blue on them that start at his neck and end on his legs and tail. Like his younger sister, he is of mixed heritage being Swedish and Korean. He has a sharp nose like his father and friendly eyes like his mothers, but that is about it. One thing that people seem to notice about him is that his tail is a bit weird. It’s paralyzed from the base down and only half of it moves. He’s never thought of removing it though.
Personality: Troy is known for having a laid back and easy going attitude. Like his real dad, he’s a natural charmer, but he tends to show it by being a real good friend. He is a bit brash and if he feels like he’s being disrespected, then he’s not afraid to tell someone off. He truly loves his family and he’s always willing to do something to help Viggo out. He loves being a singer and he thinks that his biggest motivation for singing is his fans. He really loves them and he will do anything to keep them happy. He’s always willing to meet them, hang out with them, and he’s even partied with a few of them. Because of how he was raised, he is extremely hard on himself. There are times where if he can’t get something right, then he throws a fit. This contrasts with his willingness to help others out. He sometimes feels like he’s not A’maranian enough, and he this is something that makes him self-conscious.
Motivations: Family. He’s lost his dad and his sister, so he wants to make it up by being a great uncle to Viggo.
Current Goal: He is trying to help Viggo and Emperor Sava with stopping the Makarasan army.
Life Goal: He actually wants to find inner peace and he wants to be in a place where he can be happy with himself.
Motto: “Always put on a good show”
Best Quality: The amount of love that he has for people in general. He loves his band, his fans, and his planet. He’s just a really kind guy who’s energy is infectious.
Worst Quality: He is not patience or nice to home self at all. He feels like he doesn’t do enough and he just gets really frustrated at who he is. This anger with himself has nearly caused him to die.
Likes: Writing lyrics, Hanging out with fans, reading, cooking, setting up wiring and rigging his own shows, repairing cars, and he likes taking care of Ja’arat beasts.
Dislikes: Messing thins up, being called “Half Breed”, hearing people talk bad about his sister, not being able to help someone, rude people in general, and he’s not a fan of K-pop.
Fears: Right now, his biggest fear is losing Viggo. That’s his family and he would hate to loose someone that he’s close to. He also has a fear of breaking his back again.
Hobbies: Playing guitar, cooking, and he’s currently making a new line of guitars that he drew.
Talents: He’s a talented guitarist. He’s also able to hear something and he can play it back. He’s a great singer, and he does have a vocal range of 6,1 octaves.
Skills: He is fluent in Korean, Japanese, Spanish, French, German, The A’maranian language, and Russian. He can actually sing in these languages as well. He’s also has Ja’arat training, which means that he can use any of these beasts at any time.
Abilities: Like All A’maranians, Troy has the ability to fly and he has enhanced strength. He is more durable than a regular human as well. His particular set of powers includes Ice manipulation and Ice conjuring. Because of this, his body is cold to the touch.
Weaknesses: One of his weaknesses is that if he’s too hot, his powers don’t work that well. Also, he has a bad back and it does hurt him sometimes if he pulls some really drastic stunts.
Secret: Although he’s loved on the planet for a few years, he’s terrible at speaking the A’maranian language. He’s never quite picked up the nuances and small details of it.
Influential Memory: His influential memory was meeting his real father for the first time. He had no idea that the man was so close to him, but so far away from where he was.
Role Model: His Role model would have to be his other dad, Mr. Cho Tae-Won. This man loved him regardless and he did not care that he wasn’t his son. Although this is not his Father, he will always treat him as such.
Crush: He does think that Ren Silla is cute and he likes his personality, but he’s just too young for him.
Source of Embarrassment: He’s embarrassed by the fact that he believes that he’s not good enough. He feels like he’s not A’maranian enough, he knows that he’s Korean but he doesn’t feel like he fits into his country.
Source of Pride: His guitar. It’s a custom, 7 string Ibanez that his father for custom made for him. He’s still using it today, he just changes it up.
Born in Seoul, South Korea, Cho Min-Ki was born to Oh Hye-Sun and her husband, Cho Tae-Won. Her son was born with her lover’s strong features and for the first few years of his life, she kept the baby hidden. His mother told him that he was cursed, so he never objected to her shaving him bald, he never fussed when she got his canines removed, and he never objected when she got his tail removed. As he got older, he eventually managed to get into a good college, but his mother demanded that he dye his hair black and that he wore brown contact lenses whenever he attended his classes. In an effort to help his son deal with stress, Tae-Won bought his son a custom guitar. Min-ki loved it and in his spare time, he would play a few chords on it. Tae-Won enrolled his son in an english class. The guy that Tae-Won picked was named Maxmilian. They got to talking and Max told him that he was an English teacher on his planet and he wanted to know more about Korean culture. It was strange how comfortable he felt around Max, but he knew that his mother would throw a fit. Max asked him what was wrong and and he told him that his mom, Oh Hye-Sun, would throw a fit if she saw them hanging out together. Once Max heard that name, he got nervous. He asked Min-ki to leave. Not knowing what was going on, he did as he said. It had been years since Min-ki saw Max again, but during that time, he wanted to express himself more. He went through a “Rebel” phase. He let his hair grow out, he got a few tattoos, and he got a job as a motorcycle repairs man. The job was fun and he liked it because his mother would go nowhere near those places. Max did return, but Min-ki learned that Max was his real father. He asked Tae-Won if this was true, and he confirmed it. He wanted to make it up to Min-ki, so he asked him if he would like to live on his planet for a while. Min-ki was torn, he liked Max, but he didn’t want to abandon Tae-Won. After an argument with his mother, he went to live with Max. Life on this new planet was different, But Min-Ki felt like he had to prove himself. He was cocky and He decided to join one of the hardest factions of the army, electing to be a Ja’arat rider. He took on a mission that was too difficult, which resulted in his beast dying and him breaking his back. It took years of rehab and soul searching for him to find some meaning in his life. He did his best to fit in with the A’maranian people, letting them get to him better. Max became terminally ill, but before he passed, He asked Min-ki to go and find his younger sister. He was shocked, but he learned that she was 10 years younger and he raised her on this planet before she went back to Earth. It took a total of 10 years, but he had gotten a complete story about her. He learned from the A’maranian Embassy that her name was Blue, she married a human man and they did live on Akrinco for a while before she was killed in the war against the Shershen’. His good friend, Krystal told him that someone from Akrinco was looking for him. A relative of hers was looking for them, but it said that he had what remained of her possessions. He was curious, and he made his way back to Akrinco. He did speak with a young man named Viggo Hwajae and he claimed to be her son. The strange thing was that he definitely looked like Blue, and from his story, everything seemed legit. Although they are still getting use to one another, he truly trusts Viggo and he sees him as family.
Hello Again!
I understand that you and your cousin traded this character, but I think that a lot of what I said in my initial critique of this character still pertains. One of the things I liked in the first write-up was that Troy-Logan had realistic identifiable flaws. Removing them to make him more charming and personable takes away what makes him a relatable character. While I appreciate that the background is shorter, the other suggestions that were made still stand. For example, Troy’s mother constantly changing his appearance, even going so far as to cut off his tail and hide his eye color, would give him lingering self esteem issues. Where is that shown? If his dad knew that Troy wasn’t his biological child, why didn’t he step in when his wife was doing these things? What about after his wife left him for the same man she cheated with before? I think you should go read the original review and build Troy’s personality to include traits that stem from his background.
Happy Writing,
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sapphired17 · 5 years
It was 2 AM early at dawn when I finished watching the last episode of At Eighteen drama. Beautifully-painted in a nonchalant but painful atmosphere, I laughed and cried with the characters that resonated pains through their eyes. My eyes, too, were swollen and red after having shed unbearable tears as I came near to the ending scene and listened to the heartbreaking monologue from the main leads. Everything had been melodramatically irresistible and I didn’t want it to end. At Eighteen was initially a mere web-drama I happened to come across when I was scrolling through iflix, but then it has become one of the lifetime dramas that I felt grateful for discovering.
AT EIGHTEEN / 열 여덟의 순간 (2019)
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The struggles I have been facing at work are rough and exhausting. It might be that I am still starting to pave a way ahead for myself  in the future that I need to deal with constant pressures and anxiety, but I thought it was too burdensome. I keep looking for light-hearted series that tug into my heartstrings to relieve my stress. At the very least, those series help me momentarily erase the bad memories I have experienced in real life. It might sound cliche to people who are not so fond of watching dramas, but for melancholic introverts like me, the existence of dramas feel like sugar sprinkled on top of my dessertㅡit temporarily sugarcoats the reality. And when I watched the first episode of At Eighteen, I know that I will love it. A lot.
I was being too emotional on my writing above, but never mind (it’s already ten to three freakin’ AM in the morning and I haven’t slept at all just to write this piece since the feeling still lingers there). At Eighteen is a melodramatic web-drama that tells the life of South Korean high school students at the age of 18 and their relatable struggles in coping up with the hard times.
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Choi Jun Woo (Ong Seung Woo) is a forced transfer student after a theft case in his previous high school. At first, he was very quiet and reserved and didn’t even try to acknowledge his existence. Jun Woo comes from a poor family with a single young mother that works very hard for the living. He also works part-time after school to earn more money, so I can somehow grasp the situation that leads to his overly-passive manner when he first transferred. Nonetheless, Jun Woo is originally very kind and caring. He isn’t embarrassed of his current circumstances, but working very hard to do well on his own. These qualities shine a lot especially when he is around his mother.
I have never heard of Ong Seung Woo before since I didn’t know much about Wanna One, but he surely is indeed alluring with his handsome face and good acting. Jun Woo feels real to me in each episode, so albeit I don’t have a high standard in defining a good actor, I believe that he was doing a great job there.
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Yoo Soo Bin (Kim Hyang Gi) is just like your ordinary pretty classmate that hangs out with everyone. She is outgoing and bright, but not stupid or overly clumsy like the majority of the heroine in Kdramaland. Her mother is a Seoul University graduate who sets the bar very high, sometimes too high for her to handle. Nonetheless, Soo Bin is both a good student and a good daughter that doesn’t rebel despite the anger or sadness that she feels.
 Kim Hyang Gi started off as a child actress, so I find her acting comforting. Not going overboard, but also not lacking in any aspect. It is adequate, and it is good enough to be enjoyed. And I didn’t think that she would become so pretty when she was a child actress, but it turned out that she really did.
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Ma Hwi Young (Shin Seung Ho) is the typical smart role model student who also happens to be the class president. He is pretentious and cunning in front of everyone, but keeps doing evil things behind everyone’s back. Such a behavior is most probably nurtured as a result of the anger and burden at home with a dad that never thinks that he is good enough. He is bestfriends with Soo Bin ever since they were little, but now he thinks he likes her more than just a friend.
I also have never encountered Shin Seung Ho in any other drama, but I think that he is very talented in portraying Hwi Young and his multi-faceted expressions.
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Oh Han Kyeol (Kang Ki Young) symbolizes a teacher who personally takes care of his students. He was the homeroom teacher’s temporary replacement, who then upgraded to the real homeroom teacher. At first, he grovels in front of the students out of anxiety and lack of self-esteem. This kind of struggle feels so relatable especially since I also used to be a teacher. Regardless, he stands strong in what he believes in and gains self-confidence by trusting his students, two of which makes him an amazing teacher.
Kang Ki Young is on dramas a lot as a side-but-important character so I don’t need to doubt his acting skills. He always delivers the scripts well, be it in comedic or melodramatic scene.
The plotline is not slow-paced but the development doesn’t feel forced at all. I began watching with interest that grows into an anticipation. Every episode contains captivating charms and led with meaningful titles.
EP 2. I didn’t talk much about the first episode as it was merely the beginning and they were just starting off with introductions so that the viewers may get a grasp of the whole circumstances, and the second episode marks the arising conflicts.
Here the drama showcases Jun Woo’s genuine trait, which allows him to stay true to himself without being a jerk. [SPOILER ALERT] When Jun Woo was confronting Hwi Young after he was falsely-accused of stealing a teacher’s watch, I really thought that Jun Woo spoke up his mind so eloquently in a way that made people reflect on themselves. He saw Hwi Young take the watch with him and managed to retort Hwi Young’s accusing pretentious words. Another thing was when Teacher Oh ordered him to write an apology letter for stealing the watch. He insisted on his belief and put a drawing on the paper instead. When the watch somehow ended up inside his locker, Jun Woo told the teachers that he didn’t need forgiveness as he was not guilty of anything. [END OF SPOILERS] Jun Woo indeed takes his rebel on the next level, and I think it’s cool. 
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EP3. The way Jun Woo and Soo Bin got closer to each other feels natural and the drama did a great job in setting the right atmosphere between them. It warms me seeing how Soo Bin trying to help him and that she thinks that Jun Woo is a decent person at heart. They started meeting more often to discuss school assignments and texted each other with cute simple messages. Jun Woo feels like a little doggo that obeys his master a lot, sometimes by wiggling his tail to express happiness, and Soo Bin is just like a mom that wants the best for her kiddo. They talk about simple things without complications or mind games, which indeed draw them closer to each other.
EP4. I learned my new favorite pick-up phrases from Jun Woo when he was encouraging Shin Jung Hoo, his bestfriend since they were little.
“Our lives are not that messed up after all. No, who cares if we were born a bit miserably? We can just overcame it. Don’t you agree?” – Choi Jun Woo
EP5. [SPOILERS ALERT] Right after Soo Bin quit a tutor class that her mom tried so hard to admit her to, Soo Bin’s mom even did as far as barging into her classroom and scolding her at school. I could see Soo Bin’s frustration when she asked if her mom gave birth to her only to brag to other people. [END OF SPOILERS] She feels tormented and heartbroken that I keep reminding myself that becoming a parent requires a great sense of responsibility and maturity to take care of your children well, in a way that doesn’t inflict wounds on them. 
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EP7. Here is a cute picture since I always like the portrayal of a tall guy and a petite girl that showcases the height difference, which somehow I find heart-fluttering. [SPOILERS ALERT] When Soo Bin had a bad stomachache during the math test, Jun Woo took the first initiative to carry her to the infirmary despite not having finished the test himself. On top of that, he asked the teacher if it was possible for her to take the test there. [END OF SPOILERS] I am touched by his sincere affection and consideration towards her.
EP7. There is a saying that many adults wish to go back to their high school days, when the most difficult obstacle is only about solving math questions. [SPOILERS ALERT] After Hwi Young discovered that he failed a number in his math test, he became restless and devastated. Teacher Oh tried to comfort him that this is not supposed to be a life-changing matter. “You should know how to let things go for a change,” to which Hwi Young replied that Teacher Oh understood nothing since he wasn’t pressured to attend Seoul University like him. [END OF SPOILERS]
There is a clear line between adolescence and adulthood. As someone who has gone through school and university, now I certainly see high school problems as trivial things that are not worth getting stressed over. There are bigger problems in life that revolve around finance, relationships, marriages, and school grades are merely a tiny bit that own no power to define one’s life. However, students living in competitive situation like Hwi Young take everything seriously at school, starting from the grades even to the seating arrangement in the classroom. And that strengthens the notion that nobody is capable of judging anybody even after they try to put themselves in one’s shoes, because one pair of shoes may fit me but may be ill-fitted to you in terms of qualitative values such as comfort or feelings induced.
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EP10. This is one of the most heartbreaking scenes throughout the series. It brought me tears and made me realize another thing. [SPOILERS ALERT] Hwi Young lied to Soo Bin that Jun Woo was just using her to get on him. It got Soo Bin so confused and slowly walked away from him out of fear. When they finally met and Soo Bin told him her confusion, Jun Woo painfully asked, “Do you believe it, more than you believe me?” [END OF SPOILERS] It hurts me so bad just like how Jun Woo was hurting, like what would hurt more than getting doubts from someone whom you trust? 
That made sense to me that Jun Woo needed some time for himself to think about everything, knowing that Soo Bin would be waiting for him.
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And there couldn’t be any greater happiness than two people who find themselves in each other’s embrace after going through storms together. Period.
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EP11. Unlike Kang Ki Young’s usual roles in his previous dramas, Oh Han Kyeol is portrayed as a righteous and smart teacher that really longs for the best for his students. During the initial episodes, Oh Han Kyeol faltered a lot because he didn’t have much confidence in himself. However, I always admire his thoughtfulness for the students, unlike the previous homeroom teacher who received bribery in favor of some particular students.
In this episode, Oh Han Kyeol bravely confronted Hwi Young’s mom who was somehow trying to bribe him as well. He stood firm in his belief despite the risks he might be facing in the future. Such a fearless character isn’t just anywhere in this corrupted world.
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EP12. Nobody is one hundred percent an angel, or one hundred percent a devil. [SPOILERS ALERT] When Hwi Young was falsely-accused of cheating or rigging his grades, he told Teacher Oh that he wasn’t behind it and faced his classmates and their skeptical suspicion about the truth. Later on Hwi Young spit out the disappointment towards his parents for committing such a crime. [END OF SPOILERS] After learning about Hwi Young’s behavior, I understand that deep down, he was just doing the best he could in order to please his parents. Kids like Hwi Young grow their evil deeds due to the constant pressures and inferiority resulted from the parents’ lack of acceptance. My heart hurts for kids who experience bad parental unacceptance like him.
EP15. This is another tear-jerking scene that sinks my heart so deeply it hurts. [SPOILER ALERTS] Since Soo Bin’s mom & Jun Woo’s mom have become friends, it feels heavier for Song Hee to tell Yeon Woo that she doesn’t want Soo Bin to have a boyfriend now. It breaks my heart that Yeon Woo talked about how she respected Jun Woo’s feelings and didn’t want to trample on his emotions. [END OF SPOILERS] It is well said indeed, that no mothers in the world will want their children to have it less.
#1 Soo Bin’s overly aggressive mother
Being a single mother is surely one of the toughest jobs in the world, but being a mom that doesn’t trust her child and enforce her own goals without considering her kid’s perspective is surely much exhausting, isn’t it?
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I myself grew up in a regular Asian family environment that thankfully, isn’t so strict with grades. My parents let me study on my own and choose my own future path, so the image of a parent making a very bug fuss over grades towards an already smart daughter is a bit uncalled of. I strongly detest how Soo Bin’s mom was trying to dictate Soo Bin’s life according to her own will. Nonetheless, this is quite a common sight in South Korean competitive society and I am not to judge it.
Thankfully, Soo Bin is a truly loyal girl to her mom and who, just like Jun Woo, expressed her kind of rebellious acts that didn’t lack respect towards her. She tries to be more mature and understanding, and I think it wouldn’t have been possible without her strong love and respect towards her mom.
#2 Hwi Young’s evil deeds
I don’t have words for Ma Hwi Young. I tried so much to understand him, but I couldn’t manage to tolerate his evil deeds. [SPOILERS ALERT] From stealing a watch and perfectly covering it up so Jun Woo was falsely-accused, to the hatred towards Jun Woo that somehow led to the death of Shin Jung Hoo, and even causing another misunderstanding between the newly-born couple Soo Bin and Jun Woo. [END OF SPOILERS] I could fathom that he probably turned into somebody he didn’t want to because of the constant parental pressures, but Hwi Young’s arrogance and pride also get on my nerves a lot of time.
Hwi Young’s sincere smile was revealed when he was around Soo Bin. That might probably because she has known him for long and he feels comfortable being around her. But I do believe that such a background story shouldn’t justify Hwi Young’s pestering towards Jun Woo out of jealousy.
#3 Possessive and self-centered Ro Mi
There is this girl who acts cocky and arrogant at school, pretending she doesn’t need friends at all. Then this is Hwang Ro Mi and her indescribably annoying behaviors towards almost everybody. [SPOILERS ALERT] I don’t exactly understand why she would feel overly jealous towards Soo Bin when she should actually be thankful that Soo Bin still asks her friends to hang out with Ro Mi albeit they don’t like her, but her aggravating move towards Jun Woo started from a simple thought, that Soo Bin should not have it all. It disturbed me that Ro Mi began the whole Jun Woo-likes-me scandal from her own delusion, which was then spread to the rest of the class, because then Soo Bin misunderstood and thought that he didn’t like her. [END OF SPOILERS] I despise misunderstanding so much as it generates groundless suspicions that shouldn’t have been there in the first place. 
Choi Jun Woo & Yoo Soo Bin
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This is the kind of high school couple I am forever rooting for. They are mature enough in dealing with arising problems and both aren’t the type to hold prolonging grudges that destroy the relationship, sometimes too mature to me as well.
After the whole unpleasant misunderstanding between the two, they had to be separated again since Soo Bin’s mom was strictly against their relationship. It took me by surprise seeing how the two managed to cheer each other to hang on even during the hardest times. Soo Bin didn’t rebel when she was told to cut off the ties with Jun Woo, not because she feared the threats, but because she didn’t want her mom to hate Jun Woo, thus completely vanish their relationship into thin air. Jun Woo kept his promise with Soo Bin’s mom in order for Soo Bin to be free. Both are being genuinely considerate towards each other, which wouldn’t have been within reach if either of them hadn’t sincerely been in love.
Their efforts didn’t go in vain as Soo Bin’s mom learned to be more trusting towards her own daughter. Whatever progress made between the two was all thanks to their patience and maturity in handling the matters. Soo Bin and Jun Woo focused on studying and upgrading themselves amidst the separation instead of whining about their problems and not doing anything. I’m proud of themㅡI will forever be rooting for them.
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I love how the drama emphasizes the notion of endurance and patience in order to get to where one aspires to be. While it may not work out for everyone, I believe that confronting the situation harshly, or even with bursting anger, doesn’t make things better. Resentment and outrage drain your energy without ever resulting in anything positive. It might be because they are still at eighteen, but I also yearn to face life with such innocence and radiant passion.
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Apart from the main loveline, I am not particularly interested in smaller lovelines like between Pil Sang & Ro Mi, or between Teacher Oh and the part-time noona. However, I kinda find Oh Je and Da Heen’s relationship somehow cute and adorable.
Let’s take a moment to appreciate the scriptwriter’s writing skills that put me in an awe. Everything was beautifully-written and the dialogues are heart-rending indeed. It taught me about appreciating life better.
“It must be so easy for you adults. Sometimes you tell us that we know nothing because we are too young, and that we should do nothing but study. But other times, you say that we’re all grown up now, we’re old enough to understand everything. You change your words whenever you want to suit your needs.”
Through Soo Bin’s lens of perspective, she insisted on showing her mature side since her parents expect her to do so. Watching shows like this makes me realize that human beings are indeed very selfish and complicated. Words are easily twisted without the consideration of other people. Why is it so easy for us to inflict wounds on others? Why do we allow our actions hurt people who are as fragile as us?
“Your child is not your property. “Study.”; “Get into a good university”; “Win by all means.”; “Hang out with this kid.”; “Don’t hang out with that kid.” You suffocate them and intrude into their lives. You even censor and judge their emotions. This place is not a prison. I’m not a prison guard. When are you going to stop telling me to monitor and control those kind-hearted and beautiful kids?”
I really want to direct this message to all parents around the world, who still believe that grades matter more than the happiness of the children. This statement might come off as too idealistic and less realistic, but I believe that everyone needs to hear this. I don’t want my future kid to give up on studying just because it’s pressuring, but I also don’t want him to lead a stressful life ever since he was a kid. As if adulthood is not devastating enough, do I need to let him live in misery without ever having made great childhood memories?
“If the skies look down on us, they will probably think we are so pitiful. Annoying each other all the time over our greed and hurting those who are precious to us. Let’s stop doing that!”
This is what Teacher Oh said after he saw the somber atmosphere in the classroom. It was unexpected and I was honestly touched. Do we spend too much time spouting nonsense on the media, while forgetting the beauty that transverses across the horizon?
The drama left a bittersweet feelings inside me, allows me to reflect on my life so that I may not spend another year with lingering regrets. Life is the greatest gift one can ever have, that is supposedly spent by cherishing one another and giving more love instead of hatred, encouraging more people instead of saying hurtful words, saying more positive words instead of negativity, and, most importantly, inspiring more people to live a better life instead of looking down on them. That way, the world may become more beautiful.
At Eighteen: A Review It was 2 AM early at dawn when I finished watching the last episode of At Eighteen drama.
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taemdeul · 5 years
an idol life questionnaire.
all idols have an image determined for them by the company. how do you feel about your persona and how true is it to your true self? keeping this image in mind, do you ever feel that you were given said image because your real personality is too bland in comparison?
“when shinee first debuted, the company really wanted us to have a “younger boyfriend” image to match our debut song. they expected us to act cutely and coolly, and especially because i was the youngest, i really had to focus on coming across as a cute person. with growing older and trying different concepts, shinee’s image also changed a lot over time, and there were times when the company really wanted to highlight my more feminine features and promote them. looking back, i don’t think it was a bad thing, but at the time it was something i felt really sensitive over. it wasn’t something the general public was thoughtful towards, and i received a lot of comments about being a girl and not coming across as manly enough. i even had long hair for a time, and i felt subconscious going places publicly because of the reactions i would receive. back then, i really hated it and just wanted to fit into the ideal, muscular masculine image— and i couldn’t even if i wanted to, because of my natural features and how my body is built. it caused a lot of frustration, but then i had the chance to explore different concepts and try my own colors as i debuted as soloist. it took a long time, but i think i’ve become comfortable with the sides i show now and with the person that i actually am. i’ve learned to accept my natural features and learned how to enhance them with makeup or through workouts... it’s a perk of being experienced, too, but i think that i show more of the real taemin than an image these days. for me, it’s been a process, but i’m happy with where my image is now.”
do you have any habits that your fans might find unfit for an idol? if ‘yes’, what are those habits and how did they come about?
“i’m trying to think of something, but there isn’t really anything..? only things that everyone does, i think. there’s times when i like to drink with friends, and times when i’m lazy and eat delivery while watching a tv show in bed. there’s always something that netizens like to criticize and i bet there would be a controversy if i were seen during off time, but in the end, it’s things that most average people tend to do and i don’t think there’s any shame in it. idols are human, too, right? we just have to be more careful. i’ll be careful with my laziness~.”
what is your relationship with your family like? when was the last time you’ve contacted them?
“i’m actually really close to my family, since they live in seoul and i lived with them for awhile after moving out of the shinee dorm. i would say my relationship with them is average, though? i have an older brother and we get along really well, but have disagreements like all siblings do, i think. we talk about music and he’s helped me compose things in the past, since he has an interest in producing. i’m closest to my mom, though, and i look the most like her, too. i let her drag me along on shopping trips and help her pick out things for their house, and she meets with the other members’ moms for trips and events. with my dad, i didn’t understand him all that well until i got older, but we’ve recently gotten closer and he’s someone that has always solidly supported me. we can talk about finances and politics, and i think it’s nice to have someone that i can go to for advice now that i’m an adult living on my own. as for when i last contacted them? it was earlier today when my mom asked if i would be having dinner there. i think i’ll be taking home the leftovers... it’s the best.”
after becoming a celebrity, have you noticed a difference in the way your friends perceive you? do you still communicate with old friends or have you cut ties?
“this is something i talked about a lot when i was younger, especially right after debut since i felt a bit bothered by it, but i lost a lot of friendships because of schedules and being a “celebrity”. because i was so young, still in my last year of middle school, it made it really difficult to stay friends with those that i had made when studying and i was a bit lonely even with the friends that i did have, because i wasn’t able to meet with them or contact them often. there is that famous friend group, though— you know it, right~? they’re known as the padding squad. it includes my closest friends since i as young: jongin, moonkyu, and kwonho, and even more friends that we’ve all made since then. i think it’s fair to say that while there were a lot of friends i cut ties with, there were also friends that i became even closer to and have kept for a long time. i think we’ll always be friends, too.”
feuds between companies is arguably what keeps the industry booming. even if idols from opposing companies may not dislike one another, many ceos make sure to keep their artists apart. what are your thoughts on the separation of idols by company? do you think it has become an epidemic particularly with the new generation of idols?
“i think it has changed a lot since i debuted in 2008. the korean entertainment industry seems to be one of the fastest evolving entertainment industries in the world, and because of that, there’s always new trends and new ways that companies are trying to improve, get ahead. when i first debuted, it’s true that companies were a lot more open to working together and collaborating than they are now. the variety shows were more interactive for the idols, and we got to meet others often and work together for interesting stages for the end-of-year shows. there are some shows and projects with similar concepts these days, and i think some producers are trying to bring these kinds of things back, but you can definitely feel more of a divide among idols and companies now. personally, i think it could be really fun to collaborate with other idols, especially those that have newly debuted. i’m still young, too! let’s work together and have fun. you can learn a lot from experiences like that.”
some might say being an idol is restrictive in terms of personal growth. do you agree?
“it depends on the person and their personality, and on the company that they’re apart of. for example, with my company, it’s uncommon for artists to write and produce their own music, right? sm is known for having specific ideas and concepts, and so there’s been friends at my company that have felt frustrated with strict systems like that in place. there’s other companies that encourage songwriting, or provide classes on social interaction and other things that might help an idol personally, and there’s also companies that are really rigid in their routines. there’s also the fact that, as idols, we’re under a lot of scrutiny and it’s difficult to go out or date without it becoming a controversy, so it’s a bit true that it can be restricting. everyone handles it differently.”
do you ever feel disheartened when viewing photo shopped images of yourself?
“when working in an industry that edits a lot to fit ideals, i think you definitely have to have a certain type of strength to not feel disheartened by the differences in images of yourself. mostly, i think it’s about having confidence in both looks— reality and on a screen. for me, rather than feeling upset that i look different in pictures of myself, i work hard to maintain good skin and a good physique so that more of my natural attributes might show through. i think most people know that what they see in images isn’t reality. for example, i have freckles in places and stretch marks just like the average person, but you would never see them in a pictorial.”
how many languages do you speak fluently or otherwise? have you ever been annoyed by your own voice or accent when communicating in another language?
“fluently is a heavy term, ah~... i can only confidently say that i’m fluent in two, and even then i think i have a lot of room to improve. it’s my own language, korean, and japanese. since i’ve been focusing on touring and promoting in japan a lot, my language skills have naturally improved and i can speak confidently on variety shows and with staff, dancers, and fans. i’ve even received praise, and it feels good to know that i’m doing well and doing the language justice while working. i’ve also started working on improving my english, but i’m not fluent at all and i feel subconscious about the sentence structure and my accent when i speak. it’s necessary to improve it since i’ll be working overseas and in western countries more often, and it would also be nice to improve so that i can confidently speak when i travel or do things in foreign countries on my own. despite feeling insecure, it only motivates me to do better in my studies, so i hope to be able to show off my improved english skills soon.”
in what areas do you think the industry has room for improvement?
“since i’ve been working in the industry for so long, i’ve seen a lot of changes and also noticed things that could be useful to change... if i’m thinking about the things that would benefit everyone the most, wouldn’t it be nice to change the standard on dieting and the way schedules are handled? there’s been dangerous circumstances in the past and even now where the artists aren’t able to take care of themselves like they should. even i’ve been guilty of pushing my schedules and body to the limit, and sometimes it’s good to have a reminder or someone to stop you and tell you that you should rest, or eat really well so you’ll have the energy to keep going. there are more things, but taking care of ourselves would be a good place to start.”
if you could go back in time, would you still pursue your idol career under your current company or would you opt for another company?
“i would definitely pursue it through sm again, but only if i would also be placed with shinee. since i’ve already experienced the idol life, unless it could be with the same members by my side, i wouldn’t want to do it again.”
share an anecdote about a time  you were treated differently in school or otherwise by those around you after becoming an idol or trainee.
“i mentioned it before, but i debuted at a really young age, when i was still in my last year of middle school. because i was young and maybe a bit naive, and because the school i attended wasn’t too far from the company, i thought it would be a good idea to continue to study there and then at the high school in the area rather than leave the friends and home i had known. it was hard, though, because of schedules and shinee’s public recognition slowly rising. it was natural that the kids i went to school with and the friends that i had heard about it, and when i would attend classes, i would get followed or pushed around by everyone trying to see the idol that debuted through sm. i think they might have had innocent intentions, but there were also some kids that weren’t the nicest and would get a bit more physical. it was hard to study, because someone would always be looking or standing over me. i would be late to school or leave early because of work, and i would get scolded by administration... managers and the members would walk with me to school, just in case. there were a lot of factors in my decision to transfer to a performing arts school, but i felt that i had a hard time being understood by my peers and my teachers and it was one of the biggest reasons that i chose to leave. i honestly don’t have many memories from school, like playing or school trips. because of my career, i never had the chance to experience them.”
what would you say to those who belittle idols on the web? additionally, many idols have began to take legal actions on negative comments left on the web. what do you think of their decision?
“the things netizens say can be really damaging and hurtful, right? i like to read articles on myself and there’s times where that isn’t a good thing, because i see the negative comments that offer nothing constructive too. the ones where i’m called too feminine, or a girl... misgendered. those kind of comments affected me for a long time, and i can see why some idols might want to fight back against the comments left about themselves. i think it takes a lot of courage to do something like that, and i’m not sure if it’s something i could do, but i understand why they would. comments can affect your career, mental health, and others’ image of you.”
idol diet regimes are infamous for their severity. diets such as the paper cup diet and cucumber diet are industry favorites.  considering that many look upon idols as eye-candy and those idols who fail to fit into this criteria are reprimanded, do you think strict dieting is justifiable/ just another part of your job?
“dieting in a healthy way can never really be a bad thing. if it’s healthily, then its just that— living a healthy lifestyle. there are a lot of idols and others that don’t do it healthily, though, and i think that makes it harder to maintain a good figure and body than eating the right amounts of the right foods. there are some companies that enforce that kind of thing, too, but i was lucky to have management that made sure we never skipped meals, even if were busy and didn’t have a lot of time to eat. it’s apart of my job in the way that i need to be careful about what i eat, such as avoiding greasy foods to keep bloating down and my skin in good condition, but i still eat things that are good for me— meats, vegetables, fruits... it’s a responsibility, but i’d like to think i would live this way even if i wasn’t in the public eye. i might miss greasy and unhealthy foods, but it’s good for me.”
often times managers go above and beyond to protect their artist. some even resorting to physical cruelty to keep fans in line. have you ever witnessed your manager doing so? do you feel their demeanor is vital for your protection or do you think managers of idol groups take security measures too far?
“this is difficult topic because it’s a high stress job with safety involved, for everyone— fans and idols alike. there’s definitely been times where our managers have been more strict, and times where we simply didn’t listen to them because it didn’t seem reasonable, but it’s also that they’re older and responsible for us and, honestly, care about our well being. physical violence is never the right option, whether it’s from fans or managers or idols themselves... i think it would be nice if everyone could be a bit more careful and mindful of space and their actions.”
some fans believe that because they financially support the idol they own the idol. what would you say to these fans?
“in a way, because our careers are thanks to those that support us, we do owe them gratitude and owe it to them to do our best. we owe it to them to put on our best performances, and to live as upstanding citizens— good examples— but there are ways that the line between our jobs and personal lives get blurred when talking about what we owe to our fans, too. personally, i think it’s good to separate our personal lives from our public lives, and i think it’s fair to live comfortably outside of public settings or events. i’ve struggled with this in the past, because there are things i would like to do in my personal life that could upset fans, but there is a right way to open up to them so that they’re more comfortable with things that may come out in the future. someday, i might get married and have kids, right? it’s important to connect with fans over these things. they don’t have to be involved in my personal life, but it’s good to slowly let them know that it will happen, if it does happen, and if it comes out publicly one day.”
is rejection something you struggle to accept? have you ever been rejected? if ‘yes’ does it make you want to give up or try harder?
“i’m the type of person that takes rejection a bit hard, but not in the way that i might cry or blame others. if i’m rejected, it’s for a reason, right? like when i was young, and i couldn’t sing because my voice hadn’t broken yet. they rejected my requests for vocal lessons, and it hurt my pride a lot when i had to debut without singing lines, but i ended up learning a lot from it by working hard to overcome the reasons i was rejected in the first place. i practiced on my own, and i slowly began to receive more lines each time we received an album. my vocal tone got better, and i could sing more notes with a more stable sound. at the time, i might have pushed myself a bit too hard, because i even ended up suffering from nose bleeds and losing my voice... but it paid off in the end, and i think that’s important. rejection shouldn’t stop you— it should inspire you to prove them wrong.”
how often do you rely on stimulants be it caffeine, pills or energy drinks to stay awake during  schedules? which of the three are your favorite?
“coffee! i’m a big fan of coffee, even if i don’t have schedules and if i’m not tired. iced americano is my favorite— i drink three cups a day, usually.”
after a few years, companies allow for their artists to move out of the dorms they were required to stay in during training. did you decide to stay, or are you now living elsewhere?
“ah, this~... i was actually one of the first members to move out of the dorm, along with jonghyun hyung who was my roommate. the members and i get along really well, but we have a hard time living together because our personalities and lifestyles are so different. because i like to have personal space when i have free time, i just thought it was best that i move back in with my family when i had the chance. they live nearby the original dorm, and it made it easy to travel back in forth, so it wasn’t a problem with the managers or the company. before the members enlisted, we would stay at the dorm to make it easier to travel for schedules, too, but all of us have recently bought our own apartments to live comfortably in. we get along better when we have our own time and space. i think we all can say that we’re closer now than when we lived together. we see each other freely rather than having to see each other daily.”
take a look at all of your hairstyles(comeback specific) thus far. show us your least favorite and tell us why you chose it as such. and lastly, do you forgive your stylist?
“my hairstyle at debut! it became really famous and a lot of students and other celebrities copied it, but i didn’t like it as much. it was fine as it grew out, but the bowl shape looks too funny now. i regret wearing it like that.”
name one factor that inspired you to become an idol. was it the pay, the fame or the passion?
“i didn’t know much about the idol industry, and so it wasn’t fame or money or the industry itself that inspired me to try for it. rather, it was that i was really interested in dancing and it seemed like the most viable way to make something of my interest and to improve my skill. prior to training, i had never formally trained in dancing at all.”
arguably the hardest part of idol life is the training period. many restrictions are put in place, some of which are even frowned upon by fans. which restriction was the most prominent and how does that restriction affect you to this day?
“the restriction that affected me most was probably the areas that the company wanted to train me in. like i’ve said before, they refused to train me in singing and it was something that affected my focus and training in the future— even now. before i came to know more about the idol industry, i really only knew idols as soloists; rain, boa, michael jackson, chris brown... there were celebrities like that that i looked up to, and all of them were singers, not dancers. i really wanted to sing, and i wasn’t allowed. rather than helping, i was just told “no, your voice isn’t suited to singing. just dance.” and it really hurt my confidence. although it would have been true that i couldn’t sing, support in situations like that would have been better. in the end, i didn’t even want to debut and begged my family to ask the company to wait until i could sing. i’m grateful that i was able to have the opportunities to improve my singing later on, though.”
outside of the industry, mental health in south korea continues to be a taboo. within the industry that taboo exacerbates. with more and more idols such as brown eyed girl’s ga in, big bang’s top, and aoa’s choa to name a few admitting to suffering from a mental illness, some might think the public may gradually sway to be more open to mental illnesses. do you agree with them? why or why not?
“it’s definitely important for the industry to become more open about the struggles that idols deal with. i think it’s a good place for change to start, too, because if the general public sees that it’s more accepted and less taboo, then it will also begin to change among the public. it might be difficult for those that are more open at first, but changes always start small before growing into something big. eventually, it will become more understood and accepted.”
do you feel that you fit into korea’s beauty standards? if ‘yes’ do you think this feat gives you advantage over those who aren’t? if ‘no’ do you think that being below the standard has  affected the way you perceive yourself?
“it might sound a bit arrogant, but ever since i was a toddler i had people approach to say that i was really pretty. i would always get shy and hide behind my mom when i heard those things, and as i grew up and entered the entertainment industry, i kept hearing similar comments from coordis and fans and other celebrities. ‘taemin is pretty! taemin is good looking.’ but, personally, i think i have flaws just like everyone does, and i don’t think that i necessarily fit korea’s standard. aren’t monolids the trend these days..~? and mine are double, ah... i can’t help the way i was born..
is being an idol a career choice your parents have always been supportive of? what was their initial reaction when you announced to them you wanted to become one? have they grown to support you?
“it was actually my family that encouraged me to become an idol. i knew nothing about entertainment companies back then, but my parents saw that i liked dancing and thought i did it pretty well, and so they said it would be good to try for something like that. we searched around and sm was the most well known, so it was the first and only audition that i attended. since i was young, i think there were probably some parts that made my parents worry, but they were always really supportive and gave me discipline and encouragement when i needed it. if it weren’t for them, i probably wouldn’t be where i am today.”
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