#leave me and my rare pairs alone ok—
silvrspyte · 5 months
when kadaj is upset @silvrnyte & @silvrmyte will video call him (bc hes probably locked in a room) and cheer him up by making him laugh with hand puppets.
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Ok hear me out. Reader and Daryl go on a run for supplies with a few other people. Reader makes a mistakes and almost gets seriously hurt/ near death experience. Daryl gets pissed at reader, maybe yells at her. Reader laughs it off and acts like she doesn’t gaf. Daryl later finds reader all shaken up and crying by herself. Love if you don’t, love if you do!
I Might Change Your Life, I Might Save My World
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Fem!Reader (pre/early)
Setting: Alexandria
Warnings: Typical TWD Violence and Gore; Mentions of canonical character death; Some verbal aggression
A/N: I had them on the run alone. I hope that’s okay!
*gif is not mine
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The run had so far been uneventful. You’d even dare say boring. That was a word that wasn’t used carelessly. Life in the apocalypse was rarely boring and usually consisted of running for your life while scrounging up anything possible to ensure you could just survive. At least you were out with Daryl. He was your best friend and could usually keep you at least mildly entertained whether or not it was intentional. 
You were a survivor of the Governor’s insanity at Woodbury. It had seemed safe enough, but he had fooled everyone. Or maybe he had at one point been a kind, reasonable man that was just pushed too far by the cruelty of the end of the world. Regardless, it was there that you had met Merle, the right hand man. You had always teased him about that. Right hand? Get it? To most people, it would have seemed cruel, but not to Merle Dixon. He would ruffle your hair with a gentle shove and tell you to get lost. 
You never did.
When Merle left, you had followed and he had allowed it. He even held your arm and dragged you out behind him. That’s when you actually met Daryl. You had seen him in the fight pit, eyes wide as the Governor revealed he was Merle’s younger brother. He had never mentioned having a brother. Maybe he had thought him dead. Most would say Daryl was everything Merle was not, but they just didn’t know the elder Dixon like you did. Merle was crass, sometimes downright unkind, but below that rough exterior, he had a big heart. He was learning, little by little. You would have liked to take some credit for that.
Daryl had left his group that day, following Merle, just as you did. You remained quiet, watching the younger Dixon watching you. He looked almost wary, but there was a naked curiosity there too. When the two butted heads, you trailed behind while Daryl led the way back to the prison. Where he belonged, he had said. 
You had fit in easily. Merle, not so much. It made your heart ache for him when you could see the poorly hidden love he had for his little brother. He was absolute shit at showing it, sometimes selfish, but it was there. When he proved it by trying to be better, trying to show Daryl that he could do the right thing, it had cost him his life. You blamed Daryl for the longest time. You knew it wasn’t his fault, deep down, but you needed someone to catch the fury of your grief. The archer had taken it willingly.
When the prison fell, you had tried and failed to save Beth. Grieving yet again, right on the heels of losing Merle and then Hershel and then your home, you found a way out with Daryl, leaving the two of you stuck together on the road, alone and with a dense cloud of animosity billowing between you. It wasn’t until one night in a rundown home that Daryl had said reminded him of where he grew up, moonshine was flowing and then so were the emotions. You had both yelled, thrown things, killed the walkers that the fight attracted while continuing the verbal onslaught. In the end, drained and resigned, the two of you had talked. 
And the rest was history.
Alexandria had been a saving grace. It had taken a while to adjust. For Daryl, he had never lived in a community like that. He slept on the porch most nights, fleeing the confined spaces that left his chest heaving and his skin damp with sweat. You felt as if it were Woodbury all over again, destined to crash and burn and leave the group nothing but ashes. So, you slept on the porch with him, if for no other reason than to keep a fellow outsider close. You both knew it was more than that. 
Months had gone by. You had both finally moved inside a house and were even closer now than you had once been to Merle, which was surprising. Rick was confident in sending the two of you out together. You got shit done. That day in particular, things just weren’t moving in your favor.
For one, it was cold. The seasons were changing and you hadn’t adequately prepared for the chill in the air, especially when on the bike. The two of you were scouting for places that could possibly still have necessary supplies. Daryl had—as always—been quick to notice your discomfort. Though he had usually sewn the sleeves of jackets right onto his sleeveless shirts, that day, he had actually worn a leather jacket. 
“Here.” He shoved the article toward you, prompting a raised brow in response.
“What for?” You queried. It was a stupid question, but useless banter always kept things light between the two of you, comfortable even if Daryl would always claim the opposite. The space that lingered was never oppressive, not anymore.
“You’re cold, idiot.”
“Daryl Dixon is being sweet to me. This is one for the record books!” You chuckled while slipping on the jacket. The hunter scowled and bumped you with his elbow.
“Didn’t hear you disagree.” You would have continued to tease if he hadn’t held up a fist just in front of you, the signal to be still and silent. The telltale groans, snarls, and shuffling feet were growing closer, blocking the two of you from the bike. “Aw, crap.”
“Yup.” He agreed, leaning around the corner of the building just enough to see the sizable herd. “Need a plan.” He mumbled, unclipping the sheath of his knife for a quick draw when needed.
“Got one.” 
“What?” When Daryl turned, you were already rounding the opposite corner of the building with a quiet shout of get the bike. “That fuckin’ woman’s gonna be the death’a me.”
There were a great deal more undead than you had anticipated. “Well, hell.” You grumbled. It was too late to turn around, several of the milky yellow eyes already landing on you. As you walked backward, keeping a safe distance but close enough to hold their attention, you could see Daryl peeking out from the corner. You exchanged nods before you began to wave your arms. “Hey! Over here! Keep your eyes on me!!” The noise ensured that Daryl’s already near silent footfalls would go unnoticed. He would get the bike, circle the herd, and you’d jump on. Piece of cake. 
Until you bumped right into a walker that led the other half of aforementioned herd. 
“Oh, fuck!” Quickly grabbing its throat to hold it back, you pivoted, walking backward toward the open area at the edges of the corpses. Daryl was shouting your name, the bike roaring to life. You just happened to choose the wrong time to glance in his direction in an attempt to gauge the distance between you. The next walker had fallen somehow, levering clumsily to its feet just beside the one you were grappling with, your knife having just sank into that one’s skull. There was no time to react. You could only watch the blade slip free as the teeth came together on your arm. It was painful but nothing like you had expected, more pressure than anything. Still, it was too late. You were bit.
“Y/N!!” Daryl shouted, grabbing you away from the dead man, your arm slipping free from its jaws to throw it off balance. That gave you a chance to climb on behind Daryl, the injured arm cradled to your chest while the other wrapped tightly around his abdomen. “Just a minute, just hang on. We’ll take care’a this.” He was rambling anxiously, the cool wind whipping and stinging as the herd grew smaller and smaller in the distance.
“I’m bit. I’m bit. I’m bit.” You chanted against Daryl’s back, only barely holding back your sobs. The bike slowed to a stop, the kickstand lowered roughly before Daryl was scrambling off when you should have been the first to move. 
“Lemme see.” When your teary eyes met his, he growled through the sting at his waterline. “Lemme fuckin’ see!” He wasn’t as gentle as he could have been but he didn’t hurt you. Pulling your arm away from your chest roughly, he grabbed the shoulder of the jacket and yanked it down, ripping one of the seams in the process. You were both greeted with bruising flesh, the slightest indents of where teeth had vehemently pressed, but no broken skin. No blood. No scratches. While you stared in a shocked relief, Daryl wasn’t so graceful. His legs buckled and he went down hard to his knees. “Goddamn it, Y/N!”
“I’m okay.” You blinked, eyes transfixed on your arm. It hurt but it wasn’t a death sentence. You weren’t going to turn. “I’m okay, Daryl.” You smiled through the tears, now falling for an entirely different reason. “Daryl?” He was trembling fiercely, his shoulders moving in a way that suggested he might have been crying. You started to throw your leg over the seat to comfort him when he drew back his arm and planted his fist into the asphalt with a crunch that made your stomach turn.
“You’re so fuckin’ stupid!” He roared, barreling upright to stand with his nose nearly touching yours. You were too shocked to react properly. “Ya couldn’a waited for a actual plan, just had to go balls to the wall an’ run out there like a fuckin’ lunatic!” Your eyes followed anxiously as he started to pace.
“I’m sorry. I was just trying to get us out there in one piece. I didn’t even see the—”
His uninjured hand grabbed your wrist, tight and firm but not without care. He’d never hurt you. Not intentionally. Not physically, at least. “Ya call this one piece? I woulda had to take your arm, ya fuckin’ useless idiot!” That sent you reeling. Daryl had been angry with you before, but for things like keeping the squirrel over the fire for too long or kneeing him in the groin while trying to get comfortable enough to sleep. But that? That was different.
If Merle Dixon had taught you anything, it was to never show how you really felt. When you began to laugh, Daryl dropped your arm and stepped back, eyes wide and full of disbelief. “My god, you’re dramatic. I’m fine, Dixon. Let’s just chalk this up to a shit day and get the fuck out of here.”
“A shit d—are ya fuckin’ kiddin’ me?”
“Stop it. Get on the bike and let’s go.” You pulled the jacket back onto your arm, your red flannel peering through the tear in the shoulder. Now adjusted once again and ready to go, you looked back to find him still staring at you with the same incredulous expression. You chuckled and shook your head. “Stop being ridiculous. Let’s go.”
“Nah.” He was stepping backwards with his own head twisting back and forth. “Take the bike and go home. M’gonna walk.”
“It’s at least fifteen miles and it’s cold. Now who’s being stupid?” When he turned his back, leaving his crossbow strapped to the motorcycle, you actually began to panic. You could drive the bike, sure. He had taught you a few months back, just in case. Still, leaving him behind with nothing but his knife was not something you would do without a fight. “Daryl! Seriously, please, let’s go.” He ignored you, stalking off into the trees until the wings of his vest disappeared. 
Chasing him wasn’t a good idea. You knew him well enough to know that much. Or did you? It had been a long time since an argument like that, one where both of you had shut down in one way or another. You started the bike, toeing up the kickstand before propelling it forward, your chest constricting tighter and tighter with every mile. 
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It had taken him far longer than necessary to make the walk back to Alexandria’s gates. Granted, he’d stopped for several smokes to calm himself down. He’d slide down the nearest tree and sit there—flexing his throbbing fingers—until he had drawn the cigarette down to the filter or he heard the incoming growls of the walkers that had been tailing him. He had to take an extra half hour to put down the ones he could and lose the ones he couldn’t. By the time Sasha pulled open the gates, Daryl was bone weary and more than a little ashamed of how he’d reacted. 
“Seen Y/N?” He asked in lieu of answering when she questioned where he’d been.
“She came back a while ago. Haven’t seen her since. Sorry.” She patted his shoulder and returned to her post. You were back, so that anxiety was at least remedied. 
Still, he needed to talk to you. The way you had laughed in the face of his anger had unnerved him. It reminded him so much of his brother that it hurt. That type of behavior didn’t suit you. Then again, who was he to tell you how to behave? He had spoken to you so harshly instead of just telling you that you scared the shit out of him. He should have hugged you and been thankful that you didn’t lose your arm, didn’t lose your life. But emotions and Daryl weren’t exactly on speaking terms. When he didn’t understand why or how something made him feel a certain way, he lashed out at it. He was conditioned that way, it was in his blood. He had been trying so hard to be better. He actually thought he was getting better. Boy, he couldn’t have been more wrong. He was still a work in progress. He needed you to know that. He needed to apologize, even if it burned coming out of his mouth to admit he was wrong, to admit to feeling anything at all. 
Damn you for wiggling your way into his useless heart. He thought he had crushed and buried the thing years ago. Then you came tagging along on his brother’s heels and challenged everything he thought he knew about himself. He chose not to acknowledge it, even when people like Carol and Rick did. Often. 
Sighing, he stopped on the porch of the home he shared with you and Carol, lighting up a cigarette and leaning over the railing on his forearms. He would have assumed that you’d already spilled everything to Carol but when she didn’t barrel out of the house with a rolling pin aimed at his head, it was easy to figure out that you hadn’t. Maybe you hadn’t even been home yet. He trampled that worry down quickly, not willing to let it compound into another wave of anger he’d have to answer for eventually.
The streets were quiet with the sun now completely gone, replaced by the waning crescent moon. There was enough light for him to see, of course. His eyes were trained from years of hunting and surviving out in nature. He could hear frogs close to the pond, even hear the paper of his cigarette sizzling with each drag. But then he heard something else. Something that shattered him to his very core because he knew immediately what and who and why it was.
He didn’t bother to keep his steps light. It wouldn’t do to surprise you. You’d just be even more upset without time to even try and compose yourself. Even so, it was possible you still didn’t hear him approaching. Your sobs and sniffles continued, probably barely audible to anyone who didn’t know how to listen and not just hear.
You were perched on the bench beneath the gazebo, knees drawn up to your chest with your face hidden behind them. Even in the dark, he could see your shoulders shaking. He wasn’t sure how long he stood there watching you but once it was clear that you hadn’t noticed him, he cleared his throat. Had it been any other day, any other situation, the way you unfolded and nearly climbed over the back of the bench would have been comical. Maybe it still would be when the two of you looked back on this, but that was only if he could make things right.
“Hey.” He rasped, still rooted to the same spot.
You sniffed, wiping at your face with the sleeve of your flannel. The leather jacket was nowhere to be seen. “Hi.” All the confidence from earlier was gone, leaving your voice but a tiny echo of the woman that had called him dramatic. “I’m glad you made it back safely.”
“Ya alright?” He chanced a step toward you, pausing after one when your eyes darted down to his boots and back up. God, he felt like an asshole. Were you afraid of him now?
“Mhm. I’m okay.” You sniffed again and settled back onto the seat, pulling your knees against you once again. “I hung your jacket on the doorknob of your room. I fixed the sleeve.”
Great. You fixed the thing he tore. Now he felt like a major asshole. “Listen, Y/N, I—”
“It’s okay, Daryl.” You interjected, offering him a small, feigned smile while your eyes betrayed you. “Carol has dinner ready. I put your plate in the oven.” It was just getting better and better. You had still thought of him enough to make sure he had something to eat when he got back. And the award for Asshole of the Year goes to: Daryl Dixon.
You stood so quickly that he nearly flinched. “I should—I have a new job assignment tomorrow. Need to get some sleep.”
That threw him. “New—ya ain’t goin’ out anymore?” You shook your head.
“I’m gonna work in the pantry, dabble in the armory too. Give Olivia a break sometimes.” Your tone wasn’t cold but bordered on emotionless. You’d asked Rick to take you off the run list, and you’d done it because of him.
“Y/N, don’t do that.” He watched as you approached, your head down. If you hadn’t seen his boots when he stepped into your path, you surely would have slammed into him. “Shouldn’a talked to ya the way I did.” Even while you looked off to the side, he could see the way your face screwed up like you were about to cry again, but after a moment, you settled.
“No, you were right. I should have waited. Things could have gone a lot differently. I didn’t stop to think about how you would have felt if I had been bitten.” Daryl deflated at the utter dejection in your voice. “Anyway, goodnight, Daryl.” 
Watching you walk away, your arms wrapped around yourself so tightly, he let himself think about it; allowed himself to think about what he would have felt if you had been bitten. It wasn’t anger then. It was loss, despair, guilt. Whether he’d had to have taken your arm or not, the prospect of possibly losing you was more than he could even think to bear. What was more terrifying was that he realized that your loss would devastate him more than his own brother’s had.
“Y/N, wait!”
He couldn’t let you think he had acted that way out of anger alone. Yes, he had been angry but he had been scared. He couldn’t say you were his closest friend. That spot was taken by Carol. You were something else entirely. Something that he would never get the chance to explore or define, fear and awkwardness be damned, if something happened to you.
His feet were carrying him toward you at a brisk pace, your eyes wide at his approach but you didn’t move. You didn’t flinch or cower, even when he grabbed your shoulder and pulled in against his chest, wrapping both arms around you to hold you there.
“M’sorry.” He whispered into your hair. You weren’t hugging him back but that was most likely because your arms were pinned between the two of you. “Ain’t no reason for me to ever talk to ya like that. Ya ain’t stupid. You’re quick on your feet an’ it ain’t fair’a me to fault ya on that just cause m’too scared to lose ya.” He felt your sharp inhale while his face and neck flushed at the admission. “I—Christ, ain’t no good at this talkin’ an’ shit.” When your shoulders shook, he knew he’d made you cry again and took a step back, his hands sliding up to hold your shoulders. While that was true, the movement was from the laughter bubbling up from your chest instead of the tears falling down your cheeks. “The hell ya laughing at?”
“I like you too, Daryl.” Goddamnit, you had a pretty smile. He’d make a fool of himself ten times over if it meant you’d give him that smile just once.
“Ain’t a thing ‘bout likin’ ya.” He swallowed hard and looked away, the pink hue on his cheeks deepening. “Don’t know what it is, but, uh—well, maybe we can try to figure it out together?” He sounded like a lovesick teenager and was two seconds away from rolling his eyes so hard that they would relocate permanently to the back of his skull.
“I’d like that.” 
“Really?” He straightened, expression embarrassingly hopeful.
“Yeah. Yeah, I would.” 
“Right.” He cleared his throat and stepped back, not feeling like he’d entirely lost the right to call himself a man. “So, uh—Guess we should tell Rick that Olivia can get Spencer to help her. Maybe he’d stop oglin’ ya all the damn time if he’s cooped up in the pantry.” You reached for his hand and he let you take it. “Maybe I could talk her into lockin’ him in there for a while.” The walk back to the house wasn’t a long one and all too quickly, you were climbing the porch steps just in front of him.
“What’s wrong? Don’t want other guys checking out your girl?” 
Daryl almost missed the top step. “My girl?” He didn’t mean for it to come out quite so breathlessly. He was mostly definitely losing his man card that night. You were blinking at him, your smile slowly faltering.
“I—I misunderstood, didn’t I? Jesus, Daryl, I’m—”
“Nah.” He quickly derailed that train of thought. “Just liked hearin’ ya say it s’all.” 
“Are you—”
“Yup.” The smile was back and Daryl could breathe again. Somehow, standing there with you on the porch and him on the top step, just staring at one another was more comfortable than he could have ever imagined. 
“So,” you began, twisting your upper half back and forth, “you walked me home. Are you gonna say goodnight and kiss me now?”
Daryl’s face contorted in confusion, a dark brow arching. “I, uh—I live here too.”
“Does that really matter?” You asked, stepping a little closer. 
“Guess it don’t, really.” When you leaned forward, he didn’t stop you. Found that he didn’t want to. Even as new and undefined as whatever this was, this felt right and he’d be damned if he’d let a chance like that pass him by. 
Inside the house, Carol swirled the wine around in her glass, watching the kiss happen with a sigh of relief. “Finally.” Picking up her book, she took a sip and placed the glass down on the table before opening to the dog-eared page. “Now I don’t have to lock them in the pantry together tomorrow.”
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annwrites · 4 months
you're my girl and i'm your man
— pairing: billy hargrove x fem!reader
— type: part of a series
— summary: you & billy go sight-seeing after you make up. he then teaches you how to drive his car a bit. afterward, you go back to the motel & have your first time (which doesn't go exactly as planned initially).
— tags: billy groveling a bit. billy being sweet on you again. billy letting someone else touch his car. billy being the first one to touch you.
— tw: eating, drinking, sex
— word count: 5,586
— a/n: ok, so, i know i put in the tire blowout post that they were right near the tx border & after '10 hrs of driving' they'd gotten into tx, which is like...did the boy get lost or what lol. but, we're going to ignore that (even if they'd eventually jumped on route 66, it still wouldn't have taken them that long) so they can have a lil daytrip in amarillo.
the 'first time' scene didn't have some big *mutual orgasm* moment bc i've had it planned longer than i did the rest of this chapter even. i wasn't abandoning the oral sex scene idea just to make things ~perfect~ like any other fic would've prob done. sex isn't always like that. it's messy, it's funny, it can be embarrassing. it's rarely like a movie. and that's ok, so long as it's with the person you love.
big texan | cadillac ranch
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It'd not taken long, but you'd eventually cried yourself to sleep against Billy's chest. He'd held you all the while, whispering sweet nothings to you, rocking you, giving you soft kisses, promising over and over: never again.
He'd carried you to bed, pulling your body against his, and he'd closed his eyes, swallowing the lump in his throat, trying to focus on anything but all the shit he'd forced you to put up with today. He'd nearly lost you.
He had nearly lost you.
You'd been so close to walking out that door. Had made a plan of escape. He'd forced your hand.
He feels exhausted himself, but is now afraid to close his eyes. What if you did it? What you said you'd intended to: leave once he's fallen asleep.
He decides that there's nothing more he can do to stop you if that's what you choose. If you want to leave, he'll let you go. He can't keep you prisoner. All he wants is what's best for you. Whatever will bring you happiness and peace. That's what love is. Putting someone else's wants—needs—before your own.
Finally, he drifts off to sleep, hoping to return to his dream that'd been cut painfully short that morning. When everything was still perfect, just as it should've been.
Should've remained.
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When you wake, it's nearly noon and you're in bed alone.
You sit up slowly, still somehow a bit tired, despite having slept so long and you rub your eyes, yawning.
"Morning, baby." You hear a deep familiar voice call a few feet away.
You turn and see Billy emerging from the bathroom, a gentle smile on his face. He comes over, sitting beside you on the bed. "You sleep okay?"
You nod lightly, yawning yet again. Crying usually did take it out of you.
You go to get up to begin getting your things together, until he takes your hand in his.
"You can go back to sleep if you want. I went ahead and paid up for another day."
"You did?"
He nods.
You look down to his large hand which rests overtop of yours. Your brows furrow. "What...what did you mean by it?" You can't just let it sit. You can't sit in unsurety.
He reaches up, tucking some hair behind your left ear. "What, baby?"
"'You're mine'."
"What do you think I meant?"
You shrug, not looking up.
He sighs. "That you're my girl and I'm your man. We're going together, going steady, dating, whatever the fuck you want to call it."
He says it quietly, no aggression, no irritation, just...calling it what it is.
Your eyes finally meet his then. "I assume you expect me to be faithful. Will you give me the same respect?"
He leans down, gently pressing his lips to yours. "Honey, I don't want anybody else."
You sigh. "You've been with more girls than I probably want to know about. And looked at—flirted with—numerous since we've been on the road-"
He chuckles. "I told you before, sweetheart, I did it to get under your skin. To be a dick." He smirks. "It's one of my specialties, I'd say."
You don't laugh or smile at the joke.
He understands. He knows it's going to take a lot of work and groveling and sucking up to get back to where you'd been the night before last.
"Do you want to lie back down, get some more rest?"
You glance up to him. "Will you lie down with me?"
"Of course."
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Billy leaves his briefs on as he pulls you to his chest, your head resting atop it, your hand over one of his pectorals. He tangles the fingers of his right hand in your hair, gently rubbing your head, while the other rests overtop of your hand on his chest.
You lie there for a moment, listening to the steady strong beat of his heart. "What time is it?"
"Time for you to get a watch," he replies immediately, his lip twitching. Maybe now wasn't the time for sarcasm, but he wanted to lighten the mood even a little.
You roll your eyes, even if it makes you feel the least bit better to be back to bantering.
"I have one, remember?"
"Mm," he hums his reply.
"Did...did it mean something to you? What we did the night before last?"
He presses a kiss to the top of your head. How the hell could he have let you go a whole day thinking otherwise? He had known when you came back out of that gas station that you'd been crying. Had wanted to wrap his car around a tree the worse his treatment toward you became. It killed him to do it, but he'd expected you to fight back like you always had. Instead, you'd just...given up.
"You have no idea what it meant to me, sweetheart. A lot. Before...whatever shit I did with a girl was just sex. Not intimacy. Things are different with you."
He turns on his side then and you do as well, looking at each other.
You reach forward, taking his left hand in yours. "When did you realize how you felt?"
You look up to him with innocent eyes.
He looks down to your small hand in his and he brushes his thumb along your knuckles. "I'm not really sure. I mean, I've felt something for awhile. But I told myself it was just an attraction. A crush. Nothing more. And then yesterday morning, I had this dream..." He trails off for a moment and you scoot a bit closer to him.
"What was the dream about?"
His eyes meet yours again. "We'd finally reached Cali and...we were making love in my car. You kept saying my name. I think I just heard you trying to wake me up. But I thought you were about to say it—those three words. I was practically begging you to. And then I woke up and I knew I was down bad. I didn't know what the fuck to do with that: being in love. So I did the only thing I knew how to and punished you for it. For making me fall for you. Even if that had never been your intention, it happened anyway. It was always going to, I think."
You gently press your palm against his chest, curling your fingers against the warm, tanned skin.
He continues. "Maybe I just woke up pissed off from it because I also thought that would be the only way for me to hear it: in my dreams. That you could never feel that way for me. That no one could."
You look up at him to find that he's already looking at you.
Your heart begins to beat just slightly faster. Then, "I love you, too."
His brows furrow and his eyes begin to grow a bit red.
He wraps his arms around you, pulling you into a firm embrace. He presses his lips to your hair. "Thank you," he mutters.
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The two of you fall asleep for a couple more hours and when he wakes, you're sitting up, back against the headboard as you flip idly through the TV channels.
He slides his hand up your leg, between your legs and you look down at him.
"You hungry?" He asks, lying his head on your thigh. "I know I made keeping food down a bit...difficult yesterday." He thinks of you retching on the side of the interstate. How he'd nearly done the right thing by reaching out to you, but had refrained. Stupid.
He sits up then and you watch him.
You mute the TV, growing serious. "If you ever treat me like that again-"
"I won't-"
"Let me finish."
He stays quiet.
"If you ever treat me like again, it will be the last. I mean it this time. There will be no more forgiveness. No more second, third, and fourth chances. I will walk away. For good. I've probably already given you more chances than I should've."
He nods, knowing you indeed have. "I know." His eyes look into your own, hopeful. "So does that mean you do: forgive me?"
You unmute the TV. "I think it's going to take time."
He nods. "I understand." Then after a beat of silence, "Is there anything I can do?"
You toy with the remote in your hands. "I don't mind the sarcasm and joking around. But I need this, too."
He rests his head on your breasts, wrapping an arm around your waist. "I know. I just need you to be patient with me."
You roll your eyes toward the ceiling. "I've been nothing but, Billy."
He smirks. "I never promised that I'd make it easy on you."
Your stomach growls then and he chuckles, standing. He extends a hand toward you. "C'mon, I'll buy you lunch."
You have half-a-mind to be petty and ask about his comment of him 'no longer being your meal-ticket', but are so sick of fighting that you just slide your hand into his.
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Billy had stopped at an interesting restaurant along Route 66, called 'The Big Texan', which was quite the attraction. The place was packed, with taxidermy lining the walls, and the interior was modeled after an old western saloon. You'd held tightly to his hand as the hostess led you to your table.
Billy had ordered himself a lager that they kept on-tap, while you'd ordered a glass of ice water, downing the thing almost instantly. The waitress had returned soon after to give you a refill and to take your orders. He'd ordered a ribeye while you'd gone with a fried sandwich. You'd considered a quesadilla, but didn't want anymore Mexican-style food. Not after yesterday.
You glance up to him once you're halfway through your sandwich. "Do...should I pay for this?" You ask, gesturing to your lunch.
He should've never said that to you. Honestly, after he had, he'd sat in the car pissed at himself for doing so. He liked taking care of you— knowing he was the first man to really do so. If he'd let you get yourself your own motel room... He doesn't want to think of everything he'd nearly lost, all due to his own selfishness...cowardice.
He brushes his leg against yours under the table. "No, baby, let me get the check. Let's just...go back to the way things were before yesterday. I know we can't just forget about it, but I want you to ignore all the shit I said. I didn't mean any of it. Okay?"
You nod, resting one of your feet over his boot. "Okay."
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When you stand, ready to go up front, you see Billy turn back to the table and grab your water—for a quick drink, you assume—until you feel his hand slip under your shirt and an ice cube slides down your back.
"Oh! You son of a-" You shut your mouth as it slips onto the floor and a few curious eyes turn your way.
He shrugs, expression bored. "Thought you needed to cool off a little," he states, heading up front.
You grab two big cubes, praying they don't melt in your hands before you make it outside.
Once you have, you slip your hands down both the front and back of his jeans. His satisfied smirk is cut short when he hollers, wildly kicking his legs, trying to shake them out to no avail. "Oh, you're going to fuckin' pay for that," he says, picking you up, throwing you over his shoulder, smacking your ass.
Your head bobs, forehead nearly hitting his broad back. "Let me down!"
He spanks you again. "I don't think so. You've been a naughty girl and you're getting punished."
"You started it!"
"And now I'm finishing it," he says as his left hand comes up and yanks against your panties, tugging them down your legs. Oh God, you should've never worn a dress. But the heat here was nearly unbearable.
Your eyes go wide and you panic, worrying someone might see.
He slips them into his pocket, the skirt of your dress fluttering with each step he takes and you know your privates are on full-display.
He walks around to the side of the car, grabbing his leather jacket, and comes back around to the front, tossing it on the hood of the car. He finally sits you down—gently—on top of it, and he plants his palms on either side of you, leaning in for a kiss, one of his hands snaking between your spread legs.
You let him distract himself as you gently unbuckle his belt, and then pull it off of him in one swift motion, his pants falling.
You giggle as you watch him grab for them, yanking them back up.
He then looks at you with a raised brow, his palm extended to you. "C'mon, give it. You can take my clothes off later."
You go to hand it to him, then yank it back toward you, smiling.
His lip twitches. "Keep it up and I'll be putting you over my knee with it."
You give it to him then and watch as he slips it back through his belt loops again.
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After pulling away from the restaurant, Billy looks at you, foot on the brake. "You want to go see some cars?"
You roll your head in his direction. "Do I, or do you?"
He puts on a pair of shades. "I think you'll like it," he says, accelerating, heading back toward the highway.
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"What a fuckin' waste," Billy says, standing beside you.
You look up to him. "You were the one who wanted to come here."
"Who the hell sticks a goddamn Cadillac in the sand like that? You have any idea how much these things were once worth?"
You shrug, not particularly interested in that aspect of them. "I think it's neat."
He looks down to you. "Women. You would."
You walk around one of them, admiring other people's artwork. "Bite me."
"That an offer, honey?"
You walk over to another one, looking over the various shapes and swirls sprayed onto it. Then to the one next to it, glancing inside the cabin, but not much is to be found there. You wonder why someone would stick ten cars in the ground like this. Also wonder whether they harvested them for parts first. It would be a lot of wasted money, if not.
When you look up, Billy is three cars down, a black spray-paint can in one hand, while he holds his t-shirt over his mouth and nose with the other.
You walk over to him and watch as he finishes up his personal addition to one of the vehicle's doors: Billy ♡'s Y/N
He lowers his shirt, looking at you. "Think I could make it as an artist?"
You wrap your arms around his middle, lying your head against his chest, smiling softly. "Definitely not."
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Once the two of you are back in the car, Billy slides his hand up your thigh, smirking at the feel of your heat, knowing your panties are still shoved in his pocket. "Where to now?"
You shrug. "We could go back to the motel?" In all honesty, you just wanted to be somewhere with AC again. The car has it, but he always wants the windows down, for whatever annoying reason.
He shakes his head. "I don't want us cooped up in there all damn day." He studies you for a moment. "You want me to finally teach you how to drive manual?"
You look to him with wide eyes. "I don't think that's a good idea."
"You've got to learn some time."
"Maybe in an automatic."
He raises a brow. "Plan on ditching me for some city-slicker?"
"You're from California, Billy."
"That's neither here nor there," he states, turning the car over.
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Once Billy's found an empty parking lot to start your training in, he gets out.
He walks around to your side, opening the door, leaning down to you and motioning with his hand for you to get out.
You stare up at him. "What if...what if I 'burn up the clutch' like you said? Or I nick the paint or-"
He brushes his knuckles over your cheek. "You won't hurt it, baby. I'll be right next to you the whole time."
You shift in your seat, really not wanting to do this. "Which do you love more? Me, or your car?"
"Don't push your luck. C'mon," he says, grabbing your hand, pulling you out.
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Once you're in the driver's seat—Billy having already adjusted the seat so you could reach the pedals—and most certainly buckled in, you look nervously to Billy.
"This feels so fuckin' weird, being in the passenger seat in my own car," he mumbles, also buckling himself in. God forbid you panicked and laid on the throttle and smoked an electric pole.
He prays to God that doesn't happen.
He puts his left arm behind you. "Alright, press down on the clutch."
You glance down to the floor, then back up to him with a nervous smile.
"The one all the way to the left, honey."
You shove your foot down on the corresponding pedal.
"Now the middle one—that's the brake."
You let up on the clutch.
"No, keep your left foot on the clutch and your right one goes on the brake."
"Ok, sorry," you say, doing as he's instructed.
"Now, turn the key in the ignition while keeping your feet where they are."
With a slightly shaking hand, you do and the car roars to life.
He points to the shifter. "This car is a standard-h. There's only four gears. The 'r' stands for reverse."
You cock your head to the side. "I know that."
"Don't get smart with me right now." He continues. "Now, I want you to put it in first."
You do.
"Take your foot off the break slowly."
The car rolls forward only a few inches, then stops.
"Now, do the same with the clutch, also slowly. The car is going to start to roll. When it does, give it just a little bit of gas and please pay attention to where the hell you're pointing the front-end. Just...don't hit anything, alright?"
You slowly let up on the clutch, wheels rolling forward, and you grip the wheel tightly, sweat rolling down the back of your neck from nerves. You give the gas pedal a gentle tap and begin to drive slowly around the parking lot.
Billy glances to the speedometer. "Now, keep doing exactly as you are, but I want you to shift into second gear when you're ready. I want you staying around fifteen miles per hour for right now. You're going to take your foot off the gas and instead press down on the clutch again when you shift."
You press down on the clutch again, pulling the shifter back toward you.
"Good, now give it gas again and just drive around a bit like that. Just get a feel for it."
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After less than an hour, you feel far more comfortable behind the wheel than when you'd started.
You were no pro—not like him—but you knew more now than you had.
"Think I'm readying to hit the interstate yet?" You ask, smiling to yourself, shifting.
He smirks. "That's likely," he replies sarcastically. "Alright, go ahead and park it."
You hit the brake a little too hard, causing the both of you to lurch forward.
Billy grabs the dash. "Jesus. Easy, killer. I said park it, not give me whiplash."
You blush, putting the car into first and shutting it off. "At least it was the brake I laid on and not the gas."
"No shit," he says chuckling, unbuckling himself.
He leans over the middle of the car then, pressing his lips to yours, his left hand gripping your headrest, his right slipping under your dress, feeling you up.
You moan against his lips and his tongue slips into your mouth, exploring.
He cups your breast, kneading it in his palm, erection pressing against his jeans...and he slams his head against the roof of the car.
He pulls away, cupping the back of his scalp. "Fuck's sake. I'm not supposed to be the one on top, anyway. Alright, time to switch seats, doll."
He gets out, walking around to the driver's side, opening the door, and you step out and he climbs back in, then grabs your hand, pulling you inside. It takes a bit of struggling and a few curse-words on both your ends, but eventually he gets you to straddle him. He then reclines the seat back and begins pushing your dress up.
Your hands come down to rest overtop of his. "I...I'm not ready to-"
He reaches up, cupping your cheek. "I know. There's still other things we can do if you want to keep...exploring, though," he says with a smirk, growing harder at the thought.
Your eyes flit between both of his, considering, thinking, then you speak. "Never again."
"Never again," he agrees easily, pushing your dress up and off your body, lying it in the passenger seat.
He grips your hips, pupils dilating, licking his lips as he takes in your naked form.
"Now, how the fuck am I supposed to behave myself when I know what you look like under your clothes now?" He looks into your eyes. "You realize that when we're alone in a room together, I'm not letting you wear clothes ever again?"
You tuck a lock of hair behind your ear, blushing, smiling slightly.
His eyes trail over your breasts, down your stomach, to between your legs. "You're so fucking beautiful," he says lowly.
Heat pools between your legs.
You reach down then and begin unbuttoning his shirt.
"I can't believe you're finally mine."
You look at him.
He reaches up, cupping your cheek with his right hand. "Can you tell me that, angel?"
You bring your hand up to rest over the back of his. You turn your head to gently kiss his palm. "I'm yours."
He maneuvers his shirt off of himself, tossing it over with your dress.
"What now?" You ask nervously.
As much as he wants to bury himself inside of you, he knows he has to wait. He just hopes not long. Not because he was necessarily eager to 'just get laid', but because he wanted to make you his in every way he knew how.
He folds his hands behind his head, staring up at you. "Maybe I just watch you." He shrugs, lifting his hips to get more comfortable, then settling back down against the seat. "I think just this once I'd be alright with being a spectator."
You blink down at him. "You really want to do this here...?"
He glances around the empty lot, then back to you. "Mhm."
You reach down tentatively between your legs, keeping your eyes on his own.
You begin to rub your clit, whimpering lightly at the pleasant feel. You lean back some and jolt when the horn honks.
You look at him, now embarrassed.
He smirks. "Keep going, baby."
You start up again, closing your eyes, your hand circling between your legs, your other gripping his shoulder tightly.
You sigh, running your fingers between your soaked folds, then circling your clit again with your own self-made lubricant.
Billy suddenly inclines the seat again, wrapping his arms around you, taking one of your breasts in his mouth, his hands sliding down to your ass, squeezing.
Your hips jerk, and you settle again, wrapping one arm around his neck, craning your neck down, pressing your lips to his.
He moves his lips to your neck, your clavicle, your breasts, then back up again, sucking on the sensitive skin until you have a hicky.
You sigh his name and he brushes some hair away from your face. "That's it, darlin'. Just like that."
You press your lips to his, hips jerking yet again and you gasp against his lips.
"Shh, I know. You're close, aren't you, sweetheart?"
You nod, crushing your lips back to his, a low mewling sound coming from the back of your throat.
Your fingers begin to circle faster and faster, slipping between your legs, then back to your clit, your breaths coming in short, shallow gasps, you even accidentally bite Billy's lower lip at one point, but he just moans at the feeling.
"Fuck, do that again."
You do, gently biting down, then running your tongue over the now-sensitive spot, kissing him again and again.
And then, finally, you arch your back, crying out in euphoria, that bundle between your legs jerking under your fingers, pulsating.
You press your forehead to his shoulder, softly crying his name.
He slides his hands up your back, your skin slick with sweat, before cupping your cheeks in his hands, forcing you to look at him, your expression now serene, if not a bit sleepy.
"You're lucky I didn't finish in my fucking jeans just now."
You laugh.
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When you get back to the room, Billy glances to you with a smirk as he unlocks the door.
"You do know driving my car isn't the only thing I'm going to be teaching you, right?"
"You're such a perv."
He balks, dramatically placing his hand over his heart as he pushes the door open, arm holding it for you. "I was talking about teaching you to surf. Now whose mind is in the gutter?"
You bite your lip as you step past him, now embarrassed.
And then he slaps your ass as he shuts the door behind himself. "Seems I'm starting to finally rub off on you, huh?"
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You're very thorough as you shower, well and truly taking your time scrubbing every inch of yourself, shaving your legs and armpits, and giving yourself only a small trim downstairs. Once clean, you stand before the mirror, blow-drying your hair, then teasing it just as you had the other day. He'd liked when you did that.
You ignore your pounding heart and sweaty palms to the best of your ability. Maybe it's too soon. Maybe you should continue to wait. Maybe it'll be a mistake.
Or maybe, like Billy had said a few nights ago, that 'mistake' could turn out to be one of the best things you've ever done.
When you exit the bathroom, it's in nothing more than a towel and Billy glances from the TV to you with a smirk, the arm down at his side holding the remote, other arm across his forehead. "Guess I found something more interesting to watch," he says, turning it off.
You shift from one foot to the other. "Do... You said you have condoms, right?"
He stares at you for just a moment longer, then sits up suddenly. "What?"
You grip the towel more tightly. "I think I'm ready."
"In the car you said-"
"I know," you say quietly. "I...I kind of wanted to the other night. And in the car. I don't know what I'm waiting for, really. I always said I wanted to fall in love first and now I have, so..."
You trail off, glancing down to the carpet, then back up to him, finding him now seated on the edge of the bed.
He stands, coming over to you.
You look up at him and soften when he cups your cheek. "Are you sure about this?"
You nod.
He studies you for a moment longer, and then he steps over to his bag, unzipping a side pocket, removing a small, square, silver wrapper.
Hands trembling slightly, you drop your towel to the floor, thankful the curtains are already shut, only a small fraction of light streamlines across the bed which you lie down on, waiting for him.
You watch as he undresses and you can't help but think he, too, looks just a bit nervous. You wonder if he's ever been that before with a girl.
You don't ask.
He tears the wrapper open with his teeth, then rolls the condom over his already-hard length and walks over to you, crawling on top of you.
You spread your legs, letting him between them. You reach up, cupping his cheek and his gaze softens.
You feel his erection brush against your inner thigh.
"I know you said you were sure-"
"I am," you say, lifting your head, pressing your lips to his.
He then reaches between your thighs, ensuring you're already wet. And his fingers come away soaked.
You keep your arms wrapped around his neck as he rubs the tip of himself against you, then slowly begins to ease inside.
It pinches for a moment, rather painfully, and you bite your lip at the feeling, but once he's past that threshold and buried in your sweet wetness, it feels...wonderful.
When you look up at him, it hits you all at once. How just over a week ago you'd been sitting in class absolutely hating his existence, his very presence, and now here you were, completely in love with him. His heart had belonged to you all along.
You wonder if he would've run away with anyone else—would've made such a quick split-second decision to leave it all behind, with only you at his side. Would've protected, and provided for, and looked after, and chased down another like had you.
You were it for him, and it's in that moment of you looking up at him, into his eyes—tears shimmering in them—your bodies joined together as one, that you know he is for you, too.
"You're mine," he whispers, voice husky, quiet.
He begins to gently rock his hips against your own.
"Yes," you sigh, lifting a leg onto his strong back.
"I'll never love anyone else the way I love you, not after everything we've been through. Only we understand each other. No one else ever could—will. You're mine. Forever."
You nod, a tear slipping down the side of your face. "Forever."
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When Billy finishes, he's unsure that he's ever felt so happy in his entire life. The only thing that could compare was the feeling of the ocean under his feet.
Finding you was finding the missing part of him—a piece of a puzzle he hadn't even been aware he was trying to solve, falling into place, squarely into his heart. Slowly, you were mending him back into one completeness of a man.
He lays on his side, looking down at you, smiling. "So, did you, uh..." He trails off, nodding lightly.
You reach up, brushing a curl away, smiling slightly, but he can tell something isn't right.
His brows furrow.
You shake your head lightly. It wasn't his fault. Sometimes things just took a bit more effort for a girl, right? "No."
He lays on his back, wondering what the hell he'd done wrong.
Admittedly, he'd finished a bit more quickly than what was typical for him.
"Alright, just give me a minute," he says, closing his eyes, trying to concentrate.
You lie beside him, looking over at his naked body. "It's okay. I can just-"
His eyes open. "No, I want to be the one to do it."
You grow quiet.
He then sits up. "Fuck this, we'll do it another way, then."
He kneels at the end of the bed, gripping your hips, pulling you toward him.
You sit back on your forearms, looking down at him. "Billy, what're you-"
You lay back down again. "Oh God," you said breathily as his hot mouth lowers onto your sex.
He eases your legs over his shoulders, flicking his tongue against your clit, then spearing it, fucking you with it.
You grip the sheets beneath you, arching your back at the amazing feeling.
He eases two fingers inside you, arching them upward just like the other night—since you'd seemed to enjoy that so much—and he continues to suck against your clit, bothering to even trace the alphabet along it.
You close your eyes, brows furrowed, skin hot, nipples hard as your back arches atop the soft mattress.
He gently grips one of your hips with his free hand, then reaches up, twining his fingers with your own.
"Ah, I love you," you say in a whisper, squeezing his hand.
He plants a few kisses to your pussy in reply. "I love you, too, baby." He then goes back to teasing that sensitive nerve bundle with his experienced tongue.
Your thighs tighten around his head and he knows you're close.
He traces his name with his tongue, and just as he's halfway through 'Hargrove' do your eyes pop open, your back arching, your hand squeezing his fingers so hard he's sure you might just break one as you scream his name as you climax. He really fucking hopes the people staying next to you heard every second of it.
As you come back down, head light and swimming, he stands, quickly throwing away the ruined condom, putting on a fresh one.
Your body is still twitching and sensitive when he looks down at you with a smirk. "So, did you cum that time?"
He positions himself between your still-spread legs. "Good, because I'm ready again."
Before you can even react and ask for a few seconds to catch your bearings, he sheathes himself.
"You're going to fucking cum this time."
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mrsshabana · 1 year
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Always the groomsman, never the groom
♡ CW: 18+ MDNI, Female!reader x Gyutaro, mostly fluff and angst, some smut. Reader is a groomsmaid and Gyutaro is a groomsman.
♡ AN: I was a bridesmaid at a wedding this weekend so it inspired me to make this oneshot!
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Gyutaro had been a groomsman at numerous weddings. All of his friends getting married, yet he couldn't even manage to ask a girl out.
And here he is yet again at another wedding. This time it was Akaza getting married. Gyutaro didn't know his husband to be very well, but he remembers him from college. Kyojuro Rengoku.
Gyutaro was happy for his friend, but he couldn't help but be a little jealous. He wants more than anything to fall in love and someday get married, but all he was able to manage was the occasional hook up. And even that was rare.
He's not too fond of hook ups, but he's so desperate for any kind of affection that he's willing to do almost anything. And no matter how hard he tries to get to know someone, they always leave before he can wake up in the morning. Leaving him alone, yet again. At this point he's convinced that's how things were meant to be.
Gyutaro can't help but wonder if he would be able to meet someone at the wedding. But is it really worth the inevitable heart break? When he sees you he starts to think that it might be.
You're a part of the wedding party on Kyojuro's side, you must be one of his close friends. Gyutaro immediately notices how beautiful you are. And the way your breasts look in that dress isn't bad either.
Gyutaro's breath hitches when he finds out you'll be partnered with him during the ceremony. He's not sure whether to be excited or filled with dread that he get's paired with the one person he was crushing on.
You remember he wasn't able to make it to the rehearsal so you had to practice with someone else, but now that he's here you might as well introduce yourself.
"Hi there! I'm Y/N," you say in a friendly tone, reaching out your hand, "It's nice to meet you, looks like we'll be paired for the ceremony."
"H-hey," he reaches out and shakes your hand, "I'm Gyutaro."
You give him a recap of everything they told you at the rehearsal, "So it's super easy, you'll just follow the other guys down the aisle. Then after the ceremony, Akaza and Kyojuro will walk down the aisle. Then each of us will get with our partners and walk down the aisle after them."
"So... I just walk over to you and uh...?" He's trying to pay attention but he keeps staring at your boobs.
You smile, "We'll go after Douma and Shinobu. Once they get halfway down the aisle we'll walk to the middle, latch arms, and walk together. You can just follow my lead," You try to make it make sense but it's hard to explain since he wasn't there for the rehearsal.
"Oh ok, cool. Sounds easy enough," he says as he has absolute no clue what to do.
When it comes time for the ceremony to start, it goes pretty smoothly. Gyutaro just follows the other guys' lead. The whole ceremony is really beautiful and you feel yourself tearing up when Akaza and Kyojuro read their vows to each other.
After they kiss and walk down the aisle, you look over at Gyutaro. He knows what to do right?
His palms are sweaty and he can't remember for the life of him what he's supposed to do. He's lucky Douma goes before him so he can see what he's supposed to do.
The two of you meet in the middle and you lock arms with him, "What'd you think of the ceremony?" you whisper to him as you walk down the aisle together.
"It was real nice, I'm happy for them," He smiles, trying to hide the shakiness in his voice.
You, Gyutaro, and the rest of the wedding party wait around to take photos while the rest of the guests have the reception.
The whole time Gyutaro's thoughts are running rampant. You were so nice to him! No girl has ever been so kind to him, but maybe you were just being nice? There's no way you have a crush on him or something. That'd be absurd, you've only known him for a few hours.
He has no way of knowing that you actually find him very handsome, especially in that suit he's wearing. He has a je ne sais quoi about him. Something unique that you've never seen in a guy before.
After the photos you spend most of the wedding with your friends, and Gyutaro spends time with his. It's not until the wedding is almost over and everyone has had a few drinks that you talk to him again.
You noticed he was sitting alone at a table so you went over and sat next to him, "Hey Gyutaro, mind if I join you?"
His cheeks immediately become rosy, "I uh- no, not at all. Go ahead."
He's at a loss for words. A girl has never came up to him like this and initiated a conversation. Could you possibly be... interested in him?
He soon finds out when after talking for over an hour, he asks you if you want to come over to his place tonight. It's a bold move, and he never would have done it without the help of some alcohol. He swears he's dreaming when you actually agree.
"Are you sure...?" he asks.
"Yeah! Unless you're secretly a murderer or something," you smile and nudge his shoulder.
He figures he should take advantage of this opportunity before you realize how repulsive he is and change your mind. So he quickly takes you on his motorcycle, back to his apartment in the city.
When you get there Gyutaro tries to play it cool, showing you around his apartment and trying to make friendly conversation. But really he just wants to get to the main event. He'd be lying if he said he wasn't feeling incredibly horny.
It doesn't take long before you find yourself sitting on his lap, making out with him on his bed. His hands already pushing up your dress to grab at your ass.
You're so different from the other women Gyutaro has hooked up with. They never went as far as wanting to kiss him, let alone actually bothering to touch him like you are. It sends shivers down his spine and makes him feel amounts of affection he didn't know possible.
He starts to get really nervous when you lay on your back. You actually want to see his face while he fucks you? He's only ever done doggy style with his previous partners because his face would ruin the mood. But not you.
You caress his cheek and look into his eyes as he plunges into you. That's the moment that he becomes attached to you, feeling himself falling for you.
He almost loses it when you moan his name and hold him close to your body as he thrusts into you. He thought this kind of shit was only in the movies, not real life. Let alone for a guy like him.
You don't yell at him when he becomes too overwhelmed by emotion to pull out. Instead you wrap your arms around him, kiss him, and tell him what a good job he did.
He knows how pathetic he must seem, but he can't help but cling to you. Holding you close to him, and nuzzling his nose into your hair. God you smell so good.
You aren't used to having hook ups like this, so you hope he won't mind if you stay the night. And by his clinginess it seems like he doesn't want you to leave either.
In the morning, Gyutaro wakes up in a panic. He slept in too late, you must have already left. He shoots up with wide eyes only to see your sleeping form still beside him.
"She... she didn't leave?" he mumbles to himself, "But they always leave..."
You're different. You're special. And this is when Gyutaro realizes that he's falling in love with you. Maybe the next time he goes to a wedding he won't just be a groomsman, but the groom.
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wandanatsgf · 7 months
Why Won't You Love Me
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Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x Reader
Word Count: 708
Summary: You can tell your relationship is falling apart, but maybe there's still some hope for it
“I’m sick of always fighting, Wanda,” you say into the phone. Wanda was currently away for yet another mission, leaving you alone in your apartment for the millionth time.
“If you would just listen to me for once we wouldn’t be fighting,” she retorts back.
You can feel your frustration and anger rising and you knew you needed to hang up before you said something you’d regret.
“Whatever Wanda,” you say. You quickly hang up and put your phone on airplane mode, not wanting to deal with this right now.
You knew yours and Wanda’s relationship was falling apart. You were constantly fighting and arguing, but you didn't want to let her go.
You glance down at your phone to check the time and you see Wanda’s face, your screensaver. You had just gotten home one day and you saw your girlfriend cooking in the kitchen. She was singing and dancing along to a Taylor Swift song. She looked so happy you just had to take a picture. It quickly became your favorite picture of her, even though she hated it.
“What are we doing?” you say to yourself. You can feel tears threatening to fall down your face. You love Wanda and you don’t want to lose her. You just can't take the loneliness anymore. She was always away and it ate you up inside.
You switch airplane mode off and your phone starts to blow up.
"Why did you hang up on me?" the first message reads.
"Call me back," another says.
"I'm on my way home," the latest message says.
You're not sure whether to feel relieved or anxious. You sit in a brown armchair in the living room until you hear the front door open an hour later.
"Hi," you hear Wanda say.
"Hi," you greet back. You can feel the tension in the air.
"We need to talk," you say.
"I'm listening."
"I love you Wanda, I really do, but I'm so sick of feeling alone all the time," you let out. You can feel hot tears fall down your cheeks, but you pay them no mind.
"What are you talking about? You're not alone," she says, gesturing to herself.
"But I am, Wanda. You're rarely ever here anymore."
"That's not true and you know it."
"Yes, it is Wanda and we both know it, no matter what you say, you know it's true."
"Oh please I'm always here."
You can feel many tears falling down your face, some from sadness and some from frustration. Wanda just doesn't see it.
"What more do you fucking want Y/n," she yells at you as she sees your tears.
“I just want you to fucking love me,” you scream out. “I wake up alone, I go to bed alone. You’re never here Wanda. You’re always busy with missions. Something’s always more important and I’m sick of being the only person in this relationship.” You can feel the tension and anxiety roll of your back at your outburst. It felt good to no longer bottling up your feelings.
Wanda is silent. She doesn't say anything as she wraps her arms around you and kisses your head. You can feel yourself breaking down in her arms.
"I'm so sorry dorogoya. I didn't realize," you can hear Wanda's voice start to shake.
"Please let me make this up to you." Wanda pulls away from you and takes your face in her hands. "Please detka," she begs. She pulls out her puppy dog eyes, which she knows you can't refuse.
"Alright but you have a lot of making up to do," you say.
"I'll take the whole week off and spend it just with you and we can do whatever you want ok."
"Ok Wanda," you say. You bring her in for a hug and just enjoy the feeling of her body against yours.
"Now let's go to bed, I'm exhausted from all of this," you say. You drag Wanda with you to bed and cuddle up against her.
"I really didn't mean to hurt you baby. I just...I didn't realize what I was doing until I realized how it was affecting you."
"I know you didn't Wanda. It's alright. I'm not going anywhere," you reassure her. You place a gentle kiss on her cheek.
"I love you Y/n and I'm gonna make this right."
A smile forms on your lips. "I love you too Wands."
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lottins-only · 17 days
I love you, it's ruining my life | Part IV
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pairing: Kylian x black!Reader
word count: 6.2k
part one, part two, part three
A/N: as always, please let me know what you think in my inbox <3 Like this post if you'd like to be added to my taglist.
IV. Spring 2023 through Summer 2024
July 2023
“Tic Tac!” The man on the TV had wide, and quite frankly, manic-looking eyes. “Tic Tac!”
Kylian quickly grabbed the remote and turned the TV off, releasing a sigh of relief at the ensuing silence. It was all noise these days, the minute he turned on the TV, or opened Twitter and Instagram, or even glanced at a newspaper. His name in big bold capital letters, in a headline that almost always contained the words “leaving” or “staying”. Everyone wanted to know. The paparazzi stalked his every move, yelling out the million dollar question to him any chance they got – “Kylian, are you leaving PSG?”  as if he’d respond to them. People on twitter tracked his flights, trying to see if any of the planes he boarded were headed to Madrid. Self- proclaimed insider journalists went viral on social media with their ‘scoops’, causing a flurry of conversation, and depending on which day it was and which side you were on, either joy or sadness. Turtle emojis haunted his dreams, and now, thanks to the Spanish TV channel he’d accidentally come across, so would the words ‘tic tac’.
He was a good sport about it, most times. But at times it was all too much. Like today. He’d spent the majority of it in a meeting with his mother and legal team, discussing  PSG negotiation strategies. Then he’d come home to take an afternoon nap, only to be woken up by his lawyer calling him to deliver the news: PSG had frozen him out of the first team. He’d proceeded to go to his living room and open the TV,  mindlessly scrolling through the channels, happy to not just think for a couple of minutes, to let the disbelief and anger marinate inside him until he could express it at a later time . But that was all gone when he happened upon the Tic Tac man, who apparently hosted a show that was dedicated to the Mbappe - Real Madrid Saga. Now it was back to stressing about his present, and his future. 
Truthfully, everything had started unraveling the day he’d royally fucked everything up with Y/N, back in December. The heartbreak he’d felt had been unlike anything he’d ever experienced before, so all encompassing that it had left him at a loss of equilibrium. It shook him to his core.  He didn’t just lose the girl he loved, he lost his best friend too.  He’d decided to pour everything he had into football, and he’d quite literally been rewarded for it when he’d become PSG’s top goalscorer. He felt happiness he hadn’t felt in a long while when he stood there in the stadium that evening, thousands cheering him on as he held up the trophy. But then all of it had dissipated back in his apartment, his friends and family gone after a night of celebration,  the golden 201 staring at him from his trophy cabinet. What good was any of it if he couldn’t call and share his joy  with the person who mattered to him the most? He’d felt incredibly lonely then, more lonely than when he was just 14 alone in the Monaco academy for the very first time.  Y/N had left a big, wide hole in his life, and no matter how he tried to forget it, it was still there. 
His phone, which he had  carelessly tossed across the couch, started to vibrate. It was his mother, probably calling to check on him, maybe offer some words of comfort. He ignored it. He didn’t want to speak to anyone at the moment; He didn’t have the energy to pretend he was ok, , to feign acceptance of his uncertain future and Y/N’s absence from his life. Instead, he headed to the fridge and grabbed a rare beer. He wasn’t going to be playing  professional football anytime soon , so who cared how much carbs he consumed? 
He watched his phone continue to vibrate as he took a gulp of beer. It periodically flashed different names: his parents, his brothers, his sister in law,  Tchaga. He was happy to ignore all of them in favor of wallowing in his sadness. It went on like that for an hour or so, his phone occasionally lighting up with someone calling as he sunk deeper into his misery. Then, a name appeared on the screen that made him almost choke on his beer.
He quickly grabbed the phone and answered. “Hello?” 
 “Hi” Y/N’s voice was tentative, almost shy. “Are you okay, Kylian?”
“Yeah” He managed to keep his voice steady. “Yeah, I’m okay”
“Are you sure?” her voice was tinted with concern. “It’s all over the news here. Plus, your mom is worried, said you’re not picking up your phone” 
He winced. “ Don’t mind her, It's probably all the stress from the negotiations taking a toll”
“And you?”
“And me what?” he asked.
“Is it taking a toll on you?” She clarified
“No, I’m good” he said defensively. “I’m great, actually”
His beer bottle that had been teetering on the edge of his coffee table suddenly tumbled down and crashed to the floor. 
He cursed. “Sorry, my beer just went everywhere…” 
“Beer?” She sounded surprised. “You don’t drink beer. Especially so close to the season starting”
He sighed. “Y/N, we haven’t spoken in more than 6 months. Since you fucking broke my heart, mind you. I don’t think you can confidently say you know me anymore”
“Harsh” She replied. “But maybe deserved”
He heard shuffling at the other end, and the unmistakable sound of a cat’s meow. “Is that a cat?” he asked.
“Yup. I adopted one about a month ago” she replied. “Her name is Luna”
He snorted. “Half the cats in the world are named Luna. Couldn’t you be a little original?”
“Shut up” She chuckled, then paused. “And I still know you well, by the way”
“Mmm?” He was searching for a broom and dustpan to clean up the beer bottle mess. He couldn’t find them anywhere. He was shamefully clueless about this stuff, seeing as he had a cleaning person come take care of things  like that. 
“Yeah. I can bet my salary you’re looking for something to clean up your mess with but you can’t find it” The sound of her giggle made his heart skip a beat. 
Kylian smiled in spite of himself and muttered “Fuck you” under his breath.
He finally found the broom and dustpan. 
“You know what else I can bet?” Her tone softened, turned more serious. “I can bet that the Kylian I know wouldn’t let this type of stuff get to him. No matter what pressure he’s put under, no matter what they say. He’d just let his football speak for itself”
“Yeah well, they’re not even letting me play football. That’s the issue. It’s either renew my contract  or I won't play a single minute this season. And that’s a problem, Y/N. Because if I don’t play, then It means I start getting out of form. And I can’t have that. There’s too much on the line. The Euros next summer, and then maybe the Olympics…” He’d swooped up all the broken glass carefully and was now wiping the excess beer. “I don’t want to disappoint anyone”
“What about… What about here?” 
He knew ‘here’ meant Madrid, but the way she said it made it sound like ‘here’ was more personal. For a moment he imagined a world where they were together, a world where he’d be able to find solace with her – in her city, her apartment, her bed. He quickly dismissed that thought before it could hurt him.
“I want to finish my PSG contract first” It was a line that almost felt robotic the number of times he uttered it to the press, but it was still true.
“In any case, I don’t think you should worry too much, Kylian. You have great lawyers, great people behind you. They’ll figure it out” Her voice was comforting, and for the first time, he believed those words that had been told to him by friends and family countless times. 
The door to his apartment rattled just then, and he cringed. The timing couldn’t be worse. He disposed of the glass as he heard the door unlock from the other side, and then the sound of clicking heels approaching. 
“Kyky, are you okay?” She asked, just as she came into view. “You didn’t pick up when I called”
She saw that he was on the phone, and Kylian was about to open his mouth to explain when she whispered “Is that Fayza?”
He didn’t know what possessed him to lie, but he did. He nodded a yes. 
She gave an understanding nod, before motioning that she was headed towards his bedroom.  Kylian watched as she went up the stairs, overnight bag in one hand and the sound of her heels echoing. 
A brief silence, and then, “Who was that?” from the other end of the phone. 
“You remember Sophia from Monaco? She lives in Paris now” Why did it feel like he was delivering bad news? She was the one that had left him heartbroken. “And we’re dating”
“Dating dating or are you still just hooking up?” Her voice was unreadable. 
“No, we’re dating. Shocker, but I’m actually capable of being in a relationship”
“Why did she move to Paris?” She ignored his pointed jab. “What does she even do now?”
“She’s a model” 
She snorted. “ There it is”
He frowned. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“That’s your usual type, no?” 
He rolled his eyes. “Not really. My type was you. Just you.  You thought I was using you for sex, though. That’s why we didn’t work out right?”
“But yeah, she is a model” He ignored her, not wanting to prod his own open wound.  “Not all of us can be super smart, saving people’s lives…”
“I don’t save lives” She pointed out. “At least not directly. I’m in nonprofit work, remember?”
He did remember. He knew everything about her, admired and cherished every single detail. Yet, she wasn’t his. He’d gotten close; those 10 days after his birthday were the best of his life. But she ran away. And maybe it was his fault. It was a thought that haunted him till this day. Maybe I should have been more forward. Told her how I felt. Told her I love you.
He cleared his throat. “You know, we’re doing an event next week for the kids in my foundation. About getting into STEM fields.”
“I know” She responded. “I’m going to be there”
“What?” He couldn’t hide his surprise. 
“Yeah, your mom invited me. I’m going to be one of the speakers” She sounded amused that he didn’t know.
“Oh… I guess I’ll see you then”
“Yeah, I’ll see you” she said quietly. 
There was a brief silence, and Kylian thought it was the appropriate  time to wrap the conversation up. Any other time and they’d spend minutes in comfortable silence, speaking only when they felt like it, and on things that ranged from random to deep. But this was the first time they were speaking in months, and there was another girl waiting for him upstairs. 
“Thank you for calling. For calming me down. You’re very talented at that ” He let out a sad laugh.
“Of course. I’m always your friend, Kylian. No matter what” She said it with so much conviction it almost made up for everything else. 
He thought she was going to add something else, but she didn’t. They said their goodbyes and hung up the phone.
October 2023 
The second time they spoke on the phone, he was on a flight back from a game. It was a loss, and no one was happy, so there was a muted atmosphere on the plane. Despite that, the adrenaline still running through his veins prevented him from falling asleep. He kept awake, fidgeting in his seat, trying to fend off the thoughts that usually assailed him after a loss. Could’ve made that pass. Should’ve scored that goal. 
He decided to distract himself. He pressed play on the latest episode of his favorite show, but he couldn’t concentrate. He contemplated playing a game, but he didn't want to think. Next to him, Dembele was softly snoring. He instinctively reached for his phone, and before even thinking about it, called Y/N. 
She picked up almost instantly. “Hello?” Her groggy voice made him realize it was well past midnight in Madrid.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t realize it was so late. We can –”
“It’s fine, it’s fine” Her voice was soft. “What’s up?”
He looked out at the night sky through the small airplane window. “Nothing, nothing. Just couldn’t sleep, and thought I’d try and talk to someone” 
She chuckled. “Well, you’re in luck, because I’ve been sitting at my desk for the past hour trying to study. You caught me just when I started to doze off”
“Study for what?” He kept his voice low to not wake his neighbor. “I thought you were done with all of that”
“Decided I have one more degree in me” She said. “I started a masters program”
“Wow. So you’re juggling classes, your job, and being a mom to Luna” He tsked jokingly. “That’s a lot on your plate”
“Tell me about it” She yawned. “I’m fully embracing the cat lady stereotype these days”
“What, no guys hitting you up?” He kept his tone teasing, but he was very curious.
“Don’t have time, is all” She responded. “I barely leave the apartment during the weekends… I barely even see friends”
He frowned, imagining her cooped up in her tiny apartment all alone, straining her eyes by poring over her books. Neglecting herself. “Y/N, you work so hard, don’t forget to take care of yourself”
“I’m managing” Her tone was soft but strained. His frown deepened. How had he not noticed the deep tiredness in her voice until now?
“So, what are you doing this weekend?” She asked, clearly trying to change the subject. “Any plans with Sophia?”
“Well, we have two days off, so I was thinking–” A lightbulb flickered inside his head. “I’m actually going to be in Madrid”
“Wait, really?”
“Yeah” He lied. “ I’ve got a Nike photoshoot”
“So, I’ll get to see you right?”
“Yes, of course. You’ll have to text me your address and stuff and I’ll come by..”
She didn’t express any excitement, and he didn’t blame her. He felt nervous himself,  seeing as this would be their first meeting alone since December. He’d come up with the idea on the spot, lying about a photoshoot,  because something in her voice was off. He wanted to see her, to check on her. Plus, he missed her. 
He texted his assistant to arrange a flight and a hotel to Madrid before the plane even landed in Paris. He rushed back to his apartment just to shower and to pack a bag, then he was once again on a plane, making his way to Y/N. 
By morning, he was in sunny Madrid. By mid-morning, his driver was taking him to Y/N’s apartment. His heart was beating out of his chest as he knocked on her door. A few seconds, and it opened. And there she was. 
He was struck by a sense of longing, the heartache he’d felt all those months compounded tenfold at the sight of her. He couldn’t dwell on that, though, because the longing immediately gave way to a wave of concern. She looked exhausted, her curls frazzled and dark circles visible on her tired face. Despite this, she smiled at him wordlessly and let him inside. 
Her apartment was a reflection of her current state – chaotic and disheveled. Papers and books were scattered across surfaces, take-out boxes on the floor. 
“Sorry about the mess, I got swept away with work” She shrugged at him in embarrassment as he cleared away papers on the sofa to take a seat.
“No worries” he said, looking around her apartment. This was his first time in her living space.
“Do you want me to get you anything? Water?” She asked, just as a blob of gray fur suddenly flew across the room from nowhere and leaped at him.
“ Ow!” Kylian exclaimed as the cat’s claw made contact with his face. He looked down at it with a disapproving look.“ You must be Luna. Thanks for that”
Luna meowed at him contentedly from her perch on his lap. Y/N chuckled, but her laugh quickly turned into a yawn.
He scratched Luna’s ears and gave Y/N a serious look. “ You need to sleep. Now” 
“But I— 
“No buts. You need rest” He said firmly “ You go take a nap, I’ll chill with Luna”
“ But you just got here!”
“ We have the whole weekend to hang out”
She frowned. “ You came here for work though”
He ignored her comment. “Just go sleep,Y/N”
With a resigned sigh, she made way to the bedroom. 
He looked back at Luna, then at the messy apartment. A former coach of his had once told him a person’s living space was a reflection of their mental state. He sighed at the British shorthair. “Let’s get to work Luna”
He started by gathering the books and papers, carefully arranging them so they were all in the right place. Next, He cleared away all the trash and disposed of it. He wiped all the surfaces of the living room and kitchen, restoring some sense of order. Luna trailed after him all throughout his cleaning, rubbing her head against his leg once in a while.
After some contemplation, he decided to take the risk and walk to the grocery store across from her apartment building.  Thankfully, the store clerk didn’t recognize him in his cap and sunglasses so he got his shopping done without any hassle. Back in the apartment, he replaced the wilted flowers on her kitchen table with the fresh ones he’d gotten, then put away the groceries he’d picked up. 
He’d never cooked a meal in his entire life, but he figured he’d be able to follow a recipe. So he pulled up youtube and searched up a simple pasta recipe. It took him longer than he’d anticipated, but by the time Y/N woke up, there was a steaming home cooked meal waiting for her on the kitchen table.
She broke into a giggle as soon as she walked out of her bedroom, her eyes lighting up in delight. “You did all this?”
He raised his arms up in mock triumph. “I’m not a completely useless human being outside of football, you know”
“Never said you were” She took a seat by the kitchen table, eagerly stabbing a fork through her pasta.
He watched her take a bite, a grin spreading across his face as she gave him an approving thumbs up. Nothing he loved more than validation from Y/N.
He plated up some for himself, and they ate in companionable silence. Afterwards, Y/N insisted on cleaning up and he didn’t protest, seeing as doing the dishes had always been his least favorite chore ever since he was a kid. He watched her move around the kitchen, already sensing less tension in her after the nap and meal. 
When dusk rolled around, he turned to her and grinned. “Time for you to show me your city”. And so they set off, him dressed modestly in just a T-shirt , sweatpants, a cap and pair of sunglasses not to attract attention and her in a pretty yellow sundress. This was his first time venturing outside without a bodyguard in years, and he was sure his mother would have a heart attack if she found out, but he didn’t tell Y/N; he wanted her to feel completely at ease. As they walked, she pointed out some of her favorite things about the city: the mix of historic and contemporary architecture, and the street art. He listened attentively, though his anxiety was growing. It would take only one person to notice him for word to spread around and a mob to form. Then he could do little to protect Y/N or himself. 
She must have sensed his worry, because shortly after she pulled him into one of the less crowded cafes. They took a seat outside, his back facing the streets. He watched her people watch, the setting sun casting golden hues over her face. She’d gotten a scoop of ice cream while he was sipping on peach iced tea. 
“You know, I hate to complain, but sometimes I wish it was easier” His tone was heavy. “Whenever I’m outside, it feels like I’m always on guard. ” He turned and looked wistfully at the bustling street.
“On the bright side, you’re living your dream” She reminded him with a sympathetic look. “Not many people can say that”
He nodded in agreement, then paused. “Do you think, you and I,  if there wasn’t all of this”–He gestured vaguely at himself – “would we have worked out?”
She raised her eyebrows at him, clearly surprised at his question. “I don't – Kylian, I–”
He interrupted her, snorting bitterly. “Remember when you basically told me I’m a fuckboy athlete using you for sex?”
“We don’t need to talk about that now, Kylian” She looked down at her ice cream.
“No, I think we do” He said firmly. “Do you know how much you hurt me?”
She looked up at him. “ Kylian… I’ve seen the pictures, heard the stories. Plus the way you behaved during our…situationship or whatever you call it.  You can’t fault me for thinking that way”
“What do you mean the way I behaved?” He laughed bitterly. “ You were the only person I was seeing.  Holding hands, kissing, I’ve never done that in public before with anyone else.  All because I was proud you were mine… at least I thought you were going to be mine.”
“Well that’s the issue, Kylian. You never told me any of that. I was hurt.. I thought I was just a temporary distraction to you” She said quietly. “I thought you were throwing away our friendship just for sex”
He was hurt that that was the way she viewed him. But he hadn’t led her to believe otherwise, had he? He’d never entertained the idea of a relationship with anyone before her simply because he’d never liked someone so much before her. And so most of his late teen years and early twenties had been spent in a cycle of casual flings, never letting anyone get too close. He could see why she’d thought that way.
“Y/N, I never meant to make you feel like that,” he said, his voice earnest. “I’ve never been in a place where I cared about someone as much as I care about you. Maybe I didn’t show it right, but it was never just about a fling for me.”
“It doesn’t matter anyway, though” She continued, locking eyes with him. “We have two completely different lifestyles… it would never work” She said the last part quietly, as if it was a painful truth she would’ve rather be false.
“So your answer is yes?” He tried to hide the pain in his voice.
“The answer to my original question, about my career being in the way, it’s yes right?”
She slowly nodded. He nodded back, a silent acceptance passing between them. Perhaps she was right; they lived in different countries, worked two completely different jobs. Maybe it wasn’t meant to be. He had Sophia– who lived in the same city as him, who ran in the same circles, who had no problem throwing herself into his world. That should have consoled him, but he couldn’t help but feel that this would be the ‘what if’ that haunted him forever. 
She reached out and took his hand. “But Kylian, your friendship means the world to me. I want that forever.  I mean look at me, I was on the verge of collapse before you visited. Thank you, by the way” She added, giggling self-deprecatingly. 
He managed a small, bittersweet smile. His phone rang just then, and Y/N snatched her hand back when she saw the caller ID on his phone. It was Sophia, wanting to know how his photoshoot was going. He weaved a web of half-truths while Y/N looked down, playing with her ice cream.
By the time he hung up, the sun had completely set and the bustling street outside was bathed in street lights. He’d drunk the last of his iced tea while Y/N spooned the final bits of her ice cream. He found himself watching, mesmerized as her tongue peeked out of her mouth to lick her spoon. Her tongue darted out again to swipe the remaining ice cream from her plump lips.  His mouth slightly gaped as she closed her eyes, letting out a  soft moan of satisfaction. “That was really good” She said as he moved his eyes away and shifted uncomfortably in his seat. Even after the painful conversation they’d had, she was capable of getting his blood flowing to all the wrong places in his body. He didn’t know if it was pathetic or funny. 
He cleared his throat. “Let’s head back, shall we?”
February 2024
“Look this way, you two!” The photographer shouted over the loud chatter. Kylian had slowly grown irritated throughout the night; first it was the itchy jacket that clung to him, then the seemingly endless stream of people coming up to him asking for pictures, and now it was this nosy photographer trying to get a snap that he could sell to the tabloids. He knew he was hired by Tchaga to document the opening of his new business, so he tried to keep a polite facade. “No thanks,” He said. “We’re good”
The photographer moved along, clearly disappointed. Next to him, Y/N gave him a playful pout. “You don’t want  pictures with me?”
He rolled his eyes at her. “You know why”
She smirked at him as she took a sip of her drink. “Can’t help it if people think I’m hot”
A few weeks ago, a video of Y/N speaking at his foundation event back in July had resurfaced online and gained traction on Twitter and Tiktok. People were commenting on the ‘insane chemistry’ between her and Kylian, and how they looked like the perfect match. Up until then, Y/N had been able to maintain her anonymity; she was never photographed with Kylian or seen out with him. She’d always joked about making her public debut in his documentary fifty years from now, where she’d recount embarrassing stories from his childhood. But that video going viral meant she’d had hundreds of thousands of people camping out on her Instagram page, convinced she was his latest love interest. A few tabloid articles soon followed the social media buzz, lighting up even more speculation online.  The irony of  all of that happening just  as they finally moved past their short lived romance was not lost on Kylian. 
Though she hadn’t mentioned it, he knew she wasn’t taking this invasion of her  privacy lightly. He felt a pang of guilt,  especially since this wasn’t the expected outcome when she’d volunteered to speak to the kids. So he overcompensated sometimes, like in this instance, to make sure no photos of them leaked online or on tabloids to fuel further gossip. 
He watched her open her email app for the third time at night, anxiously refreshing it to see if there were any new messages in her inbox.
 “Stop that” He snatched the phone out of her hand.  
“Give me–” She started protesting, but he’d already replaced her empty hand with another drink.
“You need to relax, they’ll get back to you when they get back to you” He said.
She sighed, nodding hesitantly. She’d come to Paris for a job interview with a company she’d been impressed by for a while. She wasn’t very stressed before the interview, saying she’d rather stay at her job in Madrid anyway, but no one likes facing rejection. As a result, she kept checking her phone for updates while in the middle of the party,  which she’d been able to attend because it had coincided with the day of the job interview. 
They watched as Tchaga made a speech, Kylian clapping proudly for his best friend. Y/N left shortly after he cut the ribbon, citing exhaustion. Kylian offered his driver to take her home but she declined, so he walked  her out of the party and waited for her Uber with her. 
“Where’s Sophia tonight?” She asked, shivering slightly in the cold evening air.
“Oh, we broke up” He said casually, shedding his jacket and holding it up for her.
“What?” Her eyes widened in surprise as she turned around, letting him drape the jacket over her shoulders. “I didn’t know that”
He shrugged. “ It wasn’t working out. We wanted different things”
“And what were those?”
“She..” He paused, measuring his words. “ She wanted to be more public. And I didn’t want that”
It was more than that. She’d started posting photos of inside his house, which Kylian had expressed his discomfort at. She didn’t understand where he was coming from though, didn’t understand that as someone who was in the public eye from a very young age he placed a high value on his privacy. Then it was calling photographers whenever they were out together– at events,  restaurants, you name it. He’d always known that being her boyfriend increased her profile in the modeling world, but he couldn’t shake the feeling that she was in the entire relationship just for the spotlight. So, he’d called it quits. Her reaction had confirmed his suspicions – he’d seen pictures of her out and about with an A list actor just a few days after their break up.
“I’m sorry, Kyky” She gave him a hug, wrapping her arms around his torso. He rested his chin on the top of her head, fighting the urge to kiss her wind frazzled curls.
“You haven’t called me that in a long time” 
“ Just wanted to reclaim the nickname I gave you, now that she’s out of your life”  She grumbled.
Kylian chuckled, feeling slightly satisfied by the jealous undertone in her voice.Y/N had still never met Sophia but she always overheard her call him Kyky over  the phone. It was true that she was the one who’d come up with the nickname when they were younger. He liked that she was possessive over him; over a part of him, at least.
They said their goodbyes after a few moments, and he watched her uber speed away. He only went back inside when the car turned the corner and disappeared. 
Inside the party, he mingled with friends of friends and other acquaintances. An hour or so went by before it was just his inner circle left. He stood around with Ethan, his father, and Tchaga, chatting about the week’s football and other random tidbits. 
Ethan pointed at the small beard on his chin, laughing.  “You’re still growing that out? We told you it sucks” 
Him and Tchaga had teased him mercilessly about it last time he’d grown it out, saying it was tacky. He’d quickly shaved after that.
“Oh, Y/N said she liked it so I just kept it” He shrugged.
“You’d probably wear clown shoes if she told you they looked good”  His father muttered quietly.
Ethan and Tchaga burst into laughter, while Kylian’s face flushed. Seeing his son's embarrassment, Wilfried quickly corrected himself.
“What I meant to say,” he said, raising his hands in mock surrender, “is that you clearly value her opinion more than anyone else’s.”
“Which is great” Tchaga added “If you both weren’t running away from your feelings”
Kylian groaned.
“It’s never going to work out” He automatically repeated the words she’d said to him, the same words he said to himself during sleepless nights.
His father squeezed his shoulder and looked him in the eye. “To me, it just seems like you’re both scared. Maybe take a leap of faith. It’s obvious you two care about each other a lot… If you don’t give it a shot, you’re going to regret it. Trust me”
You’re going to regret it. Wasn’t he already? Deep down, he knew there was no one else for him besides her. Anyone else he kissed, slept with, dated, or even had a fleeting connection with was just second best. No one knew him like she did, no one else had his heart in the palm of their hand. If he didn’t tell her now, then they’d start drifting apart. Separate futures.  Separate lives with different families and different partners. A life of misery is what awaited him.
He sighed. He knew what to do.
April 2024
Kylian had arrived in Madrid on that April morning  with two missions; First to sign the most important contract of his professional career so far, then to tell his best friend he was in love with her. The first part was straightforward; himself and his group of lawyers had met Real Madrid’s lawyers, signed the papers, and sealed the deal. Just like that, the most dramatic football transfer saga of the decade came to an end. 
The second one he’d been more nervous for. He’d tried to come up with a script, something romantic like in the movies. But it felt disingenuous, so he decided he’d make it up as we went along.  Hey, I know you said we’re never going to work out, but we’re going to be living in the same city soon so why don’t we give it a try? Nah, that was too simple. He needed to come up with something better.
He met her at her apartment in the evening, leaving behind his mother and the rest of the team who’d come along for the contract signing.
“He’s off to see his girlfriend now” His mother had announced to the table when he excused himself after their late lunch. 
He’d flinched at the term and whispered, “She’s not my girlfriend”
“Oh, really?” She shot him a look that could melt steel.  “And why is that?” 
He opened his mouth, but she cut him off. “Don’t even start with the ‘I don’t have time’ excuse . You two  can spare 2 hours a day to talk on the phone, so you clearly do have the time”
He didn’t respond, just gave her a small smile. Being called out by both parents for unresolved feelings wasn’t for the weak.  Hopefully, he'd give her good news by the next day. 
Now, he was in Y/N’s living room, waiting for her to finish getting ready before they went out to dinner. After contemplating how he’d talk to her about it, he’d decided dinner was the best option so he’d proposed the idea that they go out for a nice meal.  He entertained himself by playing with Luna as he waited for her, watching the cat run around the apartment leaving chaos in her wake. 
He looked up when he heard the sound of heels.  Y/N emerged out of her room, looking beautiful in a white dress that hugged her figure gracefully. It was knee length, sleeveless and was complemented by a pair of tall white heels. Almost involuntarily, his gaze wandered up her legs, admiring the way the white of her dress contrasted with her brown skin. His eyes traced the curve of her hips – he’d once had the privilege of laying his hands on them, but now he could only stare longingly.
She cleared her throat and his eyes immediately darted away. She had an amused look on her face, clearly aware of where his thoughts had been. He just smirked back in response, as if to say “sue me”.
“You look beautiful” He said quietly.
“Thank you” She said. She was glowing more than usual, the happiness on her face evident. 
“You look really happy” He noted, smiling at her. “It suits you”
“Well, it’s because I got that job I told you about!” She squealed in excitement. 
His smile faltered. “What?”
“I was going to tell you over dinner, but I couldn’t wait” She shrugged happily, her delight evident.
“Wow” He was well and truly speechless. “Congratulations”
“Thank you” She beamed at him.
“So, you’ll be moving?” He dreaded the answer to that question.
She nodded in affirmation. “I’m really excited”
He thought about the cruel coincidences that had followed them for years; She left Paris as soon as he came back to Paris, and now she was leaving Madrid to Paris just as he was leaving Paris to come to Madrid. It felt like a cosmic joke from the universe, a message that they were never meant to be. The thing he wanted most in the world at the tip of his fingers, now gone. He felt tears prick his eyes but he blinked them away. 
“Kylian, are you okay?” Y/N gave him a concerned look.
He put on his best fake smile, the one he reserved for journalists. “Yeah, I’m fine. Come on, let’s go celebrate”
tags: @kyliansonlygf @ynkfreeastheocean @scottishthistle @user6373738 @lucysantos6-blog @tuliptopiasstuff @kennasutopia @cinderellawithashoe @akiracim @kymb-10 @germanapples @ariesmai
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babyhatesreality · 1 year
Hey babes! Can you do a stucky mafia little reader where stucky and they reader are out at dinner or shopping and someone tries to attack them? The reader is ok but very shaken. 🥺
Fluff, angst, mentions of shock and doctors 🥺❤️
I love your page
Sure thing! And I love you back <3 Thank you for your patience, it means the world to me.
A/N- this is an AU outside of Katie Cat, and outside of my other series. I decided to try my hand at Dark Stucky for this one. This is a stand alone- and I'm excited to play in this sandbox for a minute, so thank you darling nonnie!
Down the Rabbit Hole
Pairing: Dark!Mafia!Stucky x little f!reader
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Warnings: dark mafia Stucky, f! reader, severe Stockholm syndrome, Stucky both referred to as Daddy, pet names, reader is smaller than Stucky, language, an attack on all three, violence (not towards reader), shock, fear, angst, doctor talk, fluff.
"Mmmm," you couldn't help but say as you lingered on the last delicious bite of spaghetti. It was so rare that Steve and Bucky had a night away AND could take you out to dinner, that you'd almost forgotten what any other spaghetti other than Steve's tasted like. "It's so good."
"Good girl, you cleaned your plate. I'm proud of you," Steve said, the corner of his lip curling up in that smile that was almost a sneer, but you'd come to understand it meant he was pleased. You giggled and ducked your head, not wanting to admit that his praise in public made you feel all giddy.
"I think we should get the tiramisu to go. It's getting near your bedtime, little one," Bucky said, looking at his expensive diamond-encrusted watch. He chuckled when you pouted. "Now, now. None of that or we don't do this again." You instantly wiped the pout off your face. You couldn't remember the last time you'd actually gotten to leave the mansion for a date night with your daddies, and you weren't about to jeopardize that. Seeing the pout gone, Bucky purred. "That's better. Now let's go."
A waitress handed Steve a to-go bag with a large piece of the dessert in it as you all were heading out the door. You were surprised when you realized that neither Steve nor Bucky had paid, and couldn't help but look behind you as you all were exiting. "What's the matter, Princess?" Steve asked, taking a firm hold of your hand. "What's wrong?"
"Don't...don't we have to give monies to the people for making us food?" you whispered, a little afraid that this was going to be one of those questions that got your daddies mad when you asked it. But this was the exact opposite. Steve squeezed your hand a bit, and Bucky quickly took you other hand and kissed it as you all walked down the street to where Sam had parked the car a few blocks away.
"Look at our sweet little girl, Buck, making sure all her people are taken care of," Steve said, grinning at Bucky and then down at you. "Seems like she picked up a thing or two from the business."
"It's okay, Sweet Cheeks, Daddy and I know the people that run this place. They make us food for free, whenever we want," Bucky said, smiling down indulgently at you.
"Oh. That's nice of them!"
"Did you like going to that place?"
"It was...nice. The food was way yummy. There was lots of people there."
"Was that too many people, honey?"
"Um...it's okay. Just not used to anybody but Daddies."
"Well, how about we all go back home and it can be just Daddies again?"
"Yeah!" you cheered, relieved. It was weird being around people again- you weren't sure that you liked it. You hadn't been around that many people since your Daddies saved you from your boring life to make you their Princess. It had taken a long time, but now you couldn't live without them.
The three of you turned into an alley. Normally, it would have terrified you to walk down a place like this, but with both of your daddies holding your hands, you knew you had nothing to fear.
Suddenly, you heard a deep voice behind you. "Stay right where you are. Don't move."
Ignoring the voice's orders, both Bucky and Steve whipped around instantly. Steve forcefully shoved you behind him. Afraid, you buried your face in the back of his jacket and tried not to make a sound. As you did when you were home and their work people came over, you stayed silent, like a good girl does.
"Give me your wallets and no one gets hurt," the voice said, low and gruff. Bucky let out a bark of a laugh as Steve stepped forward.
"Oh, son. You have no idea what you've just done, do you?" Steve said lightly, but you could hear the undercurrent of violence in his tone. You felt Steve's arms shove aside his jacket lapels, but the next thing you knew, Bucky had you up against the brick wall of the alleyway. Everything got really loud really fast. You turned your head in terror to make sure Steve was okay, but Bucky forcefully grabbed your chin in his hand and made you look at him.
"Eyes on me, Princess," he commanded, and you obeyed instantly. "Good girl. You remember our codes?"
"Y-yes, Daddy."
"Good girl. Rabbit hole. Quick like a bunny. Go." He let your chin go and stepped towards Steve, leaving you alone with your orders.
After Steve and Bucky had rescued you and you'd grown accustomed to this new life, they had drilled code words into you in case of situations like this. "Rabbit Hole" and "Quick like a bunny" were codes for find a place to hide as fast as you can, and don't move until they come to get you.
You looked for a safe hiding space, just like Steve had taught you to, and found a slight notch in the brickwork of the alley- just large enough to hold a dumpster. You ran into it as fast as you could, squeezing yourself in between the dumpster and the wall. You huddled down, hands over your ears and eyes squeezed shut, pretending you were a rabbit in a hole, just like they taught you. Your hands over your ears mostly muffled the shouts, the grunts, and the loud bang. Then everything was silent.
After a couple minutes, you felt three taps on your arm. You opened your eyes to see Bucky kneeling in front of you, smiling. You peeled your hands from your ears just in time to hear him say "Good girl."
You flung yourself into his arms, sobbing and scared. He picked you up, balancing you on his hip, as you cried into his shoulder. He gently kissed the top of your head before pulling his phone out and making a call. Less than a minute later, Sam came barreling into the alley. Without a word, Bucky passed you to him and walked towards Steve.
You started crying even more hysterically. "No, Daddy, please don't go!" you wailed, trying to stretch out of Sam's arms to get to them.
"Hey," Steve's voice cut in sternly. You instantly stopped squirming, knowing better than to push Steve when he was angry. Seeing that you were behaving the way he wanted you to, Steve turned his attention back to what was left of the would be attacker. Sam pressed your face into his shoulder so you wouldn't look, and you stayed right there, unable to control your trembling.
A couple phone calls later and the situation was resolved. Your cries had quieted to occasional hiccups, but you were trying your hardest to be quiet and good, just like they wanted you to be. When you felt Steve's strong hands lift you out of Sam's arms though, you turned with lightning speed and latched onto him.
"Shhh, shhh, it's okay, Princess, Daddy is here now," he said in a much softer and more soothing voice that before. You sniffled a little.
"Daddy?" you whispered, looking up at him. He smiled softly at you.
"Hey there, Princess," he said, rubbing his nose against yours. You sighed in relief, and returned the butterfly kiss, before turning your head to look for Bucky. You didn't have to look far- Bucky was right behind Steve, smiling from ear to ear at you.
"Princess, tell Daddy what you just did," Bucky said proudly, lightly punching Steve in the back to get him to listen up.
"Runned to be a rabbit in a hole, like Daddy said to," you explained carefully, wanting to make sure you didn't mess it up. Steve's smug smile grew.
"Yeah? You were in a rabbit hole like Daddy told you to be?" Steve said proudly. "Well, how about that. You must have been a very brave little girl to be such a good bunny when the mean man came." At the mention of the attacker, you began to shake again.
"Shh, it's okay Sweet Cheeks, we're here and the bad man is gone. He didn't hurt us and he can't hurt you," Bucky crooned softly, stroking your cheek with his finger. But you couldn't stop shaking.
"Boss, you want me to call the doctor to come check her out?" Sam asked gruffly, seeing you beginning to tremble again.
"No! No doctor!" you whimpered before burying yourself in Steve's shoulder. You heard a smack and turned your head to see Sam holding the back of his head and looking annoyed, while Bucky stood next to him, fuming.
"Idiot, you know she hates doctors," Bucky hissed at their second in command.
"Sorry, sorry," Sam apologized, before looking at you. "Sorry, Princess."
"Is okay, Sammy. Thank you for...for helping me." You didn't really want to thank Sam for holding you back while your daddies were taking care of their business, but Steve and Bucky were very strict about manners and you knew they would want you to thank Sam. You were rewarded with kisses from the both of them, on either side of your head.
"Good manners, Princess," Steve whispered. "Come on. Let's go home. And see? Daddy didn't even let the bad man get our dessert. Let's go watch a movie and eat it before bed, okay?"
"Okay, Daddy."
"Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to go out to dinner, hm?"
"I'll do anything you want, as long as I can stay with you and Daddy forever."
"Good girl. That's what we want to hear."
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ghostlychief · 2 years
Heyhey! I've been reading your Ghost fanfics recently and all I can say is dhehfvebihgfehbifehbferiubfrifferijfr,j, <33333, is it okay if you can write a drunk!Simon x gn reader?? It's okay if not! Have a nice day ^^
Thank you so much for reading my ghost fics!! I hope you enjoyed them <3 I love the concept of drunk!Simon, so I hope that you enjoy what i threw together. Also, I just wanted to say that your ask was so nice and sweet, and i hope that you're having a great day/night. Ok, i think that's all- enjoy!!! <3
Full of Surprises
Pairing: oneshot; Simon "Ghost" Riley x gn reader
warnings: alcohol drinking; drunk Simon and reader; fluff; ( i apologize for any typos or grammar mistakes lol)
wc: 1.1k+
Summary: You witness drunk Simon for the first time
It was not often that you saw Simon drunk, let alone, more drunk that you. Between the two of you, you were always more of a lightweight. It makes sense after all, he was a 6’4 250 (plus) pound man who had a penchant for whiskey. So, whenever you two went drinking, you rarely saw him inebriated.
However, tonight seemed to be the night of firsts. One, because he was teasing you, which he sometimes does, but not to this extent, and two, because Simon was drunker than you, already on his fourth glass of whiskey.
You didn’t really know what to expect a drunk Simon to look like. Maybe he would be quieter, more so than usual. Maybe he would become loud and boisterous. Maybe he would pick bar fights with people who crossed him, or who looked at you the wrong way. What you weren’t expecting was for Simon to become affectionate with you while drunk.
Like, really affectionate.
PDA was not his forte, nor was he super comfortable with it. He was quieter, reserved, and definitely enjoyed his privacy, especially when it came to romantic relationships. Sure, he would hold your hand, or toss his arm around your shoulder when you guys were out, but nothing more extreme than that. Every once in a while, a small kiss would be thrown into the mix. He left the thigh holding, rubbing your back, kissing your cheek, forehead, nose, for when you guys were in private.
You could already tell Simon was a little drunk tonight when he pulled your barstool closer to him, his strength almost making you topple over. When you regained your balance, you looked at him with your eyebrows raised, but a ghost of a smile crossed your lips.
He locked eyes with you, “What? I just wanted you to be closer to me.”
Well, you couldn’t argue with that; you always wanted to be closer with him too. But you never wanted to push him too much.
You lean your head on your hand and coo, “Aw, is that it?”
“Mhm,” he pulls you in for a kiss.
You’re expecting the kiss to just be a peck, so when you start to pull away, you’re taken aback when Simon brings up a hand to gently cup your jaw, preventing you from detaching from him.
He deepens the kiss; you’ve never kissed him like this in public before.
When you finally pull away, you’re left breathless, and you’re a hair’s breath away from him. You can clearly make out his dilated pupils and the specks in his eyes; they always seemed to shine the brightest while gazing at you.
Before you know it, he’s leaning in again, but this time he leaves a kiss on your nose, and brushes his thumb across your cheek.
Once he pulls away, he places his large hand on your thigh, now easily accessible to him since he pulled your chair closer.
“You’re full of surprises tonight.” You place your hand on top of his that rests on your thigh and lightly rub your thumb across his knuckles.
He just laughs at your comment, something else that’s mainly reserved for just you, in the privacy of your home.
“What can I say, I’m a man full of surprises. You just haven’t seen them all.” He grants you with a wide grin, a grin that makes your cheeks warm and eyes sparkle.
“Oh? So, there’s more that I’m missing out on?”
“Maybe.” He grins at you again, then orders another glass of whiskey. His hand doesn’t leave your leg.
“You know what, give me what you’re having.” You tap the rim of his glass.
“You’re finally going to join the whiskey train, huh? I’ve been trying to get you to for so long now, what gives now?”
“You. I like seeing you like this.” You bring your hand up to gently rub his shoulder and you give him a sweet kiss on his cheek. You could have sworn that there was a light pink dusting his cheeks, making him glow.
“Say no more, my liege.” You laugh at his silly nickname for you, and you see the pink that’s coating his cheeks getting darker.
You both finally get your drinks. However, you’re not on your fifth glass like he is, only your second, so you’re a little buzzed, but not drunk, just yet.
Besides his teasing and being more touchy, you find that Simon also talks a lot more while drinking; something you come to love. You love his voice after all, it can put you to sleep (in a good way of course), but it also just soothes you. The deep rumble of it sounds like waves to your ears.
He’s telling you a story about the time when the team had to run four miles for training, and how he was never a runner, always more of a weights guy, so he was dreading the run for days leading up to it.
Well, it turns out he’s actually quite a good runner, despite his heavy muscle mass.
The whole time he’s telling his story, you’re nodding your head, listening intently, but while also trying to keep up. His words are starting to slur together, though he’s still mainly composed.
“You should have seen me, bean. I was flying. I beat all those fuckers with ease.”
Bean? He never calls me that outside of the house. Your feel the butterflies start to stir in your tummy, always loving it when he calls you sweet names.
You squeeze his shoulder, “That’s amazing, I’m so proud of you baby.”
“It was pretty amazing.” He sighs, which you find hilarious at that moment, so you burst into laughter, and Simon looks at you like you’re crazy, but then he starts laughing too.
You’re trying to talk but you’re still laughing, “Honest, that sounds really great, Simon. I really am proud of you.”
Your laughs finally die down, and he brings you in for another kiss. This time, you’re both smiling into it, and you feel the butterflies rise and rise, until they reach your heart and make it flutter.  
When he pulls away, he trails his hand down your side until it rests on your waist. He gives you a squeeze, “You know I love you, right?” He’s gazing at you fondly, and you’re finding it hard to look away from him.
“Of course I do.” You’re smiling at him like he hung the moon and the starts up in the sky just for you.
“Ok, I just had to make sure.”
You shake your head, showing your disbelief, “Come here.”
You pull him in for a long, warm hug, something that you know Simon secretly enjoys the most.
“What do you say we get out of here?” you murmur this, lips brushing over his ear.
“I would love nothing more.”
Hope you enjoyed! <3
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jujutsutrash · 9 months
(the best of a) simple thing
sort of a follow up to (don't look) but I want it, tho more of a prequel Pairing: Yuta x reader Word count: 2723 Warning: some slight mentions of nsfw stuff but mostly ok
When you walked into his apartment - and effectively into his life - Yuta never imagined he’d become so hooked on you. You had seemed like a bad company, like clear trouble. But you’d found him through a mutual friend, so he let it slide. He needed a roommate, and the worst that could happen would be having to kick you out. Or so he thought.
He never thought he’d become obsessed with you.
Well, obsessed is a strong word. Heavily infatuated could do. You plagued his mind constantly, and just your presence was enough to have him red in the face. Yuta thought that it was just a sexual thing, over time it would fade. It didn’t. And sharing an apartment with you, getting to know you, only made it worse. On one hand he’d be jerking off furiously to the thought of you, on the other he’d be aching to do the most domestic type of shit.
One thing he found himself desiring pretty quickly was to see you dressed in one of his clothes. It was hot, yeah, but it also felt cute as fuck. Sure, he didn’t tower over you, but his oversized shirts would still look bigger than your frame. To Yuta, the thought alone was enough to have his heart leaping - and his cock hardening - in less than a second.
Though, he never thought that would actually happen. Until it did. The first time he got a chance to see you in one of his clothes was on a rare day that he was going from college straight to your shared apartment. It was a day off, and he had plans for it, until it started raining out of the nothing while he was still in class. When it came time to leave, the rain had turned heavy, water falling from the sky with rage and bringing a cold wind with it. Yuta considered himself lucky for always having an umbrella lost somewhere in his bag.
To his surprise, when he came to the arched entrance of the college building, he saw you, looking into the rainy street with a desolate expression. It was rare for him to see you at campus, the buildings where the visual arts students had their classes couldn’t be further from his own. Slowly, he walked up to you, coming to stand by your side as he watched your expression.
“You forgot you your umbrella again?”
You almost jumped by his side, and Yuta couldn’t help the laugh that bubbled from his chest. He muttered a sorry when you looked back at him, eyes burning with anger. Even that was cute. Looking at you now, he also couldn’t help noticing how you had your hands rubbing your arms, body closing in tight on itself. You were dressed in just a tshirt and jeans, clearly not expecting to get cold any time soon.
“Yeah,” you respond with a pout, “this is ridiculous, it was sunny when I left home!”
“The weather changes a lot around this time of the year,” he adds with a shrug, pulling the umbrella from inside his backpack. “I can give you a ride if you want?”
“Don’t you have to go to the office?”
“Nah, got a day off today, I was heading home anyway,” Yuta says with a smile, watching as your face lights up at the offer, his heart warming up at the sight. 
“Oh, shit, Yuta, thank you so much. You are a lifesaver,” you smile, and he can feel the blush that’s creeping its way on his face.
“Don’t need to thank me, really, I’m just glad to help,” he responds in a gentle tone, voice growing more concerned as he looks over you again. “Are you cold?”
“A little, I really wasn’t expecting this.”
“Well, I,” he pauses, unsure if he should stay what he is thinking before he decides to go for it anyway. “I can give you my hoodie, so you don’t have to walk back while cold.”
Yuta looks over you, hand tugging at the fabric of the white hoodie he was wearing. He is pretty sure he is blushing, but he can’t focus on that right now. On one hand, you were cold, and he really just wanted to help. But on the other, well he is pretty sure that if you accept, he is gonna have the image of you in that hoodie burned into his mind forever.
“Oh, you don’t need to do that, you are gonna feel cold,” you shake your head, chuckling as you wave one hand in front of your face.
“I’m not that cold anyway, it’s fine really,” he insists, looking into your eyes with a warm smile.
You hesitate for a second, but then you nod, muttering a thanks when he places his backpack and umbrella on the floor. Yuta reaches a hand to his back, fingers digging into the soft fabric of his hoodie as he starts pulling it off. When he wrangles himself off of it, he passes it to you with one hand, the other fighting to readjust his hair.
He watches you smile and put it on, his heart skipping a beat at the sight. The shoulders of the hoodie seem a little loose on your frame, the end of the sleeves just about reaching your fingers. Yuta wasn’t that much bigger than you, but yeah, this was good enough. The walk to your apartment would be short, but he caught himself wondering if maybe he’d be lucky, and by the end of it his hoodie would smell like you.
When you look back up at him, he quickly averts your eyes, busying himself with picking up his backpack and umbrella, getting ready to leave. You two walk and chat, shoulders touching as you share the protection of Yuta’s old umbrella. He is almost sad when the walk ends. The minute he is inside his room, hoodie back in his hands, he brings the piece of clothing to his nose. Under the faint notes of his cologne, he finds it, the sweet smell of your body lotion. He’d for sure be sleeping with that hoodie tonight.
The second time Yuta got a chance to see you wearing one of his clothes was when you’d taken him with you to that bar you loved so much - Devilock, you called it. From the outside the place looked like a shady, hole in the wall type of bar, from the inside it looked just better enough to be sanitary. Truth be told, Yuta had never been one to frequent those places. Between the loud noise and his aversion for social situations, it felt like too much. Yet, he couldn’t say no when you invited him.
The punkest thing he could muster from his wardrobe was a beaten up plaid button up thrown open over a black shirt and some dark jeans. Compared to you, he was a normie, but that was the best he could do. Though, your presence made him feel a little less awkward when you entered the place. The bar wasn’t utterly packed, but it was full, and that was already enough stress, so Yuta would take whatever little solace he could get.
Still, there was a silver lining to this all - aside from the amount of people in the bar counter, forcing you two to sit side by side, shoulders pressed against each other. No, the silver lining was that he got to watch you, free and at ease in your own element, dancing in a skin tight shirt and jeans shorts. Yuta could endure the awkwardness he felt from not knowing how to dance if he got to see you like that.
Shit, you were too hot, and as you both returned to the bar he still couldn’t stop staring, even as you downed another drink, droplets of the cocktail spilling past your lip and down your neck. Maybe the alcohol helped you not notice his wondering eyes, but the bartender sure caught his stares. From behind the counter, the tall, long haired man looked like serious trouble, especially as his black locks shadowed those fox eyes when he leaned menacingly forward. Okay, that was enough to make Yuta look away, for now. Near the end of the night, however, something else happened that had butterflies working up a hurricane in his stomach.
When you cried out for him, he could already recognize something off in your voice. You’d both found your way to the arcade machines in the bar at that point, and Yuta felt a little more in his territory this way. Though, you had gone to get a drink for yourself, and it was really off putting to have you return with worry in your voice.
“Hey,” Yuta responded, calling out your name as he turned around. “Everything ok?”
“Ah, mostly,” you chuckled. “But I think my shirt snagged in someone’ jacket and one of the straps torn,” you gave another awkward chuckle and Yuta’s eyes went straight from your own to the hand tightening the knot holding your shirt strap together - the other hand clutching a beer.
“Shit,” he stuttered, torn between the desire to help and the desire to just see the thing fall. “People should really be more careful, they could have hurt you.”
“It’s ok, really, it’s just an inconvenience,” you laughed softly, placing your beer on top of the arcade machine you were. “Tho’, I think I might have to inconvenience you now.”
“Y-yes, whatever you need,” it was almost shameful how fast Yuta responded, he knew it, but he just couldn’t help but jump at the idea of you needing him in any way.
“Could you lend me your shirt? I’m not sure how safe this knot is,” you chuckled.
Yuta froze for a moment at your words, voice muffled by the song playing. Though, he quickly snapped out of it, eager to see you in his shirt. He knew he should be more worried about you, he knew he shouldn’t be thinking as he was at that moment, but there was just something about seeing you in his clothes. Shit, he’d refuse to wash that shirt for the next few days.
Taking out the shirt in a rush as he nodded frantically, Yuta almost knocked down the beer bottle on top of the arcade machine, getting one arm pathetically stuck in the sleeve as he tugged it free. When he handed you the shirt, you thanked him, swiftly putting it on and buttoning it up. You looked gorgeous in it - as you did in absolutely anything, but there was a special charm to this particular sight. Fuck, he could feel his cock hardening already.
The rest of the night goes by uneventfully - although not exactly easily. Yuta had to spend the whole time fighting his own desires and the erection that threatened to sprung up and make things a lot more awkward. When you both finally get back home and return the shirt to his hands, he almost feels desolated. Almost, because the chance to sleep with a piece of clothing that smells like you again is enough to have him in high spirits.
The third time Yuta gets to see you in one of his clothes is in a more permanent situation. One he admits he lucked out on, a bold strike of fortune he will be forever thankful for. After you first moved in, you requested to share the space of his large office - the only spare room in the apartment. He agreed, obviously, he couldn’t say no to you, so he just let you set up your easel and materials in the office, but in the beginning it was awkward. Overtime, though, he grew comfortable in your presence - and learned to watch you paint from the occasional reflections on his monitor.
Besides, Yuta couldn’t say he didn’t enjoy the sight of you working on your pieces. Although you could be a powerful distraction, sitting in front of your easel, wearing only small shorts and an old shirt - even this casual, you were gorgeous. At times, it was an exercise in self control, one he didn’t always win, forcing Yuta to take breaks from his work just to leave the room. Still, he wasn’t really complaining.
One day he catches you frowning while looking at the washing machine, browns pulled together and shoulders slumped. When he asks you what's wrong, you pull a torn up garment from inside the machine - from the gray color and paint stains he recognizes it as the remains of your old work shirt. As you mumble about needing to retire another t-shirt to put in its place, an idea crosses Yuta’s mind. 
He sees a chance, and he has to take it - or at least try to, while he is feeling brave enough for the task. Sure, if this goes right, you are going to become even more of a distraction than you already are, but fuck it if he cares right now. So as you sigh in frustration, he is quick to offer you to take one of his t-shirts, claiming he has an old one he was gonna start using as pajamas anyway. When you seem hesitant, he doesn't give you time, stepping into his room fast and bringing you a white oversized t-shirt that he places in your hands, insisting you take it.
“Yuta,” he glances at you through the reflection as you call for him, seeing you turn from the easel towards him, “you sure I can use this? It feels so nice, the paint is just gonna destroy it.”
Yuta feels beyond lucky that on the very next day, he'd already gotten to see you wearing his shirt. Though, it's posing a slight inconvenience as now he's having to try and answer you without fully turning his chair around - lest you notice something you shouldn't. He turns just enough to glance at you, body still turned to his screens, anything below the hips mostly covered by the blessed shadow of his desk. 
“I told you it's fine. Is it comfortable? If you like it, you can just keep it,” he shrugs, trying to act nonchalant about the whole thing. “This shirt is old, and it was nothing special to begin with.”
He lies straight through his teeth, the plain white shirt had been an expensive one - you'd probably just never know because he'd removed the tags long ago, they always pinched his skin. But he didn't mind that, not one bit, no price could pay for the sight before him. The oversized t-shirt went all the way down to just below your ass, covering a third of your thighs. Better yet, it almost swallowed your shorts, and from certain angles, it looked like you were wearing just the t-shirt. Wearing just his t-shirt. Yeah, he didn't mind the price tag.
You look into his eyes for a long second - a stare down Yuta is driven to win, despite the growing discomfort for every moment he had to spend holding his gaze into yours. But it was for a good cause, at least from the point of view of his own selfish desires. When you hum and look down, he holds his breath in anticipation. 
“Ah, it is really comfortable,” you trail off, glancing at him again before shrugging, Yuta finally letting go of the breath he was holding. “Guess if you say so, thanks Yuta, you are a lifesaver!”
You cheerfully thank him with a bright smile and a sweet chuckle, stretching your arms above your head before going back to work. Yuta can feel his face burning, and he can only hope it doesn't look as red as it feels. You are too sweet, too cute - and it's not helping at all the sick images running in the back of his mind. Oh, how he wanted to have you sprawled on his bed wearing only that shirt, oh the things he wanted to do.
Fuck, now he could feel his pants straining already. Just as he imagined, this was worse than before - though, it was still a price worth paying to see you in his shirt almost every day. If he could have it his way, you'd only wear his clothes around the apartment anyway.
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elliespassagerprincess · 11 months
requesting a fic of Ellie n reader running away and their lives kinda suck but they’re still glad cuz they have eachother and they’re away from their old environment and that’s all that rlly matters :) based on things to do by alex g!
things to do - (ellie williams x reader)
Hey anon! this is such a sweet idea! I loved writing this so much. Ily for this. I hope you enjoy it:)
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This story is based off the song Things to do by Alex G. If you can please listen to the song as you're reading:)
Pairing: ellie x fem!reader
requests are open, feel free to leave one!
Warnings: toxic households (but there's a happy ending)
Summary: In which they got their happily ever after
Authors note: what?? me writing happy fics??? it's so rare but i love them. Also my surgery is in 2 days, so i'll be post all my drafts and requests over the next two days, so while i recover, so you guys have things to read:)
Thinkin' of things to do
Yeah, only the cheapest things left there for you
And the only thing I learned from you is that there's nothing left
To look forward to
I was asleep for days, and now you're the only thing
Keepin' me awake
The calculator will make the same mistakes
Yeah, I see it in its face
Ellie nervously sat under the tree waiting for you. She anxiously looked down at the plastic bag, silently praying that you'd like the snacks she bought.
"I'm sorry I'm late" you said breathing heavily as you ran towards her.
"Your mom was yelling at you again?"
"Yeah" you said as you sat next to her.
"Sometimes I just want to sleep, y'know? Like sleep without her waking me up and yelling" you admitted.
Ellie nodded in understanding because she too was experiencing the same thing.
Nobody understood the two of you like you understood each other.
You met Ellie when you were 14.
You remember she was sitting alone, and she was crying because she didn't have any lunch. You decided to talk to her.
"My mom also forgets to give me lunch money sometimes, but it's ok! I know where we can get something to eat" you said with a soft smile.
And the rest was history.
You and Ellie became inseparable because you both understood each other. You could comfort each other because you knew what the other was going through.
Whenever things were rough at home for you, you always went to Ellie. Or when Ellie need something to eat you'd always take something extra for her.
All you and Ellie were used to, was yelling, and constant fighting. But when you were each other there was none of that.
There was peace and unconditional love.
"Aw Ellie you should have" you said as she opened the bag to show you what she had got for you.
"Anything for you" Ellie muttered.
The two of you sat in a comfortable silence. And Ellie's mind wondered.
You were such a nice person. You didn't deserve the toxic environment you were in.
Both of you didn't.
Silent moments like these with you always made Ellie happy.
She wished she had more time with you.
She wanted to take you away from all pain. From all the yelling, and sleepless nights, she wanted to keep you happy.
There was nothing left here for her. The only thing that kept her going was you.
The light in her darkness.
You felt Ellies eyes burning into the side of your head. You swallowed the gummy worms you had in your mouth as you turned to her, raising an eyebrow you asked "what?"
Ellie went quiet for a while, until she said something you thought you'd never hear her say.
"Let's run away together"
Hold on tight to this time, this place
'Cause everything you know will be erased
You were born inside your head
And that is where you'll be when you are dead
You are just a boy you are no man and
Nobody you know will understand
You are just a boy you are no man and
Nobody you know will understand
"Ellie I can't just leave, my mom will look for me-"
"fuck your fucking mom! She doesn't care, can't you see? If we leave we'll be free, we can live in peace. Please let's go" Ellie sighed in defeat.
If you chose Ellie you would betray your family, if you chose your family you would lose the only person who kept you sane.
"Ellie I cant" you said quietly.
You felt the tears in your eyes.
Was this really good bye?
Ellie got up and she looked at you with sad eyes "I cant force you, but I hope you're happy here"
She started walking away but she suddenly stopped, she looked back at you without any expression.
"I'm leaving tomorrow night, if you change your mind i'll be at the train station"
She left. She left you alone.
You went back home crying.
You'd just lost the only person, who you truly loved.
You were so fucking stupid.
You walked into your house and you immediately heard your mother's nagging voice yelling: "fucking finally, come here! You need to fix the sink"
you ignored her and you dashed to your room, as fast as you possibly could.
You locked the door, and you heard your mother pound against the door.
She was yelling insults at you, as if you didn't have feelings.
She truly deserves the mother of the year award.
After a while, she left and you were finally alone with your thoughts.
Did you make the right decision?
Ellie sat anxiously at the station, she hoped you'd change your mind. That's you'd show up. For your freedom, and safety.
She'd hoped you'd come for her.
She bit her nails waiting for the train to come in, hoping Joel didn't notice she was gone. She heard the sound of the train pull, and with a sigh she got up holding the strap on her backpack in a tight grip.
You weren't going to come. This was it.
Her head snapped in the direction of your voice.
There you stood in all your glory holding a bag. There was a grin on your face.
With your bag in hand you ran to Ellie and she ran to you. The two of you met halfway, and Ellie held you in a tight grip.
If she held you any tighter, surely you would suffocate.
"I thought you weren't going to come" Ellie breathed as she still held you.
You pulled away first, and you leaned forward, kissing her.
Ellie didn't kiss you back at first and you almost wanted to pull away and die, but you soon felt her lips move. You felt her smile during the kiss.
As you pulled away you looked at her with a shy smile "I love you Ellie, of course I came"
A grin spread onto the girls face and before she could say anything the locomotive yelled "departure in 2 minutes"
Ellie grabbed your hand, and she rushed onto the train with you.
The two of you sat next to each other, your hands still interlocked.
"I love you too" Ellie finally breathed.
The train started move, and the nerves you and Ellie felt were finally falling away. You would finally be free.
"To our new life together" Ellie said before she brought you in for another kiss.
Welcoming you back home
The only one that you have ever known
Welcoming you back home
The only one that you will ever know
as Ellie opened the front door the smell of a freshly baked pie filled the air.
This was home.
She walked through the threshold of your shared apartment and she practically ran to the kitchen in search of you.
As Ellie entered she saw you standing with your back facing her. You were humming a familiar tune.
She walked towards you, you felt her arms wrap around you as she started singing with you.
This was home.
The two of you were each others safe spaces. Each others homes.
And Ellie hoped for the rest of her life that she would come home to you.
Home doesn't always have to be a place, it's a person too. And you were that person.
Forever and always.
The best decision Ellie made was running away with you, and she had zero regrets.
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tqmies · 2 years
REEL | Lee Jeno
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Description. The annual camping trip that your friend group held every year was rapidly approaching. Jeno, dateless, enlists your help in catching him a date. If only it were that simple, but unfortunately, nothing is ever that simple.
Pairings. Lee Jeno x Female Reader (Slight Sungchan x Reader) 
Genre. Romance, Smut, Comedy
Warnings. Curses, Sexual jokes, Drinking, Unprotected Sex (Always wrap it before you tap it!) , Oral (F. and M. Receiving), Semi-public, Creampie.
Word count. 10K
Note: MINORS DNI! It makes me uncomfortable. Also this is my first time posting smut on this blog :) Please let me know how you all feel about it. PLEASE leave feedback I’m really nervous about this one hehe. Ok ok, enjoy!!
“IT’S ALL JUST A SOCIAL CONSTRUCT.” Were the first words that floated through the air.
“I agree, but the rest of us have already completed that right of passage.”
“Haechan goes through them like Pokemon cards.”
You walk into the scene, bewildered by what the boys are discussing. “Please don’t tell me you’re talking about virginity.” You gag.
“Pftt, virginity? Like Jeno can even get a girlfriend.” Jaemin responds, jabbing his finger towards the aforementioned boy. 
So that’s what this was about? This was always a popular topic of conversation with you guys. What could you say, he was an easy target.
Your friend, Lee Jeno, has had yet to have his first girlfriend. Now this isn’t a big deal, but seeing as he was friends with boys who have had at least nine girlfriends before, it definitely made him stand out. 
“Look I just don’t get why it’s a big deal.” Jeno reconciles. 
“You don’t get a lot of things. Like girlfriends.” Haechan says causing Mark to snicker. 
“Leave him alone.” You say, “Not everyone want’s to date half our town like you did.”
“Oh she got your ass!” Jaemin giggles.
“Shut up, you dated the other half.”
This throws Chenle into a fit of laughter, “You gonna let her talk to you like that? Personally if it was me-”
“Your girlfriend treats your dog better than you.” You warn. 
Chenle stops in his tracks as his jaw drops, he scoffs as he pretends to be hurt by your comment. 
“Damn, you’re out for blood today.” The group laughs again. 
“Oh no, she always gets like this when it comes to her little Jeno-weno.” Haechan teases, using a nickname that you hadn't called Jeno since you were kids.
You push him away as you scrunch your nose, “You guy’s are so annoying.”
“Yeah, yeah, you love us.” 
The boys delve into another conversation as you continue to think about the previous one.
I mean, you had wondered about it for a long time. Why didn’t Jeno have a girlfriend? He surely had the looks, not to mention how sweet the boy was. Though, you just chalked it up to him not being interested. He did just brush off every girl who tried to make advances. Maybe he wasn’t looking for anything.
You knew he pulled, he had his secret little hook-ups now and then, but he never was one to commit. The boys liked to deduce that it was the girls who just didn’t want to date Jeno, but you digress. 
Your attention is drawn back to the conversation when Jaemin mentions something about the camping trip that was approaching. It was a little trip you guys had planned every year, and for the past two it had been a success. Though, Jaemin being Jaemin, wanted to switch things up a bit.
“A couple’s camping trip?!” Mark had asked in disbelief. 
“Yeah think about it! Everyone comes in a pair, we share tents, and play games, and maybe even get some action.” Jaemin responds, wiggling his brows at the suggestive comment. 
“Gross, I’m not interested in hearing Haechan and his ‘girl of the week’ doing it in some tent.” You add on, because let’s be honest, his girls were rarely ever quiet. He was rarely ever quiet. 
“Why? You jealous? You know, all you have to do is ask.” He says, leaning closer to you as you put your palm to his face. Jeno looks at you two warily.
“In your dreams.” You state, removing your hand in disgust as he licks it. Punching him in the shoulder as you yell at how gross he is.
“She has a point though,” Renjun speaks up. “I’m not interested in having my tent next to Jaemin and that chick.”
“That chick has a name!” The aforementioned replies, crossing his arms over his chest.
“Not like we would know, you keep her locked up.” Chenle interjects.
“Rightfully so! She’d run for the hills if she knew you guys.”
“Yeah like you’re any better.”
This starts another little spurt of endless bickering as you roll your eyes.
“I just think it’s be weird, you know? To introduce like six new people to our group at once?” Mark comments, you and Renjun nodding your heads in agreement.
“Also it’s gonna be hard to find someone who’s down to go camping in the middle of the woods with a bunch of strangers.” You reason.
“Awe, scared you’re not going to find anyone?” Haechan smirks, the facial expression seeming to be permanently etched across his face.
“I’m more worried about Jeno over there.” You snicker, noticing the boy had been quiet.
“You too?” He groans, throwing his head back in defeat.
You just laugh, sure you’d always defend him. But you were definitely not above poking fun at Jeno every now and then.
After finishing your lunch and bidding the boys goodbye, you’re walking away when you hear your voice being called.
You turn to see Jeno following behind you as he makes it to your side. “Come to walk me to class?”
“Yes..” He starts. “and no.”
“Uh oh, what do you want?”
“Why do you assume I want something?”
“You always do,” You shrug. “That’s just how you are Lee.”
He frowns, “I need a favor.”
“No I won’t be your camp date.”
“Damn! Why not?” He pleads, he was so sure you’d agree. And he wasn’t too far off.
Sure, you’d love nothing more than to be cooped up in a tent with your hot friend, but that’d be crossing too many boundaries. So as nice as it sounded, you had to refuse.
“It’d be too weird.”
“Cause we’re friends.”
“Geez, I’m not asking you to sleep with me. I’m just asking to share a tent and maybe like, I don’t know, sit by me? We sleep in the same room all the time.”
“And you just assume I don’t have someone I plan on bringing?” You ask, sporting a smirk.
“You do?”
Of course you don’t. Truth be told, you were so busy that you hadn’t dipped your foot in the dating waters for months. The only boys you ever even talked to were the ones in your friend group.
Though, you were nothing short of options. Surely you could pull some random boy along with you, just for the trip. One Instagram post and your direct messages would be flooded. 
“That’s for me to know, and for you to find out.” 
He just scoffs at your response before looking away, “What about Yoo Jimin?”
“I should ask her to be my camp date.”
“There’s no way in hell! Yoo Jimin only goes for older guys. Like graduated guys.” You explain, opening the door to enter your classes building. 
“What? Really?”
“Yes, you’re telling me you really didn’t know that?” 
“No.. I mean, I just thought maybe she wasn’t interested in any guys here.”
“Geez Jeno, you really know nothing about girls.” 
“All you guys do is make fun of me! What about actually helping me?!” He explains, stomping his feet like a child. 
“Yeah, nothing could help you out there.” You sigh.
“Please help me! I’m begging!” 
“What?!” You raise a brow. 
“Help me get a date!”
“Why should I spend my precious time helping you?” You tease, knowing you didn't have much else to do. 
“Please?!” He begs, and you, with your horrible inability to resist, give in.
You tell him to meet you at his place after your last class of the day. Having no idea what was in store for you. And just like you said, you were at his place right on time.
Flopping onto his bed, you scroll through your phone as Jeno stares at you from his desk chair.
“What?” You say, placing your phone down as you raise a brow.
“I thought you were gonna help!” He whines, turning around in his swivel chair. 
“I am helping!” You defend. “I’m…I’m scoping Instagram for potential dates!”
“You’re a horrible liar.”
“Whatever,” You sign, turning your phone towards him.“Look, shes really pretty. She goes to our university too. Why don’t you try and message her.” 
Jeno looks very caught off guard, “That’s Yiren.” 
“Ok? She seems cool, she likes to travel, and she’s pretty!” You say, scrounging her profile intently.
“Looks aren’t everything.”
“Did you not hear everything I said before that?” You groan. “At least try.”
He nods, picking up his own phone and typing in her username. Going quiet for a couple minutes, he finally puts his phone down. “Okay, I messaged her.”
You squeal, “Now we wait!” 
He just smiles, “Wanna order some food?”
“I thought you’d never ask! I’ll pick a movie?” 
And so, after picking the scariest movie you could find, (And the heaviest blankets), you settle into the couch with your takeout box.
You two are engrossed in the film, when Jeno’s phone loudly dings.
Shuffling to sit up, you smile, “Is that her?”
The smile fades from your face as you read the message.
@_WangYerin: Ew...
You look dejectedly at Jeno.
“Yeah no, this is not gonna work.” He opens his mouth to speak again.
You interrupt him. “There’s plenty of fish in the sea. I’m sure we can find you one girl in time.”
“What the hell are you wearing?”
He looks down to his outfit, raising his brows in confusion. “What do you mean?”
“Jeno, I don’t even know where to begin..” You pause, your eyes drawing over his clothing.
He was donned head to toe in fishing gear. Loose cargo shorts and a floral printed shirt. Completed with the floppy hat and reel. He looked like a tourist.
This was truly ridiculous. He was standing in your living room, dressed like he was in some swamp marsh in Florida. (Even then, he’d still be overdressed.) 
“There’s plenty of fish in the sea.” He references, wiggling his brows at you. Gesturing to his outfit, “Chicks dig this right?”
“What?!” You exclaim, your face donned with confusion. Is that what he thought girls liked? It took everything in you not to burst out laughing.
“I’m starting to think..” He trails, “That’s not what you meant.”
“You’re hopeless.” You announce, resting your palm against your chin. 
How were you going to fix this? Not to mention that you only had about two weeks to do it. “Ignoring the poor choice of outfit, let’s talk about something else.”
He just nods as you scrounge your brain, “So as you know, you don’t have the best reputation preceding woman..”
“What do you mean? I love woman!” He proclaims, as if he couldn’t believe what you were getting at.
You sigh, “If only they loved you.”
He scoffs before rolling his sleeves up, “Look at these bad boys. The ladies can’t resist.”
You swear your eyes could roll of your head. “Be real Jeno, it takes more than some muscles to get a girlfriend.”
“Damn.” Is all he says as he pulls his sleeves down. Trying to ignore your judging eyes.
“I’m starting to think this is damn near impossible.” You speak.
“You’ve barely even helped yet!” 
“And I’m already failing!”
Looking around your apartment, you feel as if a light bulb went off in your head. “We’re not going to get anything done in here. We need to be outside, scouting you some girls!” 
And with that, you grab his wrist and drag him out through the front door. Pointing at the keys in his pocket, “You drive, its the gentlemanly thing to do.”
“Yeah okay,” He scoffs, “You’re just lazy.”
He unlocks his car and you pile in, relieved to be in the passengers seat for once. “I could get used to this.” You speak, reclining your seat.
“Oh I didn’t know they could go back that far.” He says, genuine amazement donning his face. You cringe at his words.
“Are you kidding?” You laugh. “Don’t let Haechan hear you say that.”
“He already knows I get no action. I’m sure he won’t be surprised.” He grumbles.
“Okay, here’s another tip.” You announce, sitting up. “You need to have more confidence.”
“Well, I wouldn’t say I don’t.” 
“No I know, but girls love men who seem sure of themselves, you know? They don’t want someone who’s muddling around proclaiming they have no game.”
He takes you in your words but shakes his head, “I don’t know..”
“C’mon Jeno,” You say, turning to meet his eyes. “You’re young, you’re hot, you work out! And you’re super sweet. Not to mention you’re like crazy smart,” 
You continue on rambling as you fail to notice Jeno’s growing smirk. He was going to relish in every compliment that fell from your tongue. And surely tease you about it later.
You only stopped when you notice how quiet he got. 
“Hello? Earth to Jeno?” 
“I’m here,” He responds with a smile.
“You’re so annoying.” You roll your eyes.
“Where to?” He speaks, ignoring your comment. 
“The park! The one by campus. There’s always tons of people just hanging out there.” You proclaim. 
You always took note of the various groups that were there at all times of day. Studying or having a picnic, but you were sure you were going to run into at least one group of girls. And if they had any sense, they would eat Jeno up. 
As the sun starts to set on your day though, you realize they were definitely not eating Jeno up. In fact, every time Jeno approached a girl, they seemed to dodge it the other way. Half-assed excuses donning their lips, and that was if they were nice. Some of the girls just blatantly ignored him and continued on their way. 
Yet, Jeno didn’t let up. He didn’t even seem the slightest bit discouraged. 
Even as he got shot down by another girl. One claiming she ‘Wasn’t in the mood to get her heart broken.’ 
Though you digress, you knew that girl, she was in your Econ class. And if her on and off relationship with Choi Yeonjun was any indicator, she was just trying to save face. Or at least that’s what you told Jeno as you walked back to his car.
You knew what the girls thought about Jeno, likely that he was just trying to pick himself up a weekly girlfriend. They probably didn’t want anything to do with him. He had gained himself a reputation. 
Many girls pegged him to be a heart breaker, seeing as he rejected any girl who asked him out. But that was nothing personal, he just didn’t want to be a in relationship then. He didn’t mean anything by it, and he certainly didn’t want to hurt the girls. 
But not everyone is as understanding.
“Okay new plan,” You speak. “Neighboring university area!” 
“Dude, everyone here like runs when they see you. Lets go somewhere where no one knows you!”
“Okay but if they don’t know me.. how will I get them to come camping with me?!”
He makes a valid point. 
You lean your head back into his seat and groan. Beating your brain, you decide to take a breather. “Lets go eat lunch, there we can converge a plan.”
“Why did you say that last part so weird?” He laughs. “Mad scientist vibes.”
“Shut up.” You retaliate, punching him in the arm. “Just for that, I get to pick where we eat.”
Shoving the roll into your mouth, you bask in the glorious taste. “This is so good.” 
“Slow down there, you might choke.”
“Okay mom.”
He laughs at your comment and stares at the menu, trying to get his order ready by the time the waiter comes by. 
“Jeno?” You hear, causing you to look up from the basket of bread you were admiring.
You’re met with a girl, probably around your age, smiling widely at Jeno.
“Sumin? Is that you?” He asks, returning a smile. 
You look between the two of them confusedly. You were sure she didn’t go to your university. How did Jeno know her? 
“Uh, This is Sumin. We met a couple years ago at camp.” He explains. Then going to introduce you to Sumin as his friend, to which you nod at, offering her a smile.
You suddenly reminded about when Jeno’s parents used to send him off to camp every summer back in high school. Rendering you to spend your summers full of Jaemin. You’re not sure why Jeno went anyways. Something about keeping him out of trouble. Though if there were girls as beautiful as Sumin there, you’re sure he got into more trouble. 
As you let them talk, you notice Sumin seems to be leaning into Jeno a lot. That’s like a surefire sign of attraction. 
Then a light bulb pops into your head. “Sumin, you two met at camp? You must like the outdoors and such then?” You interrupt.
“Oh yes!,” She smiles. “I loved sleeping under the stars, and kayaking! Oh, and the random games they used to make us play!” 
‘Well,” You start, looking at Jeno. Hoping he knew where you were going with this. “We’re actually going camping with a couple of friends soon.”
“Oh, really?” She says nodding.
You look to Jenos face, hoping to gauge a reaction. He doesn’t look uncomfortable or anything, so now was your chance.
“We actually are looking for a couple more people. You should join us!” 
The statement hangs in the air as she thinks, “Oh I don’t know, I can’t intrude!”
“No no, you wont be intruding! You can even share a tent with Jeno.” And you turn towards him, silently hoping he’d encourage her.
It seems he gets the hint. “Yeah, I don’t mind. It’ll be like old times.”
You smile. “Give her your number so she can ask about the details!”
Thank goodness you were here to help. He really did suck at this.
The two bid each other goodbye soon after, Sumin promising to text him later. You just grin widely at his success. “We found you a girl! And its only been a week!” 
He just stays quiet. “Hooray for us.” 
“Whats wrong?” You ask, finding his quietness odd. 
“I don’t know, Sumin’s nice.”
“No but’s, shes nice.” And with that the waiter arrives. Leaving that to be pushed to the back of your mind as you focus on what you’re going to order.
The plan was a success. That much was sure. Especially when you went and showed all your friends pictures of Sumin. You spilling how she looked more stunning in real life, and how Jeno would be bringing the prettiest girl to the event.
To which prompted Haechan to object, “Whatever, wait till you see my date.”
“Who are you bringing?” Mark perks up, genuinely curious. 
Haechan gestures towards you, throwing his arm over you shoulder. To which you aggressively shake off. “Nice try, find someone else.” 
“Why? It’s not like you have anyone to bring.” 
You stay quiet, smirking.
“You found someone?!” Haechan presses on. “Who is he?”
It’s a surprise, is what you say. 
They roll their eyes at you, not believing your words for one second, even as you press on that its true.
Though you know truthfully, you have yet to find anyone. You were so wrapped up in your determination to get Jeno a date that you had forgotten to get your own. In fact, today had been weird that you hadn't been with Jeno the whole day. You liked spending time with him. But now the focus was on you.
You had time though, so it’s not like you were worried.
Jeno doesn’t know why, but hes dying to know who you’re bringing. He’s also relieved to see that you’re not falling into Haechan’s advances. But whoever you’re bringing could be undoubtedly worse, so he tries not to get his hopes up.
“Oh also, Jaemin mentioned to me that we need to go shopping for supplies soon.” Mark states, looking down to put his fork back into the salad he was eating.
“I’m down, just let me know when.” You nod, shopping with the boys was always fun anyways. Even if it meant spending two and a half hours in a Bass Pro Shop.
“Yeah well make sure you ask your date if he has any particular request for food.” Renjun speaks, taking his attention off his food for a second. 
“I’ll do you one better, I’ll bring my date.”
Okay, maybe you shouldn't have said that. But what was with the boys and insinuating you didn’t have a date?
You were going to make them eat their words.
“Great, can’t wait to meet him.” Haechan smirks.
And just like you thought, it had come back to bite you.
Instead of having a week left, you now have to obtain a boy by this weekend. (And somehow drag him to a camping store with you.) 
So, out of defenses, you hesitantly asked your co-worker Sungchan.
You two were friends, having grown accustomed to long shifts together and defending each other from the occasional shitty costumer. Plus, you’d much rather take him then some random guy you caught on Tinder or Instagram.
“Camping? Is it like a weekend thing or?”
You nod, hoping he’ll agree.
“You want me to spend two of my precious days off, in the middle of the woods? With a bunch of strangers, bugs, and canned food?” 
Your shoulders deflate, pursing your mouth into a thin line. “Yes?”
“I’m down.”
“What? Really?”
“Yeah, sounds like an adventure.” He shrugs. 
You clap excitedly, “My precious Sungchan, you also have to come to Bass Pro Shop with me.”
He groans, “Whatever, I already agreed.”
And he makes good on his promise, picking you up from your place and coming to the store. 
Jaemins the only one there at the designated time, saying something about the others being on the way. So you just make small talk as the rest gradually arrive. Jaemins quick to fall into conversation with the other, which is a good sign.
Jeno and Haechan arrive together, the latter making a commotion of your date.
“So this is the one?” Haechan says, not-so-subtly scanning over Sungchan’s body.
“Quit checking him out!” You whine. Noting how Haechan was trying to feel up on Sungchans arms. Looking like he was about to snatch him for himself.
You weren’t dumb, you know Sungchan’s good looking, he’s never been shy about saying it either. And you can tell the boys were astounded he even showed, not to mention how undeniably attractive he was.
But you don’t expect him to get along with everyone so well. Thirty minutes in and he was already on Mark and Jaemin’s good side. The two aren’t particularly difficult to please, but you were surprised to see that he had won over Renjun and Chenle.
The rest of the boys got along with him fine, minus Jeno.
He was acting really weird about the whole thing. The least friendly to Sungchan, and just overall had a short fuse with him. He had probably sensed something off about him, which you found to be weird.
So in the middle of the fishing rod aisle,(You guys didn’t even need one), You pulled him aside from the rest of the group. Wanting to get down to the root of the problem, because you weren't the only one who had noticed. Jisung had even remarked how Jeno seemed to be in a bad mood, but he was talking to everyone else just fine, so it seemed Sungchan was the problem.
“Is everything ok?” You ask, eyes full of worry. “You’ve been shooting Sungchan dirty looks the whole time.”
He stays quiet, pretending to be interested in some product on the aisle end cap. “I don’t know what you mean.” 
“Don’t act stupid Jeno.” You warn, “What’s wrong?”
“Just not a fan of him.” He shrugs, turning to walk back towards the group. 
You just shake it off, it wasn’t you problem. Jeno was your friend yes, but if he was going to act indifferent about this, then so be it. You had your own things to worry about. 
Going back to Sungchan’s side, you tap his shoulder. He was listening to Mark ramble on about a fishing line, you once again point out how you don’t need any type of fishing gear. Mark just ignores you and starts shoving reels in Renjun’s face, much to the latter’s displeasure. 
“Your friends are cool.” Sungchan speaks, “They seem to like me.”
“Told you they were fun!” You tease, glad he was making a good first impression. If things kept going good, maybe you could invite Sungchan around more often. He did always mention that he’d like more friends. 
Jeno’s face sours as he watches from afar. You leaning into Sungchan, had you always been so touchy? He shakes his head and turns away.
About thirty minutes later, you’re all ready to head to checkout. Thankful you had another set of arms to help carry the cooler and sleeping bags you were buying. 
Placing the stuff down, you laugh. “This much for two days?”
“Haechan’s sleeping bag caught on fire last time, remember?” Chenle comments. You do remember, it was not pretty. 
Sungchan looks confused and you explain, recalling that Haechan was laying too close to the fire long after everyone else had gone to bed. Remembering that it wasn’t just him in the sleeping bag as well.. 
Haechan stops you from recanting the whole thing, saying how he’d beat you up if you boyfriend wasn’t right there. You scoff at the accusation and Sungchan laughs. But everyone catches on to how you two don’t outright deny it.
You weren’t thinking too much, not even noticing how neither of you had said no. Sungchan was cool, and sure you had thought of him that way before, but he was definitely not your boyfriend right now. You didn’t shy away from the prospect though, and it seemed like he didn’t either. 
Jeno’s brows furrow, you two were a thing? He thought you guys were just friends, he turns away, not wanting to look at you two any longer. He didn’t know why, but he felt somewhat possessive of you. And he definitely did not like Sungchan. 
You all walk out of the store, proud of your successful trip when Renjun suggests you all go out to dinner. You nervously smile, “Sungchan and I were actually planning to watch a movie at my place.” 
“Nice,” Haechan smiles, “Let’s meet at yours then!” 
You groan, and the others just teasingly smile at you, knowing that was not what you had meant. “As long as someones buying snacks cause I don’t have shit.”
“On it!” Jaemin responds, already in his car. 
That’s how you find yourselves all back at your place, an improper movie night to commence after Jisung and Chenle stop fighting over what movie to watch.
Heading to the kitchen for some chips, you’re met with only Jeno in there. Digging through a bag of Jolly Ranchers for his favorite. 
“I ate all the cherry ones.” You say, poking at his shoulders, knowing he loved those as much as you did.
He smiles, not responding. Until he pulls out one, a cherry one. You perk up at that, you thought you had eaten all of them ages ago.
“Oh, for me? Thanks.” Sarcasm donning your voice, but still going to reach for it anyways.
He snatches it back, “Go ask Sungchan for one.” Jealousy seemingly apparent in his voice, confusing you.
“You suck.” You state bluntly, until he unwraps the candy and places it in front of your mouth. 
“Want it?” He asks, gesturing it more towards you, eyebrows raised.
You narrow your eyes, “..Yes.”
“Open wide then.” 
You scrunch your nose, he wanted to feed it to you? ‘No thanks.” Is all you say before walking away.
But then you feel a hand clasp around your wrist, turning you back. Jeno stares at you blankly, then repeating. “I said open.”
Curiously, you open your mouth slightly. Just enough to get the candy. Jeno brings the cherry flavored candy to your lips. He smirks, grabbing your chin, he holds you in place. “Wider,” He commands, and you follow. 
He slips the candy in, along with two of his fingers, and you close your lips around them. He stares at you, and you look down at the floor. You had never seen this side of Jeno before, the Jeno you knew always carefree and smiling, far different from the one in front of you. You were a bit scared but you’d be lying if you said you weren’t a bit turned on.
With newly acquired confidence, you shove his fingers farther into your mouth. His eyes widen and you gag, the candy hitting the back of your throat. But you progress, slowly sliding your mouth off his fingers, releasing them with a pop.
Swirling the rest of the candy in your mouth, you smile. “Mm yummy.”
Though your hearts beating like crazy, shivering at the close proximity between you and Jeno. He walks forward, backing you into the counter. You two just stare at each other, and you swear he’s about to lean in. Until the sound of approaching footsteps is heard.
You and Jeno separate, you going back to your mission for chips and him to pour a glass of water. Trying to steady your nerves and not give away to the person what the two of you were doing.
Sungchan pokes his head into the area, “Hey we decided on a movie, I left you a spot next to me.”
You grin, “Okay, let’s go.”
Watching you leave the area with your hand around Sungchan’s bicep, Jeno wants to puke.
In fact, his urge to vomit only gets stronger as he continues to watch you cuddle up to the other boy all night. After the little display earlier, you still had the nerve to hang onto Sungchan? 
The movies a devastatingly long one, some of the boys filtering out before its even ended. Mark mutters something about how its getting late, wanting to leave before he passes out on your tiny love seat.
And just like that, only four of you remain. Jaemin’s strewn out on the floor, fast asleep, as is Sungchan on the arm of your sofa. You and Jeno are the only one’s still awake, though you’re unable to move as Sungchan constantly stirs in his sleep. 
The last thing you want to do is wake him, but his phone does just that. Vibrating in his pocket, he lazily opens his eyes. Seeing the time as well, he shoots up, “Shit, I have to go.” He says, eyes widening as he heads towards the front of your place, grabbing his jacket and searching for his shoes. 
He bids you goodbye and you make him promise to text you when he gets home safely, to which he agrees with a smile. “Have a good night.” He says, kissing your forehead before heading out the door. 
You grin at the kiss, watching as he makes his way out. 
Jaemin’s snoring knocks you out of your trance, closing the door behind you.
Jeno appears in the hall, “I can drag him home.” He suggests.
Shaking your head, you look over at him. He did seem rather comfortable on your floor. “He seems fine. I’ll get him a blanket.” 
Jeno nods and fishes for his keys on your counter. “It’s late, I’ll head out.”
“Jaemin’s staying, why don’t you just stay too?” You ask. It was a completely normal thing for the boys to stay over, they were all welcomed to any time. You know the others left just from desire to sleep comfortably in their own beds.
Jeno and Jaemin were no strangers to staying the night either, the three of you hung out often late into the night. You don’t know why Jeno was in a hurry to leave anyways, he would normally just agree to crash on your couch.
“I don’t know..” He trails. 
“Why not?” You sputter, confused as your patience for his attitude began to grow thin. “You’ve been acting weird all day! What’s got you all hot and bothered?!” 
“You really wanna know?” He asks, condescendingly. Like you should know what you did wrong. 
“Do I? Yes I would like to know what has had you being an asshole all day!”
He just laughs at that, only causing you to get more annoyed. Contemplating if to tell the truth or not, he watches you grow more impatient. 
“I just don’t like Sungchan.”
“Well no shit,” You throw your hands up. “You already told me!”
He shrugs in defeat, like it was no big deal he had been so rude to him.
“I just wanna know why!” You speak again.
“I could tell you.” He says, inching closer. “But I could show you a lot better.”
“What?” You’re cut off by Jeno pulling you into a kiss. Completely surprised by the turn of events, but you welcome it. His hands finding their way into your hair.
You pull away, “Jeno, what are we doing?” And you meant it. What was this sudden behavior? Would this ruin your friendship? Could you two be normal after this? Was he even going to go all the way?
“Tell me to stop.” He whispers indifferently. “Tell me you don’t want this.” 
“Jaemin’s in the living room.” You caution, scared to wake him, though you ignore Jenos statement. “But I want this.”
“Then we better take this to your room.” 
And the moment you nod in agreement, he pulls you away to your bedroom. You two stumbling as he attempts to kiss you on the way there. He closes the door behind you, pushing you against it as he meets your mouth again.
It’s messy and uncoordinated, his sheer desire for you taking over. Teeth clashing and tongues strewn. He pulls back from the kiss and begins fervently attacking your neck.
“Please Jeno,” You whine, aching for him to continue. “Need you.”
“To what?” He teases, lifting up from your neck.
You want to scream. Of course he was going to make you say it, this was Jeno you were talking to. And he truly wanted nothing more than to hear the words slip past your mouth.
“Touch me.” You beg, wishing he would cut it out with the teasing.
“Where?” He continues. Moving his hands down your body, “Here?”
You shake your head, “N-No.”
You grab his hand bravely and place it on the front of your pants. He begins rubbing you through your jeans, the fabric roughly brushing up against you.
“I wanna hear you say it.” He smiles, “That you want me to touch you. And not Sungchan.”
You roll your eyes, he was still on about this? Sungchan was the last thing on your mind right now, the first being your aching wetness and Jeno’s stubbornness to relieve it. 
“W-want,” You stutter as he begins to unzip your pants, “Want you to touch me.”
“Mhmm,” He nods. “Because you’re mine.”
You whimper at the contact of his hands rubbing you through your panties. Attempting to suppress a moan from falling past your lips. His possessiveness was such a turn on to you, and you didn’t even know why.
“So wet,” He comments, “Just from a little kissing. Are you sure I’m the one who’s never been in a relationship?”
Annoyed, you turn away blushing, “Shut up.”
Jeno just chuckles as you press against his shoulders, signaling for him to stop. “Wait, don’t wanna do it against the wall. Want to be on the bed.”
“So demanding.” 
And with that, he moves you to lay down on your bed. He beings kissing you again, tugging at the hem of your shirt and you raise your hands to let him remove it off you. Although you had taken note that Jeno was still fully clothed. 
“Not fair, you should take off your shirt.” You pout, and he rushes to take it off, revealing his chiseled body to you. You gawk at him in his shirtless glory, upset you hadn’t thought to see it sooner, well at least you were seeing it now.
“Close your mouth, you’ll catch flies.” He teases again, going to kiss you before you can spout some smart remark.
He recedes back, lowering himself down to be met with your dripping cunt. He slides your panties down, slowly pulling them off your ankles with his teeth. You prop yourself up on your elbows to see, and you had to admit, its hot.
Jeno nibbles on your thigh, eliciting a yelp from you before he starts rubbing his thumb over your folds. “All for me.” He smirks proudly. 
Sticking his tongue out, he licks a thin stripe on your clit, you letting out a loud string of moans. “Jeno- Please.” 
He moves to stick a finger in, you clenching harshly around it. 
“So tight.” He hisses, adding another finger in. Causing you to wail out in pleasure. It felt so good, you hadn’t been touched in a while. 
He continues like this, whispering praises into your ear as he seems indifferent, “You’re doing so well, sucking my fingers into this pretty cunt.”
You’re feeling the coil in your stomach, embarrassingly close to cumming at the brutal pace of his fingers inside you, when he slips them out. 
“Want you to cum on my tongue.” He explains before you can even protest.
Nodding, you’re met with his mouth back on your clit, his tongue harshly lapping against you. You unconsciously reach for his hair, pulling strongly on it, causing him to let out a moan against your heat. 
“Pull harder.” He demands, and you oblige. One hand in his hair and the other gripping your sheets. Your hips start to lift off the bed in pleasure, as he holds you down by your legs, your shaking form struggling to stay still. 
“Jeno, Please, please I’m so close,” You plead as he continues to eat you out like a starved man. 
“Do it baby, cum for me.” He assures, and you moan at his words. The affect he had on you was insane. You had never been so shaken up over getting head before.  
You reach your climax shortly after, a wave of white washing over you as you let out a final string of moans. Jeno’s movements barely even faltering as you finish on his face. 
He pulls away, moving to stand up and goes to wash his face in your connected bathroom. You’re a bit put off by his sudden change in mood, but you calm your breathing and start searching for your bottoms on the floor, as well as your shirt.
Jeno emerges from the bathroom and you silently hand him his shirt, when you notice he’s sporting a complete boner. 
“You look like you could use some help.” You announce, smirking. 
He shakes his head though, “I can take care of this at home.”
Huh? What was he talking about? 
“Let me return the favor.” You state, “I’m eager to please.” 
But he remains the same, “It’s fine.”
And he walks past you, opening the door out of your room. Leaving you more than just a little confused. Was he regretting what happened? Why wouldn’t he accept your offer to touch him? What kind of guy turns down head? 
You avoid eye contact. “Oh.. Ok. Have a safe trip home.”
You want the earth to crack open and swallow you whole. He nods and makes his way past a sleeping Jaemin and out your front door. 
Not wanting to be alone, you sit on the other couch opposite of your friend. 
That’s when he sits up. “You two are so gross.”
“You were awake?” You ask, mouth agape. 
“You guys woke me! Maybe try and keep it down next time!” He scolds, until he notices the look on your face. “Is something wrong? Did you not want to do it?”
You wave your hands, “No! No, I did. It’s just that when I offered to do something for him, he rejected me. I don’t know- I feel gross.”
He shakes his head, “Jeno’s like that, he doesn’t know how to express his feelings, I’m sorry he made you feel that way.”
You just nod, “Please don’t tell anyone about this.” And he agrees, swearing to not say a word, and you couldn’t have been more grateful. 
You ignore Jeno for the next couple of days, purposefully. Whether it was to save yourself from embarrassment, or from your feelings? You didn’t know.
You wish you hadn’t acted so carelessly, to let yourself get carried away in his bliss, knowing you could never have him in the way you wanted.
You were also unsure of how Jeno would react to being around you after that. You didn’t even know if you would be confident in your actions around him. Would you be able to look him in the eye? Or even worse, what if he had told your friends? What if Jaemin had, despite his swearing to secrecy? 
Haechan would be a nightmare.
But you push those thoughts to the back of your mind as Sungchan calls for your attention. You two were at your place, packing for the trip. Water bottles and his awful trail mix bars being shoved in your backpacks.
You were leaving today, you breathe in. A weekend you were looking forward to how now left you unsure. But if worse came to worse, Sungchan would be there.
Over the past couple of days, you had done a lot of thinking. Not just about you and Jeno, but about the other boys as well. 
You realized that you and Sungchan were nothing beyond a clingy pair of friends, and that’s all you felt for him, a sense of friendship. Whatever uncertainty you had was gone. You knew he didn’t make you feel the way Jeno did. And it wasn’t just because of the interaction either.
You had feelings for Jeno, that was certain. 
You assume you’ve had them for a while too, it wasn’t until you sat down and acknowledged that you would consider a relationship with him, did you realize. 
But it was all too much, too fast. 
Engaging in those activities with him, knowing he likely only saw you as a friend? Too much to bear. So you knew you had to keep your distance from him as far as possible. You knew these feelings were likely to pass too, you just had to wait it out. 
Because if there was something else you realized, it was that he didn’t feel the same. And why would he? You weren’t anything like the girls he’s gone for. You weren’t anything like Sumin. Not to mention his reluctance to let you touch him, (which was the root of your embarrassment), after he had eaten you out. You understood he just wanted to have a little fun with you, nothing more. 
Plus, if his past record of no girlfriends meant anything, it was that he couldn’t be bothered to be tied down. So you weren’t going to begin to feed into the delusional idea that he could be your boyfriend, it would only just end up hurting you that much more.
Sungchan pulls you from your thoughts as he announces its time to leave, and you smile. He helps you pack your things into the car and you two shake with enthusiasm during the entire thirty minute ride. Though you’re not looking forward to hiking the rest of the way to the campsite; A necessary evil.
Sungchan doesn’t complain too much though, smiling as he reads off the printed map for directions. You didn’t get much service out here, and you weren’t going to take any chances getting lost. 
It didn’t help that you two were late, noting that all your friends had arrived by the time you reached the sites with your tents and backpacks in tow. 
You see Jaemin and his girl sitting on logs, whispering something into each others ear as they giggle. Her legs resting over his lap. 
To their right is Renjun and Chenle arguing over something random, with their respective dates behind them, both looking extremely confused.
Mark is setting up a tent with his date, Jisung and his date helping them hold the poles steadily. Mark stumbling as he trips over one of the mounts.
Haechan emerges from his tent upon the others announcing your arrival, saying something about his date being passed out in their tent. 
Jeno and Sumin are no where to be found, and you try not to ask about it. 
Though, Jaemin approaches you the minute Sungchan leaves your side. “They went exploring. Whatever that means.” He speaks, and you don’t even have to ask him who he’s talking about. 
You just nod and ask him for a drink. “You’ve been here for five minutes!” He recoils, like he can’t believe you asked him that. 
“Well its unfair of you to expect me to tolerate Haechan for an entire weekend without a drink.” You tease, the aforementioned male coming to whine.
Sungchan returns with two drinks in hand, you thanking him as he passes you one. He then places his hand on the small of your back, the boys in front of you not missing a beat. 
“Woah, did you two hook up or something?” Haechan speaks, never one to censor himself.
“None of your business.” You mumble, though you know the two of you hadn't.
“Oo, don’t let Jeno see!” Jisung warns as he passes by.
“Jeno?” Sungchan perks up, “What about him?”
Haechan and Jaemin just look at the each other, “Nothing.”
And with that, the boys leave you and Sungchan. 
The two of you deciding to go sit on logs of your own before you have set up your own tent. The silences of the trees swaying overtaking you.
“So,” He starts. “You wanna sleep with me this weekend?”
You almost spit out your drink. “What?”
“We don’t have to!” He retracts. “I just figured.. maybe you’d want to?”
“Sung, we’re friends and we work together. Won’t this make things weird?”
“It doesn’t have to happen again if you don’t want it to. Just thought I’d put it out there.” He shrugs, like it was all so simple. “You’re hot, I’m hot. We’re both single. Both sexually frustrated. So why not?”
You look to the ground, “I don’t know..”
“Actually, I’m sorry I asked, I don’t want you to feel pressured.”
You didn’t feel pressured though, and Sungchan was somewhat right. You did invite him out here with a inkling of hope that maybe you could bed him. Who wouldn’t want to anyways? You hadn't had sex in a while, and your attractive friend was ready and willing. So what if you had feelings for Jeno? They would pass. You should have a little fun. Fuck it. 
“Okay,” You speak. “I’d like that.”
He smiles, “Perfect.”
You’re about to respond when you hear the crunching of leaves behind you, Jeno and Sumin emerging from the bushes, hand in hand. 
Were the two together? You feel your smile falter a bit before you look away, Jeno didn’t owe you anything. And you knew the type of guy he was, who was to say he was going to even commit to Sumin? 
“There you two are!” Renjun says walking towards them. “Thought you’d gotten ravaged by a bear!”
“Oh, Jeno ravaged something..” Haechan comments, suggestively. 
Jeno shakes his head at the insinuation, Sumin eyes flickering over to you. “Hey! You made it!” 
“Yes!” You say, moving to hug her. Then you notice her eyes landing on Sungchan, and she starts practically eye-fucking him proudly. And he looks somewhat into it? You see that Jeno notices too, as he wavers his attention. 
“This is Sungchan.” You say, as she moves to introduce herself to him. 
“I’m Sumin! Jeno’s friend.” 
The air grows heavy as she says that, Jeno looking dejected and everyone else looking confused. So they weren’t together then?
You just shrug, going to bother Mark and his date, who still can’t get the tent up. “Need help?”
Mark’s date looks at you in relief, “Please! Mark told his other friend that we could do it.. but we’re having a hard time..”
“I got you,” You speak, noticing something off. “He’s doing it wrong.”
Mark sighs, “Damn,” He looks down. “You had to call me out in front of my date. I’m gonna go tell Sungchan about the time you threw up in Renjun’s mouth.”
“Don’t you dare!” You say, moving to chase after Mark as he begins running in the opposite direction, tent long forgotten. “You’re lying!” 
“No I’m not! Haechan was there too!” 
“I was where?” Haechan yells, wondering what all the commotion is.
You and Mark stop, hands on your knees as you pant out. Tired from chasing the boy around in circles, you try and catch your breath. 
“Don’t,” Pant. “Listen,” Pant. “To him.”
“Remember that night we played spin the bottle?” Mark begins, still breathless.
The others begin to gather around, drawn to the scene by Haechans loud voice. “Yeah I do.” He starts. “When you and I kissed?”
“You what?!” Jaemin exclaims, “Wait, why was I not invited?”
“Haechan and I did not kiss!” Mark laughs, and you giggle, knowing full well that he was lying to save face.
Haechan shrugs, “Whatever you say.”
“The point is that Renjun got thrown up on.” 
Renjun cringes, “I don’t like to think about that.”
“Wait by who?” Jeno asks, not amused.
“By her!” Mark says, wagging his finger at you. “Damn near threw up in Renjun’s mouth, she pulled away just in time.”
“You kissed Renjun?” Jeno asks, surprise evident on his face. 
You ignore him, what was the big deal anyways? It was spin the bottle, you were all drunk, and it landed on you and Renjun. Who cares?
“Mark that happened months ago!” You protest, “I didn’t know my limits.”
“It should’ve been me!” Haechan whines, faking a wound to his chest.
“You wanted to get thrown up on? Or to kiss Renjun?” Mark asks, and it was definitely a necessary question but Haechan just flips him off as he walks away.
The others just laugh and you turn to walk away but are stopped by Jeno pulling you aside. He drags you a few steps into the trees, far enough from everyone else that you two could have a private conversation. 
“Who all have you kissed?” He asks. 
“Answer the question.”
“No, I don’t want to.” You state, confused on his attitude. “You’ve got some nerve to come over here and ask me that, considering how bitchy you’ve been.”
“Me? You’re the one who’s acting childish and ignoring me.”
“So what?” You spout. “And why do you care who I’ve kissed anyways?”
“I don’t.” He says, “I guess I just thought I was the first one of us to kiss you.”
“Oh,” You say, fire rising in your chest. “So that makes me worth less to you? Knowing I’ve kissed Mark, Renjun, and Jaemin before I kissed you?”
“No it doesn’t.” He replies. “But it does make me jealous.”
You scoff, “Jealous? You have no right, especially not after you left me all confused the other day! You made me feel like I did something wrong.”
“What are you talking about?” 
“You just walked out. Was I that disgusting that you didn’t want me to touch you? You made me feel like shit when you left like that. I don’t deserve to feel that way.” 
“Woah woah,” He stops you. “Back it up, disgusting? You’ve got it all wrong.”
“Well what was I supposed to think?”
He’s silent for a moment as he tries to think of what to say. “That’s not why I walked out. The truth is, I didn’t want you to feel pressured, and I felt like I was pushing boundaries and-”
“I said I wanted it, I wanted nothing more than to touch you after that and you just blew me off.” You state. “It’s like you pulled me in to just push me away.”
“I’m so sorry,” He apologies, “I had no idea you felt that way.”
“Jeno,” You start, here goes nothing. “I have to be transparent with you, okay?”
“Okay..” He trails.
You couldn’t do this anymore, you couldn’t pretend. 
“Please don’t lead me on anymore. I have feelings for you, and it hurts for you to act like this with me.” Your chest weighs heavy and you await his response.
“You have feelings for me?”
“Don’t make me say it again.” You mumble, unable to make eye contact with the male beside you. You had thought it was completely obvious.
“I do too.”
You look up at him, “What?”
“Why do you think I asked for your help in the first place?”
“Because you needed a date?” You ask, confused.
He smiles, “My plan was never to get another date. I was hoping maybe at the end, I could just ask you. But then we ran into Sumin, and you found Sungchan and it all happened so fast, I just lost hope.” 
“I’m jealous knowing that our other friends have kissed you before, because I always imagined I’d be the first. In a world where I wasn’t too much of a pussy to ask you out.” Jeno continues, crunching sticks beneath his feet. “Instead I thought this stupid idea could get me somewhere. I was an idiot to think you wouldn’t have a date in the palm of your hand awaiting your call.”
You stay silent as he gathers his thoughts. He leans against a tree, “I’ve never had a girlfriend because I’ve been waiting for you, all the guys know and that’s why the tease me.”
Your head is spinning, that was why? He didn’t date other girls because of you? This couldn’t be true, how had you not seen it all this time?
“Well, more like waiting for me to grow the balls to ask you out. ‘Cause the time never felt right. But now, seeing you with Sungchan, seeing the way he looks at you. It felt like if I didn’t do something now, I’d lose you. But I acted even worse, and I made you think I didn’t like you in the process. I’m sorry, I’ve acted like a total jerk, but I won’t you let you go another minute thinking I don’t want you.”
You’re speechless at his confession, everything made sense now. Why he was so reluctant with Sumin. Why he really didn’t like Sungchan. It all fell together.
“Jeno,” You smile. “Just kiss me.” 
And he does, but it’s different this time. It’s slow and passionate, like a kiss is supposed to be. It’s not messy and needy like before, no it’s the opposite.
But it felt right, it felt better. 
“Tell me honestly,” He says as he pulls away, going to stroke your hair. “Am I a better kisser than Jaemin?”
Mood ruined.
You hit his chest, “Are you serious? You finish kissing the life out of me and then you ask me that? Romance is dead.” 
He laughs, but you can tell he’s still awaiting your response. “In all fairness, I can’t really say. That night was embarrassing. I took his shirt off and then we cringed and vowed to never speak of it again.” 
“So you’re not in love with Renjun, Mark, or Jaemin?” He asks, for clarification. 
“No, I swear.” You tease. “You’re the only idiot I’m dumb enough to like. But who’s to say that you’re not in love with Sumin?” 
“Sumin? How much do you want to bet that her and Sungchan are hooking up right now.” Jeno asks, and you had completely forgot about Sungchan.
“Oh no! Sungchan!” 
“Sungchan expected to come out here and get laid.” You pause, nervous of Jeno’s reaction. 
But he seems understanding. “I had the same agreement with Sumin.”
Before you can respond, his eyes widen. “But you’re not going to anymore right?”
“No!” Rolling your eyes you look away. Though you smirk as you tug on his belt loop. “But do you plan on letting me get your pants off tonight?”
“Wow, you’re horny.” 
“Shut up!” You pout, “Come on, lets go out there and hope that our dates decided they like each other more than us.” 
Jeno nods his head and follows suit, the two of you returning from the trees to find some of the boys building a fire. 
“It’s not even dark.” You quirk an eyebrow.
“No but Chenle has an app that says sunset is in an hour.” Jaemin responds. Poor boy never knows what’s going on. “Anyways, where are yall’s dates? I thought you were with them.”
“No?” Jeno questions, furrowing his eye brows. 
“Oh, well they disappeared like twenty minutes ago.” 
You and Jeno look at each other, mentally celebrating. You’re glad that Sungchan had found some way to get laid this weekend, maybe not in the way he expected but, a win is a win. “You two look suspicious, whats going on? Please try and keep it down if you two decide to get freaky again.”
Jeno looks shocked at that, “You know?”
“I was there, and you two weren’t exactly quiet.” Jaemin deadpans, nose scrunching as he recalls the nights events. “You were all ‘Mmm yes so tight.’ I wanted to die.”
Oh god, he had heard all that? Why didn’t Jeno look embarrassed? You wanted to melt.
“Well,” Jeno says, pulling you closer to him by your waist. “There’s more where that came from, maybe try and wear earplugs.”
Your face grows hot as Jaemin starts complaining, “So what, are you two together now or?”
And a glint of hope appears in your eyes, “I’d like to be your girlfriend, you know. Your first.” You tease.
Jeno grins, “And I’d love to be your boyfriend.”
Jaemin gags at the scene, “Quit being gross and come help me start this fire.”
Your now-boyfriend Jeno moves to help Jaemin, Haechan approaching the three of you. “Woo! I heard from back there! Congrats Jeno!”
Chuckling, Jeno looks over at you, proud to know that you were officially his.
Though Renjun approaches the scene, “What about the others? Sungchan and whats-her-name?” 
“Sumin.” You correct. “I don’t even know, they ran off apparently.”
“Wait, just to clarify.” Jeno speaks up. “We’re kicking them out of our tents right?”
The night comes shortly after. All of you, including your former dates, gathered around the campfire. And you’re glad to see Sungchan looks smitten with Sumin, you shooting him a thumbs up as he sees Jeno’s hand on your thigh.
He knew the entire time, he wasn’t stupid, he was just waiting for the two of you to realize. 
Seems like you were the only one who didn’t know of Jeno’s feelings for you.
The boys steadily trickle out, retreating to the comfort of their tents. Tired and red eye looking, but as you hear noises out of Haechan’s tent, you know they’re doing anything but sleeping.
You and Jeno bid the others goodnight, him helping you up and into the tent he so graciously put up himself. 
You giggle as he attempts to slip into his sleeping bag, “You don’t actually plan on sleeping do you?”
He looks at you like a deer caught in the headlights. “What do you mean?”
“I mean,” You say, grinning slyly. “You still haven’t let me see what’s under the belt, baby.”
To be honest, you were really turned on by Jeno right now. Especially now, upon finding out he sleeps shirtless, you needed him so bad. Your mind couldn’t even think straight with him like this.
You’re cut from your daze at a loud moan that rips through the air, presumably coming from another tent. “Freaks.” You scoff, acting like you’re different.
A smile happens upon Jeno’s face. “I bet we can be louder.”
Grinning back, you feel yourself getting wetter. “Challenge accepted.”
He starts kissing up on your neck, making your arousal leak out even more. You’re set in his lap, grinding against him, and you can feel him hard under you.
You had to get those sweats off. 
You were a little shaky undoing his pants, his cock pretty in the light. Long and with a bulging vein on the underside. You moan at the sight of it, not wanting to wait to get it inside you. 
And there’s not a single regret donning your tongue as you lap up Jeno’s thick cock. Precum was gathered at the base, pink and glistening. And it looked so good, too good even. 
He moans out in ecstasy, truly not caring who heard. He thought this was the hottest thing ever, he had dreamed of this for so long, and now he was allowing himself to have it. To revel in you and you pretty eyes that looked up at him as you gag around him. All of it was nearly enough to finish him.
“No no, stop. Don’t wanna cum yet.” He pleads, but you barely let up. His hands resting on your head, unconsciously pushing it down. Until he gains strength to pull you off, bringing you up to meet his mouth.  Jeno had waited too long for this for him to cum without being inside you first. 
He pulls you into a messy kiss, tongues clashing and saliva dripping out. He fondles your breasts through your shirt, then moves to pull at the hem.
“Off.” He begs, and you oblige. His mouth immediately lands on your nipple, latching his hand onto the other, twisting and sucking fervently. 
“S-So good.” You let out, loving the way he was treating you. But you were impatient, and you had enough of the teasing.
“Need you in me Jeno..” You whine, pouting as he ignores you. He stays how he is for a few more seconds until he releases you from his mouth. 
He quickly goes to remove his bottoms fully, as well as yours. And you felt your wetness pooling by the second. “I can’t wait anymore, need to fuck you.”
And you’re glad, as you watch him line up his pretty cock with your entrance, you were sure you could finish from the sight alone. 
“Fuck..” He moans out, throwing his head back in pleasure as he slips into you. Wet and warm, he never wants to leave. He bottoms out, tip hitting your cervix as he asks for permission to move and you nod your head, desperate. 
You loved the way he stretched you out, unable to hide the string of moans that left your mouth. He felt so good inside you as his tip kissed your g-spot with every thrust. 
He rubs his thumb on your clit as you moan even louder. “Yes! Don’t stop! Mm.”
“It’s always been you.” He chokes out. “Always wanted you under me like this.” And you can’t deny the heat that it sends straight to your core, causing you to clench around him. “Better than I could have imagined.”
He doesn’t let up, desire taking over him as he bullies his cock into your cunt at a brutal pace. He was truly unlike anyone you had ever been with before. 
He rubs his thumb on your clit as he thrusts into you, bringing you the most pleasure you’re sure you’ve felt in your life. 
He silences your moans with a kiss, swallowing them into his mouth. Your arms clawing at his back, which was sure to leave marks. He slows his thrusts and you can tell hes getting close. 
“It’s okay, I’m close too. Cum, cum inside.” 
His eyes widen as he hears your words, this was a dream come true. 
“I-” He sputters, shaking his head.
“I’m on the pill.” You interrupt. “Please Jeno, please, need your cum in me.”
You moan out that you’re close and he’s right behind you, spilling out his seed into you as you orgasm. Your climax coming on strongly, and you can feel your legs trembling. He bites his lip, grunting as he finishes as well, filling you to the brim. 
You and Jeno just heavily breathe, him laying on top you slightly before getting up to remove himself. If it were up to you though, you’d keep him in you all night. Though, Jeno was a man of good hygiene, first and foremost. 
You let out a wince as he slides out of you, the empty feeling settling over you. 
He grabs a water bottle and pours it into one of the towels in your tent, and you smile, thankful he was going to clean you up. He wipes around your sensitive areas and slips your bottoms on, you still out of breath. You get both of your clothes on and sorted, ready to sleep now.
You’re sharing a moment of silence when your tent starts shaking rapidly, the shadow of two people appearing as you realize its your friends messing with you.
“Could you two be any louder ?!”
“You’re disgusting!”
“Tent’s have thin walls, you know?!”
You just bury your face into Jeno’s chest, laughing at the commotion.
“Leave my girl and I alone!” Jeno shouts out playfully, caressing your head.
My girl?
You could get used to that. 
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mybiasisexo · 1 month
may i request 50 for the drabble game please? feel free to make it a pt 2 of personal trainer yeol 😂 but up to your creative flow! thank you 🩵
Distracted pt. 2 -- Cardio 🏃🏻‍♂️
Part 1 Genre: smut | personal trainer!au Pairing: Chanyeol x f.Reader Length: 2.4k Warnings: language | explicit sexual scenes
a/n: i feel like you dont have to read pt 1 if you dont want to, but it does add some context 😇. imma be honest...this was hard asf 😭. im not v confident in writing smut lol i get so nervous 😂 im just a girl ok?!??!! but yeaaah i hope it quenches yall thirsts cause youre obv THIRSTYYYY 💦😂 and if its bad just lie and tell me i did good lmfaoo
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Two days passed before you’re back at the gym. When you found Chanyeol, he informed you it was a cardio day and left you to it.
Your anxiety soared while you struggled to climb the stair master. He told you to do forty minutes, so he must hate you. You were going to have to get a new trainer, huh? Hell, at this rate, a whole new gym! If you’d known this was how your relationship with Chanyeol would be after taking his offer, you would’ve declined it. Better yet, he should’ve never offered in the first place!
Personally, you didn’t regret what happened. It felt like the shaken bottle of your shared desire finally exploded. Actually, you did have one regret, and that was the fact you’d had only a taste—literally for Chanyeol—of that desire.
Still, you understood if Chanyeol had any qualms about the situation. He was your trainer after all. Eating your client out on company time probably wasn’t the best move. The distance he was currently giving you was telling. He rarely made you do cardio, and when you did it was for warm up. Was this his way of telling you that was a one-off thing? Was he silently hoping you wouldn’t show up? Despite the burning in your thighs, you pressed on even harder, needing a distraction from your racing thoughts.
“Too much?” The deep voice caused your lower abdomen to burn. Checking behind you, you saw Chanyeol moseying in your direction. Your forty minutes was up and you were now dragging your stiff legs to the locker room.
“I’ve never been on that thing longer than five minutes,” you whined. “And I might’ve pushed myself too hard. My thighs feel like they’re about to pop.”
He winced and followed you into the room. You plopped onto a bench with a sigh, closing your eyes and tilting your head back as you relished in your relief.
Your body tensed back up at the sensation of hands on your calf. You whipped your head forward, eyes sprang open to the vision of Chanyeol kneeling in front of you.
“What are—oh!” Your question turned into a moan as his thick fingers started messaging your sore muscles.
“We don’t want them to get too sore, now do we?” He murmured, focused entirely on your legs.
You melted under his hands and fought the little sensual sounds his innocent touch elicited from you. He worked on your calves first, slowly venturing higher to your painfully tight thighs. You knew he had to feel the goosebumps prickling your skin in answer to his ministrations, but he remained silent as he worked, and you wondered if this was his attempt at an apology. Well, you’d take it. It felt way too good not to.
“I’ve never done a day of straight cardio,” you said, breeching the topic of your concern.
Chanyeol sighed heavily. “I thought it would be best for today….”
“So that you could leave me alone?” You questioned.
“Yes,” he admitted. “But not for the reason you’re thinking.”
“How do you know what I’m thinking?”
He finally lifted his head and your breath caught at the sight. Chanyeol looking up at you from between your legs had your last shared memory come to mind, where he was in a very similar position.
A grin lifted a corner of his mouth, as if he knew where your mind had gone, and it only proved the point he was about to make.
“If your pouting throughout your workout was any indicator, I imagine you think I regret what happened between us.”
A thrill shot through you at the word: us. You tried your best to hide your pleasure before the man in front of you could notice.
“You don’t?” You asked. “Because I understand if you do. I don’t want you to get in trouble. I can get a new trainer or even go to a diff—ow!”
He’d put too much pressure on a particularly sore spot. He threw you a deceptively innocent look. “There was a knot.”
You scoffed. He ignored you, answering your question instead. “As much as I appreciate the sentiment, there’s no need to do that. Just because I licked your pussy doesn’t mean I can’t be professional.”
Your fingers curled around the bench as a wave of arousal swept over you. You let out a breathless laugh. “That’s a very professional thing to say.”
He shrugged. “If you want a different trainer, I won’t stop you. I did cross a line.”
He switched thighs. “But I’m hoping you don’t.”
That shocked you. He was avoiding your stare, concentrating on the thigh he was rubbing. You could sense the sincerity of his words, his vulnerability. You knew you weren’t going to trade trainers. It was only the doubt on his end that spurred the suggestion in the first place.
He peeked up at you, his fingers dangerously close to your now throbbing apex.
“Because I like you.”
You blanched. “You do?!”
He laughed at you. “How can I not? You’re silly—”
“I beg your pardon?”
“—And pretty, and mean—”
“When have I ever been mean to you?” You asked skeptically.
“You haven’t heard the way you talk to me at the end of core day. Plus, you have a glare that could scare the devil.”
That made your back straighten with pride. “Damn right I do.”
“It’s sexy,” he assured. “Everything about you is sexy, it’s unfair. And the most unfair thing of all?”
He bent his head down and pressed his lips to your knee. The tender action trapped your breath in your lungs. He peeked up at you from under his lashes. “You taste just like honey.”
“I do?” You choked out.
He nodded, pressing another kiss above his last. “It’s all I can think about. That’s the reason I sent you off to cardio. I feared I wouldn’t be able to control myself from begging you for another taste.”
He bit the fat of your thigh, dragging his teeth over the tender flesh. The sharp sting of his teeth had you gasping, your hips rolling slightly.
“I knew I’d end up here,” he groaned to himself. He stared up at you with pleading eyes. “So, can I? Taste you again? Let me make up for torturing you today, hmm?”
He kissed up your thigh. When he reached the joint of your hip, you shoved him hard enough for him to fall backwards. He caught himself from sprawling on the floor and looked at you in bewilderment. For a brief moment, you acknowledged that your workouts with him had been paying off if you could knock him over now.
“No?” He repeated as if he’d misheard you.
Smirking, you crossed a leg over the other. “I think I deserve a bigger reward. For all my efforts today.”
He didn’t comprehend at first, but then understanding flashed on his face. Still, he remained silent, reluctant to answer in case he was wrong.
“What do you think?” You urged. Your gaze flickered to his crotch and a low grumble rumbled from within his chest.
“If you think that’s what you deserve….”
“I do.”
“Then it’s yours.”
You bit your lip in excitement as he stood up. He hovered over you, reaffirming just how big he was. You’d have to tilt your head allllll the way back to look into his eyes. You wouldn’t know though, because you were too busy reaching for the band of his shorts, thankful that all you had to do was pull them down.
He grabbed your hands before you could yank the offensive barrier off.
“So eager,” he chuckled. You quickly swallowed the whine you were about to let out, refusing to prove another of his points. You decided a glare would send a better message.
“Scary.” He pretended to quake in fear before cupping your chin, tilting your head up as he bent down to bring your lips together for a passionate kiss. It’s wet and all tongue, as if he was settling on these lips to satiate his yearning.   
You made out for a while, until you grew impatient. You wanted to return the favor for last time. You’d tried, after he tore an intense orgasm from you, you’d reached for his shorts just as you had now, and he’d stopped you then as well. He’d promised that eating you out was enough, but it’d left you longing for him.
With him distracted by your mouth, you slithered your hands back to the band of his shorts and slowly dragged them to his mid-thigh. The action made him pull away so that he could narrow his eyes at you accusingly. It made you laugh, but the sight of his dick took away your humor. There was nothing funny about that. You grew intimidated by the size as it bounced in front of your face.
“What?” he asked, sounding rather smug. “Having second thoughts, Sweetie?”
“Absolutely not.” You wasted no more time putting Chanyeol into your mouth the best you could. Your determination made him chuckle, but the feeling of your tongue swiping across his sensitive skin left him groaning. Tears blurred your vision from your effort, but it didn’t deter you. Chanyeol soon took the reins, holding himself up with one hand against the lockers behind you, his other hand holding the back of your head to keep it steady so that he could fuck himself into your mouth.
“That’s it, pretty girl,” he huffed. He decided to test your limits by shoving himself in until your nose pressed against his pelvis. Immediately, you’re gagging around him and his head fell back. “I knew you could take all of me. So good. You feel so good. Shit.”
You couldn’t help but moan from his praises, fighting the urge to play with yourself. The sound vibrated around him, causing his hips to jerk, sinking deeper into you.
He dragged himself out. “Shit. I need to be in you.”
“Fucking finally,” you coughed.
He barked a laugh. “Hey, you’re the one who wanted to suck me off.”
“True.” You sighed dreamily. He shook his head and started undressing. You followed suite, eager to get to the main event.
When you’re standing in front of him completely naked, he took a few steps back to get a good look. “Fuck, you are so beautiful.”
The compliment made you light up. It was so genuine and sweet, it made you want to please him even more. “Then touch me.”
He obliged you straightaway. Large hands roamed your body, lips wandered the expanse of your neck and chest before settling on your lips.
Without breaking the kiss, Chanyeol lifted you up to lay you gently on the bench. It wasn’t the most comfortable, but it would have to do. He slid you towards the edge where he stood and practically squatted to line himself up to you.
“Are you sure you want this?” He asked. He rubbed his cock against your soaked pussy distractedly as he awaited your consent.
You nodded quickly. “Yes. Dear god, yes, Chanyeol! I want this. I want you.”
“You want me?” You asked, teasingly.
“So bad,” you babbled. “Please. Please fuck me. Fuck me, Chanyeol. Now. Shit.”
His smile was so large, you swore you could see all of his teeth. “If you insist.”
Then he’s pushing into you. The stretch had your jaw dropping, had you holding onto the bench for dear life as he found a steady rhythm. His dick had you feeling crazy. Every thrust pushed a moan out your throat, as your head snapped from one side to the other, and words unintelligently left your swollen lips. All you could register in your lust ridden mind was him and the intense pleasure he selflessly gave. You’d never experienced anything like it. Chanyeol reached into your fucking soul, leaving you quaking from overstimulation. You wanted him to stop, needed a moment to gather yourself, but he wasn’t allowing you a moment of rest. You were too far gone to voice it anyway.
Little did you know, you were also too much for him. Too wet. Too warm. He’d imagined fucking you plenty of times, but the real thing was indescribable. Unlike anything he could’ve conjured up. You were beyond anything he could’ve conjured. “So perfect. You’re so perfect for me, Angel.”
He gathered you into his embrace, holding your damp body tightly against his own. Lifting you slightly off the bench, he picked up his pace. Your tortured sounds were now directly in his ear, tantalizing him. His strokes grew messy, fueled by a desperation that bridged onto the animalistic.
“I’m gonna come,” you urgently warned, but it wasn’t enough time. You were violently cumming as soon as you finished speaking. Your mouth fell open in a silent scream as you stiffened in Chanyeol’s arms. Toes and fingers curled as your head fell back, eyes rolling. You started squeezing him so damn tight he could barely move inside you.
“Oh fuck,” he muttered, barely having enough time to pull out. He came on your lower stomach in intense spurts that had his hips jerking hard.
Depleted, he fell to his knees, unable to hold himself up any longer. His head rested against your thigh as he fought to catch his breath.
“Holy hell,” he groaned. “You’re fucking amazing.”
You’d been staring unseeingly at the ceiling since he pulled out, but his words brought you back to reality. “I think you killed me.”
He chuckled and spanked your thigh playfully. “Hurry up and shower. I owe you dinner.”
You struggled into a sitting position so that you could see him. He had a content lazy grin on his face, eyes nearly closed as he leaned against you looking so cute your heart started to ache. Feeling sentimental, you started combing your fingers through his sweaty hair. “Like a date?”
He became thoughtful, lifting a finger to play with his cum dripping down your belly. His touch reignited your desire instantly, but you brushed it off.
“I would like it to be, yes.”
You’re absolutely beaming. “Okay. I’ll hurry.”
He backed away so that you could get up to head to the showers. Right before you entered, you turned to him. “Aren’t you going to join me?”
He jumped off the floor, trailing after you with a mischievous grin. “And here I thought you hated cardio.”
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bendycxmet · 5 months
Pent-Up—Nicholas D. Wolfwood
Summary: Wolfwood has been waiting for you all day. Plus, he's horny.
Pairing: gn!reader x Wolfwood
Content: smut (18+ MDNI), oral (reader receiving), maybe a lil nasty if you count not showering immediately when you get home, dry humping, desperation, wolfwood is horny and a lil dirty pervert, i tried to make this as gender neutral as possible
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with a heavy sigh, you shoulder your way into your and Wolfwood's apartment. the door shuts noisily behind you as you collapse your whole weight against it, alerting your boyfriend to your late arrival from work. wherever he is.
you groan, upset he's nowhere to be seen. you really needed a hug from him. immediately.
you throw your bag onto the ground, relieving yourself of some of the heavy burden that's been on your shoulders since leaving your workplace. toeing off your shoes, you make your way into the kitchen to look for a much needed snack.
"wolfwood??" no response.
"wolfie~?" you start to tease, knowing he despises but secretly loves your nicknames for him.
"...woowoo?" you try one last time. that's definitely gonna get him to you.
closing the fridge, you peek around to the hallway, finally noting the doors are all closed. is he not home?
you're quickly proven wrong, the door to your shared bedroom flying open, steam flowing to the ceiling from the bathroom off to the side. Wolfwood stands in the doorway, a surprised look on his face.
"wolfwood! i knew that last one would get you. sorry i got home so late. busy day yanno. did you just take a shower? a bit late isn't it?" you remark to him, turning your eyes back to the kitchen, navigating your snack options.
"how-" he clears his throat. "how was your day darling?" he breathily asks.
you look towards him, eyebrow raised. you take in his appearance, from his heaving chest, to his hand gripping the doorframe, and finally to his boxers. he's only in his boxers, a tent evident in the front.
"uh, it's not that important. it's whatever. are you ok?"
he growls at you, taking steps towards where you stand in the kitchen, grabbing at your hands.
"I've been alone all day, missing my sweetheart, and the first conversation we have, they won't even tell me about their day? the day that's kept them so busy... away from me?"
you gulp at the gravelly tone he's speaking with.
"Wolfie... what's gotten into you?"
"oh honey, a guy has needs. and today, i was feeling a little... abandoned. with my issue down there." he moves your hand to cup him, gasping when you feel how hard he is. he's been pent up for hours.
he moans, squeezing his eyes as he pushes your hand away. "I've missed you too much." he sinks to his knees, hands wrapping around your hips to keep you in place.
"wolf-" your knees buckle slightly when he noses your crotch. "wolfwood! wait! i haven't had the chance to shower! I'm all sweaty and gross." you whine.
his chuckle vibrates into your pelvis.
"when I asked you about your day, i want to know about all of it." you shudder at his implications, hand shooting out to grip the counter as he grabs your bottoms, pushing down both your underwear and pants.
your other hand knots itself into his dark waves when you feel his hot breath hit you. a deep groan rumbles through him.
"yeah you better hold on tight baby. I've been waiting for this all day. not even a hot shower could clear my head of you."
with that, he dives in, desperately sucking in a mouthful of you. you cry out, your fingers tightening in his hair. he puts his tongue to work, licking you vigorously.
you pry your eyes open, haze settling over you as pleasure courses through every nerve ending. you wanted to see what was down below you, rarely seeing wolfwood on his knees for you.
maybe you could die happy in that moment, knowing wolfwood would always worship you like this.
a long lick up your most intimate area causes you to hiss, your body stepping backwards to get away from the overwhelming sensation. wolfwood doesn't like that.
he pulls away, an angry downturn in his eyebrows. he wraps his large hands further around you waist and pushes you against the fridge. now there was no space left for you to shy away from his affections. his hand snaps against your backside, causing you to yelp.
"stay." he demands, a finality layering his command.
wolfwood returns to you with newfound determination. perhaps as punishment for keeping him waiting so long today. his hands comes backto your backside, squeezing, humming his appreciation of the nectar that flows from between your legs. you whimper, feeling your lower stomach beginning to burn, signaling the end. he brings his hips closer to your leg. you feel the wetness of his pants, the twitching of his cock. so he was getting off to this. what a pervert.
you give him some relief, pushing your leg harshly against his cock. he moans his thanks into you, hips moving against you.
"baby, i won't last much longer," you manage to get out between stuttering breaths, his tongue making it hard to concentrate on the sentences formulating in your head.
he hums, knowing exactly what'll get you to your peak. his hands move to play with you, stroking you gently, the opposite of how his tongue was treating you. your hips begin to buck, breath hitching as the coil in your stomach tightens.
his lips suddenly reach your most sensitive spot, lips wrapping and sucking harshly around the area. you moan loudly into the kitchen, body rigid as your orgasm courses through you. the fog in your brain clears just enough for you to catch the hitch in wolfwoods panting, hips pressing roughly into your leg. your knees shake, threatening to take you to the ground.
wolfwood of course would never let that happen. he grabs you, pulling you down to his level, letting you catch your breath against his shoulder. he pets your hair, kissing the side of your face.
"so rough day huh?"
"you have no idea." you reach your hand down to graze your fingers against the incredibly wet spot on his boxers. "looks like I wasnt the only one having it rough."
he laughs roughly, pulling you up until you're standing.
"let's just call it a tie. shower?"
"never without you~" you peck his cheek, pulling him towards the bathroom.
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divider by saradika
a/n: look i just remembered someone talking about their fav eating them out pre shower and I immediately thought of wolfwood. that man can get down and dirty. also this is written so late at night for me so forgive me for any errors. i need to go to bed
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justcallmefox89 · 4 months
Gale and the Gith: Chapter Sixteen - After the Creche
They've made it out of the creche safely, but nothing is the same.
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The journey back to camp is frantic as Gale and Astarion struggle to carry an unconscious X’aa’nath between them. Lae’zel silently forges ahead, refusing to even look in the general direction of her injured kin.  Gale has never been a particularly violent man, but Lae’zel’s indifference towards X’aa’nath has him itching to cast a well-placed fireball in her direction.
Karlach is the first to spot them and quickly jogs over, effortlessly hoisting X’aa’nath in her arms.
“Oh thank the gods,” Astarion groans, rolling his shoulders.  “I never realized someone so thin could weigh so much.”
“What happened to Soldier?” Karlach asks, casting a worried eye at the handprint shaped bruised on X’aa’nath’s cheek and the dried blood from his earlier nosebleed.  Her eyes flick to the others, taking in their similarly bedraggled states.  “The creche wasn’t interested in helping huh?”
“X’aa’nath failed us all,” Lae’zel snarls.  “Now my kin hunt us, and I have been named hshar’lak.”
“Gods not this again,” Astarion whines, tilting his head back and closing his eyes in exasperation.
“Lies,” Gale seethes.  “He saved us.”
“Yes, you would take up for him… wouldn’t you?”  Lae’zel sneers at the wizard.
The orb flares in his chest but the pain is secondary to the anger he’s currently feeling.  “You egotistical, stubborn, vindictive harpy,” he growls, stepping closer to Lae’zel.  “Be grateful that X’aa’nath still carries some fondness for you, because if it was up to me I would have left you rotting in that creche with the rest of your kin.”
“Ok then,” Karlach says loudly, interrupting the pair.  “I’m just going to uh, have Halsin take a peek at Soldier.  The rest of you should probably pay Shadowheart a visit… you look like hell.”
She adjusts X’aa’nath’s limp body in her arms and jogs back towards the others, calling for Halsin.
Gale and Lae’zel remain locked in a silent starring contest, neither willing to concede.  Astarion looks on warily, unsure if he should intervene. 
Gale is the first to break the silence.  “Do not speak to him.  Do not speak of him.  Do not even look in his direction.”
Lae’zel snorts out an incredulous laugh.  “Are you threatening me, wizard?”
The orb flashes brightly, it’s eerie purple glow echoed in the depths of Gale’s usually brown eyes.  “Yes.”
One final look of contempt and Gale turns to quickly follow Karlach, Astarion tagging at his heels, leaving Lae’zel alone.  When the two reach camp they find X’aa’nath has already been laid on his bedroll, Shovel tucked against his chest with their tail wrapped around one of his arms. Scratch lays over his legs, whining softly while the owlbear cub curls up against his back.  Astarion touches Gale’s shoulder in a rare show of camaraderie before exhaustedly trudging towards his own tent.
Halsin sits next to the fire, observing X’aa’nath with a slight frown of concentration on his face.  Gale is surprised to see that the sorcerer’s eyes are now open, blankly staring off into the distance.
“How is he?” Gale asks quietly, settling down next to Halsin with a small groan.
“He’s severely overextended his magic.  I’ve seen others much more experienced than him perish using magic in such a way.  Oak Father be praised that he didn’t lose control of himself.”  The druid falls silent.
“Why do I sense a ‘but’ on the tip of your tongue?”
Halsin grins faintly.  “Physically X’aa’nath is well, aside from a few small injuries that were easy enough to heal.  But his soul feels… unsettled.  Pained.  And that can only heal with time.”
“Time,” Gale echoes softly.  “I can only hope that we have enough.”
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pimosworld · 1 year
The story of us chapter 7
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Pairing-Triple Frontier boys x f!reader
Chapter summary-Santiago is forced to make a decision.
CW- 18+,MDNI,Explicit. A link will be posted going forward to avoid spoilers.
Notes-See series master list for full story notes. This is the chapter that started it all. Santiago the final boss. Also mentioned is hc that Pope has a nightlight thanks to @melodygatesauthor link.
[Series Masterlist][Main Masterlist]
Not beta read
Chapter VII Weak in the knees
You stretch comfortably relishing in the softness of your sheets. Rarely do you have the chance to indulge in uninterrupted slumber. You know all too well the nightmares that plague you and your boys from years in the service and the events in Colombia. 
  Your ex never had much of a tolerance for helping you through them, often jostling you awake to stop your soft whines. Being horribly ripped from your nightmares was better than having to sleep through them when he opted to head to the couch instead. 
  Despite sleeping alone, it was much more peaceful knowing you had someone who truly cared for you. As though the universe could read your mind you can feel the light buzz of your phone under your pillow. Your stomach flutters at the prospect of which one could be calling you this early in the morning. 
  Ben’s face lights up your screen, a photo you took of him after his first knockout win, you’ve never seen him happier than he was in that moment. Surrounded by all the people he loved most doing the thing he was so passionate about. 
  Good morning honey. You want to scream into your pillow at his sleepy deep voice but you calm your nerves and do your best to reply. 
  “Good morning babe.” 
  If you call me babe again I’m driving over there right now. It’s not surprising that you’re having the same effect on him but it makes you happy all the same.
  Listen I know it’s last minute but I wanted to invite you to my fight tonight. It’s out of town so we’re spending the night.
  “Sorry I promised some coworkers I’d go out tonight for their birthday.” 
  Be safe please and call Santi if you need anything. 
  “Oh…he’s not going with you?”
  No it’s just me,Fish and Will. Santi said he was busy but he’s probably just gonna sulk in his apartment. 
  You decide not to pry into what that means. You knew he needed his space from time to time so it wasn’t out of the ordinary.
  “Good luck tonight babe. I’ll see you guys when you get back.” You giggle at the groan he lets out on the other end.
  You’re a tease, you know that. 
  You hang up smiling down at your phone. You know the two of you could spend an ungodly amount of time talking about nothing and arguing about who should hang up first. You roll over clutching the phone to your chest wondering how you got so lucky. Maybe this was just a dream that you’d wake up from one day but for now you’d enjoy it in whatever form it came.
  You don’t remember the last time you had this much fun dancing. It was true that you had neglected several relationships in lieu of that asshole and you were grateful that you hadn’t completely ruined those connections. 
  You’re on the dance floor with the birthday girl and a few other coworkers when you glance over at the bar. The floor feels like it’s going to give out as all the air leaves your lungs. Maybe it was the drinks or your mind playing cruel tricks on you but you swear you saw your ex.
  “You ok hon.” Angela yells over the music in your ear bringing you back to the moment. 
  “Ya…I think I just need to sit down for a minute.” You walk to the table on shaky legs as you try and get a grip on reality. 
  You needed to calm down, it probably wasn’t him. Even if it was, he had every right to be in this public place. You’re trying to silence the alarm bells in your brain telling you he was following you. Ptsd does horrible things to your mental state. You’re trying to remember some of the things Will told you. Ground yourself, 4 things you can touch,3 things you can hear,2 things you can smell, 1 thing you can taste. 
  This is quite possibly the worst place to ground yourself. All you can feel is the stickiness of the table in front of you, you can’t hear anything beyond the music and the loud voices echoing over it. The smell of cheap liquor and heavy cologne permeate your senses and the last thing you want to taste right now is the watered down drink that was left unattended while you were dancing.
  Your chest is getting tight and the bar seems to be darker than it was 5 minutes ago. You have to get out of here.
  You don’t want to bother Santi and you don’t think you could even wait long enough for him to arrive before you pass out from a full blown panic attack.
  You pull out your phone to call an Uber and head outside as you text your friends that you were feeling sick and had to leave. You hover close to the bouncer outside as you wait briefly for it to arrive.
  The humid air outside does nothing to calm your nerves as the small black sedan pulls up and you double check the license plate to make sure it’s your driver. 
  You take the first deep breath in a while as you enter the car and an older woman offers you her name and smiles. 
  You can feel the soft cloth seats beneath your fingers and the cool metal of the buckle as you secure your seatbelt. You set your phone and purse down beside you as you rest your head back against the seat. You can hear the ac blasting, the sounds of the soft jazz on her radio, the thrumming of the car's engine. It smells like a new car and her fresh pine air freshener she has hanging on the rear view mirror. 
  “I have some water in a cooler back there if you want some hon.” You open your eyes and try to choke back the tears that have been threatening to spill since you left the bar. It’s not like she knew your nickname, it's just a term of endearment. 
  “Thank you.” You gratefully accept the water as your panic subsides, thanking whoever out there sent your guardian angel to pick you up. 
  You don’t know when you closed your eyes again but a bright flashing light startles you awake. You can tell you’re almost home as you try and gain your bearings but the vehicle behind you is so close it’s impossible to see.
  “Excuse my language but this person is driving like an asshole.” You chuckle at the older woman’s response as the car pulls around you speeding aggressively by. 
  “Almost home hon…” She smiles sweetly to you in the mirror as you try to school your expression. You’d recognize that truck anywhere and suddenly your suspicions from the bar were all but confirmed. 
Just pick up the phone and call her, if only it were that simple for Santiago as he sits alone in his apartment staring down at the blank phone screen like it’s going to spontaneously call you. 
Will's words echoed in his mind, playing on a constant loop. Why was he denying himself happiness? That stubborn part of his brain always goes to the worst case scenario. If it doesn’t work out he could lose you forever. 
Somehow he forgets how many times he’s been here before with you. He won’t admit to the guys how many times you’ve waded into that territory. You confessed your love so many times only to be met with his stupid avoidances or the casual ‘ love you too’. 
Everything was different after Colombia, after that night you spent in the hotel just holding each other. No words were spoken but feelings were exchanged. In true Santiago fashion you returned to the states and he acted as if nothing had happened. You didn’t want to admit how much it broke you. 
He was always running from his feelings but he kept your heart on a string from the moment you met. The string would get closer or further away depending on how he was feeling but that was the closest it’s been to snapping. 
He could say what he wanted about the other guys but he broke the rules more than anyone. Always toting the line of no one can have you if I can’t. He never made an attempt over the years to like your boyfriends, it didn’t bother you much, you knew how protective he was in more ways than one. 
You however would do your best to like his girlfriends or the ones that actually stuck around for more than a month. He would find some excuse to break it off when she started getting too close to the group. Any serious relationship threatening what you had made him feel uneasy. 
Little did you know he could never have someone he loved so close to someone he was pretending to love. 
After Colombia he thought you were just coping like you usually did. Find some shitty guy for a few weeks to occupy your mind and then everything would go back to the way it was. You stopped responding to texts, stopped showing up to the bar, stopped showing up to Benny's fights. Maybe this time he finally pushed you over the edge. Into the arms of someone unworthy of your love and genuine kindness. 
He could call himself a hypocrite for even having these thoughts. He was too stubborn for that. He couldn’t see that he was being just as shitty to you as any of the guys you’ve dated. He wouldn’t commit but he wouldn’t let you get far enough to forget that he was an option. 
Why couldn’t he just say he loved you? 
The night before they confronted Mike was the first panic attack he’d had in a very long time. His chest  was growing tighter each time he couldn’t see you, his emotions threatening to boil over and affecting his daily life. He couldn’t focus or think about anything besides you. 
He didn’t regret coming over, but everyday since then not telling you how he truly felt was making the gaping hole in his heart even bigger. He convinced himself that he would just bide his time until the whole thing blew up in their faces. Now seeing you all so happy including Will he was starting to feel like an outcast. 
Incoming call
“Santi…I didn’t know who else to call.” Your frantic voice on the other line has him in full blown panic.
“Are you okay, what’s happening?” Silence on the other end. His feet are taking him out the door before he knows what’s happening. 
“Talk to me cariño.” 
“I’m sorry I dropped my phone…I was out with some friends and I thought I saw him at the bar but I couldn’t be sure but just now I think he drove by my house.”He can hear your sniffles and heavy breathing and the faint sound of keys. 
“Are you sure?” He doesn’t even need to ask who you’re referring to. 
“Santiago, have you seen his truck!” Of course the most obnoxious monstrosity known to man that screams I’m a douchebag. 
“Yes I’m sorry, I’m on my way right now, stay put.”
“I’m coming to you-.”
“No, you’ve been drinking, make sure the doors are locked and grab your gun. I’ll be there in 5 minutes.” You know he lives at least ten minutes away but you don’t doubt he’ll be here in 5.
“Stay on the phone with me please.” You’ve never heard him so desperate in your life. You almost feel bad for calling him until you see the signature camo wrap truck slowly driving by your house. 
You run to your room and open the closet, placing your finger on the lock box where your gun is held. It’s always loaded but you never thought you might have to use it on someone you know. 
In all your years of training, an elite special ops soldier. The first time in your life not being looked at as a woman who managed to climb this high but a person with a certain skill set that was unmatched for most. You had the steadiest hands but right now your hands are shaking as you stare at the gun knelt in your closet. 
You can hear the front door open and you quickly place the gun back in the lock box. His heavy footsteps echo down the hall as he reaches your room before you can stand from your floor. 
He drops to his knees as he grabs you, pulling you into him. 
“Santi your knees.” He sits back surveying you as if you were an illusion in front of him. 
“I don’t give a shit about my knees, are you okay?” 
Your immediate reaction is to say no, no you’re not okay because all you want to do right now is kiss him and that would be highly inappropriate given the current circumstances. 
“Yes…I’m fine.Can you stay with me tonight?”
You can see the wheels turning in his head. Is he contemplating what you just asked or questioning why he’s even here in the first place?
“No…we should go to my place. He doesn’t know where I live and I would sleep better if we weren’t here.” 
You don’t take long to grab a few things and head out. Santi double and triple checking that he locked your door as you make your way to his jeep. Your street is eerily quiet as you look it over wondering if he was bold enough to drive down it. 
He opens the door for you as you briefly lock eyes. There’s so much unspoken between the two of you, you haven’t been alone with him in months and you can feel the tension rolling off your body. 
He holds your hand the entire way to his apartment. He can barely keep his eyes on the road as he stares back and forth between you and the rearview mirror. As much as you enjoyed being in his company you couldn’t escape the nagging feeling of him ignoring you for days. 
“I’m going to put up some extra surveillance outside your house this week. It would make me feel better.” 
You contemplated your next words. Arguing with them when they had their mind set on something never went well for you and you didn’t want to push him away for being helpful. 
“Thank you, I would really appreciate it.” He looks over at you like he half expected you to protest and now he’s stuck. There was no rebuttal, no back and forth. You simply just agreed to let him help you. 
Maybe it was the horrible lighting in Santi’s spare bathroom or the fact that you were crying and smeared your makeup before he got to your house, but you’ve definitely looked better. 
You splash some water on your face and fix your hair as best you could. Your nerves were shot from the events of the night and being here in his apartment with this tension boiling below the surface has you a little on edge. In your panic you didn’t realize you grabbed one of his shirts to change into along with your sleep shorts. 
It would have to do since you couldn’t spend the rest of the night in your dress and the world's most uncomfortable bra. You give yourself a final once over before stepping out into the living room. He was seated on the couch with his arm draped over the back and his legs spread wide in a relaxed state. 
You thought he might want to go to bed with how late it was and you would just sleep on the couch but you can feel your heart rate picking up at the prospect of actually getting to talk to him. 
He turns around as he senses you, his body tenses slightly as his eyes trail down your form. He doesn’t know if you’ve always been this beautiful or if it’s you in his shirt, legs exposed and fresh faced. Emerging from his bathroom smiling at him like it’s some domesticated thing you do everyday. 
“If you’re tired you can sleep in my bed but we can watch a movie if you want to stay up a little.” His eyes flit back and forth between your face and your body. 
“First of all I’d love to watch a movie and second of all I’m not taking your bed Santiago.” He lets out a frustrated sigh as he pats the space next to him. 
“How many of my shirts have you stolen?”
“Borrowed…a few.” You sit next to him just close enough to touch legs but still giving him space.
“So which Star Wars are we watching this time?” He leans forward to grab the remote and pulls you into his side as he gets comfortable again. 
“Empire strikes back?” You knew that wasn’t his favorite but you figured tonight he was either feeling sorry for you or extremely generous. 
“Fine…only because I love you .” He didn’t mean it like that so just calm down. 
You watch the movie as you usually do-with much commentary from Santi about how messed up the order is and if he was a Jedi he would have more self control. Blah blah blah. You’ve heard it a thousand times but it still makes you laugh with how serious he is about it. 
His heart is aching for you, as you genuinely laugh at his jokes that he knows he’s bored you with before. Your giggles echo through his body as your head is laid on his chest. All the worries of the night or the next day melting away with every minute that passes you by. 
If every night was like this he could die a happy man. You curled up next to him, in his shirt,going to sleep in his bed…with him. Except it’s not, he’s fantasizing about things that aren’t real, it’s almost too much as you look up at him sweetly. Your lips are so close to his as his breath fans hot against yours. Why can’t he just shut his brain off. 
He stands abruptly from the couch almost knocking you over. You watch him stomp towards the kitchen unsure of what just transpired. You were certain he was going to kiss you. How could you have misread that?
You were sick of this tip toeing around him and dealing with his mood swings. You traipsed after him determined to figure this out. 
“Is everything okay?” He’s facing away from you as he grips the counter top staring out the kitchen window into the darkness. 
“No.” His hands shake slightly as he grabs a glass to fill with water from the tap. 
“Is there anything I can do to help?” 
“No.” You didn’t think the tension boiling over all night would result in this but you’ve had it with him. 
“What’s your problem Pope?!” He turns to look at you, his pupils are blown wide and you’ve only ever seen him look like this on intense missions. 
“You!…you’re my problem.” You’re trying desperately to swallow the lump in your throat,fighting back the tears that he did not get to see you shed. 
“Maybe I should go.I don’t want to ruin your night any further.” You turn to head towards the bathroom to gather your things. This was a mistake calling him,you pushed your luck thinking this would work. 
“You know what there is something you can do for me.” He’s practically yelling as you spin on your heels. 
“Please enlighten me.”
He stalks towards you until you’re backed against the wall. His face is so close to yours as he places his hands beside your head, his chest is heaving against you as you search his eyes for an answer. 
“You can stop looking at me like that, stop being so perfect, stop wearing those jeans that make your ass look great-.”
“Santiago.” He places his fingers on your lips.
“Stop saying my name like a goddamn prayer.” His eyes are feral and you don’t chance interrupting him again because his brain might catch up with his mouth and he’ll stop saying everything you’ve wanted to hear since the day you met him.
“Stop consuming my sleep and waking thoughts.” He drops his forehead to yours as he tries to catch his breath. “Stop making me love you.” His eyes are so tightly shut it pains you.
“Stop anticipating my every move because you can read me like a fucking book.” You bring your hands to his face willing him to look at you. 
You don’t even remember when your tears started flowing. “Santi I love you too.”
“Just stop.” His voice is hoarse and barely above a whisper. 
“Listen to me, I love you.” He finally lets the damn break as he takes in your words. You kiss his cheeks and taste the salty tears rolling down. 
“I won’t stop doing any of those things, because I love-.”
He cuts your words off with a bruising kiss as he cups the back of your neck. The forceful yet tender pressure of his lips against yours sends a jolt of electricity through your body.
“Tell me what you want cariño.” He pants into your mouth as you both steal breaths from each other.
“I want you.”
“You’ve had me for longer than you know.” 
Your fingers trace the outline of his jaw as you hang in this moment. The anticipation in the air is palpable as he grabs your hand and leads you down the dimly lit hallway. Each step feels like a heartbeat, synchronized with the rush of emotion coursing through you. 
As you enter his bedroom the soft glow of his night light casts shadows among the room. You can still make out his sickeningly beautiful face as he traces a delicate path down your arm, leaving goosebumps in its wake.
He grabs the hem of your shirt slowly raising it up above your stomach and you take a deep breath as he pulls it over your head. Your nipples harden as they’re exposed to the cold air of the room and he inhales sharply. 
“You’re beautiful.” 
“I want to see you.” He quickly removes his shirt revealing his tan toned body. Your fingertips lightly trace the scars across his chest that you’ve seen so many times before. 
He dips his head to your neck,his lips ghost over your pulse point as he hooks his fingers in the waistband of your shorts. As he slides them down he drags his tongue along your chest, kissing the valley between your breasts as he comes face to face with your mound. 
You silently curse yourself that he’s on his knees again for you but you’re only momentarily upset as he lifts your leg over his shoulder. Your breathing has picked up as he places soft kisses along your thigh. He growls at the sight of your dripping folds as his finger teases through your slit. 
He licks a stripe so slow your knees almost buckle but he has a firm grip on your thigh. You whimper above him and grip his hair as he blows cold air onto your exposed mound. 
He laps at you hungrily as his tongue circles your clit. You’re soaking his face as he licks and sucks like it’s the only thing he’s wanted in the world. He can tell you’re close as your grip tightens in his hair pulling him into you. 
“Santiago-“ Your name on his lips while he’s buried in your cunt has his cock straining in his jeans.
“Say it again.” 
“Santiago…please.” His nose grinds against your clit as his tongue prods your entrance,you’re a whimpering mess as you gush into his mouth. He lets out a deep groan into your pussy taking down every drop as you fight to stay standing. 
He grips your hips as he lowers your leg,he stands before you crashing his lips to yours as he licks your bottom lip. You can taste yourself on his tongue and it’s primal the way it makes you feel. He’s all over you like you could change your mind at any moment and he wants to claim as much as he can before it’s over. 
His eyes go wide as you push him back onto the bed. You wondered how often he let himself relinquish control and the sight of him laid out in front of you has a fresh wave of slick coating your thighs. 
You slowly unbuckle his jeans as he lifts his hips for you, never breaking eye contact. His thick cock bobs against his stomach as you pull his jeans and boxers off. You’re practically drooling as you run your hands up his thighs. He shivers beneath you as you take him in your hand stroking him lazily. You trail your thumb at the tip collecting the precum steadily leaking out.
He’s gripping the sheets as he lets out a string of English and Spanish curses under his breath. He gently grabs your hand and he looks like he’s fighting with himself to keep it together. 
“Please…I need you.” Santiago Garcia is begging for you. 
You both have done enough teasing for a lifetime and you won’t make him beg any longer. You straddle his thighs on the bed as you line your entrance with his cock. He grips the base and guides you as you sink down onto him. 
You both still for a moment as you catch your breath. He has a firm grip on your waist as you give an experimental roll of your hips. “Oh fuck.” He’s moving you back and forth in rhythm and you’ve never felt so full. You brace your hands on his chest as you pick up the pace. 
You look like a goddess above him as he watches you ride him. Your noises and chants of his name only spur him on further. He sits up wrapping an arm around your waist and you clench down on him hard as he bounces you on his cock. “Fuck this pussy’s so tight.” 
“Santi..oh.. my god.” He’s going to see god if you don’t stop saying his name like that. 
Your arms wrapped around the back of his neck as you drop your head to his shoulder. He thrusts his hips up as he slams you down and your vision goes white as he punches something deep inside. You bite down hard on his shoulder as you come down from your climax sending him over the edge. A loud groan rips through his chest as he buries his face in the crook of your neck. Your pussy clenches with aftershocks as he pulses in your dripping cunt. 
“That was….” He’s panting on your chest as you nod your head. You can’t even begin to attempt words but he knows what you’re feeling. 
You both let out a long sigh that perhaps you’d been holding for an eternity. You both burst out into laughter at the ridiculousness of it all. 
He rolls you over and pulls out, he spreads your legs wide watching your combined spend dripping out of you. You knew he was possessive but this is a side of him that has you wanting more. 
“Stay here,I’ll be right back.” You never thought you’d be in this position as you watch his perfect ass walk towards his bathroom. 
The water runs briefly before he returns with a washcloth, carefully cleaning your thighs and your swollen folds. 
A brief moment of insecurity flashes through you. As if he can sense it, he leans over you planting a soft kiss to your forehead.
“Under the covers miel, we need to get some sleep.” He pats your thigh playfully as you scramble back to get comfortable. 
He slides in next to you, pulling you up on his chest. You can feel the steady thrum of his heartbeat against your cheek as you start to drift off to sleep. 
He can faintly make out your quiet giggles as he struggles to keep his eyes open.
“Something funny?” You shift slightly to look up at him, it’s hard to see in the darkness but he looks so relaxed. 
“Yes…the nightlight I got you.”
“Mhmm.” He rubs your arm trying to stay awake but your soft warm skin pressed against him is winning the battle. 
“I didn’t think you’d use it.” He may not need it anymore if he can have you like this. 
“It helps me in the dark.” Just like you. 
The soft morning light is peeking through the blinds in his room. You look over to see his face buried in the pillow and his arm draped across your stomach.  
The old analog clock he refused to get rid of from your military days says it’s far too early to be getting your day started. You turn over on your side to chase the warmth of his body and hopefully get a few more hours of restful sleep. 
A small folded paper on his nightstand catches your eye. It looks like it’s been handled quite a bit and a black ball point pen is strategically placed next to it. You often wondered what Santiago thought about while sleep eluded him and your curiosity is getting the best of you. 
You slowly reach out trying not to disturb the gorgeous man behind you. Just as your fingers reach it he pulls you back into him. You hold your breath for a moment and then hear the light snores again. 
Of course he made a pros and cons list. 
Not being alone
Shared experiences 
More of your needs met
No boredom
Group sex?
Children? 4?
Living situations 
Outside judgment
Keeping the friendship intact
Splitting your time
Group sex
The list was nothing if not precise and a little funny. You definitely had some questions but it didn’t upset you. Santiago was rational, logical and very analytical. It’s hard to snap out of something that was your job for the better part of your adult life. 
He couldn’t open his heart up without thinking of every possible scenario. That’s what attracted you to them in the first place. They were all so different and you could practically see the wheels turning in his brain. 
You’ve already been partners for years essentially without the sexual aspect. It took a lot of trust to put your life in someone’s hands and you all have done that a hundred times over. The hard part for him it seemed was what came next. 
Everything on both lists makes complete sense. You noticed he crossed out parents since most of you either didn’t have much of a relationship with them or you didn’t care what they thought of your lives. 
“How much of that have you read?” His sleepy voice in your ear startles you. 
“Jesus Christ Santiago.” You roll over to face him as he peers at you through his thick curly lashes. It’s criminal for anyone to look this good first thing in the morning. 
“It seems you’re a thief and nosy.” He kisses your nose as he rolls on top of you, caging you in with his arms.
“I just have a few questions.” You try to focus on his face and not the way his naked body feels on top of you. 
“I’m sure it’s about group sex and children.” You raise your eyebrows at him waiting for him to continue.
“I figured I was jumping the gun on both topics so I took it off the cons list.” 
“We don’t have to figure all of it out on day one.” 
You can see him contemplating and weighing your words. Always thinking. 
“Listen…if you don’t hear from me over the next few weeks,please don’t be upset.” You stare at him confused as a knot begins to form in your stomach. 
“It’s not because I regret any of this cariño, I just need to take care of some things.” He attempts a distraction as he kisses your neck. You love and hate the way your body so easily responds to him as you feel the wetness between your legs. 
You tug on his hair as he growls into your ear. “Why do you always have to be so vague when you don’t want me to know something?”
“Just trust me please…it’s for your protection.” You can tell in his eyes he is being sincere. 
“Well speaking of protection, I'm on birth control. We kind of skipped passed that last night.”
“I wasn’t really worried about it miel.” Your eyes go wide at the revelation. This honest side of Santiago would take some getting used to. 
“I guess I’m not surprised based on the 4 children on the pros list.” He groans again as he drops his head to your shoulder.
“Please don’t mention that to anyone.”
“Not a chance, Daddy Santi.” His body betrays him as you feel his bulge pressed against you growing harder. 
He instinctively grinds his hips into yours eliciting a soft moan from your lips. You wrap your legs around his waist as he kisses you slow and deep, his hard cock dragging through your dripping folds.The memory of the previous night sparking something between you. 
“You know…we could always pretend we’re trying.” You want to roll your eyes at how alike they all are the great pretenders.
You don’t mind spending the rest of the morning pretending until you have to pry yourselves from the bed.
After breakfast he takes you home with promises of what the future holds. You decided to borrow the list, keeping it tucked away for safekeeping. 
Your phone buzzes on your bathroom countertop as you step out of the shower. 
Santiago: We need to talk about honey.
You just dropped me off?
Francisco:Everything ok?
Santiago:Sorry wrong chat.
You have a group chat without me?
Benjamin:Pope had a rash one time he didn’t want to send the picture to you😜.
What’s the name of the group chat?
Santiago: callate pendejo. 
Benjamin:No one tell her 🤫
William: You know Ben can’t speak Spanish. 
Francisco:He just dropped you off? It’s 1pm
I’m literally a nurse. You should send me rash photos. 
Santiago:Fuck you Ben I never had a rash. Don’t worry cariño just wanted to go over details for your birthday😘
Benjamin:Holy man just sent a kiss emoji 😂
Ok don’t plan anything crazy love you
That was meant for all not anyone in particular 
Santiago fumbles with his phone cursing under his breath. He was obviously distracted and he shouldn’t be texting and driving but he had to handle this now. 
Golden Girls
We seriously need to talk 
The kid 🥊:I knew you were the weak link
I don’t know what you’re talking about
🐈🐠: slow clap for the man who got laid last night.
The kid 🥊: and probably this morning 😂
I’ll be at your house in 5
Will: What are we talking about?
Comments and reblogs are much appreciated
@luciferiorbxtch @alwaysdjarin @meveispunk @casa-boiardi @evyiione @littlenosoul @the-fox-den @saturn-rings-writes @romanarose @wandasbitch22 @spngingerbread21 @spookyxsam @summer-may @imonmykneessir @avastrasposts @fishingforpike @laaundromat @tanzthompson
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merowkittie · 9 months
Hello! Could you do #24 with Nanami Kento? Thank you!! <3
Hi, thank you for requesting! Here’s your prompt wrapped up in a cute bow 🎀:
24. “Showing up to my house on Christmas with a gift in your hands after breaking my heart is ridiculous.”
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It was quiet today. Too quiet.
The sound of a kettle screaming wasn’t happening. The sound of someone’s heavy footsteps weren’t heard. A groan out of pain wasn’t made.
This home didn’t feel quite right.
Rarely have you celebrated Christmas since you were in your late teens. You really only celebrated if you were with your sorcerer friends but this year, they had their own things going on.
This year, Christmas was going to spent alone.
At least that why you thought.
Your doorbell rang throughout your home with a flurry of gentle knocks. Confused as you stood in your kitchen with a pair of bunny slippers, and a robe, you weren’t expecting any guests today.
So who was this person at the door?
Slowly you walked to the big pink painted door. The door you had.. him paint.
You shook your head if those memories, content with what was and what’s now. So you asked who it was, “I’m not expecting any guest, so please leave.” Nice and calmly.
A sigh was heard and another flurry of knocks followed. After standing in front of the door for a minute the person on the other side spoke up.
“You know who this is, Sweetheart.” And your chest tightened almost instantly.
Your feet stomped on the floor underneath you, having a small tantrum about this sudden intrusion that was about to happen.
“What do you want?” You exclaimed as you swung open the door.
He stood there, loosening his tie with a bouquet of your favorite flowers and a gift box in his hand. He noticed you looking down and smiled.
Quickly, you looked back up and glared at him. The frown on your face pulled down with anger and your eyes filled with sorrow.
“Why would I leave you alone on today of all days? I’m a gentleman, my dear.” He said. His words were sincere, just like his heart.
You rolled your eyes and scoffed at his words. “Showing up to my house on Christmas with a gift in your hands after breaking my heart is ridiculous, Kento.”
Obviously he faltered, knowing what he did. Though he didn’t think that’d be reason to leave you alone today.
He quickly stepped up to lean onto your doorframe and into your personal space. His head tilted and he spoke again, “You know why I did so. I don’t ever want to see you hurt or be involved with the stuff I do..”
A huff of breath left your mouth as you turned from the door and walked back into the kitchen.
“I know.. I just wish you’d just— I wish you could retire and we could.. I don’t know, Kento.” You ran a hand down your face and held back hot tears that wanted to fall freely.
Memories of that short but long time you’ve had with Nanami went through your head and if he wasn’t the perfect man you don’t know who else would be.
He was perfect and gentle in every way. Loving and patient. He is nothing but understanding.. but too careful and cautious. You sometimes hated that.
He followed you into the kitchen after closing the door. The flowers were set down into the kitchen counter and he turned to face you, extending the gift in his hand.
“I wish things could be different too. Trust me. I just want to protect you.” He sighed, wishing you’d just see from his point of view.
You turned to face him, looking at the gift in his hands again.
“Just take it and let’s spend today together ok? I’m here now.”
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Thank you again for sending in your request! I do hope you enjoyed this. <3
If you want to request something from my Christmas prompt list here’s the link to that post! Christmas Prompts 🎄
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