#leave the sims in a house with nothing but drugs and each other
gonzodangerfeels · 5 months
Guy wanted to waste a half hour in court trying to explain his positive cocaine test was only because he had been fucking a crackhead all weekend, and certainly not because he had been smoking crack with her. Oh no. No sir, not him.
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ttsukidayo · 3 years
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pairings — enha hyung line x reader; non idol au
warnings — yandere themes, mentions of drugs
lee heeseung
heeseung would definitely be the “love at first sight” type
like a few days into meeting he’d had already decided he wanted you to be his darling
it was actually quite easy for him to capture you
hee would invite you to coffee and offer to grab you drink for you, slipping a pill inside
i think he’d be the type to let you roam his house, although the front door would be locked with a bunch of different locks and the windows would have those bars. he wouldn’t make escaping that easy
he’d be more chill about it. heeseung would make sure you’re comfy and healthy, reminding you to drink water and eat everyday.
he’d care for you like no other, but when you bring up wanting to go outside it’d spark a huge argument. he just wanted to protect you and made sure you understood that.
jay park
jay had taken interest in you during one of your college lectures. you had been paired for a group project and that’s when he sort of established his crush on you.
he had learned you had a boyfriend, making him extremely angry. he showed no signs of any yandere, but as time went on his obsession had grown.
he wouldn’t let you in his house, but he wouldn’t torture you either. he’d have a separate place just for you, furnished and stocked up to your liking.
jay would make the whole thing about how he was the only one for you. your “ex” could’ve never given anything to you compared to jay
he’d spoil you everyday, and bring you home a gift almost each week. he’d have your favorite meals cooked, your favorite clothes bought, and make it seem like his home was the only place you’d ever need to be.
jake sim
you guys had gone to high school together, but never really showed interest in each other until you met again in college
his love for you started to morph into obsession, wanting nothing but to be the only person to see your smile or laugh. he felt raging jealousy when he saw you do those things with anyone else
at first i think he’d keep you in his room, but he’d feel bad as time went on and he’d let you roam around his house as well.
he’d make it seem like you weren’t kidnapped. he’d say stuff like, “oh! but i don’t want you to go.” “i’ll miss you” things like that
youd stay and he’d let you leave for a bit, but then he’d pull you right back in. then, after this had happened for a while he’d keep you for good.
park sunghoon
he’d be a bit quiet, but he thought you were really pretty
he’d watch you quietly in class, how your friends were toxic and how they treated you, how they talked shit about you behind your back
he’d decided then that he wanted to protect you. like heeseung i think he’d use drugs to put you to sleep.
he’d be the manipulative type. telling you that your friends were treating you horribly and that he was going to be here for you, that you needed him
he’d tell you all the mean things they had said behind your back and that he took care of them.
he genuinely loved you, and showed you that everyday. he’d manipulate you into crying and then comfort you.
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erikatrammell · 4 years
The Sims 4 Celebrity/Famous Legacy Challenge!
Ok so this is my first post on a blog dedicated to a new legacy challenge that I came up with and will be playing out here, and I figured I would just explain the rules and post it so that people can follow along and can even play themselves if you’d like!
If anyone decides to play tag it with “Celebrity Legacy Challenge” so I can see & so its not mixed up with normal Legacy challenge posts.
Summary: This challenge centers around a family of famous sims, with each generation experiencing different ups and downs depending on how they chose to live their life in the public eye. Will the magic of fame and fortune make up for the tragedy it brings?
This Challenge deals with more dark themes/ tragic/ dramatic stories than challenges usually do. If that’s not your thing you probably won’t like this. But if you do like high drama then buddy you’re in the right place!
Rules: -This challenge requires the Get Famous expansion. 
-CC allowed, cheats only allowed if specified, mods allowed as long as they aren’t there to make the game easier.
-Sims are allowed to move out as Teens if their relationship with their parents turns negative. Otherwise, they may only move out as a Young Adult.
-Every Heir must max their Fame level
-The next generation begins when the next Heir moves out or turns into a Young Adult (whichever happens first).
(Optional) Mods that I use: Subject Homework mod by scarletqueenkat on Mod the Sims
Adult Skills for Children by Peterskywalker! on Mod the Sims
(18+ only) Basemental Drugs/Alcohol mod
(18+ only) Extreme Violence mod by Sacraficial
Starting out: This challenge lasts 7 generations, with one optional generation 0 (if you like playing out the backstory like me). If you want to skip gen 0, go right to Generation 1. Gen 0 centers around the strict farming family that the first famous sim (Heir 1) grows up in. The parents should be Adults. Heir 1 can be created as a Teen, Child, Toddler, or not born yet.
You should chose a lot big enough for the parents to farm. The parents may have any traits you’d like, but I would suggest making them family-oriented but strict sims. Heir 1 can look however you’d like. They should have the self-absorbed trait- all other traits and attributes are up to you. They should have at least 2 siblings. The siblings’ traits are up to you, but remember that they are more similar to their parents than Heir 1 is.
Optional Generation 0: Humble Beginnings
These parents are simple and humble farmers, and they had children hoping those kids would carry on this legacy. However, one of their children is distant, rebellious, and ultimately leaves home to pursue some silly dreams of Hollywood.
Objectives: -Never have a career. Live completely off the land. 
-Have a minimum of 3 children 
-Have a friendship level of 0 with one child (Heir 1)
Optional Objectives: -Have a negative relationship level with Heir 1
 -Max the Gardening skill 
-Complete the Nature aspiration 
-Have Heir 1 move out as a Teen
Generation 1: The Lucky Young Star
You grew up on your family’s farm, but always dreamed of leaving and making it big in Hollywood. You may have ruined your relationship with your own family, but it’s all for fame. You know it’ll be worth it when you achieve your dreams.
Getting started: This sim should have the Self-Absorbed trait. If you don’t play Gen 0, you must start as a Young Adult. You should move into a city (Either Del Sol Valley or San Myshuno). Their other traits and physical attributes are up to you.
Objectives: -Become a Five Star celebrity before aging up to an adult
-Complete the World-Famous Celebrity aspiration
-Get to Level 10 in either the Acting or Musician careers. You may not have any other career.
-(If you had parents) have a friendship level of 0 with your parents 
-If you have a romantic relationship with someone of lower/no fame status, you must break up with them once you become a 3-star celebrity 
-You must marry a 4 or 5-star celebrity (you may design/place this person in the world due to the limited number of celebrity NPCs. You may play them for up to 1 Sim day in order to establish their life. You may use cheats to quickly establish their life, but you may not cheat their relationship with your sims or Heir 1, and you may not have them interact with Heir 1 until you are playing as Heir 1 again.)
-You must have at least one child
Optional Objectives:
-Have an infamous affair
-Have a child with your affair
-Get to Level 10 in both the Actor and Musician career.
-(18+, requires basemental mod) Get addicted to drugs or alcohol
-Have a butler or babysitter do every childcare related thing
Generation 2: The Ruthless Celebrity
You felt like you never got anything from your own parents. The only time they ever spoke to you was to remind you the hard way that nothing in life will come easy. Fine, you’ll show them- you will do anything to get to-and stay at-the top.
Objectives: -Become a 5-star Celebrity before aging up to an adult
-Have a Friendship level of 0 with Heir 1
-Complete either of the Wealth aspirations
-Reach level 10 of the Actor, Musician, or Comedian Career before aging up to an adult
-Any interaction with someone of a lower celebrity status must be rude and dismissive
-Make an enemy of at least one sim in your same career
-Only Marry a sim who has a higher fame level than you (Unless you are already 5-Star, in which case only marry another 5-Star celeb). If they ever drop to under your celebrity level, divorce them.
-Through all this, maintain a neutral reputation. Your reputation shouldn’t fall in the red for more than 3 sim days.
-Have at least 1 child
Optional Objectives: -Murder at least one sim in your career (you can use Extreme Violence for this, or just trap them in your house or something)
-Befriend at least one sim in the Criminal career
-On top of only marrying a sim with higher fame, that sim should also have more money than you.
-Have a reputation of at least Good
-Have a negative relationship with your parent
Generation 3: The Notorious Mob boss
The types of people your parents kept around the house weren’t exactly... trustworthy. With a combination of your criminal and Hollywood contacts, you pretty quickly rise to criminal infamy.
Objectives: -Reach level 10 of the Criminal career
-Reach 5-star celebrity status before becoming an Elder
-Have a spouse die of either murder or some sort of “accident” (drowning, fire, electrocution etc)
-Max the Public Enemy aspiration
-Murder 3 people you have declared your enemy
-Have at least 1 child
Optional Objectives:
-Get killed before becoming an elder or die in an “accident”
-Be friends with at least three 4 or 5 star celebrities
-Have a child with someone who is not your spouse
-Have a negative relationship with your parent
Generation 4: The Lover
You grew up under constant surveillance and attention, but with very little love or warmth from your own family. You will spend your life finding dysfunctional relationship after relationship.
Objectives: -Complete the Serial Romantic aspiration
-Become a 5 star celebrity before becoming an Elder
-Get divorced 3+ times
-Cheat on a partner at least once
-Have at least 3 children, but never two with the same person (except twins of course).
Optional Objectives: -Cheat on every single partner you have
-Never get a job. Most money should be made through your spouses
-Have a negative relationship with your parent
-Get addicted to any substance
Generation 5: The sensitive artist
You grew up in a highly dysfunctional home, but found comfort in your art. You will become a celebrity artist.
Objectives: -Join either the Painter, Writer, or Musician career (not the freelance versions)
-Become a 5-star celebrity before becoming an Adult
-Leave your career once you hit level 10 or become a 5-star celebrity. All of your money must still be made through your craft (writing, painting, music) but now you aren't held down by...the man.
-Max out whatever skill is related to your career (painting, piano, guitar, etc)
-Never get married. You can’t be held down.
-Have at least one child. Turns out you can be held down.
Optional Objectives: -Have a negative relationship with your parent
-(18+) Become addicted to a psychedelic drug
-Max out on an artistic skill unrelated to your main career
-Live in an “off the grid” house for at least a week
Generation 6: The Shia Labeouf
You grew up in... extremely unusual circumstances. You were in the spotlight from a young age. You lived with a parent who projected being a free-spirit, but who you knew to be just as fame-hungry as the rest of your family. They say it’s lonely at the top, and you were born there. There’s no where to go but down. Time to go bonkers. Just really McFucking lose it. You will become the most wild and unpredictable celebrity the world has seen.
Objectives: -Become a 5-Star Celebrity before becoming an Elder
-Reach level 4 in at least 5 careers. You may not stay in any career after reaching level 4. It doesn’t matter what careers you chose.
-Have an equal amount of friends and enemies.
-At least once in your life, bring your reputation level from one extreme side to the other (i.e. reach Pristine reputation, then bring it all the way to Atrocious, or vice versa.)
-Move at least twice
-At least 5 times, cause some sort of extreme public scene/scandal. This could be anything from getting in a fight, having a messy divorce in public, living on a public lot for a long period of time for no reason, starting a fire, anything.
-Have at least 1 child
Optional Objectives: -Have a negative relationship with your parents
-(18+) Get addicted to multiple substances at once
-Bring your reputation level back to the first extreme (Meaning if you had a Pristine reputation then brought it down to Atrocious, now bring it back to Pristine)
Generation 7: The normal one
Everyone in your family as far back as you know has lived in the limelight, and it’s ruined all of their lives. You decide to leave fame behind to live a real simple life.
Objectives: -Either become a farmer and live off the land or get a normal job.
-Never have any level of fame. If you hit any level of fame, leave the spotlight behind
-Have at least one child
-Avoid celebrities at all costs
-Avoid having anything other than a neutral or good reputation
-Have at least 1 child
Optional Objectives: -Reach level 10 in your Career
-Have one spouse and 2-3 children (like a real nuclear family lol)
-Have a negative relationship with your parent
-Have a bad relationship with one of your children
The Challenge ends when the final sim ages into an Adult or Elder (depending on how invested you are in playing the most normal family ever). If you would like, you can begin a cycle again with Generation 7 acting as the second cycle’s Generation 0.
I will update this blog with my own play through of this challenge soon!
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lunermagick-sims4 · 3 years
Griselda’s Story
Part 35 Mt Komorebi
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Griselda could not believe she will not be a teenager any more, her teen life has been a roller coaster and she is hopeful that being an adult will give her more stability. Zemira was working all day on her cake and trying to make it a special day for her. Griselda was starting to miss Ren and her old friends for a moment. She figured the two of them would be celebrating her birthday together along with her friends but she knew that it was not going to happen that way this year. It was just going to be her and Zemira for now. Ren is better off without her. Griselda swallowed back a sob . “It is for the best” she kept trying to tell herself. She focused her mind on something else. Winter Solstice is also today and she needs to get ready for the ceremony. Winter Solstice is almost like Christmas. Enjoying feasting, gift giving and decorating. Griselda got dressed in her festivity outfit for the coven to come together for a huge feast. Griselda always loved it that her birthday was on Winter Solstice which makes her feel powerful some how. Zemira was not interested in going to any of these things so she would have to go on her own.
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When Griselda got back she changed into her regular clothes and Zemira had her cake sitting out. “Make a wish!” Griselda came over and thought about a wish. She could not think of nothing at that moment but once she got ready to blow out her candles something came to her mind. “I wish to be happy.” she blew out the candles. For a moment she felt happy looking at Luna and Storm. The two fur babies gathered for some cake as well and it made Griselda laugh! Griselda not happy here, she knows she was hiding from her real feelings and issues! How long was she going to hid before she was ready to face everything! She was not quite ready to face it all just yet, but soon. Griselda thought to herself “Why I am not ready to face it?” Something was holding her back but she could not put a finger on it. Zemira got Griselda’s attention. “Where did you go?” Griselda smiled “just trying to figuring something out.” Zemira looked nervous and Griselda was not sure why.
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Later that day Griselda was tidying up the place when she heard a knock at the door. She went to open it and to her surprise. “Gemma!” She smiled at the sight of Griselda. “Happy Birthday Griselda!” Griselda smiled and hugged her best friend. “Come in.” Gemma came in and took her shoes off. “I see you got your candles out for Winter Solstice. At least your are still enjoying the holidays.” Griselda smiled. “I have always loved our holidays. I would not stop celebrating them.” Gemma gave her friend a smile. “Cute little place. I miss you. I wish you would come home.” Griselda frown. “Let just keep it happy okay.” Gemma nodded. “Sure.” The two talked for a while. Griselda was so happy Gemma came to visit. Zemira disappeared to give them some space. Griselda would have loved to have both her favourite sims to be here but it was perfect to have Gemma here for her birthday. They had an amazing time talking, it felt like old times. Gemma thought it would be best to head home before it got dark, as it would be a long ride back on her broom. Griselda was sad to hear that she had to go so soon but she knew she needed to get back home safely. “It was nice to see you.” They hugged goodbye and she was off.
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Zemira showed up a few hours later and the girls went up to Griselda’s room. Zemira was feeling flirt, “Griselda your the most beautiful red head I have ever seen.” She brushed a piece of hair out of Griselda face while Griselda was finishing a drag off a joint. Zemira and Griselda was feeling buzzed from the weed and a few pills they had taken. Griselda was a little giddy. Zemira started to kiss Griselda and pushed her toward the bed. Griselda giggled again. “Focus beautiful.” Zemira said. Griselda buzz took in every touch. Griselda was not feeling like having sex but the more Zemira kissed her the more she started to get heated. Griselda laid back and enjoyed her taking charge, she let Zemira to do whatever pleased her.
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The next morning Griselda felt awful, she was crashing hard and she was extremely hungry. Griselda did a line of coke on her desk. She remembered Zemira gave her animal heart. Griselda felt odd about it but Zemira re-insured Griselda that it was an animal’s heart which was no big deal! When she ate it tasted so good. It did hit the spot and she was not hungry anymore at least. She still felt weird about it, it tasted so much like human but she never had animal blood before so it could all taste the same. She got dressed for the day and really wanted to head to the slops again. Griselda enjoyed snowboarding a lot and it might be the only sport she could be good at. Once Griselda was dressed she headed down stairs. “Hey Zemira want to go to the mountain and go snowboarding?” Zemira looked like hell. “Na! Think I will stay here.” Griselda looked worried. “You okay?” Zemira gave her a smile. “Always. Do not worry over me.” Griselda nodded, she got her gear and headed to the slops. Griselda was finding Zemira’s behaviour a little off lately. She will have to check in on her again once she gets back. “It is probably best I just leave her be.” She said to herself.
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Griselda went up and down the slops several times. She was having a blast. Her mind felt clear hitting the white powdered snow. “It must of snow up here last night” she said to herself. “The snow seems fresh.” Griselda was sitting on the chair lift thinking which she knew better not to. Gemma flirting with Ren bothered her more then she though. “Why could I not tell her? Why did I let it go on until I snap? She is my best friend and she would of understood.” Her mind swirled to Caleb. “I should of just broke up with him. He was just a rebound and I know it.” Griselda knew who she was in love with but she wants to be sure he wants the same think! She thinks he feels the same but it never has been really said out loud. She now has this thing going with Zemira which she should of never let it get this far. She likes her but she is just another rebound, someone to full around with. Griselda was starting to feel the drugs wear off. She was getting close to the top of the hill so she let all this stuff in her mind shut down for now so she could focus on getting off the chair lift and hit the ground with her board. She got in line and when she finally hit the hill all her thoughts went away and she left them at the top of the mountain.
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When Griselda got back one of her clients were waiting for her when she arrived. She greeted her respectfully. “Hey there.” “Hey Griselda. I am looking for some weed, please.” Griselda nodded. She went and grabbed some for her. “Would you like to try some purple haze, promise you will like it. It is one of my favourite.” She smiled and paid Griselda for the bag. Griselda then went inside, she had no idea why but she popped a pill. She was going to try and lay off them, but once she gets to Zermira’s place that seems to be all she wanted to do. She took a hit off her bong before heading up to her room.
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She laid on the bed for a bit when she heard her cell phone go off. She got up and picked up her phone from the desk. To her surprise it was Ren. She answered it not even thinking. “Hey.” Ren was a bit shocked she picked up. “Hey, Birthday Girl. I was just going to leave a voice mail for you. I wanted to wish you a happy belated birthday Princess.” Griselda smiled at the nickname. She felt so happy to hear his voice. “How are you?” He asked. Griselda did not know how to answer really. “I am okay. You?” She could hear him sorta smile. “You always say that Princess. I am okay too. Just here in the Realm. We are doing a huge transformation to HQ.” Griselda was shocked “Really? I can not wait to see.” Ren laughed “it will be a while before it opened back to the public.” Griselda understood. “Ren, I miss you.” Ren seem to be taken back. “I miss you to Princess. When are you coming home?” Griselda paused for a moment. “I want to come home soon.” Ren voice sounded happy. “Good. I can not wait to see your house filled with life again.” Griselda felt the same. “I know we were next door to each other in Forgotten Hollow but i was never home. But you being in Glimmerbrook will be so much closer.” Griselda felt her heart tug a bit. “I know..” she said quietly trying not to cry. Ren was quiet for a moment. “Griselda we will talk more when we see each other again.” Griselda agreed. “Just find yourself Princess.” Hearing him saying that made her more determined than ever to get her life back on track. “I am sorry.” Ren laughed “about what?” Griselda choked on a sob. “Everything.” Ren voice came out so caring “Griselda you have nothing to be sorry for. Stop over thinking everything and putting so much on your shoulders to bare! Not everything is your fault. Okay?” Griselda nodded she forgot she was on the phone. “Okay.” She says. “Griselda I got to go. They need me. We will talk soon, Princess.” Griselda felt better, to hear he say he wanted to talk again help her realize that he did care! She really hated to hang up with him. “Very soon.” She blew him a kiss into the phone and he did the same. “Will miss you.” Ren laughed, “ Will miss you too. Later Princess.” He hung up. She held the phone close to her heart. She felt finally in her heart that she was mending her friendships back home which was making her feeling very home sick.
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Griselda turned and Zemira was standing there. She looked a bit upset. “Why are you leaving? I thought I made you feel comfortable here?” Griselda felt a chill go down her back. Zemira came close to Griselda and went behind her. “You know.” As she faced Griselda in front of the mirror. “No one can love you like me.” Griselda blushed but she was feeling a bit nerves. Zemira’s energy did not feel right. “I want it to be just us you know.” Griselda felt she had to be careful what she said next. “I know you care for me. I am not going any where right now.” Zemira seem to soften up a bit. “Ren threw you away. You told me he did.” Griselda was a bit confused she knew she told her stuff but she had no recall of talking about Ren. “You told me everything one night while you were high. How you loved him but he pushed you away. How stupid of him. He has no idea who he had.” Griselda just smiled at her. “Aww thank you.” Zemira smiled. “Your mine. No one else’s.” Griselda got another chill from her. She thought to herself “what have I done. I should of never gotten involved with her. But I got to act normal. Zemira is not acting right” Zemira took Griselda towards the bed and helped Griselda out of her pants. Griselda was not interested but she did not want to do anything to provoke her further so she went along!
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anamaleth · 4 years
Summary: Statement of someone unknown, regarding the appearance of something that was not their twin and the events following said appearance. Original statement given April 10th 2011. Audio recording by Jonathan Sims, Head Archivist of the Magnus Institute, London.
Content Warnings: Imposters , people being replaced/showing up and only you notice, paranoia, mental breakdown, brief mention of drugs (no references to actual drugs/drug use!), people forgetting who you are
read on ao3
Statement of…huh. That’s odd. It doesn’t list a name here.
Well, statement of someone unknown, regarding the appearance of something that was not their twin and the events following said appearance. Original statement given April 10th 2011. Audio recording by Jonathan Sims, Head Archivist of the Magnus Institute, London.
Statement begins.
Before I start this, I need you to know that I am not crazy. I’ve never had any problems with my mental health, and as far as I’m aware, neither has anyone in my family. My childhood was perfectly normal and, despite the occasionally skipped class, I’ve never been much of a troublemaker. I’ve never taken any drugs in my whole life, I’m not the kind of person to get involved in those sorts of things.
I need you to believe me. This isn’t the confused rambling of someone who isn’t thinking clearly – this really happened. Even though no one would ever consider listening to me, much less believe anything I say.
But that’s what you guys do, right? Listen to people’s crazy stories and believe them? Try to help them?
To be honest, I don’t think you can help me. But I do feel like telling you this is the right thing to do. So that’s exactly what I’m going to do. It’s not like I have anywhere else to go.
I’ve been an only child my whole life. When I was younger I used to love it – always being the centre of my parents’ and relatives’ attention, always getting lots of presents on my birthday and on Christmas. It’s such a childish and selfish way to think, isn’t it? I grew out of it, eventually, but it took me quite some time, especially with pretty much all of my friends having siblings and always telling me how jealous they were of me getting so much cool stuff on the holidays.
I was never a jerk about it, though – my parents didn’t raise a spoiled brat. I always shared my stuff with other kids when they came over, always made sure they’d feel “right at home”.
I was about 12, I believe, when I first found myself thinking about wanting to have a sibling. That’s when I met my best friend, or well, former best friend, Charlie Baker. Charlie had…well, has a twin, Alex – and the three of us spent a lot of time together.
Even though Charlie had told me that I was their best friend, I found myself envious of the relationship they had with their twin. They seemed to be – it’s hard to explain. They seemed to be in sync, like two pieces of the same puzzle that fit together perfectly. They teased each other, like siblings always seem to do, and sometimes they fought, but they always had each other’s backs when it mattered.
I wanted nothing more than to have someone like that. A twin. Someone I could be in sync with. I guess I should’ve been more careful what I wished for.
It’s been two months since he…it showed up. I was walking home after having taken the school bus back to my village. I said goodbye to Charlie and Alex, who live just a couple of blocks away from me, turned into my street and walked towards my house. That’s when I realized that I didn’t have my keys with me.
Not that big of a deal, right? I’ve always been pretty forgetful, have been accidentally leaving my keys at home ever since my parents gave them to me. It’s never been a problem though, my mom works from home so she was always there to open the door for me when I needed her to.
I didn’t think much of it when I rang the doorbell and no-one opened the door. I thought “Hey, maybe she just didn’t hear me”, so I rang the bell once more. Again, nothing.
Just when I decided to take out my phone and call her, the door swung open. In front of me, inside of my house, stood someone I didn’t know. Someone who looked almost exactly like me.
I wish I could say that there was something wrong about him that I noticed immediately. But even now that I’m looking back, there was nothing particularly unsettling about him. Nothing that I could remember, at least.
He was completely ordinary, just like me; had the same hair colour as me, a similar hairstyle, the same facial structure, the same height. It was like catching a glimpse of your own reflection in a mirror out of the corner of your eye, without focusing on it.
He - no, it – smiled at me. A smile that was so perfectly normal, so innocuous that it seemed almost artificial. It said four words to me, then, four words before it turned around and left me alone at the doorstep.
“There you are. Finally.”
I didn’t understand what was happening. Panic rushed over me and my breathing began to fasten – not even for a single moment did I consider the possibility that this was all just a terrible joke.
I have been an only child all my life, and I have never been anything but an only child. Yet at that moment, that moment of confusion and horror, it was clear that whatever had opened that door was pretending to be my twin.
In an attempt to make sense of all of this and to rationalize what was happening to me, I ran up the stairs to my mom’s office and barged straight in, not even bothering to knock or wait for permission to enter.
The look of worry on her face when she saw me quickly made me regret that, though. I don’t know what exactly happened after that, but I do remember breaking down crying, demanding to know who that stranger inside our house was who looked just like me; sobbing as my mom held me in her arms, completely overwhelmed.
I doubt that anything I told her had made sense. Even now, putting it into coherent sentences is anything but easy.
She must’ve thought that I had suffered a nervous breakdown. And honestly? After listening to her trying to soothe me for a while, hiding her pain behind calm and steady words, I believed that as well. At least momentarily.
Hearing her talk about me and “my twin”, our apparently shared childhood, and all the memories she clearly seemed to have that I lacked – all that assured me that I was losing my mind. Somehow, something must have happened to me and whatever that was must’ve caused me to fabricate a reality in which my twin didn’t exist.
It was a terrifying thought, but I didn’t see any sense in trying to justify my situation in any other way. I mean, someone who looks exactly like you showing up in your house one day who everyone, if asked, assures you is your twin with an irritated – or worse, pitiful – expression, acting like they’ve known this stranger for their whole life and that the very idea of questioning that is preposterous - that’s not something that just happens, right?!
Of course, I had only talked to my mom about it then, but that was enough to convince me.
I was trying and failing to grapple with my apparent madness when I saw it standing at the door, watching me and my mom - and on its face was that same artificial smile. It was mocking me; it found amusement in my despair.
That’s when I knew that I couldn’t possibly be crazy. Still, it took me way too long to find proof. And even that changed nothing. I should have come to you guys immediately, I suppose. Maybe it could’ve been stopped, then. Not that it matters now.
You know, I’ve never believed in the paranormal. No offence, but all those stories about ghost-sightings and demons or whatever always seemed like crazy talk to me. Most of it is, I think. But not this. Not this.
After it left again, I must’ve made up some excuses about not having slept in a few days and being dehydrated. That was a lie, of course, and not a very good one at that, but I wanted - needed - to get away from everyone.
I went to my room, or what I thought was my room. To my horror, where there had previously been an empty wall, there was now a second bed. It wasn’t a new one either, it looked like it had been there for years. And on it sat that thing pretending to be my twin.
Some part of me honestly considered just packing up my things and running away. Maybe I could’ve stayed with Charlie and Alex for a couple of days. In retrospect, I know that it was already too late for that. But even then, even when I didn’t know the amount of damage that thing had already done, I still had too much goddamn pride to admit defeat like that. Apart from that, I couldn’t just abandon my parents. Sure, my mom was convinced that whatever had invaded our house was her son, but that didn’t mean I would just leave her alone with it. So I stayed.
I did, however, manage to convince my parents to let me sleep in the attic. I don’t know how, really - what with my mom having witnessed that breakdown of mine, but after spitballing a story about “wanting to feel like I’m on an adventure”, they reluctantly agreed. If it hadn’t been for the fact that there was an imposter lurking in my now former room, I think it would’ve felt like a sleepover. A sleepover during which I was sure I was breathing in more dust than air, but a sleep-over nonetheless. Especially because I was barely able to get any sleep.
So, after what felt like hours of lying awake, I gave up and instead did what I could do: I started looking through the boxes we stored up there. It was, unsurprisingly but disappointingly nonetheless, mostly stuff my dad’s parents had owned before they passed away. We had kept most of it, even though I never understood why. I suppose it was nostalgia? It made me feel nostalgic, at least, made me think of all the summers spent in their backyard, playing football with my grandpa or watching birds with my grandma-
Anyway, I guess that doesn’t really matter now, does it? It doesn’t contribute anything to what I’m trying to tell you. I don’t know, it just felt good to talk about clear memories of the past. It’s all been getting so blurry as if it’s fading away from me.
I’m sorry, I’ll get back to it now. So, I looked through those boxes and found an old photo album. I’ll be honest, when I saw those printed out lies – hundreds of photos that showed me and this…thing, I nearly ripped it apart. But eventually, I stumbled across a Polaroid photo of me and my parents. My grandma had taken it way back, said she wanted to “capture some memories”. “Happy family” was written underneath it, in that neat handwriting of hers I had always admired. I burst into tears when I saw it.
We had taken multiple pictures that day and I knew that she had given one of them to me so I could put it into my diary. My diary. I had kept one back then, and if I could find it, if that thing had left it unaltered, that’d be all the proof I would need. And I found it!
It was all in there, all of the diary entries scribbled onto the pages in the scrawly handwriting of my younger self, all the dried flowers and leafs I had put into it, all of the stickers my mom had given to me, and, of course, the polaroid photo of my family and I. My grandparents, my parents and me. We had driven out to the beach and one of the nice people there had offered to take a picture with all of us in it. And all of was documented in blue ink on white paper. I fell asleep reading old diary entries, my face hurting from smiling too much.
But of course, my happiness didn’t last for very long. When I woke up the next morning I realised that while this was enough proof for me to know that I had been right all along and that I wasn’t losing my mind, it certainly wasn’t enough to convince anyone else.
My mom made me and “my brother” walk to the bus stop together. I didn’t have it in me to protest. We didn’t talk, I avoided looking at him as much as possible and for a second, I considered the possibility that maybe this wouldn’t be as bad as I’d feared it would be. I was, of course, proven wrong mere seconds later. When I looked at him briefly, his hair was completely black.
I immediately stopped walking. “Hey, is something wrong?” he asked me as if it didn’t know exactly what was wrong. “Your hair is black“, I stammered, and he had the audacity to laugh.
“Duh, so is yours!” And he…it was right. My hair had always been auburn. Its hair had been auburn yesterday!
This was all its fault, I knew that, and I was just to punch it in its face when I heard Charlie screaming at me to stop whatever I thought I was doing.
Alex pulled me away from “poor Ben”. “Ben” played along, played the victim. And the three of them left.
I will skip over the next couple of weeks for two reasons. The first one being that it’s getting harder and harder to remember all the details, and the second one, well, what I can remember hurts to think about. It hurts so much.
Naturally, Charlie and Alex had sided with the thing that called itself “Ben”. They had abandoned me. Every day when I drove to school, the three of them sat together and talked and laughed while I sat alone in the very back of the bus. They acted as if I didn’t exist.
Do you know what it feels like to helplessly watch as everyone around you starts to forget you? Teachers you’ve known for years not remembering your name, your friends forgetting the things you told them about yourself, acquaintances forgetting your existence? Waking up every day with the knowledge that with every passing hour whatever makes you “you” will fade away more and more and that there is nothing you can do about it?
But do you want to know what hurt the most? The final drop of water in my overflowing barrel of misery!? Coming home late one day, having my mom open the door and her not recognizing me. She smiled as she tore my heart into smithereens with her words: “Good evening. Who are you? Oh, of course, you must be a friend of my son. I’ll go get him!”
I stood there, frozen still until it stood right in front of me. Its lips twisted into that same, artificial smile that it had smiled the day it had invaded my life. And again, it said four words. “Oh. Who are you?”
That’s when I ran away and came to see you guys. It’s been…I don’t know…4 hours, maybe? I’m sitting in this room and no one is looking at me. I brought the photo with me, I suppose you guys can have it. I had kept it with me as some sort of proof that I was still sane, but it feels wrong to keep it. I feel as if the wind is blowing right through me and there isn’t even a window in this room. I don’t know what to do.
My name is M̴̭͔̓ä̴̮͜r̷̹͉͑̏s̶̱̈̚h̶̦̪͘a̷̬̠̕l̷͈̍̉l̵̺͆ ̴̱̱B̸̳̥̅ȱ̶̯͎l̷̜̇͘ṯ̶͝o̸͇̹͛n̷̢̙̂. And I’m ceasing to exist.
Statement ends.
This is an odd one, certainly. Especially since I see to immediately forget Mister…Bolton, was it? Yes, Marshal Bolton. I seem to immediately forget his name after I read it.
We’ve had statements before in which people have been replaced by supernatural entities – creatures we’ve come to refer to as the “Not Them”. This one is different, though – a “person”, if you want to call it that, inserting itself into someone’s life as someone new, instead of replacing someone else. Still, the statement giver seems to be the only one who was able to notice the change.
It’s quite common for the “Not Them” to toy with people’s memories and they have a history of altering photographs and voice-recordings. Polaroid photos, however, seem to be mostly unaffected. The Polaroid photo mister Bolton mentioned has been left with his statement – as he said. It shows a little boy with auburn hair, his parents and his grandparents at a beach.
I’ve asked Tim to look into this statement, and his research has shown no record of anyone called Marshal Bolton having lived near London around the year 2011. He did, however, find one “Benjamin Bolton”. And, as you would expect, he is an only child. Any follow-up requests have been ignored.
I would’ve been keen to brush this whole statement off as a bad joke, presumably by Benjamin who could have found this photograph and decided to make up a scary story about it. However, knowing as much about The Stranger as I do, I doubt that I’m that lucky. Nevertheless, this seems to be a dead end.
Recording Ends.
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xxxmasterkali · 4 years
Kingdom Sims Pt. 4
                             T rated content for drugs
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Axel: So I hear there’s a gang in town. A bad one. They run around robbing houses, bullying people and they say they kidnap women and make them do bad things.
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Aqua: I’m not worried, it’s nothing we can’t handle.
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Kairi: Hey, have you guys noticed anything different about Sora lately? He seems a little distant from me.
Axel: Nope. Seems like the usual goofy Sora to me. Maybe he’s mad because you keep blue balling him around.
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Kairi: That’s none of your business Axel.
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Ventus: Sora, you gonna throw the horseshoe already? Or are you distracted again!?
Sora: I’m focusing!
Terra: When is he just gonna ask her out?
Riku: He won’t. He thinks he’s not good enough for her.
Later in the evening, Riku, Kairi and Sora decided to go venture around town to find the bluffs and start up a bonfire there.
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Sora: It’s nice we can go on adventures now without worrying about some heartless or bad guys roaming around.
Riku: Yeah, this is more of what I had in mind, but it all worked out in the end.
Kairi: I’m not used to the cold weather! I’m getting cold again!
Riku: Sora can always keep you warm again! I’m gonna head back anyway.
Sora glares at his friend but scoots closer to Kairi. 
Sora: I can if you want. 
Kairi: Sure, thanks.
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They enjoy the fire and each other’s company for a little while until Kairi starts to yawn.
Sora: You feeling tired?
Kairi: A little. I just didn’t want to leave because I feel like we haven’t been together, peacefully in a long time.
Sora: You don’t have to worry about that anymore. I promise.
Sora scoops Kairi up and proceeds to head home with her in his arms.
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Sora brings Kairi to her room to lay her in her bed.
Kairi: Sora, do you promise we’ll always be together? No matter what?
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Sora: I promise, I won’t leave you alone. Not for one second.
1 note · View note
Taken Ill
Case: 0121911
Name: Nicole Baxter Subject: Visits culminating in the fire that consumed Ivy Meadows Care Home in Woodley, Greater Manchester Date: November 19th, 2012 Recorded by: Jonathan Sims, Head Archivist of the Magnus Institute, London
Fear is a strange thing, isn’t it? What you’re afraid of. For most people, a corpse is at the least unnerving and, for some, outright terrifying. Or maybe it’s disgust. They are two very different feelings, aren’t they? Though they often bleed into each other, if you’ll pardon the pun. I work as a funeral director, so as you can imagine, how I feel about death and the body is a bit more... complicated and more immediately relevant than it is for most people. Dealing with cadavers day in, day out forces you to confront all manner of things about yourself.
Simply put, I have found that I do not believe in any sort of afterlife. I have seen people cold and lifeless upon the mortician’s table who I knew, who I remembered as vibrant and lively. There was no soul that had departed, no special spark that passed on to something else. Simply a body that no longer moved or spoke or thought. It feels odd to consider the fact that you will no longer exist some day, but you didn’t exist for billions of years before your birth, so, it doesn’t seem unreasonable to conclude that you will not exist afterwards in much the same way. I try to see life as a pleasant holiday from non-existence. It provides some comfort when the truth of my own mortality stares me in the face every day.
There is one thing about dead bodies that does bother me, though. One thing that... eats at me, as it were, and does give me that sick tightness of fear deep in my gut. It is rot. I don’t know why it gets to me so; perhaps it’s precisely because I don’t think there is anything beyond the body, and even dead and unaware, seeing a person’s form begin to putrefy and fester – becoming just a home for the crawling, feasting things – is too much for me. Perhaps it’s just an unaccountable phobia. Regardless of the reason, the fact is that to see the corpses decaying, to see their flesh corrupted, it is... the one part of this job that I find uncomfortable. So much so that I would describe reconstruction and preservation as my favourite part of the process. Making sure the cadaver looks as peaceful and lifelike as possible. Make them the person they were, or as close as they can be while cold and senseless. Fighting off the rot. The insects. The disease. 
I don’t know why I wrote disease just then. They’re dead, so they can’t be diseased in the normal sense, can they? I suppose it’s just thinking about what happened at the Ivy Meadows Care Home links them in my head. But it’s not just that, is it? That... the fear, the feeling. That tingling, squirming fear at the back of my mind – it feels the same when thinking of the germs that corrupt and twist our bodies, lurking invisibly on any table or surface, or when I saw those swarming flies. How many more moved and buzzed just out of sight? I’ve never had any mental health issues before, but perhaps after my experience I should consult someone. I read once that OCD can come on later in life, if a severe experience sets it off.
I’m rambling. Disregard this first page, I’ll start again.
I work as a mortician at Baxter and Gordon Funeral Directors in Woodley. By rights it should now just be Baxter Funeral Directors, as William Gordon passed away himself about 5 years ago, leaving my uncle George running the place on his own. He kept the name though, as he always said it was one of the most respected in all of Manchester. God knows there was no sentimental reason to keep it. From the way he talked, he and William Gordon hated each other by the end, to the point where the will expressly stated that the body of William Gordon was to be handled and prepared by Fenchurch and Sons, one of my uncle’s great rivals. Maybe that’s why Uncle George is so keen to keep it in the family. He hired me and my cousin Josh to help, and now Baxter and Gordon Funeral Directors is entirely run by Baxters.
I’ve been there for almost four years now and have taken over most of the client-side arrangements of the business. My uncle has gotten somewhat brusque in his old age and is now more suited to organising things with churches and crematoria, rather than handling the recently bereaved. As such, I’ve gotten to know the various nursing and care homes around Woodley rather well. We generally get a few removals from any given one each year. Maybe as many as a half dozen if the winter is bad. It’s certainly our most reliable source of business. 
Of them all, Ivy Meadows was my favourite. For a funeral director to say she has a favourite nursing home probably sounds a bit like the Grim Reaper talking about his favourite hospital, but it’s true. Ivy Meadows Care Home was on the outskirts of Woodley, where the suburbs gave way to pockets of green countryside. It wasn’t remote, exactly, but it was removed enough from main road that it stood alone, surrounded by rather lovely gardens on three sides, and a long, open field behind it. It had been a country house once, I believe, but not much of the original structure remains, having been modified and expanded to provide accessible accommodation for about thirty residents. It was an odd building, with modern glass and concrete sections sprouting from old turreted brickwork, like blocky stone tumours.
The look of the place wasn’t why I liked it, though. No, that was the residents. Ivy Meadows was almost entirely populated by those elderly who were entirely supported by the state. Most pensioners have some savings or property or family to support them, which means if they’re unable to live alone they can at least afford to pay for their own care or some of it. It’s rare for a person to reach that age and have literally nothing to pay for their care, but it does happen. In these cases, the state pays for them, but they have little choice in where they end up. Ivy Meadows was almost entirely populated by these. Old people without money or family, sent to be looked after by strangers. You’d have expected the atmosphere to be unpleasant, some morbid combination of prison and hospice, but it was quite the opposite. Something about the mutual loneliness seemed to lead them to create a real sense of community. It was the only place I ever went where the residents still gave me a smile. Hannah Ramirez, who ran the place, would always tell me a bit about the deceased and their time there, and I was inevitably shocked by tales of drugs, sexual escapades and other gossip that sounded more like a high school than a nursing home. I think Hannah enjoyed trying to get a reaction out of me when I was trying to be solemn. It was just a happy place, even if I was only there to do a sad duty.
It all started to change about three months ago, after Hannah left. I don’t know exactly when she left her post or why; we hadn’t had a call from Ivy Meadows for a couple of months, so it must have happened during that period. I don’t know where she moved to, either. It certainly wasn’t any of the other care homes around Woodley, and it wasn’t like I knew her personally. I’d gotten a call from one of the nurses, Alenka Kozel, who said that one of their residents had taken ill and passed away, a man by the name of Bertrand Miller. I asked her for a few more details; she started to say something else, but the call was cut off almost abruptly. I didn’t really think too much about it, most of the details could be worked out when we arrived, so I called Josh and loaded up the car for a removal.
It was a hot mid-August day, and the air was thick and humid, making everything feel sticky, like the whole world was running a fever. The sky was overcast, though, an orangey-grey that cast muted shadows and seemed to muffle the world. It was about a ten minute drive to Ivy Meadows, and neither of us said a word. I don’t know why, at that point we had no idea that there was anything wrong, but looking back it seems like we both felt there was something off about it. Or maybe we were just too hot for conversation and hindsight is colouring my memories.
When we arrived the place was silent. There were no cars in the parking area, which was not unusual, but I couldn’t see a soul anywhere on the grounds. Maybe they were simply staying out of the heat. Josh and I got out of the car and approached the door. I pressed the buzzer, as I had done so many times before, expecting the cheery voice of one of the receptionists. Instead there was just dead air, followed by the clunk of the door being remotely unlocked. I looked at Josh, who shrugged, and we went inside.
Ivy Meadows Care Home was usually much as you would find any other – air conditioned, and smelling faintly of cleaning products and cheap potpourri. This time it was different. The smell now was just as faint, but seemed... rancid, while the air itself was close and damp. The beige walls seemed dirtier than before, with dark marks at roughly hand-height. There was a faint buzzing, like a fly, but I couldn’t see any source for it.
None of it was so bad as to make us turn back, however, and we headed towards the reception desk. There was nobody behind it, and I rang the bell. I always wore gloves when on a removal, and was glad of that fact now, as I noticed a greasy residue on top of the small brass bell. The door to the reception opened, and a tall man stepped out. He was rail thin and wore a faded brown suit that seemed to have been cut for a much fatter man. His eyes were a watery blue and his dark hair stood on top of his head in an unruly mess. He must have been around forty, but had a nervous sort of energy to him. He was quite a surprise, to say the least.
Josh recovered faster than I did and asked the man, a bit rudely, who he was, where we could find Hannah. The man shook his head at this and said that Ms. Ramirez had left the position, and he was now Director of Ivy Meadows. He introduced himself as John Amherst, and held a hand out for Josh to shake. My cousin stood there for some time, staring at the thick, sweaty hand of this strange man, clearly not wanting to shake it. Mr Amherst just stood there, arm outstretched, apparently unconcerned. A fly landed on his face, and if he noticed, he didn’t give any sign of it, not even when it walked across his eye. Eventually, the now clearly shaken Josh stuttered out some semi-polite excuse and backed away.
At this John Amherst lowered his hand and turned to me. He asked why we were here. This took me rather by surprise, as there’s generally only one reason undertakers show up in such a place. We told him we had received a call and been told Mr. Miller had passed away. Amherst asked who had called us, but with such a sharpness in his voice that I lied and said the caller hadn’t given their name. He paused, clearly considering what to say next very carefully. Finally, he nodded, and said that yes, Bertrand Miller was dead. And we could have him. Then he gestured for us to follow and began to walk back into the main building.
As we walked, he began listing the details for Mr. Miller’s funeral, such as they were. No family or friends, no savings or insurance, simple cremation, as soon as possible. No service to be held at the crematorium. Ashes to be returned to Ivy Meadows in whatever the cheapest option was for an urn made of brass. At this I asked what he wanted the ashes for, and he simply waved his hand in a vague dismissal and said they’d be wanting to have a “private remembrance service”.
By now, we’d been walking for a few minutes, and I hadn’t seen another soul in the corridors. I thought I spotted one of the nurses at one point, but they had turned and walked away as soon as they saw us. We arrived at a room bearing a small plaque. It read ‘Bertrand Miller’. John Amherst opened it without hesitation and went inside. 
The smell was what hit me first. I’ve smelled plenty of corpses in my time. I’d almost say I’m used to the smell. This was different, there was some deeper taint there than simply putrefying flesh, and it made me gag. By the look on his face, Josh smelled it as well. Then I got a good look at the body on the bed, and almost turned and ran.
Based on the colour of those sections of skin still whole and unblemished, Mr. Miller couldn’t have been dead for more than a few hours, half a day at most. You wouldn’t have known, though. Large sections of his body were covered in a wet, creamy yellow rash, which... I’m not a doctor, so describing exactly what it did to the flesh it touched would serve no purpose except to start me having the nightmares again. Let us just say that it gave a plentiful home for the flies that swarmed around his body.
We looked at John Amherst, utterly appalled. He said not to worry, that the disease that had claimed poor Mr. Miller wasn’t contagious. Even produced the recently signed death certificate, though it was stained with some dark grey fluid, so I did not examine it too closely. He then apologised that their air conditioning had broken. “I’m sure you know all about what heat does to cadavers,” he said. I just wanted to get out of there, and have never been more grateful to whoever designed care home beds so that we could remove the body with as little contact as possible. Even then, on the way out I felt a sudden tickling pain on the back of my left hand, and looked down to see the thick leather glove in contact with one of the patches of yellow. I nearly screamed and dropped the body, but did neither. Ivy Meadows did not feel then like a safe place to do either of those things. In fact, I kept my composure through the whole of the drive home. 
As soon as we arrived, I ran into the bathroom, throwing my gloves into the medical waste bin. I scrubbed the patch of skin that still felt like it was crawling. I could see nothing wrong with it, but I kept scrubbing until it was bloody, then poured disinfectant over it until it went numb.
When I finally left the bathroom, I found Josh arguing loudly with his father. Apparently Uncle George was not satisfied with the explanation given for the state of Mr. Miller’s body. He turned to me, and asked what had happened. I told him the same thing Josh had, the same thing I’ve told you. We went over it slowly, point by point until finally he stood there silently, looking worried, but determined. He had us tell it to him one more time, before he nodded, told us to stay away from the corpse of Bertrand Miller, and left, telling us he had to make a few calls. I have never seen a cremation done with such a quick turnaround, and he was burned before the end of the day. I asked Uncle George about returning the ashes in a brass urn, but he shook his head, and said he’d already had them disposed of.
I knew my uncle wasn’t one to share his thoughts when he didn’t want to, and that seemed to be the end of it, save for those times throughout the day I would feel that tickling in my hand and run to scrub it away. I went on a couple of other jobs, and it seemed like we were expected to forget it. Josh didn’t talk about what happened, and I got the impression he was trying to ignore what he had seen. He always was a practical soul.
I... couldn’t let it go, though. It just kept playing in my mind. So when the phone rang two weeks later and I heard Alenka’s voice on the other end, my heart skipped several beats. What she said did nothing to allay my fears. The line was bad, very bad, but I could have sworn she said, “Come quickly. We’ve taken ill. We’ve passed away.” The words repeated, as though on a recorded loop, though they were no easier to make out than the first time. Finally, I put the phone down. I was technically off duty at that point, having just finished my shift, so I could have ignored it. I could have walked away. Instead, I put on my normal clothes, grabbed three pairs of gloves and got in my car.
The drive there was dreadful. Still hot, I kept looking at turnings and junctions, and imagining where I would go if I turned away from Ivy Meadows and just drove off. But I didn’t. I kept taking those old familiar turnings, moving inevitably towards that sick, old building.
When I arrived, it was quiet. The whole building looked filthy now, even from the outside, and the plants that bordered it had started to take on an unhealthy whitish colour. There was one other car in the parking area, a faded white Transit van I didn’t recognise. I got out and started to walk towards the front door. The smell was noticeable even from out here, and by the time I got close enough to reach the buzzer, it had become so strong as to be unbearable. I tried to bring myself to press the button. But instead I turned and half-sprinted back to my car, desperate to breath clean air again.
I stood there, torn between wanting to flee and needing to know. Then in the silence, I heard it. Tap, tap, tap. Someone banging rhythmically on a window. I scanned all the ones I could see, but they were dark.
Tap, tap, tap.
It showed no sign of stopping. I began to make a wide circuit of the building. It was on the other side that I saw it. A large, ground floor window showed what I think would once have been the lounge. The walls were dark, stained and smeared to almost black, but the windows were clear. Stood the other side of the glass, weakly banging her fist against it, was Alenka Kozel. Her skin was mottled, covered with that leaking yellow rash. She saw me, and as her eyes locked with mine she opened her mouth, and the buzzing of the flies that spewed out was almost as loud as her scream.
I turned and began to sprint back towards my car. I had to get away, to get out. Then, without warning, I felt something heavy hit me in the side and I lost my footing, falling to the ground. I looked up to see an old man pinning me to the ground, his long, white beard matted and filthy. I screamed and tried to escape, but his age seemed to have done nothing to diminish his strength, and he kept his grip easily. 
Then he spoke in a thick Mancunian accent and told me to keep my voice down. I noticed that his skin was unblemished pink, and behind him stood a young woman, tall and lean with close-cropped hair and a deep scar over her right eye. She carried a large canvas bag, and was shaking her head, telling the old man to leave me alone. After a few suspicious glances, he got up. I could swear I recognised him from somewhere, but when I asked the two of them who they were, they just shook their heads and told me to leave. I asked them what was going on, and the old man looked at his companion, as if asking permission, said something about knowledge being a good defence here. She shook her head and said that leaving quickly was a better one. I didn’t need to be told a third time.
I got in my car, and I left them to their work. I didn’t turn around even when I saw the smoke start to rise behind me. And that was the last time I went there. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to go wash my hands.
Archivist Notes:
The Ivy Meadows Care Home in Woodley was officially decommissioned in July 2011, a month before the first of these alleged calls came in. It burned down on the 4th of September that same year after a leaking gas main caught fire. If the gas was already leaking, this might have resulted in hallucinations or other problems during their initial visit. There is no record of the body of Bertrand Miller being processed, or cremated, by Baxter and Gordon Funeral Directors, but based on this statement that’s not necessarily a point of incredulity. Bertrand Miller was a resident at Ivy Meadows, but according to his death certificate he passed away on 19th July, a week before the home was decommissioned. There’s no record of any funeral arrangements or disposal of the body.
In fact, it seems the records from the closure of Ivy Meadows are... well, according to Sasha, calling them ‘patchy’ would be very generous. There are only transfer records for seven residents, whereas at last official count the home held twenty-nine. The others seem to have been lost in the system somewhere. The majority of the workforce also appears to be undocumented, and I can find no record of any ‘Alenka Kozel’ on the system. Martin’s research would seem to indicate the place employed a reasonable number of international staff they preferred to keep off the books, but it doesn’t explain why none of the officially-listed staff can be located for follow- up, except for Hannah Ramirez, whose brief interview simply established she moved to Brighton shortly before the closure of Ivy Meadows and hadn’t heard anything about it since. John Amherst, as best we can tell, doesn’t exist. We’re unable to locate anyone fitting that description anywhere within the care or medical sector, and he certainly never ran any nursing homes.
Another tale full of dead ends. We did contact the Baxters. Joshua Baxter repeated the first part of the above statement. George Baxter told us not to listen to tall tales. Nicole Baxter said she stands by her account, but aside from losing her left hand in what she calls “a workplace accident”, there have been no further developments.
Still, there’s a lot here the puts me in mind of other statements. Something in the way Ms. Baxter talks about fear. I can’t help but be reminded of statement 0142302, how Jane Prentiss talks about her own fears. And the old man and his companion... who does that remind me of? If he wasn’t dead I’d think it might have been Trevor—
[ [DOOR OPENS] Oh, er, yes?
Tim: Are you free?
Archivist: Yes... Yes, I’m just about finished here, what is it?
Tim: Oh, ah, nothing urgent, um, it’s just Elias was asking a couple questions about the delivery.
Archivist: Delivery? What delivery?
Tim: Ah well, that’s actually what he was asking, huh! Um, apparently Martin, uh, took delivery of a couple of items last week addressed to you. Did he not mention it?
Archivist: No, he... Oh, yes, actually. I completely forgot. He said he put it in my desk draw, hold on.
Tim: Er, what is it?
Archivist: A lighter. An old Zippo.
Tim: You smoke?
Archivist: No. And I don’t allow ignition sources in my archive! Tim: Okay. Is there anything unusual about it?
Archivist: Not really. Just a sort of spider web design on the front. Doesn’t mean anything to me. You?
Tim: Ah no. No.
Archivist: Well... show it to the others, see what they think. You said there was something else as well?
Tim: Oh, ah yes, yeah, it was sent straight to the Artefact Storage, a table of some sort. Ah, looks old. Quite pretty, though. Fascinating design on it.
Archivist: Tim... Tim, it doesn’t have a hole in it, does it? About six inches square?
Tim: Ah... I don’t know. Maybe? Um, I’ll be honest I didn’t really notice. It was quite—
Archivist: Hypnotic, yes. Do you know who made the delivery? Did they sign in?
Tim: Um... ah no, ah sorry no I don’t know.
Archivist: I need to talk to Martin. Uh, end recording.]
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finderskeepersff · 6 years
16. Part 4
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I am not sure if Cassius timed it that way but he was walking into the apartment as I left, leaving for work. I am sure he timed it that way so I don’t speak to him, I actually did sleep fine because I am annoyed with him so I hope he is happy with himself. I didn’t speak to him, we just walked by each other like two lost souls, it hurt but I wasn’t going to speak to him when he looks the way he does, a mess. He looked tired, drained and he looked at me but not the friendly look again. I ain’t that mean, I actually made the bed for him so he can sleep well. What can I say, I guess I finally get to see the petty side to Cassius, he really does have one. But anyways, back at work again. I do rather be here, if I was in the apartment then we may have argued because he didn’t lie when he said he wasn’t coming home, he’s such an asshole at times. Swiping my keycard walking into the building “Sofia!” hearing Lee shout me, I stopped in my tracks turning to him “morning, you finally back. I been so bored at work” walking over to Lee “well for once I am away and you complain? Bitch” Lee put his arm around me as I laughed “so how was it? Did you fuck girls or boys this time?” Lee laughed out “well it was girls, the girls in California are so fine so yeah” I rolled my eyes “you’re so selfish, what is it like having the best of both worlds?” he is so selfish liking both male and female, I wish I was that way. I think being lesbian may be easier for me because men do be too hormonal “it’s great because niggas get on my nerves you move on, pussy or ass. I don’t care” I love Lee “so is Ivy back? Or she still claiming to be ill?” I shrugged, I haven’t even spoken to her since and I hope she isn’t back.
Thankful that Ivy is still ill, also happy because I don’t have to put up with her. I know she is struggling to come in because she doesn’t want to say sorry, she is that petty. I’ll wait for her to apologise, I will see if she does but I know how she is. I know Ivy so much, she isn’t coming because of the baby but because she doesn’t want to say sorry, she knows she has done wrong the dumb bitch “how is the salad, bird?” Lee said, looking down at my salad “you ate the chicken and left the green?” I ain’t feeling the salad today “not feeling it, I just want to eat greasy food. I should have told you to get me some fries” Lee pulled a face at me “you do know you don’t need to lose weight? Your body is fine, still got the boys in this building on lock. You got it” clearing my throat laughing “how is the boyfriend anyways? He wants to send any more pizza to us? I think that was amazing” I cringed “oh no, what happened?” from my face alone he knew “we just fell out a little, I want to talk to him about things but he is being petty” sitting back in my chair sighing out “men are petty, this is why I switch sides” I wish I could, I just feel fed up because I can’t stop thinking of him and only god knows what he is done at night, I am just sad “I hope you both make up because you be so happy when you are both getting along” the words slipped into my mind, grabbing the bull by the horn and I remember my friends telling me that, maybe I need to take it into my own hands and deal with it head on “we can” grabbing my phone from the side but then realised I have a new sim and I don’t know his number off by heart.
“Sofia” my manager said “your mom is downstairs waiting for you” the biggest sigh left me, I am so not ready for this “ok thanks” locking my computer getting up, this is fucking stupid and at my work place. Grabbing my badge from my desk as I walked out, why the fuck is the witch of a mother here, I am so angry. Now that I have got rid of my sim she is here in my place of work, hitting the elevator button. I wonder what the fuck she going to say to me now, who hurt who and who upset who. Why is my life this way, why does it have to be difficult, I want done with them. The elevator doors opened and I proceeded to enter “woah” a pair of hands held me, I gasped moving back seeing Ivy “I was about to say I saw your mother” this is just great “thanks” walking around her “can we talk after?” pressing the lower floor button “probably” I don’t want to hear it right now when I got my lovely mother downstairs, this is shameful because only god knows what she has come here to say, she will be embarrassing me more than likely.
Would you look at that, both my mother and Leyton. Swiping my keycard “what is it? This is my place of work?” I am disgusted at them “there was a fire and Leyton’ dad got hurt” crossing my arms across my chest confused on why she is telling me this “he did it” Leyton said, I know what he is implying. Walking around them “get out now” I am not about to speak of such a thing here, I am about to cuss them out so bad. I didn’t care to hold the door as I got out of the building “what is it? Speak now, I don’t want you here any of you” Leyton poked his lips out “he get my dad” blinking at him in confusion “who exactly?” I want them to say it “your drug dealing boyfriend did it, he did it. Leyton said it, they burned his house Sofia. Can you not see how dangerous he is” I am so annoyed “right, you cannot prove that shit, you have come to my place of work to say this? Are you being fucking real right now, I don’t want to know you. Good he got hurt, he is the real crack head in this. Seems like you care mom, do you want to get back with him so he can beat you? Is that it? Please don’t’ come to me, I am done with you both. I do not care anymore, you cannot blame Cassius for something you don’t know he did now go!” I spat “but you and I both know he was in there, my son told me he was waving a gun around, then beat his dad! I am so angry Sofia, he burned the home he has and now his dad is in hospital” shaking my head “I don’t want it mom, I don’t care. Cassius did nothing, I know he didn’t do not come to my place of work again please, I am done. I am done with you and your life. If you go back to the guy that beat you then please do not ever come back to me” Leyton started to cry “I am glad you are crying, this is all your fault. You’re an idiot, bye” turning around as I walked back inside, coming at me for what exactly, to tell me that Cassius did something, I am not his carer.
Shuffling my chair in sighing out, even if he did do what she says I wish he burnt that man in that home “you look stressed the fuck out, are you ok?” I shrugged “it’s life, you wanted to talk?” I said to Ivy “I do, I wanted to apologise. I am sorry for everything that happened, I am sorry for taking it out on you. I just got angry at Lloyd speaking on you, saying about you. Just shows that he likes you but he denies it. I am just sad that he doesn’t find me sexy, I don’t know. But anyways, I am sorry. Olivia and Mia both been telling me how wrong I have been, insensitive towards you which I have been. I do love you and I am sorry, I am sorry for attacking Cassius. I know how much he means to you so I should be more sensitive towards your feelings when I did what I did, I am sorry Sofia” I come to the realisation, I don’t actually care for her. I don’t think she means it but we can all be fake “it’s ok, I am glad you know that everything is under the bridge and we can finally get on” hugging Ivy close, this hurts that I have to be like this but I won’t trust her like that anymore.
Cassius is home still, I guess that is a good thing. He knows the time I would come home unless his friend took him out, I am going to make him sit and listen to me now so I hope he has had his sleep. Unlocking the house door, pushing open the door with the bags in hand. I didn’t know what to cook so I popped into the store, got some meat for tonight. Kicking the door shut, I can hear the TV on so he is here. Placing the bags on the kitchen counter and then my own bag, let me go and see to him and hopefully make up. Cassius is here, laid out on the couch watching TV “hey” he said it to me first “hi” Cassius got up from the couch “your phone was off” watching him stretch his body out “well if you spoke to me then I would have told you, I have a new number” he let out an oh “why?” he shuffled down on the couch and sat back “because I walked out on my family, it’s time I move on. I don’t want to know them anymore. My mother was being unreasonable and so was I. It was a long night, I do thank you for getting my brother. Emotions were high, I shouldn’t have got your gun but I just wanted to confirm what I knew” sitting down on the couch “and that was?” he retorted “that you was out and that you had a gun with you, I knew it but I wanted to confirm it but I was stupid. I am sorry, I shouldn’t have done that. Look I didn’t know about the police, I panicked too. I mean I just touched your gun and then them” I didn’t want him to get locked away, that is the last thing. I try to protect him from that.
“Family friend? Out of every word out of your mouth? Not even your man or anything like that?” he said “did you want me to say you’re my brother, I just wanted you gone Cassius. Leyton has verbal diarrhoea and I was scared he would say something, you are my man. It just sounded better, I don’t know but just don’t think of it in a bad way. I am choosing you over my family, even if we don’t make it or whatever. I want this to be about us. My mother kept calling you a drug dealer and then she phones the police, it just pushed me. I am sorry, and I do appreciate what you did but I also had a feeling you was out also, I mean I heard the honking in the car and you said you was home, so I changed my number. Then my mother came to my place of work blaming you about Leyton’ dad’ home being burnt and that he is hurt because of you but I set her straight, she can’t prove shit but did you do it?” Cassius rubbed his chin sighing out “I didn’t no, but I know of it” that’s all I wanted to know “he was the guy that beat my mother that Leyton wants so much, shame he didn’t get burnt in that. Seems like my mother is madly in love with him all over again but it’s whatever, I don’t know what you did or what you know. I just want us to be good” that is all I care for, I want me and him to be strong in this journey.
Cassius remained silent just thinking “I told them to do it, Kyle wanted him to be with us, make money off him but I said no. I don’t want that connection, I told them to burn his home and the equipment he had in there” I don’t know why he is telling me that “I made more money, it’s in there” he pointed across the room, two duffle bags “Leyton’ dad wouldn’t listen so he got hurt but I wasn’t there, my people did it while I did what I needed to do. Word got out that Brooklyn niggas were in Newark, we had to tell them that don’t come for us. It’s a done deal now. I killed someone last night too” why is he telling me this, not like I want to know. Looking back at the duffle bags and then back at Cassius “Does that mean we can go? We can leave to go Atlanta? Can we?” Cassius just stared at me “you want too?” he said, nodding my head “there is one thing, you don’t ever disrespect me and lower than what I am to you. And second, there is another. With what you know, you are also part of me so you know shit, your mother is unstable, I want you to leave your job here until we go. You are the woman that can hurt me, but also the woman that can get hurt because of me. My niggas have women, they all do but they don’t work. While we are here, not long left but you have to leave straight away. If you roll with me then you need to do this, I can predict what is next and they going to use you to get to me, I ain’t about to force you to do anything, this is your chance to go, I may be hurt but it’s your choice. I will leave this life, it’s there, it will happen. But it’s a mess now, I told them niggas to not create this connection and now your mom has done that, she a snitch. She is my enemy, to me she is” Cassius speaks so calmly about such things, not a single anger in his body from what I saw “from me telling you my mom came to me this has to happen?” I questioned “she came to you over a nigga that beat her, she hates me. You’re in that place, she will call the police because clearly she ain’t scared and is already blaming me, they could get niggas to follow you back here or even police. I have things in this place right now that could get me locked up” I swallowed hard “you still want me?” I mumbled asking, Cassius laughed “why wouldn’t I want you? I do want you bub” he called me bub, that random word he calls me “are you riding with me on this? I respect you too much and I would never want you harmed, I am leaving this life for you remember that” nodding my head “I will quit my job but please no night things, I want you here with me” Cassius smiled at me “I knew that already, I promise that you will get that dream you want” he held his hand out to me, placing my hand in his.
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hellomissmabel · 6 years
Nuit Blanche Part 2
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Pairings: alpha!captain!Steve x omega!detective!reader, alpha!sergeant!Bucky x omega!detective!reader
Warnings: This part contains mentions of nudity and a reference to sex.
Word count: 3k
Summary: Y/N is a police detective with the NYPD. She is trying to catch a killer, one that has his mind set on murdering successful women in the showbizz. But what happens if she unwillingly becomes a target herself?
A/N: Written for @justareader and based on the song Mama Do by Pixie Lott.
Series masterlist can be found here
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Lieutenant Fury gave immediate orders to place you in a safe house and put sergeant Barnes in charge of your safety. As he was guiding you outside to his car so he could drive you to the safe house, you gazed over your shoulder at Sam who tried to give you a reassuring smile. Yet his attempt was unsuccessful, as Sam knows very well they are nowhere near finding the killer.
“Where are you taking me?,” you asked James as he fires up the engine and speeds away from the police station.
He grimaces at your question, but doesn’t reply. Instead, he deflects the subject with another question. “Have you called Steve yet to let him know Pepper died?”
He will probably not tell you the exact location of the safe house, but you can keep an eye out for any sign of where you are and memorise them for in case of emergency. Shaking your head, you fish out your phone to dial Steve’s number yet Bucky grabs your phone and tosses it on the back seat. “No private calls, Y/N! You know the procedure. You can call with the burner phone in the bag at your feet.”
“You will have to let me switch off my phone first, if you really want my location to remain a secret,” you retort with a challenging look, clenching your jaw.
James drives the car to the side of the road, near a gas station, and reaches for your phone on the back seat. He switches it off instantly and nods towards the bag. With a deep sigh you take out the phone and calls Steve’s number. The Captain picks up right away as he just got home from his shift.
“Hi, Y/N, babe, I’ve picked up some veggies from the grocery store so I can make your favourite salad.”
“That’s really sweet of you, Steve, but I’m afraid something’s come up.”
You can already imagine Steve’s entire body tensing up, and his voice is just as stern as you imagine his expression will be. “What happened? Are you okay?”
“I’m fine.” There’s a little hesitation in your voice, James’ eyes scrutinising your every word. “Pepper is dead.”
There’s a moment of silence when on Steve’s end of the line you hear nothing, James averts his eyes and gets out of the car to give you some privacy. “Steve… Sergeant Barnes is taking me to a safe house. I don’t know for how long but I trust Sam and he will do his very best to catch whoever is killing these women.”
“It’s my fucking fault,” Steve lashes out, not at you but as himself. He blames himself for everything that’s happened to you. He wanted to be Captain, he wanted to be an alpha and he pushed you to give those television and radio interviews that most likely made you a mark.
“No, that’s not true, Steve. You are not to blame for this.” Taking a deep breath, you assure him everything will be okay. The wretched tone to his already shaky voice breaks your heart even more than saying goodbye to him does. “I’ll keep in touch. This number is a burner so James will most likely dispose of it later. And I guess the phone at the safe house will be a blocked number as well, so you’ll have to wait until I call you…”
You expect him to express his concern for you some more, to ask you if there’s no other way to contact you and make sure you’re fine. Instead, a little green monster named jealousy peaks around the corner. “James, huh?” You bite your lip in anguish of what will follow. “So you’re on a first-name base with him already?”
Pinching the bridge of your nose, you try to talk some sense into your boyfriend. You tell yourself it’s just the hormones that he is acting out like this. “James and I met in police academy, you know that, Steve, long before you and I met.”
“I don’t care, Y/N. What I care about now is your fucking safety and I don’t trust you’ll be safe in the hands of an old lover.”
Just as you’re about to lose your patience and snap back at Steve, Bucky knocks on your window and gives a sign that you’ve run out of time. “Steve, I don’t wanna end our conversation here. I am in capable hands. You��re not thinking clearly because you’re so worried. I’ll try to call you this evening, around 8 p.m., would that work for you?”
“Y-Yeah, yeah, alright. I love you, Y/N. I’ll miss you,” Steve mumbles softly but you have no doubt that he means it. After another “I love you more” and an additionally “I love you the most” from Steve.
Once Bucky notices you’ve finished, he climbs back into the car and takes out the sim card of the phone, throwing it out of the window once you’re well on the road again. “How was your talk?”
Rubbing your temples in frustration, you decide against feeding James lies and smiling at him how everything’s fine. “Steve’s not all too happy.”
Bucky hands you a cup of hot coffee and you smile gratefully at the brunet whose eyes soften at your admission. “I’m sorry to hear that.”
“He’s doesn’t like it that you’re the one escorting me to the safe house.” Sipping from the cup, you taste it’s in fact not coffee but hot chocolate and your smile grows a little bigger. “Thanks for the hot cocoa.”
Refraining himself from commenting on Steve’s remark, Bucky waits until you finish your drink and your eyes grows heavy, to talk to you about something that’s been on his mind for some time now. “Y/N? Can I ask you a personal question?”
“Sure,” you mumble through the tired daze you’re emerged in. Suddenly it feels like all you want to do is sleep for days.
Bucky swipes on his phone and presses the recording button. “Y/N, how well do you know your partner, Sam Wilson?”
“Euhm,” you murmur even softer as your mind puzzles together what’s happening to you. You’ve only felt this way once before, when you had surgery on your knee after you’ve been shot. You were so hazy from the anaesthesia you slept for days and still felt groggy when you got discharged.
“Sam and I were in police academy together. I don’t know much about his family, though I do know he’s got a girlfriend back in Los Angeles.”
“Los Angeles?,” Bucky repeats, a slight tone of surprise lacing his voice. “Was Sam born in the City of Angels?”
“Yeah,” you confirm and your hand reaches for the bottle of water next to you, but you can’t move it anymore. “Bucky, what’s happening? Yes, yes, he was born in Los Angeles.” You turn your head to look at him and see his emotionless face, staring straight ahead at the road. “Bucky, all I know is that Sam was born in LA and came to New York after his father committed suicide.”
“I see…,” he replies gloomily and stops recording when your lights go out and your body slumps into the car seat. Maybe he did use too much sedative, but at least he got from you what he wanted.
You wake up in a strange bed, still wearing your clothes but not your jacket anymore. Your headache is killing you but there’s aspirin on the bedside table, probably put there by Bucky. After you’ve downed the medication with a glass of water, you try to get up. With wobbly feet you descend the stairs and make your way to the kitchen where Bucky’s cooking dinner.
“You drugged me,” you snap at him and the sergeant turns around with a regretful look in his eyes, confirming your suspicions. “Why? Where are we? This can’t be a safehouse, it’s too…” You point at the large television, the leather couch in the living room and the numerous paintings. “Luxurious to be a safehouse. So where are we?”
“Calm down, Y/N. Sit. Food will be served in ten.”
Angered by Bucky’s seemingly casual reaction, you push his chest repeatedly until the small of his back hits the kitchen counter. “Where. Are. We?” Each word is accompanied by another, hard shove. “Fuck you, Bucky.”
He holds his hands up in the air. “Okay, okay. We’re in my vacation home. It’s a lake house, an hour away from the city by car.”
“Why did you bring me here? There are plenty of safe houses in the city. Why go through all this trouble?”
Bucky keeps an eye on his food while motioning for you to sit down on one of the chairs while he sits across from you. “Because I’ve got a theory and you’re not gonna like it. When you were out, I made a few calls and received some disturbing information.”
Folding your hands in your lap, you nod for Bucky to continue. “What kind of disturbing things? About the case I’m working on?”
He gestures to a file at the other end of the counter. You take it in your hands and open it, scanning the pages with a curious gaze. “I don’t understand. This is Sharon’s report on Pepper’s body. There’s a lot of red in here but I don’t’ see any anomalies.”
“I highlighted a couple interesting paragraphs, namely the time of death and the DNA on her body. You see, Pepper’s body was found two hours after Camila’s body was found. But according to Sharon’s report, they died around the same time. Midnight. How is it possible that Pepper was murdered at midnight but still managed to show up at your house in the morning?”
You shrug and read the rest of Sharon’s report. Folding the map closed and sliding it back to Bucky, you release a shaky sigh. “That’s impossible.”
“Yes, that’s right.” Bucky gets up from his seat and checks his pan, deciding dinner is ready. While plating up the chicken breast and vegetables, he asks you to help him get the cutlery. “Y/N, where you there when Pepper supposedly came round?”
“No.” You shake your head and watch Bucky cut the chicken breast in two. “I called Steve at nine, because Pepper usually leaves around that time. He said I’d just missed her.”
The brunet tells you to dig in and hopes you enjoy the food. Taking the first bite, you are surprised by Bucky’s cooking skills. “This is actually really good, very moist.”
He blushes and mumbles a shy thank you. “Still mad that I drugged you? I couldn’t risk you knowing where we were going, Y/N, I hope you understand that. If Steve really has something to do with these murders…”
“Steve lied to me, yes, but that doesn’t mean he killed all those women,” you dismiss the matter right away. Staying silent for a few moments, you remember Bucky also said something about DNA evidence.
He clears his throat, letting the subject of your forgiveness slide for a little while longer. “They found semen on her body that belonged to an unknown male. No match was found in our database. But…”
There’s obviously something weighing on Bucky’s chest and you are determined to find out what it is. After some probing and eating your dinner in an uncomfortable atmosphere, Bucky reveals that Pepper was pregnant. “The father is Tony Stark. He’s paparazzi and fits the profile you and Sam came up with.”
Shocked to hear that Pepper was with child when she was murdered, you put down your knife and fork and hold a hand in front of your mouth while rushing to the kitchen sink to puke out your chicken. Bucky is soon joining your side to hold up your hair and places a soothing hand on your back until you’ve finished throwing up.
He hands you a tissue to wipe your mouth with and smiles sadly. “I’m sorry. You were close with her, right?”
“I knew she was seeing someone but that’s it. I didn’t talk to her much. She was there for Steve, not me.” Throwing the tissue in the bin, you lean some more into Bucky who has his arm wrapped around your waist. “So they think it’s Tony? That killed her? But what about the other DNA?”
“I called Sam and he’s ready to make an arrest.” His blue eyes burn into yours and make you feel a bit uneasy.
There’s that tension again, the same tension between an omega in her heat and an alpha ready to breed. It’s a strange sensation, one you never feel when Steve’s in his rut even though you have sex every hour. Yet with Bucky, even though you’ve never slept with him, his touch is enough to set your entire skin ablaze.
“It’s too easy. He didn’t do it. We gotta find a DNA match,” you conclude while taking a step back from Bucky, creating more distance and instantly regretting your decision of leaning into his touch. He’s too intoxicating. “Did you ask me about Sam? Back in the car, before I passed out? Or did I imagine it all?”
“No, you’re right,” Bucky replies dryly. “I was just distracting you. If I didn’t, you would’ve figured out what I did really quickly and I couldn’t risk it.”
“I see,” you mumble under your breath, not entirely convinced by his answer. “So what are your thoughts on the killer?”
“I’m sorry to bring this up again, Y/N, but Steve…”
“Steve has nothing to with this!,” you yell back at the blue-eyed sergeant.
“Then why would he lie?!,” Bucky screams back, his voice carrying further than yours because he’s an alpha. It sends shivers down your spine, your omega nature prompting you to take on a more submissive position as soon as the words leave his lips.
Bucky notices the change in your demeanour and with a frustrated groan he cards his hands through his hair, messing it up and releasing the same heat inducing hormones you’ve been taking suppressants for this entire time. Only now, you didn’t take your daily dose, as you always administer them around lunchtime and you were still asleep then.
“Shit, Bucky…” Black spots are obscuring your vision, your throat burning and your mouth refusing to swallow. “You shouldn’t have done that. You shouldn’t have done that…”
Again he’s fast to react and he scoops you up in his arms, carrying you to the living room couch and laying you down. “I don’t have any suppressants here, but I can help you, Y/N. If you give me your consent, I can mark you and all this will be over in a minute.”
“No,” you refuse weakly, your voice strangled as your vision turns even more blurry. “I’m with Steve…”
He cups your face in his hands and forces you to look at him. “Y/N, listen to me carefully. I am convinced that Steve has something to do with this. Think about it, he is a public figure, just like those women. He must’ve met them in hotels or in bars and seduced them. He’s also a cop, so he’s got a trustworthy position in society. They would never have seen it coming. I just need a sample of his DNA to prove it.”
“No way.” You continue to stand your ground, squirming on the leather couch in an attempt to push Bucky away again. But he’s much stronger than you and you know just as much as he does that there’s only one way to stop you from going into heat.
It’s a tough decision, and you will never be able to forgive yourself, but your life is on the line and you will make him promise to never tell Steve about this. “Give me your knot, Alpha,” you say in a determined voice, not the voice of a desperate omega, but an omega that has found an alpha worthy of her affection.
Bucky’s eyes widen at this sudden turn of events, but after careful consideration he nods and helps you take off your clothes, stripping you to your underwear. “It’s a temporary solution, Y/N, but I understand why you’re asking me to do this.”
“If you mark me as yours, Steve will never speak to me again.”
“Still convinced he’s innocent, hm?,” Bucky growls while undressing as well.
He crawls on top of you, gingerly pulling on the waistband of your panties. “Have you ever been with another man but Steve?,” he asks you tentatively.
Biting your lip so hard you almost draw blood, you confess you’ve never even been with Steve either. “It’s not that he doesn’t want to,” you try to defend him, but Bucky sees through your excuses.
When you’re both fully naked and nerves rage through your body, you explicitly give Bucky your consent again. His reassuring yet predatory smile, accompanied by that needy and dark look in his eyes, cause his next words to resonate even louder in your mind, heat pooling in the pit of your stomach.
“I have no idea what the fuck is wrong with him, but if I had a woman like you sleeping next to me, I wouldn’t be able to keep my hands off her.”
Tag list: @melconnor2007 @learisa @mrshopkirk @dont-speak-just-read @buckybarnesappreciationsociety @beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep @lovemarvelousfics @pleasantdreamqueen @petersunderroos@palaiasaurus64 @ssweet-empowerment @lovemarvelousfics @rrwilson66 @petersunderroos  @reniescarlett  @lostinthoughtsandfeelings @barnes-heaven  @abovethesmokestacks @marvelrevival  @marvel-fanfiction @justanotherbuckydevotee @barnes-heaven  @heartmade-writingbucky @buckyywiththegoodhair @captnbarnesrogers @a-little-hell-to-raise @knittingknerdy  @milkywaybarnes @hymnofthevalkyrie  @feelmyroarrrr @justareader @howlingbarnes  @themcuhasruinedme @persephonesinferno @hollycornish   @delicatecapnerd @tomhollandzs  @aletheladyinred @xbergiex @capbuckybuchanan @pegasusdragontiger   @sebstanchrisevanchickforever19 @sophiealiice @sarahmatthews7 @lumelgy @kudosia @daringtodreamawake @moonbeambucky @suz-123 @breezy1415 @always-an-evans-addict @thefanficfaerie @4theluvofall @curvybihufflepuff @caplansteverogers @amrita31199 @isnt-the-blog-youre-looking-for @holomasque @pineapplebooboo @thefridgeismybestie @supernatural508 @supernaturaldean67@cant-decide-at-this-moment @mehrmonga @specs15 @kanupps06 @imnotinsanehunny @sarahgracej @jasurahe13 @nerdyandproud9 @geeksareunique @jesspfly @badassbaker @whenallsaidanddone @ailynalonso15 @thebookisbtr @animechick725  @true-queen-of-mischief @crazy-little-thing-called-buck @ugh-supersoldiers
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blueberry-sim · 6 years
Rowan and Ben’s Story Introduction
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This is the introduction to my sim series called Rowan and Ben’s story. its a two character series that will later turn into a legacy series. warning: this series will talk about more mature content. Such as abuse, death, drugs and heavy uses of drinking. This is for a more mature audience, but i still say its on the more tamer side. If you are triggered by any of these events do not read or at the very least read at your own risk. 
This is an original sim story created by me. blueberry-sim aka maybluebird since this is my sim side blog. do not steal/claim any of my sims or edits of them as your own. I do not want to water mark them but I will if I feel I have too. 
this story will be told through screenshots and short captions. Updates will be Monday through Thursday for now. Rowan’s story every Monday and Wednesday and Ben’s story every Tuesday and Thursday. 
Rowan Morgan introduction. 
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Rowan Morgan is an Irish sim who moved to Del Sol Valley, But this is not where her story begins. 
Rowan grew up with an average childhood, full of love. She had a mom, dad, older sister and many friends who adored her. As a child she was very much a tomboy, constantly getting scrapes and bruises from playing in the fields and exploring abandoned castles across her homeland. 
When she went into highschool her older sister Anna Morgan moved away to Del Sol Valley where she would become a vice-president of a major tech company. Rowan didn’t miss her sister much, because she had many other people who loved her. During a talent show when she was up on stage playing her guitar and singing one of her favorite songs. She caught the eye of one particular boy. His name was Peter. The two fell in love and were hardly ever seen apart. 
They were together so much that Peter even worked in Rowan’s parents pub when they graduated highschool. It was in that very same Pub that he got down on one knee and asked her to marry him. She said yes of course even though they were only 22 years of age and rather young. No one had an objections to the two getting engaged since they always seemed like the perfect couple. They even saved up money to buy a house together. 
2 years later had gone by. on one hot day in summer, Rowan’s parents received a phone call. it was from the local police informing them that Rowan had been a victim of domestic violence, she was on her way to the hospital after suffering a stab wound to the side of her stomach and that Peter had been arrested. When they got to the hospital they were informed that the stab wound was not deep and she would only need a few stitches, but she was extremely in shock not letting anyone aside from doctors touch her. The police officer who was also there informed them on the rest of what had happened. Rowan had told them that Peter had been abusing her ever since they had moved in together around the time he started getting into drugs. It started out small and got worse over time. She didn’t tell anyone cause she wanted to believe that Peter wasn’t the kind of person who would hurt her. This time an argument had gotten out of hand and he pulled the kitchen knife on her stabbing her. Rowan had been lucky enough that the older couple in their 30′s who lived nextdoor to them had come over to return an item they had burrowed when they heard Rowan screaming. They busted the door down and were able to separate Peter from Rowan and called police. 
over course of 6 months Rowan suffered extreme trauma. Nightmares, panic attacks and flinching anytime someone touched her. She would break down if someone so much as raised their voice at her. She got to the point that she was scared to leave her parents house. locked up in her room playing her guitar and talking to her pet rat Tilly who she had rescued from a cat that was going to make a meal out of him. Her parents became increasingly worried and decided the best course of action was to move her far away from her hometown to live with her sister Anna in del sol. Rowan agreed she no longer felt at home where she was. She wanted a chance at a new start. So she packed up her things and left to del sol. She was happy to see her sister again, but didnt realize that she would be living with her sisters boyfriend Ricky Martinez a good for nothing with no job trying to make it big in comedy and her pet cat Sophie who was already making shifty eyes at the cage that had Tilly in it. Rowan wasn’t so sure she had made the right choice anymore. 
Ben Callaway Introduction
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Ben’s life from the beginning was full of hardships. His parents were overjoyed when they found out they were pregnant happy to give their oldest child Todd a sibling, however when Ben’s mother went into labor there were complications and she ended up dying shortly after giving birth to Ben. That left his police officer father to raise his two sons on his own. Because of his job Ben’s father was not around much working pay check to pay check, often leaving the boys with their grandmother. Ben didn't have a good relationship with his father because of this. They would often get into fights whenever the two were around each other. 
When Ben turned 18 his father was shot and killed on the job. This left Ben heart broken he turned to drinking and found himself many a night waking up drunk next to his parents graves. On one of these drunk nights Ben woke up just as the sun started to raise mixing the stars with the morning light of the new day. the sight reminded Ben of the happiest times in his life. Those rare summer days when Ben’s father took a whole weekend off to take them camping. Ben never admitted it to his father, but he felt like he knew how much those days meant to him. Hiking, Fishing and telling stories around the camp fires. Some of those stories were about space and the stars. Ben had always loved space even as a kid he wanted to build a rocket to fly to the moon, but his love for space grew more on those summer nights sitting next to his dad gazing at the night sky and naming the stars. If only he could build a rocket right now and be among the stars.Thats when Ben found a dream he wanted to achieve. 
For the next several years, Ben went to college to study rocket science. In his third year he meet a girl named Ava at a college party. The two were drawn to each other both having big dreams they wanted to achieve. Ben wanting to go to space and Ava wanting to be an actress. The two stared dating. Now 25 Ben works at the sim space program as a computer tech helping to build the rockets he dreamed about one day flying off into the stars, but now that he’s older he’s much happier just building them. He was still dating Ava and lived in a isolated house in Windenburg were he could garden, fish, hike and most importantly watch the stars. He lived there for the most part by himself except for the occasional few months his brother Todd a historian journalist would stop by in-between jobs to stay at Ben’s house and also Ben’s german shepherd Hercules. Ben felt like he had everything he wanted in life, but he still felt empty like void in space. Something was still missing in his heart. He wanted a family of his own. 
I hope you enjoyed getting to know Rowan and Ben. From now on the story will be told in screenshots. There will be a update on each of their stories today as well as character introductions. I hope you keep reading their story. 
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the-theater · 4 years
Story Two: Fucks High; School for Furries and Drug Lords (Pt. 3)
The Finale to the Kronicals of Rebecca Swansin. It ends as it began; making absolutely no sense whatso ever.
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chapter 24 the new villain
Asahi: You’re adding a third villain before you solve any of your other villain problems?
AN: I did some artwurk for rebecca enjoi it! tel me wat u think abut it!
Briar: I am thankful that we don’t see the artwork. I know nothing of your art skill, but I don’t want the mental image I have of Rebecca to be shattered.
I got the estate which I looked at. It was a freaking beautiful shade of blue which reminded me of a cloudless summers day [AN: REBECCA IS SMART SHE READ SHAKESPEARE].
Cherry: Cloudless summers day has nothin’ to do with intelligence, literally anyone can relate a shade of blue to a time of year.
Asahi: Is she trying to reference A Midsummers Night Dream? Not really my favorite when it comes to Shakespeare.
I smiled on the side contordedly. I stood agast because the sight was so great to see!
Briar: I don’t think “Aghast” is the right word to use in this context, unless you really are horrified by the house.
The walls of the estate were red because the Collins love blood and really tall to ward off Mexicans.
Asahi: Racism. Nice.
Cherry: Didn’t ya just say that it was a “beautiful shade of blue”?
Finally we entered the compownd through the gates and we saw the house. It was at least 10 times bigger than my own house (before it burned down). I felt a ping of sadness growing expectantly in my heart from the void where I lost my house. But I had to go on and do good things to make up for my past sins.
Briar: At least you’re trying to do good.
Asahi: Trust me, that ‘I must do good things’ bit will stop as soon as Bella shows up.
I saw a homeless person on my right as we enterd. Determined to do good I have him money so that he could start a new life. It was a lot of money. Trust me.
Cherry: Thought their house was s’possed to be secluded. Ya know? Give em the privacy to be who they are an away from prying eyes. So why’s a homeless dude all the way over there?
Anyways then we went into the hose but then we went right back out to see Edowerd's gazeebo.
"This is the Gazebo" edowrd said pointing at the gazebo.
Asahi: And this is the Department of Redundancy Department.
It was a huge gazeebo outside near the beyutiful flowers. It was cloudy and sunny through the parts of the sky that weren't cloudy.
Cherry: So is it cloudy or not?
A single beam of light appeard and glinted down on me. It was simbolic of me being a gud person deep down [AN: STOP HATING ON REBEKA SHES NOT A BAD PURSON SHES ACSHUALLY MISUNDERSTUD!].
Briar: Ah, no. No, she’s not a good person.
Asahi: That’s just God focusing in on her so that he doesn’t miss when he brings down the meteor.
"It is a nice Gazebo!" I said happily but falsely. What edowerd didn't know is that I was starting to forgive him for his trespasses against me.
Cherry: Edward did nothin’ wrong!
Then we went inside the gazebo. It had beautiful Roman and Greek arcitecture which assured me of the Collin's wealth.
Briar: I’m noticing that she really likes to use the word ‘Assured’.
Asahi: Huh, now that you mention it, it is overused a lot.
"Now let's see the house" Alicica said. We walked past the drug lab were Alicia made her gods when she wasn't at school.
Cherry: Why struggle to find a God when ya can make one in your own basement?
Ever since she invented a cure for aids she was richer than anyone could ever imagine.
Asahi: She cured AIDS? Huh, that’s actually a really good thing. I’m glad. Though I’m worried she’s overcharging for it like America does for EpiPens.
Briar: Kind of…specific.
Asahi: Just a jarring example of American greed. An EpiPen costs over six-hundred dollars over in Cherry’s country. Here in Japan? Eight-thousand yen—er, that’s about… seventy-four dollars or so.
Cherry: Yeah… kind of a big price gap.
We went inside the Collins hose. It was HUGE. It had a TV and a kitchen and a table and everything.
Briar: As opposed to houses that don’t have a table or kitchen.
Then Alice took me up to her bedroom and gave me new clothes as she prepared her rum for having 2 people.
Asahi: Except she shares her room with Jasper, her boyfriend/husband. So really, we’re looking at her preparing her room to have three people.
Edowerd and jakub couldn't cum up because their boys and boys shouldn't be in girls rums [AN: you here that you sickos].
Briar: But Jasper, her husband, is an exception.
Anyways Alicia gave me a pink turtleneck with sleeves to the hands and a red catholic schoolgirl miniskirt and black pantyhose. It looked so god with my purple raven hare with golden streaks.
Cherry: She got to mention the rabbit every time?
Asahi: I feel bad for it, Rebecca dyed it’s fur and then painted a gold streak through it.
Tanishashanqua also equips something like that she had a white dress shirt with blue kaki jeans with shoes. Alicia stilt kept on her drug dealer uniform. After that we all made fiendship bracelets so that we would know that we would never abandoned one another ever agin.
Briar: Give it a few chapters.
Asahi: I find it amusing that Tanishashanqua and Alicia got a single sentence each for their clothes.
"Yo homie this shit be gold" tanishashanqua seed happily.
"Okay guys let's see the rest of the house" I said. If it weren't for me reminding everyone of everything we would never get places on time.
Cherry: Actin’ like yer friends are dumb, that aint a ‘good person’ thing.
Then Alice showed us the Bathroom on the basement floor. There was also a winery and a gym and a basketball curt.
Briar: That’s a big basement.
Cherry: Ya get drunk out of your mind, an then ya play some basketball.
Then on the middle basement floor there was a secret passage to the Armory. Then Alice showed us the dungeon.
Asahi: They have an armory and a dungeon? This is Sims level of basement design.
"Guys don't let Esme know that I showed you this" Alice said qualitly. We all shook our heads in assumption so she would know that we wouldn't betray.
Briar: ‘Assumption’ isn’t quite the word you’re looking for.
Asahi: I think you’re trying for ‘assured’ again.
Then we saw the videoguming rum. It was nice and big. Then I saw EDowerd's piano. Rossey's room had lots of guns and ammo and grenades. Alicia's room had lots of pink.
Cherry: Ya coulda just used the wiki to know what the house was like instead of makin’ up shit.
Cherry: Though, Rosalie’s room sounds awesome.
"This doth be Emmets Roometh" Edowerd sed as we entered Emmet's rum. It was dark with pink stripes. Emmet was listening to Lady Gage's "Born this way". I would have moshed with him to the music but only fucking stupid Goths and emo shits mosh. So instead we all danced normally.
Asahi: Ah, insulting goths and emos. Still proving that you’re not a good person.
But suddenly there was a HUGE FUCKING NOISE from the front of the house!
"OPEN UP MOTHERFUCKERS" said the door!
Briar: “How about we don’t!” the wall retorted.
"SHIT! THE COPS!" Alicia said as she got her gun out.
"No wait let me talk to them" Jacobo said. Then he took off his shirt and opened the door. There were two more cops.
Cherry: Shirtless Jacob, surefire way to get rid of all cops.
"Hello Rebecca. We are here to say sorry. We couldn't find Chadley's murderer. We thought that there might be evidence in the murder sene but now the Murder Scene has been burned down! Do you know who did it?" They asked.
Asahi: The culprit for both is Rebecca.
Jakub nodded towards me. I remember that before he said it was okay to do bad things but only if they were for good reasons. So I lied.
"It was esme." I said. Edowerd and Tanishashanqua and Alicia and Jacob all nodded chalantly.
Briar: You know I don’t quite understand why Esme is getting such hate. It’s nothing compared to the hate Bella gets, but Esme was a genuinely nice person for the most part.
"Bitch please" Someone who looked like Esme said as she went into the room. Then she took out a knife and stabbed the two cops and then ate them. It was... ESME!
Cherry: So the chick who looked like Esme and ate the cops really was Esme. Shocker.
Esme was standing there all eviliy and everything. She was dressed in a business women's suit and was easily taller than jakub. She had a black dress on too.
Asahi: Is she wearing a dress or a business suit?
Briar: She’s wearing the dress over the suit, maybe?
She had dark golden hair which went down to her back and also had leopard highlights. Her front tooth was missing but we didn't bring it up. Not even Rosalie because even Rosalie was afrade of that mega fuckking egotistical biotch Esme.
Cherry: Seriously, what did Esme do wrong here? She’s a nice person.
"By the way you bitches all need to go back to school tommorrow." Esme sed.
"What!? Why!?" Alice asked
"Shit's fucked up yo. People be dead and shit." Tanishashanqua sed.
Asahi: And whose fault is that?
"Too bad you bitches. I'm the new prinsipul and I say that school goes back tomorrow. And I hired new teechors too." She sed, pointing at ME! "ALL TO GET YOU, REBECCA! MY ENEMY! I WILL KILL YOU BEFORE THE WEEK ENDS!" she warned super evily.
Asahi: Are we ever going to get a reason for this want to kill Rebecca? Of course not.
Briar: I just assumed it was for revenge because of all the things Rebecca has done. To protect her family.
"FUCK YOU BITCH" I sed. I almost attacked her with my katana but I stopped myself because we wuld need Rosalie to take down Esme and this wasn't a good time.
Cherry: Also, Esme is a vampire an would fuck you up.
"HAHAHA! YOU WISH BITCH!" she said! "BY THE WAY I HAVE HIRD THE VULTURE TO TEACH CLASSES!" she screamed! Then she jumped out the window and left!
Briar: …Because the Volturi would happily stop their own work, their very important work as being the strongest and largest coven, and leave Italy to teach high school… all because you asked?
Asahi: Makes absolutely no sense.
"Who the fuck are the vulture" Jakub.
Cherry: Vultures are a type of food who eat dead animals.
I knew the answer becausemy friend Claritee had gotten away from them as a kid. But i deicded to let Edowerd have a moment of intelligence before he acted like a stupid fucking bitch again.
Asahi: And insulting Edward again. Really racking up those “Nice Girl” points.
"They are the vampiores who have superpowers" Edowerd send as he came.
Briar: …A lot of vampires have powers.
Briar: Actually, now that I think about it. What happened to the Cullens powers? I don’t remember any mention of Edwards mindreading powers, or Alice’s future vision.
He was now in the room. "Do not worry Rebecca weeth caneth defeateth them." He salon said cleanly.
Then Jakub left but tanishashanqua didn't because she was sleeping over with us too. I deeply but silently wondered just what that fucking bitch esme meant when she said that she would kill me.
Asahi: She means she will kill you. It’s not that deep.
But then i stopped thinking and went to bed for the night.
Cherry: You were thinkin’ in the first place?
chapter 25 - Religin class
Briar: Oh boy. Religion. Not a good sign.
Today it was tiem to go to scool unce agin. I got out my new bead in alicias rum. I luked out the window were I saw that it was snowing outsied. Wich was werd because normally in furks it doesnt snow onlee rain.
Asahi: That’s a fair point.
I mean I caem to furks for the rain in the first place so why the fuock didn't it rain more often.
Cherry: Not a fan of rain myself. I like it sunny and dry.
Briar: Agreed. Rain can be tedious. And it can make work all the harder.
I shuke my hand at Judah in the sky before gettin dresed in my new outfit for scool. I equipd my anti raep catana and my shotgun in case I had to kil esme or jessie or vitorio or james.
Asahi: At least Meowth is safe.
Wen I got to the dur with Tanishashanqua and alice I saw edowerd and Jacob. Even tho it was snowing jakub didn't hav a shirt on so I got to see his fucking sexy hot indian abs. Judah fucking dammit I wanted to do him right here but it was fucking cold out so I didnt.
Briar: And not because of your supposed vow of abstinence.
"hi jakub" I sed to him sexily as I culd.
"hi Rebecca. You luk good today." He told me. then Jakub caem.
Asahi: Gross.
We then huged in front of everyune. He was so warm so I hung on ti hum as he ran to scool. Becuz hes a werewolf he has super speed he can just taek me places. Alicia and edowerd and tansishanqua had to taek the car tho but it was oaky they sped along the road next to us. I waved to Alicia as she drove.
Briar: Vampires have superspeed, too. Or did you just forget all the vampires having any power besides immortality and blood-drinking?
Jakub droped me on the ice wen we got to scool. Hes a werewolf so he goes to scool in an indian restarant.
Asahi: I think him going to school on the reservation has more to do with him being Native American and less with him being a werewolf.
Asahi: Though that begs the question of why you keep having them go to school at Fucks High when you say they go to school at a “Resturant”.
He left but onlee after litly kissing me goodbi. Wen I luked up he was gone. I frowned. Then I saw edowerd Alicia and Tanishashanqua all cum over together. Claritee was there too.
Briar: Didn’t expect to see her again.
"yo homie wats that" Tanishashanqua sed as she ponted her ring finger over at the scool bilding. The building was still smoky and brokin from when cops jumprfd though the windows and shot at everything.
Cherry: Rude! Couldn’t even clean up first?
There was stil blud on some of the walls and edowerd and Alicia started getting off on it. Tasnishashanqua and me both thought it was fucking weird.
Briar: It’s extremely weird.
Then Edowerd and me both luked shrewdlee at wat was happening. First there was a bunch of new students. One of them was a gai the other one was a gurl. both of them were obviuslee new. They were walking right towards us at fast speds.
Asahi: If we’re lucky, they’ll run her over. But we’re not lucky.
"hi my names Rebecca whtas yours" I asked the boy.
Briar: The girl isn’t nearly as important.
The boy was a mega ultra fucking hottie but I didn't get to see his abes so I didn't no if he was actualee hotter han jakub.
Cherry: Sexualizing high schoolers. What a great thing to do.
He was realy pail but not like that foucking sick transecual caspor.
Briar: Barely into this and we’re back at it with the transphobia.
He also had gorjus blue lipstick on. He was angry then shoked and finaly calm as he spuked up.
"I am zAlec" he sed. "this is my sistor she is Kane" he sed waving his arms arund at his sister. She was just liek him onlee with bubs and a vajayjay and no you-know-what.
Asahi: Hello, Zalec and Kane.
Briar: You could have just said she looked like a feminine version of him.
She had a pink corset on with a matching dress. she luked like mary antwonet except without the wig and without looking ugly.
Cherry: Rude. I’m sure she was very beautiful.
"well okay that's niec" I sed as edowerd tasniahsshanqua Alicia and me all went to religion class wich was the first class of the dayu. But then Zalec caem too becuz it turned out that he was aslo in the clas with us.
Asahi: Run, Zalec, run while you still can.
We weer going to religion class which was taught by Carliel who is a paster of the romin orthodoks crutch.
Briar: Because Carlisle gave up a very well paying and noble job as a doctor to become a pastor and teacher.
Briar: At least Rosalie is still bringing in plenty of money to support a family of seven.
Claritee kept looking at Alec the entire time and nobuddy paid any attenshin to that hag Jane.
"hello I am fathor carlye and this is religion class" sed carlyse the fucking gorjus fathor of the collins. Calisle was even older than edowerd and alicai combined wich was really fuocking old.
Cherry: Fun fact. Jasper’s technically the second oldest. While Carlisle turned in the 1600’s, Jasper became a vamp in the 1860’s. An Edward only became a vampire in the early 1900’s.
Cherry: Long after the ‘doth’ an ‘thy’ went outta fashion
Im not sure why but he didn't have an aksent and instead just spouke ina normal fucking sexy british accent. He also was pail. Wen calyse found god he become a fathor to spred the wurd of jesus crist to everybody.
Briar: Can’t blame him for that. Perfectly normal.
Normily scool wuldnt allows him to teech becuz of the amendment but becuz hes esmes husbando he can teech religion now.
Asahi: A Religions class is not the same as religious teachings. An educational religions class tells you about religions from an academical point of view, not a spiritual one.
Asahi: So long as he isn’t trying to convert anyone and is objective, there’s no problem with a Religions class.
I thught this was fuocking STUPID BECUZ RELIGION SHOULD BE FREE and I wantd to follo Judah and not the propped up fals god befor me.
Cherry: I’m still just assumin’ Judah is who she thinks is the God of Judaism. An in that case, Judaism has the same God as Christianity.
"Here verybudy taek a free bibul for class" he sed.
"NO FUOCK YOU YOU MOTHERFUOCKER" I SCREEMD as I tuk my anti raep catana and cut the bibul in haf. Then Carlyle gaev me a new bibul becuz he sed the lord had spaers so wen calyse told us to use the bibles I said no and riped mine in half and chuckd it out the window.
Asahi: Destruction of a religious text. Another point for being a terrible person.
"who can explain this verse" he asked politly. Then he pickd on Tanishashanqua becuz hes a rasist. "tell me tasnishashanqua why guns cant make noise in this verse" he pointed at the sun and got down and prayd as he asked the question.
Briar: What has race to do with the question? And what do guns have to do with religion?
Asahi: Nothing at all.
"gun cant sound motherfucker" Tanishashanqua began. "but neither can peace." She finished.
Cherry: So deep. So beautiful.
Asahi: Red Arrow or Green Arrow? It’s very important.
Chapter 25 - the betrayal
Briar: Okay, who admitted they wanted to sleep with Rebecca when she asks them this chapter?
IT WAS ARROW! Arrow was a new teecher here at furks high ever sinc eseme becaem the new scool psinsipul becuz i had the kil the old one becuz he wuz evil and a vampior slayar.
Cherry: Yet he didn’t do anything evil. He just stood up an ya murdered him.
But then i stoped and luked out the window away from hi mand carlisle becuz i thought i saw something in the grass outsied.
Asahi: Such an alert attention span.
But it was just a boyd. Watever then i luked back and arrow had ogtten up n the table wich fathor carlisle was supposed to be on. He kickd all the bibuls off becuz he realizes that criteenity is fuocking stupid and that judah is the way to go i hopped.
Briar: Look. I’m not religious. I don’t believe in Gods, I think they’re just stories made up to bring comfort and help guide their morality. But I do believe in respecting what others believe in.
Briar: So in short, it’s very distasteful what’s going on right now.
"what the fuck is he doing motherfuocker" tanishahsnqua asked me. Then clarity cum to us and told us something.
"im not sure but hes the new lootenant of the scool polise" she sed.
Asahi: Do schools in America have police?
Cherry: We have resource officers, but they’re not a mini military.
I noded caerfuly. Clarity had fund out about my secret lately. She new that i kiled chadley but she also new that i didnt really meen it and that he understood me and that i was atoneing for my actions now.
Briar: She just has a very loose definition of atonement.
Asahi: How do you not ‘mean it’? You went all out in killing him.
i luked into her cristel like eys and new that i had a feind forever with her.
"WHAT THE FUOCK" cristal shouted when she saw arro who is a meember of the vulture.
Cherry: Don’t scream, he’ll notice you!
The vulture killed her parents when she was yung. Now she is a vampire becuz of them. I wuld fele bad but clarity just wont get over it so wtf am i suposed to say to someone whos complaing abut their deed parents for the millinth time for yeers.
Asahi: Being an insensitive friend. Another point for you.
Cherry: Ya don’t just ‘get over’ your parents being murdered and you being turned into a vampire.
I meen my parents lucked me in a basement for yeers but u dont see me telling peepul.
Briar: Ah, the obligatory bad childhood. Wondered when we’d get to that.
Anyways arrow opene his muth and out caem words.
"I AM HEER TO ANUNCE THAT dERE WILL BE A DANSE THIS CUMING FRIDAY NITE AND UR ALL INVITED!" arrow sed from the ceeling wich he had climbed up to sins hes a volture!
Cherry: Weird power move, but okay.
"BUT IF U DUNT CUM ULL FAIL RELIGION!" he sed evilly! "AND IF U DONT HAV A DAET U CANT CUM EETHER! AHAHAHAHA!" He sed before he turend into a bat and left the classrum.
Briar: Way to keep your vampirism a secret.
Cherry: Damn, now we’re required to attend school dances? That sucks!
Then class was over becuz father calisly had to give bat the chase becuz it actualee was arrow. Clarity Edoward Alicai Tanishashanqua Salec me and the hag Jane all waked down the hals togethur.
Asahi: Is Jane the new Bella? Because I feel bad for her.
"hey rebeca hu won the elecshin" asked alicai. "i voted for u even tho rosalies my sis dont tell her or ill fuck u up" she sed quietlee. I noded my hed.
Briar: What have you done, Alicia? You’ve doomed us all.
"um i no" sed Alex hu was a quite small boy hu was beyutiful. "it wil be anunced at the danse" he sed
"how do you no that" tanishashanqua sed
"arrow is... MY FATHOR!" he reveeled and then grabed that fuocking bitch ane's arm and ran down the hal.
Cherry: Yes, but no.
Asahi: I guess if he turned Jane and Alec, he could be considered a father.
But when he was running jane let go and aciduntly steped in rosey's peth wich rosey didn't liek. But rossey thinks shes go grate she let hur of with a warning.
"bitch dunt do that agin" she sed and dicked her gun.
Asahi: That sounds uncomfortable.
"wtf rebecca u hav a posse now u miseryabull cunt" i luked it and it was bella hu luked haf emo and haf skanc. She had white fishnte stalkings and a black waste belt and upsieddown hipster glaosses. She had a blacke and gray flannel top on too wich was why she was so emo.
Cherry: Bella, no. No, please, you don’t want to be here.
Then al of a suden ALEC CAEM BACK!
"wtf do u want ho" i asked but then remebered to be gud to repeent "im sorry, i mean wat is it". Claritee and alicai saw how hurd it was for me to be niace to that fuocking biotch so they smieled at me.
Asahi: Wow, she actually apologized to Bella. I am impressed.
Asahi: I will take one, just one point from your bad behavior tally.
"i jsut want to tell u that you suck. And stink. And can go fuock an elephent." Then she turned and walked away. This is the fuocking thanks i get for hepling to protekt her from angela yesterday god fuocking dammit.
Briar: Protect? You tried to frame her for the murder of her father, the murder you did, you tied her up in a bathroom stall,
Briar: When you thought Angela was after you, you said, and I quote; "NO GETBELLA SHES TYED UP". Then you were glad when Angela went after Bella instead of you.
I waentd to cry becuz angela hadnt kiled her but then i stoped and went insied my mind and smacked my inner biotch and told her to stop being suoch a biotch.
Asahi: That doesn’t work. Trust me, I’ve tried.
"who is that gurl" alec sed starrily.
"shes bella shes a biotch" i sed.
"shes beyutiful" he sed dreemilee.
Asahi: Thank you. Yes, she is. Thank you for noticing.
I culdnt staend the thught of him lusting ofter such a fuocking hore so i decided to set him strate.
"no u don't want to get involved with her. Right edowerd?" i asked.
"yes milday doth not wanteth toeth get involvedeth with that ho" he concluded poste hayste. But then in the moment jane saw everyting going on.
Cherry: Guys, just let him be with Bella. Stop involvin’ yourselves with other peoples lives.
"WHATS RONG WITH U AM I NOT GOOD ENOUGH ?!" she asked wile crying. It was disgusting becuz snot and teers wer runingn down her faec. Then she ran off into the girls bathrum so alicai claritee me and tanishashanqua folowed her wile edowerd went to go beet up dalec for being such a doosh.
Briar: But he didn’t do anything wrong but say Bella is beautiful? What? Do they want him to romanticize his own sister?
"girl dont worry ur beyutiful" alicai pated jahne on the back caerfully.
"yeah if he cant see your beyuty then hes not good enuff for you in the first place" i told her.
Asahi: …He’s her brother.
I felt good. Then i realized. Being good feels good. Maybe this was something i culd do afterall.
Cherry: You can be good. But will you? Probs not.
I was goign to be a better persun and leaf the lief of sin ive been folowing behind me. I went over to the last stal and there was a homeless person in it. I gave them som money. Then i gav him a poptart. It felt good!
Briar: …Why is there a homeless person just hiding in the school bathroom?
But then it was tiem for gim so we al had to go to class. We were playging dodjhal wich is a fun game were you hav to dodje shit that peepul are throwgin at you. Becuz of all my combat experiunce it was easy for me.
Asahi: Your combat experience is boiled down to you being saved by everyone and stabbing people for no reason.
That whore bella was on the other team along with clairy. When she wuznt looking clarity pushed her and she fell down and got hit 15 tiems by everune on our ttem.
Briar: Rude.
Asahi: And that point I took away for apologizing to Bella? It’s back and doubled.
Then the other teem god angry and throo shit at bela. I laughed so hard that i though i wuld pee myself but i wuldnt in public so fuock u.
Asahi: Tripled.
Cherry: She’s gonna have a few dozen points when its over.
As the gaem was almost ovar edowerd was hit so hard that he went thru the wall... It was CASPOR i meen CASMINE the transeccual boy! [AN: NASPER WENTS TO BE CALD JASMIN BECUS HE FELS MORE FEMINEN]
Briar: More power to her.
Cherry: Jasmine’s a pretty name. She’ll be a beautiful woman.
he hade thrown a hal so fast it broke eodwrds spien twice.
Asahi: Nice. Good job, Jasmine.
But then anya the bold stud up and cawt the ball! She was so beyutiful and fast and gud at editing. [AN: ANYA THIS IS U!]
Briar: Aaah, she has a new editor.
Briar: I wonder how long she will last.
she thrw a keyboard at bella and bella went ot the hospitul.
Cherry: A keyboard?! The hell?
Then i saw emmet. I went up to him and asked him how the gay thing was. It must be haerd not being with the une u luv becuz if he was with seth then saths family of wolves wuld exile the too and familee is all sath has sins his fathor dyed yesterdae.
Asahi: If you love someone enough, and if your family can’t approve of your love, then you’re better off without your family. Emmett and Seth would be better together if they are truly in love, and they shouldn’t care what the people around them think.
Anywasy then we won the gaem but lost the match becuz they trid to make us go outsied and sins most of our teem is vampiors they culdnt play. So it was me and anya. We tried but there wer too many. 16 acshually.
Briar: I’m just imagining that Rebecca got hit with so many balls she’s a walking bruise.
Cherry: I love that image.
Anyways then we went to our next class but first i waented lunch so i skiped and evryon caem with me...
Asahi: Considering the principle wants you dead, you shouldn’t be skipping.
I wuz going to the bathrum were i hade fught angela to a draw and then helped to beet her when suddenly edowerd apperd!
Briar: We read the story, Rebecca. We know that’s not what happened.
"EDOWERD WHAT THE FUOCK" i asked! this was the WOMINS bathrum!
"doth engaegeth in sex" he sed forsing himsefl on me! OH NO! WHAT WAS I GOING TO DO!?
Asahi: Wow. Edward that’s a bit forward.
Cherry: Yikes. Big yikes.
chapter 27 - the hospital bathroom
Asahi: It is mildly triggering every time she brings up how this school doubles as the town hospital.
Asahi: And now we have to specify that she’s not in the school-half’s bathroom, but in the hospital-halfs bathroom.
Cherry: This school had best be havin’ some damn good biology classes an pre-med electives.
Oh no! wat was i gunna do edowerd wuz cuming to me to moleest me?
"no stop edowerd i dun get ti" i sed crying.
Briar: Her crying is actually completely justified.
Briar: It feels weird validating what she says and does, though.
Why was edowerd tryign to do this to me? This was so fukced up!
Asahi: Maybe he’s coming to rape you for the same reasons Seth did to Bella? By your logic, what he does is absolutely justified then, after all.
Cherry: I don’t wanna see ya acting like a whiny bitch about this after how ya treated Bella when she went through this.
Teers wer runign down my face so quitlee and i wuz jsut so shoked. Edowerd tuk my rist and then throo me at the grund.
Briar: Break her spine. Break her spine.
"doth beeth a bitcheth" he sed and then smackd me.
Asahi: Sorry, she’s incapable of not being one.
Then he riped my shirt off.
"why are you doing this!?" i screemed at him. "STOP! WHY!?" He hit me agin, this time with his cleets [AN: EDOWERD IS ON THE SOCCUR TEEM].
Cherry: He hit her with his cleats? Not kicked her? What’d he do? Tear his shoes off an start smacking her in the face with em?
Then i felt sumthing red sleeping down my forehed. It was BLUD! he must have brike skin when he hit! "shit" i sed.
Asahi: It’s just a flesh wound.
Edowerds eies turned all red andshit and then hey got huded. He luged after me but i got up and dodgd his atac.
Briar: Because it’s easy dodging a vampire who has super speed and heightened reflexes.
He culdnt be resened with in his stayte and i was scrayd. I tride to run for the dur but then he apered and slamed it. Then he punched me and i flew back into the mirors. As i hit them they explouded into a bilion trilion shrads and they went everwere. Sum of it hit my faec and i culd tel i wuld get a scar.
Asahi: This is oddly cathartic. Seeing her actually get the crap beaten out of her. Not something you see often in these kinds of stories.
Cherry: I’m soakin’ as much of this as I can before she inevitably somehow beats him.
"AAAAAAAAAH" i screemed!
Briar: Alas, the bathroom was completely soundproof, and thus no one passing by in the halls could hear her screams and cries for help or the sounds of someone being beaten.
He hit me so hrad i went thru the sink too! Then before i culd reakt he had thrown me thru eech bathrum stal one bai one. There were five in tottal.
Asahi: I’m impressed she’s not broken her spine yet.
Finaly tho he tripped up and so i ran up to him with my katana and smaked him with it. I didnt want to hurt him he wuz my frend at one point so insted i just taped him withit.
Cherry: Emphasis on smacked. It’s not like you’d wanna cut the person beatin’ you up and tryin’ ta’ rape ya. No, that’d just be rude.
He lost his frenzie and then luked at wat he did to the bathromo.
"doth fucketh" he sed and then before i new it he had sped out of the rum.
Asahi: So, the cure for a frenzied vampire on a rampage is to tap them with a sword.
Asahi: As Edward said; the fuck?
I new that i had to run and find alicai and tel her wat hapened. It was hard to run tho becuz blud was gushing down thru my foreheed and it wuz gettin in my eies.
Briar: It has nothing to do with being thrown into a mirror, five bathroom stalls, and a sink resulting in broken bones and numerous bruises.
As i ran down the hal i culdtn figur owt why edowerd did that to me. I meen i no ive dun bad things in the past but this wuz just out of cacater for edowerd.
Cherry: Eeeeh… Maybe not the rape part, but ya definitely deserved the beatdown.
But then i shruged it off until i fund tanishashanqua and alicia and Jacob who was there for lunch break
Asahi: And Jacob is at their school and not the Indian restaurant he attends because…?
"what the FUCK gurl are you okay!?" Tanishashanqua asked. she tuk a cleen rag [AN" CLEEN TO PREVENT INFECSHINS] owt of her purs and then wiped my forehed with it.
Cherry: She’s honestly the most competent person here.
"alicia get out of heer u wont be able to resist the blud" Jacob sed to her. She noded her hed smoothlee and then jumped up the roof and out of scool grunds.
Briar: As you do when you’re leaving someplace.
Jacob picked me up with tanisahshanquas help and they tuk me to the hospitul wing of the scool. Then i blaked out.
When i woke up jacub was there with me. I had a yellow bandij on my hed were my wund was. Tanishashanqua was there to, but she wuz sleepign becuz sh ewas tired.
Asahi: Now be quiet, we don’t want to wake Tanishashanqua up.
"rebecca u need to tell me what is the matter" jakub sed. "who did this to you. I want to help" he sed as he culd see me.
"it was edowedr he tried to raep me" I sed cheerliee
Asahi: Weird thing to be cheerful about.
but no then sadlee becuz i had the shit beetin out of my.
Cherry: Ah, ya forgot ya ought to be sad bout that. Happens all the time.
"itll be okay i'll go take caer of him" jakub sed as he got his axe out of his pockit.
Asahi: Are you tired of your belts constantly breaking when you hang your axes on them? How about the axe hitting people or the walls whenever you try to squeeze by people?
Cherry: Well, now ya don’t got to worry about any of that anymore! We’re here introducing the newest innovation in yer axeman lifestyle! The pocket-axe!
Asahi: When you’re tired of cutting down trees and killing vampires, you just fold it up and slip it right into your pocket. No more axe-idents.
Cherry: No more problems!
Asahi & Cherry: Buy yours today!
Then he howled and turned into a fury and then juped out the window of the hospitul rum.
Briar: Was he still carrying his axe?
Cherry: Aw the widdle wofly cawwied the axe in his widdle mouthy.
I wuz glad that he wuz ther to support me. I wuld support him in my own speshal way in the futor.
Asahi: “By stabbing him in the dick.”
"fuck yu you cunt" i herd. I luked up. It was BELLA! She wuz the one in the hospitul bed to the side of mine! God fuocking dammit i thught to myself slylee.
Briar: Bella, my favorite person, you’re okay!
"what!? What the fuck doyou want bella!? Cant u just leev me alone!? JUDAH FUOCKING DAMMIT U WEER ALWAS SUCH A FUCKING BITCH TO ME I HATE YOU" i screemd in fuory. Uh oh. I was supoed to be gud.
Cherry: Ya never been good.
"thas hard to do when u do shit like KILL MY FUOCKING DAD YOU CUNT" she screemed even loudlier.
Asahi: She has a very valid point.
Briar: Can’t argue with her reasoning.
I gasped loudlee so that she culd understand my shouck.
"ur just jelus that chardly always luved me mora than you" i sed furiouslee!
Cherry: An you repaid that love by killin’ him.
She was so shucked that she culdnt even say anyting to that. Then she luked down an troddin. Wich ment that she new i was rite. Wich ment that i weon.
Briar: Doesn’t justify the murder.
Asahi: We all know Charlie really loved Bella best, she’s just full of herself.
I got up out of my bead and went to the hospitul rum bathrum. Y didnt this victoree feel gud tho?...
Cherry: Oh, God!
Cherry: Are ya learning empathy?
As i steped into the bathrum to go tinkle my combat sens tingld.
Asahi: “Look mom, I can rhyme! Are you proud of me, now?”
Sudenly i dodj roled out of the atac in the smal bachrum onlee to see... ANGELA THE VAMPIOR! She was back!
Briar: Why do all these vampires love attacking girls in the bathroom? Edward did it once, and this is Angela’s third Bathroom Strike.
And she had a new BLAK CATANA! And she had triedto kill ME WITH IT! I ran out of the bathroom at my ful potenshil and assumd fightign pose in frunt of bella.
Asahi: Wait, are you attacking Bella? Defending Bella? Using Bella as a human shield?
"shit motherfucker!" tanishashanqua screemed!
Cherry: Oh, ya woke up to the fight, but not to Bella and Rebecca screamin at each other?
She got out her gun and poiynted it at the biotch angela. We wer gonna protekt bellas lief and also my life. I new that it was heer that i wuld maek up for my sins and devowlee folo judahs plan.
Briar: I can’t believe it.
Briar: They’re actually protecting Bella? Bella? Did someone replace Rebecca with a clone? A good clone?
Asahi: I don’t believe this is going to last, but I want it to.
As angela the vampiore stuck out the bathroom we prepard!
"u evaded me twise so now yuo both shall DIE" angela screemed! Then she LUGED!
Cherry: Oh, no! She luged! How will anyone survive?
okay i no i sed that i wuld reply to ny reviows but srsly
Jason Bartholomu 12/4/12 . chapter 16
Do you even lift?
lift what i dunt get it what the fuock is rung with u pepul
Cherry: Ya don’t get the most iconic an basic of memes? Disappointin’.
chapter 28 - Rebecca & Bella vs Angela
Then she LUGED! I gasped wile tryign to deflekt angelas atack with my catana. She was very skiled but i think that i was more thern a match for her wile we were in the hospital rum.
Asahi: No. No you’re not.
"SHIT HOMIE GEDOWN" tanishashanqua SCREEMD as she usd her gun at angela. I was fsat enuf to dodge the bullits but if i hadnt bene then i wuld be ded.
Cherry: Considerin’ how fast bullets move… that’s physically impossible.
Angela didnt tho and she got shotted at leest 4 times in the neck. But she didnt say anything like i expected her to so it was werd. She jsut tryed to stab me and tanishashanqua and bella sum more so u no wat? Angelas a fuocking bitch.
Asahi: Takes one to know one.
Suddenly anya the bold ran in wile eeting cheetos and poptarts and luked at us but she was so scray by wat she saw that she ran out. [AN: ANYA GET UR AKT TOGETHUR UR SUPOSED TO BE EDITING NOT EATING CHEETOS U FATTI]
Briar: That’s one way to chase away your editors.
Asahi: I’m surprised it took this long before she lashed at her. I can assume that after this chapter she won’t be editing for you anymore.
but then angela threw her sword like a boomeragn and it cut off anya the bolds arm so TAEK THAT U CAN GET UR ARM BAECK WHEN U START WURKING AGAIN!
Cherry: Yeah, no one in their right mind’s gonna deal with you when ya do shit like that.
"Bella u need to get out of here we caent hold her off for loung!" i sed wile trying to be a gud person. It was hard to prove it tho becuz there wer no homeliss pepul to give poptards to but whatevr.
Asahi: I think you need to understand that doing good deeds because you want to be seen as ‘good’ isn’t the same as doing good deeds because it’s the right thing to do.
Anyways then angela smacked tanishashanqua on the hed but she didnt stop THERE! then tanishashanqua luged at bella but i blocked the atack. Tasniahsnqua then tuk out a nife and went for Angela!
Briar: Tanishashanqua, you’re having some trouble remembering who your enemy is, aren’t you?
"YOU WILL NOT STOP ME!" Angela screemed but then tanishashqnau stabed her in the gut with her getto nife and then i pushed her owt the window of the hospitul rum. Luckilee the rum is fiev storys up so angela had a long fal to deel with.
Cherry: It’s rather quick when ya take into account the speed ya fall at.
"we need to escape befor she climsb back up here" i sed serverlee. I luked ovar at Bella and Bella was just fuocked up becuz of this drama and shit.
"WHAT THE FUOCK IS GOIGN ON!?" she screemed.
Briar: Very valid response.
"luk motherfuocker that bitch is gonna kill you too if we dont run so u can eether stay here or run with us to be abel to survive" tanishashanqua sed.
"she wuz the one who atacked us in the bathrum stal" i sed to clarifye the situation.
Asahi: So long as you avoid going into any bathrooms, you’ll be safe.
Bella thught for a secund and then nodded her head.
"okay, ur right." She sed.
"we need to get away and fast" i sed as i locked the windows so that when angela tries any spiderman shit to get back into heer it wuldnt wurk.
Briar: You could always break the glass.
"how are we going to do that!? Shes so strong a powerful!" bella sed wile starting to cry a litle bit.
"Theres only 1 persun strong enuf to take on angela for shure" tasniahshanqua begined. "Rosey." I nodded my hed becuz this was a relly good idea. Thank gudness tasniahsnqua is such a gud friend with gud ideas.
Asahi: Thank God Tanishashanqua has the one brain cell this group shares.
"does anybody have a car that we can use to get to the collins house?" i askd the too.
"i do!" bella sed and then we all went to the parkign lot to get into beds fuocking uglee truck. Even tho it was uglee and i haet it with all my pashin it was savign my lief now so i maed sure to remember to fix it when this was all ovar.
Cherry: This is so weird. She’s… growin’? As a person?
Cherry: Am I dreamin’?
I culd start to append for my sins by treeting the things in my life better. As we were gettign into the truck, we herd a fucking obnoxshis screech.
"GET BACK HERE BITCHES!" It was ANGELA! She was on a moturcycle! She tuk out a pistol and started to shoot bullits at us so we got into the truck fastlee.
Briar: Motorcycles… are like metal horses… that’s kind of cool.
Cherry: Motorcycles are awesome, I defs’ want one.
Tasniahsnqa and I got into the back bed [AN: THATS WERE U PUT THE KARGO AND SHIT IN A PIKUP TRUCK]
Asahi: I’m pretty sure most everyone knows what the truck bed is.
and asumed fihgting posishin. I tuk out my shotgun and shotted it at angela wile tanishahsnaqua tuk out her getto pistol and also shotted it.
"GO GO GO GO!" i screemed and then bella tuk off out of scool grounds and around the town while angela followed us. Agenla tried to shoot at the car but tanishashanqua shot back and i deflekted bullits with my anti-raep catana wile shooting with my shotgun.
Cherry: I never did like the ‘deflects bullets with a sword’ trope people love doin’ in anime.
It was hard, to sto pthe bullits, but i had to protekt bella, the driver of this vehicol. but then Angela activated her turbo button and then she was speeding up so fast that theer wouldnt be a chanse for us to escape! It was as if she had a jet in that fucking moturcycle!
Cherry: That’s pretty cool, actually.
"Bella!" i screemed! "Speed up! We arent lusing her!"
"IM TRYING DONT DISTRAKT ME" bella screemed. I meen i understand her srtress but hello tanishashanqua and i wuldnt let anything happen to her. But whatever she desruves the beenfit of the doubt.
Asahi: This is so weird.
Asahi: I’m not complaining, though.
We sped up rally fast and then Bella tuk the truck out of the town and into the windign roads behind the town. There were lots of trees everywhere and it began to raen liek crazee so i felt at home.
Cherry: There’s this magical barrier that kept the rain out of the town.
Suddenlee a coip car starded to get in on the chase too! We were tryign our best to deflekt bullits but then the fuockign cops tried to drive US off the road insted of angela!
"Tanishashanqua the cops are alyed with Angela!" i sed! We were doomed unless we culd get those biotches off our backs!
Briar: Maybe it’s because you killed one of their own?
"i got this motherfucker" tanisahsnqua sed and then she shot the cop driving the car in the hed and he died and his car went off a cliff and exploded.
Asahi: Ah, another murder. Good job.
Then we went back to doign what we were doign before.
"YOU WONT ESCAPE EASILEE!" angela screemed and then she tuk her gun and aymed it at the tire of the truck and SHOT THE BULLIT! IT HIT! THEN IT MADE A NOISE! Tanishashanqua and me almost fell out but before i new it Angela had use d the swurve to JUMP INTO THE TRUCK WITH US! FUCK!
Briar: This is equally unexciting and exciting. It’s kind of scary how she managed that.
"FUCK YOU" i screemed and engayged her in one on one swordfightign. It wuz her black catana versis my anti rape catana and it luked liek i was losing!
Cherry: Surprisin’ absolutely no one.
I just culdnt keep up with her enhansed vamprie powers! FUCK! She then pujnched me in the boob and smacked me!
Cherry: Ouch, boob punch. Low blow.
Then she luged for tanishansqua! NOOOO!
"FUUUUUUUUCK" tanishahsnqua screemed as angela cut off her pistol hand with her evil black catana! Then she picked up one of my onlee friends and threw her out the back of the truck wile bella was driving it at 120 miles per hours!
Asahi: Ah, man. You killed off one of the few interesting characters.
It was tramatic taek my wurd for it.
Briar: I’ll have to.
"Bitch please this is still my fucking turf ur on" someone sed. IT WAS ALICIA! She was drivign a sports car and had caght tanisahsnaqua's bodee with the hood of her car.
Cherry: That’s actually gonna be pretty painful.
Asahi: At least Alicia is here. Now they stand a chance of survival.
Tanishashanqua got into the car wile alicai shot at angela frum the sports car. I new then that this wuz my chase to get a hit in on angela so i struck and almost nocked her off the speedign truck! Btu then she hung on and overpowerd me.
Cherry: Surprisin’ no one.
"No matter how many of u weeklings show up I will still rain supreme!" she sed evilee! Alicia used her vampire strength to shoot many bullits at angela but angela also was a vampiore so she dodged them like a profesional. But no! some of the bullits that missed angela wuz going to hit bella! I tried to dodge into the atac but i onlee tuk too bullits!
Briar: It’s so jarring that she’s throwing herself into danger to protect Bella. Is this the same Rebecca?
"SHIT" i screemed. I had faild and culdnt protekt bella. Even tho i akt like i hate her shes secretely always been my role model and i shuldve been nicer to her.
Asahi: Know what that is? Growth.
A singul teer drop fell frum me faec as i relized wat was goign to hapen. I herd a screem from bella, and suddenlee the car went off the side of the roed and into the wuds. Angela and i went flyign over 70 feet in the aeir along with the truck. As we wer in midair bella fell from the truck and angela stabed me in the stomick, but not before i shoved my antiraep catana into her nee!
Cherry: so we got three deaths?
Cherry: At least one from the 70 feet fall.
She kickedd me and i went flying even furthor. But then as i hit a tree on the way down, i herd an exploshin. Then everything went blaeck as i fell...
Briar: That was the sound of your insides turning to mush.
Chapter 30: woods
Cherry: The less successful knockoff of “Into the Woods”.
I woke up in the fucking awful rain becuz seriously people I dont love it THAT much I mean geeze.
Briar: With how much you were saying you love it, now you don’t?
Anyways my head really fucking hurt because i had been sent through a fall. I didnt know where Angela was because she had gone flal too but I knew that if I honed myself that I could find bella.
Asahi: If Bella’s dead, we riot.
I found my shotgun and katana and put then in the ground int he forest I was in. It was almost dark. I could tell ecause the sun was setting. Time had passed. I cliped my hands together and prayed to Judah that something would guide me way. Then I opened my eyes and saw the Elf Grandfather who was pointing at the car wreck with Bella underneeth it!
Briar: Suddenly there are elves?
Cherry: That’s not the weirdest thing, oddly enough.
I ran to the reck and saw that Bellas hand was the only thing not under her fucking trashed truck. It was burning and smoke and shit and the trees were going to burn down soon.
Asahi: Save her or perish.
"Bella dont worry I'll save you!" I screemed because I was a good person and shoved the truck with all my mite. It was no use those I couldn't gain ground against the truck because of Newton's laws against moving objects! [AN: FUCK YOU NEWTON]
Cherry: Newton had nothing to do with this.
"rebeeca you goddamn it fucking ugly stupid whore help me goddamn you and fuck this" she whinied at me which was totally unhelpful right now I mean c'mon I'm trying to concentrate at the moment.
Briar: I’ll admit, Bella, not the best time to complain.
"GODDAMNIT IM TRYING" I screamed at her. I mean if she didn't have such a fucking huge truck this wouldnt be tough the thing ways like 15 tons. But then my combat sense tingled and I looked behind me and suddenly ANGELA APPEARED in the sky and and she started to use her sword in me!
Asahi: Phrasing.
Cherry: She said what she meant. The swords in her.
"I'll kill you! HIYAH" She screened as she luged over and over again. I tried to fight back but it was hard because bella was there nad she was the targit and I was trying to protect Bella but Angela used and I couldn't truck!
Briar: She couldn’t truck?
Briar: Is that some modern age slang?
"WHAT YOU SAY TO ME!?" I screamed as I punched Angela's breasts in the fight.
Cherry: Another boob punch!
It was a ground blow but it was all I could do to stay in front. "You're a monster Angela and I won't let you harm people!" I screemed harder this time! But then Angela jumped into the air with her Katana and cut my shotgun in half! Oh shit! I was so fucked!
Asahi: Well, it was nice knowing you, Rebecca.
Asahi: Not really. But, hey, good riddance.
Cherry: Ya might not be the first monster, but ya might be the first monster coach.
Then she stopped flying right on top of me. As bella was getting her face burned and crushed by the Car Angela just kept stabbing me and stabbing me with her Katana of death until She picked me up with it and impaled me.
Briar: I’ll be fine with Bella dying if it means Rebecca dies as well, just saying.
Briar: That gives me some ideas.
She was just to strong. This was the final line for me and bella. None of my friends were around to save me. Jacob was after Edoward who was running away from Fucks and Alicia was with Tanishashanqua wherever the fuck they were and And nerd Clarity was actually in that the school.
Asahi: I forgot Clarity existed.
Cherry: Same.
I tried to take a breath but it was hard because Angela was using a sord to mvoe me.
Then all of a sudden a gunshot went off and Angela threw me off to the sword with great power! She cut the bullet in half and we both looked up! It WAS CHOCOLOVE!
Briar: Never mess with a stripper.
"Angela stop" he said while looking like a teachor.
"Why the fuck shuld I?" She asked as I was there and on the ground almost dead and Bella was almost dead to. She was about to snap my neck so it was good that Chocolove arrived to stop her!
Cherry: I’d be more concerned bout all the holes you got.
"Because" he said wile pointing at Angela the Vampire! "When you were alive, I WAS YOUR FATHER ANGELA!" She then started to cry becuz she was just confused by touching it all. Then she got fucking angry!
Asahi: What a twist!
Briar: I’d be crying tears of confusion, too. This is pretty nonsensical.
"YOU LYING FUCKER" she screemed and then tried to stab him but Chocolove's forcefeld stopped her from comign close to him. "AAAAAA" she screemd as she went flying backwards into an other grandfather elf tree.
Briar: The poor elf-tree.
"ITS TRUE" he screemed! "YOUR MOTHER IS NONE OTHER THAN RENNY!" Everybody at the sene gasped because of the revelatin! If angela was renny's dohter then that meant that... "YES!" Chocolvoe screemed! "THAT MAKES ANGELA BELLA'S SISTER!"
Asahi: Clearly Renée had the true harem.
And then Angela started swearing so much that I'm not even gonna fucking write it becuz seriously it would take up like 5 pages of text.
"you bitch" Angeal screamed and then broke down on the ground.
"Its true their insides are made of the same blood..." he said. "My daddy blood".
Asahi: Ugh, I hate the word ‘Daddy’.
Cherry: Wouldn’t they be sharin’ Renée mommy blood?
Asahi: Don’t say ‘mommy’, either.
And then all of a sudden my pain wouldn't release because Angela had still stabbed me. But then something amazing happened that saved my life that I will never forget!
"HOMING MISSLE BOMB STRIKE" sed a voice! The voice belonged to Alec!
Asahi: You’re still here?
All of a Sudden Angela went missiling up into the air like some sort of flying projectile and left the atmosfear. Jane was there too but she was a had so it didn't matter.
Cherry: Wow, rude.
"What are you doing here you fools?" Chocolove asked
"I am here to save Bellanita and Rebeccadora [AN: THOSE ARE THEIR FULL NAMES]
Briar: I don’t know about Rebecca, but Bella’s full name is Isabella Marie Swan.
from sertin death" Alec said. "They are too close to the collin compound and you know what lies in there! We must not let Esme see them!" And then Jane nodded and made a incantation to say "HOLY" and then the truck got up and rolled over and away from Bella so that we culd save her.
"Don't worry" Alec said to me. "My powers sent her to the MOON" he screamed.
Briar: Well, we know she’ll be back on earth in an hour, tops.
"I won't let you ruin my plans!" Chocolove said with anger and blood dripping from his voice and then his forsefield grew to ten times the original amount! "Esme will hear about this blatant betrayl of our plans and then you will suffer the consequences!"
Asahi: I’m sorry? What?
Briar: The stripper is evil, what a shocker.
"what are you saying Chocolove!?" I managed to ask wile bleeping out onto the forest ground.
Cherry: I’ll give ya props for being awake after all that blood loss.
"I wont asnwer that because it would spoil my plans" he said. And then he made to summon a Lance and equiped it to do battle with.
"Well too bad they are our friends and we will save them" jane sed finally speaking up! Then she made a ninjutsu sign and then screamed "TELEPORT" and the four of us (Me, Bella, Jane, and Alec) teleported away from Mr. Chocolove!
Asahi: What? This is Naruto now?
Chapter 31: Return to School
Suddenly like as if were teleported we were in the school. I was there with my wounds and Bella was there with her face and shit all burned and alec and Jane were there to.
"We will take Bella to the facility" said Alec. He puked up Bella with amazing speed and pushed everyone out of his way to the hospital. Jane cried like the hag she is and then teleported away.
Cherry: This fic is makin’ me ship Alec/Bella.
So then I had to go to class to find claritee because she was the only one who could be my friend since Jacub was in the pursuit and Tanishashanqua and Laicia wer .
Briar: I’m impressed she is able to spell Tanishashanqua the same every time.
Then I looked up at the clock and there was enough time left in the day to go to my next class wich was a math class. I hate math because I'm not very good at it because of Newton [AN: FUCK YOU AGAIN NEWTON].
Cherry: Newton’s got nothin to do with ya sucking.
Asahi: I think you skipping the rest of your classes would be justified at this point.
"I'm sorry I'm late sir I was busy fiting angela" I said to the teachor who was suppled to be Mr Clearwater but I acted a gasp when it wasn't! It was Hasmes the man whose arm was missing after he consumed Clear water!
Briar: Hasmes is still alive? Wow.
"PAY ATTENTION TO THE BOARD REBECCA" screemed Hames the Vampire teacher of my Calculus class as I perfectly sat to my seat. We were learning things like how to divide funktions and trickonometry. "YOU ARE THIEVING KNOWLEDGE FROM THE OTHER STUDENTS" he screamed wile waving chalk and shit around the class. I don't get why I even try its not like I'm asian or anything so fuck this shit.
Asahi: Wow. Racist.
Cherry: Everyone’s gotta learn math, deal with it.
"Psst Rebecca want to buy some weed" sad the boy to the left of my seet! IT WAS SERKADES! [AN: SERKADES IS ONE OF THE SNERKERS].
Briar: Who from the what?
Asahi: No idea.
He was a sit there and selling drugs to me and everything! I went all D: and then he Took out the dope and waved it in my fucking face. "I need it to pay for my props" he tried to say slidely.
"Mr Hames serkades is selling drugs!" I told the teechor but he was so busy reducing Clitoria that he didn't notice.
Cherry: Ouch, clit reduction in a classrooms gonna be painful.
"No I don't want any of your fucking drugs so stop before alicai sees you beside I am too far above the inner fluence" I told him. I was trying to help I mean if Alica saw this shit she would fuckign kill him for being on her turd.
Briar: Fair point.
"Your strong so I can not do anything to encourage you" sad Serkades because he just kept on trying to sell. "I'll call you when I'm selling cheap" he sed and swiped me his phone number for texting because nobody calls anymore.
Cherry: That’s a lie.
I riped it up because I was done being a bad person and I didn't even try to stab him so I felt good about myself just like it should be. In fact I was going to tell on him and do the right thing so he could sort his life out. Judah would want that.
Asahi: It’s so weird seeing Rebecca be somewhat good.
"Bye mr Hames I am going to the School police" I told Hames as I got up and left and he just stuck his middle finger up at my because she was busy kussing his lady bitch's face to notise his job. I walked down the fucking empty halls and located Arrow's room since his is a liutenant [AN: THE SCHOOL POLICE ARE IN ARROWS ROOM].
Briar: So this school has a hospital and police.
Briar: All it needs is a bank and it’s a town of its own.
But I heard mouning going on inside so I quickly opened the door to investigate!
"WHAT THE FUCK" I SCREAMED because I was scared. My old fiend Clarity Etude Symphonia was on the desk laying there and Arrow was on top of her as a Bat masticating on her body! He just kept going and going it was fuckign sick. There was blood everywhere like a volcano in Italy.
Asahi: Disgusting.
Cherry: Repulsive.
Briar: Revolting.
"Get off of her what the fuck are you doing!?" I screemed and took out my Katana and threw it across the room but the Bat dodged and I tried to get but I could because bats and its wings kept fapping.
Briar: How the heck is it still jerking off while it’s flying?
Asahi: I don’t think we want to know.
"You disgusting shit I will kill you" the bat said using Ekolocation to translate thoughts into me! "I have killed this worthless hunam and drained her of all of her blood" he translated loudly!
Cherry: That’s not how echolocation works.
"You sick fucker your wrong I am a vampire too!" Clarity screemed as she got up to kill Bat but he stopped her and went through her breasts to get inside her body! "FUUUCK" Clarity screemed!
Cherry: I’m scared but what’s goin’ on?
"I am now inside her body it is warm like a volcano's bakemeat. I shall nest in here" he said and then closed the entrance to her body so that he would be safe.
Asahi: By the looks of it, we’re in Alien now.
"Arrow stop trying to live inside of Clarity!" I screemed to protect my friend! I wanted to kill him but I couldn't not without killing clarity too.
"There is no use Rebecca" Clarity said now crying a lot not as much as Bella when Chadley had died but more than when Bella cried over Mikes dead body.
Briar: Bella is a good gauge of how sad you are. Are you “My dad died” sad or “This kinda-friend who won’t take a hint died” sad?
"He will nest in me and you cannot harm him without killing me first" she sed.
Asahi: Time to take one for the team, Clarity.
"Clarity you are my friend we will solve this predicament" I sad. "Esme will pay for this!" I also sad this time waving my fists towards the sun.
Briar: What does Esme have to do with this?
Cherry: She’s just a mom who wants to raise kids.
"No Rebecca you must know what I found out before…" She sad as she drew her gun from her bra. She was shaking because she was losing control of her body to the parasite Arrow inside.
Cherry: Aren’t most men parasites?
Asahi: Hey!
Briar: Rude.
Cherry: Bad joke. M’bad.
"The volutre are a diversion… Esme hired them to kill anyone on Cocolove's trail…" She was puking blood now because Arrow was eating her from the inside. She took out a jar of holy water. I was crying it was so traumetric.
Briar: Probably should see some therapy.
"He is the masterind behind everyting and he is connected to everything… You were not always supposed to…" she stopped and then her eyes rolled back like some weird chuky shit.
Asahi: Chocolove is the beginning and end, he is everything and nothing, knows all, sees all.
Cherry: Chocolove the secret main villain?
Briar: Exaggerating a bit there.
"URGHGHGH GOODBYE" Clarity barfed and then she chugged the entire jar of holy water. Then her entire insides caught the fire and everything except for her bones and muscles and skin burned up she no longer had orgins to donate in case someone was going to dye.
Asahi: A vampire probably can’t donate their organs, either.
"AHAHAHAHA NOW I CONTROL HER!" Arrow said from inside Claritee as he piloted her like a giant mecha like in one of those animees. "IT IS I THAT CAN GRASP THE GERATEST MONSTER BY BEING THE GREATEST MONSTER OF THEM ALL!" But the clarity I knew was dead inside arrow had masticated into her and then she had commited to suicide by drinking water and now she was hollow. "THANK YOU REBECCA YOU MADE ALL OF THIS POSSIBLE" He screemd and then using Clarity he ran out of the Office.
Cherry: So Rebecca is the final villain.
Cherry: That makes more sense.
I ran out of the office too but I was crying because today had been really bad. Then Alicia and Tanishashanqua and Jacub and Edowerd all came to me. Except edowerd couldn't talk because he was typed up and his mouth was closed with duck tapes.
Asahi: Ah. Jacob caught him.
Asahi: Good doggy.
"What is wrong Rebecca?" Said Jacub. He helped me close very sexily I could even felt his nipples through his shirt.
Briar: Stop sexualizing him.
"Clarity just died" I sad.
"Aww that stinks" Said Alicia which reminded me of smoking da Mary J.
"By the way that fucker Serkades is trying to steal your turf where were yoy anyways!?" I questioned while flapping my raven hair with golden streaks in the dramatic sexy wind.
Cherry: Ah, was wonderin’ when we’d get the hair in the wind.
Asahi: The sexy wind, mind you.
"I was getting a new hand" sad Tanishashanqua who now had a robot hand sort of like Luke Skywinkers from Revenge of the Jedis. "The surger was difficult but I pulled it through" she said.
Briar: Oh, cool.
Cherry: That’s badass!
"THAT FUCKER" Alicai said and took off into the school with a gun equipped to use on SErkades that turd. Alicai would settle him straite.
"But anyways Rebecca why are you so beat up" Jacub asked.
"Because wile you were away Angela attacked me Bella and Tanisha and then Bellas truck fell and Chocolove stopped the killings!" I told him. He nodded very quickly at first but then stopped and did it slowly. Suddenly it became raining and thundering outsied so I felt at home.
Asahi: I’m surprised she didn’t yell at him for not being there.
Cherry: That sounds like something Rebecca would have done.
"We need to investighat Chocolove" Jacub said. Tanishashanqua wasn't sure at first since this was her dad and this meant that he was a lying cheator on her mother because shes a year older than angela (Tanishashanqua is 18) so now she had a reason to rebel.
Briar: Yikes, I feel bad for Tanishashanqua, in this case.
Briar: Her dad cheated on her mom.
"Jacob you go find Alicia and do that." Tanishashanqua said while taking control of the situation.
Asahi: Tanishashanqua is the true boss here.
She was preparing to distance, I could really tell. Jacub ran off and then Edowerd Tanishashanqua and me were left. "We need to go find Alec and Jane, some is telling me that they are more into this than we think." Tanishashanqua said and with that we were off to go an interrogate the two.
Cherry: Well, they are part of the Volturi.
AN: I have decided on what I will do after kronicals I will write a prequel telling of how angela became the vampire bitch that she is today I hope you all red it when it comes out BUT THIS ISNT ADVETISING SO DON'T TAKE IT THAT WAY GEEEZE
Briar: Why would you insert it in the middle of the story?
Briar: Why not at the end?
Cherry: Why ya think we want to know how she became a vamp?
But Tanishashanqua and jacub couldn't do it so they caem back. Then we were the 5 crusdaers again because clarity was a robot for arrow who was piloting her quickly. The 5 of us were there to crusade against esme and shit so we went out to buy dresses and suits for the guys for the upcoming school dance.
Briar: That’s nice of them, their buying the guys dresses and suits.
I had a feel that esme would attack then because she is a mega fucking bitch who ruins everything he touches.
Asahi: Esme just wants to be a mom and have a family.
Briar: Thanks for emphasizing.
to buy fresses for the dance. I saw one that was fucking beautiful with maching pink laces on the gown and Alicai told me to buy it. But at first I didn't have any money but then I remembered that when I killed Chardly I stole his wallt too so I opened that up and took the money from it.
Asahi: Wow.
Asahi: You kill the man and steal from him. That’s low.
I felt bad for about a second I mean it was his fault he dyed the stupid fucker
Cherry: Rude.
so I took the money and began to use it to pay for the dress when then I saw who the casher was!
"CHADLEY WHAT THE FUOCK" I scremed! Jacub Edowedr Alicai and Tanishahsnqua all looked amazed and then scared and then worried. "I thought you died" I sed crying because this was so emenstionul for me.
Briar: Wait? Charley is alive?
"actuall you killed me swine" he sed.
Asahi: She is swine. That is true.
I looked at him and he was a vampire just like Edowerd and Alicai and Esme and Angela and all the others.
"WHAT THE FUCK YOU FUCKER YOU HAVE TO PAY FOR THAT" I screemed! I mean geeze he didn't have to go do that if he was alive all along.
Cherry: Your logic astounds me.
"But wait we flamed the house" edowerd spoke to say. "how can you be?!"
"Esme saved me fool she took my body and vamped it out" he sed and then he stuck his arm out at me and graped my throat. It really fucking hurt but not as much as the payne in my heart from having to have to put down chadley again for being an abomeration.
Briar: For starters, this is justified, you killed him. It’s called revenge.
Briar: Second. Abomination? Wow, that means Alicia and Edwards are abominations, too.
I cut off his hand with my Katana and then engaged him in combat.
"fuck you" I said and then cut his head off. His body fell.
Asahi: Can’t you just let the man live?
"Yay way to go" Jacub chwrd and me but then he got all scared all of a sudden! "Rebecca look at the scene!" he said trying to warn me! I looked back and there was the head! It was floating and being!
Cherry: Don’t you hate it when heads start floatin?
"you did not kill me hard enough fool" he sed and then tore my dress in half with his zombie toeth. "Besides before I die I have to tell you the secret of what Esme is going to kill you with!" he scremed so then I stopped trying to kill him to listen. If he had disciplined earlier none of this would have ever happened it was all fucking chadley's fault!
Asahi: She is a pro at shifting the blame.
Briar: It’s amazing, really.
"what" I sed huffing expectantly
"Esme is going to mutate the town using radio waves from the radio station! And if you do not stop her than she is going to nuke everything!"
Briar: Mutate and then nuke? What point is there in the mutations, then?
then he finished and opened a portal and flew his head in and then the portal closed as I called him a fucker because right now hes being one goddamit.
"We have to fight aggrsively Esme will mutate the entire town if we do not stop the radio from spreading! She has the nuke and she will use it if we lose!" Alicai said taking out her gun. Tanishashanqua also took out her gun Jacub took out his ax and Edowerd his nales as the Crusdaer Crew got ready for battle.
Cherry: Why’s Edward all in the clear now? Did we miss an apology or explanation?
Briar: I don’t think we did.
We left the store but before that I all got my dance dress on because the chaser was dead wich meant free clothes!
Cherry: That’s not how that works.
When we got to the outside Esme was flying in the air. The sky was green from the radio's waves. Rose was flying too because she can be a fucking bitch.
Asahi: Volcan… Bakemeat…?
Asahi: What the Hell?
That's when her army of zombies appeared and shit went residint evil on us the zombies were under esme's control so when she told them to attack they listened.
Cherry: She’s gonna make me hate RE, ain’t she?
Anya the bold and serkades were there too. But you know what fuck this shit I'm tired of these fuockers.
"FUCK YOU" I said as I took out my katana and cut off anyas head because guess what IM TRIED OF YOU RUNNING MY STORY WITH YOUR BAD INFLICTS ON EVERTHING GO BACK TO TH WHOLE YOU CLIMBED FROM!
Briar: Because that is mature.
Briar: Real mature.
Then I saw serkades but it was fine because Edowedr chopped his dick off with a chainsad they got from alicai.
"that is is Esme, Rebecca, we cannot die" I was told but there was too much fighting I culdnt tell who sed it. Whoever they are they were right. I took a gun from serkades because drug dealers have guns and shot it at Esme but her shield pooped up and she burned the shot to the ground! I fell distressed and dazzled because what the fuock can I even do in this situation.
Asahi: You can die.
"REBECCA!" Jacub shouted from afar "I BELIEVE IN YOU!" and with that I was better. Alicai my friend came running towards me wile Jacub and Tanishahsanqua fought zombies and shit.
"To defeat her you need to rock the fuck out" alicai told me as she handed me a rocking electic gitar made out of diamond from mars all for an awesome solo wile she took out an expensiv blood-ruby encrusted gold fiddle and got ready to fuck the rock out of me.
Cherry: I’m sorry? What?
Asahi: Did this turn into a fiddle contest with the Devil?
"take this… it is… a jew!"
Briar: A…Jew?
I looked at esme in the sky and punked the fuck out. We busted into a song that pursed the heavens of everything it had and bellowed to hell itself and then the core of the planet causing the molten iron in it to rush out like a Vulcan and bake the fucking shit off of esme's face which it did. The earth shattered in half braking apokalypticly because of my beautiful lyrics.
Briar: I don’t think destroying the world is a good thing.
Asahi: It’s definitely not a good thing.
"YES!?" I screemed to esme who was being fired and burned by the firey hot magma of my sin
Cherry: Ya admit it’s a sin, at least.
"FUCK YOU" she screemd and then teleported away but Rose didn't she got caught in the flames of ym torture and then the olten iron became a hand which dragged her down into hell.
"REBECCA SAVE ME" she screemed so I stopped my solo but it was too late Rossey was sicked into a molten spicy hellish land that is pretty bad but not as bad as what goes on in my heart mot of the time. Fuck you if you don't thnk Rebecca is deep.
Asahi: I guess fuck me.
Cherry: She’s bout as deep as a puddle.
Anyways after that we went home because seriously I was fucking done with everything today my dress was burned clarty was a piloted and angela was on the moon and now rossey's in fuckign hell which is just bad but I secretly thinks that she deserves it.
Asahi: Really racking up those ‘good person’ points.
Cherry: Ah, it’s Hell. Practically vacation.
chapter 32 - prom
It was the nite of the prom Anya Serkades and Chardley were all dead, angela was on the moon and rossey was in hell so for now all my problems wer solved.
Asahi: Well, Esme is still around.
Jacub showed up to the dor in a fucking sexy Indian outfit with only his you know what covered because that's what the indiens wore before we cockenered them.
Cherry: This sounds kind of racist.
Alice was also wearing something
Briar: I would hope she’s wearing something.
Edward had a suit on becauses hes an old school boy and jasmine was earing and Tanishashanqua was there too wearing stuff but not sa mine nice because she's a poor fucker.
Asahi: Can you not be a rude friend for one chapter?
We also had our instruments so that we could make a band at the dance because were going to play when we get there for the entire school.
"Wait Rebecca was what about esme?" Jacob opened his mouth and said.
Cherry: As opposed to when he talks with his mouth shut.
"do not worry I have a plan" I told him winking but no blinking because blinking is for emus.
Briar: …Everyone…blinks.
Asahi: She’s just dumb.
Anyways I rode Jacob all the way there and then got off when we got there. I also brought all of the instruments for our band its called "Opposite feelings give double abstinency" and its about how Judah rocks and how we will speed his world to the word.
Cherry: Ah, so basically Christian Rock.
When we got ther the dance was full all of the surviving students wer there.
Asahi: After everything they’ve been through, they deserve a dance to forget.
Jacub was my date so I was going to paes religion class like Aro wanted
Cherry: I forgot about that rule.
and esme was there too she was standing on top of the tower loking down evily at everyone and thigns.
The everything was dancing like a whore with pneumonoultramicroscopicsili covolcanokoniosis and jetengining and shit.
Briar: …Your diseases are fucking weird.
Cherry: I can promise ya that aint a real disease.
I saw bella she was an emo shit so I smacked her on the way in. Everybody laufhged at that fucking whore so we went back to dancing.
Asahi: I see we’re back to being horrible to Bella.
Asahi: The good could not last.
It was a slow song called my heart will travel on and Jacub and I dancd and made out during the dance it was so cuuute.
Briar I’ll take your word for it.
The we stated playing our band for the prom so those shitty emo fucks could mosh the fuckers.
Bullet given by bets boys
Given by all bet boys can do
Luzel try to prize up you
Willow tasted everything
Asahi: Well that song sounds like shit. Maybe it’s because it’s in English? Maybe it’s just a shit song.
Cherry: It’s a bad song.
I could see satan in my mind trying to stop me from playing but I kept going on because THAT WEAK FUCKER CAN SUCK MY TAINT!
Briar: Well, Satan just sucks.
 Bawu go away to ERROR TRANSLATION CODE fc at 405e
Asahi: …What?
Cherry: Ah, I love singing “fc at 405e,” “[] [] [] [],” and “Jmlite’swid yie cr”
The cowd rared as I busted out my epic gitar solo which also shok the foundations of the school and the earth
Cherry: Can ya not summon Hell this time?
. It didn't purse the heavens but it did cause the fucking obnockshis decorations to fall onto the prom comity which I thought was funny. But then something happened as I played the gitar began to grow and growand got fucking big and green and throbbing.
Asahi: That is uncomfortable imagery.
It throbbed so hard that heaven blew up I could see it from here. Then Hell too because half the planet was already gone it was weak from prevous strikes.
"REBEBCCA THANK YOU" people screemed astheir souls were saved by me, THE GERATEST PERSON IN AL LTHE WORLD
Briar: I’m sorry, but you’re not.
Asahi: Not even close to being a good person.
"YOU ARE WELCOME" I said to world walking the rabid truble that lay in my way.
Then the president of the school Esme came to satge to announce the winners of the election.
"hello dear children. Rossey is in hell so there will be no competition but before lthat lies we will talk about the prom king and queen!" she said and everybody cheered except me and my friends becuz we no fucking whore that esme.
Asahi: I don’t know how American schools work. Can someone who’s not a student win prom king?
Cherry: As far as I know, no?
she screemd and jacub jumped into the stage and accepted his reward. He was shirtless and shit and he was so so fucking hot I mean fuck I wanted to have sex right there I even got a bit wet.
Briar: For someone who’s so angry when people say they want to have sex with you, you sure are a hypocrite.
"HOLY SHIT BELLA WON PROM QUEEN" she screemd with her middle finger up at me.
Cherry: You earned it!
Briar: Good job, Bella! I voted for you.
Asahi: Same, she had my vote.
But then wen bella got up on stag to accept her prom award we duped a bucket of blood onto her to humiliate her in the eys of the world. The world got up and cheerd because every fucking person hates that shitty bitch.
Cherry: Didn’t you ever watch Carrie?
Cherry: That’s a bad thing ta do!
Asahi: Well, time for everyone to die.
She cried and cryed and then Mark dragged her off the stage like a cow. But for some reason I felt a ping of badness in my hart. Why did this feel wrong? She deserted it!
Briar: No one deserves that!
Briar: What is wrong with you?
Asahi: Why you do us dirty like that?
and I got up to take my crown as my prize. I had on a beatufil fucking gorgeous dress and everybody thought I was the hottest girl in the rom everyone wanted to fuock me but I was saving myself for Jacob later tonight.
Briar: What happened to waiting until marriage?
Asahi: Knew that wasn’t going to last.
"yo motherfucker good job." I turned my head to see who the fuck called ME a motherfucker and It was Obomba he was here to give me my reward!
Cherry: Look, I’m sure Obomba’s got plenty more important stuff ta do than be here.
Obomba is the president of the country! He was wering a swhil traditional dress and shit.
Asahi: I’m sure he’s rocking his dress.
Asahi: But this honestly is starting to sound like that R/ThatHappened.
Cherry: We just need peeps to start clappin.
"you are an example for us all" Obomba sad and he put the crown on me because I was the president and empress of the danse! Everybody clapped their hands for me and even gave me a bouget of flowers they were fucking orange daisys.
Cherry: There’s the clappin.
"HELL FOOL YOU WILL PAY FOR THAT!" I looked oer and it was Chocolove he was stating down Obomba!
Asahi: “How dare you give her flowers when it’s our anniversary! You know orange daisies are my favorite!”
"FUCK YOU BITCH YOU ANSWER TO ME" Obamba screemed and took out a breedsword and treated Chocoloev with me.
"NO OBOMBA DON'T DO IT HE IS UMMINE TO SORDS WITHOUT BLADE UNLIKE YOURS" I screemd but it was no use because Chocolove used his energy barier to atomic ombo's ass.
Briar: Sword immunity? I could use something like that.
As he died he outstretched his arms to Judah and said "god save me, my body!" but then he passed to the other side but then didn't because I had pursed heaven and freed all souls so he just lay their soules.
Cherry: Right, cause making sure there’s no spiritual afterlife’s so great.
Asahi: Kind of sucks.
But then chocolate love appeared and summond his Mick his jaarga and then became a lance to use against me! Chocolove took the lance and threw it at me
Asahi: Is anyone else following this fight? Because I’m still not sure what’s going on and why it’s going on.
Cherry: Don’t look at me. I’m just pretendin’ it makes sense.
Asahi: Kinky.
and then I dodged so it hit that fucking atrocious hag jane instead. She started grolowing and shit and then exploded into a booldy mess all over my fucking gorgeous dress. I WAS FUCKING ANGRY.
Briar: I get the feeling she hates all the canon female characters except Alice and possible Rosalie.
Asahi: That’s probably an accurate assumption.
But before I could do anything the moon started to crash into the planet! I looked up and it was ANGELA! SHE WAS PILOTING THE MOON INTO THE SCHOOL!
Cherry: While that sounds freakin’ awesome, it’s completely implausible an I’ll use some science an facts to show why.
Cherry: It’s generally accepted that an asteroids gotta be at least nine miles ta do some extensive damage to Earth on impact. Hell, the Cicxulub impactor is estimated t’be be at least seven miles in diameter—though to be more precise, it’s from seven to fifty miles in diameter. No one really knows for sure cause no one was there to measure it when it picked a fight with the earth.
Cherry: That’s the asteroid that wiped out the dinos.
Cherry: The moon? The moons over a thousand miles in diameter. You can imagine what’d happen.
Cherry: Though speed of impact is a factor. Even if yer goin’ at a snails pace, you’re gonna do some massive damage.
Cherry:…What the Hell, can I keep this random facts thing after I leave the theater? I’d ace every test!
"YOU FUCKER YOU THINK YOU KILL CAN ME THAT EASILY" she SCREAMED. She made a cross with her moon and then attacked chocolove with it and he tried to deflect with his hands! He was fast but she drove the moon like a fucking professional.
Asahi: Not to mention it’s… well… the moon.
"NO HOMIE DON'T KILL MY DAD HE'S ALL I HAVE LEFT" Tanishashanqua screemed as she got between Chocolove and the moon.
Briar: Wait, if Chocolove is Tanishashanqua and Angela’s dad, they’re sisters, right?
Asahi: Yep. Gonna be a fun family reunion between those three, Bella and Renée.
The entire dance stopped to look at the scene it was so beautiful and we could touch it.
Cherry: You’d think they’d be freakin’ out because someone’s bringing the moon to the Earth.
Angela stopped and stared crying because all she evr wanted was to be runited with her long last dad after he mom dyed of AIDS when agela was only 5
Cherry: Aww… I feel bad for her. Losing your mom sucks, specially that young.
I also lafed when that happen the fucking whore.
Cherry: What the fuck?
Asahi: Yeah, whatever good points she’s acquired for saving Bella, she’s losing all of them this chapter.
Then something ajazing happened! Tanishahsnaqua's word touched angela and she stoped her rampage. She hot off the moon to go and hug cocolove and then the three embraced each other. They were a famil yagain it was a beautiful site to see!
Briar: And then they directed their murderous rage at Rebecca.
Then Jane came back from the beyond because I blew up heaven and hell with my music so she then told as "WE HAVE TO GO" quickly because the moon was coming.
Cherry: Thank ya! Thank ya for noticing the freaking moon is goin’ to collide with the Earth!
"but why" I screemed
Asahi: Because the moon!
"Because Cocolove is going to try to kill you bitch" she screemed and then made magic with her fingers and screemed "METEOR". Then the moon got up and started attacking again and Chocolove took out his lance to stop it.
Briar: …I’m just imagining that the moon sprouted some arms to fight with.
Asahi: Heh. That’s a funny mental image. Only way ‘the moon started attacking again’ makes sense.
"WILD MOTHERFUCKER YOU AINT GOT NOTHING ON ME" Chocoloe scremed as he fought off the moon from the dance. Angela helped too "I will protect my daddy!" she screemed. But then piloted Clarity [AN: ARROW]
Cherry: As if we forgot Green Arrow’s in her.
and Mark and Cayus all appeared! They were the Volture!
Asahi: Oh, no! They are?
Asahi: Who would have known!
"IT IS THE TIME TO BATTLE YOU AND KILL YOU REBECCA!" Esme screemd "VOLTURE! ROLL THE FUCK OUT AND FUCK HER UP!" and with that we engaged them in a epic battle.
Briar: We will have to take your word for it.
Edward took out his nales and fought Cayus wile Alice took out her gun and stated to fight the robot Clarity while Jacub fought Mark with his axe.
"Tanishahsnqa help me figh esme!" I screemed as I pushed a student out fo the way of an e nergy beam. I took out a grenade and threw it as esme flew around the room shooting of kamehamehas and shit but it didn't' stop her!
Cherry: What? We’re in Dragon Ball now?
Cherry: If I don’t see Vegeta showing up an’ curbstompin’ all of em, Imma revolt.
"FUCK I CANT HIT HER!" I screemed!
"she is not immoral" Tanishahsnqua sad wile shooting her getto gun. It was a sene to see! Tanishashqnau's mech arm turned into a gatling gun and started machine gunning that fucking bitch
Asahi: Yang?!
"TAKE THISSSSSSS" she screemed! But then the fucking sluts sulpichia and nympho appeared and thired to use magic on Tanishashanqua.
Cherry: The who the what now?
"FIRAGA" bympho screemed
"BLIZARGA" Sulpy screened
Asahi: Oh. Now we’re in Kingdom Hearts. Yay…
"NOOOO NOT MY SISTER" and with that Angela took the hit for Tanishahsnqua. Jane took the other one that hag and disintegrated so tht her soul could never return to her fucking ugly ass boody.
Briar: Can you stop being rude? Please? Just for once?
Cherry: Honestly I liked Jane? She was actually pretty cool in the books?
But angela was okay wich was polished good because Tanishahsnqua cant afford the operation to save angela if she died.
Asahi: Polished good?
Asahi: What is with American slang?
Asahi: What does it mean? What does it mean!?
"Angela you are my sis put aside your differences and work with me to fight evil" Tanishashanqua said and esme was killing motherfuckering normal students with her kamehamehame's.
Cherry: And you suddenly care?
"I WILL TRY" angela said redeemed for all of her actions as she began to.
Asahi: That’s the laziest redemption arc I’ve ever seen
Cherry: It makes me cringe.
But then esme flew onto me and pushed me really fuckign far away but it didn't last because "TELEPORT" I heard.
Suddenly me Edowerd and Bella were all in a dark house.
Asahi: For the love of—!
Asahi: Let Bella be out of this story so she can be safe and at peace!
"were we go to?" Bella say. Then I thought as I recognized the house! It was… THE COLLINS MANOR!
Briar: Because they live in a manor, the best way to avoid suspicion.
"ITS EDOWERD'S HOUSE!" I screemed. "But who teleported us!?" I asked edowerd. "The Hag is dead!" Edowerd nodded and turned is back to me.
Asahi: Can you maybe be respectful to people for once in your life?
Cherry: She’d die if she did.
"I know who" EDowerd said. Suddenly…. CHOCOLOVE STEPPED OUT INTO THE FOYAY.
" Chocolove what are you-" bella began but then Chocolove took out a gun that was fucking huge and aimed it at us.
Briar: Hey, Edward. Right now would be a good time to use that vampiric speed to save them.
"The plan commences" he said and then blew bella's entire fucking head straight off and all of the blood got on me again.
Asahi: That’s it!
Asahi: I’m rioting!
Asahi: Screw this! You killed the only person I actually care about in this story. How dare you?
Everythign stopped.
AN: this chapter was edited by Kurshee aka Yammama who is the only one who fucking hels with this shit.
Briar: How is it that people keep agreeing to edit?
But I leaned from before that you can trust these fuockers so after this he's fird to. FUCK YOU YAMAMA
Cherry: Well, that’s not very professional.
Cherry: Yamama was just tryin’ t’be nice by helping you with this awful fic.
In that moment, things suddenly became clear. There wasn't anymore confusion in my mind. No, that's not true. I was paralyzed in shock still.
Briar: How is it that the death of someone you hate and constantly abuse is what shocks you, but everyone else dying doesn’t even bother you?
The blood from what used to be Bella's head was splattered all over me.
Asahi: Screw you!
This wasn't like when Alice used those non lethal bullets.
Cherry: Hah. Yeah. Non-lethal.
Bella's entire head was gone. Spread out over the foyer floor, never to be reassembled.
Briar: Until she remembers there is no heaven and so her soul returns like Janes did when she was killed the first time.
Cherry: Consistence? TwilightRova don’t know her.
Before I could even turn to look at her killer, another gunshot went off. It took a moment to register. A warm red liquid was seeping out of my abdomen. He got me, too. I tried to cover the wound with my shaky hands.
Asahi: Hey, guys?
Asahi: Is it just me, or is this chapter actually… good?
Cherry: Yeah… there’s not been any spelling mistakes, at least outside the authors note. The story is plausible so far…
Cherry: Why the Hell would ya fire Yamama if this is the kind of quality we get with them editin’?!
"W-why?.." I manage to mutter. Blood is seeping out of my mouth. I might have been able to take this had Angela not done so much damage to me yesterday. I don't have much time.
Briar: By the Gods, acknowledging the beatdowns that Rebecca has gotten in the previous chapters and it’s ill-effects it will have on her health?
Briar: I’m without words!
"You should've played along when you had the chance, girl." My assailant caustically berated me from his position at the top of the staircase.
Asahi: “Caustically”! I never thought I’d see that word used in this kind of story!
Asahi: And mentioning his position! The angle and distance that’s implied!
Cherry: Shit, this chapter is good!
"Now, vampire. Finish her." I glanced at Edward as he was ordered around. His hooded eyes had turned a crimson red.
Briar: Edwards working with Chocolove?
Briar: Wait, this explains why he attacked her earlier!
Asahi: Damn. That’s actually good.
"Don't do it Edward!"
"Why shouldn't he?"
Cherry: Honestly, I want Edward to kill her.
Asahi: Yeah, regardless of the jump in quality, and boy is it a jump, I still hate Rebecca. She can die.
"Because... Because if for just one moment I don't keep up this facade of fake-perfection, you'll realize how empty I am on the inside. Yeah, empty would be the best word to describe it. You see Bella over there? She's empty too. She's dead. Chocolove killed her."
Briar: And you suddenly care? You constantly abuse her, you tried to kill her on multiple occasions, you stabbed and shot her. Honestly, if it wasn’t Chocolove, it would have been you who killed her.
I stumble to the ground as I finish, blood and flesh searing from my wound. "I bet you he always planned it to, just like he and my mother did for me!" I was laughing maniacally now.
Asahi: Oh? He’s connected to her mother? There’s more to her tragic backstory than what we know?
The walls were beginning to pulsate in and out, blending and bending the fabric of the room together and apart. I'm being pulled apart.
Cherry: I like this line.
Cherry: I actually like this line!
"They hid me from the world for years so that when I was finally released, I would be a tyrant." Chocolove steadies his aim on me as he descends the stairwell; his face says it all. Stop speaking at once or I will end you here and now.
But you know what?
Things are clear for the very first time for me. Something locked away has finally surfaced.
Fuck him.
Briar: Damn.
Asahi: *Whistles*
Cherry: This chapter is makin’ me hate this story less and less.
Cherry: For once Rebecca is a good narrator. Not a good character, but damn this is good narration.
"Don't listen to this girl, Edward," Chocolove says with a certain smoothness to his voice. He extends his hand towards Edward while keeping the gun aimed at my head. In this moment, I don't even know where I am anymore. Things are wobbly, and I can barely see Edward. He's leaning closer and closer to Chocolove, considering which of the two of us to try and go after.
Briar: The detail! The description! The way you can feel and see what’s going on!
Briar: This editor was a Godssend.
I can't let Chocolove convince him to gut me. I can't let it end here. Anywhere but here.
"NO! Don't you get it by now Edward!? I act the way I do because if I don't, then people will realize that I'm nothing!"
Asahi: We knew you were nothing even with you acting that way.
Every piece of my body screams out in a putrid agony, begging for relief. I can't stop though; if I stop for a moment then I lose my only chance at survival. I have to bring Edward back to his senses. "Deep down, I'm hollow inside. I was made to be hollow. I was engineered to be hated from the very beginning, to give all of humanity something to hate together; to unite them under one common cause."
Cherry: I don’t like how meta this is gettin.
Cherry: It scares me.
As Edward backs away from Chocolove, my tears litter the messy floor of the foyer. I'm failing. I have to keep convincing him that I'm not worth preying on. "My death." I couldn't stop myself from breaking out into laughter, interrupted only by sobs and blood I would cough up. I was cracking. I couldn't even tell if it's from the pain or from the despair.
Asahi: Both.
Asahi: Now you know what we felt these past thirty-some chapters.
Everything I had done in my life, it all hit me. Poor, poor Bella. Charlie. Jane. I've mistreated everybody around me. I deserve this fate. I deserve to die, alone and afraid.
Cherry: Yes, you do.
All I can do was collapse and cry.
"Edward, what I have done here is for the greater good. A monster such as Rebecca has no place in society. She is to be feared, not loved; despised, not pitied." The man preached with a twisted sense of conviction.
Briar: I want to agree with you, I really do.
Briar: But you’re not entirely likable either, Chocolove.
Asahi: You’re just making us feel pity for her, now.
Like a rubber band that had been stretched too far, something inside of me broke. The recoil echoed through my body, sending my slumped figure into a spasm. A burning sensation began to grow in my chest, and in a moment of clarity I grasped at my abdomen. The searing pain got worse and worse, and I was back on my side, screeching in agony. The realization that I was not simply shot had dawned on me. There was a hole through my body, as big as my first, running all the way through. I'm already dead.
Asahi: Damn, the quality.
Asahi: I can’t get over how good it is.
In an instant, the walls of reality came crumbling down upon me. Each breath in this world took years to finish, while every thought was over in an instant. Just as suddenly as I entered this trance, I left it with a conviction. There was not a thing holding me back anymore. I rose to my feet, gripping my Katana with both hands. Before he even had a chance to react, I charged Chocolove and ran him through with my sword. I kicked Edward with all my might, sending him flying back through a wall. This was the strength I was given by my creator.
Cherry: Ah! The fourth wall! She kicked Edward through it!
The strength to choose my own destiny.
"Up until this point, I have had the displeasure of trying to comprehend life here. Now I see that I was never meant to understand life as it is in the first place; this is because I was constructed to be a hollow being." I run him through again, pinning the scientist to a wall of the manor using his own daughter's sword.
Briar: Oh, yeah. The katana was given to her by Angela. I actually forgot because it never got mentioned again.
Briar: A good throwback.
"What you perhaps do not understand, Chocolove, is how genius your plans were. In fact, part of me wishes to commend you for them. Hiding me from the world for years so that when I was finally released, I would be a tyrant? Priceless. Literally engineering a child which would grow into a being that would be despised and ridiculed for its apparent mental illness? Utter brilliance. Revealing this all to me, however? I would say that I'm disappointed, but that would require me to be able to feel. Something which, according to you, I've never been capable of doing."
Asahi: She’s right. She really does lack any feelings that aren’t self-centered vanity.
He struggles to reply as I talk to him, locked to the wall by my blade.
"Throughout all your planning and deviancy, you failed to remember one important detail about what you were doing. You were making me unique, Chocolove. A Rarity. Something truly special. In your quest to create something that people would strive to exterminate, you developed a being unlike any other. A being made entirely out of weaknesses and flaws."
"You see Chocolove, even with the discord that would run through my head, I learned something important. No matter what, people can get by and change despite their flaws. It's one of the most humanistic traits I can think of. And yet, I had been just beginning to display those kinds of traits myself- Shedding that coat of superiority and stupor to connect with people who I never dreamed were so interesting! Does that make me human, Mr. Judah Chocolove?" His eyes flare as he hears that name.
Cherry: Holy shit!
Cherry: Chocolove is Judah!?
Asahi: Things make sense. Things are making sense at it is so disorientating.
The name of the man who raised me. The name of the man who I had been conditioned to forget since day one. The name of the man who brought me into this world.
"No, it doesn't. Because according to you, a monster can never change. A monster has no potential to love, to learn, or even to live. Its only defining characteristic is that it is the antithesis to humanity." I twist the Katana ever so slightly. He bears the pain, only wincing.
"Somehow though, you created a person capable of experiencing every feeling across the spectrum, something that directly contradicts with your definition of what a monster is! You tortured them and broke them and finally molded them into a being so heinous, so vile, that people would band together just to erase it and every trace of it from this world."
"If you had only given me a chance, Judah! All I ever wanted to just to be loved- Nowhere was it written that I had to walk into that school every day of my life honestly believing that my actions had no consequences, that I had the power to murder people because I was some perfect sparkling princess. I didn't have to be that psychotic, foolish, selfish, ridiculously weak bitch- A twisted girl who only was warranted interest when she did something murderous!"
"Forget, for just a moment, about how you destroyed the life I never had, and try to consider the lives of all the people I've killed because you made me into this. Take a couple of moments. Good. What could you possibly say to make that better? I killed Charlie- the only adult who ever tried to help me. You've killed Bella."
"It is nothing but one road bump in an otherwise flawless-" Chocolove began. I twist the Katana further. He lets out a small shriek.
"What am I going to do about this, you ask? I'll tell you what. I'm going to throw a wrench in your plan right now and end it." This is it. I want to see the fear in his eyes.
"You fool."
"Do not take me for a weakling due to my profession, dearest Rebecca."
Where's the fear? I have him pinned. There's no escape!
Briar: This is getting so good.
Briar: I don’t even know what to say.
"There's no way to unite people without the common enemy, is there?"
"What are you-?" My sentence is cut off. He frees himself in an instant. He's fast, faster than anything I have ever seen. In less than a moment, we have traded places. I'm pinned up against the wall by a lance through my mid section.
"I'm starting anew, Rebecca. You are not my only experiment. It's time to clean up loose ends." He smirks, taking the lance out.
Asahi: Oooh! This is good!
Briar: The dialogue, the suspense! The emotion!
Cherry: Are we even still readin’ the Kronicals of Rebecca Swansin? This is too good.
This is my only chance.
I gathered up every ounce of might I had left in my frail body and tried to move out of the way. I wasn't fast enough. He drove the lance through my skull.
Darkness took over.
Briar: Can we just end it here?
Briar: Please?
Briar: This was so good.
AN: okay so frum now on this is the break in Kornicals. I will be trying a new story it will be better then this one you guys.
Asahi: Not hard to surpass all the other chapters. But this one? This one is going to be hard to beat.
It will start angela on her journey and then maybe when ie writen a bit of that i wil come back to Kornicals and continue witing it (i have idea of how to countie it but withu editor it will be betrayd SO REED IT wHEN IT COMES OUT BUT THIS ISNT ADVETISING JUST KINDA SO THINKS FOR REEDING! 333
Briar: Okay, a lot of that didn’t make sense. Only that this isn’t advertisement and that the rest of the chapters won’t be edited.
Cherry: I’m scared.
Chapter 34 – ALIVE AGIN
"what fuck" I sed as I got up shakily.
Asahi: Ah, damn.
Asahi: Back to this crap.
Briar: I miss the beautifully written chapter.
"wate what how the fuck!? I kill you but you survive that? mtoherfucker" chcolove sed to me.
Cherry: I want the other Chocolove back, the one who was written like a suave villain and not a bitch.
"I don't know gtfo you just killed me" You! I say and then do! Cocolove got his lance out and looked mega fuocking confused.
Briar: We’re all confused.
And then vamporized and dispeared into the darkness. I was in a graveyard and so was bella to. We were both fucing fuocking confused because last I remember I was killed by lance and bella was bullet by shot.
Cherry: By all accounts, it doesn’t make sense.
"just kidding, lol" bella say getting up now alive and better.
Asahi: Thank God.
She lauhs and smiles and says "I just pretended to die I can do that you know"
Briar: Useful skill. Getting your head shot off and surviving, very useful.
and then we hi 5 becaused this was a plan we had emergiencially planend out every since the beginning of the last chapter. Bella would fake dye and I would faek dye to make motherfucoker Chocolove reveel just how evil he was that raggot.
Asahi: Yeah, that’s a lie.
Cherry: Smells like a liar.
"Rebecca wtf your body it has changed!" bella say looking to me. I standed back and looked at myself and then I realized I was not me!
Briar: Ah, those out of body experiences where you realize you’re not you.
"it was my soul even though my body dyed my soul didn't go to heaven or hell so it found a new body!" I say. And then I realized!
Asahi: Big yikes.
Cherry: Bella kick her out of your body!
"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" I scream becuz Bella and Bella I was had to share the femae genitalia that is my body!
Briar: Technically it is Bella’s body.
Briar: You have to share her genitals.
"we have to fix this fucking fast you shitbitch" Bella say now no longer friend since mutual enemy in Chocolive was defeated.
Asahi: Was he really defeated? Was he?
"damn fast" I say. So then we went home to Cullen manner and I went to the bathroom and I started my moisturizing treatment because bella's face is filled with goddamn motherfucking acne and shit because she never fucking takes care of it.
Briar: Bella is pretty stop making things up.
Or was it my face now. Or was it Bella's? Who was even thinking this I no one don't even know at this uppity point somebody fucking put me back in my own body!
Cherry: Or just exorcise your soul and let you die.
"Rebecca's soul now lungers inside of Bella's" Jacob explained to Alicia, Tanishashanqua, Edowerd, Alec, and everybuddy else who didn't try to fucking MURDUR me earlier
Briar: When did they get here?
[I explained, you do not want to kill me rite now trust me] after I explicated it towards him. But Jacob didn't expantiate it right and it was like he was trying to place some of the blame on me!
Asahi: “Rebecca’s soul now lingers inside of Bellas” How is that placing the blame on you? It’s stating the facts.
Asahi: Your soul is in Bella’s body.
Like it was my fault that my soul piloted into Bella's body afterwards and her fatass soul didn't get the fuck out of my way. Maybe if her soul stopped eating so many fucking pillbugs on the playground then she wouldn't be so fucking ugly that motherfucker.
Cherry: Can you not be rude to her? You have to share a body.
Edowerd said: "hello friend I will stick with you from now as a simple form of Rebella!"
"Yes Rebella is an excellent name for the organism" Carlisle the father Collin came in and said.
Cherry: I mean, if it fits.
Briar: Becca would have been better, personally. Bella, Rebecca. Becca.
"I love her she's even cuter than the real Bella!" Jacob squirted. Right then Bella's soul popped right out of her body and went into the doll on her desk.
Briar: Of course it did.
Asahi: I hate this so much.
Now I had Bella's body because mine dyed and now Bella was in an old doll because let's face it she has all the charisma and grace of a goddamn fucking dead ass doll.
Asahi: Uuuurgh.
Asahi: all the character development of the last chapter. Gone.
But this meant I had bellas fucing stupid ass brain that failed psychics class two years in a row so im fuocked inn school now.
Cherry: Good.
"You are so cute, Rebecca" Jacob said to me, because I'm not fucing bella anymore. I had taken bella's body in the ethereal struggle for life and that meant I was rightfully at the top of the fucking food chain.
Asahi: Actually, it means you’re a body thief and deserve to be killed for stealing another’s body.
Briar: I’ve handled cases like these before. The remedy is surprisingly simple, the right herbs crushed and mixed together in an elixir, let the fumes fill the room with the subject in it for a few hours and the invading soul with be dragged out.
Briar: Otherwise, the more painful method involves words, magic, and a lot of stabbing.
Briar: since Bella’s soul in a doll and won’t be harmed, I would personally go with the stabbing option.
"But my sword! It was broke in the fight!" I say. Then Angela step forward and tell me something.
"However to beat it, here is something! When I summoned the moon I made a new Katana. Take my Black Katane and use it's super power to fight the force" she say and then gtfo because Nobody wanted to fucking deal with the that shit of her and Tasnishashqna's dad being evil and crap.
Cherry: Rude.
"So Cocolove is evil we must kill that fucker" I said.
Asahi: We kind of knew he was messed up, but I honestly didn’t expect him to be the final boss.
But then angela came "Chocolove you do not need to kill that bastard, we would are evil through blood?"
Briar: Well, you at least are evil.
Briar: You did murder a bunch of people.
"No we must try to save daddy he is just confused!" Tanishashanqua say. She is so kind but I don't take that shit from no one so I smacked her getto ass face and she was all like "did u just fucing do that whore" and I was all like "fuck yeah you wanna go!?" and she pussied out. The ho.
Asahi: Uuuuurgh.
Asahi: This hurts me as a reader, this really, really hurts me.
"we are not worried you shouldn't worried about that" Edowerd say and we did not know why yet. He could tell us. He would tell us.
Briar: Have to emphasize that bit, he could and he would.
"we must now fight esme, the wolves, and now chocolate love. These are three many [AN" see!? Instead of 2many I have 3many!] enemies to fight of!"
Asahi: That’s just… stupid.
Cherry: Why are you fighting the wolves now? I can understand Chocolove, and Esme, but the werewolves? I thought you were cool with them.
"Do not worry about him what we must worry about is the wolves. They are cuming to start the final battle vs the Collins" Jacub say. "But you can change life's tide like the waters of a waterfall can change the course of a farm" he also say.
Briar: The wolves fighting the Cullens is the only thing that makes any sense.
Briar: Even his inspirational line made no sense.
"So if I direct the course of the farms I will be able to turn tide?" I say!? This was a chance!
Asahi: Yes. If you go and change the way the farms are facing, you can change the battle.
"yes I believe so" bells say.
"bella I am sorry this happned we will find a way to get u back in ur uglyass body" I say and then she cryed a teardrop of joy becuz someone was nice to her in her fucking life.
Cherry: I’d be freakin’ delighted if someone finally treated me like a human being.
Cherry: Especially when I’m in this predicament because of the people around me.
"we will deal with this nonsense hell tomorrow" edoweord say and we break the group of me, bella, Alicia, tanishahsnqua, alec, jacub, edowerd, and angela [but not really she will probably turn evil later don't spoil it though].
Asahi: You just spoiled it, though.
Asahi: I mean it’s a crappy spoiler and no one would have been surprised.
Asahi: But you’ve only yourself to blame for this spoiler.
It was time to eat and shit and go to bed though. So I did. Bella went to slep in alicia's dollhose.
Cherry: Ah, yes. Bathroom time for everyone, even the vampires who don’t use the bathroom.
"Tomorrow I will fucking handle this bullshit" I say and go to bed.
Briar: Tomorrow you will likely make it all worse.
Chapter 35 – Working at McDonalds
Cherry: Now that’s a weird change in story.
Cherry: Went from Vampiric-Werewolf war to Fast Food.
Asahi: Yet it’s not farfetched for this story.
Today I woke up from my bed furiously.
Briar: Waking up angry, happens all the time.
I used spellcheck on my paper so that when people like my teechors tried to make fun of it they would b wrong. And they are. And so it shall be!
Asahi: Good, now can you use spellcheck on your story?
Asahi: Please?
"good morning Rebecca" doll bella not human bella said to me nicely. She is so nice ever sins she lost her boody bdecause she knows that I am trying hard to get it back!
Cherry: If you’re tryin’ hard, you’d evict yer soul from her body an let her take it over again.
Thenshe made me EGGS
Asahi: A doll… made you eggs?
Asahi: What is this? Disney?
"work harder you bitch" I say to her and she do. She is like the wicked stepmother.
Briar: You really don’t understand what ‘nice’ means, do you?
Briar: Or wicked?
Cherry: She’s makin’ ya eggs when just openin’ the fridge must be hard as fuck, an your being a bitch to her!
Com to think of it yes that is exactly what she is aftr what she did to me.
Asahi: Bella. Did. Nothing. Wrong.
Asahi: If anything, you’re the wicked stepsister.
Asahi: Actually, scratch that. You’re literal Satan.
But that is another story. It was soething too terribul to write down or say out loud.
Cherry: Probably cause ya can’t think of a justifiable reason for why you’re this terrible to her.
I didn't want to think abut how she sent chardly to kill me. Charly was my friend until became my fiend due to bells's influx.
Briar: No? She didn’t?
Asahi: Charlie didn’t want to kill you. You wanted to take his keys and decided murder was the best way to get them! Bella had nothing to do with it!
Then I realized I was so silly!
Cherry: Everythin’ bout this is silly.
We didn't have school today I laughed and sighed. It was Saturday which is a weekend day! Tomorrow would be Sunday! Then would come Monday the day we went back to school to graduate and enter the worl das adults. I am ready to be an adult.
Briar: Oh, it’s that close to graduation already?
Cherry: I get the feelin’ she doesn’t know how the adult world works.
Because it was not the weekstart I went to dairy queen to get siome ice creem because fuck u mainstream shits if you think ice cream is only eating at night.
Asahi: Ice cream is a food you can eat at any time of the day.
But no! I culdnt eat as much I wanted because bel;la's body was fucking fatass. Oh wait it was fat ass. Boys like fat ass so my ass aint gonna not stay fat you fuckers!
Briar: So… your ass is going to stay fat?
Asahi: I guess some guys like asses? I’m not really one of them, I guess.
Cherry: Oh? You’re tits man, then?
Asahi: Ah, no. I guess I just… don’t really care how they look too much?
"Yo homie what's up?" sed Tanishahsqnua who works hard at derry queen when she is not at school or fighting evil with me. "what can I get for you?"
"I want a fucking mcflurry"
Cherry: McFlurry?
Cherry: You’re at Dairy Queen ya pleb! Go to McDonalds if ya want that trash.
"okay just one moment that will be $600" she say.
Asahi: Yikes. That much? Well, I guess considering they have to go to McDonalds and buy a McFlurry so they can sell it to her, makes sense.
"too bad bitch were in a recession" she sed to me but no! I took the mcflurry out of that whore Tanishashanqua's hands and left the store. What a bitch trying to steal my hjard earned cash. This was the money from chadley's life insurance how DARE she try to steal it from me! What did she who think she be!?
Briar: So that justifies you stealing from a store?
Briar: Your logic is nonsense.
Cherry: I want to go back to the good chapter this is too painful.
Then I saw Alicia drug deeling behind DQ so I went over to her to talk to her and show her light of god [AN: Rebecca stil worshops Judah from the bible not Judah chocolove you sick fuockers].
Asahi: As far as I care, they’re one in the same.
"hey becca what's good" she say. She looked fuckign gorgeous in her red lipstick red cocktail dress. She say that it helps her to get all of the boys like Serkades before I fucing killed him for being dead earlier last arc.
Briar: You killed him for being dead? Didn’t know dying was such a heinous crime that deserved execution.
"not much" I sed sexily slurping my mcflurry. Unf I was so hot.
"Rebecca you don't do much. You should find a job. Try McDonalds down the street I think they are hiring!" she said fluently!
Asahi: Thanks, Alicia, for pointing that out. Rebecca does absolutely nothing of value.
I went to McDonalds to go an get a job. "I NEED WORK" I said to the bartenders and they were all like "okay you are overkwalified but okay"
Briar: McDonalds isn’t a bar. It’s fast food.
and so now I was behind counters! I waited for my fiorst customer when I saw him I culdnt believe who it was!
"bella why are you working at Mickey D's?" asked Rosally! She had escapd from Hell! BUT HOW!?
Cherry: Cause it’s Rosalie. As if Hell could keep her down.
"how be!?" I screemed at the top of my lungs! "I saw the molten sin drag you to hell, you cannot be!" I flummoxed!
Cherry: Cause it’s Rosalie.
"if you think that will stop me you have a lot of think to still do" she sad. "give me a goddamn double cheeseburger" say.
"that is money" I say.
Asahi: No. That’s a double cheeseburger.
"how about I fucing kill everyone here!?" she escalated!
Briar: That is quite the escalation.
"oh fuck that bullshit" I say and took my katan out and cut her gun in half but then she and I got into a martial arts routine and shit was flying everywhere the cops came to try and stop us but we wer moving at the speed of sound not quite light!
Asahi: That’s one way to lose your job in one day.
"THIS MOON POWERED KATAN BRINGS DEATH!" I screem and chop Rosalie's gun into half!
Briar: Okay, very excessive and rididculous.
Cherry: Sounds like anime BS.
"you fool I am not even using one tent of my power" she say and then her eyes turned red! Sort of like she was vamping out except not! We fught some more, and I dodged her bullits so they blew up the cash registurd!
"goddamit you have to pay for that" I say!
Briar: Or you can, considering you started this.
"fuck you I'm bringing the cash to Esme!" she say and then enacted her assasinial duties and shot my manager. The bitch. I get my $$$ from him!
Cherry: Yer gonna end up fired, anyways.
"Idiot, I did not even use my strength" she say. Her strengthened bullits were no match for me though! But then they wer!
Asahi: And no one is surprised.
Cherry: She’s just so overconfident, and then she realizes that she’s screwed.
Oh no what do now!? Then rose left with the cash and McDonalds was fucing ruined.
"Rebecca you are fired for not stoping her it is your civic duty to protect people" my manager say in deathly breath.
"wait how the fuock do u know I am rebecac and not bella" I ask.
Briar: Because you have to introduce yourself when you get a job and you probably introduced yourself as Rebecca.
Asahi: Of course she’s going to try blaming Bella for this.
"oshit" he say and dyied in my arms, a lover I never got to have.
Briar: You don’t even know his name you’re a rather bad lover.
"Okay seriously fuck this shit" I angrily shoke and I left Mickey D's and went to find a new job becuz this one sucked donkey balls. Maybe I could teach at the indiend restraint where Jacub worked because at this rate forks is a crime zone that nobody shuld have to live in.
Asahi: You’re still a student, you need a teaching degree and I think a license to teach in America. You wouldn’t be accepted.
Cherry: Do you even know anythin’ to teach at a Indian school?
Then it hit me like a semi! It was a semi actually but I am fine don't worry. As I flipped the biord to that fucing semi driver I had a thought and this thought was a good one!
Briar: Unfortunately you survived being hit by a semitruck.
I SHOULD BECOME A COP LIKE CHARDLEY BEFORE ME! I would take his mantle like the prodigigy I am and protect and serve all kinds!
Cherry: I mean, it’s not a bad—
Asahi: Wait for it.
Except Mexicans I don't fucing like them.
Asahi: There it is.
I ran off to the polise station with Jacub! THIS WAS MY CHANCE!
Briar: Your chance to make a bigger fool of yourself? Yes, yes it is.
AN: I m now repoening this sextion to commints.\
Asahi: Oh, goodie. My favorite part.
"OMFG I can't believe Your writing skills! I like a good story Whether it's making fun of Bella or not I mean come on you are probably in 3rd or 4th grade I mean people like you shouldn't even be on this damn site.
Cherry: They’re not wrong. Ya need to be thirteen at least to make an account.
I know 4th graders that sound like Albert Einstein Compared to you. Get some brains and grow up. -TheTruthDetecter"
Asahi: Speaking the truth, oh TheTruthDetector,
Im soree, how did the operashin to remove that flagpole from your ass go you shitbrick?
Briar: And another stunning example of maturity from TwilightRova. How can someone so mature withstand the people around her?
AN: hahaha u fuckers srsly thugt that the old chaptr 35 was REEL u dumb shits!
Asahi: Ah, yes, calling your readers dumb shits. Such a good move as an author, it’s a wonder why none of the bestselling authors insult their readers more often.
It was may fools like april fools only more secret! Stupid shits.
Cherry: Says the one makin’ up holidays to justify a terrible chapter.
Chapter 35 – Saving Bella
Asahi: Finally we’re going to save Bella!
Asahi: The girl deserves the world and more after all she has been put through.
Today I woke up from my bed furiously. I used spellcheck on my paper so that when people like my teechors tried to make fun of it they would b wrong. And they are.
Cherry: I don’t think teachers criticizing’ your work for its awful spelling are wrong.
Cherry: I’d have gotten F’s in all my classes if I handed in papers like this.
Otherwise I wuldnt have straight a's on all of my report cards you dumb shits!
Asahi: Chances are she’s sleeping with the teachers to get those A’s.
Asahi: Nothing we’ve seen so far would justify any intelligence beyond getting a D at best.
"good morning Rebecca" doll bella [AN: not human bella] said to me nicely. She is so nice ever sins she lost her boody bdecause she knows that I am trying hard to get it back!
Briar: If you were trying, really trying, you’d put your own soul in the doll and let her have her body back.
Briar: So, no. You’re not trying at all.
Thenshe made me EGGS! Eggs are my fucking favorite breakfast fud. But then she burned them so you know what? Fuck that whore.
Asahi: You are in the negatives in terms of “I’m A Good Person” point. I didn’t think it was possible to score so low, but you’ve surpassed my expectations.
"work harder you bitch" I say to her and she do. She is like the wicked stepmother. Com to think of it yes that is exactly what she is aftr what she did to me. But that is another story. It was soething too terribul to write down or say out loud. I didn't want to think abut how she sent chardly to kill me. Charly was my friend until became my fiend due to bells's influx.
Cherry: We’ve already been through this. Is she just rehashing the same things she said last chapter with minimal difference?
Asahi: Talk about lazy.
[AN: see!? It is really bella who is the problem, not Rebecca! Rebecca is so nice to even consider helping that ritzy biotch!]
Briar: As people who have been reading this trainwreck of a story, that is far from the truth. In actuality, Rebecca is just the worst person in this story.
Briar: With the exception of Seth, a rapist.
Then I realized I was so silly! We didn't have school today I laughed and sighed. It was Saturday which is a weekend day! Tomorrow would be Sunday! Then would come Monday the day we went back to school to graduate and enter the worl das adults. I am ready to be an adult.
Asahi: Trust me, you’re not.
Asahi: Can you do taxes? Can you change oil in a car? Do you know how to pay bills? Do you have a job that will let you pay bills?
Asahi: Do you have the mental maturity to be an adult?
Cherry: An the answer to all of that is a big, fat, no.
Because it was not the weekstart I went to dairy queen to get siome ice creem because fuck u mainstream shits if you think ice cream is only eating at night. But no! I culdnt eat as much I wanted because bel;la's body was fucking fatass. Oh wait it was fat ass. Boys like fat ass so my ass aint gonna not stay fat you fuckers!
Briar: Please, oh please change the story. This is the exact same thing from the last chapter.
Anyways I brought the doll bella with me because if she druve a car it wuld be some fucing weird ass chucky shit
Asahi: Finally some difference.
Cherry: Bella wouldn’t even be able to reach the steerin’ wheel or the pedals.
Cherry: Not unless you, like, tape sticks to her limps so she can actually drive.
"Rebecca you look sexy" sed jacub
Briar: Since Rebecca is in Bella’s body, he’s technically saying Bella looks sexy.
Asahi: I approve of this. Bella is beautiful and wonderful.
Briar: I feel like you’re only saying it at this point out of spite towards Rebecca.
Asahi: And because it’s like after watching a puppy get kicked you want to give it affection so it feels better.
as he came over to me. Jacub was looking even hotter than normal he was weering a soot. Soots are so fucing hot on men aren't they.
Cherry: Ah, yes. It really brings out the “Chimney Sweeper” appeal when ya cover yerself in soot.
I just wantd to fuck him on the table in the dairy queen but im in public so wtf I wouldn't ever do that! Fuck u if you don't think girls get hornly too!
Cherry: Girls have sex drives too.
Cherry: But at the same time, why the fuck would you write it an then complain about it?
"thanks stud I think you are smexy" I say and curdled with him lovinglee. We went to the park to go and find a bench to make the fuck out on when I saw something! It was Alicia selling her new drug. It was ten time better than pot so good that it stopped being pot, it became bowl.
Asahi: If it doesn’t come in bowl shapes, I will riot.
Briar: Did she just abandon Bella at Dairy Queen?
Asahi: She had better have left her card, too, so Bella can charge it to the max.
"Yo girl u wanna buy some bowl" Alicia offered. She is a function economy is this regard.
Cherry: Alicia is basically God of the local drug trade at this point.
Cherry: No one’s gonna try musclin’ in on her turf.
"No Alicia. You are wrong to pick this path in life" I say praying to my god Judah. She was so misled mayb I culd convert her back to normal one day.
Briar: Don’t. Alicia is so much more interesting than you are.
Briar: And the economy will collapse if she stops.
"I need to afrod rent" she say because ever sins esme tried to kill every fuckign person at prom I burned the cullins hose down to kill esme but it didn't wrok. Even since the house was burned down we have all been living in an apartment. Tht was what we wer in last chapter you shit.
Cherry: An ya didn’t think ta mention that last chapter?
Cherry: It would have maybe been interestin’ seeing ya come to the conclusion that ya need to burn down their house.
Suddenly an earthquick haped and Rossey climed up out of the crack in the ground! FUCK!
Asahi: Hell still can’t contain the raw power that is Rosalie.
"you goddamn motherfucing cunt Imma fucing kill Rebecca" she say! Her hare was longer and her boobs bunced wildly because she had to eat her bra to not strave to deth in hell!
Briar: As you do when you need to survive.
"wate she does not know that I am not bells!" jacub quiced silently to me! He was right!
"she is in Armenia" I say quckly and then rosalee come to me.
Asahi: Hopefully she will stay there.
"I will protect you from that sitch, do no worry" she villanously say and then started to summon something! "because esme is too fucing week I WILL KILL REBECCA MYSELF!"
Briar: Please do!
Cherry: We’re puttin’ all our hopes on ya, Rosalie.
then a satantic pentagram appeared on her fourhead and she glowed all evil and red and shit and summoned shit! It was 2 guys and French fucker!
"this is talsy, Hawko, and troy" she exposed wildly. Her hare went from blonde to beautiful fire red and her guns culd shoot fire I culd tell! "they will kill people Rebecca knows until she is ded!" then fuck rose because she flew off with satan's powers to Armena!
Asahi: Good.
Asahi: Good.
Cherry: This might be getting’ good finally. Rebecca’s days are numbered.
"sest un farse" the frenchy one sed! He had fucking nasty ass gross green skin he wasn't fucking hot at all. His skin was that way becuz he fuckign vomits all over himself the frunken shit.
Briar: Okay, that’s gross.
"por hitler nous allons twoer tous les dos" and then jacub stabed that mothafucker in the face and talsy took out a baguette and fucked with it and hacub stopped that frenchy.
Asahi: Okay, so maybe it’s not getting good.
Cherry: Time for more bullshit. Yay.
"REBECCA GET DOWN" Alicia said and shot troy one two three for five six seven ayt nine tims and it was fucing gory. Then a tree fell on him! BUT HE GOT UP!
"we are imbucked with satan's blood you cannot defeat us!" they say except the freech one!
Briar: Good. Now kill Rebecca.
"NOOOO" I screamed! I was horrored by this situation! Then Edowerd appeared! And Tanishashqnua! And Angela too!
"I prithee protect thou life" EDowerd say! "BECAUSE I STILL LOVE THEE" and then edowerd went all claws and clawed the fucing shit out of Talsys bagette and destroyed her beray [AN: it's a Fench hat].
Cherry: Ah. Fuck. The Edward/Jacob love rivalry in here, too?
Cherry: Fuck that shit.
But troy stepped forward from his tree and it used vine whip to grab angela sort of like in hentai with the tentacles [AN: porn is wrong].
Cherry: Porn is fine. So long as it aint incest, child, or rape porn.
She yelled like a cat in heat! A female one!
"HELP ME!" she say!
"this is satan's wood it will fill you with his evil" Hawked say. "feel the evil overtake your daddy's blood girl". He was so evil! What a fucker you shuld go to his profile and spam hate messages. He is worse thana fucer he is a diseased excuse for an abortion!
Briar: Ah, so this is a real person.
Asahi: Probably one of the people who pointed out how this story was utter trash.
"EVIL" angela say and then she was once again!
Asahi: Surprising no one.
"fuck this shit" I waddled and then I took my new katana and slit troy's neck. His blood got all over my catholic schoolgirl miniskirt so I took off the miniskirt part and ran to my audi and got in it.
Cherry: Runnin about with no pants. Now that’s just obscene.
Jacub and Alicia and tasnishashanqua did to. But not edowerd. He wuld have to fucing dye right here if he ever wanted judahs forgiveness or salvashing.
Briar: Rude.
Briar: But I mean, justified, too. He never did apologize for assaulting you.
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The lights slowly flickered on. At long last the story, the madness, the nightmare itself that was the Kronicals of Rebecca Swansin was over. It had felt like days, weeks even since the story had begun, though it had likely been only a couple of hours at best. The three participants simultaneously breathed sighs of relief, tired, but grateful that their strenuous task was finally finished.
“So…” Asahi spoke slowly, looking at his two companions carefully. “Final thoughts?”
Cherry looked at him, her expression like that of a woman who had just climbed out of Hell. “Asahi, Asahi, Asahi,” she shook her head at him. “We’ll be here for months if we tried to list every crime an sin this story committed.”
He frowned, still feeling his skin crawl from having to read something so… so terrible. “Let’s just say it was garbage and go home. I still can’t get over how she needlessly abused Bella,” his frown turned into a scowl. “This fanfic has turned me into a Bella fanboy. I hate it.”
“For what it’s worth,” Briar began, speaking carefully as she ran a hand through her hair. “As awful as it was, it was funny with the absurdity. And it was obviously intentionally written to be awful. Take a look at Chapters Thirty-Three, for instance. The sudden improvement in everything. Either her editor, Yamama, is an actual God for being able to take something so terrible and make into art, or, the more likely scenario, the atrocity of the story before and after was intentional. Further proof being Tanishashanqua, majority of the time the mouthful of a name was spelt right. It’s hard to believe someone who can’t spell Edward right once can spell Tanishashanqua right ninety-nine percent of the time.”
“Ugh. You raise a fair point,” Asahi confirmed and sighed. “Which, brings up a good point, something that ought to be said.”
Cherry blinked, “Oh?”
With that, Asahi slowly stood up, staring at the screen where they could assume a camera was hidden.
“Ladies, gentlemen, and everyone between. Allow me to tell you about trolls. A troll is someone who intentionally does things to aggravate and anger those around them. They will do anything and everything to get a negative reaction out of you, to get you mad and frothing at the mouth because they get a sick twist out of upsetting others. Trollfics are just another kind of it. Writers purposely writing something horrible or terrible, while denying knowing what a troll is. They know what they’re writing is bad, that their spelling and grammar is worse than a kindergartener. It’s because they’re doing it on purpose.
“The best way to handle a troll is to ignore them. Don’t give them a reaction, eventually they’ll give up and try somewhere else. We did the opposite, but I suppose we wouldn’t really be the entertainment you are apparently looking for if we ignored the bait. But, it’s best to just ignore trolls and trollstories, trying to rage against them is a losing battle.”
Cherry sighed, shrugging, “You’re right about that. We’re just givin’ the trolls exactly what they want when we yell at them. They’re weird like that.”
Standing up, Briar shook her head once more. “Anyway. See you guys next time.” With that, the Huntsman gathered the remnants of their wrappers and cups from the concession stand, tossing it on her way out, muttering about “McFlurries”, “Judah,” and “Unjustified Murders” as she left the theater.
Asahi grabbed his pile of books, tucking them under an arm as he gave Cherry a nod, making his way for the stairs and exit.
“Hey, Asahi?”
He stopped and turned, looking to Cherry who had a strange, pitying smile on her face. “Yeah?” he asked.
“I’m guessin’ this is probably a lot more painful for you than for Briar an I, right?” Cherry asked, but the way she poised it, it sounded more like a statement. “Yer the reader of the three of us, always with those books.”
Asahi was quiet for a moment, staring at her, trying to figure out some kind of double meaning, some kind of hidden intention. He found none. “Right,” he answered slowly. “I’m an avid reader, so these… poor attempts at writing are a rather serious affront in my perspective.”
“Thought as much,” Cherry nodded her head, her smile didn’t get any less sympathetic. “Don’t push yourself too much, okay? If ya can’t stand how offensive these stories get, don’t feel like ya got to force yourself to keep coming back.”
This felt like a bizarre conversation to him, and Asahi briefly wondered if Cherry’s brain got fried during that last story. “I’m well aware of that. I’m just as free to come and go as you are,” he reminded her carefully. “So, the same should be said to you. Don’t force yourself to come here if you don’t want to.”
Cherry laughed, grabbed her bag and her skateboard, “Right, right. Anyway, see you later, Asahi!”
He frowned as she bounded past him, pushing past the door with a hearty laugh. If he really tried, Asahi swore he could even hear the sound of her throwing her skateboard to the ground and taking off on it once she was on the otherside of the door. Though, it must have just been his imagination trying to compensate.
Briar and Cherry, they really were an odd bunch. Hell, the three of them were an odd combination for sure. But, Asahi figured that they made the stories bearable. No matter how awful the fics got, Asahi felt like he’d be able to stomach the crimes against literature if he had them around to help soften the blows.
But, for now, there really wasn’t any point loitering around in the now empty theater. He quietly ascended the stairs, stopping only to look at the empty seats one more time. Try as he might, he couldn’t really understand why this was happening, this experiment, this convergence in realities. Why them.
Did it even matter?
Maybe not, Asahi decided. Maybe it was best to not think about it too much.
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itsyourturnblog · 5 years
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In my last post, I wrote about courage. This week, I’d like to take that up a notch by telling you about my hero, Jim Lovell. In this post, we’ll learn about his incredible courage. Next week, we’ll learn about his his ability to overcome failure. And the week after that, we’ll talk about his grace under pressure.
Jim Lovell is best known for being the Commander of the “successful failure” that was Apollo 13 (and for subsequently becoming a member of the “Tom Hanks played me in a movie” club). Apollo 13 was indeed an astounding feat, but ultimately, it wasn’t nearly as important as one of Jim’s earlier missions, Apollo 8. And that’s because up until that time, though nearly two dozen people had been to space, no human had ever left earth’s orbit.
That changed with Apollo 8.
The mission sounded simple enough. Along with fellow crew members Frank Borman and William Anders, Jim’s mission wasn’t to land on the moon, it was only to see if they could get there, circle it 10 times and then come home.
Oh, and also to take one of the most significant photos ever taken — “Earthrise”.
But think about that for a second. When they left, they had no idea if they’d ever set foot on earth again. They didn’t know if the computer guidance system would work as designed, they didn’t know what would happen when they went around the backside of the moon, and they didn’t know if the math was right and that there would be enough fuel for the return journey.
And yet, they went.
It was an astounding act of courage. Perhaps, the greatest single act of courage in human history.
Just how did they do it?
First, the massive Saturn V rocket blasted them into orbit. There, they spent about two and a half hours testing various components of the ship before reigniting their rocket engine for “translunar injection” (yes, that phrase makes me laugh too — we’re tragically immature people, you and I).
And off they went into the unknown and, the history books. There was no hesitation. They just did it.
Now think of your own life.
Most of us manage to get ourselves into orbit. We leave home, train for our chosen career, find love and friendship, maybe have a family and buy a house. At first, there’s a rush of exhilaration. We’ve done it! We’re making it on our own. God only knows what excitement and adventures will come next!
But then, we get comfortable. We learn the patterns of our orbit. We look out the window and nothing surprises us. We know what to expect. And over time, the notion of leaving orbit becomes frightening. The longer we stay put, the more we begin to doubt we can do it. And so, rather than a brief layover on the way to the great, exciting unknown, our orbit becomes our home. We’re just far enough away from earth that we don’t feel like a complete failure, but we never learn what we’re truly capable of. And we never see what lies beyond our immediate understanding.
And that’s a terrible shame.
Ask yourself:
Are you sitting on a great idea?
Do you turn down opportunities that you know you should be taking advantage of?
Are you miserable at work, but afraid to even begin the process of looking for something new?
Are you using alcohol, drugs, shopping, sex, sugar, porn, gambling or something else as an escape from reality?
Do you avoid people, places and situations that might make you uncomfortable?
Do you use perfectionism as a tool to avoid starting/finishing initiatives?
Do you allow toxic people to undermine you and hinder your personal growth?
Do you subscribe to an endless list of “safe problems” — the small nagging kind that never seem to get solved?
We’ve each been given an extraordinary gift; this conscious, self-aware life. You are here to use your particular mix of traits and talents to benefit the world around you.
You weren’t meant to stay in orbit. Here’s how to break free of it.
4 Questions that will Help You Escape Earth’s Orbit
1: What does escape from Earth’s orbit look like (to you)?
It’s different for everybody, your orbit might be my moon shot. But some of us are so used to being in orbit that we can’t even imagine what a life beyond it might look like.
When working with clients, I use the Rocking Chair Exercise to help them visualize their ideal life experience.
Here’s a narrated video to take you through the exercise.
Or, you can contemplate the questions below.
Close your eyes and take three deep breaths. Imagine yourself on your 95th birthday. You are happy and healthy. And, you’re looking back at your life, a life that was ideal for you.
Who are you as a person?
What do other people value about you?
What achievements are you most proud of?
What added meaning to your life?
What gives you a sense of fulfillment?
Who is in your life — what kind of people are they?
What kind of career did you have?
How did you ensure you were healthy?
What did you do for fun?
How did you serve your community?
2: What keeps you from escaping Earth’s orbit? What is the source of that gravity?
What negative patterns of belief and behavior are you clinging too? How are you numbing yourself to the reality of what’s happening in your life?
Examples of negative beliefs:
I don’t have what it takes.
If I’m successful, I’ll end up alone.
I’m unworthy of achieving my dreams because at my core, I’m not a good person.
Examples of negative patterns:
Victim mindset
Toxic relationships
Outlandish, La La Land expectations
Examples of numbing behaviors/addictions:
Endless Nagging Little Problems
Video games
3: What will be the rocket fuel that blasts you out of orbit?
How will you take better care of yourself?
How will you cultivate persistence in your life?
What boundaries will you set to protect yourself?
How will you assure consistent action?
What else will be your rocket fuel?
4: What’s your plan for when things go wrong?
This is a big one.
The thing most people don’t know about Jim Lovell, is that during the Apollo 8 mission he made a mistake. A big one. The kind that nearly killed him and his fellow crew members.
We’ll talk about that next week.
Hey there! If you’d like to learn more about getting and staying unstuck, sign-up for my weekly newsletter (green box at top right of your screen on desktop, or under this post on mobile) so you’ll never miss a post. I promise I’m not a spammy nightmare. One per week, and that’s it.
How to Escape Earth’s Orbit was originally published in It's Your Turn on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.
by Judy Sims via It's Your Turn - Medium #itsyourturn #altMBA #SethGodin #quotes #inspiration #stories #change #transformation #writers #writing #self #shipping #personaldevelopment #growth #education #marketing #entrepreneurship #leadership #personaldev #wellness #medium #blogging #quoteoftheday #inspirationoftheday
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lovemesomesurveys · 5 years
5,000 questions survey series--part thirty-nine
3701. If you HAD to do your holiday shopping for EVERYONE in only ONE store what store would you pick? That would be hard. Can I cheat and just say online? ha.
3702. What's more annoying: the person in front of you driving ten miles under the speed limit on a regular day OR a person who cuts you off doing 10 miles over the speed limit on a stormy day The person who cuts me off on a stormy day because that could be dangerous.
3703. Define the word TIME without using the word time in the definition. A continuous span of progression. haha. That probably makes zero sense.
3704. What old cartoons do you remmeber watching? Stuff on Nickelodeon, Cartoon Network, Disney, PBS, Kids’ WB, and cartoons that aired on ABC and FOX in the 90s.
3705. Do you think that people care only about the people they know personally or do most people care about all people I wouldn’t say they only care about the people they know personally. Most people care about others and their general wellbeing unless they’re completely heartless, but it’s different for people you know and love versus strangers,  you know? 
Why do you think people feel that wway? I mean, you’re going to care more about people you know and love because you know and love them? It hits closer to home.
3706. Are you more like Brak Zorak or Space ghost and why Oh, those characters from that old Cartoon Network show? I remember seeing it sometimes, but was never really into it. It came on late at night, and as a kid sometimes I’d be up late cause I couldn’t sleep or didn’t feel well and that’d be like the only thing on besides informercials. 
3707. Would you rather see the movie first and then read the book or read the book and then see the movie? I’ve done both.
3708. Do you own any audio books? Nope.
3709. Why are things the way they are? Good question.
3710. Do you believe that guns don't kill people and that people kill people? I mean, someone has to pull the trigger.
3711. What is the best way you can think of to prevent murder? Not commit murder? :X  ha. I really don’t know. There’s some psychotic people who will always find a way.
3712. Why is it that in the USA thousands of people are murdered with a gun each year while in Canada only a handful of people are murdered with a gun each year Sources?
Sure sounds like the USA is doing something wrong, but what?
3713. Is there a difference between really being yourself and just being automatic and acting on whims? Uhhhh.
I’m not sure how to answer this. 3714. Have you ever strolled through a graveyard? During the day.
In the dark? Noo.
3715. What is the difference between a good poem and a bad one? That’s subjective. I like good poems I relate to and that “speak” to me, but if a poem doesn’t do that for me it doesn’t mean it’s bad. To each their own.
3716. Who really cares about anything? I think a lot of people care about a lot of things.
Do you? Yeah. Some things maybe too much, others not enough.
Do you let it show, all the time? Depends what the thing is that I care about.
3717. Do you live with passion? :/
3718. Do you talk to squirrels? ...No.
3719. Do you kick up leaves? No.
3720. Whuch do you need more: sugar, caffiene, alcohol, drugs, sex, sleep? I’m picking two: caffeine and sleep.
3721. What images do you get from the phrase 'human subway'? For some awful, disgusting reason my mind went to the human centipede. *BARF*
3722. Joe Strummer died. Are you sad? I don’t know who that is.
Do you have a fond memory of him to share?
3723. If you are a guy are circumcised?
If you are a girl which do you prefer circumcised or not?
3724. Does it bother you that in the USA you will be tracked based on what web sites you visit, what online purchases you make and your email will be read by the government? I see where it can be helpful, but yeah it’s not fun having your privacy invaded and people all up in your business.
3725. Have you ever checked out the online personals? The what?
3726. What do you crave? Good health.
3727. On a scale of 1-10 how tough are you? 0. 
3728. On a scale of 1-10 how tender are you? 10.
3729. On a scale of 1-10 how good are you? Uhh.
3730. On a scale of 1-10 how evil are you? I think negatively and badly of myself, but I don’t think I’m evil
.3731. What would make a cool coffee table book? *shrug*
3732. What's the most interesting conversation piece in your home? *shrug*
3733. If you could get on the mall loud speaker on christmas eve you would say, “Attention holiday shoppers: Be kind to the employees and fellow customers, please.” It gets crazy during the holidays.
3734. What are you on the outside of looking into? Life.
3735. Are you more of a peculiar purple pie man or a sour grape? What.
3736. Who is someone you know should deserve more respect? My mom.
3737. Does the end ever justify violence as a means? Only in certain situations.
If yes, when? Like for self-defense.
3738. Care about everything, or care about nothing? Which would be worse? Caring about nothing is worse cause then what’s the point?
3739. Why do so many people on the internet pretend to be pregnant? I didn’t know that was a big thing. 
3740. Have you ever been the diary Hicks or Brian (same guy, Hicks is the old diary, Brian is the current one)? ...What.
If yes, what are your thoughts?
3741. What was your new years like in (answer all that you can remember)
3742. You know the Def Leopard song, 'Love Bites'? Yeah.
Do they actually mean love bites as in it sucks, or lovebites as in hickies? I’m familiar with the song, but I’ve never given it a real listen where I thought about the lyrics and what it means.
3743. All you want for chrsitmas is: We’re only in May.
3744. If you rearrange the letters in SANTA what words can you make? Ant, sat, an, at, as, tan, ass, nat...
3745. Say anything: I’m tired.
3746. Can you feel your life ending one minute at a time? Uhh.
3747. Is there something you don't want to talk about? Yeah.
3748. What is the most offinsive thing you can think of to type here? Who do you think it would offend?
3749. Who would you stop the world and melt with? “I’d stop the world and melt with you..”
3750. Is there anyone you wish you had never known? No.
3751. Do you prefer to drive or be driven? I don’t drive, so.
massage or be massaged? Be massaged.
pamper or be pampered? Pamper.
go down or be gone down on?
3752. What do you think of the sims? I like it. I go through spurts where I’m obsessed and then don’t play at all for a long time.
3753. How about the Sims Online? I’ve never played it that way.
3754. Professional or home pedicure and why? Neither. 
3755. Is there a difference between over weight and over fat? They mean the same thing.
3756. What do you think of Rush Limbaugh?
3757. Do you buy books and then never read them? No.
3758. What does OPP stand for? “Other people’s property”, but there’s been the argument that the last P stands for “p*ssy” according to the song.
3759. If you had to be a character from married with children, what would you be? I wouldn’t want to be any of them haha.
3760. What did you get for christmas? A new phone, clothes, makeup, stocking stuffer things. 
3761. What was your best ever valentine's day? I don’t have one that particularly stands out.
3762. What movie would you like to see again, that you haven't watched since you were a kid? Hmm. I don’t know.
3763. Have you seen Fantastic Planet? No.
3764. Do feet disgust you? Yes.
3765. What pain releaver do you use? A prescription pain med.
3766. Are you an artist, a designer or a doodler? I’m none of those things.
3767. Do you belong to a gym? No.
3768. Have you ever been to court? No.
Over what?
Did you win?
3769. Would you ever take a caase on court TV (Judge Judy and such)?? They’re entertaining to watch, but no. Omg Judge Judy would probably make me cry haha.
3770. You are given a million dollars, only you MUST spend it (or as much as possible) IN ONE MONTH. ANY LEFT OVER MONEY WILL GO AWAY. WHAT DO YOU BUY? New house for my family and I and vacations.
3771. What are your pj's like? I’m wearing leggings and a long sleeved shirt.
3772. Is there a fabric you love above all other fabrics? Soft kinds.
3773. Can you think of any words (besides mom, dad and bob) that spell the same thing backwards and forwards? Racecar.
3774. Who would enter an ugly foot contest???? I don’t know why someone would enter a contest like that. 
3775. Would you rather see a movie with someone who screams during the movie, crys through the movie, or talks theough the movie? What's the least annoying? Cries through the movie. 
3776. Do you have any grey hair? I found a couple strands before. D:
3777. Are all the Jennifers you know psychotic? I don’t know any Jennifer’s. 
3778. Do you want to join a country club? No.
3779. 'I felt a funeral in my brain' - Emily Dickinson
What do you feel in your brain? A jumbled mess.
3780. What is the best atari game you can remember? I’ve never played.
3781. Hulk Hogan, Alf or Mr T? “I pity the fool.”
3782. Did you dance today? No.
3783. Are birds happy in cages? They need to be able to fly.
Are pets happy indoors? Depends on the pet.
3784. Have you, or has anyone you know, ever been stuffed in a locker? No.
3785. Critique this poem.
Last night death signed my yearbook Have a good summer he said see ya next year and then I realized it wasn't my yearbook it was my tombstone
Ew, that creeped me out.
3786. Red or white wine? I don’t drink anymore, but I did like white zin back when I did. Red wine gave me a headache.
3787. Hula hoops or jump ropes? Neither.
3788. Do you like tiffany lights? Sure.
3789. Do you like fights? No.
3790. What do YOU want to pin the tail on? Nothing.
3791. Wasn't last night fun? Not really.
3792. Have you ever met a group of more interesting people? Yeah.
3793. Would you eat Spaghetti with waffles to keep from offending someone? Sure.
3794. Do you play with Mr Patatoe head? I did when I was a kid.
3795. Would you rather live in an attic or a basement? Basement.
3796. Can you understand sign language? No.
3797. Do you wear ridiculous hats? No. Just simple ones.
Does Elton John? Sure.
3798. What music is wild and crazy? EDM.
3799. How does one live their life like a candle in the wind? I don’t know.
3800. Ziggy and the Spiders or Benny and the Jets? B-b-b-benny and the Jetssssssss.
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Case: 0112905
Name: Lee Rentoul Subject: Murder of his associate Paul Noriega Date: May 29th, 2011 Recorded by: Jonathan Sims, Head Archivist of the Magnus Institute, London
Let’s get one thing straight right off – this is not a goddamn confession, alright? If you go to the police with this, I will deny every word, and I know enough about the law to know that even if I spill my guts to you about all the horrible things I’ve done, it will count for nothing in court. It’s not like you’ll even be able to help me, I just... My mate Hester said he came to you a few years back, been seeing ghosts and that, and you guys looked into it and told him it was some sort of noise messing with his head, ‘infasound’ or something, and he’s fine now. I need that. I need you to tell me that it’s just coincidence and my mind’s playing tricks, and I need to not lose any more bits of me.
So yeah, I killed that asshole Noriega. Stabbed him in the throat and left him to bleed out on the dockside. Maybe that shocks you a bit, maybe not, but trust me when I say he had it coming. Eight years we worked together, and it was him that got carried away kicking McMullen’s head in and moved it from assault to GBH, but sure enough when we get picked up he turns on me and I get pinned for it. Five years I served because of him, while he walked free as you please. I’d say that I was due a bit of payback and I certainly got it.
It wasn’t my first choice, though. I’m not stupid and parole keeps you on a short enough chain that slitting Noriega’s throat was not my top priority. Don’t get me wrong, it was something I’d been itching to do for five goddamn years, but I wasn’t in a rush. I had plenty of time to arrange something nasty for him, and I wanted him hurt more than I felt I had to do the deed myself. So when I got out in June last year, I bided my time and kept my ear to the ground. Tried to get in touch with him, but was told by the few friends we had in common that he wasn’t interested in talking to me. He’d clearly done ok for himself in the years I’d been away, and could afford some muscle to make sure that I didn’t bother him. I ended up with a couple of bruised ribs when I finally got tired of the run-around and tried to have it out with him properly. It was laying there, some grim side street in Lewisham of all places that I came to the decision that if I was going to hurt this asshole, and I mean properly hurt him, I was going to have to think outside the box a bit.
I decided to pay McMullen a visit. Before Noriega had gone to work on him, Toby McMullen was just some street punk. These days he was just a street punk who had trouble turning his neck. I’ve met plenty of born losers in my time, I mean it’s kind of a given in this business, but I’ve never met someone so intent on being a screw-up as McMullen. When I saw him he was high as a kite and barely knew I was there, but you bet his eyes lit up when I mentioned Paul Noriega. It took hours to get anything useful out of that waste of skin, but eventually I pieced together his side of this sorry tale. Noriega had paid him a visit in the hospital, apparently, before the police had picked us up, and promised that if he fingered me for the assault, then he’d have all of the narcotics his little junkie heart could dream of. Only once he was out of hospital and my conviction had gone through, it wasn’t two days before McMullen was out on his arse again, and Noriega didn’t want to know. Any idiot could have seen it would play out that way, but not poor, stupid Toby. Still, he’d been itching to get the knife in for almost as long as I had, and he had had the freedom to plan it, so I asked him if he had anything I could use.
I shouldn’t have been surprised when he suggested magic. Toby had always been into all of that mystical crap, even before the drugs, and if there was some half-baked New Age fad going round you could bet you’d find it dribbling out of his mouth whenever he was coherent enough to actually talk. I punched him in the gut and turned to leave. He followed me, doubled over and struggling for breath, begging me to help him. He said he was serious, said it wasn’t like the other stuff, said he knew someone with real power, who could put the hurt on Noriega, but he just didn’t have the money.
I should have kept walking. I should have shaken him off. I should have beat him so bad he couldn’t turn his neck the other way either. But I didn’t. I stopped and I listened to what that piece of human garbage had to say. I was an idiot.
So Toby took me to see his friend Angela. He never gave me her second name. I asked him what it was: Wicca, voodoo, some crystal bull? But Toby said no, nothing like that. Said he didn’t really know how it was supposed to work, but had a girl a few months back, had told him about Angela; said she’d used her services on a particularly unpleasant ex-boyfriend. Apparently he’d disappeared, and they never found a body. So then I’m thinking maybe there’s no magic there, just a killer with a schtick, but hey, if that was the case it was fine by me, just as long as Noriega got done.
When I finally met Angela, it was all I could do not to cave McMullen’s head in. I’d just about convinced myself I was going to be meeting with a hardened killer, maybe one that kept a bunch of spooky Halloween crap around, but still someone who’d get the job done. I wasn’t even put off when we pulled up to a well-kept suburban house in Bexley. But when the door was answered by an old lady in a lilac dressing gown, I almost lost it. McMullen asked if she was Angela, speaking in a quiet voice like he was actually scared of the geriatric fool. The old woman said yes, she was Angela, and asked us to come in.
The house felt almost as old as its owner – faded floral print wallpaper, dark oak furniture and threadbare carpets. The walls were covered with framed portraits, the sort you’d get in any cheap antique store or charity shop, although as we went into the living room I noticed something that I didn’t expect: they weren’t paintings, they were jigsaw puzzles, each completed and framed. And sure enough when we sat down on the worn cloth sofa, there in front of Angela was another jigsaw, half- finished. I’ve got no problem with the elderly, and if they want to throw away their last years putting together a damn picture then I’m sure not going to stop them, but it wasn’t exactly going to kill Noriega, was it?
I was so angry at this massive waste of my time, that when she offered us a cup of coffee, I almost put McMullen face-first through the glass table in front of us. I grunted something which Angela apparently took as a “yes please”, and so a few minutes later there I was drinking instant coffee from a chipped mug that this doddering old ass clearly hadn’t thought to wipe the dust off of. When she asked if I wanted Paul Noriega dead, I nearly choked.
She asked it very matter-of-factly, like it was a question on some form she knew the answer to but had to fill it in anyway. I glanced at Toby, who nodded at me, and I thought what the hell, I might as well play along. So I said yes. Yes, I did want him dead. And more than that, I wanted him to suffer. Angela smiled when I said that, a warm smile that suited her round face, and said that that wouldn’t be a problem. I started to explain the situation, but she waved it away and told me that Toby had filled her in on all the details, and that there was just one thing she needed from me, that he couldn’t provide. I started to tell her that I wasn’t paying for someone’s gran to take out a hard case like Noriega, but she said no, she wasn’t after money. She said that she was “well-compensated” for the service she provided and that all she needed from me was an object, anything that I had taken from Noriega. Not a gift, she said, staring into my eyes with a look that I recognised from years of working with very unpleasant people. It wouldn’t work if it was a gift.
At this point I was starting to feel uneasy. Not scared, alright, I wasn’t scared of this old woman, but being around her was... bad. I don’t know how else to say it, she was bad. You’ve got to understand, I know dangerous, I understand dangerous, hell, I am dangerous. This was something else. But I wanted Paul Noriega dead so badly. Five years ago, just before we’d been picked up by the police I’d borrowed his lighter. It was a battered old Zippo, used to have a picture of a topless woman on it, but now that was almost worn away. After he turned on me in questioning, I didn’t feel much like returning it to the treacherous backstabber, so I held on to it. I hadn’t thought much of it, but here it was, still in the pocket of my jacket, all those years later. I handed it to Angela, and she gave me that look again, and told me that it would work just fine.
And then we left. Angela told us not to worry about it, that Paul Noriega wasn’t going to be bothering us for much longer; we just had to wait until she was finished. Finished with what exactly, she didn’t say, she didn’t need to. We knew whatever it was we were probably better off not knowing.
The waiting came hard, though. After he’d had me roughed up, it seemed like Noriega had decided I wasn’t worth worrying about. I’d see him walking those streets like he owned them, his pair of leg- breakers in tow, and I knew there was nothing that I could do about it. He knew it too. So I waited. And I waited. I waited for the shot, or the knife, or the poison or the... whatever would end him for good. It never came. Days turned into weeks and there he still was, as cocksure as ever. 
I was patient. God, I was patient, but after three weeks I had almost written off that useless old bag as a time-wasting con job. I was going to give her one more week, just one, but then something came up that I couldn’t ignore. Word came down that Noriega was meeting someone at the docks, some fence by the name of Salesa. The man dealt mainly in stolen art and curios, valuable stuff, and was paranoid as hell, which meant Noriega was going to be there alone. It might have been a trap, sure, but I’d been sitting on my ass waiting for him to magically drop dead for so long that if there was even a chance it was on the level, I had to take it.
Turns out it was true, and went off smoother than I could have hoped for. I found the warehouse a few hours before the meet, and staked out a good spot. Then I waited. Salesa turned up first, a big Samoan guy with close-cropped hair, flanked by four men in dark suits, who carried a square wooden crate between them. They went into the warehouse, and sure enough five minutes later there he is, that snake. He was alone, and seemed to be limping slightly. He headed inside through the same door, leaving it unlocked. Perfect. There was no point me going in yet. I wasn’t keen to get my head kicked in by Salesa’s goons, so I just watched, my hand gripping the hilt of the combat knife I’d bought at an army surplus store I know is happy to sell off-the-books.
It was almost an hour later that Salesa and his men left, still carrying that box. They didn’t look happy, but I could have given a damn. As soon as they were round the corner I headed inside, as quietly as I could, and there he was, leaning up against a pile bricks, smoking. I started to move towards him, but as I got near he must have heard me, and turned around. He started to say something about reconsidering, and lowering the price, when he realised I was not Salesa. Then a look passed over the face of Paul Noriega that I will treasure forever. No matter what happens to me, the memory of that look of panicked terror will stay with me.
He turned to run, but whatever was wrong with his leg meant he tripped over the bricks instead. I grabbed him by the collar, my knife already out, and dragged him up. I had always been the stronger of the two of us, and he knew he couldn’t fight me. Holding up his hand, he begged me to wait, to listen. I noticed that his hand was missing a couple of fingers, old wounds that had long healed over, though I didn’t remember seeing them before. It didn’t matter; I could hear the blood pumping in my head and nothing was going to stop me taking my revenge. He begged for mercy, as I plunged the knife into him once, twice, three times. Again and again and again I stabbed that backstabber until, finally, I him let him fall. He landed on the floor hard, dead weight, his head making a thick, cracking sound as it hit the bricks, and blood began to pool on the floor around his body.
As the rage started to fade and my breathing returned to normal, I took a second to look over poor dead Paul Noriega, and saw something seemed to have been knocked loose when his head hit the bricks. Picking it up, I saw it was a glass eye. I looked back at the corpse, and sure enough there was a gaping hole where his left eye should have been. When had that happened? He certainly had both eyes when we had worked together and all ten fingers as well. He’d also had all his teeth, where now I saw gaps all over that dead, smiling face. I shivered, though I don’t know why.
I won’t go into detail about how I went about disposing of the body. Just trust me when I say that even if the cops did find any piece of Noriega’s corpse, they wouldn’t be able to pin it on me. And life went on. His boys did come looking for me when their boss didn’t return, but I knew to lay low for a while, and soon enough they realised that if he was gone, they weren’t getting paid either way and moved on. And so I had my revenge, and that should have been the end of the story. But it wasn’t.
It was five days after I killed Noriega that I found the first package. I was on Tottenham Marshes, near the reservoir, on business you don’t need to know, and I came to a metal bridge over one of the streams there. Now this wasn’t a place I went often, and I don’t think I’d ever crossed that bridge before in my life, but there, lying in the centre of it, was a small box. It was wrapped in brown paper and string, like an old-fashioned Christmas present, and had my name printed on it in clear letters: LEE RENTOUL, FOR IMMEDIATE CONSIDERATION.
Obviously I was a little bit freaked out at this but not as freaked out as when I opened it. Inside, lying was a black cardboard box, full of cotton wool and a single severed finger. It was obviously some sort of threat; some punk reckoned they could put a scare on me. No chance. I threw the finger into one of the canals and set the box on fire before throwing it in a bin. I headed home quickly, keeping my attention all around me and my hand on my knife. I was so busy looking behind me, I didn’t see the hole in front of me, and I tripped. As I fell forward, I felt a hot pain in the hand that had been on my knife. You guessed it. Falling had caused the blade to slice clean through my little finger.
I’m not too proud to admit that I screamed at this. I tore up my shirt, trying to make a bandage to stop the bleeding, at least until I could get to a hospital. But as I began to wrap it up, I noticed that it wasn’t actually bleeding. The wound was closed. It had healed, like it had happened years ago. I didn’t know what to think. I didn’t know what to do. So I just went home. I wasn’t getting my finger back, so I figured I could try to deal with it after a decent night’s sleep.
There was another box at my flat. Same as before. This one contained two toes. I tried to ignore it and keep my foot well away from any knives, but... I was trying to adjust the settings on my flatscreen when it fell off the wall. Hit my right foot and, well, have you figured it out yet? That was two weeks ago. Since then, I lost four more fingers to accidents, most of my toes, this eye I managed to put out on a goddamn fencepost. I’ve lost count of the number of teeth gone, and believe me when I say that you don’t want to know how I lost the hand. Each time, a box wrapped in brown paper: LEE RENTOUL, FOR IMMEDIATE CONSIDERATION.
I’ve tried everything. Once I thought I managed to outsmart it. Spent the day in my bedroom – nothing sharp, no edges. I’d taken out everything except the mattress. It didn’t matter, I woke the next morning with an agony in my foot far sharper than any knife could cut, and the big toe missing, just like the one I’d received the morning before.
I knew it was Angela. Of course I did, I’m not thick. Whatever curse she’d laid on Noriega must have passed to me. I went over there, you know. Went to confront that old... and you know what happened? She let me in. She was, nice, civil. Offered me another cup of coffee! I told her where to stick it. Demanded, asked, begged her to stop whatever was happening to me. You know what she did? She shrugged. She just shrugged! Told me that “Some hungers are too strong to be denied”, whatever the hell that means. So I went for her. I was going to strangle the life out of that curse-flinging bag of bones. But as I reached for her, I... I don’t know. I don’t know what happened. I know that that’s how I lost the hand. I know I chewed it off.
Look it doesn’t matter. I just need your help. I need this to stop. I don’t know how, but this is your area, right? This is what you do. You look into this weird ghost crap, right? Well this is the definition of weird ghost crap, and I need you to help me. I need you to save me from whatever is happening.
I don’t have much time. I got a box this morning, a few hours before I came here. It was a tongue.
Archivist Notes:
It doesn’t look like this case was ever properly followed up. According to the supplementary notes, shortly after making his statement, Mr. Rentoul became violent towards Institute staff and in the ensuing incident there was... an accident. No details are given, but it apparently required Mr. Rentoul’s hospitalisation. I’m reminded of a somewhat tasteless joke about loose tongues. He did not return to the Institute afterwards, and his statement was archived. According to the arrest records Sasha uncovered, Mr. Rentoul was telling the truth about the somewhat chequered past of himself and his associate Paul Noriega, with extensive files on both of them. The last listed interaction between the police and Mr. Noriega is two months before Mr. Rentoul’s statement, and since then no sign can be found of him in police records, or indeed anywhere else.
I sent Martin to look into this ‘Angela’ character, not that I want him to get chopped up, of course, but someone had to. Apparently he spent three days looking into every woman named Angela in Bexley over the age of 50. He could not find anyone that matches the admittedly vague description given here, though he informs me that he had some very pleasant chats about jigsaws. Useless ass. 
Tim has done his best to try and hunt down Mr. Rentoul and see if we can contact him for a follow-up interview or evaluation, but it looks like he disappeared shortly after making this statement. We were able to find his old landlord, though, who said that Mr. Rentoul vanished in early April of 2011, leaving many unpaid bills and no forwarding address. He said that when he had gone to clear out the flat, he had been surprised to find there was no furniture left. All that remained in the house, he said, were hundreds and hundreds of small cardboard boxes.
Source: Official Transcript and Podcast (MAG 14 Piecemeal)
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surveysonfleek · 7 years
5000 Question Survey Pt. 39
3701. If you HAD to do your holiday shopping for EVERYONE in only ONE store what store would you pick? damn... honestly probably target or kmart lol. 3702. What's more annoying: the person in front of you driving ten miles under the speed limit on a regular day OR a person who cuts you off doing 10 miles over the speed limit on a stormy day? following a slow person. it’s one of my pet peeves. i haaaate people cutting me off too but since they’re speeding they won’t be around to annoy me even more. 3703. Define the word TIME without using the word time in the definition. the concept of day/night and the duration of a multiple activities and moments in life. 3704. What old cartoons do you remember watching? arthur, recess, franklin, hey arnold, catdog, heaaaps of disney shows.
3705. Do you think that people care only about the people they know personally or do most people care about all people? generally people care more about the people they know but i’m sure there are some good people out there that care about everyone. Why do you think people feel that away? it’s just life. i’ll obviously care more for my family than a stranger on the street. 3706. Are you more like Brak Zorak or Space ghost and why? idk either of them. 3707. Would you rather see the movie first and then read the book or read the book and then see the movie? read the book then see the movie. 3708. Do you own any audio books? What? nope. 3709. Why are things the way they are? it just is. 3710. Do you believe that guns don't kill people and that people kill people? Why? honestly it’s both. the person has control of their actions but there are some cases where it’s purely an accident. it’s one of the most devastating human inventions. 3711. What is the best way you can think of to prevent murder? wear those body suits the fbi and army wear or whatever. 3712. Why is it that in the USA thousands of people are murdered with a gun each year while in Canada only a handful of people are murdered with a gun each year? Sure sounds like the USA is doing something wrong, but what? for a survey over 10 years old, it’s quite disappointing that this question is still relevant today. i have no idea if usa will ever do something about gun control. 3713. Is there a difference between really being yourself and just being automatic and acting on whims? What? i’m kinda thinking no... 3714. Have you ever strolled through a graveyard? In the dark? yes but not in the dark. 3715. What is the difference between a good poem and a bad one? i hate poems in general. 3716. Who really cares about anything? me, but in my own world. Do you? yes, kinda. Do you let it show, all the time? no. 3717. Do you live with passion? not as much as i should. 3718. Do you talk to squirrels? no. 3719. Do you kick up leaves? haha sometimes. 3720. Whuch do you need more: sugar, caffiene, alcohol, drugs, sex, sleep? sleeeeeeep. 3721. What images do you get from the phrase 'human subway'? a line of people? 3722. Joe Strummer died. Are you sad? Do you have a fond memory of him to share? i don’t know them. 3723. If you are a guy are circumcised? If you are a girl which do you prefer circumcised or not? i’m a girl. i don’t have a preference. 3724. Does it bother you that in the USA you will be tracked based on what web sites you visit, what online purchases you make and your email will be read by the government? i don’t live in the usa so i don’t care. i feel bad for their whole net neutrality thing though lol. 3725. Have you ever checked out the online personals? no. 3726. What do you crave? sleep. 3727. On a scale of 1-10 how tough are you? 6ish. 3728. On a scale of 1-10 how tender are you? 6. 3729. On a scale of 1-10 how good are you? 7. 3730. On a scale of 1-10 how evil are you? 2. 3731. What would make a cool coffee table book? photographs of the places i’ve traveled to lol. 3732. What's the most interesting conversation piece in your home? tbh everyone always comments on how nice our curtains are lol. 3733. If you could get on the mall loud speaker on christmas eve you would say, 'Attention holiday shoppers: go home and spend time with your families. 3734. What are you on the outside of looking into? idk. 3735. Are you more of a peculiar purple pie man or a sour grape? neither. 3736. Who is someone you know should deserve more respect? celebrity’s kids. it wasn’t their choice to be born into the spotlight, the paparazzi should leave them alone, especially as babies/young kids. 3737. Does the end ever justify violence as a means? If yes, when? idk. 3738. Care about everything, or care about nothing? Which would be worse? both are bad imo. 3739. Why do so many people on the internet pretend to be pregnant? i’ve never noticed. 3740. Have you ever been the diary Hicks or Brian (same guy, Hicks is the old diary, Brian is the current one)? no. 3741. What was your new years like in (answer all that you can remember) 1970? 1980? 1990? 1995? 1998? 1999? 2000? 2001? 2002? 2003? 2004? 2005? 2006? is it bad that i don’t remember any of these? 3742. You know the Def Leopard song, 'Love Bites'? Do they actually mean love bites as in it sucks, or lovebites as in hickies? never listened to it. 3743. All you want for chrsitmas is: money $$$$ 3744. If you rearrange the letters in SANTA what words can you make? satan. 3745. Say anything: anything. 3746. Can you feel your life ending one minute at a time? sometimes i’ve thought about that. i’m only getting closer to the end :( 3747. Is there something you don't want to talk about? ye. 3748. What is the most offinsive thing you can think of to type here: Who do you think it would offend? no. 3749. Who would you stop the world and melt with? haha no one. 3750. Is there anyone you wish you had never known? nope. 3751. Do you prefer to drive or be driven? driven. massage or be massaged? massaged. pamper or be pampered? both. go down or be gone down on? be gone down on haha. 3752. What do you think of the sims? i enjoy playing it but you do get over it after awhile. 3753. How about the Sims Online? don’t think i’ve tried this. 3754. Professional or home pedicure and why? pro. it’s just more satisfying. 3755. Is there a difference between over weight and over fat? What? idk what over fat is. 3756. What do you think of Rush Limbaugh? idk them. 3757. Do you buy books and then never read them? i’ve done this before, yeah. 3758. What does OPP stand for? other people’s property. 3759. If you had to be a character from married with children, what would you be? didn’t watch it. 3760. What did you get for christmas? still coming up. 3761. What was your best ever valentine's day? having a nice dinner and chilling in a hotel room. 3762. What movie would you like to see again, that you haven't watched since you were a kid? hmmm. a disney movie of some sort. 3763. Have you seen Fantastic Planet? no. 3764. Do feet disgust you? yes. 3765. What pain releaver do you use? panadol. 3766. Are you an artist, a designer or a doodler? designer. 3767. Do you belong to a gym? no. 3768. Have you ever been to court? no. Over what? Did you win? 3769. Would you ever take a case on court TV (Judge Judy and such)?? no lol. 3770. You are given a million dollars, only you MUST spend it (or as much as possible) IN ONE MONTH. ANY LEFT OVER MONEY WILL GO AWAY. WHAT DO YOU BUY? multiple houses, a car, pay off uni debt, presents for everyone i love etc. 3771. What are your pj's like? loose and comfy. 3772. Is there a fabric you love above all other fabrics? not particularly. 3773. Can you think of any words (besides mom, dad and bob) that spell the same thing backwards and forwards? boob. 3774. Who would enter an ugly foot contest???? no lol. 3775. Would you rather see a movie with someone who screams during the movie, crys through the movie, or talks theough the movie? What's the least annoying? least annoying is scream but only if it’s a horror film. 3776. Do you have any grey hair? no. 3777. Are all the Jennifers you know psychotic? haha no. 3778. Do you want to join a country club? no. 3779. 'I felt a funeral in my brain' - Emily Dickinson What do you feel in your brain? tiredness. 3780. What is the best atari game you can remember? idk. 3781. Hulk Hogan, Alf or Mr T? mr t. 3782. Did you dance today? no. 3783. Are birds happy in cages? Are pets happy indoors? i don’t know, i wish i could find out. 3784. Have you, or has anyone you know, ever been stuffed in a locker? no. 3785. Critique this poem. Last night death signed my yearbook Have a good summer he said see ya next year and then I realized it wasn't my yearbook it was my tombstone hm. i don’t really get it lol. sorry, i’m tired. 3786. Red or white wine? white. 3787. Hula hoops or jump ropes? jump rope. 3788. Do you like tiffany lights? idk what they are. 3789. Do you like fights? no. 3790. What do YOU want to pin the tail on? the donkey. 3791. Wasn't last night fun? yes!!!! 3792. Have you ever met a group of more interesting people? sure. 3793. Would you eat Spaghetti with waffles to keep from offending someone? gross lol no. 3794. Do you play with Mr Patatoe head? i have as a kid. 3795. Would you rather live in an attic or a basement? it really depends. a basement if there was a window in it. just so i have a concept of time. 3796. Can you understand sign language? no. 3797. Do you wear ridiculous hats? Does Elton John? no. 3798. What music is wild and crazy? screamo. 3799. How does one live their life like a candle in the wind? idk. going with the flow? 3800. Ziggy and the Spiders or Benny and the Jets? the second one.
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arielandthesea · 7 years
Ariel & The Sea
October 15th, 2008
Whenever I think of her, I picture her with someone else.
She is a closed chapter that unfortunately has a minimal, yet open window of playing a role in my life again in two months - December. I think part of the reason why I always picture her with someone else is because I know she always needs someone to be there with her and since we both moved away and I am not with her now, I picture her with someone else.
That necessity she has to be with someone all the time is normal, I used to feel it too but eventually, I got over it, I grew out of it. Frankly, I doubt she’ll never grow out of it.
I met Ariel in junior high, it was the first day of school and I remember seeing her chat comfortably to all the kids around her. This was something impressive to me since I would’ve been nervous, stressed out and probably keeping my head down but not her, she was comfortable talking to everyone as if they’d known each other since elementary school. I wasn’t a new student, it was my second year at catholic school but it felt like I was new since I was invisible, but not to her. I remember we made eye contact and she smiled at me, I immediately looked away at the window, the garden, the trees. The nervous feeling was overwhelming but curiosity won and one day before the lunch break, I saw her walking down the hall, she’d gone to the principal’s office to pick up a small plastic bag her parents brought her. I pretended I wasn’t shy and fooled myself to ignore my insecurities and I approached her, and we had a very successful small talk.
The topics covered in that conversation included which school she was from, how she felt about this school, who her friends were from the other school and what she liked to do after school. We must’ve walked across the soccer and softball field twice to cover all those subjects and everything she said seemed so positive and jolly that I constantly dodged out every question she asked me. Ariel came from a prestigious school outside the city, she had a cute ex-boyfriend who she was still friends with, popular friends and all the other elements of a positive, happy youth. I was not ready to tell her I didn’t really have any friends other than my guitar teacher Rony - a sixteen-year-old metalhead who was currently trying to teach me the solo of a Sum 41 song. I wasn’t ready to tell her I wanted to learn how to skateboard because Avril Lavigne was my human idol and I say human because the cyber idol was Lara Croft. I had all her PC video games and I played them all the time after school but sometimes I would instead play Tony Hawk or the Sims. I certainly was not ready to tell her one of the happiest days of my life was the day when I found the unlimited money code also known as rosebud;!;!;!;!;!… Nope.
I suppressed myself for a while, just enough for me to find out if I could trust her enough to share my eccentric self with her, eventually, I did and we blended. By blended I mean I made her geeky and she made me girly. It all happened in less than a month. There was going to be this party that I had to dress up too but didn’t know how so she somewhat advised me and introduced me to her friends from her other schools. A couple small gatherings after that made me realize I’d developed a few but some interpersonal skills and therefore became more relaxed. On my end, I introduced her to Supaplex. Supaplex was a video game I wasted a couple years on, it was similar to Pacman since your avatar would be a ball collecting DNA-type icons in different maze-looking worlds where you had to watch out for the gravity-affected balls that’d come down and make you explode, or the scissors that in most advanced levels would work the same way as Pacman’s ghosts did and kill you. But enough about video games. We also played John Milton hypnotize-yourself CD’s on my stereo and tried to hypnotize Julia; a third of the four girls in our clique, and my best friend.
Due to the fact that the day we tried to hypnotize ourselves we skipped last period and came to my house and two hours later the principal called me, demanding to come back with the girls while I was still trying to chew the just-delivered pizza in my mouth, I was seen as the leader. The queen bee of the rotten apples from catholic school. Ariel was more of a mastermind but she was cute, came from a good family and had to carry around an insulin kit with needles she’d use before every meal. I was just another rebellious daughter of a single mother soon to be expelled and due to the chronic suspensions, calls from the principal and forecasted expulsion, my mother decided to enroll me in another school away from my friends, away from Ariel. Only she didn’t know at this point, we had crossed the line of an innocent friendship.
You see, at that time Ariel and I were best friends, we were always together. We actually didn’t talk that much, we just sort of existed together and while existing we did things that don’t just exist, they are provoked. Most of the time we’d be touching each other, maybe playfully at first but eventually we’d touch each other in a more intimate way until one of us stopped the other - mainly me. One particular time I was laying in bed watching the shadow of the ceiling fan break while Ariel who laid on the floor grabbed my hand, she pulled it closer to her mouth and sucked my finger gently. It was the first time I was sexually aroused.
Because of my mother’s wishes of wanting what’s ‘best for me’, she commanded I’d never see Ariel again… so we started hanging out in secret. My last period ended about an hour before hers so I would walk to her and meet on the football field to chat until her mom picked her up. We would just talk about how she was feeling, what school was like for me now and other similar, easy topics. We were close but only met with time limits, that made it hard to be light and consistent. Then, time faded into the nothing and I didn’t see her again for a while.
During our sophomore year in high school, there were rumors - I heard rumors about her getting kicked out of school. Rumors of her going to rehab in another state. Crazy things that didn’t suit her at all but unfortunately they were all true. It wasn’t until six months later when I finally heard from her on instant chat that I was able to get the story straight. Just seeing her status as available online took a huge weight off my shoulders, I was totally hooked and had no idea.
Ariel drove to my house one day when my mom was out of town and in a very casual way, she told me all about the raves she went to, the drugs she used and other events that doubled the rumor-based trouble I knew she was in. We only spoke for a couple minutes, then I just watched her smoke her spliff thinking of how much I missed her. She got a little nervous and joked her way to and into the car. I complimented how clean the ol’ white thunderbird looked, then she drove away smiling.
We always separated and reunited at odd times, gaps that lasted years or months depending on what had happened or how far our cities were from each other. This time, October of last year, we met up again. A little older, a little wiser. This, whatever it was that we built up for years, anxiously needed a label. Ariel made the first move, labeling herself as bisexual as we drove in my car to this part to get hot dogs. Changing the subject never worked with someone as ballsy as her and I told her I was gay. She told me she knew that I was, I told her I knew that she was and suddenly we started dating.
One night at a coffee shop, she said she wanted something serious and real. Confused I asked for time to think, given the fact that I knew she liked sleeping around. Offended Ariel stormed out, leaving me with a small, yet-embarrassing bill to pay. I needed time to think, I needed time to find out what I wanted and how I felt but before the week was over I found out she was hooking up with a DJ. I stopped talking to her.
It wasn’t long before I heard from her again, apologizing, saying that she missed me, admitting she did wrong. This loser here called her and forgave her while she swallowed the proven co-dependent genes between words. This loser here saw her again. This loser here was six feet under. Blinded by pink sunglasses. Pretending to be strong while falling apart inside knowing this invisible chain was hard to break.
And we went out and it was awful. I took Ariel to my friends’ house and got really wasted with her - she was also high on something. Later on that night she drank a tequila bottle in shots and started yelling at me until I cried, she cried, we were both a sorry drunken mess so I decided to drive her home. On our way there she asked me to take her to her friend’s house - a junkie. I said no and she almost jumped out of the car, so I gave her options. Him or me; coke or this co-dependent loser of a quasi-girlfriend she had available 24/7. The quasi-girlfriend she kicked around that waited like a puppy for her to come back. I asked her me or some coke. She chose the coke.
A couple days later her parents sent her to rehab and I know she works at Six Flags because… I spoke to her. I don’t know what’s gonna happen, it’s such a mess, it feels like fiction. Maybe I never loved her. Maybe I don’t love her. ——————————————————————————————-
January 5th, 2009
On Saturday most of my plans got cancelled in the morning, mainly little things, hanging out with old friends and all that but lunch with Stella didn’t. Plans with Stella never got canceled. It’s funny to think how she became good friends with Ariel the year when I moved away. It’s a double edge sword since now everything seems to have a domino effect. Ariel texted me twice, random short half sentences that really meant she wanted to talk to me. After waiting it out with Stella, she dropped the bomb and told me she wasn’t doing well. She told me her parents found her on the street, high and dirty, she had escaped rehab. They took her to the hospital and the doctors said that if this drug problem persisted if she continued consuming as much as she did, mixed with her diabetes, she would only get a few more years of life.
I called her, I called her every day and she never picked up. I felt anxious about the fact that I didn’t know if she was well or if what Stella told me was completely true. I also felt stressed and frustrated by the fact that I couldn’t do anything and mad about the fact that I cared. So I went to a gay bar and made out with a girl, a part of me desperately wanted to feel something for someone else, anyone. It didn’t help.
February 17th, 2009
Ariel called this morning making fun of me. She said she left her phone at home while she was at the hospital and her sister told her it was blowing up with my calls. She asked how I knew her number and I told her Stella gave it to me. She told me her old one was stolen, I told her I knew because a drunken stranger picked up crackin’ jokes about cops, saying I was a cop then him. She thought this was funny although I wondered what kind of places she was hanging out in for a person in this state to be cracking these types of jokes.
May 23rd, 2009
I’ve been skyping with Ariel almost daily and when we can’t, we speak on the phone.
June 7th, 2009
Ariel bought a ticket to come see me. I told her I’m moving to New York soon for college and she wants us to spend time together before I move. I can’t wait to see her, the last rehab seemed to work, she’s clean and stable. I can’t wait to see her.
July 17th, 2009
Ariel flew in last night. I went to her house to meet her. I was so excited and nervous to see her that I didn’t even kiss her. All I could do was stare at her. I must’ve stared too long to make her break that with a joke but I was just hypnotized by her eyes, her kind, warm eyes. The eyes I hadn’t seen in awhile. Drug-free eyes. And that’s what made it all worth it, waiting for her to be okay to allow herself to get to know me, there were so many things I wanted to share with her. Things I’d never share with anyone. I can’t wait to see her again tomorrow.
I love her.
July 18th, 2009
Today it was fun, although I think I drank too much. I went out with Ariel and friends. We went to my pool, I took her aside and kissed her like I’ve never kissed anyone before. I looked into her eyes for a while after that, enjoying the comfort of sharing myself with her, finally, after so long.
We went back to my friends house and got shitfaced. Then I drove her home.
July 20th, 2009
Ariel started getting high again. Things haven’t gone as smoothly as I thought. She also drinks too much. She thinks I can’t fool around with her unless I have a drink. She’s right, I’m scared shitless. A friend also told me she was hitting on her. It didn’t surprise me since Ariel’s a flirt. I also didn’t believe my friend so much since she’s not that great looking but maybe Ariel is trying to make me feel jealous.
August 2, 2009
Ariel hooked up with a guy and I almost cried. She kept asking ‘well what are we?’ pissed off, giving options of ‘friends? Girlfriends?’ She’s asking that because she kept pressuring me into having sex but I need to build trust again since she’s been using needles and I know she doesn’t believe in getting tested.
I dropped her off at her house.
I need time to think.
August 7th, 2009
Ariel called me at home saying she didn’t wanna call my phone because she thought I wouldn’t answer. She said I abandoned her in a cute voice, joking around.
It melted my heart.
This attachment, this goddamn attachment is consuming my life. The stress of knowing she’s on the edge makes me hyper vigilant. The responsibility of her well-being falls on my shoulders and no matter how hard I try, I can’t let go. I forgave her one more time.
August 18th, 2009
We went to the beach, I took my camera with me this time. During sunset we were kissing, having fun and I took off her top, I was in another world. Then a woman approached us and asked us to stop it, ‘there are kids present’ but they couldn’t see us I think she was just homophobic. We drove home afterward and went to my pool. We were hanging out with my friend and her girlfriend.
After a while, Ariel got naked and told me to turn off the camera. She asked me to get in and went underwater to take off my underwear aggressively. I asked her to stop I wasn’t comfortable and she seemed mad. Frustrated she told me I am not a lesbian. My friends got uncomfortable and excused themselves. I took Ariel home.
When we got to her house she got out of the car and slammed the door. I felt anger boiling inside of me. I can’t explain. Humiliation, anger, frustration. Driving away full speed kind of helped but I can’t do this anymore.
August 19th, 2009
I broke up with Ariel.
October 7th, 2009
I dreamt about a pretty blonde girl in the balcony in the balcony of an old Mexican hotel who looked at me from a distance. She turned around twice, closer to where I was standing. Then I saw her floating in a falling position. Eyes closed, hair undulating, lit, glowing in the middle of a black space with infinite darkness. After my mind inspected every element playing in front of me, I realized she was falling in slow motion. She hit the floor with some speed as if she fell underwater. When she hit the floor she broke her neck - I heard the cracking sound. Then I saw myself in a sea of people who went to see her. She was dead and covered in blood.
I woke up thinking I was in my bed back home, a bed doubles the size of this one. I woke up thinking Ariel was in trouble, as always but fighting myself to check.
I think of her, I think of her a lot.
I think of what she told me this last time and what I told her to push away forever.
She started using heroin. I couldn’t take it.
I hurt her to make her hate me.
I made her hate me to let me go and take responsibility for her own life.
I’ll check up on her in December.
I wish I didn’t feel like I should.
I wish I could stick to my word.
I wish she was clean.
I wish to fall in love with someone else.
November 19th, 2009
Ariel killed herself two days ago, they found her yesterday, I found out yesterday. I was on a break, I had a lot of missed calls from my friend but it was someone else who told me, another friend. She told me this and I couldn’t believe it. I was crossing the street…
It’s raining a lot and I can’t write.
I have class now so I’ll write some other time.
Ariel, I loved you so much.
November 20th, 2009
I still don’t know what to think, I still don’t know what to say or write.
It hurts me to think it happened this way, that she was alone, that she injected adrenalin into her heart. I couldn’t sleep last night. I stayed up all night crying, thinking.
I hope wherever you are, you’re fine.
I want you to know that I loved you more than I’ve ever loved anyone else in my life.
That I always tried to save you from all the bad things that happened in your world and that is what I did for years until I realized last summer that it wasn’t my job to save you. I realized that by trying to help you I was hurting myself and frankly, you wanted to be at that place.
You were self-destructive.
I never fully understood what caused you so much sadness, I just hope you found comfort in me at least for a while. Yesterday I cried a lot for you, I wrote a screenplay about your story, our story. I am deeply sorry I couldn’t afford to go to your funeral but I believe that by not being physically there has left me with your memory alive. I guess this was the way it was meant to be so I’ll never forget. I hope that wherever you are, you’re fine but, since you’re gone I must confess this letter is for me.
I hope I see you again, at the place where they put your ashes. It’s just a shame we will reunite like this and I guess all I can say is that at least I’m glad you finally found peace.
You will live with me forever, as a beautiful memory.
I loved you, so much.
December 2nd, 2009
Lately, when I think of Ariel I play Pink Floyd’s Let There Be More Light.
December 10th, 2009
I’ve been dreaming of Ariel. I dream that she speaks to me and I listen. I think only until now I am starting to realize how much this is affecting me.
I told a close friend about how she ended her life shooting adrenaline to her heart, she said ‘of course, that’s where all the emotions meet.’
Somehow now, whenever I think of her I go back to that day when she came into the house to get a glass of water and we both heard my mom calling my name. We freaked out. I was so scared of my mother finding out about us that we always met in secret. It was like living in our own bubble and now that she’s gone, I don’t know what to do with myself…
In the first dream, I was near a shore with turquoise water, surrounded by buildings during sunset. Soon after, the water froze including rocks and waves. Everything had a cutting sound of ice breaking. I took out my camera and started taking photos. Then I moved to another spot, in front of the frozen water then ten feet tall pieces of ice rose from sea level. They slowly formed into buildings. There were three and after shaping up, the top cracked and aimed towards me. I saw myself in my dream, I saw the way I was looking at them in fear yet determined to put up a fight by holding onto my camera and photographing the scenery behind a rock. Then, these pieces of ice started flying towards me. The larger pieces didn’t hit me but the thin did, they’d cut me and it hurt but not so much. Soon after this dream ended and another one began.
In this second dream, I was outside a coffee shop with a spinning class next to it where old classmates from catholic school were working out. The look of disgust on my face expressed how well I liked them. Then I turned around and saw Ariel, I told her ‘people will think I’m crazy to be talking to you’ I knew she wasn’t alive in my dream and yet I was happy and she was too.
At some point she sat on top of me and hugged me, then she said ‘I used to do the same thing with Abel’, a friend of hers who overdosed. Paralleling her words, the third dream began.
A homeless man rode a wooden truck down the street, the car was decorated with paper mache simulating a dragon. He was going really fast. There was an audience, a group of meth addicts with skin peeling off. He kept yelling something, a group of words that didn’t make sense and everyone followed him to the curve where the car flipped over and he fell, his head dragged on the concrete until his face detached from his skull, leaving it as a mask. He stood up almost immediately and ran away in living flesh.
A woman in the audience approached the face he left behind and held it the only way a fan would; close to her heart with eyes wide shut.
Did I become that fan?
December 11th, 2009
I dreamt of her again last night, a forensic team was looking for fingerprints and once again I was the only one who could see her. This time, Ariel had long hair and her eyes weren’t empty anymore. However, I knew what had happened, I knew she was gone but I didn’t say anything I just held her close to me. She was very upset.
I woke up freezing, my heat didn’t work. I told my mother about my dream and my theory that maybe something else happened, that maybe she was murdered. She told me I was just paranoid.
December 30th, 2009
Now I dreamt Ariel was trapped like a princess in a castle but instead of a castle, it was a retail store and the only way I could save her was by passing a written test. There was someone else there trying to do the same thing. However, Ariel approached me and whispered that she wanted me to pass it.
I took the written test chewing bubble gum listening to Linking Park.
January 2nd, 2010
Death is unavoidable. We are all born, grow up then die. Reproduction is a personal affair. However this three-stage cycle can be very abstract since we’re all born but some don’t grow up and those of us who do, don’t know until when and we all die but somehow stay immortal in other people’s memories.
In my case, I will never forget Ariel but at the same time, I don’t wanna carry her with me. I want to travel light.
I feel out of the picture and I am going against everything I once believed in. I don’t know why I am but I know I have time to find out, I’m not in a rush since after all, I am only eighteen years old.
January 17th, 2010
I am holding my heart in my fist.
I disconnect it from my mind and put it away but Ariel’s death can’t be unnoticed and the science of my dreams will help me figure out a way to expose it.
Last night her face was behind a hexagon-shaped screen fading into static.
January 28th, 2010
I started relating to all the common deaths. The loss of a parent, the loss of a friend, a lover or relative. Even the loss of a victim who you don’t know but feel bad about how they were killed and why. You also have massacred, natural disasters, 9/11, New Orleans, Haiti, guerillas, everything. All those losses and life keeps going.
The violence of it all is affecting my subconscious since now I dreamed of two mannequins where heads turned 360 degrees while blood gushed out of their eyes and mouths and nipples. Behind them, a window featured a view of the city at night but the reflection showed a mad Ariel chained to a chair screaming in mad frustration.
March 23rd, 2010
8:14 p.m. Dishes, dirty dishes. Blues, I love the blues. Stones, stoned Rolling Stones, Rolling Stoned. There is no point in writing, words are words.
Words put together to make sense, sometimes.
Sometimes they don’t until later on,
Sometimes not at all. Writing is like singing or playing guitar. The more you get used to it the better it is to write… write awayyyy!
Bullshit, not bullshit. Fiction, reality.
Squeezing reality like a fucking orange, because that’s what we are, oranges.
Squeeze the fuck outta me and you’ll get juice, juicy juice. C’mon, do it!
You won’t be disappointed.
If you want dirt here’s a hole you can dig in.
Juice, dirt, guitars. Juice, dirt, guitars.
Fun, fun, fun, never-ending fun.
And this is all just me. Writing, talking, thinking.
I wanna do something natural, a visual granola yogurt. Horses alone without fashion models. Colors, cows, farms, ugly flowers, clouds, water, natural-natural-natural.
Everyone I know has emotional issues.
March 24th, 2010
When life gives you lemons, you eat them with tequila.
The pages in my journal went from pink to black or gray. Pretty pages in pink, naive, a glimpse of who I was. Now dark lost and confused, how I handled Ariel’s death now gone.
She’s gone and I’m here.
April 3rd, 2010
I died. I’m living twice,
There is a double life.
There is a second life out there,
I wanna do this now,
I don’t wanna waste a summer.
I want to be with you,
I don’t wanna waste more time.
(He takes his wig off, he’s a man dressed as a woman.)
Inside a theater that seems to be my school’s theater I see, friends sitting apart from each other. I’m in the middle then walk to sit down and sit in front of the screen.
We’re all watching a movie I can’t see.
Then I’m in the student lounge on a couch with my computer. I stood up to grab a book from the shelves in front of me and I see Ariel who tells me she’s late, ‘for what?’ but she leaves before I can even look at her eyes. Then I’m at the theater again watching this movie I can’t see and I feel so alone.
Now I am the homeless man and a police officer speaks to me as he takes his wig off.
He takes his wig off.
April 10th, 2010
Sexy red lights set the mood of the room of noise, noise, noise. Cars traveling.
High speed. Motion.
Neon palette of colors,
Sunglasses at night and the feeling that you’re alone when you’re surrounded by people…
The only moment when you become no one.
We disappear with the smoke, vanish.
Electronic music faded out by bittersweet rock,
And we see a very pretty girl dancing, boneless,
Lost in time.
She’s gone.
April 18th, 2010
Ariel told me she wanted to take her life.
She told me she didn’t care about anything and that it was her choice. I guess the fact that she was diabetic didn’t help, taking all those meds and all.
I guess knowing she’d died young didn’t help either and that was probably why she created that fantasy of challenging time.
I guess a part of us always has that thought in the back of our minds.
May 4th, 2010
Ariel, I want to see you, and it is dumb to talk like this but I can’t help it. I can’t assimilate it. Everything seems absurd. Everything seems to be a never-ending nightmare about the death of someone like you that isn’t really you but someone else.
I dream about you still. Last night, again, I could see you. I was the only one who could see you. And I kissed you like I never did before like I always should have but didn’t due to my fear of giving myself to you completely but I should’ve, that’s all you wanted but I blocked it because it would’ve meant a lot more to me than to you. You were my first and only love and now I see photos and play videos of you and I feel you’re alive. Sometimes at night laying in bed I feel you next to me, making fun of my obsession with your death, making existentialist comments that sum it up, making me laugh.
Now, more than ever I feel you’re here but I know you’re not and I feel alone. In a way, I feel you were mine and I was yours. There was no one else. I know you all and you knew me too. My life gravitated around you but now that you’re gone, nothing makes sense. What can I say and to whom? I miss you. I feel empty. I spoke to your parents, I saw your name in the newspaper, I went to the church where they placed your ashes and I still can’t believe it. I feel regret of the last hurtful words we exchanged and foolish for now telling you how I really felt.
I feel remorse for bailing on you when you needed me the most but I selfishly wanted to leave you in order to grow apart and yet I am here with your ghost.
Is it normal to speak to you like this even though you aren’t here? You were eighteen, I’m still eighteen. I had you in my life for five years and why? It is the most pointless question but why did you die? I want you here. I want to lay next to you in bed and play with your hair. I want you to give me the moon again. I want you to make fun of the corny stuff I used to tell you. I want those moments back and new ones. I want to wake up a year ago and redo our summer. I want to tell you how I feel. I want to know more, do more.
Do you remember that time we talked about what we would do when I moved to New York? When you told me you would cook and clean while I worked to bring the steak back for dinner?
Yesterday, the day before, last week and last year I saw you but knowing I will never see you again provokes a nameless feeling in me… Frustration, I feel frustrated and I wanna scream, run, shoot a bullet into the nothing than drive 140 miles per hour I feel enormous impotence because everything reminds me of you; the sun, my bed, your house, this city. I don’t know how I’m gonna let you go, I don’t know. And I can’t write anymore because you don’t exist, we’re only me, this notebook and this pen.
May 6th, 2010
Sometimes I go on facebook and read our messages.
Then I wonder how you became a name on a stone,
a headline, an obituary, another statistic.
I feel so guilty. I was so cold.
May 7th, 2010
Look at me fall in the pile of leaves of the forest I am lost inside of myself. I’m heartbroken but writing a statement about it isn’t gonna change it, it’s just a momentum for review tomorrow, the next day or the next. The faded sun won’t burn my skin in the Altar desert. Back in town, empty parks, and lonely streets remind me of has-beens.
I am disposable.
May 23rd, 2010
I feel trapped in the symmetry of my own life and my addiction to document it.
May 24th, 2010
I dreamed of you last night. I was in bed, I was in this bed and you were at the door.
I said ‘come here!’ you did. You hopped on my bed smiling and stared into my eyes.
I closed your eyes slowly with my fingertips, you were so calm.
Then you went outside and a stranger called you.
You told him you were fine but he controlled you.
In the end, you left with him and I woke up alone.
May 25th, 2010
I can’t see the white moon because white is translucent therefore I see nothing and not seeing the icon of the night makes me think the night is non-existent and every day connects into one, therefore, there are no dates.
May 29th, 2010
I can be physical with a stranger because I have a black hole in my soul.
I’d rather be a mystery than something special.
Love is devastating. Whenever I have sex, I am not there and I have no peace of mind.
July 3rd, 2010
Who will I be today?
I guess I’ll just be myself.
July 17th, 2010
I dreamed you came out of the water naked, covered in seaweed, pale and your left breast was missing. I was worried until you explained it was because of all the months you’ve been dead. You asked me to come with you to this place where they reconstructed dead people. I saw the process. They made you look alive. Then they gave you a piece of paper with the date and time the effect would expire but you didn’t let me look. Finally, a stylist was doing your hair and you looked at me through the mirror, tired. Then I woke up.
September 9th, 2010
I saw Ariel today on my way to the bank on Second avenue. I was walking down the street, turned to the left and she was the store’s cashier. I kept going and saw her walking in front of me wearing a hat.
I don’t know why this is happening. I’m aware of the fact that she will stay in my memory for a while but the frustration of this situation feels like a disease. Everyone keeps telling me my eyes seem empty but no one will understand to feel the need of that time machine. Or what it is like to portray her in strangers every now and then and finally, what is it like to fantasize about her being here, standing in front of me, waking me up from a long nightmare and me walking up to her, seeing her the way I used to, like I never have looked at anyone else and holding her hand and, great… I’m crying. She would laugh at me right now if she was alive. Then we would drive without a purpose or destination. I will never let her go. She will stay in the back of my mind as a powerful reminder of life.
September 11th, 2010
Cigarettes are a sweet death.
I like watching the smoke come out of me slowly,
It reflects how I feel like inside,
Sleeping pills,
The only person I’m afraid of is myself,
My brain…
It hurts.
My heart,
It aches.
September 17th, 2010
I dreamed of her last night. We were back home and I saw her hanging out with friends. I ran up to her excited to see her but when I finally got close enough she made fun of me and said ‘snap out of it dude!’
Then I went back to my car and she left with a friend.
September 21th, 2010
You will stay young and I will be old, forever.
October 11th, 2010
Sometimes I picture her here, wherever I am,
Sitting next to me making funny remarks of how I often glamorize the relationship we had.
I should move on with my life.
October 17th, 2010
I feel I am no longer myself, or a complete version of myself. I think I pretended to be someone for so long that I finally became that and I don’t know what it is.
Sometimes I wonder if I’m a good person,
Am I cruel?
October 26th, 2010
What am I doing wrong?
November 13th, 2010
I hooked up with this Russian yoga instructor and due to a number of text messages received, I think we’re dating. I’m on the 2 train on my way to see her but I don’t know if this is such a good idea because I didn’t feel anything the other night.
Will I ever feel something again?
November 19th, 2010
What am I doing? I’m so confused.
This girl is nice and pretty but she has really bad manners and she’s ugly when she smiles.
I don’t like her smile, and she loves mine apparently.
Am I a bitch?
February 2nd, 2011
And you are the one and only,
Only now is were.
What are dreams and nightmares?
What are all the other than simple lights on the road?
Leaves on trees falling in the Autumn.
Stepped on.
February 8th, 2011
Today I dreamed of you again, only this time,
You were alive.
It felt like breathing underwater.
I don’t wanna be a martyr but I don’t know what else to do or who to talk to,
I’m so alone,
So cold,
So isolated.
And the glass didn’t fall from the table,
My phone didn’t vibrate,
The wind didn’t mess up my hair,
Everything stayed the same,
But me.
Many nights I wonder what went through her mind, what made her end it all.
It’s so abstract.
Based on the pieces of information I know now and then,
I never thought she’d do it.
Who am I?
I am nothing else than an editor.
I go back and look at re-runs of our lives.
I miss you so much. Why did you leave me?
You knew you were the only one I could be myself with.
You’re so selfish.
Life and everything I knew about it changed when all of the sudden; parties, fun and friends became all different. I didn’t go out at all and when I did I would blackout drunk to make myself giggle again. What used to be fun wasn’t anymore. Conversations changed. All of the sudden I wasn’t interested in talking about shit about my lit teacher. He could go fuck himself.
‘Go fuck yourself Mark!’ He didn’t respond and I walked out the classroom,
Out of the floor,
Into the elevator
And back out again.
Only to find rain and fog.
I couldn’t remember who my friends were and I stopped talking to those I never liked.
I am fading out.
I realized the real complexity of things come in the most simple forms.
This inner fox is killing me,
The violent knowledge,
Of everything we were,
Projected in re-runs,
Of everything we once believed in.
And the clouds,
Suddenly vanished.
And the trees, destroyed by the wind,
Yelled in sorrow,
Knowing there is no tomorrow.
Which is nothing else than hope,
Wishful thinking of what could’ve been perfect,
There’s no such thing as perfection,
Nor there is for sublimity.
And you,
Apple of my eye,
Delight me.
In these now gray grounds.
Behind the smoking cloud, hard leather for vandalism, the embryo remains intact.
When did we become bullets?
Though we all establish fences,
Some stronger, more threatening than others,
We all invite trespassers.
We all receive them with joy,
Arms outstretched,
Cookies and a frou-frou drink.
Once our guests have settled down,
Unzipped and stretched,
We become predators,
And the most selfish act is performed by,
Both of us.
And everything we exchanged
Rests in memories,
Because oh we all do remember,
But the reminder might sound highlighted,
Shamed to be vulnerable,
Libertinage takes over.
One bakes more cookies,
Hoping trespasser number two will join and heal,
One’s hidden wounds.
How far did we go? Where should we stop?
Let’s not.
Why did you stop?
February 10th, 2011
I feel so lonely on this rootless tree.
The ground is far down,
Let’s just down once more.
Why did I call you? Why did you pick up?
Why did you come over? What’s this all about?
I don’t know you,
I was drunk.
We will never be the characters in that movie scene,
I refuse.
February 15th, 2011
I don’t wanna write about you anymore but I can’t help it. On average I think of you twenty times per day. This amount increases if I’ve had an alcoholic beverage. On average I dream about you once a week. On average I see you once a month unless I blink and realize this person is not you. I never blink, though, I look away and smile.
February 16th, 2011
Now that you’re gone, you’re turning me into this ultra-sensitive human being - I feel it all.
I only wish I would’ve had some of this structure before so I could’ve shared it with you,
Like you always wanted me to,
Like you always needed me to.
February 17th, 2011
Once again I fell into the abyss of suicidal thoughts.
I am scared of myself.
I am scared of my confidence to complete tasks most kids can’t.
It is my virtue,
And my curse.
The characteristics of a polyhedron,
Bending, folding, unfolding.
And it’s never what it seems.
February 18th, 2011
Your voice dancing around me,
Triggered sexual desire.
Your eyes as they hunt for mine,
Fill my morbid self.
Your lips,
Waiting in line,
Desiring to lock with mine were the reminder that once again,
You were looking at human flesh.
Too bad I lost my skin where I lost my heart.
If you could only see beyond that.
February 20th, 2011
Sensibility levels raised as pages fill in,
Observant eyes become aware.
Lips went numb,
Skin went dry,
And all of the sudden,
I cared.
Sometimes the I guess and the I think and the ‘um’ pauses are needed for me to talk to you because I intimidate you and I don’t know why.
February 21st, 2011
Where would you be? Now, so cold, so alone.
The gloomy settings, the empty spaces.
Memories of who you were keep fading with all these new feelings of confusing and pure anger.
Now I want you to be alive because one day, everything vanished.
Instrumental music played while I stood in front of everything you left behind.
I’m turning into my own worst enemy.
February 22nd, 2011
Mentally sick creatures,
Losing lizard skin,
In line for rebirth as those they admire.
Poisoned rats craving status, power.
Hoping to fit in where they were once banned from.
Losing all integrity to be someone else, someone better.
Personality surgery down to the bones.
March 29th, 2011
Drawing nine lines to create a tridimensional box which never reveals as an optical illusion of a cube, always cubes in every page. Uneven and deformed, determined to evolve, multiplying independently, filling a page of squares and diagonals craving perfection yet never achieving it, lacking tools needed for structure…
April 3rd, 2011
Freckled wide-eyed, blushed cheeks.
Skin, hair, perfect teeth.
A heart, so young…
And then who would’ve known how she felt if she never expressed it.
There was no explanation.
It was as if she lived in fairyland and she was the queen and everyone just couldn’t wait to figure her out and please her and love her.
I’ve gone over last summer a hundred billion times and after god knows how many pages and cigarettes I’ve spent wondering what she was thinking of whenever she glared at me I end with the same conclusion; she wanted something I couldn’t give her and we both knew it. She was in search of a fantasy love you cannot find on this earth, so she left it.
May 20th, 2011
It’s so quiet but in a way, it never is because the Chinese neighbors argue in high-k daily.
My super’s everyday conversations plagiarize monologs from gangster films and my pipes seem to be alive. My jeans feel tighter, I’ve gained weight.
Today after my interview I decided to walk down 58th street and saw a bunch of sad people. I’m used to seeing well-dressed beings with frowned faces but today they all just looked gloomy. Concerned. Sad. Maybe it’s just the gray skies, secondhand smoke or the artist that just died.
I don’t feel nineteen today.
May 23rd, 2011
At the edge of an island,
At the top of a tree,
In a dark alley.
Turning my head 360 degrees,
Ending up looking down.
Overtipping those with money I don’t have.
The solution for happiness equation must belong to the dirtiest, oldest hermit who moved away in a life voyage. In the deep forest. Lost at sea.
August 12th, 2011
‘You’re nineteen, everyone’s beautiful’
Was last night’s punchline.
I portrayed Ariel as a worn out beauty as if her memory became a character in my subconscious guiding me through dreams and life, a muse.
The beauty concept in my dream represents the nostalgia of yesterday’s expired day.
Similar to hunting a wolf in a snowstorm. A foreign land.
August 30th, 2011
I still don’t know how I feel about anything.
As days pass me by, my perception changes so drastically that I end up clueless in a world filled with people on auto-pilot quotes and sentences.
All actions have pre-designed reactions. Everything I interact with someone I bring up a likable matching personality, my brain is filled with protocols -
December 21st, 2011
Last night I dreamed of a flower that doesn’t exist.
It was placed in the middle of a crater.
The image,
Stuck in the corner of my eye,
Would hid whenever I turned.
I woke up in a suspended state,
Thinking I missed out on what could’ve been
The most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.
Am I beautiful?
Is beauty based on tone? Symmetry?
Oval-shaped faces with high cheekbones are considered to be beautiful,
But they only remind me of cupcakes.
Jolly, sweet, fluffy creatures,
Afraid of the raw and sheltered,
Numb to the abstract and the complex.
Sometimes I envy their lack of awareness,
As I can feel, everything.
But perhaps I am just a martyr.
When does beauty become erotic? Why does it?
I wash up every day,
Finding imperfections, every day.
Nothing I possess comes close to what I saw last night in that flower,
In my dream.
Eventually, my eyes desaturated everything,
As if I didn’t deserve to enjoy pulchritude.
What would happen if I disappeared too?
Cutting out people tearing in black.
Who would give you voice?
What would happen to my expensive lingerie?
People don’t pass on dead people’s underwear.
What would define me?
What would describe me in the first sentence?
I wouldn’t like them to say I was beautiful.
I would like them to say I kept my thoughts to myself,
Often falling in the void of everything I couldn’t explain.
Never A or B but everything in between.
All these thoughts I would like to keep adventurous,
Pass the shadows once they fade in jet-black.
January 1st, 2012
Like sand clocks,
We drop in the sequel of time, light and unaware.
Dead time,
Uncontrollably splitting continuance,
Brings the illusion of meaning for past time.
The mystery of time relativity works our way, somehow.
The wisdom it brings is irreversible.
We were built to linger
‘Cause nostalgia is a self-destructive state of mind.
We were not built to swim across dead time,
The deep ends are unbearable,
And will remain unknown, forever.
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