#legal tech startups
legal-podcast · 1 year
Would you like to know more about pursuing careers in legal tech as a law student?
As the market grows, so too does the opportunity for law students and graduates to pursue a career in the many legal tech start-ups currently popping up in the market.
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pebblegalaxy · 1 year
Navigating Legal Waters: Essential Insights for Startups and Tech Businesses
In the world of startups and tech businesses, innovation and growth are the lifeblood that propels these ventures forward. However, amidst the excitement and energy of bringing groundbreaking ideas to fruition, legal considerations often take a backseat. Yet, neglecting the legal landscape can have profound consequences for startups and tech businesses, potentially impeding their progress and…
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CDA 230 bans Facebook from blocking interoperable tools
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I'm touring my new, nationally bestselling novel The Bezzle! Catch me TONIGHT (May 2) in WINNIPEG, then TOMORROW (May 3) in CALGARY, then SATURDAY (May 4) in VANCOUVER, then onto Tartu, Estonia, and beyond!
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Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act is the most widely misunderstood technology law in the world, which is wild, given that it's only 26 words long!
CDA 230 isn't a gift to big tech. It's literally the only reason that tech companies don't censor on anything we write that might offend some litigious creep. Without CDA 230, there'd be no #MeToo. Hell, without CDA 230, just hosting a private message board where two friends get into serious beef could expose to you an avalanche of legal liability.
CDA 230 is the only part of a much broader, wildly unconstitutional law that survived a 1996 Supreme Court challenge. We don't spend a lot of time talking about all those other parts of the CDA, but there's actually some really cool stuff left in the bill that no one's really paid attention to:
One of those little-regarded sections of CDA 230 is part (c)(2)(b), which broadly immunizes anyone who makes a tool that helps internet users block content they don't want to see.
Enter the Knight First Amendment Institute at Columbia University and their client, Ethan Zuckerman, an internet pioneer turned academic at U Mass Amherst. Knight has filed a lawsuit on Zuckerman's behalf, seeking assurance that Zuckerman (and others) can use browser automation tools to block, unfollow, and otherwise modify the feeds Facebook delivers to its users:
If Zuckerman is successful, he will set a precedent that allows toolsmiths to provide internet users with a wide variety of automation tools that customize the information they see online. That's something that Facebook bitterly opposes.
Facebook has a long history of attacking startups and individual developers who release tools that let users customize their feed. They shut down Friendly Browser, a third-party Facebook client that blocked trackers and customized your feed:
Then in in 2021, Facebook's lawyers terrorized a software developer named Louis Barclay in retaliation for a tool called "Unfollow Everything," that autopiloted your browser to click through all the laborious steps needed to unfollow all the accounts you were subscribed to, and permanently banned Unfollow Everywhere's developer, Louis Barclay:
Now, Zuckerman is developing "Unfollow Everything 2.0," an even richer version of Barclay's tool.
This rich record of legal bullying gives Zuckerman and his lawyers at Knight something important: "standing" – the right to bring a case. They argue that a browser automation tool that helps you control your feeds is covered by CDA(c)(2)(b), and that Facebook can't legally threaten the developer of such a tool with liability for violating the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, or the other legal weapons it wields against this kind of "adversarial interoperability."
Writing for Wired, Knight First Amendment Institute at Columbia University speaks to a variety of experts – including my EFF colleague Sophia Cope – who broadly endorse the very clever legal tactic Zuckerman and Knight are bringing to the court.
I'm very excited about this myself. "Adversarial interop" – modding a product or service without permission from its maker – is hugely important to disenshittifying the internet and forestalling future attempts to reenshittify it. From third-party ink cartridges to compatible replacement parts for mobile devices to alternative clients and firmware to ad- and tracker-blockers, adversarial interop is how internet users defend themselves against unilateral changes to services and products they rely on:
Now, all that said, a court victory here won't necessarily mean that Facebook can't block interoperability tools. Facebook still has the unilateral right to terminate its users' accounts. They could kick off Zuckerman. They could kick off his lawyers from the Knight Institute. They could permanently ban any user who uses Unfollow Everything 2.0.
Obviously, that kind of nuclear option could prove very unpopular for a company that is the very definition of "too big to care." But Unfollow Everything 2.0 and the lawsuit don't exist in a vacuum. The fight against Big Tech has a lot of tactical diversity: EU regulations, antitrust investigations, state laws, tinkerers and toolsmiths like Zuckerman, and impact litigation lawyers coming up with cool legal theories.
Together, they represent a multi-front war on the very idea that four billion people should have their digital lives controlled by an unaccountable billionaire man-child whose major technological achievement was making a website where he and his creepy friends could nonconsensually rate the fuckability of their fellow Harvard undergrads.
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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Image: D-Kuru (modified): https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:MSI_Bravo_17_(0017FK-007)-USB-C_port_large_PNr%C2%B00761.jpg
Minette Lontsie (modified): https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Facebook_Headquarters.jpg
CC BY-SA 4.0: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/deed.en
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astroismypassion · 2 months
Credit: Tumblr blog @astroismypassion
You feel the most abundant when you have Aries and Aquarius Sun people in your life. You can earn money via launching or joining a tech startup, focused on innovative technologies or disruptive business model, via work in community organization or activism, via work in digital marketing or social media management, via providing consulting services to businesses or organizations, advising them on innovation strategies, product development or new market exploration, via work in crowdfunding or fundraising. You feel abundant when you align with social causes, focus on group dynamics and embrace innovation.
You feel the most abundant when you have Taurus and Aquarius Sun people in your life. You can earn money via work in investment management, focusing on building and managing portfolios that provide stable returns, via art colleting, dealing or curation focusing on pieces that have enduring value, via work in interior design, via work in hospitality management (in luxury hotels, resorts or event planning). You feel abundant when you embrace sustainable and ethical practices, when you practice patience and persistence.
You feel the most abundant when you have Gemini and Aquarius Sun people in your life. You can earn money via engaging in activism, advocacy work, via work in public relations, graphic design, via creative writing, screenwriting, content creation, teaching, tutoring, joining or starting a tech company focused on innovative products or services. You feel abundant when you are focused on community, collective goals, when you stay versatile and adaptable.
You feel the most abundant when you have Cancer and Aquarius Sun people in your life. You can earn money via pursuing a career in early childhood education or childcare, nursing, caregiving, mental health services, via work in family and parent education, pursuing culinary arts or catering, engaging in art and design. You feel abundant when you focus on community, social connections, embrace technology and innovation, promote security and stability and use your intuition and emotional intelligence.
You feel the most abundant when you have Leo and Aquarius Sun people in your life. You can find abundance by managing a charitable organisation. You can earn money via work as a creative director or manager, overseeing projects in fashion, advertising or design, via writing, blogging, content creation focused on inspirational and motivational themes, via work in charity or fundraising, work in teaching (drama, art, public speaking). You feel abundant when maintain confidence in your vision and abilities, when you embrace charisma, leadership and when you pursue a creative career.
You feel the most abundant when you have Virgo and Aquarius Sun people in your life. You can earn money via work in tech support, quality assurance, systems analysis, work in non-profit management, pursuing teaching or training roles, engage in environmental research, when you organise workshops or seminars on practical skills, health and wellness. You feel abundant when you focus on health, wellness, when you network, collaborate and when you use technology.
You feel the most abundant when you have Libra and Virgo Sun people in your life. You can create wealth by creating and selling DIY kits or tutorials. You could also learn digital or 3D art. You could sell photos on sites like Shutterstock or Adobe Stock. You earn money via event planning, specializing in weddings, social events and community events, work in legal services, such as family law, meditation or contract negotiation. You feel abundant when you embrace collaboration and partnerships, focus on aesthetics and creativity.
You feel the most abundant when you have Scorpio and Aquarius Sun people in your life. You can earn money via holistic healing, alternative medicine, energy work, via astrology, metaphysical studies, spiritual counselling, via biotechnology, healthcare technology, environmental technology, via work in cybersecurity, data analysis or investigative journalism. You feel abundant when embrace deep, transformative work, engage in financial and strategic roles.
You feel the most abundant when you have Sagittarius and Aquarius Sun people in your life. You can earn money via career in diplomacy, teaching, lecturing, work in tourism industry, work in educational publishing, work in broadcasting or journalism, work in editing or translation. You feel abundant when you engage in social and humanitarian causes, focus on education and communication, when you embrace international cultural perspectives.
You feel the most abundant when you have Capricorn and Aquarius Sun people in your life. You can earn money via real estate development, work in corporate training and development, taking on leadership roles in non-profit organizations that focus on social justice, community development or environmental sustainability. You feel abundant when emphasize practical, realistic approach, when you use network and social connections.
You feel the most abundant when you have Aquarius Sun people in your life. You can earn money via streaming on platforms (Twitch), participating in esports or creating gaming content. You earn money via scientific research, when you create or support educational programs that focus on skills for the future (digital literacy, innovation), when you create content that explores futuristic concepts, technology trends or social change using platforms like YouTube, a blog, podcast. You feel abundant when you focus on technology and future trends and when you stay true to your unconventional nature.
You feel the most abundant when you have Pisces and Aquarius Sun people in your life. You can earn money via storytelling, work in holistic healing fields, massage therapy, via painting, writing, music or film, via offering spiritual or life coaching services. You feel abundant when stay true to your intuitive insights, embrace spiritual and healing practices and when you focus on humanitarian and compassionate work.
Credit: Tumblr blog @astroismypassion
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informalmajesty · 1 year
Jimin is not being sabotaged by his own label
This tag used to be (mostly) fun and now all I see are large text posts pitting Jimin and JK against each other and, look, it’s not as complicated as many of you are making it out to be, nor is there some grand conspiracy to *checks notes* pit JK and Jimin against each other or *keeps checking notes* a SPECIFIC vendetta against ONLY Jimin, their artist who *scrolls scrolls scrolls through notes* went number 1 on Billboard.
So here is a large text post on the woes of American capitalism (yes. Really).
Here’s the reality
Billboard DID Sabotage Jimin
Let’s get the big sabotage that did happen out of the way — BILLBOARD (and friends. Will circle back to this) ARE RACIST SNAKES AND ALWAYS HAVE BEEN.
Billboard has a history of keeping Black artists off of the pop charts. One example, R&B was largely created as a separate chart to move a category of Black artists from the Hot 100 pop charts. It was a big deal—as (1) example—when Boyz II Men crossed over to the pop charts multiple times.
And then what happened? The American music industry caught up and started cranking out white boy bands that wrote and performed R&B but. Funny. Somehow it was now considered JUST pop on the H100 POP charts. They weren’t pushed immediately to R&B and had to work their way over.
This was considered R&B for the R&B charts that was a “crossover”
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And this was considered mainstream pop that needed no crossover.
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Yeah, Billboard have always been racist snakes.
So flash forward to 2023. We know they tried HARD to keep BTS from the H100. Going into Proof, BB limited digitals, reduced the weight on sales and upped weight on radio. Why? American music labels can control radio. They cannot control sales and it’s legally far more messy for them to do so.
But then. JIMIN happened.
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ARMY got Jimin to H100 #1 with the rule change and the American music industry lost their collective shit.
Why do I say COLLECTIVE and not just Billboard? Well.
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This is so essential to the punch line of this rant.
American capitalism only cares about its friends.
What does that mean?
I work in Silicon Valley. You want to know why there is a major diversity problem in Silicon Valley? Yes. There is explicit and obscene misogyny and racism, but the biggest problem is less explicit albeit just as systemic.
White men tend to hang out and befriend other white men already in their “circle.” When some rich person or VC firm’s buddy is like “hey I need money for this thing” they are like “yes, of course, buddy, here you go!!” And they get tons of cash without having to prove anything.
I will not say the startup I worked at but it’s valuation was in the billions and their funding was in the billions with NO product built yet. How they got those billions? A well known stunt performer was besties with the then CEO of a major major tech company and he said “hey bestie give my friend over here hundreds of millions of dollars.” And then this startup got hundreds of millions of dollars. Was there due diligence done? Absolutely. But would the CEO of a major tech company give a crap if his best dude didn’t vouch for the startup? No.
Humans are extremely relationally driven. Merit is basically bullshit. Merit is so so rarely considered in anything. Who are you friends with? That’s how most things are done.
So, Billboard has a lot of friends. Those friends are in major record labels. And those friends only care about making as much money as possible while retaining the status quo.
What goes against all of that? A group of non-white, non-American men that they make very little money from because their label is completely seated in a different country.
So when Like Crazy—a solo record by a Korean artist under a Korean label with a Korean songwriting team—comes in and dethrones FLOWERS, Columbia Records’ darling for the year (no hate to Miley or the song, it’s solid, love Miley), oh my god were they SEEING SOME RED.
The MONEY they PAID to see Flowers on top of radio, of playlisting, of cultural consciousness and a NON AMERICAN NON WHITE MAN just dethroned that.
My GUESS (I don’t know, also keep in mind BTS didn’t seem to have the friendliest exit from the Columbia distribution deal) is that Billboard’s BFFs at Columbia threw a fit. And Billboard responded by saying “of course, bestie, we’ll remove the problem.”
And there goes 100k sales in the next week. Deleted. Gone.
Who is going to call them on that? Hybe could propose an investigation, sure, but here’s the thing — it’s not illegal. Billboard didn’t break any law. It’s THEIR completely made up chart that they can change at any time depending on what labels want (this is how Wall Street works too, btw). Everything is made up to appease the same 50 white men. Bleak but true. Music industry is far from the exception.
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Okay so moving forward — now we have Jungkook’s Seven coming out. And Billboard a week before release finally decides to tell us the rule they CREATED BECAUSE OF JIMIN (it’s a shitty rule of course but damn Jimin’s power)—D2C sales no longer count.
Jungkoook makes it to #1 anyway because ARMY is freaking amazing AND yes. Yes, Jungkook got more US promotion, help on Spotify, general promo, radio etc than Jimin.
Remember — everything is determined by rich men in power and who they are friends with.
What did Jungkook do? He went to an American producer who is besties with Scooter Braun (Andrew Watt has worked with several of Scooter’s artists including Justin Bieber, namely on Peaches) who has power to contact his besties at Spotify and wherever else.
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And what does going to an American producer unlock for Jungkook? A pop track highly likely to do well in America. So then what does Bang PD do? Recognize that because the dude is a billionaire and he likes money and he says (and we know he said this) “this is going to be a hit.” And there you go, you have the Seven marketing campaign that Like Crazy didn’t quite get.
This isn’t “oh my god BigHit / Hybe hates Jimin.” This is “Jungkoook took an easier, more commercial route.”
If Jimin wants to go get a song like Seven….he can go get a song from an American producer who is friends with the right people.
Instead he wanted to work on a personal project with Korean producers and it’s amazing and beautiful and also went number one and was also a huge success.
And Jungkook wanted this really great and incredibly commercial pop song.
Both are valid. Both are going to unlock different resources for the artist. And both Jimin and JK know this. They chose what they chose. That’s it. End of story.
As for Seven v LC album stock— stock is highly likely determined by basic predictive analytics models (exponential smoothing, maaybe a regression, maybe even something as simple as moving avg idk). LC was a sizable increase from Astronaut and other BTS singles. So then Seven likely adjusted to that increase. Again. That’s it guys. That’s literally it.
So can we please have the tag back and stop pitting JK and Jimin against each other and respect that Jimin chose to do a more artistic, personal project while JK (at least for now) did not?
If you want to be mad at something, be mad at American wealthy white men and their friends.
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xenosagaepisodeone · 1 month
As much as copyright law sucks, its unfortunately one of the only legal venues with any sort of real power for artists working in creative industries to protect their livelihoods and colleagues. Unionization alone isn't going to stop companies from scraping people's work, especially not people who are non-union or freelancers, and unions like SAG-AFTRA keep throwing people who aren't making top-dollar under the bus for "ethical" AI startups they partner with anyway, even when said members call them out for siding with corporate over their own due-paying members. When corporations who normally try to shut down creators with DMCA takedowns are now violating the IP of countless creators themselves, why shouldn't we at least hold them accountable to the same laws they already use against us?
because it will not work. I truly cannot stress this enough, whatever meager personal gains that some industry artists are able to acquire in isolated cases against startups and other boutique tech ventures will set the precedent for which the corporations that actually control your country (who have infinite resources to expend on legal ventures) will use to push the law further in their favor. disney already does so much to prevent their IPs from entering the public domain! if you give them an avenue to exploit, they will do it! and it won't matter who was actually right because they have they have so much more money. artists and indie animation studios that could pose any threat to corporate monopolies on art will get C&D'd out of existence for superficial similarities. karla ortiz' lawsuit was so vaguely worded that you could hypothetically pursue someone legally if they had artwork of yours saved in a pinterest inspo board since CLIP models were framed as "trade dress databases". this entire movement is more concerned with potentially obstructed opportunities to rent-seek than it actually is about workers rights- or even simply art that was not created with the intent of being 'content'. and the same industry artists who spearheaded this frenzy will side the the corporations when it comes to it because they've already got theirs.
copyright is never made with the interests of individuals in mind. like, i can't even begin to explain how historically, the little guy is the one getting fucked over by copyright law! how so much of what shapes our culture exists in spite of copyright law as opposed to because of it. what drives me insane is how ai is the thing that artists end up rallying around in unity; not anything to actually improve the quality of life working within the arts, but instead a fad technology. i've seen people describe working in animation as being like a form of debasement and act like nothing can be done while i'm witnessing an entire movement unfold to protect that because a lot of artists seem to think of themselves as temporarily embarrassed small business owners over workers.
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itsbenedict · 2 days
From the beginning | Previously | Coin standings | 60/70 | 37/37
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Once again, some kind strangers have left you some supplies. You get another WIFI ACCESS POINT, to replace the one you're about to use, plus another NOBLE BELT TUT BOTNET BULLET (bringing you back up to 4) and a spare SOFTWARE PATCH (bringing you to 2). Wait, 2? Walter says yeah, I've had this one lying around since before I fell down in the sparkling abyss. Adea says well why didn't you SAY so?!
You're both distracted by the priciest purchase yet, though: a BIONIC MINTER BIT COIN MINER. This device- although someone appears to have briefly gnawed on its casing- can be installed anywhere you can find a power outlet, and it'll just spit out free money! Five Coin in the amount of time it takes for you to lose 1 hunger! Or... free minus the electricity it consumes, but it's not like it's your electricity you'd be using in this otherworld. Just leave it to run, then come back later, and you've got a massive pile of cash to spend! And there's power outlets all over this tower, so setting it up should be no problem.
Yep, there's definitely no downsides to using this machine!
So that's very convenient. Satisfied, you dig into ACCESS QUEENLIEST JUICE ION, PRONTO! "JOCQUES NINELITE PROSECUTION CASE".
Jocques Ninelite, apparently, is a local entrepreneur, who recently quit his government job as a HAZARD WICK to found the Ninelite RECEDING NEST, a technology startup. His new company has developed and is distributing EDEN SNAKE, and this has Governor Thinrar extremely mad at him for some reason. This document details dozens of attempts to come up with charges that'll stick to him so he can be arrested and his DECADE'S CHOICES confiscated, but most of them have run aground on insufficient evidence.
There's reams of legal jargon attempting to find obscure laws and bylaws under which selling EDEN SNAKE is illegal, but he apparently knew the law and meticulously avoided any of the various traps- Thinrar's legal advisors don't think they can make any of these stick in court.
Ninelite was found snooping around the scene of an apparent terrorist bombing in the MR. SQUEAK TABLEWARE 15 years ago, and is suspected of having tampered with the crime scene- but no physical evidence exists.
There's a half-finished case for an antitrust suit in here, alleging anticompetitive hiring practices where he attempts to poach talent from other companies. Nothing he's done has technically been illegal, though, but they're working on drafting new legislation that might be able to get him retroactively.
The RECEDING NEST's R&D experiments are under investigation for workplace safety violations, but they haven't been able to get an inspector on-site without alerting them ahead of time- everything they've done under surveillance has been free of occupational safety hazards.
They're even trying to get the corporate campus written up for landscaping code violations. This city has a landscaping code?! What kind of HOA nonsense is this?
You'd think a rich tech CEO would have mountains of dirty laundry, but a concerted effort by the local government has been totally unable to pin anything on him, which is odd. No one's record is this clean unless someone's put effort into cleaning it. How has he been covering his tracks?
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The NEXT TO MOLASSES SACRAMENT CORONAMELT TAX ASSESSMENT reveals a similar battle involving Thinrar's legal team trying to pin something on a local business owner. This time, though, it's looking a lot less flimsy. RANDOM SEED, owner of the mountainside casino-resort MONTE CARLO, is very plainly guilty of dozens of counts of felony tax evasion, and HAZARD WICK specialist ONE-TIME PAD has volunteered to go retrieve the last pieces of evidence needed to bring him down.
...The emails between Thinrar and his legal team, though, reveal there's more going on here. Apparently, none of this tax evasion is new- rather, it's been tolerated for decades as part of some kind of under-the-table deal with the casino. Not even tolerated, exactly- it'd just be redundant to pay taxes when RANDOM SEED has been paying such humongous bribes to Thinrar in exchange for exemption from the city's gambling laws.
Somehow, MONTE CARLO has been producing more Coin than it could possibly be extracting from the pockets of desperate gamblers, and it's been keeping the city's municipal budget (and Thinrar's gubernatorial campaign) afloat for years. They're only prosecuting him now because the money is starting to dry up, and they think they can finally get better election odds by making a show of rooting out corruption. (Y'know, rather than by taking kickbacks from that same corruption.) Most of these emails are discussing how to prevent retaliation, and prosecute the case without exposing their own illegal dealings.
These files are like something out of an Ayn Rand novel- corrupt bureaucracy trying to keep down poor innocent captains of industry. The naked corruption on display is pretty flabbergasting- is it all like this?
You've been at this a while- do you want to keep digging, or has your governorship's REIGN PEAKED and you'd like to go somewhere else?
To be continued | 60/70 | 36/36
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olderthannetfic · 7 months
startup idea (due to the most recent tumblr stuff...)
get a few servers and make the fediverse usable for non tech bros. Program some easily usable admin, mod and user interfaces, take care of installations, updates, urls etc
make it as easy as setting up a discord server
The only wrinkle in that kind of thing is legal. Who is on the hook when the CSAM peddlers show up, and how do you deal with that kind of enforcement? And I don't mean some stupid loli art: I mean the people looking for their next safe haven for actual CSAM and the serious legal consequences that follow for whomever owns the hosting.
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sumikatt · 10 months
frankly, i think your point about "some people train their own AI art models" is inherently flawed because rhe vast majority of people are not training their own model. they are paying for a service which was trained on art that was taken from the internet and used without permission in order for a machine to try snd recreate something similar bit by bit. i havent gotten a commission from someone who isnt a friend of mine in well over a year because people are just choosing to generate art with AI. i dont think AI art isnt "real" art because yeah, i agree with you, the whole idea of real art or not is complex. however, it is an undeniable reality that AI is trained on the work of artists all over the world who do not even get asked for permission before a tech company makes money off of their hard work.
I agree it’s a small, small portion of people making their own models that ensure that all art involved is used with consent. Many people buy a subscription or credits to generate what they want. Most people probably use free credits on Discord to make a meme or anime girls. Many people use it many different ways, yes.
I’m sorry you’ve lost a client over it. I know commissions are hard. Freelancers without dedicated clients would be the ones to suffer most from the popularity of AI art. I can’t say I’ve felt the impact myself, since it’s also very popular to be anti-AI.
Actively searching through job boards, I also feel like it has barely affected those listings. Maybe one of like 300 art jobs in the USA/Sweden asked for AI experience (Prompt Artist), and it was an AI startup. The “normal” art jobs like UI/UX, Environments, Materials, Concept, Technical, Animator, etc all still asking for 3 years experience for entry level lmao. Saw an intern position that required an “industry-standard” portfolio. So still a pain as it was before advanced AI gen.
Many paid AI art services have takedown options for their training sets and can block names from being prompted. If you were a popular enough artist to be in a training set, you can remove it and block the majority of AI art users from copying you—like you said, a majority of people use these services instead of self-hosting.
(Sending DMCA takedown requests are actually pretty easy. I had to send one to an old teacher who reposted my art and a bunch of classmates’ art on her ArtStation. that was funny lol)
I’m not sure how I felt when I went to search up my art on haveibeentrained. Because I’m a nerd, I’d preemptively blocked scrapers on my portfolio, so nothing was there when I looked. Searched up my legal name, my old Twitter (which had some popular pieces), my old DeviantArt usernames. Nothing there, either. I was probably pruned from the set for being low-quality. Kinda funny, I thought I’d be good enough to include at least once. Maybe next time.
.safetensors / .ckpt files (which are the models Stable Diffusion runs) have no image data in them, by the way. It is all math and numbers in there. There is no way of telling what was included in the training set, unless the dev(s) that made the model release it publicly. The models themselves are usually around 3–6 GB, though there’s larger ones and mini ones.
Like my own silly brain, there’s no way of tracking down the exact art pieces the software was referencing off of when it generates something. Am I making money off of another artist’s hard work when I remember how to draw heads from a Proko video? Am I ripping off photographers when I recall their pictures when drawing my characters? I’m not a tech company, but I still make money off of the things I copy and filter through my mind and hand.
I’m rambling at this point, sorry. Of course, the core issue is capitalism. How different would people see this medium if money were not an issue? How futuristic, how exciting it is to visualize something from words alone. It’s that art machine I’d always wanted as a kid, where I think of something and it pops out on the page finished.
I think it is worth to uplift those who use the medium as ethically as they can, as @are-we-art-yet is doing—having a do-not-use artist list, avoiding corporations, don’t try to undercut traditional artists. Like with any medium, there’s a variety of artists. Some are nice and do their best to have a good impact, some don’t care at all about the ethics of their art.
I’m still pretty firmly a “traditional” artist. I won’t stop drawing or give up because of AI. I play with AI on my own hardware and power for fun and for getting ideas (is that stealing?). It’s mostly replaced scrolling through Pinterest for me, but I still save people’s art and photos that I like in my computer, so I can look at em later, maybe get inspired. And steal like an artist, I guess.
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canyouhearthelight · 2 months
Nihilus Rex, Ch. 28: Deal with the Devil
Writing this chapter was... interesting to say the least. Creating such a disgusting character with @baelpenrose was both more and less of a challenge than expected. But hey, Bael got to brush off his knowledge from his troll hunting days, so that came in handy.
Guy still gives me the creeps, though.
I don't need no arms around me
And I dont need no drugs to calm me.
I have seen the writing on the wall.
Don't think I need anything at all.
No! Don't think I'll need anything at all.
All in all it was all just bricks in the wall.
All in all you were all just bricks in the wall.
Pink Floyd, “Another Brick in the Wall, Part III”
A couple days later, after Nils and I had agreed to take some space and get some social ‘fresh air’, I was in my parents’ apartment, listening to Baba snore gently when my phone buzzed.  Nils’ name popped up on the screen, which wasn’t unusual since we did check in each day.  I ignored it for the moment, deciding to clean the one or two dishes from Baba’s lunch.  However, no sooner had the water started to heat up in the sink than my phone started buzzing more urgently.
I sighed, dried my hands, and answered. “This is new. You never call.” 
“Neither do funny AIs, but times are changing.” Nils’ voice contained the self-satisfied tones of a man delivering an inside joke. “I think we really might want to check our place of business to work on the breakthrough.” 
“Exciting times,” I murmured, trying not to wake Baba in my shock. Our little pestilential question mark had already made contact. “Let me leave a note for Baba.  Mori should be home in about an hour, but I don’t want him to wake up and panic if I’m not here.  Or, you know… do something stupid in a fit of toxic masculinity.”
“No worries. We have a little time before the meeting with the investors.” Nils’ voice was quiet, and he sounded for all the world like an insufferable young man going into a tech startup with his girlfriend. “Let’s sell it, babe.” 
He disconnected, and I took a deep breath.  First, finish these dishes or I’ll never hear the end of it from Mori, I decided.  Mama was still in the hospital due to a respiratory infection - nothing major, the doctors swore, but they wanted to keep a close eye on it to be safe.  Less than fifteen minutes later, I had a note left by Baba’s bed and was out the door.
Getting to the abandoned mall was a journey in and of itself, both as a consequence of public transport and because I took a few unnecessary routes out of sheer paranoia.  I finally got there, and Nils was waiting for me with a surprise.
“Bishop!” I gasped in excitement, trying not to scream.  The gruff-looking older man took the bag out of my left hand and hugged me with his free arm.  “Hey, Baklava.  Good to see that face in one piece.”
“He’s been briefed, and he’s spent the last several hours helping us set up the VPNs - far as our mark knows, we’re not in the same country. He’s here to monitor the connection and make sure the fucker doesn’t start tracing us through it as we talk.” Nils spoke, quickly. “You play yourself but more grandiose, I have to play the asshole as we sound him out, but if he’s wise to the game, we drop the act a bit and try for more subtlety, and we can play a little more open and hook him in. Stay noncommittal and keep our cards close to the chest no matter what - Bishop and I already physically debugged the place, but if there’s digital bugs we didn’t get or coming from his end, we can’t give them anything that’ll hold up as a confession. When in doubt, look at Bishop, or glance to me, I’ve been reading my mother’s legal shit nonstop for days now.” 
Anxiety immediately spiked through me. This was happening. I nodded. “Okay, got it.  Let me drop off some of this food, and we can get on it.”
Bishop made a mockery of a fake pout. “You mean this isn’t all for me?”
I glanced at the huge bag of food he had, and the one in my other hand. “Sure. I am completely certain you can eat twenty pounds of food. Especially since it’s mostly veggies and carbs.”
That made him do an about face. “My plumbing thanks you for the warning.”
The guys helped me drop off food to the storefronts where people were most likely to camp out, and we made our way to the breakroom in the old Sears.  I flopped on the same beanbag I used last time with a puff of dust and started unpacking my laptop.  “Let’s get me through all the VPNs, and I’ll be ready to go.”
Nils and Bishop helped me get set up, with Bishop exaggeratedly and pointedly looking away at Nils’ whispered apologies to me for his snipiness, and him holding out a hand for me to take.
We had just barely finished getting my audio set up when Nils looked at me. “We got this, Lash.” 
“We got this,” I agreed, adjusting my mic. “Time to turn ‘on’ our online mad hacker personas.”
He walked over to his computer and hooked in his audio. As I saw his signal, it was the familiar black chess king icon, but the “ANothing49BC” was gone. Beneath the icon was the screenname “Nihilus Rex.” 
I looked at him, quizzically, and said, “New handle?”
“Same old, really. Just a bit more gravitas. If I’m gonna be the king of this shitshow, I have to remind everyone I’m still King of Nothing.” His voice sounded manic, nervous, but with an underlying tension to it.
“Nihilus Rex.” It did have more gravitas than his original handle, and it suited him better, if I was being completely honest.
Then the call started. 
The pfp I was looking at contrasted both with my highly stylized Phoenix and Nils’ Black King - it was a skull with a dagger spiked through it, vertically. Underneath, the handle - MostDangerousPlayer. 
Didn’t that say lovely things about the person we were going to be meeting with. 
No one spoke. No one spoke, and I was half convinced there was some sick white people power play going on. 
Then Nils finally spoke, and I was absolutely certain. “Hello, you asked for a meeting to discuss certain…collaborative opportunities?” His voice was light, easy.
“I have questions about your work with the banks.” The voice on the other end was calm, flat. It almost sounded fake, and I was inclined to think it was.
“That’s interesting. We have questions about any potential partner - our work with banks is a bit sensitive. Clients worried about confidentiality for obvious reasons.” Nils was obviously playing multiple angles - if this was a fed, it would look like Nils was being careful to avoid being fished, as we’d discussed, but if this was for real this would look like an abundance of caution. I heartily approved, especially in light of my previous gaffe with the FBI agent.
“Alright. Then can we talk about roles within the…organization, I’m looking at? I feel that that should be safe enough to discuss, without violating client confidentiality. And I’d like to hear both of you speak.” The voice on the other end seemed bemused - and like it understood what was happening. What we were concerned about. 
Nils glanced to me and mouthed, “give just a little.” 
I put on my customer-service voice, pitched down slightly. “Apologies. I am dealing with some delays in the audio, but I am here.” That should be safe enough.  If anything, it would emphasize the theoretical distance between us. “What roles were you most interested in?”
“Oh, I think I would be interested in determining if your enterprise is real. If it is, I have…interests, in the field of corporate discipline. Helping targets get met, helping logistics be organized, all that.” He emphasized the word discipline ever so slightly, with stress on the wrong syllables to give no mystery as to what it meant. He’d already twigged we were playing, that the Disciples weren’t entirely real, but that he was offering to help make them a real thing.  “But I think you misunderstand my question - what roles do you two play?” 
I turned to Nils with wide eyes, just in time to catch Bishop shaking his head at his screen. Not a good sign, and Nils clearly caught it as his expression darkened.
Then he carried on, undeterred. “I’d say that the phoenix is…unorthodox, one might say, but something of a diversity coordinator and invaluable to our efforts, and that I am more or less the corporate executive. Thus far everyone pitches in on the technological side - there is also a chief of system security.” Nils’ voice at the end took on a mocking edge. 
The guy at the other end of the call chuckled. “Ah, that’s the way of it. This seems like a project built on a dream. And unless I’m missing my guess - you’ve already had some results.” 
“One could say that.” 
I chose that moment to speak up a little. “You seem to have at least some idea of our…goals.  It only seems fair to ask a bit about your background.”
“Did human intelligence for the military for a while, got out back in 2013, realized that for all the military promises to teach you marketable skills the two skills they taught me that’re more marketable than anything else in this day and age aren’t something I can put on a resume. You guys’ marketing campaign for new talent said you were looking for security, cyber and physical, and I can do both. You want smart, I already proved I can run you down and crack the codes you came up with that were cyphered across a bunch of different communities and worldviews. You guys seem smart and capable, and willing to work from a bunch of angles, and I want to get in on the ground floor of something like that, rather than getting caught with a bunch of useless eunuchs stuck in an echo chamber.” 
I gave Nils a skeptical look. To my knowledge, our ‘campaign’ hadn’t said anything about physical security - we had Nils’ fucknuckle minions for that.  But the level of crazy this guy was giving made it clear we definitely needed him on our side rather than against us.
“Our campaign didn’t say anything about physical security, but I don’t have complaints about your application.” Nils said, slowly. “That was clever. Question, though: what echo chamber did you leave to find us? And why did you leave them? Be honest.” 
“I appreciate the question, actually. So, I was stuck with a bunch of white supremacist dipshits for a while. I kinda got the “white power” thing, but they were wrong about the reasons - white people didn’t rule the world because we’re better, we ruled the world because we conquered it and that’s how power works. When they started talking about white genocide or great replacement I started losing my goddamn mind that I was putting up with them. If they really thought they were better, they should have relished the chance to prove it by competing rather than try to use the government to crack down, and if they couldn’t do that, then obviously whites aren’t the master race and it's our turn to be subjugated. Natural selection, rules of nature. Essentialists are idiots.”
My eyes got wide again. Oh, he’s crazy crazy. I looked at Bishop again, and he looked just as concerned as I was.  Nils, on the other hand, looked like this is exactly what he had expected.  Which, again, tracked.
“I won’t pretend that isn’t deeply concerning to me. I have a question: if our aim is partially to prove that the ‘rules of nature' don't apply along racial lines, but along different axes entirely, do you see yourself objecting?” 
“I’m open to not supporting or disputing your theory until I see it in action. And I’m open to helping convince the idiots who aren’t good for anything else to do what you tell them if you’re correct.” 
I muted my mic and gestured for Nils to do the same.  When he nodded to confirm, I was still barely above a whisper when I spoke. “This is really feeling too easy,” I wondered. “For someone who has spent weeks undermining us and trying to get your army out from under you, he’s caving entirely too fast.”
“He did fail to get my army out from under me,” Nils mused. “Think about his offer. He wants to be the lieutenant that helps coordinate my army for us, and at least for right now, our interests and his genuinely align. Throw the government into chaos, right? Let the world return to ‘rules of nature - predator vs. prey, social darwinist, not…actual rules of nature’ - and see who wins. But he’s spent the last several weeks getting dribbled by me in those spaces because I’m smarter than he is overall. But give him that access…what’s to stop him from taking his orders until our interests diverge and he can take the army we handed him and Order 66 us?” 
I held up one finger and unmuted my microphone. “What are you willing to offer as a gesture of good faith that we can believe you?” I muted myself again and shrugged at Nils while Bishop stifled a laugh. “Worth a shot.”
“The current screen name attached is my more used handle - trace it back and you’ll find more about me. Well within your skills from what I’ve seen. I also have cold evidence of something you’re very interested in. I’ll send you a sealed file in a drop if you provide a place for me to drop it. If you find it interesting, you know where to message me.”
Nils paused, muted his mic, and looked at the trace for the screenname. “Wow. This is…not well sealed.” Then he unmuted. “I want it perfectly clear that you cannot begin to imagine the level of hate I will rain on your motherboard for the rest of time if I open a malware packet.” 
“I would still scrub whatever you find like it has STDs,” I murmured.
Nils gave the code for a blank webdrive we had access to. Then a file was dropped in. Contained in that closed file was a zipped video of a molotov attack on a cafe with two semi familiar individuals and one stranger  cursing at each other to run. The cameraman’s arm was visible, with a very familiar swastika tattoo.
“Opinions?” Nils voice was quiet. 
“Christ…” I swore, rubbing my face. “That’s… Scary, but definitely a show of good faith.  Were there any strings?”
Bishop stood and started pacing and cursing under his breath. “There’s a fourth one.”
“That is neither here nor there,” I forced out, as much as it was killing something inside me.  “Was there anything attached to the file? Tracker, virus, anything suspicious?”
“No,” Bishop replied, slowly. “It was clean. For what it’s worth, this guy is interested in joining up.”
“I’ll be honest, he gives me two heebs and a jeeb, but it’s pretty clear Bishop’s right,” I admitted. “Nils?”
“If we can use him, and he’s not trying to fuck us over, we can make do, yeah.” his response was terse. 
Bishop took his seat again, combing his beard with his fingers. “Then it’s unanimous. Reluctant, but unanimous.  But I do plan on keeping tabs on this guy with as much time as I possibly can carve out, just so the two of you know.”
Nils nodded, so I unmuted my mic. “Package received and reviewed. Thank you for that.  Everything looks good on this end.  I think we can do business together, pending a second review.  I’m sure you understand.”
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juni-ravenhall · 1 year
sso's candle, and jumping into the ai bubble for publicity and investment
so yasmin told me to write about this bc not everyone might realise it. its a bit of a long topic so prepare. for legal reasons this is all my personal opinion :3
first off - the sso candle doesnt actually have anything to do with ai. i just wanna get that out of the way. i will come back to this later.
the sso candle ai promotional event is 2 things to me. one is, "probably someone at the company knew someone at the other company bc why else would this specific random collab ever happen" (and theyre not even a candle company? its a perfume company?)
but the other thing which is the main thing, is that we've entered the ai boom, or ai economic bubble. before this there was a crypto bubble, there's sort of been a mobile bubble, and we have the old classic dotcom bubble. summary of tech bubble is, a new shiny thing in tech makes ppl go OOOH!! I WILL THROW MY INVESTMENT MONEY AT THAT!! I BETTER HURRY AND NOT MISS THE TRAIN!! IM GOING TO GET FILTHY RICH BY INVESTING IN THE FUTURE!!! and many of these ppl dont actually understand the tech, and can therefore be exploited by startups or new projects targetting these investors, by just saying "we use the shiny thing that is the future and will make people rich".
just like the dotcom and crypto bubbles, everything that has "ai" in it is currently getting lots of attention both from media and from investors. things that are about "ai" are currently like "wow! youre using modern tech and this is the future!" and for all those ppl who dont know that much about ai or tech, or tech ppl who are easily influenced, it makes companies look cool and modern and forward if they include that current shiny thing.
what does sse achieve by making promotional vids and posts about an ai candle? attention from media and potential investors. the playerbase doesnt care. their target audience arent ppl who generally care much about ai, or even support its usage in creative fields.
they also count on that the playerbase wont be mad enough about it bc most players dont rly care or understand. which is prob going to be an accurate prediction. so they dont especially lose on it unless theres a genuine uproar, but even then, theres a lot of space in "genuine uproar" that still results in "no such thing as bad publicity".
so, thats my perspective on why sse did the ai candle thing. publicity for investors and the industry and media. it helps both sse and the little weird "ai" (side eyes) scent company who both get ai bubble points here. its completely unrelated to what players want or care about (and as many have said, players actually do want to buy things from sse - like plushies and other merch).
now to the last point. the candle isn't even ai, and it's really just an ai boom trending word thing for attention.
some ppl on ssoblr dont really understand what ai is or how it works, or how its already been in use for a long time. im not really gonna explain all of that but i do ask you to like... watch a video or read a wikipedia article or something and please educate yourself on what ai is and isnt. anyway,
supposedly this company feeds pictures into whatever ai model theyre supposedly using. the ai supposedly spits out things like "sunshine :) dirt :) chupacabra :)" from the customers phone pics and then actual perfumers mix blends based on what the ai supposedly told them from the pics.
idk if ur catching on here but, there are trained perfumers here who have seen the customers' pics with their own human eyes. they humanly blend scents based on the content of pics theyve humanly seen. (unless all perfumers at the company are also blind and the ai is their only way to find out whats in the pics, and if so, power to them, ofc.) and, at best, an ai has supposedly told them some generic image analysis terms, which are unlikely to be very helpful to the art of scent design.
there is absolutely nothing the supposed ai is actually doing here. theres no reason for it to be here. it contributes nothing to the process. exceeeeeppppttttt..... clicks!!!! articles. videos. wow! crazy ai scents! wow! ai horse candle!! thats crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so future!!!!!!!!!!
the scent company is a classic tech bubble startup (allegedly from my perspective in my opinion). they dont even use ai (allegedly from my perspective in my opinion). they want a quick buck for looking like a modern futuristic business to the FOMO investors who fall for this every single time theres new shiny tech (allegedly from my perspective in my opinion). and sse collabs with them for pretty much the same reason (allegedly from my perspective in my opinion).
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nomadicism · 2 years
Any more thoughts about the whole Twitter situation? What do you think will happen to that site over the next while?
Hi Anon, thank you for the Ask!
By the gods, what to even say now?
I wish that I had the wit to voice my thoughts with brevity and good humor. The Twitter Musk situation is hilarious-but-also-serious, and alas, I am verbose in my thoughts and not very funny.
I'm not sure that Twitter will survive, if I have time I'll post more deeply on what I think will happen with that.
I don't follow much outside of USA Twitter, so I can see all of this going in a lot of directions, such as the platform being irrelevant in the US, while remaining utilized outside of the USA.
We can still use Twitter and curate our experience by muting every slur that ever existed while using mega block on shitty tweets to expand our block lists, but that's not gonna change the fact if Twitter survives—without Furry Musk-gland backtracking on moderation—then the winners will be authoritarian regimes and con artists. Both rely upon sowing disinformation, distrust, propaganda, and conspiracies.
There are many choice threads on Twitter that reveal the convergence of serious issues, and I don’t even know where to begin summarizing them all. I’ve included a list of URLs to a variety of threads that might be of interest. What's happening here is not a simple thing, it's bigger than one spoiled mediocre man's ego.
Content is king, and Black people did a lot of labor in creating the kind of content that draws users to Twitter. Michael Harriot of The Grio has some words.
Hark! A graph showing Mastodon new user sign up spikes plotted against new user sign-ups on Twitter
A kind and thoughtful thread by Gerard K Cohen about his team members. Their entire team (Accessibility Experience Team) was among the mass firings at Twitter last week.
Of which, the unsurprising firing of thousands of employees (not all of them whom are software engineers) potentially poses as serious legal issue for Twitter due to California’s WARN law.
Also in Ireland (though small potatoes I suppose).
Apartheid Clyde (thank you Black Twitter for this most excellent name for Elon Musk) tries to blame advertisers bailing on the platform on activists. Gets called out by the president and Chief Operating Officer of MMA Global (a multi-national marketing trade association) whom he had just had a call with.
On the value of experts discussing in an open public forum
Concerns from a Chinese dissident
Discount Stark is fact-checked on his lie about advertising
Profoundly bad business decisions. There is no 5D chess here folks. There may well be a case for Tesla stock-holders to sue for breach of fiduciary responsibility.
Being an asshole to everyone and then firing the security team (who were already pissed at you very likely) as you’re rolling out a feature that requires both financial and personal data to be transmitted and stored is beyond foolish.
Ohhhh, hmmm about those critical employees…
Some of the fired employees are here on work visas
Potentially disruptive for upcoming elections in the USA.
Listen, I work in tech. I co-founded a startup back in 2013. No job is worth a 9:30pm stand-up while your colleagues are being fired by a useless billionaire.
Does Twitter really matter though?
Learn to host your own content.
Make a list of your fave Twitter artists, authors, etc.
When parody is only comedy if it comes with a disclaimer
Comedy as a venn diagram
Use lists to get around shadow banning of un-verified accounts
Paying for verification reduces identity to a trademark. The average person does not have the resources to continuously litigate their identity, such people who are recognized experts in their field, journalists, government officials, etc will be the ones impersonated.
A must-read thread about Twitter and counter-convergence (spoiler, Harry Potter was a counter-convergence)
Faith and trust rely on knowing that people are who they claim to be when they speak on subjects with authority and expertise. Undercutting the ability of such people to verify themselves is a form of discrediting, and when that happens systematically to scientists, educators, and public servants, then we have fascist propaganda tactics on our hands.
I hope you find these useful Anon!
(Y'all give me some reblogs because I'm not sure if this post will show up organically since it has links in it.)
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masllp · 12 days
Bookkeeping in India by MASLLP: Streamlining Your Financial Processes
Bookkeeping is a crucial aspect of any business, ensuring that financial records are accurate and up to date. In India, businesses of all sizes are increasingly recognizing the importance of professional bookkeeping services. MASLLP, a leading firm in the financial sector, offers comprehensive bookkeeping services tailored to meet the unique needs of businesses in India.
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Why Bookkeeping Matters for Your Business Effective bookkeeping is the foundation of good financial management. It involves recording daily financial transactions, such as sales, purchases, payments, and receipts. Accurate bookkeeping helps businesses:
*Monitor Financial Health: By maintaining organized records, businesses can track income and expenses to assess their financial performance. *Ensure Compliance: Staying compliant with Indian tax laws is crucial. Proper bookkeeping ensures that businesses meet legal requirements and avoid penalties. *Facilitate Decision-Making: Well-maintained financial records help business owners make informed decisions about expansion, investment, and other key areas. *Prepare for Audits: Bookkeeping simplifies the auditing process, ensuring all financial documents are readily available and accurate.
Challenges of Bookkeeping in India Bookkeeping can be time-consuming and complex, especially for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in India. Some common challenges include:
*Regulatory Compliance: Businesses must adhere to constantly changing tax regulations, including GST and income tax laws. *Managing Multiple Transactions: For businesses with high volumes of daily transactions, keeping track of every detail can be overwhelming. *Handling Multiple Currencies: Many businesses in India deal with international clients, making currency conversion and documentation more complicated.
Why Choose MASLLP for Bookkeeping in India MASLLP understands the specific challenges businesses face in maintaining accurate financial records. With years of expertise in accounting and bookkeeping, MASLLP offers solutions that are both efficient and cost-effective.
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Conclusion Bookkeeping in India is essential for maintaining a healthy business. With MASLLP’s expert services, you can rest assured that your financial records are accurate, up to date, and fully compliant with Indian laws. By outsourcing your bookkeeping needs to MASLLP, you’ll not only save time and money but also gain valuable insights into your business’s financial health. Contact MASLLP today to learn more about how our bookkeeping services can help your business thrive.
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Florida Immigration News: What You Need to Know
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So, you’ve been hearing a lot about immigration in Florida lately, right? New laws, more restrictions, and a lot of heated debates. But what’s really going on? And how does it affect people living in Florida?
Let’s dive into the latest Florida immigration news and break down what it means for immigrants, residents, and the community. We’ll keep it simple, straightforward, and to the point.
What’s New in Florida Immigration?
The immigration scene in Florida is changing fast. New laws and policies are being put in place that affects everyone—from new arrivals to long-term residents.
Here’s a quick rundown of what’s been happening lately:
E-Verify for Jobs: Florida now requires employers to use E-Verify to check if their workers are legally allowed to work. This affects hiring across many industries.
Tighter Residency Rules: New rules make it tougher to prove you live in Florida, which can impact everything from school enrollment to getting a driver’s license.
Law Enforcement Involvement: Local police are now more involved in enforcing federal immigration laws, which has increased deportations.
How Are These Changes Affecting People in Florida?
These new laws aren’t just headlines—they’re affecting real lives. For many immigrants and their families, things are getting tougher.
What’s the Impact?
Jobs and Employment: With the new E-Verify requirements, some businesses are struggling to find workers, especially in sectors like farming and hospitality.
Housing Issues: Uncertainty about immigration status is making some people hesitant to buy homes or invest in property. This has created a bit of a ripple effect in the housing market.
What Do These New Policies Mean for Immigrants?
For immigrants, the stakes are high. The new rules make life more complicated, especially for those who are undocumented or in the process of getting their status sorted.
Key Points to Understand:
More Deportations: There’s been an uptick in deportations, even for those who have been in Florida for years and have built their lives here.
Increased Scrutiny: With more checks and balances, undocumented immigrants face greater challenges accessing basic services and staying under the radar.
Navigating the Immigration Maze
Let’s face it—dealing with immigration laws isn’t easy. It’s confusing and stressful. But there are ways to make it a bit smoother.
Tips to Keep in Mind:
Get Legal Help: There are plenty of organizations in Florida that offer free or low-cost legal advice. Don’t go through this alone.
Stay Informed: Laws change fast. Keep up with the latest updates so you know what’s happening.
Keep Records: Keep all your documents in order. It’s boring but super important.
Challenges Immigrants Face in Florida
Moving to a new place is hard enough. Now add in the new laws and it becomes even tougher for immigrants in Florida.
Biggest Hurdles:
Access to Services: From healthcare to education, proving eligibility can be a real headache.
Language Barriers: Not everyone speaks English fluently, and that can make accessing services or understanding legal rights even more challenging.
Success Stories: Immigrants Making It Big in Florida
It’s not all bad news. Many immigrants are thriving in Florida, showing resilience and determination.
Examples of Success:
Starting Businesses: From local restaurants to tech startups, immigrant entrepreneurs are making their mark.
Community Support: Strong immigrant communities are providing support networks that help newcomers find their footing.
Florida’s Take on Federal Immigration Laws
Florida’s approach to immigration doesn’t always match up with what’s happening at the federal level. It can get pretty confusing.
Key Differences to Note:
Florida is taking a tougher stance than some other states.
There’s ongoing debate within the state about whether this is the best approach.
Support Organizations for Immigrants in Florida
Luckily, there are a lot of organizations stepping up to help immigrants navigate these tough times.
Top Picks:
Florida Immigrant Coalition: Provides legal aid and community support.
American Immigration Council: Offers resources and advocacy for immigrants.
The Business Side of Immigration in Florida
Immigrants play a huge role in Florida’s economy. Many businesses depend on immigrant workers and are advocating for fairer immigration practices.
Why It Matters:
Labor Force: Many industries rely on immigrant labor to function, especially agriculture and hospitality.
Business Advocacy: Some business groups are pushing back against stricter immigration laws, arguing they hurt the economy more than they help.
How Immigrants Boost Florida’s Economy
Immigrants aren’t just living in Florida; they’re contributing significantly to its economic growth.
Economic Contributions:
Workforce Diversity: Immigrants fill critical roles in various industries.
Entrepreneurship: Immigrant-owned businesses are thriving, creating jobs and stimulating local economies.
What’s Coming Next for Immigration in Florida?
So, what can we expect in the future? Things are still up in the air, but here are a few things to keep an eye on:
What to Watch For:
Policy Changes: With elections on the horizon, immigration policies could shift again.
Advocacy Efforts: Groups continue to fight for more compassionate immigration reforms.
Getting Ready for Potential Reforms
If you’re an immigrant in Florida, being prepared is key. Here’s what you can do to stay ahead:
Steps to Take:
Stay Informed: Make sure you know what’s going on with immigration laws.
Seek Legal Help: Don’t be afraid to ask for advice from professionals.
Get Involved: Join local immigrant support groups and community organizations.
Legal Help for Immigrants in Florida
Finding the right legal help can make a world of difference.
Where to Look:
Legal Aid Organizations: Many offer free or low-cost services to help immigrants.
Community Clinics: Often run by universities, these clinics can provide valuable assistance.
Florida’s immigration landscape is complex and ever-changing. Whether you’re directly affected or just want to stay informed, it’s important to keep up with the latest news and understand the impact on your community.
Remember, if you’re an immigrant in Florida, there’s help out there. Stay informed, get the support you need, and keep pushing forward.
1. What are the new immigration laws in Florida? Florida has introduced stricter E-Verify requirements for jobs and tougher rules for proving residency.
2. How can immigrants find legal help in Florida? Organizations like the Florida Immigrant Coalition offer free or low-cost legal services.
3. What rights do immigrants have in Florida? Immigrants have the right to legal representation and protection from discrimination, among other rights.
4. Are there organizations that support immigrants in Florida? Yes, several organizations provide support, including legal aid, community resources, and advocacy.
5. How do immigrants contribute to Florida's economy? Immigrants contribute through their roles in the workforce and as entrepreneurs, boosting local economies.
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sihasah · 1 month
Small Business Insurance NH: Your Complete Guide to Protecting Your Venture in the Granite State
New Hampshire, known for its scenic landscapes and independent spirit, is a haven for small businesses. Whether you're running a craft brewery in Portsmouth, a tech startup in Manchester, or a family-owned restaurant in Concord, small business insurance NH is essential to safeguarding your hard work and investment. In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into the intricacies of small business insurance NH, covering types of coverage, cost factors, legal requirements, and tips for choosing the right policy. https://sihasah.com/small-business-insurance-nh-your-complete-guide-to-protecting-your-venture-in-the-granite-state/
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Orphaned neurological implants
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The startup world’s dirty not-so-secret is that most startups fail. Startups are risky ventures and their investors know it, so they cast a wide net, placing lots of bets on lots of startups and folding the ones that don’t show promise, which sucks for the company employees, but also for the users who depend on the company’s products.
You know what this is like: you sink a bunch of time into familiarizing yourself with a new product, you spend money on accessories for it, you lock your data into it, you integrate it into your life, and then, one morning — poof! All gone.
Now, there are ways that startups could mitigate this risk for their customers: they could publish their source code under a free/open license so that it could be maintained by third parties, they could refuse to patent their technology, or dedicate their patents to an open patent pool, etc.
All of this might tempt more people to try their product or service, because the customers for digital products are increasingly savvy, having learned hard lessons when the tools they previously depended were orphaned by startups whose investors pulled the plug.
But very few startups do this, because their investors won’t let them. That brings me to the other dirty not-so-secret of the startup world: when a startup fails, investors try to make back some of their losses by selling the company’s assets to any buyer, no matter how sleazy.
A startup’s physical assets are typically minimal: used ergonomic chairs and laptops don’t exactly hold their value, and there’s not much of a market for t-shirts and stickers advertising dead businesses.
Wily investors are more interested in intangible assets: user data and patents, which are sold off to the highest bidder. That bidder is almost certainly a bottom-feeding scumbag, because the best way to maximize the value of user data is to abuse it, and the best way to maximize a failed business patent is to use it for patent trolling.
If you let your investors talk you into patenting your cool idea, there’s a minuscule chance that the patent will be the core of a profitable business — and a much larger chance that it end up in a troll’s portfolio. Real businesses make things that people want. Patent trolls are parasites, “businesses” whose only products are legal threats and lawsuits, which they use to bleed out real businesses.
The looming threat of dissolution gives rise to a third startup dirty secret: faced with a choice of growth or sustainability, companies choose growth. There’s no point in investing in sustainability — good information security, robust systems, good HR — if it costs you the runway you need to achieve liftoff.
Your excellent processes won’t help you when your investors shut you down, so a “lean” startup has only the minimum viable resiliency and robustness. If you do manage to attain liftoff — or get sold to a Big Tech firm — then you can fix all that stuff.
And if the far more likely outcome — failure — comes to pass, then all the liabilities you’ve created with your indifferent security and resiliency will be someone else’s problem. Limited liability, baby!
Combine these three dirty secrets and it’s hard to understand why anyone would use a startup’s product, knowing that it will collect as much data as it can, secure it only indifferently, and sell that data on to sleazy data-brokers. Meanwhile, the product you buy and rely upon will probably become a radioactive wasteland of closed source and patent trolling, with so much technology and policy debt that no one can afford to take responsibility for it.
Think of Cloudpets, a viral toy sensation whose manufacturer, Spiral Toys, had a successful IPO — and then immediately started hemorrhaging money and shedding employees. Cloudpets were plush toys that you connected to your home wifi; they had built-in mics that kids could activate to record a voice-memo, which was transmitted to their parents’ phones by means of an app, and parents could send messages back via the toys’ speakers.
But Spiral Toys never bothered to secure those voice memos or the system for making new ones. The entire database of all recordings by kids and parents sat on an unencrypted, publicly accessible server for years. It was so indifferently monitored that no one noticed that hackers had downloaded the database multiple times, leaving behind threats to dump it unless they were paid ransoms.
By the time this came to light, Spiral Toys’ share price was down more than 99% and no one was answering any of its email addresses or phones. The data — 2.2 million intimate, personal communications between small children and their parents — just hung out there, free for the taking:
Data leakage is irreversible. Those 2,200,000 voice memos are now immortal, child-ghosts that will haunt the internet forever — after the parents are dead, after the kids are dead.
Data breaches are permanent. Filling a startup’s sandcastle with your important data is a high-risk bet that the company will attain liftoff before it breaches.
It’s not just your data that goes away when a startup folds — it’s also the money you invest in its hardware and systems, as well as the cost of replacing devices that get bricked when a company goes bust. That’s bad enough when it’s a home security device:
But what about when the device is inside your body?
Earlier this year, many people with Argus optical implants — which allow blind people to see — lost their vision when the manufacturer, Second Sight, went bust:
Nano Precision Medical, the company’s new owners, aren’t interested in maintaining the implants, so that’s the end of the road for everyone with one of Argus’s “bionic” eyes. The $150,000 per eye that those people paid is gone, and they have failing hardware permanently wired into their nervous systems.
Having a bricked eye implant doesn’t just rob you of your sight — many Argus users experience crippling vertigo and other side effects of nonfunctional implants. The company has promised to “do our best to provide virtual support” to people whose Argus implants fail — but no more parts and no more patches.
Second Sight wasn’t the first neural implant vendor to abandon its customers, nor was it the last. Last week, Liam Drew told the stories of other neural abandonware in “Abandoned: the human cost of neurotechnology failure” in Nature:
Among that abandonware: ATI’s neural implant for reducing cluster headaches, Nuvectra’s spinal-cord stimulator for chronic pain, Freehand’s paralysis bypass for hands and arms, and others. People with these implants are left in a precarious limbo, reliant on reverse-engineering and a dwindling supply of parts for maintenance.
Drew asked his expert subjects what is to be done about this. The least plausible answer is to let the market work its magic: “long-term support on the commercial side would be a competitive advantage.” In other words, wait for companies to realize that promising a durable product will attract customers, so that the other companies go out of business.
A better answer: standardization. “If components were common across devices, one manufacturer might be able to step in and offer spares when another goes under.” 86% of surgeons who implant neurostimulators back this approach.
But the best answer comes from Hunter Peckham, co-developer of Freehand and a Case Western biomedical engineer: open hardware. “Peckham plans to make the design specifications and supporting documentation of new implantable technologies developed by his team freely available. ‘Then people can just cut and paste.’”
This isn’t just the best answer, it’s the only one. There’s no ethical case for permanently attaching computers to people’s nervous systems without giving them the absolute, irrevocable right to nominate who maintains those computers and how.
This is the case that Christian Dameff, Jeff Tully and I made at our Defcon panel this year: “Why Patients Should Hack Medtech.” Patients know things about their care and their needs that no one else can ever fully appreciate; they are the best people to have the final say over med-tech decisions:
This is the principle that animates Colorado’s HB22–1031, the “Consumer Right To Repair Powered Wheelchairs Act,” landmark Right to Repair legislation that was signed into law last year:
Opponents of this proposal will say that it will discourage investment in “innovation” in neurological implants. They may well be right: the kinds of private investors who hedge their bets on high-risk ventures by minimizing security and resilience and exploiting patents and user-data might well be scared off of investment by a requirement to make the technology open.
It may be that showboating billionaire dilettantes will be unwilling to continue to pour money into neural implant companies if they are required to put the lives of the people who use their products ahead of their own profits.
It may be that the only humane, sustainable way to develop neural implants is to publicly fund that research and development, with the condition that the work products be standard, open, and replicable.
Image: Cryteria (modified) https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:HAL9000.svg
CC BY 3.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/deed.en
[Image ID: The staring eye of HAL9000 from 2001: A Space Odyssey. Centered in it is a medieval anatomical engraving of the human nervous system, limned in a blue halo.]
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