#legilimens queenie
uefb · 2 years
Legilimens!Queenie and semispeaking-autistic!Newt live RENT FREE in my head right now
🛑 Minor minor spoilers for about 9 (10??? idk) chapters down the line of With It’s Head Under One Wing. But this part is referenced multiple times in the most recent chapter of Head Full of Fairies, anyway.
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Tina & Queenie
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them:
JK Rowling: These sisters are orphans. They've really raised each other.
- A Look Behind the Magic
Alison Sudol: So you have two sisters who have raised each other and have a very deep bond.
- Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them Behind the Scenes
Alison Sudol: They grew up together and are very close. Their parents died when they were young, so they essentially had to raise each other. Each sister is the older sister and the younger sister in a different way as each has very distinct qualities that the other needs. They look after each other and complement each other beautifully. It's just how Katherine and I are together naturally.
- News24
Alison Sudol: But one thing that was very clear to us is that, because we lost our parents so young, we always took care of each other. And we acted very differently to the circumstances because we're very different people. Queenie is younger than Tina, so Tina took on more of the responsibility of the two of them and also because Queenie is an empath, essentially. She was also quite vulnerable. Tina also took it upon herself to be more protective. So I think that influenced everything that happened with their school days, but it's a very sweet thing to see that moment [Ilvermorny school song], as you said, because for us, the relationship as sisters in the movie is kind of just implicit; it's implied. You kind of just get the sense that these two are incredibly close, but you never really get to see that much of their shared history, and so it was just a moment for us to play with that as well.
- Mugglenet
Alison Sudol: It’s beautiful because they are so different. They both really compliment each other in really lovely ways. Tina’s very strong and very ambitious and hard-working and also very protective of Queenie, and Queenie really loves her and looks up to her, but also sort of looks after her heart, and they are both mature in different ways and they bring those things together to look after each other and they are each other’s whole family, which I think is such a beautiful thing, and you see it in little moments throughout the film, just little bond.  
- Douban
Katherine Waterston: Really, until these men come into their lives, Tina and Queenie are everything to one another— sisters, best friends, parental figures. They were forced, I think especially Tina, to grow up quickly because they lost their parents young, but despite that painful fate their dynamic is very youthful and sweet. As the older sister, Tina definitely feels Queenie is her responsibility and is very protective of her. Of course, Queenie, being a legilimens, can see that Tina is, beneath the surface, very vulnerable and in need of protection, too.
- Female First
Alison Sudol: think it's a really beautiful relationship. It's two sisters [who] have basically raised each other because their parents died when they were very young. So there's a mutual caring for each other. It's not like older sister-younger sister, because I think in some ways Tina is more grounded and an adult, but then Queenie has this deep empathy and such an unbelievable amount of perception about everybody but especially about Tina. So there's a real care and a warmth, and they occasionally are like [sisters] and bicker, but we didn't want it to be that kind of relationship because it's so much more about the love that they have for each other. And that's just present. It's not even trying to show it. It's just there.
- Mugglenet
Alison Sudol: Queenie is love. Queenie loves Tina with her whole heart and it's incredibly painful when people just see some idea of her that isn't true. They miss her humanity because the way that she looks.
- Mugglenet
Alison Sudol: It's a lovely dynamic, because we're so different, and yet we essentially raised each other, because our parents passed away when we were kids. There's this deep love and care, and a strength between the two of them, because no matter what, we are going to look after each other. We don't need to make a big deal out of it: it's just a fact that they love each other.
- Filmink
Alison Sudol: It can make you feel quite lonely, to have something that differentiates you from people like that. Obviously, it deepens the connection between Tina and Queenie because she knows so much about her sister without having to ask. That helps her help Tina. But she also has to protect herself and be aware of how [being a Legilimens] affects her. Tina's the safest person for Queenie to be around.
- Snitchseeker
Alison Sudol: Yeah, I mean, I think she's quite powerful, and she hasn't really had the opportunity to stretch that muscle, really. It's not something that she ever even really talks about. You can tell because people don't know that she's reading their minds, so you know she's not well advertised as a Legilimens. And I don't think that she's ever really had the need to utilize it. I think it's like as a woman, I've noticed with myself and with my friends, there comes a moment in time where you suddenly really need to access your intuition. And once you start doing that and trusting your intuition, it gets stronger and stronger and stronger. And you realize that there may not be a limit on it if you continue to develop that. And I think it's the same with Queenie. I think that she and Tina have a particularly deep bond, and that love makes it grow exponentially, and who knows what she can actually do? Which is quite exciting.
- Mugglenet
Katherine Waterston: I have a sister and I found it so brilliant that JK Rowling gave one of us the ability to read minds. There’s something really bizarre about it, even if you’re aren’t twins it can be that sort of connection. I thought the legilimency aspect was a good metaphor for it.
- British Vogue
Alison Sudol: Tina and Queenie are each other's family. They are each other's everything. You want to give Tina a hug all the time and Tina seems like she needs a hug. Where Tina's wanting to be the best, Queenie just loves life. She's very playful and joyous. She doesn't have a shell. What I love about Queenie is that she sort of plays with magic. It's very easy for Queenie to just love Tina. There's the kind of love that nothing can change between them. That's a very beautiful thing. You don't need to prove how much you love somebody if you love them enough, and that's how I feel with Tina and Queenie.
JK Rowling: Queenie who's much more relaxed than Tina, but is someone who is underestimated constantly. She's a Legilimens. So the girl who's always looked at can see more deeply than anyone else. 
- Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them blu ray extras: The Goldstein Sisters
Dan Fogler: Katherine plays the darker side of the sisters. She's more cerebral, but also has this great vulnerability. Katherine's a fantastic actress and what she brings to the role is a very specific sensitivity, but also strength. Each one of them is trying to find themselves. They're all fish out of water; quirky misfits who form this little family. And each one has something that is beneficial to save the day.
- The Case of Beasts: Explore the Film Wizardry of Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Alison Sudol: That was quite important to us that was there. There's not a lot of time that we have as sisters time. That's actually why Ilvermorny song scene was so nice because we actually got to be sisters. We decided early on that it was gonna be really important to have certain cues or certain things that we learned in our childhood, so you could just see that there is this relationship there. There are certain things that just happened naturally.
In the strudel scene, there's a moment when we talk to each other and I'm scolding her for making bad food choices, tiny bit. We tasted things at the same time. It's just those little moments, but it's really just like the undercurrent of sisterly love we just had to just lean into.
A lot of it was in the moment. There's this moment when we taste something at the same time. There's the way that we set the table. She was settting the table and I was cooking. That was like proper ballet. That was the first main scene that we shot. We had like "You do the forks and I do the apples. You do the this and I do the that." It's just the way two people, two siblings live together and make dinner every night. 
- Leaky Con
Alison Sudol: You have these two sisters who have raised each other and so we have a very deep bond. But it's an isolated and lonely life, and these two men come into our world and they're very, very different and exciting and intriguing and our lives are suddenly transformed within a night, being on the run and part of a gang. I think that's something we all want to do. We all want to be part of a gang.
- The Case of Beasts: Explore the Film Wizardry of Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Katherine Waterston: This is what's so amazing and kind of insane about working in film is that sometimes you just met the person and then you have to move around in a space together so you do it everyday. So we kind of scrambled to quickly figure out how they would prepare the room together. Whose chores are whose. So I was sort of setting the table with my wand and she was preparing the meal. We developed a little like superstitious kind of salt over the shoulder toss thing just to kind of give the audience a sense of their life together that is very insulated and private.
- Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them On-Set Interview
Katherine Waterston: You sort of feel the relationship more than you see it. When we are preparing the meal, there's little banter that's very everyday and lived-in and comfortable. It is the kind what I would describe as actually sort of witchy way that sisters engage with one another. Having a sister myself and Jo has one too, it just feels very true. I really love how much they are the centre of each other's lives and take care of one another. The way that they relate to one another is very sweet, and the thing that makes them really close is something really really painful. I really thought it was an indication of Jo's skill and intelligence as a screenwriter to know that you don't always have to express the feeling on the line.
- Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them blu ray extras: The Goldstein Sisters
Katherine Waterston: And I’m a bit more the father and she’s a bit more the mother. Queenie has a generous, maternal quality to her. She cooks beautiful, elaborate meals. And maybe, in their loneliness, they’ve fallen into that dynamic, where I’m trying to be the breadwinner, and she’s doing the ironing. On one level it’s a throwback relationship: they’re the mother and the father they lost. Then also, there are aspects to both of them that I think are underdeveloped, because they never really got to be kids. So, on another level, they’re like two kids in their bunk bed, and maybe part of the journey in the film is just bringing them to their actual place in the world.
- Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them: Movie-Making News: The Stories Behind the Magic
Katherine Waterston: She wants to be Sherlock Holmes, but she's Oliver Oyl. She's sort of klutzy and flailing and hasn't quite come into her own yet and feels sort of invisible. You know, men walk into lampost when her sister goes by, call her "Sir". So, I mean, I think there's just a real contrast there, but she's not jealous of her sister at all. They love each other so much. She hasn't really found her place. She hasn't had a chance to kind of blossom yet.
- Yahoo
Crimes of Grindelwald:
Alison Sudol: So already in last film you see she's kind of breaking the rules by coming back to Jacob and then this time around, you see that they've been in a relationship for a while. It's caused a huge rift with her sister and because she has this gift and she's been seeing into people's heads for so long and has never fallen in love with the way that she falls in love with Jacob, I think she's got a little bit of desperation not to lose that and because she's got the added thing of you can't have this, it pushes her to make perhaps not the wisest of choices, which we've all done in love. She just so deeply and desperately wants love and when Tina can't accept that and Tina's her only family, it means that everything is kind of on Jacob and so she's sort of going to have Jacob, whether Jacob likes it or not.
- Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald - Makers, Mysteries and Magic: Chapter 6
Alison Sudol: Well, I think in Queenie's case, because she doesn't have a family except Tina and when Jacob comes in, that's the family that she wants to make her own family with. I think that she so desparately wants to be normal and she is not normal. She isn't in contact with her gift at all and she has a gift of a very powerful wizard and she just wants to be kind of almost not her and I think that is a large hole in her that is able to be exploited, because she thinks that something is very special about her is not wanted. 
- Inside Warner
Alison Sudol: I mean, she wants love and family. She is an orphan and Tina was her only family, and then Jacob came into the picture, and Tina didn't prove of Jacob, so there became this sort of thing like, "OK, well, Jacob will be your only family." And then that's not allowed. So right then and there, that's quite complicated.
- Crimes of Grindelwald World Premiere in Paris
Alison Sudol: Ultimately, you have this young woman who desperately wants to have a family because she's an orphan, it's always been her and her sister, and then she falls in love and the man she falls in love with alienates her from her sister because her sister's a real rule-follower and they're not supposed to be together these two. So right there, the foundation of her family is ruptured. It's not solid anymore and she wants to solidify it so badly. And then she makes some decisions which maybe in hindsight are't necessarily the wisest, but she's just doing what she can, out of a lot of fear.
- Coupe De Main
Alison Sudol: Also the problem is that she's been protected by Tina their whole life. She's the younger sister, and Tina, as we know, is a pretty big rule follower, and so it's caused a rift between the two sisters as well. So, as she goes through this journey, just see what happens to someone that's been very protected their whole life, who suddenly is sort of not protected, and who has this gift that she's not really in a dialogue with as well, and what happens when you put those things together.
- SiriusXM
Alison Sudol: I feel like in some ways she’s too there and that’s part of the problem. She’s tapping into all human beings at all times and that’s a lot for one person to hold and everybody closest to her is always going, ‘Don’t read my mind.’ So she has a huge power and yet is made to feel like she’s nothing and that’s bad. That could make anyone feel crazy.
Jacob doesn’t come with her. It’s not so much about Jacob not coming with her to the dark side, it’s like, ‘Jacob, walk with me, we’re in this together.’ And she doesn’t have those two [Jacob and Tina], so who does she have? Newt’s kind of betrayed her — he called her out, it was embarrassing. What does she have?
- Entertainment Weekly
Alison Sudol: She had been incredibly sheltered by her sister, Tina, and for good reason, so she needed to be protected.
- Supanova
Alison Sudol: And she is very innocent. She is unprotected. She is heartbroken. She's been abandoned. I mean, think about where is Tina in all of this? Tina was the one who was looking out for her, and she wants change. The system that is currently in place is the system that is keeping her from being able to love the person she loves.
- Mugglenet
Alison Sudol: She was manipulated by somebody after having been rejected by her sister, who was like, "Where's Tina?" Jacob wasn't great, didn't handle that well and neither did Newt. So the people that she loved the most were not there for her when she's clearly vulnerable and clearly struggling.
- Brussels Comic-Con
Alison Sudol: I hope that when people watch this they remember that love is driving all of these things. For Queenie, the choices that she's making may seem out of character, but if you think about what she's been through — the fact that her sister isn't there for her when she needs her — I would hope that people stay with her as a character on her bumpy ride.
- Exclaim
Alison Sudol: The wizarding world, including her sister, let her down, limiting her ability to be who she was and to love who she loved.
- Secrets of Dumbledore Production Notes
Katherine Waterston: Really all of the drama between Tina and Queenie occurs between the first and second films, so you hear about it, you do not see it. So that was a big responsibility for Alison and I to bring this history that you don’t see play out in the film to the film, but the weight of that relationship and the fracturing of that relationship I felt I could carry with me throughout this whole story. It’s an extraordinary loss for Tina, and I think it kind of explores an important lesson about dealing with and confronting the troubled relationships in your life. If you assume that you can do it later, you may not have that chance, and I think that in a way, Tina, in trying desperately to save Credence, misses some opportunities to repair her relationship with Queenie before it’s too late. 
- Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald - Makers, Mysteries and Magic: Chapter 7
QUEENIE Disapparates.
TINA retaliates, throwing a curse at GRINDELWALD, but the circle of fire lashes out in ever more violent spears. GRINDELWALD conducts the flames as though leading an orchestra, the Elder Wand his baton, as the forks of fire strike at AURORS attempting to Disapparate or flee.
- Crimes of Grindelwald: The Original Sreenplay
Katherine Waterston: I was thinking when Callum was saying that the intentions may be very good, but you essentially can be speaking in different language, that he wants to protect his brother, Tina wants to protect Queenie, and Queenie simultaneously feels very unprotected in that situation, because protecting her is safety, but I'm not considering her dreams or her heart in that sense. JK Rowling's very good at exploring the shades of gray. It's not so simple. The simple version would be, "You've gotta follow the rules and I'm enforcing them because I love you." And Queenie would say, "Oh, that's so sweet of you. Thanks." But the world is not so simple, and I think as the series goes on, we are seeing that in all of the storylines. There isn't an easy answer. We all have to work it out for ourselves.
Callum Turner: Yeah. I guess also in hindsight, this is only when you realize what you've actually been doing. Right? Whether you've been overbearing or...
Katherine Waterston: Yeah and the cost of it. 
Alison Sudol: Yeah, the consequences.
Katherine Waterston: In this film, Tina does realize the consequences of not being more open to her sister's perspective.
- SiriusXM
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freedomforthewin · 4 months
How the Fantastic Beasts Characters Would React to You Coming Out
Theseus: Would smile at you warmly, come up to you, and engulf you in his signature Theseus hug (unless you told him ahead of time that you didn’t like hugs). After he’d let go of you (if he had hugged you, that is), he’d thank you for telling him and reassure you that it didn’t change anything.
Newt: Would give you a warm smile and say that that is just fine.
Jacob: “Are you now?” he’d ask, smiling. “Well, I’m glad you told me,” he’d say, patting you on the arm. “Hey, if anyone bothers you, you let me know. Okay?”
Queenie: She’d know before you told her. She’s a legilimens, after all. She’d get excited and then talk to you about what had to do with what you came out as.
Tina: She wouldn’t make a big deal out of it. She’d smile at you and thank you for telling her. Then she’d carry on as usual.
They would all love you and accept you as you were.
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literary-creature · 2 years
Our Days in New York: Chapter 9
December 14th, 1926
Despite her doubts, Tina’s heart warmed at her sister’s reaction to the news. 
She had made Newt tell her (It had been his idea after all), and Queenie had all but pounced onto the man to hug him, as she thanked him. Tina was about to step in to rescue him, seeing his discomfort, when the legilimens freed him. 
“Oh, honey you’re wonderful. He’s gonna be happy, so happy.” she giggled, jumping in delight. “I can’t wait to see his face when he finds out.” 
Tina had supposed as much, but she still could not agree wholeheartedly with it. 
“I want to be there. Just be there and see him.” Queenie said immediately, reading her mind. “There would be no danger in that.” 
“I guess not,” Tina admitted with a sigh. “Newt and I will go to his neighborhood tomorrow, and he will follow Jacob and find out where he works. Then we’ll see how to get the occamy eggshells to him discreetly.” 
“It will work out, there must be an easy way to do it,” Newt added, enthusiastic. “A superficial knowledge of his daily routine will give us enough information.”
He searched for Tina’s eyes while he spoke, in a discreet search for approval, tearing a little smile out of her. “I should go finish the feedings, I won’t be long.”
“Go, we'll start dinner.”
As soon as the case lid close, the legilimens turned to her sister. 
“He's so sweet to think of that.”
“Yes, he is.” Tina agreed, heading towards the kitchen. “Any ideas about dinner? I was thinking maybe a… “
“I wanted to thank you too, Teen.” Queenie interrupted. “This means a lot to me.”
Tina shook her head softly. “It’s really all Newt’s doing, my part will probably be very small.” 
“I know you don’t like this, and you’re still helping. “
“It’s not that…” she said. “I don’t want you to be hurt in any way, that’s all. I have nothing against Jacob, and I have no doubt he is a good man and deserves a chance. If circumstances were different…” 
“Yes, if only..” Queenie sighed. “No, I will not be sad. This is good news.” 
“Yes.” Tina smiled. “Everything's going to be fine.” 
Her part in the search the next morning, was quite small indeed: She had taken Newt to Jacob's street and they had managed to find the right building. It could have been easier for them to just apparate to the apartment in question, but they didn't want to cause another commotion nor give the baker the fright of his life again. Luckily for them, Tina knew the neighborhood and could apparate the both of them far enough to not raise any suspicions. They placed themselves across the street.
A little after six o'clock, they saw Jacob's figure cross the building door. He stopped to exchange a few words with two women that were passing by, and shake hands briefly with an old man who was sitting on the doorsteps before going his way. As he walked away, Tina saw how his affable smile disappeared, and his face fell. He looked tired and discouraged. She supposed a canning factory would crush people’s spirits as hard as the wand permit office, and couldn’t help but sympathize with him even more. 
Newt and Tina parted ways not long after, and she hurried to pick up something for breakfast on her way to work. It would be better to be early. 
The morning was relatively quiet, with more paperwork to be completed, informs to be delivered and files to be read. The head of the department had instructed her to find a connection between Grindelwald’s whereabouts in the past year, and his knowledge of an obscurus’ existence in America. The main concern was that he may try to do it again. The man had been gathering quite a lot of support in Europe, and it was urgent to know if there were more people involved in his infiltration of MACUSA, and how exactly did he plan to use the obscurus. 
Nobody seemed remotely suspicious of the possibility of Credence surviving, but Newt’s comment the day before kept running through Tina’s mind. It presented a dilemma for her. 
There was a high chance, if Credence was alive, that notifying the authorities would put the boy’s life in danger. But if she hid it from her superiors there was also a high chance of being kicked out of the department again. 
Tina knew that, despite her recent success, her job was still in thin air. One more reckless action and nobody would care if she had helped capture Grindelwald. 
It would be prudent to keep her mouth shut for the time being. Once she was cleared for field work again, which was bound to happen shortly if MACUSA wanted her to handle the case, it wouldn’t be difficult to do some discreet inquiries on the side. If she found proof of Credence's survival, she would see about talking to someone about it. 
Tina skipped lunch to get home and feed the creatures. She had insisted upon it, and Newt had prepared her a list with instructions, that she intended to follow dutifully. 
The first one on the list was the erumpent, which was easy enough. The bowltruckles proved to be more of a challenge, not because they were particularly hard to feed, but because Pickett wanted to accompany her around and refused to go back to the tree. After a five-minute argument, Tina accepted her defeat and allowed the bowltruckle into her pocket until she had to go back to work. 
She sighed. As much as Queenie had teased her for the past week, she had never seriously stopped to consider what this closeness with Newt meant.  
It was the first time she was inside the case without Newt, and she could see why he enjoyed spending time there on his own: It was the most peaceful place.
It was going to be hard to get used to her apartment without the case again. It was going to be hard to adapt to Newt’s absence. 
She didn’t try to deny she had become fond of him. It was the extent of that fondness that was beginning to worry her.  
She had never felt so comfortable with a man, or any person for that matter. He had managed to earn her trust, to make her share many of her most personal experiences in record time. The only person she had ever been close to was Queenie, but this was a different thing.
Tina walked past the graphorns without stopping, as Newt had requested her not to go near them on her own, and went for the niffler’s burrow. She pet the little head, distractedly keeping her locket away from the paws, still deep in thought. 
She had brushed Queenie’s comments aside, thinking it was a part of her usual sense of humor. It seemed she was speaking from an honest observation. That, and whatever she could see inside of Newt’s head. For some reason, letting the legilimens tell her a thing or two on the subject had never been more tempting. 
If there was something that Tina had always wanted, was to have things under control. All her life she had struggled to keep her emotions in check and be the rational adult she needed to be to survive. The emotions that were taking hold of her lately, she did not understand them, and that was unnerving. It shouldn’t matter to her what Newt thought. Still, she couldn’t help but care. 
A movement of her wand summoned the bucket of pellets for the mooncalves.
She had to think. She had to break her feelings down into smaller pieces and understand them before anything. 
What was it that she liked about Newt? 
He was intelligent, observant, and cultured. Shy sometimes, though he was becoming less so in her presence. He had a sense of humor. 
Maybe what had left a permanent impression on her was his kindness. He had proven to be a loyal friend in the short time they’d known each other. 
Tina had learned to take care of herself and her sister quite young, used to not having another soul to rely on in times of trouble. Newt had come to her help, even when he didn’t have to, asking for nothing in return. 
He had saved her from death, and helped her get her career back, but it was more than that. He had offered his friendship, shared his space and his work, brought back some sort of equilibrium into her life. After all that, how could he not be special to her?
A young mooncalf slid closer to her, gently urging her to distribute the rest of the food. She rushed to comply.
Well, there was nothing out of normal with all that. People could be special to other people without moving into romantic territory. Admiring someone didn’t necessarily mean being attracted to them on any other level.
She did find him handsome though, but that couldn’t be held against her; he was. Though perhaps not the kind of "handsome" women in the office would be obsessed over. He had nice eyes, and his smile was sweet. The freckles smattered all over his face gave him a boyish appearance; she liked it. His hands were rough and full of callouses, a product of his work, but also extremely gentle. And there was also these particular feeling that took hold of her every time their eyes met or their hands touched. 
Tina bit her lip. That couldn’t be normal. 
What if Queenie was right? 
And if it was the case, what did it mean for her? What did it mean for Newt? What would Newt think of her if he knew? The idea alone made her squirm. She would probably die of shame. 
Queenie’s outbursts hinted that she believed Newt had a similar regard for her. A few times Tina herself had even thought… But it couldn’t be. It just couldn’t. 
Queenie may read minds, but she didn’t understand Newt the way Tina did. He was just too good, and his preference for her was merely the recognition of a kindred spirit. When he observed her, he was most probably moved by a purely scientific curiosity. 
She had to search for evidence. Be alert, mistrust herself, and examine her own feelings and thoughts when he was around. Pay attention to his behavior. That was the best way to come to a conclusion. 
She was an investigator, after all, she surely could handle that.
With that determination, Tina headed back to the shed, wishing she could stay some more. Only when she was climbing up the ladder did she remember Pickett was still in her coat.
“Pick, I have to go now,” she said, reaching for her pocket. “I’ll take you back to the tree, alright?”
The creature held to her fingers, emitting mournful chirps.
“We said until I was done with the feedings, that was the deal. Besides, Newt will be back soon. And I’ll come to see you later.” 
Those words were far from making Pickett come to his senses; the next chirp was even more dramatic.
“Fine, you can stay in the shed if you want, that’s all. I can’t take you.”
There were some more protests, but Tina finally managed to place the grumpy bowltruckle over one of the shelves.
The mysterious girl had some flowers placed over her dark hair. Her factions were proportioned and graceful, and her smile was attractive. 
It was then that her eyes fell on the picture. Of course she had seen it before, but she had never paid much mind to it.
The girl in the picture reminded her of Queenie a little bit. Not because they had some physical similarity; mostly because both of them irradiated confidence and grace. 
For the first time, she wondered about the beautiful stranger. Who was she? What was her picture doing there? What did she mean to Newt?
“What does it matter to me?”
She had a sense of her inferiority. It was not a new; she had grown up with Queenie. She had always been conscious she was not “the beauty” in any place she had ever been. It hadn’t bothered her that much until that moment.
She left for work feeling slightly dejected. 
Looking at the picture, she felt upset she wasn't as pretty as that girl, that her smile wasn't bolder, that her features were so imperfect, and her presence was so irrelevant.
And not for the first time, she wished for some of Queenie's confidence. 
Hi there! This chapter was supposed to be longer, but I wanted to post a little something for the NewtinaMoments event, and I don't have enough time to finish the whole thing. I'm already late for that!
I have my last exam next week, so hopefully, I'll have time to work on my two unfinished stories during the summer.
Whoever is still reading this, thank you!
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Would you do a natural legilimens (like Queenie) getting lessons from snape in her first year (Occlumency lessons) to try and block some of the thoughts from others out? Just like stuff like that
Legilimency and Occlumency - Snape x natural legilimens student.
Warnings: none
sorry it's a bit short, but I hope you like it 💕
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At first, I didn't know how I could get into someone's mind and see their memories so easily; that was until I realized that I was a witch and a natural legilimens. Being a half-blood, my mother didn't know if I would be magical or not, so when I was only seven years old my mother was buzzing with pride when she realized that I was just like her. My father was happy too, even if he didn't understand it. As I grew older, I realized that if I could look into people's minds and see their memories, then my mind and memories were not as secret and safe as I thought they were. That is when I decided that I needed to learn occlumency.
I am currently the only first year that can naturally do legilimency, so it's been hard to make friends since I can see what is in people's minds, and the fact that I'm a half-blood and in slytherin. Snape, who is my head of house has offered to teach me occlumency, and I gratefully accepted his offer to help further my abilities.
"First, you need to clear your mind." Snape ordered. We were both in his dark classroom. It was cold and it gave me the same feeling as the slytherin common room. Comforting yet chilly. I was feeling a little anxious about being taught by Snape. He was tough to impress and as much as he favored slytherin, he didn't treat me different from any other student he taught. I tried to calm myself with breathing and clearing my mind trying to free myself of all thoughts as he had told me to do, but it was difficult. I felt like I was pulled with great forced and before I knew it my memories were being seen. He had seen memories from my life beforebI started here. The friends that I had made in the muggle world were there on display. I suddenly got hit hit a feeling like when you stand up too fast and get dizzy. I was hit with reality. I was back in the same cold potions classroom where I had started. "You didn't clear your mind." He said with a calmness but yet he clearly sounded agitated with his gritted teeth. "I'm trying. I know I can do it Professor." I knew it was going to take a few tries and I was going to stay focused and determined to get it right.
I soon began to get frustrated. It was now my sixth time trying and I had thoughts of quitting. Snape saw all of the memories that could possibly have, and he was getting bored and annoyed. His face became for sallow and pale with each of my failed attempts at occlumency. "Do you want to quit yet?" Snape asked with harshness coating his voice as he looked at me with a scowl. I began to remember my mother and how she told me that I should never quit I wanted something, and how hard work is important to do if you really want to accomplish something. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. "No." The determination that left my voice almost scared me, but no way was I going to quit. Snape's dark eyes looked into mine searching for an ounce of uncertainty in them, but I was sure of myself and ready to keep going.
I took another deep breath and cleared my mind. I rid myself of my emotions and thoughts as he started to wave his wand. "Legilimens." He casted and once again I fell back, but this time it was different. I felt completely calm. His spell did absolutely nothing to me. He looked at me like he was a proud dad. "Good work, first year." I was a bit confused. "I did it"? I said with disbelief and walked over to him. "I actually did it?" I began to get excited. He put his hand on my shoulder. "Now, remember how you felt when you used occlumency because you need to feel that everytime." I nodded with understanding. "Thank you professor. It really means a lot that you took the time to personally teach me occlumency. I wi never forget this." After thanking him, I left to back to my common room with a newfound confidence.
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multistoty · 2 years
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Tina had been required to stay in New York while Newt had went on his last trip. While she’d been given some permission to accompany in her husband’s travels, she was still an Auror and there’d been a case going on at the time. Not to mention Newt said it might be a couple of months. That was two and a half months ago now and while there had been several letters news from his end of the world (Egypt) was sporadic.
Which meant this was the longest time she’d been without proper contact to him since they married nearly two years prior. Usually this fine, Tina was capable of taking care of herself and doing what needed to be done. It just hadn’t helped that two weeks into his trip she’d been given certain news and it wasn’t as if she could just tell him to come home. Or if she told him in a letter that would result in him coming back anyway. And she’d been struggling with how to tell him of all things--
--Which in turn meant that she was refusing to tell anyone else outside of her boss (for obvious reasons). Tina felt Newt should be the first to know, which was tricky given how far away he was and, well-- Things like her sister being able to read her mind. She’d been trying Occulmency, but it wasn’t something she’d been properly taught so she’d settled on other methods the books she had taught her. Like thinking of other things when around a legilimens.
She felt guilty for it-- She rarely ever kept her mind from Queenie, but she felt she had good reason for it. Good reason or not, her sister’s mindreading ability was much better than the skills Tina had never quite honed. So it’s one night that she’s visiting Queenie in her apartment and a day of her stomach being violently against her that Tina freezes up. ‘How does it feel to, you know, be pregnant and all?’ 
Queenie had asked and  Tina found herself turning to her sister like a deer caught in a headlight. “I--” She breathed out, stammering, “What?” As if she didn’t know what. Her hand instinctively moved to hover near her stomach where she had began showing, but Tina’s habit of wearing loose fitting blouses was doing good at hiding that still. “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Tina continued-- still not smoothly, still not at all truthful. Still, oh so very obvious.
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katherinewinchester13 · 3 months
Your eyes whispered, "Have we met?"
Across the room, your silhouette
Starts to make its way to me
The playful conversation starts
Counter all your quick remarks
Like passing notes in secrecy
And it was enchanting to meet you
All I can say is I was enchanted to meet you
This night is sparklin', don't you let it go
I'm wonderstruck, blushin' all the way home
I'll spend forever wonderin' if you knew
I was enchanted to meet you
★∻∹⋰⋰ ☆∻∹⋰⋰ ★∻∹⋰⋰ ☆∻∹⋰⋰★∻∹⋰⋰
° ∆ -------- ••• ------- ∆ °° ∆ -------- ••• ------
Complete 💯
Words: 915
Ships 💜
Percival Graves/Newt Scamander
The aurors of MACUSA don’t believe Queenie Goldstein when she tells them their boss is a clingy man. They’re aware she’s a legilimens, but it’s hard for them to picture the Director of Magical Security, smiling happily while being wrapped around someone.
Because it’s not possible for the wizard that growls instead of talk, that’s constantly with a frown on his face and is in a permanent bad mood to be needy. Percival Graves seems like a man who doesn’t need or want company of any kind.
But when Newt Scamander returns to New York they find out how wrong they are.
The lingering question kept me up
2AM, who do you love?
I wonder 'til I'm wide awake
And now, I'm pacing back and forth
Wishing you were at my door
I'd open up and you would say
"Hey, it was enchanting to meet you"
All I know is I was enchanted to meet you
This night is sparklin', don't you let it go
I'm wonderstruck, blushin' all the way home
I'll spend forever wonderin' if you knew
This night is flawless, don't you let it go
I'm wonderstruck, dancing around all alone
I'll spend forever wonderin' if you knew
I was enchanted to meet you
★∻∹⋰⋰ ☆∻∹⋰⋰ ★∻∹⋰⋰ ☆∻∹⋰⋰★∻∹⋰⋰
° ∆ -------- ••• ------- ∆ °° ∆ -------- ••• ------
Complete 💯
Words: 731
Percival Graves/Newt Scamander
In which Newt wonders how did Graves become an auror being the walking disaster he is and has absolutely no idea that Graves turns into this clumsy mess only when he is around.
This is me praying that
This was the very first page
Not where the storyline ends
My thoughts will echo your name
Until I see you again
These are the words I held back
As I was leaving too soon
I was enchanted to meet you
Please, don't be in love with someone else
Please, don't have somebody waiting on you
Please, don't be in love with someone else (Ooh)
Please, don't have somebody waiting on you (Oh-oh)
★∻∹⋰⋰ ☆∻∹⋰⋰ ★∻∹⋰⋰ ☆∻∹⋰⋰★∻∹⋰⋰
° ∆ -------- ••• ------- ∆ °° ∆ -------- ••• ------
Complete 💯
Ships 💜
Percival Graves/Newt Scamander
When Percival Graves realized he had fallen in love it was too late. He used to think he was immune to that kind of “stuff” and didn’t question his own behavior even when he found himself smiling after meeting the shy magizoologist for the first time.
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mortemhq · 4 months
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MERLIN'S BEARD, CALYPSO AVERY (MYOUI MINA), IS THAT YOU? it’s been so long – i thought you might’ve been dead! i mean, you never know in times like these. well, it’s good to have you back in the fight. come on now, there’s no time to waste – we need you to re-enter the fray within the next 48 hours, or else i fear all might be lost. don’t let us down – the world is counting on you.
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[ she/her, cis woman ] greetings to all of our listeners! we start today’s potterwatch with a long-awaited update on calypso avery who was finally spotted alive just last night, wandering the streets of london. for those of you who haven’t tuned in before, they are a twenty-nine year old pureblood (legilimens) witch who is oddly reminiscent of glossy lips, lacy lingerie, the red ferocity of firewhiskey, heels that clack on marble floors, and the desperate need to outgrow her family’s legacy, which makes sense considering their vivacious, sophisticated, confident, spoiled, arrogant, and pretentious nature. you might know of them as the biological child of evander avery iii & aika (nee suzuki) avery, and we’re sure that their family will be relieved to hear they’re safe and sound — or at least as much as you can be, in times like this. to all our listeners, if you catch a glimpse of someone who looks a bit like that muggle myoui mina, that’s them. before approaching, please be aware that they’re rumored to be affiliated with the order (publicly supports the death eaters), so best proceed with caution. these are dangerous times we’re living in. well, thanks for tuning in, folks. we’ll play ourselves out with who’s afraid of little old me? by taylor swift. [ queenie, 25+, she/her, gmt+8 ]
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uefb · 2 years
This excerpt from Head Full of Fairies (x) brought to you by crying ✨actual tears✨ to my advisor and then spending an hour staring at the shadows from my hammock
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New chapter up tomorrow ^_^
gifs by @whumpypepsigal & unknown (tenor)
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15-dogs · 4 years
read my mind |n.s.|
pairing: newt scamander x reader
summary: newt’s thoughts seem to a lot louder than his words (fluff fluff fluff so much fluff)
warnings: none
guide: (Y/N) = your name
word count: 1.2K
a/n: more newt fics? yes ma’am!!
The cafe was loud. Not too loud that you couldn’t hear someone speak, but loud enough that any whispers or mumbles would be swallowed up whole by the noise. For that reason, Queenie had pressed you, Tina, Newt, and Jacob into a small booth far away from the noise, although the shouts still infiltrated from time to time.
“Isn’t this nice?” Queenie asked, leaning in towards the group. Jacob nodded with a bright grin which made Queenie giggle, while the rest of you simply flashed awkward smiles at her.
You and your boyfriend, Newt, had returned to New York to visit his friends. It wasn’t the first time you had met them, but it was the first time he had introduced you as his girlfriend. You’d been in correspondence with the Goldstein sisters, updating them about your rapidly developing relationship with the man beside you. You’d be coming up on 4 months together which seemed unreal, seeing as how you never believed you would get together in the first place.
It had been a long and bumpy road of awkward flirting and flustered confessions, eventually leading you to where you were then. Yet, every time you looked up at Newt, you felt an immense sense of pride swell in your chest, making the months of teasing at what was to come worth it.
Newt struggled to pay attention to Jacob’s story as he kept sending you anxious glances over his shoulder. The noise was intimidating, to say the least, and you knew how difficult it could be for him to make a move. Your lips twitched up into a smile before slowly extending a pinky to interlock with his underneath the table, giving him the confidence he needed to take your hand fully into his.
Even though it had been nearly 4 months since you started dating, Newt still acted shy around you, like he was afraid to make the first move. It was only really when you had complete privacy did Newt reveal his true, affectionate colors. He would often write you notes about how much he loved you before he left for a trip or wrap his arms around you from behind and tell you just how perfect you were. 
But your favorite thing of all were all the kisses. He was no stranger to taking your hand during meals and pressing kisses to your knuckles. Before scurrying to his basement for work, Newt would tilt your head and place a chaste kiss to your lips and then one to your hairline. After finishing his work for the day, he would come back upstairs and kiss your cheek a thousand times over. If his day was long and you decided to visit him downstairs, he would press a kiss to the inside of your wrist all the way up to your fingers. 
Needless to say, Newt was a very affectionate person. However, when in public, that entire side of him ran away, leaving him with a boy who was too scared to hold your hand. Sometimes you had to wonder what he was thinking about inside that big brain of his.
You turned your head to study your boyfriend and he did the same, the blankness behind his eyes being replaced by caged adoration. Newt was on edge, as if he wanted to tell you something important but couldn’t get the words out. You opened your mouth to prod him when you were cut off by Queenie coughing on her drink, Jacob running a hand down her back soothingly.
“Congratulations!” she cried as she clasped her hands together. She was practically bouncing up and down in her seat; you had always appreciated her enthusiasm.
However, when you noticed her enthusiasm was directed towards you and Newt, you frowned. You turned behind you in a lame attempt to see if you had mistaken her words for you but no, you had interpreted her looks correctly.
“Congratulations?” you repeated. “On what?
“Your engagement!” she squealed, her head tipping back with an enthused cackle.
Everyone at the table started spewing out celebratory exclamations towards the news which just happened to be news to you as well. You turned to see your boyfriend, your eyes wide and begging for an explanation. Newt whipped around towards Queenie, the tips of his ears turning red.
Before anyone could explain the matter at hand, Tina pulled you into a hug. “I had no idea you were engaged!”
A nervous chuckle escaped your lips and was muffled by her hair. “Neither did I!”
The once raucous celebration died down into mumbles until it reached complete silence. You could feel the three pairs of eyes on you and Newt, seemingly boring into you to ask what had happened. Finally, Newt spoke up.
“I-I’m sorry, Queenie, but please don’t read my mind.”
Queenie let out a breathy gasp, a delicate hand resting over her mouth. “I’m so sorry, Newt. I didn’t...I didn’t even realize I had. You just have a lot of emotions right now and they’re...loud.”
Queenie looked genuinely sorry for the accident. Jacob was holding her hand in both of his, pressing a kiss to them every few minutes as they waited for you and Newt to say something. Tina initiated conversation with the rest of the group to distract them from the tension building but none of them could truly focus on the words that were being said. Their eyes would dart towards the both of you every few minutes, their conversations lulling for a moment or two before being picked back up with false vigor.
You turned towards Newt, his eyes glued on everything but yours. You frowned before tilting his head up the same way he would do yours and planted a kiss to his lips.
“I love you, Newt,” you murmured against his lips. It wasn’t the first time you had uttered those words, but it began to carry a different meaning than before. One of promise and security-- one of a future.
“I love you, too.” His voice was meek from shock.
“I’m going to fetch us some drinks. Would you lot like anything?” you offered as you slid out of your seat.
The group rattled off orders while tossing some muggle money towards you. As you walked over to the counter, Newt’s eyes stayed trained on you, wondering exactly what you were thinking after hearing what he had been.
“Mrs. Scamander,” interrupted Queenie. Newt’s attention was stolen away for a moment at those words.
“It’s what she keeps repeating. Mrs. Scamander. Mrs. (Y/N) Scamander. She won’t stop saying it.”
You glanced over your shoulder, your lips curling upwards as your gaze landed on Newt. And for once he couldn’t hide his affections towards you. He got up from his seat and joined you at the counter, his arm wrapping around your waist to tug you impossibly closer to him. One of his calloused hands trailed down your arm until it landed on your left hand, dancing around your barren ring finger. Newt lifted your hand to place a kiss to it and for the first time without it being said aloud, you knew exactly what he meant.
I’m going to change that.
general taglist: @pandaxnienke @lunalovecroft @for-bebbanburg
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freedomforthewin · 2 years
I'm Here
This is the first fanfiction story I've written :)
About: Newt comforting Theseus after Grindelwald breaks Theseus
Content Warning: Torture (barely shown), death, emotional distress, and blue fire
The blue flames of fire Grindelwald had conjured, as well as the dragon creature made from that blue fire, were wreaking havoc upon everyone present at the outdoor amphitheater that had not pledged their allegiance to his cause. Grindelwald watched the aurors scramble to get away from the fire, savoring every minute of the chaos.
One of the people he saw still standing and fighting was Theseus Scamander, the head of the British Aurors' Office. Newt, Theseus’s younger brother, was farther away from Theseus, fighting alongside Newt’s friends: Queenie, Tina, and Jacob. They were standing close enough to Newt to notice if Newt was to suddenly disappear. Plus, Queenie was a legilimens and would find him easily, bring the others, and interfere with Grindelwald’s plan. However, the people that were around Theseus, the aurors Theseus was in charge of, were dying from the fire and would be too preoccupied to notice if he was to disappear. Grindelwald just wanted to get this over with and not waste time dealing with interference.
He pointed his wand at one of the aurors that was fighting the fire. Grindelwald transformed the auror into Newt and transformed the auror’s clothes into the same clothes Newt was wearing. With a flick of Grindelwald’s wand, rope appeared and bound the auror's hands behind him, as well as his feet. Then, a gag appeared and tied itself tightly around the man’s mouth. That way, the auror wouldn’t be able to say that he wasn’t Newt. Grindelwald added an extra binding enchantment around the gag on the fake Newt’s mouth so that it definitely wouldn't come off. Better to be safe than risk failure.
Grindelwald then pointed his wand at Theseus, and rope appeared and bound Theseus's hands and feet as well. Then, he added an extra securing enchantment around the binds.
Grindelwald apparated Theseus, the auror, and himself out of the area and into a clearing that had a cauldron set up.
“Now unfortunately for both of you, I have to take you away from everyone fighting to take me down. You both are exactly what I need,” Grindelwald said, smirking at them.
Grindelwald slowly raised his wand and pointed it at the fake Newt again, then turned to Theseus and smiled at him.
“Do you know what I'm about to do to your brother?” Grindelwald mocked. Theseus stared at Grindelwald at first. Then, horror began to etch across Theseus's face. Grindelwald grinned at him and nodded before turning to the auror.
“No,” Theseus nearly whispered.
“Crucio,” Grindelwald murmured.
“No!” Theseus shouted as the fake Newt let out a muffled but agonizing scream.
Newt, Queenie, Nicholas Flamel, and Yusuf Kama gathered around in a circle in the amphitheater, shouting the incantation “Finite” and slamming their wands into the ground. An orange fire arose, encircling the amphitheater and engulfing itself around the blue fire, as well as the dragon made from the blue fire, before eradicating them.
Everyone breathed heavily from the adrenaline, their nerves slowly settling down. However, their relief didn't last long.
A giant cloud of yellow smoke suddenly appeared from a little farther away from them and spiraled upwards before rushing out in all directions, including towards them.
“Protego Maxima!” the witches and wizards shouted, pointing their wands at the smoke. A forcefield appeared around everyone present, shielding them all from the smoke as it rushed past them. The smoke spread across the city.
“What the hell is that?” Yusuf asked in horror.
“I don’t know,” Tina said, looking worried. Then, she turned to her sister. “Queenie, can you look into Grindelwald’s mind? See what the smoke is?”
Queenie nodded and closed her eyes, focusing.
After about a minute, she gasped in horror. “What is it?” Jacob asked Queenie, his eyebrows furrowed with worry. She slowly turned her gaze towards him.
“It's a curse,” she said. “Grindelwald created it. It's the first of its kind. A curse to wipe out all the no-majs in the city. He—he wants to eventually kill all the no-majs in the world. He just started with the no-majs in this city to test the curse out.” Everyone looked at her in shock.
She slowly turned to Newt, a tortured expression on her face. “I'm so sorry, Newt.”
“Why?” he asked worriedly.
“The last ingredient needed to activate the curse,” she said tentatively, “was tears of heartbreak. Grindelwald got them from your brother.”
Newt’s eyes widened.
“Grindelwald took him. And broke him,” she said sadly.
Newt’s breathing became shallow.
“Your brother needs you,” Queenie said quietly.
After some time, Newt finally spoke. “I need to find him. He's probably,” he said looking around and waving his arm anxiously, “at the, at the, the place where, where the smoke was coming from.”
“Yeah,” Queenie nodded solemnly. “Grindelwald isn't there right now. He just left to go around the city and see how well the curse is working, so you should be fine.”
Newt apparated to the place he had seen the smoke come from. He saw the cauldron that the smoke had spiraled out of. Newt found his brother a little ways away from it.
Theseus was on the ground, his face buried in a man's chest, his arms around that man. Theseus was rocking the body back and forth.
Newt stood there, looking at both of them solemnly. Then, he slowly walked over to Theseus and tenderly placed his hand on Theseus’s back. He carefully tried to pull Theseus away from the body, but Theseus wouldn’t have it.
“No!” Theseus screamed, pulling himself back to the body and hugging it. “He's my brother,” he sobbed. “He’s my brother.”
Newt’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
What does he mean? he thought. I'm his brother, and I'm right here. Just behind him.
Newt looked to see who it was that Theseus was cradling. When Newt saw the dead man’s face, Newt’s eyes widened and Newt's jaw dropped. The younger brother took a few shaky breaths and covered his mouth in shock.
The man looked exactly like Newt. And the man was even wearing the same clothes Newt had on now.
Newt couldn't do anything but stare at the man for a few moments in horror. Then, Newt looked at his brother, sadly.
Newt hesitantly placed his hand on Theseus’s shaking shoulder. After a few moments, Newt started rubbing it gently. He barely even knew what to say.
“Theseus,” he said cautiously. “Theseus, he's not…he's not…I'm your brother…I'm Newt.”
Theseus didn't respond at first. He just kept crying.
“Hey,” Newt said softly, trying to gently tug him off the body. “Theseus, it's me. It's me. I'm Newt. I'm right here.” Theseus lifted his head off the man but didn't take his eyes off the man.
“You sound like him, but you can't be him,” Theseus said quietly, his voice trembling. “He’s dead. I saw him die. I saw him get tortured and die, but I couldn't do anything. I couldn't save him.”
Newt’s heart dropped as the realization of what Theseus said settled in.
“Grindelwald bound my hands and feet. I couldn't stop any of it from happening. I couldn't save him! I couldn't save him,” he sobbed.
“I didn't die,” Newt said pleadingly. “Or get tortured. It must have been someone else that Grindelwald made look like me, which, isn't good either, but, but, it wasn't me.”
Newt began to feel pangs of guilt. An innocent person was made to look like him and then got tortured and killed!
But Newt tried to focus on his older brother, who needed him right now.
“It wasn't me, Theseus. I'm here. I'm here!” He gently pulled on Theseus’s shoulder, but Theseus kept crying and wouldn’t turn around.
Newt let out a small sigh. After a few moments, he decided to try something else, hoping maybe this would help.
“Do you remember, do you remember the song Mum used to sing?” Newt asked. “About the muggle that fell down the well?”
Theseus didn't answer.
Newt carried on, “Well, I didn't at first. But, a few days ago, you reminded me of it. You started singing it, and, and, now I remember.
“You came over because Dumbledore asked you to check on me. You saw one of my creatures and helped her get settled. When I asked how, you said you sang to her, specifically this song.
“Now, let's see, if I remember correctly, the song went something like this:
“There was an old muggle who fell down the well.”
He stopped for a moment, watching Theseus, whose breathing was slowly steadying. Then Newt continued singing,
“But along came a witch who did do him a spell.”
He paused again, waiting. Then, he kept going,
“When the muggle awoke, he said, 'Dear woman, do tell. Is it Heaven I'm in, or have I gone straight to Hell?’”
Theseus slowly turned his head around to look at the person speaking to him. His face was streaked with tears. He looked at Newt, puzzlement in his eyes, then back at the man he had been cradling, then back at the real Newt. His eyes were confused but pleading.
Newt tentatively took out his wand and pointed it at the dead man. “Revelio,” Newt said. The man transformed back into who he actually was.
Theseus looked at the man in shock. Then, Theseus took out his wand and pointed it at Newt, needing to be sure.
“R-Revelio,” Theseus said, his voice shaking. Nothing happened; Newt didn't transform into anyone else.
Theseus kept his wand pointed at him for a few seconds longer, looking unsure. Then, Theseus looked back at the dead man, then back at Newt. Newt waited. After a little while, Theseus slowly lowered his wand and put it away.
He took a few deep breaths. Then, he looked back at Newt, tentatively. His hand slowly reached towards Newt’s shoulder, hesitating before touching it, afraid that this was all just an illusion, that Newt wasn’t really there. Newt stayed still, waiting patiently. Whatever it took for Theseus to realize Newt was really here.
Theseus touched Newt’s shoulder. It felt real. He reached his other hand out to touch Newt’s cheek followed by Newt’s curly bangs. Still felt real.
Theseus’s eyes began to tear up again. His lips trembled, his head lowered, and his grasp on Newt’s shoulder tightened for a few seconds, then loosened. Theseus started to sob.
Newt pulled Theseus to him, and wrapped his arms around his older brother’s back. Theseus started to cry harder, tears streaming down his face. He clutched his younger brother. Newt rocked him back and forth.
A little while later, Newt heard a pop near the cauldron. He turned his head towards that direction and saw that Grindelwald had apparated there. Grindelwald started cleaning the cauldron.
Newt looked back at his brother in his arms. Newt stroked Theseus's back while rocking Theseus back and forth. All Newt cared about right now was comforting his brother.
After some time, they pulled out of the hug. The look on Theseus’s face was haunting. His hand reached towards Newt's shoulder and then Newt’s face, still checking. Newt let him, but seeing him like this hurt so badly.
When Theseus finished double-checking that Newt was really there, Newt placed his hand on Theseus’s shoulder, rubbing it. Tears were falling down Theseus’s face, the look in his eyes begging for Newt to be real.
“I'm real,” Newt murmured. “I'm here. I'm here.”
Newt pulled Theseus against his chest and wrapped his arms around his older brother. Theseus laid his head against Newt’s chest, crying softly, his arms wrapping around Newt’s back. The pain in his cries broke Newt’s heart.
Newt turned his head towards Grindelwald, heartbreak, appallment, and rage etched across Newt's face. Grindelwald noticed Newt looking at him and his eyes met Newt’s. They held each other’s gazes for a few moments. Newt had never felt so angry in his life. He wanted to kill Grindelwald. Newt wanted to make him pay for what he did. Then, Grindelwald smiled as if to say You know you can't beat me.
A tear splashed down Newt’s face, and his eyes darted around, not knowing where to look. Then, he buried his face into the top of Theseus’s head, tightening his grip on Theseus. After a little while, he turned his face to the right and kissed Theseus‘s head and then reburied his face back where he had before. Newt felt one of Theseus’s hands move out of the hug and rub Newt’s back a few times before it returned to the hug.
Shortly after, Newt heard a pop come from the direction the cauldron had been in. He figured Grindelwald probably disapparated out of there.
After some time, Newt slowly lifted his head and turned towards the area he heard the pop come from to double-check. He was right; Grindelwald was gone but so was everything Grindelwald used to make the curse.
Newt took a deep breath and exhaled before lifting one hand from the embrace and wiping his tears away. Then, he put his arm back around his brother, who was lying against Newt's chest. Newt took a few deep breaths.
“There was a cauldron,” Theseus said, his voice thick. “Grindelwald did all this to…and then came to me with a vial. When Grindelwald let me go, I went to you, who I guess ended up being Andrew, one of the aurors I was in charge of. I didn't look to see what happened after.”
“It was a curse,” Newt said softly. “We saw it.”
“You saw it?”
Newt nodded.
“What did it do?”
Newt didn't answer at first. He tightened his hold on Theseus and rested his chin onto Theseus’s head. Newt exhaled shakily.
“We shielded ourselves from it, so it didn't do anything to us. But Queenie, my friend that was also at the amphitheater with us, and is also a legilimens, looked into Grindelwald’s mind and found out that the curse was supposed to kill all the muggles in the city.”
Theseus looked at Newt, his face horrified before becoming defeated. “So I just killed all the muggles in the city,” he said numbly.
“No,” Newt said quickly, looking down at him. “This isn't your fault. Hey,” he said more gently, seeing tears forming in Theseus’s eyes, “this is not your fault. You didn't make the curse or have any intention on casting it.” A few tears spilled down Theseus’s face and Theseus squeezed his eyes shut, his face contorted in pain, his lips pressed together. Newt stroked his brother's dark brown curls. “This is Grindelwald’s fault. He was behind this. He did this.” A quiet sob escaped Theseus’s mouth. “This was not your fault,” Newt repeated. “Okay?” Theseus sniffled but then nodded. Newt pulled him closer to Newt's chest and held him.
"Also, not all of the muggles died," Newt said. "Jacob, one of my American friends that's a muggle, didn't die. He was with us when we shielded ourselves, including him, from the curse."
Theseus didn't say anything. He wasn't really able to speak. Newt leaned his head against Theseus's.
After Theseus calmed down, Newt asked softly, “Why don't you come stay with me for some time?” Theseus didn't answer. “Hm?” Newt asked gently, looking down at him. Newt rubbed his brother's arm. “Come stay with me.”
“Are you sure?” Theseus asked quietly.
“Yeah. Come stay with me.”
“I don't want to…be any trouble.”
“You’re not any trouble. You're my brother. And even if you weren’t, people are not trouble.” Theseus didn't say anything. “And,” Newt admitted, “I'm worried about you.” Theseus looked up at Newt; Newt looked back down at him. After a few seconds, Theseus shook his head up and down, agreeing.
“Yeah?” Newt asked.
Theseus nodded. “Yeah,” he confirmed.
“Okay. Let's go home.”
Newt stood up and then held out a hand to Theseus, helping him up. Theseus wobbled a little when he stood, but Newt grabbed him, steadying him. They stood still for a few seconds.
“Ready?” Newt asked.
Theseus nodded. “Yeah.”
Newt apparated them out of the clearing and into his apartment. He led Theseus to the table and had him sit down.
Newt went to his cupboard, brought out a cup, filled it with water, and then brought it to Theseus. Theseus accepted the cup and sipped the water. They sat in silence for a bit, consumed by their thoughts.
Then, they heard tapping on the window. They looked towards it and saw a brown owl. Newt walked over to the window and opened it, letting the owl inside.
He took the letter from the owl and went to a cupboard to get a treat for the owl. When he got the treat, he gave it to the owl and then opened the letter.
Hey Newt,
We didn't stop by because we figured you and Theseus probably needed some space after what happened. But we wanted to let you know that we’re thinking of you both.
We're so sorry about what Grindelwald did to him. Truly. It's beyond cruel.
Please let us know if you guys need anything.
Take care.
Tina, Queenie, and Jacob
“Who’s the letter from?” Theseus asked quizzically.
“My friends from New York: Tina, Queenie, and Jacob. They were here and fought at Grindelwald’s rally as well.”
“Oh. That's nice.”
“Yeah. Queenie looked into Grindelwald’s mind to see what the smoke was. That's, that’s also when she found out he broke you, and I went to find you.
“They’re just checking on us but offering help if we need it.”
"That's really kind of them,” Theseus said giving a small smile. Newt smiled back.
“I should, um,” Newt began, waving the letter.
“Yes, of course.” Theseus looked away, sipping his water, thinking.
Newt went to grab parchment and a quill. When he got them, he sat down and stared at the parchment, thinking. There was so much to say, so much to feel. Too much to say and too much to feel. He couldn't really do this at the moment, so he just stuck to the basics:
Dear Tina, Queenie, and Jacob.
Thank you so much. We really appreciate it.
He gave the letter to the owl and sent it back.
”I think I'm going to get ready for bed,” Theseus said.
“Okay. Do you need anything else?” Newt asked.
Theseus shook his head, no.
“Okay. Right, well, make yourself at home. And, oh, right!” Newt looked at the yellow couch in the next room that was next to his bed, and turned the couch into another bed. “You can sleep there.”
“Thank you, Newt.”
Newt smiled at him. “Let me know if you need anything.”
They got ready for bed and then climbed into their beds. It took some time for their minds to settle down from everything that had happened that day, but eventually they did, and the brothers fell asleep.
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asexualenjolras · 3 years
So, I was re-watching 'Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them' because it's my comfort film, and I always find the scene where Queenie says that she has difficulty reading Newt's thoughts because of his 'British accent', stating "I always have trouble with your kind. Brits. It's the accent".
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And I always wonder if she's just trying to be kind. I think she has difficulty reading Newt's thoughts because he's neurodiverse, because he doesn't think the same way as everyone else: because Newt is autistic.
We see, later in the movie, that Queenie is able to read Newt's thoughts about Leta - where she notes, "people are easiest to read when they're hurting", but we see that she is very gentle and cautious with what she says.
Newt dismisses her when she's looking into his thoughts, but she's very gentle when she's trying to make sense of what he's thinking. She evidently struggles to make sense of what he feels for Leta, and I think that's because Newt doesn't understand how he feels about her himself.
I think she knew there was something different about the way he processed information, and the thoughts he had in his head, and I think she was just trying to be polite about something that she didn't understand. Autism wasn't diagnosed back then, nor was it understood within the Wizarding World, so she would have no explanation as to why he sees the world differently, but I think she'd be very interested in it.
Newt is very guarded as an individual anyway, but I think he panics when meeting legilimens because he is very conscious that his mind works differently to other people's; he knows he is unique, and he knows that "unique" is seen as strange, so he guards that with him. And that's why he is so concerned when Queenie reads his mind. He, like Queenie, can't make sense of his emotions - like many people on the autism spectrum - and he hates letting people into his mind because he knows they wouldn't understand either.
So, in conclusion, I think Queenie was being kind by saying she couldn't read British minds; I think she could but she couldn't make sense of what he was thinking. And, as an autistic person myself, I think it's so beautifully written if this is the case.
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foreveranevilregal · 2 years
Forget the character assassination of I'm guessing Pepa based on your beloved redheads tag. Focus instead on something else like her getting railed by her loving devoted husband.
Or focus on taking some liquor to the Dumbledore movie. I suggest vodka. Or scotch. Let us know if it's any good!
Yeah, deciding that forgetting about it (regardless of which character is involved) is the best bet. 👌 good vibes only, right? Gonna focus on the positive things in life.
I just chugged a couple beers, I’m not brave enough to smuggle booze into movie theaters. And will do!
Update: it was SO good, and people should watch it. Very glad I was sober by the ending too!
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throwaway3844893 · 4 years
Drabble: Tina and Queenie discuss Tina’s feelings for Newt
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   "Teenie, when did you realize you liked him?"
   Tina sighed, giving her sister a sad look before wrapping her arms around her knees. "I think... I think I always did, in a way. I just didn't know it. Not until... not until the death cell." She winced at the memory, the black liquid that bubbled and rose in waves, the thought that she could've died, that she should have died, but didn't because Newt had saved her.
   "Oh, Tina...," Queenie said, her mind being flooded with the thoughts of her sister. The memories were truly awful. To feel her sisters panic, to know that Tina really thought she was going to die- that she had accepted it, was unbearable. What was worse was what Tina had been thinking. It was a mix of "What about Queenie?" and "I don't want to die!" But the worst one, the one that made Queenie want to cry herself, was "At least I'll be with Mom and Dad."
   "It was when Newt saved me, right after, that I realized. He'd looked me in the eyes. He told me to trust him, that he'd catch me... and he did." Tina pressed her lips together at the thought, subconsciously rocking and tracing patterns into the sofa. "And when he looked at me I knew, I knew that I'd fallen for some lovely British boy who'd caused mayhem and nearly gotten me killed." She smiled then, a fond smile, and met Queenie's gaze. "That's why I asked about Leta Lestrange, the girl in the picture in his shed... "
   Queenie shook her head. "You know Leta wouldn't be a problem, she's engaged to Theseus..."
   "Yes, but he still loves her!" Tina retorted, her hand rising in the air as she sent an irritated glance towards her sister. "He'll always love her," she said, her voice softer. "I'm not her. I'm not a bombshell, I'm not talented, I'm not-"
"Teen, you really are dumb. He loves you. He's loved you ever since he saw you carrying the occathings in his case! He fell in love with you then, and he won't fall out of it soon."
"They're called occamies."
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siriuslyweirdfren · 5 years
You know what I never see people talking about in regards to Queenie's allegiance?
Her legilimency. The thing about Grindelwald is that he's "very persuasive". But Queenie wasn't persuaded by his words, she would have had to have been persuaded by his thoughts too. Of course the matter of fact is that she was. In the moment, he was sincere enough. He's a cool-motive-still-murder type villain, and in that moment the cool motive was more on his mind than the murder. Queenie agreed with enough of what he said and thought just then to join him. However, while the condition of the action was a sincere pledge to eternal allegiance, there isn't necessarily (to the best of my knowledge based on what we see), any sort of pact being created that implies consequences upon breaking that pledge. The only consequence is the current one in the spell he's cast in the amphitheater. The point is, in the moment, the choice is either die, or join Grindelwald with the intention to stay loyal to him. In other words, Queenie only had to mean it then, but if the instance arose in which she had reason to turn against Grindelwald, there would be no spell or curse preventing her from doing so or harming her if she attempted to. For example, if she, oh, I don't know, read the mind of Grindelwald or one of his cohorts at some point while they were planning an attack, or intending harm, I still have enough faith in her to think she would reassess the situation. We don't have any reason to believe that Grindelwald is aware of her skill (it doesn't seem like she's open about it; when she uses it in FBAWTFT on several of the men at the ministry who know her they're confused, so she wouldn't have been any more likely to reveal it to him as Graves), so he probably wouldn't be too protected around her, especially once she joined his allegiance, and even if he was, that doesn't necessarily account for all his cohorts. In short, Queenie made a sincere and rash choice in a hopeless moment, but that choice does not determine her future, and I think that's going to be really important later on.
[Side note: there's probably a lot of additional text that explains or discusses some or all of this, and, while it might technically be canon, I always just like to go off the basics from the original books and films.]
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stillcomethenight · 4 years
A very random rant about Queenie and how she's proud of you
As a Pukwudgie, a Legilimens and an overall pure angel I imagine Queenie will always get excited about anyone's progress in anything they might be doing. Anything at all. I think she has a policy of never (and that is never) taking people's passions for granted. She recognizes that being shown a really sloppy work which barely looks good at all is a very lovely thing. Even if she finds it bad she's always genuinely happy to see someone be devoted and excited about what they're doing/making. If someone were to get into a new hobby (even if it's something stupid) she'll be the first one to cheer them on. Because there's something so beautiful about watching a person proudly hold onto a really 'badly' made piece of art. To read their mind and see how they spent days working on the simplest things and to feel their excitement as her own.
And this is where I'm smiling at the thought that Queenie would be proud of my embroidery skills no matter how bad they are
So if you ever feel like your work isn't good enough please remember that Queenie absolutely loves it and admires you and your dedication to your hobby ❤
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