#lemon bullet train headcannons
americas1suiteheart · 10 months
I have a feeling that Lemon would have this big ass moterized train sets at his home that when he has the time he paints little mini people and cars and such to put on it and everything, and when he gets a partner he makes a little mini person of him and said partner either standing together or sitting on a bench together, you can't tell me I'm wrong (please don't tell me I'm wrong I want some fluff please don't ruin it for me)
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thebigbyshow · 1 month
This is what Lemon's camera roll mainly consists of methinks..
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Tangerine would see Lemon take pictures throughout the day and ask to see them when they get home, fully believing that Lemon took pictures of the art they went to see or the coffee they had that day. But no it's just a ton of pretty pictures of his Tangerine :(((
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bertinworms · 6 months
I Wish You Would
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Pairings: Tangerine x gn!civilian!drunk!reader
Tags/Warnings: cursing/language, alcohol alcohol consumption, drunk character, mention of gambling/betting, bar atmosphere, kissing/make out, mentions of fire arms/weapons
Word Count: 5.3K
Summary: You are drunk. Not “black out and forget the entire night “ drunk, but white girl at the club with her friends drunk. One of your bestest friends is getting married soon and tonight you and the rest of your eccentric friend group are club/bar hopping to celebrate the engagement! Your friend group told you to think about it like the bachelorette party before the bachelorette party. Whatever that means… The group isn’t a big group, only about seven people, but the seven people all come from various backgrounds. Three of your friends come from pretty well off families and happened to be in university for law school. One of your friends works for some huge tech company with something to do with security. One of them comes from a line of surgeons and happens to be in residency for surgery. Your best friend and bride-to-be comes from an extremely wealthy and famous family, you aren’t really sure what for, but you know it has to do with tycoons and business and yada yada. And then there was you. You were in university too, at the same establishment as the rest of the group, but you didn’t come from lines of money. You were in school for education. 
Various backgrounds or not, your bestie for the restie wants to go absolutely ballistic and celebrate her girlfriend finally popping the question, so of course your study buddy group just has to go out! With the intentions of bar and club hopping, you all end up at an arcade? Or a bowling alley? You aren’t really sure, but the place has heaps of alcohol, arcade games, a place to bowl, mini golf, and also some cute patrons….
You honestly could not believe that you had agreed to this. You had been friends with your group for almost five years and you had always said you would do anything for them, but you never thought it meant being out since about 7:00 PM celebrating Ava May’s proposal. When you had gotten the notification that afternoon with an image attached, you were hoping that her partner, Jordan, had finally popped the question and you were right. And of course the groupchat had blown up.
“Girls, Gays, & Daddies $$$”
Leoni: SHUT THE FUCK UP DID THEY REALLY PROPISE THIS TIME!!>>??!>!? Mateo: here comes leon with the typos 🙄 BUT OMG CONGRATS AVA!!!!!!! Camilia: HOOOOOOLYYYYY SHIT!!!!!!! FINALLY!!!!! THEY HAD THE FUCKING BALLSSSSS You: OMG YESS!!!!! WHEN’S THE WEDDING!!?? Elijah boo: FORGET the wedding!!!!! bitch, when are we CELEBRATING!!!!!! Naomi: omg can we PLEASE go out tonight!!!!???  Wrenster: omg ava congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it took them long enough!!!!!! Ava Bear: omg y’all already KNOW we’re going out tonight!!!!!! b @ my house 5pm SHARP troops 🫡
Of course five o’clock came, and everyone in the group chat was at Ava’s house. You all got to congratulate Jordan and Ava on the engagement, and say hello to both their family’s, but quickly carried Ava away to party the night away. That was of course after all seven of you pregamed getting ready.
The group was a close knit one. You all were giggling and laughing and dancing around each other while getting ready, raiding Ava’s closet and her accessories and checking yourselves in the mirrors. Everyone had gone for outfits that made them stand out, but complemented their features. You had ended up in some brightly colored crop top that Ava had shoved into your hands, your sneakers, and some designer jeans that Mateo had said would have your ass looking like you did 500 squats a day. You had laughed and rolled your eyes at that. You were pretty sure Mateo just wanted you to feel sexy. 
The rest of the group had picked similar outfits. Some exposing skin, other’s exposing less skin but featuring skin-tight clothing pieces. Some had added accessories to their hair, their neck, their wrists and more. With six other bodies dancing around, you honestly hadn’t gotten a great look at everyone’s outfits – but you figured it didn’t matter anyway because by the end of the night most of those outfits would probably look a lot different from how they looked currently. And once everyone was ready, you all headed towards Ava’s car where a driver was waiting. And you all climbed in and pregamed some more.
Half of the group tended to be “partiers”not crazy party goers, but they liked to spend time when they could out having a good time. That didn’t really happen to be up your alley. You were a little more introverted than your friend group, especially since you didn’t necessarily have the same funds your friends did. The group loved paying your way through parties though and always made sure you were included, but the combination of feeling bad and not loving the party scene meant you didn’t go out with them as much as they probably would’ve liked you to. But this night was different. Everyone in the group had already sternly told you that tonight you and Ava were not spending a dime on anything. Mateo telling you that tonight that they were celebrating Ava’s engagement and also the rare occasion of you going all out tonight with them. 
You didn’t disagree.
And that’s how you and your friend group ended up at some club? Arcade? Bowling alley? Bar? You weren’t sure what to call it, but the place seemed to have it all.. There was a bar with many-a-drinks, bowling alley lanes, an arcade, neon minigolf, laser tag, and televisions everywhere, each featuring a different sporting event which you assumed was for people betting on games. 
It was loud, and dark, but also brightly lit all at the same time. You were cold, but kept comfortable with the warmth of your friend group buzzing around you. You were very out of your element. You would’ve been slightly uncomfortable if you hadn’t already had about seven? No, you think eight? You weren’t sure, but you and the rest of the group had a fair amount of alcohol in you. 
Right then, everything seemed a little fuzzy. You had glanced at your phone and thought you had read some time around 11:00 PM, but with Rihanna blasting over the speakers in the building, it was a little hard to concentrate. 
The group was currently at a bar-like table. Mateo, Elijah, Ava, and Naomi were currently on their fourth round of bowling with Ava still somehow in the lead. Leon, Wren and Camilia had snuck away from the group either to get more drinks or maybe to play mini golf, you really couldn’t remember. 
Your glossed over gaze was disturbed by Mateo standing up and stretching as long as he could, his arms reaching up a little revealing a bit of his stomach. 
“Okay, I am going back to the bar to get another drink, anyone else coming?” He said, eyes bouncing around the faces at the table. Nobody responded as they all seemed to be involved with something else at the time, so you stood up quickly.
“Mmmmmmm, I’ll come with Matty!” You smiled and trailed after him as he led the way to the bar.
“You know there’s some cuties here, you should try and chat one up.” He says, side eyeing you as you both arrive at the bar to look over what you want.
You roll your eyes and playfully push his shoulder. “That would be a grand idea except I’m drunker than a skunk currently and we’re here to celebrate Ava, not find me a date.” 
Mateo rolls his eyes as he orders both of your drinks and collects them. 
“Okay, yeah we are celebrating Ava, but you know good and damn well if I told that girl you saw a hot guy looking your way that she would jump on the idea of you making a move tonight.” Mateo chuckles as he finishes his sentence and starts walking you both back to the table, curving through the different people.
“I know, but tonight I’m just hanging out with you guys. I’m honestly shocked that nobody has attracted any spare wild men to the table with how loud and obnoxious we’re being tonight.” You laugh, a tiny hiccup slipping out of your mouth.
As you and Mateo round the corner to your table, Mateo sees the group before you and busts out into laughter. “Oh my dear, have you truly jinxed yourself tonight.” He walks the few steps to the table, puts the two drinks down. “Hellooooo boys!”
When Mateo steps aside, you're greeted by the eyes of two men who look like they don't belong here. They both are extremely attractive, but both appear to be in suits. Like suit suits. Like they could be working at the bank. You recognize the two as workers for Ava’s father. Bodyguards. Or honestly the word babysitters fit the situation too. ‘Babysitters with bullets,’ you think to yourself as you look down at one of the men’s waists, catching a glimpse of a not-so-hidden weapon.
Your thought is cut off by that said man speaking and your eyes trail from his waist to his face. He holds eye contact with you before speaking. “Sorry to crash this here lil shindig, but you lot should be wrapping all this,” he twirls a finger around in the air, referencing the group, “up pretty soon. It’s getting late.” 
Once he finishes his sentence, it’s now his turn to look at you. You watch his eyes look up and down, scanning what felt like every inch of your body, before he looks back to Ava as she begins to speak.
“Oh my god! Look, I know Daddy sent you two to “look after me”’ Ava uses huge air quotes, “but I’m old enough to make sure I don’t get fucking dragged off drunk off my fucking ass. We’re just celebrating, just chillax, yeah?” Ava lets out a giggle as she clearly slurs her words and then playfully slaps the shoulder of the man that hadn’t spoken yet. 
“Come on Tangerine, just let them be, yeah? They’re not doing any harm and they're all in one spot.” The man says, putting a hand on Tangerine’s shoulder, giving it a little squeeze and shake. If you remember right, you’re pretty sure he goes by Lemon. Or that’s what you’ve heard Ava’s father call him.
“Yeah Tangerine! Just let us chilllllll” Naomi drags out the last word as she tries to put a hand on his chest. He takes a step back away from her, his face slightly puckering up as it seems like he stifles a face of annoyance.
 You sit down next to Ava, across from where the open seat in front of Tangerine is.
“Look. Ava’s father gave clear instructions to make sure she doesn’t make any fucked decisions tonight. And seeing as sh–” Tangerine’s speech is cut off once more, this time surprisingly by Elijah.
“Look man, if your concern is making sure Ava isn’t dead in a ditch, why don’t you two just pull a seat up at the table. It isn’t like we’re going anywhere else tonight, just fucking sit and relax. Have a drink!” Elijah almost barks this out before returning to the game of bowling. He’s currently in second place, behind Ava and you know he’s dying to beat her. 
Lemon gives a nod before sitting down at the bar, grabbing Ava’s half finished beer and taking a swig. Tangerine on the other hand reluctantly takes a seat in front of you. You watch his demeanor once he’s sat. It seems like he’s avoiding your gaze, and you’re not sure why. You watch his face as he observes the people around you. You can’t tell if he’s just surveying the place or if he’s just uncomfortable. His body language looks stiff and his hands are clasped on the table in front of him.
“You have pretty eyes…” The sentence slips out of your mouth as you stare at him, rubbing your own eye as you feel yourself getting a little tired. You were hoping to break the silence. “Also pretty arms.” You let out a little giggle as you prop your head on your hand, continuing to stare at the pretty man sitting across from you.
You talking seems to bring him back to the group at hand. Or at least brings his attention to you. He gives you a weird look, seeming to calculate what to say. “And you seem pretty drunk, love.” He reaches across the table, grabbing your drink and taking a sip from it before returning it to you. “And that’s a pretty strong drink you got.”
You give yet another giggle, reaching for your drink and taking a sip. You were drunk all right, but you needed more liquid courage if you were going to be in the presence of this man. Your brain had fallen quiet and your friends seemed to not be coming to your rescue in this one. 
You recall a comment from Mateo earlier in the night about ‘letting you do your thing if you ever came across a hot ass man tonight.’ 
You had been around Tangerine and Lemon before. From what you could recall, they weren’t truly employed by Ava’s father. You’re pretty sure it was more like a freelance thing? They weren’t always around Ava and her family, but they were hired common enough for you to know exactly who they are and remember Tangerine. 
The first time you had ever met the two, the group was at a soccer game in the city. You were in Ava’s family’s suite at the game having a blast. You remember spotting Tangerine and asking Ava just who the tall man was exactly. After that, any time Tangerine and Lemon were hired to babysit Ava, you always basically gawked at the man. After Tangerine and Lemon left for the room, your friend group, especially Ava liked to tease you. Ava and Mateo knew you had a thing for Tangerine. Ava liked to get her father to hire the two as much as possible, especially if you were present. It meant you saw him often. It meant you thought about him often. You thought his curls were pretty and you could imagine what it would feel like to run your fingers through his beautiful hair. You could recall the accent he had. You thought the tattoos he had were attractive, or maybe it was just because they were on his arms. And god did he have pretty arms. 
You’re once again brought out of daydreaming, this time by Naomi sitting down by Tangerine and placing a hand on the back of his shoulder, and one hand on his chest. You don’t listen to what she’s saying, but by the look on their face, you know she’s flirting. And hard. You hear her let out a giggle as she makes some sort of comment about the man before you swap from sipping your drink to straight up downing it. 
You slam the cup down on the table and shoot up. “I’m off to get another drink..” You twirl around, maybe a little too fast, and begin heading for the bar.
You know the announcement of your departure was a little stern. You don’t know why, but it almost got on your nerves that Naomi was making a pass at the man. You let the jealousy stay for a second before rationalizing the thought. 
‘I’m not actually jealous. It’s late and I’m drunk, it isn’t that big of a deal, I’m just being silly.’ You think to yourself as you arrive at the bar, propping both elbows up onto the ledge and waiting for a bartender to notice you. You wipe your face hoping to clear your mind. 
While waiting your eyes slowly are drawn to one of the television hung above the bar – some wrestling match was going on. You notice the other people at the bar, their eyes glued to the screen. ‘I don’t understand why they are so invested.’ You think to yourself as you turn your attention back to in front of you, looking at the drink choices before noticing a man standing to your right. You turn your head and are happily met by the pretty blue eyes of a curly headed man.
You grin.
“Tangeriiinnnneeeeee” You draw out his name. You aren’t quite sure if it is on purpose or if you’re just drunk, but it didn’t matter as you watched the man’s lips twist into a smirk itself.
“Interested in the match, are we?” He asks, nodding back to the television.
“Mmmmmm, not quite. I’m not much of a sports fan.” You give a glance at the match before turning your attention back to him, noticing his shirt. He usually had it buttoned up all the way, as professional as you can get. But tonight, you notice at least two, maybe three buttons that seem to be open. You can see a tattoo peeking out from under his shirt. You take a deep breath before your eyes return to his. He had watched you check him out yet again.
You clear your throat before asking, “Are you a fan?”
He doesn’t break eye contact. “I am tonight.” 
A noise escapes your throat, almost a hum. He still hadn’t broken eye contact. Maybe it was just you, but it seemed like it had gotten hard to breathe. You felt like you hadn’t taken a breath in ages. “And why’s that?” You ask, still looking at him and still maintaining eye contact. 
In the moment you felt like the only thing in the room was him. 
“Got money on the small guy. Everyone likes an underdog story, yeah?” The smirk returns to his face.
You nod your head in agreement. Once again, your brain has gone blank. The sudden movement of his lips catches your attention as your eyes quickly dart down to his lips, and quickly dart back up to his eyes. He had watched that happen too.
As your eyes meet, your body forces you to take a deep breath. You notice he does the same. Maybe his breath had also been caught in his throat. You realize the sound of the world around you also comes back to you. 
You’re brought back to the real world completely as a bartender greets you and Tangerine, asking what you two will have. But before you can answer for yourself, Tangerine speaks for you.
“Water for this one, and whisky for me.” He says before telling the bartender exactly what he wants. As soon as the bartender turns to go grab the materials, you turn back to Tangerine.
“I can’t order for myself now?” You jokingly ask, your voice getting a little higher in disbelief as you raise both your eyebrows in fake disbelief.
He looks at you and gives a scoff. “You can, but I don’t know if you should be at this particular time darling.” He gives you a sly smile, one probably meant to comfort you. 
And you lose your breath again and you avert your eyes. You thought you had gotten confident, but you weren’t expecting him to call you that. You clear your throat. And start to mess with a laminated menu on the bar.
“So why exactly are you here tonight? You know this isn’t the first stop we’ve made, right?” You ask, trying to change the subject. Or at least to get him talking.
“We’ve been hanging back most of the night. Nothin’ suspicious has happened, but a few o’ you idiots are getting a little too far gone. Ava’s father sent us specifically to watch her. The rest of the group is just an added bonus. Don’t wanna make any rich parents mad, do we?” He asks the last part rhetorically. 
This time he’s the one looking away. He takes a drink while looking off. You can’t read the expression on his face, but it isn’t quite neutral. He looks like something is on his mind. 
“You don’t seem all that excited to be babysitting a bunch of adults. Why do you even take the jobs offered by Ava’s family? I assume there’s other things you could be doing.” After speaking you realize your tone seemed a little snippy. You hadn’t meant for it to come out rudely, but it did just a tad. You really were on a roll tonight. 
You didn’t want to necessarily influence the man to stop taking the jobs, but you were curious. You could tell by what he was wearing that he had money. In previous interactions, you had drawn the same conclusion. You weren’t extremely up to date with the latest fashion trends when it came to wealth, but you did know that the watch on his wrist looked very similar to one that Elijah had. And you knew it wasn’t cheap. Plus the extensive wardrobe the man seemed to have also led you to believe he was pretty well off for himself.
He half turns his head back to you, side eyeing you with a scrunched eyebrow.
 “A little touchy on the subject are we?” He asks you before setting his drink down. He rubs his chin before turning his face to yours.
 “Ava’s father pays well. The jobs easy, quick and usually clean. Easy money.” He pauses and you watch his eyes move down to your lips and back up to your eyes and then down to the drink back in his hand. “It's an added bonus that sometimes you idiots can be entertaining.” 
“Well. I’ll agree that they – we – can be quite entertaining. I can imagine it can be a little obnoxious at times.” A few times come to mind.
Like this year's New Years Eve party held at Ava’s. Camilia had drunk way too much champagne and had eaten quite a few shrimps. She was in the midst of a nasty break up with a pretty popular actor and had seen the reports of him attending a party that night with his co-star. A smile comes to your face as you remember the look of absolute horror on Tangerine’s face when Camilia had thrown up on him. You remember Lemon’s gasp.
Or the one time you, Ava, and Leon had somehow ran into one of Leon’s father’s old clients who had recently gotten out of prison. You three had been out shopping at the beach when the man confronted the group. Calmly at first, but very quickly drew a gun and began yelling at you three. Tangerine and Lemon had resolved the situation as quickly as the man had appeared.
Or one of the most recent events. For Ava’s birthday, she had thrown a huge, fancy party out of the country. Some place in Ireland, with almost a Bridgerton theme. Somehow you and Tangerine ended up in a room on the outskirts of a castle while the party was booming in the distance. You remember how close he had gotten to you. How close his face had gotten to yours. How he had stared at your lips for what felt like ages as you spoke. You remember the silence that happened after you had finished speaking, and the way his eyes darted quickly back to your eyes to just as quickly return to your lips. You also remember the way he had drawn away from you as Jordan had busted into the room looking for Ava. You weren’t one hundred percent sure, but you were pretty confident that if she hadn’t done so, Tangerine would have kissed you.
“I wouldn’t say ‘obnoxious’. Not all of you at least.” Tangerine says. He seems to have a distant look in his eyes. You wonder if the memory of you two alone in Ireland had come to mind. You hope it had. 
Eventually you and Tangerine began reminiscing on some of the funnier moments that had happened while him and Lemon had been present. 
You two had moved from the bar to a small table in a corner. Tangerine was still able to see the rest of your group, most importantly Ava. Even then, it wouldn’t have mattered anyways as Ava had convinced Lemon to join the current round of bowling. The group didn’t seem like they were going anywhere and neither did Lemon. 
The place was still as loud as ever, but in the corner it was a little easier to hear each other. The neon lights that were reflecting off of most everything in the building was giving Tangerine a glow. The lights were giving his hair a darker complexion than normal, while highlighting his blue eyes. If you weren’t sitting so close to him, you wouldn’t have noticed the details. But fortunately for you, you were. 
You were close enough to him to smell his cologne. He smelled almost like citrus. Or maybe like sandalwood? Or maybe like the inside of a linen closet? You weren’t exactly sure of the scent profile, but he smelled good. He smelled familiar. 
“Do you remember Ireland? That birthday party was insane! I don’t know how you two kept up with Ava that week, it felt like every ten seconds we were going somewhere new!” You let out a small laugh remembering just how crazy it had been. 
Tangerine rolls his eyes with a smile on his face. “You honestly think I would forget? I felt like I needed a leash on that girl. I wish she would have stayed around me or Lemon like you had during the trip.” His eyes light up a little as he scans your face. 
You hadn’t realized you had been so obvious on that trip. Most of the friend group had paired off in Ireland and you remember hoping to talk more to Tangerine on the trip. You hadn’t made it your priority of course, but during down times or sightseeing activities you had hoped to hear his thoughts.
The air got thin once more. You realized that you both were leaning in towards each other. You were sitting in your chair sideways. Your right elbow propped on the table, with your hand propping your head up turned towards Tangerine, your back turned to the group’s table. Tangerine was turned towards you, almost leaning into your space with his right arm draped over the back of your chair, his hand hung in the open air between the back of your chair and your side. His left arm draped into his lap. Your legs sandwiched in between his. 
You hadn’t realized just how physically close you too were. Talking with him and drinking water seemed to have sober you up some. Realizing how close you were to him also helped to sober you up in the moment. Your eyes trailed to his lip as you went to speak.
“Well, I’d never pass up the chance to be around you all day.” You say, a little softly as you had grown even more distracted by each and every centimeter of his face. You think about how soft his skin would feel in your hands. 
You readjust yourself, trying to redirect your thoughts. You sit up a little straighter and let your hand that had been previously holding up your head fall into your lap. It unintentionally brushes Tangerine’s knee and you watch it slightly move, almost shocked by the touch. Sitting up like you were now meant that your face was even closer to his. You really hadn’t realized how much you two were leaning into each other. 
You're staring at Tangerine’s lips when your eyes rush back to his as he places a hand right above your knee. You watch as he begins to lean in, his eyes on your lips. Before you can even process that his hand is practically on your thigh. He stops an inch away from you, his eyes moving up to meet your glance. His eyes meet yours for only a second before they move back down to your lips, and once again back to your eyes. You could feel him let a breath out, nearly a scoff.
“You’re extremely drunk.” He says dryly. and goes to pull away from you.
“I was dead sober in Ireland.” You quickly remark before retaking the distance he had put between the two of you. You plant a quick kiss on his lips. 
“I haven’t forgotten about Ireland either.” You say softly as you move one of his curls behind his ear that had fallen when you kissed him a little too forcefully, the fear of missing another chance had brought some adrenaline into your system. Your hand makes its way to the back of his head as you begin to play with his hair. “I’ve been hoping you would be around more after that trip. Especially after the party.”
The hand Tangerine had set previously on your knee quickly moves to your face as he gently goes to hold your chin before lifting it up. This time h initiates the kiss. He’s more gentle than you were. 
You grin into the kiss, only slightly thinking about how contrasting the situation was. The harsh man kisses gently, yet you, a more soft person kissed him like you were a thirteen year old kissing their crush at the school dance, afraid to be seen.
His hand moves from your chin to hold your head as he pulls you in more. Once he’s pulled you in as close as he can, his hand trails to your waist where it rests. Both of your hands quickly move back to his head where you pull him in closer.
His mustache tickles you, but you don’t care. All you could think about was how his head felt in your hands. How you wanted to be closer to him. How his hand was pulling your waist in. How his lips felt against yours. How you felt like you were breathing for the first time this entire night. 
Your breath hitches as you feel his fingers dig into your waist. You feel yourself becoming warm as your attention is drawn to the fact that his skin is touching yours. Both of Tangerine’s hands are now holding on to your waist, pulling you in even more if it’s possible. One of his hands begins to trail up your back. It feels like he’s trying to find a better way to pull you closer to him, but at this point if you two got any closer you would be in his lap. 
You accidentally let out what you think is supposed to be a gasp as one of his hands runs back down your spine, returning to your waist once more. This doesn’t faze Tangerine as he takes the short break from your lips to move both his hands now to either side of your head as he pulls you back into the kiss, not without a short and breathy ‘shit’ that escapes his mouth. 
You aren’t sure who initiates the harsher kiss, but you didn’t care. As Tangerine bites your lower lip, you let out a breath and you grab onto the neckline of his unbuttoned shirt. Tangerine plants one last hard kiss onto your lips he pulls away, and leans into your ear before.
“I’d slow your breathing down, we’re about to have a visitor, yeah?” He plants a kiss on your cheek and pulls his head back to look at you before wiping your lips to get rid of some spit that had been left from when you two had separated. “Gotta make sure you look good too, dear.” 
He takes a deep breath in, clears his throat and seats back against his chair, while running both of his hands over his head in an attempt to put his hair back in place after you had tussled it. He then leans back in his chair, giving a smile at the unwelcome visitor.
You wipe your hands over your face, and then over your own hair in an attempt to self soothe. You take a deep breath yourself as you try to slow your breathing and your heart rate. You wipe your hands down the thighs of your jeans before turning to meet whoever was coming towards you.
“Hey, you guys ready to go? Lemon is rounding up the rest of the group now. Ava and Elijah finally got bored with bowling.” Naomi says before finishing the drink she had in hand.
“Right. We’ll be over shortly.” Tangerine says, raising his eyebrows at Naomi and turning his attention back to you. You give her a smile and a nod to acknowledge her. As she goes to walk back to the table, you turn yourself back towards Tangerine.
“Glad we weren’t interrupted before this happened. Hope it was worth the wait.” Tangerine says giving you a sly smile.
You let out a half hearted laugh. If you thought nothing was in your brain beforehand, it was even more empty now. All you could think of now was when you would be alone with him again. 
“How long did you say you and Lemon were staying this time around?” You manage to get out, looking up at him. You didn’t want to get your hopes up, but you also wanted to do this again. 
Tangerine chuckles as he fixes his shirt from where you had grabbed it as he goes to answer, “I’m in the city for a couple of days. Off work too.” He tucks a curl behind his ear. “You have something in mind that could keep me busy?”
You nod your head as you give out a short laugh. “Ask me out to a proper dinner and I think we could figure something out."
A/N: hey home slices, so here's this. i recently rewatched the movie, and am about to read the book and thought i would write something. who knows if i'll write more, but it was fun lol if you liked this, check out my master list! --> HERE
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spaceythangs · 2 years
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"tan. we are not fucking in a public passenger car."
he had no idea why you were there. you had only just boarded at the last stop, with the strict and confidential incentive to find out where the prince was and subsequently shoot her between the eyes. you told yourself it was the professional thing to do; a good handler would never leave two grown men to face a teenage girl alone.
"it kinda looks like we are."
he's fast closing in on your spot at the end of the aisle. usually you tried to mind your business as much as the job allowed. tangerine and lemon were 'big boys' who could 'fend for themselves just fine, thanks pet.' but this time, rather than see them obliterated and rather than bruising their fragile Man egos™, you had chosen to discreetly take matters into your own hands.
"that's an interesting perspective. I thought we were working."
he breathes a laugh, chest heaving as he closes the distance between the rows of empty seats and where you stand. he'd be incredibly miffed if he figured out your scheme. positively petulant. but taking in his ragged appearance, his wild eyes and his determined huffs as he speeds into your space, you think he might be too happy to see you to care why you've come.
"sorry, lovie-"
he's not sorry at all, cheshire grin curling into your neck as he distracts your teasing with hot kisses to your pulsepoint.
"-you're just too fuckable."
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thorin-baby-bear · 2 years
Do you have any headcanons for little reader and cg!lemon where little!reader is bff’s with littlebug :)
Absolutely I do!!
I have split this up into three sections, cg!Lemon, bff Liitlebug, and both :))
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Nap time galore. The king of naps
He has so many blankets on his bed for you to cuddle under
More of a stay at home and watch movies kind of cg than a field trip cg
He bakes All. The. Time.
He often asks you for taste testing help in the kitchen
Very affectionate
Physical touch is his love language
Cuddles and hugs and hair ruffles? Constant
Loving words? Always
Thomas the Tank Engine marathons? Every weekend
He loves to play with you and build things (legos, blocks, train tracks)
Anytime you go shopping with him he tries to buy you a stuffed animal
It's just a thing he does if he has the money
Even if you don't go with him he'll probably bring back something small
You have so many of those stuffed animal hammock things
You do any artwork? Framed or just hung up around the house
The things you make are literally everywhere you look
The fridge, the walls, Lemon's bedside table
He is so proud and he loves you so much, he is definitely one of those "look at what my kid drew" people
Littlebug bff
When you two are apart, you're pretty low-key littles
But together?
Mischief. Plots. The best kind of chaos comes from your playdates
It's gotten to the point where you two have to be watched by more than two people or else no playdate because the schemes are a bit too much for just one or two bigs
When you two are awake you are beacons of chaos
But when you're tired?
Down for the count
Your cg's don't even have to ask if you're tired, you just konk out where you stand
You always end up cuddling together though
No matter what you always find each other
And when you're not playing something specific, parallel play is key
Littlebug will play with his cars while you draw
Sometimes he'll make a comment or you'll compliment his car noises
But for the most part just being in each other's presence is enough
Playdates together are definitely the highlight of both of your weeks, and sleepovers are common
Both :))
Lemon loves to watch you both, as long as Tangerine and Maria are there to help
The three of them are great at reeling you in after a long day of plots and pranks
Littlebug likes Lemon almost as much as Tangerine, and the brothers sometimes fight over who his favorite is
(It's you and Maria )
Lemon will make you guys the best breakfast ever
Chocolate chip pancakes, sausages, hashbrowns, whatever you want.
They both love and care for you very much, and you could not have gotten luckier
I hope you enjoyed, I definitely enjoyed writing this :33
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bluestbloo · 2 years
Hii! Could you maybe do some headcannons for Lemon from bullet train? Pleassee it would be so awesome and cool bro
hi!! apologies for not responding sooner, ive been a little inactive, but yes id love to do this!!!
Lemon from Bullet train hcs!!
all sfw
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definitely a big cuddler in bed. usually big spoon due to his size but he doesn't mind, since he feels like hes protecting you
PROBABLY AN AMAZING COOK. like he'd spend hours on end trying to perfect a certain dish (and youd always be his food critic)
Music. he loves music. definitely mostly 80/90's music but he'll listen to genuinely everything
likes leaving random notes around. for you, tangerine, anywhere. they'll go from cute love notes for his s/o to insults (meant for tan) or maybe even just thomas facts
alright he has to have adhd or the tism because the way he loves thomas the tank engine.... cmon guys
takes the LONGEST showers. like he'll have a full concert in there or just be fucking around 90% random shit 10% actually cleaning himself
after a mission he definitely takes a long ass nap or doesn't sleep the rest of the day
probably would have a strange love for animals like emus, frogs, fish, just imagine the most random critter and he'd probably love it
snores. im sorry but literally either snores loud as fuck or talks in his sleep. idk why but its silly
good kisser probably. just look at him hes so cute i love him
physical touch >>> any other love form
hugs from behind 4sure
whenever he finds a cute song he'd be like "us"
guh sorry i like ran out of inspo i hope these are okay!!!!!
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aew-kun-age-regression · 10 months
It's likely I will write some more soon 😂 but for now here are some Regressor Headcannons for Ladybug because he's so Regressor coded in my brain!!!
Regressor!Ladybug Headcannons
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He started Regressing after his therapist recommended it. After the events of bullet train his therapist knew that ladybug was lying to him but that he had also been through some stuff and needed a way to cope.
Maria is his primary Caregiver. She figured out after he regressed during a case. Ladybug had got overwhelmed and Maria couldn't calm him over the phone.
Although I see Maria as his Caregiver I can definitely see Lemon and Tangerine also looking after him, however not as Caregivers. I think Lemon also regresses and would be more like an older brother to Ladybug than Caregiver or babysitter. Whereas with Tangerine I think it's more of a case that he quite likes Ladybug when regressed and surprisingly enjoys looking after him and Lemon together. It's chaotic but fun.
Maria calls him Littlebug, bug or even things like sweetheart (that's normally more for when he's regressed really young tho.) Lemon would call him bug too and I think Tangerine would call him kid/kiddo/trouble, nicknames like that.
When it comes to him giving nicknames to the others I think most of the time he would just shorten their names, Tang, Lem, Mari although if he's slipped particularly young it's not unusual for him to call Maria, Mama.
He would definitely love watching Cartoons. Like imagine Ladybug and Lemon watching Thomas the Tank Engine.
He is so sweet, like even when in a big headspace he's super kind and polite but when small it's on a whole nother level.
I think he would be a pretty calm Regressor, pretty sure he'd be more energetic when in big headspace. 😂
So so so accident prone, his luck isn't necessary bad like it is when he's big but he's extra clumsy when small. Maria and Tangerine have to have plasters on them, at all times. Maria's ones have animals on them and Tangerine's ones are Thomas the Tank Engine ones (mainly for Lemons sake)
If he's regressed when traveling he would definitely play games on his phone. (He has on multiple occasions used puppy eyes until Tangerine let's him use his phone because his own phone is dead.)
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sweetlullabyebye · 2 years
My own headcannon as to Bullet Train characters' sexuality and gender, because I read the book and am going to see the movie again and I have a lot of thoughts (also looooots of projecting on my part):
Nanao/Ladybird: ace and transmasc. Confused in general. Goes by he/they but fine with any pronouns.
The Prince: probably aroace and non binary or genderfluid
Kimura/The Father: the bi icon we need but don't deserve 😔
Lemon: demiboy, goes by he/they, also demiromantic
Tangerine: aro. Fight me on that one (actually please don't). Can't decide for his gender though.
The Hornet: lesbian and ready to kick ass, she/her
Maria: omni and transfem *-*
The Wolf: the token straight of the group
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bertinworms · 2 years
Late Night Talking
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Pairings: Tangerine x gn!Reader
Tags/Warnings: language & cussing, reader is sad/going through it, comfort, angst ig, lmk if anything was missed!!!
Word Count: 3.7K
Summary: You had been having a hard time recently and it all hits a wall when Tangerine comes home early in a bad mood and accidentally scares you. You end up sobbing in his arms. 
Most people you knew assumed that in your relationship, you were the one who kept both of you down to earth, and most of the time that was true. 
You and Tangerine had been together for a while which meant that you had been present for multiple Tangerine tantrums, as you and Lemon liked to jokingly call them. Sometimes the boys would have a job go wrong and Tan would come home upset, steam practically coming out of his ears, rambling about what could have gone better and why. Sometimes Tangerine would come home from a particularly scary job, like the job in Kyoto that he refused to tell you anything about, and practically go mute - shut off the world, and take a break from everything. Whatever he needed to do to decompress — but he never, ever aimed any of it at you. His anger or frustration was shared, but he always made sure that you understood he was not upset with you, he’d just had a rough job that go around.
Tangerine’s many moods and how he processed his job never bothered you. The man had a pretty tough job and whatever way he chose to process that job was up to him. Plus you enjoyed taking care of him – when he let you. It seemed that he took care of you in every other aspect of life. The man paid for anything and everything you wanted or looked at, so being there for him made you feel important. It had taken him a while to get used to the constant reassurance, trust and love from you, but he now greatly accepted it. 
You on the other hand were still having a hard time letting Tangerine be there for you emotionally. Being vulnerable was not one of your strong suites.
Tangerine’s jobs usually took him away from you for long periods, and usually took a lot out of him. So whenever Tan was home, you didn’t want to bother him with what was going on in your mundane life. You felt like your worst days would probably be a wonderful one compared to some of his bad days. So when Tan was home, and even when he was on a job, you didn’t usually tell him the full truth of how you were doing or how your day went. You would conveniently leave out the part where you accidentally dropped your keys into the garbage somehow, or how you dropped your phone in a muddy puddle, or how the day had been an extremely overstimulating one for whatever reason. You usually could step away for a second, take a breather, and you were back to being fine. It wasn’t that big of a deal, you just needed to push it down and enjoy the time you had now with Tan before he went away again for gods know how long. 
Sometimes when Tangerine was on a trip, you would come home and have a good cry for a solid ten minutes and then get on with making dinner or any other chore needing to be done. And today was no different. 
This March had felt like the longest month you had ever lived through. So many little things kept going wrong. Every day seemed to be a little bit worse. And you hadn’t seen Tangerine in exactly fifteen days. You had woken up late that morning because your phone apparently hadn’t charged the night before, then you couldn’t find your keys, you had spilled coffee on yourself right before walking into work, you had a coworker who had made a rude comment to you, your boss had reprimanded you for something that wasn’t your fault, and to top it off on your way home someone had rear ended your car, sending you to the hospital to be checked out where you had sat in a room for three hours, alone, waiting to be discharged. 
You just wanted to go home, crawl into bed and disappear. The regular day had been a horrible one anyways and sitting in a cold, scary hospital room alone where you had been examined and poked about fifteen thousand times did not help. You also hadn’t heard from your partner in almost a full 48 hours.  Your anxiety was now through the roof. You were tired. You were sore. You were sad. You wanted to go to bed. 
You unlock the front door and step into the dark and quiet place that belonged to you and Tangerine. You quickly slip off your shoes by the front door and head towards the kitchen where you set your keys and phone down on the island counter. 
You tap your phone screen – 8:43PM and no notifications. You take a deep breath in, and let out a sigh as you rub your eyes, willing the headache of the day to go away. It didn’t work. 
‘Maybe some water and a snack would help,’ you think to yourself as you head towards the refrigerator. You quickly grab some water and a snack and grab your phone before making your way to the living room where you slumped onto the couch. While eating your snack, the thought of Tangerine can’t help but come to your mind. 
You pick your phone off of the couch cushion, unlocking it and going to your last text thread from Tangerine. 
Tangerine had texted you the morning before, a simple, ‘Good morning, love. Thinking of you, hoping to be home in the next few days. X’ 
When you had woken up to the text, it had made you smile. But now that it had been two days of no responses from him or Lemon, it felt more like a taunt. You were used to Tangerine being very hit or miss when it came to communication while he was on the job – it was for safety. But with this being one of the longest jobs he and Lemon had ever been on, it made you nervous. So you read back over your texts. 
7:03AM: morning tan – hope you and lem are keeping each other safe! im ready for you to be  home safe again ♡
1:43PM: a package was delivered for you. im not sure if its a new suit, work stuff or something else so im leaving it in the garage for when your home lol
9:42PM:  im headed to bed, but wanted to let you know im just thinking about you. i love you and hope youre safe wherever you boys are at. get home soon ♡
11:32AM: missing you extra today, as cheesy as that sounds. hope you arent getting yourself into too much trouble
You roll your eyes at the last text you had sent. That was a little too cheesy even for your taste, let alone Tangerine’s. 
You start typing out a message to Tangerine. Thinking about telling him a little about your day, or even just telling him you missed him and loved him and couldn’t wait to just see him face-to-face again. But you erase the half written message, worrying that he might get annoyed by your abundance of needy texts that didn’t really have a need to be sent. 
You let out another sigh as you turn your phone off, setting it on the coffee table in front of you along with the trash of your snack. You grab the throw blanket laying across the back of the couch and slump further down the couch until you’re laying down with your head supported by the arm rest. You absentmindedly look out the window next to you. 
You were glad you had left the lights off in the flat. The lights of the city outside the window allowed for a soft glow to seep into the room. Without the lights on you were able to see the quiet street and watch the people of the night go about their business. You wanted some sort of distraction, but the thought of scrolling on your phone or turning the television on seemed like it would make the headache you had even worse.  It also allowed for your brain to wander gently between thoughts. 
You wonder where the people on the street below are going.
You wonder where they’re coming from. 
You wonder where Tangerine and Lemon are.
You wonder if they were safe, if something bad had happened.
And before you realized it, your eyes had grown heavy and you had dozed off. 
You jolted as you were rudely awoken by the refrigerator door shutting harshly. You could hear your heartbeat in your ears as you realized you weren’t in the place alone. You didn’t move at first as you opened your eyes to see who was there. You could make out the silhouette of a man standing in the kitchen, illuminated by a small amount of light coming in through the window from the street lights. Tangerine hadn’t called or texted you before you had fallen asleep so you weren’t sure if it was him. You were hoping it was him, if it wasn’t you didn’t know what you would do. 
“Tan?” you half whispered. 
“Yeah.” He says dryly. You watched as he turns towards your voice and flips on the light above the kitchen island. You blink a few times to adjust to the bright light and give him a look over. 
He looks tired, or maybe annoyed? You couldn’t really place the emotion, but it wasn’t a positive one. You notice his suit jacket is laid over the back of one of the barstools with his suitcase propped up against it. You look from the jacket, back to him and notice a few bruises and small cuts that range from his face to the exposed upper chest sticking out from a slightly unbuttoned undershirt. 
You watch as Tangerine quietly moves around the kitchen gathering a variety of things to make some sort of meal. His movements are sharp and more than once he lets a cabinet shut a little roughly. 
You clear your throat as you readjust how you’re sitting so you can see Tangerine better. “I didn’t realize you’d be back home tonight. How did the job go?” 
He looks up at you with half a sandwich on the way to his mouth. “D’rather not talk ‘bout it, love.” He quickly says before taking the last bite of his dinner.
You watch as he puts his dishes in the sink and washes his hands. You watch as he dries them off and then places his hands on either side of the sink, almost bracing himself. You could tell something was stuck on his mind as he takes a breath in and closed his eyes. 
You begin to play with the blanket laid over you out of nerves, avoiding looking at him. You couldn’t read Tangerine’s mood and you worried something serious had happened. 
“Why didn’t you wake me up when you got in? You scared me when y–” 
You were cut off by Tangerine.
“Wouldn’t have to be concerned about who had gotten in if ya’d keep the front door locked, would ya now?” He snaps, raising an eyebrow and cocking his head at you. He hadn’t raised his voice, but the look on his face shares the irritation he has. 
The tone in his voice had taken you by surprise and had caused you to stop fidgeting with the blanket and look up at him. Tangerine wasn’t prone to snapping at you out of nowhere like he just had. Even after a particularly bad job, he usually was able to keep his aggravation not geared towards you. 
“Excuse me?” You question him, your voice faltering as you look at him. His face was tense. You couldn’t pin if he was truly irritated with you or if he was taking out his last fifteen days on you. 
“Ya left the fuckin’ front door unlocked. Again, love.” He readjusts his stance and stands up straight, with his arms crossed. You let out a small sorry, but either he doesn’t hear it or doesn’t care as he continues on.
“I’ve told ya so many times, ya got ta keep it locked.” He drags a hand down his face, and rubs his chin. “Do you know how dangerous it could be? What happens if some prick comes lookin’ for me? When me and Lemon aren’t here, you’ve got–”
This time you cut him off. “Tan, I apologized. It was a fucking accident. Okay?” 
You couldn’t even remember if you had or hadn’t locked the fucking door when you got home. All you remember is wanting to just be inside and hidden from the day. And you start to tear up just thinking about the last few weeks you had had. 
“Accident or– if someone – it is dangerous, darling. Do you know–” he cuts himself off as he looks directly at you. At this point tears are streaming down your face and you’re wiping them off of your cheeks.
“Tangerine. Please. For the love of god. It was an accident. I didn’t mean to leave the god damned fuckin’ door unlocked. I don’t even remember– I–” 
It becomes harder to speak the more you talk. You hadn’t meant to just break down. But the combination of the last few weeks, being startled awake and the tone of Tangerine, you just couldn’t not let it all out. 
You rub your face with both your hands as you take a shaky breath in and look up towards Tangerine. You realize he had made his way across the distance from the kitchen island to the coffee table as he stood a few feet away from you. The features of his face had softened, he had a look of sadness on his face. 
“I know you’re afraid when you leave me someone will show up, it was an accident. I’m fine now. Okay? Just let up, Tan.” You can’t even try to stop the tears now. 
“Love, m’sorry.” he sits down at the edge of the couch, “I just worry. So, so much when I’m not ‘ere. Especially when I’m gone so fuckin’ long. ‘Didn’t mean to snap, it was just a shit job. M’sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you, my love.” 
“It wasn’t just you, Tan. Its… It’s just been such a day. It’s been such a month.” You sniffle and wipe another tear off of your face. You take a deep, shaky breath. “I’ve really missed you.” 
“Oh, darlin’. I’ve missed you as well, more than I’d probably like to admit. How about a hug? Is ‘t okay if I get closer?” He asks, setting a hand close to your crossed legs on the couch. 
You sniffle and nod your head. 
At this point Tangerine readjusts himself to where he is fully sitting on the couch. He pulls you into him and holds you tightly, wrapping one of his arms around your head and pulling it to the crook of his neck. He kisses your head as you further break down. 
“I’m so sorry. You just got home and I don’t mean to be like this. I just, I had such a bad day and then you scared me waking me up like that and you’re upset with me, I know it’s scary when you leave and you can’t be here making sure I’m safe. I know you just got back and you were gone for so long and–” you wrap your arms around his waist and begin to cry harder.
You hadn’t meant to upset him in the first place. You knew he always worried about you, and you felt even worse that you were sobbing into his chest, making him worry even more. 
“Tangerine, I’m sorry. I know you don’t want to–” 
You're cut off by Tangerine hugging you a little closer. 
“Love, it’s okay. M’not upset with you, I was just being a right fuckin’ asshole, yeah? I didn’t really mean what I said. You’ll always be safe as long as M’here. Wha’s happened? Wha’s wrong?” Tangerine says while he starts to gently run a hand over your hair. 
“One thing just hasn’t happened, it’s just been so many little things. And you’ve been so busy with work. Tan I’ve missed you. And I didn’t mean to make you mad as soon as you got home. I hadn’t even realized I didn’t lock the door.” You say, squeezing your arms around him even tighter. If you could be any closer to the man, you would be, but you don’t think it’s physically possible. 
You take a deep breath again with a sniffle, gaining more composure before starting again. 
“I just got home tonight and I just wanted to go to bed, Tan. I barely even remember what all I did when I got home. I’m sorry. I don’t want you to have to worry or to be mad at me.” You sniffle once more and bring a hand up to wipe your eyes.
“Darlin’, I promise I’m not upset with you.” Tangerine says petting your head again and kissing your temple.
“But you’re tone. Tan, you’ve never spoken to me like that. You were mean, you sounded mad.” You sniffle again. God. You needed a tissue, but you weren’t going to risk moving out of Tangerine’s arms. You didn’t think you could bear to look him in the eyes, even if you had stopped sobbing.
“M’sorry, ya know I’ve been with Lemon for the last few weeks and I’ve been dealing with right arseholes. It just slipped, yeah? It isn’t right of me, but it just happened. I promise I’m not upset with you or even mad at you – I could never be mad at you, love.” 
He lets out a sigh before pulling back from you for a second, adjusting you both in a way where he can look into your eyes. He wipes away some of the left over tears on your face
“I promise I am not mad at you. And I promise I won’t bring my work tone back home to you.” He says, making sure to emphasize each word a little slower than he usually would. 
Your eyes trail over his face, looking at the bruises that scatter his body closer than you previously could. “Okay,” you say quietly, realizing just how tired you were and you could imagine Tangerine felt the same. 
“What can I do to make it up to you? What can I do to make up for the last sixteen days?” He holds your face in his hands softly, rubbing a thumb over your cheek. You let out a yawn, followed by a soft smile. 
“You don’t have to do anything, Tan. It’s okay, really.” You bring your hands up and place them over his. “Let’s just go to bed, yeah? We can make up for the last few weeks after some sleep. I know you’ve got to be tired – not to be rude, but you look like hell.” 
Tangerine lefts out a soft chuckle, and you smile once more. He leans forward and places a soft kiss on the tip of your nose, and then your lips. 
“Let’s put you to bed then. But I’ve got to shower before bed, love.” He helps untangle you from the throw blanket you were previously wrapped in and then stands himself. You walk to the barstool in the kitchen grabbing the handle of his suitcase as he grabs his suit jacket, and you both head towards the bedroom. 
“Well I’m glad you made that decision by yourself. I wasn’t going to say anything, but you do smell like work.” You say jokingly, scrunching your nose at him and letting out a small laugh.
Tangerine’s face breaks out in a grin before he throws his suit jacket towards the hamper and turns to you. You go to set his suitcase by his side of the bed when you’re suddenly blinded by Tangerine coming up from behind you and engulfing you in the shirt he was just wearing.
While your back was turned, Tangerine had unbuttoned the rest of his shirt and had now cocooned you in it. “Shoulda kept your mouth shut, love.” He laughs as you try to push him away from you.
You laugh as you turn around, now facing his chest. “Jesus, Tangerine– you smell so bad.” You duck down and out of his arms, falling back onto the bed before Tangerine tackles you flat onto the bed. 
“It's the wonderful smell of a man who’s not showered in three days, dear.” He begins to shower you in kisses as you try to push him away between laughs. 
“Tan, EW! Go make it zero again!” You laugh as he gives you a final, overdramatic kiss on your cheek as he gets off of you, throwing his shirt into his hamper before heading to the bathroom with a “Whatever you say, lovely.”
You smile to yourself as you wipe your face, attempting to wipe off the grime you felt from Tangerine’s attack. 
While Tangerine quickly showers, you plug both of your phones into their chargers and set them on their respective bedside tables. You also change into your own night clothes before turning off the overhead light and crawling into the bed. A few seconds later Tangerine follows suit and you move closer to him. 
“Better now, yeah?” He says, pulling the collar of his shirt out and offering it to you to smell. 
You swat his shirt away before snaking an arm around his waist, and giving him a kiss on his jawline. 
“Much better, thank you.” 
You smile to yourself as you lay your head onto his chest, and Tangerine scoots closer to you letting his arm snake around your waist and pulling you tight to him as he gives your forehead a kiss. You had missed this, you had missed him. 
You knew you and Tangerine would have a chat in the morning about how he was doing, and what had happened with you, and how much you had missed the other. Lemon would probably come around and would tell you about how much Tangerine whined about missing you the entire trip, which would cause a spat between the two. But for now, all you could think about was how at home you felt. How comfortable you were. How happy you were that your Tangerine was finally home, safe in your arms.
A/N: i dont just absolutely love this piece, but i've been going through it and very much benefited off of writing this lmfao
if you liked this, check out my master list! --> HERE if you have a request, feel free to send it in! :]
3/21/2023: edited to update warnings
3/22/2023: edited to fix grammatical mistakes and text formatting
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Hi! Hope you are doing well! So, Tangerine x Reader: any headcanons about Tan as a partner? Thanks!
I'm doing great in fact, thank you for the request! Headcannons are my favourite thing to write, hope this is fitted to your taste.
Dating Tangerine Would Include...
[Tangerine x GN! Reader Headcannons]
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[Warnings; Violence, smoking, violence, its a bullet train fic guys]
[Notes; I love writing for Tan so much you guys have no idea, I get to cuss as much as I want to in these fics]
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Oh man, he's such a softie for you, you have absolutely no idea.
He can go from being the same grumpy prick to other people and have one of the worst days but when he's around you he's calling you love and darling, clinging onto you practically and just showering you in kisses.
He's so clingy, as soon as either of you get home he's begging you to sit with him on the couch just so you could cuddle. And if your making dinner expect him to try to help but just end up holding you by your waist the whole time.
Lemon thinks it's the cutest thing how tangerine acts around you. He thinks its hilarious how quickly Tan switches up with you.
"-you're the one that doesn't fucking know how to go on about this job correctly! You're such a fucking idiot sometimes Lemon it's insu-" Tangerine yells at his brother before being interrupted by you.
"Whats going on? What are you two fighting about now?" You say in annoyance.
"Nothing darling, just please go back to the living room I'll be right there okay love," Tangerine tells you softly, pressing a kiss to your head before you leave.
"You're a right fuckin' sap for them, Tan," Lemon snickers at Tangerines change of attitude and tone.
"I'll put your fuckin' head through a wall, honest to god Lemon."
He just loves when your laying with eachother and you run your hands through his curls.
I'd like to think you help him take care of his hair actually. Like, he would know how to take care of it properly before, but he let's you put different product in his hair to make sure he doesn't miss any areas on his hair, (In reality he just wants to be touched by you in some way).
Being a part time nurse for him and Lemon definitely became a thing almost immediately after you two started dating. Constant cleaning of wounds and such, just constantly.
The days when he's on missions he's constantly texting you as much as he can, checking up on you to make sure you're doing well.
There are times where he's come home a couple days or even weeks later than he had originally anticipated without being able to contact you, and you'd be absolutely furious, (sometimes not knowing that he wasn't able to contact you at all).
"What the fuck happened, Tan! I thought you were dead. You hadn't even texted me or anything, you were supposed to be back 5 days ago! You had me absolutely worried sick!" You yell.
Tan had been gone for almost 2 weeks when the mission was only supposed to last a week. And on top of that he hadn't phoned or even tried to text you. If it weren't for Lemon telling you that they were fine 2 days before they showed up you would've assumed the worst had happened.
"I really am sorry my darling, the mission was just much harder than we'd expected and we got stuck there longer than nessasary." He explained quietly.
"But why hadn't you contacted me at all? If it weren't for lemon calling me I would've thought you two were gone for good!"
"My telephone got broken by some prick the 3rd day into the mission whilst we were fighting. And I didn't think to used lemon's phone because I was so frazzled the whole time. Really darling, I didn't mean to frighten or worry you."
"Alright.. Sorry I freaked out on you but I really was worried. I'm just glad you're okay now." You walk to Tangerine, pulling him into a hug.
" 's alright love, I'm glad you and I are good too. Let's go wash up and go to bed, I've got blood all over me and my fuckin' clothes and it don't feel too great," Tangerine says, picking you up and taking you to your shared bedroom.
Loves taking baths with you, taking turns washing eachother off makes him feel all warm inside, that you trust eachother enough at that point in your relationship. He thinks it's so sweet though.
Sometimes when he goes outside to have a smoke he'll invite you out with him so you two can just talk. If you smoke he'll probably share one with you too.
Very protective.. Being he's an assassin and all, he'd most definitely go to extremes if someone had been bothering you. Some random person flirted with you? Dead. A someone you knew in high school used to bully you? Dead. Any person that has hurt you no matter how long ago will probably end up dead.
You two are so good for eachother though. Strangely the healthiest relationship you will ever have. Please don't break this poor boy's heart. He will be absolutely devastated and blame himself for it. Underneath all of that muscle and confidence he's very emotional and sensitive.
Will ask to marry you and even possibly start a family with you if you're up for it. (Adoption or old fashioned depending on your biological sex).
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Loved writing this, and I was infact so excited that I finished this in just 2 hours🤭
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🚄Bullet Train Fics🚄
🍋Lemon Fics🍋
Dating Lemon Would Include... [Lemon x GN! Reader Headcannons]
Lemon As A Dad [Lemon x Fem! Reader Headcannons]
I Like Lemons [Lemon x Assassin! Reader]
Let Me Pamper You [Lemon x GN! Reader]
Your Order, Please? [Lemon x GN! Reader]
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🍊Tangerine Fics🍊
Dating Tangerine Would Include... [Tangerine x GN! Reader]
I'm Sorry, Love [Tangerine x GN! Reader]
Kleptomaniacs [Tangerine x Kleptomaniac! Reader]
Tangerine x Assassin! Reader (WIP)
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🔫Multiple Character Fics🔫
🍊🍋The Twins Reacting To You Asking If They Like Harry Potter🍋🍊
🍊🍋Sick Days🍋🍊
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🐞Ladybug Fics🐞
Dating Ladybug Would Include... [Ladybug x GN! Reader]
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Maybe lemon x reader relationship headcanons?👉🏾👈🏾
Lemon x assassin!reader if they had a kid?
Ooh! I love those ideas, how about I do both🤭 ill do the Headcannons on this one and write the second prompt, because those are great and I would love to write both. Get ready for this one though, because its LONG!
Dating Lemon Would Include...
[Lemon (Bullet Train) x GN! Reader]
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[Notes; The reader is a civilian, it starts out as sort of a "talking" to eachother sort of thing all the way to full on relationship. After a while you learn about him being an assassin.]
[Warnings; Swearing and mentioning of Killing is about it, but why do I even bother to put warnings on these bullet train fics?]
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When your first talking to him, hes one of the biggest sweethearts.
I feel you two met either at a bakery, you know how he was talking about good lemon flavoured things like the Lemon meringue pie and the Lemon drizzle cake?
Yeah he went to go get those things to prove Tangerine wrong (pretend he didn't die on the bullet train yk,) that they were infact good and you just so happened to be the one making the baked goods and threw in some lemon bread because lemon flavoured sweets and such happened to be your favourite.
Unrealistic ik, but for fanfiction sake, just say otherwise.
Definitely develops a thing for you after going there every once and a while for some more of that lemon bread, and eventually asks for your number.
You two talk for a while, just sending sweet little messages to eachother and such.
Lemon never shuts up about you, and Tangerine gets sick of his shit very fast. He never thought he would rather prefer for Lemon to be talking about Thomas and Friends ever in his life.
Nonetheless though, Tan is happy that his brother is happy.
When Lemon finally asks you out when he's not busy, he takes you on such a nice date.
Like, this man has money from all of these missions he goes on, so he takes you to a nice place and even offers to buy you some really nice attire if you don't have any.
Such a gentleman the whole date, he's holding the door open for you, pushing your seat in for you, letting you order first, paying for you, oh my lord he's such a sweetheart.
You're left a blushing mess the whole date. He knows just the right things to say, he's making jokes the whole date.
When you finally end the night, you give him a little peck on the cheek and man is he a mess.
Poor thing is trying to keep eye contact with you and not immediately flush or stutter too much.
When he makes it home he's just absolutely ecstatic and he rambles on to Tangerine about everything like a teenage girl.
Hes just giggling and kicking his feet the whole night.
After a couple more dates you two finally become a thing.
You two are constantly over at eachothers places, that is, when the two of you aren't busy with work and such.
The first time Tangerine meets you he acts passive aggressive and is kind of being a dick, but when Lemon leaves the room to go and go something like take a call or whatever he's just different.
You were at the door of Lemon's flat, he wanted to hang out with you but asked to go over to his place so you can meet his brother.
You'd admit, you were a bit nervous. It wasn't his parents or anything but nonetheless it was family and was still slightly scary.
You lift your hand up to knock on the door, giving two loud enough knocks so either of them in the house can hear.
Knock, knock.
After a few moments of waiting, your lovely boyfriend opens the door for you.
"Y/n, Darling, you're here! Come on in, love," Lemon says, greeting you with a wide grin, gesturing for you to go into his shared flat.
You walk in and step to the side as you wait for Lemon to shut the door and walk in himself.
"Who the fuck is that?" You hear an accent, similar to Lemon's speak out in an annoyed tone.
"Oh, right. Y/n, thats my brother, Tangerine. Tan, this is Y/n, my partner," Lemon says, holding the small of your back as he introduces the both of you to eachother.
"So this is the person you've been talking about non-fuckin'-stop?" Tangerine says, eyes still glued to the television playing the current football game.
You turn to see Lemon is wide eyed and his cheeks are burning a darker shade.
"You're being a bloody bellend right now Tan,"
You felt slightly uncomfortable. You knew siblings fought, you had siblings yourself and you fought quite a bit and said some nasty things to eachother, but never in front of others.
The two continued to bicker and fight for a few minutes before Lemon's phone started ringing.
"Shit, sorry love, its my boss, I'll take this and be right back okay, darling?" Lemon says, giving you a kiss on your cheek before quickly going into the other room to take the call.
"Okay, now that he's gone, I've got a few things I've gotta say to you," Tangerine says, muting the television and getting up from his seat on the couch, walking towards you.
"First things first; I'd like to clarify I don't dislike you, but I also don't want Lem to know I don't hate you because it'll cause him to have you over constantly, and I like my peace to myself sometimes," Tangerine clarifies.
You nod in agreement to what he's saying.
"Secondly; I also want to let you know if you ever fuckin' do anything to upset or hurt him in any way, I'll make sure to personally find you and kick your ass, alright?" He says, a more serious tone evident in his voice and body language.
"Erm, yeah I wasn't really planning on doing anything terrible to him.." You say, slightly frightened by his tone.
"Great! Now being we didn't get to properly introduce ourselves; I'm Tangerine," Tangerine says, a smile on his face as he holds out his hand for you to shake.
You gradually accept it and introduce yourself properly, giving him a firm shake.
He walks back to his seat on the couch and unmutes the television, just then Lemon walks out of the other room.
"Sorry, Y/n, I had to take that. Hopefully Tan kept his fuckin' gob shut and didn't say some shit to you," Lemon says, making his way to your side as he gently caresses your arm, glaring at Tangerine.
"I didn't say fuckin' shit, Lem!" Tangerine shouts from the couch.
Afterwards you and Tan become pretty close though. Occasionally talking to eachother about random things when Lemon was busy with something else in the other room.
Sometimes Lemon will leave on purpose with no real reason just to hear you and his brother getting along. It makes him happy you two are comfortable with eachother.
Man, when he finally tells you what his job is after about a year of being together, you are TORN.
You don't know how to react honestly. Of course you still love him but on top of that, the person that you've loved for a little over a year now kills people for his job.
Nonetheless though, you eventually get a little bit more accepting of it. You love Lemon and you would rather be accepting of his career choice than loose such a truly sweet man.
Now after missions sometimes he'll come to your flat all bruised and bloodied up with Tangerine and you'll tend to their injuries.
Most of the time Lemon will stay the night with you and you'll just fall asleep cuddling eachother as Tangerine angrily sleeps on the couch.
You honestly consider upgrading to a two bedroom flat so Tan finally has his own bed for when he's forced to stay at your place.
Eventually that happens, only because Lemon finally moves in with you and you two decide that a spare bedroom for Tangerine to have when he's over would be nice for him.
I like to think he'd be a great cook. Like one of those types where one partner is good at cooking and terrible at baking, whereas the other is good at baking and terrible at cooking.
Expect him to make you breakfast for you on your birthday and take it to you in bed, he loves doing that shit for you.
You make him cakes and such for his birthday. For your one year anniversary of being together you made this huge lemon cake with lemon buttercream. You ended up with a ton of it left so you sent some to Tangerine, he loved it but wouldn't let you and Lemon know that as he was still insisting lemon flavoured anything was awful.
Lemon is such a sop for you though. He doesn't think you could do anything wrong in his eyes.
Bonus headcannons time!
His favourite places to kiss you are your cheeks and lips. Man is he a good kisser too.
He loves it especially when you two are making out and you start playing with his hair.
He loves any sorts of physical touch. He likes to hug you from behind, he'll sometimes even pick you up and twirl you around.
Very clingy but he knows boundaries and if you seem just a tad bit annoyed or overwhelmed he'll make sure to give you your space.
You two have had like, 2 fights your entire relationship and it was for some more serious things, totally understandable.
You two make such a great pair for eachother though. Tangerine points out how you two are "sickly sweet," and will fake gag like a child or roll his eyes at you two sometimes.
Right, so I went a little overboard on this one, but how can I not, I mean its Lemon! Anyways, I hope you enjoyed it just as much as I enjoyed writing it.
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Send in your requests for stories! Look at my introduction to see if anything you like is something I'll write, and DM me for further questions!
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Here's that Dad! Lemon x Reader, I hope you don't mind it being put into the form of headcannons and it being a Fem reader, but its all my brain can really do, aka; I've been getting a little lazy and headcannons and a fem reader are easiest and quicker.
Lemon As A Dad
[Dad! Lemon x Fem! Reader]
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[Tumblr ruined the quality of my gif again🙄]
[Notes; This is the only Fem reader i'll probably make only because it was easier to do so.. For the sake of all of my bullet train fics of the twins, let's pretend that Tan is still alive because I don’t need reminders that he died🤭]
[Warnings; None, just more fluff. •❅──────✧❅✦❅✧──────❅•
When you both find out you're pregnant, he's a whole mess of emotions. He's happy and ecstatic, he's scared, he's freaking out but totally calm all at the same time.
He immediately calls Tangerine to tell him and I can imagine he's just fumbling over his words and such due to the excitement. Tan is trying to calm him over the phone so he can form coherent words and its just not working so you take the phone and talk to him about it so that way Tan doesn't start to yell at him due to his short fuse.
Tan is extremely happy for you two, he probably would take you guys a basket of sorts. Just things to get everything started off.
I think Tan and maybe your parents and siblings if you have them would be the only ones to know. You two being assassins and all doesn't really mean you get to have friends outside of your job. Maybe if you're cool with ladybug, he might know, but apart from that it just stays inside of family.
He's already thinking of names and such, making an entire list of them in fact. You find it so cute how excited he is.
You have no choice or say so when it comes to the nursery, because you just know its gonna be Thomas and Friends decorated no matter what you say.
I think he'd be very protective. Making sure no one in public is overwhelming you when your bump is visible.
He will punch someone if he has to, no joke.
He is such a boy dad. Say you see what gender the baby is and it turns out to be a boy hes just beaming with joy. I'm not saying he wouldn't like having a girl, but he seems like such a boy dad, y'know what I mean?
He would 100% constantly be talking to your belly. Making you watch Thomas and friends with him too as if the kid could see it with you two.
"How are you doing in there little man," "Not much longer until your out of mummy's belly, kiddo. I'm so excited to meet you."
He's freaking out the entire time you're going through labor.
You're like, screaming absolute pain, then he's screaming too.
You truly love Lemon but he's not much help for you as he's loud and probably more scared than you. He'd have a panic attack.💀
After the kiddo's out and he holds him in his arms, he's full on crying tears of joy it's incredible. He loves him so much.
When it comes to naming the kid though💀
"You two have a name in mind for him?" The nurse asks, smiling.
Lemon looks at you with a pleading look as you're holding your newborn in your arms.
"We're not naming him after a fuckin' Thomas and Friends character." You say sternly.
"We need some time to think about it," Lemon says looking back at the Nurse.
Eventually you give in and decide on Edward. I feel it would either have been between Edward or Percy.
Oh man just wait until Tangerine finds out about the kid being named after a Thomas and Friends character.
He's not upset about it because its not his kid or something he can control, but he's just a little bit disappointed you gave in to Lemon.
"Alright love, you can go on in, I'll get Edward alright," Lemon says, opening the car door for you and helping you out.
You had just been allowed to be discharged from the hospital, and you and Lemon planned to immediately head home and have Tangerine over to meet Edward.
You smile at him in response and head on inside of your shared home.
You go inside of your bedroom and change out of your current clothes into some comfier ones.
Once you finish, you walk into the nursery where Lemon was putting Edward into a Thomas and Friends onsie, grinning widely.
"Lookin' dashing kiddo! Let's go and show mummy now," Lemon says, picking him up carefully, making sure to hold is little head up.
He turns around with Edward in his arms and smiles even wider when he sees you standing at the doorway.
"Look at him, love. Doesn't he just look adorable in this," Lemon says excitingly.
"You can relax on the couch with Edward while I clean up darling, don't worry," He says, carefully handing you Edward and guiding you to sit on the couch.
"He looks great, Lem. Let's get the living area situated though, Tan should be coming over soon." You say, laughing warmly at the sight of the two boys.
You tear up a little looking at them, Lemon's already such a great dad.
You would protest but it would be no use, as it would only lead to Lemon forcing you to relax no matter what.
You we're grateful for that. You knew that some dad's would have their wives do all the work whilst taking care of the child sometimes, just sitting on their arse and being a useless piece of shit. You were glad that Lemon was the complete opposite. Stubborn, even.
Lemon cleans the living area as you sit down on the couch with Edward, admiring how much he looks like Lemon.
*Knock, knock, knock*
"That must be Tangerine," You say, looking up at the door as Lemon looks through the peephole, confirming.
"Hey Y/n, how are you doing?" Tangerine asks, sitting next to you on the side where you were holding Edward.
He opens the door to let Tangerine in, greeting him.
Tangerine thanks Lemon and immediately walks towards you and Edward, a large grin on his face.
"I'm doing better now, just a little tired but Lemon has been a great help," You reply.
"Thats great, how's the little one been doing so far?"
"He's been doing good. He's 7 pounds and healthy, there were no complications other than Lemon freaking out at the hospital while I was in labor." You and Tangerine snicker.
Lemon glares at you from the kitchen as he stocked the cupboards with baby bottles.
"Whats his name,"
You give a look towards Lemon and look down at Edward who was currently sleeping.
"I swear to fuckin' god if you two named him after a Thomas and Friends character," He says as he looks at Lemon.
"Its Edward," Lemon says, clearing his throat afterwards.
"Fucks sake you two are unbelievable, this poor kid," Tangerine scoffs jokingly.
Honestly though, Tangerine is such a good uncle. When I tell you its almost like he's there constantly.
When Tangerine isn't busy and you and Lemon just want a day to yourselves as a break, he's more than happy to take care of him.
Tangerine would 100% buy him a matching West Ham Football Jersey.
During football season, Tangerine is holding Edward and when the team makes a goal he's just running around with Edward in his arms in the living area as it fills with the sounds of Edward's giggling and Tangerine's cheering.
Tangerine genuinely loves him so much and would probably do anything for him.
When you go back to work and Lemon or Tangerine aren't available to babysit then Ladybug would definitely be down to do so.
Lemon is very obviously against the idea at first but seeing as you have no one else to do so that you trust, he finally gives in to the idea.
I feel Ladybug would just be great with kids too man, know what I'm saying?
Lemon would probably cry when the kid starts going to school and you know it.
Like, he's tearing up trying not to let any tears fall as Edward is hugging him, and he finally breaks when he hears the little "Bye, daddy!"
You have to calm him down the whole ride back.
He immediately wants another kid because the thought of his kid growing up scares him so much.
Lemon is just such a genuinely good dad though. Growing up without parents in the orphanage he wants to give his kid a better childhood than he had.
He would totally kill anyone if the kid ended up getting hurt or is in danger no hesitation at all.
This was a little shorter than I would've liked but I think it was still decent. I just really needed to put some writing content out and get my drafts cleaned up. Hope you enjoyed reading it though!
Send in your requests for stories! Look at my introduction to see if anything you like is something I'll write, and DM me for further questions!
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aew-kun-age-regression · 10 months
-Bullet train Masterslist-
Caregiver!Tangerine StimBoard
Regressor!Ladybug Headcannons
DNI Banner
Tangerine, Lemon, Ladybug
Paci Icon
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bluestbloo · 2 years
Ive decided since ive spent waaaay too much time on here, i wanna start writing more. I'm willing to do mainly smut or fluff oneshots!! im not good at a whole multi part story. Im also ok with Headcannons, nsfw alphabet, and stuff like that!!
Characters/Medias i'll do:
Billy Hargrove
Steve Harrington
Eddie Munson
Jonathan Byers
Kurt Kunkle
Genshin Impact
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