#leo says he made festus a friend
sleep deprived nico this sleep deprived annabeth that but what about the true sleep deprived one: leo
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alexwritingspot · 9 months
Leo Valdez x reader
request from @beeeezmelmel for a Leo Valdez x reader
prompt 10: “I can’t sleep”
words count: 1.4k
pairing: Leo Valdez x g!n reader
A night time walk to bunker 9 leads you and your best friend, Leo Valdez, to a confession of your true feelings. Could this friendship become something more?
A/n: hi darling and thank you for requesting! I honestly had so much fun writing this one cause Leo is one of my comfort character! And I find it a really realistic thing that (I wrote the thing with the reader saying the prompt’s sentence) you would definitely find Leo awake at every hour of the night. I wrote this as an eventual friends to lovers, enjoy! 🧡 Also, I’m slowly catching up on all my requests, school is going to start soon and I have lot of test and such for the end of the period, so hope no one is disappointed if I don’t answer their requests really fast, sorry again!
Loud thunders echoing through the night had woken you up before your nightmare could. Not like your rest had been the easiest, but surely things were getting better after the war with Gaea.
You jolted up straight in the bed, catching your breath while your eyes adjusted to the dime light coming from outside. It was dark and nothing other than the moon was there to lighten up your vision. Luckily enough you hadn’t woken up any of your siblings, you already knew they would have asked too many questions about how you were feeling.
So you decided that maybe taking a breather outside would have been a good solution to calm down your mind from the recurring nightmare that plagued your sleeps. You tiptoed out of bed, almost tripping in the blankets. Careful to not make any noise you slipped on a pair of sneakers, without tying up the laces, of course, and you made your way outside of the g/p cabin.
Chilly air hit your skin as you exited from the door. Gods, now you were even shivering from the cold. You let out a soft sigh before starting to walk, making sure to go unnoticed by the harpies that flew in the sky at night, you surely didn’t want to face Mr. D’s punishments.
You didn’t really know where to go. Well, you did knew who would have been able to cheer you up, but you weren’t sure if he was still awake, or if he would have cared about your stupid nightmares. You decided nonetheless to give it a try, and as you hugged yourself tighter to shield yourself from the cold, one step after the other you started to make your way to bunker 9.
Why bunker 9? Because you were confident that if he was still up, which you suspected, then he would have been surely working on some project of his in the old bunker.
Between the wind blowing the leaves on trees, and the far sound of the thunderstorm outside of camp’s borders, you quietly made your way to the hidden building in the middle of the night.
As you arrived you silently entered through the main entrance, finding yourself in a lot more hot environment, that immediately warmed you up.
Just a little bit further there was him. Sitting at one of the many tables there was Leo, who was working on some gadget of his. Beside him there was Festus, who was laying comfortably on the ground. He was the first to spot you.
You honestly would have just stayed there at the entrance, just enjoying the scene playing in front of your eyes, but the mechanical dragon had other plans.
“Come on, why won’t you work??” Leo asked to the thing he was working on, and Festus tried to get his attention by gently blowing some air onto the boy. “Not now buddy, I’m busy, can’t you see?” Answered Leo, clearly trying to find out a solution.
So this time Festus actually nudged him to get his attention. When the child of Hephaestus still ignored him, the mechanical dragon insisted slightly more, getting Leo to finally pay him attention. “What is it, huh?” He asked as he patted the dragon’s head.
Festus brushed him off, and pointed in your direction.
You could have sworn you froze in place in that moment, completely caught off guard on what to do. “Hey…” You meekly said, the room didn’t seem as hot as before.
Leo’s eyes widened when he saw you “Y/n? Are you okay? Something happened?” He gently asked as he got up and approached you. “Y-yeah, I’m good, I just… I happened to pass by… yep…” Why did you have to say the first thing that crossed your mind?? You were pretty sure that you were a blushing mess by now.
If Leo noticed he didn’t point it out. “Passing by? In the middle of the night? Let me tell you, that would be strange even for me.” He joked, trying to lighten up the mood at least a bit. “Holy Hephaestus, y/n you’re shivering!” He then noticed, and before you could find another good enough excuse he pulled you by the wrist and made you sit on the only couch of the bunker.
“You want to see what I was working on?” He then asked you with his signature smirk as he lighted up some candles that he had laying around. You doubted those would have kept you warm, but you appreciated the gesture.
“Sure thing.” You nodded. This was the thing with Leo. He understood when you didn’t want to talk about something, and he didn’t pressure it. He’d just let you be, and if you wanted you could talk about it.
He moved to the table and picked up the thing he was working on “This buddy over here won’t let me adjust him” he said frowning as he tried once again to adjust it. You chuckled, Leo was able to ease your worries in an instant.
He plopped himself besides you and showed you the small gadget. You passed a hand over it. “What is this supposed to do?” You asked him with curiosity and he started explaining. “Well you see, I projected him because I thought it was a good idea for…” as he talked you totally zoned out, simply staring at him as he talked.
You blamed it on your ADHD, but in reality you had the biggest crush on the guy since he had arrived at camp.
“And so, even if I figured out what doesn’t work I can’t seem to adjust it” he concluded and snapped back to reality. Shit, you had missed the whole explanation.
“That sounds interesting” You simply commented as he put down the small thing and scooped closer to you. “Yeah, until you don’t have to work on it” he said with a smile.
You stayed like that for a bit, embraced by the comfortable silence until you spoke up. “How come you are still awake?” You asked him, tilting your head to be able to look him in the eyes. “I can’t sleep” he answered you truthfully. “What about you?” He the quickly added “If you want to tell me of course”
You let out a sigh “I just… I have this nightmare that has been plaguing my sleep since the war with Gaea and I needed some comfort. I didn’t want to wake my siblings up and… I assumed you would have been awake, and I came here” you concluded, looking down at your hands, unsure of what he would say next.
Instead of the negative reaction you had expected on his face appeared the biggest smirk “So you thought of me to feel safe?~” he was so smudgy about it. You just chuckled “Yeah… you could put it like that.” He smiled “Well then, I’m glad” He wrapped an arm around you “I’m here for you if you need me, that is what… friends… are for, right?” If you hadn’t been so busy feeling defeated after he had defined the two of you ‘just friends’ you would have noticed the doubt in his voice.
“Yeah… friends, you’re right” you looked away, the until now comfortable silence had quickly evolved in an uncomfortable one.
“Actually…” he moved your face gently with his hand, making sure you were looking at him “You know what y/n? I just cannot keep going on like this… I’m not really good with words, but I… I uh… I appreciate your presence and just… I found you really pretty and funny but I don’t wanna be your friend anymore” You just sat there, completely shocked. So, he didn’t care after all.
He saw your hurt look and started talking again “Wait! That didn’t come out right! I didn’t mean to say that we aren’t friends! For Hephaestus’s sake, I’m such a mess with words” He shook his head chuckling, and at that point you were terribly confused. What did he mean then?
“I just… I like you y/n. And not like- I don’t just like you. I like like you, as in more than friends and I know that you probably don’t reciprocate and this will ruin our friendship but I couldn’t just hide this anymore and-“ he was talking a bit too much for your likings.
You crushed your lips on his and expressed with that gesture all the emotions that neither of you knew how to express…
a/n: GODS, I panicked so bad, I had accidentally pressed “publish” while writing! Anyway, happy New year to all my followers, and thanks for reading! 🧡
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erosjournal · 28 days
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‧₊˚໒꒱ all along there were some, invisible strings...
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~ characters : leo valdez x daughter of iris
~ synopsis : you and leo have met on multiple occasions. three times, you guys have met, and you've never been friends. so why is it only now that he might be someone you don't want to leave?
~ tw(s) : nothing i can think of?
1st time.
you shot up in bed, sitting and shaking while your breath heaved. you'd had another nightmare, which wasn't unusual at this point, but you still felt the rush of anxiety through you after it had happened. you looked around, making sure everything was ok around you. yup, your sleeping siblings still were safe in their beds.
you got up, and threw on a hoodie over your pajamas, then slipped on some shoes. you needed a walk to clear your head, and that nightmare was still embedded in your mind. you walked over to the door, stepping carefully. you opened the door and sneaked outside, closing it carefully to ensure your siblings wouldn't wake up.
it was a strangely cold summer morning, very early, right after sunrise. though, you wouldn't be able to tell with the clouds covering the sky. you took in a deep breath, inhaling the sweet smell of the cold.
you decided to go sit by the lake, which wasn't very far. no one else was awake, and you thought about your nightmare as you walked. it was a repetitive one. one you wouldn't never let go, the memory haunting you forever.
you snapped out of your mind as you noticed someone was already sitting at your favorite bench. he had dark curls, and seemed to be tinkering with something. you didn't know anyone else that could've been awake at this point.
"you're in my spot." you said. walking closer. the turned around and smiled. he had a sharp grin on, and his dark brown eyes seemed to gleam with mischief. you felt your cheeks warm, probably from the cold.
"actually, i was here first." he announced, scooting so he sat directly in the middle of the bench, so there was no space for you to sit comfortably. you frowned and crossed your arms.
"hey, man, just let me sit here in peace. i need it." you sighed, watching him twitch with energy.
"no thank you, princess, i'd prefer to be here too." he went back to the project in his hands. it was a small, toy dragon. yet it was made of celestial bronze. odd. you walked around so you were facing him, and kicked him in the shins.
"dude, just go find another spot. there's like, dozens of benches." you groaned. he winced but just laughed.
"so why don't you go find one?" he smirked, spinning the tail on his toy. you bit your lip, frustrated at his stubborness.
"because.." this is my favorite bench, not yours, you wanted to say, but held back. "because i like it. okay? at least make room for me." you finally offered. he thought a bit, and nodded.
"sure, i'd love to sit next to a beautiful girl like you." he adjusted, so there was space for you. you sat next to him, watching the lake ripple and sway.
"soo... whatcha doin out here this early?" he asked, is eyes fixated on the dragon.
"says you." you glanced over, smirking a little. he looked up and noticed your smile, causing him to grin too.
"well, i wanted some time alone. obviously, it didn't end up that way, but i just needed some... time." he said, glancing at his dragon. he seemed so obsessed with it. you wanted to ask, but decided against it.
"yeah..." you nodded. after a bit more silence, broken by the occasional squeak of metal grinding against each other, you sighed.
"so, what's your name?" you asked, looking over at the boy. he smiled.
"leo valdez, at your service." he grinned. "and my dragon, festus!" he lifted the dragon up, so the light shone on it. you nodded.
"what about you, princess?" he asked. you were about to say, when a bell rang. wow you guys had been out there for a while. it was breakfast time, and you wanted to hurry back to change. you smiled at him, and got up.
"next time we meet, maybe you'll know." you teased, and ran off.
2nd time.
camp half-blood had finished, summer was over. autumn had rolled in, and you were off to go back home. you promised your siblings to come back to visit, but you dearly missed your dad. he was always supportive of you, and when you were a kid he'd share amazing stories of your mother. you always thought he was joking, or trying to make you feel better, but you realized he was in love.
now, the hermes cabin and decided to play a prank on leaving campers. see, the campers had to drop off their suitcases (if they had them) with their things in the big house, so it could be watched over before they left.
the next day, wandered over to the big house. as you did, you noticed the disarray of confused campers and one upset chiron. you sneaked past them, into the room, to see the mess. the suitcases were all over the ground, the stuff in them had been switched into others, the tags crossed out and tossed. it was chaotic.
"oh my gods..." you gasped, seeing your favorite shirt on the couch, your suitcase on the other side of the room. you dashed to pick it up, weaving through the other campers.
as you stuck your hand out to grab it, you heard the sigh of the camp director.
"you all better help! this is going to set us back by at least a day!" he groaned, talking to the hermes kids. they all seemed pleased, but put on a poker face of sadness and remorse.
you walked around the room, snatching up skewed items of yours. as you came across your suitcase, you noticed a black haired boy rummaging through it, cursing as he kept pulling out bolts and pieces.
"leo?!" you asked, kicking him off of it. he winced but glanced up.
"oh, hey princess." he grinned. he backed up, pointing at the suitcase. "the hermes cabin stole some of my nuts and bolts and threw them around into the suitcases. i need them all for my project." he sighed. "is this your suitcase?"
"yes, it is mine. i would appreciate if you didn't go through it." you said sharply, kneeling to shove your clothes in it. he backed up, blushing.
"oh, sorry. i didn't mean to, i just needed the scraps that had fallen in..." he promised, opening his hand to reveal the items. you glanced and shrugged.
"okay, whatever," you said, and quickly zipped up your bag, and stood up, facing leo. he gave you a nervous grin, and fidgeted. his fingers were twitching.
"so, uh, princess, never got that name of yours." he said, smirking. he hoped you would lay off your bitter words.
"never threw it." you teased back, grinning. he smiled, rubbing his arms. you bit your lip, then told him.
"gods, that's a really pretty na-" suddenly was a loud crashing sound from outside.
"AH! KIDS!" chiron said, as some hermes campers had fallen off of a makeshift stack of luggage. he groaned and walked inside, nervous at the disarray.
"if anyone's ready, we have a bus prepared." he said, trying his best to be calm. a couple kids hurried out, and you looked back at leo.
"see ya next summer, leo." you smiled, and started walking out.
"you too, princess!" he called back, grinning.
3rd time.
it was the next summer, and you were chosen to go on a quest. one you couldn't possibly go on. you were sitting on the steps of your cabin, slightly shivering at the thought of terrors ahead.
you were so caught up in your mind, you hadn't noticed the boy who'd come up to you.
"hey, um, everything ok?" a voice asked. you looked up. leo was standing there, awkwardly. he had worry written all over his face, and you felt bad.
"yeah yeah, of course." you assured, trying to stop your quaking. he shook his head, and sat right next to you.
"it's ok if you're not. quests can be really scary. not the actual thing, sometimes, but just the idea." you felt like breaking down. you'd been stressed recently, and the idea of crying into leo's arms was becoming more and more appealing.
"thanks." you said, and went back to staring off in the distance, your mind lingering. leo nodded, and took your hand in his. it made your heart flutter, but you shook it off as nerves. he made gentle circles with his thumb, reassuring you.
"just so you know, i think you're gonna do great. you're the best fighter i've seen." he said it seriously. whether or not that was true, you'd never know. but you smiled.
"thanks, like, seriously. i'd been stressed for a bit, and this on top..." you responded, shaking your head. he listened.
"hey, if you ever need to talk, drop by my cabin. i'll listen." he said. you felt you heart skip again. i'll listen. gods, this boy was gonna drive you crazy. you nodded, and leaned on leo's shoulder. he let you, not trying to do anything romantic or cheesy. he just wanted to be a comforting friend.
"leo, what was the first quest you'd ever done?" you said quietly. he sighed, relaxing his shoulders a little.
"me, piper, and jason had just gotten to camp half-blood. then we were sent to go beat up some giants to stop the first part of gaeas plan of rising. i think we did well." he grinned, looking over at you. you smiled.
"i.. i'm really scared." you admitted. he nodded slowly, motioning for you to continue. "i've never gone on a quest, and what good would i do?" you asked nervously. he looked surprised and shook his head.
"what do you mean 'what good would you do'? everyone has a key role to play. even you. i swear." he said, smiling reassuringly. you nodded.
"can you stay here for a bit?" you asked, shaking still ever so slightly. he nodded. you to sat there, enjoying each others company in silence.
you'd just gotten back from you quest, and gods did it feel good to be back. your clothes were tattered, and you were exhausted. campers cheered as you and your fellow buddies from the quest arrived, grinning and hugging you guys. you hugged them all back, but searched the crowd. nothing.
"hey, princess!" you glanced over and smiled at the voice. leo was standing towards the back, on top of something to get his height up. you released the person you'd been hugging and quickly ran around the campers. you stopped in front of leo, who'd been standing on a brick.
"leo, get down here!" you cried over the voices of the other campers yelling. he nodded, and crawled down, and you threw your arms around him. "gods, i missed you!" you exclaimed, holding him tight.
leo was very surprised, but quickly held you tight against him too. you bit your lip, stepping back to look into his eyes. after a week of thinking, you had realizations.
"leo, can i-" you were broken of by leo's lips pressing against yours, hungry with love and longing. you felt yourself gasp, but kissed him back. gods you hadn't realized how much you'd wanted this.
you two stood there, in each others presence like nothing else mattered. it felt like the world had stopped. he was kissing you. and you loved it.
~ an:
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rafyki · 3 months
[Valgrace fanfic]
First Valgrace fanfic!! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
Inspired by @neo-kid-funk's beautiful art and by our constant talking about angsty Leo finding comfort in Jason's arms :')
So, here it is!! Hope you like it~
You can also read it on AO3!
If you asked anyone, they would probably say that Leo is loud and talkative, sometimes too silly and unserious, and most of the times a little annoying too.
Anyone else might get offended by something like this, but truth be told, Leo is fine with it - more than fine, actually, he likes it. He has worked hard to craft such an image for himself, after all, to make so that the people around him would see him like the funny friend who always makes jokes even in the most dire situations, the one friend who you could always count on to make you laugh.
It feels safe, being perceived like this. An easy way to hide.
Leo has learned during the year, that if you are annoying enough almost no one would bother to check if your smile is an honest one or not; almost no one would care enough to dig and find out what is hidden under it.
It hurt at first. 
Leo has smiled and laughed and made jokes while screaming inside fake, fake, fake, how can you not see it's all fake! ; holding his tears until he was alone, letting it all out only in the safety of an empty room.
It has gotten easier, with time, so much that sometimes he isn’t sure himself how much of his smile is true or fake, how much of his personality is honest and how much is just his carefully crafted mask.
Maybe he is too good at building things, and that is why no one has been able to see the cracks all over his bubbly and annoying armor.
It’s easier, thinking like this rather than thinking that perhaps, simply no one cares enough to take a closer look.
And so he smiles, he cracks jokes, and he laughs. 
And no one notices when his smile turns forced, or when the light in his eyes dims and his stare gets lost far away for a long moment.
Leo is good at pretending, and so no one notices.
He wonders now if, perhaps, he has been so busy building his armor and thinking that no one would ever bother to see past it that he himself failed to look around and check if, after all, at some point, someone arrived that has been watching more closely than he believed.
It feels weird, raising his eyes after a moment of weakness and meeting Jason's concerned ones. 
“Leo, are you okay?”
The first time it happens, it takes Leo a long moment to really register Jason's words. They sound foreign, like they shouldn't be directed at him.
“Huh, yeah, man, sure I'm okay!”
Smile, fake, pretend. He could feel something cracking underneath. And, judging by the look in Jason's eyes, perhaps he heard that too.
Jason notices. Jason looks more closely. Jason cares enough to do so. 
It is subtle, at first. Subtle to anyone else's eyes, at least, but it still feels huge to Leo.
It is a simple ‘are you alright?’ when Leo gets too lost in his own head, a concerned look thrown his way when no one else seems to notice that there is something wrong with him, a shoulder bumping into his in support.
It is little, but it is there.
It is there when Leo doesn’t know he needs it, in those moments he is so used to hiding alone somewhere and just dealing with whatever it is that was pulling him down - Jason is there and, honestly, Leo doesn’t know what to do with that realization.
Sometimes Leo needs to hide, sometimes he can’t bring himself to crack a joke and force a smile and keep the facade up, and the only thing he can do is hide.
“Are you okay?”, Jason asks, because of course he does, he always does.
Leo nods, wears his signature smile and waves a hand to dismiss the question. 
“Sure am”, he says. “I just need to go to the engine room and check some things - Festus doesn't sound too good right now”.
That's his best excuse when they're on the Argo II; no one can say anything to that, because no one understands, and it's his work to check that everything is perfect with the ship. So they don't bother him, they let him go. Easily, always so easily dismissed.
“Do you want some company?”
Leo feels a little unstable on his feet. This isn't how it's supposed to go - Jason should wave him goodbye and let him go, and then Leo could hide in his safe space and just let the mask fall for a little while.
He really doesn't have the strength to keep it up right now, it's starting to feel a little too heavy.
“Huh, you'll get bored, man”, he replies. “I'm not really all that entertaining while I work”.
Jason shrugs.
“I'm just going to keep you company, you can do your work as you always do”.
It's hard, being on the Argo. For the obvious reasons (quest to save the world, constant monsters attacks), and also for the ‘only related to Leo' issues; it's hard not to feel alone, it's hard not to feel like you could easily be replaced, like no one would even notice you're gone if you threw yourself overboard. It feels unfair, thinking of his friends like that, but the knowledge doesn't make it easier to keep the thoughts away.
It's never been easy to feel like he really belongs. He's not sure anymore he knows what it means, and he's not sure if he'll ever find out.
Jason is looking at him, and Leo wonders how many of the cracks in his armor he can see.
Leo doesn't want company.
Leo desperately needs company.
He's so used to being alone in moments like this he's not sure what he wants anymore.
But Jason is there.
And Leo nods.
Jason isn't the first one to ask, of course. But he is the first one who doesn't seem to believe Leo when he nods and replies that yeah, of course he's okay why wouldn't he be; he's the first one who seem to realize that the smile carefully plastered on Leo's lips is as fake as the belief that the Greek gods have never existed. He's the first one to take a second, closer look, and he's the first one who keeps asking.
And Leo, well, Leo is getting used to it. And maybe he likes it a little too much.
He shouldn't, knows he shouldn't, knows Jason is just that kind with everyone, that he cares for everyone, that the way he cares for Leo is no different from how he cares for any of his other friends.
He knows.
It doesn't really make it any easier.
Jason asks and, usually, Leo lies.
The lies always feel familiar on Leo's tongue, so much that he's not sure he would be able to be honest even if he wanted to.
It's so much easier to laugh it away and pretend it's nothing, rather than trying to explain to someone everything that's wrong with you. What even is wrong with him? It's been so long he doesn't even know anymore. He wouldn't know where to start in telling anyone (in telling Jason, because there's really no one else. He can be that honest with himself, at least).
So, Jason asks, and Leo smiles, and lies.
And Jason doesn't believe him.
Leo starts to lean on it. To lean on the soft words of concern, on the feeling of a solid shoulder pressed against his, on the comfort of a pair of blue eyes looking concerned at him.
He’s not sure when, but at some point lying to Jason starts to feel wrong.
It takes Leo a while to recognize the feeling - he hasn’t been feeling like this for a long while, he’s pretty sure the last person who has ever made him feel this way is his mother; it feels so weird now, but Leo finds himself wanting to be honest.
“Ehi”, Jason says. “Are you okay?”
It’s become such a familiar question now, as long as it’s coming from Jason’s lips, accompanied with Jason’s thoughtful eyes scrutinizing him. 
“Yeah, sure”. It’s a reflex, replying like this. Leo regrets the words as soon as he’s done speaking them.
They’re sitting near the canoe lake, and the Camp it’s weirdly quiet.
The war is over, they’re both alive, and Leo should feel better. He does, in some ways - it’s easier to tell himself he’s enough, it’s easier to show a smile that is a little less fake than usual.
Still, sometimes, he doesn’t, and he’s not sure why.
There are those moments when he simply deflates. Once, he would have said he needs to be alone in such moments; now, he’s not so sure.
“You don’t really look okay, Leo”.
Leo looks at him, and Jason looks back at him. It’s doing something to Leo’s heart - Leo is a little afraid it’s going to set itself on fire any time now.
It’s the first time Jason calls him out on his blatant lie.
“I…”, he starts. He’s not sure how to be honest anymore, how to take off the mask completely. “I… will be?”
It’s true, he always does feel better in the end. It still sounds like a question more than anything else.
Jason touches his shoulder to Leo’s, and this time he doesn’t move back after a few moments; he stays there, shoulder pressed against Leo’s, a solid and real comfort. Leo leans into the contact, he can’t really help it. It feels nice, like he could allow himself to fall, because Jason would be there to hold him and help him back up.
“You know, you don't have to smile if you don't feel like it”.
It hits Leo like a truck. It’s such a simple thing to say, so obvious. Right now, it feels bigger and heavier than anything. 
“Smiling is easier though”, he finds himself saying.
“Is it?”
Leo thinks that right now the only thing that’s keeping him safe is the press of Jason’s body against him.
Is it? Leo tries to remember when was the last time smiling and pretending while he felt like this had actually made him feel better. He comes up empty handed.
He leans more into Jason, wishes for a second that Jason would put his arm around his shoulders to keep him together. He wishes it so hard it takes him a moment too long to realize it’s real when Jason actually does.
But no, it really is true, the weight is real and firm, and Leo still feels like he’s going to crumble any moment, but he also feels like he doesn’t have to worry about picking up the pieces, because Jason will do it for him.
Jason pulls him closer.
His heart is definitely going to set itself on fire now, but Leo goes willingly, and finds it a little easier to breathe.
He closes his eyes, and doesn’t force himself to smile.
The next time, Leo doesn’t wait for Jason to ask.
He feels himself grow distant, getting lost in the maze of his thoughts and memories, he feels a little too outside of the chatting around him; and he feels his lips grow heavy under the weight of his smile, the mask getting harder to keep in place.
It’s a little like instinct, going to find Jason. It’s a little like fate that he finds him immediately in his cabin.
And it’s a little too easy to let himself fall on the bed against him.
Leo feels a little better just with that. 
“Ehi”, Jason murmurs, quietly.
He doesn’t ask, this time. Instead, he wraps his arms around Leo, pulls him closer and closer until Leo is basically curled in his lap, head against his chest.
Jason is sturdy under him. Safe, Leo thinks as he melts in the embrace.
He closes his eyes, and can’t feel anything but Jason around him, his hand caressing his head, his scent filling his senses.
He hasn’t been this bare around someone in years; he never realized how heavy his armor became until now, when he’s finally thrown it on the ground. Jason has taken it off of him piece by piece without Leo even realizing.
He doesn’t feel like smiling right now, but feels calm, quiet. 
The sound of Jason’s heart is the only one he can hear, and Leo almost thinks he can follow a morse code hidden in it, behind every beat.
His own flaming heart is doing the same as he runs and runs - but that code, Leo knows all too well.
His fingers start tapping it on Jason’s chest.
I love you. I love you. I love you.
Maybe, one day, he’ll be able to tell him out loud. Maybe he can give Jason some more honesty.
Maybe Jason can understand it already.
For now, he holds tighter onto him and lets himself be held.
Leo soon finds out that Jason's arms are incredibly warm and welcoming, and that it's way too easy to fall into them.
It becomes a habit, and something that Leo doesn’t want to go without. He tries to, reprimands himself every time because it’s not right and it’s not good, and it’s only going to hurt him again and again and again. And where will he even find hiding and comfort once Jason himself is the reason for his spiraling?
But Jason is always there, and Leo can’t help himself.
And so, he doesn’t even wait for him to ask anymore, he simply allows himself to let the truth show, to stop smiling and fall silent, and he leans into him. Jason is always ready to catch him.
Leo wonders if Jason has the slightest idea of what it means to him - of what he means to Leo. Leo would love to have the courage to tell him - or, better, tell him in a language that Jason understands. 
Instead, he falls into him, snuggle into his chest, and loses himself in the feeling of strong arms circling him as his heart runs around in a fire in his ribcage and his fingers tap the same hidden message on Jason’s skin.
It’s so engraved into him, at this point, that his heartbeat probably follows the same pattern, the blood in his veins pumping to that same rhythm.
Maybe that’s why it takes him a long while to realize that that same pattern is being tapped on his own arm. Jason’s fingers follow the familiar movement of Leo’s, speaking the same words that his heart screams every second of every day.
Leo feels it against his skin, and he wants to cry.
I love you. I love you. I love you.
Jason doesn’t know, Jason doesn’t understand, or he wouldn’t be doing that.
Leo lets himself feel it one more time before reaching out and catching Jason’s hand to stop him.
“What’s wrong?”, Jason asks.
For a long moment, Leo can’t find his voice.
“Stop”, he manages to say in the end. 
Such an easy question for such a complicated answer.
Leo wants to be honest. He desperately wants to put a fake smile on and leave. But he wants to be honest. He tries to find a joke to say, somewhere in his brain - something that would make the tension dissolve. 
It’s become way too difficult to lie to Jason though, especially when he’s holding Leo like this.
“You don’t know what it means”, he ends up saying. 
A moment of silence follows. Maybe Jason has gotten tired of trying to talk to him, after all.
“Of course I do”.
Leo stops, then turns to look at Jason.
“No, you don’t”.
Jason smiles, and Leo’s heart stops beating. There’s no way he isn’t going to set himself on fire any moment now.
“Yes, I do”.
“Then why are you doing it?”, Leo asks. He tries to move away, to put some distance between them, tries to take his armor and his mask back; but Jason keeps holding him, and keeps them out of his reach. 
“Same reason why you’ve been doing it all this time”, he says. Then adds, “Or I hope so”.
“Oh, I doubt it’s the same”, Leo scoffs. 
He hates the way Jason is looking at him right now, hates the way he himself is feeling right now. Still, he can’t help but lean into the touch when Jason cups his face - gently, he’s always so gentle with Leo.
His fingers start tapping again, slowly, like they’re engraving the pattern right onto Leo’s soul.
“Leo”, Jason says. “I’m going to be brave for the both of us if you’ll let me”.
Leo wants to say something, anything, but his voice is gone again.
Ha can feel nothing but Jason all around him, can’t hear nothing but the hidden words being written on his skin.
I love you. I love you. I love you.
The pattern merges with the spoken words as Jason says them.
I love you. I love you. I love you.
Leo still can’t find his voice but his fingers know what to do, and so they reply, carving his feelings on Jason’s chest.
It’s a little like a dream, except that Leo’s dreams are never this nice.
He hides his face in the crook of Jason’s neck, hoping that he won’t set fire to the both of them. Jason lets out a soft happy laugh and holds him closer, leaves a kiss on the top of Leo’s head.
Leo is bare and honest like he’s never been before.
He smiles, and thinks that that feels like belonging.
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fireboy-supreme · 14 days
Hiya! I’m Leo! I’m a son of Hephaestus! Oh and I died once, oopsie? I’m definitely not in love with Jason and I’m at your service if you need anything welded or made ❤️‍🔥
@forbiddensonoftheseagod - water boy, kinda scary if you ask me, doesn’t like if I call him aquaman
@bianca-d1-angelo never knew her much but I can tell Nico misses her. One of the huntresses of Artemis
@frank-zhang-praetor big man, I think that turning into animals is a cool trait
@gh0st-king-nico - he’s kinda scary, or at least he tries to be. Sneaky too
@will-shoelaces Nico’s boyfriend. Saved me from some really bad injures, love ya man.
@p1per-mclean my best friend of course ❤️‍🔥
@lightning-boi-is-here were totally not in love you guys are all wrong
@grover-the-can-eater - he ate one of my projects before. I will not forgive or forget
@annabeth-w1se-g1rl she’s scary and smart, I can tell why Percy likes her
@pinecone-face-thalia Jason’s sister, don’t know her much. Also a huntress
@hazel-the-jewel really good fighter, can’t say more or her boyfriend might maul
Off topic but I love Festus more than anything
One of the hottest demigods you’ll meet
My main blog is @gabby-gives-the-law
I don’t mind asks
I suck at tumblr mechanics so sorry if I make some embarrassing mistakes
English is not my first language
I have read all the books but I’m up to the second trials of Apollo book
I don’t mind spoilers, I try to avoid them
Just wanna have fun
𝓐𝓵𝓵 𝓭𝓪 𝓵𝓪𝓭𝓲𝓮𝓼 𝓵𝓸𝓿𝓮 𝓛𝓮𝓸
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that-daughter-of-nyx · 7 months
Yandere Leo Valdez NSFW Alphabet
I noticed there’s a distinct lack of yandere Leo so I’m fixing that
pairing: leo x female!reader (mentions of being the daughter of Nyx and granddaughter of hades, so sorry if you don’t like that I picked the godly parent but I wanted this to tie into my wattapp yandere Leo story)
as with all nsfw content all characters are aged to 18+.
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
Leo is definitely a clingy yandere, I mean it would make sense everyone he loved died(his mom and festus just to name two) so it’s gonna be a lot of cuddling and kisses and the son of Hephaestus my(more than likely with) leave at least a few love bites so expect lots of little red and purple bites on your neck, chest, shoulders and thighs
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
I don’t remember where or when I came across the headcanon that he likes his hands because they have made some amazing things(the Argo2 ect) but I absolutely agree, tho for his love probably your chest or neck(but if you can pick him up most definitely it would be you arms)
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
He desperately wants to fill you up just so you have the chance of getting pregnant but he knows it’s probably not a good idea, being at camp 24/7 365 Chiron would figure it out and punish both of you, so he settles for cuming on your thigh or stomach, and watching it run down your body
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
definitely has a praise kink and will cum on the spot if you top him(which isn’t hard((unlike him)) because he despite acting like a top is actually a bottom) and call him your good boy as you slowly and softly fuck him, but he also loves when you make him see your mother’s realm(the Night and Stars) by fucking him as hard as possible
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
None unless you count the smuty stories he reads(if you write his stalker side will come out and find out what you write and if you write smut((even if it’s for a fandom he’s not in and he’s never seen/heard of before or it’s Reader X _____ even if reader is a girl))he’ll read it) but if you don’t count that then he has Zero Experience
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
cowgirl most definitely because he needs to see you and to beautiful fucked out face so much it hurts when you do any other position
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
He switches emotions very quickly and easily(because I’m pretty sure most yanderes are bipolar) so he can go from cracking jokes to being dead serious is two seconds flat.
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
He probably doesn’t care and just lets it grow out a bit(until it gets uncomfortable) but if you don’t like it or you care he will wax/shave it(and maybe you can help😏 just one more excuse for shower sex)
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
He’s completely obsessed with you so he will be the most romantic person humanly possible and he will maybe just maybe cry tears of joy the first few(60-ish) times you have sex
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
This boy is horny as fuck and definitely more so when you two where just friends, and he would jack off to the memories of you fussing over if he slept or ate or drank, when everyone else didn’t really care, but now he can just give you a look and your in bed(so long as you don’t have anything to do) and he’s rolling a condom on
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Again he definitely has a praise kink and maybe he’s just a little bit of a masochist
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
Bunker9 or cabin21(the Nyx cabin) or if Nico’s at camp Jupiter and you want a little bit of risk cabin13 and if you willing to lock his siblings out cabin9 or if all else fails the forest will do(so long as it’s not night then he has to play the “I’ll have her back my 8pm sir” instead of the “your daughter calls me daddy too”)
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
Jealousy or just you in something that hugs your body
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Hurting you(he may be a masochist but he’s still a yandere and will worship your body like it was Aphrodite herself if you let him)
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
he loves giving he just likes the taste of you, and the sounds he draws out and he would be really proud if he could get you to cum with just his fingers or tongue, but he doe sometimes like you going down on him typically when he’s angry or jealous about some guy who was flirting with you
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
both it just depends on where, when and his mood
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
He doesn’t love or hate them, he can fucking rearrange your organs in five or fifty it doesn’t matter as long as you understand he absolutely adores you to death
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
He Probably gets a adrenaline rush from risky stuff but if you don’t like risk he’ll just go sky diving instead of fucking you with a shit ton of risk
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
It’s canon that he has ADHD to make ADHD look normal and he has a lot of bottled up energy to good luck to your poor legs, but if you’re all fucked out and he’s still horny his finish himself
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
Why do you need toys when you have him?
He doesn’t need toys, he will just fuck you will his hands, mouth and penis and will probably make you cum faster than any toy but if you have a vibrator you want to use on him he will let you, because to him you are a goddess, he doesn’t care about Hera or Aphrodite or Athena or even your mother Nyx he only cares about you and so you can use him as your toy or use your toys on him it really doesn’t matter to him so long as you’re happy
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
It could go either way but I say for yandere!Leo he probably would rather be teased by you
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
oh gods he’s like a husky(go on YouTube and watch huskies howling it’s SO loud) when you fuck him it may be best to shove your fingers or even better your underwear in his mouth to make him quieter
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
When you have sex he will have the most lovestruck expression possible or when you’re getting dressed he’ll palm himself through his boxers just because you’re not wearing a top when putting your bra(if you need one) on, and you know he’s a yandere because you where(maybe just a little bit trying to figure out if you liked him) hiding in the shadows when you saw him murder a guy who flirted with you, and so you ended up in the forest at 3pm pining him to a tree and fucking the sense out of him. And when cuddling he will find out what temperature you like to cuddle at(like if you like to cuddle something warm he’ll heat up with the fire powers but not like hot just like sitting around a campfire in summer warm)
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
Despite him being so scrawny he’s large like long and thick and just the right size to fit in you and not be painful and he can and will warm his dick up just to hear the noises you’ll make
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
Do I even need to say anything, it’s clear he’s all ways horny at least a little bit
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
He’ll probably pull an all nighter if he can just to stare at your sleeping face
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aryxchse · 6 months
hi beauty. I was going through your blog and I saw you asking for them to ask for Leo. hajs, I don't have specifications, work your magic. 🩵
turkish delight. | leo valdez x turkish! daughter of poseidon! reader
a / n : i'll use this ask to gain myself another excuse for literally writing self ship here lMAO and i know ya'll at least heard the song m. AND IF I HAVE ANY TURKISH READERS HELLO BABIESSSS
warnings : cursing in turkish really
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it all started when you started saying.. probably mean things in another language at argo ii.
"sikeyim yapacağın işi leo!" he heard one time, and he was sure that it wasn't something nice. when he rushed upstairs, he saw that festus throw a grease on your face. and a very angry you.
they say that turks are ares' favorite people, and he could see why at the moment.
the next time was at the sword practice, you having an intense fight with percy. leo, as a supporter best friend he is, watched you from afar and cheered you once in a while.
it was only a minute later, you were on the ground. "hay amına koyayım ya!" you yelled, standing on your foot with percy's help. "hile yapıyorsun göt."
no one understanded of course, so you sighed and said "you're cheating perce!". now percy was on attack mode. "what? no i'm not! you're just not good."
they were about to hear another mean -that's what they guessed- word from you, but leo rushed and picked you up from your back. "alright, that's enough sibling fight!" he said before running to the lake with you. because of how hot you felt, you shushed.
but these weren't the reasons why leo wanted to know about your language.
it was because whenever you and leo were alone, you would always say "seni seviyorum." and he was going crazy because you never told what that meant.
you guys were sitting at bunker 9 as usual, you, pulling a chair next to leo and watching him with awe as he did his magic. it wasn't very long before he heard the same sentence again. "seni seviyorum, leo."
leo, who was getting use to this, "whatever you're saying, me too." he answered always. and it made you have more and more delusions. but you chuckled it away. "what if i'm saying that you're stupid?"
he only smiled, still looking at his work. "then you too!" he joked. you only giggled, still watching him with so much love.
next day, before meeting with you, leo went to hermes cabin to find connor. hermes was a traveler, so he knew all of the languages. thankfully, his children did too. leo only prayed to his dad that his accent would be enough for connor to understand.
"connor, connor, dude!" leo yelled, making connor stop in his tracks. "what's up lee?" connor said, making a quick handshake with him.
"good good, i was gonna ask you to translate me something." he said. hermes kids were the best friends of foreign people, because they would help you learn english and they would speak your mother language easly.
"sure man, what is it?" connor said. leo took a deep breath which made connor giggle. "s-seni, seviyorum?" leo said, with a bad accent that connor understanded only a after a few time leo repeated.
"ohh! seni seviyorum!" connor said, with the same accent you had. leo nodded quickly. "yes, yes!"
"it means 'i love you.' in turkish. you could say 'i'm in love with you' too." he translated, and leo went blank.
connor nudged his arms a few time to pull him back together. "dude you good?" he asked. leo, like it was a muscle memory, nodded. "yeah, yeah.. thank you so much man, i owe you one."
after one last handshake, leo went to the lake were you waited for him.
"finally, burnt brain." you joked, smiling at him brightly. leo, even he was still shocked, returned the smile. "hi, i was busy sorry." he lied.
you guys started chatting again, like you do always. when leo started to talk about something very excited, you smiled at his childish behavior. "seni seviyorum." the words slipped from your mouth so casually, and you thought he didn't heard you.
"and then i said- i love you too pretty - and so i said-" you sitting straight too quickly made him stop too. "what?" he asked.
"w-what did you just say?" you asked, cheeks red as the sunset. leo smiled. "i love you too." he repeated. "i learned it didn't meant stupid."
you hide your face in your palms. "you asked connor, didn't you?" leo only chuckled as he pulled you in his arms.
"i did, and i'm proud."
senin yapacağın işi sikeyim : i don't really know how to translate this but it's like cursing the job you did. like 'you had one fucking job!'
hile yapıyorsun göt : you're cheating asshole.
hay amına koyayım ya : man, fuck this
i guess hehe
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ilikebigants · 1 year
Hi, I need someone else’s opinion on Leo’s ending in BoO cause personally I hate it. Like Leo’s entire reasoning for why he would die out of the seven was that he was the least valuable member and like. He’s right? Cause he does die, so his assumption was correct! And also him believing that no one would be near him/ capable of (willing to) save him is why he gave the vial to feastus instead. I know it’s meant to be like Leo defies fate and everything but it’s got to be so shattering to have your extremely low self esteem essentially be given a thumbs up by the universe.
I hate it as well, for a multitude of reasons. Let's start with the obvious: Unbelievably low self esteem.
His entire life, he's been a victim in one way or another. He was called a diabolo by his relatives for simply being born different, and his entire life he'd been going from orphanage to orphanage, being abused and bullied the whole way through. There's a high chance he's also been homeless for extended periods of time, which can give you so many different mental issues, one of the most common being a feeling that you don't exist due to how people ignored you in your time of need.
And then, Piper and Jason happen. He finally has friends!... except he doesn't. They treat him awfully, half the time wishing he wasn't there or insulting him in their minds. And as stupid as the fandom portrays him to be, he IS smart and perceptive. He definitely notices but won't bring it up because he knows what might happen if he does: they might leave him again. He'll be alone again.
People who haven't experienced long-term involuntary isolation don't understand what that does to someone. He was terrified, I can be sure of that.
How do you think he felt when he realised the friendship he had was just a product of the mist? Fearful? Helpless? He definitely wasn't happy, and I'm almost certain his heart sank at the realisation he was alone once more. The one time he wasn't only being a lie.
And then Frank and Hazel happened.
People seem to forget that Frank was an antagonising asshole WAYYYY before Leo ever insulted him or made fun of him. Why? Because Hazel treated him nicely, and Leo didn't treat her like shit. It's ridiculous. "He was trying to steal hazel1!1!" No, he wasn't. BFFR. He spoke so many times about how he'd never do that out of respect for someone else's relationship.
The reality of the situation is that he was once again isolated. He can't be friends with Frank or Hazel due to Frank's jealousy issues. Voila, he's once more alone. The 7th wheel.
Not to mention the underlying thought that Hazel only likes him because he reminds her of Sammy.
And THEN there's Percy Jackson. The saviour of olympus. Boy wander and popular as all hell. And Percy doesn't like him. Remember that? It's explicitly said that Percy didn't like Leo. Bam. There goes his last chance to make any friends. If Percy doesn't like you, then Annabeth doesn't like you. Yeah, Annabeth and Leo have been mentioned to talk about engineering with each other, but it isn't even implied that they're in any way close or talk outside of projects for the argo 2.
Why SHOULDN'T he have low self-esteem? Nothing and no one have shown him he's anything more than a tool. A thing to fix stuff around the ship. And this isn't even with me mentioning the guilt he feels for firing on New Rome, or his guilt for throwing Annabeth and Perry into Tartarus, or the MILLION of other things that have made him believe he was expendable!
His one "friend," Festus, is torn into fucking pieces!
So really, no fucking wonder he clings to the idea of a girlfriend so fucking tightly. The prospect of someone who won't leave? Who'll like him? Who'll LOVE him?! Of COURSE he wants that! And that explains why he's so eager to get back to Calypso!
I'll say it, I believe that the only reason he went back was because he thought that he and her had 1 thing in common, and that was loneliness. I genuinely believe he saw how toxic the whole thing was and didn't care because she was just as alone as he was. It's codependency in its purest form. They fought at the start, they fought in the middle, and at the end, the last scene we ever see of them together is them STILL FIGHTING. Say whatever you want about the age gap, even if it wasn't there this STILL would have been a bad relationship for both of them!
But back to the original point. Leo sacrificing himself. Personally, I think that he did it not out of a feeling of inferiority, but because he was suicidal. Straight up. And as a last ditch effort to prove to himself that the others cared.
And he was proven wrong, as they didn't care.
He was right at the end of the day. No one cared for him.
The entire story feels like a giant "fuck you" to Leo. His happy ending being losing Jason and being unhappily married to Calypso.
And on a meta level we have how the fandom treats him, basically being ignored in fan content unless they need a Comic relief.
People talk all the time about how hard the others got it in life, and I agree, but they had 1 thing that helped them make it through: a support network. Leo had it the hardest out of all of them, for the single reason that he didn't have that.
Not only was his suicide basically applauded and rewarded, but his gift for saving everyone was to be miserable for the rest of time.
We never did find out what happened to the 7 after the Trials of Apollo, but in my mind, Leo Valdez only ever talks again to Nico D'angelo. Why? Because after years with Calypso, he stops pretending, and with a gun in his right arm, he's dead.
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huntingrays · 3 months
For the Spotify ask thing:
If you have done it already sorry 😭🫶
27 - illicit affairs by Taylor Swift
so i think like originally it was going to like an actual affair but like neither of them would ever be cheaters so i just made this like a forbidden romance instead! the ending is a little rushed but eh. also ignore my random fantasy world building, i can’t stop rambling whenever i start. this took a lot longer than i expected bc writing for vg week but i finished those so we’re so back bby 😎
next fic may take a while to bc my thoughts went crazy with it…. but yeah this is just sad
Original Post
“Don't call me "kid," don't call me "baby"
Look at this idiotic fool that you made me
You taught me a secret language I can't speak with anyone else”
“You’re going out into the woods again? Seriously? If I didn’t know any better, I would say you’re secretly dating a nymph.”
Leo winked at Piper. “Please. You know I only have love in my heart for my inventions and Festus.”
A look of mock hurt appeared on Piper’s face. “And not even for me? You’re so cruel, Valdez.”
Piper was Leo’s best friend at The Academy. Though he had other friends, like Percy, Calypso, and Annabeth, Piper was his best friend. She and Festus, his dragon, were the only things keeping him sane at the school. The Academy was grueling but it was the best school for fae. Though Leo was intelligent, he doubted he would’ve gotten in if he hadn’t been an elemental. A long time ago, there were a bunch of fae who were blessed by the gods, giving them the power to summon one of the elements. They were called the elementals. The gift could be passed down to their descendants, but it was rare. The Academy sought out any elemental fae to teach since it was a valuable gift. Leo could summon fire. He only knew of one other elemental fae, which was Percy, who could summon water. Fae were powerful magic users, but elementals were even more powerful.
Leo had no desire to be a fighter like many of the others in his class. Instead, he just wanted to be an inventor and dragon rider. Leo had already bonded with a dragon - Festus - so he was already solid on that goal. With how much time he spent on his studies and his forest escapades, he didn’t have much time to spend inventing. Most of his inventions were made out of spite whenever he was slightly inconvenienced. He would feel upset over something minor, like how long it took to preen his wings and would make a whole invention just to make his life easier (and the lives of his friends, as long as they paid him in food or favors to use his inventions - though Piper got a best friend free pass).
Leo had been at The Academy for years, ever since his fire powers developed when he was eight years old. Most other fae joined when they reached their teen years when the board could properly evaluate the power of the ones who applied and would choose the best of their applicants. Only elementals, like Leo and Percy, got in early, so The Academy could hone their powers better. Percy was very talented and strong; he was one of the top in their classes (only beaten by Annabeth). Leo wasn’t as gifted in the strengths or power department but made up for it in intelligence. With all his years at The Academy, he should have thought of it as a second home. Despite his years there, the place wasn’t even close to home. The professors were too strict, the environment too stifling, and the halls too cold. To Leo, his home was his mother and his friends. Most kids were able to visit home during the weekends, but Leo could only return home when their classes wrapped up for the year since he lived far away. It took a day's travel on his dragon to reach home. So, Leo could only see his mother for a fraction of the year. He sent as many letters as he could, but he still missed her dearly.
Around the end of Leo’s first year were when his forest escapades began. At first, it was just something pure and innocent, just Leo wanting a friend. As time went on, however, it became something more, something intimate. Now that he reached eighteen, he was certain he met his soulmate, met the love of his life.
Normally, fae would be able to tell when they met their soulmate - he remembered witnessing what happened with Percy and Annabeth, then their years of ignoring their bond - but it didn’t work if their other half wasn’t fae. Leo was sure there were other ways to check if his secret lover was his soulmate, but he didn’t care to check. He simply knew that he was the one for him, that he was the only one he’d love.
None of his friends knew about his lover. He knew they likely wouldn’t care, but they would worry about him. He knew how this would end but he refused to accept it. He knew his heart would be broken in the end, yet he still held out hope. He didn’t want their pity.
Different species had different opinions on relationships. With fae, they tended to accept queer relationships. With their magic and soulmate bonds, they tended to have no objections, especially with physical proof of love. Also, they couldn’t even object to them not being able to have kids. Thanks to fae magic, things like the same reproductive organs, infertility, or risky childbirth could be worked around. Leo couldn’t exactly explain how it worked since it differed due to many different solutions.
However, the fae weren’t entirely accepting. Though they may accept or merely tolerate queer relationships (it differs from person to person), interspecies relationships tend to be frowned upon. A lot of it was due to not being able to have kids (unless the partner was human) and no obvious proof of a soulmate bond. Interspecies relationships weren’t illegal, but those in them were often frowned upon and shunned.
Since Leo was in a relationship with a man who wasn’t fae, he was sure his peers would be scandalized if they found out, especially since he was an elemental. It wasn’t law, but elementals were encouraged to have kids so they could pass the gift on. They were strongly encouraged to have kids with other elementals since it would almost guarantee having a kid with the elemental gift. Leo was sure that if Percy and Annabeth weren’t soulmates then he’d be encouraged to get into a relationship with him. Leo felt lucky that none of the other elementals at The Academy were around his age. He didn’t want to deal with that.
Though Leo knew his friends weren’t bigots, he just couldn’t gather the courage to tell them. None of them knew, not even Piper.
He kept his secret and he intended to do so until he miraculously got the courage to fess up.
“Why should I have love in my heart for you? You stole my stash of sweets and ate half of them,” Leo responded to Piper.
“But I apologized for it!” Piper insisted with a whine. “And I even replaced the ones I ate.”
“Nothing could ever be as good as my mom’s sweets.”
“Also I convinced her to send you more!”
“She would have done it anyway because she loves me.”
“Ugh, you’re impossible. I hate you.”
Leo laughed. He strolled over to Piper and kissed her cheek. “Love you too, Pipes!” With that, he rushed over to the door and left the dormitory to the sound of Piper’s protests and complaints. He grinned as he pulled the hood over his cloak over his head.
The walk to their meeting spot was long. The path was confusing but Leo was sure he could do it with his eyes closed due to how many times he walked the path.
He discovered the secret spot when he went out walking after exams, drained and wanting a quiet escape. He’d been exploring a cave behind a waterfall when he slipped in the dark and tumbled down a path that had been nearly impossible to see in the dark. From there, he wandered until he was in a hidden grove. Leo wasn’t much of a nature enthusiast, but even he couldn’t deny the beauty of it.
Leo only had a few minutes to look around, admiring the flowers that grew so beautifully, unlike anything he’d ever seen, the glittering pond that was as clear as the sky, the trees that contained species he’d never seen before, and so much more. Leo concluded that it was enchanted, so someone could only enter through the path, invisible to everyone except those who knew about it and those like Leo, who stumbled into it unknowingly. It must’ve been hidden for years judging by how pristine and magical it seemed, with types of fauna that even Leo, a fae, couldn’t identify (though that wasn’t saying too much since Leo’s knowledge of plants wasn’t the best).
Leo would have loved to sit there all day, but his admiration for the place was cut off by a low growl. He spun around, his thoughts screeching to a halt when he saw the wolf behind him. He’d been expecting a wolf the moment he heard the growl, but he hadn’t been expecting a pup. The wolf had a beautiful mix of white and silver fur with clear, blue eyes. Leo didn’t know how to translate wolf years to human years, but he didn’t think the pup was much older than he was.
Leo should’ve been scared. He stumbled into a place that was unknown to him and now was faced with a wolf growling at him.
Leo wasn’t scared. However, he was a reckless idiot. Leo couldn’t help but find the wolf… cute. It was cute and highly amusing to Leo’s worn-out brain. He started laughing.
The wolf abruptly stopped growling, caught off guard by the fae laughing at him. Leo couldn’t stop giggling now that he started. “Aww, is the puppy mad at me?”
The wolf, angered by his taunt, started barking at him. Leo kept laughing and mentally concluded that the wolf must’ve been a werewolf, judging by how he seemed to understand Leo. “You aren’t intimidating at all, puppy. Your barks are too cute.”
The wolf growled in warning before lunging at Leo. Leo easily dodged the attack. Leo must’ve had a death wish because he kept taunting the wolf. “Is your bark worse than your bite? With a bark like that, I’m dying to see how pitiful your bite is.”
They kept up their little squabble for a few minutes, with the wolf trying to attack Leo and with Leo dodging seamlessly and taunting the poor guy. Eventually, the wolf got tired and fed with Leo. He waited until the right moment to strike, when Leo took a step back and stumbled over a tree root. Before he could right himself, the wolf lunged at him but transformed back into his human form mid-attack. In a matter of seconds, Leo was lying on his back in a strange grove, pinned to the ground by a very pissed-off boy who had a firm grip on his wrists.
Leo was right with his age estimate. The boy looked to be the same age as him, with short, blond hair, sky-blue eyes, and a small scar on his lip. He looked pissed enough to kill Leo, but Leo wasn’t scared. He hummed as he evaluated the boy. “You were cuter as a puppy.”
The boy’s grip on his wrists tightened. “Shut up! I could kill you if I wanted,” he growled out. Leo was being threatened but he couldn’t help but find the boy cute. He was trying so hard to be scary, but it wasn’t working on Leo in the slightest.
“Uh-huh, sure you could, puppy,” he shot back.
The boy glowered at him. Leo continued to grin at him.
“What are you doing here?” The boy asked. “You don’t belong. You shouldn’t be here.”
“Would you believe me if I said I wanted to see your cute face?” Leo asked. The boy was silent, continuing to glare at Leo. “I just stumbled upon it, okay? I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to enter any private, magic, wolf property.”
The boy suddenly halted, confusion dawning on his features. He tilted his head as he puzzled out his words, which made him look even cuter than he already had. “What? But that’s impossible. Unless…”
Suddenly, the boy leaned down, sniffing at his neck. Leo couldn’t even make a snarky comment about it because the boy suddenly jerked back, his eyes wide. He suddenly moved off of Leo, stumbling a few feet away in his haste to get away from him. Leo sat up, frowning in confusion. He didn’t get the whole scent thing with werewolves, but he felt a little hurt that the boy disliked his scent so much.
The boy looked furious. He looked even angrier than he had earlier. He was so angry that his body was shaking with it, face red.
“Go. Now.”
Leo quickly rose to his feet, confused and finally a little scared. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to intrude on your space. I promise I won’t-”
The boy looked away from Leo. He walked away to a tree stump and sat on it, sitting with his anger as he ignored Leo. Leo wasn’t sure what he did. Did he smell that bad? He made sure he bathed regularly. Did he just naturally smell awful but only to werewolves? He wasn’t sure but he didn’t want to upset the boy anymore. Teasing him had been fun but this was something else, something different. He seemed genuinely pissed off.
Leo paused before taking off one of the thread bracelets he was wearing. One of Leo’s friends, Annabeth, had taught him how to make magical bracelets to help him destress before finals. Finals in general were stressful, but it was even more so for Leo since he was so much younger and behind his classmates. The bracelet-making had helped him destress a bit. Of the bracelets he made, only two were decent. One was a red one that he was still wearing and the other was a light blue one that he’d taken off.
Leo gently placed the bracelet on the ground, near the boy. “I’m sorry, really. Here, you can take this gift if you want.”
The boy’s shoulders tensed. Leo didn’t want to get into a genuine fight, so he fled, leaving as quickly as he could.
Later that week, he heard rumors around The Academy about a werewolf pup that had been spotted lurking around the grounds. The students didn’t seem to think it was a threat, it was just a pup that ran off whenever anyone got too close, but it was strange. Werewolves lived nearby - there was even a huge wolf pack located within their town - but they tended to stay away from the school.
Leo would bet money that the pup was the one he met earlier that week.
Leo waited until the evening, when the grounds were nearly empty, to sneak out of the dorm and wander off into the woods right off the grounds. He wandered around, hoping to find the werewolf pup and not wind up torn apart.
Leo found the werewolf within a minute of wandering around the woods. He paused, staring at the wolf pup, who stared back at him. The wolf walked over to Leo and grabbed the hem of his cloak, tugging on it.
Leo quirked an eyebrow up at the wolf. “Do you want me to follow you? Or do you just want to eat my cloak?”
The wolf growled and continued to pull on his cloak.
“Okay, okay, I’ll follow you! You know, you could shift back and talk to me.”
The wolf ignored him and let go of his cloak. He walked off and looked over, waiting for Leo to follow him. Leo sighed and followed the wolf.
The wolf led him to the secret grove. Once they were there, the werewolf finally shifted back into his human form.
The boy fixed him with a firm stare.
“You smell weird,” the boy told him.
“Is that why you suddenly got upset with me?” Leo asked.
The boy blushed and looked away, fiddling with something on his wrist. Leo realized it was the bracelet he’d given him. He felt happiness fill his chest.
“More or less.”
“And… why did you drag me back here?”
The boy shifted on his feet. Leo could tell he was nervous and unsure of himself, that he was wondering if he wanted to do what he was about to do.
“I was thinking… we should become friends.”
That hadn’t been what Leo had been expecting.
“Really? You want to be friends with me, puppy?”
The boy scowled but quickly cleared up his face, appearing calm.
“Yes, even if you are annoying. This place… it thinks you’re worthy, so you must be an alright person.”
Leo looked around the place. “It’s very beautiful. What is this place?”
The boy seemed to calm down. He looked around the place, a small smile on his face. Leo thought he looked the best when he was smiling. “It belongs to my family. It’s been in our pack for generations. The future pack alpha is decided based on whoever this place grants access to. My family have been the pack leaders for three generations.”
“So does that mean I can become pack alpha?” Leo asked with a teasing grin.
The boy rolled his eyes. “Obviously not. You’re a fae, not a werewolf.”
“Then why am I allowed in here?”
The boy suddenly looked nervous. His cheeks flushed as he looked away. “It’s… complicated. Let’s just say it thinks you could be… a trusted companion of mine.”
“Does my new puppy companion have a name?”
The boy didn’t look upset or done with his teasing for the first time. Instead, a glint came to his eyes and he smiled at Leo.
“Jason Grace. And does the little fairy have a name?”
Leo barked out a laugh. He thought they would become good friends. “Leo Valdez. You better not forget it, puppy.”
And he didn’t. Their friendship slowly grew after that day. They would meet once a week every week Leo attended school until they were fourteen, which caused them to meet up much more often, practically every other day. Their friendship had been innocent at first, though Jason had a habit of giving Leo gifts. After they became friends on that fateful day, Jason had given him a crescent moon necklace, his face bright red as he put it on Leo. Leo wore it constantly. He rarely ever took it off, it was his prized possession. There came a point where the bracelet Leo had given Jason had worn down and would also no longer fit on his wrist. Leo offered to make him a new one, but Jason refused. Instead, he just attached it to his belt. Leo felt touched that he still kept the silly, little thing.
That wasn’t the only thing. Jason not only kept giving him random gifts, mainly food but also kept scenting him. Leo didn’t get the whole scent thing with werewolves but he let Jason do it anyway since it made him happy. He wondered why Jason would do something so risky. He thought it might cause complications if one of his pack smelled the scent of the future pack alpha on some fae student. However, Jason had assured him it would be okay, so he never brought it up. Besides, he didn’t know anything about werewolf customs and traditions anyway. Scenting could be a thing friends do.
Their friendship went from when they were eight to fourteen. At that point, Leo had feelings for Jason and couldn’t keep being just friends with the boy. So, he gathered up his courage and confessed to his friend.
After his confession, Jason just looked puzzled, tilting his head to the side. “I would hope you have feelings for me. It would be awkward to be courting someone who didn’t even like me.”
That was when they realized there had been some misunderstandings due to differing customs. Apparently, when Leo had given him the gift of the bracelet, without specifying what kind of gift it was, it was a signal that it was a courting gift, that it was a message that he was open to courting. Then, Jason gave Leo the necklace, which he not only accepted but wore every day. So, Jason had been courting him from that point forward. Leo asked why he wasn’t courting Jason if he gave Jason a gift, to which Jason rolled his eyes and told him that it was because fae don’t court others, courting was a werewolf thing.
Jason figured Leo must’ve known he was courting him since fae were supposed to be smart and Jason was doing everything you’d find in a basic courting guidebook. He made it as obvious as possible.
That confused Leo, though. “But why would you want to court me? I was such a little shit to you back then.”
That was when Jason got flustered and explained what true mates were. Apparently, according to the laws of their secret meeting place, the only people who could access the place were the pack alpha, the future pack alpha, and the true mates of the pack alpha and future pack alpha. He said that werewolves could tell who their true mate was because of their scent. Leo didn’t understand the whole scent thing, but Jason just said that the scent of their true mate ‘smelled right.’ He said that it was a scent that was most pleasant to them, that it somehow conveyed that they were the one.
When they first met, Jason was so upset because he found out the mean fae who bullied him was his true mate and thought the world was out to get him. He was determined to ignore it but, after being around his pack witnessing Hazel, a new addition to their pack, and Frank realizing they were true mates, he decided to give it a second shot. He figured he could court Leo and see if they would work well together. They had, and the two had been courting ever since.
“So, how do we get together after courting?” Leo asked.
Jason grinned and moved closer to Leo. He moved a hand to Leo’s neck, touching it gently. “Well, full werewolves have a mating ritual but we can’t do that since you’re not a werewolf. But… you can kiss me. You kiss me and I bite you, making you my mate.”
The two of them should have thought of the ramifications of a fae smelling like a werewolf and sporting a mating bite, but they didn’t. Instead, they were two dumb teenagers who were in love. Leo had kissed him and Jason had given him the bite.
Ever since that day, Leo wore shirts with a high enough collar to hide the bite, which wasn’t hard considering it was on the junction between his neck and shoulder. The two had been happily together since then.
Leo was brought out of the memories and into the present as he walked into the hidden grove. Jason was already waiting there and he beamed as he saw him. “Hey, puppy!” He bound toward Jason but frowned when he saw the expression on the other boy. He looked stressed and in mourning. “Hey, what’s wrong?”
Jason looked up at Leo, his expression faltering. He stood up, pulling Leo into his arms. Leo paused, his hands slowly coming up to rub his back. “Puppy?” Even after all the years, his teasing nickname for Jason stayed and became affectionate.
Jason nuzzled Leo's neck before pulling away. He looked pained like he was about to do something he didn’t want to. Leo felt his stomach doing nervous flips. “Jace?”
“We need to talk,” Jason murmured, sounding more serious than Leo had ever heard before.
“What’s going on?” Leo wanted to make a joke but his brain wouldn’t work. He couldn’t think beyond his racing thoughts, wondering what happened to Jason. Was he okay? Was he hurt? Did something happen to his pack?
“One of the members of my pack found out about us,” Jason explained.
Leo felt his stomach drop. He knew they weren’t subtle, but he never thought this day would come. “Seriously?”
Jason nodded, expression growing grimmer. “Yes. He brought it up in a meeting. It caused a huge argument in our pack. I told them you were my true mate but they didn’t care. They… decided what to do going forward. They said… that we aren’t allowed to be together. I’m supposed to lead the pack and create future generations. They wouldn’t accept an outsider as my right hand. They wouldn’t accept… half-breed children. They’re going to set me up with a werewolf girl from another pack. One of the members of my pack is going to meet you next week to magically snap our mating bond. The bite will end up healing, but not fully.”
None of this made sense. Going into their relationship, they both knew this was a possible ending, that it was the most likely ending, but he never thought it would come. He felt like he was dreaming and this was a nightmare. He wanted to wake up to a reality where this wasn’t happening.
“Are you serious?” Leo asked, his voice trembling. It was useless to ask such a stupid question. He knew the answer. Jason would never lie to him.
Jason nodded. “I’m serious. I tried everything I could but with no luck. My dad was having none of it. He’s still the pack alpha, so I have to listen to him.”
Tears burned in Leo’s eyes. He furiously blinked them away, not wanting to show Jason how much this hurt him, but some tears managed to slip out and roll down his cheeks. Jason noticed and carefully wiped the tears away.
“Why do we have to listen to those stupid, stuck in their ways werewolves? Why can’t they accept us?” Leo asked, his voice cracking.
Jason pulled him into another hug, holding him close. Leo let himself cry into Jason’s shoulder.
“I don’t know. If I knew how to change their minds, I would. I'm sorry. I didn’t want us to end like this.”
“Do we have to?” Leo asked, his voice small.
He heard Jason inhale sharply. “I think so. The pack will be watching me closely until my new mate arrives. After she comes and the ceremony is done… well, it won’t be pleasant to… be with anyone else, romantically or sexually. Also, she’ll be able to know my emotions and some of my thoughts from our bond. I know my pack. They will choose someone who will be loyal to them. I don’t think we’ll be able to slip one past them.”
“Well, can’t we just… run away? Can’t we leave all this behind us? We’re adults now. We could leave and go live on our own,” Leo suggested.
He heard a heavy sigh. Jason pulled away from the hug, looking sadly at Leo. “As much as I love you, I can’t do that. My pack… I love them so much. They’re not just my family, they’re so much more. Even if their views are backwards, they’re still my pack. I can’t leave them.”
“You can’t or you won’t?” Leo asked, getting angry. “You would do it if you truly loved me.”
Jason’s expression turned stern and Leo realized he might have crossed a line. “I can’t. You want me to leave behind everything I know and everyone I love. Would you leave behind all your friends and family if I asked you to? Leave your friends without any way to contact them since you’re now a traitor? Leave your mom abandoned and alone?”
Leo hadn’t considered it like that. He hadn’t thought about Jason, about all his friends and family he would be leaving behind. If he left a traitor, he wouldn’t be able to contact any of them. Leo wouldn’t be able to do that. He thought he might be able to do it if it was just his friends he left behind, but not his mom. Leo could never abandon his mom, never leave her behind. He loved her more than anything. He shook his head. “No. I’m sorry.” His hands clutched Jason’s shirt. “I don’t want to say goodbye. I… can’t lose you.”
Jason gave Leo a sad smile. “I know. I feel the same way. I wish we could be together. I wish it didn’t have to be like this. You’re… one of the best things that ever happened to me. I’ll never, ever forget you. Not even the gods could make me forget my love for you. I… don’t know how I’ll get over the loss of losing my other half, of losing my better half. I love you, Leo Valdez. I always have and I always will.”
Leo felt completely hopeless. This was it. Their relationship was ending. This wasn’t a nightmare he could wake up from or an illusion he could snap out of. He would never be able to see Jason after this. He would be losing not only his soulmate but his best friend as well. It felt wrong that the world wasn’t ending when it felt like Leo’s world was crashing around him. He didn’t know how to go back to his normal life after this. Leo signed up for this life and this inevitable pain, but it was so much worse now that he was finally feeling it. He cursed the gods and every being he could think of. He cursed their lives. He cursed their forbidden love. He cursed Jason for making Leo love him. He cursed himself for making Jason go through this pain.
Leo leaned in, kissing Jason even as tears streamed down his face. It was a sorrowful kiss, filled with their sadness and mixed with the salty taste of tears. Despite never wanting it to end, Leo slowly pulled away. Jason was crying now. Leo hadn’t ever seen Jason cry before.
“I love you. I love you so much. I wish we could be together. Maybe… someday in the future. I don’t think I’ll be able to love anyone else. Maybe… we’ll be able to be together, whether it’s in the future, our next life, or another universe. I’ll wait. I’ll wait as long as I have to. There is no world in which I wouldn’t love you. I love you, Jason Grace. I always will.”
Leo took a few moments to admire Jason. This would be the last time he would ever see him. He took in all of him, all the features he grew to love. He was still so handsome, even when crying. It wasn’t only his looks but all of him, all of Jason. Whatever werewolf they chose for Jason would be lucky to have him.
With what little strength he had left, he kissed Jason’s cheek before turning and leaving. He didn’t let himself look back. He knew if he did, he wouldn’t ever be able to leave. He hesitated for a moment at the entrance of the grove before leaving. Jason didn’t call after him. Leo didn’t stop or look back.
As Leo walked back to The Academy, tears streamed down his face. He didn’t know how he’d explain away his red eyes to his friends. He figured he’d finally tell them the truth.
The only comfort he had was that they would have a chance to be together in another life, in another universe.
What he didn’t know was that the two of them were doomed in every life, in every universe.
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astral-skyes · 18 days
you fell asleep, did you dream of me?
chapter 2
Leo was tinkering with a new project of his, as usual, when his customised phone buzzed. ‘Hey, u up?’ from Jason. Leo picked up the phone and answered, ‘Yeah, why do u ask?’
‘Can I come over?’
‘Dude I live in a travelling dragon’
‘I’ll come over to you, where r u?’
‘Piper’s house’
‘Ok, coming!’
Leo put down the phone.
“Okay Festus, time to move. Destination: Piper’s house” Festus clinked and whirred in the language only Leo could understand.
Piper’s house. Coming up!
They flew off and soon landed in front of a very wet and sad Jason.
“Sparky! What’s wrong?” Leo said, concern sparking up in his voice.
“Hey Fireboy. I’ll explain later, can I get on?” Jason answered, looking up at Leo.
“Yeah! Sure. Get on. I’ll find us a nice spot to park”
“Thanks” Jason got on. It was slippery in the rain so he exclaimed “Whoah! This is really slippery. Do you mind if I hold on to you? Im not used to riding Festus”
At this Leo blushed. “Sure, whatever you say Sparky.”
Jason got on behind Leo and held his waist. “Is this comfortable for you? It’s just easier to hold on like this” he said nervously.
Leo’s face was as red as Festus’ eyes. He was so thankful Jason couldn’t see it. “Yep! Okay, taking off now” Leo said. Festus flapped his wings and took off.
The rain was pouring down. Leo wished he could shield Jason from the rain but it seemed like the blonde embraced the storm. They were nearing their destination when Leo said
“Okay Sparky, we’re coming up on where we need to be. You ready?” Leo started saying. He nudged Jason but he only felt a limp presence on his back. “Jason… Earth to Jason… did you really fall asleep?”
Leo then noticed Jason was still holding his waist and mumbled “Ugh, why do you have to be so cute”
Festus landed and Leo unlinked Jason’s arms from around the brunette’s waist and got off of Festus. He dragged Jason off while cursing to himself. He nearly dropped the blonde but Leo managed to hold him while Festus transformed into a camper van. Leo put Jason down on the bed.
“Oh hades, there’s only one bed, why did I build it this way?” Leo said to himself. Grumbling, he got a pillow and a blanket from the bed and laid down on the floor. Then, Festus started to clink.
So, what’s the deal with blondie over there?
“I don’t know. He asked me to come get him, he said he would tell me why later.”
Do you think Piper broke up with him
“Maybe, she did come out to me not that long ago. She asked me to keep it from Jason though. She wanted to tell him herself. Ugh, I wish I could just tell him, but I wanna be a good friend to Piper.”
Thats hard buddy. At least you have another gay friend.
“Yeah, and Jason…”
Oooh. Your crush?
“Shut up. And he’s not my crush. I just think he is really cool and nice and his hair is pretty and-“
Okay loverboy, we know, you are ENAMOURED with him.
“Alright, good night Festus.”
Fine. He’s still your crush though.
With this Leo sighed and went to sleep.
A/N: Hey chat! I hoped you like this part lol. Firstly, I always had a headcannon that Festus has a personality, and Leo made him like that to be able to talk to. Also, Leo didn’t go on the trip with calypso. Instead, he is travelling around the country with Festus. He came back to CHB a month after he sacrificed himself to defeat Gaea and he has been travelling ever since.
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ottpopfic · 17 days
“Hey, you remember how I've been wanting to get my Legion tattoo covered?” Uncle Jason asks
god dad fluff
It's a fall Friday afternoon and Katie is done with class
She's cuddled up in on a couch in the library with the fairy lights on, two Cocoa Puffs curled up on her and a brand-new sci-fi novel that Uncle Jason brought her when he came to camp this week. He is coming over for dinner after he's done with his priestly duties for the day. She thinks Dad is making a fall chili if the cornbread mix and the squash she had to hull up from the last grocery order says anything 
Things in her novel are moving out of the character and world-building and into the meat of the story when she hears a knock on the window. She looks up unphased, because with her life it could be anyone, and sees Uncle Jason. This is pretty typical for him and she gets it, if she could fly Katie would also be entering every building like a Ninja Turtle. 
She has to detangle herself from Puffs and blankets to let him in, both hellspawn complaining the whole way like she didn't place each on their own pillow. The spider-looking one grumpily climbs the wall to fold into a shadow at the corner of the ceiling. 
“Your early!” Katie greets excitedly as she throws open the window and screen “I don't think Dads started on dinner”
“It's cool,” he says as he climbs in “How's the book treating you?”
“Good so far!” she gushes excited, Uncle Jason has always been awesome about letting her infodump “The zinophysiology angle has been really interesting, I'm looking forward to where they're gonna take it” 
Katie pops back on the edge of the couch and the Cocoa Puff clambers back into her lap vibrating for scratches that she happily provides. Uncle Jason sits down next to her
“Hey, you remember how I've been wanting to get my Legion tattoo covered?” he asks
They have been talking about it for a while. Katie has a friend from Hecate who's been working in enchanted tattoos and it got Uncle Jason thinking about getting his old SPQR tattoo covered. She doesn't blame him, it's filled his whole forearm for most of his life, and it's never suited him either. Not like her dad's tattoos, which were personal and felt natural on their bodies. Uncle Jason's has always felt like a barcode, or a brand
Katie and Uncle Jason have always enjoyed talking about art, whether it's what they were working on or something they have seen when they're out and about. Uncle Jason is a modest artist, but his work with the temples speaks for itself. And Katie has a lot of good memories sitting with him as he sketched, parallel play at the max. 
“I got the design, you want to see it?” but he's already pulling out the folded printout from his inner jacket pocket to give over to her excited grabby hands.
At the top is a mandala-style design of the big window at the Way Station. Below it there are two trees; one is obviously Aunt Thalia’s tree, the shape and golden fleece make it indistinguishable. But the dragon in its branches is more serpentine and made of metal, a stylized Festus if she's ever seen him, raising his head up towards the window motif. Katie doesn't recognize the other tree off to the side of Aunt Thalia’s , smaller but equal in the composition. Between them sleeps Grandma Lupa, regal as always, underneath a night sky with the trees as a frame. She thinks she recognizes the leo constellation front and center in the rich starscape.
“It's great!” Katie tells him, impressed, “Did you do it all yourself?”
“I did most of the planning and a sketch,” Uncle Jason says “But the tattoo artist I found did the final drawing. I'm into the city tomorrow to get it”
“What's with the second tree? Just to help cover more?”
“No, it's a poplar tree” and Uncle Jason is watching her face “A balsam poplar”
“That's me” Katie breathes, touching where she and Aunt Thalia’s branches merge and overlay in the picture. They had figured out what kind of wood she was made of last time she was at the Way Station for her quest. 
“Is that ok?” Uncle Jason looks a little worried, rubbing the hair at the nape of his neck “I wanted to get my whole family in it, but I don't want to overstep-”
“Of course it's ok!” she laughs, throwing her arms around his neck. The Puff squeaks in her lap “It's wonderful!”
Uncle Jason hugs her back, warm and solid as always. Big arms and a wide chest, pulling her in tight and safe, the greatest of hugs. He smells like heat lightning and smoke from the offerings, he's the absolute best and she loves him so much
“Would you like company,” she asks him after they separate “When you go to get your cover-up?”
“I would love that!” he tells her all smiles
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partiallypearl · 4 months
waited on every careless word
a/n: hi hello 👋🏾 everyone blame @jasipereo and @malrie for this <3 they reminded me of my slight obsession with liper who are emotional cheaters. so uh. here’s a fic as a result. tw for emotional cheating lol
She knows it’s not rational. Her jealousy that is. Technically, Leo isn’t doing anything wrong. But for the millennia that Calypso has lived, she has never had a partner with a friend like this.
Leo and Piper are just that. LeoandPiper. A duo, of sorts. It’s been hard, since Jason’s death, with Leo and her drifting further and further apart, and him splitting his time between the Waystation and Tahlequah, and she barely sees him anymore.
These days, her focus is on concert band.
And if that includes a saxophone player named Odie, who looks remarkably like Odysseus, she never says anything to Leo about it.
But nonetheless, Leo’s still her boyfriend. Maybe. Honestly she isn’t fully sure, but when they have their fourth fight of the month over Iris Message, she realizes she needs to clarify a few things.
“What is she to you?” Calypso asks, and she watches as Leo’s brow furrows.
“She’s my best friend.”
“Best friends don’t call you to change their oil in another state.” She fires back and Leo rolls his eyes. “I’m a mechanic.”
“In training.” He doesn’t speak and she barrels forward. “You spend all week at the Waystation with Josephine and Emmie and Georgina, you haven’t been to a single one of my band concerts and then you spend all your free time with either Festus or her.”
“She needs me Cal. She just lost the love of her life,” Leo interjects and Calypso rolls her eyes.
“Oh sure, she needs you. What about me? Your girlfriend?”
Leo shakes his head. “I’m trying to be there for you as well. But I can only do so much.”
Calypso scoffs, pulling her jean jacket around her shoulders tighter. “You do everything for Piper. She calls, you go. She fucking stubs her toe on a rock, you sense a disturbance in the force. God, it’s like you’re in love with her!”
Silence. Dead silence that Calypso had never heard, not even when she was trapped on Ogygia, with only her thoughts and the wind spirits to accompany her - the occasional demigod dropping in every hundred years or so.
“She’s my person.” Leo says after a long moment, looking at Calypso with the harshest look he’s ever given her.
“You don’t need to understand it, but you need to respect it. She’s the reason I’m still here. She kept me sane in the Wilderness school, she kept me and Jason safe so many times. Look. I promised her I’d be there for her. I’m not going back on my word.”
And it’s then that Calypso remembers how headstrong he is. How he made an oath on the River Styx for her, despite knowing the danger it would pose.
If he did that for Calypso, a girl he barely knew, what would he do for Piper? His best friend. His person, as he had so eloquently put it.
She sighs. “Fine.” She looks down at her hands, at her green and white nails. The small spirals painted onto them feel like her mind, twisting and spinning around with no aim.
“I have a game on Friday. The band is playing.” She says quietly, looking back at Leo. His face is emotionless, but she can practically feel the annoyance radiating off of him.
“I’ll try and come.”
It’s not a promise. Barely even a response.
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willsimpforanyone · 2 years
hiya ! if you're taking requests i was wondering if you could do leo meeting a child of zeus reader with him developing a crush and ultimately asking them out?
thankyou sm :)
thank you for being patient, i can absolutely do this for you
since your older sister thalia joined the hunters of artemis you were pretty much alone in the zeus cabin at camp halfblood
you were fine with that, you had friends in other cabins and did your best to not seem intimidating just because you were a child of the big three
when jason, piper and leo came to the camp you were so excited to have another sibling
he introduced you to his friends and it didn't escape your notice that piper was clearly smitten with your new brother
it also didn't escape your notice that the son of hephaestus was incredibly cute or that he kept staring at you and pretending very hard that he wasn't
it was tragic that they were sent on a quest so quickly and you couldn't get to know him better
you were back to being by yourself, once again losing a sibling and alone in the cold cabin that was mostly there as a formality
when they returned with news of where percy was and something that was almost half a plan to save the world you assumed you wouldn't be able to get involved, not being a big part of the prophecy
so when jason asked for your help you were thrilled
he needed someone who had more experience being a child of zeus to guide him and provide a certain perspective on things
it was when you were teaching jason how to fly properly and manipulate the wind that leo decided to get involved
'yo, superman, can i steal them from you for a bit?'
the pair of you swooped down to land in front of him
you hopped over
'sure, what's up?'
leo explained he needed help with some mechanical shit regarding flight
making a ship fly was a task and a half and he could use some help from someone that knew the sky
you agreed without hesitation
spending more time with this kid was something you were very interested in
over the next few weeks leo would consistently seek you out and ask for your help in bunker 9, until it was blatantly obvious he was making up excuses for you to come spend time with him
you were sat in bunker 9 at one of the worktables, glancing over blueprints that made little to no sense to you
'hey, leo?'
'you're a genius, right?'
he slid out from under a piece of machinery, a grin on his face
'it has been said, yes. why?'
'why do you need me here, then?'
he huffed out a breath and went bright red
you paused, waiting for him to say something
'...i mean, sure i know about flying but nothing else regarding... this'
you gestured at festus, who's eyes glowed at you
leo swallowed and fiddled with a spanner
'uh, is it too weird if i say i like spending time with you? but didn't want to just... say that?'
it was your turn to go red
you'd developed quite the crush on leo, laughing at his stupid jokes but being amazing by his intelligence
'if you're fucking with me, valdez, i swear to the gods i will call lightning on this bunker right now'
he put his hands up in surrender
'hey now, don't destroy my life's work because you can't deal with the fact that i like you'
'you like me?'
leo rolled his eyes and scooted on over sitting on the skateboard he was using to see under the boat until he was right in front of you
'yeah, i like you, why do you think i keep you around?' he grinned and poked at your knee
'oh shut up' you pushed at his skateboard seat until he was back to the boat
'finish your work then ask me out, okay?'
'it's a deal, gorgeous'
i love this man anyway i hope you enjoyed and thank you for requesting!
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The Daughter of Poseidon: Chapter Six
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Della has to admit flying on a bronze dragon’s back is a surreal feeling. Up high the air is frigid. But thanks to the heat Festus generates they don’t feel it at all. Talk about seat warmers! 
Leo uses reins to steer Festus through the clouds like a reindeer.  They zip through the clouds with ease the rest of the world below is nothing but a speck. 
“Cool right?” Leo says. A pleased smile coats his features. 
“What if we get spotted?” asks Piper. 
“The mist,” Jason and Della say at the same time. Jason smiles at her. 
“It keeps mortals from seeing magic things,” Della explains, “Only seers will notice anything out of the ordinary.” 
Her mind goes back to the memory of Luke. His poor mother–
“Seers?” asks Leo. 
“Mortals who can see through the mist,”  Jason answers.
Della glances back at him and notices he’s holding a photo of a girl, a girl with dark hair. Is that…Thaila?
Jason glances up at her. He sheepishly puts the photo back in his pocket. 
“We’re making good time probably get there by tonight.” 
“Get where?” Della asks. “I thought you didn’t have a plan.” 
Jason laughs, “We’re going to find the god of the North Wind. And chase some storm spirits.” 
The silence had begun to drive Della insane. Typically, when she and her friends went on quests they couldn’t shut up. Percy, in particular never shut up on their quests. 
“So,” Piper says. Oh, thank the gods. “Della earlier you said you’re a cursed child…what exactly does that mean?” 
Leo sat up straight at the head of the dragon. “You’re cursed?!?” 
Della laughs dryly. “Sometimes I wonder, but being a cursed child means that you’re an offspring of the Big Three.”
“The Big Three?” Piper asks. “Do you mean, like Zeus, Hades, and–”
“Poseidon, yeah. They made a pack to not have kids. It’s a loose promise. Anyways, all three have broken it in recent years. We’re more forbidden than cursed.” 
“So, are you, your brother, and Jason the only ones?” asks Leo.
“No there’s Nico Di Angelo a son of Hades, and Thalia Grace…she’s a daughter of Zeus but has taken up with the Hunters of Artemis.” 
“So why did make a pact if they break it?” asks Piper.
“We’re considered ‘too powerful’ which is fair Percy can take on a whole army by himself, and I–we don’t fully know what all I can do yet.” Della looks down at her lap. 
She’s always felt second best to Percy, especially after he took on the Curse of Achilles. She doesn’t understand all she can do. The only thing she does know is her fate, her usual nightmare. Meeting a similar end to Thesus. Being betrayed and thrown over a cliff–but instead of into the sea, it’s Asphodel. She’d seen it in person back when she was twelve, on her first quest. 
Della shivers at the thought of the horrid place. 
“Shut up me,” Leo says out of nowhere. 
“What?” Piper asks.
“Nothing,” he says, “Long night. I think I’m hallucinating. It’s cool.” 
Jason, Piper, and Della all share looks of concern. 
“Just joking.” Leo decides to change the subject. “So what’s the plan bro? You said something about catching wind, breaking wind, or something?”
As they fly over New England, Jason lays out the game plan. First, find Boreas and grill him for information–
“His name is Boreas?” Leo has to ask. “What is he the God of Boring?”
Second, Jason continues, they have to find the spirits that attacked them at the Grand Canyon–
“Venti? Do you mean anemoi thuellai?” asks Della. 
“Can we just call them storm spirits?” Leo asks, “Venti makes them sound like evil expresso drinks and the other one sounds harder.” 
And third, Jason finishes, they had to find out who the storm spirits work for, so they could find Hera and free her. 
“So you want to look for Dylan, the nasty storm dude, on purpose?” 
“That’s about it. Well…there might be a wolf involved too. I think she’s friendly…so she probably won’t eat us, unless we show her weakness–”
“I’m sorry…a wolf?” asks Della. She turns around and faces him. 
Jason explains his dream of Lupa the murder-wolf and a burned-out house with stone spires growing out of the swimming pool.
“Uh-huh, but you don’t know where this place is?” asks Leo. 
“Lovely…” says Piper.
“Sounds about right for a forbidden child’s quest.” Della turns back towards the others. 
“There are also giants, the prophecy said “The giants’ revenge” Piper reminds them. 
“Hold on,” Leo says, “Giants? As in more than one? Why can’t it be one giant who wants revenge?”
“Too easy,” Della mutters. 
“I don’t think so,” Piper muses, “I remember in some of the old Greek stories, there was something about an army of giants.” 
“But they haven’t been seen for centuries, but then again neither had Kronos.” 
“Great…knowing our luck it will be a whole army,” Leo says. “You learn anything else while doing research for your dad Pipes?”
“Your dad?” Della asks. 
“Umm yeah, he’s an actor, Tristan McLean.” Piper mumbles. 
“What was he in?” asks Della and Jason.
“I’m surprised Della doesn’t know.” 
“Hmmm….oh wait…wait! Yes! He’s the Aphrodite’s cabin top pick this year!” 
Piper sighs. “That’s why he’s on the wall in my cabin.” 
“Yeah, they pick a new “hottie” every year.” 
Piper looks about ready to heave off to the side. 
Leo on the other hand cackles. “That’s the only reason you’ve heard of him?”
“I mean I vaguely remember the movie posters. But Percy, Beth, and I don’t go to movies very often.” 
“You don’t go to movies?” Leo asks.
“Look I don’t go out very much in the mortal world unless I’m thirdwheeling.” 
It was a sad truth, Della didn’t really go out that often. It just wasn’t her style. Of course, she’s been to movies over the past few years but is has always been with Annabeth and Percy. Mostly, because Percy drug her carcass out with them. 
“Thirdwheeling?” The others ask. 
Della sighs. “Not to change the subject, but I’m gonna….giants, we were discussing the giants.” 
“The giants–well there were loads in Greek mythology. But if I’m thinking of the right ones they were bads news. 
“Extremely bad news,”  Della sighs. “They rose after Krono's first downfall–eons ago. They could throw mountains and things of that nature. Like the Titans, they too tried to destroy Olympus. If these are the same giants–”
“Chiron said it was happening again,” Jason says. “The last chapter–that’s what he meant. No wonder he didn’t want us to know all the details.” 
Leo whistles. “So…giants who can throw mountains. A wolf-mother who will eat us if we show weakness. Evil Starbucks drinks. Got it. Maybe not the best time to bring up my psycho babysitter.” 
“You’re joking,” Piper says. 
Leo tells them about Tîa Callida, who was Hera, and how she’d appeared to him at camp. He fills them in on his past. How his mom died. And finally tells them about a woman in earthen robes who seemed to be asleep. 
“That’s disturbing…” says Piper. 
“Bout sums it up. The thing is everyone says not to trust Hera. And the prophecy says we’ll unleash death if we cause her rage. So… I gotta ask…why are we doing this?” 
“Because the gods–she chose us,”  Della sighs, “I will admit you guys have it  a bit rougher than my first quest.” 
“What do you mean?” Jason asks.
“You,” she points at Jason. “Have no memory. But I’m not that worried about your fighting ability. This is definitely not your first quest.” She looks over at Leo and Piper. “You two have absolutely no training. At least Percy and I had two weeks…then again we were twelve…”
“You were twelve?!?!” Piper and Leo say in disbelief. 
“You only had two weeks of training?” asks Jason. 
Della shrugs and smiles a bit. “ Zeus accused me and Percy of stealing his master bolt. Even though we didn’t know we were half-bloods.” 
“Holy–how’re you alive?”
“Luck?” Della laughs. “Anyways the other reason we have to do this is–this quest will kick off something bigger. This is an antecedent.” 
“And helping Hera is the only way to get back my memory. That dark spire in my dream seemed to be feeding off Hera’s energy. If that thing unleashes a king of giants by destroying Hera–”
“Not a good trade-off,” Piper agrees. “At least Hera is on our side.” 
“Mostly–she’s the peacekeeper. The only thing that keeps the gods from annihilating each other,” Della chimes in. 
Jason nods, “Chiron said worse forces are stirring on the day of the solstice, with it being a good time for dark magic, and all–something that could awaken if Hera were sacrificed that day. And a mistress who’s controlling storm spirits, the one who wants to kill all demigods–”
“Might be that weird sleeping dirt lady.” finishes Leo. 
“If she’s asleep that means we have some time,” says Della. 
“Yeah, Dirt Woman fully awake,” Leo says, “not something I want to see.” 
“But who is she?” Jason asks, “And what does she have to do with the giants?”
Good questions, no answers. The wind blew colder the further north they went. 
Della rubs her hands together to keep warm and then rubs at her eyes. 
“Hey,” Jason leans forward, “get some sleep, Ariel. We need our guide.” 
“I’ll take you up on that Hercules. You do the same,” she whispers. 
She closes her eyes and dozes off.
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via-rant · 11 months
@moa-broke-me I put this as a seperate post from this...
...because it was lagging so bad! Anyway, here's the next part!
He didn't need to. He got the gist of it with context clues after a little bit of thinking and felt sick.
"Sorry. I'll ask next time."
"Thank you."
"No problem." He pulled back and he just looked exhausted.
"What do you need right now?"
"I don't know."
"Okay. What do you need to do first?" He asked and Leo smiled at him.
After a day Leo couldn't get it out of his head. He wondered. If he did like him like that, what would Leo do? Does he like him like that? He talked to Festus about it. Nico was doing something else in another room.
"I mean... do I ask him about it? And what if he says yes? What do I tell him? Oh Gods, what if he says no?" The thought made his stomach turn. Yeah... these were not feelings you have for a friend. He groaned.
.-.. . --- --..-- / - .... . / -.. --- --- .-. .-.-.-
Leo looks over at it and sighs. Jason.
"Hey, Jason. Whats up?"
"I've just uh... I've been thinking. About what you said. A lot." He said and Leo raises a brow before he got to the why him and Nico got so close in the first place.
"Oh... look forget I said anything okay? I was just jealous. I have issues."
"But you were right." Leo blinked for a second.
"... What?"
"You were right."
"Not... really. It's not like you wanted this either. The thought of being in your position is honestly kind of scary."
"Still, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have left you alone."
"Yeah... me neither." He said and Jason raised a brow.
"Effort goes both ways. I can't expect you to talk to me if I show no interest in it either." Jason smiled at that, his shoulders realxing.
"Thanks man."
"You too." They sat awkwardly for a second before Leo took a breath.
"Can you... help me with something? It's about Nico."
"Oh, yeah absolutely. Whatever you need." God Leo was lucky to have them.
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twoidiotwriters1 · 1 year
Daughter of Olympus (Leo Valdez xFem!Oc)
A/N: LIKE, COMMENT, OR REBLOG IF YOU WANT TO STAY IN THE TAGLIST otherwise I'll delete you from it! Not to be rude I just kinda feel like I'm spamming accounts without meaning to jsdjsd -Danny Words: 2,706 Series' Masterlist Previous Chapter / Next Chapter Listen to: 'As A Child' -by Madeline The Person
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II. Thanks for Checking In! I'm Still a Piece of Garbage
Ara's doing her best, but Leo's not listening, he's just trying to remember where he's seen Ara before.
"Do I get a sword?" He interrupts her as soon as they walk past the arena.
"Your cabin makes its own weapons."
"My cabin? You mean Vulcan's?" He smirks. 
"Hephaestus," Ara replies plainly, Leo wonders if she's capable of smiling.
"Festus?" He tries again. "Sounds like the god of cowboys."
"Hephaestus. God of blacksmiths and fire and all that stuff Annabeth said," Ara repeats absently.
Leo makes a face, he's thinking of the term "God of fire", but Ara doesn't know that. "So the flaming hammer over my head—Good thing or bad thing?"
"Normal thing," she shrugs. "Everyone gets claimed as soon as they get here..." She glances in the direction of the forest.
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Percy doesn't look at me like I'm a hindrance, he needs a friend, and I want one, so there is understanding between us. Also, I'm very low maintenance so he appreciates the simple company. I'm weaving with the naiads while Percy and Grover talk beside me.
"How was your conversation with Mr. D?"
"Fine," Grover pouts. "Just great."
"So your career's still on track?"
The satyr yelps. "Chiron t-told you I want a searcher's licence?"
"Well... no. He just said you had big plans, you know... and that you needed credit for completing a keeper's assignment. So did you get it?"
"Mr. D suspended judgement. He said I hadn't failed or succeeded with you yet, so our fates were still tied together. If you got a quest and I went along to protect you, and we both came back alive, then maybe he'd consider the job complete."
"Well, that's not so bad, right?"
"Blaa-ha-ha! He might as well have transferred me to stable-cleaning duty. The chances of you getting a quest... and even if you did, why would you want me along?"
"Of course I'd want you along!"
"What about me?" I ask distractedly.
"I don't see why not," Percy grins. 
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She gives a start. "Whatcha say?"
"That dude from a while ago... he mentioned a curse."
Ara dismisses it with annoyance. "Cabin nine's fine, their old counselor passed away and—"
"What? Like, painfully?" Leo asks in worry.
"There was a war," she answers briefly. "Don't ask."
"Why are you giving me the tour?" He proceeds quickly, too curious to think about one thing for more than just a few seconds. "Are we siblings?"
"No, that would've made things easier in the past..." She makes a face.
"Which one's your cabin, then? That thing Annabeth called you... What was it? Daughter of—"
"Olympus," Ara sighs tiredly. "It's a long story."
Leo's getting tired of her ambiguity. "Alright. Whatever. But you have divine blood, right?"
"Yeah," Ara admits. "But don't dwell on it too much, it's nothing special."
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"Chiron said you thought I might be something special."
I open my mouth to speak, but Grover shuts me up. I look at him in annoyance, being the guardian of a demigod as powerful as Percy is a great opportunity for a satyr like him! Why doesn't he want Percy to know? 
"Listen, don't think like that," he replies. "If you were—you know—you'd never ever be allowed a quest, and I'd never get my licence. You're probably a child of Hermes. Or maybe even one of the minor gods, like Nemesis, the god of revenge. Don't worry, okay?"
Percy nudges my leg once Grover leaves. "You were about to say something."
I don't want him to get angry... but also, children of the big three never get happy endings. Percy's destined to fight for his life until he yields. That sucks. I won't be the one to break it to him.
"I had a satyr," I say quietly. "And I'm nothing special. Don't worry."
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"That old lady..." the boy tenses. "What's she doing here?"
Ara freezes, her voice comes out frightened. "You see her too?"
Leo notices her reaction and gets even more nervous. "She's not supposed to be here... right?"
"Listen... you see something like that, you walk away. Nothing good comes from old ladies," Ara pushes him forward by the shoulder.
Leo pulls out pipe cleaners from the pocket of his army jacket and starts playing with them. "Do you know who that was, though?"
"No," she wraps Nico's jacket tighter around herself, the camp doesn't let winter in, but she's feeling a chill. "Let's go to your cabin."
"Alright," he tries to keep up the lively tone in his voice. "I'm in the mood for a good curse." 
The last time she saw weird things at camp, was during Percy's first arrival. Ara keeps throwing nervous glances at Leo, she can't shake the feeling that he's got something to do with it.
He whistles lowly as cabin nine comes into view. "They got a steampunk theme going on, huh?"
Ara looks at her old cabin wistfully. "Yours is one of my favorites, but you didn't hear it from me."
Leo's eyes brighten a little as he continues to look, then he shakes his head, and his expression hardens for a moment. Ara considers checking on him, but if a person doesn't want to talk about their feelings, she should respect that.
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The rest of the campers avoid Percy after he gets claimed, I approach him and greet him like always, but he glares at me. "You're still talking to me?"
I stop halfway, and my smile falters. "I'll stop if you want."
Percy stops. "I didn't mean... everyone's acting like a jerk."
"Yes. It's not good..." My eyes widen a little as I reply. "Annabeth thinks her quest has to do with you."
"Yeah, I heard," he sizes me up. "Hey... wanna train with me?"
"Aren't you training with Luke?"
"I could use a five-minute break in between. Only if you want though, I know you don't like swords."
"I like them plenty," I frown. "But I'm too small for the ones we have here, or that's what everyone says when I pick one up..."
"How will you get better if you don't train?" Percy offers the handle of his sword to me. "Try it."
My fingers brush his knuckles as I reach for the weapon, and my heart shrinks with an unpleasant feeling. Most of the time, I have to focus to feel stuff, but Percy's grief is lethal if I can sense it by merely grazing his skin.
"I'll train with you," I swallow the lump in my throat.
He doesn't like my reaction. "If it scares you—"
I hug him, the grief suffocating me even more. "I want to help."
Silena has grown protective of me since I told her I had this power. She says is "Empath's touch". I can feel other people's feelings and I can take parts of them to lessen the intensity. That's okay with me, no one should go through stuff alone.
"Can I ask you something? Promise to keep it a secret?" Percy inquires as I step away. "Is it normal for a demigod... to have weird dreams?"
"They're not dreams," I reply. "They're messages someone's sending you."
"Does everyone have them?"
I shrug. "Lots of campers have them, it's normal."
"You had any?"
I tilt my head. "They don't mean anything."
Percy frowns. "Fine..."
"I mean," I continue, "my dreams... it doesn't make sense to anyone, but I know I'm right. My dreams are memories. From my past lives."
"Wait, so..." he blinks. "You have reborn?"
"I shouldn't be able to remember," I admit. "Don't tell anybody, please."
He offers his pinky and I link it with my own. "You remember who you were and everything?"
I shake my head. "Not really. I just see bits of stuff..."
"That's interesting," Percy says as we reach the arena. "If you discover what that's about, do tell me."
"If you have funny dreams you'd like to share I'm here, and I like gossip."
He pats my shoulder and then spots Luke, he hesitates. "You sure you wanna stay?"
I pat his hand. "I won't leave you."
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"A weed whacker?" Leo approaches the nearest wall. "What's the god of fire want with a weed whacker?"
"You'd be surprised," a boy in a full-body cast appears on a bunk bed. "I'm Jake Mason. I'd shake your hand, but..."
"Yeah, don't get up."
"Hi, Jack-Jack," the girl gives him half a smile. "You look great."
"Shut up, Ara," Jake groans, then looks at Leo. "Welcome to Cabin Nine, been almost a year since we had any new kids. I'm head counselor for now."
"For now?"
Jake ignores his question and speaks to Ara. "I hope this isn't taking too much of your time..."
"You know I'm here to help," she shrugs it off. "Where's everybody?"
"Forges. They're working on... you know, our problem."
Ara's smile goes away instantly. She clears her throat. "Right. I'll check on them in a moment. You got a bed for Leo?"
Jake eyes the boy carefully. "You believe in curses, Leo? Or ghosts?"
"Ghosts? Pfft. Nah. I'm cool. A storm spirit chucked me down the Grand Canyon this morning, but you know, all in a day's work, right?"
Jake nods, missing Leo's joke entirely. Hephaestus kids don't have the quickest wits when it comes to humor. "That's good. Because I'll give you the best bed in the cabin: Beckendorf's."
Ara's breath catches in her throat, and her voice comes out slightly squeaky. "Are you sure?"
"Bunk 1-A, please."
The bed rises up from under the floor, and Leo jumps onto it happily. Ara feels a little insulted, but she bites her tongue. "I can handle this."
 "It retracts into a private room below," Jake adds.
"Oh, heck, yes," he grins. "See y'all. I'll be down in the Leo Cave. Which button do I press?"  He gives her a playful look. "Wanna join me?"
Her face twists in disgust, but Leo is used to girls looking at him that way, so he's not bothered in the least, if anything, it only makes him want to annoy her further. Jake clears his throat, wanting to save his new brother from Ara. "Well, Leo, if you don't mind sleeping in a dead man's bed, it's yours."
The boy sits up abruptly. "The counselor who died... this was his bed?" 
"Yeah, Charles Beckendorf."
"He didn't, like, die in this bed, did he?"
"No. In the Titan War, last summer."
Ara feels exhausted every time someone mentions the war. Lately, her life's been plagued with losses, and remembering takes so much energy from her... she recalls every little detail, all the moments that led to this moment, and studies them in her head one by one. She can't stop.
"The Titan War," Leo's eyes are on her, "which has nothing to do with this very fine bed?" 
"You'll be safe and comfy there," Ara replies numbly. "Kronos killed half of our campers during the battle, but we didn't fight him here—"
"I'm guessing this wasn't on the news?"
Ara frowns, intrigued by his ignorance. "Were you, Jason, and Piper together this whole time?"
"Er... no," he answers. "No, I was er... on the run, I guess. I met Jason and Piper like, a few months ago. Last August."
"When the war ended," Ara's brows furrow even more.
"You were lucky to miss it," Jake says. "The thing is, Beckendorf was one of the first casualties, and ever since then—"
"Your cabin's been cursed," Leo guesses.
"That's what they think," Ara intervenes. "But I've been working this whole time—"
"Jackson, you're the only one getting things done," Jake snorts and looks back at Leo. "She's the gods' favored one. Ara doesn't know how it is for us, regular campers."
She's never liked being pushed aside, it used to happen because she was good for nothing, but now it's happening because she's too much of everything. She doesn't know how to change that.
Ara looks around the cabin while the boys talk, and after the counselor closes his bed curtains, Leo is ready to pick up their conversation. "What did Jake mean when he said 'regular campers' as if you're not one of them?"
"'Cause I'm the Strategus, remember? But I don't feel different, I'm the same girl I was five months ago..." She leaves the cabin with Leo following close. "You want to know what happened?"
The boy smirks, happy to finally get some answers. "I'm listening."
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"I knew almost as soon as I saw you," I nudge Percy's arm. "Who your dad was."
He keeps his eyes ahead, he's wet and grumpy. "Why didn't you say anything?"
"I didn't want to scare you. But I could tell 'cause you smell like the sea," he sniffs his armpit, but the rain makes it impossible to distinguish. "Anyway, this is nice."
"How is any of this nice?" He scowls.
"Well, I don't do much at camp, and it's been years since I was out..."
"That thing you did on the bus," he replies, referring to what I did to the furies. "What was that?"
"Charmspeak. I convince people to do things."
"Do all Aphrodite kids have it?"
"A few," I answer. "Some can change their appearance at will, some are good at pairing up people—but Silena doesn't like doing that, the real matchmakers are rare—others can sense people's feelings. I have that too."
"Like a satyr?"
"Yeah, but I have to touch you in order to feel anything, Grover can do it without contact."
"So you have charmspeak, and you feel other people's feelings," Percy recounts. "Anything else I should be careful with around you?"
I grin. "Nah, I'm not dangerous."
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"So Beckendorf was popular around here?"
"He was a veteran, so we all sorta looked up to him. Jake became a counselor after we lost him, and he doesn't like it. Lots of kids had to take leadership positions without warning during the war, it was hard on all of us."
"So that's what happened to you?"
"No, I got my title after the war ended. I don't have a cabin. I chose..."
"You chose what?"
"To be of use."
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"Percy's being reckless, you don't want to be like that."
"He's allowed to be angry!" I whisper in annoyance.
Annabeth scowls. "Don't be like Percy. He's dumb and impulsive."
"So am I. Impulsive I mean, not—"
"But you're..." my friend stops before completing her sentence, but I know what she was about to say. Not strong.
I sigh and shake my head. "I won't do anything stupid, don't worry."
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"What's the problem Jake mentioned?" Leo continues, he's alright when he's not trying to be funny.
Ara makes a face. "After the war, their creations started to malfunction. A year ago I convinced Beck to rescue your cabin's most impressive—Oh, here we are! The forges."
Her old friends salute her, then all eyes land on Leo. "Hey," she greets them. "Got you a new brother. This is Leo... er..."
"Valdez," he scans the group, new campers are always surprised to find out they're not the only children of their godly parent.
Everyone approaches to say hi, Ara looks at them proudly, most of them are kept to themselves, but they're all sweet. She notices their injuries and her guilt increases.
"Well, all right!" Leo raises his voice. "I hear this is the party cabin!"
There is no reaction to his comment. Ara has to bite her lip to not chuckle out of pity. "Right," she clears her throat. "You think you can take care of him, Nyssa?"
"I got it," the girl steps forward.
"Cool," Leo eyes her reluctantly. "I always wanted a sister who could beat me up."  Ara snorts, and he perks up at the sound. "There we go!"
"Thank the gods!" A boy cheers sarcastically. "I was starting to think she got switched with a robot..."
"Hey, show respect to your General!" They hear a loud thud.
"Ouch! She was our friend first, wasn't she? We can tease her a little!" The boy complains.
"And at heart, she's still little Ara from cabin ten," Nyssa teases her.
"The difference is that now I can kick your ass now if you're not careful," the girl warns her, half-serious.
Nyssa smirks and crosses her arms. "Aphrodites! Always so feisty."
"Aphrodite?" Leo asks in shock. "You're from the Barbie Malibu Cabin?"
Everyone goes back to work and Nyssa whistles lowly, looking away. 
"So what if I am?" Ara's expression hardens.
The boy messed up, but he doesn't understand why. "I mean... everyone saying you're... you don't really... oh man, can someone shut me up?"
"Good idea," Ara glances at him coldly before turning away. "Oh, and watch your hands, Leo, it'll suck if you lose a finger on your first week, and most amateurs do. See you, Nyssa."
Leo scowls at her insult. Alright, he messed up, but she's acting like she's this mighty being above human error since they met, and that's getting on his nerves too.
Nyssa looks at them with a smirk. "See you, Birdy! C'mon, joker boy, I'll show you around..."
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