yuveenti-blog · 5 days
Astrology Observations: 🌔🏡 Moon in Houses🌔🏡
Disclaimer: Thank you for returning to my page; I hope you are finding value in the content I consistently create for you. I truly appreciate your support, including your likes, reblogs and follows, and I am grateful that you are engaging with this post. This message is intended for you, and if my interpretation of these placements does not resonate, feel free to disregard it. It is common for individuals to not connect with certain aspects of their chart, as each chart is unique, and some traits may be overshadowed by more dominant ones. This marks my second post in the series discussing the influence of different planets in the houses, with the next post focusing on Mercury in the houses.
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Moon in 1st house: These individuals manage their emotions independently. They openly express their feelings but refuse to view them as a vulnerability. They draw strength from their emotions, allowing these feelings to guide many of their choices. Their emotional state can change rapidly; they prefer to discuss their feelings or confront them directly rather than dwell on them. Air signs often experience a conflict between logic and emotion, leading them to adopt a more subjective viewpoint. They may also be inconsistent in relationships, displaying a non-committal nature and moodiness. In contrast, earth signs navigate their emotions more swiftly and adopt a straightforward, no-nonsense attitude, expressing their feelings bluntly. Water signs can be intense and passionate but may struggle with emotional balance, often finding themselves in dramatic situations due to frequent mood swings. Fire signs generally feel more at home in this emotional landscape, though they risk becoming destructively emotional.
Moon in 2nd House: These individuals often become deeply connected to their emotional states, particularly the positive ones, as their self-worth is tied to feeling good internally. During emotionally stable periods, they may perceive themselves as more valuable, while facing lower self-esteem during times of depression, failure, or anger. This focus on maintaining emotional well-being can lead to a sense of emptiness during low periods. Air signs might neglect their emotions in their pursuit of their personal standards, potentially becoming repressive and overly rational. Earth signs tend to grapple with self-esteem, as their sense of balance is linked to their emotional state and life aspirations. Water signs frequently confront insecurities regarding their worth, struggling to manage negative emotions and often clinging to emotional states longer than necessary, which can create trust and security issues. Fire signs, on the other hand, typically experience a boost in confidence, driven by their natural assertiveness, but they may also wrestle with jealousy and insecurity, particularly towards those they admire or aspire to be like.
Moon in 3rd House: These individuals tend to be analytical and often require solitude to explore their identity independently. They rely on friends for emotional support and frequently find themselves in the role of the therapist, either offering or seeking a listening ear. A need for understanding drives them, and they feel unsettled when they cannot piece together their thoughts. For air signs, this can complicate emotional processing, leading to detachment as they analyze their feelings from a distance. They may struggle to connect with those who lack intellectual depth. Earth signs face similar challenges, often suppressing their emotions and becoming the go-to for advice. Water signs possess heightened intuition, blending feelings with intellect, but they risk confusing emotions with logic, leading to biases and dependency on others while sometimes appearing overly self-assured. Fire signs may experience a slowdown in this context, as their thoughts filter through the mind, which can enhance their self-expression but may also make them seem preachy or controlling, leaving little space for others to contribute.
Moon in 4th House: Individuals with this placement are always in search of emotional security, often surrounding themselves with trusted people or those from their past. They thrive on familiarity to maintain emotional stability, which can delay their ability to form new friendships or relationships. Many may have a comfort item to help them navigate stress or emotional challenges. These individuals are prone to anxiety and tend to manage their emotions best in their safe spaces. For air signs, this can lead to a more reserved demeanor, as they hold back their feelings, appearing warm and engaging only with family and close friends while seeming distant to others. Earth signs may project a calm and easygoing nature, avoiding drama and feeling uncomfortable with emotional openness, revealing their true selves only to those they trust. Water signs often retreat into solitude when feeling emotionally unbalanced, relying heavily on their close relationships for support during tough times. Fire signs may experience fluctuations in energy, becoming more temperamental with those closest to them while appearing moody and less dependable to outsiders. They might struggle with conflicting feelings about their life direction and the needs of those they care about, leading to uncertainty about their path.
Moon in 5th House: These individuals prioritize enjoyment and often find it difficult to confront their emotions, preferring to escape into pleasurable activities or distractions from reality. They tend to rely heavily on friends, partners, and family for emotional support, struggling to cultivate their own emotional health. This can lead to a tendency to become enmeshed with others' feelings instead of focusing on their own. Air signs, in particular, may find it challenging to process their emotions without seeking distractions, often getting caught up in entertainment as a way to avoid feeling. Earth signs share a similar inclination towards seeking entertainment, often resorting to shopping or spending excessively during tough times to escape their feelings. Water signs, on the other hand, may gravitate towards romantic relationships during difficult emotional periods but are prone to ignoring or suppressing negative emotions, sometimes turning to substances for relief. They may also engage in reckless sexual experiences as a means of escape, yet they can be very enjoyable companions. Fire signs, while focused on fun and pleasure, risk becoming overly self-indulgent, sometimes losing sight of the seriousness of life and their emotions, leading to emotional buildup.
Moon in 6th House: These individuals often feel a strong need to comprehend their emotions, sometimes to the extent that it resembles a full-time job. They are well-suited for roles such as therapists or psychoanalysts, as they tend to take healing seriously and seek therapy when facing personal issues. Problem solvers by nature, they are more inclined to pursue emotional well-being than others. For air signs, this placement can be challenging; while they excel in rational problem-solving, their airy nature may cloud their judgment, making it difficult to identify the best path for emotional growth. Overthinking can hinder their ability to resolve issues, complicating their emotional journey. In contrast, earth signs thrive in this placement due to their grounded approach, combining a desire to solve problems with practicality and realism, which facilitates their healing process. Water signs may struggle, as their need for emotional fluidity clashes with the structure required for resolution. Fire signs in this position might face challenges due to their quick emotional shifts, which can hinder the natural flow of their feelings and lead to an excessive focus on their emotions.
Moon in 7th House: These individuals struggle with understanding their emotions due to an inability to recognize their own emotional state as distinct. They often gauge their feelings based on the moods of those around them; for instance, being with cheerful and calm people can lead them to feel positive, while being around negative or dramatic individuals can bring them down. This creates a fragile connection between their emotions and those of others. Air signs face particular challenges in this regard, as their tendency to overthink can lead to cynicism, especially in unhelpful environments. In contrast, earth signs are better equipped to manage their emotions, as they can maintain a sense of grounding and filter their feelings more effectively. Water signs, however, may find it difficult to set emotional boundaries due to their empathetic nature, often neglecting their own needs. Fire signs also encounter challenges, as their natural enthusiasm can wane in the presence of unsupportive people, leading to feelings of emptiness if their energy is not reciprocated.
Moon in 8th House: These individuals experience heightened emotional intensity due to their fluctuating emotional states, often remaining entrenched in prolonged feelings that can skew negative, particularly in this challenging placement. They grapple with their darker qualities, which can lead to a sense of alienation from the collective, making them feel distinct and somewhat out of place. This heaviness often prompts them to withdraw or become more private as a means of emotional protection. For air signs, navigating these intense emotions can be particularly tough, as they may prefer to focus on external matters rather than their own emotional landscape. Earth signs, while also facing challenges in grounding themselves, may find it easier to detach from these darker states and perceive reality more clearly. In contrast, water signs often feel overwhelmed by the emotional weight of this placement, leading to a constant intensity in their emotional experiences. This placement poses particular challenges for fire signs, as their natural enthusiasm and zest for life are muted by its darkness. It can be tough to maintain a positive outlook, and expressing their inherent fiery energy often becomes a struggle due to this dampening effect.
Moon in 9th House: Individuals with this placement possess a distinctive ability to perceive their emotional landscape, enabling them to gain deeper self-understanding than most, while also offering insights that others may lack. This placement is closely tied to faith, leading these individuals to often embrace religious or spiritual practices as a means of grounding themselves and harnessing their emotional strengths. For air signs, this placement is advantageous, as it fosters a unique outlook on emotions, allowing them to recover quickly and move forward with a positive mindset. Earth signs also benefit from this placement, as it provides a balanced perspective that helps them remain grounded without succumbing to overly optimistic or spiritual practices. Water signs thrive here due to their heightened perception and intuition, making them deeply attuned to their emotions. Fire signs, too, find this placement beneficial, as it equips them with emotional wisdom and enthusiasm, resulting in a confident and bold approach to life.
Moon in 10th House: These individuals often prioritize their public persona to the extent that their true emotions become disconnected from how they present themselves. They may appear confident and sociable outwardly, yet behind closed doors, they can feel deeply insecure and fearful. Conversely, they might project a strong, aggressive demeanor while internally grappling with vulnerability and emotional turmoil. This constant struggle leads them to mask their true feelings, adapting their emotional expressions to fit their surroundings or goals. Air signs, in particular, face challenges as they tend to rationalize their emotions, often neglecting their true feelings in pursuit of their ambitions. This lack of emotional awareness is compounded by their focus on external perceptions rather than introspection. Earth signs in this position face challenges as they lack a genuine connection to their emotions, often prioritizing stability and practicality over feelings. Their focus on maintaining a certain image leads them to neglect their emotional needs. Water signs, on the other hand, experience significant difficulty in this dynamic, as their natural emotional depth conflicts with the need to maintain a certain public image, leading to potential repression or explosive emotional outbursts. Fire signs are well-suited for this position due to their inherent confidence, boldness, and sociability. Their enthusiasm for life drives them to present a positive self-image, and this placement allows them to channel that fiery energy into more productive endeavors.
Moon in 11th House: These individuals often exhibit unrealistic emotional perspectives, as their attention is primarily directed towards collective concerns rather than their own feelings. This focus on friends, family, and the broader world can create a significant disconnect between their internal emotions and their ongoing contemplation of external circumstances. As a result, they may become emotionally detached, failing to recognize their true feelings or those of the people they care about. This tendency leads to a projection of ideals onto others instead of accepting reality. Air signs particularly struggle in this regard, as their tendency to overthink exacerbates feelings of delusion regarding their thoughts and emotions. In contrast, Earth signs tend to remain grounded, allowing them to better understand the genuine emotions of those around them. Water signs, however, may find themselves caught in the idealism of the 11th house, which can lead to delusions due to their strong emotional nature. Fire signs are often supportive of others but may neglect their own well-being, resulting in personal suffering while they ensure those around them thrive.
Moon in 12th House: These Individuals often experience significant emotional turmoil from a young age, leading to a persistent heaviness in their feelings and confusion about their true emotions. They may feel isolated or out of place, struggling with mental health challenges and the quest for their identity, particularly in processing past traumas. For air signs, this placement can be particularly challenging, as their tendency to rationalize and intellectualize emotions can result in overthinking and mental health issues. In contrast, earth signs benefit from this placement more, as it grounds them and allows for a clearer understanding of their identity and goals. Water and fire signs face the most difficulties in the 12th house; water signs may escape their emotional pain through substances, avoiding confrontation with their turmoil, while fire signs often find their natural enthusiasm dampened by a pervasive sense of gloom, making it hard to maintain their energy and positivity.
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caturnmoon · 2 months
The sun 🌞 through the houses!
• Part 1 •
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• Sun in the 1st house •
The sun naturally finds its joy here in the house of Aries! The first house rules individuality and how you personally come off to others in this world and self. So with the sun in the 1st house you are someone that naturally has this radiance about them and is not, and I repeat, is not afraid to take up space! It’s giving main character energy for sure. You could have been an only child where the world literally revolved around you (like the sun) or you’re the favorite. The sun in the 1st house creates a natural born leader and others are easily inspired by you and look up to you. For better or worse, you influence the climate of any room and relationship. If not kept in check, this placement can point to some narcissistic qualities. At its best this placement inspires others to embrace their own light and fearlessly takes action in whatever it is they aim to achieve in life. They are blessed with a strong inner compass and drive to set out to achieve whatever it is that they want to. This could also indicate a natural talent and or interest in self-help and awareness platforms; you know who you are inside and out and like to help others discover this for themselves. What you see is what you definitely get with this placement. Especially if placed in signs like Leo, Aries, and Sagittarius.
• Sun in the 2nd house •
With the sun in the house of values both material and personal, you are someone who can naturally exude the qualities of a Taurus. Strong, authoritative, and sensual. Physical security means the world to you in this lifetime, and you have all of the tools in your arsenal to achieve just that. You could have an uncanny knack for investments and finances in general. You are meant to step into this role of security both material and emotionally. This placement to me just gets better with time and ages like fine wine if positively aspected especially. You will most likely be someone who aims for financial solidarity and independence and could be the breadwinner of your family and you take great pride in this too. Those with this placement are most likely to be very generous with their resources as well, giving to others that need their resources and help especially if positively aspected by planets like Jupiter, the moon or Venus. You have an eye for beauty and beautiful things and like to invest in art and the best luxury this world has to offer you. Style comes naturally to you and you could also find yourself interested in interior design or fashion if placed in signs like Taurus, Libra or even Pisces. People look up to you and respect you quite easily with this placement and you’ll naturally navigate positions of authority with ease and steadfastness.
• Sun in the 3rd house •
Mentally active and always on the move. This definitely marks someone with the sun in the house of Gemini! You will most likely be known as a jack of all trades and someone who is difficult to pin point doing just one career during their lives. Highly intelligent and with the propensity to mental restlessness, you need constant mental stimulation for that big bright brain of yours! You also thrive in areas of communication as well, as Gemini rules this. Blogging, networking, and writing may be some natural callings for you. You could travel quite a bit in your professional career especially shorter distance trips, and you also could’ve had a very active childhood too. Perhaps your parents sent you on many different summer camps or boarding schools growing up. Unless negatively aspected, you could have a very close bond with your siblings as well. You could also be someone who naturally enjoys learning and school and are insatiably curious, soaking up information like a sponge. Unless placed in more introverted signs, this placement normally highlights a very social extroverted person. Look to your Mercury in your chart as well with this placement, because the themes of that planet could be a larger portion/theme of your identity!
• Sun in the 4th house •
With the sun being in the house of the opposite luminary the moon, this could indicate a night time birth! You are naturally someone who is in tune with their inner world and incredibly private one at that. Emotional security is everything to you, as well as a safe space you can call home. Your childhood home environment (unless negatively aspected) could have been one full of love and cozy vibes. A safe haven you treasured coming home to after a long day of school and your mom has a lovely dinner awaiting you. Both parents had a huge impact on you but especially your mother or maternal figure. Maybe you were raised by your mother and she was a single parent. Matters of family and the domestic environment will be a big focus for you in this lifetime. You are most likely a homebody who enjoys being at home as much as possible. Perhaps working from home is a huge goal for you! This is also a placement that can show an interest in social work careers as well especially having to do with the domestic sphere. This placement also could show major inheritance as well, it makes me think of it being a trust fund baby placement if the rest of the chart supports this as well. Overall, you are highly motivated by personal, domestic and familial concerns. Look to your moon sign and where it’s placed in your chart as well, as it can highlight more concerning its influence in these matters!
• Sun in the 5th house •
All the world’s a stage!!! With the sun in the house of pleasure, hobbies, drama, children, and affairs this very much rings true for you. The 5th is a Leo house, and invoking your inner child is of the biggest importance for you and your outward expression in this lifetime! You could be known for how you shine in creative endeavors and bringing joy to literally any atmosphere. You feel the most fulfilled when authentically creating and expressing yourself; whether that be through painting, songwriting, acting, sports, or even raising children. You have a healthy sense of self and your ego is strong in its expression. The 5th house literally speaks to me as the house of joy and pleasure and so you find yourself always looking to experience these things in life. Just be careful to keep this in healthy balance with discipline as well, for it could indicate some hedonistic qualities too. A healthy aspect with Saturn could be a great balance with this placement to buffer this. This could also indicate a love for love and affairs could be a potential struggle here as well. Regardless of this, those with their sun in the 5th house have a huge heart and are in tune with their heart chakra naturally. You could also be known for your many talents as you’re someone who is blessed by the solar luminary and puts the spotlight on these qualities for you with ease. The sun is at home in this house of the lion. You’re the supreme ruler of your identity.
• Sun in the 6th house •
The sun in the house of Virgo is such a gentle and diligent placement. The sun infuses its warmth and energy into the house of service, health and routines and as such, you could be a natural healer! The sun here shines the spotlight on your daily routines, matters physical well-being, and services. Virgo is the natural healer of the zodiac and this could be an area of focus for you in this lifetime and what you’ll naturally evolve into being in one of these areas. Perhaps medicine is an area of interest or physical therapy and you love working with wellness routines. This placement also indicates someone who has a green thumb and has a natural knack for gardening! Small animals could bring you so much joy and healing as well, and you could love working with them as well. Such as a veterinarian, or volunteer in a shelter. Animals could love you and are naturally drawn to you. The sun highlights the best qualities (and lighter ones) of the 6th house. Like the 3rd house, this house is also ruled by Mercury. Mercury tends to fare really well in the solar luminary. You have a natural knack for details and are wonderful with matters that require meticulous study. The tiny details that others overlook you naturally comprehend with ease. You are also someone of a resilient nature as you have the ability to work through the petty issues and obstacles life may throw at you. Viewing them as another problem to be solved, you’re able to view things through a logical rational lens.
•Houses 7-12 coming soon•
Until next time! 👽🖖🏼
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mr888sworld · 11 months
The sun through natal house’s (1-12) where do you shine?
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The sun in astrology can symbolize our Ego, our sense of identity. Where we shine! Our conscious mind 🧠
The sun can also show up as our authoritative figures/ our father/male friends etc
The sun can also show up as our conscious confidence, our vitality, creativity
Your identity is heavily tied to your looks/physical body! Openly confident/they shine brightly when they are allowing themselves to be who they are! Unapologetically
Extremely outgoing, might have a lot of friends
Your father might be a huge influence on your physical appearance. Or he could be a controlling father
You could have really good skin. Especially if your sun is in a trine/conjunction aspect to Jupiter 🙏🏾
Depending on your aspects to mars/pluto, you could potentially have authority constantly trying to change or control you
Huge potential for modeling ⭐️
You could have a good physique or amazing physical health.
Sun in the 2nd house 🏠💰
Your identity can be attached to your possessions, & How much you own.
You could push yourself constantly, especially if you aren’t working or hustling
Strong desire for stability!
Your father could spoil you rotten or he could potentially manipulate you with resources.
You could tie your identity into your values
Usually rich early in life/has a lot of resources
Could end up potentially gaining wealth through a father figure.
The sun in the 3rd house 🏠 🧠
Your sense of identity is heavily tied into how much you know 🧠/ logical mindset/ You might actually have lots of friendly neighbors
You could have been the teacher’s favorite
Very analytical mind/lots of school friends
You were The favorite classmate
Your father could be a teacher/or he has taught you lessons growing up
You are most likely a researcher
You have the ability to see through bullshit 😂.
SUN IN THE 4th house 🏠🌊
Your sense of identity is heavily tied into your family home/maternal energy
Your father could be well known & highly favored in the family. Or he could be resented & rejected by the family.
You are a natural empath/very intuitive.
Could be into tarot or energy readings.
You could be the star child in the family.
Your mother could be well known/famous or highly respected.
Could live with an overly aggressive dominant male personality.
Listen to your intuition.
Your identity is heavily tied into your creativity/confidence & star quality.
Highly creative
The sun is in domicile in the fifth house/ruled by Leo. Strong sense of who you are!
Huge potential for acting 🎭
Father might already be in the industry ⭐️
Children could love you
You are highly seductive.
You are passionate about the art you create
Highly confident
Fiercely loyal
You could potentially become a mother early.
Highly sought after
Sun in the sixth house 🏠🏥
Your identity is heavily influenced by your health/routine
You could be a germaphobe
You are a super organized individual!
Analytical mindset
Your father could be a doctor or into the medical/health field.
You are the star in the work field
Confident in the way you handle your work
Others could be jealous of you at work
You get alot of attention at work
Your pets can be stars as well
Active pets as well
You could be judgmental at times.
You are most likely the best nurse or doctor in your field 🙏🏾
Sun in the seventh house 🏠 💍
Your sense of self is heavily influenced by / your lovers/contracts &. Legal rights
You could gain wealth through a famous partner
Legal actions against you always work out in your favor
Could potentially marry young
Heavily sought after
Balanced personality
Exceptional communication skills
You are super flirty
A happy marriage could bring you a sense of fulfillment
Could gain notoriety through a partner ⭐️
Sun in the eighth house 🏠 🪦
Your identity is heavily influenced by the occult/mystical arts/death & rebirth
You could be into anything deep/esoteric
You could be a famous tarot reader/astrologer
You read energy like no other 😂
You shine when you are chasing after the desire for the mystical truth
You are a truthful individual
Your father could have been spiritual or you could have grown up in a religious family
You have seen ghosts before 👀. No denying it
You are a phoenix
You go through stagnation sometimes to force transition & transformation
Very curious individual
Others could be jealous of how much you know
Very intuitive individual
Sun in the ninth house 🏠 ☯️
Your sense of self is heavily tied into your luck/spirituality/truth & religion
You are heavily passionate about what you believe in
Attracted to different cultures & philosophy
A natural born traveler
You could be a philosopher or maybe your father is.
Your father could be a preacher
You are a lucky individual
Open minded & optimistic
Can be stubborn at times
Your faith will get you far
Can gain notoriety through travel/foreign land
You could be an expert in foreign language
You shine when you are doing or learning something new.
Sun in the tenth house 🏠 🌎
Your sense of identity is heavily tied into your status/fame/reputation.
Your father could be the boss/ or he could help you become successful easier than most. You are the hardest worker
You gain attention everywhere you go
The world will see you shine
Everyone likes you
Popular individual
Could gain fame in the workplace
Others are jealous of your business mentality
You could be an entrepreneur
Your reputation could be tied into how you act publicly
Very analytical individual
Most likely to work from home.
Could gain alot ofwealth/power worldwide.
Karma could work in your favor often
Sun in the eleventh house 🏠 🕹️
Your sense of self is heavily influenced by your wishes/friendships/ & humanitarianism
You are the most liked friend
Your manifestations come quicker than most
You are attracted to helping the collective consciousness
You thrive in social groups
You shine brightly on social media
Could potentially be a famous YouTuber
You could own a lot of electronics in the house
Your father could be your best friend/ or he could be a huge part of your upcoming fame on social media or he could be rejected by you
Could have friends from every background
Super analytical
Loner at times
Very rebellious
Sun in the twelfth house 🏠 🧙‍♀️
Your identity is tied into endings/beginnings/karma/old age & the after life
Very intuitive individual
You could have a tumultuous relationship with your father or a very spiritual one
You are heavily spiritual
You could potentially be a shaman
You likely have psychic dreams very often
You are attracted to the occult or after life
You are a daydreamer
You read people easily
Human lie detector
Genuine individual
Easily hurt/taken advantage of
Can be delusional at times
Highly creative/ potential to be a famous painter.
Very powerful empath 🕉️
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That’s all folks 🙏🏾 if anything resonates please feel free to dm me for questions or a reading.
My sun in the tenth 🤧. Where is your sun located? Should I do more? Lmk. 🕉️🧿
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scorpihoe1111 · 6 months
Synastry Observations: Part 2💞
Your Moon/Mercury falling in someone’s 3H can open the house person up to bigger ideas of logic and emotion. A person who can be closed minded, ignorant or emotionally immature can possibly become more open minded and emotionally mature and considerate when they have 3H synastry with someone as the house person learns through the planet person.
Neptune synastry, esp when in the 1H/7H can project on the planet individual a lot. The house person can see the planet person as someone better or worse than they actually are. They refuse to see the person for who and what they are, whether in a good or bad sense and have rose colored glasses.
I noticed those with 9H synastry usually have issues with one another’s in laws. It can be that the in laws might not approve of a relationship or marriage between the two, seemingly because one of the partners might be completely different from what the others parents expected their son/daughter to be in a romantic relationship with.
Ladies, if your 1H falls in a man’s Venus sign or is sextile/conjuct his Mars/Venus/ASC, he may just be obsessed with you 🫢
Same can be said if your moon falls in his 8H/12H. They can obsessed with trying to know how you feel about them and wanting to own you basically
Pluto square/opp Moon in synastry indicate an emotionally abusive relationship sometimes.
10H synastry can indicate the friendship/relationship being a publicity stunt or something that’s very much in the public eye. Many people may know of you two being together.
Unfortunately, 10H synastry can also include a lot of your beef/fights with the person to be publicized or all over social media a lot esp if 11H synastry is involved too.
Your personal planets falling in someone’s 6H or aspecting Saturn/Neptune (esp harsh aspects) can indicate someone who is consistently trying to change or “fix” you.
6H synastry can also be indicative of someone making you do physical labor for them as well.
Jupiter opp Saturn can make the Jupiter person feel like they’re being held back or tied down in a relationship with the Saturn person but usually the Saturn person is just trying to give Jupiter some responsibility.
Uranus aspecting ASC in synastry is a sign of the ASC person feeling oddly vulnerable and comfortable around the Uranus person. They usually feel like they can be themselves.
Not sure when I’ll be doing a part 3, but thanks for all the support 👏🏻
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keepspullingmeback · 3 months
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stanathaaaaaaaaaa · 3 months
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Leo Rising
Leo risings experience life as high-drama theatrics, regularly seeking out larger-than-life experiences. Bold, brave, warm, and courageous, Leo risings are drawn to the spotlight — and not without good reason. Their magnetic presence and vibrant charisma make them natural leaders, often inspiring others just by simply being themselves. The chart ruler for a Leo ascendant is the sun, the bright star at the center of our solar system. Just as the sun radiates warmth and energy, so do Leo risings emit confidence and vitality, affecting everyone around them. Likewise, it’s extremely important that Leo ascendants be seen, appreciated, and recognized for their talents and accomplishments. However, it’s important for Leo ascendants to remember they’re not the only stars in the galaxy: By tapping into their innate generosity, Leo risings can learn to share the stage.
*The following text is from Google*
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sketchychelsea · 1 year
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✨ 𝑳𝒆𝒐 ✨
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Leo Venus style
Leo Vinz has a classy but tacky sort of wide y2k look. I feel very girly but in a glittery glamour way like a Paris Hill or Holly Madison, or even in Nicole Ritchie early 2000s, but also gives Alexa Demi in Euporia where it’s really classy and like I’m the queen and the attitude that comes with it and I put Pamela Anderson as well because she is in fact Leo Venus and I think when I think Leo Venus I do see Pam in her many outfits that’s why I’ve put one of her iconic ones there of her in the big big glittery hat with Tommy Lee And it’s very pretty and beautiful and almost like delicate but it’s a popular girl it’s a girl you love to hate it’s a girl you wanna be but you know you can’t and usually got model Lex Madonna also has this placement and so does Selena Gomez and everyone wants to be her don’t make for some reason I don’t, I don’t have a problem with her at all she starting to become that guy isn’t she so he gave Leo Venus I give you a classic pair of Chloe sunglasses or Rayban, and the couture that you don’t mind spending about £100 on a white top with nothing else just cause you know it’s fresh. But whatever you wear is gonna look stunning, but try and go over this kind of look because if you want a tea maybe even a Aaliyah core
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orchid-baby · 2 months
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Bday celebrations this evening
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justataurussoul · 1 year
Astro Observation ✨
🩷 Most Virgo Suns I know had to deal with an absent parent figure from a young age. Either emotionally distant, not there or in some cases passed away. Making them to grow up and take responsibilities from a young age.
🩷 Cancer suns have a thing for working out or any physical activity. If they get into one and they like it, they are INTO it.
🩷 Virgo Suns mostly end up with another Virgo or a Leo. Ending up with a fellow earth sign or a water sign is rare.
🩷 Capricorns are attracted to fire signs, most likely because of their contrast personalities.
🩷 Taurus and Scorpio, even though they are opposites, when they like each other, it's going to be long term. Romantic or Platonic.
🩷 Leos and wanting to receive attention all the time is really a thing. They wouldn't mind to flirt and act all interested when they actually aren't interested.
🩷 Gemini sun guys are Tall.
🩷 Gemini girls are into fashion and are great at it. They won't hesitate to try something new.
🩷 Even though Taurus and Aquarius don't gel, they are physically attractive to each other.
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nerdmomma14 · 2 months
It is my birthday. 🎂 I wanted Veilguard for my birthday....😫 Back to Faerun for now...
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yuveenti-blog · 15 days
🤫🤔🫢🫦🧠🗣️ Your Communication Issues Based on Your Rising Sign 🤫🤔🫢🫦🧠🗣️
Disclaimer: If it don’t apply, let it fly ☺️😌
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Aries Rising:
* Speaking aggressively even when calm.
* Noticeable anxiety when they speak ( voice getting louder, shaky voice, stuttering, mumbling).
* Struggle to listen as their minds are fired up.
* Changing their opinion frequently and playing devils advocate.
* Easily able to manipulate others, watch out for their convincing ways especially when they want something.
* Can come across as judgmental and can make people uncomfortable with this aspect.
Taurus Rising:
* Can be hard to know how they truly feel, they can play off just how emotional they are, closed off.
* Reserved and private, hard to get these people to open up.
* They can tell people what they want to hear, instead of choosing to be honest.
* They can retreat into their own world especially to deal with their emotions, hard to reach.
* If they feel a certain way towards someone they can be stubborn, defensive, and take things personally.
* Can hold a lot of their real feelings in.
Gemini Rising:
* Needs an audience or some form of validation to be talkative and social or they will be quiet.
* A lot of pride over their opinions and perspective.
* They can dish it, but they cannot take it.
* Can struggle to allow others to shine, they want to be the brains, beauty, and more.
* Selectively choosing to engage with those who give their ego a boost.
* Saying things just so people can like them.
* Telling lies.
Cancer Rising:
* Categorizing people into boxes before getting to know them.
* Indirect communication style. ( skimming around topics, avoiding certain conversations, not allowing anyone in, passive aggressive).
* Not being authentic in their communication, saying what they believe the other wants to hear.
* Can become detached and emotionally distant when sorting through their own issues.
* Difficulty expressing their feelings, but can be a therapist for other people.
* Criticizing the way they speak too much, over analyzing their communication.
* Can be a complainer.
Leo Rising:
* Perfectionist about your social image.
* Feeling a sense of importance amongst others that can come off as a superiority complex.
* Easily see the flaws of others, but can have a hard time being forthright and transparent about their flaws.
* Always trying to make everyone happy and feel good, but struggling with their own insecurities.
* Being superficial and caring about outward appearance too much, constant criticizing people’s appearance.
* Have a big ego and feel slighted and personally offended fast.
* Wants to be popular so will people please to fit in with the in crowd.
* Can be avoidant or disappear when issues come up.
* Can gossip about people behind their back.
Virgo Rising:
* Can be detached due to their introspective and analytical nature.
* Withdraw a lot and need a lot of time to themselves to process their experiences.
* Intensely introverted and retreats a lot into their own world.
* Going through extremes of isolated and constantly socializing and talking.
* Either dead silent or chatter box’s.
* Scrutinizing themselves too much so others feel awkward around them.
* If not scrutinizing around others, mentally doing it in a conversation and then feeling the need to be quiet.
* Psychoanalyzing and probing others but get uncomfortable when people do this to them.
* Speaking intensely.
Libra Rising:
* There is an excessive need to appear positive, bordering toxic positivity.
* Head in the clouds
* A tendency to overpromise or overextend theirselves to others.
* An issue with instilling boundaries.
* Do things just to keep the peace.
* Will run away at the sight of any issue or problems.
* Friends with people they outgrew but just keep thinking things will get better.
* Can be naive in conversations.
Scorpio Rising:
* Negative, pessimistic, cynical mindset which can often undermine their communication.
* Chronic complainers.
* Feels restricted in speaking freely. Feels they need to speak when spoken to or with people they are close to.
* Reserved and timid.
* Can have a mindset that nothing matters so can a bit dry responding to people’s issues.
* Or may take on other people’s issues as their own and act like a therapist.
* They can probe and psychoanalyze others but keep a lot of their personality and business hidden.
* Need to have control when communicating with others. Control and power dynamics are apparent in their communication.
* May feel more mature than others, so constantly feeling they have to dumb theirselves down or parent others.
* Can be grammar and pronunciation police.
* Judgmental of how people present themselves. May think everyone should be like them.
* Usually ends up trauma bonding or attracting people who vent a lot of their emotions on them.
Sagittarius Rising:
* Has big ideas that often are not yet accepted or people deem crazy, unrealistic, or wishful.
* Want others to join along their ideas, and may deal with pushback from more conservative individuals.
* Interrupts mid conversation cause they have something they have to just get out.
* Doesn’t listen well when people talk to them about things that aren’t interesting.
* Challenges others beliefs which can come off as personal attacks.
* Detached and insensitive when engrossed in a new idea, project, or interests.
* Unpredictable communication.
* Can have random outbursts or random moments where they are super happy and social.
* High energy which can be overwhelming to some. Talks a lot and then distant.
Capricorn Rising:
* Feeling restricted in communication. Wanting to express themselves freely but feeling that they have to control a lot of what they say.
* A sensitive soul with a hard exterior.
* Finding that people project a lot onto them.
* Feeling you they cant be themselves , so choosing to stay silent.
* Being deceitful or lying.
* Having to hold in a secret that weighs heavy on them.
* Needing someone to stimulate a conversation with them or else they don’t know what to say.
* Unclear on how to assert themselves. May come off passive aggressive.
* Off into their own world, withdrawn from the world.
Aquarius Rising:
* Can come across as less emotional and detached. Can say things bluntly and outright that shock or upset others.
* If someone isn’t being forthright and honest you can become irritated easily.
* Needing space to do their own thing. Can feel smothered by too much interaction.
* Unexpected communication. They might go weeks without talking to someone and then call them.
* On the other hand they can attract abrupt personalities where communication is spontaneous.
* Controversial opinions.
* Some of the ways they talk can be strange or odd.
* Females might carry a masculine theme to them that can intimidate others.
Pisces Rising:
* Withdrawn and uncommunicative.
* These people are sensitive and will retreat if they sense an issue or conflict.
* These people struggle to initiate conversation.
* Stubborn towards other people’s ideas.
* Can lie and fabricate things.
* Masters at deflecting and gaslighting.
* Can rationalize their feelings or at times make it seem their feelings are insignificant. They can also do this others.
* Rose colored glasses and can come across as delusional.
* May refuse to take any criticism.
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nateezfics · 2 months
happy leo season to all my fellow leo baddies 💅🏻♌️👑🦁
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mr888sworld · 8 months
MARS! How do you take action/show frustration!
Mars in astrology represents how we take action/how we show frustration/ our anger/ our go-getter attitude towards everyday activities! Our charisma ! Energy levels ! & our willpower
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You are extremely driven/passionate in your goals/pursuits/outgoing! Extremely stubborn/motivated approach in everyday situations! Extremely aggressive/argumentative when provoked! Easily irritated! Emotions pass very quickly & easily! Strong willpower! Strong sense of confidence & success. Not the one to mess with!!!
Taurus ♉️ mars 🌱
Slow and steady wins the race sort of attitude/very stubborn! Strong need for recognition/security/ unchanging at times! Very headstrong ! Stuck in their ways at times! Extremely strong willpower! Not the one to mess with when provoked! Attracted to the luxury life! High energy levels! Will not let anyone stop them in their pursuits once their mind is made up!
Gemini ♊️ mars 💨
Very adaptable & changeable/very unpredictable with their decisions/quick with their insults/instincts /decisions/thought processes! Very chatty! Prone to gossip! Logical arguments! Tactful! Prone to manipulation & flighty attitudes!
Cancer ♋️ mars 🌊
Very intuitive with their anger! Go-getter cancer is a cardinal sign! Very strong emotions! Very explosive at times! Excellent at comforting those who do not have a voice for themselves! Prone to mood swings! Not the one to mess with when provoked! Control freaks at times! Very addictive at times
Strongest willpower between all mars placements! Extremely powerful voice/stern presence/dramatic sense of presence! Very powerful! Not the one to mess with! UNDERDOG ENERGY! The star of the show! Will embarrass you if needed! Very aggressive/vain
Virgo ♍️ Mars 🌱
Hypocrite at times! Very particular about their shit! Prone to complaining! Will get shit done! Extremely resourceful! Prone to gossip! Very nit-picky! Drawn to logic! Logical arguments!
Libra ♎️ mars 💨
Could be a people pleaser at times! Prone to gossip! Manipulative at times! Extremely diplomatic / compassionate & compromising ! Hates arguing ! Really good at deceiving others very logical! Very fair! & balanced!
Scorpio ♏️ mars 🌊
Silent killer! Excellent detective/ extremely strong willpower! Psychic intuition! Not the one to mess with! Hold grudges! Prone to gossip! Judgemental at times! Drama follows you! Misunderstood! Heavily aggressive! Dominant! Besides aries & Leo mars
Sagittarius ♐️ mars 🔥
Go getter! Truth seeker! Will call you out if need be! Not the one to mess with ! Philosophical when it comes to arguments! Quick to move on! Will search for the truth! Very understandable! Very mutable! Prone to cockiness/arrogance! Headstrong! Outstanding willpower
Capricorn ♑️ mars 🌱
Best work ethic when it comes to the mars signs! YOU GET SHIT DONE! Could procrastinate at times but you do it! Mature with your anger/responses! Very business oriented! Time is money attitude!! Very sophisticated! Does not have time for the bullshit ! Prone to gossip! Not afraid to put someone in place
Aquarius ♒️ mars 💨
Very unconventional approach to their work ethic! Hates conformity! Craves rebellion! Longes for real understanding! Not one to argue! Will disappear on you! Does not care for the bullshit! Will ignore you like you never existed! Does not linger on events/situations for too long!
Pisces ♓️ mars 🌊
Worst mars sign at expressing themselves in an assertive way! Very spiritual! Not one to argue! Prone to being emotionally manipulative! Strong emotional reactions! Prone to gossip! Very optimistic approach to negative situations! Very mutable individuals! Very changeable! Very compromising energy!
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mercuryruledd · 18 days
The astrology of Gilmore Girls characters PART 1
— happy fall everyone ☕️🍂
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* PSA - I won’t be going off canon, just my own interpretation but a lot of them match canon. Gilmore girls really thought of astrology when giving the characters their birthdays. Also the explanations aren’t that long or detailed because I’m lazy..
Rory Gilmore
Libra sun:
Rory is canonically a Libra sun and in my opinion this fits her perfectly. She’s charming, romantic, a people pleaser, diplomatic and intelligent.
Cancer moon:
This placement indicates an intense bond with the mother. Rory is dependant on Lorelai and vise versa - in a way which some would view as toxic (Lorelai often was too open with Rory as if she was a friend not her daughter)
Virgo rising:
Whilst this placement can be deemed as intimidating, I feel like Rory’s libra placements make up for it for good first impressions. With mercury being her chart ruler it explains her love for learning and her ambition. Rory was also perfectionistic when it came to school - (obsessing over Harvard, extracurriculars) etc. Very self critical and can’t handle criticism which comes in to play during her Yale drop out situation.
Libra mercury: chart ruler
Naturally charming and pleasant. Talented at public speaking - although Paris was intelligent she was too blunt sometimes. Rory has a tendency to avoid conflict too.
Sagittarius venus:
Throughout the show Rory juggled a few relationships but often commitment was an issue. Kissing Tristan whilst in a relationship with Dean, Kissing Jess whilst in a relationship with Dean & the Dean/Lindsay situation. To preface, this placement doesn’t mean you’re a cheater just that commitment is something you might struggle with until you find ‘the one’ — I think the closest thing to that on the show was Logan considering she only kissed Jess once she found out Logan was seeing other people. Notably in the early seasons Rory was unable to respond when Dean and Jess told her they loved her for the first time (a lot of this is to do with her family upbringing and her parents divorce) but her venus placement could explain some of this too. Sagittarius venus’ love intellectual people so this could explain her attraction to Jess in particular.
Gemini mars:
Excels at hurting people with words “Huh quippy why so silent” she always had good comebacks. Debates is one of Rory’s specialities so it makes sense for her to have a Gemini mars.
Lorelai Gilmore
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Taurus sun:
So many people have said this before but Taurus is just the perfect sign for her. Lorelai was one of the most stubborn characters on the show — even if she needed help with something she would try to deal with it on her own. Despite what she went through she had ambition to succeed in her own way without the help of her parents. Very generous with her loved ones. The downside I would say is the possessiveness she had over Rory which could be a little toxic sometimes. Craves financial security.
Sagittarius moon:
Sagittarius moons do not like to be controlled, Lorelai needed her personal freedom and independence from her parents and relationships. Also known for their witty humour - Lorelai was one of the funniest characters on the show never a dull moment.
Cancer rising:
Compassionate and empathetic. Mothering energy. Clingy towards loved ones (Rory, Suki, Luke) loves having a routine it’s the little things that make them happy. Such as stopping by at Luke’s every morning.
Gemini mercury: Quick witted humorous and fast spoken. Intelligent and talkative - knows how to argue and cut deep with words. Despite not attending college she has always been very bright and mercury is at home in the sign of Gemini.
Aries venus: Not afraid to jump headfirst into new relationships even if things go impulsively. For example planning a wedding with Max just to call it off shortly before. But once they find the right person they’re loyal and passionate lovers.
Taurus mars:
As someone with this placement can confirm we do not like to be rushed into anything. This exacerbates Lorelai’s stubbornness even more. Anger builds up steadily over time and there is a tendency to hold grudges.
Emily Gilmore
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Virgo sun:
I do understand why people think Emily is a Scorpio but to me she gives earth sign sun energy. Especially Virgo. The negative traits of Virgo can be the need to be in control of every situation. Which is the case for Emily. Not to mention her neurotic behaviour. A lot of the times she always imagined the worst case scenario for every situation.
Scorpio moon:
Highly sensitive but good at hiding it. Emily was actually a very sensitive person but struggled to show how she felt. Scorpio moons keep their emotions hidden inside. She also possess a very intense personality.
Capricorn rising:
Mature and practical with a serious demeanour. Often she was perplexed by Lorelai’s humour and rather than being witty she had more sarcastic/dry humour. Unintentionally funny without even realising it. Fashion sense is put together and sensible.
Leo mercury:
Flair for the dramatics. Can be arrogant and unable to see the perspectives of others. Craves attention and admiration from others.
Scorpio venus:
Intensely passionate lovers and highly loyal to Richard.
Virgo mars:
Aggression is shown through criticism. Usually don’t have large outbursts of anger rather more quiet and purposeful. Service oriented (Friday night dinners)
Thank you for reading 🥰
Will be making a PART 2 at some stage
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astrosky33 · 1 year
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Leo is ruled by the Sun representing the ego, vitality, attention/spotlight, identity, creativity, leadership, etc. so, there’s not really any strong astrological evidence for why Leo’s are so beautiful
Using Numerology however, the word Leo adds up to 5 which is the number of beauty
Example: a=1, b=2, c=3, so on
So, Leo in Numerology would be 12+5+15=32 and in numerology you reduce numbers down to one digit so then it’d be 32->3+2=5
Leo is also the only sign that adds to 5 in numerology
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