legitgayshit · 24 days
Autumnal Kairoi - 12 - Evening
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In the candlelight Kara could see the little curves of Lena's facial features. The slight expressions that seemed so much more detailed and revealing.
Kara could see the way Lena's eyes were smiling. And then there was the curve of her lips to one side. That expression was flirty. Restrained, but daringly flirty.
Lena's eyes dropped to appraise Kara once more in that tight, elegant pantsuit.
Earlier that night..
Kara had been a little disappointed when Lena had asked if they could stay in. But she was also happy to have the beautiful brunette all to herself tonight.
'Alone.. with Lena,' Kara thought to herself as she stood in front of the witch's penthouse door.
Kara knocked gently on the door despite her ever-increasing nervousness. It felt like minutes had gone by as she waited, but it had only been seconds.
She heard the click of Lena’s heels approaching on the other side of the door and her stomach started flip-flopping.
Kara took a steadying breath. 'This is just Lena.. my longtime best friend,' she tried to remind herself.
But when Lena opened the door, all friendly thoughts fled the hero's brain... Continue reading...
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engr4vedlesso · 2 years
~Is that so?~
《 Dark!Leonora Lesso x reader (school for good and evil)
《 warnings ⚠️: !choking, !mentions of lewd activity, !slight cursing, !slight lewd activity
《 sometimes I'll use y/n and sometimes I wont♡
《 btw- she's kinda dark in this but at the same time she's not. ♡
"Lesso.. Turn off the light.. its in the middle of the night.." You groggily groaned as you set your eyes on the goddess reading a book beside you.
The lamp light illuminated on her jawline as she glared down at your tired form making her look 2x hotter.
"I'll stay up for as long as I want, little thing.." She retorted flicking her cat like eyes once on your body back to the book as she flipped to the next page.
"What if I said I had the best dream.." You started to tease and her grip on the book tightened as she scowled.
"Mm." Lesso hummed as you rolled you eyes and faced away from her.
After a moment of breif silence you decided you wanted to tease her even more to see how long she would stand for your idiocy.
"You wanna know what it was about..?" You asked, voice almost cracking from the laugh burning in the back of your throat.
"Sure.." she obliged eyeing you suspiciously as to what you had up your sleeve.
"It was about a woman.." You whispered, mentally laughing to yourself as you felt her gaze on your body.
"Really? How did she look.." she said almost nauseated at the thought of someone else bothering you so much to the point where they're in your mind, unless it was her.
"She had red curly hair and she wore all black.. She looked like a demented clown to me, reminding me of you! " You laughed and rolled of the bed making an 'oof' sound as you landed on the carpet onto your face.
"Is that so?" She shut the book rather aggressively and placed it onto the nightstand.
You then saw her authorative form tower over yours on the bed as you were still on the ground.
"Yeah.. haha? How coincidental.." Your comment only made her her eyelids lower as she set a hardened glare onto your face, as if deciding how to deal with you.
In an attempt to escape, you scooted away and progressively got onto your feet as you ran for the bathroom door. Only to find out that the knob wouldnt budge. Hearing the jingle of keys you looked up at Lesso staring you down at your feeble effort to escape as she let out a sadistic laugh dropping the keys that were in between her teeth to the floor, right. infront. of. your. feet.
"Pathetic" she spat and pinned you against the very door you tried to go through pushing away the keys to another side of the room in the process.
Her grip tightened around your neck as the lack of air finally hit you. Now this is when she decides to shove her knee in between your legs as a groan managed to escape your mouth. She let out a grin and looked down at you with clouded eyes and let go.
You took a second to catch your breath and admire her attire as your eyes traveled down her form. She was wearing a black tank top that exposed her muscular forearms and slightly showed off her cleavage, with knee length shorts and a white string to tie it all together.
"I can feel you eye fucking me.." she whispered as you remembered the situation you were in and slightly blushed looking down, but gentle, cold and steady fingers brought your head right back up.
"I- I didnt mean to call you a clown!" you said as you tried not to laugh.
"Oh, so the woman was me in your dream..?" Her pupils dialated as a dark like shadow appear over her forhead as she scowled down at you.
"Wait, you didn't actually confirm it yet!?" You said with a gasp as her hand found its way back around you neck and started choking you again and the other slithered around your waist.
"I'm going to fuck with your head like the demented clown I am.."
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zeldawarrior · 2 years
Giantess Beidou Fan Fic
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(WARNING, this story contains giantess/tiny, boob stuff, and a lesbian relationship with my original character who's kinda a self insert. If you don't like those things, leave, I never wanted you here anyways :D)
Kyra looked up at Beidou while she was in her small form. To her, Beiodu was now a giant goddess a beautiful one. Beidou looked back down at her with a smirk. Kyra's eyes locked on Beidou's boobs while she was looking at her. Kyra could see the bottom of Beidou's cleavage through the triangular opening in the bottom of her leotard.
"M-Master?~" Kyra asked, clearly about to ask for something.
"Yes, my pet?"
"Could you put me between…" Kyra pointed up at Beidou's huge breasts, cutely, while blushing hard. Beidou stares back at her, her smirk widening.
"Of course, my love." Kyra could slowly feel Beidou's hands sliding under her tiny body, and picking her up gently. Beidou had learned to be careful with Kyra when she was this small. Beidou brought Kyra up to her busty chest and slowly dropped the tiny girl into the top of her cleavage. Kyra's little face flushed red and all around her she could feel Beidou's hot breasts which she was now in between. Beidou put her hands on the sides of her boobs and slowly squeezed them together, trapping Kyra between them. Kyra moaned. Beidou's skin felt so soft yet there was still so much pressure from Beidou squeezing. Kyra just couldn't get enough of the feeling of her face and body being smothered between her masters breasts. Beidou would take a break from squeezing for a second to let Kyra breathe and then push her breasts together again. Kyra's tiny body accidentally slid down deeper in between Beidou's cleavage. She could feel the slight moisture from Beidou's sweat. Beidou looked down at Kyra and just smiled more.
"Are you okay, my cute little toy?~"
"I'm fine, master." Kyra muffled.
"Okay then~" Beidou massaged her boobs together harder and Kyra started to finger herself. Beidou's boobs were like mountains but so soft and bouncy!
"I-ahhh~ I love you~" Kyra, moaned.
"Heh I love you too." Beidou could tell that she was helping to please Kyra and that made her feel happy. She pushed her boobs together harder, which caused Kyra to climax.
"Ahh!~ Aaah!~" Kyra screamed in pleasure, tilting her head back. "I'm huff I'm sorry, master~" Kyra panted heavily, exhausted from the pleasure.
"Heh, you really like my chest, don't you?"
"Yeah…" Kyra rested the upper half of her body over Beidou's right breast.
"Don't be ashamed. You know, I'm glad you do." Beidou smiled down at Kyra, lovingly. Beidou slowly lifted Kyra up and kissed her little head. Her big lips engulfed most of Kyra's head. Beidou slowly moved her lips away, with Kyra still sitting on her hand in front of her lips. She could feel Beidou's breath against her skin and blowing ever so slightly on her clothes like a hot wind.
"I love you, Kyra." She whispered into Kyra's tiny pointed ears.
"I love you too, Beidou."
(I don't usually post fan fiction here but I think I'll start posting here more often)
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naibselstories · 3 years
Anything For You (Vi x Caitlyn) Part 1
“You’re hurt!” Caitlyn exclaimed, her voice plagued with worry for the red haired woman that had just appeared before her eyes. Her reaction was to grab the shorter woman from her side and help her to sit down in her bed.
“I’ll survive.” Vi answered with a raspy voice, trying to hide the hurt she was feeling. She didn’t want to worry the deep blue eyed woman more than she already was. 
“I told you I could help, you just needed to wait a bit longer.” Caitlyn kept scolding the willful woman sitting on her bed, while searching for her medical box. Within minutes she was already disinfecting the inside of Vi’s thigh, the cut was definitely in a very awkward place, dangerously close to her “private parts”. Caitlyn took a deep sigh, more like to keep herself from having indecent thoughts while helping the other woman out. Vi did kind of notice Caitlyns expressions but thought she was just imagining it.  
“Undercity can’t wait any longer, I had to try to do something by myself.” Vi said hissing a bit from the alcohol and smiled looking at the woman that was intensely looking at the injury, in a full concentration mode trying to heal her properly. “You’re no good to The Undercity, dead.” Caitlyn said in a low voice, finishing the saturation work on her thigh. Vi grabbed Caitlyn’s hand softly and made her look at her eyes. “Thank you, for always helping me at my weakest.” Caitlyn was grabbed my surprise and for a small amount of seconds her eyes lingered on Vi’s lips, then away to her now sealed wound. 
“You’re good now. No need to thank, thats what friends are for.” Caitlyn replied a few minutes later giving Vi her backside view while she was hiding the medical box in a safe place again, she thought she was going to use it again soon enough anyways. 
“Then I’m lucky to have a friend like you.” Vi said with a bit of a flirty sound in her voice, she couldn’t stop herself from thinking about Caitlyn that way, more than a friend. She found Caitlyn to be perfect, and her heart always pounded a thousand times faster when she was with her, she wondered if the other woman felt the same. Caitlyn’s cheeks turned a soft pink, she didn’t move to look at Vi, she just froze, holding herself with both hands resting on top of the furniture before her. 
An abrupt silence took over the room, you could sense the tension in the air and both of them didn’t know how to stop it. Caitlyn turned herself around facing Vi’s direction and thought about her next words carefully. “You do know I would do anything for you, Vi?” She said more like a statement than a question. Vi’s eyes opened in surprise. “The day you were hurt badly on your side, I traded my weapon for that potion without even thinking it twice. I would’ve traded my soul for it, if it was necessary.” She kept explaining every sentence that crossed her mind out loud. “The funniest part is, I don’t know why it is an automatic reaction if it is something concerning about your well being.” Caitlyn couldn’t stop her mouth from expressing her feelings, she needed to let everything out or she would explode from the inside. 
“Every time I see you Vi, it is like I’m about to implode. My heart can’t stop racing, my hands start sweating and my mind travels to the most impossible scenes in which we are...” Caitlyn stops and looks at one side in shame trying to hide her face from the other woman’s gaze. She was literally confessing right there and there to the other woman. Vi was frozen in place while she was talking and when she suddenly stopped, Vi got out of her trance and jumped from the bed, starting to walk closer to the other beautiful woman.
“In which we are doing... what exactly?” Vi softly asks, grabbing Caitlyn’s face with the palm of her hand, making her look at her eyes. Caitlyn’s eyes went from her eyes to her lips, then to her eyes again, explaining everything clearly without saying a single word. “In which we are... kissing.” She ended up saying anyways with a bit of nervousness in her voice. 
“It is not that impossible, cupcake. I feel the same way about you...”Vi replies with a husky, full of love voice while shortening the space between them, pushing Caitlyn’s body a bit more against the furniture behind her. Vi could hear a small yelp escape from her lovers mouth, which made her smirk triumphantly thinking she was so lucky to make her feel that way. 
“I don’t know how I’ve been able to control myself all this time around you... I think it was mostly because I didn’t want to hurt you on accident. I’m a brute when it comes to love, you see.” Vi said sincerely to the lady in front of her. “So you have to guide me, please, since I don’t want to do you any wrongs.” Vi held the other woman, one hand in her hip, the other one in her chin; staring closely at the other woman lips while biting her own in a very provocative way. 
“You wont hurt me.” Caitlyn said, not waiting any longer and giving in to the desire of delivering Vi a sweet kiss on her lips. They both felt their bodies needed to be closer and while Vi’s hands landed on Caitlyn’s neck to pull her closer, Caitlyn’s hands grabbed Vi from her hips to be sure she wasn’t going anywhere. After a short minute Vi broke the kiss slowly and stared into Caitlyn’s beautiful eyes. 
“Wanna give that bed a try?” Vi said plainly, giving Caitlyn a funny eyebrow movement, quite jokingly. Caitlyn’s face turned bright red at the comment and gave Vi a soft punch in her shoulder as a response. “Don’t make me blush!” Caitlyn said, quite embarrassed. “I love making you blush.” Vi replied smiling while actually pulling Caitlyn up off the floor, holding her quite easily in her arms and bringing her slowly to the bed.   
To be continued...
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red-alien · 4 years
Chapters: 6/? Fandom: Grey's Anatomy, arizona robbins - Fandom, Original characters - Fandom, Original Work, Alternative Universe - Fandom Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Arizona Robbins/Original Female Character(s) Characters: Arizona Robbins, Original Female Character(s), Original Male Character(s) Additional Tags: Lesbian Character, Lesbian Relationship, Friends to Lovers, Friendship/Love, Originally Posted on FanFiction.Net, Love, LGBTQ Themes, Lesbian, Falling In Love, alternative universe, Woman and woman, Anger, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Work In Progress, Lesbian Sex, Fluff, Love Confessions Summary:
Everybody has a best friend and Arizona wouldn't be different! She has a long year friendship with a welsh photographer, that was her childhood first love. She's going to live everything she has to with Callie, but her friendship with the welsh, Merida Harris, will survive? Will Merida accept losing the love of her life? After divorce, should Arizona look for her friend Merida?
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idkwhatthismessis · 5 years
If y’all could like read this or add this to your reading lists it would mean a lot. I’m really excited about this but I don’t want it to flop https://my.w.tt/TbAWHU1o83
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Chapter 3 of the Fanfic Missed sXcenes is finally online. Hope you'll enjoy it...
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quincestanon · 5 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Skins (UK) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Naomi Campbell/Emily Fitch Characters: Emily Fitch, Katie Fitch, Naomi Campbell (Skins UK), Effy Stonem, James Cook (Skins UK), Freddie McLair, Jenna Fitch, Thomas Tomone, JJ Jones, Pandora Moon Additional Tags: Lesbian Character, Canon Lesbian Relationship, POV Lesbian Character, No Lesbians Die, Science Fiction, Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Future Summary:
AU - Set in the fictional country of "Bristeton" in 2050.
There are rules to follow and requirements to meet. Briseton is very selective about it's citizens, if you don't meet the cut then exile is on the cards.
Emily Fitch navigates her way through life after being exiled and forced to leave her family and life as she knows it. The only plus side is meeting Naomi Campbell on her journey.
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ukendeavour · 6 years
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The Adams Fosters (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/UiNb/cbzbSxLK0N Stef and Lena Adams Foster have five grown-up children, who have all moved out, yet they still have their five-year-old daughter Frankie and their foster son Corey living at home. life isn't always easy for our favourite couple but they are working together to raise their family, keep the romance alive and enjoying each other.
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lozajane8 · 4 years
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For chapter 19 “All bright eyed and bushy tailed” which I’m thinking about changing I’m getting mixed reviews 😬 ._. - - - - - - - - #legacies #legaciesedit #legaciesfanfiction #hopemikaelson #danielleroserussell #kayleebryant #josiesaltzman #lizziesaltzman #jennyboyd #candiceking #carolineforbes #freyamikaelson #rileyvoelkel #hosie #hosieedit #hosiefanfiction #fanfiction #wattpad #lesbian #lesbianfanfic https://www.instagram.com/p/CFKdLuqBbRz/?igshid=1oudlm59lfcrg
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legitgayshit · 1 month
Autumnal Kairoi - 11 - Forest
by PariahNonGrata (aka LegitGayShit)
"In her dream, Lena wandered through the forest without a destination. But she soon came to a clearing.
Kara was hovering above the clearing with a look of longing in her eyes.
Lena watched her for several moments until Kara drifted back down to the ground beside her. The brunette was about to take the hero's hand when she awoke…"
➡️ Continue reading
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gaybystarlight · 7 years
Chapter three of “Love between pages”
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mxsunshineblossoms · 5 years
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CAUSE SAME. I’m waiting for my tickets T_T
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sowhatsleftt · 4 years
Just updated my emison fanfic  💛 💛 💛 💛  
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red-alien · 4 years
Chapters: 3/? Fandom: arizona robbins - Fandom, Grey's Anatomy, Alternative Universe - Fandom Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Arizona Robbins/Original Female Character(s) Characters: Arizona Robbins, Original Characters, Original Female Character(s) Additional Tags: Lesbian Character, Lesbian Sex, Lesbians, Developing Relationship, Falling In Love, Love, Personal Growth, Suffering, Lesbian Relationship, Woman and woman, LGBTQ Character, LGBTQ Themes, physical attraction, Greys anatomy fanfic, Sensuality, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Unresolved Romantic Tension, Unresolved Sexual Tension, muscular, Eventual Romance, Slow Romance, Arizona Robbins - fandom - Freeform, Original Character(s), new romance - Freeform Series: Part 2 of The American and the Welsh Summary:
Arizona leaves for Africa and seems to be suffering a lot, specially for being alone in a place full of people who don't care if she's a Pediatrician from Hopkins. She gets stuck with a woman that won't make her time there pretty easy, but that will help her decide to stay there. What could happen to Arizona, now that she decided to stay through the whole Africa Program?
**this is a part 2 of my fanfic called "It's Impossible.".
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sillydreamershits · 5 years
Fanfic da Billie Eilish
Gente... Fiz uma fic da Billie se puderem dar uma olhadinha
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