#let her wander around hyrule and I can look where she’s at and then talk to her and go on adventures
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bokettochild · 7 months
came back wrong sounds like a very wild thing
and maybe twi could have obedience? something about wolfie and training could be angsty.
If no one suggested that one for Wild, I wanted to do it anyways LOL
Since I already posted Day 4 elsewhere, I'll give you Day 16 personally <3
Rating: Teen
Wordcount: 8,047
Summary: Coming back changed the Hero of the Wilds, and he's known it for a while. he's not sure how much changed, although he's happy to let Zelda and Purah try and find out. He does know though that there's a certain sort of power that lurks under his skin now, one capable of many things, but it comes with one great disadvantage: he doesn't know how to make it stop once he's started to employ it.
(This is set in the Inner Hero AU, so there are references to the other fics of that series, so consider this your warning!)
  It’s no great secret to anyone in Hyrule that there’s something Wrong with their hero. Since the shrine of resurrection, he isn’t what those who once knew him remember, and even those who’d never met the him from Before can sense that their hero isn’t exactly like the rest of them. Most of them accept that oddness as just another quirk or some such, just something intrinsic to Link, the weird kid who wanders the kingdom and somehow is also the hero that defeated the Calamity. 
  The Zora accepted it as a change brought by time, much as their own selves have all become altered in the hundred years since last they saw him. Maybe they know too; maybe they’re just too polite to say, but they never fuss about it. 
  Zelda knows though. She’s told him plainly that she knows he’s not what he used to be. He’s still him, she assures, because she knows the smile he spares for his mounts and recognizes the little habits he’d never have suspected she’d caught before the Calamity occurred. He’s still him, she says, but he’s More now too. 
  He came back different. 
  Purah and Zelda have looked into it, with his permission. He's sat and watched his girls sit with their head’s together over tests and papers and results as they try to understand how he’d changed. It’s nice, in a way. He's not very involved and, in many ways, he feels as though they forget at times that he’s able to hear them and the clinical way they refer to their study of him, but it’s not with any ill intent that they do so. In fact, it’s sort of nice to slip into the background of their minds and watch them at their most natural, see their bright smiles and hear them talk over each other and cut each other off in their excitement as they come to similar conclusions 
  He treasures the time spent up at the tower above Hateno, He treasures the time where he can simply exist as he is beside those he cares about, watching them bustle about doing what they love while he can finally rest in peace, knowing that his work is done, that nothing calls him out and that he can linger there as long as he pleases, without guilt. He can see what he was denied; Zelda’s joy, her eagerness, her freedom, and enjoy his own as well. 
  It’s good. 
  Returning to the rest of the world though, he’s always reminded again of how illy he fits among them. Magic has faded from the land of Hyrule, but he is steeped in it. Those around him walk with only the slightest bit of the power of heaven in their veins, yet his body overflows with magic that seeps out of the cracks left by his death. Zelda has compared him to the broken pottery he leaves across the kingdom, cracked and damaged by his adventure, and from those cracks, the power that twisted up with his own to bring him back from the brink now ekes out into the world, twisting and strange. Hylians aren’t meant to understand the feeling of Death’s touch, she says, eyes solemn and wary, lip pulled between her teeth as she’ll scan his face for signs of pain or sadness at her words. He knows she means well to do so, but he understands, and there’s really no need to be sad over such a thing. 
 He’s not normal, but it’s not their fault, and as they still accept him, still treat him with kindness, he feels little hurt for the changes that occurred to bring him to their sides. It’s a sacrifice he’d make again, even knowing what it will do. Watching Hyrule flourish in the wake of the Calamity, watching their victory paint the world anew in life and prosperity for their people, it’s worth dying and being pieced together again for, even if what holds his once drifting soul to his broken body is a magic no one can explain to him. 
  Life is good as long as he learns to hold back the worst of the magic, keep it tamed and keep his temper in check, which is hardly any struggle around most people. There are a few, certain people who drive him crazy and make him want very much to do things a hero ought not, but he holds himself back, and when Zelda really wants him to test himself, to see how much he can restrain the twisting Thing that has become part of him, she’ll challenge him to deal with those people. Really, they make it a game, so even if those people do drive him mad, seeing Zelda beam and mumble to herself at what they’ve learned from such encounters makes it worth it. 
  For her, he’d do anything. After all, he’s already died for her, what worse is there? 
  Well, as it would seem, leaving her behind for the sake of undertaking a new journey is worse. She’s happy in Hateno, capable of defending herself with both her magic and the archery her family is renowned for across the ages. She’s not as good as he is with a bow, but it’s a near thing, and he has no doubt that one more trip to Rito village, one more study session with Tulin and Teba, is all it will take before his princess can out-do him with his own preferred weapon.  
  Even knowing she can handle herself just fine doesn’t make leaving her behind any easier though. He’s still not sure how he’d managed, but he had. He had and he’d stumbled across the other heroes, joining them in their quest. It’s not perfect, not by any means, they’ve found peace in their new team. While there’s still some settling and sifting to be done before they click together like a real team, they are getting there. 
  He may have thrown a wrench in that process though. 
  See, since meeting the heroes, his magic has been rather well behaved. None of them rub him the wrong way, and while he isn’t exactly friendly with them all, they’re not the sort of people who push his boundaries or upset him either. He can co-exist beside them, and in many ways they remind him of the champions. He’s not sure how Time would feel knowing that in many ways he makes the cook think of Chief Urbosa, but he thinks Twilight might get a laugh out of being compared to Daruk. Of course, not everyone has similarities to the champions; Warriors isn’t like anyone he’s met before and he doubts he’ll ever meet anyone like him again, but it’s there for the rest. It's mostly just small things; they are, after all, their own persons, but finding something familiar to define them with makes approaching and working beside them easier. Four possesses the same quiet strength as Riju, Legend the certainty and experience of Teba, and Sidon’s wit and charm peeks through the traveler’s smile at times. Using what he knows about other people, about those he knew before, he can navigate the group with some decency. There's hiccups and there’s snags, but fortunately, they rarely if ever involve him, and never his magic. 
  Until now. 
  He sits back and tries to learn when he finally realizes that the others have magic spilling out from their cracks as well. Warriors is fire and Twilight is rich earth, Somehow, Legend is the force that quiets both, and despite a harsh outwards demeanor, the man holds a surprising amount of sway over the group as a whole. 
  In many ways, Legend reminds him of the Zelda from Before. There’s a potential for something bright and warm and rambling, something that would flourish if left alone and free to its own will, but like his princess, the vet restrains it for some reason or another. Duty drove Zelda, and he thinks something similar leads the vet, because no other factor has yet appeared. It’s there though, that warmth and light, mixed with a strength that is regarded and respected even if it isn’t followed. Legend is no leader, but his word has power, and they all listen to what he has to say in regards to what it is that they face. Not only that, but the vet’s magic is a twisting, free thing that is embraced and clung to by those in their gathering. 
  Warriors and Twilight seek its peace, and Sky urges it forwards with bright smiles and open arms as he somehow slips past the thorns of trailing magic to get at the hidden blossoms beneath. Time, in his own way, accepts it, although he does little with it. Wind seeks it, and Hyrule, whether the traveler seems to realize it or not, has tuned himself to it.  
  Wild may be clueless as to how people work normally, but he can understand magic. He can see how Hyrule’s flickering and dancing light embraces the magic of the veteran, and while he doesn’t grasp where the older ones do, he does linger and bask in it. 
  Wild doesn’t blame him. Legend’s magic feels like safety, like the goddess statues across Hyrule, the ones that quiet his soul and the twisting of his mind to grant him peace and rest even when he’s at his worst. Hylia, they say, is a goddess of Life, so it’s natural that her light would ease or even erase the darkness of Death. He's not sure how Legend’s magic echos that of the goddess, like the moon reflecting the suns rays even once the bright star has faded from view, but he welcomes that warmth and light all the same. 
 Losing that light affects them all. They are, after all, all beings of light, so losing the source that travels with them, having it snuffed out or hidden, leaves all antsy and ill at ease, and he doesn’t blame them. He still doesn’t appreciate Hyrule’s approach to fixing it though. 
  They’d talked, and maybe he'd let his own worries and insecurities spill over. Maybe he’d not correctly portrayed what he thinks he’d seen in the face of their brother when the vet had had Claims explained to him, but what really bothers him is how quickly his words were cast aside, how quickly Hyrule had returned to twining his magic with Legend’s own, laughing and chatting like nothing had happened and he hadn’t tried to tie down a ray of light itself. 
  He’s seen people try to tame light, bend it to their will and force it to linger rather than shine over the world as intended. His princess was never meant to stay locked in a castle, hidden in dark rooms to pray for power she wasn’t allowed to seek on her own terms; to find within herself what had always been. Seeing her free now, riding where she will and doing what she wants, he sees that light realized, knows the same could be found if Legend is allowed to do the same, as he’s expressed wanting. Light doesn’t belong to anyone after all, but to everyone, although they can’t hold it or keep it. Legend feels the same, at least with their group, and he wishes Hyrule would understand that. 
  The problem is, he’s not sure how to talk to vet about it. 
  Twilight, Warriors, Sky and Hyrule all feel free to approach, but Wild has never had anything with which to connect himself to the vet, no foundation for a friendship. They're such different people, and he’s not so blind as to have missed how the vet recoils when his own magic flares and hisses along the edges of the others in camp. His magic, the twisting, festering, darkness of it, entwines with Zelda’s like second nature, both dimming each other to the point of being null. In contrast, he lacks the familiarity with the vet to do the same, and instead, Life’s light flickers and hides when he loses control of the darkness of Death. 
  He wishes it wasn’t so, but it is. 
  How does fire that burns and earth that tends to smother have such a way to twist up with light, yet the un-named otherness of his own soul can’t find a harmony of its own? 
  “Wild, hey, focus.” 
  He shakes himself, staring up at Twilight where the other is standing next to him with a worried look on his face. “Huh?” 
  “You good?” The rancher asks, “you drifted out again.” 
  It wasn’t a memory, but it strikes him that he has, in fact, been sitting here unmoving for the last twenty minutes or so, and that’s probably just a bit worrying to the others. “Yeah, just lost in my head.” 
 The man frowns, settling himself down slowly on the loam underfoot so he’s sitting at Wild’s side, dark stare searching over him as though for an injury of some kind. “Anything on your mind?” 
  Does he tell? He can’t help the way his eyes drift to where the vet and captain sit back to back by the fire, Hyrule so close his knees are almost touching the vet’s as they face each other and chat, busy at work with their sewing and magic even as the captain writes what’s probably a report to his princess. They look at peace, somehow already over the latest hiccup of their group and already resettling into place as though it never happened, as though the subject of Claims never came up at all. How can do they do it? 
  He shakes his head. “Just thinking is all.” The doubt on the face of the other is soothed with a smile, dark gaze softening at the sight of flashing teeth. “Not memories or anything, I promise.” 
  “If you’re sure...” 
  “I am,” he says again, chuckling slightly for extra good measure. “At worst, I’m a bit homesick, at best, just confused, and considering this is me,” he laughs again, watches the face of his brother relax into one of those easy smiles they are al so used to, “I’m pretty sure that’s just normal.” 
  A heavy hand claps down on his shoulder, squeezing slightly, and despite the lingering concern in the rancher’s face, he is smiling. “If you’re sure. Remember though, pup, I’m here if ya need me.” 
  “I know.” He smiles in return, but beneath, his magic seethes just a bit. Twilight is great, Twilight is amazing, Twilight is there if he needs something and always offers a shoulder to lean on, and he’s incredibly thankful for that. But the rancher is also against the idea of using most magics, and despite the fact that he knows Twilight would never resent them for their own use of the stuff, his choice being personal preference rather than a hard belief about it in general, it does still mean he’s rather...ignorant, at least when it comes to magic. He can’t help here, and he probably wouldn’t even understand half of what Wild would need to explain. No, because unlike certain people, he doesn’t have a mastery for teaching. Good grief, he wishes Zelda was here, or even Purah, they could explain this mess to him, and maybe help him find a solution. He’s good at fighting and exploring and making things, not magic. He’s not qualified for all of this! 
  At the other side of camp, he sees Wind sit up abruptly, eyes scanning the world around him, wary. He's not the only one either, for Warriors is grabbing his sword as he scans the trees, Legend’s ears are flicking about, seeking something. He doesn’t feel or see or hear anything though, and it’s only when he sees the fiery glow of Hyrule’s gaze on him that he realizes he’s lost control again. 
  His magic really doesn’t do any of them any favors, does it? 
  He needs to gather it up again and tuck it away in a neat little box, watch guards relax again as the heroes puzzle at the sudden disappearance of whatever they’d felt or thought they’d sensed. Warriors gets up and starts patrolling the camp, leaving his own magic twisting here and there, like a spider casting a web, but predictably, he finds nothing to indicate that they are in any danger, even after he and Twilight have checked the forest around them. 
  Honestly, the longer they look, the more he wants to shrink in on himself and just... bang his head against a tree or something. 
  He feels like a threat to those he cares about, and they have no idea, because they don’t know it’s him that makes them jump to an alert and drop what they’re doing to instead prepare for a fight. 
  It’s worse in a fight though. 
  The next time they’re on a battlefield, Warriors leading the charge with Time and Sky, Legend and Four covering their asses and darting around the field to take out the threats that creep up upon the others, it slips loose. The problem is that it’s his monsters they’re fighting, recognizable by the fact that they’re not nearly as horrific to look at as the creatures from nearly all the others’ eras. He knows them, and they know him, and its sort of his habit when fighting in his own world, where the likelihood of other people being around is basically null, to just... let go. 
  Magic surges around him, a twisting, snapping thing that creeps and twists and twines over and around the enemies, driving them into a state of frenzy at the threat of something, something that their senses can’t pick up, but their souls can feel all the same; feel creeping over them, ready to snatch, to grab, to destroy. Death is scary to the creatures that aren’t familiar with its touch, and even those that act as it’s messengers tremble when the focus of Death is turned from their prey and onto themselves. The bokoblins run about attacking anything that moves, including each other, and it makes sweeping in and slaying them so much easier than if he was just fighting like the others do. 
  It helps that the monsters have come to know to associate the creeping presence of Death with his face, and they know, even before his sword slips across their throats or through their chests, exactly what’s coming. The ones that have met him before, brought back by red moons and dark malice, only fear it more with experience, and it’s sort of...satisfying, unleashing it all and watching the enemy panic, half knowing what’s coming to them and the other half unaware but just as panicked. 
  Once they’ve all fallen though, there’s always one little problem, one he’d sort of forgotten about. 
  “What the heck is this?” It’s Legend calling out, eyes wide, stance wide, sword gripped in one hand and fire rod in the other as his gaze flicks across the field; searching, looking.  Similarly, Warriors is staring about with that glinting look in his eyes, teeth bared, and ears pricked back, a dragon ready to surge out and rip something apart the moment it reveals itself. All the heroes are still looking about for the final threat, and Wild- 
  Wild can’t control the magic. 
  It happens, sometimes. If he leans into his magic, he can’t tame it so easily. It’s like a particularly eager stallion; plunging ahead no matter how he leans back in the saddle or tries to turn the creature off course, turn it, slow it, circle until its energy dies and it listens to him again. Magic isn’t an animal he can slow down though, and despite their efforts, neither he nor Zelda have found a way for him to get it under control by himself. They just have to wait until it calms of its own accord, for now. Purah said she’d try and help him find a way to control it, since it’s his, it's part of him, so reasonably he should be able to control it, just like a limb, a muscle, another part of himself physically. Zelda says it’s because it’s still new, still unfamiliar, still something he’s adapting to, so he’s still learning how it’s part of him, like a pup discovering its own wagging tail, although far less innocent because puppy tails don’t have everyone around you preparing to fend off a death blow. 
    Warriors snarls something he can’t make out, something that has the twisting darkness around them surging back in kind.  
  Wild isn’t trying to threaten, he swears. If anything, there’s something in the magic, in himself, that hears the dragon’s threat and eagerly bounces forwards in response. Now is not a good time though, in fact, it’s probably the worst of times. 
  Hyrule’s eyes are turned on him, harsh and just slightly scared, like they had been in the inn room. Still, the other hero darts to his side and, under his breath, unable to be heard by the others past their own panic, the traveler hisses at him. “Can it, champ.” 
  “I can’t,” he hisses back. He’s trying, but he’s fighting against a part of himself that he still can’t understand, and he’s not sure how to bind it back when it’s strong, only when it’s just beginning to peak out and is just the slightest of strains. Now it’s a howling force he can’t keep back, and all attempts are failing badly. 
  “Are you trying?” The embers in those eyes are flickering, but Hyrule’s voice isn’t harsh so much as straining, worried. The gaze of the traveler is trailing over the rest of their group, aware of their panic and doing his best to try and quell the source, but unwilling, Wild realizes, to reveal it. Hyrule has no interest in exposing him, just making him turn it off. 
  The problem though it he can’t. “Yes! It’s not working!” 
  Some very harsh words slip from the tongue of the other, but it’s not hylian. It’s not fae either, which he’d recognize, but something smoother and less lilting. Legend would know it, but he doesn’t. He doesn’t suppose it matters either. 
  Flames rise against his darkness, a raging force that shrieks and screams. Hyrule’s ears are pricked back as far as they can go, too many teeth glinting in the fading light of the setting sun, light that sets his face aglow as magic surges in a silent battle around them, one that has Warriors tensing, Twilight balking. Wild can feel the wings of the dragon flaring, the lash of the tail, can almost see the rise of the wolf’s hackles. There’s a crackling energy around their chosen hero, a surge of light from their vet, shields rising against the unseen threat, but Hyrule’s magic surging against his own, lashing and licking along the darkness in a roaring flame that reaches to consume and destroy, has his full attention. 
  He doesn’t try and fight it. Hyrule is pushing back what he can’t handle himself, but the boundaries thrown up around his own power, boxing it in and forcing it back, won’t last, and he knows it. The strain is clear on his brother. He’s not sure how strong his own magic is, but the color is draining out of the traveler’s face, his breath quickening as the whipping and shrieking of the fae’s magic pushes back against the hiss and shadow of Death, steadily pushing it back and bottling it up within some confines the traveler must have forged himself, because it’s not just tucked back into the spot within him that he usually pulls it from. The hand on Hyrule’s sword is turning white with the effort of actions unseen, but he sees the guards of the others lower, sees the strain flow out of their shoulders as, at long last, the magic is bottled up and away, still writhing and twitching, but unable to break free. 
  Honestly, it’s terrifying. He didn’t know Hyrule could do that. 
  The traveler sags beside him, breathing hard as he stumbles, but when he reaches out to catch his brother, Hyrule stumbles back. “No, just....” dark lashes flutter and Hyrule’s lips are slightly grey, “Don’t.” 
  So, he doesn’t. 
  Not too far away, Legend is creeping up into the space of their captain, voice low and wary, like he’s approaching a spooked animal, and like any other time in the past, the moment clarity returns to eyes the color of holy flame, Warriors is dropping his sword and grabbing ahold of his brother, hunching over him as Legend sighs and let’s himself be clutched close, huffing words the rest can’t hear but which have short little ears twitching slightly out of their pricked back position. 
  Similarly, Twilight is checking in with the rest, reaching to touch, to self-assure. Clapping Wind’s shoulder and brushing against Four. Time reaches out to the rancher first, but the touch lingers, both comforting each other and themselves before turning to Sky, who’s sheathing the Master Sword and happily accepts the worry of the others, assuring with a smile and a light nudge to Twilight’s shoulder, eyes bleeding warmth that Wild envies. None of them approach the captain, but Legend calls something to them, huffing and half laughing past the arms wrapped around him, an promise that all is well as his magic soothes twisting scales and quells flames. 
  The warmth of Life surges, like a balm, around all of them. Legend’s reach touching the rest even despite the fact that they seem as blind to his efforts as they had been to the source of their previous fear. 
  “You alright, boys?” Time asks, Twilight at his side as the both move to the sides of their wildlings. Their leader’s eyes linger on Hyrule, and when he reaches out, the traveler lets himself sag against the man’s touch. 
  Hyrule doesn’t like touch, Wild reminds himself, trying to excuse the denial he’d faced at a similar offer. Only Time seems exempt from that rule, and it’s probably only because of the fairy magic that lingers faintly over the other, the remains of an old Claim resting about the edges of his magic to mark him as something not quite fae, but treasured by them all the same. If the traveler reaches for that magic, he doesn’t say anything, and Time doesn’t seem to notice either. 
  “I’m okay,” he answers honestly. The worst effect his own magic had had on him was fear at not being able to control it; not the overwhelming terror that seemed to grip the others that they would fall victim to it. 
  Twilight’s eyes linger on him shortly, but drift away after, apparently accepting his words as truth and determining that the others, still shaken and, in Hyrule’s case, trembling with exhaustion, require his attention more. Still, the rancher grips his shoulder briefly in passing, assuring himself and offering brief comfort to the champion in the process. 
  It’s nice, but as he moves away, leaving their leader and his mentor to tend to the exhausted half-fae, he can’t help but watch the others. Specifically, his gaze trails to where Warriors is sagging against their vet, making the smaller man stumble with a cut off laugh as he pats broad shoulders, magic still twisting and entwining with flames as easily as though they’re naught but harmless air. 
  Life pours across the group of them, a heavy weight that settles across their shoulders with the grace and warmth of a cat climbing up to greet it’s master, its presence a comfort that he wants so bad to catch ahold of and nestle into, like he once had curled at the base of goddess statues when his own power wouldn’t quiet, letting the power of Hylia soothe him when he couldn’t do it himself. He wishes there was a goddess stature here too, because as much as Legend reflects that same power, his arms are rather full of their captain, and the hold of gloved hands in red fabric says that he won’t be free for at least a while more. Not that Wild could ask anyways. He and Legend aren’t close to begin with, asking for the same welcome as is granted to the dragon that has slowly been tamed to his brother’s presence isn’t realistic by any means. Still, it’s easier to hide the writhing presence bottled up by force when he’s slinking closer to the source of comfort in their camp, so if he settles closer to the vet and captain than he normally would that evening, after finishing with making dinner, well, Hyrule’s the only one who really seems to take notice. Warriors is distracted with teasing their sailor, and while Legend’s dark gaze lifts to greet him as he moves over, the man says nothing at his choice of seat, just keeps eating his dinner quietly. 
  Hyrule is staring, a warning look in those eyes when they’re on him, but worry when they turn to the veteran. He doesn’t say anything from where he’s slumped against Time though, across the fire and picking at his food. The traveler is exhausted, and reasonably so. The others don’t know why, so it’s natural that they’re worrying, and the cave dweller hasn’t elected to explain himself either, so they probably will continue to do so for a good while. 
  Despite the camp-fire between them, Hyrule’s magic, weak and tired, has still managed to entwine with the vet’s. Legend answers back with flickers of his own power to the embers that scatter themselves at his feet, assuring and fond, even if there’s confusion in the flicker of his ears, the twitch of his hands and the gaze of starlit violet that turns from time to time to meet faintly glowing embers. 
  Wild doesn’t dare try and sneak his own flickering, snapping power out to try and reach, knowing far too well what the reaction would be, but also wary of the escape of the still writhing power that surges against the wall of flames raised around it. 
  How Hyrule bottled back his strength, he doesn’t know, but it feels dangerously like a weak seal; like golden power meant to keep back evil. He isn’t sure of a lot right now, but the idea of that makes him uneasy and definitely bothers him. He’s not a monster or demon that needs restraining by holy power, but the fact that he’d failed to hold himself back enough that Hyrule would feel the need to take such measures at all is just as pressing a pain to his pride and soul as the action itself. 
  The magic holds though. His soul doesn’t creep and screech against that of the others after that. Doesn’t even surge when his emotions run hot. If anything, it thrashes within its confines, but it doesn’t escape to twist like a net around those he considers friends and brothers. Unfortunately, that also means that it doesn’t emerge when faced with enemies either. 
  The next time they’re in battle, this time against something Legend calls a ‘gleeok’ and which he desperately hopes will never appear in his own world, he somehow can’t summon his own magic at all. It’s there, he can feel it, but trying to bring it out, even just the smallest amount, proves to have no results. Every prod, every call, every little hiss of his soul to push and pull and just get his magic to respond, has it only thrashing more, wild within its confines but not breaking past them. 
  His sword plunges and stabs, and the heroes around him do the same. Warriors is a whirlwind of power and ferocity as he charges in head on, the vet’s magic raising in a shield and Hyrule’s own likewise surging across the field in strikes that leave their foe howling and screaming in anger, flames licking across the ground in response, but his own power can only beat at the bounds created around it. He can’t break them, but he’s trying. He’s trying and surging, biting his lip with focus to the point he knows there’s blood trailing across his face from his own efforts and not any wound dealt by the dragon like monster they’re pitted against, but it isn’t working. 
  He hisses as a tail rises up to thrash at him, drops and rolls to avoid the impact of it hitting him, all the time pushing at the seal on his own magic in a valiant attempt to summon it, only to still be met with no results. He could ask Hyrule, if the other wasn’t on the other side of the enemy and currently absorbed with trying to stop the head firing at him with flames that surge and lick around a magic shield thrown up at only the last of moments. Still, with the amount of effort it took to raise the seal on his power, he doesn’t know if the traveler could even summon the strength to undo that same work, not when he’s so busy currently trying to avoid getting killed. 
  It’s driving Wild mad though. 
  Before, he was the knight of the princess who had the power to topple an army of lynels. He'd lost some of that to Death, but in return had been granted something he’s used like second nature since, letting it ruin and destroy and tear apart and terrorize anything and everything that dared rise before him as he’d worked across the kingdom in an effort to rescue the one who’d called him back out of Death’s hold. He can’t control it once it’s free, but he’d at least been able to employ it before, and being without it in the first time in his memory has a fear he hates bubbling up from within, anger surging at the bonds of magic to snap and hiss and cry with a wildness he hadn’t known he possessed. 
  He wants free. He wants to unleash the wildness he’d been named for and let it at the very least leave their foe cowing, if only slightly, as the imminence of its own fate is made clear to it. 
  He can’t. 
  He can’t because Hyrule bottled it, and he hates that. 
  Not Hyrule. He doesn’t hate Hyrule. The traveler had done him a favor by rendering him tolerable for the others to be around again without leaving them straining themselves to understand the threat they’d felt slipping about them. What he hates is the bounds of the seal closing in around him like the walls of the shrine he’d woken within time and again, aching pains all over from half healed wounds that had been strained over and over by efforts to push free from a prison of stone. The shrine had felt as though it was closing in on him and keeping him sealed, leaving him only to awake and fight and pass out, water filling his lungs and straining his body as he’d tried to escape from his confines only to fail yet again.. He’d healed long before he’d escaped, and since letting on the truth to Purah (but not Zelda, he could never tell her about that), she’d started looking into why it had kept him so much longer, but so far, they have had no results. Still, the feeling of being trapped, sealed, shut off from his own strength, it drives him mad. There’s a writhing and snapping, a hiss and a scream, a howling of something in his soul as it tears at the bonds. 
  Slowly, they give way. 
  It’s like a dam breaking. Just a crack, then a hole, then the rest comes crumbling down and, from the other side of the battlefield, he hears Hyrule’s breath shudder, catches ember eyes rising, wide and terrified. And then he’s free. 
  His magic sweeps like a fierce current, a mighty wave, a shadow that plunges over the field and has the gleeok before them screaming, turning its heads for a source of the threat it feels, and thus missing the approach of the captain who’s own surging flames rise beside the shadows, a pulsing, pounding force as the man severs a head and sends it falling towards their waiting leader, who dispatches the thing before the creature can do more than cry out in pain. Writhing darkness twists, twining and trapping and sharing the feelings that only moments before had overwhelmed him; now wrapping themselves around their foe and leaving it frenzied and panicked as the rest of the heroes, despite their own obvious awareness of the new presence, surge forwards. 
  In a strange way, he thinks the flames and scales of the captain are surging stronger as well, pushing back with a hiss against his own magic, one he can’t help but respect, power surging away to let the older man take charge and wreak havoc on their foe while he focuses instead on keeping it on edge. The captain’s magic isn’t stronger than his, but it’s not something he has a wish to reckon with either, and like so many times before, he finds that even the twisting of Death finds something to admire in the lashing of the war hero’s own power. 
  Their foe falls quickly after that. 
  Once the gleeok lies dead, dissipating into black and purple smoke and leaving only the barest remains, he feels able to breathe again.  
  The others though, are not. Wariness marks their features, save Hyrule who looks so, so tired; desperate and weary as though the idea of trying to push back the force of their brother yet again, especially after it had somehow broken through his last attempt, is a far worse fight than the creature they’d just felled. In a way, Wild thinks it must be, because trying to push it down himself is far more a struggle than simply felling something tangible and mortal that fears it. 
  This time though, there’s a surge of another magic, a familiar one, one that pulses and creeps, seeking, against his own. It recoils, as if by instinct, but still presses back against his magic, not pushing so much as following, and light against crypt like darkness which has him looking up in time to catch the gaze of indigo eyes that have lifted to focus on him, sharp and piercing. 
  Legend’s breath shudders, lips pursing. He knows now. 
  Wild tries, tries so hard, to make his face do something, say anything to indicate that he’s sorry, he’s trying, he really isn’t doing this on purpose. It’s hard though when something warm curls up inside of him. It's not his magic, not the cold death touch he knows and has learned to view as an extension of himself. It’s a steady gleam of warmth, not harsh and burning like Hyrule’s, not fierce and violent like Warriors’, but a gleam of light rather than heat, one that curls around some innermost part of him, like it’s wrapping around his very heart. 
  Legend’s eyes glint curiously, stars blazing within. 
  The vet’s feet step towards him. 
  Hyrule whips around to stare, something on his lips and magic surging, throwing up walls and shields and warnings- protective, wary, guarded, begging. The urgency that flings itself at their vet has the other stumbling slightly, but not stopping. Their traveler looks like he wants to scream, ember gaze trailing between them, panicked, worried, wary. 
  Wild tries not to let it bother him. Hyrule is just worried for their vet, their light, his friend. If Zelda trailed into something he felt was a risk, something that made his senses recoil as violently as his power makes the others do, he’d feel the same way, he knows it. Still, the wariness of his brother isn’t helping anybody right now. 
  “Wild,” the same low, even tone that the man uses to ease Warriors own of his own head rises to play in his ears, “what’s going on?” 
  He opens his mouth to answer, but no words come to mind, just a panic, a wish to assure, to apologize. 
  The warmth curled around his core flickers. Light, pure, unaltered by death-touched power, presses around him. The vet steps closer and then, like stepping before a goddess statue, he feels the surge of his own magic quiet. The rest of the heroes ease, looking about in confusion for the threat they’d felt a moment before but there’s nothing there. Nothing that isn’t twisting and twining, muted by light that itself is dimmed to their senses in an echo of his own quieted power. 
  Hyrule is gaping. 
  Legend is just looking utterly confused, stopping only a pace or so away, ears flicking between a curious forwards tilt and a wary press back against his skull. Violet eyes search his own, flickering golden with power that’s familiar, that’s safe, that’s Hylia’s hand in a gentle caress to quiet his own soul and tame the Wrongness that came back binding him to the body that ought to have perished a hundred years ago. 
  The vet sighs, eyes slipping closed and shoulders sagging with the motion. “The heck, champ...” He doesn’t say anything more though, just raises dark eyes to stare, something crooked in the smile that’s offered to him, tired and weary but bright like the magic that pulls his own inwards again and eases it back where it belongs; nestled beside his heart and twining and twisting, crackling at the edges but not in ire as before. No, he reaches, and despite the twitch of the vet’s brows, the warmth of holy magic answers with a press that his own grasps and clings to. 
  He shouldn’t grab, try to grasp, shouldn’t set off the same ire that Warriors has triggered before, but with the alternate option being to scare the wits out of his brothers, he thinks Legend might understand. 
  “You good?” 
  He nods, and this time he actually means it. “Yeah.” 
  “Good,” Legend shakes his head, that weary little smile still on his face. “Honestly, you guys...” 
  “I should have seen it coming,” violet glimmer, twinkling oddly as they catch his own, the glow of the shrine still lingering in wild blue. “Just don’t make Wars and Twi lose their shit, ‘kay? I’m not keen on dealing with that again.” 
  He promises he won’t.  
  He doesn’t either. Yes, he trails after the vet as the other moves back to the rest of their group, but he’s wary of leaving the immediate presence of the power that quiets his own. Still, he doesn’t get in the way of their usual post battle arrangement. Doesn’t get in the way when Warriors drapes himself over the smaller hero with a huff, soul still seeking the presence it had felt before but finding naught of the force that surged alongside his own. He doesn’t deny Twilight’s wary check over as the man seeks injury among their group, or Time’s verbal call for them to report on their condition. 
  Injuries are treated, and camp is made. Hyrule’s eyes are burning into the back of his head, gaze confused and magic seeking, pushing, looking for that presence he’d strained so much to contain before, yet finding silence in it’s place. 
  He doesn’t stray far from Legend for the rest of the evening, but by morning, he’s got the courage to risk it, and it’s like he’d never released the terrible creature within to begin with. 
 Even so, all this doesn’t mean that, next time that they make camp, Legend doesn’t have questions. Ringed fingers catching his arm and the vet’s steady voice calling to Time that the two of them will do a quick round of the area to check for threats are his only warning before being dragged out of earshot of their brothers and having an answer demanded of him. Legend has questions, and while he doesn’t have answers for all of them, he does his best to give them. He owes that much after the trouble he’s caused. 
  The vet’s pinch of his brows, tired sigh and sinking shoulders are becoming quite familiar. “So, your magic is death-touched, and you scare the shit out of others with it.” 
  There’s something between a scoff and a laugh that puffs out from the chest of the other. “Dragons, wolves, fairies, now Death herself, good grief.” 
  “I’m sorry.” He’s not sure why, but he feels he ought to say it. 
  There’s the smile again, Legend’s shoulders shaking and pink hair swishing as he shakes his head once more. “Not your fault, champ. Magic’s screwy, and if there’s anything I'm learning with y’all, controlling it’s always a pain in the arse.” 
  Still, he feels awful for adding to the mess that the vet is already caught in. 
  “Okay,” a clap of the hands and a lifting of glittering stars to focus their light on him, “here’s the deal. Your magic quiets around holy magic. I have holy magic. You need it to shut up, you can come to me, but for the love of all holy, please, I am begging, do not mess with the captain, and whatever your beef with Hyrule is, don’t get me involved, deal?” 
  He blinks. “Deal. I wasn’t...I-” it takes a moment, but the vet waits, although his foot taps the ground as he does, nervous maybe, or just impatient. He can’t tell. “I know better than to mess with the captain,” he finally manages. “Hyrule... we’re working on it.” 
  “Good,” Legend sounds, “but again, I don’t want a part of it. Whatever tiff you two have, settle it yourselves. If you need help with your magic, I’m here, but I don’t stand for funny business, comprendo?” 
  He blinks. 
  The vet rolls his eyes, sighing. “Do you understand?”  
  “Understood.” He wishes people would just speak Hylian to him instead of switching mid conversation. 
  “Good. Now, anything else I should know?” And it’s not harsh, it’s not cold, its’s said with the tilt of the head in a way that almost reminds him of Wolfie in their early days, that same half-amused look in dark eyes as the one that had followed him as he’d acquainted himself with a new world, freshly brought back into it. There’s nothing more to share though. Not for now, but he promises to tell if there’s anything he thinks of. Legend accepts that answer too, nodding and setting out again to continue their patrol. 
  He doesn’t get it, but he supposes that’s not the point. How the vet handles the nonsense they throw at him, he can’t fathom, but that he does at all is a blessing. They may laugh and jest about sharp tongues and scathing remarks, but the vet has the patience of a priestess to handle all of them, and he’s thankful for that. 
  He came back wrong, twisted and death-touched and terrifying to those who don’t understand why he is the way he is. It's not fun to explain and it’s tricky to live with, but at least he has a way to control it, even if it does mean asking for help. Still, he doesn’t hate it. His magic is a tool to terrify and harm the enemy, and he values that tool. He doesn’t cherish it, doesn’t adore how it affects those he cares about, but he’s glad he has it. He's glad he has it and he’s working to understand it, to control it.  
  Maybe having someone who understand these things, who knows magic because he’s steeped in it and has lived with it forever- not just unlocked it in a moment of desperation and without proper guidance to master it- will help. Who knows, maybe he can learn something from the vet, maybe even something help Zelda! That would be nice! Being able to return to her and teach her even just the smallest bit about her own power- help her in the way she’d begged the goddesses for, the way he’d wished he could for all the time he’d spent at her side unable to offer more than protection- it’d be nice. 
  Magic is weird, but maybe, maybe, he can get a handle on his Weirdness. 
  At the very least, he can make it shut up now when he needs to. So that’s a start! 
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generalluxun · 11 months
Pondering a Legend of Zelda TotK fanfic.
Firstly: I have nothing against Zelink. I think it is almost always top ship (Twilight is an exception)
TotK Zelink just gives me the biggest QPR vibes ever. They are deeply bonded, deeply committed, deeply in love, and not a single bit of it is actually romantic love. They had half a decade or so between BotW and TotK to develop their relationship, and they did, just not rantically.
I think it's kind of cool actually, mixes things up.
However it does leave open the idea of *other* ships!
Now my playthrough took a fin turn. I have always liked Gerudo town. Home of Ganon, cool look, big stabby ladies, it's a treat. So as soon as plot let me off the leash I went right there to see what was up.
My being under 'leveled' made the journey feel all the more adventuresome. It hadn't clicked howich time had passed. I expected little rambunctious Riju, a little sister full of fire and will. I got a sharp, level headed leader who stared me in the eyes.
The Wind Temple was fun, and I expected lile in BotW for that to be the end, but again I was wrong. Riju sent her avatar with me, a spirit-companion on my journey, cool.
This is where again my play choices impacted my experience. *Now* I explored. Now I wandered across Hyrule, not alone but with a companion running alongside me in my quest. She didn't talk, but neither does Link really, and most of TotK is spent in solitude, or would have been.
Riju was a great asset in combat, and her lighting came in handy many other ways. Rocks to break? Lightning arrow. Pitch black darkness? Activate her lightning corona and the way is lit for you. And there were just the times running along, seeing her running alongside and knowing link was not alone.
Riju became integral to my combat approach as I explored -I was still lacking in shrines- so much so that by the time I visited the other sages, it wasn't just Link gaining new companions, it was new companions joining *us*. Around my house Riju became known jokingly as 'Gerudo girlfriend.'
But as it became clear Zelda's interest in Link(and his in her) was not the standard shipping, the thought of 'why not?' Grew.
A fun headcanon tangent: Either Gerudo continue to grow well into adulthood, or Riju is a very short Gerudo. She's of 'standard' adulthood age, yet nowhere near the height of her fellows.
Why? Well, she met Link. Link, the strongest most capable warrior in all of Hyrule. Why bother getting any taller?
So all that as prelude to: writing Rilink? A Liju? A whatever fic, somewhat based on this idea.
Open up right after link leaves with the sage-avatar. At this point Riju might have a light crush on link(who doesn't?) but mostly it is just a great respect. Then one night she dreams. She dreams of running with Link, fighting alongside link, traveling with him, a wealth of experience in a night, but she is largely a passenger in the experience. Able to watch, but not influence events. This comes to a head when she sees Link gravely wounded by her side and cannot aid him. She wakes, and was it all a dream?
The powers of the sages are mysterious and the intricacies lost to time, no one can provide answers. However when next she sleeps she sees Link again, alive, bandages, but clearly wounded.
This kicks off a sequence lf her trying to push this vision/connection, slowly becoming able to influence her 'dreams' until she can speak, and at least, hold an exhausted and battered Link as he slumbers, slumped across her lap under the night sky in Necluda as rain fizzles off her lightning canopy above their heads.
The ship strikes me as fun because it in no way messes with the main arrangement of Link and Zelda. Riju has to remain in Gerudo town most of the time. She's not going to try tying Link down either. She respects Zelda and the bond between Knight and Queen too much. She will enjoy the time she can have with Link, both solid and via avatar. She will continue to rule her people. It will also be very convenient when the Chief does not need to go on a quest to find herself a voe.
So yeah, just brainstorming this out here.
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longroadstonowhere · 1 year
i was gonna make a little more of a shitpost about something in zelda, but hey i’m enjoying doing these little debriefs into the void, let’s talk about what i did today
i’m gonna say lategame totk spoilers below
so like, this morning i woke up and was like ‘okay, it’s final boss time, let’s do this thing’ because, like, i got the mission to go into hyrule castle! it’s time to track down the fake zelda and figure out what’s really going on there! and, well, i did figure that out, but uh, it wasn’t the final boss
so after getting over being flabbergasted at the rug being pulled out from under me (which, to be clear, i absolutely loved that i didn’t see this coming), i ran around doing some chasm exploration (hehehe), did some random side questy things like updating the purah pad (which, i like how they put the dlc stuff from botw into the regular part of this game - makes me wonder if there’s any dlc planned for totk down the line), and then finally remembered the ring ruins in kakariko existed so was able to continue the main quest
had some difficulties getting to the thunderhead isles (thought i would be cool and land in the pond on the first island, instead i smashed my head against a pillar), but adventuring through those was fun, and now i’m in the depths with mineru trying to put her body together - got the left leg to her on the first attempt, but the right leg took me like four or five tries to get over to her, so i started wondering if she really needs both legs that badly, hahaha (this was what the shitpost was gonna be about by the by)
that’s where i’ve stopped for the night, because redoing something several times only to fail at the end is frustrating, and since i need to sleep anyway that was a good point to stop
i’m glad the fake zelda didn’t end up being mineru, and that she’s got her own temple (either this factory or another whole dungeon beyond it), and that we get to hang out! because you know she’s my fave new npc based on nothing but pure imagination, can’t wait to see what she’s actually like to decide if she’s actually going to be my fave, hahaha
i also really loved the whole riddle getting the ancient thunder outfit put together, and exploring the whole dracozu lake area, because i know i wandered around there in botw, and it’s really cool how the environment can completely change when you have a slightly new context
so tomorrow i’ve got a dentist thing, which means i probably won’t start playing until the afternoon, but i’ve got high hopes for finishing the main story by friday, since, like... there can’t be that much more, right? like we’re approaching skyward sword levels of ‘oh i didn’t realize you could put this much in a zelda game’, which is extremely awesome! but at some point i gotta take down ganondorf, and maybe bring zelda back from being a dragon??? like.... some part of me still can’t believe they’ll leave her like that, i’m really hoping mineru can pull some spirit shenanigans
oh! also because i was curious, i looked up where the ancient shirt is (or archaic shirt or whatever it’s called), and it’s in a cave, so like obviously i wasn’t gonna find it because like hell i was doing anything on tutorial island that wasn’t the main quest stuff with how few hearts i had
oh, and also i like how they had another vitality check during the thunderhead isles stuff, but they had a shrine and a goddess statue right there, so you could easily warp back if you needed to run off and do some shrine hunting (but uh, it only needed ten hearts and i’m at seventeen now, so, you know, we good - although it’s hard for me to tell because the hearts aren’t going onto a second line, so i have to walk up to my tv and count carefully to figure out how many i have)
i find it interesting that, if you do all the main story stuff, they expect you to have at least ten hearts and two rings of stamina, it’s an interesting benchmark and i kinda wonder if there was any purpose to it or if it was just a random choice
i also wonder if there’ll be any more vitality checks along the way - i will probably be fine, but it’ll be interesting to find out
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airplanned · 3 years
All the Trashy Novels Part 30
This was fun, y’all.  Thanks for humoring me!
Part 1...Part 29
She spent four days mostly standing in front of the Goddess statue, trying to glow without requiring something inappropriate to trigger it.  She could now get it every single time with very minimal effort, but that effort was usually Link coming up behind her and placing a kiss where her neck met her shoulder, or trailing his fingers from the inside of her elbow to her wrist.  And suddenly her skin was lit up like a camp fire, a fuzzy pleasure brushing over her like a thin blanket.  It was embarrassing and frustrating, but at least she could trigger it without an orgasm and could hold her luminous state for long stretches once she got it going.
"That's true," Link agreed.  He'd taken a seat on the ground with his arms resting on his bent knees.  "You just need to work on not making that face."
Zelda huffed, her arms flopping to her sides and her glow spluttering out.  "I'm trying!"
The problem was that now that she'd allowed herself to feel affection for Link, she always felt a little giddy and ridiculous when she did so.  Apparently, this manifested not only in a divine luminescence, but also in a love-struck look on her face.  Link referred to it as "bedroom eyes" when he was being polite, and "fuck me face" when he wasn't.  He'd taken a bunch of pictures to show her, and he was (annoyingly) correct.  She could not make that face in public.
"Maybe you'd look less sultry if you closed your eyes," he said.
"Then I wouldn't be able to see anything!"
"Can you use your Goddess powers to see things?"
"I can use my Goddess powers to glow!  They don't do anything else!"
"Are they supposed to?"
"I don't know!"
"Try it."
She closed her eyes and tried it.  She remembered the warm pressure in her chest and she remembered the heat of his breath on her skin and she thought about how he he'd made her a tiny little cake the night before and then blushed as she'd gushed over it.  Those were things that she liked about him.  Those were good things, and she felt a way about them.
The glow didn't light.  
Why not?  Those had made her feel things.  She felt things.  Things for Link.  She took another breath and pushed into less appropriate territory, of the way he'd wrapped around her back the night before and let his hands wander until she was moaning with abandon and glowing, burning.
"You got it?"  His hands came to rest on her hips, and her eyes popped open as she lit up.
Goddess, she hated that he could do that. She batted the thought away, and held tighter to her lust.  Goddess, she liked his hands on her.
He looked taken aback, almost awed.  Even though he was expecting it.  Even though he'd seen it dozens of times now.  
Part of why she needed to get her face under control was that it affected Link so.
He swallowed hard.  "Close your eyes.  Let's see if that...oh."  His voice turned rough.  "Oh, that's so much worse."
He pulled her in at the waist and kissed her desperately.
Link made himself scarce as she wrote up her field notes.  She had very little to write.  She'd made very little progress.
In frustration, she tossed her journal away.  She would just have to have Link come touch her when he was done battling Ganon.  Maybe he could magically poke her with his index finger as if she were the Sheikah slate.  And they most likely would evacuate the area, so it wouldn't matter if she had on her come-hither face.  Link would just have to deal with not making out with her for however long it took to seal the Calamity away.  And who cared if she made a face?  If making a face saved the world, no one would be allowed to say anything.
Except Zelda cared.  She didn't want to look ridiculous, and she didn't want to rely on Link to access her own powers.  She glared at her journal.
Where was Link anyway?
She stomped off to go glare at him.  Or go have him be gentle and compassionate until she had too much trouble holding onto her irritation.
She found him before the Goddess statue, his head bowed, the sword drawn with its tip resting against the ground.
She frowned harder.  "Are you praying?" she asked.
He startled and spun around.  "Oh.  Yeah.  Um.  You haven't been praying lately, so I've had to...pray by myself."
An old, familiar hurt settled over her. Of course he was on such good terms with the Goddess, when she was...she was...
She was working on her relationship with the Goddess.  She understood that maybe it was all a big misunderstanding, but that didn't mean it didn't still hurt, and it didn't mean she wasn't still upset that she couldn't fully access her powers without the help of someone the Goddess liked.
Link looked nervous, as if he knew she was about to shout at him again.  Guilt lanced at her stomach.  She lowered her eyes and stepped near him.  
"What do you pray for?" she asked quietly.
"Um.  Nothing?"
She snorted.  "You pray for me."
He didn't say anything, which confirmed it.
"Show me," she said.  She turned him back to face the Goddess, and slipped her way into his arms, her back to his chest.  She placed her hands over his as they planted the sword to the ground.
He held himself stiff with discomfort, but then relaxed his arms under hers and lowered his head.  "Close your eyes," he murmured.  
Well, this was her idea.  She closed her eyes and lowered her head.
"I pray for you to have some guidance," he said.  "Because you desperately want to please her, and you want to do it right, but all you have to go on are rumors and what you're ordered to do by people who don't know what they're doing either.  I pray for some sign that you're on the right path.  Not because I want to know, because I know you'll get there.  But for you.  You need assurance or your self-doubt eats at you, and there's no way that self-doubt will save Hyrule.
"And I pray for you to be happy.  Because you're beautiful when you're sad and you're beautiful when you're angry, but I would die to see you smile.  To hear you laugh.  The way you carry yourself when you're at ease, the excited way you talk when you catch onto something new.  That light in you could light the whole world.  It could burn away the Calamity."
"You're a charmer," she murmured.
"You're a peach."
She snorted.  "You don't pray like I do."
"I wouldn't tell the Goddess all that."
"Why not?"
Why not?  "Because she already knows?"
"But maybe she wants to hear you say it."
"She wants me to wax poetic about a girl?" she teased.
"Wax poetic about what you love."
"Love is a strong word."
"And you're asking for a powerful weapon."
Her eyebrows furrowed.  In a small voice she asked, "What should I pray for?"
He thought for a moment.  "Why do you want to save Hyrule?"
"Because it's my--" 
She startled.  The answer had rolled off her tongue.
Anxiety she couldn't name clawed at her chest.  She shifted uncomfortably.  Maybe standing like this had been a bad idea.
"She'd like to hear you say it."
Her breath shook.  "I want to save my people.  My friends.  Urbosa and Revali and Mipha and Daruk.  They're so devoted and encouraging.  If they fell, then their people would suffer.  All the brilliance of our people would falter, all compassion and the triumphs.  The wonderful art and music and literature--"
"Even the bad literature."
"Especially the bad literature!  And the bad music!  All the ridiculous rumors, and the guards who devour those rumors, and all the fake girlfriends out there.  We would lose all of that!  And as shameful as it is, I would fight for those things."
"What else would you fighting for?"
"The Sheikah technology.  You don't know the victory you feel when two pieces snap together.  The thrill when a guardian lights blue under my hands.  The way Robbie nods along when I ramble and then picks up my thoughts and runs with them, taking them somewhere new, and the I can pick them up again and run farther.  The way Purah grabs my arm the moment I walk into the lab.  The way she drags me to a diagram and asks my opinion.  As if I'm wanted!  As if I'm needed!"
The sword flared under her hands, a ringing note at the base of her skull, and her eyes flew open at the call for attention.
She was glowing.  A warm pressure burned in her chest, and she grabbed hold of it to maintain it.
"Things you care for," Link murmured.
She turned her head to look at him in surprise and confusion.
The corner of his mouth quirked.  "You're not making the face."
"How long have I been glowing?"
"Since you declared your love for trashy novels."
"Love is a strong word."
He shook his head and laughed under his breath. 
"But,” she said, “I need a strong weapon.”
His eyes darkened.  “You’re making the face again.”
When she kissed him, it was bright and sharp as the sun.
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cafecourage · 3 years
The moment they realized they loved you. (Isekai Au Edition) Part 3
If you want more information on this AU here is the Link!
- It confusing and full of yearning.
- The Fae Folk are very affectionate in nature. Physical touches and platonic kisses are just normal. Hyrule growing up briefly with them had adopted this habit.
- You are like that as well so you’re the one to take care of Hyrule when he wanted affection. Since other then Legend, it’s awkward to ask the others.
- He finds however while he still asks/gives you affection. He gets more flustered and embarrassed when you initiated contact.
Admittedly Hyrule never had a clear understanding of Hylian social norms. Some things were easy to pick up when he was just traveling by himself. However, there was a lot that conflicted with Fae social norms. While yes, the Fae were more mischievous and could be borderline malicious, they are very affectionate creatures. Which was the one of many things Hyrule picked up when he was being raised by the Great Fairy.
Before you join the chain, he had to hold himself back from being overly affectionate with the group. Yes, when he had chances, he would give a quick side hug or ruffling of the hair for the younger Link’s. But nothing on the level of cuddles or small peaks on the cheek and forehead. You though! You were the one to lay the affection on everyone thick. Most if not every Hero has melted from all the complements and physical affection.
Hyrule was living his best life now with you! Cuddles are a must for the two of you. Especially when one another has been having a rough day. You’ve also gotten the others involved with this newly formed ritual. He just over all feeling comfortable and loved.
Which then leads to Hyrule’s issue. Slowly he began to feel embarrassed with every peak after he heals you. Then his heart begins to race when he is cuddled up resting his head against your chest. Even holding your hands became hard for him to stand! It felt so warm but also made him fearful. He was scared of losing you. Losing this warmth. This comfort. He wanted to keep it but scared that this feeling was to good for him.
“-and that’s what happen so far.” He was visiting the Great Fairy Cotera of Wild’s Era. He had visited her each time they visited Kakariko. Cotera gently hummed messing with his hair. “What should I do?” He looks up to the giantess worriedly. His small sisters surround him ether sitting on top of him or by his side.
Their mother hummed as she thought about his problem. “My dear sweet child.” She started after a long pause “this human… do you feel different compared to your other friends? Or with your siblings in the forest?”
Hyrule thought about it after a while shook his head. “No… I did used to feel embarrassed with the others but it was different. This is more… warm?”
“Warm?” She urges him gently to continue. “Do you hate it?”
“No…” he sounded like a child, fidgeting in his seat “I hate how anxious it makes me now.” You meant a lot to him. Hyrule knew you meant a lot to everyone too, but that normal! You’ve helped them all in some sort of way! Yet he was deep in that unidentifiable emotion towards you. He adores you. All of you. Even during your more impulsive actions he didn’t mind having to heal you. Of course, he would truly rather not heal anyone with his magic. Yet… with you giving his payment in kisses on the cheek or forehead… he can’t stay mad at you.
“Chin up little one.” Cotera lifted up his head “your feelings are valid and has a simple explanation.” Hyrule pouted slightly making her giggle a bit tapping lightly on his nose. “You my dear seem to love your sweet human.”
It was like a lanterned was just lit in a dark cave he was wandering in. Finally revealing a path out. Everything thing slowly explaining itself. “Oh…” was all he could say as he was comprehending it. His sisters were giggling at their brother’s expense causing him to blush. It all made to much sense.
“Roolie! Are you nearby?” He and the Great Fairy both perk up when they heard your voice. He stared up at the Great Fairy expectingly.
“Well?” Cotera nudged him off of the petals of her fountain. “What are you waiting for little one?”
- Well, that was embarrassing and he knows once he starts perusing you. The more his siblings of the forest will start to tease him. Not only that but the chain also catches on pretty quickly.
- He becomes a blushing and stuttering mess around you, not pulling away from your touch but leaning more into him.
- It will be a miracle if he confesses but he will! And he will do it in a more intimate manner though, with or without help.
- It took long to accept but filled with soft cotton fluff.
- Isn’t canon in the manga that the colors (minus Vio) straight up try to impress a girl they just met?
- Now I’m not saying he is like that now a days, but old habits die hard right. He probably doesn’t even recognize that he still does it.
- Honest to God the resident brain cell is the only one that new point blank what was happening. Having a “not again” moment.
It’s been a while since Four was back in his forage. He missed every second of it. The smithing process was the one hobby each color had in common. As Link they found it relaxing, something to get their mind off of things.
That morning was no different. Traveling on the road was stressful even for a seasoned adventurer. Traveling alone was boring which was the upside according to Red. It relieved them of responsibility Green was used to taking upon himself to carry. Blue was at least a lot calmer with having to be on alert all the time. Vio had pointed out this was mainly because of You.
The chaos came back full force. The same argument has been happening recently, it was about his feelings towards you. Now they all liked you as a friend. Four knew that for a fact. He was only six when he felt your presence and this situation, he was in was as if an imaginary friend became real! At least that’s what Red felt.
No matter if they were unified or separated, Four could trust you to help him out of even the messiest situations. So, what if some of those situations were caused by him trying to impress you? That doesn’t mean anything!
Just because Blue became a stuttering mess when you surprised Four with a flower crown just meant he was taken aback at your kindness! He isn’t good at showing his emotions. Yeah, so what about Green becoming a soft mess when you first showered him in praise and affection. Wouldn’t any person do that from someone that been through hell and back with them? It doesn’t count that Red craves your affection! He is like that with everybody and just because it makes him feel different it doesn’t count. Someone saves Vio from this.
Four was conflicted which is why he was working so early in the morning. They wouldn’t shut up about their own feelings. It was a chaotic mess inside his head as soon as he woke up. A weight on his back clued him back into reality “Good morning!” You while looking down at him smiling still holding on lazily. “How is the most beautiful person here doing?”
Ah. There goes most of composure out the window. Vio was the last one standing with Green and Blue almost hanging on. You loved to tease him and he was never able to get you back. “Don’t know how are you?” Four was really struggling to keep unified and calm. He was shaking because of the other three’s nerves. You stared at him wide eyed.
“Jeez look at you!” You give him a squeeze before finally let go of him “you’ve grown! If only you were that smooth towards Erune.” You teased.
The blush he was so desperately trying to beat down started to flare up this time out embarrassment. “Can we not talk about that?” Four could only cringe when he thought back at that bit in his adventure. Him and Erune have been close friends since then, but the colors were really trying to play the hero in front of the poor girl back then. Their antics truly were really not impressing anyone.
Green was really happy he grew out of it. Seriously it‘s not like Blue really cared about it anyway he was just a kid! Red was just happy that he got a long-term friend out of it! The audacity the others had was killing Vio. They are still just as bad and it seems like no one was listening to reason.
An explosion of emotions and thoughts collided in Four’s skull. Three denying their logical side’s claim all while getting thrown every instant in their faces by the odd one out. “Whatcha making anyway?” You were observing the short knife blade curiosity not seeing the other’s internal debate. Vio felt like he had to spell it out to each of them. Pulling up memories of their actions towards the outlander. Four struggled to focus on what you were saying but it was too loud!
“Woah there.” You turn him away from his project letting it sit safely on a cooler section of the work top. “Breath Link.” You where kneeling down in-front of him holding his hand. He focused on your warmth. The way you rubbed small circles on the back of his hand. On your voice that instructed him to breathe. In for four, hold for seven, let out for eight. Repeat. Slowly the divide melded back together. Soon the voices faded out. “There we go.” You whispered “good job Link.” Four stared back at you still tired from everything but nonetheless happy that your here with him.
Man, he loved you so much.
- It was definitely an I told you so moment.
- Four as a whole though is still struggling to come to terms with it, even though he had already admitted his feelings.
- Another case of: drown him in affection until he realized. Not because of him not believing you! It’s just you have four people in a trench coat here! If one is conflicted then four as a whole will feel that subtly.
Bonus (just Headcanons):
Wind (finding out that a Link has a crush on you)
- The little gremlin is going to have a field day! He was thinking about messing around but the other hero is doing his work for him!
- The only one saved from this Black Mail harvest is you. He does have a few things but you mostly let him off the hook when he gets in trouble anyway sooooo…
- Not the best wing man but he honestly isn’t trying. He is just enjoying the journey.
- He might be tempted to help if he was asked but there isn’t much he could do. You are his right hand after all! Why would he let your secrets go so easily?
- Imagine Wind just vibes with you when the other Link is trying their best and you literally ask if the other hero was ok since they are acting weird around you. It would take Wind a minute to get an answer because all he is thinking is: ‘are you dense?’
- Or on the flip side. If you know about their feelings. He would definitely be on board of helping you out. Again, you’re his right hand! Of course, he’ll help you! (Favoritism)
- Wind: “Don't worry. He likes your butt and fancy hair. I know. I read their diary.” (Y/n): “He thinks it's fancy?”
(Part 1) and (Part 2)
My First Request is now done :D! That was fun. Thank you Pinky and Star for the request <3
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obsidiangst · 3 years
Congrats on 100 followers! Could you do a thing for #47?
47: “How many more innocent people have to die?”
WARNINGS: Manipulation, vague nudity, non descriptive sex, body horror(?), stabbing, and open end.
Part 1 | Part 2
Zelda had to get out of this. The longer she stayed there, the more she realized she couldn’t just pretend that everything was so hopeless that there was no point in trying. She couldn’t abandon her people- Link didn’t die for her to do that. Though every plan she thought of to do something about her captivity was riskier than the last. If she was the last thing standing between Hyrule and mass destruction, she had to try to find something that wouldn’t kill her.
First thing: She needed to recover the Master Sword. Which would be difficult because the demon was keeping the sword in his quarters and despite being allowed to wander through the fortress, though she hardly did, she imagined she wouldn’t be allowed into his room for no reason. How would she manage to retrieve the sword then? What would come next when she did manage it?
While she sat in ‘her quarters’ deliberating internally about her plan, she looked over as the door opened, the demon entering as he did just about once every day. Whether he was checking on her or just coming to taunt, Zelda had no idea, but she kept her face flat. Link’s skin had long since turned a deep shade of charcoal grey and his hair was entirely silver. If his face hadn’t been the same and she hadn’t witnessed the slow transformation into this new appearance, she wouldn’t have known it was her Link at all.
“What do you want?” Zelda bit out, looking back down at her hands resting on the empty table before her.
“Well, that’s an awfully hostile way to greet someone who came to offer you a way to save the scraps of your kingdom.” He said dryly and Zelda looked back up at him sharply as he made his way to the chair opposite from her.
“You mean trick me into giving you something you want?” Zelda asked and the demon laughed.
“If that’s what you’d like to call it.” He said, pulling the chair back and taking a seat. “I have Castle Town under siege. At any moment I can say the word and have it razed to the ground.” He said, giving her a look like he’d just locked her into a checkmate in an invisible game of chess on the table before them. Zelda glared at him. “Or- I could call it off entirely.”
Her heart both sang and dropped into her stomach at this. So he was here to trick her. Wonderful. But- If it meant saving her kingdom, she would do whatever it took. Even if he wanted her head on a platter, she’d do that if he promised to end the attacks on villages and innocent people trying to live their lives.
“What do you want from me?” Zelda questioned, less harshly this time. Escape be damned, if she could at least do this one thing for her people-
“Marry me. None of your people will respect me as a ruler without a legitimate claim. If I marry you, then I will gain the right to rule.” Zelda stared at the demon dumbfoundedly. Was he serious? Just like that? When he had quite literally just admitted that he was doing so as a grab for power? As if she would-
She could trick him into allowing her into his quarters if she agreed. She would have easy access to the Master Sword then. She’d just have to lay with him- The thought almost made Zelda want to retch right there. If she gave herself to him under the guise of giving into his advances she could take the sword while he was asleep. It- Wasn’t the best situation, but- If she closed her eyes it could at the very least be Link in her head. And then she could kill him with minimal fuss. Zelda took a deep breath and closed her eyes, struggling with the idea of this plan. It seemed simple and yet-
“Think about it, Princess. I get what I want and you get to save your people. And you’ll get to be married to the person you love in a sense.” He edged her on, trying hard to convince her to accept his proposal. Oh- He really wanted this didn’t he? The demon who hadn’t even bothered to tell her his name since he had taken over Link’s body all those months ago-
“That’s-” Zelda stopped, unsure what to say still. She wanted the violence to end, but- She also didn’t want to use her own body in such a way. It was low and manipulative. But she had been being manipulated this entire time, so why should she care if it was or not?
“Come on, Princess. How many more innocent people have to die before you swallow your pride and submit?” He taunted her again. Oh, she wished she could slap him again right then- Her unease was cut through with anger. How dare he question her loyalty to her people- She’d show him.
“Fine.” She answered finally. “On the condition that you stop all violent activity against my people by this afternoon, I will agree to marry you.” He grinned wickedly.
“Consider it done.”
The demon was beyond pleased with himself and his guards had celebrated loudly for the rest of the day and well into the night at this ‘victory’. Oh, if only they knew the hell they would pay when Zelda got a hold of the Master Sword. Of Link’s sword. She’d make them wish that Link had killed the demon when he came to the fortress in the first place. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned and she was a goddess and was fucking livid.
It was late the next evening when Zelda exited her chambers, padding her way barefoot down the hallway to where she knew the demon slept. Her heart was thudding loudly in her ears as she approached the door between her and the demon. Was this really about to happen? Would he be rough with her? Would she bruise? Would he talk down to her like she was nothing but a whore or would the tiny remnants of Link that remained in his behavior towards her come through and he would be gentle with her during her first time? She steadied herself before opening the door to the demon's chambers.
His crimson eyes fixated on her from where he was laid out over his bed that was much like her own. Odd that it wasn’t more lavish, but she supposed that wasn’t important.
“Oh? And to what do I owe a visit from my wife-to-be?” He teased her, propping himself up on his elbow and draping his other arm across his midsection. Damn him- He knew that was something LInk would do when she got his attention. Zelda slipped in and shut the door behind her.
“I’m- Tired of resisting.” She said, making sure that her voice had a tiny whine at the end of it. Like she was close to tears. Lady Impa would have been proud of her acting skills right now as the demon was eating it up. He raised a brow at her and smirked, gesturing her closer with a curl of a single finger.
“Are you now? Well, it’s about time.” He said, sitting up and watching her as she made a show of hesitantly locking the door behind her and ever so timidly making her way to the bed. “Don’t be shy, I won’t bite… Not that hard at least.” He teased, chuckling darkly and Zelda blushed.
Holy Hylia above, she was really about to do this. She didn’t have to fake the nerves as she crawled into his bed and let him touch her and disrobe her. The tremor in her hands as she started to touch him back was as real as the situation she was in. For all the demon’s aggression towards her in the past, he made sure to at least attempt to soothe her nerves, but every thought she had was plagued by the knowledge that this wasn’t Link like she was trying to pretend it was. This was a demon.
Thankfully, Link, or at least his physical body, was also inexperienced and wasn’t able to last too long. It had felt… Alright. Zelda would have been much more relaxed and emotionally fulfilled if she had been with Link instead of this spirit piloting his form.
“See, that wasn’t so bad.” THe demon rumbled into her ear when they were finished. He laid against her back, holding her naked form against his own. “I even made you finish~” He had, in fact, not done so. She had faked it to stroke his ego a little bit more into relaxing. She had been trying to focus on anything other than the demon the whole time: her plan to escape, going home and celebrating the end of the war, mourning everyone they had lost, mourning Link- But it was done now at least, she could turn her attention to her next step.
Of course, he didn’t make it easy.
With his arms around her waist and his face pressed against the back of her shoulder, it would be very hard for Zelda to get up out of the bed without waking him up. Especially because the way he held her wasn’t just a loose hold, he was gripping her firmly. Fuck, this may have been a mistake.
Though- She did have time to look around the room now. She didn’t know where exactly the sword was located or hidden, so she glanced around the parts of the room that she could see. There were weapons and baubles everywhere, but finally, Zelda was able to make out the golden triforce on the scabbard of the Master Sword in the corner of the room, concealed partially by a few other weapons.
Zelda shifted once. Then twice. Then a third time to see if the demon was awake or not. When he didn’t respond to her shifting in any way, his grip even loosening unconsciously around her, she knew it likely was safe to try and get up. If he woke up she could say she needed to use the bathroom or to… clean up from their activities. Carefully, Zelda squirmed and twisted from the demon’s grasp, finding the dress that she came in, not liking the bite of the cold air on her bare skin before picking her way carefully over to the corner where the Master Sword was.
There was no way this was going to be this easy- Surely this demon wasn’t so oblivious to think that she would just- Sleep with him without an ulterior motive. She had resisted doing it for months now, that wasn’t just going to change overnight.
She gripped the hilt of the Master Sword and carefully tried to move it from behind the other blades trapping it against the wall. Finally, Zelda was able to pull the hilt from behind the other blades and then carefully extracted the scabbard and blade from the tangle of weaponry.
That’s when a movement caught Zelda’s eye and she looked at the stack of blades on the wall. One of the swords crossguards caught on the Master Sword’s own crossguard as she freed it and it tilted precariously to one side, then started falling, falling- And clattered loudly on the ground, hitting two more on the way down, adding them to the noise as they also clattered against the stone floors.
Zelda whipped around to face the bed- Sure enough the demon’s eyes were open and fixed on her in a dangerous way.
“And what exactly do you think you’re doing Princess?” The demon questioned as he got up, not bothering to put clothes on as he put his feet on the ground and began making his way to her. This was bad! Very bad! But she had the sword! She had no idea how to use a sword, but! How hard could it be??
Panicking, Zelda yanked the blade out of its scabbard and sent a quick prayer to the Goddesses to help her as the demon paused in his advancements. Then he started to chuckle.
“Ohoho, is this really what you want to do, Princess?” He taunted, narrowing his eyes at her. “What are you going to do? Kill me? Kill him?” He said, edging around her, trying to circle so that he was between her and the door. Zelda stepped closer to the door, keeping her back to the wall and the point of the Master Sword towards the demon’s chest.
“You think this is all a game. You want to use me and him like pawns. It’s going to end. Tonight.” Zelda said. The demon tilted his head to one side and scoffed.
“Perhaps it will.” He said, raising a hand as a myriad of shadows congealed into the form of a blade not unlike the Master Sword but pitch black. “I should have guessed that you weren’t going to concede that easily, but- You put on a convincing show. You were rather determined to do this, weren’t you.” He said, gripping the blade tightly. Oh shit- Oh shit, they were really about to fight weren’t they? Oh this was bad- This was a horrible plan, oh goddesses help her-
The demon swung and by some divine fluke, Zelda parried the strike. How? She wasn’t entirely sure. She’d never used a sword in anything other than formal ceremonies before, by all means he should have just stuck her like a pig- Another strike and she parried again, her feet taking her back half a step, but she wasn’t dying yet so that was fine.
“What-?” The demon furrowed his brow and eyed her, clearly seeing the surprise on her face. “Stop doing that!” He snarled as he struck again. Once again, Zelda blocked. The demon snarled at her now and began rapidly trying to strike her. And as if the Master Sword had a mind of its own and control over her feet, Zelda blocked, parried, and pivoted away from each strike, much to the annoyance of the demon.
When Zelda thought that there was going to be no end to this cycle of strikes and deflections, she saw an opening. The demon raised his sword up as if to bring it crashing down upon her head- and left his entire abdomen open. Zelda pointed the tip of the Master Sword directly at his stomach and stepped forwards, putting her weight and everything she had in her behind the thrust.
The sickening sound of the blade cutting through flesh and sinew was far louder than Zelda had been anticipating and she let go of the sword, staggering backwards as she processed what she had- somehow managed to do. Waves of nausea overcame her as she heard the noise on repeat in her mind. Goddess above, what did she just do? The demon stared at the hilt of the sword as it stuck out of his midsection. The sword was buried so deeply into him the tip was also sticking out of his back.
Then a barrage of disturbing noises and gargles exited Link’s mouth as the demon shuddered, dark black liquid beginning to drip freely from his mouth, nose and eyes and then evaporating quickly away into the air like black little puffs of smoke. He dropped the jet sword, which also faded into smoke before it hit the ground.
“Damn, you- No! I-” The demon gargled out and more and more of the shadowy smoke began to leave Link’s body. Zelda watched in horror as Link’s charcoal grey skin lightened and his ash colored hair grew golden brown again and as his body wretched the last of the shadows out, crimson eyes blinked shut and finally opened blue once more.
Zelda could have cried seeing that beautiful blue.
“Link!” She cried, overjoyed that he seemingly was back for a split moment before a pained grunt left him and he went down to one knee, clutching at the Master Sword lodged in his abdomen. Zelda blanched as she realized that she now had to save Link a second time from something a lot more dangerous than a demon piloting his body. Oh- Oh shit-
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minty-mumbles · 3 years
One Last Journey
Summary: Link has felt death before, and knows how it tugs on your bones before it claims you. He’s known for a while that it was nearly time. Well past time, in his opinion. Every man owes death his dues, and his are nearly two hundred years late.
Author's Note: You can read this on AO3 Here
Content Warning: Death from Old Age, Angst, Not exactly a happy fic, but not super sad either? Bittersweet Ending.
The funeral of Zelda, the former queen of Hyrule, is a quiet affair. The only ones there are her family and a few close friends. Normally, such an event would warrant a much larger crowd, and at least a few dignitaries, offering their condolences. And it wasn’t like the former Queen was disliked. In fact, she was beloved.
However, she had stepped down from the throne many years ago, so her daughter could take the queenship. To the general public, her death meant little more than a town crier announcing the news, and a day of mourning. Besides that, the woman had also expressed the wish for a quiet send off. Just her family and friends, no strangers from distant lands.
Slowly, after the dirt is well and truly settled over the casket, and the day grows longer, most of the funeral goers drift off, to attend to their duties, or mourn in private.
The last one to leave the cemetery is an old, aged man. He approaches the gravestone form where he had been standing at the back of the crowd. He looks, contemplatively at the cold, unfeeling stone. He did not cry during the ceremony, and he does not do so now.
He simply nods to the stone, as if saying ‘farewell, see you later,’ a dear old friend. Out from a glowing slate at his hip, he draws a flower crown of silent princesses. He places the crown around the top of the gravestone, then leaves without a word.
Although he has a room in the castle, he does not go there. He turns instead towards the city gate. He speaks to no one on the way out of town. Although he is well known, and has many friends here, no one tries to stop him. They know well the grief he feels, and leave him alone. They know, despite his age, and less than spry appearance, he is no push over, and can look after himself. There is no need to stop him from leaving the safety of town.
He first travels to Gerudo town. The vai outfit he wore in his youth hasn’t worked in many years, and he doesn’t even bother. Despite this, he’s let in with little fuss. He is, perhaps, the only man in memory to be freely let into this town. He has done so much for the Gerudo throughout the years, and has been nothing but polite. They could hardly refuse him.
He presents to the Chieftess Riju with a gift of a nearly legendary scimitar, and a beautiful shield. Both are well cared for, and seemingly untouched by age. He doesn't stay in the town for long. It’s hard for him to walk on the shifting sands in his old age, even with the help of his well-worn sand boots, and the heat is getting to him in a way it never did when he was young.
Next, he travels to Rito village. This town, like most of the other settlements, has grown since the defeat of the calamity, and is more of a Rito City. He speaks with the Elder Teba, presenting him with the Great Eagle bow. To pass on to a Rito that Teba thinks has the skill to wield such a renowned weapon, the man says.
The two sit and speak for a while, reminiscing on years past, but eventually, the man hauls himself to his feet and sets out. He has to use the rope bridges now, much too old for the paraglider he used in his youth, a fact which he curses internally.
Next, he stops by the Lost Woods. He doesn’t speak to the Great Deku Tree. The two have known each other for years, and the ancient tree had been a source of wisdom whenever the man had felt troubled. There was nothing left to say to each other, only silent understanding. The man plunges an ancient sword back into its rightful place in its pedestal, and leaves, letting the mists on the forest whisk him back to the entrance.
Although the castle is close, the man turns away from the structure, heading east instead. He has no business there anymore, and something deep within his bones tells him that he won’t be seeing it up close again any time soon.
The next stop on his path is Goron City. The flamebreaker armor has been long retired, heat resistance potions much more easy on old bones. The Elder Yunobo greets him with perhaps a bit too much enthusiasm, leaving him with aching ribs. Laughing, the Goron suggests a dip in the hot springs to help soothe sore muscles and bones. They spend a good afternoon speaking amiably in the warm water, sharing stories and tales.
When it’s time for the man to move on, he silently hands over the weapon that Yunobo’s grandfather himself once wielded. In return, he received another bone bruising hug, and copious amounts of tears. He quickly excuses himself from the Goron’s presence, in fear of yet another hug.
From here, it’s only a short journey to the Zora Domain. Here, he is welcomed with more warmth than any other settlement he has visited. Not that the other places were cold, but the Domain has always seemed like a second home to him. The Zora here haven't seemed to change much since the man wandered into the Domain for the first time, all those years ago. They welcome him with the same familiarity as always.
He is led directly to speak with King Sidon, who now sits on the throne, as his father once did. The man stays in the Domain for the longest time of all the places he’s stopped on his journey, but after only a week, he can feel the urge to move off again. Before he leaves, though, he presents the Zora king with an invaluable gift. The Lightscale Trident is entrusted into the Zoras’ capable hands once again. He leaves with only a small smile and nod to the statue in the courtyard of a beautiful young healer.
From there, the man travels to Hateno. He sells the house he owned there. It had been a faithful place to rest, a good place to fall back to and recuperate at for many years. It had been rarely used in recent years, and the man did not have much to retrieve from inside of it. He sells the building to a young man named Jaxson, who owns the Bolson Construction company. He supposes that the house will be torn down and rebuilt now, as it was about to be when he purchased it.
He makes the climb up to a laboratory on top of the hill, to speak with farewell to a middle aged sheikah scientist. He leaves her with his most prized possession which has been with him since nearly before he could remember, the Sheikah Slate. He can tell that she would find much more use from it than he ever could. Perhaps she could even replicate it, and start the widespread use of Sheikah technology again.
His second to last stop is Kakariko village. He greets the leader of the town, Paya, with the kind of easy camaraderie that is forged out of years of friendship, and fighting side by side. He hardly stops to talk though, before he’s moving on.
His final destination is the Great Plateau. This place alone had been left untouched by the restoration efforts after the fall of The Calamity; Zelda had declared it a sacred place, and besides that, it was too inaccessible to most races, except perhaps the Rito.
The Temple of Time was even more run down than he remembered from when the man first saw it. The roof had nearly entirely collapsed at this point, the bell tower barely clinging to where it’s supported by a few rotten wooden boards. The North faring wall has crumbled by now as well, leaving open view of most of Hyrule. Despite the continued ruin slowly overtaking the place, the goddess statue still sat at the dais, whole and untouched.
The man did not kneel in front of the statue, standing proud in front of it. He doesn't even show the reverence of lowering his head. Instead, he looks off to the side, at the restored Hyrule Castle. The man would never grow tired of the sight of this symbol of Hyrule standing proud once more. “The first time I spoke to you,” The man says, “You told me to ‘go, and bring peace to Hyrule.’” With a sigh, he refocuses his gaze back on the statue's unmoving face. “I think I’ve done that, don’t you?”
If anyone were to observe this scene, they would hear or see no reply, the statue remaining as still as ever. But the old man smiles, as if receiving a confirmation, and turns away.
The climb up to the Shrine of Resurrection is not an easy one, but the man has undertaken far more difficult treks in his life, and he makes it all the same. He stops to admire the view from the entrance for just a moment. His first memory is seeing Hyrule spread out before him as it is now. The sight had nearly brought him to tears. Although he hadn't known what the feeling was at the time, now he knew it to be awe. The feeling of love for this wild place never truly left, even after all these years.
Though he did not kneel before even the goddess, when he makes it the final chamber of the shrine, he does kneel. He gazes reverently at the bed he once spent one hundred years laying in, and shuts his eyes. He knows that his journey has at last come full circle.
The man has felt death before, and knows how it tugs on your bones before it claims you. He’s known for a while that it was nearly time.
Well past time, in his opinion. Every man owes death his dues, and his are nearly two hundred years late.
It is not clear when he passes, but he does. Far away from any Hylian life, deep in the Shrine of Resurrection and where his journey truly began, the Hero of Hyrule dies. The aches and pains fall away from his body like water off duck feathers, and his grey hair turns blonde once again.
He is welcomed in death with countless, open, familiar arms.
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bluesdesk · 3 years
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---Chat, 19, she/they. She ended up on the Surface and because of her potential (communication) she can find shortcuts in no time, she can "talk" with the environment near her to know tips and facts. She knew Demise was distracted by bug nets for example, or that Goddess walls give different items depending on what's drawn. She ended up there when Sky was still looking for Sun so she helped him during his quest, not always following him but "appearing out of nowhere" from time to time.
---Thun, 17, she/her. Thun can be found in Hyrule Town when Four is 16 to 17, some time before going into LU. She has a little tailor shop in town, and she sews clothes for both people and minish! When she arrived there, she couldn't see the minish. She was once picking mushrooms and Four stopped her right before she could destroy a minish house. That's how they met! Then Four told her everything about the minish and she offered to make them some tiny clothes. Because of this, after some time she was gifted the ability to see the little creatures and she started working with them at her shop. Her potential is "order", that stands for tidiness, but also for mental order, and this makes her sew clothes in record time
---Ami, 15, she/her. She ended in Lon Lon, but Time and Malon were already living together and they were about 30 years old! Ami's potential is "nature", she's an awesome gardener, she can heal plants, and she's a farmer too. So, she spent her time there helping Time, Malon and Talon with the ranch, doing some errands around Hyrule, and helping Time in ((an headcanon adventure I have for him))
---Piff, 13, she/her. What a cool time to end in Twi's era... Twi is in the middle of his quest, he's sleep deprived, and he has just been conditioned by the crystal ((like in the manga)) and saved by Time. Her potential is "sleep", and she can easily create potions for relaxing/sleeping, and also she creates some magic keychain and charms! She wandered a bit before going to Castle Town, where she met Twi!
---Diggi, 11, they/she. They're just a kid but already a pretty good fighter! In HW (Legends, more specifically) they use their potential "electricity" to fight, along with bombs, rods, a boomerang, and their loyal skateboard. They can't use a sword, nor crossbows, nor arrows though. They often travel with Linkle and then together with Wars and Artemis!
---Locky, 9, she/they. She's the youngest and she ended in botw! Her design is kinda similiar to the kids in the stables, but with an Hateno style tshirt! Her potential is "key": she can find lost or hidden things like a sixth sense, she can create a "magical key" from time to time, and she can create some portals to known locations! In botw the last ability is kinda useless but let's say they use that to go to high places!
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ridetherain · 3 years
Some Zelink parenting to make me feel better. Happy Mother's Day to the mothers.
Words: 2094
"Link," Zelda said, "Can you hold the baby for Rhondson? She's agreed to fit me for that cold-weather gear we agreed on."
I gave her a swift nod and cautiously took the sleeping bundle. Rhondson spent a moment adjusting my arms and grip before she gave my head a pat and bustled behind a partition with Zelda.
I let the two women's discussion of what color and cut would be best for our adventures fade to the back of my mind as I wandered around the recently expanded shop. Rhondson had moved on from just Gerudo styles to add some Rito cloth (likely due to Fyson's enterprising) and even a few water-resistant options. None were as good as my Zora armor, but still quality fabric.
Zelda and I have spent the last several years touring Hyrule and stitching the disparate peoples into one community. Zelda steered any discussion of retaking the throne to a more democratic direction and, after we married, I understood her fear and supported democracy wholeheartedly. So instead, we found ourselves working as neutral parties and messengers throughout Hyrule.
The Rito outgrew their village a generation ago but resisted expansion into Hebra while the calamity ruled. Zelda and I were preparing for an extended survey of the mountains for a suitable location to build a new town.
I slowly circled the shop again and gave the baby a gentle bounce when Rhondson and Zelda's conversation turned into an argument.
"Rhondson! I'm going to be out in the wild for weeks! Roughing it! Sleeping in tents! Climbing mountains!"
"Just be careful! If you watch where you step then it shouldn't matter. You're the Princess! I won't have you leave this shop in anything but my best work! Besides, you said your jacket was white Before!"
"Hyrule is a democracy!"
I gave a little cough to remind them that other people exist. Zelda stepped out from behind the partition without a shirt on and glared at me. I smiled and covered the sleeping baby's eyes with one hand.
"Zelda!" I scolded, "Madison will see!"
She stuck her nose in the air and spoke to Rhondson without looking away or moving out of sight.
"Fine. Just do the pink then. Anything but white."
I smirked and tried to cover it by looking down and pretending to be fascinated by Madison's habit of sleeping while I'm holding her. Zelda hated pink. When I chanced a glance back up I saw immediately that I did not trick her and the thoughtful look on her face meant she was already planning her revenge.
Her revenge sucked. For me, anyway, I'm sure she enjoyed herself. My beautiful Rito set of winter gear was dyed. The jacket was a horrendous yellow and, predictably, the pants were pink. Every time she caught sight of me she started laughing. Worst of all, she clearly used some of our best ingredients to dye her pink jacket to a nice shade of dark blue so I'm the only one looking ridiculous.
The Rito children all loved my colorful appearance when we returned with our survey results. Kaneli was polite enough not to comment, but pretty much everyone else in the village did and by the time I got to the children I gave up and just let them hang on me and enjoy the mismatched clothes.
Zelda flashed me another smile at the sight of my clothes but stayed out of the fray with Amali.
"Mister Link? I'm tired."
"That's good," I said, "It's pretty late, so you're supposed to be tired."
Cree thought hard about what I said for a minute. Her little face scrunched up and I subtly glanced at my wife. She was glaring again. Cree gave a nod and wandered off to her bed with a sleepy "'night Mister Link" and the rest of the children followed her out. I gave Zelda my full attention.
"What's up?"
I sighed. She'd tell me eventually. Or maybe not. Sometimes she forgot. I suppressed a smile at the thought. She'd been ridiculous lately, but after the stress of this trip is out of her system I was certain she would get back to her usual self.
Zelda did eventually get back to her usual self. By the time we got back to Hateno, Zelda was on another project and writing furiously in her journal. For once she wasn't letting me in on the project and didn't think out loud other than complete incomprehensible gibberish. The notebook she was using had lists drawn up of completely random words under number headings with no context.
Whatever she was into this time was pretty big and was taking all her energy. She didn't consult books which probably meant she was working on ancient technology again. That's the only subject she knew better than any book written. Eventually, I decided I needed to say something. She wasn't taking proper care of herself. She was eating well, but she wasn't out walking as much and it showed a little. She would be angry with herself when she pulled out of her project and found herself unable to hike up to the tech lab with me.
"Zel? Want to come up to the pond with me? We can go swimming."
"No, sorry, I'm a little busy today."
"You've been busy a lot lately. What have you been working on?"
Zelda looked nervous when she flipped the pages back and turned them to face me. I looked curiously at the lists she's been working on.
"One... Significant people... Sleep... Sitting... What is this?"
"Developmental milestones."
I still didn't understand. She grimaced and pushed her hair back from where it had fallen in front of her eyes. It revealed the dark circles from lack of sleep.
"For children."
"Oh..." I looked at the list again, "Did Amali ask for help? Is something wrong with one of the girls?"
"No, it's not for her... It's for us."
I was going through each girl one at a time and considering the items on the list. None of them stuck out to me.
"I wanted a clear timeline. Amali said there wasn't a book on how to raise a child, but I'm so worried about forgetting something so I figured I would write everything I could think of down and ask as many people as possible."
It took a minute for her words to filter into my head. I decided that Kheel was a little behind her sisters, but that was fine because she was the youngest. And Madison was too little still for most everything on the list. My muscles seized up and my breath started coming quicker. I spent one terrifying moment tense without knowing why I was so afraid.
"For... us..."
The room was tilting. This must be what Zelda means when she says she doesn't like being on the Sheikah towers.
"Yes, Link. Who else would I do this for?"
Okay. Breathe in. Hold. Breathe out. Zelda was still talking. Breathe in. Hold. Breathe out. Make sure you understand.
"You're pregnant." I said, confirming.
"With a baby."
She scrunched her nose at me.
"Yes with a baby. What else would I be pregnant with?"
I finally looked up into her eyes and her whole face softened at me.
"Oh, Link, don't panic. Yes, I'm pregnant. We're going to have a little baby here next spring. You're going to be a wonderful father."
My heart stuttered in its rhythm at the word "father." My hyperventilating stopped. My breathing stopped. Something wet hit my cheeks and I realized I was crying. I looked through blurry eyes at Zelda and saw her smiling back at me.
"I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner. I just panicked. And I thought you'd stop our Hebra survey early if you knew."
The happiness I had started to recognize was immediately shoved out of the way for my terror.
"You were pregnant!" I fairly screeched in her face. I opened my mouth to shout at her some more, but nothing came out. I didn't have words that matched my fear so I closed my mouth and stared at her with wide eyes. The hyperventilating was back.
I was unbearable. I know I was because Zelda told me so repeatedly. I was mostly fine until it became obvious that she was pregnant. Something about the visual of a bump made the child more real than her words ever could.
We visited Kakariko, but I refused to take her further afield than that. Madison was almost a year old now and we hadn't seen her since before I knew of Zelda's pregnancy. Rhondson sent letters and I know Zelda wanted opinions from another woman who had recently given birth, but it was too far and too dangerous. I flat-out refused to let her teleport with the Slate. She was so angry with me that she kicked me out of the house and I had to spend the night at our cookpot. I told her I took a room at the inn. When I tried to convince her to let me move the bed downstairs she finally put her foot down and I was left to grumble.
She's due in a couple weeks and I've timed myself at running to the midwife. It takes seven minutes for me to get there and it will probably be more to bring her back.
Zelda had her feet up in front of the fire since the winter chill hadn't quite left Hateno yet despite the start of spring. Her hand was rubbing gentle circles into her stomach.
"Link, I need your superpowers."
I smiled at our little joke. My skill at putting children to sleep extended to settling an unborn child's kicking. I sat on the floor next to her and leaned my head cautiously against her just in case the baby decided to kick me in the face. Again.
"Come on, kid. Your mom needs some rest." I took over the circling with my hand and hummed the lullaby Zelda taught me.
Zelda sucked in a sharp breath. I hummed a little louder and used my free hand to take hers and gave it a squeeze.
"Don't panic..."
I immediately tensed at the words and looked up at her. Her eyes were tense and a grimace was frozen on her face.
"I need you to go get the midwife."
"You're not due yet," I said stupidly, "we have another two weeks."
Zelda gasped again. I shot to my feet and hovered over her.
"Okay, okay," I said, "Just... Stay here... I'll... Okay..."
I rushed to the door and wrenched it open. Seven minutes plus however much time it takes to get back. I glance back at Zelda. It goes against the grain to leave her in pain. Maybe this is why the other Hero's didn't marry their Zelda.
Purah heard my headlong flight through town for the midwife and came down to visit after a few hours. The midwife roped her into helping with the birth and kicked me out of the house. I ended up waiting at the cookpot again while Symin filled the silence.
I shook like a leaf at the sound of Zelda's shouts and gasps. The wooden door only muffled so much. But the moment my child cried nothing could keep me out. I slammed the door open and rushed to the midwife. The woman had no patience for my "hysteria." She made me wait while the baby was cleaned and swaddled.
Zelda was exhausted. She was damp with sweat and weak. I held her hand and pushed her wet hair from her face. I could only glance at her occasionally. My attention was caught by the screaming child at our kitchen table. My child. Our child. The midwife brought the bundle of cloth to us and placed it in Zelda's arms. I helped her keep ahold of the baby - her arms were about ready to give out. The child barely paused for breath between cries.
"Link?" Zelda said, "I need your superpowers."
My hands shook as I arranged my arms as Rhondson had taught me and Zelda carefully passed the bundle to me. I hummed the tune I had been using for months and my superpower held. The cries lessened, but wide blue eyes blinked at me instead of closing in sleep. After so much time worried about pregnant Zelda that I didn't think to worry about my child. I was going to be unbearable.
A daughter.
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Our Nightly Confidant 8
Accept your Wild side
The moon is high up in the sky, and Wild somehow does not fear it turning blood red. That was one of the things that left him wrongfooted before. There are many things he didn't know about the past. But this is one he is glad for. He doesn't want to imagine monsters coming back to life here.
The ranch, at night, is peaceful. So peaceful. Earlier, Malon's singing lulled the animals to sleep, and probably half the group, but it only made his stomach twist. She had laughed and wished them good night, her hand lingering on her husband's shoulder. Time never looked so happy, so relaxed as he did around his wife, well at home. He might have fled the second the others had fallen asleep.
Lying on the rooftop of the barn, Wild's chest ache with guilt.
One more thing to the list. One more thing Hylia wants him to remember.
He's trying, but can't find the words. Can barely make the effort to try. What will he tell Time? How will he... how can he apologize for something like this?
The tearing, rushing sound of shadow magic makes his heart leap for joy. It's the sound that told Wild the amnesiac that he didn't have to travel alone. That there'd be someone to watch over him, in the dark, in the storm, in the cold.
It's one of those sounds that speaks of home like Sidon's boastful greetings, the sing-song of little ritos or the taste of cold melon in desert shade.
Twilight materializes on the edge of the rooftop, furry and all, and Wild struggles to control his breathing for a second longer. He feels the tears close, and he knows Twilight notices them all too well with his wolf senses. Somedays, the shift is instantaneous, a steady hand on his back, a desire to lean back against a solid chest and furred shoulders.
Somedays, it's a beast that settles over his lap, and Wild takes the added weight on his legs like he's been given a second chance. He sighs, hangs his head, and, hands through fur, whispers 'thank you' as he lets the comfort of his brother's presence sink in. There's no need for other words. He runs them through his mind, and they weaken when he gives in and lets go of his tears.
'Thank you,' he tells Hylia for the hundredth time. For giving him that much longer with Twilight.
(He'd been prepared. He had known and Wolfie hadn't hidden it, as well as a wolf could tell him. That time he'd seen the black particles fly skyward, he'd known that was it, his friend was back to the realm of the goddesses.)
(He'd faced Ganon without fear, without faltering, and he'd rescued Zelda after a hundred years of fighting, and he had finally let the shame untie itself around his heart.)
(But he hadn't realized how much it would hurt to walk a lonely road, to see wild wolves that were a blue-ish gray instead of green-hued. To hear barking and never see his friend again.)
(Wild had been told his past self had lost everyone. Wolfie was the first one he did as himself.)
He's dried out the tracks on his face when the shadows shift, and the weight disappears.
“Need to talk about it?” is Twilight's opening move.
Wild thinks about it. “Probably.”
“Do you want to?”
The idea makes his mouth taste of ash.
Twilight doesn't say anything to that, and instead brushes the roof before sitting down and lying on his back. “Recognize any stars?”
Wild chuckles. “Still haven't found the Goatherd up there. Face it, it's a fictional one.”
“All constellations are made up, cub,” Twi replies with a cocky grin.
Wild wags his finger. “No, no, see, if they're in a book somewhere, it's official. It's science! Zelda told me so.”
Twilight rolls his eyes then leans back against the tiles of the roof. “Suuuure it is. Man, if only we had books in Ordon. Silly us.”
The warmth in his chest turns into gentle chuckles, and it's easy to lie back down, just close enough to brush his big brother's side.
He waits it out. It's hard enough to vocalize that he prefers not to take the initiative. It's a few more minutes of calm before Twi picks up on the hint.
“What is it about?”
“The usual.”
Fear. Failure. Disappointment. Guilt. The look in a stranger's eyes, the judgement and demands. That shrinking feeling that makes the air around him want to crush him paper thin. It's the usual. But this time, he can't help how the fear is strong, how the guilt strangles him. It's no wandering stranger, no fragment of his past berating him for things that happened in the great blank that was Link Before.
It's Time. The Old Man. Their Leader.
Twilight hums.
“Have I ever told you about the first time I met an Hylian soldier?”
No. For all they talk and are at ease, unless Wild asks, Twilight doesn't volunteer too much of his past. He's aware Twilight doesn't want to burden him, thinks he has too much on his plate. It's irritating, most times. So he cannot help feel a little eager even when he shakes his head.
Twilight's corner smirk feels a little sheepish. “Didn't think so? Ain't my proudest moment.”
“You? Having done anything you are not proud of? But aren't you the perfect, dutiful hero who knows when it's proper to scout and not?”
“Go swallow a bokoblin gut risotto.”
Wild rolls his eyes at the mention of the we-promised-not-to-mention-that-experiment dish. “I'll make you a portion.”
Twilight suddenly looks a little pensive. “... Think we could trick Fancy into trying it?”
Wild smirks. “There, your hidden fae side. The others never believe me when I mention it.”
“Balance, young hero.”
“Right. Story time!” Wild claps his hands. “So, your first time meeting a Hylian soldier?”
It sobers Twi right up. “... T'was at the start of my journey. Right after the point of no-return. The children of my village were taken, my childhood friend kidnapped, and the adults in a panic. I rushed out of town, and well, got immediately captured and turned into a wolf.”
“... Nice start.”
The bonk on the head is worth it. It wasn't even painful. “Shush. I'm bleeding out and you mock me, you disrespectful child. Where was I? Oh, yeah, turned into a wolf, captured, imprisoned and left to rot in a dungeon.”
The air chills, and Wild finds the story a hell lot less funny. He can't even make a joke about putting a wolf in a cage. It'd be like sand on a wound.
“I met someone there, who helped me escape. Lemme tell you, Cub, dungeons aren't a great place to develop a much greater sense of smell. Honestly, I probably wasn't thinking straight for a bit. I just wanted out. Fresh air. Anything but the walls closing in on me...” – Wild feels the shudder against his body – “I was near the exit when I met him. A proud Hylian soldier of her majesty's army. Right there in the dungeon, left a mere spirit by the twilight's influence. And he... he was cowering in a corner... I hated him.”
There's something to the weight of it that strikes Wild at his core. The sort of darkness that Twi doesn't show, that nothing he does hint at. But even with that, the thing that comes to mind most is what the story means now.
“Wow... ” Wild starts, his voice brimming with forced awe. “You're about as subtle as a goat's kick to the nuts, Twi.”
Warriors and Legend have nothing on the absolutely, smug little smirk on Twilight's face. “Still bitter, aren't cha?”
Wild throws his arms in the air. “Fighting Ganon wasn't half as painful!”
“Well, I hate to say 'I told you so'...”
“Liar! You live for it!”
Twi chuckles. “Yeah. But come on, I told you to face the goats head on.”
“They've got massive horns!”
“And legs. Now you know why no one wrestles cattle from behind. Predators are the only ones that approach the hind legs, and yeah, they get the kicks too.” A more serious look flitter on Twilight's face. “Knew a man or two that died that way, back home. Just, one day, startled an animal and it kicked. Landed on the wrong spot. The wrong rib. The head. Don't mess around cattle, Cub.”
Wild winces. Far more somber than before, he nods for his brother's sake. It's not like he never saw the horses kick when he tried to tame them. Just that he was good at avoiding them even when he was thrown off. He wants to say he would never get killed in such a stupid way, but...
(It had stopped raining, but the rocks were still wet in the shadowed spots. He hadn't known until...)
(He'd woken up to Mipha's voice, and Wolfie's panicked barks and tears, and he'd promised – promised – to never be so careless again.)
“What happened with the soldier?” he asks, because now his mind is on ghosts, and he's never known his big brother to hate them.
Twilight, annoyingly, shrugs. “Well, I broke the curse of twilight on Castle Town, so he's probably just patrolling the street like any other guard.”
“... You didn't look? You never met him again? Not even when you walked back into Castle Town later? I thought you had to do a bunch of quests there?”
“No,” Twilight starts, then frowns a bit to himself. “Maybe?”
A groan builds up in the back of his throat. “Twiliiiiight...”
Said big dumb oaf pushes him, just hard enough for a stumble. “It's not like I got a good look at his face. Or...” He looks away, quieter. “That I had nothing else on my mind at the time. I'd... I'd just been turned into a wild animal and asked to help an imp with some grandiose task. I was running around dungeons, surrounded by ghoul rats, and... there it was, the first glimpse of hope I might have had.”
Wild gulps. He hates to imagine Twilight, Hylian or wolf, ragged, hurt, looking for help and finding...
“He was cowering. I was just a farmer, kidnapped, stolen from home and twisted into this new form. I needed help. And there was a soldier, who'd signed up for this, for the protection of Hyrule and its citizens... She called me naïve. Asked me if I really thought a light worlder could brave the twilight.”
She. Wild tries not to tick at the mention of that one. Does not ask her name, because he knows a wound when he hears one. He focuses on the dungeon. The dark and damp, the chains he recalls, and he places Wolfie there, scared, and it makes him burn with anger to have the first person his brother come across turn him away.
But Twilight's lips are twisted in a grimace, his eyes heavy as they take in the night over Lon Lon Ranch.
“He was scared. And I hated him. Was I really any better? A man who couldn't take a step in the twilight without passing out? When my bones rattled with the thoughts of those critters crawling all over my body again?”
“You pushed through,” Wild says, because Twilight had to have. Twilight won. Twilight went on his quest and he saved Hyrule. Twilight hadn't... he...
“Yeah. I went through Hyrule, and one by one, saved the Light Spirits, reforged the Mirror of Twilight, fought the Usurper and the King of Evil. And along the way, I picked up some allies, mourned the people I was too late for and embraced those I saved. But I didn't forget that man. When I saw the kids of my village, locked in a basement in fear of monsters, I remembered. And it was a little easier to forgive. When I reached Zora's domain and saw the hundreds frozen in ice, the ghost of the queen begging me to help her son... ”
His voice falters, becomes thick with emotion. And Wild can't help flash back to Muzu's accusation, to Sidon's sad smile when he mentions Mipha's gift to him. He hadn't thought...
There's something knowing in Twilight's eyes. “Gifted me a Zora armor and everything. Some things don't change, Cub.”
“They should,” he whispers, unable to keep the raw hurt from it.
Twi snakes an arm around him, and brings him close. “Aye, they ought to, but sometimes they don't. It's out of our hands. We don't get to make the world the goddesses put us in. Just what we do in it. Maybe I don't bow to the guards in my Hyrule, Cub, but I don't hate them either. They were men. Just that. I was wrong to hate them for something out of their control.”
Twilight really is as subtle as a goat's kick to the nuts.
Maybe it's his turn. Like a bomb in a shrine. Go off once, and watch the whole thing crumble.
“There was a Lon Lon Ranch in my Hyrule...” he starts, slow, with a sob building deep in his chest, “I found the ruins. You could make a beeline from it to Castle Town. But... it was overrun by guardians.”
The wood under him feels hot. Feels like it's burning, like it'll collapse any second now as a reminder that even when his fellow heroes build themselves a life, he'll be right there around the corner to ruin it all.
“It just... we're here now, and there are plenty of ruins in my era, but I never... I never met the owners, but Malon's so kind to us, and the Old Man trusts me, and I can't bear thinking of their disappointment when they learn-”
“Cub, if your next sentence includes any variation of the word 'failure', I will shove you off this roof.”
Wild blinks. His words peter out. He sees the absolute seriousness of Twilight's threat. Then, confidently, “You wouldn't. I could be injured.”
Twilight's glare goes deadpan. “I will shove you off that side” – he points to the other side of the roof – “where we shoveled the cow manure. It won't hurt. Even if you land head first.”
That threat is a great deal more plausible.
There is silence, some variation that hints at the snores of the cows and horses in the barn below, that suggests the song of crickets and buzzing fairies by the grass, the stern, patient glare that only grows sharper every second it lasts.
Then, slowly, Wild scoots away from his big brother.
“Wild!” Twilight harshly calls.
“I'm sorry!” Wild yelps, taking off and running around the chimney to put something between them.
“Don't apologize! It wasn't your fault!”
They circle the chimney, feinting left and right.
“I was the Chosen Hero! I trained for the Calamity my entire life!”
“You had an entire country's worth of people helping! How can it be your fault alone? They dug those machines up, they armed themselves with weapons that Ganon had already faced! None of your people saw it coming, but you still fought to your death, even after everyone else had passed! Why is it your fault?!”
“Then why did everyone blame me?” he breaks, and he feels the low, background pain suddenly rush at the front of his mind. Every little sneer, every snide comment, every moment he pulled down his hood just to avoid recognition...
“They were wrong! All of them! The whole fucking country!” Twilight growls back. “They put Hyrule's destruction on your hands, when it was Ganon. Half of them weren't even alive when it happened. They had no right to blame you! If they wanted the world to be better, they should have made it better themselves! And if they couldn't, they didn't have the right to blame the only person that was still trying!”
His knees shake. He needs to grab onto the chimney's edge to stay upright. The want in his heart hurt so much. He feels his whole being lean into Twilight's words, scream at him to believe, to push past the memories and remember only the good, the smiling greetings, the cheers, the wedding, the sight of Zelda finally, finally freed from her battle to protect Hyrule. “Twilight,” he croaks. “Why didn't you... why did you stay? You knew... I'd died. I was a clueless, directionless, scattered-brain idiot! I'd done nothing to be worth your help. I was just like that guard. Why didn't you… Why don't you hate me?”
The hand that grabs his wrist closes with a steel grip. The shock jumbles his self-loathing enough that he glances up, and meets the fiercest blue he's ever seen. “Look me in the eyes and say you think I  can  hate you.”
It's like getting sucker punched. All the air in his lungs leave. Even though his panicked, overworking brain screams that yes, yes he could, hadn't he just told him all about him hating the failure of Hyrule's army? But he can't levy that knowledge against everything he knows now. He can't even make it counterweight the idea that, maybe, being steady now meant he found his balance before. It's all meaningless noise in the end. Wild just needs one look at Twilight, and even his worst insecurities relent.
“It's different! You're you,” he says, helplessly gesturing to all of Twilight. Like that's supposed to explain everything. “And-”
“And Time's Time,” Twilight completes. “Malon's Malon. Need I go on?”
“It's not the same!”
Twilight gives him The Look. Not his imitation of Time's disappointed Look. But his patented I-will-outstubborn-you-and-the-goddesses-themselves Look. Wild is intimately aware that none of his companions have seen it as frequently as him. They haven't learned to fear it yet even though they should. They really, really should.
(Twi wrestles goats taller than him for fun. He wrestles gorons for fun. Wild himself knows better than to try that stunt after Daruk! Twi's insane and no one else has noticed!)
Teeth grind together, and there's the bitten out words that push him off balance.
“There is no Lon Lon Ranch in my Hyrule. Is that my fault? Should I get down on my knees before the Old Man and beg for forgiveness?”
Wild's reply dies in his throat, a strangled croak.
That can't be right.
He knows that Twilight's before him and after Time. Twilight's said so, the records existed about both of them, the order they were in, and Twilight so obviously knew the Old Man before this started...
But... Twilight had never mentioned the Lon Lon Ranch before. Part of him had been assuming... Except, no, it's always been about Ordon, the province of Hyrule from which he hails, the farmer village and the ranch on which he herds his precious, dumbass goats.
There's no Ordon either, Wild realizes with a strangle grasp of guilt. What part of his predecessors did he not ruin?
A hand cuffs the back of his head, and the shock of pain is just enough to get him to stick his tongue out. Twilight, in response, raises an eyebrow like he can read his thoughts. He probably can though, given how much practice he has.
“Ordon's gone by the time of your era, Cub. Renamed and probably rebuilt differently. I wouldn't recognize it if I walked the land myself. Don't try and shoulder that.”
But what else is he supposed to do about it?
“Let it be.”
But the lost-
Twilight hooks an arm around Wild's neck, and pulls him close. “Don't try to hold on to long gone dreams. Not everything's meant to last forever, Cub.”
Wild averts his gaze, who is suddenly so heavy he can only look down. Can only blink away the beginning of tears. He knows. He knows that nothing lasts forever, even this quest, but... why can't anyone stay a little while longer?
Twilight's voice softens, low and rumbling like Wolfie's noises. “We'll have to go our own way. We ain't nobodies. We're the Heroes of Courage. There's always gonna be someone in need of us in our own times. But you won't be alone. There's your Zelda, and your new Champions. Sidon'd love to cheer you up. And Farore knows Yunobo would need your delicate touch to get him out of his shell.”
He lets out a watery laugh. “Did I tell you about that time Zelda asked him to test a new model of cannons?”
Twi snorts, and the two of them manage to sit back down, lean against the chimney. His thoughts drift away from the memories of the ruined ranch, when time passes them by and a shooting star twinkles above.
“Farore's tear,” Twi points, “say a prayer.”
Wild indulges, though it goes toward Hylia. Quickly enough, he opens his eyes again, and shoots his big lump of a brother a look. “What will you do? Once we defeat whoever's behind our warping?”
“Well, probably try and avoid Zelda,” he says, sheepish, one finger scratching his cheek.
His bafflement is written all over his face, Wild knows, but he still needs to ask, in the flattest voice possible, “What?”
“My Queen and I ain't... It's more of a knightly what's it called. Fancy would know. Ah, whatever, call it what it is: respect, trust. And I know she will insist on a report. She's no fool, that one. Knows I wouldn't go off gallivanting for weeks and months on end for no reason. And she's not fond of being left in the dark. But I'll be darned if I ain't making a bee line for Ordon once this is over. I... I want to hug Colin, share an ale with Rusl and Uli, learn which of Lumi's firsts I missed, which I'll have to make up for the little lass.”
Lumi, Twilight's youngest adopted sibling. Few years old. Probably spoiled rotten the way Twi talks about her. In his mind, he pictures... a little brunette, tugging at Twilight's legs to be spun around and get piggyback rides. Maybe picking even a small stick, to play fight like her giant brother.
And Twilight would turn around, to ask Warriors to help train their little fighter and... blink at nothing. Shrug. That's what Wild's afraid of. The day he'll wake up and find he only needs to make breakfast for one instead of nine. That the others will move on and he will have to build yet another place for himself.
He hums, not wanting his voice to betray him.
“Home's where you make it, Cub.” Gentle fingers brush Wild's hair. He melts into the touch. “Sounds hypocritical when I'm the one who's always had a stable place, but even on my journey, especially near the end, I was home too. Home was a campfire and a princess with wits sharper than my sword and hair shifting like flames. It was the quiet of a cold night in the desert with lizards roasting over crackling embers. Back then, I was as happy as a goat in pasture. It never felt like it would end.”
A haunted shadow passes in Twilight's gaze.
“But it did,” he whispers. “It did, and now we're here, a new adventure, a new home for us.”
Wild hates the pain in his brother's voice. Hates that he sees his own hurt reflected, and a selfish part of him is even glad. It feels like love, this understanding. “I'll miss you,” he says, the only thing that can convey just how much he dreads the future.
“And I'll miss you too, you wild cub. No matter what insane scheme you cook up in that brain of yours, I'll miss every second of it.” Then he pulls back. “Also, don't be daft, you paid nearly five thousand rupees for that house in Hateno and chopped I don't know how many trees, you ain't just throwing that away on a whim, Cub. Sell it if you want to move.”
The non-sequitur throws him off. “I'm not!” Wild stammers, blushing. “Bolson would freak if I let it go to ruin a second time! And I still have to show Zelda around the place too.” The snicker makes him look down, grumble. “Mother cucco.”
“Good,” – the hand is rougher, no less affectionate, when it scrambles his fringe – “some sense at long last! There's hope for the future!”
Hope. Maybe Twi's not just a stupid farmer hunk. Maybe he should give that a try.
Wild's grin is a small, hopeful thing. “Who knows? Maybe we'll get to go on a third adventure together.”
He's heard a few curses about the goddesses from the others before, but he knows Hylia can't be  too cruel if she sent Twilight his way. He'll never admit it in front of witnesses, but, at the very beginning, he needed someone to watch over him. Though, Wild thinks with a bit of irritation, only at the beginning. He learns quickly. And it was mostly... the loneliness afterward.
Twilight sighs, wistful and despairing, and teasing. “That'd be something. More months of babysitting.”
Wild, despite himself, rises to the bait. “Excuse me. Which one of us attracted the wrong attention and got chased through Hyrule Fields?”
Instead of the sheepish, boyish grimace Wild was expecting, Twilight's mouth split open in a wide shit-eating grin. “You were overthinking it.”
“O-overthinking...? Wait. You did that on purpose?! There were three guardians! We nearly died!”
“Nearly never counts, young hero.”
“I broke twelve weapons!”
“You were overburdened. It would have slowed you down.” Twilight waits the right amount of heartbeat in incredulous silence, then adds: “Also, you had spent twenty minutes trying to decide whether or not you should replace your broadsword with that flaming flamberge. After that fight, you had plenty of space in your inventory. No need to hunt some Farore-damned koroks.”
Wild stares, his jaw hanging. The world just backflipped and landed flat on its face. Twilight... he what?!
“Hylia, I changed my mind. Don't reunite us past this. He'd lead me to my death.”
Twilight eventually recovers from his bellows of laughter. But the grin that remains has an edge of fangs to it, something impish that reminds him of Time's cryptic comments and Wind's mischief. “I would not. But in the event that we do die an inglorious death, the others will assume it was your fault anyway.”
Wild sputters. “W-what? No, I'd describe in excruciating details how you, big lump of a wolf, just ran straight at monsters with no plan!”
“Who would they believe between us? The wild, mannerless pyromaniac that's constantly pulling death defying stunts? Or the dutiful, dull farmhand that's always trying to reign him in? Just imagine the scene.”
Wild does. The image comes to him unbidden, of some sort of white featureless plain full of fog and the spirits of his brothers-in-arms, where they both just materialize there, singed by the fatal explosion of some guardian's laser.
He wouldn't even get a chance to speak.
They'd all just send him various flat looks and pat Twilight on the back, calling it a good run. It was bound to happen eventually. And Twilight, the ass, would soak it all up as if it was earned and not his plan in the first place!
He needs to sit down. “Holy shit, you're worse than Ganon.”
Twilight offers him a bottle of Lon Lon milk. Likely poisoned, he thinks, after that revelation. He sips some of it anyway. It's good milk.
“Wild, you can't even fathom the depths of my mercy.”
See, someone who could make 'mercy' sound ominous had no right to complain about being called evil.
“You're scaring me.”
Twilight's legs swing over the edges of the rooftop. “Good, because it seems you haven't realized how much blackmail I sit on. Months, Cub. Months and months of travels with no one to tell you no. Every embarrassing thing you've ever done, I was a witness to.”
It's probably a bit sad that Wild can't even narrow it down to a handful of incidents.
“But I haven't destroyed you yet, Cub.”
Wild fights the full body shiver that crawls down his spine. “Don't think I won't bring you down with me! I have pictures! Ah! Who will they believe now?”
“Me,” Twilight replies flatly.
He hates that this one simple word deflates his hard-earned comeback. “I hate you so much, Twi.”
“Aw, I love you too, little brother.” The arm that hooks around his neck is none too gentle. “So stop jumping over fucking lava!”
“No, I'm a free spirit! And I won't listen to your evil whispers anymore!”
With practiced ease, Wild ducks under the moblin arm trying to strangle him and slips by the edge of the rooftop. A kick pushes him forward, and he backflips just to strut over Twilight's lumbersome build, and lands in the pile of hay. Twilight has barely the time to shoot a warning 'Oy! Get back here!' that Wild sprints away into the darkness. The tearing, blockish sound of Twilight's teleportation rings behind him, and he doubles his speed. Dumb wolves can't climb over the fences or the cliffsides that surround the ranch.
He's halfway around the track when he realizes that his chest no longer pangs with the echoes of guilt. And the first thought that comes to mind is 'that conniving goat-lover!'
 Three days later, after a trek through Sky's forests, Four is the one that speaks the thing that's on all their mind.
“So... anyone else is wondering why Wild is so unusually well-behaved?” he says once Wild is out of earshot, having left with Sky to wash down dishes in a nearby stream.
Wind nods heavily as others voice their assent. Hyrule, in particular, looks a little put off since being told 'no' to exploring the region yesterday. The fact that it had been said through gritted teeth had confused him a little, but he hadn't managed to find out the reason. Wild had just asked the others to witness how he was being a 'respectable hero that follows rules, remember that'.
Legend and Warriors, though, don't seem too concerned. Counting their good fortune maybe. They do, however, make a bet about it. “Better that than moping around,” Legend snarks.
“Don't be mean,” Hyrule says, chastising. “Though I guess I'm glad he's feeling better.”
Time, wordlessly, glances at Twilight, who may or may not be staying in the background, leaning against a tree with the face of a wolf left alone to watch over three defenseless and tasty lambs. The expression does not waver at his mentor's silent question. Far from it.
“Spite, reverse psychology and some long term planning,” Twilight drawls.
That sends a shiver down their spine.
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linktheacehero · 3 years
Here's my contribution for @behind-the-fic MFC! I hope you enjoy it Fate!
A loud crash of thunder made Link and Talt stop dead in their tracks as they traveled through the grassy fields of Termina. Link looked up to the sky and noticed huge dark grey clouds above him.
“We need to find shelter before the rain catches us!” he informed Talt, who nodded in response.
As they looked around to find a place that could serve for protection against the oncoming rain, Link noticed a huge log near the tree where Skull Kid drew himself with Talt and Tael.
“Over there!” he yelled, and ran towards the log.
As they settled down inside, the rain came, pouring so heavily that it was nearly impossible to see through.
“It’s a good thing we found shelter,” commented Talt “otherwise we would have been stuck in that”
“Yeah” Link agreed
The hero rested his head against worn down wood, and let out a long sigh. It had been a chaotic week, or had it been days?? He didn’t know, he felt like he never had any time to rest, an irony in itself with what he’s able to do with the Ocarina of Time.
"So," Talt began, shaking Link away from his thoughts "now that we're going to be here for a while, do you mind me asking some questions about you?"
Link looked at her quizzically. In all the time he's been with Talt, he'd never figured her to care about him, in a "who are you" sort of sense. He supposed she only cared about getting back to her brother as fast as possible, which he didn’t mind….Sort of.
“Why are you looking at me like that?!” Talt questioned “I’m just trying to make conversation”
Link chuckled, “I’m sorry, I just wasn’t expecting you to ask me that”
He looked out towards the howling rain, letting his mind wander before saying
“What do you want to know?”
“Well,” she began, “first things first, have you done this before? Like, the whole fighting monsters and being a hero thing?”
Link gave her a small smile, “Yeah, you could say that.”
“What do you mean?”
He sighed, “It’s a long story. Let’s just say that it involves me becoming a legendary hero, time travel and saving a princess from a tyrannical, power hungry man.”
Talt flew back with amazement, “Oh wow. You really have done this before”
“You have no idea,” he remarked, “ alright, what’s you’re next question”
“The first time we met, what were you doing in the forest?”
“Oh, I was just looking for an old friend.”
“In the forest?”
“She’s a fairy,” he explained, “She was my companion for most of my journey, but left after it ended.”
“Oh, well I hope you find her” she told him
There was a mild silence between them, with only the wind howling between them before Link spoke up
“So, are there any more questions you have for me?”
“Welllll,” Talt began tentatively, she seemed almost nervous, as if she didn’t know if it was a good idea to ask her next question, “there is one, but I don’t know if it’s too personal”
“What do you mean?” Link asked her
“It’s about your ocarina”
He supposed it made sense why she would ask about the instrument. After all, he had managed to reverse time itself, and healed himself from his curse.
“What do you want to know about it?”
“The Happy Mask Salesman mentioned it was precious to you. What exactly did he mean by that?”
Link’s face flushed, he was definitely not expecting Talt to ask him why the ocarina meant so much to him. How it worked, sure, but not the reason he worked so hard to get it back.
“W-well,” Link stammered out. He couldn’t even talk about her without getting flustered.
‘Focus Link! You can do this, just calm down.”
He gazed out towards the falling rain, letting the sounds of the storm clear his mind and took a deep breath before allowing himself to answer.
“The ocarina was a gift from the princess of Hyrule, Zelda .”
His tone, Talt noticed, became softer and reminiscent. She guessed that whoever this princess Zelda was, she definitely had a special place in Link’s heart.
“Zelda,” he continued, “was the princess that I saved from the tyrannical man on my journey. We met early on in my adventure, and became really close friends.”
“Just really close friends?” teased Talt, causing Link’s cheeks to turn a deep crimson
“Oh, be quiet!” He told her, but the blush remained on his face. “We worked together to try and stop him, but some things happened and we were separated for a while.” He took in another breath. “We went through a lot, more than what anyone should have gone through, after my journey was over and I decided to look for Navi, my fairy friend, she gave me the ocarina as a parting gift. She said that it reminded her of us and of everything we had gone through together.”
The rain had begun to die down, letting Link realize that they would soon be able to continue on their quest towards Snowhead. He got up, and walked towards the log’s entrance and stood there for a few moments before looking up at the sky.
“I made her a promise that day” he said, “I promised her that I would return. That, no matter how long it took, I would come home, I would come back to her”
Talt flew there silently, not knowing what she could say that would help comfort him. She realized in that moment, that there was more to this boy than what she originally thought. He wasn’t some kid who foolishly helped people because he wanted to, he was a warrior on a mission to find his friend so that he could return to the person he cared for most in the world.
“This ocarina is the only thing that I have of her. That’s why-”
He choked back a sob, tears began to flow silently down his cheek. Talt flew near him, gently resting herself on his shoulder to show her support. He turned to look at her, a sad smile on his face, but appreciation and acknowledgment showing in his eyes.
“That’s why it’s precious to me.”
“I understand,” she said, “and I’m sorry for stealing it in the first place”
Link sniffed, and wiped his eyes with his palms, “it’s alright, you didn’t know”
“But still, I'm going to make it up to you by helping you return back to your princess! So come on! We don’t have all day hero!”
Link laughed at Talt’s words and together headed towards Snowhead Mountain.
‘Don’t worry Zelda. I promise I’ll come back to you’
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writingstarling · 4 years
Is it just me, or do y'all also want a story scenario that instead of Princess Zelda, we have Prince Link?
Like, their roles are still the same. Zelda incarnate of goddess Hylia and Link the Hero of Hyrule. But imagine instead of Zelda being exposed to royalty all these times, it's Link that gets that treatment since the day he was born and Zelda being the once nobody but suddenly has magical powers. And in every story we know how Link's task other than defeating Ganon or whatever evil is to rescue or protect Zelda right?
Now, hear me out. Imagine having this prince who's used to being waited on, whether he wishes so or not, suddenly being tasked to find this girl named "Zelda" from all those legends he's heard of and then rise up to being this big hero while as well protecting and working together with a girl he's never met that holds no social status in her name other than her legend.
Imagine the shock of it all when the royal family decided to name this son of theirs "Link" in honour of the Hero or smth and have their son become it without prior knowledge whatsoever. Since it has always been Zelda that's in royalty after all. Imagine looking at this prince that has no idea on what's happening suddenly having to face off an incarnate of a god of evil and protect someone when he himself is used to being protected all his life.
I honestly really want to see him struggle and rise to be the Hero his name is so famous for. I want to see him learn how to wield a sword like how SS Link first did. Someone who didn't need this knowledge and skill suddenly have to train himself to be the best at it??? Link learning basic life skills from Zelda, the angst of him doubting in himself like BOTW Zelda did, the feeling of discovery and just the joy of accomplishment he's going to feel everytime he manages to defeat a Bokoblin on his own or just managing to light a campfire without any advance tools or help.
I just want for once Link to be the clueless prince in all this without having a role swap between them. I want to see him being this Prince that has been protected all his life learn how to actually be independent and stand on his own. Even better, learn to protect others not just using his name, but physically sacrificing himself for his people.
Why am I specifically referring to only Link in all this? Because Zelda has actually been in a position where her name holds no privilege. SS Zelda wasn't someone worthy of much noting in her society before everyone discovered she was the incarnate of a goddess. (She was also a pirate, but technically being a captain's daughter is still some form of royalty to me)
But Link has always been this nameless child that rised up to be a hero. A nobody that swooped in and saved the day coming from all sorts of places. The only time Link was truly acknowledged from an early start was in BOTW, other than that, no one really blinked at Link with much acknowledgement to his name.
I wanna see Link struggle like BOTW Zelda. I wanna see him learn basic skills and feel this overwhelming accomplishment from managing to cook up this recipe that Zelda taught him. I wanna see him being scared of everything going on around him, but having the courage to face everything still. I wanna see Link, after having his heritage revealed to him by having that symbol on his hand like TP did or smth, spend casual time with Zelda other than just swooping in or knowing her just because he has to save her all of a sudden. I want a relationship between them like what SS and BOTW had.
I wanna see this prince strive to train himself and become worthy of the Master Sword. I wanna see this prince that has always had everything handed to him on a silver platter work his ass off to be worthy of his legacy. I wanna see him grow from a seemingly fragile prince into this strong, dependable young man that is on par to his ancestors before him.
And on the side, I wanna see his parents being supportive of him. Not just because of the calamity closing in and them having to rely on their son to have him save them all, but because they truly love and cherish their son and want him to fulfill his destiny. They might have not named him that on purpose, but they sure are gonna support him to the best of their abilities.
Link needs to learn how to wield a sword? The captain of the guards is gonna take some time off to train the prince.
He can't seem to figure out how to do what the trainer tells him to?? The king tries it out and when he succeeds he's gonna try to teach Link how to do it himself.
Link has been training exceptionally hard even in harsh winter??? The queen's gonna work hard too and knit him some gloves (or at least, try to).
Link is feeling unworthy and depressed because he's been unable to master the sword???? The king and queen take time off from their duties to comfort their son.
Just, let me see soft familial relationships. Don't always just omit their parents or make them a sort of ass (looking at you here, BOTW Rhoam). I want good parents that raised good kids. That are supportive of them and what they love.
For Zelda, I'm pretty content with one who's like SS Zelda. A normal girl merely enjoying life suddenly bombarded with a destiny to help seal away an evil incarnate with a boy who's supposed to be an incarnate of a legendary hero. A boy who wields a sword worse than her. A boy who doesn't know a lick about how to survive on his own. A boy who is still wandering through the dark in all of this, same as her. She herself still doesn't understand the extent or how to use her powers, and no one to teach her. The least they could do for each other was to be of solace for one another when things are getting tough and one needed comforting. To hold each other's hand through it all. To not be alone in the dark.
I want all the potential fluff and angst I can get from this AU. They're both scared for they don't know of their destiny until the time is short and the burden of it all is far much too large for their shoulders. But they can lean on each other. Better yet, they also have people supporting them.
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.
I wish I can write this on my own, but my writing skills have been failing me these past few months so I really wish someone would take this up and write it.
PS: if someone really did write this out, please, please, please, ping me. I desperately wish to read it.
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airplanned · 4 years
Guardian!Zelda AU - part 25
Part 1...Part 24, Part 25 - Gerudo Town
He was able to cover the guardian with a tarp (that he "borrowed") and pretend that she was lifeless and he had salvaged her.  Everyone at the bazaar had seen enough broken guardians to not care at all, and mostly thought he was a bit dim for carting it around, which had the added bonus of people not talking to him.  

Only the guardian was upset with the arrangement.  She wanted to see where they were.  She wanted to help watch for danger.  She wanted him to go get that memory right over there (as if it wasn't obvious), and then pick up supplies and make more potion.
"You are so bossy today," he muttered, rubbing some salve he'd just purchased into his sunburnt shoulders.  This was sufficiently improper enough for her to hide back under her tarp.
He was worried for a while about where the guardian would hide once he got to the city.  Stuck to her slab as she was, she wouldn't be able to run away.  With the desert as open as it was, she wouldn't be able to hide.
There was probably a shrine near the city.  Maybe he could cram her in there?
He stopped worrying about that when a more pressing problem arose: when he made it to the city, he wouldn't be allowed inside.  

I would, the guardian seemed to say, gonging quietly and making a small gesture with her claw under the tarp.
"That doesn't help."
She was skeptical.  She was pretty sure they'd let her in.  He had no idea why she thought that when not a single living soul who had caught sight of her on their adventure had been happy about her presence.

She snuck a claw out the back of the tarp and started sketching in the sand, a process made even more complicated than usual by the fact that she was trying to be sneaky and also couldn’t see what she was doing.
His heart sunk as he realized her plan and realized that despite logic, they were going to do it. He sighed and wandered off to go make another flower crown.

If her plan failed, maybe he could dress in disguise or something to get into the city.

The next day they arrived just a bit after sunrise.  

Even with her spidery legs pulled in and the best flower crown he could make from palm fronds and volt fruit flowers, the Gerudo spotted her as a guardian well before they pulled up to the gates, which were thrown shut and locked at their approach.  Honestly, they could have blasted their way in if they felt like it. 
Three rows of armed Gerudo stood at the top of the wall, ready with arrows and spears and swords.  

Link gave the guardian a look (I told you so) and pulled their sled to a stop right outside the gate.  He lifted a hand to balance his flower crown (which he'd made a bit too big) and turned to address the Gerudo.  "We're here to tame Vah Naboris.  We’ve already tamed the other three Divine Beasts."
A short Gerudo, probably a child, with an elaborate crown on her head and wearing a dress instead of armor, slipped out from behind the rows of soldiers and leaned forward.  "How do we know that was you?"
Link shrugged.  He really didn't have any proof.  He could say that his proof was the friendly guardian behind him, and what else could bring down the Divine Beasts?  But that would be a lie.  She'd never been aboard any of the Divine Beasts.

The Gerudo leader considered him.  "A voe and a defective guardian think they can bring down Vah Naboris."
"She's not defective."
The Gerudo leader's eyebrows were drawn on so strongly that he could see her lift an eyebrow from the ground.
"She's...reformed.  Link the other three Divine Beasts.  And like Naboris will be when we’re done."
"Hmm." She held a quiet conversation with one of the soldiers closest to her, then lifted her voice to announce, “You two will have to prove yourselves.  There is only one thing in all of Hyrule that can withstand the lighting from Naboris: The Thunder Helm, a family heirloom and relic of the Gerudo. But it was stolen from us by the Yiga.  Their base is somewhere in Karusa Valley."  She waved a hand towards the north.  "Bring it back and I'll reconsider."
He turned to trade a look with the guardian, who offered her version of a shrug. 
Then he whistled to the sand seal and tugged the reins to get it moving again, aiming them north towards the Yiga.
Part 26
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In Twilight: 7 of ?
Chapter Seven: Silence is Deafening
"Aw, but it was so nice here in the twilight, what's so great about the world of light anyway? See ya later."
Ombretta blinked blankly as her vision returned from the sheer white, her body tingling as She shook out her arms and legs, the familiar tingling coursing through her limbs. She examined the area around her. Gone were the yellow haze and the floating squares but seeing the familiar light of spring, the water turned a liquid gold before the ball of light, same to the one in Ordon, floated up from the water. With the ball of light, manifested the likeness of what Ombretta could only picture was a giant squirrel, it's tail circling around it.
"My name is Faron. I am one of the light spirits who dwell in Hyrule. By order of the gods, I protect this forest. Oh brave youth...in the land covered in twilight where people roamed as spirits, you were transformed into a blue-eyed beast."
Obviously talking about Link. Ombretta thought.
"That was a sign. That was a sign that the powers of the chosen one rests inside you and that they are now awakening. Look at your awaken form..."
Ombretta looked to her left, her heart leaping at the sight of the sight of blond hair instead of grey fur. But instead of the normal Ordonian clothes she was used to seeing and what Link was originally wearing in the first place, was replaced with green tunic. Her eyebrows furrowed together the more she looked at the green outfit. It was like...she had seen the same outfit before, but she couldn't place it. Looking at the outfit felt like a locked up memory, something her mind was desperately trying to remember, but couldn't.
"The green tunic that is your garb once belonged to the ancient hero chosen by the gods...his power is yours, the true power that slept inside you. Your name is Link. You are the hero chosen by the gods."
Ombretta took a step back, her jaw slacking open as Link stared up at the spirit, his eyes wide as dinner plates.
"Brave youths...A dark power rests in the temple deep within these woods. It is a forbidden power. Long, long ago. I and the other light spirits locked it away." Faron began to explain, his form beginning to grow fainter with each word. "Because of its nature, it is a power that should never be touched by those who dwell in the light. But this world weeps under a mantle of shadows and there is no other choice...you must match the power of the king of shadows. Proceed to the temple within the forest depths."
His form faded, leaving both Ombretta and Link silently standing still in the shallow waters, trying to process all the information given. Link was the first one to make a move, lifting his hand to look at the leather glove and guard he now donned.
"Well...huh!" Ombretta finally got out, swallowing the building up saliva. "That's truly somethin'..." She looked at Link once more. "That stitchin' is immaculate..."
"Of course you would say somethin' like that."
"If you were raised by my mother, you'll be thinkin' the same thing."
"Well well well...!" Midna sneered as she popped out of Link's shadow. "You're the chosen hero and all that, huh? So that's why you turned into that beast! What a shame...I mean, maybe you'd rather just wander as a spirit like the rest of them? Totally unaware of what's going on for all time, right?"
"Doesn't answer my question as to why I didn't change into a spirit." Ombretta shot back, crossing her arms. "I have no ideas, my head feels so jumbled right now..."
"Well, what do you want to do? Do you want to head to that temple?" Midna asked, seeming like she was ignoring Ombretta's comment. "How convenient! I was about to head there myself!" she sighed. "Look, you want to help your friends, right? And get the answers you want? The way I see it, it's all in that temple, just waiting..."
Ombretta glanced at Link, who just gave a slight shrug in return.
"Well, good luck you two." Midna giggled before diving back into Link's shadow.
"Well, what's the plan here? Go to the temple?"
"I guess there isn't much choice, is there?"
Ombretta shook her head, handing Link the scabbard and shield off her back. "No, not really."
"Well, I better go back to town to stock up, I have a feeling it won't be easy."
"Oh! Now that you can produce words. How is everything?" Ombretta asked as they began walking back to Ordon, but frowned when she was met with silence. "Link?" she jumped slightly ahead of him, turning around so she was walking backwards. "Link, what happened?"
"We weren't the only ones taken..."
"All the kids were taken. Beth, Malo, Talo, Lennel..."
It felt like the world stopped. Everything zoned in on her as her breathing picked up, her heart beginning to race as she turned around on her heel, taking off in a sprint. She could barely hear the call of her name behind her as she ran through the woods, her vision becoming a tunnel as she only focused on the pathway in front of her. Her lungs screamed at her to slow down, her legs begging but she only pushed herself forward, only slowing down as she ran through the clearing.
She skidded to a stop once she passed through the gate. The air fell so still, even being the village for one minute, the quiet was deafening, the normal ruckus of animals seemed to have disappeared along with the usual bustling of the adults.
It was like the very life of the village was gone.
Ombretta let out a shuddered breath, flinching slightly at the gloved hand landing on her shoulder.
"I'm gonna go check on Rusl and Uli, you go home. I'll come see you before I leave." Link said before walking away from her.
She felt like her body was moving on it's own as she walked towards her house, dread building in her chest as she got to the door. "Hello...?" She called out as she walked through the front door. "Anyone here-oof!!" All the air escaped her lungs as a body flung into her, a pair of arms wrapping around her shoulders.
"Ombretta, oh my good stars." Her mother whispered, squeezing her daughter as tight as she could. "You're alright..."
Ombretta wrapped her arms around her mother, "yeah...yeah I'm alright."
"Oh! It was horrible, when you didn't come home I assumed you were taken as well..."
"So..it's true then?" Ombretta asked as she let go of her mother. "All the children were...?"
Maren nodded. "It was so fast, Rusl got badly injured, the mayor went out and your father as well. But they're up there in age so Ciel went with them and took Kano and oh!" She shut her eyes tightly, rubbing her forehead. "I can't help but think the worst."
Ombretta glanced down at her feet, her eyebrows furrowing together before shooting her gaze back up at her mother, Link's words floating around her mind. "Where's dad's old huntin' clothes?"
"Where are dad's old huntin' clothes?"
"In-in a chest, in our room." Maren stammered out, following Ombretta as she raced up the stairs and into the main bedroom. "Ombretta, what are you doing?"
"I'm going."
Ombretta pulled out the clothes, draping them over her arm as she stood up. "Link's going to find the children, and I'm going with him."
"Ombretta, no." Her mother protested, blocking the doorway. "I won't let you!"
"Don't "Mom" me."
"Mom...I gotta go, if I can help in any way, I'm going to."
Maren sighed, moving away from the doorway after a few minutes, allowing Ombretta to rush past her and into her room.
Pulling on the hunting clothes, Ombretta stilled in her movements, staring at herself in the mirror. It felt like the previous day was finally catching up with her, her body beginning to feel sluggish, knees beginning to tremble as she lowered herself to the ground, her face going straight into her hands once more. She only lifted her face out of her hands when she felt a body next to her, peering at her mother.
"...Will you be okay, mom?"
Maren nodded, smoothing the back of Ombretta's hair. "I will be, I have a feeling that you need to go."
Ombretta shrugged a shoulder, the corner of her mouth lifting. "Then we share the feelin'." With a heavy sigh, Ombretta pushed herself to her feet, grabbing the arm guards and slid them on before pulling on her boots she mostly wore for travelling.
"Come to the kitchen once you're finished," Maren said as she stood up after Ombretta before leaving the room.
Her nose crinkled a bit as she looked to the door, sighing before turning back to the mirror, checking if everything was in place. It felt a little weird, the clothes being bigger than what she was used to, her belts being the only thing keeping some things in place but that being a given she supposed. Deeming that everything was good, she left her room, pulling her hair to the side so she could throw it in a quick braid.
Walking into the kitchen, Maren stood by the table. In her hand was a brown leather pouch, on the table were two scabbards laying on the tablecloth.
"Here, this was mine when I was younger. I figured you'll get some more use out of it."
"Oh, thank you, Mom." Ombretta thanked as she took the pouch from her, attaching it to one of her belts. "And thanks for pulling out my swords. But I'm shocked you put them on the table. I thought 'no weapons on the table'?"
"Oh, shush you."
Ombretta laughed, putting the scabbards on her hips, but her laughter dying down quickly as she stared at her mother.
"Please, be careful."
Ombretta simply just nodded. She couldn't bring herself to say anything, her saying anything would feel like an empty promise. She already knew what they were facing, it wasn't going to be easy. And she felt like her mother knew that as well. Giving her one last look, Ombretta raced out of her house and towards Link's house, where said man was climbing down his ladder.
"Ombretta?" He said once he noticed she was there. "What are you doing?"
"What does it look like? I'm coming with you."
"Ombretta, no way."
"Yes way."
"Link, I need to come with you." Ombretta crossed her arms, her stare becoming hard. "I wouldn't feel right just having you go on your own, plus those kids are just my responsibility as yours..."
"And the third argument?"
"What if Midna's right?" Ombretta sighed, her arms dropping to her sides. "What if the answers I want are out there? If I can kill multiple birds with one stone, so be it."
Link couldn't help but smile slightly at his friend's determination, "it's gonna be dangerous y'know."
Ombretta smiled back, "I was countin' on it."
"Well, then we better not waste anymore time."
"Lead the way."
So they went, silence surrounding them as they trekked through the forest. With each step taken, Ombretta could feel her nerves coming more and more alert, the pain slowly coming back, not the skull splitting pain she was growing accustomed to, but like a simple poke. It was like her own body was trying to warn her. Warn her of what, she didn't know.
She didn't dare say anything out loud though, what would she even say? Link would probably attempt to tell her to turn around and go back home. She couldn't have that. So she simply pushed the feeling to the back of her mind, focusing in front of her.
"How's your leg?"
"Your leg," Link pointed down. "How is it?"
"Oh!" Ombretta patted her leg slightly, "It's fine, I used some of the spring water I told you to have, nothing but a dull ache now."
"Oh that's good!" Link said. "You have no idea how nice it feels to talk again, I thought I was gonna go insane."
Ombretta giggled. "I can't imagine. I would never want to be in your shoes-oh yeah, gate's still locked." Ombretta walked over to the wooden gate, giving the metal lock a few tugs. "Yeah no that's not happening."
"Let me go talk to Coro, maybe he'll have a key or something."
"The guy who lives in the shack just over there?" He pointed to the clearing.
"Oh! Him, yeah okay." She said, watching Link take the path to the left. She leaned against a rock face, arms draped across her chest as she waited for Link.
"Don't tell me you're bored now."
Ombretta jumped back with a yelp at the sudden voice, scowling when she saw the black shadowy figure of Midna floating next to her. "Sweet Nayru, What are you doing?"
"Saying hello."
"And scaring me outta my wits more like it." She scoffed, moving back to lean against the rock wall, her hand pressed against her chest. "Oh my poor heart...so, what's with the shadowy-ness?"
"It's the only way I can be in your light."
"Oh yeah, I guess that makes sense huh? I can understand you a bit there I suppose." She shrugged, lifting up her arm. "The sunlight doesn't really like me either. But, what can you do, right? It won't kill me."
"No, the sunlight won't."
"Oh! Link," Ombretta pushed herself off the rock, Midna fleeing back into her shadow. "Well?"
Link held up a small key, "I also got a bottle of oil for the lantern."
"Did he just give it to you?"
"Oh no," Link said as he went to unlock the gate. "Sold to me for about a hundred rupees."
"A hundred rupees? Link!"
He shrugged, giving Ombretta a guilty smile as he pushed the gate open.
"You're too nice for your own good, I swear." Ombretta said as she walked past him through the gate. "Speaking of which, what did you tell Rusl and Uli about the sword you stole from them?"
"I didn't tell Rusl anything and Uli assumed that a monster stole it and I just happened to get it back." He replied, jogging to meet Ombretta's side, a now lit lantern in his hand.
"Wait, whaddya mean by that?"
"Rusl was badly injured, he had just fallen asleep when I went there."
"And what about Uli? Is she okay? And the baby?"
Link nodded, making Ombretta sigh, her hand clutching at her heart. "Goddesses, the poor woman, husband injured, son missing and heavily pregnant."
"Speaking of that, how's your parents?"
"Well, only spoke to mom. Dad joined the mayor on his search and Ciel went with them and mom is just...distraught."
"Which is why we need to find everyone as soon as possible."
Ombretta nodded. "Quick question," she asked as they were nearing the opening of the tunnel. "If the purple fog’s still there, how are we getting across?"
"Oh I didn't even think 'bout that." Link scratched at his cheek as he peered at the purple fog that was still as thick covering the forest floor. "You can "jump" I guess but me-HEY!"
It was a second, from Link holding the lantern to then being in the clutches of a monkey, who put it on a long branch. Ombretta took a step forward, but was held back by Link, watching as the monkey made her way to the end of the broken bridge, waving the lantern around then turning around, making the motion to follow.
"Hey, what's this monkey's problem?" Midna asked as she popped out from the shadows. "You idiot! While you two were chit chatting, your lantern got stolen!"
"Excuse you, Midna. But we were trying to figure out how we're gonna get across, no need for names."
Ombretta locked her jaw as Midna merely scoffed as she dove back into Link's shadow.
"Let's just follow the monkey, maybe she can help us."
"Hm, fine." Ombretta sighed.
They made their way towards the monkey, who jumped down from the broken bridge, instantly waving the lantern around. And to their amazement, watched as the fog moved, as if it was trying to get away from the light as much as possible.
"Well, that solves that issue." Link pointed out as he jumped down from the bridge, holding his hand out for Ombretta to take. "I have good ideas."
Ombretta took Link's hand, stumbling slightly as she landed. "Um, it's more the monkey's idea than yours but sure!" She giggled, following the monkey as she kept waving for them to follow.
The walk was mostly eventless. Other than the occasional keese or deku baba showing up, they safely made their way up to the gate to the north part of the woods. The monkey jumping around as they got to a safe part of the woods, the lantern falling off the stick and the monkey running off past the gate.
"Huh, at least she helped us right?" Ombretta shrugged. "And gave us back the lantern, somewhat?"
Link nodded, picking up the lantern and looking it over. "Used up all the oil though. Luckily I bought more." Link pulled out a jar of oil, giving it a little shake towards Ombretta. "See? I was smart to buy the oil."
"Oh, I wasn't against you getting the oil, I was against you paying a hundred rupees for only one jar."
Link merely shrugged his shoulders as he filled up the lantern, making Ombretta roll her eyes.
"And how do you plan on getting more money?"
"There's treasure in temples, isn't there?" Link said nonchalantly as he continued past the second gate.
"Oh, we're temple robbers now?"
She giggled, shoving him lightly. "I'm just pullin' your leg." She went silent after that, something feeling like it was stirring inside her, the warning feeling showing up once more. "Pull out your sword."
Ombretta pulled out one of hers, "Pull out your sword." she repeated, her walking became more slow and cautious as they neared a clearing, the likeness of two bokoblins standing within the clearing, their backs to them. Slowly, Ombretta inched her way behind them, getting close enough before trusting her sword forward, her blade going through one. The other one let out a single squawk before Link's blade followed Ombretta's.
"How did you know that these two would be here?" Link asked as he pulled his sword out, sheathing it.
"I didn't." Ombretta replied as she followed Link's movements, watching the two bokoblins turning to black dust. "I just...had a weird feeling. Almost like I knew that there was danger, before I really knew myself?"
"Tell me about it."
Both Link and Ombretta looked to the right, to the small hideaway vendor or rather, to the lone bird sitting within the hideaway vendor.
"Buy something! Anything!" The bird squawked, waving it's wings about.
"I didn't know there was a vendor here."
"I didn't either until that day that Talo was captured." Link walked towards a large vat, filled with what Ombretta assumed to be lantern oil.
She watched as Link pulled out the empty bottle from before, dipping in the vat of oil. After making sure he put the right amount of money in the box, Link walked back to Ombretta, sliding the bottle back in his pouch.
"There! Now we have extra, just in case."
Ombretta rolled her eyes once again, continuing to the temple, only to stop at the sight of a golden wolf just sitting in front of the narrow path, just staring at her, nothing like she had ever seen before. She slowly inched closer to the wolf, who just sat there unbothered. She jumped back once the wolf suddenly moved into an attack stance, growling but not at her.
But to the man beside her.
Both of them pulled out their blades, watching even for the slightest movement. Ombretta put her blades up to block as the wolf made a lunge at them or specifically, at Link. There was abruptly a flash of a blinding light, causing Ombretta to promptly shut her eyes tightly. She opened them after a few moments, the light slowly fading away. She scanned the area, looking for any signs of the golden wolf, but couldn't see any traces of it. Seeming like it just disappeared along with the bright light.
"That was odd, don'tcha think?" She asked, her eyebrows furrowing at the lack of response. "Link?" She asked once more, looking to her left.
She let out a gasp as she saw her friend laying on the ground, still as a board. Instantly, she fell to her knees, barely acknowledging Midna popping out of the shadows, pressing her ear to his chest. Relief washed over her as she felt his chest rising, a heartbeat under her ear. A slow one but a heartbeat nonetheless.
"What was that about?"
Ombretta shrugged as she lifted her head off his chest, giving Link a shake, frowning at the lack of movement from him. "I don't know. He's alive, that's all I know. Something tells me that wolf isn't an ordinary wolf..."
"So, now what?"
Ombretta sat back on her heels. "We wait."
She didn't know how long she waited, Midna having gone back into Link's shadow after a while. But finally and to Ombretta's relief, a small groan escaped his lips, his face scrunching up before opening his eyes.
"Link! You're alright!"
"Yeah..." Link drawled out as he slowly sat up, rubbing his forehead. "I'm alright..."
"What happened?"
"Would you believe me if I told you that the wolf turned into a skeleton that I had to meet in battle, called me a disgrace and taught me a sword technique?"
All Ombretta could do was blink at Link, scanning his face for any trace of a lie.
"I'm not kidding."
"Well....I'm glad you're okay at least?" Ombretta dragged out as she stood up, helping Link stand up as well. "I believe you, but wow that's a lot in thirty second."
"Tell me about it." Link shook his arms, rolling his head around his shoulders. "It was...really weird."
"To say the very least. Are you okay to continue?"
Rolling his shoulder one last time, Link nodded, "let's go."
They made up the narrow winding path up to the temple once more, quickly cutting down the two bokoblins standing in front of the temple's entrance, which was covered by a large silk web. Ombretta swallowed thickly the more she stared at it. She didn't want to meet the thing that made that.
She looked to Link, who had pulled out his lantern, it already flickering to life. With a final nod, Link swung the lantern at the web, the flame quickly catching it, the web disappearing within seconds. The familiar feeling of dread settled into her stomach once again, but with a single deep breath;
They stepped in.
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oceansmelodysblog · 4 years
The wine of love
Based on this hilarious thread on Twitter I wrote a Zelink one-shot fiction
It starts dramatically but is mainly comedy, so have fun reading it!
A crisp morning in Hateno and Link, as usual, had woken before dawn, exercised, washed and put on fresh clothes as he prepared breakfast for him and his beloved Zelda. But even though he had prepared crepes, Zelda still hadn't woken up, didn't greet him, let alone snuggle against his back while he cooked. A queasy feeling spread in his stomach and so he decided to check on her.
Link walked up the stairs and was surprised to see Zelda still asleep. He watched her for a while, noticing her slain cheeks, her wet hair clinging to her neck from her sweat and her tortured breaths. He quickly realised what he had to do and ran downstairs, out into the garden with the pond, tugged his white shirt off his body and dunked it in the cold water. After the fabric had soaked, he wrung it out courageously and hurried back to Zelda. Arriving at the edge of her bed, he heard her muttering confused things and put the cold shirt on her forehead. She immediately flinched, but did not open her eyes, which worried him deeply. Tentatively he put his hand around her neck to feel if her throat was hot like burning volcanic rock. It was worse than calculated, however.
"Zelda...? Can you hear me?"
"mmmhhmm Liiinn," she muttered unintelligibly, as if she were drunk. Link slapped himself inwardly for not checking on her sooner. He could have prevented her temperature from rising too high, could have prevented the high body temperature from taking her mind.
Desperately, he bit his lower lip, crossed his arms and pondered. Zelda and He were not yet to the point in their relationship of seeing each other naked, so he figured it would make her uncomfortable for him to see her naked. He sighed, for he had no choice but to throw her, willy-nilly, into the cold water of the pond in her nightdress. Gently, he carried her in his arms to the edge of the small pond and set her down. Sleepy and feverish, she tried to support herself on her elbows, but she swayed as if she were drunk. Link knelt in front of her in the water and first massaged her feet with cold water and slowly wandered down her legs to her knees. Everywhere he touched her he saw goose bumps forming.
"Is that all right for you, Zelda?" he whispered in a soft tone.
"mmmhhmm," was all she could say.
"It's going to get very cold now. So give me a sign if it gets too much." Swaying her head, she nodded and closed her eyes. He reached under her arms and knees and lifted her, walking her into the water and holding her deep in the cold water up to her neck. Immediately she began to tremble and snuggled closer to him. Slowly counting to 50, he washed her face and loosened the sticky long hair from her neck. Her body calmed and relaxed under his touch until he finally lifted her out of the pond and pressed her close to him with one arm. The other he used to keep her awake by caressing her cheeks.
"I'll dry you first and then bring you your fresh clothes to snuggle in my bed," he said as he smiled sweetly at her.
"Can I get a shirt from you?" she whispered, almost imperceptibly, but Link could hear it and grinned from ear to ear. Her temperature had dropped enough to let her talk normally. Relieved, he sighed and nodded at her. Waving a fluffy cloth through her hair, he sat her down on a chair.
He rubbed her legs and arms dry without exposing too much of her bare skin. Kneeling in front of her, he took her ice-cold hands in his and breathed on them with his warm breath. Zelda gave him a tentative smile that took his breath away. He was sure she didn't know how beautiful she looked in her white night gown clinging to her petite figure, her hair dripping from the water and curling into little curls, her cheeks flushed from the fever and her lips chapped from the loss of water. When he realised he was staring at her for an embarrassingly long time, he stood up and stroked her round cheeks.
"I'll get you something to drink and while I get your clothes out, you eat your favourite crepes," he said as she looked up at him and winked at her. In her small bedside table she had a few bras, corsage and panties decorated with bows and lace. The idea of seeing Zelda in her underwear flitted before his inner eye, but he reminded himself to stay focused. Suddenly a crazy idea came to him and he felt the corners of his mouth twist into a cheeky grin.
He walked down the stairs and observed that Zelda's face had taken on a healthier colour, her hair was messy but no longer dripping with water and her eyes sparkled with joy again as she slowly took a bite of her crêpe. She took a sip of the warm milk until Link called her name.
She looked up and spat her milk out of her mouth in a fountain.
"The latest thing in Hateno. Comfortable, practical and protects your hair from the rain."
"Link, why the heck are you wearing my brassiere on your head!"
"Pretty, isn't it?"
She laughed from the bottom of her heart, laughing until her hips knocked for air Rang and almost toppled off her chair.
"Link!!!! Give me back my underwear!!!"
"Come and get them if you want them!" he said and ran out the door as she was about to jump down his throat.
"Link, come back you crazed crook!" she shouted after him, laughing again. She ran and ran, trying to pull her underwear off the hero of Hyrule's head, but he dashed back and forth across the garden, to his pond, behind his tree, hiding behind his horse Fraser standing under his stable, sprinting around his house and still Zelda failed to catch up with him let alone outsmart him. He was too agile and far too fast for her wobbly legs.
Laughing and gasping, she finally stopped and leaned her hands on her hips. He stayed a few steps away from her as a precaution and wasn't even out of his puff, yet he grinned mischievously at her like a little boy who couldn't resist playing tricks.
"How can you have so much nonsense in your head?" asked Zelda finally, snorting again.
Link took the brassiere off his head and waved it around with his hand like a flag. He laughed cheekily and pulled the underwear over his bare torso, but his chest was too wide to close the brassiere, so he ran to her with the bra half finished. Zelda looked at him confusedly but started laughing again because he looked so silly.
"Don't I look sexy?" he asked wryly. He was now standing directly in front of her, helping her not to topple forward with laughter and hold her arms. She leaned her forehead against his shoulder as her own quivered uncontrollably with laughter.
"At least you can stand on your feet again." Link sighed out in relief, put an arm around her waist, lifted her off her feet and hugged her tightly. She was now eye level with him and only a nose's length away from his face. Zelda gazed lovingly at his face, noticing how much better she felt because of his love and silliness, she felt a tingling warmth springing from her heart, radiating in every fibre of her body, like a sun warming the night earth with its rays.
"I love you, Link. I love you with all my heart." she whispered.
"But I love you more than my heart has capacity for. What are you going to do now?" she nudged her nose mischievously, making her giggle.
"Should I grow a bigger heart? What do you think?" Zelda giggled again and pressed a fleeting kiss to his mouth, but the fleeting kiss triggered a desire for more in her chest. Hungrily, she stared at his lips.
But Link set her down and smiled mischievously at her.
"Not now, later, my love." he whispered against her ear and breathed a shaky kiss against her neck. He ran his hand slowly down her arm and reached for her hand.
Link enclosed her warm soft fingers and guided them to his mouth. He kissed the back of her hand and led her back into the house where they finished their breakfast and went about their duties as Queen of Hyrule and her General of the Hylian Army.
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